#I say train you say tron
mochiimadness · 1 year
Hey, I dunno if your still taking requests but I have one!
What about s/o having hair like Entrapta's from She-Ra? I would love to see how they would react to their s/o with that!
Hello, I'm sorry for the long wait! I'm finally getting around to answering old requests, before opening new ones.
I haven't seen She-Ra, but I did look Entrapta up, so I hope I haven't gotten anything wrong!
Neon Leon
Leo is both insanely fascinated over your hair-
But also, very very terrified at first.
Remember when Leo wore that blond wig that ended up being completely and utterly evil??
Leo does.
Leo has flashbacks of this when he first sees you using your hair to grab a mug off the counter that was just out of hands reach.
May or may not have screamed.
"S/o, I don't mean to freak you out but- YOUR HAIR IS CURSED!"
"What- wait no it's just-"
"Don't worry- I got this!" he says, as he whips out his sword
Cue panicked screaming from everyone in the room as Leo attempts to 'save' you
He really thought you were in danger okay-
After managing to convince Leo to not chop off your hair,
You have to explain to him that your hair isn't actually cursed by some weird dude looking to steal stuff
"I was born like this, I can just make my hair move and stuff."
Cue Leo's suspicious squinting.
He does believe you! He just cant help peaking around corners detective style to spy on your hair at first.
Once he gets use to it tho, he's got to admit, having hair you can use to grab things jussst barely out of reach is amazing!
His jaw drops when he realizes you can fight using your hair too-
Your hair wraps around a rather slippery warthog mutant and launches him several feet away
Leo is staring in shock and possible fear
They'd been trying to get a hold on that mutant for ages, and you just managed to grab him no problem???
And launch him like a soft ball???????
Mad respect
Enchanted/cursed hair or not, Leo's just glad it's not using you for evil!
Plus, you seem to be having fun, so he's cool with it now.
Don Tron
Donnie's insanely curious about your hair
Absolutely runs some tests and experiments (with your permission ofc)
He's seen you lift mugs and smaller objects-
But what's the weight limit???
Is it like a muscle that can be trained to lift more over time????
Is it possibly sentient?!
You let him come up with new theories
But as soon as the conspiracy board and red strings come out,
You're lifting him with your hair and carrying him away for a break.
He loves when you help him out in the lab
Using your hair to grab and hold tools or parts
It's similar to using his spider arms, but 10x better since it's his s/o helping him.
Your hair also inspires him to make a different version of his spider arm battle shell-
This one using a more fluid movement to match your hair!
He lowkey looks like Doc Oc...
Villains do their best to avoid you both
Having one person who can grab and yeet them away was bad enough-
But now there's two??????
They are sprinting as fast as they can
Not fast enough though!
You're able to use your hair to grab and swing from walls, catching up to villains with ease
Donnie's impressed, you didn't even need a tracking device!
You two also found out another trick you could do,
You're able to use your hair as a extra set of arms- so you both came to a realization
You could use your hair to hold more controllers.
You two need an extra player???
Bam, you're holding two more controllers
Donnie cackles manically every time you two score extra points using this method
Is it technically cheating????
You can't deny it takes a lot of skill and practice to do though, so who cares?
Not you and Donnie, that's who!
Mystic Mike
:0 !!!
Your hair can move?!?!
Please please show him what you can do!
Absolutely loves seeing all your tricks
From lifting a mug, to scaling a building-
He thinks you and your hair are awesome!!
One day, he's literally in the middle of talking to you when he interrupts his own sentence in a huge realization-
"So then I chased them down on the shells hogs and- WAIT WAIT HOLD THE PHONE-"
"You can use your hair to paint!!!!"
Cue both of you jumping up and sprinting to his room
You can, in fact, use your hair to paint!
Whether it be using your actual hair as a paintbrush,
Or holding multiple brushes and items at once!
It makes art time ten times more efficient- but also extremely chaotic
Sure, now you both have easy access to art materials, but now your hair can literally spin everything
The guys entered the living room one day and saw it absolutely covered in buckets of paint
You are now banned from holding stain causing items in the common areas and Donnie's lab.
When you two go fight together
Mikey quickly learns that you can use your hair to help climb and scale buildings
Which leads to you crawling upside down on a ceiling at full speed, with Mikey floating beside you, at enemies
There are high pitched shrieks whenever you join the battle
You may or may not be a local cryptid now.
"S/O, they're calling you a spider mutant!"
Big Red
Like Leo,
Raph also thinks your hair is alive
Though, he's more concerned than fearful
If your hair is alive, then should he ask it if he can pat your head??
You reassure him that your hair is not alive or sentient
He's still wary about it though
Definitely gives it suspicious looks when you're not looking just to test it
When you catch onto this though, you start moving your hair 'without your knowledge' just to play around
Raph shrieks
"I KNEW IT!!!"
You'll have to explain that you were just pranking him lmao
He does realize that your hair isn't alive eventually though.
Is genuinely impressed by what your hair can do
Especially when he realizes you can lift heavier objects too
If you're able to lift him with your hair, he'll scream
Definitely has a fanboy moment
"WHAT!? How is it so strong?!?"
Even if you can't lift him with your hair,
He's still impressed!
Throughout the day, you'll use your hair to grab things that are out of reach and hand it to him
Usually it's subconscious,
Like when he just barely got into a comfy spot after a long patrol and realizes his phone is just out of reach
You grab it and hand it to him offhandedly
Or when he's sleeping and the blanket slips off, you'll reach around to pull it back up and make sure he's covered
He appreciates these little gestures so much
Absolutely warms his heart and makes him a little misty eyed.
During battle,
He sees you literally form a fist shape with your hair and deck a rather aggressive yokai right in the face,
Sending them flying down the street
Raph will stop and stare in awe
"Woah!! S/O that's amazing!"
He's so proud of you
Then he realizes the hidden city police are making their way towards the two of you
Cue both of you hauling it towards the nearest portal
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Hey everyone, I'm going through my old requests and writing them. I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but I'll do my best when I have time!
Sorry for the huge wait, life got crazy
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fights4users · 11 months
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This was a overlay in  Anaheim from I believe 82’ until the end of the People movers run (when it turned into the disastrous Rocket rods- funnnily enough there was a Tron idea of racing cycles around tommorowland that wouldn’t went on this track. It was one of their initial ideas and potentially how we have lightcycle run today) . Aside from needing a serious oil job from all the squeaking, there is a charm to the OG people over, I’m also jealous it goes through star tours!
Now the Tron portion occurs midway during one of the tunnel portions of the ride. Automatically you can tell what budget their on, the voice isn’t very robotic (compare it today to the train at Disney world where a siren comes on in the tunnel before approaching Tron).
You get digitized in the same exact shot from the film, down to the dial up noise creating pretty stellar projections throughout the tunnel, the same beautiful shots of patterns and circuits. It goes into a lightcycle sequence racing and dodging around you— honestly it’s pretty great visually and I absolutely adore how perfect they have the sound?
“You have escaped Tron’s game grid for now Users,” I’m sobbing. Was he trying to run us down??? Hello?? This is especially funny because going into the tunnel it mentions master control and HE is the one mad/digitizing the guests. It’s the computer world of Tron but not his games.
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It’s not as cheesy as I thought it was going to be, in fact it’s a great little tribute/advertisement for the movie itself “wasn’t that cool? Go watch it!” Alongside how back in the day the parks had actual arcades within them too. All I’m saying is we still have a people mover at Disney world and a already existing Tron ride… it’d only be fitting… 80s projections and all.
I like how much influence this held on what ultimately became lightcycle run, now of course it’s set In the sequel but the idea dates back to the original. Both the digitization sequence and lightcycle race are pivotal to both films so it only makes sense they’d want a attraction on it.
