#I need more Kakashi and his dogs
teanstitches · 6 months
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I wanted to practice dogs, so naturally I drew Kakashi and his pack.
Once again, I have no idea what anything other than Kakashi’s bed looks like so I put them all on my sofa. I have a corner sofa and Shiba is in my spot. I put them all in my living room autism nest lol (minus some squishmallows).
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the-isekai-ninja · 1 month
Thinking about Kakashi moving in with you.
It's only been a few months since you started dating but every time he's been over he leaves another thing there. First it was some clothes, just so you had something that smelled like him when he was away.
Then a tooth brush and other small toiletries for when he's too tired to go home.
Then books you definitely didn't purchase start appearing on your shelf. On your coffee table. One you found under your bed.
Eventually you jokingly suggest he just moves in with you, but the puppy dog eyes he gives you at the suggestion makes you cave and that same night you and him are packing up his place and moving everything he owns over to yours.
Really, it would have made more sense for you to move in with him as his old place had way more space then your tiny townhouse but you have a wonderful balcony that shows an incredible landscape of Konoha he can't get enough of so it was a no brainer that sacrificing space for the view was worth it.
It doesn't really hit you until a week into it when things have settled. You had gotten an extra set of keys cut for everything and now Kakashi had his own designated spot on your key rack at the front door.
His food and drinks are in your fridge and pantry, extra glasses and plates from his house now shared the space with yours. Horribly mismatched but you wouldn't have it any other way.
His flak vest hangs over one of your dining chairs, too lazy to hang it up properly in a closet as it'll be put back on the very next morning.
Your laundry basket fills up faster now and doing laundry has his clothes mixed with yours. He folds the clean clothes with you as you chat about your day.
Showers he becomes a nightmare. He barges in without a care in the world, asking if he can join you. You've thrown a loofa at him a few times now, sometimes a shower needed to stay a shower and you were always too weak to say no when he started getting handsy.
He makes dinner and you sit at the counter as you watch him, a pink frilly apron you were jokingly gifted as a housewarming present now wrapped around his waist as he chops some veggies.
It's jarring the first time Gai came to visit, asking if Kakashi was home. It takes you a few seconds of gears turning in your head before you remember that yes, of course people would come to see kakashi here, he lives with you! Kakashi warns you later Gai was just being polite since this is still new, eventually he'll go back to barging in without a care in the world.
The nail on the coffin at how absolutely domestic all of this has become, is when you leave the bathroom to see Kakashi tucked into bed with a book in his hands. He's reading comfortably with a small light on and you can't help but stare. He's in a sweater as it's gotten colder and his mask is nowhere to be found. You stand there for an uncomfortably long time and finally Kakashi glances up to ask you what's wrong.
"You live with me." You announce, as if he wasn't aware of this fact.
He stares at you bewildered but it slowly turns into amusement, "Yes. Yes I do. Have for a few days now."
"You live with me." You state again, finally processing after a whirlwind week the meaning of this change.
Kakashi puts his book to the side to address you properly, "Yes? Is that...a problem...?"
A surge of excitement, love, and passion all bubble up inside of you at once and you fling yourself at Kakashi, catching the Copy Ninja off guard as you wrap your arms around his neck and pepper kisses against his cheek.
Kakashi is taken aback by the sudden action but recovers quickly and wraps his own arms around your torso, pulling you in close to himself as you continue to kiss his bare face. Cheeks, nose, mouth, chin, eyes. It's an onslaught that the ninja is unable to (and doesn't want to) stop.
You shove your face into his chest, nuzzling it in excitement. You peak up and give Kakashi a goofy grin, "You live with me!"
Kakashi gives you an incredulous look before a laugh erupts from his chest, shaking you as you lie on top of him. "I do!"
He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in even closer. You crawl over his lap and cup his face in your hands as you kiss him more.
You pull away to take him in. He's smiling at your antics as he rubs your back with one of his hands as the other slides up to caress your cheek. "Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve this." he confesses.
You squish his cheeks before pecking his lips, "Well it's a good thing it's not solely your decision."
He chuckles, "I suppose so. Thank you. You make me so happy you have no idea."
You huffed, "Kakashi I was so happy that you're here my brain short circuited and I tackled you just a few seconds ago, I have a small idea."
He pulls you in to kiss you again, this time with far more passion than the innocent kisses you had been giving out before. He flips you over to cage you against his body, one arm still wrapped around your waist as the other is used to keep himself hovering over you. "I love you."
You smile up at him, hands going to wrap around his neck again, "I love you too Kakashi. Forever and always."
"Forever and always." He replies back, leaning down to meet your lips again.
In a year, he will find his way back to his old family home and clean it up. When he proposes to you just a week later he'll take you there and tell you it's yours. You'll have to pack up again, say goodbye to the view of your balcony where the two of you spent many quiet nights enjoying each other's company.
Your plates still won't match, his flak vest now has a small space to hang at the front door, your laundry will still get fuller faster, and Kakashi will still try to sneak into your shower. Gai will barge into your home and Kakashi still loves making dinner in that silly pink apron because it makes you laugh.
You'll find you don't miss your small townhouse that could barely fit a second bookshelf because Kakashi has become your home, and you had become his. Wherever you two ended up, so long as you were together, you would be happy together.
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 5 months
omg I just find you and your writings are amazing♥️
Can you please do some husband headcanons please?
surely, i can try my best, thanks for the ask!!
Husband Headcanons I
for Iruka, Kakashi, and Itachi (with wildcard appearances from Jiraiya and Obito) (GN!Reader)
Your fav isn't mentioned? Check out Husband Headcanons 2!
Warnings: couple swear words, couple sexual references (Reader Discretion advised), fluff, lmk if this sucks
Would suggest the springtime for the wedding, but Iruka would still happily marry you whenever your heart desired
Danced with you throughout the entire reception, only getting tipsy (enabling you to get comfortably inebriated)
Begs to carry you over the threshold like a gentleman, and the two of you spent the whole night consumating the union
Best sex you had ever had, and Iruka was of the same mind - both of you were totally in your element on your wedding night, and couldn't stop until noon the next day
Honeymoon takes place in the Land of Flowers, within a small settlement near the coast
Iruka pays for a week's stay at an Inn, and the two of you spend the days watching the water and walking through wildflower fields, collecting colourful, fragrant bouquets as you went
Domestically, such a teamplayer - Iruka will happily do the dishes after you cook dinner, and vice versa, he'll mop after you sweep, he turns on lights for you while you open windows
Would happily have a pet, probably a cat (orange or calico), but wouldn't be opposed to something a bit more spunky like a gekko or a rat
Dances with you in the living room while it rains, takes you (and your pet) out in the sunshine - he just loves to spend time with you and be with you
The wedding was small, kept to just close friends and your immediate family, probably just within the courthouse with a nice little reception after
Kakashi would carry you all the way from the reception to your shared apartment, right over the threshold, and it would take only a Hokage-level emergency to get him away from you after
Can't take a very long honeymoon because of his duties as Hokage, but will take you out for a long weekend in one of the coastal villages of the Land of Fire
Despite the long hours he works, Kakashi is the most attentive husband ever
Fresh flowers decorate a crystal vase on the coffee table, replaced every week, the trash is always taken out without you having to ask, he'll surprise you with full breakfasts on the weekends AND do the dishes after
Gets all bubbly every time he hits someone with a my spouse and is constantly bringing you up in conversation just to do so
Many nights are spent cuddling on the couch after dinner, reading independantly
You want a dog? Lovely! Kakashi wants a dog. You want a cat? Great! Kakashi wants a cat. A bird? A snake? A gerbil? Bring it on, that sounds fun.
Such a funny man, still needing to parade around the village with you in his arm, as if not everybody is already aware
We're doing an Everything'sFine!AU because I'll cry otherwise
Massive wedding, so many floral arrangements, easily half the village shows up, Itachi cannot stop smiling the entire day
Literally tears up at the altar when he sees you, can't contain himself, you're such a vision
Takes you to the Land of Waterfalls for the most peaceful honeymoon of all
You two spend a week, or two, meditating with each other, drinking special teas, swimming for hours, wrapped in a lover's embrace that knits your hearts together even closer
Of course, in the hustle and bustle of the weekdays, Itachi establishes Saturday as Cleaning Day, and will clean the entire house, top to bottom, by himself (but will very much appreciate any help you provide)
Sunday is the day Itachi reserves to spend with you, either out on the town, or in the house, resting and relaxing together
Compliments every single look of yours as if it's the first time he's ever seen you, Itachi just can't believe his luck, and gets heart palpatations every single time he hears you call him your husband
Gets way more vulnerable after marriage, allowing himself to open up with a different level of confidence
Destination wedding so people don't want to come, he wants the ceremony to be perfect and intimate
Gets so fucked up at the reception that you have to carry him over the threshold
He's such a sweetie about it when he wakes up though, apologising and fucking you reaaal good the entirety of the next day
Takes you on a month of travel, literally to every single Land
Writes you special poems and stories to wake up to while he's cheffing up the best breakfasts ever
Writes an entire book about you, and it was a best-seller
No one makes a better cup of tea than Jiraiya, and he's always got a tea ready for when you wake up, when you come home, after dinner
The absolute king of being in the same room while doing separate things, you're in his lap or holding his non-dominant hand, and every once in a while you'll share a brief kiss that might evolve into something a bit more distracting
Hugging and kissing as soon as you come home - he missed you so damn bad and needs to let you know
Is a very organized messy, but not at all dirty, Jiraiya doesn't mind when you clean up after him but would honestly prefer you didn't (he can't find things after, even if you tell him exactly where you put things)
Birthdays, Anniversaries, any opportunity to shower you in love and gifts, Jiraiya will take it and run with it
He just adores you and lets everyone know about it
Goofball gets an Officiant Certification and marries the two of you, himself
His vows are so long and so sweet that you can't even get yours out without stuttering and crying
Obito whisks you away to the Land of Hotsprings for nearly a month, immediately after the rings are exchanged
Finds nothing more fun than going out on dates with you while married, he almost likes it more than when you two were just going steady
Can't stand to let you sleep while he's awake, no matter how poorly he feels about depreiving you of sleep
Kisses and hugs every time the two of you are reunited
Obito won't ever shut up about you when you're apart, and it gets on everyone's nerves but Konan who finds his musings sweet
Lives, loves, laughs domestic life - he will do anything to make you happy, including the most grueling chores (those fucking baseboards)
Always makes you laugh, no matter how you're feeling, and he loves your laugh more than anything
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animeomegas · 10 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Part 6 - 50 Shades of Audacity (2)
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Summary: An office scandal, the start of your gold digging arc, and a mysterious house in the countryside... It still annoyed you that you had to have a job, but honestly, it could have been worse. This was kind of exciting! GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple
Word count: 8.7k
Warnings: N-sfw content, workplace violations, vague discussion of canon specific suicide, playful smacking, playful physical restraint. All alphas have dicks, fyi.
A/N: Hey! We're rapidly reaching the end of this story now! Only one more chapter before the epilogue, crazy! Time has flown. Happy holidays to everyone, especially @omeganronpa who is working so hard, hopefully a break is coming soon 😖 Not much porn in this one, as I'm saving it for the finale. Enjoy~
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
Going for a Sunday drive was always a nice way to spend a morning. Well, it wasn’t Sunday and technically you weren’t driving, but the point still stood.
You had your nose basically glued to the window as the unfamiliar city sights bled into an equally unfamiliar, but timeless countryside. Fields, animals, trees, they all rushed past, familiar and new in the same breath. You were pleasantly surprised that this erotica world city didn’t have suburbs; who knew you just had to die to benefit from good city planning?
Kakashi’s fancy car was growing on you too, with its heated seats and spacious leg room, and you couldn’t deny that it was also having an impact on how much you were enjoying this drive. It even had six cupholders. Six. Kakashi didn’t even have that many friends in total, but even having the choice to have six beverages felt like a luxury experience.
Kakashi was also in his fancy car, of course, but he was considerably less interested in the view, and more interested in the paperwork he’d brought along. What a boring place to put one’s attention; you needed to rectify that immediately.
“If you could pick one of your dogs to magically learn English, who would you pick?” His pen not even slowing for a moment, Kakashi answered with no hesitation.
“Anyone but Pakkun.”
Hmm, maybe a harder question would work?
“What’s 472 + 9012?”
Something shocking perhaps?
“Does your pubic hair also defy gravity?”
“No comment.”
Oh, something weird would surely get his attention!
“If I were a worm, would you still love me?”
