#I see the racist anon has nothing else to say
ticklepinions · 6 months
Everyone should read the following. If we are a community you need to understand a few things.
Are you entitled to say anything you want due to "free speech"? Hell yeah!
Should you? Absolutely the fuck not!
The blatant racism, anti-queerness, transphobia, misogyny and fatphobia I have seen is down right abhorrent. And if you display any of these ideologies or opinions, you simply do not belong here. You shouldn't be comfortable making a safe space for yourself as you make this lovely community unsafe for the rest of us.
There is nothing political about human rights. But unfortunately that's where we are in this life. I'll try not to be biased but certain political leanings tells me all I need to know about you. POC conservatives will always make me laugh. You are nothing but a pawn for the cis/hetero/whites who don't give a shit if you live or die. Nothing but a slur, a body to dispose of. You may share their views but they are not sharing the power and privilege they have with you.
Let's talk about certain individuals who act so tough under the "big strong amurican sharing their views just to get shitted on, fucking snowflakes". Why do you want to be oppressed so badly? Why do you purposely antagonize people and then when they defend themselves you try dismissing them by saying how they're wasting their time... The irony of it all. The sheer ignorance.
I feel sorry for you people. Truly, I do. But I'll be damned if I let any of you try to tear any of us down for having opinions and ideologies (hint hint see the irony?) that fight for the rights of people who don't have them.
And let me get something clear- from the river to the sea. We all should not stop fighting till all of us are free. There are so many resources out there to educate yourself, yet you choose to remain ignorant. You do not belong here. You act as though you are better than everyone else because you have "edgy" opinions, opinions that literally call for the deaths of the marginalized and oppressed. You do not belong here. You have the gall to tell people they are wasting their time, when their sheer existence alone is putting them at risk for isolation and death (by the same bigoted people you support). You do not belong here.
If an elephant (Israel) has it's foot on a mouse's (Palestine) tail, tell me which one is truly the one at risk. There is a gen0cide going on. If Israel is trying to reclaim it's "land" why bomb it? Why destroy it? With a military with their degree they should be able to eliminate all these "terr0rists" with minimal to no "collateral damage" (aka the 30,000 innocent Palestinians, 2/3rds of which were woman and children, with countless injured, orphaned, homeless and starving). Why bomb hospitals, mosques, sacred places? Standing with Palestinian people is not antisemitism, it's anti gen0cide and war crimes (a multitude of which Israel has shamelessly committed).
And I'm not on anon. I stand for the people of Palestine. I stand for justice. I stand for equity. I stand for the freedom of all oppressed people.
And I implore everyone who follows me to educate themselves. The right path does not lead you to discriminate against the marginalized. Continue to fight my friends, continue to amplify the voices of those unheard, continue making this community and those you belong to, safe for all and unsafe for those who think otherwise.
For you @knismosexual + @littleonelee
I hope you truly reflect on how your actions impacts this entire community and the communities you live in. Until you learn how to act right, unfortunately this community isn't for you. You shouldn't feel welcome here. You shouldn't feel like you belong here. DMs are wide open if you have any thoughts. But again I say, supporting transphobic, racist, anti-queer, misogynistic, discriminatory views is not simply an "opinion" or personality to adopt. You are hurting real people, accepting the deaths and harassment that plague them every single day. You have no place in this community.
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mrhaitch · 3 months
hi mr. haitch!
i was wondering if you could do a character analysis on suguru geto? i have a hard time understanding how his ideology changed, specifically when he takes it to the extreme and wants to eliminate ALL non-sorcerers. i’d also like to hear your thoughts on the dynamic between gojo and geto… their conflicts and how they drifted apart but never permanently resented the other. lastly, if possible, could you touch on how loneliness affected the two and if it had any impact in their actions, both after riko’s death and after their argument when they split paths
thank you so much,
a curious anon
My knowledge of the series is pretty limited so I can only answer with what I've seen and understood, but Geto and Gojo can be looked at as two different reactions to the same trauma: one blames himself and the other blames everyone else.
That's the core to the changes both of them underwent after Riko's death. Gojo was recognised and elevated as the strongest from birth - the linchpin that holds his society together. Despite the swagger and the ego, beneath is a powerful loneliness and detachment. He has been reduced to a function, with no choice other than to fulfill it, and there's a lot of resentment towards Jujutsu society as a result - they took his childhood, his humanity. His whole identity is based on being the strongest, and yet when he found something he wanted to protect - he failed. Since Riko's death we see evidence of constant effort to master his abilities, to better fulfill his role but at the cost of sinking deeper into the expectations of others. Even so, Gojo comes away with a greater appreciation for the vulnerable, especially children.
Geto, however, did not suffer the same societal pressure - everything about him, his place in the story, is a result of choice and agency. He wants to be a sorcerer, wants to get stronger to protect the weak, he wants to work with Gojo to better the world. When we first meet him, he views his abilities as a means to realise his desires, his ambitions, and - fundamentally - his values.
Riko's death, and everything that followed, robbed him of that ability to choose. Her death meant nothing, a new vessel was found, the world didn't end, everyone moved on. Gojo internalised his feelings of failure and forged on - seemingly unmoved. Geto threw everything he had at saving and avenging her and it changed nothing.
I'll pause here and say that I think Geto and Gojo saw different things in Riko: Gojo saw someone weaker than himself forced into fulfilling a role, Geto saw someone exemplary and unique murdered by the powerless. Perhaps (and remember I'm not an expert here) she came to stand for all of Jujutsu society in his mind - someone with an inherent greatness or importance sacrificed for the sake of people who lack the strength to protect themselves. She was the ultimate realisation of his early beliefs (the strong serving the weak) and it proved to be horrible, far removed from what he envisaged.
