#I need job that will pay me money that I can rely on so we're becoming like a data analyst or an engineer or smth)
dkettchen · 8 months
not me going to digital tech sector job events and every company rep being like "you can scan our QR code to learn more" and me going "my phone can't do that" and taking a picture of their name instead to google them later like the tech-averse old man that I am
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
shoutout to girls who can't drive
#working on it but at what cost 😭#i need a job that pays money instead of costing money tho to fund my job that costs money until it starts paying money someday 😔#spending so much money i dont have right now on it 😬#almost my entire savings went to trees for this spring and then i have to plant 700 by myself <3#and we're renting sheep to restore one of our fields and just everything else to get ready is really adding up i really need some income#hopefully i can get away with part time tho bc there's so much work to do at home lol#im doing a pumpkin patch and a sunflower field this year too#and if i can scrape together 500 dollars im going to get a decent starter camera for funzies and also to take nice pics for the website#bc its very pretty but hard to capture on my phone#anyway if u cant drive u are smart you are valid you are capable you can succeed#anyway i know cars are evil etc but i live in a rural area w no public transportation of any kind and rn im relying on my mom lol#i do drive short distances with my dad in the car bc his driving is terrifying#but anxiety 😬#there's a place im hoping i can work that's not too far i think i can handle the driving its just getting a license that's stressful#anyway @ girls who can't drive i believe in you <3#this has been a shitpost#my mom would sometimes drive me to freelance stuff thats how i have savings but i really hate to bother her driving me everywhere#so i really want to be able to drive myself to a regular job lol
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lunarmoonflowyr · 2 years
Getting kicked out of our apartment.
So, I really hoped to never have to make this post, but me and my partner are getting kicked out of the apartment we're currently staying at. We have housing lined up, but my partner is going to have to quit their job and find a new one after we move, and we don't know how long that will take. We will need to pay bills and buy food once we're moved out, which is happening near the end of March, and we need as much help as we can get to build a buffer before then. My partner's hours have been slashed to 20% of what he was normally getting, and I'm severely disabled and unable to work. All of our money is getting swallowed up by keeping us going -now-, and we're completely unable to build any savings to rely on after we move.
If anyone is able to help, either by donating or signal boosting, please, we need all the help we can get.
My cashapp is $AliceMoonflowyr and my paypal is [email protected]
Every little bit helps. Thank you in advance.
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WIBTA if I blocked/ghosted this guy I can't quit?
so I've(nb25) known this guy(m29) about 8 months, but we haven't seen each other that many times. maybe 10 total. It's just a friends with benefits situation but he's very generous, he's splurged on hotels in the city for us we didn't really need, expensive meals, he's also just given me pocket money straight up before. He will kind of do whatever I want, all I have to do is mention it and he will make it happen. i mention I wanna see the ocean at 9pm and he's driving us around to find a beach that's open. i mention a food im craving and he's already ordering it, etc. he's not rich either, he lives with his parents(I think it's more for cultural reasons than financial) but his job pays pretty well I guess. he talks about the money and I think he's trying to impress me but I know so little about money and still rely on my parents I don't even really have the context. he's constantly trying to impress me with stuff like that or how much he can bench press and i find it super off-putting and don't respond to it. He's been nothing but nice to me I think, but I think he's got issues and he can't really open up emotionally. I am very suspicious of how "nice" he is and I find his positivity to be really invalidating sometimes.
Recently I got mad at him for an insensitive comment, and while I was chewing him out he just smiled at me and kept saying "I like you". It really irked me and I felt like he wasn't taking me seriously, even after asking him why he was reacting that way he just elaborated saying he liked me because I stick up for myself ? I was upset so I kicked him out of my place, it was the middle of the night. He left with a smile on his face still. it creeped me out and I almost felt like he was gonna come back and kill me while I was home alone.
I know that I'm not into him. not just that but I actively think he's annoying, and his toxic positivity thing really gets on my nerves. Ive explained that to him and he still wants to hang out. every time were together, our dynamic gets worse. im not mean to him, but I don't hold back when I think he's making something up to sound cool/nice or being fake. he says he likes my honesty and often puts me on a pedestal for it, and im constantly having to take myself off the pedestal bc im just a human being, capable of lying and inauthenticity.
He knows I don't want a relationship and I don't think that's what he wants either? hes never asked. i know he's dating and looking for someone though. I don't even really know what he meant when he said he liked me.
