#I might be done in time lol
thecandywrites · 1 year
Monster March 2023 Day 31- Satyr. Part 3 Finalle
Too Perfect
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At long last. I'm done. This is it. The last part to the last story of the last prompt for Monster March...in June. When I started on these back in January. So only...6 months to do 31 stories. For an average of 5 stories a month, when I started Monster March 10 days ahead. Life threw me several curve balls and killed off several people in my life in that time. We are officially up to 20 deaths in the last 26 months alone. I'm getting real sick of people just up and dying on me. My husband's grandmother's funeral is tomorrow and he will have officially won the race that was two years in the making. He lost all of his grandparents before I did. And he started this with more of them than I did. And it was not a race either of us really wanted to run in, let alone win. But, here we are.
As always, all the thanks to @borealwrites for their unbelievable support and patience as I work away at this. I appreciate you so much. This is what has gotten me through all of that loss. And while part of me is relieved I finally finished it. I kind of miss it already. Oh well, there's always Monster March 2024 right? It's only 9 months away lol! I should probably start now, I might be done on time for that one. Lol.
Too Perfect
Thankfully, the sheep decided to start lambing the day that Marie came. Trip was relieved that Marie was more than ready and willing to help, even though Trip tried to warn her that not every lamb would make it but that there were tricks to try to help each lamb have a chance to make it, but if any lamb was born with deformities that would mean their lives would be lived in pain, suffering and agony, that it was the kind thing to simply, humanely euthanize them to keep them from suffering and to keep the mothers from being in distress either. Which, Marie completely understood and agreed with. 
Trip expected Marie to cry with every lamb born who wasn’t born alive. But instead, she simply treated the bodies with care and respect, but focused on the lambs who were alive and helped him save as many as possible and learned how to help other mothers who had already lost their lambs, adopt and surrogate others who had had too many. And they barely had time to eat a sandwich or anything before it was just nonstop lambs all day. But Trip was so happy and grateful for the help, and felt like the reason he got to save as many lambs as he did, was because Marie was a quick learner and was able to do more and more on her own once she learned how to do each part of the process. And by the afternoon, he had made her- her own lambing case so that they could work independently. And by the evening, they were exhausted but had done so much. 
“Ow, ow, ow.” Marie whimpered as she made her way over to his house where he had a dinner waiting for them in a crock pot once she washed her hands and got to clean up a bit before she eased down into a chair at the kitchen table but was happy and grateful to eat the best pork and beans she had ever had, with huge hunks of smoked pork shank. 
“This is so good.” She praised as she felt like she inhaled it as she was delighted when she got to have a whole shank to herself in the large bowl. 
“Thanks. I tried. And thank you so much for helping me today. I wouldn’t have been able to save half those lambs without you there helping me. I really appreciate it. I owe you big time.” 
“What counts as “big time”?” Marie asked in amusement. 
“I…whatever you want it to mean.” He stuttered in answer. 
“Mmhmm.” Marie hummed before she continued to dig into her pork and beans but didn’t say anything more about it. And after she got done with dinner, she went back out to the lambing barn to check to see if any other mama’s had gone into labor and was still checking up on the other moms who had lambed that day before she saw another mom go into labor and helped her through that birth as Trip did the same with two others. And when Trip looked up. He saw Marie, asleep, holding a lamb, leaning against a mom and had tried bottle feeding the lamb but had fallen asleep with the lamb in her arms as the others were happy to get loved on from mom. 
“Marie?” Trip asked but she didn’t move before he got into the trough and reached over to gently put his hand onto her shoulder. 
“Marie?” He tried to gently wake her up, but she was out cold. 
“Honey?” He murmured softly before she finally managed to wake up enough. 
“Oh, hey, yeah, she…she did great. She should be able to handle three.” Marie sleepily offered before she managed to gently move the lamb to nestle next to the mom before Trip helped get her to her feet and gently helped her out of the pen. 
But to his surprise, he woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked and got up to see Marie dressed in his sister’s clothes, but looking practically perfect in his kitchen, her long, still damp hair hanging around her shoulders as she seemed right at home in his kitchen and was making a proper breakfast feast. 
“I have a spare bedroom you could stay in, I don’t want you driving home if you’re this tired.”
“That would be…perfect. Thank you.” She tiredly offered before she went back into the house and managed to get up to the spare bedroom and only could strip out of her clothes and collapse into the bed before Trip went to check on her and noticed she barely had any covers pulled up before he put another over her, plugged her phone in and turned out the lights and went ahead and gently got into the dresser to get his sister’s spare clothes when she and her family would come and stay since her and Marie were similar in sizes when Savanah wasn’t pregnant herself and laid out some clothes and wrote a note of where the shower was and  had set out some of his sister’s old clothes for her to change into when she would wake up and a note that she could read whenever she would wake up again in the morning. 
