#I remember *exactly* how it felt when I realized that this person genuinely gives a shit about me and wants me to be happy
heylittleriotact · 8 months
I have never been more emotionally catapulted by a video game than I am from hugging a vampire. This is ridiculous.
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jarofstyles · 6 days
Strawberry Sunrise 2
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Hello my angels, here is part two of gymrry! 💪🏼 I hope you guys enjoy him
Part One
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Warnings- mentions of violence, stalking, sexism, misogyny, self defense training
WC- 3.3k
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Harry was exhausted physically, but mentally he felt more awake than he’d ever been after a long day of sessions. 
Sitting at the smoothie bar, he sipped on a PB Choc shake that Y/N had ready for him after he was done with his last session of the day. He tried to pay her, but she’d insisted yet again that he was helping her out so the least she could do was give him a free drink. Harry was a tad bit pathetic in how much her genuine smile made his heart race, but instead he nodded and let her finish up her closing duties. He’d offered to help but her eyes had narrowed and she had pointed at his drink, so he decided to leave it be.
Besides, it gave him time to observe her. 
The ponytail was slightly falling now, a few pieces of hair around her face and at the nape of her neck as she wiped down counters. Her tank top with the gym name on it was slightly loose on the torso but clung to her chest. Yoga pants were her choice of bottom, which, fuck- he had to avert his eyes from those considering he had to get up close with her soon. He had to teach her so he wasn’t about to have a stiffy when he showed her how to throw a punch. As attracted to her as he was, these sessions were to help her feel safe. He’d rather have an arm chopped off than be another one of those men that she felt creeped around her. 
It was no secret that Y/N was attractive. She was probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, if he was being honest with himself. It was discussed between staff and other trainers about how beautiful she was and how her personality was only elevating the physical beauty she had, because the girl was sweet as pie. She was the type that remembered everyone’s birthday and made sure they got a free protein cookie or gym shirt, and put a few decorations in the break room even in the short time she had been here. Y/N was someone a lot of women felt comfortable enough to go to when someone made them uncomfortable, using her power and access to the private security guard (Who unfortunately left before her) to have them escorted out. It had made it all the more upsetting to Harry to know she had felt defenseless over the guy waiting outside the night before. 
Unfortunately he knew it was a reality for all women. He had a sister, a mother, multiple women as friends and it infuriated him to know that her experience wasn’t an uncommon one. It had made him more than proud of her, actually, when she asked him to help her. To take your personal security and safety seriously was a big deal, even if you shouldn’t need it in the first place. The hope was she’d never need to use them, but he was relieved that she trusted him enough to ask him to teach her. 
The doors at the front were locked so no one could get in, Y/N giving them a few tugs to make sure it stuck before she turned on her heels to face him. Clapping her hands together, she nearly bounced over to him with a spring on her step that he envied, grabbing her water bottle she’d left beside him. “Okay! Let’s get started. I promise not to keep you here for a long time, 20 minutes should be fine- but I realized last night I’d probably break my hand if I threw a punch.”
Yeah, that was exactly what they’d want to avoid. 
“We don’t have to rush unless you’ve got to get out of here. All that’s waiting for me at home is a fish tank and some tea.” He assured her, leaving his bag at the smoothie counter as they made their way towards the training area. 
“Oh- I thought you had a girlfriend?” She asked curiously, undoing her ponytail. Hair fell down to her shoulders momentarily as she ran her fingers through the roots, fluffing it out before smoothing her hair back to fasten into a new ponytail. “That girl that came in a few times, pretty red hair?”
“Oh, no.” Harry shook his head. She’d noticed that? It was interesting that she had. “She’s a friend’s girlfriend. Amanda and I go jogging sometimes but she and her girlfriend are my mates. She’s a chef, though, so she brings me stuff to test out since she specializes in health foods.” He could see it seeming much different to her though. “I’m single, chronically.” The need to clarify was there, maybe seeming a little desperate but hey- apparently he’d not made that clear enough.
“She was super nice and pretty, so I assumed. But I made an ass out of myself with that, didn’t I?” Her laugh was lighthearted but he swore he saw her smile get a bit bigger as she raised her arms up to stretch them over her head. “You’ve got fish?” 
“No, I don’t think so. It’s natural to assume things sometimes. But as for the fish- I do.” He nodded, feeling a little happier himself. Y/N noticed that he had a visitor and seemed happy it wasn’t his girlfriend. “It’s a hobby, I’ve got a saltwater tank. I’m not home enough for a dog, even though I really would like one. Fish are beautiful, relatively easy if you make sure you do the cycling upkeep, and don’t need to be brought out for walks. Besides, I don’t think they miss me too much when m’gone all day.” 
“Oh, god. I get it. I’ve got a cat and she’s a menace when I get home. It’s like I’d been off to war, she likes her snuggles but gets mad at me so she grumbles when she sits on my lap.” Her laugh rang through the gym. A beautiful sound he’d love to hear more of. “Fish are cool though! I watch some of those guys who build ponds on YouTube and all of that when I can’t sleep, makes me wish I could have one in my place. I’ve just got a balcony though.” 
“I’ve been saving for a house, so I get it. I rent small because I don’t need a ton of space for just me.” It was clean and tidy, upgraded with the food appliances and a comfy bed, but Harry wasn’t home all that often. Even if sometimes he wished he was. There wasn’t much to come home to. Maybe he’d be more inclined to get the house search on if he had a partner or something, but as of right now he was happy to stay where he was. “Uh, I meant to ask what you know but you said you were worried about breaking your hand during a punch. Let me see how you make a fist, please.”
In all reality he could spend hours just chatting with her, but if he didn’t try and get to the point they’d be there all night. As nice as it sounded to him, he doubted she wanted that. 
“God- don’t judge me too harshly please. I’ve always been a lover, not a fighter.” Y/N curled her hand up into a fist which she could see immediately wasn’t correct by the look on his face. “I appreciate the effort but I can totally see you wincing right now.”
“Sorry! M’sorry, I just… here.” With cautious fingers, he helped her unfurl her fingers. “You don’t want your thumb inside. It’s far more likely to break that way.” He began arranging the fingers as they needed to be. “You’re gonna want t’have your thumb on the outside… like this.” He murmured, the warmth of his hand a contrast to her cooler one. “Between your first and the second knuckles right here…” his touch was gentle as he adjusted her smaller fingers in the fist. “Near your index and middle. There.” Releasing her hand, he showed her on his own hands. “See? Like this.”
“Okay- I see. I always forget if it’s in or out and then I go with it because it feels like it would protect the thumb but, I’ll remember now.” She sighed, mirroring it with her second hand. “Where do I hit?”
“Easy, Tiger.” Harry laughed, letting his hands fall down. “You’re going to want to remember that the first thing you want to try is to get away first. That’s always the first option, escape and run the hell off. Make noise, get attention from other people. There’s power in making a scene.” From self defense classes he’d taught before he decided to take the shorter form and give it to her now. “You don’t know what people have. I don’t want to scare you, Y/N, but people are unpredictable. The most important thing is your safety, so getting away is the most ideal thing. But if you can’t, you want to make sure you have a good stance so they have less of a chance in grabbing you or knocking you over.” 
Planting both feet on the ground, he left his knees unlocked and kept his arms raised close to his body. “Shoulder width apart, arms up at your sides. Try it.” He stood next to her to show her, gently using his foot to nudge her legs a little further apart as he moved towards the front. “Put your dominant side leg out more in front of you. The worst thing to do is to have your knees locked because it’ll be easier to knock you over.” Rocking on his legs he demonstrated the right way to move, which she followed. There had been no doubt she’d catch on quickly, but he was still impressed. “Are you following along? This is just a crash course and we can meet again to go over more specifics but even just a little bit of this stuff can make or break you.” 
“I am. I really am interested in knowing it all, so keep going please.” She encouraged, eyes bright and determined. It was ridiculously cute in his opinion. “So what if someone grabs your arms?” 
 “If someone grabs you? You pull down. There’s more momentum that way and you’re likely to break free versus if you go up- may I touch you?” The permission was granted with a nod, his hands gripping firmly on to her forearms. “Try moving up, and then down.” 
Y/N followed instructions, immediately seeing the difference in it as she got her arms freed from his grip on the down pull. “Okay, I see. I’ve always meant to go to a self defense class but I’ve put it off… I’m really glad you were there last night. I was nervous to ask because I didn’t want to be overreacting but… I wasn’t sure.” A shrug of the shoulders followed her words. “I didn’t think the guy was gonna hurt me or anything but I didn’t know what he wanted. Why he was staying after I already said no.”
“No.” Harry said gruffly. “No. You don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, Y/N. The first priority is always to protect yourself. Even if you find it embarrassing after and no harm was meant, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. You should do it.” The idea of her not asking because she worried about how it would come off made his chest hurt. 
“Listen, I think that our intuition is the best gift we have. It’s there to protect us, down to the most biological level. So if you felt the need to have protection it’s because your body knew it needed it. Okay?” His voice softened up at the end. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like that, but I’ve seen what happens when women aren’t taken seriously. When guys think they’re overthinking or crazy. My sister…” he paused. “She was hurt because people told her she was overreacting, so she doubted her intuition. She’s okay now, but I’ve never forgotten about how she asked for help and people assumed that she just didn’t need it.” 
Harry didn’t talk about that period a lot. In all honesty, it surprised him that he’d even brought it up, but Y/N had gotten to that soft spot in his defenses and reminded him that he could be the one to help her avoid that sort of pain that he knew his sister had to go through.    
“I’m so sorry something happened to your sister, Harry.” Y/N whispered. “I promise I’ll listen to you and take your advice. That’s why I asked you. Something felt wrong and it was because there was no reason for him to be there waiting for me like that, and your car was in the side lot so he couldn’t see it… he thought I was alone.” Swallowing the lump in her throat at the thoughts of what If, she wrapped her arms around herself to self-soothe. “I know I watched a lot of true crime a couple years back and I used to think I was just being paranoid, but it was a wake up call. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with a guy not taking no for an answer and thinking persistence was something that would wear me down, but it was the first time I felt that level of unsafe. My stomach hurt just looking out there.” 
Harry could only imagine. As much as it tugged on his heart to grab her and hug her body to his chest, he didn’t have that right. Not yet, anyways. “Christ, I know. He gave me the creeps too, if I’m being honest. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you overreacted and I think you’re incredibly brave to ask for my help. It’s exactly what you should do. You need to protect yourself at every turn, even if it’s exhausting.” 
“I know. I do, I did for a while but I didn’t think about it happening while working here. A lot of people ignore me most of the time which is fine, some flirt, but no one’s made me feel outright uncomfortable or unsafe before at work. I used to have one coworker back at a store I worked at that would be a bit too persistent but he left me alone after a while. I realize now that I should have said something back then.” 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to ridicule yourself for your past mistakes or actions in general. You made it here, you’re safe and you made the best decisions you could for the world that’s taught you that. But now, I want to teach you how to make sure you can get yourself out of any situation that could come up.” He felt sick at the idea of her having to use these skills but even for his own state of mind, it would help him feel better. 
“Okay.” She nodded, giving him her eyes. It felt like a hit to his chest, stealing his breath.  “Did you want to do more of this, then? I don’t want to keep you for too long because I know if I’m tired you must be exhausted. Can we plan to meet up again?” Harry was pretty sure his exhaustion had to be on his face for her to say it, but he had to agree. Today had been an unusually filled day, so next time he hoped to be able to do more. 
“That sounds good. We can text about it some more if you want to make a little schedule, but if you’d be comfortable you can meet me out at a park or something. I’ve got a nice one near my building if you want to do something in daylight. I think we’ve both got Wednesday’s off?” It was a wonder for him how luck had been on his side with coinciding days off, but he watched her nod and the ponytail she’d pulled back a few moments ago bouncing along with the motion. It was difficult for him not to be gross and think about holding said ponytail again, but he reminded himself that this wasn’t for his personal wants. She was trusting him with teaching her so he had to keep it in his pants. 
“Yeah! I’d love to do that.” She agreed easily. “Can I see your fish tank, though? Not trying to invite myself to your place, even though I kinda am. I just think it’s really cool that you have one.”
“Course, I don’t mind at all.” His chest felt lighter at her own willingness to go past just a coworker sort of thing and initiating getting to know more about him. “I’ll stay later and work on emails at the smoothie bar for the rest of the week then, make sure I’m here to walk you out. I’ll see if I’ve got some other self defense supplies too. I ordered some a while ago t’keep in my car and I know they accidentally sent me an extra taser.” They didn’t. He’d ordered it last night. 
“Oh, really? That would be so lovely of you to let me use it. I’ll pay you back for it.” Grabbing her water bottle from the side of the mats, she turned and surprised the hell out of him by wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug. It took him a second to reciprocate, blinking a few times in shock as he planted his palm over her back. He hoped to god he smelled decent and that the fact he’d had to use the soap the gym provided instead of his own today had been enough.
“Thank you, H. I really appreciate it. I love working here, but you’re so nice to me it’s crazy. I know you don’t have to do any of this for me but you’re going above and beyond and I.. I can’t think of a way to thank you.”
Harry prayed again that she couldn’t hear how hard his heart was beating- or at least thought it had something to do with the training as she rested her cheek against his chest and sort of snuggled in. It was by far the best hug he had ever had in his life. If he could have one of these a day, the stress level would most definitely be brought down. He’d almost bet on it. The feeling in his tummy swirled as he chuckled to disguise just how much he liked holding her, giving a gentle squeeze to her body. It felt so right to have her body pressed against his own, like she was meant to be there. “You’re lovely, Y/N. Course I’d do it for you. You’re a real gem, y’know that? It’s rare to meet someone with genuine kindness like you’ve shown everyone here.” It was crucial that she knew that he saw it. “As for a way to thank me?” 
