#I reverted a bit to my old style with this one
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Happy birthday Four!! I have drawn some art in his honor :)
Also, imma tag anyone who showed interest in said birthday in this post, which also inspired me, as did the amazing art by @akchimp75!! Sooo here goes!
@illegiblehandwriting1 @margindoodles2407 @turdofanerd @uniquevoidflowers @ladye-zelda @undertheopensky @uncleskyrule
also @prince-of-red-lions! (thank you for the advice :D)
also, here is a wider version under the cut, just because I like the grass XD
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caitlynskitten · 5 days
Okay but I’ve just had the most cursed idea
What if one day when Bianca and Wednesday are fencing, Wednesday is more aggressive. Bianca demands to know what she’s playing at, and Wednesday confesses she’s feeling a bit frustrated today. Bianca’s all like ‘well damn, Addams. Get yourself off or some shit, no need to kill me.’
Only to then realise, by Wednesday’s expression, that Wednesday doesn’t know what ‘get yourself off’ means. In fact, Wednesday doesn’t even know what masturbation is, leading to a very awkward but educational lesson from Bianca as she explains it.
Fast forward to the next day. It’s breakfast. Yoko, Divina and Bianca are all sat together when they hear a cheerful ‘hello guys.’ Thinking it’s Enid, they turn and are all terrified to see a beaming Wednesday. She’s wearing colours, her hair is in a different style. She’s really smiling.
She sits next to them and is all like ‘thank you for your help yesterday, B. Gee, who knew all that pent up frustration could make someone such a bitch, amirite?’
They don’t know how to answer. They’re still trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
Cue a frantic Enid storming in, running over to them all. Her hair is a mess, she looks terrified and she all but screams ��WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS?! IS THIS WHAT IM LIKE?! WHERES MY HOT MURDERER GF?’
LMAOOO NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭 Wednesday just needed a good pleasure release this entire time and now she’s like a brand new person! Wednesday definitely masturbates every few months. And within that time frame she reverts back to her old angsty, edgy, heartless self. Until she gets off again and she becomes a an even happier Enid!
Oh my god I need to write more of this this is so fucking funny thank you for this
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asherashedwings · 3 months
Chat. I spent 34 hours in this canvas. I am so tired.
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Anyways, when I began working on Connected Universe AU, I already knew I'd be making line ups. Cuz I love making line ups and I also love suffering.
Close-ups and lots of yapping under the cut
Alternate Universe Boyfriends
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So all these guys, unlike the other BFs present on this line up, are actually BF but from different universes. They're the same dude.
I thought it'd be neat to display the fact that they're from different universes by drawing them all in different art styles. It was also a fun exercise to test my art style range.
So starting from the left, we got Base Game BF. The main universe one. He's drawn in my usual art style. Not much special about him. Boyfriend.XML my beloved. I will note here though that I did take some of the elements form my own BF design and threw them onto the AU BFs. So that's why they all have some sort of jacket/hoodie etc.
Then we got Yourself. I reverted to old tactics and used my sketch for his line art, which results in him having thicker line art in general. I also further distinguished him by giving him harsh black shading. He always has that. He already had it on his face, so I just gave it to the rest of his body too. Cuz silly. You. You could even say. Silly Billy- 💥💥💥
Then we have Funkadelix. Him and a few other BFs make use of the Blackburn brush for their line art, cuz idk I like that brush. I referenced the Mutant Mayhem style when making him, since in the Connected Universe, he's in the same universe as those turtles. His colors are mostly yoinked from the actual Funkadelix sprite. I think. I may have tweaked them a bit/eyeballed them idk. I prolly eyeballed them.
Then we got Monday Dusk Monolith (MDM). I really went with the mentality of "NO ROUND SHAPES" with this fucker. Just wanted him to look super sharp and scratchy, since that AU is literally dealing with an apocalypse. So sharp shapes just made sense in my brain.
I had a lot of issues settling on a style for Mix, so I just chose to take inspiration from the FNF loading screens, cuz it just fit in my brain, idk. His design also features present in my Pico design, like the stupid cleat shoes and stray hair lines. Yknow, since he's literally a mix of BF and Pico. He also uses Blackburn
Finally, HD. I decided to try and go for a semi realistic style for him, proportion wise at least. Cuz. Yknow. HD. He also uses the blackburn brush, but I also pulled an old tactic for him and made his sketch visible over his coloring. Cuz idk, I think it lends towards the vibe.
"Side" BFs
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Okay, now we're REALLY getting into AU territory.
So from here on out, all the BFs are separate people from THE BF, and have their own names and shit.
So staring off, we got Blake. I was reading through his wiki trivia and saw them say his style was more "radical and funky" than base BF's. I saw the word funky and ran with it dawg. So that explains this clothes. I also tried my darndest to get rid of a lot of the BFs caps, cuz dude, I can't have that many fuckers having cubic backwards caps. So I gave Blake a pair of star shaped sunglasses cuz funky, chat, FUNKY. We decided that his stage name is Love Bird, and he chose that cuz that's a pet name his GF has for him, and if he had a band it'd be called The Birds of Paradise.
Then we got .XML. I immediately knew I wanted to give him a mullet. Look at this man and tell me he wouldn't have a mullet. Besides that, not much changed. Since he kept the name of .XML, I imagine he is actually related to BF in some way, and he just goes by his last name. They might be cousins or brothers or something idk. There's also more dumbass info on him here:
Then there's River, or G-Sides BF. I took a lot of inspiration from his teaser designs, cuz they were silly. Literally named his river after the dumbass river design on his sweater. I don't got much info on him besides that. I can't talk about River without including this image so here:
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The New Yorkers
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This group is literally named after the fact that they all live in NY in my AU. Technically, the Minus BFs should also be here, but they're their own group.
Starting with Bartholomew, or B3, I just took the shape of his glasses and ran with it. Chat I needed to get that shape language from somewhere. I actually drew him twice, since the first time around I really was not digging how I drew him. He's fine now tho. His ass only got brim, cuz he had to be different somehow. Other than that. not much changed for him.
Now Evan.. Evan gave me so many issues. Like, dawg I drew him three times. I kept on trying to make the orange in his upcoming design WORK but I just COULDNT chat i COULDNT
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So, per @braveboiart 's request, I ended up getting rid of it entirely and replacing it with his blues and grays. They also gave me the advice of brightening the colors a bit, which was very easy for me to do, I love bright ass colors. I also touched up his design shape wise, since that was also lacking the first time around. So boom, zippers on the pants and baggy ass sleeves. I'm content with how he came out. Chat I did all his design touch ups while I was exhausted out of my mind. Sometimes you gotta be delirious with sleep deprivation in order to cook, kids, trust me (please do not be like me-)
Benjamin was pretty simple. Kept him soft, kept him round, kept him pastel. Got rid of the caution sign on his hoodie since .XML already had that, and just replaced it with paint splatters. Not much more to say.
With X's design, I got a lot of help from my good good friend @minxtheeenby , mainly when figuring out his hair style. Those braids are not actually his hair, and are fuckass cords that connect to his headphones and can move independently. Don't ask about the logic, I will not be thinking about it. He was born in Philly cuz of his fuckass white eyes. White eyes means Philly, I don't make the rules here.
Minus BFs
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The colorful critters, these guys are.
So. Beta. I had actually drawn him before this point, and he didn't change much from then
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He has arrow shaped top surgery scars cuz I love giving constantly shirtless characters top scars and I just. HAD TO once I had the idea to make them arrow shaped. Main things to change since that drawing are some details on his pants and some of his colors; notedly the fact that his hat is a darker color compared to his skin to further distinguish it. Also Brave kept trying to get me to make parts of his design the same color as his nipples. So that happened /lh
Chat. I let my furry show with Blue. BUT CHAT HEAR ME OUT. On the wiki it's stated that he's a "Dog??". You think I could look at that and not go all the way? So yeah. Dog. He's silly and he got his weird ear ring things from his sister (Minus Miku).
Not much to say on Mean, he barely changed. I just drew him in my style and added a few details. He might also be an alien, idk.
Now, I posted about Golden a bit, but for those who didn't see that insanity: I made him an Alien Hominid. Cuz small yellow alien=Alien Hominid in my brain. Flawless logic. (Don't worry chat, I sat down and extensively researched the AH series to the best of my ability to check if it made sense. And I didn't see anything that would make it not make sense?) But yeah, silly. Him and Otis might be buddies, cuz goofy.
