#I miss those voice actor relationships
hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 2 months
Third Place Poll
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Colonel Brandon (1995):
Alan Rickman has the sexiest voice. Just listen to him reading poetry to Marianne at the end to witness how hot he is.
Alan Rickman simply embodies the truth of Col. Brandon in a way that no one else every could. It's the perfect merging of actor and role. He brings the perfect combination of honor, decency, sensitivity and passion. He is the ultimate mensch.
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Brandon propaganda in which even the film's director agrees that Brandon is sexy.
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More Brandon propaganda! This photo could only be published in black and white because it would have been too powerful in color (the original color version is currently being used to provide electricity for a medium sized town in Devon. It's THAT powerful).
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The brim of the hat falling over his eye. The casual lean. The hunting rifle slung across his leg. The puppy bestie. The fact you know he could row that boat while you watch and wish you were the boat.
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From Emma Thompson's diaries which she kept while they were shooting Sense & Sensibility. Emma Thompson said vote Colonel Brandon.
The man has just heard her sing for a minute and he’s positively awestruck!
also adding his adorable adorable smile just bc i can.
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Mr Knightley (2009):
Johnny Lee Miller as Knightley is JUST SO. I mean the way he says "if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more" IS JUUUST. The dance scene. The tentative shy smiles. The fact you can see in his eyes the entire time " I am completely in love with this woman. She'll never love me back BUT I DO NOT CARE I'LL LOVE HER FROM A DISTANCE ANYWAY" IS JUUUUUUST
We need to appreciate Mr Knightley more for both his snark and for those soft eyes just so full of love for Emma
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GIF by dearemma
I was just going to send in the actual dance but the little panic he has when Emma says she knows his secret is just soo charming. There was some thread on twitter a few years ago about how a romcom man's most important quality is knowing how to look at a woman and JLM is just the master of it in this Emma
I really feel like the pictures say it all. He stands there, head tilted to one side. He is listening to you. His posture is relaxed. His gaze open, frank, candid. He's not trying at all. He just is.And that's why he is Knightley.
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GIF by night-unfurls-its-splendour
Some propaganda, not just for Jonny Lee Miller, but the general interpretation of 09 Knightley. I have some excerpts here from my review of the 09 adaptation:
What I really think is great about the 2009 interpretation of Mr. Knightley is what an easy and comforting presence he is, without being apologetic when he scolds Emma. I think this is communicated especially well by how often we are actually shown Mr. Knightley taking his almost-daily walks to Hartfield, how smoothly he comes and goes, and how happy Emma is every time she sees him coming up the path (usually, just at the perfect moment when she needs something to put her back to rights.)
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Here is Emma, feeling lonely after Miss Taylor's wedding. And in the background, walking up to Hartfield--there's Knightley. He's always been there for her, and he always will be.
And also this Mr. Knightley is as understated as ever, but I wanna highlight this outfit and why I love it: This is Knightley’s first appearance in the series and it’s the perfect establishing shot that shows the viewer everything they need to know about Emma and Knightley’s relationship and how it has always been. He sort of materializes, out of focus in the background, but Emma immediately knows he’s there. And to accentuate how much Knightley is part of her home and scenery, his clothes (similar shades of pale tan, white and minty green to the wall behind him) almost camouflage him and make him seem at one with the moulding of her home.
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Additionally, Jonny Lee Miller captures Knightley’s playful qualities, and his exasperation is so endearing
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GIF by christophernolan
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GIF by sashajames
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GIF by christophernolan
I can’t be the only one tickled by this Knightley’s frustration with Emma! JLM FTW!
Jonny Lee Miller is mesmerizing in any role he inhabits. It’s 2009 Knightly all the way.
no but can you actually go vote for mr knightley he was FOUNDATIONAL for 16 year old me my favourite portrayal of my favourite austen man cannot fall at this hurdle!!!
He is my ultimate Austen Dream Man, I'm with him until the end. Honestly this adaptation is my very favorite of them all (P&P 1995 is a VERY close second) because it made me fall in love with Emma as a story? Honestly no other adaptation or indeed even my reading of the book made me love it quite as much. My crush on JLM goes back to 1995 and I do think he is one of the better actors of his generation - his range alone is just impeccable. The fact that he can go from Sick Boy to Mr. Knightley to Sherlock to Jordan Chase is really something. Of all the actors I know, his range is the most impressive. But i love how bright and sunny this adaptation is. The colors, it is as vibrant as Emma should be! The Kate Beckinsale Emma is dark and terrifying to me, not at all suitable an adaptation. I like the Paltrow Emma a lot, but it's got the same issue the 2005 P&P has for me -- it's just too short. This is tonally just right, and the casting is lovely, and JLM is just at his dashing best. His face is so expressive, he is so capable of communicating so much without saying a word. His open jealousy of Frank Churchill is delightful to watch. His face when Emma tells him his secret is out at the ball! JLM is maybe the most underrated actor of his generation and I LOVE that he has been multiple Austen heroes. I maintain that in a future adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, an older JLM would make an EXCELLENT Mr. Bennet. He would convey the right amount of grumpy but fond beautifully.
Look. Do people realize JLM hates wearing period clothing AND hates dancing? And yet in Emma he's sashaying around in pink jackets looking amazing and is THAT convincing? That's called BRILLIANT ACTING!!
A tiny bit of Mr Knightley 2009 propaganda but I love that they put in that bit from the book where he looks like he's going to kiss Emma's hand when he's saying goodbye but then he hesitates and doesn't and I just...it's such a tiny detail but conveys so much!
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GIF by myforeverworldofmovie
It’s the only Emma adaptation that really hits the romance notes well. Knightley’s crowning moment of awesome really feels like it (when he rescues Harriet from humiliation) and his subsequent dancing with Emma does make you feel a shift in their relations. Love this adaptation. - This Knightley and Emma in particular are equals. They quarrel, not because he’s telling her off, but because they can have an argument because they know each other, trust each other and care about each others opinions, and there is never a sense of domination of one over the other. This adds so much fire to the romance, and it’s so unusual for a romance of that era (or even one written today!!). - Emma is rich, clever and beautiful and as powerful as a woman of her age and situation could be at the time and she married Knightley for no other reason but because he’s her best friend and his company for the rest of her life will enrich her. - He even leaves his house to move in with her!
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GIF by elinordash
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⋆ 𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽: 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓜𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓢𝓸 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
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⋆ Being a celebrity was never easy. The public always having their eye on you, watching your every move. Having to make sure you look perfect, sound perfect, act perfect, all to maintain the image you have created. It can be frustrating, exhausting even, the lengths you have to go through for your career. Though the hardest part for Vil was having to be away from you, his love, his darling.
⋆ He never expected to fall in love until he met you, always focusing on his career. Now when he kisses someone, he longs for it to be you, picturing you as he closes his eyes. When he says sweet words to his costar, he imagines he’s saying them to you, unable to hold back his emotions as he gazes into their eyes, saying he loves them. With you, he was no longer Vil Schoenheit, famous actor. He was just Vil, the dedicated, hardworking man you fell in love with.
⋆ There was no need for masks, for polite words or fake smiles. You knew him for who he was, and loved him for who he was, not for his status or fame. With you he felt seen, he felt heard. The times when he’s had to train for a role, practicing to perfect what he needed to do, you’d be there, recognizing the effort he put in. Even when no one else would, and he felt frustrated and defeated, a simple text from you would make everything worth it.
⋆ Due to his work, there were times where he had to be away, traveling to star in a film or go to a photo shoot. During those times you would stay in contact however you could, through texts or phone calls. He would be sitting in his chair, getting his make up done when his phone goes off, a small smile coming to his face as he sees it’s you. Though he doesn’t have much time to respond, your messages brighten his day, giving him motivation. Knowing that one day you’ll see the film he’s in, or the photo he’s getting taken, makes him want to do the very best he can. He wants your eyes only on him, your attention focused on him and him alone.
⋆ He can’t help but feel proud in those moments, seeing you unable to take your eyes away from the screen. How you would turn to him, telling him in amazement how well he did, how much you loved his performance. Noting all the work he put in for the role, acknowledging his time and dedication. There was no one he wanted to impress more than you, no matter how long you’ve been together.
⋆ There were times when he would miss your presence more than usual, looking at pictures of the two of you fondly. During these times he would feel conflicted, wishing to hear your voice but not wanting to disturb you, a time difference separating you now. In a moment of weakness he would give in, his heart skipping a beat as you answered, sounding like you just woke up. He would apologize for waking you, tempted to hang up. You would reassure him, making yourself more comfortable in your bed as you talked. He told you about his day, how his work was going, how much longer he’d be away. You would listen, humming in acknowledgement as you tried your best to stay awake.
⋆ “You make me so happy, Vil” you mumble sleepily, unaware of your words. The line goes silent, making you think he had hung up. On the other end Vil stared at his phone, quiet as hidden insecurities took hold. With his career and fame you didn’t necessarily have a “normal” relationship, Vil keeping it a secret from the public. He wanted to protect you, to keep you safe, to keep you to himself. Were you truly happy with that? With him being away for long periods of time, unable to show you off as you deserved?
⋆ “…do you mean it?” he whispers, desperately wanting to take it back as soon as it spilled out. It took a moment before you responded, sounding more awake this time,
“There is no one I would want to be with but you, Vil. No one could ever make me as happy as you have.”
⋆ He shuts his eyes, taking a shaky breath at your words. You knew him so well, his doubts, his insecurities. How could he ever be with anyone but you, fall for anyone but you. You’ve ruined him, utterly and completely.
“There is no such thing as a happy ending if it doesn’t include you, my love. So stay with me, please. That’s all I ask.” ♡
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Originally posted: February 26th, 2024
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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losersiren · 20 days
Yandere! Vault Dweller
N: I just finished the Fallout show, went on YouTube and fell down a rabbit hole of lore about the game. I decided Vault 11 shall be sacrificed (hehe). Everything I put in this fic is from the videos I've watched and the fan wiki, so it's like semi-accurate… Cw: talks about suicide, suicide (not the reader), violence, yandere tendencies, gore(?), death, manipulation, coercion, talks of death, should be gn! reader safe.... if not, put me in the chamber WC: 2.2k
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Quiet. It was quiet. The silence is deafening, yet the ringing in your ear grows louder and louder, each second feeling as if eons had passed. The automated computer voice repeats in your head like a catchy song you’ll hear on those dusty records, the ones Mama used to play and dance to.
“Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. You can walk with your head held high, knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all. And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. But not so fast! Be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority.”
You were young when your parents escaped the bombs to the vault you're situated in right now; you grew up believing that damned computer about sacrifices and watched your fellow vault mates get killed one by one. You waited for the time it would be you in that same chamber. Now, with this information surfaced…they died for what? An experiment? What would have happened if you had been voted overseer…
The lump in your throat grows heavier, and the arguments and yelling in the background become more and more apparent that you can't ignore them anymore. Your eyes drift to the man standing tall and proud beside you, Charli, his hair still somehow slick back; he still looks perfect even after the maddening chaos of events that transpired these past few days. His blue jumpsuit was as crisp as an ironed suit that the actors would wear from the moving pictures on television before the vault. His expression is as vacant as his blue eyes, his soft lips decorated with a barely visible smile. As he watches the other three vault survivors argue, Your brows furrow. 
Why isn’t he affected by the news like everyone else? This information is soul-crushing and life-changing!
Then again, you reason with yourself that maybe this is his way of coping; who are you to judge and microanalysis him like some psycho? Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep or the sense of safety ripped out of your hand like candy stolen from a baby. Heavens, you might nearly flip your lid entirely if something else happens. You sigh. To believe you almost were insinuating that Charli would even be a drop suspicious, and of what, exactly? He saved and shielded you from the massacre that only left the five of you remaining; he was your childhood best friend..how could you? You reprimand yourself.
His eyes finally meet yours, and the sympathy and worry you sought appeared when the blonde saw how distressed you were. “Are you alright?” his soft voice fills your head–drowning out the talks of whether the group should commit suicide in honour of your dead vault men or venture into the outside world to educate others on how your vault was misled. You were somewhat dissociated from the whole conversation. Reasonably so.
His hands, soft yet calloused, turn your head side to side to check for any visible injuries he might’ve missed, which he shouldn’t have—knitted eyebrows and razor-sharp eyes search frantically for anything. 
Charles or… As you’ll call him later in your relationship, Charlie, has always been like this. When you met him, he was a reserved kid, a trait that would carry on from his pubescent to adolescent years. 
