#I mean seriously have you seen her prom look?
bubblekidaesthetics · 2 years
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Clawdeen finally shows off her clawsome stylings💜
Long time no see huh?
I was a bit silent here 'cause I was preparing for a convention so a lot of ideas and very little time. I also had my thoughts running between work, friends, and other things which make me wanna blush and diary like a socially awkward 5th grader that lacks basic communication skills and fumbles with words🙈
(kinda cringe but we deal with it)
Still, Clawdeen was there in the back of my mind tapping me on the shoulder, going like, hey... Don't you wanna start on my design? And I did, I truly did. I just... Got distracted😅
So by the time, I got around to finally gettin' my ass into gear this gorgeous thing came into my life in the form of... A leak? IDK if it was revealed or leaked but the prom line pictures emerged and Clawdeen's design took my breath away💅
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I mean just look at her!!!
My eyes are out of my eye sockets and rolling on the floor. It's giving generation 1 Monster High realness. I also love the 80s influences in her blazer design and the glittering tinsel in her hair. Very reminiscent of the Why do ghouls fall in Love Clawdeen. Almost an homage to it really💖
So with my design, I wanted to hit closer to her personality. She is quirky, nerdy, and above all, I feel a bit less into the extra girly frow frow stuff you'd expect from Draculaura and Lagoona.
I gave her the amazingly curly hair she sports in the show which the doll lacks much to my disappointment. As for the outfit, I thought of giving her an elegant vest tucked inside a fitted corset, paired with this gnarly green shirt with shoulder pads meant to be a nod to the crescent moon. No true dad shirt would be complete without a funky print, so lil crescent moons for the win. The shoes were really fun to come up with, pulling inspiration from the design style of one of my favorite shoewear brands "Irregular Choice".
A lot of effort went into this one but I loved every single minute of working on it. I am very proud of how she turned out, as this style better fits her personality, but man do I love the official look for this one!!!!
I am probably gonna snatch it the moment it comes out😏
I will go on holiday for a bit, so I might not be able to draw there, but until then, please don't get your bandages in a twist. She is one ghoul known to make people wait anyway😉
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wxshing-aep · 1 year
The Prom Committee (pt 1)
Ethan Morales x fem!reader
based on this request:
"how about one where y/n runs an after school club so Ethan keeps getting detention on purpose to see her because he thinks “clubs are for dorks” to quote Paxton and so his reputation as the bad boy isn’t ruined"
Warnings: swearing, banter, the word boobs
AN: decided to make it a 2 parter cause it was getting long while I was writing it and wanted to give Ethan more depth of character than the actually show so part 2 coming tmrw probs!
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When his assignment was handed back by Señora Diaz upside down, Ethan wasn't surprised by the big F glaring back at him in red ink when he turned the page over.
“Stupid bitch” he muttered under his breath.
“In Español, Ethan” Señora Diaz paused on her way back to the blackboard, unsure of what he said but certain that it wasn't in Spanish.
“Sorry" he retorted and she continued her route back to the front of the classroom.
"perra estúpida”
That’s how Ethan ended up in detention for the umpteenth time in his academic career, tapping his pen on the desk in the nearly empty classroom with Mr. Shapiro's happy go-lucky self staring back at him.
"Well, happy to have you here Ethan!" Mr. Shapiro greets picking up a clipboard from his desk. "Not happy to be here" Ethan deadpanned. "Sorry to hear that. Not sure how you managed to get detention during the first week of school, but hey I think that might be a new Sherman Oaks record! Congrats buddy!" Mr. Shapiro cheers before realizing the younger boy is not the slightest bit amused. "Alright, tough crowd."
"Moving right along then," Mr. Shapiro clicks a pen in his hand "time to take roll!" which causes Ethan to look around the empty classroom.
"...I'm literally the only one here"
"I know, I just love checking things off lists," Mr. Shapiro clears his throats " so do I have a Morales comma Ethan?"
"seriously dude?"
"Second call for Ethan Morales"
"you're gonna keep going til I say here, aren't you?"
"You betcha!"
"Awesome!" Mr. Shapiro marks a giant check by the one name on his attendance sheet. "god I love doing that- Alright so unfortunately I've gotta skidaddle to help out with the faculty potluck but lucky for you sir we're implementing more of a reformative detention style this year!"
"What the hell does that mean" Ethan asked.
"It means, that instead of sitting here for the next few hours, you my friend, get to offer your help to one of the after school clubs or committees that are a bit low on helping hands" Shapiro responds with finger guns. "so guess who's today's newest member of the prom committee!"
"yea, no. I'm not joining some stupid after school club. clubs are for dorks, losers, and ugly people" Ethan responds grabbing his backpack out of the chair next to him to get up and leave.
"well actually it's a committee"
"even worse"
"Alrighty well I can see what the other options-" is all Mr Shapiro gets out before he is interrupted by your voice from the doorway.
"Oh- hey! Mr. Shapiro, did you find anyone to help with the prom posters? Eric said he'd help me out but then canceled cause he said he had to train with the assistant swim coach to quote make Michael Phelps my bitch end quote. Whatever that means, so I'm kinda flying solo here" You say, drawing Ethan's attention towards you as well.
hot damn. okay maybe after school activities are not only for ugly people. He thinks you might be the prettiest girl he's ever seen and definitely takes a mental note of your outfit that's hugging you in all the right places. He quickly realizes that he doesn't know your name and has no idea how he's never been informed of your existence prior to this moment. He's snapped back to reality by Mr. Shapiro responding to your question. "Ah- I'm sorry but Ethan is-"
"super excited to help decorate for prom" Ethan finds himself blurting out before Mr. Shapiro could finish his sentence.
"Oh- well that's great! Uh Ethan just report back by 6 so I can log your hours! I'm gonna get going, you kids have fun decorating. Go crickets!" Mr. Shapiro says, making his exit as you watch him almost skip down the hall.
"Sup, I'm Ethan" Your attention is brought back to the brown eyed curly haired boy who's suddenly standing in front of you (how the hell did he cross the room that fast, you wonder) with an outstretched hand. He never really shakes hands, he just wanted an excuse to touch you. He's cute, you note mentally. You accept the offer and shake his hand. "and you are?" he continues.
"I'm-" you pause noticing those not so innocent brown eyes are directed elsewhere, "acutely aware of the fact that you're staring at my boobs".
Ethan thinks his brain might've just short circuited cause he was definitely just caught red handed. He'd recently grown a lot more confident with girls since his summer growth spurt and subsequent glow up had dramatically increased the number of girls interested in him, but there was something about you and how you so deliberately called him out that had definitely thrown him off his game.
"Sorry- I uh- I was actually looking at your shirt. They're- It's nice" he wants to die he thinks.
You chuckle at his sudden change in demeanor. "Hmm. Yea, I know they are" you respond, turning on a heel and heading toward the auditorium.
"You comin or what?"
For one person, you had made pretty okay progress in a week. The current task at hand was making posters to get people excited for the theme reveal. The ground was littered with several half finished or barely started posters.
"Can you draw?" You asked Ethan.
"I'm not much of an artist"
"Really? the graffiti on the side of the school says otherwise. Your handwriting definitely sucks though so I'll do that, but the art's good and if you can do it with a spray can, you can definitely do it with some paint and markers" your unsolicited review of his graffiti made him crack a smile. His latest act of defiance had been a giant snake comically eating a cricket accompanied with the words "get fucked" on the side of the school building.
"You can't prove that was me" he challenges.
"Maybe not, but Mr. Shapiro had mentioned that I might have a detention helper today thanks to Señora Diaz and I happened to notice the words 'stupid bitch' spray painted on her car containing the same weird ass t's as the graffiti on the side of the school and here you are, Ethan."
"Damn, you're good" he pauses realizing he can't throw your name back at you because he still doesn't know it.
"Y/n" you say quietly.
"My name's y/n"
Pretty name for a pretty girl, he thought.
"Alright y/n. I'll draw as long as I don't have to to touch any glitter. that shit's impossible to get off"
"and I don't write my t's weird"
"you write your t's like a crazy person"
Time was pretty much flying by. Together you'd gotten nearly twenty posters done and were slowly finding out more information about each other. You were informed about some of Ethan's tattoos and how he'd actually drawn the designs for all of them himself. Not an artist, my ass, you thought. Ethan learned that he hadn't met you before because you'd previously been homeschooled and had all but begged your parents to be able to go to school with other kids for your senior year until they finally cracked and agreed to enroll you at Sherman Oaks.
"Ah I see, you're a total secret weirdo. That explains your freaky detective skills" he teases.
"I am not a secret weirdo. I just like criminal minds and puzzles"
"You were homeschooled. All homeschooled kids are a little weird"
"That's an unfair stereotype"
"Whatever you say, y/n"
"If anything you're the secret weirdo. or at least an undercover art nerd"
"I'm not an undercover art nerd"
"Yea you are. Something tells me this whole" you gestured largely to him sitting a couple feet away from you, "tortured angsty hot skater boy thing you've got going on is a pretty recent development" you comment absent-mindedly. You looked back up from your poster when he didn't respond to see him sitting there, arms crossed with a smug grin on his face.
"What?" you prodded.
"You totally just called me hot"
You're now very aware that he's a bit closer to you than he was before.
"mm don't think so"
"oh you definitely did"
"did not"
"did too"
"did not" that one came out much less confidently considering his hand had made its way to your face to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. damn, he's good.
"whatever you say, y/n" he almost whispers. have his eyes been that sparkly this whole time? He's leaning in and you're definitely not backing away. You're maybe a centimeter away from his lips until the alarm blaring from your phone, which seemed like much better idea hours ago, sent you flying back from him and scared the shit out of both you.
"shit- I- god that scared me, I uh set an alarm for 6 so you'd remember to check in with Mr. Shapiro cause, ya know, I thought we'd both probably be busy. Um- busy making posters, i mean. Obviously I mean making posters cause we definitely wouldn't be busy doing anything else so-" you ramble.
The smug little smirk has made its way back onto Ethan's face as he is quite enjoying this role reversal from your first interaction of the day.
"shut up" you say to him.
"I didn't even say anything" he responded, hands in the air in surrender.
"I've gotta head home, but thanks for helping out even though you basically had to be here. If you ever find yourself in detention again this semester, feel free to help out. Hopefully the committee is more than just me by then" you say, starting to gather your belongings. Ethan secretly hopes it isn't, he likes the idea of hanging out with just you.
"I probably will find myself in detention again. It's kinda part of this whole tortured angsty hot skater boy thing I've got going on" he says throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
"not what I said" you still attempt to deny.
"sure it wasn't"
"bye ethan"
"bye y/n"
Yea, he'll definitely be finding himself in detention again.
Read Part 2 here
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calicoheartz · 3 months
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read part one here ✧・゚
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꣑୧ — summary | you and Paige had been inseparable since the two of you were younger, she's adored you since the day she laid eyes on you. with you oblivious to her feelings, how does she plan on making you see her the way she sees you? (continued)
wc ; 758
— warnings | friends to lovers , kinda slow burn , mainly fluff & a tiny bit of angst
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : here’s part 2 to “from the start” ! If you haven’t read the first part , make sure to check it out before reading this one ! Enjoy besties ◡̈
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Our time together became more frequent. We’d hang out at the park, grabbing ice cream and talking about everything and nothing. Paige’s presence was a comfort I had come to rely on, though I still didn’t see the deeper meaning behind her actions.
One night, as we lay on the grass watching the stars, Paige turned to me, her expression serious. “Have you ever thought about the future, like what you want to do, where you want to be?”
I shrugged, my eyes fixed on the twinkling sky. “I guess I haven’t really thought that far ahead. What about you?”
Paige hesitated, then said softly, “I know one thing for sure. I want to be with people who make me happy.”
I turned to her, meeting her gaze. “You’ll always have me,” I said, not realizing how much those words meant to her.
Our high school prom was approaching, and everyone was buzzing with excitement. I hadn’t thought about asking anyone, but Paige had already made up her mind.
“Hey, who are you taking to prom?” she asked casually one afternoon.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”
Paige bit her lip, gathering her courage. “How about we go together? As friends, of course,” she added quickly, masking her true hopes.
“Yeah, that sounds great!” I agreed, genuinely pleased at the idea of spending the evening with my best friend.
Prom night arrived, and Paige looked stunning in her deep blue dress. I couldn’t help but stare, suddenly aware of how beautiful she was. We danced and laughed, and for a moment, I felt something shift in my chest, a strange new feeling I couldn’t quite place.
The weeks following prom were a blur of final exams and graduation preparations. Paige and I spent even more time together, making the most of our last days of high school. One evening, as we sat in my room listening to music, Paige turned to me, her expression unreadable.
“Can I tell you something?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.
“Of course,” I replied, sensing the seriousness of the moment.
“I’ve… I’ve had feelings for you for a long time,” she confessed, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.
I blinked, stunned. “You mean, like… more than friends?”
Paige nodded, biting her lip nervously. “Yes, more than friends. I’ve been trying to show you, but I guess I wasn’t very good at it.”
I sat there, processing her words. Suddenly, everything made sense—the notes, the little gestures, the way she looked at me. My heart pounded as I realized that maybe, just maybe, I felt the same way.
“Paige, I… I think I’ve been blind. But now that you’ve said it, I realize that I care about you too. More than just a friend.”
Paige’s eyes lit up with hope. “Really?”
“Really,” I confirmed, reaching for her hand. “I’ve always felt something, but I didn’t know what it was until now.”
With our feelings finally out in the open, Paige and I embarked on a new chapter of our relationship. It was a slow burn, as we navigated the transition from best friends to something more. There were moments of awkwardness and uncertainty, but also moments of pure joy and tenderness.
We spent the summer together, exploring our new dynamic. Each touch, each kiss, was a revelation, deepening our bond. Our friends noticed the change, and they were happy for us, having seen the connection we shared all along.
There was a tiny bit of angst, as we worried about what the future would hold, especially with college on the horizon. But we faced it together, confident in our love and the strength of our friendship.
As we stood on the threshold of a new adventure, hand in hand, I realized that Paige had been right all along. The magic of our connection was undeniable, and I was grateful every day for the love that had been right in front of me all these years.
Years later, as we walked down the aisle on our wedding day, I looked at Paige and saw the same shy smile that had captured my heart so long ago. She had adored me from the start, and now, I could finally say that I adored her just as much.
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estapa-edwards · 4 months
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paring: Ryan Leonard x reader
word count: 4.2k
requested? no
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
The sound of my alarm blaring at 6:30 AM dragged me out of a restless sleep. Prom was just around the corner, and the pressure was mounting. All my friends had dates, and I was the odd one out. Desperation was starting to set in, and the idea of going alone was unbearable.
As I got ready for school, I couldn't help but think about Ryan Leonard. Ryan was a big deal at Boston College, playing hockey and living out his dream. We had grown up together, shared countless memories, and yet, I hadn’t seen much of him since he went off to college. Could I ask him to prom? Would he even agree? The thought made my heart race.
