#I still can’t bring myself to watch his videos
fantaatix · 15 hours
a stolitz post? in the year of our lord??
warning this is genuinely a long ass post
okay so sometime last month i was watching 3bskyen’s JLMW reaction (really tells you how long i’ve actually been cooking this post), and he was talking about color theory or something but what caught my attention was that he was paused on THIS frame:
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he said something about the red/blue contrast throughout the music video; red being symbolic of blitz (the moon) and blue being symbolic of stolas (the ocean (?)) and it got me thinking, i wonder what the gold might symbolize? because this definitely isn’t the first time we’ve seen the color gold in reference to stolitz. first think back to truth seekers, there’s gold in quite a few places
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golden rails, golden feathers, golden shackles; this is why i say gold and not yellow. at first i thought it might be symbolic of the power imbalance, but that’d be too easy.
quite the selection of objects, isn’t it? rails imply safety but can also be restricting, the feathers seem harmless but then turn into shackles…possibly reminiscent of the nature the book deal and the role it actually played in blitz’s mind about his relationship with stolas.
but there’s one more thing i left out; the golden dust
...okay...don't laugh...
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first time i saw this scene in truth seekers i was immediately reminded of shrek ever after
AND I’M NOT COMPARING BLITZ TO RUMPELSTILTSKIN, i’m not trying to imply they stole from shrek ever after, THAT'D be a stretch. if anything blitz is better compared to shrek himself, but i'm not gonna write about that because i Don't Want To
but if i’m remembering correctly, that movie revolved around the theme of taking good things for granted, like your partner and your friends, which aligns pretty well with how blitz’s bad trip ends:
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“i believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy, but also craves it as well. it’s rather unfortunate, sir, considering it’s often how you treat those who stand by you, such as myself. are you worried i may have enough of it one day, as well?”
"you cannot fathom proper intimacy."
blitz doesn’t know how to be close to other people–i don’t think he understands the relationship he has with any of the people in his life.
we still don’t truly know blitz’s full belief on love and we can only deduce it from his actions; he says monogamy is boring but then goes on to stalk his monogamous employees, on their anniversary no less, bringing along his own singular date...
he focuses on the sex in his relationships because that’s what he’s good at; he finds sex less complicated than romance... and then struggles to get his asmodean crystal to open a portal because he can’t get it off.
he has this recurring pattern where the title of “best friend” eventually turns into something else, often unrequited...
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“...my first ever friend!”
he didn't expect stolas' intimate attraction to him. stolas made the connection and it succeeded in making blitz feel guilty about stealing the book; that was why he stayed the night. blitz isn't used to not being rejected, even though he has a record of relationships that stopped once the Evil Four Letter Word came up. when he goes into a relationship, blitz has learned to not expect it to evolve past sex. love has negative connotations to him.
the worst part is we don’t know for certain WHY any of this is, or if it can even be chalked down to a singular thing
yeah, his mom died in a fire blitz caused, his best friend/crush lost his limbs in a fire blitz caused, he’s been treated as property since a young age; you can makes all kinds of correlations between these events and how they might have affected him later in life but as it stands now, we have no concrete answers other than the conclusion that blitz hates himself and has commitment issues.
but back onto that “taking things for granted” tidbit–subconsciously, he knows relationships can be good, but he feels he has to give up a lot of freedom in order to maintain one of his own.
also note how blitz is desperately crawling up the staircase, feathers kind of just hitting him haphazardly as he does so, as opposed to trip!moxxie who takes a few steps up after picking up a feather of his own volition. he knows moxxie’s relationship is more stable than any relationship he’s ever had, and yet:
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“stop fucking talking, all of you!”
cue the gold dust.
now, i'm not saying the book deal was a good thing. in fact, it kind of reinforced the power imbalance between blitz and stolas. i'm saying that from blitz's perspective, it was a safeguard. any feelings he might have had for stolas before could be dismissed, and he does exactly that one episode prior;
"it's a transactional fucking, you see..."
what i think he does take for granted is the advice “moxxie” gives to him, his attempts to reach out in a meaningful manner, kind of like stolas’ attempts to reach out. he ignores them both; he’s too deep into his own denial.
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why do these fruity little men think so low of themselves and so highly of others??
i guess that's a bit of a rhetorical question, we all know the answer, but. wait. hold on a sec
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OOOHHHH, that's what this post was gonna be about!
i fucking GOT all of you, you thought i could go a post without talking about him you're WRONG and should feel SILLY.
so this was the OTHER thing i realised when watching 3bskyen's JLMW reaction: it follows the same theme as moxxie's bad trip!
JLMW vs. moxxie's bad trip
in helluva boss, we're used to seeing staircases being symbolic of a difference in power or importance, or a staircase to heaven, or a highly anticipated event going wrong *cough cough ozzie's cough full moon cough cough*
however, i think in the context of moxxie’s bad trip and JLMW, it can also be attributed to emotional distance. like stolas, moxxie's also looking for an emotional intimacy/understanding between him and blitz (he spends his whole trip actively trying to get on the same level as him for crying out loud).
this could also fit into blitz's bad trip; he's trying to get on the same level as stolas, but feels like even if he ever did, he'd still be inherently worthless. a "play thing".
he doesn’t know why anyone would want him for anything else, but he’s clearly not all about the hierarchy.
they need to get on the same level as each other emotionally; they need to break the power dynamic, and thats why the book deal had to go.
the difference in the symbolism is that while blitz has a straight and narrow path to trip!stolas, moxxie’s path to trip!blitz is this winding, unguarded staircase. he almost falls off.
now, compared to both of those, stolas’ path is a fucking stroll. albeit an emotionally damaging stroll, but it takes less physical strength.
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conclusion; stairs are symbolic of a difference in power, but gold is symbolic of something else.
and there is a power dynamic between moxxie and blitz. it's not like stolas and blitz's dynamic, it's an artificial imbalance; blitz is the boss, moxxie is the employee. and moxxie has his own inferiority complex, which i think plays a role in it too.
the imbalance between stolas and blitz is kind of, unfortunately, inherited. but it's not impossible to manage. of course, stolas doesn't care about where blitz is on the hierarchy, he doesn't care about the hierarchy period. but it's still there. blitz cares because it affects him.
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"you will be technically under his jurisdiction, but..."
this was problem one. stolas unintentionally demonstrating his power over blitz. "surprise, i technically made you someone else's property! please love me!" i'm exaggerating but this is definitely not the kind of thing you spring on your partner; they needed to talk about this beforehand, but according to stolas:
"no need for an arrangement, it can just be him and me!"
sigh. the many different ways this night could've gone
this is enough to trigger blitz's fight or flight. he wants to be with stolas, but he doesn't want the freedom to choose to be with him, which is problem two:
because blitz's belief of love is so inherently fucked up,
what are the chances that the very thing stolas gave to blitz to reaffirm his free will was just interpreted as another shackle?
blitz doesn't do commitment; stolas doesn't say "i love you", he doesn't need to. if you love something, you let it go, and if it comes back then it's yours--which happens in the very next episode.
blitz is the first person to mention love.
but if they want to love each other, they have to be equals, which was why the book deal had to go. they can't hold each other to these super high standards because that'd just set themselves up for disappointment. they have to be on the same level.
tldr: they're two sides of the same coin. literally!
color theory for dummies, a brief intermission
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fun fact: i actually didn’t learn color theory in an art class, but in a textiles class. we love american education. but anyways, i’m gonna ask you to draw your attention specifically to the complementary colors.
we start the chorus of JLMW in a purpley sort of place, which then shifts into gold, and then into the red/blue contrast.
except red and blue aren’t complete opposites, they’re both primary colors.
if they wanted complete opposites, they could’ve used red and green, or blue and orange, which are admittedly uglier combinations but the point is that stolitz aren’t complete opposites.
however, purple and yellow, or gold, ARE complete opposites; they’re complementary colors. if purple is implied to be symbolic of stolitz together, then could gold imply stolitz apart?
well…no. i think that’s the wrong angle. if they wanted that contrast, they could have left the gold out entirely, because red and blue separate is stolitz apart.
so how are we supposed to deduce what the gold is actually symbolic of? because no, i don’t actually think it’s an extended shrek 4 reference. that kind of exclusively pertains to blitz’s trip.
listening to the lyrics in the gold part;
This unspoken contract
A deed we forged for mutual gain
If that's all this was when you're not here
What is this rooted pain?
I don't care that you're of lower station
Or primed to sate my dark temptations
Why can't you understand? Let me explain
And I'm terrified as I cry
To make these feelings true
What's left for me and my broken heart
If I cannot have you?
a direct mention of the book deal…and another mention of the power imbalance…so i realize am starting to sound insane, but please hear me out.
i think the main theme of helluva boss IS learning to love in spite of damages and traumas and insecurities–not ignoring either of those, but learning to work around them or possibly heal those parts of yourself so you can love someone else effectively. learning from mistakes.
so what if the gold is symbolic of the simple desire of a mutual understanding? or a meaningful connection with someone else?
tying it all back together somehow
both moxxie and stolas want to connect with blitz (in different ways), but for stolas, that means severing possibly the only thing connecting them thus far (the book). for moxxie, that means climbing the staircase and possibly being pushed even further away.
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moxxie also has this high opinion of blitz despite all his obvious (and not so obvious) flaws. i think it's partially because of his own inferiority complex, but to him, blitz is the phantom--his scar becomes the mask he hides behind. he knows blitz puts on this loud, crude personality to hide his cracks and keep others away, and has a scarily accurate portrayal of him in his mind.
moxxie wants to be on the same level as blitz, and he knows it's possible to get there, because he's a damaged character himself and he gets it. he's just yet to take the actual first step.
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stolas, even in his own imagination, doesn't think it's possible to be emotionally intimate until the deal is broken. he could reach for blitz, but blitz wouldn't reach back. he's not looking. not to mention the literal celestial view he has of blitz in his head.
while stolas can see blitz's damage, he can't fully comprehend it yet, partially because blitz won't give him the chance and partially because stolas isn't damaged in the same way he is. they both had deadbeat dads, but they adapted in different ways.
that's just the way trauma works, you adapt to deal with it, and then have to unadapt those unhealthy coping mechanisms once you're finally safe. it just takes a while for people to realize they're actually safe, and these fruitcakes are no exception.
conclusion? uhh, i don't know, i guess i don't really have one. just. enough with the discourse about these bitches i guess??? just give them each some time, change takes more than two seasons.
i guess i could compare the way the songs are set up but this was supposed to be out like two days ago and it's already 11:45 so. maybe some other time, maybe in a post about moxxie's Interesting taste in musicals
was unfortunately unable to finish the mox vs. fizz masterpost this month but we'll see sometime in the coming months, maybe sometime after the next helluva short comes out. been a bit too busy with school and other social things to have time writing these long asf posts about my skrimblos
okay goodnight o/
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milder-manners · 7 months
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spectersgf · 2 months
— driver's seat storm chasing 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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pairing: tyler owens × reader 
summary: he was about to take off again, chase another storm, leave you worrying for hours upon hours. the least he could do was give you a parting gift.
warnings: SMUT! kinda angsty a little, cute yeehaw banter, cowgirlisms, hair pull, ass smack, titty suck. all the good stuff.
wordcount: 3.2k
a/n: watched twisters literally two days ago, had this thought, here we are. not proofread at all (as always, soz) but filled with passion (and horny)
(if you want to be tagged in future fics or if you have any requests, let me know! for my other fics, here's my masterlist!)
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"oh, you're such a prick, tyler owens!"
you were shouting at your best friend, which was a regular occurrence due to his dangerous passion. tyler was a professional 'tornado wrangler' which was his idiotic way of saying he chased tornadoes for the sake of content creation. you knew it went much deeper than that for him; this was his passion and he was smart and knew so much about storms, but that doesn't mean he wasn't stupid and reckless.
he had just come back from a particularly dangerous storm, one that left you more worried for his safety than ever before. you cried seeing him come back to town and fretted over his injuries and bruises, begging him to stop and not go again.
according to what he just told you, your begging was pointless.
he was about to take off again, chase another storm, put himself back in harm's way. leave you worrying for hours upon hours, shaking until he'd return.
