#I need to plan these things out better geez
Y/N & Art Sona Designs
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Y.N. has been specially selected by the UN to interview and document the A.S.A.’s journey of making the world a better and safer place. Together with their sidekick and friend Fae, they’ll travel all around the world to get the scoop on the goings on’s of the public’s most beloved organizations. Join us as we uncover the secrets of the Earth, and nature’s most thrilling adventures hidden just beneath the surface . . .
[ Y.N. Represents you as the Audience/The Asker ]
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FINALLY FINISHED GEEZ!!!! I am so tired but it was so worth it for these babes!
So here they are, our beautiful Y/N, also known as the the stealer of hearts and all things coffee related. This one I had a lot of fun playing around with. I’m really excited to show how chaotic these two actually are. I wasn’t able to convey that in the sketches honestly but these two are total besties.
If you don’t know who Fae is she basically my Art Sona, and I thought it would be kinda fun to add her into the AU as Y.N.’s sidekick. (I can never decide what my fav animal is—there’s way to many to choose from honestly—so I decided on animal that I have a current fascination with and is easier to draw) Fae is basically Y.N.’s chauffeur / maid / driver / shoulder angel “conscience” / personal coffee maker and the reason why Y.N. takes care of themselves.
(They aren’t depressed or anything they’re just forgetful — Live in the moment type of thing and don’t really think ahead except for when it comes to their projects)
They’re the type of friends that will go out of their way to get what they need in the most unconventional and problematic way possible, while also being total sweethearts to everyone around them. (aka people pleasers)
(I also decided to stray from the usual Y/N designs to make them feel more like an actual character in the story rather than just a filler for plot points.)
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(I plan on redrawing these at some point but I didn’t have the energy to finish them on my iPad so I’ll just show you what they looked like before the transfer. Hope you enjoyed the designs and I hope you a wonderful day, thank you!)
Referenced Post: Y/N Results
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cbmagus49 · 1 year
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Whooo, that was a lot! I only got properly started on these like a week ago; I’ve been back at school for the first time in like 3 years which is really eating up my executive function, and with all the crap that happened in Jan/Feb on top of that I wasn’t even sure I was gonna do Forduary at all ^^’ Not half bad for a very very very last minute mad rush to get something out before the late entry cutoff deadline :D
(I am so tired T^T)
I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do for the prompts this time around, and eventually ended up making two sketches for each prompt! ...buuuut I absolutely did not have time to do all of them with how late I left it so I just picked my favourite for each week to polish up. I’m probably not gonna finish the others, but I liked how the rough blocking was turning out and I thought the progression of all of them together looked pretty cool, so since I didn’t wanna just not post them I’ve put all the thumbnail sketches under the cut so you can see ‘em ^^
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bangarangdarling · 1 year
blame the “hitting on your mom as a punishment” tiktok i just saw that literally blew my brain up. established because they’re disgustingly in love and because i say so
Eddie would normally consider himself pretty immune to the roar of arguing teenagers. Chaos surrounds their little Party. They’re not a quiet bunch when all together. It’s all shoving and yelling, giggling and roughhousing. Carpet-burned battle scars from the floor of Steve’s living room.
Lord knows Eddie himself wasn’t an inside-voice kind of person. He was certainly wont to standing on coffee tables and screeching demands for the remote when it was unjustly stolen away by villainous hands.
Eddie loved these people to death, and they were a lot of fucking fun to hang out with, it’s just this...this was an unreal level of noise. A normal sleepover night turned a little too rowdy, the adolescents celebrating the start of Summer with a bang.
Steve had already asked them to keep it down four times this evening. Nothing seemed to calm them. Not requests. Not threats of being sent home. Usually their Dungeon Master threatening their characters’ souls did the trick, but no go. 
Getting teenagers to listen? A feat more impossible than defeating creatures from an alternate universe. 
Dustin and Erica were in a bitching match about the best D&D class. Lucas and Mike had been fighting over movie choices for the last half hour. Eddie’s money was on the VHS player breaking before that, the constant mishandling and shoving of tapes had the poor thing practically smoking.
Will, ever the diplomat, was trying to be an impartial party when asked his movie opinions. Which, of course, caused more yelling. 
Max and El had been the only ones being semi-quiet, but that quickly ended when they followed through on their surprise attack pillow fight, pummeling the boys senseless and causing the already unbearable volume to kick into overdrive. Eddie could practically feel Steve’s migraine building, even from where the dude had retreated to the kitchen. Dinner had been pizza. Quick. Easy. Clean. Or, it would have been if it hadn’t had been for the food fight. Steve was still in there scrubbing cheese out of his parents’ tiled backsplash. Dishes clattered in the distance when the cacophony hit its crescendo. 
It was the proverbial straw. 
“Alright, that’s it! Hey. Come on, guys. Knock it off,”
He maybe overdid it that time, but the absolute ear-splitting boom of a yell he let out stopped the ruckus dead. 
Silence rang for a beat.
Huh. Maybe Eddie should try out incorporating that into his music. He honestly hadn’t known he could get to that range. 
The teenagers in the room stared at him, not cowed in the slightest, but curious enough to know what the hell Eddie’s problem was. Max was the first one to quirk an eyebrow at him.  “Geez, need attention much?” 
Eddie folded his arms to show he meant business. “Steve has asked you guys to tone it down. You’re waking the fucking dead. Why don’t you guys, like, actually go be good human beings and help him clean up your mess you all made in the kitchen, huh?” 
Lucas snorted. “Yeah, okay, mom. Why don’t you go help him, you guys will probably just make out in there, anyway.” 
It was a teasing comment. Meant to jokingly rib before getting back to doing whatever the hell they wanted to do.
But, see. That just gave him an idea. 
Never let it be said Eddie couldn’t be creative with his punishments. He was a DM after all. 
“Alllllllright. New plan. Listen up or suffer, ankle biters,” 
He really didn’t appreciate the snickers that brought about when he was trying to be intimidating. Rude. 
“You going to send us to our room or something? I’m real scared,” Erica’s scathing, dry wit was unparalleled, truly. 
“Nope. Better. It’s a new rule: You little shitheads give me attitude and don’t listen, I hit on your babysitter.”
It was silent for a minute, brains audibly computing that statement and coming up ERROR. Will hesitantly spoke up. 
“Uh, Eddie, I really don’t think that’s--”
“Yeah, what the fuck?” Mike interrupted. “Why would you beating up Steve hurt us? I mean, like, I guess it would emotionally, but that’s fucked up, man.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, still smirking wickedly as his plan solidified.  “Oh, I don’t mean that kind of hitting, young Wheeler. Though, it may yet get physical--Hey, Steve?” He called out. The sink in the kitchen shut off after a second.
“Can you come here?” 
The kids shuffled around on the floor warily as the other man walked into the living room. The energy had obviously shifted, it was probably an odd vibe to walk in to, but Eddie cut Steve off before he could ask any questions.
“You tired?”
“Uh, no. I’m fine--”
“It’s just you just keep on runnin’ through my mind constantly. I figured you’d be exhausted, sweetheart,” Eddie purred, the words cloyingly sweet and full of exaggerated charm. 
There was a countdown, three, two, one...
A collective groan let out. A few uncomfortable laughs.  “Dude, what the hell?” 
“You guys agreed not to be gross in front of us!”
“Oh, my god, can I actually get sick from how cheesy that was?” 
Eddie had to work at keeping in character when his very first line had pulled the intended reaction. He was already reaching forward to curl an arm around Steve, pulling him in in a slow, sultry attempt at being smooth. 
“What? Can’t I be sweet on my guy? You all will understand when you’re in love one day. Right, sugar?” 
Fake gags and retching sounds, too dramatic to be real protests, but still indignant and annoyed. Eddie was pretty sure Dustin slapped a hand over his eyes.
“Uh...yes?” Steve, who had previously looked like a car accident had happened directly in front of him, was catching on to the play. He eyed the disgruntled floor-children with a growing grin and let Eddie snuggle up to him.
God, his baby was so clever. He always knew what Eddie was thinking. 
Too busy having a non-verbal conversation with Steve on how to best annoy the kids, Eddie didn’t see Mike turning his attention back to the tv. He did, however, hear him telling the others to “Just ignore them, they’ll get all gushy and leave us alone.” 
Oh, Michael, Michael. Wrong move. 
“How you doing, babygirl?” Steve flushed, deep and red and--huh. Okay. Revisiting that one in the future. “You good? You need anything? Your head hurting, sweet thing? I can kiss it better,”  Eddie ducked forward to kiss Steve’s cheek. It was chaste, a sweet little thing...that Eddie made infinitely worse by the smacking, obnoxious kissy sounds he emulated there. The chorus of groans and protests started up again. He didn’t even pull his face away to call over to them. 
“I’m sorry, is that attitude? Am I hearing more attitude?”
“Dude, Eddie, noooo!” 
“Jesus, it’s like watching your parents make out, oh my god.” 
“You guys, let’s just go already,” 
“Yeah, I’ll take washing dishes over this,” 
The grossed out teenagers whooshed past them. Grumbling and glaring--except Eleven, who smiled up at them sweetly--leaving Steve and Eddie standing in the living room, still wrapped up together. 
It was too tempting then, with the kids safely out of range, for Eddie to resist the temptation to drop his kisses a little lower down Steve’s neck. To let them get a little less chaste. Just a little.
What can he say? He’s a weak man. 
“That was evil,” Steve hummed. His shoulders dropped, though, relaxing into Eddie’s hold, the closest thing they’ve had to quiet all night settling in. 
“Hey, I accomplished two things. Got them to chill out and I get the perk of feeling you up in the middle of sleepover night. It’s a win-win.” 
A crash and a muffled argument broke out in the kitchen before Steve could respond to that. 
The audible scuffling was cut off by Eddie calling out “Your ass looks great in these jeans tonight, Harrington!” 
The fierce whispers and shushing were enough to get both of the older boys cackling loudly. 
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huskersbooze · 2 months
Alastor x Reader
Summary : You get sick and Alastor keeps you company <3
Warnings : Swearing(lots of it)
Pairings : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here)
Additional Tags : ALASTOR POV CUZ YES. Sick reader, implied relationship, h/c, fluff, comfort
Word count : 1.01k
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“Hey, you alright, kid?” Husk tilts his head to the side, wiping down the last glass of the day.
You don’t respond. Instead, you’re staring off into the distance, dozing off in your own world.
“Huh? What?” You finally snap out of your thoughts.
“Geez, ya’ look like hell.” Husk acknowledges. “Are you sick?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “I don’t think so?”
“Go rest. I’ll work alone today.”
“What? No! I’m fine I swear-” Before you’re able to finish your sentence, Husk flips you off.
“Bullshit. Go find your radio boyfriend.”
“Don’t bullshit me-”
You try arguing but Husk only smirks when he catches a glimpse of Alastor who’s appeared right behind you.
“Well, I just did.” He says. “Now stop being so stubborn.”
“I’m not being stubborn I-” 
You feel a hand being put to your forehead and try to fight back, only to realise it was Alastor.
“High fever.” He lets go. “You’re being stubborn.”
“Oh, fuck you, Al.”
“We’ll fuck when you’re better, darling.”
You blush. Alastor grins. Husk tries to hold in a laugh but ultimately fails.
“You’re sick and you need rest, my dear. Come along.”
“I’m fine-”
Alastor can only sigh, picking you up as you yelp.
“This is completely, and utterly, your fault single-handedly.” He smiled as you pouted. “You're very much welcome, darling.”
You managed to escape Alastor as he leaves to mess with Vox. (Ep2 lmao)
Upon returning to the bar, Husk was not pleased to see your ass out of bed, emphasising on how important sleep was to someone sick.
You couldn’t care less.
Though, after wiping down a few more bottles with him, your eyes doze off and your eyelids feel droopy.
The world spins and fades away.
“Fuck! Kid, ya’ alright?! Alastor!”
[Alastor’s pov]
I heard a little groan as my eyes widened.
"Darling." I whispered, hoping not to startle her.
"Al..?" She breathed out.
"Good morning." I joked, though so grateful she was now awake.
"Wha.. What time is it?" She asked, struggling to get up.
"Be careful." I ushered, helping her sit. "I'm not so sure myself. It's very late at night."
"Where am I?" She asked, finally waking up as she stopped slurring through her words. 
"My room. ‘I’m not sick’ my arse." I replied.
"Oh. Well, I guess you and Husk were right. I just thought I was a little sick." She murmured. 
"You are sick." I replied. "Just worse than you expected."
"Real humorous, Al." She gave a small, yet weak, giggle.
Silence filled the air between us, and we didn't say anything else after that. That was, until she gave a small sneeze. I could tell she tried to suppress it, but seeing it was late at night and so quiet, it was hard not to notice.
"Are you cold?" I asked. I could barely make out the silhouette of her nodding lightly. Without hesitating, I took off my coat and handed it over to her. "Better?"
"A lot. Thanks, Al." She replied. After another few seconds of silence, she spoke up once more. "Why aren’t you asleep?"
"You do remember your dear partner does not need, nor does he enjoy, sleep?"
"Excuse, excuses." She joked, earning a chuckle from me.
"I can't really sleep now." She suddenly says out of nowhere. One thing I really like about this girl, she says the most random things in the most random situations. "Could we do something else?"
"Are you trying to get me killed?" I laughed. "You need to rest."
"I'm aware. That's the initial plan, anyways." She joked. At least, I hoped she was joking.
"You sneaky little deer."
"Yes. That's me. Hello." She replied, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed as she proceeded to look at me in the dark room. “Besides, it’s not like anyone here at the Hotel is actually powerful enough to kill you.”
"Very well, then. What do you have in mind?"
“Some jazz and cuddles would be nice.”
She chokes on another cough.
"Are you sure you're alright? You should really rest in such vulnerable state."
"I'm," Another cough. "Fine. I swear."
"If you insist."
After a while, I turned to face her, worried she wasn't enjoying herself anymore, only to find her sound asleep, clinging lightly to my shirt. See? I told you were sleepy. You just refused to listen to me. I stopped and watched the girl, moving little by little, afraid of waking her up.
She looked so peaceful. Though, it wouldn't be the first time I find her sleeping in my presence. I tugged a small strand of hair behind her ear as she shifted a little. I immediately paused. Shit, had I woken her? Though she soon returned to her slumber and she curled up into a ball in front of me.
I suppose this would suffice.
"Goodnight, darling." I whispered softly, laying next to her in the bed. "See you in the morning."
[2nd person]
You awoke early in the morning, feeling well rested. Your bed was awfully more comfortable than you had remembered. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, finally opening them for the first time, only to find that you weren't in your own room. It took you a while to let things simmer in.
That's when you heard snoring next to you.
You turned to find the Radio Demon cuddled into a ball next to you in bed sleeping oh so soundly. The poor man probably hadn't had sleep in days. Before you could process what was happening, you checked the time and realized you had to be back at the bar for work in 5 minutes. Not wanting to wake Alastor up, you left him a quick note to thank him and left.
The whole day passed and you never caught sight of Alastor. After closing the bar, you headed to Alastor’s room,hoping to find him there.
You stop at his door and break out a tiny laugh.
On the door, a rushed sign saying — Sick. Keep out.
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trensu · 1 year
It's Will that gives him the idea.
"we don't really celebrate father's day anymore," he had said awkwardly, "but I can't hang out anyway."
"why not?" Dustin demanded. He was gonna end up bored and alone because he didn't celebrate the holiday and everyone else had plans. he had been counting on Will to keep him company.
"I'm gonna get Jonathan a new record and I want to listen to it with him," he said.
"can't he get his own records? C'mon, we could go to the arcade or something."
"no, Dustin," his tone took on a stubborn edge that made Dustin pause. "He's my brother and I love him, and he's the only guy besides Bob who's ever even tried to look out for me. So I'm sorry but I'm gonna be busy on Sunday."
Dustin didn't argue after that but it did get him thinking which is why on Sunday morning he biked all the way over to Loch Nora and started banging on Steve's door.
"what do you want, Henderson?" Steve sighed the most dramatic put upon sigh Dustin had ever heard.
"you're not my dad--"
"wow you really are genius!"
"shut up, shut up, listen to me!"
"okay, geez, I'm listening."
"you're not my dad and I don't want you to be my dad. I don't even really want a dad! Lots of dads aren't even that great and my mom already has the single parent thing down. But you taught me how to do my hair and how to talk to girls - even though that advice sucked, I didn't need it to get Suzie at all - and you're gonna teach me how to drive--"
"woah, hey, no I never said I'd do that, wh--"
"--and you've saved my life but I think we're even because I've saved your life too."
"Henderson don't you have anything better to do than harass me in my own home?" Steve said. he was using that exasperated tone he got when he knew he wasn't keeping up with what was going on but didn't want to admit it.
"actually no I don't but I'm here for a reason," he reached into his backpack and took out the gift he clumsily wrapped with scraps of brown paper bags. He shoved it into Steve's hands. "You're basically the only adult male figure in my life. And I appreciate you."
Steve squinted at the gift and then at Dustin and at the gift again before he said fussily "is this a prank? If something gross explodes from this, I swear to god, I'll--"
"Just open it, Steve!"
"Fine, fine, keep your shirt on," Steve said and tore off the paper. He blinked and in a softer tone said, "Oh."
"I don't know if you even like making models but I know you love cars and this kit looked just like yours, so yeah."
Steve stared at the kit some more. Dustin started to fidget. It was always better to be honest with your feelings but maybe this was too much for Steve. Maybe Steve didn't like him as much as Dustin did. Steve was not as enlightened about these things as Dustin.
"I've never made a model before."
Dustin hunched his shoulders and tried not to feel stupid or hurt. He should have expected this. They weren't even related. This was probably too weird. He reached out to take the gift back.
"it's fine, I can return it, whatever."
Steve raised the kit out of Dustin's reach.
"Hey, this is mine," he said.
"you don't even like it!"
"I never said that! I'm just gonna need a dweeby little nerd to help me build it. You know anybody like that?" Steve asked, batting his eyes innocently.
"you're such a dick," Dustin grumbled, fighting back a grin.
"watch your language!"
"shut up, you're not my dad."
Steve laughed as Dustin shoved his way into the house. Hours later, after much shouting and ribbing and one incident of spilled paint, a small model of the beemer was left to dry while Steve forced Dustin to watch the baseball game on TV with him. It wasn't the worst thing ever, and after Steve mentioned the statistics involved, it got way more interesting ("of course you'd like the math part, you weirdo" "you don't understand the stats do you" "shut up and watch the game, Henderson"). When the paint was dry, Dustin followed Steve upstairs and watched him carefully and deliberately place the model between a couple of sports trophies.
"yeah, I guess it looks pretty cool," Steve said with exaggerated nonchalance. "Now beat it, kid. your mom's gonna freak if you're not home when she gets back from work."
"can you give me a ride?"