"Y/N, you're going to be late!" my mom's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Coming!" I grabbed my bag and headed out, trying to shove my anxiety aside.
School was the usual mix of boring classes and the buzzing excitement of prom. My friends, if I could really call them that, were chattering about their dresses, dates, and after-parties. I felt like an outsider looking in.
"Hey, Y/N, who are you going with to prom?" Sarah, one of the self-proclaimed leaders of our group, asked with a smirk.
I hesitated. "I... I haven't decided yet."
She laughed. "Better hurry up. You don’t want to be the only one without a date."
The bell rang, and I practically ran to my first class, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach. As the day dragged on, I kept thinking about Ryan. Maybe this was crazy, but he was my last hope.
---- --- --- 
Back home, I paced my room, working up the nerve to call Ryan. My mind was racing with a hundred different thoughts, each one more anxious than the last. Finally, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, my heart pounding with each ring.
"Ryan? Hey, it's Y/N," I said, my voice trembling slightly.
"Y/N! Wow, it's been a while. How's it going?"
"Good, good. Listen, I need a favor," I blurted out, already feeling the nerves creeping in.
"Sure, what’s up?" he asked, his tone warm and friendly.
I took a deep breath. "Would you... um, would you go to prom with me?" The words tumbled out faster than I intended. I immediately started overexplaining. "I know it's short notice, and you're probably really busy with hockey and school and everything. I just—well, you know how it is, all my friends have dates, and I didn't want to go alone, and I thought maybe since we grew up together and always had fun, it wouldn't be too weird, but if you can't, I totally understand..."
"Y/N," he interrupted gently, a smile evident in his voice. "Calm down. I'd love to go to prom with you."
Relief flooded through me, but I still felt the need to clarify. "Really? I mean, it's next Saturday, and you probably have a lot going on. I wouldn't want to impose or mess up your schedule."
"Next Saturday is perfect," he reassured me. "I'd be honored to go with you. It's no imposition at all."
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Thank you, Ryan. Seriously, this means a lot to me."
"Anything for you, Y/N," he said softly. "I’m looking forward to it."
His calm, steady response eased my anxiety, and for the first time in days, I felt a genuine smile spread across my face. "Me too. Thanks again, Ryan."
"Anytime," he replied. "See you next Saturday."
After we hung up, I collapsed onto my bed, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude. Ryan Leonard, my childhood friend, and now my prom date. Maybe this prom wouldn't be so bad after all.
--- --- --- 
The news that I was going to prom with Ryan Leonard spread through the school like wildfire. No one believed me. My so-called friends laughed it off, convinced I was making it up to save face.
"Yeah right, like Ryan Leonard is going to show up here," Sarah scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Stop trying to get attention, Y/N."
I tried to brush it off, but the disbelief and mockery didn't stop there. In the cafeteria, I overheard them talking about me while I was in line for lunch.
"Did you hear Y/N’s story about bringing Ryan Leonard to prom?" Emily giggled. "What a joke."
"I know, right?" Jessica chimed in. "It's so obvious she’s lying. Probably doesn’t want to admit she couldn’t get a date."
During gym class, they continued their taunts. As we were warming up, Sarah walked past me and smirked. "So, Y/N, how's your 'boyfriend' Ryan doing? Is he flying in on his private jet to take you to prom?"
Her friends laughed, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment. I clenched my fists, forcing myself to stay calm.
The worst was in English class. Mrs. Thompson asked us to discuss our plans for the weekend, and when it was my turn, I hesitated. I didn’t want to give them more ammunition, but I couldn't lie.
"I'm going to prom," I said simply.
"With Ryan Leonard," Sarah interjected loudly, rolling her eyes. "Isn't that right, Y/N?"
The class erupted into laughter, and Mrs. Thompson had to call for order. I sank lower into my seat, wishing I could disappear.
Even in the hallways, the whispers followed me. "There goes Y/N, the girl who thinks she's going to prom with a college hockey star," I overheard one girl say to her friend.
"She must be delusional," her friend replied. "No way he’d come back for a high school prom."
I tried to ignore them, focusing instead on getting everything ready for the big night. I bought a dress, arranged for hair and makeup, and counted down the days until Saturday. Despite the constant doubt and ridicule, I held onto the hope that Ryan would come through for me.
As the day approached, the tension only grew. My so-called friends couldn't resist one last dig during lunch on Friday.
"So, Y/N," Sarah said loudly enough for the whole table to hear, "ready for your big date with Mr. Imaginary?"
"Yeah, Y/N," Emily added with a smirk. "I hope he doesn't stand you up. That would be so embarrassing."
I took a deep breath and looked them straight in the eyes. "You'll see," I said quietly but firmly. "He’s coming."
They all laughed again, but I could see a flicker of uncertainty in their eyes. Maybe, just maybe, they were starting to wonder if I was telling the truth.
I spent Friday night in a flurry of preparation, my excitement mingling with nerves. As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but replay the events of the past week in my mind. All the doubts, the mocking, the disbelief—I just hoped that when Ryan showed up, it would be enough to prove them all wrong.
--- --- ---
The night of prom arrived, and I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. My dress was perfect, a deep blue that complemented my eyes, and my hair was styled in loose curls. I looked... different. More confident, maybe. But inside, I was a bundle of nerves. My heart was pounding, and my stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies. I couldn't shake the anxiety that had been building all week.
"Y/N, are you ready?" my mom called from downstairs.
"Almost!" I called back, taking a deep breath and smoothing down my dress for what felt like the hundredth time. I glanced at my phone, checking the time and wondering if Ryan would actually show up. What if something had come up last minute? What if he forgot?
I shook my head, trying to banish the negative thoughts. Ryan wasn't like that. He said he'd be here, and I had to trust him. I grabbed my clutch and headed downstairs, my heart racing with each step.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard a car pull up outside. My heart skipped a beat, and I rushed to the window. Ryan was there, leaning against his car, looking as handsome as ever in a classic black tuxedo. Relief and excitement washed over me, and I took a deep breath to steady myself.
"Coming!" I called out to my mom, my voice shaky. I opened the door and stepped outside, my heart pounding in my chest.
Ryan's face lit up when he saw me, and he smiled that charming smile that had always made me feel special. "Wow, Y/N. You look amazing."
"Thanks, Ryan," I replied, feeling my cheeks flush. "You clean up pretty well yourself."
He opened the car door for me, and as I slid into the passenger seat, I couldn't help but start babbling. "I can't believe you're actually here. I mean, I knew you would be, but still, I was so nervous all week. Everyone at school kept saying you wouldn't show up, and I started to doubt myself. But you're here, and it means so much to me. I know you're really busy with hockey and college and everything, so I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. It's just... thank you, Ryan."
He chuckled softly as he got into the driver's seat. "Y/N, it's really no big deal. I’m happy to be here with you. And besides, prom is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I wouldn’t miss it for the world."
His calm, reassuring tone helped soothe my nerves, and I smiled, feeling a little more at ease. As we drove to the venue, my mind was racing with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Would my friends believe me now?
--- --- ---
When we arrived at the venue, the parking lot was already filled with students dressed in their finest. The school had transformed the gymnasium into a glittering wonderland of lights and decorations. Ryan parked the car and came around to open my door, offering his hand to help me out.
As we walked toward the entrance, my heart was pounding again. I could already see some of my classmates milling around outside, and I knew they were watching us. The whispers started almost immediately.
"Is that really Ryan Leonard?"
"I can't believe he actually came."
I held my head high, gripping Ryan's arm for support. As we entered the gym, the room fell silent for a moment, heads turning to stare at us. The music continued to play, but all eyes were on us.
Sarah and her friends were clustered near the punch bowl, and I saw her eyes widen in disbelief when she spotted us. She quickly composed herself and walked over, her expression a mix of skepticism and forced friendliness.
"Well, well, Y/N. Looks like you weren't lying after all," she said, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the surprise in her voice.
"Why would I lie about something like this?" I shot back, my voice steadier than I felt.
She narrowed her eyes, clearly annoyed that her predictions had been wrong. "Whatever. Have fun, I guess."
Ryan squeezed my hand, and we moved to the dance floor. The music was loud, the lights were bright, and for a moment, everything felt perfect. I glanced around, seeing the looks of shock and envy on the faces of my classmates. It was a small victory, but it felt good.
--- --- --- 
As we swayed to the slow, melodic rhythm of the music, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just Ryan and me on the dance floor. The soft glow of the fairy lights above us cast a warm, ethereal glow, and I found myself relaxing into the moment. Ryan's hand was steady on my waist, his other hand gently holding mine.
I looked up at him, feeling a mixture of gratitude and nostalgia. "Thank you for coming tonight, Ryan," I said softly. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
He smiled down at me, his eyes warm and sincere. "I'm happy to be here, Y/N. It's been a long time since we’ve had a chance to catch up."
I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I missed you. Things just aren’t the same without you around."
"I missed you too," he admitted, his gaze never leaving mine. "Life's been so busy with college and hockey, but I always think about the times we spent together growing up."
I bit my lip, trying to find the right words. "It feels like everything changed so quickly. One minute we were kids, and the next, you were off chasing your dreams. I guess I felt a little left behind."
Ryan's expression softened, and he pulled me a little closer. "I'm sorry if it ever felt that way. You were never left behind, Y/N. You've always been important to me."
His words sent a warm feeling through my chest, and I found myself smiling despite the tears that threatened to spill. "It’s just been tough, you know? With everyone at school and feeling like I don’t quite fit in. Having you here tonight... it makes everything better."
He squeezed my hand gently. "You deserve to feel special, Y/N. Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. Tonight is about having fun and celebrating you. I'm just glad I get to be here with you."
We danced in silence for a few moments, the music surrounding us like a comforting embrace. I felt safe and cherished in Ryan’s arms, a stark contrast to the way I usually felt at school. It was as if all the doubts and insecurities melted away, replaced by a sense of belonging.
"Do you ever miss it?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Being home, I mean."
He nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I do. Boston College is amazing, and I love playing hockey, but there's something about being home that you can't replace. The familiarity, the memories... and people like you."
I blushed at his words, feeling a warmth spread through me. "I’m really proud of you, you know. Seeing you live your dream is inspiring."
"Thanks, Y/N," he said, his smile genuine. "And you? What about your dreams? What do you want to do after graduation?"
I hesitated, the question feeling both exciting and daunting. "I’m not entirely sure yet. I have some ideas, but it’s hard to know for certain. I just want to find something that makes me happy."
"You will," he said confidently. "Whatever you choose, you’ll be amazing at it. I know you will."
The song began to wind down, and I realized that for the first time in a long while, I felt hopeful about the future. As the last notes played, Ryan leaned down, his forehead resting gently against mine.
"Thank you for this dance," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.
"Thank you for making it unforgettable," I whispered back, feeling a sense of connection that words couldn't fully capture.
--- --- --- 
As the night went on, I started to relax, enjoying Ryan's company and the magic of the evening. We danced, laughed, and talked, just like old times. But, of course, it didn’t last. My so-called friends couldn’t resist making snide comments and trying to undermine me.
"Look at Y/N, acting like she's all that just because she has a famous date," one of them whispered loudly enough for me to hear.
"Yeah, it's probably just a pity date," another added.
Ryan stopped dancing and turned to them, his eyes blazing with anger. "You know what? Y/N is amazing, and she's way better than any of you who think it's okay to tear someone down just to feel good about yourselves."
The room went silent again, and I felt my cheeks burn with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. No one had ever stood up for me like that.
"Let's get out of here," Ryan said softly, taking my hand.
We left the ballroom and walked outside into the cool night air. The stars were bright, and the tension of the evening seemed to melt away.
"Thank you, Ryan. For everything," I said, my voice filled with emotion.
He looked at me, his expression serious. "You deserve better than how they treated you, Y/N. Don't ever let anyone make you feel less than you are."
--- --- ---
The rest of the night was a blur of laughter and conversation. We drove around the city, talking about everything and nothing, just like old times. It felt like we were the only two people in the world.
After leaving the prom, we got into Ryan's car and drove away from the venue, the city lights twinkling like stars around us. The air was filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated only by our sporadic bursts of laughter and the hum of the car engine. Ryan turned on the radio, and we sang along to old songs that brought back a flood of childhood memories.
"Remember when we used to ride our bikes to the old park and play until it got dark?" Ryan asked, glancing over at me with a nostalgic smile.
I laughed, the memory warming my heart. "Yeah, and how we’d always get in trouble for coming home late. Your mom would call my mom, and they’d both be waiting for us at your house with that look."
He chuckled, nodding. "Good times. Simpler times."
We drove past our old elementary school, the playground now empty and quiet. "It's strange how everything looks the same, but feels so different," I mused. "We’ve grown up so much, but these places hold the same memories."
Ryan pulled over near the school, turning off the engine. "Let's take a walk," he suggested.
We got out of the car and strolled down the familiar paths, the cool night air refreshing against my skin. The playground was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling activity it used to have when we were kids. We walked over to the swings and sat down, gently swaying back and forth.
"Do you ever wish you could go back?" I asked, looking up at the stars.
"Sometimes," Ryan admitted. "But then I think about all the things we’ve experienced and learned. Growing up is hard, but it shapes us into who we are. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything."
I nodded, understanding what he meant. "I just miss the simplicity of it all. No drama, no expectations. Just us, having fun."
He reached over and took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We can still have that, you know. It might be different, but the connection is still there. Tonight proves that."
We sat there for a while, lost in our own thoughts, the silence comfortable and familiar. Eventually, we got back into the car and continued our journey through the city. We drove past our favorite ice cream shop, and Ryan impulsively turned into the parking lot.
"Want to get some ice cream?" he asked with a grin.
"Absolutely," I replied, my excitement genuine.
The shop was nearly empty, and we ordered our old favorites—mint chocolate chip for him, strawberry for me. We sat in one of the booths, savoring the sweet, cold treat and reminiscing about the countless times we’d done the same thing as kids.
"Do you remember that summer we tried to make our own ice cream?" Ryan asked between bites. "We made such a mess in your kitchen."
I laughed, almost choking on my ice cream. "My mom was so mad! We got ice cream everywhere except in the bowls."
"It tasted awful, too," he added with a grin. "But it was fun. One of those memories you never forget."
We stayed there until the shop closed, then got back in the car and drove aimlessly, enjoying each other’s company. We talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and uncertainties. It felt good to open up, to share parts of ourselves that had been hidden away for too long.
Eventually, we found ourselves at the edge of town, near the lake where we used to go fishing with our families. Ryan parked the car, and we got out, walking down to the water's edge. The moon reflected off the surface, creating a serene and almost magical atmosphere.
"I used to come here to think," I said quietly, staring out at the water. "Whenever things got tough, this was my escape."
Ryan nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I get that. Everyone needs a place like this. A place to find peace."
