#I read this earlier and couldn’t wait to sit down to properly reply
fairykingjing · 1 month
Zoro x Reader-- Nap Time part 2
Hiii. I felt like my first work needed a part 2, so here you go. I didn't expect over 40 notes already! Clearly, I'm easily excitable lol. Thanks for reading.
Summary: a part 2 from the last one.
WC: 847
Warnings: fluff, kissing/making out described, female reader
You woke up from your nap feeling surprisingly refreshed. As you came to your senses, you realized you were still laying on Zoro, and he still had an arm wrapped around you. You peered up at him, expecting him to be asleep, but he was awake, carefully watching you. “Hi,” you whispered. You suddenly felt self-conscious in this position, and you had no idea how long he had been watching you, so you moved to sit up.
“Good to see you’re finally awake,” he murmured. He unwrapped his arm from you and allowed you to sit up properly and stretch out. “So, you wanna tell me what you meant earlier? About wanting to be with me?”
Zoro wasn’t one to talk much, and he certainly didn’t open up easily. But he also didn’t beat around the bush about things, even with friends. You knew there was no point in trying to deflect or change the subject. Still, you felt your cheeks flush with nervousness as you tried to come up with the right words to tell him.
“I, uh… really like you, Zoro. And um, I didn’t really know how to tell you so I wasn’t going to, but um, I didn’t want you to think what Sanji said was true or anything...” you rambled, looking down. You pulled at the hem of your shirt and ran it through your fingers nervously.
Zoro sat motionless for a while, clearly thinking and processing what you said. You wished you were anywhere but here, waiting for any sort of response. “Do you mean it?” he finally asked.
“Do I…? Yes, of course I mean it!” you replied. “But I understand if you don’t feel the same way.” You felt tears pricking the corners of your eyes as you waited for a rejection. There was no way the famed pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro would ever like you, or anyone for that matter, as more than a friend. You quickly wiped your face of any tears. The last thing you wanted was for Zoro to think you were weak.
Zoro pulled your hand away and cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him. “Why are you crying?” he questioned. “Is it because you don’t think I feel the same way about you?”
You could only nod in response as you felt the tears begin to fall. Zoro let out a sigh as he pulled you into him and hugged his arms around you, rubbing circles on your back.
“You women and your stupid emotions. Of course I like you,” he said. “Why else would I let you fall asleep on me?”
You couldn’t believe what he said. “Do you actually—” you started to question him, but he cut you off. He pulled you into him and pressed a kiss to your lips. It felt as though time itself stood still and the rest of the Sunny and all its crew disappeared into nothingness as you sat there taking it all in. He pulled away slowly and you both stared at each other in amazement.
“I know I’m not good with words, but will that convince you?” he asked. You answered by pulling him back in for another kiss. His tongue ran along your bottom lip, asking for entry. You happily granted him access as he pulled you closer against him. You lost track of how much time was passing by it could have been seconds or it could have been hours, it was all the same to you. The only thing to pull the two of you out of your trance was a whistle from Franky, who was walking up to where the two of you sat.
“Took you two long enough! Finally!” Franky cheered.
“What do you mean, finally?” Zoro asked.
“Everybody on the ship has been taking bets on how long the two of you would take to get together! Well, everyone but Sanji,” Franky answered.
“You’re kidding, right?” You asked. Franky just laughed in response and walked back to where some of the others were and proceeded to tell them. More cheers and laughter followed.
“Guess the cats outta the bag now…” you whispered to Zoro. He put an arm around you affectionately and placed a soft kiss on your head.
“Yeah, I guess so. At least we don’t have to be the ones to tell them,” he laughed.
You heard a loud commotion, and someone crying out in protest. Sanji. “Moss head I’ll kill you!” he shouted. Zoro looked over at you and you both couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Well, I guess we should go join everyone now,” you mused. Zoro agreed and as the two of you started walking over to the rest of the crew, you put your hand in his. He gave your hand a light squeeze, and you excitedly joined the rest of your friends. It might have taken a while, but you were excited to see where this new relationship with the green-haired swordsman would go. And to think all it took was a little nap.
Thank you for reading I hope you liked it.
82 notes · View notes
clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 33
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Saturday, January 9th; 9:15 AM - At Lucy's Place.
I gently hug the pillow against me, letting out a long sigh from between my lips. Negative thoughts immediately flood my mind, even though I've only just woken up. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm still alive. My life is so miserable that I doubt I'd be missed by many. I tell myself that the only thing that has saved me is my new life. I blink in this unfamiliar room, where I realize I'm alone in a large bed and a room that isn't mine. The events of last night come rushing back, reminding me where I am. I understand my earlier thoughts even better now. A muffled groan escapes my mouth as I realize that Lucy knew about my night terrors and that it’s not something new. Although she seemed calm last night, she must be upset with me for hiding things she didn't want hidden. I’ll have to face the consequences now. She must have held back last night because of my state, but I doubt it'll be the same this morning. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for me in the living room to discuss it. I check the time before forcing myself out of bed. Hiding from life by staying in bed is cowardly. That’s what my dad used to tell me when I was feeling down in Barcelona. I discreetly leave Lucy’s room and head down the hallway. Not seeing her around, I continue towards the living room. I smile when I find her standing with her back to me behind the counter. As I approach, I notice that she’s swapped her pajamas for jogging pants and a black t-shirt. When she turns around, she must be surprised to see me because she stops for a moment before finally smiling at me.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
“Hey,” I say timidly, blushing at the nickname.
“I didn’t expect to see you up this early.”
“I don’t sleep as long anymore…” I admit.
“That’s true,” she smiles. “I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.”
I relax for a moment, relieved that she doesn’t immediately bring up what happened last night.
“I’d never say no to breakfast,” I reply with a bit more confidence.
“Good. Sit down. What would you like to drink? Tea, hot chocolate? I imagine I don’t need to ask if you want coffee.”
“Hot chocolate, please.”
“Alright, I’ll make that for you. Sit down, everything’s ready.”
I nod gently and turn towards the dining table. Everything is indeed set out. It looks like she had time to prepare a real feast. I sit down, fidgeting in my chair. I’m not particularly comfortable, knowing what’s likely to be discussed soon around this table. Lucy joins me, placing my cup in front of me before sitting across from me with her own.
“Have you been up long?” I continue the conversation.
“Since seven-thirty. I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a run.”
“Oh! You’re brave…”
I distract myself by looking at the table. I don’t know where to look because there’s so much. She thought of everything. There are as many fruits as there are pastries and bread. She must have picked them up this morning. There’s also butter, jam, and even Nutella to go with it.
“Help yourself, that’s what it’s there for,” she invites.
I bite my lip and nod. I can’t bring myself to look at her, especially now that I remember we ended the night in the same bed… In her arms. Damn. Just thinking about it makes me even more uncomfortable.
“Ona,” she calls me, a touch of amusement in her voice.
I finally dare to lift my head and find her looking at me with her head tilted. I get the feeling she can read me like a book right now.
“I think it’s best we talk about it now, huh? I sense you’re going to go crazy before the end of the meal if we don’t.”
I blush, suddenly feeling really foolish. I can feel my heart racing with stress. Still, I nod to confirm what she’s saying. It’s best to talk about it now, to get it over with, even if it means she’ll chew me out properly. What surprises me is that Lucy is more relaxed than I expected. She almost seems to be teasing me. I take a deep breath before starting.
“I’m sorry for waking you up last night…”
My response makes her raise an eyebrow. It’s like she wasn’t expecting me to say that.
“Oh, so that’s all that’s bothering you?”
“Of course not,” I mumble.
“Relax. I’m not going to eat you, you know. Since when are you like this with me?”
Since I don’t want to disappoint you. That answer sticks in my throat. She doesn’t need to know that. Instead, I decide to be honest.
“I feel bad for hiding my episodes from you… Especially since it seems you already knew…”
“I did, yes. I was just waiting for you to come talk to me about it yourself,” she admits.
“Are you mad at me…?”
“A little. I think that if you hadn’t come here, who knows how long I would’ve had to wait for you to tell me.”
“I didn’t want to bother you with something so minor. You already do so much for me, and I was managing on my own until now. It frustrates me to have to turn to you every time something goes wrong with me,” I finish, averting my eyes.
My thoughts are so jumbled. I consider her a friend, but I don’t always feel like she sees me the same way. Sometimes, I feel more like her student and nothing more. It’s ridiculous because if that were the case, I wouldn’t even be here. She places her hand on mine, prompting me to look up.
“Stop thinking like that, it’s not true. I’m doing this as a friend, okay? Wiegman doesn’t ask me to solve your problems. I do it of my own free will because I care about you, and I feel the need to help.”
“It’s fine, I assure you… Everything’s okay for now.”
“Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not lying to you, it’s true. Since you came into my life, so much has gotten better! You have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”
She sighs, running a hand through her hair. She doesn’t seem to realize how deep of a hole she pulled me out of. The change is obvious.
“If what you’re saying is true, then you shouldn’t have any trouble confiding in me when you have a problem. That’s what helps you get better.”
“I do! I came to you when I didn’t know what major to choose. The same when I needed help studying.”
“I’m talking about real problems, Ona. Like your drug issue or your insomnia… See?”
“I do talk to you,” I sigh. “I told you about my problems with my mom and with Feli. You can’t deny that!”
“Maybe, but you’re always hesitant, and you often do it too late.”
“But put yourself in my shoes, damn it! You’ve never lived through what I’ve been through! It’s hard to open up when you’re not sure the person will still be there at the end!”
I freeze, realizing what I just let slip. I hate how easily she gets me to talk. I look up to see her expression soften.
“What are you talking about…?”
I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Now that I’ve started talking, she won’t let it go until she gets answers.
“How do I know we’ll stay in touch once all this is over, huh? I’m already scared you’ll drop me the day I don’t have any more problems to solve…”
“Where do you get these ideas?” she frowns. “I’d always be happy to talk to you, Ona.”
“They’re not just ideas. It’s already happening. You ignore me when I behave all week. If this keeps up, I’ll be tempted to mess up just to get your attention.”
“No, come on. I forbid you from doing that! I’m not ignoring you.”
“Yes, you are. Can you tell me how many times we’ve seen each other these past few days?”
“Ona,” she sighs. “Camp Wiegman is my job. I’m sorry if you feel like I’m ignoring you, but it’s not intentional. I have other things to worry about besides you, though I wish I could avoid them.”
“Sorry… It’s just that… Everyone I’ve ever trusted has a tendency to let me down or disappear… You’ve become the person who knows me the best, and… I really don’t want to lose you too.”
Her sympathetic smile makes me turn away. I don’t like being pitied, even though she rarely does it. A long silence follows. When I look back at her, I find her with a little playful look that makes me frown.
“This isn’t funny, I’m opening up to you here.”
“I never said it was funny. I just find it cute, that’s all,” she says with amusement.
“It’s anything but cute to be abandoned.”
“I would never abandon you, silly! Stop thinking that. If you want to spend time with me at school, nothing’s stopping you from coming to my office during your free time.”
“Of course. If I hadn’t suggested it before, it’s because I thought you preferred spending time with your friends.”
I sink into my chair, suddenly feeling deeply ashamed and foolish. I should have considered other alternatives before revealing my innermost thoughts to her. Now, she knows that she means something to me, even though I didn't necessarily want it to be that way. I feel weak and like I'm giving her the chance to hurt me.
"Hey," she pulls me out of my thoughts. "Everything's okay, alright? I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Never forget that. And if you need to come to me, don’t hesitate, okay?"
I sigh and nod. I wish I could believe it, but it's hard. She gives me a small smile that I struggle to return.
"Well... Can we talk about your nights now? I’d like to know when your first episode happened."
"The first one was the night between Wednesday and Thursday," I confess. "I'm sorry that the second one happened with you."
"Don’t apologize for that. I wanted to be informed so I could keep track of your condition. I was really disappointed to hear it from Alexia."
"You should know that I don’t like to bother people, which is why I didn’t say anything. You don’t need to keep track of this."
"Well, actually, I will be. I want to be notified during your episodes, and I will be, even if it’s not through you."
I sigh and cross my arms, showing my displeasure.
"We’ll find a solution, okay?"
"Okay..." I mumble. "Oh, and, um... Thanks again for letting me sleep with you last night."
"Was it okay for you?" she asks. "I offered it on a whim, but I forgot that you usually sleep only with Mapi or your brother."
My eyes fixate on the cup I had been fiddling with. I realize I hadn’t even had the chance to think about it for a single second, and that’s frightening. I've come to trust her blindly without realizing it. I actually care for her more than I thought. I shake my head slightly to regain my composure and clear my throat before responding.
"Uh, yeah... Everything was fine..."
"Good," she smiles gently. "It looks like you’re starting to improve, huh?"
I awkwardly return her smile and nod. She doesn’t seem to understand that this is all thanks to her.
"Well, now that we’ve talked, we’d better get ready. We have a busy schedule ahead."
I nod enthusiastically. This news delights me. I appreciate that she has planned something specifically for me. This afternoon will be a good way to clear my mind.
"I hope you’re going to show me your version of the city. I don’t want the tourist version. The monuments and all that stuff don’t interest me."
"Don’t worry about that, you can trust me. I’ll take a shower while you finish up. See you later."
She tousles my hair as she passes by to put her cup in the dishwasher, then winks at me before disappearing behind the sliding doors. The bathroom door slams shortly after. I finish my breakfast quietly, appreciating all these small gestures. Once done, I try to tidy up what I can and gather the rest so she doesn’t have to do it all. I then return to my assigned room. I open my suitcase, which has remained in place, to choose my clothes. I opt for a casual outfit with jeans and a shirt. I then make my bed and Lucy’s, thinking it’s the least I can do for her welcoming me so well into her home. It’s also the only way to show my gratitude. When I turn around to leave her room, I jump, not expecting to see her behind me. A wave of heat washes over me when my eyes fall on her body covered by nothing but a towel. Holy shit! I blush even more when I lift my eyes to meet hers. I turn my gaze away to try to hide, even though it’s probably too late for that.
"Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you’d be in the living room."
"Sorry. I... I had some time... I took the opportunity to... To make the beds and... And then..."
"No problem," she laughs at my embarrassment. "Can I get dressed now?"
"Y-yeah, of course. Sorry again."
I quickly leave her room, doing my best not to look at her again. I blush once more when I hear that small voice that sounds remarkably like Mapi saying, "See, I told you." It’s complete nonsense. I’m not interested in Lucy. And even if I were, it’s not meant to be. It’s a lost cause. To clear my mind, I head to the bathroom to get ready... Or maybe not. The steam Lucy left in the room reminds me of what I just saw. Once again, I think about the unhealthy ideas Mapi must be having on my behalf. What if she’s right? I shake my head vigorously at that thought. No, she’s not right, and I should probably strangle her for making me think such things. I’m not interested in Lucy, and I’m even less infatuated with her as she suggests. She’s just a friend... A friend I particularly care about. I splash water on my face to shake off this unpleasant theory. I then dry myself with a towel, which I find is already damp. I groan, imagining Lucy using it before me, and grab a new one. I then take my toiletries to brush my teeth, my hair, and finish with makeup. I’ve always kept it simple: foundation with cream, a line of eyeliner, and mascara. I pack everything up, making sure to take my bag with me as I leave.
"AAAH! What the hell!" I shout at Lucy for scaring me.
I hit her on the shoulder, intensifying her budding laughter. I regret letting Lucy Bronze into my life so much. Her laughter is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard, and I hate myself for thinking such a thing.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke."
"You’re really mean," I pout, pretending to be upset.
"No, I’m not," she laughs. "Why are you bringing that?" she finally asks, noticing my bag.
"I was going to put it back in my suitcase."
- Why don’t you just leave it here? It’s ridiculous to have to search for it every time. Look, you can leave it here.
Before I can counter her suggestion, she takes my toiletry bag and places it on the counter next to the sink.
- See, I’m organized enough to find a place for you, she teases.
- Thanks.
- Don’t mention it, she says as she pulls out her makeup. I should be the one thanking you for making the beds and tidying up the kitchen.
- Oh, it’s nothing... It was the least I could do.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, yes, I was waiting for you. What are we starting with?
- Don’t be so curious. You’ll find out soon enough.
The frustration and impatience grow within me knowing that I’ll have to wait to find out. On top of that, she announces that we’ll be driving a lot. Long car rides don’t usually bother me, but they might today.
- Okay, I’m ready, she says as she finishes with her mascara. We can leave. Do you think you’ll be warm enough? We’ll be walking a lot and it might be windy.
- Are you telling me I need to change? I ask, looking at myself.
- Don’t you have a big sweater?
- I have one, but not very thick ones. I spend my days in a fully heated classroom, remember?
- Take off your shirt, I’ll be right back.
I grumble but follow her instructions and take off my shirt. She returns shortly with a navy blue sweater, which must be hers. I put it on over my tank top as she advises.
- Is this better?
- Perfect, she smiles. We can go now. Also, take a big scarf.
- Are you taking me to the North Pole? I tease.
- Believe me, you’ll thank me tonight.
I stick my tongue out at her, which seems to amuse her. I put on my shoes, coat, and scarf in my room, then join her in the living room. She takes the time to examine me from head to toe. It seems that my outfit satisfies her, as she finds nothing else to criticize. She then opens the front door, and we use the elevator to reach her car in the basement. Before getting in, we remove our coats and scarves and place them in the back to be more comfortable for the trip. Once done, we leave the building to the sounds of Lana Del Rey. I’m starting to enjoy this CD from hearing it so much. The basement darkness is replaced by the white snow continuing to fall from the sky. The weather here no longer surprises me. I comment on this to Lucy, who has decided to be playful today.
- Is it because you’re humming that it’s snowing? she retorts.
- It’s not likely to be your fault since you never sing.
- Is that a challenge? she raises an eyebrow.
- Maybe. I’m still trying to figure out if you’re a stuck-up girl or not.
- You think I’m stuck-up? she huffs. Well, thanks, that’s nice.
- Well, you’re always so serious at camp. It makes you wonder.
- Stop calling it a camp. It’s a school!
- And you stop dodging the subject. Besides, I’ll call it a camp if I want to, I provoke.
- I’m not dodging, she giggles. Camp Wiegman is my workplace, so it’s normal that I stay serious, right?
- Yeah, maybe too serious for my taste. Especially with the rules, I grimace. Rules are meant to be broken.
- Oh yes, sure. I respect rules so much that you’re in my car right now, she says sarcastically. Maybe I should drop you by the roadside.
- You wouldn’t dare.
- Want to try and see? she challenges with a sly smile.
- Of course, I mock. You wouldn’t be able to anyway.
It’s well known that challenging someone in jest is a risky move, but I’m sure she’d never leave me by the roadside. At least, that’s what I thought until I notice where we are. To put it mildly, nowhere. We’re far from civilization, and we haven’t been driving for long. I start to panic when she surprises me by stopping by the side of the road.
- Get out of the car.
- Seriously? I was just joking!
- Can you trust me for once in your life? she laughs. Come on, get out.
I feel completely disoriented. Still, I unbuckle my seatbelt without thinking and get out of the car as she turns off the engine. Without saying anything, she climbs over the gear shift to take my place. I have a moment of reflection before she gives me the message by tapping the driver’s seat.
- You’re letting me drive? I ask with wide eyes.
- Yeah. You better not make me regret letting you drive my baby.
A beaming smile spreads across my lips. I quickly walk around the car before she changes her mind. I settle into the driver’s seat, not knowing where to put my eyes.
- Adjust the mirrors and the seat if needed, she commands.
I move the seat forward slightly when I realize the pedals are too far. I then adjust the mirrors under Lucy’s watchful eye. I smile as I caress the steering wheel and look at the dashboard.
- Are you comfortable?
- You’re really letting me drive? Aren’t you afraid I’ll mess up?
- I just hope you still know how to drive, she laughs.
- It should be fine...
I buckle up and wait for her permission to start the car. I feel nervous under her scrutiny. It feels like I’m reliving my early driving lessons. It’s been so long since I last drove, and now I’m behind the wheel of an Audi. Lucy’s Audi, no less. When I turn the key, I stall immediately, not noticing that she had left it in gear.
- It’s off to a great start, Lucy chuckles. Are you sure you have a license? Do you even have it with you? she realizes with concern.
- Yeah, I laugh at her reaction. You can check my wallet if you want.
- Hmm, that’s exactly what I’m going to do, she says as she leans toward the back seat.
She rummages through my bag to find my wallet. She seems relieved to find my license and gives me the green light to start. I do as she asks and, fortunately for me, I don’t stall again. I then merge onto the road, making sure there’s no one around. I glance briefly at Lucy, who still has my license in her hands.
- Watch the road, she scolds.
- Oh, come on, I’m managing.
- Obviously, she snickers.
- Where am I going?
- Go straight and at the next intersection, turn right to do a U-turn. There shouldn’t be much traffic here. Do you think you can handle it?
- Normally.
- Hmm, hmm, she smiles. Slow down, will you?
- Are you done yet? I scoff. I feel like I’m hearing my mom when I was learning to drive.
- Hey! I’m far from being your mother, she replies, tapping my thigh.
I mock her while following her instructions. I make the U-turn without any problems, which seems to reassure her. I was lucky there were no other cars. I think she deliberately took this route to give me back the reins. She has me take the previous road to reach a more attractive road. She directs me to the right, introducing me into traffic. I’m proud of my driving, even though I sense that Lucy is not too comfortable beside me. She winces in advance at each possible mistake I might make.
- How did you learn to drive? she asks.
- My dad taught me one summer when I was fifteen. My mom never knew. The day I started driving with her, I had to pretend not to know, I giggle.
- Were you already on bad terms with her back then?
- Yeah. It was a real disaster. At my slightest mistakes, she’d yell at me, which made me mad. We never finished a trip without it ending in a fight.
- I see. Take this way.
Excitement hits me when I see we’re driving along a beach. It’s far from as beautiful as Barcelona’s, but at least there is one. Lucy reminds me to focus on the road. It’s funny how she’s so concerned about her car.
- Do you want to make a stop?
- Can we?
- I had something else planned, but it’s just nearby, so we can park and walk a bit.
- Cool! I’d like that.
I stop at the first parking lot we find and choose a spot where no other cars are around to make sure I don’t hit a mirror. I engage the handbrake and turn off the car with a big smile.
- Happy to finally drive an Audi?
- Thanks for letting me drive at all. I missed it.
I unbuckle and throw myself into her arms, catching her by surprise. She accepts my hug after getting over her initial shock. She then retrieves her keys from the dashboard before we get out. I understand why she asked me to dress warmly the moment I feel the cold air hitting me harshly. It’s even colder than in downtown. I quickly put on my coat and scarf. Lucy puts our bags in the trunk so we don’t have to carry them and lock.
- It's freezing here, I said, pulling up the zipper of my jacket all the way.
- I warned you, she laughed. Follow me. I want to show you something now that we're here.
- Do you come here often?
- Occasionally, when I want to clear my head.
- What do you want to show me?
- Don’t be impatient, princess.
I smile at the nickname she hasn't used in a while. Everyone thinks Leah is the one who started it, but Lucy called me that from my first day. We walk a bit more until she stops in front of a rock formation that is more imposing than the others. I grimace, realizing her intentions.
- Don’t tell me we’re going to climb up there?
- Yes.
Without waiting for my response, she starts climbing. I sigh and try to follow her at a certain height.
- Remember that I’m afraid of heights, right?
- Don’t be a wuss. I promise it’s worth it. Come on, give me your hand.
Since she doesn’t seem to change her mind, I take her hand and she pulls me up to her level before continuing higher. I eventually reach the top without falling. She finds a flat spot where we can sit. It wasn’t so complicated after all. I look out at the horizon thoughtfully. She was right; it was worth it. The view from up here is magnificent. The breeze whistles in my ears, but the place is so soothing that I don’t mind. To think I almost missed this spot. We can see everything from here, but no one can see us thanks to the rocks in front of us that hide us.
- This is where I come most of the time when I need to be alone.
I tear my eyes away from the sea to look at her. She gazes out admiringly. I appreciate that she’s sharing something personal with me. She promised she would this weekend, and it seems she still keeps her promises.
- Tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you better... You know, the real Lucy. Not the camp instructor.
- What do you want to know?
- I don’t know. Tell me about your family, your friends, what you like... Everything.
- Everything? she chuckles. Am I tormenting you that much?
- Totally.
A smile forms on her lips, but she still doesn’t look at me. I turn my attention back to the waves crashing on the rocks below us. I can already imagine this scene in my sketchbook. She takes a deep breath that prompts me to meet her gaze.
- Alright. One thing you can know now. Where do you want to start?
- I already know a few of your friends... So why not talk about your family? If you don’t mind, of course.