Every time I see him, I end up feeling like I don't wanna see him again. I find him really annoying and end up feeling really alone with him. ive tried to break it off before which he respected but would still DM me on insta occasionally, and it's bad but eventually I just went back to him bc I liked the way he was nice to me and spent money on me. it's really pathetic but it makes me feel worthwhile? but I want to stop seeing him. and im thinking, he doesn't have my phone number and I could just block him on Instagram then Id be done with it. I think we're bad for each other and that I probably frustrate him more than he shows, I think he tried to make me jealous recently by talking about some "beautiful blonde girl" he slept with, who didn't have a "good heart" like me or something. it felt weird and negg-y. overall just really weird, bad vibes. Would I be the asshole if I just blocked him ? i have a feeling that the only other way this will stop for us is with something worse than that.
What are these acronyms?
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abcd-adventures · 2 years
As I've shared before, C, our 19-year-old was burned out on school after a junior and senior year of Covid school. He's been rambling around with his camper trailer and stopping to pick up jobs when he needs money. The husband and I have no problem with this. Neither of us went immediately on to college or got our shit together right away, and we definitely believe that 19 with no attachments is probably the best time for finding yourself or whatever. C has been doing this for about a year and a half now and he's not asked us for anything, but then his truck broke down and he called me because he couldn't afford the tow--not the repairs, just the freakin tow truck...🤦🏼‍♀️. I sent him $500, but from what it sounds like, the repair is definitely going to cost more.
Of course, we could pay for it, and I'm not saying we won't...but dude... you let your savings get so low that you can't even afford a tow truck... when your whole adventure relies on driving...🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Obviously, having that conversation with him while he was on the side of the road would not have been productive, and the husband and I need to figure out just exactly what that conversation is going to look like...so that's fun. Ugh, parenting.
It's so hard to figure out the right balance. He's in a rural area. His options for getting to the job he's picked up without a vehicle are pretty slim. And, it's hard to make money when you can't get to work. So, we'll likely pay to fix the vehicle, but I'm leaning toward advocating with the husband for C paying us back for at least 50% of the cost. To me, that says, we're here for you but also you're an adult and that comes with adult responsibility. And, obviously, another conversation needs to be had about money management. Just because we COULD bail him out of numerous additional snafus does not mean we will. He can just bring his butt back home and get a job to pay off whatever he has to in the future if he doesn't learn from his mistakes.
I'm grateful that we're in a position to support our kids, but I also refuse to raise my children to be clueless about reality. We have told C that we'll pay his way through any college or trade school or whatever that he chooses. If he doesn't want to go, that's also fine. BUT, if he doesn't go, then he needs to still support himself independently based on that choice. I don't think that higher education makes anyone better than anyone else, but I do live in the real world and higher education gives you advantages and choices. Figuring out the right way to navigate this territory while being firm but caring and supportive sucks, but it's important to me, so wish us luck.
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aphrodijin · 2 years
urgent help needed for dental care
hello, everyone!
so sorry that this is probably my nth post asking for help because the others lost traction (i promise i will stick to this)
i'm cher - a bi filipina writer who's a college dropout so it's hard for me to get a job even if it's a simple one - and i'm trying to raise at least Php 30k (approximately $525 depending on the exchange rate) for my dental procedures (like teeth extraction including the wisdom tooth, pasta filling, and a couple of dental crown at the front).
i've been in pain since march now and even though i've had one of my tooth extracted and another tooth fixed by filling last july, i'm still in pain as i have a lot of broken teeth that needs urgent care.
as i said, i don't have a job and i'm only relying on my parents for my basic needs but even them can't afford to help with my dental care as we're only getting by paycheck to paycheck and i also have 3 younger siblings that they send to school.
i'm so sorry to ask any of you for money, but if you have some spare change to share, my pay/pal is [email protected] and i also have a ko/fi account where you can see my goal and donate, it's aphrodijin.
i'm also accepting writing fic commissions for bts and txt to help raise funds. i haven't set up a post for the commission yet but please do message me if you're interested. my rate ranges from $3 - $12.
i already have $140, so i just need $385 more. please, help me as i can't live like this anymore.
also, please, if you're gonna tag this, i would prefer if you put "commissions open", "bts commission", "writing commission" those kind of tags. thank youuu x
goal: 0/$385
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ashcadence · 6 months
I am this 🤏 close to quitting my job. I'm done. I'm so burnt out. I can't get my own work done because I'm doing everyone else's job!!! (unfortunately I need money and it's the highest paying job I can get in the area)
My team lead and I were both like, "We're gonna quit. We're gonna walk out of here one of these days. We can't keep doing our job, and everyone else's jobs." Plus we both have family and personal stuff going on right now, and work stress is really not helping that
There's too much work and not enough employees, and what employees they do hire have been quitting after a max of three days
I worked six and a half hours straight today with one break quick enough to chug a Monster Energy. I finally was able to go on lunch at the end of my shift...
