#I realise this isn't 100% what you asked but I hope you like it!
seijorhi · 1 month
the idea of oikawa not being ready when he meets his soulmate.
it isn't that he thinks you're not good enough, not pretty enough, not right for him, it's just that oikawa wasn't expecting to find you so soon.
soulmates are forever, you'll be there waiting for him when all's said and done, but his career in volleyball – it won't be. he's young, fit and hungry for it; in his absolute prime, but if he doesn't put in the effort now, give it everything, 100% of what he has... it'll slip right through his fingers.
he can't risk that.
there's a strange sort of desperation that tugs at his chest when he tries to explain, to get you to understand it. it's a sacrifice you'll both be making for the sake of the career he's dreamed of his whole life.
the way your smile slowly slips away when you realise he's not asking for you to be patient and give him grace when his focus is more on volleyball than you, he's saying he can't have you around at all, because you will distract him.
he'd lose himself in you.
it's not forever, he stresses, only a little while. you're perfect, and in a year or two when he's more settled in his role, the starting setter on the right team, heading to the championships, he'll be there to give you everything you deserve. no – more. he'll make it up to you, all he's asking for (but he's not really asking, is he) is a bit of time and space.
the light dims in your eyes, a strange, glassy look taking over, and slowly, so fucking slowly, you pull your hands from his, let them fall weakly to your side. it takes a monumental effort to not snatch them back up.
'yeah, okay.'
the expression on your face is all wrong, your voice almost robotic, but oikawa knows it's the right thing. you'll forgive him, because that's what soulmates do. you'll forgive him and then fall even more in love with him and oikawa will spend every damn day showering you in the love and affection he can. he'll drown you in it.
just give him this. let him give everything to volleyball, before he shares himself with you.
you're a little too good at it.
it's harder than he expected, going no contact. he was the one who wanted it – needed it, really, for this to work – but there'd been a small part of him that sort of hoped you'd ignore what he wanted and reach out anyway. he'd imagined sneaking a quick peek at his phone during a water break to see a message from you, something simple, casual, a 'hope things are good!' or 'i caught some of the game last week'. was it unfair of him to want you keeping track of him? to see how far he'd come in the days, weeks, months since he'd asked for time?
it's like an itch under his skin, and it grows. a few of his new teammates have met their soulmates, carry the marks to show for it. they're all smug as fuck about it, but the thing is whenever their soulmates are watching from the stands, they play with a different kind of fire. they're better. envy burns watching them celebrate afterwards, all hungry kisses and smiles too fucking big.
he knows you'd be there too if you could. you'd be there every damn game, all of their practices too, cheering him on. his biggest fan.
it's an ache. he goes home to an empty apartment, better than the one he had when he met you, in a nicer part of town, but no less lifeless. there's no one to welcome him home, to wrap him up in a hug, kiss him how he likes and soothe away the days stresses. no one to warm his bed, no other pussy'll ever be as tempting as yours.
i miss you.
i'm thinking of you.
would it kill you to break his rules and reach out every now and then? to give him some kind of sign that this distance was driving you half as crazy as it was him?
are you trying to punish him?
it occurs to him that you probably don't have his phone number. it shouldn't have stopped you, because it wouldn't've stopped him.
the first time he tries to follow your instagram you block his account.
it's irritating, until he remembers that you're probably trying to abide by his rules. he can't exactly get mad at you for that, tries not to, and instead does what any sane man missing his soulmate would do; creates a fake account, steals a picture from one of his sister's friends and uses that as his profile pic – even goes so far as to follow a bunch of your friends’ accounts too, just so it doesn't look suspicious or weird when he follows you too.
and for a little while, it's enough. he can see what you're up to, who you're hanging out with, where you're going. he'll watch all your stories, your friends’ stories, just for a few seconds of you.
(maybe strokes his cock to a few of them, cums in his sheets gasping your name.)
you're being patient, he's being good, it's only for a few more months, he can last a little longer–
there's a new post on your insta, a snap of you and some asshole with his arm wrapped around your waist, your lips pressed to his cheek.
'Happy six months, love you a little more every day!'
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sourlove · 5 months
I loved your new post about yandere mha boys with pregnant reader I was wondering if you could do one where the baby isn’t there’s and they don’t realise until it’s born ? Pleaseee
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
Oh dear...that's certainly a problem. The birth of your first child was something he was looking forward to with a lot of hope. Hope that seeing him caring for the child would spark a love for him finally. Unfortunately, it's obvious the child wasn't his, and they didn't look like you either.
You had cheated on him. Well, not actually. In truth, by the time Izuku kidnapped you, you were already pregnant with your current partner, who Izuku got rid of, but none of you were aware of it at the time. But acknowledging that was acknowledging that Izuku's image of a perfect family had shattered and it was all his fault.
So he blames you. Throws all sorts of accusations about you cheating and sneaking out to see other men, and then dumping your bastard baby on him. He refuses to have anything to do with the child and only used them to keep you in line, threatening to get rid of them if you misbehaved. Izuku felt broken. He felt as if everything had taken a sudden wrong turn in his life. He felt like he just lost control of the life he had planned. Everything was going to be perfect, your lives were going to be perfect. Then you had to go and spoil it all.
The only thing you can do at this point is try to make him happy. Maybe if you have a couple of kids that are actually his, he will be willing to forgive you and accept that child as a member of his family.
Katsuki is angry. But not at you, he's just pissed that he didn't see something like this coming. When that filthy bastard that used to call himself your boyfriend put his hands all over you, how could Katsuki forget? If he had known sooner, he could have done something to stop it before it got too far.
But he's too late now. Worst part is, he has to watch you pay more attention to a brat that isn't even his. Katsuki grudgingly helps with the baby, still a bit resentful that he wasn't the one to knock you up first. The kid starts to grow on him soon. The little brat sort of reminds him of you and he can even pretend it's his for a moment.
It's not too bad, Katsuki decided one night as the baby lay fast asleep on his chest and you curled up next to him on the couch, dozing off as well. Maybe he was cut out for this family shit after all.
Oh boy...
He's relieved that he technically had no part to play in it but he's also very pissed. Who would dare to touch his darling? He hates the thought of anyone being able to impregnate you other than him.
Shoto is literally acting hot and cold, sometimes being helpful and supportive, other times dismissive and harsh. He's not quite sure what to do with another man's baby. All his fears about bringing in a child that has his family traits have disappeared but there's still an actual, living baby to consider.
He tries to get out of his head a bit when he sees you are actually struggling to take care of the baby and of yourself too. All things considered, he still loves you. For now, Shoto will just concentrate on keeping the baby alive and keeping you happy.
He's surprisingly chill about the whole affair. As an underground hero, Shota's seen a lot of people in a lot of different situations. Things like this just happen. While he's definitely surprised, he adapts pretty quickly. He's a pretty good dad, very reliable when you're not feeling a 100%. It really improves your opinion of him and makes you more comfortable around him.
Don't let your guard down though. Shota isn't going to settle for just one kid. Once you're healed, get ready to get pregnant again :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! Also tagging people can be a bit confusing because I always forget who wants to be tagged so if you do want to be tagged, please specify whether you want to be tagged for a particular series or for all my work.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
ok what if the dudes trip, fall, but instead of straight eating shit on the floor they land on their crush on the way down and flatten her? how bad is it?
Definitely varying levels of bad, this is how I think they would all react to falling on top of their crush!
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Takemichi- Is completely confused as to what happened for a sec but when he opens his eyes and realises he's on top of you he immediately panics. Scrambles to get off of you while loudly shouting "sorry!", runs away as soon as he gets up, still shouting "sorry!" as he goes.
Mikey- Pouts, assuming someone wanted to take his taiyaki from him. But as soon as he realises it's you he softens up a bit. Ends up just laying on top of you and starting a conversation, not realising that it's pretty inappropriate.
Draken- His eyes widen as he looks you up and down, checking to see if you're ok. Apologises and helps you up, once again checking to see if you're ok.
