#Naruto writing
heich0e · 6 days
"I find you exasperating."
You go out of your way to step on a particularly dry looking leaf along the path—stained a deep, golden colour and curling at the edges where it rests waiting for the weight of your foot—just to hear the way it crunches beneath the sole of your shoe. At your side, Kakashi's attention is still on the book in his hand, the pages spread open only with his thumb and pinkie finger while the other three support the cracked spine. He doesn't spare you a glance, but he does deign to respond with a curious little hum.
"That's an awfully big word."
The lazy way he says it is enough to irritate you, but his condescending words are almost too much for you to bear. You stop in your tracks, fists curled tightly at your sides, and the white haired young man doesn't so much as slow in recognition of it.
It's fall in Konoha, and while the days are still warm and bright, the breeze that whisks through the village's winding streets is cool. The annoyance you feel prickling under your skin is enough to insulate you from the chill. To numb you to its bite.
You swoop down, dragging your hand lightly along the path to retrieve a handful of small, smooth stones—no larger than the tips of your fingers. Without a moment's contemplation, you launch one at the back of Kakashi's head, and watch as it bounces off dully.
He keeps walking.
Another pebble hits the ground after ricocheting off the back of his headband.
The next makes contact with his right shoulderblade.
He catches this one—just like he could have caught any of the previous three—without even turning around to watch you throw it. His hand, the one not holding his book, shoots up to protect his ear before the pebble can make contact. He holds it pinched between his thumb and forefinger for a moment, still leisurely walking away from you, before he flicks it to the ground.
"You're being so childish today," Kakashi calls back over his shoulder. "Are you sure I'm the antagonist here?"
You hear it then, the smile in his voice, and even though it would only serve to legitimize his accusation it almost makes you stomp your foot petulantly.
Finally, he turns to face you, and even though his mask conceals most of his expression, you can tell it's hiding a grin beneath it. He tilts his head to the side, as though waiting for you to continue.
"How many times have you read that stupid book?"
The familiar novel is closed now, and his page marked, though you're not entirely certain when he did either of those things. He glances at the paperback, as though considering it carefully.
"How many times am I allowed to admit to before you call me a pervert?" he asks.
"You are a pervert," you answer, immediate and sure, while slowly walking towards him to close the gap he put between the two of you. "And you would be even if you were illiterate."
"That's not very nice of you to say," he says, tipping his head back and sighing profoundly as though your insult caused him great pain.
"It's the truth, though."
Kakashi peeks down at you from the corner of his eye as you stand by his side. Without thinking, you reach out and grab the sleeve of his jacket, averting your gaze.
It's quiet for a moment. Just the two of you, the fall breeze, the scattered pebbles, and that atrocious romance book.
"You've been gone for a month," your voice is quiet when you finally speak again. So soft it risks being carried away with the wind.
Kakashi didn't even tell you he was leaving before he was sent off on this last mission; you had to find out from another shinobi the next morning, and all they could tell you was he was gone and they weren't sure when he'd be back.
This isn't unusual with Kakashi. It's happened more times than you care to count. Missions that force him to leave the village at short notice are unavoidable—assignments like that to be expected for any shinobi, but particularly for one of Kakashi's rank.
It doesn't make it any easier.
You've thought about bringing this up to him before. Thought about asking him to tell you when these sorts of things come up. Thought about explaining to him how awful it feels to be the last to know. Thought about telling him what those long days apart feel like in this village without him.
But you don't.
Part of it is pride, you think. You're too stubborn to be the one to show your hand like that. To be vulnerable in front of him in such a mortifying, humbling way. Somehow the mere idea of making any of those admissions seems more embarrassing than trailing along behind him tossing rocks at the back of his head.
Another part is fear. You don't want to be the one to speak this thing between the two of you into existence. To give it shape. To breathe life into it by giving it a name. You and Kakashi have always lived in intentional ambiguity. A certain uncertainty. You're not quite friends, you're not quite lovers, you're not quite anything at all.
You're just the one who's left waiting for him to come home.
And then there's the last part—the biggest part—that holds you back. The part you don't quite know how to explain. The part that tells you to bear the pain of missing him, to swallow down your longing, for his sake if not your own. The last thing Kakashi needs is the burden of knowing his duty makes you ache while he's away. That his absence keeps you awake at night. He's got enough he needs to shoulder without you adding to the weight, and this is the least you can do to try and help him carry it.
You let his sleeve slip from your grasp.
"Sorry," you mutter under your breath, shaking yourself from your momentary stupor.
"Are you acting out because I haven't given you enough attention?" Kakashi asks, only his voice is different now than it was a moment prior. Sincere in a way that upsets you more than when he's being intentionally annoying.
You finally bring yourself to look at him, but only to shoot him a narrow-eyed glare.
His own gaze is disarmingly soft when you meet it. Unexpectedly tender. Perceptive in ways you usually choose to overlook.