Work has been crazy before, but it's typically 'cuz we're on a tight schedule to get merchandise out. But for whatever reason upper management is in shambles right now which stresses out all the employees
Eventually my head manager was like, "Go back to your own job. I'm tired of dealing with grocery pickup's bullshit! If they fall behind because they can't keep their employees under control that's their problem. They need to stop relying on my employees!"
Also I swear to god if another customer gives me attitude or starts yelling at me over the store not having a product in stock, or the prices being too high, I'm going to blow a fuse. Like, "Wow, sorry. Almost like I CAN'T CONTROL THAT!" Or getting mad at me because I'm standing in front of what they need. They could just ASK ME TO MOVE! I'm just trying to do the job of three different people as one person! Thankfully I'm to mentally and physically exhausted to fight a customer right now
I'm so fuckin' done
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lizardcatcreations · 2 years
okay so, figured i'd give some insight into how some of us handmade dice makers function since i get these questions pretty often on other platforms. i can only speak for myself so please do not take this as law:
a lot of us make dice on top of full time jobs, myself included, so shop drops are few and far between. money isn't my driving factor and i don't rely on dice sales for income, and making dice can be a huge time investment
that doesn't mean we don't want to have more dice for y'all to buy!! we love when you love our work! honestly it makes my day and i WANT to have more frequent shop updates, but sometimes that's just not doable with my full time job and mental health
this is why i don't do custom commissions. that takes lots of spell slots and i just don't have enough
enter the flash sale style. when i feel like i have ~enough~ stock for a sale (usually this means at least 7-10 finished sets and some partials/singles), i'll set a sale date and let y'all know around a month in advance. this tends to give people time to be aware of what's going to be available and do some planning if they're interested, and gives ME time to make site updates, update all of my socials, and honestly mentally prepare
a good chunk of us are solo teams. we handle legit everything, and that takes a lot of mental spell slots. we show you the pretty final outcome but dear gods there is a lot that goes into this stuff on the back end and not all of it is fun or easy or quick
i mentioned how making dice takes a lot of time...it also takes skill, and as artists our skill improves over time, which means our prices may also increase every so often. handmade dice are functional art, and we need to pay ourselves for that time and mental energy, and a lot of us do not pay ourselves nearly enough. don't be ~that guy~ who argues with an artist of any type about their pricing. it's not a good look and we WILL add you to our "do not sell to" lists
there is a pretty extensive dice making community, and a lot of us are friends. we talk to each other and support each other, not treat each other like competition. a lot of us have sales on the same days as each other, and that's okay!
if the platform allows, you can almost always find our links in our bios. lots of us have caard or linktr.ees for easy navigation
for the love of all that is good in this world, don't argue with dice makers about dice balance. 99% of the time you will get a sassy response. see: adding to our "do not sell to" lists
if you can't read the numbers, they're probably not inked yet. sometimes we like to show off the raw dice because we're that excited to show you (raw = straight out of the molds and zero finishing has been done to them, the numbers need to be filled in with paint after casting). sometimes we don't want to ink the numbers just because, and if you don't like that, then that's cool too
TL;DR - we love that you love our stuff, we WANT to make it more available to you, but sometimes we just don't have the spell slots to do that even if we desperately want to
other artists and makers, please feel free to add onto this list!
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Hey, I'm messaging random people out of desperation, so please forgive me if this is annoying- my partner is looking for a remote job while studying for his CompTIA A+ cert, and hasn't been able to find anything. We've hit a wall as far as where to look (LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. are filled with scams and useless) and I'm reaching out to whoever I can think of/feel called to ask, to see if they have any ideas/directions to point us in. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a good night
Shit this is really hard because I usually gotta ask follow up questions before giving specified advice.
But I'm a misogyny experiencing person in the tech fields. So I'll try.
First of all. Is your partner a person that experiences misogyny or a person of color? (I use "person that experiences misogyny because trans-men or enbies that are AFAB that don't medically transition can experience sexism in the field.)
Another trait I have that I say "gives me experience in the struggles of the field" is I've been unemployed for over a year twice. (Not by choice).
Gaps in your resume, anything in your resume that can indicate you're a person that experiences misogyny, or anything that can give away that you're a person of color will make it harder for your partner.
You can apply to large companies if you want, but don't get your hopes up. Large companies get thousands of applicants and rely on AI to filter resumes. Unfortunately AI is racist and sexist. Because it was trained by people with an unconscious bias. Small companies around 100 employees is literally how I keep finding my jobs.
Go to career fairs. My resume wasn't that great, but I knew I was smart enough to get the job if I could get them to just meet me. Which sucked because I never got an interview. One employer met me, and I guess I said something right because he put a big ole star on my resume and I was put on top of the applicants list.
