#I see kyungsoo and I see a strong woman
lasi-nariyoyoreads · 11 months
Kyungsoo, Kai and Sehun's soulmate reading
Last trio for the exo soulmate reading! I had fun doing these readings, I hope you enjoyed them too!
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: the moon, rev page of swords, queen of swords, gift, success, creativity
In this case, I think this person is someone you might call a friend, someone ready to listen to you and ready to give you good advice.
Seeing all these cards, I think Kyungsoo really rely on this friend.
For example, if he gets a new job offer he might ask them if it’s a good idea to do it.
This person, even though they might not belong to the industry, is very supportive, so they might really give him a lot confidence and reassurance.
“Yes, you can do it”, “What are you worrying about, your fans love you”, I feel this type of energy here.
Because of this encouragement, Kyungsoo is able to try out new experiences, learn new things, reach new audiences and by consequence, get more successful. We know that he’s going through a great change now that he’s leaving SM and we saw him trying new things these past months, so I think that it’s also the positive influence of this person that gave him the confidence to go out of his comfort zone.
I’m unsure if this person works with him, so if he truly gives him practical advice or if they don’t belong to the industry and just really support him like a good friend.
Either way it's really a cute friendship that brings Kyungsoo a lot of clarity and harmony.
Cards: ace of swords, rev 7 of swords, queen of swords, volition, success, fear
This person is like a counselor for him. 
Similarly to Suho, I feel they’re not *that* close, not relatives or actual friends, but it’s a person that nonetheless has a good influence on him.
I tend to think it’s an older person, maybe a woman. 
They might be a coworker that gives him suggestions or guide him.
This person seems halfway between Suho’s teacher and Kyungsoo’s friend.
I truly think this person is a coworker, something like a manager, so they aren’t too close on a personal level, but this person encourages Kai a lot.
There’s a lot of ambition here.
Contrary to what I felt with Kyungsoo, it’s not really Kai saying “I received this opportunity what do you think?” but it’s this person that proposes jobs to him.
Success was definitely achieved as we can all see, but the last card shows the other side of the coin of his journey.
To achieve success and grow, you have to go out of your comfort zone. I assume that Kai might feel overwhelmed sometimes, maybe during those ten minutes before stepping on the stage or before the camera turns on he might ask himself "can I really do it?"
He might feel he isn't good enough or worth of his success.
The role of this figure is also to encourage him to avoid these negative feelings.
Cards: 10 of cups, rev emperor, rev page of pentacles, choice, trial, bridge
10 of cups might imply a love relationship.
This person might be older than him or someone that somehow has some sort of authority. This person has a strong presence and probably takes care of a lot of aspects in Sehun’s life.
Pretty much like Chanyeol, he will probably have to make a choice regarding this relationship, in this case he chooses to stay with his partner.
If this person is truly an authority figure for him, then several issues may arise (hence Sehun having to make a choice and decide if it's worth staying with them or if it's better to break up).
Which is where the Trial card appears. The card represents a knight fighting a big dragon.
For example, let’s say Sehun happens to work on a drama and his partner is a senior actor or the director. People around them might feel that he got the job just because he’s the lover of a powerful person.
I’m getting a lot of relaxed energy from Sehun’s part, so this means he either doesn’t give a single f*ck to what people might say or his partner is actively shielding him from malicious comments, so he isn’t fully aware of it. Or it might be both.
It might also mean that some paparazzi caught them already, but his partner is so powerful/rich they're able to stop them from leaking the news.
The last card truly points me to a situation of stability, on the outside there might be a big dragon that causes problems, but between them there’s the calm waters that flow below a bridge on a sunny day.
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treatutoameal · 3 years
translation of heetae's character introduction in the youth of may scriptbook
transcribed from @byldh_'s scans
황희태 (HWANG HEE-TAE) / BORN ON JUNE 23, 1955
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A tree frog (disobedient person) who refuses everything that predicates who he is.
To describe Heetae's life in a word, it would be 'war against prejudice.' In order to break the prejudice against children of single mothers, he entered the Seoul National University Medical School as a senior class leader and the top student in his department every year. When his colleagues looked down on him as the "brilliant hillbilly" (ie. unsophisticated countryside person) from Gwangju, he pulled out the latest car model, which he didn't need. Heetae is tired of the stereotype that university students should only carry Molotov cocktails (protest), that medical students should only be stuck in school (study) because they are medical students. Because he goes to Hakrim Dabang (music café) everyday with his acoustic guitar, the delinquent medical student image (ie. playing instead of studying) was a given and because he hated colored glasses, he studied hard in places where others couldn’t see him and maintained the top of his department.
However, that doesn't mean that only arrogance elevates his personality. Rather, Heetae is more of a nerd who enjoys watching his opponents bewildered with his unpredictable and characteristic audacity. Perhaps that was Heetae's way of surviving. He was a child who wanted to run to the drunkard who was getting wasted with his mother, a night-time singer, but got pocket money from him while running an errand for cigarettes instead. If you're strong, you break, but in the case of Heetae, if you break, it's over.
Although his living conditions with his mom were a little poor, or perhaps a lot, his childhood spent with her did not leave a scar on Heetae. The immaturity when Heetae told his mom they had to pay their monthly rent and she replied with 'Oh right', the naiveness when he showed her his first ranking in his grades report and she told him 'Don't work too hard, you can become a singer later', made Heetae mature a little earlier than his peers... In essence, Heetae's mother was a 'strong and funny' person and Heetae resembled her and grew up as an upright and warm person.
Rather, the conflict between the two began when his mother fell sick. Heetae, who grew up while blaming his father for abandoning him and his mother, visited the stranger who didn't even know his mom's face to beg for her medical expenses. However, that day Heetae saw his mother's unfamiliar face for the first time in his life. He cried, fought, begged and burned up in anger, but eventually his mother died in vain after refusing Kinam's help, and Heetae ended up visiting him under the guise of her funeral expenses. Heetae, whose animal instincts uncover his opponents’ clear motives, replied 'Revenge won’t pay for the funeral' to Kinam's cold question as to what purpose he came to visit.
That bold answer satisfied Kinam, and Heetae stepped into that house on the road and steadily adapted to his position of "bastard son." He did not feel discouraged that he was a freerider/parasite in that family, and deliberately acted shamelessly to ask for more bowls of rice.
Heetae, who had a talent for music due to his mom, got into university and formed a two-member group with Kyungsoo, his only friend. Unlike Heetae, who used to stay away from the democracy protests, Kyungsoo, who was enthusiastic about the student movement, often brought injured wanted students who couldn't go to the hospital, turning Heetae's room into an "illegal clinic." One day, Kyungsoo, who was on the run, carried Seokchul, who was severely injured, into Heetae's room. However, her condition was beyond Heetae at the time, and Kyungsoo, who went outside to get help, was arrested and forced to join the army. Heetae, who chose to defer his graduation at the time of his internship training due to guilt and trauma caused by the incident, is a person who's paying that debt.
As such, he sold everything in his possession and desperately paid for the hospital to keep Seokchul alive. When she briefly regained consciousness and pronounced the words 'I want to go home,' Heetae immediately headed to Gwangju, his hometown.
Heetae, who sneaked into Gwangju to transfer Seokchul to the local hospital, is eventually taken home by Kinam. He ends up getting the transfer's money by throwing a winner's punch, telling his father that he’ll do anything he wants him to. Instead, he is dragged into a blind date. Heetae, who was wearing a matching suit that his father had bought for him, had no idea what was awaiting him. The fact that Heetae, who has survived his lifetime on the lookout, would end up completely disarmed in front of one woman. That both of them will spend the most glorious May of their lives.
오월의 청춘 (Youth of May)
Written by 이강 (Lee Kang)
Directed by 송민엽 (Song Min-Yeop)
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sunlightwoo · 4 years
Run To You
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☀︎ pairing: king!sangyeon x court noble!fem. reader
☀︎ genre: royal au, themes of wrong timing right person in a way, first love au, arranged marriage themes. there will definitely be angst and fluff in this, but i shall add some humor to enlighten everyone :)) 
☀︎ wc: 2.8k
☀︎ plot: sangyeon thinks that he’s imagining things when he sees you standing in the middle of his royal office with an offer in your hand from when you used to date 10 years ago. however, when you tell him the truth about why you came back, he thinks that maybe it was fate that brought you back to him. 
☀︎ a/n: happy birthday to one of my biggest inspirations in the writing community @solarwonux​​ !!! i love you like you are my big sister and i tell you this every time because i don’t know what i’d do without you. thank you for always showing me how to be the best of myself and for always looking out for me. i hope your birthday today is spent well <33 also there’s a little easter egg for a spoiler of an upcoming wip hehehe lmk if you guys find it
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Sangyeon looks at himself in the mirror that was across from him and glances at his entire attire from head to toe, finding that the attire he was put into feeling stuffy and he lets out a breath before looking out at the sun beaming down past the window. It was only another afternoon that he was stuck indoors doing kingly duties that he knew would take a while to sink in, and the last thing he needed was another public event to attend to when there were piles of bills and laws to look over and review for his own kingdom.
“It’s okay, Kevin, you can drop the formalities. Besides, I don’t have a choice in this, do I?” He breathes out, turning towards where the latter had stood by the doorframe, and Kevin gives him a look of empathy, knowing that he was right.
“I guess not… Just call for me if you need anything, okay?” He whispers and frowns a bit while leaving the royal bedroom, just as Sangyeon turns back towards the mirror to look at himself to tend to his thoughts once again.
There was some sort of emotion in his heart that was yelling at him to leave the kingdom for a bit, to run away from the expectations that he was supposed to live up to and find a way out. The burden of being a king was much more than he had anticipated for as a child, and now that he had been the king for over a year after the death of his father, he had been kicked into the role of the leader that everyone looked up to for guidance.
A sigh escapes his lips as he knows that his thoughts were foolish anyways, the mere thought of running away to a place unknown already being risky enough knowing that he would be killed out there in the barriers past his kingdom. He had enemies for sure, but he also knew that there were strong alliances that he had, such as with another king, Kim Sunwoo, that he had yet to meet another day.
But for today, there was an important event that he had to make an appearance for and be the king that everybody needed and came to know of.  
Sangyeon decides to finally head out of his bedroom to find Kevin, who he had assumed to be in his office waiting for him and goes to where it was when he notices that it was open. It wasn’t until he walked into his office to see someone else in there that it made him confused as to how someone could waltz into his own privacy and possibly commit treason.
Before he could say anything, the person turned around to face him with a shocked but amused look, their familiar facial features surprising him as well as his heart had churned at the sight of them- or you, he should say.
“Surprised to see me, Sangyeon?” You teased while crossing your arms over your chest with your fan tucked underneath them and he closed his mouth for a moment before giving you a smile back in surprise.
“You didn’t tell me that you were visiting.” He breathes out and you let out a quiet chuckle before walking over to get a better look at his face, the same one that you remember loving in the past, but this time it was more structured; in a way he had matured more than you last saw him.  
“It’s been ten years since we last met, hasn’t it? I wanted to still keep onto my end of the promise that we agreed on.” You reply and there was something in his eyes that you noticed change at the mention of the said promise that you both had foolishly made when you were still dating back then.
Both you and Sangyeon had only been sixteen years old at the time that you made your promise before it had been your breakup. At that time you both had promised to one another that if fate had allowed for it to happen, that you both would marry one another regardless of given circumstances because you knew that you were each other’s soulmates. You had sealed the promise with a kiss that you as an inexperienced teenager would know before having to leave the kingdom because of a family issue that you had on your end.
Now that you had finally found your way back to Sangyeon’s kingdom after hearing that he became the king only a year ago, you made it your mission to find him again and you were successful until this very moment as you looked into his eyes. There was something in them that spoke of an unspoken thought that was yet to be said past his lips, but you weren’t sure what to expect as well.
“Y/N… I have to tell you something, before you can hear it from someone else-” He says softly and reaches out to hold your hands, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, making both you and Sangyeon to face where Kevin had stood with another woman that was by his side, and based on the look that they both exchanged, you knew what that unspoken thought was.
“King Sangyeon, I’m sorry to interrupt, but Lady Kyungsoo is here for the wedding announcement.” Kevin announces quietly and bows before quickly leaving the three of you in the tension filled room, making you raise an eyebrow at him and take a sharp breath in as you turn to face the new individual that you had yet to meet with a large smile on your face.
One that you were all too familiar doing in times like this.
“I’ll leave you two alone instead, your majesty,” You say and start to head out of his office with your arms still crossed underneath your chest, until you paused for a moment to turn back to the two individuals that were watching you leave.
“Congratulations on the wedding, by the way.”
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“I don’t understand, Jacob, I thought that he would’ve remembered about the promise,” You huffed out as you were walking around the village center with your best friend after finding him once again at his old family shop, “Was it foolish of me to even feel upset that he didn’t remember, when I have waited this long to find him?”
Jacob thinks to himself and shakes his head in response as you let out another sigh and glanced around your surroundings, seeing as though everybody was in a festive mood because of the recent announcement of an hour ago about the king finally being wed. There was a dulling ache in your chest at the sudden news of it, but you felt as though you couldn’t do anything because you felt as though it were wrong on your end to wait ten years.
“I don’t think he would’ve forgotten it on purpose, Y/N.” He replies and you pause for a moment to turn to him with a deadpan look on your face.
“I literally met his future wife before finding you and the announcement had occurred. I don’t think there’s any way I could add myself into the equation here, Cob.” You say just as the sounds of fanfare goes off in the distance, meaning that the king was coming through the village and you could feel your stomach churn just at the thought of it.  
You feel Jacob pull your hand over towards where he was standing as you nearly collided with his chest, just as the royal carriage had just breezed by where you had previously stood. Taking a sharp breath in, you turned back around after separating yourself from Jacob’s grip only to face Sangyeon, who had taken the chance to get out of the carriage that had almost hit you earlier as there was a concerned look on his face.
“Y/N, are you okay? I apologize, my men weren’t looking and-”
“It’s fine, Sangyeon. Are you and everybody in the carriage, okay?” You interrupt him while giving him a soft smile, reassuring him that you were fine but you should’ve known better than to assume, considering he was still worried about you regardless.
“Yes, however-”
“Your majesty, we have to keep going. You still have to meet up with King Sunwoo for that business meeting.” His royal assistant, Kevin, you had learned from earlier today, says from where his head had peaked out of the carriage and there was a sigh that slips from Sangyeon’s lips as he looked between both you and his assistant that he was close to wringing for all of his bad timed actions.
“Meet me at the river in three days' night, okay? I’ll be back after meeting with a friend, and I can explain everything.” He whispers quietly only for the two of you to hear and you could’ve sworn from how close that he was standing in comparison to where you were, his breath could’ve easily hovered over yours had he had not pulled away first.
You watch as he heads back to the carriage as his eyes meet yours once more for a moment before he leaves you with Jacob, the carriage becoming smaller to your eye as you turn around to look at the latter with amusement crossed on his face.
Oh no.
“First name basis with the majesty?” Jacob teases and you could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment when you turn your eyes away from him to walk back to the path that you were headed on earlier to your original destination.
“Force of habit, don’t judge me, Jacob.”
After that small encounter, three days’ nights had arrived fast as you were now at the river that started it all. You remember the first time that you had found it when you were roughly thirteen years old, finding purchase in the serenity and peacefulness of the area with the moonlight shining down on you quietly.
It was the place that you happened to have found the hiding soon to be king, who was curious about what it was like to be outside of the castle walls and never would you have imagined yourself falling in love with him in the span of three to four rough years. Now you were back here with nostalgia in your eyes and fingertips as you sat along the shore of the river, staring into the illuminated water when you hear footsteps approach you softly as a familiar reflection appears beside you.
“I didn’t keep you here too long, did I?” Sangyeon asks you quietly, and you shake your head in response as he takes a spot in the grass beside you.
The two of you were now silent as neither of you wanted to speak up, afraid of what was yet to be said in between the lines of tension that was beginning to build between you both. However, you weren’t even sure what could be said from your end, since it was evident that he was getting married in order to save his reputation as the king so that he wasn’t seen as weak. You understood that, but you couldn’t help but want to be selfish on your end and think that maybe you could find a way to stop the wedding that was yet to happen.
“You know that I never forgot about the promise right? I still have loved you, after all these years, and want to be with you, Y/N.” Sangyeon finally speaks up and there was a shaky breath that leaves your lips from either relief or heartbreak, because either way you could still feel the twist that was still evident in your heart.
“But you can’t do that because of your people, Sangyeon. I don’t want them to think that you’re marrying me because of a promise we made when we were still young-”
“And if I prove them otherwise?” He retorts in almost an inaudible whisper, and you pause for a moment as you look into his eyes, feeling your very own gloss a bit from the tears that were pricking at the corner of your eyes from your own selfishness, but you knew that it couldn’t happen.
“You know that fate can be twisted sometimes… Maybe this was fate telling us that we took too long to find each other.”
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Maybe you should’ve stayed back in Jacob’s place when it was the day of the wedding, which happened to take place a couple weeks after that night you had met up with Sangyeon at the river. It was hard to see the extravagant colors and decorations that were coating the walls of the royal castle and could feel the pang of pain hit your chest the longer that you had looked at them.
The sound of someone calling out to you made you confused as you turned to look and see that it was both Kevin and Lady KKyungsoo, who had been holding hands until you had eyed it as you raised an eyebrow at them. Were they planning to…
“We all had a plan these last few weeks, and I was going to back to my kingdom to talk it out with my royal advisor to tell him that we didn’t need a marriage to keep the alliance,” She says and you felt as though you were taken back at her sudden words when she speaks up once again with a smile on her face as she glances over to Kevin, “Besides, I have the person that I’ve dreamt of to help me out and guide me through being my own queen back at home.”
“Wow.. that’s-”
“You should go see Sangyeon, if that’s what you’re still standing here debating about.” Kevin imposes, and you give him a confused look when they suddenly run past you with giggles escaping their lips, making you take note that you should ask Sangyeon about them later on if you get the chance to.
Taking this as your chance to go, you made your way over towards the corridors that you were sure held the familiar chambers that Sangyeon had resided in after the countless times of visiting when you were younger. The memory seemed to be as fresh as new in your mind, considering it had been years since then and it wasn’t until you found yourself standing in front of the large regal doors of what you had assumed to be Sangyeon’s room that you were now hesitant on knocking on them.
What were you even going to tell him?
You finally get the courage to after thinking for a while to knock, when the door suddenly opens in front of you where Sangyeon was standing in front of you with regal clothing on, making you forget that he was a king until now as you take your raised hand back down to your side. There was a silence that overtook you both as you stared at one another where you had stood, but it wasn’t until he took one step forward closer to you that you blink back to reality and remember what you were here for.
“I just bumped into Kevin and Kyungsoo… Is it true?” You ask him quietly, looking at him with your arms reaching to cross in front of you when suddenly Sangyeon takes them into his own hands gently and gives you a warm smile, the same one that you could easily melt into if it were your own personal sun.
“We can still get married, if you still want to keep our promise? The people are still looking forward to one today, and I’m pretty sure that my tailors can help you get fit into a dress in less than an hour, only if you’re okay with it.” He replies to your thoughts, making you think that this might be the one opening that fate may be giving you while you still had your chance.
And maybe it was the sudden kick of confidence that you gained knowing that might’ve been from the fact that you finally had a chance to be with him that led to you pulling him close so that you finally kissed him as if it were your last given chance to. You feel him kissing you back with a smile on both your faces as you knew from the kiss that your answer was right there, that the both of you were in it for the long game and past the stupid promise that you both made when you were still teenagers in love.
“Let’s go get married then, shall we?”
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Can you recommend me some kdramas? 🥺 I’ve been wanting to watch one but idk what (also where to watch them LOL)
I also want to see one with ksoo, but seriously any drama that you really like and is worth recommending, I’ll gladly watch it :)
Thank you ♥️
The must watch drama with Kyungsoo has to be 100 Days My Husband, its funny, decently written, well acted, romantic and has a happy ending. You can find it on Netflix.
I am currently watching Doom At Your Service on Viki and it is halfway through and excellent! It has Seo In Guk and Park Bo Young, two of my favorite actors. This is a supernatural themed drama.
Some of my favorite dramas that i have watched, really enjoyed, and can think of off the top of my head include:
Vincenzo - Action packed, violent and bloody, Mafia drama with a satisfying ending. Minimal romance but plenty of tension between the leads. Netflix.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay - *sigh* this isn’t a healthy relationship, but two people come together with all of their flaws and maybe they should go to therapy but they end up falling in love. Some great character development. Some toxic character moments. Fantastic kisses. Netflix.
Dear My Friends - Okay….nobody every talks about this drama. I’m not sure why i even started watching it. It’s about a bunch of old ladies. When i tell you that i would die for these old ladies i mean it. I love them all so much. I cried so much. I laughed so much. I want so much good for all of them. This is not a romance at all. This is friendship at it’s purest and finest. Netflix.
My Mister - ive watched this drama twice. This drama is breathtaking. This drama is pure pain and blinding white hope. I dont think any other drama has made me cry as much as this one did — both times i watched it. Netflix.
Crash Landing on You - I’ve noticed that this popular drama on Netflix seems to be a lot of new drama watchers’ gateway drug. It’s got a strong romance, some steamy chemistry and a really lovely found family that you become very attached to.
Queen In Hyun’s Man (Queen and I) - this is one of my favorite dramas ever. It’s so romantic, has amazing kisses, has amazing humor, has a time travel plot, its just great great great but its older and idk where you can watch it, might have to pirate that shit because its worth it for this drama. Edit: AMAZON PRIME HAS IT!!!
Mr. Queen - Available to watch on Viki, oh Man this drama was good. it’s historical which I usually dont vibe with but the main character is modern due to some time traveling hi-jinks, and it’s also a man trapped in a woman’s body which makes for some suuuuper interesting fun as he, a man on the inside but the Queen on the outside slowly falls in love with the Queen’s husband, the King. It’s one of the funniest drama’s I’ve seen in a very long time and the storyline was top notch.
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straylightdream · 4 years
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part three: please don’t leave me
featuring: Mob Boss Kim Junmyeon x reader, Bodyguard Oh Sehun x reader
Cold, wicked and ruthless we’re all words that people used to describe Junmyeon, but when it came to her he made an oath to protect her. Sehun was assigned to watch over her, he never expected for her to break down his walls.
warnings: angst, mentions of violence, injuries, death, blood, gun shot wounds, ptsd, future chapters will contain sexual content
word count: 9.4k another long one
AN: Sorry this took literally forever. Let me know what your thoughts are.
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It’s been a month since your first trip outside and since then you’ve been able to conquer going outside with only Sehun by your side. Things at the compound are starting to feel very different but in a good way. You see your therapist twice a week now. She sits in the library in the chair by the door while you sit on the overpriced leather couch. You talk about a range of things whether it’s about Sung or the boys you live with. She tends to ask you questions often about Sehun and Junmyeon. She seems to be very interested in your relationship with the two men who take care of you.
Sitting on the leather couch under the window you’re sitting there with your legs crossed in and held close to your body. The beautiful woman is scanning through her notes as you wait for her final questions.
“How have your trips outside been going?” she asks.
“I’m getting better. Sehun and I take solo trips out there at least once a day together,” a smile beams on your face. You’re still Immensely proud of yourself that you’re able to walk outside with just Sehun.
“That’s really good.”
She wraps up your session and Kyungsoo greets both of you at the door. He places his hand on her back and leads her out of the compound. Since starting your therapy sessions Kyungsoo has gotten a new job as your therapist’s driver. According to Jongdae, Kyungsoo likes time alone so he doesn’t mind driving her if he gets a few minutes alone in the car after dropping her off.
Sehun is standing in the hall outside of the library. He’s in a sweater with the sleeves pushed up. He’s wearing a small smile as he walks closer to you.
“How did it go?” He asks the same question he asks you every time you finish up therapy.
“It went good. Did you maybe want to get some lunch?” It’s a rare moment when you’re actually asking him to eat. Normally he’s the one asking you to eat.
“Yeah let’s have some lunch. Maybe we can convince Yixing to help cook something.”
Walking into the kitchen you luckily already find Yixing looking through the fridge. It doesn’t take much convincing to ask for him to make you and Sehun something for lunch.
Leaning against the marble island in the middle of the kitchen you can’t help but smile as you eat the delicious meal Yixing prepared for you. It’s just you and Sehun standing there eating.  He’s wearing a smile as he watches you slurp up your noodles.
“You seem really happy today,” he says speaking up. His warm eyes are locked on you as he examines you. You’ve had a really good day and you feel confident in yourself and he must notice.
“I feel really good today.”
He knits his eyebrows together as if he’s processing what he should say to you. He swallows loudly, “it makes me happy to see you like this.”
You can’t help but smile at his sweet comment, “you’re part of the reason I’m able to be happy again.”
“It might not mean anything but being around you makes me happy too. I might not show it, but I’m happy being around you,” he’s never been this open around you. Most of the time he comes off as more guarded and closed off with his emotions.
“That means a lot,” you smile.
After finishing your lunch you walk with Sehun into the foyer near the door. You find Junmyeon coming inside. The moment his eyes lock on you he smiles and lights up. He’s dressed in blue suit, he’s clearly just come back from his office.
“Hello,” he says.
“Hi Junmyeon,” you stop and give him an awkward wave.
“What are you two up to?” He asks as he glances over at Sehun who is standing next to you.
“We just finished eating. I thought about maybe going to the library,” you hadn’t really thought about what you planned on doing after eating.
“How do you feel about going outside with just me?” Junmyeon asks as he walks closer to you. His statement catches you off guard and you look up at Sehun to see his emotionless look playing across his face as he swallows loudly. Your eyes flicker back to Junmyeon who is standing in front of you. “You’re allowed to say no if you only feel safe with Sehun. You won’t hurt my feeling,” his voice has zero malicious intent behind it. You can tell he means it, that his feelings won’t be hurt.
Glancing up at Sehun you look for him for approval. You know that he doesn’t have a say in what you do, but you still want to know what he’s thinking.
“You can go with him, I’ll be inside when you get back,” his voice is low as his warm eyes lock on yours. He’s speaking to you as if Junmyeon isn’t standing right by you.
“I’ll go with you,” you finally speak.
“Sehun can you grab her coat,” Junmyeon responds.
“I’ll go get it,” you say.
At a quick pace you walk through the compound alone off to your room. You left Junmyeon and Sehun alone and you can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about. Since you moved in, Junmyeon and Sehun are rarely ever alone. Walking into your room you grab your coat that’s hanging on a hook by the door. Pulling on your grey coat you glance in the full length mirror that is on the wall close to the door. You take a deep breath repeating your mantra you’ve grown all too familiar with. “You can do this,” you repeat quietly.
Walking downstairs you find Sehun and Junmyeon right where you left them, but now Chanyeol is leaning against the wall staring at his phone.
“Ready,” Junmyeon says.
Nodding you follow him as he walks out the door. The afternoon sun is shining through the clouds as the cool autumn breeze pushes your hair away from your face. Pushing your hair behind your ears pausing for a moment. Junmyeon stops and looks at you giving you a soft smile.
“You never asked if I have my gun,” you realize that this is the first time you haven’t asked him this. You can’t help but suddenly feel proud of yourself and how far you’ve come.
“I guess I didn’t.”
“That’s a good step,” he moves so he stands closer to you. “Would you like to take my arm?” It’s a simple gesture but it makes a smile tug at your lips. Silently you nod gently placing your hand on his bicep. He stares at you for a moment before he starts leading toward the rose garden.
Standing in the sea of red roses you can feel him staring at you. Looking up you give him a soft smile tilting your head to the side.
“What are you thinking about?” You can’t help but wonder what the most powerful man in the city is thinking about. He seems so lost in his own thoughts.
“I’m just thinking about how far you’ve come,” he removes your hand from his arm and moves so he’s standing in front of you. “That night when Chanyeol carried you into the compound with a gunshot wound I was worried about you. I was more worried than I should have been—,” he pauses and stares at you as if he’s trying to process what exactly he should say. “I promised your brother I would look after you no matter what, and for a while there I felt like I was really letting him down,” his words feel like a sledgehammer hitting you in the chest. He feels an immense amount of responsibility to make sure you get better. “I’m the reason you lost your brother, and I’m the reason you got shot. I’m the reason you literally couldn’t go outside for months,” his voice is shaking as if he’s losing control of his emotions. He’s always so strong willed and it’s suddenly like that slipping away.
Without even thinking you reach up reaching your hand in his cheek, “this isn’t your fault. I’m not broken because you.”
He knits his eyebrows together, “I never said you were broken.”
“Myeon, I’m going to be okay. This just takes time, just like my gunshot wound, somethings don’t heal overnight. Look how far I’ve come. I used to not be able to go outside without five men and now I’m standing here for just you,” your hand hasn’t left his cheek.
Reaching up he gently rests his hand on top of you, “this is new to me. Everything that is happening is new. It’s just been me and the circle for so long. I’ve been closed off for a very long time,” he seems so vulnerable as he’s speaking to you.
“It’s okay everything is new to me too. We’re learning everything together—“ you pause as he pulls his hand away from yours. “I’m healing more and more each day with the help of you, Sehun, and the boys,” his face drops a little at the mention of Sehun’s name.
“I’m glad you have someone like Sehun who makes you feel safe,” he steps away from your touch leaving you suddenly feeling cold.
“You also make me feel safe.”
A small smile tugs on his lips.
“I’m happy I make you feel safe.”
Walking away from you he walks towards a rose bush. You watch as he pulls his pocket knife out of his pants pocket. Ever so carefully he cuts a long stem rose like he’s done in the past. He cuts off the thorns and holds it out for.
“I’ll never get over how beautiful all these roses are,” you say taking the rose in your hand.
“There is something special about these roses,” he says looking around at the sea of blood red roses.
You spend about thirty minutes walking around the garden with Junmyeon. The whole time you’re outside you feel at ease and not worried.
Walking inside you find Sehun standing near the door waiting for you. The moment your eyes lock on him he smiles. He steps forward but stops quickly and tilts his head to the side as if he’s waiting for you to make the next move. You feel Junmyeon’s hand on your lower back for a short moment and you glance at him to see him nod at you before he walks off towards his office. You’re left standing alone with Sehun in the foyer.
“How did it go?” He asks, finally speaking.
“It was nice,” you aren’t sure how exactly you can even describe your short trip with Junmyeon.
“That’s good.”
“I’ll leave you two alone. I need to talk to Chanyeol and Minseok,” Junmyeon nods before heading up the stairs towards his office.
“Did you want to maybe watch a movie or a rerun of an older show or something?” you ask.
“I think Jongdae and Jongin are watching something if you don’t mind joining them,” he says standing in front of you.
“I’m okay joining them.”
A few days have passed and you're sitting in the dining room eating breakfast with Sehun, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo. The sound of Junmyeon's voice catches your attention. Looking up you see him and Minseok walking into the dining room. He sits down at his normal spot at the far end of the table. You watch as he flips through a file with his eyebrows pushed together. He looks frustrated as a heavy sigh passes his lips. Since your walk in the garden Junmyeon has been extremely busy with work. He’s missed breakfast the last few days.
Chanyeol soon enters the room with the rest of the boys. They all sit down at the table, and you suddenly feel like you aren’t supposed to be in the room. This doesn’t feel like a normal breakfast. There’s a tension throughout the room.
“YN,” Junmyeon says.
“Yeah?” you suddenly feel extremely nervous and you can’t explain why.