So much so, in fact, that you're too stunned to even flinch when he taps his book against your forehead.
"Ok, ok," he says with a shrug, spinning on his heel and continuing on down the path at an idle pace, leaving you dumbfounded in his wake. "If you wanted to borrow it, you could've just asked!"
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dira333 · 1 year
[A Child's] Truth
Kakashi Hatake x reader / Kakashi Hatake and his son
requested by @revasserium - I have no idea what this is
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His name is Sakumo.
His name is Sakumo and he’s barely two weeks old, tiny hands curled around the blanket he’s wrapped in, tiny nose crunched up as he lets out a first whimper. It’s a warning, the beginning of a storm, eardrum-shattering wails, arms flailing in clear distaste.
His name is Sakumo and Kakashi can’t stop looking at him.
Ages ago, when your relationship had not yet been defined by words, the edges still of it still blurred by fear, he’d brought back a dog from his mission.
It had been a mutt from the streets, its fur a dirty mix between black and white, but his eyes had been a deep and trusting brown. 
He’d called it Ume and brought it home and his instinct had been right. You loved it dearly.
Ume slept in your bed when he was away, and brought in the newspaper early when you refused to wake up after a mission ending late. Sometimes he even came home to Pakkun curled up under Ume’s massive paw.
Kakashi liked to think that your communication did not need words. That it transcended beyond the written or spoken language. 
One time - he had been drunk - he even prided himself in being able to read your desires off the curve of your eyebrows. Thankfully it had only been Guy who had been witness to that and he’d sworn his friend to secrecy back then when it turned out that he, Kakashi, could do many things. But if he could have read your desires he sure as hell would not have come home wasted.
But even with a few hiccups here and there, he knew what you meant when you looked at him and you knew what he meant when he curled his fingers or scrunched up his nose. 
It made his home life quiet and his relationship so unspectacular that even the worst gossipers decided to look past the two of you.
Until you came back home from a mission with a baby bound to your back.
It wasn’t his as much as it wasn’t yours. At least biologically. 
But he could read it from the curve of your eyebrows and the slope of your nose that you had tied your life to this child, had thrown your heart at it and lept after it.
And who was he but your devoted disciple?
“His name is Sakumo.” You told him and placed the tiny bundle into his arms, the red of the blanket so fitting against his Hokage coat. 
Sakumo’s face was scrunched up, his head covered by a fluff of white hair and Kakashi could not lie. He fell in love for the second time in his life.
There is a risk in adopting a child from outside the village.
The information you’d been able to gather about him was sparse but sadly promising. 
He had no other relatives, no Clan to call his own. His mother had died bringing him to life, her last wish uttered as she had wrapped her hands around yours and begged you to take her son in. 
No one would come looking for him and Kakashi, who knew all to well how that felt like, vowed to always look after him.
As a child, he’d learned that there were two worlds.
The one adults made up and the one children had to live in.
Adults like to tell him that his father had been a coward, a disgrace to Konoha, someone not worth remembering.
But Kakashi had known the truth and had to live with the reality. No father, no mother, no one who’d come looking if he didn’t come home from training.
Sakumo would have a different life.
Sakumo would grow up in the Hokage tower and see the village as it is.
Filled with people who tried their best under rules that were meant to be bent when necessary. 
Sakumo would learn the truth.
That those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash, but, even more important, that he’d always have someone looking out for him.
His name is Sakumo Hatake.
He has white hair but is six years old. 
He is the son of Kakashi of the Sharingan but has no Kekkai Genkai. 
He has two dogs but loves cats a little bit more. 
He can tell you a lot of lies, but he knows the truth:
He’s named after his grandfather, a hero.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Rose Garden
[ - Cottage (fem!reader) + Rose (yandere) + Garra (Naruto) + Tea (beauty and the beast au) - ] Anon's ask
Summary: You made a deal with the beast that in exchange for your father's release from prison you will be the one to stay.
Additional warnings/tags: fairytale au, death to multiple characters, dark themes, beauty and the beast has stockholm syndrome in the story with a violent ml, not a "good" ending
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed - ]
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Such a cruel thing for faith to do trapped alone in a castle... you lived with a monster as his prisoner.
Or maybe it was not? When you choose to come here in exchange for your father who stole a rose from the rose garden. The monster was horrible and cruel to him trapping your father in a small tiny cage alone left to rot.
He would have died if he was left there... with tears in your eyes you begged for his release. But the monster would not let him go, so in exchange for your father's life, you choose to sacrifice yourself and your life. Your father begged you not to do so, told you that it was a horrible decision but the deal was already made as the monster dragged him away from your arms out of the castle.
He didn't hurt you... at least not really, so close when he screamed death threats at you when you wanted to get away. You were not allowed to run away but now that your father was gone and safe you tried to.
But he was watching you. Multiple of times you tried to leave only to be caught by the monster.