He had a lot of ideas on that, but he settled on the more savory and far less inappropriate answer. Y/N was his little crush, but he wasn’t sure she had a clue. “All I want is for you t’keep yourself safe, come to me or call if you feel uncomfortable… and maybe a few extra shakes.”  He’d take a PB Choc or Strawberry Sunrise she made any day. 
“Mmm… You’ve got yourself a deal.” Y/N’s face was bright despite the tired eyes she had, pulling away from the hug. Immediately he mourned the warmth and plush of her body. If he could pull her back into the embrace without it being weird, he would. A new addiction. “But for now, you’ll act like the fierce protector you are and walk me to my car, yeah?”
“Anything for you, pet. Let’s go. Need to feed the fish.”
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austinswife · 10 days
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SYNOPSIS — You, Y/N Butler, take the audience on a sentimental journey through the special items in your luxury handbag. Each piece tells a story—whether it's the vintage film camera from Austin, the love letters you've exchanged since the beginning of your relationship, or the precious heirlooms that connect you to family. When asked to read aloud one of Austin’s love letters, you share a touching moment, recalling the first time he asked you out.
WARNING(S) — Pure fluff, deep family ties, romantic gestures, wholesome vibes.
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You glance toward the camera, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as the team adjusts the lighting. The energy in the room is warm and casual, perfect for what you’re about to share. The set is cozy, filled with soft light and neutral tones, making the space feel intimate.
"Hi!" you say brightly, leaning back into the plush leather chair. "I’m Y/N Butler, and today I am here with VOGUE to do ‘What inside Y/N’s bag.’"
Your smile softens as you say their names, a genuine warmth radiating from you. "Today, I’m going to take you all on a little journey through my bag—a peek into some of the things I carry with me every day. Some of it’s practical, but if I’m honest, most of it is sentimental. I think that’s how I am—I like keeping pieces of the people I love close, even when I’m on the go."
You glance down at the luxurious handbag in your lap, running your hand over its soft leather exterior. "This bag is one of my favorites—it’s been with me for years now. I use it for pretty much everything, especially when I’m traveling. It’s got a lot of personal things in it, so… let’s see what we’ve got, shall we?"
With a playful smile, you unzip the bag and peer inside. The first thing you pull out is a film camera—a vintage, well-loved model. You hold it up for the camera to see, the smile on your face growing as you turn it over in your hands.
"This right here is a gift from Austin," you explain, brushing your thumb over the camera’s edge. "He gave it to me on our second wedding anniversary. I remember him saying he wanted to give me something that could capture the moments that mattered most in a way that felt… timeless. And that’s exactly what this camera does. I love the process of using film—it makes every picture feel like a little treasure."
You laugh softly, remembering the many times you’ve pulled this camera out during family moments. "I take so many pictures of Austin and Wren on this. They’re some of my favorite memories, and there’s something really magical about having them on film rather than just on my phone. It’s almost like you’re holding onto the moment itself."
Setting the camera down gently, you reach back into the bag, your fingers brushing over a small, plush item. With a soft smile, you pull out a tiny bird toy—Wren’s favorite.
"This little bird has been with me on every trip since Wren was old enough to realize I was leaving," you explain, holding the plush toy up to the camera. "She calls it her ‘guardian bird’ and gives it to me whenever I have to leave for a shoot. She’ll say, ‘Mommy, take this with you so you don’t miss me too much.’ And of course, I bring it with me everywhere."
You hold the toy for a moment longer, your smile deepening as you think of your daughter. "It’s funny how something so small can make you feel so connected, even when you’re miles away from home."
The next item you pull from your bag is a tube of lipstick, the deep rose color a familiar favorite. "And then, of course, there’s this," you say with a chuckle. "I’ve got a few shades in here, but this one’s my go-to. Austin always says it’s his favorite, so naturally, I wear it all the time."
You pop the cap off for a quick look at the color before setting it aside. Then, your hand grazes something that immediately makes your heart flutter. You pull out a small stack of love letters, neatly tied together with a worn ribbon.
Your expression softens, and you hold the letters up for the camera. "These… are love letters from Austin. We started writing letters to each other early on in our relationship, and it’s something we’ve kept doing. I love that we’ve kept it going. It’s a beautiful way to remind each other how much we mean to one another, even when we’re not physically together."
You pause for a moment, your eyes scanning the familiar handwriting on the top letter. One of the crew members behind the camera asks if you’d be willing to read one aloud, and you glance up with a shy smile.
"Of course," you say softly, carefully untying the ribbon and unfolding the top letter. "This one’s actually the very first letter Austin ever wrote me. It was right before he asked me out on our first date. I still carry it with me all these years later."
Clearing your throat gently, you begin to read.
Austin's Letter:
I’m not sure how to start this, but I’ve been thinking about you all day—actually, since the moment I met you, if I’m honest. I don’t know if you’ve felt it too, but I can’t shake this feeling, like something shifted in my life the second you walked into it.
I’ve never been great with words, and I hope this doesn’t come off as too much, but I feel like I need to tell you. From the moment we met, you’ve been on my mind. I keep replaying your laugh in my head, the way your eyes light up when you smile. It’s like you’ve left this imprint on me, and I’m not quite sure how to move forward without doing something about it.
So, here goes. I’d love to take you out—on a real date. No pressure, but I can’t help but feel like we’ve got something special. I don’t want to let it slip away without trying to explore it, to see where it leads. You’ve got me, Y/N. I’d love to know if I’ve got you too.
Yours, if you’ll have me,
As you finish reading, you let out a soft, breathy laugh, your cheeks warm with the memories. "That letter… was the start of everything. I remember reading it and feeling like my heart was about to burst out of my chest."
You glance up at the camera, a warm smile still on your lips. "Austin and I still write letters to each other. It’s something we hold onto, something that keeps the romance alive no matter how busy life gets. I think there’s something really special about putting your feelings down on paper. It makes it feel more permanent, like a snapshot of that moment in time."
Gently, you fold the letter back up and tuck it safely into your bag. "Those letters are some of my most treasured possessions," you admit, your eyes twinkling with affection.
Your hand reaches into the bag once more, and this time, you pull out a delicate ring—a family heirloom that Austin’s grandmother passed down to him. The camera zooms in as you hold it up, the light catching on the simple, yet beautiful design.
"This ring is incredibly meaningful to both Austin and me," you explain. "His grandmother gave it to him when he was younger, and she told him to give it to someone special one day. Now, it’s one of the things I always carry with me. It’s like having a piece of his family with me wherever I go."
The ring feels cool in your hand as you set it down, the memories attached to it making your heart swell. Next, you reach into your bag and pull out a pair of vintage sunglasses—a gift from your mother, and one of the items you cherish most.
"These were my mom’s," you say quietly, holding the sunglasses up for the camera. "She wore these all the time, and now I keep them with me. It’s like having a little piece of her with me."
Your fingers linger on the sunglasses, a soft smile playing on your lips as you think of your mother. "She had this incredible sense of style," you add, your voice a little wistful. "Whenever I wear them, I feel like I’m channeling a bit of her."
You pause for a moment, taking in the collection of items in front of you—the letters, the camera, the ring, the toy, the lipstick, the sunglasses. Each piece holds so much more than its physical presence; they are pieces of your heart, your life, your family.
"I guess, in a way, I don’t just carry practical things in my bag," you say with a soft laugh. "It’s more like I’m carrying memories and pieces of the people I love most. That way, no matter where I go, they’re always with me."
With a warm, heartfelt smile, you zip the bag back up, gently patting it as you close the segment. "Thank you for letting me share these little treasures with you. It’s been fun to take a trip down memory lane."
And with that, the camera fades to black, leaving behind the lingering warmth of love, family, and cherished moments.
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strwberri-milk · 11 months
Hello! May I request head canons for Kaeya, Lyney, and Heizou (separate)? Semi angst where the reader asks him to help them practice their confession for the person that they love. The reason why they approached him is because he's the smoothest person they know. Once he thinks they're ready, they immediately confess to him. He thinks at first that it's another practice run, but then realizes they were being genuine. Just imagine the roller coaster of emotions for these bois😭. Tnx for ur time!
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Kaeya knows he's a pretty good choice for practicing confessions on. He's very good with people and very good with his words so you're sure that if you were able to work with him, you'd be able to figure out the words you needed to say to him.
For a second, Kaeya feels his heart sink when you ask him for help. There's no way you'd be asking him to help you if you had feelings for him he thinks, meaning that this was the end of the road for him.
As you go over and over how to confess your feelings he does his best to give you unbiased pointers but he can't help but skew the way you confess to be something he'd want to hear from you. It's the only way he'll be able to hear you confess to him so he's going to take advantage of the situation.
When you turn around just to confess back to him his heart stops. He doesn't believe you, eye wide as he just stares at you. You sigh, biting your lip as you settle for Kaeya not actually returning your feelings.
You're about to turn and leave when he grabs your wrist, holding you to his chest as he shakes his head teasingly, scoffing at you for coming up with such an ingenious plan to get his attention. He is very happy though and he makes that known with how tight he's holding you.
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Lyney doesn't tell you how he feels and is absolutely amazing at hiding how he really feels. You'd never get an inkling of how he actually feels, his magic skills good at not just card tricks.
When you come to ask him for help on how to confess, he decides to say yes. It doesn't seem like it'd be a bad idea, plus he gets to see if he can weasel out of you exactly who it is you're confessing to. He'd been trying for weeks for you to tell him who you liked when you first hinted at it but you were doing a great job at keeping it hidden from him.
He wishes that he could pretend that the confession you were practicing was actually how you felt about him. A part of him wants to just close his eyes and continue pretending that it is about him but right now he tries to remember that you asked him for help.
When you're just about ready to go confess to your "crush" he's about to try to stop and tell you that he's in love with you. Just as he's about to get the words out you end up interrupting him, hand on his chest making him go quiet.
You end up telling him the same things he helped you formulate just a few minutes ago, smiling brightly at him as the gears click together in his brain. He can't help but laugh at how your plan ended up working out perfectly for him, giving you a yes with a tight squeeze of your hand.
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Heizou teases you a bit for asking him for help confessing to someone. He makes a few jokes about how you only asked him to help you because you've secretly had a crush the entire time. You immediately shoot it down, wanting to keep your plans a secret as you try to figure out what to tell him.
He doesn't make the process easy for you, pretend fawning and swooning over literally anything that you say. You try to get him to take it more seriously which he does, but not fully. You struggle a bit to fully "confess" to him but finally manage to get a few good runs in.
Heizou himself tries to separate himself from the situation, not wanting to let his personal feelings get in the way of actually giving you some good advice. Despite how he might feel about you, he doesn't want to actually ruin things for you just because of his own feelings.
Once you manage to get through a good confession a few times he gives you his seal of approval to go ahead and confess. He tells you too that you'd better tell him things went well or else you'll have to come back to him to do even more practice.
When you turn the words on him he gives an almost exasperated laugh. You can tell he means well when he starts laughing genuinely, bringing a hand to his face as he rolls his eyes a bit.
He makes a quip about being glad you got a good result after all, planning out your first date as he pulls you with him.
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fridgrave2-0 · 12 days
Do you think Calhoun and Felix are endgame or Felix and Turbo? For example, if there was any kind of possibility Turbo could come back, would they get back together because of unresolved feelings or would or be an aggressive side eye situation? lol
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if we take a situation where turbo is mostly forgiven by others and goes through his therapy arc, then actually think of poly
turbo would hate the idea of being around felix 'cause he still has to process the whole "he turned me into a boogeyman" thing, so he always reminds himself that he shouldn't be jealous bc of calhoun, he doesn't want this fixing piece of shit anymore (he does, but he lived with this anger on felix for 25 years so he can't just let go). turbo actually tries to interact with calhoun when felix isn't around and very soon he understands that she's actually very cool. he's been through some shit between roadblasters and sugar rush period, still feels a lot of regret and pain about turbo twins and can relate to calhoun's loss more than anyone else in the group. and, well, the whole cybug thing also adds to it. as much candybug felt excited about becoming this mutant, it was a lot from the bug perspective, and when turbo got the full control over his mind and body the terror did hit him like a bus. tamora was able to give him the understanding of cybugs, and he shared how he felt when he was eaten. "it wasn't painful or anything, at least i don't remember the pain. but i didn't feel like myself anymore, like i was under players control again, and any attempt of taking the control back just felt so wrong." it was something tamora needed, many years she lived with doubt. did her fiance even had a chance of being the man she loved after being eaten, or it would just be a monster with a familiar face. now this burden fell off her shoulders. she wasn't the one who killed him, the cybug was
turbo saw a lot of himself in calhoun. this need to keep the front all the time, to stay in control, to hide most of the emotions and do not look weak. and just like with him, she began to open up because of felix. turbo wanted to warn her, say that he already got burned by felix's light, got too close and paid for it. but keeping the distance with fix-it actually helped turbo see the whole picture, and felix seemed different now. and it shouldn't be surprising, people can change in 15 years of which he didn't see felix. maybe it was calhoun's job, or an experience of almost being unplugged, but fix-it looked almost sad everytime turbo was coming up with an excuse to avoid him. turbo learned his lesson. why did he felt so bad seeing an unspoken remorse in felix's eyes?