But let's focus on their reactions: Gojo went further into himself, into his role, aspiring to realise his full strength to protect others. Geto stopped growing - became bitter, twisted, blaming everyone but himself. He thinks himself a liberator, but in truth he is motivated by an endless appetite for revenge - to take his pain and inflict it on everyone else. It's a response common among men who struggle to regulate and manage their anger and personal set-backs, looking to displace their own negative emotions and push them onto someone else: believing it'll lessen their own pain.
All of this is just supposition, though. Fundamentally Geto is a violent racist, with a fascistic worldview built around strength as some kind of valorous ideal - gleefully inflicting pain and suffering on others. We can empathise with his journey, but we don't have to forgive his actions.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
People in the replies are jumping to a lot of really obnoxious conclusions about anon that really just ultimately illustrate anon’s point.
There’s all this stuff that is *assuming* anon is pro censorship when they never say anything like that (and in fact, i thought they suggested the opposite). They’re talking about how sex positivity and anti-anti attitudes get weaponized or misused in some fandom spaces to make people feel like it’s wrong for them to be squeamish and want to *personally* avoid men who are really vocal about their love of lolicon and slavery isekai, because guys who are that vocal about it have in their experience, tended to have that reflect real world attitudes.
I think it’s good to point out that plenty of people like these things privately and you’ll never know, and it’s the being super vocal about it around uninterested people that’s the red flag here. But people just assuming that anon holds every attitude they associate with some stereotypical anti, and that their message indicates some thinking to BE CAREFUL! about… really just proves their point that a lot of people have a bad tendency to only see this in terms of how things work in their particular corner of fandom, and don’t recognize how what can mean one thing in one, primarily female and queer space, doesn’t necessarily translate well to a space with a lot of entitled cis dudes. Assuming that personal discomfort with certain kinds of fiction automatically translates into being pro censorship (what) when that person said nothing else to indicate that, is one such assumption.
(Also one person was trying to suggest it was racist of anon to “single out hentai”… maybe the reason they mentioned hentai is because they’re *specifically* talking about anime fandom?!?)
Idk, it doesn’t help proshippers if we can’t see anything except via the narrow lens of pro vs anti fights on Tumblr and AO3, be able to advocate our positions. We are aware of how fandom blinders can blinker people in the opposite direction—antis who don’t recognize that rhetoric that they think is just all about shipping is also used by right wing activists to advocate banning books and drag shows—but it’s true in both directions.
Being uncomfortable with a lot of “sex positivity” rhetoric because you’ve mostly seen it used to tell you you’re wrong to be uncomfortable with dudes who are super outspoken and pushy about their porn habits is a really common experience for lefty women IME, both outside of fandom and in fandom spaces with more cis dudes. Most women I’ve met like that are vocally anti censorship, it’s about being able to take charge of their personal boundaries and not have them shamed. Proshippers pushing them away by loading more unhelpful and inaccurate judgments on them aren’t helping them and are just shrinking their movement, making it more likely it’ll be dismissed as just “very online fandom drama” (and if you’re that clueless, are they wrong, really?)
Also it’s just helpful to better understand why some people might find your enemies’ arguments more initially compelling than they should be.
"Sexual liberation means sex with me specifically" was a plague in the 70s from what I hear, and I'm sure it has been a thing forever.
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rustingways · 2 months
I just had an interesting thought or maybe its stupid, feel free to ignore this if you think so😂 But in the books Armand is nearly killed by a poisoned blade, right? And in the show it says he nearly died from an illness. Wouldn't it be interesting if 'the illness' was actually the poison. What if it was from the blade and he still had the scar? I just think that would be so interesting. Also imagine Daniel tenderly kissing that scar😭
I went to answer this this morning then watched in horror as my entire post evaporated while switching apps, so here’s take two!
If you haven’t read TVA, yes, Armand’s death is brought about by a poisoned blade. Without getting too bogged down in the why, chapter six opens with his duel against Lord Harlech and Armand admitting he’s not great with a sword, but not knowing what else to do in the moment. He gets caught once on his left arm. And once on his face. Unfortunately for Harlech…
Tumblr media
Amadeo is coveted for his beauty. Armand describes this as vanity, but I think this scene can be interpreted as Harlach infringing on Armand’s sense of worth by slicing his face, and Armand abandoning any sense of self-preservation to retaliate (winning him the duel). The poison overwhelms him in less than a few days.
In the novels, there’s a HUGE emphasis on how flawless, poreless, smooth, and increasingly firm vampiric skin is, likened to satin or marble. Daniel’s human teeth can’t pierce Armand’s skin, and Lestat describes feeding from Akasha as breaking through a crust or shell. I think the movie adaptation addressed that with eerie makeup choices (pale white skin and vivid blue veins) but I suspect the series has foregone that particular aspect of vampirism, as it can quickly devolve into a focus on how pale they are and how they become paler over time. I think the show has chosen instead to convey the visible uncanniness of vampires with their eyes (aggressive contact colors, giant pupils, Armand’s…. shivery eye thing), which strikes me as a good and sensible choice, and permits for a diverse cast without making any…questionable or outright racist choices with the lore.
BUT the show has established that being turned heals wounds with Claudia’s turning. Not Louis’ version (or rather, Claudia’s), but Lestat’s. Covered in burns and not a mark to show for it post vampirism.
I think the implication in the show is that Amadeo was suffering some sort of wasting illness before being turned. Possibly he was suffering for months to years before being turned (unlike the few days of poison). Had a poisoned blade left some sort of disfiguring facial scar on Amadeo, it ABSOLUTELY would’ve reduced his worth to Marius. But it’s INCREDIBLY likely that Amadeo’s worth was already somewhat reduced in Marius’ eyes by the time he was turned in the show, especially given Armand’s “meatier in the forearms” comment.