We sat down on the grass, side by side, the silence speaking volumes. After a while, Ryan turned to me, his expression serious. "Y/N, I’m really sorry about what happened at prom. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
I shook my head, placing a hand on his arm. "Ryan, you didn’t ruin anything. You made it better. I’m glad you stood up for me. It showed me who my real friends are."
He smiled, relief evident in his eyes. "I’m glad to hear that. I was worried I might have made things worse."
"No," I said firmly. "You made it perfect. Tonight has been everything I could have hoped for and more. Thank you."
We stayed there for a while longer, the peacefulness of the lake surrounding us. Eventually, we knew it was time to head home. Ryan drove me back to my house, the conversation still flowing easily between us.
Ryan walked me to my door, and we stood there, neither of us wanting the night to end.
"I had a great time tonight, Y/N," he said softly.
"Me too. Thank you for coming with me. It really meant a lot."
He smiled, that same smile that had always made me feel special. "Anytime. Let’s not wait so long to see each other again, okay?"
"Okay," I agreed, my heart swelling with a mix of emotions.
He leaned in and kissed my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Ryan."
I turned to unlock the door, but before I could step inside, I felt his hand gently grab my arm. I turned back, surprised, and saw an intensity in his eyes that took my breath away. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed me, his lips soft and warm against mine. The world seemed to stop in that moment, and all I could feel was the electricity between us, the connection that had always been there but now felt stronger than ever.
When we finally pulled apart, both of us were breathless. I stared up at him, my heart racing. "Ryan," I whispered, my voice barely audible, "would you... would you stay the night? Not like that, I mean. Just stay. I don't want this night to end."
He looked at me, his eyes softening with understanding. "I'd like that," he replied, his voice tender. "I'd like that a lot."
I opened the door wider, letting him in. The house was quiet, my parents long since asleep. We tiptoed upstairs, careful not to make too much noise. Once in my room, I grabbed a spare blanket and pillow, offering them to Ryan for the bed.
"You can take the bed," I said, gesturing toward it. "I'll sleep on the floor."
But Ryan shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "No, Y/N. You take the bed. I'll be fine on the floor."
I hesitated, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt. "Are you sure?"
He smiled, his expression gentle. "Positive. I'll be more comfortable down here."
Reluctantly, I accepted his offer, settling onto the bed and pulling the covers up around me. Ryan arranged the blanket and pillow on the floor, making himself as comfortable as possible.
"Thank you, Ryan," I said softly, feeling a warmth spread through me at his selflessness.
He looked up at me, his eyes soft and sincere. "Anytime, Y/N. I'm just glad to be here with you."
I smiled, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. It felt strange, having Ryan here in my room, but also strangely comforting. We had shared so many memories in this space, and having him here now felt like coming full circle.
"Hey, Ryan?" I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Would you... would you like to share the bed? Like we used to when we were kids?"
He looked surprised, but a hint of a smile played at the corners of his lips. "Are you sure?"
I nodded, feeling a sudden rush of courage. "Yeah. I mean, if you're comfortable with it."
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, his smile widening. "I'd like that, Y/N. I’d like that a lot."
We rearranged the blankets and pillows, making room for both of us on the bed. As we settled in, side by side, I felt a sense of closeness that I hadn't felt in a long time. It felt right, having Ryan here beside me, sharing this intimate space.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said softly, his voice laced with warmth.
"Goodnight, Ryan," I replied, feeling a sense of peace settle over me as I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in his comforting presence. It was a night I would never forget, a night that marked the beginning of something new and beautiful between us.
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sorry I haven't been posting. I took a break and it was well needed! but im back should be putting out requests this week.
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alaydabug2 · 22 days
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Sixty-eight
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
"Well, hey there," Sophie smiled. "You look like you're doing a little better," she said when the door was awnsered.
"Yeah," Keefe murmured. "I managed to get a shower and wash my hair."
They were going to try and have an outing today. Going to go to a restaurant with their friends.
"It looks good. How's the pain been?"
"A bit sore, but nothing too horrible. The meds have been doing their job."
"That's great!" She offered her arm. "Ready to go?"
"I think so."
Keefe put the strap of his oxygen pack over one of his shoulders. He hooked his arm through hers, and they slowly went out towards the car.
Arriving at the Denny's, their friends had already sat down at a table. Sophie helped Keefe get settled in his seat before taking the one beside him.
"Hey," Fitz said. "How's things going?"
"It's going," Keefe told him
Sophie felt an immense amount of relief when she saw the smile on his face. Things were getting better. It was a huge step in the right direction.
The conversation changed from everyone's orders to dogs, then puns, then playfully threatening each other. It somehow ended off on school as they were eating their food.
"Ooh! What are you guys wearing to prom?" Biana asked.
Keefe's face fell. "Prom? When is it?"
"Next Friday. When will you be allowed back at school?"
He looked down and pushed his food around on his plate. "It's going to be a couple of weeks. But I hope you guys have fun. Take pictures for me."
"I'll keep you company," Sophie assured him.
He shook his head. "No, you should go."
"Seriously," she insisted. "It's not that big a deal to me."
He pursed his lips. He nodded and stared down at his food.
The rest of lunch was an awkward silence. After, Sophie drove them to her house. Stepping into the kitchen, Edaline rushed over to them. She pulled Keefe into a hug. It was the first time she had seen him since the before operation.
It was a little too tight. He let out a groan. Edaline pulled back.
"Sorry!" She exclaimed. "Didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just so glad you're okay. We were all so worried about you!"
"It's alright. Didn't need my ribs anyway." He turned to Sophie. "I do think I need to go sit down, though," he informed her.
"Of course."
She led him down to the couch. They got situated in a snuggle with a move turned on.
"Y'know, you don't have to miss prom to stay with me," he murmured
Sophie adjusted her head to look up at him. "I know I don't. But I want to. That way we can both go together next year. I wouldn't want to go unless you were there."
"I'm sorry."
"What are you apologizing for?"
"Just... making everything difficult."
She took his hand. "You don't make things difficult. I promise."
"Still, I don't want you to miss it because of me," he complained.
"Hey. I'm not 'missing it because of you'." She laid her head in his shoulder. "I just want to be where you are. And right now, where you need to be is home, recovering."
Keefe's eyes shifted away from her. "I guess so."
Sophie kissed his cheek. "I promise you, I really don't mind. I just don't want you to feel lonely while everyone else is at the dance."
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reidslovely · 2 years
Ever Since...Queens. (Mob! Peter Parker)
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Pairing: Mob! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader.
Requested: Yes based on this request here
Description: Peter Parker when rushed into position of bossman, he thought finding the love of his life like his uncle would be easy. Three girls, three different stories until he realized she had been in front of him all along. 
Content Warnings: Peter is really vain in the beginning like any teenage boy is. Nothing really outside of this, mentions of murder? Nothing descriptive. 
AN: Written a little different than my other stuff, and a little rushed...still hope you enjoy <3
Love was always a complicated thing for Peter.
As much of a man Peter had to be, on the inside for a long time he was still the teenager he was when he was thrusted into the position. When Peter was rushed into the role of boss he had to look around and decide where his life was going to go from here. At seventeen years old he had to decide who he was going to marry, and how to keep what Ben had built. It wasn’t as easy as Ben made it out to be, and Peter wasn’t ready to fall in love. He wasn’t even sure he knew what love felt like. It took time but, he did with the right woman.
“What do you mean you don’t think you’ve ever been in love? You and Felicia dated forever. You didn’t love her?”
Harry laughed as he sat in the leather chair by the open window summer breeze blowing into the office. Peter sat there, twisting in the chair of his uncle's office. It all still felt foreign to him. He didn’t fit, if someone had walked in here now no one would take him seriously. He was some scrawny kid sitting in a chair that looked like it could eat him whole, he felt like he was playing pretend.
“I cared for Felicia, I liked her. But I never saw myself being with her, I never saw us getting married, having kids. I didn’t even want to go to prom with her” Peter straightened up in the chair untucking his leg from under the other, staring at the wedding photo of Ben and May positioned happily in the corner. The door pushed open, May’s laughter could be heard from down below as the three girls entered the door also enjoying the older woman's joy.
“Hello girls, what can me and my very scary hitman do for you?”
“Shut up, Osborn.”
Gwen laughed, dropping herself on the couch next to Mary-Jane. The other girl was sitting on the arm of the chair, Peter had watched (Y/N) closely, how she hid herself away from her friends, always seeming a bit lost in her own thoughts. Peter caught her staring at him often and it gave him a tight, weird feeling in his chest. One he couldn’t place, sort of like anxiety.
Don’t get him wrong she was kept, and well groomed for the most part. Her hair did stick out here and there, maybe because of the heat wave going through Queens currently. Makeup was smeared slightly under her eyes like she had slept in it. Her clothes were always a bit ill fitting, like she was hiding herself. If Peter was going to pick someone, she couldn’t look like that. Let alone she needed to have some social skills, and (Y/N) did not.
Gwen’s well manicured, pink clad hand reached out for Peters, pulling his gaze away from (Y/N) and to the blonde.
“You seem lost.” She jokes, her thumb stroking over the back of his hand.
Gwen had a thing for Peter, she had since they were in middle school and Peter couldn’t lie he had enjoyed the attention she gave him.
“Never.” Peter teased back, his grin wide on his face. He took her hand in his, his thumb brushing over her dainty ones. “What are you doing this weekend?” He asked, no one in the room gasped but the tension multiplied. Watching Mary-Jane and (Y/N) traded looks, and Harry’s eyes looked as if they were going to roll out of their sockets.
“Nothing..I’m all yours.”
There that feeling was again, anxiety and had he turned his head he would have seen (Y/N) staring at the back of his head with a frown on her face.
Then like magic Gwen was all his. For four years, before she dumped him to leave for England on the day he was gonna propose.
She had begged Peter to give up the family business, to come to England with her that they could be normal. Normal sounded good to Peter, great even. However, Peter had racked up a higher kill count than anyone ever thought he would, this meant his family and friends were at risk if Peter let them out of their sights for even a minute. That’s why he didn’t go, at least that’s the reason he gave himself.
In the weeks time Gwen left Peter had found solace in (Y/N), a person he grew very close with very fast once he could get her to stop hiding in the back of their friend group.
“You’ll find some one Pete, you’re amazing! Girls throw themselves at your feet all the time.”
(Y/N) said, closing her laptop as they spoke over the phone. Peter, now twenty-one, could appreciate the way they had all changed over the years. Harry was his second hand man, he had gotten over his womanizing ways and finally chose to be serious about his life. Mary-Jane, who was going through her own rocky break-up, had finally moved out of her dad’s house and was on a small off broadway play now.
Then (Y/N).
(Y/N) had become a great friend to Peter while he was dating Gwen, mostly because she and Gwen were inseparable. She was filling out herself. Her clothes started to fit better, and she had cut a few inches off her hair keeping it from being frizzy. Yet, she didn’t want to date, Peter had even tried to set her up with Harry at one point. While she was thankful, she stated she wasn’t interested.
“Yeah, I’d like to meet them.” Peter laughed into the phone as he stepped into the black SUV. “Give them my number and tell them to call me.” He said laying his head back.
“I’ll tell you what, why don’t we all go out tonight. Me, you, Harry and M.J. It’ll make you feel better.”
Peter thought on her words, watching people on the street pass by as he rode in the back of Miguel’s car.
“Yeah, okay. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
There was a sadness in her voice. Peter noticed it a lot when they talked, he thought maybe she was lonely. Which is why he was always trying to set her on dates.
Peter didn’t regret going out that night. He sat in the booth at the club watching M.J. and (Y/N) dance together. The two laughed and grabbed onto each other’s shoulders as they yelled lyrics at each other, once they were a couple shots deep.
“She’s gorgeous huh?” Harry laughed. “Really filled out.”
What a weird way for Harry to talk about Mary-Jane. Mary-Jane has always been gorgeous with her soft red hair, green eyes that look at you with care and understanding. Peter had even gotten to kiss her in the school play in middle school. It was accidental, but it happened.
“Yeah, but she’s always looked like that.” Peter laughed still nursing his old fashion. Harry’s energy sat up straighter, suddenly more interested in what Peter was saying. Yeah, he’s cutting Harry off at three next time.
“Yeah? She’s always had a thing for you. You should ask her out, if..if you’re ready of course.” Peter thought for a moment, biting his inner cheek. Harry was right. Gwen was gone, she was in England and she was not coming back. As if on cue, the girls walked back. (Y/N) slid in next to Peter, and Mary-Jane next to Harry.
“What were you guys talking about?” (Y/N) asked, drinking her vodka soda. Looking up at Peter with her big puppy dog eyes. He didn’t know how to answer her, as he looked down at her.
There was that ping in his chest.
“Harry was talking to me about something and helped me realize.” Peter pulled his gaze away from (Y/N), back to Harry. There's a grin on his face no one has seen since Gwen.
“M.J. you wanna get outta here?”
M.J. looked at Peter a bit taken back, her pale cheeks flushing a red that matches her hair. “I, yeah sure.” She says grabbing her bag from the other side of Harry, rushing out of the booth. (Y/N) moved slowly out of the booth, letting Peter out, tossing enough money to cover their tab.
Had he turned around he would have seen a very sorry Harry, comforting a very upset (Y/N).
Things got in the way very quickly. Peter had to get out of New York for a while, taking May and M.J. with him. He didn’t stay in contact with anyone outside of them for their own safety. Except Harry of course, keeping everything good in New York as he worked out of the Keys for a bit.
‘A bit’ quickly turned into three years.
Mary-Jane was there through it all. Police interrogations, which Peter effortlessly outsmarted. Quick little moves they had to make, they even almost got married. Peter however, saw how much she wanted out. She longed to have a life that she didn’t feel out of control of, she longed to get back into acting. They loved each other, but he couldn’t hold her back.
They broke up once they got back to New York. There was no heartbreak in it this time, there was no denial like there was with Gwen. Maybe because a part of Peter knew he didn’t love M.J. the way he had loved Gwen. He was even learning to admit he was not ready to marry Gwen.
Everything happened to Peter for a reason. A reason he didn’t understand.
Not until he was standing outside a bookshop in the city, staring at the name printed at the bottom. His chest tightened, he wasn’t sure if it was the memories that came with the name or how proud he was. He hadn’t known she wanted to be a writer, she was always scribbling or writing in her journal for as long as he could remember. Whenever he’d ask she’d just say it was nothing important.
“Going in?” A mother asks, her daughter's hand in hers.
“Oh, yes.” Peter opened the door for them letting the mother and daughter in before him. He fixes the scarf wrapped around his neck, pulling it off his neck and into his pocket.
There she was.
Peter's heart thumped in his chest as he watched her interact with the kids. She smiles as she signs their books, and talks to them about the little bunny on the cover. He remembered the stuffed bunny she lugged around in elementary school, how Flash Thompson ripped it from her hands throwing it in a puddle. Peter remembered throwing down flash getting on top of him hitting him before grabbing the stuffed yellow rabbit from the puddle wiping it against his white shirt. The way she looked at him, was the first time he felt that tightening in his chest.