“Well good morning Sunshine.” Marie greeted as she flipped a pancake with one hand and stirred the country hash in another pot before she got the perfect easy over eggs out of the pan and onto a plate. 
“Good morning. Wow, is there anything I can help with?” He asked. 
“Yup, you can get the biscuits out of the oven.” She nodded before he put on the oven mitts and pulled a dish of biscuits while the best cinnamon rolls ever came out too. 
“Thanks for letting me sleep over last night. I slept great. That bed is really comfortable.” She thanked him graciously. 
“Wow, great job on the cinnamon rolls.” He praised- as he nearly had to keep himself from eating them out of the pan and burning his hands and mouth doing so.
“Thanks, a trick I learned from working at Cinnabon in the city.” She smiled happily. 
“I’m glad you slept good, I couldn’t have you sleeping in the barn with the sheep.” He shrugged as he tried not to smile too widely while his cheeks, he was sure were going to be permanently red from blushing. 
“Well we only have 40 mamas today. Should be…” She began. 
“Hey, hey, don’t…don’t say anything that would jinx us. It’s always the last ones that tend to be the hardest.” He cut her off worriedly. 
“A bit superstitious huh?” Marie gently teased. 
“Enough to know that you don’t tempt fate like that.” He shook his head as she hummed before she turned back to what she was cooking before he helped her finish it up and they sat down at the table to eat a good breakfast with some great coffee before they prepped that night’s dinner in the crockpot as she was happy he let her have her choice of what she wanted as she even added other spices than he was used to. But he was sure it would probably taste better her way anyway. 
But while Trip tried to focus on the lambs. He felt like was falling behind just watching Marie with the Ewes and their lambs. She was just too beautiful and too cute and too perfect and too good at this for it only being her second time with this. He felt like he had to get a dozen lambings under his belt before he didn’t feel like a chicken running around with his head cut off. But, like a fish to water, she took to it like she was born and raised to do it. And the smiles she gave each lamb as it took it’s first breath and got to meet their moms was like watching the sunrise over and over again, each one just as beautiful as the last. And just as there was a small break, he managed to pull them back to the house to get some lunch. 
“You’re too perfect with them.” He blurted just as she took her first bite of her sandwich as she paused to look at him with curious amusement. 
“No, what I meant to say is- you’re a natural out there. I had to have three years of four lambings a year before I didn’t feel like a panicky headless chicken running around, not knowing which way was up or what the hell I was doing. Or how to do the thing I had done a dozen times before. But you, you only saw me do each thing once and automatically knew how to do it just from watching me once without any other instruction. If my parents were still alive, they would have practically drafted you into the family and hired you at the highest rate they ever paid anyone else before they would be talking all my brothers into trying to court you proper. And I…I’m just in awe, that’s all. And impressed and relieved and happy and grateful and I can’t talk and make sense to save my life.” Trip quickly sputtered off as his cheeks darkened again before he tried to shut himself up with his own lunch and shoving it in his face to keep him from saying anything else just as she finished her bite and swallowed and just looked at him in curious amusement as she seemed to wait for him to say anything else. 
“Can you please talk? Every time I open my mouth I embarrass myself and I’m too shy and awkward and flustered and hot and bothered and I like you. I really do. I was going to ask you out and then Allen came along and only made it impossible for me to do that. Because if you knew him or any of my other brothers, then I’m screwed because they all have lady killer reputations and I hate it that all anyone ever sees is the one O’Donnel who don’t know shit about women, much less how to talk to one who I’m not related to. And along you come and you are too beautiful and too perfect and too good for the gods themselves and I don’t come from any kind of stock that’s at all- ever worthy and…” Trip tail spinned before Marie finally put an end to his suffering and leaned over and kissed him sweetly. 