But… you can certainly poison someone slowly over time in a way that seems like a wasting illness, can’t you? This delightful post links to a whole essay deep diving into a particular character featured in both TVA and Blood and Gold and certain… motivations she might have in that regard. Nothing confirmed, of course, but you might be on to something, anon.
That being said, an AU where Daniel does get to tenderly kiss Armand’s scars 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 you must be trying to kill me. I really hope we get to see some tenderness of theirs in the future, but I expect the upcoming season to feature them at their most fucked up, tbh. I won’t be complaining. I will be enjoying it. Very much. Like a sicko.
Thank you for the ask, anon, this was a fun breakdown to think about!
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lenaboskow · 4 months
I genuinely didn't want to interact with your blog because I don't want negativity on mine but it keeps showing with increasingly concerning takes (even though I keep saying not interested). All I want to say is that you really might need to re-evaluate the reasons you claim to hate both Lou and Tommy for.
This isn't meant to be hateful at all. In fact I am not even trying to sway you to ship BT or telling you what to do at all. I am just saying that your hate seemingly only stemming from wanting your ship to happen and looking for everything to confim your already existing bias. I wish you to have a good time in the fandom and indulge in whatever you want just genuinely don't understand why would you ruin your own experience by being so hell-bent on one take and never even considering anything else.
(Ps: I am a BT shipper who watched the show for four years ig and never shipped Buddie just because I couldn't see it.
Pss: It's no coincidence that every LI of Buck (of both imo) got hate and It's no coincidence who are dishing it)
people not wanting hate on their blogs is why i keep anon asks open (plus the occasional entertainment)
i don't really hate lou i just mildly dislike him right now because of the cameos (reminds me too much of jkr and how she keeps adding onto the story after canon has been done for years). tommy, however.... yeah i hate him.
i don't think this has come up in a minute but the only reason i don't ship bucktommy is because of tommy's character. nothing to do with buddie going canon or anything. my pinned post (which needs updating for the bachelor party and medal ceremony) explains a little bit about that, but the tldr is that i don't believe he's really changed from how he acted in hen and chimney begins. he's just less racist/sexist now and more overall dickish (again see the pinned post for explanation).
if buddie never gets together, fine. but at least give the boys interesting and non problematic li. taylor actually had chemistry with buck until they ruined her character. eddie doesn't have chemistry with anyone except his dead wife who he's romantacizing his relationship with. and felicia.
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Hi!! My name is Mirabelle (She/her), and I'm travelling with my friends Siffrin, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie! We're here to save Vaugarde from The King! This is my first time running something like this sooo I'm a little nervous, and I have a few personal boundaries:
- No NSFW or flirtatious messages please!!! I personally don't like that kind of stuff
- Please don't be too mean! Especially to other askers! We all see the world differently
- Art submissions are welcomed AND appriciated!!
- While I believe everyone is allowed to interract with my blog, I have some acceptions! No Homohphobes, transphobes, racists, MAPs, Proshippers, basically anyone who is "Anti-Change" Change is apart of life, buster! Deal with it!
- You don't have to ask me for a hug or to be your friend! To Dormonts house, you are a friend of us all! <3
- Bonnie has a blog of their own now! Bonnie rules semi-no longer apply! :3
Now for some words of the Blog Manager!
Hi hey and hello! Its me, @imlivinginyourtrashcan (He/Him) and I have finally caved! (Hope you are proud Siffrin)
Now for my personal boundaries for this blog, along with simple requests:
-My rules are the same as Mirabelles, but with my own ooc twist
-While Mirabelle herself is a She/Her user, I am not! I use He/Him, I won't tolerate purposeful misgendering
- I finished the game! Not in full, still have stuff to do some of the achivements, so be careful with spoilers still 🙏🙏🙏 (ask before you initiate, please, I didnt get Who Was The Phone yet so getting that ask qualified as a spoiler)
- Any godmod or metagaming request will be denied! Or, cleaverly intercepted by 《 The omnious unnamed narraror!~ 》. If you have to ask if its godmodding, it probably is! Don't do it!
- I have the right to deny or veto an ask, and you all have done a great job listening (except with the excess geese attempt), but if I, in character or not, say not to do it, dont!
- This Blog will follow the shennanigans of @a-traveling-star (King), @studies-of-nothing (Ninja), @defender-of-jouvente (Mundie), @snacksleader (Susie), and @loopadoop (Unsure if they want to be called smthn else yet)
Occasionally in the askbox, we'll get a rp scenario with "Suzu" thats our mutual friend @cookieeevee you should go follow them theyre so cool.
- Please no ship related asks, love you guys but I dont want a war in my comments section /lh
- I'm fine with being adressed in ooc and will sign my name with ooc brackets, but just cuz im ok with it doesn't mean you should start pressuring other people to do the same. Some people wanna remain anon and thats perfectly ok :)
- Alsoooo~ Cuz this is an au, ill be tagging things [besides act 0] in their respective acts 🫡
Bye Bye!! ~
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rrat-king · 9 months
Can you share some Kristen angst headcanons? (I know you have them)
anon. i will literally kiss you on the mouth i have. so many
she isn’t used to adults not trusting her. she grew up chosen, she knew the rules and how to follow them so adults just inherently trusted her and took her word as fact. that’s not to say she wasn’t a little shit before the bad kids, she was just used to getting away with shit because no one thought to question her. so moving into mordred where she has none of that clout to back her and is being pretty consistently tailed by sandra lynn would be so fucking jarring. people calling her bullshit when she’s used to getting away with anything had to be a total fucking nightmare for her cuz like. new rules, new dynamics, she isn’t inherently trusted anymore and she has no clue how to navigate that
the applebees had to be just... so emotionally repressed. i believe that they are a no crying family, she's the only girl of three boys but the same rules had to apply and i think thats why she is so kind of like... emotionally erratic especially in sophmore year, just because you spend that long holding everything in and plastering a smile on it, you get a little weird.