You huffed, sinking down into your heated seat. He hadn’t even paused in the paperwork, so your plan had thoroughly failed. You wondered why Kakashi, a man you’d seen climb out of a window to avoid a work meeting once, was now diligently completing paperwork when he had a good excuse not to. Whatever, he’d probably already procrastinated on it enough that Iruka had threatened him into finishing it. No one ignored direct instructions from Iruka, even though he wasn’t technically high up enough to give instructions at all.
You sighed, turning back to the window to keep yourself amused, acknowledging that you’d lost the battle for Kakashi’s attention to his paperwork. Maybe it was the effect of the car journey, or maybe you were just sappy, but you quickly found yourself reminiscing.
Two weeks ago, you never would have imagined being here with him like this. It was almost difficult to wrap your head around how much your relationship had changed in such a short amount of time, how comfortable you’d both become with each other. Kakashi still took his role as ‘professional nuisance’ seriously of course, revelling in winding you up as what seemed like his main past time and hobby.
He was also still late to meetings, refused to do work, skipped lunch if you didn’t bring it to him… Okay, so maybe not that much had changed. But hey, you kissed frequently now, that was new! And your name was also currently the hottest topic in every break room at work.
That very first day after the tryst in Kakashi’s office had to have been your favourite in terms of gossip shockwaves. It had turned out that Kakashi did have another spare shirt for you to wear home after both your shirt and his first spare had been ruined, and the next morning, groggy and tired, you grabbed it to wear to work without thinking about what you were doing.
You had known that there was gossip about you and Kakashi leaving work together, but apparently the security guard’s version of events, that you had both come back to work together after hours, you without a shirt, and then locked yourself in his office, was in hot debate. Many refused to believe that terminal bachelor Kakashi Hatake would ever sleep with his secretary. ‘Something out of a bad porn book’, you had heard multiple times. How ironic.
So, when you walked in late, wearing Kakashi’s shirt, you corroborated the security guard’s story and confirmed the rumours all at once.
The break room fell silent the second you walked in, even though it had been filled with loud debate moments before. Everyone turned to look at you. Have you ever lifted a rock and had all the bugs underneath it suddenly freeze? It felt like that.
“Good morning,” you said, shooting everyone a hesitant smile. “Sorry I’m a bit late today.”
You watched as everyone’s eyes flickered from your face, down to your shirt, and then up to your face again. The room was uncomfortably silent.
Suddenly Asuma cheered, and chaos descended on the room. Not everyone seemed as thrilled as Asuma though. Kurenai only sighed and passed Asuma a handful of cash. Anko did the same, but with significantly more swearing and threats towards his delicate parts.
(You would find out later that Asuma had seen the security footage of your interview and had proceeded to make many, many bets that you and Kakashi would be fucking within a week. Because of Kakashi’s ‘no dating’ reputation, you were sure he had raked in a significant amount.)
Iruka’s face went bright red, and he sputtered for a moment before turning around and pretending to organise the mug cupboard. He did not succeed in hiding the small bit of blood now dripping from his nose.
In contrast to Iruka’s not so subtle hiding, Gai came right up to you and thumped you on the back, shouting about youth.
Yamato only stared at you, his already large eyes wider than normal. You weren’t sure what emotion he was embodying, but it was certainly creepy.
Maybe it was best if you just went to your desk?
Just as you turned to leave, Gai had one more final thing to say.
“I hope your love blossoms with intensity!” he said, giving you a thumbs up.
Why did that feel like he was giving you permission to fuck Kakashi?
People did slowly get used to the idea that you and Kakashi were something more than coworkers. It helped that you had lunch together most days, which gave people a chance to get used to seeing you together.
On days where your schedules didn’t align for lunch though, you made a point to grab dinner together. Your favourite by far had been dinner at his penthouse flat. Not only was that the night where you’d first called Kakashi your boyfriend, but it was also the first time you were introduced to his dogs.
It felt strange to be walking through a block of flats that was so fancy. The lobby had looked like something from a 5-star hotel, and you had had to show your ID before the front desk would let you upstairs, even though Kakashi had informed them that you’d be coming. Security reasons, they had said. You wondered what other high-profile people lived here.
Kakashi had the penthouse flat, so his was the only one on the top floor. You exited the lift and were immediately confronted with his front door. It wasn’t quite as big as the door in the library you had chosen his story from, but it was still an impressive size.
If you were being honest, it was a little intimidating.
The intimidation factor was shattered as soon as you knocked on the door however, because the second your fist made contact with the wood, a cacophony of barking sounded from the other side.
“Yes, yes, I’m going, you can stop barking.” You could faintly hear Kakashi’s voice through the door. “Bisuke! Get off there!”
The barking still continued.
“Sit, sit. All of you sit! I mean it, or you won’t be getting any treats today.”
Slowly, the barking and the sound of claws clacking ceased, and suddenly the door was pulled open. Standing there, in all his homey glory, was Kakashi.
You were used to seeing him exclusively dressed in suits, but he was wearing lounge clothes. Lounge clothes! Uptight, always ready for a fancy restaurant Kakashi, was wearing a grey tracksuit, with a long-sleeved top in dark blue, and fluffy slippers.
A smile grew on your face; perhaps you were biased, but these suited him a lot more. They still looked expensive, but they were just so much cosier than his normal get up. It made you want to hug him. You resisted for a moment before remembering what world you were in and what the point of this whole second life thing was, and then your resistance crumbled into nothing.
You threw yourself at him for a hug.
“Oof.” Kakashi floundered in surprise for a moment, but when you didn’t let go, he tentatively patted you on the back. You giggled and squeezed him harder, burying your face into his neck.
There were no scent patches! He wasn’t wearing scent patches! Giddy, you took a deep breath of his scent, letting it fill and sit in your lungs. Yes, he smelt utterly delicious.
Kakashi put his hands on your upper arms and gently tugged you away from him. His face was bright red. You could almost see steam coming out of his ears. You laughed at him but decided to show mercy and not tease him over his obvious bashfulness. You instead turned your attention to his dogs.
They were all sitting together to your right, tails wagging furiously. You could tell that if they had been any less well trained, they’d have been jumping all over you.
You opened your bag and pulled out a little something that you’d brought to make sure they liked you. When the dogs caught sight of the McDonald’s bag, their excitement obviously got too much to contain, because they all ran over to your feet, a couple jumping up at you, a couple barking, all looking eager to get their hands on the carroty goodness.
Kakashi, although you could tell he was amused, stepped in to corral his little gremlins. God, he was such a dog dad.
You had received copious wet kisses that day, mostly from the dogs, but also from a sappy Kakashi who had seemed utterly thrilled that you and his dogs got along.
You had had to make and study flash cards to remember all his dogs’ names, but Kakashi’s genuine smile as he watched you interact with them made it all worth it.
You had also met Charlie, Kakashi’s personal chef that evening.
The presence of his personal chef didn’t surprise you. What surprised you was when said chef made dinner for the dogs and then immediately left, leaving Kakashi to cook for you and him. It was exactly that abrupt, and you had laughed until you cried. Of course, he hired a personal chef just for his dogs. He spoilt them rotten.
You were sceptical as to how much skill he would have in the kitchen, but he produced a delicious meal with little trouble. It made you warm that Kakashi was so enthusiastic about cooking dinner you.
Cooking wasn’t the only way he was spoiling you though; he seemed incredibly willing to flash his cash for you, much to your delight.
“Have you considered a top hat?” you asked, picking up the worst top hat you’d ever seen and holding it up as a suggestion. Kakashi gave you a flat look. “What? If this Autumn Company Party thing is so important, you need to make an impression, and this hat would certainly make an impression!”
“I don’t want to make the kind of impression that has my board of directors attempting to oust me from the company.” He took the hat and placed it back on the rack.
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “If you didn’t want my fashion advice, why did you even bring me along to pick your outfit? I could have just waited in the car.”
The attendant that was serving you walked back into the room with a selection of ties based on Kakashi’s preferences. He laid them out on the stool for him to peruse. He had already witnessed a great deal of your banter, but if he was surprised by it, then he was too professional to let that show.
“You’re my personal assistant.”
You flicked the tie he was currently wearing up into his face. “That doesn’t mean I need to watch you pick out ties, asshole.”
Kakashi flicked you on the forehead in turn, rolling his eyes as he always did. “No, I mean that you’ll have to attend the party with me, and I figured you would need a new outfit. As you said, it’s important to make an impression, especially as this will be your debut of sorts.”
You snorted, pulling at one of the price tags of a nearby shirt. “Not in here, thanks. Just reading these numbers is making my bank account cry, I can’t imagine what buying them would do to it.”
Kakashi watched you for a moment, before he stuck his hand into his pocket. Out came his wallet.
‘James? Is what I think is happening, actually happening?’
‘I believe you are about to reach a major milestone in your goal to become a ‘gold digger’, human. My soul is warmed by your success, may it be prosperous and eternal.’
‘Thanks, James, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.’
Just as you predicted, Kakashi slipped his card out from his wallet and handed it to you. “Buy whatever you need, I can’t have my assistant looking shabby now, can I?”
You could imagine this scene in other stories, stories where you weren’t the lead. The MC would decline, either out of bashfulness or a sense of pride. Kakashi would probably then insist, and maybe MC would feel obliged to agree, but they would slip outside and purchase the outfit from a cheaper shop down the road to make a point. And then Kakashi would swoon because MC is ‘not like other alphas’.
You were the lead in this story though, so you took the card immediately, grinning from ear to ear.
“Fuck yes,” you said under your breath. Kakashi snorted, but he looked amused, not offended, by the way you were treating his money. “I’m going to dress up like royalty.”
You scurried off into your preferred section of the shop, Kakashi’s card clutched tightly in your grasp. You eagerly rifled through the racks. At several moments, you got the feeling that you were being watched, but whenever you looked back, Kakashi was fully focused on shopping. Maybe you were imagining it?
The Autumn Company Party had been coming up a lot. It was clearly the climax of the plot, but unlike Itachi’s story, you weren’t really sure what the plot was. James had no idea what would be happening at the party either, just that something would happen, and whatever that something was, it was heavily influenced by your actions. You had originally been apprehensive, but you figured that for a porn story, it couldn’t be anything too bad, so you focused on your excitement about attending such a fancy work party. You’d bet the hors d’oeuvres were going to change your life.
(You were confident because you had been the one in charge of choosing the catering company and the menu. Your job was pretty fun at times, even if your true career calling was independently wealthy.)
In between the planning for the party, your physical relationship with Kakashi had also developed over the last fortnight.
“You’re needy tonight,” you teased, curling your fingers just right. Kakashi shivered.
“On the contrary, you need to shut up.”
You tutted, “That wasn’t your best work.”
“Forgive me; I’m a little preoccupied.” You took that as an invitation to press at his prostate as hard as you could. Kakashi face screwed up in pleasure, and he made no more comments.
“Wow, who knew that you had an off switch this whole time? If I’d had known this little bundle of nerves had such an effect, my interview would have gone very differently.”
“The more time I spend with you, the less I’m surprised that you were single when we met.”
That had been during his first visit to your flat. You had the strange impression that he felt more comfortable in your home than his own, for some reason. Regardless, that night was the first time you’d gone all the way.
“Are you ready?” you asked, kissing on his collar bones to distract yourself from his tight warmth, and how much you really wanted to move.
“I was ready ten minutes ago. I’m not going to break the second you put any pressure on me, or in me, as it were.” Kakashi purposely clenched around you causing you to hiss. “Get on with it.”
You pulled away and narrowed your eyes at him. He only raised an eyebrow in response. Fine, if he wanted it rough, you’d give it to him rough.
“Fuck, I’m tired,” you said, flopping back onto the bed, exhausted. Kakashi looked much the same, panting hard from exertion.  
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” he replied.
“Second round in the shower?”
Now that had been a fun night. Your activities didn’t stay exclusively in the bedroom though. You had quickly found that not only did Kakashi like it when you took control in social situations, like ordering for him at restaurants, he also liked it when you lightly teased him in public.
Nothing too extreme, of course, as there was a chance that such a thing would literally end up in the news if you were caught, but you had both made a game of seeing how many dirty messages you could hide in the other’s paperwork. You were winning, although the scores were close.
You were so glad that Kakashi’s morning meeting was being held in one of the rooms made entirely of glass. It meant that, although you weren’t in the meeting, you still had a prime view to Kakashi’s reaction when he inevitably found the note you had hidden in his folder.
You watched as Kakashi continued his speech to the board of directors, reaching for his folder to check something.
Oh, there, he was opening his folder!
The cover flipped open and Kakashi froze for only a moment, before he continued like nothing had happened.
