#I quit that fandom like 5 years ago and this was before that
dkettchen · 2 years
Not to get on my old Marvel comics shit for 2 seconds but SSS chat I’m disappointed in y’all for not knowing Sera is not only canonically trans but also a lesbian smh
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asyisnotok · 2 months
Ten Questions for Writers
@mangogreent thanks for the tag!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I started writing in 2022. As of right now, 4! Soon to be 5. I would maybe have more if I didn't lose steam halfway through!
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
My current WC is 49, 519. Hoping to get to at least 100k this year!!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
In the past I have written for the Dream SMP (unfortunately) and Sonic the Hedgehog. Right now though, I'm all about One Piece!! Let's hope that sticks with me, LOL
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to as many as I can. Sometimes it gets daunting! I'm not entirely sure what to say when people ask for updates...
5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Hopefully I never will.
6. have you ever co-written a fic before?
A REALLY long time ago me and my online friend loosely worked on a BNHA fic that I really wanted to see come to fruition, but we lost contact shortly after. It never got posted. Maybe one day I'll find it again...
7. what’s your all-time favourite ship?
ZoLu is my favorite, I've never quite seen a dynamic quite like theirs! I definitely enjoy it but I can also see them as just being platonic as well. One Piece is unique like that.
8. what are your writing strengths?
This one's a bit hard to answer, I think. For me personally I think I'm good at characterizing and coming up with interesting situations for the characters to figure out. I'll have to ask my friends sometime what they think.
9. what are your writing weaknesses?
This is also hard for me to answer - one man's trash is another's treasure! I would have to say I think I am not good at writing characters I don't have a lot of emotional attachment to/don't get much screen time, and while I have the idea I can never quite get it on paper in a way that makes sense.
10. first fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I ever wrote for was TMNT!! 2012 specifically. I wonder if I'll ever get around to publishing it...
@maofa @scribbyizback
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phan3145 · 2 months
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Cursing, intensity) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
***NOTE: I’m not super pleased with this chapter, it very much is filler. I had a massive plot point happen originally, but I thought it would be too soon this far in. So, I wrote some Sunset Trio bonding in two hours this morning. I have chapters 6 and 7 (this original chapter) written for the future, but chapter 5 will take place directly following the end of this one before another time jump. Another point, we will (probably) not have another Noa POV until chapter 7. So, buckle up for that, and thank you to everyone who has followed me, and to all my readers!!!
Chapter 4: Shifted Plans
If someone would have told you years ago that three apes would soon turn into the closest thing you had to friends or family, you would have said that they were insane. Noa was no surprise, seeing as there was an early bond of trust formed between the two of you, but his Sunset Brother and Sunset Sister, as they called each other, came as quite a shock. Anaya had a very comedic and gentle nature, which you only witnessed Noa and Soona have on occasion. Most of those occasions you noticed, were when the trio were together. He brought it out in them, and even you had to admit, he brought it out in you too. For that you were grateful, you hadn’t felt things like that in a long time.
You believed it was that same playfulness in you, and the passage of time, that finally convinced Soona to drop her guard and trust you. You respected her from day one, appreciating that she apologized for attacking you, though you hadn’t even realized she did at the time. That conversation had been awkward, at least on your part, since you still had been terrified out of your wits. You had just wrapped your brain around the fact that you could trust Noa, when a flurry of fangs and limbs had lunged for you. To suddenly have two more apes appear on top of that, screeching and hollering, your entire body just shut down. You had covered your head and jugular out of instinct, but had been willing to accept that your death would be quicker if you didn’t fight back.
Thankfully, Anaya had been able to pull you out of that cocoon of fear you had wrapped yourself in. Although, his face being the first thing you saw had unnerved you, almost wanting to curl up again. It wasn’t as soft or as comforting as Noa’s had been, but Anaya’s eyes, though deep brown instead of green, as well as the small ape noises he made, expressed clearly that he had no intentions to harm you. It made sense in your brain, reason coming back to you as you watched him sit up…if they wanted to kill you they would have already. Blinking away tears, you had sat up with him, looking around you then to see Noa and Soona standing further away so as not to frighten you further.
Soona very much felt like the big sister of the group, and while they had explained they were born on the same day, Noa did confess that they were older than him. Her approval meant more to you when you saw the love and care he held for her. You wouldn’t force it though, and you did not initially intend to be adopted by the trio at all. On that day, introductions had been made, apologies were given, thanks were said once more for saving Noa, another tour of your home was given…excluding the exit burrow, and they had departed. As Noa predicted, Anaya followed behind them as they left, basket of grapes in hand as he feasted.
You hadn’t seen them for almost a week after that, and you hadn’t sought them out either. You felt unsure how to handle having a peace with them. You still moved carefully through the forest, not knowing if they had told the rest of their clan about your existence. Coming across them was one thing, but coming across other apes? Too dangerous.
Then, one sunny midday, you went to the creek to bathe, scoping out the area to find you were alone. The water had receded a few days after the dam broke, and nearly a full week later with only light rain, you deemed the water was clean enough to use. You clung to the edge of the bank, the water still very cold after hardly any sun over the past month. You rubbed and scrubbed quickly, not wanting to be exposed any longer than you needed to be. You had grabbed the scrap of fabric you used for a towel, which you assumed used to be a table cloth of some sort, drying yourself in record time. The baggy men’s shirt, which you had scrounged up during one of your journeys to the old vineyard, was thrown on quickly afterwards.
The fact it was intact had shocked you, so you only wore it on bathing day, appreciating the buttons that still functioned. Thanks to your run in with Noa, the pants you were used to having on bathing day were still dirty. The shirt was long enough though, dangling just a few inches above your knees, and with no one around it didn’t matter anyway. It was your own sense of modesty at that point, which would be damned in a life or death situation. Standing, you left the pants on a dry mound next to the water, ready to be rinsed in the creek once you had finished your routine. You still had to wash your hair…
This was the part you hated the most, checking around you as you made your way towards the rock you had used to save Noa. Just down the side of it, where a fifteen foot drop existed, was a water fall you utilized for washing your hair. You scaled the side, careful of your footing on the slippery rocks, taking a final scan of your surroundings. The sound of water drowned out everything, so once you closed your eyes you would be vulnerable to anything and everything.
You reached the small ledge that ran under the waterfall, sticking to just the edge, close enough to not be seen from the other side, but far enough away the harsh current wouldn’t topple your center of gravity. One last look…still nothing. Kneeling down, shoulders hunching as you leaned forward, you took a breath before shoving your head under the heavy spray. Your fingers desperately scrubbed at your scalp to remove the dirt and oil that you were able to with just water alone. How you wished you had learned how to make soap when your mother was alive, or at least written down the ingredients she used.
Your hair was getting too long again, knowing you would have to cut it soon. Long hair was a luxury you simply couldn’t afford anymore, especially in a situation like this. The longer the hair, the longer it took to wash like this, which was something you would avoid like a plague. Who were you trying to impress with long hair anyway? Just below your ears was enough for your vanity to still feel feminine.
Rushing now, you felt water force it’s way into your nose when you turned sideways too quickly, causing your lungs to constrict in an attempt to push the water out. You reared back, choking on a cough as you wrapped your hair up in your towel. Whatever you had done was good enough. Wheezing, feeling the water trying to suffocate your lungs, you chose to check your surroundings again, still seeing nothing. Only then did you let the burning in your lungs take precedent, allowing your coughing fit to rage. You rubbed at your throat and nose, trying to let any remaining water drain forward, tears flooding your vision.
After a minute or two, you caught your breath, contemplating how you had survived this long on your own. Sheer luck probably. Speaking of luck…the good thing about being alone is that no one was around to see you nearly drown yourself while washing your hair. You let out a small laugh at that, clearing your rough throat after. Rolling your shoulders you pushed from the ground, scaling the side of the rock once more. Going up was so much easier than coming down.
Thankfully, the hard part was over. Body was washed, hair was washed, and you could go back to your burrow once you washed your pants. That was the plan at least…until you popped your head over the top of the rock and saw three familiar faces up stream where you had previously been. Three familiar faces that were holding your pants. They looked concerned, their hands moving rapidly, though you couldn’t hear a word spoken amongst them.
Just as you contemplated what to do, you saw Anaya jerk his head upwards, straightening his spine to see over Noa’s shoulder. The two of you locked eyes and he immediately hooted and pointed in your direction. Noa turned and Soona leaned forward to see what Anaya was reacting to.
“Echo!” Anaya practically screeched as he ran towards you on all fours.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You yanked the towel off your head, showing no concern for the few strands of hair that were plucked out with it. You hauled your body up the rest of the way onto the rock ledge, kneeling as you quickly tied the cloth around your waist in a makeshift skirt. Before you could push yourself into a standing position, Anaya skidded to a stop in front of you. You inhaled a breath, shocked by how quick he had reached you. You opened your mouth to greet him, but the ape was moving again before you could blink.
He raised himself up on two legs, starting to circle around you, touching you freely in what you initially thought was a greeting. His hands roamed so quickly over different parts of your body that by the time you tracked one movement he was doing something else. He touched your right arm, then your left shoulder, his other hand pushing your forehead with a finger in order to tilt your head back. Said fingers then began picking up strands of your wet hair and sniffing loudly.
You had just raised your arms up to protest his poking and prodding when his hands left your body all together. He turned then to call to Noa and Soona, “Echo is…alright…not hurt.”
Your face was frozen in stunned silence, slightly irritated but not quite sure how to react to his actions. Then Anaya turned back to you, smiling, “Hello Echo…you don’t smell…hard to track…found your…cloth by creek…Noa worried.”
“Anaya…was worried,” the previously mentioned ape arrived at your side along with Soona. You saw his hands move rapidly in graceful, fluid motions you didn’t understand. Your eyes narrowed in confusion, then you saw Anaya start making gestures of his own back to Noa. It clicked then, this must be their way of communicating without words, having a private argument…if Anaya’s more choppy but forceful gestures were any indication. Soona broke in momentarily, just as Noa had started to make his first sign. Hers were short, broken apart in space but resolute in her movements. There was no room for argument, watching her turn to Noa, seeing him nod a second later before she turned to Anaya.
Anaya’s head lowered to look at you before he nodded as well, turning to blow a raspberry at Noa. Noa’s shoulders seemed to roll as he turned to move, releasing a few disgruntled noises. He didn’t go far, just a few steps away to show his annoyance. Soona seemed to notice this as well, letting out a huff before crouching to be eye level with you. You leaned back then, eyes crossing slightly as you tried to hold her gaze.
“You are…not injured…can stand?” She asked.
“Oh, yes.” You answered, gripping the knot of the cloth around your waist. You slid a foot out in front of yourself to push up into a standing position, but had no time to bare down on it as you felt hands go under your arms.
“Anaya…help Echo…” Anaya offered. You stiffened as you were hoisted upwards, feeling very toddler like in that moment.
You saw Noa’s brow furrow, but he said nothing. Surprisingly, it was Soona that sighed through her nose and huffed at Anaya, “Echo…not ape…does not like…to be touched…all the time.”
Anaya turned to look at you, wanting confirmation. Your continued stiffness and sheepish look was enough for him to quickly let go of you. A surprised scoff noise escaped him then, raising both arms in the air to show his hands were off of you. “Did not know…will not do…again.”
You hummed good naturedly, gripping onto your makeshift skirt even tighter as you found your footing. “It’s alright, I appreciate the help Anaya, but I’ll ask for it in the future if I need it. Okay?”
“Okay!” Anaya hooted, giving a big thumbs up.
The action caught you off guard, something that seemed to be happening more often than not with the apes around. Where did he even learn that? Much like with Noa, you had no chance of fighting off the sputter you let out that soon morphed into laughter that shook your body. Anaya jumped in place at the sudden sound, and while Soona did not take a step away from you, she did tilt her body backwards.
Feeling slightly bad for laughing at Anaya, who clearly had no idea he had done something funny to begin with, you tamped down on the remaining chuckles. Both apes were looking at you like you had a second head, but then you caught Noa’s eye and saw the warmth in his green gaze. You almost thought you could see a curve to his lips, and maybe you were right, because then he started hooting, returning to the three of you and grasping Anaya’s shoulder.
“Why…sound…like that?” Soona asked you then.
You hesitated, not wanting to say the wrong thing and potentially offend any of the apes. Searching for the right words, you finally decided on, “Relief, joy…uh, happiness.”
“Cackle,” Noa supplied. You almost regretted telling him that word when he added, “Echo noise females make…like laugh but better.”
“Definitely…louder.” Anaya said, making the same gesture as before, watching your reaction. Even though you knew he wanted the response, it didn’t stop the whole thing from being funny. You didn’t ‘cackle,’ but you chuckled at the action. That was apparently enough for Anaya, who hooted, looking proud of himself as he swiveled his head from Soona to Noa.
Noa blew a raspberry at Anaya, pushing off his shoulder, “At least…Echo…thinks you are…amusing.”
Anaya dropped his hand then, scoffing as he bumped into Noa, “At least…Echo thinks…something about Anaya…Noa jealous.”