kristen has no sense of self preservation. she spent her whole young life being protected by helio so like, she makes dumb moves and gets hurt a lot, not because she is dumb but because she is isn't used to her actions having harsh consequences. she jumped off the top of the building with nothing but a ribbon because she genuinely thought it would work, she thought some divine intervention would save her, and when it didn't? she got hurt. and she keeps getting hurt because she was raised to believe that she was more or less invincible and shes just not.
feels immense guilt over how good she was at being helioc and how easy it was for her to be prejudiced. unlearning 14 years of fucked up, racist rhetoric has to be just so hard and i think its probably hard feeling stupid for not knowing things that everyone else does. and she has these thoughts of like, missing how good she was at being helioc, how easy it all was, so she hates herself for missing that part of herself but its just so hard to be reformed.
i see a lot of comparison between her and adaine in like. the shitty parents club but i honestly think she’s almost more comparable to fabian in having parents who love her so dearly but like. only the idea of who she represents not the actual person who she is. this is also, kinda rough but i do believe the applebees believed in corporal punishment but i think that fabian and kristen are both pretty staunch in believing that it wasnt that bad, which the bad kids probably hate.
i have more. im deranged about kristen.
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pillarsalt · 2 months
I was seeing so much hate for radfems that I finally decided to check it for myself and the amount of misinformation about your group is crazy. The whole "radfems love beauty standards" touted everywhere but I see more posts denouncing the beauty industry in a day by radfems than I ever do everywhere else because people implode if you say that shaving is bad. The "radfems love being victims and want to remain victims" thing when it's women giving each other advice on to leave abusive relationships. Like. It's insane. I've seen bad parts of it that were victim blamey or racist but the overwhelming majority is just feminism. Good feminism that criticizes society as a whole. And more black and racial minority women than anywhere else on tumblr. I feel like I was immensely lied to. I'm less alarmist about trans people and I think that calling them slurs or disrespecting them is unnecessary but truthfully it is awful that sex has been erased from talks about feminism. I have no idea what kind of parallel reality everybody lives in because I found myself agreeing with a ton of things radfems say and I even believe that the people wrongfully calling you out would agree too if they listened.
Thanks for this message anon, and thanks for making the choice to look into things for yourself instead of just going along with what everyone tells you. Very few people who hate "terfs"/feminists actually understand our points of view, because it's forbidden to even briefly read or listen to what we have to say, the reasoning being that we'll somehow magically "indoctrinate" you. No one's allowed to hear us, so when asked "but why are they so bad?" they have to make up random bullshit that has nothing to do with what we believe. The real reason is because our arguments are quite basically common sense approaches to women's rights and pattern recognition when it comes to differences in male and female experiences. It's hard to un-see what was right in front of your eyes the whole time.
I'll add that I personally don't think calling trans people or anyone else slurs is acceptable. I do think a lot of women on the feminist side of tumblr have a lot of anger and resentment built up towards men who identify as trans because of the misogyny they've seen come out of the trans movement, anger I honestly think is justified. The moral high ground is always the best road to take, but after having womanhood mansplained to you for the hundredth time as a collection of regressive stereotypes because you're just a stupid bigot cis bitch and you wouldn't get it, yeah being a bit mean in return is understandable. I still think it's unnecessary to use slurs.
I really agree with your last point, there's a reason that feminist rhetoric is so suppressed on both sides of the political spectrum. Consciousness raising is so important, caring about women is important. No matter how hard they try to silence us, women will keep talking to each other and women will continue to wake up to the lies they're being fed.
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lemotmo · 2 months
I checked and Ali said if you were okay with receiving, I could send this. I'm so glad your blog space is improving and I am deeply sorry for any part I played in bringing nastiness into your space. That was never my intention. Hugs to you!
Q. I think you're correct and they told him he's not allowed to post about the show because we're almost a week in and he hasn't posted a thing. And he would want us to know that he's there. If they don't use him very much how do you see the storyline going this season? I'm mostly confused now because the Tommy blogs I follow all believe he's going to be heavily involved all season but the show blogs I follow, like yours, all seem to have the same storyline opinion and it doesn't match the Tommy blogs.
A. Hi anon, I do think they told him to sit down and be quiet for now, but I also don't think he's been on set. There's no need for him to be there yet. They have a ton of stuff to clean up and the Buck storyline, such as it was, isn't something that needs immediate attention. Eddie's storyline and the Gerard stuff is probably going to be the early focus. They cannot spend a ton of time on the Gerard plot. He is there to be a racist asshole and nothing more, and that will get very old very quickly for the audience. They've got maybe 4 episodes to work with there before the audience runs out of patience. That storyline will be easy to use as conflict though for Buck and Tommy if the show chooses to go that route for the breakup. But that won't require seeing a lot of Tommy. Giving him the job they did means they can work Tommy into episodes without actually having to use Lou. They can show a plane/helicopter flying overhead and 'Tommy' has made an appearance without needing to pay or use Lou. That's also an easy way to introduce conversation about him between Buck and whomever on the ground. If they decided not to bring Lou back this is the way I think they will go. Storyline wise it's less satisfying but It's very easy to do. And it would wrap up that relationship arc early in the season, which I think they want to do regardless.
The more satisfying story though, and the probable original plan, is making the breakup about Eddie. Buck's entire focus early in the season is going to be on Eddie. The Gerard stuff will be present but Buck's priority will be Eddie. Based on everything we have heard, especially from Ryan, I think we can safely say that Eddie has isolated himself from everyone, including Buck. That will make Buck crazy. He will become hyper focused and hyper fixated on 'fixing' Eddie. Which will naturally cause relationship issues between him and Tommy. That is why story wise we need Lou back at least for a few scenes. The audience needs his reaction to this. That conflict pushing Buck towards his realization is the better way to go story wise. And it's why I think, unless something else has happened that we don't know, Lou will be back for at least a few episodes. There is no point in trying to make certain Lou fans understand or acknowledge reality so I'm not going to try and do that. He is not going to be around all season. His part will be wrapped up fairly early and the rest of us will happily move on. It sucks to love a plot point, I understand that, I've been there, but the rest of us are not obligated to pretend he's not a plot point just because they don't want to admit it.