You were impressed by his ability to keep his cool, you had to admit, but you still noticed the way his hand shook ever so slightly, as he snuck the note out of the folder and into his pocket without anyone noticing.
When the meeting finished, Kakashi walked straight back over to you, dropping the note in question on your desk.
“You’re incorrigible.” There was the slightest pink to his cheeks.
“So, you don’t want a rimjob?”
Kakashi gave you one of his signature flat looks, although the pink tinge ruined it somewhat, and wordlessly walked into his office, leaving you fruitlessly supressing your cackles.
To sum it up, you really liked him, and it was clear that he really liked you. You had seen his home, met his dogs, eaten his food, and seen flashes of the complexity bubbling just below Kakashi’s purposefully distant exterior.
In a moment of surprising seriousness, Gai had vigorously shaken your hand yesterday and told you that he’d never seen Kakashi as light and happy as he’d been these last few weeks. It was nice to hear.
You still didn’t like the fact that you had to work, but again, the job could have been a lot worse, and you were playing the long game. Technically, you were working right now, but Kakashi had asked you to accompany him on a mini road trip into the surrounding countryside. The days where Kakashi took you with him out of the office were your favourite, but today something was off. You had tired to write off Kakashi’s out of character behaviour as him just having an off day, but there was something about it that was really putting you on edge.
It was like he was trying to distract himself with the paperwork. You wondered if this meant his backstory reveal was coming up. Itachi had started behaving strangely when his worries about you rejecting him for his past were about to make themselves known. Maybe Kakashi’s backstory had something to do with where you were going.
Apparently, you were going to visit a house. Kakashi had mentioned that one of his properties (one of them, pfft, rich kid) required some maintenance. According to him, the roof had been damaged in a storm a few weeks earlier, and he needed to prepare the house for the builders to carry out repairs. Kakashi had described your tasks as mainly including clearing space for scaffolding, cleaning and packing away the breakables in the main rooms, and plugging in the fridge so the builders could store their lunches and have milk for beverages.
They didn’t seem like the kind of tasks that would cause a significant amount of stress. If he was doing things like packing away valuables and plugging in the fridge, it was probably a place he lived, rather than a rental or something. Maybe it was a summer home? You supposed that Kakashi was a very private person, so maybe he was on edge at the thought of having a load of strangers in his house without supervision.
Hmm, that sounded too simple for this universe though. You were due a backstory exposition scene, and maybe you spent too much time reading erotica, but this felt like it had ‘tragic backstory incoming’ written all over it.
“So, this place we’re going… is it a summer home? Oh! Or a summer estate? Is it a mansion? Does it have a pool, and can I use it?”
Kakashi didn’t take the obvious banter bait, he just kept his head down and continued signing documents, providing a short, factual answer.
“It’s none of those things, nor does it have a pool.”
“Aww.” You tried to play up your sadness with a pout. “I was excited.”
“Doesn’t your complex have a swimming pool?”
“I mean, yeah, technically, but this would be a private swimming pool, that’s way better.”
Kakashi chuckled, but his heart didn’t seem in it. You put a hand on his knee and squeezed. He looked surprised for a moment, before his face melted into something softer. He took the hand in his and gave it a squeeze in return.
“If it makes you feel better, the property does have a habitat for racing pigeons.”
“I hate you so much.”
As the car turned off the main road, you pressed your face back against the window to ooh and ahh at the sights. The road was less maintained and significantly bumpier, but you didn’t let the risk of a concussion stop you from your sightseeing.
There were bushes and flowers and pretty trees lining each edge of the road, and one more turn had you going down what looked like a private road, or dare you say it, a driveway. At this point, you were kind of expecting a mansion, no matter what Kakashi said. What other homes had long private roads? Unless it was some kind of farmhouse? You couldn’t imagine Kakashi owning a farm, but his name did mean scarecrow, so perhaps he’d purchased it as a joke? Did rich people buy property for jokes?
As the car slowly turned one last time, the house in question crept into view. It was neither a farmhouse nor a summer estate. No, it was a traditional, single story, Japanese minka house, set amongst a beautiful and equally traditional garden, framed by beautiful trees, all of which were orange and red and practically screamed Autumn.
The house was large, but not excessively so. At a glance, you would assume it had three to four bedrooms. The roof was sloped and covered in worn shingles, stretching out to shelter the sprawling engawa. Wood and stone materials were used heavily in the walls and decorations, and lamps hung from both sides of the front door. It was beautiful.
You were out of the car the second it stopped.
Now that you were walking up to it, you could see the stone pathways, the koi pond, the sliding glass door at the side, and the shutters on the windows. It was a minka house, but it had clearly been modernised.
You heard the sound of two car doors opening and closing and figured that Kakashi and his chauffeur had joined you in front of the house.
“This is completely gorgeous! I’ve never seen a modernised minka house before. If it’s not a summer home, what is it for?” There was no response, so you turned, breaking eye contact with the beautiful house to search for him. “Kakashi?”
He was standing a few paces behind you, just staring at the house in silence.
“Let’s get everything out of the car,” he mumbled, cutting you off and turning away from the house.
“There isn’t that much; we could probably carry it all in in one trip.”
His tone made it clear that he wasn’t interested in answering your question. You trusted that the narrative would push you into finding out what was wrong when the time was right, so for now, you broke the trance the house had on you, and helped to unpack the boot.
The supplies in the boot took the form of cleaning products, empty boxes, and a few bags of groceries and kitchen supplies. Between the three of you, it was light work, and soon everything was resting on the engawa, ready to be moved inside.
Having other duties to attend to, the chauffeur took his leave once everything was out of the car, leaving you and Kakashi standing in front of the house, side by side. You awkwardly waited for him to unlock the door, but he didn’t seem interested in moving.
You cleared your throat, “Um, should we go in?”
Kakashi jolted like a doll suddenly coming to life and fished the key out of his pocket. He unlocked it, and the door swung open, creaking all the while.
“WD-40 who? This house doesn’t know her.”
He sighed, “Just go inside.”
“Alright, spoil sport.”
Kakashi held open the door and you went inside, slipping off your shoes in the entrance.
Inside, the house was… confusing.
Your eyes darted left and right, trying to understand what you were looking at. It was traditional but modernised with new appliances, not strange considering the outside of the house, but it looked distinctly like it had been modernised at least two decades ago. It was immaculately tidy, not single object out of place, and yet the entire thing was covered in a thick layer of dust. To make things more confusing, it looked lived it, personal, with clutter and photos, but it had an overwhelming air of abandonment.
As you said, it was confusing. Vibe check thoroughly failed.
“It’s… nice?” you said, hoping you could force your voice into something sincere. “Traditional modern vintage? Troderage? Vinadern? Whatever it is, it’s interesting, and I—”
Kakashi cut you off by placing a finger on your lips. He looked amused and exasperated all at the same time. You went cross eyed trying to look at the offending finger, which only seemed to amuse him more.
“You don’t have to find something nice to say, I’m aware that it’s seen better days.”
You went to bite his finger, so he tugged it away, leaving you to snap unsatisfyingly at empty air “Hey, I’m not lying! I like it, it has potential! And potential is the more important thing for a property in my opinion. Like, sure, you could buy one of those awful modern renovated homes with no personality, but if I wanted to live in a white monastery, I’d just—”
Kakashi took one of the masks he’d brought and pressed it over your mouth and then stretched the elastic over your ears to keep it in place, effectively cutting you off once again.
“You know I can still talk through these, right?” you asked, voice slightly muffled, but still clearly understandable. He passed you a dusting cloth and a bottle of unidentified cleaning spray.
“Just… clean. I’ll carry the boxes through and start packing, okay?”
“You’re not the boss of— Oh.” That’s right, he was literally our boss. Good job this was a porn world, because you had a feeling that real world HR wouldn’t approve.
You were rewarded with another one of his eyes smiles as he snapped his own mask into place. “Chop chop, dear assistant of mine.”
Ugh, fine, whatever. Kakashi went back out to the engawa, and you decided to start by dusting the mantel place. If you dusted the photos and ornaments first, which practically covered the mantel place, Kakashi could get started with packing them up.
You started at the left end and grabbed the first picture. Confusingly, it had been laying face down. You hesitated, wondering if it was something Kakashi explicitly didn’t want you to see. You felt drawn to it though. Was that just you being nosy, or was this some kind of hint from your porn logic overlords? Was it moral for you to look when—Too late you already grabbed it and flipped it over.
Philosophising took too long.
It was a photo of two people, obviously a father and son, sitting in the garden you’d just walked through. The sun was shining, and both people were covered in mud, clearly having just finished some gardening. It was a sweet picture, but more importantly you recognised the two people from your google searches.
It was a photo of a young Kakashi and his father. This was his—
A hand tugged the photo out of your hand. Kakashi.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think—”
“It’s fine.” His voice was short, but at least he didn’t sound angry.
“This was your family home, wasn’t it?” you asked softly.
Kakashi sighed, turning away from you to put the photo in one of the boxes. “In a way. Although I haven’t lived here since I was four.”
You put a comforting hand on his shoulder, wondering if this was where you were going to find out about Kakashi’s angst. The death of his father had definitely made an impact on him, but you had a suspicion that there was something more to his angst than that.
Kakashi looked as tightly coiled as a spring, though. You decided to wait until he was more relaxed before you tried coaxing his backstory out of him. Some cleaning would get his mind off things.
“Let’s start with the dusting!” you said, artificially injecting some chipperness into the conversation. You saw Kakashi’s shoulders lift as you stopped prying into his backstory. “You should be careful though.” Hook.
Kakashi looked confused. “What? Why?” Line.
“Because we won’t be able to tell if it gets in your hair, old man.” And Sinker.
Kakashi scowled and threw a dusting cloth at your face.
Kakashi warmed up again as you worked. It seemed to help him, having a job to focus on, and of course, you were doing your best to keep his spirits high as well.
And honestly, all the cleaning and mood management was well worth it to see his baby pictures! He didn’t have parents to show you, so you were taking it into your own hands. You avoided bringing attention to any that also contained his father, but there was still plenty to work with.
You squealed, pulling a photo of a tiny, grumpy Kakashi holding a freshly caught fish off the wall to dust. “Look how cute you were! You know how to fish? I’ll be honest, I didn’t imagine that as one of your skills.”
“Will you stop—” Kakashi said, plucking the picture from your hands and hanging back on the wall. “Do you have to put effort into being so nosy, or is it a natural born talent?”
“Completely natural.” You grinned and grabbed the photo back, giving it a quick dust and then putting it in the box of valuables, cooing all the while.
Kakashi rolled his eyes, but you could see the pink dusting his ears.
“Hey, here’s a question.”
“Can’t you just dust?”
“Why was the outside of the house so immaculate, when the inside looks like it hasn’t been touched in a decade?” you asked, taping up one box and grabbing another empty one.
“I hire a groundskeeper for the outside, but I personally clean the inside.”
Your face spoke for itself as you looked around the room, still half-covered in dust. Kakashi sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “I haven’t done it for a couple of years, I admit.”
You laughed, grabbing the next photo to dust. It was another one of just Kakashi, although this time he was sitting behind a dog-shaped birthday cake, scowling at the camera.
“Did you ever smile?” you asked, holding up the photo. “Even now you don’t seem much better at it, always stone faced or rolling your eyes, do I have to teach you?”
You slid the photo under your arm so that your hands were free to push up Kakashi’s cheeks into a faux smile. You managed to hold his cheeks in a forced smile for a second, before Kakashi smacked your hands away, scowling. You sent him a cheeky grin, but he only yanked the photo out from under your arm and bent down to pack it away in a box.
What you did next, could hardly be held against you. You mean, it was right there, in all its glory: Kakashi’s toned but ample butt.
You pinched it.
Kakashi jumped before immediately standing and whirling around to face you. Your grin froze on your face as you noticed something intense flashing in his eyes, the kind of intense that promised revenge.
Oh, fuck.
You broke into a desperate run away from Kakashi, but he immediately gave chase. You ran around the coffee table and into the kitchen, thunderous footsteps sounding behind you. Your heart pounded and some hysterical giggles escaped as you ran through the second door in the kitchen, grateful that it wasn’t a dead end.
“Stop running and accept your fate!” Kakashi called from somewhere behind you.
“You’ll never take me alive!”
You ended up back in the living room, but you managed to catch Kakashi in a stalemate, with you standing behind the couch, and him standing in front of it. Every time he darted around one way, you went the other. You both stared at each other, watching for even the slightest hint of movement.
“If you give up now, I promise the punishment won’t be so bad,” Kakashi said with an unfairly attractive lilt.