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roykleinberg · 3 months
Oh now you have me curious about your spicy takes! 👀
hooooo boy okay, some of this is about the franchise and some of this is about the fandom (which I love with all my heart okay please no one throw rocks at me lol)
90% of program/user ships give me the ick
continuing on the shipping train of thought, I don't actually find the Encom trio (Alan/Lora/Flynn) all that compelling as an ot3. and a lot of it is a personal pet peeve I've come across in a number of fandoms, but honestly most m/m/f ot3s feel like they're just a way for people to focus on the m/m dynamic while patting themselves on the back for "including" the female character instead of sidelining her completely........ even though said female character is rarely if ever a major contributor to the dynamic or a focus of whatever fanwork. but on a less meta side eye note I just find the perceived sexual component of Alan and Flynn's relationship to be the least compelling thing they could've had going on
and I know she's barely brought up in canon outside of Betrayal but uhm Jordan exists??? and perhaps it is an unpopular opinion but I would like to see more of her in things instead of relying on Lora to be the only human woman in the Tron universe
once again I might not be so harsh on Uprising if there was more to it, but taking it for what it is and how much of it exists -- a lot of the episodes were boring filler to me. also I don't like how they drew Tron
actually I don't like how Tron has been drawn in any rendered/animated media with the exception of maybe Kingdom Hearts
I don't think of Rinzler as a standalone character, and he's not at all interesting to me when removed from the fact that he is Tron with the serial numbers filed off. I feel like I've increasingly seen people portraying Rinzler as his own thing and it simply does not work for me. I think the whole point of his character / existence is that he doesn't have thoughts or feelings or any real personality of his own. he's a backflipping blank slate whose only real character moments are when Tron's overwritten personality peeks through
to that end I can't conceive of an ending where Tron or anyone around him would allow him to remain as Rinzler, and I can't imagine that Rinzler's capable of forming an autonomous opinion to not want to be Tron again
the fandom collective spends too much time talking about how hot the live action and animated men are and not enough time talking about how hot the Sirens are. or how hot Yori is especially in the deleted love scene. or how hot Paige is. or
Daft Punk (rightfully) gets a lot of hype for the Legacy soundtrack, but Wendy Carlos's soundtrack for 82 is unfairly slept on. love that those funky robots got to cameo, but we should be giving Carlos just as much credit for her work
for as much as it pains me to say it, I don't think Tron ever would've been a tentpole franchise for Disney even if they had treated it better. and it's mostly because of the sad fact that the general public has never been that into Tron. I see it tossed around a lot that Disney ditched Tron in favor of focusing on Star Wars and Marvel. A New Hope -- an original sci fi movie that had absolutely no brand recognition, so to speak -- made over $400 million in 1977. the original Tron made $50 million in 82. the first Iron Man movie -- which sure had comic fan recognition but was still a very early comic blockbuster -- in 2008 made over $500 million. Legacy made just over $400 million in 2010. and Disney advertised the shit out of Legacy, they didn't set it up to fail. yes it sucks that things like Uprising were dealt a bad hand (a garbage release schedule that lead to poor viewership that definitely killed the show), yes it sucks that capitalism impacts what art gets made, but the fact of the matter is that Tron has always had niche appeal, and niche appeal does not a successful franchise make. and while it'd be nice to live in the universe where Tron blew up, I look at what's become of Star Wars and Marvel and maybe I don't lament it all that much
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quirkyfries · 1 month
My concept of Dandy rebranding Gardenview to a new glory after the neglect of handlers, going back to their roots, and creating a toon with the use of research capsules.
[Mixed with your own theory of them, Dandy has a seemingly noble goal, they are just a bit evil and cause torment to the twisted and toons about it for their own satisfaction. The entitlement and audacity of a petal thinking they deserve to keep all the tapes of their history/training/making toons safety/learning videos/mlp/PSAs... you know the usual tapes you'd want to keep.] Now your theory was added, making Dandy seem more complex and interesting. Still mostly evil, BUT WHAT IF I MADE IT WORSE!!!
{A bit inspired by Sun and Moon Show <333}
... He was unable to figure out how to make an original toon, so tragic fan-child it is! Midnight Tragedy's Child (Astro x Dazzle) are they actually dating, or not. Who knows! They might not be, and that just makes it more funner(not in shipping, in the psychological torment sense <3 )
Dandy would totally family vlog, and Truman show the entire facility!!! They will compete at one point for the kid to do what challenges, and its Dandy vlogs vs Glistens lol.
I am planning on hopefully finishing chapter 1 today <3 wish I had written dopamine. I need it for my adding brain :D
Fun fact, the ideal design for the fan-child to have two-star shape'd eyes on the right of their face, was because the hands that Tron Astro uses are in his head, under his hat probably but in his brain basically.
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So at will fan-child can move their eyes around to see into people's dreams or memories or to see if they are lying, who knows, dazzle hates it when Razzles acts.
what are your thoughts on it, I can't wait to figure out Glistens relationships with rnd, vee, and Astro specifically hehe. There are rnd headcanons that they look up to glisten, and glisten get along with vee. (karaoke, or has funner lines in trivia for the viewer to keep watching than winning all the prizes)
I love canon compliments, but I adore alterations if headcanons are not canon compliments. <3
oh yeah, and some doodles I did on a whiteboard. here are some of the concept chapters:
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I'm too shy to show the last doodle with Astro and Rnd meeting up with Dandy, to figure out what their 'vacation' truly meant when they see the new toon on the bench(theirs another doodle of that on paper) I'm having so much fun with writing this, and I'm almost wondering how Dandy might become a manager. Can they ever get IDs?
... Since they got research from the twisted themselves... whose child is it really [Family drama]
Hope you like my chaotic concept, i have no ideas for the other characters, but I just gave Poppy an HC that they are not allowed to drink pop because of a commercial aftermath incident :D
Astro giving others nightmares by accident will always be funny <3
Have a wonderful day! I didn't have this beta read, so my words may not make sense hehe
OOOO Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!
Between Dandy mixing Astro + RND’s (research? ichor? Toon dna) to make a toon from scratch, said child’s ability and the surrounding drama in the form of family vlog and Truman show’d facility, I’d say you’re in for a pretty solid story!
I’m really curious about Glisten’s relationships with other toons, I haven’t been able to look at the new update yet lol. I know that fella has all the deets.
Midnight tragedy is super cute, I love their design! I wonder, since it’s ambiguous who their parents actually are, if they’d chosen a parent figure? Unless Dandy filled that role by default, or maybe it was a “it takes a village to raise a child” situation? Or did they spawn fully grown and only needed some guidance to mature emotionally.. don’t let my questions point to spoilers for your fic, I’m just wondering aloud!
10/10 concepts and art, I will be watching for that fic when it’s posted! You have a nice day too :D!
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murderbees · 6 months
thinking abt Dyson
because why was he so fixated on the renegade? Well, I just ranted about this to my sister so I will tell you
He's offended by The Renegade's very existence. They're a mediocre copycat at best. He wants him gone, derezzed, erased. And why? Because he care about Tron, and that's complicated.
He's the one you looked up to, trusted implicitly, trusted with your life and health. He gets to make the decisions because he'll always make the right one, he won't let them derezz or get needlessly hurt, right?
But he does, Tron defended the ISOs. The ones who started the fight(debatable), who ruined his face. And still, Tron defends the ISOs because Flynn says so.
So he doesn't get it fixed. He waits for Flynn, wants him to see exactly why the ISOs are dangerous, get him to admit that the ISOs are an issue, not a miracle. Because, if Flynn admits that, changes his mind, then so will Tron, and everything will be FINE again.
But Flynn doesn't. He doesn't even seem to care, and just like that, he knows Tron will never stop defending the ISOs. He's lost Tron forever.
So they overthrow Flynn, because they have to. And they take in Tron because they need him. Sure, they could have derezzed him, but he's The BEST and Dyson still hopes he'll change his mind.
He tortures Tron, because he cares. They could rectify him, but he wouldn't be Tron anymore. He still wants him to change his mind, but he HATES that Tron still defended the ISOs. If he changes his mind, it might be okay.
He slices into his face, so they match. If they match, maybe Tron will get it, will see how much he suffered.
He creates a virus, so he can make Tron perfect again. Because if Tron changes his mind, joins Dyson, he'll be perfect. And HE wants to be the one to fix Tron. Not CLU or some medic, DYSON.
And then Tron dies not really but Dyson doesn't know that. And he's relieved. Tron is dead. And it's easy to love a memory.