You thought for a moment that was more of a barb than it apparently was, watching the two apes playfully nudge and paw at one another. You side-eyed Soona next to you, who looked unimpressed with her Sunset Brothers, before she shifted to look solely at you. Your pants were clutched in her hand, now outstretched to you. You took them gratefully as the two apes next to you persisted with their back and forth. Soona’s eyes hadn’t left you, and you swallowed your nerves under her stare. You tried to break the tension, shrugging, “Males.”
A pause, you thought she didn’t understand, before she let out a huff, “Yes.”
Her hand nudged your back as she turned away from Noa and Anya, directing you to do the same, “We go…to creek now…leave the newborns…to their games.”
You felt something warm in your chest at that, a contented smile creeping up as you walked her back to your washing spot. A small glance at her eyes showed the mischievous nature she hadn’t displayed with you before, and she hooted under her breath as you walked away from said males who had no idea you were leaving.
A first step had been taken.
Further growth didn’t happen overnight though. You were a little over a month into knowing the apes now, and you were now spending almost everyday with them. It started out as a couple of days a week after that bathing day. It was always the three of them together at that point, before it slowly became an every other day visit. That’s when you noticed some days it would be Noa and Anaya, or Soona and Noa, and then on occasion it was just Noa. The trust he mentioned on that first day was starting to make sense now, as you felt that maybe the other two apes were always there so early on because they didn’t fully trust you yet.
It always started with the creek, a common enough place to find you since you weren’t hiding from them anymore. You always needed to do laundry, get clean water, or fish for the protein your body so desperately needed. From there, the group would discuss plans for the day, or upcoming ceremonies the clan would hold. You made sure to note the when and where of those to avoid the areas that day. Oddly enough, it was only partly for your safety. Mainly, you just didn’t want to get in the way.
Sometimes their plans for the day would get taken over by yours; following you to pick fruit, helping you craft tools from wood or stone, or even go hunting with you. Usually it was for rabbit or squirrel, seeing as you wouldn’t know what to do with a deer even if you had the heart to kill one. Then came the shock of discovering that the apes did occasionally hunt deer and other wild animals too, not just fish. The idea of evolution started to make more sense as you saw the large gap between the species dwindle the more you spent time with them.
Today however, your plans shifted to theirs as the apes discussed traveling on a ‘Caesar Journey,’ as they called it, for lost information. You had been working on a new spear head when they started loudly discussing whether they should leave today or tomorrow. Anaya and Noa both agreed that it was early enough to leave today. Only Soona seemed to have reservations, vague though they were, regarding ‘many unforeseen delays’ that could take place. You had asked where they were going and Anaya had told you they called it the Valley Beyond. It sounded ominous, but when Noa described the path to get there you realized it was an old city.
When you traveled with your mother, you had passed by during the cover of night, staying on the edges of it before settling here. You had not remembered where it had been, only how tired you were as you trailed behind her. After several years of living on this side of the creek, safe in the forest or in your burrow, you hadn’t thought about it since. You only traveled to the vineyard because your mother had taken you there, being on your own meant you didn’t explore as much.
You were shocked when you found yourself asking if you could go as well, even more so when they agreed.
That’s how you now found yourself astride a horse. You had only ridden one once before, blocking out the subsequent memory of it bucking you several times. You eventually had enough, wrapping its luxurious mane around your hand and wrist, determined that if it bucked you again it would be missing some hair for the trouble. It tried, but soon realized it would do more harm than good. When you had reached your settlement you had told your friends and father you would never ride again after all of that.
Looks like fate had a sense of humor, as this horse looked dangerously similar to the one you had ridden all those years ago. Impossible, but it had made you simmer in irritation when Noa first told you that you would be riding with him on his horse. You would have preferred to ride with Soona, or even Anaya, but all agreed that Noa’s horse would be best, something about being familiar with Echo and ape riders. You didn’t really want to know what that meant.
You were surprised that the apes didn’t walk everywhere, but seeing as this journey would be an hour or so on horseback, and time seemed of the essence, it made sense. You had brought a spear with you, which Noa had slung onto his saddle bag, and satchel full of fruit for later. You didn’t have much time to prep before you were on your way, and now you wondered if you should have brought the dagger that you kept under your pillow. You hardly ever used it, but it was a good source of protection and could have come in handy. Then again, the less weapons around the apes, the better. Besides, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to get that close to anything dangerous anyway.
Speaking of danger, the three horses that composed your group suddenly approached a tunnel, one that went so far into the mountain that you couldn’t see the light on the other end. There was only darkness. You swallowed, Noa taking the lead and going in first. He kicked his heels slightly, urging the horse to pick up the pace. It did as he instructed, shifting from a peaceful walk into a trot.
You slowly straightened in your seat, leaning back to stay within the light for as long as you could, so much so that you soon found your back flush with Noa’s chest. He didn’t comment or react to you, not that you would notice if he did. Once you were completely submerged in darkness there was nothing you could see, whether your eyes were opened or closed. No way to see danger right in front of you…and that thought caused the hairs on your arms to raise, your heart to skip a beat or two. You took a deep breath then, reminding yourself that you didn’t have to be afraid of what was in the dark…your friends were here. Noa was quite literally at your back this very moment.
You decided to close your eyes, to focus on the things you could that didn’t require your eyes. The sound of hooves was the first thing you noticed outside of the pitch darkness, the echoing sound of Soona and Anaya’s horses following close behind. Your heart had calmed and your breathing was steady, similar to the rise and fall you felt of Noa’s chest. The chill of the underground made itself known then, an almost damp cold clinging onto your arms and shoulders. Though you were no longer scared, the skin on your arms pebbled, the hair there already raised from earlier.
It became that much more noticeable when you felt Noa’s arms shift around you, readjusting his hold on the reigns. Heat was radiating from his arms, his whole body actually. The cold threatening to seep into your bones was more prominent, but also held at bay thanks to Noa’s warmth around you. Apes ran warmer than humans didn’t they? Or, was that just the outer layer of their fur?
It was nice.
Before you could think on it too much, you noticed light brightening the backs of your eyelids, prompting you to open them. And just like that, you were out. You released a sigh of relief, sitting up and away from Noa now that you felt safe again. He was kind enough not to mention you clinging to him for comfort as you continued onward. It was probably best that you did not take advantage of his generosity though, making vow to yourself not to do that on the way back.
You almost wished Noa had said something about it though, because with the exception of an occasional joke from Anaya, the ride had been pretty silent. You tried not to dwell on it, normally comfortable in silence, but with that dark tunnel just now, and Noa so close behind you…sitting so long in silence, you weren’t quite able to shake the unease of it all. As if sensing your feelings, Noa decided then to break it, “You ride well.”
You smirked, not quite what you thought he would say, but it was a good way to break the ice. You decide on teasing him to lighten the mood, “Says the ape who wouldn’t let me ride on another horse.”
“You want to ride horse…on your own?” He chuffed.
“Absolutely not!” You were quick to answer. Craning your neck back, almost touching his shoulder again, you explained, “Soona and Anaya are smaller than you, it would probably be easier for one of their horses to carry two riders.”
“Horse makes no difference,” he shrugged, scanning our surroundings. “You are small…easy to fit anywhere.”
No, you were not, you were only slightly shorter than Anaya when he stood on two legs. Again, you reminded yourself, by ape standards you probably were. You didn’t have nearly as much muscle as them, thinking back to when it had taken everything in you to haul Noa up from the creek, but he had lifted you like it was nothing.
You turned your head then, eyebrows scrunching together, “Then why did it have to be your horse?”
Noa smirked, “Easier to keep an eye…on you…if you are in front of me…and easier to make sure…you don’t fall off.”
“Get bucked off, you mean,” you muttered.
“Ape horses…do not buck riders…unless they are afraid,” Noa explained. “Easy to fall off…if you do not know…how to ride.”
You spread your hands out in front of you, “I’m riding just fine, aren’t I ?”
If God was real, he sure had a sense of humor, for in that next moment the horse took off in a gallop. You gasped, looking down as your hand desperately held onto the pommel in front of you. You felt your body start to bounce, fearing you were about to slide right off on a certain bounce. Noa’s arms tightened around you then, grunting, “Rock your hips…”
“What?” You asked, tensing up as another bounce threatened to send you off the left side of the saddle. Only Noa’s quick reflexes, strength, and balance kept that from happening.
“Widen your hips…rock with the motion.” Noa instructed, right hand going under your chin to tilt your head back up, “Look straight ahead…chest up…lean back with the jump…I have you.”
You did as he instructed, feeling more stable until you played back his last instruction. “Wait-wait… jump? What jump? Why are we jumping?”
Noa’s eyes were fixed ahead and that’s when you saw it. At the edge of the city, an abandoned barricade. That was the jump, though your first instinct told you there had to be a way around it, the longer you stared the clearer the picture became. A large pond on one side, a collapsed building on the other…stretching for who knows how long. Jump. There was no other option.
You turned then, noticing Soona and Anaya’s horses were also already in a full galloped sprint. You locked eyes with Soona, who looked just as worried as you felt. She turned to Anaya next to her, making a sign they hadn’t showed you before. Anaya looked up to you then, signing the word Trust at you before letting out several shrieks that sounded like a war cry. They knew what was coming up ahead. You felt your breath stutter as you turned back around, replaying Noa’s words over and over in your mind. You could see the barricade approaching and a count down began in your head.
5…Widen your hips…
4…Head up, look straight ahead….
3…Chest up…
2…Lean back with the jump…
You felt Noa’s right arm relinquish the reigns to wrap firmly around your middle, securing you in place and pulling you to be flush with his chest once more.
1…I have you…
You felt the horse bare down, all its weight on four legs, thrusting itself forward off the ground. Then you were simply suspended in the air. Time seemed to stop, and you wondered if the horse would clear the jump. Similar to that of a deer, you thought perhaps it leapt too early, but as its front half made it over you felt reassured. Then you felt the slight pull of Noa to angle your body back. You listened, the entire movement completed in one fluid motion as the descent forward concluded. The next thing you heard was it’s hooves hit the ground, continuing on in a gallop before slowing back to a trot.
You released the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding, panting in Noa’s grip. His hand slid upwards from your middle to tap at your clavicle, “Breathe…you did well…still on horse.”
You looked down, knuckles white on the pommel. You pried them off, not too proud to note the slight tremor. Then Soona and Anaya were joining you to create a row of three, with you and Noa being flanked on each side.
Soona hooted, “Were…you scared?”
“Of course not,” you replied. “I always nearly faint when I’m having a good time!”
All three apes hooted and chuffed their amusement before continuing on. The branches and dirt of the forest had transitioned to asphalt road, making each step the horses took seem twice as loud. You continued down several streets before you finally had the nerve to ask, “What are we looking for?”
“Human work…anything from Caesar’s time.” Noa replied.
Human work? That didn’t make any sense to you, but it was their Caesar Journey. You decided saying silent was the best thing to do. They would let you know when they were going to stop. In the meantime, you decided to try and decipher the ruins of these old buildings, attempting to figure out what they used to be.
A lot of empty panes and broken glass more often then not confirmed it used to be a business. Maybe a bank, or a law firm. Something boring like that. Other places that had faded color reminded you of food or clothing stores. You could make out a few vowels on the signs but didn’t recognize anything specific from any of the photos or old videos you had seen back in the vault as a child.
A sound far off in the distance to your left caught your attention, but you saw nothing there. None of your ape companions reacted, so perhaps it was just your imagination. That’s when you noticed a building unlike any you had seen thus far. It was made of white stone, with an old engraving at the top in gold that had faded over time. Three letters caught your attention, barely able to make them out…but it was enough. You knew exactly what it was.
“Noa, stop! Stop!” You called, twisting in the direction of the road you had just passed, attempting to dismount.
Soona and Anaya’s horses startled but were quickly reigned in by their riders. Noa had a harder time with you as you squirmed, wanting to get down against his wishes. Finally he called out in a huff, “We’ve stopped, stop…will help you down but cannot if…you fall first.”
With a graceful glide to the ground, Noa landed, turning and offering his arms to you. Soona and Anaya dismounted as well, wanting to see what it is that had you so enraptured. It took you a moment to swing your other leg to one side, but once you did you felt ready. Noa allowed you to brace yourself on his shoulders as you dismounted.
Your first step felt weird, causing you to sway slightly. Your legs still felt bowed wide for some reason. Soona covered her face, which you imagined was her nice way of not laughing at you. Anaya had no such reservations, hooting and pointing as he called out, “First time rider wobble.”
You snickered, bending your knees a few times to re-center yourself. Noa huffed good naturedly, “Will get used to it…happens to everyone…first time.”
“Right,” you said, unsure, looking down at your feet. Then you remembered what had caught your attention, and as you took a few more steps towards it, your suspicions were confirmed. “I think this might interest you. This would be classified as human work.”
“What is it?” Soona asked, seeing what you were so focused on.
You smiled, “It’s a library.”
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
taekooker to jikooker: my personal experience.
this is merely how i felt and all the things i saw while being a hardcore taekooker for almost a year and a half. if you get offended, im sorry but the unfollow and block button is right there, i dont mind. i love taekook themselves, but i can no longer look at them in the way i used to. now they genuinely look like best friends to me. people change, and their perceptions and views on different aspects of life change. thats what happened to me.