"ugh, fine."
Dustin grinned. This had been, hands down, the best father's day ever. From the look on Steve's face when he placed the model, Dustin was pretty sure he agreed.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Karaoke Cacophony
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: This song is legitimately the reason why I ended up posting the poll that I did lmao- but if you check the lyric translations- it oddly fits the vibe for both Vox and Reader. Though it's only going to embarrass our resident TV man since our dear (Y/N) has absolutely no idea what the song actually means. Just that it sounds nice and it's something they heard over the radio back then when growing up. Vox has a built-in google translate thing so he can understand others better no matter what language, it just so happens that this hits him like a double-edged sword where he has no idea if he would've been better off not understanding the song and just appreciating the melody of your voice. BTW this interlude features an HC I have for Vox where he cooks sometimes because the systematic way it's done helps calm him down, it's inspired by something I read before but yeah- ALSO ALSO- some part kind of features reader being cracked out of their minds with pickup lines I pulled from one of @voxsremotec0ck's posts LMAO.
A/N: Also my cousin has had a HEAVY hand to play in this song choice, though her reasoning was mostly because of Angel's initial comment that watching Vox and Reader's interactions were like seeing a romcom plot unfold live. So why not go a little bit off tangent and relate them to a romantic fairytale? I also may have sorta kinda written a lot of this chapter while I myself was on a hyperactive streak because of some caffeine- Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this interlude and as always- Happy Reading!
After a while and back and forth of those games, you and Vox eventually stopped joining in despite the others still continuing to play.
You and your partner in crime had become preoccupied with laughing at memes or poking fun at whatever stupid trend was currently a fad online.
You were currently leaning against the technology overlord while he had one arm around you, the other using to poke at your phone every now and again.
The two of you were practically cuddling at this point from how close you both were but neither noticed nor even seem to care.
"They have the tidepod challenge too? Geez, people are kind of-"
"Idiotic? Stupid? Batshit crazy?"
"Pretty much."
"This is hell dollface, I'm not sure why you expected any different."
You just casually shrugged in reply, soon laughing at a dumb video you found whilst scrolling.
Vox couldn't help but subtly stare at you, especially when you seemed to be so cheerful just messing around or doing whatever.
Seeing your smile always made his day just a little bit brighter.
"Hey Vox! Stop being absolutely whipped for a second and help me out over here!"
The overlord in question just sputtered in confusion at Lucifer's words.
He wasn't whipped!
He just- admired you a lot.
Even you had raised eyebrows at the odd word choice, whipped- wasn't exactly what you would use to describe your flatscreen companion.
Not when you kind of had an inkling to what it meant.
"What are you even doing??"
Vox called back, finally taking his eyes off you and your phone to just look over in the kitchen's general direction.
Lucifer did mention about making a snack earlier, but why would the king of hell need his help of all people??
What was he planning this time???
"Something! Just get over here!!"
You just gave your companion a shrug when he looked back to you, encouraging him to just go and get it over with.
Besides, you guys could always just continue doing this and messing around when he was finished with... whatever Lucifer needed him for.
Well, that was until your brain immediately stomped on the brakes when you looked at Vox again.
He'd undone his cuffs to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows, revealing some... bare forearms.
Before he just nonchalantly stood up and walked off towards the kitchen when the king of hell called for him again.
He didn't seem to have noticed your shattered mental-
You had dropped your phone at that point, just blinking and spacing out like an idiot before Angel noticed.
"Woaaah, what happened to (Y/N)?"
"Huh, I didn't think we'd ever see them actually speechless."
"Oooh oooh! Does that mean (Y/N) likes bad boys?!"
You shook your head in an attempt to snap out of it but couldn't stop the blush from creeping up your neck.
Oh. My. God.
You were completely in the gutter now-
Similarly to Alastor, you noticed Vox was always wearing long-sleeves or an outfit that concealed any skin at all.
And while it left you wondering what he had to hide, that consequently would lead you to imagine how he'd look like without a shirt on.
Was he just a mess of wires or something?
Did he conceal so much because he was robotic to a degree?
You had no clue how Vox's biology even worked and you didn't know how to ask without sounding weird.
Not to mention how he's able to wear some kinds of shirts given his obnoxiously sized head-
It's just curiosity is all!
You could only slap Angel's hands away when he started cautiously poking you, and you were practically steaming out of your ears from embarrassment.
It wasn't the fact that your flatscreened friend seemed to show some skin that set you off-
It was the fact your brain somehow went autopilot and registered it as HOT.
You were sure Velvette had fashioned him the outfit so it didn't surprise you that Vox looked all dapper and smart.
Dare you even say the fucking TV looked handsome-
You just didn't think he could look any better.
Until he did that.
And consequently nuked the rest of your sanity with it.
"Yep, they're totally broken-"
"Angel shut up before I beat you to death with a pillow I swear to god-"
"Oh good, you're finally reacting toots."
You merely flipped him the bird and just hid your face in your other hand, why was everything in your body trying to go on overdrive?!
"What's got you all blushy anyway? It's like you've just watched a racy porno."
"What?! No! I just- you- I don't even fucking know-"
Angel was about to continue poking at you before Lucifer and Vox finally returned.
Both chatting amiably while holding what seems to be a plate or two of treats and snacks.
So that's where they both went-
And that was when the spider noticed your gaze practically zero in on your techno-centric friend.
Ha, friend-
Yeah nobody in the hotel with half a brain believed that for even a second-
Though there didn't seem to be any differences with Vox-
His outfit was still the same, just his sleeves were...
You just shrieked incoherently at Angel and started whacking him with a couch cushion while everyone else kind of just watched you both confused.
Not to mention that you were pretty much a tomato from how red you've become.
The arachnid couldn't stop himself from just devolving into a loud laughing fit.
You had completely lost it because of some forearms, he could only imagine what your reaction would be if a certain technology overlord decided to undo some shirt buttons.
You'd probably just die on the spot!
"Uh... what happened?"
"No idea, but it sure as hell is entertaining."
By the time you were able to relatively calm down, you were still red when Vox just sat down next to you again.
"Soooo, any reason for trying to murder Angel with a pillow?"
"None that concerns you."
"Oh come on, it's gotta be something crazy if you don't tell even me."
You just adamantly shake your head and refuse to say anything no matter what Vox tried.
It was kind of cute seeing you try so hard, despite the fact the overlord knew he could always just ask the others about it later.
He didn't think it was anything too big, after all you would embarrassed by a lot of random things.
So he didn't even bother guessing at this point.
"What did you and Lucifer make anyway?"
"Hm? Chocolate strawberries, do you want some?"
"Seriously? That's what he needed help with?"
"I'm just as confused as you are doll, anyway- open your mouth."
Vox just chuckles when you shyly follow his instructions, forcing himself to look away before grabbing one of the strawberries and placing it into your mouth.
He'd be lying if he said the way you looked didn't give him other ideas.
You seeming insanely kissable being just one of them.
While the overlord knew making the treat consumed more time than just going out and probably buying it-
Seeing your eyes sparkle when you bit down made him consider that it was a little more worth it to put in that extra homemade touch.
"Didn't pin you for a guy that could cook."
You remarked, taking the plate from him and just eagerly chowing down.
Vox just chuckled, watching you so happily munch away.
You were just really cute in your own little way, not that he would ever say so.
Especially when you seemed so pleased at just such a simple snack.
"I'm not surprised, I don't exactly... have that vibe? I can cook though, it's something I do on the off chance to calm down."
"And still you eat that McDonald's garbage-"
"It's not garbage! I'm just too busy to actually cook sometimes! Running a media empire isn't easy dollface."
"The next time you do cook, I wanna try your food."
"Hm? What makes you say that?"
"Dunno, just wanna try it."
The overlord simply raised an eyebrow at you, though he didn't seem to mind your words much.
And as you scarfed down on the strawberries, he noticed a smear of chocolate streaking across your cheek.
How it got there- Vox wasn't entirely sure.
Possibly from your enthusiastic eating but he didn't really care enough at the moment to find out.
"Wait, you've got some chocolate on your face."
You looked at your companion with wide eyes when he gingerly raised a hand to wipe at your face.
The way his gaze was both calm and focused at you made your heart skip a beat.
The plate of treats in front of you now mostly forgotten.
"There. Didn't think you'd be such a messy eater doll."
He didn't seem to notice your mind kind of stall, picking up a chocolate strawberry himself to eat it.
It was a little too sweet for his taste, which was odd considering his already innate knack for deserts.
You seemed to like it though, so he didn't say anything.
And that was when Vox also noticed your more than obvious staring.
You weren't even trying to hide it were you?
Admittedly, the overlord got a little embarrassed because of it.
"Take a picture darling, it'll last longer."
"Nah, I think I would much rather look at the real thing. A picture can only do so much."
You smirked when you saw his screen proceed to tinge pink, especially when you heard his fans kick to life.
He never could get the upper hand with you, which was hilariously cute in it's own way.
It didn't take long for you to eventually get used to Vox's charm over the while you've known him.
Even if at times it would strike you when you least expected it.
You simply went back to snacking contentedly.
After a short while, all the treats were gone and you were practically bouncing off the walls with energy.
So what did you do with that sugar rush?
Absolutely torment and flirt the life out of Vox.
Slamming pickup line after pickup line into his already preoccupied mind space.
Well it was preoccupied with you to begin with but let's not mention that-
"Hey Vox- Hey Vox- Hey Vox-"
"What is it dollface?"
"Do you have a bandaid?"
"No...? Why?"
"Because I think I scraped my knee falling for you!"
He buffered a little bit but just played off being flustered with a scoff.
The rest of the hotel crew were not so subtly watching all of this go down just waiting for your overlord friend to crack.
Angel and Husker already made bets on how fast he would go down glitching -
"That was horrible."
"Nah nah nah wait I got another one-"
The overlord didn't really mind it at first, aside from the fact he was a little surprised.
Until the point it got so stupidly suggestive and then he actually had trouble dealing with the provocative ideas he got from you.
"You know, I'm just gonna start calling you my big toe."
"Your... what??"
"My big toe, so I can bang you all over the place."
The overlord had to actually ignore the snickering and hushed laughter from your spectators, why were you doing this to him of all people?!
Though as horrible as the pickup lines were, Vox would be lying if he said they weren't hitting their mark.
He was just... a little better at hiding it.
And that wasn't even the end of your tomfoolery-
Actually far from it.
Vox made a mental note to watch out for your sugar rush episodes from this point onwards.
You weren't ever this bad from what he could remember either-
Well, you would just blitz through nearly everything during a hyperactive episode before the impending sugar crash.
But never tried to flirt the socks off him!
"Are you a fitted sheet?"
"A fitted sheet? What's that got to do with-"
"Cuz you're complicated as fuck but I still need you spread across my bed."
Vox stared at you wide-eyed for a whole ass second-
Before his screen predictably started showing errors and he glitched uncontrollably.
Angel just keeled over from laughter at that point when the overlord's face went absolutely haywire.
He didn't quite bluescreen, but his screen did buffer and spazz a whole lot for a minute or so.
To which you just celebrated and cheered.
That just made your arachnid friend laugh even harder.
You were an unbridled chaotic ball of energy hyped up on sugar-
But Charlie- being Charlie-
Felt a little bad for Vox being the target of your madness- and stepped in and try to direct your hyperactivity elsewhere.
However, because she had done it on a whim- she actually had no ideas what to do with you.
So she just randomly suggested karaoke.
Which seemed to get your attention anyway.
When Vox finally came crashing back into reality, he was surprised to see both you and Lucifer just tormenting a very staticky and clearly very irritated Alastor.
What even was that song?
"Huh, you were out for a while."
"What- did I miss something?? What happened?"
"Your hyperactive lover just being a menace to Alastor, other than that nothing much."
"They're not my-"
"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that."
Vox doesn't even have the opportunity to fully retort before you suddenly ran over to him with a grin.
Apparently you noticed he was fine again-
This time he was just the slightest bit worried.
You were literally shaking from the sugar rush- oh goodness-
"Oh good you're awake! I wanted to show you something!"
Vox didn't have the option to refuse when you just dragged him over to the couch and plopped him down next to everyone else.
"Okay okay! There's this song I used to listen to because I loved the melody and how nice it sounded but I actually have no idea what it means because it's not in English and-"
Safe to say the overlord spaced out during your rambling, only picking up the important bits of your spiel.
Which TL;DR, was just that you had a song you wanted to sing but didn't actually understand.
He only snapped out of his trance when he finally heard your voice slow down to the soft piano melody.
Well, the words you were saying definitely weren't in English-
So Vox secretly decided to translate what you were saying.
Having the internet being an extension of his conscious mind was a little bit of advantage here.
Then he figured out what the lyrics were.
And almost crashed again.
"I've forgotten how long it's been since I heard you telling me, your favorite story~"
He didn't really know whether his curiosity was a good or bad thing here.
Especially when it hit him that this was a love song.
The overlord was absolutely not prepared for this at all.
"I have been thinking for a long time, I started to panic."
Sure, the lyrics weren't exactly a fit to you-
But for him?
Especially when you had still been alive?
A 100% coincidental match.
Or he thinks it's mere coincidence.
"Have I done something wrong~?"
Oh god no do not look at him like that-
Nope nope nope nope-
It took every ounce of control for Vox to just not crash again right then and there.
"You said to me full of tears: 'Fairy tales are all lies.'"
You'd memorized the song, so it made sense that you didn't need to look at the lyrics to sing.
But could you seriously stop looking at him so fondly?
You didn't even know the words you were saying, this was so unfair.
"I couldn't possibly be your prince."
That just made him think back on all the past times he was trying to be... "friendly".
Well, almost borderline romantic even when he was willing to throw down nearly everything for your sake if you so much as asked.
Not that you noticed, Vox doubted you ever would even if it slapped you in the face.
"Perhaps you won't understand- ever since you said you loved me!"
Angel just smirked when he heard the signature whirring of computer fans.
Though he wasn't sure if it was because the overlord got flustered from your singing or because he understood.
Well, it wasn't his problem-
Because it was downright hilarious how insanely oblivious you were.
"The stars in my sky shine brightly!"
Where you were concerned, that was always the case.
Not at the start of course-
But it became adamantly clear when Vox found himself eager to see what kind of chaos you would stir up next.
"I'm willing to become the angel of the fairytale that you love-"
You extended your hand out to him, a silent invite to the tech overlord asking to dance.
He chuckled and smiled at you.
Of course he'd take up that offer.
"Spread up my hands that become wings to protect you~"
The two of you just swayed and danced around to the melody, becoming engrossed once more in your own little world.
You didn't even know what you were singing, but judging by the fond look Vox had directed at you-
It seemed he was enjoying it.
So you continued to indulge him.
"You have to believe, believe that we can be like in the fairy tale!"
You blushed a little bit when he'd twirled you around, after all-
You'd never really danced like this before.
It was like a... different kind of waltz.
Still, it made you feel so dainty.
His gaze just made you feel like the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Happy and joyful in the ending~"
The rest of your friends were amused seeing the two of you pretty much being the plot to a convoluted romcom.
Especially when they realized you and Vox kind of forgot they were actually there.
Charlie thought your relationship was endearingly cute-
Vaggie just reacted like her theory had been entirely confirmed.
Alastor felt like it was kinda disgusting-
And Lucifer nearly decked him for trying to ruin your moment.
Angel, Husker and Nifty were busy placing bets on who between the either of you would confess to the other first.
Though by the time the song ended, everyone couldn't help but groan or facepalm.
"Soooo- how'd I do?"
"It's okay, I'd say there's still room for lots of improvement."
"Oh fuck you Vox-"
"Like you'd ever actually go through with that."
"HA- don't try me you slutty-waisted lanky TV-"
"I've been called worse by better, get creative!"
You were both fucking idiots.
And at this point-
It was like your romantic dance hadn't even happened at all.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Once again, Zedaph finds himself outside the closed gates of the Deep Frost Citadel, tapping his feet with annoyance. Honestly, by now you’d think the stupid thing would understand Zedaph always gets his way, when it comes to Tango, but no, Tango’s stupid base keeps trying to stop him.
“I told you, I’m not here to negotiate, I’m here to pick up my friend,” Zedaph says irritably. The gates of the base don’t respond, and don’t open. “I have a very important nap to be taking, I’ll have you know, and I will not be stopped by… by base chicanery!”
There’s a deep, rolling growl from somewhere in the bowls of the citadel. It sounds like ravagers.
“Oh, don’t you threaten me, you know I’ll run around and die in there all you want as soon as it’s ready. Not even afraid, am I? You’ve had your taste of the good old Zed flesh, but no sir, you aren’t getting me today. The high-voltage wires were a good trick last time I came to bother Tango, I admit, but it won’t work again!”
Another rumbling growl. Zedaph huffs. It would certainly be nice if Decked Out spoke in human to him, so he wouldn’t have to keep guessing. Even sheep would be better—Tango may have an affinity for beasts, but Zedaph only has an affinity if the beasts are also silly.
He makes an educated guess. “Yes, yes, I know you’ve ‘eaten him’ or whatever. Well I’ll have you know that Tangos have more nutritional value after watching me take a very important nap. And also dying. Its enriching. You like enriched Tango—okay, okay, that wasn’t the complaint, geez, you don’t have to shout at me. At this rate I’ll just use my pickaxe to break through the door, and then what will you do, huh? Nothing. You’ll do nothing, because you’re a big stupid building in the ground, and Tango was my friend first.”
A rumble.
“Haha, yeah, take that. We’ve been friends for years. You might be his magnum opus, but you’ve never made him sign a custom body pillow with your beautiful face on it, have you? That is the bond of men! No base can do anything about that.”
A louder rumble. Zedaph feels what he thinks is supposed to be fear and desire to wander into the depths and die or something silly like that. Zedaph isn’t certain, because it’s not as important as Zedvancements. This is one of Zedaph’s special abilities: if it’s not as important as whatever he’s doing right now, he’s very good at ignoring it until it becomes important. So, like, the Citadel is trying to lure him to his death, but that’s less important than taking a very deadly nap while Tango watches with horrified awe, so he’ll just ignore it until later.
Works every time.
“Listen, I’ll bring him back in one piece! Have I ever lied about that? I never do. He always comes right back to work, even when I do distract him, and he’s chipper again, right? I barely even disrupt things. Not that you could do anything if I did, of course, you hunk of stone and ice.”
Zedaph stares at the closed doors for a bit longer. He thinks this is about when anyone else would either die on the spot, or run away screaming, or maybe just come in and feed themselves to a ravager, but the that’s because the other hermits very frequently don’t have anything better to do than to get caught up in other people’s nonsense, in Zed’s experience.
Zedaph simply has so much nonsense of his own that he can out-stubborn even Tango’s base. Like he said: a special talent.
Slowly, as though greatly reluctant, the gates open.
“Thank you, geez! Was that so hard?”