One way or another you found out his name, Gaara. He wasn't human no matter how you looked at him. He was a monster made out of sand with ears and tail.
He had a hard time showing affection or kindness through speech but in the end, he let you out of the prison where your father was once locked.
That had to be counted for something you thought.
So long as you don't run away you were actually free to do whatever you want, and when you didn't plot your escape you looked around the castle towers curious about what each room held. He let you do as you please, he didn't get angry tho there would be a warning glare every so often.
You don't know how it happened or what cause you to say it, but after a few days of bumping him in the corridors and gardens, you asked him if he could join you for lunch. The weird look that he gave soon turned into a glare as he told you not to get any funny ideas.
You told him you didn't which surprised him, and after an awkward lunch, you left wondering if he was really that bad. Not that you have a choice either way when he started to join your meal times whether you liked it or not.
He was a weird monster you genuinely thought when he constantly stared at you while you were eating. While you were nervous the first time you started to grow used to it and sometimes choose to stare back.
It was a slow thing really, something that neither you nor he realized when you started to talk with each other more and more often. Mostly the books in the library would be your only topic but with how many books there were in the library you were sure it would be a while before you run out of topics.
You didn't love him, not really but you were starting to become a little comfortable around him. Sometimes you would throw jokes at him that he would not understand, but he was quiet he wasn't angry as he watched you laugh or smile at your own joke.
The more time you spent with him, the more you smiled as you walked around the gardens or help each other with searching for an interesting book. You never thought you would have a reading buddy, you didn't think he would be interested in books, but seeing him read right beside you made you understand that your thoughts that he was nothing but a monster was… wrong.
That was your first mistake.
Even as you started to have a lovely time here you started to miss your home. Homesickness made you yearn for your home yet unable to reach and when it was particularly painful that one night unable to sleep you left your bed to the garden.
You didn't think you would see a familiar face that night hiding in the bushes calling to you. Your father and friends. Shock you were you told them to return even as tears fell from your eyes but they refuse to do so unless you were coming with them. You decided to hope.
That was your second mistake.
You were so close to running away, with your father and friends... so close.
Who would have thought that he was watching you, always awake and looking to see what you would do? You begged him to let them go, the shock when he ripped your friend's arm out and how your friend screamed in agony will forever stay in your mind the corps of your father and friends on the floor dead.
You belonged to him the moment you signed your life in exchange for your father’s. And Gaara would make sure of it as he pushed you into your room locking the door so that you would not be able to leave. You can never escape.
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Kakashi x Civilian Reader
Warnings: None. Just fluff. 💕
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"Kakashi.." A hand smoothed over his silver hair, brushing back loose stands that fell into his face once more when the process was repeated. "It's time to wake up."
The voice belonged to his love who whispered sweet good mornings into his ear as a way to coax him out of bed before dawn even broke out over the horizon. His right eye peeked tiredly open to glance up at you, letting out a content sigh before burying his face back into his pillow while you sat up in the shared space beside him. As much as he loved waking up next to you he also enjoyed the peace when the two of you would lay in each other's arms in a comfortable silence minus the soft snores and the sound of your hearts beating together.
"What time is it?" He finally mumbled, turning so he was on his side instead of his stomach, watching as you glanced over your shoulder to double check what the alarm clock on the nightstand read.
"5:37" You answered before reminding him of his mission that he was supposed to go on today with his students.
"They've been training hard as of late. I'm sure they can handle it." Kakashi brushed it off as if it could be solved that easily.
You let out a light chuckle at your partner's behavior expecting something like this from him, trying not to give into his warmth as he inched closer and pressed his head into your stomach now.
"Kakashi they are still genin and this is a C-ranked mission, is it not? They still need you to guide them."
His students were lucky he had you around. They didn't need to meet up at the gate of Kohona till 7:00 since they had to get an early start but thanks to you he might be a little closer to being on time even if he was still late like he usually was.
"Mind getting the coffee started while I take a shower?" Kakashi let out a yawn as he rose to his feet to gather his clothes. The bare skin of his chest combined with the coolness of the damp morning made him miss the warmth given off by your embrace. If given the choice he might have chosen to stay in bed with you for most of the day but instead, he ignored the shivers and made his way towards the bathroom door.
While Kakashi took the time to get himself ready, you began preparing a small breakfast the two of you could share together before he headed off, making sure that the coffee would be ready by the time he came back out.
"I know it's not much, but does some eggs with a slice of toast sound good?" You asked, hearing the door open and the silver haired man came up from behind you, brushing his wet hair against your skin as he moved to peer over your shoulder.
"Sounds great." Kakashi smiled, showing a lot of love with just his one eye that wasn't covered. "Give me a minute and I'll join you, okay?"
You could only nod as he pulled away from you again causing you to let out a shiver of your own. You weren't sure if it was because he still needed to finish drying off and a few water droplets hit your cheek cause he was so close or if it was the closeness in general that made you weak in the knees. He still managed to have that effect on you even after a year of being together.