tamora was the one, who made them talk after too much time of walking around and playing hide and seek. in last months turbo taught himself to apologize and be genuine about it, and he was ready to do it, but with felix everything goes wrong, as always. this was exactly what fix-it wanted, it has always been like this. when turbo apologized, that was making felix in the right, no matter what was the reason. he knew felix saw the world in black in white, and that means always there's the one who's right, and the one who's wrong. and my any means turbo never was a perfect or even a decent person before, and he doesn't think so of himself now just because he realized his bad actions and said sorry couple of hundreds times. being eaten by a bug and burn in lava makes you reconsider a lot of things. but he knew he wasn't the only one who was wrong, and the idea hearing it again from felix was the worst. so turbo bit his tongue and kept his apologies
...only to hear felix saying "i'm sorry" for the first time in 30 long years. turbo didn't think it was possible, but here he was, sitting in niceland with silent but proud looking calhoun by his side while felix was pouring out his soul. apologies mixed up with tears - turbo knew that felix always cries when he gets too emotional - and felix just talked and talked for ten minutes straight, not seeing how the tension was leaving turbo's body. he relaxed, listening to felix not with a sense of triumph, but with a bit of fun. couple of times he turned to look at tamora only to see her sharing this look with him, and suddenly everything just became so simple and trivial that turbo made felix stop talking by pulling him into a hug. he wished for his apologies for 30 years, and now when he got them he didn't want to listen to it. because what was the point? turbo got the point in first two minutes, he knew felix was feeling sorry, and to list all their mistakes and bad choices would take too much of the time they had already lost
"i got the jist, big idiot, you didn't have to write a whole essay about how sorry you are", turbo said with a grin and heard felix chuckle. then he sighed and hid his face in felix's shoulder, still uncomfortable with being so open. "but thanks... i'm sorry too, y'know?"
turbo felt how felix relaxed in his arms
"yeah, i know, little idiot", felix replied, and for the first time in decades turbo felt like home. while he was keeping his face in felix's shoulder and breathing the familiar smell of pie and brick dust, felix looked at his wife, who seemed unusually soft, and uttered without a sound small "thank you". after all, without her they wouldn't ever try
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honeyedmiller · 6 months
Law of Attraction — Epilogue
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series masterlist | previous chapter
rating: 18+, minors dni
word count: 2.7k
warnings: no outbreak au, professor!joel, plus size!reader, responsible alcohol consumption, a reunion, confessions of feelings (lots and lots of feelings), no use of y/n.
epilogue synopsis: a year later, you find yourself attending another criminal justice exposition, but everything’s different this time around.
a/n: this is it! thank you all so much for sticking with me through this lil series, even though the updates were super sporadic. thank you for giving my take on professor miller the love you did. i appreciate every single one of you. love u all. xoxo
divider by @saradika-graphics <3
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You almost laughed when Margot told you where the upcoming criminal justice expo was being held this year. 
The same exact hotel as last year, because apparently, attendance was at an all-time high and it got phenomenal feedback. This time, you were going because the forensics department you were in was invited as a whole unit, with Margot chosen to give a speech to represent the department. 
You’d grown close with Margot the year that you’ve been back in California. Your job was amazing, you worked with a great team, and you were truly, genuinely happy for the first time in so long. 
So much has changed within the year. You felt like you’d done a lot of growing as a person, figuring out who you are all while living your best life. 
Joel had decided that he’d keep his distance for you, because you deserved to live your life and heal and not worry about him all the way back in Texas. You protested at first, but then steadily came to the realization that it truly was for the best. 
That’s all he wanted for you—the best—and he couldn’t give that to you if he was just going to hold you back. Plus, a long distance thing would’ve just been too much for the both of you. 
Distancing himself was for the best. 
Doesn’t mean you didn’t miss him like hell. He’d texted you from time-to-time to see how the new job was, how you were settling into your apartment with Adrienne, how living in California was again. He cared, alot. More than he’d probably admit. 
As the new semester started for Joel, the texts dwindled down into nothingness. It wasn’t intentional. You both were just busy, occupied people who had jobs to do. 
Still doesn’t mean you didn’t think about him often. 
You’d wonder what shirt he’d be wearing on a random Wednesday, if he drank one cup or two cups of coffee on a particularly grueling day, what music he’d listen to on his way to work. 
You knew it would be best if you could just stop thinking about him in general, but it was hard. The man had a big impact on your life, even though things were more than okay between you two now. You just couldn’t shake him. 
You had some pretty decent distractions, but at the end of the day it was just him. Joel, Joel, Joel.
Margot went over how the presentation was going to go at the expo, and luckily you didn’t need to do much talking. Or anything at all, really. Just smile and wave as you’re introduced, as Margot had put it. 
The setup was exactly as you’d remembered it—a huge room with tables that showcased different areas of expertise in criminal justice, and a stage at the very front of the room with an open bar in the back.
 A small, fond smile curls on your lips as you recall wearing that sophisticatedly sexy black number and Joel’s eyes as he ogled over you. 
You were wearing a pale pink blouse this time with gray slacks and black heels. You couldn’t deny yourself of the proud feeling tugging in your tummy. A year ago, you wanted to be a pro. Now you are. 
“Okay team,” Margot started, and all of you gave her your undivided attention. “Put these lanyards on. There’s forensics teams from all over Southern California today, so let’s represent Los Angeles and be on our best behavior.” 
You laughed softly at Margot’s motherly side shining through. Your lanyard had the words Los Angeles PD Forensics Department with your name written below it, and Forensic Analyst below your name on a laminated card that was clipped at the bottom. 
“Feels like a badge of honor bestowed on us.” Your coworker Brandon joked. 
“Kinda does, huh?” You laugh along with him. Brandon started the same time you did, so you luckily weren’t thrown into the workforce alone. He’d become someone near and dear to you over the course of the past year. 
Margot led you all toward your seats in front of the stage. More people filed into the room, experts from every which way coming up to introduce themselves. Chatter died down once everyone was settled and the speeches began. Each department head from different counties—Orange, Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino—all gave their speeches and introduced their teams. Margot was last to go, thanking everyone for being able to make it out to the expo. She introduced you one-by-one, sporting shy smiles and humble waves to the crowd. 
There had to be easily more than three hundred people in that room. Even waving hello was nerve wracking, so when Margot thanked everyone once more and wished them a good time, you were relieved when parties started to disperse into their respectable groups. 
“Let’s get a drink. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a long night.” Brandon nudged you, and you happily obliged. You considered ordering a Mai Tai, a smile curling onto the corner of your lips at the thought. You opted for a single glass of Disarrono on the rocks. 
You sipped generously on your drink as Brandon was in full swing of conversation with your other coworker, not paying much mind to what he was saying. 
Your mind clouded with thoughts of last time. The way Joel looked at you, the way you felt under his burning gaze, the carnal need for him that settled into your bones, the things you did with him just fifteen floors above this one. A devastating wave of need and nostalgia washed over you in that moment.
”Helloooo?” Brandon waved his hand in front of your face, and you looked at him with threaded eyebrows. “Where are you, babe?” He asks, and you smile softly.
”I’m sorry. Just deep in thought, I guess.” You laugh it off, internally rolling your eyes at yourself. 
Get. It. Together.
”Wanna talk about it?” He asks, resting a hand on your shoulder. You shake your head and sip your drink. The last thing you want to do is wallow in self pity. 
“Well if you want to get your mind off of things, Mr. Hunk over there has been making eyes at you for some time now.” Brandon juts his chin over your shoulder with subtlety. You furrow your brows, turning around to lock eyes with a deep, familiar, warm gaze. 
You freeze in place, not really believing your eyes at the moment. It felt like your mind was playing tricks on you, mainly because being here had memories of him and the little bits of bliss you indulged in together. 
Your feet seemed to have a mind of their own as you made your way to him, meeting him halfway before stopping before his broad frame. 
“Joel?” Your voice is nearly a whisper, impossible to hear over the loud chatter in the room. A small smile curls onto his lips as he looks at you with sincerity. 
“Hi sweetheart.” 
He looks a bit different. His hair is longer, the graying brown locks hanging over his forehead in soft curls that frame his handsome face. His matching stubble is a bit longer, probably from lack of shaving over the last few days. You spot the heart shaped patch amidst the gray, though, and you want to kiss it. You want to kiss him. 
“What are you—” You start, but he shakes his head. 
“They invited me back because I actually got a new job. ‘M gonna be a criminal law professor at UCLA starting this summer.” He says, and your eyebrows pinch together. 
“Wait, so you’re moving to LA?” You ask, struggling to comprehend the news he just dropped on you. 
He nods, a sheepish smile on his lips as he tries to gauge your reaction. 
“That’s amazing, Joel, congrats on the job.” You grin up at him, trying to mask your excitement. 
You didn’t exactly know where you stood with him, since so much had changed since the last time you physically saw him in person. 
“Thank you.” His voice was soft amongst the chaos of others. You had so much you wanted to say, but the words just seemed to die on your tongue every time you opened and closed your mouth to speak. 
“Wanna go talk somewhere more private?” He’s leaning toward your ear now so you can hear him better. He leans back and looks at you, a flash of uncertainty crossing his gaze. He was probably just as nervous as you were. 
You nod at him and hold up a finger as you step back to your group, telling Brandon you were going to step out real quick. His eyes flickered between you and Joel, giving you an impressed nod. 
You almost wanted to laugh, given that he had no clue about the history between you and Joel. 
Margot didn’t have anything planned for the team until tomorrow, so it was a free-for-all kinda night. You downed the last of your drink for that quick spike of liquid courage, setting your glass onto the bar top before you were by Joel’s side again. He led you out of the expo with a hand on your lower back, not caring who saw anymore. 
He didn’t want to hide anything anymore. He was ready to lay all of his cards down on the table, hoping you’d be willing to hear him out. 
“I have a room here for the weekend—would you be comfortable talking in there? If not, we can—” Joel starts nervously, but you reach up and give his bicep a small squeeze of reassurance as you wait by the elevator. 
“That’s fine Joel.” You smile at him, and you can see his shoulders visibly relax as he nods. The elevator dings, and you both step inside. You nearly want to laugh, hard, at how he pressed the ‘15’ button. 
Total déjà vu settles into your bones, recalling the insane sexual tension between the two of you the last time you rode this elevator up to the fifteenth floor. You look at your reflections staring back at you, and you don't see desperate and needy in your gazes. You saw steadiness and growth. 
He looks at you and gives you a small smile, a flash of I remember too, before the elevator comes to a full stop and opens its doors. He leads you to his room and unlocks the door, tossing the key card onto the entry table as you both shuffle into the room.
You didn’t know what to expect. You didn’t know if he wanted to just talk, wanted to talk and do more, or just do more. 
“So,” He starts, scratching the back of his neck. “Wanna talk on the balcony?” He nods his head toward the spacious balcony with two seats and a small table outside. 
Relief floods your body in an instant, grateful he only wants to talk. You grin at him and head toward the balcony, sliding the glass door open before stepping out into the California warmth. You take a seat across him him, heart racing in anticipation as your gaze meets his. 
“First off, I wanna start by saying I’ve been doin’ a lot of reflecting this past year. Should’ve never put you through that situation darlin’, n’ for that I’m sorry.” 
“I think it’s safe to say we’ve both moved past that part.” You try to keep your tone lighthearted, but Joel shakes his head. 
“‘M sorry for what I did to ya. You’re a beautiful, smart, amazing woman n’ I took advantage of the situation. It was fucked up. Tess gave me an earful, believe me.” His smile is sad as he looks down at his hands folded in his lap. 
“Why did you?” You meekly ask. 
“I was scared of gettin’ hurt again. My ex fiancée wasn’t a good person. She cheated on me multiple times n’ gaslit me into thinking I was goin’ crazy, even if there were major red flags about her and her behavior. Didn’t see through any of the bullshit though, and I feel like I projected my bottled up hurt into what was going on between us. I can’t tell ya how sorry I am.” 
“Why did you get so upset with me when I reminded you that I’m not her? I would never do such a thing to you.” 
“I realize that now, baby. I guess I just got so upset that what she did was being thrown in my face, and it set me off. Listen,” He sighs, rubbing the crook of his nose between his forefinger and thumb, “I should’ve never let things get the way they did. Should’ve never proposed that stupid fuckin’ idea in the first place. I know it’s been a year n’ all, but I still want you, baby. I wanna be with you, show you off, and love you out loud like y’should’ve been all along.” 
You still at his words. Love? 
“Love?” Your voice echoes your thoughts in a whisper, staring at him doe-eyed and shocked. 
“Yeah, baby. Love. Finally not a fuckin’ coward and can admit it. There’s no other woman like you. I wanna be with you, if you’ll have me.” The hopeful look in his eyes makes you want to cry. 
“I don’t want to get hurt again, Joel.” The thought of getting your heart broken again was something you knew you couldn’t bear. The circumstances may be different this time around, but you’ve worked on yourself so much and—
He grabs your hands in his, bringing them up to his mouth so he can kiss your knuckles. 
“I know. And I can promise you, from the depths of my very bein’, I’ll do everythin’ in my power to make you believe when I say I would never, ever hurt you again. It hurt me to see you like that, sweetheart. N’ knowin’ I did that? Absolutely fuckin’ killed me.” 
“I forgive you, Joel. I’m–I’m willing to give this a go, but please, for the love of god, take care of my heart.” 
“I promise, sweetheart.” 