“I have business to take care of in a few towns over and I need the whole circle,” Junmyeon says as he puts paper down he’s been staring at. His statement catches you off guard and you suddenly feel sick. The floor feels like it’s dropped out from under you as you stare at him. “I would really like for you to come as well. If you want to stay I have other men that can stay at the compound and look after you. I can have Johnny, Jaehyun, and Yuta look after you. I would prefer you come with us though.” It’s clear he’s fully thought this out.
You blink unable to think of anything to say. Sehun’s hand gently rests on your thigh, catching your attention. You quickly turn and look over at him. You swallow loudly as your eyes quickly roam his face. Feeling completely lost.
“You’ll be okay,” he says softly, just loud enough for only you to hear. “You’ve come so far. You can do this.”
Glancing over at Junmyeon you find him watching you intently. “I promise I’ll keep you safe,” Sehun says.
“How long will we be gone?” You ask, not able to properly think of anything else to say. Your mind suddenly feels so foggy.
“Three days.”
“Okay,” you stand up quickly. You suddenly feel the need to rush off to your room. You feel so overwhelmed, you’re about to cry. You aren’t able to take a step before Sehun’s hand grabs yours. He’s standing next to you looking at you with sad eyes.
“Let’s go to your room together,” he says slowly.
“I’m sorry I have to ask you to go,” Junmyeon stands at the other end of the table. He looks sad as he stares at you. His eyes slowly travel down to yours and Sehun’s hands.
“I’ll be okay,” you aren’t sure if you’re lying or not.
Sehun’s hand is still cuffing yours as he leads you up the stairs towards your room. Walking into your room Sehun shuts the door and stops. Looking down at your hand that he’s holding you wonder if this feels weird to him. Without even thinking he pulls you closer to him he ever so gently pulls you into his chest for a hug. He’s never held you like this before and it’s a different level of comfort. “You’re brave. You can do this,” he says calmly. Closing your eyes you take in his closeness. He slowly rubs your back as he repeats, “you can do this.” It’s becoming very clear that nobody understands you quite like Sehun does. He knows exactly what he needs to do to calm you down.
He holds your for what feels like an eternity just gently rubbing your back. Pulling away from you he gives you a soft smile, “would you like some help packing?”
Your afternoon is spent sitting on your bed across from Sehun working on packing a suitcase for a trip you aren’t sure you’re ready to take.
You barely slept at night. Each time you closed your eyes you had visions of the night your brother was killed. Pulling the chair that normally sat in the corner of your room near your window. You pulled open your curtains you barely ever opened. With your legs pulled into your chest you watched as the sun slowly started to rise. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to sleep while you’re away. You couldn’t even sleep just anticipating leaving the house.
Someone knocks on your door catching your attention. Standing up you walk across the dark hardwood floor. Opening the door you find Sehun standing on the other side. He’s already dressed in tight slacks, and white dress shirt. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him dressed up. Since he’s started being your bodyguard he hasn’t had to get dressed up for work. He’s normally dressed in skinny jeans, and sweaters.
“Did you sleep?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“Not really,” there’s no point in lying to him.
He steps into your room and shuts the door. You stand there looking at him for a long moment. He sighs before saying, “why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Because there is no point in both of us being tired. I’ll try to sleep on the car ride.” You’ve convinced yourself that maybe you’ll be able to nap being in a car surrounded by Sehun and the other boys.
“Okay. Junmyeon wants to leave in a half hour. Is that okay with you?”
You nod.
He leaves you to give you time to get dressed. You decided to wear something comfortable to
travel in. You pull on a pair of leggings, an oversized sweater, and a pair of boots.
Entering the foyer you find Sehun standing around waiting with Jongdae, Yixing, and Baekhyun. You stand near Sehun with your suitcase silently watching as Kyungsoo soon joins with Jongin by his side. The last few to join are Minseok, Chanyeol and Junmyeon.
You sit in the last row of an SUV with Junmyeon and Sehun. Sehun is by your side with his knee brushing against yours. Junmyeon sits in the middle row, Minseok talking about something related to the Lee family. Chanyeol is driving your SUV, while Kyungsoo is driving the other one with Jongdae, Jongin, and Yixing. Your brain can’t seem to focus on anything that the boys are saying. Your eyes are focused on the passing trees. Sehun rested his hand on your knee catching your attention. Looking over at him you give him a small half smile.
“We have about two more hours until we’re there. Why don’t you take a nap?”
You know you should take advantage of this time and take a nap. You move your body off to the side attempting to get comfortable. “Why don’t you lean against me?”
You stare at him for a moment processing what he just said. You feel like you’ll be invading his space if you lean against him. He gives you a soft smile making you feel welcomed. Moving slowly you move so you're resting against him with your head comfortablely leaning against his shoulder. His arm is gently placed over your shoulder helping you get comfortable leaning against him.
The car ride goes by in a blur as you nap against Sehun. You wake up to the sound of Sehun’s low voice. Your eyes slowly open to see the modern looking house in front of you.
“We’re here,” Sehun has as you sit up.
Slowly you stretch your body and yawn and Junmyeon and Minseok exit the car. Slowly getting out of the car Kyungsoo is standing at the door and offers his hand.
Entering the house Sehun is close by your side holding your suitcase.
Entering the house you quickly notice the vaulted ceiling and the bright white walls. There’s a staircase by the foyer and hallway off to the right.
You follow Sehun as he leads you off to where you assume your room is located.
Walking into your room you’ll be staying in for the next few days. You feel Sehun’s presents right behind you. You want to turn around and wrap your arms around him. But you don't, you choose to simply look up at him.
“If you feel comfortable only staying in here I’ll tell Junmyeon I can’t go to the meeting.” If he refuses to go to this meeting you know Junmyeon won’t be happy about it. You know no details about this meeting, but you know it’s important if he needed the whole circle to be here for it.
“I’ll be okay,” you walk over and sit on the edge of your bed.
The afternoon is spent in your room you’re staying in. Sehun brings out his laptop and turns on netflix so you have something to do. He leaves you alone for about a half hour to have a meeting with the circle in the living room. The whole time he’s gone you can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about. You’re not sure what this meeting is about and you know it’s probably for the best you don’t actually know.
Your first meal in this new house feels strange. You’re sitting at a glass table in the dining room. Sehun is sitting next to you with Jongdae on the other side of him. Junmyeon is nowhere to be seen. Jongdae mentioned that he was busy with Minseok, and Yixing.
Kyungsoo cooked everyone dinner and sat down at the edge of the table. You listen as the boys make small talk. Soon Baekhyun and Jongin have joined you.
When night falls you lay in bed for what feels like hours trying to sleep.
In the middle of the night you open your door and pause for a moment waiting to know if Sehun heard you. You get about ten paces from your room when Sehun’s door opens.
“Where are you going?” Sehun asks, running his fingers through his dark hair.
“I was going to make some tea. I can’t sleep,” you sigh.
“Let me go with you.”
In the middle of the night stand in the kitchen with Sehun drinking a cup of tea. There isn’t much said between you as you drink your tea. Your mind seems to be in a million different places. His eyes stay focused on you as he seems to be studying you.
“It feels strange being away from the compound,” your hands clutch the white mug filled with tea.
“I’m sorry you had to come here. I should have told Junmyeon that I would have stayed behind with you and just had Jaehyun, Johnny, and Yuta stay at the compound,” it’s clear by his time he’s thought about this a few times.
“Even though I wish I would have stayed home, I think I needed to do this,” you know deep down inside this is just one of your steps on your long road to living a normal life again.
“I want you to know I’m always going to do whatever makes you feel the safest. Even if I have to go against Junmyeon.” You know he means it. It’s grown clear to you that you are indeed Sehun number one priority.
After drinking your tea Sehun walks you back to bed and offers to stay up with you, but know you both need to sleep so you tell him no.
After laying in bed for half an hour your eyes finally grow too heavy to stay open.
The meeting EXO has to attend as a whole is taking place in a warehouse outside of town. Sitting in the backseat of an SUV you are sitting in the backseat between Jongdae and Sehun. Nervously your leg bounces as you fiddle with your thumbs attempting to distract yourself. Sehun’s large hand moves so it’s resting on your knee. Your eyes snap up to his and he gives you a soft smile. Pulling up the dim lit warehouse Jongdae gets our first and offers you a hand helping you out of the back row.
The group of eight men stand near the SUV that you had arrived in with Junmyeon. They start discussing their plan, but you barely hear it. Your brain can’t seem to fully focus. You stare at the gravel below you. Slowly you drag the toe of your boot across the gravel. Sehun must notice you seem lost because he rests his hand on your lower back and gently moves you closer to him.
The group starts moving towards the warehouse. Chanyeol and Minseok are right next to Junmyeon, while you have Sehun close by you with his hand on your lower back and Jongdae is standing on the other side of you. Kyungsoo is right behind you holding up the back.
Entering the warehouse Junmyeon is quickly greeted by two large bodyguards and a man in an extremely expensive looking grey suit.
“Choi,” Junmyeon says. Just the mention of that family name sends a shiver down your spine. A sense of dread washes over you and your eyes instantly want to water.
Looking around the room you see about ten men with their hands on their guns.
The man in the expensive suit leads the group to a large room with a conference table. Junmyeon sits down at the head of the table and Sehun leads you over towards a chair that is in the corner. He stands next to you towering over you.
The man in the expensive look suit sits down on the car end of the table, and the men that had been in the other room all slowly walk in. The meeting starts and you quickly witness the mob boss known as Suho in action. The soft man you had grown to know Junmyeon wasn’t present as you listened to his powering persona Suho command control from Choi and his men.
“Choi I don’t think you’re aware of what will happen if you don’t stay out of my territory,” Junmyeon commands.
“Suho I don’t think you can make demands like that sitting in my warehouse,” the man in the suit responds with a wicked laugh.
“Choi you forget your place,” Junmyeon seethes.
“Suho I don’t think you realize I’m not afraid of you. I’ve made your little circle smaller once, I’ll do it again.” Your heart drops at Choi’s vile words. Closing your eyes you push back your tears. Him just mentioning his role he played in your brother’s death makes you feel completely sick. Taking a deep breath you try your hardest not to cry.
“Sehun,” Junmyeon eyes snap over to you and your guard.
“Please take her into the other room,” Junmyeon says with his voice calm and low.
Sehun nods and reaches down taking your hand. He laces his fingers with yours thinking nothing of it as he leads you towards the door. Your eyes catch Junmyeon and he gives you a sad smile as you walk away. He had always stated he wanted to keep you away from all this and the look he gave you let you know he did indeed feel guilty for bringing you.
The door shuts and you’re left alone standing outside with Sehun. He releases your hand and moves his gun to the front of his waistband. Your heart races and your eyes go wide. Reaching forward he rests his hand on your cheek catching your attention. He’s never touched you like this before.
“Hey,” his voice snaps you out of the sea of thoughts that seem to be flooding your mind as you start to panic. “Take a deep breath for me.” You listen to his command and take a deep breath letting the air fill your lungs. “You’re okay. Nothing is going to happen in that room. Junmyeon just didn’t want you to see that side of him. He can be ruthless when he needs to.”
His hand still lingers on your skin as you take another deep breath trying your hardest to calm down.
“Okay,” you whisper.
“I should have stayed at the compound with you,” he brushes his thumb across the warm skin on your cheek.
“I’m okay,” you lie.
He shakes his head. Sehun is one of the few people you can’t lie to when it comes to your emotions. He’s spent every day with you since Junmyeon assigned him to be your bodyguard. He knows you better then you know yourself at this point.
“You don’t have to pretend right now. I know you’re scared, and that’s okay. Choi said some stuff in there with the intention of getting to Junmyeon. I need you to do me a favor and let me know what you’re feeling. Please don’t lie to me. Always be honest with me,” he swallows loudly. His eyes are locked on yours and they haven’t left yours.
“I’m scared,” you whisper. A weight feels like it’s being pulled off your chest. There’s this long moment where you stand there just staring at each other.
He removes his hand from your cheek and pauses before he pulls you into a hug. Your head rests on his chest as he rubs your back slowly comforting you.
Sehun releases you from his hold and gives you a soft smile. His hand brushes across your skin as he pushes a loose piece of hair behind your ear.
You’re alone in the main part of the warehouse for about twenty minutes before Junmyeon walks out with the rest of the boys. Junmyeon looks pissed letting you know the meeting didn’t go well.
Sehun and Jongdae lead you out in the front of the group. Pulling your coat against your body you shield yourself from the cool night air.
The sound of gunfire startled you. Standing near the SUV it took Sehun all of two seconds before he pressed the cold metal. Your chest clenches as you attempt to process where the shots are coming from. Your wide eyes scan around you watching all the men holding their guns looking for the threat. Tears roll down your cheek as Sehun is blocking you using his body as a human shield. You shake in fear feeling the bile crawl up your throat.
Another round of gunfire rings out. This time sounding closer. Junmyeon rushes towards you being blocked by Chanyeol.
Your mind is completely flooded, unable to process everything going on around you. The echoing sounds of Chanyeol shouting to open the door. Sehun is attempting to block your body while getting the back door opened.
Everything seems to be moving in slow motions.
You attempt to get into the back seat as quick as possible. The world seems as if it’s flipped upside down when another gunshot rings but this time the bullet makes contact with Junmyeon's shoulder. Blood splatters across you before another shot is fired this time into his side. He cries out in pain falling into the backseat. Baekhyun takes his shot and ends the man who shot Junmyeon. Kyungsoo and Jongdae continue to fire their guns while Yixing rushes over to the car where Junmyeon is curled up in the backseat next to you.
Staring down at Junmyeon you see the sea of blood pouring out of his shoulder and his side. His white dress shirt is turning blood red quickly. He’s losing a lot of blood quickly and you can’t help but sob looking at him. You’re mind is having imagines of the night you lost your brother. His eyes lock on yours for a moment and all you can see is pain and sadness.
Yixing has crawled into the back and is applying pressure to his boss’ side. The muffled sounds of yelling keep happening but you’re in shock and unable to process anything that is being said. All you can seem to focus on is Junmyeon lying there on the seat next to you. Jongin runs up to the car next and starts applying pressure to his shoulder.
Rubbing your face, trying to push away your tears. Looking down at your trembling hands you see blood. Your chest heaves knowing that blood isn’t yours, it belongs to Junmyeon.
Your vision is blurred as you stare at Junmyeon who is groaning in pain. His eyes squeezed shut as he whimpers. The feeling of arms being wrapped around your torso startles you. Sehun pulls you out of the car and carries you to the second car parked right next to this one. He pulls you into the back seat quickly, slamming the door.
“Junmyeon,” you scream as the car he’s in pulls away. “Junmyeon,” you scream again sobbing. You’re terrified that this could be the last time you’ll get to see the man you’ve grown to care about so deeply.
“It’s fine,” Sehun pulls you against his body. He rubs your back as you sob in his chest. Your whole body shakes as he holds your tight.
“He’s dead. He’s dead,” you scream over and over sobbing into Sehun.
“He’s fine,” his lips are pressed to the top of your hair as he rubs your back. “He was breathing.”
The tears keep coming and your chest hurts. Your worst nightmare just came true. After losing your brother you were terrified of dying, but watching another person you care about in front of you die. That is a fate worse than death. You weren’t prepared to lose another person you cared about. You’ve already lost your family. You can’t lose the man who gave you another family. You can’t take anymore heartbreak.
You sob so hard against Sehun's chest you feel his shirt below you is now wet with your tears. Your fingers are clutching on to him for dear life. The only thing keeping you from losing it is Sehun’s touch. He’s keeping you grounded as your mind thinks the very worst.
“Where are they going?” You cry into Sehun's chest.
“We know a surgeon with a private office who will operate with Yixing.” You have a million questions but you can’t ask them. You just want to know he’s okay.
Arriving at the safe house they pull the car around to the back. Someone opens the door and pulls you away from Sehun's warm body. Opening your tear filled eyes you see Kyungsoo's blurred face. He holds you just long enough before he hands you off to Sehun. He carried you bridal style into the back of the house. Looking over his shoulder you see Jongdae walking behind him. You realize right then that it’s only Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Jongdae with you. Your chest clenches just thinking about Junmyeon.
Sehun doesn’t say anything as he carries you off to your bedroom you had been staying in. He places you on the full-size bed and pushes your hair out of your face. Dropping down to his knees he stares at you for a long moment. His eyes are filled with pain and sorrow. You sniffle trying your hardest to stop the tears that keep coming.
“Give me one minute,” his voice is low as he leans in close to you. You don’t say anything as you watch him walk off into the bathroom.
Pulling your knees into your chest you wrap your arms around your legs. Your head rests on top of your knees. The tears just continue to fall as your mind continues to think the worst. Visions of Junmyeon blood play on repeat in your mind.
Sehun’s warm hand brings you from your dark thoughts. Looking up at him with blurry eyes he gives you a sad smile. He reaches down picking you up again. Walking into the bathroom you see he’s drawn a bath. He sits you down on the toilet across the bathtub.
“Please don’t leave me alone,” you say barely audible. You can’t imagine being alone right now. The only reason you’re even slightly able to hold yourself together right now is because of Sehun.
“I don’t plan on leaving you alone tonight,” he drops down to his knees in front of you. He rests his hand on your knee and stares at you for a long moment. He takes your foot in his hand gently and works on removing your boots one at a time. He sits them aside before standing up.
“Can you stand up for me?”
Silently you nod standing up with your legs shaking. “We need to get this blood off you,” his voice is so gentle. He slowly pulls your jacket off. He touches you so gently almost as if he’s afraid you’ll shatter into a million pieces. He places the jacket on the floor on top of your boots.
“Can I take this off?” He said taking the fabric of your dress in his hands. You nod your head not caring what he removed. You weren’t sure if he planned on having you strip completely naked in front of him, but it didn’t matter. You were numb to everything and you didn’t care.
He pulls your dress over your head and sets it in the pile of your clothes. You stand in front of him in nothing but your bra and underwear. If this was a different situation you might feel embarrassed by your pink floral panties and that clashes with your yellow polka dot bra. He picks you up as if you weigh nothing and sets you in the warm water.
The tears have finally stopped falling as you sit there in the warm bath. The steam filled water engulfs your body easing your tense muscles. You stare at the warm water that has started to change to a shade of pink. Your stomach clenches thinking back to Junmyeon, you can’t seem to focus on anything other than him. Sehun sits on his knees next to the tub. He holds a washcloth and dips it into the water. Ever so slowly he’s working on washing away all the blood from your face and neck. Your eyes stay locked on the water. The room is completely silent other than the sounds of water and you sniffling back tears. Nothing feels real, this whole night feels like nothing more than a nightmare.
Closing your eyes all you saw was Junmyeon laying next to you bleeding out. You pull your knees into your chest and start to sob again. You can’t stop crying no matter how hard you try. The aching feeling in your chest won’t go away. Your body shakes as you cry. Your head is pounding from your constant crying.
Sehun has stopped washing you, and after a long moment you hear him stand up but you can’t look over at him. You know he’s staring at you, but you can’t handle seeing his sad eyes as he’s watching you shatter into a million pieces. You hear what sounds like clothes being moved around. Slowly glancing over at him you find him standing next to the bathtub in a pair of boxer briefs. In any other situation you might take a moment to admire his beautiful body. Without saying a word he steps into the tub behind you still in his underwear. He pulls your body against his chest and kisses the top of your head gently.
“Is he dead?” You whisper finally speaking.
“I don’t think so,” he sounds so unsure. You aren’t sure how he’s holding it together. His boss just took two bullets in front of him.
There’s something so intimate about him holding you in the bath, but the situation doesn’t feel sexual at all. You’ve never needed anyone like you need Sehun right now. He’s holding you letting you know that it’s okay. He holds you close as you whimper into his chest. It feels like an eternity is passing as he rubs your arms and whispers it’s okay over and over like a mantra. You’ve never felt as safe as you do in his arms. His soothing touch calms you down. You aren’t sure if you’ll ever be able to live another day without his warm touch. Having Sehun around is like air in your lungs, you need him. You can’t function without him anymore. Based on the way he’s holding your and whispering calming words, he’s aware of that. You aren’t sure how you’ve grown so dependent on him, and it’s probably not healthy but you can’t help it.
You stay in the bath until the warm water starts to turn cold. You’ve stopped crying, and you think it’s because you don’t have any tears left in your body. Your heart aches everytime you think of Junmyeon.
He helps you out of the bath and wraps a towel around your body. He works on helping you dry off before taking your hand and leading you into the bedroom.
He tells you he needs to leave for five minutes to change and to make a call.
“I’ll be back quickly. Jongdae will be outside your door.”
You take the few minutes you have alone to get changed and to crawl into bed. It’s not long before there’s a soft knock on your door before Sehun walks back in. He comes back dressed in nothing more than pajama pants.
“I just talk to Minseok. Junmyeon is stable,” his words feel like a wave of instant relief. He sets his gun on the night stand and stares at you completely void of emotion.
“He’ll be fine. They got the bullet out of his shoulder and stitched him up,” he moves so he’s sitting on the edge of your bed.
“Thank you for letting me know.”
He lets out a heavy sigh and pushes his fingers through his hair. He looks broken as he stares at the ground. You felt guilty that he wasn’t able to focus on helping Junmyeon, that he had to make sure you’re okay.
“I thought I might lose you tonight,” his voice is low.
You knit your eyes brow attempting to process what he’s saying. After Junmyeon was shot all your fears about being killed left your mind. You didn’t even think about the fact the boys were worried you’d get hurt.
“I’m okay,” you reach out resting your hand on his shoulder. You can’t help but wonder if your touch makes him feel warm like his does to you.
“Junmyeon is going to be worried about you when he wakes up.”
“I wasn’t afraid of dying tonight. I’m more afraid of one of you dying,” you admit. He looks over at you with his eyes filled with sadness.
“We’re not good people. We’ve done bad things, our lives don’t mean anything. You’ve lived an innocent life and you deserve more than to keep living.”
Your throat feels tight as you stare at him. You don’t even know how to respond to his statement. Your chest aches at the fact he doesn’t value his own life because of his choices.
“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” reaching forward as you take his hand.
“You don’t have to be,” he squeezes your hand.
“I don’t think you should be alone either.” It’s clear he was trying to act strong, but you can see the cracks forming. “Can you stay in here please?”
He nods silently.
“Please lay down with me,” your voice is soft. You’re trying to sound confident, but this whole situation between the two of you is such unknown territory. Tonight everything feels like it’s changing as the thread that seems to be holding everything together is being pulled away.
He paused and audibly swallowed  before standing up. Pulling back the covers he crawls into bed and lays on his side so he’s facing you. You lay there for the longest time just silently watching each other. Slowly you reach out resting your hand on his cheek. You aren’t sure why you do it, but you almost want to touch him to make sure he’s real. His warm skin is soft under your fingertips. You drag your index finger down his sharp jaw. His eyes stay locked on you as he’s watching your movements.
“I need you,” he whispers barely audibly.
He’s never said he’s needed you before. The whole time he’s been watching over you he’s never appeared vulnerable, in the slightest.
“I’m not going anywhere,” your hand is still on his cheek.
Without saying another word he pulls your body close to his. His arms are wrapped around your body as you’re pressed close to his body. You’re wrapped in his warmth.
“Is this okay?”
He doesn’t seem to realize you need him just as badly as he needs you, “yes.”
He holds you close to him until your eyes have grown too heavy.
Even wrapped in Sehun’s strong arms you don’t find peace as you sleep. Another nightmare leaves you screaming in your dreams. Your nightmares that used to be filled with the vision of the night you lost your brother are now filled with Junmyeon blood stained body laying next to you.
Your tears must have woken Sehun up. You’re woken up to Sehun's soothing voice repeating your name as he rubs your back slowly.
Pulling away from him your chest is rising and falling quickly as your shaky hand reaches up to push away your tears. He reaches forward resting his hand on your cheek and slowly dragging his thumb across your tear stained cheek.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he’s trying his hardest to calm down.
Closing your eyes you attempt to stop the tears that keep falling. Without saying another word he leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. He says, “I’m here. It’s just a nightmare.”
There is this feeling of something pulling you towards Sehun as he holds you close. Opening your eyes you pull away and look at him with glossy eyes. His hand reaches up and gently brushes away your tears. Your mind stops fully functioning as you lean forward and press your lips to your protectors for a desperate kiss. Part of you is expecting him to pull away from you. You’re caught off guard when his hand stays on your cheek as your lips move together.
Pulling away from him you look at him almost as if to remind yourself this is real, “please don’t leave me.”
“I won’t leave, I’ll be by your side as long as you need me,” he reaches up resting his hand on your cheek.
You didn’t get much sleep the rest of the night. Sehun held you until the sun rose. The warm sunlight gently peaking through the blinds. You laid there in silence for a while before you took the time to ask your protector questions about his life. You learned about his single mother who has done everything for him. You learned about his friendship with the inner circle and what led him to joining the city's most powerful mob. You learned so much about your kind protector.
You stayed in your room with Sehun all day. He only left you alone to bring food to the room. As night fell again you asked him once again to lay with you. You can’t seem to bring yourself to sleep alone in this strange home.
During this night he tries to keep his distance, but once again as a nightmare wakes you up, you find yourself in his strong grip being held close. After this nightmare you don’t share another kiss. Instead he just holds you and whispers over and over, “you’re okay.”
The following day Junmyeon comes back to the compound with the rest of the circle. You haven’t seen him since arriving but you’ve seen Chanyeol who looks like he needs a few nights of sleep.
A soft knock on your door catches your attention. Sehun quickly sits up and walks over to the door. Opening it you’re surprised to see Minseok standing on the other side. Sehun steps aside and Minseok steps into your room.
“YN?” He seems so timid, almost as if he’s worried about speaking too loud.
“Junmyeon has asked for you to come see him.”
He’d only been home a couple hours. You didn’t think you would be able to see him for at least a day. You nod silently and crawl off the bed. Looking down you see you’re dressed in your pajamas.
“Should I change?” You tug on the bottom of your oversized shirt.
“No you’re fine,” Sehun says resting his hand on your shoulder.
You follow Minseok down the short hallway to the master bedroom where Junmyeon is. Chanyeol is standing outside still looking incredibly exhausted. Him and Minseok both look like they haven’t slept at all and both of them have circles under their eyes. Minseok opens the door and signals for you to come inside. Turning back you watch as Sehun stops at the door and softly nods his head at you. Walking into the master bedroom you look at the large bed that is pressed against the wall. Junmyeon is sitting up resting against pillows. His arm is being supported by a sling. Your eyes can’t help but lock on his exposed torso. He’s not wearing a shirt and this is the first time you’ve seen this much of his skin. Your wide eyes travel down this side where you see a bandage cover where he was shot on his side. His skin looks like a watercolor painting of purple and blue, with a mix of yellow and green.
Looking up, your eyes lock on his and he gives you a soft smile. You feel frozen in place as you stand there staring at him.
The door closes behind you letting you know Minseok left the room. You were alone with Junmyeon now. Slowly you walk towards the bed.
“You can sit if you would like,” he put his hand out that isn’t in a sling next to him.
Sitting on the edge of the bed you’re facing him, placing most of your weight on one leg. Your eyes roam Junmyeon face studying it for a long moment as you sit on his bed. It’s taking everything in you not to reach out and touch his face. The sight of him laying in bed injured reminds you how human he really is. He might be a powerful mob boss but he’s not invincible. He bleeds just like you.
“I’m okay,” he says, finally speaking up.
“I thought you died in front of me. I thought I was losing another person I deeply care about,” your eyes brim with tears just thinking back the sight of laying next to you covered in blood.
“Hey,” he reaches out resting his hand on your knee. “I didn’t die, and they weren’t able to shoot you. I knew last night when those shots were firing you were gonna be okay. I knew Sehun would take a bullet before you did.”
Shaking your head the tears start to fall, “I can’t watch someone else I care about die. I can’t have Sehun take a bullet for me.”
“He’s not going to have to, because that will never happen again,” his thumb brushes across your knee.
“You almost died in front me,” you whisper with your voice barely audible.
“I’m okay. Please stop crying my love,” he calls you a name he’s never called you before as he attempts to calm you down. Your heart flutters at his sweet name.
“I’m sorry,” reaching up to wipe away your tears.
“don’t apologize, I know last night was very scary for you. I know seeing me like that probably gave you a nightmare thinking back to the night you lost your brother.”
The mention of your brother has your head swimming. The overwhelming feeling of sadness takes over you. You aren’t sure if you’ll ever be able to think of him and not feel sad. Sung-Ho had his whole life ahead of him and it was ripped away.
“Can you please sit next to me?” He lays his hand on the bed next to him.
Without even thinking you move to sit right next to him. With his good hand he reaches up resting his hand on your cheek for a long moment before his thumb brushes your tears away. Him and the rest of the guy must be tired of watching you cry. From the moment Chanyeol picked you up off the ground it felt like all you did is cry. At what point do they grow tired of wiping away your tears. Closing your eyes you try to push away these thoughts that plague your mind.
“Even when you’re sad you’re still so beautiful,” his voice is barely audible almost as if he isn’t sure if he’s speaking out loud.
Your eyes pop open and you stare at his face trying to read his emotions. As time passes the more the man in front of you seems to be letting his guard down. His tongue runs across his top lip and he takes in a slow breath. His hand still lingers on your skin.
“Sehun said you had a rough night that he did everything to help you.”
You wonder what details Sehun told Junmyeon. You can’t help but wonder if he knows about your bath you shared or the desperate kiss you shared after your nightmare. Your lips still tingle with the feeling of Sehun’s chapped lips moving against yours.
“I thought I was losing you and I started shutting down,” closing your eyes you still see Junmyeon laying on the seat next to with a blood stained shirt.
His thumb brushes across your bottom lip causing your breath to catch in your throat.
“I’m okay though,” he smiles at you.
“I didn’t know that though. I thought I was losing you and I wasn’t going to get to say goodbye,” your voice shakes as you fight back tears.
“Would you like to lay in here with me?”
Your mind is spinning as you stare at him. Things between you and Junmyeon have changed so much.
“Yes,” you don’t really process what laying with him means. You just quickly respond before moving across his soft bed. Laying down on your side you watch as Junmyeon takes a long moment to lay down on his back. With each move he lets out low groans reminding you of the pain he must be in. Laying on his back he stares at you and gives you a soft smile.
“Would you sleep in here tonight? You can say no if I make you uncomfortable,” he lacks confidence as he asks you. He seems so vulnerable as he puts himself out there. “I don’t want to do anything that would ever make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I’ll stay.”
Before losing your brother and moving in here you had never really shared a bed with another man. You weren’t a virgin by any means, but you never slept over with a man. In the last forty-eight hours you've shared a bed with both Sehun and now Junmyeon. You can’t seem to think about what any of this means. You just want to be close to Junmyeon. The thought of losing him terrifies you, and you just want to be close to him.
You lay there next to him talking about random things. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about his injury. You’ve moved on to talking about your childhood, and what’s your favorite movie. It’s not long before your eyes grow too heavy and fall asleep.
You dream of nothing as you lay next to him. There’s no nightmare or even a happy dream. There is nothing. The sound of rain falling outside wakes you up. Your eyes slowly flutter open.
The sight of Junmyeon asleep in front of you is soothing. He seems so at ease and peaceful. It’s the only time where he doesn’t look like he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His chest slowly rises and falls with each breath. Your eyes wonder about his beautiful skin. It takes everything in you not to reach out and touch him.
The last forty-eight hours have drained you to no end and even though your eyes are so heavy you can barely hold them open you can’t bring yourself to look away from him. The twisting feeling in your stomach is a heavy reminder that you thought you lost him once, and you aren’t sure you can ever let him out of your sight again.
