#I really enjoy characters like kyu
yfere · 2 years
There were a LOT of very real, very excellent writing choices this episode, but at least one that I haven't heard spoken of yet is the way Kyu spoke to Rei and Kazuki, and the heel turn he made. Not only did he give Miri's mother all the ammunition she needed to take Miri, but he is unbelievably harsh in his language towards them, not only bringing up how they killed Miri's father and suggesting that Miri would hate them for it, but calling their current life "lies," a "dream," and playing pretend.
Which is a fascinating about face from him, considering how genuinely supportive he has been of their family (Covering for their mistakes on the job! Babysitting! Saying he understands why they did it! Commenting in a pleased way on the ways they have changed as people! His heartfelt conversation with them about how they will have to expect resistance for what they are doing! Delaying Ogino for 4 months!)
I find the contrast interesting for several reasons. 1) That Kyu's opinion and words are actually very influential on these two - Kazuki borrows his "dream" language later on in the episode, and I think they both started thinking more about change because of Kyu's previous conversations with them. But also - I wonder if either Rei or Kazuki have enough insight to understand how Kyu is being hard, not because those are his true feelings consistent with his actions, but because he wants to pressure them into giving up Miri in an effort to protect all of them?
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Kitty (part 6)
Parts 1-5 are available via my masterlist.
Pairings: Rei x (afab) reader Fluffy fluff, some medical jargon but nothing too descriptive! --
“Oh, back already?” Kazuki calls as you step through the front door. You can hear the sounds of daytime television drifting through. He likes to watch it when he folds the laundry.
“Yeah. Why?” Rei asks, slipping his shoes off. You haven’t spoken about the hand-holding. What is there to say, really? You mutually dropped hands as the elevator door opened, like you were afraid of getting caught. You’re trying to balance taking your own trainers off when he grabs your hand – anchoring you once more.
You smile a thanks and, again, let go as you go to greet Kazuki.
“Nothing, just curious. How was Kyu?” Rei withdraws one of the envelopes and hands it over to the blonde, who nods in appreciation.
“Fine. Nosey.”
“Asking Kitty questions.” Rei drops down on the armchair with a yawn – the late night catching up on him – and removes his phone from his pocket. “Sounded suspicious.”
“Dude, that’s his whole job.”
Kazuki turns to you as you sit down next to him, realizing he’s not going to get far with Rei who’s back to his game from earlier.
“Did you like the café?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod. “I re-remem-remembered I like c-coffee!” It’s strange rediscovering these little things about yourself. It feels momentous, like at any moment that will be the floodgate that triggers all your memories, but, really, it’s a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle. There was coffee at the house, of course there was, you served it to him every morning but you’d never taken a sip for yourself. There was enough danger in sneaking food. Water you could take from the bathrooms, greedily guzzling from the taps.
“Did you have one of Kyu’s? They’re good, right?” You nod. “I can never get Rei to try. I don’t think he has the palate.”
“Too bitter,” he grumbles.
“Well, we can enjoy the grown-up drinks and Rei can share with Miri.” The blonde teases back. Rei slouches back further in the armchair, ignoring him.
The TV blares out an upcoming promo – something about a doctor giving advice about how to live a longer, happier life. “That reminds me. Kitty, I think you should see a doctor.”
“A d-doctor?”
“Yeah. I mean, you were in that place a while and not treated well – we probably should get you checked over. There’s a clinic we use when we can’t handle something on our own – it’s no questions asked, cash in hand, under the table type stuff, but they’re legitimate doctors. I think they’d be good to give you a once over. Only if you feel okay with that, though.”
“N-no, makes s-s-sense.”
“Great! The only thing is, it’s an after-hours sort of deal so it’ll need to be an evening trip. Rei, you’ll be okay to stay here with Miri after dinner, right?”
“I can go with her.” Rei’s bolt upright now.
“You hate the doctor. Remember when you went with me so I could get a tetanus shot?”
“You screamed. I thought you were under attack.” He replies, deadpan.
“It was a big needle! I’m not sure they’ll even allow you back in after the damage you caused.” Kazuki turns to you “Plus, you’re okay to go with me, right?”
You nod - hoping you’re not hurting Rei’s feelings. It might be better to have Kazuki there too, you reason, trying to put the pieces together of their last visit.
In the afternoon, Kazuki goes to pick up Miri and Rei’s coerced you into another go of Morio Kart. You’d say you were getting better but that’d be a lie - Miri can and will beat you in a race more often than not, so you’re not sure it’s much of a challenge for Rei. The speed boosts and the drifting is the worst, you can never time it right and end up lagging behind, sometimes by over a lap. On the left-hand side of the screen you can see Rei’s character is already over the finish line and driving automatically around the course now, whilst you’re been flying off the same bit of the track for an embarrassingly long time on lap two.
“May-maybe you sh-should j-just skip. I’m h-ho-hopeless.”
“No, you’re not.” You can see him smiling to the side of you. “Here.” He scoots closer to you, looping an arm around your waist and placing his hands around yours and guiding your fingers. “Just need practice.”
You watch what he’s doing, but the angle of which his arm is seems almost unnatural. “I-is that co-com-comfortable?"
"Mm. Not really." He pauses the game a moment. “Can you scoot forward a bit?”
You shuffle forward, nearly on the edge of the sofa and he clambers behind you within a blink of an eye. His thighs are either side of your legs, his chest pressed up firm against your back. His head is above yours but he leans slightly to the side and his breath tickles your ear.
“Is this okay?”
“Y-yeah.” You’re glad he can’t see your face – you’re sure it’s now as red as Kazuki’s beloved sweatshirt.
He unpauses the game and he talks you through what he’s doing but you’re not retaining one word, his fingers are still on top of yours and operating the games controller. You can feel the bass of his voice vibrate comfortingly through your back and you let out a breath, relaxing into him.
“Kitty, are you even listening?” He asks in a teasing lilt.
“N-no.” You laugh as you say it. Saying no was still a new addition to your vocabulary, but being so close to Rei in that moment made you feel so… buoyant. He finally gets your character over the finish line.
He chuckles, lightly. “That’s okay, we’ll go again.”
He sets up a race for a solo player, and takes you through another race. You try your best to listen to him this time, to take it in, but it’s hard to concentrate when he’s so close to you…
“I think I’ve lost you again in your thoughts, hmm?” He rests his head on your shoulder as he speaks.
“S-sorry.” You speak before you can think. “No, I’m n-not sorry.”
You can feel him smile into you. “It feels nice.” He mumbles.
“It does…”
The front door opens with a bang and you jump, sliding off the sofa entirely and slipping through Rei’s arms.
“Papa Rei, Kitty, I’m home!” Miri yells.
“Good luck,” Rei wishes the two of you as you leave, then frowns. Is that the right thing to say before a doctor’s visit? But you give him a bright smile and a thanks, which seems to reassure him. You can tell he still feels a little excluded, but someone has to stay with Miri and he has reluctantly conceded that Kazuki is less likely to be refused entry and is probably the best to handle any medical instructions given.
The drive is quiet, which is odd for Kazuki. It’s only when you get near that he speaks up.
“It’s nice to see you and Rei hang out, you know?” He keeps his eyes on the road. “I mean, Miri’s changed him a lot, but since you've been around… He seems a bit lighter.”
“I’m g-glad.”
The clinic is on the outskirts of town and the car park’s empty when you pull up. The lights are all off, but Kazuki seems confident as he leads you to a service door around the back. He knocks on it three times and it’s answered by a burly man, who appears to recognize him. He holds his hand out and Kazuki stuffs some bills into it, before he nods and opens the door wide enough for the two of you to enter. You stick close to Kazuki and come out in what appeared to be a make-shift waiting room. There’s no-one in there at the moment, but there’s dried blood smeared across the floor under one of the chairs.
Kazuki chuckles at it, directing you to a chair facing away. “Yeah, you might see some of that…”
It isn’t long before a door opens and a tall brunette woman in a white doctor’s coat stands there, looking around. She meets Kazuki’s gaze and nods, beckoning him forward. He gets to his feet and you follow the two through down the hallway into a consultation room. She gestures for the both of you to take a seat, before shutting the door behind her. She’s no name tag on, but you think that must be deliberate. “Kazuki, it’s been a while.”
“And is that not a good thing, doctor?” He winks.
“Bad for my pockets. Who’s this?” She nods her head over to you, as she takes a seat.
“Ah, well…” He begins to relay the story for you, thankfully, as the doctor nods thoughtfully. Kazuki runs through the basics.
“And you don’t remember anything?”
“L-little bits a-a-are coming b-back.” You keep your eyes focused on your lap, hoping if you don’t meet her gaze your stutter won’t increase exponentially. “N-nothing h-h-helpful.”
“Hmm. Do you often get headaches?”
“Memory loss can be a symptom of post-concussion syndrome. Any recollection of black-outs after, er, injury?”