“If you think I’m going to give in, then you’re as senile as the grey hair suggests, old man.” To further make your point, you gave him the middle finger. You weren’t really sure how this was going to end, because he would inevitably catch you, even if only because you arrived in his car, but you weren’t a quitter and you certainly didn’t surrender!
Kakashi chuckled, and then in a second, his whole body shot forward and the man leapt over the sofa towards you. You shrieked and continued running. Adrenaline pumping, you automatically ran towards the front door.
Unfortunately, all it took was one moment of weakness. There, in the doorway, you suddenly realised that you weren’t wearing shoes. You hesitated for only a moment, but that was all it took for Kakashi to catch up with you.
“Hidden technique: One Thousand Years of Death!”
There, in the doorway of Kakashi’s childhood home, you let out an ungodly screech as Kakashi’s fingers jabbed you in a place that you really didn’t want to be jabbed.
Your back arched and your butt cheeks clenched.
“You bastard!” you screamed, turning around to smack Kakashi’s chest. He was dying laughing, happily taking your smacks. “That wasn’t funny!”
“It was very funny,” Kakashi disagreed, moving backwards to dodge your smacks. “Although maybe not for the local wildlife; I think they might be traumatised after that screech.”
You huffed, gingerly rubbing your backside as you followed him back into the living room. “You know, you are completely and utterly— Woah!”
Midsentence, because this world was ridiculous, you slipped on a section of wet floor that you were 100% sure you had already dried. There was a split second of relief where Kakashi managed to catch you, before he also slipped on the floor, and both of you went crashing to the ground.
Kakashi hit the ground first, laying on his back, and you quickly followed, landing on top of him. Kakashi let out an oof noise as you knocked the air from his lungs.
It was the exact same thing as had happened with Itachi, except you were the one on top this time. Porn logic was just running out of ideas you thought, bitter at having been tripped on a wet floor that you had already dried.
‘Careful human,’ James interjected. ‘You do not wish you issue a challenge to porn logic, because in my experience, it does not take kindly to such things.’
‘Wait, really? What happens if I issue porn logic a challenge?’
‘The last alpha who did that… well, let’s just say that I doubt their penis was ever the same again.’
You loved porn logic. Porn logic had zero faults and you wanted to kiss it on the mouth, marry it even. It was just perfect in every way.
‘Good save, human.’
‘Thanks, James.’
“Are you going to get off me or are you just going to continue staring into space?” Kakashi’s voice jolted you from your conversation with James and you bashfully cleared your throat.
“Right, yes, of course, but I am going to use your tits as leverage to stand, just saying.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes, which seemed to be his go to response when he was in your presence but didn’t protest your grabbing at his chest.
You put your hands down and gave his chest a little squeeze, ooh, nice and squishy. You were about to push off him and into a standing position, when you felt something that wasn’t so nice and squishy.
In the inside pocket of his jacket was something hard, almost like a small book. Honestly, it wouldn’t have been notable at all if Kakashi hadn’t reacted. You would have assumed it to be some kind of paperwork or light reading, but Kakashi froze, and you’d seen more innocent expressions on kids caught with their hands in cookie jars.
“What’s that?”
“Paperwork.” Kakashi answered far too quickly for you to believe him for even a second.
“Well, if it’s only paperwork, then you won’t mind me having a look.” You grabbed the book out of his pocket, dodging his attempts to stop you. Your weight on top of him was keeping him pinned nicely, and moments later you had the book held triumphantly above your head.
“Now, let’s see,” you hummed, giving the book a look. It was a small yellow book, with large writing ‘Icha Icha’ over the top. The 18+ logo on the front was a damning piece of evidence. This was a porn book. How hilariously ironic.
“I can explain—”
“Kakashi!” you said, in a faux scandalised voice.
“I read it for the story!”
You hummed, considering his story, like a judge. Kakashi stared up at you, trying his best to be the picture of pure innocence, pleading with you to end the interrogation.
Obviously, you had no choice but to push things further.
“Well, I can understand that!” you said, chipper as ever.
Kakashi blinked, “You can? I mean, you can. Great, so if you could just give it back—"
“If the story is as good as you say it is, then I would love to give it a look!” Any hope that had started to bloom on Kakashi’s face died as soon as he registered your words. He tried to sit up, presumably to wrestle the book from you, but you used a knee to hold his chest to the ground. “Now, now, you wouldn’t be so cruel as to deprive me from such a great story, would you? If it’s good enough for you to be carrying around at work, it must be something special.”
Kakashi made another swipe for the book, but you simply held it above his reach. “I hate you. I hate you so much.”
“No, you don’t! Now, let’s see…” You flicked to a random page. “This page looks like a good place to start.” You cleared your throat. When it became obvious that you were about to do a dramatic reading, Kakashi groaned.
“You’re ridiculous, completely ridiculous. I should sue you for assault and theft.”
You ignored him, scanning the page. A feral grin blossomed on your face; it was perfect.
“Elisabeth grinned down at Makoto, hunger and lust warring for dominance in her eyes, reflecting the real life battle that Makoto had just lost. Makoto wondered what it would be like to have her mouth on his—” you gasped, clutching imaginary pearls. “Oh my, Kakashi, what are you reading?”
“I’m reporting you to HR.”
“Oh? And this” -you shifted your hips against his, watching as Kakashi hissed at the pressure on his rapidly rising cock- “is going to end up in the report too, I presume?”
Kakashi had no comment to make, but his rosy cheeks spoke loud and clear. You took that as an invitation to carry on reading. You skipped a few paragraphs to get to the really juicy bits.
“Elisabeth wrapped her hands around Makoto’s neck in a gentle mockery of a collar. Makoto bit his lip, overwhelmed by the imagery. He wanted her to own him, mind, body, and soul. But first, he needed his punishment. A punishment? How exciting! Do you remember what punishment Elisabeth is going to give to Makoto, Kakashi?” You rolled your hips again, delighting in the pleasured grunt you forced from him. Kakashi shook his head as a negative to your question, something you didn’t believe for one moment; the book was clearly well loved and had been read many times before.
You leant down over his pink face and gave him a chaste kiss. You saw his arms move and for a moment you assumed that he was going for the book, but he merely settled his arms on your hips before pushing his crotch up into yours. You hummed and kissed him again. He was such a brat.
“Makoto was forced to kneel at her feet. It was with eagerness that he anticipated the crack of her whips against his skin. He had been bad, he knew that, so he accepted his punishment with grace and also a raging boner. Ah, I see what you’re into. And just when I didn’t think you could be more cliché, the CEO is into BDSM.”
“And how many porn books are you reading to know that it’s cliché?”
“Change the subject all you want; you were the one caught with your proverbial trousers down.” Kakashi rolled his eyes. He seemed to have recovered from the minor embarrassment, because the light dusting of pink didn’t get any worse. You guessed it took more than that to embarrass someone who apparently caried porn around in their pocket of their work clothes. “Okay, okay, one more and then we can keep cleaning.”
You flipped through the book, trying for find the right scene to end it on. Hmm… Maybe you should let porn logic choose? It would probably know exactly what page to pick. You closed your eyes.
‘Porn logic, choose the page that will get the best reaction from Kakashi please!’
You flicked through the pages until you felt the overwhelming urge to stop, at which point you clamped your thumb down. You had landed on page 154.
To your immediate confusion, it didn’t look like it had any porn on it at all. It looked like it was just a sappy conversation between Elizabeth and Makoto. You debated picking another one, but after James’ warning about pissing off the porn logic, you decided to just trust it.
“Elisabeth, there’s something I’ve been wanting to say to you for a while, something important,” you read out loud. Kakashi let out a strangled noise as he realised what page you were on. His lightly pink face quickly deepened into an impressive red. Oh. So that’s how this was going to go.
“Fine, you win, can I have my book back now because—”
“What is it, Makoto? What could be so important that you called me here at this time?”
Kakashi whined, pressing his hands to his face. You had never seen him act like this before. You watched, fascinated, as you continued to read.
“Elisabeth… With all my heart, deeply and truly, I love you.”
Those final words were enough for Kakashi, because he easily broke out of your hold, knocking you off of him and onto the living room floor. Now free, he turned over onto his front and buried his face into his arms. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.
It was as unexpected as it was adorable. You hoped this wonderful omega never stopped surprising you in the best way.
“Aww, Kakashi, I’m sorry,” you cooed, rubbing his back. “It’s okay to be a sap at heart, I won’t tell anyone! I want to keep this cute side of you to myself.”
Kakashi took a shaky breath before pushing himself into a sitting position. He was still bright red. “You are…”
Kakashi gave you one of his eye smiles, reached out with a hand, and firmly flicked you on the forehead. “Annoying.”
It was such a weak attempt to restart the banter on a equal standing that you couldn’t hold your laughter in.
“You’re so pathetic,” you laughed, clutching at your stomach. “I love it.”
“So are you,” Kakashi said, pouting.
“I know, that’s why we’re perfect together!”
Slowly, Kakashi started to laugh too, joining your hysteria on the living room floor of his childhood home. You were leaning on each other, just completely lost in a weird joke that only you two could understand.
What a team you made. You really liked Kakashi. Honestly, you could say that you loved him at this point. He was just so fun to be around, fun to tease, fun to bite, everything. Being around him made you feel alive, and having money for everything you could ever need was only adding to how relaxed you had been feeling the whole time in this dimension.
You could see a very happy life here. You didn’t know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that you saw an equally happy life with Itachi. Your laughter petered out as you considered the impossible choice you were going to have to make.
The knowledge that no other person would ever enter this universe if you didn’t stay only made you feel guiltier. Was it worse to leave Kakashi alone forever, but with his money and friends, or leave Itachi with the possibility of another great love, but an equal possibility of being forced to settle with some awful person who just happened to die early and choose him?
You sighed, trying to put such heavy thoughts out of your mind for now.
Kakashi was watching you, a soft look on his face. His mask had slipped off at some point during the chase, so you could see his face unhindered. He was just watching you in silence.
You reached out a hand to cup his face. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am,” he said, still staring at you like you were the centre of his world. “It’s just… it’s been a long time since there was laughter in this house.”
“I bet.” You smiled sadly and pressed a kiss to his forehead. His backstory was so sad that whenever you thought about it for too long, it hurt your heart. It had been easier to read at first, when he had just been some nebulous, kind of dickish, person on a Wikipedia page, but now he was Kakashi, your Kakashi… It hurt to imagine him suffering.
His father had committed suicide when he was only four, and then Kakashi had been raised by custodians, forced into business from a ridiculously early age, and then been betrayed by those who were supposed to look after him as soon as he came of age.
“Kakashi? Can I ask you a question?”
“You? Of course. Always.”
“Do you…” You struggled for a moment, thinking about how best to phrase the question. “Do you enjoy your work? Do you like business? Because from what I understand, you didn’t really get much of a choice.”
Kakashi seemed baffled that you would ask such a question. His mouth opened, but no sound came out.
“I… like my job,” he said, entirely unconvincingly.
“What do you like about it?”
He didn’t answer. That didn’t surprise you.
“Did you ever get a chance to follow your own dreams?”
Kakashi blinked at you, looking lost. He swallowed heavily. You rubbed your thumb on his cheek to try and comfort him. You understood that for someone who had never been given a choice, your question might have been quite jarring.
“What are your dreams, Kakashi?”
He stared at you and shook his head, still silent.
“You don’t know?” You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “It’s never too late to make dreams, Kakashi, remember that.”
“If you say so,” he said, trying and failing to keep a light-hearted tone. “We need to keep cleaning, you know, we’re burning daylight.”
You allowed the heavy-handed topic change to slid by without acknowledgment. “You’re right, come on, let’s get up. You’re buying me dinner tonight, by the way, as thanks for all this cleaning.”
He rolled his eyes, standing. “Fine, but I’m picking the restaurant, and I want it delivered.”
“Sounds good to me!”
You yawned, gratefully climbing into bed. This MC had invested in expensive sheets, and honestly you loved them for it. There was no better way to end a tiring workday than climbing into bed.
You couldn’t wait to either reject society and run off into the woods with Itachi or have a full-time profession as Kakashi’s eccentric trophy spouse. Work sucked.
You closed your eyes, and just as you were starting to drift off, your phone started to ring. Ugh.
You forced yourself awake. Your fake family and friends hadn’t even been invented yet, and you were already being bothered. You squinted at the caller ID. Oh, it was Kakashi. That was weird; he wasn’t a phone call person.
You answered the phone. “Hello? Kakashi? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, I’m sorry for calling you.” His voice sounded strange. It was softer than usual, like his head was off in the clouds.