Predicting season-long storylines for 911 is impossible to do. Yes you can see certain storylines coming but the show is always up for a wtf plot so it's difficult to predict much. But the Buck/Eddie storyline has not been subtle. That is why the show blogs you follow all have the same opinion. We followed the canon. They have been very deliberate in setting up this storyline and it has been very easy to see. I look for 8a to be very Eddie heavy. They have a lot to do to get Eddie where he needs to be story wise and they have to do it CORRECTLY. As bad as 7b was I'm glad they pushed the Eddie arc into season 8 because this storyline for him has been coming for years and they cannot rush through it. Not only do they have to do the Eddie part right they then have to turn around and follow it with Buddie. The show is only going to get one shot at telling this story and they cannot mess around with it. I have zero concerns about Oliver and Ryan. They will handle the scenes. I trust them explicitly to tell this story. They want to tell this story. The writing has to at least meet them half way though, and the writing failed them miserably last season. Aside from the fandom scolding what I took away from Tim's interview was his acknowledgement that they messed up with 7b. He's never going to outright say a story he came up with was bad but that interview was his way of owning that it didn't work. And I needed to hear that. I needed to know he understood how much of a misfire it was. The first half of the season was so strong but the rewritten back half killed the season entirely. They cannot make that same mistake again. When the finale aired and it was clear that it was a failure, across the board from the audience to his cast it was a dud. Tim's reaction was to defend and explain, and it only made things worse. He was trying to explain what certain scenes meant and what the audience was supposed to see from this scene or that scene, and it was clear that the audience didn't see anything he was trying to to tell us we saw. It doesn't matter what the storyline looked like in his head. It didn't translate to the page or the screen well which means it didn't work. At some point Tim got the message and he owned it in the interview. I'm thankful for that. Lesson learned don't get cute, just tell the story and let Oliver and Ryan carry it the rest of the way. Give it over to them and let them tell it.
Hi Nonny, don't feel bad about those hate messages. Listen, you weren't the one sending those messages. It had nothing to do with any of you. It only had to do with people who couldn't bother to read something, disagree and just move on. Such a useful skill in life. Instead they felt they had the right to insult me in my inbox. They are the ones to blame. Only them.
So, thank you for dropping Ali's post into my inbox!
I agree so much with Ali's post.
Not going to lie, I laughed out loud when she talked about the fact that the show is always up for a WTF plot. So true. XD
I really do wonder if Lou will even be back in season 8? I'm not so sure anymore. If he does show up, I agree that he will probably be there to, once again, serve as a plot device to get Buck in the position he needs to be to kick off his romantic storyline with Eddie. So, I don't really care one way or the other if Lou is there or not because it's pretty clear now what Buck's narrative arc is building towards. It all leads to Buddie, whichever road you take. Love that for us!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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comradekarin · 8 months
I do agree that people will hate Farleigh and then worship Felix because yk racism but let's not act like Farleigh wasn't an asshole. You're downplaying his actions just to make him look good but you should be arguing that asshole characters of colour are easily hated when compared to their white counterparts. You don't have to lie about "oh he's not even bad y'all are dramatic" because at the end of the day he's an asshole rich boy just like Felix just like everyone else.... 😐
Sorry it just annoys me because as a poor Black person who went to school with Farleighs it grinds my gears to see you and others downplay his bad behaviour because of the racism he is facing. You can acknowledge the racism without making him an angel. Racism towards even the worst people is wrong because there is no excuse for racism (I am not saying Farleigh is the worst person ever btw, he's the same brand of asshole like Felix and everyone else obviously. They're family lol.)
i mean you’re absolutely right. he was an asshole. he was a dick, just like the rest of them was. personally for me, that’s apart of the appeal of this character. when I said “farleign was not that bad lmao” I meant that in response to everyone who has this visceral disgust for the stuff he does and says but not for anyone else. if I gave off the impression of “he did absolutely nothing wrong”, well… my bad lmao. the posts I have made are more shitpost-y in nature anyway, but they still hold some merit. i feel like this post really encapsulates my intent.
as someone who is also black, it is harmful to have this notion that poc characters have to be perfect and can’t have character flaws. part of being a good character is having flaws and faults. however, it’s just weird seeing farleigh being held to a very different standard than the other characters who have done the same shit he did (or, have done worse). it’s even weirder pretending his character is meant to be one dimensional, or just this huge asshole, while simultaneously being able to see the complexities in the rest of the cattons/oliver. i’ve even seen people hate him for reasons that aren’t even true if they actually paid attention (i.e him stealing or even being completely at fault for what happened to felix). my posts were never supposed to give “you guys are racist for not liking farleign”. boring, maybe, but racist? nah. they were supposed to give “you guys may have biases to address if the reasons you hate farleign is something you can overlook in the rest of the white cast”.
feel free to ask me anything else though, anon. i’m always up for healthy convo :)
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buckera · 4 months
there is evil on both sides of the fandom and while it's mostly on twitter and tiktok, they do seem to be making accounts here too. it's so important to call them out/block and report, so this behavior doesn't seem acceptable to anyone else. it's not the majority of people and I pray the creators/actors know that!
not to be that person but while I have a lot of people blocked and muted on both sides... I have to say the bt fans a mostly just being childish, throwing around stupid nicknames (like, seriously guys, stop calling people bobs, it's pathetic and very kindergarten) and adding their unsolicited opinions as if they are facts onto posts about how Eddie will never be queer (cuz they live in the writers room, apparently) and wanting Eddie to die so bt can take Chris (suuuper weird and has rather racist connotations if you ask me)
but the buddie side is sending death threats to LI actors and has been for years, constantly posting about how Tommy needs to die and be stoned and shot and tagging Lou in those posts, sending anon hate and death threats to bt fans here and on twitter, sending yet again death threats to Tim over a deleted scene and stalking Lou's social media obsessively, calling bt fans names that are less than pc, dogpiling poc for liking the character because that's somehow morally acceptable and also breaking into discord servers and now possibly hacking an actual actor's twitter account?