When other kids grew out of their shyness and worrisome attitude and eventually adapted to the vault, he was pushed aside. Well, that wouldn’t be the only reason. His father was the first overseer of Vault 11, the same overseer who thought the best course of action was not to tell the vault residents about the sacrificial system they were now to live with. That same choice he made was the reason for his death, and he was the first to test the new system. He wasn’t a good man. He was greedy, a neglectful father and husband, and so on. A family now ruined by one man’s ill-considered decision; Charles's mom wasn’t much better, the textbook definition of a hypocrite. Bad-mouthing her dead husband, the same one she defended when said husband would push his son away.
Most would fear having no one at the end of the world, but it became Charles's life; while everyone adapted to vault life, Charles adapted to the misfortune of the consequences of his old man’s actions. You decided one day to talk to him while others stood clear. It was a simple conversation; others would just brush it off…which he did initially. But after that day, you would constantly seek him out, and with that, you wore a genuine smile and interest every time you talked to him. His walls crumbled into dust for you and only you. You were like a shooting star he wished for. His reputation grew because of you and, with that, his feelings for you sored. You became his way of life. In his teen years, he decided to become the best match for you– He would participate in every extracurricular activity the vault would provide to make him an unstoppable force of a man. The perfect golden boy was made..for you.
He had the “perfect body,” perfect sperm count, unmatched intelligence, and charisma—he perfected them (even if you were the only one he talked to for long periods)—strength, agility, endurance—all of it. He will be everything you need and more. With that, he made sure no one would vote you as overseer…
He was so soft on you that it would rival feathers. Do you need help lifting that? He's already there. Do you need help with your pre-war history? He’ll just sit you down and study with you for hours. Are you bleeding from an accidental cut? Don’t worry he just finished his first aid training. He already had a plan for you both for everything that would happen.
“I’m fine…” You grab both of his hands gently. “...Well, not fine, fine, but I'm not hurt.” You smile weakly up at him. “It’s okay. You and I will get through this,” He coos, pushing strands of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. His touch is warm and tender, yet the words you hear next aren’t.
“Fuck..I..I can’t do this I’m sorry.” A man, short in stature, starts backing away, gun in hand, clearly distressed. Your eyes move away from Charli’s to your fellow survivor; unknowingly to you, Charli rolls his eyes at the man's “dramatics.”  “We don’t deserve to leave...That thing called us a shiny example..f..f.fucked! Thats fucked! I..I can’t live with that!” Another man says, “Anyone would’ve done what we did.” A woman comments, “You ask me? That's exactly the problem. Now, let’s get on with this.”
“Wait,” you say, stunned, as if he had predicted this would happen. Charles moves his hands to cover your eyes. The short man is first, putting his gun on the roof of his mouth and pulling the trigger, not sparing any more time; the woman is next, the second gunshot. Then, with a sigh and short prayer, the last man repeats the action done by the others. Each lifeless body hits the floor one by one, and then there is silence.
What the hell.
You try to understand the situation, but your brain has yet to catch up…it’s all too much. Charli whispers calming phrases while he shields your eyes with one hand and rubs patterns along your back with the other. Tears start rolling down your face…and you sob. Hard. His hand moves to pet your hair, soothing you while you let it all out of your system.
He moves his body to shield you from the gruesome events that have just taken place; he moves both of his hands and cradles your face. You try looking behind him out of curiosity, but he stops you before you can.”Hey! Look at me with those gorgeous eyes,” He mummers, and of course, you comply. “There we go. You listen to me so well,” he whispers lovingly. “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’ll both go back to my vault room. I have enough supplies for the both of us to survive outside for a while, okay?” He asks you, and you nod, agreeing to whatever he says. 
“I need to hear you say it..” 
“…yes, of course, whatever you think is best.” He smiles at you, thumb caressing your cheek. “Keep your eyes on me, okay?” He takes your hand and leads you through the halls. It's quiet… you don't like it. Your eyes are trained on his back, Charli…he’s your lifebuoy in the angry sea, the only thing keeping you afloat; if it wasn’t for him…you might’ve met your end with the others. As if sensing your inner turmoil, he squeezes your hand, comforting you…and you squeeze back. Your world just fell apart, yet…it doesn’t seem entirely gone with Charli by your side. 
It's only a short time till you reach his vault. You’ve been here so many times it's basically your room by now. The tall blonde turns to look at you. “I’m going to let you go, just for a second, okay..? I just need to get the supplies.” He holds your one hand with both of his– you reply with a soft okay, and with your permission, he starts to move. He moves towards his small desk to grab a small, flat-headed screwdriver, walks to a particular spot, and pops the floor title beneath him, revealing a hidden compartment. It's filled with two modular military backpacks, filled to the bream with necessities for outside the vault.
He was prepared for all of this…
Then he starts talking about what he has in mind for the two of you, settling on the surface of living together and everything. Charles gets lost when talking to you; he can speak his mind about almost anything, and rambling is second nature with you. The hermit turned a social butterfly in your presence.
“You know that computer may have been our downfall, but god did bless me with more information than I could handle…good thing, huh, glad I went through all that code…Vault-tec tried to make it secure, but I found a way...We could go somewhere called New Vegas…” He keeps talking. 
But you stand there, still, as a statue, looking down at him as he gathers everything…What did he just say? 
You think back to the start when killing between the blocs started..he was right there, ready to protect you, when you and the other surviving tested out if the chamber would kill all of you…he almost seemed to be too assured nothing bad would happen to any of you, almost like…no…no. You’re overthinking, right? But the more you listen…
“You knew…” you shakingly exclaim out loud, cutting him off. “Hmm?” He looks up at you as he puts the tile back…” You knew we didn’t need sacrifices…you knew it would play out like this…” you say louder and more confidently. Those once-homey blue eyes become cold and distant… analyzing you.  
You both stare at each other.
You turn and run.
 But your efforts are in vain; you don’t even leave the room before two muscular arms wrap around behind you, overtaking you, holding your arms down around your waist, dragging you back. You scream and kick with no success. You end up with his arms around you while he sits down, his back against the wall, and you in front of him with his head in your neck while you let it all out. “When?” you croak out, “When we were fifteen, I didn’t want you to become overseer…I didn’t want you to die..so I wondered if it was the computer that sent signals to kill whoever was sent in that chamber and wondered if I could stop it from killing you specifically; that's when I found out .” He answers swiftly and truthfully, “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” You question, “I didn’t care, honestly, the only thing that matters is you…If everyone died in the process, it would be less work for me…I wanted it to be us from the beginning, anyway. I want you to need me as much as I need you…and now you finally do.”  
You feel weak and sick to your stomach… All your peers would’ve ended up dead either way. “I want to leave.” he hums, not mocking you but in acknowledgment. “And do what? You don’t know how to defend yourself; you have no supplies prepared, barely any survival instincts, and you don’t even know any information on the surface above. You can leave, but you’ll die…I can’t let that happen, sorry.” Charles buries himself more into you. 
“I hate you,” You whisper.
“That’s okay…all that matters is that you're here…with me and only me… I’ll keep you safe and sound.”
N: This was a long one, whew! I had to think about how I could make a Yandere fic with Fallout, and I had tons of concepts, but this one stood out the most. I hope my execution was good enough....Anyway, my next fic will most likely be a jealous fic about my Yandere lord, so stay tuned! Till then! see you soon my little guppies (´꒳`)♡ extra note: Throughout writing this, I thought "My Way of Life by Frank Sinatra" would fit Charli perfectly.
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valen-nidk · 1 month
Family dynamic. | Vox's sibling!Reader.
Content: Implicit imposter syndrome, subtle hints of depression. General description of S.Reader's relationship with The Vee's.
A/N: Probably the last thing you'll see of this particular reader unless I get requests for potential relationships with other Hazbin hotel characters.
Frankly, Hell wasn't exactly what you had in mind, if anything, this particular ring of Hell was like Earth with extra steps and fancier titles: people (read: sinners) still got killed, sometimes there was a transactional reason behind, sometimes just because ; consent was also a bit of a myth here too ; politics? Not exactly. Religion? Uh, duh — after all, the fancy titles previously mentioned were: Archangels, Seraphims, Angels, Sinners and Hellborns (was Adam his own category? His title was First Man and, according to some sources, he had self-proclaimed as Dickmaster or the original dick).
The only upside thus far was that your physical form was kind of cool (literally, a humanoid robot so... an android that had to regulate its body temperature to not overheat), no bones ached, no muscles hurt and you couldn't get sick (a virus, maybe...?) plus your cult leader brother was, to no one's surprise, a cult leader! With the power of hypnosis which, in retrospective, was kind of like his gig back on Earth with manipulation skills that had been perfectly crafted and mastered throughout years and years of studying the human psique and emotions.
The TV head was... new. Unexpected, certainly hilarious even if the context was gruesome to an extent. It made sense, same goes with you: the right-hand, the prophet of this newfound god. Although your form was different since you died electrocuted because of a faulty electrical connection.
Ah yes, what is there to do in Hell..? The Radio Demon had gone missing as well as Lilith, part of you heavily believes that those two separate events are, in fact, connected despite the lack of evidence. A hunch though without something to back it up, you kept quiet — after all, you weren't a big mastermind, though you did enjoy chaos and creating a ridiculous amount of back-up plans in case something went terribly wrong. Cautious? Anxious? Oh, yeah. Your stubborn egotistical brother was careless when going through his many power-trips or when his rage made his (seemingly) perfect persona crack, hence why you just had to have ways to ammend any and all mistakes. Problems made you uneasy, utterly sick — gotta fix 'em, gotta have potential solution for every possible scenario no matter how insane they could be. You never know! You have to know, a sense of being capable of choosing, to own something, just about any single aspect of your life just had to be yours to control.
Nonetheless... Hell, huh. What to do? Unlike Vox, your powers were quite limited and served as support for his, rinse and repeat a life on that one. Besides that, you weren't an official Vee member, more like an honorary one — and thanks to you being a charmer, a problem solver (people-pleaser) and overall someone who rather live comfortably, well... You started babysitting looking after Valentino whenever Vox was too busy (read: didn't want to put up with his bullshit) and this lead to uhhh, unwillingly being dragged to his studio. The porn actors loved you, which made Valentino hate you but also love you as well because "motherfuckers are more willing to cooperate when there's una cara bonita como la tuya around these parts" while squeezing your 'cheeks' (screen). Yeah, you didn't get why Vox wanted this mothman carnally, though his voice was podcast material, the accent? Delicious.
Now when it came to the backbone of The Vee's, it was a trickier situation — mostly due to not having an actual reason to interact with Velvette. Sure, you guys exchanged texts like roasting Vox and Valentino, gossip, some blackmail material... Memes, selfies, the very basic. Being physically in the same room was comfortable, pleasant silences while sitting next to each other and showing funny videos from your respective devices ; or sharing private conversations that were hilarious with or without context, that's for sure! Oh and, let's not forget that this fashionista icon and unforgiving social manager will absolutely roast you if you are dressed like last century. Still, she was kind to you and, in return, you behaved the same way — work collegues, or flatmates would be a way to describe how you two got along.
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bambieyedoll · 1 year
I would love to request bella ramsey x fem reader that’s bella comforting insecure reader who thinks bella will leave her
hi, love ! i secretly adore angsty fics so i truly enjoyed writing this. thank you for your request, i hope you like it. ♡
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⊹ 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 ໒꒱ ⋆゚
bella and you had been in a beautiful relationship for a year and a half after being close friends for another two years.
you knew their life style was different. bella’s talent was finally being recognized after all their hard work and you couldn’t be more proud. you’d been by their side in every step and you celebrated everything they had achieved with them. bella always told you that they couldn’t have done it without you by their side.
watching them in interviews and premieres melted your heart. their shining smile and elegant presence stood out. their voice tone and precision in every answer they gave to interviewers along with how they handled being on camera. bella was born to be an actor.
meanwhile, your life was quiet and you loved it. it didn’t mean that you never left your comfort zone, you loved going on adventures, to travel and meet new places. but it was different.
being in a relationship with an actor with a busy life meant that there wasn’t many time for dates and quality time. sometimes they’d be gone for months, only coming back when the shooting of the project they are working on is done. some other times their work was easier and closer and they would be able to come home at the end of the day.
these last months have been hard for you. bella was working on a massive project that needed them to be constantly traveling and it meant that they wouldn’t be back in a long time. of course, you made sure to keep connection via messages, phone calls and video calls. mostly in the middle of the night when the day was over and you were free to talk and express how much you missed each other. but lately, you’ve noticed how tired bella was every night they called and it broke your heart to realize you were taking resting time from them.
that wasn’t the only thing that was troubling you. you both agreed to keep your relationship private, they didn’t want you to deal with the consequences of people knowing about you being a couple. bella knew how nosy and difficult people could be with that type of thing. it didn’t help that they were being more recognized and that people knew they were non-binary. the eyes of young girls were straight at them and it was flattering but a bit overwhelming. along with the eyes of judgement from the world.
with that being said, there you were, sitting in the comfort of your sofa watching the newest interview that came out just a couple of hours before. and there they were, on the screen, sitting with the cast in front of the interviewer. wearing an elegant suit that fitted them so well and a smile that made your heart go like crazy.
bella told you the night before that this would be the last interview before coming back home and the happiness you both shared was enormous to be described with words.