Then the renegade shows up, and in the smallest, deadest part of your heart, he hopes it's Tron. But it isn't. He's weaker and stupid and overall worse. He Tarnishes the name of Tron and he can't abide by that. The Renegade must be derezzed.
But you're smart and cunning. You shouldn't care so much anyway. Luckily, you have an excuse. The renegade is a threat to CLU, even if a small, albeit annoying one. And you will win, just like Tron trained you to.
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riinzler · 5 months
Rinzler headcanons? (Leaving this open to gush about anything you want.)
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i’m gonna use this opportunity to talk abt rinzler’s dynamic with the black guards/other occupation personnel and how security programs differ from other program types 👍
despite primarily being isolated simply by the nature of his job and his general reputation, rinzler does semi regularly interact with other programs working under clu (much to his annoyance and their fear lmao). being clu’s right hand gives rinzler a considerable task list beyond being just clu’s bodyguard, being in the games, and hunting down clu’s enemies. he still does security work while also helping strategize troop movements when asked and generally making things run as smoothly as they can for any upcoming plans.
i say all that to mean that he isn’t exclusively a one man show all the time as much as he’d like to be. things between him and the programs in the occupation are very strained to put it nicely but there’s an understanding there that if he needs you to do something he will tell you, and he doesn’t work with programs who aren’t higher ranking within their sector. if you aren’t the boss he has no business with you. the blackguards are a little different because dyson is the head of them and is usually stationed in argon, so the ones we see in legacy, (ESPECIALLY around clu) are guards hand picked by rinzler to be clu’s security team. they aren’t always around as rinzler is clu’s only full time guard and the only one allowed with him into certain areas tho
the fact that rinzler picks guards for specific assignments has lead to certain blackguards trying to directly interact with rinzler to try to get into his good graces which he…..doesn’t appreciate. he is IMMUNE to flattery 🖐 it was more of an issue when rinzler was told he had to select a team of guards to go with him on certain security jobs because a bunch of programs wanted a spot but there was never any real chance for them tbh b/c by the time clu put his foot down on rinzler putting together team he already had programs in mind.
rinz ended up picking reeve nord and klax (trons team from uprising) as they were actually the only security programs in the candidates lists and already had skill sets he was looking for. he trained em extensively and now brings them with him when he needs (is required) to bring backup
the thing is abt security programs, esp for more specialized ones like rinzler and dyson, is that the way they connect to the system and the ppl around them is intrinsically different then other types of programs. rinzler is particular is noteworthy for having a very different connection to the grid, both because he was made by alan and because he’s from the encom system. it’s not that they are more connected to the grid and more that they are connected to an aspect of it that other programs aren’t, hince how they are able to scan for footsteps and preform deeper scans of both programs and environments at all. (i do think non security programs can scan each other, but it’s very very surface level in comparison) security programs can also track programs by code signature, but it’s a difficult process that also involves the security program already being familiar with who their trying to track
to a degree it also effects their senses, as shown by dyson being able to sus beck out in that one ep. i imagine both dyson and rinzler have very very good hearing, something that’s both a blessing and a curse. for rinzler it’s main drawback is that he’s already a very light sleeper and being able to hear things that well when your trying to get some sleep means he’s constantly being woken up, which isn’t help by the other security protocols he has.
rinzler has security protocols that are unique to him (at least in some capacity) courtesy of his repurposing, flynn, and once again just by the nature of him being from a dif system. the main one and the one that other security programs also have to an extent is that he’s never truly fully offline, some part of his system is always running in the background and scanning for proximity alerts so he can’t be snuck up on when he’s asleep. rinzler’s system is just a bit more hyperactive about it by the nature of him Being The Way He Is.
similarly to that if rinzler gets injured while out and about the same section of his system that preforms those scans is able to ‘take over’ and lead him back to clu via clu’s code signature for repair. if clu can’t be found for whatever reason it’ll default to the next program in his internal hierarchy. it’s like sleepwalking more or less, with him going straight towards his destination and only pausing if someone comes close enough for him to need to defend himself. memories between him being injured to being reactivated are fuzzy at best, with rinzler not really being able to recall things because he wasn’t really online/aware during the trip. just as an example yk that scene in legacy where qurroa loses her arm and goes offline?? for rinzler it wouldn’t have been taken him out completely, as an aspect of his self preservation protocols he has regeneration (to a degree) that would’ve kept the wound from getting worse until he found clu/someone to repair him
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not-that-dillinger · 5 months
Fantasy AU?
...I really think it would be fun to throw Ed into a fantasy setting. If we're going fantasy!Tron AU, I can see him being the prince of the Evil Kingdom ruled by a tyrant, who runs away to the Good Kingdom.
...or The Kingdom That Was Once Good. (Back when Flynn ruled... Except he disappeared mysteriously, and now that Mackey rules, the kingdom has fallen into hardship, though they are still... better off than where Ed is from.) Except... everyone suspects that he's a spy working for his father, because why else would he be there?
I'm not sure what class (using D&D classes because that is the the most familiar to me... I need to get back into fantasy stuff...) or what type of magic user he would be?
Part of me says the obvious choice is artificer, probably building magical robots, but in his regular verse, I see Ed as a computers person, but not a robots person, if that makes any sense. He doesn't seem like a ranger or fighter class, either. I'm not sure if he's a wizard, though. I can kind of see him doing the style of magic in Diane Duane's Young Wizards series (at least what I remember of it... I only ever read Wizards Dilemma, didn't even realize it was a series until much later) where the spells are mostly written in a Manual and feel a lot like coding from what I know?
Shadowrun technomancer seems like something he would be, but if we're going classic fantasy, he can't be that...
Weirdly enough, though I say he loves theatre and has the training, I cannot see him as a bard. He's much to antisocial for that.
Anyway: because I'm curious...
Took out Barbarian because that seems the least likely, but putting in 'other' because I ran out of spaces..."
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 11
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The next day, Miss Frankie is heading towards the metal detectors so she can take out anything magnetic. Then suddenly…
Miss Frankie: Wh-what’s happening to me?!
Miss Frankie suddenly gets metal claws
Police Officer: Holy shit!
Miss Frankie accidentally stabbed the guard as she screams in horror. Next, Principal Cooke was about to head into the lounge to get coffee until suddenly he blazed there.
Principal Cooke: Woah.
Then, Ms. Perez starts writing on her board until the power goes and she starts glowing, much to her shock. Mia was getting coffee until she can through the wall with her eyes.
Mia: What the fuck?
Later, Kevin was gettiing mail, until he digitals in the house, much to his shock as he faints. Then, Randall is staring at a Blackhole, that he actually created.
Randall: Wow...
Then, Darcy is putting their own mug until she creates a Star blast as she gasp. Then, Jamie was reading a book, until suddenly he is on fire.
Darcy: gasps Jamie!
Jamie heads outside and drop and roll, only to realize he is unharmed. Finally, Sherbet is at a Junior job at a sweets parlor, until suddenly her hands starts fizzing grape soda.
Sherbet: Huh? suddenly summons scotch mints Oh fuck! Everyone take cover!
Sherbet then accidentally combine the scotch mints as it makes a huge delicious explosion. Everyone is splattered in a mess. Sherbet looks at everyone in a nervous regret and runs off in a fast pace. Later, the humans starts panicking once they meet up with each other.
Jamie: What is going on?!
Miss Frankie: I don’t know! I got Wolverine claws but it wasn’t Yumyulack and Jesse this time and Perez can glow, Cooke can blaze and Mia has x-ray vision!
Ms. Perez: Okay okay everyone calm down.
Kevin: Well what do we do?! You’re not the only ones! I had powers like the movie Tron, Jamie is like a human torch, Darcy has Star powers, Randall can summon black hole and this kid here has powers based on desserts. We need a plan guys!
???: offscreen I have one.
The humans turn and sees the two hooded persons.
??? #1: How about we train you guys? To control your powers?
Sherbet: How?
??? #2: It’s okay. We’re friends. We have a training course. Come on.
Principal Cooke: You are? Huh, I think that’s good idea. What do you guys think?
Miss Frankie: I say...let's do it!
