#I stay up late at night just to talk w/ her thanks to our timezones (shes all the way in the us😭)
rainofthetwilight · 10 months
i love your ocs so much, theyre so adorable! and i love seeing your art for them, theyre so beautiful and i love it!!
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seriously the love all you guys have for jenna and ethan just makes me so happy, I swear when I first posted abt them I never expected (and neither did london) that you would love them this much!!!
this ask is gonna be dancing around in my head forever THANK YOU <3333
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
❝ 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘢 𝘈 – 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲!!! ❞
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“love is just a pain! i also want to get better at using magic. right now, i’m sure i’m no match against either the dorm head or even the other seniors but, one of these days, i’ll show off my real abilities! and in order to do that… i think i’d have to study a bit more seriously before focusing on love…”
ghost marriage ssr card translation by hannah on youtube
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His fingers diligently move on the screen. The clock ticking audibly as he stayed under his blanket, the light of his phone illuminated his dark room in a manner to keep him awake. 12:55 was what’s written on the clock. Too concentrated on the conversation he was having on his phone, the young first year’s lips stretched out into a wide toothless smile.
    Shouldn’t you be asleep?
There it is again. The freshman let out a silent chuckle, his fingers moving to respond back to the message. He was starting to grow sleepy, however, he couldn’t leave the enjoyment of conversing with her. He licked his lips and yawned. Different time zones really are difficult, no? Yet he is there to prove that distance and time as nothing to do to ruin a friendship/relationship. Says the one who kept his distance before.
    Ace, go to bed.
    It’s late.
He slammed the pillow on his face as he grinned. Was he shaking? Giggling? Who knows? His whole body was shaking while he left his phone on his side. Seemingly lovestruck, he looked up at his canopy as he sighed dreamily. Deuce and his two other roommates are asleep by now, unaware of Ace’s awakeness. Neither do they know this girl he’s talking to. 
Or so he thought.
Ace picked up his phone again, his smile never leaving his face before he responded back. Maybe he should go to bed, there weren’t any classes tomorrow. Was he forgetting something? Oh, yes. He was turning seventeen. 
I don’t have classes tomorrow! It’s fine!
Three bouncing dots immediately popped up three seconds after he sent the message. He does hope she would be the first one to greet him. Would she even know? She’s in a different timezone so it’s probably hours behind in her area. He wanted to call her so badly and yet Ace knew he couldn’t keep quiet. He doesn’t want to wake up his roommates. Most especially, Deuce.
His phone began to beep more, receiving messages from his family greeting him happy birthday. Ah, how his smile softened. Ace doesn’t know what he honestly wanted for his birthday. Something expensive? Some new shoes? Who knows, all he wanted was to be free from rules, eat cherry pie, and just skip school.
Unbeknownst to him, Deuce’s half-open eyes stared at him from under the blanket. As far as his eyes could see, he noted that Ace was briefly talking to his father. Quietly, the other freshman pulled his phone out and texted the dorm leader.
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“What?!” Ace dragged as he revealed his head from under the duvets. His hair dishevelled and his eyelashes had crusts littered all over it. Unsightly, but that’s what you get for getting only 6 hours of sleep. It was already 9 in the morning. Are birthday boys exempted from the rules? Probably not, hopefully, Riddle is more lenient. Deuce pulled the duvets away from his friend and huffed. “Are you going to sleep your birthday away?” he grumbled. Teeth grinding against each other, he saw how Ace simply rolled over to his back and began to close his eyes again.
“I’m up!” grumbled the other teen as he sat up and stretched. Deuce was one to easily get impatient and he doesn’t want the preparation to go to waste just because of this jackass being lazy. Besides, it was Riddle’s command to wake him up.
“Hurry up! Everyone is down there waiting for you.”
“For what?” he whined, his brain still sleeping just like how he’ll drop to the bed any second.
Time to get physical, Deuce. He cracked his knuckles and grabbed both his hands before pulling him up abruptly. “Deuce you fucking–!” 
“The dorm leader’s going to chop our heads off if you don’t get up!” he argued back as he shoved Ace inside the bathroom. 
“Even on my birthday, he’s still going to chop my head off?!” 