Your eyes travel down to his hand that is resting on the bed between you. Without even thinking, you reach out holding his hand. You know you shouldn’t do it, but you just need to touch him to be reminded he’s real. His eyes flutter slightly and a small smile plays across his lips. You hold completely still watching him, not sure if he's awake. The fluttering feeling in your chest doesn’t seem to stop as your eyes roam his body.
“Thank you,” he murmurs softly.
There’s a feeling in your chest that is a heavy reminder that the man holding your hand means more to you then you ever expected.
@questiontotheanswer @green7eababy @kriswu46 @sheepish-xing @airiguk @sehunsyn @defsoul15
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breakyeol · 5 years
just a little taste
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┗ pairing: Kyungsoo x reader
warnings: smut, good ole fashion pussy eatin’
a/n; I have a kink for Do Kyungsoo’s lips
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“Are you sure?”
It took a lot more willpower than it probably should have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at him. But it was only the hundredth time he’d asked in the last five minutes. You never thought you’d see the day where Do Kyungsoo was talking too much.
“I’m sure, Soo.” You repeated once more, peering down at him with as much sincerity as you could muster to show him that you really meant it.
But for whatever reason, he still didn’t seem completely convinced. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I don’t want you to feel pressured.” His concern for your wellbeing was endearing, really. It was heartwarming to know he cared so much about your level of comfort in such a situation. However— it was getting just the slightest bit frustrating. Besides, you were the one that suggested it in the first place.
“Kyungsoo. I’m one hundred percent sure that I want to do this. You’re my best friend. I trust you more than I trust anybody else in the world. I want this.” You reached down and grabbed one of his hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
It was quite funny if you think about it; you were reassuring him. Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
“Okay but–”
“Shit, Soo! Just shut up and eat me out already!”
Those were probably the last words you’d expected to be saying to your best friend of seven years.
If a few weeks ago, someone had told you that you’d be laid out on your best friend’s bed in nothing more than an extra large t–shirt and a pair of black panties, with him laid snuggly between your thighs— you would have laughed in their faces. Because like hell you’d ever be getting Do Kyungsoo, your quiet, hard on the outside, soft on the inside best friend, between your legs.
Not because you didn’t want to, god knows how many times you’d fantasized about what those thick, soft lips could do to you. You’d just never imagined that he could possibly feel the same way.
So when you’d been chilling at his place, just talking and vibing with one another, and somehow the conversation had taken a turn towards a more… intimate topic— you’d been a little more than just surprised.
It was the first time you’d had a conversation like that with him. But it wasn’t weird or uncomfortable like you thought it might have been. It was somehow easy to talk to him about, so easy that you slipped up about the fact that you hated getting gone down on. That little tidbit was utterly flabbergasting for him to hear. But he understood once you’d explained.
Every experience you’d had with guys eating you out ended up being uncomfortable, weird, and, once, even painful. The guys you’d been with just didn’t know how to do it properly. Too much teeth, too rushed, too rough, with no idea where to focus. It was frustrating, because you’d been told by a few of your friends just how good it could feel— if it was done properly. But it seemed you were shit out of luck with the guys you were meeting.
Until, Kyungsoo offered a proposition that was just about impossible for you to decline.
“You know… if— if you wanted… I could… you know…”
Okay, so it wasn’t the smoothest offer in the world, but shit, if your heart didn’t swell at the soft pink that tinged the tips of his ears and the apples of his cheeks, his dark doe eyes fluttering shyly away from your face.
The shock in your voice had him shifting nervously, nodding bashfully. “If you’d like me to. I have some experience,” he offered you a light smile in hopes of fending off any awkwardness, “And I’ve never got a bad review.”
You barked out a laugh of disbelief. “Well, shit. Then why don’t you show me what you’ve got.”
And that’s precisely how you ended up in his bed, his face so dangerously close to your most sensitive place that you could feel the heat of his breath washing over you with every soft exhale. But he just kept talking. Ha. You never thought you’d see the day.
It wasn’t because he was nervous. You knew when Kyungsoo was nervous. He wasn’t nervous, he just wanted to be completely sure that you were comfortable with him crossing this boundary with you. And you appreciated it, seriously, you did. But you were a grown ass woman. There was no alcohol or decision impairing substances in your body. You knew what you wanted. And right now, it was those gorgeous lips right on your—
“As you wish.”
You found yourself taken off guard as he suddenly dipped his head down, mouth just barely caressing over your clothed core. A chill shot down your spine.
“Woah.” The breathless sound was met with a low chuckle, and you nearly trembled at the feeling of his hot breath on your rapidly dampening center.
“I haven’t even done anything yet. You’re so sensitive.” That playful comment had your lips turning downwards in a light pout.
“Don’t tease me.”
His grin widened and he shifted forward on the bed, his mouth hovering directly over you. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to be nice.”
You could tell he was teasing you, but just as you opened your mouth to snap back a smart reply, he flattened his tongue. Your jaw went slack, head thrusting back into the pillows beneath your head as a moan, so rough and guttural that it made your throat feel raw, spilled from your lips.
“Fuck, Soo. Your mouth—”
He chuckled at your hoarse exclamation, the vibration having your body writhing and sending waves of chills shooting up and down your spine, skin prickling with goosebumps. “It’s good, isn’t it?” He spoke, voice an octave deeper than usual, an air of taunting cockiness lacing his words. But you were in no position to deny it.
“So fucking good,” you groaned, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as his tongue circled your entrance.
He smirked, sucking briefly at your clit, “I can give you even better.”
He wasn’t lying.
It took all of two minutes for his skilled mouth to be giving you the best you’ve ever fucking had.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you chanted breathlessly, voice ragged and broken as he fucked you with his tongue, thumb working your bud in quick, yet gentle circles. Your fingers had knotted themselves in his thick black hair at one point, fist clenching and fingers tugging very time he did something that sent a particularly powerful shock of ecstasy shooting through you.
You don’t know what exactly you had expected— but consider any expectation beyond exceeded.
“Soo, I think—” your words were cut off sharply by the mind numbing pleasure of release, eyes fluttering as your hips rolled against his face, thighs trembling under the tight hold of his strong hands. His tongue didn’t let up on its fervent motions until you were whimpering and writhing from the oversensitivity.
You had to swallow a moan as he drew away, lips and chin glistening with your arousal, gaze so intense and heated that your skin prickled beneath it. His tongue slid over his lips, a soft, deep groan making you shiver.
“Fuck, Soo. I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever come,” you muttered, words airy and hoarse. He chuckled, pressing soothing kisses to the insides of your thighs.
“So, did I change your mind?” He questioned, laughing as you scoffed at him in disbelief, looking down at him with a hazy smirk and hooded eyes.
“Do you even have to ask?”
If his mouth could work those kinds of wonders on you, you couldn’t help but to wonder what the rest of that dangerously deceiving body could do.
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dingdonghun · 5 years
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Characters: Incubus!Kyungsoo, nephilim!y/n
genre: romance, a bit of angst, and smut of course
word count: 13.9k (Lmao this is the longest story I have ever written in my life jfc)
W: Religious? Cause demons and Nephilim... Corruption kink, but not what you think, un-protected sex, some real cheesy love shit
This fic is a part of an EXO collaboration! 12 Days of Lust is the summary list if you’d like to take a look~ one day for each OT12 member~ I really hope you enjoy!
(The beautiful header image was made as a gift by my best friend @gamerboychoi​, thank you angel~)
Summary: y/n grew up in an adopted family, unaware of her origins. On her twenty-second birthday, her friend Kayla whom dabbles in the occult, gives her a strange book, telling her it can answer her questions if she uses it properly. Y/n being the innocent and curious woman she is, asked herself, “What could go wrong?”. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately depending on how you look at it), she accidentally performs the wrong spells, and summons a mysterious and dark incubus. There is something about him that peaks her curiosity more than it should, though...
“Happy birthday, y/n!” Kayla yelled from behind you, causing you to nearly jump out of your own shoes.
“Kayla, what are you doing here?! Don’t do that!” you let out a huff.
Your best friend laughed in response before rushing over and squeezing you in her arms. “I saw you come out of the bookstore! I was at the burger place across the street.”
Now that you had calmed down a bit, you gave Kayla a soft smile, embracing her in return. “Well I’m glad you’re here! I was just going to call you. I don’t have any plans today, do you want to go see a movie or something?”
Kayla raised a brow at you questioningly. “You want to go to the movies? It’s your birthday! We should be partying!” She started dancing to what you could only assume was music in her head, right out in the middle of the sidewalk. 
With a short laugh, you rolled your eyes and looked away from her in embarrassment. “You know I work in the morning, I can’t go out tonight!”
Your best friend scoffed. “You sound 70 years old, come on! We are young, full of energy, wild!” 
You bit your inner cheek, trying to hold your ground but knowing that Kayla would usually get what she wanted. She was very convincing, after all. You don’t want to seem like an old lady, do you?
“Fine, fine. We can go to a club or something, but only for a few hours, and if I say I want to leave, we leave, got it?” You furrowed your brows sternly at her. This time she rolled her eyes, disregarding you. “Hey, I have a birthday present for you! Come back to my house before you go get ready and pick it up!”
“You got me a gift? Really?” She could hear the excitement in your voice as your eyes lit up. Reaching over, Kayla patted grabbed your hand and pulled you down the street, her house conveniently just around the corner. Once the both of you arrived to the door, she pulled her keys out and unlocked it, throwing it open.
As soon as the door open, a chill ran up your spine. You had always known that Kayla was into occult things, but for some reason, entering her house always made you feel a deep unease in your heart. It didn’t feel right. You always looked past it though, as to avoid hurting her feelings.
Stepping into the house, your cheery disposition helped you push the discomfort to the side as you followed her to her bedroom.
“Here!” She said, shoving a box into your hands before you could even step into the doorway. “What is this?” You wondered aloud as you took the box. “Well the point of a birthday gift is that it is a surprise until you open it, sooo...”
You narrowed your eyes playfully at her before beginning to take the wrapping off. “Thank you for the life lesson, Kayla.” 
“Any time.” She smirked.
Holding the now unwrapped box in your hands, you pulled the tape off and opened it up, revealing a book inside. You froze, not even having to take it out of the box to know what this was. The cover was a dark leather, parts of the cover raised up to form shapes and symbols you didn’t understand, but knew couldn’t possibly mean anything good.
“Kayla, what-”
“Just hear me out!” she interrupted you. “I know you aren’t into these kinds of things. I know they make you uncomfortable, but I also know you have been going through a lot, you have a lot of questions about your life. Who your real parents are, what your purpose is, all that.”  You chose to remain silent, staring at her incredulously as she continued. “This book can answer every question you have, if you use it properly. It can also help you reach your goals, and I know you like to try knew things, so I think this would be great for you to just give a try”
A look of concern crossed your face as you stared at the book for a moment before removing it from the box, flipping it open and scanning the pages. “Kayla... This seems really dangerous... I don’t know.”
“Just give it a try, okay? It will be fine. Think on it!” She gave a smile before herding you back out the doorway and to the front door. “Now I have to get ready to run some errands before we go out tonight, so I will see you later, alright?”
You nodded, still a little lost in thought, not really taking in what she said as she rushed you out. 
“I love you!” Kayla called out as you walked down the sidewalk, before closing the door. “I love you too...” you called back, basically to her closed door, before heading back to your house.
Afternoon rolls around and you already made lunch, no errands to run, nothing to do until your plans with Kayla tonight. What did she say when she gave me the gift again?.. “This book can answer every question you have, if you use it properly.” ... What is that supposed to mean?  With a heavy sigh, you left yourself up off of the couch and go upstairs to your bedroom, where you left the book on your bed. Taking it in your hands, you begin to flip through the pages again. One of the pages catches your eye, however. The page described a way to summon a “companion to help you with your problems”. You weren’t sure what exactly that meant, but it sounded like what Kayla described to you.
After a while of staring at the page, you make up your mind. Curiosity wins, you are going to perform this ritual. These things don’t really work anyways, right? With that, you looked over all of the needed ingredients, which luckily were just typical household items that you had laying around. You quickly ran down the steps to grab everything before you lost your nerve, holding everything in your arms as you walked back up the stairs and to your bedroom.
“Okay!” You spoke aloud, an attempt to calm your nerves. “Let’s get this party started.” You took a moment to laugh at yourself. After that was out of the way, you carefully read the instructions, lighting candles in a circle around you before cutting up and pouring the different ingredients into a bowl. You pull out a piece of paper and sign your name it, but then pause, staring down at everything around you. It felt wrong. You shouldn’t be doing this. Nothing good ever comes from stories like these, and you didn’t want to be another fool who didn’t know what they were doing. Unfortunately, the desire to learn about your real parents and where they are now was too strong.
Well, if I am going to do this, I am going to do it as safely as I can. Quickly you stood up and went back down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing the biggest knife you could find. Once the knife was safely in your hands, you carefully walked back up the stairs, because you’re smart enough to not run with sharp objects.
Back in your room, you sat back down in the middle of the candle circle, took a deep breath, and burned the paper with your name on it in the bowl. 
Now all that is left is to wait. With baited breath, you sat on your knees, gripping the knife in your hand tightly as you looked around the room. Everything was in place, as it always had been. The monitor was by the window, your books were all in place... wait, were those DVD’s there before?!... Yes. Yes they were.
After a minute of nothing happening, you released your breath and dropped the knife onto the floor. “Well... That’s unfortunate.” You couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed for some reason. 
Before you stood up, you made sure to blow out the candles, it was probably bad not to do that, right? You shrug, grabbing them and putting them away. Once you had everything all cleaned up, you realized how tired your lunch had made you. Maybe you could get a nap in before going clubbing with Kayla? Yeah, that’s what you’d do. A glimmer caught your eye in the corner of the room. The knife was still on the floor, how did you miss that? Walking over to it, you picked it up and placed it on the table beside your bedroom door. You’d take it downstairs after your nap.
Your alarm blared at 6pm, shocking you out of your deep sleep and making you bolt upright. “Jesus!” You gripped your chest where your heart was. I really need to change my alarm to something a little more calming before I have a heart attack one of these days. Suddenly you recall the ritual you performed earlier in the afternoon and quickly looked around the room, and yet, nothing changed. With a sigh, you got up off of the bed and rushed to the shower so that you could get ready for the night.
After at least 40 minutes of deep introspective thinking in the shower, you stepped out and wrapped yourself up in a towel. You often let your hair air dye, so you just left it as is to make a mess on your hall and bedroom carpet. You make your way out of the bathroom and down the hall to your bedroom, opening the door and stepping inside the door frame. 
In your bedroom, faced away from you by your bed, was a man dressed in a tight-fit black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbows. He was wearing black slacks and based on the form of his back and the part of his arms that was showing, you could tell he definitely had some muscle to him. 
Instinctually, you let out a shriek before remembering you left your kitchen knife on the table beside you. You quickly turned and reached for the knife, but to your horror, it wasn’t there. You were standing in your doorway with nothing but a towel, dripping wet, and you didn’t even have a weapon. 
“Looking for this?” The sudden voice surprised you, it was deep, yes, but somehow calming, smooth. It put you at ease just a tiny bit, but that in itself concerned you. The man raised his hand, revealing he was twirling the knife between his fingers. 
You didn’t say a word, honestly even if you wanted to, you weren’t sure your voice would work at that moment. W-What-... Before you could finish your thought, he slowly turned around and locked eyes with you. You felt your breath catch in your throat. Somehow though, he seemed even more shocked to see you, than you did to see him. He immediately stopped twirling the knife, his big brown eyes wide and his soft pillowy lips parted. Why...Why am I thinking about his lips right now? Stop it! He is a stranger who broke into your house! Get it together!
The stranger in front of you closed his mouth, jaw clenching as he did so, which gave you a weird fluttering feeling in your stomach. This isn’t how normal people react to a stranger breaking into their home... What is going on? “W-..Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!” You stuttered out, taking another step back. “You’re... glowing?” He spoke again, completely ignoring your questions.
“...What?” You belted out, still frantic. He remained silent for a moment, as if inspecting not only you, but your soul too. His eyes felt like they were looking right through you. Just then, he began slowly walking towards you. Startled, you quickly backed up against the hallway wall before freezing, staring at him as he approached calmly. His eyes didn’t once leave yours as he reached you, pausing only inches from your body. You couldn’t quite place what he smelled like... embers? Cinnamon? What is that? 
“You really aren’t expecting anyone?... Really?” He spoke slowly, his right arm raising up beside you as he rested his hand on the wall beside your head. 
Pressing yourself closer against the wall as if trying to become one with it, you looked up into his large brown eyes. They seemed to have a never ending darkness in them. “W-what?...” You muttered, before realization lit up in your eyes. “Oh... Oh no, that worked?!” You squeaked, causing him to let out a gentle chuckle, catching you off guard. 
The man raised his free hand up to your damp hair, taking it into his fingers and playing with it gently, his eyes examining the strands as if he was deeply interested them. With his eyes looking away from you, you finally had a chance to see him up close and really take him in. He had short black hair that fell just over his forehead, the sides shaved. Three things stuck out about him. His lips, his sharp jawline, and the way that although his skin wasn’t even touching you, you could feel his abnormally warm body heat as if he was right up against you.
“I... I’m sorry, what... is your name?” You asked cautiously. He released your hair before moving his hand down your bare arm at an agonizingly slow pace, the heat of his hand making your skin tingle everywhere he touched. “Kyungsoo.” He muttered. Distracted by his touch, you didn’t even hear him. “Oh, I’m sorry, what was it?” 
His eyes quickly shot up again, locking with yours and sending chills up your spine. Slowly, he leaned in, fingers brushing your damp hair behind your ear. Everything he did was painfully slow and for some reason, it made your heart race. Leaning in, his lips just an inch away from your ear, he whispered to you in that deep, smooth tone. “My name, is Kyungsoo.” The hand he had beside your head moved down to rest on your hip, the only thing keeping it from your bare skin was what you realized now to be a much too short towel. “And you summoned me.”
The demon stood in front of you, eyes staring deeply into your own. Kyungsoo, he said his name was. “You’re very touchy for a demon who is supposed to answer my important questions, aren’t you?” This time it was Kyungsoo who froze, a genuine look of confusion on his face. “Answer your important questions?...” He asked, clearly not following. 
“Yeah, you know... the page said you would help me with my problems! You solve problems don’t you?” You prodded impatiently. 
“Pr-...problems?... Did you even read the full page?” He was clearly shocked. How could she manage to summon him without even realizing what she was doing? Was she serious? Was she just trying to play a dumb joke? 
You clear your throat awkwardly, looking away from him and to the side in discomfort. “W-well... Not exactly...” Kyungsoo let out a laugh of disbelief, taking a step back and staring at you. “I am not a demon that “solves problems and answers questions”, girl. I am an incubus.” He was clearly amused, something about you seemed to fascinate him. Maybe the glow he was talking about?
You stared at him with a blank expression, tilting your head to the side slightly as your eyebrows furrowed. “A what now?” 
“Hah! Are you-, are you serious right now? You aren’t fucking with me, right?” He lifted his arm up, running his fingers through his incredibly soft looking hair. “Hey!” You shouted, glaring at him. “Watch your language! And don’t make fun of me, I don’t know anything about this stuff, my best friend gave me this book!”
Kyungsoo let out a loud laugh as you scolded him for his language. The lightness of the mood didn’t last long, though. His eyes darkened and he approached you quickly, backing you against the wall once more. With wide eyes, you stared up at him, not sure what was going on in the least.  He switched moods so quickly that it completely caught you off guard. 
One of his hands gripped your wrist, pulling your body against his. The other hand mischievously slid slowly up the inside of your thigh as he leaned his head down closer to your shoulder. You could feel his warm breath against the bare skin, his lips just barely touching the top of your shoulder. From the feeling of his breath, his lips, and his hand sliding dangerously close to where it didn’t belong, you felt your head spinning. Is this what an incubus was? 
“w-wait... WAIT!” You shouted, lifting your free hand and shoving it against his chest in panicked defense. Kyungsoo hissed and stumbled back, raising a hand to the spot you shoved. There was nothing there, until he lifted his shirt and saw a hand-shaped burn right on his chest. Both of you stared at the burn in shock.
“What the fuck did you do?!” He shouted at you, wincing in pain. “I-I don’t know! I don’t know! I’m so sorry!” You yelled back in a panic, wanting to help but being afraid to touch him again. “Can I get you a bandage patch? Some water to disinfect it? I’m so sorry, I panicked!” you reached out for him, but he held up his hand to stop you. His hand no longer looked human, half of his arm was black with cracks that appeared to have embers underneath, his fingers now long black claws. “Don’t touch me!” He snarled at you, a furious look in his now pitch black eyes.
You were terrified, wishing you could just shrink yourself into a tiny ball and disappear so you wouldn’t have to be near him anymore. Just then, your cell phone rang from the bathroom counter where you had left it when you took your shower. Your eyes shot towards the bathroom, and so did his. Just then, you turned and sprinted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you and locking it as quickly as your fingers would let you. Not a second later, you felt him slam his fist against the door and let out a yell of frustration, before complete silence. Quickly, you answered your phone and raised it up to your ear, your breathing uneven and panicked.
“Y/n? Y/n are you okay?!” Kayla worried on the other side of the phone. You couldn’t hear anything in the hallway anymore, so you tried to calm your breathing. “Y/n, answer me, what’s going on? Are you okay?” You snapped out of your daze at the sound of your best friend’s concerned tone. “Y-yeah... I am okay. Sorry.” Why did you not want to tell her what happened?... Her of all people would believe you. She’d know what to do. For some reason though, you wanted to keep this experience to yourself. “Hey, uh, Kayla? I think I am coming down with a fever... I don’t think I can go out tonight. I’m sorry” you lied. 
“Oh sweetie, you don’t have to apologize. Would you like me to bring some soup over or something?” You thought about that for a while. You didn’t want to involve her in this, but you also didn’t want to be alone tonight... “Yeah, sure. Bring some Comedy movies too, okay?” you asked in an almost pleading tone. Anything to help distract you. “Of course, sweetie. I’m already on my way!”
A few weeks since the incident had passed. All of your will power was focused on forgetting about Kyungsoo and what had happened, but no matter how hard you tried, you still couldn’t get him off of your mind. You never meant to hurt him, you didn’t even know you could hurt him.  With a heavy sigh, you flopped face down into your bed, letting out a groan of dismay.
Maybe Kayla would know how this happened... but how to ask her without seeming suspicious... After a few moments of absolutely zero clarity, you decided to just make it up as you went and picked up the phone to call her. 
A few rings passed before a yet-again-concerned Kayla answered. “Hello? Y/n? Are you okay?” A confused laugh slipped past your lips. “Me? I’m fine, why?” “Because you haven’t been yourself the past few weeks, and you haven’t kept in contact like you usually do.” You could hear the suspicion already in her voice. Great. I haven’t even gotten to the question yet. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, work has been really hectic so I have just been really lethargic, I am alright, I promise!” Clearly, you were lying through your teeth, but Kayla seemed to believe you anyways, despite your terrible metaphorical poker face. 
“Alright, if you say so...”
“Hey Kayla, you know a lot about demons right?” You decided to just throw it out there. Here we go.
“Uh... Yes, I would say I know a decent amount... why?...” 
Ah, riddled with suspicion. Valid, though. “I was watching a horror movie last night and a woman pushed a demon away, and her hand burnt his skin. Do you know why that would happen?”
“...” Uh oh.
“Well! There are a few reasons!” Phew. “The first is the person could be someone holy. Like a priest!” You tried to hold back a scoff. “I don’t think the girl was a priest in this movie. What are the other reasons?” You asked coolly, trying not to seem like you were prying. 
“Hmm... Well, I suppose another reason could be that she is a Nephilim.”
“A what?”
Kayla laughed. “I forgot you don’t know about these things. A Nephilim is someone who is the spawn of an angel and a human. They are very powerful, but hated by both angels and demons.” 
You paused, furrowing your brow. “Do you think Nephilim really exist?” 
“Personally, I don’t believe they do. I know a lot about them regardless though!”
Interesting. There is absolutely no way this has anything to do with me though. “Okay, what is so different about Nephilim? How are they different from humans? Do they have powers or something?” You were doing your best to sound only a little bit interested, but your best friendly clearly wasn’t picking up on your terrible attempts at hiding something. She was just excited to talk about her hobbies, and any opportunity she had to do so, she would take without question.
“Well they are naturally born with the gift of being skilled at hand-to-hand combat.” You had never fought anyone in your entire life. “They also are really good with animals. Animals love Nephilim people.” Oh? Now that sounds familiar. “Also! it is said that angels and demons can tell what human is a Nephilim because they can see a glow around them. It is said to be a bit duller than the glow of an angel.” 
Your blood ran cold. What was it he said to you when he first saw you?... “You’re glowing.” Was that what he said? He sounded shocked when he said it...
“Helloooo? Are you theeeere?” Kayla asked in annoyance on the other end of the line. 
“Oh, yes, sorry! My dinner is done so I have to go, thank you so much for talking to me, I love you!” Before she could get out much of a reply, you hung up on her. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you didn’t know what to think. A Nephilim? That isn’t possible. Even Kayla doesn’t believe in them! 
You needed answers. Not from Kayla. She was just guessing based on what she reads in her books. Not only that... you needed to properly apologize to him. Not only did you burn him in a panic, you ran away and slammed the door in his face. In your defense though, you didn’t know what he intended to do once he was angry. 
Still... an apology was due. So, you decided to summon him again. Hopefully he will show... is he allowed to just...not show? Well, we are about to find out. But before you do that, you need to find a proper way to apologize. Maybe you could cook him dinner! ... Do demons eat human food? That’s a thing right? One of the seven sins is gluttony after all. That doesn’t really have to involve food though... 
Ugh, stop over thinking! You berated yourself. Why does he make me like this? With an embarrassed groan, you shuffled off to the kitchen. Let’s see... What do we have? You opened the drawers and cupboards. Red sauce! I have meat in the fridge, and cheese... are those Lasagna noodles? Hah! Lasagna! Everyone loves lasagna!
Quickly grabbing all of the ingredients, you put the pots onto the stove top and began to preheat the oven. You poured the sauce into one pan and placed the lasagna noodles into the other. After prepping all of the meat, vegetables and cheese you needed, you formed your lasagna in a pan before popping it into the oven.
What else should I do? Wow, this is going to be terribly embarrassing if he doesn’t show. You rubbed your hands against your cheeks, amazed by your own determination. Even worse if he does show and he hates it...
Pushing that thought aside, you ran up the stairs to grab all of the ingredients meant for summoning the Incubus again. You also brought along with you some wraps and water bottle just in case any more accidents happened. Though you hoped that they wouldn’t. 
You placed all of the candles in a circle around you once more, repeating the entire process you did in the first place to call him to you. With fingers crossed, you burned the piece of paper with your name on it and waited patiently.
“Oh...” You heard the deep voice from behind you, much quicker to respond than the first time. Oddly enough, he had a smile on his face. This caught you off guard, as you expected him to still be furious with you. “U-uhm, before you say anything, I just wanted to apologize again, I didn’t mean to burn you- I have no idea how that happened still- I panicked, see, I have never been with anyone like that before and I would rather it be with someone I love- sorry that isn’t why I called you here-” You were clearly unleashing a panicked ramble as you struggled to form what you were attempting to say to him, but his expression didn’t change. He still had a bemused grin on his face as he leaned against the frame of the kitchen doorway, staring at you.
“Anyways, what I am trying to say is I am really sorry that I hurt you and then ran away and then slammed a door in your face, that was really rude of me, so... I wanted to make it up to you! So-” Just then, the oven timer went off, Kyungsoo raising a brow and turning his gaze to it. 
“Oh! So I made you a lasagna! Well... I made us a lasagna. I was hoping we could eat it together?” You were speaking as you wandered over to the oven, putting on gloves and pulling out the dish. You were so nervous that when you tried to get a better grip, you lost it entirely, the lasagna dropping out of your hands. Before it got to far, you felt Kyungsoo’s presence directly behind you before his hand shot forward, grabbing the dish with his bare hand. You felt his chest pressing against your back as he slowly raised the dish up, setting it down on the top of the stove.
“Oh! Oh no!” You shouted and spun around, nearly face planting directly into his chest. You quickly ducked under his arm and ran to the table where you left the water and wrap before returning to him, only to see him calmly looking down at you with that same smile.
The absolute confused and lost expression on your face made him chuckle his deep chuckle. It’s kind of cute though?... Kyungsoo raised his hand up in the air, showing not even the tiniest of burns on it. “I don’t understand?...” You frowned at him.
Finally, Kyungsoo spoke. “I live in hell. It takes more than a hot pan to burn me.” He raised a brow, a nod to the incident from a couple of weeks ago, causing you to begin your apology again before he raised his hand to stop you.
“I haven’t even caught your name yet. Not very host-like from the woman who invited me into her house and then burnt me.” He teased.
You grimaced before muttered another quick “I’m sorry”, rubbing your arm in discomfort. “My name is y/n. Didn’t you get that from the burnt paper?” 
“Why would I? You burnt it.” He smirked at his own terrible dad joke.
You stared at him with a look of shock before letting out a chuckle of your own. “Wow. That was terrible.” He shrugged his shoulders, still obviously full of pride.
“A-anyways... I made us dinner, if you accept my apology... I’m really sorry.” 
“You know,” Kyungsoo leaned back against the counter. “I knew you were making me dinner, but I didn’t know it would look this amazing.” 
You furrowed your brows at him. “What do you mean you knew?” 
He flashed another beautiful smile. “You summoned me, I won’t leave that easily. Not to mention, you never dismissed you. Slamming a door in my face doesn’t count.” Ignoring your shocked expression, he continued, “I’ve been around, you just haven’t seen me.”
You stomped your foot, earning another look of amusement. “You knew I was stewing in guilt this whole time and just let me?!” You pouted. 
“I didn’t want to startle you, I wanted to wait until you wanted to see me again.”
“What if I didn’t ever want to see you again?” You folded your arms across your chest. Kyungsoo looked at you with a hint of something dark in his eyes. It made you shift back and forth in discomfort. 
“I knew you wanted to see me again. It isn’t like you hide your feelings very well.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes but let his comment go before walking over to him, his eyes following you hungrily as you did. “Can you stop looking at me like that?!” You snapped. He laughed and held up his hands, “I can’t help it, I’m sorry!” After a pause, his expression got serious, as if he was having an internal battle. He looked confused, and a little lost. You knew that look well, because you made that face all of the time.
Your eyes shifted down to his covered chest. He was wearing the same outfit as when you first saw him. “Can I... look?” You asked in a careful tone. He gave you a quiet nod and you carefully lifted up his shirt to his neck. The burn was still there, but just barely. It seemed to be healing well. Slowly, you raised your hand up to his chest, eyes glancing up at him for permission. He stared down at you with a curious half-smile, giving you a cautious nod.
First, you gently touched your fingertips to his skin and quickly looked up at him for a reaction, but there was none. Then, you carefully placed your hand fully on his chest, bewildered that this time, nothing seemed to happen. 
Well, nothing in terms of pain. Something was definitely happening. Your hand was tingling, his skin was so hot, and it seemed like he felt it too, because when your eyes met his, that dark expression returned, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Are you okay, Kyungsoo? Does it hurt again?” You pulled your hand away, but he quickly stopped you by grabbing your wrist and tugging you against him. “No, it doesn’t hurt. I don’t know what this is, but I’ve never felt this before.” His voice was shaky, and you were concerned. 
“Kyungsoo, uhm...” You didn’t know what was wrong with him, but you could tell you needed to have this conversation with him now.
His hands didn’t release you, but he looked down at you expectantly. “When we first met, you said I glow. What did you mean?” 