The Rest: Yeah. Seems a bit shady but I’ll take it. Great idea. Let’s trust them.
The scene then cuts to the training course.
Sherbet: Wow. That’s big.
Principal Cooke: I know right?!
Randall: So… when do we start?
Cue the song, “Untraveled Road” from Thousand Foot Krunch:
The humans put on training suits.
Miss Frankie: I look ridiculous.
Darcy: I think you look nice.
Jamie: I know you always look pretty, Darcy.
Darcy: Aw. Thanks boo. kisses Jamie on the cheek
???: Okay! Guys, it’s time!
??? #2: Get ready!
The training montage starts. Miss Frankie starts balancing. Principal Cooke is climbing up while dodging wrecking balls as he yelps. Sherbet is meditating with cotton candy color lights flashing. Jamie busy doing twirls to keep his fire powers balance. Kevin is doing electronic tennis while trying to dodge balls.
Kevin: Oh shit! dodges balls Fuck fuck fuck! Aaaah!
Randall is busy trying to use his black holes right. Mia is using her eye vision to see through the right stuff. Ms. Perez is busy concentrating on her glowing powers. Soon, enough as the training progress, the humans’ powers abilities starts to feel controlled as they starts to get the hang of it. The scene then cuts to Darcy doing gymnastic right and suddenly recieved a super suit of her own. Jamie blushes.
Darcy/???: Wow! I look rocking awesome guys!
Soon enough, each of the humans receive their own suits one by one as the training montage ends. The other humans grow amazed by this suits.
Sherbet/???: So, how do I look?
Randall/???: You look awesome!
Ms. Perez/???: I always knew look the sun.
Miss Frankie/???: Pretty great! Ooh, we should tell Korvo and the others about this later! They will be surprised!
We then cut to the Solars' house where AISHA is working and is worried about Korvo.
AISHA: to herself Oh man, how am I gonna tell the family? I don’t think I should do this. If I tell them, I’ll break their hearts. They are so happy with Sonya. I can’t destroy it…
Korvo: offscreen AISHA? Is everything alright?
AISHA turns around and sighs happily.
AISHA: Yes. Everything is fine…
Korvo: Thanks. I’ll leave you to it.. leaves
“What Was I Made For” from China Ann McClain plays in the background:
AISHA then flashes back to the good times she has with Korvo and his family throughout their lives. AISHA sheds a tear, when suddenly she hears something digitalizing.
AISHA: What the hell?
Then, MAX appears while laughing as AISHA screams and backs away.
MAX hugs AISHA. Then she sees the family staring in shock.
Yumyulack: AISHA, is that another you?
AISHA laughs nervously.
Korvo: MAX?! What are you doing here?!
MAX: Korvo?! What’s up?! Your sister sent me here to keep on eye on you guys with AISHA. sees Sonya Who’s this kid?
Terry: Wait. You know the purple guy?
Korvo: Yeah. He’s a prototype my sister made back in Shlorp. gasp as he smiles in tears Oh my God! She’s here?! What did she say?!
MAX: Well, she wanted me to tell you-
AISHA gasp and covers MAX’s mouth.
AISHA: laughs nervously MAX, a word in private?!
AISHA sighs.
AISHA: MAX, we can’t tell them. Because we do, Korvo will die…
MAX: Die? He's already going to die without the spirit!
AISHA: I know! But if we tell them, they’ll be heartbroken… they have a new daughter now… we don’t wanna risk ruining their happiness…
MAX: But...
MAX then realize how serious AISHA is right now as he looks at AISHA sighing sadly.
MAX: Okay. But you must promise me we can tell him when the time is right.
AISHA: Of course MAX. We will tell them when the time is right. God, what have I done? I think I did the wrong thing MAX. Think about how Terry and the kids will react.
MAX: What do you think will happen?
AISHA: I think they’ll be crush if they find out. Mostly Terry. Korvo is his whole world… But I don’t think Janiz won’t like if we tell her we couldn’t tell them. She’ll be heartbroken if I don’t…
AISHA starts crying.
MAX: Hey come on… dries AISHA’s tears It’ll be okay… AISHA smiles
Korvo: offscreen AISHA?
AISHA sees Korvo smiling at her.
MAX: Don’t worry Korvo, I was really gonna say, your sister hopes to see you again. When it’s the right time.
Korvo tearfully smiles and hugs MAX.
Korvo: I'm glad you're back...
MAX smiles. The scene cuts to the hooded figure saddened as MAX tells her what happened.
MAX: So they have a new daughter… and Korvo never felt happy before… we couldn’t risk telling him.
??? #1: Oh God...
??? #2: But, he’ll die if he doesn’t know.
MAX: I know. But AISHA doesn't want Terry to be heartbroken...
MAX sighs sadly.
MAX: Even their kids too… and Phoebe… and their friends…
The hooded figure cries.
??? #1: This is all my fault… I should’ve told Korvo before Shlorp exploded… sniffles I have to go after him. It’s the only way I can make up for not being there for him when he needed me.
The hooded figure then removes their hood.
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astercontrol · 8 months
Latest news from the Asterbrain Pattern-Recognizer: How a butt joke led to a religious analysis of the whole TRON 1982 cast.
So, today, for… strange and mysterious Aster-specific reasons… I was looking for a character who could be written as Catholic.
And because Tron is always on my brain, I went straight for those characters.
Now, though I was technically raised Roman Catholic, my own family's faith and customs were pretty secular, and I certainly never developed any notion that I could know other Catholics on sight.
And, while TRON leans heavily into religious themes from the Program viewpoint, the Users don't say or do much that would indicate their own religion. All I can think of, offhand, is a few references to Christmas-- so brief and vague that they might not even be enough to imply anyone being Christian.
So, we might just have to go by character names... and the associations that an audience familiar with stereotypes and archetypes would have with them.
Alan Bradley: Both given name and surname seem to be British in origin; could be coded as Anglican or Methodist or some other form of Protestant, but in the absence of other clues I don't think viewers would give much thought to his religion or his ethnic background. He's basically designed to look like 1980's American audiences' idea of the most normal, standard everyday guy.
Lora Baines: Probably also of British origin, though that spelling of the first name is uncommon. Like Alan, there might be some vague assumption of Protestantism, but not a whole lot of thought given to it.
Walter Gibbs: Last name, again, seems to come from England, and the actor's accent sounds to me like maybe it's attempting to be British… but that might just be how older Hollywood actors had been trained to talk, back then. I hear similar voices in old movies a LOT. Again I'm not sure audiences would immediately think anything about his religion (although his line about programs and their "spirits" ties very closely into the… animism of the whole digital-world side of things).
(Wow, so far lots of names from England, and lots of reinforcement of the idea that those names are so default as to go unnoticed. Probably says something about society, and/or about me and my viewpoint on it. ...Moving on.)
Ed Dillinger: that surname seems to have originated separately in both Germany and England; going by his accent it's clearly England, so audiences would probably guess Anglican. (If they thought anything about that name at all beyond the 1930's gangster connotation.)
Roy Kleinberg: very unambiguously Jewish name, thank you Legacy and The Next Day! (as of 1982 we only knew him as Popcorn Coworker, which could have been anything, since there is, to my knowledge, no religion with dietary restrictions against popcorn.)
Kevin Flynn: ...okay! this is the most Irish name I have seen in a long time! We may have our Catholic-coded character, folks. (Although he might be primarily "luck of the Irish" coded, LOL.)
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(they found him under the rainbow, like a leprechaun on his pot of gold)
And, completing this analysis, I've found that it felt much more worthwhile than the joke I had in mind when I started.
Truly, the journey outweighs the destination here.
Yes, my idea did require a Catholic and someone else unfamiliar with Catholicism-- the joke itself remaining agnostic on which of them, exactly, was being made fun of.
But it was such a silly, throwaway joke that could have been a two-line shitpost, and certainly did not NEED to be about Tron characters.
My mind, though, will go off on whatever tangents it wishes.
....the butt joke, in case you wanted it:
"So, you Catholics only listen to the Pope when he is… talking out of his ass?" "His seat, man. Cathedra means seat."