Joel kept that very promise. A year later and your relationship with him was stronger than ever. He showed you off unashamedly. Truthfully, you were worried at first about what people would think about the age difference between you two, but no one really bats an eye at that stuff in Los Angeles like they would back in Austin. 
You got to experience the beautiful side of being loved by Joel Miller—soft, kind, attentive, insatiable. He was a man who was a jack of all trades when it came to being in a relationship, and you couldn’t have been happier with the leap of faith you chose to take a year ago. 
He’s reminded you every day how beautiful you are, has loved on you and cherished you every day, and if you’d let him, would quite literally praise the ground you walked on. 
He was all about you and he made you feel like the luckiest, sexiest woman alive. 
You wish everyone could experience a love like this. 
There were many bumps in the road, but it took all of that to get you to where you are now: incandescently happy and in love. 
You look over at the gorgeous brown-eyed man who was tracing circles over your shins that were thrown over his lap, burying himself in papers he was grading—the very same paper he first helped you on that started this whole thing. 
A soft smile spreads on your lips as you watch him intently, enjoying this little full-circle moment to yourself. 
He furrows his brows, and with a slight pout to his lips, pushes his glasses up his nose before looking up to lock his gaze with yours. He gives you one of those soft smiles that makes your heart melt continuously. He squeezes your shin in reassurance, always needing to be touching you in one way or another. 
He couldn’t get enough of you. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” The words slip easily past his lips, and you lean forward to give him a chaste kiss. 
It might’ve been a force of pure attraction at first, but your heart formed around him. 
He was yours, and you, his. This is how it was always meant to be, you think. 
“I love you too, Joel.” 
And you really do. 
You always will. 
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tags: @ilovepedro ; @punkshort ; @nostalxgic ; @cool-iguana ; @pamasaur ; @untamedheart81 ; @harriedandharassed ; @endlessthxxghts
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flowerbxuquet · 1 year
Unspoken promises
Lottie Matthews x fem!reader
A/N: AHHH guys lottie’s just my scared pookie stop ALSO THIS IS NOT SHAUNA SLANDER. I haven’t rewatched the show in a while so some info could be inaccurate
WARNINGS: reference to miscarriages, blood, bruises, cuts, just mentions of violence but no actual writing about it. (I didn’t proof read this)
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Lottie Matthews eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the blurry haze in her vision, smelling the familiar wood and fire of the cabin, she could feel her painful swollen face and the feeling of the sleeping bag she was on.
Lottie went to go sit up, wincing in pain and gasping out in shock, pain shooting up her body as a reminder of the earlier confrontation from Shauna. A soft voice quickly fills her ears and a pair of arms support her so she doesn’t fall and hurt herself.
“Y/n.” Lottie’s gravelly voice comes out as her gaze is still blurry but she can barely make out the colors and your face shape in her line of sight, her hand shakily reaching out to cup your soft cheek.
You were her rock in this whole situation, Lottie had been a bit distant lately, even before the Shauna situation. The cannibalism and the death of her former love, Laura Lee, was quickly ripped away from her when she acknowledged her feelings and she was scared the same would occur with you, but even though you were still so kind to her.
You showed genuine care that no one besides Laura ever really did, her heart would clench at every kind gesture, she wasn’t used to affection. Lottie’s parents made sure to give her everything but that growing up and she was so starved of any sort of love.
You take a deep breathe, taking Lottie’s hand that’s on your face and holding it tightly, you were so scared Lottie was going to die and you’ve just now realized how deeply you cared for the girl, a sense of love in your heart.
“I was so worried about you. Why did you do that?” You whisper softly to her, holding her hand tightly but not tight enough to hurt the wounds on her hand.
Lottie take a deep breathe, she knows exactly why she did it, Lottie knows the pain that Shauna had, losing not only one person but two that were so deeply important to her. Lottie remembers when she just wanted to kill and scream at someone after the plane exploded when Laura Lee died.
Lottie only wished the best for everyone, she wanted to give Shauna the experience she wished she had.
“Shauna needed it and we all know that.” Is all that Lottie says, her voice is sore from being asleep for so long and you remember that you have a cup of water with you and you gently lift it to her lips, letting the water fall between her cracked and bruised lips.
You roll your eyes at that, taking the cup and setting it down once she’s done with the water, “I know Shauna’s going through a lot but that doesn’t make up for the fact that you could’ve died.”
Lottie frowns, maybe that’s true, maybe Lottie just doesn’t care enough about her own well-being to think like that, but she knows if it was you in her situation Lottie probably would have thought the same.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.” Your voice fills her ears again, this time it’s sad and your voice is shaky, “Seeing you lying on the floor, i-in your own blood, made me realize how much I truly do care about you.”
Lottie felt her heart beat faster and clench, a warmth filling her body even though it was so cold in the cabin.
“You mean a lot to me too.” Lottie whispers softly, her voice sounding a bit better after the water but still low and gravely, “More then I ever thought possible.”
You stared at her and your hand goes to run through her hair, making her almost purr like a cat as she leaned into your touch, she was so damn touch starved and she enjoyed the affection.
You smile softly and continue to run your fingers through her long hair, her head eventually finds its way to your shoulder and Lottie’s curled up against you, a blanket draped over the both of you.
“You..stayed with me all this time?” Lottie asks softly after a couple minutes of comfortable silence and she can feel your head nodding against her as you continue to hold her close to you.
Lottie feels so touched, that you cared, not like how the others cared, because she was their “leader” but because you genuinely saw her as your friend, a loyal companion, and she appreciated that.
Lottie felt like everyone had been treating her as some sort of god and she hated it, she hated that everyone looked up to her for everything and the pressure was on her.
“I couldn’t leave your side, no matter how many times the others told me to give you distance just in case. You mean so much to me, Lott.” You smile and snuggle a bit closer to her for warmth.
A vulnerable silence fell upon the room as Lottie’s heart pounded in her chest at your words, should she tell you her feelings? Lottie felt so comfortable but she didn’t want to ruin this. The two girls unspoken feelings hanging in the air as Lottie’s heart pounds so loud that she’s worried you may hear it.
“I…I’ve always felt something for you, but, I was so scared of losing you..” Lottie whispers so silently that if it wasn’t so quiet in the cabin you probably wouldn’t have heard it. Your heart stops for a moment, was she saying what you think she was saying?
“Lottie..I’ve always felt something strong for you too, you’re never going to lose me.” You reassure her, your voice full of tenderness as you fall back into a silence, the harsh wind blowing against the window in the attic.
Lottie’s sore body slowly sits up until she’s facing you, she can see a bit better now and Lottie blinks a few times before her hand reaches out and cups your cheek.
Lottie leaned in slowly but hesitated, looking at you and silently asking for permission and you nodded slowly, your gaze flickering to her lips. Slowly you two leaned in and met in a tender, cautious kiss.
Lottie’s lips stung with the bruises and cuts on her lips but the pleasurable pain filled her with bliss as she finally got to touch your lips with her own and it felt like pure heaven, pure ecstasy, the two of you curled up into each other and kissed for as long as your breathes would let you, and so. In the quiet solitude of the attic, you two exchanged soft words and kisses, a promise for a new start of life in your chaos filled experience in the wilderness.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok x Rui reader? Like after the reader was beheaded by Tanjiro Kamado at Mount Nagagumo was brought to Valhalla. Brunhilde was the one who summoned the reader. (who still has their abilities back on earth) Asking them if they want to fight in the tournament of Ragnarok.
The reader could still be a demon or not. If you do choose that the reader is a demon. I would like the reader to still have the same blood demon art.
Thanks and you are a tough and strong person!
-This was a strange world for you, as you were able to walk around in the sun, something you hadn’t been able to do in… well you couldn’t exactly remember how long it been, but it was so warm, so bright.
-You preferred to keep to yourself, as you arrived alone in Valhalla, your family not being worthy enough to join you, and while you didn’t show it, you were upset on the inside.
-You didn’t have to kill any longer for food, something Brunnhilde, the Valkyrie who welcomed you to Valhalla, told you, so you were able to live and get to know the humans you now lived alongside.
-Many thought you were a bit odd, as you were a demon, but unlike other demons in Valhalla, you were calm, quiet, and you weren’t violent.
-It felt odd, after being treated as a monster for so long, to be treated like you were a normal, or at least mostly normal, human. They would smile at you, saying hello, greeting you, and just treating you like you truly belonged.
-Their kindness made you feel a sort of longing, the same longing you had when you had tried to make your family, wanting love and care for your own selfish desires.
-You could see their kindness was genuine and it made your stoic façade break for a moment or two as tears welled in your eyes, seeing how many became new families in Valhalla. You could finally have a true family; one you didn’t have to torture or threaten!
-When Brunnhilde approached you about fighting in Ragnarok, to fight for humanity’s survival, you had spent some time, pondering her offer to fight.
-You were originally human, as were your parents, and your family you had created after you became a demon, they had all been humans, but at the same time, you were treated so cruelly by humans after you turned.
-Tanjiro’s and Nezuko’s faces flashed through your mind, a human and demon being a family, being happy together, their memory made you smile softly.
-Brunnhilde told you that you would be rewarded if you won your fight and if humanity won their survival; you immediately knew what you wanted, but remained silent.
-Many were outraged when you came out to fight, seeing a child there, but you were so calm, almost too calm, as your opponent, a massive, hulk of an earth god, laughed at you, thinking you were weak and not worthy his time.
-You didn’t even have to use your blood art, only your threads, and your match was over in less than ten seconds. You felt almost cheated, as even Tanjiro, who was a relatively new Demon Slayer, had managed to give you a challenge, but a god died so quickly- it was pathetic!!
-Many of the other fighters for humanity were quick to praise you once you were backstage, impressed with your skills, which did feel nice, to be sincerely praised, it felt warm.
-Humanity won in the end, and all those who had perished, including your pathetic excuse for an opponent, had been returned to life, causing a lot of celebrating around.
-Brunnhilde went around to arrange the rewards for the fighters of humanity, and you didn’t realize the others were behind you, along with Zerofuku and Hercules, when she asked you what you wanted.
-Unlike before, when you were normally stoic and mature, you looked like a child for once, your eyes bright, hands clenched in excited fists, “I want a family!”
-Your wish was so selfless, it was something so simple, so beautiful; Brunnhilde just smiled and pointed behind you and you turned, seeing the other fighters for humanity as Zerofuku ran over, hugging you around your neck, “I’ll be your big brother!”
-They were all quick to immediately approach you, telling you that they would all be either big brother or father figures to you, giving you an untraditional looking family, but you could see that they all truly cared about you.
-That’s all you ever wanted!
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refiwrites · 2 years
Can you do arguements with loak, neteyam, and rotxo please
since im sick rn and feeling terrible and in need of content of our avatar boys, i give you this
Arguments (Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Rotxo)
GIFs used for Neteyam and Lo'ak are not mine, credits to the rightful owners! Whilst the GIF used for Rotxo is mine.
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N e t e y a m
Thinking abt it now, I think there would be little to no arguments w this man 💀 I mean he is the perfect child, is he not? Well, you do have arguments but often times it wouldn't be that deep? I have a feeling he's too understanding that everytime you begin something, he's already defused it lmao
You would be the one initiating arguments tbh
For Neteyam, I think most of your arguments would stem from you just trying to watch out/care for him. The pressure of being the future Olo'eyktan often gets to him that he forgets to take care of himself and you'd be there reminding him to breathe.
"No, stop your sweet-talking!" you were really being serious, yet your other half wasn't.
"My love, I have to do this, it is for us. For our future, no?" Neteyam says, walking over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders, that damned playful smile on his face.
The thought made your insides run wild. "The future can wait, you can stay here for now. And tell me, when was the last time you ate?"
Neteyam blinks back, thinking.
"That's what I thought, you aren't getting out of here until I say so."
"Wait— fine."
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L o ' a k
Well, we all know Lo'ak is reckless, always doing things without thinking.
You know he means well with his actions, but sometimes you just wished he would think things through!
As much as you didn't like to be another one of the people scolding him, you couldn't help it when he literally walked in one day in your tent, gashes and bruises littering his face and arm.
"What were you thinking?" You said, you knew Lo'ak probably had this phrase said to him for the hundredth time.
He stayed silent.
"You're stupid, did you know that?" You hiss, sitting him down and you began to take his armor and face paint off.
"Too many times." He replied, which you felt bad. So you sighed, carefully cupping his face and making him look at you.
"As much as I'd like to argue with you right now, I still have to patch you up. But please, Lo'ak, the next time you do something... Think it through."
"Yeah.. Sorry.."
"You promise?"
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R o t x o
Can we take a few minutes just to appreciate the gif because hello LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS
Hm since we don't know much alot abt Rotxo this will be difficult.
But we know that he knows his limitations for making fun of someone, and that he's very truly a genuine, caring person.
I feel like he loves to joke around and stuff w everybody including you but I also feel like he made a joke one time abt you that you really didn't like or you just weren't in the mood and you kinda took it personally.
You didn't talk to him for like- what- two days max? Cause how can you resist him really when he's trying to catch your attention the whole day while his face looks like this 🥺 reincarnated? HELP
"(Y/N)... (Y/N)."
Wanting to shove his face in the sand already, you resist, plucking the berries from the bush and placing them in your bowl.
You just about remember why the two of you were acting like this in the first place.
It was from a joke that Rotxo made.
Now you didn’t exactly remember what the very joke was but you knew you were pissed off that day, and the way his joke pertained to you made something in you snap as he was laughing.