I feel like both sides have issues, but the severity and real life impacts of those issues are vastly different...
and my main heartbreak comes from the fact that while I can block and mute all these people and stay in my bubble... that won't make them disappear and though I hope people on the show only see love and praise for their hard work, there is always a chance for them to see the most vile things and nothing is stopping that.
I mean, just imagine being a barrista and getting death threats by moccha lovers for serving black coffee for someone else?? because at the end of the day, this is how stupid this whole thing is.
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odinsblog · 8 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race. Although Cornel West is my next choice should he get far.
Yeah, sorry but Hell NO.
I’m all for audiobooks and JAWS readers, but I’ve never heard of Jasmine Sherman before and as far as I’m concerned, Ms. Sherman is just another throwaway vote. She has the same chance of winning the next election as a randomly picked name from a hat. Same goes for Cornel West and for 🤡 RFK Jr., and same for Marianne Williamson, and in fact, same for anyone who isn’t named (I honestly cannot believe that EYE am saying this, but here we are) Joe Biden.
Look, in 2020 I went through the same journey that I think a lot of voters are going through right now: I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to vote for Biden because he had (and still has, tbqh) a lot of conservative policies that I vehemently disagree with—LOL, don’t even get me started on Title 42, okay? But at the end of the day, I carried my Black ass into that voting booth and I begrudgingly did what I had to do.
All I know is, I do not want Donald fucking Trump in the White House. That’s it. Not “lesser evilism” not “he’s the next LBJ” not anything else, except for I’m voting for the person who has the best chance of beating Trump and keeping his racist ass out of the White House. THAT’S just about my only motivation here. Dassit. Periodt. I can deal with everything else later.
And I can live with myself with that vote.
But yeah, I’m Black and I gotta live not only with myself, but I also gotta live in this world and look other people in the eye. People who don’t even have my extremely limited level of privilege.
I’m not gonna go into detail about how a Trump presidency would make literally everything worse than it already is—and yes, sadly that includes Palestine, Ukraine, transphobia, homophobia, immigration, and whatever else is allegedly important to disproportionately ☭ white, online “leftists” 🙄 who keep telling people not to vote, or keep telling people to vote for candidates who cannot win.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump getting back into the White House is an existential threat to everything I hold dear. So no, anon, I will fucking not be throwing my vote away on some random ass person I’ve never heard of before, who has no mf chance of ever winning.
And yes, I still have problems with Biden. Like, a lot of problems. Like, a LOT, lot. But he’s the best chance we got at stopping Trump, and Trump needs to be stopped. That, plus I desperately want to see Trump pay for everything he’s gotten away with so far. Voting for Biden is the best way for me to give that a chance.
So yeah, I am deathly afraid of a second Trump term. And a big part of what is driving that fear is the fact that Joe Biden is vulnerable and super beatable. Like, his winning the next election is not a guarantee—did Hillary Clinton’s completely preventable loss teach you nothing at all??
Anyway, I’m not tryna write a book here. I think I’ve made my thoughts clear on Jasmine Sherman and whoever else is the flavor-of-the-day that can’t and won’t beat Trump. Biden is really fucking up and making himself even more beatable by unconditionally supporting Israel, and if he wins he might continue to fuck up, but I promise you that Trump will do unimaginably worse to Palestinians—and that’s not hyperbole.
Lastly, I really debated long and hard about whether or not to make this post rebloggable. PLEASE don’t make me regret that decision, OKAY??
Like, I know that a lot of people who unconditionally LOVE Joe Biden (that’s not me, btw) and the Democratic Party will be tempted to add, “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!” to this post, but I am begging you to please resist that urge, okay? I don’t know how to precisely put it into words, but unless you’re already convinced and have decided to vote for Biden, there’s just something about adding that braindead slogan that is incredibly off putting. It’s like an annoying ad that you want to skip and ignore on YouTube; it’s vapid; it’s old + tired; it’s lowkey offensive, and it tells people that you haven’t really given a lot of thought to anything and you’re just another insipid Blue MAGA sycophant blindly hopping on the bandwagon. Please find a better more intelligent way to express your support of Biden, okay?