The tightening that made his heart felt like it missed a beat when she smiled at him, engulfing him in a hug as a thank you.
After all these years, he could place the feeling. It wasn't anxiety, it wasn’t regret. It was adoration taking a physical toll on his body. It explains the way his hands would shake when she’d hand him something. Now it’s all the same as he reaches the front, being the last in line.
“I don’t have a kid with me, but maybe you can sign something for an old friend.” Peter laughed, placing the book on the table.
“Peter Parker.”
They share a smile, (Y/N) stands going in for a side hug. Peter engulfed her his hands firmly on her back, holding them together. There was so much to say, but he didn’t know where to start for once. How to voice what he was feeling. (Y/N) pulled away from their hug but there was no gleam to her eye like there usually is, but she still had the same sweet smile.
She bent down to sign his copy of the book.
“Are you done here? Do you have dinner plans?” He asked. (Y/N) opened her mouth before shutting it. “I uh, don’t no. Why?”
“I thought maybe we could get dinner..as like a date.” (Y/N) looked like she had been waiting for those words all her life. (Y/N) looked up at him, and then back down at the ground.
“No, no Peter, I'm sorry.”
Everything felt like it crashed down. No, what did she mean no.
“What..why? We can do tomorrow, I just wanna take you out.”
The sigh that left her mouth disappointed Peter to an extent he hadn’t felt in a long time. Why? Had he been too late?
“Peter..had you asked three years ago, even last month I would have dropped everything and said yes in a heartbeat. I have been hopelessly, and devotedly in love with you since that day in fourth grade that you beat Flash up for me. But you never saw me, you never looked at me, and I just don't wanna be a rebound, I can’t sit here and love that you’re finally seeing me as more than the ugly duckling only to be dropped a few weeks later.”  
(Y/N) rambled her words just falling out of her mouth, Peter listened to everything she said. He stood there shocked and confused, why would she- oh.
“I gotta help clean this up Pete, but we shoul-”
“No (Y/N), it is not like that. I..please.”
He couldn’t get the words out before she was already walking away. He wasn’t giving up this time, he wasn’t going to just give up. That’s not who he was.
He cut in front of her grabbing her shoulders, eyes pleading her to look at him, to listen.
“It is not. Do you hear me, it is not that.” Peter says his hands holding her face. “It has always been you. Ever since I was that little boy in Queens, it has been you. You make me so nervous, yet so giddy. I have this ping in my chest everytime you look at me or talk to me. I just wanna be with you. Forever, for as long as you will have me. That faceless girl I see when I picture a wedding, or kids. She is you, and I see that now. I just had the chance to know you, to share my life..”
(Y/N) grabbed Peter’s face, pulling him in for a heated kiss. Something she had waited years for, Peter could tell in the way she kissed him.
“Again, Daddy, again.” The little boy in bed begs, holding the signed copy of his mothers book in his hands.
“Noooo, no more.” He laughs. “You gotta get to sleep. Big day tomorrow.” Peter kissed Benji’s head, leaving the room. He stopped by the nursery watching his wife rock their newborn daughter back to sleep. (Y/N) caught his eye, giving him a toothy smile as she hummed to the little girl. Peter grinned to himself, the ping in his chest growing, feeling him with that boyish feeling all over again. She was finally his, the girl he had defended all those years ago, and promises to continue to defend even after it is all over.
@sincericida​ @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @helloheyhihowdyheya​ @messymissy​ @a-lumos-in-the-nox @bxcketbarnes @andrews-lovr @eevylynn @megmehz
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artistic-gloopster · 2 months
🦇A Night You'll Tried To Forget🦇
After the Bot Prom Dance, Ulf talked with the other botbots how the lost bots always ruins everything along with everyone else's fun. Carameila heard exactly what Ulf said and in her head... she didn't think they actually ruined it, ever since they were accidentally caught by the night guard. The botbots didn't want to do anything with those guys and just completely shunned them, the only remaining ones who still wanted to hang out with them is Frostferatu and Carameila. With that, Carameila knew it would be a good timing to tell Ulf the truth.
"Look I know that everyone is upset about what happened earlier and how I heard you say that the lost bots ruined everything, but... I think it's best if we just let them redeem themselves. I understand that what they did to show themselves to the night guard was pretty bad. But we can't just stay mad at them anymore, and... w-we should... we should let them have a second chance."
Ulf looked... disgusted, she slowly turned around to face Carameila and tell her if she was serious. Carameila said yes, and before she could say anything else. That's when Ulf grabbed her arm as she drags her somewhere to talk privately about the lost bots, Carameila would tell Ulf that she's hurting her arm which Ulf continues to grab it more. When they got to the dark side of the mall, Ulf let her rage out on Carameila saying that the lost bots shouldn't be redeem as if it still didn't change the fact that they still got caught by the flesh being.
"But you don't understand, Burgertron told me that he and the others were trying to get to the party without getting caught-
"Well that's not very nice! You didn't need to talk rudely about them, neither should the botbots talk rudely about them either!"
"Oh! So you're telling me that you and your stupid flightless brother of yours are on the lost bot's side too?!"
"Leave Frostferatu out of this Ulf! He may have unintelligible flight skills, but I always let him know that I'll always be here to support him while he tries to turn into bat mode!"
"Oh come on! Isn't it that obvious that you can't even do those flight skills as well? I mean look at your left arm, if you're missing one then why can't you just make one yourself? Maybe then you won't be called a stupid armless cupcake."
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard what I said Carameila!"
*Sighs* "Look I really don't want to get into a fight with you right now, so we might as well get back to the others. I don't wanna come back with people saying that I'm some terrible person who looked like she said something unfortunate, seriously it'll ruined my reputation..."
"B-But... But you said that I'm a-
So, that was it.
Ulf finally showed her true nature to Carameila at the dark side of the mall, once she headed back to the Sugar Shocks. Frostferato gives Carameila a hug, he hadn't seen his sister since after the Bot Prom Dance.
"Carameila! My dear sister, where have you been this whole time? The rest of the Sugar Shocks gang were worried about you."
How is Carameila supposed to tell the rest of the gang what actually happened between her and Ulf? If she did, will they even believe her every speech about Ulf's true nature? What if they don't listen and just believe that Ulf is a nice person?
Carameila needed to bring up a lie.
"Oh um... me and Ulf were talking about the Bot Prom Dance that got ruined earlier, and how we were deciding on who's going to be in charge of the dance next time."
"Really? Are you sure you and Ulf weren't fighting over something?"
"Y-Yeah! I'm very sure that Ulf and I would never fight, we are friends after all"
"Well okay, I'm just glad that you got back safe and sound without any-
Before Frostferatu would finish his line he notices a little bit of bruises from her right arm, he started to panic.
"M-My goodness Carameila! What happened to your arm?"
"Huh? O-Oh this? Well I guess you could say a rat came by and try to bite me-
"It really doesn't matter right now, let's just go see Lady macroon if she can help you with that bruised arm of yours."
After a whole mintue of an arm recovery, the Sugar Shocks gang would get back to their positions into a normal food mode as the sun starts to rise. Carameila couldn't get the word "Stupid armless cupcake" out of her head. Is it tue? Did Ulf really think of Carameila flightless because of her missing left arm? She didn't know... she didn't know if maybe Ulf was only saying that as a joke, all she needed to know is that being friends with Ulf was over. Carameila wanted nothing to do with Ulf anymore.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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bigbrainkatrina · 1 year
Why Do You Even Like Me? - a Kim Possible/Shego fanfic
Having a crush on Kim Possible is embarrassing. Shameful. Career ending. It’s just not okay.
But looking at her right now? Shego can’t help herself.
Having a crush on Kim Possible is embarrassing. Shameful. Career ending. It’s just not okay.
But looking at her right now?  Shego can’t help herself.
Drakken’s plan is simple: Lure Kim Possible away to her silly frilly Prom Night with a boyfriend that is  actually  a minion planted by Drakken, giving Drakken free reign to take over the world, and the whole time something has just been  gnawing  at Shego.
Shego  hates  Kim’s boyfriend. He’s just, like, such an asshole.  Such  an asshole. She deserves better. Much better. Like her. Except as a girlfriend. Drakken should have planted Shego as the fake girlfriend, but no, that’d be sad. She could never.
She’s waiting in the shadows right now, Kim is in her battlesuit. She thinks she’s rescuing her boyfriend, Eric, actually Synthodrone 901, from Drakken’s clutches, but he’s about to betray her. He’s going to break her heart, and it’s not cool. Kim was just panting moments ago, bruised and bloodied from her last fight with an armada of ninjas, and now her face is lighting up with unrivaled joy. She’s running to wrap her arms around her fake boyfriend’s neck. 
She’s so  beautiful  when she looks happy. Kim  deserves  to be happy. So Shego makes the choice, and she blows Eric open through the stomach. Kim screams, Ron screams, and Eric screams. Shego sprints up to where the three of them are, holding her hands in the air as green acid pours out of Eric and he promptly deflates to the floor.
Kim looks at Shego, wrinkles under her eyes. Her chest is heaving again, jaw clenched, she’s in shock probably. “What… just happened?”
Shego takes a deep breath. Drakken’s going to kill her when he finds out. 
“It’s a long story, Princess.”
Shego really doesn’t like defeating her boss—er, Dad, Drakken’s her dad—but she does enjoy seeing Kim’s satisfaction and relief when the whole operation goes boom. As the cops drag Doctor D off, Shego walks up to him and holds the police van’s doors open. “Dude, that plan was seriously messed up.”
Drakken just looks away, so wounded. 
“I’ll break you out in a week,” Shego whispers, and that gets his attention. “But we need to talk about boundaries, this was over the line. Okay, ciao.” She struts off to where Kim and Ron were just standing and—well, it’s just Ron. 
“Where’s Kimmie?” Shego asks, feeling sort of awk around just the Buffoon, and maybe a little self-conscious.
“She’s just explaining what happened to the police,” Ron gestures over to Kim doing just that. “They, uh, don’t really get why they aren’t arresting  you , heh heh. And tee-bee-ache, Sheegs—”
“Don’t call me that.” She is  so  not interested in developing a bound with this dope.
“—okay okay, worth a shot, but I don’t really get it either?”
Shego frowns. What is she supposed to say? Well, probably the truth? No, no, that’s weird. Super weird. No thanks.
“I just, uh, ya know, this plan just seemed kinda messed up. I feel uncomfortable being involved in something that would hurt Kimmie like that.”
Ron blinks. “I’ve just never seen you be so soft, Shego. What’s your deal, man?”
She snaps. “Hey man, chill out, I got my own biz, okay?” 
But of course Ron doesn’t leave it there. So. Annoying. She needs to be cool though, this guy is Kimmie’s best friend.
“I’m just sayin’. I mean like, you beat Kim up all the time, why was tonight different?”
Shego’s jaw clenches. She can’t hold it in. “Because he was messing with her head you idio—”
“ Hey! ” Kim cuts in between them, touching both of their chests to push them back. “Oops, bad touch, Shego, sorry.” 
Yeah, Kim just touched Shego’s boobs by accident. Maybe Kim is a little too comfy with her. Kinda weird. 
Blushing, Kim continues, “I don’t know what you’re fighting about but calm down, both of you, okay? Tonight’s a good night, I… really really want tonight to be fun somehow. That sucked so much, and… you guys feel me?”
Ron looks at Shego darkly and nods.
Shego sighs. “Well, I hope you guys have fun at your Prom thing tonight, I’m gonna head out.”
Kim frowns suddenly, wrinkles forming in her forehead, voice getting quiet and small. “Oh? Oh, that’s, that’s okay I guess. Yeah, you had a rough night, betraying your dad and all.”
Shego feels so confused. Why is Princess disappointed? Weirdo. Kim  always  makes things harder than they need to be.
Ron slips in. “Kim, so uh, this is gonna sound so dumb, but me and Shego were arguing about just that. Crazy, huh?”
“You were?” Kim raises an eyebrow.
“We were?” Shego says at the same time.
“Yes!” Ron cries out, throwing an arm around Kim’s shoulders. “See, Shego here thinks that you can’t go to Prom if you don’t go to high school, and I’m telling her  Prom is for everybody  , who cares if you’re homeschooled by a mad scientist? If you chillin’ like the Ron-dog, you can  totes come!”
Shego could slap him. Why is he doing this? Wasn’t he pissed at her a second ago? Why did he change his mind?
“Oh cute,” Kim’s smile crinkles her cheeks, but not too much, like she’s holding something back. “Well, yeah, you can come to Prom with us then, Shego.”
No getting out of it now. Ugh. No, fuck this, she’s Shego! She can be an asshole, it’s like expected of her and stuff—
“Actually, um,” Kim blushes again, fidgeting with her palms. “I want to rephrase that. I was wondering… if you could… um… heh, come to Prom with  me ? Specifically.” There’s an intense uptone as she finishes, like she’s so scared of asking. 
Wait wait wait wait wait wait.
Shego steps forward and points right at Kim. “You…”
“Yes,” Kim says primly.
“...want to go… to Prom. The dance thing.”
“With  me ?!”
Shego does the same exact uptone.
This whole thing is just so awkward. Like first off, they ain’t even riding to prom in a car. They are all crammed together on this stupid scooter with Stoppable at the wheel, and they all have to hold each other’s sides like it’s a conga line. Shego likes the idea of holding Kim’s hips, or better yet, having Kim hold hers, but like, no no no. 
Kim should hate Shego. This is dumb.
Then there’s the matter of the dress. Apparently Shego can’t just wear her evil catsuit to prom.
They stop at a near empty thrift store in a small town along the way, with Ron waiting at the door, beating his foot like a rabbit, staring at his watch and putting on a show. “Five minutes ladies!” 
He’s kinda endearing though. Shego grabs at the first thing she sees that it’s in her size, she doesn’t even really know what color it is. “This is good, let’s—”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on, sailor,” Kim chides, digging her whole body into the circular rack, hips sticking out and bopping up and down with her voice. “Why are you rushing?”
“I dunno, it’s just a dress,” Shego shrugs. “It’s not a big deal to me, and hey—it’s pink, my favori—”
Kim’s hips stop bopping.
“—okay okay, I can’t wear red, totally clashes with my skin,” Shego sighs, putting it back. “We need to hurry though, Princess. Prom ain’t all night—”
Kim jumps out of the rack with five dresses balanced on arm. “Okay then, go go go go go go!”
They go through the dresses pretty fast, with Kim waiting outside the dressing room stall.  
“One minute one minute!” Ron claps his hands together. 
One minute, okay. Shego can deal with that. She only got through four dresses, but that’s fine. Number 3 is black and cool and cheap, totally good enough for Prom. But before she can even get out of the stall with Number 3 in hand, Kim grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her back into the booth. It actually kind of makes Shego laugh, Kim is just like,  so  intense over this. 