"How long will you be away for this time?" You asked once you both sat at the table. Before you could pick up your fork you brushed a few loose stands away from your face, making a note to slip in the shower yourself once you were left on your own.
"As long as everything goes smoothly it could be three days but if any complications occur an extra day or two could be added." Kakashi answered, lowering his mask just enough to take a bite of his eggs before slipping it back up. Thoughts began to cloud your mind so you didn't pay any attention to the movement, the shift of your eyes wandering downward not going unnoticed by him.
"Now, what is that look for?"
"Huh?" You lifted your head back up to see Kakashi looking at you with a tilt of his head already knowing you were experiencing some concern. You've held that expression before and he didn't blame you. He was a jonin who was sent out on dangerous missions on a regular while you were just a civilian who prayed he would return home to you in one peace.
"It's like you said this is a C-rank mission." Kakashi reminded that Lord Third wouldn't send him on anything too dangerous while his students were still getting the feel of being out on the battlefield. With talk of the chunin exams approaching that would soon change but he knew that wouldn't ease your mind at the moment.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, feeling a little embarrassed for feeling this way when you should be used to it by now. You've known the man since you were children afterall but knowing what has become of his teammates and Sensei..
"I know.." Kakashi voiced, feeling the same as you did. Even if you weren't a shinobi like he was, the thought of someone or something taking you away from him never failed to cross his mind. As much as he promised to return home to you, you had to promise that you would be here waiting for him with open arms.
"Thank you for the meal, Y/n" Kakashi smiled, beginning to take care of his plate. "When I return I ought to treat you to a homecooked dinner."
The thought of Kakashi cooking your favorite foods and knowing be would be back soon enough to have a special date night with you eased some of the worry that you harbored. You smiled at him in return, offering to clean up while he finished getting himself ready.
Before both of you knew it the time had reached, 6:55. If he left now he would be right on schedule to meet Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto at the gate. The sun was starting to peek out a little more, evident by the slight increase in temperature and the small bit of light shining though the curtains; having you give off a glow that made you even more beautiful to him.
"I'm all yours for a few days once I return." Kakashi squeezed your hand while the other held the strap of his bag up on his shoulder. "And I mean it this time."
There had been times where he thought he would be able to sleep in and spend a day or so with you but then he would be on call for yet another mission, cutting the time between the two of you short. He'd make sure to give you the attention you deserved though. He owed you so much for staying by his side and loving him the way you did.
Moving his hand from his strap to his mask, he slipped it down so it was tucked under his chin. Something he only did around you during moments like this when he would lean forward and capture your lips with his own. He never failed to give you a goodbye kiss before having to part ways with you. Feeling you reach up to place your hand on the back of his neck to bring him closer, Kakashi slid his arm around your waist so you were pressed against him and intertwined your fingers together with your other hand. Minutes went by as you stayed like that, coming up for air only to repeat the process a few more times until you realized you were keeping him from going anywhere, forcing yourself to pull away.
"Looks like you're not going to be right on time again." You spoke once you caught your breath. His students were probably used to it by now but you didn't want to hold him up any longer.
"Eh, so I'm a little late." Kakashi gave you a closed-eye smile in amusement as he slipped his mask back on. At least he would have a better excuse this time. How he looked at it, any moment with you was worth it and he looked forward to more times the two of you would share together.
"I love you," Kakashi told you before closing the door on his way out finally heading in the direction of the village gates. Standing alone in the room now, you smiled to yourself wondering how you managed to gain the attention of such a caring man as him.
"I love you too, Kakashi."
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x-emeraldsky-x · 1 year
The couch squeaked slightly from the pressure of Naruto's hand, the old springs digging into his palm through the degrading leather. His brows furrowed as he looked around the old apartment, now in ruins after Pein's destruction. Very little remained of the building, very little remained of the memories he and Sakura made while they lived together.
Footsteps crunched through old plywood and glass, a comforting hand touched his shoulder. Breaking his attention away from his sorrow.
"I found this under the door, looks like our friendship is indestructible after all, huh?"
Naruto stared up at Sakura, she laughed slightly at her own joke and smiled, despite sharing the same pain as he did. His eyes slowly dragged down to the item she spoke of; a framed picture they took from when they graduated. Two smiling children with their headbands tied on tightly, holding each other close while they celebrated. It had barely a scratch on it. Dirty, yes, but relatively unscathed.
Tears swelled in Naruto's eyes at the memories. It had been years since that moment, they had changed so much in that time. Sakura was now a Chuunin and he had yet to take the exam. Those two smiling children were now grown, those two smiling children were now standing in the pile of destruction that was once their home, but they were still together like they promised to be.