"do i mean nothing to you? does my begging and pleading mean nothing?" your voice was strained but you didn't lower your volume, desperate for him to see your anguish.
"you know that's not the case, darlin', but storm chasing is my life. you know that better than anyone." his tone was much steadier than yours, and his comments were entirely reasonable. you knew how much of his time he dedicated to his passion, but that didn't stop your frustration.
"don't play that fucking card with me, ty. it's not even been 48 hours since i thought you'd died, and now you're up and leaving again!" your anger had subsided and your tone had softened, now showing vulnerability and hurt. your shoulders sagged and you turned away from him, tears that you didn't want him to see stinging your eyes.
"y/n..." his voice trailed off, unsure if he was supposed to move to comfort you or give you space.
“you don’t understand what it does to me to see you walk out that door, ty. every single time i’m stuck asking myself if today’s the day i lose my best friend. and i know you’re careful and you know your stuff and you’re basically a pro but sometimes i can’t even bring myself to watch the streams and the videos because i’m so scared.” you rambled your confession, back still turned away from him but you’d started pacing. when you finished speaking, you turned to face him, eyes pleading. “i’m not asking you to stop. i’d never ask you to quit your passion. i just wish you’d understand from my perspective.”
"i'm sorry," he started, but you knew where his apology was headed. "but i have to do this. this is my life, and i'm helping people by doing this."
your tear-filled gaze met his as he spoke, and the look of sincerity on his face made you cave, as usual. "fine, go. it's not like i could've stopped you."
you watched him pick up his hat and place it easily on his head as he turned to walk away. he opened the door but turned before heading out. "you know i love you, y/n," he said quietly, sounding almost defeated.
his words struck you but before you could say anything, he was out the door. for a couple of minutes you stood in place, stunned at his proclamation. when you finally snapped out of your shock, you walked out the door, following behind him as he walked to his truck.
it had started to rain and the water caused his shirt to stick to him like a second skin, but you didn't allow yourself any time to ogle his physique. you reached out and grabbed his arm, feeling his cold skin against your warm touch. you pulled his arm, forcing him to turn and face you as you seethed.
"love me how?" you asked, obviously distressed. the rain was making your hair to stick to your face but you didn't care; all you cared about was the man in front of you. your best friend. "love me how, tyler?"
"y/n..." for the second time today his voice trailed off after saying your name like that and it infuriated you. your face burned from embarrassment and before you had fully processed your reaction, you slapped him.
when he turned his head back to look at you again, his eyes were swimming with hurt. you loved his eyes. you hated seeing them like this. but all you could focus on was your own hurt. after years of being his best friend but craving more, and years of casual touches and flirting and cuddling and rumours in your small town, this is what it had come to. a halfway confession.
"fuck you," you spit before turning away to walk back inside.
this time, it was tyler who reached out to grab you. his big hand encased your bicep and forced you to face him again. before you could say anything, he spun you around so that you were pinned against the door of his truck.
"what the fuck is your probl–" your words were abruptly cut off when he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. you stood still in shock for a few seconds before melting into him, one hand on the junction between his neck and shoulder, the other hand on his bicep. meanwhile, he had one hand on your waist and the other held your face, fingers splaying across your cheek and neck. you kissed him back with passion and vigour, easily letting his tongue explore your mouth for the first time.
your hands snakes upwards, pulling his hat off his head and slipping it onto yours while your free hand fisted his hair, threading your fingers through his locks. his hand trailed from your waist to your ass as he pulled away from your kiss for a second.
"you sure you wanna wear my hat, darlin'?" he panted, raising one cocky eyebrow as his eyes searched yours.
"wear the hat, ride the cowboy, right?" you asked, smirking confidently. he immediately matched your facial expression, smirking in return, but his eyes twinkled with joy and amusement.
tyler was much taller than you and evidently he was starting to see your height difference as an issue, since he brought his other hand down to your ass and lifted you, urging your legs around his waist and bringing you face to face. he kissed you again, just a quick kiss, before asking, "so, cowgirl. where are we doing this?"
"if i'm the cowgirl, are you my wild stallion?" you teased playfully, smiling as you looked at him affectionately. after seeing the fiery look in his eyes, you were unable to resist, and you pulled his mouth to yours once again, this kiss more intense than the last. you messily pulled his bottom lip into your mouth and sucked on it, followed by a gentle bite, before pulling away and desperately kissing down his neck. "i want you in your truck. driver's seat," you murmured against his skin.
before tyler was able to haul you into his truck, you detached yourself from him. once your feet were safely back on the ground, you eagerly grabbed the hem of his soaked t-shirt and peeled it off his tanned torso, shamelessly admiring his body as you did. you dragged your nails across his toned abdomen and brought your mouth to his chest, sucking and biting at his skin. you could barely register his groan, only able to focus on his body and being able to maintain skin-to-skin contact with him.
tyler pulled you away from him by gently tugging on your hair and you looked at him quizzically. "ty, what the hell?"
"enough teasing, cowgirl. time to ride the stallion," he told you, causing you both to erupt in a fit of giggles.
"never say that again, tyler," you replied, leaning up to peck him quickly.
he picked you up briefly and immediately put you down in a spot away from the driver's side door and swiftly got comfortable in his van, away from the cold rain. while he did so, you made quick work of unbuttoning your flannel shirt, leaving you in just a lacy, sheer bra and jeans. and his hat. once he was seated, tyler gave you a thorough once-over, letting out a low whistle as he did.
"somebody call for a ride?" his playful tone was supplemented by his signature cheeky smile, but you rolled your eyes at his comment.
"god, you're so fuckin' corny."
you boosted yourself into the truck, situating yourself easily on his lap. you shuffled around to get comfortable on tyler's lap and were rewarded with a strained groan. this time it was you giving him a cheeky smile followed by a quick roll of your hips over his. he placed his hands firmly on your waist, fingers dipping into your jeans and stopping your movements.
"keep that up and this'll be over before it started, sweetheart," he told you, voice strained and you could tell it was from arousal. you watched his mouth as he spoke and, unable to resist him, you leaned in and kissed him again. your almost bare chest was pressed against his and your hands roamed his skin, picking up water droplets as they went. the feel of his toned muscle under your hands caused you to moan into his mouth, turning tyler on even more.
his hands wound into your hair, all the way up to the root, and he tugged lightly. you whimpered and dragged your hips over his, and when tyler pulled away from your kiss you unconsciously followed his movement. tyler clicked his tongue in condescending disapproval but smirked at your reaction to him.
“needy for me, baby?” he asked mockingly, one hand on your hips to halt your movement again, the other still tangled in your hair.. you nodded your response, not trusting yourself to speak in your current state. “words, sweetheart. what do you need?”
you whined but when you realised he wasn’t going to do anything until you spelled it out for him, you let out an exasperated huff. “need you to fuck me.”
tyler laughed affectionately at your desperation. “there you go, sweetheart. that’s what i like to hear.” you preened from his praise, craving to receive it again. with the hand that was on your hips, he undid the button of your jeans and pulled the zipper down with a quiet hiss. instead of pulling down the restrictive fabric like you expected, he slipped his hand into your barely-existent underwear and stroked with a featherlike touch. 
“this all for me?” he asked as he dragged a finger through your arousal; you were soaked and his teasing tone was only making it worse. you dropped your head onto his shoulder and tried to slyly jerk your hips forward, though you were unable to. “patience, baby. i’ve chased this storm so long, now let me enjoy it.”
his words jolted you caused a moan to fall from your mouth. your skin was feverish despite the biting cold and you were becoming increasingly desperate. “next time, please, tyler. i need you inside me, please,” you begged, mouth against his tan skin. 
he didn’t say anything in response, only chuckled quietly to himself as he removed his hand from your underwear. he brought his hand up to your mouth and you looked him in the eye as you took one finger, the one that had been touching you, into your mouth and sucked. you bobbed your head back and forth for just a few seconds and hummed quietly around the digit in your mouth before releasing it and pulling tyler’s mouth to yours in a heated kiss, urging him to taste you from your own mouth. 
“god, if we weren’t in my truck right now i’d have my mouth on your sweet cunt,” he grumbled.
“don’t care, need your cock inside me.” without breaking your kiss, you pushed your jeans down over your hips but only to your knees. “i’m ready, you know i’m ready, what are we waiting for?” you asked frantically. you started to paw at his stupid belt but his hands covered yours, stopping you from getting to what you were craving.
“are you sure? we can’t go back after this and you know it.” his eyes were swimming with concern as he spoke, searching yours for any indication of your feelings. 
you moved one hand to his face, placing it on his cheek and stroking his cheekbone delicately with your thumb. “i want this. i have for a longass time. i’ve felt it for so long, and now i’m finally chasing it. are you chasing it with me?” your words were entirely sincere and this was obvious to tyler, especially when you looked in his eyes and deep into his soul.
“using my own words against me?” he teased, breaking the tension in a charming way that only he could pull off. “i’m with you.” his words were equally sincere, though you could sense the double meaning. you weren’t distressed by it; his way of telling you how he was feeling made your heart swell and added to your already dripping arousal.
you resumed your work on removing his belt, followed by unbuttoning his jeans and pulling the zipper. tyler could only watch cockily as you did so, both hands behind his head, muscles flexing, as he admired your naked beauty. jeans pulled down, only a sheer bra covering your breasts, and his hat on your head.
“go on, baby. take me out; it’s all yours.”
his words empowered you and you happily obliged, appreciating his quiet hiss as you made contact with his skin once again. you tunnel visioned on his thick cock in your hand, swiping your thumb over the tip and pumping it once, twice, three times. tyler watched your every moment and facial expression, and he could see you practically salivating, bringing a wide and cocky smirk to his face. “another time,” he murmured despite his better opinion of letting you take him in your mouth the way you so obviously craved. you simply nodded in agreement, seemingly in a trance as you eyed the way your smaller hand wrapped around his girth. 
the feeling of his hands on your hips gently urging you forwards and upwards snapped you out of your dreamlike state but you didn’t resist his manhandling; instead, you welcomed the way he took control of the situation. took control of you. 
before proceeding further he looked you in the eyes again, showing that same sincerity and vulnerability, silently asking ‘are you sure you’re sure?’. you smiled at the gesture, appreciative of his concern, and nodded. your eyes sparkled with excitement as you brought your bottom lip between your teeth and reached behind you to guide tyler’s hard cock into your wetness. the pair of you moaned in tandem as you sunk down on him, fitting together perfectly. 
“c’mere, cowgirl,” he murmured, voice heavy with arousal. you shifted forward with him inside you, pulling a groan from deep within his chest as he pulled you in for another kiss. the combination of his searing kiss and the way he filled you up was electrifying. your entire body moved on its own accord, as if you had come alive for the first time; your mouth worked against his and you circled your hips against his and you were consumed entirely by him. 
one of his hands pawed at your ass while the other worked on removing your bra. when he did finally get your bra unhooked, it was practically ripped off your body and thrown to the backseat. tyler’s lips reluctantly left yours but they immediately attached to your right breast, with his hand squeezing the left. he sucked a harsh mark into the flesh before his mouth circled your peaked nipple, sucking eagerly before rolling it gently between his teeth. 
“you have no idea how desperate i’ve been to get my mouth on your pretty tits, sweetheart,” he mumbled against you. his words caused your hips to stutter against his as you rode him, hitting your sweet spot and forcing a high pitched moan from you. 
“i need you to do it, ty,” you whimpered, hungry for him to take control again.
“such a good girl, telling me what you need.” his praise made you glow and you unconsciously clenched your muscles around him.
his grip on your ass tightened slightly before he slapped it, deliciously stinging your skin. you moaned and jerked forward again and your head immediately fell backwards, eyes rolling back. 
“god, y/n, you’re a walking turn on,” he moaned, hips starting to buck as he fucked into you. “you have no fuckin’ idea what you do to me. the number of times i’ve wanted to do this with you right here, audience be damned. the way i crave the taste of your sweet cunt on my tongue. having to stop myself from smacking your ass or squeezing your tits whenever you’re in those tiny bikinis or scraps of fabric that you call pyjamas. and now you’re mine and we can do all of it.”
you moaned and whimpered pathetically throughout tyler’s speech, the words that you were longing to hear from him finally being voiced while he fucked you. 