Now that led to here, with you ignoring him. Honestly you didn't know how you lasted a almost a day and a half without talking to him since the two of you were inseperable from the moment he met you and your siblings.
You didn't realize you were frozen in place as his voice spoke up again.
"What?!" You finally answered, snapping your head back to look at him.
He visibly swallowed, eyes squinting at your sudden reply. He moves forward though, moving beside you and kneeling next to you.
"I'm sorry."
"Took you long enough."
"Eh? But you were ignoring m—"
"Okay, okay I forgive you." You said. As soon as your words registered in Rotxo's head, you saw the way his whole face lit up, his nose scrunching in the process, almost melting your heart.
"Really?" He asked again, smiling.
"Yes, would you like me to change my mind?"
"No! No definitely not!" He quickly said, gesturing as if that was going to prevent you from doing so.
But you didn't change your mind.
You couldn't, not when he pulls out an armband he made for you, as a sign of peace.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Kiss Me | Mark Lee
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Idol!Mark x Reader
Word count: 1543
Genre: pure fluff
Warning: None
Author: Maari
Note: I honestly didn't know blue haired mark had so much power in me lol ask mark to keep appearing in my dreams so i can keep getting inspired. Trying to write other things to clear my mind and finish the requests please don't give up on me!
Summary: You asked and Mark promptly did.
⪢ NCT Masterlist  
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Y/N was returning from where she had come when a hand pulled her by the arm to the bathroom corridor of the mall where she was.
"Hey!" was all she managed to say before felt familiar hands on her shoulders and saw Mark's apprehensive face in front of her. "You scared me!" she complained, still feeling her heart want to jump out of her body but when she saw Mark's scared and restless face, she frowned. "What's it?"
“They found me.” he replied, looking around the hallway they were in, as if he needed to make sure he hadn't been followed.
"What? How?"
"I don't know." Mark sighed, and he sounded sincere as well as troubled.
He didn't look scared because of course he'd been through this before, but this weekend was supposed to be different. He was back in his city after so long without the well-deserved vacation, it must have been a normal weekend, like any other person's. Without the fans wanting to take pictures or even recording what he was doing, all he wanted the least was for the mall to be filled with fans, even because he had gone without the security guards.
“Okay, you must have misunderstood.” Y/N tried to calm him down and he glared at her.
“They were looking and pointing at me.”
“Were you sure they were talking about you?” she shrugged and Mark nodded in agreement.
“They were dressed in green.” Y/N eyed him suspiciously, with a raised eyebrow.
“I know what you're going to say, that probably doesn't mean anything.” Y/N nodded and Mark took his hands from her shoulders, taking them to his own hair. “But the moment I saw the color, I don't know, I panicked.”
Y/N controlled not to squeeze Mark's cheeks, as serious as he was, he was so cute. And the involuntary pout he had made was just too attractive.
She reached over to caress his arm, who turned his attention to her.
“Then let's go somewhere else, Mark.” she saw him open his mouth to reply but she smiled reassuringly. "Your blue hair isn't as discreet as you said."
Mark remained serious, but upon seeing Y/N's grimace he laughed lightly.
"Are you sure? I don't know if-” he was interrupted by his friend who started pulling him by the hand.
“I want ice cream and I know the perfect store.” she spoke excitedly and Mark didn't even struggle, laughed and let himself be carried away by Y/N.
“You know it's cold outside, don't you?
“Exactly, it's the perfect weather for ice cream.” Mark genuinely smiled as he watched Y/N's face.
He knew she was doing her best to make him comfortable and he appreciated her effort.
Without even realizing it, they left the mall with their hands intertwined, the texture of the hands together was familiar and welcoming, it had been enough for Mark to forget a little of what had happened inside the mall. The icy wind outside caused Y/N to move closer to Mark, shoulders touching as she tried to find some warmth to ward off the chill.
They went to the bus stop and Mark held back a laugh as he remembered Y/N's words earlier "You'll just be an ordinary person for a day, that means you'll ride the bus like everyone else.". He had nothing to complain about actually, they took a bus a little full and that made her touch him, stay that way for a long time. It was good, he had been able to smell her perfume closer.
And he didn't even know that inside, Y/N was happy too because the situation had made her approach Mark's body the way she had been yearning for.
"What is it?" she asked, seeing him smile sideways as he stared at her, he had placed himself in front of her while they were waiting for the bus.
“I am very happy to be here.” Y/N returned the smile, she felt the same way.
“I am glad to hear that.”
“I needed this, you know? Going back, remembering who I am and I think I can only do that here, with my parents and with you.” she looked away, shy as listened to Mark's words but her attention was stolen to a group of girls who were further ahead, dressed in green, talking warmly and gesticulating endlessly, they were all wearing masks so Y/N couldn't read their lips to know what they were saying but when the girls looked at her, Y/N felt her heart beat faster.
Does that mean…?
Oh damn, what was she going to do?
"What I'm trying to say is that-" Mark's voice still echoed in her ears, but her wits were far away.
“Mark, kiss me.” she spoke without thinking twice and he frowned.
"What?" was all he could said, thought he was delusional or that he wasn't listening properly.
Seeing the girls approaching, Y/N automatically took a step forward, getting closer to Mark who was now wide-eyed.
"Kiss me." she noticed how Mark was confused and about to say something but, while she felt herself being watched, on impulse pressed her lips to Mark's.
He in turn remained shocked, not moving his hands or even blinking, all his attention was focused on how Y/N's warm lips were glued to his.
Y/N saw that the girls walked past them and further away, their eyes seemed fixed elsewhere and so she moved away from Mark to take a better look, the girls were now too busy trying to find the best landscape to take pictures.
Wait a moment…
She felt a huge wave of embarrassment run through her body and stop on her cheek that grew hot with every blink she gave.
“What just happened, man?” Mark still looked shocked and his chuckle at the end indicated just that. Pure shock.
“I think I panicked the moment I saw those girls looking this way and I thought…” Y/N scratched her ear before turning to face Mark, he seemed very interested in listening. “If they think we're dating, maybe they'll think you're not who they thought you were, but they weren't looking at us.” she pointed back and saw Mark smile in an indecipherable way at her. “On second thought, my whole plan seemed pretty silly.”
She looked away, not daring to meet Mark's eyes, but in the blink of an eye he mimicked what Y/N had done a few minutes ago, taking his hands to grab her by the back of her neck and pull her to him. She just widened her eyes when Mark's lips captured hers willingly.
Quite different from the simple touch she had initiated.
Well, of course, the sight of Mark kissing her so thirsty made her a little dizzy and her legs weak, but when he looked her in the eye again, showing how much he wanted it just as much as she did, Y/N couldn't help herself and raised her hand to his face. Indicating that she didn't want to stop.
Mark distributed light pecks as he brought his body to Y/N's and she smiled, caressing his cheek, tired of waiting, their lips met again and didn't let go so easily. Lips molded slowly and even though they were freezing due to the temperature, when their hot tongues met, Y/N felt a shiver on the back of her neck at the same time as Mark grabbed her hair.
Y/N sighed between the kiss and her hand went down to Mark's shoulder, where she held tightly while her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode, she felt his other hand grip her waist and he seemed focused on keeping their bodies together as if it was going to merge them, but Mark seemed to suck all her strength in that kiss and Y/N's lungs were already complaining about the lack of air, that’s why she lowered her hand to his chest and pushed him lightly.
Enough for their lips to move away, but Mark didn't move another inch, bringing their foreheads together.
"I thought you didn't like to do that in public." Y/N spoke, taking in a large amount of air and opened her eyes to see him staring at her with a twinkle in his eyes, his lips were red and swollen.
"It's not my fault, it was you who asked me to kiss you." he spoke with false innocence and she rolled her eyes but laughed anyway.
Y/N was feeling hot, not just in her cheeks but her whole body, like there was a volcano inside of her, looking at Mark so closely was doing certain things to her.
“Do you still want to buy the ice cream?” she saw Mark shake his head and he lifted his forehead to tuck her hair behind her ear, looking at her with an admiration that made her shy.
“No, I want to keep kissing you.” he admitted and Y/N bit her lip to control her huge smile, in vain of course.
"I guess I don't need to ask you anymore, isn’t?"
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toastandjamie · 11 months
Here’s part two of my essay on Mat’s paranoia and trust issues lol
Part two: Channelers Are Really Scary Guys
So Mat’s reaction to Rand being a channeler was always something that I found interesting, because even in the moment it feels stilted and awkward like Mat himself wasn’t sure how he was supposed to react to that information. Because that’s exactly what was happening. I genuinely believe that under different circumstances Mat would’ve reacted better to the reveal, I don’t think he would’ve had a GREAT reaction to it but I also don’t think he’d shown so much suspicion and distrust if it wasn’t for the circumstances surrounding the reveal. To start with, Mat already feels incredibly isolated, Egwene and Nynaeve are already starting their White Tower training, Perrin is acting distant because he’s dealing with his Wolf Problems and Rand by his own admission has been avoiding the others. So all the people that Mat would usually trust intrinsically aren’t really around and Mat’s still suffering from the trauma of Shadar Logoth and the Camlyn Road-trip. However Mat has also now associated Rand entirely with these feeling of dependency, trust and safety. Mat hasn’t lost any memories yet so he definitely remembers Rand’s promise to never abandon him, something Mat repeats later in this book but we’ll get to that. To Mat, Rand is safety and security, the only person that he can truly trust. Then Rand shows up dressed in fancy clothes and tells Mat that he wants nothing to do with him, says that Mat was a burden on him. Something that Mat clearly had previous fears and insecurities about given his desperate plea to Rand not to abandon him for being a burden when he lost his sight.
I think a big part of Mat’s paranoia comes from a fear of being powerless, Mat spends the first two books effectively helpless for one reason or another, the first book because of inexperience and being blind for half the book and the second because of how sick he was. Mat feeling and being powerless is a very big theme for his character in the entire series and his fear of being vulnerable and powerless in particular gets a lot of focus. This fear influences a lot of his actions in series, it’s why he’s so scared of channeling and the pattern itself, the two things he can’t fight or protect against on his own. Mat reacts to this fear with hyper-control. Whenever he feels like he’s lost control of a situation, he tries to wrestle it back. He’s the one to make the decision to give Rand the silent treatment, he makes it painfully obvious that he’s the one avoiding Rand because Rand can’t abandon him if he abandons him first. Yet Mat still clearly sees Rand as safety and protection, gravitating towards him when they enter the unsettling ghost town, despite still being angry at Rand he sought him out because he felt uncomfortable and he trusted Rand to keep them safe. That is until all that safety is ripped away with the reveal that Rand can channel, and not just that he can channel but that the only reason Rand had hurt him in the first place was to protect him, that he joined the hunt for the horn risking himself in the process solely to retrieve the dagger for Mat. Two completely irreconcilable realizations happen to Mat in this moment. Being a channeler inherently means that Rand can’t be safe or trusted, no matter how good of a person Rand is at any minute he could snap and go mad. Rand cannot be safety because everyone knows what men who can channel do to the people they care about when they go mad. Mat could’ve reconciled with this on its own, it hurts but this is something he can control, he already distrusts everyone what difference does one more person make? Except that it’s Rand. Except that despite not being safe anymore Rand is still protecting him, Rand is still Rand and survival tactic he developed on the road to Camlyn associates Rand completely and wholly as safety and protection. This is completely impossible to reconcile in Mat’s head and not just that but the situation has quickly spiraled out of his control so he tries to get it back while he works through these conflicting emotions. This results in the word vomit diatribe he gives us and him flinching away from Rand when Rand rightfully gets upset at him. Mat is absolutely terrified in that moment, and understandably petrified about what Rand being a channeler means.
Despite his fears Mat STILL considers Rand to be the safest and most trustworthy person he knows. When Rand disappears, all of the Shainaran’s believe that he ran off and abandoned the hunt but Mat insists that Rand wouldn’t have done that. Because say it with me now, Rand promised never to abandon him. Mat trusts Rand and most importantly he trusts Rand’s word and believes wholeheartedly that Rand wouldn’t let him die, not when he could do something about it. Mat trusting Rand intrinsically while being terrified of him is something that continues to he ever present in Mat’s story and character arc. It’s something that never really goes away, it’s present until the last battle itself where Mat tells Tuon “you can trust Rand Al’thor with the world” and he BLOODY MEANS IT. Mat has trusted Rand with his entire world from book 1 and even at their worst where they were barely talking and Mat was convinced Rand would snap and kill them all at any minute he always trusted Rand. He followed Rand into danger time after time believing and trusting that Rand would save him and Rand did. Hanging on Avendasora, attacked by dark hounds, and even when he was killed by Rhavin, Rand always saved him in the end. The trust was warranted and Mat never stopped trusting Rand.
Wanna know what Mat never trusted? Channeling. And Aes Sedai too. And you know what, it was entirely warranted. At least in his point of view. Mat didn’t start with such a strong aversion to channelers, it was something that grew over time. Something that really took root in books three and four.
Mat’s first real interaction with the White Tower and the Aes Sedai as an institution is being held captive in the White Tower after being healed from the dagger. Suian makes it abundantly clear by action even if not in words that he is a prisoner there. Not just a prisoner, but one she sees as a liability. It’s not hard to see from her conversation with Mat once he finally wakes up. For one thing she enters the room without knocking, which immediately sets a tone that Mat is completely powerless here, he doesn’t get to refuse her entry, and she doesn’t even let him get decent before she enters. She tells him practically point blank that she would’ve let him die if she hadn’t thought that he’d be useful to the White Tower. That it would’ve been MORE convenient to her if he was dead, that way a member of the White Tower could be the one to blow the horn and he linked to it. Suian’ as intent was clear to Mat, she wanted him to feel indebted to her so she could control him. And as established, Mat’s big fear is being powerless, so of course he finds the first opportunity to run away.