- Alright, but only if you tell me about yours in return.
I grimace but agree anyway. It’s the only way to learn things after all.
- Very well, she says, taking a deep breath. To be honest, I’ve never known my real parents.
I don’t hide my surprise. I expected many things, but certainly not this revelation.
- I was adopted at birth, she continues. My parents were clear with me as soon as I was old enough to understand. I never worried about who my real parents were. To me, I already knew them and didn’t need anyone else.
- Wow... I wasn’t expecting that, I admit.
- I know, she smiles. It didn’t stop me from living a normal life, quite the opposite.
- Are you close to them?
- Quite, yes.
- It didn’t stop you from leaving them to come here.
- It was only for studies; otherwise, I would have never left, she tells me with a small smile. I don’t really have much more to add, she chuckles, shrugging. My life can’t be as exciting as you might imagine.
- Don’t you have any siblings?
No, I’m an only child. My mother couldn’t have children, which is why they adopted me. However, I consider Jenni like a sister. We’ve known each other since childhood and grew up together.
- I see... So, you’ve never had any conflicts with your parents or anything like that?
- Not really, she giggles. They’ve always let me live my life. Well, let’s move on to you. What are you still hiding from me? she asks curiously.
- Well, I have divorced parents, a blended family... I’m now waiting for my mother to announce that she’s getting remarried.
- Do you think that will happen?
- I suppose. It would be logical, I shrug.
- And... And your father? she asks delicately.
I could have sworn she’d bring him up. It’s one of the few things she doesn’t know about my family yet. I look at her for a moment, noticing no insistence in her expression. If I wanted to, she’d let me dodge it, but that’s not the most courageous decision. I look ahead as I begin to answer her.
- There’s not much to say, I murmur.
- Sorry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.
- If there’s not much to say, it’s because he’s no longer here.
I spoke before my mind could torment me too much. I didn’t want to backtrack now that I was decided to tell her.
- He’s dead, Luce. He’s just dead.
A heavy silence surrounds us at this news. Saying it out loud still hurts just as much. Tears burn my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away with the back of my hand.
- H-He died on a mission when I was eighteen. He was a soldier. H-His death caused my breakdown after high school...
If I look at her now, I won’t be able to hold back the tears that threaten to fall for good. Without saying anything, she puts her arm around my shoulders to pull me closer to her. I don’t think twice about snuggling against her desperately.
- Don’t hold back. You have the right to be devastated...
These simple words release my tears. She squeezes my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.
- It must be hard, but know that you will never be alone again. I’m here now, and I don’t intend to leave you. Okay?
I nod, unable to respond any other way. My throat is too tight, and I might break into uncontrolled sobs.
- D-Do you promise? I ask with a broken voice.
- I promise.
She holds me a little tighter, giving me all the comfort I need. The words are finally out. Someone other than my family or Mapi now knows. I’ve wanted to manage to do this for a long time, and I’ve finally succeeded.
- I’m glad I met you...
- Me too, Ona.
She gives me the time I need to recover. Long minutes pass while I start to feel better and slowly straighten up.
- I think we have a plan waiting for us, don’t we? I ask with my slightly hoarse voice.
- That’s right, and it’s quite packed. Do you feel up to continuing?
- Yeah, I want to enjoy what you’ve planned for us.
- Good, she smiles. So let me suggest we start with the fairground over there, she says, pointing to the place I saw earlier.
- That sounds perfect.
And I mean it. I wanted to go there the moment I saw it, and now she’s offering it to me on a silver platter. She helps me up and down the rocks. She mocks me when I close my eyes on the way down, but it was the only way to manage it. She suggests we head back to the car to get to our next destination faster. I didn’t say no, feeling my feet freezing. It was definitely the best choice.
Saturday, January 9; 3:30 PM - Downtown Manchester.
Our late morning at the fairground was perfect. Lucy is amazing. She managed to make me forget our conversation from this morning. It’s the first time I’ve seen her as anything other than my boss. We’ve just left the restaurant we went to after having fun. She’s taken the wheel for the drive back to downtown. I was happy she let me drive her Audi at least once. It’s the only one that has trusted me so much, and I enjoyed it immensely. The little restaurant she took me to was cool. She once again paid for everything, despite my protests. I ended up abandoning the argument.
- Are you ready to walk?
- Yeah, it doesn’t bother me.
She smiles at me before we stroll through the streets. I don’t know where we’re going, but I trust her. Well, that was until she stopped in front of a dilapidated building. I remain skeptical as she pushes open the door.
- What are you doing...?
- Are you being a wuss?
She challenges me with a mischievous smile, raising her eyebrows. I hate it when she does that. She knows I can’t say no to her. She gives me a nod to go into the creepy building, and I do. She goes ahead to climb the stairs without seeming bothered by the environment.
- Are you okay? she asks, glancing at me.
- Uh-huh...
She chuckles before turning around and climbing at a faster pace. She doesn’t seem to notice that I’m already struggling to keep up.
- What are we doing in this creepy stairwell?
- Patience, you’re too curious. Remind me to ban horror movies for you if you can’t handle places like this.
- I’m not scared! I mutter.
- Have you seen your face? she giggles. You look like you’re going to have a heart attack at the slightest noise. The building is abandoned; there’s no one here.
- You can’t be sure!
- There’s no one here, I’m telling you, she laughs.
I’m relieved when we finally reach the top. She forces open a heavy metal door that eventually creaks open. I cautiously step in behind her. My eyes close as the daylight dazzles me. She props the door open with a slab she found on the ground. I realize we’re on the roof of the building. I slowly move beside her, taking in the surrounding buildings.
- Wow...
I look at Lucy, who’s smiling at me. I momentarily pause on her outstretched hand.
- I know you’re afraid of heights, but you need to see this.
I take her hand without thinking. She carefully pulls me to the edge, which is protected by a safety railing. I hold onto the railing as she positions herself behind me to let me take in the new view.
- Look down...
I take a deep breath before looking. I’m momentarily overwhelmed by vertigo, but Lucy places her hands on my shoulders to ground me. I smile, appreciating what I see. It’s breathtaking. She’s showing me Manchester from above, and it’s a real spectacle. The streets are crowded with as many pedestrians as cars. Everyone continues their lives, unaware that we’re watching them. Walking across the city is so much more effective.
- Visiting in your style, huh?
- Absolutely, she smiles. Not so bad, this haunted building, huh?
- Shut up, I chuckle. Admit it’s scary!
- It’s true I was hesitant the first time I came here, she laughs. But it’s worth it, right?
- Yes! You can’t imagine the number of drawing ideas that have come to mind since this morning with everything you’ve shown me.
- Hey! Copyright then. These are my private spots.
- Is this the first time you’ve brought someone here? I ask curiously.
- Yes and no. Let’s say someone showed me these places, and... I’m showing them to you now.
She leans over the railing beside me to see the city. She looks at me for a moment, a smile forming on her lips.
- These are my personal places that I’m sharing with you. Make sure not to divulge them.
- I won’t say a word, as long as you tell me about the person who showed you these places.
She raises an eyebrow but smiles at the seriousness of my request. It’s a chance to learn more about her.
- It was my first girlfriend... My first love, I’d say. Her name was Kiera.
- What happened...? I ask softly.
Her eyes remain fixed on the city below us. She doesn’t say anything for now. Maybe my question was a mistake. I was about to speak, but she beats me to it.
- She was the first person we met here with Jenni. Let’s say she was a bit like you... She had drug problems she was trying to overcome. I helped her through a detox.
- Oh... I understand better now why you reacted so well with me...
- Yeah, it’s thanks to her, she laughs nervously. I had helped her get out of that. Or so I thought. Everything went wrong in a day. One of her friends called me in a panic. He said she wasn’t responding and he didn’t understand what was happening. My first reaction was to grab my keys and go to her. When I arrived, I just found my girlfriend’s body... She had overdosed.
A strange feeling washes over me. She told the story without any apparent emotion. There it is, her dark memory that she had kept hidden. I try to meet her green eyes, but to no avail. Her reprimands and worries about me become so much clearer. She doesn’t want me to become like her. She’s afraid of losing me like she lost her. It’s my turn to put my arm around her shoulders. She surprises me by resting her head on my shoulder.
- Please don’t fall back into that.
- I won’t. And if I’m feeling down, I’ll talk to you about it.
She ruffles my hair before kissing my cheek. It’s the first time she’s shown such an affectionate gesture towards me.
- Alright, we’ve had enough gloom for today. Do you have any particular desires for this afternoon?
- I thought you already had a full schedule?
- I do, but I prefer to ask you first.
- We’ll stick to your plan, just because I love what you organize.
- Alright, she says, standing up. We can go to Old Trafford if you want. Otherwise, I also saw there’s a street art exhibit nearby if you’re interested.
My eyes light up at the mention of her second suggestion. Her smile is amused.
- The exhibit, I suppose?
- Obviously!
- Good. However, it doesn’t start for another hour, she tells me, checking her watch. But we can take a walk in the park first if you like.
- Good idea, so we can do both.
I’ve always loved nature anyway, and it seems she does too. We head back to the car to reach the park, as it’s too far to walk from here according to Lucy. In any case, she’s truly gone above and beyond to make me happy until the end.
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vivianette · 2 years
Suddenly thinking about slightly delirious, feverish shuji and how soft he is for you. All his confessions and insatiable craving for your warmth by his side 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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🍓AN: phewhueheue babe this thought occupied my mind for so long that I rambled on about ths that’s why this got so long for no fucking reason🥹🫶 NOT Proof-read or even thought through tbh😭
🍓Synopsis: hanma is stupid and he gets stupidly cute when he’s sick
🍓Pairing: hanma shuji x female reader
🍓Warnings: none,ooc sappy hanma cuz that’s how I like him
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You struggle to open the door to shuji’s apartment with the heavy tote bag you’re carrying, careful to not move too fast for the contents inside to spill. Finally getting successful, you enter inside as you easily navigate through the small living space to your boyfriend’s bedroom where he is laying down with his eyes squeezed shut. Seeing your usually hyper boyfriend fatigued on his bed with his right arm thrown over his forehead, trying to breathe comfortably through his stuffy nose made you think that he may be known as the “reaper” of Kabukicho, feared by many but he’s still your sick, very human, boyfriend who needs your tending.
Shaking your head you walk over to his bed putting the bag down. Quietly sitting at his bed side on the floor. He didn’t even notice your presence until you softly called out his name “hey baby” you say while gently moving away the hair strands stuck to his forehead by sweat. He lifts his arm “Y/N?” He looks at you through glassy eyes and with your free hand you hold his “yes baby?” You reply, all your attention on him. “My throat hurts” he says, almost whines, his voice hoarse, gently squeezing your hand in his much larger ones. You nod at him, feeling the heat radiating from his forehead on the back of your hand. You find him burried underneath a mountain of sweatshirts and hoodies, you look at him again,an eyebrow raised “your blanket?” “Couldn’t find it” he coughs closing his eyes again. You could tell he’s exhausted. The common cold could be a bitch if not dealt with properly and shuji being shuji ignored the symptoms of catching one “you worry too much babe,I don’t get colds” he shrugged you off a few days earlier when you warned him about the seasons changing and how he should dress accordingly but when does he ever listen. Maybe you jinxed it, he’d say if he wasn’t so tired out
“I’ll be right back” you kiss his knuckles as you get up. He groans at you letting go of his hand, instantly not loving the loss of your warmth. “Stayy” he manages to whine with the discomfort of a sore throat making grabby hands at you. The cold is messing with his head you think, he’d rather be caught dead than act all cutesy but you’re not complaining it’s actually adorable. “I said I’ll be right back honey” you say as you pull his ‘lost’ blanket from under his bed pulling it over his body as you set aside the mountain of clothes to deal with later. Making sure to kiss your boyfriend’s forehead before leaving for the kitchen.
You return with a tray,a glass and a water bottle filled with room temperature water and utensils. You set the tray on the carpeted floor as you help him sit up. Guiding the glass filled with water to his lips. He instantly gulps it down. You then move on to serving him the food you brought with you for him. “I made you soup” “feed it to me” he opens wide waiting for you to literally spoon feed him like a giant baby. But what shuji wants shuji gets so you stifle a laugh “whatever you say, you are sick after all” feeding him a spoon full of soup before blowing on it to make sure he doesn’t burn his tongue.Shuji gets fed by you happily, the warm soup soothing his scratchy throat and very much satisfied when you clean the corner of his mouth with your sleeve. You decided to clean his place up a bit as he was in no condition to do so himself but his grip on your wrist stops you from going anywhere “why do you keep leaving me?” oh would you look at that, the reaper is pouting, his full lips are puckered up and he doesn’t even know how kissable he looks right now with his cheeks slightly flushed from the fever. You’re now sat beside him on the bed “I will never leave you baby” he puts both his hands on your waist, pulling you on top of him as he lays back on the bed, your whole weight on him. “but you haven’t even kissed me properly today” his brows are slightly furrowed you notice “are you mad at me?” You giggle “a little” he admits and you snuggle closer to him “I’m sorry babe lemme make it up to you” holding him face between your hands and finally giving him the kiss he deserved. One of his hands is holding you by the nape, the other is on your back keeping you flush against him. Pulling away from the kiss after a good minute or two you settle on his left side with his arm wrapped around you “you do know I shouldn’t be kissing someone with a cold” you tease “but I’m not any ‘someone’ I’m your boyfriend and I need your kisses”. You playfully roll your eyes at him. If someone had asked hanma what he felt in the exact moment right now he’d say ‘giddy’ he feels giddy. Never in his life has he ever had someone take care of him, treated him so kindly,made him feel worthy of love. You made him feel worthy of love.Even his parents failed at that which was technically their jobs but he shakes the thought out of his mind.
Staring lovingly at you with his honey coloured eyes you hold his gaze, it still made your face heat up after all this time together with him you never really got used to the way he looks at you. He scoots closer to you, your body impossibly close to his on the tiny single bed. He tucks your head under his chin “I got very lucky” he sighs sniffing your recently shampooed hair. (Once you called him a dog for that and weirdly enough he agreed, admitting he actually likes doing that) “you treat me so well doll♡” shuji kisses the top of your head “I’m so stupid yet you’re still here with me in this dirty apartment being so smart” he’s yawning now “taking care of me when I’m sick” safe to say your heart is near the verge of exploding. Your shuji is being so sweet to you “I really really love you Y/N” you can tell he’s smiling “now say it back” he pulls back just enough to look at you say it. You’re smiling at him with your face on fire,maybe you got lucky yourself as well “I love you shuji, I really really love you too”
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Treat Me Like A Fool [Part Two]
Fandom: RPF, American Actor, Music RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Original Male Characters, Original Female Characters, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley
Word Count: 3158 of 7886 // Rating: Teen and Up
Summary:  Treat me like a fool, treat me mean and cruel but love me
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Austin!Elvis, Elvis Fic, Elvis Fluff, Elvis Presley, Reader Fic, Song Fic, Admitting Feelings, Kisses, Love, Young Love, Best Friends, Girl Next Door, Boy Next Door, Neighbours, Lauderdale Courts, 1950s, Dating, Dances, Readers Dress looks like this but baby blue
Notes: This was not originally based off of a song but young elvis falling for the girl next door screams this
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As the car pulled to the curb Y/N thanked her friend, Sandy, for the ride and climbed out. It was chilly now and she pulled her cardigan tighter around herself as she walked up the path but as she walked she heard the strum of a guitar and she looked up to find Elvis sitting on the steps. He was invested in his guitar and scribbling on a pad next to him but he looked up as he heard the clicking of heels on concrete. He looked different than before, sullener. 
‘Hey,’ she said, as she got nearby.  ‘Hey,’ he said, placing the guitar down and shoving the pad in his back pocket, ‘you’re back late.’  ‘Not too late,’ she said, coming to sit beside him on the steps.  ‘I thought the movie woulda ended earlier,’ he said simply. He didn’t want to know why she was so late back but he was kind of hoping she’d tell him anyway.  ‘Oh, it ended about an hour ago but I had to hang about for Sandy to finish her shift.’ ‘Sandy?’  ‘My friend, her boyfriend gave us a ride back, she doesn’t live too far from here,’ she explained.  ‘Oh,’ he said, ‘loverboy doesn’t have wheels?’ ‘He lives near the theatre,’ she said, ‘and don’t call him that.’ ‘What?’ he said. ‘Loverboy,’ she replied, rolling her eyes.  ‘So how was it?’ Elvis said, steering past her scolding. He needed to know. That was why he had been waiting outside. He’d told his mama and the boys he wanted to work on a new song but in reality that wasn’t true. He wanted to be outside when she got home.  ‘The movie? It was okay I suppose,’ she said.  ‘I meant the date,’ he said quietly. Her face fell in surprise before she steeled herself and replied, ‘oh… it was fine.’ ‘Do you like him?’ Elvis asked. He didn’t meet her gaze as he busied himself fiddling with the tuners on his guitar but he did cast a quick glance at her trying to see if whatever she was going to say matched her expression.  ‘He’s nice,’ she said earnestly.  ‘Are you going to see him again?’ he asked.  ‘What is this twenty questions?’ she chuckled but Elvis looked at her properly now and her laughter caught in her throat a little as she realised he was being serious.  ‘Like I said before, I only agreed because I wasn’t going to the dance,’ she said.  ‘But if you were, I mean, if you had a new dress you’d go with him?’ he said. He wanted to pull back. He was getting into dangerous territory now and if he got in any deeper he risked making a fool of himself. Y/N dropped her gaze to her knees feeling that blush from earlier creeping up her neck again. Why was he so interested in her love life all of a sudden? She supposed he was just being neighbourly. Like a big brother. Jimmy didn’t really care about who she dated so it was nice that he cared, but as she glanced back at him she couldn’t read his expression. It seemed there was something else. Something more. So, she said, ‘I guess. I mean he asked me.’
Elvis nodded. His mind swirled with her words from before. ‘He’s just a friend,’ yet here she was going to the movies with him and the dance if she had the chance to. He wanted to believe her but that little green monster in the back of his mind had riled him up, as had the couple of beers he and Jimmy had had after they dropped her at the movies. 
‘S’pose that’s for the best,’ he said, simply picking up his guitar.  ‘How do you figure?’ she asked. ‘Well, he’s probably only after you for one thing,’ Elvis said. Y/N’s eyes went wide and he felt instant regret as the words tumbled out of his mouth. ‘Is that right?’ she said coolly. ‘Yeah, I mean hounding you day and night? Sounds like there’s an ulterior motive there,’ he said.  ‘You don’t think he wanted me to go with him because we’re good friends? It’s gotta be something seedy?’ she said standing up and folding her arms across her chest. Elvis stopped fiddling with his guitar and stood up.  ‘Hey, I’m not saying you’re in the wrong here. All I’m saying is that you’re probably better not going to that dance. No point leading a guy on is there?’ he said.  ‘So I’m a tease now?’ she said, raising her eyebrows.  ‘No, that’s not what I said,’ he stuttered. He’d done it now. She was pissed.  ‘So a guy couldn’t possibly be interested in going with me? Having a good time? He’s gotta be trying to get his leg over-’ ‘Look Y/N that’s not what I meant-’ ‘And if I just want to be friends I’m a tease? What if I wanted to go out with him? What would I be then, huh? A whore?’ ‘Honey-’ he said, reaching out for her but she whipped herself out of his reach and stepped up a couple of steps distancing herself from him.  ‘Don’t honey me. I’m not one of your love-stricken fans you can coax around. I’m your friend! And I would’ve expected a little more support than this,’ she snapped, ‘I don’t expect Jimmy to give a crap about who I date but I thought you were different. I thought you’d think more of me to know that I can handle myself. To know that I can choose what I want to do and who I want to do it with and respect me whatever my choice is. Not call me a tease…I’d thought you’d care.’ ‘I do care,’ Elvis snapped as he stepped up those steps closing the distance. They were face to face but he was taller, looking down at her with those intense blue eyes. Her stomach flip-flopped as he looked at her, ‘I care a goddamn lot. I just-’ ‘Just what Elvis?’ she sneered.  ‘I just,’ he sighed. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to grab her by the waist and kiss her till they couldn’t breathe. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t make the words come out so he said, ‘…I don’t think he’s right for you is all. And I think if you go to that dance-’ ‘What I’ll be asking for trouble? Well lucky for me you ain’t my daddy. You don’t get to make my decisions for me. And if I want to go to that stupid dance I will. And nothing you say is going to change my mind,’ she said walking towards the main entrance to the building. Elvis grabbed his guitar and attempted to follow her, ‘Y/N don’t be like this-’
He stopped in his tracks when she turned around in the door frame, her expression thunderous. 
‘Good night Elvis,’ she said and with that, she slammed the front door shut behind her leaving him standing on the front steps watching where she had disappeared. 
He was an idiot. He walked slowly up to his apartment, his mind swirling around trying to grasp at the threads of that argument, trying to see at what point they had unravelled beyond repair. He shouldn’t have said anything. She wasn’t even seeing that guy again. y all accounts, she didn’t even like him that much but that somehow felt worse. Sure, she didn’t like the guy asking her out but that didn’t mean she’d automatically like him either. Now he’d pushed her away. Why couldn’t he just tell her how he felt?
As he got into the apartment he could hear the low murmur of the TV and he bobbed his head around to find his daddy sitting in his armchair, dozing gently. His mama and Dodger were nowhere to be seen and the boys seemed to have gone home so he walked through to his bedroom and stripped out of his clothes. Once he was just in his underwear and socks he climbed into the small bed and pulled the blankets over him. Though as he lay there though his mind was nowhere near sleep. It was too busy playing her words over and over again in his mind. 
He needed to fix it. He needed to get her back on side. And if he had to, if he couldn’t be honest with her, he had to be okay with her dating someone other than him.  As the idea came to him he settled down in his bed. 
He knew what he had to do.
Y/N was in a foul mood. It had come after her tiff with Elvis last night and had continued when she had awoken today. To make matters worse the winter formal was tonight and she was going to be sitting at home stewing. She could have gone, she supposed. After her argument last night she half wanted to throw on any old thing and strut down to that school hall hand in hand with Bobby and stick it to everyone but she knew that was pointless. 
If she was being honest with herself she didn’t like Bobby. He was nice and sweet but their date last night had proven to her that she didn’t want to be anything more than friends. Last night had also sparked something else in her. She didn’t want Bobby. She wanted Elvis. 
She knew it was absurd. He was one of her closest friends. He was her neighbour. A guy she had known practically all her life who probably saw her as nothing more than a little sister. Even if there were not all those things in the way she was still no competition for all the attention he was garnering throughout the south. No, he wouldn’t like her. 
And yet. 
Their argument last night hinted of something different. He seemed… jealous. She tried not to let it go to her head. She tried to push it to the back of her mind whilst reminding herself that he was worried for her welfare, nothing more but hope wasn’t something you could spark out that easily. 
It had lingered with her all morning. Her mother had insisted she come grocery shopping with her and so she had wandered around every store with her head in the clouds. Distracted by that boy down the hall. 
‘I told him that 80¢ for a bag of potatoes was damn near daylight robbery,’ her mother said as they climbed the stairs up to the apartment. She had already lived through her mother’s antics with the grocery store manager and now she was being forced to relive it as her mother recounted her argument to her daddy, a new spectator.  ‘I told you they think they can get away with anything at that store,’ her daddy said. He had collected them from the store which Y/N was thankful for as trailing bags of groceries a mile home didn’t appeal much to her today. She had her own problems.  ‘So I said to him-’ ‘That little fella with the moustache?’ her daddy asked. ‘Of course him. Little retch,’ her mama said wrinkling her nose as she continued. Y/N wasn’t listening. They were in their own hallway now and she was determined to get inside before anyone saw her. Well, one particular boy. She slid inside, her parents following soon after, and went to the kitchen quickly unloading everything and putting them in their place. Thankfully, her parents headed to the living room and she was no longer forced to pretend to have any interest in Murray’s potatoes. 
Once all the shopping was put away she made her way into the living area and found her mama and daddy sitting at the dining room table, her brother on the couch watching TV.  She was going to go and join him when she heard a knock at the door and seeing that none of them made a move she headed to go and open it, grumbling as she did so. Though as she got to the door she peeped out the spy hole to see who it was hoping not to see that familiar mop of dark hair, but there was no one there. Curious, she opened the door and looked down the hall, finding it empty. As she went to close the door she noticed a long flat box on the welcome mat. 
She looked at it curiously before she picked it up and carried it inside. Her parents looked up as she came back in her arms now laden with the box. 