Baji- "eh?" He's mentally a mess but seems pretty calm on the outside. Gets up and grabs your hand, pulling you up. Asks if you're ok before walking away, his heart is pounding on the inside though.
Chifuyu- Goes bright red, he's so embarrassed and flustered but also panicking because what if you hate him now!???? Apologises a lot (seriously he won't stop bowing). 
Mitsuya- "Are you ok?" Smiles awkwardly at you before apologising and offering his hand for you to take. Insists on walking you home after as a way of making it up to you. 
Hakkai- Opens his eyes and finds himself on top of you. He straight up passes out, his brain cannot deal with this situation.
Pah- Goes red and panics, assumes you might be hurt and blurts out a quick sorry before asking. He just feels very guilty about this, you're the last person he wanted to maybe hurt.
Peh- Freezes for a second, he isn't entirely sure what he's supposed to do in this situation. Goes like "You're ok right!?" before practically sprinting off.
Smiley- Laughs nervously and tries to make a joke to break the ice. It comes across as more nervous the confident though. 
Angry- He is so concerned about you, focused 100% on you the second it happens. Insists on dragging you to his house so he can check you over properly to make sure you're ok. 
Mucho- Raises an eyebrow at the situation then sighs. He picks up up very easily then walks off as if nothing happens.
Sanzu- Blinks in surprise, but sees this as lucky rather then something bad. Takes his time in getting up because he likes feeling close to you. Grabs your hand to help you up too, seeing it as an excuse to hold your hand.
Kisaki- Curses but tries to spin the situation round in his favour. Smiles sweetly at you and apologises. 
Hanma- "oh? If you wanted me on top of you, you could've just asked." Of course he immediately teases you and plays the situation lightly.
Kazutora- Stares at you and gulps for a second, he quickly realises that he may have just hurt you and checks you over quickly. Mumbles that he's sorry and hopes you'll still like him after this.
Inui- "hey get up" he doesn't mean to come across as so blunt but he's worried and wants to make sure you actually can get up. Frowns at you and mumbles a quick apology. 
Koko- His cheeks go bright red since he's so close to you. Vaguely wants to just stay there but knows he can't, get's up quickly and helps you up. Then cancels everything else he has going on that day since he insists on taking you to the hospital instead. 
Taiju- Blames you for it???? He's actually just internally panicking a bit but it doesn't come out that way. "Tch watch where you're going" 
Izana- Frowns before smiling at you, he really does feel lucky to get to be in this situation with you. Likes the way you feel under him but quickly gets up. He then insists you now owe him because of that fall (he fell on you???). Holds your hand and drags you away, insisting you spend the day with him now. 
Kakucho- Panics! He worries that he just accidentally killed you, so looks over you with a worried expression. Picks you up and apologises. He actually finds you the next day and brings you some goodies from a local cafe as a way of apologising further. 
Ran- Plays it smoothly again, mixing the line up saying the two of you fell for each other. Insists on getting your number after.
Rindou- Blushes as he finds himself face to face with you, gives you a shakey "hey" before mentally cursing. Then helps you up before giving you one last kind of nervous grin and walking off 
Shion- Just starts introducing himself while the two of you are still on the floor. He's panicking a little but also wants you to know who he is. 
Mochi- Easily picks you up and brushes you off. Asks if you want him to carry you to a hospital. Nods after you say no and gives you a quick "sorry" before leaving.
South- Eyes slightly widen as he realises it's you. He then picks you up and practically carries you back to his house, insisting that he'll "look after you" since he caused this. You don't really seem to get a choice. 
Wakasa- Looks at you curiously, trying to figure out if you're hurt and how you're going to react to this. Helps you up then gives you a lazy smile, giving you his name. This isn't how he wanted to introduce himself but might as well do it now. 
Benkei- Asks if you're ok and happily smiles after you say you are. Then compliments you, calling you strong for easily taking a fall like that. He likes you even more now. 
Shinichiro- Gulps as he looks at you, you look even prettier now that the two of you are this close. Gently brushes your hair out of your face and asks if you're ok. He isn't even trying to flirt right now, he's just concerned about you. Takes you back to his bike shop to check you over just in case.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Clingy - e.m
hello loves i hope you’re all okay. angst to fluff with Eddie- shitty ending with a lot of mistakes but other than that- enjoy x
taglist (feel free to add yourself🤍): @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @livsters
your love language was physical touch. touching them in some sort of way always put your mind at ease. whether it was holding hands or resting your head on your lovers shoulder, that was enough for you. from what you saw, Eddie didn't mind you being affectionate with him, in fact it seemed like he loved you being affectionate.
if you didn't hold his hand he would softly grab ahold of your wrist and lace your fingers together. whenever you were at his trailer and it was just the two of you and you'd be in his bedroom, cuddled closely together. you being clingy and cuddly never ever seemed to bother Eddie.
you'd never heard him complain to anyone about how clingy you were and Robin would say 'you guys make me sick' from how close the two of you were, every second you were together you were touching in some sort of way. but you always knew she was joking, it was never said with malice or spite.
it was Friday and school had just finished. Fridays meant hellfire. you were still coming to terms with the game so when Eddie said you could sit next to him you didn't think anything of it. he was always willing to help you and he didn't seem to care if you asked a question during the game, until you heard him speaking to whoever was in the drama studio. the drama studio door was slightly open, meaning you could hear every little thing he said.
"no man, i just can't do it anymore. it's every single day she's there clinging onto me. i understand she's an affectionate person but jesus christ it's like i can never catch a break. even when i'm here doing hellfire, the one time i do have a break she's here pestering me about how to play. she's just so fucking annoying. i don't know, maybe i should say something to her. she needs to learn boundaries. just for one day i'd love some space, just one day with her leaving me alone."
your breathing stuttered as your eyes filled with tears, Eddie found you annoying? if you'd known you would of stopped but hearing him speak about you like this just broke your heart. the last time you heard someone speak about your clingy-ness in a bad way was your ex, he hated you being touchy and his last words to you before you broke up were "you don't know when to leave someone alone. your affection isn't needed or wanted. it's weird, you touching me all the time is weird"
"i don't know man, you know how she is. she's just showing you love-" Dustin. Dustin was always the one to stick up for you and you appreciated it. "no. her love is too much. i don't think i can do it anymore honestly." Eddie interrupted. you couldn't help me choke on a sob before deciding you'd heard enough and left them to their conversation.
how could you have been so blind, Eddie didn't want the affection you were giving him and you should of realised that. you made your way through the halls of Hawkins High and realised Eddie was your ride home. there was no way you were going back there to ask him for a lift so walking it was.
you opened one of the double doors and held your books closer to your chest as a sob escaped your throat. you would have never ever thought Eddie would speak about you in that way. he was always so loving and hearing him call you annoying hurt. a lot. now you knew how he really felt, you were 100% going to distance yourself. if Eddie felt like this imagine how your friends felt? did they all speak about you like Eddie did? starting today there would be no more affection coming from you.
it was now Saturday meaning you had work. work with Steve and Robin which was fine, it was better than working work Keith. a lot better actually. but you were getting nervous. Eddie had been calling your home phone non stop and leaving voice mails. most of them were asking if you were okay and why you didn't turn up to hellfire. he had called you at least 40 times and when you didn't answer he drove to your house and begged to see you but your mum wouldn't let him in.
you hadn't told her what Eddie had said but you had hinted to her that if anyone did turn up at the house asking for you to not let them in because you wanted to be alone. you knew Eddie would turn up at your work, he always did and never missed a shift. but you just prayed that something would distract him enough so he didn't turn up.
facing Robin and Steve was hard. usually you'd greet them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek but not today. you'd just walked to the staff room and put your stuff away. you'd obviously said hello, you weren't that rude, but you just didn't want to annoy them like you were annoying Eddie. 
you were sat on the counter, picking at your nails as you listened to Steve and Robin complain about how boring it was because the shop was so quiet. about three hours after you'd all started work Robin decided to go on break, leaving you and Steve alone. you hadn't realised but both Robin and Steve had been taking sneaky glances at you and mouthing to each other trying to figure out the problem.