Who Fuckin Knows
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These guys are just all the guys I had nowhere else to put. Miscellaneous group.
So first we have Bonnie, or Saturday Night Swappin' BF. He's another one that I had to go back and touch up. I actually touched him up the same night/morning as Evan. He ended up turning purple. The name we assigned him was an omen /j Chat I swear he was originally blue, I don't know what happened
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HC that he just got really into FNaF when he was younger and has just been cosplaying a humanized Bonnie the Bunny ever since /hj
BIDU GAVE ME SO MANY ISSUES AND IDK WHY. It's prolly cuz by the time I got to him I was getting SUPER burnt. But I prospered and was able to finish him. And I don't hate how he came out, so bonus points there. Main change was replacing the prohibition sign on his shirt with a lightning bolt, cuz no one but BF is allowed to have that symbol, and Bidu already had lightning bolt imagery, so eh why not. His eyebrows being green, at least in my style, implies his hair is naturally green, and he just added the blue and pink, and I find that slightly humorous, idk.
Keith (StarCatcher) was another one I had to go back and touch up, but that's due to the fact that I was informed that him and his GF got a redesign before the creator deleted their FNF stuff. So I had to go back and fix my design according to that. I also leaned into the scape suit direction cuz SHAPE.
Now, you might be wondering, why is Flippin BF here and not with the other alternates? He was grouped with him in a previous post? Well, that's because after more assessment, I decided that Friday Night Flippin' is in fact, in the same universe as Base FNF and not an alternate universe like I had previously decided. So I changed his design a bit (mainly just getting rid of his hat and changing the color of his shoes) and boom. Different guy. He is staying pixel art tho. I do still need to come up with a different name for him tho.
Now this next one, Heath, is not from a currently existing mod, but from an FNF AU my friend Minx is making.
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I decided to include him cuz he's silly and I love him. Their AU is canon to the Connected Universe.
Okay, so Cam (Hellbeats BF) changed A LOT. I let my furry slip out again. BUT I HAVE ANOTHER REASON FOR IT. See, in this connected universe, it's not just Newgrounds stuff that is canon. I also made other fandoms I'm in canon. So that means the Hellaverse is canon (specifically my rewritten version of it), and Hellbeats has to fit in with that. So I had to assign the characters species from that universe as well. So I made Cam a cherub, cuz I wanted him to stay short as fuck. He's also a raccoon cuz he's a lil shit and I thought it'd fit If ur curious, this is what everyone else is:
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Okay I'm done yapping now. Gonna be doing the GFs next.
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finnickfan8 · 10 months
You’re in the Wind, I’m in the Water
Pairing: Finnick x reader
Genre: Songfic, Under the Chemtrails Over The Country Club by Lana Del Rey
Warnings: none
You hadn't seen Finnick Odair for years as he was tied up with being Mr. Popular at the Capitol, drinking and partying around with the bigwigs and the who's who of Panem. Every year, you had made him a birthday card in case he comes back, you had just made your 6th one and tomorrow it will join the others in the box in hopes that he will come back next year. As you were cleaning up from making the card, you heard a knock on my door. You stood up from your sandalwood chair and creeped across the old creaking floorboards to the captain's style door. The round window on the door had been covered with spare scraps of fabric that you had been too tired to lift up to check who was at the door.
“Of course I am, Idiot! It’s been 6 whole years since I’ve seen you and you’ve been galavanting around with rich snobs and it’s unbearable.” you teared up a little, reverting back to when the two of you were younger, when you had heard Finnicks name get called as the male tribute. You remember how you looked at each other scared and he promised he’d come back for you one day, although you never thought it would be true.
He had felt horrible throughout the years not being there to protect you physically but he definitely was protecting you. “I had things to do to protect you, and that’s why I came to see you now, to protect you again. Pack your things, we have to leave, now.” Finnick had never been a man of secrets, not to you at least. You assumed it wasn’t without reason, and packed what little you had left in your ramshackle “house” and joined him on the walk to the train.
I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
The ride was silent until Finnick leaned over and chuckled, “You still wear the necklace I gave you?”
“Yeah, I do. It helps me when you’re not there for me.” you started to play with the shell around your neck “Why weren’t you there for me? Why didn’t you come back for me?” You both felt a tinge of hurt surge through you.
“I had to stay and let The Capitol sell me off.” He looks down and fiddles with his well-tailored dress shirt, “I had to do it for Snow so you would be safe. I had to do things I’ve never dreamed of in order to save you.” He starts to smile a little bit and it pulls on your heart strings. “But it was all worth it because you’re safe.” You were still trying to reason with why Snow would use Finnick like that, his job is to protect his people, not sell them.
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
You arrive to a small town and keep hiking out to the abandoned shores on the outskirts of District 11. There was a seemingly small cave up ahead that you followed Finnick’s lead to. “Home sweet home” he proclaims as you see this fully decorated cave with his spears and pictures up everywhere along with a small pallet in the corner with off-white pillows and blankets the outside of the cave lead to a pool-like calm in the water.
Together the two of you hopped in to the water outside of your little cave-home, the water smiling up at you as your legs danced to keep you afloat. Finnick took his ring-adorned hands and cupped water over your hair and smoothed his hands over the (H/C) locks before tucking it behind your ears. Finnick then reaches down and grabs the slightly tarnished chain around the shell on your necklace.
“I told you a piece of me would always be with you didn’t I, Pretty Girl?” He put his arm around you and help you tight so you could watch the Capitol’s airplanes paint small ribbons of white in the sky a beautiful yet fearful reminder of their control.
Under the chemtrails over the country club
Wearing our jewels in the swimming pool
The wave of relief and peace you felt was quickly quashed by questions that had been unanswered.
“You know how you went to the Capitol with my sister as your stylist?” Finnick begins to tense up around you and just nods. “She did well, kinda, your makeup was a little sparkly as per my request.” Finnick softly laughs, not wanting to really remember the games, but remembering the sparkly eye makeup that your sister had adorned him with.
Me and my sister just playing it cool
Under the chemtrails over the country club
“I don’t really know if now is a good time because obviously it’s hidden for a reason,” you had started, “but why are we running?” He sighs and cups your face tenderly, while trying to figure out how to tell you this without breaking your little heart.
“Y/N, you know how The Capitol is all mighty when it comes to the Hunger Games?” He begins to stroke your hair while you nod. “In my games there was no trident in the Cornucopia. I was a Career so there was no way that I wasn’t the first to the Cornucopia. Later in my games, a trident was gifted to me.” You didn’t really see where this was going, but he looked so pretty when he was talking so you let him continue. At this point he had let you go and had his arms rested propping him up on the side of the cave. “My games was rigged.” He turns to you. “ALL the games are rigged and you were next.” He finally confesses.
“What do you mean I was next? I was the next one that was to be reaped from District 4?” You had never taken food from the Capitol so you should have only had one slip in. Everyone you knew had 20,30,40 slips in so it made no sense.
“You were to be reaped next and they were going to torture you to get back at me ever since I started to rebel. I stopped going to appointments for people who had booked me because of how wrong it felt to do to you.” His green eyes glinted in the now ever present moonlight. He had done this to save you and you’ve done nothing to repay him. He starts to pull himself out of the water and grabs a towel, wrapping it around his waist. “ready to go to bed sweetheart or do you wanna grab a cup of coffee and talk?” You hastily get out and grab a towel while you wait for him to start a fire for the coffee.
Meet you for coffee at the elementary schools
It feels just like how it felt to talk to him all those years ago you just talked and laughed about little inside jokes. Slowly throughout the night he reminded you of the boy you had fallen in love with all those years ago. He made you feel like nothing else in the world mattered. There might have been so much bad outside and so much good in him. He made everything feel alright again.
We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool
It's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me
“You’re probably bored of me talking about the games so much, I know that time must have been hard without me there like I promised to be. I won for you, I won for us.” you shake your head and him and clasp his hand, placing the intertwinement in your lap.
“I could never get bored of you, my love.” You reach up to cup his face as he cups yours, gently kissing you for the first time.
I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild
“That was amazing, Love. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to be able to do that with you. I want a life with you. A life outside of the mess of a world. A world with just me and you together away from this world. We may have existed in two different worlds before, but together we can be one of our own.”