“He doesn’t care! Rules are rules! Get your ass out there once you’re done!”
So loud early in the morning. Ace grumbled yet deep in his mind, he was grateful for the preparation Heartslabyul did for him. Even the devil of a dorm leader made an effort to fix Heartslabyul for the day of his birth. As he was getting naked, Deuce suddenly opened the door – a shrill leaving Ace’s lips – and shoved some clothes into his hands. “Wear that. Dorm leader’s orders.”
“Why do I have to wear this?”
“Dunno. Just wear it. I have to fetch y/– your cake!” Deuce nearly punched himself for nearly spilling something that shouldn’t be spilt. Furrowed red eyes met blues ones as Ace placed the clothes on the sink and faced his classmate with hands on his hips. “Oi, Deuce.”
“You’re obviously hiding something. Tell me since it’s my birthday.” Ace smirked and leaned closer. Deuce cringed, taking a foot away from him before slamming the door on his face. “Hurry up and get dressed!”
“Geez, you’re such a dickhead!”
While the celebrant prepared himself; downstairs, Riddle continued to give out orders to his dorm mates as Cater busied himself on the phone. “Cater,” Riddle called and looked at his senior with worried eyes. “Did she make it?”
“She just got to the airport!” cheered Cater as he ended the call. “She texted me her terminal number and she’s ready to be fetched.” He looked over at the panting first-year who just arrived. 
“Good! While he’s distracted, let’s go and fetch her Deucey.”
“You have fifteen minutes to fetch her. I’m sure that’s enough time for the three of you to prepare. If you’re late, it’s off with your head.”
Nodding, the two headed off to the mirror chamber. They have their duties to fulfill. It’s time they surprise their reckless first-year celebrant.
“Riddle,” called the vice dorm leader while he pie the cake on the table. “What’s the plan?" 
"Leave it to me.”
Fifteen minutes, they have fifteen minutes to complete everything. The party is set up, she’s coming, and all that’s left to do is distract Ace. “Woah!”
Peering up, Riddle nearly had a heart attack. How thankful he is to have SOME attentive dorm mates to block Ace from going to the lobby. It’s too soon, she isn’t here yet. Riddle made eye contact with the young teens, signalling them to keep him distracted. Cater, Deuce. Hurry up.
“Trey, he’s already coming down. Is everything prepared?" 
Trey nodded and clapped his hands to signify everyone to get ready. Ten minutes left. "Hey, what gives, man?” came Ace as he crossed his arms. “What surprise do you have down there, huh?” He smirked and tried to peer down from the balcony. He couldn’t see anything. The great temptation to jump from the third floor and down to the first floor was strong. If only he wouldn’t break his bones would he have done it sooner.
“Argh!” He glared at the two blockers before grinning. “Aight, since it’s my birthday, you’ll be moving out of my way and let me through!”
“We’re still following dorm leader Riddle’s orders! Birthday or not we’re not letting you through!”
“Looks like I have to do it the hard way.” Ace huffed before swiftly pushing past the two and running downstairs. Proceeding to skip steps and even slide down the railings to get away from the two students. Surprisingly, no one even dared to chase or stop Ace. There wasn’t anyone in the hallways at all. Yet Ace stayed attentive. Who knows what surprise is awaiting his way?
It was a surprise he never expected at all.
He nearly slipped. Having to hold unto the wall to keep his balance. His big grin quickly dropped once he looked up. Still panting, his eyes grew wide, speechless, is he. Riddle had a smirk on his face, Cater had his phone on record as he waved at him, and Trey and Deuce were grinning themselves.
In the middle of all these students, stood you.
“Happy birthday Ace!” they all cheered.
He couldn’t comprehend what was going on. You were standing there, physically present. Not a hallucination, not a monogram, it was really you. Your contagious smile painted your face while Ace slowly walked over to you. “H-How…?” For the first time, the whole Heartslabyul saw Ace speechless.
They were all grinning. Ace Trappola, the annoying yet reliable first-year student, dumbfounded and looked like he was on the verge of tears. “Happy birthday,” you giggled and brought your hand up to show a paper bag. Ace bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, looking down as he stopped his tears from falling. Instead of accepting the gift, he pulled on your arm and hugged you tightly. 