“That’s okay.” You waited for an explanation of his call, but none came. “Did you need something?”
“Yes, I… I was thinking about the Autumn Company Party and I…”
“Do you think…” He stopped talking again. Something was off.
“Kakashi, you’re freaking me out. Please tell me what’s wrong?”
There was a pause. “Nothing, I’m sorry, I’m fine. Goodnight.”
“Kakashi—” You couldn’t get any more words out before he hung up the phone.
You sat there in bed, staring down at your call log, confused.
What on Earth had that been about?
Next chapter
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dira333 · 7 months
1,2,3 - you can count on me - Kakashi x Reader
A/N: Reader could be seen as a Ex-Root-Member?
tagging: @revasserium because your Zoro piece is still in the works
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Falling in love had always been such a mystery to Kakashi.
He never knew his parents as a couple, but he’d seen how Minato acted around Kushina and even Asuma and Kurenai had acted as unwanted examples of something he never really understood. 
There was a point in friendship, that he understood. He had friends, he liked having friends and he would sooner give his life than betray these friendships. But love? 
Love was something for people who had less trauma to carry, for those who did not wake up at night screaming or gasping for air or wishing to go back in time and switch places with a friend.
But here he was, staring dumbfoundedly into a cup of tea he was preparing. 
He didn’t even like tea that much but he had more than enough at home - because he was in love - and knew how to make it just the right way - because he was in love.
He blew softly at the rising steam and set it down at the table in front of you.
“There you go.” He said softly and watched in fascination as you lifted the cup, brought it to your face, and sniffed before taking the first sip. 
Kakashi had half a mind to wonder if you had noticed his beginning crisis in the kitchenette or if you noticed how utterly pathetic he was being, besotted by something as ordinary as you drinking tea.
Was that what love was? More than just knowing the tiny things that made you you - because he knew a lot about Guy as well and he did not enjoy that knowledge half as much - but being moved by that knowledge? 
He knew how you liked your tea and when you liked it. 
You’d mentioned once that going through mission reports was much more enjoyable with a cup of tea and ever since then he’d been careful to always have enough of it at hand. 
You preferred white tea over black and jasmine over green and it was a testament to both his attentiveness and foolishness that his cupboards were filled with both white tea and jasmine. 
He’d thought that your sniffing was a testament to your past - always attentive and always on your toes, never taking a simple beverage for granted lest it could have been poisoned - but realized that it wasn’t just that. 
It was - and he’d never admit that out loud - cute. 
Kakashi would never have thought that in a relationship with him, he’d be the saner one.
But here he was, going to argue with Tsume over something that could have been thoroughly avoided if only he could have been a fool at the right time. But he wasn’t.
“Why do you need another puppy?” 
Inuzuka Tsume looked at him as if he had just pissed onto her shoes.
“It’s not for me.” 
Wrong answer. Absolutely wrong answer. Her eyebrows were doing things they shouldn’t be able to do.
“Look.” He said and he cringed at the way his voice sounded. He sounded like he was begging. Which he was, kinda, but that was beside the point. “I came to you because I know you can keep a secret.”
Tsume blinked. That was a good sign. She had not kicked him out of the house yet. 
“I am seeing someone.” Tsume blinked again, more rapidly this time. That wasn’t as good a sign as the first one, but he soldiered one. “And she’s well… I want to give her a puppy. It would be our anniversary, kind of and she never had a pet before and she loves the dogs but they are Ninken and not pets, and well, I heard you’ve got a new litter. It would mean the world to her.”
“You don’t want to give her a Ninken and you came to me?” Tsume asked, her voice carrying a weird pitch he did not like.
“Well, I was hoping you’d have like an odd one of the bunch or something like that.” Her mouth did something he really did not like and he backpedaled right away.
“Or better yet, she can raise it to be a Ninken, which was my first idea anyway. She would bond so much more with it that way.”
“She’s here? Not on a mission?”
“Uh, no.” Where was this going?
“Be here at three. Don’t be late.”
“It’s actually a surprise-” He started but she threw him a glare that shut him up.
“Don’t be late.” She reminded him again.
They were late by thirty minutes but Hana opened the door and Kakashi considered that evening it out. Hana sent him a look that told him that she knew exactly what was going on here but she stepped aside and smiled at you.
“Hi, are you excited?”
“I don’t know.” You truthfully explained, your bluntness another reminder of why he’d fallen in love with you in the first place. 
The puppies were in a separate room, six fat little bundles of fur and noise, running around each other and play fighting their brothers and sisters.
Kakashi could tell right away that you were overwhelmed. He had wanted to avoid just that, had planned to pick the dog out himself, knowing you’d get in your head about the choice and what it all entailed and what did one do with a dog anyway?
“Hey.” He grabbed your elbow and pulled you back towards himself until his chest pressed into your back. “Why don’t you take a seat in the kitchen and we’ll bring them to you, one by one?”
“Is that possible?” You asked and Hana nodded slowly. “Mom’s in the kitchen. Just go right through there.”
Kakashi wasn’t sure if leaving you alone with Tsume was the best idea but Hana was waving at him to move and pick one of the puppies up and you had already left anyway, eager to get away from the noise.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Hana asked as he looked down at the dogs. Akamaru’s white fur had mixed with the black of the mother, leaving five of them with interesting patterns of black and white and one slightly smaller one who was a soft grey. He picked him up instantly and Hana threw him a look. 
“Not that one. Kiba wants him for himself.”
Kakashi sighed and put the little one down, picking up another one instead that had a black streak right under his nose, making him look like he’d grown a beard.
But as they walked through the door towards the kitchen, a lithe black body pressed through the door that led to the garden. 
It was a large dog, it’s fur completely black. Kakashi could instantly tell that it had been a powerful Ninken but it had grown old, its shoulders sagging a little as it walked. Hana tensed next to him and Tsume, seated at the kitchen table opposite to you, looked at the dog approaching them. 
“What is it, Ume?” She asked the dog that stopped, looked at Tsume, and then turned towards you with a determination that scared Kakashi.
“What is she-” He started but Tsume threw him a glare.
The dog stopped in front of you, seized you up, and put his head on your lap without a moment of hesitation.
Silence fell over the table as you looked down at the massive head that covered your legs.
“What do I do?” You asked, your shoulders stiff.
“You can pet her,” Tsume said, but the pitch of her voice was too wobbly for someone as headstrong as her. 
Kakashi watched, utterly fascinated, as you lowered one of your hands and carefully caressed the soft fur between the eyes of the dog.
“Hello Ume,” you murmured. The dog let out a low whine and your head snapped up right away, your eyes searching for Kakashi.
“She likes it.” He tells you softly. “She doesn’t talk like Pakkun.”
He barely notices that Hana takes the puppy from his arms nor that Tsume grabs his elbow and pulls him towards the table.
“Ume,” Tsume starts, “Was Takumi’s dog. He died a few weeks ago.”
Your hand on Ume’s head stills softly.
“I’m sorry.” You tell her and she nods, her eyes not leaving the dog. “Ume’s too old to train with someone else. She was too old to go on missions either but Takumi still took her with him anyway. She’s been refusing contact with anyone but me and she only let me feed her and that was all. She’s been griefing. The fact that she’s choosing you of all people to touch her…” Tsume stops and you look up but not at her, your eyes searching Kakashi’s as if to ask for approval.
“My mother’s name was Ume.” You explain softly. “Grief recognizes grief sometimes.”
You look at Kakashi again, another silent conversation. Kakashi wonders when he started to become the saner one in their relationship. The voice of reason in this mess.
“She’s old.” He tells you softly when looks alone can’t spell out what needs to be said. “She should stay with Tsume.”
Tsume looks at him with furrowed brows then back to you.
“You want to take her?” There’s no saying what that tone means. But with Tsume, every tone is a dangerous tone.
“Why would I take a puppy if this dog needs love?”
If Kakashi had to describe you in three words, stubborn would be one of them. 
He’s seen you stare down anyone and anything. Sometimes it’s cute. 
Right now it’s a bit more concerning.
“Why are you staring at the pot?” He asks. His hands itch to hold your waits but first he needs to make sure you’re going through something. Last time he’d been a bit too blind to the signs and ended up with a Senbon in his thigh. Good times.
“I read that if you look away for a second, the milk tends to boil over.”
“Okay?” Kakashi takes a step closer. It’s not unreasonable to not want the milk to boil over. Carefully, cautiously, his hands inch closer to your waist. You sense him coming and lean into him, your focus never wavering.
“What are you cooking milk for?” He asks, content now that he has you in his arms. He drops his nose in the crook of your neck and inhales, pretending to sniff you exaggeratedly to get you to laugh. It works like a charm today and your laughter rings through the kitchen, making more than up for the fact that you’re still not letting the pot out of your sight.
“I wanted to try a new recipe. Hinata mentioned that Hot Chocolate is good for the Soul. I’ve never tried that before.”
“You’ve never tried Hot Chocolate before?” Kakashi’s careful to keep his voice neutral. You don’t take kindly to a tone that might sound of pity. He’s never pitied you once in his life, but he does occasionally sound like it, it seems. 
“Have you?” You ask, pulling his arms a little tighter around you. Ah. Sensitive topic.
“Tell me about it.”
Memories wash over him. His father used to put Cinnamon into it, a testament to his late mother. Rin always brought bars of chocolate on long missions, and melted them down in a cup of water if there was no milk around.
His breath hitches. The last cup of Hot Chocolate he shared with his Sensei, just a few days before Naruto was born. The one and only Cup of Hot Chocolate he managed to bribe Itachi with, tense silence as he tried to make sense of the younger boy.
Warm lips press onto his. You breathe into him, pull him out of his memories. He blinks, only to realize that he’s still here, that you’re still with him.
You don’t ask if he’s okay. He doesn’t have to pretend he is.
For a moment that’s all there is, the shared of comfort of each other's body being close, the well-known taste of lips you’ve learned to love. 
Something heavy nudges him to the side, breaks the two of you apart.
Ume whines loudly.
“The milk!” You gasp and whirl around. The pot sits calmly on the stove.
Kakashi steps closer, furrows his brows.
“Honey,” He can’t help smiling. “You have to turn the stove on too.”
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
*Obito and Kakashi at a store* Obito: Thanks again for helping me, Bakashi. I had no idea what Rin might like for Valentine's Day. Kakashi: I'm just shocked that you've finally gotten up the nerve to confess to her. I had bets going with Minato-sensei on how long it'd take you. Obito, scowling: Love your confidence in me. Okay ... *they come to a section of stuffed toys* Which kind should I get her? What kind would YOU want? Kakashi: I'd want the pink wolf, but, Rin might want the bear? Obito: No, I'll get the wolf. You two have similar tastes. Kakashi: You better hope so ... every single thing you got for her is something that I'd pick for myself. The flowers, the candy, and now this toy ... Obito: *takes the things up to the register* Have more faith in yourself, man. *Obito pays and the two head outside the store* Kakashi: Well, I'll get going home, now. I don't want to be a third wheel when you take these things to her. Good luck! Remember to -- Obito, blushing: Um ... um ... *holds out everything in his arms* T-these are actually for you ... Kakashi: W-what? Obito: I wanted to be sure that everything I got you was something you'd really want. R-rin suggested I do it this way, to break the ice. I ... I've wanted to confess to you for the longest time, but I wasn't sure how you'd react. Obito: *chances it to take Kakashi's hands in his own* Obito: Bakashi, I love you, and it would make me really happy if we dated. W-what do you say? Kakashi: *Kakashi drops Obito's hands, and Obito panics, thinking he made a horrible mistake* Obito: O-oi! Hey I'm sorry, please forget I said that stuff, I don't want to lose your friendship or -- Kakashi: *reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small, neatly wrapped box* Kakashi, blushing: F-for you ... *Obito opens the box with shaky hands to reveal two hand-carved beads on a silver chain. One bead is a small cat, the other a dog* Obito: K-kakashi -- ! Kakashi: I wanted to give this to you for a long time, too. But I didn't want to stand in the way of you and Rin, because you two are my best friends. But if Rin understands, and you feel the same about me, then ... Obito: *grabs Kakashi's face and kisses him* YES! Kakashi: *blushes and hugs Obito tightly* Yes. And now that we're boyfriends, can I tell you something important? Something said with total honesty? Obito: Of course! That's the only type of relationship I'd want to have with you! Kakashi: Okay. Your mouth tastes like sour cream, ramen, and dango. I don't know WHAT kind of insane diet you have going on, but I think it's something we need to work on. Obito: Obito: Maybe total honesty isn't the best thing ...