You're in the wind, I'm in the water
“we have nothing but each other in this world” you pressed your forehead softly against his.
He chuckles “Nobody’s son” you softly pull him in and kiss him. The two of you linger there for a while, feeling each other’s breath as it comes out.
“Nobody’s daughter.” You know that despite both having lost most of your family that you would make one together one day. He was yours and you were his.
“I love you Finnick Odair.”
“I love you more Y/N L/N”
A/N: I took this from my wattpad, it wasn’t being seen much there so i’m hoping for this to get some requests and feedback
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celtrist · 2 months
Hot Take, I don't think some people take some things into consideration for redesigns.
Don't get me wrong, some people just do them for fun and there's a lot of REALLY cool ones out there, some I kind of prefer to the official designs to some degree. And I don't think it's a matter of people NOT doing research on the characters as that's absolutely false. But people just kind of neglect/forget/or don't realize some facts about the characters for one reason or another. A lot of designs don't even work great when you put it in the context that the characters would be animated. This doesn't mean redesigns people have done are lazy or anything, you can see a lot of care put into a lot of them.
I plan on doing a sort of "Batman Animated series next season" sort of redesign at some point, and by no means should MY takes and ideas be meant as superior to others. I also wouldn't say some of the critiques given about the official designs are unwarranted, but I think they DO get dogpiled on more than deserved (I mean, a lot of people do LIKE the designs, so they can't be that awful). Below are some things I think people forget or don't understand (again, this is not anything that should be taken as the bible, just my own thoughts about stuff and elements of characters people don't seem to take into consideration a lot):
Lucifer and Satan aren't the same person, so it makes sense Charlie isn't a goat. According to Viv, no part of her design was based on it, and it would be strange for her to look like the love child between Lucifer and Satin if she were. Though totally understand why people do it, goat Charlie IS adorable and also, where the heck does the hooves come from???
Many of the characters don't live in their time period, especially Vox and Angel Dust. I'll be a bit fair on this one, with characters being from different times, it would be visually more interesting to see those styles clash. But some characters, like Vox especially, wouldn't work with that as they WANT to live in the modern day. Vox's WHOLE THING is about staying with the times, so of course he's not looking like he's from the 50s. I've seen some redesigns revert the man to his box head, and that totally misses the point of his character and how he's opposing Alastor's want to stay with the past. I do think it wouldn't hurt to have some illusions about their time periods, though (whether through their clothes or the rooms they occupy).
Alastor is a cannibal, so it wouldn't make sense for his teeth to be so dull. Maybe they could've sharpened his canines with blunt teeth for the rest, but I think he isn't meant to be an approachable figure or anything, and the sharp teeth read as "dangerous". Also, if the canines are only sharp with the rest blunt, the toothy smile feels a little less iconic. To be fair though, a lot of characters have the sharp-tooth smile and the same smarmy face. I just think it makes more sense for his character with what he eats and the in-universe intimidation he's going for him to have full-on shark teeth. Just anything but only the blunt teeth smile, even if it works better with his smile mantra and is arguably creepier (and give his grin a more distinct feature from literally everyone else in the show.
I think the idea people have for Alastor’s colors being black and white or sepia-focused is both a good idea and a silly idea. On one hand, having his colors be like that out of a photograph would be neat and help aid in the idea of Alastor's ideals with the past always being superior to the future. He would literally look like he's stuck in the past. HOWEVER, there is a slight problem with these ideas. The issue with the black and white scheme is that he'd look like an old cartoon character rather than a man from a photograph. This would be a bit odd of a choice considering he's not associated with TV in general. Sepia is a bit better of a direction, but also a bit odd when you consider Alastor is not the only demon to hold the past on a pedestal. So why would he have the sepia scheme while others like Rosie do not? Again, bit of a double-edged sword. There's also the fact that Alastor is focused on AUDIO mediums, never visuals. So to have his scheme focus in visual mediums like being out of a photograph or old TV would be a bit odd. It would be more accurate to argue that he should look more like the invisible man with maybe only a radio head or something if you wanna make the argument about his colors not reading 1920s.
Making Alastor a full deer anthro, while cool and makes sense in theory, loses a bit of thought when there's a BUNCH of other anthro characters. Don't get me wrong, I think people often come up with some cool designs and, to be honest, look more deer like than Alastor's canon design (like seriously, those ears are not deer ears at all). However, it loses something when anthro sinners are quite common in Hell (Husker, Crymini, literally any crowd shot you see probably has an anthro character in there). So, while this might read as a bit of a personal take, Alastor being a straight up mix (dare I say a Kemnomimi) between a human and deer feels like it reads a bit better into how he died. That being, he was a man mistaken as a deer. So him being very humanoid but having the attributes that may have made the hunter think he was a deer with his silhouette and surroundings, come off as a bit stronger and better related to his death. Again, I don't think I'd call this out if it weren't for the fact we see so many anthro demons and really no kemnomimi-esc demons. Because of that, Alastor being a mix of human and animal comes off as more unique and stronger than if you made him a flat-out demon.
Alastor doesn't show his hooves because he's a gentleman! While I think they could get away with giving Charlie some open-toed shoes, Alastor is a man who wants to be fully dressed, so to have him lack shoes to show off his hooves doesn't really make sense for him. He's actually fully dressed up, no part of him showing skin aside from his head! His hands could be a bit of an argument on that, but they have been described as gloves while official merch would seem to contradict this. My fun theory is that they're gloves, but they look exactly the same as his actual hands. To follow up on the clothing thing, Alastor would never willingly show something like a tail if he has one. I am of the "he does have one" group, but I think it would make sense for him to try to hide any features that would put him as a prey animal. The following are a bit more in designs speculation territory, so take with a grain of salt:
This is a bit of a side thing and could totally be wrong, but I've seen mention that all residents in the pride ring wear/have some color of red on them. I'm not sure how true it is (I mean, when you look at all the characters seen there is some form of red on them even if it's just by eyes). This would honestly be a neat "cartoony logic you just don't question" in theory if it wasn't for the fact only the pride ring residents have this going on. If it is true, they need to have that color thing happen with other rings (so hellhounds have yellow on them, lust have purple, so on and so forth). It would be neat as then we could see where different demons come from just by their color scheme, however, that's not the case. The idea of everyone in the pride ring HAVING a bizarre dress code requiring them to wear red is more distracting and less "just accept the cartoon logic" when they're the only ring that does it. Also, I still agree that characters do not need to be drenched in color if it is a requirement in their design. Again, this is all to say this idea is true, which I cannot verify other than all the demons we see in the pride ring do seem to have some form of red on them.
Red sclera and white-ish irises might help to indicate some demons as hellborn. So this could kinda be seen as a weak argument, but I just thought it was strange how the only other times we've seen this eye trait is with hellborns: Hellhounds, Lucifer, and Charlie. And I think it would make more sense for that to be the case rather than Carmilla and her daughters happen to have fallen into Hell together. I mean it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but meh. Also, would add a bit more interest to Velvette if it was revealed she was hellborn. Thought it was a bit odd for other characters like Vox and Valentino to have confirmed death years but Velvette never got one officially (as far as I'm aware). It also would just be a nice design element that actually sort of means something (that being if you have those eyes, you're more than likely a hellborn). Especially when you take into account characters like Crymini where, if it weren't for that eye-color scheme, you would think she was a normal Hellhound.
This one is 100% headcanon territory, but I'm sharing it again because that's the power I wield. To keep it short, Alastor has high respect for women and tends to prefer their company, so maybe out of that respect/his mother possibly having it, he got himself a bob cut as that was popular with women in the 20s. The hair gets a lot of flack for understandable reasons, but I thought it'd be a bit more fun to give him a reason for having it and I also just don't think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Here's the post getting a bit more into it, but pretty much the same is said just detailed.
Finally, as I've said earlier, these characters need to be animated. And most redesigns don't take that into consideration. To be fair, a lot of people also acknowledge they don't for the designs, which totally valid. It's already tricky to design characters, so to make sure they'd be animatable would be even MORE of a pain.
Again, this is just some small tidbits and by no means is this an attack on anyone or anything, just some of my thoughts and things I think people don't think about when making changes. By no means is canon perfect, I don't even think canon takes some of these considerations in to be quite honest with you and I don't think the designs are made as thoughtfully as the redesigns, but I don't really care for the "my designs are better" mantra.