Sakura knelt down next to him, debris digging into her knees while she pulled Naruto close. He burst into a fit of sobs, leaning heavily into her hold. He felt her heartbeat thump against his chest. It was fast and irregular from adrenaline, but soothing in a way that let him know that it would be okay. After all that had happened, she was still here. Comforting him through thick and thin while keeping that same smile on her face.
"It'll be okay, Naruto. I always got your back."
Naruto smiled widely, squeezing her tightly. Their home was gone, but they still had each other. And they always will.
// end
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minatsuku · 8 months
Hii im a new writing blog for naruto! Inspired a lot by @hoe-imaginess I will be writing mostly hc about the warring states up until the foundation of konoha. feel free to send me asks or ideas :))
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httpino · 3 months
i’ve been posting more than i thought i would so lemme create a little navigation for you! enjoy!
team 7 headcanons
team 8 headcanons
team 10 headcanons
college headcanons
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imkakashisexual · 2 years
Happy birthday the best person in the world.
If I were a 🐱 I'd spend all 9 lives with you ♡(๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
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crispyliza · 3 months
Fanfiction in the late 2000s-early 2010s was wild bc you'd find a beautifully written story with the most compelling heart-wrenching plot you've ever seen and the author's note would be like:
Author with a username like ~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Ohayo gozaimasu! ↖(^▽^)↗, I'm sowwy it took me so long to update (๑•́_•̀๑)
tsundere twink from their fic : It was about damn time you idiot (눈‸눈)
~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Hey now! It's not my fault the plot bunnies kept wunning away fwom me (╥﹏╥)
tsundere twink: W-watever, it's not like I missed you or anything (💢,,>﹏<,,) b-baka!
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plumadesatada · 2 years
just remembered a fic on AO3 (or more likely LJ because it had that distinct late 00's experimental vibe) that appeared double-spaced oddly, in that some paragraphs would be spaced normally and others would have double or even triple spaces in between. it was about one half of the otp getting over the other's death (or coma, can't remember which), so all the comments were about how poignant the use of visual spacing was as a means to convey all the emotional holes in the character's life.
and then the author replied like... *giggle* guys it's NOT double spaced. try selecting the whole text
and we were all like "no WAY"
but we selected the text, and yes!!!
the "holes" in the story? they were actually lines and actions from the dead/coma character's ghost, rendered invisible to the eye by the simple trick of coloring the text the exact same as the background, revealed by nothing more than a click and a drag of the mouse
a story about the profound loneliness of losing your the partner of your life and having to make do without them, without anything to fill the holes they'd left behind, suddenly became a story about the profound helplessness of seeing someone you love suffer from your absence while you are right there, unable to do anything about it, unable to communicate that you love them enough to suffer unseen and unheard with them, just to keep them company they'll never know about
it was then that I truly realized how *superior* the digital medium is to plain printed paper, how the medium and the format can add to a story.
I think about that fic about once a year. I wish I could find it again
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blackberreh-art · 9 days
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“Don’t move.”
For once in his life, Obito listens very well.
For @anj-does-stuff's new fic Lunar Phase💕Hope y'all like timetravel!
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orphicmeliora · 2 months
You were sure you had dreamed it all.
Thin streaks of sunlight peaked into the room, the signs of a rising sun apparent through the glass windows. You were laying in the middle of a huge, empty bed, the sheets felt like spider-silk brushing against your skin, your hair splayed out like dark waves over the pillow.
You're body ached in places you couldn't even name.
You traced the tips of your fingers over your body, naked in all its glory—the blankets having been kicked off long since and you were in no hurry to cover up. You felt it all like a phantom ache that refused to be banished from your subconscious.
You remembered the way his hands, like vipers pulled you close in an embrace of sin. Laying you down on the bed, undressing you one article of clothing at a time like unwrapping a gift so preciously adorned, while you panted puffs of air, so restless in the face of your desires.
Your hands ghosted over your stomach and remembered the way he had pushed down on it when you tried to sit up and undress him with your clumsy limbs. Remembered his warning glance and the things it did to your head. So impatient, he had clicked his tongue. Your efforts to hasten things only resulted in him growing more languid in his ministrations.
When your fingers brushed your chest, you remembered the way his eyes had darkened, his tongue peaking out of his mouth and you longed to catch it with yours, as your chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. Remembered how his fingers worked you up to a high so addicting and then as his mouth, a warm cavern on a chilly night, joined the fray—and how it all came loose. The embarrassed whine that left your lips as you tried to hide your face but he wouldn't have that—he wanted to watch everything.
As your fingers traced up your neck, more memories flood into your mind. The smirk on those sinful lips when you'd throw your head back seeking reprieve from the intense waves of your pleasure and he'd cease the opening you left—opportunist man that he is—and descend on your neck, teeth and tongue lathering you in marks with all the restraint of a starved man before a hot meal. And you'd have no choice but to grasp his hair to drag him up and look him in the eyes. Your man was weak for eye contact and crumbled easily.