You nod. Kazuki shifts in his seat.
“It’s hard to tell what the recovery period for that can be, unfortunately. These things might just never come back.” She twirls her pen between her fingers. “But your short-term memory’s okay?”
“Y-y-yeah. I re-member m-most th-things a-about the h-house.”
“And this stutter, have you always had that?”
“Does it hurt to talk – your jaw, or anything?”
You shake your head. “S-sometimes, I-I feel s-sick.”
“And you,” she turns to Kazuki. “have you noticed any improvements in her speech?”
“Oh, for sure. I think you’re still nervous around new people, eh, Kitty?” You nod. “But when it’s just us, it’s getting better all the time.”
“Psychological, then. To be expected.” You like her, she’s straight to the point. You don’t want sympathy - it brings too much attention. “Any chance you could be, er, pregnant?”
You shake your head firmly.
She checks your blood pressure next – noting it’s a little low – before she checks your oxygen levels and seems happy enough.
“Can I listen to your chest?” She’s already digging a stethoscope out of a drawer and directing you. “I’ll listen via your back. Just unclip your dress and lift your top up for me.” You turn to face the wall and as you do, you see Kazuki avert his eyes to the ceiling respectfully. You unclip the dungaree straps behind you, and pull up the top. The stethoscope is cold – a cliché – as she orders you to inhale and exhale out a number of times.
“All sounds okay there. You can get dressed.”
As soon as you’re resituated, she sits down and faces you both. “So, I think we should do some bloodwork. You look on the malnourished side, so I’m sure we’re going to see some pretty severe vitamin deficiencies. I can have the tests completed in under an hour if you’re okay to wait.” Kazuki nods. “I can give you something for anxiety too, it might just take the edge off any panic you feel, help you to relax a bit. It might help the speech, might not.” She taps the pen against the desk, before she leans back in her chair. “It’s up to you whether you take them, but if you do, fair warning they’ll make you feel more anxious at first but then it’ll settle.”
You nod. You’re really hoping not to have another attack like last night. She stares at you for another minute, seeming to think something over.
“I could run x-rays to check for old injuries but, to be honest, you walked in fine and, if we found anything, there’s nothing we can do here. As you’ll know,” she looks at Kazuki, “this is usually just emergency trauma, but I understand the need for discretion in this case.” She wheels over a cart, and snaps a new pair of medical gloves on. “You good with needles?”
“I… I t-think so.”
“Mm. Look at him, not at me. I’ve no time for fainters.” She states, and you follow her instructions.
An hour later you leave the clinic, a bag of vitamins and prescription drugs in your hands and instructions for Kazuki to get more meat on your bones. The car is warm on the drive home and Kazuki’s voice is comforting – he’s running through all the meals he’s gonna make, all the nutritional benefits, but it’s getting harder to keep your eyes open and the long day is catching up on you. It’ll be fine if you just close your eyes for a second…
At some unconscious level you’re aware you’re being carried but you’re somewhere in the middle between awake and asleep and you’re so, so tired. Your eyelids feel weighed down and, try as you might, you just can’t open them and all you seem to do is snuggle further into whoever’s arms to a light chuckle. You hear a door open and there’s a voice you recognize, laced with panic.
“What happened?!” Rei.
“Easy, she’s fine. Fell dead asleep on the ride home and she looked too peaceful to wake up.” Kazuki’s voice rumbles through your cheek. “Can you take her whilst I get my shoes off?”
“Mm.” You’re passed from one warm chest to another. You should really open your eyes, stop being a burden. You do try, but it’s so hard… “What did they say?”
“She’s vitamin deficient in practically all of them and needs to put some weight on, but that’s probably to be expected. Talked about the memory loss – could be something called post-concussion syndrome? Might be temporary, might be permanent. Doctor seemed to think she’s come out relatively lucky.” Kazuki yawns. “You okay with taking her up to her bed?”
“I’ve got her.” He shifts you gently, getting a better hold. You sigh, burying your head deeper into his chest. He smells nice, comforting.
“You like her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” Rei bristles.
“No, Rei. I mean, you like her.”
A pause. “Yes. Is… is that wrong?”
“Of course not, you idiot. It’s sweet.”
“I care for Miri but this feels… different.”
“Not a lot of dating growing up, huh?” Kazuki chuckles.
“None.” Rei grunts. “Not my style of hit.”
“I don’t mean for a mission, I mean for… for feelings.”
“Oh.” Another pause. “None.”
“Well, you’re in luck because I have a great history with the ladies.” Kazuki winks. “I think she likes you too, though, for what it’s worth.” He yawns again. “Go on, get her to bed. You can’t stand there holding her the entire night – that’s my first bit of advice.”
The next thing you know, you’re being laid upon the soft sheets of the bed and you nuzzle your head into the pillow, missing the warmth. A blanket is tucked in over you and you exhale contentedly, somewhere between the world of awake and dreaming. There’s hot breath for a second at your forehead and chapped lips press against it far too briefly.
“Goodnight, Kitty.”
-- Part 7.
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rosyfingered-moon · 9 months
2023 drama roundup
Unchained Love: I still hum the unhinged flute intro on a regular basis, easily my fave intro of 2023! I didn't actually finish the show due to dwindling interest, but for the first 14 episodes or so I took a keen pleasure in it (and it made me go on a eunuch webnovel spree, expertly curated by @mercipourleslivres). I love it when heroines are allowed to be truly funny, rather than just quirky or ditzy. Also appreciate the goofy Lamp Prince turning into a brutal incel tyrant the moment he got power.
Six Flying Dragons: I don't think I can write anything succinct enough for the roundup format so I direct you to my "my sfd tag" if you want to access my enthused livetweeting. Show of all times, lives were changed.
Tree with Deep Roots: I literally can't think of a better topic for a tv show than Sejong the Great constructing hangul together with his band of nerds, one of whom he has a weirdly intense, vaguely erotic relationship with. Han Suk-kyu carried this entire show on his trembling shoulders. What an actor! What range!!! It was such a treat to watch him smugly debate his ministers, roleplay a farmer, and hiss half-mad soliloquies to himself in the dark. It took nuance and depth to portray the kind of inner conflicts and generational trauma that Sejong battles in the background of this drama. To be honest I didn't always enjoy the Milbon subplot which I felt got repetitive, and often found myself wanting to fast-forward the wuxia scenes. In a better world the show would have centered the whip-smart palace maids and their alphabet workshops. But I will definitely rewatch this soon. And maybe also write a fix-it where Sejong and Soo-yi fuck idk.
Quartet: Cute little murder mystery about a found family of freaks, liked it a lot.
My Country: The New Age: As entertaining as ever. Very fun to rewatch this back to back with Tree with Deep Roots, since Jang Hyuk plays diametrically opposite characters with the same vigor and commitment.
Gone with the Rain: Sometimes you watch something which you understand is technically a masterpiece but it doesn't do anything for you, and sometimes you watch a piece of campy silly fun and it makes you tingle with joy. This was the latter category for me. I liked the first and middle parts enough to make up for the lukewarm fizzle of an ending.
The Autumn Ballad: Has some fucked up elements that are difficult to stomach, but the parts that are good are really good.
Not Others: Bingeable! But imo they could have cut out the stalker/murder cases and just focused on the excellent family drama.
The Matchmakers: This surprisingly swooped in towards the end of the year as my favorite comedy of 2023, all thanks to a rec by @haraxvati. I adore Cho Yi-hyun in this role!!! She is so hot as a shrewd matchmaker with a fake mole and a twinkle in her eye. Love the virgin prince with his yearning-induced panic attacks (Rowoon didn't work for me in The King's Affection in a quite similar role, but he's so much weirder and lamer here, which is something I like in a man). I am obsessed with the side plot of the crossdressing romance novelist and the solemn police officer who is trying to capture her and ends up giving her free home renovations and smouldering looks instead. Also, Park Ji-Young and Lee Hae-Young are two of my favorite villain actors on their own, and here they are married!! Still have a few episodes to go, but I intend to binge them as soon as I post this.
Dramas I dropped or paused:
Our Blossoming Youth: I shipped the heroine and her cute maidservant a little too much to bear the dull prince they stuck her with. But I might rewatch it some day bc I want to write a Sherlock Holmes fic for the girls.
Little Women: A real disappointment, because I love Louisa May Alcott and I love Jeong Seo-kyeong. Once again, letting the women kiss might have solved much of it.
Island: Casting Kim Nam-gil as an expressionless cool-guy action hero offends me personally. (Yes Song of the Bandits I'm giving you the stinky eye also.) But Lee Da-hee and Cha Eun-woo were delightful!
See you in my 19th life: I couldn't, even for my most darling Shin Hye-sun, go beyond episode 1. There's something about a kid dating another kid even though she's a literal adult inside her brain that I can't really vibe with.