“so tell us, bella” the interviewer leaned closer holding the question cards on his hands in suspense. “the world wants to know, is there a special someone waiting for you?” the room was filled with screams from the audience and your heart skipped a beat while you stayed still.
you could see in their face a sort of nervousness before their characteristic smile appeared making them look so collected and attractive… and so confident about their answer.
“there’s no one special, no”
their adorable laugh sounded so real and there it was, that feeling again. the terrible feeling that came with knowing that the person you were in love with had to say those things to the world about you, about your relationship.
of course, it wasn’t the truth and you knew it but hearing it constantly cut deep in your heart. it wasn’t fair. you started to feel more and more lonely being apart for so long and loneliness was a horrible thing to feel in a relationship. it created insecurities you didn’t have before.
what it they get bored of me? what if they decide i’m too plain for their life? you see, listening to your lover say that there isn’t anyone waiting for them when you’ve been counting every second since the day they left, was harsh.
so there you laid. crying for hours deep in your negative thoughts, finding comfort in the softness of your fluffy sofa pillow until you feel asleep.
bella’s arrival was faster that they had expected to their excitement. they needed to see you. longed to touch you, hug you, feel you. without caring about anything else, bella went straight to your apartment with their luggage and all but didn’t wait for you to open since they wanted it to be a mini surprise.
the moment they entered your home and walked through the living room, they saw you sleeping in the sofa. the softness in bella’s eyes took over immediately. you looked so peaceful and angelic. you wouldn’t even imagine how much they desired to be able to sleep with you in their arms every night you were apart, their only comfort being your night calls and messages.
bella carefully walked closer to the sofa and kneeled in front of you, just admiring you. they could stay like that forever. nothing else mattered now that you were only a step away.
their fingers gently traced the bridge of your nose and moved to delicately tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. you were slowly waking up when they noticed your puffy eyes and dried tears on your cheeks.
“bella?” your lovely sleepy voice called for them while you sat and they smiled at that. the need to ask you what was going on was almost desperate, the idea of you hurting was too much for them.
“hey, baby. i’m home” they whispered in order not to disturb your sleepy state while their hand cupped your cheek. “what’s wrong, y/n?”
the sincere worry in their eyes made your tears come back like a rainstorm. because now that they were here, those thoughts seemed so stupid it made you embarrassed. how could you even think about them leaving you in such a cruel way? however, the insecurity and hurt were still there. and you knew you needed to talk about it.
“no no no, love” bella was by your side hugging you tight at the speed of light. “shh, i’m here” their hand was caressing your hair, comforting you like only they knew to do.
“i’m sorry” you let out between your tears and hold tight to the soft material of their t-shirt. you felt the need to apologize for your thoughts while bella’s mind was a confused mess but they gave you the space and comfort you needed at that moment.
“whenever you’re ready, baby” bella would wait all the time you needed to listen to you and try and understand why you were in that state. it could never be a bother to them, they would help you and be there for you because you were too treasured to them.
“it’s so dumb” you acknowledged to yourself, face pressed to their chest between their arms.
“not to me”
you sighed and separated your body from theirs only a little bit to be able to look at them. their hand found yours so you were able to play with their rings like you used to do when you were bored or nervous. they just knew you so well.
“i saw the latest interview…” bella’s face showed the realization of what you meant exactly. their eyes found yours again and tears formed in them.
“y/n” your chest ached at the desperate sight of them. “i need you to understand that what i said wasn’t what i wanted to say. that’s not the truth, that’s not us. i just said that because of what we agreed, baby. nothing else”
“i know, it just hurt the same” you explained and licked your lips nervously before bella’s hands cupped your cheeks, making you look at them with attention.
“i would never want to hurt you” you knew that, of course you knew that. bella would never do anything to cause you harm and them reassuring you was what your heart needed to heal from all the pain caused by those months being apart.
“i tell you what” bella’s gentle voice made you come back from your thoughts and you blinked a couple of times making you look adorable in their eyes. “from now on i’ll make sure to let everyone know i’m in a happy relationship with the girl of my dreams but keeping it private”
“you mean without revealing personal information and stuff?” you asked and they nodded with a cute smile looking at you, waiting patiently for your opinion on it. “i… i’d like that” you nodded with the prettiest little smile, warming their heart again.
“there’s that beautiful smile i adore” their thumb touched your bottom lip slightly and their eyes looked at your lips. those lips they dreamed to kiss for all those months. “i missed you so much, babe” they whispered as if it was a secret they didn’t tell you every night.
“come here, then” your doe eyes invited them to join you in the sofa, which they did in less than two seconds.
you cuddled all night long and at one point bella took their phone without you noticing, taking a picture of your intertwined legs only and posting it to their instagram stories only with the word “home” in it.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Tangerine x reader story where reader is Ladybug’s daughter or maybe stepdaughter (not a lot of healthy step parent stories unfortunately). Id love to read how Ladybug would react to maybe walking in on Tangerine and reader together or something along those lines.
Lemon in my opinion would already know bc he’s great at reading ppl and maybe one boring night when they were on a stakeout reader confessed it to him along with her being worried of what her (step) dad might react or how that would affect her relationship with either of the men.
not sure if all of this could fit together but yeah thanks and happy new year!!
Thanks for sending the request!! ❤️❤️
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Everyone had secrets, is what your step-dad would always say at least. He wondered what was up with you, something was off the last few days.
Your mom was off on a business trip, and ____ (whatever you think ladybugs real name is…) was away at work. Or so you had thought.
Your secret boyfriend, Aaron ( that’s his actors name) knocked on the door.
You quickly ran downstairs, making sure you looked okay. He wouldn’t care, but you did. You opened up the door, and smiled.
“Hi, love.” His hair was disheveled, and his nose had a bandage on it. His face had little cuts and bruises on his face as well. His shirt was bloodied and the buttons on his shirt were undone.
It’s been a little bit since you’ve seen each other, and it’s hard to keep things a secret.
“What happened?”
“Huh? Oh? My nose? Well, just some fucker on a mission. No big deal.”
“You just finished working?”
“And this is the first place you come to?”
You sighed “Come in.”
He entered the house, and you both went up to your bathroom.
It was a pretty big and nice house. Ladybug had bought it soon after marrying your mom.
“Sit, let me clean those cuts up because I know you didn’t.” You laughed and he sat on the counter.
You took out a first aid kit and started to clean his cuts. He hissed some, but was mostly quiet.
“You know, you are like super hot right now.” He said.
“Did you knock your head on something?” You said, and put away all your supplies.
“No. I’m being honest.”
How’d you get cut on your face?” You asked.
“Some girl grabbed a knife and tried to slash at my face. Crazy, right?”
“Very.” You said, as he hopped off the counter.
“Thank you.” He said as you both made your way to your room. You made sure to close the door, just in case.
He took his shoes off and laid on your bed with you. You put your head on his chest, he smiled and put his hand on your back.
“You smell surprisingly nice.” You muttered, voice muffled.
He laughed lowly “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Then, out of nowhere the door opened up. And your step dad said hi, with something in his hand, as soon as he saw you two, he dropped it.
It was a glass of water.
“Bloody hell!” Tangerine exclaimed as you jumped up and saw him.
“What the fuck?!” You said.
“You’re sleeping with Tangerine?!”
Then someone else came in, it was Lemon.
“Knew it.” He said with a smirk.
“HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!” Your step dad screamed, as he jumped as well.
“Yup, sorry.”
“Sorry.” They all muttered.
“Okay, yes, I am… sleeping with tangerine.”
“Like…. Is this like a for real relationship?” Ladybug asked.
“Yes, it’s a for real relationship. We started dating after the bullet train.”
(Let’s just pretend he lived 😭 )
“Well, I already knew. Thomas’s and Edward’s get along too well.” Lemon pointed out.
“I swear to god, Lemon, make another Thomas reference I’m chopping your balls off like a goddamn dog!”
“Okay can I talk?” You looked to Tangerine and he apologized quietly.
“Yes, I’m dating him, we’ve been dating for a few months now. I’m sorry for not telling you. I’ve been an asshole.”
“Well… are you being safe..?” He asked after being quiet for a while.
“Oh my bloody Jesus. Please just kill me already.” Tangerine muttered as he hid underneath the covers.
“Yes! For fucks sake.”
“Okay, sorry, it’s an important question. But I suppose… that if your happy, I’m happy. Your moms gonna wanna meet him though.
“Thank you.” You felt relieved.
“Lemon, how’d you even fucking find me?” Tangerine asked him, and uncovered himself from the blanket.
“Your find my phone was here and I didn’t know where you were so..”
“Okay.. well… I’m gonna leave now. Have fun, but not to much fun. Ah shit I gotta clean up this glass.”But lemon didn’t leave, instead he hopped on your bed and grabbed your remote.
“Lemon, what do you want?” Tangerine groaned, throwing his head back on your pillow.
“To watch Thomas. My apartment is just sooo far.”
Tangerine groaned in annoyance, you hit his arm.
“I would also like to watch Thomas, now be quiet, love.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
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hemmingsleclerc · 4 months
Love at first drink ┃Andrew Garfield
a/n: I wanted to write something abt andrew bc I love him sm so here it is 🤎
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Within the chaos of New York, Andrew Garfield was captivated by the enchanting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through a quaint little coffee shop in a small area of the big city. It became a daily ritual for him to visit, every morning at the same time without fail, not only for the coffee they sold, but also to visit the lovely girl behind the counter.
Her name was Y/N (he knew it from the small pin she wore on her uniform that said that name, clearly at that moment he didn't have the courage to ask her that) and she had a smile that could light up the room. Andrew couldn't help but be drawn to her warm and welcoming presence. Every day he found excuses to strike up conversations with her, whether it was her talking about the weather, the latest movies, or strangely delicious coffee combinations.
As the days passed, Andrew realized that his visits were no longer just for coffee; They were about Y/N. Every day he anxiously waited to cross the doors of that coffee shop to see her smile, hear her voice even for a short time and touch her hand when he grabbed his coffee.
Andrew discovered that Y/N had a passion for photography and art, a hobby she pursued outside of her job at the café. In the other hand, he had confessed her that they shared the same hobbies and that he had the privilege of working on something similar.
One morning, he decided it would be that day or he would chicken out again, so Andrew mustered up the courage to ask Y/N out on a date.
''Here you go'' she said handing over his coffee with the little note she always left in his cup.
''T-thanks y/n'' he smiled, taking his coffee and walking away from the counter, but in less than 2 minutes he returned.
She was a little surprised to see him again, had she missed something in his order?
Andrew looked into Y/N's eyes and in a nervous voice asked her what he had wanted to ask her for the last two weeks.
''Y/N, you are an amazing girl and I really really like you, could I have the honor of taking you on a date?''
Y/N's eyes widened with surprise, but a warm smile spread across her face. "I would love to, Andrew," she replied.
He smiled, relieved and excited. "However, there is one thing I want to mention," he added, a hint of apprehension in his voice. "I am in the public eye and sometimes people can recognize us. There may be times when someone wants to take photographs and I would like you to know that and keep that in mind, privacy is really not something I can have 100% and if you don't feel comfortable, I would understand that you would reject the date."
Y/N nodded understandingly. "Andrew, I don't care at all. I like you for who you are, not just the actor that people know. I may not get used to it at first but I don't want that to stop me from being able to date the amaizing guy I have infront of me. Let's enjoy our time together, and if photos come our way, we'll handle it together."
With those words, any lingering tension melted away. The couple went later on a lovely date, exploring the city, sharing laughter, and taking funny photos of each other. Y/N's genuine affection for Andrew was evident and her calming presence assured him that their connection was real.