I first joined this fandom 5 years ago in mid january 2018 through my friends. taehyung was my first ever bias, so most of the bts related yt recs i had were mostly of taehyung and ot7, and occasional ship videos among which taekook was the most prominent. me being a curious lil unsuspecting lamb, clicked on one, it also helped that my friends were taekookers as well so i dived pretty deep into the rabbit hole of taekook. im gonna be writing my thoughts and experiences on shipping taekook at different times of the year. i dont remember every single detail clearly (like this was 5 years ago) so forgive me if i sound vague at times plus this will only be a summary. without further ado, lets start, shall we?
february-march, 2018
by this time, i already watched quite a few taekook analysis videos, i also came across a few tkk_lives' videos(i think i came across her vids like much later but i just included it here) as well as other deluded channels. i fell even deeper into the rabbit hole. i thought taekook were the epitome of boyfriends silly in love, i felt like they had the best chemistry and that they were the ones whose ship actually made sense. i feel so embarrassed to admit this but one of my rather major reasons for shipping them was how good they looked tgthr🤦‍♀️(im a changed person now i promise). now i realise many tkk analysis channels tend to heavily edit things to make it look like theres something going on, overanalysing things to no end, it made me see them as if they were closer than they actually are, and as if theyre hiding something, but it was really just heavy and clever editing that forces your mind to get convinced. it was quite literally manipulative. plus back then, i was rather immature and hadnt even been in a rltnshp yet, so i blindly believed whatever they said. i believed every narrative and every theory they put out even if i knew lots of them didnt even make sense. they constantly also put out the jealous jungkook/taehyung whenever the other breathes next to another member..as i now realise, thats one of the biggest toxic traits a person can have. they were always pushing tkk as a toxic relationship without even knowing it(or just ignoring it). i also do not like jikook analysis vids where they are portrayed as the same territorial mfs who cant stand the other interacting with anyone else but himself. bc thats literally pushing their relationship as a toxic one and making them look toxic, and i would rather not do that.
march/april-september, 2018
i only watched taekook vids and funny bts moments for a long while as a baby army. i didnt watch official content very much, i ddint even know how to watch official content..i didnt know bangtantv existed yet💀 this tkk analysis watching continued for around 4 or so months after i became an army before i took an unintentional break from them(analysis vids) and i went on twitter. twitter, was so much worse(as i now realise). i didnt have an account at that time and learnt to browse on twt without one(it doesnt really let you do that anymore). at first, i found nothing weird or unusual and i enjoyed lurking on twitter, but slowly i started to see the ugly side of the community. i found multiple accounts directly or indirectly hating on jimin. i was weirded out. very weirded out. i was quite conflicted but..i only thought of it as jimin haters who were coincidentally tkkrs, maybe i refused to see tkk shippers in a bad light? probably, unfortunately i cant remember much and as i said, i was immature.
october-december, 2018
i stumbled across gcf in tokyo somewhere in october, i think it was in a fanwar on twitter and a jkkr said "at least we have this" or sumn along that line and put a link to gcft . idek how i didnt see it earlier. immediately after watching it, i felt..weird, conflicted, insecure. insecure about my ship. it seemed so romantic to me even then. but ofc i didnt let myself give up immediately, and i searched interviews + info about it, i found tkkrs saying vminkook were supposed to go tgthr and jikook only went bc they had a few days off and tae didnt. that gave me a lil bit of security and i held onto that thread of security and refused to believe or even hear out the actual fact(which i will come to later). as you can see, i was a stubborn mf. inside i knew that even if tae not having time off was the "only" reason behind jikook's japan trip, it was still unusual and suspicious to go on a trip with only your "bro" when said "bro" has told you and the world multiple times that they wanna go on a trip alone with you, when the hotel room you're staying at with your "bro" has a see-through glass wall for the bathroom and when you make a whole love confession in the guise of a travel log for your "bro" while your boyfie is waiting for you at home.
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in conclusion, i was very insecure.
did i give up? no, not yet. we're getting there.
so as a masochist and out of curiosity caused by insecurity, i searched up jikook videos on yt, thinking "there's no way they could ever have more chemistry than taekook 🙄" - when i tell you i was wrong as fuck, i mean it. i was HUMBLED. the chemistry and tension between jungkook and jimin was undeniable. i felt uncomfortable watching some certain moments, felt things that i didnt feel while shipping taekook, saw things i didnt see in taekook.
i was confused plus the sinking feeling you get when you've been too loud about what you think and your opinions but then it turns out you were a stupid ass bitch.
there was a plethora of jikook vids, and i think my first jikook video was from Made in Busan, ig it was the "serendipity" analysis? back then it made lots of sense to me, but now it looks slightly overanalyzed (i still believe "serendipity" is very much connected to jikook tho). i slowly got more introduced to jikook in general. this mainly occured in like the first week of october and december as i had my boards in november.
december/january-february, 2019
so its been more or less of a year since ive become a tkkr, gcft is still in the back of my head screaming at me. and then jikook drop another bomb. that is, 2018 MMA.
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this..was just, just..i cant explain it in words. jungkook had every bit of his attention directed towards jimin, they were giving each other loving glances, jimin giving jungkook a flying kiss, jungkook giving jimin a finger heart, jungkook subconsciously massaging jimins nape..it was just so domestic and coupley. i've never third wheeled so bad in my life. i felt like i was interrupting something by watching them. imagine how hyunjae next to them felt😔✊not to mention how it very much looked like jungkook was saying "남편"[ nampyeon] meaning "husband" and "형의 남친"[ hyung-ui namchin ] meaning " hyung's boyfriend" in their conversation after jimin pointed to himself and jungkook (forgive me if the spellings/romanizations are not accurate enough, im not fully fluent in korean). plus, after jungkook said it, jimin smiles and shyly looks down..LIKE??
watch from 31:00 to see for yourself. im not kidding.(p.s i love this video so much)
i was bamboozled. i was shocked. i was frustrated. i was feeling stupid. i was begging for taekook to drop something mindblowing or sumn that would regain my secuity in the ship and i found some moments during other award shows but, it didnt feel the same. to me it was really looking like taekook had boundaries and limits between each other, the limits that apply when you're good friends. but with jikook, i couldnt see how their gazes towards each other could be passed off as anything platonic, how their actions+body language could ever be seen as platonic.
so what did i do? did i give up? oh hell no im stubborn as fuck. but we're getting there.
i ignored every jikook moment and brought my focus back on taekook, i started watching analysis and moments again. in a span of a few weeks, the security around my ship had improved after pretending that i didnt feel like a stupid mf after MMA 2018. haha. it sorta worked lol. sorta.
march-may, 2019
these were my last months as a taekooker.
after all that shit, all i wanted was more taekook moments to make me feel better about myself. and i did get quite a few. however, as i said before, they looked like they had boundaries. i couldnt look at them exactly the same.
i was busy in april with my class tests, i doubt i had much time to catch up with the boys. so when the tests ended, it was most likely in the last week of april or the first few days of may.
we all know what happened in the first few days of may, don't we? in case you don't, this is what happened.
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surprisingly, i clearly remember the first time i got to know about it.
it was in class, i just arrived and then one of my friends and i start talking and she goes [this convo is all translated from bengali]
"hey did you see what jungkook did at the latest concert?"
"no, i didn’t, what did he do?"
"he went and literally sucked on jimins ear!"
i was shocked once again, my eyes went wide, my heart did a backflip..all that shit. i didnt believe it at first.
"don't joke around like that, you're being absurd" i said.
"im not kidding bro, he sucked jimins ear in the rosebowl concert last week, ill send you a link too"
when i got back home, sure enough, the link was there and i saw jungkooks ear nibbling in all its glory, albeit a bit low quality. but no doubt he took that ear into his mouth and i knew it.
surely i must've given up now? no, but im this🤏 close we're almost there i promise
i went online and found lots of tkkrs denying that jungkook ever took jimin's ear into his mouth and that jimin's ear only got caught on jk's chin. but..if it got caught on jk's chin then that means his chin was behind jimin's ear, and his lips must have been at least kissing jimin's ear, given that we couldnt see them very well. the lip we could see was the upper lip, which again lead me to be believe that jungkook did indeed, suck jimin's ear.
yeah, my faith in tkk was crumbling into millions of pieces. because i couldnt see how jungkook, being in a supposed relationship with taehyung, could do that with tae's best friend. i sure as hell wouldnt let my partner get away with that, nor would i ever do that myself with someone else other than my partner. even if its to comfort them. it just goes way over platonic boundaries.
i was seriously considering shifting over to jikook by now. but before that, i searched lots of shit up abt jikook.
there i saw an interview where jimin talked about the tokyo trip with jungkook. what i believed until now was that vminkook were supposed to go tgthr but jikook were the ones with time off, and tae didnt have time off. jimin said he told taehyung and jungkook that he wants to go on a trip to Japan. he didnt say he wanted to go on a trip WITH taehyung and jungkook. yall, ive told my wishes to go to japan and turkey multiple times to my friends, does that mean im taking their asses with me? no. mind you, jimin has said he wanted to go on a trip alone with jungkook multiple times in their rookie era. on jimin's bday of 2017, jungkook tweeted a pic of him(jimin) with the caption "Its not over yet.." and shortly after, we find out jikook went on a tokyo trip by THEMSELVES with no staff, no managers and no other members. dropped off at the airport by jungkook's dad and brother and jimin's dad. jungkook paid for everything and put a hell lot of time into making the masterpiece that is gcf in tokyo WITH a bgm of a gay fucking song by a queer fucking artist and showed the fucking rainbow colored ferris wheel at the line "love is a road that goes both ways".
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its clear who the main model of gcf is.
you can deny the trip being only for jikook, but you can not deny the symbolism and significance shown in gcf in tokyo. saying "jungkook didnt understand the song, hes not fluent in english" - is so small minded and belittling.
saying he didnt show jimin on the parts "boy, im holding onto something, wont let go of you for nothing, im running, running just to keep my hands on you" on purpose is not only straight up denial but also understimating jungkook's intelligence and artistic capabilities, saying that jungkook isnt smart enough to get the meaning behind these words. and just because hes korean. thats fucking racist if you ask me.
then i discovered the iconic osaka vlives, i was convinced. it was my last straw along with rosebowl.
alas, after around a week of denial, i gave up and became a jikooker in mid may of 2019. ive never looked back. over the years they've only given us more and more evidence and i doubt my beliefs will ever change soon.
i hope this was kinda fun to read, i had been planning to do this for a long time. im glad i finally got to say my thoughts out here. thank you for taking the time to read this<3
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ranaissingle · 2 years
Hi! I think you’re writing is so cool! How do you feel about writing something with Austin proposing to reader in like the cutest loving way?!
Are You Gonna Be My Girl ?
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Masterlist Fandom: Austin Butler Rating: T Word Count: 906 Warnings: commitment issues, straight fluff otherwise tho. A/N: I love this idea! I'm sorry it's a bit late I finished writing this days ago and had it set to automatically post at 9 pm but Lisa Marie passed away earlier that day and it didn’t feel right to post this right after that so I decided to wait a couple days out of respect. I hope you enjoy it!
You and Austin had been together for a little over 3 years and had started dating when he wrapped up the filming of Elvis. Your relationship progressed quite slowly due to the fact that his last relationship was a 7-year one and commitment on that level scared him away from serious dating for years after his breakup.
You weren't one to push either. Although you would have liked for him to ask you out sooner, you were content with the casual coffee meet-ups and late-night movie theatre soiree. So when he did eventually ask you out, he was certain to pull out all of the stops because he had felt horrible making you wait for so long while he got himself together.
It was safe to say that you were the best decision of his life, to say the least. Austin had never felt truly loved in a relationship before. He always felt like there was an underlying motive for his escapades. Be it because they were more successful than him or the other way around. None of those relationships felt like just that, a relationship. It was always more of an exchange rather than anything else. But with you, it was different. He didn't need to try with you. He could just be, and that was more than enough for you.
He had this date planned for weeks. You were going to spend the whole day together. He was going to wake up late in bed with you wrapped around him, serenade you with brunch while he pawed your fingers under the table, woo you with a peaceful day at the art museum filled with forehead kisses and side hugs, and then reel you in with a 5-course meal at the most delicious seafood restaurant that new york had to offer. He had the whole proposal planned out the seafood restaurant had a private dining room in the back. When you both finished dessert and were washing down the last of whatever cake you chose to share with wine, he was going to get on one knee and ask you to spend the rest of your lives together.
Of course, Austin had to make it to the dinner to be able to propose to you then. But seeing you walking around your shares apartment with messy hair, a mug of tea, and the house cat in your arms was doing wonders to make Austin's job difficult. There was absolutely no chance he was going to make it to dinner at this rate. He was completely and utterly doomed, and he wasn't even mad about it.
Screw it, you both could still enjoy the festivities he had planned originally even if he proposed right this second. He reached into the drawer of the nightstand to pull out the velvet-covered box with all of his hopes and dreams for the future tucked inside. He thought he did a pretty good job picking out the ring. You weren't a fan of the more classic engagement so he went for something different albeit just as beautiful.