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Kakashi: biting, hickes, claiming.
That man can leave bites and hickes on my body nearly wherever he wants to and I will be turned on when they remind me of our activities. The Hatake Clan have strong connections to wolf's and dogs and it shows during bedroom activities and even outside them.
wait pls no i just got back don’t do this omg
⚠️: biting, possible hints at scenting??? idk man overall just nsfw pls no one look at me wtf
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- kakashi would 100% in the beginning of your relationship leave marks where others can see them like don’t play??? you’re his??? BYE
- as time progresses, he’ll find it easier to leave them in places that only the two of you know about but don’t mistake that, one wrong move in your skirt and every one in town will see where he’s sunk his teeth into the meat on your thighs like ??? why is that so sexy???
- the whole close relationship with dogs makes me think of him being able to smell you
- maybe he’s too close and you get a good look at the veins in his forearms and now you’re 5 seconds away from showing your ass in the grocery store and he just knows
- girl don’t play with him, he’s gonna snatch your ass up (why get groceries when he could just eat you? *queue the sharp canines peeking behind his pretty lips*)
- and it’s not even just when he can smell the slick pooling in your underwear, it’s constantly
- he just follows you around and when the wind blows just right he can smell you through the mask, just you and now he’s crowding you against a tree with heavy hands, teeth latching on to the meat of your throat with a determination you can only describe as animalistic
- kakashi is not possessive, but you’re his and if you ever need a reminder all you have to do is pull down the collar of your shirt to peek at the teeth shaped marks all over the skin of chest
- and when he has to leave for a mission he’s nipping at the skin of your throat and hissing about how you better not let any of them fade before he gets back because if you do you’ll regret it (you’ll spend more time in the morning than you want to admit pressing against the marks on your chest and thighs)
- like c’moooon man, just kakashi leering down at you while your heart is working double time, pattering in your chest until you’re sure it’ll take flight because he looks like he might eat you alive if you make a wrong move— and come to think of it, you really might let him
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rayshippouuchiha · 11 months
So uh, one of my friends is from a set of seven siblings, and their parents genuinely did raise them using a dog training manual. I mean like, they humanized it more than Kakashi has in PAPA AU, no barking in that family, but yeah. This is a legitimate parenting technique, and they all turned out pretty good.
One of their main things was having a mat for church, and when their parents would say mat, all the kids would go to their mats and sit and play quietly.
And now I'm imagining Kakashi bringing three mats to the Hokage's office so his puppies are on their best behavior when he needs to make a report.
Imagine the kids attempting to use a mat to keep a civilian in place during an escort mission through. XD The bridge builder would be so damn confused.
I could see Kakashi starting off with something like a mat to get them to stop and pay attention but then he whittles it down to like a sealing tag that just has the kanji for STAY written on it. He's using it to teach them various formations and the like and it becomes so ingrained in them to go silent and still but alert whenever he calls for them to that it's honestly kind of unsettling for everyone who sees it happen
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰
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[ 🌸 ] konoha boys version
characters: naruto uzumaki; neji hyuga; shikamaru nara; kiba inuzuka; minato namikaze; kakashi hatake
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of blood, menstrual pads annnd colics...
part 1;;
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naruto uzumaki
* hyperactive boy, I love him <3
* In any case
* He does not know what to do
* He had that class where the teachers explained that topic, but he didn't pay attention
* And now he doesn't know what's going on, which makes him nervous and sad because he really wants to be a good boyfriend :(
*So he goes and talks to Tsunade about your situation
* After the informative talk he already has an idea
* He goes and asks if you need anything because he is going to buy some things
* If you say that if you need something, he will bring what you want
* But the reason for buying it was to buy things to hang out
* Practically, he made a massive purchase of things to eat and for you two to cuddle up and watch bad movies all day
"Hey Y/N, buy ramen and candy, we watch bad movies?"
“Naruto! Thank you and yes please”
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- - -
neji hyuga
*serious boy~
*He must really love you to get into this mess, lmao
* Although he enjoys it
* He loves you and wants to learn all about you, even at this time of the month
* He was so confused and worried when he saw you in a ball on the bed while enduring bad cramps
* He didn't know whether to touch you or what to do
* He is not the best at comforting, but my Boy is doing everything in his power xd
* So he starts to take care of you more
* He is like your personal doctor
* Oh, you said hugs? Sure, why not?
* Runs from one side to the other while bringing you different sweets and also many compresses
* Oh, no, are the compresses cold yet?. Oh, I'll bring you more, just hold on, okay?
“Y/N brought you more treats”
"Thank you Neji, can we hug now?"
“Sure dear”
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- - -
shikamaru nara
*this guy is funny lmaooo
* It's like: ????
* When he sees you with a face of pain
* "Y/N! What's wrong, are you okay?!"
* Of course you're not okay, blood is coming out of your vagina 😂
* Obviously, you tell him and he is more confused than before
* Why so much drama? he wonders
*Obviously, he doesn't know about this because just like Naruto didn't pay attention, he was too focused on sleeping to pay attention to that talk
* *Shikamaru very repentant*
* You mention colic and how it hurts, and that sometimes you feel like you're in labor
* *Shikamaru very repentant x2*
* Anyway
* Now that he understands more
* Takes care of you more <3
*Obviously, he mentions going to see the clouds while you huddle on the porch and you eat the snacks Shikamaru went to buy you
* Shikamaru is a good boyfriend, only sometimes he has a hard time understanding women 😂 especially the female body
“The clouds look beautiful today”
“Yes, but no more than you”
“…Are you saying this to make me feel better?”
"Is working?"
“It is, keep saying nice things to me, please”
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kiba inuzuka
* Aa
* This guy and his dog 😂
* Anyway
* Kiba has his mom and an older sister
* So he gets to understand what you're going through
* Understanding boy Understanding boy-
* will pamper you
* "I heard that chocolates help, right Akamaru?"
* Oh, the sheets got dirty with your blood? Don't worry, he'll take care of it, go take a shower while he cleans
* Proud guy at the end of the day for taking care of his girl
* "We did a good job, right Akamaru?". “Wauf”
* They both cuddle with you at the end of the day ❤️
"Are you comfortable baby?"
"Yes, thanks Kiba- oh you too Akamaru"
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- - -
minato namikaze
*fast boy ⚡️
* He is also the hokage ✨
* In any case
* Sweet boy
* It will keep you as comfortable as possible
* Also when he's too busy with paperwork he'll send a shadow clone to come see you
* Shadow clone of minato will be your personal servant if you need anything
* Candies? Why not? Ice cream? Sure just wait give me a second
* The "wait, give me a second" is serious with him💀
* Anyway
* He will take care of you as much as he can because you know, you are his girl and even if he is far away, he will always take care of you
"Baby, are you alright?"
"Minato! Are you here already?"
"Of course honey, I brought you what you asked for"
It's a love please protect it 🥺
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- - -
kakashi hatake
*confused boy
* Is your period today?
*(He actually smelled your blood from a mile away but thought you were hurt 😂)
* Oh and now what are we going to do?
* He luckily worked with women when he was still in ANBU
* Only he saw his behavior from afar and… he was scared
* He never saw someone change their mood so quickly
* Like; before she was pleased with the world, then she was sad and now she is angry
* In any case
* He will take care of you
* And if he can't because he have something to do?, he'll ask Pakkun to take care of you, what if he can't? He will make a shadow clone Psss The last option is Gai 😂 also the; "I'll take care of you with the shadow clone", he learned from his sensei
* But don't worry, this won't be so common
* What will be common will be how soft and gentle it will be with you
* As it is already soft and gentle with you but now it is multiplied by two
* He is just a soft guy who likes to take care of his girl
"Y/N! how are you?"
“…you are a shadow clone right?”
"-yes but the real Kakashi will arrive soon"
“He better be.”
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* In general, they give their S/O a lot of cuddles and love🥰 and a gentle treatment...
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
hey lemony!! woke up thinking about sick!kakashi. i partially think he would be the type to ignore sickness until it cannot be ignored, and i think when he gets sick, before he gets into a relationship, he would be very good and quick about getting himself better just so he could be sent on missions quicker or whatever. however, after he gets into a relationship, i think he would be the whiny, needy type that drags out his sickness/symptoms just so he could soak up all the care and affection he could get from his partner :)
sorry lemony! one more thing to add to sick kakashi anon is that his dogs would know if he was faking it because they could smell the sickness, and by day 4, pakkun would probably say “you don’t smell sick anymore” while the partner is out of the room and kakashi would just glare at him
hey, anon. i think this is very cute & you are absolutely right.
Kakashi glares at Pakkun as the dog huffs again, already wrinkled brow furrowing. "It's unfair to keep expecting them to wait on you hand and foot."
He sighed, letting his head fall back against the pillow--which you had perfectly placed and fluffed and put a new case on while he bathed that morning. "I know, I know. Just a little longer, okay?"
The pug growled lowly, but said nothing else.
And Kakashi did, in fact, know Pakkun was right. That allowing you to continue caring for him--pampering him, even--was perhaps a little selfish.
There was a time Kakash would never in a thousand years have considered feigning illness. In fact, when he was younger, he was much more likely to feign not being sick even as a fever raged within him, turning his skin pink and sticky, cool to the touch, as ever muscle in his body screamed for respite.
"I'm fine," he would grumble to Tenzo or Yugao, swatting away their hands when they tried to feel his forehead or neck to confirm their suspicions.
But that was a long time ago. That was before he met you.
He never swatted your hands away. Rather, he yearned for your touch the moment it ceased, sometimes whining faintly so you would brush your fingers through his hair, over his cheek soothingly.
Kakashi did not think he had ever craved anything as much as your touch. Not his favorite foods or books. Not even the bleak release of death during his darkest moments.
When you were near him, the awful thoughts quieted, the weight of the world--of his loved ones' sacrifices--lifted just a fraction. He felt like he could breathe easier as long as the two of you shared the same air.
The first time he'd fallen ill, there had been no pretense. He'd simply returned from a mission in rain-soked Amegakure with wet feet and an awful, racking cough. He hadn't even thought to tell you, to take himself off the active duty roster to recuperate.
But then you'd showed up at his door, expression immediately concerned as you reached out to press your wrist against his forehead, frowning when you felt the heat radiating from his skin.
"Are you sick?" you'd asked. He'd shrugged even as his teeth chattered. And then, to Kakashi's utter surprise, you'd dedicated yourself wholly to taking care of him. You made him miso soup, wrapped him in warm, fuzzy blankets you brought from your own house (Kakashi had no such thing in his apartment). You put soothing balm under his nose, made him tea steeped with echinacea. You stopped at the Hokage Tower to let the chunin at the mission desk know he needed to be put on sick leave.
It had all felt so natural, even as it was also foreign. Kakashi could not remember someone ever taking care of him in such a way, though he was sure there had been a time when Sakumo had done so--gingerly placing a warm cloth on his son's forehead between misssions. Kakashi wondered if his mother had ever done the same, when he was far too small to remember.
And it had felt good to be cared for. Fretted over. The warmth of his fever was nothing compared to that which bloomed in his chest as you bustled around his apartment, tidying up because he "needed to rest." You were so naturally good at taking care of others--taking care of him. It made him all the more grateful to have found you.
So the next time he was sick, he didn't think anyone could blame him for milking it just a little. Forcing his coughs to sound a bit raspier, looking up at you with pleading, pathetic eyes when he told you he was cold and could you come here and warm him up.
Now, though, Pakkun had clearly caught on to his game. Kakashi was grateful his summons had at least waited until you left the room to thoroughly sniff his cheek and then gruffly accuse him, "You're not sick anymore, what are you doing?"
What was he doing? Surely you had more important things to attend to than warming a bowl of soup for him and sitting beside him on the bed as he feebly ate.
But wasn't he allowed to be just a little selfish? All those years pushing through the pain of injury and illness... didn't he deserve a little extra care now that he'd found the person who made him feel worthy of it?
You returned to the room with a steaming bowl in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Kakashi recognized the telltale fizz of one of the electrolyte tabs you sometimes dropped in "to make sure you're well-hydrated."
They turned his urine a strange shade of pale orange, but Kakashi didn't have the heart to tell you they were probably just overpriced B-vitamins.
"He isn't sick anymore."
Betrayal, white hot and instantaneous, lanced through him. Kakashi's head whipped toward Pakkun who scratched at one ear with his hind paw, utterly unconcerned.
Kakashi expected you to frown, to chastize him for taking advantage of your goodness.
Instead, you chuckled, which grabbed both his and Pakkun's attention.
