suugarbabe · 1 year
Heyy! I was wondering if you could write mattheo riddle x reader with prompts 49 and or 33 please? Fluff xx thanks xx 💗
(33) I can't believe I've never seen this side of you before
(49) I never knew that about you. It's cute
Today fucking sucked. There was no better way to put it. You needed a break from everything, from everyone, just needed to get away and be by yourself. That's how you found yourself on the dock of the black lake, just looking out into the water. You were leaning against one of the pillars, likely hidden from anyone's view that walked by, which was exactly what you wanted. So when you heard footsteps on the dock you froze, pressing your back further into the pillar, just wanting to disappear. You seemed to be doing a good job as you watched Mattheo go up to the edge of the dock, sitting down with his legs crossed to grab what looked like a muggle pencil and sketchbook out of his bag. Your curiosity was peaked at this point and you couldn't stop your mouth as the words came tumbling out, "What are you doing?" Mattheo nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping his head around at the direction of your voice, "Merlin's fucking beard, y/n. When the hell did you get here?" You stood, walking over to him before sitting back down next to him, "I've been here for nearly an hour. Now, tell me what you're doing?" If Mattheo was good at anything, it was avoiding answering questions he didn't want to, "What are you doing? You're just sitting here doing nothing by yourself?" You rolled your eyes, "I had a bad day okay, I come out here to be by myself when I don't want to verbally assault anyone." He smirked at this, "I'd love to see you do that actually, you wanna head back now?" He jutted his thumb over his shoulder back towards the castle. You scoffed, pushing his shoulder, "Okay, Riddle. What are you really doing out here? Why do you have muggle shit with you? That's not like you." He got a little sheepish now, "Oh this stuff, it's nothing. I just come out here to..." he mumbled the end of his sentence, so low you couldn't even make out what he said. "M'sorry, what was that?" you leaned in a little closer, cupping your ear dramatically. He dropped his shoulders, looking up towards the sky like the drama king he was, "I...draw. The muggle way...no magic just like...sketch and stuff." He cheeks were turning more and more pink the longer he spoke, but you had nothing smart to say back to him. You actually kind of admired his secret hobby. "I never knew that about you...it's cute." Your comment had his eyes on yours, "Really?" You nodded, "Really, do you have anything you've done in there? I'd love to see them." You would think he was a kid being told he could buy all the sweets he wanted from Honeydukes the way his eyes lit up, quickly flipping through his sketch pad to pick his favorites to show you. He really was good too, catching all the right details of a Grindylow down to the mischief in it's eyes you've seen as they swim past the windows in the common room. His attention to detail was immaculate. If he charmed it just right, you could swear the Thestral he drew was just a shrunken version of the real thing. You weren't able to see them with your own eyes, but you knew what it was from textbooks. You heart ached slightly from the realization that Mattheo was probably able to see them from a very young age, given his family history. Again you found your mouth unable to keep the words from tumbling out as you spoke, "I can't believe I've never seen this side of you before." Mattheo chuckled at this, "Yeah, well I don't exactly go around advertising I'm a sensitive ninny who plays with muggle shit." You shrugged, "I like this version of Mattheo Riddle. You don't always have to have such a stern face and flying fists." You mocked his usual face that he displayed, playfully punching his arm. He smiled shyly, "Well, thank you...I guess. I'm sorry you had a shit day today, though, Y/n, truly. Maybe next time it happens you come grab me? We can come back here? I won't make you talk about it, but I'll just draw and you can sit like you were before, but that way neither of us have to be alone." You don't think you had ever agreed to something so quickly.
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
Not Eddie related but what about some conversations with Narry as our friends? 🥰
Hiiii babes!! Oh this made me emo I miss writing for bestie Narry! I hope you enjoy these extremely random ass conversations with them!💖
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“Why is he in charge of dinner when we all know I’m the better cook?” “Because Harry this is Niall’s house…now what’s on the menu for tonight? I only brought one bottle of wine.” “Nothing fancy just chicken and-” “did you season it properly?” “Oh fuck off with that Harry.” “We all saw the chicken Niall…it looked unseasoned and just…horrid.” “Do you two need to be separated?” “No…I’ll behave…sorry Niall.” “It’s fine just don’t go being a twat…we haven’t even had any wine yet.”
“Two drinks in and we already have to take your phone away? You’ve turned into a lightweight love.” “Oh come off it Harry we all saw you that one night at the pub in London after like three whiskey sours.” “We don’t speak of that night Niall…you know this.” “Ohhhh was that when he tried to get nake-” “I just said we don’t speak of that night.” “You heard him love we aren’t allowed to talk about when he nearly pe-” “why am I friends with you two?…always pickin on me.” “You love us…doesn’t he Niall?” “Oh yeah he totally loves us…don’t ya mate?” “Yeah yeah…I love you…even when you don’t listen.”
“This is the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever sat on in my life…why do you have this thing?” “Because my super famous and rich pop star bestfriend hasn’t taken me to get a new one.” “You forgot to add he’s also a movie star love…move over…your lanky arse is just taking up the whole thing.” “I’m doing you a favor…this couch is horrible.” “So then let’s go get her a proper one then.” “I was just kidding Niall I don’t need you two to buy me a couch.” “Jesus…this thing really does fucking suck…how is your back not in shambles from this torture device?” “It’s just old and has a few lumps that’s all.” “Lumps? This thing feels like it’s made out of cement it’s so hard…Niall where did you get your monstrosity of a couch? It may be hideous but it’s comfortable.” “My couch isn’t hideous you dick…but I’m not sure the name of the store but I can just take you there.” “Sounds good…now go grab your sunglasses love…we’re going shopping.”
“What does this mask do again? My face feels…tingly.” “It’s a pore clearing one so tingly is good…burning is bad…Harry where is my black nail polish?” “I’m using it…oh can you bring me the silver glitter please?” “Okay now it’s burning…can I take it off now?” “Beauty is pain Niall don’t be a ninny.” “Fuck off Harry that’s easy for you to say all you’re doing is painting your bloody nails.” “Go wash your face in the sink Niall…don’t get water all over the place like you did last time please.” “He’s a proper mess that one…can’t even handle doing a face mask.” “Don’t be rude Harry…remember when I did that apple cider mask on you and you only had it one for two minutes before you were begging me to help get it off you?” “That was different…you didn’t tell me it was going to turn into solid clay and make my face feel like it was actually vibrating…it was scary.” “How do I look? My face feels as smooth as a baby’s bottom.” “You look great Niall…will you let Harry do your nails?” “Yeah but no fucking glitter like you did last time..that stuff stayed on for ages.”
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camillelespanayesbtch · 4 months
Omg please write something with Sister Jude🌻 Like secretly dating her as younger nun
Judy's Girl (18+)
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Content: Homophobic times, mentions of smut, hidden relationship
Word Count: 5822
You were one of the younger nuns at the asylum, but you were also the most outspoken too, wanting nothing more than to improve the overall wellbeing of the patients you were there to help. But being outspoken has its consequences, and unfortunately for you, that meant being caned- or at least, being told you were going to be, but never actually receiving that harsh of a punishment. You see, Sister Jude, or Judy for you in private, had quite the soft spot for you, the older woman always looking out for you in one way or another as best she could without telling the world your dirty little secret.
When you first arrived at the asylum, you were freshly released from the convent to go out into the world to spread the Holy word, and it just so happened that the asylum was looking for new staff, so, you had applied. You were worried you weren’t going to be accepted due to your minimal experience, but that minimal experience was seen as a bonus- it meant you were more willing to learn other things. You were taken straight to an office after you stepped out of the cab, your little suitcase clutched tightly in your hand as you make your way up the steps. The spiraling staircase made your head spin, grateful for your free hand gripping the railing as though the stairs would turn into a slide, and you’d spin your way all the way to the cold concrete below. It was cold inside, your vestment was barely keeping your body heat in, but you were sure you’d get used to it, even as you saw the puffs of air escaping your mouth forming little clouds in front of you.
Once you made it to the top, you were embarrassed to admit that you were slightly puffed, your cheeks flushed a light pink although you were grateful for the warmth that the minimal exercise provided. You make your way down the hallway, stopping when the guard gestures to a door, grunting, “Sister Jude is in there.” You thank him quietly before knocking on the door, waiting for her to respond then entering, closing the door behind you.
You set your suitcase down then make your way over to her, bowing your head slightly, “Thank you for accepting my application, Sister Jude. It’s an honor to work for someone held in such high esteem.” You straighten up, smiling softly at her. You suck in a breath when her mahogany eyes meet yours, if your cheeks weren’t already pink, they certainly would be now. You see, although it went against how you were brought up, you had a preference towards the fairer sex- while in the convent, you were surrounded constantly by temptation, by beautiful women whom most thought lesbianism was a sin. You must have been staring as the older woman smacks your arm with a folded-up newspaper, startling you, “Forgive me, Sister Jude,” you rush out.
“Brilliant,” she mutters, “Another ninny with barely two braincells to rub together.” She takes a breath, putting the newspaper down on her organized desk before looking at you once more, “There are rule you will have to follow here, girl, and I expect you to follow them well. You may have been the perfect little angel at the nunnery, but here you are starting fresh.” She runs her eyes over you, your vestment was in pristine condition, it told her that you take care of your belongings, there wasn’t even the slightest hint of hair peaking out from your veil, you were no whore. If she was being honest with herself- No, she couldn’t. No, it wasn’t right. Her fair cheeks take on the slightest hint of color before she looks away, busying herself with tidying the documents on her desk.
“I understand, Sister Jude. Rules are what make the world go round after all,” you say with a smile. You bite back a giggle at her sudden need to do something, you thought it was rather sweet, endearing even. You bring your hand up to play with your crucifix that hung from your necklace, running your thumb over the smooth metal, “So, Sister Jude, where are my quarters? I can’t imagine I will be sharing a room with a patient. Or are you and I sharing?”
Jude’s eyes dart up immediately, “Share? No,” she answers quickly, “No, most certainly not. You will have your own room. It will be small, but I am sure you are used to cramped quarters.” She straightens up, looking at the time on her watch, “I will tell you the rules on our way. Follow me, if you will.”
You let her pass before picking your suitcase up and following her, your eyes couldn’t help but wander, following the seam down the middle of her vestment to the barest hint of her behind which moved elegantly with her hips. Sometimes you felt no better than a man with the way you ogled women, but you remind yourself that you weren’t so easily swayed by temptation, you were a good Christian woman and the allure of an older woman’s body wasn’t going to change that. You do a silent prayer- it wasn’t that you thought lesbianism was a sin, no not at all, because why would God create you that way if he didn’t want you to love other women? You just didn’t want to be so obvious that you get caught and perhaps even punished if Sister Jude thought it was a sin, but you sincerely hoped she wouldn’t- Maybe that is the devil talking.
“Do you understand?” Jude asks, stopping outside a door and looking at you with a perfectly shaped brow. She lets out a sigh when she sees the look of surprise on your face, had you even heard her at all? She was told you were a smart young woman, devout, just what she needs here, and now here you were behaving like a shock patient. “What were you doing this whole time? Dancing with the fairies?”
“I- I was admiring the surroundings,” you try but when she raises an eyebrow, you’re quick to avert your gaze, mumbling an apology. You look up again, your cheeks burning crimson red, “I will endeavor to learn the rules, Sister Jude, I promise. Come tomorrow morning, I will know them like the back of my hand.”
Jude doesn’t say anything, pushing the door open and gesturing for you to enter before following you, “This is where you’ll be staying. The lights are out at 8pm sharp. If you are to use a candle, blow it out before you sleep, it is common sense although I fear with you, you are severely lacking in that department.” She watches as you set your suitcase down by the wooden drawers- there was a little writing table, a small cot pushed up against the wall, a barred window, and a single light dangling from the center of the ceiling. You should be used to the simple setting considering you spent so long at a convent, and you should also have no desire for anything more than- it was a sin after all, desiring more material things. “Also, I would advise against engaging in any illicit activity such as giving into your own carnal desire- it is strictly forbidden, and I will know if you have done such a thing. Sins always have a way of coming to the surface.”
Your cheeks turn pink and shame floods your system, you certainly had given in to temptation many times before, but to do so now? It seemed unfathomable, almost illegal- You had taken your vows, you were now supposed to live a sin-free life, not give in to it because an uncomfortable heat was burning between your legs. “I-“ You clear your throat, a stammer now would look bad, “I understand, Sister Jude. I wouldn’t dare to do such a thing.”
Jude runs her eyes over you like she was checking if she could see if the sin was oozing out of you, but she sees none, so she lets out a little breath of air from her nose, “Good. Get settled in, someone will be by to take you to the kitchen when dinner is to be prepared. Your duties will include helping bake and make meals.” She looks you up and down again before leaving, the heavy wooden door clicking shut behind her.
You weren’t going to lie, the way she had looked at you did things to you, and you could feel the heat blooming across your chest and daring to move lower- if the room wasn’t as cool as it was, you would have needed a fan to try and lower your body temperature, perhaps even blow away the thoughts that had started to form in your mind. But you couldn’t deny it either, mainly because of the small smile that had formed on your face at the thought, the mere idea of kissing her- you wondered what her lips tasted like, if they would be soft upon your own. You shake your head, clearing the thought from your mind as you unpack your suitcase into the drawers provided for you, “You’ll get yourself in trouble thinking like that,” you say to yourself.
Later in the evening, you were led to the kitchen where you saw Jude already working on the dough. The older woman was skilled at it, working the dough with precision, and in no time, the dough was kneaded into a perfectly smooth ball ready to rise before the bake. She dusts her hands clean, the flour falling onto the ball before she turns to look at you, “Good, you’re here. You can start chopping the vegetables for the soup-“ she gestures to them, the blade of the knife standing out in the dim lighting of the kitchen. “Well? Don’t stand there like an imbecile, we don’t have all evening.”
You hurry over to the chopping board, starting to cut the vegetables and put them in the awaiting pot that already had ham hocks in it, “Do we do this every evening, Sister? I can imagine that it is quite time-consuming. What about in the morning? What do we make then? Pancakes?”
Jude laughs at that, “Pancakes? For these sinners? Absolutely not. No. Never would I consider wasting something like that on them, they wouldn’t appreciate it. They hardly appreciate the soup and bread as it is.”
“Oh, well, maybe it’ll improve morale, you know? The sisters and Mother Superior thought the same at the convent, but when I made them pancakes one Sunday after service, they admitted that it did bring them joy and seemed like something nice to have every so often so it wouldn’t be greedy,” you say, adding the last of the potatoes before looking at the older woman who was almost flummoxed you’d talk back so brazenly. “It- I- I didn’t mean any disrespect, Sister Jude.”
The older woman goes over to you, a hand either side of you on the bench, her hot breath intermingling with yours, “You didn’t mean any disrespect,” she repeats, chuckling slightly, “Yet you did. When I say no to something, Yn, I expect you to agree. Your suggestions may have worked at your little convent, but they won’t work here. Not with me. I alone run this place, the mouthpiece for the monsignor although everyone knows I call the shots.” She runs her eyes down you, letting out a derisive sound- she wouldn’t admit it, but her gaze lingered on your lips for a second too long, she had always had that problem. She had always found herself fawning over the fairer sex, their lips were softer, so were their hands, and they never left her feeling disgusting the following morning. Her lip curls and her nose scrunches as she steps back from you, she wouldn’t fall for the devil again, no matter how gorgeous you may be. “Don’t do that again.”
Your face flushes a deep red, pressing yourself hard against the bench to create a little more distance between the two of you even though that part of you wants to move closer to her- to feel her vestment against yours, but that was the devil talking, wasn’t it? You didn’t really believe that, but you knew she did. “I won’t do it again, Sister Jude,” you whisper, although you wondered how far you could push. Would you get punished the way you’d heard about? A cane against your pale cheeks until you were free from sin? It almost sounded thrilling; you press your thighs together to quell the heat that formed at that thought. “I will get back to making the soup,” you continue, taking the pot over to the stove, turning it on and lighting it with a match.
Jude could tell you were going to be trouble, perhaps not in the same sense as the patients, but for her- tempting her, pulling her into your web. She does a silent prayer before shaping the dough into a loaf and putting it on to bake. She wouldn’t give in to temptation, no matter how beautiful you are. The allure of you was just a phase, and soon the shine would dull, and she wouldn’t give you a second thought.
It took two weeks for you and Judy to find yourselves in a predicament that left both your cheeks burning. You had found yourself locked in one of the supply closets while trying to get more flour to make bread, and you were only discovered when Jude had opened it to get flour after thinking you’d wandered off. She chuckled and shook her head, stepping in to grab it, but you were so distracted by the beautiful sound that you forgot to put your foot in the doorway so the door wouldn’t click shut. “I was wondering where you’d gone, but it’s much more humorous that you got yourself locked in here.”
“It is hardly my fault the door locks once shut.” You watch her try opening the door, the blonde letting out an annoyed huff, “Looks like I am not the only one getting themselves locked in supply closets, Sister Jude.” You giggle softly when she glares at you, leaning against the wall by the door as you watch her try to get the door open, “It won’t work, Judy.”
The nickname slips from your tongue before you could even register you were thinking it, both of you staring at each other in shock for a moment before the blonde scoffs, “Judy,” she lets out a huff, “Who do you think you are, girl? Calling me so casually. Do you think your little jokes are going to magic the door open? No.” She looks you up and down, reaching out to fix the way your necklace sat, her thumb running against the center of it, muttering, “They did say the devil would be tempting.”
“I- I wasn’t joking, Sister Jude. I just- I like how your name sounds, it’s pretty. You’re pre-“
“Stop talking,” she says firmly, although her cheeks where flush with color, “You can’t go speaking that way. It’s- It’s abnormal. A sin. Did you learn nothing at your convent? Or did it go in one ear and out the other?”
“It’s not abnormal, nor is it a sin. God wouldn’t have created me this way were it a bad thing. Have you ever thought about that? Why would he create me this way if it were a sin?” You notice she hadn’t pulled back, that her hand hadn’t let go of your necklace, her thumb still stroking the center. You wanted to hold her hand, but you didn’t want to spook her more than you already had, so, instead, you grip the skirt of your vestment.
“Those are the devil’s words,” she whispers, her breath fanning against your lips, “They have to be, or everything I have done would go against God’s wishes. To inflict suffering upon others for something they cannot change- It is- It goes against everything.”
“You can still make up for what you have done, Judy. I’m sure Ms. Winters would be receptive to an apology, to a reform- a change for the better. It won’t make up for what she went through, but it will be a step in the right direction.” Only now do you gently wrap your hand around hers, looking into her beautiful chocolate eyes, “There is no shame in that.”
Jude’s cheeks color and she looks away, your gaze, although soft, was still too penetrating and she didn’t like it. “It would mean everything I have been taught was a lie- my whole adult life, a lie. I cannot accept such a radical change so soon. It’s too much, too fast.”
“Change takes time, and you can take this one day at a time,” you rub circles lightly on the back of her hand- it was so soft and warm, and you wondered what it felt like cupping your cheek, if the tenderness would be as comforting as you imagined while you lay in bed awake at night. “I won’t judge you, and I certainly won’t tell anyone either.”
“I think I can accept that,” she replies quietly, looking at you again before stepping back and clearing her throat. “How do you suppose we get out of here? Knock on the door until a guard unlocks it for us?” And that is exactly what you and Jude do, taking turns knocking and calling for a guard- thankfully you were rescued shortly after you started, the man grunting a “you’re welcome.”
It was another two weeks before you two were alone again. It was a late night, and you were both in the kitchen getting dough ready for the following morning, the flickering light from the fireplace illuminating the room with a warm glow. “This dough just isn’t coming together, Judy. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong,” you say defeated, slumping against the floured workbench.
Jude dusts her hands off and goes over to you, leaning over your shoulder she prods the dough with a finger, “You just need to keep kneading it, dear.” She takes your hands and uses them to work the dough, pulling and folding it, “Like that- You have to use force, this isn’t a brioche where you need to be gentle.”
Your cheeks go pink at the closeness, it could be easily passed off as flush from the heat of the kitchen, but you knew Jude would know the truth, “Maybe I’m not cut out for making bread like you are, Judy,” you whisper as she keeps manipulating your hands to knead the dough.
The blonde chuckles by your ear, “Or maybe you just wanted me this close to you, dear.” She finishes working the dough, letting go of your hands then stepping back just enough so that you could turn to look at her. Her eyes dart to your lips, soft pink and perfectly plump- how could she have resisted for so long? If it wasn’t the devil tempting her, then what is it? It couldn’t be her own desire, could it? After this many years, she thought it had faded into nothingness.
“Maybe I did,” you reply quietly, your own eyes shamelessly staring at her own lips, the same thought in your mind, how could you have resisted her for this long? It was simple really, you didn’t want to scare her off, frighten her mentorship of you by forcing yourself on her. “I- Think I want to-“
“I would like you to,” she whispers, only just loud enough that you could hear it over the crackle of the wood in the fire. She closes her eyes in anticipation, and there it was- that spark coming to life when she finally feels your lips upon her own. Your soft, floured hands cupping her cheeks so tenderly almost like you were afraid of hurting her, or worried she would flee, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t flee. She stays. She stays in this embrace, enjoying the warmth that radiates from the kiss, the butterflies in her stomach that she hadn’t felt in so long.
You wanted to squeal in excitement, but you temper that down, quell it so you wouldn’t scare her off. Your thumbs softly brush against the swell of her cheeks, your head tilting ever so slightly to deepen the kiss. You keep your tongue confined to your mouth for now, this was your first kiss with her after all. You only pull back when she does, and although you wanted to chase after her lips, you didn’t want to overwhelm her. You bite back your smile, your cheeks pink, “Are you okay, Judy?”
Jude smiles a little and covers her mouth with her hand, “Oh- That was-“ She turns her head away, letting out a soft giggle and shaking her head in disbelief. It had been a long time since she had kissed another woman, but she was certain that she would want to do it again soon, “We should finish making the dough, dear.”
“Of course, Judy,” you giggle softly, turning to finish kneading the dough and putting it with the rest before you start tidying the kitchen up. You scrape the caked-on flour off the kitchen bench, blissfully unaware of the way Jude was watching you- her eyes fixated on your behind and how good it looks in the black vestment. She hadn’t found a need to punish you since your arrival, and while there were moments she was tempted to, she ultimately decided against it because it would only frighten you into conforming. What excuse would she have to come up with to see your shapely bottom freed from the cloth? The thought brings color to her fair cheeks and shame washes over her for thinking such things. Surely these were only thoughts men had towards women, not thoughts women should have towards one another.
“You should bathe after,” she blurts out, although in her mind, she said it so casually, “The bathroom in my chambers has a bath with running water, it’ll be warm. You could even open up a new bar of soap if you wish.”
You look at her, “Do I smell?” You ask, tilting your head slightly. It was such a bizarre thing for her to say, and surely she wouldn’t have any other reason to say that other than if you were particularly odiferous. “I- I suppose I could do that, thank you?”
Jude lets out a pleased hum, “Come along then, dear.” She gestures for you to follow her, leading you to her chambers which you had yet to be in, only ever going as far as her doorway. Now it was your turn to ogle her behind once more, almost hypnotized by the sway of her hips- She always moved so gracefully, so effortlessly and it captivated you. She captivated you.
When you arrive at her chambers, she lets you in, leading you through to the bathroom where she lights a few of the candles before turning the tap on in the bath. “Are you sure you want me to bathe in here, Judy? I don’t want to impose on your space. I also don’t have a towel.”
She checks the water is getting hot before putting the plug in, shaking the water from her hand, “I wouldn’t have offered were I unsure, dear. Good personal hygiene is important in a place like this, I couldn’t let you go to bed with sweat clinging to your skin.” She straightens up, fixing her vestment then looks at you, “I will fetch you a towel from my wardrobe. You can get in the bath now if you wish, it won’t take long to fill.”
Jude sets a small box that contained a bar of soap on the floor next to the tub before leaving the bathroom, the door ajar so she could hear if you needed anything. She wouldn’t leave it open for any other reason, she certainly wasn’t perverted enough to watch you undress and bathe, although she does turn her head to have a quick look- Her cheeks go red when she sees you in your underclothes folding your vestment. She looks away quickly, doing a quick prayer before sitting down at her desk to do her nightly bible reading.
