#I really like how Order’s dragon form turned out
n1ghtpers0n15 · 1 year
Watched Nimona recently, couldn’t help but think about how Khaos and Order would interact with her if they met her
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I can just see the 2 of them loving that kid to absolute pieces. Khaos would probably try to teach Nimona how to make body horror and show em what else she can turn into, while Order happily watches them play and goof around while also making sure the 2 don’t “accidentally” cause mass destruction :}
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shidoukanae · 1 month
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Paris Valerian but i redesign his dragon form for funsies based on how i see him=. Not sure if I like this design bc im not a fan of bulkier looking dragons but for Paris I think this works??
Some headcanons about this design:
has a bit of a bull-like look bc I associate bulls with persistence and madness and idk that fits Paris well so if Fian has a “fox” motif Paris gets a “bull” one for his dragon form 
His design is based a lot on how a stereotypically evil dragon would look???? Because imo OG!Paris reads as a massive antagonist and I think giving him a look that fits that vibe in his dragon form works!! Especially because he still is an antagonist in a way (though god does he not read that way lmao)
he’s stronger in his dragon form than Fian is and he uses this to his advantage to bully Fian around whenever they playfight as dragons. That said, it seems Paris is surprisingly gentle towards Fian in this form and never hurts him.
he uses this form to intimidate people into getting what he wants. He’s not used to getting retaliated against while in this form and quickly respects anyone who does so (read: Fian, Lyla and Helene)
the silver scales on his body can glow in the same way his eyes do. Typically, he keeps them dull-colored (see above) but if he feels a strong emotion of any sorts they’ll glow brightly without him meaning to (noticeably: they glow constantly whenever Helene is around for obvious reasons~).
#it hurts to see the person you like cry. but you wouldn't understand-#that Paris#TME#TME art#Paris being weak for Fian is so canon it's literally joked about more than once that they're unnaturally close to each other#i wish the manhwa/LN would elucidate more on the instinctive (and clearly qpt) bond dragons share with each other#and why that bond was overridden in the original story by each dragon's obsession with Helene when they'd yet to imprint on her#man i still remember reading about how Paris felt utterly alone once he awakened as a dragon and Fian coming into his life made him so happ#i still get teary over that passage in particular ahgjgjfgjjh that part of Paris's backstory hits where it hurts lmao#i also really wish the manhwa had included that about Paris because it really fleshed him out knowing that it wasn't that he bonded w/ Fian#that changed him but that he finally FINALLY had someone else who could understand him that made him happier in life and chill TF out#if you pair info given about Paris in the light novel with what's given about his manhwa self he's an amazingly well done character#like ive literally gone from thinking him cringe + unlikable to being deeply invested in and sympathetic to his character#also fun fact i find the idea of Paris and Fian playfighting as dragons really fucking cute#it's not in any way canon (well it kind of is actually lol) but i like hc'ing that awakened dragons need to spend social time together in-#their dragon forms doing shit like playfighting or resting together in order to live happier lives#and unfortunately this kind of qpt relationship is not understood by humans/mermaids/mages hence why Paris went absolutely mad pre-Fian bc#no one around him was capable of understanding the desperation he felt to fill the void in his heart and unfortunately he turned to Helene-#to fill that void to the point he went insane over her to the point he tried to completely monopolize her as a means to salvage himself#(which understandably pisses Helene off in the og timeline to the point it's no wonder she rejects him lmao)#and now that in Lyla's timeline Paris has gotten someone in his life who understands him and fills the void in his heart#he's more than capable of empathizing with Helene and seeing her as a person he wants to genuinely learn more about even if he can't quite-#shake his obsessive tendencies towards her#(which is really really REALLY fun to watch and i hope to see more development from his character)#(because i really do want him to reflect on Fian's words of when it comes to Helene)#(not that I think Helene would ever cry in front of him bc of him but she might do so because of Lyla)#(and god do i wanna see Paris eat his words about finding Fian's romantic-ness corny lmao)#yes i very much can write a whole-ass essay of a character study on Paris he's wildly fascinating#and he's so NOT my type which makes it even funnier that im as fixated on him as i am right now
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
AU idea: Wukong goes into labor with the stone egg WHILE he's fighting Macaque
Not sure which fight you mean honestly, but I assume you meant the "OG" fight back during the Journey days.
I imagine this all occurs likely in a version of the Jttw Stone Egged au where Macaque joins the gang after he found out.
Wukong and Macaque are fighting neck and neck when Macaque finally stops to listen to Wukong's shouts;
Wukong, in tears: "Macaque please! Don't make me do this! I'm with-" Macaque: "What's that weird noise??" Wukong: "Huh?" Macaque: "It sorta sounds like a... bag of water? With a heartbeat inside of- OHHHH!" Macaque: (*points at Wukong's pants*) Wukong: (*looks down and sees that his water has broken*) Both monkeys: (*start screaming!*)
Macaque drops his glamour immediately to tend to his mate.
Macaque: "I have so many questions! Who, why, and how long?!" Wukong, has Macaque's hand in a death-grip: "You, Mountain, 500 years." Macaque, mental gears turning: "Huh!?! How did- ohhh wait... self-spawning. If I had kept coming and fed you peaches you wouldn't have-" Wukong: "Yeah!" Macaque: "And since I wa- Am your mate the kid would be-" Wukong: "YEAH." Macaque, trying to lighten the mood: "Do I get visitation rights?" Wukong, voice deepening: "DON'T PUSH IT, BUD!"
Eventually the Pilgrims and Guanyin catch up (the Bodhisattva heard that water break from across the sea), and see the Six Eared Macaque has completely dropped his Monkey King glamour and is trying his best to keep the real Sun Wukong's breathing steady.
Guanyin quickly gets to work; bringing Wukong to somewhere nice and warm and dry to have the baby. They suggest that the reappearance of the other parent (i.e Macaque) caused the Egg to prematurely decide to make itself known.
Bonus if this is the first time certain Pilgrims (besides a wise dragon-dragon) heard of such a thing XD
Ao Lie, excited: "It's already happening!? Congratulations!!" Wukong: "Thanks Lie, but I'd prefer to get the kid out before you all start thanking me." Zhu Bajie, oblivious: "Wait what kid!? They heck is everyone talking about?!" Tripitaka: (*hyperventilating into his hat like it's a paper bag*) Sha Wujing: "I suppose well wishes are in order! Did Brother Wukong drink from the same river and choose to decline the cure?" Wukong: "No, it's HIS fault." (*jabs thumb at Macaque*) Macaque: (*blushing, waves nervously at his mate's Pilgrim brothers*) Ao Lie, breaking the tension: "So this is your Equal in Strength you've been telling us about!" Macaque, slight smugness: "That's what you've been calling me?" Wukong, gritting teeth from pain: "Not now Mihou..."
Macaque stays at Wukong's side the whole time, even as his instincts are going nuts, snarling at the Pilgrims if they dare approach. And even when his hand was definitely broken by Wukong's grip during a really bad contraction.
The rest of the Pilgrims meditate and pray for Wukong and the baby's health. Ao Lie makes a point of chilling in his dragon form to scare off any passing creatures or people - dragons don't like being disturbed when they're laying an egg, and he imagines its the same for Stone Monkeys.
After a lot of pushing and encouragement, a tiny egg makes itself known, cracking open shortly thereafter.
What lies within?
A chirpy, chubby-faced baby monkey with glowing (Macaque starts crying then) ears and dark fur - the little thing's cries sounding indignant as if they'd been awakened from a long sleep. Guanyin makes a point to gather the citrine and amethyst-imbedded shell of the newborn for the parents to keep.
Wukong and Macaque can't even remember what they were fighting about earlier - all that matters is the clinging baby on Wukong's chest. Little thing is a bit smaller than expected due to their premature birth, but they're healthy and hungry.
The rest of the Pilgrims are allowed in after everything is cleaned up and Macaque's hand has been bandaged.
First thing out of anyone's mouth is;
Zhu Bajie: "I thought monkeys had litters?" Wukong, growling: "Don't jinx me."
So yeah, now the Journey has a newborn baby and it's dad along for the ride.
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Porcelain Steve
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Eddie is, perhaps, the only person who seems to be handling the fact Steve has been turned into a porcelain doll in a level-headed sort of way. Probably because he's the newest person to be privy to Upside Down shenaniganary and quiet honestly just thought 'ah. Of course. Why wouldn't something like this be possible?' instead of freaking out and screaming like everyone else.
"It's a physical impossibility, Robin!" Dustin shouts.
"Well, we thought monsters didn't exist before, but guess what-" Robin is shouting back.
"The monster situation was scientifically plausible, now proven scientifically true! Transforming a living person into a doll is magic, and magic isn't real!"
"It fucking is now! Look at Steve!! Look at him!" Robin, who is holding Porcelain Steve, shakes him in Dustin's face, complete with the clack of porcelain on porcelain.
Eddie isn't even fully aware he moved from his spot on the couch in the Byers-Hopper living room until he's snatching Steve out of Robin's hands with the thought of 'he gets migraines too easily for you to shake him like that' and then is left wondering if little Porcelain Steve can get migraines. "Stop waving him around like a flag, Buckley. Porcelain is fragile, you could break him."
It's a testament to how worried Robin really is about breaking Steve that she doesn't instantly rip him back out of Eddie's hands like she had when Nancy had first picked him up.
"We don't even know that's Steve," Dustin has never been gracefully about potentially not being right and now is no different.
"I know that, Henderson!" Eddie snaps, pulling Steve to his chest in a protective two armed hug, "But wouldn't you feel like shit if this is Steve, somehow magically changed, and we've accidentally murdered him by busting his little porcelain face?"
That brings Dustin to a pause and Robin starts up again, backed by Will now.
Eddie retreats, not back to the couch, but out the front door and away from the arguments. Aside from hating the sound of people yelling at each other himself, he doesn't want Steve to hear it either. Steve only enjoys an argument he can be bitchy in, and he can't really participate.
That is, if Steve can even hear anything. If this is actually Steve changed, and not just the creepiest ransom threat left in the form of a perfectly porcelain replica. Down to the moles on his face and the scars on his torso, which Robin had claimed felt like paint when she'd ran a shaking finger over them.
He sits down gently in the front lawn, crisscrossing his legs and lays Steve in the cradle they create. Blank hazel eyes stares up unblinking into the sun and Eddie finds himself hovering a hand above Steve's face to... protect his eyes, he supposes. He'll admit to feeling a little embarrassed about doing it -anyone walking down the street could see him shielding the eyes of a doll in his lap- but if Steve is trapped in there, can see out those eyes, well, he'd rather do the kind thing and be little embarrassed about it.
"Don't know if you can hear or not, Harrington," Eddie says, "but worry not. If anyone can figure out how to return you to your flesh prison, it's this crew. Not that you need my assurance on that. You know what they're capable of better than I."
It's quiet on the front lawn except for the occasional car rolling down the street or dog barking somewhere down the road. Eddie's never been a fan of quiet, so he talks to fill the silence. Not about anything really important. He recaps the current Dungeons and Dragons campaign he's running for Hellfire, which has been relocated to Jeff's dining room for the summer.
"And Will, very smart strategist that one, delayed his turn in initiative -that's the order they take turns in in combat- to cast Fireball in the room once everyone had run out of it. Worked great, especially since several of the creatures were invisible at the time and-" Eddie goes on, interrupting his own story to explain mechanics, or spells, or give backstory on why something was important, so that Steve wouldn't be too confused about everything. It probably all still sounds like a foreign language to him, or he's just tuned Eddie out, but Eddie would like to think that Steve would appreciate it.
Eddie sits outside long enough for his butt to go numb and for the sun to shift lower in the sky before he hears the front door open and close and Robin sits herself down next to Eddie.
"Come to some sort of agreement yet?" Eddie asks, turning his face towards Robin.
"No," Robin sighs, reaching a hand out. At first, Eddie thinks she's going to take Steve but she just pets at his hair for a moment before pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. "El's got an idea, though. Don't know why we didn't think of it sooner. She's going to try and find Steve, y'know, with her mind. Someone will come let us know what she discovers, so no rush to head back in."
"Oh," Eddie replies dumbly, looking from Robin down to Steve. They sit quietly for a few minutes before Eddie says, "Is it wrong of me to hope that this is Steve?"
"Depends on why you hope that's Steve, I guess."
"'Cause then we know he's safe," Eddie says softly, almost a whisper. "'Cause if this is Steve then he's not... not kidnapped somewhere, alone, maybe being beaten up or tortured or- those things happen far too often."
"Then no. It's not wrong to hope. I think right there in your lap is probably the safest place Steve's been, well, ever."
"I don't know Buckley, he was pretty safe in your hands."
"I shook him around like a ragdoll, Munson," Robin levels him with a look, "I'm woman enough to admit I get caught up in my nerves and don't think of consequences. I'm not, like, the number one klutz or anything but it didn't even occur to me that we could really hurt Steve until you said it. Like, what if what happens to the doll actually happens to Steve? What happens if his arm shatters or-" she cuts herself off to pull in a shaky breath.
"Nothing is going to happen to Steve," Eddie says, voice more confident than he truly feels but comforting Robin is important. Steve usually grounds her with some bitchy look and sarcastic phrase but he's not close enough to Robin for him to be sure he wouldn't just be insulting her instead of joking. "I won't let anything happen. You won't. No one in that house would."
A deep breath from Robin, then, "yeah. You're right. You hear that Steve? We've got you, and nothing's going to happen to you except becoming a real boy again."
Eddie huffs out a laugh and sits in the quiet with Robin, waiting to be called back inside once El has made contact with Steve.
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melzula · 11 months
Break Apart
pairing: Zuko x princess!reader
notes: i know i’ve said previously that i don’t like going backwards with fire lilies but i feel like i didn’t do this scene justice the first time so i decided to rework the piece. plus i think revisiting this scene will be important before starting smoke and shadow
summary: your peaceful life with Zuko comes crashing down in the crystal catacombs of Ba Sing Se.
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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You pull the shutters apart and let the sun shine through your new home in Ba Sing Se. The morning is just getting started, and as Iroh begins fixing breakfast for your little family you take it upon yourself to begin the day’s chores before it’s time to head to work. It’s been a long week, what with Zuko’s sickness and the hassle of moving into the Upper Ring, and you’re beginning to feel worn out from the emotional turmoil, but you do your best to keep these feelings to yourself in order to not ruin Iroh’s excitement for the opening of his tea shop. At least one of you gets to live out the life you dreamed for yourself in the city.
You eventually end up outside hanging the freshly washed clothes to dry, brows furrowed in thought as you pin the fabrics to the clothesline and hum a song Iroh used to perform for you during your day’s on Zuko’s ship. You’re too engrossed in your work to notice you have company, and it isn’t until you hear someone gently clear their throat that you turn to see Zuko standing before you with a smile on his face and two bowls of pongi in his hands.
“You’re up early,” you note with a raised brow before accepting his offering of breakfast.
“I wanted to have breakfast with you,” he says with a gentle smile as the two of you seat yourselves on the steps of your apartment. “It’s a beautiful day out, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I suppose,” you reply carefully, unused to his positive demeanor. “You’re not still feeling sick, are you?”
He laughs at the way you press the back of your hand to his forehead and feel for his temperature before carefully lowering it down. “I feel better than I ever have before. I’m really starting to like it here, and I wish I could have realized sooner how peaceful life is with you in Ba Sing Se.”