Zedaph stomps through to the hidden access door of the Decked Out maintenance tunnels, grabbing one of the supplemental oxygen masks as he does. He sighs as he realizes that Tango, once again, has forgotten he needs to breathe. Hopefully, the fact Zedaph is currently keenly aware of needing to breathe on account of planning to not do that ten times in a row does not remind Tango.
He finds Tango taking a nap tangled in some high-voltage redstone lines. This time, Zedaph knows better than to touch them. It had been a mite embarrassing the last time. “Tango! Hey, Tango!”
“Wuh?” says Tango, eloquently. “I’m up, I’m up, level three’s almost done I swear—”
“Tango, get up, I have bedroom tricks to show you!” Zedaph says.
“I’m up! Zed? Oh hey! What are you doing all the way out here?”
“I told you. It’s urgent, Tango, urgent. I have bedroom tricks only you can assist me with.”
“Well, that’s a good time I wasn’t expecting,” Tango says.
“No, you idiot! Get your head out of the gutter, and come on! I have things to do!”
“Okay, Zedaph, geez, geez, lemme just—”
“I’ve already asked your stupid base,” Zedaph says. “It’s fine. Now, get out of those wires before I get shocked or something, and we’re going to go have fun.”
Tango slowly uncoils himself. “Right. I’ll get ready and—” Zedaph whips a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket. Tango pauses before smiling brightly. “Oh, you’re the best.”
“I really am,” agrees Zed, and he grabs his best friend’s hand and leads him out of the Deep Frost Citadel to show off his latest contraption. He turns around and sticks his tongue out for good measure at the base as they go. Hah. Take that. The best. There’s no beating it.
And there’s no keeping him away from Tango. Zedaph guarantees it.
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devildomwriter · 6 months
All Is Calm, All Is Bright | Raphael x Reader
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681 words | GN! MC | no warnings just fluff
Raphael mumbled in the dimly lit room as he screwed the last lightbulb in. You tried not to chuckle as you watched the normally calm angel, struggle to keep his cool as he meticulously replaced every lightbulb in the tree lights.
Last year, the same as this year he’d insisted a few spears in the shape of a tree were perfectly acceptable but this year you’d talked him out of it. Now a few hours later, things were nearly perfect. He’d bought lights twice already and wasn’t going out a third time.
You crossed your fingers as he plugged the cord back into the socket and the room lit up. Raphael’s eyes shined in triumph but he carefully looked over the strings to make sure not a single bulb was flickering.
He met your eyes and smiled warmly. “They’re finally working,” he sighed and his stuff shoulders relaxed.
“I told you it’d look nicer than a few spears didn’t I?” You grinned proudly.
He nodded and joined your side to admire his work. “Yes, you were right.”
“All that’s left is to decorate it.” You added giddily and his eyes widened.
“Didn’t we just…”
“We did the lights, we still need ornaments.”
He chuckled at your enthusiasm but shook his head. “It’s gotten late, it took far too long to get all the lights working properly without using an angel blessing,” he spoke. “Why don’t we relax in the meantime?”
You nodded, agreeing this was a much better plan than taking all the boxes of ornaments from the attic while you were already both so tired.
You were about to sit on the couch by the fireplace to relax when you heard Raphael say, “I can ask Solomon to make us some hot chocolate,” as he took out his phone.
You sprung to your feet and closed his flip phone. “That won’t be necessary, I know how! I’ve seen how he does it so I can make it just how you like.” You spoke quickly from the nervousness of a perfect day ruined.
Raphael looked surprised but smiled and pecked your cheek. “I’ll leave it to you then,” he said and slowly let go of your hand to sit on the couch.
You strode quickly to the kitchen and took the normal ingredients out of the cupboards to prepare yourself a normal hot chocolate in your favorite snowman mug.
You dug through your memories of the previous traumatic weekend when Solomon had made hot chocolate and tried recalling all the ingredients you’d put back in the cupboard.
“Geez, what did he use?” You mumbled to yourself as you slowly remembered. “Wasn’t it salt and some cumin? What was he thinking, honestly….the drink was more red than brown…” you glanced back at Raphael sitting on the couch and smiling down at a book.
“Well…as long as it tastes strange, he’s sure to like it….”
You fixed your concoction of a drink that’d make Gordon Ramsey cry, and you carefully brought both mugs to the couch.
Raphael thanked you as you handed him his mug. He gave it a sip and his eyes widened. You bit your lip anxiously. “I can remake it if—“
Raphael shakes his head, his eyes lit up with joy. “It’s even better than Solomon’s how did you do that?”
You sighed in relief not sure if you should be insulted or not that you could outdo Solomon’s horrendous cooking but you were glad your angel was happy.
“Haha, I don’t know what I did differently, but I’ll give him some tips next time.” You proposed.
“Please do, that’d be wonderful,” Raphael said in between another sip of the hot chocolate.
You took a sip out of your own mug and set it on the coffee table before scooting closer to Raphael.
Raphael smiled warmly and set down his book to wrap his arm around you and pull you into his chest. Hearing you hum happily in his embrace, he leans in to kiss your forehead before he continues his book with a smile, cuddling you by the fire.
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lieslab · 3 months
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: og8 X gn reader
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 5.9K
A/N: Shout out to all the baddies who struggle with hyper-independence. A request was made for it and here you go. There's a bit of angst in some parts. There are some with trigger warnings, but this is mostly light-hearted. Enjoy <3
_ _ _
Being independent was something you prided yourself on. It was the one trait you had that nobody could take away from you. Things could be hard sometimes, but you knew that you’d always be able to find the inner strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle brought your way. 
It was no different when you decided to order an upgraded dresser for your bedroom. The instructions were included and you had good music playing in the background. Step-by-step, you managed to figure it out. Everything was going great until you somehow screwed up a step. 
“Do you need some help with that?” Chan asked. He dipped his head around the corner of the room. Your back was facing him as he stepped further in. “I’m pretty good at building things.” 
“No thank you, I’ve got it.”  You picked up a screw and began to try to place it into a hole. Using your fingers, you twisted it inside until it fit. 
“Okay, but you know you can always ask for help, right?” 
“I know.” 
A small chuckle fell from him. He watched you struggle with the screw for a few more moments. He opened his mouth wanting to help, but then shut it again. He spun around and walked out deciding to let you to your own devices. 
After about an hour, your victorious laugh came from your room. You let out an excited cheer and stood up eager to show off your handy building skills to Chan. You were about to turn around to go get him when you stepped back with your hands on your hips. 
Your head tilted to the side and a frown fell on your face. Something about the dresser didn’t look right. Your music still faintly played in the background. You were excited about finishing it, but now it looked wrong. 
Chan’s footsteps padded along the carpet as he headed towards you. “Hey, did you get it done?” He grinned and stepped into the room expecting to see a perfectly pieced together wooden dresser equipped with drawers and knobs. 
It only took one look at the dresser before he busted into a fit of giggles. He dropped to his knees with a hand on his stomach. His neck curved down and his chin fell to his chest. 
“What’s so funny?” You huffed with your hands on your hips. 
“Where are the knobs?” 
“Oh!” Your face lit up with realization. “That explains why it looks so strange. They’re on there, but…” 
“What did you do?” 
“I put the front of the drawers on backwards. The knobs are hooked onto them, but they’re turned around and facing the inside of the dresser. Geez, no wonder it looks a little dumb.” 
“No, it doesn’t look dumb, it’s just um unique?” Chan grinned. 
“You’re not helping the situation.” 
He laughed again, “how about I help you fix it?” 
“But I-” 
“I promise it won’t hurt to let me help you out. It’ll be easier and we can fix it quicker. You unscrew one side and I’ll unscrew the other. A super quick fix, I promise.” 
Begrudgingly you finally agreed and within another fifteen minutes, you were fully finished. You plopped back on your butt and sighed. The brass knobs were now facing out, so you were able to open the drawers. 
“I think it looks so much better,” you commented. 
“You’re right.” 
“It could have been worse.” 
“I hope you don’t become a furniture builder.”  Chan leaned forward and gently flicked the tip of your nose with a shy grin. “Imagine if you were building a door and put the lock on the outside of the door instead of the inside.”  He bursted into another round of giggles. 
_ _ _
TW: Mentions of a car wreck and shock.
At the end of your workday, you drove straight to the JYP building to pick up Minho. The two of you had plans to go get dinner at a nice restaurant in the area. At the end of a tough week, it was a great way for both of you to relax and wind down. 
When you stepped into the JYP building with wide eyes and shaking hands, Minho knew there was something wrong instantly. He pulled away from his conversation with Felix and walked over to you with a frown. You didn’t even have to say anything. 
“What’s wrong?” He glanced over you up and down with pinched eyebrows. In the distance, even Felix looked concerned. 
Your skin was two shades paler and you looked like you had seen a ghost. Not wanting to cause any concern, you shrugged. “Nothing, why?” 
“You seem dazed or something. Are you running a fever?” The back of his hand went up and pressed against your forehead before you could object. The warmth of it was nice, but you pulled away. 
“I’m alright, it’s just been a rough day. Are you ready to go? I know I’m a little later than I planned to be. I didn’t mean to get caught up in traffic.” 
“It’s not a big deal.” 
He leaned over his shoulder and said something to Felix. You weren’t really paying attention to his words. You waved at Felix before you turned around and headed to the door. The familiar footsteps of Minho sounded behind you. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” 
You continued heading to the spot your car was in. Minho fell into a casual conversation about something that happened in dance practice earlier. You hummed softly and continued walking until there was a gasp from behind you. 
You turned around to find Minho with big eyes and a dropped jaw. He was staring at your car. The back half of it was crushed. The back bench of  seats in your vehicle were nearly obliviated. Metal was crunched and twisted together. 
“What the hell happened? When did this happen? Your car was fine yesterday!” 
“I got into a fender bender on the way here.” 
“A fender bender?” Minho roared. He rushed towards you in a panic.“Are you injured? Did you go to the hospital?” 
“I don’t need to go, I’m fine. I don’t need to go if I’m not injured. Don’t worry, the car is still driveable.” 
“No, no, no, no, no, nope.” He bent down and gently grabbed your wrists. “You’re not driving and we’re not going to the restaurant. Did you, at least, get checked over by paramedics?” Worry filled his dewy eyes. 
“No, I didn’t need to. I’m alright, I promise. Let’s just go get something to eat, it’s not a big deal.”  
“No wonder you look so out of it.” He reached up and pressed two fingers against the side of your neck to feel your pulse. “You’re in a state of shock. Your heart is pounding like crazy probably from all the adrenaline.”  
“Please don’t make it a big deal.” 
“This is a big deal. You could be injured and you have no idea. Your brain is in shock right now. If you’re in pain, your brain is protecting you from feeling it. We need to get you to the hospital before it wears off.” 
You frowned, feeling annoyed. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin your dinner plans. The idea of sitting in a hospital for the rest of the evening wasn’t ideal either. “But I’m okay,” you tried to insist again. 
“Don’t make me pick you up and haul you to the nearest hospital. I will fling you over my shoulder and pin you there. For your safety, you are going to the hospital. This isn’t a simple request, it’s a demand.” 
“Do you have to be so bossy?” 
“This is regarding your safety, so yes. Come on,” he tugged you towards the building. “I’m going to have one of the guys drive us there. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time.” 
_ _ _
“My sweet pookie wookie bear, where are you?” Changbin called out once he arrived through the front door. His loud voice carried throughout the room and met you directly in the kitchen. 
The sudden loud sound sent another wave of pain radiating through your head. With half-closed eyes, your hands shook while trying to cut up potatoes. You pushed the knife down further until your grip slipped. 
The potato rolled off the cutting board and hit the ground with a soft thud. Changbin’s head perked up at the noise. He grinned and rushed to the kitchen eager to greet you after a long day in the recording studio. 
You promised you’d make him dinner. He was happy to enjoy your cooking and your food, but he was even happier to see you. After all, you were the love of his life. 
“Hi, baby! You lo- oh?” He frowned, taking in your drooped head. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Are you sad?” He opened his arms and walked towards you. 
“I’m fine,”  you mumbled. You were the opposite of fine. Every muscle sat saturated with an unbearable ache. Your voice was somewhat hoarse and your throat was on fire. The unnatural amount of sweat dripping from your forehead wasn’t helping either. 
His biceps wrapped around you in a bear hug. “Oh, you poor thing. You’re not fine, you look far from it.” He bent down and pressed his lips to the center of the forehead. 
That quick kiss was just supposed to be an act of affection. However, the warmth radiating from your forehead told Changbin a different story. He pulled away with a frown. “Baby, you’re burning up.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeated. “I just need a moment before I start cooking. I promised that I’d make yo-” 
“Nope,” he tugged you closer, “you’re not making anything besides dreams. Let’s go get you into bed. I can get you some medicine and you can take a cruise to dreamland.” 
You weakly tried to pull away, but his grip was tight around your waist. He chuckled full of amusement. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I have to make you dinner.” 
“You don’t have to make me dinner. We can reschedule our dinner plans. It’s not a big deal and your health is important.” 
A frown fell upon your face, “but you wanted my special potato dish. I need to do this for you. I don’t wanna let you down.”  
“And my cravings can wait. You’re not going to let me down at all! What happens if you cut off a finger while trying to chop potatoes? Not only is that unsanitary, but then it’ll lead to a hospital trip. I know how much you hate hospitals.” 
“What if I made you dinner and then I went to bed?” 
“Mmmh, no.” He reached down and picked you up bridal style. “Let’s head towards bed and get some shut-eye. This isn’t the end of the world. Besides, I’m feeling a little sleepy myself.” 
Exhausted, you let your head fall against his chest. A soft sigh came out as you let yourself relax in his arms. You shut your eyes while he carried you feeling feverish. 
“There you go, I’ve got you, sweetums.” 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t like my pet names. Despite what you say, I’m not dumb. I can see how happy they make you. You can’t hide that twinkling in your eyes.” 
_ _ _
TW: Blood.  
Painting was the perfect way to relax. Indigos and cobalt blue, mauves and maroon, flamingo pinks and sunshine yellow. Hyunjin took his time painting his canvas in his own little world. The soft music in the background only added to the ambiance. 
He hummed beneath his breath and sent a swatch of lilac across the canvas. The light pitter-pattering of quick brush strokes filled the air. Caught in a flow state, nothing could pull his attention away from his art. 
At least, it was like that until there was the unmistakable sound of glass shattering in the distance. His head snapped to his door and he frowned. When there wasn’t any noise following that, he dropped his brush and got up to investigate. 
The unnerving sound of silence created a concoction of fear and anxiety. You had been staying with him recently in his dorm and the two of you were the only ones home. He pulled open his bedroom door and called your name. 
In the kitchen, you cursed beneath your breath with your hips supported by a side counter. Blood dripped from the bottom of your foot and painted the tile floor ruby. Your glass cup had shattered into hundreds of tiny shards. 
“Are you okay?” Hyunjin’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. 
Your head jerked up to meet his worried eyes. He took a step closer and you quickly put out a hand. “Don’t! Don’t come in here, there’s glass everywhere!” 
He glanced down and stayed between the section separating the living room from the kitchen. “Is it in your foot?” 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I can get it out, just stay there.” The bottom of your foot ached from the large shard. You ignored it and carefully tugged your foot up. You kept your balance on one foot by using the back counter for support. 
“Let me get the broom and I-” 
“I’ve got it. I don’t want you to get injured. Besides, it’s my mess anyway. You just stay there and I’ll get this out of my foot and clean it up.” 
Craning your neck, your body stiffened. The shard sticking out of your foot was pretty large. The sight of it in there dripping with blood made your stomach churn. You forced yourself to swallow a mouthful of your vomit. 
When you started to pale and your body tilted, Hyunjin ignored your warning. He went around the glass and rushed towards you. Too dazed to pull away, you let him grab you. His hands found your hips and he lightly squeezed them. 
“Can you jump with one foot?” 
“Just trust me, I need you to jump.” 
You obliged and jumped. The moment you did, Hyunjin used your momentum and helped lift you onto the counter. He gently grabbed your ankle to look at the wound. His face twisted with disgust. “That looks like it hurts.” 
“I can get it,” you pathetically objected. 
He shook his head, “you’re going to let me help you. I know you like your independence, but we need this to clot, so it stops bleeding. You’re not going to help it by walking around it. Just stay here and rest. I’ll go get the stuff to clean it and pull the glass out.” 
“I don’t need your help,” you mumbled. 
“You either let me help you or I call 3racha and I force them to pin you down while I remove the glass, clean it, and bandage it.” 
You huffed with displeasure, but didn’t fight it. He chuckled, reached forward, and rubbed a hand along the top of your head a few times. You scowled with annoyance. You hated it when people did things for you and Hyunjin’s teasing only made it worse. 
“Cheer up, buttercup.” He booped your nose with a laugh. “Just stay here and I’ll be back.” 
While he was gone, you glanced down at your foot. Blood was still dripping from it. The sticky substance ran down the underside of your foot and kept dripping from your heel onto the floor. Another queasy feeling pulsed through your body. You shut your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. 
As much as you hated to admit it, it was better for Hyunjin to help you. At least, if you ended up fainting, he’d be there to make sure you were okay. That was far better than the alternative of fainting and gaining a head injury too. 
_ _ _
“Can you just let me tr-” 
“But I-” 
“You are being suc-” 
“You are going to end up hurting yourself,” Han stared at you with round eyes filled with worry. “You don’t need to be lifting such heavy boxes by yourself. I told you I can help you and I can have the guys co-” 
“I don’t need them or you,” you insisted. You bent down and scooped up another cardboard box full of stuff. “I’m perfectly capable of doing this by myself.” 
“You should bend your knees more and engage them instead of your back.” 
“Pft, don’t tell me how to lift.” 
Han sighed and lifted his hands and backed up. After agreeing to move from your apartment into his, you had to pack all your stuff and move it. Packing it all up was simple, but moving it was another story. You were on the second floor of your complex and, with your fierce determination, you refused to let anyone help you. 
With an ego and your pride outweighing your sense of safety, you ignored the constant strain you were putting on your back and your fucked up lifting form. Every time Han had attempted to offer a little help, you brushed it off. You were convinced that you didn’t need help, even if it took you double the amount of trips down to your car. 
“Are you dumb?” Han got out as you placed one box on top of another. “You’re already straining your back way too much, you’re seriously going to hurt yourself!” 
“I’m not going to hurt myself for the millionth time. Can you stop worrying so much? I’ll be fine.” You lined your legs up and dropped down to grab the bottom box and lift it up. Gritting your teeth together, you lifted your body. 
Instead of focusing on pushing yourself back up with your knees, you lifted yourself up via your waist. With a proud grin, you beamed at Han. “See? I told you I was fi-” The sharp stabbing pain in your lower back proved otherwise. 