He walked out of the bedroom and over to where you were cuddled on the couch with the cat.
" Hey, do you mind if I steal you from the cat for a sec? I have something I need to ask you?" His voice wavered as he spoke. The nervousness was kicking in and his hands began to shake.
"Of course baby" You smiled and lifted the cat from your lap and got up to follow him back into the bedroom. Austin closed the door behind you both as he put his back to the wall and took a deep breath.
" Are you alright Austin? You're looking a little red. Is everything okay darling?" Your worried tone as you stepped close to him only made him fall for you more.
"Baby I love you so much. I had a whole day planned out so that I could ask you in a way that was more fitting but I just couldn't wait anymore." He saw the confusion and worry creep its way onto your face as he spoke but he kept going all the same.
" I want to spend the rest of my life with you, love. I want to wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night. I want to keep bringing you a late in the morning so that I can see your face light up and order sushi for us when we don't wanna go out. I love you so much I don't know what to do with myself when you aren't around. So, I guess I'm saying all of this to ask you, will you-" His throat choked up before he could finish. He hadn't made eye contact with you the entire speech because he was terrified of seeing your face. Nonetheless, he swallowed thickly and finished.
" Will you marry me, love" He heard a sob leave your lips as you scaled the space in between you in record time to kiss him. You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck as you cried happy tears into his neck. You pulled away to clasp his face in between your hands and look into his eyes.
"Yes, a thousand times yes Austin! I love you so mu-" His kiss cut you off. His lips were soft and plush against yours as he hugged you impossibly closer.
Done! I hope you enjoyed it!
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June Creator of the Month: Thosehallowedhalls
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Please welcome this month’s Creator of the Month is @thosehallowedhalls.
Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists. The writer or artist is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played?
I can't remember exactly. 2021, I think? Laws of Attraction was on its tenth chapter.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined in January of this year. I was upset with Crimes of Passion 2, so I wrote a couple of stories about it. I had deactivated my old Tumblr long ago, so I had to open a new one.
3- How did you pick your blog name?
I love old buildings - the history, the ambiance. I tried hallowedhalls, but it was taken, so I added the article.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!
I… have zero recollection of this post. But I'm big on nostalgia and mourning past times, so the fact that this was my first post tracks.
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both?
I write fanfiction. I've been teaching myself to draw, but I'm not anywhere near close to sharing what I do.
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I started writing fanfiction way back in… 2010? For about four or five years. Then I stopped until December 2023.
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Crimes of Passion on both counts.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
That would be The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm, inspired by The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I do still like it, but I would tighten up the writing a bit. I had barely written any fiction for several years at that point, and the lack of practice shows.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created?
I keep going back and forth between The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm and Home Without. Both are angsty short series.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I was taken aback by the comments on The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm. I'd posted it on AO3 a few weeks before, and had gotten a handful of kudos and one comment, but within 24 hours of posting it here, I had several lovely reblogs. It was a welcome surprise. Stories with fewer comments… I guess Home Without. The first chapter got quite a bit of love, but by the time the final chapter rolled around, fewer people were interacting.
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
I love a balance, but I'd say angst with a happy ending. I enjoy the breadth of emotions angst lets you explore.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are bits and pieces of me in all of them. Emma has my sarcasm, and Raine has my need to look for the best in people. There may be more, but if so, it wasn't done intentionally.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Perfectionism. Like I said before, the lack of writing practice shows. I know that the only way to get better is to keep writing, but I hate seeing the gap between what I do and what I want to do. Catch-22.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
My Sebastyan x Emma fic, Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies. There are only a couple of chapters left, but I've been struggling with it for a couple of months now.
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first?
Oh, hell no.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
So many writers have influenced my writing throughout the years, including authors I do not currently read. The Brontë sisters, Charles Dickens, Nora Roberts, Jane Austen, Courtney Milan, Alyssa Cole… I could go on and on. Fanfic writers… There are a lot, but off the top of my head, @inlocusmads, @coffeewithcutcaffeine, @gaiuskamilah, @aria-ashryver, @jerzwriter, @dutifullynuttywitch, @aces-and-angels, @petalouda85, and @storyofmychoices. I know there are more.
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Home Without. I'm a sucker for good pining, and I'd love to see all that mutual longing play out onscreen - not to mention that reunion.
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art?
I do. I'm currently working on a horror short story, a MG novel, and a dual timeline mystery that's still in the research stages.
19- What other hobbies do you have?
Reading, non-fandom writing, drawing, learning new things (especially languages!), going on walks, and drinking enough coffee to alarm medical professionals anywhere.
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ecto-hazard · 11 days
I just rewatched ii s1 (fucked up right?)
im just gonna make a post compiling some barebones concepts that im curious about. cause with the latest reveal, im wondering how much previous stuff might become relevant.
Obviously this was made years ago by a bunch of kids so its possible that most of the details can be disregarded as random bullshit. It does seem like they put a lot of work in creating retcons though so I have reason to believe theyre building off their previous work on purpose but i could be wrong and thats fair. im gonna post about it anyway tho
ii16 spoilers discussed under the cut
Who Mephone created (or rather, didn't create)
Mephone supposedly made every contestant for the show, but there's a couple vague characters.
Fan: weirdly enough he's in a gray area cause he appears as a background character before s2, but he also glitched out in that one episode, so its unlikely he wasnt created by Mephone. But yknow.
Apple: Apple is a fan character who was submitted to the show, and this is addressed in canon. It's possible that mephone made her and the other fan contestants based on whatever the submitters asked?
Bow: she randomly shows up after an ad read. Mephone doesnt seem to even want her to join, but he receives a call from Adam to insist she join. Mephone seems quite resistant to the idea (which would be weird if he made her?) Most interestingly, she's the only one in this list that Mephone couldn't recover.
Dough MIGHT be one mephone didnt create, but it seems pretty likely that Mephone would create him as he was specifically requested by adam to get bow back. Dough does seem like something he'd throw together really quickly to cover his ass
The reason any of this could be relevant is that if they arent created by Mephone, they probably cant be deleted by Cobs.
Stuff about Adam (the character not the guy) has been kinda quiet lately? He was supposedly the producer of ii, and pays mephone apparently? He clearly has a role to play since he showed up in one of Mephone's memories and seems to be a creation by cobs. So observing his actions in s1 might be valuable, especially since cobs would be able to manipulate the show through him.
Some notable actions of his:
Insisting on Bow being in the show. This is doubly interesting if Bow isn't one of Mephone's creations. She could be an industry plant of some kind?
Telling Mephone to keep 4S out of the season finale. This is supposedly to keep the finale from going crazy. If Mephone had been successful, he wouldve been killed by Mephone 5. Its possible this was on purpose so 4 could be destroyed and replaced
Investing in another season. at the end of s2, despite things going wrong, he tells Mephone they're going to do another season. He sweetens the deal by offering a raise and agreeing to get Mephone an assistant (Toilet). Cobs clearly got invested in this show, so it makes sense he'd encourage more of it from the shadows.
Mephone 4S
Yeah talking about 4S isn't anything new, the fandom's obsessed with him. I am too.
The implications of Mephone4 being in 4S's body never really got explored in s2. I guess they were similar enough that it didn't really matter. But he clearly still has some relevance in the modern series. One of Mephone's memories shows him getting developed as a replacement for 4, and he actually appears in Invitational, Sorta? Clearly Mephone's bothered by the sacrifice he made.
At the very least, the show's reminding us that he existed, so maybe he still does exist? I don't think he's going to necessarily make a comeback or anything but I dunno. It seems like he might be able to talk to Mephone in his head so maybe there's something to that.
Evil Paper
Im just gonna be upfront that I don't have a dissociative disorder and its not my place to talk about how it works or what is good or bad representation so I'm not gonna get super deep into talking about this. I'm just curious if the team has any plans for addressing Evil Paper. They seemed to make an effort into writing Yin Yang more thoughtfully (whether or not they actually succeeded, again, not my say). I could see them giving Paper similar treatment. If they did I doubt it'd be very plot relevant though.
Is the Taco we got the Taco we were supposed to have?
I've actually seen this conversation circulate a little bit already. This sort of debate could apply to any character really, but Taco is perhaps the most interesting example because she's so involved in the latest episodes AND because Brian actually addressed a tweet about this.
Taco behaves like a goofy idiot for the majority of s1, only revealing at the end that she was faking it so she would make it to the end. She specifically says she was "built to win" (the quote Brian addresses), and shows a much more competent side when she actually competes. In fact if it weren't for Bow's interference, Taco would have won the challenge (another case of Bow being weird).
This all seems to imply that Taco may have been intended to win the series by Mephone. Cobs points out to Suitcase and Knife that Mephone had "high hopes" for them, so it's not unreasonable to say that maybe certain characters were liked over others. Mephone never seems to give special treatment openly, but that doesn't mean that when he made certain contestants he didn't at the very least expect them to do well.
What is highly unlikely though is that Taco was created to be a twist villain. This results in Mephone's death after all (though the activity of Bow and Mephone 5 also could be to blame). Especially since he had pressure from Adam to keep things running smoothly, it just wouldn't make sense that Mephone would specifically create someone to toss a wrench in things. Most likely Taco developed like this on her own accord.
But that also raises the question, if she wasn't meant to be a villain, what was she supposed to be? How much of the taco we have now is the Taco that Mephone created? We don't actually see how he reacts to her "reveal" because he's in the middle of running away from 5. But everyone else clearly never saw it coming. OJ specifically comments that this doesn't seem like "the Taco he's been competing with all this time," and while that's written in reference to her reveal, it also could mean she WASNT the Taco he'd been competing with. We do get a hint or two of her true self in previous episodes, but its possible she wasn't ever supposed to be like that.
I think its possible Mephone4 created her as a goofy goober joke character initially, and over time, she changed. She developed into a more tactful and villainous character with her exposure to the contest.
A few things in the most recent episodes might allude to this. One thing being how in ii15 she discusses how she became aware of how much the contest is changing everyone, herself included. Secondly, in ii16 she tells Pickle that at the time she didn't consider how her actions were going to hurt him. This is a really shitty apology and no excuse for it, but it ALSO could mean that at the time, Taco really didn't think about it. In S1, she claims that she was just using him, but we don't know how aware of herself she was back then. Its possible that there was a past version of Taco who wasn't deadset on winning no matter the cost, and being in the game changed her.
Anyway these have been my slopthoughts. It's like 9 pm and ive been writing this for like an hour. Maybe most of this wont get addressed at all in the series, but I figured i might as well compile it down since I just finished s1
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lol-jackles · 3 months
You do know that FBBC are still heavily producing and distributing beer, right? Before you start patting yourself on the back that the original brewery/land is being sold, you might want to get clued into the fact that distribution has been expanded to San Antonio and recently to Houston. The company and brand are positioning themselves to expand further. Don't think they will go back to the cute craft brewery, but as you have pointed out, craft breweries are not that profitable. Looks like they are going for a stronger business model.
You go on about the whole YANA thing. I have never understood why a select few in the fandom actually became jealous about a charity? Seems so small minded and petty. Regardless, YANA still exists and continues to do good things.
Yes I know about their distribution, I'm the one who pointed out 5 years ago all those bottling and canning equipment and the end products weren't for the taproom customers but meant for distribution because the Ackles were trying to go big because they want to make actual profit despite originally claiming that they would only sell beer at the brewery (X).
What did you think the $1000 membership package was about?  To get SPN fans to regularly go to FBBC to keep it afloat so they can keep making beer on site and then ship off site. Quite a turnaround when Gino cast dispersion toward SPN fans and said there will be no beer named after a "corny tv show" (X)
According to Gino, they plan to resume producing their own beer again once they find a location in Austin.
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After they bought these top on the line brewing equipment and are now selling. That sounds like a "stronger business model" to you?
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Surely you don't think the Ackles are going to sell off all the brewery equipment only to turn around and buy new equipment for the alleged 2nd location?  At best they should just open a small scale taproom and put Gino in there as the glorified bar tender.
Do you know people who had their beer made by somebody else?  I have. They have to pay for everything, or make compromises.  There is no in between. A specific yeast strain the contractors don't use?  Then you're going to have to pay for that, and the labor to keep it going, or do it yourself.  Oh wait, they can't because they closed down FBBC.
Breweries don't close because they'll make more money from contract breweries, if that's the case then why open your own brewery in the first place?
Let me break it down using another real life example:
If parents have a couple of kids going to the same college and overlap each other, instead of paying dorm fees or renting an apartment, they would buy a townhouse for their child/ren and rent out rooms to other students, which pays for the mortgage.  Then when the last child graduates, they sell the house for a profit.
See the difference between owning a brewery that doubles as a contract brewery (your house) vs paying everything to a contract brewery (college)?
What's going on is there is a saturation of craft breweries.  It's like in the late 90s when there was a huge surge in openings of comic shops.  Every collector dreamed of running his own place and thought a love for the product was enough to be successful. The market became saturated.  A couple years later, the trend reversed and it seemed another shop was closing every other week. The difference in making it or not largely rested on whether the owner had the skill set to run a business. Foresight. Customer relations. General business principles. And of course, the ones who had adequate funding. The market decided who made it and who didn’t.