As their relationship deepened, they faced the challenges of public scrutiny together. Y/N's support and understanding made Andrew appreciate her moments even more. Through the ups and downs, they stood by each other, a testament to the power of love that transcends fame and ordinary life.
Having started a relationship did not mean the end of his little ritual before starting his day. Every morning without fail, Andrew continued to go for his daily coffee to the small cafe where Y/N continue working.
And she would receive him with a kiss and his special order along with her little note on his cup.
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gyupinkys · 10 months
Bestfriends to lovers since exclusive fairytale is driving me insane…
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, switch jun, switch reader, oral (m receiving), fingering, creampie, begging, mentions of viagra, begging
Moving into college is hard. It’s your second year, yet every new dorm is equally as much of a hassle. You finally flop onto your bed after hanging up all your clothes only to be met with the rumbling of your stomach. 
“God, I should've eaten breakfast.” you mumble to yourself, thankful your roommate is nowhere to be found.
You begrudgingly get up and walk out, head deep into your phone trying to find the nearest dining hall on the campus map. You find the closest one to you is only a few buildings over, just to crash into someone in front of you, making you stumble back.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry” you say looking up at the tall blonde. 
“Nah, it's my bad. I was too into my phone, I'm trying to find a dining hall.” he says in a deep, smooth voice. Damn. He’s really fucking hot. The unnatural blonde suits him so well, and his cat-like eyes are incredibly attractive. 
“I’m actually looking for one too. There's one a few buildings over, you want to go with me?”
From then a beautiful friendship bloomed. You learned his name is Jun, he’s from china, he speaks mandarin, cantonese, and korean. He loves to dance. His best friend/roommate's name is Minghao who is also from China and has bright red hair so it would be hard to miss him on campus. He used to be a child actor, but got into business so he can take over his dad’s company, and most importantly he is filthy rich. He didn’t even bother to say he’s “Comfortable” like most rich people do, he just said “I can pay all four years of full tuition with no worries.” which told you everything you needed to know. You and Jun quickly became friends, attached to the hip would be an understatement. Wherever you went, best believe Jun would be there. He became your go-to person. If you needed something he would get it for you, if you needed help he would be there, he was even there to ice your nipples when you got them pierced. You lost all shame when it came to Jun, he was your person. So when you walk into your room one day, just to see Jun laying shirtless in your bed, covered in sweat, with his dick in his hands, and your panties to his nose, you’re beyond confused. 
“Jun?” you say with wide eyes, quickly shutting the door.
“I’m sorry Y/N, Hoshi tricked me and gave me chocolate but it was some sort of fucking viagra and now I can’t stop thinking about you and I’m sorry if this is weird and ruins our relationship and i know I should’ve just went to my room, but I know your roommate and hao are in there and I really wanted to see you and I knew you could help me-”
“Jun, slow down what?”
“Y/N, please fuck me.” he says with a whine.
You feel like you could collapse right now. 
You slowly walk up to him and take his chin into your hand, raising his face to meet your eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Y/N. Please.”
You straddle his thighs and kiss him and take his dick into your hands, beginning to stroke it making him groan. “Jun, how long have you felt like this?”
“Since you bumped into me in the hallway. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” he says and leans forward to kiss you again. He runs his hands across your body and squeezes your ass. 
“Baby, please let me fuck you.”
“Jun, you’re driving me crazy.”
“Imagine how crazy you drove me every time you bent over only wearing one of my shirts, every time you wore a shirt with no bra, touched me in a certain way, looked at me with those pretty eyes, smiled at me. I’ve wanted to make you mine for so long, to be able to call you my girl.”
You smile at him, a bright, beautiful smile, making his heart skip a beat. You lean back and take off your shirt, his hands immediately flying to your chest, squeezing them.
“When I saw these tits for the first time I popped a boner. I had to pretend I was fine seeing your nipples pebble up from the ice.”
“I wish you did what you were thinking. You helping me made me sooo wet.”
He runs his hands to your sweatpants and pulls them down, helping you get off leaving you in just your panties. He sits up and kisses up your chest and around your face. He kisses your forehead, then your eyelids, the tip of your nose, your jaw, and finally your lips.
“Please fuck me, Jun.”
He flips the two of you over pulling off his sweats and boxers. “Where are your condoms?” 
“You don’t need one.”
“Baby, are you sure?”
“Yes Jun! Just fill me up already.” you whine.
He groans into your neck, running his fingers through your folds, only to find you ridiculously wet. “All this just for me?” he smirks at you, slowly circling his finger on your clit. 
“Yes, Jun”
“You flatter me, Baby.”
He runs his fingers down and plunges two straight into your hole, cutting to the chase and feeling around for your G-spot. He knows he found it when your back arches off the bed and you grab his hair, pulling his lips to yours. He continues thrusting up into your sweet spot, making your toes curl. You pull his hair and look into his eyes. 
“I want to cum on your cock, Junnie.”
“And exactly when I think I couldn’t be more in love with you, you surprise me.” he says with a smile. “But no.” he says as his eyes darken.
“What the fuck do you mean no?” you say in shock.
“I mean, you’ll cum when I let you cum.”
“Jun, stop teasing.”
“I can show you what real teasing looks like, Baby.” he says as he pulls his fingers out of you and slips them into your mouth as you're about to rebuttal.
He pulls you up by your hair and pushes you to your knees. “You know what to do Baby, I’ve heard first hand about how much of a whore you are.”
You groan but lick his leaking tip while looking into his eyes. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, '' you say challengingly. 
He looks into your eyes and shrugs. “I guess I’ll have to show you.”
He hooks his fingers into your mouth to widen it and shoves his dick straight into your mouth without giving you any time to adjust. He begins to thrust into your mouth and straight down your throat making you gag, but his fingers make you unable to close your mouth. You look at him with pleading eyes, but the tears running down your face only turns him on more. He decides he’s had enough. He needs to fuck that soaking wet pussy or he might actually die. He grabs your hand and throws you on the bed. 
“Spread your legs.”
You obey but you're plotting. Is he forgetting he was the one desperate for you to touch him? Now he wants to be in charge? Not on your watch. As he bottoms out in you, you let out a loud moan to distract him and flip him over. 
“Junnie, I think you’re forgetting you’re the one who's in desperate need of somewhere to dump their cum. You’d think you’d be a little nicer to me.” you say and grind your hips into him, making his eyes roll back.
“I want you to beg for me.”
Without missing a beat he starts to beg. “Please fuck me Y/N, I need it. I feel like I'm gonna explode. You're so warm and tight I feel like I’m in heaven. Please help me, baby.”
You raise your hips and his hips chase you, making it so you don't raise off his dick. “Jun, how am I gonna ride you if you don’t let me up.”
He groans and glues his hips to the bed, letting you begin to bounce. You feel like he’s in your guts, moving your insides around to accommodate him. 
“God, Jun you feel so good.” you moan out as you bounce faster, ignoring the burn in your thighs.  He thrusts meeting your hips as you bounce, pushing his dick deeper into you. His hands travel to your clit, pressing firmly and rubbing tight circles. “Please cum baby, cum on my cock, I’m so close.”
Seeing him so pathetic beneath you does something to you. You grind harder, feeling his tip hit your spot everytime, throwing you over the edge. As soon as he feels the first squeeze of your cunt he lets go, filling you up completely, causing some to spill out of you onto his thighs. He pulls you down for a kiss, holding you as you come down from your orgasm. 
He looks you in the eye when he whispers “I love you” against your lips.
As the sun shines through your windows, you awake with a smile on your face. It feels so good to finally be in Jun’s arms as his girlfriend. You sit up and stretch making him get up with you. He wraps his hands around your waist. “I’m hungry,” he says. 
“You want me to order you something?”
“No, I’m hungry for something else. I missed out on eating it yesterday” he smirks and drags you down onto the bed with him.
A/N: LMK if you want a part 2 with her roommate and how? I'm thinking a forced proximity kind of thing.
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asexualenjolras · 10 months
It is one week until Newsies London closes in Wembley, and I got to see it again the other day, so I want to talk about Ryan Kopel and his beautiful portrayal of Davey Jacobs one more time.
I love how Ryan portrays Davey to be autistic. Ryan has said that he plays Davey in a way that exemplifies his quirks, and it really works in this production. It’s what I am going to miss the most. I’ve never felt more seen.
As an autistic person myself, I have always headcanoned Davey as being autistic – in every format of Newsies previously. Ben Fankhauser’s Davey was always autistic-coded to me – his portrayal was one of my favourites. And I was nervous about seeing another actor take on a character that means so much to me ... but Ryan took Davey and made him even more autistic and I am so, so grateful and in awe of his talent.
Let’s talk about Davey Jacobs and his autistic traits, as portrayed by Ryan Kopel in West Endsies:
- Stimming:
Davey is stimming the WHOLE SHOW. And that’s not an exaggeration. He is shown to bounce on his toes, he is constantly fidgeting with his fingers (and standing with those stereotypical t-rex arms) and he runs his hands along his newsie bag, and he does a few little spins when he's excited, and he jumps up and down at one point.
- Difficulty with social interaction:
From the first moment that Davey is on stage, he is shown to be incredibly uncomfortable talking to other people. He is shown to stammer over his thoughts and struggles to coherently converse with the other characters on the stage. He is portrayed as someone that is reluctant to speak, and he stutters and rambles and struggles to maintain eye contact, looking down at his fidgeting hands a lot. Ben Fankhauser made Davey more confident in his ability to share his thoughts, but Ryan’s Davey struggles - both internally and externally - with this.
He is also shown to have a one track mind in conversations. He struggles to see why Jack is having doubts after the rally because he, personally, thinks it was a success. Davey is bouncing around and his tone is so light and he is so confused by Jack's doubts. It's so autistic. It's so relatable.
- Relationship with physical contact:
Davey is shown to struggle when people suddenly touch him, he flinches and wipes the touch away whenever he is uncomfortable. BUT he initiates touch with those that he trusts. He's so physical with Les, constantly holding him and giving him reassurance through taps. He is shown to hug Jack and he hugs Crutchie and it's nice to see.
- Strong moral compass:
Unlike Ben Fankauser’s Davey (who I LOVE), Ryan’s Davey is shown to be more reluctant to join in on the strike – he is a lot more sheltered, and is completely isolated on one side of the stage in that scene. Davey looks down to his feet and looks to be at war with himself. He looks completely defeated when Jack asks if his father would be in the mess he was in if he had a union, because he knows that Jack – this boy that he has just met – is right. But he is so conflicted because he knows that this is going to be difficult, and he’s so worried and so anxious and so questioning about what the right thing is. It’s such a minor part of the show, but it’s there and I love it.
- Autistic joy:
I don’t know how else to word this but the way that we see Davey unmask throughout the play makes me so smiley. We see him go from this uncomfortable, awkward, masked version of himself in the beginning to someone that genuinely feels accepted and like he has a place in this strike and in the Newsie family. The excitement in his voice when he is talking to Jack in Medda’s is UNMATCHED. He’s so bouncy and light and he’s STIMMING and he’s so happy. I love it.
I could go on and on but I won’t. I just really love the artistic differences between Ryan and Ben’s Davey Jacobs’. I love both of their adaptations, but Ryan’s Davey feels so authentically autistic. And I am PRAYING we get to see his Davey immortalised in a pro-shot?! PLEASE?!
Ryan Kopel, thank you so much for giving us this wonderfully autistic Davey Jacobs on stage.
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love-toxin · 1 year
waaaah i am perspiring just imagining the pornstar! fruity four slowly easing you into their videos and all the comments are like 👀 who dis
new phone who dis 👁
(cws: fruity four, modern spicy accountant au, f!angelface, voyeurism, filming, bruises, oral, overstimulation)
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it starts off slow. little comments here and there in the captions on their videos, harmless references to "the smoking hot sweetheart" one of them had just hooked up with. none of their fans know for sure that the four of them are in a committed relationship even though there's speculation, so there's nothing there to say that they're not just referring to a one night stand or simply another adult actor they're filming with.
until Eddie slips up and posts a video. it's clearly not Nancy or Steve laying on their belly in his bed, only the lower half of your stomach to the top of your thighs is visible, but the shorts you've got on and your figure isn't masking the fact that it isn't them. Eddie starts off by massaging your legs and roams up higher, higher, higher, until he's chuckling low and raspy as he's making you squirm and whine softly at where he's rubbing his fingers--right at the seam between your thighs, the stretchy fabric of your shorts digging into your tender flesh and making it that much harder to keep your "oh"s and "baby"s and "please"s quiet. and he shushes them all, soothes you as his fingers work to ruck down the waist of your bottoms so they peel away from your supple skin, and sinks into you from above with kisses and a hand gripping your arm as he feeds himself inside you so slowly. his hips pin yours to the bed and he barely moves inside you, just sticks to short, soft thrusts that bring out that squeaky tone of your voice to compliment the straining squeal of his bedsprings as he humps you. it's gentle and slow and sweet, so sweet that everyone is suspicious of this new person cropping up--especially when he adds the caption to that video that reads "love a good cuddle session with my angel <3" but doesn't tag anyone.
in the aftermath, the other three are a little annoyed that he failed to be as subtle as he should be, but it's barely an annoyance at all when they get to filter through all those nice comments that you get about how cute you are. people say you have a pretty voice, a soft butt, they wanna see you cum close-up and want the four to fuck you all at the same time, they wanna see your cunt gaping after they've all had their turns with you. and they're all too happy to give the people what they want.