"honey" you heard Steve say. he never called you by your first name. it was just something you both never used. you looked up from your nails and saw him staring right at you. "is there something wrong?" you shook your head and looked down at your lap. you didn't really want him to know you were worried about being annoying but there was something about Steve that made you never able to keep a secret from him.
"'m not stupid honey. you can tell me, i won't tell anyone" you looked up at him again and sighed, feeling your chin quiver and your lips downturned as you tried to stop yourself from crying. you knew if you cried Steve would take you in his arms and hug you until you couldn't breathe but you didn't want that, you didn't want to receive or give affection.
Steve frowned as he watched you try not to cry, what the hell had happened? "do you think i'm annoying?" his frown deepened as he listened to you speak, where the hell had this come from? "what? absolutely not. who the hell called you-" Steve was cut off by the bell above the door ringing, indicating someone had entered the store.
you looked over and saw it was Eddie. shit. "i'm gonna go on break" you whispered to Steve and made your way to the back quickly. "hey sweetheart where are you going?" Eddie had just got here and now you were leaving? no kiss? no cuddle? he was frowned. you were going out of your way to purposely ignore him. "what the hell is the matter with her?" Eddie asked, annoyed. Steve sighed "i honestly have no idea."
Monday rolled around quicker then you would have liked and waking up for school gave you the worst anxiety. you'd have to face Eddie. you were semi popular in school so it wasn't like you had no where else to sit but you liked sitting with Eddie and his friends, they were all nice to you and that was a bonus.
but today was different, you were definitely not going to sit with them and decided to sit with Robin instead. but it also wasn't as simple as just sitting with Robin. you had a lot of classes with Eddie so you couldn't avoid him. maybe in the corridors but not in class, you were stuck in one place and that was with him.
you had asked Steve if he could take you to school and he was more than happy to pick you up before he got Robin and you were grateful he agreed. usually Eddie would pick you up but you didn't even want to face him. maybe what you were doing was wrong and maybe you should just speak to him about it. but you were scared, you were giving him what he wanted right? he said he wanted space and that was exactly what you were giving him.
Steve had picked you up a lot earlier than Eddie would even arrive at your house which meant you didn't have to face him. once Eddie did finally arrive at your house he was confused. every morning without fail you'd be sat on your porch steps waiting for him but today it seemed like you were no where to be seen.
Eddie saw your mums car in the drive way which meant she hadn't taken you to school so he quickly made his way up your drive and knocked on the door. your mum answered with a smile and a reciprocated confused look. "hi Eddie. what can i do for you?" were you not coming to school today? "is y/n home? she's usually out here because i take her to school" your mum frowned, you had left for school ages ago.
"oh uhh i thought she would have told you. she left for school early, she told me she had to catch up on some extra school work" Eddie frowned but nodded. "she must of forgotten to tell me. thank you anyway" he replied as he made his way back to his van. now he knew for certain you were avoiding him. but he had no idea why. what had he done for you to ignore him like this?
he arrived at Hawkins high pretty quickly and made his way to your locker, seeing you speaking to Robin with a huge smile on your face. he hadn't seen you smile in what felt like years. he approached you cautiously, not wanting you to run away from him before he could talk to you.
"hey" he said as you took your English book from your locker. "hi" Robin had found out what Eddie had said and was fuming. you being an affectionate person was one of your best qualities, you always made new people feel welcome (if they were new to the friendship group) by giving them a reassuring hug and a smile.
the fact he had called you annoying pissed her off so she quickly left the two of you before she said something she'd regret. Eddie sighed before running a hand through his hair in annoyance "i went to your house this morning. you weren't there" he took ahold of your hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of it.
"oh sorry. i forgot to say, Steve drove me here. i had to catch up-" you let go if Eddie hand quickly, making his hand drop. "why are you lying to me? you've been avoiding me for days. just stop lying to me y/n, im your boyfriend i'm meant to know how you're feeling" you looked in his eyes and saw his were full of confusion and anger. you definitely should have said something.
"Eddie you are one to talk, you can't say you're meant to know how im feeling if i have no clue how you're really feeling" you snapped back, to be honest you didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. "what are you on about?" you sighed, you didn't want to do this now in front of everyone. people were starting to stare.
"im not gonna get into this with you now. i've got to go to class" a class which Eddie was in unfortunately. "okay fine. i'll come with you" you shook your head and his frown deepened. "i wanna walk on my own" and with that you closed your locker and made your way to your English class. Eddie needed to know what was going on with you because it was like something in you had switched. you let go of his hand which you never ever did.
at lunch it was the same, you had made awkward eye contact with him after ignoring him in English and quickly put your head down and rushed over to where Robin was sat, thank god she saved you a seat. Eddie groaned as he watched you walk over to Robin instead of him.
"what's got you all grumpy Ed's?" Jeff said as Eddie put his head in his hands. "y/n is completely avoiding me. i have no idea what i've done wrong" Dustin swallowed and turned to Eddie. "you don't think she heard what you said before hellfire do you?" Eddies head shot up as he quickly remembered what he had said.
"what?" Dustin looked down at his lap, and guilt filled Eddie's body. "oh god. she's probably heartbroken" he wanted to slap himself for being so stupid. what he said before hellfire was just a spare of the moment thing and he wanted nothing more than your love and affection, it was killing him honestly. "maybe she's just worried about 'annoying' you Eddie. i did tell you what you said was harsh. you wanted to break up with her" Dustin quoted.
"i would never. i'm such an idiot" Eddie quickly got his lunch box and started making his way to you. he saw you laughing with Robin and a few kids from band and just the thought of hurting you killed him. "y/n" he said as he got to your table, making you look up at him. "hi Eddie" Robins smile turned sour as soon as he approached the table. "can i speak to you?"
Eddie knew about your last boyfriend and what he had said to you before you broke up and Eddie promised he would never be like him. but he realised he turned out just like him. you sighed but knew you probably should speak to him. you grabbed your bag and followed Eddie. it seemed like he was taking you to his van so you could speak in private. now there were three ways Eddie could approach- he could just come out and ask if you heard him or he could let you talk to him about it or he could ask in a discreet way and hope you tell him.
he didn’t know what he was going to do until you were both settled in the van. you were silent, waiting for Eddie to speak. you didn't want to be the first to talk because it was Eddie who was in the wrong, not you. you were giving him exactly what he wanted. the silence was awkward. very awkward. you could honestly cut the tension with a knife it was so awkward.
"so" Eddie finally broke it. but he was met with the same silence. how were you meant to respond to that? "i didn't mean to snap at you earlier. i am just worried about you. you never avoid me like this" Eddies voice was soft and filled with love but also worry. you'd never done this before. Eddie sighed when you stayed silent. he really fucked up. "did you hear what i said to Dustin?"
you looked down at your lap and nodded your head. you felt your eyes fill with tears as a relief was taken off of your shoulders. you heard Eddie whisper a small 'fuck' as he realised his fear of you hearing him came true. "baby you know i didn't mean it. i would never-"
"you know what happened when i was in my last relationship Eddie and you promised you'd be nothing like him. if my affection was making you uncomfortable you should of said it to me, not to Dustin" Eddie knew you were right, now you were looking directly at him. he shifted uncomfortably under your gaze. "i know i know and i'm sorry. i was just having a rough day" you scoffed through your tears.