“Uncle was right, you really have undergone a metamorphosis,” you note, half teasing and half serious as you take a bite of your pongi. “But I’m happy you’re finally deciding to give the city a chance, my love.”
“It’s something I should have done sooner, and I plan to make up for all the time I wasted being miserable instead of enjoying my new life with you. I love you, y/n, and I’m going to make things right for us.”
You’re pleasantly caught off guard by the sweet kiss Zuko gives you after tenderly cupping your face in his hands and pulling you forward to meet his lips. You easily melt at his touch like you always do, and for a moment you’re able to forget all the hurt and insecurity you’ve felt for the last few years. Your relationship had suffered a few rough patches recently, and you worried that you’d never be enough for Zuko no matter how hard you tried, but it seemed that things were finally beginning to fall into place, and you could live the life you’d always dreamed of since running away with Zuko.
Finally parting from the kiss, he gifts you a sweet kunik before pulling away and taking your empty bowl of pongi with him. “I have to start getting ready for the grand opening of the Jasmine Dragon. You’ll be there, won’t you?”
“Of course. Miss Tai is letting me leave my shift early today so I can be there,” you assure him with a smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“I love you,” Zuko utters earnestly in response, “and I’m happy you’re still here with me.”
You longingly watch his form retreat inside, already beginning to miss his touch. But you have work to do before your shift at the dress shop, so you rise from your seat on the steps and resume hanging the laundry to dry.
Life is going to be perfect now, you can feel it.
The opening of the Jasmine Dragon was a success, so successful, in fact, that the Earth King himself has invited Iroh to serve tea in the palace.
The Earth Kingdom palace is certainly different from the palace you grew up in, and though you yourself are technically royalty you feel as if you don’t belong in such a grand space. The dress Miss Tai had loaned you and the way she had styled your hair for you at least makes you look the part, and you make sure to be on your best behavior as you wait with Iroh and Zuko for the king to arrive.
You neatly set out the cups as Iroh begins pouring the tea with a pleased smile on his face while a restless Zuko surveys the room for any sign of the king.
“What’s taking so long?”
“Maybe the king overslept,” Iroh suggests, prompting you to raise your brow at his unlikely explanation.
“He’s a busy man, Zuko. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” you assure him, but the former Prince isn’t convinced so easily. The sudden appearance of Dai Li agents only furthers his apprehension as they begin to close in on your little trio.
“Something’s not right,” he utters anxiously, and as your gaze falls upon the shifty eyes of the agents before you you find yourself slowly pulling the tea pot towards you in preparation for bending.
“It’s tea time,” a familiar voice chimes prompting Zuko to immediately rise to his feet. The mere sight of the Princess is enough to prompt you to bend the tea out of the pot, and though it isn’t much you’re able to close your fists and produce small blades of water that shoot sharply from your palms. It’s a move you’ve seen Zuko perform countless times with fire, and it’s a move that you’ve managed to perfect just as easily with water.
“Azula!” He scowls only for her to smirk in response.
“Have you met the Dai Li agents yet? They’re earth benders, but they have a killer instinct that’s so fire bender. I just love it,” she punctuates with a clenched fist before her eyes shift to your makeshift water daggers. “I see that’s something you’re trying to mimic, Princess. Such a cute little trick.”
“It isn’t so hard,” you reply with a relaxed shrug much to Azula’s dismay.
“But of course,” she sneers disapprovingly at your lack of fear for her.
Breaking the silence, Iroh suddenly says, “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the Dragon of the West?”
“I’m not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle,” she scoffs with a bored expression, but Iroh merely smiles.
“It’s more of a demonstration, really,” he explains before taking a sip from his cup of tea. Before you can even process what’s happening, the man quickly pulls both you and Zuko behind him before exhaling a breath of fire around the room. With the Dai Li temporarily disabled, you’re able to make your escape out of the palace.
Using a blast of lightning to break through the walls, both Iroh and yourself make the jump through the hole and land down below in the the shrubbery. However, Zuko doesn’t follow behind, and instead you’re forced to watch him chase after Azula.
“We have to help him!” You cry only for Iroh to stop you.
“Even with our abilities combined we will not be able to outmatch both Azula and the Dai Li agents on our own,” he utters carefully.
“Then what are we to do? We can’t just leave him behind,” you express worriedly. You have no idea what Azula has in store for her brother, and you don’t want to leave Zuko in her clutches long enough to find out. You know Iroh’s right, but you can’t just sit and do nothing.
“We’ll have to get help,” Iroh notes thoughtfully, and you’re left with no choice but to blindly follow the man as he begins to head back towards the city.
“Help from who?”
It’s safe to say Iroh and yourself are the last two people the Avatar and his friends expected to see at their doorstep, but you’re not left with many other options.
“Princess?!” Sokka exclaims in surprise at the sight of you as you gift him a meager wave of hello in return. The last time you’d seen each other had been during the siege of the North, so it was safe to say he was more than surprised to see you here in Ba Sing Se. “What’s going on? Have you finally come to your senses and decided to leave Zuko?”
“What? No!” You cry indignantly much to the boy’s disappointment. “It’s the opposite, actually. We came to ask for your help.”
“Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se,” Iroh explains gravely.
“She must have Katara!”
“She has captured my nephew, as well.”
“Then we’ll work together to fight Azula,” the Avatar expressed firmly, “and save Zuko and Katara.”
“Whoa, there,” Sokka interjects immediately. “You lost me at ‘Zuko.’”
“I know how you must feel about my nephew, but believe me when I tell you there is good in him,” Iroh insists earnestly, but Sokka doesn’t budge.
“Good inside him isn’t enough!” He insists. “Why don’t you come back when it’s outside him, too, okay?”
“Sokka,” you call gently, eyes full of sincerity and a hint of guilt as the Water Tribe boy meets your gaze. “Please understand. We just want him back safe. I need him back safe. I know Zuko has done horrible things to you and your friends, things I don’t expect you to forgive, but we don’t stand a chance against Azula and the Dai Li on our own.”
“Katara is in trouble,” Aang reiterates to a contemplative Sokka, your words swimming in his thoughts. The mere look of sadness on your face is almost enough to make him cave in, but not quite. “All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance.”
After a moment’s pause, Sokka finally relents. Relief immediately washes over you now that you know the Avatar and his friends are going to help you get Zuko back. “Thank you, Aang. Your kindness means more than you know.”
“I’m just returning the favor,” the boy says with a sheepish smile, prompting you to recall fondly your first meeting with him on Zuko’s ship long ago.
With the Avatar’s help, you stand a chance now, and as your group heads to the crystal catacombs you once again feel that sense of hope grow in your heart.
Once this little bump in the road is over, you can resume your perfect life with Zuko, all you need to do is just get through the day.
And you will.
You journey underground with Iroh and the Avatar to the crystal catacombs, tuning out their conversation as your mind reels over your worry for Zuko. It figures that after having such a perfect day the universe would throw something like this at you. But that’s just the way your relationship was, and anytime a hurdle had been cast your way you’d always been able to overcome it. This time would be no different.
After finally arriving in the crystal cave, you’re quick to lift the skirt of your dress and sprint towards Zuko before flinging yourself into his arms.
“You’re okay!” You exclaim, voice coated with relief.
“What are you doing traveling with the Avatar?” He asks, almost as if he’s insulted by Aang’s mere presence.
“Saving you, that’s what,” Aang replies testily, prompting Zuko to lunge forward only for Iroh to hold him back.
“We wouldn’t have been able to find you without him,” you explain truthfully. “Please don’t be upset.”
Zuko had never really gotten over your little stunt back on his ship when you’d helped the Avatar escape, so seeing you by Aang’s side again felt like rubbing salt in the Prince’s wound. He was trying to be better for you, but the conflict within him still remained.
“Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh says before encouraging Katara and Aang to move ahead without your group.
“Why, Uncle?” Zuko asks softly, hurt clear in his voice. Your gentle eyes meet his own and he looks away in shame, unable to return your gaze. He knows he’s disappointed you too many times to count, but he’s not sure how much longer he can keep up this charade of pretending to be happy in this dirt prison you now call home. He doesn’t want to admit this to you, but the conflict within him continues to fester.
“You are not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been,” Iroh says proudly. “And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It is time for you to choose. It is time for you to choose good.”
A hopeful smile plays upon your lips at Iroh’s words, but it is quickly wiped away by the sudden rumbling of the cave. Before you can even process what’s happening, Iroh and yourself are encased in crystal.
“Y/n!” Zuko exclaims, but he isn’t left with time to free you once Azula appears with the Dai Li at her side.
“I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle and your little girlfriend,” she says sharply, “but Zuko, Prince Zuko, you’re a lot of things, but you’re not a traitor, are you?”
“Release them immediately!” He demands firmly, his hardest gaze focused on Azula. The crystals dig uncomfortably into your sides and pin your limbs in cramped positions, but you have enough movement in your wrists to bend should you need to.
“Are you sure? I think the crystals are quite flattering on y/n, don’t you?” Azula goads playfully to an unamused Zuko.
As his sister tries to fill his head with promises of redemption and honor in exchange for his help, and as Iroh tries to persuade him in the right direction, you focus your attention on looking for any source of water to help you. Your eyes land on a trickle of water that drops from the roof, but you don’t make your move until Azula has left the room.
“Zuko, you have to help Aang and Katara. If Azula and the Dai Li catch up to them they won’t be able to fight them off on their own,” you express urgently as you use your free hands to pull the droplets of water towards you. “Iroh and I will be right behind you.”
You’re too engrossed in your escape plan at first to notice that Zuko doesn’t budge, but when you lift your gaze to see he hasn’t moved at all a frown quickly pulls at your lips. “Zuko?”
A sense of dread washes over you at his lack of response, and for a moment you fear that perhaps Azula had gotten to him, but then he finally moves to meets your gaze. The green crystals of the catacombs reflect beautifully in your tired eyes, and Zuko can’t help but try to commit the scene to his memory. It will probably be the last good one he’ll be able to keep of you.
He finally gives you a silent nod in response, but not before urging you to stay behind.
“You’ll be safer here,” he says, and he doesn’t give you a chance to argue as he runs off in search of Aang, leaving Iroh and yourself behind.
After gathering enough water, you cover the crystal in ice until the intense cold prompts it to crack, and with a firm flick of your wrists the ice and crystal shatter so that you are finally free from the trap. You move to do the same for Iroh, but he quickly shakes his head to stop you.
“You must go and help the Avatar. I will catch up with you shortly,” he assures you. “There isn’t time to waste.”
You give him a firm nod before rushing after Zuko, hoping you’re not too late to offer your help. The crystals had ripped through the skirt of your dress, and though you felt guilty for ruining the clothes Miss Tai had lent you, you’re grateful for the range of motion the tattered fabric now gives you. Hopefully Zuko won’t be too mad at you for disobeying his request.
The commotion in the catacombs has you pushing yourself to run faster, but when you finally reach your destination you’re quick to skid to a stop at the sight before you.
Katara has Azula in her grasp, and it’s clear that the Fire Princess is at a disadvantage. Zuko’s back is turned to you, and at first it looks as if he’s about to help the water bender. But when his blast of flames cuts through her water arms and frees his sister you’re left with a dreadful conclusion.
Your heart sinks to your stomach as you realize Zuko hadn’t come here to help the Avatar- he’d come to defeat him.
“Zuko…” you utter softly, your features riddled with heartbreak and disappointment as he finally turns to look at you after hearing the sound of your voice. The eyes of the boy that stare coldly at you now are not the same ones that once used to look upon you with nothing but love and adoration.
There is no remorse or guilt on his features, but there is anger and resentment. He’s never looked upon you this way, fury blazing along his irises as if you’re the enemy, as if he hated you.
“How kind of you to join us, Princess,” Azula calls with a taunting smile. You swallow harshly and stand frozen in place, too in shock to move. But then she gestures to Zuko, and a sickness settles in your stomach as he slowly begins to approach you.
“Zuko, stop. This isn’t you,” you beg desperately, cowering away from his menacing figure. “Please, don’t do this.“
“This is me,” he says gravely. “You just didn’t want to see it.”
You can’t help but let out a scream as he shoots a blast of fire towards you, and you’re barely quick enough to form a wall of water to block his attack. His moves are relentless, but no matter how many times he strikes you don’t dare fight back. Your moves are defensive, for even though he’s turned against you, you can’t bring yourself to hurt him.
“I don’t want to fight you!” You insist, narrowly missing the fire he whips at you.
“Are you sure about that?” He retorts harshly, eyes hard-set on the water swirling in your palms. “You’re afraid of me, you always have been. You think I’m a monster!”
“That’s not true!” You cry desperately as you block another attack.
“You only stayed by my side to try and fix me so you could feel better about yourself. You’re no different than the rest of your people.”
“Zuko,” you gasp in disbelief. “How can you say that?! I love you!”
“You’re just a spoiled little Princess who thinks being a water bender makes her special.”
“Stop it. That’s Azula talking, not you.”
“You left your people to fulfill your own childish dreams of love. What a joke,” he scoffs harshly before hitting you with another blast of flames. “You’re selfish! You’re weak! You’re-“
You don’t want to hear anymore. It’s as if he has your heart in his hands, squeezing it apart with each insult he throws your way. Your Zuko is gone.
He isn’t able to finish his assault as the tsunami like wave of water you send his way sweeps him off his feet and throws him across the catacomb. The water roars deafeningly in your ears, drowning out the sound of the anguished sobs that wrack your body as you finally turning your bending on the one you love.
The rest of the fight seems to be a blur as you do your best to hold off Dai Li agents, but once Azula shoots Aang down with a blast of lighting it’s clear that the battle is lost. The fire siblings are beginning to close in on your group, and in a last ditch effort you find yourself standing protectively in front of Katara and Aang ready to fight for as long as you can. However, you find you don’t need to when Iroh swoops in and saves your group.
“You’ve got to get out of here. I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!” He insists before blocking the Dai Li from reaching you.
You hesitate in your tracks, unsure about leaving behind the man who had become family. As if reading your thoughts, he gives you a firm nod of encouragement. “Go, Princess.”
Swallowing harshly, you urge Katara to her feet and guide her to the waterfall. As she holds Aang’s limp body securely in her grasp, you use your bending to reverse the flow of the water so that it sends your trio upwards. Tears stream steadily down your face, but your gaze remains firm and set straight ahead.
Your relationship with Zuko is over.
The tide is calm as the Fire Nation ship sails towards the Capital City. After three long years, Zuko is finally returning home. It’s all he’s ever wanted, but for some reason it feels as if something is still missing. There’s a relentless ache in his chest that won’t leave him be, and he can do nothing but stare contemplatively out at the water.
“You seriously can’t still be worried about finally coming home,” a voice calls playfully as cold hands rest upon his tense shoulders. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re practically a hero now.”
“I know that,” Zuko snaps irritably. Mai simply rolls her eyes in response.
“Then what is it?” She retorts only to be met with silence. Her eyes harden suddenly, and she yanks her hands away from him as if revolted by the Prince. “Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that water Princess.”
“Of course not.”
“Sure,” Mai replies flatly, obviously unconvinced. “You don’t need her, Zuko.”
“I know that! She was just a distraction,” he tells her, trying to convince not only Mai but himself of it. “She never really meant anything to me.”