“i’m close,” you mumbled, bringing your hand to your mouth to muffle your noises. “need you to fill me up.”
his eyes squeezed shut due to your muffled words and he pulled your hand away from your mouth. “i’ll give you whatever you need, baby, but i need to hear you when i do,” he told you, linking your fingers together and resting your joined hands on his glistening chest. “cum for me, sweet girl. cum on my cock, let me feel you.”
his words tipped you over the edge and your muscles spasmed around him as you reached your climax, moaning his name as you did. tyler followed suit, filling you upon your request. 
“fuck, y/n,” he groaned, pulling your chest to his and kissing you again, sweetly this time despite your expectations.
the pair of you were a panting, sweaty mess when you both finished, but you didn’t break any of your attachments. he didn’t pull out of you, and he didn’t let you loosen your embrace.
“i guess you could say i wrangled your tornado, hm?” 
“you did not say that to me while i have your dick and cum inside me right now, tyler owens.”
“c’mon, darlin’, you obviously like my lines,” he teased, smiling sweet and sincere.
“more than just your lines. i like you,” you confessed, voice quiet and shy out of fear of rejection.
“yeah? you got a li’l crush on me?” his playful and teasing tone made you smile. dissipating any worries you had. this was the boy you were falling for. 
“just a little one. really, i’m just here for your truck.” the banter between the two of you was light and easy, something that you both always appreciated about each other. you clicked. 
“yeah, cowgirl, i know how you feel about my truck.”
you giggled at his response and kissed the bare, warm skin on his shoulder.
“you’re the most beautiful storm i’ve chased, y/n.” he looked into your eyes as he spoke, voice quiet as if speaking too loud would disrupt the moment.
“that’s funny. because you’re the sun coming up after the storm.”
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WHEW! first tyler fic done bbz<333 more to come, requests are open HERE! if you want to be tagged in future fics lmk, please tell me what you think, even if you think i should never write again ok thank u bye ily bye
taglist: @ronsbadidea
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euphemiaamillais · 8 months
omg!! i love the idea of sej and coryo being your roommates ✊🏼could you write the reader sending them spicy pics or vids to them while they’re in class?? whatever comes next is up to you <33
mdni | sej and coryo as your roommates (with benefits)
cw: 18+//suggestive videos&photos//fingering//mentions of sex
since you’d dumped your boyfriend and threesomes became a regular occurrence for you all, you found yourself growing increasingly needy throughout the day. while you were on leave from uni, the boys were still attending almost daily, much to your annoyance.
but you found your way of teasing them; and you found when they came home they didn’t even bother putting their things down before one of them was burying their cock inside of you, or kissing their way up your thigh to eat you out.
10:42 am
you: can’t stop thinking about last night :(
sej: yeah?
you: i’m so wet at the thought of you taking me like that again sej
you smirked as you pressed send on a photo of your fingers delving into your pussy, and waited for sejanus to reply. while you were waiting, you began typing a message to coryo. he was harder to get to, often not responding to your texts (but god forbid if he did text you that you took more than 5 seconds to respond).
you: i bet you’re hard right now thinking about how well i took your cock last night
no response, but you were surprised that sejanus had sent you a video, and when you opened the message, he’d left a small caption.
sej: couldn’t help myself
the video made your core burn. sejanus was locked in a bathroom stall, hand gripping his thick cock as he rubbed his length up and down. he was groaning with no shame, and you could see his face contorting with pleasure. he was muttering something about wanting to make you choke on his cock when he got home.
you couldn’t help but bring your fingers to your bare cunt, and you began to rub softly at your achy clit. deciding that you wanted to be courteous and send a video back, you began to film yourself, the sounds of your whimpers echoing against the walls of your room.
you pressed send, but saw that you’d accidentally added coryo to the conversation. he still hadn’t responded to your original text, but there was a time stamp that read ‘seen 10:53’ which made your lips curl up into a frown.
you: need you to fill me up later
coryo: such a fucking slut sending that to me in class. you’re so desperate, aren’t you?
your heart flutters as you see his response, and watch as two typing bubbles pop up on the screen, both boys clearly now vying for which one gets your attention. you can’t believe your eyes when you receive a photo of coryo playing with his cock, hand gripping the base, his long length dripping a little with precum.
sej: you gonna be good for us when we get home?
you: maybe.
you go back to rubbing at your clit, fingers delving in and out of your slickness at the same time as you bring yourself to your conclusion. you need them so bad, and you’re frustrated that they’re not here to help you right now.
coryo: bet you’re fucking yourself right now, aren’t you?
when you don’t respond, too distracted by the image of coryo’s hard cock in his hand, and the video of sej jerking himself off playing in the back of your mind, coryo continues to send taunting texts.
coryo: you know your fingers can’t make you cum as good as we can, princess
sej: gonna fuck you so good when i get home
coryo: oh, i don’t think she deserves it if she’s going to tease us so much.
you feel yourself gush around your fingers, body brimming with desire. warmth pools between your thighs, but you’re left feeling a little empty, wishing one of your boys—or both of them—could’ve helped you out.
when you glance down at the texts, you frown, irked by coryo’s cruelty. he liked to think he could make you cum the hardest out of him, sej, and your own fingers, and when he found you not using his cock or tongue to get off, he always sought to punish you for it.
you: please :(
coryo: oh look, she’s finally replying. too busy wishing it was my cock inside of you?
sej: don’t be so cruel coryo, you know she can’t help that we’re not home
coryo: and yet she can’t be a good girl and wait until we come home to fuck her
coryo: too obsessed with our cocks, huh?
you: please come home soon. need you guys to fill me up
sej: gonna put my cock in your pretty little mouth when i get there ;)
coryo: at least let me bend her over and teach her a lesson, sej. sluts don’t get to cum until i’m satisfied that they’ve learned not to touch themselves without us there
you sigh at coryo’s domineering nature; but your thighs tingle at the thought of him shoving your face into the mattress as he pounds into you.
you: i can’t wait much longer :(
sej: hold on baby, i’ll be home soon
coryo: remember sej, she doesn’t get to cum until i say so
you: you guys are soooo mean ;(
you put your phone down and let out a heavy sigh. the boys loved to tease you, it bordered on cruelty at times, but you still took their cocks willingly each time, and always came back begging for more. who knew that having two hot roommates would come with so many benefits.
that afternoon, they made true on their promises and fucked your cunt full of their cum until you were practically begging to get off yourself. finally, after what seemed like hours of torture, coryo made you cum with his tongue, giving you sloppy head when he was satisfied that you’d learned your lesson.
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myseungsunglove · 30 days
NDA | Ksm
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Pairing: Seungmin x reader
Warnings: fluff, language
Word Count: 1.3k
𖠫Summary: Scrolling through tik tok brings forth some questions for the reader that really only Kim Seungmin can answer.
✎A/N✎: I saw a tik tok about someone talk about signing an NDA and this popped into my head. Who even knows why. I’m always partial to the friends to lovers trope myself. It’s my comfort zone. So, here. Enjoy it with me! Also, I’m extremely rusty, so this might just be trash. Be nice please. 😭
◠ ◡ ◠᭚ιαᵕ̈
「© August 24, 2024 by myseungsunglove」
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You’re scrolling through Tik Tok when you come across yet another interaction of Seungmin with a fan at Lolla. Reading through the comments, they are rife with fans giggling and commenting about the op missing an opportunity to sign an NDA.
One comment read, “Girl. The way he smiled at you. His eyes were so bright and kind. That right there was your chance at an NDA. You fumbled that. *crying emoji*”
You stifle a laugh, but the sound is a little louder than you mean for it to be.
“What?” Seungmin asks from beside you, not even looking up from writing in his journal beside you.
You turn to look at him, taking in his profile. He is handsome, anyone would be blind not to see that, but the fascination and determination of some fans to sign an NDA with an idol is baffling to you.
Seungmin swallows, and you follow the curve of his neck and adam’s apple, finding yourself a little lost in a trance.
“You’re staring,” he comments.
“I am,” you agree, but you don’t look away. Instead you set down your phone and scoot closer to him on the bed. “Explain something to me,” you start picking up your phone again, opening it up to share the video with him.
“There it is,” he chuckles fondly, placing his pencil in his notebook, closing it and setting it safely on the bedside table. “How may I enlighten my best friend today?” he turns to look at you, brown eyes bright and sparkling and for a brief moment your heart jumps in your chest. Okay, maybe you get what those comments are talking about, but still. He is Seungmin. He is your best friend.
You open up your phone and show him the video. He smiles softly, and it’s evident on his face that he is remembering the interaction. The video ends and he looks at you, puzzled, his eyebrows furrowed slightly before he raises one at you questioningly.
“What is there to explain?” he asks.
You laugh and take the phone from him and open up the comments. You hand the phone back to him and say, “That. Help me understand.”
He reads carefully, taking a little longer than you really expect.
Then he laughs his short little laugh, the sound tinkling out of him like a song and you want to smack him upside the head. However, you find yourself laughing with him instead.
“Y/N, do I really need to explain to you what an NDA is?” he asks, his voice holding a light and teasing lilt to it.
“Ha!” you burst out, punching him in the shoulder and tearing your phone from his slender hand. “I know what a fucking NDA is, asshat.”
He chuckles again, still staring at you. There is a playful smirk on his face as he waits for you to provide context.
“What I mean,” you sigh exaggeratedly, “What’s with the fascination of some fans to sign an NDA with an idol? Is that like the goal of fans?”
He narrows his eyes at you then, taking in what you asked. He seems to be genuinely considering your question. You turn on the bed to face him, legs crossed in front you and hands resting in your lap as you watch him think.
“I suppose its because they have this ideal of the idol built up in there head,” he starts before meeting your eyes. “An NDA would give them the opportunity to find out if that ideal is true or not.”
You hum in response. It makes sense, you guess, but you can’t completely fathom wanting to spend time with a complete stranger. At the end of the day, that’s really what they are.
“And,” he starts and you look back at him brought out of your thoughts. “They hope that one meeting will help them form a bond that they think is there,” he says frankly.
“Does it?” you ask, genuinely curious.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never signed one,” he admits.
“Never?” you ask before you can stop yourself.
“Come on, Y/N. You know me better than that. At least I would think you do,” he responds, a tiny bit of hurt flashing across his face before its replaced with something you can’t quite name.
“I do, sorry,” you apologize, looking down at your hands. “I just, I don’t know. The idea seems so strange to me, I guess. I’m glad you’re already my best friend. Our bond is already built. I don’t need an NDA to confirm that,” you smile fondly before looking back at him.
“You know,” he says, moving closer to your legs, “NDA’s are signed for a lot of reasons. Usually not the reason we’re talking about.” He stares into your eyes, it’s piercing look and it’s like you’re caught there, unable to move. Unable to breathe.
“Oh?” is all you can manage.
His eyes flick down to your lips, lingering there then purposefully meeting your eyes again. His brown boba eyes widen with the unspoken question causing you to lick your lips unconsciously. Instead of an answer, you lean forward slowly, hesitantly. That seems to be the only answer he needs before he presses his mouth against yours. His lips are soft. You wouldn’t say softer than you imagined because you had really never considered them. Not until now. Now, they’re moving against yours and your entire body is warm. They’re soft, almost pillowy and comforting. He reaches his hand out to cup your jaw as he deepens the kiss and you feel like you’ve been ignited from the inside. Just when your lungs are ready to scream, he pulls away his eyes fluttering open and meeting yours.
“Can we sign that NDA now?” you joke with a nervous chuckle.
His arms wrap around your waist and pull you into his lap, his lips crashing against yours again without warning. The kiss is fierce and desperate this time as you lean into him and run your fingers through the tiny hairs at the base of his neck. You hold him against you as he licks into your mouth hungrily, like he has wanted you for a long time.
“Fuck,” he breathes as you pull apart again. “I can’t believe we just did that,” he admits, his head falling back against his headboard with a thud.
“I think I’d like to keep doing that,” you admit.
“Yeah?” he asks, his head snapping back up, his eyes meeting yours.
“Definitely,” you chuckle, your hand coming to his face as you run your thumb along his jawline. “Better get that NDA written up,” you tease.