‘Who was it?’ George asked looking at his daughter’s face and then at the box. ‘There wasn’t anyone there,’ she said, ‘just this.’ ‘Isn’t there a tag?’ Helen asked as she placed it down on the dining table.  ‘No,’ Y/N said sliding the box open. It was lined with tissue paper concealing whatever was inside but there was a note resting on top. The outside of the note had one word. Her name. In very familiar handwriting. ‘What is it?’ her daddy asked peering to look.  ‘Nothing,’ she said snapping the lid back on the box hurriedly.  ‘Let me guess it’s some soppy present off that guy,’ Jimmy said pushing himself up off the couch to get a look.  ‘It’s nothing,’ she said, ‘I’m going to my room.’ 
And before her family could pry anymore she darted out of the room box in hand and headed to her bedroom. She placed the box on the bed and then placed the chair from her vanity underneath the door handle should Jimmy want to come snooping. Sitting on the bed she opened the box again and grabbed the note opening it carefully.
Y/N,  I don’t know how to start this. Can you believe that? Me lost for words. I guess miracles do happen. First of all, I just want to say I’m sorry. Sorry about last night. Sorry, I upset you. I didn’t mean to. But I want you to know you were wrong. I do care. Far more than I want to admit.    Which is why I don’t want anything to stop you from going to that dance. Even if it means you dancing with someone else.    Hope it’s the right one.    EP
Her eyes read the note over and over trying to take in every word. Elvis cared about her, really cared about her. He was jealous. She couldn’t believe it. That hope that had been a cinder inside her was now aflame making her smile to herself as she placed the paper down. She pulled gently at the wrappings of the box which revealed a beautiful blue ruffled dress as she did. Her dress. The one she had seen in Goldsmiths. 
It was beautiful. And it was hers. Her heart swelled up at the sight of it. She fell back against the bed, pulling the dress with her as she did, clutching it to her chest. Then, she had an idea. 
Elvis was sitting in the cab of his truck trying to clear his head. He’d been antsy all day, unable to quell that knot in his stomach. His mama had been on him to trying to understand what was the matter with him. So in an effort to get out from under her watchful eye he’d gone downstairs and sat out in his car watching the sun disappear beyond the houses. He was lost in his own thoughts and he barely registered the opening and shutting of the door across from him. He was pulled out of his thoughts as there was a flurry of movement beside him and then as the door slammed shut he realised Y/N was now sitting beside him.  She was dolled up. Her hair was curled neatly around her face and her makeup was heavier than her usual style but still pretty. She smiled at him as he stared at her, taking her in. 
‘Woah,’ he said breathily, ‘hi.’ ‘Hi,’ she said with a smile as she smoothed out her dress. The dress he had shot straight down to Goldsmiths for this morning.  ‘You look real nice,’ he said, ‘beautiful.’ ‘Thank you,’ she said with a small grin. He shifted in his seat a little looking out through the windshield as the radio hummed quietly in the background.  ‘So, you’re going to the dance huh?’ he asked, his fingers fiddling with the steering wheel not daring to look to his side. ‘Yeah,’ she said.  ‘I’m glad. I hope you have a good time,’ he said trying to ignore the ache in his heart.  ‘I’m sure I will,’ she said watching him with a smirk. ‘He picking you up?’ he asked his gaze darting to the road looking for oncoming cars. ‘Actually, I was wondering if I could get a ride,’ she said. That caught his attention. He looked at her wide-eyed.  ‘Y/N,’ he said, ‘look I’m happy for you I am but can’t you ask your daddy or Jimmy.’ ‘Jimmy’s not talking to me,’ she said simply.  ‘I’m sure that-’ he said, pausing as he took in her words, ‘why?’  ‘Well,’ she said putting her elbow up on the bench, ‘he’s all in a tizz because I’m going on a date tonight.’ ‘I thought you said he doesn’t care about who you date,’ Elvis said feeling himself being pulled in. He leaned back against the seat turning his head so he could watch her intently.  ‘He didn’t,’ she grinned, ‘well not until I told him I was going with his best friend.’
His mind seemed to take a moment roving over her words until the sentiment clicked into place, ‘me?’  ‘Not unless Jimmy has another friend I don’t know about,’ she giggled. They were closer now, heads barely a foot apart.  ‘Nah, I’m his only one,’ he mumbled. ‘That’s because I got all the personality,’ she replied.  ‘And the looks,’ he said, dropping his gaze suddenly overcome with bashfulness, ‘I’m not dressed for dancing much.’ ‘Well, then it’s a good job ain’t nobody going to be looking at you when I’m wearing this dress,’ she said.  ‘That’s true,’ he whispered. All of a sudden he felt an urge come over him and before he could stop himself he leaned in and captured her lips tenderly. She kissed him back her hand coming up to cup his face gently until the pair broke apart. Elvis could hear his heartbeat in his ears and he knew he was going to have a sore jaw in the morning from the amount of smiling he was doing. Y/N’s eyes dropped and that blush from yesterday was now a permanent fixture on her face as he watched her adoringly. 
‘We should get going these dances don’t go on forever,’ he whispered. ‘True,’ she whispered back, ‘but I think I’ve just found something better we could be doing.’
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 4
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky gives you a promotion celebration you’ll never forget.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: FINGERING 💦, not wearing a seatbelt oopsies
A/N: The celebration is here! So obviously, this series will be non-linear with your office escapades with Bucky thrown in every once in a while 😏 Anywayyyy, I hope you guys will enjoy this part! I wanted to make it even filthier but idk, it ended up being like this lol. I don’t even know what my standard for filthy is anymore looool. Thank you as always for the amazing feedback! I appreciate you all 🥺
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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You consciously got up from your cubicle, straightening up your skirt and letting out a deep sigh as you gathered your things.
No one will know, you reminded yourself as you slung your bag onto your shoulder.
“This is so weird...” you whined to yourself when you stepped out, unable to ignore how bare you were underneath your skirt.
Bucky’s stern command rang in your ears as you slowly walked along the corridor, remembering the conversation that took place before you left his office earlier.
“I’ll meet you at the basement parking at exactly 6:15pm.” Bucky said after informing you that he wanted to “celebrate” your promotion.
The only celebration you could think of was having his cock inside your mouth, honestly. And the thought of feeling its weight against your tongue was making you wet again.
“Okay.” You responded before turning around to leave.
“And oh, I want your panties off by then. Don’t be late.”
Walking around the office without any underwear on felt like the tenth circle of hell, especially with your co-workers stopping you every once in a while for a short conversation about your promotion.
“Girl! I saw the e-mail! Congratulations!” Martha squealed when you came across her.
You forced a smile and thanked her, trying to hurry your way out of the office because having your pussy out felt horrifying. It’s not like anyone would know but goddamn Bucky and his request, this was the most uncomfortable you’ve ever been.
Martha bid goodbye thank fuck, but just as you were about to press the button of the elevator, Mark saw you and called for your attention.
“So, department head huh?” He said as he approached you.
You forced out a chuckle, “That’s me alright. Look I hav—“
“You deserved that promotion. I mean, it was surprising but well-deserved. Hey, do you want to grab a drink later tonight?” He asked with interest.
You made a face, “Oh sorry, I’m going out with...a friend...to celebrate. Maybe next time?” You said and quickly pressed on the button.
Time was ticking and you were sure that Bucky’s probably on his way down to the basement. You started tapping your foot on the ground when Mark continued to tell you about this new bar a few blocks away and how he would love to take you there sometime. All you could do was nod enthusiastically, hoping for the elevator to reach your floor.
Your phone dinged and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets when you saw that Bucky had sent you a text. And that the time was now 6:15pm. Shit.
I’m waiting.
You were just about to type a reply when three dots suddenly appeared, followed by another message.
I said don’t be late. I’m giving you another 3 minutes and if you aren’t here by then, I won’t let you cum.
Just like that, your phone slipped from your hands and fell to the ground much to your horror. Because how the fuck were you going to bend down to pick it up without exposing your pussy?!
“No worries, I got it.” Mark said about to pick up your phone when you yelled for him to stop.
Either you’ll let him pick it up and have Bucky’s message be seen or bend down and have your womanly part be seen instead. Mark looked up at you suspiciously.
“It’s okay, I got it.” You awkwardly smiled and slowly tried to bend down, struggling with your knees to make sure no one would see that you’d forgone your underwear.
Mark chuckled at your strange behavior but decided to let it go and bid goodbye, repeating that you owed him a night at the bar. You merely offered a smile before hopping into the elevator as soon as the doors slid open.
Bucky had an entire parking basement reserved for him, obviously it was one of the perks of being the CEO. You didn’t have to worry about being seen down there either so that was a relief.
As soon as you stepped out of the elevator, you immediately caught sight of Bucky right across, leaning against his black Jaguar XF. Even from afar, you could see that he was glaring at you for being late.
You squeaked to yourself and hurriedly approached him, ignoring how your bare cunt was slightly getting damp just from seeing Bucky gazing at you like that.
He watched you with a stoic expression as you jogged towards him. You swallowed hard because you couldn’t read your face but you were sure that you were in for something.
“I said don’t be late.” He gruffly said.
“Sorry, I got caught up on my way here. And it’s not that easy to walk around commando.” You snapped.
Bucky lifted his eyebrow at you, his eyes moving lower to stare at your skirt as if he was trying to see through the fabric. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks.
The way Bucky looked at you made you feel exposed and vulnerable, even with clothes on.
Bucky held out his hand, “You’re really an obedient one, aren’t you?” He asked with amusement.
You heaved out a deep breath before fishing your black underwear out from your bag, handing over at Bucky who smirked at you as he placed it inside his back pocket.
“You better be ready, ‘cause you’re in for a celebration.” He whispered.
Who would have thought that Bucky was so damn good at multitasking? He already proved it earlier when he took a phone call while he was fucking you. But now, he took the skill to a whole another level.
The man was driving along the highway while his hand was rubbing the shit out of your cunt while you were on the front seat with your legs wide open.
You could hear your mother’s voice in your ears reminding you to use a seatbelt. God forbid that Bucky crashes the car, you weren’t ready for rescuers to discover your body in such a state.
What would they even tell your mother? Ma’am, your daughter was being fingered in the car when they crashed. What a way to go, huh?
“Bucky...” you moaned, your hand coming up to claw at his forearm when he sped up with his assault on your sex.
“Fuck, look at you. So fuckin’ wet, dripping down on my seat cover, huh?” Bucky grunted as his fingers continued to rub across your pussy.
How the hell was he even driving properly?! Not once did he swerve nor missed a turn. Does this man even have a weakness?
Meanwhile, you looked wrecked and used as you squirmed in your seat with your skirt bunched up to your waist. You could hear your wetness as Bucky continued to play with your folds, opening them up until he was able to insert his middle finger into your hole.
The sound you made was borderline pornographic, and you couldn’t bring your eyes away from how Bucky’s hand stayed in between your legs. The seat cover was made out of leather and thank goodness for that because the mess you were making was just too much.
“Shit...you’re gonna make me cum.” You moaned out loud, your hips rolling on its own accord when Bucky slipped another finger in.
“Oh baby,” Bucky chuckled, “You know you can’t. You were late, remember?” He teased, stealing a quick glance at you before returning his attention back on the road.
You whimpered, “I’m sorry...please...god I’m so close.”
Bucky licked his lips and pumped his fingers into you faster. Your toes curled inside your pumps, thighs quaking and hips violently grinding against his hand; but just as when you were about to snap, Bucky withdrew his fingers and made a sharp turn on the road.
“Bucky, please!” You begged.
He tutted, “No cumming. At least, not now.” He smirked.
Your hand was about to replace Bucky’s but he quickly noticed what you were trying to do and warned you.
“Touch yourself and I’ll fuck you on the hood of my car while everyone watches.”
Hearing that from Bucky made your eyes roll. You seriously got it bad for your boss, and he only fucked you once!
Bless Tinder for helping you land one Bucky Barnes.
The car slowed down and you noticed that Bucky was parking right in front of a fancy restaurant. Was he seriously going to leave you high and dry and then take you out to dinner?
Your eyes landed on Bucky’s hand, still glistening with your wetness, as he maneuvered the wheel. He doesn’t even care about smearing your juices on his steering wheel and you found it so hot that the throbbing in your cunt was becoming unbearable.
You closed your legs and pulled down your skirt, adjusting your position on the front seat. You groaned when you felt your wetness seep into your skirt, forming wet patches all over the fabric. You blushed upon realizing that you were sitting on a puddle of your own juices.
“I’m wet, Bucky.” You told him matter-of-factly.
He turned to you, “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t.”
You deadpanned, “Not that! I mean...” you said and motioned to your skirt.
“Don’t worry, I bought you a dress.” He said and reached for a paper bag sitting on the backseat.
You made a face, “You have everything planned out, don’t you?” You asked.
Bucky’s shit-eating grin gave away the answer. He wanted you to make a mess in his car and he knew he could do that to you. What a smug bastard, but hot nonetheless.
“Go change in the backseat while I clean up your mess.” He said with a smirk.
“But I want to—“
“I’ll make you cum before dessert arrives, I promise.” Bucky cut you off with a sweet kiss on your lips, much to your surprise.
The kiss was simple, no tongue or whatsoever. It was just that, a kiss. So why were you having butterflies in your stomach?
“Now go and change, I made a reservation and we can’t miss it.”
Shit, shit, shit.
You may have realized that Bucky doesn’t seem to have a weakness (provided that he multitasked like a god), but you sure as hell discovered yours when Bucky kissed you like that.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag @weird-mumbling @propertyofpoeandbucky @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @mostly-marvel-musings @squishybabies @megzdoodle @little-baby-vixen @annathesillyfriend @xhollycowx @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @5-seconds-of-mendes @gogolucky13 @countonthesun @iloveshawnieboi @learisa @borikenlove​ @scarlet-natasha89​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​ @jessou893​ @stealapizzamyheart​ @bagelofthelord​ @mxnt​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​ @ohladymacbeth​ @wildflowergubler​ @supraveng​ @twinerd14​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​ @charminivy​ @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​ @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​​ @unmagically​​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​​ @reidbuck​​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​​ @whoth3hellisbucky​​​ @bonkywobble​​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​
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stardewtales · 3 years
Your shane x reader are some of the first I read when i got into sdv, and they still hold a li special place in my heart <3 I love the way you wrote shane, jas, and the farmer (you kept the farmer rather neutral, but you still gave her moments of personality, rlly great stuff!), anyway, I'd love any shane related stuff you would do, but if your looking for a request, the reader teaching him abt farming/gardening (planting hot peppers together eee) i think would be rlly cute-ok bye lysm!!!
A/N: hey lovely!! If you're still around, thank you so much for this. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to your request, but here it is! Hope it lives up to your expectations xx
Shane can feel you hovering behind him.
"What is it," he groans, not bothering to turn around.
"Sorry," he hears you say. "Just, be careful with the roots, please? I don't want all your work to be for nothing."
Well, he can't exactly fault you for that. If anything, he's ashamed because he was distracted while you showed him the whole thing about the roots.
He turns to look at you. "Would you, uh... mind showing me again?"
His stomach twists as you smile at him, thoroughly amused. "Sure thing. Here, let me get in there..."
You kneel beside him, knees firmly planted in the dirt beside his. You proceed to show him how to dig around the roots instead of into them for a second time that afternoon. For a second time, he finds it hard to focus with you so close, but he fights that a little harder this time.
"Here," you hand him back the trowel, "give it another shot."
He can't miss the way the look you give him is so damn encouraging. You've given him plenty of variations on that look by now, with various degrees of concern thrown into the mix. He proceeds to try digging up the pepper plant again, the sun boring down on the back of his neck as he does it.
"Am I getting it right, now?" he asks, glancing up at you quickly.
"Couldn't do it better myself," you nod exaggeratedly, and he fakes throwing dirt at you in retaliation.
It gets a laugh out of you, clear and joyful. It stirs something inside him, the feeling that's been nagging at him sort of often these days. It hits him like a ton of bricks in that moment that this is the feeling he used to chase all the way down the bottles, the sort of rush he used to think would make up for everything else.
He must've made a face when he realized it, because your brows furrow in concern.
"Are you o-" you start, but you're cut off short by a girlish squeal further down the field.
Him and you both shoot up, surveying the surroundings.
"Jas?" you half-shout, concerned.
"I think I need some help," her voice pipes up sheepishly, and the two of you finally spot her, fallen on her butt among the sunflowers.
You huff, relieved, and tell him you've got it with a brief touch on his arm before you leave in Jas's direction. Now that he knows she's not hurt, he can go back to making sense of his thoughts, yet he barely registers the lingering feeling of your fingers on his forearm.
He kneels and gets back to work, distraught. His first instinct is to worry. The therapist Harvey connected him with cautioned him pretty early on about the way some addicts replaced one addiction with another, and that all good things should perhaps be enjoyed in moderation while he was on the road to recovery.
You're the best thing in his life by far, but he failed to keep you at arm's length a long time ago now. He's not dense enough to be unaware that he's developed some pretty strong feelings for you. But this particular feeling is new-ish, and he doesn't quite know what to make of it. As his fingers dig up the pepper plant out of the ground and he gently removes chunks of dirt from the roots, Shane hopes really hard this doesn't mean he's allowed himself to veer all the way of the right path he's been trying so hard to stick to.
He hates to think about it, but maybe he needs to cool off on seeing you so often so he can at least get a grip. He can't even recall the last time he went a day without seeing you. Sometime in the spring, probably? It's the very end of summer now.
After he's transferred the plant to the wheelbarrow, Shane stands up and looks around. You're still helping Jas uproot some sunflowers, even though her initial job was just to collect the stray seeds. Officially, he and her were there to help you wrap up the summer crops so you could transfer some to your greenhouse. In reality, he was helping you; Jas was causing more trouble than she was helping, but you didn't seem to mind at all, more than happy to show her over and over how to handle things properly.
He didn't know how you did it. It's like you had an endless well of patience, and he knew he ought to have reached the pit of it by now. And yet, he had not. There were depths to your kindness that reached far enough that even after dealing with him through his recovery, you still had plenty left for Jas in all her fumblings and ill-advised adventures.
For the rest of the afternoon Shane managed to clear his mind and just keep working somewhat efficiently. Marnie came around just before dinnertime to get Jas, who was too exhausted from running around by then to protest. Marnie had also let him know she'd save him a portion of dinner for when he came home, but to take his time, which he'd made sure to thank her for.
It wasn't long until Jas left before you and him moved on to replanting the uprooted plants into the greenhouse. He liked that part more than the digging up; liked the hazy warmth of the greenhouse more than the blaring heat of the field. The two of you worked mostly in silence, both exhausted, him perhaps more than you.
After you planted the last of yours and he was halfway through his own last plant, he heard you clap your hands together to shake the dirt off your gloves, before you fully shrieked.
"What's wrong?" he quickly turned towards you.
"Your neck!" you replied, walking over to him. "Did you not put on sunscreen like I told you to?"
Shane instinctively reaches for the back of his neck, and while the sunburn doesn't hurt yet, he can feel the tell-tale heat coming off of it.
"Ah, shit. Think I missed a spot."
You tut at him, shooing his hand off so you can take a better look.
"You big idiot," you chastise him affectionately. "You're lucky I have an infinite amount of aloe in the house from last summer."
As Shane steps out of the shower and into your steam-filled bathroom, he can already tell he'll be sore from all this work. He doesn't know how you do this every day. He tries to get a look at himself in the mirror, but it's too fogged up. Probably better that way, he thinks.
He's used your shower plenty of times before, and he's glad that at the very least it doesn't feel as awkward as it used to. While he was still in the pits of getting sober, you'd graciously let him stay over on your couch so Jas didn't have to see him struggle when it got too hard. He still doesn't know why you did that, or how to repay you for it.
After putting on his clothes, he steps out into your living room, where you're waiting for him with a huge tub of the goo you intend to smear on his sunburn. You've showered too, and made him do it after you because otherwise you claimed he'd just wash off the aloe later, which was probably right.
"C'mere," you beckon him over to sit on the arm of your couch.
He chuckles. It's funny to him, how bossy you get when you're trying to take care of him. Nevertheless, he does as he's told and dutifully sits down like you instruct him. And waits.
Nothing happens.
"You okay back there?" he asks, looking over his shoulder.
You raise a brow. "Aren't you gonna take off your shirt? How am I supposed to get this on you otherwise?"
He feels a bubble of panic rush up. He's in better shape than he used to be, but he's still not much to look at, and he doesn't like the idea of you finding that out like this. "Is that really necessary?"
You sigh, and he knows there will be no convincing you. He feels the tips of his ears burn as he lifts his shirt over his head, dropping it at his feet and taking precious care not to look back at you. "Happy?" he mumbles.
"Hmhm," you hum quietly behind him.
You bring your aloe-coated fingers to his burning skin, and instantly he feels consumed by ice-cold flames. He was not prepared for you to touch him quite so gently, to work the gel into his skin in tiny, careful circles. His throat runs dry as he's reminded of his earlier conclusion that he needs to take some time away from you, for both of your sakes. If the way his body is reacting to this isn't proof, he doesn't know what would be.
You let him know you're done, and he promptly puts his shirt back on. He wishes he hadn't when the stickiness gets a hold of the collar.
"So, just a heads up," you start, screwing the jar of aloe vera shut, "I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow I think. So maybe hanging out in the evening when I'm done would be better?"
He's taken aback by the way this is coming up faster than he anticipated. Still, No time like the present I guess, he thinks to himself.
"About that," he clears his throat, "I think it might be better if I spend some alone time for a while."
He watches you still. You look up at him slowly, visibly confused. "Have I done something wrong?" you ask, and it kills him. "I'm sorry if I have, I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes," you start to ramble, but he cuts you off.
"No, no, none of that," he tries to reassure you. "It's just, uh, how do I say this," he scratches at his head, genuinely at a loss. "Remember how I told you my therapist said I should, like, maybe be careful about things I enjoy a lot? And about... strong emotions?"
You nod, but he can tell from your slight frown you're still confused.
"Well, it's kinda like that. I feel really good when I'm with you. Maybe a little too good. Strong stuff. But I don't wanna depend on you to feel... good. I wanna keep this healthy, yeah?"
You ponder his words, and he can tell he hasn't really gotten his point across. "I mean, I think I get where you're coming from, maybe? But Shane, I think it's okay for you to have a support system. Is it really so bad if being with a friend makes you feel good? I think that's how most people feel."
He shakes his head, huffing. "No, it's not like that."
"Then what is it like?"
His eyes meet yours, and he feels weak. "Please don't make me say it," he whispers.
"Shane," you reach out to touch his shoulder, "You're worrying me."
He swallows. Before he knows it, it tumbles out of him. "I have feelings for you. I have for a while. And lately it's gotten a little out of control. So I need some time away from you to get over it, okay? I don't want things to be weird. I need you too much to have things be weird. So I need to figure it out before it gets there."
You stare at him, and he sees so many emotions run across your face that he gets dizzy.
"You... what?" you say quietly after a while.
He feels heat rise from his chest all the way to his ears, like some twisted type of nausea. "Forget it, alright? That's not the point I'm trying to make. I just..." he breathes, "I'll see you in a few days, yeah?"
He doesn't wait for a response. He goes for the door right away, in a real hurry to leave this place where everything is so blatantly yours, down to the smell of your lotion lingering in the air from your bare legs.
But you don't let him leave. He feels your hand on his arm, a real grip this time, and the next thing he knows you're reaching for his neck and bringing his mouth to meet yours. Shane thinks he's forgotten how to make his blood run, how to make his lungs breathe, how to make his limbs move. You're pressing your lips on his with a fervor he didn't even know you had in you. Then, with an instinct of its own, his body kicks back into gear, and he feels himself wrapping his arms around you, bringing you closer yet as he pours all the energy he has left into kissing you back.
It's desperation that compels him, because he never imagined this would ever happen outside of his mind, outside of his daydreams. He's not even convinced he'll ever get to do it again, so he's making this one count.
He genuinely has no idea how much time has passed when you break away from him, panting. You're not saying anything, just searching his eyes with yours.
"Please say something," he eventually breathes.
He watches as you swallow, then exhale loudly. "I don't want to see you in a few days only. I wanna see you now and in the middle of the night and every moment of every day. I don't want you to go and get over me, because I don't think I'll be able to get over you if you do, Shane. So don't leave me. Stay. Please."
Your words fluster him a great deal more than he already is. "Okay," he nods, in a half-daze.
"Yeah?" you make sure, still catching your breath.
"Yeah," he confirms. "Anything for you. Of course."
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v-hope · 4 years
With You
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, College!AU, established relationship
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: Although trying to fight it, Jeongguk can’t help but become insecure about your relationship after your ex best friend starts filling his head with lies about you and Taehyung, his best friend who you just so happened to be out with that day. Good thing is, you’re right there with him to reassure him you want him and only him.