“I wish I could say I feel sorry for her,” Mai says unsympathetically with a bored wave of her hand, “but she must have been an idiot to expect you to live the rest of your life as a peasant.”
“Yeah…” Zuko murmurs quietly, remembering the way your eyes hard sparkled in the catacombs. They shined brighter when they were full of tears, and the image haunted him.
He’s pulled away from his thoughts by Mai’s hands gently guiding his face towards her own. A rare smile plays upon her lips as she pulls him in for a kiss. Zuko returns the gesture, but it’s empty.
He feels absolutely nothing.
Sokka is hesitant to approach you, unsure if his presence will make things worse for your emotional state. The tears haven’t stopped since you escaped from Ba Sing Se, but he feels awful just sitting there without attempting to comfort you. He never really understood just how someone like you could love Zuko or why you were ever with him in the first place, but all of it meant something to you, and he couldn’t ignore that.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks gently, well aware of how stupid the question is. Obviously you aren’t, but he isn’t sure what else to say.
“I should have known I’d never be enough for him,” you weep miserably. “I was foolish to think he would ever put me before his need to restore his honor and please his father. How could I have been so naive?!”
“It’s not your fault,” the water tribe boy consoles while placing a comforting hand on your trembling shoulder. “It isn’t naive to want to see the good in people. You tried to find it in Zuko, but it just wasn’t there.”
“I gave up everything for him,” you murmur dully, exhaustion and defeat clear in your features. “And now I have nothing.”
“You have us,” Sokka corrects you with a careful smile. “Trust me, you’re better off without that jerk.”
You carefully wipe away your tears and give Sokka a meek smile in return for his kind words. “Thank you, Sokka. I’m more than grateful for your compassion. I promise to do all I can to help you and your friends defeat the Fire Lord.”
After all this time, after all the hurt and the guilt, all the running and the hiding, you’ve finally left Zuko. And you don’t intend to ever look back.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @chronic-daydreamer-blog @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies tags: @titaniafire @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
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chronosdawn · 8 months
Zhongli x GN!Reader, Soulmate AU Part 2
Link to Part 1
Word count: ~2.5k
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He was waiting for you at the Stone Gate.
You hadn't known it was him at first, having taken to pointedly ignoring the sensations crawling up your arm from your soulmate mark once the phantom hand tugging you back to the harbor had turned clawed when you refused to listen to it. 
Of course you could hardly be blamed for overlooking a lone tall man standing just at the edge of the border, his back to you as he looked out over Mondstadt's grassy plains. There was nothing particularly remarkable about him at first glance, save perhaps for his height and fine clothes. The way he stood—perfectly still with his hands clasped behind his back—made him seem more like part of the landscape than a living thing. It was only when you got close to him, just barely out of arm's reach as you made to walk past and he turned to face you, amber eyes meeting yours, that you realized who he was.
Your legs refused to move as though they'd been turned to stone, torn between hurtling back the way you'd come—as though attempting to run from a god a second time might somehow prove more successful—and throwing yourself the last precious distance between you and the border, like the invisible line of it would somehow protect you from whatever was to come. 
Before you could commit to either however, your soulmate spoke.
"I apologize if the suddenness of our connection startled you, but it is very good to meet you at last." His voice was rich and smoother somehow than it had been during the rite, his expression one you could only describe as soft as he looked at you.
You'd thought gazing into the face of the dragon-qilin version of Rex Lapis was bad—somehow this was worse.
Words failed you as you stared at him. What were you even supposed to say? Your head felt like a hornets nest, thoughts flicking from excuses to questions to apologies until it turned into a garbled mess that made your temples throb. 
"I don't…" you stammered out before petering off. Your chest felt funny, like it was trying to cave in on itself.
Rex Lapis looked you over from head to toe and whatever he saw caused his lips to press together slightly. 
"You must be tired after the long journey here from the harbor. Come, you should rest for a moment." He moved to your side, a hand resting gently against the small of your back as he steered you away from the boundary of the nation of freedom and towards what appeared to be a modest tea stand nestled against the stone of one of the large cliffs making up the gate. You tried to protest, you really did, but your tongue felt like lead in your mouth, your skin prickling from how close you were to a literal god. Before you knew where you were, you'd been ushered to a table in the cornerーthe Archon only leaving your side to pull your chair out for you and then take the seat opposite. 
The elderly man running the stand came over and Rex Lapis ordered for the pair of you while you watched mutely, noting that he’d seated you in a corner, placing himself between you and any route of escape. Your hands shook faintly where they rested against the chipped wood of the table.
Silence descended as the old man left to brew your tea, interrupted only by the faint howl of the wind against the cliffs. You fought not to fidget in the face of such blatant awkwardness, turning your attention instead to the other patrons scattered nearby. The young woman closest to you was dressed in a signature Adventurer’s Guild uniform, likely on her way to a commission judging by the heavy backpack rammed with supplies at her feet. Sitting a little further away were a couple with obviously graying hair, twin soulmate marks visible on their joined hands as they quietly enjoyed the view. A lump formed in your throat at the sight.
“You hail from Snezhnaya.” Your gaze snapped back at the sound of Rex Lapis’s voice. It wasn’t a question, but the tone left the statement open-ended, an offering of idle conversation in place of the one you should be having but obviously weren’t ready for.
Nodding, you mustered your courage and said quietly, “I came to Liyue three months ago.”
“May I ask what brought you here? It’s rather a long way to travel.”
“My grandmother. She… She was from Liyue, she used to tell me stories about the harbor and the er— the Adepti growing up. After she passed, I decided I wanted to see it for myself.” You stammerred your way through your explanation, all too aware that it was only a half truth—the rest being the obviously Liyuean symbols swirled into the soulmate mark inked starkly upon your skin. 
“I am very sorry to hear of your loss," he said with a sincerity that put all the others you'd had this particular line of conversation with to shame. "Has it been all you expected, your time in Liyue?” 
"That's…" You trailed off, dropping your gaze to the table. How were you supposed to comment on a nation when the god who'd presided over it for thousands of years was sitting right across from you?
Obviously picking up on your inner turmoil, Rex Lapis spoke again, "There's no need to be anxious, I would not ask if I did not want to hear an honest answer. Though I have played a part in shaping Liyue into what it is today, it is but one of the seven nations and I would not expect it to appeal to all." 
Your drinks appeared just after he finished, providing a short but welcome reprieve as a warm cup was pressed into your hands. You inhaled deeply, the rich scent of expertly brewed green tea filling your nose as you did so. It was not until the old man had left that you gave your answer.
“It’s… prettier than I’d thought it would be. My grandmother always said the harbor was beautiful but it’s been another thing to see it in person.”
You glanced up quickly, meeting amber eyes through the faint trickle of steam rising from the cup in his hands. The Archon poised to take a sip, waiting for you to continue.
“Fitting in has been harder than I’d thought it would be. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, moving so far away from home, but I thought I’d done enough research that I’d be ready for it. I guess there’s nothing you can do to really prepare yourself for living somewhere completely new though.”
“Indeed, it’s true such adjustments can take time. Has it grown easier over the months you’ve been here at least?” 
Not really, you thought. You’d been hoping that something would click upon meeting your soulmate, that you’d feel like you’d finally found your place in the world. Instead you now felt like you wanted to be anywhere but the land of contracts and stone. 
It was that thought and the warmth seeping into your fingers that finally gave you the courage to stop dancing around the issue at hand. You shifted in your seat, straightening your back and lowering your shoulders so you looked at least a little more sure of yourself than you felt.
“Look, I think… I think there must have been some sort of mistake.”
Rex Lapis returned his cup to the table, the cor lapis gem on the back of his glove gleaming in the evening light.
“Yes, this—” you gestured between the two of you “—this can’t be right. I mean you’re a god and I’m just some human from a small village in Scheznaya—I don’t even have a vision. I don’t know that much about soulmate marks honestly,” you instinctively placed your hand over your left forearm, missing the way your conversation partner’s eyes zeroed in on the gesture, “but this has to be a false alarm or something.”
Rex Lapis’s expression remained neutral as he let out a deep exhale—it wasn’t quite a sigh but reminded you of the controlled breath someone might take before they had to explain something to a child. 
“Over the many years I have watched over Liyue, I have been witness to numerous soulmate connections. While the reason behind a pairing is not always immediately obvious, not once have I observed a soulmark responding to anyone but the person’s intended. It’s true that differences in personal status between soulmates can act as a source of friction, though that is usually between families rather than the individuals themselves, something that will not prove to be an issue in our case.” He paused to take a sip of his tea, his movements measured and steady, a stark contrast to your white-knuckled grip on your own cup.
You were painfully aware of the sun slipping lower in the sky, the cliffs slowly being stained amber in the fading late. You’d hoped to be safely in Mondstadt before nightfall.
“And though it is not common knowledge,” Rex Lapis continued, returning his cup to the table, “ours is not the first case of an archon having a human for a soulmate.” Though the words were perhaps meant to serve as some sort of reassurance, his voice held a somewhat wistful tone, as though lost in a memory from long ago..
“I just—” you sucked in a breath, the words ‘never wanted something like this’ caught in the back of your throat. It was true, of course, you didn’t want the pressure of being soulmates with Liyue’s exalted archon; of being the supposed other half of a being you likely would never be able to truly understand, let alone measure up to. It felt unfair, however, to throw that in his face. There were tales up north of various ways the story could play out when one soulmate rejected the other, none of which ended well. 
And it wasn’t as though he’d actually done anything to deserve your rejection either—you wanted to cast your connection aside because of what he was rather than anything he’d actually done. You weren’t sure you were really capable of that kind of cruelty, no matter how badly you might wish to vanish with the setting sun. 
“This wasn’t what I expected,” you said finally, after a long period of uncomfortable quiet.
“And that is not something anyone would fault you for.” If Rex Lapis was upset by your lack of enthusiasm for the bond that existed between you, he made no show of it. “I doubt many who were not intimately familiar with the gods would dare to even dream of the possibility. I hope however,” he continued, his gaze falling to the mark hidden away underneath your sleeve, “that with time it will become easier to accept.”
You swallowed uncomfortably. It wasn’t the words themselves that made something in your guts twist—if anything you should probably be grateful that a deity referred to in some stories as the Warrior God was granting you so much grace—but there was a certainty in his voice as he said them that didn’t sit well with you. 
Rex Lapis lifted his eyes from where your arms rested on the table, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Taking a final sip of his tea he said, “It’s rather late for the return journey to the harbor, but there is an inn on the way that I believe we should be able to reach before nightfall.”
“I’m sorry, what do you mean we?” you asked in a small voice, casting a furtive glance towards the path to Mondstadt.
“Ah.” For the first time since you’d met the Archon, the slightest crack appeared in his composure, a minute shift in expression that you’d almost call bashful. The look was gone as quickly as it had appeared and you found yourself meeting the deep amber of his eyes.  “Please forgive my forwardness but I’m afraid it would be remiss of me to allow you to be exposed to the dangers that come with traveling alone at night, especially with… so few preparations.” A polite way of remarking on the fact you’d basically legged it with no supplies to your name.
“That’s…” You trail off, no good defense coming to mind as to why you should continue your journey alone with only the clothes on your back and scarcely a pocketful of mora. 
As if sensing your desperate fumble for an excuse to not go with him, he continued, “If your business in Mondstadt is urgent then I will escort you come morning, once you have had adequate rest. Otherwise, perhaps it may be best to return after you’ve had a chance to recover from the shock of recent events. It has been some time since I last had reason to visit but I would be more than happy to share the sights with you after ensuring matters will run smoothly in Liyue for the course of my absence.”
“I—” The sun was only half visible at the horizon now and as it sank further you felt your hopes of slipping away go with it. “I barely have any mora on me, I’m not sure I can afford a night at an inn.”
“That will not be an issue, I am more than willing and able to cover any of your expenses. Speaking of which,” Rex Lapis placed a large pile of mora on the table and you felt your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull at the amount—it had to be many, many times however much your tea had actually cost. You were suddenly struck with the utter stupidity of trying to use a lack of mora as an excuse to the very being who was responsible for creating it. That and the fact you were completely out of ideas on how to get out of this situation short of simply making a run for it—a tactic which had failed to provide much success thus far.
“If you are feeling up to it, we should begin our journey to the inn now before it gets much darker.” He stood and rounded the table, extending a gloved hand out to you. 
You were backed into a corner in every way that mattered, the stone of the cliffs at your back as unyielding as you suspected the god of this land was. With nowhere else left to go, you place your hand in his, the leather of his gloves cool against your skin as his fingers curl around your own. You could only hope you wouldn’t regret not trying to run when you had the chance.
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Taglist: @tanspostsblog, @esthelily, @alice4wonderland2812, @kalinka9999999999, @lacunaanonymoused
A/N: I have no excuses for how long this took me but here we finally are OTL. I make no promises as to whether or not there will be a part 3 but I am trying to get into the habit of writing more regularly again so I hope to at least start posting more stuff on this blog.
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flowerandblood · 7 months
The Fall from the Heavens (13)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: angst, arranged engagement, violence, swearing, trauma, regret, depression, mention of a suicide attempt ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Daemon understood better than anyone what it meant to be the second son, the one who would inherit nothing. It seemed to him that, in contrast to Viserys, he was a blazing fire like a true dragon, giving warmth, light and shelter to those close to his heart, burning those whom he saw as his enemies.
Viserys was always blind, soft-spoken, lacking strong character and clear opposition when things got too far out of hand.
This trait of his had been carefully exploited by Otto Hightower over the years, putting himself in the role of his friend and adviser, playing his part with an extraordinary devotion from which he felt like throwing up.
He knew it was pure courtesy, perfectly calculated, taking advantage of the mourning of the entire Red Keep and his inattention after Aemma's tragic death he slipped his brother his daughter under his nose.
Looking at her on their wedding day, standing in a long, ornate gown he thought she looked like a child on whom someone had put layers of cloth and precious stones; overwhelmed by it all she looked down at her feet, around her nails the red wounds he had seen on her hands ever since.
On that one day, knowing what was awaiting her, he truly felt compassion for her.
After that, however, he stopped.
She could have built her independence, committed herself to the needs of the kingdom, she, however, in the company of that cunt, Criston Cole, gave herself over to prayer and mortification, obediently following her father's orders.
As a woman, she was in his eyes pitiful, weepy, whiny, merely pretending to be saintly and virtuous, having in fact nothing to do with these qualities.
His feelings about her and her father moved involuntarily to her children.
He recognised the dragon's blood in them and treated them differently from the Hightowers, yet he was unable or unwilling to bond with them, seeing how they were suckled to their mother's breasts, which did not allow them to think or breathe on their own.
He watched from the sidelines, observing from afar as Rhaenyra and Alicent's children trained together, how a divide formed between them. He knew that once they grew up and understood what was really at stake, they would throw themselves at each other's throats.
He knew perfectly well whose right to the throne he would support.
Aegon was a drunkard and a cunt, Helaena was quiet and withdrawn, Aemond was sullen and vindictive − he thought with amusement that each of them had inherited the worst from his brother and their mother.
However, he couldn't help but show at least a little compassion and understanding for his brother's second son, who had been punished by the gods, left without a dragon of his own.