He growls playfully and flips you on your back, looking down at you. The air is punched out of you when you land and he is hovering over you, a new look across his face. A look of admiration and love, but also hunger and desire.
“Shut the fuck up about the NDA,” he grits out, but the playful glint in his eyes tells you there is no malice in his words. “It’s just me and you. My best friend. I wouldn’t want to hide that,” he admits, capturing your lips in a soft kiss as he cages you in beneath him, his body just hovering over you as if he is waiting for that last bit of the dam to break. “I love you,” he barely whispers against your lips and your world is thrown off kilter. Kim Seungmin loves you. And you realize just how much you love him. How you always have.
Your hands run along his sides and glide up his lean back as you pull him down completely on you, his lips finding yours again.
Funny how talking about an NDA can make two best friends realize they're madly in love with each other.
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sturnsoupspoon · 9 months
kiss me thru the phone
matt sturniolo x reader smut .
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matt can’t be there to help reader , so he reminds her of an old tape she can use to help jog her memory
warnings : smut , fem! receiving , sex tape , solo fem! slight soft dom matt. language.
italic writing = sex tape footage
the lights were dim in my room . the only sounds heard being the shuffling of my body against my quilt and the taps of my acrylics on my phone screen.
the smell of cologne still attached to the fabric of my pillow case brings a smile to my face . he still wears it .
huffing in the smell i turn around to the other side of my bed . the cold sheets hug the skin of my arm as i throw my hand onto his pillow, missing the feeling of his chest rising next to me , missing the warmth of his skin and the soft fabric of his clothes . opening my phone app i press the recently dialed number , feeling the dial tone vibrate against my hand before it clicks off and i hear the familiar voice ring through the speaker.
“hey i was just thinking about you” matt’s voice spoke into my ear through the phone , his voice high , almost being able to hear the smile against his lips .
“what were u thinking about?” i reply as i get up from my pillows , sitting up and placing a strand of hair behind my ear.
“you know the usual , how i missed you , wondered when i’m gonna see you next , how hot your new post was on instagram is , how horny i now am , how pretty you are ….” he trails off , my eyebrows raise at that second to last one , letting a huff of air out through my nostrils , laughing in slight shock .
“hey what was that that last one ?” i say cutting him off .
“how pretty you are ? i feel like i say that a lot you shouldn’t be so suprise-“
i cut him off “no no. the other one , say that one again” i say quieter this time , now very aware of the prickling between my legs .
“i said …. how horny i am y/n , how hard i am from one photo of you . how much i wish i was there with you now , watching how easy it is to get you all worked up” he says slowly , every word making my heart beat quicken . every syllable making my legs press together more , squeezing the rising tension between my thighs. i let out a shakey breath as i lay back down . subconsciously my body arches back and my legs spread , the heels of my feet dragging along my bottom sheet as i situate myself .
“y/n ? you there sweetheart?” he says quietly , his voice soothing and soft .
“mhmm” i reply , in a trance as i stare at the ceiling, slowly biting down on my bottom lip as i bring my hand up to my chest , slowly trailing my nails across the skin on my breast . feeling my cold fingers move against the skin, forming goosebumps with their trail .
“you okay ? you went quiet there for a second?” he asks kindly , snapping me out of my trance slightly.
“fuck matt i need you” i breathe out , completely unaware of the way matt is loving this .
“i know you do , but i can’t come over tonight , so i need you to do something for me okay ?” he says with fake softness , his voice a calculated one as he waits for his cue .
“anything matt”
and there it is .
“i want you to open the file i know you have on your laptop, the one we made in august ? hmm. i want you to watch it . touch yourself where i touched you in that video, can you do that for me baby ?” he says , his voice now slightly croaky as he quietly talks into his speaker .
“mhm” i reply quietly, my hands already finding their way down to my shorts , past the fabric and onto the skin of my pussy.
“i need you words y/n , tell me exactly what your gonna do.”
i hault my hand as he speaks , a flush creeping onto my face at the tone of his voice. “ i’m gonna touch myself matty , i’m gonna watch the video we made together , im gonna relive it . fuck” i say as my fingers make my way beneath the fabric again , making contact with my sensitive clot for a split second.
“good girl , i’ve got to go now . but don’t be shy , send anything u want me to see” he says sweetly again , his dominant tone switching off again before the end tone rings , signalling him ending the call .
i open my hidden camera roll on my phone , finding the video very quickly. my hand lowers in my shorts before i wriggle out of them , watching the video play .
sounds of kissing is the only thing heard as matt slowly climbs on top of me . his jawline on the camera sharp and perfect as his tongue fights against mine . i moan softly as his hands brush my side , lifting my top up slightly, allowing his hands to snake up my shirt , cupping my breast as he continues to kiss me .
his lips move down to my neck , i throw it back at his touch allowing him a better angle , soft moans and sighs escaping my lips as he works my body the way he knows so well . kissing , sucking , licking all the spots he knows so well , eluding more pleasured sighs from me . my hands slip up his top and i take it off his body , his lips detaching from my neck as i pull the shirt over his head , before y it on the floor. i bring his face to mine again , taking control of the kiss now , my body attempting to roll against his as he pulls away from the kiss and lowers himself to my bare stomach, kissing the skin down to my underwear covered pussy . as he does this i throw my own shirt off my head , throwing it with his . the moment my shirt is on the ground , i feel my panties being rolled over my hips , down the my feet before i am lay bare in-front of him .
he spreads my legs , his muscles in his arms flexing as he holds them open , ducking his head to where i need him the most .
he licks a stripe up my folds , his saliva and my wetness allowing his tongue to slide to my clit easily , making a lewd moan fall from my lips at the contact . he wraps lips around my clit , placing a kiss to it before allowing his tongue to move over the sensitive bundle of nerves . my hand makes it’s way to his hair as he continues, my hips grinding up against him , my thighs trapping him between my legs as his mouth wraps around my pussy .
wet and lewd sounds along with soft moans and whispered “matt” ‘s are the only things heard now , my orgasm slowly creeping up on me as he places two fingers inside of me slowly, curling them into me .
my jaw falls slack as i feel this , my head throwing back into the pillows of his bed . my hand not in his hair grabs onto the headboard behind me , my nails digging into the fabric for some kind of relief as he shakes his head left to right violently.
“fuck fuck matt matt matt please” is all i manage to get our before both of my hands are in his hair , pushing his head down into my further as i reach my high , loud moans being pulled from me as he continues to push his tongue against my clit , riding out my high with me .
as i reach my high on the video i reach my high in real life , my phone falling from my hands as i grip the sheets of my bed , eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back into my pillow .
god even when he’s not here he still fucks me good .
tag list ?
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seriesxwriting · 8 months
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Pairing: reader x Stefan Salvatore
Series: tvd, the vampire diaries
Summary: All Stefan keeps talking about is his ex. That’s not what a girl wants to hear her crush talk about.
Warnings: drinking, kissing, I don’t think there’s any swearing but you never know with me.
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“Elena Elena Elena” I rolled my eyes flopping onto my bed. Caroline sat at my desk watching me with one eyebrow up. “I can see it’s bothering you” she slowly lowered her eyebrow and put her hands together. I rolled onto my side looking over at her. “It’s all he ever talks about” I sighed making my eyes turn in. “One, don’t do that it freaks me out” Caroline shook her head. “And two” she started as she stood up walking over to the side of the bed. “Look I love you y/n but when it comes to men- you’re flirting isn’t really- the best”.
“Oh so it’s my fault he can’t get over his ex” I sat up straight at a quicker pace than lightning. “No” she snapped at me “I’m just saying Stefan probably doesn’t even know you’re interested, if he did he wouldn’t be talking about other girls” “oh but it’s not just any other girl- it’s Elena, she’s so perfect, she’s so pretty”. Caroline rubbed my arm sympathetically with a tiny smile. “Show him you’re interested, he probably will be too”, “but what if he’s not, what if he really is still in love with her”.
“Then that’s his loss, not yours, you get over him and show him how it’s done” Caroline winked at me perking up slightly. I chewed on my lip thinking about it. “Okay, I’ll up my flirting game” I nodded my head and rubbed my hands together as if I was creating some manipulative plan to kidnap him or end the world. “Atta girl, you’ll see him at the party right, there’s your chance” “Stefans picking me up” I stood up going over to my wardrobe. “Really? He told me he couldn’t drive me because he had plans before it and they might run over” Caroline scrunched her face in deep thought at my blue rug laying on the floor.
“Caroline, focus- what the hell do I wear” I ordered bringing her attention back onto me standing in between hangers upon hangers of clothes. “A dress, what about that white one your mum brought you for your birthday?” She shrugged, her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers when the idea came to her. “This one?” I questioned pulling it out and holding it over my body. “Yeah wear that, it’s well cute- with the boots you had on when you came to sleep at mine last week” “casual but cute, I like your thinking” I nodded hanging it on my wardrobe door.
“Right babe I better get a move on, I need to be ready for six I’m catching a ride with Elena and Damon” she told me standing up and collecting her stuff putting it in her bag. “Alright care I’ll see you later thanks for everything” I walked over and we embraced each other sighing into one another’s hair. “Chin up, practice some flirting- maybe watch a YouTube video” she offered up as she stepped back. “I’m not doing that!” I sniggered shaking my head. “Your loss” she shrugged giggling silently as she left my room. Leaving me to my own devices.
I pulled the dress down and put it across my body holding it up in front of the mirror. It took me just over an hour to get ready. I had a shower, blow dried and curled my y/h/c hair. Before putting on my outfit. I tried on about five coats to see which one was the best. Eventually I went with a black bomber jacket. And with that the time turned quarter past six, the door bell went off on the dot. So Stefan Salvatore of him. I smiled grabbing my bag and jumping towards my bedroom door knowing who was downstairs. I grasped the handle taking deep breaths composing myself.
I walked down the stairs, my house was empty right now as both parents were away on holiday in England. I wondered to the front door as my heart pounded against my chest. I yanked it open and there he stood with tulips in his hands and the famous Stefan smile. He looked so cute. “H-hi” he stuttered as his eyes dragged down me blatantly. “You look- amazing- stunning- well… beautiful” he stuttered unsure of what word he wanted to use.
“You cleaned up too- are these for me?” I raised my eyebrow at the gesture. “Of course” he smiled passing them across to me. “They’re gorgeous, I can’t believe you brought me flowers” I smiled from ear to ear. “Come in while I buy them in a vase”. My mind raced, why had Stefan brought me flowers, was this a date? No we’re just friends right. I came back out the kitchen and he’d been waiting in the hall. “All ready?” I quizzed grabbing my bag that I’d left on the side. “Yeah, let’s get going” he nodded his head out the door. “Elenas already there”.
“Of course she is” I gave him a fake smile sighing before coldly grabbing the Handel and walking out first. “And Damon and care of course” Stefan told me following me out, though he had to raise his voice a tad because of the distance I’d gone. “Lift the Handel up all the way” I ordered not even turning around. I heard him do as I said before joining me inside the car. “I think we’re all really in need of this bonfire party” Stefan began as he drove off my drive.
“Mm me too, it’s been a stressful few months” “uh huh especially with all the elena stuff going on” Stefan laughed but again my eyes subtly rolled and my stomach sank. Could he go five minutes without mentioning her. “How about we stop talking about Elena for tonight, what better way to get over her than at a party” “oh I’m over her” Stefan chuckled re gripping the steering wheel. “Well a party is definitely in need, never know who we might meet”. “It’s mystic falls everyone knows everyone” Stefan shook his head. We turned into the woodlands where the party was happening.
We could already see the cloud of smoke rising from the fire. The crowd circling round it, chatting and drinking. “Park over there that’s Bonnie’s car” I pointed out but Stefan was already turning into a spot, I noticed Damon’s car being right next to us. “It’s alright this one’s bigger”. Sure it is Stefan sure it is. We both got out and soon made our way towards the people. “Let’s grab drinks first” his hand attached its self to my lower back as we waded through the crowd. I felt my heart pound and it made me relax into him.
We grabbed two beers and by the time we’d turned around elena was running up to us “Stefan! Y/n!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and then did the same to me. “Hey” I answered bluntly with a flick of my hand. “I started to think you two weren’t coming” “we just got- held up” Stefan struggled looking at me, I smiled knowingly and a warm sensation came across me knowing Elena had no idea what we were talking about.