—Alternatively, the one in which during a heated make out session you find out your boyfriend is a virgin, and decide to help him get himself off.
Warnings: Heavy making out, light body touching (?), dry humping, confident Guk and shy/awkward Guk keep switching places, handjob, blowjob. And yup, Guk’s (still) a virgin.
A/N: Helloo, this from part 28 of my Social Media AU ‘Tiger Flower’, but I guess you can still read it if you haven’t read the full story lol. So this was supposed to be a 2k drabble like the ones I always write but I got a bit carried away 🤡 I hope you enjoy! 💕 ALSO, someone asked me to bold the beginning and ending of the smut part(s), so if you don’t wanna read the smut just look for the bolded words and skip what’s in between lol.
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Running his hands through his face as the elevator’s doors opened, Jeongguk started walking through the hallway to his place, head lowered as he absently looked in his pocket for the keys to the apartment.
The conversation he had with Sooyeon was still going through his mind over and over. Although he had managed to sound confident enough through the texts they had exchanged and he had put her in her place —along with blocking her ass just like he had wanted to ever since the first time she brought you up into the conversation—, he could not deny her words did hit home.
Taehyung was definition of your type. Outgoing, talkative, funny, handsome. The life of the party, in other words. Something he was not, and something he would never be, considering he did not show up to parties at all if it wasn’t because he was either forced to by his friends or because you would be there.
Taehyung could most definitely show you a good time, whereas he, on the other hand…
No, fuck that. You were dating him. He was your boyfriend. He, Jeon Jeongguk. That was all he could find comfort in.
Then again, you were not with him right then. You were somewhere else with Taehyung. As friends, but still. And then again, just like he had a high school crush on you and found himself falling all over again three years into college, so had you with Taehyung right before dating him. Would it really be that hard for you to fall for him a third time when the two of you were still so close?
He shook his head, as if trying to shake his thoughts away. Don’t let Sooyeon get to you, Y/N’s with you for a reason. Don’t let Sooyeon get t—
Before his head could keep on torturing him, your voice brought him back out of his small trance, fixing his wide doe eyes on you for two seconds before he took in his surroundings, only then realising he had already reached his apartment’s door.
Staring back at you, his eyes lit up.
“Hey,” he said softly. “What… What are you doing here?”
You shifted nervously in your place. “You sounded kinda off through texts, so I just wanted to check up on you”.
He nodded quietly, fighting the huge smile that was threatening with forming on his lips.
Because you were there. With him.
“You didn’t, um…” his eyes travelled to the door for a second before they were back on you. “Joon-ie hyung didn’t open the door for you?”
A small laugh escaped your lips at the way his eyebrows had furrowed, ready to fight his roommate for leaving you waiting out there for God knows how long. “I didn’t call on the door” you explained, causing his eyebrows to knit further together in utter confusion. “I didn’t know if you wanted me here at all, so I thought I’d just wait outside in case you wanted to be alone and asked me to g—”
Your words were cut off by a sweet kiss being pressed to your lips. Although taken aback the first second, you smiled when he cupped your face to press his mouth deeper against yours.
“What was that for?” you smiled once he pulled away, eyes still closed as you felt his nose gently bumping yours.
“I’m just happy you’re here” he breathed contently.
“That’s good to hear” you sheepishly admitted, resting your hands on his chest. “I honestly thought you would ask me to leave”.
He shook his head no, pecking your lips before he pulled you into his arms. “Don’t be silly, you know I always want to be with you”.
You took in a shaky breath, feeling all the tension you had been building up until then leave your body for good, and then wrapping your arms tightly around him as well. “Yeah, but you sounde—”
“Shh,” he hushed you, pressing a brief kiss to your neck. “I want you here”.
You let out another laugh, not only because of how happy his words made you, but because of the way he later grabbed your face once again to start peppering kisses all over it.
“Yah, Jeon Jeongguk!” you called him out in between giggles. “We’re in the middle of the hallway”.
He laughed, pecking your lips one last time before he pulled away. You just didn’t know how much it meant to him having you there with him right then when he needed you the most.
Without another word, he took his keys out of his pocket, like he had intended to minutes ago, and finally opened the door.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned around to look at you with a raised brow. “You’re coming in, right?”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “I mean, since you ask so nicely…”
Rolling his eyes at your overdramatic ways, he grabbed your hand, pulling you inside his place with him, not giving you time to even take a look around as he dragged you into his room.
“I don’t even get to say hi to Joon?” you teased as you closed the door behind you and he went to lie down on his bed.
“You can go say hi if you want” he replied simply, resting his weight on his elbows so he could properly look at you.
“Nah,” you shrugged, watching his nose scrunch up as his lips parted into a big smile when you started walking towards him. “I came to see you after all”.
“That you did” he contently affirmed, that being all he needed to let go of his intrusive thoughts.
Letting his back fall on the bed once again, he stretched his arm out on the mattress for you to go over there. Without another word, you crawled in bed with him, resting your head on his arm just like he wanted you to, scooting closer to him when his hand rested on your shoulder, and then resting yours on his chest.
“So how was work?” you tried to initiate small talk, tenderly running your fingers in circular motions from his chest to his abdomen.
The sigh that had escaped his mouth let you know not so well.
Work itself had been alright . What happened afterwards when he was heading home and Sooyeon texted him? Yeah, that had been shitty as hell.
“I blocked Sooyeon” he let you know.
Your head snapped up. “Hadn’t you already done that?”
“From Instagram, yeah” he nodded. “I blocked her phone number now. It can be a little awkward tomorrow when I see her but it’s the last day of filming, so I couldn’t care less”.
Although wanting to laugh —because, let’s be honest, that new piece of information could only bring you joy—, you ended up pouting in confusion.
“Something happened?”
“The usual,” he took in a deep breath. “She was talking shit”.
You nodded understandingly. Although wanting to know the details, you understood he didn’t really want to talk about it, for otherwise he would’ve told you by then. So, you said nothing, settling for pressing a lingering kiss to his shoulder instead.
“Is that why you were upset?” you wondered.
Jeongguk stayed quiet, both in awe at how you could tell he wasn’t feeling his best just by a couple of texts, and once again upset at the conversation he had held with Sooyeon earlier that evening.
“Kinda” he tried to shrug it off.
You puckered your lips, stopping your soothing motions on his torso and resting your palm on it instead so you could support your body up as you looked for his chocolate eyes.
“Was it because I went out with Tae?”
The way his body had tensed was all the answer you needed. However, he surprised you by shaking his head no.
“It wasn’t… I mean,” he sighed, pushing his hair back with his hand. “You guys are friends, it’s okay”.
You stared at him intently. Maybe he claimed it didn’t bother him, but his eyes right then, which remained fixed on the ceiling instead of your concerned ones, told you otherwise.
Placing your hand on his arm and giving it a light squeeze, you leaned in to briefly press your lips to his cheek. “I’m sorry,” your sincere words managed to catch his attention. “I should’ve asked if you were okay with it”.
He shook his head no immediately, sitting up and resting his back on the headboard. “You don’t need to ask for my permission to meet up with people, petal”.
“I know, but,” you shrugged, sitting up as well by his side and focusing your eyes somewhere other than his. “Everything is still kind of recent, I should’ve been more considerate of your feelings. I’m just so used to hanging out with mostly guys that I forget I have a boyfriend now and you—”
You caught on the way he had —teasingly— raised up a questioning eyebrow, making you mentally go over the words you had just said and panic once you realised how wrongly you had worded them.
“Wait, no!” you tried to correct yourself immediately, as he could no longer hold his serious semblance and started laughing. “I don’t forget I have a boyfriend, I meant that I forget you might not be very fond of—yah!” you called him out when his laugh did no longer allow your words to be heard.
“I know what you meant, petal” he reassured you, grabbing your hand and gently running his thumb on the back of it. “You look so cute when you panic”.
“Aish, you’re so annoying” you crossed your arms over your chest.
Chuckling at your cute annoyance, he took advantage of your folded arms to pull you towards him by them, having you instinctively straddle his lap after his lips collided with yours.
“You’re really okay with it then?” you asked one last time, cupping his face as he opened his eyes; watching the way they smiled right before he nodded.
He trusted you. Both you and Taehyung. He really did.
He knew the two of you were just friends. After all, he had told Taehyung it was okay for him to hang out with you from time to time back when they had The Talk. And he was truly okay with it. It was just that he couldn’t help being insecure sometimes, and Sooyeon’s words had only managed to increase that feeling.
He needed some reassurance from you, that was all.
“Just…” he licked his lips as he tried to find the right words. “You want to be with me… right?”
You answered his question with a slow, lingering kiss. One that left him aching for more, lips slightly puckered when yours left their touch. “I’m with you for a reason, bun” you cooed. “I mean, I am your girlfriend after all, am I not?”
He smiled blissfully, still feeling a wave of heat run up his body whenever that word was mentioned in reference to you, as he was not quite used to it yet. “Don’t go forgetting I’m your boyfriend then”.
Just as a light laugh escaped your mouth at his mocking remark, he entangled his fingers in the hair at the back of your head to pull you back into his lips, resting one of his hands on your lower back as you wrapped your arms around his neck the way he loved it, slightly opening your mouth to give him easier access to it.
And maybe it was the loose fabric of the oversized hoodie of his you had kept and were wearing that day, that made it so easy for his hands reach for your naked body underneath, or maybe it was just the way he had been craving you for so long, what made him dig his hands inside of it without a second thought — fingertips hesitantly tracing your skin and thumbs drawing circles on your waist for a couple of seconds before they trailed all the way up to the hem of your bra, where they stopped in their tracks and travelled to your back instead, as he didn’t want to overstep any more boundaries than he already thought he had.
Earning a small protesting whine from him when your mouth let go of his, you surprised him by digging your own hands under your hoodie and grabbing his wrists, causing a shaky break to abandon his mouth when you placed his hands on your breasts, just like that, giving him the last little push he needed to do what he was dying to.
“You can touch me all you want” you managed to say a little out of breath, not having time to feel shy at your own words under his piercing stare before his mouth was once more smashing on yours.
Enjoying the spoken consent you had just given him, he wasted no time in cupping your breasts, smiling in between your kisses at the way they felt so perfect in his hands — imagining how much softer they would feel without the lacy fabric in the way.
Letting go of one of them, he placed his hand on your bare back to pull you closer against his chest, giving the one still in his hold a firm squeeze that had you moaning against his lips.
And right then, he felt something he had not quite felt before. It was the way he felt his blood boil and the way he wanted more. He wanted to hear more of that melodic sound. He wanted more of you.
Only, the next second, it was you the one making a raspy moan come out of his mouth, when you grinded against his lap, providing him the friction he didn’t know he needed so bad.
Removing one of his hands from underneath your hoodie, he cupped one of your cheeks to keep you steady as he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, tongue tracing its outline so you would open up. Doing as he wanted, you felt his tongue pleasantly massage yours, deciding right then you also wanted to feel his bare skin against your fingertips, not letting any other second go by before your hands were already making their way inside his black sweatshirt, feeling goosebumps form on his skin as your faint touch inevitably tickled his abdomen.
Letting go of his mouth, you planted a kiss to his jaw before making your way down to his neck, getting a gasp out of his mouth when you started sucking at the sensitive skin.
With the intention of keeping you still on his lap as your hungry lips worked on his neck, he placed both of his hands on your hips — momentarily forgetting about his own strength and ending up pulling you down roughly enough for you to unintentionally rub once more against his already hardening member.
“Fuck” he rasped, feeling you smile agains his neck before you rolled your hips one more time just to get another moan out of him.
Not letting go of your hips, if anything grabbing them tighter, he turned both of you around so he could be in control now. With your head hitting the soft pillow, and still taken aback by his sudden actions, you allowed his needy lips to attack yours once more for a while before they peppered small kisses all their way down to your neck.
“Jeongguk” you moaned when he thrusted his hips against your center.
He smiled, loving the tone his name had just came out with from your pretty lips. Wanting more of it, he did it again, going back to your mouth right in time to muffle the moan that had just escaped your mouth, as you could not be anything other than grateful at the fact he had decided to wear a pair of dark joggers that particular day, allowing you to feel his stiff member with little to no restraints.
With one hand holding onto your hip and his other one making its way back inside your hoodie and up to your breasts, he cupped one of them — his thumb giving attention to your nipple by making circular motions over the thin fabric of your bra and having you bite your bottom lip to hold back a moan.
Losing yourself into his pleasant touch, you rested your hands over his back, wrapping your legs tight around his waist, pulling his hips once more into your center. A satisfied smile curved up your lips at the way he had to let go of your mouth and buried his face in the crook of your neck to muffle the quite loud moan that had just escaped his lips — thrusting into you one more time just as you rolled your hips up to meet him there.
Breathing heavily at the ongoing friction, you let your hands travel down to the waistband of his joggers so you could pull them down and feel him up.
And although for just a second, you felt his lips abandon the spot they had been teasing on your neck — an almost inaudible gasp escaping his mouth as his body tensed up.
That was all you needed to stop.
“What happened?” you worried.
“Nothing” he was quick to try and brush it off, going back to pepper wet kisses to your neck.
“No, Guk” you lightly pushed him off you, cupping his face in your hands so he had no choice but to look at you. “If you don’t want t—”
“I want to” he stated before you could even finish your sentence.
Fuck, he wanted to.
Jeongguk sighed in defeat, managing to break free from your hold and letting his forehead fall to your shoulder. “It’s embarrassing…”
Your eyebrows furrowed, not understanding where he was trying to go with this at all. “You can trust me”.
He took in a deep breath. He knew he could trust you. He knew you would never make fun of him for such a thing. However, to him, his lack of experience, especially since you did have some of it, could only be something he felt insecure about.
“Bun…” you tried to reassure him, wrapping your arms around him and planting kiss after kiss to the side of his head.
“I’ve never…” his voice came out muffled as he spoke against your shoulder, making it harder for you to hear.
“I’ve never had...” he spoke louder this time. “You know…”
He found delusional how hard it was for him to admit it. He had never really minded, to be honest. Whenever his friends teased him because of it he would just brush it off. It wasn’t that he was not interested in having sex, he was a young man with many needs after all. And it wasn’t that he didn’t feel ready either —or well, that until that evening, because it was fair to say he was freaking out now that it was you the one he was about to be with—. It was just that no one had ever caught his attention the way you had. There was never someone he felt the need to have this kind of intimacy with, until you.
That’s why, unlike with his friends, he did mind when it came to you. It was hard for him to admit it to you because, although he knew you’d understand, you could always be disappointed at his lack of experience, and it was precisely not being good enough for you what worried him the most, what had made him hesitate before.
“You’ve never… had sex?” you softly finished for him.
He nodded shamefully, and for a good couple of seconds you couldn’t believe him. Yes, he had told you once he had never been on a date, but dates are different than sex. For starters, you didn’t need to really talk during sex, which was what you knew troubled him the most about dates and just meeting people in general. Besides, with a guy as handsome as Jeongguk, you had been positive he must’ve been with someone at least once.
However, opposite to the disappointed reaction he thought you would have, he found himself relaxing under your touch when you pressed a kiss to his head.
“Gotta say I can’t believe and am kinda disappointed that no one ever tried to jump your bones before” your bold words had him laughing in a second, pinching one of your sides to call you out on them. “Seriously, bun. I mean, look at you!”
“Shut up” he mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn in embarrassment.
You chuckled, gently shoving his face with your shoulder to let him know you wanted him to look at you, making him feel at ease just by seeing the smile on your lips once he did as told. “It’s okay”.
“It is?” his voice came out uncertain.
You nodded, cupping his face. “Of course it is. I’ll wait for as long as you want me to”.
“But I want to” he pointed out embarrassingly fast, earning a light laugh from you.
“Then I’ll just wait until the moment’s right and you feel like going through with it without hesitating” you kissed his pink lips briefly — as if on cue, your heads snapping to the next room after hearing Namjoon drop something and cursing at it. “And until we’re alone and won’t risk being heard by our roommates, maybe”.
Jeongguk laughed at your last addition, leaning in to peck your lips three times. “I like the sound of that” he smiled, only for it to be erased when his eyes instinctively went down to the problem he had just been left with inside his pants. “I should probably, um…”
Your eyes followed his as they glanced down to his still hardened length. You had been too caught up on kissing him before to pay attention to it. But now, watching the outline of his erection poking through his sweatpants, you found yourself wanting more of him all over again.
“I can help you with that if you want” you couldn’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth, having his attentive eyes lock with yours in a second. “We don’t need to have sex for that”.
Jeongguk licked his lips, deep in thought over something he already knew the answer to. “Don’t feel like you have to...”
“I want to” you stated.
Simple as that, he found himself nodding — your determined eyes being the last push he needed to let go of the shyness he had suddenly been filled with and just give in to what he wanted, to what he needed.
With a smile curving up your lips, you gently stole a kiss from his mouth, sweetly pecking it a couple of times before you finally sucked on his bottom lip — a muffled moan coming out of his mouth when you gave it a teasing bite right as your hand palmed him over his pants.
“You have to be quiet” you reminded him with a light laugh. And for a second there you were kinda glad it wasn’t you the one on the receiving side, for you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep it down either at all.
Not being able to say anything in reply, he just nodded — a pretty eager nod that seemed more like one to move on from the topic already than one of agreement. Nevertheless, you had no intentions of stopping, (un)luckily for him.
Pressing another kiss to his swollen lips, you fidgeted with the waistband of his joggers just like you had intended to before. This time, he didn’t tense up, and you took that as your green light before you dug your hand in them.
“M—Fuck” he mewled when you took a hold of his cock, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you guided it out of his clothes.
Letting go of it for a second, you helped him on his back so you could sit up into a more comfortable position before wrapping your hand around it again, and right then you could’ve sworn you would never get tired of the pretty sounds that escaped his lips every time you touched him.
Gently, as you were just then discovering what it was he enjoyed the most, you started giving him a few pumps, trying to find the right pace for him and his needs.
“Baby, fuck” he breathed out, leaning his head deeper againt the pillow as he looked for some kind of support.
And it was the way he faintly thrusted his hips up into your hand, what let you know he was craving more. Not having to think twice, you sped up the pace of the way your hand moved up and down his length, tightening your hold on it just a little bit more.
“Mm… Just like that,” he let you know softly, as if suddenly remembering about the whole being-quiet-thing. “Just like that”.
“Feels good?” you wondered, enjoying the view of his furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes as he gave in to your touch.
“So good” he agreed.
Licking your lips, you stared down at his hard cock in your hand, giving it one last pump before your thumb slowly spread his precum over its tip.
“You alright with just my hand?” you asked and he was nodding before you could finish the question, which made you wonder if he had even heard it at all or was immersed enough in his own pleasure to agree to anything. “Or would you enjoy my mouth being wrapped around you better?”
His eyes opened as soon as the word ‘mouth’ was on the table, studying your face for a couple of seconds to make sure you were not playing with him in his vulnerable state. At the sight of your lustful eyes on him, however, he knew you were indeed very serious. And he’d be damned if he ever turned down such an offer.
“I want your mouth” although determined, his voice came out shakily.
Nevertheless, you were willing to comply with his wishes.
Jeongguk was on the edge of losing it when he saw you smile and make your hair out of the way right before you leaned down, removing your thumb from the tip of his cock so you could replace it with your tongue instead — a hiss escaping his mouth when you licked the traces of the precum you had just spreaded over it.
Giving him two small pumps, you allowed yourself to take him in your mouth; far from being able to take his entire length, yet enough for his body to tremble out of utter pleasure.
“Y/N…” he whimpered, fingers entangling in your hair as he desperately tried to control the overwhelming pleasure your wet mouth and tight lips wrapped around his cock were giving him.
Not once had he ever felt this good before, both your hand and mouth taking him places his hand alone could’ve never taken him to. And he was afraid he would come in your mouth anytime by then.
Pulling it out of your mouth, you threw him a small glance before you carried on — your tongue tracing all the way from the base to the tip, hearing him moan when you took him in your mouth a second time.
“Fuck, baby, you—ah,” he moaned when you swirled your tongue over his tip. “You feel so good”.
Enjoying way too much being the reason behind how good he was feeling, you decided to do him a favour and push him closer to his release for once and for all.
Slightly tightening your hold on him, you started once again moving your hand up and down his length, switching between the ministrations both your hand and mouth were applying on it, and knowing you were driving him over the edge when his hold on your hair tightened and his body trembled ever so slightly.
“Y/N…” he panted. “F-Fuck, I’m—”
His words were cut off by the heavy breath he had to take when you gave him one last particular pump, trying his best to hold on. Noticing that, you gave one of his thighs a squeeze to let him know it was okay for him to let go. And he was so desperate to reach his high right then, that your small gesture alone was all he needed to do so.
Closing his eyes, he found himself having to cover his mouth with his arm not to be too loud when his orgasm hit, feeling his warm release spreading into your mouth. Moving his hand up to cover his eyes as he came down from his high, letting himself get lost in the aftershocks of it, he missed the way you tasted his release in your mouth.
Cleaning the small stains of it left on the tip of his member, you adjusted it back inside his pants and went to lie down next to him, smiling adoringly at the way his chest moved up and down as he tried to catch his breath and tenderly removing his arm from his face, having his eyes find yours in a second.
“Was that okay?” you asked, softly removing a few strands of hair that had gotten stuck to his slightly sweaty forehead.
Jeongguk smiled incredulously, gently running his fingers through your hair to try and fix the mess he had made on it. “You even have to ask?”
And somehow that was all you needed to hear for the heat to reach your face, suddenly feeling shy at what you had just done.
Catching up on that, he pulled you into his arms, pressing a couple of kisses to your cheek before moving them to your mouth, where they remained for a little longer.
“You’re amazing” he said truthfully — the way he had said it, letting you know he did not just mean it when it came to sucking him off.
You smiled wholeheartedly. “Yah, don’t” your eyes focused somewhere else, feeling your face burn.
Jeongguk smiled sweetly, managing to draw your attention back to him by ever so tenderly caressing your cheek. Fuck, he loved you. And right then, with your eyes looking at him in a way he thought they had never when you were just friends, although unspoken, delusional even, he really felt like maybe you felt the same, too.
Tilting your face up just enough, he connected his lips with yours for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. “I’ll be good to you, too”.
You chuckled, loving the idea of it and kissing him briefly to let him know you did. You knew he would.
“When we’re alone, though. I won’t have Joon hear from me what he probably just heard from you”.
Jeongguk laughed, deciding to say nothing and instead pull you tightly into his chest and rest his chin on your head. And although he knew he might never hear the end of it from his friends, for once, he did not care what the rest had to either think or say.
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
Do you write requests? I mean... chishiya getting his hair washed by his s/o... and it's so intimate that he really struggles with his emotions... dunno if you'd write that, tots fine if you don't. Just saying... would be cute wouldn't it...
Hello! I'm always happy to write requests, though this is the first one I've ever had :)
I wasn't sure if this managed to get across enough emotion on Chishiya's end (because that boy is like an emotional breezeblock) but I hope you like it all the same!
You were never worried whenever Chishiya left for a game. Well, that’s not entirely true. He was smart enough to wriggle his way through almost any situation, you knew that. Rationally and logically, Chishiya would survive. But there was always that tiny voice whispering, ‘What if’.
What if he ends up in a Spades game and isn’t athletic enough?
What if he’s ambushed by other players during a Hearts game?
What if there can only be one survivor, and by chance, it isn’t him?
Interestingly, ‘What if he gets so covered in blood, it forces him to finally wash his hair properly?’ never once crossed your mind.
Half-asleep, you heard the door to your shared room creak open as someone shuffled inside. At any other time it could have been an intruder, or even one of the militants, if not for the beam of light from the hall slicing through the darkness. Chishiya’s features were briefly illuminated, then he shut the door.
You dreamily watched his silhouette as he rummaged through the drawers, dragging them open one by one until the noise woke you up completely.
‘Go back to sleep.’ He shut another drawer.
By now, sleep was too far gone. Sitting up with a yawn, you switched on the bedside lamp, but when the yellow glow filled the room, it became horribly apparent why Chishiya was turning out all your clothes drawers.
His white hoodie, sweatpants, and even his skin were all spattered with blood. And within an instant, there was only one question pressing on your mind.
‘Is it yours?’
‘I told you to go back to sleep.’
The side-glance he gave you as he reached for a towel revealed that he wasn’t in the mood for this, probably because his favourite white hoodie was stained. But neither were you.
‘Is it yours?’
‘Does it look like it’s mine?’
Eyebrow raised, he turned to face you fully, letting the light accentuate every stain in his clothes. On closer inspection, no. It couldn’t possibly have been his. The speckled pattern of the blood suggested that it must’ve come from someone several feet away. Realising that he was unharmed, you instantly relaxed.