Some part of him wanted to speak to him, to get to know him, to see through him as a kind of reflection of himself, but on those rare occasions when he was with Leana and his daughters in the Red Keep he never made such a gesture, which he later, though he did not want to admit it to himself, regretted.
Perhaps things would have turned out differently then.
He could see with what admiration he looked at him, how much he longed to hear at least one word of appreciation from him, any gesture of interest.
He knew that if he could decide who his father-figure would be he would choose not Viserys or Cole but him, and he pretended not to notice that.
Once though, he noticed something that surprised him; strolling through the cloisters of the Red Keep he spotted his nephew and Rhaenyra's only daughter standing side by side in the square, leaning over the table filled with the various weapons. He smirked under his breath as he walked closer, wanting to listen to their conversation.
They were betrothed.
A clumsy attempt by his brother to avoid what he felt in his bones had to happen.
He saw his niece point her finger at one of the weapons lying on the wooden tabletop, a steel black spiked ball hooked on a chain to a special handle.
"What is it? It looks scary." She said with amusement, her voice light and pleasant; he thought with surprise that his nephew's grim and stormy nature did not deter her.
Alicent's son grunted loudly, lifting his chin slightly in a gesture of superiority and intelligence that he hated so much about the Hightowers, clearly proud to be able to speak on a subject in which his knowledge was extensive.
"It's a flail. A very heavy weapon requiring great strength and agility in its use. It literally crushes the opponent." He said, forcing himself into a low, mature, masculine voice, standing with his hands clasped behind his back, his hair in a slight disarray from the few duels he had already had.
"That weapon looks like the kind you die from in agony." Mumbled his niece, tentatively touching her fingertip to one of the spikes – her uncle pushed her away immediately, surprised by her gesture, grabbing her hand by the wrist.
"Are you insane? What are you doing? It's sharp after all, you could have hurt yourself." He said angrily, but she only blinked, surprised by his outburst, and smiled indulgently, showing him her finger.
"I know, silly. I wouldn't want something like that to hit me in the face." She sneered, raising her eyebrows in amusement, joy in her gaze and embarrassment at the fact that he still hadn't let her go.
She took a step closer to him, but he stepped back quickly and lowered his gaze, he noticed in disbelief that his pale cheeks had turned scarlet.
"Not here. Later." He muttered letting go of her wrist immediately. He heard her quiet sigh of disappointment as she nodded and walked away without another word.
He watched as, a moment later, his nephew cursed under his breath, pulling off his leather gloves and moved after her, grabbing her at one of the side entrances by her arm. She turned to him with a smile as if she was sure he would follow her, her lips placing a quick, brief kiss on his cheek.
He let her go, embarrassed and blushing, looking sideways, muttered something, and she nodded and disappeared behind the walls. His nephew returned to the square as if nothing had happened, a lazy, barely visible smile on his face; Aegon looked at him from afar with a look full of pity, as soon as his younger brother came closer he said loud and clear:
"What a twat you are."
He snarled under his breath as he heard Criston Cole immediately respond to his remark by saying that it was inappropriate for a prince to use such vocabulary, his younger brother only gave him a grim look indicating that he himself was torn internally, ashamed of his weakness.
He thought then, moving ahead, amused, that his brother had inadvertently contributed to something that was certainly not his original plan.
These kids really wanted it.
He felt shame because, looking at them, he wondered how he really felt about his wife. He recognised that she was his companion and lover, whom he respected and cherished, but she was not his friend, he could not allow her into the depths of his heart.
Only when he saw Rheanyra did he feel something more; he had the feeling that the air around them quivered when they spoke, he sensed that she understood perfectly the source and reason of his impulsive nature.
Despite this, he found his life peaceful and prosperous, and the death of his wife in childbirth was something shocking and painful to him. He covered his grief with laughter, the thought that he had wasted years of her life, a wonderful, beautiful woman who deserved someone to love her with all her being, giving her something more than a substitute of affection.
Then, however, his nephew lost an eye and everything fell apart like a house of cards, showing how weak their family actually was.
The events that followed wove together in his mind, the closeness of Rhaenyra and their later nuptials brought him a sense of relief, as if two parts that belonged together had been joined.
He watched her daughter from afar, the sadness and grief painted on her after all still so young and innocent face made her seem to him pale and lifeless, at once beautiful, cool and inaccessible, walking around Dragonstone like a ghost, not speaking to anyone despite how much his daughters tried to get close to her.
She was warm, helpful and welcoming when anyone approached her, but did not raise any discussions herself, eating and drinking little at suppers, immersed in her thoughts.
He knew that she was with them only in body.
He decided not to make the same mistake as with his nephew and offer her his interest, his support in the ironic and mischievous form peculiar to him, the only way in which he could show his affection to anyone.
What surprised him was how much she clung to him, how often she cried during their walks together; despite her innate vulnerability she had a strength of character that he appreciated – she was inclined to rash actions or anger, but she was also not docile or naive, she tried to find order in the chaos that surrounded her.
Only he and his niece had been invited to Aegon's nuptials to Helaena; Alicent had expressed in her letter her concern that the meeting of their children might affect them badly and reawaken old wounds, which his wife took as a reasonable argument, and indeed, albeit reluctantly, it was only the two of them who travelled to the Red Keep.
The whole ceremony in the Great Sept dragged on endlessly for him; he looked around, bored, unwilling to stare at the horrified, sad faces of his nephew and niece, testament to the fact that neither of them wanted this marriage.
The wedding supper held in the fortress was lavish with dancing and music, lords from all over the kingdom descended and gathered in the throne room at large, long oak tables filled to the brim with food. Sitting down in his seat next to his wife, he glanced sideways and noticed a figure looking at him intensely, the One-Eyed Prince staring at him coolly, his lips pressed into a thin line.
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief and admiration, finding that he looked like a man, well-built and muscular, tall, his hair much longer, a black eye patch covering the left side of his face.
He grinned with amusement and mockery, wondering to what he owed his attention, and his nephew only hummed under his breath, looking away, apparently discouraged by his reaction.
He wondered, looking at him, taking a sip of wine from his goblet, if he had shown him fatherly concern then, taken him under his wing, separated him from Alicent and Otto, he would be a different man now.
Several toasts were made to the bride and groom, during each of which Aegon drank his cup to the bottom, clearly intent on fulfilling his marital duty completely drunk.
"Stop it. You've had enough." Growled his younger brother, taking his goblet from him with an aggressive flick of his hand, setting it impatiently far from his older brother's reach.
Aegon slapped him angrily on the shoulder, mumbling something under his breath; his younger brother stood up, towering over him, showing him wordlessly that if he touched him again he would regret it.
"Aemond." Said their mother, this green whore, who was looking at them in pain, her hands folded in front of her as if to pray.
His nephew rolled his eyes and left the hall by a side entrance, furious, unwilling and unable to look at it apparently; Aegon with a wide grin reached for his cup again and to his despair took the empty seat next to him that had been occupied earlier by his wife, now conversing with the King.
"Uncle! So many years." He mumbled, tapping him on the back in a friendly, masculine greeting. He rolled his eyes, amused, smelling the stench of alcohol and sweat from him.
"As you can see, everything stays in the family. I don't know how I'm going to survive this. After all, she'll surely cry. Fuck." He muttered, taking a deep, catchy sip from his cup, tilting it so that he drank it all at once.
He ran his tongue over his lower lip, feeling discomfort at the thought that he felt compassion for Helaena for what was about to happen to her.
He glanced at her sad, petite figure; she sat gazing off into the distance somewhere, dreamy.
He wondered as he watched her if she realised what awaited her.
"She doesn't seem to fully understand what I will have to do to her. After all, she's my sister. I don't want to hurt her. She's odd and I don't understand her, but I don't want her to fucking cry." He mumbled out covering his face with his hand, his voice breaking with his every word – he drew in air loudly as if he was out of breath, and he looked at him not knowing what to do.
What was he supposed to answer him?
"Be gentle and kind. Make her feel as little pain as possible. You know very well that how it will look lies in your hands. If you want her to suffer as little as possible, stop drinking because it will take you a fucking hour." He growled, taking the cup from his hand just as his younger brother had earlier, and wondered if that was what he meant then, if he knew his condition would only worsen whatever was to await them next.
"You pity yourself and you smell of alcohol and sweat. Go take a bath or do you want to lay on her like that? Give her some dignity for goodness sake." He said coolly, looking ahead indifferently; his nephew swallowed loudly, sitting beside him like a little rebuked child, playing with his fingers.
He wondered, looking at him out of the corner of his eye if his brother had ever spoken to him about it, if he had prepared him and explained to him how he should behave.
"All my life I've envied him. My brother. He had someone of his own who cared about him. I think he really loved her, uncle. Now I barely recognise anyone myself. I'm not sure any of us are the same person anymore. Only Helaena has remained the same − innocent and ignorant. That's because she doesn't step outside her mind. If she did, she would have gone mad like we did."
It turned out that he was partly right.
What he didn't expect was that when they arrived all together as a family after several years in King's Landing to defend Luke's rights to inherit the Driftmark these two would be lying in bed with each other on their very first night.
"If you tell me you still want to marry him, I will help you. I'd rather you be his wife than lead you and him into a scandal that could destroy your mother. Your betrothal has never been called off, the king will easily prove that no other plans for you can be in force against his decision. But if you decide not to, I will personally see to it that you never see him again and that no letter of yours leaves Dragonstone. Make a manly, mature decision with all its consequences, and stop wallowing over yourself."
He told her then, wanting her to understand that they could not stand in the middle, that they had to choose, or their decisions would drag them all down.
Watching them in the throne room audience, however, the greedy, desperate gaze of his nephew fixed on her as if he wanted to devour her gave him no illusions.
What this boy was telling himself was one thing, but what he was feeling was another.
It was this thought that made him decide to question Alicent's decision in front of everyone, wanting to hear his brother's opinion on the matter, the only one that really counted. He had expected nothing but objections from both sides, however, against the desperate attempts of their mothers, his nephew and his niece's daughter made a decision that did not surprise him at all.
It was enough for her to get up from her seat and walk out to make him press his lips together in rage and follow her out, exactly as he had done then, in the courtyard, when he had thrown himself after her, and she knew perfectly well that he would do so, knowing his nature.
He wondered if she had kissed him this time too, if the tension between them had eased.
He thought that this marriage might actually calm the emotions a little, especially as his brother was over his deathbed.
This union was forcing both parties to be cautious, which could be mutually beneficial.
"She has decided that she wants to stay in the Red Keep until I return." His wife said to him, putting her black leather gloves on her hands, walking beside him towards the dragon's lair. He stopped, looking at her in disbelief, furious.
This was not the plan.
"What?" He growled, looking at her as if she had completely lost her mind. "You're leaving my daughter in the care of that whore and her father-traitor?"
He saw that she smiled at his words emphasising that in his eyes she was his child, that he had taken responsibility for her and protected her as any true father should.
"She asked me to do this. I imagine they both want to clarify a lot of things with each other. Since the nuptials are to take place as soon as possible there is no need to fret, I will personally take her back in a few days." She replied calmly, and he let out a loud breath, impatiently licking his lips.
It was a bad idea, he could feel it in his bones, but he didn't protest and that was his mistake.
The next day he lost two of his daughters.
Rhaenyra, his brother's heir to the throne fell with a groan when envoys reported to her that her father was dead, that her brother had been crowned king, that they had imprisoned their daughter.
She cried out loudly in pain, clutching at her womb; at first he thought it was despair, but then he saw the pool of blood beneath her feet, her terrified gaze, her lips parted in agony.
They both knew it was too soon.
Their daughter already looked like a tiny infant, but sadly her fate was sealed; she wasn't moving or breathing, she was cold, looking more like a doll than a human being.
He felt that he had to leave the fortress; he followed exactly where he always went out with her, with one of his daughters, to the sea itself, and he fell to his knees, breathing heavily, not knowing what he was supposed to do with the rage and chaos that overtook his mind.
He wanted to mount Caraxes and burn them all.
However, his cousin and daughters had cooled his ardour, recognising that they needed to prepare, gather an army, make a plan of action.
He recognised that it was only female sentiment, a weakness that kept them from making the risky decision that his whole life consisted of.
When his wife finally recovered from her brief mourning, despite his entreaties, she did not listen to him and decided to send her sons as her representatives, wanting to extract the pledge of allegiance from those who had paid her tribute many years ago.
He had thought it nonsensical, however, when Luke returned from Storm's End it turned out that his step son had been a naive idiot.
"You flew after him? You flew after him knowing he could imprison you, use you as your mother's weakness? Fucking fool." He growled, turning away from the table with fury, massaging his face with his palm, not believing he could have done such a thing.
"Daemon." Said Rhaenyra in a voice trembling with despair; she looked at her son, trying to calm herself. "What happened next?"
"He brought her. Someone hit her, mother, and I think she tried to take her own life. There were cut marks on her wrists." He muttered, forcing himself into a calm tone of voice.
He turned towards him, looking at him with his heart beating fast.
She had done this for them, so they could attack the Red Keep without fear.
She wanted to make a manly decision, to sacrifice herself, his brave daughter, his little dragon.
"Gods." Said his wife, clutching at her womb, apparently involuntarily recalling the moments when she had carried her under her heart, the maternal tears of pain in her eyes.
"And then?" He finished for her, seeing that she didn't have the strength to get anything else out, Luke swallowed hard, afraid to look at him.
"I told her to run away with me, but she didn't agree. She told me to tell you that she loves you and that she remains faithful to you, mother." Said with difficulty, Jace slammed his fist on the table, furious.
"That fucking bastard purposely made her stay. He planned this, he never had any intention of marrying her!" He said red with anger and he glanced at him indifferently, sighing heavily.
"And then what? He let you just walk away? No one else saw you?" He asked further, pretending not to have heard his outburst; Jace pressed his lips together, furious. Luke shook his head quickly.
"N-no, I was surprised, but no. Forgive me, I had to see her, make sure that she is still alive." He muttered, and he sighed heavily, placing both of his hands on the table, leaning over it, and closed his eyes, trying to focus.
He let her see him without any other witnesses and then let him go even though he hated him, even though he could have trapped and humiliated him.
A memory flashed through his mind, the way his nephew cursed as he fought with himself to finally run after her, her smile full of reassurance as she turned to him knowing he would follow her, his blush of embarrassment and lazy smile as her lips placed a soft, warm kiss on his cheek, her proof of her devotion and affection that he craved so much.
He had never stopped loving her.
This stone-cold, dangerous man had done something for her, surely after she had tried to take her own life.
"Bring me a parchment and a quill. I need to speak with my nephew."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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manachiichan · 5 months
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To see the world that you are so proud of...
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Synopsis: Growing up obediently following your empress' shadow, your horizon broaden the moment you met a pirate doning a strawhat who somehow ended up on your island.
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Kuja!Reader, Platonic!Boa Hancock X Fem!Reader
Spoilers from the Amazon Lily and Marineford arcs. Reader is a pure sunshine who is both kind and naive. Having mixed feelings with Luffy now.
|| One Piece Masterlist ||
|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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You didn't know what happened after you were forced to leave the arena. You were placed on a cell with two of your fellow warriors guarding as you waited for the outcome of the battle.
"Please! Atleast tell me, Is Marguerite alright...? What about the other two? Sweet Pea and Aphelandra..? Are they alright.?"