ALSO, if you just search for Jasmine Sherman on Tumblr, you get a lot of anonymous asks like this
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And sorry, but having lived through the 2016 and 2020 interface elections, yeah, it just smells fishy af. Chipping away at Biden votes is another way to help get Trump re-elected. And Trump supports Putin and Netanyahu
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stiffyck · 6 months
Hey Stiff,
@scittiesenjoyer here (why won’t Tumblr let me ask from a side blog)
I kinda went off in the tags of two anonymous asks you got implying you were racist for giving Scar a big nose in your art
I’m here to double down
Because I love your art and seeing you in the community and it makes my blood boil to think that some dickhead accusing you of something you didn’t do will make you feel less welcome here (honestly I wanna be a lot meaner to that anon, but I’m choosing to believe that they were coming from a good place and are just ignorant rather than malicious)
Anon has taken a very real issue and over applied it to the point of almost parody. I would like to make it clear that I am white myself and was raised Christian (agnostic now not that it really matters), so by no means an expert on the issues faced by others. But I do listen to Jewish people and have read into the topic of harmful Jewish stereotypes seemingly more than anon. Prepare for me to give you two whole sources more than that anon
Yes overly large noses (often also hooked) are used in caricatures of Jewish people, but never in complete isolation. Here’s a post on Jew-coding, the practice of applying character traits that make you think of Jewish people. Which can be good or bad, depending on what is making you think of Jewish people
It doesn’t touch on large noses, though it is often brought up in discussions around art and animation. Especially as villains are often negatively Jew-coded. Think big hooked noses, curly hair, bankers/moneylenders (or otherwise tight with money), and of course stealing or harming blond haired, blue eyed children. Here’s an article that goes more into that for Disney especially
I think something important about most of what you will read on this topic is that it’s never a single trait in isolation. It’s the layering of bad Jew-coding that makes something racist. A college student being frugal is not a racist stereotype. But if that college student also had curly hair, was cowardly, antagonised others, and had a thick New York accent then we’d need to be concerned
You giving a character with no illusions to being Jewish a big nose is not racist. You’re not making him the villain, or greedy, or part of some shadow council or otherwise applying any negative (or positive for that matter) Jew-coding to him. You are just drawing a guy and having fun with your art style
I know nothing I can say will take away how you’ve been feeling about that initial anon, it feels horrible to be accused of something like this. Especially when it comes out of nowhere, and in this case is quite unfounded. I know I would have been scrambling trying to figure out where I went wrong. I hope knowing some of the context helps alleviate any distress you’ve been feeling
Please keep playing with proportions and your art style. There is nothing wrong with exaggerating only select features while leaving the rest proportional, the implication that there could be baffles me. I totally understand you wanting to take a break from posting art for a bit. This would be a massive blow to anyone’s confidence. But I think it’s important that you not let this steal away your joy in creating the art you want to
I’m happy to talk more on this or anything else if you wanna reach out, sending love and artistic inspiration
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I think I can see where the anon is coming from when it comes to some of the stuff I drew but I genuinely never thought it would come off as anything bad? Like to me my design just sorta looks like a character you'd see in a cartoon, which is why the ask took me so off guard.
I also feel that since I'm white and I can't really talk about this because I'm not really well educated when it comes to this sorta stuff? Like I don't want to argue with someone or try to defend myself when I don't know enough.
I've been meaning to read up on some stuff but adhd has been making it hard to do literally anything tbh. I need to get medicated so I can read non-fandom related stuff and in general actually do more productive stuff (more art, other stuff i enjoy I haven't been able to do because executive dysfunction) but I'm getting off track here dkvfkdjge
Ive been real anxious lately and that ask really got to me so I don't know about any art for now. I just need some time I guess for the anxiety to ease up idk.
Basically. What I'm trying to say.
I dont know enough about this and in no way would I ever want to do something that's bad or comes off as a racist stereotype or something.
Thanks for the sources and thanks for the nice words
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ganondoodle · 5 months
i am so extremely confused on how you can acknowledge belly dancing not needing to be sexual yet. still insist that nintendo is sexualizing young gerudo with the attire. the makeup, heels and how impractical it is to wear the shit they wear in the desert i understand. im not defending those design mistakes. but??? jfc.
oh. so, assuming you are the same anon as before, you WERE asking in bad faith then, or are intentionally missunderstanding what im saying, got it, and now you are trying to twist my words around to fit your little narrative about me being the problem and not mega corporation uwu nintendo with a history of racism (to which this issue is extremely attached to)
so, since you apparently didnt understand what i said, and didnt watch the video i attached either, bc that goes into detail of everything as well, im gonna spell it out once more, and i will even EMPHASIZE words like THIS, so its easier to understand, just for you <3
i did NOT say that the 'belly dance' outfit doesnt NEED to be sexual, i SAID it is/was not sexual IN ITS ORIGIN, BUT was TURNED INTO what boils down to nothing else but a sexy strippers outfit by western people and has been used as NOTHING BUT sexual for decades in the vast majority of media of all kind-
which MEANS, that although in ORIGIN it might not have been sexual, the unfortunate PROBLEM is that through its extreme popularization as such you now have to assume IT IS sexual, bc that is pretty much ALWAYS the intent, people dont even know it as anything but a sexual thing
and before you can even say the "well maybe they didnt intent it a such" blah blah, this is NOT SOLELY about the outfit itself being the only problem here, its the whole package, even if they DID have good intentions or did it subconsciously (which, mind you, should also tell you just how much this kind of picture of middle eastern people has been spread, how common it is to see them like this that its what most people actually think they are like) it nevertheless sends a certain message, and again, ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING PACKAGE, everything, from outfit, to design elements, to dialog, to lore, to even camera angles, you cannot view it as a seperate thing bc it is, inherently, not able to be seperated from everything, its as if you took an incredibly racist caricature, zoomed in and said "LOOK they used a realistic kind of skin tone, its totally not racist!!"
you also called these design decisions "mistakes", but they are not, in fact mistakes, a mistake is when you notice after posting a drawing that you forgot to color in a strand of hair, however, ALL of these design and writing decisions are deliberate, they had to sit down, in a giant team of people, to come up with it, then proceed to design and write it, approve it, make it, and ship it, and saw no problem with it, which is a problem
now, im not saying nintendo personally is telling you "its ok to fuck kids", but things have meanings, and if you are making something, ESPECIALLY using something that isnt of your own culture, you should think about things, and what meanings a thing can have attached to, they are a giant corporation, not a single, very uninformed at best- or very racist at worst, human being, they have the means to do research, but they did not do it or think its fine, maybe even good, which deserves to be called out
i am a big, and longtime, zelda fan, but beign a fan of something doesnt mean you cannot criticise it, or aknowledge that its in many ways flawed, part of being a fan is being able to recognize things that are bad and demand better
if you send me another ask spouting bullshit or purposefully missunderstanding what im saying im gonna punt you into the filthy barrel of blocked porn bots, bc i dont have anon messages enabled to receive shit like this but to allow people who might be too shy to send normal asks to talk to me.