‘Was it those collars again?’
‘Yes, actually.’ He paused, smiling curiously. ‘But the players weren’t the ones wearing them.’
Ah. It was one of those games where one of the others hunted the players down. You’d survived them before, and their lives were almost always pitted against yours.
If Chishiya had any intention of telling you about his game, it certainly wasn’t right now, because he suddenly turned towards the bathroom, giving you a full view of the back of his head.
‘Wait!’ You threw back the covers, managing to catch him by the elbow just in the nick of time. ‘Wait a second.’
‘What is it now?’
You lifted up locks of his hair, inspecting the dry, tangled mess. Aside from a couple of specks at the front, he’d somehow managed to avoid getting blood in it. However, that didn’t mean the overall state of his hair wasn’t nasty as hell.
‘I thought I told you to brush it properly after you shower,’ you said, feeling the damaged stands between your fingertips. ‘And we have conditioner. Don’t you use it?’
He looked at you tiredly, as though he couldn’t believe he was even having this conversation. ‘Conditioner is waste of time and money,’ he said. ’Now go back to bed.’
He tried to shut the bathroom door between you, but there was no way you could let hair like that pass. The moment the door closed, you yanked it open again before he could lock it, catching him by surprise.
‘Nope. You’re not getting away that easily.’ You pushed your way into the bathroom. ‘There’s no money in this place, and no excuses.’
He leaned against the bathroom counter, watching impassively as you started to run a bath. ‘I don’t take baths.’
‘Well, you do now.’
Opening the bathroom cupboards, you pulled out some of the nicer hair products that you’d collected from abandoned salons in the city. Since the only currency in the Borderlands was human life, luxury hair products were free game.
You could feel Chishiya growing more and more irritated. ‘Pull the plug, or I’ll do it myself.’
Ignoring the comment, you pulled gently at his hoodie in a signal to remove it, only he shifted away from you and muttered that he wasn’t a child. Despite his small, reluctant comments, it was surprising how easily he’d given in. Perhaps he was simply too tired to argue, though you knew you’d get an earful about this tomorrow.
Once his bloodied clothes were in a pile on the floor, he uncomfortably climbed in the bath. Neither of you were particularly bothered by nudity, and it was hardly the first time you’d seen him like this. There was just something about baths that he hated, and seeing him sitting grumpily in the water, it was impossible to keep from smiling.
‘I’m sorry,’ you said. ‘If it’d been a shower, I would’ve had to get in too.’
‘And that’s a bad thing?’
‘Pff, stop trying to distract me,’ you snickered. ‘I’ve got so much work to do if I’m going to rescue this mess.’
Tilting his head back, you used your hand to pour water over his hair, taking your time to dampen it thoroughly before squeezing in shampoo. You had never been very good at massage, but you tried your best, rubbing the lather in to make sure every strand was coated, and every drop of blood washed away.
Chishiya didn’t seem to protest. It was a stroke of luck to catch him while he was too tired to put up a fight. You snuck a glance at his face while shampooing his hair, only to find his eyes closed, expression peaceful.
One eye cracked open. ‘I’m awake. Don’t get any ideas.’
Smirking, you started washing the suds away. ‘I guess my plan to attack you when you were sleeping has been foiled.’
‘What a coincidence,’ he mumbled. ‘I had the same plan earlier.’
Once the shampoo had melted into the bathwater, you pooled conditioner into the palm of your hand and started combing your fingers through his hair, coating the locks while gently easing out the tangles.The silence was comfortable, and neither of you spoke until Chishiya let out a small sigh.
‘I preferred what you were doing before.’
Your hands stilled in surprise. ‘You actually like this?’
‘I wasn’t convinced at first,’ he replied. ‘This is the first time someone’s washed my hair like this. I suppose it’s not too bad.’
Chishiya’s words opened up a lot of doors, and you couldn’t help but ask, ‘Didn’t your mother wash your hair for you? When you were small, I mean.’
‘Ah…’ He smiled wryly. ‘We had a nanny.’
Your hands slowed as you mulled over this new information. Chishiya had only vaguely told you about his parents. He barely spoke with his father, and his mother was no different. But that was all you really knew. Maybe he was raised entirely by staff.
‘Was the nanny nice?’
He hummed under his breath. ‘She was underpaid, and she let me know it.’
Did he mean to say, his nanny took her frustration out on him? The more he spoke, the more unsettled you felt learning about this. ‘She helped during bath times, right?’
‘She supervised.’
It wasn’t difficult to read between the lines. He must’ve been washing his own hair from the moment he was able to, and even then, it would’ve been impossible to remember what the experience was like before. No wonder he was terrible at looking after it now.
Bad habits die hard.
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders, pressing your cheek against his damp skin. To your surprise, he leaned into the embrace. It was a small slip that he would never show anybody else, a fracture in his apathetic facade, and there were no words shared between the two of you. Just understanding.
That was, until the silence was ruined.
‘Hurry up. The faster you finish messing with my hair, the faster I can get out.’
Chishiya really didn’t like baths.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Sending nudes/sexting w/ AOT characters (Erwin, Levi, Reiner, Zeke, Connie)
TW: mature things obviously, fembodied!reader, typos probably bc I didnt proofread, 18+, MINORS DNI
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Okay but having Erwin as a sugar daddy who never really expects too much of the “sugar” part out of you, but he’s so sweet and nice and such a gentleman that you can’t help but feel bad one day and send him a teasing photo of you in some lingerie he bought you a while ago and oop—now you totally just started something between you two.
It started off as just pictures in you in lingerie. You mostly covered with maybe a nipples or two poking out through the fabric, but eventually you felt comfortable enough to send him picture of nude parts of you body. And eventually you built your confidence up to send him full body nude picture in stances that make him go crazy. Like you on your knees with your hands flat against your thighs or bent over something with your ass and cunt on display.
One time you sent him soapy titty pictures and a video of you putting the soap on your titties and when I tell you this man went feral with horniness, I mean it.
I wish I could write out sexts for Erwin but he strikes me more of a video call type person rather than text. He’ll FaceTime you in a heartbeat after you send a picture, instructing you on what he wants to see and what he wants you to do with your body. Often times the video calls end up with you either fingering yourself or fucking yourself with a toy he bought for you as he watches from the other end.
“Good girl, just like that. Now spread those lips for daddy so he can get a good look at you.”
Sometimes he’ll even join in with you for a mutual masturbation. Large cock on display in the camera and in his hand as he jerks it at the same pace you’re fingering yourself so you can both reach your orgasms at the same time.
After you both but you think that’s the end of that until the next time he wants to have a session like that, but seeing you over the phone only edge him on more. “I’m sending someone to come pick you up. Be ready in 10 minutes.” Not even a goodbye or anything, but an order.
Nudes and sexting between you and Levi are not a common occurrence at all. You two would much rather be in the physical company of each other to do anything to each other and plus, Levi doesn’t like using his phone a lot.
That’s why when Levi sent you a picture of himself with the cockring you had put on him earlier in the week as a reminder that it was still on, you were shook to your core. Not only because of the fact that he just sent you a nude, but because he looked so good in it with his cheeks flushed, eyes low just begging to orgasm, and his pink cock standing straight up screaming for someone other than him to touch it.
It was almost like he sent it to you knowing that it would rile you up and hopefully cut down on his punishment so the two of you can hurry up and use each other to your liking. And you would be lying if you said that thought wasn’t peaking at the back of your head, but this week was all about your self control along with his. As you’re thinking on how you should reply, maybe with a picture of your own or a few words to tease him, he sends you a string of texts:
(txt) I’m so needy for you baby
(txt) I don’t think I can wait three more days with this thing on
(txt) it hurts, I need you to make me feel good
(txt) so I can make you feel good too
But, just to torture him longer and get him at his neediest, you send him a picture of your cunt along with a text:
(txt) only 3 more days and then you’ll be able to have me any way you want 💜
As an adult it’s so clear that Reiner really lacks confidence at times and can be quite shy and uneasy when it comes to things. Especially when that thing is something like taking nudes that requires so much confident because let’s be honest, sending nudes isn’t always easy.
Plenty of times you’ve blessed him with lewd photos of yourself to add to his spank bank or tried to sext with him, but he just couldn’t quite catch on, but you really don’t mind at all! As long as you’re helping him orgasm and not making him uncomfortable then you could care less about his poor sexting and nude taking skills. But he wants to learn how to be more comfortable in his own skin, so he enlists in your help. At first you thought he was joking, but nope, he was dead serious.
It was kind of awkward at first trying to give him directions on how to pose if it was a nude as if you weren’t the one taking the pictures for him, but it didn’t take long for the two of you to get the hang of it. At one point he looked so good, so hot and flustered with his cock in his hand spread out on the bed that you couldn’t resist pouncing on him then and there. Which resulted in hun taking the camera from you as you rode him and taking pictures of the two of you fucking.
It sparked a tradition between you two from there on out; taking pictures of each other in sexual context whenever you can. You two don’t even need to send each other nudes at this point because you have so many nude pictures of your phone already on each other’s phones.
Not saying you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress, but you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress and you keep it in the favorites tab in your camera roll for whenever you need spank bank material.
Now he’s much more confidence with taking nude photos of himself and sometimes he’s the one to start up sexting conversations between you two.
There’s no one in this world who sexts better than Zeke sexts. His messages are like poetry, so descriptive and easy to visualize and leave you melting in your seat with hot cheeks. They’re just as effective on you as his dirty talk in the bedroom and if you sat there for a good thirty minutes just reading them and thinking about all you experience with him, then you could probably make yourself cum just from that.
(txt) I just want to make you tremble in my arms so bad while I pound into you from behind, my fingers playing with your swollen clit to push you into sensitivity while you orgasm
(txt) want a cock covered in cum by the time I’m through with you
What’s so funny is that he’s behind the screen doing a mundane task like eating cereal while texting you all this. He’s not even too turned on or overly horny at all, just messing with you because he knows the two of you are so far away from each other at the moment.
It’s not until you send him a video of your wet cunt on display with your fingers knuckles deep into yourself moaning out his name trying to mimic his touch, that he really gets riled up. Sitting his cereal down and all to focus on the short snippet of a video, feeling himself get harder and harder in his pants as he watches it on repeat.
(txt) Aw the needy little slut can’t get off properly without me there, can you?
He knows you’re using these texts to coax yourself into your orgasm, probably imagining him behind you whispering them in ear. So, to mess with you further knowing how much you want him right now, he sends a video back to you of him palming his erection through his pants. Knowing it’ll drive you crazy that you can’t have him right now in this moment.
Connie sends you pictures of his dick all the time and not even necessarily in sexual content either. You’ll be minding your business at work and get a picture of Connie’s dick with tiny sunglasses and a mustache on it with a text that reads: “Look babe 😌 I dressed him up. He wants to go on a date with your pussy tonight.”
You cannot take this man seriously at all, simply replying to him with an emoji like ‘🤨’ thinking that’ll be the last of that for today, but boy oh boy were you wrong. Minutes later your phone is buzzing with a notification from Connie. It’s a video and because you think it’s going to be a meme or something you open it without considering your surroundings.
Immediately, the sounds of his whines and moans exit the speakers on your phone and you have to run to the bathroom to finish the rest of the video. This time you’re able to actually look at it; Connie’s hand stroking the base of his cock with a lubricant all over his hands at a pace that was going to have him cumming in only a couple of minutes. And no, the mustache and sunglasses were no longer on anymore.
You take pity on your poor boyfriend and decided to do him a favor, pulling down your shirt and bra so you’re breasts were on display for them. Angling them and holding them up in a way you knew would make him go crazy before you sent the picture to him.
(txt) enjoy 🥰
And in return? He sent you a nut video with the sound on.
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Bells and Smoke
Summary: The youngest Shelby has to be send away to a convent, but you have no intention of conforming to their rules, even if you’ll die in the process
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(Gif by @harmon-jane-black​) A/N: Requested by anon: Could I request a Shelby sister where she is sent off to a boarding school and is getting badly bullied by teachers and pupils for being what they think is Birmingham poor scum. Maybe she comes home or gets visited and is losing her Birmingham accent and is a little thin and tired. V Polly and tommy nun scene vibes. Only if you aren't busy ❣️ x This has gotten really long, but this request gave me SO many ideas! Warning for abuse and neglect though. And I hope you like it!
Words: 6020 *** You couldn’t remember how it had all happened. One minute everything seemed to be fine and the next, life as you knew it had ended. Maybe it was Tommy’s idea, to give you the opportunities the others never had. But he never cared much about his siblings’ education. Maybe it was Arthur’s idea, thinking you’d finally become too wild. But he was too busy fighting his own demons. Maybe it was Aunt Pol’s idea, making a woman of style and class out of you. But she’d never abandon you like this. 
All you knew was that one morning you had been in bed. As usual, you’d woken up with the workers as the factory whistles sounded, but there was no need for you to get up at five. So you’d turned around and tried to sleep on. But then Finn had come in and he roughly shook you awake. “Aunt Pol says you have to get up,” he had said, his voice filled with urgency. But you hadn’t been awake fully yet, “What… Why? It’s so early!” “You have to pack.” “For what? Where are we going?” Your brother had refused to meet your eye, “Not me. Just you.” And before you knew it, Aunt Polly had taken you and your small bag into the car and you were speeding out of Birmingham. At least Finn had come along, though Polly had forbidden him to go, but he had been adamant. “Where are we going?” you had whispered to him in the back. He had hardly replied to any of your question, but gave evasive answers like, “Away. Pol says it won’t be forever.” You remembered the all-encompassing feeling of loneliness that had washed over you in that moment. Was it something you had done? Were you being punished? Was the family giving you up? You were only fifteen, you’d never been away from Small Heath without any of your siblings by your side, and the separation had been too abrupt, too cruel. Suddenly, Aunt Polly had swerved to the right and stopped abruptly in front of the train station. “Get you bag,” she’d ordered you. Anger had flared inside of you, “No! You tell me where I’m going first!” “Y/N Shelby, I am your aunt and you will do as I say. Remember who you’re talking to and don’t think for one second that you will win this fight. Grab your bag and get out of the car.” Petrified at your aunt’s tone of voice, you’d gotten out of the car. And like a zombie, you’d walked over to the train. On the side it said Oxford. “Where do I get off?” You’d asked no one in particular. “Oxford,” your brother had never left your side, “Just sit tight until the end.” “You know what’s going on.” “I can’t change it, Y/N,” his eyes had been pleading for your forgiveness in that one moment, “I tried, I swear to God I did, but I can’t change it…” Not really understanding, you had only been able to nod, “Will you explain it to me?” “I’ll write.” Suddenly, tears had begun to fall from your eyes. The great unknown hadn’t even scared you that much, but the sudden realisation that everything had been altered had. “Here,” Finn had nudged you, as you’d hoisted your bag on board, “I nicked this for you,” and he’d handed you a hipflask, “might get you as far as Oxford. After that, you’re on your own.” His words had hit you hard, so there’d been nothing left to do but take a swig from the whiskey he offered. “What did I do wrong?” you’d asked him, uncertain. “Nothing. Don’t let the bastards tell you otherwise. You did nothing.” His voice had been so strong then. “Finn?” “Yeah?” “You can’t fucking write.” He’d burst out laughing and you couldn’t help yourself but join him. Then the train had started to depart and you’d taken one last look at the car with Aunt Pol’s silhouette inside. You’d turned to Finn and it’d been like you would never see him again. “Finn?” “Yeah?” “I bloody love you, you know?” He’d smirked, “I fucking love you too.” Eyes still locked, the train had started to move and just before it was too late, he’d added, “I’ll make sure you’re coming back home.” You’d clung to those words *** At five in the morning, the whistles sounded. Waking up this early was now your habit, as it was the habit of all the girls here. Like robots, you all climbed out of your sober beds, to put on your drab grey dresses and to stand neatly next to year beds. The dormitory looked like a prison cell and the girls’ faces were ashen. Shivering in the cold, you waited for inspection. “Adams!” “Yes, sister.” “Lee!” “Yes, sister.” “Williams!” “Yes, sister.” The first voice rang through the room like the bells of hell and the girls answered in meek tones. This was your morning ritual and there was no comfort to be found in it. Silently, you waited, while a part of you still dreamed of the horses you once loved and rode. Remember the freedom you felt, you told yourself. Remember the wind in your hair? The people who cared? The place called home? Remember Finn running alongside you? “Shelby!” You suddenly looked up, “Yes, sister,” and faced the nun who’d stopped by your bed. “What’s this?” she asked her rhetorical question. “My bed,” you weren’t supposed to answer, but it had escaped you before you could stop yourself. The middle-aged woman crouched down and tore up the neat bedding you’d just finished tucking in perfectly. Locking eyes with you, she gloated, “Look, it isn’t made properly.” “It was,” you replied through gritted teeth, “you just went and fucked it up again.” Without a warning, she struck you across the face hard. Then she flipped over the bed in one smooth motion and said, without any emotion, “Do it again.” Seething with rage, you counted to ten in your head. In your mind, you went back to Small Heath. You could feel the warmth of the fire in your kitchen, hear the men counting the money and could smell Aunt Polly’s cooking. This and only this was how you managed not to explode. “Ankins!” she continued her list. “Yes, sister.” “Elliot!” She was new here and you looked at her without turning your head, a skill you’d mastered in recent weeks. Some of the girls said she’d gotten pregnant, but she’d lost the baby before coming here. No one really knew what had happened to her. You only thought she looked too young, too fragile, like a little bird that could be squashed with a single movement of the hand. “Yes…” she mumbled, practically inaudibly. “Speak up, girl!” She hardly increased her volume, but repeated, “Yes, sister.” Just as you’d promised yourself you’d try to look out for her, evil incarnate turned around to face you again and snapped, “Shelby. You’ll report to my office after you’ve finished making your bed, properlythis time.” Great, you thought. After she’d left, you looked at your hands in resignation. Faint white lines betrayed the cane that had been on them. They’d only just healed. *** A few months earlier, Tommy was meeting a man dressed in black in an alleyway. As the rain was pouring down on Small Heath, they spoke in urgent whispers. “What did she do this time?” the concerned brother said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. “Theft, mainly,” the other replied, “And she was seen at the races, leaving the scene of the murder.” Tommy knew his sister hadn’t been responsible for the death that day, but none of it mattered now, “How much do they know?” “Enough.” Tommy took another drag of his cigarette and paused for a second, “Well, what do they want?” “Nothing. Leverage.” “Fuck…” “Thomas,” the informant urged, “Get her out. Out of Small Heath, and do it fast.” “Where the fuck is she supposed to go?” He shrugged, “Don’t you have family some place else?” “Can’t protect our Y/N when she’s away from here,” Tommy said coldly, not betraying the emotions he felt. “Then send her somewhere she will be protected.” Tommy sighed deeply, “I’ll ask Pol, eh? She’ll know what to do.” The man looked at Thomas Shelby: gangster, businessman, brother. His face was impossible to read and his feelings remained hidden. So he said, “Do it tonight, Thomas, if you can. He said she’d hang for it. Get her out.” ***
The first time you had tried to escape you didn’t think about it. You hadn’t even planned it and had just decided to run. With two nuns hot on your heels, you’d raced through the corridors. Pretty soon, you ran into your first locked door. You knew all was lost there and then. “Shelby…” the mother superior had mused as you stood in her office, “I knew it would be you.” “And how the fuck would you know that?” you’d replied quick as a flash. “You watch your tone, filthy rat,” she’d shouted, but added calmly, “We know of your kind, child.” Through gritted teeth, you’d questioned, “And what kind would that be?” “Gypsy scum,” she’d spat, before beating you senseless for the first time. The second time you tried to escape, you’d thought it through more. In the middle of the night, you’d crept out of bed and tiptoed across the dormitory. “Get back in bed!” one of the girls had whispered, “Remember last time?” “Yeah, I fucking remember, that’s why I need to leave!” you’d whispered back, voice filled with urgency.
Two hairpins. The day you’d found those were the day you’d planned your second escape attempt. Because if growing up in Small Heath had taught you one thing, it was how to steal and lie and cheat. And, coincidentally, how to pry open any lock. The first locked door was conquered quickly, but the second one had proven to be more troublesome. The large black doors that were said to protect you from the outside world did their job of keeping you all caged inside. The hairpins were too small to reach all the tumblers. Cursing under your breath, you’d soon realised that you disappearance had been noticed. In a panic, you’d grabbed a chandelier from the chapel and broken a window. Ignoring the shards you’d climbed through, while they tore at your skin and blood stained your nightgown. Once outside, the fresh air had an intoxicating effect on you. But you’d never gotten far. Again, you were brought to the mother superior, who stood waiting eagerly this time, cane in hand. “Go on,” you’d urged, full of defiance, “Beat me and get it over with.” “No…” she’d said suddenly, “you will tell me what your plan was first.” “To fucking get out.” “Why would you want to leave this place?” she’d questioned innocently, “Why would you want to leave the house of the Lord, where we only want to offer you safety and education? Where you can atone for your sins and regain your place in heaven?” “I’m not an animal,” you’d replied, “I need to be free.” And with that, the nun had smirked at you, “Free. You want to be free. Well, maybe this will finally break your spirit.” They’d locked you up in the cellars for three weeks. Darkness had enveloped you, only broken when she came in to beat you or feed you. You could never be sure. After every beating, she’d say, “Now, I’ll pray to God for you and ask him for his forgiveness.” “I’ll do it myself,” came your steady answer each time, “I’ll deal with him on my own.” And in the dark you’d cling onto the black Madonna around your neck, the only mother you still had left in this Godforsaken place. Now, some girls would be broken by now, but not you. If anything, you’d been more determined than ever to get out. But you had to be smart about it. Maybe Aunt Pol wouldn’t take you back and maybe you’d shame Tommy, but Finn would look out for you. Running hadn’t worked so far, so a new plan had started to form in your mind: a new plan that involved the boy that delivered the bread. Because as the days droned on after you were being released, you started paying attention to the delivery boy for the first time. You knew he’d always had a thing for you, but you weren’t interested. As a way out, you were now extremely interested. “Hi,” you greeted when it was your turn to help him unload. He was so startled by your talking all of a sudden, all he could manage was, “Bread…” “Yeah,” you smiled your prettiest smile, “Bread. That’s what you’re here for, right?” “I am.” “Good,” and you continued to unload the crates, sending him a few glances over your shoulder. He was still rooted to the spot, so you decided a bit more effort was required in this case, “You only come here for the bread?” you asked with humour in your voice. “Well, that’s my job…” he almost stuttered, but when you made eye contact, he finally relaxed a little, “What else would I come here for?” “Me?” you asked innocently. You could tell his confidence was growing, “Well, maybe a little. I mean, you are the prettiest girl in the school.” That was easy, you thought. So you flirted on and chatted him up and soon he was all yours, “Your name’s Billy, right?” “Yeah.” “Well, Billy. I need a favour…” This plan was a lot more complicated but it had a higher chance of success. And it would’ve worked too, if it hadn’t been for the younger nun who’d spotted you talking to Billy. Before the third attempt had even taken place, you found yourself back at the office. This time, the mother superior didn’t even speak. As soon as you were marched in, she’d grabbed you by your hair and attacked you with a pair of scissors. “Get off me, you crazy bitch!” you screeched, as strands of your hair fell down left and right of you. But the old nun remained completely calm in her tone, while becoming increasingly vicious in her attack, “Do you know what we do here?” You clenched your jaw for the pain, because this was no longer just about cutting your hair, but also hurting you as much as possible in the process. You had about a thousand replies to her question, but quickly weighed your options and decided not to piss off an angry old nun with a deadly weapon in her hands. So she continued, “We offer you the gift of education. Through hard labour, lots of prayer and penance the girls can find their way back to Jesus Christ. By humbling yourself, denying yourself rest, food and drink even, and working beyond human endurance one may come closer to our Lord. Save yourself from eternal damnation.” “No, thanks,” you replied inaudibly. When your hair had been cut, she crowed, “Your arrogance has been defeated and your vanity has been lifted. You will do well here now.” The fuck you would.