"I'm sorry, (Name). But we can't disclose anything to you. All we can say is that the Gorgon sisters are battling that strange man as we speak..."
You sat there in the cell for what it felt like hours. You didn't know what had happened until you were finally allowed to be freed.
However, as soon as you left your cell, you found yourself face to face with one of the Gorgon sister, Boa Sandersonia towered over your form as she gestured you to follow her.
"(Name), Our older sister ordered for you to appear before her."
"May I ask the reason why?"
"You'll see when you get there."
You can see how hesistant her tone was as she refused to look at you in the eye. By her body language alone, you can tell how uneasy and nervous she was being. So to avoid making her uncomfortable, you decided to refrain from talking until you reached the snake princess' bed chambers.
"Oh! It's you!"
Luffy pointed his finger towards you as soon as you entered. His shock expression soon changed to excitement and relief, a grin appearing on his face.
"You're okay! I got worried when they took you away, glad to see that you're not hurt."
You gave him a gentle smile of acknowledgement before focusing your attention towards your empress who sat on her snake, Salome. She was staring directly at you, observing your interaction with the only man in the room.
"Come closer, the two of you..."
She commanded. Unlike Luffy, who approached her without any care, you cautiously took a step forward, expecting for a scolding, a punishment even.
Only for your eyes to widen in shock as she revealed her bare back on to the two of you.
"Snake Princess, but that's-! What about the curse..?!"
You immediately shielded your eyes. Hers and her sisters' backs are a sensitive subject that the whole island knew about. And here she was revealing it for you to see, was this your punishment? For you to turn to stone for disobeying her orders and allowing Luffy to live? Even going far to defending him back at the arena.
"I trust you, (Name). And it is about time you know the truth..."
There on her back, was a symbol dyed in red, circular center with four triangles resembling a claw. At that moment, you see how her shoulders trembled as you observe her mark.
"Is...is it alright for you to show it to us...? my empress, it is something you forbit anyone from discovering..."
You can see how it pained not only her but also Marigold and Sandersonia. Grandma Nyon encouraged to reveal the story, and after a few moments, you finally understood everything.
It was the mark of authority far more superior than of the Pirate Empress. The Celestial Dragon's mark, specifically the mark of slaves that belongs. Everything she experienced and the sufferings she has to endure with her sisters, she revealed it all to you and Luffy.
You stayed silent as Luffy was escorted out, him being invited to the banquet that was host whenever the Kuja Pirates return to the Island with a huge haul. You stayed behind as you felt like you shouldn't leave Hancock alone after everything that had been revealed.
"Has your view of me changer after finding out that I was a former slave...?"
"Can I really speak out my thoughts, Snake Princess? My most honest thoughts?"
You asked, revealing her secret doesn't mean that you should carelessly speak up. Boa Hancock is still the Empress of Amazon Lily, the ruler of the land you were born in.
"I will allow it."
"Then, I will reply with a No....No, I don't think any lesser of you, my empress. In fact, I think....that for to you endure such torment and rise above it is truly admirable. My respect for you just got deepened."
You spoke with true genuine in your tone. Yes, you were anguished with what you just heard. The sufferings of the people who look up upon brought pain in your heart.
"I think that...your past doesn't defy who you are. It just shows how truly strong you are."
For the first time in your life, in years of serving the Pirate Empress. This was the first time you ever saw her smile with tears in her eyes.
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It was then night time when Hancock dismissed you from your duties, having kept you around for a longer conversation. You found out the truth about your mother, yet you only found yourself slightly upset. You don't really remember what she look like nor what her personality were when she was alive, however, you could still remember the warmth she emitted whenever both of you share a tender embrace as she on board the empress' ship.
Hancock's attitude around you seems to have slightly changed now. She was more vocal of what she feels and treats you better than she did before, asking for your opinions and outlook of the village. The conversation began changing to how managing the island whenever she was out.
"As you now know, my presence here is somehow a threat. I'm a pirate with a bounty so great, continue doing your duties as usual."
She was more comfortable with you now. Just by thinking about it, made you smile as you nodded at her orders. Eager to aid her with everything.
"Yes, my empress... You can always rely on me."
you immediately went back to the village where the banquet is being held. Now in a more casual clothing, you entered the room and immediately sense the tense atmosphere among the women present there.
The center of their attention was Luffy who was sitting, eating his heart out as dishes were served on his table.
"What's going on?"
"(Name) is it really okay for a man to be present on the homecoming banquet.?"
One of the warriors asked, a look of concern is visible on her face, glancing at Luffy with skeptism.
"The Snake Princess already favors him, therefore we will treat Luffy with hospitality."
Just as you said that, Luffy stood up on the table with a ladle and wok pan, demanding that the women should sing and dance since it is a banquet.
A small smile made way on to your lips, covering them as you let a small giggle of amusement.
In that instant, the atmosphere changed into a lively one with the women eventually joining in, copying Luffy as he danced and pranced around.
Lively to the point, they all got comfortable around him.
"Hey now. Everyone, that's enough."
You scolded, seeing how they all gotten too comfortable around him to the point they all have been reaching towards his rubbery skin.
Soon you found yourself looking for Luffy as the women all went after him in hopes of touching his skin.
"There you are, Luffy..."
You found him crouching on a building roof. As soon as you said that, his long rubbery arms stretched and grabbed you by your waist towards him.
"Geez...What's the matter with you guys?!"
"I apologize on their behalf. It's just... we barely seen a man this close before..."
You gave him an apologetic smile. Seeing that, he soon let out a laugh as he told you that it was fine.
"I never really got to thank you for defending me in that arena earlier."
"I...just did what I thought was right...."
You told him, slightly ashamed on your actions yet you never regretted it. Yes, you felt guilty for disobeying the Snake Princess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to just allow them to kill Luffy when it wasn't his fault that he ended up stranded on your Island.
"Say Luffy...What does the outside world looks like...?"
You asked. Your curiosity resurfaced after many years of trying to supress it, was it because of Luffy being here? But after becoming Boa Hancock's closest aid, you devoted yourself to follow every command without questions. Your loyalty overcame the curiosity about the world outside of Amazon Lily.
"Are....the seas really that vast? Are there really more islands out there?"
Back then, Hancock barely spoke to you and you could only rely on either Sandersonia or Marigold to tell you all about what they had seen while traveling through the seas. Brief conversations that could never satisfy you. It was thirst of wanting something that you know you will never have.
After all you have a duty to serve and protect Amazon Lily as it's devoted warrior.
"I dunno. Our adventures are always been exciting that I never really cared how big the sea is. But I do know that the Grandline is huge! I can't wait to sail and see everything with my crew!"
Luffy told you about his recent adventures. From his entry to the grandline, meeting Laboon the huge whale, up to his battles on Thriller Bark.
"There are Islands in the sky?!"
"Yeah! I even beated up this guy with long earlobes!"
Luffy grinned as he stared at your sparkling eyes that was looking back at him with wonder and admiration. He was reminded of Chopper just by staring at you. He wanted to see his crew badly now.
"I'll sail through these seas and become the King of Pirates!"
"I'm sure that you'll be able to do it!"
You encouraged, getting all hyped up from just his words alone. Luffy's aura reminded you of the sun and its brightness. That's how you felt just being near him.
"You know, you could just get on board that pirate ship your Empress have. You'll see how big the grandline is, with your own eyes."
You faltered at his words, he seem to have noticed and started to frown.
"What's wrong?"
"I just....feel like I have a sense of duty to stay here. And the snake princess said it herself. I'm not ready to leave the Island just yet."
"Why? You're already strong..."
"I can't disobey the Snake Princess, Luffy..."
Why can't you disobey? Was it because obeying her was something that you already drilled into your mind at a young age...? Or is it because you can't make decisions for yourself without having someone tell you what to do.
You grew up never knew how to say 'No'. It was always you doing what you have been told without ever complaining whether the task is easy or difficult. Because you hated to disappoint not only your Empress but also your fellow warriors.
"I see..."
Luffy just looked at you as if he already knows what was going on, yet he didn't say anything. His eyes stared at your tense and slightly trembling form. He then went through his pockets and pulled out a chunk of meat that he managed to save right before he was chased after by the Kujas.
"I do what I wanna do, I'm captain of my ship. Not even my crew can stop me!....Well maybe Nami. She's scary like a demon."
He took a huge bite before looking back at you with a grin. Seeing bits of meat stuck on his teeth made you laugh slightly. Luffy is really is a silly man.
"It doesn't hurt not to listen all the time. You went to defend me even when you know that you'll be in trouble. You do what you think is right!"
Your words from earlier came back towards you. You couldn't help but grew fond of him, hearing his somehow meaningful words as he feasted on the meat was holding without a care in the world.
He doesn't even seems to realize the effect his words he had on you.
"Thank you, Luffy...."
You stood up from your place and immediately waved discreetedly towards Marguerite who spotted you right away.
"Hey...! What are you doing?!.... They might see me and chase me again...!"
"You need a place to hide, right? Don't worry, Marguerite knows what to do. She'll take you there."
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When Luffy came back from Marineford, he was gravely injured. You could only watch from the distance as the men wearing white boiler suits docked at the far side of the Island.
The last time you saw him was when he left in a hurry to save his brother Ace from execution. Your Empress gave you a brief summary of what had happened and gave you temporary management of the warriors while her and her sisters sailed off.
"(Name)...Keep watch over those men on the far side of the Island. Report back once Luffy regain conciousness...please..."
The Snake Princess looks very distraught, so you immediately agreed upon hearing her request. Not a command, but a request. You could never deny a request.
Two weeks. That was how long you kept watch. The warriors back at the village would often bring you meals. By following the rules with the exception of Luffy, you kept your distance from the men and hid on top of trees.
Eventually, Luffy woke up. You were happy and was about to report until you noticed something odd.
Luffy went on a rampage.
"Hey...Can you report this to the Snake Princess in my stead? Tell her that Luffy regained conciousness..."
You asked a fellow Kuja who happens to be nearby. From the distance you could hear distant shouting of intense agony and destruction.
You stood on top of a tree branch, watching in absolute shock, as Luffy destroys everything around him. Trees and boulders. Nothing was left untouched. You began to worry that he might reopen his wounds.
Fortunately, the blue fish-man managed to calm him down. But the sight of Luffy crying made you feel a sudden ache from within too. As if you could feel his pain. Luffy lost his brother, and it somehow hurt you too.
"It must have hurt so much....doesn't it...Luffy?"
You were hurting for him. You want him to show his usual sunshine smile like he always have. Crying is not something you want to see Luffy do yet you don't even know how to comfort him.
"I want to approach and say something but..."
You weren't naive. You know of the snake princess' illness and how much she needs Luffy if she wants to live long. So to spare your own feelings you decided at that moment, to stay away from him even after growing so fond of him. How much you wanted to be there for him now that he needed someone to lean on as he suffers.
"The....empress' happiness comes first..."
So now, you could only watch on a distance as your heart breaks from hearing his cries.
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© manachii 2024 ~ all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, etc. any of the works I made.
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littlestpetgoth · 10 months
Tell us more about your little homestucks?
ok.. ill only go over my descendent ocs because they're the ones ive been posting about recently, i have too many homestuck ocs to cover lol..
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mayosi pyrope is the first descendent oc i made back when there was a brief trend on twitter to make, fan descendants of the trolls. i think i was inspired by ko's descendent acarid, and terezi being one of my favorite trolls i ended up making a bootleg pyrope. (and i draw them together all the time bc they rot my brain)
they're a radical transmasc weeaboo skater "vigilante" who grew up being raised by humans in a very normal average household where they got basically anything they wanted with no issues. their interests include; dishing out justice, watching animes, playing videogames, and doing sick tricks on their board. they wield a katana that resembles terezi's dragon cane.. they're my simplest designed character, and though they look a lot like terezi with a skirt and long hair their design was heavily influenced by dirk because i imagined that dirk has influenced some kind of anime character that mayosi obsesses over and has based their look on..
they aren't at all interested in, being a lawyer or anything like that and would like to take care of bad guys samurai batman style in their ideal world.. unfortunately the loving gently parenting of their human family didn't toughen them up enough so they're mostly a baby who doesn't do well when faced with conflict. mayosi's easily bossed around by anyone who firmly tells them to do something because they're too scared to step up and stand up for themself and others, they have a lot of shame for not being as strong and cool as terezi or red glare. real wet blanket.
uuuh like terezi, they weren't always blind. they were lured in by their ex best friend now super complex hate not boyfriend acarid and he poured acid into their eyes, ruining their vision and giving them crazy chem burn scars.. i think around this time they were also given their super rad pointy shades so they can look more like their hero, but it was a major blow to their confidence since not only are they a weak coward they're now a weak coward who can't see. they eventually learn to navigate the world via sound waves, its not as effective as terezi's sniff and taste vision but mayosi isnt as interested as smelling and licking everything in their presence.
example of what i think it's like for them here..
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theyyy are convinced by acarid to join him in his perfect sburb sesh, where they eventually grow a pair and cut off his arm and gouge his eyes before being shot in the brain and killed dead without ever waking on their moon. (sad) mayosi's feelings about acarid, who essentially abuses and manipulates them constantly, are very complicated because they feel an obligation to take on the brunt of his crazy in order to protect everyone but also because they cling to the nostalgic memories they have of him and are hoping he'll one day go back to that.
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kokesi megido is based on kokeshi dolls, i think she sees ghosts and is really scared of them so she's super skittish and is always finding ways to shoo them away.. she probably knows how to speak japanese ig, i dont have a lot to say about her unfortunately.. i like how her design turned out though.
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grimir maryam and romato vantas are brothers adopted into a rich human family, they're both spoiled brats and are constantly bickering with each other when they aren't pretending the other exists. grimir is mute and likes to garden (sooo original, i know) and romato speaks a lot and is a hopeless romantic writer. shrug.
i don't have as much to talk about. for any of my descendents other than mayosi because i have a really hard time developing ocs when i dont have people to bounce ideas off of. i mean most of mayosi was formed around acarid's existence and from ko's influence, otherwise they also wouldn't be developed . sorry .
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aquilapolariz · 1 year
memento mori (trafalgar law x reader)
Summary: You can’t help but notice Law’s obsession with death.
Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for Law’s background, headcanon HEAVY, happens right after Punk Hazard
Word Count: 1.6k | Read below the cut or on Ao3 here!
“I’ll be damned,” you started, “so Luffy really can rope anyone into his schemes. Even a Warlord.” You walked over to him, finding a spot by his side aboard the Thousand Sunny. “Ah, excuse me, ex-warlord.”
He looked at you in the corner of his eye, his head refusing to turn away from the shore Punk Hazard. “It’s out of necessity,” Law mumbled.
“My captain wants the same thing you want- necessity and coincidence are all you need.”
Law grasped his sword, holding it tight, trying to seek some comfort. “It’s only the second time running into you Strawhats, but both those times have been…chaotic. Feels like a little more than a coincidence.”
You think back to Saobody and seeing Law for the first time in the flesh; he was handsome, cocky, and intriguing. The holder of the Opu Opu no Mi, and a doctor no less- the perfect complement to his devil fruit, you noted.
Power gravitates to power. Luffy seemed to pull in both Eustass Kidd and Trafalgar Law when they fought off the Navy outside the Celestial Dragon’s auction house.