“Judy?” You call out once you’re seated comfortably in the bath, “I can’t reach the soap, my arms are too short and I don’t wish for the cold air to get to my skin.”
The older woman sits up straighter, surely you hadn’t called for her to aid you while you’re in an undressed state. She thinks nothing of it until you call for her again, a slight whine to your voice that she finds rather adorable. She pushes back from her desk and heads in, keeping her gaze downcast as she crouches down to open the box of soap, handing it to you soon after, “There you go, dear.”
Your hand brushes against hers as you take the soap bar, a soft smile on your face, “Thank you, Judy.” You start to lather up, usually you would feel entirely bashful being so exposed with another person present, but you found this feeling lacking with Jude. Now that wasn’t because she wouldn’t judge you, she certainly does on certain things, but she was too shy to ogle you or comment on your body while you’re in such a state. “I won’t bother you again, although I do think a towel would be nice if I want to dry off after I’ve bathed.”
“A tow- Of course, yes, how could I have forgotten?” She straightens up again, desperately trying to not look at you in your unclothed state, her eyes piercing yours before she leaves quickly, muttering about how you were tempting her. She didn’t really think you were, and she finds it repulsive when people blame women for tempting them into doing horrific things, but she was finding it difficult to maintain composure. She goes over to where her linen was kept, pulling out a fresh towel for you before returning to the bathroom, “Here you go, dear.”
You hum, rinsing the soap suds from your body before standing up and stepping out of the tub. Jude’s eyes go wide and her face flushes a deep red, the blonde barely managing to unfold the towel so you could wrap it around yourself while trying to look anywhere but you. How could you be so brazen? So comfortable in your sexuality that you could reveal yourself like that? You thank her for the towel, placing a delicate kiss on her cheek.
“Are you trying to- to seduce me with your wicked ways?” She manages out, still unable to look at you in case you pull another stunt. Her skin felt hot and she worried for a moment if she was coming down with something, but if her memory was serving her correctly, this is what happens when there’s desire simmering under the surface.
“No, Judy, I am not. They’re not wicked either,” you say softly, padding over to your clothes to start toweling off. “I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable. I just thought that we’re both women, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to our bodies. I won’t do it again.”
And you didn’t, although every time you came to use her bath, Jude longed to see you again in such a bare state. You had shared a number of chaste kisses since then, and it had left her feeling rather light-headed, giddy even in a way one would when they have a crush on someone. It wasn’t until one year had passed that she finally worked up the courage to share a bath with you. She was encouraged by your comfort in your nudity to try and be so herself like she had when she was younger, but she did ask that you refrain from looking at her until she was situated comfortably in the tub.
“You may look now, dear,” Jude says softly, a shy smile on her face when you open your eyes. She did worry that you would think she was too old, her skin wrinkled, her breasts no longer perky like your own, but from the look in your eyes, she had nothing to worry about in the slightest. “Quit looking at me like that,” she says with a giggle, her cheeks going pink, “You strange girl.”
“I’m just admiring you, Judy,” you reply, a smile on your face too as you take her in all her glory. She really was beautiful, timeless, and you could easily picture her being a star of the silver screen- a lead actress working with the greats like Steve McQueen. “I wish I had a camera so I could capture your beauty.”
“Oh,” she chuckles softly and shakes her head, picking the bar of soap up and starting to lather it up, “I don’t think you should waste your film on that, dear. I’m much too old to be a muse.” She wasn’t sure she would have the courage to pose for you, or even let you capture her in candid moments, but if it was something you truly wanted then she would certainly try for you. It had been a long while since she’s received such attention, and it was far nicer than what she used to receive- it wasn’t superficial, and you weren’t doing it just to sleep with her. Did you even want to do that? Just because you’ve kissed doesn’t mean you want to engage in that kind of intimacy.
“It wouldn’t be a waste. Not to me. Not if it’s you,” you reply, “not a waste at all. I think you’d look gorgeous.” You take the soap from her once she’s done, leaning back as you start to wash, “We could have our own little picture book full of memories, keep it locked in our drawer so no one could catch us.” You rest your leg against the edge of the tub to start washing it, “Then maybe when the world is more accepting, we won’t have to hide it away any longer.”
“A memory book,” Jude repeats, watching you as you wash, “I do like the sound of that, dear. Just for the two of us. Oh how wonderful.” She lets her fingertips dance across your calf, “That might be wishful thinking, but it certainly does sound lovely. No shame. No hiding. I think I could find myself getting used to that, dear.”
“It’s not wishful if you do things to try and make it happen,” you lean back, enjoying the way her touch felt on your skin. You had held one another in bed before, dressed in your evening slips, but her hand had brushed so tenderly against your back and you found yourself wanting more. You never expected anything further than that, it wasn’t something you actively sought in relationships, and you certainly weren’t going to make Judy feel like she has to engage in such intimacy. “The next time we have to head into town to get things, I will purchase a film camera. Oh how exciting, Judy.”
Jude can’t help but smile at your excitement, your youthful joy, “It is exciting. I will see if the monsignor needs us to go tomorrow- I know we are running short of a few things that won’t get delivered by the grocer. Perhaps we could have a drink at the café, you always mention how much you want to go there. I don’t see why we couldn’t treat ourselves to something nice for once.”
“Look at you, Judy Martin,” you say with a giggle which makes the older woman blush, “I never thought I’d hear you say we should treat ourselves, and I am rather glad that I have. I will pay for our little treat tomorrow, then if we decide to return, it’s your turn.” You lean over and kisses her cheek, enjoying the way you could feel her smile grow at the gesture.
After the bath, you and Jude change into your nightgowns before doing your evening prayers. Once those are done, you cuddle into Jude who’s fingers idly run up and down your arm while she reads, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She would often read out passages she found particularly interesting, and you would always listen because you loved the sound of her voice. She didn’t mind you would fall asleep either, if anything, she found it sweet that you felt comfortable enough to do so with her.
The following morning, you and Judy head into town to get a few things from the store that weren’t included in the bulk grocery items- just little things that made the asylum a little more bearable. Since a holiday was coming up, you convinced Judy that some little chocolates would increase the morale of the patients and staff. Now, you are only saying convinced because you both knew, at this stage of your relationship, that Judy could seldom say no to you. You add a few other holiday themed items before you both head to the check-out.
After you had returned your purchases to the car, you head to the little café to have, as Judy said, “A little treat.” You order yourself a hot cocoa while Jude gets a coffee with milk and two sugars, as well as a blueberry muffin to split. You carry the muffin to a table by the window and sit down, using the knife to cut it in half then into quarters, “We should try making these one day, Jude.” You never called her Judy in public because it made her uncomfortable, and as much as you love saying her name that way, you respected her boundaries far more. “I think they will be quite popular with the patients.”
“Blueberries are rather expensive, Yn. I am not sure it could be an all the time baked good, although I am sure we could try for once every few months.” She takes a piece of the muffin and bites it, letting out a pleased hum at the taste. She picks out a blueberry from the remaining pieces and eats it too, chuckling at the gasp you let out, “What?”
“You can’t do that, Jude,” you say with a huff, almost pouting at the piece with one less blueberry, “Now there’s not enough blueberry to muffin ratio.” You huff again and pick the sad little muffin piece up and eat it, the sad look on your face only spurring Judy on to laugh- the sound enough to make you smile even though you were still a little upset. You go to say something nice about her laugh but the waitress comes over to deliver your drinks, your eyes lighting up at the sight of the marshmallows floating on the surface, “Oh it’s been so long since I’ve had any marshmallow. They’re my favorite.”
“I haven’t had any since I was a child,” Jude admits, her eyebrows raising when you immediately scoop one out with the teaspoon and hand it to her with a smile on your face. “Oh, dear- I-“ She couldn’t say no to you when you looked so excited to share with her, the blonde shaking her head with a shy smile as she eats the marshmallow off the spoon. She was surprised by how sweet it was, the soft chew bringing back memories of when she was a child and would get them in her hot chocolate as a treat on holidays. How different her life would be if- She couldn’t dwell on that because one change in the past would mean she might never have met you, and that was a terrible thought. “Thank you, Yn. I think we might have to return to the grocery store to pick some up to have on the odd occasion, what do you think?”
“You’re welcome, Jude,” you smile and nod, sipping your drink before responding to her. “I think that is a wonderful idea. They’ll love it. Anything to make them feel a little more human.” You both enjoy your drinks and the remaining muffin before leaving, your hands itched to hold Judy’s but you understood how much danger that would put you both in, and how uncomfortable it would make her. You head to the camera store where you pick one you’d had your eyes on since before you were even a nun, taking it to the counter and getting a few extra rolls of film, “Just this, thank you.”
The man takes the money from you, writing your receipt before packing the items nicely in a well-protected box for you. You thank him again before leaving, a big smile on your face as you and Judy head back to the car for the last time- having already picked the marshmallows up on your way back. “I can’t wait for you to be the first picture I take, Judy,” you almost squeal when she starts driving back to the asylum. “Oh this is so excited! You’re going to look so beautiful even though we won’t be able to see the photos until the film is developed but I just know you’re going to look beautiful. I just know it, Judy.” You ramble for most of the car ride back, Jude doing her best to not giggle or chuckle at how cute you were.
Later that night, you were both getting ready for bed when you snap a picture of Judy running a brush through her hair, a soft smile on your face and if it were possible, you’d have hearts in your eyes, “Beautiful,” you whisper, “Absolutely beautiful.”
Jude’s cheeks go red and she shakes her head with a soft smile, “Sometimes I think you’re lying, dear, but with a smile like that- I know you’re not.” She puts the brush down and heads over to you, a soft chuckle leaving her lips when the click of the camera happens again, “I think that’s enough for tonight, honey.”
A new pet-name and your cheeks go bright red, quickly putting the camera down when she loops an arm around your waist to pull you close, a giggle escaping you, “Whatever you say, Judy.” You smile as she kisses you, your hands coming up to tenderly cup her cheeks. You let out a content sigh, nothing ever felt more perfect than her lips against your own, the way her fingers flex against your hip as she pulls you closer to her so your bodies pressed together.
When you two finally made it into bed, Jude pulled you firmly against her, her hands roaming over your curves, “I do wish you didn’t have to leave so early in the morning so we wouldn’t get caught. Just one morning I’d like to wake up with your head still on my chest- I want to see what your skin looks like with the early morning sun dancing across it.”
“Oh Judy,” you whisper, relaxing under her touch, “I wish for that too, and maybe one morning we can have that- I can stay in. Perhaps when the monsignor has gone away for work, I can stay. I just don’t want you to get in trouble, your job means so much to you and I’d feel terrible if it was taken away because of me.”
She moves a hand to gently stroke your cheek, her beautiful brown eyes meeting yours, “I may have been nervous about what I was feeling when we first started, honey- But now I wouldn’t change it for anything. If- If it meant losing my title, I would, as long as I knew we had somewhere safe to go- a roof over our heads and food in the cupboards, that is all that would matter to me. I have seen and done so many terrible things in my life, but I won’t let this one good thing be taken from me.”
“Judy,” you sniffle, leaning into her touch when she softly wipes your tears away, “We will save our money, okay? We will and- and we can find a nice little cottage in the countryside to live in. We will have chickens and goats, and grow vegetables to sell at market. It’ll just be you and me, Judy. You and me.” You meant it too, you would save every dollar, every nickel if it meant one day you and Jude could live peacefully without fearing you’d be kicked out on your asses. But for now, you two would keep things hidden, you would leave before the sun rose and the stars were still out so that no one could catch you. You would steal kisses in the hallways, stolen glances in the common area, and enjoy each other’s warm embrace in the evening once duties were done.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for Mary finding out about wincest/weirdcest or just Mary bashing fics? (Maybe you already made a list of fics like this and I just haven't seen it!!)
Your fic rec lists are always awesome :)
DUDE lol~ I didn't have one, but now I do!
I've been working on an outsider POV rec list, so I started there. This only overlaps a little bit with the other list.
Tbh, I prefer Mary POV or nuanced crit fic over straightup bashing fic, so I'm light on that front, but there are a couple here that might scratch the itch. (If anyone wants to add recs of that variety to this post, though, please feel free if it fits the scope of the ask!)
Mary Finds Out/Reacts to SamDean ~ a rec list
First check out this post from hathfrozen: hunters are tactile
Sons And Mothers by deanandsam
Rating: Mature | Words: 632 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Dean and Mary have a frank conversation which leaves the older Winchester heartbroken. Good job Sam's there to pick up the pieces.
My Note: short and dialogue-heavy, not Mary-positive
Oil in the Lungs by jribbing
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 3652 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Some say cruelty is an art. Some say it's an accident. Usually, it's both at the same time. Dean thought he wanted this. Dean thought he needed this.
My Note: Dean observes Mary's neglect of Sam when she leaves the bunker, and can't help comparing her to John. Mother's day Sam n Dean Emotional Hurt/Comfort. [podfic by the author available]
Let Her Leave, I've Got You by Anonymous
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 7190 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: AU Season 12 Episode 3 The Foundry
Mary's a bit more interested in Sam and Dean's past, Dean cares too much, and things quickly spiral out of control. But hey, Sam and Dean have each other to lean on when things get rough.
My Note: This fic contains abusive John and an unfavorable Mary. Dean POV.
More than a brother by Rajatarangini
Rating: Mature | Words: 2087 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: It is only now, when Sam has come back from the dead, that Mary finds out that her sons are more than just brothers to each other.
(Mary POV)
As Angels Watched by Ninni
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 449 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: It's the little things that makes Mary wary, at first.
something you love and understand by monsterq
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 7221 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: In heaven, Mary makes an unwelcome discovery about her sons’ relationship.
Mary Did You Know? by AnonDude
Rating: Explicit | Words: 5032 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary meets a witch who possesses neither the power nor the ingredients and know-how to open a portal to send Mary and Jack back home...but she can provide Mary a look between worlds. Just one chance to see her boys for a few minutes until they find a way to be reunited again. It's her most ardent wish, save for actually getting back home, and suddenly it's in her lap — an actual, possible reality. 
But you know what they say… You should be careful what you wish for.
Pick up the Pieces by Dyed_Red
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 18940 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Filling the gaps in their stories is slow work, but piece by piece, Mary learns about her sons and the world she left behind.
(A canon-compliant retelling of S12 through Mary’s eyes, with some implied relationships but only as speculation and hearsay)
a skeleton terribly restless by remy (iamremy)
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 20518 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary knows she doesn't fit right in this strange new world she's woken up in, with these grown men masquerading as her sons, but she tries her best. She really does. She closes her eyes to all the things she does not want to see, and she lies to herself until she's convinced.
Until she can't.
(One more look) and I forget everything by thewrongsideofmorality
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1447 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: After rescuing Sam from the Men of Letters, Mary stumbles onto something she wishes she hadn't
grateful by whiskeycherrypie
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 3911 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: John says something to Mary. Sam and Dean pass out in bed together.
The timing couldn't be worse.
*Now with chapter 2. Mary asks questions. So does Sam.
Picks up from 14x13.
Reckoning With Herself by Amoreanonyname
Rating: Gen | Words: 550 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Mary Winchester reflects on the real reasons she avoided Sam and Dean for so long.
Heat Waves in the Middle of June by Anonymous
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1161 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: This, Mary realizes, is the life she’s condemned her boys to. Hot summer afternoons on the road in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to their names, with nothing but each other.
Illicit Affairs by Anonymous
Rating: Gen | Words: 1488 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: "So moms back..."
Mary is back from the dead and faced with Sam and Dean's relationship that goes beyond being brothers.
they were each other's toxic cure called codependency by nowhere_blake
Rating: Gen | Words: 2172 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary’s back, Dean is gone and Sam stops sleeping. She thought she understood how deep her boys' relationship goes, but when Michael takes over and Dean disappears, she needs to reevaluate just exactly how scarily codependent the two of them are.
Coda to 14x01 Stranger in a Strange Land.
Hope these satisfy, gray!
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strangedreamings · 7 months
E7. Marianne's on the mend and Mrs. Dashwood has arrived. I can't help but wonder if she would have been equally distressed if it had been Elinor who was deathly ill instead of (her obvious favorite) Marianne.
Brandon needs a shave. It's a nice way of showing how single-minded he's been.
"That terrible business with Willoughby," eh, Mrs. D? You seemed to like the man well enough while it was happening. What is it with these mothers of unmarried daughters who are so fickle when it comes to which suitor they prefer? She and Mrs. Bennet can start a club.
"But worthy men are so uninteresting, especially men of his age." Oh, I cannot WAIT for you to eat those words, Marianne, you arrogant little twit. Have you learned NOTHING from all of this?
"My skin looks terrible." Well, maybe if you had eaten regularly while you were pining after that moron Willoughby, you wouldn't be in this state. You've got no one to blame for your condition but yourself, Marianne.
Back at Barton Cottage, she plays what I think is the song she and Willoughby sang together then bursts into tears. There are only 13 minutes left in this episode, how much longer are they going to drag this out? Get over him, girl.
Marianne and Elinor are outside and that stupid mesh is back. Couldn't anyone in the production team see how visible it was? Or maybe they could and they just didn't care.
"I brought my illness on myself" FUCKING FINALLY! She actually does have a brain, I'm glad to see she's put it to good use.
Can they PLEASE put Willoughby behind them now? STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM, for fuck's sake!
Marianne called Mrs. D "Mother." Nope, she's "Mama" to you, Marianne. Only sons used "Mother."
Tom tells them "Mr. Ferrars" (the subtitles spell it "Ferris") has married Lucy. Marianne starts crying and runs out of the room. Fucking hell, girl, stop that. You've officially crossed the line between "sensitive" and "ninny."
Mrs. D's saying she's only been thinking of Marianne. Yeah, we know. "But unlike (Marianne), we're brave." "We"? There's no "we" here, Mrs. Dashwood. Elinor has been the brave one. All you've done is cry over and with Marianne and complain about not being the mistress of Norland Park anymore. You don't get to claim any sort of camaraderie with Elinor after all that.
Edward explains his brother is the one who's married and Mrs. D and Marianne burst into giggles. Yes, they're happy and relieved but it's pretty ridiculous, especially from Edward's POV. And they just don't stop. Elinor borrows one of Marianne's moves and just leaves the house entirely. Now Edward's insulted and Elinor has run off into the woods. WTF? Can I hit the screenwriter, please?
I still hate his haircut. :P
What I'll never understand is why Mrs. F making Robert her heir cannot be revoked now that he's married the universally despised Lucy. Mrs. F hasn't died, so she should be able to change her will as often as she wants.
That's it? We get Elinor and Edward engaged but all we get for Marianne and Brandon is him giving her a bunch of books, and decidedly unromantic ones at that? Bah. He might as well be her tutor, not a man desperately in love with her.
1995 is still the best S&S, this one is after 2008, and possibly after 2024, I'd have to watch that one again to be sure.
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dustoftheancients · 2 years
Okay but what was the moment he started crying I need to know 😭😭. Was it as soon as she passed out, was it when he was wrapping her, was it after the wrapping and he was clutching her. Miss Dust PLEASE
Ok anon, so! I was actually going to write a little drabble for you from POV here just to flesh the moment out — BUT then I realized there would be wayyy too much insight into his mindset at this point and I want to save these things for later chapters 😉 So I will not be giving you a drabble, but here is a brief play-by-play:
He didn’t cry at first, first shaking her a little, demanding that she wake up. For a moment his panic over the sheer amount of blood pouring out of her overcame everything and he just stared — but then he kicked into gear. His eyes began to sting, but he didn’t notice. He tried carrying her to a bedroom, to somewhere he could patch her up, but he was too exhausted and collapsed in the hall. He hated to do it, but he had to leave her to grab some bandages. He snatched some sheets from the closest bedroom, then bolted back to her. He began to wrap her in the makeshift bandages — and that’s when the tears started. That was when it settled on him how bad it must have been if she was passing out in the curse world. When he was finished bandaging her, he didn’t even think before gathering her back in his arms. Holding her close. After a few minutes he tried to get ahold of himself, to make himself stop “crying like a ninny,” as his Ma would say. But it still took a long time.
Forgive me for the cluttered paragraph! 💕
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purplesurveys · 2 years
When was the last time you did something you didn’t want to do, to please someone else? It was like two Sundays ago when my mom thought my shirt was too short for church and told me to wear a jacket to cover up. I normally wouldn’t have had any problem complying, but what made it frustrating is that she regularly wears sleeveless tops to mass lol like what gives? Why such a hypocrite? Anyway I didn’t feel like spitting that fact out because it would’ve gotten me stuck in an argument 100%, so I just wore the stupid jacket.
If you wear mascara, what brand is it? Do you have mascara in any colours other than brown or black? I don’t wear mascara. My eyelashes are super long and prominent to begin with so I’ve never felt the need for it.
Do you have a favourite outfit that you like to wear for nights out? I rarely get into nights out anymore because nearly all my friends are either 1) knee-deep in law school or 2) are in that part of the mid-20s where it’s more appealing to stay in LOL but in the rare time that we successfully make plans I would typically opt for like a crop halter top or something sleeveless, and baggy bottoms.
When was the last time you painted your nails? What colour(s)? A long, long time ago. It was purple if I remember correctly.
Do you know what you’re going to wear tomorrow? I don’t have any events lined up for tomorrow and will only be working from home, so I’ll just have to wear some sort of presentable top in case I have to have my cam on for a call, and then my normal lounge shorts underneath.
When you have a soft drink, do you prefer it in a bottle or can? I would rather not drink soda at all but if it were the last thing on Earth, I’d go for can.
What’s your least favourite alcoholic drink? BEER.
Do your parents get annoyed if you go out and come home drunk? They would be more infuriated than annoyed, but realistically this never happens because I’m always my own driver and I would never drive drunk.
Do you like iced tea or coffee? Both are ok but I definitely prefer coffee a lot more. Iced tea can be too sweet.
Who was the last person to embarrass you? What did they do? She didn’t do it on purpose, but a workmate hosted a trivia game earlier and one of the questions was something everyone expected me to know/associated with me. Long story short, I genuinely didn’t actually know the answer to it but I was pelted with a lot of teasing and taunting for like a good 30 seconds, which I hated lol.
When you’re upset, do you tend to comfort eat or lose your appetite? I completely LOSE it. It’s bad and unhealthy, but I really do lose it and I can’t help it. Just two weeks ago I was stuck in a shitty, helpless situation at work and I legit didn’t eat for like...30 hours. I never felt hunger that entire time and only ate eventually because I realized I had to...well, keep myself alive.
Do you have a friend or relative that turns into a complete ninny when they’ve had too much to drink? First of all, what is a ‘ninny’?
Have you ever eaten so much of a favourite food that you got bored of it? Yeah McDo has this chicken sandwich that my mom used to get me every single day because she knew it was my favorite – until one day it wasn’t anymore because I got so sick of it. To this day I can’t really have it often.
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today? Three donuts in the span of like 10 minutes.
Who was the last person to send you a message on Facebook? Does/did that person go to the same school as you? Reena. We went to the same university, yeah, but different elementary and high schools.
How is your hair looking today? It cooperated majestically today and I fully credit that to being in air-conditioned rooms the entire day. See why I hate humidity and my country’s climate so much? Hahahaha.
What is your favourite brand of haircare products? Cream Silk works like magic for my hair. I used to handle a different haircare brand as one of my accounts and I’m so glad I no longer work with them, because I was always a Cream Silk gal, lol.
Have you bought any alcoholic drinks in the past week? Haven’t bought anything but I did drink a bit of soju last night as solidarity for JK who had a big-ass glass of whiskey during his live.
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? Yeah, once.
Do you know anyone that talks constantly about themselves and never even bothers to ask you how you are? Yeah my mom can be like that sometimes.
When was the last time you used a public toilet? Around a month-ish ago.