Damon strolled over coming to say hi to us. “Well come on, everyone’s over near the bridge” he nodded his head. “we’ll catch up with you soon” Stefan shrugged answering before I could. Him saying that made me really excited, I wanted it to just be me and him so I could up my flirting game. “Oh come on stef I haven’t seen you in ages no one has apart from y/n, come and catch up with everyone”. His eyes flicker between me and Elena for a second or two. “Alright” he smiled simply and Elena squealed. “Come on then” she grabbed Damon’s wrist and Stefan started following them nodding to me to come with him.
We landed at the group where Bonnie, Tyler, Caroline, Matt and Jeremy were all waiting for us with smiles. We all exchanged hi’s and then jumped into conversation. My excitement was short lived, I loved my friends but I just wanted some alone time with Stefan. Though I wasn’t complaining too much because he didn’t really leave my side the whole night. We stayed in the same position talking, laughing and drinking for most of the night. Though Bonnie and care soon dragged me over to dance and I brought Stefan with me.
“How are you so good at this!” I laughed as Stefan spun me around and pulled me towards him. “I’ve had years of experience” he smiled close to my face. My hand was on his shoulder and the other his bicep while both of his were wrapped around my waist. “Have you always liked dancing?” “When I can dance with someone as pretty as you” he nodded making me smile again. “Stefan- Stefan!”. And just like that our moment was ruined. He pulled away from me and Elena ran through the crowd her eyes were full of tears.
“What’s wrong?” “Damon’s left- we got into an argument and he stormed off” “what about?” His eyebrow raised “I’ll explain it all to you, can you take me home please?” “I…” Stefan looked at me. “Bonnie will take you home- or you could call a taxi” I offered to Elena. “I know I know- I just really want to talk to you Stefan, you understand me in a different way and im hysterical right now” she wiped her eyes sitting back on her leg. “It’s okay I’ll take you home” he nodded completely pulling away from me now and standing on her side.
She threw her arms around him thanking him. “I’ll see you later y/n” he rubbed my arm before him and Elena left the crowed. I watched them walk all the way over to the car. “I’m sorry girl, she ruined your moment I thought he was going to kiss you then” Caroline came round with her hand on my shoulder. “No- he wasn’t” I shook my head. “He’s not over her, I’m going home” I smiled at her with tears In my eyes. “But he’s coming back for you” Caroline shook her head.
“He’s not care, he’ll be with her all night, I’m calling a taxi” I nodded hugging her before removing myself from the crowd. I waited for the taxi on the main road and it took me promptly home. As soon as I got in my removed the stupid dress and put my pjs on. I thought I was doing alright until I stepped into the kitchen for some water. I saw the flowers. My heart shattered. Tears slowly fell down my face as I realised I was never getting him. He didn’t love me like he loved her. I slid down the wall and took a seat on the kitchen floor.
I didn’t know how long I’d been there crying just staring at the flowers trying to make sense of them. A knock on the door pulled me out of my day dream. I wiped my face and went over to the door. When I pulled it open Stefan stood there. I blinked confused about why he was on my door step. “What do you want?” I asked harshly. Which maybe was a bit mean. “Well- I went back to the party to find you but care said I’d messed up and just kept tutting at me” he struggled still looking a bit confused. “So you came to check on me?”
“You look like you needed someone to check on you, are you crying?”. “No” I answered bluntly moving my eye contact to the ground. Stefan squeezed past me walking into my house and turning into the kitchen. He switched the kettle on and got two cups out while I closed the door. “You just inviting yourself in now?” “Nope you already invited me in once, we’re going to sit down and you’re going to tell me what’s wrong- or what I done wrong”.
“You haven’t done anything wrong Stefan- it’s nobody’s fault” “so why are you talking to me like I’ve done something wrong?” He raised an eyebrow walking towards me. “Because it feels like you have but I know deep down it’s wrong to blame you, you can’t help it” I sighed looking at the floor. “Help what?” He quizzed lifting my chin up with his hand. “That your not over Elena- that you love her more than you’ll ever like me, and that’s not your fault that’s mine- I fell for you at the wrong time and I put my hands up for that and honestly you can’t help who you like and even though it’s not me I shouldn’t blame you for that because…”
“Y/n!” “Stop talking!”. I looked up at him with full eyes. “Let me just finish explaining- I don’t want you to think I’m…” and with that Stefan cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine. “Why are you kissing me?” I whispered against his lips. He kissed me again for a second or two before admitting “I’m interested in you y/n”. Hearing that made me pull him closer to me and make the kiss harder. His hands held my waist close to him. When we eventually pulled away he put his forehead on mine. “If your interest in me why’d you drop me for Elena constantly, why do you always talking about her with me”.
“I don’t drop you for her y/n, she’s delicate and even though we aren’t together I’ll still look out for her, I made her a promise in the same way that she is now my sister in law, she’s family so if she needs me I’ll be there but I will always be back for you y/n- I came back for you tonight”. I bit my lip feeling slightly bad for not thinking about that. “And the reason I’m constantly bringing her up- is because… you reached out to me after the break up and we grew close immediately, I just didn’t want you to go anywhere”.
“That- doesn’t make sense” I shook my head completely confused. “I thought if you thought I was healed you wouldn’t want to see me as regularly because I wouldn’t need you”. “So- you pretended to miss her because you didn’t want me to leave?” “I didn’t think it through- I panicked” he sighed stepping backwards clearly embarrassed that I’d caught onto it. “So- you’re over her?” I looked up at him hopeful.
My eyes sparkled with tears, Stefan took that step back toward me and cupped my face. “Very much so, yes” he nodded in a whisper. “I understand if you don’t believe me- I shouldn’t have done what I did I can’t imagine how it made you feel” he sighed brushing my cheeks with his thumbs. I put my hands around his neck shaking my head. “I believe you Stefan” “you believe that I’m interested in you and you only?”. I nodded my head but couldn’t help the little corner smile.
“That’s what I wanted to see, there’s my girl” he whispered as my smile grew and my cheeks burnt red. “I’m all yours” I whispered running a hand through his hair. “About time”.
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Stefan masterlist-
Tvd masterlist-
All series masterlist-
Masterlist of masterlists-
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
hi i love ur older sister oneshots. i was wondering if you could write one of the sister and matt? like maybe it’s a flashback of when matt was like 17 or 18 or something or even in the present but he kinda becomes really protective over the sister after seeing one of his friends or maybe influencer friends like flirt with her? he starts like throwing his arm sound her and not letting her leave his sight etc and the sisters just confused because obviously she’s married but matt still can’t help but be protective or maybe this is when matt is in high school i don’t know 😭
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Big Sister PT.3- Sturniolo Triplets
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pairing: BigSister!Reader x LittleBrother!Triplets
classification: platonic fluff, sibling banter
warning: use of Y/n, slight cursing, mention of jealousy, overprotective brothers, Sam and Colby are in this ofc, short
inspiration: requests^^, Ghost Hunting at Haunted Driscoll Hotel (ft. Sturniolo Triplets)
summary: Your brothers have always been overprotective of you, and they do a good job of showing it while filming with Sam and Colby.
Big Sister PT.1, PT.2
“Okay, Y/n and I will share a bed. And you and Matt can share a bed,” Nick instructs pointing between Chris and Matt as you all entered your shared hotel room. He was always so bossy towards the rest of you, feeling no shame in directing every situation.
“Umm no, how about you three share a bed and I sleep all by myself,” you say. You’re only half-joking, this is your the first time away from your husband in a while and the last thing you wanted to do was share a bed with one of your brothers. But, seeing as there’s only two beds, you’re going to have to share with one of them whether you wanted to or not.
“Ew don’t be sassy,” Nick replies, dumping his bags on one of the beds. You roll your eyes, dumping your stuff onto the same bed.
“No, since you don’t wanna share with me get your dirty things off my bed,” Nick says, grabbing your things and throwing them onto the other bed dramatically. Chris and Matt are watching in amusement, you and Nick always managed to get into an argument no matter the situation.
“Me and Matt are sharing, you guys can sleep on the floor,” Chris comments, plopping down on the mattress and kicking his shoes off. The flight from L.A to Texas was exhausting, mostly because he had Nick yapping in his ear about the week’s itinerary. Then Matt wouldn’t stop getting up to use the restroom, the anxiety of flying hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Matt joins him on the bed, kicking his shoes off and propping his feet on your things. “Matt! Get your stinky boy feet off my stuff!” you exclaim, slapping his feet dramatically. He erupts in a fit of laughter, wiggling his toes inside his socks to taunt you. Chris laughs too, joining Matt and rubbing his feet on your bags.
“You two are disgusting,” Nick comments with a small chuckle, grabbing a few things as he heads into the restroom. You pinch Chris’s pinky toe, causing him to yelp in pain and move his feet immediately. You send a warning look towards Matt, ready to pinch him too if he doesn’t stop.
“What? My feet are clean!” Matt protests.
The long awaited day has finally arrived, your brothers were collabing with Sam and Colby. At first you were content with watching from the sidelines, only accompanying them because they invited you. But, they were successfully able to persuade you into being a main character for the video. Ever since your appearance on the Cut The Camera podcast, the fans have fallen in love with you. Every time the triplets mention you in a video, their comments are flooded with requests for them to bring you back.
You’ve been a fan of Sam and Colby for as long as you can remember, following them since their days on vine. Also, because you’re close in age with them, you can easily relate to their content. Not to mention that you had the biggest crush on Colby when you first became a fan. Your brothers knew how big of a fan you were, so of course they had to invite you along.
When Sam and Colby mentioned that the filming would be done in the Haunted Driscoll Hotel in Austin, your brothers jumped at the opportunity to invite you, it was the perfect opportunity for you to finally meet two of your favorite content creators. Plus Austin was extremely close to your small town, so the drive wasn’t too long, and you were more than happy to spend some quality time with your three brothers.
The four of you are currently meeting Sam and Colby at a barbecue restaurant near the Driscoll Hotel. First impressions are important, so you’ve dressed your best and even done your makeup. It’s not that you want to impress them, it’s just that you’ve been a fan for so long that you want them to remember you at your best. Your brothers can sense how excited you are, rolling their eyes at your fangirl-like behavior.
You pull up to the restaurant parking lot, an excited expression written all over your face. Matt, who’s sitting in the seat behind the passenger seat, is the first to notice this, “Calm down, buddy.” You couldn’t help it though, you felt like a middle schooler finally getting to meet her favorite celebrity.
“I am calm,” you reply coyly, sending him an annoyed look through the rear view mirror. Chris who’s sitting in the passenger seat speaks as he lowers the radio, “You’re literally squealing like a little girl.”
You scrunch your nose, you don’t like that word it made it sound like you were an animal, “ew don’t say that. It’s weird.”
“Don’t say what?” Nick asks, finally tuning into the conversation.
“Squeal. Chris said I’m ‘squealing,’ “ you do air quotes around the word, each time you say it it sounds more and more cursed. “Cause you literally are. Don’t forget you’re a MARRIED woman,” Matt chimes in, becoming annoyed with your behavior. In reality you weren’t even being weird, you were just excited, your brothers were just making it weird.
You roll your eyes at them, they’re overreacting. Your left hand comes up from your lap, wiggling your ring finger so they could see the diamond ring, “pretty hard to forget.”
Matt’s about to reply, but Nick notices Sam and Colby approaching your vehicle. They’re squinting their eyes, trying to see through the dark tinted windows. “Shush! They’re coming!” Nick exclaims, making a quick hand signal in front of Matt’s face to shut him up. Matt slaps his hand away, “Nick get your hand out of my fucking face.”
Another argument is about to begin, but Nick opens his car door before anything else can be said. The three of you follow suit, joining Nick as he walks towards Sam and Colby. With each step you felt the nerves bubbling up in your stomach, they were really right there! It felt so surreal, it felt like an actual dream.
As the pair walked closer they greeted you all, unafraid and without any hint of awkwardness in their tone. This made it easier to meet them and you couldn’t help but let your hug linger a little too long. Your brothers watched intently, eyes closing in on Colby’s hand’s that wandered too far south for their liking, but they didn’t say anything.