All in all, just some of my thoughts on things. Lemme know if there's anything you disagree with or have your own ideas people seem to forget/not notice!
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coxinhadoce47-art · 9 months
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Then and Now
It's interesting to see how they changed since I made them back in 2021. They were meant to be like, ocs I wouldnt share online, I was in a very weird mind space but I think it was good to leave them stewing. I have a sketchbook that is pretty much just filled with their original versions. That and a handful of unfinished oneshots I've made of them (which I do want to rework and share one day)
Their story didn't change much honestly, besides the very initial idea that got dropped really fast dsnmd North's personality changed a bit, though.
I did miss drawing the old designs, even if I'm way happier with the new ones. I think I even ended up reverting to my old style with it a little bit. And they got no color because I never had their color schemes decided until I redesigned them
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pass1onepr1ncess · 3 months
JJBA Binary Stars: JuJou
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(If you saw me repost this, no you didn't, I made some minor changes and additions and wanted make a better first post!)
I've been working on a Jojo Fan Part for quite some time now and I'm finally starting to get around to drawing the characters so that I can introduce them and talk about theProject!!! Also, if you follow my lovely partner @xxbattiepupxx you've probably seen him drawing one of the stand users for said fan part!!! ;)
In any case, the part is called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Binary Stars and it takes place in the post-reset universe along side Steel Ball Run, Jojolion, and Jojolands! In terms of setting, Binary Stars takes place after the events of Jojolion and before Jojolands! Though Binary Stars starts off in Japan, it's in Okinawa instead of Morioh!
Jumi Joumae (Otherwise known as JuJou) is our protagonist Jojo! She has a twin sister named Jien who I'll talk about more in a following post. but the focus is on Jumi! My biggest inspiration for starting Binary Stars is that I really like how Golden Wind was heavily inspired by Y2K fashion, so I wanted to make a fan part that incorporates characters that are each based on/affiliated with a different genre of alternative fashion!
Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce JuJou and IT GIRL!
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Jumi Joumae (Jujou)
Role: Protagonist/Jojo Age: 21 Pronouns: She/Her (Cis Girl) Fashion Style: Kogyaru
Jumi is a Kogal who, despite having graduated High School, continues to dress in kogal style into her early adulthood. She's very ambitious, and though her dreams of stardom and fame are far-fetched she takes them very seriously and won't let anyone talk her down from it. In fact, she's extremely protective of this dream. Anyone who makes fun of her or tries to tell her that her goals are unrealistic will discover that she can be quite confrontational. She remembers everyone who's ever laughed at her dream and holds grudges, frequently using her stand to cause trouble and mischief for them as well as just being plain petty in her interactions with them. Personality-wise, she's sort of like a fusion of Giorno and Josuke. Jumi is currently enrolled in a local college in Nagasaki for her General Studies Degree, but she has her sights set on a performing arts school in Tokyo. 
Jumi’s stand first appeared when she was around 13 years old. She’s never told anyone about it other than Jien, who of course didn’t believe her at first. It took about 3 months, but Jumi had finally gotten Jien to believe her about the “Pretty ghost lady” that lets her turn things into diamonds.Jien was never able to see IT GIRL since Jien hadn’t yet developed her own stand.
- Japanese (Has the littlest bit of White blood from Johnny but that’s a good few generations up the tree) - Younger twin to Jien by 30 minutes - Great-Great-Grandaughter of Johnny Joestar (Daughters of one of his unnamed descendants), Distant cousin to Jodio Joestar and Josuke "Gappy "Higashikata - Visually Inspired by Red Beryl (Houseki no Kuni), Clover (Zero Escape 999), and Yumemi Yumemite (Kakegurui) - Personality Inspired by Saki Tenma (Project Sekai) and Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Stand Name: IT GIRL Namesake: IT GIRL - Aliyah’s Interlude Ability:
Anything Jumi or IT GIRL touches turns into hardened diamond. Jumi can choose the color of said diamond, and if she deactivates her stand or if the target leaves her range, the diamond will revert back to what it was before. IT GIRL’s range is 5 meters (15 feet) in which her stand can not exit that range. IT GIRL's diamonds are neither flexible nor breakable.
In terms of stands being an extension of the user’s soul, IT GIRL represents how Jumi is casual, friendly, and laidback most of the time but how she toughens and shines under pressure and scrutiny. While diamonds can be pretty and shine like a star, they also have a sharp edge- like Jumi. 
While Jumi is more aligned with Kogal, IT GIRL is more aligned with the more dramatic Yamanba style of Gyaru.
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And there's Jumi!! Next up is Jien, so I hope people will look forward to that!! I've been working on this fan part for a quite a bit now and have made not only main Jojo, Antag, and Jobros but also many minor stand users!!! I'm excited to finally start telling my story!!!! >w<
When I add more characters and such, I'll tag each post about this project with #Jojo Binary Stars so look out for that if you wanna know more!!!!!!
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Here's a little one-shot from that werewolf Peter au I was talking about yesterday.
Summary: Aro finds the strange creature that has been causing trouble, and quickly takes an interest in him
Warning: blood, mentioned death, Peter is not dressed due to werewolf reasons, Aro is an ass, but this is normal
On with the fic!
Aro had been expecting a newborn vampire as the one causing all these slayings in the city of Las Vegas, they had fit the usual style of bloodthirsty vampires with no proper guidance. It was a decent reason to travel to this city after a visit with the Cullens, just to check up on their little child, making sure she wasn't a threat still.
He had taken up the task to find the newborn himself, he needed the amusement.
However, what he had found was anything but a recently made vampire.
Instead, he found the shivering form of a naked human, covered in claw marks, and blood, both the human's own and another person's. The scent was strong, but the blood of the human before him was... not right.
It reminded Aro of the shapeshifters, of both this country, and of Europe. Though there are quite a variety of shifters around the world, you could tell the scent of their animal if you were well adapted as Aro.
And he smelled the scent of a feral wolf.
The human was a skinny thing, but clearly a tall one, with dark brown hair, and eyes that showed both fear and anger. There were still features of the wolf on him, the long, nasty claws still soaked in blood and chunks of meat, with sharp teeth bared. The body was a tight thing of muscles still trying to change back into a more human-like structure, and the feet were... not quite right, yet, but were slowly changing back.
It looked painful.
"My, my, my..." Aro stared, smiling as he stared at the human, hidden in the shadows of a disgusting alleyway. The scent of garbage, human, and blood was strong here, was a terrible place to be. "Was not expecting one of you to be the cause of all the attacks, how curious."
"Fuck off." The human snarled, practically growled out. The accent was clearly not a local one, he sounded British. How silly, a reverse of that old film, then?
"And why would I do that?"
"Got enough problems right now, fang face, don't need a fancy ass vampire to come cause me trouble!" The human stated before crying out as there were loud bone snaps, his feet becoming normal again.
So, it was painful. Fun.
Aro chuckled and approached, standing over the human laid on the filthy ground, panting hard and not seeming to care that he was naked as anything.
Hmm... not a bad looking human, probably wouldn't be much of a snack even if he wasn't a werewolf. He had the underlining scent of alcohol. Lots of it. It made blood taste terrible.
"How did you know I'm a vampire?" Aro asked, smiling down at him.
The man glared up at him, gritting his teeth as his claws started to revert back into fingernails. "I'm... clever like that. Expert hunter... fuck!"
He panted hard then dropped his head back with a grunt. "Plus, you stand out like one from a movie or somethin'. Or a dumb vampire novel."
Aro couldn't help but to laugh at this, he'd be insulted if he didn't find this creature oddly amusing. "Expert hunter, hm? Is that how you became a werewolf, little wolf?"
This earned him a very, very nasty look, which only served to amuse Aro more. "Fuck you. I am, one of the best experts in the world. And I got bit... in a way that's none of your business."
Aro just hummed, nodding, taking note of scars on the human's exposed skin. Scratches, lots of them, some old, some new, some healing right now. There were also bites, old ones, scattered about, but there was one that sat on the man's left shoulder, it looked red still, but the attacks had been happening for a few months now, was a werewolf bite slow to heal?
This creature made Aro very curious, it wasn't often he dealt with werewolves, it had been ages since he last encountered any, and all of them had been slaughtered by humans shortly afterwards. Or by other vampires.