“What’s so funny?” Kim asks, hands gripping Shego’s shoulders like twin vices.
“You, you crack me up sometimes,” Shego chuckles.
“Oh, really?” Kim blushes. “A-anyways, I wanted to say I really want you to try on this last one, it’s kind of my favorite and I know you’ll look so cute in it.”
Shego slumps and puts on a very serious face. “Kim.”
Kim just pouts and aaaaah! It’s so cute, dammit. Serious face always works on Dad. “Alright,  fine  , I’ll try on—” She picks up the final dress, and it  is  pretty damn cute. 
It’s dark green with a cute floral print all over it, and very soft looking but—ugh, it’s one of these dumb zip-ups with the button on top. “—no no no, Princess. We got less than a minute to get out of here and those things take  forever  to get on.”
“Ron can shove it and give us an extra minute, he’s just being silly,” Kim says, picking up the dress. “Um, and—it’s—it’s not that bad if you have, someone, h-helping you. Is that okay?”
Shego blushes lime when she’s embarrassed, which makes Kim laugh. 
The first thing that comes to mind is she’s down for it as long as she gets to see Kim change too, but like, that’s dirty. And way  too forward. Because, ya know, this is their first date and—
—no no no! This is  not a date. This. Is. Platonic. Yeah. Kim only asked for Shego specifically because she knows Shego’s a better dancer than Naco Boy over there.
“Y-yeah, that’s fine. Just be quick, alright?” Shego sighs and Kim squeaks with excitement, moving fast. Thankfully, Kim spends no time ogling, she’s very focused on getting Shego into this dress in the most comfortable way possible. 
It’s still kind of weird being in just her underwear in this cold room for precious seconds, with some hyper girl blurring around her body. But Kim is just so respectful, it makes her feel so… so… safe? Kim needs to stop, because Shego is just so smitten.
When it’s done, Kim spins Shego over to the mirror and—wow. This dress is  perfect . It’s sleeveless, which shows her well-toned arms, and it cuts off really low, showing some serious leg. The dark green brights out her skin tone in a very spectacular way, the floral print masking it enough that it’s not too much.
And… it has  pockets . Shego finds herself smiling and gently elbows Kim. “Alright, you win, Possible.”
It’s so… loud. Lights are flashing, music is booming, and people are sweating. Everyone’s on their feet dancing and Shego just feels so… out of place. Like sure, she’s crashed supervillain parties before and they were way more rad, but she knows literally none of these people aside from Kim. (Ron doesn’t count.)
That’s not even acknowledging the fact that she’s even  with Kim. Sure Kim has been really nice to her tonight, but like, this could just be vengeance. Ron argued with her, Kim is probably still upset over Eric, maybe neither of them forgave Shego and they’re just playing her up, getting her all soft and shit. They’re smiling at her because they’re holding in laughter. Ha ha, Shego has a crush on Kim, so funny.
There’s a strain on Shego’s arm and she dimly looks up to see Kim holding her hand, looking back with so much concern. Because her dumb scheme is falling apart.
“You alright?” Kim asks.
Shego swallows and thinks for a moment. She just stopped her Dad from taking over the world with his greatest plan ever—because a sad face from Kim makes her weak at the knees. It’s happening again too, Shego’s crumpling.
Well not this time, baby.
“You thought you could fool me, didn’t you?” Shego sneers, eyes narrowing into slits. 
“Wh-what?” Kim gets closer and Shego immediately backs up. At least Kim takes the hint and drops the hand hold. “What do you mean  fool you ? D-did I make you uncomfortable?”
“Drop the act, Princess. Your vengeance is done. I look like an idiot. See ya.” She turns on her heel and peaces the fuck out, taking long strides under these dumb balloon arches, the music fading more and more. She stops at the edge of the campus and looks back, cursing herself for looking back. She kinda wants Kim to chase after her. But no one is coming.
She takes her heels off and finds somewhere to sit so she can think.
Shego ends up in a forest clearing, sitting on wet leaves, back to a tree trunk. Everywhere else was covered in fallen Li’l Diablo bots that will get picked up tomorrow probably. Just seeing them pisses her off so much. 
Shego thinks for a moment and feels blind fury, and she doesn’t want to go there, not in a forest. She feels her arms twitching as they try to hold back her power, but it’s coming. She’s sparking and glowing. 
She moves fast, setting up a bonfire that won’t catch on anything and start a forest fire after using her powers to dry it out, and gets it burning with her plasma. It’s kinda cool seeing the green light illuminate the clearing a little. She leans back and still—her thoughts just go to anger. 
So she screams, or rather, she roars into the night and pounds the bark behind her, smudging the eyeliner Kim put on for her. Damn. She wanted to take a picture of that, no one’s ever done her makeup before and… no, it was probably dumb makeup to make her look dumb and—
Leaves rustle. Shego jumps to her feet, power springing to her hands and without even thinking she lobs the plasma bolts—
—diverting them at the last second as she realizes who is standing by her. The plasma hits the leaves. Thankfully, they don’t catch because of how damp it is out here. But there’s Kim, illuminated in neon green, hugging herself, Ron’s mission outfit layered over her sparkling blue dress (the dress’s fabric pushes out from the waist of the cargo pants). 
“How fucking long have you been following me?” Shego snaps. “Go away.”
Kim flinches. “I will if you want me to. And um, I don’t know, a while? I wanted to make sure you were safe… I guess I—I guess I messed up. Sorry.”
Shego falls back to the ground and grumbles. “You can get closer, it’s fine. You’re probably cold, huh?”
“Yeah,” Kim nods, sitting a full two feet away from Shego. “Ron explained it to me a little bit, he said that he thinks that kinda stuff too, about people making fun of him by pretending to like him. But that’s not… c-can I get closer?”
Shego groans and allows it. Kim scuttles over and slides in next to her, relaxing immediately. Even in this dumb outfit she must have thrown together in ten seconds, she’s still pretty cute. It’s the distress in her eyes. It’s becoming quickly apparent to Shego that she really screwed the pooch on this one, but she doesn’t know how to, like, own up to it.
“It’s my fault,” Kim continues. “I haven’t been direct with you at all because I’m nervous, and I can see how—”
“I’m sorry,” Shego says in a husky tone, and takes Kim’s hand very tentatively. This time she wants to appreciate Kim’s touch. “Shit, you’re freezing.”
Kim nods, and Shego notices how her teeth chatter. 
“Let me hold you for a second, I can warm you up enough so you can stomach getting out of here.”
Kim nods and slumps into Shego’s arms. They stay like this for a while, not saying anything.
“I know a place where we can go,” Kim mutters when she feels alright. “To talk.”
Bueno Nacho is definitely in disrepair after the Li’l Diablo bots were destroyed, but hey, the heating works. Kim slips out of the black turtleneck and sits in one of the booths, quiet. 
Shego sits across her, not really sure what to say. 
“Shego, I asked you to come to Prom with me because… I like you.”
Shego looks up. “Why?”
“ Why ?” Kim repeats. “I mean, you’re funny. You always seem like you’re in control of your life, you’re super smart probably. And I think—you’re fun.”
“Fun,” Shego repeats. “I don’t get it. How am I  fun ?”
“Well, whenever we fight, you have fun, I have fun, it’s a good time.”
Shego draws back. That’s true. She never fights Kim with the intention of destroying her, she just wants it to be a show. It’s really cool seeing the shit Kim can pull off when pushed to her limit and beyond. 
Shego clutches her elbows and looks away. “I like that when someone punches you down, you always get back up. I wish I could do that.”
Kim sighs. “You could get up right now?”
Shego snorts. “This is so dumb, we’re both sitting here, like,” her voice deepens into a typical dumb idiot impression. “ I like you because you have pretty hair, and I like you because you’re good at running , like what are we, ten years old?”
Kim giggles. There she is.
Shego looks back with a wry smile. “So you  like me?”
“Y-yes,” Kim flushes. 
Shego raises an eyebrow playfully, and purses her lips. “So do you  like  me or  like like me?”
“Um,” Kim’s cheeks glow even brighter. “I think I made it kinda obvious—”
Shego gets up with a burst of energy and takes Kim’s hand, pulling her out of her seat and catching her against her chest, Kim’s head bent up towards Shego who looks down. 
“Let’s dance, Princess.”
Prom is so fun the second go around. It’s Shego’s first time having fun at a party without needing to drink anything. Kim just has this energy that keeps her going. She dances so hard, and her moves are so sloppy it’s hilarious, but she just loves doing it. And Shego likes dancing with her and laughing along.
Ron even cuts in a few times, doing some really dumb nerd shit, like the Charleston. Usually, Shego would be pissed but like, it’s just fun. 
She only gets nervous when the slow dance music comes on. They both reach for the other’s lower back and blush. Kim moves her hand up and grabs onto Shego’s shoulder, squeezing in close to her as they slow spin around, guided by the sway of their hips. 
It’s impossible to ignore Kim now, she’s literally in her face, consuming her vision, and staring at her so dreamily. It’s maddening, and making her sweat. So Shego just goes for it, she moves in and kisses Kim so softly. It’s electric, it feels so good and—
Kim slips away after a few seconds and their foreheads slide together. 
“You alright?” Shego asks, a little concerned.  “I misread, I’m sorry, I—”
“I just need a second,” Kim takes in a very theatrical breath and looks back at Shego with light in her eyes. “It’s been a long night. Let’s keep going.”
Kim gently comes in and kisses Shego, again and again and again and it’s so unreal. Any minute now, it feels like Shego’s going to wake up, but the dream just keeps on going.
Ugh, so corny. Kim really brings that out in Shego.
When the song starts to fade and the lights flicker back on, Shego leans into Kim’s ear and whispers. “So my Dad is kind of in jail now? His mooks are probably mad at me, would it be okay if I crash with you?”
Shego waits on Kim’s bed while Kim meets with her parents downstairs. Kim figured that bringing a supervillain into the household might make things complicated. Apparently her Dad is like, super protective. So Shego busts in through the window and waits like Kate Winslet does in  Titanic , just with her clothes on. She feels like it’s a funny bit.
Five minutes later, Kim slips into the bedroom and shuts the door behind her, locking it, and gasping in relief before she even notices Shego. “You’re so precious..”
Kim rolls onto the bed besides her, voice dropping to a whisper. “This is going to be really complicated, isn’t it?”
Shego gives it a second, appreciating the concern on Kim’s face, how she bites her lip and her eyes brow knit together. Finally, she whispers back. “Whatever. We’ll make it work. Yo, do you have some jim jams I can borrow?”
“Yeah,” Kim gets off the bed and digs into one of her drawers, coming back out with some sweatpants and a tank top. She tosses them over in a neat pile. “Bathroom’s down the—oh right, you’re a stowaway. Um. We can just change in here I guess, uh, no peeking.”
A few minutes later they’re both wrapped up in bed together. Shego feels sort of cheated; Kim’s wearing this super cute flannel get-up that makes Shego want to start kissing her again, but no, definitely not in bed, and not  that yet. They need to take this slow.
“This is so surreal,” Kim says, lips just inches from Shego’s. “I… never thought you’d be here in my room like this, as my, um, girlfriend. I’m really happy, today was like,  so shitty. But somehow this was the best night of my life.”
Shego finds herself smiling like a dope and shakes it off fast, tickling Kim’s chin. “Better get used to it, Sunshine.”
Kim smiles and closes her eyes, nestling closer to Shego, one of her legs slipping between Shego’s, one of her hands intertwining with Shego’s somewhere. Her lips smack a few times and she dozes off so peacefully. 
Kim breathes so softly, and is just so cuddly. Shego always kinda knew Princess would be like this, but… it’s bizarre laying across her living it. This shouldn’t be happening. Shego was part of a scheme that night to break Kim’s soul. Regardless of what Kim will eventually say to justify it, Shego is accountable to that.
But she also earned this. She made Kim happy, and Kim feels  safe  around her. Well, Shego kinda feels safe around her too. She chances resting one of her arms around Kim’s back in a hug, and lays back, knees drawing in slowly as she dozes off. 
“You are such a gift,” Shego whispers.
And to her horror, Kim mumbles back with a manic yet cute grin. “I know. Still awake.”
“Oh. Uh. Heh heh. Heh. Great.”
“Shh,” Kim pulls Shego in and kisses her, noticeably restraining from going too hard. “Go to sleep… we’re okay… we’re safe with each other.”
And Shego believes that. She really does.
She rests easy that night, and many more.
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pieofdeath · 1 month
i emerge several hours later with the across the spiderverse liveblog. for people who don't want to read it: fantastic movie! all the different art styles were really cool! i miss noir a lot! I can't wait for the 3rd movie!!!
Incredible intro sequence, once again
I'm watching this one on my actual TV too
Oh I didn't say this with the first one but having the approved by the comics code authority stamp right before the movie is an incredible choice
!!! GWEN 💖
Is it a spider rule that you have to have been bit on your arm/hand
The INCREDIBLE drumming sequence 
Ok noted Gwen is from earth 65
Gwen, don't be mean to the drums :(
Band mates look fun!
Peter from her universe seems so nice!!!
page 1 break (this is the same document as the first movie's liveblog)
HOLY SHIT is Peter green goblin for Gwen???
“I just wanted to be special.” Said by PETER FUCKING PARKER IS FUCKING ME UP.
I'm getting all the compounded emotions from the first movie 
the doors closed and showing Spider-Woman and then opening and showing Gwen…
This voice talking is for Sure JJJ
Hey aren't y'all proud of me I knew that
Oh the caption said Jonah I'm not as cool :(
Her dad being a cop trying to hunt her down 
Wait in this universe Uncle Ben is alive :(
Gwens world has such a pretty art style. it's so colorful and painterly, it's absolutely gorgeous 
Gwen being cool colors in the warm toned kitchen… 
her hiding her suit in the drum is so cool
the music is so cool
Gwens world! Again! Gorgeous!!
Yuri! I know that name from the snapcube fandub :)
The deep voice she does for her dad 😭
what universe is he from 
The Renaissance man hating Jeff Koons and modern art is so funny!!! 
The vulture is animated in such a cool way
I hope we see a lil bit of Noir I miss him :(
Miguel having sketchy lines + shoulders is so cool
“will you adopt me?” “What?” “What?”
page 2 break
Is she married to Miguel?
Miguel 🤝 my spidersona/spiderman oc. Having big ol teeth 
I really need to talk about her
The running home of calling the universe glitching “banksy” 😭 y'all live in New York isn't he British!
The shot of Gwen holding her hands up trying to talk to her dad….
“How long have you been lying to me?” 
“Can you just not be a cop for a second, and be my dad here and listen to me?”
The background changing to be the mask…
Seriously Gwen's world is STUNNING and I can see why her costume looks like that now
New comic for the Pile! Miles Again!