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lauvra · 1 month
When my parents talk about their adventures as kids, I feel so distant from their experience. While I know latch-key kids still exist, they were probably the last generation whose parents were so broadly and unapologetically ignorant of all the things they did. Dad talks about vandalising council sites, setting off detonators, being threatened by gun-wielding security guards, juvi and how kids would break the bristles off standard-issue combs to thread through their earlobes. He's asked me on several occasions whether I ever catch buses, trams or trains to the end of the line just to explore what's on the other side. Typically I roll my eyes and say I should but or don't because -- but today was his last full day in town, so we looked at a map of train lines and picked one free of disruptions and set off to discover anything. Between stops, he said he used to make green ants fight to pass the time (what?), he said the trick was to pick two, gently roll them together between forefinger and thumb, set them down and watch them separate then attack one another. I said, Boys are... so weird. Then I remembered the metallic green beetles that bred heavily over Christmas time on the school grounds -- how we'd catch them in our hands, trap them inside Tic Tac containers to display on our desks. I never wanted to hurt them, just attempting to trap beauty but destroying it in the process. We took a few detours, but eventually reached the end of the line (cue Tron soundtrack) in a town decorated by fake yellow flowers and rifled through a second-hand store. I found a silver iPod nano just like mine from eighth grade for $15, prayed the data hadn't been cleared and hoped to have unearthed a modern time-capsule. I found a paperback copy of Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air; one of the best adventure autobiographies ever written, made more jarring by the author expressing repeatedly over the years how he wishes he could take back his experience on Everest to never had to have written about it. He's the only repentant author I've heard from but in reading that book, you almost believe him. For 50c, a popular James Joyce novel and for $2, yet another alternate translation of The Plague, by Albert Camus and a Peter-Pan collared dress. We swelled up on pastry and complimentary sugar donuts with the purchase of our coffees then travelled home to organise dinner. Almost forgot to mention the super-high guy serenading our carriage with his guitar on the return journey, yikes, luckily he jumped off before my bitten lip smirk transformed into full-body convulsions. Back home, with some minor adjustments by Jack's careful hands, the Apple logo glowed, the thing switched on and all the music on the iPod appeared. When I say time-capsule, I mean this thing contains over four-hundred of the most obnoxious pop songs from the early 2000's -- and I couldn't be more ecstatic: I'm not sure I'll ever clear it. My dad has imbibed me with adventurous spirit, and I'll definitely report back from the end of more lines, in time. Stirring from the daze of a pretty simple but wholesome adventure; and you were there, and you were there...
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itsana004 · 1 year
I have to ask for Droite for the character meme! (Or if you already got an ask for her, then Gauche?)
Ahhhh, first of all thank you so much for the ask! 💓 This one is special because it's about a minor character I care about a lot, and did for literal years and I'll do my best not to make this a paper scroll long (can't make promises). So let's roll! Here lays my truest thoughts on Droite/Dextra
•How do you feel about this character
You'd be surprised to know, but I did not like her character at all when I saw her for the first time.
She looked so... cold, had a lack of personality, unlikable boring character? Or maybe it was the fact she looked much older and more mature than the other main cast at the time, especially when she was strict? I can't pinpoint the specific reason, but there was really a time when I saw her as most viewers of Zexal see her as: an uninteresting boring minor character.
So how come I changed my mind? And got so attached to her to the point literal years passed and I still love her character?
The first time I ever saw Zexal episode per episode was probably when I was 10-11 years old on the TV, and Zexal was pretty popular in Italy back then, and I distinctively remember this character made an impression on me on episode 54 in her duel against Tron, with her solid strategy and clever tactics (and it was very unique compared to any other character), cause let's be real, this show is about dueling, if the character weren't good duelists, they really didn't stick to me in the long run (and Droite sure didn't give her best duel at all in that Droite and Gauche Vs Yuma duel, it was generic and boring to me), but Droite was doing very well against the main antagonist of that season, Tron (and it even made me root for her!) and the way he got around her strategy and the cards he used felt very oddly specific because of the nonesense rule that Yu-Gi-Oh women cannot win, so we can forget a minor character woman actually beating the main antagonist of that season (I understand the plot was needed to be driven forward with Tron as the main antagonist ofc lol but I have more thoughts on how they could have handled it better but I don't wish to digress) - anyway this duel stuck to me and as I said, Zexal was fairly popular in my town and I was talking about it to my friend, a frustrated naive young me saying how she felt about that the butterfly girl with purple hair losing and for some reason I didn't catch her name and my best friend told me it was "Drua" (from Dorowa but fandom decided it was Droite and I was confused but I found here in the end!), and then I searched her name on Google and saw a gorgeous fanart of her holding a butterfly and you could say my spiral started then (so in a way I am the way I am because of my friend, it's all her fault). From that point on I started to form an attachment to this character and pay attention to every time she appeared on screen, but boi young me was in for total disappointment because from that point on Droite was never given this kind of focus, or any development nor deliver a duel like that ever again (In Italian dub from 4kids they censored Droite and Gauche being homeless orphans being picked from Mr. Heartland so extra less scene 🤬). Young me also kept wondering, what happened to all those feelings she poured in ep 54? And I figured in the end that's a question only god knows, cause Zexal writers definitely don't, and so fanfics gave me much better answers. As years passed, I have to say I only grew to love her character more and more, I just kept learning new things about her and appreciated her character paying attention to every time she appeared from the limited screentime she had and I'm going to list some things I really love.
I was glad to learn that dueling wasn't something she was forced herself to learn for the purpose of training or for the sake of becoming stronger like Kaito, but it's something she enjoyed ever since she and Gauche discovered Duel Monsters when they were homeless orphans living in the streets (I feel like this adds more to her personality), and for them being only kids struggling to live day by day, found a little joy in their lives, and it even became their star of hope, something to look forward to in their hellish life (MY POOR BABIESSS I LOVE THEM MUCH).
I also love the fact Droite and Gauche treat each other as equals, they must have helped each other to get stronger by dueling one another, there is no air of superiority between them like Shark is towards Rio when it comes to dueling, so I assume Droite and Gauche have always one up the other to the point they have the almost same number of wins and losses against each other, and they must have spent their time mostly support each other as well. I love how she recognizes Gauche's move against Esper Robin instantly showing how close they are. WE NEEDED MORE SCENES OF THOSE TWO SQUABBLING, ACTUALLY, WITH THOSE THREE WITH KAITO, I NEED THEM TOGETHER IN ON LINE OKAY.
Also can we talk about how this girl had endured powerful electric shocks?? And joined up to the top 3 in elite duelists with Kaito and Gauche like the QUEEN SHE IS???
Also girlie just tasted tomato juice which was implied to be blood so casually what's up with that????? (That scene is so funny it will always be one of my favorites).
This woman is such a girlboss!!! Droite can casually fly a helicopter, run around the Tower like she owns it, being assertive in general a force to be reckoned with throughout the little time she appeared in Zexal, and humble her man to back away (THE NOTORIOUS NUMBER HUNTER TOO) and catch this man in his lies then HUMBLE HIM AGAIN IN THE W.D.C. AND YEET HIM FROM HER LANE (PLEASE THIS SCENE WILL ALWAYS BE FUNNY TO ME) .
Idgaf that she lost against Vetrix, she manhandled him in this duel, and not even his crest power from Barian world worked on her THIS IS QUEEN BEHAVIOUR RIGHT THERE.
Despite her lack of appearence in the second part and the complete abysmal decision to make her lose TWICE MORE LIKE IT WASN'T ENOUGH, I still appreciate the little contributions she was allowed to make.
I guess, a part of me is still attached to her for what she could have been? How she could have been used? (I brainrot about that every day) and it's painful to love a character that isn't very liked or even recognized while also completely understanding why, but I guess I still love her character and that doesn't seem it will change for a while.
•All the people you ship romantically with this character
I ship Droite with Kaito and no- I don't care what anyone says, if Zexal writers sent an announcement right now saying they will never be canon, I would still ship them because fanfics convinced me, cause some fans will always be better at writing romance than Zexal writers would ever dream to. I really love picking up from what was left and actually putting them to use by adding more things to the table to fix the mess, and I'm gonna die on this hill.