It would be a shame to slaughter this one, when Aro could use him to study the beasts. He watched the human roll about in pain as the last of his body changes back to a normal appearance, and he ponders over this being.
He wonders... would a werewolf be good in his ranks? Those vampires up north have their shapeshifters, so why shouldn't he have one? It would make things more interesting for him, that was for sure.
He grinned, holding out a hand. "Here, let me help you."
The man stared at the hand. "Why?"
"You are lying in blood and who knows what, it is nearly fully sunrise, and I am sure you'd like to be home and not naked and coated in blood before anyone else sees."
"Hmm... and how do I know you're not just going to bite me and drink my blood when you help me up?"
"I do not like the taste of animal blood."
"Bite me!"
"I just said I don't like dog blood." Aro laughed at the sputtering the human made, and just yanked him up off the ground, much to his protest.
As much as it bothered Aro to let anyone use his clothing, he removed his cloak to cover the man, who mumbled a thanks, curling up in it.
"Now," Aro started, clasping his hands in front of himself, "how about we discuss things in a more secluded location."
The man looked confused. "Discuss what things?"
"Oh, you'll soon learn. Come now, show me where you live, dear wolf." He smiled, gently taking the man by the elbow and started to walk out of the alley.
Peter would fight back more, but he is utterly exhausted, in pain, and feeling like shit for a number of reasons. He'll be much more annoyed with Aro once he gets a shower, sobs over his self-hatred and guilt, and has at least three cups of coffee in his system.
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whimsicaldragonette · 4 months
Blog Tour: The Bump by Sidney Karger
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Publication Date: June 1, 2024
Welcome to The Bump Blog Tour with Berkley Publishing Group. (This Blog Tour post is also posted on my Wordpress book blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
Two men expecting a baby via surrogate go on the road trip of a lifetime in this hilarious and poignant novel by Sidney Karger, author of Best Men. Wyatt Wallace is a practical, super organized director of TV commercials. Biz Petterelli is a child-actor-turned-magazine-writer who thrives on spontaneity. Though polar opposites, they are fully committed to their relationship and their life in Brooklyn with their dog, Matilda. They’re also about to have a baby together. And they’re freaking out. They’ve both dreamed of becoming parents, but now that it’s happening, they’re doubting everything. Their baby is due in a few weeks and instead of flying to California just before the birth as planned, Biz has a better idea. They could use one last hurrah, along with some serious “us-time” to mend the issues they’ve been having lately—before they get tied down by fatherhood and its impending responsibilities. So the daddies-to-be load up their 1992 Volkswagen Cabriolet and embark on an epic cross-country babymoon. They attempt to recharge at the beach in Provincetown, stumble through their impromptu baby shower in Chicago, and endure a Star Wars -themed wedding in Colorado before heading west for the baby.   But when they take several unexpected detours, old wounds are reopened and secrets spill out that could change their relationship for better or for worse, forcing the couple to reexamine the meaning of family while building their own. After all, what’s a road trip without a few bumps along the way?
My Rating: ★★★
*My Review below the cut.
My Review:
This was good, if a bit over the top for me. It was campy in a way that just doesn't appeal to me because it didn't really feel authentic and I could never get behind the characters 100% even though I did find many parts amusing.
What I really did appreciate was the topic. Road trip? Been done. Two men on a save the relationship road trip to reconnect before their baby is delivered? I haven't seen that before. If it had been slightly less over-the-top and I'd found the characters more relatable, I would have absolutely loved it.
As it was clearly intended to be a humorous and somewhat campy road trip, the situations and characters encountered, including Wyatt and Biz's family members and friends, were all over the top to the point that they felt like stereotypes. But then sometimes they would break through the stereotype and feel more real, and that I did enjoy.
It was told in alternating POV style, but for some reason whenever we were in Wyatt's POV and Biz said something, the dialogue tag would be Wyatt saying how Biz felt about it. The same happened in Biz's POV when Wyatt spoke. It was really strange and kept taking me out of the story because it didn't make sense for the characters to know what the other person was thinking, so maybe it was all assumptions? But it happened just about every time anything was said.
Wyatt and Biz also argued and were resentful and childish toward one another for the entire book. I was hoping they'd work things out, and a couple times thought they might, and then they'd revert to sniping at each other. It didn't give me a whole lot of confidence about their ability to handle actually raising a child together. The way it's told it's as if seeing the baby delivered magically fixes everything, cue the adorable 6 years later epilogue.
I liked it enough to continue to read the whole book, however, and I think it will appeal to a lot of people. Especially those who enjoy campy over the top humor.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for providing an early copy for review.
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Oddity Filming Locations
"The golem is brought to life with the word emet (אמת), or 'truth,' consisting of the three Hebrew letters aleph, mem, and tav. Without the letter aleph, the word met (מת), meaning 'death,' is formed, and the golem reverts to a lifeless clod." - Wikipedia
Damian Mc Carthy's Oddity is my favorite kind of horror film - the kind with few filming locations. For this film, three primary locations are all it needs, which makes it all the simpler for a scene stalker like me to find them. It only took about an hour to find all three. So without further ado, here are the locations of The House, The Asylum, & The Shop/Flat.
The House
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The House in this film is, in itself, an oddity, with it's large courtyard, multiple doors, & Grecian style cupola.
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Whenever I scene stalk, I always start by doing a bit of research to get an idea of which general area the film was shot. In this case, online articles stated the film was mostly shot in West Cork, Ireland. While this is technically true based on amount of screen time, only The House is in West Cork.
And when I begin searching for a location, I always let Google's reverse image search take a shot at it. It only finds about 5% of the locations I try, but whenever it does that's a huge time saver. In this case, not only did Google find the location, it was the first hit.
Damn Google - you scary!
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If you'd like to visit The House, you're in luck! You'll find it at Bantry House located at Seafield, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland - no street address, strangely enough.
Bantry House is a bed & breakfast, so if you happen to be passing through West Cork, you can stay there - although it is a bit pricey. However, The House isn't Bantry House itself - it's the mansion's old barn / stable!
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From my research, I learned that they didn't just use this barn as the exterior, but built the interior sets for it inside the actual building - a rare case of the interior/exterior being the same place (another example: The Bronze from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show). I suspect this was the case for the other two locations as well, since this was a very low budget film.
Google street view has several photo spheres around the Bantry House grounds, which I highly recommend you check out as they are quite stunning.
And with that out of the way, let's move on to the Asylum!
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The Asylum is a real hospital which is in the process of shutting down, if it hasn't shuttered already, so it makes the perfect place to film, both inside & out.
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In reality, it is St. Bricin's Military Hospital located at Infirmary Rd, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7, D07 DC84, Ireland.
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I lined up Google's street view as best I could to match the two screen captures above.
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This was another case where Google's reverse image search found the location for me, but it was something like the 50th hit, with several frustratingly similar matches before the right one. It must have taken about 30 minutes to sift through them all before I found the correct match. Still, not too shabby, Google.
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No such luck with The Shop/Flat, though. Had to find this one the hard way - by thinking.
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I could tell straight away the location wasn't anywhere in West Cork, as the building's there are colorful & cheerful instead of somber & bleak. I suspected this location was also in Dublin, & I was right.
I searched for the headquarters of one of the film's production companies, Keeper Pictures, which is at 15 Peter Row, Aungier St, Dublin, & not too far from St. Bricin's Military Hospital. So I started sweeping the neighborhoods near the hospital & the production company - Dublin isn't all that large, as far as cities go, so this wasn't the grind you might think it would be. I quickly started finding buildings remarkably similar to The Shop/Flat, so I knew I was on the right track, & after about 20 minutes, Yahtzee!
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Not even a mile from the hospital, you'll find the building that served as both The Shop & Darcy's flat above, located at 12 Henrietta St, Dublin 1, D01 XR59, Ireland. It's not as bleak as it appears in the film, no doubt thanks to some scene dressing & distressing. I don't know if it's a real apartment building, a private residence, or what, but you can certainly stand on the sidewalk and admire it, should you happen to be passing through that part of town.
As it is located on a dead end street, it makes for a great filming location as getting a permit to shut down a dead end street, say on the weekend, would be much easier than any day on a busy main thoroughfare.