"what you said hurt me Eddie don't you get that? you can't blame it on a rough day. the way you said it was enough for me to know you meant it. you said i was annoying and that 'you couldn't do this anymore' and if that's how you feel Eddie then i don't want to be with you" Eddies heart dropped as he looked at the mascara lines streaking down your cheeks. he knew he'd fucked up and he hurt you.
he sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into him so he could just hold you. he didn't mean anything he said and if he could take it all back so you would be affectionate with him again he would. you let him hug you, you missed him. he kissed your forehead as you cried into his hellfire shirt. “i’m really sorry sweetheart”
your crying was silent. a sincere apology was all you wanted to hear. “i don’t know why i said it, i think maybe it scared me a little that you love me so much to even show me affection but it’s not an excuse for the way i spoke about you. i really am sorry, i love your affection and i missed it so much when you were ignoring me” he rubbed his hand up and down your back as he tried to calm you down.
you looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and tear marks on your cheeks. even though he hurt you, the sympathetic look on his face almost melted you. “promise me if it’s too much for you you’ll come to me” Eddie lent down and place a small kiss on your lips before rubbing his hand over your cheeks to clear any stains away. “i promise”
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infin1ty-garden · 2 months
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✧. ┊ summary: your rival is in a band ✧. ┊ character(s): blaise zabini, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson and theodore nott ✧. ┊ warnings: mention of alcohol consumption ✧. ┊ word count: 847 ✧. ┊ author note: it's a day late. verry sorry
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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✧. ┊ Blaise was a guitarist in the band. Your relationship wasn't exactly a good one but you respected each other. You were surprised one of your friends was a fan of said band.
✧. ┊ All in all their music was pretty good and you ended up listening to their songs. That's what you were doing in the library, when Blaise interrupted you.
✧. ┊ "You like my voice that much," he just had to interrupt you as one of his rare solo parts came on. For weeks he didn't let you live it down. He visited you after class and shoved a ticket in your hand. Didn't say anything else.
✧. ┊ He couldn't keep his thoughts straight. You are listening to his voice. Well, songs but same thing. The scene kept replaying in his head. Do you like him? Does he like you?
✧. ┊ You were in rival bands. Known to dislike each other. Most of your songs containing lines to make fun of the other band. What you didn't expect was finding Draco in your dressing room.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing here?" He didn't say anything as he made his way to you. Stopping right in front of you. His expression is unreadable. "I wanted to ask you out on a date."
✧. ┊ Your head was spinning. Your rival is asking you out for a date. What has the world come to?
✧. ┊ Draco didn't really hate you. How could he? You were talented, great, caring and just awesome. He had to ask you out if he'd end up waiting for too long. He didn't want to regret not asking you out sooner.
✧. ┊ Lorenzo was trying to impress some girls with his guitar skills. You rolled your eyes as they swarmed around him. A sensible person would run in the other direction. "I could do better."
✧. ┊ "Try," he heard you, passing you the guitar. Everyone was looking at you but then the gryffindors crashed the party. Saving your ass.
✧. ┊ "I still wanna hear you play," Lorenzo insisted. A few days after the incident, Lorenzo asked you to play him something. You prepared in advance and asked one of your friends to teach you something simple.
✧. ┊ he was mesmerised, watching you play. He isn't sure why he feels like that. He hates you, doesn't he?
✧. ┊ You had gotten drunk at another slytherin party. Barged into a random unoccupied room. To find a drum set and decided to fool around.
✧. ┊ Mattheo stumbled in with a girl in his arms. Confused once he spotted you on his drum set. Ignoring the girl he'd been making out with a moment ago.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing?" You stopped. Looked around finally realising this was Mattheo's room. "Sorry, I d-didn't..." you left the room. Letting them continue what they were doing.
✧. ┊ Mattheo was so confused. Why were you in his room? Why didn't it bother him? He cornered you. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was your room and I was drunk."
✧. ┊ "Would you like to learn how to play?"
✧. ┊ Pansy was a great singer. You randomly found out she was apart of a band. You can't deny her singing capabilities. You can't stand her but she is talented.
✧. ┊ You decided to go to one of their shows. It was a small venue. You still hoped she wouldn't see you. Just your luck as soon as she got on the stage, she spotted you.
✧. ┊ She kept looking at you while singing certain parts of songs. You thought she hated you. Clearly you thought wrong.
✧. ┊ After the show she came up to you. "What did you think?" She'd placed her hands on yours. "I...um loved it?" You were uncertain what she wanted to hear your opinion on. "Yeah?"
✧. ┊ Pansy didn't realise her feelings for you until one of her friends pointed them out. What she thought was hate was actually love? She couldn't deny it anymore.
✧. ┊ "What's this bullshit," you found Theo in the courtyard writing. You assumed it was an essay or something but it was lyrics. You grabbed his notebook and started running. "Is it about a girl you're madly in love with?" He chased you as you read the lyrics. Slowly coming to the realisation that they were about you.
✧. ┊ "You can't come up with a better title than I hate you, die," he took back his notebook and ignored you for the rest of the week. "Hurt, I read your little diary?" He threw a paper at you. You read the top 'I hate you, die'. The lyrics had been reworked to include a certain event. Despite this the song was a love song. He loved you?
✧. ┊ Love and hate can be mistaken for one or the other and Theo knew he loved you. He just didn't know how to say it. Words left him when he was around you. He felt like a fool. It was a dumb idea but he did it anyway. Writing a song for you.
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Thanks for reading!
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
i think i sent you a request sometime earlier and if you didn't want to answer it that's totally fine!! you can look past this one as well if that was the case!!
but i'm still thinking about mingi bringing you to his studio to keep him company while he works and then he gets distracted by your presence and just ends up eating you out and fucking you on the couch there 🫣
mingi just being obsessed with his partner and everything about them makes me go a little crazy
also hope your hangover isn't too bad! take care <3
ah! no you deffo did send it and i meant to answer but i just got sidetracked 😭😭 like it’s literally half written in my drafts but imma just go ahead and freehand it now bc this is way too good not to talk about…
like he definitely takes you to the studio with the intention of doing work and he definitely has to tell you to behave before he even starts working but like… how are you supposed to behave when your hot boyfriend is literally right there?? so he can hardly blame you when you start doing things to tease him.
like imagine you just start moaning a little, and when he turns to you with a cocked brow and a scowl on his face, you tell him the couch is uncomfy and the moans are because your back hurts. if you want to push it a little, you might even ask him if you can sit on his lap instead. and obviously because mingi can’t say no to you he just rolls his eyes and pats his legs.
but then when you’re sat with your ass against his half-hard crotch, you can’t help but tease him a little by rolling your hips. obviously he tries to ignore you and get on with whatever he’s doing, but you can feel his dick getting harder with every roll of your hips, and you can hear the little grunts he lets out every so often.
it doesn’t take much to push him over the edge, and when you do, he’s lifting you up and literally throwing you down onto the couch. like you don’t even have a second to think before his hands are tugging at your jeans and your panties, and his lips are attaching themselves to your clit.
and while he’s eating you out like you’re his last meal, he can’t help but literally moan into your pussy. it almost feels like he’s getting more pleasure out of this than you are, which should be impossible because he has your thighs shaking in seconds. like, you cannot tell me he doesn’t know what to do with his tongue because that man 100% does. he’ll have you cumming in record time, and then carry on for more.
and i’m a firm believer in the fact that he is insatiable when it comes to eating pussy. he’d be down there, slurping and moaning and just making the most vulgar sounds known to man forever if you’d let him. but obviously overstimulation is a thing, and eventually you have to push him away for a breather. but i can that guarantee that even when you’re literally on the verge of passing out, this man will find some way to complain about wanting more.
but when he realises just how tired you are, he realises maybe you’re right and maybe he can’t just carry on eating you out until he himself is satisfied. so instead, in the softest voice he can muster - as if he hasn’t just been ravaging your pussy like a wild animal - he asks if he can fuck you. he’s fumbling over his words and fiddling with his fingers and practically begging you to let him fuck you, all while your juices are spread over his mouth and chin.
and you say yes, because you’re not evil, and he just smiles at you. doesn’t even bother to take his sweats off, just pushes them down to let his dick spring free before railing you into the couch. i can guarantee he tries to start off soft but the man has zero self restraint and actually ends up fucking you so incredibly hard that you’re seeing stars.
but he’s still so kind and so mingi with it because he knows you’re overstimulated, but he still feels like he can’t just fuck you and not let you cum, so he asks you if you want to. the second he sees you nod your head, he starts to play with your clit, but it’s so gentle compared to his thrusts because he knows you won’t need much to cum this time around.