That's what is going on in the current beer industry.  The hobbyists who thought they could be successful because they loved brewing but lacked the skill set to run a business are beginning to fall.
LOL nobody is jealous of YANA, people continue to be amused by it because of how badly it was executed and then failed. If YANA still exist and continues to do good thing, it's only because Jared bailed it out after both Misha and Jensen abandoned the public promise as mentioned here and here.
I remember back in my day a craft beer was “hey there’s a beer that’s $3.50 a bottle instead of $2 and it’s way better!”
Nowadays it’s “this craft beer is sourced with water collected from the Himalayas by free range howler monkeys and filtered through the wings of butterflies.  Oh and we can’t bother to be original so it’s an IPA loaded with hops.  $8 please”.
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rainbowchibbit · 6 months
I!!!!!! LIVE!!!!!!!!!!
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Okay so I said this like months ago but I was getting ready to move and have been actively trying to move for about a year (about the time soulfell started hiatus again after what I had hoped was a triumphant return lmao)
ANYWAY I FINALLY FUCKIN MOVED YALL **I DID IT** it is still surreal and I’m still settling in but like… I can??? Draw again??? Take the time to draw without feeling like I’m wasting it????
I’m not quite ready to bring Soulfell out of hiatus YET because I’m still relearning muscle memory and I have some smallish projects for current fandom I’m very very invested in (Honkai: Star Rail— RenHengJing specifically if u kno u kno. Good good tragic old man yaois) that I’m using to regain that muscle memory.
SO I wanted to say a) I LIVE AND SOULFELL SHOULD RETURN SOON and b) YOU WILL see non Undertale art from me before that happens and also probably in between updates. I don’t want to burn myself out and passion projects are always going to come easier than long term ones BUT!!!! My mental health has never felt better man. I’m freEEeee I did the move I was trying to do for literally 5-7 years and finally made happen in the last one
I’m so happy ;;;;;;; buhhhhh
I’ll take pictures and stuff for y’all when things get a little more settled. For now—enjoy my cats enjoying our new porch
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
I will give you a shiny quarter if you explain Morrowind to me like I’m five (pretty please)
its is quite difficult given i dont know how complex of topics 5 year olds can understand. but i can try to explain it in the most simple way possible because i explain it regularly to one of my roommates and wife who do not understand elder scrolls lore at all. be warned: this is still gonna be long and weird bc the story is long and weird.
(also excuse the swearing i wouldnt swear like this to a 5 year old)
a long long times ago, some 3000+ years before the game actually starts, there was a dude named nerevar. he made friends with some dwarves (dwemer) who lived underground and united the whole country of resdayn (later renamed to morrowind) to drive out the nords who had taken over. he also had a rly cool ring named moon-and-star, which was magic and let you be really persuasive, but he also enchanted it to kill anyone besides him wearing it so it couldnt be misused. this is relevant later
well he married the queen almalexia and made a big council of important people mostly made up of his buddies. he called it the first council and important people on it were his bestie voryn, his wife almalexia, and two younger friends sotha sil and vivec, along with the king of the dwemer dumac and dumac's mage kagrenac (the dwarves use weird magic with sound. if i go into details this will get very confusing).
for like 200 years because elves live for a long time, everything was pretty alright.
but it turns out the nords were there for a reason. they were looking for the heart of a dead god. the god's name for the sake of the story is lorkhan, but different places call him different things like shor or shezzar. the nords worshipped lorkhan and wanted to bring him back or something (probably, or at least just find it because hey thats their guy). but after 200 years of peace the dwemer found it underground in a volcano they lived in. and kagrenac had an Idea
the idea was to build a really cool really powerful giant robot mecha god (because the dwemer were really steampunk) to protect them. and it would be powered by the heart lorkhan.
voryn, nerevar's bestie, ended up finding out about this and told nerevar "hey the dwemer are up to something weird". and nerevar went "huh? they are?" and went to ask his goddess, azura, who knows a lot of things. azura said "yeah they are. stop them. what the fuck" and so nerevar went to his other bestie dumac.
and nerevar told dumac "hey why the fuck are you building a giant robot god?" and dumac's reply was "nerevar what the fuck are you talking about?" and nerevar, being mad his friend was Lying to him (maybe dumac didn't know. we dunno) because he already had multiple people confirm they were in fact doing that, he told dumac their friendship was over and kicked him off the first council and they went to war.
the details here get fuzzy. the nords showed up and joined in. the dwemer had steampunk robots everywhere. cat people showed up because why not. there were orcs there too. it was a big clusterfuck and there were different accounts of what happened. some people say voryn was fighting alongside the dwarves. some say he was fighting with the nords. some say he was fighting alongside nerevar. its hard to tell.
but most accounts have one thing kind of in common that a lot of the fandom agrees on: kagrenac grabbed their three cool tools to control the heart of a god, banged on it really hard, and then every single dwemer (except for one who was on holiday) vanished in an instant. and everyone was pretty confused by that, not really knowing what else to do. they now had a giant robot, the heart of a god, and 3 tools to wack the heart with to make weird shit happen.
so nerevar, unsure, said "hey voryn watch the tools for me." and left voryn with the tools and the heart. voryn said they should just destroy the tools, but nerevar wanted a few different opinions before just chucking them in lava or whatever. but while he was gone voryn started fucking around with the tools and the heart to see what would happen.
nerevar asked his buddies. almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil said they can use the tools to help resdayn/morrowind. nerevar didnt know if that was a good idea or not, so he asked azura. azura said "fuck no, dont ever do that". so nerevar made his friends pinkie promise him on azura's behalf not to use the tools on the heart.
and then again the accounts get weird here. some say nerevar died in battle against the dwarves/nords. some say voryn killed him. some say his friends (almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil) killed him. but regardless nerevar and voryn died. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec had the tools. and they decided to use them on the heart and became gods.
this pissed azura off. they pinkie promised. what the fuck. so she made all the elves that lived there into dark elves. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec became known as the tribunal and said "we dont need you anymore azura fuck off" and became living gods who could help their people and preform miracles! though they needed to take the tools up to red mountain and recharge their batteries on the heart regularly. azura tells them "nerevar will be back one day and beat all your asses" and made a whole prophecy about it called the nerevarine prophecy (reincarnations get the name+'ine' tacked on in the elder scrolls)
also the tribunal destroy voryn's house/family, the sixth great house of morrowind, house dagoth. just destroy it all. kill a bunch of ppl and the others kinda go somewhere else if they lived. because they sided with voryn or whatever and were deemed traitors
a bunch of other shit happens. septim empire rises to the throne. vivec trades the not working robot to tiber septim who makes it work with a bootleg wish version of the heart of a god and takes over. more time passes. its now the third era and its been 3500 years.
the protagonist is a prisoner who is released from their sentence in morrowind because the current emperor wants to use the prophecy to keep a better hold on morrowind politically. the protagonist was chosen because part of the prophecy is being born under a specific astrology sign and not knowing who your parents are. which could be anyone but y'know.
so the protag/nerevarine has to do a bunch of shit and finds out through weird dreams, oh hey, voryn's back. he's calling himself a god and dagoth ur now. asking nerevar to call him back, go grab the tools, and come meet him at red mountain. also maybe get married to or hook up with him or something. nerevarine thinks that's weird and ends up finding out dagoth ur has also unleashed a plague onto morrowind which turns you into scary eldritch monsters. and then one of dagoth ur's minions infects you with it.
nerevarine finds a cure which makes you not go insane and not turn into a big scary monster. but leaves all the cool shit of "you cant catch any other disease" and "you will never age". the never aging and getting diseases thing was also part of the prophecy. cool.
then the nerevarine needs to go to the nomadic ashlanders who live up north where theres a bunch of ash (hence the name) and worship azura (and the two other og gods) and ask all four tribes to name them nerevarine. they all think youre stupid because an outlander (someone not born and raised in morrowind) cant be the nerevarine. but you find an original copy of the prophecy and go "nuh-uh, i can be" and also go find the moon-and-star ring only nerevar can wear. then they go "well shit" and have you go a bunch of quests and then decide you're cool enough to be nerevarine.
then the nerevarine goes and convinces the three great houses you can talk to (the other two are on the mainland) to name you hortator, which is a war lord/classic roman definition of dictator, and it was the title nerevar had. you do some stuff, kill some guys, boom--named hortator.
then vivec hears about this and calls you in and says "well i guess you are the one doing the prophecy huh. look i need you to kill dagoth ur he's dangerous. here's our plan, are you in? i can give you one of the tools of kagrenac, you need to get the other two from dagoth ur's goons, and then kill dagoth ur's weird brothers he has put his power into. then bang on the heart with the tools and cut him off". vivec then teaches the nerevarine how to use the tools.
you can also just like. kill vivec and take the tool. you wont know how to use it tho and if you use it wrong you will take so much damage you die really fast. if you do this you can go to the only living dwarf who also has that disease but hasnt lost his mind and ask him how to use it and he'll be like "UHHHHHH i'll see what i can. fucking do i guess. i didnt make this." and he'll jerry rig it for you.
then you can kill voryn's brothers or not (you'll need to kill at least 2 for the other tools) and then march up to red mountain. dagoth ur will then be like "yo. are you really nerevar?" and you can say yeah or no or idk. and then have a conversation. and then you fight. but after you kill him he's not really dead, so you gotta run up and start wacking that heart while he yells at you to knock it the fuck off. and then he's cut off from the heart, you run away, and he falls in lava and dies.
and then azura shows up and goes "hey thanks man i have some other shit for you to do though". after which you can do some other content or play the dlc.
thats morrowind baby
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80s4life · 1 year
Together At Last”
Word Count: 3,971
Status: Requested!
Ask: Can I have Chris Chambers x reader with the prompt  "You're different and I like that"
@: @micheleamidalajedi​
A/N: I absolutely LOVED this request because I was able to put myself into the Reader and prove that not everyone is the same, female, male, or nonbinary, or all of the girlypops!
Relationship: Chris Chambers x Merrill!Reader
Fandom: Stand By Me 1986
Summary: It’s been 5 years since the disappearance and eventual death of Ray Brower, and you’re each reaching graduation. However, another adventure arises and brings all 5 of you back to the woods to find Teddy’s dog. The problem? Almost all of you have either grown apart or split completely, and old feelings seem to resurface with unresolved conclusions. What could go wrong?
Warnings: mutual pining, adventure, confessions, AGED UP!, friends to enemies to lovers, some angst, nostalgia, lost friendships, gained friendships, Teddy is a brother figure to Reader, gun, unintentional intent to kill someone, strong language, Reader is Ace Merrill’s sibling, 
{gif is not mine, credits go to @awidevastdominion​}
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Your landline rings, deriving you of your thoughts and current intensity studying for finals. Groaning, you shrug out of your seat at the kitchen table begrudgingly, answering the phone. “Hello?”
“Y/N? ‘S that you?” a familiar voice, deepened with maturity and hormones asks on the other side.
“Yeah, what do you want?”
“Nice to know you haven’t changed,” you can hear the voice taunt annoyingly. 
“It’s been years since I’ve talked to you, did you expect a ‘Hey, what’s up’?”
“I would have preferred that, yes, but no. This is serious, and I really need you on board with me this time.”
“This better not be one of your schemes, Teddy, I’m not up for anything right now,” you sigh, “I’m up to my neck with textbooks and shit with studying for the finals and stuff. Dad’s been on my ass about getting into a college since I’ve been able to hold a B+ to A average.”
“Damn. Sorry to say I can’t relate?”
You giggle, sighing as you’ve missed him. You couldn’t quite tell what happened to cause you to separate, but as if you had just blinked, everyone was gone and you were left to yourself and school. “Alright Teddy, what bullshit are we pulling now?”
“Glad you asked!” he all but yells in happiness, “My dog went missing a few days ago and I haven’t been able to find him all over town. I know this sounds childish, but I swear, I’ve walked the whole town everyday at dawn before school and haven’t been able to find him.”
“So, you’re guessing he’s in the woods?” you groan, remembering the haunting history you’ve witnessed first hand in said territory.
There’s a long pause before he lets out a low, “...Yes...”
“What did the others say?”
“What makes you think I asked them?” he tries to sound as if he’s not that easy to read; a “changed man.”
“Because I still know you, or some of you. There’s no way this is going to be a one night thing and we need more sets of dependable eyes.”
“Well, now you’re making me sound smart.”
You giggle, “I’m not gonna keep beating around the bush Teddy, I’m in as long as the others are?”
“Yes!” he shrieks.
A few days later, as instructed by Teddy, you carry your sleeping bag, flask of water, some snacks, and money (something you all collectively forgot last time) to the dumpsters behind the town’s cafe. Trudging around the corner, your breath catches in your throat as you lay eyes on the back of three familiar heads and a face, each people you thought you have grown so far apart from.
“Y/N!” the voice of the face coming from Teddy.
You nod silently, leaning against the brick building as you keep your distance. 
The three boys that are now men, turn around to take you in, eyes wide.