Miles is from 1610… Got it…
hehe my blorbo is from 1910 :)
The parents waiting for miles :( 
Those cameras look like the fnaf cameras to me
The spot trying to get the money 😭
“I'm a scientist. Or, I was. I am. You've heard of alchemax. I used to work there.” IS THIS FUCKING BAGEL GUY!!! SAY IT'S THE BAGEL GUY.
I love Miles' art btw it's so good
JJJ!!!! hehe
“I don't dwell on it” while drawing so much art of Gwen. 
The additions to the Expectations graffiti of the other Spiders and Uncle Aaron (both Uncle and prowler edition)...
The dad trying to spell important and failing 😭
How he ended up catching Spot 😭
I'm so certain this is Bagel Guy 
“Spiderman, why did you create this guy?” 😭 Even when he doesn't know it's his son he's in dad mode
Miles trying to get his dad to Talk About His Emotions… I love that
“Maybe get off the kids ass…” “what?” “What?”
“You gotta let him spread his wings, man. Like this.” Thanks for that demonstration miles sjdfjdjakskg
page 3 break
Spot trapped in weird spot dimension
“Hypothesis. I'm going to put my head in that hole.” Not a hypothesis but carry on
LEGO WORLD!!!!!!!!!
literally obsessed with this
Are those kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh 
His dad was so excited to say he was grounded
The DJ looks fucking STRESSED 
what fucking incredible reality warping bullshit is happening in his room
Her name is Jess Drew!
If he doesn't tell his parents about Spider-Man I'm gonna cry
What weird things did she plant
the cute upside down sitting!!!!
Miles’ new suit looks really nice btw
“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman. And in every other universe, it doesn't end well.”
“There's a first time for everything, right?” ADORABLE
Gwen in casual wear is really cute
The conversation between Miles and his mom… it's fucking me up. I love them so much. I love these movies so much.
Him stripping down to the suit as he's going down the stairs 
Spot’s name is Dr Jonathan Ohnn… Noted. He looks rlly cool
The way the thought boxes look while he's invisible is so cool
The colorful glitching and reality warping is so cool
“This is where the traffic is, this is where the traffic is, this is where the traffic is and this is where the British stole all our stuff”
Pav shipping them so fucking hard 😭
page 4 break
“Markers are predicting an upcoming canon event” STARES DIRECTLY AT GAYATRI.
wait hold on. Canon event disrupted. One of them wasn't supposed to be okay.
Hobie is incredible btw. I love his animation in contrast to the other three.
I miss noir 
Pav’s suit is fantastic btw idk if I've said that
“What's that?” “It's a metaphor for capitalism” Hobie 😭
Oh there's other guys. I'm staring so directly. 
Fun fancy white spider. Pink spider. Spider with multiple arms. 
“I don't follow orders, neither does he.” “I'm invited to HQ? WOO!!!!” [Hobie looking so upset] 
so obsessed with Hobie and Miles already. They're buddies.
Miguel is from 928… 
Idk who Malala Windsor is but I love her. From 835 it looks like?
All the puns. Quipping is a spiderman constant 😭
Peter Parkedcar??? 
Is that spiderman from one of the games
That animation is distinctly different and reminds of stuff my faefriend has shown me
hold on was that a real ass human. 
did he just give himself a venom shot. what was that
Aww Miguel's daughter is so cute
“Just don't enlist till you know what war you're fighting” HOBIE!
“Spider-Verse…” “Spider-Verse… that sounds stupid” 😭
I didn't realize that it's police inspectors… That's so wild. 
Bro Miguel needs a hug
“If not for Uncle Ben, most of us wouldn't be here, Miles “ AUSHDJFJSMAMD…
page 5 break
is this like PS1 spiderman
“Kid, look at me-” “stop calling me that.” “There we go.” “Hobie, you're not helping.” “Good.”
“little man. Peter Pan. Palms.” 
Took a break here to go practice my clarinet before school starts up
Alright I'm back like an hour later
Hobie looks like he was drawn with poscas 
Ben reilly looks like a rob liefeld guy
Spider-Byte didn't stop him from being sent home… 
May blew a raspberry at Miguel 😭 smart baby
Earth 42 looks sick as hell
I love the reds and greens
Gwen and her dad 😭
“You're the best thing I've ever done” 
Hobie left a fun package! 
The montage of Miles swinging through the streets… 
First hint of noir I love him
it sounds like he's coming out as gay and you know what he is
Who's spiderman
I knew it was coming but damn
Oh Miles had braids in 42, I wanna see that
Oh my god what is 42-Miles mixed up in. 
page 6 break
His dad called her emo 😭
“He loves you more than you could ever imagine. I've seen it.”
Uncle Aaron is so menacing in this world
Prowler wears Nike airs 
Braids look fantastic
The difference in how 42-Miles and Miles are shaded is WONDERFUL 
I want to know who was supposed to be bit in 42 super bad. 
May dangling from the ceiling 😭 she's so adorable
HEAD IN HANDS I can't wait
Not going to lie from how much everyone talked about him when this came out I thought Hobie had more screen time
He's fantastic and I adore him 
I can't WAIT for beyond the spiderverse 
Skipping to see if there's an after-credits scene
Huh doesn't look like it. Absolutely wild. 
VERY good movie!!!!!
so in summary. good movie :) long but very good, it was FANTASTIC and I'm in love
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archivxx · 1 year
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Note: I will never leave any decision I make up to Nichole again. Today is truly the most embarrassing day of my life.
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It had been a whole two months since you had spoken with Pete. You kept in touch with him regularly and preparations for the event were coming along smoothly. In addition, Clyde would also be performing that night which means he would be coming with you.
Today was Monday which meant that you had briefing. However, unshockingly, you were running extremely late. Your feet felt as though they were going at one hundred miles an hour.
While waiting for the elevator you rocked back and forth of your feet as though that would make it come faster. When the door finally opened you got in and pressed the button multiple times in hopes it would make go. The door began to close when an oddly familiar well kept hand pushed the door open revealing the face of its owner, and your suspicions were correct, it was Nichole. She got in the elevator mumbling a “hi” then proceeding to press the button multiple times as you had done before.
You both stood there in a comfortable silence, praying to the Lord above that this elevator would move faster. When the doors finally dinged open you both shot out of there, run-walking to the conference room. Clearly you didn’t want to be late, that goes for either of you, but you were so you had to be nippy with things.
The room was packed, more full than it’s ever been. This was certainly questionable. You scanned the room quickly, your eyes landing on one familiar person. Clyde. Wait—
Clyde was at Monday briefing?
Pete was also here, stood at the front with the general business manager. In your two years working for this place not once had there been every single member at briefing, you were starting the thing it would never happen yet here you were, staring at the sea of people where were still settling down. Many, almost half, didn’t have seats.
“I think they made today mandatory.” Nichole said, “And I overheard some of the women saying that Thelman is a ‘known hottie.’” Nichole stared critically at him for a while. “I guess he’s cute. Though not nearly as cute as Tolkien.
You smiled. The air in the room was hot and humid, smelling like sweat and too many human beings. “I can’t believe we have to actually do this. This is probably a fire hazard and not even remotely relevant to our work.”
“It beats doing actual work.” She grabbed your wrist pulling you through the throng of people crowing the entrance. “Besides it’s looking this this guy is going to take you from me pretty soon.” She was joking, clearly, however she wasn’t entirely wrong, you had been spending a lot of time with Pete recently. “Consider my presence next to you as the equivalent of a father cleaning his rifle in front of his daughters boyfriend before prom.”
“Awee, daddy.”
Clearly you weren’t the only person who had noticed Clyde. Nichole jabbed a sharp elbow into your ribs. “Hey look, your mans there why don’t you go ask him for a seat.” Even though you could tell she was joking from the way she wiggled her eyebrows at you, you could also sense the seriousness in her voice. You felt yourself heat up. You could not go as sit on your fake-boyfriends lap. That would be insane. Then you remembered, to Nichole, he’s your real-boyfriend. Your reasoned that if you wanted this whole thing to be believable you probably should go and do as she suggested.
The idea was completely and utterly insane, why were you even considering it?
Your cheeks reddened again at the sheer idea. There’s no way on earth you’d do that. But then again—
Before you could even finish your rationalising, looked at him again knocking you off your train of thought completely. He was wearing his usual clothing and in deep conversation with Tweek Tweak, much to your shock, you’d never seen him here before either, nor had you pictured Clyde talking to him. Weird collab. When his eyes met yours, you grinned and waved at him. For some, yet unknown, reason that likely had something to do with their huge, ridiculous, unlikely secret.
“I can’t believe they didn’t move this to be in a bigger room. There’s not nearly enough space. Oh, no. No, no, no.”
You followed her gaze, a few new people has arrived. The crowd immediately started pushing you toward the front of the room. Nichole yelped when some guy who weighed about four times as much as she did stepped on her toe. “This is ridiculous.”
“I know. I can’t believe more people are—”
Your hip bumped against something—someone. You turned around to apologise and—it was Clyde. Or, Clydes shoulder. He was still chatting with Tweek who wore a displeased expression and was muttering, “Why are we even here?”
“Because he’s a friend.” Clyde said.
“Not my friend.”
Clyde sighed and turned to look at you.
“Hey—sorry.” You gestured in the direction of the entrance. “A bunch of new people just came in and apparently the space of this room is finite. I think it’s a low of physics or something.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’d take a step back, but…”
At the front, The general manager started introducing Pete.
“Here,” Clyde told you, making to stand from his chair. “Take my seat.”
“Oh.” It is as nice of him to offer. Not fake-dating-to-save-your-ass, spend-twenty-bucks-on-junk-food-for-you nice, but still very nice. You couldn’t possibly accept. Plus, Clyde was more prestigious than you, and was definitely older than you and all that. He did look fit but probably had a bum knee or something and was only a few years short of osteoporosis. “Thank you, but—”
“Actually that would be a terrible idea,” Nichole interjected. Her eyes were farting between you and Clyde. “No offence, Donovan, but your three time larger than our dear Y/N. If you stand the room is going to burst.”
Clyde stared at Nichole like he had no idea whether he’d just been insulted.
“But,” she continued, this time looking at you, “it’d be great if your could be me a solid and sit in your boyfriends lap, N/N.” She smirked at herself. This bitch. “Just so I don’t have to stand on my toes?”
You blinked. And then your blinked again. And then you blinked some more. At the front the general manager was introducing Pete—“he’s going to be with us for a while so I hope that you guys can welcome him.” But her voice felt as though it was coming from far far away. Possibly because you couldn’t stop thinking about what Nichole has proposed, which was…
“Nichole I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you mumbled under your breath, avoiding glancing in Clydes direction.
Nichole gave you a look. “Why? You’re taking up space we don’t have, and it’s only logical that you used Donovan as a chair. I would, but he’s your boyfriend.”
For a moment, you tried to imagine what Clyde would do if Nichole’s decided to sit on his lap, and figured it would probably end up involving someone being murdered and someone doing the murder—you weren’t sure who’d be doing what. The mental image was so ridiculous that you almost giggled out loud. Then you noticed the way Nichole was looking at your expectantly. “Nichole, I can’t.”
“Because this is Monday briefing.”
“Psh. Remember last year, when Wendy and Stan made out for the whole of the planning for the new album?”
“I do—and it was weird.”
“Nah, it wasn’t. Also Craig swears that during a talk we had to go to that he saw that tall guy, you know the one, getting a hand job from—”
“The point is, no one cares.” Nichole’s expression softened into a plea. “And this girls elbow is puncturing my right lung, and I have about thirty second of air left. Please, Y/N.”
You turned to face Clyde. Who was, very unsurprisingly, looking up at you with that nonexpression of his, the one that you couldn’t quite decipher. Except that his jaw was working, and you wondered if maybe that was it, the last straw. The moment he backed out of your arrangement. Because millions of dollars in a contract couldn’t be worth having some girl he barely knew sitting in his lap in the most crowded room in the history of crowded rooms.
Is this okay? Your tried to ask him with your eyes. Because maybe this is a little too much. Way more than saying hi to each other and having a cup of coffee together.
He gave you a brief nod, and then—you, it already your body, was stepping towards Clyde and gingerly sitting on his thigh. Your knees tucked between his spread leads. It was happening. It had happed already. You were here.
This. Yep, this.
This was your life now.
You were going to murder Nichole’s off this. Slowly. Maybe painfully, too. You were going to be jailed for bestfriendicide, and you were a-okay with it.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered to Clyde. He was so tall that your mouth was not quite level with his ear. You could smell him—the woodsiness of his shampoo, his body wash, and something underneath, dark and good and clean. It all felt familiar, and after a few seconds you realised that is was because of the last time you had been this close. Because of The Night. Because of the kiss. “So, so sorry.”
He didn’t immediately answer. His jaw tensed, and he looked in the direction of the general manager. Pete had long left and the manager was going her regular speech. On any regular day you would have payed attention, even gobbled it down, you enjoyed logistics and economics, but right now your just needed out. Of the talk. Of the room. Of your own life.
Then Clyde turned his face a little and told you, “it’s okay.” He sounded a bit strained. Like nothing about this situation was, in fact, okay.
“I’m sorry. I had no idea she would suggest this and I couldn’t think of a way to—”
“Sssh.” His arm slid around your waist, his hand coming to rest on your hip in a gesture that should have been unpleasant but just felt reassuring. His voice was low when he added, “it’s fine.” The words vibrated in your ear, rich and warm. “More material for my complaint.”
Shit. “God, I’m so sorry—”
You lifted your eyes to catch his and was shocked to find him…not smiling, but something like it.
“I was kidding. You weigh nothing. I don’t mind.”
“Ssh. Just focus on what they’re saying, they might say something important.”
Thus was just..seriously, this whole business, it was complete, utterly…
Comfortable. Clyde Donovans lap was one of the most comfortable places on earth as it turned out. He was warm and solid in a pleasant, soothing way. He didn’t seem to mid too much having you half draped over him. After a short while you realised the room truly was too full for anyone to be paying attention to you, except quick glances from Tweek Tweak, who studied Clyde for a long moment then smiled warmly at you before focusing on the the briefing. You stopped pretending to be angle to hold your spine upright for more than five minutes and just let yourself lean into Clyde’s torso, he didn’t any anything but angled himself a little, just to help your fit more comfortably.
Somewhere halfway through your realised your had been sliding down Clydes thigh. Or, to be fair, Clyde realised and lifted you up, straightening your in a fist quick pill that made your feel like your really didn’t weigh anything. Once you were stable again, he didn’t move his arm from where it was snaked around your waist. His cheeks curved ever so slightly.
You looked to the sides. “Has it been weight? Having to lie to Pete about us?”
Clyde seemed to think about it. “No.” His hesitated. “It looked like your friends are buying that we’re together.”
“I think so. I’m not exactly a convincing liar, and sometimes I worry that Nichole might f get suspicious. But I walked in on her and Tolkien making out in the kitchen the other day.
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After the talk, you considered staying to talk to Pete but decided the ass-kissing could wait. So you said goodbye to Clyde and waited for Nichole to wake up from her nap while contemplating sawing a dick on her face, then slowly headed with her to the recording booth.