I also don't mind any other ships with Droite (as long as they are not problematic...) but one of my favorite rarepair has to be Droite x Akari (my comfort ship <3) - they haven't interacted once but they are both girl bosses and hot and I don't need any more reasons.
•My non-romantic OTP for this character
Just like I said in Gauche's one, this has to be Droite and Gauche. I refuse to see them through a romantic lens. It is true they share a lot of care for each other, but canonically Droite has romantic feelings for someone else and familial/platonic love exists, and interpreting them that way makes their relationship much sweeter and deeper in my eyes. Gauche being the only family that Droite has in a world where she was born with none will always be more meaningful and deeper to me than them being in a romantic relationship will ever be.
Another fact I forgot to mention in Gauche's one is although they don't have a specific label for each other in the sub, the Italian dub seems to be the only one where they actually refer to each other as "Fratello and sorella" (Brother and sister) - Kaito says "It's right that his sister duels", and although dub changes are not always for the best, I am fine with either one, in one they have a label for their relationship where it isn't left blank and it enforces their familial bond - (Droite says along the lines of "I'm his manager so I have to pull him out of this" in the sub - of course, she's not just a "manager", but at this point what do they even refer to each other... there is no label, and for two people who literally grew up together and spent so many years together, I find it odd - but on the other hand, these two never knew what the word family even meant when they were orphans living in the streets, and that being the reason for the lack of label to their relationship is just─
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•My unpopular opinion about this character
She best girl─
•One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
(Omg this part will be so long I'm so sorry)
1 - In episode 54, I wish instead of Droite giving up and losing because of her own free will, they could have made it so that she couldn't handle the power of the crest and collapses right after she draws a card, after trying so hard to resist it as long as she did - first, it doesn't make her look incompetent or make her look bad and still makes Tron a threatening villain. Second, it leaves the outcome with "No result" and still leaves it ambiguous than a straight "Lose" because of the notorious "female characters cannot win because they suck" awful rule the Yu-Gi-Oh series has created that screams sexism and misogyny from the writers - and no - the fact that the audience for this show is mostly boys does not excuse it.
2 - She should have won the duel together with Yuma in episode 104. Zexal has a really tedious habit of making strong female characters sacrifice themselves to show their valor and significance - no - that's not good enough when it is done again and again (Rio for her brother, Anna for Yuma, Droite for Kaito and Gauche and... Yuma?) and god I hate this so much, they could have found plenty of ways to show that without making Droite lose, we already know how dedicated and devoted Droite is for the people she loves/cares about, she tried to call Gauche back to conscious several times and took the fall for Yuma several times, they didn't need to kick her out of the duel to reinforce that same pathetic excuse again.
3 - Droite, Gauche and Kaito are the three people who have the most connection with Mr. Heartland (than Yuma will ever be) as well as having actual reasons to retaliate against the late Mr. Heartland, as they were exploited and have suffered hell from him, so why on HELL Yuma and Astral were shoehorned into that frecking duel - I do not care they are protagonists - I do not care people love the touching moment between Astral and Yuma before they transform into Zexal III - they could have animated that exact scene in their battle against Don Thousand or any other duel - there was no reason at all that would explain this decision in terms GOOD WRITING - to rob Kaito from that duel - imagine: after Kaito wins the duel against Mr. Heartland, since Droite and Gauche were already in Heartland City because of Yuma's friends understanding the world was in danger, Mr. Heartland in his last efforts could have pleaded Gauche and Droite to help him and manipulate them telling them how he saved them as orphans and they are here today because of him. But to his surprise, they don't, instead they use their ace monsters to attack him instead and send their farewells, and Mr. Heartland meets his demise - heck, they could have been the ones to take over after Kaito collapses - no matter what anyone tells me, either of the two ways it's how it should have played out because all of those three characters meet a proper closure with this man, but zexal writers do not give a sh8t about any other characters except their precious main and that leads to bad writing.
4 - I'm not really a fan of Droite being Gauche's manager? My reason for that is Droite spends most of Zexal serving/helping/sacrificing for other characters and is never her own person, and to me this is one of many examples. It's fine that she's his manager but what I wish would happen is Droite starts to miss competitive dueling and feels confused about her feelings of doubt towards her current job, and so for the upcoming W.D.C. Tournament (becoming a yearly event) that everyone including all our beloved cast will participate in it, Droite takes it as an opportunity to seek answers she needs through this Tournament and is encouraged by Gauche as well to "get a piece of the action", so she participates as a competitor together with Gauche - it lets her be her own person instead of being a "cheerleader" for Gauche (she can still be supporting of him while being a competitor) + it shows Gauche and Droite will support each other no matter in what they do and there are no ill feelings if Droite decides to resign from being his manager.
5 - The complete lack of development or scenes between Droite and Kaito, heck, it might be as dry as the sahara desert, and for me to say it is very concerning, luckily for me fanfics exist! So for the "what I wish would have happened", there is a fanfic called "I'll Always Be With You" by AquaMagic.389 (is my canon now, and in the second chapter I WEPT) - yeah, that's what I wish had happened, it's just adding the little things in the flashback that can slowly build up overtime.
Fun fact: In the Japanese W.D.C. 3DS game in Shingetsu Rei's route as Droite is her opponent, Yuma tells some things about her to Rei and he literally blurts it out for everyone to know about Droite's feelings in public to piss her off lmaooo - and later with Kotori's help Droite confesses her feelings properly but we don't know what happens after that (damn I-) so another I wished is them having actually some development post-canon, who knows, maybe through a Tournament (my brainrot from "La puissance de zexal" fanfic from griffon chap 20 is showing) yeah I'm gonna stop right there.
6- Finally, the last point. Every anime ever has a beach or light-hearted episode, why couldn't we have that like a field trip?? Also, I always found it interesting Hart and Droite's love for butterflies, I wish I could see them having such a cute moment where Hart admires her deck and it reminds him of those peaceful days when his big brother and he would chase butterflies and would share about those days with Droite it's just-
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I'm so sorry this post turned into a paper scroll after all, if you ever reached until here then thank you and sorry for making you read all that, take care and have a good day! And again, thank you so much for the ask 💖
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fights4users · 1 year
Disney please theme the tunnel
I’m a big theme park nerd, two of my favorite attractions are the liberty square river boats and the railroad. Not ones people think about when they say “Disney world” but they’re integral parts and just so… fun and charming! They’ve been updated and reopened at last and I can’t recommend it enough, they have full trip narration which I could sit all day and listen to these passionate characters who love what they do (Dark ride and transportation supremacy!) anyways that’s not the point…
On my trip in June we finally got on the train which was closed even before Covid for all FIVE YEARS of the Tron construction. The narration has been updated, not just because the huge gap in time and all the updates around the park but to give the narrator character some more… well character (he’s very similar to the riverboat narrator but they’re not intended to be the same person, I don’t think the railroad is also Sam Clemens. As of now the character is unnamed).
This update adds tron and a new interjection of female programs noticing our presence… the tunnel itself going under what, I believe is the pathway up to tron, is sort of sad:
It’s a black painted tunnel with some windows at the end to show you??? Under tron? That’s not the unloading area it’s straight up backstage pathways. Me and my dad were talking about this on the ride that it’s a VERY simple fix to make the tunnel more interesting, all you need to do is get a big stencil and paint a big white ENCOM logo down the tunnel (the grid isn’t ENCOM but it’s what people know and the identity program figures give you a ENCOM card, the lore of the attraction is a bit confusing)
What I do like is how the narrator gets cut off at the beginning of the tunnel and then keeps talking when you come out as if he just explained literal rocket science to you. That is hilarious. I didn’t notice that the first time.
Anyways, if you never road the train or riverboat highly recommend (there’s also 2023 ride through videos up. Oooo you wanna watch so bad ooooo propaganda)
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n30n-le0n · 2 years
[He wasn’t getting anywhere with this. Leo was intelligent enough to know that much.