If the last person that hurt you apologized, what would you say to them? “No biggie, I super get it!” with a voiceover in the background hovering and saying, “It was most definitely a fucking biggie and she does not understand she had to have her feelings hurt.”
Did you go shopping today? Nah only thing I did was show up physically for work.
What was the last thing that put a smile on your face? Seeing my dogs.
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot? Kwek-kwek.
You’re given an extra $10 and told to go and treat yourself. What do you buy? I’d get some fast food delivered.
Has anyone ever asked for your phone number, and you refused to give it to them? I don’t think so.
When was the last time you used someone else’s phone to text or make a call? Whose phone was it? I haven’t done that since early high school when I didn’t have a phone yet and had to update my parents on my whereabouts. It was most likely either Angela’s or Athenna’s, bless them.
Do you have a favourite comfort food, that you absolutely must eat whenever you’re ill or upset? I rarely get sick. The closest answer I can give is that when my braces were new and I was growing frustrated that I couldn’t eat most foods, the first thing I asked was for cream of mushroom soup.
If you were to decide now that you wanted to get drunk, what alcohol is available in your house? Whiskey, beer, wine, and a whole lot of soju. I always want to have stock of the latter since it’s my favorite.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to? I don’t have a partner.
When was the last time you ate cake? What type of cake was it? Really can’t remember; I’m not a big fan of cake. Probably that cheesecake I got at Starbucks around two months ago?
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? An ex; brown.
What’s the last letter of your surname? Not sharing.
In your phone’s contacts, who is the first person listed under ‘M’? What colour is that person’s hair? Kezhia. I think she just has her natural black hair at the moment.
Whose Facebook timeline did you post on most recently? I never post on other people’s walls.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? Friends, Big Bang Theory, and I make it a point to hum along to Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s, Breaking Bad’s, and The Walking Dead’s as well.
Kinky question time … to turn you on quickly, where is the best place to touch or kiss you? Nec
Do your grandparents ever ask you about your love life? No. I’m in the minority of Filipino grandkids/nieces that fortunately never gets constantly probed about my love life, lol.
Do you eat dessert after dinner? No, not a big fan of sweets anyway.
Does anyone send you messages to say good morning or goodnight? Nope.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behaviour the next day? Yep.
Have you ever gone into school/work with a hangover? School, yeah. I don’t think it’s ever happened in my current job though.
What was the last thing your parents gave you money for? Parking fees. I never carry cash these days so I had to ask for some from my mom since parking booths/stalls for some annoying reason are still largely on cash-only basis.
Who were the last people you had a group conversation with on Facebook? Angela and Reena.
The last time you were in a car, who was driving? My mom.
Who was the last person you took a photo of? Also my mom.
What was the last thing that stressed you out? Work.
Tell me about your last night out. Did anything interesting or amusing happen? We went to Pop-Up hoping to p a r t y, but we were quick to remember that most college kids were still on sem break so the atmosphere felt super dry. There were no booths playing music or DJ’ing and it also wasn’t crowded at all hahaha, very unlike how it usually is on a Friday night. It was pretty boring but at least my co-workers and I got a lot of good conversations out of it!
Who was the last new artist you came across, that you really liked? SE SO NEON.
What was the last video you watched on YouTube? I currently have a Cong vlog in the background. What was the last song you listened to, that reminded you of someone? Jin’s cover of Autumn Outside the Post Office. Just reminded me of...well, Jin.
Have you ever told anyone that you were never going to speak to them again, but then you did? I’ve never told anyone that to their face, but I have privately made that decision towards some people and have acted on it. I usually have no problem burning bridges as long as the reasons are valid and that I do it to protect myself.
How old is the last male you texted? No clue. Asking media contacts for their age isn’t something that comes up in conversation haha.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink? Cocktails. I’m mostly retired from shots now lol
What was the last thing a friend bought for you? Coffee.
What colour was the last mug you drank out of? That would be black.
Do you have a collection of anything? K-pop merch.
Is there a food or drink that you haven’t had before, but would like to try? Authentic shawarma! We have loads of shawarma restaurants here but a good 98% of them are always local takes, which are always bitched about Filipino kids who were raised in the Middle East. I’d love to know how the real deal is like and how it differs from the shawarma I’ve always had.
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youngjusticeslut · 3 years
Oh please write a little passage about jade doing her own podcast please,🥺🥺🥺We need that! ( well at least I do)
"Now, if you're going to commit murder, there's three things you need to do," Jade drawls into her microphone, all too aware that Will is folding laundry down the hall. As expected, moments after she's spoken, the telling clunk of her husband's heavy footsteps make themselves known.
"Number one, accept that there's a two percent chance of you getting away with it."
The chat on the livecast goes absolutely wild at her comment, and she smirks, leaning back into her seat. "Oh please," she coos, addressing them directly. "The number one factor in getting caught is sheer stupidity. And judging by the incels in the comments, I'm fairly confident that most of you ninnies would end up in prison."
The footsteps get louder, but Jade is undeterred. She holds her mic closer with a smirk.
"Number two: So long as you make peace with the fact that there's no Netflix in Belle Reve and are fine eating out Riddler's ass in exchange for two packs of ramen noodles and still plan on going through with it, then you are going to need a great fucking alibi."
Jade sets the mic down and grabs a strand of her hair, pretending to be aloof as she absentmindedly checks for split ends. She'd never admit it out loud, but she loves hosting this stupid podcast. She loves the attention, and how she actually knows what she's talking about. Not to mention, it drives Will absolute fucking bananas, which is always a plus in her book
Said husband has finally made it to the door, and wraps on it urgently before poking his head in. Upon appearing on camera, the chat goes wild, putting forth all kinds of thirsty comments. "Jade," he hisses, eyebrows furrowed.
"Well, everyone, you know what time it is. Bowhunter Security is here to break up the case," she teases, sending Will's face a shade as red as his hair. "So we have to wrap things up. Number three: if you want to get away with murder... just pin it on your husband. He deserves it for failing to buy the mother of his child the right flavor of Chicken Whizzees."
Will guffaws and immediately starts reaching for the computer mouse, attempting to shut off the stream. "I said I was sorry, you're really going to try and--"
Jade holds the mouse just out of reach, grinning into the camera. "That's all for now. Tune in next week as we go into explicit detail of why rent a cops are an absolute waste of time, and remember, tier three members on Patreon get to see an exclusive photo of my shirtless husband on beach trip he forced me on."
"Excuse me?!"
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crescentsteel · 3 years
Keeping a Secret - Part 9
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pairing: Tsukishima x f!manager of Sendai Frogs genre: sexual tension/crack/fluff/slow burn/smut wc: 10.3k
I offer you this hella long chapter as apology for the delayed update.
AO3 link is at the masterlist's page. I recommend reading there in case Tumblr crashes from how long this is.
Part 8 || Part 10 || masterlist
Since you can’t enter the library, you just head straight to the Tsukishimas for your ID. You’re not sure what Tsukki exactly wants from you. But you’re sure of one thing - he wants to see you again outside training hours.
You’re a bit surprised why he asked to meet in their house, but you have no complaints really.
You want to see him too. You missed his company.
When you reach their doorway, you just stand and stare at the place. It seems different from the last time you went there, probably because the sun is still up and you’re not carrying a drunken Tsukki over your shoulders.
When you ring the doorbell, it’s Akiteru who gets it.
“Y/n!” His eyes widen with glee upon seeing you at the door. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
You chuckle unsurely. “Sorry for the sudden appearance, Aki-san.” Goddamnit Tsukki. He made you come here, but he didn’t tell people in their house? Now you look like you’re dropping by on a whim, feeling comfortable as fuck to visit anytime you want.
“No! It’s absolutely fine. I’m actually glad to see you again.” He opens the door and gestures for you to come in. “Are you here for your class requirements again?” he asks as he leads you upstairs.
“Uhh. Not exactly. I accidentally left my ID here. I’m getting it back,” you answer half truthfully because you know that there’s another reason why you agreed to come here.
Tsukki was right. You don’t need your ID anymore. The administrative office won’t require it for a student to graduate. Even if you can’t use the library anymore, you can go to a coffee shop instead if you want a change of pace. You also have other IDs you can use if you need identification.
Yet you’re here in their abode to get the flimsy piece of plastic that won’t be of much use to you anymore.
“Oh yeah. It is with Kei,” he answers, smiling widely.
“What is it, Aki-san?” He looks too pleased about something and you can't figure out what.
He knocks at Tsukki’s door then bids goodbye without answering your question. You frown and are about to call his attention again when Tsukki’s door opens.
When you face him, he looks surprised to see you there.
You raise a brow at his expression. “You look shocked. Weren’t you the one who asked me to go here?”
“Yeah. But I didn’t think you’d go now. You didn’t even reply to my text,” he explains while still blocking his doorway and you, still standing awkwardly in front of it.
You realize just now that you indeed did not reply to his text. You just went there because you got a bit excited to see him. Now you feel like a thick-skinned ninny who just came over at her playmate’s house because she has nothing to do.
“Okay then. Lemme just go out for a while then text you that I’m going here. Then I’ll ring the doorbell again and let’s pretend this didn’t happen?” you suggest playfully to alleviate the awkwardness you’re feeling.
He sighs resignedly then steps back to let you enter.
You close the door behind you. When you turn around, you stand face to face with Tsukishima. You remember the last time you were there. It was something like this too, but reversed. You’re not leaving but instead coming into his room with him opening the door for you on his own accord.
It’s only been what since you were last there? A week or so? It feels longer than that.
You’re not sure why you’re back there exactly, but the familiarity of the scene rouses your longing for his company and what comes along with it. You wait for him to say something since he’s the one who invited you there, but as usual, nothing. You two are just staring at each other waiting for who speaks or does something first.
You’re not having any of it anymore. If he won’t do something, you will.
You step closer to him. “Why do you have to be so difficult, Tsukki?” You grip his shoulders then tip your toes to reach for his lips.
Then he covers them with his palm when you were just a nudge away from kissing him. You blink at him several times, confused why he stopped you.
“We shouldn’t,” he says lowly, not averting his gaze from you.
You plant your feet back in the ground and take one step back, making his palm drop down. “Why not? We’ve done it many times before.”
He looks away and mutters, “That’s not why I asked you to come here.”
If he said it the way he usually spits out his sarcasm or rudeness, you’d be offended and would have left already. But at the moment, he stands before you with an uncertain demeanor.
So you stay.
“Yeah, I know that. I just thought you’d want to again,”you explain. It was part of your relationship before. He’s also the one who was persistent to bring back the kissing deal before you left his room the last time. You two kept that up until the very last day of your project. What changed since then?
He looks at you again. “Is that why you came here?”
“Uhhh. I came here for my ID. You asked me to get it myself, didn’t you?” Although, that’s just an excuse for you to see him again. Isn't it the same for him? He couldn’t have asked you to come here just because he’s being an ass.
He eyes something behind you, which makes you follow his gaze. You see his desk with his laptop up and open with a document on. He walks to it and gets something. Then he goes back to you and hands it over.
It’s your ID.
“Here,” he says with an empty tone despite a glint of something in his eyes that you can’t exactly place. You stare at it for two seconds before getting it.
“There. You have it already,” he says as if he’s asking you to leave already but the way he utters it and the way he’s regarding you is sending a different message. It’s like he’s asking the opposite.
You stand by what you said a while ago. He is making things difficult. It seems like he’s not sure what he wants from you either, despite him initiating this meeting. You exhale resignedly then cross your arms as you look at him again..
“I’m looking for a new place to finish uni stuff. Can I crash here?” you ask casually, testing if that is what he wants - for you to stay and be with him even when there’s no more project binding you two together.
He suddenly sheds off any uncertainty he was wearing on his features a while ago. He shrugs his shoulders pompously, both pleased and smug from your question.
“I will be too if my room is in shambles like yours.”
You smile sarcastically. Will this guy ever survive a day without being salty to anyone?
Still not answering your question, he heads back to his desk and moves his laptop aside. “Since you’re here already, I guess it’s fine,” he says as he pulls up his extra chair for you to sit beside him.
Your dry smile turns to a real one as you walk to his side. You put down your bag and start taking out your own stuff. You place your laptop next to his and sit down. Like before, you work quietly beside each other, apart from the occasional wisecracks from you and the half-meant sneers from him.
When you’re about to finish your class paper, you straighten your back then glance his way. You don’t speak. You just blatantly stare at him.
Tsukishima is used to this treatment from you. One of your ideas of fun is making him uncomfortable. That includes staring at him for no reason. After months of being with you in this kind of set-up, he figured out the best solution is to ignore you.
He continues doing so until you finally say something.
“Why don’t you want to do it anymore?”
He doesn’t stop typing and doesn’t bother sparing you a glance as he asks back. “Do what anymore?”
“Kiss me.”
His hands stop moving on their own at your answer that sounded a bit like a request. He peels his eyes off his screen and slowly looks at you.
There are no traces of levity in your features, only curiosity. You aren’t making fun of him. You really do want an answer why he refuses to go back to your previous set-up.
He tilts his chin up and looks down on you as he smirks. “I didn't know you wanted me to kiss you so much that you won’t stop bothering me about it.”
All your facets drop at his priggish remark. You scoff then turn your attention again on your own laptop. “I’m just curious why the sudden change of mind about it.”
He returns his eyes to his own work as well. “I just don’t feel like doing it anymore.”
It’s not that he doesn’t want to. It’s because he craves it so much that he thinks it’d be best for him not to give in to it anymore. He wants it to a degree that it’s starting to unnerve him in a way he’s never felt before.
But also, he can’t deny that your presence is something he’s been wanting to have again ever since he stepped out of your room that last night of your project.
So he thought of a compromise to himself. He’ll keep you near but just near enough to maintain a healthy distance to keep him from harboring nonsensical sentiments towards you.
When Tsukishima told you that he didn’t feel like kissing you anymore, you thought he was just being his usual tsundere self. You thought at some point, he’d just give in to it like he did before when he was still in denial because you still feel the attraction between you two.
But he actually meant it. He has not made any move at all.
You should be offended because you want him to, but you’re not. You enjoy spending time with him even when you’re just minding your own business and sitting next to him. You became so comfortable that at some point you took your laptop off his desk and situated yourself wherever you want.
You sat on the floor, sat on his bed, lied on the floor, rolled over at it, and he just let you do it. Although, he looks at you condescendingly when you do the latter.
You’ve been coming to their house freely and he’s been coming to your dorm room interchangeably. The last two games of the team before you progress to a match with Division 1 have been paused to prepare for the semi final matches.
Training is still going on, but there’s been reduced work for you because of the less documentation that needs to be done. So when you come over at Tsukishima’s, you end up watching marine documentaries or just good old movies after you finish your university requirements. You were just teasing at first, expecting him to make you go home since you’re not doing anything important. But he lets you do as you please. As long as you’re not disturbing him, he says.
You don’t know how to feel about the whole thing exactly. You know yourself. You’re not going to deny it - you’re starting to feel some sort of attachment towards the blonde that goes way beyond just being his classmate and his manager.
Yet, you’re just going with the flow of whatever it is that you two have right now. It’s not like you’re dating anyway. You’re just staying at his place and him at yours to do your own stuff and to pass time.
But unlike you, when he comes over, he packs up and leaves right after.
It is weird but not much of a deal for you to sink your head into and overthink it. There’s nothing going on - just you and your teeny tiny bit of feelings for the guy.
“The credits have stopped rolling ten minutes ago. Why are you staring baffled at your screen?”
You buck up when you hear his voice invade your thoughts about him. “Huh?” You look at him and that’s when his question registers. “Oh. Right. Yeah. I guess that ending really fucked with my head.”
He raises a brow. “You watched Finding Nemo.”
Your lips quiver from the impending laughter in your throat. You forgot that it was that movie you were watching because you were lost in thought and the screen is now black.
You clear your throat and sit up straight. “Yeah. I have no idea how they crossed the street without losing one of them. Also, how are they going to get under the water when they’re floating like that? Are they going to let destiny take its course and wait for those plastic wraps to get popped? Won’t they die from suffocation when it does since they’ll be trapped in it? It’s really something to think about.”
He looks at you with a fed up expression that makes you giggle. “I mean, right? They will die if they don’t get out of the damn plastic.”
“Right,” he responds disinterestedly as he closes his laptop. Looks like he’s done with what he needs to do for the day.
“Are you going to watch another one?” he asks.
“Yeah. I wanna watch another one, something morbid this time,” you state eagerly. “Lock the door when you leave, okay?” When he leaves, he just closes the door and you find it bothersome to keep standing up just to do so when he can do it himse;lf.
“Are you asking me to leave?” he asks while you check for another shark movie as he packs up. You chuckle as you start The Meg. You’ve watched this before but you want to watch it again so you can roast the inaccuracy of the film.
“Why? Do you want to watch this with me?” you ask jokingly.
“Can I not?”
You pause it and turn your eyes on him after he asks. “For real?”
He frowns. “For real what?”
“You’re really going to watch this with me?”
He sighs then starts packing up. You use both hands to close his bag and prevent him from gathering his stuff. “I didn’t say you can’t, okay? Geez. So sensitive, Tsukki.” He does stop then looks at you with his usual impassive face.
You roll your eyes as you get your phone to order pizza. “There. I got us food.” You tell him with a grin then start the movie. He moves closer to your side and says nothing while the film plays.
The food arrives before the movie reaches halfway. While you munch on your slice, he suddenly asks, “Is this what you want to do after we graduate?”
“What? Watch movies while eating pizza? Hell no. I’m not going to be a bum,” you respond defensively.
He takes his gaze off the movie to look at you. “Are you stupid? I was talking about the marine scientists.”
“Oh,” you laugh at how dumb you misinterpreted his question then turn back to the movie while smiling a bit . “I guess that’s the dream for most but I don’t think I’ll pursue it.”
“Why not?”
“Cause it’ll take me far away.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” You hear sincere curiosity in his voice. “Hmm, not really. But I like it here. I don’t wanna give up managing the team.”
“So you’re willing to give up a potential career for the team? That sounds unreasonable,” he comments harshly, but you don’t take offense because you agree somewhat.
“Yeah. I guess it is. But being with the team makes me happy and I don’t wanna risk leaving it for something that I’m not sure will. I know I want to do something related to marine after graduation, but I still want to retain being a manager.”
He doesn’t comment further and continues watching. You plant your palms on the floor then lean back a bit as you look at him.
“How about you? What will you do after graduation?” you ask since he’s brought it up.
“I already have a job waiting for me. I’ll start two weeks after graduation.”
You hit the spacebar to pause the move and gape at him incredulously. “Really?!”
“Yeah,” he smiles a bit at you which surprises you because it’s not his usual ones. Although he looks proud and pleased, it’s not sarcastic nor contemptuous. “Wow,” you applaud him earnestly. “What kind of job is it?”
“Docent, the person who guides the visitors when they go to the museum.”
You try to imagine him as the guy who tours the guests. He’d be the knowledgeable, informative kind than the usual hyper, friendly ones. “Congratulations, Tsukki. It’s nice to know someone from our batch who has definite plans,” you say with muted delight.
“You don’t feel pressured that you don’t have one yet?” You can tell he doesn’t mean anything by it and is just sincerely wondering about how you feel about the topic.
You shake your head with the same gratified smile. “Not at all. I already have a job I like so I’m not that badgered to find one for my degree right away. But really, I‘m happy that you have yours already,” you admit without any hesitation.
He averts his eyes back to the screen looking uncomfortable for some reason. “Thanks,” he says quietly.
“This calls for a celebration! Let’s get beer,” you suggest with a wide grin. His response is quick and firm, “No.”
You laugh clamorously as he leans forward to resume the movie.
The days rolled by and then came the day for the Graduation ceremony. Your parents aren’t able to make it so there’s not much of a celebration waiting for you after the commencement rites. You go to your friends and say your goodbyes and wishes of luck to them. You didn’t want to get emotional, but you kinda tear up a bit because ultimately, you had a good university life.
You had many friends you got along with. Although classes became more difficult each year, you strived just as hard to make it where you are now. It’s very rewarding because you can say that you did it all by yourself. You’ve been on your own since freshman year and although being a manager is only a job, the team has always been there and you consider them somewhat close to being family.
At first, you just did not like your dating life mixing with work. But as you got closer with the members and Coach, you viewed them more than just people you have to work with. That strengthened your decision to not get in any romantic relationships with anyone from the team. You don’t want to taint how you perceive the Frogs if ever things go wrong. And with relationships, a lot of things can go wrong.
Luckily, there hasn’t been anyone who made you want to break that rule.
Yeah. No one has.
It’s nothing like that with--
“Hi Y/n!” You hear a familiar voice as you feel two taps on your shoulder. You turn around and find Akiteru smiling at you.
“Aki-san! You’re here. Hi!” You greet back as enthusiastically as he did. “Yeah. Kei seemed like he didn’t want me to say hi to you but he can’t stop me.” He laughs then adds, “Please don’t tell him that.”
You giggle then respond with a huge smile, “Don’t worry. Your secret's safe with me.” Akiteru is so nice and funny. He’s such a big brother but at times, he’s kinda afraid of his little one. It’s so amusing and endearing to see.
“Thanks. Congratulations by the way!” he commends congenially.
You bow slightly and say your thanks. “From the amount of people here, I’m glad you managed to see me, Aki-san.”
The only reason he saw you is because Kei kept glancing in a certain direction while their mom was talking to his brother. When he looked at Kei’s source of distraction, he found you. He doesn’t know why his little brother won’t come over to talk to you when he obviously wants to. So Akiteru did the job for him.
“Where’s your family by the way?” he asks because he only saw you talking to your batchmates and hasn’t seen a companion with you.
“Oh. They can’t make it today unfortunately.” You say it’s unfortunate but your voice is still cheerful and you don’t look fazed at all.
“Is that so? Well, if that’s the case, you’re free to join us to celebrate,” he invites you warmly.
“Oh no. I couldn’t impose on your family like that.”
“You’re not! Plus Yamaguchi, Kei’s childhood friend, will be joining us as well,” he assures you so you’d feel more at ease to visit at tonight's dinner celebration.
“Yams! Yeah, I know him. He’s such a nice guy. When I met him, I couldn’t believe he was Tsukki’s friend. I mean, no offense, but I just didn’t expect it,” you laugh after you explain, looking amused at your own statement.
Although it is a jab at his younger brother, he finds himself entertained at how you uninhibitedly say things as you see them. “Is that a yes?” he confirms and hopes that it is.
“Yes! I’ll go home to change then drop by.”
“Great! I’ll see you later then, Y/n. I think some of your friends want to talk to you as well. Bye!” He waves then returns to his mom and Kei.
“Where have you been, Akiteru?” his mom asks.
“Oh. I saw Y/n and thought I should say hi.” Their mom has met you from your frequent visits and likes you for Kei as well. However, he told his mom not to show it blatantly so his brother wouldn’t feel so conscious about it. He noticed that since he kept to himself how much he’s rooting for you and Kei, his brother seems to be more open to having you come over and interact with their mom and himself.
Their mom turns to his brother. “Do you want to say hi to her too, Kei?”
Kei looks at you again briefly then shakes his head. “No. She’s busy and I’m tired from the long ceremony.”
Akiteru glances your way and true to Kei’s words, you’re now chatting animatedly with your friends. Akiteru pats his brother’s shoulder and internally consoles him that he can’t talk to the girl he likes because he’s too shy to approach her.
Kei can thank him someday when you come over for dinner later.
After you get home, you change as fast as you can. You hurry to get your unwrapped gift to Tsukki and head out again with casual clothes instead of the dress you were wearing during the graduation ceremony.
“Miss L/n!” You hear the guard by the entrance call you out, but you’re really in a hurry. “Later!” You shout back so you wouldn’t seem rude by ignoring him.
You hail a cab then state Tsukishima’s address.
You were thinking of giving his graduation gift some time when you come over again, or after practice if he no longer feels comfortable having you visit cause you’re no longer schoolmates. But since you’re going there already, better give it to him now.
You planned to mess around with Tsukki and wrap it in a weird shape. Then you’ll have him guess what it is. However, you’re pressed for time to arrive at their house for their lunch celebration, so you just have to deal with the boring way of giving him the gift in a paper bag.