Caught off guard, you dropped the boxes and your knees buckled. You hit the ground hard and caught yourself from face planting by pushing your hands against the boxes. Han rushed forward and plopped down at your side. 
“I told you! Are you okay?” His hands went to your waist. “What hurts? What did you do?” 
“My back,” you mumbled. Your hand slipped back and brushed along the small of your back. You winced and reached back with your other hand to massage it. 
“Shit,” Han whispered, “do you need a doctor or something?” 
“No! It’s really not that bad,” you attempted to push yourself up, “I-” You instantly winced and went back to resting on your knees. Your hands pressed into the soft skin of your back. Defeatedly, your head dropped to your chest. 
“Can I touch it?” Han asked. 
You hesitated before you pulled your hands away from your back. He shifted closer and let his fingers trail along your spine. He slipped his hands down and gently pressed along your back. His breath was warm on your neck. “What hurts?” 
When his fingers moved lower, you winced. He frowned and shifted his hands. His thumbs lightly pressed against a back muscle and massaged it. “Maybe you just pulled a muscle?” He offered. 
“It hurts.” 
“I know it does. I’ve pulled muscles before while dancing. Come on, let’s get you an epsom salt bath. If it still hurts after that, maybe you should consider the doctor or a chiropractor. This is why I was worried about you lifting boxes.” 
He got up, held his hands out to you, and grabbed your forearms. He helped you stand and started to lead you to the bathroom at a slow pace. “I know you like doing things on your own and proving that you're strong. You don’t have to lift heavy things to prove your strength.” 
“I know you, I know how strong you are. Physically, emotionally, and mentally; I already know. Next time, please let me help you.” 
You finally nodded and accepted it. A faint apology fell from your lips. Han chuckled and shook his head. “It’s alright. You can be strong and you can be brave, but you’re allowed to be vulnerable too.” 
_ _ _
TW: Implied depression and anxiety.
You loved letting Felix help you with mundane tasks. You liked watching his eyes sparkle and disappear into crescents as he grinned when you let him help you bake something. You liked it when he got clingy and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He buried his head into the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. 
You liked the way he got excited when he talked about his travel adventures. You loved listening and watching him talk with his hands. You liked the way he walked with you down the sidewalk and kept himself between you and the road as if he was protecting you. 
You liked how he clung to you like a koala every night and wrapped his limbs around yours. He nuzzled his head into your chest and fell asleep with your arms wrapped around his waist and his ear pressed against your heart. He always drifted to sleep to the sound of your breathing. 
Likewise, he liked the way you’d sometimes make him breakfast without asking. He liked that you knew the drinks he liked and sometimes you’d spontaneously show up to the studio with one for him. He liked your sweet kisses and your touch. You made him feel safe and wanted. You made him feel loved in ways that other people couldn’t. 
However, you had one downfall. One fatal flaw that continuously destroyed you. The one single trait you had that you couldn’t shake. When it came to showing your emotions, you struggled with it. Specifically, your more negative emotions. 
You never let yourself be emotionally vulnerable with Felix the way he was around you. You knew he’d never judge you for your feelings. He’d never tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. He wouldn’t shred your feelings like other people had done before, but you still couldn’t trust him. 
You were terrified that once you’d get comfortable enough, the relationship would fall apart. Your emotions were like tsunami waves and hurricane winds mixed together. They knocked you to the ground and then you drowned in them; your anger, your sadness, your fears, your anxieties. 
You held those emotions deep inside of you until you snapped. Emotional independence seemed like something you should have been proud of. You dealt with your inner demons on your own, but even the strongest people have days when they feel weak. 
For weeks your emotions built up and this morning, they crumbled. You laid with your head in your crossed arms slung over the bar counter. Planted in your chair, you wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. The thought of continuing the day with mundane tasks made you want to wreck the apartment and then burst into tears. 
You should have been eating breakfast, but instead you were trying to lasso in your emotions once again. In the silence with your eyes squeezed shut, you struggled with the fall out of everything. Too trapped in your own head, you didn’t even hear Felix approach you. 
“Hey,” he spoke softly. His hands went to your back. “Are you alright?”  He gently rubbed his hands along the curve of your spine. 
You sniffled and pulled yourself up, “I’m fine.” 
“You don’t have to lie to me, I know you’re not.” He reached over and pulled you into his arms. Still sitting in your chair, you let your head rest into his chest. “You don’t have to be perfect around me, you know? Whatever you’re struggling with, I can handle it.” 
“I know, but I don’t want to ruin your morning or add to your stress.” 
“You’re not going to hurt me by telling me what’s wrong. Honestly, I worry more about you when you don’t tell me what’s wrong. How am I supposed to help you when I don’t know how?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and stayed quiet thinking about his words. He reached up and stroked the back of your hair. Your arms slipped around his waist. He stayed like that for a while until you pulled away. 
“I feel like I’m burnt out,” you finally got out. “Everything feels so overwhelming. Work is stressful and my mental health hasn’t been the best.” You avoided Felix’s eyes. 
He stared at you and nodded, taking in your words. He reached out and gently pushed your hair from your eyes. “Well, I have the day off and so do you. You wanna have a mental health day? We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. We could just stay here cuddling and watching movies.” 
“Really?” Your eyes finally met his. 
He smiled, “of course. Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back. If you want to go out somewhere, we can do that too.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I should be thanking you actually,” he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. “Thank you for trusting me enough to open up. I know it’s difficult for you, but I’m proud of you.” 
Your cheeks flushed red and you buried your head back into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. After kissing the top of your head, a soft sigh left his body. His chin rested on the top of your head. In his arms, nothing could go wrong. 
_ _ _
TW: Angst.
“Do you purposefully live your life pushing everyone away?” 
“Huh?” You glanced up from your bowl of soup. The two of you were eating lunch at your apartment. 
“You refuse to let anyone help you do anything.” 
“That’s no-” 
“Last week you refused to let me wash dishes or do laundry. A few days before that, you were sick and refused to let me take care of you. People want to help you, but you continuously push them away. It’s like you want to die alone.” 
The words were like a knife sinking into the middle of your heart. You frowned and your eyes went down to the wooden table. Your soup didn’t taste nearly as good anymore. You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“Is that your plan?” Seungmin pressed. “Do you want to die alone? Do you even want to be with me? I’m right in front of you and you still continue to push me away. It’s like I’m not here. I could scream at you and you’d still act like I’m a ghost.” 
He knew you liked being independent, but lately it annoyed him. You were always so insistent that you were fine and you could do everything. Even when the weight of the world was on your shoulders, you gritted your teeth, bent your knees, and pretended it was fine. 
“What do I have to do to get you to trust me?” He slouched back in his chair defeated. “I’ve tried to show you. I’ve bought you things you like. I’ve constantly reassured you. When is this relationship going to become about us instead of just you? I don’t know how we’re supposed to continue this when you refuse to communicate with me.” 
You stayed silent. Tears began to prickle in your eyes. Your biggest fear was happening before your very eyes and it was entirely your fault. You refused to let Seungmin break the wall of bricks you built around yourself. 
“What more do you want from me?” Seungmin got out. “We can’t continue this relationship unless you attempt to make it work. I can’t continue to be with you and watch you try to do everything by yourself. The mundane things, the cooking, the cleaning, your feelings, and your emotions; why won’t you let me help you with them? I want to help you.” 
Your bottom lip quivered and you sniffled. “I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m terrified that if I start to rely on you, if I trust you too much, you’re just going to leave. I don’t want to be left alone again.” 
The word made Seungmin’s heart drop to his stomach. He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he finally got out. “I didn’t mean to upset you, but if I’m being honest, it hurts me when you’re constantly like this.” 
“I want to show you that I’m here for you. I want to have you trust me more. How can I do that when you won’t even let me wash our dishes? You won’t even let me fold my own clothes. They’re simple tasks and they won’t kill me.” 
“I’m sorry,” your voice shook. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just-” Tears filled your eyes. “I’m so used to doing things by myself including house chores. When I was younger, it was expected and if I didn’t do them, I’d get yelled at. Things have been ingrained in me and I don’t know how to get rid of them.” 
“I don’t know how to stop being like this. I don’t know how to not be overbearing and too controlling. When I’m not in charge, when I can’t do things, it makes me spiral. I worry that something will go wrong.” 
Seungmin stayed quiet listening to you. He pushed vegetables and meat through the sodium filled broth in his bowl. When you finished, he glanced up again. 
“Can we start small? Can you come home once a week and really truly tell me how you feel? Will you let me, at least, help you wash dishes and cook meals occasionally?” 
“I guess I can probably do that.” 
“Thank you.” 
“But I really am sorry,” your eyes met his. “I didn’t realize my hyper-independence was hurting you so much. I’ll make an effort to try and change things. I don’t want to lose you.” 
“I don’t want to lose you either, babe. Have you tasted this soup? This is better than Lee Know’s stuff.” 
“Don’t tell him that!” 
“Too late. I already texted him and he says you're banned from cooking for the other members. If you can sway my opinion, you can probably sway the others too.” 
_ _ _
You didn’t mind the winter weather, at least, until your car broke down. You weren’t looking forward to working on Saturday when it was supposed to be one of your days off. Begrudgingly, you got up like usual and headed into work. 
You were halfway home when your car began to sputter and die on a back road. The road was a shortcut and shaved off five minutes of usual traffic on the main roads. It was something you always relished until today. 
It was an annoyance, but you could make do. Jeongin was at home waiting for your arrival. You reached down to pull your phone from the bag you always took to work. You grumbled and dug your hand inside searching for it. 
When you couldn’t find it, you dumped the bag out onto the seat beside you. To your horror, you realized that you didn’t have it with you. You dug your hands into your pockets. You got out of the car and made sure it wasn’t beneath you in the seat. You nearly ransacked the front of the car searching until you realized you must have forgotten it back at work. 
And the best part? You left your giant winter coat at home. You threw on a simple zip up hoodie this morning and called it good enough. It never crossed your mind that the car could break down. 
You sat for what felt like minutes waiting for someone to drive by. You planned on flagging them down and asking them for a phone. You had Jeongin’s phone number memorized, so all you had to do was type it in and call him to come pick you up. 
The warmth in your car began to fade the longer you waited. Your arms folded across your torso attempting to stay warm. You sat and sat and sat some more. All that you could hear was your soft breathing and the thump of your heartbeat. 
Realizing that you’d have to walk, you sighed and got out of the car. You took out the bag you used for work that contained your wallet and laptop. You threw the car keys in a section after locking the car. Sticking to the correct side of the road, you began to walk. 
The more you walked, the colder you got. There weren’t any sidewalks and the roads were a mixture of snow and ice. It took you twenty-five minutes to get home by car. You were halfway there, but with the horrible road conditions, who knew how long it’d really take you. 
Back in your apartment, Jeongin was caught up watching YouTube videos on the living room TV. After quite a while, he sat up and glanced over at the analog clock across the way. Realizing that it was later than the time you normally got home, by nearly forty-five minutes, he frowned. 
He pushed himself off the velvet couch and began to head over to the front door. He opened the front door to peer outside and see if you were parked out front. Besides his car, the driveway was empty. 
“Where are you?” He mumbled as he pulled out his phone to text you. He paced while he waited for your response. Five minutes later, he called, starting to panic, but you never picked up. 
Ten minutes later, feeling like a human popsicle, you attempted to open the front door. Your fingers seemed to be frozen solid and you could barely bend them. Your teeth clicked and chattered together. You fumbled desperately trying to get into the warmth. 
Hearing the commotion, Jeongin hurried over and opened the door. He barely caught you in time before you hit the ground. Your whole body was freezing cold. You shivered non-stop. 
“Woah, what happened? Why are you so cold? Where’s your car?” He tugged you inside and shut the door. 
The truth was that by the time you spotted a car, you were nearly home. The idea of asking someone to use their phone felt silly at that point. You were too stubborn to ask for assistance, so you struggled the rest of the way home and decided to freeze instead. 
All you could get out was a soft whimper. He wrapped his arms around you. “You poor thing, why didn’t you call me? I would have come and got you. You didn’t have to walk. Did you walk all the way home?” 
“Broke down,” you got out, “lost phone.” 
“And your propper coat?” 
“Left it here.” 
“You’re going to catch a cold or the flu or something.” He bent down and began untying your shoes. “You should have stopped someone. You better not develop hypothermia and die. Are you frost-bit anywhere?” 
You managed to shake your head. 
“Well, at least, you have all your limbs. You know you can ask for help, right? Multiple people would have helped you. Oh my god.” His eyes were full of worry. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright, come on.” He tugged you towards him. “Let’s get you snuggled into bed and I’ll make you hot chocolate. After that, I’ll warm you up.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Don’t thank me yet, you could still die. If you die, your ghost will never hear the end of it.” He bent down and slung you over his shoulder. “Do you hear me? Your ghost will never know a single day of peace.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @s3ungmins
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feeder86 · 1 year
Acting Out
Cam could definitely say he’d given it his best shot. After years of dreaming about being a star, he’d packed up his things and headed straight to Los Angeles at the age of eighteen. He’d been convinced that he could make it; that he had what it took - even his high school Yearbook had said so. When he got the commercial job, he’d been sure that it was the start of big things for him. But that was six years ago now.
Fed up of living in a dump and barely making enough from working in a trashy downtown bar, Cam had finally decided that enough was enough. There was always going to be someone better looking than he was; someone more talented and versatile. It was time to admit defeat and head home.
Cam had been surprised by how many of his old high school buddies had wanted to meet up for a drink upon his return. Everyone had seen the commercial he’d done and, for a small town like this, Cam realised that, in their eyes at least, he’d made something of himself during those awkward early years of adulthood.
“So what’s your plan now you’re back home?” Fin asked, as the conversation remained steadily focused on Cam.
Cam shrugged. “Get a job, I guess. Start trying to work my way out of my folk’s place.” It was something that was easier said than done. He’d not paid all that much attention in school and had since breezed from one bar job to another, never picking up much in the way of experience or skills. 
“That home decor place by the old quarry is looking for someone,” Daz jumped in. “I saw a sign up in their window.”
“I hardly think Cam wants to spend his time just selling bathroom tiles,” Fin countered, as if he was trying to protect Cam’s imaginary celebrity status.
“Isn’t that where Kirk Ploughman works now?” Bill asked with a smirk.
Cam’s mind whirred into life at the mention of the name. He hadn’t thought about Kirk in years. The guy had been high school royalty, with his tall frame and built, lean, muscular body that seemed a biological impossibility for someone who was just eighteen. When he’d run with the football, guys didn’t want to go in for that tackle. But he hadn’t been all that interested in school and, consequently, Kirk had shared many of the same classes with Cam; though neither of them had ever really taken the time to get to know each other. Still, he’d been great eye-candy back then. “Kirk Ploughman?” Cam asked, feeling the familiarity of that name as it rolled off his tongue. “He still lives in town? I thought he’d have been signed up for some big football club by now?”
Cam had no idea what it was about what he’d said that had been so funny, but suddenly everyone around him had burst into fits of laughter. “Kirk Ploughman?” Bill echoed, chuckling. “A professional athlete? Geez! You can tell you haven’t been back here for some time!”
“Why?” Cam asked, feeling completely lost as the laughter continued rolling around the room. “Did something happen?”
“Kirk started to put on a little weight after high school,” Fin explained over the chorus of laughter.
“A little weight?” Bill retorted. “Now that’s a fucking understatement! Every time I see the guy he’s gained about fifty pounds of fresh blubber!”
Cam blushed. He both loved and hated tales such as these; ones where high school jocks became consumed by their own gluttonous appetites and started to balloon. There was something so erotic about it. They were fantasies he’d jacked off to his whole life and developed into a kink that he just couldn’t seem to shake off. Even now he could feel his dick hardening.
“Oh, I see him all the time down the supermarket,” Vinny added, pulling a face of utter disgust. “You only need to take one look in his shopping cart to see why he’s probably close to five hundred pounds now.”
Now Cam’s dick really did pulse and stiffen. Kirk Ploughman, a five hundred pound superchub? It was like the ultimate fantasy. It was all he could do to resist the urge to ask if anyone had a picture.
“Yeah, I don’t think you want to be stuck working with Kirk,” Bill finally summarised. “I don’t think the fat fuck gets off his ass much to do anything around that place. You’d probably have to do his job as well as your own.”
The seed had been sown. Cam knew he’d need to go and enquire about the job tomorrow; even just for curiosity’s sake. The erotic images he had of Kirk in his mind right then were just too enticing to ignore.
The store was every bit the small town cliché. A little bell rang as Cam opened the door and he had the sense that the place was waking up from a late morning nap. He looked around, spotting an older guy at the counter and headed straight over. He’d begun by asking about the job, and the man, calling himself Bob, had seemed so relieved that someone was in there asking about the position. Cam soon found himself agreeing to a paid trial shift right there and then. For the next two hours, he’d learned almost everything there was to know, while only a handful of customers came in to interrupt them.
“Our busiest days are at the weekend,” the older man explained. “The other regular guy who works here is… Well, you get used to him. I sold him part of the business a couple of years ago when I wanted to step back from it. However, I’m not quite sure how up for it he really is.  Anyway, you’ll be working with him a lot.”
“You mean, Kirk?” Cam asked. “I knew him in high school.”
Bob seemed relieved that he didn’t need to go on explaining about Kirk. He’d taken an obvious amount of care with the words he had chosen to desscibe Kirk and tried to phrase things with such diplomacy, it was like he had been put on trial. With that done, he simply shook Cam’s hand. “Welcome to the team!”
As Cam started work early the next day, he found the vibe of the store very much changed. Rock music was blasting from the back room and, with only half the lights switched on, the store seemed oddly disorientating. He shouted to the back, not wanting to progress behind the counter right away and potentially startle whoever was on the shift with him that day, but there really was no choice. He stepped gingerly into the little room at the back, where the loud music was coming from, only to see a very large, spherically shaped guy snacking from a tall stack of buttery toast he’d just made himself and slurping on a can of soda.
So engrossed was he in his breakfast, the guy had yet to notice him and Cam simply watched as the enormously fat man demolished a slice of toast in seconds. It was Kirk, even under all that fat, there was no doubting it. He’d grown a thick, stubbly beard that failed to conceal the fact that his neck was no longer visible. All traces of the jock physique had gone and Cam found himself almost swooning as he surveyed the size of the guy’s blubbery chest and nipples. Still, it was his gut that was the main event. So round and ball-like, it sat in his lap, filling most of it with ease. And those ginormous, doughy arms, that had once been so strong and muscular, now strained the fit of the already tight work shirt Kirk was having to wear.
“Hello,” Cam waved, using his arms to grab Kirk’s attention, realising that he had to stop silently standing there like some sort of creepy stalker.
Kirk raised his eyebrows and looked over. He nodded and pushed the remaining half of one of his slices of toast into his greedy mouth, put his plate down, and then carefully lowered the volume of the speaker.