Intellect gravitates to intellect. As the Strawhat’s Devil fruit researcher, you knew that the Opu Opu no Mi was one of the most versatile fruits to exist. As Law fought, you observed. With just one word he established a room and stood in the same spot in order to fight, separating people’s limbs from their bodies. Why is he tossing some Navy guy’s head in his hand like a baseball? What a weird guy. You laughed to yourself, letting the three supernovas effortlessly take out the marines.
A long two years later, aboard the Sunny, and Law looked as handsome as ever. But his weariness was revealed in his constant scowl. He was tired, seemingly ready to throw his life away. Even the setting sun, fiery and blazing, couldn’t seem to melt the ice in his cold eyes.
“Must be fate then,” you concluded. Rather, intervention for Law’s state of mind in the form of your crew.
Your attentive gaze was always noticed by his own, even at Saobody. You looked at him with curiosity as if you could read his every thought, as if you desperately wanted to. If this was a battle of observation and wit, then so be it. Law was a complex man, and you would love to pick apart his brain, and as much as he was loath to admit, he would love to pick apart yours.
“Chopper told me you healed the kids from Caesar’s drug. Thank you,” you said kindly as the Sunny drifted away from Punk Hazard, the children and the Marines waving goodbye.
“You shouldn’t thank me. They still have to go through painful treatment,” Law said.
“So the Opu Opu no Mi has limits?”
“If I could cure everything, I would. Those children have been consistently consuming that drug for over a year. It’s part of their bloodstream at this point. They’ll have to deal with withdrawals, their abnormal body sizes, reintegrating back into society, and any residual effects we don’t know about.”
You breathed in, savoring the salty air that you missed during the chaos at Punk Hazard. “They will suffer, true. But at least…it’ll be a little less than it was before. Their families have missed them.”
Law gritted his teeth. He felt ashamed, complicit in those children’s pain for so long. How dare he call himself a doctor?
“Why do you, as a doctor, have the word ‘death’ on your hand?” Your hand shot out to grab his wrist. You brought it close to your face, studying his tattoo. “A little contradictory for someone who seems to take his job seriously.”
“It’s a memento mori of sorts,” he replied vaguely. Your hand on his sent unfamiliar- and unwanted- shivers up his spine.
“A reminder of mortality, huh?” Law nodded, impressed.
He nodded, “It’s also plastered on the side of my submarine.” It’s been a while since he’s seen his trusty yellow vessel, his Jolly Roger painted black next to the word “DEATH,” just like his own tattoos.
“That I believe. Wait, you have a submarine?” Law noticed your eyes light up as they looked at him.
“Yeah, the Polar Tang.”
You hummed, imagining how wondrous it would be to see the depths of the ocean every single day at sea. “Did you become a surgeon before or after eating your devil fruit?”
“After, I guess.” He called himself a surgeon ever since he extracted White Lead Disease from his own body. A doctor since the age of twelve, only by necessity.
“You guess?” You questioned.
“I guess,” Law smirked.
“You said your devil fruit has limits…?”
“Of course, it can only do so much.”
“I think…I get it now.”
Law raised an eyebrow.
“With your fruit, you are the perfect doctor. But even then…” Your eyes traced the letters on Law’s fingers.
He slowly took his hand out of your grasp. “People still die,” he said.
“Doctors know death better than anyone, huh?” You said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
His eyes widened. After being constantly surrounded by idiots, being in your presence was refreshing, enjoyable even. “Did your research, it seems.”
You shook your head. “Research alone wouldn’t tell me something like that. Plus, I’m sure I’m missing some details.”
And you were. Law knows Death all too well. Death from sickness. His sister, his parents. Death from murder. Corazon. Death by his own hand. The hundreds of pirates whose hearts he gave away to the Navy. The death he hopes to deliver to Doflamingo. To stray away from death would be to stray away from his identity, so clearly conveyed in the ink on his fingers.
“My tattoos constantly remind me of what I’m trying to get my patients to avoid. Sure, it’s a memento mori, but it’s not only for my own sake. It’s for everyone’s, especially the lives I hold in my hand, both as a captain and a doctor.”
No one ever questioned the presence of his tattoos, his fascination with death. Many assumed he just wanted to be an edgy doctor-pirate, living up to his unsettling name of Surgeon of Death. But those inquisitive eyes of yours seemed to see right through him, down to the depths of his very being, past all of those preconceived notions. You seemed to hang onto every word he said, urgently and desperately, making him feel like he was the only person in the world when you spoke to him.
“It’s just that,” he felt his breath catch in his throat, “it’s always a good thing to remind ourselves that we’re not immortal. Even if I help some live longer, it’s only just that. Death is the one thing I can guarantee everyone- I can’t promise life.”
The fiery sunlight danced upon the waters of the ocean, closer than ever to melting away Law’s icy gaze.
“So…how’d you end up a surgeon?”
“My father was one,” he said dismissively, “and I just happened to eat the perfect devil fruit for that line of work.”
“A mighty coincidence,” you noted amusedly, well-aware that Law wasn’t telling you everything.
And Law, too, was aware that you could see that.
“How’d someone as observant as you end up on a crew of idiots?”
You shrugged. “They’re not all idiots though,” you said, glancing at Franky tinkering with his latest device as Robin watched.
“Could join my crew instead.” Law cringed at his own words as soon as they left his mouth. Would he even be alive when all the dust has settled in Dressrosa? What would be the point of you joining his crew if he wasn’t there? But his body and mind, under stress and anticipation since Luffy arrived on Punk Hazard, knew he needed someone like you, now more than ever. And so he spoke it without a thought.
How quickly curiosity gravitates to curiosity.
You rolled your eyes. “Gotta give me something worth leaving this for,” you gestured broadly at the Sunny.
“Like I said, I have a submarine. It’s a whole other world down there.”
“You’ve probably seen things that no pirate has ever even dreamed of seeing, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s like Fishman Island, multiplied by a thousand.”
“Fishman Island really was beautiful…I would like to visit your Polar Tang one day. As a visitor,” you clarified. “There’s a reason I’m on this crew- everyone helps each other to live life to the absolute fullest.” A sting of jealousy pierces his heart as Law watches you look at your crew fondly, with all the love in the world. He feels his heart skip a beat despite your expected rejection to join his crew. You sighed. “Law, it’s like you said. Death is sure to happen but…in the meantime, we can’t forget to live.”
But how could he do that when he had a soul to avenge? Corazon’s soul- a death that weighed heavy on his heart, one that he swore to never forget.
“To live?” He asked, his voice shaky as veins in his hands started to feel like pins and needles.
“To live is to laugh…is to cry, to love, to feel.” You tore your eyes away from the crew to look at the broken man before you. “It’s to be free.”
Those words sounded oddly familiar. Corazon’s last words echoed in Law’s mind: “You are now…truly free.” Looking at you, the ice in his eyes started to thaw. With every blink, the details in your face were becoming blurry, the Sunny feeling like it came to a full stop.
A wave of nostalgia washed over Law as he stared at his tattooed fingers. As he squinted at them, the five letters on each finger, spelling out the word DEATH, started to blur. In his vision, those same letters started to waver, each one morphing into entirely new letters. With you in his periphery, he mumbled out the new word that it formed:
“…Is this…how (Y/N) flirts?” Usopp asked Nami as they hid behind the tangerine trees.
“Through an interrogation? Yeah, seems about right.”
“Hey, what are you guys whispering abo-?” Luffy said.
Nami pulled him behind the tangerine tree. “Shhh!”
“Why does Tra-guy seem to only like talking to (Y/N)?” Luffy frowned.
“Could join my crew,” Law said to you in the distance.
Usopp and Nami threw themselves onto their captain to prevent him from transforming, “LUFFY NOOOOOOOO.”
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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FIRST LOVE … one - shot (18+)
pairing : dragon!wooyoung x witch!f!reader
genre : dragon au, fantasy / medieval, hurt / comfort, smut (pwp)
word count : 4.6k
warnings : language, slight blood, negative thoughts about oneself, cheating accusations, miscommunication, mentions of dragon hunting, nightmares, allusion to possible ptsd
smut warnings : unprotected sex, concept of mates / mating, monster cock!wooyoung, virgins!woo & yn, love making, marking / biting
requested by : bestie @songmingisthighs
wooyoung has been acting strange lately and after avoiding you one too many times, and you finally break down and question what is really going on with him.
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WOOYOUNG HAD BEEN ACTING STRANGE LATELY. which at first you hadn’t thought anything about, maybe it was some dragon thing you weren’t aware of. however, it started to get concerning when he began avoiding you more and more each day.
it began with simple and quick responses which slowly turned into just one word answers. then he started detaching himself from you, you go to hold his hand and he would rip it away. like your skin was burning his and it made you feel awful. when he would go out to either hunt or visit the nearby town, he would be gone for longer than usual. then he just stopped speaking to you and even avoided sleeping in your shared bed.
you remember waking up to find him sleeping in the extra room you had at the cottage, the room that you converted into a bedroom when you first met him. it had been years since he slept there and finding him there alone instead of with you made your heart twist and it honestly made you want to throw up.
was this his way of telling you he didn’t love you anymore. that he was tired of you and was wanting to leave. but if he wanted to leave then why didn’t he? why did he keep coming back? did he pity you or something.
“wooyoung,” you decided to confront him one day. the red haired dragon was outside tending to your shared garden — it was his day to tend to it, when you approached him. he says nothing so you decide to continue, “what’s been going on with you lately? you’ve been distancing yourself from me. you won’t even speak to me, let alone look at me. did i… did i do something wrong?”
again, you are met with silence as his back remains facing you. you can feel the tears begin to form and you have to take a quick breath in order to not cry.
“do you want to leave?” you finally ask, feeling your heart break as you do so. it’s only when you ask that does wooyoung stop picking herbs and turn to look at you. his face is void of emotions, which is extremely unusual coming from him, as he looks at you. “if you do… then please just go. i don’t want to keep you here if you don’t want to be,” you add before turning away and heading back into the cottage just as the tears start to fall.
the rest of the day went by with you working on making different medicines and potions, completely ignoring wooyoung. not that he probably noticed anyway since he had been doing the same to you for weeks now. when nightfall came, you continued to stay inside your workroom, still not having the energy to see wooyoung.
when you do eventually come out hours later, you find a plate of food sitting on your small dining table. you feel like crying again due to how even if wooyoung is unhappy here, he still took the time to make your dinner as well.
you know that sooner or later you will have to let him go, and you slowly realized that when you sat by yourself eating a cold dinner while the man you love was asleep in the bedroom down the hall.
THAT REALIZATION CAME SOONER than you thought when you woke up the next morning being alone. you woke up feeling like something was off and once you surveyed the cottage, it was only then that you noticed wooyoung was gone.
he really left, you think as take in the neatly made bed of the room he had been staying in. did he even sleep in last night or did he leave once you finally went to bed? you didn’t want to cry anymore, but the knowledge of finally being alone again overwhelmed you as you fell to your knees and sobbed.
you thought that maybe wooyoung would be different. that he would stay and that you wouldn’t have to bare being alone anymore after the years you had suffered being alone. but no. wooyoung left just like chaewon and your teacher and even your mother.
but you don’t blame wooyoung for leaving. you can’t find it in yourself to hate him because you love him so much. you remained on the floor until the tears finally stopped and then you stood up and started your day.
you hate how easily you found it to fall back in a rhythm of doing everything by yourself, even after it’s been several days since wooyoung left. how your body and mind are just use to doing things by yourself. you can’t help but fall back in the lonely feeling you felt several years ago.
the feeling swallows you whole as you go about your day and even when you have to take the journey to the nearby village to get some more herbs and supplies. even when the villagers greet you, you can’t escape the loneliness and the fact that they will all still have someone at home waiting for them while you will return back to an empty cottage.
after you get your herbs and are making your way back to your cottage when you pass by the village healer’s shop. you find yourself coming to a halt when you watch the door to the shop open and out steps a familiar head of red hair. you’re shocked to see wooyoung as you would have figured he would be long gone by now. especially since it’s been several days, almost a whole week, since he left the cottage.
is this where he went? is this where’s he’s been? so many questions are swarming through your head as you as you watch wooyoung speak to the healer. he looks different somehow, like his whole aura and energy has changed. and most importantly of all… wooyoung was finally smiling.
you felt bitter and maybe a little jealous at seeing him interact with the healer. why was he visiting this healer when you were right there with him this whole time. if he was sick, why didn’t he come to you about it? why did he distance himself and basically shun you away from him?
something then hits you that makes you want to cry and tear your heart out. what if he wasn’t sick and was seeing the healer for another reason? what if… what if the healer was making wooyoung happy when you couldn’t anymore.
you feel the herbs slipping out of your hands and onto the ground, but you don’t bother to pick them up. you don’t have the energy to pick them up as all you had can do is turn and runaway from the sight of wooyoung and the healer and back into the forest.
tears blur your vision as you run through the forest, unsure if you’re even going in the right direction. you don’t care anymore. you don’t care if you make it back to the cottage, you just want to run. run far away in hopes that you’ll never have to see any other human, witch, dragon, or any other mythical creature again. you want to be alone for the rest of your miserably sad life.
because that’s all you deserve.
you suddenly trip over some up-grown tree roots and falling fast to the ground. your hands and knees slid across the ground the tree roots, scraping them as you fell while the air was knocked out of you. once you manage to sit up, you remain on the forest floor for several moments. you don’t have the energy anymore after knowing that wooyoung has potentially found someone else to make him happy. to make him smile and to receive his love.
what did you do wrong? you question yourself as you look up at the sky. maybe should accept the fact that witches and dragons are never meant to be together. because no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself that dragons and witches could never get along, you wanted to prove yourself wrong. you want to prove all the other witches wrong in that a witch and dragon could love each other.
“y/— are — /n— y/n!”
you don’t hear the familiar voice calling for you. nor do you hear the leaves crunching and heavy footsteps as the person searches for you.
“y/n! please, say something! where are you?” you turn to see wooyoung standing a good distance away from you. he’s out of breath as he stares at you before he makes his way towards you.
“y/n?” his voice is soft, softer than what you had heard in the last few weeks, as he drops to his knees in front of you. “what are doing out here in the middle of the forest?”
is that all he has to say after weeks of shutting you out? why is he suddenly caring about you after leaving for a week? why?
he tries to touch you, but you shove his hands away as you feel the tears build up once more.
“how dare you try to act that you care about me all of a sudden! how dare you act like you hadn’t ignored and pushed me away for weeks before leaving in the middle of the night! how dare you leave me alone, jung wooyoung! i hate you so much!” you sob as you hit his chest weakly.
wooyoung doesn’t say anything at first as he opts to pull you into his arms. you try to fight him at first, but eventually you give up and finally accept that you are in his arms again.
“i’m sorry for acting the why i did and for leaving. i know i shouldn’t have but i was scared and confused. will you come with me, so i can explain everything?” he asks as he pulls you away gently from him to look at your glassy eyes.