The pads of your fingers caressed your face and you remembered the way his breath had brushed your skin as he whispered filthy promises in your ears. Remembered his hands caressing and grabbing as they traveled down your body. The gasps and moan he tore out of you and simultaneously stole as he claimed your lips.
You rubbed your thighs together and remembered the other wicked things he'd done to you.
You were so sure you had dreamed it all, but you remembered it all too vividly for it to be just a dream. Maybe the longing had made you sick.
With a lovesick smile you turned on your side, unwilling to get out of bed just yet—
You ceased all movements. Heart pounding wildly against your ribs.
There he sat leaning forward on the chair, legs spread and elbows planted on his knees. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way leaving his skin bare for your eyes to feast upon but you could hardly focus on that when he was looking at you like that.
The hungry look in his eyes set your senses ablaze. His smile—akin to a predator's—sent shivers down your spine. As if all that action just mere hours ago wasn't enough to satisfy him. Perhaps, just perhaps, he had longed for this too.
You immediately missed the protection of the blanket on your skin.
"Is the show over?" He asked smugly, the air around him turned thick with complacency. Your skin flushed red as you recalled how you were feeling yourself up shamelessly right in front of him!
He stood up, striding toward the bed. His rakish intentions clear in his eyes. Feeling shy under his hungry gaze, you tried to clutch a pillow close to yourself. Keyword being tried.
In two quick motions, he had your wrists pinned above your head with one hand and the other gripped your hip. He pressed his body down to yours leaving nary a distance between you two.
"Didn't I tell you," he whispered against your lips, his voice a raspy and deep baritone symphony, "never to hide yourself from me?"
You whined something incoherent back to him.
He chuckled, the sound shooting straight to your core. His hand on your hip traced a path ever so slowly down your thighs and to your knees where he tapped twice.
"Spread your legs, love." His tone sounded reprimanding yet his eyes gleamed with perverse satisfaction. "Seems like I'd have to remind you all over again in great detail this time."
How could you ever refuse him when he looked at you like that?
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dira333 · 1 year
Heartbreak Trees - Kakashi x Reader
warnings: cursing, people die, people only wear underwear at some point + hinting at my Might Guy fic at some point
requested by @revasserium
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Right behind his house, always visible from the corner of his eyes wherever he’s looking, are the heartbreak trees.
At some point in the history of the Hatake Clan they must have had a different meaning, those five proud willows overlooking the the estate.
But he’s the last living Hatake and most of his blood is buried beneath them.
His father used to tell him about it. How his grand-grand-grand-father’s first wife used to love sitting in their shadow, how he saw it only fit that she’d be able to spend all of her days beneath them.
His own mother is buried there, because death through childbirth does not make you a hero and everyone knows that only heroes are buried around the memorial stone.
He made sure to bury his father right next to her.
“What’cha doing?” You’re hanging upside down from a branch, trusting only your toes to support your weight. Your grin is upside down but he’d still recognise it everywhere.
“Reading.” He flips a page he’s not bothered to look at, pretending to be focused on something else while he stays aware of your every movement.
“Mhm.” You flip yourself off and land with the ease of a practiced Shinobi. “You wanna take that to Ichiraku’s?”
“I’m not hungry.” 
“Mhm.” You humm again. “No one said you have to eat. Maybe I just like the sight of you.”
He doesn’t blush but his hand freezes, halfway between flipping to another page.
Your grin tells him that you did not miss it, like you never seem to miss anything he does.
“Well, that sucks.” You say to no one at particular and stare at the puddle of blood forming under your leg.
“How’d that happen?” He asks, already pulling bandages from his bag. “You’re normally the one with the least amount of injuries.”
“Oh, I got distracted.” You say and smile up at him as he cradles your leg in his hands, applying pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
“You’re a former Anbu. What could have distracted you?”
“Your hair looked like spiderwebs in the sunshine.” He freezes before your words have fully left your lips and he can feel the heat of your eyes on his hair, appreciating not for the first time that you might be pushy with your words, but your actions speak of your patience. You will not touch him unless he allows it.
“You’re impossible.”
“Mhm. You’re impossible attractive.”
“You know, you do have enough money to buy yourself a better bed.” 
He flinches so hard he throws himself out of said bed, glaring up at you from the floor.
“What are you doing in my house?” 
You blink, trying to look innocent and failing spectacularly.
“Darling, I was the one who got you home last night. Remember? You were so drunk you tried to take Might Guy’s head with you and called it your favorite bowling ball.”
He rubs his eyes and pinches his nose.
“And you stayed?”
There’s a somber tone in your voice, one he can’t remember having heard before.
“You asked me to stay. I couldn’t say no.”
He wonders, shame flooding his veins, how he asked.
Did he beg, like he once did with Might Guy? Did he cry, like he’d done multiple times with Pakkun as his only witness?
“I think you should stop trying to drink Might Guy’s girlfriend under the table. It will never happen.”