“You’re the new guy?” Kirk asked. Already his tongue was licking his lips like he wanted another slice of his toast. Still, he squinted at Cam and then finally raised his gigantic body up. “It’s… Cam, right?” he considered, as if he had lifted the name up from the bottom of a very deep well.
Cam outstretched his hand and reintroduced himself, surprised at how buttery the palm of Kirk’s large hands actually felt. It hadn’t taken long for them to get the small talk over with and it was immediately clear that Kirk didn’t have the same fascination about his life in LA as everyone else he had met so far. Cam knew he’d gone a little far, choosing a job simply because he’d been turned on by the thought of working with such a superb specimen of ‘ex-jock’. But now that he was here and Kirk was standing in front of him in all his lardy, five hundred pound glory, he realised that he really didn’t want to be anywhere else.
“Oof! Check her out!” Kirk whispered slyly, later that day. He nodded his head towards a very large woman, probably twenty years older than both of them, pulling a face that immediately spoke of his attraction to her.
Cam looked over at the big woman, hardly believing that Kirk, the sexiest guy in their high school, who had dated every hot girl in their class, was now checking out such a plain, obese woman in her late forties. “I take it you’re an ass man then?” Cam simply replied, seeing the enormous butt on the lady as she turned around.
“I do like some junk in the trunk,” Kirk nodded, fixated at the sight of the massive glutes. Then, for the first time in at least three hours, the man picked himself off his extra large chair and started striding over, his chest puffed out, ready to help the new customer. 
Cam felt his dick harden for the hundredth time that day. Kirk’s own ass was so wide and thick as he headed over to the big lady. But something about seeing Kirk getting aroused had also turned Cam on; like it was an enticing window into the ex-jock’s mind.
“She’s married,” Cam grunted as he returned a couple of minutes later. “I saw the wedding ring. Lucky bastard!” he went on, throwing himself back down into the aching, tortured chair. Then, he simply reached under the counter to the mini-fridge he’d set himself up with, and took out another can of soda to crack open.
Cam slowly started to realise why everyone he had spoken to about Kirk regarded him with such disdain. The guy simply had no matters at all. He was a slave to his own appetite, constantly grazing throughout the day and throwing out large, guttural burps, no matter how many customers were wandering about in the store. Cam could also have counted on a single hand how many times the man had gotten up off his chair; lazily sending Cam as often as he could.
Not for the first time, Cam found himself wishing that he could rid himself of his strange infatuation. Why did he find Kirk’s gluttony, slobbishness and lazy work ethic to be such a turn on? It wasn’t normal! Yet, he knew for certain, there hadn’t been anyone in his entire life he’d had a crush on like this. Five days into his new job and Cam knew he was absolutely lost to it. The amount of calories he’d seen Kirk take down had been out of this world, and he came, thinking about just that, within five minutes of getting home each night.
It was easy to see why Kirk kept a plentiful stash of soda cans in his little fridge at work; with faulty air conditioning, the place could start to feel uncomfortable very quickly. But he was also generous to share them out with Cam. The days could be long and boring when fewer people came into the store. Kirk’s interests lay more with the online aspect of the business, which he himself had initiated; explaining that there was a surprising amount of cash to be made in selling on discontinued lines that were hard to come by. Kirk could buy and sell thousands of dollars worth of tiles without even having to get up off his wide rear; it was an enterprise that was bound to keep the business afloat for many years to come; even on those slow days in the store.
“Here,” called Kirk, sliding a can of soda down the counter to Cam. “Have another one. You need a sugar boost. You’re looking tired.”
Cam nodded and popped the can open, taking a long slurp. Kirk was right; hot, stuffy days like this tended to leech all the energy from his body as he looked at his watch and saw that he still had another four hours to go. There was just something about the building; the enormity of it and the stale air inside. Kirk offered him one of his doughnuts and Cam took it gratefully, already starting to feel a little perkier. “Any collections you need me to get ready?” he asked Kirk, checking on the online orders, desperate for something to do.
“Maybe later,” Kirk replied dismissively, taking a large slurp from his own soda and then cracking out another, after a long, drain-like burp. “You should listen to this…” he went on enthusiastically, clicking for a song to play on the computer. Kirk was passionate about his rock music and Cam was slowly acquiring quite an education about it all; especially after Kirk had downloaded some tracks for him to listen to at home. “Pretty good, huh?” he smiled as the heavy drums came into their own. 
Cam had to admit that he quite liked Kirk’s taste in music and the pair of them sat there for the next hour, playing track after track as the large box of donuts slowly diminished.
“So, what’s it like working with Kirk?” Bill asked a few weeks later, as Cam met up with some of the guys once again. 
“Well, Kirk pretty much runs the place; so it’s more like I’m the one working for him,” Cam clarified. 
“I bet it’s a complete shit show if Kirk’s in charge!” Vinny joked. “My sister had to coach him through algebra back in high school. He’s not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, is he?”
Everyone laughed, happy to mock Kirk, just like last time. It made Cam’s jaws clench and his teeth start to grind in frustration. Kirk’s rapid weight gain since high school had left him exposed to unjustified assumptions about his intelligence from everyone else. “Actually, Kirk’s business model is very successful,” he countered. “Some days, Kirk can make more cash sat on his butt than you guys make in a month. He’s even buying more of a stake in the business, so he’ll be the majority owner.”
It was hard for the guys to think of a witty retort to the revelation that Kirk did have some business sense after all, but they soon managed it. Cam was relieved when the conversation finally turned away from the subject of his new boss. He swallowed down his third beer and burped to relieve the gas that had quickly built up in his stomach. The others laughed, but looked at each other, seeming perplexed to see their suave LA buddy showing such a blatant lack of manners. It made Cam blush slightly, thinking to himself: had he been spending too much time in Kirk’s company?
Cam had received more shifts at the store than he had been expecting. During the week, it was pretty quiet, but Kirk seemed to like the fact that he could concentrate on the online sales, without customers getting to him. For the most part, it was easy money; despite the long hours. Kirk was decent company and he didn’t mind closing up for an hour or so as they went for lunch somewhere. Kirk always paid, as his way of knocking off some tax for the business. It meant that Cam was slowly building up a little pot of savings, ready for him to rent his own place. Living with his folks had been a welcome relief after struggling for years in LA; but now he was more than ready to move on. Not least because of the tightness he was starting to feel in his clothes as he dressed for work each day. His mother’s home cooking had always been a comfort, but without a gym subscription or the metabolism of a teenager, Cam slowly felt like he was constantly bloated. It was mortifying. He’d met up for some fun with a guy a few nights earlier who had directly called him out on it, claiming that he looked much ‘chubbier’ in real life. Chubbier! Really? Back in LA, he’d had to work hard to maintain his image, always waiting for that big break just around the corner. Had he really let things slide that badly since he’d come home?
“There’re some fresh pastries in the back,” Kirk pointed as Cam arrived at work the next morning.
Cam had bought some more relaxed pants for work but his mom had obviously shrunk them, trying to help him with his washing even though he had asked her not to. They pinched into his hips, making him grumpy as he helped himself to a couple of the pastries. What a waste of money buying these pants had been!
“What’s got you in a mood this morning?” Kirk asked, spotting Cam’s frustration as he wriggled to get comfortable in his restrictive pants. 
“I need to get out of my parents’ place,” Cam huffed. “They mean well but… fuck! I need my own space!” he sighed, reaching under the counter to help himself to a cool soda from the small refrigerator. He cracked it open and chugged it like an ice cold beer after a long day of hard labour.
“I know that feeling!” Kirk nodded. “I moved out not long after high school. I just needed to feel more in control of my own life,” he went on, placing both of his hands on the shelf of his giant stomach and watching as Cam took large bites out of his pastries.
“Do you still do much with your family?” Cam asked, realising now that Kirk had never mentioned them before.
“Not really,” Kirk replied. “My dad really wanted me to take the football thing more seriously and when I told him I was bored of it and preferred eating cheeseburgers instead, he never quite forgave me. I knew I had to get out of there if I was ever going to have the sort of life I really wanted for myself. They actually moved out of town about four years ago.”
“Ouch!” Cam responded, feeling bad for his friend. “That must have been rough?”
“Nah,” Kirk replied dismissively. “It’s awesome, not having to worry about their looks of disapproval, seeing them around town.” One hand rubbed against his belly as if it comforted him. He stood, getting the box of pastries from the back room and plopping them down on the counter between them as the two men prepared for another quiet day.
“Hey, Bob, do you have any more work shirts in your van? My mom has done my washing again and…” he raised his arms to show how short and tight it had become, “...she has a tendency to shrink stuff.”
Bob didn’t do many shifts, and even fewer where he was paired up with Cam, but he looked at the fit of Cam’s shirt without any hint of humour. “I’m sorry, I should have warned you about Kirk,” he sighed. “He has a habit of doing this.”
“Doing what?” Cam asked, starting to search for the box of shirts himself.
“If Kirk offers you food, just say no,” Bob stated with absolute certainty. “I’ll find you a new shirt for now, but…” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “He does this every time. He starts putting a little gut on all the guys who come work here,” the older man grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval. “Kirk is a lovely guy, don’t get me wrong, but his sense of humor is warped. Just be aware that he’s more than likely getting some sort of weird thrill out of playing with you.”
Cam’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not quite sure what you mean?” he asked, despite already starting to feel his heart racing with inexplicable adrenaline.
“Don’t get me wrong, I think the world of Kirk. I was friends with his grandfather back in the day and I’ve known him since he was a little boy. But how does a strapping football athlete from a good family suddenly get a giant, fat belly like that on him?” he asked, pointing at the enormous, empty chair where Kirk usually sat during his shifts; the lower cushion flattened into a dish shape by the huge heavy rear. “We watched it happen when he was nineteen. He was such a good-looking boy, but folks in town said he was stuffing himself like he actually wanted to get fat! And he was dating these really fat… and I mean FAT women,” he repeated for emphasis, holding his short arms out almost as wide as they would go. “Believe it or not, that massive chair was what he asked his family to get for him for his twenty-first birthday. And he’s spent the last few years eating as if he’s actively trying to outgrow it. Have you heard the way it creaks now?” he asked, shaking the tortured frame of the chair. “Before he went into a home, his grandfather asked me to take him on here; see if I could sort him out a bit and give him some stability. But…” he pointed again at the empty chair, “...I think what the people in town said was true: he wants to be fat. And I think he gets off on seeing it happen to other people as well.”
Cam’s dick was tingling in his pants and he knew that he’d need to sit down pretty fast. The idea that Kirk enjoyed being fat wasn’t a complete surprise, but the thought of him getting some sort of erotic thrill out of pushing extra calories on Cam was a strangely arousing prospect. He snuck off to the bathroom fairly soon afterwards and just gazed at himself in the privacy of the mirror. How long had it been since he’d allowed himself to properly appraise his reflection like this? But now that he was looking, it was obvious how much his middle had been thickening. Was it Kirk who had convinced him that it was his mom shrinking his clothes in the wash? Cam hadn’t given that idea any consideration at all. It had been a lie; a cunning lie, implanted into his head as Kirk brought in more and more delicious treats as the weeks had gone on. Had Cam… had he actually been… fattened up on purpose?
The next day, Kirk was already back in his seat, with the early morning radio blasting out before the doors officially opened. “I was in the mood for muffins this morning,” he stated casually. “Help yourself.”
Despite how foolish Cam felt, the sight of Kirk never failed to take his breath away. That handsome face, all bloated with the lard he had packed on since high school. Thinking about Kirk deliberately fattening himself had supercharged Cam’s libido yesterday and he had come five times, alone in his bedroom, just imagining it.
“Aren’t you going to have a muffin?” Kirk pressed a few minutes later when Cam had simply sat himself down without heading into the back room. “I’ll get them for you,” he offered helpfully, picking up his gigantic body and squeezing by, into the backroom. “Enjoy!” he smiled, throwing the box down by Cam’s side.
Had it not been for the conversation with Bob the day before, Cam knew he would have picked up at least two muffins without a second thought. Now, he knew he needed to sort himself out and not be taken in by Kirk any more. But his mouth had been filling with saliva since the moment Kirk had mentioned them and now that the muffins were glistening in front of him, he felt genuinely hungry. Turned on by the sight of his biggest crush, Cam found his resolve wavering. He knew that he was attracted enough to Kirk that he would have shot up off his chair, climbed into the man’s crotch and sucked that massive fatty off until closing time. So, why wouldn’t he just eat a little muffin for him? After all, Bob seemed to believe that there was some sort of thrill in it for Kirk. 
Cam heard the refrigerator door opening and the crack of a soda can opening and then being placed next to him. It was all true; Kirk really was trying to deliberately fatten him up! “I think it’s going to get pretty stuffy in here soon,” the fat man stated; his chosen casual excuse for serving a sweet, sugary calorie bomb to his work coleague. 
It was the idea of playing to Kirk’s supposed kinks that finally made Cam pick up his first muffin and slurp on the soda. He wondered what it was about this whole scenario that did it for the big man. After all, now that Cam thought about it, Kirk must have spent a fair amount of money on all those casual treats and snacks for him over the last few months. Perhaps there was a slight submissive side to Cam’s sexuality; suddenly wondering how he could play his part in Kirk’s twisted games; to entertain and arouse him. Just the thought of creating even the tiniest twitch in Kirk’s dick sent Cam into a tailspin of longing. He’d been so aroused since his conversation with Bob and he felt that same breathless lust within him as he took a second large bite out of the muffin, already finding his other hand preloading the next sugary treat. “These are good!” he exclaimed, speaking with a full mouth, just as Kirk always did. He noticed now that Kirk was watching keenly as he ate. Had he always done that? The sensation of being watched now seemed to ignite a spark of sexual energy in Cam and he soon found himself taking down that second muffin, followed by a third and, inexplicably, a fourth as well; all washed down with a second fresh soda, supplied to him by Kirk. He burped, letting it all out and enjoying the fact that Kirk didn’t bat an eyelid.
“Are we closing at lunch again today?” Kirk asked. “It’s Friday and I’m sort of in the mood for burgers and fries.”
Cam glanced down at himself, suddenly finding that that tight pinch of his pants and strange fit of his work shirt had become a source of a strange eroticism for him. He nodded. The way he was feeling right then, he would have eaten anything Kirk asked him to.
Getting out of the shower a few weeks later, Cam wiped off the steam from the mirror and took a hard look at himself. He’d spent years developing his chest muscles in LA, but even with all the protein shakes and supplements, he’d never had a thick little tummy like he had now. He could see the build up of fat, deepening his belly button and swelling around his waist, creating love handles for the first time in his life. He thought about what his LA friends would have said if they saw him like this, or the notes he would have received from casting directors if he went into an audition looking like this. He probably could have allowed that shame to have spurred him on to do something about it, were it not for the immediate levitation of his dick, knowing exactly who was doing this to him. He spun around, looking in the mirror at how his love handles pitched and bulged as he did so. He stared at his glutes, once so pert and beefy, but now oversized and obviously swollen with fresh blubber and jiggly from the lack of exercise. Was the weight spreading into his thighs too? That was new. What would they have described this as in LA? The dad-bod? He definitely now looked like a guy who was more into his food and sitting on the couch, rather than one who frequented the gym. He took his hand to his dick, knowing that he’d never get any peace until he drained it again; staring with a mixture of shock, disgust and awe at his own reflection.
The comments soon started cropping up as Cam entered his eighth month of being back home. Despite multiple payments he had made, the interest rates on Cam’s credit cards were starting to bite and, despite all the hours he was working, Cam felt like he had very little to show for it. Cheap sweatshorts became his new best friend for work, but he didn’t have much cash to replace anything else. His old shirts still hugged nicely against his arms and chest, but their tight fit left him exposed to criticism about how rounded his middle had become. His dad had even offered to pay for a gym subscription for him, but when would he ever have the time for that? It seemed like a good compromise; still getting to overeat for Kirk, but at least maintaining a bit of control about how he looked by working out at the gym. Yet, Cam resisted, simply getting harder and harder the longer he allowed his current sloth-like lifestyle to continue.
Cam got very used to seeing those faces from high school he’d long forgotten about. He was surprised how fast their full names came back to him. He saw a young couple coming in and recognised the girl as being one of the cheerleaders from back in the day: Sadie Parry. She walked hand in hand with a strapping, athletic-looking guy, wandering the aisles.
“Didn’t you used to date her?” Cam asked, turning to Kirk, sitting engrossed in the computer screen.
Kirk looked across the store, making his old chair scream, just as the couple came back into view for a brief moment. A vague recognition then relaxed Kirk’s face of concentration. “Probably,” he shrugged. “I dated a lot of that crowd in high school.”
“You don’t even remember?” Cam laughed.
Kirk shrugged. “I was with a lot of girls in high school. It was the expected thing in the football team.”
“Oh, how awful for you!” Cam joked. “All those hot girls lining up for you like that!”
Kirk looked over at the couple with disapproval. “Well, it made me realise one thing: I knew I didn’t want to be stuck the rest of my life with girls like Sadie Parry. I bet she makes that guy absolutely miserable if ever he misses a gym session. Appearances are everything to girls like that. Check out the handbag and shoes.” With that, he picked up a doughnut from the tray in front of them and bit into a full half of it. “No thanks!” he finally huffed.
“I know what you mean,” Cam agreed. “LA was completely superficial like that as well. Everyone had to look a certain way and, in the end, you just get so sick of it. Coming back here has really helped me see that.” He too picked up a doughnut and took a bite, but had to put it down when Sadie and her boyfriend came wandering over.
“Do you do these in another colour?” she questioned, holding a tile sample. “Oh.. wait. Cam?” she asked, taking in his face. Her eyes travelled up and down his body. “I saw you in that commercial a few years ago. I hardly recognised you,” she stated, with her eyes fixed on his budding paunch.
“Yeah, I moved back here a few months ago,” Cam mumbled as he saw Sadie’s eyes find the half-eaten doughnut on the desk beside him.
“We all thought you were going to be a real movie star,” she went on, in that slyly obnoxious way that was all coming back to Cam now. “Now you’re here, obviously eating far too many crappy doughnuts and working in a dump like this.” Her boyfriend was standing beside her, but she clearly didn’t think enough of Cam now to introduce him. As for Kirk, she didn’t even bother looking at him. “So, do you do this in another colour then?” she repeated, holding the tile up once more.
Incensed, Cam picked up the sugary snack beside him and took a giant bite. “No,” he simply stated, ending the conversation flat and staring at her as he chewed.
Seeming to sense the slight, Sadie turned, put the tile down on the nearest shelf and led her hapless boyfriend out of the store.
Kirk broke into a roar of laughter as the door closed behind them. 
“Your exes are bitches!” Cam joked, still standing up from the subtle confrontation. “I think I just got fat shamed!” he chuckled in disbelief.