When you all finished eating, the conversation between the group came naturally. Most of the questions were directed towards your brothers, seeing as they were the famous ones, but Colby managed to create a linguistic flow between just the two of you. It was easy to talk to him; you two were close in age and had so much in common because of it.
“So you live in Texas?” Colby asks, his finger pinching his straw so he can stir his drink around. He has a big, cheeky smile on his face as he locks eyes with you, mindlessly flirting with you.
You didn’t even notice he was flirting, you were just so excited to be meeting him. Plus, you weren’t flirting, you were just fangirling. “Yeah, I moved down here not too long ago. I still travel a lot back to Boston and sometimes I’ll go visit them in L.A,” you reply, motion towards your brothers who are deeply immersed in a conversation with Sam.
Colby hums in response, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes are trained on you as he replies, “Which do you like more? Texas, Massachusetts, or California?”
You send him a look of hurt, pretending to be offended by such a difficult question. “How could I ever choose?” you reply playfully, a small laugh following. Each place held a different significance for you and was special in its own way, but you’d definitely choose Massachusetts over anything. It was your home base, the place that you and all your brothers, including Justin, called home.
“C’mon just one,” he teases. His hands inch slowly towards yours that are resting on the table, but you’re too innocent to notice that he’s actively trying to make a move on you.
“Okay, fine. Massachusetts.”
Colby hums in response as his hand finally reaches yours, squeezing it tightly in his firm grip. You look down in shock, finally realizing what he was doing. Your diamond wedding ring was on full display, but even that didn’t stop him.
As soon as Colby’s skin comes in contact with yours, your brothers notice. Their focus goes from their conversation with Sam to the horrific scene on the table. Sam notices the shift in attention and follows their gaze, mentally facepalming at his friend’s boldness. Leave it to Colby to flirt with someone they barely met, someone who is directly related to their soon to be ‘business partners.’
Sam kicks Colby from under the table, trying to signal that he needs to stop whatever he’s doing, “So, should we start heading to the hotel?”
Colby let’s go of your hand reluctantly.
“Yeah we should go,” you say, pulling your hands off the table and into the pocket of your sweater. Your mind was racing, did THE Colby Brock have a crush on you? You look towards your brothers expectantly, hoping they’d chime in so you can leave this awkward situation.
“Okay. We’ll meet you there,” Colby comments, standing from his spot across you and patting Sam on the back, leading him out the door as they briefly wave you all goodbye. He steals one last look at you, a smirk on his face. You all wave back while watching as they walk to their car, waiting until they’re fully inside to talk about what just happened.
Nick is the first to speak, “What the FUCK was that?” His finger motions erratically where your and Colby’s hands were previously intertwined. A disgusted look is etched all over his face. You didn’t even know what just happened, so you don’t respond.
“Did he fucking hold your hand?” Chris asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was fighting to keep professional, for some reason it really bothered him that Colby was ballsy enough to pull a move like that on you in front of them.
“I think so. He was just being friendly,” you try to reason, twirling your wedding ring on your finger from under the table. “That was NOT just a friendly interaction, Y/n. He was literally eye fucking you,” Nick comments again, gathering all the trash on the table onto his tray. Your face goes red, had he really been flirting with you?
Matt’s face scrunches in disgust, “Nick don’t say shit like that. It’s fucking weird.”
“What! It’s true!” Nick replies, getting up and tossing his tray in the trash. “Nick just shut the fuck up, you’re being weird,” Chris interjects, sending Nick a warning look. Nick was placing an image in their head that they didn’t want to imagine.
“That’s not true, Nick. He was just trying to include me,” you say, getting up from your seat and throwing your own tray away.
When your brothers had first invited you to be a part of this collaboration you were anxious to enter a hotel surrounded by paranormal activity but excited to meet two of your favorite YouTubers, now you’re just nervous to be around Colby again.
“Yeah trying to include you in his bed,” Nick jokes in a dramatic tone, leading the way back to the car.
“Nick, actually shut the fuck up. I’m going to punch you,” Matt speaks this time. He’s so uncomfortable with this conversation, mainly because you’re his sister and he hates how Nick is talking about you, but also because he doesn’t know whether to take on the roll of the overprotective brother or to let it slide for the sake of the video.
All four of your brothers have been overprotective of you for as long as you can remember. It started with Justin, he’d protect you from bullies at school, stray dogs when you were walking home, and when you got older he began chasing away any boy that got too close. That’s one of the reasons why he completely shut you out when he found out about your relationship with Jack, he felt like he failed as an older brother to protect you and the worst part was that it was with his best friend.
Eventually, when Justin moved away, Matt and Chris assumed the role of protective brothers and would do the same. At first it was cute, just your two little brothers trying to protect you from small things like a scary movie, a stormy day, or a hot pan on the stove. But eventually, as they got older, it turned into them sending dirty looks at any man who looked at you for too long. They might’ve felt this way towards Jack, your husband, if they were aware of your relationship, but because you two kept it a secret for so long it bloomed without the protective watch of your brothers. Once you got married, they felt a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Jack, wanting to protect you from anything and everyone, especially when Jack wasn’t around to do it. It felt like their duty was to announce to the world, ‘our sister is married and we will fight any guy who comes near her!’
Nick was more laid back about these things, he knew you were fully capable of defending yourself if needed and he honestly didn’t see the big deal in mindless flirting. It’s not like you were constantly flirting with random strangers, it’s just that he knew you were fully capable of taking care of yourself. Plus, as a gay man, he was better able to distinguish between a man who was flirting and a man who was just being polite. Also, growing up you would always give Nick the best boy advice, so he knew you had a good head on your shoulders. But, in this specific case, he was able to tell that Colby was definitely flirting and for some reason he felt a little weird about it too. Sure he was cracking jokes about it, but he still couldn’t help but feel the need to sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you away from any further conversations with Colby.
The drive to the hotel was awkward and quiet, the only sound being Chris’s music over the car stereo. Matt insisted on driving, mumbling something about needing a distraction, earning you a seat in the back. They all knew that as soon as you arrived to the hotel, Colby wouldn’t cease his incessant flirting and they’d be forced to be on guard. This was meant to be a fun, safe hangout, but instead they’re on edge at the thought of a stranger putting the moves on their sister.
Finally you arrive to the hotel, Matt grumbles an almost inaudible “we’re here” before turning the car off and hopping out. You all get off, but as an older sister you can’t let them go in there in a bad mood, it would ruin the fun and definitely wouldn’t look good on camera, “wait guys, come here.” They were walking up to the hotel already, but stop in their tracks to join you in a quick group huddle.
“Let’s get rid of all this nasty, bad energy,” you instruct, pretending to dust the bad energy off and throw it away.
You always used to do this with them growing up, especially on days when you had to drive them to school and they would let their sour moods ruin their morning. Nick and Chris look at you with goofy smiles, reminiscing on childhood memories of you cheering them up before school.
“That’s so embarrassing, I’m not doing that,” Nick laughs, watching as you begin doing a small dance to get rid of even more bad energy. Chris, who’s unashamed to partake in anything, immediately copies you. He’s doing a random, silly dance that puts a smile on his face right away, washing away any previous lingering ill feelings towards Colby. “Chris you’re actually insane,” Nick laughs again, watching as Chris twirls his arms and kicks his feet.
“It’s working though, all my bad energy is gone,” Chris comments with a laugh, using his arms to figuratively push the bad energy off of him. Nick decides to join, stomping his feet loudly on the floor before hooting, “Oh yeah! Woohoo!”
At this point you, Nick and Chris are dancing around Matt like crazy people and he’s trying his hardest not to laugh. He holds a tight lipped smile, his head tilted upward and away from you all. “Come on Matt, let those bad energies go,” you tease, poking his sides. He’s pretty unrelenting, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of any wandering eyes. Chris and Nick join you in encouraging Matt and after a while he finally gives in, doing his signature double dutch move, a stank face forming on his face.
“Yeah Matt! Get in to it!” Chris exclaims, hyping his brother up.
The vibes are completely different now, going from dark and moody to light and playful. “Okay guys, let’s forget about whatever happened at the restaurant and just try to have fun,” you say, smiling at your three brothers. The last thing you wanted was to ruin their chance at an awesome collaboration.
They hum in unison, the four of you walking up to the hotel, mentally preparing for the night ahead.
The hotel was eery, if you would’ve come alone you might’ve been more scared, but your brothers are here which makes it less scary. The tour guide walks you through the most haunted areas of the hotel, explaining its backstory in great detail as you all joked around. Throughout the tour Colby kept sneaking subtle glances at you, brushing past you, leading you into rooms with a hand on the small of your back, and directing many of his questions your way. Of course your brothers noticed, but the cameras were rolling so there wasn’t much they could do.
The room you all are currently exploring is lined from wall to wall with mirrors, Sam and Colby explain how each pair of mirrors is rumored to create a vortex to an alternate dimension. The guide explains that the mirrors were a gift from a man who used to live in the hotel for his beautiful wife Carlotta. Colby is quick to comment, “If she looks anything like Y/n, she must’ve been gorgeous.” Sam, who’s holding the camera, pans it towards you to catch your reaction. All you can manage to do is smile awkwardly and mutter a small, “thanks.”
Matt, who still held some resentment from earlier, instinctively slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. Chris stands closer to you too, trying to remind Colby that even if he did find you beautiful, you were still their sister.
After a while, the tour guide leaves and lets you guys examine the mirrors in further detail. They’re so beautiful and intricate, if they weren’t so expensive you might ask for one in your own home. Matt still holds you close, the four of you walking in a group around the room.
“I love these mirrors,” you whisper to your brothers, brushing your fingers on the delicate, ornate designs of the frames.
“I bet Jack would’ve loved them too,” Nick comments slyly, raising his voice a little to ensure that Colby hears him. Sam pans the camera to him, “Who’s Jack? Is that like another one of your brothers?”
You’re so embarrassed you want to shrink into the floor, disappear into thin air, maybe even fall through the floor and into the core of the Earth. “Yeah, our brother in law,” Matt replies, pulling you in even closer to his side.
“Oh cool, so like another sister’s husband? Or… Nick, are you married?” Colby asks, completely obviously. He looks between you and your brothers, trying to decipher who Jack was to you all. Sam, who understood from the get go what Matt was getting at, wants to facepalm at his friend’s stupidity.
“What? No. Y/n’s husband,” Nick replies, pointing at you.
“Oh… Ohhhhh,” Colby’s face flushed a bright shade of red when he realizes that you’re married. You send him an apologetic smile, both for not telling him earlier and because your brothers were being so embarrassing.
For the rest of the night Colby keeps his distance and even apologizes to you off camera. He makes a comment along the lines of, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful though.” You accept his apology, thank him and Sam for inviting you, and gush slightly about how long you’ve been a fan. Colby makes sure to apologize to your brothers too, he didn’t mean any disrespect with his flirting, but he still feels the need to make amends. Chris and Nick are quick to forgive, but Matt takes a little more convincing.
Overall, you guys had a lot of fun despite Colby’s flirtatiousness and they’d actually love to collab with them again.
On the way back to the hotel you can’t help but comment on their behavior, “you know I didn’t need you guys to speak up for me, right?” Your eyes are trained on the road, hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.
“Mhm sure,” Chris replies from the passenger seat, scrolling on his phone and working towards tuning you out. They defended you and protected your honor, why were you getting I pset?
“Sometimes we can’t help it. We see something we don’t like and we just wanna body slam everyone to the ground,” Nick replies jokingly, looking at you through the rearview mirror. He’s hoping that you’ll laugh, or even crack a joke in return, but you just keep your eyes trained on the road. That’s when he realizes you’re actually bothered.
“Okay, but it was a bit much. Matt with his arm over my shoulder, Chris standing in front of me like some type of guard dog, and then you making snarky comments.”
Nick rolls his eyes, his comments weren’t that snarky. Chris finally looks up from his phone, “did you just call me a dog?” You side eye him, holding in your laughter.
“Should we just let a guy be creepy next time?” Matt asks, watching as you pick at the steering wheel.