*** “Aunt Pol?” “What?” the woman snapped. He faltered, “Is this a bad time?” “It’s never a good time. Speak up, Finn.” “Fine,” and he took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself, “When’s Y/N coming home?” Aunt Polly turned around abruptly and said, “For fuck’s sake, Finn.” “It’s been months!” “And we haven’t heard from her,” with a large gesture, Aunt Polly threw some more wood onto the fire, “If something was wrong, she would’ve written.” “Well, no…” her nephew started protesting. “Yes,” his aunt interrupted him, “She’s fine. It’s Y/N. She can take care of herself.” “She can’t now, can she!” Finn suddenly erupted, “Yousend her away and for fucking what?! She didn’t do anythingwrong!” Polly held up a menacing hand, “You mind your fucking tone or I’ll slap you back to where you came from.” “I’m sixteen, Aunt Pol, same age as Y/N. Remember, we’re twins?” He’d only gotten more heated, “Something’s wrong. I can feel it, alright? And she wouldn’t write to you anyways, because you’re the one that send her away! Why would she write to someone who doesn’t even fuckingwant her?” Polly paused for a moment and seemed to calm down, “What do you mean you feel it?” “I just know, Aunt Pol, like when we were little and she fell in the Cut and I couldn’t breathe? It’s like that, only… longer.” She put down her black cigarette, “You’ve been dreaming, haven’t you?” “I dream about her, but I can never see her,” he nodded, “And sometimes…”
“What?” “It’s stupid…” “Finn, you tell me, right now!” everything about her was focused on the urgency of the situation now. But he didn’t understand, “Seagulls, alright? I keep dreaming about seagulls.” “Fuck,” his aunt whispered to herself, “I need to talk to Tommy.”
“Aunt Pol, you’re missing the fucking point!” he was seething again, “I was trying to talk to you about Y/N! I just want to know why you send her away and whenshe’s coming back!” “I didn’t send her away. Tommy said we didn’t have a choice,” she grabbed her coat and continued talking to herself, “I thought she’d be safe there…” “Isn’t she?” Finn asked, panicking as a result of his aunt’s strange behaviour. “Seagulls, Finn, fucking seagulls!” *** You couldn’t understand why they hated you so much. At first it had just been the nuns, and you had a vague notion of them calling you ‘gypsy scum’ had something to do with it. From the start, they’d commented on your accent, reminded you of where you came from and told you that you were nothing compared to the others girls here. And in a way this made sense: on the one hand this school had the outward appearance of being an institution of learning for young ladies, but the reality was very different. Parents who no longer wanted to deal with them or who had ‘shamed’ their families often dumped girls here. Others were orphans. Either way, the nuns collected the large amount of money paid for each girl and treated all of you badly. And you weren’t a complete idiot and you knew you were partially to blame for the situation as it was now. You knew you hadn’t made a great entrance when you walked into the school, but even from the start they had disliked you. But your resistance had made it worse, much worse. All the girls were treated harshly, had to work and were kept in line, but you were being treated like a slave held captive. There was zero intention on your part to come into the school to make friends. From the moment you’d stepped off that train, you’d decided you were done with people. All you wanted was your brother, and the rest of the family if they still wanted you. But after a few weeks, you had started craving some connections and you had tried to make friends with the other girls. But it soon became clear that you had very little in common with them. This however, wasn’t the main problem: they feared you. Your defiance made them anxious to be around you and receive similar punishments to yours. They kept away. “Elliot!” you whispered to the new girl, who was crying in the dark. You rolled onto your other side in bed to face her and tried to ask her gently, “What’s your name, your first name I mean?” After a few residual sobs, she said softly, “Anna.” “I had a cousin called Anna,” you smiled at her, “Why are you crying? Who do you miss?” “It’s not who I miss, it’s about who doesn’t miss me…” “How do you know…” you started, but you were interrupted. “Don’t talk to her!” another girl called out and Anna turned around to look at her. The girl continued, “Yeah, I’m talking to you. Don’t talk to Y/N. She’ll get you in trouble. Just… stay away from her.” Anna looked at you for a few seconds, eyes filled with fear and then she turned onto her other side. You couldn’t even blame her really. She was new. But slowly, it only got worse. All the girls crossed the halls when you passed and not only did they begin to shun you, but they started taking your things, stealing your food at times and made you an outcast in every sense of the word. And you suddenly understood: if they made you stand out even more, all the attention would be drawn to you. The nuns would leave them alone. You were the easy scapegoat, because you’d been the most likely choice from the start. And as the months wore on, you started to wither away. Jealous or full of hatred, you couldn’t tell, but the other girls tried to hurt you as much as the nuns did. You were cold at night because they’d taken your blankets. You didn’t eat because you were being punished. You didn’t sleep because you were locked up downstairs and the beatings kept you awake. And so you fell ill, heavily. After you recovered, you stopped eating, sleeping, fighting. Not because you no longer could, but because the loneliness had finally caught up with you: you no longer wanted to. *** Tommy watched his aunt as she strode over towards him. He’d known the woman for years and usually he would be annoyed by her interrupting his meeting, but by the way she walked, he knew she wouldn’t wait for anyone right now. “Get out,” she told the man Tommy had been talking too. He left at once. “It’s Y/N,” she said as soon as he’d gone, “We need to get her out.” “She’s at the school, the one you recommended, Pol. You told me she’d get a good education there.” “We were wrong, Thomas, wrong to send her away.” “What’s all this, eh?” he frowned, “We had no choice and she alright where she is. We took care of it.” With a wave of her hand, Polly referred to Finn, “He feels she’s in danger.” And Tommy turned to his youngest brother, raising his eyebrows sarcastically, “Is that right?” “I have a bad feeling, Tom…” Finn said uncertainly. “He’s been dreaming of seagulls,” Polly emphasized, locking eyes with her nephew. “Fucking seagulls…” he rubbed his head, “More gypsy witchcraft?” Swiftly, she slapped Tommy across the face, “You’ve forgotten where you’re from.” Quickly, Tommy’s face went through a range of emotions. First there was anger and the urge to strike back. Then there was the reaction of wanting to hide, like he was being chastised just like when he was little. The hurt over her comment came next, swiftly followed by a sense of shame, because she was right. His face settled on worry over his youngest sister. “What do we do?” “What will happen if we get her back to Small Heath?”
Tommy lit a cigarette and thought out loud, “Connor wants her dead. He has high influence in the police and he’s using her as leverage, after having seen her at the races.” “Y/N didn’t kill that soldier!” Finn called out, full of indignation. “Yes, we know…” Tommy said in a low voice, “But that doesn’t fucking matter because no one’s going to believe our word for it against his.” “Who else knows?” Polly continued. “My guess is no one does yet…” “JOHN!” Polly howled suddenly and for a second Tommy could only blink. Then he continued, “If anyone else knew, we’d heard by now. I’m guessing he intends to save the information for when he can use it.” Aunt Polly bend down and started unlacing one of her boots. That’s when John walked in and he immediately paused when he felt the tension hang in the air. “Take this,” she ordered him and handed him the small revolver that she kept hidden in her boots, “Shoot Connor.” “Fucking what?” he nearly spit out his toothpick. John looked at Tommy for an explanation, but it didn’t come. Instead Tommy asked Polly, “Then what?” “We go to Oxford.” Tommy nodded slowly, “John, go on. Shoot the man. Get Arthur out of bed when you’ve done it.” Shrugging like it was just another small task he had to fulfil without much enthusiasm, John walked off with the gun in hand. But Finn said carefully, “What if I was wrong?” “Have you ever been wrong about your sister?” Aunt Polly asked, “Apart from that time you thought she was in love with that Jewish boy…” “No.” “Trust your gut, Finn,” Tommy confirmed, “Pol’s right.” Aunt Polly smiled at him with an almost motherly warmth, “Let’s bring Y/N home.” *** Eventually you were moved to the hospital wing of the school. The neglect and lack of food had caused your body to shut down and you could no longer force yourself to get up each morning. At first, you were branded lazy and got punished for it. Finally, even the nuns acknowledged this was serious and the last thing they needed was another girl dying at their school. You’d lost all feeling for days, drifting in and out of sleep. One nun took care of you and she was different from the others. During your hazy periods, she tried to persuade you to eat, but with the last strength you did have, you refused. If you were to die, it’d be your own choice. “Y/N…” someone whispered to you gently. You tried to open your eyes, but it felt like lifting bricks with muscles you did not have. “Y/N,” the voice said again, and you realised this wasn’t the nun. Slowly you opened your eyes and saw Anna, sitting by the side of your bed. “What do you want?” you croaked. She looked down and said, “I came to see you.” “Why?” “Because I’ve made a mistake.”
You didn’t care for her feelings. You knew she despised you just like the others did and you didn’t need another girl gloating by your bed. So you decided to just wait and not answer her. “The girls told me you were scum,” she continued, “that you didn’t belong here. They said that’s why you always got into trouble, because you’re just Birmingham working-class trash.” Great, you thought, and how is this supposed to help? “When they told me to not talk to you, I listened. I thought it would help, that I would fit in more and the nuns wouldn’t beat me like I saw them do with others. But I was wrong.” “The nuns don’t need a reason,” you replied before you could stop yourself, “Reasons help, but they will find a way to vent their cruelty, no matter what.” “That night,” Anna said, “you talked to me and asked me who I missed. You were the only one that asked me why I was crying.” “I didn’t want you to feel too alone…” Anna nodded, “I know. That’s why I’m here.” But you didn’t understand, “Why are you here?” “Y/N. You’re not alone. Tell me, who do you miss?” Much to your own annoyance, tears welled up in your eyes. For last couple of months you had tried so hard not to think of Finn, Arthur, John and Ada. And you tried to ban Polly and Tommy especially from your mind, always wondering why they didn’t want you. Your heart can be cruel like that: those who don’t want you, you miss the most. Anna took your hand in hers and for the first time you felt another human being without pain. And so you started telling her of your brothers, of your aunt, of the horses and factories and of the streets of Small Heath. Anna didn’t say a word, but she listened intensely. After you’d cried all your tears and there were no more stories left to tell, all she said was, “Please. Eat.” When she offered you soup, you ate. *** It was a sight to behold: Polly Gray walking through the city of academia with four brothers practically having to run after her to keep up. When she arrived at the front doors of the convent, she didn’t ask to come in, but simply walked on into the halls. “Aunt Pol,” John ventured, “What do we do?”
“Keep up,” she said simply. Arthur looked around nervously. He didn’t like nuns and convents. But Tommy and Finn scanned every room and corner for you. Left and right, girls looked up in surprise as the strange family invaded their home. “Who’s that?” they whispered. But the nuns urged them away and said, “No one. Don’t look at them. They don’t belong here.” Tommy frown deepened as he noticed the faces of the girls. These weren’t what he expected. Of course, he wasn’t familiar with schools like this one, but he knew education played a part. These girls all looked tired, downtrodden and most of them were cleaning or scrubbing the floors. He shared a look with Aunt Polly and she nodded in understanding. “How are we going to find her?” Finn asked. “Oi!” Arthur called out to one of the girls, who jumped up at his voice, “Y/N, you know her?” “No, sir…” she shook. “Listen to my voice,” John added, “What about a girl who sounds like me?” And then one other girl stepped forward and she tilted her chin up high as a sign of arrogance, “She’s not here.” “And whyis she not here?” Polly asked pointedly. The girl got nervous, but tried to keep composure, “Because she’s filth and this is a decent school.” Again, Tommy looked around at the skinny girls, all dressed in the same drab depressing dressed, “Decent, eh?” His low menacing voice knocked all the attitude out of her, so she changed her mind, “She was taken to the hospital ward a few weeks ago.” “Where,” Arthur demanded. “North wing,” she gulped.
Aunt Polly marched through the halls like a woman on a mission. Her face bore a gritty look of determination and none of the bells, smoke and threats of a holy place could make her quiver. In fact, God shook as she walked passed.
Still, one nun tried to stop her, but before she could open her mouth in protest, Aunt Polly had pushed her aside and casually commented, “Better get out of the way, sister, you certainly won’t be the first woman of God I’ve knocked down.” When they entered the hospital wing, they walked into another depressing space filled with beds in lines. Most of them were empty, but one nun stood up and walked over to Polly. Her first instinct was to actually knock down this one, but when she saw her soft face, she paused. “Y/N Shelby,” she demanded, “We’ve come to take her home.”
“You’re her aunt?” the nun asked, “She’s asked for you.” “Is she alright?” Finn stepped forward, “What was wrong with her?” “We thought she might not make it. She stopped eating, you see,” the nun explained. John frowned and protested, “That’s not Y/N. She would never refuse food, unless…” Tommy didn’t need to hear the ‘unless’; worry was already eating him alive inside. So he walked around in search for his sister. He found her in a bed, with another girl sitting next to her. His sister was asleep. “Who are you?” Polly demanded harshly. But the brothers couldn’t speak when they saw their sisters. You were too skinny, eyes sunken deep and bruises were still visible on your face. The long black hair was gone. In many ways, it wasn’t their sister anymore, just a shell. The nun answered when the other girl was too afraid to, “This is Y/N’s friend. She came to visit her every day, even though she wasn’t allowed to.” Polly lifted one eyebrow, “Then why did you allow it?” “Anna got Y/N to eat again. She’s the reason she’s alive.”
Anna. Polly walked over to her and carefully took her hand, “You watched over my niece.” “I didn’t want her to feel alone. She felt abandoned, she said…” Anna said in a soft voice. Polly shook her head in an effort to banish the emotions, “Thank you, Anna. You’re a good friend and a guardian angel.” “What did they do to her?” John asked her through gritted teeth. “She was isolated, singled out for being… different.” Anna explained without meeting their eyes, “She tried to fight them from the start, but never won. She kept trying to run away. They beat her, kept her locked up in the cellar, but when the other girls turned on her and she thought she would never leave this place, she just… gave up.” Slowly, Finn had walked over to the other side of the bed. Clumsy but lovingly, he started stroking the hair out of your face. Seagulls, he thought. “Who’s in charge here?” Tommy suddenly spoke. “The mother superior has an office down the hall,” the nun said, “Anna can take you there.” “No,” Anna gasped, “I can’t…” Fear was written all over her face.
“What’s wrong with the office?” Tommy asked her with unusual kindness. “It’s where she…” And in an instant they all understood. So Tommy demanded, “Tell that woman to come here.” “She won’t like it, sir…” “You fuckingtell her to come here,” Tommy spat filled with venom, “Or I will burn this entire place down to the ground, and don’t think for a second I won’t fucking do it.” So the nun with the gentle face nodded and walked off. Somehow, Tommy’s explosion had triggered some old memories in you. Before you were properly awake, you dreamed of being back in your bed in Small Heath. The smell of the factories penetrated your nose and you could hear your family arguing. But when you opened your eyes, they were actually there. You looked at them one by one and stopped at Finn, “You said you’d explain.” “And I will,” he said, “when we get home.” “Am I allowed to go home?” you questioned in disbelieve. Aunt Polly shook her head, “You should’ve never been anywhere else.” “Can’t protect you if you’re not at home…” Tommy added with a slight hint of guilt in his voice. “It’s safe now,” John said, “I’ve dealt with it.” And just the way he said it made you smile a little. “Arthur, John,” Tommy started ordering them in his usual business-like manner, “Take Y/N out of here.” And Arthur lifted you out of the bed into his arms like it was nothing. “Finn, you go with them. Make sure you get her things.” At that, John pulled a gun and Finn nodded solemnly. “What about Anna?” you asked, looking at your friend, “I won’t leave her here.” “Pol and I are going to have a word with the mother superior,” Tommy stated matter-of-factly. You sighed in relief, but Anna still had a look of confusion on her face, “What will that do? She won’t listen to anyone.” “She’ll listen to us, love,” Polly said to her with a reassuring smile that left very little room for arguments, “We’ll make sure of it.” You smiled at Anna too, “This convent will be closed by tomorrow. Trust me.” “We’ll see you at home, Y/N,” Tommy said, “And then we’ll talk.” Just before Arthur walked out of the door with you in your arms, Aunt Polly ran over to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “Safe journey, sweetheart.” Then there was just Tommy and Polly left, clearing their faces of all sentiment and hardening their features. Arms crossed, they waited and knew what had to be done, and nothing would stop them from doing it.
“Mr. Shelby, Mrs. Gray?” the hospital nun had reappeared, “The mother superior will see you now.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 3)
i did not expect this to turn into more than just a oneshot, but here i am, posting a part 3?? and there’s more to come??? lmao, im a mess, having a million wips at a time, whatever. enjoy this DIRTY piece in the world of Harry and Actress!Y/N hehe!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 3k
warning: NSFW content (we are taking a dirty turn in this part babes)
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“But are you really sure you’re fine?” Florence asks for the millionth time over the phone. “You know, I could come over anytime, have a few drinks and forget about the idiots who decided you don’t deserve that Emmy.”
“I’m very sure,” you chuckle, sinking further down on your couch, kicking your heels off your feet. “It’s not a big deal.” “Oh it is, but you are trying to act all tough, though I know it bothers you.”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t bother me, but there’s nothing I can do about it,” you tell her truthfully.
“You know, sometimes I forget that you are this wise ass bitch, not some petty loser that I usually am.”
You snort at her words laughing loudly. Florence is by far one of the funniest people you know, she never fails to make you laugh, no matter what’s the situation.
“It’s sad that I didn’t win, but I’m fine. Really. Maybe next time it will be me,” you say, genuinely hoping this wasn’t your first nomination.
“Okay, I’ll stop bugging you, but call me if you change your mind and want company.”
“Thank you, Flo. Talk to you later.”
Once you end the call you let a long, heavy breath out that feels like you’ve been keeping in all night. Walking into your closet you stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, taking a look at yourself, still wearing the burgundy pant suit you wore for the award show. You were the only woman in pants all evening and you felt more powerful than ever. You’ve always loved to make a statement with your fashion choices and tonight you feel like you definitely succeeded in getting the message through: you are a bad bitch.
Stripping out of the outfit you hang it carefully before putting on some sweats and an oversized vintage t-shirt, feeling so much more comfortable already. Your hair is still in loose waves and you kind of like the texture, so you just leave it like that, moving into your bedroom to check up on some emails.
Cozied up under your duvet, laptop resting on your thighs, you start replying to some emails, updating your schedule for the next week. You almost don’t notice the text you get, barely catching the lit up screen from the corner of your eyes. Grabbing the device from the night stand you smile down at the series of messages from Harry.
“Bunch of idiots,” the first one reads.
“I’m suing them. All of them.”
“You looked fucking unreal by the way. Couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you read the last one over and over again. It’s been weeks since your number landed in Harry’s phone and you’ve been texting nonstop since then. Whenever you pulled your phone out to check if someone had tried to reach you, there was always a text rom him waiting for you, making you smile most of the time.
“Thanks Xx,” you reply shortly, not sure how to react to his heated words of calling the whole Television Academy a bunch of idiots, though it surely warmed your heart.
“Enjoying the after party?” his next text comes fast.
“Nope, I’m home already. Didn’t feel like partying.”
“What?! You not winning is not an excuse to skip celebrating. You still got nominated!”
“Already celebrated that, so I’m out of occasions.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that. Text me your address, I’m going over with wine and takeout.”
His bluntness in flirting and shooting his shot has been amusing to you since the moment he sat next to you on The Ellen Show. Harry Styles doesn’t shy away to try and show his attraction, or at least not towards you.
You hesitate a little, not sure if you want him here, but something deep down in your guts is telling you that you definitely want him to come over, some dirty thoughts already popping into your mind, but you are quick to get rid of them.
You send him your address and he tells you he’ll be over in twenty. You use that time to clean up a little around your apartment. You left in kind of a rush earlier, being a little late with your glam team, so you didn’t bother to leave the place in a decent state. It doesn’t take long though to clean up the mess and checking the time you see that you still have a little time until Harry arrives. As you walk past one of the mirrors in your hallway, you take a look at yourself, debating whether you should change or stay in your comfy homey outfit. At last you drop the idea to put on a different outfit, not wanting to look desperate when Harry arrives.
Not long later you get a notification from downstairs that a so called Mr. Styles has entered the building and is heading up to your floor. Running a hand through your hair you walk over to the front door and opening it you stand there, waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the familiar ding hits your ear you notice how your heart skips a beat upon seeing him walk out.
“Hi,” you smile at him holding the door open for him. He looks amazing, as always, wearing a pair of brown high-waisted pants with a loose white shirt tugged into it, a teal denim jacket topping the outfit. He looks comfortable, but still well put together, something you have always admired in his style.
“Hello, Love,” he smiles back at you and pulls you in for a short, one armed hug before walking fully inside. “Didn’t know what stuff you fancy, so I got a bunch,” he admits with a chuckle, holding up two plastic bags completely stuffed.
“You really shouldn’t have,” you shake your head at him smiling as you lock the front door and lead him into your open concept kitchen.
“But I should have,” he argues, setting the bags down to the counter, packing out everything he brought.
Three bottles of wine, all of them different kinds, snacks, both sweet and salty, topped with an insane amount of Chinese takeout that could feed a whole family, not just two people. You put the wines into the fridge though you know they won’t get chilly enough by the time you open it. Turning to Harry you smile at him shyly, only just now realizing that he is in your home for the first time.
“Want a tour?” you ask, pulling your shoulders up to your ears.
“Would love that,” he smirks and lets you lead the way.
The modern apartment in Manhattan has been your home for a little over a year now. One of the first things you invested into once you started earning like an A-list celebrity. It’s spacious, you did the interior over once you bought it, formed it a little more to your taste. You walk Harry through the living room, the three bedrooms from which one is yours, the others function as a guest room whenever a family member of one of your friends needs a place to stay. There are three bathrooms in total, a study room that’s always a mess, your desk filled with scripts and books most of the time, but Harry tells you it suits your vibe.
“And this here is my wardrobe,” you end the tour, flicking the lights on in the walk in closet, probably your favorite part of the place. It’s bigger than your bedroom, but it’s exactly what you and your passion for fashion needs.
Harry curiously walks inside, his eyes immediately stopping on the burgundy pant suit you wore earlier that night.
“This, Darling, was an excellent choice,” he smirks over at you, his fingers dancing over the soft fabric of the pants.
“Felt amazing in it,” you nod smiling.
“I bet you did,” he chuckles softly.
The two of you head back to the kitchen and sit at the kitchen island, roaming through all the food Harry has brought. A short silence comes over the room that’s broken by Harry first.
“So how are you really feeling about tonight?”
“I’m fine,” you shrug, but then feel his hand on your knee that’s closer to him and your eyes flicker over to him, his gaze burning down on you intently.
“No, I’m asking fo’ real. You don’t have to mask your disappointment.”
Licking your lips you look back at your plate filled with dumplings and you start to just poke them around with the chopsticks in your hand.
“Of course I’m disappointed. Who wouldn’t want to win? But there’s not much I can do about it, right?”
“Still, you shouldn’t push it all down.”
“I’m not the type to rage very publicly, if you haven’t realized that,” you chuckle, diverting your eyes back at him, catching a soft smile on his lips.
“That I know of. Miss No Beef,” he teases you, even though you could pretty much say the same thing about him. “I was properly screaming at the screen when they said someone else’s name over yours.”
“Yeah?” you chuckle.
“Mhm. I was rooting for you big time.”
“Well,” you sigh turning back to your plate. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“Nah-ah, none of that crap, Y/N,” he protests right away, dropping his chopsticks to his plate as he slides off his stool, stepping closer to you, one hand lying flat on the counter, while the other one finds the underside of your stool and he easily turns you so you are facing him, your knees involuntarily parting so he could stand between them. “I’m not letting you think of any less of yourself because of some stupid award.”
“The Emmys are not stupid,” you correct him, but it seems like he doesn’t even hear you, staring down at you with a smug grin, his hand moving from the stool to your waist.
“Mhm, they are. They made the most talented and beautiful woman think she is not the best of all.”
You can’t push down the smile that tugs on your lips as you watch him slowly lean closer. Heart beating faster, you let him do whatever he has on his mind, not finding the will to push him away. Not that you want to do that, you’d be stupid to say no to this man.
“Who’s this woman we are talking about?” you breathe out with a teasing smile. Harry smirks back at you, his hand squeezing your waist gently as his other hand moves up to the base of your neck, his thumb running along your jawline.
“The woman I’ve been fantasizing about lately.”
A desperate whimper tries to escape your lips, but you bite it back in time, feeling so lost how much effect he has on you with just a simple sentence.
“What are these fantasies about?” you find yourself asking as he leans closer, his nose brushing against yours.
You’re aching for his lips, to feel him touch you everywhere. You want to come undone under his hands and the breaking point where you won’t be able to mask up your desperate feelings is threateningly close.
“I’ve been thinking about making her feel real good. Watch her fall apart under my touch,” he murmurs lowly and this time, you can’t hold that moan back. Your lips brush against his, but he pulls back smirking, not kissing you.
“Fuck,” you breathe out when you feel his hand move from your waist to your stomach, cheekily teasing you as he is drawing circles around your belly button over the soft fabric of your shirt.
“Can I touch you, Y/N? I really want to make you feel appreciated and good. Will you let me do that?”
Not able to find your voice you whimper out something that’s close to being a yes, but it’s not enough for him and while you are losing touch with what’s really going on, Harry is very much enjoying seeing you like this, all for himself.