When she finally woke up, you guys decided to go to get some food. You headed down into the lobby.
“So have a seminar to talk about BIPOC and Women in our industry, I’m also doing a few pop up events! And I wasn’t even the one who reached out first, it was the events that reached out to me.”
“Nichole, this is amazing. You are amazing.”
“I know.” Nichole’s winked, sliding her arm through yours. “What’s going on there?”
You squinted against the sun. The parking lot of the building was jammed with traffic. People blowing their horns and getting out of their cars, trying to figure out the source of the holdup. You and Nichole walked around a line of vehicles stuck in the lot, until your ran into a ground of people.
“Someone battery died, and it’s locking the exit line.” Someone, you weren’t sure who, said, some rolling their eyes some bounding impatiently on their feet. One pointed at a red truck stuck sideways in the most inconvenient turn.
You recognised it as Em’s, the receptionist.
“I pitch tomorrow—i need to go home to prepare. And why the fuck is Em just stood there leisurely talking with Donovan? Do they want us to bring them tea and cucumber sandwiches?”
You looked around, searching for Clydes tall frame.
“Oh yeah. There’s Donovan,” Nichole said. You looked back where she was pointing, just in time to see Em get back behind the wheel and Clyde jogging around the truck.
“What is he—” was all you managed to say, before he came to a stop, put his hands on the back of the truck in neutral and started…
His shoulders strained his Henley. The firm muscles of his upper back visibly shifted and tended under the black fabric as he Ben forward and rolled several tons of truck across…quite a bit of distance into the closest empty parking space.
There was some applause and whistling from bystanders when the truck was out of the way, and a coup of peoples clapped him on the shouted as the line of cars started moving out of the lot.
“Fucking finally,” you heard one of them say from being you, and you stood there, blinking, a little shocked. Has you hallucinated it? Has Clyde really just pushed a giant truck all by himself? Was he an alien from planet Krypton who moonlighted as a superhero?
“N/N go give him a kiss.”
You whirled around, abruptly reminded of Nichole’s existence. “What? No. No. I’m good. I just said goodbye to him a minute ago and—”
“N/N why don’t you want to kiss your boyfriend?”
Ugh. “I…it’s not that I don’t want to. I just—”
“Dude, he just moved a truck. By himself. On uphill ground. He deserves a damn kiss.” Nichole’s shoved you and made a shooting motion.
You clenched your teeth and headed in Clydes direction. Wishing you’d gone ahead and drawn twenty dicks all over Nichole’s face. Maybe she did suspect that you were fake your relationship with Clyde. Or maybe she just got a kick out of pressuring you into PDA’ing, that ingrate. Either way, if this was why one got for masterminding and intricate fake-dating scheme that was supposed to benefit a friends love life, then maybe—
You halted abruptly.
Clydes head was bent forward, brown hair covering his forehead as he wiped the sweat from his eyes with the hem of his shirt. It left a broad strip of flesh visible on his torso, and—it was nothing indecent, really, nothing unusual, just some fist guys midriff, but for some reason you could help staring at Clyde Donovan’s uncovered skin like it was a slab of Italian marble and—
“Y/N?” He said, and you immediately averted your eyes. Crap, he’d totally caught your staring. First you’d forced him to kiss you, now your were ogling him like some perv in the parking lot and—
“Did you need anything?”
“No I…” you felt your cheeks go crimson.
His skin, too, was flushed from the effort of pushing, and his eyes were bright and clear, and he seemed…well, at least he didn’t seem unhappy to see you.
“Nichole sent me to give you a kiss.”
He froze half way through wiping his hands on his shirt. And then his said. “Ah.” In his usual natural, unreadable tone.
“Because you move the truck. I—I know how ridiculous that sounds. I know. But I didn’t want her to get suspicious, and there are workers here too maybe they’ll tell the chair and it will be two birds with one stone and I can leave if you—”
“It’s okay, Y/N. Breathe.”
Right. Yes. Good suggestion. You did breath and the action made you realise you hadn’t done that in a while which in turn made you smile up at Clyde—who did his mouth twitch thing back at you. You were really starting to get used to him. To his size, his distinctive way of being in the same space as you.
You squirmed. “So…should we hug or something?”
“Oh.” Clyde looks at his hands and down at himself. “I don’t think you want to do that. I’m pretty gross.”
Before you could stop yourself you studied him from head to toe, taking in his body, his broad shoulders the way his air was curling around his ears. He didn’t look gross. Not even to you, who was usually not a fan of dudes or dating or any of this.
Not gross.
“Should we just kiss?” You widened your eyes, you’d clearly caught him off guard too, you could tell by the way his expression tightened ever so slightly.
“If you think that…if your friend is watching.”
“Yeah.” You swallowed. “But we don’t have to.”
“I know.”
“Unless you don’t want to.” Your palms felt Dan and clammy so you surreptitiously wiped them on your jeans. “And by “want to” I mean if you rubs its a good idea.” It was so not a good idea. It was a horrible idea. Like all your ideas.
“Right.” He looked past you and toward Nichole who was probably in the middle of being an entire Instagram Story on you. Or live tweeting this whole event. “Okay, then.”
He stepped a little closer, and really, he was not gross. How someone this sweaty, someone who’s just pushed a truck, still managed to smell good was a topic worth of a Ph.D dissertation for sure. Earths finest scientist should have been hard at work on this.
“Why don’t I…” you inched into him slightly, and after letting your hand hover from a. Moment your rested it in Clyde’s shoulder. You pushed yourself up in your toes angling your head up toward him. It helped very little, as your were still not tall enough to reach his mouth, so you tried to get more leverage by tipping your hand on his arm, and immediately realised you were basically using him. Which was the exact things he asked you not to do a second ago. Crap.
“Sorry, too close? I didn’t mean to—”
You would have finished the sentence if he hadn’t closed the distance between then and just—kissed you. Just like that.
You had kissed. You had kissed—twice now. Twice. Not that it mattered no one cared. But twice. Plus the lap. Earlier today. Again not that it mattered.
“I’ll see you around right? Next week?”
He lifted his fingers to his lips, then let his arm drop his side. “Yes. On Thursday.”
It was Monday now. Which meant you were going to see each other in 3 days. Which was fine, no matter when or how often you met— “yep see you Thurs—Hey, what about the picnic?”
“The—oh.” Clyde rolled his eyes looking a little more like himself. “Right. That fu—” he stopped short. “That picnic.”
You grinned. “It’s tomorrow.”
He sighed. “I know.”
“You’re still going?”
He gave you a look that clearly stated; it not like I have a choice even thought I’d rather had my nails extracted one by one. With pliers.
You laughed. “Well. I’m going, too.”
“At least there’s that.”
“Are you taking Pete?”
“Probably. He actually likes people.”
“Okay. I can kiss ass a little bit. And you and I can show off how dearly and committed we are to the chair. You’ll look like a wingless bird. No flight risk whatsoever”
“Perfect. I’ll bring a counterfeit marriage license to casually drop at his feet.”
You laughed and waved goodbye then jogged up to Nichole.
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To read now: [0.10-extra]
Taglist: @h3artilly @bootsieboo @southparktegreity @ryenwritess @lacunaanonymoused
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localwebslingers · 7 months
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There's a new verse going up! I'm doing the announcement and headcanon post in one for this one, so don't expect to see many posts going forward. Why? Because I'm doing this verse by request ONLY.
What does that mean? It means this verse isn't going to get starter calls, or have open starters posted for it. You seriously have to tell me you want me to answer with this AU, or that you want a starter from it, or it's not happening. That's not because I like it less, it's not because I don't want to do it either. It's because I think only a small group of people would even be interested in it in the first place and I don't want to disappoint myself throwing out lines with no bites.
If that changes and you all just eat it up? I'll look at making it generally available.
New Verse: "A Trick of the Light" (earth-65)
Currently affectionatly being called "earth-64" by me. This is going to be pulling from the comics, the spider-verse films, and headcanons. Just like all the other verses here. If you ahve any questions, please ask! So, let's talk about those headcanons...
PLEASE NOTE: this verse is going to deal with the topics of bullying, depression, and severe head injuries. If you cannot handle those topics, you'll want to stay clear.
At the last second, Peter backed out of injecting himself with the lizard serum he made. Feeling defeated, he met with Conners and confided in his teacher some of his problems, along with nearly using it on himself, before leaving the serum there and going home. At senior prom, Peter tried to brush off Harry's concerns after some of the usual bullies tracked him down before the first screams came from the gym. When he looked to see what was happening, he saw a lizard monster lashing out at students, and moments later Spider-Woman fighting it back.
Instead of dying, Peter still tried to get Spider-Woman to stop, but to stop fighting who he knew had to be Conners, as the last person to be around the lizard serum. Wanting to try and talk his teacher back down again. She didn't listen.
During the fight, part of the gym collapsed and Peter was caught under the falling debris, sustaining multiple injuries including severe head trauma. He was rushed to the hospital and was in and out of consciousness for a few days, then spent most of the next month in the hospital recovering. He barely remembers prom night and has no real memory of the week following the accident.
As a direct result of the head trauma, Peter has poor impulse control for his actions, mood swings mirroring those seen in bipolar II patients, severe headaches, can be easily confused or lose track of what's happening if multiple things are going on at once, and is even more drawn in to himself. He was in therapy for six months to try and help him cope and learn skills to help himself with these changes. The cost of the appointments on top of the hospital bills drove him to stop going, after promising his aunt and uncle he would keep up with his medications and let them know if he thought he needed to go back.
Peter is on a mood stabilizer and a painkiller (as needed) to help manage the worst of the side effects.
Jameson still uses what happened to Peter as his soap box for why Spider-Woman should be stopped. He hates it.
If anyone asks Peter if he blames Spider-Woman for what happened to him, every time he tells them no. That it was an accident and she shouldn't be blamed for something she couldn't have stopped. And yes, he still looks up to her and sees her as a hero thanks for asking.
Peter knows Gwen is Spider-Woman, he told her so when he was in the hospital.
Due to years of severe bullying, Peter suffered from depression long before the accident. It wasn't diagnosed and treated, and recognized as something he had before the injury, until he was first in therapy.
After graduating high school, Peter enrolled in ESU. He's currently majoring in both biochemistry and photography.
Whenever The Mary Janes perform, Peter goes to the shows to both support his best friend and take pictures. Any shots he gets that are good, he lets the band have to use for social media, posters, whatever they want. He's never charged them for it.
S.I.L.K still obtains the lizard serum and experiments with it, Peter is horrified when he finds out about it. He's unsure if anyone from the group knows he's the one who made it or if they assume Conners did.
Peter knows how to make a cure for the lizard serum(did anyone asked him about it? No, no of course they didn't)
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milkywaygg · 1 year
The Cosmas REVAMP Chapter 7
“Damn, your mom is fucking crazy.”, Nora complained, as the two walked down the pathway, digging through her pockets for her wand.
“Well, I’ve gotten used to be to be honest.”, Linnie laughed nervously, tugging slightly on his sweater collar, “She doesn’t really like it when I go out by myself, unless it’s for school or babysitting in the neighborhood.”
“Why not? You don’t go to clubs or parties or anything?”
“Oh goodness no. That’s more of Daisy’s thing. I just find them way too noisy, and I get kind of uncomfortable during them.”
“Lame ass.”, Nora muttered, just barely loud enough for Linnie to hear her.
“I’m sorry?”
“I’m just saying, you’re only in high school once. I don’t understand why you waste it watching other people’s brats..Ugh! Where is that damn wand??”
“Well..I-I guess I just like to..um…you know, It’s always been a dream of mine to raise a family of my own, and I do think the babysitting gives me practice with that. Plus, it’s good money on the side.”
“Uh huh…”, Nora muttered, no sign of her wand, “Shit…I think I left my wand back at the house. Can you poof us there?”
“I don’t have a license.”
“Of fucking course..”, Nora sighed a rather annoyed sigh, making Linnie squirm almost apologetically. They stood around silently for a moment until suddenly, a small smirk grew on Nora’s face.
“You know what, forget prom. You want to have some real fun?”, Nora asked, her fingers riding up and down Linnie’s jacket, “There’s this bar down the street from where I used to live. They don’t ID.”
“They don’t ID? Isn’t that illegal? How are they still in business.”
“Meh..owner must have figured that they’d attract more customers.”, Nora shrugged, “The signs say they ID, but judging by some of the customers I’ve seen, I seriously doubt they actually do.”
“B-But wouldn’t we get in serious trouble? What if they did ID us, and we go to jail? A-and alcohol isn’t something I’m very fond of.”, Linnie complained. Nora rolled her eyes at him.
“Ok seriously? Quit being chicken shit. You’re ruining my night out.”, Nora groaned, “In case you just so happened to forget, I’m your guest. I didn’t HAVE to agree to take you to prom, and I did, despite everything that I’ve been through and all…you know, having an abusive mother has taken such a toll on me..I figured it’d be nice to get some drinks. But since you’re so insistent, I guess I could go without. I could just go to bed and replay all those thoughts instead.”
“Oh Nora, no no! I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to be so rude! I’m really sorry.”, Linnie said with a rather high pitched voice, bending his knees slightly to match her height, “Um..I guess one night is fine if that’s what you want. I’m sorry Nora. I-I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“Good. I’ll lead the way. Might wanna have that taser handy.”
As they made their way towards Nora’s old neighborhood, Linnie hugged himself tighter, grateful that his mother had reminded him about his taser and pepperspray. They were groups of sketchy looking fairies that looked up and down at Linnie as if he were fresh meet, while other hung around the outside of shops and graffiti covered walls, smoking cigarettes and cigars. They turned a dimly lit corner and continued to float until they saw a neon-green, 4 leaf clover sign illuminated towards the end of the block.
“Just down ahead, Lin!”, Nora cheered, “They’ve got some really good beer. I tried a cup on my way home one evening, but I think they’ve got some wines if that’s what you’re into.”
“Nora please, I-I would really rather just a soda or some water.”
“Well, what’s the damn point of going to a bar if you’re not going to drink, huh?”, Nora yelled suddenly, making Linnie cringe with fear, “Do you WANT tonight to be a disaster for me? After all I’ve been through with my mother?”
“N-n-no please Nora! I’m sorry! I-I’ll get something. I promise. I’m sorry, I know you want tonight to be special.”
“Damn straight, and don’t you forget it! I don’t think I’m the one being unreasonable here, Linnie!”, Nora yelled, grabbing Linnie’s hand tightly as the two entered the bar. The room was filled with endless chatting and loud, rude laughs, while illuminating itself it a harsh, yellow light. Luckily for them, they were able to find two front-row seats near the stained bar, despite being close to happy hour. Stella, a blond haired fairy with wrinkles and tan skin, smiled at the two newcomers.
“Hey there. What can I get out.”