and he’s absolutely right because his finger is barely on you before you’re squeezing tightly around him and creaming over his dick. and seeing your face screw up at the same time is all he needs for his own hips to stutter to a standstill as he releases his load into you…
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softie-rain · 6 months
how do you think tom would act if he had a crush on actress reader during tbosas. and during press ppl keep saying omfg he’s blushing and laughing at everything y/n is saying even if it wasn’t all that funny😭
Small note: ok for the record (this isn't aimed to you in particular dear anon!) I'm not taking requests on y/n fics but like if you wanna drop a thought like this you can, it's highly welcomed!! (though I'm not that good with self insert cause I haven't done it in two years really 😭) anon I promise ily
Tom honestly acts kind of shy on camera when he's not acting so I feel like he'd laugh a lot at the reader's jokes even if they're so bad (as you said), and keeps bring her up in the interviews for no reason too?? Kind of like Rachel with Josh or Zendaya with Tom Holland kinda thing (and he's not even dating her yet!!) And he probably thinks he's so subtle about it [Rachel 100% teases him about it 😭] but when he realises what he's doing, maybe he laughed a bit to loud and everyone else was quiet, he'd get so embarrassed and try to play it off as cool (spoiler he failed)
ALSO he 100% brings the reader coffee (or whatever she has for breakfast) on set every morning. Like he'd do it with everyone but on your order he'd probably write something like "for y/n" with lots of hearts, or stars, or just any random doodle he can think of.
And without realizing a lot of his insta posts about tbosas include photos of the reader and the fans obviously notice so and the comments are just "he's so in love" or stuff like that, and the funny thing is that the reader would be so oblivious too
I can see him buying her gifts for any occasion he can think of really and she's like "no he's just being nice guys I swear"
I hope this was good?? Idk??? ALSO I don't usually do it with the actors so if you really wanna drop an ask like this one the characters would be preferred (: [again, dear anon don't worry about it, I never specified before it so this time it's fine <3][lol it sounded like a threat sorry]. As usual I do not know how to not dwell so last thing last: if you drop any thoughts you won't be getting a fic (sorry guys ily) but more kind of headcanons or small scenarios? Like I did here (: This one's particularly bad cause I cannot write with irl people. Lol. I DON'T WANNA BE RUDE I'M SORRY
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Hey besties! Hope you like this little headcanon 🤭 Thank you to the person who requested this ❣️
Sending so much love to all of you ❤
Ruben Dias being obsessed with reader's boobs - headcanon:
- Okay, so I feel like he would be very obvious about the fact that he loves your boobs. Like can you imagine maybe when he comes home from training and he says hi to you he would first wrap you up in his arms and kiss your lips, but then he's leaning down and pressing kisses to the top of your breasts before asking you "how's my girl today?"
-I could totally see the two of you having a dinner and maybe he sits on the opposite side of the table and you are telling him about something that happened to you that day, but you realise he isn't even paying attention to you and he's just blatantly staring at your chest. And you're like "Ruben, my face is up here" and he looks up at you, a smirk appears on his face and he goes "sorry, they just look so pretty, couldn't help myself" 🤭
-He would definitely be the type to take naps on your boobs. Especially if he had a bad day or something. I just see him coming back home and finding you laying on your bed, just looking through your phone and you can see something is wrong so you ask him what happened. And he would probably tell you he just had a hard day and you're like "what can I do for you baby?" and he goes "nothing, just stay like that" as he lays his head on one of your breasts, and then cups the other with his hand and he just closes his eyes, looking so content and comfy. And then he just sleeps, maybe you're gently scratching his scalp with your nails and he's just letting out these little hums.
- I feel like whenever you wear a low cut top he wouldn't be able to help himself but stare and he would tell you how pretty you look in that particular top and how it's his favourite and you should wear it more often. Or maybe if you are just doing something around the house and not wearing a bra, just a shirt I feel like he would go crazy (and especially if it's one of his shirts). Can you imagine him coming up to you from behind, wrapping one of his arms around you, while the other hand goes under the material of the shirt you're wearing and he squeezes your boob in his palm??!
- He would definitely cup one of your breasts in his palm sometimes when he's spooning you, and maybe even give it a little squeeze.
- He would 100% be sucking on them, biting them and kissing them whenever you are riding him. They are just right there in front of him, so he definitely wouldn't be able to resist. Maybe sometimes he would leave hickeys on them too. But also he would love to just stare at your tits when you're on top, watching them bounce.
-But also he would also suck and kiss on them before he fucks you as a part of foreplay. Can you imagine him hovering over you and he starts planting kisses from your neck and takes them down to the valley between your breasts and then takes one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tounge around it and then he gives the same attention to your other boob. And when he pulls away he would look up at you, thinking to himself how pretty you look, your head thrown back with a flushed face.
-Can you imagine if you were giving him head and he's like "take your top off for me, sweet girl" because he just wants to be able to see your tits. And he would so praise you, when you do take it off, saying things like "that's a good girl, you look so pretty".
-He would for sure love to cum on them and he would smear it around using his fingers and then he would bring them up to your mouth telling you to clean up your mess and suck his fingers clean. He would definitely love it if you let him take a picture of your breasts covered in his cum 🤭
-And he would so want to fuck your tits. Maybe you would be sitting on your knees on the edge of the bed as he stands in front of it. And he would say something like "push them together for me angel, just like that" and then he would slide his cock between them. And you would be looking up at him, his head thrown back, grunts leaving his mouth. And the things he would say to you!! Maybe something like "you are so good to me baby, so good" or he would just call you his good girl 🤭
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
For your 2k event 😊 (I'm so happy for you btw! 🥰👏👏)
Fluff #9 - “if you cry, i’ll cry ─ and that won’t be fun for anyone.”
With Tsu'tey x h!Reader maybe 😊
Absolutely no pressure though and again; congratulations on reaching 2k! 😁🎉🎉
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here you go lovely!! i hope you enojy. this was actually my first time writing human!reader so eek. but i liked it. tsu'tey being ooc but y'know him being alive isn't canon lmao
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It took Tsu’tey a long time to warm up to the left over scientists of the sky people. Like a seriously long time.
While Jake did help get rid of some of the hostility towards the scientists, it was really you that did the heavy-lifting. A small, fragile weak human in his eyes. On a planet where not even the air serves you. Maybe it was pity that drew him closer towards you, or maybe it was your interesting alien self. Who knows?
Months passed as he got to know you. You would follow him through the forest to study more of the flora, involve yourself with the clan’s cultures and always be there to lend him a listening ear.  
He couldn’t deny that his heart grew fond of your company. The way your tiny alien hands would grab onto him when you lost your balance. The way he would have to wait for you to catch up to him every other step. The way you were so committed to loving his home. He found himself constantly thinking about you as a mate.
He wasn’t quite sure how to show his affections towards you. He knew the usually the traditions would not be received as well, as you did not understand them. He didn’t enjoy asking Jake for help, but it was worth it for you.
“What? You want to court Y/N? Didn’t know you were into sky-people brother.” Tsu’tey snarled at him, too serious to be caught up with Jake’s antics.
“I want to court Y/N, I am here for advice not ridicule.” Jake gave him a strong pat on the back followed with a proud smile.
“Sky-women like gifts. All women like gifts! Make her something and I’m 100% sure she’ll treasure it. Especially if it’s from you.” Tsu’tey wondered if something handmade would be up to your culture’s standard, especially considering the odd demon technology your people have built. Would it not be mundane?
He may as well give it a shot. “Thankyou brother.” And he was off, already conjuring ideas in his mind of what to create for you. What would be suitable for someone as tiny as you. He would have to be mindful of the size of his gift. Would you want jewellery? Maybe a knife? No. you don’t need a knife. You would never wear his cultures clothing, too embarrassed because of your culture’s standard.
Maybe a bracelet was the best thing to make. Yes. It’s perfect.
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It had been a couple days since you had conversed with Tsu’tey, too busy with your studies and he seemed to be going away to do god knows what. It disheartened you a little, you enjoyed your time with the tall man. Your heart always beat a little faster around him, eyes lingered longer, time felt shorter.