You wave nervously, age and distance having changed all of you and making you feel as if you don’t know these people.
Teddy still had his familiar square-shaped, black glasses, but his hair is cut to fit the army’s conduct, shaved short on the sides around the back, the top of his head a bit longer. There was just enough hair for Teddy to comb it back with gel just as he had as a preteen - before you all turned away to seek your own lives. He grew a bit taller, standing at 5′5″, but not by much. You giggle internally.
To the far left, you see Gordie and your heart breaks a little. He’s still lean in build, but he’s grown to be tall and confident, around 5′11″ - 6′0.” To you, he hasn’t changed a bit, except personality. He still had his longer hair, possibly longer than you remember it, with the same hairstyle and familiar baby face, though slightly aged. 
Next was Vern, and he was so big now. He managed to drop the weight, a lean build of muscle standing above 6′0″ and carrying his dopey grin with longer hair - a similar style to Gordie’s, though unintentionally. You smile at him. He’s still a sweetheart, but more like a big, lovable Chocolate Lab now.
Lastly was Chris, and he was still as gorgeous as ever. He came to be of above average height, 5′10,″ grew his hair out longer and adorned circular glasses that framed his face perfectly. His eyes carry no emotion, a contrast to his younger self, but they’re still that luscious deep blue. He looks you up and down in silence before staring you directly in your eyes. You can feel your heart break all over again.
You didn’t realize how long you were staring at each of them before Teddy clears his throat. “Shall we?” he tries to smirk, but the tension is thick. 
You hug your arms around your abdomen as you nod, plastering a smile of your face as you force yourself to stand beside the now men. Slowly, everyone starts to follow Teddy until you reach the tracks.
Some time later, as you walked on the tracks, you lagged behind. Now, with this view, you could see where everyone had changed, but not as much as you thought. Gordie and Chris got to talking amongst themselves far in front of the group, Teddy and Vern behind them. They’re all too busy catching up for them to notice your inner turmoil.
You almost want to cry. You don’t know any of them anymore. This was a fact that your younger self would’ve never expected or taken a liking to. You think of what your younger self would do, punishing yourself for what you allowed to happen. 
You would’ve called them repeatedly, tried to make plans or catch up to them in passing to classes. All of this you could pride yourself on saying that you did, but then Gordie went the way his father wanted him to go, Chris becoming an athlete while trying to follow Gordie’s brains, getting into law, Teddy trying to apply and reapply to the military, and Vern taking a liking in the construction trade. 
They all grew up, and though you couldn’t blame them, they slipped out of your hands far too quickly and suffered the backlash. Girls in school are bitches, and though you have friends, they aren’t like the ones before you. Even after all this time, they are still considered exactly that - friends, family even.
You went your own way, too, after giving up on them. You found an interest in engineering and found that it’s not exactly as you suspected. It wasn’t all math and physics and you deeply enjoyed the creativity and problem-solving it included. You have some fond classmates there, but they would never compare to these boys. 
You are ripped from your thoughts as you hear the loud blaring of a train’s horn. You smirk at the memory that crosses. Calling out to Teddy, your voice is loud enough for all of the boys to hear, “Sound familiar, Teddy? We’re not gonna go diving for you on the tracks again, right?”
“Fuck off,” you can hear him giggle, jabbing Vern in the side. 
All the way in the front, you can hear Gordie add, “Or have to break you and Chris up, huh?”
You giggle at the reminder. That was the time when you were all trying to figure yourselves out without guidance, restrictions, stereotypes, and parents. Teddy had a lot of trouble then. 
Your smile drops as the group goes quiet again, the nostalgia dying with the connection that almost rekindled. You groan audibly - unintentionally.
The boys look back at you curiously, surprised just as much as you were. 
You decide to take the initiative, “Is this what we’re going to do the whole time? Act as if we’re strangers and not speak to one another?”
“We are strangers, Y/N,” you hear Chris state with indifference.
You catch up to the group and walk between them, “There’s a reason we all came here and I know we all hoped to be together again. It doesn’t help when you don’t even try to speak to us though, does it?”
The group stops as Chris spins around on you. “Why would I? After this, we are all gonna go our separate ways and avoid each other again,” he growls and spits, “Just like last time.”
“Then, why did you come?” you ask, your curiosity getting the better of you and asking the question you were all wondering yourselves. “Why are we all here?” you look around at each of them. 
“Because I missed you guys,” Vern pipes up, the first words he’s spoken the whole walk from town.
“We wouldn’t have missed each other if we had just kept our promises, would we?” Chris asks, frowning with his eyebrows scrunched together and arms crossed tightly over his chest. It almost resembles hatred.
And it makes you livid. “You broke your promise, too, Chris,” you vividly remember the promise you made just short of town on your way back; the promise that meant the world and more to you - it still does. “We all did, but at least I can say it wasn’t intentional. I tried to reach out to you guys, but we were all growing and changing. I can’t blame you guys, except you, Chris.”
“Me?” his voice reaches higher as the time passes by.
“Oh please, we all know you went from a street rat like us to the high priest and prince of school,” Teddy adds.
Chris scoffs, crossing his arms, “Gordie?”
“I mean, you did drop us after you got with Stephanie Wheeler,” Gordie deflects, shrinking in size as he knows the blows coming next. He adds, “The rich bitch of high school whose daddy is the principal.”
“This is bullshit, I should’ve never decided to come,” he shoots daggers at you.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t of because we all know that you’re embarrassed of even being seen with us,” Vern adds, caution to the wind. 
Chris scoffs again as he takes up his bag, starting back to town. 
“So, you’re just gonna leave?!” you scream as he creates distance. 
“I fucking knew it!” Gordie screams, grabbing his bag as well to follow Chris on the opposite side of the tracks. 
You watch with pain as each of the boys start back to town. All except Teddy, who manages to stand there with teary eyes. 
“I just wanted us to enjoy the time, find my dog, and hopefully have one last high school hurrah before we are all forced apart,” he sniffles.
You look at him with matching sadness, “I-I’m sorry Teddy, I didn’t mean to act out like that. I just couldn’t stand another minute, let alone night, with no one planning on speaking to each other. It would have all been for nothing. Even if we had found your dog, we still would’ve hated each other. This is my fault, Teddy, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not, Y/N, it was gonna happen eventually,” his eyes watch them go, but the look in his eye is distant - his mind far beyond where they’re heading.
“We can still look for Butch together?” you manage to smile, tears brimming your eyes.
“I don’t feel like it anymore,” you can visibly see his body deflate.
“Well, can you at least stay? If there’s still some shred of them left, I think they’ll come around again. I still want to rekindle our relationship. I’ve missed you so much, Teddy,” by the time you’re finished, fresh tears are starting to roll down your cheeks.
Teddy’s voice cracks as a tear slips down his cheek, too, opening his arms to pull you in for a hug beside him on the grass.
You smile thankfully as you lean in, sighing at the comfort and history.
“It ain’t going well with my Pops, as you’d assume. He’s still a crazy bastard, but I’m sticking with him. Just for a little longer, as long as I can.”
“Understandable. We can’t forget your ear, can we?”
“Whatever,” he smirks, “What about you?”
“Mom and Dad still fight. If they aren’t fighting, neither of them are home to ensure that they don’t have to fucking see each other. Ace is still a prick, too. I wouldn’t expect him to graduate and still stay in this bum-fuck town.”
“Guess he doesn’t want his reputation to be forgotten,” Teddy giggles.
“Guess so,” you trail off, noticing the sun starting to set and the sky change color. “You think they’re coming back?”
“No, but I can hope.”
You look up at him sadly and nod. “Wanna set up camp for the night anyway?”
He nods silently, taking up his sleeping bag and finding a soft spot to lay out in the grass. 
Silently, you follow his lead, walking down the side of the tracks to the opening of the trees, laying your sleeping bag just beside the first tree, hidden under the canopy of leaves. He decides to go in a little deeper, a few feet away from you, protected by the dimmer lighting in a proactive attempt to block the harsh sun that’ll come in the morning.
Sighing, you both settle in, staring at the sky. Before you know it, your miniscule, unimportant chit chat with Teddy dies down and sleep overtakes you swiftly. There’s no dreams as you toss and turn, but your glad there’s no deeper thoughts that’ll plague you and leave you wide awake.
You don’t know how long you’ve been sleeping until the soft snapping of twigs perk your ears, harshly throwing all of the sleep from your fogged mind and automatically putting it into defensive state.
Peaking around with your eyes, you catch a figure some ways to your left, walking away from your temporary camp. By the distance the figure has created and the direction of their walk, you can tell they were either walking through or around your huddle, no doubt near your camp regardless. 
You flip onto your belly as silently as possible, hand sliding slowly to the underside of your pillow, fingers touching cold metal. You pull the gun from under you, the uncomfortable and foreign weight of it settling in your hand, bringing more unease into your heart and bones. 
You lift yourself up slowly, noticing that Gordie and Vern have, in fact, returned and settled in a circle with you and Teddy. However, there is no sign of Chris, not even a bag.
You let out a slow breath to try and calm your racing nerves as you follow the figure, gun raised and aimed at the black figure. You gain on the figure silently, until your foot makes a horrible crunch as it breaks the branch beneath it. Cursing under your breath, you raise the gun in defense, both hands grasping and eyes trained.
The figure spins around, voice accusatory, “What the f-? Hey...” the voice lowers instantly, hands coming up to show they are unarmed. “Hey, Y/N, put the gun down,” the voice registers in your head as the figure emerges from the darkness and into the glow of the moon breaking through the trees.
“Chris?” you groan, lowering the gun instantly, shoulders dropping. “What the fuck were you thinking? Sneaking around in the woods? You know the way I sleep, man.”
“Knew,” he clarifies, “And, I was just going for a walk to clear my mind.”
“Why do you keep doing that?” you ask with a creep of annoyance settling in, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers. “Why do you keep acting like you’re camping with strangers? Like you have absolutely no knowledge of who we are?”
“Because I don’t; I don’t know the people you have all become now. Even if there are slivers of the people I knew that show every now and then, they are no longer the people they were nor who they are now,” he steps closer to you, enough to reach out to you if he wanted to.
“I can’t say that we are who we were because that’s impossible, but we are still those loving people we were. I’ve noticed that Vern still carries a comb and is a little sensitive. Gordie is still quiet and finds meanings in everything. Teddy still has such and undoubted devotion to his father and his infatuation with the army. I still bother the shit out of everyone and parent them as a way of care. But you,” you pause, assessing him as the sadness settles in your voice and heart again, a cold shock coursing through your veins, “I can only see a person in front of me. You look like Chris, you still have that leaderly inclination, but besides that, everything has changed. Even your eyes have a different look to them, yet they are still that same pair I last looked at 5 years ago.”
Chris says nothing, his mask fitting into place and revealing nothing to you - it doesn’t even look like any of your words are reaching him.
“You keep acting like everyone here is out to get you, but we are simply just being ourselves. You see us as enemies because we had a falling out, but that’s natural. We changed - you changed - and you want to blame us for something that was out of our hands. We are still here for you Chris, I’ve always been here,” your voice is cracking as you look down at your feet, kicking some leaves and twigs to divert your attention somehow. 
A hand reaches beneath your chin, tugging your head up to look into those sapphire irises once again. “You were never my enemy, you were my greatest fear,” Chris says, a pitiful grin pulling at his lips. “You know why I chose to become better? Why I went out with the cheerleaders, tried out for football, worked hard to get into the smart kid classes?”
“W-Why?” you look at him, pain and confusion streaking your E/C eyes like lightning in a storm. 
“Because I knew that if I stayed where I was, I would never be able to give you what you wanted - never been able to give you everything you deserved. At first, I distanced myself because I thought I would never be good enough for you; that distance was what you needed and for me to get out of your sights, so that that better man would show up and lift you off your feet. But, you were insistent,” Chris giggles sadly as his mask starts to fall, his eyes showing the same pain and suffering that reflects off of yours. “I chose to blame you for the pain of losing you, so you would never look at me with those eyes again; never show me this source of genuine love that was undeserved and unfair.”
“But, you promised me that we would be together forever?” you question, a tear slipping from your eye as you stare at him with the newfound information. Pain of losing him, sadness of bringing such turmoil and insecurity to himself, suffering from the rift that could’ve never been, and regret that if you had known, this would have all been avoided as a whole.
“I know I made that promise, and I’m the world’s biggest hypocrite and idiot. It doesn’t matter how far away we’ve become, you can still manage to look at me with that undeserved care?” he mostly questions himself as his eyes search all over your face, both hands cupping your face in his hands. 
Your hands go up to hold his wrists, looking at him with such longing. “You deserve the world, Chris. You always have and always will. You are too pure for the hand you were dealt, and yet you still push yourself farther above.” 
His eyes round and snap to yours with confusion and disbelief, searching you for some sort of trick. “I’ve always loved you, Chris. No one has ever made me so damn pissed off or more loved with just one look or action. It doesn’t matter who I’ve used or dated to temporarily distract me, I’ve always worried and searched for you. You’ve always been in the deepest part of my brain. I-I still love you...so damn much.”