He only paused for a brief second. “I mean you literally glow. There is a glow around you.” 
“But... What does that mean?” 
He let let out a breath before his hands loosened their grip, letting you go. “Well, I didn’t really believe it at first, but... I think that means you are a Nephilim.” You groaned. “There is that word again.” His lips curled up into a slight smile. “That means,” He continued, “that you are part angel.” His hand lifted to your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. “Which explains why you burned me when you were feeling a strong emotion.”
Your cheeks flushed light pink and you averted your eyes to look at something else. “The lasagna is getting cold...” You muttered nervously. Every time he touched you, it sent multiple feelings through your body, none of them you recognized, but all of them made you excited as well as a little frightened.
Your emotions were tangible to him, he could feel what you felt, but he wasn’t going to tell you that. He also didn’t plan on telling you that he felt the same way, and it terrified him. He had never been faced with a situation like this before. It was always the exact same story. Someone would summon him to use his body, or have him use their body. He would take as much of their life force and energy as he could before leaving them there, wondering why they felt so drained for the next few weeks.
You were different, though. You didn’t summon him for sex. You summoned him by accident. Not only did you summon him by accident, you also showed concern for him. You apologized relentlessly for hurting him, you even made him dinner. 
When was the last time anyone has made me dinner? Never. 
On top of all of that, you even brought bandages and water just in case you hurt him again. A smile spread on his lips as he watched you turn away from him to grab plates and grab some lasagna for the two of you.
But... You were a Nephilim. His grimace went unseen as you set up dinner.
What did that mean? What were these feelings he had in his chest? He felt one, and only one, small thud in his chest. He was terrified. That couldn’t be a heart, could it? Did he even have one of those? This won’t do. This can’t happen. 
As you turned around with both plates, you were met with an empty room. 
“Kyungsoo?” You called out to the demon, but received no response. You quickly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, but nothing but empty silence. Searching the whole house, you came up empty. With your heart in your stomach, you walked back into the kitchen. Both of the plates you had set up for each other was there, but the entire pot full of the remaining lasagna was gone.
“I need that pot...” You muttered. For some reason, though you felt you shouldn’t be affected by this, his disappearance hurt you deeply. You really thought the two of you were getting along. You felt that emptiness like a rock. So you ate both plates by yourself.
For the next few days you did everything you could to get him to come back to you. You cried, you shouted, you called his name over and over as if he was Bloody Mary and somehow that would make him appear in front of you, you  yelled at him in the middle of your empty house. You even tried to summon him by performing the ritual at least three more times, but he never showed. At some point you shouted “At least bring back my pot, you thief!” as a half-ass attempt to coax him out, but still nothing.
Eventually, you gave up. You were so mad at him, but he was a demon after all. What did you expect? Serves you right. It’s time to just let it go and move on. It didn’t last very long anyways. He was here and then he wasn’t.
A  couple of months down the road, Kayla managed to convince you to go to the club with her and your mutual friends for her birthday. You continuously told her no, so this time you gave in and dressed up in the most gorgeous dress you had. It was dark royal blue and draped smoothly down your legs, stopping just above the knees. The middle of the dress wrapped around your waist nicely, the top of the dress had sleeves that draped naturally off of your shoulders, and just above your breasts. To compliment this gorgeous dress, you had matching royal blue high heels and your hair up in curls, held in place by strategically placed bobby pins.
You were determined to enjoy yourself and get your thoughts off of that wretched demon. Once the both of you arrived at the night club, Kayla immediately assigned you drink duty and went to find the rest of your friends. Making your way to the bar, you ordered the both of you the fruitiest drink they had, Berry Lemon Drops. Neither of you were a fan of the taste of straight alcohol.
You turned around with the drinks, scanning the crowd for your friends. Spotting them on the other side of the room, you made your way through the crowd, giving Kayla smile once she spotted you. 
“Hey guys! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you all!” You put on a chipper tone as you handed Kayla her drink, taking a sip of your own.
“Oh my god, y/n, where have you been?! We thought you died!” Kayla’s closest childhood friend, Remmy, teased. With a laugh, you gave her a tight hug. 
“Last time I checked, I was still alive, but hey, you never know!” 
“Hey, do you guys want to dance?” Jamal, more-so your friend than Kayla’s, asked. 
“Yeah, of course!” Your mood was starting to rise the more you were around your friends, who made you feel safe. Maybe this was what you needed all along. Jamal took your hand and lead you to the dance floor, the rest of your friends following closely behind. For the next hour, you danced your heart out, laughing and smiling with the people who meant the most to you, completely pushing Kyungsoo to the back of your mind for the first time in months.
Kyungsoo walked up to the club entrance, a calm expression on his face. It had taken him a couple of months of reflection, but he had decided what he needed to do. As long as you hadn’t dismissed him, he couldn’t move on from you. This is what he needed. He had made up his mind. The bouncer stepped in his path and held his hand out, stopping him in his tracks. “Hold on man, you have to wait in line, just like everyone else.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed at the bouncer, a black smokey-like film spreading over the entirety of his eyes. The glare was enough to give anyone nightmares. The bouncer’s eyes widened as he stumbled away, muttering a loud “What the fuck?!” Kyungsoo didn’t hesitate. He walked right past the bouncer and left him there, questioning if what he even saw was real, or if he needed a new job.
Once he entered the club, however, he froze. There you were. Finding you was much easier than he thought it was going to be in this packed club. You were in the middle of the dance floor, with another man. He couldn’t help but feel his blood boil in his veins. The radiant smile on your face as you danced around the room, as beautiful as the angel you sort of were. The glow was brighter than normal, or maybe it just looked that way against your dark blue dress. His eyes were locked on you for what felt like an hour, just taking in how happy and beautiful you looked. 
The anger in his chest turned to a dull but constant ache. He came here to talk you into dismissing him, and if that didn’t work, he told himself that he’d kill you, if that’s what it took to free himself. The past few months he had spent in hell, trying to do his job, trying to forget. Every time he was with a human that summoned him, using him for his body and dismissing him, he felt nothing. It didn’t satisfy him anymore. He barely even had the will to feed off of their energy. He thought this is what he needed, but now that you were a couple hundred feet away, it was proving to be much more difficult to go through with.
After a half an hour passed, your feet ached and you were already dehydrated. The alcohol probably didn’t help with that.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna go get some water okay?” You left Jamal’s side, waving to your friends before making your way to the bar again. Once there, you removed your heels, letting out a sigh of relief. “Excuse me! Can I have some water, please?” 
As the bartender handed you a glass of water, you felt someone step up behind you. Although you couldn’t see who it was, chills ran up your spine, and that should have given you a decent enough idea. The presence came closer and you heard a whisper in your ear, the deep calm tone you recognized all too well. 
“Who was that back there?...” Kyungsoo spoke in a controlled and calm voice. Anger filled your body and your cheeks turned bright red. How dare he have the nerve? You turned around and raise your hand, ready to slap him across the face full force, but he caught your wrist way too quickly.
“You don’t want to do that, people are around.” He spoke quietly, making sure you wouldn’t try to slap him again before he released your wrist. “Answer me. Who is he?” 
“None of your fucking business.” You snapped at him, angrier than you’d been in years. “How dare you ghost me and then show up months later, asking who I’m dancing with? You have some fucking nerve!” 
Your eyes were brimming with tears that you struggled to hold back, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he affected you.
“Watch your language” He teased, a smirk on his face.
The look of shock on your face was unimaginable. You were thinking of trying to slap him again before you heard a voice from behind you.
“Is this man bothering you, miss?” It was the bartender, checking up on you to make sure you were okay. You turned around and gave him a weak smile. “No, no. It’s okay, I apologize for yelliing.” 
The bartender dismissed you with a nod before turning to attend to the other customers. Kyungsoo’s hands gently pressed to your sides, slowly sliding down to your waist before his fingers dug in, a bit possessively. He was trying to keep his control, but the way you looked tonight was making it incredibly difficult. 
“Can we go outside to talk about this? It’s more private.��� 
You stared at him, eyes narrowed in a glare. After a moment of consideration, you turned and walked to the back exit into the alley without saying another word to him.
As he followed you out, he couldn’t help but watch the way your hips swayed as you angrily stormed out the door. Damn. How come everything you did had this affect on him? Once he followed you out and the door closed behind him, he was met with a sharp slap to the cheek, causing him to let out a shout of pain. Your high emotions burnt him again, but this one was less serious than the last, he could tell you tried to control it.
“How could you just leave me like that?! And you stole my pot too?! You ignored me every time I tried to call you back and talk to you, how could you-”
Kyungsoo approached you at an alarming rate, his hands reaching up and slamming you against the brick wall of the building. You let out a groan of pain and looked up. His fuming eyes met yours, expression unreadable. He seemed angry, but there was something more to it. How could he be mad at you? He was the one who abandoned you! 
“Do you have any idea how much you’ve fucked me up?” He hissed quietly to you, throwing you off guard.
“I’m a demon, y/n. I am not supposed to feel this way, but I can’t stop thinking about you. You have been on my mind the entire time I’ve been gone. I have been coming to terms with what’s happening to me, and I came here to end it, in any way I can.”
Your eyes widened, filled with fear. Guilt panged in his chest, another worrisome sign that maybe he does actually have a heart.
“But... I’m not going to do that. I can’t do anything to hurt you.”
“Like... because I haven’t dismissed you?” 
He snorted. “No, I could kill you in an instant, regardless of if you’ve dismissed me or not.” After a moment, his expression softened a bit. “But I don’t want to.”
You remained silent, afraid to interrupt. Kyungsoo Took her cheeks into his hands. He was coming to terms with how he felt, and to his surprise, he didn’t hate it anymore. The feeling he was feeling was... good. He didn’t know how to describe it. He didn’t know what love was, but it felt like a very strong word to use, and he wasn’t sure if that was appropriate. 
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me... I’m sorry if I scare you. I promise I won’t hurt you. His burning hot thumbs strokes your cheeks, his brown eyes staring down into yours. “You are the only human-, no, the only being, that has ever showed care for me. Me, one of the most vile creatures to exist. I’m not sure if that makes you a saint, or an idiot, but...” 
“Kyungsoo...” You tried to cut in, but he wouldn’t have it. 
“Let me finish.” He sighed. “Regardless, it has affected me. I’ve felt something change in me, and it is your fault. You’ve ruined me, y/n.” His voice darkened, but this time you weren’t scared. You believed him when he said he wouldn’t harm you.
“But Kyungsoo...” You tried again.
“Y/n, please” He urged, his thumb running softly against your lower lip. “Let me finish.” You shifted against the wall, looking up at him impatiently. 
“If you want me to leave, I’ll leave you alone forever. I’ll deal with what you’ve done to me on my own. It’s my fault, after all.” He closed his eyes, his head tilted back as he took a shaky breath in, trying to stay in control. “But I don’t want to. I want to be selfish, and I want to stay here. I want to explore every inch of you. I-”
“Kyungsoo!” You shouted at him this time, desperate to get his attention.
“Oh for- what? What is it?” He asked in exasperation. 
Your voice was quiet, slightly embarrassed, “I’m barefoot and this pavement is really, really cold... I think my feet are going to fall off” you whined, shifting from foot to foot against the brick wall.
Kyungsoo stared down at you, slack-jawed. A loud laugh escaped his lips. “You really now how to kill a vibe, don’t you?” He joked.
“It’s not my fault, my feet hurt! I’ve been dancing in high heels!” You pouted, glaring up at him.
“That reminds me... You never answered my question.” This time he tried to keep the jealousy out of his voice, asking as calmly as possible. “Who was that guy you were dancing with? Please, I want to know.”
You gave him a half-smile, raising a brow at him. “This is what, the third or fourth time you’ve asked? His name is Jamal, and he is my best friend from middle school. He’s married.”
Kyungsoo’s relief was almost tangible. “Oh, that’s... That’s nice. I hope I get to meet your friends some time. If you let me.” He prodded, trying to bring the conversation back to where it originally was.
“Soo, my feet... Can we go inside? They still hurt...” You frowned up at him.
Did she just call him Soo? Did she just give him a nickname? 
Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you off of the ground and wrapping your legs around his waist before pinning you back against the wall. You let out a shocked squeak but before you could say anything, Kyungsoo continued. “I’m done using words.”
Just as you were about to ask what he meant, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. He was rough, but not too rough. His lips were incredibly soft, and just as kissable as they looked. You felt your heart explode in your chest, your hands gripping his shoulders roughly to ground yourself. You must have accidentally burnt him again, because he groaned against your lips, but he didn’t stop.
Giving in to what your heart clearly wanted, you shut your eyes and kissed him in return, your lips seeming to move perfectly against his. Everything he was trying to tell you, you could feel in his kiss. It was enough to make you cry, but you held it back, because that would be awkward in this situation.
Kyungsoo’s hands mischievously slipped under your dress. His fingers traveled up your thigh, setting your skin ablaze. Just then, you felt something press against you between your legs, and you pulled out of the kiss, looking at him in shock. 
“Don’t look at me like that, I literally can’t control it, I’m an incubus.” He defended, “Besides, I can tell you enjoy it too.”
You furrowed your brows, looking up at him. “How would you know?”
He soft lips curled up into a devilish smirk before he pinned you between the wall and his hips. “Because I can feel it. Have you forgotten you’re only wearing a dress?” 
“...” Suddenly you realized your position. Kyungsoo had you pinned against a brick wall in an alleyway, your legs around his waist and your dress hiked up to your stomach. You were practically exposed right out in the open, and you could tell he was into it based on the shit-eating grin on his face.
“Oh my god, Kyungsoo, people could see! Put me down!!” You yelled, frantic.
“I’m definitely not god, but you can call me that if you want to.” As he spoke, he leaned down and pressed his lips to your exposed shoulder, trailing slow, burning kisses all the way up your neck and to your jawline. With every kiss, you felt his fingers grip your hips tighter, practically grinding you against him.
Although you were freezing cold just minutes ago, your whole body felt uncomfortably hot now, it was almost unbearable, but it kind of felt... good. 
“Kyungsoo, please, we can’t do something like this here!” You spoke with urgency, but your fingers betrayed you as you balled his shirt up in your fists, only egging him on more. 
Kyungsoo let out an impatient hiss, his fingers traveling up your thigh to your underwear before hooking under them, ripping them off of your body. “Then you better get in there and tell your friends you have to go. Now.” His words were breathy and you could tell he was having a hard time holding back.
Although the only piece of fabric keeping you from him was gone now, he used all of his willpower to refrain from being what he was, to give him just a bit more patience, and he set you down on the ground. 
You quickly brushed your hands along your dress to smooth it out and then, attempting to look prideful, turned around and walked back into the club with confidence. Kyungsoo only laughed in amusement behind you.
“Y/n! Where were you?!” Kayla demanded the moment she saw you make your way through the crowd. “We’ve been looking for you half an hour!” 
“What?” You looked at her with a confused expression. “I haven’t been gone that long. You’re over reacting!” 
“I am not over reacting. You went to go get water like, forty minutes ago! We looked everywhere!” 
Before you could try to explain yourself Kayla glanced down to your shoulders, raising a brow at the barely visible red spots on them. As soon as her eyes raised up to meet yours, they stopped half way and retrained directly behind you. You already knew what that meant, and your cheeks flushed bright pink without you even having to turn around.
“Y/n,” Kyungsoo cooed, indicating that he was about to embarrass you in front of your friends, “is this your friend I’ve heard so much about? Why don’t you introduce me?” His arm snaked around your waist, casually pulling you back against his chest.
You held back a groan of exasperation, looking at Kayla with pleading eyes. She didn’t pick up on your look, though. She was too busy staring in awe at the man beside you. “Who is this?”
Defeated, you tried to secretly bat his hands off of your waist as you spoke. “Kayla, this is Kyungsoo, I, uh...” Racing your brain from an excuse was proving fruitless. 
“We’ve known each other since middle school!” He continued smoothly. “I moved away afterwards. I just got back in town yesterday!” With an incredibly charming smile, he shook your best friend’s hand. 
Kayla was still awed by him, though she wasn’t aware that he was hamming it up. “It’s so cool to meet you, Kyungsoo! How did you know she would be here?”
“Oh, I didn’t! This is actually completely coincidence!” He smiled. “I’m so excited to see her again. I’d love to get to know her friends, too, but would you mind if I took her for the rest of the night? It has been years since I’ve last seen her.”
“Oh, of course! I understand, go have fun!” She smiled at the two of you. “And Y/n, you owe me a birthday gift!” 
You smiled and waved to Kayla as Kyungsoo practically dragged you out of the club.
The moment you stepped out the door, everything went black and you felt as thought wind was swirling around you. A second later, there you were, back in your apartment. Before you could even process what just happened, Kyungsoo grabbed your hand and tried to lead you up the stairs. 
“Wait a minute, are we just... going to pretend like that didn’t happen?” You looked up at him, astounded as your voice brimmed with confusion.
“Hm?” Kyungsoo barely acknowledged your remark. “I’m a demon, I can go wherever I want. Cool, huh?”
“W-, how did you bring me with you though?! You can just... do that?!”
Kyungsoo’s patience was slipping and he stopped pulling you along, opting to lift you up against his body, walking over to the kitchen before sitting you on the cold counter. “Yes, I can just “do that”.” 
Kyungsoo reached his hand forward to rest on your cheek, his thumb brushing gently along your soft lips. The sensation tickled, making you reflexively run your tongue along them. This definitely caught his attention and he looked into your eyes with what would have been an intimidating expression, if you weren’t aware of how soft he could be.
“You really are something...” He hesitated, but only for a moment. Quickly he leaned down, placing tender kisses against your neck, his hands sliding down to your hips to pull you against his body.
Even now you found yourself still caught off guard by how warm his skin was. He was like your own personal furnace. It seemed like Kyungsoo had a way to fill all of your senses and thoughts with nothing but him.
Was this okay to do?... 
He seemed so genuine, but he was still a demon... An incubus, at that, and you wanted your first time to be with someone who not only you loved, but also loved you in return.
You felt Kyungsoo’s lips trail kisses from your neck slowly to your throat. The feeling was so pleasant, you couldn’t help but naturally tilt your head back for him, and he left no area unkissed. They felt so full of passion... Was that your imagination?
“Soo, wait...” You pressed a palm to his chest, gently pushing him back a little.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked in a breathy tone. Baby? 
“I’m... a virgin... and I’m kind of scared...” Admitting this to an incubus seemed ridiculous, but you felt oddly at ease with him. “I want to do this with someone I love,” you looked up into in eyes, “and someone who loves me in return.”
He raised his brows, a look of concern on his face. “Y/n... I would never do anything you don’t want me to. Never.” He raised his hand to your hair, gently running his fingers through it to comfort you. 
“That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. I think...” He cleared his throat, looking to you pleadingly, as if wishing you could just read his mind to make this easier on him. “I know I don’t know what love is. My very nature should mean that I am incapable of feeling it, but... what I feel for you... it isn’t just lust. There is something else there.”
Your eyes went wide as Kyungsoo tried to stumble out a confession, doing his very best to make you see how he feels.
“I want to protect you. I want to see you smile all of the time, and I want it to be for me. I know that sounds selfish,” he took both of your cheeks in his hands, placing fairy-light kisses on your forehead, cheekbones and nose. Anywhere he could reach. “but I couldn’t even do my job properly in the months I disappeared. I didn’t enjoy it in the least. All I thought about was you.”
“Kyungsoo...” Tears welled up in your eyes. You had gotten confessions before, but this one was different. This time, you felt the same way. Or at least, you were pretty sure you did. You couldn’t get him off of your mind during those months either. This was all happening so quickly, but you felt self with him.
“I think, I love you...” The moment the words passed his lips, he winced in pain.
“Kyungsoo?? Are you okay??” You reached out to grab his face, making him look at you. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine... I just... there is this ache in my chest lately... it doesn’t feel right... but I don’t want to talk about that.”
Dismissing the subject with a concerning amount of ease, Kyungsoo leaned forward and encompassed your lips in his. His kiss put all of his feelings on display, way better than his words could. He was intense, but gentle, full of passion and tenderness. He was holding back, you could tell. 
You finally let go of all of your worries and surrendered yourself to him, leaning in to his kiss. Your hand lifted up and tangled it’s fingers in his hair as you tugged him closer. 
You felt him groan against your lips, his fingers digging into your lips and you felt him growing hard against your stomach. “Y/n, I need you to give me permission... If this is what you want, tell me you want it...”
His eyes searched yours, a mixture of hunger and hesitation behind them.
You felt your heart begin to race in your chest. The way his voice deepened sent tingles throughout your body. Too shocked to speak, you nodded your head at him, averting your gaze to the floor.
“Tsk tsk...” Kyungsoo reached up, gripping your face in his hand and forcing you to face him. “I need you to use your words for me, angel. Tell me... you want it.”
Your heart was pounding now and you could feel yourself already getting wet. He hadn’t even touched you yet, you can’t let him know he got to you that easily. His ego was big enough as it is.
Forcing yourself to maintain eye contact, though every fiber in your telling you to avoid it, you spoke in a quiet voice. “I-I want it...” 
His hand that gently gripped your face moved, leaning you back as his free hand slid under your dress between your parted thighs, his body keeping them from closing. 
He reached two fingers down between your legs, giving you a look of surprise when he discovered how wet you were for him. He just barely slid his fingers up, ghosting over your clit. Unable to hold back a breathy moan, you locked eyes with him, painfully aware off the cocky smirk on his face.
Raising his fingers up to his lips, he slowly slid his middle finger between them, enjoying the way he could make you squirm without needing to do anything.
He removed his hand from your face and leaned in, placing a kiss on your exposed collar bone. “I didn’t hear that, angel. Tell me what you want.”
“Kyungsoo,” You whined as he teased and embarrassed you, losing your composure completely, “I want you to fuck me! Please!”
You heard him hum with satisfaction and before you could react, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you around the waist, holding you against his body as he carried you to the kitchen table, laying you back onto it with a mischievous grin.
“What-... what are you doing?” Confusion flooded your brain as you tried to sit up, but his hand only pushed you back down again.
“I like dessert before dinner.” 
“W-...What does that even-” 
Within seconds his hands were on your thighs, spreading them open as he leaned down. 
“You can tell me to stop any time, and I will. Okay?”
You nodded before remembering how he chastised you for not using your words earlier, “O-okay...” 
He flashed a genuine smile before breaking eye contact to place a kiss on your inner thigh, followed by a soft nip. You let out a squeak, which earned a laugh in response.
Kyungsoo placed slow kisses up your thigh, almost tormentingly so, until he finally reached the place you wanted him most. Immediately he wrapped his lips around your clit, sliding his two middle fingers into you. He was careful, allowing you to adjust or tell him if it hurt.
The way he flattened his tongue and focused on the little bundle of nerves was excruciating, only enhanced by his fingers curling up against your walls, pressing against your g-spot as if he already knew where it was.
“O-oh, my god, Kyungsoo!” You moaned out as you tilted your head back, tangling your fingers in his soft dark hair to pull him closer.
“How does that feel, baby?” Kyungsoo growled, mercilessly curling his fingers up against your g-spot, his thumb rubbing circles against your clit.
“It feels- amazing! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” 
“mm~” Satisfied, he replaced his thumb with his lips once more, his now free hand grabbing your hip and tugging you farther down the table, giving him better access to your dripping pussy.
You let out a whimper, breathing heavily between your groans of pleasure. A ball of heat began to build in your stomach, one you’d never felt this intensely before. Trying to chase your release, you lifted your hips off of the table, grinding against his tongue desperately.
Your eagerness was driving him crazy and he growled against you, the pace he slid his fingers into you quickened as he gently sucked on your clit, finally sending you over the edge.
“Oh, fuck! Kyungsoo, I’m- I’m cumming!”
Kyungsoo groaned against you, not letting up as he helped you chase your release. Your toes curled and you but down on your lower lip, almost hard enough to draw blood. Letting out a loud and desperate gasp, a wave of pleasure crashed over you and your eyes closed, making you see stars.
As you began to come down from your high, Kyungsoo pulled you off the table and into his arms placing gentle kisses all over your chest and face.
You gave a weak chuckle, hiding your face in his neck. 
“That was... amazing” you praised between attempts to catch your breath.
“Mmn,” He ran his tongue along his lips, licking your release off of them. “You taste amazing, baby.”
His arms held you tight as he carried you up to the bedroom, laying you gently down onto the bed. Before going any farther, he looked down into your eyes.
“Are you still up for this, y/n? Remember, you can tell me no. We can just be together and watch movies, if that’s what you want.”
Kyungsoo had been so considerate ever since he came to see you in the club, you almost forgot that he was a demon. It certainly didn’t match, but if he was going to do something bad, you figured he would have done it by now.
“I am sure.” You reached up, cupping his cheek with her hand. “Please... I want it to be you.”
He smiled the sweetest smile you had seen from him yet, before leaning down, gently nipping your earlobe before whispering, “Good, because I’ve been wanting to get you out of this dress from the moment I saw you in it.”
Pulling back, he grabbed the bottom off the dress, pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side.
He inhaled sharply, his eyes slowly trailing over every inch of your body.
“You’re so beautiful...” 
“Kyungsoo, come on-”
“I mean it.” He cut you off, leaning down and gently taking one of your breasts into his mouth, his hand massaging the other. A light moan escaped your lips, your back arching closer to him.
“Please, I want it.”
Kyungsoo paused, leaning back just slightly to meet your eyes. 
“What was that, baby?”
You whined at the way he insisted on teasing you. 
“I want you to fuck me! Now!”
“...” Without saying another word, he quickly began to unbutton his shirt, throwing it off to the side before reaching down to unbutton his slacks. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, batting them teasingly at him. 
“You are absolutely going to regret that.” He pulled his pants down slightly, along with his underwear. 
Up until this point, you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into. Now, however, it was painfully clear. As he pulled his pants down, you got to see the size of him for the first time. He was huge. Would that even fit? Oh god. Is it too late to say a prayer?
“Come here.” He commanded, and you felt obliged to immediately obey. Pushing yourself up off of your back, you made your way over to him at the edge of the bed.
“Open your mouth, angel.” 
Though you could feel your cheeks heating up like a furnace, you did as you were told, and he placed a hand on the back of your head, the other guiding himself past your lips.
The moment you took him in, he gathered your hair into his hand and slowly pushed you down on him, inch by inch. He only stopped when he felt you gag on him.
“You okay?” You looked up at him, obviously unable to speak, you nodded instead.
“Good. I’m not all the way in yet.” He pushed himself to the back of your throat until he bottomed out, letting out a hiss of pleasure as he held your head there.
After a moment, he slowly slid out of your throat enough for you to take a breath through your nose, right before forcing his way all the way back in. You looked up at him through your eyelashes again, watching his expression as you hallowed out your cheeks around him.
“Oh, fuck!” He cursed, burying himself all the way back into your throat again before looking down at you.
Your eyes were watering as you tried to take him the way he liked it, wanting to make him feel just as good as he made you feel.
“That’s a pretty look on you.” His hand tugged your head back, allowing you one more breath before he started to fuck your throat at his own pace. The way you hallowed your cheeks around him elicited a few deep, needy groans.
With every gag you made, the harder you felt him get. Just when you thought you were going to pass out from lack of oxygen, he pulled out of your mouth with a pleased sigh.
“I can’t wait anymore.” Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around your waist and laid you back down on the bed. Still trying to catch your breath, you collapsed into the sheets. Just then, you realized how exposed you were to him. Feeling embarrassed, you closed your legs, hiding your face with your hands.
“Oh no you don’t,” Kyungsoo muttered, spreading your legs open wide by moving his body in between them. He reached up and grabbed your hands gently in his, moving them away from your face.
“Sorry, I am just a little self conscious...” You pouted, a blush on your cheeks.
He scoffed before reassuring you, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” and looking down at your body. You felt so exposed under his gaze.
He reached down and pulled out a condom from the crumpled mess that was his pants, but you grabbed his hand to stop him.
He looked down at you with concern, expecting you to say you changed your mind and you weren’t ready. He was just about to move away, before you spoke up.
“Uhm... This sounds weird but... Can we not use the condom?”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, a little apprehensive, but also a little excited. “You don’t want to use it?... Why not?”
“It’s just...” you groaned, not wanting to explain that it was something you were into. There were a lot of things you were into that you weren’t ready to tell him about, but maybe one wouldn’t hurt.
“I’ve always thought about doing this, without a condom...” You hoped he wouldn’t ask you to explain any farther, and luckily, he didn’t need you to. A smirk spread across his devilish lips. He planned to take advantage of this.
“Oh?” He gripped your hips and tugged you closer to him on the bed, his hand positioning himself just perfectly before he slowly, slowly pushed the head of his dick into you. Even with your pussy dripping from arousal as well as your own cum, he still had to grab your thighs to help him push into you.
He groaned and cursed under his breath again before locking eyes with you. “Is this what turns you on, baby? You like when I’m in you bare like this?”
The only reply you could manage was a moan, that sounded more like a whimper.
Unsatisfied with this, Kyungsoo gripped your legs and raised them up over his shoulders once again. “Brace yourself baby.”
You nodded and prepared yourself. He was the first man you’d ever been with, and you’d always heard the first time hurt.
You were taken by surprise when Kyungsoo gripped your hips and forced his full length deep inside you, sending shocks of nothing but pleasure through your whole body and forcing a loud moan past your lips.
“W-why doesn’t it hurt?” You asked him, deeply confused.
“I am an incubus, nothing I do is meant to hurt you, unless you want it to.” Leaving it at that, he slid almost all the way out of you before slamming back inside, hitting your cervix. 
You let out another yell of pure bliss, reaching up and gripping your nails into his arms since they were all you could reach.
Kyungsoo reacted by letting out a low growl, pulling out and roughly slamming back in. As he began to pick up the pace, he made sure to hit your cervix every time, a little reminder that he wasn’t wearing protection.
Immediately you felt overwhelmed, but not enough for it to be unpleasant. This isn’t what you imagined your first time to be like at all... it was so, so much better. As you clasped your hand over your mouth to try to keep the embarrassing noises to a minimum, Kyungsoo changed positions, practically folding you as he leaned down.��
One of his hands pulled yours away from your mouth while the other reached down, his fingers rubbing circles on your clit as he buried himself all the way in you, staying there for a moment.
“Don’t cover your mouth. I want to hear you scream.”
As if by command, you felt an unexpected orgasm already building. Was he really about to force you to get off from nothing but his fingers?
Yes. You felt your second orgasm rip through your body, causing you to scream Kyungsoo’s name as your nails dug into his back. The way your walls squeezed around his dick with every pulse made him let out an audible moan. 
You expected him to let him once you came, but he didn’t. He looked down at you as his fingers roughly circled your clit, the over stimulation feeling like a blinding heat.
“S-S-oo stop! wait! I ca-an’t!” You tried to stutter out, but he chose to ignore you for just a bit longer. Watching you unravel underneath him was driving him crazy, he couldn’t get enough of those beautiful moans.
“What did I say, baby? Fucking scream for me.” His hips suddenly began slamming back into you again, angling himself up to fuck himself into your g-spot as he viciously circled your poor overstimulated clit. It almost hurt, but in the best possible way. 
“fuck! Kyungsoo, fuck, don’t stop!” You cried out, lifting your hips to meet his with every single thrust. 
Kyungsoo’s thrusts began to lose rhythm, his free hand digging it’s nails into your hip to try and ground himself. He was losing himself in your pleasure, unable to help but feed off of it.
“Baby, I’m going to cum... fuck!” he hissed out as you clenched around him again.