If you had the time, you would’ve also passed by your favorite pastry shop and got a whole cake as thanks to his family for graciously inviting you to join them .
You take your phone out and turn your camera on to check how you look. You look a bit haggard, so you touch up your make-up, particularly your concealer under your eyes. You really did reap what you sowed from all those late night reports and requirements you did.
At least it’s looking a bit better now. It was worse weeks ago, so you’re a little thankful for the games put on hold and the concealer you’re now dabbing to cover up for your eyebags.
You hastily pay the driver and get out of the vehicle when he tells you that you’ve arrived.
You fix your hair so you look okay before you ring the doorbell. “Y/n?” Akiteru answers the door but instead of welcoming you in, he smiles unsurely. “You’re… early.”
You frown then ask apprehensively. “What? Wasn’t it a lunch celebration?”
Shit. He never mentioned what kind of celebration and you just assumed it was a meal over lunch. You even hurried like you were about to miss the whole thing because it’s half past one in the afternoon already.
“It’s actually at dinner,” he corrects you with a friendly smile.
It’s a dinner celebration, yet you’re there that early in the afternoon. You laugh at your own stupidity. “I’m so sorry. In my head, it was lunch. I’ll return around six. Is that okay?” Now you can go to the mall, have the gift wrapped as odd as you want, then buy a huge strawberry cake.
“No! You can stay and wait until then. I’m sure Kei won’t mind if you stay in his room like you usually do.” Akiteru opens the door wider and beckons you to come in. You disregard his teasing smile because it’s not exactly baseless. You have been visiting often and are always cooped up in his room unless you’re going down to get water or food.
“Thanks, Aki-san,” you say as you get inside. He lets you use the stairs first before himself. “I’ll see you again tonight, y/n,” he waves when he passes you by to go to his own room.
“See ya!” you respond brightly as he opens the door to his room. As he goes inside, you knock on Tsukki’s. When he opens it, his brows furrow together. “You’re here,” he states as he stares at you like you’re not supposed to be there.
“Yeah. Didn’t Akiteru tell you? He invited me when he talked to me after the ceremony.”
He sighs then moves out of the way for you to enter. “He didn’t tell me anything,” he says as he sits at the edge of his bed.
You grin while making yourself at home on his floor. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your family to celebrate?” he asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “They can’t make it.”
“Oh,” he looks around, obviously trying to come up with the appropriate response to it. You laugh softly and decide to not tease him about it since he looks like he’s trying hard.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not really mopey and shit. If I wasn’t here, I would’ve gone to the gym and attended training.” It’s true. You’re proud of yourself and the absence of your parents during the ceremony won’t take that away from you.
“By the way,” you hand him the paperbag you have with a giddy smile on your face. He cocks a brow up and regards you questioningly. “What is that?”
“A gift, duh!” you state excitedly.
He reaches for it hesitantly, probably thinking you’re going to prank him again. “It won’t bite, I swear,” you can’t help but goad him a bit because he looks so bothered.
He glares at you then grabs the paperbag and puts it on his desk.
“Whaaat? Aren’t you going to open it now?”
“No,” he responds sternly as he gets back to where he was sitting. “Why not? I wanted to see you open it,” you protest.
“It’s my gift, right? It’s up to me when I want to open it,” he rebuts with ease.
You roll your eyes. Typical Tsukishima being a buzzkill. “Since you killed my idea of fun, I’m choosing the movie this time.”
He scoffs sordidly. “You’ll pick one of those horrible monster movies again.”
“If they’re so horrible, why do you keep watching them with me? Don’t think that I don’t see you smiling while you’re watching beside me.” Although, it was just the tiniest smile and it wasn’t really a frequent thing. You just brought it up so you have an argument why monster movies are not as terrible as he says they are.
Tsukishima gazes at you incredulously. He was smiling? He wasn’t aware that he was. You might just be making up things again to play your usual tricks on him.
But if he was indeed smiling, it wasn’t because he was enjoying your choice of movies. It would be because you seem to enjoy yourself a lot while watching them. You usually get really physical and really noisy, clutching on his arm, shaking him, or slapping his back or shoulder. Sometimes, those three in that particular order.
He tolerates the movies, only because you have that effervescent joy all over your face, especially in your eyes. He thinks it’s rather shallow to have that much fun from such films. Yet, he can’t help but be captivated by how pretty the crinkles in the corners of your eyes are when you’re laughing and smiling.
He lets out a deep breathe then gets his laptop to set it up on the floor like he always does when you two are watching movies or international Volleyball matches.
“Can you not invent scenes in your head? Why would I smile with your questionable film choices?” He asks as he sits beside you.
“Questionable, huh? Forgive me but I do like to watch another questionable monster movie. Let’s go with Jurassic Park for today, yeah?” You suggest it with a wide smile that he’s very much aware is a taunt. You probably figured out that he’s slightly vested with prehistoric reptiles from his little collection of dinosaur figures on his shelf.
He doesn’t make any comment on your provocation. He crosses his foot over the other and slouches as the movie starts.
As the film goes on, he can tell that you’ve watched it before. You’ve been running your mouth non-stop commenting about the whole development of the park, the ethical issues, and how John Hammond is..
“.. a fucking idiot. I’m telling you, Tsukki. This whole park is nuts! You know what? You were right. This is just a horrible monster movie,” you lament on exaggeratedly even though he knows you’re just faking it to get on his nerves.
Unfortunately for you, he’s just amused at how you’re trying so hard to piss him off.
“Right. The Dilophosaurus from earlier should have no fan on its neck and doesn’t spit venom as well. Those piles of dinosaur shit shown before, they’re unrealistic either. Oh and that Tyronnosaurus Rex there, they can’t outrun that car. They’re way slower,” he adds to your list of disappointment from the movie.
You’re making it a point to tell it to his face how the film sucks but he’s well aware of that already. He’s interested in dinosaurs. That’s why he dislikes the whole franchise. The first one you’re watching right now is forgivable, but as it went on, it kept getting worse for him.
He smiles at you sardonically and asks, “Should I say more about how bad this movie is?
You smile back at him but your features are scrunched up with defeat and displeasure. He laughs more loudly than he should from the satisfaction of beating you in your own game. You really are funny when you’re not trying to be.
When he recovers, he sees you staring at him with an expression he hasn’t seen in a while. There’s a hint of yearning apparent in your orbs along with your slightly parted lips. It stirs something in him as well and finds himself holding your gaze instead of ignoring the pull of attraction.
Before he even weighs the temptation in, you shatter the moment yourself. Your eyes snap out the trance you’re in with him and straighten your back as you return your attention to Jurassic Park.
He should be glad. This is what he asked of you, but there’s something welling up in his chest that’s making him want to give in to the sudden urge. He wants to hold you, touch you, and kiss you again. It was supposed to be gone by now. It has been calm and a little bit fun with you recently. He thought it had subsided already.
Now it’s even more tumultuous and plaguing him like never before. It makes it harder to resist because he knows you want it too. He saw it just now.
Even when you’re no longer looking at him, his eyes are still fixated on you.
“Hey.” He shouldn’t do this.
“Hmm?” You really are smart. You don’t look at him when he calls you and acts like you’re sucked in watching the film. It should be his cue to forget it. He’s the one who initiated the no-more-kissing deal. He should be thankful that you’re doing your best to keep things at bay.
But the ache to feel you again is too intense.
It’s his graduation day, right? It’s yours as well. Can’t the two of you indulge yourselves? Just a taste of your lips again and he’ll be satisfied.
“Y/n,” he persists as he softly beckons you to look at him with the tender utterance of your name.
You take a shaky breath before you slowly turn your head to him. What is Tsukishima doing? You know that look. You know it all too well. But why? Wasn’t he the one who suggested not to make out again?
Right now, you can see it blatantly on his face. He wants to kiss you.
Before you can say anything, he cups the side of your face and strokes your cheek with his thumb. “What are you doing?” you ask him in an almost whispered question from how tense you are.
You don’t know if he didn’t hear you or he just ignored your question because his response is, “Thank you for your gift.”
You open your mouth to say something but he beats you to it as his lips descend on yours. It’s not one of those heated kisses where you two clash against each other’s mouths. It’s a dainty kiss that’s coaxing you to succumb to him, to let go of whatever it is that’s worrying you, even if that is Tsukishima himself. His hand on your face is just as delicate, holding you in place like you’re a fragile flower he’s handling with utmost care.
When he withdraws, he rests his forehead against yours. You don’t open your eyes just yet, savoring the lingering feeling of his kiss. And when you do, you don’t dare lift your gaze up to look at him.
However, he does it for you. He caresses his hand down to tilt your chin up.
“Hey,” he pauses as he studies your face. “Why do you look like that?” he asks softly. “Like what?” you ask back because you’re not sure what he meant by.
“Like you’re scared.”
Because you are. This is Tsukishima, the guy who kissed you first then told you it was a moronic idea to do it again. He’s the guy who agrees to do it again but after a while, doesn’t want to anymore. It’s a constant push and pull which you didn’t mind too much because they were just meaningless kisses. The one you just had was not. You can feel something budding on you that should not be there. You look down and shake your head slowly. “You said you didn’t want to do this anymore,” you reason out with a voice you don’t recognize as yours. It sounds like you but you hear uncertainty and vulnerability that’s foreign to you.
You’re wrong. He has never stopped wanting it, but instead of saying that, he ponders on, “But do you want to?”
“That’s not a fair question.”
“Because I do,” he adds immediately before you can say more.
He reaches for your lips again, waiting for resistance and hesitance your features are showing but there were none. You instantly respond to his kiss, your lips moving against his as soon as his touches yours.
It wasn’t gentle nor tender like the first one. The small fire two have been dancing around with for had flared up. He can feel it consuming him, making him need more.
He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer until your body is deliciously pressed against him. You indulge him further by latching one arm around his neck and crossing whatever gap is distancing you from him.
He slides his hand inside your shirt and grazes his palm on the warmth of your skin. When you sigh into his mouth, he flicks his tongue across your lower lip then pushes it in to satiate his need to have more of you.
His hand roughly grasps its way up to your midriff, his fingers tightly gripping your skin when he reaches it.
You don’t protest so he travels his hand higher and palms the soft flesh just above it. It’s nothing like that dreamlike memory of you he has the night he got drunk. It’s better. Everything feels unmistakably real and sublime. His drunken recollection doesn’t compare the slightest.
He drags his lips away from your mouth, only to nip on the exquisiteness of your neck. Fuck, when will it be enough? He keeps telling himself just a bit more, but he only grows even more greedy every touch, every kiss.
“Tsukki…,” you utter his name quietly, but he doesn't miss the reluctance in your voice, not when he feels the slight push of your other hand on his chest.
Even though he doesn’t want to stop, he quickly withdraws. He takes his hands off of you but does not completely pull away.
“I won’t continue if you don’t want to,” he says with a soft but resolute tone.
This happened before already. He was in your room the first time. He was still in denial how ridiculously attracted he is to you when he went for a kiss.
That time, he was wishing you’d ask him to stop but you didn’t. This time, it’s the opposite. He’s sincerely hoping that you want this as much as he does and won’t push him away. Despite not blatantly doing so, he can feel your apprehension.
He wouldn’t push it if you’re not completely sure that you want to.
“It’s just..,” you keep your head down as you try to find the words. “I know you, Tsukishima. You may want to do this now,” you begin then glance back up to meet his eyes. “But I’m not sure you’d feel the same after, so I’d rather not.”
Your trepidation is stemming from his previous uncertainties, not from yours. He can’t blame you for it because you’re right. He has always detested how strong your pull is on him, even more so when he acts upon it.
Yet he can’t find the usual dismay he has whenever he succumbs to the attraction he has for you. So instead of backing away, he doesn’t move an inch.
Neither do you.
“I’ll regret it…” As soon as he says it, shame and hurt glaze your features, making you slowly retreat from him. He grabs your arm before you do. He doesn’t want you getting the wrong idea when he’s not even done speaking.
“I’ll regret it if we stop now.”
Desire and yearning replace the forlorn glimmer you had in your eyes, a mutual understanding formed between you without anything else said after that.
In a heartbeat, you’re back in his embrace again as you latch your arms over his shoulders. Your surrender to him is enthralling. He can feel all the uneasiness from you ebbing away with how you’re holding him acquiescently.
He skids his hands inside your shirt, getting impatient for something he’s never had from you before - something more than what he’s doing to you right now. So he takes his hands out again, only to pull your top off of you so he can see where his hands have touched and will continue touching.
The first time he saw you like this, you were so pale and unwell yet he still found you desirable. It dulls in comparison to how you are now. You’re clinging onto him with flushed cheeks, full of life, his need to have you mirrored in your features.
He gets up and hurriedly pulls you to bed with him. He lets you sit on his lap as he continues where he left off when you stopped him earlier. He presses his lips on the crook of your neck and sucks the delicate skin.
His hand on your back moves up to unclasp your bra and slides it off your one arm. Your hand is gripping his shoulder tightly so he doesn’t bother completely taking off the flimsy piece of clothing. He gently sweeps his finger over your collar bone down to your bare chest. He flicks his thumb over your nipple then kneads the soft flesh right after. You gasp sharply, his cock twitching inside his pants from your reaction.
His mind is spinning just thinking about all the things you’ll let him do to you.
His lips trail kisses further down until he almost reaches the other bud. He swipes his tongue around it before he covers it with his mouth.
He answers as he softly rolls your nipple between his teeth, “Hmm?” His other hand not giving any less attention to the perk bud as tweaks it with his callous digits..
You respond properly by arching your back accompanied with a soft whimper.
The warning bells in your head are ringing again, but not because you want him to stop, but because it feels way too good. You’re not even fully naked yet but you’re losing clarity in your thoughts with how he’s using his fingers and tongue. He continues ravishing your boob with his mouth while his fingers trail down to your stomach until he grasps the band of your pants.
He groans then straightens his back as he tries to unbutton your pants while his other hand supports your back. “Why the fuck are you wearing denim pants today?”
You’d answer with something as nasty as his tone but your mind comes up with nothing. You just want him to continue, so you answer with the truth. “Um.. I-I was rushing because I thought Akiteru was inviting me for lunch.”
He stops fiddling with your zipper and buries his face on your neck. You thought he was going to kiss you there again, but instead he chuckles against your skin.
“I was just complaining, y/n. I wasn’t really expecting an answer.”
Even though he’s not looking at you, you feel the urge to look down from how embarrassing that was. Your dimwittedness at the moment makes you feel exposed so you press your body against him to cover your bareness.
He kisses your shoulder delicately then skim his hand over your bare back. “You’ll remove this, right?” He grazes his thumb on the hem of your panties.
His voice sounds taunting but there’s a tenderness to it that makes you feel like there’s nothing to be embarrassed of, coaxing you to do as he says.
You slowly get up, not able to meet his eyes as you start pulling down your pants. You’re okay with your body. You feel fine with it, but this really feels too intimate. You flick your eyes back to him just for a second to see his expression from you stripping naked right in front of him.
He’s staring at your nakedness. He’s staring real hard. When his eyes travel back up to yours, a faint shade of pink spreads across his impassive face before he glances down like he was caught peeping.
You smile lightly, reassured that you have the same effect on him as he does to you. However, you still can’t find enough courage to remove the last piece of clothing you have on you because he’s still fully dressed.
With your panties still on, you slowly walk back to him. Tsukishima knows you want this, but there’s that spark of vulnerability that he’s never witnessed from you. There’s a certain uncertainty with how you’re moving. You’re always loud and confident with whatever you’re doing that he finds this side of you novel, yet very endearing.
He pulls you back to his lap and hungrily reaches for your lips. He’s more eager this time, catering to his own desire. His hands freely roam on your body, feeling the bare skin he previously did not have access to.
He hooks one finger on the band of your panties and tugs it down with ease. He draws it past your knees and it slides down your legs on its own.
He parts your thighs together and slowly traces the warm slick coating your entrance with his middle finger. Your hand on his shoulder grips it tighter, your moan muffled on his mouth.
He greatly enjoys kissing you, but he wanted to hear that moan crisp on his ears. So he pulls away inches from your lips then trails two digits up your swollen nub. He rubs slow circles on it while peppering kissing on your jaw.
You’re breathing heavily with muted whimpers in between. It’s not enough for him. He sweeps his fingers back down your crevice, stroking the wetness of your folds while he stares at your eyes clouded with anticipation.
“You’re drenched down here,” he accidentally sprinkles his words with his usual sarcasm. He can’t help but tease you.
You shut your thighs then bury your face on his shoulders. “Well, it feels good, okay?!” He chuckles at how hard you’re trying to seem like your usual sassy self but absolutely failing from how adorably awkward you sound.
“It feels good?” He places a gentle kiss on the side of your face near your ear. “I didn’t know you’re this easy to please, y/n.” He really doesn’t mean to taunt further but your reaction is making him want to.
You lift your head up and give him a half-hearted glare.
He smirks at how perfectly predictable you are.
Now that he can see your face again, he slips his middle finger inside you despite your thighs pressed against each other.
You throw your head back as you let out what he’s been aiming for.
You sound even better than he expected, making his cock hard underneath your ass. “Spread your legs, y/n,” he commands quietly while he languidly thrusts his finger inside.
Not only do you spread your thighs apart for him, but you also buck your hips up.
You claim his lips eagerly while you snake your arm around his shoulder to anchor yourself better. He adds another digit in, your walls soaked but still tight around his fingers.
Fuck. If you’re this tight just with his fingers, what more if he finally shoves his cock inside you? The thought along with your ass grinding on his erection while you fuck yourself with his hand makes him groan against your lips.
He suddenly takes his fingers out, causing you to whine before looking at him questioningly. Not bothering to explain himself, he settles you to lie on his bed. He plants each hand on either side of your head then dips down to let himself have another taste of your lips he can’t get enough of.
You grip the back of his head with one hand and the other latches onto his nape as you respond to every nibble, every suck, every flick of his tongue.
Your hands travel down his back, then you pull away.
“I want to feel you too, Tsukki,” your breath is warm on his lips as you say it.
He understands immediately. He leans back then discards his shirt quickly. He’s about to get up and unzip his pants when he notices you staring at him mesmerized.
He doesn’t really change in front of the whole team. But because you’re the manager who’s as early as he usually is in the gym, you sometimes catch him changing in the lockers, not aware someone’s there already.
All those times you did, you’d come up with sarcastic remarks about offending his chastity. You’d make fun of him, but you never stared at him like you’re doing so now.
“Why are you looking at me like that? You’ve seen me topless in the lockers before.”
“I’m not looking at you as your manager. I’m looking at you as me,” you say with the sincerest sheen in your orbs, your voice wispy yet profound.
It’s lovely - the way you wear vulnerability for him to see. It’s like a thin layer of transparent lace snug on your body wherein you’re reaching for his hand to touch it so he can experience how captivating it is to grasp.
So fragile yet so beautiful that he finds himself carelessly reveling in it.
He pulls you up, making you kneel in front of him before he goes for another kiss that’s just as enticing as the earlier ones. But it doesn’t last long as he tells you, “Bend over.”
You pull away with a puzzled look that makes him click his tongue from displeasure. He turns you around and gently pushes your back until you’re on your fours. You glance at him from your shoulder, a wild fluster blossoming on your cheeks as he skims his hands from your sides down to the curve of your ass.
He grips your thighs and pulls them towards him so he can hoist your ass higher for him.
“This is,” you avert your gaze from him before you continue, “a bit embarrassing.”
He chuckles lowly as he spreads your cheeks. “I haven’t done anything to embarrass you, y/n.” He dips his head down until his face is level on your sopping cunt.
“Not yet at least,” he murmurs before he swipes his tongue along the wetness of your slit. Your thighs quiver along with a high-pitched moan filling the silent air.
“Shit,” he hisses as straightens his back and pushes you further down until your face is pressed against his pillow. “If you can’t keep it down, muffle your voice.” As much as he’d love to hear it, his brother’s room is only two doors away. He’d rather hear your voice laced with desire all to himself.
He leans down again to continue what he started. He ensnares his arm around your thigh so he can rub your clit without it getting in the way of his tongue licking up and down your pussy.
Even with your masked moans, he can tell you like what he’s doing with how you’re squirming within his hold.
“Tsukki….” You must have lifted your head because he heard you voice his name out sensually. “Hmm?” he asks as he sticks his tongue inside your wet walls. You writhe your hips distraughtly but it doesn't do anything with how firm his grip is on your thighs.
You call for him again, the urgency in your tone making him sit up straight. “What is it?”
You don’t answer, and you don’t have to. The need to be had is explicit in your face, particularly in your eyes silently asking him fuck you already.
He tilts his head to the side and feigns puzzlement. “I won’t know shit if you don’t say anything.”
Your brows furrow down as you respond demandingly, “You know what I want.”
He reaches for a condom on his bedside then holds it against your hip. He grips his cock and slowly strokes it as he stares at your parted folds, glistening with your juices mixed with his saliva.
He rips the packet and rolls the rubber along his shaft. He smirks as he pretends to not know what you were referring to. “I don’t.” He swipes the tip of his cock along your damp slit then nudges on your pulsating entrance. He’s supposed to be teasing you but feeling your dampness on the tip his dick tempts him to shove it all in.
You pant with anticipation, your lips parted and your pupils blown out. Any trace of assertiveness you had in you melts as you hold his gaze. “Tsukki, please. Do it already.”
He raises a brow from surprise. For someone so bold and loud, he’s having a hard time believing you can be this meek in bed. You actually pleaded for it. He was just messing around a bit because you always do it to him.
He didn’t expect you to beg.
He recovers quickly as a smug grin forms on his lips. “Who knew you could ask so nicely?” You bite your lips then bury your face again to cover how embarrassed you look. He chuckles as he pulls back to look at your entirety, ass up and waiting for him to stuff himself inside you.
He aligns the tip on your entrance and inch by inch sheaths himself inside you. He sees your knuckles turning pale from how intensely you’re clutching on his pillows. “Fuck,” he hisses at how tight you’re clenching on him as he tries to push himself completely in. “Will you relax?” he asks with a gruff voice, rubbing his palms on your hips to ease you in case you’re in discomfort.
You whimper while shaking your head. He stops, alarmed that he’s hurting you. “What’s wrong?” he asks worriedly.
You turn your head to him and look at him with half-lidded eyes. “You feel good.”
He inhales sharply as his gentle strokes on your hips turn to a solid grasp before he rams his cock deep in your pussy. A strident loud from you pierces his room when he bottoms out in one sharp thrust. His eyes shut close on its own from the staggering pleasure.
You seem to catch yourself since you abruptly smother your face against his sheets again. He knows he’s the one who said you should lower your voice but he wants to see your face.
He starts languidly, drawing his cock out slowly and pushing it back in similarly. He leans down until his chest is pressed on your back then he brings a hand to your boob and grope it. “Hey,” he sucks on your shoulder blade as he picks up the pace of his thrusts, hoping that it will get you to look at him.
But you don’t. You seem to have put all your attention to make sure you don’t make any more noise than you should.
“Look at me, y/n,” he rasps right in your ear before he gently bites it.
“Can’t,” you answer with your voice still stifled.
He removes his hand off of your chest to take a handful of your hair. He gently tugs it to make you face him again, so he can see the face you make when you’re drowning in pleasure, when he’s the one giving you that pleasure.
Your brows are scrunched, your lids closed, and your lips pressed together as small, suppressed whimpers still manage to spill out.
“I said look at me,” he coaxes gently as he maintains his steady rhythm while you flutter your eyes open. “I can’t stay quiet like— hnnngh— this, Tsukki.” He can see and hear that, but God, he can’t help but get lost in the sound of your lewd moans and your eyes blissed out.
Just a little longer like this and he’ll let you hide your face again.
‘Just little more,’ he says in his head but he finds himself thrusting harder and faster. He can even hear his raspy breathing mixed with your mewls that are getting alarmingly louder.
“Tsu...kki, aahhh... I can’t anymore.” You try to muffle your mouth against his pillow again but his grip on your hair is not allowing you to. “Make me shut up already, pleaasee.”