“It wasn’t just some guy though, it was THE Colby Brock.”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still being creepy,” Matt’s response is quick. He was usually quiet and reserved, but when he knew he was right he didn’t back down. “Whatever,” you grumble, there’s no point in arguing with someone who thinks they’re right no matter what you say. Especially when that person is Matt.
The car goes quiet for a while, the hum of the engine being the only buffer between you and the awkward silence. Chris is still thinking long and hard though, had you really compared him to a dog? He couldn’t decide if he found it cool or if he was offended.
“Did you call me a dog?!” Chris exclaims, breaking the silence abruptly and earning a round of laughter from the rest of you. No matter what, you and your brothers always bounced back, you could never be mad at each other for too long.
A/n: Thank you for the requests! This sat in my drafts for a while because I wasn’t sure what direction to take it in, but after watching the Triplet’s collab w/ Sam and Colby, this felt fitting.
Also this was so odd to write because MY name is Sam so I kept getting tripped out lolol
I’m writing other requests and stories at the moment, but when I finish those I’ll come back and write in the whole shopping trip vlog into this ✨BIG SISTER LORE✨
Hope you enjoy. Luv youuu!! Kk bye thanksss
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 months
svt finds out you were married before you met them
anon… this request is golden. thank you so much for sending it! i had the best time writing these 🤍
seventeen find out you were married before being with them
seungcheol: he’s at the bodega around the corner because you’re out of… he forgot the excuse. luckily, it was mumbled and difficult to make out, so he’ll bring back coffee. his palms are sweating and he looks up at the ceiling as if the answer’s in between the popcorn. now, you’re his. he’s yours. you’re one. but you were someone else’s, and that idea isn’t new to him, but knowing that someone was your husband makes it feel different. he looks up again. “please give me something here.” a light flickers. he leaves without the coffee
jeonghan: he stops to watch you spoon strawberry jam onto slices of toast. they’re golden brown triangles beside scrambled eggs, and you’re making sure the bright red covers the golden brown surface perfectly, just like you always do. the only red he can think about is the blood his heart is pumping, and the fact that his heart stopped pumping for a moment or two
joshua: “now everything makes sense.” “what do you mean?” “sometimes you’re just too good at being my partner.” “that has nothing to do with being married before. i’m literally just in love and obsessed with you. actually, being married did make me strict about the dishes. i’ll never go to bed with a pile in the sink.” “baby, you won’t go to bed if there’s a spoon in the sink or a crumb on the countertop.” “and how good does it feel to wake up and see a clean kitchen, hmm?”
jun: he’s confused. he’s wearing it, swallowing it, holding it in his gaze, and suddenly wondering how well he knows you— why it took you so long to tell him
soonyoung: “i knew it was a mistake by the next morning. i woke up craving my mom’s pancakes.” “have her send us the recipe.” you squeeze his hand and bow your head so your lips can brush its palm. “don’t worry, history won’t repeat itself.”
wonwoo: the photo album’s on his lap. it feels like a fever dream to look at you. you watch the sky through the window, craving color after too much black and white. “i’m mad at myself.” “why?” “i should’ve waited for you.”
jihoon: the ring came rolling out of its hiding spot and stopped in the middle of your bedroom floor. the sunlight caught it. he blinked a million times, felt his lips part too. you let it be. you exhaled, feeling relieved to part with the secret. finally
seokmin: “look at me. do i look upset?” “no… you eyes are all shiny” like he might cry. “it means a lot that you told me.” “i shouldn’t have waited so long.” “you really didn’t wait that long.” “are you sure you’re ok? do you… am i…” “yes.”
mingyu: the words come out on a sunday morning in the park near your place. your head’s on his shoulder. his hand’s on your thigh; it’s warm and the slightest bit rough—different from the cool, soft breeze on your cheek, on the back of your neck. he asks about your happiness and when it left the space you created with your ex. he wants to know what he can do to make sure that never happens again. he wants to make sure he’s not missing anything
minghao: he’s watching you. there’s gentle love in his eyes. he’s hoping you’ll look up and away from the sudsy dishes for just a moment long enough to realize he’s not mad. to realize it doesn’t change anything
seungkwan: he wonders about your wedding dress and if you still have it. he wonders about pictures and videos and the expression on your face at the altar. moments he’s dreamed about are already existing in memories, have already been seen by your loved ones, might be sour in your head. would you do it all again? do you even want to?
vernon: “i can’t help but wonder how many people make the same mistake as me… think something’s love when it’s not.” “do you really think of it as a mistake?” “pretty sure that’s just a fact.” “i’m not so sure… aren’t you the same person who’s told me for years that everything happens for a reason?” “maybe i just tell myself that to lessen the blow.” “possibly, but maybe it’s true. maybe that step that you think was in the wrong direction was crucial. i wouldn’t have found you any other way.”
chan: “i feel like i shouldn’t be looking at this… it’s like i’m seeing your dress before i’m supposed to. i shouldn’t know what you’ll look like walking down the aisle.” “this isn’t who i am anymore. think of how much time has passed. i have brand new skin now.” “…i thought you were going to say something romantic.”
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Red, White, and You
**Warning:** I'm at a party right now, writing fanfiction on a random girl's couch. This is absolutely not canon Bakugo, but I felt like writing something sappy. The liquor has me inspired. Happy birthday America. 🦅🎆
“So, this is an American thing?” Katsuki asks, curiosity mixed with skepticism in his voice.
I tug on his hand as we walk down the trail. The sound of crickets fills the air, lightning bugs illuminate our path.
“Every year,” I reply, giving his hand a squeeze. “You’re going to love this.” He steps over a fallen tree, and before helping me across
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he teases, his smirk barely visible in the moonlight. The trees begin to slowly thin, and soon we step into a clearing with city lights flickering below, the view before us breathtaking.
A few other families are there, children running past us with sparklers. Katsuki guides me close to the edge and sets our blanket down.
“Seriously, what are we doing here?” he presses, helping me sit.
“Nope, still a surprise,” I say, grinning.
We don't talk long before bursts of color fill the sky. Fireworks flare out, sparkle, and create shapes over the city.
“Holy Shit!” Katsuki's eyes go wide, his mouth slightly open as he watches. Each pop makes him jump a little, but excitement soon overtakes any apprehension.
“Do you like it, Kats?” I ask, leaning my head against his shoulder. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer.
“This is the best day of my life.” His free hand lightly traces down my face before and kissing me, his lips warm and eager against mine. I push away and point to a massive explosion of red and gold fanning out to our left.
“You weren’t kidding,” he says, eyes glued to the sky. “This is amazing!”
We stay there for a good 45 minutes, pointing out our favorites and taking videos. To my surprise, Katsuki absolutely loses it when he sees a little kid shooting a roman candle into the air. He practically shoves me off him to show the child his own “human-sized roman candles.”
“Katsuki, this is America. Please stop running up to random children. Parents will shoot you here.” I scold him.
“But look at this!” he says, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he sends a small burst of energy into the air. “ Mine are so much cooler than those!”
He sets off his own explosions, laughing maniacally. Nearby parents give us wary looks, but Katsuki’s quirk has quickly caught the attention of their children. Small screams of excitement fill the air as they run closer to look.
“He’s actually a pro hero in Japan.” I reassure the parents. “He’s just very passionate.”
They give me an uncertain look, but don’t stop their children from climbing all over him like a jungle gym. Katsuki pretending to be some sort of …ape?
As the fireworks show winds down, I let them play while I pack up our things and wait patiently. Suki tries his best to fight them off, but 6 little bodies work together to push him over.
After a few minutes, Suki runs back up to me, sweat pouring off of his body as he tries to engulf me into a hug. I fake gag before evading his grip.
“You’re so sweaty!” I squeal, the smell of caramel burning into the air as I run back down the trail. Katsuki is still buzzing with energy, happy to chase after me like prey. It doesn’t take him long to catch me, picking me up, and covering me in his sweat.
“Katsuki! You’re so gross!”
“I can’t believe how amazing that was,” he says, squeezing my hand. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“You’re welcome, Kats”. I force myself to not roll my eyes. “I’m glad you had fun.”
He stops suddenly, turning me around to face him.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” he says, his tone turning serious. “I know I’m not always the easiest person to be around, but you… you make everything better.”
“Katsuki…” I start, but he holds up a hand.
“Let me finish. I don’t say this enough, but I love you. And I don’t want to ever take that for granted.”
I feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. “I love you too.”
He pulls me into a tight hug, and we stand there for a moment, just holding each other under the night sky.
Don’t drink and drive! Happy Firework Day to those who don’t celebrate and Happy 4th to those who do!
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recklesssturniolo · 10 months
Request (I alr posted w it yesterday not thinking): please write something like Matt recently has been acting super “tough” in the videos, to chris and matt and now even to the reader so she completely puts him in his place, i need sub!matt in my life
Tough Guy - M.S
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As per request! Sub!Matt, mommy kink
A/N: mixed feelings about this one IDK
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
Matt’s ego has been higher than usual lately. Including in bed, never letting me be dominant when usually he will let me now and again. Apparently Chris calling him “tough” is actually gassing him up. Nick and I have also commented on his unusual amount of attitude and the whole ‘tough guy’ act but he still won’t drop it. Matt and I were currently arguing over something stupid in the living room, and all I could do was sit there and roll my eyes at him. I knew he needed his ego in check, and I knew exactly how to do that.
“Okay Matt I’m over this, I’m going to your room” I tell him. Looking back I notice all he does is roll his eyes.
Once in his room, I go through my drawer he had for me and find the lingerie set I secretly bought. I knew it’d drive him crazy but I wanted to right opportunity to use it, and now, I have it. Quickly putting it on I go into bed and put the blankets over myself.
After about 10 minutes Matt comes to his room. Saying nothing, changing so he was just in his boxers as he usually only slept in them and then getting into bed himself but freezing once he lifted the blankets.
“Holy fuck” He says.
“What?” I reply, knowing what he was referring to but acting as if I didn’t.
“As if you don’t know what I’m referring to. What are you trying to do here?” He asks.
“Nothing? I’m hot so I just put in on to sleep in” I tell him.
“Yeah I’m sure you put on a hot fucking lingerie set to sleep in” He replies, moving so he’s now positioned over me.
He begins kissing my neck, sucking on my sweet spots but I don’t react.
“Come on baby, you can’t wear that and not expect me to want to fuck you” He complains.
“Tough guy’s turned on already? I haven’t even touched you” I smirk.
“For fuck sakes not that shit. You look fucking incredible, I need you” He replies.
“Hm such a needy boy” I say. Moving so I was now straddling him. Grinding on him, my hands wrapped around his neck, tugging slightly at his hair.
He lets out a moan, “Please”
“Please what?” I question.
“Just touch me fuck” He whines out.
“Yeah? You want mommy to touch you? Make you feel good?” I ask.
“I - yes please” He replies.
“I’m not too sure if you’re going to be a good boy for me, you seem to be too tough for that” I smirk.
“No fuck I promise I’ll be a good boy for you” He groans out, pushing my hips down on himself harder.
“Keep your hands by your head. Don’t move them” I demand.
He nods in response. I move down and pull down his boxers, his dick springing out, pre cum already dripping down it.
Slowly, I bring my mouth down to his dick, swirling my tongue around his tip, and only putting the tip into my mouth.
“Mommy please, more” He begs as he thrusts his hips up.
“You want me to put your whole dick in my mouth pretty boy?” I question.
“Yes yes” He whines out.
“Such a whiney boy for me” I hum out as I take all of him into my mouth.
I begin bobbing my head up and down, starting off slow but picking up my pace. Pausing at moments to swirl my tongue around his tip again. Matt goes to bring his hands down to my head, but immediately puts them back by his head.
“Fuck feels so good mommy” He moans out.
“Yeah? Are you gonna come for me like a good boy?” I ask looking up at him, using my hand to continue jerking him off.
He groans out “yes”, before I bring my head back down and put him back into my mouth. Letting his dick hit the back of my throat repeatedly, feeling it twitch I pick up my pace. He brings his hands down and grabs my hair. I stop.
“Put your arms back Matty” I demand.
“I - please let me touch you” He whimpers.
“After baby” I reply, watching as he places his arms back by his head and then continuing to suck him off.