“Come inside me” You groaned, lost in your own pleasure and wanting to share it with him.
His eyes widened as he looked down at you but didn’t slow down even a little bit. “Are you sure?” His thrusts as well as his breathing becoming shallow.
“Please, Soo, please cum inside me!” You cooed, about to lose yourself in your third orgasm, your head getting foggy.
Letting out a growl, Kyungsoo took hold of your hips and fucked you with an aggression you hadn’t seen in him before. He tilted his head back and let out a loud string of lewd curses before forcing himself all the way inside of you, his dick throbbing as he began to fill you with cum, more spilling into you with every pulse.
You cried out in ecstasy, your third orgasm approached rapidly as he released inside you, making your toes curl and your back arch. Kyungsoo stayed inside of you, not ready to pull out just yet. With a few absent minded and shallow thrusts back into you, he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“You did so well, baby.”
You were absolutely exhausted. All you wanted to do was sleep. With the last of your strength, you reached up and wrapped your arms around him, bringing him down into your arms and peppering his face with loving kisses.
Kyungsoo chuckled and pulled you against his chest, pressing his lips to yours. In that moment, laying there naked, holding each other in each other’s arms, he realized what love was. He knew that he loved you.
Just then, pain shot through his entire body and he let out a shout of surprise.
“Kyungsoo! Are you okay?! What’s wrong?” You panicked, sitting up and looking at him for any obvious injuries.
The searing pain only grew in his body and he shot up in bed, looking over to you desperately, begging for help that he didn’t think you could give.
“Soo?!” You shuffled closer to him and pulled him into your arms, bringing his head to your chest and holding him as close as you could. You didn’t know what to do, but you hope that if you did have any angel in you, it would help him instead of hurt him here.
Kyungsoo reached up, his hands digging into the skin of your back as his demon form seemed to be taking over again. You’d only seen a glimpse of it, but from what you did see, it was terrifying. But you weren’t going to run away from him this time. You couldn’t possibly leave him alone in pain like this.
He let out another cry as he gripped onto you, drawing blood that you ignored. With a flinch, you brought him closer, whispering reassurance into his ear.
“It’s going to be okay, Soo. You’re okay, I’m here.” Your fingers brushed through his hair slowly, and you heard him growl. Huge horns that you hadn’t seen before sprouted out from his skull, twisting in odd directions as he held onto you.
You lifted Kyungsoo’s chin up with your fingers, making him look at you. His eyes were pure black, and he appeared to be crying in pain. his teeth were clenched and his nails continued to dig into your back.
You placed gentle kisses on his cheeks, forehead and nose, just like he had done to you earlier. “It’s okay, Soo. I won’t leave you again.”
He hid his face in your shoulder, nearly stabbing you with those damn horns. You rested your head on top of his, whispering any loving thing you could think of to him. 
All of the places you’ve always wanted to go, all of the things that made you happy, all of the pretty things in the world that most people didn’t give a second glance to. Anything to distract him from his pain.
“I love you, Kyungsoo.” You finally said it, and you meant it. You wanted to wait until you meant it.
Kyungsoo froze, moving his head from your shoulder to look up at you. “What?...”
“I said, I love you, Kyungsoo. I love you.” You repeated, laughing. The situation wasn’t humorous in any form of the word, but it was all you could do.
Only a moment passed before Kyungsoo let out another shout, hiding his face in your shoulder again. Your arms curled around him once more, but not long after, you felt something your your arm.
Shocked, you opened your eyes and looked down, seeing a horn laying on the ground from where it bounced off of your arm. You looked up just in time to see the other horn fall off along with it, and you were absolutely confused.
“Kyungsoo?... Are you okay?...” 
He didn’t answer, but you could see his skin and nails fading back to normal, right before he slumped against you in exhausted.
You carefully laid him down back onto the bed with his head in your lap and just ran your fingers through his hair, occasionally brushing them along his skin comfortingly. When he finally opened his eyes and looked up at you, he looked like he just fought a war. He looked exhausted, like all he wanted to do was sleep.
“Soo... What just happened? Tell me you’re okay” You brushed his hair from his forehead, looking down at him.
He took a few moments before rolling over so that his face was in your stomach, groaning like a child who didn’t want to wake up. You let out a laugh and roughly pinched his cheek. 
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!”
“Ow, hey!” He whined, making you sigh with relief. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know, I-... Everything just hurt so badly out of nowhere, and then I blacked out...” He closed his eyes and you pulled the blanket over him.
“Well... I saw your full demon form, and your horns fell off... and then you passed out.”
“My... what? My horns fell off?” He sat up way quicker than you thought him capable of in that moment. His hands lifted up to touch where his horns would have been. Finding nothing, he let his arms fall back to his sides, looking dazed.
“Soo?... What does that mean?”
“Well... It means... I’m not a demon anymore?” his tone sounded as though he wasn’t even sure if it was real.
“What? You aren’t? Does that make you, like... human?”
“I think so... here, stab me with a nail” he pulled a nail out of the wall where a painting used to be, handing it to you.
“St- you want me to stab you? Are you insane? Absolutely not!” You pushed his hand away, glaring at him.
“Well, alright.” Kyungsoo took the nail and pushed it to his arm, immediately drawing blood. “ow!” He hissed.
You quickly retrieved a band-aid out of the night stand, putting medicine on it and placing it over his arm. “That was a terrible way to find out!”
“but it worked” he chuckled, easing your worry a bit. “Well... Now what do I do? I’ve never really... been in this position before”
The poor guy looked so lost. So you wrapped him up in your arms and laid back down with him again, this time under the covers. 
“Well, I think we both deserve a long, long night of rest, and then we can figure that out in the morning.” You smiled and leaned forward, kissing him softly.
Kyungsoo smiled against your lips, his arms wrapping around your waist as he brought you back against his chest. “That sounds like a great plan. I like that.”
“I love you, Kyungsoo.” You muttered, already on the verge of falling asleep.
Kyungsoo stared at your face as you drifted to sleep, never thinking anything could be so beautiful. He found a reason to be something different than what he was. Something better. Something that made him better. There was no way he was going to lose you. Not after everything you’d been through in such a short few months. From now on, he’d commit all of his time to treating you like the angel you truly were.
“I love you too, y/n.”
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from An Adventurer’s Guide to Romance Part 1 of the series collaboration between myself & @guardians-of-exo​! Her moodboards are amazing and we are totally thrilled to present this series to all of you! Please go check out her blog, and enjoy! Pairing: Chanyeol x reader Rating: M. Words: 5k
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The towering man swallows air, looking at Kyungsoo and releasing some of the tension in his jaw. “I’m starved,” he says simply. His voice is what you would expect. Deep and husky, but his whiny complaint of an empty stomach is so soft that it pulls a gentle laugh from your lips.
He notices you then, standing there leaning over cuts of meat with fingers full of waxed twine. At first, he simply surveys you, curiously taking you in upon meeting for the first time. It takes but a moment for you to be vexed by him completely.
His eyes sparkle with something lively, a lopsided smile growing across his face and he shakes a bit of his silvery hair from his eyes. Large ears frame the sides of his head, but they look good on him. A handsome face sitting atop a tall and lean frame. He’s fitted with heavy armor, plates shining silver with shades of blacks and browns between the leathers. His mantle is the darkest shade of black, and there’s leather cut and dyed to resemble red scales across the gorget.
There’s a sound of pounding footsteps drawing closer and closer from down the corridor, just beyond the fickle door of the kitchen. It’s frantic enough to make you look up from your task, your hands turning idle. You’re not used to commotion in the castle yet, having only been here for little more than one week.
Your hands, in turn, are enough to furrow the strong brow of your mentor, Kyungsoo. Curious why you’d suddenly stopped from helping him salt and tie cuts of pig shoulder, his ears finally catch the sound.
Not a moment later the door bursts open, the old wood slamming back against the stone of the wall as a large man with eyes the size of dinner plates enters the wide room.
“Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo mutters, concern knitting his brow. He stands fully and pats the salt from his hands on his apron as he approaches the taller man, “What’s the matter?”
The towering man swallows air, looking at Kyungsoo and releasing some of the tension in his jaw. “I’m starved,” he says simply. His voice is what you would expect. Deep and husky, but his whiny complaint of an empty stomach is so soft that it pulls a gentle laugh from your lips.
He notices you then, standing there leaning over cuts of meat with fingers full of waxed twine. At first, he simply surveys you, curiously taking you in upon meeting for the first time. It takes but a moment for you to be vexed by him completely.
His eyes sparkle with something lively, a lopsided smile growing across his face and he shakes a bit of his silvery hair from his eyes. Large ears frame the sides of his head, but they look good on him. A handsome face sitting atop a tall and lean frame. He’s fitted with heavy armor, plates shining silver with shades of blacks and browns between the leathers. His mantle is the darkest shade of black, and there’s leather cut and dyed to resemble red scales across the gorget.
This man, Chanyeol you think you heard, appears to be just as stunned by you. His eyes meet yours and his gaze seems to sear your skin. Enough that Kyungsoo’s movement startles you as he makes his way to a table on the opposite wall. You follow him with your eyes briefly until you snap back to the knight in the doorway.
“What did his Majesty say?” the shorter man asks. He leans back against the table and tosses an apple to Chanyeol. The larger man nearly drops it, caught off guard at having to remove his eyes from yours.
He takes a sizeable bite, chewing thoughtfully with a furrow in his brow and a huff. “He won’t let Baekhyun go, obviously.”
“Prince Baekhyun, you mean,” Kyungsoo corrects, but Chanyeol waves him off, frowning at the floor.
“You know that doesn’t work with us. Besides, you never call me Knight Captain, either,” he says dismissively. Something about his uncaring for political status doesn’t surprise you, even though you don’t know him. It makes you smile.
“I’m not training the men hard enough. I’m not training hard enough. These Draugers are brutal,” he comments, staring a hole in the planks as he takes another large bite.
“You’re exhausted,” Kyungsoo nods, unfolding his arms and coming back to you. “Take another piece and go get some rest. Dinner will be served same time as always.”
You think you’re being nonchalant, the way your eyes keep meeting the handsome knight’s across the kitchen, even as he exits and your mentor loudly slaps the cut of meat on the table between you with more salt and a raised brow.
Later that evening, after much work to clean up the kitchens just to make a mess of them again tomorrow and a hard earned bath, you’re humming softly to yourself.
You’re a bit too wide-eyed to sleep. It’s a fine evening, clear and just the right side of warm for the middle of Spring. A walk should tire you out enough to rest well.
Reaching the balcony at the end of the staff wing, you step to the edge, overlooking the barracks. You can hear laughter from the sentinel tower a few yards away from the large balcony you stand on as you peer down into the courtyard.
You’re low enough to hear and see a man practicing. Sparring with a few wooden dummies as he dances fluidly between them, gracefully swinging a sword that looks much too heavy for one arm.
You’ve never been out here while anyone was practicing. The hour is typically late enough that the yard of the barracks is empty of soldiers, save for the sentries in the tower beside you. It briefly makes you curious about the conversation earlier this afternoon between your mentor and his friend, the Knight Captain.
A grunt reaches your ears from below. You see the man drop his sword and flop to the ground, spreading his arms wide as he breathes deeply to the stars. His hair glints silver in the light of the moon, and his ears protrude as he pushes it back from his forehead.
A blush tints your cheeks when you realize it’s the handsome Chanyeol. He’s working hard, and you recall Kyungsoo telling him earlier to rest. Biting your lip, you peek to back into the corridor to make sure there’s nobody around.
Grinning, you taunt him, “Didn’t my mentor tell you to rest earlier!?”
Immediately, he sits up, shaking his head and looking up at the balcony. It takes him a moment to register your familiarity. It’s easy to see his answering smile, beaming at you from below.
“I’m caught! I don’t listen very well, do I?” he laughs loudly, waving at you before he looks around the training yard.
You smile, “I suppose the Knight Captain doesn’t have to listen to the Head Cook.” Relaxing, you lean over the railing to talk with him.
From even three stories below, he’s attractive and radiates a warmth that makes you feel several ways at once. Most prominently, desire. An attraction that you should not feel, given the large difference in your status.
“I suppose not,” he says before adding, “But Kyungsoo is terrifying. I don’t want him to poison me.”
You both laugh at his remark until a rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance, interrupting your conversation. Chanyeol rolls his shoulder, plucking his sword from the ground as if it were nothing. “You should get inside before you get soaked,” he tells you. His voice is low.
“Perhaps I like to be kissed by the rain,” you reply simply, biting at your lip again. Your intention is not lost on him, standing there in the dark with the light of the moon catching the sheen of sweat across his skin. He tilts his head sharply once, clicking his teeth.
When he looks up at you again his expression is undeniably mesmerizing, “That’s too bad. I took you for more of a burned by fire kind of woman.”
You smile, deliberately crossing your arms tightly under your bosom as you lean over. “Who said anything about not liking that, too?” you chide.
Chanyeol grins up at you with his wide eyes, about to speak when a door across the yard opens. “Who are you talking to, Captain?” another voice calls. You’re quick to take your leave, out of sight as you walk back to your room.
Three days. It’s been three long, busy days of working from sun up to sun down in the kitchen with your mentor. The diligent and calm Kyungsoo. It’s been three days of Chanyeol coming into the kitchen to complain about being hungry from working so hard and pestering Kyungsoo for food while he sets you on fire with his stare.
It’s been three days, becoming routine, to walk to the balcony before bed and keep the Captain company. Most nights you’re content to quietly watch him swinging his sword, weaving back and forth between the wooden dummies and listening to its singing as the metal makes clean hits across the dryness. You’ll watch and listen and fall harder for him with every hour until he’s sprawled out on the patchy grass breathing ragged. Then you’ll talk.
It’s been about an hour already tonight as you watch him. You’re beginning to learn his fighting style, anticipating the movements of his dancing until a whizzing sound comes from your left followed by a grappling hook over the outside wall.
Chanyeol stops what he’s doing, his head whipping around the barracks quickly as he trots over. Perplexed, you watch as he shoves his arm into a barrel of rainwater to the shoulder. He comes up with a coiled length of rope. Leaning his sword against the stone wall, he steps back and begins swinging the rope. It whips high when he releases it, right around the outstretched limb of a giant tree looming over the castle wall.
Immediately, a figure draped in black flies to it, grabbing it with a longbow and zip-lining down the length of it into the courtyard with a stealthy grace you are shocked by.
“Yah what did you do?” Chanyeol asks lowly, his voice frustrated as he yanks the rope back to himself from the opposite end, stuffing it back into the barrel.
The hooded figure turns, smiling. “Just doing what I do best. Giving back to the people,” says the man. Although you can’t see his face completely, you know he sees you standing there on the balcony.
“Is that her?” he asks, lightly punching Chanyeol in the arm.
The taller man ignores his comment, flinging the excess water from his hands at the figure. “Were you followed?” he urges, plucking the lone arrow from the quiver at his side. Chanyeol wiggles it at the man, “What happened?”
A familiar laugh rings out quietly, “Nothing, nothing. I had to teach a bastard a lesson is all. Nobody got hurt, I think.” The mysterious man reaches to touch at a chunky cut across Chanyeol’s cheekbone, “Take it easy with the training.” But the Captain shrugs his hand away.
It doesn’t take more than one look to understand this figure is the talk of the city right now. A man dressed in hooded robes flitting about the city at night helping the poor. Especially those on the outskirts of the kingdom most affected by the Drauger problems.
Whoever he is, he seems to confide in the Knight Captain. There are too many people working in the castle to even have a clue who it could be, especially given that Chanyeol knows each and every one of them. It could be anyone.
Wrangling his grappling hook back into a coil, the man turns to you fully, “Pardon the intrusion, m’lady. I didn’t mean to disrupt your date.”
He bows to you dramatically and Chanyeol punches him hard in the shoulder, “Shut it.” The silver haired fighter shakes his hair into his eyes, fidgeting. A habit you think is endearing.
“Goodnight. Don’t stay up too late now children,” the hooded figure taunts, raising a hand and waving behind him as he swipes his last arrow back from Chanyeol’s hand and saunters off to the opposite end of the courtyard.
Six more days pass without much change, happily allowing the handsome and fiery Knight Captain dominate your thoughts, flirting with one another in stolen moments.
Today started off no different than the rest. The air in the kitchens smells delightfully sweet as Kyungsoo roasts large cuts of pork in a honeyed glaze for an important meeting between the Lords and the King today. You feel lighter than ever, happily dancing around him to do your tasks, quietly humming to yourself and drawing his heart-shaped smile out into the open.
There's a rapping at the door before it opens. You think it's Chanyeol until you realize he doesn't knock, instead revealing an unfamiliar and beautiful woman. She sweeps into the room until she sees you and halts her stride. Since she's wearing plate armor with the palace crest, you wonder if she knows Chanyeol.
Perplexed, you watch her with a raised brow, looking to Kyungsoo and hoping he'll dispel your confusion. His smile widens imperceptibly to anyone other than you. The corners pivot down as he fights to outright grin at the woman standing in the middle of the room.
"Ah, I'm sorry," she begins. "I was looking for Knight Captain Chanyeol. I thought he might be here begging for food." Offhandedly, you think her laugh is pretty. Everything about her is pretty. She doesn't look any less stunning in her armor- if anything, the glittering of her silver mail only serves to accentuate her beauty. It almost makes you jealous.
Kyungsoo moves away from the hot kettles, wiping at his brow with the back of his forearm. He stops beside you, hand heavy and warm where it pats you on the shoulder, "Good day, Lieutenant. Thankfully, he hasn't." Your mentor pauses, then adds, "But I'm sure he'll show up later."
Normally, you wouldn't think anything other than confirming agreeance with Kyungsoo's words. This was different, the way he said them as a question, with perhaps room for something more to grow. The air tastes charged with something unknown but not unpleasant.
In your peripheral, the kettle roils noisily and you rush to stir it quickly before its contents bubble over the lip. Your action appears to break the atmosphere around the room. It dissipates like a wisp, leaving you to stare between them and wonder if there had any been any tension at all.
"Right. I'll take my leave then," says the Lieutenant, patting her tasset with both palms lightly. "I'm sorry I disturbed your work, Master Cook," she comments with a sweet smile directed first to him and then you. You return the gesture, watching her retreating form until it disappears through the door.
Immediately, Kyungsoo flocks back to you with a knit brow and a smirk tucked into his cheek, urging you to let him take over. "I've got this," he says to you without looking up from the kettle. "You've got to get out there soon, so go ahead and finish plating."
There's not enough time to dwell on the sudden appearance of the beautiful Lieutenant. Rather, you follow Kyungsoo's instruction to finish arranging the meats. With the Drauger issue, staff in the palace has been diminishing, but none of you can bring yourselves to talk about it. As such, you've been enlisted- although begrudgingly- by your mentor to serve the Imperial meeting the meal you've spent all morning preparing.
With a sigh, you muster up your most polite smile and set to work. Your smile becomes genuine, an excitement carrying your feet gracefully when you enter the great hall carrying a large silver platter on your palm, only after you've noticed the Knight Captain standing behind the King at the head of the table.
It's obvious he was not expecting you here, either. His smile grows mega-watt and he fights to mask it as he watches you set the platter on the table. You exit, bound to return with the next platter followed by a third.
One of the Lords is picky. He is needy for your attention, intent on keeping you as close as possible while you flit around the long table to fill goblets of wine. You do your best not to frown too deeply every time he steals your eyes away from the handsome Knight Captain.
Something in Chanyeol's poise has shifted since the last time you locked eyes, seconds ago. He appears frustrated at having to remain still, although it's more a display of powerful resolve than to actually protect his King. Perhaps it’s the hot afternoon sun shining on him through the window, festering beneath the heavy mail he wears and scorching his skin to a rosy flush. The way his hair is becoming damp and sticking to his forehead with sweat. An image you find yourself wishing were reality under different circumstances. Ones where he isn’t wearing anything and neither are you.
Having such thoughts publicly makes your own cheeks heat with blush, realizing how wrapped up in him you are, and he hasn’t even put his hands on you. The thought makes you want to cry, such a tragedy is that revelation.
Chanyeol’s eyes never leave the man speaking to you, desperate to burn him to ash with his stare alone. Normally, helping would be fine and well. Except in that this Lord seems to think he can assert himself to petition you freely. Heavy handed are his unnecessary advances against your hip or arm when he speaks, and you can feel his beady eyes following you around the room, focused on your bosom. You also feel Chanyeol's gaze raging like an inferno, his aura flaring wildly and ready to explode like gunpowder every time the Lord touches you.
You try your best to ignore the bile that rises from your gut. What are you supposed to do? You’re brand new here, and only the Cook’s assistant. Better yet, what is Chanyeol to do? He’s too important to break his code of conduct, no matter how much it bothers him.
It’s hard for any of you to focus on your duties. The Lord, at least twice your age, flicking his gaze between you and his King. You, trying to avoid the Lord’s reach and watch Chanyeol’s face while serving the table. Chanyeol, trying to keep his composure while his eyes sear daggers into the Lord’s figure when he isn’t watching you. Every time your eyes meet he’s looking at you intensely. As if to ask you, to make certain that you know you’re his.
His unspoken claim over you shouldn’t make you excited, and yet the thought sets a slow and heavy heat in your center.
Two hours pass this way, running in and out between the great hall and the kitchens and being as polite as you can tolerate to the Lord that continues to advance upon you, until Kyungsoo comes to find you and pull you back to the kitchens.
“I’m sorry my Lords, my King, but may I request my assistant return to her duties?” he asks calmly, folding his hands and letting his gaze plow across the room.
Even the King seems to accept Kyungsoo’s disturbance. “We’re nearly finished, you may,” he acquiesces, waving you off.
On the walk back, your mentor is silent but his brow is furrowed, expression set in a frustrated scowl. “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry it took so long,” you apologize.
Kyungsoo remains silent until you’re through the door and standing in the safety of the main kitchen. He gently grasps your wrist and spins you to face him. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I came to check on you and could plainly see someone was bothering you, though,” he says. His eyes are large as they survey your face. His jaw is tight.
“I’m fine. It was just a Lord making passes at me,” you reply, shrugging it off. He didn’t hurt you, and it’s over.
Kyungsoo reels back for a moment, his head whipping to the door just as a large man appears. You didn’t hear him coming down the corridor, and yet, the Knight Captain is standing in front of you looking entirely displeased. A deep frown sours his handsome features.
He reaches back to slam the door closed with more force than necessary, causing you to flinch from the sound. His eyes are wild as he takes one long look at Kyungsoo before he takes your wrist gingerly in his grasp.
There’s a palpable silence between you. The dark color of his eyes pleads with you momentarily until Chanyeol remembers where he is. Standing in the kitchens of the Palace he protects. For the family he swore his life to.
He blinks rapidly and swallows thickly, releasing your wrist and stepping back. A breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding wheezes past your lips. You touch at your skin subconsciously, feeling a pleasurable burn where his fingers grasped you although you remain unharmed.
He huffs audibly and turns around, leaving you in the wake of your mutual frustration. The cloud of your lust is so dense you physically wave your hand in front of your face to clear the air.
Spinning on your heel, face aflame in embarrassment of such an act in front of Kyungsoo, you peek at him to realize he is a saint. You’re very thankful that he lets you keep your modesty and privacy.
The butterflies in your stomach cause disruption to your appetite for the rest of the day. Kyungsoo sends you out of the kitchens early when you refuse dinner, under strict orders to rest.
Given his blessing, you hoped a long soak in the tub would quell the fluttering and churning in your stomach. For the most part, it did. The heat calmed your nerves until the water turned tepid and forced you to crawl into your bed for a nap.
Hours have passed when you’re disturbed by a knocking at your door and someone calling your name. Your eyes open, adjusting to the darkness left by the sun’s disappearance from the sky.
“Y/N.” It comes again once... twice. It’s a familiar voice. One that makes you shake the sleep from your eyes to answer.
The knocking sounds urgent upon your approach. When you open it, you blush. Much to your heart's delight, it’s Chanyeol.
“Knight Captain? What’s wrong, has something happened?” you ask, rubbing the last remnants of sleep from your eyes.
He huffs and glances around the dimly lit hall. You understand what he wants and step aside, allowing him into your room. Immediately, he shoves the door closed and crowds you against it.
Fully awake, you swallow around the thickness of your throat. His eyes are bright, even in the darkness. The moon spills a bit of light through your open windows. It’s just enough to catch the edges of his silver hair in a glow.
Everything about him is still except for his eyes and his breath. You’re not sure if it’s his or yours but you can hear a heart thundering against ribs between you.
Briefly, his eyes close as he curls his lips over his teeth in a determined line. “Tell me,” he croaks.
You look up, meeting his stare when he reopens his eyes. Throat dry, you lick your lips and swallow again. Chanyeol’s eyes follow the motion. “Tell you what?” you whisper.
The Knight Captain leans closer, letting his hands curl into fists against the door on either side of your head. His withering self-control sets an inferno under your skin. Ironic that the one who makes you feel like you’re on fire is the one you crave to soothe the flames.
His lips are close enough that you can see the faint scar running down his bottom lip and chin. “Don’t make me say it,” he pleads. “Even as the personification of fire itself, I'm burning alive." He swallows once, "I'm desperate."
A smile curls your lips after a moment, realizing what his statement meant. “Put your hands on me,” you sigh.
And so he does. His grip is precise. Certain and strong with where he lets them touch first. One like a brand searing into the back of your neck, holding you there so his lips can meet your own. The other pulls your hips from the door to have you flush against his body.
Immediately, your arms reach for his shoulders, matching him in your desire. Your nails scrape across the broad expanse of his back before you decide to tangle them in the back of his hair and pull.
The Knight Captain growls against your lips, his tongue demanding to dance with yours as he tries to consume you whole. His hands are on both hips now, easily bunching your night dress high enough to hoist your thighs around his hips.
His mouth moves, teeth nipping under your jaw and biting harder at the side of your neck. He places wet, open-mouthed kisses down your chest as far as he can comfortably crane his neck. A sharp moan breaks from your lips as he bites hard into the flesh above your constricted breasts, sucking the flesh after to soothe his bite.
He carries you with only slight difficulty through the darkness across the room to your bed, letting your body greet the linens softly. It doesn’t surprise you that Chanyeol is a man of purpose. When he puts his mind to something, there’s no uncertainty. His movements are measured and resolute, only pausing to admire the way you’re looking at him from below.
Although you don’t need to, you beg for his touch with a whine you couldn’t have suppressed if you tried. His eyes flick up to your face and there’s an explicit hunger emanating from his posture, further accentuated by the boyish grin tucked into his cheek.
Chanyeol bends, caging you beneath his frame as two fingers pluck impatiently at the knot of your gown. He doesn’t bother to untie it completely, satisfied with the loosened freedom he gains- enough to pull the bodice down roughly, exposing your breast to his eyes.
His mouth follows, tongue and breath like flame licking at your skin. The attention he laves across it makes you squirm, moaning praise. Your fingers thread into his hair again, pulling the strands.
Your lover moans, a deep and breathy sound that has you squeezing your thighs together. Chanyeol doesn’t miss the action, wasting no time in bringing a hand to your center and rubbing to bring you some relief. He savors your cries of pleasure, drinking them in with a purr.
Suddenly, he sits up, flinging his tunic from his frame. With eyes half-open you gaze at him. He’s pink, you notice. From the tips of his charming ears, across his cheeks to his nose to his broad chest. As if possessed, your hands rise of their own volition, sweeping your palms over his skin to feel. You wonder in amazement how he handles the heat of his own body, not unlike a blazing inferno beneath the surface.
You admire him for as long as he can stand, comparing him to that of a phoenix. Burning bright and hot, immortal and infinite and magical. Powerful as the creator of fire itself, and too beautiful to touch.
And yet you do, letting him burn you to ash just to be reborn as his all over again. He has you this way at once. And again at the moon’s peak, and then again just before the sun begins to kiss the sky.
You dread leaving the bed. For the moment, you don’t. You choose to let your fingertips wander the expanse of the Knight Captain’s back while he dozes. It reminds you of a battlefield. Bruises, scars old and new and a few pocked marks paint him all over. A bruise the color of wisteria vine curls around a blade of his shoulder. A long and jagged line saws across his spine to his ribs. There’s an unnatural ripple of flesh lined with small dotted scars on either side curving with the swell of his buttocks.
“None of those fights I lost,” he slurs, voice heavy from use and the cusp of sleep. With a relaxed sigh, he pulls your fingers up to his lips, turning his head to face you against the pillow.
You smile at him, “I’m glad for it.”
His grin widens, a gentle chuckle growing from deep within his chest, “The palace nurse sometimes isn’t.” He stretches, sitting up on his palms to rub sleep from his eyes, “She keeps me alive, but she says I try to kiss death too often.”
Tilting your head, you admire him in the light of the sunrise, skin glowing with the embers of your shared desire, quelled for the moment.
“Says I’ll put her in an early grave with worry.” Chanyeol’s smile is easy as he stands. His hair is a wreck, and you touch at your own, suddenly aware that it likely looks worse than his.
You dress in relative silence, stealing glances at one another across the room with soft smiles. You’re just fixing your hair when a loud knock at your door makes Chanyeol jump back, clutching his naked chest. He’s about to fetch his shirt when a voice stops him in his tracks.
“You’re late!” Kyungsoo’s stern tenor reaches through the door. With wild eyes you look to Chanyeol, who simply mirrors your expression.
Clearing your throat, “I’m sorry Kyungsoo, I’m coming now!” You reach for the door but Chanyeol stops you with an arm, spinning you into his chest.
You realize just how much of a romantic he is, tilting your face up to meet his lips quickly. Just as soon, he releases you and steps away so he can’t be seen from the open door.
Pulling it open, Kyungsoo is not amused when his eyes meet yours. He waits for a moment, finally turning away and saying, “I was expecting to see the Knight Captain on the other side of your door. I’m glad, I was afraid I’d have to poison him.”
“Goodness, no! I didn’t sleep well since I was feeling ill yesterday!” Your answer comes a little too suspiciously, laughing loudly while you follow him down the corridor.
Kyungsoo smiles but says nothing, pretending not to see the dark bruise peeking over your bodice. He pretends, when Chanyeol lies through his teeth later that morning about why he has the appetite of a dragon, that he didn’t see Chanyeol’s discarded tunic laying on the floor beside your bed.
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exoxobsession · 4 years
Spring Days | Chapter 4 |
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Characters : Kai x You, Sehun
Genre : Fluff, Angst, CollegeAU!
Description : Friends become strangers, trust is gone, he betrays their friendship, she moves on. What if they meet again? Will they become friends or stay as strangers with memories?
Part : 1 |  2 | 3 | 4 | 5
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, so many things have been going on lately.
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[Time skip]
It’s been two years since you’ve been away from home. If you were to be honest, you could say you were hiding. You hated how much impact he had on your life. You despised him. No, you didn’t; you were disappointed but mostly angry. It was like a breakup, but worse. Many people asked why you were so hung up on him, but they probably never lost a best friend.
You were packing up everything, moving back home. You won’t hide anymore. Your parents didn’t know you were coming, you planned on making it a surprise. There was one more year left of University, and you were leaving, so you would finish in Korea.
Boarding the plane, you put on your headphones, and slept the 14 hours of travel. You made friends here, you even dated only for it to turn out disastrous. You didn’t have feelings for any of them, maybe attraction or lust, but never love, you were sure they were the same.
You had daily calls with your parents, and even Sehun. Your friendship was strong, he knew you every day, and you knew his. You didn’t have feelings for him; he was like your brother, plus he was younger than you, you didn’t like younger guys.