Robin posts a photo of you with your tits exposed, littered with marks from her teeth and bruises all with the context; "if I'm a good girl and suck harder, will milk come out?" that drives the girls in her replies wild. Nancy's bold enough to post a video of her riding your face, taking it from an angle that hides your identity still but doesn't miss out on any of that glorious movement, as she drives her hips back and grinds down on your tongue to feel it stroke all the way through her sticky folds. when she cums, she nearly loses it and moans your name, but she manages to stop herself just before she collapses over you and pants so hard as the high comes down. and Steve.....Steve doesn't want to share you with the rest of the world, but he also really wants to show off how gorgeous you are and how good he fucks you. so he films a video of himself eating you out from behind, his two fingers buried in your pussy while his other two tease your clit, and he makes quite the show of messily, sloppily licking you up from every angle until you're quite literally yanking at his hair to tug him off when you're cumming for the fifth time in a row. and as punishment for Eddie, he's gotta be the one to hold the camera while he watches everyone else have fun--but that doesn't mean he's not gonna stroke himself off in the meantime, waiting with a grin for an opportunity to slip in so he can have a go at that pretty pussy for some deliciously sloppy seconds <3
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setsugekka · 1 year
『atarashī 』 ; 02
❝ something brewing ❞ | mlist  。
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student!hongjoong x fem!reader, husband!yeosang x fem!reader — drama, dark romance, mystery, heavy sexual content [4,5k wc] ch cws: talks of pregnancy, trying for a baby, and some of the deeply inherent societal misogyny that can come along with that for women of a certain age.
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"When do you think you're coming home?"
With a glass of red wine in hand and winding down from a long week of work, you lean into the cabinet of your kitchen—a forkful of fried rice shoveled into your mouth after the sentence leaves it and your phone set atop the counter—the often missing husband on speaker from the other end.
"Hard to say, might be a few more days to get some paperwork settled, I have a couple more meetings I need to attend and then who knows what might pop up in the meantime, between all of that. You know I miss you, right?"
In theory, yes, you do.
But you don't want to fight, don't want to turn this evening into another one that ends up like so many others, like your birthday days ago. So, you fight back the disappointed sigh, force a chipperness to your voice that probably sounds fake even to the man on the other line, if he knows you as well as he should by now.
"I know you do, I miss you too. I love you."
"I love you too. Enough about my work, how is the new bunch of art hipsters?"
You take a hefty swig of your drink.
"Same as always, I'd say. There's a few that seem really promising already, a couple of the actors are incredibly impressive, one reminds me of my grandmother, actually. I hope she sticks with it, especially."
Yeosang huffs out a laugh on the other end, as if amused by the thought of it.
"Any problem children this year?"
Another mouthful of food down and a shrug that you know your conversation partner can't even see, you answer.
"I don't think so. There's one guy who can't seem to get it together enough to close it out, bombed out of a bunch of other schools in what would appear to be spectacular fashion, but I don't think he's going to be a problem to anyone except for himself. It's really no skin off of mine nor the Akademiya's back if he can't focus enough to graduate."
"Maybe he just needs some inspiration," Yeosang says, though there's a pointed mischievousness to his tone that makes his intent in saying such a thing evident before even going as far as to explicitly say as much. "Maybe he'll like to take you as his muse."
"And I'm sure you would find that just so amusing, wouldn't you?" you jokingly reply back. "Painfully cliché, isn't it? Besides being a happily married woman, I have no interest in fraternizing with the students of the Akademiya, I would imagine it to be largely frowned upon."
"I would imagine so, though equally as much desired by some as a result of that. Don't you silly, artsy types enjoy those sorts of clichés more often than not anyway?"
Yeosang says it in a way that's meant to be comically enjoyed by the both of you; a cute banter between husband and wife, though it always comes off as anything but to you. A point of contention in your relationship for as long as you can remember, your husband's unwillingness to relent as far as his perceived pointlessness of the arts as a whole—the irony embedded within then—when he decided upon marrying a woman so devout to them.
Something that over the years fell to the wayside, however, and you can't quite parse through how much of it has been on account of yourself, or on account of his disapproval of it. Never any outright condemnation of your enjoyment, but equally as much unwilling to ever make himself available to you in such a way.
Silly, artist types, as he would always call them. Not to be taken seriously, not to be regarded as anything more than children now existing well into adulthood but unwilling to cast aside the immaturity that still resides deep within them.
And so, cast it aside you have. Buried deep down, not to be revisited. To be ignored completely and forever.
"Yes, well," you start, pouring yourself another glass of wine, this one fuller than the last. "We do, but not when it results in undesired, real world consequences. I have no inkling of desire for a student five years my junior and with little to nothing going for him."
"You know, speaking of," Yeosang says then, a change of subject sitting at the tip of his tongue. "I've been thinking that maybe it's about time we start trying for a baby."
Your blood runs cold at the mere mention of it, frozen in place and almost certain that you've heard wrong. Surely not.
He must pick up on the hesitation despite the very few seconds of silence that pass through the line. You hear him sigh—like he's disappointed in the fact that you're not jumping at the potential opportunity—which dumbfounds you, because why on earth would you?
"It's been seven years now, I just thought—" he pauses, probably rethinking the course of his thoughts before picking back up again and deciding against the topic entirely. "You know what, forget it. We'll talk about it another time."
"Sorry, I was just...surprised. You brought it up so suddenly."
"It shouldn't be sudden given how long we've been married. We were meant to be on the same page about this. You're thirty now, I'm not saying that you're running out of time but—"
But he is.
You close your eyes, try to pretend that this isn't happening right now with another long sip of wine. Why on earth would you be jumping at the chance to have a baby, knowing perfectly well that in doing so you would effectively be rendered to paid-for-single-motherhood with the frequency in which your husband is not around.
The thought of it makes your skin crawl. You can't say that, however. There's a lot of things that you simply cannot say to him.
"I know, we should talk about it when you're home though. Over a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, perhaps?"
"Are either of those things likely to have you getting off of your birth control?"
You've been here before: the dead end of any particular conversation topic with Yeosang. Where further discussion on the matter nearly impossible to reach any sort of positive result. Best to back down now, nothing good will come of the rest of your evening over the phone together.
"I'm going to head into the office early tomorrow to get a little bit of extra paperwork done, still a lot of small things that need to be done around the theater hall," you say. It's not entirely a lie—fully intending to do just that—but more than anything and most importantly, it's an excuse for you to end the phone call. "I should probably get to bed."
"Yeah, me too. I'll call you tomorrow when I have some time. Get some rest, I love you."
You say you love him back, but in times like this, you aren't quite sure what the words are meant to feel like anymore.
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Nine in the morning echoes through the narrow, ornate halls of the theater building—an otherwise quiet emptiness that emanates around you on account of the students' typical disinterest in being there on the weekends. You understand the feeling well, though often unable to turn yourself off in quite the same way.
Balancing a small stack of papers and folders in your arms, you make your way towards your office. Phone calls to make, contractors to meet, signatures to sign—another full day of mundane tasks ahead of you with little to no reprieve in sight.
Dull. A lifeless existence you've resigned yourself to over the years; tending to a building that most lack care for, little to discuss with anyone most nights, and especially not your husband.
Amid quick strides across vermillion carpet, as you pass one of the closed doors to a smaller theater room—a small noise heard within, like a conversation being held between people. Words spoken and muffled by the large, wooden doors; you can't make them out even when you pause and press your ear closer towards it, but more than that comes to shock at someone else being on the premises aside from yourself.
You inch closer yet, slowly, and just before your head makes contact with the obstruction, it opens.
A cuss escapes you on account of the impact—it's sudden and hard enough that it has you stumbling back and dropping the handful of things that you've been carrying—papers scattering, you hissing, and the sound of a man hurriedly rushing to your aid in the aftermath of the flurry.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry—"
You rub your forehead with your palm, wince at the pain, crack your eyes open finally to see who it is that you have to wish only the worst things upon for having you end up like this.
He reaches out toward you, albeit awkwardly, unsure of what to do to help. While your vision focuses on him, he instead must decide on gathering your things—it's more helpful, surely.
"I didn't think anyone else was here, I was told no one else was here on the weekends."
"Yeah, well," you groan first, finally focusing on the sight of Hongjoong finishing his self-imposed task and then settling on his knees before you. "Typically there's no students here on the weekends. What are you doing here, anyway?"
Handing you the stacks of papers, Hongjoong smiles. As if knowing something that you do not.
"You were eavesdropping, weren't you?"
You glance up at him through your eyelashes, meet his eyes for a long moment and then bring yourself back up to your feet. He follows suit, watching you all the while.
"I would hardly call it eavesdropping when I'm the one tasked with making sure this place stays up and running. If I hear something suspicious, then I'm going to investigate it."
His smile widens.
"Was met with a sudden wave of inspiration for a garment, I don't have a dress form at home, and I was told that this space is available whenever to students. So, I came."
There's a few beats of silence that wash over the both of you—eyes glued to each other’s as if engaging in an unspoken game of chess. The first to relent unabashedly the loser, though you're not quite sure what winning might entail either.
You clear your throat, the weight of his gaze upon you feeling heavier and heavier with each passing second. Shuffle where you stand, dropping your eyes to the floor.
But you can feel that he is still watching you.
"Is that not true?" he asks, a hinting in his tone indicating that he knows the answer already.
"It is, you are welcomed to come and go as you please as a student of the Akademiya."
"Perfect," Hongjoong replies, airy, plain lips still painted with a slight smile. "Are you interested in costuming?"
The sudden tangent takes you by surprise, becoming painfully aware of the weight of the items still hanging in your arms as you give your brain a moment to play catch up with all of the bizarre things that seem to be unfolding around you. Frankly, if you didn't know any better—you might think the guy to be lightly flirting with you.
Hongjoong seems to notice as much, reaches out to take the stack once again and instead of holding onto it, sets the pile onto a stray chair that's hanging in the hallway just beside them.
"Lemmie show you something."
His hand reaches out behind himself—fingers brushing against your own in an effort to guide—you pull away just after, creating space between you even though you accept the invitation to follow him through the doorway and inside of the room. It's small, much smaller than the others that line the halls, and little more resides inside other than a dress form with fabrics draped over it, numerous swatches decorating a handful of chair-tops, and a large sketchbook sitting open in full display on the embarrassingly dirty floor.
Something that must have slipped past you in your attempt to tidy up the place for the school year ahead, you apologize to him for the inconvenience—tell him that you'll have it taken care of today—though he seems none bothered by the fact at hand.
Hongjoong's hair is cleaner today, more finely cared for and parted down the middle. Brushed, better put together than how he typically presents during the school week. Clean, fitted jeans and a nice blazer over his shirt. It's nothing fancy, but he looks nice.
"You didn't answer my question, by the way," he says suddenly, your attention snapping back to him and out of your thoughts about him. "About costuming."
"Oh, right," you acknowledge, though your attention is split between the conversation and any other tasks that may need taking care of. "A little bit. It's not something I've ever given a lot of attention to I suppose."
Hongjoong glances over his shoulder at that, seemingly amused by it. "Acting then?"
"Painting, actually."
"Ah," he sighs, bending down to the floor and picking up his sketchbook. He hands it to you. "Done anything in this place?"
Taking the large book of paper from him, you look up at him, then glance down towards it.
"A couple of things, though you'd never know it."
Hongjoong's attention to you falls away once again, hands reaching up to wind into the fabrics pinned onto the white dress form that stands in the middle of the room—back to work, as if you're not even there at all. In that time, you flip through a couple of pages of what he has given you; drawings and loose, messy sketches adorning the papers in numerous colors and outlines, but always beautifully connecting into something that shines against the bland background.