Use Christian resources. "But fae. I'm not Christian." Yeah. It was really fucking weird for a long time to constantly be told like "I'm so glad we're if the same beliefs. This is a Christian company." But like... companies that want to keep is "in-house" so to speak will only send job descriptions to Christian resources. And honestly I've seen near no competition at these places for jobs.
I'm not saying lie or exaggerate on your resume. I'm saying floof on your resume. Instead of "developed the website". Maybe think "Hey. I realize I was the primary person working on the website, and the person everyone went to for help." BAM. Put "lead web developer" on the job description (not job title).
Look at the type of job the description is asking for. If they're a company that contracts their employees time. You want to focus your job description on how much time you saved and money you made fit the company. If they build products. You want to focus on your skill sets.
POST YOUR RESUME EVERYWHERE. Put it up on indeed. LinkedIn. Monster. Everywhere. Check the box that says you're looking for a job. Make it visible. Many companies don't want to go through the hiring process and will pay a contractor to do the work. Those jobs won't be posted. The contractor will be searching resumes on these sites and making calls.
Have a job already. It makes you look desirable to employers.
If you have gaps in your resume. Pencil it in. You weren't unemployed during that year you were studying for your certification.
Your resume should only be 1 page (longer if you have work experience but no more than 2 pages) and the first third of the first page should have the most important info. A quick blurb about you. Your skills/certifications. Your work experience. If you don't catch their attention by then, your resume will go on the trash.
I see a lot of people put irrelevant information on their resume. You don't want gaps in your resume but they don't need to know about that baby sitter job when you were 16. They don't need to know that you also made the coffee in that job as a web developer. Don't include information that you can't relate to the job.
It never worked out for me but a lot of people suggest using those sites that scan your resume against the job description and it's honestly worth a shot.
Don't let anyone throw a thesaurus at you when they offer to help with your resume. If you have people that help by thesaurusing your words, don't listen to them. Hiring managers and recruiters see through that shit.
It's honestly been a hot minute, so I'm probably forgetting stuff, but I do hope this helps!
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vampiiu · 2 years
Joker x Male reader
TW // CW: Sex & spanking.
What to expect: MLM smut. The reader is a bottom. PWP. This Joker can be interpreted as any Joker. Leto, Fleck, etc.
( ♡ )
We sat in the cargo of the flight. Joker sat with his hand on his legs, disappointed he had to leave his home.
"You'll always have me, J." I whispered. Joker looked at him from across the aisle. "Of course I will." Joker replied with a smile. His heart was warm.
"I'm always going to be here for you," I concluded.
Joker leaned closer and smiled again. It was Joker's way of saying, 'I'll be there when you need me.' That was a promise. A promise Joker made every day. Every time we'd go into battle, or go to Arkham Asylum, and every time Joker got arrested, he never gave up hope that one day we'd get back together. Even if we were fighting alongside each other all the time, it was still hard to keep hope alive inside us, but we managed because we'll always have each other. No matter what happens, we're in this together, and no matter what comes our way, we're a team. There's not an ounce of weakness between us, and that means we'll win against any challenge. Joker is a man of his word, which means if he says he'll be there for me, then he is. He'll hold my hand through anything that comes our way, so long as I know he's going to be there beside me. And even if he isn't, I know I can count on him to come after me with a gun, just as he did before. I'm confident that he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt me...well, not anymore anyway. I've learned to rely on myself, and Joker's taught me how to trust him too, but I would still always have him by my side. I was a little shocked at the sudden declaration, but I knew exactly what he meant by it.
And now that we're out of Arkham, I can finally relax. I didn't feel the pressure of keeping up appearances, but there was a lot left undone. Like getting a place to live without Batman breathing down my neck. Or finding a job, and paying rent. And a whole list of stuff I hadn't gotten around to yet. But hey, I'm out now, so who cares? Joker has my back, so I don't really care about those things either. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be standing here right now, looking out the window at the scenery. I would probably still be locked in Arkham with no friends or family.
I glanced over at Joker, wondering where his thoughts were. I wondered if he'd ever thought of leaving. I mean, he has money, and he doesn't really seem like the type to stick around. Hell, if it weren't for me he never would've gone to prison at all. I've been trying to tell him that for years. He hasn't listened, though. He won't listen. But maybe...maybe he should give himself a second chance, you know? Maybe he should find someone else to be there for him. Someone who doesn't want to kill him when they see the light shine through. Someone who actually cares about him. Maybe someone like me. My face fell a bit.
I turned away from the window, and started to wonder why I felt so bitter. Sure, Joker hasn't shown any interest in dating anyone recently, but I guess we were both busy saving the world, and life was kind of stressful. But it wasn't as though we'd ever be together, anyways. So why did I bother caring? I sighed. Yeah, that's right. It wasn't like there was any point in worrying about something that couldn't happen. I mean, sure, sometimes people might fall for each other, but what does that say about the person who they are?
Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. The pilot cleared his throat. “We’re landing soon. Everyone ready?”
We both nodded. The pilot began to descend toward a massive building. It was huge, and beautiful, like most of the places I’ve seen before.
The plane landed, and the door opened up. I was the first off, followed quickly by Joker. I walked forward, and noticed that Joker wasn’t following along. Instead, he stood, staring straight ahead. The pilot came out of the cockpit. He must have been waiting for his cue to exit. I saw that he was wearing a white suit with red accents. I guess this was supposed to make me look tough? Or maybe he was just showing off his fancy clothes?
As I walked down the ramp, Joker continued staring off in front of him. I realized that he wasn’t looking at me.
"Hey, you comin'?" I asked.
Joker looked at me and grinned. "Yeah, I'm coming."
"Oh. Great," My voice dripped with sarcasm. I stepped down onto the grass, and began walking towards a black limo that was parked near the entrance. Joker was a few feet behind me. When we reached the car, we both climbed inside.
After a minute of sitting in the car, my hand starts to make its way towards Joker's. My heart speeds up. But, before I could, the driver said, "We've arrived, sirs."
Goddammit. He hit the gas and headed towards the mansion. After about five minutes of driving, the limo stopped in front of a large, elegant house. The driver opened the door, and I jumped out. I looked behind the car and waved to Joker. He followed shortly behind. Once we got inside, the driver took our coats, and escorted us to the library. It was a very nice looking room, with plush couches and chairs surrounding a coffee table that had a chess board set out upon it. At the center of the room, there was a roaring fireplace, casting an orange glow across everything. Our escort finally left the mansion, leaving the Joker and I all alone. Joker seemed a little surprised. I think I was more than a little excited.
I approached Joker slowly, smiling. "So..."
"So," he mimicked.
I took another step. I stood in front of him now. I looked at him, admiring him from head to toe. He was dressed nicely. The black suit, white dress shirt, and red tie. All of the elements of the outfit were very stylish, almost classy. I looked at his eyes, and his green eyes met mine. The look in them told me that he wanted me. Not just sexually, but romantically. I loved it. I liked being wanted by him. I loved knowing he cared about me. It made me happy. But, that feeling disappeared quickly. This feeling was replaced with the same anxiety I'd felt in Arkham. I felt a knot in my stomach. Joker took a step closer to me. I backed up, causing us to crash into the couch. He stared while leaning towards me, making sure I was aware of his intent. I stared back with nervousness. He reached out and held my chin between his thumb and index finger. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to prepare myself for whatever he was about to do.
He brought his mouth close to my ear.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby," He whispered seductively. My body stiffened as Joker kissed my cheek. I swallowed hard and opened my eyes. Joker moved his face away from me and stared directly into my eyes. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. This situation reminded me so much of the time we had sex on the rooftop. I tried to fight my blush away, but I failed. Joker smirked.
"I know what you want, baby. You wanna make love to me. You wanna feel my dick inside you again. Well," He paused. I swallowed hard again, and nodded my head slightly. "You're about to find out just what that feels like." I looked at him, confused.
Joker leaned closer, resting his hands on my waist. His breath tickled my skin, causing goosebumps to appear. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard," he whispered before kissing my cheek again, "It'll take your breath away. I promise I won't stop until you beg for me to stop. Just remember that." Joker pulled away from me and grabbed my arm. "Let's go to bed, baby."
My mind was still spinning. Joker took me upstairs to our new bedroom and shut the door behind us. As soon as the door closed, Joker wasted no time in pulling my pants off, throwing them somewhere on the floor. I watched as Joker undressed himself, only to toss his jacket off next. He walked over to the bed, climbing into it, laying back. He beckoned me with his fingers. I crawled over to the edge of the bed, straddling him and leaning in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my hips as I sat above him. He smiled and leaned up to grab my chest, slightly pinching my nipples before sucking on one of them. I gasped. I was getting hard already. He ran his tongue over my nipple before continuing to suck on it. I moaned loudly as I arched my back, grinding against Joker's crotch. I gripped his shoulders and pulled myself even further down, pushing my tits against him. Joker groaned, gripping my ass with his hands and harshly slapping it. I winced and yelped. Joker laughed lightly.
"Baby, you know you want this."
I nodded frantically. Of course I did. God, how I wanted to feel his dick buried deep within me again. I needed more of that sweet relief. Needed more of his cock. Wanted his touch.
"Then let me give it to you. Let me make it so good, baby. Please, baby. Give it to me!"