He couldn’t help it. Surely, the young Trappola is seen to be cheeky, arrogant, and even a dumbass. Teens will be teens. Ace never felt so in love before. Something his previous girlfriend didn’t give. You actually made an effort to come home and surprise him. Is this why you didn’t greet him last night? Either way, he was thankful to have you in his arms.
“Ace, are you crying?” you giggled just as he pulled away and wiped his tears with his sleeves.
“No I’m not!” he declined despite his red cheeks saying otherwise.
You smiled and pulled his arm down. “I’ll be back in the Rose Kingdom next month.”
“W-Wait do you mean—?”
“I’m not going back to the Land of Pyroxene..”
“I’m home Ace.”
Happy Birthday Ace Trappola…
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Twenty-Two: Walk in the Park ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
What she thought was going to be a one-time thing has turned into a habit.
Ever since the first early summer night Sasuke woke her up with coffee beans against her window, he’s done so several more times. Enough that she’s started suggesting he might need a sleep aid.
He insists his head’s just in another timezone.
Either way, he’s taken her out of her house at odd hours of the morning more than once since the first witching hour outing, and each time, Hinata’s gotten more and more certain Hiashi’s going to catch her one of these nights. Then he’ll lock her in her room every evening at curfew, not letting her out until breakfast the next morning.
But so far, she’s been lucky. Or maybe she’s just more of a ninja than she thought.
Usually they just go walk in the park, but sometimes they wander around the other houses. Not getting into their fenced yards, but admiring architecture from the sidewalk they typically take for granted as something only in the background.
He’s been teaching her a lot about that lately: noticing what you take for granted.
Tonight, it’s three am, and the subtle sound of coffee beans against her panes rouses Hinata from sleep.
“You know, you could just text me.”
“It might not wake you up.”
“And the beans have any better odds?! My dad’s going to find a hill of them under my window and get suspicious!”
“I pick them back up.”
...she blinks. “...you do?”
“Yeah. Been using the same ones over and over. Can’t be wasting good coffee, Hyūga.”
“Would you please stop calling me that? I have a name! Hyūga could be anyone in my family.”
“But I only ever talk to you.”
Pale eyes roll. He’s impossible.
“C’mon, we got places to be and time to waste.”
Sighing in defeat, Hinata slips into her clothes and follows. As typical, she dons shorts and a shirt under her favorite periwinkle sweatshirt. Quiet sneakers let her do just that through the house until she’s out the back door, her father none the wiser.
“So, where to tonight?” Hinata questions, perking a brow at the blanket tucked under Sasuke’s arm.
“Park. It’s a nice clear night, and I think there’s s’posed to be some meteor showers.”
That perks her up. “Really? I didn’t hear that!”
“Hence why I’m staying up on purpose for once. And why I’ve got this.” He gestures to the blanket.
They stroll through the quiet neighborhood, Hinata marveling as always how different it feels at night. Daytime sees it so busy and noisy. But now? It’s like no one else on Earth exists.
It’s just...peaceful. The isolated feeling of being alone without being alone.
Rather than lie on the grass, they return to the multi-toy structure, climbing to the top and lying atop the blanket among the walls of the make-believe fortress. If the cop that typically patrols rolls by, he’d surely see them just out on the ground. They’ll be well-hidden up here.
“I even did laundry just for this. Smells clean, huh?”
She can’t help a giggle at that. “It’s v-very nice. I didn’t know you were so into space.”
“I’m not. Just thought it’d be neat.” Staring skyward, he glances to her. “...thought you’d like it.”
Hinata can’t help a small jolt. Me…?
“Oh, I saw one!”
“W-what?” Flustered, she moves her gaze back up to watch the night sky.
Slowly at first, and then gradually getting faster, the comets streak across the sky directly above them. Lost in the sight, Hinata soon forgets Sasuke’s comment, too enthralled with pointing every time the sky alights. Beside her, Sasuke mostly lets her lead, dark eyes watching each she gestures to. Once she’s distracted, he spares the occasional sidelong glance to watch her expressions, his own unreadable.
“Aw...I think it’s over.” Several minutes have passed without a single sighting. Arms draped loosely across her middle, Hinata keeps watching. “See any, Sasuke?”