This interaction along with learning that the Aes Sedai kept his father from seeing him, had confirmed every single bad rumor about the Aes Sedai there was. They were manipulative, callous, and even if they couldn’t lie they get pretty damn close to it. Mat’s fears and distrust of Aes Sedai is only exasperated by the fact that every Aes Sedai’s first reaction to him not doing what they want him to, or even just being the unlucky sucker to be around them when they’re looking for an easy scapegoat to be mad at, is seemingly to channel at him. Dangling him off the ground or hitting him with switches of air. It’s a power play on the Aes Sedai’s end, to establish themselves as the authority by flexing their power, a power most people can’t defend against. Mat hates feeling powerless and until he gets the medallion, channelers pose the most clear threat to him. The one thing he can’t defend against and the Aes Sedai he interacts with never hesitate to use that against him. Even after he receives the medallion the Aes Sedai’s first reactions to discovering this was to try and take it from him and when that failed they actively sought out ways around it by quite literally terrorizing him for a week straight. The fact that when they finally did find the loophole that the medallion could only protect against direct weaves, Mat’s reaction was to literally get so drunk he could barely walk or see straight. The medallion had quickly become his safety, and it was taken away from him. It would’ve been terrifying to him.
Aes Sedai did nothing to make Mat trust them and in fact did a whole lot to make him not. So it’s not too much of a surprise that Mat “trust no one everyone’s out to get you” Cauthon would begin to not just distrust Aes Sedai but begin to even think of them as enemies.
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wadebae · 11 months
[copy pasta post because OP needed to turn off reblogs due to harassment. Another person asked them about doing this and they said it's fine, they just can't personally handle the harassment right now. These are not my words. Not giving credit solely to protect OP's inbox. Reblog or don't, but I wanted this on my blog.]
I have been noodling over posting this for several days but I think it's important for some people to hear.
At a March on Saturday, at a pro Palestine march, my group and I were targeted by by nazis. Not targeted for violence, but targeted for recruitment. They weren't wearing swastikas, they weren't spewing blatant antisemitic hate speech. They seemed like two normal dudes. They marched with us, talked about how awful everything in Palestine was, how we wished world leaders would grow a pair and hold Israel responsible for fucking war crimes, how existing in the world right now was hard. They were empathetic, they were kind, they seemed like genuine good dudes.
Until we passed a synagogue where people were handing our water to marchers. They had signs defending Palestine on their table. But the tone of the conversation changed. These two seemingly normal dudes started talking about how "performative" the gesture felt, that Jewish people should be doing more. That they needed to PROVE it. They started talking about "Zionist" propaganda in the US, about how it was deeply entrenched in capitalism. Things that, on the surface, seemed reasonable but it set off alarm bells in my head.
When I was a kid, I remember getting the speech of "don't repeat anything your uncle or cousin so and so says and don't argue with them. Try to avoid them but if you can't be polite." Because those uncles and cousins said a lot of hateful things about anyone who wasn't like them, but their favorite targets were black people and Jewish people. I would find out as an adult it was because many of those uncles and cousins were in the Klan. When I studied hate symbols for a class in college, I found my self looking at images I'd seen on arms and necks and hands my whole life, because I live in an area of the US where the KKK is still around. And standing in that crowd, listening to these guys talk, i had the most horrible realization I've had in a long time.
We were being fished by Nazis. We were a group of able body, white American leftists. At a march in support of stopping the murder and genocide of Palestinians, these motherfuckers were out here, trying to find people they could get to hate Jewish folks. I wasn't the only one in my group who clocked it, and when we called them on it, the masks came off. They called us a bunch of "Jew loving bitches" before they moved on.
But we're marched with these guys for a couple hours, talked with them, laughed with them, brought them into our circle. For a moment we forgot we also weren't immune to propaganda, we weren't immune to people who make hate sound reasonable and that people like that never start out saying the quiet part out loud, they lean on your anger and your sense of helplessness to move you where they want you. If the last eight years has taught us anything, it's that fascists know how to adjust to the times, to work with what they got, to recruit. They know how to radicalize people, how to weaponize anger and helplessness. And I'm sitting here, every day, seeing posts that sound exactly like these guys did and it worries me.
I know I'm talking to the No Reading Comprehension Website, but I'm begging you guys to develop some now.
You are not immune to propaganda. We are all angry, as we fucking should be. We are watching an entire culture, thousands of lives, whole bloodlines, being wiped out in real time, and for many of us our nations are at best, wringing their hands, and at worst, shipping them weapons, all to protect capitalist greed. It's monstrous, it's disgusting. But look, REALLY LOOK, at the things you are tweeting, sharing, look at the language and how it's used. Take the time to educate yourself about how hate groups use social justice causes and civil unrest to recruit, research the posts your spreading, check your sources. If you are out protesting, be situationally aware, and do not be afraid to clock and call out Nazis. Listen to Jewish people, listen to their concerns, educate yourself on what Zionism and antisemitism actually are and how they can be weaponized. It doesn't feel as good as rage, it doesn't feel as good as having a group you can functionally rail against in a way we can't against a nation a world away, but it's a skill that's going to help you and a lot of other people in the long run.
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Corrin/Kamui and Takumi supports in the Japanese version vs the localized version
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I already made a post about the support differences between the original Japanese version vs the localized version with the Hoshidan siblings ....I just realized that my post was too long, so I'll repost it with each section of its own, so that it can be read easily.
Note that I would use Corrin’s Japanese Hoshidan name, Kamui interchangeably for flavour. I would use Corrin for the EN while Kamui for the JP.
Takumi & Kamui
In EN Corrin wants to connect to Takumi, but his response is hostile and they’re being sarcastic with each other due to Corrin’s background with Nohr. Corrin wants to learn archery to prove his loyalty and dedication to Hoshido, to gain trust and give him a chance to prove himself in battle his loyalty.
In JP, Kamui wants to connect with Takumi like in EN BUT because he wants to bond with him. Takumi isn’t fully trusting him but he is open to bond with Kamui unlike his reactions in EN. As Kamui didn’t grow up with Takumi, he didn't know what to talk about and it became awkward. As Kamui sees that Takumi is into archery, learning through him would be a good place to start bonding.
Comparing the two versions, you will see that EN’s theme is all about loyalty, while the JP version is about sibling bonding. [Skipped lines means they are exactly the same
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Like I said, EN Takumi is more sarcastic and hard on Corrin versus the JP version. Also take note of these closing lines of the JP version because it will appear again in their A-support and it’s worth mentioning.
In this support, it shows Takumi teaching Corrin archery, then taking a break. When EN Corrin says that Takumi makes it look easy, he does not take this well and sees it as sarcasm and when talking about archery they both just brush it off as effortless. But in the JP,when Kamui expresses that archery is harder than it looks. JP Takumi gives his insights about the beauty and effort of archery which was cut out in EN. Kamui praises Takumi how amazing Takumi is and Takumi didn’t expect such praise that it caught him off guard other than the sarcastic remark in EN.
You can see how the EN version again condensed the JP script comparing the two. In short. The EN version shows Takumi doing it effortlessly while the JP version shows beauty and perfection in archery.
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At the end of the B support Corrin injured his hand and in this A support he still strives to learn archery despite his injuries.  
In EN, Corrin says that Takumi is a strict but a good teacher and he hoped that Corrin was worth his time. Then Takumi admits that he is good but doubts him. This shows that he’s truly dedicated and loyal to Hoshido and wants to continue to train him.
But in JP, the whole time Kamui is genuinely excited to learn, you could tell he wants to bond with his little brother Takumi, and compliments him how amazing he is. And in turn, Takumi is liking Kamui and sees what a gentle and kind person he is and now sees him as a sibling and enjoying his company. This recognition makes Kamui very happy.  
The major changes in themes you would notice is that in EN Corrin is doing it as an obligation/business to prove his loyalty and dedication. And in JP that Kamui wants to connect and know more about Takumi who once was hostile to him, it is a true sibling bonding and to have connection.
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Remember those final lines in their C-support, it’s cute in A-support there’s a call back to that in the JP version: “Please treat me well, big brother Kamui”.
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 Takumi and Kamui’s relationship is interesting because it had a rocky start. I always find their dynamic interesting and I am curious how their support would play out. When I first read the EN supports, it didn’t feel like they’re connecting, it felt more like a business relationship and just doing it to resolve things. When I read these supports in JP, I LOVE IT! It mending their relationship, it felt more meaningful than the EN version, and it felt like a genuine sibling bonding.
 The whole time I was reading the JP version , I was like “WHYYYY???????!!”. Why the heck the localization team rewrote this from a nice bonding/connecting to just doing it to prove loyalty. In the original Takumi is more receptive and I love the final lines of Takumi, “please treat me well, Big Brother” because he also said that in C-support too, I love that call back it shows that Takumi has trust with Kamui as a sibling. The JP version shows Takumi’s passion and love for archery through expressing the beauty and striving for perfection.  While EN Takumi is just reactive and too proud. Dammit localization team! 
In short EN version made it about duty, dedication and loyalty vs JP version’s sibling bonding and connection.
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campoverlook-if · 2 months
hello! could i ask for a 'whole world in my hands' reaction for daniel? and maybe ruby too if you don't mind?
You remember how you asked me this and it's taken months for me to do it. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
But seriously I'm sorry for taking so long with this. I haven't finished the one for Daniel yet, but I hope you like Ruby's in the meantime!
RUBY - You’ve been looking around camp for Ruby, ever since you saw her dash off thirty minutes ago…
"Ruby?" you call out, peering into the dimly lit mess hall. You hear a rustling sound from the far side of the room and watch as a figure emerges from the shadows.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Ruby says. She's seated at a table in the far corner of the room, waving her hand to catch your attention more easily.
“I was gonna ask you that, why are you sitting out here?” you ask, walking over to sit next to her. It was weird for her to be sitting in the mess hall in the dark like this. Not only did the place become incredibly eerie at night, but everyone else was at the campfire.
Ruby gives you a smile and shrugs her shoulders. "Oh, just... just hanging around..." She leans her arms on the table and looks away, her smile fading.
Your eyes show concern as you move slightly closer to her. “Is something wrong?”
Ruby looks back up at you, her face a mixture of shock and worry at your question. "No, no... I'm fine," she says, but her words do little to convince you that everything is alright.
She realizes it too and averts her gaze back to the table. After a prolonged silence, she finally says, “One of the girls asked me for advice, and I couldn't give it to her.”
You frown. Someone asked her a question and now she’s hiding in the mess hall? “What’d she ask?”
Ruby drummed her fingers on the table, pursing her lips as she hesitated. It was clear she was stalling. "She likes someone. She wanted me to give her some advice about asking someone out, or showing that she likes them, or—or anything that might be helpful!"
Ah, love problems. Even worse—young love problems. You'd likely feel real embarrassed if any of your kids asked for your advice, but would you be so mortified that you'd have to hide yourself away in the empty mess hall? “And you couldn’t?”
"I don't have much experience with relationships. It's difficult for me to..." Ruby glanced around the mess hall nervously, and when her eyes met yours, she quickly looked away again.
You rubbed your hands together, feeling the tension in the air, trying to push aside thoughts about what she was going to say. “So, her crush doesn’t know?”
Ruby sighed. "She's tried to hint at it, but it seems the kid isn't catching on. I'm not sure how she could make it more obvious."
Yeah, because hints are always better than just telling someone you’re interested in them. Then again, you haven’t exactly been truthful about your own feelings either.
Choosing not to address that little tidbit, you instead shift your focus. “What do you think is romantic?”
Ruby brightens at your question, her face lighting up and her eyes widening in thought. “Words are pretty nice,” she says, turning towards you with a slight smile. “I like it when I watch movies and the love interest just talks about how much the person means to them.”
You smiled back at her, imagining Ruby curled up in her bed, watching a romance film under the covers. You pictured her grinning from ear to ear at a confession scene, secretly wishing for that kind of moment in her own life.
If it was up to you, she’d have that moment everyday of her life.
You have to scoot the thought away, however. This is about one of the campers, not your feelings. “Kinda like, saying it’s ‘hard for me when you aren’t around’?” you suggest.
Ruby almost leaps out her seat at your answer, “Yes! I love that stuff!”
That still felt more like a hint than a genuine confession.. If this girl wanted to show her feelings, she’d have to make more of a grand gesture that was a lot more than just words. An idea strikes you, prompting a soft giggle at the thought of it. “Can I try something?”
Ruby gazes at you with a touch of suspicion in her eyes, clearly uneasy after you laughed without explaining the reason. Nonetheless, she nods, eager for any assistance to help her camper.
She nearly flinches as your hands approach her face, but she quickly reassures herself upon realizing it’s part of your demonstration. You gently place your hands on her face, resisting the urge to caress her cheeks with your thumbs.
Her eyes, filled with trust and an emotion you can’t quite make out, makes your heartbeat quicken. You maintain steady eye contact and say as clearly as possible, “When I hold you like this, it’s like I have the whole world in my hands.”
Ruby’s expression remains unchanged. In fact, she’s almost completely still, merely staring at you with wide eyes and a slightly trembling body. "Is that good?" you ask, worried that you might have just broken her.