“You’ve always been different and I like that. You’re the biggest pain in my ass, but my greatest mistake. I love you, Y/N,” Chris smiles, a genuine display of delight and content as tears slide down his cheeks with the relinquishment of pain and torture. He’s waited too damn long for this. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he smirks devilishly, eyes delving to your lips and up to your eyes before he leans in.
Your chapped lips meet his fresh, plump ones, smeared with chapstick with the taste of lemon. Your hands goes up to tangle in his long, blonde locks as his arms reach down to your hips to keep you tightly trapped against him; like he fears that if he doesn’t hold you tight, you’ll slip away like every dream he’s ever had of you - his greatest happiness. 
You pull him in just as tight, arms around his shoulders as your hands tug, fearing the feeling of losing him again. When you part for air, you still never let go of each other, your head ducking in between the crook of his neck and shoulder. You breathe in his scent and save it to your memory as a smell you hoped to never forget or live without. 
“Well, it’s about damn time! God damn!” Teddy yells from his cross legged position on his sleeping bag. 
Gordie and Vern start to whoop and holler from their comfort of sleeping bags with deep pleasure and happiness. 
“I knew you guys would make up eventually,” Vern added with a soft giggle.
“I was starting to miss my parents,” Gordie chided with a roll of his eyes.
“Does that mean we can all be friends now?” Vern adds with a playful glint in his eye and you couldn’t help but giggle. 
“I mean, I guess I could, y’know, hang around a while,” you tease, earning a shove to your side by Chris as you both walk back to your seats on your sleeping bag. 
That night, you all stayed up late trading stories of what you’ve missed within the short time away from each other, and for once since the start of your adventure, you see the benefits of their changes.
They aren’t the same people you once knew because they are now their best versions, and will continue to change for the many years to come. It’s only up to you guys to keep that connection strong and adapt with them that will keep you all bound together forever. 
It was your greatest promise, but there’s been a few changes: “No matter how far away we are nor how different we become, we will always find a way back to each other. Friends forever.”
You and Chris made your own promise, too: “Whatever happens, we will learn to overcome together, forever and always, in love and sickness, at the best and worst moments. Lovers forever.”
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
Hi. I love your blog and your meta posts a lot. I've recently read harry potter for the first time and I've only just finished deathly hallows a couple days ago. What was the general consensus when everyone read the epilogue? It felt so cliche and the way everyone has children and is neatly paired off just left a bad taste in my mouth. It was the same with Naruto. Obviously I'm quite late but I was wondering what the majority thought? What did you think of the epilogue? :-)
There’s a reason “EWE - Epilogue What Epilogue” is one of the most popular tags on ao3 in the HP fandom. Across most ships, even canon ones, it’s agreed that the epilogue feels too rushed, neat and heteronormative.
Everyone marries their highschool sweetheart, has a baby immediately after a traumatizing war, has no problem whatsoever, becomes super successful, boom. It’s just… idealistic and boring.
It’s also really OOC like. This timeline assumes that Ginny plays professional quidditch for like 4 years (99-03), takes a break to have JSP (04), ASP(06), LLP(08). (Maybe play for one year in there? How?). Is that the retirement point? That’s like a 5 year break from being a pro. Is there a come back from that? It doesn’t seem like it. It’s worded as she “retired and the couple had a family”.
It’s blowing my fucking mind that this girl who broke in the quidditch shed and stole her brothers brooms to practice, who was a quidditch star, a fucking prodigy only played for FOUR YEARS. And retired to pop out BABIES with her wet noodle boyfriend who was wrung out dry by the war. What baby. THEY are babies. Go to fucking therapy oh my god.
SHE needs to resolve her own issues with her own mother and also being kind of possessed and idealizing a relationship with her boyfriend in her head before they got together also the comphet that’s occupying her head and the internalized sexism.
Let her live and leave her alone jesus fucking christ
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hacked-by-jake · 8 months
𝗡𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘀
Summary: Not everyone is interested in getting married, but in a dangerous life, a lot of bad things can happen. Especially in Jake and MC’s life, the couple cares a lot about safety. So they just wanted to be prepared for the worst. But if you have a Kaden, you don’t need enemies anymore.
Pairing: Jake x Fem!MC (She/Her)
Other characters: Kaden. (Jake's extroverted Brother. (If you don't know him yet, Kaden is an OC made by a couple of people from our Fandom. It began as little joke but some of us really enjoy the idea of him.) + The Group
Words: 2718
Warnings: Strong language / Marriage / Fast progress (?) / Implied accidents, death and severe injury (?) Not really but just in case. Quickly written
A/N: Okay, so, I wrote it this morning. If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know that I’m not a fan of getting married. Nevertheless, I had this idea in my head for a long time and somehow it came out today. I think it kinda suits MC and Jake. At least, how I imagine them so maybe you will like it as well. Please forgive me for any mistakes. Have fun. 💚 Oh, and very important, don't be like Kaden. Let people live. Do not force anyone into thinking that things like marriage is important to be fully happy. :)
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"Yo yo yo, my two favourite chaotics." Kaden did not bother to wait until MC went out of the way and just pushed past her into the apartment as soon as the door was wide enough open.
"Ready for party?" he added and turned to the young woman, who closed the door while rolling her eyes.
"Sure, party, at the Rainbow, I can already see the hangover due to too much cake," mocked his brother’s girlfriend.
"MC, my sweet little MC," Kaden spoke as if he wanted to explain important life-rules to a 5 year old child. He came up to her, cupping her face and bringing his so close to her that his nose almost touched hers, "Anything can be a party if you act accordingly." He nudged her nose with a finger befor distancing himself again.
"So, where’s my dear brother? Not ready as usual, huh?"
He almost jumped straight through the room to the spiral staircase, took the first three steps up and singsong, "Jake, move your ugly ass down, we’re too late!"
MC couldn’t help but grin, "Wait here, I’ll get him, I have to change my shirt anyway."
As she went upstairs, Kaden sighed bored. As always, he was unfamiliar with privacy, and as long as he had to wait, he could also look around a bit. After all, it was the couple’s own fault.
If they weren’t late, he wouldn’t have time for this.
First he examined the framed picture of himself, his mother and his brother, which was palced on a dresser. This picture was taken almost 15 years ago and the two boys had been quite young and happy at the time. Every time he was here, he looked slightly melancholically at this picture, sighed and put it away with a grin. Just as now.
He already knew the rest of the living room by heart, at least the obvious decoration. He also knew most of the drawers, but decided to take a look at the top drawer. Maybe it has some new, interesting things to discover.
The drawer opened and the man froze as he saw the indeed new paper.
'Registry office - Certificate of marriage'
The words literally screamed into his face. If he had something to drink in his hand now, he would probably have spit the liquid against the next wall and choked terribly. Instead, his heart skipped a couple of important beats while he kept reading the couple’s, sorry, spouse's, two signatures at the end of the note over and over.
The words raced through his head, he understood what was there, but it took him a good minute to realize it.
But then, then it hit him right.
"What the fucking hell!" he yelled, grabbed the sealed paper and jumped up the stairs, ignoring two steps at a time.
At the same time, the door of Jake’s office opened and MC came out of the bedroom.
"What the hell is that?" Kaden waged furiously with the certificate in front of their faces, staring at them with wide eyes and shook his head in disbelief. He repeated his question, making a tiny pause between every word to emphasize the seriousness.
MC’s eyes grew even bigger than before while Jake could do nothing but looking tormented at his... wife.
When neither of the two attempted to answer, Kaden frantically hissed, "You are married! I thought you didn’t want to get married? And then you do it? Secretly?"
The woman wanted to approach him, calling his name calmingly.
He interrupted her, "Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?"
Jake sighed while passing her to enter the bedroom. But not without placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Kaden, come down, you’re exhausting." His brother stopped in front of the closet, opened it and grabbed a hoodie which he pulled over his black shirt.
"I am exhausting? You got married! Without telling anyone!" the younger brother followed the hacker into the room.
MC stood behind him and gave Jake a tired look.
"Kaden, stop" she pleaded, "Yes, we got married. And we didn’t say anything because we didn’t want to make a big deal of it."
"No big deal?" Kaden snapped, "The most antisocial man in the world," pointing straight at Jake, "My brother. Got married! To a real, living woman, and you’re telling me that’s not a big deal?"
"Right." Jake growled, offended by the previously spoken words, "Because it’s no big deal."
"Why didn’t you say anything? And why the hell are you suddenly getting married and keeping it secret? You don’t even wear rings!"
"We didn’t say anything because we didn’t get married to capture our love on a piece of paper." MC joined her husband’s side. She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. His blue was filled with warmth and pure affection for her. "You know," she continued, "What happened with Richy back then, and after Jake disappeared and the arrest - we’ve just seen too many times what can go wrong without being able to expect it. Too often we have had to watch disasters, so call us ridiculous, but the reason we decided to take this step..," she paused. For the hacker, it was the sign to continue her sentence. He cleared his throat, the air suddenly seemed to be suffocating, "If anything happens. To me or MC, then we want to be able to decide about the other. No, rather for the other. Should the case occur that we ourselves can no longer do it."
For a few moments it was very quiet in the room. Not even Kaden, for once, knew what to say. Instead, he looked at his counterparts with a mixture of disbelief and concern.
This time it was MC who had to clear her throat, her voice sounded still a bit hoarse, "When it came to what happens with Richy in the hospital, the drama of who has the authority and all that. The argument between Jessy and Richy’s father - we just want to be able to do what’s best for the other. And only as a couple this is not possible, so we decided to get married without ceremony or anything else. Only legal and fast, and only for this one specific reason. You know that we both didn’t really want to get married, so we didn’t want to celebrate either. On the other hand, the reason why we did it, is not a reason worth to celebrate. We discussed it normally and decided to do it to be on the safe side if the worst case ever comes true. And we didn’t tell you anything because we really didn’t want you to make this thing bigger than it is. We love you, Kaden, but you know that keeping secrets and discretion are not your strengths." His new sister-in-law grinned slightly at the end.
Kaden looked slightly hurt, but could not stop the small grin that slowly crept on his lips. Everything he could get out was a soft, "Okay."
"O-okay?" Jake’s face grimaced in amazement, "No more? You accept it as it is?"
No, of course he did not.
"Yes, I do. I guess I have no choice. I admit, I feel hurt, but I have to live with it. I’m happy for both of you, tho." He dropped the paper onto their bed, bridged the gap and pulled the couple into a firm embrace.
"You are pathetic unromantic," Kaden muttered and ended the tender moment.
"We do know."
"I think we should really get going now." Jake recalled the meeting.
"Righty-right." his brother clapped his hands, "Let’s go!" He did not hesitate another second, leaving the two speechless behind.
Neither Jake nor MC trusted this situation, it did not suit Kaden to simply swallow such a thing and then continue. He makes a big deal out of everything. This reaction was more than suspect.
15 minutes later the three got out of Kaden’s car. They could already see the group sitting outside the Rainbow at a big table, laughing.
"Kaden," Jake’s voice was warning, "No word to the others, understand?"
"Ay ay, sir." He saluted exaggeratedly and nodded, "Go ahead, I’ll be right back, I’ll have to buy something for my computer." Jake tried to reach for his brother's arm but Kaden escaped him, "Don't worry, I will hurry up."
The young woman rolled her eyes once again, taking Jake’s hand into her own and together they joined their other friends.
Just as the friendly waitress had placed the last ordered drink on the table and left, Kaden suddenly appeared at the table.
Right behind Jake and MC.
"Hello, dearest brother." Lilly’s eyes began to glow with joy, but her second half-brother ignored her. He was way too busy praising himself for his very next move.
Without shame, he placed a small square box in front of the couple. It was clearly a ring box, covered in wonderful black velvet.
'Fuck you, Kaden!' MC hissed in her mind and closed her eyes, trying to control her breath. Or rather, her rapidly rising anger level.
"Kaden-" The hacker growled and wanted to turn around, but Kaden pressed his hand against Jake's mouth. "For the newly married couple!" he purred.
At the table it became dead-silent, just like Kaden earlier, everyone froze in the middle of the movement, staring at the standing man, then switching to Jake and MC.
"What do you mean, excuse me?" Jessy choked on her coffee. Dan who was sitting next to her immediately started patting her back a little too hard. The redhead coughed while trying to grab Dan’s hand, "Ouch, stop!"
"Yeah, right. Joker and Harley. V and Evey. Romio and Julia, the last one is the best fitting one, married quietly and secretly, sneakily and cocky, and they didn’t tell anyone."
Lilly almost jumped up from her chair, "You seriously got married?"
Hannah began to smile slowly. "Is that true? You got married?" The older sister looks at them like real unicorns are sitting in front of her. Her eyes were a real competition for the ones of the little girl in the movie 'Despicable Me'.
The first shock had dissolved and everyone started to talk wildly.
"Goddamnit Kaden, you fucking asshole!" Jake turned to his brother and wanted to get up to be at his eye level, but MC put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Let’s just do it, we have no other choice anyway."
To put an end to the discussion, she took Jake’s hand and then spoke out loud to get through the jumble of voices, "Yes, we got married. Two weeks ago. No, we didn’t do it out of infinite love, even if we do, we just want to be able to take care of each other, even in an emergency. We don’t wanted a situation like the one we had with Richy back then. No, we do not want to celebrate now and we do not want to make a big issue of it. We’re a couple like before, we just signed a note, that’s all."