You blink a couple of times, in something of a bit of shock at what you're seeing. You glance up towards him once again—none of his attention given towards you or what you may think of his work—hands still busy winding, pinning and tying in front of him.
"These are good," you say, quietly, not wanting to interrupt his process. "Really good. How is it that—"
You catch yourself halfway through the thought, curse yourself for having even started to say it as you continue to look at him and the way his eyes sling to the side to meet yours.
"That I've not managed to graduate yet?"
"I'm sorry—"
Hongjoong laughs, takes a pause from his work and shakes his head. "It's okay, it's a fair enough question."
Waltzing across the path that separates the both of you and stepping over a small collection of fabric swatches, Hongjoong takes the sketchbook back from your hands, glances through a couple of the pages himself as if not having seen the things that rest inside for himself in quite some time. A trip down memory lane, as it would seem, and a small glimmer of what one might read as hope sparkling in his eyes as he looks at what he's done throughout the years.
"I wouldn't say that the issue is so much my talent; my raw, innate ability to create, to make something beautiful. Attention to detail, finding the divinity in something—or creating it—has never been the problem. Rather, there's probably a part of me that's absolutely terrified of the commitment of moving onto another chapter of my life."
You smile, let out a small laugh at it all. "That's a lot of words to say you're a commitmentphobe."
He shrugs. "Change is scary, unless it's temporary enough that the only thing that results from it is blowing up some major facet of my life."
"I'm sure your girlfriend loves that," you joke in response. Both of your eyes meet after, Hongjoong sets the sketchbook down onto the floor and slowly makes his way back to his work at the dress form as you continue to fumble over your words. "Or boyfriend, or whatever."
"Don't have one," Hongjoong says, sticking a pin between his teeth to hold onto. His eyes narrow then in a way that you've become bizarrely accustomed to in such a short amount of time spent with him—devilish, something lightheartedly coy and almost flirtatious in delivery. "What about you? Betrothed to anyone or just this place?"
"Married, actually," you reply, an uncomfortable tremble to your voice. Hongjoong's unrelenting stare remains steadfast on you all the while. Little time passing but feeling like far more. "Not to this place, to a man."
"That's good, I'd be worried for you if you weren't seeing anyone or anything but this building."
"Yeah, well, my husband spends most of the year traveling for business so—" you pause, close your eyes and re-center yourself. "Sorry, not really appropriate conversation to be having with students, is it?"
Hongjoong chuckles under his breath, still tending to his craft and seemingly wholly unbothered by the topic brought before him.
"Well, you're not my professor, you don't even work for the Akademiya, and thus I'm not your student," he pauses again, pulls a pin from between his teeth and sticks it into a fold of blue chiffon. "Besides, I'm twenty-five, you don't exactly have to shield my young, innocent eyes from the horrors of adult relationships. My parents are divorced, I've been through a fair share of my own in the meantime."
Silence takes the room then, and while you grant yourself some time to watch the man earnestly tend to his artistic craft, it's not long until you remember the fact that you have tasks that require your attention today as well.
"I've got to get going, I have work to do."
The man doesn't reply, another fold of blue chiffon pinned to the dress form as you bid him farewell.
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Later that evening, the wind blows cold through the moistened streets of the city as you make your way through winding passages of parked vehicles and unpleasantly placed construction signs. The misplaced leaves blow violently around you, lodged in your hair and stuck to your coat before you're able to finally make your way to the destination that awaits you.
Seonghwa stands just out front of the dimly lit bar like a beacon of comfort, a soft smile greeting you once you bring yourself up the steps and inside of the building with the door held open by him.
Inside, the warmth of a fireplace and a small amount of other patrons welcomes you in much of the same way that your friend just had. Your first time here, though you're already pleased by the sights of a candlelit ambiance and intricate, decorative little knickknacks all lining the walls for as far as the eye can see. To some perhaps it is crowded, overbearing—but for you, it feels right at home.
"Weather is horrid," Seonghwa says as he slips ahead, motions for you to follow him towards one of the tables at the back of the room. "Hadn't planned for that when I asked you if you'd like to come out."
The two of you sit and a member of the staff is quick to come and take your orders, disappearing just as swiftly as they had come.
"It's okay, I needed the distraction anyway, I've been bogged down with work back at Aurelia. I'm still not quite sure how so many things break down in the small time between semesters."
"It's an old building," Seonghwa begins, cut off by the waitstaff returning with your drinks then carrying on with the thought again. "Things are going to break, unfortunately. Speaking of, how are the new underlings?"
You laugh at the nickname given to the students, as if they are your own and thus under your thumb. Coffee mug in hand, you take a sip and look carefully to Seonghwa across the table—studying his face as if in search of something. He notices it, features twisting into confusion and reels back slightly.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"We've been friends for a long time, right? I can...talk to you about things."
He glances around the both of you, still searching for something and nothing all at once. The answers to the question and what's going on at this table, presumably, he won't find them though. "Yes? Why?"
You set your mug down, lean forward across the table a little bit more to close the wide distance between both of you.
"There's one student, a costuming major—"
"A man?"
Seonghwa flinches visibly at the reply.
"I think he's taken some sort of...particular interest in me, for some reason." You take another sip from your mug and watch on, awaiting a response from the man across the way.
He takes a few seconds of silence, thinking over what you've said most likely. His eyes drop to look down into the liquid of his glass, and then flicker up to meet your expectant ones.
"Why are you telling me this?"
Sighing, you lean back into your chair lazily. "I don't know, I think it's intriguing. I don't know why he would, but he is fascinating."
A single eyebrow quirks up on Seonghwa's face. "Does he know that you're married?"
Part of you wonders if he's asking you, or reminding you of the fact.
"Yes, I told him as much."
"Did he seem to...care much for that?"
"In what way is he meant to care for it?"
To that, Seonghwa sighs heavily—pulls himself forward across the table much like you had only moments before and laces his fingers together like a man intent of delivering an important presentation of some sort. Or perhaps lecture is a better, more apt word.
"In much of the same way that you are. I know that with Yeosang gone much of the time it gets lonely and the prospect of new and exciting attention is likely nothing short of intoxicating, but the stakes are rather low for whoever this student is—" Seonghwa pauses, allowing the emphasis on that particular word to sink in even further before carrying on. "It's probably not a good idea to pay it much mind."
"Are you done?" you ask. Pointed, annoyed but not wanting to let it show in a way that may sour the mood of the evening any more than Seonghwa has already allowed for. "I said that I found it intriguing, not that I was considering slipping between the sheets with him, my God."
It feels as though the entire room quiets once the two of you finish with those words shared. Seonghwa leans back in his chair again, takes his glass into his hands and brings it up to his lips before muttering his apologies through it and towards you.
"I'm sorry, it's just that as your friend I know how difficult the past few years have been for you—with your job, with your marriage—it's easy to let things slip through the cracks once they're there at all. I wasn't saying it as a judgement upon you."
You blink slowly, frown at him and reach a hand across the table in request for his own. He's fast to take it, curling your lips pleasantly the other way.
"I know. Truthfully, I look at the guy more as a little excitement in my life; like visiting the pet store and watching the bunnies hop around knowing full well that you have no intention of taking one home."
Seonghwa laughs at the comparison. "Does he know that he's a bunny in your life?"
"I don't think he thinks he's anything in my life, and he would be right about that."
Nodding in acceptance of the answer, the waitstaff come with a small loaf of cut, buttered garlic bread in a wicker basket for snacking. You're quick to take one into hand, Seonghwa a bit slower, still with more on his mind to question you with.
"How is Yeosang, anyway? Still gone I presume?"
You nod much in the same way. "He doesn't know when he's going to be able to come home, nothing unusual there, I suppose. Actually, he recently brought up something..."
Words trailing off into nothingness at the end, it piques Seonghwa's curiosity just that much more than it normally might. He takes a bite into the bread, mumbles through a full mouth.  "Brought up what?"
"That he wants to start trying for a baby soon."
Seonghwa reels—lip turning upwards into an ugly sight as if the very thought of it disgusts him.
"A baby? He's never even here, what's he want to have a baby for?"
Your demeanor gives off a silent understanding of I know, right? but you offer him a verbal reply along with it.
"That's sort of how I feel about it."
"That's the most insane thing I've ever heard," he says, taking another bite of the snack food in hand. "Guy spends maybe a quarter of the year at most in the city and he wants to get you pregnant. For what?"
The question isn't intended for you, not exactly. It's intended for a man who is not there to answer it—expelled into the ether with no hopes of a response—not that you nor Seonghwa think you will be sated by any possible reply that you could come by.
"Well, you didn't ask, but don't do that. I'm not really up for playing husband like I know I'd get stuck doing in the event of you getting pregnant."
You roll your eyes. "But playing husband comes with so many perks."
"College was a long time ago," Seonghwa replies, knowingly perfectly well the implications of your past together with him that you are alluding to. "I had my fill of you then, you're of far more use to me not on your back."
Feigning an offended gasp, you halfheartedly toss a napkin across the table at him—the both of you laughing.
"Seriously though, Yeosang needs to spend more time home and fucking you. If you're coming onto me again, and being woo'd by a young twenty-something student from the Akademiya then there's a lot of problems going on within the marital residence."
"I wouldn't sleep with you again if I was injected with poison through my cunt and the only antidote was kept in your dick," you insist plainly enough, and now he is the one drowning in pretend-hurt from across the way.
Leaning over the table again, Seonghwa smirks at you—looking positively evil over the flickering of candlelight that resides beneath him and in the middle of the table.
"Ah, but if it's in an Akademiya student’s dick, well then—"
Fingers dipped in your water glass and quickly flicked into the face of your best friend, he flinches with shock at what you've done to him—how could you—he hatefully whispers through a laugh that you both carry between yourselves.
Unlikely that you're to live this one down, that much is for certain.
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a/n: ah geez the trouble is brewing! enjoy the calm before the storm yall because it’s gonna get crazy and fast. if you have stuff to discuss, my ask box is the best way and i’m always happy to talk about the stories and characters! other than that, hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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maneaterss · 1 year
-not so alone
you're the one, you're all i've ever wanted i think i'll regret this.
pairing: richarlison x insert
summary: richarlison and model reader after many years- have broken up up and during an event- richarlison is quick to support the reader.
cw: SO. MUCH. ANGST. fluff at the end for like two paragraphs.
a/n: this is the first idea that i've come up with since i started this account cause i've only done reqs oml. anyways sorry for going M.I.A and only writing angst... it be like that sometimes. this is kinda ass so sorry lolz. I CANT VIEW MY DMS OR READ OR RESPOND TO COMMENTS YALL IDK WHAT I DID.
also tysm for five hundred yall r cute asf w ur reqs mwah.
you felt confident- for the first time in months. your hair was blown out and fell long against your front, your dress embedded with rhinestones accentuated your favorite curves in your body, and your makeup only added to the newfound poise.
for the first time since the breakup you'd been able to feel some self worth. your friends and family had an idea of how hard the breakup- some of richarlisons family also reaching out to you. how else was a separation adorned with tears, screaming, and sobs supposed to go?
you stepped out of the car that led you to the event, you didn't anticipate this many paparazzi, or people. you didn't know what encouraged you to go to this event, in all honesty you accepted the offer because you'd been nominated to win. it was an award show for. a plethora of specialities, model of the year would be presented, actors, fashion, many things- but none of those categories could possibly have anything to connect to the one person you were avoiding, right?
questions were thrown at you, some about awards, some about if you thought you'd win, and few about a new boyfriend. the rest was tame until you'd gotten inside of the venue. instant camera flashes, another rough downpour of specific and critical questions- you'd taken such a long break from this and now making a big jump in was what you would observe as a horrible idea.
"y/n what kind of wins are you expecting this evening?"
"miss l/n who are you wearing?"
"what does your love life look like right now?'"