“Yea-Yeah…” Ruby moves back from your hands, staring at them for a second before looking away.
You let out a puff of air, letting her go and scooting away a bit. “Then you should tell her to do something like that,” you say, trying to get your heart to calm down. “Or stop beating around the bush and tell the kid straight up that she likes them.”
“You’re right,” Ruby says after a long silence. She glances at you, your hands again, and then at the table. Her face totally flushed, but that soft smile she always wore plain on her face. “Thank you.”
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george228732 · 10 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Thirteen - Days of Reconnection
Fylass, again, woke up in cold sweat, not being the first time they have died in a dream, but there’s something about the dreams regarding Wonderland that feel oddly real regarding that topic. Nonetheless, they were back into the world that was supposedly truly theirs… Although, at this point, they didn’t want to think about that… 
They tried to recollect what happened in the real world; Wonderland was a place that they had on their priorities, more than their own personal life, and at this point, they thought that was somewhat pathetic. 
Nonetheless, they needed to think about what to do today.
"...Sigh. Er… What even happened yesterday? My brain feels so fuzzy…" 
They took away the pendant they had on their sweater, and placed it on the closest drawer they could find across their room, and they went outside just to have some fresh autumn air. It wasn’t until they looked outside, that they remembered just exactly what happened; the bags of groceries were in their mailbox, along with a note that was right beside them.
"I apologize for hurting you this way. I genuinely wanted to help you; it’s just that… It pains me that you hurt yourself too. You have a lot of people that love you, and we would give up everything just so you can be happy. Lucid invited you to spend more time at their house this weekend, if that’s to your liking.
Please, forgive me, Fylass. I hope you forgive me soon…
Fylass was… less than happy to see that letter, not because they’re mad at Ades, but because they thought they were too cruel and childish the last time they met him right at that recreation of the Alivel Mall; not that Fylass knew where the first location was, but that’s not important at the moment. 
They placed the groceries inside the fridge with great regret, and when they were done, they sat on the couch to think about what to do now…
"...Oh Void above, I am so stupid! Why am I like this…?!" 
Fylass pondered what they could do at the moment, but either way, they could only think about calling Ades back out of pity and embarrassment… They went towards their landline to call Ades, Lucid or anyone that would be wanting to answer....
Time passes, and no one seems to pick up.
Fylass was starting to get desperate; only to find out that anyone is hardly even awake at these hours of the morning. If the dim light of the outside didn’t make it clear, the sun was only just rising. It’s sure that everyone was asleep.
The kid wondered if they should go back to bed, but oddly enough, they didn’t feel tired in the slightest; they could maybe start doing chores around the house to kill time. They cleaned themself, they made the house tidy, they made some breakfast, and they finally looked at the calendar. It was there when they realized what day it was.
Archie’s comeback is today.
"Oh dear! I am even more stupid! How could’ve I forgotten about this day?!"
Archie was known to be a very busy Waddle Dee, constantly leaving Popstar to find interesting discoveries in other planets; he was studying to become an archeologist, after all. He occasionally came back home to relax with Fylass and his other friends, but he always did it on very specific days, in which he would stay for a while, and unfortunately, this was one of these days, and Fylass was less than prepared for his comeback.
They pondered on what to do, and after some minutes of thinking, they thought that maybe doing an apple pie would be the best idea for him, and so, Fylass started to work on their gift to their loved one. Good thing that Ades and the rest brought them their groceries that they left at the mall…
They still feel regretful about leaving them like that, before…
As they were making the pie, it felt as if the place was getting colder; autumn was no joke, after all… No matter, though, since Fylass was determined to finish this for Archie. After a lot of decorating and careful making, the pie was already in the oven, as they looked at the outside. It was cold, but very pretty.
"...I may take a walk…"
Fylass waited for the pie to be ready to get out of the oven, and as they placed it on the fridge, they took a shower and wore their winter clothes; they like the cold, but they don’t have the best immune system in the world…
When everything was settled in the house, the kid opened the door and left Cookie Country to take a stroll across Popstar; sadly, they were a bit ashamed to go to Ades’ House, Buddy’s Castle or the Halberd though, so they could maybe go to Green Greens to appreciate the scenery as they waited for Archie to come down to Popstar.
There weren’t many people on the way there, which Fylass sorta appreciated; although, they couldn’t help but feel alone amidst the few people that were around. Sure, they have friends, and gained a sort of new family for them, but even then, they still feel so, so alone.
No matter how hard they try, it seems like there’s no progress for them. They thought that maybe telling their friends and family their many struggles would make things easier, but turns out, that only made the weight of their mind so much harder to carry, and sadly, they didn’t let anyone help them carry that weight with them due to those same struggles.
Not that it matters now…
Soon enough, they reached Popstar’s most well known area; Green Greens, right at the center of Dreamland, and even if in these times of the year it isn’t green at all, it still keeps that charm around. 
Fylass looked for a nice place to sit down, preferably next to a lake, or something of the matter; to keep things more serene around their head, of course. Although, the little bluebird didn’t really expect to see someone else they knew deeply along the way, much less being someone that wouldn’t even open an eye at these hours, that person being none other than Celesta Knight herself.
Fylass remembered the last time they saw her, yesterday, and by what they could observe, she wasn’t doing well, and by closer inspection, it was clear that Celesta wasn’t doing any better today, either. They felt bad for her, not only because she’s clearly troubled, but also because Fylass promised the pseudopuff that they would’ve checked on her yesterday, a thing that couldn’t be achieved due to the bluebird not being in the best state either.
Fylass, begrudgingly, came closer to her to check on her state, to see if atleast, she didn’t feel as bad as the last day.
"...H-Hey, Celesta…!" They spoke up first, trying to open up a conversation.
Celesta clearly didn’t notice Fylass next to her, so she flinched when she heard them, although she quickly calmed down when she realized that it was just Fylass coming to say hi, or atleast, she thought it was that.
"O-Oh, hello there, Fylass…!" She replied in response after adjusting herself to this.
"...Feeling better than yesterday…?" 
"Well… not really… It all feels dizzy… And at this point, I am not sure if it is literal or figurative."
"...You dreamt of that world again?"
"...Yeah. It all felt more bizarre, though; I saw a bigger version of me, seemingly causing some more chaos around the area. I saw a dark looking bell in an abyss too… It all feels more fuzzy than the last dream I had… I don't even want to sleep…"
Fylass was clearly worried about Celesta’s safety and well-being, and if they were worried about her yesterday, those same worries only increased, but besides worry, Fylass also felt deep confusion as they pondered about her dreams…
It surely isn’t the same place, right? It’d be impossible for that to be true… Yet…
"Oh dear… I am sorry I couldn’t do much about it yesterday…" Fylass remarked to the pseudopuff.
"...D-Don’t worry about that. I am sure you are still dealing with… those issues. The others told me that you weren’t very happy yesterday."
Fylass felt surprised she at least had the idea of what happened yesterday regarding them; the others apparently encountered her when they got out of there, and told her some things regarding the encounter… Fylass was now embarrassed.
"N-No! It’s okay… I am fine…!"
"...Hey, er…" Celesta didn’t really want to be rude or offend Fylass in any way, so she wanted to be careful with her words. "Your friends are kind of worried about you, so… would you like to give them a call?"
"Well, I tried this morning, but it was too early for any of them to be awake; I was pretty surprised that I found you awake at these hours, even..."
"Yeah, it’s… odd for me to not be asleep now, isn’t it?" Celesta chuckled.
"I-I guess…!" Fylass, now questioned if they should go back home to call their friends and family. In any other case, Fylass would decline that possibility, but now, they felt that it could be a better idea to deal with this now. 
"...I-I think I’ll get going. I hope you’ll do well, Celesta."
"Thanks, the vet hopes the same."
The area was pretty and all, but the bluebird had other things to do, and the first one of them all, was to apologize for all the fuss that happened the last time they and their family were together. Consequences might come later, but those aren’t important now.
After yet another stroll through Dreamland, they got to their house yet again; Fylass didn’t know why exactly, but it looked brighter than before, and surprisingly enough, not because of the sun. They got to their landline, and started calling again, with the hopes that someone might get the call.
Many didn’t pick up, probably still asleep, but two of them did answer the phone.
"Hm? Who is this?"
"...Hey, Ades."
"Oh, Fylass!" There was a pause after that, but the call quickly started again with its course. "...Feeling good today?"
"...Y-Yeah. Surprisingly enough…"
"...I-I am glad to… hear that…"
"...I am sorry, Ades."
"Sorry? For… For what?"
"Sorry for acting so wild back there. I don’t know what got to me at that moment, but I deeply regret it… Please, forgive me."
"..." Another pause was made. "I should probably be the one that apologizes to you. I shouldn’t have… Y’know, dipped my hands into something I had no agency with. I was just worried about you."
"...I guess we both did wrongs… But hey, I… I get why you would act like that towards me, since you didn’t know I wasn’t… in the best position around the area, haha…" Fylass made a pause too. "It’s just that… I sorta feel like I deserved that, for my wrongdoings and such."
"Fylass… I think I told you this already, but you did nothing wrong. If I was in the same position as you back then… I would have probably done the same, if not something much, much worse…"
"...Yeah, but… those were people too."
"People that had it coming, Fylass. If you didn’t do something about them, who knows what kind of immense trouble they might have caused not only you, but the entire universe as well."
"...Well… I guess there’s some truth in that…"
"Oh course there is…!" Ades said, chuckling. "...Hey, Fy."
"You wouldn’t mind me and the rest coming to your house tomorrow to spend the day, right?"
"Oh…! I… That’d be nice."
"Well, that’s settled then! We’ll be there tomorrow morning; the others are asleep right now, but we both know that they would love the idea too."
"O-Okay then! I’ll be waiting, and I’ll leave everything ready…!"
"Attaboy! See you tomorrow then!" Ades was clearly relieved on the other side of the call, and in all honesty, Fylass was too.
"See you tomorrow…!" Fylass hung up.
They felt very relieved to see that things ended well for them and Ades, although that wasn’t the end of the calls, for they needed to call some others.
Some others indeed were called, but apparently, they still were asleep, but someone else answered the last call Fylass was gonna make for the day.
"Hey, Lucid."
"Kid?! Oh dear, how are you?!"
"I… I am fine…! Don’t worry…"
"...Are you sure? The others told me what happened yesterday, and I couldn’t help but to be worried sick about you!"
"Yeah… I don’t really know what happened to me to say those things and run away so sporadically… Although, even if I am still embarrassed by that, I don’t feel that bad."
"Well, that’s a relief! I was actually planning to visit you today!"
"...Oh, really?"
"Indeed! Many of us love you, kid! And we wouldn’t bear you getting or being hurt! Especially me!"
"...Well… I am glad to hear that, seriously."
"...I can still visit you today, if you want."
"Well… Could you do it tomorrow, please? The others are going too, and I am sure they will be more than glad to have you here as well. Besides, Archie is coming today, and it’d be kinda awkward to get any more visits in the meantime."
"Oh, that’s completely understandable, kid, don’t worry!"
"Ah, haha, thank you for understanding…"
"I hope you do well for the rest of the day! Buddy and Crowny might go too if the circumstances are correct! Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah…! That’d be lovely…!"
"Okay then! See you tomorrow!"
"...See you tomorrow…!"
Fylass hung up again, being the last time they were going to call someone for the rest of the day.
The kid was slowly starting to feel tired, so they went towards the couch, and like it was nothing, they closed their eyes for a quick nap. Compared to the last day, this one felt a lot brighter.
Time passes. Not a dream, not a nightmare, just time passing.
Fylass woke up thanks to the sound of their door being knocked, and at this point, Fylass knew exactly who it was.
The kid got up from the couch and went towards the entrance door, and by opening it, they saw the person they were expecting most for a while.
"Hey, Fylass! It’s so nice to see you again!" Archie said, still with that attitude so characteristic of him, excited to see Fylass again.
"Oh, Archie…! I am so happy to see you!" Fylass got closer to Archie and hugged him as tightly as they could; they loved each other deeply, of course. Archie was deeply empathetic, and constantly called the bluebird whenever he was away and had the chance to do so, and now that he was here, he planned to stay.
"So! What did I miss?"
"...Not much, to be honest." Fylass lied; they didn’t want to bring Archie down by depressing statements coming from them, so it maybe was for the best to not say much things regarding that, at least for now.
"Well, that’s relieving! That means I can make things more interesting for me and you, right?" Archie exclaimed, holding Fylass’ hand in the process.
"Ahaha, I guess…! I… I really missed you, Archie." 
"I missed you too! Deeply." 
"Sit down on the couch, let me prepare you some tea along with some pie I made for this occasion!" Fylass said as they pointed at the same couch they took a nap not too long ago. Archie seemed really happy on hearing that, and so, he did as such.
Minutes later, Archie was met with a recently made slice of apple pie along with a cup of tea on the table that was closest to the couch. 
"Here you go!" Fylass said as they grabbed their own slice and cup of tea, and sat right next to the Waddle Dee.
"Thank you, Fy…! I really wanted to eat one of your pastries for a while!" Archie said as he started eating his slice.
"I am very glad you think that, Archie…! It makes me very happy to have you around here, really…" Fylass said as they patted his head. "How did your journey go?"
"Oh! It went pretty well! I had a lot of fun, for sure. I learned how to make campfires, and such! I also investigated more about some of the artifacts my friends didn’t have much idea on how they function! I think that not even you knew about some of these."
"...?" Fylass was very curious about that statement. "Oh, really? What artifacts?"