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thestrangestthing89 · 8 months
This situation with Noah isn't a new problem in the fandom. These fans have been harassing everyone for months in them name of progressive causes they aren't well-informed about. This is obviously not specific to the Stranger Things fandom. Go anywhere online and you will likely see a bunch of teens screaming about something even though they clearly skipped the step of educating themselves. Not only have I been the target of the dumbest shit, but so many other people have too. No one can post here without someone getting self-righteous and yelling about it. I have been accused of the following simply for posting something to my own blog: - I've been called misogynistic because I said El wasn't the main character. A thing the writers have said several times now (it's Will). The writers aren't misogynistic either. - I've been called misogynistic because I said El has character flaws like everyone else. - I've been called a condescending bitch when I politely tried to explain what misogyny actually is. A thing you'd think they'd be interested in learning if they actually cared about that cause (clearly they don't or I wouldn't have been called a bitch so much). - Been called racist because I said Hopper wasn't copaganda, even though I explained clearly why I thought this was. - Got called racist because I pointed out that Lucas was often filling his Ranger role and that's why he is helping Mike in S3 (the boys all play their D&D characters). But the trendy thing to say at the time was that he was being written in racist way so obviously this means I'm racist too. - Had multiple people say I was silencing them when I wrote my own damn post (not a response to theirs) about many of the above topics. I just simply disagreed with their points and that isn't allowed here. - Had someone I never interacted with spread a rumor that I sent them anonymous hate filled asks even though I had no fucking clue who they were. And those posts were anonymous so they have no idea who actually sent them. They just wanted my attention. But I never sent anyone an anon ask before anyway so this was just bizarre. But a several people believed it. - Pretty much every adult on here has been accused of pedophilia for watching a show with kids on it. This gets pretty relentless sometimes. I'm sure I could think of several others and other people have had a lot as well. The thing about this as someone who has actually experienced things like misogyny first hand is that being called this is incredibly upsetting, especially when you are being called this by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about and doesn't care about the impact of these words. They just want you to shut up and stop telling them they did something wrong.
This is all happening because they are watching a show that is overwhelming them and they can't deal with people discussing it in a more nuanced way than they are. This wouldn't be happening if there were more adults here to drown it out. But as it is, no one can actually discuss this show and it has nothing to do with Noah. It's because kids are watching when they shouldn't. And they have weird, boundaries with the fandom and the cast that are constantly causing problems. This didn't happen back in the first 2 seasons because it was only adults watching. I'm not saying adults can't be problematic too, but most of this shit is from people who are way too young to handle this. And now we are all getting lectured by 14 year old foreign policy experts. It's not ok and they need to spend a lot of time learning about how to interact with people online better. This isn't the shows fault. But they can make it clear who this is actually for. Because these kids are going to throw a fit over everything. They always do. They aren't going to like S5 either. They are only watching because it's cool and they have FOMO. They can't understand it and are constantly insulting it and everyone associated with it and the fandom. Seriously, amp up the horror. Make it rated R. A lot of us would really love to be able to discuss this show and can't because of how awful it is here.
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inukag · 1 year
see the misunderstanding that's happening on inutt right now is exactly why i barely mention kikyo. ur tweet was innofensive enough and stated nothing but facts yet people got so defensive. it's like she got so hated back in the day that now people try to compensate by putting her above any valid criticism
To be fair I didn't phrase my first tweet properly, I wanted to say "Kikyo would have gotten Inuyasha killed" (by telling him to use the jewel) but it didn't fit the character limit so I had to shorten it. Because I said "Kikyo would have killed Inuyasha" people thought I meant "Kikyo was actively trying to murder Inuyasha" (when she was alive) which is clearly not what I was trying to say LMAO In my mind (and according to google) "killing someone" means "causing someone's death", it doesn't have to be voluntary.
(the context for people who don't follow me on twitter)
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Like you said anon yes a lot of the criticism of Kikyo from casual fans (like on OP's original tweet) is not actually valid ("she was in the way of inukag!!" "she should have just stayed dead!" "she was racist!") so I was trying to add what I think is valid criticism of Kikyo: that she's over confident in her plans and ends up being irresponsible and hurting others as a result.
We SEE what happens to a half-demon (Naraku) when he makes an incorrect wish on the jewel. The jewel manipulates him and makes him wish for something else and he ends up being absorbed so that his soul can battle for all eternity. This is what would have happened to Inuyasha when he would have tried to make the wish to be human.
And then people try to defend Kikyo by saying "well she didn't know what would happen", "she thought she was right" and that's precisely my point. She's a highly respected miko and she guards the jewel. Inuyasha is 15 and desperate for acceptance. He expects her to know what she's talking about. When she tells him "You could become human if you use the jewel" and "The jewel would be purified if you made that wish" he believes her. But these are false statements, based on no evidence whatsoever. It's careless and irresponsible of Kikyo to say that to Inuyasha.
If Kikyo had actually been honest with Inuyasha and made it clear that she has NO way to know if the wish will work, that he's clearly taking a risk by using it on HIMSELF and if she had actually talked with him to figure out if erasing half of his identity was really the best thing for him, then in that case I would not blame her. But as it is what she did was wrong. That doesn't make her evil of course, but she's also not the flawless person that some people make her out to be. Not when her actions would have killed the titular character and we the audience can see that with Kikyo dying, Kagome coming back in time, helping save Kikyo's soul and making the correct wish (that she only knows because she's literally from the future) things actually ended up "better" than if the jewel had continued to exists for centuries.
This is what I wanted to explain but with Twitter character's limit and no option to edit what you post, it ends up being a mess lmao. That's why I normally stick to tumblr for analysis 😩
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