You reached for your pocket to turn the volume up but panicked when you couldn’t feel the familiar weight. Panic filling your mind. You searched your pockets like a manic, not caring about the weird looks you were getting. Deciding to check your bag, you ripped your bag open to find it in there peacefully. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed it and sat down.
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You woke up at the feeling of someone shaking you, looking up to find a woman smiling at you, “We’ve arrived dear, wake up now.” she breathed with a gentle smile. She looked like she woke up as well. “Thank you.” You thanked her and grabbed your bag and hers too. Handing her bag to her, you departed the plane and fished through your phone to call a cab.
After you got into the car, you told the man the address. You looked out, noticing the familiar roads and shops pass by. You missed this place. It took around 30 minutes to reach your house. Exiting the car, you walked up to your house, only to find the smart lock, locked. What? You dialled your mom’s number.
“Hello?” You spoke first.
“Hey, dear.” she greeted.
“Are you guys not home? Why is the smart locked not working?” you asked, confused.
“Oh… no, we’re in China right now. And your dad disabled it, just in case. Wait. You waiting outside now?” she explained.
“I wanted to surprise you guys, but it turned out like this. When are you coming back?” you sighed.
“It’ll take a long time dear, some people aren’t cooperating.”
“Then where am I supposed to stay?” you asked, clearly not happy.
“Tell you what, the neighbours are a group of boys your age, you can stay with them, I’ll talk to them,” she suggested.
“MOM!” you shouted.
“Y/N, they’re nice and I’m pretty sure you won’t leave them alone if they do anything, right?” She joked.
“Fine,” you spoke with still a bit of laugh. Then she hung up.
A group of boys started walking in your direction. Not thinking about it much and started scrolling through Instagram, but a silhouette fell on you, making you look up. There stood a boy with perfect facial features, not too tall but a bit taller than you. “Yes?” you started not knowing what to say.
“Are you Y/N?” he asked, showing you his radiant smile. You cleared your throat, “Yes, I am.” you stated with a slight nod. You shoved your phone into your pocket. “I’m Junmyeon, your mother called me and told me about your situation,” he said holding his hand out, which you took and shook and let go.
“Let’s go?” he was nervous, you just nodded, trailing your suitcase behind you to the mansion. “Uh, Junmyeon, mom said that a group of you so, how many of you are there?” you asked, looking at his oh-so-perfect side profile. “Twelve of us,” he said, still looking in front. Your eyes widened at the high number of boys that lived in this mansion.
He opened the grand door leading you inside the house. You looked around, and your eyes landed on the bunch of boys scattered in the front parlor.
“Wow, Junmyeon, weren’t you dating Minji? Did you break up with her?” the one that looked like a camel said.
“What? No!” he denied before you could. Your eyes then landed on a familiar boy. He turned around and when your eyes met, he jumped off the couch and engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Sehun.” You breathed while wrapping your hands around his neck.
“I missed you. So much.” He nuzzled his nose into your neck.
“Me too, Sehunnie.”
He finally let you go when you heard someone clear their throat. “You know each other?”
“Uh, yes. We’re friends.” You responded.
“I think we should introduce ourselves,” someone said, and you turned to look at them properly. Now that you inspected them, you noticed that every one of them was handsome.
“Hi, I’m Jongdae,” the camel from before said.
“Kris.” The cold one briefly introduced himself. You tried to smile.
“I’m Chanyeol, nice to meet you.” he smiled, which you immediately mirrored.
“I’m Baekhyun, ho-”
“Bacon?” you accidentally blurted, your hand going to cup your mouth, but before you could apologize, you heard a deep laugh coming from Kris. Everyone turned to him, “Did you just laugh, Hyung?” Bac, Baekhyun asked, not at all hurt from the nickname you gave him, but mostly focused on Kris’ laughter.
“Wah, this is the first time I heard him laugh.” Jongdae retorted.
Kris immediately stopped and was about to say something, but the door opened, letting a few other boys in. That when you saw him. Jongin. What was he doing here?
“Y/N?” his honey voice called out. A small, inaudible gasp escaped your lips as you tensed up, feeling tears filling your eyes, memories flashing through your mind. You thought you could ignore him, but you weren’t as strong as you thought. Why? Why was he here? Is he living here? Millions of questions you had no answers to.
“You know each other?” Chanyeol’s voice broke through the air, while you blinked away your tears.
“I know her, she’s my-”
“I don’t know him.” You interrupted him, you didn’t want him to finish that sentence. “Can you show me to my room, I need to freshen up.” you politely asked Junmyeon before anyone can say anything.
“Sure, come on.” he led you out of the parlor and up the stairs.
“This is the guest room, you can use it. There’s a private bathroom in here, you can use it, and if there’s anything else, you can tell me,” he said before going back down.
The room was pretty decent; you didn’t want to unpack; you weren’t going to stay long. Walking around to the window, you saw that the view was beautiful; the sun was at its lowest point, the clouds different shades of red and orange. Deciding to take a shower, you opened your suitcase and took black shorts and a white tee.
After your shower, you were in a debate about whether or not to go down. That when someone opened the door, you immediately looked up. “Sehun,” you sighed in relief. “Come for dinner,” he grabbed your hand and led you down to the kitchen.
The kitchen fell silent as soon as you came. “Please, don’t be awkward because of me,” you said uncomfortably as you hid behind Sehun. “Of course not.” Chanyeol piped up. You were thankful for this giant because as soon as he spoke the tension reduced by a fraction.
Dinner was awkward, even though Chanyeol and Baekhyun made jokes. Maybe it was just you. You knew Jongin was looking at you, you could feel his eyes on you. Quickly eating whatever Kyungsoo made, you exited the kitchen. Walking up the stairs, you noticed another flight of stairs. You followed them only to be led to the rooftop. Your breath hitched in your throat at the beautiful city lights below you.
You don’t know how long you’ve been there but; you jumped a bit when you heard someone call your name. Turning around as carefully as you can, you saw Chanyeol sitting beside you. “How did you find this place?” he asked. “I just followed the stairs.” You said in a ‘duh’ tone. “Are you okay?” he inquired. You turned your head to face him, only to see him already looking at you.
“I mean, it’s none of my business but, but you looked kinda, I don’t know how to put it but, lost and scared.” He pinpointed your feelings.
You just gaped and turned away. “Jongin told me you both know each other, but you denied, and you were lying. Did something happen?” You could see him turning to face you, probably seeing your tears. He quickly added, “I didn’t mean to, oh god, you don’t have to tell me,” he panicked.
You laughed as tears in your eyes escaped. “We know each other, more than anyone. We know each other like the back of our hands,” you wiped the tears in your eyes. “I don’t what I did, he just started ignoring me, I tried talking to him, but he-” you choked on your tears, as he wrapped his arms around you. “he walked out of my life like it was nothing, so being the coward I am, I left. And seeing him again, I don’t-” You felt safe around Chanyeol. No, not that kind.
He rubbed your back as a way to calm you down, but you cried. You showed no one your tears, except your mom. “Y/N, look, I knew him longer than I know you, but let me tell you were an asshole for leaving you like that. I don’t know how it is like to lose a friend, and I hope I won’t either-” you let out a breathy laugh on his chest. “-but what I do know is that you shouldn’t waste your tears on someone who doesn’t care about you.”
“And instead of him, I want to take his place, because I just knew you were a nice girl, but I also saw that he broke you inside. I want to fix it. Not that way, I just see you as my sister.” he declared.
You just smiled at him, happy that someone as positive as him came into your life. “One question though.”
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krreader · 5 years
EXO scenario → wanting a divorce, because they found someone else.
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pairing: exo x reader ; kim jongdae x sister!reader fandom: exo warnings: mentions of cheating ; language genre: angst word count: 1.8k+
a/n: a very big thank you to @intrepidbeaver​ for suggesting making the reader jongdae’s sister in certain scenarios. I felt like this one would be fitting and I think it’s a wonderful workaround!!!! I hope you all like the angst ♥
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kim minseok
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It had been his fault.. proposing to you too soon after you started dating because his age made him think he had to.
Yes, Minseok and you had been happy for quite some time, but eventually he started to realize that this just wasn't it. This relationship, this marriage, it wasn't what it should have been.
And so he had ended it with that explanation, being honest with you and saying that he had made a mistake and that this was his fault.
That didn't do anything to your breaking heart though.
And the next thing you heard only made sure that it would stay broken for a very long time.
“You talk about this as if you know what you want already.. who you want,” you were looking him dead in the eye while he avoided eye contact at all costs.
Because he was guilty of what you had just accused him of, “I'm sorry.”
He didn't need to say it, that broken voice, that slump of his shoulders that made you see that he was ashamed of himself..
All of that was enough to shatter your heart into a million pieces.
kim junmyeon
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You had always thought your husband to be a very loyal man. One of the many reasons why you had fallen in love with him in the first place.
Never in a million years would you have suspected him to be cheating, not during his very busy idol days where he'd be gone for weeks and not now that he had settled down.
But that's what you get for trusting someone so blindly.
“(Y/N), I'm sorry,” he tried to apologize, but to no avail. He wanted to know how you had found out when he had been so careful, but he assumed one of his former members might have said something. None of them who knew about him and the other woman were happy about it. All of them knew you ever since you started dating Junmyeon, you were like family, like a sister to most of them.
They wanted to protect you, shield you from this heartbreak.. but nobody could do that. It was already too late for that.
“Get the fuck out, Junmyeon! Get the fuck out and don't you dare ever come back here!” you threw one piece of clothing of his after the other at him until he was finally out the door, then you slammed it closed and leaned against it, slowly sliding down and pulling your legs against your chest..
..and then you cried.
And as Junmyeon heard your sobs, his forehead fell against the door and he closed his eyes, suddenly wondering if this other woman really was the right choice for him like had assumed.
zhang yixing
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Your husband leaving you after years of marriage was horrible in itself, but your husband leaving you for someone you knew and once called friend was double the heartbreak.
That, you were currently experiencing as you looked at the picture of her and Yixing together, not knowing whether to throw up or throw your phone against the wall.
He hadn't told you why he had wanted the divorce - only that he didn’t think there was any other choice - and he still claimed that him and his new girlfriend, your former friend, had gotten together after you and him had broken up, but you knew he was lying.
Looking back at it, you should have known that he had found someone else with all the time that he had spent away from home.
Yes, Yixing was a busy man, but that didn't excuse him from not coming home for one week straight despite him being in the same city as you. He at least could have slept in his own bed.. or maybe he did.. just that his own bed didn't mean his and yours anymore at that time already too.
You closed your eyes, wiping away your lonely tear and then got up to make yourself something to eat, forcing yourself to keep going.
You felt empty, but you knew you had no other choice but to move on.
He was happy.. just not with you anymore.
You had to come to terms with that.
byun baekhyun
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Three days.
That's how long the decision of your divorce with Baekhyun was a final one.
It took them only three days to make an official statement about it.
It was all anyone talked about now.
SM Entertainment's statement about Byun Baekhyun and your upcoming divorce.
The press added the rest. The rest that you already knew and now, unfortunately, the rest of the world too.
He left you for another woman.
SM didn't say it, but the press did. The press said it like it was and didn't sugarcoat it. Baekyhun didn't deny it and neither did SM.
And then everyone just looked at you with so much pity, because you were left by the great Baekhyun for another woman. Half of the people gave you that: 'I told you so' attitude, while the other half were pretending as if it was somehow your fault.
In conclusion, the entire world made you feel like you weren't enough anymore.
So it was a little hard thinking differently yourself.. and that was one of the worst things.
Letting it get to you.
kim jongdae
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“I came as fast as I could,” Jongdae dropped his jacket, keys and everything else he was holding and pulled you close as soon as you were in his arms, gently brushing over the back of your head, “I'm so sorry, sweetheart.”
He was angry at one of his members for doing this to you and he would definitely have a word with him, but for now what mattered the most was making sure his sister was okay. He needed to be with you when you needed him the most.
And that's all he could really do.
Because nothing he could say would make this better.
All he could do was show you that you weren't as unwanted as it might seem right now. He wanted you to understand that he loved you, he always loved you and he would always love you, no matter what. That even if it might look like it right now, you would never be as alone as his member made you feel.
“I'm right here,” he whispered into your ear, “And I'm not going anywhere,” Jongdae promised.
Nobody would ever replace you to him.
park chanyeol
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Breaking up was a hard thing to do if you truly cared about your partner at one point, but bringing up a divorce – for you – out of nowhere.. now that was just as if somebody ripped out your insides while you were still alive.
Chanyeol was crying as he told you, admitted to you that he had found another person that he wanted to share his life with.
He cried, because he still loved you.. just not like you loved him. He hated himself for that, for not being able to give you what you deserved.
“Is she making you happy?” you asked in a quiet and sad voice.
He didn't want to answer that, because he was afraid of what the answer might do to you, but not answering you was an answer in itself.
And then you smiled and he.. god, he sobbed so hard, because you were so strong, despite him having just broken your heart. You were happy for him. Fuck, how could you be happy for him?!
“You will always be my soulmate, Chan,” you smiled, but a tear or two escaped your eyes nevertheless. You put your hand on his cheek, his own immediately coming up to grab it and kiss your fingers, “Nothing will ever change that,” your voice broke.
do kyungsoo
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How did he think this would work, exactly?
Just hiding it for you for the next five years, living a life with you and with his mistress at the same time?
No. You weren't here for that and you finally confronted him today, after having tried to convince yourself that everything was going alright in your marriage.
The time for lying to yourself was over. As was his time of lying to you.
“I am done, Kyungsoo. I thought I was imagining it, I hoped and prayed I was, but I know I'm just deluding myself here. You have an affair and it's not just an affair to you. Please interrupt me if I'm wrong,” he didn't. He just looked very guilty, “Now, here's what's going to happen. You are going to get up, get your things and then leave this house. I don't want to spend another day with a person that disrespects me like this, despite telling me that they love me.”
Kyungsoo did not say a word.
Because he knew everything you just said was a fact and the only person at fault for this divorce, was him.
He hadn’t put in any effort anymore, because he had found someone that he thought would be better suited for him.
But we shall see.
kim jongin
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“There's something you're not telling me,” you said one night as Jongin was getting into bed. You were so anxious and stressed, because deep down you knew what was coming.
Jongin turned around without a word and turned off the lights and it was only when it was pitch dark, that he whispered, “Her name is Kira.”
And then he came clean, couldn’t stop himself from telling the truth anymore after months and months of lies.
He thought the darkness would make this easier, but it wasn't easy at all.
Because he knew if he turned around, he would see the one he once called the love of his life bawling her eyes out with her teeth digging into her lip so she wouldn't make a sound, because she didn't want him to see her like this.
Jongin left that night and he did not come back.
You should have prepared yourself for this, but can you really do that?
You go into a marriage thinking you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person.. you don't want to think about the what if's.. but unfortunately, sometimes they happen and then you're thrown into disarray.
And it's one of the worst feelings in the world.
oh sehun
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Sehun had been very unsure about whether or not ending your marriage was the right thing to do, especially because he knew he'd go from a marriage into a relationship.
But that's the entire reason of why he would want to divorce you so.. it was right.. right?
“I'm so sorry,” he whispered as he watched you fall apart in front of him and in that moment, nothing made sense anymore.
This wasn't right.. hurting you like this, making you become this shell of a person.. it wasn't right, it couldn't be.
He left, thinking that that might be better and time with his new girlfriend would do him good. 
But it didn't do him good.
None of the weeks after that talk with you were good.
All he could think about was you, all he could worry about was you.
He regretted it..
..only that by the time he came to that realization, you were already over it.
Because you wouldn't let anyone treat you like this, cheat on you and then beg for a second chance, not even Oh Sehun.
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sooave · 4 years
The Problem With Wanting: 2
It’s 2026, and an old celebrity crush comes to haunt your old and cynical heart. You’re doing great at pretending you were never obsessed with him, and finding things about him that you don’t like. Until you’re repeatedly forced to work with him. Until he decides that he’s in love with you.
Genre: I really don’t know what to call this, but it’s not an AU, Kyungsoo’s older and still a celebrity, and it’s friends-to-lovers.
Characters: Kyungsoo x Reader
Length: 1,484 words
Tags: Angst, Slow Burn
Part 1 | Part 2
The instant you got home, the first thing you did (after putting away your supplies and changing) was to sit down at your computer and do a quick Google search on Do Kyungsoo. It had been quite some time since you were actively following him (you could try to dig up your Twitter accounts but that wasn’t worth the time).
EXO as a band had not formally retired, and from time to time would release a song or two. And like their hyungs from Super Junior and SHINee, most of them remained relatively successful in the showbiz. This, you knew. But you had no idea what Kyungsoo specifically was doing.
You almost didn’t want to look. As if becoming informed would bring you one step closer to being obsessed. Guilt coursed through you when you saw the paparazzi shots that popped up from your search. It felt somehow… disrespectful, now that you’d actually “met” him.
A quick scan through the Career section on his Wikipedia page told you that he continued to act in various movies and dramas, but had also released a few solo albums. You raise your eyebrows when you see a few titles that you actually recognize as being critically-acclaimed, but you have never watched them yourself.
He was doing well for himself career-wise; that much was to be expected. Personally, the fangirl inside of you was happy that they all seemed to be doing well.
The Personal Life section remained minimized, and you stared at words on your monitor, debating whether or not to open that Pandora’s Box.
Your cursor hovered over it, and just as you were about to open it and take what you promised yourself to be a brief look, your phone on the table began to flash with an incoming call. A breath quickly escaped you and you immediately hit the shortcut to close the window.
Thanking the gods for the intervention, you snatch the phone up to pick up the call from one of your old-time clients. He was an owner of a Michelin Bib Gourmand traditional Korean restaurant, looking to open up a new location. Your gratefulness to him extended beyond the fact that he interrupted your unhealthy behaviour; he gave a chance on you when you first started looking for contract work in Korea, and it has opened up a lot of doors for you since.
“Hello?” You greeted automatically, even though you already know who called you.
“Ah! It’s me, Kim Yongsun.”
“Yongsun-ssi, how can I help you? It’s been a while.” The computer desk proves to be a dangerous place to be, so you quickly moved to the sofa and laid down, balancing the phone between your shoulder and head.
“Yes… thank’s for being patient, it’s been a little crazy here.” There were rambunctious shouts in the background and you heard Yongsun cover his mic to loudly scold them.
“Ya! Keep it down, I’m getting work done in here!” He hollers. The mic crackles as he returns.
“Sorry, new hires getting excited and all. Anyways… I’m ready to start talking about what you can do for the new location. What time are you free?”
This is one of your favourite parts of what you do. Sitting down with a client and getting to know their dream and understanding how you can help them achieve it.
“I have time tomorrow actually. I’m free anytime.”
“Okay…Hmm.” He seemed to contemplate something before continuing. “Come over to the restaurant at 3:30. I’ll have some food prepared for you,” Yongsun says proudly, as if he doesn’t always provide free lunch for you.
“Wow… you’re so generous,” you thanked sarcastically but couldn’t help but smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You both said your goodbyes and hang up.
Riding on the high that was imagining the success of a client consultation, you scrolled through your phone and reopened the dating app that you haven’t touched in almost a year. It was a little tough to date in Korea, your age aside.
Relationships were successful if the two persons involved had mostly similar values. It was also a well-documented phenomenon that young adults in Korea are staying single longer, and weren’t prioritizing marriage. You certainly weren’t alone in that you were in your 30s and unmarried, but elders still held a strong bias against it.
Back to values. You were absolutely not interested in being a housewife, despite the fact that you keep an impeccably tidy house and enjoying doing so. Your art and career are important to you.
But whenever you happen to mention that you’re an artist and do most of your work from home, men seem to assume that you’d be a perfect for the role of a housewife. The men who were actually on these dating apps were usually looking for a woman willing sacrifice their career for the “home”.
In short, Korean men who grew up in Korea usually did not hold the same values as you.
Nevertheless, you swiped through a good number of men, excited by none of the prospects. And it ended the same, with you throwing your phone across the sofa and closing the app. But this time you didn’t delete the app, because you promised yourself you’d try.
“Hello?” You poked your head through the door of Youngsun’s restaurant and called out cautiously. It was 3:20, and the restaurant was eerily dark and empty. Usually, the lights would be on and there would be a couple of chefs mulling about during the service break. You pulled yourself out of the door and checked your phone for the third time, double checking that you’d gotten the date and time right. You had said tomorrow right? Maybe he forgot.
A minute or two, no one had responded, so you reluctantly slipped into the establishment, tiptoeing your way to the back. The kitchen had it’s lights on, to your relief. Humming of the industrial hood fans and the noises of a knife on a chopping board comforted you.
Still paranoid that you had gotten yourself into a mix-up with Yongsun, you silently slunk your way towards the kitchen. There was a large pass-through window but there was no one visible through it, and you guessed that whoever was in there was towards the back of the kitchen. You poked your head around the corner and quickly shrank back in shock.
The heart in your chest was threatening to jump out of your throat at the sight of what looked to be Do Kyungsoo in his standard baseball cap, thick rimmed glasses, and plain t-shirt, cooking in Yongsun’s kitchen.
You weren’t even 100% sure it was him. But you knew you weren’t hallucinating.
With a growing horror in your chest, you pressed your back against the wall, contemplating your next move. Your two options were to run out of the restaurant and never contact Yongsun again, or to text him and figure out what was going on.
With slightly shaking hands, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and frantically dialled Yongsun’s phone through FaceTime Audio.
His phone began to ring in the distance, and you squeezed your eyes shut. The fear churning in your stomach was telling you that you had completely gotten the time or date wrong. What were the odds that you’d run into your old celebrity crush? Zero. So maybe that wasn’t him in there, but you could recognize Kyungsoo anywhere.
“Ah, hold on, let me get this,” You hear Yongsun say.
The realization that Yongsun or Kyungsoo might be able to hear you speak from outside the kitchen dawned on you, and you practically dove around another corner to get as far as way as possible before he picked up.
Why did I not just text him??? You groaned internally.
“Hey, where are you?” Yongsun skipped the pleasantries, not bothering to say hello.
You cleared your throat and spoke as quietly as possible, heart thundering in your chest and ears.
“Oh… sorry… I just came to the restaurant and no one was there. So I assumed I might have gotten the time wrong.”
“Ahhh,” he let out a bark of laughter, “I forgot to tell you that we were closing early today. Going to have the night off. It’s my wedding anniversary tonight.”
“Wow, congratulations!” You chirped, and immediately slap your hand over your mouth. That was dangerously loud.
“Thanks… but again, where are you? Did you leave?”
You looked around awkwardly. It was pretty much out of the question to tell Yongsun that you were behind his restaurant bar, splayed out on the floor from tripping on your feet.
“Just waiting outside,” you said nonchalantly as you stared at a dustball on the floor.
“Okay well come on in. I’m in the kitchen.” He hung up and you were left with nothing but dread and a dustball.
A/N: I finally finished Ch2, and ch3 coming soon!! I finally have it all planned out. Also, credits to my Apple Pencil breaking down so I couldn’t do any artwork. Who else is staying up right now to watch the musical xiusoo are in??? (hi, @lapetitefangirlperdue)
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gone4neow · 4 years
c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n
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- park chanyeol x oc
- mulan rewrite [very loosely inspired by the disney version]
- warnings : cursing, dark themes, extreme violence
- work count : 3,430
previous chapter or next chapter
Eunyeong stretched her arms as she raised from her place on the ground. An ugly yawn slipped through her lips. For a moment she forgot where she was, but slowly the familiar setting of her tent brought her back to reality. Her mind began to wander back to the previous day's events for just a second before a low grunt filled her ears. Eyes wide, she turned to look down at the ground next to her.
A small yell escaped the woman at the sight of Baekhyun's sleeping face. The sound caused the man to shoot up from his slumber quickly. He looked over at her with concern on his face, repeatedly asking what was wrong. The woman couldn't bring herself to say anything in response. Her hand rested over her racing heart, trying to soothe it.
"What are you doing here?" She finally found her voice again. The man across from her grew red in the face. She watched as he brought a hand up to the back of his neck and rubbed the skin there gently.
"I had a bad dream," he confessed quietly.
Before the woman could even think of a response, the opening of her tent was thrown open and the general's head popped inside. His furrowed eyebrows were accompanied by a frown so deep that it was surprising to see it deepen further when the man spotted Baekhyun by the woman's side.
"What is this?" He asked with a bite to his tone.
Baekhyun began to spit out a string of incoherent words in a rush. Eunyeong stopped the man by placing her hand over his mouth. Her eyes met the general's a few seconds later and she forced an expression of embarrassment onto her face.
"I had a bad dream last night so I asked Baekhyun to sleep here," she explained softly.
A scowl flashed across the man's face at the woman's words before he said, "Get ready to head out. We're going to start for the palace today. We don't have time to waste."
Before either of the soldiers could question the general, he had already vanished from sight. Eunyeong stared at the moving flaps of the tent entrance with parted lips. Baekhyun snapped his fingers in front of her face until she met his eyes.
"Thank you for that," the man told her, his eyes flickering away from her stare. Slowly a small smile stretched across the woman's face. Uncharacteristically, she reach up and pinched his cheeks before she began to coo at him playfully. He couldn't help but grin as he pushed her hands away from him, whining with embarrassment as he did so.
Later that morning the pair still stuck together closely. Eunyeong listened as Baekhyun told a joke to some of his friends. When they all bursted out laughing, she shook her head with a smile on her face. The man was one of the funniest people she had ever met. Sometimes she was envious of how easy it was for him to make others joyful.
Perhaps it was her subconscious trying to cope with yesterday's events, but for some reason the woman felt oddly happy. Even Baekhyun noticed the way the was a spring in her step and he didn't hesitate to point it out. The woman hadn't responded. Instead, her eyes averted ahead of them until they landed on the general's bouncing figure. There was something about the way the man looked so authoritative when he sat on top of his horse that made the woman feel shy. She hated the way she was suddenly noticing how the morning sun sat upon the man's skin so perfectly, giving him a glow that women dreamed of having back home. She especially hated the way she quickly looked away when his head turned just slightly. The woman switched between playing this game and interacting with Baekhyun and his friends throughout the day.
It was late in the evening when the group began to get grumpy. They were tired, hungry, and restless from walking all day without any breaks. The general ignored their complaints, not even bothering to acknowledge they had even spoken. Everyone knew he was aware of the hushed whispers lingering behind him. Eunyeong noticed that there was a strong sense of determination swimming in his eyes. She wondered where this emotion had come from so suddenly, but she wasn't given a chance to question the man. They hadn't spoken since that morning.
Eunyeong grew excited when the outline of a village came into view. Baekhyun met her eyes with an expression of eagerness on his face. It had been a long time since they had been around any civilization. For a moment they feared they would pass the village right up, but when the general led them directly into town a breath of relief flooded out of the soldiers.
The sun was already starting to set when the group came to a stop outside of a large building. The general climbed down from the back of his horse and watched as a tiny woman emerged from the building. She took one look at the soldiers and covered her mouth in horror.
"There's so many," she breathed out in surprise. The general nodded, glancing out at the soldiers from next to her side. Eunyeong's heart fluttered when his eyes found hers. She waited for him to look away. His eyes only left her when the woman next to him began to speak.
"This is awesome. We have to get something great to eat tonight. How much money do you have? We can split," Baekhyun was already talking about how much he wanted to try the food. Eunyeong couldn't help but chuckle and pull out what little money she had. She gently placed it in his hands.
"Don't lose it," she warned him playfully.
The conversation ended when the small lady led all of the soldiers inside the building. Eunyeong felt her chest constrict at the limited amount of space. Men were squashed up against her from what seemed like all angles. She felt Baekhyun try to pull her closer to him after he realized how uncomfortable she was. Slowly, the men began to fill the rooms of the tiny inn in small groups. Eunyeong's breathing was on the heavy side when she was finally able to move freely again.
"We can share a room right?" One of Baekhyun's friends questioned the pair. Baekhyun nodded eagerly before looking over at his small friend.
"All of us?" The woman question with unease as she looked at the other three men that accompanied the stranger. The man nodded with slight confusion on his face.
"Um," Eunyeong started, unsure of what to do. "Sure. I guess that will work."
The men began to cheer while exchanging some sort of handshake. The woman felt out of place as she watched them interact. Baekhyun suggested the men all go out for drinks a few moments later. Suddenly, they were all pulling her along as they exited the building.
While Eunyeong was excited to finally eat something other than just rice, her stomach twisted with nerves as the men around her began to chat. They all shared a laugh as they began to talk about how much they missed the women back home.
"Do you have a woman, little guy?" One of them asked her before he raised a glass of alcohol to his lips.
"Yah, don't dig into everyone's business," Baekhyun scolded his friend with a small, nervous laugh.
"Oh ho, wasn't aware the little guy had a bodyguard," the man replied. The men all began to laugh. Eunyeong felt herself growing annoyed already.
"My name isn't little guy," she reminded the man with narrowed eyes. A sudden silence washed over the group.
"Sorry then. I won't call you that," the man eventually replied.
"Yeah we wouldn't do you like that," another piped up. "Here - have a drink, itty bitty."
The men all laughed again. Eunyeong rolled her eyes and reach for the glass with eagerness. Baekhyun watched her carefully as she tilted her head back and emptied the entire glass down her throat. The men smacked the tabletop with excitement as they chanted for her to down another.
"Hey, take it easy," Baekhyun scolded the woman when she began on her third glass.
"Lighten up. I'm just trying to have some fun with my friends!" She replied, her words already beginning to slur together. He tried to stop her as she emptied the third glass down her throat, but he wasn't successful. He made sure to stop her from reaching for a fourth. When she insisted, he stood up and pulled the woman from her seat. She could barely understand what he was saying as he excused the two of them from the table.
The woman stumbled all over the place on the walk back to the inn. Several times she was distracted by the scene around her. Every time something caught her eye she was trying to escape the grasp of Baekhyun. He felt himself growing impatient as time ticked on. When they made it back to the inn he was relieved.
"Oh that's so pretty," the woman slurred out with excitement in her voice when she saw a painting on the wall of the inn's resting area. Baekhyun scolded the woman and told her to quieten down. His cheeks grew warm at the amount of attention they were getting.
Kyungsoo couldn't help but sigh when he saw the pair stumbling through the hall of the inn. He pushed himself off of the wall he had been resting against and approached the pair with raised eyebrows.
"Oh no," Baekhyun gasped in horror when he saw the man approaching them.
"What's this?" The second hand in command question.
"Too much to drink," Baekhyun sighed as he pulled the woman's hand down to stop her from touching another wall decoration.
"Hi, Kyungsoo!" The woman exclaimed when she saw the man standing in front of her. Baekhyun watched in terror as the woman pulled away from him and wrapped herself around Kyungsoo. She mumbled something incoherent as she pulled at his earlobe gently. The door behind the trio opened a moment later. The general stared in shock at the scene before him.
"What is going on?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
"Can you get this thing off of me and ask questions later?" Kyungsoo huffed with annoyance.
The general didn't have to do much, though. As soon as the woman heard his voice she was pulling away from Kyungsoo. When her eyes found the general she released a low, shaky gasp as if she had just stumbled upon a treasure. Her hands were immediately reaching out towards him. His eyes widened as she pulled him into an embrace. The two men accompanying him watched as the woman nuzzled her head into the tall man's chest.
"I can't believe this," the man scoffed as he met Baekhyun's eyes. "You got him drunk?"
"Of c-course not! I couldn't get him to stop! Trust me, I tried," Baekhyun replied in a rush.
The general rolled his eyes and tried to pull the woman off of him. In response, the woman whined and began to hold onto him tighter.