Now, if the location is a private residence, please don't harass the folks living there while taking your selfies, or you might receive a visit from this guy:
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I guess having a personal, nightmare-fuel, wooden murder golem is one of those quaint Irish customs they keep mostly to themselves.
Knock on wood.
creaturesfromelsewhere 7/29/2024
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izzy-b-hands · 6 months
Rambling abt the half dream half nightmare that woke me up today below the cut. feel free to ignore, just need to vent it out somewhere. Probably going to include me talking abt Current Family Issues and Feelings so. yeah. TW for mentions of someone in hospital, death, religion, and overall family dysfunction lmao
I know that ultimately, right now, if something big and/or terrible happened medically to anyone in my family back in ND, I wouldn't be able to go see them. The money just isn't there (part of why I'm not going out there this summer nor are they coming out here at all.) I've accepted it, and I try not to think abt it.
That said, LOVE (read: HATE) my brain deciding a hyper realistic yet weird dream abt my mum winding up in hospital is the way to go this morning. Complete with:
-her bf refusing to speak to me abt it, and telling me not to bother going to visit her in the weird, somehow existing in both CT and ND simultaneously, hospital with a 'haven't you already been enough of a burden to her?'
-me staying in my grandparent's old house in ND, and for some reason that meant being wildly unable to get ready to go to the hospital. Finding my clothes was nearly impossible, but. all their old decorations were back up on the wall so even as I was searching for them I like. Didn't want to leave? As if the house would revert back to being sold like it has been irl, if i left it. Finally I wound up just stealing clothes from my grandfather's side of their closet (specifically his old 80s styled 'eagle on a tree branch' print sweater that he got forced to toss a few years ago bc it was becoming more holes than sweater, and one of his old, big leather jackets. somehow i found jeans that fit me, idk how considering i can't seem to do that irl rn but i digress)
-me showing up to the hospital FINALLY only for Noel Fielding?? to be sitting outside it with a friend dressed in what i can only describe as absolutely gorgeous future techno witch clothing. Unfortunately they were fucking dicks in this dream and scared the shit out of me by joking that 'it was so nice I'd shown up still despite the worst' and implying my mum had already passed. Noel did shout apologies as i stomped off inside and that as far as he knew she was still okay, but his friend is the one who handed me a wrapped in plastic, small, metal stool with a weird cartoon face on the seat so i could 'sit with her body, like sitting shiva, right?' (not like that at all to my knowledge, but then again my family has rarely to never fully followed any of the various religious rituals around death, we just. take the bits the dead person liked from them and ignore the rest, for better or for worse. Maybe that's just what happens when a family is a mishmash of various christian sorts from Catholic to Protestant with the hidden knowledge that actually, prior to ppl moving to the States, ppl in the family were Jewish but inter-marrying into Catholic families for safety-sake, and so any Jewish traditions used now are done wrongly and weirdly and in odd bits and pieces. At least that's as much as I've been told/have found out abt it, anyway)
-I proceed into this stupidly fancy and open concept hospital, to immediately find a hugr crowd mucking up the elevators (crowding the elevator bank and refusing to let others on.) That's where Con showed up, and helped me make it up the ridiculously wide, roundish staircases (think like. wide rounded stage steps, but for each level of this hospital), while also trying soothe me by telling me Housemate was already here and waiting for me, so were my grandparents and even Mum's bf (he promised to keep him away from me lol, it was v sweet in an otherwise filled with anxiety dream.)
-however, as we were struggling up the steps (also full of crowds, pushing each other around, so we literally had to hold hands and hold onto the railings and walls to avoid being shoved down the stairs), he kept hesitating on saying more abt mum. He tried to distract me by mentioning that, since I was here, the docs might want me to address some of my own health issues but that he wouldn't let them force me into any treatment i didn't want. Then he finally alluded to mum being in worse straits than I'd been told abt and said something to the effect of 'doing only what you can, not what she or others would expect of you' and 'not to set yourself on fire to keep someone else alive' plus admitting he was deeply worried my family was abt to force me into a big decision that absolutely wasn't the ONLY treatment option that would help mum, but it was implied to be the one mum's bf and my grandparents were pushing for.
-still dunno exactly what that option was, but just before i woke up i started hearing the latter part of the song Gethsemane from JCS (Housemate and I have been watching various versions irl this weekend lol), specifically the bit where Jesus dares/begs/etc God to see how he dies. This was accompanied by me finally reaching my mum's hospital room, and a stupid bright light emanating from it and like. Not to critique my own brain and the dream it created, but that was far too on the nose for me personally lmao.
-and I woke up thinking abt the call with my grandparents that I had on Thursday (didn't go super poorly but went. kind of weird and uncomfortable and confirmed again that like. they're happy for me being out here in CT, yet at the same time hold it and my happiness against me to some unconscious degree as originally outright confirmed by Mum in an earlier call her and I had like. Tail end of last year lmao. the main crux seeming to be 'why couldn't i find happiness in ND/what's wrong with all of them/why wasn't i willing to keep trying to make my life work in ND regardless of my happiness/don't i know how hard it is without my being there to help everyone whenever they ask/etc family bullshit')
And now I'm laying here thinking. If the Worst would happen for any of them, they would fully expect me to empty my bank accounts and do whatever else i had to, to get to ND not just to see them, but to help. to take care of as much as possible for them (mum and grandma get decision paralysed by sad/scary life events, my aunt is so uncomfortable with sickness and death she won't do hospital visits or funerals at all anymore for anyone, my cousins...are young enough they won't know how to handle it/won't want to, my grandpa tends to just shut down and isolate when things go to shit, and that's not to say that they all don't still get done things that need doing in these situations, but that they DO all usually need prodding and help and have leaned on me for that since i was a kid.)
And i would of course want to see them/help however i could, but. not to that extent. not to the point that I'd have nothing for myself, no money or help (bc they're not in a position to return that help or money to me, and they'd be so emotional as to likely be extremely offended and upset if i mentioned needing help myself.)
That said, I'm sick of silently daring them to watch me die just for their sakes, even tho i do still love them all dearly. and of course, that's entirely too dramatic but at the same time, Mum and I have had convos abt 'what if there's a shooting somewhere that we're at, how do we handle it, how are we attempting to protect each other' and Mum always says she would take a bullet for me, but she didn't protest when i say that I'd take one for her or anyone else in the family first. Last time she just nodded like. yeah. of course you would. so. Feelings, abt all of this.
If u actually read this full thing that was A. very sweet of u and i appreciate that u care abt my silly lil fucked up brain enough to do that (genuinely, I'm v grateful) and b. here is a pic of Nisha as what little compensation i can give for u reading this long ass ramble lol
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
The World Tumbles Down Chapter 2
This chapter proved a challenge for me to be completely honest with you but I really ended up loving it by the time I finished it and posted it.
I am especially proud of two things: the Rex and Fox conversation and the sparring scene with the batch.
I based Rex and Fox’s conversation on a very real complicated relationship that I have had with my own brother. Sometimes when you love somebody they do things that create rifts in your relationship and no matter how much you love that person it’s difficult to return to your previous relationship. Rex and Fox have a rift and neither of them know how to talk about it. That doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other but they can’t talk to each other. Fox overcompensates with confidence and Rex gets angry. It’s not really a great environment for heart to hearts. I liked writing them because they’re distinctly different than Rex’s relationship with Cody for example. There’s still some of that playful history between them where they can revert back to old habits but there’s something they aren’t talking about and that plagues their relationship. It’s ridiculously complicated between them and I’m certainly not done exploring them yet.
Fox himself is a tough one to write. Mainly because we know so little of his actual canon personality (but when has that ever stopped us clone fans 😉) He’s a lot of fun and I genuinely really like writing him. He brings something new to a fairly established pattern in my writing style that I’m really enjoying playing with. And we certainly haven’t seen the last of him.
The sparring scene. My love. The batch really needed some alone time. They’ve been struggling having to be so… social all the time. They needed some together time and Echo really needed them to get him out of his head. He opened up to Hunter in the last fic (finally) and that progress has kind of stunted a bit. They know Echo pretty well and if they let him stew he’s just going to continue to backslide. I liked the idea of it being a tradition they have - pulling each other out of their heads either something physical, something of a challenge. Trying to get Echo to talk right now won’t work. He’ll lash out. Hunter saw that right away.