He groans then takes out his cock so he can flip you over, making you lie on your back and face him entirely. He parts your legs and eases an inch inside you before he leans down to claim your lips. Your hands go straight to his back, pulling him closer right as he plunges his whole length inside you. Your nails dig deeper on his skin as you moan against his mouth. He doesn’t relent from the previous pace he left off when he was fucking you from behind.
He can hear the the slap of his skin on yours paired with the perverted sounds coming from your drenched pussy sucking him in.
“You’re enjoying this way too much, y/n,” he says with a strained voice as keeps ramming incessantly into you.
Your thoughts are in chaos, a delicious chaos that you’re gladly yielding to because it feels so damn good to be in it. His groans vibrating right on your mouth, his gentle hand on your cheek in contrast with his feral thrusts, traces of pleasure carved on every ridge of his face - everything about him is sending you to a delightful madness.
And still, you crave for more.
To your dismay, he lifts himself off of you despite the hunger still glimmering in his orbs. You huff needily as you gaze at him wondering why he pulled away. He doesn’t answer and places a hand on your knee and the other on your pussy.
His thumb finds purchase on your clit, immense pleasure beginning to boil up where he’s touching. You reach his hand on your knee to pull him down with you, so he can help soften your noise by kissing you again.
But before you can grab any part of his arm, he starts stroking frantically that you had to retrieve your hand and use the back of it to cover your mouth.
You throw your head back against the pillow as you arch your back. You can feel the tension in the pit of your stomach intensify and you’re starting to not care how loud and how lewd the sounds you’re making.
You remove your hand from your mouth and grip on his sheets. You open your hazy eyes to see if you’re making him feel good like he does to you, but his lust-filled eyes are already glued to your naked body.
A droplet of sweat is trickling down his forehead. His brows are furrowed deeply while his fingers are clutching your knee fiercely. His lips are parted, panting as he pummels his cock heedlessly inside you.
“Tsukki, it’s so—haaa so gooood. I’m gonna..,” you bite your lower lip as you give him one more glance before you let the pleasure overwhelm you.
“Am cumming.. I’m—” A string of incoherent, obscene moans slip from your mouth as bursts of hot white pleasure shoot throughout your whole body.
You look fucking immaculate. The rapture in your face as you come undone before him is a sight to marvel at. That paired with your pussy clamping down his dick snaps the last thread of self-control he has.
He leans down and swallows every moan and every whimper coming from your mouth. Your hands find their way to his back, your nails raking down his skin as you hook your legs behind him to press your trembling softness against him.
He cups the back of your head and nestles your face on his neck. “Ssshh,” he shushes you with a wavering voice as his thrusts become ragged.
Fuck. You feel so fucking good. “Fuck!” He curses sharply as the surge of pleasure assails him. His muscles spasm uncontrollably, rutting his hips against you as he rides out his pleasure along with traces of yours. He savors every second of it, spilling himself inside as he slows down his thrust until he gives out.
He pants heavily as he buries his face on your hair, still deluged with the aftermath of his orgasm. You recover first, the soothing caress of your hand on his back ushering him down gently from his high.
No one moves or speaks, only a cacophony of gratified pants and sighs interchanging with each other. Before the whole thing sinks in your head, you feel a sudden pull of exhaustion from this morning’s ceremony and how you rushed on the way here.
You bat your eyes open even though your strength is almost non-existent. “I..,” you trail off.
He pulls back and brushes the stray hairs from your face as he regards you with concern. “What?”
“I need coffee,” you state wearily.
Confusion settles on his features, but only for a second for it’s quickly replaced by earnest amusement. He dips head beside yours again as his shoulders shake from silent laughter.
Now you’re the one confused. “What’s funny?”
He shakes his head then presses a light kiss on your neck before he hoists himself off of you. “You can sleep before dinner.”
You groan and extend your hand out so he can pull you up with him. He gets it but tucks it beside you before he covers you with his blanket. “Sleep, y/n,” he tells you gently, his voice beguiling you to close your eyes and let sleep take you away.
Part 8 || Part 10 || masterlist
@ameliaxo @suikrem @akaashisslave @tsumurai @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @geektastic84 @anaiss97 @berna-dette @just4readingfics @suteorra @xxekitten69xx @simp4tsukkii @music-is-all-i-need @keshinslittlegirl @raspberrysunshinebby @iminlovewhaikyuu @pdiddy11 @lightyagamami @sailorscout1902 @lovershaikyuu  @expectonothinfromme @finnydraws @namelessidentity @hqbeesun @yatoatyourservice @mrkozume @suzuyamitsuki @celestialarchiveshq @yongboxerrr @gomenpudding @kutiekoge @fizzfrick @flamingosis @korean-bbq @ihaterainbowsprinkles @red-lint @backtonormalthings @borpcorp @lonelyheartxn @venomouscreatures @lucyrocks86 @shawtiie @honestlysora @sunanyaa @my-dream-universe @mysteriousparker
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silentprincess17 · 3 years
A Proposal Gone Awry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Summary: Link has been touring the breadth and width of Hyrule to clear out the remaining monster camps, and soon enough, he reaches Zora’s Domain. Mipha asks him to wait before he heads back to the castle, which he was intending on doing... but some mischievous children may have other plans.
Thank you to @braidy-maidy, @zeldaelmo and @zeldadiarist for your help betaing!
Relationships: Link/Zelda Link/Mipha- Onesided Link & The Zora Children Mipha & Revali (Legend of Zelda)
Contains spoilers for AOC. This is my take on the Heart's Escort Mission- specifically what you get at the end of that.Basically- I turn my angst gun on another character whoopsie but I don't leave Mipha high and dry I promise!
Tags: Unrequited Love, Heartbreak, Healing, Emotional angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
Link had just got back from the battlefield, and he’d left Mipha there, albeit reluctantly. She insisted she would be the one to check over the Zora troops, alone, “I’ll be able to heal them as I go along Link. Why don’t you go back to the Domain and rest whilst I finish up? You’re not wounded, are you?” He replied in the negative, or well, he’d shaken his head anyway. He’d remained with her still, but she’d sort of stammered for a while, something about final preparations, and it was okay for him to leave. Link wasn’t entirely sure why she didn’t want him to stay, but he hadn’t heard her clearly through what seemed to be perpetual rain on Ploymus mountain, and Mipha had become particularly jumpy around him lately, so he opted to leave her be. He just assumed she meant preparations for the healing she was going to do- and maybe that was a private thing? Or maybe she wanted to ask him to train at some point and it was preparations for that? Not that there was much need for it anymore, with the Calamity destroyed and sealed away, but he missed his childhood friend and would like to help her if she wanted it. Just before he left, she’d clutched his arm, and had asked if he could wait until dinner for her because she wanted to tell him something. He saw no reason to decline, so he’d given her a slight nod and then moved to leave.
As he meandered back through the twisting pathways, he realised that it wasn’t that late, but for some inexplicable reason he felt tired. Sunset had just fallen over the Domain, and now the luminous stones started to glow and fluoresce. It truly was a beautiful place, although… he wasn’t a huge fan of the way the water flowing the walkways had started to creep through his metal boots. He sighed, it had been a spur of the moment decision to wear his Soldier’s Armour, he had put his Champion’s Tunic through the wash multiple times since the Calamity fight and it was still drying in his Guard’s Chamber. He felt strangely bare without it, and he certainly missed the increased perception he had whilst wearing it. And, well, for other, uh, sentimental reasons. No, not because the Princess had made it for him. No. Not at all. He was pulled from his thoughts when his foot squelched uncomfortably in his now soaked socks into the metal plate of his boot. The flow of water had never been a problem as a child because he could run barefoot everywhere and no one would care, but now as the Hero it wouldn’t be seen as proper. He would have to polish them later, to avoid rust forming. And change his socks.
He slowly exhaled, it had been a long week of fighting off the remaining hordes of monsters from Calamity Ganon’s revival, today being the day that he had decided to help clear out the remnants in Zora’s Domain. It was funny, because before he wouldn’t have seen a weeklong absence from the Castle as a bad thing, but now… He blushed slightly, before shaking his head. He still had to go clean up, and then eat dinner, because by the Goddesses he was starving, and then meet Mipha… And perhaps he’d teleport back to the Central Tower and then to the Castle. Just to see her again. He missed being by her side, and it left him restless to know he wasn’t protecting her. Somehow over the course of their journey together those feelings of friendship and wanting to protect her had slowly morphed into something else. Or perhaps, he reflected, his reasoning for wanting to do those things had changed. But he could start to smell the aroma of freshly made hasty meat skewers made using the abundance of fleet lotus seeds around the Domain and Link’s stomach audibly grumbled. Ah, food was close, so he hurried the last few steps to reach the Dining Hall.
Just as he was about to go inside, four small bodies ploughed into him, and he let out a startled gasp. They tugged at his boots, and he only belatedly realised it was the members of The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. Bazz was at the forefront with the sword Link had gifted him when they were children proudly strapped to his back. The sword was barely off the ground, though, with the tip jutting into the passageway with every jump he made.
“LINK!” Bazz shouted, a huge smile plastered across his face.
“Hey Link!” Rivan jostled with Bazz and they flailed their arms at each other, with both of them gripping one of his legs. Link looked down and wasn’t sure what to do exactly. Did he try to separate them? Or peel them off him? He couldn’t help but smile at their antics though.
“You’re coming down to our Domain an awful lot recently, aren’t you?” Gaddison, The Heroine, had both hands on her hips but then moved to pull the two squabbling friends off his poor boots. He hadn’t realised how heavy Zoran children were.
Behind them shyly stood Sidon, he was smaller than all of them, and he gripped his Lightscale Trident with shaking hands.
Link nodded at Gaddison, pointed back towards the mountain where the monsters had been. She nodded sagely, understanding what he meant. Link moved to pick up Sidon, he hadn’t been allowed to join Bazz’s group because he was too young, but he still followed them everywhere. Actually, he tried so hard to prove his worth to be allowed in, he’d even climbed Ploymus mountain to face the Lynel there in an effort to prove his courage. Link found him to be adorable, Sidon reminded him of what he was like at that age, keen to please and prove he was capable, but too reckless for his own good. Sidon smiled his trademark smile and wrapped both arms around Link’s neck. Link smiled; aw he was so cute.
“Hey Link! When will you go swimming up the waterfall with us? You’re older now right, do you have your scales yet?” Rivan asked.
He shook his head. He didn’t have scales, and he wouldn’t ever get them because he wasn’t Zoran.
“HE’S A HYLIAN you ninny! He’s not a Zora! He won’t ever get scales like we will!” Ah Gaddison, ever the voice of reason in the group of rowdy boys. She mothered them all, he could remember that from when he used to play at the Domain, and she sprouted logic that the Zora-equivalent of a ten-year-old Hylian probably shouldn’t have, but who was he to judge.
Rivan looked traumatised. “So, we can never swim up the waterfall with Link then?”
“NO.” She paused, “Well, unless someone gives him armour with their scale on it.”
Bazz shoved his shoulder into hers, “Why don’t you do it then?”
She shoved him back, doubly hard, so much so that he ended up slipping in the water and skidding onto his bum. Link suppressed a bout of laughter at his enraged face. “Do I look like I have a White Scale yet Bazz? I can’t give him one if I don’t have one myself!” She bent down and whacked his arm again. “AND ANYWAY, did you not listen to the history lessons we’ve had- you only give your scale to the person you want to marry, basically as an engagement present.” She fluffed her fins around, “And I guess by association love.” She shuddered, “What a disgusting concept. Imagine loving a boy. How desperate do you have to be?”
Link suddenly felt ridiculously embarrassed. He tried going to the shop on the way here, but they didn’t sell the actual chest plate part of the Zora armour and had looked at him strangely when he’d showed them the Greaves and Helm he already had and pointed at his chest. Then again, maybe he should have actually voiced it. He found it bizarre, considering all the other races seemed fine with selling their complete armour sets. He chalked it off as just a Zora thing. But now he knew better. Farore, he had been such an idiot. How had he apparently missed this piece of information? He hadn’t known the Zora Armour was only given as an engagement gift! And to someone you loved no less. No wonder the staff in the shop had looked at him as if he had grown an extra head!
Bazz looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head. “Well, that was the girl side of things, Heroine.”
Rivan looked confused, “Then you don’t love Link?”
Gaddison blushed bright red, “NOT IN THAT WAY! And I’m only 52! That’s not appropriate at all!” She punched them both, “Do you not remember anything about our plan?”
Bazz scratched his chin. “We want to go swimming up the waterfall.”
Gaddison took a deep breath. “Well done, Bazz, son of Seggin. That’s the whole point of this venture, none of the adults will let us go on the waterfall by ourselves because we aren’t that strong.” She huffed and sat down, her legs crossed and both hands holding her face up in what Link recognised as classic-moody-child-face, “We just need some supervision is all. That is what Link would have been ideal for, but he doesn’t have the armour, it was a longshot really.”
Rivan piped up. “WAIT I remember now! Wasn’t this to do with Kodah?”
Up until that point, Link had been watching the three of them squabbling with amusement mostly. He’d been surprised with the revelation of the Zora Armour but how was he supposed to know the intricacies of Zora… courting (?) rituals. It struck him as weird that they hadn’t changed a single bit since when he was a child and when he played with them. Although, it made sense, that they had remained children whilst he had matured, because Hylians aged much faster compared to the Zora. As soon as Kodah was brought up though, he winced. He could still hear her screeching LINNY when he had walked into the Domain with the Princess who had come to recruit Mipha as a champion. It had been mortifying.
Gaddison sighed. “Yes, she said she was making the armour for a Hylian remember! And then that gossip that my mother heard that she was in fact going to propose to the Hero? In case you’ve been living under a rock- that Hero is sitting right there!” She pointed at him, and Link went red-faced, his eyebrows raised high. Oh, thank the Goddesses Kodah hadn’t done anything. He had no idea what he’d even say. How had she ever thought he’d agree anyway- it wasn’t like he’d talked to her properly since when he was four! But then, time passed differently for the Zora… “I thought she would have given it to him by now.” She huffed, “We should have realised that flaw in our plan.”
Bazz was uncharacteristically silent as the three of them sulked over not being able to go up the waterfall. Link felt bemused that all of their extensive planning was over this armour that apparently a lover, in this case Kodah, was meant to give to their loved one (him haha what a joke) so that he could wear said engagement gift and take them to the waterfall. He shook his head, children’s priorities and means to achieve those were always… entertaining to listen to. Bazz suddenly perked up, “Baby Prince!” Sidon looked up from where he had been resting his head on Link’s shoulder. “Didn’t you go blabbing around the other day to the King that Princess Mipha was making someone armour?”
Rivan enthusiastically nodded, “YEAH- you said that King Dorephan was worried about it, so he commi-ssioned someone to get the materials, and he gave them the Zora Greaves!”
Link swallowed; he had a small inclination of where things were going but he wasn’t sure. He pulled out the Greaves anyway and after a round of ohs and ahs, a hushed silence fell over the group, everyone watching Sidon as the small red spots on his cheeks flared a darker red. He sucked in a small breath and slowly nodded.
Bazz nodded, and immediately stood up. “This is a mission for the The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. We hereby announce that we will go searching for this Armour- this is your pre-pre-liminary mission, Rookie Comrade Sidon. We cannot go find Kodah’s armour because we have no clue where it is so that would waste valuable time, but you know where Mipha’s is don’t you?”
Sidon nodded, much more enthusiastically this time. Link held his hands up, trying to get them to stop.
Gaddison stood up then, “Wait, what if she made it for a Zora?”
Bazz shook his head, “We’ll make do. You want to go swimming tonight, don’t you Heroine?”
Link was vehemently shaking his head, and opened his mouth, but the words died in his throat. What were they doing? What was he agreeing to?! No, he had to say something, he might not know much about courting rituals, but he didn’t want to wear something meant as a present for an engagement!
“Hey!” They all looked at him, “Is this… okay?”
“We need to ask Comrade Gaddison for that information because we, ahem, didn’t, uh, study the particulars.”
Gaddison paused. “Well, I don’t really know. Do you just propose once in your life and that’s it? I mean technically the scales grow back right? It’s not like you have a gaping hole in your chest. And really, everyone seems to be making one at the minute, so it probably doesn’t hold all that fancy meaning anymore. And Lord Jabu Jabu knows we have so many traditions that no one other than the oldies bother with.”
Rivan piped up, “Princess Mipha is nice too, so she won’t mind right?”
Gaddison nodded, “True, and theoretically, we’re just borrowing it. It’s not like Link here will take it forever or something. It’s just so we can practise going up the waterfall a few times on our own, and then we’ll give it back. She probably won’t even know we’ve taken it!” She shook her head, “I surmise no issues Comrade Bazz. We may proceed.”
“Comrade Rivan?”
“Sounds good! It means we can swim with Link, right?”
Bazz sighed, “Yes it does. Good so, last person, Comrade Link?”
Link blinked. This whole situation had gone from zero to one hundred so fast. He wasn’t even sure what he was consenting to, and he was really confused. Did this armour really matter to the Zora? Apparently, it did to the shop keepers, but maybe he’d just confused them? That was highly likely considering he hadn’t even said anything to begin with. And Kodah had made him one and he’d last seen her when he was four- she couldn’t genuinely believe he would agree to marry her right? But even ignoring that, it made the whole thing seem a bit like a joke- surely the Armour doesn’t mean that much if you’d make it for someone who you haven’t talked to in years? Plus, the way Gaddison was talking, and she was really the only source of actual knowledge on the topic, made it seem like it was something all the Zora did in their spare time. But stealing Mipha’s potentially specific armour for her future husband? That felt really wrong. And he knew Mipha was a very serious person, not at all like Kodah, so he had a feeling this meant more to her. Plus, why exactly was he agreeing - because the kids wanted to go surfing vertically? That just felt ridiculous. He shook his head. No. He wasn’t going to ruin Mipha’s gift for her, um, future husband. It’s not what friends would do.
Bazz’s eyes widened, “Please Link. You don’t… play with us anymore. I know you’re all grown up, and you have like responsi-si-”
“Responsibilities you fool.”
“What she said!” and then Bazz opened up his pouch, “AND we got you a gift! Your favourite from the Domain, Hearty Salmon Meuniere!”
Link sighed, about to decline, but his stomach rumbled again and Bazz shoved the plate into his hand. He always was too susceptible to food. And, they made a valid point. He hadn’t spent much time with them lately and they seemed desperate to go up a waterfall. Maybe this was a Zora rite of passage- he knew when he was younger, he’d been desperate to duel with soldiers, but everyone had laughed at him because he was so young. Perhaps this was the same for them. And who was he kidding- he just couldn’t say no. Especially to food children. And he couldn’t deny a small part of him was intrigued as to what the Zora Armour looked like after all. It was the last one he had yet to collect, having received the Greaves from who he now knew was the king, and the Helm from when Mipha had been recruited. So, even though he felt like it was probably not the right thing to do, he agreed, the reckless and hungry side won out. “One ride up the waterfall. And then we return the Armour.”
A series of exclamations and happy cries of “YES! LET’S GO!” rang out through the Domain.
Next (Part 2)
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jegulusofwesper · 2 years
ngl jordan was who i used to rant to when i couldn’t talk to anyone else and i’m really missing them right now. i think they were the only person who really knew me.
imma start a dear jordan tag for when i need to speak to them to get things off of my chest but can’t actually message them. if jordan has a new account someone let me know please.
okay so…
dear jordan,
fucking hell these past 2 years have been hell. man do i miss you even though the uk-australia time difference was kicking my ass. i hope you’re okay and you’ve been okay and the you’ve been having more good days than bad days.
turns out taya has epilepsy i would say who knew but well you did. i’m going blind i can’t remember if i told you. i came out as bi and just as i suspected it didn’t go too well. i remember you being the first one i came out to and panicking because i thought that meant my dad was right. i started talking to my cousins again and he used them to get to me and came to the house to deliver my birthday present and we had to call the police so we could leave the house. so i can’t talk to my cousins anymore. lou has gotten more toxic. i realised i’m asexual then boom gender crisis so i’ve started using they/them as well as she/her. i dunno how it feels though because no one will use the they/them so yeah. my best friends baby is now 2 and is adamant johnny depp is her dad to the point she’s started biting her actual dad. lou friend had a baby called ella and you’d love her she’s adorable but hates sleep. she turns 1 4 days before your birthday. i also still hate the name mindie and still go by ninnie so i’ve been thinking of changing it thinking to layla-marie but idk. i like it but idk if it’s me yano. i hope you’re okay like really okay. i fucking miss you and love you dude and i’ve got so many more cute pictures of lola
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frostsinth · 3 years
Burdened by the Stars - Pt. 5
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - MasterList - Art
Holy Shit, it’s an update! A real update! For an existing story! Not a new project, not some random side quest.
Hey! I’m not dead! Whooo!
Welp. I hope you guys enjoy this! I’ve started writing the next chapter already, so hopefully it won’t be another four months for an update. Thank you for your patience! Lots of love.
Requested tags: @lightning-butterfly
“Auntie Gana!” Lorette squealed excitedly, launching herself onto my back and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I found you!”
I jumped nearly a foot, then laughed to dispel my jitteriness. Nearly toppling over entirely as her brother Corwin gave a shout upon the discovery of us both and jumped right on top. Our combined hot breath billowing like a cloud around us.
The afternoon with my nieces and nephews had certainly been refreshing. Though the mountain air of the goblin castle gardens was cold (colder even than the usual winter temperatures at lower altitudes), with all the running around we were doing, I hardly noticed. The six of them had been ecstatic to be pulled from their lessons early for the day, and had nearly bounced off the walls. Much to the disdain of their tutor, who gave me a dark glower as I pried the youngest off their chalkboard. But as I was the goblin Princess, and technically an adult, they had no recompense against my decision to dismiss them for the day to take over supervision of my nieces and nephews.
“It’s your turn to find us, Auntie!” Corwin informed me as Izaak and the twins skipped over. Likely alerted by the sounds of my hiding spot being uncovered.
I nodded my agreement, tossing Lorette over my shoulder as I stood up. She squealed and kicked, laughing so hard she was breathless. Her red braids slapping about her face as she wriggled. I glanced up at the sky, feeling the edge of anxiousness at the pestering thoughts of what Erramun might be doing. It was a thought that had often interrupted my afternoon. Leaving me more than a little distant and distracted, to the point where even my youngest charges were starting to notice. Hopefully he was still asleep, or at least resting quietly. Though with the sun sinking ever lower, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could assure myself of that.
“Alright, one more round.” I told them, placing Lorette back on her feet. “Then I’ve got to get you all back inside to wash up before dinner.” 
I ignored the round of groans at my response. The twins, Yua and Hilal, each grabbed on to one of my legs and began to loudly proclaim I’d have to drag them inside if that’s what I wanted. Hilal even argued that she wasn’t hungry, and that dinner was going to be yucky anyway, so there was no point going in. Apparently Niko was currently on a healthy eating vendetta. Feeling that his family was far too indulgent in sweets and treats not indicative of a well-rounded diet for growing boys and girls. So he had taken a firm mindset and an iron grip on what was being cooked and served for their meals. A decision that I gathered was not sitting well with his offspring. Or his husband, evidently. I looked around four a moment as Lorette ducked under my elbow and tugged on it insistently.
“Where’s Viktor?” I asked Izaak, who was currently having a shoulder shoving match with Corwin, the closest to him in age with only a year between the two.
“Viktor?” Izaak took a step back, letting his brother topple to the ground at his feet as he turned his attention to me. Craning his neck back to look up at me with his soft, umber eyes. “He went to pick flowers I think.”
“Shut up, you ninny!” Cried Yua, jumping up from my leg and shoving her older (and much larger) brother to little effect. “He wanted to surprise Auntie Gana!”
Izaak gave the 6 year old a barely concealed scowl. “Well then he shouldn’t have taken so long.” The little prince squared his shoulders and tucked his hands behind his back. “He should have stayed with the rest of us, now it’s getting dark.”
“It is getting dark,” I agreed, reaching out to ruffle his messy blonde hair, “We should go find him.”