I hesitated, my breathing labored. What the hell am I doing? Joker looked at me, and grabbed my wrist, pulling me onto his lap and placing my wrist against his mouth. I whimpered softly as he placed his lips on my skin, licking gently. Oh my god, he was going to eat me alive. He sucked gently on my inner thigh, eliciting a moan from me. That only made him start moving faster against me.
Joker slid his hand from beneath me and pushed himself up onto his knees, grabbing lube from the bedside table. He opened the jar, and began pouring some of the oil onto his hand. I watched in amazement as he slowly stroked himself, then began pumping into his hand. He glanced up at me, his expression turning serious. Then, his eyes began drifting downwards.
His gaze traveled lower and lower, stopping right below my belly button. I felt my cheeks flush red. I bit my lip. He stared at me for a moment, as if waiting for me to say something. I gulped. "Hurry up."
He grinned. "Say please."
I rolled my eyes. "Please...please."
He stuck his lubricated fingers into my opening, earning a gasp from me.
"That's it, baby." He praised.
Suddenly, he slammed my backside onto his cock and I screamed.
"FUCK!" I cried, followed by a long string of whines and whimpers.
Only J can make me feel like this; so special and yet unimportant to him.
I hear him moan behind me as he ruts further into me. His hips crash into mine as we settle in at a steady rate. He laughs maniacally as he slams our two bodies together. Before I could warn him, the burning sensation in my core became all too much. I exploded all over our bed sheets, and he followed soon after; cumming inside me. Our finish consisted of dragged out moans and curses until he pulled out.
Leaning over me, he pulled me into a passionate kiss which told me everything was going to be okay. I fell asleep in his arms and drifted into a far away dreamland, meeting him there once again.
this wasn't proof-read :P
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cw chronic pain/illness, financial issues
earlier this year (May-ish, I think) I decided to talk to my dr about all my weird pains. shockingly, it turns out people aren't actually in pain all the time and that's just me. since then, I've been working with her and now a specialist to find a diagnosis. the most likely culprit is fibromyalgia, but my dr thinks it could be some type of arthritis also.
I had to take medical leave from work in July because I was no longer able to stand for more than a few hours without pain, and since have had no income. I left work July 7 and started the process to claim medical benefits July 20th. I got a letter at the beginning of October that essentially said I needed to give them another document. I had just filled it in and faxed it over a couple of days prior, but the dates confirmed work had this info for a week before contacting me. In the last week I've been told they would call. They didn't so I called them. Then I was told I'd get an email saying whether it was approved or declined. I got an email saying they need to phone me.
My roommate has been incredibly supportive and understanding, but we're both pretty close to the end of our patience. I've sent a post around with my ko-fi a couple of times and people have been so generous (thank you for the groceries!) but I feel like a burden and a pain.
My phone is about to get cut off, I have no idea how I'm going to pay my credit card bills from now on, and I'm relying entirely on my roommate to keep me and my cat alive until I can figure some of this shit out, but not having even a date is so stressful. I'm sick of having to ask for help, even if I need it and it's no fault of my own that I'm in this situation. I feel like shit and worse than useless, but my only option is to quit my job so I can apply for government funding (but who knows how long that will take and it's only up to 15 months).
I just want to scream or cry or both. All I want to do is survive and the insurance people/government are like lol nope!
I have more costs because of this than I did before, with meds and potential trips out of town for dr appointments, and I've never had less money in my life.
I don't want to ask because I feel so greedy continually asking for money, but I'll link my ko-fi if anyone feels so inclined.
Thank you again to everyone who has offered support already, financially or emotionally, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you 💜
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sydthetiel · 2 years
Long day today. Syd had her second doxy injection, and since I'm having car troubles that idek if i can afford to repair, I had to place pickup orders for groceries, so I was up all night doing that. Waiting for the last pickup. My inspection is due this month, too lmao.
Vet suggested getting her a smaller cage with a removable bottom tray for recovery so I need to rely on someone donating one, or donating the money for me to buy one, on top of the rest of her visits. This vet recommends hormone blocker implant over injections. Will discuss with specialist in 2 weeks.
Since we're treating this like psittacosis (bird chlamydia, not like std) we also have to test me because it's transmittable to humans, and I may need treatments too. Lovely, eh? I don't even have a primary care physician because mine left and my case worker hasn't done a single one of her jobs.
My mom's been moved from the hospital to another nursing home, further from home. If she stays longer than 35 days, she'll be considered long term and they'll take her check. That means I won't be able to pay any bills and I'll end up losing everything.
Every day is such a struggle. Idk wtf to do anymore. I'm so exhausted.