“I’m happy you’re the way you are. I’m happy you didn’t go straight to trying to jump my bones the first time you saw me. I’m happy you tried to make an effort to befriend me honestly. Because you’re an honest person. And you’re a good person. And it’s obvious you are doing what you are happy to do. And that while it’s hard work. You’re happy to lose sleep and push yourself to your limits to care for each of those ewes and each new precious lamb that’s born on this farm. There is nothing good in the world that you aren’t worthy of ok? If you like me and want to date me. I’m perfectly ok with that because I like you and want to date you too. I don’t look at you and see the fact that you’re a satyr and assume you’re some kind of casanova, the same way most have been painted to be in most of history. Just like orcs are painted to be blood thirsty warriors, or the way elves are seen to be detached snobs or dwarves as hairy artists, or mouras are seen to be pretty birds of paradise, always singing and dancing but fleeing at the first sign of trouble when they’re not breathing hellfire down on you for it. Or that dragonborn hoard wealth just as much as dragons ever do. Or that cantuars are always racing around or whatever. I told you that I like to take each individual as they are. And you are awesome and wonderful just the way you are. You are not responsible for your siblings who are grown adults and are responsible for their choices just like everyone else. Just like I’m not responsible for mine either in that respect. The only ones you are responsible are the sheep out there and you do a damn fine job of caring for them. And you’ve done a great job in preserving the farm and doing all you can to keep it, even if that means changing with the times and going commercial when that’s the only way to really go forward with the farm and it’s operation if you want to stay the owner of it. Even when all your other siblings would rather have the money than the responsibility. You didn’t shirk it. You welcomed it and worked hard to be strong enough to carry it. Even when you’ve had to do so by yourself for a while.” Marie offered and Trip barely had time to swallow before he leaned over and cradled her face in his hands and kissed her passionately and in only a few moments, suddenly Marie was moving the plates out of the way and climbing into his lap before he sat her down on the table and it was a flurry of hands to get the other undressed as the kiss morphed from sweet to desperate and hungry. 
“You’re perfect, you’re perfect, you’re perfect.” Trip managed to say between kissing her and then moving his mouth from hers to her jaw and down her neck while she hurriedly began to unbutton the flannel shirt so his mouth could kiss more of her skin and when she finished and pulled it open, then her hands hurriedly went to her own pants to unbutton and unzip those and try to yank those down as his hands finally went to the clasp of her bra to undo it and finally meet the bosom he had been fantasizing about this whole time while his cock found her entrance as if it had a homing device installed already. 
And her hear her voice moan and keen and whimper only made his hips buck up into hers that much harder and sharper while his hooves settled into the divots in the floor that had grown to be there over three generations of his family living in this house and doing what he was doing right now with Marie, and fuck over the same kitchen table. 
Her strong legs wrapping around his waist while her soft belly touched his own only made it feel like they were always made for each other as his body seemed to fit just right against hers. And she was strong and soft in all the right places and had all those amazing womanly curves that got him all hot and bothered and ready to start humping air at just the thought of. And now that he was able to touch all of that, it was so much better than his imagination could ever do her and her body justice for. 
And her own mouth seemed to find, on it’s own, every little spot that nearly had him losing his load every time her mouth seemed to zero in on it and kiss and lick and nip and even bite at- that had him groaning, moaning and keening and even growling in pleasured lust as he was pretty sure he was about to break the windows for being so loud but if anything, she seemed to match him in volume as the world shrunk down to be just big enough to fit just them and this blessed table in. 
And when her orgasm crescendoed, her legs practically held him like a vice leaving his hips to grind out a few last strokes before he finally spilled some long awaited seed into her as he held his breath while his cock spurted rope after rope of seed into her as his whole body tensed and went rigid as he happily pillowed one arm under her neck to provide her head with something akin to a pillow while the other had grabbed ahold of her waist as way to hang onto her to keep him from fucking her up the whole table while he was just so happy to lay over the one he could, in all senses, call his own. And had she been well worth the wait.
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auden-dahn · 2 months
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"D-Don't worry about me! Focus on helping the little one, okay?" 🌠 panel redraw of @laikascomet
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choccy-milky · 6 days
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herbology class 🌹🌿 (from chap 2 of my fic!)
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chrliekclly · 5 months
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horrible parents horrible women horrible yuri
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hellspawnmotel · 1 year
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remember when I did this?
well I did more
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dreameroftheblue · 9 months
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And guilty I may be But don't give up on me In the wake of the Odyssey We will still be thick as thieves You and me, still thick as thieves
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raiiny-bay · 24 days
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some WIPs from the 80s AU i never finished
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locksox · 2 months
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HI!! i had really hoped to open my commissions publicly much earlier this year + under better circumstances, but life really hit me like a brick lol
Payment via Paypal OR Ko-fi!
prices are listed in USD, but i send all invoices in AUD!
I am not very fast when it comes to commissions. I may finish the same day as payment, or it may take me a few weeks, so please be patient if that is the case!
My style varies greatly, if you would like a specific look, please provide a reference to some of my previous work :)
If anything is unclear, please dont hesitate to dm me or email me at [email protected] !
also if youre feeling extra generous and can afford to donate to my cause, I did refresh my kofi to accept donos n stuff too!