"what were the factors of you and richarlisons breakup?"
you body tensed at his name, you did your best to not give a reaction, to not feed into the weird obsession people had over your past relationship. "of course i'm expecting myself to take prize tonight, just like every other nominee who's equally deserving." you smiled and quickly moved on- you honestly prayed that was the end of his name tonight.
that was until an old colleague engulfed you before you could enter the seating area,
"god- im so sorry about richarlison y/n. it must've been horrible!" she squealed, arms impossibly tight around you.
you're face was straight until you pulled back, "it’s all okay f/n, thank you though."
lies. your eyebags covered with concealer would say otherwise, your empty nights and lonely days, the was you still had his tshirts in your closet, and the fact that his toothbrush was still in your apartment differed that fact completely. but the way of life didn't care for how much you'd loved each other or how much passion and time you shared because eventually his toothbrush would end up in the garbage on cleaning day, and his shirts would lose his signature smell, and you'd still wake up on your side of the bed alone.
your friend hugged you once more before escaping to find her designated spot and you lingered a moment more trying to find a familiar face to walk inside with until you heard that same hollow yet bouncy voice with an unfamiliar english accent.
your legs instinctively led you in the opposite direction of the voice, finding where your designated spot was. for half an hour you had insignificant conversations with the people sat around you- some you’ve spoken to before and others you never met but recognized from social media and whatnot.
at last the awards had begun, you sat idle- observing with the occasional clap or cheer when a name was announced. you’d completely zoned out about halfway through. completely having forgot you’d even been nominated- only thinking about the small laugh and greeting you’d heard from a sickening yet beautiful voice earlier and who it could’ve come from.
whilst you worried yourself over small happenings, whilst your fingernails dug into your palms with enough vigor to draw blood- 
“y/n l/n” cheers erupted.
for a second your mine was ripped away from the painful mishaps of your devotion and instead your brain fixed on the fact that you had just won the award you’d lost sleep thinking about and praying to win for years on end, you thought about your family watching from home, your friends jumping up from their seats, and you’d gotten up from your own to walk onto the stage, portraits of you flashing on the screen behind you as you accepted the award.
you spoke of your thanks, of how greatful you’d been to accept this award and earn it, your heart soaring from the feeling of such an amazing win and lal you’d given up to be here, you’d felt on top of the world until your eyes made contact with those big brown ones in the back of the crowd, clapping as he stood. his frame was still tall- if not taller, slightly more muscular since the last time you’d seen him, his eyes were still deep like you remembered, his hair lighter, skin bronzer.
it felt you’d stared for an eternity until you walked off- only it was merely a few seconds. you’d forgotten your surroundings once more as you left the stage and sat down in your seat- everyone congratulating you on your way back as you smiled back- doing your best to push his image to the back of your head.
why did this affect you so much? he was completely out of your life, you were just getting over him. you wondered why he was here? for fucks sake he plays football- none of this should be relevant to him unless he was here for someone else- a girl? you knew he had many romantic ordeals since you two had ended and that fact alone slightly embarrassed you because you didnt give men the time of day anymore- you didn’t respond to them, talk to them, accept their date offers, you isolated yourself in your attempt to heal.
you sat in your seat, leg bouncing, anxiety at its peak- all of your nerves were tense as you took shallow breaths before excusing yourself to the bathroom- holding your composure until you found an empty hallway- you’d love to be in a more private place but bathrooms were always crowded at events like this.
you paced back and forth, your fingers busied themselves. you should be elated that you’d won- not acting like a child because you saw your ex. 
god grow the fuck up you’re going to see him from time to time.
you said anything and everything to make the situation smaller but with the heightened emotions you were at the verge of a panic attack. you sat against the wall with your phone next to you- doing your best to stay off of it because god knows whatever people were saying would be your last straw. 
you tucked your hair behind your ear as the first tear fell down your cheek, it wasn’t until then that you’d realized you never gave yourself a minute to mourn the loss of him- he who was entirely alive and healthy, to mourn the loss of his bear hugs, his corny kiss attacks to wake you up, his fingers that danced across your skin- sending chills up your spine, him wrapping a towel around your warm body after a shower.
tears fell and fell and fell, they fell until you covered your face with your hands, until your ears rang, and until you could smell that familiar scent. a body sat next to yours- running a hand down your back and the other fiddling with the ends of your hair. “breath, minha amada.’
you didn’t look up- nor did you removed your hands from your face until he pulled them away, forcing your red and teary eyes to meet his glossed over ones, “o que te deixa pra baixo?” he spoke as he kept eye contact. (what’s got you down?)
the way he spoke and the ghost of his fingers as he adjusted positions made you realize you weren’t alone in your mourning
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merrymorningofmay · 11 months
if anybody abroad is reluctant to reexamine their relationship to russian culture/literature/etc they should consider that here in ukraine/eastern europe many more people were raised surrounded by much more russian art (in the og language at that). if a dostoyevsky novel has some emotional significance to you that renders it above the current political agenda imagine how much closer the same novel has been, used to be, to many of us
because you know, the saddest thing about russification is that it works. like, all the "they made me read it in high school and i hated it" talk aside, we didn't actually jump out of our mothers' respective wombs with an inherent dislike for russian things. even in the post-independence generation, many (including me) were very late to radicalize, many (including me) used to appreciate the great russian novel, the great russian cinema, the great russian music etc – let alone the generations of our parents and grandparents, who grew up before the iron curtain collapse and had barely anything BUT russian media to bond with.
and hey, nostalgia is a bitch. it gets especially bitchy in a traumatic situation that makes you yearn for the comfort of a "simpler" past. my father still listens to the russian 80s music. sometimes he turns to me randomly and sighs, "that one singer/actor/tv celebrity really turned out to be an asshole, huh."
(fascist. by "asshole" he means fascist)
i used to love bulgakov! because my parents love bulgakov and i love my parents, because i vibed with his style, because i thought "surely his imperialist mindset is obsolete by now, surely whoever likes bulgakov in russia likes him for everything but the imperialism". i used to love "the idiot" because i was a sad christian queer teen and for an ardent nationalist/racist/antisemite/etc, dostoyevsky actually had much compassion for the victim, which appealed to me – i didn't really think that i would be the sort of victim he had no regard for. the indie folk songs that used to be the jam of my soul were written by people who either supported the war or didn't really care, and my first ocs that i still cling to were (originally) heavily inspired by that one godawful copaganda wagner yaoi comic series (which has since been made into a movie, which is now on netflix, yay). russian culture past and modern has left a trace in me that will not go anywhere no matter my current worldview (which is far from sympathetic to russia, i promise) and my future choices.
but there is no floating island in the sky where art is divorced from physical reality. there is no magical place where there is no red string going from dostoyevsky all the way to putin. there is no just space where ukrainian voices are on equal footing with russian voices – precisely because the russian state has been so carefully nurturing the brand of Russian Art (even though some of the artists were killed by the previous incarnations of that same state, even though some artists never identified as russian but had that label forced onto them because an empire will take whatever it can from a colony).
the things that i used to love turned out to be cogs in the weapon meant to kill me. those cogs are still spinning, and i still miss that love sometimes, and there's no going back. it's an uneasy predicament that i had to learn to live with. i didn't die from that. the cogs didn't die from that. you won't, either.
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larkspurglove · 7 days
Wow 2.2 absolutely stuck the landing for the Penacony arc. Anyway spoiler heavy thought dump below
AVENTURINE’S ALIVE YIPPEE!!! He cannot catch a fucking break though, bro has a chance of being demoted or kicked out of the stonehearts, and then Boothill breaks into his room and aims a gun at him. Get my man a vacation please.
Anyway GOD I LOVE HOW THEY DID THE TWIST. Misha manifesting in reality has irked me since I first noticed that only the trailblazer sees him, because him being a memory zone meme made 100% sense except for that one little piece of info.
While it’s a bit sad that Boothill and Black Swan aren’t actually travelling with us, the fake ending felt weirdly jarring but also convincing enough that for a second I doubted myself and thought it was the real ending.
The use of end credits gives me a heart attack each time but it’s really funny, although there are a few things I noticed in there.
1) Gallagher’s actor is listed as Penacony???
2) ‘Dreammaster’ as Sunday’s servant, then Gopher Wood as Dreammaster. Like what does that mean
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This shit was terrifying. This was the moment that made me think ‘this is lowkey Sumeru all over again’ but this time instead of power hungry sages you have several OP people in one area and a sad Christian bird boy running the show.
(By the way this ALSO ALSO made me realise that Aventurine’s eyes are like Ena the Order’s one giant eye. What’s up with that)
Argenti showing up scared the shit out of me but it was kinda funny. However I don’t know if this happened to anyone else but he just didn’t have a voice when he showed up. As in there was just zero speech, just the text.
Also ACHERON’S NAME IS RAIDEN BOSENMORI MEI WAHOO!!! All we’re missing is a Kiana expy and then we have the hi3 trio in hsr.
As for Sunday and Robin doomed by the narrative siblings auahshshdhehsjshdh. When I’m more awake I’m going to write a ten page essay on Sunday’s characterisation and how his faith pulls from Christianity/Catholicism/etc. Like it’s genuinely such a good use of Christian-type belief I’m going insaneeeeee.
Boothill is so silly I adore him. Just a silly guy. Sure he is threatening to kill Aventurine but like he’s silly.
Gallagher being a History Fictionologist was unexpected but also makes so much sense. I’m still kinda concerned about how many people refer to him as a dog in a seemingly literal sense but we’ll unpack that later. Also it makes him showing up and saving Firefly from getting arrested even funnier tbh. Cause like, I thought the stowaway the Bloodhounds were looking for was Boothill, but since Gallagher’s a Fictionologist he just fucking lied and it came true. Iconic.
What interesting about Penacony and the Xianzhou is that they both deal with death, but the Xianzhou deals with the concepts of immortality and the consequences of trying to outlive your death, while Penacony’s messaging is that death and hardship is inevitable but life isn’t worth living if you’re not willing to withstand those tragedies.
By the way I’m 1000% sure that the ‘puppets’ during Sunday’s transformation into the Dominous thingy aren’t metaphorical stand ins for the hundred thousand something Oak Family members but literal stand ins. Unless proven otherwise I think Sunday killed those guys to power up the Order death machine. There’s another universe where Hoyo doesn’t have to worry about censorship and there’s just dead bodies being moved around like puppets, trust me I’m John Hoyoverse.
There’s still a lot of loose ends to wrap up and while I’m 100% certain that 2.3 is gonna be ‘oh fuck the IPC is on Penacony’ I really hope these are resolved. Off the top of my head some of them are
Sunday and Robin’s relationship
The consequences of Sunday’s actions
Where the fuck Aventurine was if he was just in the Reef place the entire time he was ‘dead’
What the IPC actually want with Penacony (it’s probably either for profit or for dead aeon remains)
How Gallagher ended up on Penacony/how he became a Fictionologist
Is Misha still around???
Whether the absence of Order followers scheming is gonna stop the dreamscape from collapsing or not
What the consequences of summoning a bunch of Galaxy Rangers to Penacony will be
Some of these might already be answered but this quest was like six hours long and that was with me speed-reading most of the dialogue and now it’s 1 am in the morning. I do not have enough brainpower for this shit.
I can’t wait for 2.3 the ‘Sunday goes to jail and the IPC get harassed by a Cowboy’ arc
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astroyongie · 1 year
Hi yongie, I really hope you are doing better mentally ❤️
In the time you've been gone I've really missed your posts and ended up going back to read them and found a bunch of asks I'd sent you but never seen the answer to 😭 I guess I couldn't keep up with your updates which is amazing because that I read your Tumblr the same as if I were reading a newspaper lol. Anyway, in one of these you asked me for Jungkook's chart and I ended up not sending it.
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•I really wanted to know if with his birth time right, he would still be this type that flirts a lot and if he would still cheat if he felt bored??
• Is the description of red flags and how he would be dating based only on the chart or on a little bit of what you know about him in the tarot too? I had this doubt because you and other astrologers here on Tumblr always say that Leo is a sign that is more difficult to cheat on because it is fixed. He also has scorpio and virgo in his chart, usually these signs are not very known for cheating.
• His Venus in Libra is one degrees of Cancer, would that make him more stable and sentimental in a relationship or would he just be more needy and would he cheat more easily for those who paid more attention to him?
•The sun and mercury are also in degrees of scorpio (besides his Mars is also in scorpio), does that count for anything?
• not to mention the houses too
LMAO I've said too much, I'll stop. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm not doubting what you said about JK, I'm just really curious☠️☠️ I'm trying to figure out what makes this doberman an international playboy based on astrology 🩷
Hey love! i will try to answer your questions by actually analyzing Jungkook's chart completely !