"What do I do?" The general asked with panic in his voice. Kyungsoo couldn't help but release a hearty laugh at the situation. He bent over with laughter, ignoring the glare he got from the general. At the sound of his laughter, Baekhyun began to snicker as well. The general grew upset as embarrassment washed over him. In response to their laughter, he pulled the woman into the room with him and shut the door in their faces.
Baekhyun's humored expression fell as he began to knock on the door. "Hey! Give him back! You can't keep him in there!"
Chanyeol ignored the man's protests as he led the clingy drunk over to his bed. He tried to pull her off of him, only succeeding when the woman caught sight of the bed on the floor. She released her hold on him and fell backward onto the bed. Her eyes were closed for a few seconds. The general watched with hesitation, not sure if she had somehow fallen asleep or not. He jumped back in surprise with a small yelp when the woman's eyes suddenly snapped open. The noise caused Baekhyun to knock more rapidly.
"Give it up," Kyungsoo told the frantic man. Baekhyun looked over at the man with wide eyes.
"I can't!" He insisted. Kyungsoo gave him a weird look before the man pushed past the soldier.
Eunyeong looked up at the general with narrowed eyes. She lifted herself up slightly using her elbows. Her hair was starting to fall out of its neat bun, laying on top of her face in various areas. She looked like an absolute nightmare, but she still had the nerve to let a smirk form on her face.
"Like what you see?" She slurred confidently. The general almost choked on air. He took a step backward when the woman pushed herself up further. She reach up and took his hand in hers gently. The man's breath caught in his lungs as the woman pulled his hand towards her lips. She placed slow, delicate kisses against his skin as she stared up into his eyes. The action was so tender, so intimate that it left the General flustered. He quickly pulled his hand out of her grasp and took another step backward.
"Go to sleep, Eunyeong," the man instructed her as he learned his throat. The woman sighed as she allowed herself to fall back, flat onto the bed beneath her. When the man was sure that she wouldn't stir again, he turned and exited the room with a hand that felt as if it had just been set on fire.
Baekhyun jumped back as the door to the general's room swung open. He took in the way that the man's face glowed a bright shade of pink. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion when he saw the man cradling his hand to his chest. Quickly, the general let his hand fall to his side. His lips parted as if he were going to say something to the soldier, but then they closed once again as if he had decided against speaking at all. Baekhyun watched as the man brushed past him in a hurry without a word. If the soldier didn't know any better, he would have assumed the general was embarrassed. Never before had he seen his superior so flustered.
Later that night, everyone was settled in their rooms and sleeping soundly. Chanyeol had returned to his room, but he wasn't exactly able to crawl into bed for the night. While this may have been annoying to anyone else, the general was more than content sitting in the corner of the room skimming through a book while Eunyeong slept on his bed. In fact, having the woman sleep in his bed so comfortably brought him more comfort than he was willing to admit - or even accept for that matter.
A low whining sound distracted his reading session. He looked up slowly in search of the source of the sound. After scanning the room for a few seconds, his eyes landed on the sleeping woman in his bed. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched the woman's face scrunch up in distress. Her fingers clenched the fabric beneath her tightly. There was a light layer of sweat coating her skin as she writhed around as if she were in pain. Not being able to stand witnessing the woman in such distress, the general rose to his feet and rushed over to wake the woman.
He shook her shoulders gently, calling out her name softly in an attempt to wake her. For a few moments, it appeared his efforts were only disturbing the woman further until suddenly she shot up from where she lay. Her chest rose and fell wildly as she drew in and released sharp breaths of air. Chanyeol watched carefully as her eyes scanned the room. When they found the man next to her, she visibly relaxed.
"Sorry if I disturbed you," the woman breathed out quietly. Her eyes were clouded over with tears that threatened to race down her cheeks at any given second.
The man took in the woman's tired features with sympathetic eyes. "Does this happen often?"
"Only recently," she confessed as she ran a hand over her face. "When did I get back? I was supposed to be having dinner with Baekhyun and his friends."
"A few hours ago. Baekhyun brought you back and you were so drunk you could barely stand on your own," the general explained to her with a hint of humor in his voice.
"Ah, that would explain a lot... but how did I end up here? I thought I was sharing a room with-"
"I highly doubt you want to know the answer to that. Besides, you shouldn't be sharing a room with a bunch of guys anyways," the man cut her off. She watched with confused eyes as the man took a seat on the floor next to her.
"It's not a big deal when they're all convinced I'm a guy as well," she scoffed in disbelief as she sniffled.
"So you wanted to share a room with them?" The man challenged with raised eyebrows. The woman averted her eyes away, knowing they were both aware it was one of the last things she wanted.
"This is your room then?" She questioned. When the man nodded she sighed.
"Then I'm stealing your bed - I'm so sorry."
The woman went to stand, but the man caught her injury-free forearm and made sure she didn't move. She looked at him with confusion as he shook his head.
"Just stay there. You need the rest more than I do," the man assured her. He watched as she raised a hand and wiped the stray tears on her cheeks away. When she caught the gentleness in the man's eyes, she couldn't help but release a small, choked sob. It was the first time the man had seen the woman break. He hesitated, not knowing how to handle the situation. It felt wrong to sit back and watch the woman hug herself as she cried. So, he reach out and allowed his thumb to swipe across her wet cheek and collect her tears.
"I'm sorry," she cried out.
"For what?" The man asked in return.
“For causing you so much trouble."
"You're okay, you don't cause me trouble," the man responded softly. "Why don't you try to go back to sleep?"
The woman looked as if she were considering his suggestion. At first, she wanted to shake her head - how could she possibly risk having another night terror? But then a thought popped into her mind. She knew that it was pushing boundaries that couldn't be uncrossed, but she had never felt more alone in her life. She missed her home. She missed her father. Everything that comforted her seemed light-years away. She needed something. She needed someone.
"Can you.. can you read to me?" She finally stammered out while giving another sniffle. The man glanced down at the discarded book by his side and hesitated before he nodded. He grabbed the book and moved to settle down next to the woman on the bed. He ignored the way his stomach flipped nervously as the woman turned so that she would be able to see the text as he read.
So, he laid next to her with the book held firmly in his clutches and she laid next to him with her arms curled up against her chest. She was afraid to get too close to the man, yet she was still close enough that the heat from his body radiated onto her skin. Her eyes focused on the characters on the pages as if she were reading along, but the truth was she wasn't able to reach properly. It didn't matter though. The sound of the man's voice mixed with the vibrations of his chest slowly lulled the woman off to sleep.
The general continued to read to the women even long after she had drifted off to sleep again. He didn't want to risk the woman having another bad dream. He read until his words became slurred with sleepiness. Slowly, the book in his hands lowered and his eyelids fluttered shut.
a / n : was this too cheesy?? bc i was cheesin out guys. made this chapter a little extra long + tried to avoid making it too dramatic since most of the chapters are. hope everyone enjoys it and, as always, thanks for reading!
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
It's the 💙 Anon here, so, first of all, be prepared for a long ass text and my shit english. (I'm so sorry for you, but you was the one that asked 🤷🏻)
In the first place, when I came across this type of AU, I was taken a back. I don't know If was the prejudice from Twilight, but I always thought it was some kind of weird fetish?!? (Sorry, but I already paid for that). Anyway, when I started reading the Untamed Series, I was looking for some Suho fics. I had already read the Sins Of The Father, so I thought that I should at least give It a try. So Suho was the first one that I read.
I guess most woman (I said most, not EVERY) dream with the guy that put her above everything, wants to protect her, be with her all the time. That will be loyal and faithful, you can trust on him with your life, and make you feel unique and desired. That's what make me like the AU for itself.
For your writing:
1: Every character has a background, their own personalities, and normal lifes with jobs and school. Even the real people problems. The mates are so different from each other, they're strong and brave. This make us closer to the characters.
2: How much you describe the tiny little things making us picture all the scenes, It's amazing and magical like in one real book.
3: All the stories connect with each other, the references always linking then togheter. Some even occure at the same time.
4: Well, we are talking about 12 members, so 12 different stories. So fucking much criativity.
5: All the slight suggestive stuff 😏
6: Everything It's so detailed that you even put names e and gave faces to the mates. Once I read this fic series with BTS that where connected and the protagonist from one storie would talk to other protagonists. But they don't have names, neither faces. Was kind of confusing.
For my favorite storie It's Suho (obiviously because he's my favorite). Tao's storie It's the second one, but I also like the more complicate ones. Like Jongdae, Luhan and Sehun. Even Kris one are a little dramatic, but I like It.
On Sehun's storie I like that the protagonist actually chose the villain side and even confessed that Sehun had hurt her, showing us that no one It's perfect. It's not a faitytalle, It's real life.
Overall, It's the the whole thing, your writing It's definitly the best I have read until today. You could write actual books, you would became a best seller.
Hope you can undestand what I was trying to say and that I don't stated the obvious. It's hard to express some feelings in english.
💙 Anon
I am so happy that you sent this in to me. I really mean it when I say I love getting detailed feedback. It helps me improve and see what people like and what they don’t like. Also? Serotonin. I snorted at “some weird fetish” because I don’t think that word has ever been associated with my blog. (Please don’t take that the wrong way, I don’t mean that rudely, I really just found it a little funny!) I will agree that a bit of the wolf/mate au trope is having that sense that you’re the only one in the world and that the loyalty is there and unshakeable. Which is something that I, too, really enjoy from the genre. (I’m a softy romantic so I need that to feed the feels).
I love that you enjoy the backgrounds and the side stories of my series. My big thing with my writing is I want it - despite the genre and supernatural elements - to be realistic. I want things to make sense and to have a sense of it really happening. For characters to be more rounded, they need outlining stories and pieces that make them more whole. I enjoy placing them in the stories and expanding (they also help expand the word count *cough*). Putting in the details came from some of the best advice I’ve ever read for a white: avoid the white room. If you don’t explain where your characters are or what’s happening around them, they might as well be in a boring white room. (also, again, word count).
I will not lie, it has been hard connecting all the stories and writing them so they all make sense in the chronological order and build off each other. Especially since I started off the series not really thinking that it would be a series. I thought it would Jongdae’s story and done. Once the popularity hit and people asked for sequels, I had to start the gears. I only planned about a story or two ahead, which I think was the better decision for me because even while writing the story, I was making changes and adjustments, which definitely affected stories later down the line. Creating 12 different stories without repeating myself and becoming boring was difficult. Especially by the time I got to Sehun’s. The big finale. I knew I needed to get out a story that was really different but could also connect back to Jongdae’s in a way. As for the, uh, suggestive stuff... I may not be comfortable with smut, but a girl likes a nice make out too.... 
The face claims for the mates came about halfway through when someone simply asked if I had certain people in mind when I was writing. I knew as I started Kyungsoo’s story, I needed names to keep things from getting confusing, especially since I was adding in the ex-members too. Putting the face claims together was a lot of fun because it actually helped me reinforce their personalities and making them even more different and distinct. 
I love Suho’s was your favorite. I loved writing that one along with Kris’. (I know his got a little dramatic with the rejection, but I got a little self-indulgent with that one...) Tao’s was just so much fun to write because he’s a sassy brat but also has a heart of gold. That kind of contradiction is so great to work with. Playing with Sehun’s mate and having her be more gray and confused and hopping back and forth across the line really helped me grow as a writer because I’ve never written that kind of character before. 
Thank you so much for sending this in to me and for such kind words! I really really appreciate you taking the time to send this in to me. Being a best selling author is my big dream and I hope to get there someday. The fact that you already believe in me in that way means so much! 
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darkfairy-tales · 4 years
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Inception - Chapter Three
Description: As an omega, Hongjoong was always treated wrongly in his pack. So when he is forced to be with an alpha who wasn't his mate he runs away. With little to no idea on where to go. With a small hope of finding his mate.
Character: ATEEZ, EXO, THEBOYZ, etc
Pairing: Ateez x Hongjoong, Hongjoong centric
Warning: Mentions of blood, violence, etc
One hour later all the omegas and betas were there. Hongjoong had never met so many omegas all at once. He was happy to meet everyone. He met the betas Eric, Hwall and Hyunjae from TheBoyz pack house and Hoseok from BTS. And the omegas Jacob, Chanhee and Haknyeon from TheBoyz and Jin and Jimin from BTS. Hongjoong also learned that everyone already have mates and that Kyungsoo, Lay, Minseok, Jin and Jimin was very much pregnant. There were 14 of them in total. "What are we going to do first?" Chanhee asked. "Well first of all we all are going to go shopping." Baekhyun says wiggling his butt showing his excitement causing Kyungsoo to throw a slipper at him making everyone laugh when it hits right on Baekhyun's butt. "But yes we are going to go shopping. Especially for Hongjoong here! New addition of our pack." Minseok says. "But I wanna go eat." Seokjin groans. "This is giving me a headache." Hoseok mumbles as he sat down on the floor. "How about we go shopping first. And then we go eat?" Lay suggests. "That sounds great." Eric says clapping his hand. "How many cars are we going to take?" Jacob asks. "Five. It will be enough for 14 of us." Minseok says. "So that means five of the alphas are coming? Who?" Jimin asks. Just then the door opened. Namjoon, Suho, Sangyeon, Jungkook and Seonghwa walks in. "Ready to go? We are going to be the drivers for today." Namjoon says.
Everyone cheers. They all got down and out of the large park house to where five cars were parked. Ready to go. Everyone slid inside the cars. Hongjoong along with Chanhee, Jacob and Hakyeon sat in the car Seonghwa was going to drive. "Remember. Be careful of your surrounding." Seonghwa reminds them. They all reached to a large shopping mall after a thirty minute drive. "Finally! I haven't had a shopping spree for six months." Baekhyun exclaimed smiling contently. "Baek you had a shopping spree a month ago. And you brought the most useless things." Kyungsoo sassed making the other omega pout. "Oh hush." Baekhyun said.
"Okay we are going to choose some cool dress for Hongjoong here. So me, Jimin, Hwall and Eric will be with Hongjoong and help him choose clothes." Baekhyun says making a group of his own. "Jungkook is going with us for protection. My baby feel very very uneasy when Jungkook is not around." Jimin says with a pout caressing his baby bump. Everyone agreed. Others also formed their own group with one alpha for each one group for protection measure. Even if humans and werewolves were at peace it was still possible for a hunter to be around. Many humans still hated on werewolves.
Hongjoong along with his group goes towards the clothing section. Baekhyun got him lots of cute sweaters, shirts, etc etc making him try out one by one to see which suits him and which doesn't. After 2 long hours they were finally done buying the clothes. Jimin had got maternal clothes. Hwall being the fashionista he was got various stylish clothes. Baekhyun did the same. While Eric got some comfortable shirt and hoodies. Jungkook was already whining at the end complaining how he was already tired and wanted to eat. "Big strong alpha can't handle a small shopping spree." Baekhyun tsked teasingly. "I would rather fight seven wolves all by myself than go on a long ass shopping spree hyung. This is boring." Jungkook says with a scowl. "Honey stop whining. You are going to do a lot more than just shopping spree when this pup pops out of me." Jimin says glaring at his alpha effectively shutting the alpha up causing otherd to laugh.
"Disgusting." a voice said. Baekhyun and others turned around. Their gaze falling on a woman who had a kid beside her. "What did you say?" Baekhyun narrowed his eyes. "I said you creatures are disgusting. You all are a freak." The woman hisses. "What makes us a freak?" Hwall speaks up challengingly. "Because you guy are no human. Men don't get pregnant like your creatures do. Truly disgusting. Poor kid is going to be born a freak. Show some mercy and kill it before it comes out." The woman said referring to Jimin's baby bump. Her words causing Jungkook to growl at her but Baekhyun stopped him.
"If we are freaks then what are you? A disgusting woman who has no idea on how to speak to others. A mannerless woman who is insensitive. We might not be human. But we don't go around cursing other and telling a pregnant person or a couple to kill their unborn children. You are more of a monster than we ever will be. It's sad the poor kid seem to have a mother like you." Baekhyun said his eyes trailing down to the kid who was standing beside the woman. The woman glares at Baekhyun but doesn't say anything as she quickly walks away with her kid from the spot. "Some people are so ridiculous." Eric scoffed. Hongjoong looked at Jimin who had tears in his eyes. "Stupid woman making people cry." He mumbled to himself.
"Jungkook call others and tell them to meet us at the Moonlight Restaurant. We should eat there." Baekhyun suggest. Jungkook did as Baekhyun asked him to do. Later they all had gathered inside the restaurant sitting sround the largest family table where all of them thankfully fits. Baekhyun told everyone about what happened which made everyone angry at the woman. "I should have brought my kitchen knife. Might as well throw it at her." Seokjin hissed with Kyungsoo agreeing. "Let's just calm down and enjoy our day. We shouldn't let some unknown woman's words being the mood down." Lay said. "She is irrelevant to us anyway." Hyunjae snorts. They all laughed at his words. After a while the waiter came and took their orders. The food arriving to them one by one as they all ate happily.
It was already late when everyone was done so they decided to go back home. "Welcome back!! Baekkie I missed you." Chanyeol said running out when they reached. Everyone greeted their mates. And it was the same for Hongjoong. All his seven alphas hugging him one by one. "We missed you so much." San said almost whinning. "Are you alright? Nothing happened out there right?" Yeosang asked. Hongjoong shooked his head. "Can we go back?" Hongjoong asks tugging on Yunho's sleeves. He enjoyed hanging out with others. But this was something new to him. And it was a bit mentally exhausting. "Yes if you want to. Others won't mind." Yunho says. "I will tell them then we will leave." Jongho says as he walks away.
[Time Skip]
When they all were back to their own house Hongjoong was already asleep. Yunho carrying him upstairs. "I am sleeping with our Joongie." Wooyoung said as he went after Yunho. "Should we all just sleep in one room?" Mingi asked. "That is a good idea. But we have to prepare a room for that." Seonghwa says. "For today he should just sleep with Yunho." Yeosang says. "I wanted to sleep with him." Jongho sighs. "Don't we all?" San asked with a raised eyebrow, all of them snickering afterwards.
They all went to their own rooms to change and freshen up. While Yunho was in his room with Wooyoung and Hongjoong on his bed. "I am sleeping here. The bed is big enough for all three of us to fit." Wooyoung says with a pout. Yunho sighs looking at him. "Fine fine. You are such a kid." Yunho gives in. It was how Yunho and Wooyoung ended up in one bed aka Yunho's bed along with Hongjoong between them. "Do you think the Dark Rose pack members will come for him?" Wooyoung asked. "I don't know. But if they do then we will fight them off." Yunho said his hand holding one of Hongjoong's. Wooyoung sighs as a comfortable silence fall over them as they also fell asleep. They will protect hongjoong no matter what.
[Dark Rose Pack]
"You all promised me his hand. But you all let him escape?" A man growls. "Seungwoo I swear. We tried hard to get him but his mates stopped us. Namsoon hasn't even recovered from how the alphas of that little shit had beaten him up." Hongjoong's uncles says. "We are getting him. One way or another." Seungkwan says. "Why do you want Hongjoong so much? You can find a greater mate than Hongjoong?" Hongjoong's uncle asked. Seungwoo smirks. "He is special. That's why." He answered vaguely as he walked out. 'I will get you back Hongjoong. Just wait.' He thought to himself smirking as he walked away leaving Hongjoong's uncle frowning in confusion.
What was so special about Hongjoong?
[Inception Masterlist]
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Hello guys! I know this is not that great. But I still hope it was a bit enjoyable. Stay tuned for the next chapter. It is going to be real fun because lots of things are gonna happen. And lots of secrets are going to be revealed.
Don't forget to drop a like and reblog this! You can also check out the whole Inception masterlist and the main masterlist for other stories. Especially Yunho x Hongjoong fanfic "100 Degrees"
Love you all! Buii~ ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
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The Price of Privilege - Part 11 (A Kyungsoo Series)
Genre: ANGSTY ANGST / Romance / Arranged Marriage / Royalty AU
Characters: Kyungsoo X You
Description: The time has come to marry the man your family has selected to take your hand. As royalty, these important matters are arranged for you, but when you meet your soon to be husband, he is nothing like you expected.
The Price of Privilege [M]: - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 , part 9 , part 10 , part 11, part 12 , part 13 , part 14, part 15
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How had it come to this?
There were a few seconds when you touched him. It wasn’t that he allowed it but Kyungsoo no longer remained present inside of his own mind and simply did not fight the burden of your hands on him.
In those few seconds, when your hands ran along his trembling shoulders and his body shook with the ragged sobbing that took what was left of your heart and splintered it to match his own — in those few seconds when the sticky warmth of his skin connected with your cold fingertips your words jumped up your throat and bounced along the back of your tongue — in those seconds, you wavered.
“K-Kyungsoo...no,” you aren’t a monster — they wanted to spill out. — May is alive. The truthful words, the reality behind the lies and the tricks and the whole honest-to-god of it all. You tasted it. It tasted nice, like fresh clean water in the hot desert sun. You wanted to swallow it down and quench the thirst that raged through your body, drying up your cells and making your brain go mad with the need for it. You felt like you were dying without it.
You could stop his pain. The tears that spilled from his closed eyes and ran down his face that he made no move to dry. You could tell him the truth; May was alive and the ruse had been a ploy by Sehun to save her life; to save his baby. Kyungsoo didn’t kill her. He didn’t kill that innocent life that grew in her belly. They had only needed to trick him and the queen up to this point and now that she was alive and you would swear upon your whole life to him that her safety was the only goal. You never wanted to deceive him.
Would he buy it for a second?
Would he really believe that this convenient moment of spare honesty was somehow superior to the countless piles of lies you were now buried under?
And what of the tape.
What of the evidence you had gathered against him; evidence that could destroy him, strip him of his title, probably even be used to execute him if the tape was spun against him in the right way. A prince in line for the throne, found to have dealt the killing blow to a powerful monarch — his own mother, what kind of monster indeed — then gone through great lengths to cover it up.
The public would demand his head.
You had known of the tape’s existence because of May. You’d known of Kyungsoo’s involvement in his mother’s death for the same reason. May knew of the tape because of Sehun and Sehun had the most to gain from exposing Kyungsoo as a murderer and a traitor to the crown. With Kyungsoo out, Sehun would be that much closer. Sehun’s own flesh and blood brother Jongin would be next in line and he would gain that much more influence and power. Power was something Kyungsoo believed every single one of his brothers craved like oxygen. His mistrust in them went deep and no amount of your insisting that they weren’t out to destroy him would make him believe you hadn’t committed the ultimate betrayal.
He would not let you live. If Kyungsoo knew the truth — that he was not the monster he called himself, that he was not responsible for another death, but a victim of your lies — surely he would not let you live.
Maybe your life was easy to give him. You had never had much of one to be honest.
But all the others?
He would exact his revenge with a strong swift hand that would reach out to your family, your country at home whose government; whose people stood to lose so much if this marriage did not take place. How many would starve when the economy failed? Families would suffer and children would die. Your father, who had promised so much to his people would shoulder the blame and shame would follow your family’s name for generations.
Your honesty would spare Kyungsoo of this pain but so many others would suffer. So many innocents would die.
You had always known that this marriage was not about you. It was not about Kyungsoo. It was bigger than even the both of you combined and it had the power to crush and the power to destroy. It had the power to save lives and feed children and the lives of so many people depending on you and him just owning up to the task and doing what was expected of you — doing what you had promised.
You wavered in those few seconds. You teetered along the edge your choice. One choice to spare him and him alone of this monumental pain; a salve of honesty that would destroy everything you had been trained your whole life to protect.
His skin felt alive and raw under your comforting hands for those few seconds and your words pushed up to the tip of your tongue before you swallowed them back down and exhaled a soft cry from deep inside your body. You could feel the warm wetness of the tears that ran down your face and you let them fall as you swallowed down the honesty.
You deserved this pain for the crimes you were committing against the man you loved.
The polished marble floor felt like ice against your knees and you sank hard, ignoring the pain that shot through your limbs with the impact.
How had it come to this?
How did you come so far from the way of the righteous? How had you forsaken your own morals and abetted in the destruction of this beautiful human being?
The suffocating sobs were quieting down and Kyungsoo gasped in deeply for breath; his nose too stopped up to be of any use he gasped through parted lips and his eyes that had been sealed tight to the world opened slowly with the plea for air his lungs made.
You still touched him, shamelessly and with these disgusting traitorous hands. You ran your palms over his shoulders, down his forearms, soaking in the warmth of his skin that seeped through the shirt he wore and when his eyes opened you felt the first bit of it, the first bit of him coming alive and coming out of the grief that had nearly drowned him.
The first gasp of precious air was for his lungs but the second was for strength against your hands. He inhaled into the recoil and his arms rose swiftly, pushing hard against your hands that you dared to touch him with. Just enough to break the contact. Just enough to give him that precious space he needed away from you and the multitude of your sins against him. Some he knew of; others he did not.
And as quickly as it began; the sadness, the grief, the all consuming anguish, and the pain, that rose from deep within his chest to swell over his entire being, it stopped. You watched his face as he blinked once and then twice, the second much slower than the first, and the muscles in his face relaxed down to near nothingness as he exhaled every last bit of air from inside of his lungs.
Kyungsoo inhaled a deep breath and he stared ahead of himself into the emptiness of the room, not seeing, nor feeling, nor living - and he turned off.
His hands hung lifelessly in his lap; knuckles red with clotting blood and the rapid and complete shift in his demeanor was alarming enough for you to gasp in a startled breath.
You had no words to give him that could fix it and the touch of your hands had been the last thing he wanted; yet you felt desperate for something, for anything —
“Kyungsoo.” You whispered his name into the silence that had enveloped his existence and he did not move or blink when you called his name.
“Kyungsoo,” you said again and this time you heard the raspy inhale of air he took to inflate his lungs and you saw the gentle part of his lips with the air he pulled.
Would he speak to you? Would he have anything to say about his part in, what he believed was the death of your best friend? Would he have any more to speak about your monumental betrayal of his trust?
“I suppose this makes us even now,” he whispered with a tired hoarseness in his throat and his eyes refused to meet yours despite the desperation with which your eyes crawled over the features of his profile.
Kyungsoo stood on trembling legs and his eyes did not glance in your direction once as he left you. You could not bring your eyes to follow his retreat. His gaze would have no reason to touch upon a woman he abhorred. You had no courage to watch the back of his head, the back of his shoulders, or the stumble of unease in his legs as he left you.
Instead, you watched the broken empty space he once occupied; the dents in the wall where his fist had collided, and the red stains of his blood that painted the scene and the sound of his exit afforded you but a moment of silence before the murmur of voices absconded and strangers began to fret and fuss around you, but not necessarily about you. No. Not one of them was there for you. You had no one here.
Hushed complaints about the damage to the room and to the groom’s suit. Judgements about the precious time wasted on aired dirty laundry that could have been spent on receiving deliveries or fixing decorations or preparing for this abomination of a wedding that would take place in two days time.
Whispers and rumors.
Gossip and scandal.
Strangers’ fingers touched you no more than was necessary to dress you in your own clothing and relinquished you to other strangers who steered you with light fingertips — what you wouldn’t give for just one warm palm against your back. In the backseat of a black sedan you sat alone and gripped your own hands tightly together in your lap and you daydreamed of the warmth and pressure of May’s hand.
The rest of the contact with every other human was superficial and shallow and your chest ached for what you had lost in such a short amount of time.
When you found yourself again; when the dust around the day had settled and the sunlight began to lessen and the nagging unease inside of you that begged for something to happen grew too noisy to ignore; the pull for action led to the item you had been avoiding since it came into your possession.
Your room was as you had left it. The boutique shopping bag delivered by Jun sat beside your bedside table and you could tell by the careful placement of the tags on the garments inside that it had remained undisturbed since he had given you the device that would play the tape.
The tape. Kyungsoo’s video tape.
You’d hidden it well; inside a gap in the third from the bottom shelf on the left hand side of your walk in closet. The gap at the back, between the shelf and the wall, was small enough that one would be unable to spot anything off about it and as you reached a hand into the shelf and felt around the tiny space you felt the flat plastic edges of the small rectangle that had been the source of so much pain in your life.
You might have thought that the unknown was the hardest part about this tape. And while, yes, not knowing what could be on it was a major cause of grief and anxiety for you up until this moment, now the significant agony was the memory of the look in his eyes when he had learned exactly what you had done to him to get your hands on this little thing. The worst had already been done. It was now time to find out why. The reason why you had to do this had to be on this tape.
Your limbs worked on autopilot and you pulled out the laptop May had left behind. Below the garments in the bag sat a rectangle shaped device and what looked to be a larger version of the tiny tape you had in your hand. A center section popped out and you ignored the tremble in your fingers as you clicked the lid closed and carefully connected wires into their respective inputs until you had a rudimentary set up with a player for playing the video, software on the laptop to view and record video and wires running between the two. When plugged into the wall outlet, everything hummed to life with friendly little lights as if the secrets contained within this tape did not have the power to destroy entire worlds.
The first time you pressed play, the video player merely clicked and turned itself back off. A light knock on the side of your temple for your slight in memory was all it took to straighten yourself back out and you remembered that these old tapes required rewinding in order to play from the beginning. It was a little button and the device whirled to life, spinning fast and noisily until it reached the end of tape and another click signaled that the action had been completed.
The button was silent and waiting.
You had come this far.
You pressed play and the screen came to life before you. The software playing the video allowed you to record it as well and you hit the little red circle button as soon as the video began to play, understanding the importance of what you might witness. You knew the video would be backed up on the cloud, as May had always reminded you the importance of keeping back-ups of the really important things.
The beginning of the video was grainy. A view obstructed by a haze of blue. You could only hear bits and pieces of a voice speaking softly to someone else.
It was a woman’s voice and her words were sweet in tone.
‘I got you this to protect you,’ she said, and there was no response at first. And you heard his name, spoken louder, over the sounds of perhaps a television, although the video was still covered by a blue haze that prevented you from seeing anything.
‘Kyungsoo,’ she called again and you heard the first bits of a child’s voice. There was a sound of loud crackling that made the small speakers of your laptop pop with the volume and the video was flooded with light and with the image of him.
His smiling face; he had to be no older than 10 but he was small, and his face full of innocence and joy as his eyes widened on your screen, his gaze fell directly into yours as he looked right into the face of the teddy bear his mother had just given him.
‘You have to remember to bring it back to me once a week, Okay?’ Her voice was calling out to him and grew quieter before disappearing completely as the video turned abruptly sideways and bounced and shook wildly, occasionally catching the view of his tiny feet hitting the cobblestone and then his shoes bouncing atop bright green grass. Then you landed with a thump on your side in what could only be described as a makeshift tent hidden somewhere on the palace grounds; far away from the sounds of anyone or anything that might disturb this adorable child’s very important work.
He was a tiny chef. You saw actual pots and pans and a little boy crouched in front of them, grabbing handles and flipping up rocks and sticks; spilling the contents out onto the ground below without a care. He shouted orders out to his imaginary kitchen staff and rang an imaginary bell when his dish was perfected. He paused once to set you upright from where you had fallen over and you had a better view of the piles of mud and leaves he had carefully arranged on a stolen dinner plate. You lamented that you could not answer the many questions he asked you; his visiting teddy bear friend who had joined him for dinner this evening.
He was playing. He was happy and he was full of so much life and so much energy.
As the video played you fell into it. Giggling with the games he played and growing attached to this happy little boy who didn’t say much to others but seemed to find great comfort in talking to himself and sometimes to you, the teddy bear, who carefully watched him play. While the recording quality was low and grainy, sometimes hard to make out with great clarity what exactly was going on, you soon realized that you had been let into a substantial chunk of the very young life of Do Kyungsoo. Yet you knew, if you wanted to make any significant progress in viewing this thing before your wedding, that you would need to speed up the playback to get through it all.