YOU’RE SURPRISED WHEN WOOYOUNG turns into his dragon form and heads for the direction of the southern mountains. you want to question the dragon, but you realize you better wait until you land. you knew the southern mountains were filled with all sorts of magical creatures.
you also knew about the dragon oracle that resided in the mountain, having heard many tales about how she had killed many dragon hunters and took in clanless dragons.
your eyes filtered down to wooyoung when you thought of clanless dragons. you knew wooyoung was one which is mainly why he had been living with you since you met him. you remember how scared and wounded he was when you found him on the verge of death near your cottage. how he tried to fight you off and refused your help before you basically dragged him inside your cottage with all your strength.
you remember him telling you how his clan had been burned to the ground by dragon hunters. he wasn’t sure if his family had even made it out, that his mother pushed him to run as a far away as he could. you know wooyoung still has nightmares about what happened to his clan, even years later. you always feel awful when he wakes up sobbing in the middle of the night, all you can do is hold him and comfort him.
hopefully the healer will be able to comfort him from now on like you use to.
you look up from wooyoung to see the southern mountains coming into view. you keep having to remind yourself how faster it is to travel by dragon and how easily they cross lands within such a short amount of time compared to humans.
when wooyoung lands, you make quick work to slide off of him and you notice the small house not too far from where he landed. where did he take you?
“wooyoung, where are we?” you ask turning to see the red haired dragon back in his human form as he makes his way towards you.
“this is… this is where the southern mountains’ dragon oracle lives,” wooyoung starts, “this is where i was this past week,” he adds on as he takes a few steps in front of you in order to lead you towards the home of the dragon oracle.
“why?” you ask as you follow wooyoung up the seemingly earth-made steps. you stumble a little on one step and wooyoung is quick to turn and catch you, pulling you to his chest, your faces only centimeters apart.
your mind flashes back to seeing wooyoung in the village with the healer, and you move away from him and you let out an awkward cough. “thank you…” you mumble before going in front of him.
“her name is seolhyun,” wooyoung tells you once you stand in front of the oracle’s door. he goes to knock, but before he can the door suddenly swings open and there stands the dragon oracle.
she’s older than both you and wooyoung, but is beautiful nonetheless. she looks between you and wooyoung for a moment before they settle on you.
“it’s been many moons since i seen an umbra witch, may your clan rest in peace now,” she says to you as she slightly bows her head and you return it, for reasons you’re unsure of.
“oracle seolhyun, i’m sorry to bother you but—
seolhyun puts a hand up, stopping wooyoung from speaking any further. she looks at you with a small smile as she steps aside as if welcome you into her home.
“umbran witch, please enter, but the dragon must remain out here,” she says and wooyoung looks like he wants to object, but he changes his mind.
you turn to look at wooyoung with a worry glance and he gives you a small smile, “it’s okay, i’ll be right here when you come out.” you hesitate for a moment, not completely sure if you fully trust wooyoung. what’s stopping him from leaving you here while he goes back to the village to that healer.
you don’t say anything as you turn back to the oracle and enter into her house while wooyoung remains outside.
THE INSIDE OF THE ORACLE’S HOUSE is dark with it being illuminated by many candles scattered around the rooms. you notice that heavy fabric curtains drape over the windows, blocking out any and all natural light.
“come, umbra witch,” the older dragon says guiding you through her home where she sits you down in a chair. “do you want some tea?”
“um, sure, please,” you say feeling a little odd at how this all seems.
“your dragon brought you here for a reason,” she begins from behind you as she makes tea for the two of you. “he came five days ago questioning about himself and his inner dragon,” she adds and you remain quiet. “i told him that his inner dragon spirit was yearning for his mate. that it was was starting to reject his human side and confuse his emotions,” she says and you jump at how the tea kettle suddenly goes off, startling you.
she places two cups on the table between you both, one for you and one for her. “you said his inner dragon was yearning for… his mate? what does that mean?”
“dragons like several other species have mates that they are destined to be with for the rest of their life. some dragons are even blessed with more than one mate, our ancestors seeing this as blessing equaling for good things to come or happen,” she explains the concept of mates to you before she takes a sip of her tea.
“so… wooyoung needs to be with… his mate then?” you ask trying to wrap your head around all the information she just dumped on you.
“his first one. wooyoung is destined to have eight mates, but only when the time is right will he meet the other ones,” she tells you.
“his first one?” you echo and she nods.
“when dragons are near their mates, but haven’t done the mating ritual yet their inner dragon become restless and wants to mate with them immediately even if the dragon doesn’t know that’s what’s happening,” she further explains and it suddenly clicks why wooyoung had been acting the way he had been.
it was his inner dragon that was making him act like this. you want to let out a sigh of relief, but your thoughts stop you as you think of wooyoung and the healer. is the healer… his mate? did he bring you hear to let you know that you weren’t his mate and that’s why he’s leaving you.
“do not overthink things dear umbra witch,” seolhyun says snapping you out of your thoughts. “not everything is what it seems, i suggest you speak with your dragon to solve your heartache.”
“who’s wooyoung’s mate?” you ask without thinking and you cringe at how desperate you sound.
the oracle lets out a small chuckle before speaking, “that is not something for me to answer. now go and speak with your dragon, he is waiting for you.”
you and the oracle bid each other goodbye before you are leaving her home. when you step outside you notice the sun has gone down and wooyoung is still where you left him. at the sound of you exiting the house, wooyoung snaps his head towards you and stand up with expecting eyes.
“what did she tell you?” he asks as he walks towards you but refrains from touching you.
“please take me home,” you tell him, wanting the time to think about what the dragon oracle told you. you also wanted time to think about what you wanted to say to wooyoung once return to your cottage.
WHEN YOU RETURN BACK TO THE COTTAGE, wooyoung follows you inside the familiar home which now has an air of uncertainty and coldness to it.
you know he’s waiting for you to speak as he hovers behind you, but you don’t know if you’re ready to speak to him yet. you don’t know if you’re fully ready to accept whether wooyoung might perhaps leave forever after this conversation. you want to prolong it as much as you can, no matter how selfish that may seem.
“y/n…” wooyoung says finally breaking the silence between you two.
“why didn’t you tell me you were going to see the oracle?” you ask, turning to look at him. you were trying hard not to cry. you didn’t want to cry in front of him. “i thought… i thought you— you had actually left,” you add and you notice the dragon licks his lips before he bites his lower one.
you deny how attractive he looks doing that simple action, but you push those thoughts to the back of your mind.
“i don’t know why i didn’t tell you. it was like my mind and body were acting on there own and i didn’t want to worry you more than i already had. it’s not an excuse and i’m sorry for how i acted, i just… i just needed answers,” he explains as you watch his eyes brim with tears and you feel your heart clench at the sight.
“who’s your mate?” you ask suddenly and he looks at you a little surprised and caught off guard by the question.
“isn’t it obvious?” he says looking at you with a lopsided smile as the tears run down his golden cheeks. you hate how beautiful he looks even when crying.
his response is probably what makes you finally cry, as you think about the healer from the village. wooyoung takes a step forward but you take one back away from him.
“please, just go wooyoung, go to that dumb healer and leave me by myself,” you say as you turn away from him as the tears continue to stream down your face.
“healer? what healer?” his voice is full of surprise as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“the healer from the village! your mate!” you shout and you’re surprised by how wooyoung grabs your shoulders and forces you to look at him.
“y/n, my sweet love, that healer is not my mate. you are, you are my mate. the one i am destined to be with forever,” he says looking at you with full seriousness.
“t-then why were you visiting the healer earlier today?” you question him and wooyoung looks a little shocked before a pink color dusts his cheeks.
“because… i-i was trying to make sure that i took the necessary precautions for when we mated,” he confesses and now it’s your turn to feel embarrassed when you get what he means by ‘mated.’ “i wanted to make sure i didn’t hurt you,” he adds on as he lets your shoulders go, but remains close to you.
“woo…” you say trailing off as you cup his face to have him look at you this time. “i’m sorry for assuming the worst,” you tell him and he lets out a small laugh.
“no,” he says shaking his head, “i’m sorry for making you doubt me, but please now that i will always remain loyal to you,” he says as he takes one of your hands and places a gently kiss on your palm.
WOOYOUNG HOVERS OVER YOU, the both of you naked and full vulnerable to each other as you lock eyes. your chest is covered in many love bites and your legs are shaking in anticipation for the two of you to finally become one.
“let me know if you start to feel any sort of pain, okay?” he says and you nod but wooyoung encourages you to use your voice.
“yes, wooyoung, i’ll let you know,” you tell me and he smiles before leaning down to you. wooyoung sits up a little in order to grab the oil he had gotten from the healer, an oil that it is meant to help makes things easier.
he’s about to pout some in his hand when you stop him, and he looks at you with concerned eyes. “let me do it,” you tell him, taking the bottle of oil from his hands before pouring some in your open palm. taking in the sight of his hard cock, you can’t help but feel the excitement and nervousness that courses through your veins.
wooyoung let’s out a long and loud moan as you begin to slowly stroke him. he tilts his head back and you take the moment to admire how his golden skin glistens with sweat and is covered in love bites. he looks beautiful like this and you can’t help but admire him a little longer as you stroke him.
“a-ah, y/n!” he says as he bucks his hips up before he’s reaching for the bottle of oil. he pours some the best he can while you continue to stroke him, covering his fingers in the oil before he’s tossing it to the side. his own hand comes down to cup your pussy before he’s easily sliding in two fingers making you let out a loud moan as the feeling of his fingers.
“fuck, you’re pussy feels so tight, can’t wait to fuck it, love,” he tells you making a heat come over your skin as he fingers you and forces you to listen to the wet sounds that come from your lower half. “it even sounds just a cute as your moans,” he adds with a large grin before he’s leaning over to kiss you.
“w-wooyoung, please, please fuck me,” you say once he pulls away from your lips and he smiles before slowly pulling out his fingers while you give his cock one last stroke.
“lay down, love,” he says and you find yourself in a the same position you were in a few minutes ago. his fingers knead at the flesh of your thighs as he spreads them and he smiles at the sight of your glistening pussy that is covers in both your own juices and the oil.
you feel your legs shake in excitement as he positions his cock at your entrance before slowly pushing in. your arms come up to wrap around his shoulders as moans continue to leave your lips and a large gasp leaves your lips once he bottoms out.
your legs wrap around his waist while his fingers dig into your hips that you know will leave bruises, but you feel too euphoric to care. wooyoung’s cock sits nicely inside you, allowing you to adjust to his size before he moves. you become impatient as you move your hips a little. wooyoung let’s out a small chuckle as he kisses the side of your head before he begins moving his hips in slow strokes before he begins to pick his pace up.
“f-fuck! fuck— wooyoung!” you moan out as you rake your nails down his back as he moves your legs over his shoulders.
“fuck— y/n, i love you so much, gonna let me mate you. gonna let me mark you and come— ngh, inside you?” he voice is strained a little as he continues to drill his hips into yours.
“y-yes! please woo! you make me feel so good, i love you, too!” you cry out before wooyoung is pressing a sloppy kiss to your lips when he pulls away you witness the line of spit connecting your lips before wooyoung is trailing open mouth kisses down your jaw and to your shoulder.
you clench around his cock when you realize what he is about to. the red haired dragon lets out an open mouth moan as he licks a strip up your neck before kissing a spot on your shoulder. you let out a cry once he bites your shoulder, breaking through the skin slightly before he’s pulling away and licking at the bite mark.
you feel your eyes roll into the back of your head as you are overcome with a sudden feeling in the pit of your stomach. “w-wooyoung, i feel— i feel strange,” you tell him.
“want me to stop?” he asks as he slows his pace down a little bit.
“n-no, keep going,” you tell him and he complies as he picks his speed back up and you can’t help but clench down one his cock once again. it’s only then that the feeling seems to snap and your whole body shakes. wooyoung does a few more good thrust before he’s stilling inside of you. sheathing his cock as far as he can before you can feel his come shooting inside your pussy. it’s a weird feeling, you think as wooyoung moves your legs and you once again wrap them lazily around his waist to keep him close to you.
wooyoung is out of breath as he collapses on top of you and you let out a small huff at his sudden weight. you kiss his temple as you rub his back in a soothing motion as you feel him kiss the area around his mark.
“my pretty, pretty mate, you look so beautiful. can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with you,” he says with a slight slur to his words.
“you’re my pretty mate too, youngie,” you tell him with a smile as you hold him impossibly close to you.
wooyoung sits up, hands on either side of your head as he looks you with suddenly serious eyes.
“i meant it when i said i love you,” he says as he leans down rest his forehead against yours. “i will always be here and protect you, no matter what happens when we meet our other mates. you will always be my priority, don’t ever forget that, please.”
his words shock you and you wonder where they suddenly came from, “okay. i love you too wooyoung. forever and always.”
“forever and always, my first love,” he says before kissing you and you spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms, basking in the warmth and love of each other.
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honorary tag : @sanjoongie
network : @cultofdionysusnet
tag list (bold means unable to tag) : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @hwal0v3r @marahleiwhen @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @voidcupidz @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kangskims @cvpitvno @lzvxndxr @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @acciocriativity
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dancingdonatello · 2 years
donnie x gender neutral reader
“In order to date me, you must pass a simple test.” Donnie held the paper vertically in two hands right in front of his chest.
You were in his lab, surrounded by his entire family who were spectating. It was nerve wracking, how they all smirked and eyed you up. It was as if they knew something you didn’t.
But you had studied. You had spent several hours reviewing math equations, practicing chemical equations, and of course, memorizing as much of Pi as you could. As long as you didn’t have to write a rhetorical analysis, you should be able to manage a low C.
Donnie cleared his throat, setting an egg timer at the desk you were sitting at. “You have an hour.” He set the paper in front of you along with a #2 pencil.
You looked down at the test and paused. You picked up the paper and flipped it over. Blank. You flipped it back over. There was only a single question, in all caps and italicized.
a) purple
b) blue
c) orange
d) red
Your first thought was that this was a trick but the more you tried to think about it, the more jumbled your thoughts became.
Leo saw your face and walked over, leaning over your shoulder to look at the test. “What?! Don, are you serious? This is way too easy!”
Raph and Mikey joined his side to look. Mikey gasped. “No… this is psychological torture.”
Donnie snorted, no doubt seeing the sweat beginning to form on your forehead. He said nothing.
His brothers were not helping you at all. Mikey was too loud, yelling, “Wait! Let me go get my pom poms!” before returning with thrmand shaking them in front of you. It was very distracting.
Then Leo was basically breathing down your neck to be able to watch every movement you made towards the paper. He’d hum and groan in disapproval each time you hovered over a color.
And lastly, Raph was trying to be encouraging, muttering advice next to you. But none of it made sense. You listened to him for a moment before you realized he was talking about pizza and car insurance.
You were full on sweating at this point and you had to pull at the collar of your shirt to catch a breeze. Which there were none. You were dying.
“Donnie, babe, can you please give me a hint?”
Donnie rose an eyebrow, not looking up from his phone. “Pet names are dating privileges, which you don’t have as last time I checked, you haven’t turned in your test yet. Also, no talking. There are tests still out.”
You buried your face into your hands. You really had to focus. Purple, blue, orange or red. It was easy. It had to be easy. But what if it was a trick? Or what if it was a trick to make you think it was a trick?
He had told you that Splinter had called them colors to remember them. Or something like that. If it was true, he could’ve held a grudge against the color purple because of that. But what if he became attached to it? He had really wanted that purple jacket the Purple Dragons had after all. But maybe… Oh, you were definitely going to have a headache after this.
You took a deep breath and picked up your pencil. You circled your answer.