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faeassassin · 1 year
Indie author business rambles and rampant insecurity fueled by PTSD to follow, please ignore:
So, I did that signing at Barnes & Noble with a group of local authors at the beginning of the month. They ordered 10 copies of my books that were available for expanded distribution, and I brought my own stock for the other titles. As soon as I figured out why they couldn't order the rest of the titles I fixed that SNAFU and they should have copies available soonish.
Well, the payment for the two titles they ordered hit my reports finally, and this is where my PTSD comes in. (No, I don't get paid yet, it's going to take another two months. If anyone was wondering, publishing works at glacial speeds, especially when it comes to paying authors. It is what it is, and this isn't a complaint. It's just something to keep in mind if you self-pub.)
Right. The PTSD part. Okay. So, one of the things I do is I automatically catastrophize. I was an abused smol bean, and I compensated by having a PLAN for everything that could go wrong. If things went wrong anyway, well, it was just a reason to learn more and plan HARDER, because I'd failed. And this is shooting me in the foot now that I'm a supposedly grown adult.
So, my report says I'll have this lump payment for 20 books in two months. HOWEVER, I know I only sold two books at the signing, and one of those was from my own stock, paid on consignment at the event. And I'm pretty sure that if those books don't sell within a year I'll owe that money back?
My anxiety is eating my insides now. My husband doesn't get it. He's like, "That's, what, me working a couple hours of overtime? That's nothing." BUT. But. Writing is my only job, and so far I am absolutely failing at the marketing side of things. Like, doing all the events I'm selling all these books and meeting all these people and being told I'm actually good, but, like, I'm still only just barely on the verge of breaking even. I'm still relying on someone else for all the moneys.
And remember that PTSD shit? Yeah. That's a factor with the money thing, too.
I just want to make enough that I have spending money for little things. And be able to buy gifts for my husband that can be an actual surprise instead of, "Hey, I'm going to go spend your money on you." All the "my money is your money, we're married" in the world has NOT eaten through the abuse I've been through.
Now I'm sitting on a time bomb. And if the manager at that B&N follows through and buys copies of the rest of my titles, it'll be a bigger bomb. I have panic about something that should be a GOOD THING.
So, thanks for that, anxiety. Appreciate it. It's just what I needed.
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greatbigbellies · 2 years
Hallo! I'm back!
TL;DR I'm mentally Ill and kinda crumpled from irl stuff the last couple of months, but I'm back and hope to stay a while. I'm also taking serious consideration into turning on tips for basically a lil extra funding for kink-related stuff like comms and stuff that I can't afford/justify atm. My writing comms are staying closed for the foreseeable future, sorry.
Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing for... *checks watch* over two months. Last year was rough, and this year is starting off... frankly worse but that's just how it is sometimes. Unfortunately when things get rough the secret kink blog gets shelved first cause irl obligations just... can't be. But... I tentatively think stuff is stabilizing enough I can come back. So... here's where we're at...
Daily Queue Getting refilled as soon as this post goes live.
Comms Staying closed for the foreseeable future cause I don't have creative energy to work on paid projects at the moment. I'm working 2 jobs, volunteering, considering dating... I don't have space for them as much as it sucks.
Tips I'm very seriously considering turning on tips for this blog. It's not even a "I need the money for bills" thing because I can't rely on social media for steady income, it'd be like, fun money to put back into the preg-kink-economy. Save up enough tips and I can comm someone again, maybe tip someone else, buy a Kofi for someone, participate in a drive... all stuff I haven't been able to do in like a year. If there's a genuinely good argument to be made for not turning on tips, I'd love to hear it, but I'm not putting anything behind a paywall. It'd be just a little treat for me if anyone wanted to pay in cause they felt generous. I don't plan on pressuring anyone or even asking for tips. They'll just be there as an option.
McPreggo Menu The next update will come when it comes. The content is better when the mood strikes.
Asks Sorry to everyone who sent asks I'm gonna get those answered soon. I appreciate your patience.
Uh... I think that's it. Thank you all for coming to my ted talk!
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freya-rat-face · 3 months
read a thing, had some thoughts
Article about a book about the future of work.
unlike those touting a UBI, [the author] believes that work will be baked into the future.
Dude, so do the UBI supporters.
People want to work. We get bored and do shit, we want to do shit because we think it would be cool, we want to see what would happen, we want to make it pretty, we want to solve this problem, we want to help. We want to change the world. People actually do not want to lie around and do nothing.
We are indeed meant to lie around and do nothing, I'm afraid, for large parts of our day. We're supposed to be preserving energy with rest, not trying to get it back. We're supposed to get the energy to save from food.
(this is oversimplification, take the point.)