Which means it’s time for Wrecker to wear him out, Tech to challenge him, and Crosshair to break him out of his bad mood and introduce something more playful. Hunter knew exactly what he was suggesting and he’s very pleased with himself and I personally think that’s very cute. He knows how to take care of them when push comes to shove. Echo wants to be cross (hehe) at them for making him feel better but he can’t stay mad at them for long.
I never wanted to lose those more lighthearted and playful moments between these characters. That’s my favorite part. There’s issues between them but they don’t stop loving each other because of that. It just. Hurts.
None of them are going to react or patch things up in the same way and that’s okay. They’ll do it at their own pace in their own time. Until then we’ll see how they’re grappling with the different conflicts between them.
I’m excited to post more chapters! Chapter 3 is a fun one and I’m excited to show you where this story is headed.
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papirouge · 1 year
in an unfortunate turn of event (me visiting my sister who scheduled a movie seance for my niece), I went to see The Little Mermaid🥴
Cliffs **spoilers** :
- Halle is breathtakingly beautiful... Like- it was lowkey distracting lol. She was perfect for that role. She has those outlandish features that are perfect to pull off the look of a mythical creature such as a mermaid (I feel the same for Michaela Coel). Something tells me the fact she's so pretty and Black AND paired with a White man is one of the reason White Conservative/ANTI/NLOG pickmes seethed particularly hard at that casting🥴
- it's obvious that the story is based in the Caribbeans so Ariel being Black is totally coherent. There's absolutely no "Black in the middle of the snow" syndrome since the cast is extremely diverse and multiracial (Creole type of demographic). The (White) Prince is an adoptee of the Black queen, and most islanders look mixed to some degree. And it's echoing what's happening in the sea kindgom since Ariel and her sisters are supposed to represent the 7 seas (2 mermaids are Black, 2 are White, 1 Arabic, 1 East Asian, 1 Indian) so screaming about White erasure is stupid lol
Oh, And let's not forget King Triton who's Latino LMAO (Javier Bardem)
In the end of the day, directors are entitled to make remake through their own perspective and a Creole Little Mermaid was an interesting and convincing move considering how well put together and highlighted this culture is throughout the entire movie (and let's no forget that even in the OG Little Mermaid Sebastian already had a Creole accent so the call was from inside the building at this point). In retrospective, the whole outrage surrounding this movie lookw even more embarrassing & stupid...
- kinda off that Ariel is 15 years old while the Prince is 21...🥴
- the songs are good - there are 3 additional songs - of which one sang by the Prince (which is okay but still a bit awkward lol). "Under the Sea" SLAPS and is visually marvelous. Scuffle ragga song is funny idc lol
- the CGI looks better in motion (especially Sebastian), but the realism kinda kills the mood. Although I suspect they made this choice so that the animals aren't too much out of place when interacting with humans (which happens A LOT in the movie). It's not like Finding Nemo where humans were only a tiny fraction of screen time.
- the building up of the romance is surprisingly cute. The chemistry between the 2 actors is very convincing. The Creole dancing scene is absolutely lovely. Their bonding around their curiosity for the world and exploration is very credible and fleshes out their romance beyond the 'Prince fell in love with mute unknown girl'/'mermaid falls in love at first sight' thing. I like how they added in the scenario that Ariel forgot that she had to kiss the prince to remain human forever (it was a ruse from Ursula to prevent Ariel of reaching that goal, but also a scenaristic ploy to avoid Ariel rushing to kiss the Prince who quickly felt in love with her) so their romance looked more genuine.
- the Prince is pretty handsome 👀 that's a first for a live action Disney movie imo I also think we dodged a bullet concerning the rumors of Harry Styles being initially casted for the role
- the final fight with (giant) Ursula is kinda underwhelming
- from a Christian perspective: this movie is a total rehabilitation of mermaids. At some point, when Ariel reverts to a mermaid right before the prince and his mom, the Queen says (talking to the prince) "I told you the creatures from the kingdom of sea were DEMONIC" ....and the thing is.... she's supposed to be the evil one for rejecting the mermaids. There's an obvious satanic demon acceptance agenda so don't get it twisted to the purpose of that movie.. it's Disney after all....
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hello again, soldier 🫡
Uhhh random question time, who are your top 5 fictional men?AND what’s your hair routine, like what product do you use? Cuz I’m trying to change mine up a bit.
Hey hi Captain 🖤✨
Top five?! Put me on the spot will you. Like of all time? Oof that’s tough. Okay, y’all better not judge a hoe.
1) Ulquiorra “Bamboo” Cifer from Bleach. He’s my first for a reason and I’ll love him unconditionally no questions asked. He can rip out my heart and I’d thank him for it wow I love that man 🖤
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2) Zuko from Avatar The Last Airbender. Purely platonic because I’m a Zutara shipper but when I first saw Zuko I knew. “He a good one.” and he hasn’t failed me yet. His redemption arc go crazy and Dante’s rent was due when he voiced Zuko. Just an amazing character all around like all hail Fire Lord Zuko in this house.
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3) Joker from the DC Universe. You know him, you love him. What else is there to say? It doesn’t matter what version (yes it does🤭) The Joker is an ionic character that I’m always attracted to. I’ve always loved the villain in a story so Joker, someone who is evil incarnate, just does it for me. 🖤
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4) Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. I’m taking it back old school! He’s my brother in law (inside joke and I ship SesshKag) I absolutely love his character in the show and movies. He was the ‘villain’ in the story but overtime we got background stories to prove otherwise plus his redemption arc went bonkers and his fanart is always🔥
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5) Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) I just wanna marry him and suck his dick. I am not ashamed. I haven’t seen not one fanart I didn’t love and his character within the show is 🤤🖤
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Now! Onto hair routine 🥴🥴😆
Girl I’m a low maintenance girl with 4c hair. Nine times out of ten, I do a silk press because my hair texture is so annoying. Think of tiny coils compacted into a cotton ball. Ugh I hate it.
If I don’t detangle five minutes after I wash, it mats up automatica. So I use Design Essentials since it does the hard work for me. Black owned and they have all natural products for all natural hair.
I use their Agave and Lavender Blow Dry collection in tandem with their Detangling shampoo and Anti-Itch shampoo. Yes three shampoos, ya girl has needs.
I rinse with the blow dry collection’s conditioner and it’s game time. The clock is ticking and my hair is a beast to detangle. I prime and protect with a thermal serum to each section of my hair and use the products to help detangle with a wide tooth comb before blow drying.
By that time it’s an electrocuted Afro but it’ll revert back to curls if left untouched. So either I’m too tired to continue and I leave it as is or I move onto pressing it.
I use either my TYMO straightener or their flat iron to press my hair or use both if it’s a humid day. 
Other than that I wrap it up and my hair stays under a bonnet majority of the time. I’m not one for elaborate styles and stuff and I only unwrap the silk if I have a work meeting or if I’m leaving the house for longer than an hour.
My silk press on average lasts me a month or longer.
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thistransient · 1 year
- So I went to the Taiwanese trial class with my friend. It was taught by a little old lady who was nice enough but gave me some mild flashbacks to those harrowing weeks with the Mandarin teacher of a similar age. Most of the session was her explaining the history of 台語 in Taiwan, with a side of trying to force the 8 tones and counting from 1 to 10 upon us via rote memorization. I felt a bit frustrated and not entirely thrilled, my friend was miffed that the school hadn’t explained the price they quoted was for the trial class only. We’ve decided to give it a pass and try a different school, although our scheduled trial there is on hold on account of the teacher falling ill. In the meantime my friend has begun to contemplate taking group Japanese class instead (as his partner and her kid are Japanese), which is much more widely available. I am tempted. Do I need to start half-assedly learning yet another language? Probably not. Do I want to divert my energy from Mandarin to whole-assedly learn Japanese? Also not really. Is there a high chance of following through nonetheless? At least I’m self-aware about it...
- Job applications here largely require a photo, and I need a haircut but I’m afraid to go back to the place I went in August for the big chop. The guy started cutting it while wet, then broke out the blow-dryer and kept snipping til he was satisfied, but because my hair is curly and I do not own styling product more complicated than a comb, it reverted immediately to a vague dandelion shape and took several months to actually resemble the reference photo I’d provided. The thought keeps crossing my mind to simply shave my head entirely. I had it buzzed to a 3 some ten years ago after a dye-job gone wrong and did not enjoy my appearance. Of course I look different now, and hair grows back, but the struggle between wanting the catharsis and radical change (not to mention less mess in the shower drain strainer) of a head-shave, and fearing the hassle of growing it all back out if I do truly detest it is raging inside of me.