When he met your gaze, your smile was full of love Kakashi thought his fever might have returned full force with how warm he suddenly felt, basking in it.
"You think I don't know that?" you asked, and Kakashi felt his cheeks flare with new heat that had nothing to do with his cold. "I don't mind indulging him a little."
You crossed the room and set his lunch on the bedside table, perching on the edge of the bed as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. You combed your fingers through his hair, still smiling, as you added, "Besides, I know he'll make it up to me in other ways."
Pakkun grumbled something vaguely insulting as he hopped off the end of the bed and padded his way out of the room.
Kakashi didn't bother to ask him to repeat himself or chide him for his rudeness. Instead, knowing full well he was no longer sick and so he couldn't pass his illness to you, he pulled you into a sweet, lingering, grateful kiss.
You were right, he would certainly be making this up to you and more.
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year
inspired by this thought i had yesterday! modern au, coworker kakashi. f!reader, flirtation, mostly fluff. wc 1.3k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune as usual ♡
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You hear footsteps headed toward the edge of your desk that make you look up from where you type quickly, finishing firing off the latest round of emails that could have been resolved with a simple phone call. Most of these issues don’t even need your attention, you think while firing off minimal responses and sighing. Glancing up, you spot two gray eyes peeking over the top of the cubicle surrounding you and you laugh knowing exactly who they belong to.
“Hi Ka-”
Kakashi interrupts you when he raises his brows and holds a worn copy of the book the two of you have spent the week reading over the top of the partition, a woman wrapped in the arms of a caricature of a muscular man while tipping her head back to present her neck to him. Your face heats seeing the cover where everyone else can see it too and you shoot him a glance, begging with your eyes and hoping he’ll lower the book.
“Don’t forget this time.”
“It was one time,” you instantly jump to defend yourself after missing the book club yesterday. You got caught up on a call that was impossible to sneak away from and you received a text message from the man himself later in the day, his eyes visible over the cover of the book. It was hard to keep your laughter to yourself upon seeing it, snorting alone at your desk.
Missed you today, the accompanying text read.
The message made you ponder the meaning between the words themselves. You enjoy his company in a way you never thought you would, most of your coworkers warning you that he’s a little bit of an oddball, but the two of you clicked and have never looked back. He even organized this little club in an effort to get you to step away from work more often, knowing you’re frequently the last person left in the building long after the rest of the lights are out.
“Luckily for you I’m finishing up right now,” you snip and he watches you reach down into your bag and produce a paperback novel matching his. You can’t see his smile, it’s hidden below the partition because you know he’s bending his knees to keep only his eyes visible, but the way those very eyes crinkle a bit at the corners tells you everything you need to know.
“Good because we have a lot of ground to cover,” he mutters. “They…you know.”
He waggles his brows and you nod, smirking. They did indeed…you know…in the latest chapter and you’ve been dying to talk about it with him after 35 previous chapters of intense build up and back and forth. A teeny glimmering hope in you almost wants the book to be drawing parallels to your own life but you don’t want to make something out of a simple workplace friendship - two oddballs carving out space for themselves side by side.
That does sound a little romantic now that you think about it, doesn’t it?
“Come on then, we only have 15 minutes.”
Broken from your reverie by his words, you nod and smile, standing up and stretching a little as you hurry around the corner and to his side. He looks good today, neatly pressed gray pants and a navy blue sweater that hugs his arms in a way you noticed immediately seeing him, and your face heats again. Why is it so hard for you to accept that he’s merely your friend? 
The two of you walk in comfortable silence to the break room, plopping down in the chairs that HR insisted were placed there to make you comfortable and not because they had a complaint about there being no seating in here prior, submitted by Kakashi himself. They don’t know that, of course, but you do and you settle in, risking another glance at your companion.
“Alright so when we left off, he was admitting his feelings, right?”
You nod, pulling your own book open to the dog eared page you’d left it on. He notices immediately, watching you untuck the corner, and scoffs.
“Use the bookmark I gave you, do you know how long I had to dig in bargain bins to find two copies of this book?”
He holds up the book, Domesticating the Duke, and stares at you incredulously. Despite yourself, you laugh. Gleeful and from the bottom of your heart, in a way that no one else has managed to draw from you.
“You’re right. I need to make sure the little puppy covered bookmark stays in the book but sadly today it’s on my kitchen table so for now we are doing this,” you raise the book and thumb through the pages, showing him the other dog eared corners and making him cringe.
“Why do I hang out with you?”
Shrugging, you shift in the chair and let one of your smart casual loafers hang off of your foot. He likes to see you so comfortable, too used to seeing the way your back is hunched over your desk. He could look at you like this forever, easy going smile and one arm dangling over the arm of the chair. You make his mind feel…different and not in the usual way. You make him feel challenged yet met, comfortable yet disturbed, whole yet confused.
It’s a lot to take in.
“I dunno, you said yesterday you missed me so what is the truth Hatake?”
He laughs now, carding his fingers through his hair.
“I did miss you. We’re getting to the best parts and you ditched me.”
You gasp, putting the book in your lap and leaning forward to close some of the distance between the two of you.
“I did not! I was on an quarterly analytics call, something you also should have probably been on mister operations analyst.”
He shrugs, flip as ever. He’s only here to do the work he’s assigned to do and not go the extra mile like you feel the need to. 
“The world didn’t stop because I wasn’t there so clearly things are fine.”
How can you argue? He’s right so you back down, leaning back into the chair and picking up your book again. He sets his copy down now, on the arm of his chair, and places his hands on his thighs in a way you know means he has something to say. He’s full of quirks, all of which you’ve found yourself figuring out quickly.
“Since we’re getting to some less work appropriate parts of the book I wanted to ask if you’d rather do this after work,” he finally spits out after a few beats of silence. “If not, I get it but we should probably start picking cleaner books if that’s the case.”
You smile, dipping your chin to hide it.
“I’d love that, actually.”
It feels wrong to assume this is his way of asking you on a date but given the blush covering the bridge of his nose and the pink touching the visible tips of his ears, that’s exactly what just happened.
“Great. We can just hang out for the next 10 minutes then and we can discuss the actual points of interest at my place later, if that’s okay?”
You nod again, still keeping your face partially hidden. This is what you’ve been hoping all of these 15 minute moments, the 30 minute lunch conversations, would turn into and you feel giddy like a little girl. 
Choosing to pick the book back up to spend the last 10 or so minutes of your break reading, you open to the last page you remember looking at and scan over the words. They don’t grab you immediately so you look up over the top of the book, only to be met with a pair of gray eyes doing the exact same thing. Sneaking a glance.
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 4 months
Shizune, poured into the office: "Hokage-sama, I have urgent news about your next meeting!.. WH-WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"
(Y/N), sweating from awkwardness, holding Kakashi by his robe: "Ah?.. N-nothing special! J-just… K-Kakashi, stop it!
Kakashi, desperately trying to get outside through the window: "J-just one minute, (Y/N)! I only need one minute! I met my love, I have to find out the name of this little beauty!.."
Shizune, swallowing: "Um, (Y/N)-san?.."
(Y/N), sighing, slapping their face: "He saw a dog on the street…"
(Y/N), looking at Kakashi, distracted from a date in order to pet another dog on the street: "I-I am less loved in this relationship… than street mutts… Ev-ven very cute street mutts but..."
Kakashi, hugging (Y/N): "Sh-h, sh-h-h, don't worry, I love you more than dogs… You're my dear human, mate and love. But if you're jealous of some dogs, I can buy a collar for you too…"
(Y/N), slapping him on the shoulder: "Y-you didn't make the situation better with your words!.."
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dexlexia · 1 year
baker's love - kakashi x reader
pairing: kakashi hatake x reader rating: 18+ summary: It had been almost six months since you last saw Kakashi. He had been on a mission with Team 7 which left you all alone in Konohagakure. It wasn't that big of a deal in all honesty, it felt like every day you recieved a letter from Kakashi which detailed his journey. But still you worried. tags: pwp, smut, semi-public, baker!reader, gentle love making, established relationship
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It had been almost six months since you last saw Kakashi. He had been on a mission with Team 7 which left you all alone in Konoha. It wasn't that big of a deal in all honesty, it felt like every day you received a letter from Kakashi which detailed his journey. But still you were worried.
Kakashi carried great strength but at the same time, what if something happened to him? What if he never came home? What if those three kids he took under his wing never came home too? You knew the story of the Uchiha boy and the entire village knew about Naruto. Thoughts of the worst outcome often left you anxious. 
You were glad however that you worked in a bakery near the village center and could take out all your anxiety on the bread. You were certain loaf production was up twenty percent by your need to keep your hands busy so you didn't worry so much.
It was spring in the village, and you were on month six without Kakashi. You were rolling out dough for the pastries, it wasn't even close to sunrise yet. You hadn't been getting much sleep either so you often found yourself in the bakery getting the day ready. Strong hands rolled out the pastry dough that you were going to fill with berries before baking, then you were going to add powdered sugar. A sweet treat for those on the go. 
It was silent in the bakery as you worked the dough. And then you heard the bell ring in the front. Your eyes casted up through the window that connected the kitchen to the front of the store. 
  “Excuse me we're not- Kakashi?” 
The silver-haired man stood there with his hands in his pocket, not too sure what to do with himself as he gazed at you with both eyes. Your eyes went wide as you put down the rolling pin and dusted your hands onto your apron. 
You could tell his was smiling under his mask as he came forward and pulled you into a hug. With one hand he pulled his mask down and kissed you on the lips. There was no one around to see him without it. 
  “Hey.” He said softly, “What are you doing being up so early?”
  ”The dough won't bake itself.“ 
He cupped your cheek and rubbed the bags under your left eye, ”Right. And I bet you're here from opening to closing with no breaks either.“ He leaned in once more and kissed you on the forehead. 
  ”Someone's gotta look after the bread. And I do close between eleven and one for lunch. Usually I go back upstairs and take a small rest." You explained. 
He relaxed a little, “You overwork yourself.“
You leaned up and kissed him on the lips once more before you pulled the mask back up, ”We both work ourselves to the bone, Kakashi. It's our nature. Now would you like something? You must be tired.” 
He rested his nose on top of your head, “I just want to feel close to you right now. It's been too long.“ 
You placed both hands on the front of his vest and inhaled his scent. At least he showered before he came to the store, ”How are the kids? The dogs? Was the mission a success?”
  “Everything went as planned.” He responded as he tightened his arms around you, “No major injuries. Naruto got a little scuffed up because he tried being a smart ass and fell out of a tree. But nothing a few bandages wouldn't fix.” 
You softly chuckled, “Sounds like Naruto.” You pulled out of the man's arms and took him by his gloved hand, “Let's go to the back then.“ Then led him to the back where you were working. 
Kakashi pulled a chair close to the counter where you were rolling out the dough and watched you closely as you worked. Where he sat, his head was close to your chest. 
As you worked, your ninja boyfriend's thoughts started to race. And without thinking, he leaned over and grabbed your ass. You yelped and he dug his strong grip deeper into the flesh.
  ”Someone missed me.“ You turned to him and smeared flour on his mask.
  ”Six months with only thoughts of you to keep me company. Knowing you were here all alone.“ He soon rose from his seat and got behind you. He placed his large hands on your hips, ”Six months is too long to be away from you.“ His voice was low in your ear, ”Can you blame me?“
You swallowed and felt your cheeks grow warm, ”Kakashi.“
  ”Yes or no? We can always go upstairs.“ He asked.
You turned in his arms and kissed him over his mask before you moved further along the metal workspace. You didn't want flour to get in unsavory places.  You then got up on the counter with ease and spread your legs from him. The skirt of your dress hiked up to expose your modest panties. 
He looked out the window briefly to see no sign of life outside the shop before he moved further down where you were and started to unbuckle his pants. ”I thought about you every day. It's not easy to conceal an erection when you're constantly working.“ He pulled the mask to his chin and smiled at you, ”You were in my thoughts almost all the time.“
You both worked to get your panties off and you wrapped your arms around Kakashi's neck. You gripped onto him tightly as he wrapped your legs around his waist. 
  ”I'm honored to be in your thoughts all the time, Kakashi. I was the same way, everywhere I went I thought of you. It was driving me crazy, I constantly read your letters and wished every night for you to come home in one piece.“ 
  ”I'll always come home to you.“ He promised, ”No one has ever loved me that you have. Why would I not come home to you? You're everything to me, a ninja is only good if they have a home to come back to and you're my home.“ He pulled you in for another kiss. The kiss was sweet if not heated as he grabbed at your thighs as he rubbed his hardened cock up against your pussy. 