Kaden’s grin grew wider and wider, if that was still possible, while he finally took the last free chair.
Seconds passed again, filled with nothing but silence, then the voice-chaos repeated.
MC whined and dropped her head against Jake’s shoulder, needed his near and searching for support. To her surprise, even he was grinning lightly. She had rather expected that the hacker would take the fork in front of him and ram it into Kaden’s shoulder.
Mentioned one just leaned back contentedly in his chair and watched the whole thing with devilish pleasure.
"You're officially banned from our home!"
He gratefully pretended to put the middle finger he had just been shown by his beloved sister-in-law into his pocket.
"Excuse me," the waitress stepped back into the action, "There seems to be a big reason for you discussion, but I ask you to be a little quieter, the other guests also want to talk."
"Sorry, Liza, we’ll be quiet." Cleo knew the woman for a long time, they both had attended several cooking classes together.
"Oh, and congratulations," she turned to Jake and MC before moving to another table.
"Listen," Jake’s brother supported his elbows on the table and leaned forward, "I know you both hate me now-"
Jake snorted, "Not only since now."
A unanimous laugh, an eye-rolling of Kaden, a punch against Jake's chest by MC.
"Okay, correction: I know you hate me even more now," he winked, "But I had a good reason to be an asshole."
"Pah," Dan chuckled, "Funny. You say that every time."
"Let him finish, Dan" Although Thomas said what everyone thought, he just pulled his head in and looked consistently away from the bearded one.
"Thank you, Thomas." The younger brother blew a kiss towards Thomas.
"Well, you hate me, okay, we hate you for not saying a word to us, but I still want to make one thing clear. Warning, cheesy shit ahead - For you, this may be a small and insignificant thing, but not for us. If you don’t want to celebrate, okay, but we want to celebrate."
Lilly cut him off, "Exactly!"
"Shit," Hannah sobbed, her boyfriend immediately wrapped an arm around her, she continued, "Kaden is right, I understand why you didn’t say anything. And yes, this is appropriative, I admit it. But I don’t know of any couple who deserves the pure happiness more than you two, no couple has had it as hard as the two of you. And if it’s not a big happening for you-"
"For us it is." Cleo solemnly raised her glass.
"Truly!" Jessy did the same.
"Blah blah blah."
"Dan!" The whole group snapped at him at the same time which leads him to raise his hands in defence.
"Check out the rings," Kaden nodded at the box. Jake did as instructed. To be honest, he liked the whole thing here. Although he did not think much of marriage as proof of love, the term 'my wife' made him proud. And he also liked the idea of wearing matching rings with her more and more.
In the beautiful box there were two matt black rings, a slightly larger and wider one, and the second slightly smaller and narrower.
The hacker pulled out the smaller, MC still leaned against his shoulder.
"See the inside." Kaden smiled lovingly.
'Till Death' was neatly engraved inside.
"The second looks the same," the ring buyer informed them with another wink.
The new bride looked at him stunned, "They're beautiful!"
"And absolute destiny. These were the only not boring rings the jeweler had, see if they fit you."
Hannah had already pulled out her phone and filmed the couple.
MC giggled and pulled out the second ring, "Alright, let's do this." She exhaled loudly and turned to Jake, he followed her example.
"And three, two, one." Lilly joked. Thomas tapped the table with his palms, imitating a drum roll.
And then, more ceremonial than they ever imagined, the two of them put the ring on each other’s fingers. Of course, they fitted perfectly.
Kaden laughed happily, "You may kiss the bride now! But remember, we are in public, 18 plus is not -"
Before the he could finish his sentence, the spouses already kissed each other.
The group cheered and clapped loudly. But not only them. Of course, by now, all the other people around the group had long understood what was happening there and joined the small celebration.
Jake and MC, both slightly flushed, smiled into the kiss. Even if it was not as they had imagined, they were more than happy. The reason for this was not the meaning of a marriage or something similar, but the love of her friends and family.
"Till Death," Jake whispered, leaning his forehead against his wife’s. "Till Death." MC agreed just as quietly.
Till death, and beyond.
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angie-words · 2 months
Writers Guild Presents: Write A Way, Chapters 4 & 5
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Now featuring art by @ines2925 💜
My next update will be a little later than usual next week, so you get Chapter 4 AND Chapter 5 today as a bonus!
CW/tags: self-doubt/esteem issues, past trauma due to being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world, light angst, smut, explicit sex (eventually), slow burn, human AU
Azira Fell and AJ Crowley are both successful authors in their own right, invited to speak at the same national book festival. Despite a falling out a couple of years ago, they've never actually met in person - so this event is going to be excruciatingly awkward for both of them.
As it happens, and unbeknownst to them, it seems they share a love of a certain TV show... and being very active parts of its fandom (yep, it's Fanfic Writer Crowley and Fanfic Reader Aziraphale time!)
Gabriel’s gaze had wandered over the crowd and he was staring intently at someone in the distance. Not taking his eyes off the focus of his attention, he mumbled, “Yeah, authors, engaged, sure, is that AJ Crowley over there?”
Azira blinked and swivelled to find the source of Gabriel’s exclamation. Looming over a small, bespectacled child was indeed AJ Crowley, his arms waving around frantically as he seemingly tried and completely failed to get the pen in one hand to sign the book held in his other before launching into another wide-grinned declaration. Judging by the enraptured expression on the small child’s face, he seemed to be enjoying the performance.
A smirk danced over Azira’s lips as he took in Crowley’s outfit, at the way it almost seemed like a costume - tightly-fitted black suit and loosely-buttoned shirt, the only splash of colour being his hair and that ridiculous silver scarf hanging around his throat, barely covering what Azira couldn’t help but notice was a rather generous display of Crowley’s chest.
“Yes,” Azira replied, unable to quite shake his attention from that tantalising V of skin, “I do believe it is.”
Crowley finally managed to sign the book and hand it to the child, who held it tightly to his chest as he ran towards his parents. Azira watched the smile that lingered on Crowley's face before the man scanned the people around him, seemingly to check that no one had noticed his uncharacteristic joy, and slinked away into the crowd.
Continue on AO3
or Start Here
Thank you to @sakascal @playdohangel @rofell @azeutreciathewicked and @ines2925 for being my wonderful beta readers over this and forthcoming chapters!
@whickberstreetwriters @goodomensafterdark
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bakugosatoru · 9 months
Damn Idiot
Requests Open! Warnings: None (Underage Drinking if you SQUINT) Genre: Fluff Fic Type: Drabble (1k Words) Fandom: My Hero Acadamia Ship: BakuDeku Authors note: I got drunk on new years and watched the MHA Stage play. This is the result Synopsis: Drunk Izuku is rescued by Iida and dumped on Bakugos doorstep.
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Okay so maybe Izuku had a tiny bit too much to drink. He leaned his weight against the person to his left, being mostly dragged down a hallway he vaguely recognized. Who was even holding him up at this point? He lulled his head to the side, glancing up at the tall figure next to him.
“Iida where are -hic- where are we going” Midoriya slurred as he recognised the person dragging him as his friend, and his class president. Even in his current state, he shuddered to think of the scolding he would be receiving for this. 
“I’m getting you back to your partner Midoriya, it was unwise for you to let yourself become this inebriated, it is unbecoming of a young hero” Iida explained, as uptight as usual, even after a 5 hour bar crawl.
“S’ not my faultttt. Denki kept getting me new drinks” Izuku deflected, rolling his eyes. Iida didn’t respond, stopping in front of one of the doors and helping Izuku to steady himself before knocking on the door. 
“Bakugo, it is Tenya Iida, I have your partner here, he is quite inebriated so-” Iida was swiftly cut off as the door swung open, a disgruntled Katsuki framing the doorway in boxers and a tank top. He had clearly been asleep. Bakugo began to open his mouth to verbally destroy whoever dared disturb his rest, but paused when his eyes fell to his swaying boyfriend who was barely being held up by Iida at this point. He let out a sigh before scooping the smaller boy into his arms and lifting him up effortlessly, cradling him against his chest.
“The fuck happened?” Bakugo asked, more curious than pissed. Izuku wasn’t exactly a lightweight so seeing him this drunk was definitely new.
“I only joined the evening about an hour ago when I got a slightly concerning video sent to me from Mina of some of our friends throwing a traffic cone onto a roof. I rushed over to make sure that they would stop behaving like young hooligans at once and found most of them in various states of intoxication. It appears Denki may have been trying to get people to outdrink him. I didn’t believe it wise to leave young Midoriya unattended at his dorm but I also need to get back to Momo and Sero, who are both also quite inebriated” Iida explained, pinching the bridge of his nose thinking of it all. 
Bakugo grunted, looking down at his boyfriend, who had wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his face into the crook of his shoulder. 
“We’ll thank’s for bringing the shitty nerd home, I'll take care of it. Oh, and Iida, tell Dunce Face when I see him, he’s a dead man.” Bakugo growled as Iida nodded and made his way back to the elevator. Katsuki sighed as he shut the door and carried a barely lucid Izuku back over to his bed. He laid the green haired boy gently against the pillows before dipping to the bathroom to grab a cup of water.
“Here, idiot, drink this” Katsuki urged Izuku to sit up, before helping him take slow sips of the water. He scowled at the smaller boy, but the harshness of the expression was dampened slightly by him wiping a stray water droplet from Izuku's chin.
“Kacchannnnn, come -hic- back” Izuku whined as his boyfriend stood up from the bed.
“Give me a second dumbass, I’m getting you a change of clothes.” He grumbled as he pulled out an oversized All-Might shirt and a fresh pair of boxers from the closet.
“These are mine but they’ll fit you” He grumbled, helping Izuku pull his stained shirt off his frame. Was that vomit? Whatever, Katsuki thought, a problem for tomorrow. He threw the soiled shirt to the floor and tugged the new shirt over Izukus head, before helping him shed the rest of his clothes and put on the new boxers.
Izuku let out a small giggle as Bakugo finally relaxed into the bed next to him. He shifted himself into Bakugos arms, who let out a quiet murmur of annoyance, while also wrapping his arm around the smaller boy's waist to pull him flush to his side.
“Thank you for taking care of me Kacchan” Izuku mumbled, resting his head against Bakugos chest, his arms wrapping around him tightly.
“Yea whatever” Bakugo grunted, holding the nerd tightly to him.
“You have to be more careful… What if Iida hadn’t come and got you? Why didn't you call me…?” He added, his voice sounding strained.
“I didn’t want to bother you” Izuku mumbled, clearly about to fall asleep. He was quickly shaken back awake by Bakugo grabbing his chin gently and tilting his face to meet his eyes.
“Never forget what I’m about to tell you, okay shitty nerd? You could never bother me. Ever. I would have been there in a heartbeat to get you. I know I said it wasn't my thing going drinking with all the extras but… next time you go, tell me. I don’t want you going alone anymore. I don’t care if you’re with Shitty Hair and Dunce Face, I don’t trust any of those extras to make sure you’re alright” Bakugo sighed as he let go of Izuku’s face and buried his nose into his green curls, holding him tighter.
Izuku opened his mouth to protest. To tell Bakugo he didn't need protecting, that he had only got a little drunk, that he wasn't a child. But then he felt Bakugo press a soft kiss onto his head, and suddenly it didn’t matter anymore.
He was here, he was safe.
He didn’t need anything else.
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lord-aldhelm · 9 months
Since I have seen other mutuals posting new year messages and gratitude and I thought I would do the same!
I joined The Last Kingdom fandom kind of late. I watched the show in mid 2022 just as season 5 was released. It was sitting in my Netflix watch list for years; and I kept putting it off because I thought it was just another Vikings knock off. But I was bored and decided to give it a try and I am so glad I did! This show has really profoundly affected me, and inspired me to do many things which I have never done before, such as writing fanfic, drawing fanart, joining fandom communities and starting this blog.
I started this blog several months ago as a place to keep track of all the posts I was bookmarking, as well as to share my screencaps and also the fanfic which I started last year and hesitated to publish until I just said "screw it" and did so. I have never had a fandom blog; I have been on Tumblr for years with my art but never really had the desire to do any kind of fan blog because, to be quite honest, I was never really that much into any TV show or movie enough to care to do so. I never really expected anything from it; I honestly did not think anyone would follow me or interact with me at all.
But I have met many wonderful people through this fandom and through Tumblr specifically so I am forever grateful that I discovered this show and started this blog here. I love all the discussions, discourse, and creative works from all of you about this wonderful show. I also am forever grateful for your love and support of my artwork and also of my very first fanfic!
I want to give a shout out to my wonderful and amazing mutuals who honestly made this place feel like home to me @synindoodles @thelettersfromnoone @gemini-mama @garunsdottir @lonnson @larlarmojo @whitedarkmoonflower @finanhasmyheart @charming-merlin @kingslionheart and @emilyhufflepufftlk
I hope you all and of course everyone else who follows me has a safe and happy new year and I hope for peace, love, and prosperity in the new year!
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