#I shouldn’t have…
akkpipitphattana · 8 months
the amount of ways we have to qualify the geoncide in gaza in order to get people to care is actually sickening to me. “it’s a feminist issue!” “it’s a disabilities issue!” “it’s an environmental issue!” like i’m sorry but even if this was happening solely to able bodied men and was causing no harm to the environment, it would still be wrong because it’s a genocide and these people are being bombed and killed and starved every fucking day. you shouldn’t need an extra label to give you a reason to care about people that are dying.
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jasper-dracona · 6 months
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pirateprincessjess · 5 months
I feel the need to periodically remind people that Idiocracy is a eugenics movie.
One of the things that eugenicists believe is that it is bad for society when the “wrong people” breed.
The entire premise of the movie is that “stupid people” kept having kids while “smart people” didn’t have kids, and it ruined society because stupid genes propagated while smart genes died out. This is eugenics propaganda.
I know people will read this and their response will be “actually it’s satire” but the movie isn’t satirizing eugenics. It’s satirizing anti-intellectualism, and consumerism, and it proposes eugenics as a solution.
When eugenics was first conceived, it was used as a way to justify inequality. The idea was that people who held privilege were able to do so because they were smarter and genetically superior to lazy and stupid people who don’t have privilege. Obviously this is bad and wrong, but it is also the core lesson of Idiocracy.
The movie literally ends with the main character becoming president and having “the smartest children in the world.” Because he and his wife have smarter genes than everyone else. The proposed solution for the things that Idiocracy is satirizing is for the smart people to have children that can be in charge of the world.
I know it’s fun to use this movie to dunk on anti-intellectualism and the MAGA movement, but we need to stop. When you quote and reference this movie you are spreading eugenics propaganda.
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noodles-and-tea · 16 days
twins in time continuation of that blue doodle comic thingy, but fidd is forced to take care of stan when Ford gets into the portal stuff, leaving him behind.
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I reckon he teaches him math…
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The Mikes and Vanessas celebrate 10 years of FNAF!
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 3 months
Otto realising that instead of selling off his own daughter and ruining multiple people’s lives for a king he doesn’t even like, he could’ve just waited until Rhaenyra became queen and she probably would’ve made the hightower house one of the most important anyway because of how much she cared for Alicent.
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lilislegacy · 6 months
just imagine
percy and annabeth in their 40s having teenagers.
3 to 4 hyper, witty, extremely intelligent teenagers. with powers.
imagine them all stuffed into the car for long roads trips since they can’t fly. imagine them in a heated match of pool volleyball. imagine them on opposing sides of capture the flag at camp
oh gods…imagine family game night
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transgendercastiel · 10 months
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mourning-at-night · 4 months
jace i don’t feel good was so funny but also made me so sad. like that’s a teenager with a strawberry squishmallow keychain and a tamagotchi and she doesn’t feel good and she's tugging on a teacher’s sleeve about it. a teacher who should have been responsible for protecting her in the first place and didn’t. who is manipulating and using her and her friends to help fulfill the desires of a wrathful power-hungry egomaniac. porter and jace it’s on sight >:(
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magic-owl · 1 year
I don’t believe in gatekeeping at all but if you flat out admit to me that you’ve consumed little to ZERO of the canon media and have gotten all of your information based off of reading fluffy fic with woobified characters, I will not be taking ANY of your fandom opinions or meta seriously
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beybuniki · 5 months
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that time period when bakugo is worried sick about deku & the implications of being an ofa vessel but he’s still too proud to verbalize his worries so he just silently watches deku like a helicopter parent and nags like yea bakugo!!!! burying the hatchet won’t magically make you guys understand each other you actually have to verbalize your thoughts!!!! Deku doesn’t know you’re that worried you have to tell him!!!! Maybe that will make him less reckless!!!!friendship is magic but friendship is also so much work!!!!! (I like to think that bakugo just stares at deku while fighting his demons (vulnerability) and deku is clueless and everyone else is a bit scared that this weird prolonged eye contact means that we’re gonna have a bkdk fight act IV)
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theforesteldritch · 1 year
I’m begging people at this point to realize that hate towards intersex people isn’t just. Fucking misdirected transphobia. Please for fucks sake learn that intersexism is a thing and that while transphobia and intersexism often go hand in hand and are used to reenforce the other, intersexism is not collateral damage from transphobia. They don’t just hate us because of a perceived proximity to transness, they hate us because we’re intersex. And will go about acting on this hate as such
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remuscariad · 5 months
Okay but what if I snap and write a full-fledged fic of Arthur becoming king in s1 and how it could have changed the entire course of the show.
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I was thinking again about how Movie Aragorn is so much hotter when he’s dirty and unkempt (as one does), and I just had a very belated realization. At his coronation, Aragorn is sporting a much fuller beard than he has at any point before that. This:
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vs. this:
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Since the coronation proves that he can/will grow a full beard if he doesn’t shave, does his appearance in the rest of the trilogy imply that he was shaving then? Did this man lug a razor or beard trimmer around for hundreds of miles of hard core trekking through snow and mines and wilderness, on boats and horseback, and into battle? Was he getting up early every morning so that he could do a quick touch up before fighting a Nazgûl or summoning the king of the dead? I think the answer has to be yes, right? Surely someone else has considered this and has an answer already.
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FNAF movie Abby has better luck than Elizabeth..
(Original post by @dont_nes_wit_me)
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tahopo · 2 months
we truly regressed when people started buying into the genderbending is inherently transphobic thing. yeah that twelve year old being inquisitive and having fun on deviantart was your enemy all along.
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