Your dress was pulled up around your waist along with the apron you wore. You looked divine to him. Never did he think he'd ever meet a woman like you, someone to come home to after every mission. Who spoiled him with affection and love. His love for you reached to his core as he continued to make out with you. The kiss grew deeper as the want you both shared grew deeper as well. 
  ”I love you.“
  ”I love you too, Kakashi.“ 
You held onto him for dear life as the two of you feverishly made out. The cool of the metal table did little to help with your flushed skin as the two of you continued to kiss. Soon he pulled away and with a little help, slipped his cock into your sweet pussy. 
Sex with Kakashi was something else. Neither of you had too many intimate partners prior to meeting. So you both had to learn how to pleasure one another, what made the both of you tick. There was a lot of trial and error but eventually you found a comfortable rhythm that made you both feel a sense of euphoria. 
  ”That's it.“ He groaned as he thrusted his hips up into you. You clenched around him and held on tightly as the two of you made love on the counter. There was heavy breathing between you two paired with occasional hot kisses as the two of you fucked. 
Normally you didn't have sex in the bakery but after six months apart you would take him anyway you could. Your kisses became hotter, your breathing became heavier as you tried to match his pace. Your dress stuck to your back from the sweat. 
You noticed him taking a small peak at your bouncing breasts and you quickly took off your apron and unbuttoned the front of the dress. You exposed your breasts to him as he soon started to kiss them in the same feverish manner as he was kissing your lips earlier. 
  ”I love you. I love your body.“ He felt you up, feeling the parts that were still covered by clothing and the parts where you were nude. He pulled your breast out of your bra and started to lick and kiss at your skin. His cock throbbed inside of you as he continued his assault. 
You held onto him tightly, pushing your chest up into his face as he continued to thrust inside of you. The feeling was euphoric as he worshiped your body. He meant what he said, he was obsessed with you. You could hear his short groans as he kept thrusting inside of you. The tight wet heat was something to keep him on his toes. 
  ”Yes.“ You moaned as you let him continue to pleasure you. You felt his warmth engulf you as he sped up his movements. Soon he also left marks on your skin, you clenched around him and he hissed through his teeth. The feeling at times was overwhelming.
Kakashi was a lovely partner. Even when he was away, he knew how to turn you on like no one else. He was attentive and loving. He was an all encompassing feeling that you never had with anyone else. There was no one like Kakashi in the entire world. 
He braced his hands on either side of your hips. He gripped onto the table and put his entire soul into fucking you. He groaned and kept his eyes on you. He looked good under the light of your bakery. His red eye gleamed like precious stones before he pulled you for another hot kiss. His cock throbbed inside of you as he continued to thrust up into you. 
Your moans were muffled as he continued to feverishly kiss you. He groaned sharply into your mouth as he felt closer to his orgasm. You felt the same way and moaned into his mouth as you held onto him. 
The table scratched across the floor with every moment of your bodies. You squeezed your eyes shut in a moment of euphoric bliss as the two of you moved. Pleasure swept around you, you held on for dear life as he pounded his cock into you. You broke the kiss and wiped your sweat off your exposed shoulder. You panted wildly as he gazed at you with all the love in his heart.
  ”I missed you.“
  ”I missed you more. I thought about you every day, there wasn't a second that went by when I wasn't wondering how you were doing. If you were safe. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.“ Kakashi replied before he moved one hand and cupped your face as he gave into his pleasure. 
  ”I love you.“ 
With another series of hard thrusts, Kakashi held his breath and shoved every last inch inside of you as he finished off in you. His orgasm pulled him under but yet he still continued to thrust dedicated to getting his partner off. He wasn't going to leave you unsatisfied. He would promise that. 
  ”Fuck, Kakashi.“ You moaned as you held onto the table for support you clenched your thighs around his waist as the feeling of orgasm crept up on you. Your mouth hung open in the pleasure of it all as he continued to thrust up into you.
Some of his cum leaked out onto your thighs and the back of your dress. But soon you arched your back and gripped tightly onto the table. You climaxed in a loud moan, you were both thankful no one could hear you. And when you came down, you visibly relaxed and opened your eyes at him.
Your chest was moving rapidly and Kakashi gave you a gentle kiss on the face before he unhooked your legs from his waist. He wiped your sweat with his glove and looked at you. He smiled.
  ”You look amazing. Now why don't we get back upstairs. You can close the store for today.“ 
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dira333 · 1 year
[A Child's] Truth
Kakashi Hatake x reader / Kakashi Hatake and his son
requested by @revasserium - I have no idea what this is
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His name is Sakumo.
His name is Sakumo and he’s barely two weeks old, tiny hands curled around the blanket he’s wrapped in, tiny nose crunched up as he lets out a first whimper. It’s a warning, the beginning of a storm, eardrum-shattering wails, arms flailing in clear distaste.
His name is Sakumo and Kakashi can’t stop looking at him.
Ages ago, when your relationship had not yet been defined by words, the edges still of it still blurred by fear, he’d brought back a dog from his mission.
It had been a mutt from the streets, its fur a dirty mix between black and white, but his eyes had been a deep and trusting brown. 
He’d called it Ume and brought it home and his instinct had been right. You loved it dearly.
Ume slept in your bed when he was away, and brought in the newspaper early when you refused to wake up after a mission ending late. Sometimes he even came home to Pakkun curled up under Ume’s massive paw.
Kakashi liked to think that your communication did not need words. That it transcended beyond the written or spoken language. 
One time - he had been drunk - he even prided himself in being able to read your desires off the curve of your eyebrows. Thankfully it had only been Guy who had been witness to that and he’d sworn his friend to secrecy back then when it turned out that he, Kakashi, could do many things. But if he could have read your desires he sure as hell would not have come home wasted.
But even with a few hiccups here and there, he knew what you meant when you looked at him and you knew what he meant when he curled his fingers or scrunched up his nose. 
It made his home life quiet and his relationship so unspectacular that even the worst gossipers decided to look past the two of you.
Until you came back home from a mission with a baby bound to your back.
It wasn’t his as much as it wasn’t yours. At least biologically. 
But he could read it from the curve of your eyebrows and the slope of your nose that you had tied your life to this child, had thrown your heart at it and lept after it.
And who was he but your devoted disciple?
“His name is Sakumo.” You told him and placed the tiny bundle into his arms, the red of the blanket so fitting against his Hokage coat. 
Sakumo’s face was scrunched up, his head covered by a fluff of white hair and Kakashi could not lie. He fell in love for the second time in his life.
There is a risk in adopting a child from outside the village.
The information you’d been able to gather about him was sparse but sadly promising. 
He had no other relatives, no Clan to call his own. His mother had died bringing him to life, her last wish uttered as she had wrapped her hands around yours and begged you to take her son in. 
No one would come looking for him and Kakashi, who knew all to well how that felt like, vowed to always look after him.
As a child, he’d learned that there were two worlds.
The one adults made up and the one children had to live in.
Adults like to tell him that his father had been a coward, a disgrace to Konoha, someone not worth remembering.
But Kakashi had known the truth and had to live with the reality. No father, no mother, no one who’d come looking if he didn’t come home from training.
Sakumo would have a different life.
Sakumo would grow up in the Hokage tower and see the village as it is.
Filled with people who tried their best under rules that were meant to be bent when necessary. 
Sakumo would learn the truth.
That those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash, but, even more important, that he’d always have someone looking out for him.
His name is Sakumo Hatake.
He has white hair but is six years old. 
He is the son of Kakashi of the Sharingan but has no Kekkai Genkai. 
He has two dogs but loves cats a little bit more. 
He can tell you a lot of lies, but he knows the truth:
He’s named after his grandfather, a hero.
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nardo-headcanons · 5 months
What kind of bodywash would Naruto characters use?
Part 1: Konoha Ninja + Their senseis
inspired by a chat with @uchihaharlot and my Suigetsu headcanons. just a heads up, these will be rather European centric because that's where I live, but the frangrance hcs still apply. let me know if i should do this for other characters too.
Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji use cheap 2 in 1 men's bodywash. They also uses axe deodorant spray very liberally. Their go-to is the Fa Men Kick Off shower gel.
Sasuke and Sai are not too fond of strong frangrances. They need something practical that won't irritate the skin and clean them properly. They use something more neutral, like sebamed fresh shower gel.
Sakura prefers more feminine fragrances and takes great care of her skin. She isn't afraid to pay a little more for good bodywash. I see her using dove cherry bodywash even though she smells like antiseptic most of the time.
Kakashi keeps his bodywashes neutral like Sasuke, preferring scents like body lotion or baby powder. He's a loyal Nivea Creme Care bodywash user.
Ino enjoys anything floral and she often switches around the scents regarding her current mood and vibes. She is currently using Kneipp cornflower and mallow scented bodywash.
Asuma needs something strong to get rid of the persistent tabacco smell his cigs leave in his beard and hair. He uses Yves Rocher shower gel concentrate in the same ratio he would use regular bodywash.
Kiba canonically bathes with Akamaru very often, which is why he uses dog-safe bodywash created by the Inuzuka clan.
Hinata loves mildy scented shampoos, nothing too harsh. She uses Rituals of Sakura and Rice milk bodywash and secretly loves how it kinda smells like fabric softener. Shino, much like Kiba, uses a formula created by his clan, which is bug-safe and not too harsh on the skin.
Kurenai loves the smell of sandalwood. As a jonin she earns a little more and therefore can spend more money on luxury bodywash, like Acqua Colonia Sandalwood and Peony shower gel.
Gai and Lee use the same type of bodywash, and that is Adidas After Sport Shower Gel because they think having 'sports' in its name, it's the only product suitable for them. However, I do need to give them credit for not using it for their hair - they have an extensive haircare routine, and their locks are told to be smelling like apricot 24/7.
Neji loves the smell of cotton flowers, he uses Nivea naturally good cotton flower shower gel. His hair frequently gets greasy, which is why he uses a special shampoo to keep it clean.
Tenten doesn't care much if her scent is more masculine or feminine. Her go-to is anything green tea scented, like the Jean and Len green tea shower gel.
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teatitty · 2 months
Some more Sharkteeth Iruka thoughts:
He has very much internalised a lot of insecurities about his teeth bc of all the shit he's seen and heard Kohari get about her own over the years
These feelings were heavily reinforced when a bunch of kids in class decided to play an innocent spin the bottle but when it landed on Mizuki, the kids all screeched about not wanting to get bitten/sliced/etc
The first time he kissed Kakashi it was through the barrier of Kakashi's mask bc he was scared of doing it otherwise. The first kiss without the mask in the way is sweet and tender and lead by Kakashi as way to prove he has nothing to fear
When Iruka is annoyed or irritated he makes little noises by sucking or tutting his teeth. These sounds are just as diverse as a person's hand signs and you can tell what island someone's family came from in Water Country based on the specific sounds they make
Teeth gnashing means he's either in pain or actively pissed off and yes that makes a sound too. It's like a sharp clicking where his teeth snap and grind together
His accent is quite noticeably thick because he has to talk without slicing his tongue so he stretches out certain vowels/consonants/etc or just straight up ditches others [example: "the, there and that" becomes "de, dere and dat" and "with what" is "wiv whuh", "mouth" is "mof/muhf" etc]
Because he uses a henge to transform his mouth into something more "normal" his natural accent is usually hidden, though his grins, smiles and laughter are still very wide and large since he's used to, well, having different teeth to work around when at home
If he gets worked up enough the accent will slip regardless of the henge
The sharkteeth of Mist exist because the local produce is quite thick and tough so you need teeth capable of ripping and tearing without hurting the jaw. Put a juicy steak in front of him and Iruka will be able to tear it to shreds with no issue even if it's super fatty
He can also crunch into shellfish and just. Eat the shells. He doesn't do that because they "taste really bad" but he could
A spaced/zoned out Iruka is likely to bite you out of reflex if you make him jump. Gai found this out without meaning to and was very chill with it bc he's used to Hatake 'I express my affection via biting' Kakashi but Iruka was a bit of a mess about it
Speaking of Kakashi: he's so normal about the Sharkteeth. So so normal. It doesn't count as an oral fixation if you're just using your fingers to poke around in there whenever you can guys he swears!
He really likes it when Iruka applies a soft pressure against his exploring fingers with said teeth. It reminds him of his dogs when they playfight with him
Iruka stops using the henge sometime during the blank period between part 1 and shippuden. He started borrowing Kakashi's masks instead hehe. Both a practical solution and a sweet one since Kakashi's romantic self gushes about it constantly. Somehow it still takes their coworkers absolutely ages to click on that they're dating. Incredible
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