My Dearest: I do intend to finish this, but I lost the thread after the first half. It got a little too dark for me I think.
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dailyhelldorm · 9 months
[TL][Eichi Feature Scout 2] An Intangible Treasure/Chapter 1
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Scenario Writer: Yuumasu Character: Eichi, Tori, Keito, Nazuna, Leo Season: Winter
Summary: Eichi decided to take a picture of himself that hadn't been seen on normal live or TV yet. Since Tori has requested of wanting to see him spending time with his friends...
Location: Lounge in TV Station
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Tori: Fuhm~ Washing my face feels so refreshed ♪
Oh? There seems to be someone knocking on the door... Who's it? I finished changing so you can enter now.
I'm thinking who can they be, but it is you Producer~ Umh, thank you for your work!
Hey hey. How was my Feature Live?
...Ehehe, I'm happy you said that ♪ Just now, I went on social media for a little peek.
My fans, it seems that they are super happy like how I’m feeling too. 'I can feel his growth', they say.
Fufun. I am in my growing period, so it is natural for them to praise me~ ☆
...My own solo live. I am worn out, but I also had fun.
Like the story I told you before. I wonder if someone who came to see my live would start to admire me too... ♪
...Hmm, what's wrong Producer? You have a surprise present for me?
Jeez, if you are going to say it out loud then how can it be a surprise anymore? But thank you anyway, I wonder what can it be?
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Eichi: Tori. Thank you for your hard work on the Feature Live.
Tori: Eichi-sama!
...Is this the real Eichi-sama?
Eichi: Why are you in the doubt? I told Tori once that I wanted to come and enjoy your live, didn’t I?
Tori: Mm~ you did say that… However to surprise me, Hibiki-senpai can come in a disguise too.
Eichi: Ah... Fufu. That's certainly what Wataru might do. However, I am your sincerely genuine Tenshouin Eichi.
How can I prove it to you now? How about giving it a try and touch me?
Tori: ...No. The person in front of me right now is definitely the real Eichi-sama.
No matter how perfect Hibiki-senpai's disguise can be, I can still see through his imitation.
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Eichi: Fufu. Thank you for believing me, Tori ♪
I only watched from the audience, but you were amazing.
You exceeded my expectations. I'm proud of you, as one of your fans and as a person from the same unit.
Tori: Ehehe ♪ Even if Eichi-sama doesn't come, but for you I was still going to show my hardest self. And you really came and watched me from the audience.
Perhaps the reason why there wasn't any commotion, is because of Hibiki-senpai's special makeup?
Eichi: Ah. Producer-chan took a commemoration photo too, do you want to see it?
Tori: Eh, let me see it let me see it!
...Ahaha, Eichi-sama really didn't look like Eichi-sama at all. With this, you can grandly walk around to anywhere ♪
Eichi: Ah. Actually, I want to try to put this look in our producing merchandise line.
The moment people eventually notice, it will become an uproar, and even then I will get excited as well.
Still no one had caught me yet. And thanks to that, I can leisurely enjoy my time as a fan.
I also brought the pamphlet. For the occasion, will you sign the front page for me?
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Tori: Of course! For Eichi-sama, I will sign as much as you like. "To Eichi-sama"... kyu-kyu ☆
Come to think of it, the day before, Eichi-sama's Feature Live was announced.
I want to come too, maybe I will ask Hibiki-senpai to do his special makeup ♪
Producer, for Eichi-sama's live, what kind of pamphlet are you planning?
...Hmm? Why are you letting out a big sigh?
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Eichi: Fufu. Apparently, she is feeling quite the pressure.
It seems that showing the new side that is different from normal lives and TV is gaining more popularity. To any live show, it can be their best selling point.
As more Feature Lives are carried out, the situational photos we use for the pamphlet will become limited images, thus gaining more value.
However, I believe Producer-chan can do it. Since you are the type of person the more difficulty you face, the harder you will work to overcome it.
...'Please don't raise the bar higher’, you say?
Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to be malicious.
It's fine. As long as it is Producer-chan, surely you will create something good.
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Tori: Producer, should I lend you a hand?
...But not about the thing I told you before[1]. How about leaving my impression and all the things that have to do with 'fine'-like images behind?
What fans want is not 'fine', but the real Eichi-sama himself, right?
Eichi: You are right. It's a shame, but I guess I have to ask to note Tori's suggestion down.
Tori: Yes, I understand. Please tell me what I can do for you. Because I'm always rooting for Eichi-sama, as a member of 'fine' and as your fan!
...Producer, what is it? ‘As a fan of Eichi-sama, what kind of side do I want to see’?
Uh~m, a side that even I don't know about...
Ah, that's it! How about spending time with his friends of the same age?
For Tsukasa's Feature Live photos, we went out to play after school. I heard that those are very well-received ♪
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Eichi: Friends of the same age, you say. Now we have become adults, it is hard to match our schedules with each other.
But it's worth trying. Thank you for your lovely proposal, Tori.
Tori: You are welcome. Eichi-sama's candid photos, I am looking forward to it... ♪
The context of this line is quite vague, but I am guessing he is talking about his bias toward Eichi. There are stories before (like in Tori's FS2) mentioning how much Tori has been a fan and how much he admires Eichi as an idol. Eichi was his biggest inspiration for becoming an idol.
Directory: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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dk-wren · 9 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Ep. 9-12 Rewatch
Hello and welcome to Day 5 of my Buddy Daddies anniversary week! If you read the little end blurb from yesterday's post, let's just say things did not go according to plan and I decided to switch my planned post for today to tomorrow. That means today, I'll be sharing the last batch of thoughts and questions I had while rewatching the final four episodes of the series. And because this was a bit of a last minute switch, I was not able to grab as many images to accompany my notes at the time of posting. I will likely add those in later today or over the next few days. Hope you enjoy!
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This interaction between Kazuki and Rei about Miri and who she gets her grit from is so cute because Kazuki saying she gets it from him paired with Rei’s side-eye (which in this case I interpret as due to disagreement) both convey how they deeply they feel connected to Miri and the father figure roles they’ve taken on for Miri
It’s kinda interesting to me how throughout this episode, at least based on the subtitles, Miri is the one who constantly says how she’s gonna win the gold medal. There are a few lines from Kazuki that sort of support that mentality, telling her she’s sure to win or that’s the spirit after saying she’s gonna get that gold medal, but overall, he generally just tells her to try her best. And I think that’s very sweet how he doesn’t really put that pressure on her and just wants her to do the best while enjoying herself.
Reason #? of why I love Miss Anna - her determination in the tug-o-war game (also gotta love how everyone is impressed/loves her even more for it)
Random bit, but again the sound design for this moment-perfect! I was so confused at first because I heard the crunching noises but in my head, I couldn’t put two and two together as to what would make that noise if Miri is just eating a normal onigiri. Then, it’s revealed why when Miri gets to her rice ball’s filling. Also, judge me all you want, but sound delicious and I will gladly take Kazuki’s judgmental stares and comments
Two other things about Papa Rei’s rice balls: 1) I love how imperfect they are in terms of shape and sizes, at least compared to Kazuki’s other prepared food. It does a good job illustrating how Rei is trying his best and still learning. And 2) I love how the different shapes/sizes might be due to the different fillings Rei put in, which of course would be revealed a few moments later, suggesting that Kazuki gave Rei his own space while he was making them based on his confused reaction
Even though Kazuki questions Rei’s choices in terms of what he put in the rice balls, I like how he puts back on a smile and asks him “See?” after hearing Miri’s enjoyment of them, circling back to Kazuki’s point that Miri would love anything he made for her (+ bonus small Rei smile)
The fact that there is no hesitancy in their actions. Miri takes a few seconds to read and process her scavenger hunt “item,” then immediately goes for Rei. She tells him to come with her, giving zero explanation, and, okay maybe after a beat or two of processing and thinking about it, Rei gets up and follows her. Then, when Miri and Rei come back to Kazuki, she tells them to run and the two exchange a glance and go for it, winning Miri her gold medal.
What a great episode, with such a cute ending of Rei and Kazuki thinking about next year’s Sports Day. Post-credit scene? Nah, don’t know her. This episode also just ends with the credits.
(Okay, pettiness aside, did Ogino take these photos or another member? And has Kyu been stalling? This is most likely a threat, but is it to warn him that he could have some control as to what information gets back to the Boss (or the illusion of that idea)?
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From my first watch of this episode, I always thought/joked in my head, you can literally see the moment Kazuki’s heart breaks when Miri runs to Misaki instead of him. Just another moment which has always stood out to me.