“Use your words, Love. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Yes!” you choke out and luckily, he doesn’t waste any more time.
You feel his lips connect with your neck as both his hands work on the waistband of your sweats, pushing them further down a little before his right hand taps on the top of your lacy underwear, the one you wore under your suit tonight, the one Harry definitely thought about when he first saw you through his screen.
You gasp when his hand slides into your underwear, fingers finding your sensitive bud of nerves, pressing down on them softly. You desperately turn your face, eager to meet his lips, but he pulls back for your dismay.
“Not now, Love,” he tells you and though the words sting a little, you don’t have much time to dwell on them when you feel his fingers slide back and forth between your soaking wet folds. “So wet for me, aren’t you?” he smirks while you’re trying to breath evenly, though it’s quite the challenge.
His lips return to your neck and your hands fly up to grab onto the back of his neck and shoulders, his fingers teasing you around your hole, not entering just yet. You start buckling your hips, desperate to get him take the next step and he is surely enjoying the show you are putting on for him.
“Ready to feel good?”
“Yes,” you breathe out, hands grabbing onto his hair roughly and a loud moan escapes your lips when he pushes two of his fingers inside you.
“Fuck, this feels so nice,” he groans, lips nipping on the soft skin under your ear. He is quick to take up on a pace, moving his digits in and out, his thumb circling on your clit, adding that extra magic most men always forget about. But not Harry, he is eager to please you the best he can and if you weren’t sitting, you’d be on your knees for him by now.
“Yeah, tug on my hair, Darling,” he growls, his voice sending chills down your spine as you tighten your grip in his hair just as he asked, while you feel your climax building up.
He picks up his pace, curling his fingers inside you every time he thrusts them in, making you almost see stars. Your legs fly around his waist, ankles crossing above his bum as you bring him closer, and a whimpered groan bursts out of him, probably because his erection just got squeezed against his hand by your action, his nonstop moving hand now stuck between your heated core and his throbbing member. When his head pulls back you quickly look at him, about to ask if he is alright, but he just presses a soft, lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth as his unsaid answer that he is perfectly fine.
His forehead comes to rest against yours as he adds a third finger, making you moan his name in ecstasy. Your mind is starting to completely shut down, the sensation of utter pleasure taking over your whole body as you can feel your orgasm just a few thrusts away.
“C’mon, Love. Let it go for me,” he mumbles, his free hand sliding to your back so he keeps you flushed against him, your heaving chest touching his upper body with each drawn breath.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you pant, eyes screwed shut, tipping over the edge of your climax. “Please don’t stop!” you beg whining.
“Never, Darling.”
And he keeps his words. He keeps going and going until your walls close up around his slick fingers and your thighs tremble around his waist. You tug on his hair once again, pulling his head back just enough so your eyes meet right when you come undone. His fingers keep moving a little longer, bringing you down from your high before the last wave of your orgasm dies down and you are brought back to reality.
When his fingers slide out of you, the feeling of emptiness makes you breathe out in dismay and it brings a smile to his lips as he licks his fingers clean and you swear that’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, watch him taste your pleasure on his own fingers.
Glancing down you see the very visible bulge in his pants and you reach down to return the favor you just had the pleasure to get, but his hands wrap around your wrists stopping you, your eyes snapping up to meet his.
“Not now, Love. This was all about you. I’ll be fine.”
“But—“ “No,” he cuts you off shaking his head gently. “Seeing you like this was more than enough for me.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you feel yourself blushing at his words, the whole situation that just went down dawning on you just now. Harry really did just finger you on one of your kitchen stools and it was one hell of an experience for sure.
When your gaze wanders over to his lips you remember how he refused to kiss you and now you actually have the chance to pay more attention to this tiny detail.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” you ask him, legs falling from his waist as he goes to sit back on his stool. He glances at you, a soft smile on the lips that never touched yours.
“I wasn’t planning to do this, but I just couldn’t stop myself. However, I’m still trying to be a gentleman, so I won’t kiss you until I’ve taken you out on a proper date.”
“I can’t believe you,” you chuckle shaking your head at the absurdity of what he just said. “So you are fine fingering me shamelessly, but you won’t kiss me without a date?” you ask, rephrasing his words.
“That’s right,” he nods, his smile growing into a smirk now. Shaking your head you turn back to your probably cold plate of food, chuckling to yourself.
“Harry Styles, you are… something else.”
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kanawrites · 3 years
Dancing in the Rain
Mayor Attorney (Damien x Female DA)
Set prior to university. Cars are referred to as automobiles/autos here. Thanks.
Word count: 3823
A letter arrives in the mailbox of a residential home early Saturday morning. A young postman arrives, ready to insert the mail when an excited young lady, waiting by the stairs of the front porch, bounces up and grabs it out of their hand. Offended and surprised, the person looks up and takes back the letter “Ms. (Y/N) of the Morgan Residence?”. Eyes wide, she covers her mouth with both hands and mutters a quick apology. “Sorry, and yes, that is my name”. Behind her hands, her smile begins to grow again and the constant light tapping of her foot fails to hide her emotion. They looked her up and down quizzically.
“That was very rude of you, Miss. But uh, it's convenient you’re out here. The lads back at the post office said there was an extra package for you that they couldn’t bring. You’d have to drop by. It’s from uh, England? From Mr. Morgan.” he hands her the mail.
 “Thank you for the letter and relaying the message, Sir?”
“Jaime, sorry for taking up your time. I’ve been antsy all morning, you see-”
 Realizing the lady in front of her was ready to go a tangent, if the glint in her eye was anything to go by, he picked up his bicycle from the sidewalk and awkwardly tried to get on while trying to maintain eye contact. Out of courtesy. “It’s really no problem, Miss. Hopefully the contents will give you the results you wanted.” Tipping his hat, he bids her a good day and leaves. “Ah, I got over excited” she held the letter in one while biting her index with the other. “You too!” she shouts and waves goodbye to the postman, not really comprehending how her reply didn’t make sense nor could the person it was directed to, hear it.
Going back inside the house in a rush, the door slams with a loud thud. It made me jump but my eyes immediately wandered back to the letter. Written in newly dried ink is my full name. Beneath it is the university’s name. It really is a letter from my college application. I wasn’t lying earlier to the postman when I said I’d been antsy waiting all day. It’s just the excitement overruled my fear but now... I’m feeling light-headed. This is my only chance to prove my worth. Please let me make it in.
Her head falls back to the hardwood of the door. Her eyes closed, as if praying in her mind. Her heart is beating fast. Clutching the letter as if it’s her lifeline. Letting out a deep breath, she takes one last look and rips it open.
“Greetings and salutations to all our applicants. If this letter finds you in good health, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to-”
She read the rest of the letter hastily and you could hear the joy in her voice the longer it went. By the end she mutters in disbelief “I got accepted”. With a bit more confidence “I got accepted”. “I GOT ACCEPTED!” She dances around the empty hallway with glee and falls on the couch. She hugs a pillow with one hand, and the other dangling on the edge of the couch with the letter. Bringing up the hand without the note to her forehead she shakily mumbles “Thank the Gods”.
Sitting up properly, she dusted off her clothes and gave herself a light slap on both cheeks.
“I’m going to celebrate tonight”
 And (Y/N) went about her day as always, the only thing that changed was she dropped by the post office for the package delivery. Apparently their carrier called in sick so everyone had to manually pick it up for the day. It’s a good thing she is amicable with a lot of people. It’s a skill she needs to develop if she wants to become an attorney after all. As she was about to leave, Jaime had just arrived after doing his first round of deliveries. He awkwardly bowed with his hat and left after being called by one of the other employees. Shy but nice. Maybe he’ll become a useful ally in the future.
The package was from her guardian. It had her monthly allowance, a couple of practical items, a dress, and a note.
“While I am of the mind that unmarried women should be dressed demure, my lovely wife wanted to send you this dress so you could experience the flaming passion of youth. It’s been years since we last met but we do hope it is to your likeness. Warm regards”.
She took it out of the package and held it up over her frame. Turning around from her bedside to the full body mirror, it was a loose black dress that ended under her knees. It shimmered a bit in the light and it reminded her of the dresses that the ladies wore to the bar. It’s funny how the perfect outfit arrived in time. As if her guardian knew that she’d be getting an acceptance letter today. Wishful thinking but it is an entertaining thought. Now that she has a dress prepared, and with the sun setting down, it’s time for her to get ready to celebrate tonight in her favorite bar.
  Damien and Celine were both greeting the guests that arrived at their parents’ party for the rich and elite, celebrating the business’ successful opening overseas. The night had just started but they’re already tired from smiling towards people that arrived with greedy and selfish intentions. Anytime Damien’s smile faltered, Celine would step on his dress shoes. Whenever Celine would slowly zone out, Damien would discreetly poke her sides. They’d rather be anywhere else than near their parents but formal gatherings like tonight are inevitable. They can deal with being in their presence for a few hours. When the last of the guests had arrived, they could finally take a break and sit at the “kids” table. Celine gagged that they were still called as such despite being young adults already.
The only saving grace they had at this convention of self-absorbed capitalists telling each other empty praises was Mark’s presence. The young actor with big ambitions is casually leaning back on the chair. His grin widened when the twins appeared. “Finally! sensible people!” He stood up and gave Celine a kiss on the cheek. She rolled her eyes at the comment “and another person whom I actually like in this stuffy room”. Cupping Mark’s cheeks, she plants a kiss on both sides. Damien took a seat, a chair away from his sister to leave the two some personal space. “At least we aren’t the center of attention this time” he remarked. “Please, I was tempted to stab a few men that were ogling me on our birthday” Celine spitefully said, recalling the day. “It made for a fun rendezvous after, wouldn’t you agree dear?” Mark hugged her and rested his head on her shoulder.
Now Damien is a patient person, he could deal with how lovey dovey they are most of the time but without William, it was awkward to be the third wheel. Speaking of… 
“Is William not arriving today?”
“Willy’s family is too brutish and boorish to be invited apparently” Mark replied, finally sitting down. “That’s a shame. He would’ve livened up the place” Celine sat down. The gang already miss William’s antics. Sure would be nice if any one of them had the guts to topple the champagne glass tower to offset the stiff atmosphere. Unfortunately, they all had appearances to keep up in this social gathering, even if they’re not the main focus.
Dinner is served and the night passes by. As everyone is chattering and laughing away, Damien couldn’t help but dissociate from the party. Even now as he is surrounded by his peers.
He feels empty.
Damien scans the entire floor. His parents chatting with their business partners, the staff moving about with some in the corner speaking in hushed whispers, the people at the buffet table taking seconds, and he feels out of place. He looks out one of the many floor to ceiling windows and sees the new moon. Maybe the celestial object could understand his feelings tonight.
  Tonight the music is blasting loudly in the cabaret bar, the ladies are dancing their worries away and everyone is here to be entertained. The loud and jubilant music accompanied by the chattering of the customers, those who came alone to destress, and those who are accompanied by friends, family, or lovers to have a grand ol’ night. Our dear attorney-to-be was in the dressing room hanging out with the cabarets while the burlesques are preparing for their performance. Easy-going and genuine smiles could be seen around the room as they’re making small talk.
She had already filled them in on the exciting news earlier and the girls had cheered for her. The older ones acted like her moms giving proud looks and speeches while those closer to her age bounced about and gave long warmth filled hugs. Now she isn’t a social butterfly by all means, but (Y/N) understood the importance of a support group. These dancers became her family in place of her absentee guardians. While they gave her the necessities to survive, they lacked the emotional connection that is necessary for her personal development. These group of talented women became her friends and family and she could always go to them for advice or announcements such as these.
As it was the burlesque’s turn to perform, the cabarets that had gone out took a break, and the group that surrounded (Y/N) left to help the others rest or prepare for their own show. One of the ladies on a break then approached her with a mixed cocktail in one hand and a beer bottle in another. She handed (Y/N) the cocktail and ushered her out in the main floor to have fun. The whole reason she came here is to party and let loose after all. Downing the drink in one go she headed to the dance floor.
  The rain was pouring down heavily by the time the party had ended. Some guests had to be carried by the valets or life-long partners to their automobiles. The twins' parents are talking with the remaining ones as they stand outside, waiting for their own auto to arrive. Damien and Celine lived in a house independently from their parents. It’s for their safety, they’d explain. Celine had her umbrella open, slowly twirling with it to kill her boredom. Damien had the umbrella on his side, leaning a bit into it. Any words that they wanted to share with each other would be said at the comfort of their shared living space. They won’t take any risk where there are eyes on them.
From the corner of Celine’s eye, she catches Mark’s family about to leave and their eyes make contact. Mark’s face which had been in a neutral position now held a mischievous smile, he mouthed ‘come with me’. Celine at the prospect of sneaking away with her lover had her eyes light up. To get Damien’s attention, she tilted the umbrella and tipped it to make contact with his head.
Pulled out of his thoughts, Damien looks over to his sister and catches the look that says ‘Don’t tell anyone I’m gone’. He sighs resignedly. Mark comes up to the two, and offers his hand to Celine “Shall we?”. She closes her umbrella, and passes it to Damien and chirps “Thanks lil brother”. With no choice, he takes the umbrella and watches the couple leave with a chauffeur behind them, making sure they arrive at the auto without a drop on their head. As the Fischbach family leaves the premises, the twins' driver arrives. The chauffeur notices that their lady is once again absent and doesn’t comment on it. It’s part of their routine now. Making sure their master is safe, they drive off into the foggy and rainy night.
  The pitter patter of the rain is calming to Damien. It almost lulls him to sleep. Even if the night wasn’t physically tiring by any means, he finds it too much, the legacy that he has to live up to. Being in the same space as all those influential people tire him out. Stories and accounts of people saying that their family is blessed to have talented and beautiful kids. Socially skilled twins with high intellect. A graceful daughter, a kind son. They’d make for fine leaders. The endless praise is overwhelming. Then there’s the ugly side, the envious and hateful stares that hide under the surface... In the murky depths where it feels like one wrong move and they’ll drown him. This uncomfortable itchy feeling that won’t go away. He hates it.
White noise. The rain’s comfortable constant sound makes him unwind. He breathes in and out slowly. The umbrella that lies beside him is now in his hands. He’s playing with the handle. Tapping on it in a constant beat like a metronome scale. He wouldn’t mind relaxing like this for a bit longer. As he shuts his eyes, the driver toots the horn so suddenly, jolting him awake. In front of them was a lady dancing in the rain without a care in the world. She didn’t even stop or walk out of the way after almost getting run over. The chauffeur was about to get out but Damien stopped them.
She looked so inebriated and didn’t even look like she had any belongings on her person. Damien asked the driver to give him the extra umbrella, and he got out, with one umbrella being used to cover himself from the harsh downpour, and the other to give to this strange lady. “Excuse me miss but may you please step off the road?” He’s having trouble verbalizing to this intoxicated woman. Did she even hear what he said? Did he come off as too rude? Should he rephrase it? “May I?” her eyes looks a little less clouded as she was interrupted.
“Maybe if you dance with me”
She gave him no room to answer and held onto Damien’s hand and led him to a waltz. With the sudden contact, both umbrellas fell off his hands. Now he’s cold, wet, and flustered. From the random excited moves, splashes, and turns she did earlier, now her movements are much more controlled and practiced. As if she’d committed the steps into her memory. It’s a bit sloppy, her left arm closer to his neck than the shoulder, her tempo a beat too fast, but in her drunken stupor, it’s as graceful as it could be. Box step. They were doing the classic box step.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
Somehow he lets himself be guided by a complete stranger in the middle of the night.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
Dancing in the rain
One, two, three. One, two, three.
With low visibility
One, two, three. One, two, three.
On a quiet road
It’s an odd experience, to say the least. His custom tailored suit is soaked, his feet are wet, his breath coming out in small puffs of clouds, eyes blinking away raindrops that fall near. Yet he can’t say he hates it. The girl holding him slows down, eyes closing and resting her head on his shoulder. Humming what sounded like Johann Strauss’ The Blue Danube Waltz. From a waltz, the dance slows down into a simple sway.
If you were to ask any passerby, they’d assume they were moony lovers. No one would ever guess that they were strangers.
Now that the dance is almost at a halt, Damien could take a proper look at the drunk woman. There was no moonlight that could shine down and give her that ethereal luminescent glow that romance stories tend to have. To make him feel like he’s looking at a Goddess, or to make him feel like he’s falling in love. All that existed is the low warm flickering of the light post giving her a much more human glow. It makes the moment feel so grounded and real, and he’s actually dancing with a stranger. And he hopes she can’t hear his heart beating faster. He isn’t dreaming. There’s a pretty lady who is not in her right mind and she needs to get home.
Damien stops their dancing and snaps out of it. Finally remembering why he came out in the first place. Holding her up, he motions over to the driver to grab the umbrellas. As the chauffeur opens both, Damien lowers the two of them to the ground and gives the lady a piggyback ride. Nearing the auto, the chauffeur tries to open the door but Damien shakes his head. He doesn’t want her to wake up confused and scared of being taken away. He motions to the front porch ahead of them and they set her down on the stairs. Damien sits next to the sleeping lady and asks the chauffeur to hand over an umbrella. Afterwards, the driver goes back to the auto and waits.
The rain isn’t pouring as hard anymore as when he first met the lady. The skies start to clear up. Signaling that it was almost over. The woman next to him starts to wake. Rubbing her eyes, she lets out a yawn and a burp which makes her surprised. Feeling a person’s presence on her left, she jumps but doesn’t let out a sound. Looking like a deer caught in headlights, Damien waved and explained himself. “Sorry for startling you, miss. We found you dancing in the middle of the road.” he then extended his arms out to the road with the auto parked near a light post. “And we didn’t know where you lived or if anyone nearby knew you, so we settled to let you rest here until you were sober enough to go home.” he finished.
(Y/N) felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment for being caught doing something indecent. Putting her hands over her cheeks she replies “I’m sorry, good sir, for making you witness such indecency and wasting your time. I have no way of repaying you right now but thanks… for.. taking care of a stranger.”. Damien gives her a soothing smile. Glancing down at her wet clothes, she takes a look around to gather her current position. Standing up, she leans on the hand rails. “My place is only a few houses down this road” she starts. “My feet feel numb right now. Must’ve partied too hard” she rubs her arms up and down and avoids eye contact. “If it’s not too much of a bother, could I lean on you for support?” she looks back up at Damien and the moment their eyes meet, she averts. A light blush on her cheeks, highlighted by the low warm light of the light post.
Damien takes off his wet suit jacket, squeezes some of the water out, and drapes it over her shoulder. Afterwards, he picks up the discarded umbrella with his left hand. With a charming yet mischievous smile, he extends his right arm “Maybe if you dance with me?”. She’s not sure why the wording makes her face heat up, but she takes his arm and clings on to it. The driver comes out and Damien instructs him to follow them closely, keeping the headlights on. He asks her if it was okay and she nods in response. And so the duo, with the driver slowly driving behind them, move forth.
 It wasn’t more than a minute since they began their stroll when she spoke up. “I didn’t do anything else, did I?” she shyly asked. A voice in her head was telling her that there was something more to it he didn’t say. Damien answers honestly “We danced together but you didn’t break any law whilst intoxicated if that’s what you’re asking.”. She hums in acknowledgement, her left hand gripping his arm tighter. If she was trying to mask her embarrassment, this did little to hide it. Still, it didn’t seem that she wanted the conversation to end, if the way she opens her mouth and getting stuck on a word was anything to go by. So Damien starts.
“I don’t mean to pry but how much did you drink for the night?”
“I am actually lightweight. It only took one cocktail before I got knocked out.”
“That makes two of us.”
“That means we could be really bad drinking buddies. For the record, my friends didn’t leave me or anything. The place was near my home and I always managed to get back in one piece. And I uh, don’t go around dancing with people randomly! I was just super excited because I passed my uni exam and… I spoke too much. Right. Sorry.”
“It’s alright. I liked listening. Your cheerful attitude makes for great company.”
They both smiled and ended the conversation. A comfortable silent atmosphere falls between them. With every step they take, they can hear small splashing sounds on the pavement. The new moon overhead, the crickets noise, and the hum of the car’s engine made for a relaxing walk.
 “And your calm attitude makes it so easy to trust you.”
“I’m not sure why but it feels like I could trust you. Maybe I’m still drunk or something but you’re the kindest stranger I’ve ever met. I’ve been warned to never go with unknown people and I don’t know. It’s hard to describe but I feel safe. Maybe I shouldn’t put this much faith in you but my feelings have never led me astray.”
“If it makes you feel better, my name’s Damien. I hope I can be a person worthy of your high praise.”
 They didn’t have enough time to dwell on the matter as (Y/N) lets go of Damien “We’re here”. Giving back the suit jacket to Damien, she gets closer to the two floor residential house, and takes out one of her 2 inch pumps. Inside the insole was the key and she unlocked the door. Turning back around, she sees Damien standing there, both hands now clutching the umbrella. He looks up at her and back down at the item.
 “You can have the umbrella”
“Oh no. You’ve already done plenty to help me tonight.”
“No, I insist. In case you’re ever caught out in the rain again.”
 She takes it from his hands and gives a small smile. “Thank you, Damien” he felt his stomach flip when she said his name. He bowed and was about to leave when he heard “It’s (Y/N), my name”. She doesn’t add any more and closes the door. 
He leaves with a smile. It’s certainly a name, and a memory he won’t forget.
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I don’t know why but I love writing filler much to plenty of readers' annoyance. I have 0 clue what I’m doing. Just wanted to contribute to this lovely ship and make an excuse to write in like uhh… old-timey way?? I suppose... It was just supposed to be the main scene in the rain but I had to start from the beginning like an over-explainer. This was supposed to be a drabble, not a short story. Listened to rainy jazz while writing.
Also it’s been years since I wrote anything to completion so I’m proud I actually finished something. I hope you liked it.
To note: Even if people love their Marc for Actor’s first name spelling or Iplier for the last name, canonically it’s Mark Fischbach. Kind of like how Abe’s last name is Lincoln. The twins don’t have last names so I tried working around that. Y/N is a lightweight because in WKM we just took one shot and got fucking knocked out after that one. In my head the setting was around 1920-1922.
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ptergwen · 4 years
Could you write something about Tom going live on IG with his gf? like, they recently went public and the fans freak out about how whipped Tom looks or something like that 👉🏻👈🏻
eep this is adorable 🥺 i def want overboard cuz it’s pretty long uh
“love, you getting in?” tom calls to you from the living room, phone propped up in front of him. “yeah, one sec!” you yell back and join him on the couch. he puts an arm around your shoulders with a kiss to the side of your head. you lean into him more, his fingers running up and down your arm. “you sure you’re ready to do this, hm? we don’t have to,” he says quietly.
it wouldn’t be an understatement to say the entire world has been buzzing about yours and tom’s possible relationship for months already. a few out of context paparazzi pictures sparked the rumors. tom held you protectively by his side while you headed to the car after dinner one night. the moment was captured along with a few other intimate ones as time went on.
there was so much speculation, fans scowering the internet for your social media, trying to figure out who you were and how you knew tom. they’d come up with the wildest theories not just about you two, but about you only. some funny, some creepy, some just completely untrue. you’d come to a point where you wanted to set the record straight.
tom didn’t have any intentions of going public at first. this was exactly why. he already didn’t like what people were saying about you, so he couldn’t and refused to imagine how it would be if he confirmed you’re together. he’d thought he was doing what was best for you until you asked him to break the news to everyone.
he was skeptical of doing so, not wanting to put that attention on you because his experiences haven’t been so great, but you assured him over and over again you wanted this. tom eventually gave in and made a post with a caption the length of an essay to tell everyone about your relationship. he’d only hit post after you read it over and approved everything, of course.
today, you’re going live with him so his fans can get to know you a bit better.
“i’m okay, baby. i think you’re more nervous than i am,” you laugh out and give his cheek a quick peck. “probably. gonna have to learn to share my girl with the world,” tom sighs, keeping his arm tight around you as he leans forward. “they’ll want to steal you away from me.” “other way around, i think,” you retort. he’s forgetting he’s the internationally loved one.
“not after this.” he glances over at you so you lock eyes. “can i start the live?” “go for it,” you agree and watch him press the button. it connects a few seconds later, tom exhaling as he sits back again. going live in general always makes him anxious. having you here, subjecting you to the possible wrath of his followers, spikes his anxiety even more.
you put a calming hand on his knee, which he smiles at. you’re okay, he’s alright, you’ll both be fine. tens of thousands of people flood the live at once. the numbers grow right before your eyes, so much that it’s intimidating. “woah,” you mutter, earning a chuckle from tom. the comments don’t take long to start coming in.
everyone is saying your name in all caps and keyboard smashing. tom likes to wait a little before officially starting, giving himself some time to figure out what to say and things. he grins at you in his camera, you furrowing your eyebrows back. “hey guys,” tom begins as casually as usual. he purposely ignores all the comments yelling at him to explain himself.
he loves messing with the poor people.