We are constantly recovering from shitty jobs with shitty commutes and shitty pay, constantly struggling to maintain anything like physical health, constantly struggling with and stressing about money. The lower class doesn't even get to consider shit like 'work-life balance', they hardly get to consider shit like 'am I dying of Covid'.
Children are impossible to raise with work consuming lives like this. The lower class you are, the worse this is, but even upper middle is out of luck. Childcare is ridiculously expensive for good reasons but no one who needs to pay for childcare can afford it. I'm pretty sure that's hardly an exaggeration, places that don't do vouchers and people that don't need them are few and far apart.
(the resultant effect of this on the birth rate and watching the scrambling panic is hilarious.)
A UBI would mean the "job creators" would have to fucking win workers, instead of relying on a steady stream of them pouring out of impoverished areas or even semi-decent neighborhoods with the "work or die" threat looming.
Turning work into a rewarding thing instead of a source of existential dread would not abolish work, Writer of That Article. I personally hope for a world where jobs aren't necessary, but a UBI doesn't mean they wouldn't exist and it doesn't mean people wouldn't want to work them. You don't want to know how many hours I put into the utter tedium of Minecraft because it gives me a sense of having done a thing, even if no one else will see it.
I would merrily shoot screws on an assembly line if I didn't NEED to do it twelve hours a day four days a week with no consideration for shit like how bad my feet hurt and how bad my hand is cramping and when I last slept five hours straight and whether my kids are cared for. I like assembly line work. The hardest part about it is the hours and the assholes, and with a UBI.... Well, work politics would be the same but work places would have to compete in pay to make me put up with it, instead of the strong arming from an entire culture of bullshit.
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
Why P&T BS is BS: Taxes
On P&T BS about taxes, their main argument was that taxes ultimately result in people having 0 money left.
Suggesting "Tax upon Tax upon Tax" results in somebody having 0$ total of their earned wealth.
This is an incredibly simple and rudimentary understanding of currency. And misses much about the actual compounding issue.
For P&T though, and they should have made this distinction; nearly everything is a tax. Rent? A tax, Food? Tax. Electric bill? Believe it or not; tax. Water bill? Pure tax. And don't get me started on income tax, payroll tax, and Sales Tax.
For Employers; Paying people *is* a tax, and they wonder why they have to pay taxes to pay employees. Simultaneously, the employee *getting paid* is also taxed on their earned income. AND ON TOP OF THAT; States need to implement their own Taxes in order to function. And this is usually posted as a Sales Tax.
And after that; that *doesn't* even include Gas (another tax,) car payment (definitely a tax if the car isn't a luxury brand,) Social Security (which is the *only* tax that directly benefits the payer,) and health insurance.
Which nobody can afford, so we make the employers pay it. (Another Tax)
So, we are expected, while paying all these taxes, to be able to save *money* for when problems arise. This is what is expected of everyone that *isn't* rich. And Rich people are assumed to already have a large static amount of money to fall back on. Especially if they don't enjoy their job.
And then they're (the rich) are expected to invest their own money, and then pay money on the income they make *from* investing.
The poor's are too, because how can you expect to retire without a nest egg?
Which .. may or may not be taxed. Depending on if you've payed the tax before or after you put the money in your investment account.
There is good and bad to both, but we already know; if we invest more money; we have a better chance of getting more money back. If we invest evenly across the market, we should be able to get some % back, provided it doesn't tank.
Which becomes a tax to the companies when they wish to purchase their shares back to preserve control over their own company.
Now, if the money is a Sump(or lake), then taxes allow governments to put the water back into the lake to use in their budget. The alternative; is that the Government sells products to the public to get the money back.
Which is where we come face to face with the real definition of Socialism.
This is the actual definition of Socialism, not the backwards one we use as an argument. The arms of Socialism means that the government doesn't own the arms to produce products to sell to people. Either as imports or exports.
Capitalism is the arm that says that "Corporations" composed of Civilians should be in charge of Exports. So that they make money.
And so the government produces no goods for the common person; only services. And those services are what we're supposed to get back for all those taxes.
If you're rich, and therefore not reliant on the government. Then you don't need the Services. And therefore; you believe that since you don't use these services, you shouldn't have to pay.
Except you do *use* the service. You use Capitalism and Socialism both to perform your job. The government allows you to function as you do.
So the argument that you don't rely on any government services is garbage. In fact; you rely on services that your average person cannot use. Simply because of the amount of money and the scales of economy.
And because that doesn't allow individuals to strike out on their own, that is; afford all those taxes I stated above without being the barest level of success, traps people in having to work for somebody else.
Several Jobs to save up enough money, AND a side job if you want to start your own business. Or keep it as a hobby.
People don't need to sleep, people don't need vacations, people don't need cruises or luxuries. If you can afford them and you take them; you're the lazy one.
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