He’d been training for what felt like hours, and it had been months since the Krang invasion, and yet his arms still felt stiff and leaden whenever he tried to swing them through the various stances and techniques that he’d been taught from a young age. Sure, okay, if pressed hard enough he might admit that he may have been overdoing it a tad, swinging his swords around with all the intensity of a grease fire and leaving himself far too many openings for a potential enemy to take advantage of—rather than falling into the careful, practiced techniques he’d been taught—but Leo couldn’t afford to quit now. It wasn’t good enough yet. He had to be good enough. He had to start taking his leadership duties seriously, before another member of his family got hurt or the Krang came back or an even worse enemy popped up, he had to—
The words came to Leo completely unbidden, causing his hands to shake and his grip on the swords to loosen so much that he had to fumble to catch them before they buried themselves into the floor of the training hall. He had to be better. It wasn’t about him anymore. It was about the safety of his family—Raph getting fucking possessed because of you, Donnie having to hard-wire himself into a fucking alien ship, Mikey damaging his hands creating a fucking PORTAL to pull you out, they’re all better off without you—it was about being a better son and leader, it was even about living up to the standards of future him. Or at least a version of future him. Casey’s words back then had been like knives stabbed into his heart, and he.....he had to be better.
But how could he be better, when he was still having fucking nightmares almost every single night, when every dark shadow within the lair had him flinching away from it and instinctively reaching for his swords, when teleporting anywhere almost made him want to vomit, when even months after the fact he still couldn’t stand to be on his own for long periods of time and couldn’t stand any sudden weight being pressed against his shell and couldn’t—
Heaving out a sigh and swiping the sweat from his eyes, Leo almost snapped to fearful attention at the sound of footsteps nearby, his swords half-snapping into a battle stance as he turned before Donnie’s familiar form came into view—
Idiot, it’s only your brother, why the hell are you being so jumpy, don’t think about the way his body just plummeted when the Krang punched him off of that building, don’t think about how he probably didn’t even shed a tear when you trapped yourself up there—
It was almost scarily easy to shift into a more neutral position then, letting the old cocky smile slide back onto his face as he leaned against his sword like he didn’t feel about five seconds away from imploding under all the pressure. He had no idea if Donnie knew the full extent of what he was going through—of course Donnie probably had an inkling, the two of them being twins and whatnot—but Leo was determined to keep it that way. If he acted like all was well, maybe he could keep Donnie at arm’s length for that much longer. Maybe he could actually start feeling better, instead of just saying that he was.]
‘Sup, Don-tron? Here to get a piece of the action? Come on, I’ve been sparring by myself all afternoon, I could use the practice against an actual opponent.
[An easy twirl of his blades around in his hands, trying to ignore how his stomach twisted at the thought of having to raise them against another one of his brothers, and then he continued.]
Promise I’ll go easy on you.
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aaghht · 2 years
random Usagi Chronicles tid-bits (I'll add more as i remember):
as mentioned in my previous timeline post, Neo Edo is a futuristic Edo-inspired city, powered by a mythical/sciency Ki-Stone
the city lights seem to kep on at all times (purple/purplish, like the Ki-Stone)
there are flying cars, refridgerators with AI, vending machines
hover cars, TRON-esque racing games, robots for different tasks
cameras, modern surgery....
no phones (sdfsdfsd sorry i just thought that was funny)
I'm guessing they just don't need phones cuz everyone lives in the city (and we haven't seen any other cities yet)
Usagi's the first rabbit Gen has seen in the city
Usagi and Kiyoko have the same bday (in the first ep)
Usagi states he is almost 16 in the opening scene of the show (and that's why he should be allowed to the city)
Usagi is 16 and definitely acts like a teen seeing a city for the first time
he sees a newsbotto and says "I've heard of these before"
Usagi plays in an arcade for the first time
Spot has never seen bubbles before that ep in s2 where Usagi buys him a bubble-blower
Usagi has a very low attention span (getting distracted by anything new, i.e. streets, games, food, signs)
Even though it's modern, the show still bases itself in many traditional japanese elements
i.e. - kimono and other similar clothes are worn left over right side
traditional japanese games are still popular in Neo Edo
edo-style japanese buildings still exist, even with modern additives
the show has a nice subtle message about letting nature rest from the city (turning off the lights eg light pollution)
Kitzune and Chizu are both orphans
apparently, so is Toshiko sort of (Gen's twin? sibling) who left for a life in the circus and other things before re-uniting with Gen during the 3rd ep of season 1
Gen and Toshiko separated as children after their parents and family were chased out of town due to fear
You can see Gen and Toshiko playing with a Gen and Tomoe Ame figures in their flashback in s1, the characters who Gen and Chizu are based from og Yojimbo series.
Gen is a germaphobe;
He spends a lot of time at the hospital, for stuff where he's just worried about something and thinks he has a symptom for;
at the same time, it seems he is just as much there to see the the Shiba-inu doctors, who raised him after his family fell apart (s1 e6)
Gen is also arachnophobic (he seems to be scared of most bugs, but is maybe semi-okay with crickets(s2 e5))
Kitsune grew up in the streets (I assume) while Chizu grew up in the Neko Ninja crew, a childhood without friends or any normalcy
farm boy Usagi absolutely hates farming
Tetsujin and Lady Fuwa used to date (for Fuwa, mostly to get the Ki-Stone scroll, which Tetsujin planted only because he knew - so neither was really dating for real?)
Usagi is pretty skilled with a sword, but sort of like an unrefined gem bc of his brashness and dis-respect.
Karasu-Tengu said the yo-yo is the only interesting thing about him but he's not very good with it yet
(edit nov 22) Auntie trained Usagi "for years" in the sword and other stuff
Auntie is a war veteran as seen by multiple elements in the show hinting at it - her ear and leg prosthetics, her experience with the sword (training Usagi enough that he has some raw skill), her words at Usagi ("the greatest master needs their sword the least"), her fight with Lady Fuwa
(OG post continued from Oct 25th)
Usagi is a nerd for Yokai and all things samurai and that's one reason he's still pretty good at fighting+knows enough info to help the team
that's all for now but sdfsdf hope to add more as I remember stuff
edit for nov 22nd (og post from Oct 25th):
On rewatch I also noticed that Chizu's left ear with the tear in it looks a bit like it could be from ear rings being torn out. I noticed this based on art director Khang Le's concept art, where Chizu has a white streak in her hair and also earrings) this could be anything though, as this is a common injury on real-life cats and she also has it in her first flashback scene (s1 e4)
Usagi is actually pretty good at noticing small details/bigger picture stuff, also at fight coordination. I noticed the first time but even moreso on rewatches:
1st ep he notices a small crevice/hole in the mogura tunnel's ceiling where he jammed his sword to create a small tunnel slide to escape the mogura gang
for the s1 finale, he has trained more with Karasu-Tengu, but when fighting in the dark with the Bat Crew later on, he followed Chikabuma's instructions on fight moves flawlessly, based on nothing more than the latter quickly throwing out what to do in an exact way
he seems to come up with battle-saving plans a lot, and doesn't even boost his ego with that knowledge
Usagi is probably really proficient at picking up other weapons too! He briefly fights and doesn't actually take that much time to take a liking to his yoyo. On that note....
Usagi's yoyo has saved him/been useful on more than one occasion, not just as a weapon
he can block attacks via the chain/string of the yoyo
it can sense Yokai
when Usagi used it to spiderman out of a fight, then to stop a warbotto from rampaging by tripping it via the chain
saved Kagehito from disappearing by putting him back in the Ki-Stone to recuperate
I'm sure I'm forgetting something else here
when Usagi and Kagehito went into a coma and almost got stuck in the prison orb at the tail end of s2
it's gotten broken once (the string/chain was broken at the end of s1) and Usagi is heartbroken over it (+ disappointed at himself)
Gave Usagi the access to the Ki-Stone's extra power boost, letting Usagi ascend the heavens and transform into a giant samurai-armored spirit-version of himself (think, like the susanoo avatar in Naruto, or like a spirit-mech)
the Ki-Stone can repair and give out new Kaikishi weapons
at the start of s2, it chooses Gen, Kitsune and Chizu as it's new Kaikishi warriors (closing the door on a comically sad-about-it Usagi, who still wanted a 2nd sword)
we haven't seen yet what the other Kaikishi weapons special abilities are (Usagi's yoyo is so far the only one able to capture and control/move the various Yokai in the series)
all of the mystic weapons can still interact with ghosts/apparitions, so that's probably why the team is careful not to hit Tetsujin with them while fights happen in the temple
possibly the secondary abilities are the secondary weapon transformations and abilities they show in some of the new episodes:
Kitsune can summon her tessen at will, not having to carry them
Gen change the size and form of his war clubs by merging them into one big kanabo
Chizu's bow is collapsible and she can shoot fire arrows and homing arrows with them (it seems she can materialize whatever arrow she needs at a moment)
The Ki-Stone couldn't have held in the Yokai for more than it did, so it was actually good that Usagi accidentally released all the Yokai (s2 e7, "Willow Branch", stated by O-Dokuro)
little visual references like this (prob not og Kitsune?)