Izaak squealed in displeasure, pushing my hand away. “Auntie! Please don’t touch my hair! It took me forever to get it combed straight!”
Corwin, having scrambled back up, attempted to now launch himself at his sibling. Trying unsuccessfully to rangle Izaak to the ground. They may have been close in age, but Corwin was a full blooded goblin, leaving him smaller and lankier than his half-blooded older brother. Izaak was tall, even for a human child at his age, and while Corwin was by no means a runt, he would likely never quite manage to catch up. Still, he gave Izaak more than a little trouble, hanging off him as he was.
“Be careful not to get Crown Prince Izaak messy!” He mocked as he did, giving a sharp toothed smirk, “Papa is never messy, so Crown Prince Izaak can’t be messy either!”
“Get OFF, Cory!” Izaak howled back, beating a little fist into his brother’s back.
“Alright, that’s enough,” I told them, prying Corwin off and tucking him under one arm despite his wiggling and the fact that one twin was still latched to my leg, “Come on, we’ve got to find Viktor before it gets too dark.”
“He’ll get scared if it gets too dark,” Yua reminded the others busily.
“He can’t see in the dark like us,” Hilal finished, tugging on my skirts and offering me a traditional pointy toothed grin from her place still wrapped around my leg. 
I glanced at her, returning her smile, then at Yua, now standing over her sister to tug at my skirts. The pair weren’t actually twins; Niko and Grier had adopted both of the goblin girls at the same time as chubby infants, and they had fast become inseparable. Now they championed the title of ‘twins’, rarely going anywhere without each other and making it a point to finish each other’s sentences. And thoughts, at times. It helped some that they didn’t look particularly dissimilar, though Yua had copper brown hair while Hilal’s was nearly pitch black. Other than that, they were the same age and height, and tended to prefer the same clothes and hairstyles. I brushed a few wild strands of Hilal’s hair out of her face as I finally put a kicking and wriggling Corwin back on his feet.
“But Auntie Gana,” Whined Lorette, “If we spend all that time looking for Viktor, we can’t play one last round!”
I thought about that for a second, tapping my fingertips dramatically against my lips as goblins did and leaving the children giggling excitedly. I had long ago adopted it as my signal to show them I had something fun planned for them. I could see them all bouncing on their toes eagerly as they waited. Even Izaak, trying so hard to be stoic and proper as he thought a Prince should be, had a glimmer of light dancing in his wide eyes.
“Well then, we’ll just have to make a game of it.” I told them. “First one to find Viktor… Gets dessert after dinner.”
I didn’t have to say it twice to have 4 of the five children screeching with delight and bounding off through the gardens. Certainly they must be deprived of sweets for such an incentive to work. I almost laughed at that, and almost being able to picture the tiniest of scowls at the corner of Niko’s lips when he found out. Soon their bobbing heads had disappeared among the hedges and paths. Izaak looked like he wanted to join them, his body slightly angled as if to launch into a full sprint. But he stopped, hesitating and looking up at me.
“Are you ok, Auntie Gana?” He asked me quietly, shuffling in place.
I looked at him in surprise. “Of course, Izaak! Why?”
He shrugged, bringing his hands around to rub at the palm of one. “I just thought you seemed a little quiet today… Are you and papa fighting?”
I almost groaned. “Did your inunu put you up to this? Or Niko himself?” I asked knowingly. Eying my oldest nephew suspiciously. Wondering if he had been spying on me this entire time. And also wondering if i had given anything away.
He gave me a sheepish grin. “Both. Inunu promised I could have three isiok if I asked, and papa said I could stay up a whole hour late with him.”
I would have laughed, shaking my head and putting my hands on my hips. “Is that why you aren’t racing off with your brother and sisters to find Viktor?” I reasoned, and he nodded.
“I already get dessert, even if someone else finds him.” He told me, sounding pleased with himself. “Papa doesn’t know inunu already asked, and inunu doesn’t know papa asked!”
I did laugh then, reaching out and giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze as we turned to make our way off the grass and walk along the main garden path. Mindful of his hair per his request. It hadn’t appeared particularly neat, but I was sure the messy locks were quite uncooperative. And I knew how much he tried. He slipped in a little closer, matching my stride with his and squaring his little shoulders again. I smiled to myself. He looked so much like Niko when he did that. A tiny little green-skinned, blonde-haired Niko, I corrected myself with amusement, but Niko-esque for certain.
“Two birds with one stone,” I mused aloud, wrapping my arm about his shoulders, “Very clever of you, Your Highness.”
He couldn’t seem to help grinning again, looking down at his shiny boots. “Yeah, but I think it only works if I have something to tell them.”
I shook my head once more, kicking up a little gravel as we went. “Not at all! The promise from both of them was just for you to ask me right? They didn’t say you had to get an answer.” I grinned back at him. “Or that you couldn’t tell me they asked you to.”
He seemed to think about that for a second, then nodded. “Yeah, Auntie, you’re right!” He looked up at me again, tilting his head to the side. “So you don’t have to tell me… unless you want to, that is.”
I sighed a little. “Alright,  here’s what you can say. You tell Niko I said that he needs to stop treating me like a baby and pestering me all the time. And tell Grier I said you should get four isiok, because you are a very sweet and clever little Prince and you deserve all the extra dessert you want.”
Izaak chortled, nodding in bemusement. “Alright Auntie. I can do that.”
“And tell them Lorette gets dessert tonight too,” I proclaimed more loudly, as the rest of the gaggle returned, the half-goblin triumphantly holding a screeching Viktor over her shoulder, “As she is the best little brother wrangler of all time.”
That brought a round of giggles as Lorette passed her still kicking brother to me. Viktor stuck his tongue out at her, then quickly offered up a messy fistfull of half pulverized flowers to me.
“You’re not coming to dinner, Auntie?” Corwin asked, shoving Hilal out of the way to come and stand next to my leg.
“Not tonight.” I told him, reaching down to push his curly black hair out of his eyes after taking the flowers from Viktor with a pleasant thanks. “I’ve got… other stuff to do.”
“Lorette cheated!” Squealed Yua, stomping one foot angrily. 
“She’s bigger than us! We can’t carry Viktor like she can!” Hilal agreed, pouting.
“Not forever,” I assured her, “Soon, I think Viktor will be taller than all of you!” I hoisted him up into the air over my head in illustration, which had him giggling with delight. “Besides, the deal was whoever found Viktor got dessert, not who carried him back.” I turned to the twins, who looked at each other for a moment before turning back to me. “And who found Viktor?”
“Lorette.” They admitted begrudgingly.
“So, the dessert award stands as it is.” I declared, putting the youngest back down on his feet to hold his hand instead. Not that I felt particularly bad. I knew my brother’s sense of fairness was indomitable, and having granted one child such permissions, I had likely granted it to them all. “Now, let’s get you all inside and washed up before your fathers take away my dessert.”
That brought a fresh round of laughter, and the six royal children of the goblin kingdom darted eagerly around my legs and up and down the halls as we made our way back up to our quarters. I spared the tower a final glance before we ducked into the castle, wondering not for the first time just what I would find when I went back to my own rooms.
I was able to hand off my nieces and nephews to their caretakers after helping them all get washed up and changed for dinner without running into either Niko or Grier. Which I took as a small blessing, as I kept nervously glancing out the window to try and gauge just how long I had left until the Kings might just decide to pop in. I knew it was unlikely; usually they met their brood in the dining room at the end of each day. But I didn’t put it past either of them to attempt to catch me unawares. Especially as I was sure they had already heard I had liberated their children from their studies early to play with them in the gardens. Little went on in the castle that the two didn’t know about.
That thought made me smirk to myself in accomplishment as I hesitated outside my own door, having seen the Princes and Princesses off down the stairs with their attendants before heading back down the hall. Certainly I could think of no one else who would have been able to smuggle an orc of all things into the castle undetected. I had even managed to get his mare into the stables with no one batting an eye at her blood splattered coat before I had picked up my nieces and nephews. I glanced about briefly to make sure I was alone once more before I slipped back into my rooms. My heart in my throat and my nerves jumping on end.
The sitting room was quiet and dark, and I closed the door and latched it behind me. My eyes strained in the dimness, with only the barest hints of light coming from under the door to the hall. Perhaps I should get my eyes charmed like Niko’s, I thought to myself as I fumbled for the candle by the entrance. Placing the bundle of pulverized flowers from Viktor on the little table there for a moment as I did.  It would certainly make living in a goblin castle half the year much easier. As the wick caught with a soft hiss, I heard the telltale creak of my bed in the other room.
Quickly I had to douse my nerves, straightening myself out with the reminder once more that these were my rooms. I was supposed to be here. Erramun was not. I felt another twitch of satisfaction at the corner of my mouth again, unable to resist feeling a little smug in that confidence. Even if he wanted to leave, he wouldn’t get anywhere without my help. It was a reassuring feeling to have the half-orc under my thumb. Though the reminder of my guest set my heart skipping again. Which I of course briskly ignored.
I used the light of the candle to find a vase amid my things, feeling each clutter and clank of my shuffling was louder than a thundering herd of cattle. Rather hoping the half-orc wasn’t sleeping. I had to move two small boxes and a stack of books out of my way. But I eventually found what I was looking for, and placed the small colorful vase on one end table. Gathering the messy bouquet up carefully from where I had left it by the door to set it into its new home. I ran my fingers over the pretty blooms, smiling to myself. I’d have to get them some water. But I should check on Erramun first.
However, it was suspicious how quiet everything was. I paused for a minute by the door to the bedroom, listening to see if I could hear anything beyond. I had assumed such a behemoth would be a snorer, though I guess that was rather small minded of me to think so. It was also, I realized, possibly silly of me to assume he would even be asleep. I had been gone for hours, perhaps he had woken, if he had slept at all. I pushed aside the fearful thoughts of what he had been doing this entire time if he had not been sleeping.
I hesitated with my hand over the handle. If he was asleep, would my entering wake him? And if he wasn’t… My face felt hot with the sudden reminder of a pair of dimples at the base of his spine. Not to mention the rest of that scene permanently burned into the backs of my eyelids. I glanced around the foyer once more, still trying to decide. Working to calm my suddenly racing pulse. Then chided myself with the reminder yet again that these were my rooms. If he was naked again, well then, I’d just have to scold him better this time. And… maybe I could get a better look. I scoffed silently, pushing away that thought as wholly undesirable and the heavy blush that accompanied it. Giving the handle a solid downward yank and shoving the old bedroom door open with my shoulder.
I had barely started to draw in a breath for a proper greeting when I released it suddenly in a loud shout instead, my body jerking forward with a sudden intruding force acting upon it. My hands went up defensively, the candle abandoned to gravity, as I reached for the sudden weight dropping on my shoulder.
Muscle memory took over then, and it was a blur as my hands found purchase. I shifted my weight, dropping my shoulder down and bending at the knees to use the larger form’s already moving momentum to my advantage as it went to grab me and send its weight forward. Then, a quick twist and a sweep of my foot had it flipping the rest of the way with a abrupt and heavy THUD that even managed to shake the room a little.
I blinked rapidly in the dark left behind by the now doused candle that had clattered to the floor, trying to make out whatever I had just laid low on the ground. My heart racing in my chest, my blood pounding in my ears. A muffled groan broke through the adrenaline, and I nearly scoffed in exasperation. Remembering that there weren’t actually a lot of possibilities.
“Erramun!” I snapped at the large half-orc currently splayed out on my bedroom floor at my feet. “What in the nine HELLS do you think you are doing??”
“Gana!” He said in surprise, tugging at his hand still in my grip. “It’s you!”
“Of course it’s me!! Who else would it be??”
“I thought you were someone else!”
“In my personal rooms, you big idiot??” I retorted, then looked down, realizing I had twisted his arm back with his elbow facing out and his shoulder turned in the way Niko had shown me. Leaving the half-orc completely at my mercy. I was sorely tempted to twist it a little further in my ire. “Who do you think would be just randomly coming in here other than me??”
The dark shadow at my feet gave a growl, and I gave a startled yelp as suddenly I found my own feet swept out from under me. I landed heavily on my back with a gasp, too surprised to react properly. A meaty hand on one shoulder, and the rest of a big orc pining me down with his body crouched over mine.
“I dunno. Could’ve been anyone.” He grumbled, and I saw the glint of his eyes in the dark. “This place is very odd.”
His dark hair spilled like water around us, and I had to take a few moments to calm my swirling thoughts as the smell of him filled my nose. Not to mention the heat of his body, with his big thigh on my left and the other between my own legs. One hand was firmly planted on my shoulder, half-pining me to the floor, the other held one of my hands flattened to the ground by the wrist. I wriggled for half a second beneath him, then stopped dead as I heard him snort.
“Not many can get the jump on an orc.” He noted, sounding heavily amused. I thought I could see the flash of his teeth. “But nobody can best them in actual combat even if they do.”
My temper flared at that, and I twisted sharply. Reaching up with my free hand to catch the back of his neck and burying one knee straight up. Catching his inner thigh and with a sharp upward jerk at the same time as I yanked hard with my hand. Toppling him off balance just enough to use my own weight to flip the tides once more. Using his greater weight and size to roll myself with him.
Another breath later, and Erramun was back on his back, and I glared down at him with a small but satisfied scowl etched into my brow.
“Must not apply to half orcs.” I replied smugly.
I couldn’t see him well at first in the low light of the moon filtering in from the balcony window, but at least now my eyes were finally adjusting properly. I could make out the edge of his jaw, the breadth of his shoulders in the cream colored tunic. The side of his face closer to the window was also mostly visible. His black hair caught the moonlight with dazzling strands of silver, and I was pretty sure I saw his pronounced brow raise up. Thought I saw even a bit of the white in his eyes as he widened them. I could distinctly see them blink very slowly after that, and saw his wide nose flair. In fact, I could feel his entire chest rise and fall as he drew in a deep breath.
It was then my brain decided it fit to recall that I was currently sitting directly on top of the half-orc. My knees barely reached the ground on either side of him, my skirts bunched up at my thighs, and my hand was still cupped around the back of his neck. I had managed to free my other hand from his grip, and had his wrist now pinned above his head. Which brought me leaning perilously close. My own wild hair cascaded down like a net around my shoulders, and I realized my face was not all that far from his.
It seemed he had realized this same fact a that exact moment as well. We stared at each other for a long, quiet breath. Frozen in place. I found myself wondering distractedly how well Erramun could see in the dark. Was I just a shape bathed in a silver outline as he was? Or could he see the way I hovered over him, with the collar of my dress dangling a few inches from his shirt, baring the top of my chest to him? Could he see the expression on my face? And if he could, was he any better at reading it than I was at the moment? Could he see the flush of my cheeks, and hear the race of my pulse at his proximity?
I abruptly and quickly pushed away from him. Shoving him so hard in my retreat that he gave another soft grunt as I stood. My face was burning hot, despite my better judgement, and my head swirled as I tried to compose myself once more.
“You’re an idiot.” I grumbled defensively, smoothing my hands down my skirts as I took a few steps away.
“You’re impressive.” He returned, his voice a bit breathy. I saw him sit up, propping his knees and leaning on his elbows over them. “You fight better than some orcs I’ve met.”
“I thought no one could best an orc.” I chided him, carefully making my way over to the bedside table to find a fresh candle. “What are you even doing out of bed? I thought you were supposed to be resting.”
It took only a short minute of fumbling to light the candle, and when I turned to face him once more, he was still sitting on the ground. Looking up at me with emerald green eyes and his long locks spilling over his shoulders. He grinned a little sheepishly, and I had to force my heart to beat again in its wake.
“Some people can best an orc.” He said, as if deciding on it in that moment, then chewed at his thick lip thoughtfully. “Some people can beat some orcs.” He amended, and those lips split back into a wry, crooked grin. “And I got tired of resting. I’ve been resting for hours.”
“So you decided to tackle someone instead?”
His grin grew by a few molars, and I eyed him warily. “It was fun. At least for a moment.” He winced, and his hand went to his injured side. “I think I may have torn it open again.”
“Serves you right.” I grumbled, walking around to light a few more candles around the room. “Perhaps you should just stay on the floor all night then. Seeing as you seem to like being there. At least I’d get my bed back.”
He chuckled, and I heard him give a soft huff as he pulled himself back to his feet. When I shot him a glance over my shoulder, he was using the bedpost to steady himself. I watched him blink a few times, then shake his head stubbornly. I scoffed with a click of my tongue, putting down the candle in my hand and bustling over to him.
“Let me see.” I ordered him, reaching for the edge of his shirt.
He grunted, but didn’t argue, pulling up the hem over his navel. Exposing the wrappings to my critical eye. There was a spotting bloom of pink at the center, and I ran my fingers lightly around the edge thoughtfully.
“Well, the good news is I don’t think you made it worse.” I commended him, unable to resist the urge to skim my fingers over his skin a little. Checking to see if it was hot with infection, I assured myself. “The bad news is you’re still an idiot.”
He laughed again, and I felt it in my fingers currently pressed against his flesh. I straightened slightly, reluctantly removing my hand and trying to ignore the fresh flush that rose to my own face. Perhaps I was the one coming down with an infection instead, I reasoned distractedly.
I almost jumped as his hand came around, catching mine as it retreated. My eyes jumped to his face, and he tilted his head to the side slightly as he peered down at me. Those thick lips of his twisted into a fresh smirk, one side higher than the other. I resisted the urge to quiver at the sight.
“Lucky then that I have you, Gana.” He mused. “You have brains enough for the both of us.”
“And brawn.” I quipped, which only had his grin growing. I shuffled in place, glancing down at our hands before carefully pulling mine back. “Still. No more tackling people in the dark, agreed? Damjan won’t be happy if I return his tunic with blood stains all over it.”
Erramun nodded, slowly pulling his borrowed shirt back down. “Who is Damjan?”
I hesitated only a brief moment, turning to walk over to sit at the edge of the bed. “He’s the General of the goblin forces. Retired, supposedly. But that’s his wardrobe you’re wearing.”
That had a small flash of surprise rolling across his features. “He is large for a goblin then. Or is he human?”
I shook my head, then gave him a small grin of my own. “He’s goblin. Half-goblin at least. And half-orc.”
“Orc?” He echoed, and I wasn’t sure if it was nervousness or excitement that laced his voice. His smile had quickly faded.
I nodded, considering him. “Yes. He grew up here though. I don’t know if he’s ever met another orc. Though I suppose he must have at some point.”
Erramun nodded as well, chewing on his lip as he stared at the ground. I could almost see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes. I couldn’t help but notice that he looked a little relieved. I leaned forward on my hands currently propped at the edge of the bed.
“You avoiding all orcs at the moment?” I poked, curious despite myself.
His gaze darted up to me, then he shrugged his big shoulders, coming around to the edge of the bed slowly. “Just most.”
I tried not to stiffen as he sat next to me, the mattress depressing almost to the frame with his added weight. “Any particular reason why?” I asked warily. “You aren’t on the run, are you?”
The soft chuckle in his chest rumbled like distant thunder, and I felt goosebumps skitter across my flesh at the sound. He glanced at me again, then down at the floor.
“I worry they might try to stop me. If they found out.”
I waited for him to go on, to explain that further. When I was answered with nothing but silence, I shifted in my seat. Debating only for a moment whether or not I cared enough to pry further. But the curiosity proved too much, and I even leaned a little closer to him.
“Found out about what?”
He glanced at me again, and I froze as his eyes ran over my face. Especially the way he seemed equally distracted for a moment as his gaze met mine. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before he finally spoke. But found myself releasing a breath I hadn’t known I was holding when he did.
“Let’s just say I’ve got something to prove to my family.” He mumbled, then his eyes finally dropped away and he shifted. “We should leave it at that. I don’t want you to think I’m stupid.”
His voice was strangely soft again. The way it had been when he had first mentioned the plight of his people at the border. With that same look I had seen a hundred times before on my brother’s faces. The weight of a thousand weights, I called it. I didn’t quite like his face in that shape. It made him seem older, more tired. It hurt me a little to see that look on him, when usually his eyes were filled with such vigor and bravado. I leaned a little closer, nudging his shoulder with mine until he looked up at me again.
“... I already think you’re stupid.” I assured him lightly, and my teasing tones had a smile flicking across his lips again. “But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
He nodded, and I saw his eyes shift between mine for a moment. “Thank you, Gana… You have been very kind to me. And I have given you nothing but trouble.” He leaned a little closer, and my breath caught in my throat. “I would like to give you something else. To repay you.”
It took me far too long to respond with his breath splashing across my face. With his eyes locked in mind. Heat swelled in my chest, and my heart fluttered behind it. I swallowed slowly, trapped in those emerald eyes of his.
“... Oh yeah?” I fumbled my lips around the soft words. “What would you give?”
He paused a moment, and I felt the bed shift beneath us as he adjusted his weight. Somehow managing to shift even closer to me.
“What would you like? What can I give you, that would make you happy?”
I laughed shyly, glancing down. Away from those entrancing eyes. “I don’t want for much here.” I assured him, my heart thrumming in my ears.
“Surely there must be something you don’t have. Something you want?” He pressed, his voice still whisper soft.
My hands twitched, and I brought them together to cup in my lap. Thumbing at one as I stared down at them. So aware of his proximity I couldn’t seem to draw in a deep enough breath for fear of pulling it from his lungs.
“Freedom.” I admitted quietly. “... To go where I want. To see the world.”
“I can give you that.”
I scoffed, shaking my head. “No one can give me that.”
“But I can take you with me.” He pressed. “I can bring you back to my home. It is wild and untamed. That is a start at least.”
I glanced up at him again, and found him closer than I had left him previously. He was leaning on one hand, twisted at the waist. Almost at my eye level with the gentle bow of his broad shoulders and the relaxed curve of his spine. If I moved too quickly our noses might brush together. I kept my breath trapped in my throat. I saw his eyes move, and my face suddenly blazed hot.
Abruptly, I stood, putting a few steps between us. Squeezing at my palm for a moment and feeling horribly, horribly foolish. It took a breath to steady myself, but I turned back for him.
“... You are not here to promise adventures to silly girls in castle towers.” I reminded him bitterly.
He started for a moment at that, staring at me a little wide eyed. The candlelight danced in those eyes, and I had to look away. I made the pretense of picking up the broken candle from the floor where I had dropped it earlier. I ran my thumb over the smooth wax, trying to calm my racing heart.
“No, I’m not.” He admitted, and my efforts were demolished by the skip of my heart at the regret in his tone. “... But if you help me win the Princess, then I can still give you want you want.”
I almost laughed, shaking my head and feeling the sinking weight of his words deep in my chest. Reminding myself why this man was even here in the first place, and chiding myself silently for forgetting. Trying to swallow the sudden disappointment in my throat.
“I can’t help you do that.”
“You’re the only one who can.” He pleaded. “I don’t know this world. I don’t know these people, but I need to. I need to be better, to be bigger than I am. It’s the only way to help my own people. I see that now. My plan was foolish, and I cannot do it alone.”
I was already shaking my head before he had finished speaking. “I cannot help you win the Princess.” I told him firmly, stubbornness lacing my breath. Still refusing to look up at him.
“Fine. Not the Princess.” He agreed, and I heard the creak of the bedframe as he stood. “Then help me learn to be someone worthy of her. Of this court. Teach me how to impress the Kings. How to talk without saying anything. How to dress, how to speak. How to be… human. And goblin, if needed.”
I did laugh now, and turned to toss the candle to a pile of rubbish to be taken out later. “That’s ridiculous. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“So teach me.” He insisted, and his voice was closer. Somewhere only a few steps behind me. “Teach me to be better than I am, to be human enough to be at this court, to pass for one of the goblins, and I will take you far away from this place when I leave. I’ll even tell you stories of all the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen in the meantime.” 
I jumped as his hand grazed my elbow, and spun to face him once more. He peered down at me quietly for a long moment. Then his lopsided smile returned, and I felt my heart skip.
“I can’t give you your freedom, Gana.” His eyes sparkled with determination. “But I can give you the chance to take it.”