You were standing near some of the plants right outside of the base of the camp the people had set up. You were way too immersed in your instruments, that you didn’t realise the lean man stalking behind you, simply looking down to observe what was interesting you so much.
“That is flefle.” You jumped, grabbing onto your heart as you felt your soul slip you because you were so frightened.
“Oh! Jesus you scared me.” Tsu’tey never really understood your human expressions, but he though you sounded cute saying them at least.
“I have something for you.” You furrowed your brows, confused on what he could possibly give to you. His hands were fidgeting behind his back, nervously rolling onto the balls of his feet and back down again.
“Oh can I see?” Tsu’tey nodded taking one of your small hands in his, delicately placing the bracelet in your palm. You gasped switching your gaze rapidly between Tsu’tey and the beautiful, beaded bracelet that was give to you. The beads had small engravings in them, while they alternated in colours from blue to green. “This is beautiful Tsu’tey!”
“Do you like it?” You nodded swiftly.
“Of course I love it, I might cry it’s so pretty. Thankyou!” Tsu’tey’s face grew concerned as you mentioned crying.
“Do not cry. If you cry, I will cry and that wont be fun for anyone.” You giggled at his words, the way he was so serious was amusing. Stepping forward to give him a thankful hug, your head resting just below his ribs. He stiffened against your touch, hands hovering over you, scared to hug you too tight.
Letting go of him you held the open bracelet in your hands. “Could you tie it up for me?” Tsu’tey nodded his hands careful as his fingers worked swiftly to tie the knot around your wrist.
“It is not too tight?”
“No it is perfect. Thankyou.”
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soaps-mohawk · 18 days
coming back because i just realised how bad my last ask sounds 😭
i do not think john made the right decision at all, not destroying the pack bonds how he did, but i just wanted to mention that i also understand his perspective!! sometimes, the job does have to come above all else, no matter who it hurts. he made an extremely bad call in a unbelievably volatile situation, and as much as he's a total dick for it, i can't help but feel for how stressed and terrified he must've been himself ☹️
and, side note, the whole thing about johnny crying?? i can't!!!! i can't do this!!!!
hope you're alright, pookie 💞 i just got a random thought about how bad my ask sounded and wanted to make sure you didn't think i was trying to heavy defend john for what he did or say that he was 100% in the right
- 🪐
It didn't sound bad at all!!! It was definitely in character for John and something he would realistically do. It wasn't a good call or the right one, especially considering 'mega isn't military. She's never experienced anything like that even just in training. His Captain brain took over and he was not thinking clearly about the ramifications. It was get to the root of the problem not just keep snipping off ends.
Sometimes those little battles are far more important though.
Johnny is such a sweet boy who deserves all the love and snuggles. Poor baby was going through it there 😭
Nah, I knew what you meant lol. It makes sense for him but that doesn't mean it was the right choice.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Haven't seen the trash boi Goo for a while! How bout a different girl for him, a hard-working and honest girl who works in a small convince store as her part-time job. She doesn't really like expensive gifts or stuff like that, to her spending time with her boyfriend is way more important than any sort of materialistic brand.
Thanks for the ask anon! I've missed this stupid lil idiot!
Goo Kim x Reader: Money
Goo-fy wonders why you're with him
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Goo is more than aware of your silly little part-time job.
On multiple occasions, he has offered to pay you himself so you didn't have to work the night shifts on your own. You thanked him, sweetly as usual, but said no anyway.
Well isn't that a pain.
How could he possibly just sit at home when he knows his darling girlfriend is working her butt off for pocket change. And think of the weird characters just like him that lurk around at night!
Goo shudders.
He makes up his mind to join you any opportunity he can.
The first time Goo shows up, you are practically buzzing with excitement. Holy crap, you're adorable.
Then you react the same the second and third and fourth time too. Come to think of it, it's every single time.
He starts to wonder if there is something wrong with you.
Yes, he is extraordinarily handsome. Yes, he is perfect. Yes, he is God's gift.
Still. No-one could be that excited to see him, right?
And what's even weirder, is the way you're looking at him and chattering away right now.
Do you even realise what Goo has offered?
He has given you complete, 100%, free rein in a shopping mall. The most high-end shopping mall in the country. It's all on him. He's got it, babe. Go shop your little heart out!
Yet... You're not sprinting towards the designer brands, you're not buying one in every colour. In fact, you're not buying anything at all.
(Goo did get you a juice when you said you were thirsty, but that hardly counts.)
You wander around with a ridiculous smile on your face, your hand in his, listening to him talk about anything and everything.
You steal glances at Goo when you think he's not looking, but he catches you every time.
No! Don't look at me! Look at this! This coat, this bag, these shoes!
It's the foodhall of all places that you two end up, seated at a little uneven table that tips on one side. Far, far below Goo's usual standard but he couldn't find it in himself to care with you next to him.
At the end of the day, you go home empty-handed, thanking him graciously for your juice, and Goo is left scratching his head.
If there are two things that Goo knows, it's how to fight and how to make money.
And you never particularly cared for his fighting skills. Sure, you're impressed. Everyone is.
Though if you don't care about that and you don't care about cash. Then... why are you with him?
Goo confronts you at work one evening.
He interrogates you about your feelings for him, about him, and you take it all with a straight face.
(You're not stupid. You don't date someone like Goo Kim unprepared for his unhinged moments.)
"-But it's good I'm rich, right?"
Of course you know what money means to him. It's not the same for you, and you try to be diplomatic about it. "Well... it's good that you can buy yourself nice things with it, I guess? But I don't need it."
Goo tilts his head, clearly confused with your response. "What? So you'll be with me even if I was broke?"
"If I had to wear ugly clothes?"
"If I couldn't take you out?"
"If I couldn't buy you things?"
"Not even," Goo looks around the store for inspiration, "this ramen?"
The cogs in Goo's brain stutters and stops. So then...?
You decide to put your moron out of his misery. You cup his face in your hands as he continues to look absolutely baffled.
"Goo. I don't need any of that. I just like being with you. You could make watching paint dry fun," you speak slowly and clearly, hoping that your words sink in. "You know you're also with me, right? And I don't really have any money."
As if your financial status would in any way shape or form affect his feelings towards you! Goo is appalled.
"My sweet lil honeybun, that's completely different!"
Honestly. You roll your eyes fondly and ruffle his hair.
Maybe, just maybe. He gets it. A little bit. Maybe money isn't everything-
Scratch that, money's pretty fucking important. Goo loves money. But, if he really thought about it, he loves you more.
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theerurishipper · 9 months
Hi~ Hope you have a lovely day. I want to get your opinions on my rant lol and ask.
Marinette is such a disappointment of a lead female character in a western magical girl cartoon. She isn't a good leader and all her team consist of yes men and women and sidekick Chat Noir where her real partner Alya is standing over to the side. I liked her in the first two season and maybe some in s3 but the s4 and onward just got to me ngl. It's her world and we're all just living in it. Miraculous is so weird when it comes to team dynamics because I get she's guardian but I really wished it were someone else and not her because she chooses people she already get along great with. It fun for team dynamics to add be different and broader.
The whole she's just 14 the fandom spouts only goes so far how many messes do you do until you realise you need to own up to them even at that age when you should know better on your conduct ?
I get it hard to communicate but onwards I always thought the bigger of the two in the conflict was her because of her secrecy and her controlling tendencies. I disliked it so much in the ephemeral episode and her betraying her partner disgusted me. Sorry to those who like or defend her character this much but I can't stan or like a character that does this much crap to a friend let alone a love interest and then gloss over or minimize it and not be called out for it. Like, are people standards that low they think she's a good leader or a good proper representation on feminism when this show reeks of misogyny and misandry. She's the ultimatum voice for Astruc.
A communication issue with her Chat was fine a long time ago but now in s5 she crossed it hell nah how do people still support a ship with her knowing she followed Hawkmoth command for Adrien. I literally can't anymore with this show. Every guy she likes gotta be so 100 percent in effort and like in the Shadybug special him always comforting her makes me so jaded whenever she cries what about a change in dynamics had we ever seen her comfort him in turn how are people invested in this ship? Like that time in the bench and she just thought of ways to woo or give presents instead of just comforting him is so sad to watch.