Jungkook Birth Chart Analysis :
Moon Leo 1st house: He is unable to hide his true self and his emotions. Jungkook is someone that is very vocal about who he is, and doesn't like to hide what he has inside of him. So he can often come out as someone rude and full of himself, as he is someone that has high self-esteem and knows his worth. He is an exteriorized person, meaning that when he feels happy he shows it with laughter, when he is sad he shows it through crying and quietness and when he is angry he shows it through violence and recklessness. To finish, he also has a big heart, he is funny and naturally charming
Sun Virgo 2nd house: He is a money person, his whole identity and persona is based on how much he has and how much he can show to others. In other words, Jungkook is a hard worker since his image is something very important to him and he wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that he hasn't enough. He has a materialistic personality, but he is also an analyzer and very down to earth.
Mercury Virgo 2nd house: this is also tangled with his personality to say at best, Jungkook, like I said, is someone very materialistic, and he sees people, work,s and his life as such. He can sometimes be very picky with how he talks and has relationships. He wouldn't want to get mentally involved with someone "lower" than him. He has a mind for the business and he is quite smart as well. He plays dumb to get what he wants, but inside his brain, he has a whole plan.
Venus Libra 3rd house: Don't get fooled, this placement makes Jungkook an expert with words. He is able to seduce people through his voice, through the way he expresses himself. Usually, it's very easy for him to make people fall in love and to make a play out of others. Although he is a 50/50 when it comes to being a player in his life, Jungkook can easily get dependent on people that stimulate him mentally. He is able to make you believe whatever he wants.
Mars Scorpio 4th: He is extremely possessive of what is his. He is especially very attracted and protective of people he considered as his family and he would hurt anyone who tries to hurt his loved ones. Jungkook is an emotional actor, and his Moon in 1st House really makes him driven through emotions. He has a hard time controlling his feeling and always acts based on them. He has no chill whatsoever. Also when it comes to sexuality, he is a possessive lover, with kinks that are usually very rough, and harsh and can include pregnancy kinks.
Pluto Sagittarius 5th: He was made to be on stage, Jungkook has an incredible artistic side of himself due to his versatile way of being. He has enough resources to become however he wants, has a huge adaptation capacity and his sociable side also makes him very lucky in love and friendships. Other than that Jungkook is always innovating and changing who he is, adapting himself to the public eye (although this is also valable to his private life)
Neptune Capricorn 6th: Usually Neptune and the 6th house are a blessing and a curse at the same time. His mental health and his physical health are connected, so basically when he isn't in good mental condition, it will show in his physical health and vice versa. Jungkook as a bad habit of trying to control his condition, his life, and his routines but when Neptune is retrograde, he can easily get stuck in unhealthy pattern habits.
Uranus Aquarius 6th: This comes tangled with the Neptune placement because once more it talks about the way he tries to control his daily routines, however, he is always changing and getting new things to do. He just needs to have the perception that he is under control of his life. Also Jungkook doesn't really like routines, so he enjoys innovating and changing his life every now and then, as long as he is the one moving the cords
Jupiter Aquarius 7th: He is extremely lucky in love, he is able to attract people very easily, people fall under his charms like flies and he doesn't need to do much to get them hooked. However Jungkook also is someone that doesn't like to be trapped in relationships, so he gets easily bored of them and he prefers to have several experiences and enjoy his life. He loves love, sex, and relationships in general, he just doesn't like the responsibility that it impacts.
Empty Pisces 8th: This boy might sometimes use sex when he is in deep emotional turmoil. He gets easily upset when things don't go his way. Again this is more dealing with his controlling side. He can get easily desperate and In a bad state when things don't go according to the plan.
Saturn Aries 9th: He has a feverous belief, whether it's on god or any religion, he does believe that there's someone out there. Jungkook also has a very strong manifestation power, he is able tot make his dreams come true, also the Aries energy makes it even more strong when the emotions driven are anger and energy. He really is smart and has the potential to become someone who leads others
Empty Taurus 10th: Once more this placement shows how much money is important to him, how materialistic he is, and also how careless he is with managing his money. He doesn't invest, since he is too attached to loving luxury things, he spends a lot of money just for the public eye to recognize him.
Empty Gemini 11th: To be honest this placement shows two things. First that Jungkook isn't the type to be a very good friend, due to his multiple facets and secondly also he always ends up in friendships with people that are fake with him and usually around him for his positions. It's always relationships of interest
Empty Cancer 12th: He can get depressed and overly emotional easily, he doesn't deal well with stress, sadness and negative feelings in general. He can easily get emotionally overwhelmed by things which can create a whole "mea culpa" from his side.
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First and foremost. I’m REALLY enjoying the ‘Ahsoka’ series and I can’t wait to see how episode 8 plays out.
I’ve really enjoyed seeing some of my favourite characters, old and new, translated so beautifully to live action.
Almost…all of them.
As of today, there is 1 episode left. 1 episode left of ‘Ahsoka’. Otherwise known as the “sequel” to the Animated series ‘Star Wars Rebels’.
Yet, 2 crucial characters from the aforementioned series, are nowhere to be seen in this series.
We have been very fortunate to see the Ghost Crew, consisting of Hera Syndulla, her son Jacen, Chopper, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger make appearances in the series.
We were doubly fortunate to see Anakin Skywalker again in his true form, appearing in a greater capacity than I could have predicted, which was amazing.
Grand Admiral Thrawn has also returned in glorious fashion, portrayed by the very actor who provided the voice for him in ‘Rebels.’
We’ve seen countless appearances from characters from Loth cats to C3PO in our most recent viewing excursion.
However, the only characters missing from the series are Captian Garazeb ‘Zeb’ Orrelios, and (Agent) Alexsandr Kallus.
For those who might not know, Zeb is the ‘muscle’ of the Ghost Crew, who sadly had his planet and people destroyed by the Galactic Emprie. He believed to be the last of his species, until he discovered the secret home world of Lira San, where an entire planet of his kind live and thrive.
Agent (Alexsandr) Kallus is an ISB agent who aided the Empire in the destruction of Zeb’s home world and people. Not only that, it is revealed that he has trauma and survivors guilt because of a rouge Lasat mercenary that worked for Saw Garrera, resulting in the death of his friends on his first unit and the hardening of his heart.
During the series, the two share an episode where they crash land on the ice moon of Bahryn, where they work together to survive and learn a bit more about each other. In the fandom, the entire experience, atmosphere, the relationship between the two men and the episode, as a whole, is regarded as very homo erotic.
As the series progressed, because of his experience with Zeb, Kallus quietly changes his heart and allegiance to the Rebels and acts as a double agent under the code name ‘Fulcrum’. Eventually, escaping the Empire, he joins the Rebellion and fights alongside the ghost crew to liberate Lothal.
During the epilogue of the series, it is revealed, that after the war, Zeb had brought Kallus to live with him and his people on the hidden Lasat home world of Lira San. Zeb reveals that Kallus hadn’t destroyed his people. His people even accept Kallus as one of their own kind, in an astonishing act of forgiveness, despite his transgressions against their species.
In doing so, Zeb gives his mind, soul and heart peace.
Despite how very homo erotic the overall storyline seems, it ultimately started off unintentionally.
Fans expectations of wanting to see the two get together grew more and more in popularity during the course of the shows run. At fan conventions, voice actor Steve Blum, who provided the voice for Zeb, was also very much inclined to agree with the fans that the relationship between the two characters was indeed romantic in nature. He often advocates, to this day, for the two to get together openly, much to the delight of the fans.
Despite the accidental roots of what the fandom refers to as “Kalluzeb”, The shows creator, Dave Filoni, has stated that he is okay with fans shipping the two characters and revealed that the ending for Zeb and Kallus (which was partly the result of Steve Blum’s wishful thinking at ‘Star Wars Celebration 2017’), was left open ended for viewers to decide wether or not the two were a romantic couple or not.
For the next 5 years, that would be enough.
That is until, the announcement of the ‘Ahsoka’ series, and fans were excited to see their favourite rebels on screen once again.
Before the series started, however, Zeb Orrelios made a surprise, 30 second, live action cameo in the 3rd season of “The Mandalorian”. Zeb was seemingly working as a pilot for the Rebellion, donning a blue pilot suit. This lead to fans excitedly speculate that they would see him again in the “Ahsoka” series. This also had them asking the question: Why wasn’t he with Kallus on Lira San?
Over the course of the next few months, trailers would be released for the ‘Ahsoka’ series as well as character announcements at “Star Wars Celebration” in London. In all of these trailers, the only ‘Rebels’ characters missing were Zeb (and Kallus by extension.)
Upon the release of ‘Ahsoka’, as weeks and episodes have gone by, Zeb and Kallus still have not appeared in the series, nor were they even mentioned (until Zeb was mentioned by name in Episode 7). All the while, various characters from ‘Rebels’, ‘Clone Wars’, and even the film series made cameos and took supporting roles in the story, all the while, leaving Zeb and Kallus unaccounted for. Which is unusual, considering that Zeb and Kallus’ story was one of the most crucial plot points in the ‘Rebels’ story, and yet, here they were being left out of the “Rebels sequel”.
At the same time, it’s typical of Star Wars to do exactly this.
In the original run of ‘Rebels’, Zeb, as a character, was often overlooked and underdeveloped in terms of plot and character development. Originally intended as the comedic relief, it’s safe to say, in Season 1, not much was planned for the character. Season 2 however, is where Zeb truly has his chance to shine. From Saving Ezra and Sabine from Inquisitiors, to finding his secret home planet of Lira San, discovering he’s part of a prophecy and surviving and understanding his worst enemy turned ally, Kallus. It truly is his best season in the shows run.
In seasons 3 and 4, Zeb’s storyline was left pretty much underdeveloped and overshadowed by other plots such as the Jedi storylines, the Maul arc, Hera’s ascension through the ranks of the Rebellion, Sabine’s family conflict on Mandalore and the Liberation of Ezra’s home planet of Lothal. Zeb’s only notable story after season 2, was in the episode “WarHead” in which he was left alone to guard the base with Chopper and AP5, while the others leave to do exercises with recruits in space, almost demonstrating my point exaclty; Zeb gets left behind a lot. The episode made little to no impact on the overall narrative of the story. The only significance being that Thrawn gains a slightly better knowledge of where the Rebel base might be.
If anything, Agent Kallus’ storyline acts as a Zeb storyline extension as it was his kindness that inclines Kallus to change allegiances throughout the course of season 3.
Due to a shorter episode count in season 4, little time was spent on either Zeb or Kallus as the story had to reach its conclusion in a short matter of time. The one saving grace, is that both Zeb and Kallus had several great moments in the finale episode, resulting in their “open to interpretation”LGBTQ ending.
With the previous points in question, it has lead me to believe, that Star Wars might be trying to retcon their “maybe they are, many they’re not”LGBTQ ending and eradicate the possibility of Zeb and Kallus being in a same sex relationship in favour of “straight washing” them.
It wouldn’t be the first time it has happened.
Previously, the characters Poe Dameron and Finn from the Star Wars Sequel Series were supposed to be in a romantic relationship, but Disney never went ahead with it due to fear of loss of box office financial success from less open minded countries. (Which personally, I think is a stupid ass reason, but I digress.) In the past, any LGBTQ characters in Star Wars were often background extras that were on screen for 3 seconds or goofy comedic side characters. Only recently did the franchise include a lesbian couple in the series “Andor”, but all the same, we have yet to see two men in a same sex relationship that are leading characters and not being played for laughs. Lesser minded “fans” also often try discourage any LGBTQ content of any kind in Star Wars and will argue that Zeb and Kallus are just “best buddies”. (Because it’s totally straight to bring your “best buddy” to live with you on your highly secret home planet where your species accepts a human as one of their own kind…Yeah. TOTALLY straight.) To which I say, we’ve seen PLENTY of male friendships in Star Wars and LGBTQ people are not going anywhere, so I strongly suggest those “fans” and their fragile insecurities cop on and cop on FAST.
Only time will tell what happens to Zeb and Kallus as we head in to the final episode of ‘Ahsoka’, but my gut instincts say that we might be seeing history repeat itself. However, with the time passed since 2018, the change in LGBTQ visibility in media over the last half a decade, and the fact that ‘Ashoka’ is not constrained to the barrier of “children’s cartoon” as ‘Rebels’ was, I also chose to remain somewhat optimistic that the canonisation of my favourite Star Wars couple comes to be.
In a surprising twist, whilst writing this essay, the official Star Wars account mentioned the term “Kalluzeb” by name in a promotional video, seemingly giving validation to the canonisation of Zeb and Kallus as a romantic couple. Whilst this is very exciting for the fandom, we must also be sure to hold Star Wars to the mark that they deliver on this name drop.
Putting it simply; No take backs.
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