Say it with me…character growth! When Misaki tells Kazuki and Rei that she is here to take back Miri, I can’t help but scream a little in how you can hear and clearly see Rei’s facial expression change at the thought of Miri being taken away
I know there’s a lot of conflicting opinions and views about Misaki, and while I will concede it was incredibly reckless and uncaring for Misaki to send Miri by herself to find her father, I think how Miri reacts to seeing her mother again says a lot about how Misaki outwardly presented/treated Miri. Underneath everything, I do believe Misaki loved Miri, even if just a tiny bit. Was she the best mother, probably not, but did she do the best she could given her situations, probably.
That being said, Misaki asking Miri (based on sub) if she’d rather be with her papas than with her does kinda irk me. The wording already sets up an underlying opinion, or that Miri would rather stay with Kazuki and Rei, which is only half of what Miri feels. Miri responds to Misaki’s question by saying that she loves her mama and papas, disagreeing with Misaki’s underlying question, but also making it known that she loves or wants to be with both of them. (I’m sorry if this is diving way into what I was taught in my rhetoric/writing classes)
Framing, let’s talk about, but not really because I am not knowledgeable enough in that regard, just gotta appreciate how when Misaki tells Rei and Kazuki that she wants to live her life for Miri, she is in frame, asleep on the couch, but right next to Misaki’s head/face. Maybe this is looking too into things (but that’s nothing new for me), but I feel like a connection could be drawn between what the mind wants and what her heart wants. And previously, all shots focus Misaki in the center of the frame, not seeing too much around her. Up until this point, Misaki is talking with the two of them with the knowledge they are in a “dangerous business,” but has yet to reveal this information to them. Before having to outright say it, Misaki is likely trying to convince Rei and Kazuki to agree to return Miri to her care. This is not to say Misaki made up or lied about having lung cancer (I do think she’s telling the truth about that), but in this moment, her mind is leading her more than her heart as she is attempting to remove Miri from this supposedly dangerous situation. Again, I do think Misaki loves Miri and wants to spend time with her, especially if she does not know how long she has to live, but I don’t think in this moment, it is her heart that’s fully leading her
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When Kyutaro tells Rei and Kazuki that they better be willing to face the organization if they want to keep Miri, asking them if that’s what they want to do, Kazuki’s stuttering just comes up as “I…” in sub, which doesn’t give me a lot to work with. I think at this point, Kazuki is uncertain or unsure if he’s truly ready to fight back against the organization for a multitude of reasons. But, if he was about to say “I am,” or he’s ready/willing to take on the organization, I think that would explain a lot about his behavior when entering Suwa Manor in ep. 12 (which pulling from one of my previous post’s, I described as “Kazuki is radiating an abnormal amount of chaotic energy for him”)
Kyutaro’s line, “All this was ever a dream,” I’ve always been interested in what his intention was. Was it purely to convince them? Was he completely serious? I don’t think I have an answer for this, but it’s something that intrigues me
Give me another year and then maybe I’ll be able to put all my thoughts and feelings about the ferris wheel scene into coherent words. One thing I will say though,  something I’ve never thought too hard about before, but during this rewatch it sorta stuck out to me, I feel it is towards the beginning of this scene that Rei fully processes or understands that the decision has been made for them to give Miri up based on his reaction to Kazuki saying “Normal happiness.” Also, whoever chose to have the same song in the background of this scene as in the hydrangea fields in ep. 7, thank you for irreversibly hurting me
As has been pointed out before, the freaking parallels with Kazuki leaving his scarf with the kitten in ep. 1 to leaving his scarf with Miri in this episode, I will be crying in the corner if anyone needs me
Can I just say how much the end credits hurt after watching this episode? Especially the last frame! They’re all chilling, napping on the couch together, what do you mean Kazuki and Rei just gave Miri up? No, they’re all still together!
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Something that I really liked how it was handled was Miri’s perception on her parents. To her, Misaki is her mother and Kazuki and Rei are her fathers. Maybe it is just because she is young, but there are few things that could probably shake that view for Miri. She loves each parent for a specific reason or rather because they are really good at a certain thing. You could call it naive or innocent, but I loved how this then translated into Miri constantly saying she wants to be with her mama and papas whenever the question was posed. For her there was no choosing one over the other.
Hello, high school English really rewired my brain because I am back on my Shakespeare symbolism. First off a random thought: how long were Rei and Shigeki talking that it went from being sunny (okay, maybe it was already sunset) to fully dark outside? And secondly, the fact that Shigeki reveals his hand, or that he will now take care of Rei’s outside ties (i.e. Miri and Kazuki), at night, in the dark, ooooo!
Perhaps because I have my mind wired a certain way while rewatching this time (sorry if this has already been pointed out before), but I find it very intriguing how scenes between Miri and Misaki are paired with scenes between Rei and Shigeki. Both children, Miri and Rei, are more or less reuniting with their parents after some time apart. However, Misaki is there almost comforting Miri, telling her that she’s changed and wants to continue changing to provide a better future and life for Miri. Whereas with Shigeki, he’s there to remind Rei he cannot change and his return to the organization was inevitable. Unlike Misaki and Miri’s scenes, Rei and Shigeki’s reunion is cold, formal, and all business.
Again, perhaps it is just a translation thing, but I can’t get over the implications that come with Shigeki telling Rei he has yet to close up his “affairs.” Sorry gonna let my inner nerd out for a little bit, but based on the definitions from Merriam-Webster, the first definition is “commercial, professional, public, or personal business,” which easily relates to this situation. Based on this definition, we can interpret Shigeki as asking Rei if he tied up his personal business, as in his connections to Kazuki and Miri. Adding a second layer, the second definition is listed as “a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely specified.” To me, with the keyword of “vaguely” in this second definition, “affairs” in this sense would compliment Shigeki’s clear distaste for Kazuki and the idea of Rei spending time away from the organization and with people he views as “lower” than their family. Likewise, it represents Shigeki’s distance from Rei and how he is only concerned with the end result, or Rei returning “home,” and not what comes in between or what must be done to get to that point. And for the third definition of “affair,” Merriam-Webster states “a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration.” Now, “romantic” can be omitted depending on how you view Kazuki and Rei’s relationship, but the general ideas of a deep, or “passionate,” connection and “limited duration” stick out because under this lens, then Shigeki is literally undermining Rei’s ability to grow or belief that he has changed. “Attachment” goes back to Shigeki’s talk about Rei finding fixations that he must overcome or ignore because of the future he envisions for Rei in terms of taking over the organization. Shigeki believes Rei’s love for Kazuki and Miri is simply that, a fleeting feeling, and not one that was fostered and equally reciprocated. Similarly, in viewing Rei’s relationship with Miri and Kazuki as only temporary, this reflects Shigeki’s certainty that Rei would always come back to the organization. Bottom line I guess is no matter which definition you interpret Shigeki’s use of the word “affairs” at Rei, or in viewing each definition as another layer, it is loaded with his sole goal of making Rei feel like it was inevitable for him to return back to the organization and back to his side as the future heir
Ogino’s reaction to Kazuki yelling “Now, Rei,” conveys a lot of information about Rei’s image and status within the organization. If even a top member like Ogino immediately reacts, without fully knowing if it is a ruse or not, I’d argue tells a lot about the level of skill and efficiency Rei is known to have by other members
It’s a small gesture, but in her dying moments, Misaki telling Miri she’s sorry for being selfish, and then using the back of her finger to touch Miri one last time, a part which is not bloody, I just, ahhh. Forgive me if this is a stretch, but the fact that Misaki is purposefully not getting Miri “dirty” and in her own way, is trying to spare Miri from the darkness of the world or in doing what she can to help keep Miri’s innocence. Let me go scream over in this corner.
The four episodes covered in this post have a lot of really good examples of Rei’s growth over the season. The balcony scene is no different since you have Rei going from asking Kazuki if they can change (from ep. 8), uncertain of the answer himself, to telling Kazuki they can change, already having convinced himself and now needing to convince Kazuki
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I still can’t get over the fact that Rei and Miri both have their own aprons now too! Though I’ve still yet to fully figure out what Rei’s is. For whatever, reason the white coloring makes me think it’s a polar bear on the front, but I don’t know how much sense that would make otherwise. I feel like if Kazuki bought the aprons, it’s likely a cat on Rei’s apron. (And that’s this episodes random thought or detail I’ve spent too much time thinking about)
Another moment that always manages to melt my heart: Miri struggling to put on her boot because she’s grown that much and the rapid succession of Kazuki asking if she forgot anything, Miri saying no, Kazuki asking about her handkerchief, her immediately saying she forgot, then Rei joining Kazuki and Miri with said handkerchief in hand. They’re a family y’all and they sure do operate like one.