“I was challenged by Anko.”
You harrumph. “Even worse. But you know, getting back to the topic at hand, you definitely need a new mattres. Do you want me to help you shop for it?”
“Well fuck that, who are you?” He hears your voice in the kitchen. 
He knows that you’re more than capable defending yourself, he recognizes that your voice sound more intrigued than fearful, but his mind is still drunk on sleep and insecurity, flinging him out of bed like a jack in the box.
Naruto’s in the kitchen. 
Naruto, in all his freshly-made-Genin arrogance and his tendency to wreak havoc where peace had been before, is standing in his kitchen, facing you, in your underwear, coffee in one hand, breakfast sandwich in the other, your hair a mess that spelt late nights under his covers.
“Who are you?” Naruto asks back, brows furrowed in a way that would have been adorable in almost any other circumstance.
“A ghost.” You clip back and put the sandwich down only to turn to Kakashi with raised eyebrows.
“You’re not wearing pants.”
Right. At least he’d put on his mask.
Naruto, incapable of keeping a secret, turns out to be highly susceptible to bribery.
“You’re costing me a lot, pretty boy.” You tell him later that day when he returns from training the gremlins only to find you perched on his bed like you’re a dragon and this is your stash of gold.
“No one would have believed him.” He argues with what he’s been telling himself the whole day.
“Mhm. But you would have cared about it.” 
It’s not the first time you’ve been able to look right through him, as if his eyes are windows to you when they are locked doors to everyone else.
“Come on.” You pat the spot next to you as if this is your bed and not his, your home and not his. “I gotta tell you about my day. You won’t believe what happened.”
He slips into his spot like he’s done hundreds of times before and wonders if this is really still his home, and his alone, and not maybe yours, as in the both of you.
You knock your head against his when you realize he’s zoning out and he grunts as if he’s annoyed.
Both of you ignore the way he takes your hands in his.
“I bet he has a scar.” Kotetsu nods to himself as he speaks, almost throwing his glass off the table as he tries to reach for it.
“Nah.” Izumo is just as drunk as he is, but he’s got better controlf of his extremities, Sake still sloshing out of his cup as he drinks. “I’m telling you, he’s got a mole.”
Genma’s a heavy weight on your shoulder, not yet as drunk as your friends, but grinning like the fool he is. “Well, you know, don’t you?”
He asks and even in your inebriated state you can tell that that body at the end of the bar is stiffening at his words. 
“Why would I know?” You say. “‘sides, it’s not any of our businesses.” You stumble over the last word a little, with it’s too many s.
“Yeah, but you’re in love with him.” Genma’s cooing now, trying to sound like a lovesick fool but the endresult sounds more like Might Guy’s drunken singing. He tries to poke your cheek and you grab his hand and twist it until it’s flat on the table and he’s cursing.
“I’m going home.” You say. “Next you’re going to talk about Anko’s booty and I don’t need to be around for that.”
“But it’s so nice.” Genma whines, cradling his arm and you roll your eyes at him.
“Tell her that yourself.” You stumble away from your table, wondering yet again how the Sake only ever kicks in when you need to walk but never when you’re sitting comfortably, debating another bottle.
The man from the bar exits behind you. You eye him suspiciously, the purple streaks under his eyes not distracting enough for you.
“Since when are you getting jealous of Genma?” You ask and he snorts, offering you his arm to hold on to as you make your way through town.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Good.” You pat his arm. “No reason to be jealous of. You know he’s into Anko.”
“And you’re in love with me.” He copies Genma’s singing and you kick the back of his knee, cackling when he looses his balance, barely catching himself before he topples over with you in tow.
“We can make it official.” He tells you once he’s upright again, your cackling turned into a content giggle.
“Hmm?” You ask, the topic already wiped from your brain.
“Our relationship. We could make it official.”
You smile and it’s soft and understanding, not the teasing one he’s grown to love or the wide one he’s learned to trust.
“Darling,” you say, “You don’t have to force yourself to anything. I don’t mind walking the streets with you in disguise as long as you’re honest with me.”
He falls quiet, lets you drag him the rest of the way, singing a song under your breath as you sway.
But he leads you away from the house, into the darkness surrounding it, up to the heartbreak trees.
You fall quiet beside him, always able to recognize what he needs.
He touches the bark of the first willow, his heart beating in his throat. 
“This is me.” He says. He doesn’t mean the tree and yet he does.
“Yeah.” You say, looking down at the gravestones wedged between the roots. “You are. A living being growing strong despite the devastation beneath your feet.”
He only realizes that he’s started shivering when you take his hands in yours, fold your fingers around his. 
“I’ve always loved the thought of this burial ground. To love someone so much you want them close in all your lifes.”
He chokes and his heart slips from his throat and into his chest, beating twice as strong now that it’s back at its right place, a warm and foreign presence.
You lift one hand from his and reach up to brush his hair from his face.