- After coming back from Korea I may have spent one whole day languishing in bed and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter as a meal before slowly reconvening daily activities. I have been meeting some friends and going out, but I end up needing one day of hermit-like recovery for every outdoor social endeavour. I have yet to implement any kind of proper schedule (beyond “try to eat three meals and go outside at least once”), leading my friends to recommend I start by contemplating my greater, overarching goals for life. Every few years I come round to the notion of attempting a STEM degree (which would require redoing undergrad, but, as they say, “the time will pass anyways”). I think it would be really engaging to do a program taught in Chinese, and possibly motivate me to overcome my deficiencies in the math department, which is what always puts me off the whole scheme. Scientific terms are so much simpler in Mandarin because they’re extremely 顧名思義 (just as the name implies); English really shot itself in the foot with all the Greek and Latin. I don’t even need to check the dictionary to figure out 光合 means ‘photosynthesis’... Will I actually follow through with this, and live out my days happily studying trees and avoiding small talk with humans, or will I continue to trundle through life intermittently trying to teach English between bouts of autistic burnout? When I put it that way, the answer seems obvious, but this is without factoring in all the bugs that live in trees... Also wasn’t I trying to convince myself to go to grad school for what, translation? linguistics? library science? something? just a few months ago? Maybe overarching life goals are a red herring at present, and I should just get a job first and then see what kind of things I’m interested in when I have consistent disposable income to pursue them at length.
- I am, at the ripe old age of my mid-30s (I’m rounding up since my birthday is next month- again, so soon??) being forced to reconsider what it means to like someone. Perhaps on account of being socially inept and spending all of my formative years in Catholic school, I took for granted that it was that painful, infatuated pining one feels for attractive strangers or casual acquaintances who generally don’t reciprocate. In the past couple years I began to experience the strange phenomenon of having great affection for friends I’d gotten to know slowly and who became increasingly physically appealing as time wore on, but I wrote this off as Mystery Emotion X because it lacked that frantic obsession I was accustomed to. Now I suspect this may simply be a healthy manifestation of romantic attraction. I’ve often struggled with exactly what identity label the intersection of my gender, attraction pattern, and neurodivergency might land me under. I think the plot is thickening... but I will put off pursuing further clarity by going to the BDSM bar instead.
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
How would my moonpie react to being carried bridal style in the relationship stage? (Or even after getting married lol)
Hahaha let's see.
(Relationship Stage)
(Luna's POV)
You still don't know how it came to be?
You spent all of your time isolating yourself from others there is not a single friend you have in the assassin division and if they try to approached you will growl at them like a beast.
"Have I gotten soft?" you ask yourself "Have I forgotten my training" you question many more inquiries pop on your mind and stacking on one another.
Your mind is a mess and your doing 2 things that you will never tolerate.
1. Listening to your heart and thinking this made you shiver and the words became stuck in your throat.
"Hey moonpie you alright?" a familiar voice sound.
You snapped your head to looked at the source and you see MC's brow furrowed in worry and eyeing you warily.
"I'm fine" you say grumpy.
And finally the 2 reason is having a relationship.
" Have I failed and where did I failed?" you ponder.
But of course you would be lying if you say that you didn't like this relationship set up.
You finally know the feeling of being loved and being cared for.
Now you know the feeling for waiting for your other half and feeling the dread of not seeing them come back.
And fearing that accursed day that something might happen to them.
"Are you sure? I know you moonpie and I know you're thinking about something." MC's voice said again.
You looked at them and put your best smile( A bit rusty and a bit strained, still getting used to this smiling thing)
"Yes my Firefly I'm fine" you say and trying to resist the urge to haul your stomach out.
"Moonpie" is the nickname MC's for you and "Firefly" is yours namely for two reasons 1. MC is like a fly and would not stop buzzing in your ear no matter how you squish their heart it will still come back to life and pursue you.
2. Because your the moon and MC's is your star.
But of course you can't shake that repulsed feeling due to your still trying to get use to it.
"I know what will cheer you up!" MC's says in a child like voice.
Hearing them say that had you worried if they say that and there voice is like that they are thinking a date plan for you two.
Like one time MC and you went skating another time is a dancing competion and many more stupidity.
Granted they don't act mature but you too like the thought and that what really counts.
"Let me guess another date?" you ask MC.
MC grinned at you and standing up.
"Nope, for now I want to be simple I want to carry you bridal style so that I can practice our future marriage!" MC says determined.
You laugh at them thinking that they are joking.
"😂😂😂😂 Really funny!" your voice cracking between laughs.
This is the best joke you have so far and by far the most funny.
You looked at MC and you see their face serious and not laughing with you.
"I'm serious Luna!" MC says flatly.
You stopped laughing MC mostly call you moonpie but when they called you by your name then it means that it's a serious matter.
"You can't be serious of all people you want to marry me?" you inquire MC shocked( Of course you want to marry me who wouldn't 😉😉😉)
MC kneel on one knee beside you and grab ahold of your hand.
"Luna I love you with all my heart and I want to have a future with you, this job, our job there's a lot of work hazards in them namely getting killed so before I die I want to die with someone by my side who loves me deeply also." MC says genuinely and their eyes serious.
Their hands on yours, you feel the urgency in their voice and you feel your heart bursting in joy due that MC is choosing you over all the woman in the world.
But of course where is the fun if you will just accept their request.
"No!" you say and yanking your hand from their hand reverting to your old cold self.
You hear MC gasp and started to cry ��😭😭.
"But why and I thought you...you loved...wahhhhh!" MC begin to cry like a child losing it's candy.
You know doing this is wrong playing with their feelings but you consider this payback for the pranks they have played at you.
"Arrggg Fine you can carry me!" you say and make a act of groaning.
MC looked at you.
"Really you would let me carry you?" They ask you hopingly.
You crossed your arms and gave them your signature death stare.
"I don't like repeating myself firefly!" you say in a stern tone.
MC then proceeded to scoop your legs under their arms and hoisting you up, securing their grip on you.
"Yehay!" They say like doing something impossible.
From there MC carried you in style(bridal style to be exact 😉😉😉) and I will let you finish the story from there my reader.
(Marriage Stage.)
(Luna's POV)
The bell is ringing loudly on your ears and the wedding dress itching on your skin, you want to tear it off from your body, your assassin instinct telling you that it's very stupid and you will not have any manuveribilty if there is an attack on your special day.
You feel MC kissing you on the forehead.
"Someone's tense 😏😏😏" they say and mischief in their eyes.
You pout
"I'm not tense!" You grumble.
MC flick your forehead with their finger.
"Moonpie I know that your thinking that maybe there will be an ambush or someone will be assassinated but assure you our friends helped with the security and also I found your stash of weaponry hidden in the closet and also I can feel the knife strapped to your leg." They say grinning and with an amuse emotion on their face
"Nothing is wrong im being cautious anf prepared!" You say like a child having a tantrum.
How long has it been? Before your a cold assassin and destroying people both physical and emotionally, now your in arms of MC and they are carrying bridal style.
If your past self is here, she will rebuke you and drilled you into going back to your old self.
Looking at MC you see them happy and staring you intently with admiration in their eyes.
"What?" You ask them grumpily.
MC just chuckled st your rude attitude.
"I'm just admring my moonpie and the future mother of my children!" They say and kisssing you on the lips.
You kissed them back but you withdraw, wanting to say your arrangements.
"Alright I want you to carry me bridal style every morning when we wake up from bed failure to comply will be immediate termination of our contract!" You say like a merchant saying it's rules.
MC laugh at you
"Of course my mistress we wouldn't want a divorce on our first day as marriage couple."
Then MC started walking to your carriage, you are happy so very happy, you thought that a person like will not find any peace due to how coated your hands with blood but you being carried and having a future with MC is like a dream.
And a dream you will die to protect, you will sent all those will harm your family to the deepest pit of hell, the world can burn for all you care but you will do anything to protect your family.
This is your new vow and promise.
It's up to you reader how will that story will end 😉😉😉
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