Tumblr media
Kitsune's little sister Kiyoko is not so little in this animated adaptation (in the comics she is a smaller fox, in this series she is a big robot)
Gen's sister Toshiko doesn't like visiting the hospital, but does like hiding out at the arcade toilets for some reason
it's unknown what happened to the criminal that Gen was bounty-hunting in the first episode, but in a later s1 episode, he is seen laughing and clapping with the rest of the crowd, but is then approached menacingly by the Shiba-Inu doctors (this is bothering me to no end bc I can't seem to get the inside joke, that might be a cultural difference? I guess we'll never know)
For an apparition on "another plane of existence" (we know you're a ghost Tetsujin), Tetsujin is pretty good at building all sorts of mechanical stuff
Tetsuji also made the prosthetic horn gen receives in ep 4 and we can assume that builds the rest of his horns too.
I'll post more as I rewatch the series :D (end edit 22.11.2022)
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radiantlyrey · 1 year
Thoughts on Uprising ep14 “Tagged”
- note: we are now in Unknown Territory, for me! I have not watched any episodes past this point! all I know is what I’ve seen chatter about; that’s it!! SO LET’S GET STARTED.
- cold open: I see we have a team of feral dogs libertarian street artists making trouble in Argon! good thing they got away from the cops, at least?? (in re: feral dogs: Night Vale references? anyone? anyone?)
- “my fanclub strikes again” “you mean my fanclub” Tron are you being SASSY??? I agree with Beck, this is an improvement!!
- I get the sense from this conversation that Beck is still a little testy about his encounter with Cyrus, hence his insistence on bringing the street artists into the fold. Tron is advising caution, but I think Beck is feeling a little stretched thin by all this Renegade stuff and wants some, y’know, help. can’t say I blame the kid.
- then we cut to Paige dealing with a bomb threat on a train and it is lowkey kind of hilarious how she shoves the bomb squad aside and fucking opens the bomb herself—like girl!!!!! we have the bomb squad for a reason!!!!!!! STOP. thank god it’s just a paint bomb, cause she would’ve been derezzed instantly if it wasn’t.
- then Beck catches up with the artists three and basically does to them what Tron did to him; poses as a Black Guard and questions them and then reveals himself to be “Tron” aka the Renegade. also the subtitles totally gave away Mara’s role in the Jolly Tricksters, which… boo. but I love Beck’s obvious shock when he sees her; he was not counting on that! also Mara kind of flirting with “Tron” makes me (and Beck) uncomfortable…..
- meanwhile back at Tron’s, Beck tries to feel out why Tron chose him and also tries to suss out what, if anything, Tron will tell him about the Stranger/Cyrus. (again, not sure Cyrus actually introduced himself in the previous episode; I think I was too busy cussing to actually remember….) anyway, Beck wants Tron to tell him about Cyrus, but Tron is apparently pretending that chapter of his life DID NOT HAPPEN. (also Beck’s weird wrist circuits are still freaking me out………. hope they don’t prove significant in the future……)
- back in the main plot (though I’m surprised that this episode is ALL A-plot! no charming sideplot required, apparently!): Beck gets the Jolly Tricksters to do a distraction so he can sneak in and get some intel from Tesler’s ship. he’s in and out with no trouble, but then: trouble arrives!! in the form of Moog and Rasket who want to put a tag on Tesler’s whole ass ship. Mara is the only one of them with any sense, and she insists on going with the Renegade to get them back.
- so Moog and Rasket (Raskay~~ whatever your name is Rasket) do their big tag, and get fucking caught by Pavel. and taken to a torture chamber, essentially. Pavel’s doing that thing where he swings between silly and deadly serious and it’s a little terrifying. the torture device is horrifying and very much Do Not Want from me, like……… holy shit. and they don’t even shy away from showing it onscreen!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, SHOW. it’s like the creators realized Disney wasn’t gonna do shit to promote their show and just decided to do whatever!!!!!!!! jesus.
- Mara and Beck-as-Renegade save them tho!!! hooray!! and then Beck gives them all an assignment—keep the gate open—that Moog and Rasket immediately give up on and Mara, I can’t believe you thought you could control these two!! my god!!! but she manages to buy time for the Renegade as Beck is fighting Paige (there were some good shots in that fight btw) and they all just barely escape and ooOOF.
- less great that Moog and Rasket are out, and that Beck, as much as he needs Mara, can’t afford to put his friend in danger and essentially pushes her away. sigh.
- and then Beck and Tron have a conversation in PUBLIC ABOUT THIS???? AND TRON DON’T EVEN HAVE HIS FACE COVERED???????? the FUCK are you doing Tron???? GODDDDD.
- that said the coda of Mara doing another tag is glorious, and I hope we see more of her efforts towards revolution in the future. Beck is absolutely right: she really truly believes in the cause, and if (who she thinks is) Tron telling her he doesn’t need her doesn’t make her give up, then nothing will.
- all in all: fun little romp of an episode, and a very nice breather after the sheer fuck-inducing intensity of the previous episode.
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shamelessrabbithole · 8 months
Usually i don't comment on anyones opinion, because everyone can feel or think what they want and i'm also fine with people critisizing/disliking mosher/gallavich fans, but i wanted to say something to the anon, who says that we stalk Noel. We - and i count everyone here on shamelessrabbitholes blog as well- we all stalk Noel, or Cam or Cams women to some point. For me personally, i don't care at all for Cams women. I don't stalk them, nor do i make my researches about them, especially not the ones from the past. I got some questions about a few of Cams womens on my blog, which i answered and i shared some old blog posts for them to read for theirselves of course, but usually i don't make my researches about Cams womens. I don't care for Joelle or Emily or whoever, but i don't judge anyone who is interested in them, nor do i point at people with my finger who are interested in them and search for every picture they can possibly find about them, or if Emily followed or unfollowed Cam 7 times. I also don't get the hots for Cam, yes he is super handsome and he has a well trained body, but i don't drop on my knees for him, but i would never talk bad about someone who is in love with him or any other celebrity. For me that's totally fine and not cringe at all. All of that is a form of dedication too, or stalking. And in my opinion, people following Noels new film project isn't a bad thing at all. I'm pretty sure no one out there is so crazy to harass the film crew or write them messages and ask about Noel. And it’s not a crime to follow public instagram pages or watch stores. They are just following the movie and every form of interested people is always good for a movie, no matter with what intention they came. People are also big fans of Cam and follow him and his movie Tron. If anyone in the crew felt bothered by some specific fans, they are in the wrong industry...just wanted to say that, because i get the feeling that mosher/gallavich get blamed for EVERYTHING at the moment. Sorry for the long text + mistakes in my text, you know i'm not fluent in english. Okay i'm done, peace out ✌️🙂
I think the anon was referring maybe not so much to the fact that Noel's supporters are following his every move—of course, we all are, we love him—but more about how visible we're being as we do it.
Like maybe instead of following with a stan account, and by stan that means something with an obvious screen name plus a profile pic to suggest Noel or Cam/Noel or Gallavich or Mosher love, that it could have been more subtle. The idea being that perhaps it's causing the few people connected to that movie, Noel included, to cringe internally. Especially because he hasn't made his affiliation with the movie known on instagram.
I don't think Mosher stans, specifically, were being targeted in that ask, above any other kind of Noel fan.
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