“Oooh… are you sure about that, bud?” Leo tsked judgmentally, making you second guess yourself. You stood up and trudged over to Donnie. You shakily handed him the paper.
“Hmmm….” Donnie read it over. “Wow. Perfect score. 1/1.”
You gasped and Mikey jumped onto your back with a cheer. “You did it!”
“But—” your blood ran cold. “—you forgot to put your name. Unfortunately, that means I’ll have to take a point off. And of course, that also means you got a 0/1.”
You almost fell to your knees.
“But!” Donnie said again, holding up a finger. “There is extra credit available.”
“What is it?!”
The next day at school, while Donnie was hidden around a corner with his camera out and recording, you stuck your leg out and tripped Kendra.
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Hot take. Everyone needs to stop pointing at one character in Jade Winglet and be like “AH! They're THE asshole of the group! That one! That one specifically!” Because everyone is an asshole.
Moonwatcher won't shut the fuck up which causes people to feel bad (Reference; Winter Turning, Pg. 75) because, hypocritically, she only has a censor if it “benefits” (hard quotation because it has always failed her. Reference; Luna and Moonwatchers interaction) her.
Qibli is an ass, like, a HUGE ass. He pressures Turtle and berates the very thing he's self-conscious about. He's got massive main-character syndrome; he wants power, he always wanted power, but he wants COMPLETE control of power without any repercussions. One of the reasons he refused Darkstalker's offer was because he wasn't entirely sure he would slip something in there.
Winter is an ass, he literally attacks other dragons without thinking about it (Reference; Peril), he's quick to strike and like Qibli, berates Turtle for being “a waste of potential” to his tribe.
Kinkajou goes off on everyone's backs and uses the remnants of the magic scroll to control and transform Darkstalkers against his consent or will. She has essentially killed him via poison. The whole book and DS character arc was trying to push through a narrative that you shouldn't control people, that you shouldn't take away their free will, and that you shouldn't transform their being into a form for your desire and comfort. Yet it's completely flipped on its head because Kinkajou wanted to be “a little silly” with her solution in ending the IceWing and NightWing conflict. She does exactly just this and that makes her part of the asshole list.
Turtle is inactive, his inaction causes a lot of problems for the others in a negative way in order to preserve his own self. He uses animus magic on Anemone just to make sure that he doesn't get any attention but this backfires and his sister is left not only being used as a WMD by Queen Coral, additionally, she is also left feeling alone in her magic. Turtle just sat on the sidelines as he actively watched Anemone get used like a tool by her mother and groomed by a disgusting snotball of a power-hungry political obsessed eel bbq dragon. His “neutrality” was incredibly toxic towards the upbringing of his sister. Yet, despite being the one guy everyone likes to pounce on and beat down he's probably the LEAST asshole character out of everyone in Jade Winglet. You can point at Turtle's issue of “not doing anything” and dig deeper to realize he's a child for one (an even younger child when he enchanted Anemone) and for two it's an unhealthy trauma response from his family. He has helped and supported every single Jade Winglet member in their “fall/on their knees” development and all he ever got in return was those to treat him like garbage (with Peril being the only one who wanted to help him and realizing how shitty animus magic is for him and attempted to make a situation better by ripping up the scroll with good intentions in mind).
Peril is probably the most self-explanatory but she tries. I can't really say anything else about the flaming toaster oven w/ the pizza box inside it dragon that not everyone else has said negatively about Peril before. She's uncontrollable and she constantly talks about hurting others, yak yak yak… Brownie points is that she's attempting to become a better person and trying to find her own path in life.
Now that everyone has run away typing furiously in the comments reblogging tags about this and that I want to emphasize that everything I said above is about CANON CONTENT. You can LOVE YOUR ASSHOLES!!! I personally LOVE MY ASSHOLES!!! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that the protagonists that you read aren't the greatest people in the whole wide world. I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room as Peril if she was an actual person; with that said that doesn't mean she ISN’T my favorite dragon in the whole gosh darn freaking series. Winter is a bastard, I love Winter. Qibli is a bastard, I love Qibli. Moonwatcher… Actually, no. Moonwatcher can not. (this last one is a joke and a personal opinion, if I was to look at her into it retrospectively and have a positive thing to say I would say she's very neurodivergent relatable, and her power is very autism-coded.).
Jade Winglet is full of bastards.
I love my Jade Winglet bastards.
Stop being in denial and using “well I don't like [Insert Jade Winglet Member] because of what they did with [Insert Plot Point Here]” and accept that your favorite is a bastard. Tired of hearing about this rank system on who's more fucked up than the other and debating if they deserve love and respect for that. Ofc they do. They're your favs, y'all don't need to push or morally justify trying to like your favs by putting another Jade Winglet member down. You aren't impressing anyone or going “GOTCHA!” for this thought process.
Now stop fighting you cursed dragon hyperfixated disaster fandom. (/j)
Drops Mic
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jgracie · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH . . . cabin one headcannons
masterlist | rules
warnings zeus (sorry)
an im gonna be doing these for all the cabins cz i have a lot of ideas in my head LOL but in order of numbers so sorry hecate kids
on the radio electric touch (taylor swift), thunder (imagine dragons), she’s thunderstorms (arctic monkeys), skyfall (adele)
In my head, there are two types of Zeus demigods: lightning and thunder 
‘Lightning’ are the ones with (literally LOL) electrifying personalities, representing the Zeus a lot of their parents probably fell for. They’re fun loving party animals and are down for almost anything. Not to the extent of a Hermes or Dionysus kid, but definitely up there 
‘Thunder’ are quiet and level-headed, showing more of the ‘ruler of the Gods’ side of their father. They have a royal-esque aura to them and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Despite not doing too much to frighten others and mostly keeping to themselves, people still know to stay respectful and that they’re a force to be reckoned with 
The two seem like polar opposites most of the time and have people questioning how the same God could create such different kids, but they actually have a lot in common
The main trait all Zeus kids share is an extreme calling to leadership. Just like how their father saved all his elder siblings from their father’s stomach and became their king, they feel the need to be in charge and make sure everyone’s okay
They are also incredibly good at it. Zeus kids are always the people to go to when you need a pep talk or some words of motivation. Even the ones who perceive themselves as more pessimistic have it in them
A lot of people believe Zeus kids have a minor form of charmspeak because of how good it is, but they don’t
When they’re leading a cause they’re excited about, or if they just have a lot of energy in general, their energy tends to rub off on others like static. Once one person gets it, it's passed along and all of a sudden everyone’s hyped
While their leadership is a good trait to have, it can become obsessive and unhealthy, turning into perfectionism as they want to control every aspect of their life. A severe need for control in all aspects of life is a common fatal flaw for Zeus kids
All of Zeus’ kids could have the ability to fly, but they have to actively try in order for it to happen. If they’re afraid of heights (like Thalia), it just won’t
They can also jump really high. They say it comes naturally, but in reality they just use the air to propel themselves up LOL
The main power associated with Zeus kids is, of course, electrokinesis. They all have it, but it takes them a while to be able to fully control it and harness it to its full potential. They can usually summon lightning no matter the weather conditions, but it tends to be more powerful the more clouds there are in the sky 
Multiple Zeus kids could also create a chain-reaction of sorts with their lightning powers (kind of like that one Pikachu scene in the og Pokemon)
Since metal is a good conductor of electricity, I’m gonna make an assumption and say so are celestial bronze and imperial gold (I know gold is really low on the reactivity series but shh), which means Zeus kids could just wield a weapon of pure lightning if they were in the mood
Some of them have control over clouds/can create clouds. Obviously not to the extent of their father’s powers (like how he made a whole fake Hera out of clouds), but they could use clouds to obstruct people’s vision and make fun shapes for little kids 
Zeus’ children also have an EXTREMELY ACCURATE gut feeling. Extremely accurate in caps because it's that good. Theirs is the only one that could rival Apollo’s kids. Somehow they just know everything
If you asked a child of Zeus what it’s like, they’ll say something along the lines of some random voice randomly appearing in their head and telling them something
It sounds kind of creepy, but it's not. They could just be staring at two people they’ve never met and immediately think, “she’s gonna confess this afternoon,” or something. This ability is especially powerful with the weather. They always know deep down what the weather will be like as soon as they wake up
The sky could be dark grey with thunder rumbling in the background and, as long as a Zeus kid says it won't rain that day, you wouldn’t need an umbrella. This is an ability that becomes pretty handy during quests
Very scary when they’re mad. Ares kids are scared of them when they’re mad. They go quiet and grunt a, “I’m fine,” if you ask them if they’re okay but you can tell they’re angry from the way their eyes seem to get darker and people’s hairs stand on end when they pass by them
#1 grudge holders and believers in payback. Especially if someone hurts the people they love. A lot of their lives were negatively affected by their father’s carelessness towards people he claimed he loved, so they vow to never do the same
If you genuinely believe a Zeus kid has let you off the hook after you did something to upset them, you’re so wrong and I’m scared for you
Anyways love you Zeuserinas please take care and remember you don’t have to be perfect all the time & its okay to rest every once in a while
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rachiebeee · 11 months
some Leo headcanons I have
Leo doesn't know what day his birthday is. He knows its in July, but he hasn't done anything on it since he was 8 and he used to act like it was/wasn't on certain days based on how well they went (he thinks its the 7th, but he hates the number 7 so he ignores it).
Leo has stolen and crashed a police car. He will do it again.
Leo's mother and Aunt Rosa both had dreams from Gaea that told them Leo was going to kill Esperanza, but Esperanza took it as an "he'll do it on accident bc he doesn't know how to control his powers" and Rosa took it as "It's a sign from God and this child was sent by the devil".
He's asexual biromantic, but in love with the idea of being in love.
He learns a form of script-based magic - the same thing that is etched on each stone used for the Hecate cabin. Jo is his teacher, but when he visits camp all of the Hecate cabin are happy to help him too. He views it as a code instead of magic, and only ever uses it in the things he builds because he forgets it can be useful on its own.
He's a Fall out Boy stan. Loves all types of rock too, but FOB was his gateway into it.
Every time he went to a new school if they had a music program he could join for free he would. Originally he'd just choose a new instrument every school, but on his third try he learnt drums and decided to stick with it.
HIs eyes look like yooperlite while it's glowing, but more like burning coals while he's using his powers.
On that note, Leo's body temperature can be way hotter than the normal person's. On a normal day where he's fine in everyway, he's hot but not hot enough for people to think he's feverish. When he's excited his temperature rapidly increases, as it does with stress. When he forgoes sleeping his body forgets to regulate his temperature, which leads to him either going very cold or very hot.
He can't really get fevers at all really. It's also very hard for a lot of illnesses to effect him because half the time he burns it up before he even knows its there. When he does get sick it's really bad though, because his immune system is actually pretty weak.
Related to that, he is the only known person who can currently be a theoretical host to a thermophile virus. Not that he would, but it is a thought that has crossed his mind.
He has a hobby of making little robots. He makes Piper a bronze eagle one as a present and he slowly starts to make them for his friends
Annabeth gets a cat because he thinks she has cat vibes and an owl would be basic. Percy gets an otter because Leo did not want to think about making a robot fish that works well out of water. Frank gets a chameleon as a joke, but he makes it so it can turn into a small dragon too. Hazel gets a snake, again for the vibes. Nico gets a lizard. Just like, a nondescript lizard. He makes Reyna a bronze dog to "complete the metal set", but it's based of a Molossus of Epirus instead of a hound. Jo and Emmie get matching gryphons, and Georgina's little robot is a llama. Leo makes himself a wolf in honour of Jason.
On the topic of making things, Leo also gets really into all forms of metalsmithing. Which includes making jewellery, which leads to him getting a lot of piercings. Piper does too, because they went to go get the piercings together. He loves giving people little friendship bracelets, and charms, and ornaments. He makes people themed cutlery sets.
His love language is gift giving, if it's not obvious.
He stays in contact with Apollo, but in order to not upset Zeus they frame it as 'music lessons'. As the inventor of the Valdezinator (and its best player), it's a pretty good excused. Leo does make new instruments occasionally when they feel like they're pushing the 'lesson' excuse.
They fr just gossip during them though, and then give each other a scuffed form of therapy. They go from talks about petty drama to unanswerable philosophical discussions to jokes that make no sense.
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utilitycaster · 18 days
Wow your Orym tags really are an eye-opener. You are totally right and now I understand the bitterness about this character a little better. I've seen a lot of "...but C3 is supposed to be this and that" takes and I guess a lot of people think they are owed a certain storyline?
Yeah. People feeling as though they're owed a certain storyline is not new nor exclusive to Critical Role; it's been pretty common in fandom for years (see this excellent post that I still think about). But the particular blame being placed on Orym is a fun new twist on this theme.
I'm sure there's people who hate Orym for other reasons; shipping wank is another very common form of entitlement to a particular storyline. I must admit when it comes to Twitter I think some people just yell random lies out into the void to hear their own voice because there is no underlying logic to any of it. But I do think a large number of people who have been blaming Orym for everything for what is now the majority of the campaign are doing so because he has consistetly refused to entertain the idea that Ludinus makes any valid points from the start, and the narrative has pretty much only rewarded him for that.
A lot of people really thought that Campaign 3 "all bets are off" didn't mean like, messing with the narrative structure (they hate when that happens by the way. they acted like Downfall and the Solstice Split and the fact that this has been a very plot-driven campaign rather than one about character backstory are all fucking violations of the Geneva convention the way they carried on, and I say this as a person who can complain) but rather that Critical Role, a D&D-based fantasy, would shed those pesky two previous campaigns of canon (unless of course earlier canon helps them make a point. I truly cannot believe someone made like 5 alts and harassed me and all my mutuals for an entire evening over hypocrisy for...liking one ship more than another when these idiots exist) in order to become some kind of deeply pathetic "French Revolution Except Instead Of Kings It's Gods" historical re-enactment.
We're at the point where like, nothing has validated them and everything they've claimed the gods have done, Ludinus or the Weave Mind have done like, tenfold. As mentioned, the people who were like "oh my god STOP SAYING HUBRIS anyway obviously Bells Hells would NEVER see the gods as relatable" just watched Laudna and Imogen be like "wow, they're flawed and conflicted and a fucked up family just like us." I shit you not, I saw someone criticize FCG's relationship with the Changebringer because "he had to work for it" as if that's not like...how literally all relationships work if you're not an utter black hole of entitled self-absorption. The Kreviris Imperium wants to straight up colonize all of Exandria but they turn a blind eye. There's someone out there talking about putting Rashinna's head on a pike for being willing to endanger the poor Ruidusborn children that...Liliana (probably to some extent coerced by Ludinus to be fair) could have left alone to live out their lives on Exandria. People genuinely channel some anti-abortion "but What About The Disabled Children? Shouldn't Pregnant People Be Forced To Carry And Parent Them" style arguments at Alma's "hey, we have people delay birth for like half an hour so their children don't have The Psychic Migraine Disorder That Made Imogen Possibly Suicidal". The arguments have devolved into "well, canon isn't real" and "but the status quo" as if there aren't ALIENS FROM SPACE SPEAKING AT THE DRAGON VATICAN. How STUPID do you have to be to think that wouldn't change the entire world. Or, to get back to this ask, how desperate are you to maintain the illusion that you are going to get a wish-fulfillment campaign that never once existed? So yeah. They blame Orym because otherwise they have to blame literally the entire cast, and themselves.
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