“You okay?” You ask and he nods.
He’s okay. He’s okay when he’s with you.
All he wants to do is sleep.
All you want to do is stay up.
He’s buried himself in blankets, has curled himself around you, but you’re still sitting in bed, flipping through one of his books. Your eyes never stay long enough on a page to read the words and he wonders if he’s finally reached your breaking point.
This might be the moment where you realize. 
Kakashi Hatake is a mess no one can fix. A pot so broken you cannot Kintsugi your way out of this. 
He should speak up, give you the courtesy of addressing it, but he cannot bring himself to break his own heart.
So he watches, drained and tired, wanting nothing more than to sleep but unwilling to miss any second he has left with you.
Eventually you reach the last page and stare down at it, your hands shaking a little as if you’re holding back tears.
Wordlessly you put the book away and reach around you to pry his arms of you.
He lets it happen, mouth pulled into a thin line as he pretends to be asleep.
But you don’t move away from him. You pull him into your lap instead, fold his body until his head is pressed into your stomach and his hands are wrapped around your legs instead. 
Your hands move into his hair, braiding sections and tugging on strands that are too short to be braided.
“I thought I did not have to talk about it.” You tell him, your voice hoarse. “But I can’t live, laugh, love my way out of this.”
He wonders if he should fake snore to get out of this conversation. You pinch his side as if you heard his thoughts.
“When I was sixteen, I drowned on a mission.” His body stiffens as his mind supplies the pictures. He doesn’t want to think of you that way. He cannot picture you that way.
“We had a medic nin with us who knew her shit, so I got back and I pretended everything was fine but, like… I was so scared.” You whisper the last words, your hands stopping in his hair. 
“Got a mission right after that, two days recovery max. Getting back into action kept me going after that, you probably know how it is.”
He doesn’t answer but you don’t need him to. Instead you fold into yourself until he can feel your lips press against his temple.
“So many people died today, Kakashi. You died today. I need to talk about it.”
“What do you want to talk about?” He wants to sound light hearted but fails miserably.
“I want to tell you that you have to die after me.” You take a half breath. “And that you have to bury me with your family because if you think death can get you out of this relationship, you’ve got another thing coming.” 
He blinks up at you and you crack that smile he would know everywhere, even if it’s upside down.
“But I wouldn’t do that to you.” You brush your hand over his eyebrows and he kisses the skin of your hands with his eyelashes, can feel your caress on his cheeks and your fingertips on his lips.
“We die together.” He voices your thoughts and you grimace.
“I know we can’t plan that shit.”
“We can. If anyone can, it’s us.” He catches your hand this time, pulling his mask down with the other.
You blink down at him and cock your head.
“No mole.” You tell him and he shakes his head with a grin, pulling the fabric back up..
“No mole.”
“Mhm.” You tug at his mask with your free hand. “Let me check again. Just to be sure.”
One day he might be able to tell you of the dream he had when he was dead.
Tell you what he told his father about you. 
One day he might be able to tell you about the heartbreak trees.
They weren’t always named that way.
Once upon a time, they were simply called… home.
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bababaka · 1 year
Yall need to interact with fanfiction author's more.
So. After the ddos attack on ao3.
I was encouraged to write more comments and make my love known to fanfic writers.
I dont really like commenting. Because im a bit shy and soooo lazy.
Now though. I am writing more comments. And dude. This is so heartwarming. Ya'll need to treat writers better. They are doing the lord's work.
Take for an example, couple of days prior, i was searching for something interesting to read, and found an oneshot quite compelling.
I read it. At the end of it, i was blown away by how good it was. It promised me something and it went beyond my expectations. But then i saw a crime, zero fucking comments!
At that moment, i wasn't feeling up to writing a comment. Because, normally i like to write huge paragraphs. But because im lazy i decided to be brief.
Next day, the author answered that the comment lift their mood for the whole day.
That warmed my heart.
Duuuuuuuude! Write comments! Suport the writers of the fics you like! No need to be something super elaborate. Just give your thoughts. Freak out. Ramble. Ask something. Make theories. Compliment. Make a joke about how you wished to give kudos every chapter but ao3 sucks(not true bby) and won't let you.
Truly. Just. Comment. It can make someone's day. And that is part of the apeal of writing fics. Interacting with people.
Just give love to fanfic writers yall. They deserve this and so much more.
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Requests: Open
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Hello, everyone! Despite what it might have seemed like this account isn't dead. I know I haven't posted as much lately but I have been in the mood to write again so if you have any requests please don't hesitate to ask! I promise I'll get it to you as soon as I am able to! I have also noticed that I have been getting a lot of new followers recently. Not sure where you're all coming from suddenly but thank you so much! I don't expect this account to be much but it has helped me make some amazing friends so I'm glad to be here with you all! Love you guys!! 🫶💕
Sunbeam ☀
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wasyago · 8 months
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kakashi and bull 🥺🤲
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