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foolsocracy · 5 months
I can't help but notice you haven't posted any angst in a while and I'm suspicious
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whipped this one up just for u anon
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ganondoodle · 7 days
id probably have more success as an elden ring/fromsoft artist but alas, my heart still belongs to the legend of zeldas most unpopular villain, oh well..
chapter 2 rough draft is approaching 70 pages, im confident i can start painting it this week :3
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v7n5 · 4 months
I wanted to draw Tyler wearing Narrator's headband
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I wasn't sure where the headband came from but I think I was subconsciously inspired by a legendary manhwa where the headband symbolizes clarity and seeing the truth through the bs
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mightytato · 2 days
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wyd when he stares at you this hard
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cainternn · 1 year
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E line
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luna-lovegreat · 2 months
I've never done a poll before, so good luck
Who do y'all think Time'll handcuff to him be with for his group in the dungeon? I've seen a lot of people say he will try to control who goes with who since he's scared for their lives rn (valid)
The options are the individual boys, just go with who you think is most likely to be in his group I guess?
Anyways like I said I've never done a poll so it might be messed up or make no sense, should be fun :D
Let me know if this doesn't work. And yes I know it's not well organised.. it's ok. right?
I think that unlike when they split in the Divine Dark Reflections arc, they might try to stay in bigger groups, and I think Time would probably want to have as many close to him as possible (his group have three or four), but I uhh didn't know how to incorporate that.
It's silly, but right now I can't stop imagining a scene where they reach the central room and everyone sprints off into the groups they want before time can argue.
Anyone who goes with legend will survive physically and anyone who goes with four will survive mentally.
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okay, so, i just realized i never said this, but if i ever reblog something from you and you want me to take it down, please do just shoot me an ask explaining which post it is and like. try to make it clear that's what you're getting at (ie, if you just send me "fuck you never reblog my stuff i hope you die" i am not going to understand that inherently as a request and more of as a dick move)
because, genuinely, i don't wanna be reblogging something that you're uncomfortable with and if i ever fail to read the room, it's probably a mistake and i would love for you to tell me that i made one.
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d8tl55c · 29 days
oh boy !! ! ! ! !!! ! thANK y0u all for the kind words on my last art posts. you all get it and i was/still am so happy about it
as promised, here's some close-ups of the comic for image quality's sake, and other screenshots i rescued from the community whiteboard (and something else)
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first up another sketch of mystery gender-ambiguous being. (please send me more name ideas for them if you got one- i like to hear em! (reminder it's the side character that appeared for <10 seconds in AvM Ep. 30))
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a few fav scenes
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emotional support cwab
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they weren't meant for this purpose exactly, but i do have countless "fluffy sticks" loose in my notes and homework sheets from the school years.
papery critter.
even when i wasn't confident in fur or feathers, they helped me practice posing and create some satisfying gradients/flowing poses. (im a sucker for good tail poses) (oh yay! i found a good pic...)
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and finally, little sneak peak for you for reading so far ;3
i realized that whiteboardfox is pretty great for my working needs. simple and to the point and all. feels nice with the mouse and the tablet.
so i started hashing out a big project idea just to see if it holds up and
several hours later ...
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oh man
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it's a little bigger than i expected
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#--/ art#alan becker#animator vs animation#animation vs minecraft#Minecraft bed#ava the dark lord#ava the chosen one#me when the project that obviously wasn't going to be done in one night isn't done in one night: D: !?!?!?!?#kudos to whoever routed the Speedrun actual short because that one is so fun and clean and savvy#clever made up time-savers? includes orange's TNT shield-jump?? nonlethal dragon dispatch??? sweet#ithink you can see where i tried to head with this#turns out that turning up the complexity 98 notches higher makes things trickier to parse hmmmmmm?#in fact i might need some help with this one ;>v>' like a lot.#i had a bit of a story and route set up already i just... wanted to make sure everything was at least kinda there...................#we'll see#the pie joke. i was trying to categorize which foodstuffs chosen should be able to make on the fly. with their flame hands.#ex. cooking meats makes sense because flint and steel works for the same purpose (you can kill a burning animal to get cooked meats)#but baking bread or drying kelp seems way more involved or whatever -> needs a proper furnace environment#HOWEVER... i noticed that Steve can just summon pumpkin pies from his bare hands if he wants to without even a workbench. so. sure! lol.#this is scraping the surface of the minutiae i want to consider#(ALSO KUDOS to everyone who RUNS/works on all-advancements. of course. riding on your shoulders here)#final joke is that chosen didn't know how crazy this undertaking would be to learn#but dark is very literally programmable. so you could maybe just plug some TAS instructions into him and off he goes#or even more open-ended than that just give him the list of advancements + stipulations + the wiki and similar result#it'd get done but. i dont think he'd find that fun at all. prefers to write his own instructions if you see what i mean#i might be forgetting some context. it is rather late you see. please ask me questions about this! ;P#tco aa
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