Her lips pull into a hint of a pout, sad it’s finished. “That was really cool…! Thanks for bringing me.”
“Yeah, sure. Any time.”
Heaving a small sigh, she keeps studying the stars. She really should learn some constellations so she’d know what she’s looking at. “...it’s so nice out here at night. I’m g-glad you started bringing me.”
“Me too. It’s nice to have some company. I used to like going it alone, but...I dunno. It’s weird. With you around, it’s like I’m alone, but...I’m not.”
“I think I know what you mean. We don’t...get in each other’s way. Quiet company.”
Glancing to him, Hinata stares idly as he turns to look in tandem. Suddenly there’s a funny feeling in the base of her gut. Like misjudging how many stairs you’re taking. A kind of tension makes her realize where they are, how they’re alone...at night...side by side. Is...is she supposed to…?
Across the street, a car alarm suddenly blares in the silence.
Gasping in fearful surprise, Hinata almost jolts upright before Sasuke pins her down.
“Shh! It’s probably just a cat jumping on the car.”
Thoroughly rattled by the shock to her senses, Hinata glances through a gap in the structure’s side. Headlights flash rhythmically in time with the siren.
“It’ll turn off soon.”
“W-what if my dad gets up to see what’s -?”
“I doubt it. We’re quite a few houses down, he’s not gonna care.” Still propped up on an elbow with a hand on Hinata’s further arm to keep her down, he peers over the top.
A minute more of the noise passes before it finally fades back into silence.
“...okay. We’re fine.”
Still tense, Hinata tries to relax, heart pounding beneath her sternum.
...his hand’s still on her arm.
Giving it a glance, she then looks to Sasuke. “...um…”
“ Huh…? Oh, uh...sorry.” He withdraws the limb, looking to her a bit sheepishly.
“It’s fine…”
...that same tension seems to creep back in with the quiet.
“Hey, uh...can I ask you something?”
“Could I…? I mean, would you want to -?” Sasuke cuts himself off a few times, clearly struggling with something.
“Do you...wanna go out with me?”
She blinks. Blinks again. “Like...go somewhere…?”
“No, I mean - well okay, yeah, but -” A hand weaves back nervously through his hair. “...I mean like...date. Go steady. Whatever you’re supposed to call it.”
One last blink...and then her eyes go wide. “...you mean, you w-want to…?”
“If it’s a dumb idea, just...tell me now. I don’t wanna make things, like...awkward. But maybe I’ve already done that, I dunno. I just...I keep thinking about it, and -”
He clams up.
Surprisingly, she...finds herself rather calm. “...I’d like that.”
“...you would? It won’t...make things weird?”
“No…? We’re still friends. We can just, um…” She goes pink. “Try being...more than...friends?”
“...yeah. I guess.”
Silence blooms, and grows, and grows…
“Uh, anyway...we probably better get home.” Sasuke sits up, avoiding her gaze. “It’s getting pretty late…”
They gather up the blanket before checking if the coast is clear, then heading back toward their neighboring houses. Despite their new arrangement, neither of them say anything, making the trek in silence.
“Okay...uh, guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah...thanks again for taking me.”
“Sure, sure.”
She smiles at him, a bit blushed. “Maybe we can just...s-say that was our first date? Get it...out of the way?”
Sasuke blinks. He hadn’t considered that. “...yeah, sure.”
“Okay. Goodnight.”
Sneaking her way back in (how has Hiashi not noticed yet?), Hinata heads into her room and...goes about her normal routine, slipping back into bed. It...still hasn’t really hit her yet, has it? Maybe in the morning she’ll realize what he just asked her to do.
...and the possible consequences.
But for now, she’s gonna just...go to sleep. Maybe dream of a meteor shower.
     Eyyy, he finally did it xD      ngl I thought about having them smooch, but...we've gotta let it builddd...cuz I'm evil x3 More of the most-consistent little mini modern series. I can't remember what all days they are, but...the regulars surely know what I'm talking about, lol      Anywhoozle, it's...very late, and I'm very tired (hurray multiple sleepless nights), so time to head to bed! Thanks for reading~
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