Excitement surged in my chest, and I felt the heat of my blood rushing through my veins. I felt the familiar itch; to run. To just go, to leave this place and never look back. To be out there, in the world where I so longed to be. I couldn’t quell the intensity of my desire, and felt it seep throughout my entire core. I saw his grin grow, and wondered if he could see it in my eyes. I chewed it over, trying to keep a level head. Trying to think it through.
“... No Princess? Just-”
“Just teaching.” He assured me. “Even if it doesn’t work, and the goblin Princess doesn’t like me and I go home, I’ll still take you with me.” His head cocked to the side. “If you want to go.”
It would never work. I had managed to smuggle him in, but I was only here for a month or two. Could I even smuggle him back to Geriveria? Or could I leave with him at the end, like he promised? Niko would never allow it. He’d send half of the Kingdom after me, and Val wouldn’t be far behind. Even Grier would think this was crazy. I didn’t know this man! I had no idea where he had come from, or what kind of person he was. And how was I supposed to keep him from figuring out who I really was? Once he found out that he couldn’t even use anything I’d taught him, surely he’d be mad. He would not keep his promise. Besides, how was I supposed to keep him hidden from my brother, the goblin King, my nosy nieces and nephews, my ladies-in-waiting, and everyone else in the entire castle? It was insane! It was dangerous! If I was caught, if Niko found out, if anyone saw him, who knows what they would do! And even if I could manage all that, two months was hardly enough time to train some wildling everything it had taken me a lifetime to learn. It was impossible. The odds were far too high, and the chances of success so slim I couldn’t even see them.
I felt a grin sliding across my face at the challenge raised, and felt my heart skip excitedly in my breast.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
To be continued ...
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themockingpoint · 3 years
308 A.C., Winterfell
Excerpt from a story I wrote that will probably never get published. All that really needs to be know is that Jon became king at the end.
308 AC- House Winterfell
 “Sansa…” A feminine voice sounded, and the Princess of the North looked up to see. Not many people referred to her by her first name very often, so she was able to narrow down the source.
 “Yes, Jeyne?” She said and saw that her best friend from childhood had stuck her head into the room.
 Jeyne and she had been inseparable during their childhood in Winterfell. The girl with chestnut brown hair and Sansa were as close as sisters to the point where she followed them to King’s Landing when her father became Hand of the King. When Tyrion took over the position, she had been lucky enough for Robb to have paid for her ransom. The only semi decent idea her brother had outside military tactics.
 Her family were only stewards so had no political power. That meant young Jeyne had no value as a hostage, but it also meant that she had no ability to help with the Battle of the Bastards. Only her mother being a Mazin convinced them to help and then only barely. But still, House Mazin took over Last Hearth and Jeyne, now the head of House Poole, is receiving training from Sansa to take over the Dreadfort.
 “Um… Arya is here.” She said, awkwardly. The two never had a good relationship growing up and Sansa’s sister had not been heard from in near three years. For her to show up out of the blue like this was very unexpected.
 “Help me up.” She said, taking Jeyne’s hand while holding her belly.
 Her Little Jon was getting mighty tight in her belly and still had near a month to go. Her mother always told her the joy of a woman carrying her first born but Sansa just felt incredibly guilty that she did not feel that joy and just wanted this pregnancy over with.
 “Are you sure it is her?” She asked as they walked from her solar.
 “Aye, I’d recognize Arya Underfoot anywhere. It’s not as though she does not look enough like Jon Snow.” she said, and Sansa laughed. It was only last year that Sansa realized that her friend had a massive crush on Jon growing up, with the rest of Winterfell assuming that the “brother” she spoke of wanting to marry was Robb.
 “I am guessing she was happy to see you?” Sansa asked rhetorically.
 “She was perfectly civil. I almost did not recognize her.” Jeyne said, bitingly.
 Jeyne and Arya were never able to get along as children. Sansa should not be surprised that they did not get along as adults. “Play nice…” The Northern queen admonished.
 “Yes, Your Grace.”
 As the two made their way down to the great hall, Sansa could not help but worry about her sister. No one had heard from her in years, and no one had ever come back from West of Westeros. She wondered what kind of effect that would have on a person.
 “About time. You had me sitting here like a ninny.” Arya said. She had a scowl on her face, but Sansa had known her for so long she could see the smile in her eyes and tease in her voice. Sansa noticed that she had a new scar going up the left side of her jaw and then onto the side of her neck and her brown hair was lighter and longer than she had ever seen it.
 “I’m a lot slower now.” Sansa said, rubbing her tummy.
 “What happened to not marrying?” Arya asked rhetorically.
 “We need more Starks.” Sansa shrugged.
 “And the Father?” Arya asked, with their mothers cocked eyebrow.
 “An old friend of yours. From the Battle of Winterfell actually…” She said, and Arya stiffened. Sansa tried not to snicker at sister’s expense before saying, “Ned Dayne, from Starfall. I believe you too met when you spend time with the Brotherhood without Banners? He is down in Dorne helping Princess Arianne win back control of Dorne with Jon.”
 Arya let a puff out of her nose, “You’re an arse.”
 “Me?” Sansa said, innocently. Arya rolled her eyes knowing exactly what Sansa was doing. Grey eyes flicked downwards and then she hovered her hand over Sansa’s midsection. Sansa nodded and her sister started rubbing her tummy and nephew.
 “How far along are you?” She asked.
 “About eight moons.” Sansa said, gaining a more genuine scowl from her sister.
 “Of course you still look like a maiden from a song while pregnant…” Arya scowled for real this time and Sansa sighed.
 Growing up the two sisters were always at each other’s throats; Sansa was jealous that their father obviously favored Arya while Arya was always jealous how good at things Sansa was. She had hoped their time in Winterfell waiting for Jon could have gotten them passed that.
 “… meanwhile when I was….” She started before quickly cutting herself off.
 Sansa’s eyebrows shot to her hairline in surprise, as Jeyne started coughing herself. “When you…” She demanded.
 Her sister walked to the door and spoke to a serving girl before bringing two little children. The first was a boy with Black hair and blue eyes, the second was a girl who looked like Sansa herself.
 “These are my children, Jon and Lynarra Snow.” Arya said, introducing her children, if Sansa didn’t know better, nervously.
“Snow? Or Storm?”
“Does it matter?”
 “Well our Jon is going to be pissed if he finds out that you mothered a bastard!” Sansa hissed.
 “… I know.” Arya said and for the first time Sansa heard her sister sound dejected.
 “Lyarra?” Sansa said, to confirm her suspicions.
 “LEE-NAR-AH. A mix of Lyarra and Lynah.” Arya explained, and Sansa sighed and pinched her nose at the mention of Gendry’s mother.
 Sansa and Gendry had grown somewhat close in the last few years due to the former Blacksmiths nervousness of ruling. Well as close as they could get nearly half a continent away from each other. Many ravens had been exchanged between the two in his first year of ruling and Sansa was pleased to say that the two had become friends.
 There was a pregnant pause before saying, “He is still unmarried.”
 “Don’t you think thing he’d want to know about his children.” Sansa said, “You need to tell him!”
 “No I don’t.” Arya said, stubbornly.
 “Yes, you do!” Sansa snapped and that back and forth continued on for a moment or two before Jeyne snapped.
 “You are a queen and you a savior of the World! You are arguing like three-year-olds!” Jeyne near shouted indicating the now shoving match between Jon and Lynarra.
 “It must be bad if Jeyne is the voice of reason.” Arya said, while quickly grabbed the two by the backs of their shirts and separating them, plopping Jon on her hip and Lynarra into Jeyne’s waiting arms before Sansa’s old friend started cooing at the babe. “Stay out of this Sansa. It is none of your business.”
 “I don’t care if you don’t decide to marry him, but Gendry is my friend, and he deserves to know about his children! You tell him, or I tell Jon!” Sansa bluffed. Her little sister had been there for a grand total of five minutes and they were fighting already.
 Arya hesitated before saying, “Jon would not…”
 “Would not care that you are forcing your children to grow up as bastards? Jon?” Sansa asked rhetorically.
 Arya didn’t look at her before finally saying, “I will write him once we are settled in.”
 “Good, and while we are at it…” Sansa said, and Arya gave a sharp glare before Sansa offered the olive branch, “You can tell me of your adventures to the west.”
 The two sisters grinned as they walked off to get the new quiet wolf settled in Winterfell once again.
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imagine-that · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: mentions of injury/abuse (Umbridge)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
AN: sorry I’ve been missing for a while!! First few weeks at a job, it gets kinda hectic lol. But I’ll try to write more as often as I can!!!
You walk nervously down the hall towards the office of the woman you loathed so much. Much to your dismay, you had to spend the evening in her vomit inducing office, writing lines.
Of course you weren’t stupid. You’d heard all about what writing lines actually entailed with the wench. You just never thought you’d be one of the students being forced to do them.
Though they didn’t particularly like your relationship, the Weasley twins had found out about your upcoming detention and they’d apparated to your side, scaring you half to death while they were at it.
“You two are relentless. She’ll catch you doing that someday you know!” You scold, giving them a stern and concerned look.
“And what? Make us write more lines? It barely hurts anymore for us.” They argue.
You suck in a breath at the mention of pain.
“You’ll be fine y/n. It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as people say it does. And when it’s done, the pain mulls over quickly.” One of them assures you. You nod absentmindedly, knowing you’ve probably gone completely pale in the face.
You’d never thought you would have to do this horrid punishment. Sure you misbehaved sometimes and used magic when you knew Umbridge would yell but that wasn’t even the reason you were there to begin with.
The night before, filch had found you and your boyfriend Draco sneaking off, snogging each other. Of course being the kissup he was, Filch ran directly to Umbridge, shouting “students out of bed.” On repeat as he went. She came with that sickly sweet smile and, basically completely ignoring Draco’s presence, she’d given you detention for tonight.
“This form of punishment is completely barbaric. I’ve heard several professors say so as well.” You mutter, a frown etched on your face.
“We know.” The twins chorused.
You laugh faintly, their talking in unison all the time cheering you up a bit. Finally you hear the disgustingly familiar ahem and turn to her office door to see her gesturing you in.
The twins squeeze your hands and tell you it’ll be ok as you get to your feet, slowly making your way into her office.
“Sit.” She orders as she walks around her desk.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes and take a seat, biting your tongue to keep back any nasty comments you have.
“You will be writing lines for me today.” She hums, the smile you’d like to slap off of her perfectly in place.
“And what will I be writing today professor?” You ask with a raised eyebrow.
“I would like you to write I will act like a lady. Just enough times for it to sink in.” She instructs, giggling to herself.
You scoff, looking to her with anger and frustration. “Professor, that seems a tad bit sexist, does it not?” You ask.
“I did not give you permission to speak miss y/l/n. Now please do your punishment. It’s good for you to learn.” She says.
You sigh, picking up her stupid special quill and beginning to write, wincing as the words etch into your hand. At first it isn’t so bad, only breaking through the surface. But as you continue to write over the course of the next hour, you resist the urge to cry out in pain.
Every nerve in your hand is begging you to stop, the burning irritation making tears start in your eyes but you quickly hold them in, refusing to let this foul woman see that she’s gotten to you.
Finally, she tells you to stop, letting you put down the quill as your hand throbs, the surface of the scar a vibrant red.
“That should be enough for today. I do hope I don’t have to see you in here again miss y/l/n.” She warns.
“Yes Professor, lets hope.” You mutter, walking through the door and giving a sad smile to one of the nervous looking third years sitting outside her office and waiting to be summoned.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s over before you know it.” You promise him in a whisper, walking away before Umbridge has the chance to try and discipline you again.
You see Draco leaning against a wall, watching you but you ignore him, quickly brushing past and walking in the direction of your common room.
“Y/n!” He calls after you, running to catch up with you.
You continue to ignore him, getting onto one of the staircases as it starts moving.
“Darling what’s wrong?” He calls, finally catching up to you as he runs up the staircase.
You scoff at him, tears in your eyes. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong you ask!? Of course, you wouldn’t know. Why don’t you just go back to the inquisitorial squad, I’m sure they need you to help catch people breaking the rules.” You say through your tears, staying facing away from him.
“Y/n, what’re you so upset about?” He asks, reaching out to hold your hand. You yank it away, instead holding it up for him to see the scarring.
“Blimey, what is that?” He asks, grabbing your hand to examine it.
“That is what you and your bloody gang are sentencing people to.” You growl.
“Y/n- I had no idea.” He says softly. “But those people are breaking school rules! They must be punished.” He adds.
You stare at him with wide, hurt eyes. “Do you even hear yourself anymore?! The Draco I know and love would never put anyone through this.” You say, your bottom lip trembling at this point.
When he doesn’t speak, you decide you should. “Was I breaking some kind of rule for kissing my bloody boyfriend? Did I deserve for this to happen then?” You ask, looking over at him pleadingly.
“No, of course not love. You could never deserve anything like this!” He exclaims, holding your hand carefully in his.
“Then neither does everyone else.” You sigh, tugging your hand away and walking up the stairs, going to your common room and straight to bed.
The next morning, you wake up with a sigh, glaring down at the words on your hand until you will yourself to get up.
Your roommates had already gone down for breakfast but you, having had a lousy evening the day before, had opted to stay in bed for a little longer and eat quickly.
You’d felt torn and distressed all evening. You loved draco with all your heart but the idea of him condoning such actions as those of professor Umbridge felt like a betrayal to you. You didn’t know what you could do, thus the stress resulted in a rather fitful sleep
Once you got dressed, you finally made your way to the dining room and ate a rather small meal, your appetite having disappeared.
“Y/n, wait up!” One of the Weasley twins shouts, trailing after you down the hall.
“Hey George, what do you need?” You ask, recognizing him as he approaches.
“I was meaning to give this to you. It’ll help with the scarring.” He explains, putting a small purple container in your hand.
“Wow, thanks. Where’d you get it?” You ask, worrying about if you ever had to do the lines again.
“Fred and I came up with it. Mostly me of course, I am the brains of the operation.” He says and a smug smile, making you laugh.
“Of course. Well it’s brilliant, thank you.” You reply with a smile of your own. He nods, quickly walking back to his brother to cause more mischief no doubt.
“So, I piss you off once and now you’re off snogging Weaselbee?” A voice says from behind, startling you enough to turn around.
“Draco, I was not snogging him, don’t be so daft and jealous.” You groan, giving him a knowing look.
“Sure looked like it to me.” He mutters with a shrug.
You sigh, looking back over at him. “It’s you I love you ninny. Even if you’re being a complete arse.” You promise, a frown still on your face.
He avoids your gaze, looking guilty. “I’m sorry about what I said last night. I didn’t mean it, honestly!” He apologizes, looking at you sadly.
“Draco, I can’t be with someone who would defend something like that.” You start, your heart aching at the idea of breaking up with him.
“I know you can’t.” He interrupts. You look over at him in shock, thinking this was what he wanted.
“That’s why I marched into Umbridge’s office this morning and quit the inquisitorial squad.” He adds, making you somewhat surprised. You never thought he’d quit something that his father put him up to like that. It was intriguing.
“Sure you did.” You mutter sarcastically, not fully believing him.
“I did. Do you see the badge anywhere here?” He asks, spinning in a slow circle to show you. Sure enough, the badge is no where to be found on him.
You blink, unsure what to say.
“Y/n?” He says a moment later, a gentle hand on your arm and his face etched with concern.
“I’m just- what about your parents?” You ask worriedly. He gives you a soft smile, pulling you into his chest.
“I will deal with their wrath, don’t fret baby.” He says, placing a kiss on your head.
“I promise I’ll be there with you every second of the conversation-.” You start promising, but his bitter chuckling stops you.
“You shouldn’t be there for that y/n. Merlin only knows what would happen.” He sighs.
“Which is exactly why I should be there Draco.” You groan, pouting your lips up at him. He shakes his head, sighing a bit more.
“Who cares what they think anyway? It’s our choice not theirs.” He complains and you nod firmly in agreement.
You wrap your arms around his torso, squeezing him for dear life.
“You’re too good to me.” You murmur into his chest.
He takes a second to hug back, his shock at the sudden show of affection evident in the way his body tenses up.
As he relaxes into your touch, a faint smile comes to his lips. “And you’re too good for me darling.” He whispers, his face one of sadness and regret.
The two of you stand like that, in each other’s embrace, for what feels like an eternity, caring far too much for each other to ever truly let go.
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lec743 · 3 years
Welcome to Moominvalley Ch. 1
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Moomintroll and Little My find a strange stranger in the middle of their back woods.
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           It was a beautiful early spring morning. The melting snow was giving way to budding flowers and grass. The birds were singing in the trees. The warm sun filtered through the waking tree’s new leaves, glittering the forest floor with golden light. Two figures were walking through the forest; a white, furry, and rounded looking creature named Moomintroll and a knee-high young lady in a red dress with her ginger hair in a ponytail, making her head look like an onion named Little My. Moomintroll was out looking for a pretty rock in the forest to give to Snork Maiden and Little My was an unwelcome participant.
           “How about this one,” Little My said as she picked up a rock that looked like an old man’s dying face, “This looks just like her.”
           “Oh, absolutely not,” Moomintroll said, “and it does not look like her at all. If you’re going to be here will you, please, actually help.”
           Little My dropped the rock then immediately picked up another rock that was in the shape of an ass, then said, “Look. This one looks even more like you.”
           Moomintroll groaned with a disapproving shake of his head. Then he turned his back on her to continue searching by himself.
           All was quiet for a few minutes then Little My called out for Moomintroll to come see something.
           Moomintroll groaned but he went over to Little My, but not without complaining along the way, “Little My, I swear, if this is just another set up for you to make fun of me I will—AH!”
           Through some bushes, Moomintroll could see Little My standing over a body. The woman has long straight, raven black hair. Skin color like a deep dark lake. Wearing clothes that he’s never seen before that have mysterious stains on her front.
           “You killed someone!? Don’t worry. I’ll get Mama. She knows how to bury a body,” Moomintroll said in a panic.
           Before he could run off Little My pegged him with a rock and said, “I didn’t kill her you ninny. She’s still alive. See. Her chest is moving.”
           “O-oh,” He stuttered, then he said, “I’ve never seen a troll like her before.”
           “You would think random strangers would have the decency of showing up passed out on the boarder of our valley or washed up on the beach, not in our back yard,” Little My said as she poked the young woman in the side with a stick.
           Moomintroll rolled his eyes at her then knelt down to see if there was any bodily damage to the passed out young woman.
           “She seems fine, but she reeks of booze,” he said.
           “Let’s stack rocks on top of her to see how many we can stack before she wakes up,” Little My said already having balanced three rocks on the young woman’s knee.
           Moomintroll knocked the rocks over and said, “Stop that and help me wake her up!”
           Little My clicked her tongue then said with a sigh, “You’re no fun.”
           The little lady then walked on top of the passed-out woman to stand on her stomach, then she lifted her up by the collar of her shirt, then slapped the passed-out woman in the face while yelling, “Wake up!”
           This immediately woke the woman up and she screamed from the shock of being hit and flopped over on her side to grab her sore cheek and her head. Little My was still on top of her.
           “Did you really have to hit her,” Moomintroll asked.
           Little My shrugged, then said, “That’s always been my experience with drunks.”
           “Britney,” the young woman groaned, “You didn’t need to hit me.”
           “My name’s Little My,” she said.
           The young woman looked over her shoulder at Little My and said, “Oh no. I must have been separated from my friends.”
           She sat up, as Little My hopped off her, then as the young woman was reaching for her pants pockets, she saw Moomintroll and freaked out.
           “AAAAHHHHH!” She cried out.
           “AAAAHHHHH!’ Moomintroll cried in surprise from her sudden cry.
           The woman clutched her head in pain and through gritted teeth said, “Dang hangover,” then looking up at Moomintroll she asked, “What the heck are you!”
           “Um, I’m Moomintroll,” he said.
           She looked at him in confusion then she muttered to herself, “Am I dreaming… No, you don’t feel pain in dreams,” then to the other two she asked, “Where am I? I was in Theresienwiese participating in Oktoberfest with my friends.”
           “We have never heard of this Theresienwiese or Oktoberfest,” Little My said.
           “You’re in Moominvalley,” Moomintroll said.
           “Hmm, sounds Swedish. So, I drunkenly got lost, left Germany and somehow ended up in Sweden,” she mused, then she sighed and said to herself, “Why is Europe so small?”
           Little My and Moomintroll looked at each other then looked back at the woman.
           “If you come with us you can take a bath and get something to eat and we can figure something out about how you got here,” Moomintroll offered.
           The woman sighed then said, “Alright.”
           She stood up and she towered over Moomintroll and Little My, with the top of Moomintroll reaching just under her shoulder and with Little My reaching just under her knees. Moomintroll was impressed by her height but Little My wasn’t, thinking that Mymble was taller.
           “This way,” Moomintroll said as he pointed towards his house.
           As they walked, she asked, “So, what can Moomintrolls do?”
           “I don’t understand,” He asked.
           “Like, do you know magic, or do you have a special innate ability that humans don’t have or something,” she asked.
           Moomintroll was about to answer her, but then Little My said, “Ha! The only innate ability Moomin has is storing everything he eats like he’s a fat snowman.”
           “Ooooh! Hush you!” Moomintroll said as he kicked in her general direction.
           Little My laughed then ran ahead of them.
           “She’s a bit mean spirited, isn’t she,” she said.
           Moomintroll only huffed, but then he said, “I think you’re confused. Moomintroll is my name it’s not what I am. I’m a troll. Specifically, I’m an Arial Hippos.”
           She had a look of deep thought on her face, then she said, “I’m sorry then. I’m Sam. What I am is human.”
           “Hmm. I’m never heard of a troll called a human before,” Moomintroll said.
           Sam smiled, then said, “Well, that’s because a human isn’t a troll,” then under her breath she said, “not unless they’re on the Internet.”
           “Nothing,” Sam said.
           The two of them walked out of the forest to come upon a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a three-story tall, blue, cylinder shaped building with a red cone shape for a roof. Farther beyond it was a small stream with a bridge over it and next to the bridge, on the other side of the stream, sat a lived-in camp sight.
           “Well, I’ve never heard of a human before. So maybe Papa knows what you are,” Moomintroll told her, “He’s been everywhere one can go and has a lot of books.”
           “Neat. But you can just ask me what humans are considering I am one,” Sam said.
           “True,” he agreed.
           After Moomintroll opened the back door to the cylinder house, he shouted, “Mama! I brought home someone new to the valley!”
           “I’m in the bathroom Dear!” A kind sounding woman shouted back.
           “Little My has probably already told her about you,” Moomintroll said as he walked inside, “Come on.”
           Moomintroll then patiently waited for Sam as she took a moment to take off her shoes before coming into the house.
           “You didn’t have to do that,” Moomintroll said, “No one will mind if you wear your shoes inside.”
           “Thank you, but that’s impossible for me,” Sam said with a nervous smile.
           As they walked through his house, Moomintroll told Sam about the history in his home, like how his father built it. How his mother decorated it. How the tree next to their front door was planted inside by him as a toddler and they haven’t the heart to chop it down since. And how sturdy the place is in general. It filled Moomintroll with pride to see someone so impressed by his family home while Sam looked around the house with joy on her face.
           Moomintroll led Sam upstairs and on the second floor they found Moominmamma coming out of the bathroom. She looked exactly like Moomintroll, white, furry, and round, but she wears a red and white striped apron around her middle that covers her legs.
“Ah. So, you are the drunk my children found,” Moominmamma said, then she introduced herself and said, “I already drew you a bath and I’ll have some new clothes for you soon too.” Moominmamma had both of her hands around Sam’s right hand and patted it to comfort her. Then she looked down and said, “Oh my. Did someone steal your shoes too?”
           “No, she just left them on the back porch,” Moomintroll said.
           “Oh, you didn’t have to do that, Dear,” Moominmamma said.
           Sam took her hand back then said, “Thank you, but you have to understand that I was raised this way.”
           “Very well,” Moominmamma said as she opened the bathroom door and gestured for Sam to enter, “Take as long of a bath as you need. I’ll come over soon with your new clothes.”
           “Okay,” Sam said as she went for her back pocket and pulled out a wallet, “How much should I pay you all for these services?”