“Gimmie this whiskey on the rocks.”, Nora said, looking at the drink menu, “Feeling adventurous tonight.
“Excellent, and what about you, darling. Oooh.”, Stella looked up and down at Linnie, “Aren’t you just the prettiest thing? What’s a guy like you doing in a shit hole like this?”
“Aye! Back off! He’s with me.”, Nora snapped, Stella backing off with her hands up in the hair, “What do you want Linnie?”
“Um…I guess just some red wine please. Thank you.”, Linnie said softly, grabbing his bag out, “Um…Did we need to bring some IDS or…”
“Linnie! SHUSH!”, Nora said between her teeth. Luckily, it went unnoticed by Stella, who merely smiled at Linnie.
“Don’t worry darling. I’m sure you guys are fine. I’ll bring them right out.”, she said, winking at him before she left. Linnie continued to look around at his surroundings, feeling very much out of place, until he felt a sharp, vibration from his pants pocket. He took out his phone and read the message that Daisy had sent:
Linnie? Are you ok? Where u at? Thought u were gonna meet us there?
You were supposed to bring me with you, remember? That’s what mom wanted.
Oh…shit yea. That’d explain why she was yelling where I left LOL. Prob gonna be so grounded. But seriously where are you? Can’t seem to find you anywhere.
I’m with Nora right now.
That doesn’t answer my question. Where.Are.You?
Before Linnie could answer, the drinks were placed in front of them, and Nora nudged him to put the phone away.
“She’ll be alright. I’ll have you home by midnight.”, Nora said, taking a swig of her drink as she grabbed her phone out, pulling out Daisy’s number, “Don’t worry I got this.”
Hey. This is Nora. Linnie and I decided to hang out at the house for the evening. We were both just kinda tired from exams and everything, so figured we’d chill out at home.
Little did Nora know, Linnie really couldn’t handle his liquor. After the first round of drinks, Nora watched as Linnie swayed slowly in his seat; his nervous nature now subdued with a goofy smile, looking at Nora with a somewhat loving glance.
“Your hair…Your hair kinda looks like ice cream hahaha.”, Linnie laughed, squeaking out a hiccup, “Oh! Excuse me! Oh..I need the restroom. Excuse me.”
Nora tried to keep her laughter in as Linnie wobbled around towards the men’s room, nearly losing his balance when the floor turned from the lobby’s wood to the bathroom’s tiles. Swallowing down the rest of her whiskey, she ordered a second round of drinks and waited for Linnie to get back, still with his goofy grin, and his hair all frizzed out; his face blushing, and his glasses askew.
“I-Nora…you’re really hot.”, Linnie purred, moving himself closer to Nora as he sipped on the second wine glass, “Would it be ok if I…”
Suddenly, Nora pulled Linnie into a kiss, pressing her hands onto his shoulders to help him keep balance. They rubbed their arms around their waists and bodies as the couple got up from their seats; Nora throwing money onto the counter. Nora pushed Linnie out to the floor first and grabbed him, dragging him to a dark, more private corner in the alley in which they couldn’t be seen. Linnie laughed and giggled as Nora kept kissing him, making sure his taser and pepperspray were nowhere close to her as she got closer, kissing as the darkness engulfed them..
It wasn’t but the weekend after that trouble started to brew. Linnie had passed out after puking during one of their final exams, and his mind couldn’t help but flood itself with memories of that faithful night with Nora.
Oh goodness oh goodness…ugh, my stomach is killing me…and my period should have been a few days ago…wait, did Nora? Wait…no she couldn’t have. Could she?
Keeping all of this in mind, Linnie made a pit stop after school and bought one of the pregnancy tests near the men’s section, sneaking it into the backpack so that no one would see him with it. Locking himself in the bathroom, he watched nervously as the pink heart that represented positive stared at Linnie as if he had a giant black dot on his forehead.
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😭😭😭😭💔❤️ ISAAAAAAC 😭 MY BOYYY <3333 HE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS ❤️❤️😭 I LOVE HIM!! I hope that art piece helped though :')). Also poor James 😭 xd. But hey at least he's supportive (though the way I was like :'O and then he said "you just haven't found the right person yet" and I went -.- xD. Except a little more like sigh raise eyebrow with a bit of a smile bc :/ you were so close xDD). But seriously Isaac 😭😭❤️❤️ my guy. I love him. I hope he figures it out soon :( :')) <3333.
TAO AND ELLLLLE!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH :'DDD. The GROWTH from Tao, can we talk about that?!!! He :D! I mean he was definitely thrown off at first but that's okay :')). Then he was supportive and lovely and your honor I love him 😭. And ELLE!! OUR GIRL GOT ACCEPTED :D!!! AND HAD HER ART DISPLAYED!! HECK YEAH GIRL :DDD!! AND ALSO THE ART WAS T H E M I'M NOT OKAY 😭😭❤️❤️🥰.
Also, everyone else at that exhibition: :D- YOO those are the people!!
(like the ones in the picture lol)
Anyway I love them your honor thank you <3 xD
Also gosh that DINNER. Was (yes that period's on purpose I'm making it clear it's not "that dinner was", but just "it was" without the it) the most awkward thing I've ever seen xD. I mean not really but it was pretty bad xD.
Just imagining though lol like,
Nick: I don't care what you think
Charlie's parents: *trying to look as far away as they can*
Nick's mom: You don't have a right!
Charlie's parents: wow yeah this for is really good huh, yeah. . .
XDD I just can't lol
Anyway xD!
Also Tori GO. OFF!! The grab of David's arm and the kick of his phone xD, girl SLAY!!! We love her so much in this house 🥰🥰🥰. Also her and Charlie playing video games was really sweet :'DD
Anyway I am sorry your dad and brother suck Nick <333
I do hate your brother though so there's that 🥰🥰 punched the bed repeatedly during the dinner scene and of course whisper screamed my head off <33
And AAAAHHHHHHH Charlie not eating much :')) I noticed I during the meal and then the brought it UP too 😭😭💔. Help I'm not okay <333. We can get through this :')). Me and them xdd. Them all, surrounding this, lol.
Also Nick looking up eating disorders 😭😭😭💔❤️❤️ it broke me but it was really sweet <33 he's worried about Charlie :'(( (kinda the reason for the sweet and kinda a separate statement, it's also sweet for like trying to understand reasons and whatnot)
And AAAHHHHHH NICK AND CHARLIE ARE GOING TO PROM TOGETHER :DDD listen I love them so much <333 and all of the so much :D!!
Also Imogen so sorry you're still the token straight xD but slay for you Sahar :D
Y'all as soon as I saw the purple stuff around the door I died :') help I'm not okay <333 but more importantly help Darcy :((( worry about her before me D':
Gotta say though her outfit slays so hard and AAHHHH everybody helping to pay for it :'DDD <333 I love them all so much. Also her and Tara were being ADORABLE!! And Tara's mom was hilarious in that first scene lol xD mood.
Anyway AAAHHHHHHHH MY POOR GIRL 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔❤️. I really hope she's okay (I mean as okay as she can be) :((( ik there's other stuff but whatever honey my love go to Tara's <333
My poor babey 😭💔❤️
Anyway, amaaazing episode, I love them all so much <3333 🥰🥰❤️ I'm also not ready for the next episode :')) 😭
And awww, the last episode 😭😭❤️💔. This was the second to last episode :'(( :')). Should I have split it into two days to savor it more? Maybe. Did I? Absolutely not lol. Anyway, this season is so good and I'm gonna miss I so much xdd <3. Immediately lol. Especially if there's a cliffhanger or something (which I feel like I might've seen someone mention but it was just a glimpse so they may have been talking about another episode lol).
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Barely Lethal (2015)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
From its title to the mid-credit stinger that promises a sequel, every aspect of Barely Lethal is a bad call. I know in 2015 Hailee Steinfeld was 19 years old but she plays a 16-year-old here. Why would you evoke memories of those creepy dudes who set up a countdown clock to the Olsen twins’ 18th birthday? This film is too dumb for adults and no good for kids, which means it’s for… no one.
The government-run Prescott Academy trains little girls to be professional assassins under the tutelage of Hardman (Samuel L. Jackson). Agent 83 (Steinfeld) is his top student but she yearns for a normal life. After capturing arms dealer Victoria Knox (Jessica Alba), 83 fakes her death and begins a new life as Megan Walsh, a regular teenager going through an exchange program at the Larson family home.
Grown-ups will inundate the film with questions it cannot answer. What are the moral and legal ramifications of training minors to kill government targets? If Megan faked her death and is trying to live a normal life, why does she keep all her spy gadgets… and where does she store them? We’ve seen her go undercover as an inconspicuous-looking teenager and her job is to blend in, so why does she act like she’s never seen a human being before once she leaves the assassin life? You’re not supposed to think while watching this movie, which is bad news for anyone over the age of 12 who might’ve been drawn by the impressive cast. Ok, Sam Jackson’s been in a lot of dodgy movies and Jessica Alba’s name doesn’t mean much unless she’s in Sin City, Dan Fogler's always a bit of a Jack Black knockoff (and his part feels like it was edited down) but Steinfeld’s a bankable star! Actually, she’s good here too, considering how shoddy her material is.
As soon as Megan walks into her school, you’ve got most of the movie figured out. She’s immediately drawn to Cash Fenton (Toby Sebastian, looking a lot like Harry Styles) but connects on a more personal level with geeky Roger (Thomas Mann). Her foster sister Liz (Dove Cameron) wants nothing to do with Megan. If I tell you the movie ends with everyone going to prom, am I spoiling anything? You can foresee the whole thing early on - except when the movie drops the ball. You won’t predict the creepy way Mr. Drumm (Fogler) fawns over Cash, the story arc they give to the school douche-bro-pervert Gooch (Gabriel Basso) or how little time we spend on the love triangle. The way Megan makes her ultimate choice on the big night seems so shallow it makes you wonder if writer John D’Arco and director Kyle Newman were paying attention or if either of them attended high school. I have to assume they didn’t. How else do you explain the school year’s very first biology class featuring frog dissections?
At times, Barely Lethal feels like a failed parody. It wants to be funny and can’t expect us to take this story seriously, can it? The execution is just so dreadful you keep waiting for someone to tell you they’re doing it intentionally. The film wants to have it too many different ways and fails at appealing to any audience. (June 12, 2020)
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e6 our little world (w. robert berens)
crowley is stronger than amara? okie doke. so does cas's janky wing situation mean he still can't zap around? (presumably to add tension or whatever not being able to teleport over to save the day etc). anyway.
always interesting when they choose to have someone be traumatized by the traumatic things they've done/had done to them. this surely isn't the first time cas has beaten dean up, or killed a bunch of people/angels.
remember the days when i grumped about them not even acknowledging the mystery spot trauma for sam? well, i still grump about it. but now that's like a drop in the flood of traumatic experiences that get passed over.
anyway. we'll see how they do this ptsd/agorophobia situation.
too many plotlines/characters ugh. rowena in the wind, metatron popping up, cas doing whatever, crowley trying to control amara, amara out there partially eating people. a good chunk of why 11x04 was good for me was there wasn't all this bullshit going on :p
at least sam and dean know about amara and crowley now.
SAM No, no, no. Dean, wait. We can exorcise him. DEAN What? SAM Save his meat suit.
look at that, they remembered! :p also feels like the perennial excuse for not having to exorcise people is demons are all running around in dead bodies they're keeping alive. they're all dead anyway, huzzah, stab away
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SAM Wouldn't it be smarter to keep her in Hell? DEAN Yeah, but then he'd have to spend more time there, and he hates that place. SAM Oh, right. I keep forgetting about you and Crowley's summer of love.
lol it needed to be said! bring that bitchy energy, sam. i'd seen gifs of that, definitely requires one to capture the vibe
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unfortunate hair styling choices. 90s prom? beauty pageant? weird.
SAM No, that's not what I meant. We're going in to kill Amara. Are you ready for that? DEAN Why wouldn't I be? SAM Because we don't know the first thing about her, Dean. We don't know her powers. We don't know how to take her down. Hell, you know what? We don't even know if she can be killed. DEAN I know. But she's too big of a threat to wait. I say we go in there and we hit her with everything we got.
maybe i'm a doofus but i didn't consider until now that dean is trying to get to amara for other reasons? blugh. cat'll be out of the bag though if sam's around when they find her though surely. i'm tiiiired
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haha take that credit, bro (honestly i can't even remember)
he has a fine actor but i am *so tired* of metatron. i hope he gets taken out of the equation sooner rather than later. i guess the opportunity to beat the shit out of him fixed cas's mental health situation. tada.
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remind us of demon!dean days so we'll remember the context of the voicemail :p cute nonetheless. oh i bet that's in the recap too. i dunno why netflix doesn't have the beginning of the episode recaps anymore, started in s10. scrimp on music licensing?
OF COURSE they have to split up and just dean is going to amara.
CROWLEY Do you know how disturbing it was to realize that I couldn't bring myself to kill you? I've had tons of chances over the years, some you don't even know about, but, still... I made my peace with it, embraced my softer side, learned to accept that there was just too much going on between you and I–bromance.
not sure why dean looks surprised by that but ok
CROWLEY But you know what? I think I am gonna kill you today. I feel different somehow, ready. What can I say? Fatherhood changes a man.
feel like that was just a setup so amara could show her ~bond~ to dean (oh actually this is dredging up vague memories of a fic i read a long time ago, hmmm ok. chance to pick sam over amara). anyway point i was thinking about was wondering if they'd ever have crowley seriously try to kill dean at any point going forward
right, sammy's gotta save these rando demon guards meatsuits, hope they're not just walking corpses
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think you need to be lookin the other direction, sam
for whatever it's worth, jackles did a good job looking vulnerable with amara being creepy
CASTIEL You said you were close. Dean, how'd she get away? DEAN I'm sorry, what part of "God's freaking sister" did you not understand? She overpowered me -- end of story.
i'm just so tired of it because it's happened so many times. we just did this last season. and before that and before that. i'm exhausted. you make the brothers and their relationship the lynchpin of the show, and then you have them do this over and over and over. like, so tired and frustrated it made me cry a little bit. just like. COME FUCKING ON. not like we're lacking for conflict or plot. i can't appreciate if it's better executed this time (compared to i dunno, stabbing jewel staite) because i'm so FUCKING sick of this. maybe if this went down several seasons ago, i could appreciate it more.
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i appreciate they made the cage aesthetic here like the little tiny glimpse we got of dean in hell. again wondering if sam didn't remember the cage after he got his hallucifer stuff fixed. i assumed he did. sure makes a different in characterization if he's not toting around x amount of years of torture like dean.
abrupt segue into girl you'll be a woman soon. can't really hear that song without thinking of pulp fiction. this is me just realizing it wasn't the neil diamond version in the movie?? it's urge overkill lol (also the version used in the episode). wild
and update on what the baby episode did to my brain, i was listening to the guitar man and getting weepy and thinking how that totally could be a j2 edit/fic/something song lolsob ridiculous
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