Thinking about it now, I kinda wondered why Miri only made Rei make a pinky promise with him. Rei has grown a lot over the series, but between the two, he is still the more reserved and papa. Perhaps, this is why Miri only makes Rei promise since she knows Kazuki will be at the concert no matter what. Based on the translations I had though, when Miri tells them they better be at her concert, especially since her mama, or Misaki, won’t be, Kazuki responds with “We will” while Rei says “We promise.” With Rei explicitly saying “promise,” maybe that’s what leads Miri to make a pinky promise with him, which so clearly affects him for the remainder of the episode
What it’s been, like nine months and I still cannot get over Kazuki and Rei’s entrance and fight in Suwa Manor! Like, I wish I had more to say but I’m just yelling, rooting for them and love seeing them both be badasses
I know it's been pointed out, but man, the fact that Rei’s hair comes down during the kitchen fight as he is about to deliver the final blow to Ogino, with a little help from Kazuki, just shows his progression of who Rei really is, not the Murder Machine, or a living weapon, but Rei Suwa, a person and father
It’s so simple, and yet, and yet! the power that comes with Rei saying goodbye not to his Boss but to his Father, oh my gosh. He is not just walking away from the organization and his position, he is fully walking away from his family cause he’s got a new (and better) one waiting for him, just as he is
Such a small detail, but gotta love how Miri has kept that green teddy bear with her as she’s grown up
Perhaps this is just my imagination, but does teenage Miri’s voice sound different here than the one in Kazuki’s imagination. If so, that’s awesome because Kazuki wouldn’t know how exactly Miri would sound that many years later, and how Miri turned out nothing like Kazuki had feared
These photos! I love it all! I hope Kazuki, Rei, and Miri are all able to continue living peacefully and with each other for a long time!
And that's a wrap on my rewatch!
I had a lot of fun getting to revisit so many of these scenes and letting the more analytical side of my brain take-over. I know these were long posts, so I really mean it when I say I appreciate your time and support! Also, I originally wrote down all my thoughts on a doc, which is currently sitting at just over 9k words and 16 pages. So, I did try my best to condense what made it onto each post (let me know if you want me to post the full version for any of the eps). I've still got two more days of content planned, which I'm really looking forward to sharing! Unfortunately, school is about to start up for me again, so it might be a little bit of radio silence afterwards.
Thank you again for all your support and joining me on my rewatch!
-Dakota Wren
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skeletonpunching · 2 years
Buddy Daddies interview with Morikawa Toshiyuki
Interview with Morikawa Toshiyuki (voice actor for Kugi Kyutaro)
Interviewer: When you first saw the character design, description, and other information about Kugi Kyutaro, what impression did you have?
Morikawa: When I saw the character design, I thought, "He looks kind of like me, huh." (laughs) From the pictures, I got the impression that he was calm and quiet, and had a level head on his shoulders. He didn't seem like the easily-swayed sort. I figured he might fill the role of the mature adult in the story.
Interviewer: Now that you've actually acted as Kyutaro, what do you think makes him appealing and interesting?
Morikawa: I had a lot of fun playing the role according to my first impression. Part of his appeal is his duality; he puts on a gentle and calm face as the owner of Mistletoe Cafe, but as the go-between for the organisation, he's a professional through and through - a cool-headed and emotionless man. He has those two sides to him, and getting to perform both those personas is a real dream come true, as an actor.
Interviewer: He has both that gentle and friendly side, and that businesslike side when he's acting as the go-between... When portraying Kyutaro's two-faced nature, was there anything you kept in mind?
Morikawa: Striking that balance, I'd say. Basically, since I was playing the go-between for an illegal operation, I also had to be careful to put on an ordinary facade at the drop of a hat. In other words, I was playing Kyutaro, who was himself playing the role of a regular cafe owner. I was conscious of those overlapping layers of performance.
Interviewer: Please tell us your impressions of Kurusu Kazuki, Suwa Rei, and Unasaka Miri, and what you find appealing about that parent-child trio.
Morikawa: I settled in to enjoy the show as pure entertainment, but in fact, it turned out to have plenty of heart-pounding suspense. Rather than a parent-child trio, they seem more like a trio of children... a trio of siblings, really. In this drama, each of them is tasked with their own assignment of sorts - their respective themes they have to grapple with and overcome, in order to grow. It's a very human drama.
Interviewer: From the episodes that have aired so far, are there any scenes that left an impression on you, or that you're especially fond of?
Morikawa: Of course all the scenes at Mistletoe Cafe are my favourite. Babysitting Miri was fun, and so was the scene of using the voice changer to impersonate that woman. I also enjoyed the sheer realism of Kazuki and Rei scrambling to enrol Miri in daycare.
Interviewer: Please tell us what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
Morikawa: I think the selling point is probably its hybrid nature; it's an anime which combines both family drama and the action genre. There's a stark contrast between the flashy pop opening and the dark, grim world we also see beneath. The plot unfolds at a good pace, which keeps you from getting bored. Watching it is bound to bring a smile to your face. 
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is enjoying this series.
Morikawa: Please be good to Kyu-chan! And if you have a spare moment, you're always welcome to drop by Mistletoe Cafe for a cup of tea!
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autumneuphony · 2 months
Looking for a long term Genshin Impact RolePlay
Heya, I go by Autumn or Kyu. I'm really not sure if this is going to work and if this is conventional for Tumblr lol, I don't really use this app but I'm taking another shot because I did find one of my favourite roleplay partners this way, and I'm always hoping to find more! I'm looking for someone above the age of 18 (20+ is even better) to RolePlay Genshin Impact with, preferably canon characters. Though, I do RP as OCs, females - and I understand this isn't everyone's cup of tea. But hey, if you're fine with that, I'll be happy to RP with you.
I do literate style and my length varies greatly depending on my partner, and on the moments, so I try my best to adjust to what is best. I like a mix of genres, going from plot to fluff - although I do have some limitations with ERP (I will go into details if one's interested but I will say while I can enjoy ERP, I am not interested in ERP focused roleplays). I also like to RolePlay on Discord. Uhhh, I'm not sure what else to put here, I hope this reaches my future partner(s). Please don't hesitate to message me!
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licoricesorcerer · 1 year
[3] Korean BLs I have watched so far👇
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Oh! My Assistant
8/10 - the first second episodes was so funny. So many misunderstandings happened, “can’t you just be together??!!!” Such feelings was real during this drama. Joon Seok was soooo annoying🙃👌🏻
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Tinted with You
7/10 - I watched it cause I was curious. I don’t understand the storylines, but manage to finish. I gave it 7 instead of 6 cause it’s unique and the chemistry of the actors
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7.5/10 - well, watched it cause of Tiktok, but I couldn’t enjoy it that much. I postponed after watching 4 episodes, then continue it again after about a month. It’s actually good, but I feel like.. we need more intense conflict, they solved it soo dmn easily. I need more fighttt with tears and sadness *uppss* but still have a good happy ending *plak*
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Wish You
7/10 - Both of the main character has almost the same personality, silence and calm… I don’t get it yet, which one is T and B, they switch everytime🥹 the story is about In Su, whose parents don’t want him to be a singer, trying his best to become a singer, I thought that he’ll suicide on the last ep, but he didn’t. It has a happy ending anyway
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Cherry Blossom After Winter
8/10 - I like the plot, don’t really like the characters. Th chemistry was good, but… i feel like He Bom is tooooooo feminine😭 I want him to show a little bit of his manly side (in which he did in the last ep and made me screamed like “eee???!”) he is cute, indeed.
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Kissable Lips
8.5/10 it has a good storyline, I feel bad for them, it has a sad ending😭 I knew it already but still want to watch lol. I recommend to watch this first and assume the Roommates of Poongduck as their afterlife🥹
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Matching! Boys Archery
100/10 THIS KIND OF STORY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gumush so cuteee!!! This is the real role of woman in a drama!🥹
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Ocean Likes Me
8.9/10 I like the plot, it has a cute storyline. The development of the characters to the positive vibes. I don’t quite understand why Tommy needs to go away from Ba Da when he decides to continue his dream? But I’m glad that they are being together at the end. It also has a really beautiful and calming soundtrack💙
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To My Star 1&2
10/10😭❤️ I Love it!!! The first one has an interesting story, the plot was too fast but it good. Meanwhile the second season has a more intense section (too much actually lol). Both main leads has the same portion of seme sides🤣 they switched every time, but Ji Woo’s actor claimed that he’s the top lol lol lol (though he became cute enough in season2). Highly recommended this one❤️❤️❤️
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The Tasty Florida
6.8/10 well, I feel like… so many holes on the story which needs to be covered. Ya.. it’s a mini series though, but among all mini or short Korean series I have watched, this one needed more clarity. I like the main couple, but.. I ship Eun Kyu and Ji Soo more😭😭😭 I want them to be together lol🤣 sorry not sorry Hae Won😖. Despite my personal taste, it’s still worth to watch✨
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stuff-diary · 8 months
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Bargain (2022, South Korea)
Director: Jeon Woo Sung
Writers: Jeon Woo Sung, Choi Byeong Yun & Kwak Jae Min (based on the short film by Lee Chung Hyun)
I have to say I loved how batshit crazy and unhinged this drama is. You can never really know what it's going to throw at you next, and I feel like that's very hard to achieve these days. Beyond that, the drama makes brilliant use of its long single-take, real-time scenes, which make you feel like you're right there with the characters. The sets are also incredible, and they make the whole thing feel so claustrophobic (in a good way, I guess). On top of that, Jeon Jong Seo, Jin Seok Kyu and Chang Ryul give three show-stopping performances that certainly rank among the very best of their careers. Tbh, I can understand why many people disliked it (the characters tend to ramble, the epilogue feels very unnecesary and sometimes it gets a bit too crazy), but I personally enjoyed every second of Bargain.