She really followed in Master Fu steps. The bar is in hell and she crossed it in the finale. There is no excuse no handwaving it away and i know in my heart they gonna minimize it for Adrien own good. Everything is for his own good huh? What good is it rooting for a ship that just reeks of pity points. Like, she was never my favorite but who knew 8 years ago she'd pull a stunt like this and people bending over and doing mental gymnastics to rationalise this insanity. She really is a good foil to Gabriel ironically to bad she has no sway in this family drama we call the Agreste.
I know she has good intentions and it's not wrong for her to wish to save her prince but like thats all that is intention. Her actions are also important and the effects she's done is so bad that if she weren't the Main character and we haven't spent the chunk of the majority in her pov alone she'd be disliked.
I feel like compared to other respective series Winx Club s1-3 Bloom, Danny Phantom, Ben 10, Totally Spies they have it much more harder and so many more all show the consequences of your actions and how you do them right and they're her age. I feel like whenever someone bring up consequences it's like people in this particular fandom think we do it to punish Marinette but no I just never ever saw it properly done in this show because she's very coddled in the narrative. I don't see other MC as coddled as her before in a show where when they MESS UP it's actually integral and important.
Rant over.
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You encapsulated all my thoughts perfectly, anon. I've said so many times before that I loved Marinette from Season 1-3 and even during Season 4 as it aired. What made me fall out of love with her character post Season 4 was the utter lack of acknowledgement of her actions and the insistence in portraying her as in the right at all times. Like you said, it's not just your intentions that matter. Your actions and the effects that they have on the people around you also matter. The writers don't seem to understand this, and it hits Marinette's character worst of all. She had so much potential to be such a great character, which is why I feel so sad seeing just how badly the writing failed her. Marinette deserved better.
Thank you for your ask!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
hello!! hope you're having a good day or night! 🥰 how do you think draken would act with an s/o who's very forgetful? like he'll ask them to go grab something but the second they leave the room, they forget what they were doing until he reminds them?
Sure! I think he'll be something like this!
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He's very confused at first, isn't sure if this is some kind of prank or if you're upset with him and that's why you didn't grab what he just asked for. But after seeing the sincerity on your face he realises you just forgot.
It kinda becomes a bit of a joke between the two of you, you forgetting something, Draken sighing then you both smiling/ laughing because it happened again.
You're pretty much the only person who gets this pass too, if Mikey forgets something then Draken's 100% judging him for it but he won't do the same for you.
He also becomes very good at remembering the stuff you forget.
Will travel all the way to your job just to bring you your water bottle if you forget it.
Texts a lot with little reminders too
And most importantly he talks to you a lot about it, to see how you feel about it and if there's anything he can do to help.
Will comfort you if you forget something important then get really upset at yourself because of it.
Not only does he bring you things you forget but he's really good at timing it too, like he brings it right when you need it.
It may annoy him sometimes but his love for you always outweighs everything else.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Stone Egg theories + Luzhen
All are asks are connected to this post made about: what if Stone Monkeys could naturally reproduce asexually via converting their body into a new Stone Egg?
All images have transcripts btw.
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1: Possibly. Wukong has a *lot* of immortalities. But accidentally creating a Stone Egg asexually takes a lot out of him physically and spirtually. His soul gets a permanent hit to it. The whole point of the Stone Egg is for either a monkey with a large familial group to produce an heir without a mate, or the last of a troop to fling a piece of hope into the future. Most don't survive, but some do. It helps to have a lot of magically talented friends/family around to stabilize your body once the egg-creating process has begun so you can heal. Though I bet most single monkeys prefered adoption if at all necessary - accidentally giving the Stone Monkey kind a hyper-active parental instinct towards non-related infants of similar species.
He probably gets cravings for a lot of rocks, metal and bones in the process.
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2 & 3: (@soniclozdplove) Guanyin realised that she gotta put her stone monkey on birth control if they were gonna keep him underground. Her brain jumped to "He's made of rock right? rock spirits eat metal... right?? Crap, it's the only thing down here." and cue molten copper and iron pellets for dinner. The question is; was it even that painful for Wukong? Man takes out his organs a bunch of times and bathes in hot oil in Jttw without complaint. Odds are in the moment it felt like the worlds worse heartburn/spicy food burn since he really is made of earth materials. XD
He probably felt super grateful once he realized why Guanyin was feeding him molten metal. He didn't want kids in that circumstance either!
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4: A furiously confused pregnant Wukong! He immediately starts yelling at Gold Star for answers, and has to be talked down from trottling the Buddha himself for this. Tripitaka is panicking, he's never been around a pregnant person before!
Wukong doesn't even need the circlet in this verse. Guanyin just gives him false labor contractions and he's behaving immediately. He probably has to lug the egg in his body around for some extra time, maybe even until the Journey is over depending on how funny the Buddha or Bixia Yuanjun (goddess of childbirth) is feeling.
Macaque sees Wukong pregnant this way and is confused, dismayed, and yelling "Who's the father!?" at every Pilgrim. It takes him a while to understand that the Stone Egg happened cus of SWK being essentially slow-cooked underground for 500 years. Even if Macaque plays nice with the Pilgrims afterwards, he's still glaring at anyone who comes near Wukong and "their" egg.
Wukong endears himself to many people simply because he's with child. Probably gets an extra godly nickname (something like "Meihou-Wangmu" a pun on his Handsome Monkey King title + Queen/King Mother) refering to him as a fertility figure - women seeking luck with having/not having children approach Wukong asking for his blessing, and odds are it works because of who his creator is. XD
But he also attracts unique threats that the pilgrims have to personally destroy to protect him - Krasues and Manananggals anyone?
The second the Journey is over, Wukong kneels over and with an literal earth-shattering scream out *pops!* a little Stone Egg. All happy and cracking open minutes later. His and Macaque's first born isn't told the details of their creation for a long time.
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5 & 6: Gold Star gives Shadowpeach the Stone Monkey version of The Talk and warns them never to get buried alive unless they're 100% sure about it. Macaque and Wukong are terrifed into not having kids until Guanyin let sit slip that the "regular way" should work too.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au; Gold Star was a little more than shocked to hear about MK/Xiaotian's creation XD
Macaque is sadly unlikely to ever carry a "clone egg" to term or survive the full process. His body is a lot smaller/weaker than Wukong's and he was deprived of a lot of nutrients as a newborn (stuck on the moon = very few vitamins). So if he ever got triggered into parthenogenesis, his body would likely just refuse to create an egg. No gas in the tank.
Baby Luzhen is born from SWK, and he immediately takes out the roof/part of the Jade Palace with eye lazers. Giggling, he fails to notice the looks of horror on his family's faces.
Pigsy shoudl be just used to this nonsense by now. In the TMKATI Au; MK was a rogue comet Harbringer baby, the twins were freebies from Diyu, Yuebei was the reincarnation of one of their greatest enemies, the twin boys are likely reincarnated lunar node deities, and ofc now Luzhen decides to spawn in like a chicken egg.
I love the idea of Tang hearing all these gory details like;
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Tang: "This is like finding a living dinosaur egg or a thylacine! Imagine if any of your children married a regular monkey demon- it could completely bring back your species!"
Wukong + all Three Realms shudder at the thought - Wukong mostly because he aint never doing that again. Gold Star of Venus and Lao Tzu hum, intrigued at the thought.
Tang starts crying when he realises that single-parent Stone Monkeys would likely be born orphans. It's so sad! :'(
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6: Nah, Luzhen pops out all newborn baby. You see, being born fully-developed from a Stone Egg is a huge rarity; only occurring when the whole troop has died out and the egg is left on its own for thousands of years. If a Stone Monkey parent is "awoken" early enough (like within say 500-600 years) in the Egg's development and tended to quickly, their bodies stabilize into a long, but far less dangerous form of pregnancy. Its a safeguard for in case the pregnant survivor of an extinct group is found by a new troop, the parent survives and can live to possibly reproduce with the new unrelated group (higher chance of viable mates).