“how’s everyone’s day going? we’re great, having a blast over here,” he carries on, pulling you in closer to his chest. “oh, you’re funny,” you mumble and pat his knee. your head is resting on his shoulder while you read the comments from your lopsided angle.
“they’re telling me to talk. should i talk?” you jokingly ask for tom’s permission. “rather you than me,” tom mumbles and presses his lips to your forehead briefly. that sparks more hearts and way more questions. you sit up again to properly adress the half a million people watching you. it’s a fuck ton, definitely not as many as you’d expected.
you’re that popular, huh?
“jeez, there’s a lot of you in here. this is terrifying,” you gasp at the thought, turning to tom. “how do you do this?” “rarely,” he replies and bites back another smile. “i get so stressed.” adjusting yourself so you’re sitting criss cross, you raise your hands in defense. “no, i have too much power right now. i don’t like it.”
“you sound like thanos,” tom decides, bursting into a fit of giggles when you shove at his arm. you then kiss your hand and tap his cheek with it to make up. his skin is warm. “anyways. i guess i’ll, like, introduce myself? i’m y/n.” the fans are cracking up at you two, others dropping the soft eyes emoji. tom makes that same face at you in real time.
“that’s about it. um,” you let out a laugh. “i don’t know. thanks for having me and being pretty nice so far.” he keeps gazing at you while you link your arm in his, your head on his shoulder again. “keep being nice because tom will cry or something if you aren’t.” he’s looking at you with literal heart eyes, a small smile on his lips, listening to your every word.
“seriously though, i hope you guys like me. you seem pretty cool. we-“ you cut yourself off when more comments than earlier spam the screen. “what happened?” you pick up tom’s phone to read them. they alert you of his heart eyes, so you put his phone back down and see for yourself. his small smile becomes a toothy one.
“aw, tommy,” you coo, rubbing your nose against his, tom pecking your lips. “doing good, love.” he can’t help himself. he doesn’t have to anymore. everyone starts shouting iterations of she called him tommy and they kissed, but you’re both caught up in each other at the moment.
by high demand, you join tom for another live soon after this one.
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mystery-star · 3 years
Waiting for you - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: mentions of injury and death
Words: 1838
Star Trek universe: AOS
A/N: Just a lil thing I wrote because I haven’t written (at least for Spocko) in ages. And didn’t feel like writing on a series.
“She’s here. She’s here” you heard someone shouting beside you and looked around and finally you could see the Enterprise approaching in one of many tunnels above you. You smiled and stepped forward a little and waited for the crew to dismount. When you saw the first of them, your smile got broader and you got onto your tiptoes to look out for your husband. Not many people of the Enterprise had someone waiting for them and those who did seemed overjoyed. It made you look down for moment because you had a feeling that Spock wouldn’t greet you like others greeted their loved ones. Finally, you could see him and slightly raised your hand, hoping he’d see you. When he did, he came straight towards you, stopping half a meter in front of you
“(Y/N)” he said “What brings you to Yorktown?”
“I’ll give you three guesses” you replied and just threw yourself around his neck “I’ve missed you, Spock” you breathed against his skin and he hugged you back slightly.
“Am I therefore right to conclude that you came here in order to see me during my shore leave?”
“Right” you let go of him but only that you could kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back. At some point his hand found yours, slowly stroking his first two fingers against yours. But then he pulled away from you all of a sudden, just holding your hand. You turned around and saw two older Vulcans behind you.
“Commander, might we have a word? Alone?” you wanted to ask why you couldn’t come when Spock threw a glance at you and squeezed your hand
“Do you mind?”
“Just be quick” you pecked his cheek “I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” you handed him a keycard of the hotel where you had booked a room for you both. He gave a nod, then let go of your hand and followed the two men. With a sigh you looked after him and returned to the hotel, knowing he would be clever enough to find it when he was done.
But he only came when it was dark and you were already in bed, reading a magazine on your PADD.
“Have you been waiting with sleeping until I return?”
“Well, you got some days of shore leave, then I won’t see you for another two years. I want to use every minute with you that I can” he gave a nod and sat down on the bed, placing a device on the nightstand. “What did they want?”
“I will tell you in the morning”
“Alright” you put the PADD aside and stretched yourself a little before sitting up, crawling closer to him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing him. “We now have better things to do, don’t you think?” he kissed you back and placed one of his hands in the small of your back, pulling you closer while he ran his other hand over the side of your face. After the kiss he leaned his forehead to yours and you bumped his nose with yours. “Did you have fun out there on the mission?”
“I have written and called you three times per week, as we have agreed on, and informed you about what you call ‘adventures’ and have also answered each question concerning them I was allowed to answer”
“Well yes but your last message was two days ago. I need a recap of the past two days. Or retell me your favorite mission. Doing it face-to-face is much better” you pecked his lips. He gave a nod, pulled you into his lap and started telling you how the Captain had attempted to make peace between two species that didn’t work out as planned. Then he went on to their arrival to Yorktown and suddenly his communicator beeped “Tell me that’s your private comm”
“It is not” he leaned forward to get it and you just wanted to stop him but let it happen with a sigh. Placing you back on the bed, he gave your hand a squeeze, took the comm, opened it and left the room. With a sigh you fell back on the bed, glancing to the PADD and considering if you should continue reading but then looked at the ceiling, repeating everything you had planned to do with Spock in the following days in your mind. Soon Spock returned and you sat up with a smile but his words ruined it “I must go”
“Go? Go where? Aren’t you on shore leave?”
“I am. However, there is a matter that requires my assistance”
“What is it?”
“I cannot tell you much but I must leave Yorktown”
“You’re shitting me”
“I do not joke”
“But… but… will you at least get that time off later on? How long will you be gone?”
“I suppose it should not take longer than 36 hours”
“Oh well…. Then you owe me yet another debriefing upon your return” he gave a nod, came closer to put his comm on his nightstand and pecking your forehead.
“Please make yourself a pleasant day tomorrow”
“Okay. And then I’ll be waiting here for you… again”
But Spock didn’t come home the evening or morning after he had left, so you decided to make yourself another nice day exploring another area of Yorktown. In the late afternoon, you suddenly heard how the station went on alert and after looking around you saw that a swarm of tiny ships tried attacking Yorktown. Around you everyone was in panic, screaming, rallying kids and running away while you stood there frozen, staring at the many little ships on the other side of Yorktown.
“We have to leave. Come. Now” someone next to you shouted, pulling on your arm
“Can we go somewhere safe? Like a… bunker?”
“A bunker on a Starbase?” the man started laughing slightly and shook his head.
“Or can we do something? Something to help? Is there a defense station or militia? Or help evacuate people?”
“That’s Starfleet’s business” as if on cue, there was an announcement, informing the public that there was an attack and that you should not panic. You let out a snort and watched how the people around you seemed to panic even more. You looked around and finally saw a security, officer, going over to him.
“Excuse me, Sir?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all be safe, just stay calm and…”
“No, I wanted to ask if I can help something.”
“Yeah. Weapons, evacuate people or something” he looked at you, considered it a while then said he’d have to check it out. But before he could return, they managed to somehow blow up all the small ships. Somehow you couldn’t believe that this was everything and sure enough, there was another announcement informing the public that a great part of the ship had been destroyed but that three of them had gotten into Yorktown but that they still had the situation under control and would do everything to stop them. For some reason, you found that three ships hand entered Yorktown almost worse than the initial attack. Because you knew there probably wasn’t much you could do unless the ships came to that part of Yorktown, you sat down in a café, ordered a drink and watched the news on the big screen that gave a permanent update on the situation at the other end of Yorktown. Not even 15 minutes later, you heard that everyone was out of danger and the intruders had been rendered harmless. After a sigh, you finished your drink and then returned to the scene of the action, maybe there now was something you could help, like tidying up damage or helping the wounded. You stayed there and helped until it was dark and the volunteers were sent home, so you returned to the hotel. But you didn’t get far and the receptionist called you over.
“You are (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?”
“That’s me, yeah”
“I have message for you, from a doctor Leonard McCoy”
“I know him. He’s the doctor on the Enterprise. What is this message about?”
“He lets you know, that your husband… Commander Spock will spend the night in Yorktown hospital”
“Ho-hospital? They’re back? What does he have? Is it bad? Can I visit him? When did they get back?”
“He only told me that so you know where your husband is and in case you wish to see him. I don’t know anything else” you nodded and with a thank-you you ran out of the hotel, to the hospital, where you had brought a few people earlier today. You went to a visitor station to register your visit and once you knew where your husband was and that he currently could be visited, you rushed to the elevator and then to his room. When you saw Spock lying in bed awake, you let out a deep breath and moved closer.
“Spock” you breathed, not sure what to say and having a hundred questions at the tip of your tongue. "How are you?” was the first you asked
“I am well, (Y/N). The doctors insisted I stayed the night to ensure that my condition does not become worse” you nodded and came closer, taking his hand, pressing a kiss to it as you sat down on the edge of the bed. To your delight, he squeezed your hand.
“What happened? To you, I mean?” he explained how on the mission his side was impaled by a piece of metal and that McCoy didn’t have the correct equipment to properly treat him. “At least you’re safe” you ran your free hand through his hair. “When did you even get back?”
“4.2 hours ago”
“That was… that was when the attack happened” he agreed and said it was them who played a great role in stopping them. “Oh so that big ship that destroyed the central plaza was you, the Franklin?”
“And what about the Enterprise?”
“She has been destroyed”
“Oh no. What about the crew? Are they safe?”
“We have not yet been able to ascertain who has survived the attack on the Enterprise and who lost their life, however, I am certain that at least 350 people have survived”
“Out of 428 that’s still a lot that could have died”
“Besides, I also know of at least 16 casualties from the crew” you gave a nod
“And what now? I mean is your mission over? The Enterprise is gone”
“We do not know yet but it is certain that we will remain her for longer than the originally scheduled 12 days of shore leave”
“Well, then we got more time to do something as long as we’re here. And I get to see you longer. Ha that visit was worth it” you leant down to kiss his forehead. “Now we just gotta make sure you’ll be on your feet as soon as possible because I have lot planned for the next days”
Taglist: @softsapphicideals
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cevansfics · 3 years
Flowers and Cupcakes
Requested: yes
Paring: Chris Evans x reader
Summary request: hello!! just binge read your work and absolutely loved it!! could i request for chris x reader? ive heard in interviews him saying how romantic he is so i was wondering if you could write something where he makes this romantic gesture and reader has never had anyone do that sort of thing for he r so she’s really overwhelmed. add in anything you want but yea have that being the plot! hope thats okay Xx by @peakascum
Word count: 1.2k+
Warning: language
A/N: sorry it took a while hope you like it :)
Work all week had been tough and stressful. Just one thing after another going wrong, and now working late, on a Friday night of all nights. The only thing that was keeping you going at the moment was knowing Chris would be home tomorrow. You smiled at the thought of him finally being home again. Usually, while he was away filming, you would be able to see each other; either he would fly home for a few days, or you would fly out to where ever in the world he was filming. However, this time, work was just too hectic for either of you to do so to make it worthwhile. Now, after nearly two months, Chris was going to be home, knowing he doesn't have any new projects coming up anytime soon; you knew that meant he was going to be home for a while.
You were finishing up the last of your work and starting to get ready to head home. It was 5:57 pm, this time on a Friday night meant traffic was going to be a nightmare, and you wouldn't make it home till nearly 6:45 pm at the earliest. It didn't matter as you hadn't got much planned for the rest of the night anyway. You were looking forward to tomorrow too much. Just as you got to your car, you got your phone out to message Chris
From you: Hey baby, I just finished work and now heading home. I miss you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow xx
Almost instantly, you got a response, which was strange, but you didn't think much of it.
From Chris: I miss you too sweetheart, tomorrow will be here before you know it xx
You smiled at the reply and tucked the phone back. The drive home wasn't as bad as you thought it was going you be, yes there was traffic, but at least it was still moving and not standstill. Parking your car outside your house, you make your way to the front door, and you brace yourself for the impact of Dodger once the door was open.
As you open the door quietly and slipped inside, it was two seconds before you heard the scurry of paws on the hardwood floors. Quickly discarding your bag and coat to the side, you kneel to embracing the dog bounding towards you.
"Hey bud," you exclaim and coat your hands through his fur, "Did you miss me, huh? Sorry, I'm late home. Work was a bitch." Dodger had started to calm down, getting used to you finally being home.
"Are you hungry, bud? Shall we get you some food? Shall we?" As you continued scratching behind his ears, you chuckled to yourself, "Least daddy's not home yet to make fun of me for talking to you like you are going to answer."
"I'll have you know I think it's rather cute." You heard a deep voice from behind you, you stood abruptly and screamed, only for a split second, you threw your hands over your mouth, turning around as you recognised the voice.
"Surprise, baby," he whispered with a massive grin on his face
There he was. He was standing in the middle of your living room, looking as handsome as ever. Dodger started bounding between you and Chris, quickly making your way over to him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed your face into his neck. You felt Chris gently wrap his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer. You hug him even tighter, knowing he was there and making sure he wouldn't just disappear from right in front of you. Tears started to form in your eyes. As surprised as you were seeing him home a day early, you hadn't realised the full impact of him being away so long. You never wanted to let him go again. As you thought about it, even more, the tears began to fall; you couldn't stop them.
"Hey," Chris said quietly as he carefully pulled you away from him slightly so he could see your face. He ran his hands up your body, caressed your cheeks and wiped his thumb over the little tear that had escapes cascading down your cheek.
"I didn't think me coming home a day earlier would upset you this much," he joked.
"How…. How ar- are you... Why.." You sniffled again, trying to compose yourself. You take a deep breath before you start again. "Never mind. I don't care, how or why. I'm just so happy you are home." With that, you pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.
Being distracted by Chris being home, you didn't take in the room around you. Glancing around, you see several bunches of flowers covering your living room. The lights were on low, and some candles were burning.
"What in the world?" You ask out loud but not really to Chris.
"Yeah, I admit I maybe have gone a little crazy. I thought I'd get some flowers for you before I came over and went into the shops and apparently couldn't help myself," Chris shrugs but smiles at you. "Oh, almost forgot." His large hands give your hips a quick squeeze before letting go of you and stepping backwards. He makes his way over to the small round table you had at the end of your sofa. He picks up a white box and makes his way back to you. "I know Fridays at work for you are the worst, so I picked up these for you as well."
"Shit, did I get the wrong flavours?"
The white box has no distinct logo that you could see to indicate what's inside, so you peer into it as he slowly opens it. Inside sit two large cupcakes. Not just any cupcakes, though, your favourite ones from a small bakery on the other side of town. Meaning Chris had to go about an hour out of his way from the airport to pick you up some cupcakes, all because he knew Fridays were the worst.
You suddenly get overwhelmed that someone would do something like this for you, tears start to form in your eyes. This man. Your man, who must have spent that best part of the day travelling home early to surprise you, went out of his way yet to make the moment even more special for you.
"NO-no," you pause, wiping the tear that escaped off your cheek, "did I miss a special day or something? What's all this for?"
"Nope, it's more of 'I just wanted to' situation." Chris places a soon kiss on your nose as he says those words.
It all became too much for you as you as you could feel the tears starting again.
'i just wanted to.'
"Hey, what's with the tears again, angel?"
"It's silly. No one's ever- you did all this for me? I... The flowers—the cupcakes. You being here actually being in front of me, earlier than you said. After the day I have had this means the world to me. I-I love you so fucking much. Thank you."
"I'd do anything and everything for you, I love you too. Why don't you quickly go get changed I will feed Dodge, then we can catch up properly."
"You just want to be left alone with my cupcakes, don't you?" You eye him sceptically, while gracefully trying to wipe you eyes and nose.
"I promise you they will be completely intact once you get back." He laughs. You keep your eyes on him as you carefully place them down and slowly back out of the room before darting to your bedroom to quickly change into some comfy clothes, finally happy to have Chris back home.
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the-fusionist · 3 years
Give me damianette fluff or jasonette fluff with a song
A/N: Hello, all! I am back! This is a very late answer, which I'm sorry for @rebecarojas07. But, it's here now! I went a little off from the prompt and it's a little angsty in the beginning, but it gets better! Also, constructive criticism is welcome, since its been a while. Also, no beta, we die like Jason Todd. I wrote 1800 words just now and I am hoping they mesh well together.
Warnings: Some cursing, slight angst, cheating, hand holding, and kissing
Song: PUBLIC - Make You Mine
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Marinette cried as she sat on the rooftop while Tikki hugged her.
She was here in Gotham as Ladybug in order to deal with a crisis involving a missing miraculous with Zatanna and Batman, along with several other American heroes she had gotten to know. The mission had taken her a month and she had needed to go undercover for a large portion of the mission, severing contact with her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. It should all have been fine, they trusted each other.
Now he’s a former boyfriend.
Alya Cesaire was a rock in Marinette’s life, and she was always there for her. If it hadn’t been for Alya Cesaire, her most reliable confidante, the break up might have never happened so soon and she would have stayed oblivious. If it hadn’t been for Alya’s pictures, Marinette would probably have never believed it herself. Five pictures of Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi, making out on several different occasions.
She wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but if she was being honest with herself she should have seen it coming. Heck, Tikki had seen it coming. They had been having more arguments as of recently. And the time that she had spent apart from Adrien on a mission had simply driven them further apart from each other. She thought back to the times she had complained to Adrien about how Lila was always so touchy with him during photoshoots, he said that it was all business that he couldn’t avoid because of his father. That she was overreacting and being too clingy. That there was nothing between him and Lila.
But those pictures existed. They were in broad daylight, and both Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi seemed to have no shame, acting in public spaces. She sent one text to Adrien.
We're over.
The message was read, and there was no reply.
That was a month ago. Marinette was getting better, very slowly. Plagg and Tikki stuck with her and supported her, but Marinette still had some nights where she refused to talk to anyone and cried alone. She had set up an arrangement with her parents so she could stay in Gotham, as she needed time away from the city of love. She could never have been more thankful.
Especially when she saw the viral video of someone throwing a bag of flour at Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi during a photoshoot. Marinette had burst out laughing when she saw the video, and she had a feeling her parents were behind it and had gotten away with it.
But still, sometimes there were days where she couldn’t shrug off the tears. They flowed freely as she swung her spotted legs from her seat on the edge of a random rooftop. She had finished patrol, and she had begun to think back to all the nights she used to spend patrolling Paris with Adrien. She felt her heart seize as she gazed out into the grey landscape of Gotham.
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay
Suddenly, she heard a throat clear behind her and a cough.
Turning around, she found herself staring at the Red Hood. She quickly wiped at her eyes in an attempt to hide that she had been crying. She had heard rumors of the Red Hood, especially of how he often murdered criminals and at some point in the past had been the leader of a criminal empire.
But, Batman trusted him. And she trusted Batman, so she should be able to trust him and this was a completely safe situation. At least, that’s what she told herself.
She heard him clear his throat again, and she realized she must have gotten lost in her thoughts. She focused back on him, albeit it was somewhat warily.
“Hello darlin’, shit wait, that was too cringey. Damn, I’m sorry.”
She felt her lips quirk upwards in a smile.
The Red Hood coughed, before holding out a steaming cup of coffee to her, and in a questioning tone asked, “Let me try again. You’re Ladybug, right? I saw you having a moment here earlier while I was on patrol, so I just wanted to give you this and offer an ear to listen to you rant if you want?”
Marinette felt her heartbeat quicken, and she felt herself blush under her mask as she replied, “Thank you so much. You’re the Red Hood, right? It’s nice to meet you. And yeah, I would like to rant, that would be super nice.”
So he sat down next to her. She doesn’t know what made her do so, but she told him almost everything. How her former boyfriend had cheated on her while she was on a mission, and how she felt so betrayed when she found out. She told him all about the loneliness and the bitter homesickness she constantly felt.
And he listened, without pity. He listened to every word she spoke, nodding at the right moments of her story, reassuring her she was right, and cussing out Adrien Agreste with her.
That was the first time she met Jason Todd, the man underneath the helmet of the Red Hood.
'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine
Several months passed, and their relationship progressed from there. The two fell into comfortable friendship and eventually revealed their identities.
But, Marinette couldn’t deny that she had caught herself blushing as she stared at Jason during training or patrol, admiring him.
It was a similar situation for Jason. He still curses himself for the time that Marinette had smiled at him as she swung by during patrol, and he had been so caught up with staring at her dazzling smile that he didn’t notice himself walk right off a building. He was fine, his pride bruised more than anything else.
The point was, they fit well together. They bantered and seemed to constantly toe the line between friendship and something more, to the point where others began to take notice. Jason’s siblings teased him, while Alya and Nino would give Marinette suggestive looks over facetime whenever she mentioned Jason.
They got along so well, and everyone could see it. Marinette and Jason were also starting to believe it themselves. Marinette felt that she was his, and Jason knew that he was hers. They had each other wrapped around their fingers, without even realizing.
Doesn't matter anyway
Marinette was on patrol with Jason when she checked her phone and tears of anger welled up in her eyes. It was a message from Adrien.
Lila and I are over now. We should get back together now, I miss what we had.
Jason saw Marinette’s face change, and he felt angry too when Marinette showed him the text. Adrien Agreste was fucking pathetic.
“Who does he think he is? He thinks he can cheat on me and get back together? He doesn’t even have a place in my life anymore. He doesn’t even matter to me anymore.”
“You don’t need that fucker, Marinette, like how dare he act like you guys can get back together after what he did? Honestly, he’s fucking pathetic. I bet he’s sitting all fucking alone in his apartment after breaking up with Lila, thinking he matters to you. What a pretentious shit stain.”
Marinette felt herself move before she could properly think about what she was doing. Jason hadn’t anticipated her action, and he felt himself let out a small laugh of surprise when he felt Marinette hug him, her face pressed into his leather jacket.
He couldn’t help but softly smile when he heard a muffled, “Thank you, Jason, for being here for me.”
In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothing funny
Marinette heard a knock on her apartment window. She walked over and opened it to find Jason standing on her fire escape, giving her a sheepish smile.
“Jason, it's 2:00 a.m. and it isn’t even a patrol night? God damn it, Jason, I know that I don’t sleep at night, but what could you want right now?”
Jason’s smile grew brighter, “Want to get waffles and coffee?”
Marinette’s mood quickly changed, and she felt her lips quirk, “You want me to go out in the dark, all alone with you, to get waffles and coffee?”
“No funny business, just waffles and coffee.”
Marinette laughed before she quickly threw on a jacket and joined Jason on the fire escape, before descending down with him and beginning their moderate walk to a nearby café.
Just to talk
On the way, they talked about anything and everything. Books, fashion, superhero business, you name it. They were at peace.
Put your hand in mine
As they walked into the café, Jason noticed another man, who looked like he was in his early twenties, eyeing Marinette. He felt jealousy crawl up his spine, and he knew his eyes were flashing green at the moment.
Marinette had noticed, though she pretended not to. She also tried to pretend not to notice when Jason casually slipped his hand into her own, though she knew she was furiously blushing. Jason was flustered too, and she heard him stutter as he gave his order to a waitress.
For the rest of the night, their hands remained clasped. Tikki was giggling quietly from the inside of Marinette's purse.
You know that I want to be with you all the time
Though they never directly spoke about the hand holding, the two of them definitely gradually spent more time with each other.
They frequented various cafes and libraries and stores, in and out of costume. Someone once swore they saw the Red Hood and Ladybug at a movie theater throwing popcorn at each other. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they got together, and several bets were made.
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
Flash forward a week, and Marinette has asked Jason out on a date. He says yes. They’re both bright red when they enter the café, and this time their hands are clasped from the moment they enter.
The same waitress recognizes them, and she asks who asked the other out. She quickly finds out that Marinette made the first move. When she goes back to her place behind the counter, Marinette and Jason see a coworker slide her twenty bucks. They laugh, and enjoy the rest of their date, content with each other’s serene presence.
Until I make you mine
After they leave the café, a strong gust of wind blows. Marinette slightly shivers under the bite of the wind, before she feels a large warmth envelope her. Jason’s leather jacket is draped over her shoulders, and the man in question is gazing at her lovingly.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said before she reached up and pressed a warm kiss to his lips.
The End!
TAG LIST: @theatreandcomicfreak ​@18-fandoms-unite-08 @mochegato @princessanimeangel11 @maribatlife
If you would like to be tagged in other works in the future, please let me know!
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