"Well… You know that Club Shaped pendant I gave to you a month ago?"
"...Y-Yeah, I do. What about it?" Fylass’ curiosity transformed into a feeling that they couldn’t describe well with only words, but they were still intrigued.
"Oh, you want me to explain it fully?"
"...Yeah, I am curious."
"Oh! Alrighty then!" Archie left the rest of the slice on the table, and prepared for the explanation.
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"...The Club Pendant is an artifact capable of storing energy through the dreams someone has while wearing it, with the purpose of manifesting those dreams physically in another plane of existence."
"...E-Excuse me?" That statement left Fylass with more questions than answers; what did that mean exactly regarding their situation?
"Well, basically, the pendant can make someone’s dreams come true if it has enough energy beforehand. Although, it’s very uncommon for that to happen, since it’s constantly storing energy for that. It normally triggers with people that have strong emotions, and when that happens, their dreamscape manifests physically in another plane. It basically takes the "Dreams come True" too literally. Afterwards, the person that uses the Pendant will be transported into that same Dreamscape."
"..." That left Fylass shocked. Did that mean Wonderland was actually real? Or was the pendant still storing energy for it to trigger? They now were wondering if they should tell this to Archie, since that could maybe end up with him knowing his situation way too early than they wanted.
"...Any other questions?"
"...N-Not really."
"...Are you okay, Fy?"
"I… I am still processing that, haha. Guess I kept giving the pendant more energy." Fylass said.
"Oh! You slept with the pendant? That’s nice! It could maybe lead for it to finally manifest a dreamscape!" Archie came closer to Fylass and kissed them on the cheek. 
"...Y-Yeah! …Putting that aside, though… You should relax after a long month outside of Popstar! Your parents know you’re here, right?" Fylass said to clear off their mind after such a statement.
"Oh, don’t worry. My parents know, and they even let me stay here with you for the day! Would you like that?"
"...Wait, really?! No, I wouldn’t like that! I would love that." Fylass was quite happy to hear that, after that explanation.
"It’s settled then!" Archie shared Fylass’ happiness.
Fylass and Archie were now spending the day together as they wanted. From cooking, to garding, reading to watching the butterflies across the area. It all felt really serene for both.
The bluebird had always desired for moments like this with their lover, but besides that, Fylass felt… uneasy, and a bit troubled. Archie sometimes noticed and supported them how they could, which would be enough proof that Archie wouldn’t be mad for Fylass’ situation, yet, there’s still that voice inside their head telling that won’t be the case, which led to the kid slowly diving through lakes of despair.
It didn’t matter, though… At least Archie was here.
Soon enough, the day became the night, and it was time for both of them to sleep.
"...Aaaalllright then, I had a lot of fun today; thank you, Fylass…" Archie said as they took off their hat, yawning.
"I also had a lot of fun…!" Fylass said as they opened the door leading to the bedroom, which had two beds on the sides. Soon enough, both were ready to fall into a cozy slumber.
"...Goodnight, Fy…" Archie said, struggling to stay awake.
"Goodnight, Archie…" Fylass remarked afterwards, as they saw Archie closing his eyes.
"..." Fylass looked across the room, looking at the pendant on the drawer. Archie had other questions regarding Fylass’ usage of the pendant, but all answers weren’t that surprising. For Archie, atleast.
Fylass used their ESP to bring the pendant to them. 
"...Could it be… real…?" Fylass was nervous on the answer, but they knew that they needed to figure it out, for the wellbeing of both Wonderlanders and Underlanders… If they are even real, at least.
The kid placed the pendant on their sweater, and also fell into a cozy slumber.
@galakianexplosion (CLUB SHAPED PENDANT)
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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Long Distance.
Third Person Pov:
A long distance relationship. You grew up in europe but moved to canada, for your studies. It wasn't really studies, but you finished your police training about 2 years ago? Since you need to be a police officer for 2-3 year before you can become a swat member.
But thinking once you can get that position, you might move to korea, considering that first, you're dating tzuyu. Second, dahyuns your cousin and it'll be nice to have some family when having a fresh start, since that's something you've been looking for as well.
You love canada, but it feels a little odd. Yes, you were raised in europe mostly, but you were born and lived in canada for the first 6 years of your life. Although you felt a bit lost in both places, europe and canada, and although you've made friends.
For some weird reason, you feel the happiest in korea, with dahyun, tzuyu and the rest of the members. They see you as one of them and once's even call you the unofficial 10th member, which resulted of twicetagram and jypetwice_japan to both follow you on instagram.
You honestly liked making content as well, so you used all social media platforms and sometimes posted on youtube, just making some extra pocket money to spend.
Either way, you're planning to go to korea during winter, just for a month while waiting for the results, you were in. The swat team, you had the benefit of being able to join one in any country, So you would be fine to move to korea.
Although, it's only a matter of days until you go over to there, just for a month, a vacation. You'll probably stay in canada for at least 6 months after that, before moving to korea, if you do that is. But there's a slight problem.
You and tzuyu argued, you can't seem to get a grasp of what's going on, you just know she's mad at you and projecting onto your but refusing to properly communicate.
"if you just communicate directly to me instead of beating around the bush? if you want to hit me, do it when i'm in korea, tzuyu." "are you really that overly dramatic?" "what the hell? it's a genuine question."
"i don't know what's going on between us, but i really need a lot of time to just think so just, leave me alone." You left it as that, you both didn't want to be the one texting first, you didn't want to give in, but for different reasons.
You're a mess right now. Tzuyu's acting normal to everyone just even quieter then usual. But it's been a day and pit of guilt has formed in her stomach, it's eating her up as she keeps on thinking about the words you two exchanged.
She knew she had to talk to someone. Someone that can help her. One of the members, She hates how she feels so upset over something to small, she hates how she made you feel, although she doesn't know exactly how you felt, she knows it must've hurt.
And that. That's what broke her silence. She remembered the promise. Tzuyus promise to you. "no matter how bad things get, i'll never hurt you, baby. i love you, okay? believe me, darling. I promise you, i'll never hurt you."
The word replayed in both of your heads. Tzuyu felt like her chest was tightening, her heart was beating faster, the heat in the room was rising, the emotions overwhelming, the guilt eating her alive, it was that moment, she realized how badly she has messed up.
And how hard it was going to be to make it up to you, she was starting to wonder if you'd ever forgive her, she was praying that you would because she knows deep down, you're the love of her life, and she'll never feel as deeply for someone as she felt for you.
The members caught on to how her breathing start picking up and it started getting heavier and tears welled up in her eyes. "tzuyu?" "im sorry, just give me a second." tzuyu managed to get out as she rushed out of the room with the phone in her hands.
She read the texts, over and over. Tzuyu knew it was going to be a long process, winning your trust back, winning your love back, winning.. you back. It's not like you were normal. She knew how badly she fucked up.
Tzuyu got you to trust her, and love her. While you had philophobia. A fear of love. And she convinced you, yet she hurt you. You would get here tomorrow night. Your guys plan was that she picks you up from the airport.
But tzuyu doesn't know if you would want that now. She's just sitting, a few minutes away from the jyp building, beside a tree, leaning on it slightly, not realized the tears that were now streaming down her face as she sighed. "fuck.."
Thank god, you took an extra day off before your flight just incase you needed more time packing because god were you drained. You were exhausted. Crying, a lot of it. You couldn't find the energy to get up.
You forced yourself to eat a slice of pizza but that's all you could get down before not wanting anymore. You chugged some water and took a shower, hoping to help relax yourself a bit.
You waited and waited for a text from the girl, even if it was one that continued to yell at you. You just wanted to know she was still thinking about you, that she still cared. You sucked it up and went to the gym, wanting to take your mind off of things for a few hours.
After that, you got together with a friend, had some dinner before playing basketball together. It was unfortunate that a camera spotted the two of you. And tzuyu.. wasn't very happy to say the least.
Usually, she would laugh at stuff like that, but know that you aren't happy with her.. a part of her believed the rumours being spread, maybe you were done with her. The both of you were torn on how to feel.
You love tzuyu to pieces. But you can't help but feel a little scared. What if she's like this everytime she's upset with you? what if she keeps blowing up on you and you have to choice but to end, what if she never apologizes? what if you never talk again?
You were honestly so stressed out, the friend, knew that you argued, they don't know who tzuyu is, because you haven't said who it was, you just said you had a partner and you guys argued, there was one picture of the friends hand on your back.
That made tzuyus head spin. She had to pull herself together, telling herself she needed to get work done, she called herself before returning to the practice room, acting as if nothing happened, and ignoring all voices of concern.
You reached korea, you were just about to call an uber when a voice mumbled, "you don't have to do that" you only nodded, not wanting to talk to tzuyu. She could tell by the look on your face that you were anything but happy with her.
Tzuyu stayed silent as you threw your bag into the back, "that's all you bought?" you hummed, she bit her bottom lip and sighed, "i'm sorry." "can we not do this here?"
"i don't want to drive almost an hour without saying anything, i don't want you to run into the room your staying in and lock me out, i don't want to lose this, y/n. i don't want to lose you." You put your seatbelt on and looked away from her gaze.
"please look at me" a whisper left her lips, you hesitated but looked over. "i'm so fucking sorry, i don't want you to apologize to me, i should be the one. i'm aware for my behavior and what i said was hurtful to you and i didn't think before i said a word. though this doesn't excuse anything about i being mad at you."
She paused before continuing, "i realized that i didn't care about your feelings and emotions because i got defensive but still, i didn't care. i wished to be a better person and try not be careless and slobby with your feelings. Though you have been waiting for me to answer for hours and hours."
You listened, both of your tearing up with each word that she uttered, you didn't let your tears show, blinking them away, tzuyu honestly couldn't even tell they were ever there in the first place.
" i need to understand more about your feelings and your emotions, so i can stop being all careless about your feelings. i realized that my behavior came off aggressive and i understand it caused you pain. i really want to show my care for you but i just got nervous, and i felt dumb for not doing it.
you've done so much for me but i didn't give it back, all i did was just laughing at you and i came across into realization that i was harming you instead. i try not to be mad at you for the littlest things and please continue to be you.
i love who you are and that's what best for you to continue to thrive. and i didn't wanna harm anybody because i got really aggressive and was typing all angrily just for me to release these anger out of me. but still, i said it. i started all of this just because i was angry.
i'm in the fault here. forgive me or not, i just wanna say this. tell me what part i missed talking about and i'll address it."
"i don't know what to feel, i don't know if i'm mad at you or not, i feel like i should be but i can't be i honestly, just felt unheard. i felt like you were listening to me and i felt that you were just projecting everything you felt onto me, if it bothered you why didn't you tell me in the beginning?
why did you have to lash out like that? i don't get why you didn't think before you argued with me? there's one thing i wish you never said, i wish you kept that to yourself but that shit hurt so bad, tzuyu. you made me feel so pathetic, i felt like i was begging you to forgive me for something i didn't even know was wrong.
tzuyu i know i upset you but i thought about it a lot, i don't think it was my fault, was it? you never told me you hated stuff like that, i didn't do it after i knew you hated it. Not on purpose at least? I just wish you talked to me calmly, i was fucking terrified, i thought i lost you and that wasn't fair to me, was it?
i really don't like when people just leave me there, i've told you this before and you still did it. And when you came back your words were anything but kind. I don't know if this is a one time thing, or if this is you everytime you get upset, but if it is, then i don't know.
But now everytime i think about sending a text, i have to think about it even more, mostly if it's about my feelings, because i'm scared you'll just think i'm dramatic again. you crossed a line with what you said and i don't even know anymore. Just know i still love you, alright?"
Tzuyu reached for you, placing her hand on your thigh and looking at you, " i knew i did, i realized i was invalidating you and shit, it wasn't intentional and this is the first time i did. i don't know how to deal in this situation but i'll try. i'm taking responsibility of this because i made you feel all stupid and idiotic.
i always leave you on delivered because i was nervous as fuck. didn't know what to do. scared to see it. when you were asking me to forgive you, i didn't say anything about it because i was mad. but still, didn't excuse shit. i'm sorry for not telling you anything about me or anything i hate.
i'm sorry for projecting onto you and attributing these unnecessary emotions onto you. i know i made you feel idiotic for trying to make me forgive you. all i want is trying to make you feel loved and cared just like what you did to me but it's hard to try to show affection still.
And i also should stop projecting and making everything about me. still learning about all of these stuff and i'll try to stop being slooby and shit. You're scared of love, yet you show affection better then i do and i'm.. really gonna try, like how you did for me."
You both went quiet for a bit. "are we.. are we okay?" tzuyu asked, so quiet you barely heard it, but you nodded. "i'm still yours, tzu." a sigh of relief left her lips, "thank god." you had both removed your seatbelt once the speeches started.
Knowing you would rather look at each other in a situation like this and face each other, tzuyu placed her forehead on yours, as it went quiet once more, both of your eyes shutting. "i love you" "i love you too, tzu."
"can we go home now?" she mumbled, pulling away slightly, but stayed very, close to you. Placing a hand on your cheek. You nodded. "do you still trust me?" "..yes?" "are you sure?" "i still do, but not as much as before"
She could only hum and nod, swallowing thickly, although it hurt, tzuyu knew she had it coming. "i'll gain it back." you smiled slightly as chuckled. "go for it, tiger." "hey! that's chaeyoung!" you shook your head and smiled.
Both of you relived that your relationship was okay. Now with how quickly you guys solved it in person, you were now sure, you're moving to korea.
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