The only sacrifice being that the babies in these "soft-boiled" Stone Eggs are a lot weaker, premature even. The eggs themselves having a much higher chance of being empty or just absorbing straight back into the parent. Many who survived the process just sighed, it was the law of nature - why risk a possible baby for the parent when survival is preferred?
Luzhen is able to be born simply because Wukong has such a solid support system and healthcare available to him.
Ty for all these asks! I guess I should make a special "Stone Egg talk" tag for these ideas!
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sturn-wrld · 9 months
pairing: matt x reader
summary: where matt wants reader to sit on his face
genre: SMUT!!! if that makes you uncomfortable dni!
warnings: head (fem receiving), nicknames (babe, baby)
a/n: day 9 of smutmas. so so so sorry for not posting it yesterday. i wasn't home until too late and isn't get time to finish it before i fell asleep. that means 2 posts today! anyways hope you like it!
matt loves giving you head. by loves, i mean LOVES. if he could, he would give you head all day. he loves the way you wriggle under his touch and the way you squeeze his head between your thighs when you are closer to your high.
today was no exception.
matt asked you to come over like any normal day saying he loves you and misses you so much, who chi was pretty much code for i'm horny come over and make out with me and then let me fuck you crazy. which you weren't mad about.
you walked into his bedroom to see him sitting at his desk legs spread, scrolling on his phone. this almost instant made your legs weak. "baby, your here!" he exclaimed as if he had never seen you before in his life "i am" you said walking over to him from his doorway. he stood up and started kissing you. the kiss grew passionate almost instantly. as he walked you slowly over to his bed he started travelling his arms down towards your ass and legs slowly feeling up your ass and thighs.
he suddenly stopped the kiss as you were about to lay on his bed. "can you sit on my face?" he looked at with listens filled eyes trying to convince you that this is a good idea. "what?" you said this a foreign idea to having never have done it with anyone let alone matt.
"can you-" he went to repeat
"yeah i know what you said. um, what if i um, am to heavy and i hurt you?" you said listing every possibility in your head this could need in. "you won't and it'll make you feel sooo good" he said rubbing your thigh as he did it. "are you sure?" you asked again just to make it clear in your head. "100 percent" he said smiling.
with that you starting stripping down until you were completely naked, matt don't. the same before kissing you again until he was ready for you to do what he had been dreaming about. he released from the kiss, flipping you over so he was now underneath and holding your hands to guide you up to his face. as you put a knee on either side of his head you slowly started hovering down until you were just above his mouth.
he started licking and sucking at your clit until he realised you weren't fully on his face. "stop hovering babe" and with that he pulled your thighs down so you were fully sat on his face. he started sucking and licking at your clit and you started screaming and yelling his name. your hands went strained to his hair pulling and twisting, causing him to groan into your pussy, a wave of pleasure racing through you as he did that, making you scream louder. he then suddenly started pushing his tongue into your sopping hole before going in and out making you grind onto your face through the pleasure. to add to this never adding pleasure he moved his hand up to toy with your clit pushing you to your limits. "i'm cumming baby" with that a rush of pleasure overtook your body making your whole body shake vigorously and your thighs squeeze matt's head. as this was all happening matt started groan even more making your release even stronger and more powerful.
as you reached the end of your high, you slowly rolled your body off of mats face and onto the pillow next your him.
"that was so good baby" you said as you calmed your sporadic breathing.
"yeah that was really good"
@ilovemattsturn @frozenvegitableoil @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Hiii for your requests: how about reader being prone to procrastinating and she’s still in college and gets into these almost episodes the days leading up to due dates and because of that she doesn’t answer any of Spencer‘s text and he get really nervous and worried and goes to check on her ?
(Hiii, thank you for this request 🤧i hope this isn't too far from what you had in mind and you like it, 0.9k)
You weren't answering your phone. Spencer left you like a hundred messages and called you so many times, that he thought his phone was going to give out.
He didn't want to think of the worst, but he couldn't help it, not when he faced the worst things on the earth every single day in his job.
Sure, sometimes you wouldn't pick up the phone, too busy with college. But you would always at least send him a text, to let him know, you were okay and he got nothing now.
So he did the only thing he could think of, he got in his car and drove to your apartment. It wasn't too far away from his home, only an hour drive.
He knocked on your door and waited. You didn't open, making him worry even more. He pounded at the door again and called out your name.
When you didn't immediately open, he was ready to kick it down. Thankfully, he didn't have to do that. Your carefully cracked the door open, peeking to look at the person, that was trying to break your door.
"Spence?" you quietly asked, you were surprised to see him.
Your hair was a big mess, honestly even bigger than his own. You were in your pyjamas and his sweater, eyes red and swollen. But you didn't seem hurt, you just looked super exhausted.
"Hi, sweetheart..."he breathed out a sigh of relieve. You slowly worked on the door chain and let him in.
His warm hands were on your cheeks in seconds, stroking them lovingly and checking you over for some hidden injuries," are you okay? I thought, that something happened to you...-god, i was so worried."
You tried to keep the tears in, but your lip wobbled slightly and Spencer instantly picked up on it, " What's wrong, sweet girl?"
"I-I-I..." you tried to speak, but your voice broke down. And before you knew it, your head was buried in Spencer's chest. He held you tightly as he whispered sweet words to your ear.
You cried quietly to his chest, soaking his shirt. Spencer couldn't care less about the piece of clothing, he just wanted to know what'd upset you so much.
He didn't ask, not until your sobs quietened down and the only thing, that could be heard was your sniffling every now and then.
"Want to talk about it?" Spencer softly asked, running his hand up and down your back.
"I... -yeah" you sniffled one more time and led the two of you towards your room. Spencer stopped at the entrance to your room, surprised by what he was in front of him.
To say the room was a mess, would have been an understatement. Your books were everywhere, on your bed, on your table, on the floor, just everywhere. Your laptop was on your bed as well.
"I thought, i had enough time for the assignments, like weeks. So I did everything else instead of them. I didn't realise h-how much time passed. I just.... -It got bad Spence," another sob broke out of you, "i have so much stuff to do and no time."
Spencer's heart literally broke at the sight of you. You stood small in the middle of your room, big tears running down your cheeks, hiccups shaking your body.
He walked to you, carefully wiped away the tears with his sleeve and said," oh sweetheart, i'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"H-how could you, i didn't say anything" you said, giving him a small sad smile.
"But i should have known. I should have sensed something was wrong, just from your texts. Please call me next time, yeah?" he said, smiling at you and you nodded.
"Good," he took your face in his hands again and caressed your cheeks, " my sweet girl, what will i do with you, huh?" he cooed, " we should get some food into you..."
Spencer was 100% sure, that you haven't eaten anything all day. He was tugging you after him to your kitchen, but you didn't move.
"S-spence, i have to g-get back to the assignments..." you solemly said, another set of tears appearing at the edge of your eyes, you were overwhelmed by the idea of getting back to the studying again.
"Nope. You are going to the kitchen with me and then after you feel better, i will help you with your assignments, yeah? " Spencer simply said, not giving you a choice. It had you swooning at your feet from how sweet he was.
"Spence?" you said once you got to the kitchen.
"What, sweetheart?" he asked, turning his head around to look at you from the fridge.
"C-could you give me a kiss, please?" you shyly asked.
"Of course" he grinned at you and with quick steps, he was in front of you. He kissed you and you finally felt some of the tension leave your body, totally forgetting about the school.
You protested, when he pulled away, it made him chuckle, " Sorry. I'll give you so many kisses, that you'll be begging me to leave you alone, but after you eat something. So sit down and let me take care of you."
You did, what he said. You sat on the kitchen stool and watched Spencer make you sandwiches. Meanwhile, he told you all about his day.
After you ate everything, Spencer did as he promised. He helped you with most of your assignments and kissed you every few minutes. You didn't know what would you have done if it wasn't for him.
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