“I think you might be right!” Kirk agreed, sliding over in his chair to give Cam’s think rump a pat. It was an odd thing to do, but the sensation of being touched, however innocently by Kirk, made Cam’s heart race. “You handled her perfectly though. I was so proud!”
“Yeah?” Cam asked, enjoying Kirk’s praise.
“Of course!” he smiled. “I’m delighted with my little apprentice.” They held a stare for a moment, then as Cam sat himself back down, he saw the tray of doughnuts being gently pushed in his direction; letting Cam know that it wasn’t the running of the store that he was being trained in.
Cam’s supposed Holywood status had long since worn off in town, which had been a welcome relief. He didn’t really have the cash to go out drinking when the guys asked and it eased his finances when the invitations became fewer and farther between. Kirk had given him one of his old games consoles and was lending him a few titles. Having never really been much of a gamer growing up, Cam found his new hobby strangely addictive. Sometimes, on the days he was not working, he could go the entire time without leaving the house. Shamefully, he could feel his ass spreading as he sat up in his bed, snacking on whatever he had found in the refrigerator. His body shape was changing yet again. Another layer of fat seemed to be spreading across this body, softening him up a lot more than before. He could feel the blubber on his pecs and arms, and was becoming quite used to the mass of a small gut starting to creep out in front of him. He’d had no choice but to use some of his pay on some larger clothes; with the elastic on his old underwear finding the changes to his body particularly stressful. His family didn’t waste time trying to be subtle about how fat he was getting. His mother had even stuck pictures of him from a couple of years earlier on the refrigerator; a tip she had picked up from daytime tv that was supposed to make Cam think twice before he went raiding in there. She couldn’t possibly have realised that the actual effect was the complete opposite. Just like the memory of how fit and muscular Kirk had once been added to Cam’s attraction to him, so did the thrill of being reminded about his own transformation, building into an arousal that he couldn’t quite put into words. He’d certainly never imagined himself getting to two hundred and forty pounds after maintaining a sleek one sixty-five his entire adult life.
Cam put on his new favourite shirt and stared hard at the little round belly it still showed underneath. Having been invited round to play games at Kirk’s place that night, he knew that he wanted to look good. He’d pictured Kirk’s apartment for so long and he was genuinely surprised when the reality matched up almost entirely with that vision in his head. Kirk cared little about tidiness. Clothes and junk littered the floor and the big man had to add even more to it as he cleared a space on the couch for Cam to sit down. Forgetting the pizza they would be ordering later, everything they could possibly want was on the coffee table: beers, chips, doughnuts, candy bars. It was exactly the sort of life Cam had pictured Kirk settling into. They’d often ordered pizza into the store at lunchtime, so it was no surprise to see the way Kirk stacked the slices up and gorged; however, it was no less erotic to see each time.
“You can see why I haven’t invited you her until now,” Kirk pointed around at his apartment. I moved in when I was nineteen and never really got into the idea of keeping the place tidy. I need a new chair as well,” he grumbled, reaching forward for another beer and hearing his tortured armchair groan underneath his heavy form. “I fritter most of my cash away each month, on takeout, music and games.”
Cam tried to ignore how turned on he felt, sat next to a bundle of enormous Kirk’s dirty clothes. He wanted to hold them and marvel at the great expanse of material that was needed to clothe the ex-football star’s body. “Have you always lived her alone?” he asked, knowing that Kirk had had at least a few girlfriends in the last few years. 
“A couple of girlfriends lived here in the past,” Kirk nodded in a noncommittal manner. “Never for very long. Those abs I had in high school disappeared pretty quickly once I moved in here.” He sat up more, as if he was energised by the conversation. “The girl I was with at the time couldn’t quite believe it. One minute she was dating this muscular athlete and the next, I was this doughy little pig. I gained one hundred pounds in the first year I was living on my own!”
Cam nodded knowingly. He knew the feeling, having gained almost eighty pounds in the last fourteen months. He pictured Kirk in those early days of getting fat and his dick pulsed down in his crotch.
“I tried dating some larger women in my early twenties. Some people don’t mind that I’m fat now,” Kirk went on. “I was in a long-distance relationship with a girl from New York a few years ago. She was really into me, but the attraction wasn’t quite there for me, unfortunately. If she’d have gained a few pounds with me, I think she would have looked a lot better. But she was dead against that idea and, in the end, the distance got the better of us.”
“So, you’re just into chubby girls?” Cam asked him, having always been intrigued by Kirk’s sexual tastes.
“Fat, not chubby,” Kirk corrected him, as if that distinction was of the utmost importance to him. “Someone like me.”
“I’m not sure that exists. I think you’re just one of a kind,” Cam joked.
“I don’t know about that…” Kirk grinned. “I can think of at least one person who is very similar to me.”
Cam blushed, sensing that Kirk was actually talking about him. They’d finished gaming and sat, nursing their beers contemplatively. The beer was giving Cam a little courage, so that when a question popped into his head, he suddenly found it rolling off his tongue. “Did you get fat on purpose?” he asked. “Because, that’s what some people in town think.”
A massive, wicked grin filled Kirk’s face. “You really want to know?” he asked teasingly.
Cam thought for a moment, sensing that the answer could alter the way he saw Kirk forever. He nodded.
“It was the whole reason why I moved out of home,” Kirk stated frankly, sliding a hand over the bulk of his ginormous gut. “I hated my abs in high school. I hated the expectation that I had to play football just cause I was taller and more built than everyone else. I used to gorge myself all the time, but the pounds never stuck in the way I wanted. Once I moved out I was free to just stuff myself on everything I needed to grow a belly. And it worked! I quit working out and started looking chubby really fast. It felt amazing!” He lifted the bottom of his shirt and grabbed a wedge of his soft flesh, jiggling it for emphasis. “The fact that my girlfriend at the time hated it just seemed to spur me on even more.”
“Was she a big girl too?” Cam asked, not sure what to say, but desperate to keep this surprisingly kinky ramble going. 
“No,” Kirk replied. “She was just like every other person I’d dated up to that point. But, like I said, it’s FAT that gets me going more than anything else. And in those days, I was riding the most erotic wave of my life. It was only after that, when I began to feel confident as an overweight guy, that I started to look at dating other fatties. Some I was with just because I was into how much excess weight they carried, but others, the ones I was really interested in, I’d test them; see how much of a glutton like me they could be under the right circumstances.”
“And did it work?” Cam chimed in, again to keep the conversation going. He already remembered Bob telling him that Kirk had a strange fascination with overfeeding people.
“Yeah, it did,” Kirk nodded with a smug grin on his face. “I’ve gained almost three hundred pounds since high school. I know how to get someone to fatten up and push a belly on them.”
Now it was Cam’s turn to feel under the spotlight. What Kirk had said was innocent enough, but the way he looked at him and kept looking at him, it was obvious who had been the focus of his attention all these months.
“You’re welcome by the way,” Kirk smirked, taking another sip of his beer and chuckling to himself. Cam didn’t even know what to say. He sat there, dumbfounded that Kirk had practically just admitted to fattening him up on purpose. “Stand up for me,” the big man ordered; beer starting to course through his veins. “I want to see all my hard work.”
Cam chuckled, not quite believing that any of this was actually happening. But, curious to know what Kirk’s next move would be, he stood up and waited.
“Over here,” Kirk ordered, beckoning Cam closer with just a rock of his head. 
Stepping over the mess, Cam did as he was told, surprised to find Kirk’s large hand slipping straight onto his butt the moment he was within reach. But he stood there, enjoying the feeling of being touched, despite not understanding exactly what was going on.
“Ah!” Kirk marvelled, sliding one hand, then two once lowering his beer, right over Cam’s glutes. “Remember how tight and pert these things used to be before you started working with me?” he sighed with joy. “Now they’re getting so fucking doughy!”
The beer was clearly getting the better of Kirk; rather surprising considering the sheer scale of him. He slouched more in his chair and smiled mischievously.
“Yeah, well, all we do is eat at work…” Cam replied, stepping away and trying to keep things light hearted. After all, despite the odd sexual chemistry between them, Cam had to remind himself that Kirk was straight.
“Get back here!” Kirk grunted. “I want to check out the rest of you.” Then, seeing how obedient Cam was, stepping straight back, he pushed things a little further. “Take off your shirt too.”
Cam followed the instruction, only realising as he pulled the shirt over his head that Kirk was probably getting a full view of his raging hard-on pressing up against his pants. Even so, he suddenly felt the sweaty palm of Kirk rubbing the great mass of stomach fat.
“Beautiful!” Kirk simply marvelled. “Absolutely fucking beautiful!”
Cam felt the button of his pants being released and that big, chubby hand sliding down his shaft as the fly was lowered. 
“Do you know how lucky you are? How much I would have loved to have been fattened up like this by someone when I was younger?” Kirk smirked, freely showing how much all of this turned him on.
“I’ve loved it,” Cam tried, finding his heartbeat racing as Kirk’s hand started working his shaft.
“I thought so,” Kirk agreed, slipping down in the chair even more and reaching another hand down his own sweatshorts, trying to reach his dick at the same time. “You’re turning into such a fat pig!”
Cam shuddered with lust. He’d never been sure about how he felt about being called a pig, but coming out of Kirk’s mouth, he’d never heard anything more arousing. Caught by the lust of it all, he found himself giving two little snorts before his brain even had the chance to think about it.
“Oh, fuuuck!” Kirk groaned with arousal; his enormous double chin suddenly amplified as he squinted his eyes and pulled his head back, tugging himself off under his shorts.
Cam came. He hadn’t meant to let it happen so fast, but it was all too much for him. Fast, energetic shots sprayed over Kirk’s skin tight t-shirt, all over his gigantic gut. Kirk didn’t even open his eyes, but moaned at the feeling of it hitting him, redoubling his efforts and making himself come about ten seconds later.
The five-hundred pound man sat up with a huge grin, and a little trickle of sweat travelled down his forehead. He didn’t seem to care that he had made such a mess inside his pants, but lunged for Cam’s empty shirt and used that to wipe up the fresh stains all over his own clothing.
“Hey!” Cam laughed, shirtless before the giant fat man in the chair. “What am I supposed to wear to go home now?” he asked.
Kirk scoffed at the question. “We both know you’re not going home to your parents’ place again,” he stated. “Now sit your fat ass down so we can play another game.” He cracked open a fresh bottle of beer and passed it over to Cam, keeping one for himself. They drank, eyeing each other greedily, silently competing for the longest chug. Kirk won, of course, burping like a drain afterwards and throwing Cam a pack of chips as if it was his consolation prize. Then they both sat back, settling into their futures.
Cam recalled the look of horror on his parents’ faces as he told them he’d moved in with Kirk. They knew of the great fallen football star, just like most people in town, and they didn’t approve in the slightest. But, like everyone else, they had underestimated him. Kirk’s savvy business skills had provided them with a good income, and once Bob had been bought out entirely, Kirk swiftly closed the store down, shifting the business to being online-only. Together with Cam, he’d negotiated a handsome sale price for the land and instead bought a much more generously sized warehouse, nestled within the suburbs of the new, better-connected city they would call home. 
Despite the lavish style of the penthouse apartment the two men now occupied, it was still just as messy as Kirk’s old place had been. They’d lost count of how many cleaners they’d tried to hire over the years, but it was a futile task. Who wanted to clean up after two enormously fat guys only to come back a couple of days later and see the place was in an even worse mess than before?
“Are these grey sweatshorts yours, or mine?” Cam shouted through to the living area, holding up the mass of material that had been discarded on the bedroom floor. Only as he said the words did he realise the enormity of the moment. Despite Kirk’s fifty pound lead on him, to the average viewer, Cam probably looked no less obese than his lover. He’d become so used to the contrast between them, he’d hardly noticed the gradual dimishment of their size difference. His ass was just as wide and out of shape, his gut only slightly smaller. Sure, he didn’t quite have the flabby arms and tits that Kirk had, but he sensed the twelve cartons of ice cream the man had picked up that morning were probably part of a larger plan to solve that problem. 
Realising that he was holding Kirk’s sweatshorts after all, Cam slipped them on, feeling a wave of arousal as the material fitted like a glove around his enormous hips and glutes. Not bothering with a shirt, he trotted out of the bedroom and into the living area, where a similarly shirtless Kirk was playing a game with his headphones on. So that was why the fat man hadn’t replied, Cam thought, chuckling to himself as he sat down on the couch to watch.
“Nice shorts, Fatty!” Kirk joked, clocking Cam’s new attire in the corner of his eye without even moving his head away from the screen. Once the level was over, he threw the controller down and switched the channel. “A movie and a few pizzas tonight?” he asked, knowing that Cam always went along with whatever he wanted to do.
“Sure,” Cam nodded, mindlessly stroking the huge belly infront of him and not being able to shift the semi he had from being inside Kirk’s shorts. As he watched his lover scrolling through their movie options on the screen, he thought back to his teenage years, when he would imagine himself in those huge blockbusters and the glamorous lifestyle that he thought he had wanted. He also pictured an eighteen year old Kirk in his mind; his athleticism and perfect, muscular physique; a pretty, popular girl under his strong arm. There wouldn’t have been a single person who could have guessed that Kirk had actually wanted to give it all up for a life of gluttony and sloth. And, best of all, that he would wind up taking Cam along for the ride with him.
“Pizza’s going to be here in thirty minutes,” the former football star grunted, lowering his enormous rear onto the couch next to Cam; only ever leaving his giant chair for the couch when they were both ready to settle in for the night. It had become a tighter squeeze for them in recent months and, even now, the fatty flesh of their bodies pressed erotically up against each other.
Both men smiled wickedly as they sensed this ever decreasing space on their couch; both so proud to be able to share this strange, unconventional love that worked so well for them both. They kissed, not needing to say a word as their hands began to reach out and touch the others’ giant belly; jiggling and massaging it.
“I’ve left a couple of tubs of ice cream out to melt so that we can drink it when the pizzas arrive,” Kirk explained a moment later.
“Just a couple?” Cam joked, loving how much of a bad influence Kirk was.
The larger man laughed. “You clearly haven’t seen how much food I’ve ordered you then!” He leaned in for another kiss. “In about an hour’s time, your gut is going to be tighter than ever before, and my dick is going to be so fucking hard!”
Cam smiled. Putting on a show for Kirk had always been his undoing. Seeing Kirk get more and more aroused with the greater quantities he could stuff himself with, Cam had inadvertently developed an appetite that could rival even Kirk’s insatiable lust for food. He didn’t reply to the kinky man who had fattened him to such extremes. All he did was simply give two short, quiet little pig snorts.
“Oh, fuuuck!” Kirk moaned with arousal, suddenly losing interest in watching a movie altogether. 
For both of the men, those pizzas couldn’t arrive fast enough.
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kerubimcrepin · 1 month
Live-Read: The Remington Comic [PART 3]
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What is this... thing? This is some very strange magic. We need to have a closer look. Do you really think you can escape that easily? Admit that... it's not like you can escape down there easy and avoid all the traps.
Joris's first reaction to this is literally "i NEED to know what the fuck that is. and if i have to take these two injured people there, so be it."
Also, yes, Ush's tower has a lot of traps. Love how Joris went up here with no plan of how to go down. I guess he really believes in his luck... just like an ecaflip.
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When I saw a little guy climb the wall, I was… stunned. But to leave this place with a wounded man and a battered eniripsa, that's another matter. I know, but what do you propose? To fight? You saw me come in, and you didn't raise the alarm, which is quite unusual… I can still do it. Getting out of here before everything collapses would be better… for all of us. Obviously, the urgency of the situation benefits you. But we'll deal with that later. Just follow me!
"if you wanted to beat the shit out of me, you would have done it already." Never change, Joris.
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These panels go out to my Ush enjoyer readers. Also: this comic takes place around 2 years before Wakfu the Animated Series. Ush is 7-9yo at best by the time of the OVA, and 10 by seasons 3-4. This might point to the fact that Ecaflip demigods age faster on their next lives.
That, or it might point to Ankama not giving a shit.
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But he does look like a (tall) child in the OVA, and like a teen by time of S3-4
He has his muscular years in the future. Also I guess his cat lovers don't give a shit, but eh, there's bigger ethical concerns about their relationship than the age of his physical body.
Anyway, now onto what is the most important Joris moment of this comic, to me:
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We must hurry. A terrible danger threatens bonta. It can't be worse than letting you escape.
Yeah, sure, lady. Joris and 2 criminals are a bigger danger to Bonta than a giant kaiju. Now, read closely, because this moment here has some fascinating Joris lines:
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If Ush scares you so much, maybe it's time to run away with us. Yeah… no. It's not that simple. You're in love with him. That's why you can't leave your master. What?! No… but… you're crazy! It's okay to be in love. But I'm not in love with him!
(putting on tinfoil hat) Geez Joris, it almost sounds like you yourself have ecaflip issues. Like you've been unable to leave someone for centuries because you love someone too much, despite their flaws, and the way they may have hurt you. It almost sounds like you made peace with that. "It's okay to be in love", huh?
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Context for the next scenes: After some time, they try to kill the kaiju, but it backfires, and Ush gets hurt instead.
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nothing will stop it now… let's run. Opus, you're an eniripsa. Save him. Yes… Have mercy… Save him! After all the harm he's done me? What's the point? Please… A restorative word should give him back some energy… but I doubt he'll escape unscathed. Beating heart… You were right here. It's the best I can do… he'll last a few hours, but he'll… die of his burns. So maybe it's time for beating heart to be used.
Joris's expressions here are so beautiful... He doesn't seem too bothered by seeing Ush's burned, dying body. It's pretty funny.
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You can wear Beating Heart around your neck, and it will give you all which you desire the most. Ahh… everything… that I desire? Or you can use it to annihilate this monster. If it swallows this object… then the power of it should stop it. I can do that, I'd rather die in glory than live through a defeat. I'm going to save Bonta! and nothing can stop me now, not even death. beating heart… beating heart… out of sight… out of mind… will you give your soul the time? beating heart… beating heart… will you give your time the soul? Ush... No...
@dullard and I have talked a lot about the relationship between Ush and Joris, despite how little of it is shown. (he is the Ush enjoyers I was mentioning. all the Ush screencaps are meant for him. hi.)
In those convos we came to the next thoughts: Ush probably views Joris as Kerubim's weird little son, or Kerubim and Atcham's pet. But also, despite Ush viewing Joris in a bit of a low light, he is much smarter and cooler than Kerubim and Atcham — truly the best thing to come from his cringe brothers. He likes toying with him more than he likes toying with Kerubim and Atcham — because Joris doesn't react easily, which makes his reactions more satisfying.
Despite that, they both care for Bonta, and being "a good person", in their own unique ways. So, it is easy for them to put aside their differences, for the most part.
I personally find it fascinating how subtle Joris is about suggesting Ush to sacrifice himself. As subtle as a wrecking ball.