           Both trolls looked at Sam in surprise.
           “We’re not going to charge you anything, Dear,” Moominmamma said, concern etched over her face.
           Moomintroll watched Sam’s face, like the rotary dial phone in her head was spinning in a circle that wasn’t calling anyone.
           Eventually Sam said, “Okay,” then she reluctantly put away her wallet and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
           “Moomin, Dear. Will you go to the guest room and open the windows to air it out? I also want you to tidy it up a bit and make sure the bed doesn’t smell musty,” Moominmamma said.
           “Okay Mama,” he said.
           Moomintroll then walked down the hallway to the guest room while Moominmamma walked up stairs to get to the attic. Once in the guest room, Moomintroll did everything his mother asked of him and as he was sniffing the bed, Little My showed up.
           “Hey!” Little My shouted hoping to startle him.
           “What!” Moomintroll asked, startled.
           “Look at this book Moominpappa got out,” she said, showing off the book cover.
           Moomintroll read the title out loud, “List of Extraordinary and Dangerous Extinct Creatures?”
           “The drunker said a weird word, and I went to Moominpappa to see if he knew what a “human” was,” Little My said as she opened the book and laid it flat on the floor, “Listen to this—Humans have long been extinct since the rise of troll kind. Many compiled studies of these creatures suggest that they were a dangerous and innovative people, driven by their base needs and wants. It is suggested by their fossils that humans were driven extinct very suddenly, though there is no known working theory as to how the mass extinction happened,” After she finished reading that passage, Little My said, “If we’re not careful, she might eat you and your parents. Spit you like a pig over a fire.” Little My had an evil little grin on her face, hoping to scare Moomintroll.
           Moomintroll couldn’t help but imagine Sam with sharp fangs and claws slobbering over his Mama and Papa, but then he remembered how nervous she seemed about the idea of wearing her shoes inside, how patient she was when he wanted to look at other sources about humans besides her, and how confused she was about not needing to pay them for their kindness.
           “I highly doubt she’s going to eat us,” Moomintroll said.
           “It could be all a trick,” Little My said as she snapped the book close, “If I were you. I’d be ready for anything.” Then she ran off cackling.
           Moomintroll shook his head at Little My with a disapproving huff. Then he went back to work on the guest room.
           Finished with the guest room, Moomintroll went downstairs to the kitchen to see his family and Sam were already there. Sam looked nice and clean, without any leaves and sticks in her hair or dirt on her face, though he did think that the bath would get rid of the strange dark coloration of her skin, but he supposed that’s just what her skin looks like. The dress that Mama got for her was the biggest dress that he’s sure that they own, but it was still too small for her, but it was something for her to wear for the mean time.
           Moominmamma was setting out breakfast food in front of Sam and filling a cup with tea and another cup with water for her to have. Moominpappa, who looks just like Moomintroll, white, furry, and round, but with a black top hat on his head, was examining Sam using a large magnifying glass. Little My was scrutinizing Sam with Moominpappa.
           “How are you feeling,” Moomintroll asked as he sat down next to Sam.
           “I still got a headache, but it’ll get better with time,” Sam said. Then with a frown she turned on Little My and Moominpappa and said, “Will you two cut it out already.”
           “I’m terribly sorry,” Moominpappa said, putting down his magnifying glass, “It’s just finding a human. It’s unorthodox. And it’s a marvelous find that could get us Moomins on the front page of the news.”
           “I don’t think I’m newsworthy sir,” Sam said, “What’s newsworthy is what the heck is with your mouths, like why are your mouths on the side of your face instead of on the front?”
           Little My couldn’t help but laugh.
           Moominmamma, as she sat the final plate of food in front of Sam, said, “That’s just how we are built, Dear.”
           Sam sighed then started to dig in. After taking a few bites she said, “Ma’am, your food is delicious.”
           Moominmamma giggled then said, “Why thank you, Dear.”
           “After you’re done eating, maybe you can regale us with tales of how you came to be here in our humble valley,” Moominpappa asked.
           Sam nodded; her mouth stuffed with food.
           Once she was done eating, Sam told them how she’s from America and that she went to Germany with her two best friends, Britney and Jake, so that they could celebrate making it through their first year of college together.
           “Ah, so you’re no ordinary hunter-gatherer human. You’re a scholar. I’m a bit of a scholar myself you know,” Moominpappa said.
           Sam gave Moominpappa as confused look, then said, “I’m not a scholar. I’m just going to college for a specific thing.”
           “Alright, well, whatever you are or aren’t, how did you get here,” Little My asked, “We’ve never heard of Germany or America or that one word that you said contained the October fest that you were talking about before.”
           “Theresienwiese,” Sam said.
           “Gesundheit,” Moominmamma said.
           Sam looked at Moominmamma like she couldn’t believe what she just heard her say. Then she said, “I don’t know how I got here. I was pretty drunk. I remember being with my friends. I remember being in a forested area and I remember hearing the sounds of the partying around me and then there was this weird strange green glow. Then you smacked me awake.”
           “Well, that’s better than nothing,” Moomintroll said.
           “I’ve also been meaning to ask, but do you have a landline that I can use. I’ve been trying to call my friends on my cellphone, but I can’t get a signal,” Sam asked.
           “Ah, yes, I have a rotary phone in my study,” Moominpappa said. He gestured for Sam to follow him and he said, “This way.”
           Once Moominpappa and Sam were out of the kitchen, Moominmamma started cleaning up the table with Moomintroll helping her.
           “The poor thing,” Moominmamma said, “Separated from her friends. Unable to contact them and lost in a world that’s so strange for her. I hope we can help her.”
           “I mean. You already are,” Little My said.
           “She’s right,” Moomintroll said, “Besides, I’m sure we’ll get her home one way or another.”
           Moominmamma smiled at her kids, then said, “You two are so sweet.”
           After finishing the dishes, Moominmamma informed them that she was going to do laundry and she asked Little My to help her. She was reluctant, but she went with Moominmamma to help her out. Leaving Moomintroll to himself.
           Moomintroll started walking up the stairs to his bedroom on the third floor to grab his fishing pole to see if Snufkin wanted to go fishing with him and also to tell him about the new strange guest that they have. When he was walking back downstairs, with fishing pole in hand, he saw a dejected Sam walk into the guest room and close the door behind her with Moominpappa looking worried.
           “What happened?”
           “She couldn’t contact anyone. Not her friends. Not her school. Not her workplace. Not even her family. It’s really sad,” Moominpappa said, “I’m going to check on our phone line. Maybe it’s not working the way it should. We barely use it anyhow, so maybe that’s it.”
           Moominpappa walked down the stairs to go do what he said. Moomintroll stood next to the guest room door for a second, then he knocked on it.
           “Sam. Do you want to go fishing with me?” he asked through the door.
           “No thank you,” her muffled voice said through the door.
           “Okay. I’ll be sitting on the bridge in front of our house if you change your mind,” Moomintroll told her. Then he left her alone.
           Moomintroll walked out the front door of his house to see Snufkin already sitting on the bridge, fishing from the stream. He looked about the same age as Moomintroll, wearing a long, long-sleeved green coat that went all the way to his ankles, with a matching green broad rimed hat that looked a lot like a witch’s hat. Wrapped around his neck is a yellow scarf and in his mouth is a pipe that he was smoking on.
           “Morning Moomin,” Snufkin called out after taking his pipe out of his mouth, “How went the rock hunt for Snork Maiden?”
           Moomintroll groaned as he sat down beside Snufkin on the bridge and said, “I completely forgot about that.”
           “Oh? What happened,” Snufkin asked, as he dumped out his pipe into the stream and placed it into his left breast pocket.
           As Moomintroll threw out his line he told Snufkin about the strange person they found in their backyard, in the forest, and how she’s a human and that she doesn’t know how she got into Moominvalley.
           “I doubt she’s a human,” Snufkin said, “They’ve been extinct for thousands of years by now.”
           “Yah, well, I don’t know why she would lie about it. I’ve never heard of a human until this morning,” Moomintroll said as he reeled in his line to cast it out into the stream again.
           “And she’s really upset about not being able to contact any of her friends or family,” Moomintroll said, “So it makes even less sense that she would lie about what she is.”
           “Then there’s the fact that she keeps saying all these strange words like cellphone and Internet and October fest,” Moomintroll said.
           “That last one doesn’t sound so strange,” Snufkin said.
           “Oh, trust me. If you heard her say it, you know it would be a weird word,” Moomintroll said.
           “Seems like we have quite the mystery on our hands then,” Snufkin said.
           “The only person I know that knows the mysteries of the world the most is The Witch,” Snufkin said.
           Moomintroll shivered, “I don’t really want to go to her.”
           Snufkin reeled in his fishing line, and as he stood up, he said, “Well, my curiosity is piqued now. She’s our strongest lead out of anything. So, I’ll go by myself. You can stay here to learn more from your guest.”
           Moomintroll hastily reeled in his fishing line to follow Snufkin and said, “N-no! I’ll come with you. Be your back up.”
           Snufkin tipped his hat at Moomintroll with a small appreciative smile on his face. After leaning their fishing poles against Snufkin’s tent, the two of them made their journey towards The Witch’s Cabin.
           It was past noon when they made it to The Witch’s Cabin. The property of The Witch’s land was the most distinct during the springtime. The trees were black and gnarled and without a trace of any greenery on them, not even moss. The land was muddy, rocky, and was the snowiest out of the entire valley. The cabin leaned against the mountains that surround the valley and was as black and gnarled looking as the trees surrounding it. Once Snufkin and Moomintroll were close enough to her property, they turned around and started walking backwards towards The Witch’s Cabin. Showing their respect for her privacy.
           They heard the door open, and The Witch yelled, “Why are you two kids here again? I didn’t put a spell on anyone today or during the winter.”
           The Witch is a hunched over woman with a cane in her hand to help hold herself up. She’s wearing a purple dress, a navy-blue wool coat, and a teal scarf. Despite her advanced age, her hair is still a bright orange color.
           “We seek your wisdom, Witch,” Snufkin said.
           “And what wisdom is that?” she asked.
           “Um, I found a human,” Moomintroll said as he fidgeted with his tail.
           The Witch was silent for a couple of minutes as she processed what he said, then she said gruffly, “Alright. Get in here you two.”
           The two of them turned around and walked into her home. The inside of her house was much cozier looking than the outside does. There are doilies covering every piece of furniture in the cabin. Dried herbs and spices hung from the rafters. Plants in pots large and small filled every conceivable space inside The Witch’s home. The two teenage boys followed The Witch to her kitchen, and she motioned for them to sit at the kitchen table and they did.
           She sat in front of them then said, “By the way you said you “found a human” implies that they aren’t a fossil.”
           “Her name’s Sam and she seems nice,” Moomintroll said.
           “None of us have any idea how she got here,” Snufkin said.
           “I can think of a few ways as to how she got here,” The Witch said.
           “Like what?” Snufkin asked.
           “It depends. Did she describe anything about what happened before she came to the valley?” she asked.
           “The last thing she remembers is a strange green glow before we woke her up,” Moomintroll said.
           “Oh good, then it’s not reanimation,” The Witch said.
           Moomintroll paled at the thought.
           “So what is it,” Snufkin asked.
           “It’s most likely that the human you have isn’t from this world at all,” she said.
           “That sounds crazy,” Moomintroll said, “How is that possible?”
           “There are several ways for a person from a different world to enter our world. Like wild magic. Wild magic is a part of the very fabric of nature and space. Like most animals you can domesticate it or tame it to help you in your life but most of it is so wild and dangerous that improper care of it could destroy you and whatever you were trying to use the magic on. That wild magic then escapes into the folds of the universe to flee from what was done to it. Once it escapes, it leaves a tear in the universe, and anything can fall into the tear into our universe, to close the tear once more. Then there’s creation magic,” The Witch said.
           “What’s the difference between wild magic and creation magic,” Snufkin asked.
           “Creation magic is an innate ability that all sentient creatures contain within themselves. It is unlocked when someone is creating art, like painting or poetry, but it can also be the art of fighting someone or the art of growing something. For example, someone could write a story about a human society and put so much detail and care and love for this story into it, that when they die a being from their story could manifest into our world,” The Witch said.
           Snufkin and Moomintroll looked between each other then back at The Witch.
           “Or it could be that the world she once lived in has rejected her for some reason,” The Witch said, “There are too many possibilities for how she got here.”
           “Is there any way we can get her back home,” Moomintroll asked.
           “No. I’m sorry to say,” The Witch said, “To be honest I never thought I’d live to hear stories of a stranger popping into existence again.”
           “Again?” Snufkin asked.
           “Yes. When I was a girl, just learning my craft, my teacher told me stories of her encounter with a stranger who also came from another world. They were my favorite to hear about as a child,” The Witch said as she stood up. The boys followed her lead and stood up too as she said, “Be sure to send her my way. I’d like to speak with this Sam.”
           “Yes Ma’am,” Moomintroll said as they followed her to the front door.
           Then the two of them left The Witch’s property. By the time it took them to walk home it was evening.
           “I don’t even know how to tell her,” Moomintroll said.
           “Bad news is bad news, my friend. You will just have to rip off the band-aid,” Snufkin said as he took his hat off and sat it on the ground by his fireplace, revealing his short ginger hair.
           While he was starting a fire, Snufkin said, “It may be sad, but staying here in Moominvalley isn’t all bad, and if she wants, she can leave whenever she wants, to do whatever she wants.”
           “Have a good night, Moomintroll,” Snufkin said, his campfire sparking to life.
           “Good night,” Moomintroll said as he grabbed his fishing pole from his tent, then he slowly walked over the bridge to his house.
           Once inside his house he could hear his family in the kitchen. He saw that his mother was setting out food for dinner with Moominpappa helping her.
           “Oh, there you are Dear,” Moominmamma said, “Where did you go off to today?”
           “I went adventuring with Snufkin,” he answered.
           “Well go wash up and will you go see if Sam’s ready to eat. I don’t think she’s left her room all day,” Moominmamma said.
           “Okay, Mama,” Moomintroll said.
           As he walked up the stairs, he passed Little My who was coming down from washing up herself. He passed the bathroom and he hesitated at Sam’s room, but then he walked on to his room upstairs to put away his fishing pole. On his bed he found a stone and a note. He picked up the note and read—
           I overheard you talking to your friend about you getting a pretty stone for a different friend. So I thought I’d find one for you since I distracted you from that quest. I hope they like it.
From Sam
PS. – Your voice carries like crazy. I bet I could hear you through the vacuum of space.
Moomintroll picked up the rock and examined it under the setting sun’s rays. It glinted and sparkled under the light and had an almost rainbow sheen to it and it was a nice oval shape. Moomintroll thought that Snork Maiden would absolutely love it. He sat it down on his bed side table, then walked back downstairs then knocked on Sam’s door, on the second floor.
“Sam? Can I come in?” Moomintroll asked.
There was no answer.
Moomintroll then opened her door, just to peak in to make sure that she was alright. He found Sam sleeping beside her bed on the floor. The blankets and pillows wrapped around her. In comparison to Sam, the bed in the guest room did look small. He closed the door and left her alone and went to wash up. Once in the kitchen he was asked about Sam.
“She’s fast asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake her,” Moomintroll said.
“Oh. Poor thing,” Moominmamma said as everyone gathered around the kitchen table and sat down.
“She must be worried sick about what her family and friends are thinking of her,” Moominpappa said, “I’ve been trying to help her contact them, but there’s nothing wrong with our phone and she says there’s nothing wrong with her “cellphone”. I told her we’d write letters to them tomorrow.”
“I don’t think that will work either,” Moomintroll said as he played with his green beans.
“Alright, spill it,” Little My demanded.
Moomintroll then told them of what he learned from The Witch with Snufkin.
“Oh my,” Moominmamma said.
“How are we going to tell her,” Moomintroll asked.
“In the morning,” Moominpappa said.
“Maybe with a side of cereal,” Little My added.
“I’m serious,” Moomintroll said.
“So are we,” Little My said.
“Dear, there’s nothing we can do for it. All we can do is tell her the truth as soon as possible and then help her cope with being here,” Moominmamma said.
The four of them continued to eat their meal silently. Once they finished, they cleaned up and they all went to bed.
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enviedear · 4 years
secrets that i keep → peter parker
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part two to this fic.
DESCRIPTION ⌙ it’s almost peter’s birthday and you’re searching for the perfect gift.. and the perfect way to exact you new mission. but peter’s curiosity and your habit of loosing things might make this mission a fail. 
PAIRING ⌙ peter parker x fem!reader
“he’s impossible mj!” you groan, placing the toy lightsaber back on its shelf. “i mean good god, i went so far as to call him.. babe, last night. and he still hasn’t picked up that i like him.”
she shrugs, looking around the lego store, “i don’t know dude. it’s peter, you’re going to have to be a little more straightforward.”
“i can’t.” you huff.
“then stop complaining. if you won’t do anything about it then it’s your own issue. and please, make it an internal one. i don’t want to hear about your thirst for my ex.” she smirks.
you roll your eyes. of course, she was right. subtlety was not going to land you the boy. you really didn’t know how to land peter. no amount of shy flirting was going to show him you liked him. so here you are, in one of the busiest shopping areas in midtown searching to find him the perfect gift for his birthday.
your idea was that if you gave him something both special and romantic, he’d have to see you were enamoured by him. hopefully.
but if he still couldn’t figure it out then you’ve already prepared a sappy love letter for him. you were just really wishing it wouldn’t have to come to the letter. no amount of breathing exercises would be able to calm your nerves if it came to that. 
just the thought of him reading all of those three am romantic thoughts you possessed.. unnerved you. 
you found it much more enjoyable for the thing to stay in your back pocket. away from the world.
“well y/n, shopping’s been cut short. ned just texted me saying that he and peter are ready for movie night.”
you sigh, “text ned that we need at least another hour. i don’t want to leave until i find the perfect gift. i dunno make something convincing up like… we got caught in traffic?”
mj gives you a deadpan look, “y/n we walked here.”
“okay and then we took an uber home.. easy fix.” you say, craning to look at items on the top of the shelf.
“okay well you can stay here and search while i take my happy ass to peter’s. i’m not eating cold takeout.” she smiles sarcastically. 
you bow your head, “i’ll stop for the day. but only because i don’t want to walk there alone. our search begins again tomorrow.”
she nods, happy to be the victor of your little disagreement.
the walk to peter’s apartment is nice. you and mj talk about the adventures you both want to take for the remainder of summer break. the air is warm and the sun shines brightly as though it’s making up for its absence in winter. you’re feeling really peaceful and at ease.
that is, until you walk into peter’s apartment.
“hey mj! hey y/n!.” the boy smiles as he opens the door.
he’s completely shirtless, sweatpants hanging low on his hips, and hair wet. you almost forget to greet him as you stare at him.
“put on a damn shirt parker.” mj grumbles, pushing past him and into the living room. leaving the two of you alone.
“uh, i- well, i’m just gonna follow mj, but nice pectorals peter. glad i was able to see them at,” you look down at your phone. “four pm.. this fine afternoon.”
he gives you a weird look but keeps his smile on his face, “pectorals?”
you wave your hand dismissively at him and rush to meet your two other friends.
nice pectorals? why the fuck would you say that? anything would have been better than that.. it wasn’t even funny.
you take a seat on the couch and turn to ned on the armchair, “what have you been getting into?”
he grins, “well, i just finished all my summer work, so now i’m going to start on the TIE fighter lego set. my mom bought it all the way back in december and i finally have time for it so.. might as well.”
mj looks up at the two of you from her spot on the floor, “the real question here is, who’s turn is it to pick a movie?”
you furrow your brows in thought. last time was mj, who picked sweeney todd. before her was peter, who picked back to the future. and before him was ned, who made you sit through the notebook. and by sit through you mean absolutely ball your eyes out.
“y/n’s picking the movie tonight.” peter says, sitting down beside you.
“what’s it gonna be then, asswipe?’ mj asks, clicking the tv on.
you think for a moment. you could go the easy route and pick something scary so that you had an excuse to snuggle up to peter. but he’s a jumper and you’d rather not deal with trying to subtly cuddle someone while they hop around due to a movie. so instead, you go for something classic.
“you guys ever heard of big fish?” you smile.
“i didn’t expect it to be that.. emotional.” ned sniffs, eyes stuck on the credits.
you laugh through your drying tears, “right? but hey at least it was a good movie.” 
peter chuckles, head on your shoulder, “good pick y/n. i mean, ned and i liked it. mj’s been out since the ten minute mark.”
you lay you head gingerly on his, “i don’t mind, i did kind of wear her out with all the walking today.”
you look at mj, who’s sleeping peacefully. her head is on one of may’s throw pillows and her legs are up, resting on the armchair along with ned.
“it’s not fair i’m going to have to wake the beast and get her all the way to my house..” you grumble.
ned laughs, “i’d say i was sorry for you, but i’m just glad it’s not me. anyways, i’m taking a shower. and peter,” he looks at his friend. “you better not have used up all of my conditioner. i left it here. i did not give it to you.”
peter gives him a look, “i didn’t use it, i promise.”
with that, ned rushes off to the bathroom. it’s then you become acutely aware of the pretty boy leaned against you. it causes you to feel light. the works. butterflies and heated face.
“wanna split the last two fortune cookies?” you ask, trying to hide your hot face from him.
“sure, they’re still in the takeout bag in the kitchen. you can grab a drink too if you’re thirsty.” he smiles, moving to let you up.
you make your way into the kitchen and find the left over cookies. without thinking you slip them into your back pocket. you open the fridge only to gasp in abrupt realization.
the note.
you take the cookies back out and feel. no note.
oh dear god. somewhere out there is your disgusting display of affection. 
it could be anywhere.
you groan. where was the last place you had it?
was it the lego store?
it had to be, before you went in you checked your pocket and it was there. and so what if you dropped it there, if anything the employees just threw it away, and maybe that’s for the better. you’d probably die if peter ever actually read anything you wrote. you let out a sigh of relief.
everything’s gonna be fine, y/n.
you walk back into the living room, peter’s hunched over looking at something you can’t see.
“i’m back with cookies!” you exclaim, startling him.
he gives you a shaky smile and takes one out of your hand, “ya know y/n.. if there’s anything you want to tell me, i’m all ears.”
you furrow your brows, “um, well i guess i should tell you that fortune cookies have only about 15,000 unique fortunes. it’s not a lot if you take into account how many are produced daily.”
he nods and you break open your cookie, “well, go on. what’s a fortune cookie without sharing the fortune with your friend.” you giggle.
you look down at the tiny slip of paper and pull it from the cookie, turning it over to inspect it.
‘nothing is impossible to a willing heart.’ 
you smile and look at peter, who’s staring at his fortune as if it could crumble in his hands at any minute.
“what does yours say, peter?” you inquire, scooting closer to read it.
on the paper, in blue lettering, ‘this person’s love is just and true. you may rely on it.’
peter looks at you, brown eyes as soft as a puppies. his hair is a little messy but so perfect. 
“i read your letter. it.. it was on the couch and..” he trails off.
you suck in air, “oh.”
“y/n.. i,”  he falters, and sighs, “fuck it.”
once those words are off his lips, those lips connect to yours. sweet and soft. his hands clutch your face bringing you closer, as close as possible. you feel as though you come to life in his arms. the kiss continues and when he finally pulls away you can’t knock the smile on your face off.
“i like you too.” he says simply, smile matching yours.
you’re about to speak when you hear a gag.
“this couldn’t have happened in a different room? i mean, to wake up and see two ninnies eating each others’ faces. utterly revolting.”
“i thought it was sweet,” ned says from the hallway. “my airpods were still playing ‘best part’ and it really added to the moment. well at least for me.”
peter groans, “so you were both watching me.. kiss her? that’s so weird.”
mj scoffs, “i was forced. ned’s just a sap.”
your smile doesn’t leave your face as you watch the people you love most. sure mj was a little dark, ned was a tad sappy, and sure, peter was a dork. but they were your people. 
and most importantly, peter was your person.
@slytherinambitious​ @watson-emma​ @urbanwirter​
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