You’d grown tired of sitting and waiting after the first hour watching without sound as the recording played at 5 times the normal speed and occasional images of a messy bedroom, or that empty tent flew by the screen.
Surely something would happen on the screen. Something significant enough to catch your attention. Something profound enough to signal you to slow down the playback and pay attention.
You half watched now, noting how the lighting shifted as the day turned to night and then to day again. You clicked again to speed up the playback after the two hours of watching the same bare tent wall with nothing happening.
Occasionally, and it was shocking each time it happened, his sweet face would appear — lips moving quickly with smiles that reached his eyes and some toy in his hand that flew around, attacking some other toy in his hand — and you’d slow the playback down to real time to hear the booming battle sounds he made with his mouth.
As the video played, again at super speed since the camera had obviously been left in an empty room alone for a very long time, you let the video run away with it until you saw movement again, walking away a few times to eat or use the bathroom. After long you found mind drifting and you struggled to pay close attention again, occasionally slowing the video to listen to the sounds of some video game, a child’s screaming and laughter, the sounds of play, the view of a tree blowing in the wind on the other side of an enormous window.
The change happened overnight.
The video ran for long, too long and nothing seemed to happen. Yet you sat up straighter in your seat when the sudden realization hit you. The video had been playing fast, super speed, yet the image of the little boy sitting in a ball on the floor was not moving.
With the speed it was playing at he should have been buzzing about the room with toys or running back and forth but in the video, Kyungsoo had been curled around himself on the floor by the window for hours now.
You reached for the video controls and switched to normal speed. But of course, if he did not move at five times the speed he would be absolutely motionless at normal speed.
You sped the video up again, moving even faster this time; looking to move past this stillness. You saw someone enter the room, leave some food for him which he did not touch, and the image of his tiny body curled into himself merely shifted as he fell over into the hardwood floors and fell asleep.
You moved again, maxing out the speed with which the video could play and you watched his tiny body sometimes rise to move lifelessly through his room. Occasionally eating to survive. Getting up only once onto his bed to sleep. Most times, falling asleep on the floor in front of that window. Never once touching any of the toys and games that filled his room. Never once gracing your eyes with his sweet laughter or glorious play again.
He was just gone and it had happened overnight.
Only, what the video showed you wasn’t anything substantial that could be of any use to nearly anyone. Except perhaps a therapist.
The video only showed a beautiful, once happy child changed into the broken shell of a person that you sometimes saw behind those big eyes of his.
The trance-like way he stared ahead of himself, neither crying nor raging, felt achingly familiar and you recalled the last few moments you had with him in the dressing room. After the grief had subsided and his heart and mind turned off any and all traces of humanity — to protect himself.
You saw three days fly by. Three days of this broken child sitting alone and the video ended with the bear sitting in the exact same corner of his bedroom and Kyungsoo sitting motionless by the window.
But, what had happened before this? You had seen nothing that was significant at all. A bit of a child playing, you recalled from the earlier playback, and then the bear was left somewhere without him for a while.
You replayed the day again after the video finished copying into the hard drive of the laptop, moving at twice the speed to save on time. There was some movement as the camera traveled and it changed hands. You saw different shoes and the camera moved between a few different people until it landed into the hands of someone who wore a suit — security of the house, or a butler perhaps and then the view was simply Him, in his room, shell shocked and destroyed.
This tape didn’t have any incriminating evidence against the young child and definitely didn’t show a murder. If anything it showed a complete failure on the part of any of the adults in his life to give enough of a shit about him to protect him, to protect his heart, to help him overcome the soul crushing grief of losing a parent.
What you saw was neglect.
What you saw was apathy and it was criminal.
It made you feel sick to your stomach and the image of that small child sitting alone sat in the back of your eyeballs for a long while after the tape quit playing and the screen of your laptop timed out and shut off.
The regret came to your first. It surged up fast and hot inside of your chest and you felt the tremble in your lips and the burning in your eyes a split second before you felt the wave of guilty water coat over the top of your head.
Had this been it?
Had you been sent on a wild goose chase by May and Sehun to occupy you, to destroy the faith you had in Kyungsoo and to weaken the union the two of you would make?
Had you really destroyed the man you loved, for this? A video of his pain and his grief after losing his mother?
You had been so sure. It was May. Your May. You loved her, she was your very best friend and she had never once lied to you before. Sinful secrets with Sehun aside, this was May!
The image of that little boy flashed into your mind once more and you closed your eyes tight, feeling the unshed tears slip down your face.
When you opened them again, the silence of your own room bore down on you, heavy and destitute. You looked around your large and empty space and the clocks on the wall talked to each other with out of sync ticks, leaving you out of their inside jokes.
You were alone.
You’d lost May.
You’d lost Kyungsoo.
The silence was stifling.
How could you even begin to repair this?
If you spent the rest of your life apologizing for what you’d done, would he ever forgive you?
Maybe if you returned the tape. Maybe if you told him the truth about May. Maybe if you fell down to your knees and begged his forgiveness. Maybe if you vowed to sacrifice your entire life for him.
The sour mood dragged you down fast and you reached for the damned tape, angrily popping it out of the player and gripping it hard inside of your hand. This thing that had been dangled in front of your gullible face and you had fallen for every word so easily.
Your thoughts were a jumble of anger, guilt, loneliness, sadness. You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to talk to somebody, but you had no one. Not a single person inside the walls of this enormous palace who was on your side. No one who was a friend.
Their faces flashed through your mind and with each pass through every single member of the royal family and even through the help, even May, even Ara when you began to feel a little too desperate, one face in particular kept returning to you.
One person who felt, somehow, different than the others
One person who was closer. Who you had already cried in front of once, maybe even twice. One person who was just as lost and confused with even being alive. Perhaps you could run some of your thoughts by him. Perhaps you didn’t have to go into exact details, if you just left out some incriminating details.
You raised your hand to knock on the door.
You didn’t even have a hard time finding his place this time. Although you couldn’t be sure of his motivations with Sehun and with May, you at least trusted him enough to be your alibi. You at least had some faith in him as a friend. Maybe he would be too drunk to be any use. Maybe you could spill all of your secrets to him and he wouldn’t remember them in the morning.
When Baekhyun pulled the door open you took note of a few things immediately. He was wide awake, at three in the morning. And even though he was wide awake so late, Baekhyun was completely sober.
“Oh. Hello,” he said softly, without much of the usual fire and mischief that usually sat inside of his eyes, Baekhyun looked into your face with a little cock of his head and a tiny smile on his lips.
He looked at you for a moment and the tilt of his head straightened out as he pulled the front door of his room open further and he took a step back, clearing the way for you to come inside of his home.
“I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you,” you said softly and he shook his head just a tiny bit. His stance was inviting and you found your legs carrying you through the threshold, stepping lightly into his foyer where you slipped out of your shoes.
You didn’t understand why you felt so at ease with Baekhyun.
Perhaps it was the ultra casual way he looked at you and spoke with you. Although not an equal by any means, he was a self proclaimed bastard with no prospects. You were, down to your DNA, a rightful heir to a kingdom and he was...well, he was…
“Let me guess…” Baekhyun began speaking slowly the moment his eyes left your face and watched down at your feet as you slipped into the slippers you found there.
You looked up into his face when he didn’t immediately guess and you found his eyes tossed up into the air with a finger poised against his face, deep in thought and you scoffed out a tiny chuckle. Your first of the day.
“Umm...cold feet?” His teeth bared with the last syllable and his lips pursed into a small pout when you sighed and shook your head, inhaling a breath ready to speak, to answer him, to come up with some excuse as to why you would show up at his door in the middle of the night, two — actually, now, one full day before your wedding day.
“No, no..let me guess,” he spoke before you could get any words out and he was taking smaller steps into his home as you followed behind him.
It was clean this time. Gone was the booze filled kiddie pool that had occupied the living room the last time you came. You didn’t see a single empty liquor bottle or empty can of beer and all the rooms around you had open doors and they all looked to be unoccupied with sleeping hookers. There wasn’t a single speck of white powder on any of the shiny surfaces of the home and the place smelled as clean as it looked.
He sat down on the sofa and tucked his feet under himself, patting the seat directly beside him for you to sit down as well and you did as you were told. There was a weariness that washed over you as you sat down and you leaned against the plush sofa feeling like you might never be able to get up again if you stayed here for too long.
Baekhyun inhaled sharply and snapped his fingers in front of him, a charming smile widened across his face.
“I’ve got it!” You were pretty sure he didn’t have it, but his enthusiasm was adorable and you felt another tiny chuckle leave your chest. “You have come to the extremely correct conclusion that you have picked the wrong prince to marry and have come to take me up on my many offers.”
You had leaned your head back against the sofa and closed your eyes just for a little while and his guess made you smile right before you opened your eyes back up again to look at his face and let him down gently.
A small head shake was all it took to drop the raised eyebrow from his face and pull his wide triumphant smile into more of a thoughtful pout.
“Okay, I give up. Tell me.”
“Are all you done guessing now?” The smile remained on your lips simply because it was him. He had a power inside of him to lift your darkest moods.
“What’s the point,” he shrugged, “if you aren’t here to run away with me.” He was kidding, of course. You could hear it in the easy delivery and flippantly dismissive words. This was Baekhyun’s charm. Nothing bothered him. Nothing ever destroyed him completely. He was Prince Baekhyun. The nation’s trouble maker. The illegitimate bastard of the king and, who was it again? The rumors had been harsh. Did those words roll off his back as easily as everything else did? 
The son of a whore.
“I just needed a friend, Baekhyun.” Your voice betrayed a bit of your weariness with the sigh that preceded your declaration and Baekhyun had gone quite still and quiet beside you when you said it.
Baekhyun, who was, at his very core, a fidgety person, had gone still and when you opened your eyes again he was watching you without a smile on his face and with what had to be a look of confusion in his eyes.
“A friend?” He said it so low, had he not been completely still you might have missed it.
You nodded once, not quite understanding the odd look you saw on his face.
“...and that friend is...” he was squinting at you now, with his head turned and not quite looking at you head on anymore but his hand was up again and one shaking finger was pointed toward his own chest. With his mouth he shaped out the word me but he didn’t actually say it out loud.
“You,” you said with a bit more conviction than you thought was necessary and the squinting evened out into the regular confused look he had on his face at the beginning of this friend talk.
“Do you… do you need money? Or do you maybe… need a fix of something…” he was running through the possibilities out loud now. “Or maybe…”
Was this really such a stretch to him? 
“No, Baekhyun. I don’t need anything from you. Just — I just wanted to see a friend. I promise, that’s all.” He was watching your face carefully. Probably still judging your words for their honesty and after a bit of silence you felt the characteristic tremble of his legs shaking as he resumed all of his usual fidgety behavior. 
While you hadn’t exactly been Miss Popular in your life, you had at least had May, but something about Baekhyun’s reaction made you a tad uneasy. Why was you offering your friendship such a far-fetched idea?  Maybe he didn’t like your company. Maybe it was unwanted. 
“If...that’s okay with you.” You supplied sheepishly, suddenly losing what little confidence you had in this plan. “I just thought that we seemed to get along.” 
Baekhyun inhaled and exhaled a long slow breath before angling his torso toward where you offered your flawed but no-strings-attached friendship to him.
 “Okay,” he said once and his head bobbed forward as if he danced to the beat of a song that wasn’t playing.
“Okay. A friend. I have a friend.” 
You offered a grin in response and breathed in a steadying breath. But it wasn’t enough. You felt the strange awkwardness that coated the back of your tongue and Baekhyun cleared his throat nervously and looked away from your face now. 
Perhaps this was just a little new to you. What exactly did friends do with each other anyway? 
Talk? Watch movies together and play games together? Joke around and laugh together? Sit awkwardly on a sofa and avoid eye contact until one of you slips and catches the other one looking and has to cover his mouth to keep from spitting out in anxious laughter. 
Baekhyun was giggling now and you bit down on your bottom lip to keep from laughing along too loudly. It took a moment for some of the awkwardness to fade and even then you felt the need to spark up some sort of conversation to ease into this new friendship.
“Baekhyun, can I ask you something?” You slipped into it a moment after his giggles died down and he looked up from the nail polish he had been scraping off of his nails. 
“Oh God, you do want money,” he said immediately without missing a beat and you laughed and rolled your eyes at the question. 
“Why did you help Sehun out?” 
It wasn’t a selfish question to ask. Not entirely. You were genuinely curious about why someone who had nothing to gain from it, would put his life on the line by going against the queen. By lying to the throne and for the part he played in faking May’s death like that. 
Baekhyun was quiet for a moment and stuck a finger inside his mouth, now using his teeth to scrape off the remains of the pink polish. 
“Well, there’s a baby, you know.” He finally said with a shrug. “Somebody should take care of the baby. It’s not like they have any say in this.” 
He had moved on to the next finger and bits of dried polish sat scattered all over his lap. 
“Babies are innocent. And he shouldn’t lose his mother just because of who his father is.” 
You nodded your head, not bringing to his attention his slip of calling the baby a he. Even though this early in the pregnancy, the gender of the baby still couldn’t be determined even with advanced ultrasounds. 
You felt too exhausted to correct him and who knows, maybe Baekhyun knew something about it that you didn’t. 
You looked around with your sleepy eyes, noting how every single light in this place was on and you could see a stack of boxes off toward the side of his kitchen. Close to the room you had been in the last time you visited. The only clean room in the house at the time. From what you could see from your view on the sofa, it seemed like the walls might be a different color in there. 
“Why are you awake so late? What were you doing?”
Baekhyun followed your eyes and looked behind him toward the strangely pristine room that he kept in his home. 
“I’m redecorating.” 
He declared it with a wide smile; abandoning his quest to rid himself of the pink nail polish with his teeth. He stood up from the sofa becoming re-interested in what you had interrupted with your arrival. 
“You wanna come and help me pick? I can’t decide on which curtains I want to use.” 
You welcomed the distraction and rose to follow him into the bedroom which you swore had been completely brand new and unused the last time you’d seen it. You knew what packaging creases looked like on pillow cases. You even smelled the new walls back then; just a touch of fresh paint, covered with some pretty scent in a warmer on the dresser. 
When you stepped inside the room, the color on the walls was indeed different and even the flooring which once had a soft plush carpeting had been replaced with polished wood. 
The furniture was brand new and sitting just enough away from the walls to tell you that the soft blue he had selected wasn’t quite dry enough for anything to be resting up against it.
He grabbed two packages from atop the brand new, plastic covered mattress and held them up for you to see. One was a shade darker than the other, with a gentle striped pattern and the other was sheer bright white. Honestly, either would look perfectly fine with the color of the walls and you shrugged and pointed to the sheer curtains. 
“Can’t go wrong with natural light,” you said and he flung the rejected curtains out of the door and began to rip with his teeth at the packaging around the new curtains you chose. 
You noticed he still had a speck of bright pink nail polish stuck to his bottom lip and you leaned in close with your fingers outstretched to carefully pluck the pink off. He stopped moving his mouth just long enough for your fingertips to come into contact with his skin and the moment you felt the warmth of him you heard the gasp of breath from his surprise. You saw the widening of his eyes too and they crossed as he tried to look down at your hand descending on his face. 
Had you made a mistake? You didn’t think that touching would be off limits but Baekhyun sure seemed surprised enough by the motion.
Nevertheless you got the bit of pesky pink off his lip and it was stuck to your finger now. You held it up for him to see what you had been after but he was staring at your face with a far away look inside his eyes
“You had some nail pol—”
Your words were cut off when he leaned into you quickly and covered your mouth with his own. 
Baekhyun was kissing you on the lips. He was kissing you, why? What? It came as such a shock that you had a one second where every bit of rational thinking just stopped. It was a genuine surprise; you were frozen with it and when the warmth of his exhale, through his nose passed over your face, it signaling for you to wake up and do something about this. 
You pulled yourself away from him, and you lifted both of your hands to lay over his chest. The push was slight, and the second your lips left his he took a step back and away from you. 
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately and there was a look of genuine surprise in his eyes as he lifted his hand up to his own face. He covered his parted lips and you saw a trembling in his hands. 
“Baekhyun, what—”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I don’t know...I’m not good at this. Shit,” the trembling in his hands was worse the more he apologized and you saw wetness inside his eyes. “You’re not going to leave, are you? I’m sorry, I fucked up. I won't do it again. Please, I’m sorry. Don't leave.”
He sounded like he was close to panicking with the shaking you saw and the first drop of wetness you saw on his cheek. 
“Baekhyun, it’s okay,” you said over the rambling he was doing and he closed his eyes tightly and laid a hand over his chest in some attempt to control his reaction.
“Baekhyun, it was a mistake, it’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” You reached out your hands for him, coming just short of touching him and his breathing was fast as his face screwed together with a look of intense discomfort. 
“What—” He panted through gritted teeth and his eyes were closed tightly. “—do you want from me?”
“Baekhyun, I don’t want anything. I just wanted to see you, that’s all. I promise!” There was only so many times you could say it before the frustration of his misunderstanding your intentions with him became too much. 
“People want drugs, or favors, or money, or sex from me,” he raised his voice suddenly and spun on his heels to face you and his eyes were wide and red from the heightened emotions running through him. 
You shook your head, insisting that you had no such intentions in approaching him tonight. But the seriousness that you saw in his eyes took away the frustration you’d been feeling. In its place, a new emotion was surging through you. 
It was worry. You looked at him in a new light now. Seeing the anxious energy that was radiating off of him. The fidgeting and the rapid speech. The trembling in his hands and the tears that slipped out of his eyes even as he blinked fast, trying to dry them, trying to fight this, you softened your voice to him and reached for him, at last.
You felt the warmth of his arm and gripped a hand lightly around his bicep. He was tense and his muscles were clenched down hard, yet when you touched him, he did not flinch away from you. 
“Baek, are you okay? When is the last time you slept? Did you eat today?” 
With your touch, his breathing began to slow and he blinked much slower. There was a pause in his movement and you felt the weight of him lean against your arm. The signal of his acceptance of your comfort made you open your arm and pull him in, wrapping an arm around his back to rub and shush calming circles over his shirt. 
“I—I have to finish this.” He signaled around the room with a free hand and on his voice was the kind of hopelessness that only came to someone who had been futilely working on something until four in the morning. 
“Why do you have to finish it tonight? Can’t it wait until tomorrow, Baek?”
He looked at your face now, his nose pink and his eyes red and bloodshot. He was blinking his eyelids hard as he looked at your face for a long while before he inhaled a breath and lifted his face, suddenly focusing on your face and his expression changed into one of mild surprise. 
Then he looked around the room again. It felt like you’d lost him for a moment and he suddenly realized who you were when he looked at you that way. 
“I—I….don’t know, I’ve always tried to get it done as soon as possible. It has to always be ready. Every moment when it’s not ready is a waste.” 
His words held so much conviction, you did not doubt that he believed this to be completely true. But, why?
“Ready for what? It was brand new before, why did you have to re-do it? What are you getting it ready for?”
His head was shaking halfway through your line of questioning and he was taking a step away from the comfort of your arms that still tried to rub gently over his back.
“No. No. Not for what. For who.” 
As bizarre at this evening had become at this point you didn’t believe he could have said anything that would make today any stranger. 
At least you weren’t alone. If Baekhyun wanted to repaint and decorate and entire house tonight you would be his own personal decision maker if it meant you didn’t have to go back to your place and be all alone 
“She didn’t come before, and it wasn’t good enough. When she comes it must be perfect. I think the blue should be perfect this time.”
You weren’t following. Did he have an ex girlfriend that had demanded that he change something for her? 
The silence on your face and the way you looked at him with a head shake to indicate that you did not understand got him moving again and he looked right into your face now. 
“I’m not crazy,” he said firmly and he bit down on the inside of his bottom lip and did not let the eye contact that he held with you fall. 
“Baekhyun, who is this for?” You’d had enough of the cryptics and the exhaustion of the day was smacking you against the head right now. You didn’t have time for anymore games. He had to quit this and go to sleep. He was making you sleepy with his non stop messing and fussing over the room when it was becoming increasingly evident that he just needed a good night’s sleep. 
“Hey,” you tried again, reaching for his arm now. He gave it to you easily and closed his eyes when you pulled him. “It’ll be okay if you finish this tomorrow. It already looks great. I’m sure she will love it when she comes. She might even like helping you put up the finishing touches.” You felt like you were talking to a young child at this point. He moved his legs where you led him and you saw his face calm over as he sighed a long breath of defeat. 
“But, what if Mom comes tonight? When I’m asleep?” He said softly and you had managed to pull him into the living room, toward what you assumed was his own bedroom. 
When he said that word the exhaustion that had been coating every inch of your skin faded your focus on his face sharpened. His eyes were closed and he was swaying on his feet. He looked ready to drop and you… You were having a hard time with that word he had said because of what you knew to be an absolute fact about Byun Baekhyun. 
“I’m not crazy,” he said again softly when he caught you looking at him again. 
And though you hated to think of him in such a way, you were having more and more trouble with this project of his now. 
Because you’d read all of the articles in the newspaper after it happened. And you heard the rumors and gossip spreading through the palace. Everyone knew it. It was a fact. There was never any doubt about what happened to her.
Worse than the hideous words they called him were the words they attached to the woman. 
That’s what they all said. There was a funeral. 
She threw herself into the sea. Prince Byun Baekhyun, the son of a dead whore. 
The Price of Privilege [M]: - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 , part 9 , part 10 , part 11, part 12 , part 13 , part 14, part 15
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Chrysanthemum I
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If there was one thing you hated from traveling it was the jet lag. You didn’t feel it during the duration of the twelve-hour flight, it did feel strange when you arrived at France technically the same day you left. The city of lights lived up to its glory at night, their brilliance visible from the moment you entered the countries borders in the air. You were a little tired but refused to sleep knowing you would arrive at night. Sleep schedules were not something to mess with, especially come sun rise; when your new job would truly begin. Charles de Gaulle Airport fit right in with the rest of the French scenery: blending in perfectly with the old bourgeoise architecture yet modern society that thrived in it. A sense of wanderlust overcame you, a little bounce in your step. You hoped this would be the beginning of something grandeurs. A new adventure. At the very least, you wanted to make new memories. Who knows this may be the start of something? As you were nearing the exit, a tall burly man dressed in a suit stood out from the rest wielding a sign that reads your name. “Ms. Y/l/n?” You quickly nodded presenting him with the id you had been emailed by Big Hit. He glanced over it once, took your bag, and swiftly walked away. He guided you to the car, opening the door, allowing you to get comfortable before closing it and loading up your luggage in the back.
You began to wonder if all Big Hit staff was trained in the same way; for you tried your best to exchange pleasantries with the man, but he wasn’t interested at all. He didn’t even look you in the eyes which were unnerving. Once inside the car, the man dialed someone likely to inform them of your arrival. His actions perturbed you so much that you were about to text your fiancé until you recalled the roaming charges. Damn capitalism with the need to put a price on everything. The thirty-minute ride dragged on so long you were finding it rather difficult to stay awake. Sightseeing would have distracted you if there was anything to see. The security man had taken a rather bland back road where there were little buildings here and there; everything sort of blending into each other. Not to mention most businesses were closed at this hour. You justified the route as a precaution just in case someone decided to tail the car, but when the car did a sudden U-turn and sharp right, you were just about ready to jump out right there and then. Finally, you returned to civilization the security man pulled up to the stunning hotel. A valet rushing to take the vehicle and open the door. Thanking them, you stepped out and proceeded to grab your luggage. You turned to thank the security man for escorting you safely, but he simply shoved a large envelope into your hands. “In here is all the information you need. Please text the number at the bottom to inform them of your arrival to the room. Have a good evening Miss.” A word was barely uttered from your mouth before he simply turned around sauntering away.
The lobby was overseen by one receptionist and a doorman, who both greeted you as soon as you walked in. You tried your best to be amicable but the heaviness of your limbs and lack of sleep fogged your mind, had you said ‘have a good evening’ or ‘pretty smile’? It didn’t matter. What mattered was the sweet scent of chrysanthemum that enveloped your senses the second you entered the elevator. It steered you in a sense, your finger pressing the top floor, unbeknownst to you. When the doors opened instead of being greeted with a long corridor, it was a ballroom of sorts that lay before you. The golden accents and paintings depicting high French society would have been beautiful in the daylight, but at night they looked harrowing. The top floor was so high up, very little of the city’s brilliance reached it causing dark contours throughout the room. Something drew you out of your thoughts: it was Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier being played on the piano. Its calm alluding nature always relaxed you but for some reason, your body reacted differently this time: the hairs on your body raised, the heart began to pound, and your stomach dropped. There was an overwhelming emotion consuming you and you couldn’t understand why. Not until the person playing the piano abruptly paused to stare at you; eyes widening when they did.
 “If you had lived a different life what would you have wanted to become?” You asked gazing up into the blue sky riddled with large white clouds. He shifted beside you, staring at you with a confused expression. Once you saw he didn’t intend on replying you turned to face him. “I’m just saying. If you were to have another chance at life, what would you want to do with it?” You were treading along a very fine line, but this could be what it takes to get him to open up to you more. He simply rolled his eyes, deciding to gaze back at the sky. You huffed disappointed but not exactly sure in what, it was when you moved to stand up that he gripped your wrist. “I would want to do music,” He sat up grabbing a hold of your chin. “None of that would matter if I don’t get to have you beside me in my next life.” Playfully you shoved his shoulders, “I’m no one of importance.” A dark look crossed his face when you said that, but it quickly disappeared. “Of course, you’re important…you’re my soulmate [y/n].”
Kyungsoo couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. He had felt it yesterday when you had woken up beside him, but he assumed it was nerves since this was an important interview. Only they hadn’t gone away when you had received the job. Truthfully, they had intensified. He could rationalize that it was the idea of no longer having you at home, the breaking of a routine, that was throwing him off. That was easy to accept and easier to get over. It wasn’t the way you had tossed and turned all night, nearly kicking him off the bed. It wasn’t the fear in your eyes when he’d woken you up. Nor was it the strangeness of you having to leave to another continent for a job you’d had for less than twenty-four hours. The problem wasn’t you – it was him. So he didn’t want to cause any more problems and simply dove into his work, until the scent of a particular flower had him running out of his office scaring his secretary who had just walked in. “Nancy, did you put chrysanthemums in my office? Or are you wearing perfume or something?” The young woman was confused, “No sir. I know you’re allergic to them plus I don’t wear flowery perfume it goes away in an instant.” Kyungsoo had never been allergic to anything his entire life, he was a strong athletic kid. The second he began to date you though he developed a severe allergic reaction to those specific flowers. The two of you had discovered this when he wanted to buy you a bouquet only to have his airway close upon him, the second he touched them.
It never happened with any other flowers; just chrysanthemum. Once he was sure the smell had faded – after he ordered Nancy to open up all the windows – he walked back into his office. Sitting in his chair he glanced at a framed picture of the two of you on a date: your hair tied up as you dressed in a heavy coat, smiling brightly at the camera as he stared lovingly at you. A soft smile spread across Kyunsoo’s face before he returned to his work. Everything would turn out fine. He was sure of it.
 “Are you sure it was her?!” Jimin probed, his tone filled partly with excitement and partly with disbelief. Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh, he was hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees. Even in the low lighting, he could recognize you instantly, it was your scent, the way you carried yourself. There were so many things that set you apart, he was sure it was you. “If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have told you asshats about it.” Hoseok who was sitting next to him, rubbed his back trying to ease him. “Did she recognize you?” Hoseok asked quietly, if it was you then maybe they had another opportunity. The heavens had finally decided to smile down at them. Jungkook was unable to contain his excitement, his foot trembling anxiously. “This is what we’ve been waiting for. It’s like what Hobi-hyung and I witnessed.” The youngest couldn’t wait to see you, to get his hands on you...he had waited so long. Jimin who was leaning against the wall stepped forward addressing everyone. “So that means she’s back. That means we can finally-” He was interrupted by Yoongi who finally answered the question. “She ran the second I called out for her.” The spirit in the room dropped significantly, all the elation disappearing. The heavy silence hung on all their shoulders, yet none dared to shatter it, afraid that when it did the glass would pierce their fragile hearts. Until someone did, “What are the odds?” Taehyung’s voice was barely above a whisper, but it held so much weight. Namjoon glanced around the room seeing the crushed looks on his brothers’ faces. It was all too much for him, the disappointment transforming into something else.  “Exactly. What are the odds of this happening again? One in million. What are the odds of her not remembering us? Zero to none.” He declared, standing up from the chair he had been sitting on.
“It doesn’t matter what the odds are. What matters is that she’s returned to us.” There was no way Namjoon would allow you to slip through their grasp again. “Namjoon’s right we need to take advantage of this situation,” Seokjin spoke, his eyes peering across the room. Everyone silently agreeing. “We could bring her to us. She found Yoongi, so something must be drawing her here. The way it does to us.” Jimin couldn’t wait to see you, to hold you, to kiss you. It was decided then. “Tomorrow, we have a day off. Let’s do it then.” Taehyung suggested, he knew the sooner they got their hands on you the better. “Agreed. Tomorrow we find her, even if it means tearing the city apart.”
             You don’t recall what happened after you ran away from the stranger in the ballroom. It was as if your body reacts before your mind did and you knew the flight was the appropriate response. You don’t recall but somehow you ended up in your hotel room, crashing on the clean cotton sheets. The alarm clock next to you, informing you it was currently seven in the morning. You would have continued staring at the red electronic numbers if it wasn’t for the quiet ‘ding’ that came from your cellphone. Groggily you crawled over to the left side of your bed, reaching over to grab the device. There were a few notifications but the one that caught your eye was one from an unknown number. Opening it up you saw two messages: first, an introduction and welcome to ‘the Big Hit family.’ The second, the one that had you bolting out of bed and heading straight for the shower, was a message explaining that Bangtan Sonyeondan would be waiting to formally meet you in their penthouse at exactly seven-thirty. You sped through your routine and managed to look decent, even with the minimal makeup you had applied. Settling for the first outfit you saw in your carry on, you got dressed and grabbed your phone. Making it to the elevator with five minutes to spare.
No word in any of the various languages you spoke could describe the intense mixture of anxiety, fear, and intimidation you felt standing outside those wooden doors. They were quite large and menacing and the scent the room emitted was one that had haunted you since yesterday morning. Perhaps that’s their favorite flower or something. The clock on your phone notified you that it was exactly 7:29:36 but you were still waiting until it was exactly seven thirty – as if the extra seconds would allow you to regain some control over yourself. You took a deep breath and released a long sigh, “Come on, you can do this.” You raised your hand to knock on the door, but it was ripped open by a man you distinctly recognized. “Good morning, I’m the new translator.” Sejin, stood at the door briefly gazing up and down at you before quirking an eyebrow and smiling. “Hello. Just in time, do come in we’re all excited to meet you.” Stepping to the side to allow you to come in, all that you needed to do was step over the threshold and your fate would be sealed – not that you knew that of course.
The second you entered the room, it was like last night all over again, the seductive aroma completely engrossing you. There was a couple of staff in the room: managers, organizers, and the infamous Lee Nayoung. None of them mattered to you stared past them at the group of seven men who had all turned to face you. Their faces displaying various expressions: shock, glee, remorse, want. But simultaneously all their lips grew into a sinister smirk. A dark feeling began to sprout inside your head as you felt the ungovernable desire to go to them. Immediately you cooled your emotions, stepping forward to greet them all. “Hello, my name is [y/n] [y/l/n] and I’ll be your new translator as of today.”
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