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You should never have stolen it from me. Yes… but thanks to us, it was used to save Bonta. And me… who will save me from the curse now that Ush is gone? You must seek the wisdom that remains in you, not the instinct that dominates you. this wisdom will one day overcome your curse.
[always sunny in philadelphia music begins playing] Grany stays a cat for at least the next 10 years, maybe longer, maybe forever.
...Joris has too much hope in these two.
Also, small personal comment: Joris is so pretty on the second image... Very cute head shape. You can just see his baby-ish cheeks, lmaoo.
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Beating heart, beating heart… erase the weapons, bide your time.
This is like a renaissance painting. Some guys celebrating. Grany disgusted by Remington making out with his Opus (who seems to have left him by Wakfu series' time LMAOO), somewhere off-screen, there's a crying woman because Ush is fucking dead and Joris didn't bother telling her something like "Don't worry he'll remember you. Dying isn't much of an issue for him." Instead, Joris is going away, hands behind his back, reciting poetry again.
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Yes, master... Your meal just arrived. Nine lives... And I remain as devoted as ever to each of your reincarnations. You need a new name for this new life. (Hoping he won't be as bad-tempered as before.)
Bad news, bestie: he will be. His previous deaths hadn't fixed this either.
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Tell me, young lady... You seem very sad. Oh... it's a long story. A love story? Great stories... are always love stories.
I kind of hate Joris for giving her the wonderful idea of wasting her mortal life on some immortal guy who might never love her back. But also. He did give advice based on first-hand experience. To him, spending your entire life with a demigod is both noble and awesome and fulfilling.
Except that's his family, he's also immortal like his family, and he kind of hates everyone else in the world who ISN'T his family, so I'll be real, I think he's biased.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Larissa Weems gets pregnant by Y/N part 3
Alright, so excited to return to this AU! Let’s get into it!
Larissa has been dealing with morning sickness for most of her pregnancy up until this point. She assures you that it will begin to dissipate once she gets further along, but you worry endlessly about her.
Today has been rough for her. So rough, in fact, that she ended up canceling all of her meetings for the day so she could just rest and work in her office.
No one knows about the baby yet, but a few faculty members have been speculating that the two of you are seeing each other.
You’re dreading the stupid reactions and comments you know you’ll get once you two confirm the rumors. But, it really doesn’t matter. You love Larissa and anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.
You have two free periods before your next class, so you came to bring Larissa a little snack and spend time with her. Even though she’s queasy, you want to make sure she’s eating. You decided to get her some french fries. They’re quickly becoming one of her biggest cravings and she’s happily nibbling on them at the moment.
Once Larissa finishes, she daintily wipes her mouth and looks at you adoringly. “Thank you for keeping us both fed, darling. You’re so good to us,” She says, gently cradling her belly.
You smile at this. “Anything for my two favorite people,” You tell her.
Larissa grins back and is about to say something else before her eyes widen comically as she remembers something. She totally forgot to tell you about a little project she’s been working on for the baby. “Oh, Y/N! I made a Pinterest for all the things we need to get before the little one is born!” She exclaims, waving you closer. (A/N: This woman 100% uses Pinterest)
You quirk an eyebrow, but you’re just relieved to see that she’s better for the moment. “Okay, great, babe. Show me!” You say and pull up a chair to sit next to her. She looks so cute as she enthusiastically pulls up her collection. You can’t help but smile.
Larissa finally finds what she’s looking for, but tentatively turns her laptop around so you can’t see what’s on the screen yet. “You… Won’t make fun of me for this, right?” She asks, suddenly scared you’ll think she’s going overboard.
You feel your heart break a bit at the worry on her face. You love how happy she is about the baby. It’s sweet and you would never hurt her feelings like that. “Babe, of course not. This is a special time and you should be able to enjoy it,” You reassure and lean in to give her a kiss.
Larissa kisses you back and pulls away, eyes glittering and feeling relieved. She should have known you wouldn’t tease her, she’s just feeling a little sensitive at the moment. “Thank you, darling,” She says. “Well… I guess I’ll let you take a look now,” She finally turns the computer towards you.
After you take a look, you grin. “I like it!” You soon say. Your eyes, however, widen slightly as you take in just how… Colossal her collection board is.
“Good! I started working on this about ten minutes after I found out I was pregnant. I think I did a great job, if I do say so myself!”
You’re not surprised by this and laugh. She loves to plan. “So, how are we gonna narrow down what stuff we get?”
“Well, obviously we can’t get everything on this list, but I hope to get most of it,” She says and smiles at you.
Your jaw damn near hits the floor. Holy shit. Most of it? How are you going to afford that? “Whoa… You really have all of this baby stuff figured out, huh?” You ask, scratching the back of your neck nervously and wondering how much all of this is going to cost you.
Larissa nods at you, feeling so proud of herself. “I even have different color schemes and variations picked out if it turns out to be twins!” She beams at you and claps her hands excitedly.
You blanch at this. Oh, geez… PLEASE don’t let it be twins. You don’t think your poor heart could take it. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, babe,” You say quietly.
Larissa looks over at the panicked look on your face and giggles. “Don’t worry, darling. Whatever happens, it will be alright,” She promises and reaches over to squeeze your hand.
You take a deep breath and look over at her. “Yeah… You’re right, babe,” You say. As long as Larissa’s by your side, there’s no need to sweat it.
Larissa cups your face and gives you a tender kiss.
You try to deepen it, but… An unexpected knock sounds at her office door.
You look at Larissa in confusion. “I thought you said you didn’t have anything on your schedule today?” You ask.
“I did, darling,” Larissa says, perplexed. She thinks for a moment before growling and rolling her eyes. “Damn! I forgot that I had a meeting with a prospective student’s family…” She hisses and covers her face with her hands.
Your eyes widen. “Oh! Well, I’ll just head out and let you-”
Larissa gasps at this. “No, no, no!” She suddenly says, grabbing onto your arm.
You’re shocked by her reaction. What has her so stressed? She does this sort of thing all the time. “Um… You want me to stay?”
“I just-” Larissa tries to say before another knock rattles the door. She sighs. “Just a moment, please!” She calls out as calmly as possible, but is clearly freaking out. She turns to you. “I… Know the parents of this student. Her mother used to be my roommate here at the school and we… Well, have a… Complicated history,” She reveals.
You furrow your eyebrows, but quickly nod. “Of course, I’ll stay, babe,” You tell her.
Larissa smiles at you, endlessly grateful to have you in her life. “Thank you, darling,” She tells you.
You give her a wink and stand up, holding your hand out to her.
Larissa takes it and stands as well, straightening her skirt and reaching over to adjust your jacket. “Alright, let’s get this over with,” She groans, trying to psych herself up. “Come in!” She says loudly to whoever is on the other side.
You and Larissa both don convincing smiles as the door swings open.
However… Who you see shakes you to your very core. What… The hell? You feel your heart jump to your throat.
“Mom? … Dad?” You say.
Note: Mwahaha! A big ass cliffhanger. I wonder who your mom and dad could be? Lol. Can’t wait to write the next part. I hope you enjoyed this!
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daboyau · 2 months
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You are being adopted. Do not resist.
“Ah-ah!” Two said loudly, reaching out to pluck the pen out of One’s hand. His brother grumbled softly, but didn’t put up any further resistance as Two shoved past him. He didn’t miss the flash of disappointment that crossed his counterpart’s face before being swiftly hidden away. “We don’t sign anything before reading it.”
Three laughed as he threw himself over his batch-mate’s shoulder, wrapping arms around his neck despite Two’s grumbles of displeasure. His posture was relaxed and open, his sharp teeth showing in an easy smile, but his eyes were hard as they darted between Hyde and Dr. Rude. He fought the urge to scoff; there was no way that that turtle ever went to medical school! 
“What’s it say?” Four asked, inching closer, trying to steal a peak at the many paged packet that Hyde had set out for them to sign. He was visibly sweating beneath his lab coat. 
“Ah, just some simple competition rules,” he said, voice pitchy and strange, just like Two’s got when he lied. Three saw his batch-mate’s snout wrinkle with distaste as he realized the same thing. 
“Please tell me I at least manage somewhat better than that,” he muttered, eyes not straying from the papers as he speed-read them. 
“You’re way worse,” One replied with far too much cheer, and snorted out a little laugh when Two’s tail snapped out like a whip to smack his leg. It left a raised welt, right above the bandages hiding his stitches. They’d have to take those out soon, since he was probably almost healed by now. 
From the corner of his eye, Three caught sight of Dr. Rude creeping a little closer, bright smile pasted on his face. The expression had shifted slowly from welcoming and friendly to manic and just-barely-holding-it-together the longer it had stayed in place. Three made a sound, low in his chest, and his brothers immediately stepped a little closer, closing ranks while turning slightly to ensure they collectively had no blind spots as they guarded Two. Their alternate selves watched closely, something like recognition and horror flickering over their features as they took in the display. 
“There it is!” Two suddenly exclaimed, tossing the heavy packet down. It hit the floor with a solid thunk. Geez, they could assassinate the president with a brick like that. Who let them carry something that heavy between dimensions? Wasn’t there a weight limit or something? 
“What’d you find?” Four asked, his fingers wrapped around One’s wrist. His dark eyes were intense and alert as he swept them over the gathered crowds. Though he had been so excited just moments before, Three’s signal for potential danger had snapped them all straight back into the easy rhythm that years of training had driven into them. Three trusted that his brothers would all take the potential threat seriously, at least until One or Three gave the all-clear. 
“There’s a clause in here that effectively renders this competition agreement an adoption agreement.” 
“Adoption?” One repeated, frowning and obviously confused. Four broke formation, just for a second, to lean around his brothers to shoot Hyde an incredulous and deeply disappointed look. 
“I think there’s another version of you here who’s already a teen dad,” he said, far too solemn for the way that their counterparts’ expressions got all twisted up in four uniquely hilarious ways. “If you want to be one, too, maybe you can talk to him about how he did it instead of trying to adopt One.”
“It was actually for all of you!” Champion cut in, far too cheerfully.
“Ugh, this is taking sooo long!” Dr. Rude lamented as he clambered up Red’s shell to perch atop it, crouched and staring at them with a predatory glint in his eyes. He looked like he was planning on leaping at them any second. The danger was obvious, which meant it was time to go. They didn’t need to get in a fight here, where they had no access to their weapons or supplies. One rumbled, deep in his chest, an order. 
Dr. Rude’s eyes snapped to him, fever bright. The smile dropped, leaving only a hollow eyed stare. His eyes seemed to spark and glow for a brief second. 
Four took a step backwards, Three closing rank in front of him, One and Two flanking him. Muscles tensed, ready to move. They were all watching their respective counterpart, noting the signs of a brewing fight, well aware that the second a single one of them moved the tension would shatter and it would begin. 
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” Champion said, his voice low and soothing. Trying to talk them all down, even with his fingers curling tighter around the hilt of his sword and his muscles bunching in preparation to attack. 
“Sorry, but I think that it does,” Three shot back, baring sharp teeth in the brief flash of a menacing smile. They moved as one, taking another careful step back.
“Aw, that’s okay!” Dr. Rude cut in, staring at them from his perch on his brother’s shoulders. He tipped his head, and Three noted that Champion mirrored the movement at the exact same time. It was eery, how in-sync those two moved as identical grins twisted their faces. “We love a good fight.”
Three didn’t wait for more. He barked an order. As one, they turned and ran, the others right at their heels. 
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zqcky01 · 1 year
Gentle Brush
Not Proofread.
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Who would have thought Wednesday Addams would be so..gentle? I mean, this is Wednesday Addams. The girl who has claimed many things to be not true but of course ends up being true. For example, love. There is no doubt that Wednesday Addams and you, Y/N L/N, have been inlove since you both laid eyes on each other. But of course Wednesday claims that doesn't exist. But everyone knows..
"Wednesday! Come on!" The h/c girl shouted, while standing in front of the door to Wednesday and Enid's dorm room. You and Wednesday were gonna go sneak into town for somethings that Wednesday needs to go search for something in the forest.
The door opens to a not so happy Wednesday. Her hair was messed up and clothes looked like it was caught in a fight with a bear. "Wednesday, what happened to you?" Y/N asked, worrying weather or not Wednesday was high or something. If so, Enid would be dead. "I..fell asleep." Wednesday says, her eyes moving over to glance around the room. "Wednesday Addams taking a nap knowing we plans? Geez, you must have been tired." Y/N says, taking a closer look at Wednesday. Wednesday sighs and steps away from the door. " You can wait in here while I fix myself." Wednesday says. Y/N smiles and steps in, taking a glance over, Enid wasn't there. Well, that does make sense since if Enid were here then she would have waken Wednesday up. And you would probably have smelled the dead body of Enid anyways. " You can still on my bed." Wednesday says, walking over to her desk. "Okay!" You say, walking over to the bed that doesn't look has warm has Enid's but you sat down since Wednesday Addams was offering YOU to sit on it. You sat down, which the bed was since. It was perfect.
Wednesday sat at her desk and took out a very old brush that looked like it has been threw war. You watched has Wednesday struggled to take her hair out of her braids, wanting to help, "Wednesday, come here. I'll help you." You say with a small smile. Wednesday, turns over to glance at you. You say up with you back straight and patting the spot in front of you, telling to sit. Wednesday sats up, unknowingly walking over to sit down in front of you, brush in hand. Smiling softly, you gently touch her hair and pull it back to you.
Carefully taking one braid out, taking your time. That side of her fell into small waves due to how long they were braided. "Give me the brush." You say leaning on he back lightly. She shivered at how close your voice was to her ears. She handed you the brush and you sat back down in your original spot. You gently started to brush that part of her, again, taking your time since you didn't want to mess up on her hair.
You slowly ran your finger threw her hair due to how soft it was. To be honest, you expected it to be more ruff. You moved over to the other side of her hair. Which was more of a mess. Taking more time to get the braid of her. But Wednesday didn't mind it. She had her eyes closed, enjoying it. And plus, it was better than thing giving her a head massage. You slowly brush small parts of her hair, then finally brushing it fully. Her hair was in waves making her look different. Who would have thought that the real Wednesday Addams would have such nice waves? You were honestly jealous.
You then took two parts of her hair, putting one part of her hair in front of her so that part wouldn't get caught in this braid. You brushed the part you were working on again to make sure it was perfect for Wednesday. Disappointing her of a big fear of yours an if you messed on her hair you would die.
After brushing, you started to braid her hair. Taking a rubber band, which was pink, you put it in her hair. You knew Wednesday would get upset about it. But you honestly didn't care.
You then moved over to the other part of her hair which was in front of her. Brushing it like you did with the first patch of her. Braiding it, then putting a pink rubber band. "Turn around for me. Let me fix your bangs." You say, resting you tired hands in your lap. Wednesday listens, and turns to face you. You smile and take the braids in front of her to make sure it looks good. And it did. Any type of hair style would look amazing on her. Smiling at your work, you then took work again to finish her bangs. Your fingers gently brushed her bangs, making sure there was no lose hairs.
After fixing her hair you looked at her. My god, she was so beautiful. No wonder people can fall for her easily. "Wednesday, I finished." You say, then grabbing a mirror that was suddenly there. You faced it to her. She looked at for a second. She glanced at the link rubber bands in her, "Your lucky I won't kill you." She said, looking at you, then looking at the mirror. You smiled (for the 69th time) knowing that she loved it. "But, thank you. I appreciate it." She said, looking at you. "I enjoyed the way you gently brushed my hair. It made me feel, like I wasn't being chased by the police." She said. "Anytime Wednesday. I'm always happy to help."
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imaginecolby · 4 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Six - The Scare
"y/n, i cannot believe you are still coming to work." your friend said to you as you were returning to your office after your lunch break.
"i used up so much of my PTO at christmas, i'm trying to accumulate some more so i can have some extra time for my maternity leave." you laughed as you sat back down at your desk.
"you're better than me. i would've been out of here as soon i could." they laughed. they returned to their desk, and you got back to work.
a few hours passed, and you were making your way through the day like normal. returning emails, making phone calls to clients, putting out fires in the department you oversaw. everything was going as well as you would've expected. until it wasn't.
all of a sudden, you felt the beginning of a contraction.
"oh no, mister man. it is too early for you to be coming." you groaned through gritted teeth. you coaxed yourself through the contraction, and is passed after about a minute. you went on about your day for another few hours, before you felt the pain return. you paced your office, which seemed to help contraction go away. after about the third or fourth occurrence, you figured you needed to call your doctor.
"i'd recommend you come in and be seen. i have an open appointment in twenty that you can take." your doctor said to you over the phone.
"perfect. i will be there." you said to them. you luckily were able to get a ride from a friend, and your doctor's office was only a few blocks from your job. you text colby while you were on your way, and let him know what was going on.
"i'm sure they're just braxton hicks, but my doctor just wants me to come in for some monitoring for a little bit. i'm on my way to the hospital now." your message read.
"i will be there as soon as i can." he replied. you pulled into the hospital parking lot, thanking your friend for the ride. you checked in and were immediately taken to a room. you waited just a few minutes before your doctor came in, explaining that they wanted to monitor your vitals, as well as your baby's.
after about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. you called for them to come in, and colby fell through the door.
"y/n! is everything okay?" he sighed, falling to the floor next to your bed.
"yes. everything is okay." you said, brushing his hair back from his forehead. "geez, did you run over here?" you teased, wiping his sweat from your hand.
"practically." he laughed awkwardly. just then, your doctor came back into the room.
"alright you two, or should i say three," they paused to take a seat. "everything is still as great as your last check up. baby boy is just getting a little impatient in there."
"are we at the point of bed rest yet?” you asked.
"not quite. i do recommend taking it easy, so you're not overly stressed. but not complete bed rest." they advised.
"okay. i can do that. work isn't too busy at the moment, so fingers crossed it stays that way." you said, rubbing your belly.
"perfect. let's get you set up to head home." your doctor said to you. you collected all of your things, got your discharge paperwork, and headed home. fortunately, your work day was almost done, so you didn't miss to much of your day.
you were in contact with your boss as soon as you got home to work out a plan for a lighter work load, and potentially starting your maternity leave sooner. they were fortunately very accommodating for your needs, it was lucky that you had such a good relationship with them.
once you got back to work, you were mainly working half days for the last month and a half leading up to your maternity leave. on your last day of work, your coworkers threw you a small baby shower for your last day. 
“i cannot believe you all did this for me. this is all too much.” you said through tears, as you continued opening your gifts. 
“you deserve it! we love you and we cant wait to meet your little one. we wish you and colby luck, and are sending you all the congratulations in the world.” one of them said to you.
“did i hear my name?” you heard a familiar voice ask. you turned and saw colby walking into the conference room where your festivities were being held. 
“what are you doing here!?” you asked gleefully, getting up to walk greet him. you gave him a hug and pressed a quick to his lips.