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leekimdramas · 10 months
A Time Called You Review (Spoiler Free)
I'm just not sure if I'm dumb or if the drama didn't portray some things right...
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Han Jun He's boyfriend Koo Yeon Jun dies in an airplane crash and as Jun Hee tries to deal with his passing she finds some clues that he might be alive.
By accident she gets to travel back to the 90's and save her boyfriend and her lookalike Min Ju.
This this a slow-paced drama and if you know me I'm not really into those but I like time-travelling and I heard Rowoon will be there.
For that cameo, I ended up at episode 8 and it was too late to quit. Thanks Rowoon...
Even if it was slow I still found it interesting to see what was happening but for me, it became so confusing when we got to know Si Heon's side of the story.
(I'm saying for me because I saw like one or two people in the comments saying the same thing. Majority of people were alright)
I get that Yeon Jun and Si Heon have to be like twins and it was good idea when they did it with Jun Hee/Min Ju.
But I wanted something that we can separate them with. Maybe a different style of hair or even lighting might have helped with distinguishing who is who.
And in 2023 I think Si Heon would be in his 40s, so wouldn't he look older?
Other than that I think the idea is very interesting but not that greatly executed. Even the villain was a bit meh but I really enjoyed the friendship between the three leads.
I adore all of the actors that were in this drama and they did a very good job but because of confusion, I can't really say much about the characters.
But I also didn't really like Jun Hee/Min Ju, both of them were a little too much in their own way.
Jeon Yeo Been did an amazing job as I could tell when she was Min Ju or Jun Hee even the little details as how she walked.
I also want to shoutout In Kyu (one of the friends) because he was always so kind and understanding.
Overall, this drama was not really for me and I would have been fine with it but I think what really made me dislike the drama was the confusion of characters.
It has potential and if you like a bit of slow-paced dramas with time travelling try it out? A lot of people have enjoyed it.
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The Heavenly Idol - Kdrama Review
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Ah I am currently in a drama slump and I can't seem to get out of it. I decided that I needed to watch a drama that is silly yet romantic with a side of comedy to help me. That's why I decided to pick up The Heavenly Idol that just finished airing last week.
The Heavenly Idol is about Rembrary (Kim Min Kyu), a Pontifex from the Other World who finds himself being transported into this world as a washed-up kpop idol boy group member Woo Yeon Woo. Naive to how this world works, he tries his best to navigate his way around while trying to stop The Evil One from causing chaos. Luckily he got help from Kim Dal (Go Bo-gyeol), who is a new manager working for his idol group.
Tbh when I read the summary of the drama, I was intrigued. The genre of the drama is labelled fantasy romantic comedy so I was expecting a good time. But did I had a good time? Not really.
This drama is ultimately a fantasy drama however this is one of the messiest fantasy drama I've ever watched. The inconsistent world building and random introduction of important characters without proper explanation threw me off. Just as I thought I am starting to understand how the magic works, they introduce new powers and restrictions.
Rembrary is supposed to be powerful although naive but I feel like he was too naive and useless in this world while he constantly needs saving from the mess he creates. He has the power to heal people and that seems to be it? Probably the only reason why I don't hate the character is because of Kim Min Kyu. He introduce cute little quirks that made his character endearing to watch. Like how obsessed he is with snacks. Tbh, Kim Min Kyu definitely hard carried his character to the finish line.
I don't know if this is a low budget drama but the actors acting as idols still seems very new and awkward, which can be distracting to watch. That being said, special shout out to this two characters that I enjoyed watching. Kim Dal and Choi Jeong Seo.
Kim Dal as a character is very relatable as a kpop/kdrama fan. She was at her lowest when she found hope in Woo Yeon Woo. I love that although she is a fan of Woo Yeon Woo, but as their manager, she remained professional and did not ignore the welfare of rest of the members in the group.
Choi Jeong Seo is the leader of the group. He embodies what is it to be a leader of a struggling kpop idol band. He's love for his members and his passion for what he does make his character very charming. Not to mention the actor playing the character (Hong Seung Bum) kinda looks like Choi Tae Joon to me.
Overall, this drama definitely did not bring me out of a slump. Instead I finished all 12 episodes within the day thanks to the fastforward button. But was it silly? Yes. It is silly to the point that it is ridiculous. The chemistry between the main leads is gold tho. I honestly wouldn't mind the same pairing but with better script and storyline.
I'll only recommend this drama if you have time to spare and if you miss Kim Min Kyu's cute face from Business Proposal.
Rating: 2/5
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Touch Your Heart / Reach of Sincerity (2019)
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I really liked this show. It was fun, quirky and cute with a few heavy moments to keep the show grounded. Not a headliner, but something you can put on and just hang out with for an hour or so and still enjoy.
What Worked
Yoo In-na carried the show. She was just a super cute ball of charm, and all the scenes with her and Lee Dong-wook (who not exactly grumpy, but definitely uptight) were great. This was the happy version of the same couple from Goblin, and I was there for it. The supporting cast was great as well, though only Oh Jung-se's performance was super memorable for me.
What Didn't Work
This show is not very realistic. Most of the time that works, but once in awhile a plot line or a scene will kind of fall flat. Also, I personally didn't like the Choi Yoon-hyuk / Dan Moon-hee pairing. The actors were fine on their own, but a bit too much together.
The Performances
Yoo In-na as Oh Jin-shim / Oh Yoon-seo, AKA "The Talent". Yoo In-na was so much fun to watch. She is just a really great comic actor who knows all about timing and has tons of charm.
Lee Dong-wook as Kwon Jung-rok, AKA "the Ace Attorney". It's funny how you can see him playing an angel of death in one series, and a straitlaced lawyer in another and they somehow end up being very similar characters. I still enjoyed watching him, especially when he was able to open up towards the end of the series, but the character felt very familiar to me after seeing Goblin.
Oh Jung-se as Yeon Joon-kyu, AKA "Fanboy CEO". I liked Oh Jung-se in this. His character was talking, extremely petty, and very funny. May favorite role for him since maybe IOK2NBOK.
Lee Sang-woo as Kim Se-won, AKA "The Bestie". He was billed as the second lead, but this felt more like a supporting role. I enjoyed him when he was there, especially his banter with Lee Dong-wook's character and the whole arc for him, but I didn't miss him when he was off screen.
Son Seong-yoon as Yoo Yeo-reum, AKA "Bestie's Ex". I liked this character, but the show didn't do much with the character arc, overall. Nice, but not memorable.
Jang So-yeon as Yang Eun-ji, AKA "Office Mom". I enjoyed seeing this actor again after her much bigger role in Something in the Rain. I don't like the arc they gave her, but it didn't really detract from the show, just kind of went nowhere.
Park Ji-hwan as Lee Doo-seob, AKA "Secret Poet". I liked seeing this actor, after watching him in Our Blues. I really related to this character, but they didn't really do much with him (other than a small love arc). Another case where they had a really good actor in a quiet role.
Oh Eui-shik as Kong Hyuk-joon, AKA "the Manager". It was fun seeing this guy play off of the other characters, but he was mostly there for comic relief and sometimes moving the plot forward. Not super memorable.
Everyone Else. The rest of the office staff was good, but not memorable. The guy that played the stalker / chaebol crook (Jay Kim) did a good job, but I was kind of glad when they moved past that plot line. I didn't like the "Black Widow" murder plot, but the actors did okay with what they were given.
A charming romp with two amazing leads, and a good cast of supporting actors that didn't get much attention. But the fireworks from the leads were more than enough to carry the show.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
1, 6, and 7
thank you!!! this was the answer tumblr fucking ate originally 💀
1. Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
first ever oc was one i made when i was like 3-4 with my grandma and i called her nature girl. she was a superhero plant woman fairy thing—very inspired by that one green fairy from neopets as i got older lol. but i don’t use her at all she’s not really my style anymore tho i do still enjoy fairies. i think it’d be interesting to try and give her a form or design—a revamp of some sort, and i tried in like 2015 i think but i don’t feel like trying to find that sketchbook lol. it doesn’t do her justice but maybe i’ll try again one day.
6. Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
quite a bit but sorta—mostly bc all of my characters have at least a bare bones general gist about them? however between characters i only draw or characters that were abandoned from old wips with my ex/roleplays that i don’t do anymore i do have some. i usually try to repurpose these ocs; like di, toph, quill, red, hel (all came from the same now defunct universe for example) but there are some that just kind of exist in limbo bc they’re so tied to their stories i can’t figure out what to do with them (an example is aslin rou eliduel; a fae esque dude) or i just can’t think of much to do with them (like utah & gator as an example). soooo i wanna do stuff with all my ideas if i can but i’ve accepted that sometimes it takes time or maybe it won’t happen at all lol.
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
i have a LOOOOT of favorite relationships across my wips. amon & hya are the obvious chief otp but here are some of my other favorites:
TCOL: by nature of having a huge cast i have a lot of favorite relationships but clear x forte, lath & ensio (i’m extremely not normal about them), piper & saith (ugh… the unrequited really hits the spot for me idk), erik x dion (THEM!!!!!), cameron x jihi (ouGhHh), and altair x charissa i’m not normal about
carlos & jenna from TLSS are my literal everything do not separate. also the polycule from donut wip of julissa, andres, saul, daisy, and joaquin is 🤌🏾🤌🏾. juls and juvia’s sisterhood makes me emo also
GOD EATER: not normal about naveah & little bear or taj x thei or the four of them in any aspect. also while lucifer x ava / lucifer x kyu is SLIGHT crack i’m still 👀
TGWD: definitely graves and dove but that’s obvious
VDTRT: aside from darren x gabe, dave x estel (crackish but it’s lowkey canon to me), corsel x blackpeak, and raymond x laurent (ESPECIALLY THESE TWO OHHHHHHHH MY GOD) do it for me
dead rites: i mean n x bibi for sure. you’ll notice the pattern that i make wips based on the relationships i’m not normal about 8 times out of 10
LR: di x toph but also trish x nix they are so cute i’m obsessed with them and their little family. nix & toph’s friendship also makes me mad emo, and beki, crispin, rill are chefs kiss (besties)
ALIZATH: kirsi x juven x amarette might become a thing bc i’m kinda 👀👀
PURPLE HAZE: calvin & jake’s friendship means the world to me but also jake x luke i’m not normal about and jenny x ramone are ADORABLE
MOUNT HEREDOSA: i mean. nyoka x verin are boning and that’s the whole story
NAD: the friendship between nyseah, don, and alona makes me emo. the found family is so strong in this wip esp among nyssie and all her kiddos :((((
GOTHICA: genuinely surprised at how attached i got to len x aurora x mori
THE WHITE SHIRTS: marin x prosper are a… guilty pleasure of mine.
SUPERNATURAL DADS: i mean hue x jihan
CELESTIAL WEDDINGS: is all about relationships but i’m specifically feral about dag x lillia (UGHHHh), dag x aenlin (obsessed with them a LOT), dag x vigustav (OUGHHHHHHHH), and dag x zhujen (emotional damage). also dag x almine is just extremely hot thanks.
SIXTEEN CANDLES: i’m biased about ranger x nanette
RED DEATH: red and hel im just *vibrates*
PERI & DANDY: peri x dandy bc it’s basically selfcest but it isn’t and i love them and they love each other, but also emotional about she x he :(((((( them :((((
DREAM TEAM: the four hooligans and their wild ass friendship (oliver, britt, seth, & danny)
MARVIN AND LINDA: i mean it’s in the name. they’re full of pain.
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year
Jung Yi-Rang(Na Mi-ran's actor)'s Interview
(google tranlate; link in bottom for orig)
Jung Yi-Rang “Dressed as a man even Han Ji-min was surprised, secretly praying that I was the culprit.” (HIP)
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Actor Jung Yi-rang shared his thoughts on leaving ‘Hiphage’. JTBC's Saturday-Sunday drama 'Hiphage' (directed by Kim Suk-yoon and Choi Bo-yoon; written by Lee Nam-kyu, Oh Bo-hyun and Kim Da-hee; production studio Phoenix and SLL) ended with episode 16 on October 1.
In the show, Jung Yi-rang plays the role of Na Mi Ran, a police officer who uses all of her public power for personal purposes to catch her husband cheating, and she did a great job as a scene-stealer.
-How do you feel about the end of ‘Hip’?
▲When I first read the script, I was really excited but also thought, 'How should I understand the genre?' I was puzzled. But what is certain is that director Kim Suk-yoon's sense of trust and the writer's ability made me believe that 'it will definitely work out'. Aren’t you going to go to season 2? (Laughs) The atmosphere of the production crew and actors I worked with was really good, and I also had fun filming it, so I want to see everyone.
-What prompted you to join the project? What other aspects did you focus on to express the character?
▲I enjoyed all of director Kim Suk-yoon's works and was a fan, so I kept checking to see what new works he was working on and knocked on his door. Thanks to this, I had a good opportunity, and because I wanted to do well, I wanted to put more effort into my character and act in an impactful, unique, and memorable way, but I felt like I would stand out too much if I did that in the overall flow. Rather than participating in the work out of greed, I thought it would be better to just melt away like water, so I tried to relax as much as possible.
-Did you prepare separately for the role of a detective, or did you add any styling highlights to express the character? Also, was there any part where you actively expressed your opinions when creating characters or scenes?
▲For some reason, it seemed like the person hunting down the criminal would be agile. I wanted to look thinner, so I tried to lose extra weight, but it was difficult. Still, I did my best to diet. Coincidentally, many other actors had similar hair, so I was offered to cut my own hair. I was a little afraid because it was a lifelong disease, but I cut it off quickly and I think I did very well.
Also, there was a scene in the play where there was a chase scene on a motorcycle, and since I had always driven a scooter, I insisted, 'I really want to film a scene where I drive the chase without a stunt double.' The director gave me some opportunities without risk, so I was able to have fun filming.
-Some viewers predicted Na Mi-ran to be the culprit of the murder case. What did you think when you heard these viewers’ reactions? I'm also curious as to whether all the actors knew about the culprit while filming, and if they didn't know, when did they find out about it, and whether they thought they might be the culprit while filming.
▲I didn’t know the culprit until the end of filming. So I prayed deeply. Please let me be the culprit. I had a sweet dream for a moment, thinking, ‘It would be great to film a crazy criminal scene at the end.’ (Laughs) - I was
-The scene in episode 13 where he dressed up as a man and pretended to be a delivery man was impressive. There were many reactions that said they thought they were watching 'SNL', but I wonder if there were any episodes while filming that scene. Also, please let us know if there is a most memorable scene.
▲When I went to the filming location dressed as a man, people didn't recognize me and didn't even say hello, and seemed to think I was just a visitor. In particular, I remember (Han) Jimin being so shocked that he couldn't speak. There was also a scene where there was a fight with criminals. His martial arts director praised him for being talented and saying he was really better than he thought. He was shaking his fist and falling down along with the other male actors, which gave me goosebumps. It's so much fun and makes me look kind of cool. I really wanted to become an actor, and I am proud of it, so I would like to thank the production team. I am seriously thinking about signing up for Action School as well.
-I wonder what kind of actor Han Ji-min and Lee Min-ki I saw next to each other were.
▲Han Ji-min is prettier than I thought, but she also has an easy-going personality and talks a lot, making the stiff atmosphere cheerful. But he was so focused and good at acting that I thought, 'There's a reason why he's the lead actor.' Lee Min-ki had a special force, so I thought, 'I wish he was my older brother,' but he was younger than me. She called me ‘elder sister’(nunim) and treated me comfortably as if I had known her for a long time. Thanks to this, I was able to film comfortably.
-Your appearance on SBS's 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny' also attracted a lot of attention. Is there anything special that has changed since the broadcast? What was your husband’s reaction after watching ‘Be Hip’ with you?
▲Because my husband and I love so passionately and live passionately, there were some things we didn’t feel right about. Should we call it a mirroring effect? I think I've calmed down a bit and tried to take a step back and look at the situation more objectively. I am grateful to the production team of ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2’ as it has more advantages than disadvantages.
My reaction after watching the drama was that was disappointed, saying, ‘I wish there was a little more screenplay.’ People also complimented me by saying that the acting was ok and maybe even better. However, every chance I got, I asked who the culprit was, and in some urgent situations, I was tired of testing people by saying, 'What will I do if you tell me who the culprit is?', but I accepted it happily because it meant that I was watching the drama with a lot of concentration.
-If you could have one superpower like the setting in ‘Hip-Hope,’ what would it be?
▲I already had a conversation with senior Kim Hee-won(Won Jong-muk's actor) about what kind of superpower he wanted. Senior says he wants to rule over iron. When I asked him why, he said that he wanted to suck up the world's treasury from the North and South Poles and make it his own. He said something like, 'If you have the ability to make money, why go to the North Pole?' (Laughs) He seemed much more pure than I thought. I wish I didn't have superpowers. I think life is tiring. Simple is better.
-What goals do you want to achieve as an actor in the future?
▲I hope many people will enjoy and be happy with the drama I am currently filming. I hope that because of me, many people will smile, be excited, be happy, and that their pain will heal and they will be excited. I am praying to become an influential actor who makes people around the world cry, laugh, and be happy. Regardless of whether your dream is too big or not, it is good to always have hope and live your dream.
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 3 - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome back to Week 3 of me responding to the 30 Days of Buddy Daddies prompts! Thank you for all your support on the previous two weeks' posts. I've been having a lot of fun answering these prompts. Anyways, without further delay, here are my responses for days 15-21!
Day 15: Favorite Official Illustration
Massive fan of Lily's work, so here are my favorites (was gonna say top 5, but even that was hard to narrow down)
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I mentioned it last week, but these two pieces of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in kimonos are some of my favorites, so definitely gotta include them here too.
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Bonus: Since it came out after the 15th, but I’m so love with it I have to include it because Rei (and Miri) finally got their cat!!!
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Day 16: Character Whom You Most Identify With
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Trait-wise, Kazuki is probably the character I identify with the most.
I like to make sure my friends or whoever I am with is taken care of, which has lead to me being referred to as the "mom of the group" on multiple occasions. I generally try to keep a positive external attitude, even if that's not reflective of how I actually feel. And I always try to lead with love.
Definitely not to the same severity as Kazuki, but I also have a tendency to sometimes let past memories or mistakes influence current decisions. It's those moments where I might want to do something or try a new thing, but a lingering memory just pops back into my head and I psyche myself out/decide to longer move forward.
Also, a lot of what I do for my major (and hopefully in a future career) is research-based, obviously though in terms of historical or biographical information and not how to take out someone quietly and efficiently.
Day 17: Character Whose Story You Would Like to Know More About
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I would love to know more about Kyuutaro.
I really enjoyed his character and the way he kinda teetered between sides. I was asking myself, will Kyu help Kazuki and Rei or Ogino or is he gonna encourage the duo to be a family or warn them about getting too close with Miri. Things like this made me wander what is his history with the organization, let alone how he got involved with the organization.
The audience is really never shown anything about Kyu's life outside of Yadorigi, so I'm curious does he have a lifestyle outside of the cafe that's like what Rei used to have (very isolated and shut-in), did he have a past partner like Kazuki, I don't know, what is he like when away from the organization/giving out assignments.
There's a brief glimpse into when Kyu assigned Kazuki and Rei a mission together for the first time. Like, I just want to know what were his interactions with each of them beforehand and what other reasons motivated him to pair those two together. Also, the dynamic that is hinted (?) towards with Kyu telling Miri Kazuki is a comedian and Rei's a Middle Eastern Oil Baron, as well as his little smile in the finale telling Kazuki and Rei that he's no longer gonna run errands for them as he drives away, he clearly is fond of or enjoys Kazuki and Rei's company. I would've been so excited to see this side of their relationship explored more.
Again, there's a lot of mystery around Kyu so I would love to know more about him.
Day 18: Theories or Headcanons
I did a few head canons about a quarter or halfway through the series, so here's some more based on the second half of the season and epilogue!
Because Kyu will occasionally watch Miri at Yadorigi, he keeps a private stash of her favorite snacks behind the counter. Kyu even lets her create a "reserved for Miri" or "save for Miri" sign that he hangs on the draw or box where they're kept. This remains their little secret for a while, but eventually Rei or Kazuki notices the sign and asks Kyu what's behind the sign that says "reserved for Miri," which he just brushes off by saying toys/coloring supplies. Eventually, Kazuki realizes it's a secret snack stash and Miri's been having more sweets while staying with Kyu then what he allows her to take/have, prompting Kazuki to tell Kyu to stop giving Miri extra treats. If Kyu listens to Kazuki's request is up for debate though.
In ep. 11, Kazuki and Rei are shown watching one of Miri's shows that presumably she forced them to watch in the beginning, and then probably began to enjoy on their own (or they just associate that show with her). I imagine as Miri begins to grow up, they keep watching this show or another one of Miri's favorites even after she loses interest. She at first thinks they are still trying to treat her like a child or don't want her to grow up, but then realizes whenever Kazuki or Rei turn it on, they don't even refer to it as "her" show anymore or ask if she wants to watch it. This causes Miri to eventually ask why they still watch that show and if they realize she's no longer into it. Kazuki and Rei are not oblivious to the fact that she's grown up, so they share a laugh and tell her that they just enjoy watching it still.
Around Christmas, it becomes an annual tradition to go on a fun family outing to Marinoa City and go on the Ferris wheel, share a crepe, and maybe do a little holiday shopping. I don't know when or how Kazuki and Rei will tell Miri that her mother has passed, but I feel like once they do, they would take Miri to visit her grave on the same day so that it really feels for Miri like she gets to spend the day with her whole family. They'd probably start this tradition the year after the main storyline ends, but depending on when Kazuki and Rei reveal the truth to Miri, that would be incorporated into that day's plans later.
Kazuki's really good at making hand shadow puppets. Not something he intentionally set out to learn, but maybe one night Miri has a nightmare, there's a thunder storm that scares her, or a power outage, and she goes to Kazuki's room where he takes out a flashlight and begins to play around. He does really simple ones at first, but Miri is so fascinated by it, she keeps asking him to do more. So, after Miri is finally able to go back to sleep, he looks up how to do other animals for the next time Miri asks and learns that he's got a knack for it.
Still kinda a draft, but I was thinking about how Rei has very few "normal" experiences in life since he has spent basically his whole life under the eyes and rules of the organization. He's definitely street smart, but comes up a little short when it comes to book smart. So, what if Rei eventually decides to enroll in one of those online degree programs. Perhaps as Miri gets a little older and is less dependent on her papas, Rei has a bit more time on his hands (and perhaps also because Kazuki is still limiting his gaming hours per day). He does some poking around online and feels going to college/getting a degree is a fairly normal thing to do, leading him to just apply for an interesting sounding one. He would get accepted, and when Rei tells Kazuki, he breaks down crying because he's so proud of him and that he did it all on his own. Perhaps this would lead to Miri and Rei doing their work together at the dining table or going on trips to the library together so they can both work on their school work.
Day 19: What Would You Write in the Mom's Chat
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A) if this is true to life, I'd probably be quietly reading all the messages in the Mom's chat, reacting to some, and occasionally typing something
B) if I were to type something into the Mom's chat though, it would probably be something along the lines of "You think Kazuki will ever let us know when he's gonna do a stand-up night? I'm dying to see him perform. Not to be cheap, but do you also think he could get us in for free?"
Day 20: Scene/Moment that You Would Have Liked to See
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No idea where this would have fit in, but would have liked to see Kazuki and Rei tucking Miri in at night. Like let me see them read/act out a bedtime story, pepper her with kisses, and pull her blanket up high to make sure she's all snuggled in and nice and warm.
And like, how adorable would it be if Miri starts insisting Kazuki and Rei gotta kiss all her plushies good night too or she teaches them the smile spell, which she then makes them do for her every night.
Day 21: A Post from Kazuki's Instagram
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I’ve already written about the Ferris wheel scene being the scene that caused me (the most) anguish. But the way this post broke me and just made me so sad, even without a caption, is why I’m including this one.
Angst aside, the Instagram was so fun! Always looked forward to see what part of the new episode would be featured in the post. I doubt there will be, but hope there’s little updates every now and then.
Thank you again for reading this week's responses! Another very hectic and busy week, so I really did not have a whole lot of time to edit my replies (apologies for any errors or really long sentences). But, still glad I was able to step away from my work every now and then to work on these prompts! As always, had a lot of fun this week, even if some of my answers are on the shorter side.
Not that anyone cares, but also think I'm gonna hold off on posting the next round of responses until the end of the month so that there's not one post with like 2-3 days. Could change my mind, but that is my current plan.
See you again sometime soon!
-Dakota Wren
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forleejehoon · 1 year
"I do politics to save lives, not to end them" 🙌 my super leftie ass is enjoying this interpretation of prince Sado's story so much. they really made it veeeery political compared to historical speculations about what kind of person the Crown prince actually was. such cheesy grandiose line but this scene (and the entirety of the 16th episode tbh) was so incredibly satisfactory 🥲
Han Seok-kyu is stellar here, as well as Park Eun-bin is beyond amazing in the role of Lady Hyegyong, prince Sado's wife. I feel like the three of them including Jehoon – their characters' interactions with each other are so captivating to watch here. I'm also loving how they made Sado into this idealist revolutionary political figure, I'm having a bit of a moment experiencing meaning of life vicariously through him, it's totally giving me immense emotional strength to deal with life right now lol 🫂
surprisingly I never saw people talking about "Secret Door" that much? compared to other sageuks. but honestly it might go in my top 3 sageuks list! most probably still after "Six Flying Dragons" though haha
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