“oh, you know i never miss a good party.” he teased. “no, f/n text me and told me you were gonna need some help carrying things to the car.” he said.
as the shower was winding down, colby began taking things to the car, meticulously packing everything as to not damage any of the gifts. you thanked your friends again, gathering up the leftover food to take home. you made your way out to the parking garage to meet colby, walking with a few of your friends, the ones that actually planned the event. you thanked them profusely again for the shower, and for all the gifts. 
once you got home, you helped colby as much as you could with helping bringing in the gifts. once they were all inside, you began to unpack and clean up, placing them around your home in the places where they would be most used. you had so many blankets, clothes, toys and bottles. your baby was going to be well outfitted for his best life.
you stood in his nursery, which was finally all put together. colby had spent numerous hours in this room, putting together the crib, the dresser, and all the other furniture. he’d arranged it wonderfully, and you couldn’t believe how much this room had changed from your boring guest room. you stood there lost in thought for a while, before they were interrupted by colby’s voice.
“hey, there you are. you okay?” he asked, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.
“yeah,” you said softly. “now that im out of work, it’s really starting to set in. in a few weeks, we’re gonna have a baby.” you said, rubbing your belly.
“i still can’t wrap my mind around it. seeing you grow every day has been so mind blowing, and seeing how big he’s gotten on his ultrasounds. it’s been kinda crazy.” colby laughed, placing his hand on yours on your belly. “but im excited.”
“me too.” you said, smiling up at him. he kissed you softly before leaning down to press a kiss to your belly. you couldn’t believe you were coming up on the end of your pregnancy, but you really were excited. especially knowing that you had colby on your side. you made a great team, and you knew you were gonna raise a wonderful kid.
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hanniluvi · 1 year
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— ♬ : when a baking session gives a chance for one of you to finally admit your feelings to the other. that’s sweet, right?
♡ pairing — childhood!bestfriend!gyuvin x gn!reader ♡
genre ✱ : best friends 2 lovers ; fluff | wc : 3k+ (3328)
warnings — a harmless threat, not rly proofread so …
☏ soph speaks ! bye i finally finishes this anyways , another zb1 imagine yayay !! once again, this is an idea that i thought of late at night..also thought of it when i was midway writing the ricky truth or dare fic 😭 anyways i did have fun making this one, so i hope you do enjoy it as much as i did writing it!
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Plop. Plop.
“Hm…what should we do?” Junhyeon sighs loudly, throwing a baseball up in the air repeatedly. The quiet room echoed with the sound of the ball constantly hitting his hand.
“Don’t know—got any ideas Y/N?” Gunwook glances at you peacefully on your phone. Making you look up, he gives you a small smile.
“Uhhh…ask Gyuvin. This is his house anyways.” You shrug, tapping him on the shoulder.
You, Junhyeon, and Gunwook were staying at Gyuvin’s house because his parents are away for a trip. Junhyeon thought it would be a great bonding experience for the span of seven days (although you quite disagree with that).
But clearly, you guys did not have anything planned for today.
Gyuvin being clueless like he usually is, he slowly shakes his head. Laughing at his reaction, Junhyeon suddenly exclaims and snaps his finger.
“Gyuvin, got any baking supplies at home?”
“Yeah, why?”
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The next thing you knew, all four of you gathered around the counter in the kitchen.
All of you were surrounding Gunwook’s small phone, reading the recipe for a crepe cake.
“Geez, why is this so complicated?” Gunwook groans, sitting back on the stool. “I give up.”
“Um, no you’re not? Plus, you agreed to this—can’t back out now.” Junhyeon says, eyes still glued on the screen. “And, you’re making the cake with me.”
You four decided to split into two groups—you and Gyuvin, Gunwook and Junhyeon. Junhyeon thought it would be fun to have a competition to see whose cake is better. (and he totally did not request this idea so you and Gyuvin can spend time together.)
“I can’t see the screen.” Two heads were blocking your view, causing you to sit next to Gunwook. Pulling out your phone, you decided to search up the recipe yourself. Once you had the same exact recipe up, you tapped on Gyuvin’s shoulder to get his attention.
Showing him your screen, he gets what you mean and moves to the empty space in the kitchen. Junhyeon smirked slightly then cleared his throat. “Gunwook hurry up. The two already left so no excuses now!” He says, pulling onto Gunwook’s sleeve.
Leaving Junhyeon with a whining Gunwook, you placed your phone on the counter. You two looked at the screen together, reading the ingredients carefully.
“…All purpose flour…” Your voice trailed off, walking towards the cabinet. Scanning the shelves, you spotted the big bag of flour. Picking it up, you made your way to Gyuvin who was still reading off your phone.
“Can’t read instructions now?” You said, placing the bag onto the table. Gyuvin looked at you to give you a blank stare, not noticing how close you were to him when you asked. Looking back at the screen and clearing his throat, he pretended that didn’t happen.
“I can read. We need sugar too.” Stating the obvious, you grinned at his response. Leaving Gyuvin and his slightly reddened cheeks, you made your way back to the kitchen. Looking up at the cabinets, you assumed one of them had it.
Now, why the hell were the cabinets so high up? Your hand briefly touched the cabinet handle, not even giving you a chance to open it.
You hated doing this, but you had to for the sake of the baking process.
“Gyuvin!” You said in a monotone, hearing his footsteps get closer as you continued to look at the counter.
“Hm?” He asks in an obvious tone, knowing very well you were staring at the cabinets above you.
“Get the sugar from the cabinet, please.” He smirks slightly, mocking your voice, “Can’t reach for stuff in cabinets now?” Your remarks sure do bite you back.
“Oh, shut up. Just quickly get it.” You were about to walk away until Gyuvin groaned, making you turn around. “Looks like I can’t reach it either.” You watched him lazily reach the cabinets, brushing over the handles. You can just imagine a mischievous grin spreading across his face right now. Feeling frustrated, you walk over to him.
“Don’t waste our time!” You pleaded, hoping he’d just get the sugar already. He wanted to tease you more, he wore a huge grin and pretended he didn’t hear you. He continued to “struggle” with getting the cabinets open, as if this wasn’t his own house.
Hearing his cheeky tone, you huffed out in response. Clearly agitated about him to be making fun of your height, you just decided to ask him for another favor.
“Okay, that’s enough. At least carry me up there so I can get it or something…” You mumbled quietly yet Gyuvin was still able to pick up what you’ve said.
Feeling his cheeks go warm, he avoids eye contact with you. “What?”
“Listen, you either help me or I’ll ask Gunwook and Junhyeon to help me instead. Or I don’t know—I’ll drag a chair over, whatever you prefer.” He remained silent, making the situation feel awkward as silence filled the kitchen.
“…Alright then.” He finally spoke, already getting lower. “A piggy back ride?”
“That works.” You jumped onto his back, your arms carefully wrapped around his neck. He effortlessly lifts you up, bringing you closer to the cabinet. You opened the cabinet at last, forcing him to back up a little so the door didn't hit him in the eye while still carrying you.
You smiled slightly, relieved to finally have the jar of sugar in your hands. "That wasn't too difficult, was it Gyuvin?"
Gyuvin scoffed playfully, “Couldn’t have done it without me.”
“Okay, okay. You get the credit, I guess. Now, put me down before I drop the sugar.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’ll kill you.” You heard his sweet, hearty laugh and wished you could replay it in your brain. He kept playing around with you, keeping you steady and doing a few spins here and there. Hearing your screams made Gyuvin continue, temporarily ignoring the baking duties that needed to be done.
Holding him tightly, you tried your best to keep the clear jar from slipping out of your hands.
“You’re gonna drop it, Gyu!” Still teasing you, he smiled at the nickname. "Are you sure? I'm not the one who has it."
"You better not let me down or I'll drop it and you'll have to clean it!" He still didn't take you seriously enough, knowing how horrible you'd feel if you did.
“Sureeee.” He continued to drag on the word. “ You’d totally do that.”
As you two continued to bicker jokingly, Junhyeon and Gunwook secretly took photos of you two, waiting to use them to tease Gyuvin.
“Pinterest worthy?” Gunwook shows Junhyeon the amount of pictures he took of you two. The pictures continued to go on as he scrolled, gaining a thumbs up from Junhyeon.
“Oh yeah, definitely.” After gaining his approval, Gunwook saved all the pictures onto a photo album titled, “Gyuvin ♡ YN.” He should be thankful that neither of you has seen or has access to that album; if you did, he and Junhyeon would be dead by now.
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“Alright, we finally got what we needed!” Glancing at the other two, you noticed they were starting to get ready as well. Looking around the area you and Gyuvin went to, you realized there were no aprons. Since Junhyeon was the closest one to them, you decided to call out his name.
“Junhyeon!” Your clear voice got his attention, making him pause his short singing session. “Pass us two aprons, please.” He nodded, throwing two white polka dotted aprons across the room.
“Here.” You said, passing the apron to Gyuvin. You had yours on with ease, unlike Gyuvin. He struggled with tying the two straps together, feeling his arms getting sore already.
He stood there silently watching you tie your hair up while appearing not to struggle. Clearly, he thinks there's something wrong with his apron, and he's still convinced he could do something like this.
"You ready?" You turned to see Gyuvin with his hands still behind his back. "Uh, yeah." He finally lets go of his hands, the straps slipping free once more. The apron reopened, once again not wrapped around his waist. He sighed in defeat as you walked closer to him, chuckling.
"I'll help you." You made him turn around and grab the straps to properly tie them. Junhyeon couldn't keep his voice quiet any longer in the distance. Junhyeon and Gunwook both said "ooo" in unison, lingering on the expression. Gunwook had a wide smile on his face and was repeatedly hitting Junhyeon's shoulder in excitement, evidently pleased with the level of intimacy today. As a result, Gyuvin covered his face with his hands and made you make a slight smile.
"Couple things! Aw, look at the matching aprons too!" Junhyeon yells merely to gain your and Gyuvin's attention. Oh, how easy it was to notice the chemistry between you two. You two hit it off right away, much like your mom and his mom did. You've lived the majority of your life with Gyuvin by your side—first birthday party, first tooth being taken out, first day of school—he was constantly there for you.
You've been there for him through thick and thin—you two were that close. It was pleasant to be in each other's company, unable to separate.
People have assumed you two are in a relationship because they have always seen you two together. That wasn’t the case, but you both secretly wanted more than just a childhood best friend title. It was so obvious, yet you two are still unsure whether the other is picking up the signal or not.
Just one day. You constantly tell yourself, knowing you’d probably experience that sweet feeling of love soon, hoping it’ll be with Gyuvin.
That’s exactly what he wanted as well.
Unlike you two, Junhyeon and Gunwook knew exactly what you intended to say to each other, despite your denials. Those two have been doing everything they can to get one of you to confess since day one.
Tired with this back-and-forth flirtation (which you two were unaware of), your friends decided that today would be the day for one of you to confess. They didn't care who was going to, they just wanted you and Gyuvin to quit messing about.
This is why they constantly tease you both, let alone have a photo album of you two. They intended to show you the photos when you finally start dating. They sure were dedicated to this ship.
Finally finishing up with the knot, you hummed, pleased with how pretty the bow looked. You tapped onto his shoulder to show that you were done. You and Gyuvin immediately went to bake, completely engrossed in the instructions.
Quickly finishing up with the batter, you glanced at the next step.
“Oh right—we have to make a lot of these.” You looked at the screen, holding the bowl in one hand. “Are you good at flipping, Gyu?”
“Of course I am! I’m good at everything.” He says as he rolled up his sleeves, gaining a questionable look from you. He gives you his “what?” face only for you to make your way to the stove.
“We will see about that!” You teased, hoping he’d fail just so you could keep talking about it the whole day. Junhyeon and Gunwook quickly joined you two, turning on the other stove.
You held the bowl out for Gyuvin as you watched him prepare the pan and check the heat. He scooped a large cup of batter and stopped pouring when he heard you laugh faintly. "That's a lot of batter, Gyu." "What are you making, pancakes?"
He stood there staring at the huge blob of batter in the center of the pan, unsure what to do. You kept staring at him, waiting for his next move. He seemed to be about to make a decision as well, plainly worried for no apparent reason. To spread the batter, you reached for the pan and moved it in a circular motion.
"This will be our practice one." You comment quietly as you brush your arm on his. "Plus, I think Gunwook is burning his crepe right now." You two laughed at the charred edges of his crepe and the loud screeching noise Junhyeon made as he flipped it over.
Gyuvin quickly finished the failing crepe and placed it on a plate. You peeled apart the crepe despite how hot it was. You quickly fed Gyuvin first before taking a bite as well. You stared at his expression, hoping that the crepes were fine. His eyes widened as he remembered how much he liked the taste of these.
Exhaling a sigh of relief, you decide to continue. As long as it tastes good, presentation doesn’t matter. You pour the batter again, this time making sure sure it's the right amount. You peered at the pan, perfectly swirling the batter around, waiting for the crepe to be done.
“You wanna flip it?” Gyuvin grins, getting ready to show you his skills. “Saw this a youtube video, just watch this.”
Instead of flipping it with a spatula, he throws it in the air in an attempt to get it to return to the pan. The crepe, however, broke apart, with half of it in the pan and half in Junhyeon and Gunwook's uncooked batter. You giggled when Junhyeon scolded Gyuvin for being so irresponsible (despite the fact that he would do the same thing).
"...I believe we'll have to leave the cooking to me now." You teased as Gyuvin returned from his scolding. He smiled awkwardly, nodding and displaying his flushed cheeks. Oh, how adorable he was. Gyuvin stood behind you, admiring your skills as you expertly flipped each one. He's wondering if you're good at everything and how he ever met someone like you.
He sure thinks you’re perfect.
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With a dish full of nicely stacked crepes, you and Gyuvin went straight to work on the cream. Fortunately, Junhyeon and Gunwook were still struggling to flip them over—some flipped into half, uncooked, and burnt.
“Got all the stuff?” Gyuvin nodded, carrying all the ingredients to you. Bringing the silver bowl closer, you automatically followed the recipe. You put the ingredients in, fresh butter and condensed milk. You left the whisking to Gyuvin, handing him the hand mixer.
“Woah, be careful how you handle that machine.” You say, jokingly backing away and covering your face. Gyuvin scoffs, shaking his head.
"I won't make a mess, so come on over." He gestured rapidly, not wanting to disrupt the flow of his mixing. He mistakenly hits a button while looking at the other two people who are burning their crepes. The mixer moves quickly, causing cream to spatter all over the place. The cream got all over his and your clothes and faces. After hearing your yells, he quickly presses the normal button and glances at himself and your clothes.
"What in the hell did you do?" You say this while glancing at the mess Gyuvin has made. It was all over the seats, the table, and even the floor.
He chuckles at the cream on your face, leaving you with a frown that gradually becomes a smile. "I'll go get you some tissues." He gives you the mixer and goes off to find some.
He returns with a box and places it on the table. "Thankfully, it didn't get all over our clothes." Gyuvin wipes the cream from his face, making sure he doesn't leave any behind. You chuckled and kept mixing without wiping your face.
After cleaning up, he notices you still in the mess. He grabs a couple of tissues, walking toward you. While gently grabbing your chin to avoid startling you, he wiped some off your cheek. He examines your face, making certain that everything is clean. You looked away from the mixture and at his focused face. Your faces were merely inches apart—too close.
Your breath hitched, the close proximity between you two was killing you. Damn, he really does look pretty this close.
“Geez, are you allergic to cream? What’s the deal with your red face?” He asks such a dumb question, making you clear your throat. “Shut up, no.” He ignores your remarks, continuing to help you clean your face.
He finishes, leaving to throw out the tissues and you processing what just happened. Junhyeon whistles, snapping you out of your thoughts. You jokingly reached for the box of tissues to throw at him, easily making him say sorry.
“I think it’s done.” You say as Gyuvin comes back. You taste a bit of the cream, nodding your head in satisfaction. He clasps his hand and hums in excitement, he couldn’t wait to eat the cake.
“Okay..I hope you don’t mess this up too.” You say jokingly, cautiously handing him the supplies. He playfully grins at you, hoping he doesn’t mess up this either.
To your surprise, he was pretty good at it. You admired his physique, watching every move he made. Anyone could make up the heart eyes you were giving to this guy right now.
Placing the last crepe, he covers it swiftly with the remaining cream. Pleased with how it turned out, he looks at you with puppy-like eyes. “Do you like it?” He looks at you with anticipation, hoping you’d say yes.
“Of course I do. It’s missing something though.” He looks at you, wondering what was missing. You walked towards the fridge, taking out the freshly washed strawberries. “Let’s top it off with these?”
Opening the lid, you decide to give them to Gyuvin—he’s good at decorating after all. Coming up with a quick idea, he smiles lightly to himself, catching your attention. You watched him place them perfectly, trying to make the small strawberries align.
He finishes placing the last strawberry, grabbing a wet wipe to clean his now red hands. The words read, “I ♡ U”, making you giggle at the sudden message.
“I love you? Seriously, all of a sudden?”
“What? It’s just something I’ve been wanting to say to you—“ His hands flew to his mouth, eyes widening after realizing what he had said. Your eyes widened as well, standing them dumbfoundedly.
“Oh my god, ignore what I said—I’m sorry I didn’t want to make you feel—“
“Do you mean it romantically or?”
“Romantically.” His gaze avoids yours, trying to come up with an excuse. “But just ignore what I said—“
“Why should I ignore what you said when I feel the same?” Your eyes were on him, making him feel shocked and shy by your response.
“Wait, what?”
“I feel the same way, you idiot.”
“I’m serious, Gyu.”
He stares at you with excitement, realizing you could’ve been together a while ago. Facepalming, a wide smile is hidden under his hands. Your faces were covered with blush, feeling the awkward yet sweet presence fill the room.
“Does that mean…” He trails off, voice eventually fading due to embarrassment.
“I’m assuming so..” You say awkwardly, not quite familiar with these relationship stuff. But that’s okay, you’ll figure it out with Gyuvin.
“Kiss!” Junhyeon shouts, not wanting to contain his excitement anymore. He said the word that everyone had been waiting for. Junhyeon and Gunwook knew their plan would pay off. His smile then vanishes once he smells something unpleasant.
“Junhyeon, did you burn our crepe again?! We only have eight finished crepes!” Gunwook shrieks, his smile also fading as well. In unison, they groaned, not wanting to continue anymore.
You and Gyuvin chuckled at the guys, slowly stopping to look at each other.
“Want a slice?” He cuts a big slice to share with you. Handing you a plastic fork from the cupboard, you two eat the cake.
“This is sweet.”
“Tastes even better since we’re sharing.” He smiles at you, anticipating the next steps that will be taken in this new relationship.
Now, this is the sweet feeling you’ve been waiting for.
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PERM TAGLIST — @dwcljh @ilovewonyo @jiawji @tzyuki @kpoprhia
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