“Oh oh fuck mommy I’m coming dont stop” He moans out, his legs shaking slightly.
He comes in my mouth and after I’ve swallowed it, I pull away.
I place my hand on his cheek before attempting to ask him a question but he cuts me off.
“Can I taste you? Please? I want to make you feel good” He asks, looking at me through his eyelashes.
“Yes baby you can” I smile back, my pussy throbbing at this point after having Matt so whiney and needy for me.
I go to lay down on my back on the bed but Matt speaks up, “No sit on my face - I mean please sit on my face”
“You want mommy to sit on your face huh?” I question.
“Yes I want your pussy right on my mouth and your fucking thighs around my head” He replies, almost coming out as a moan.
I push him backwards and climb on top of him, situating myself so my pussy was right above his mouth. Without warning, he pulls me down. He begins licking my clit, circling it with his tongue, slowly making his way between my folds and flicking his tongue.
“Fuck Matty you’re doing such a good job” I moan out.
“Taste so fucking good mommy” He mumbles out, causing an extra vibration on my pussy.
I begin grinding myself slightly on his face, feeling the knot in my stomach become tighter and tighter as I do so.
“Just like that baby, mommy’s gonna come soon” I moan throwing my head back.
“Yes come all over my mouth fuck” He replies.
A couple minutes pass as Matt continues to flick his tongue over my clit, sucking on it as well but not forgetting to get the rest of my pussy.
“I’m coming fuck such a good boy making me feel so good” I whine out.
I let myself come undone, feeling him flatten his tongue against my pussy as I do so and flicking it slightly. I slowly pick myself up off his face, bring myself down to kiss him.
“Do you wanna fuck me now Matty?” I smirk.
“Fuck please can I?” He responds.
I nod before situation myself in doggy style.
“Y-you want doggy?” He asks.
“Yes and you’re gonna show me how hard you can fuck me” I demand.
I feel him move his dick between my slits, before lining himself up with my entrance. He pushes himself into me, both of us immediately letting out moans. He starts off slow - but that isn’t what I wanted.
“So what mommy told you, show me how hard you can fuck me, come on baby” I say.
“O-okay” He stutters out before tightening his grip on my hips and beginning to slam himself into me - so hard that it took me by surprise.
“Just like that Matty fuck you’re doing so good” I tell him.
“You’re so tight, I don’t - I don’t know if I can last very long” He says back.
“That’s okay, fuck just keep going like this” I moan out, knowing if he kept up his pace and how hard he was going I’d come soon too.
Matt continues as I told him to, whimpers leaving his mouth almost constantly until without warning I feel warm liquid enter me, and begin to slide down my pussy.
“Mommy you feel so good oh my god” He says.
“Yeah? Mommy loves how you feel deep inside her - fuck keep going just like that pretty boy, make me come for a second time” I groan out.
Matt once again doing as I said, I reach my climax as my legs begin to shake and become weak, Matt using his hands to hold my body up, still not slowing down his pace. Letting me come down from my high he pulls out of me, basically throwing himself down beside me.
Turning to him, while smirking, I say, “Not so tough now are you? Seemed like quite a needy mess”
“Oh come on just let me reminisce on how fucking good that just was before you start with that” He laughs.
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metallicaislife · 9 months
Embarrassment Leads to…
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Requested by: @g0ne-ghosting
Genre: 18+ smut, minors dni
Word Count: 1,720
Warnings: Douchey Lars-- oral(f receiving), p in v sex
I’ve known Kirk a long time, we met in biology class. Neither of us wanted to dissect the frog so we were banished to another room to watch a video of a frog dissection. Once again, neither of us were too keen on watching it. He pulled a horror comic out of his backpack, I reached into my backpack to show him the exact same one I had. Funny, we both enjoy watching gore but the idea of dissecting a frog is too much. 
Our friendship blossomed from there. Nearly every day after school he was at my place or I was at his, watching movies, reading comics or listening to music. 
I don’t know when the shift took place, one day he was just Kirk, my best friend, and well he still is, but in my heart he is so much more. He’s kind, funny, talented, and super attractive. His curly hair, breathtaking brown eyes, crooked smile. Super fucking cliche, having a massive crush on my best friend, I can’t help it though. 
When he moved to San Francisco I was super bummed out and thought we’d drift apart because I can’t move up there yet. I was wrong though, we call each other often and correspond through letters. I’ve been up a couple times to visit and he has been back to LA to see me. 
I was able to get the weekend off of work so I took a bus up to San Francisco. I’m currently on the couch talking to Lars while the others are deep in their own conversation. 
“I mean I was a virgin when we started Metallica, but that problem has been well taken care of.” Lars smirked. I don’t know how we got to this topic, but here we are. 
“Problem?” I asked. 
“Yeah, I mean who in this day and age wants to be a virgin?” Lars asked incredulously. 
I had never really given much thought that still being a virgin was lame or a problem. Was I holding out hope that Kirk would see me in a different light and fuck my brains out? Absolutely, but I didn’t think it was silly that I was still a virgin. 
“I’m still a virgin.” I stated. Lars' eyes widened then he doubled over in laughter. 
“What’s so funny, Ulrich?” James’ asked, his attention being torn from his and the other’s conversation. 
“She’s still a virgin!” Lars wheezes out. 
Okay, when you announce it to everyone like that, then it becomes mortifying. My cheeks heated up and I bolted. I found the room I was staying in and slammed the door. I sat on the ground with my back against the bed, bringing my knees into my chest. I fought off the tears, it wasn’t worth crying over. I heard the knob turn and cursed myself for not thinking of locking the door. I looked up and Kirk entered, closing the door softly. He made his way over to me and sat beside me. 
“Are you okay?” He asked softly. 
“That was so embarrassing. I wasn’t embarrassed by the fact I’m a virgin, but he didn’t have to go announcing it like it was today’s hottest news.” I said. I couldn’t bear to look over at Kirk. 
“That was really rude of Lars, the other guys didn’t find it funny either. Both Cliff and James are really reaming into him right now.” Kirk said. 
“So you don’t think it’s funny or pathetic that I’m a virgin?” I ask, finally looking over. Kirk’s big brown eyes were already trained on me. 
“Not in the slightest.” He reassured me. 
The air was different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but as we stared at one another, it wasn’t as best friends. Now was one of those times I wished one of us would take the jump and explore the possibility of more.
“I may be reading this wrong, if I do anything that you don’t want, tell me to stop.” Kirk said softly. My brow furrowed, but I quickly caught on as he leaned in. My eyes fell closed as our lips met in an electric kiss. It was soft and slow, but I’d been kissed before, and it never felt like this. Kirk shifted so he could cup my face as he deepened the kiss. He nibbled my lower lip and I opened my mouth letting him slide his tongue. I let out a soft moan deep in my throat. Kirk pulled back and we stared at one another with wide eyes and swollen lips. 
“Keep going.” I offered softly as my chest heaved. 
Kirk stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up and then brought me into him as his lips met mine again. As we kissed his hand wandered up my shirt and squeezed my breast. I gasped. He pulled back enough to lift my shirt above my head. He took his shirt off too. 
“Take your pants off and lay down.” He said, then began removing his pants. I did as he asked, removing my bra as well and laid on the bed on my back. Kirk stood at the edge of the bed and stared at me for a few moments. My cheeks heated and I covered my breasts feeling so bare. Kirk grabbed my arms and moved them as he got on the bed over me. 
“Don’t hide.” He said and pinned my arms at my side as he dipped down licking around one of my nipples. I gasped, my back arching slightly at the feeling. I could feel Kirk smirk against me as he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked at it. He used one of his hands to squeeze the other, rolling my nipple in his fingers. He switched sides. With the arm that wasn’t still pinned, I let my hand run up and down his back, scratching softly when he nibbled. 
After he was pleased with his time there, he kissed down my body and looked up as he hovered over my clothed pussy. I nodded, giving him permission. He leaned down and kissed it before removing my panties. After throwing them to the floor, he kissed my pussy before licking from my entrance to my clit. I moaned, arching my back. Kirk continued lapping at my cunt as he shoved two fingers in my face. I took them in my mouth and sucked on them, swirling my tongue around the digits. When he deemed them wet enough he pulled them out with a lewd popping sound coming from my lips. 
Kirk pulled his face back enough to watch as he slid a finger in me. My chest heaved as I watched him. He pulled his hand back and found a slow pace, curling his finger. I moaned and he added the second finger. Once he saw I wasn’t uncomfortable with the sensation, he dived back in sucking my clit as his fingers curled and scissored my pussy preparing it for his cock.
It didn’t take long before the pleasure rushed through me and my pussy clenched around his fingers. Kirk continued through my high letting it drag on. He pulled back and took his fingers out of me, placing them in his mouth licking off my slick. 
Kirk stood and removed his boxers letting his erection free. He bent down and fished his wallet out of his jeans pocket, taking a condom out and tossing his wallet back to the floor. I watched as he opened the condom and rolled it over his cock. He crawled back over me and aligned himself with my entrance. He brushed the hair from my face and kissed me passionately. He slowly pushed in and a whine escaped my throat at the sensation. Kirk pulled his head back and peppered my face in kisses. 
“I know, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” He said in between his kisses. I sighed softly as I dug my fingers into his shoulders. 
Kirk moved his hips slowly back and forth until he was fully sheathed in me. My grip was so tight on him I thought I was going to leave marks on his shoulders. 
“Let me know when I can move.” He said as he moved his head so he could kiss my neck. 
I closed my eyes and let my body adjust to having his cock in me. After a while, it didn’t hurt as much. 
“Okay, you can move.” I said. As I said that, Kirk rocked his hips back slowly and pushed back in. A groan left his lips. 
Kirk found a steady pace. He lifted his head again and our lips met in a sloppy kiss. He started moving his hips a little faster, adding some more force with his thrusts. He used one arm to brace himself so he wasn’t crushing me, as the other found its way to my clit and began rubbing me as he fucked me. My back arched and I moaned, breaking our kiss. Kirk kissed down the column of my throat. I came for the second time shortly after. He continued thrusting into me until he found his high as well. Kirk rested his head on my shoulder catching his breath before he pulled out and got up to take the condom off. 
I laid staring at the ceiling, in absolute disbelief that that had really happened. Kirk came back and laid next to me, he brought me into his embrace and ran his fingers up and down my back softly. 
“I didn’t do that just so you could rub it in Lars face, I really like you… I know we’re best friends but I’ve liked you for a long time.” Kirk rambled. I leaned up pressing my lips to his. 
“I like you too.” I said softly after pulling away from him. Kirk smiled at me and I smiled back, “I didn’t go along with it just to lose my virginity because I was embarrassed.” I said and rested my head on Kirk’s chest. 
“I’m glad.” Kirk said and gave me a squeeze. I giggled. 
I’m not sure where we go from here, but I know as long as I have Kirk by my side, I’ll be fine. 
Thank you for reading! :)
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rebelwrites · 2 years
I Didn’t See It Coming
Charles Leclerc x Gasly Twin Reader
Charles Leclerc Masterlist
Summary: Being brothers with Pierre was hard enough with everyone comparing your success to his but keeping the fact you were dating his best friend a secret from him was harder than you ever imagined.
Warnings: none
A/N Rebel still hasn’t watched the race and don’t know if o can bring myself to now, I don’t want to see a heartbroken Charles. So instead have some fluff Leclerc / Gasly fluff I think we all need it today ❤️
Requested by anon: Hellooo can you write something with reader being bestfriends with a driver or relative of a driver and dating charles? Maybe she is not a driver and everybody knows her from the drivers life she is close with and then suprizee she is dating charles?? Idk i watched too many quarantine twich videos of the grid now i wanna live with all of them 🥲😂😂
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
“Où penses-tu aller? Where do you think you're going?.” Pierre asked tilting his head backwards so it was leaning against the back of the sofa.
“Merde. Fuck.” You hissed, pinching the bridge of your nose, you thought you’d manage to sneak out without him realising, looking down at your outfit you cursed yourself for not suggesting to Charles you would get ready at his place. “Just out with the girls.”
“Looking very fancy.” He hummed, raising his brow at you.
“Can’t a girl look nice when going out?” You questioned, rolling your eyes at your brother. “Now I’m going to be late so I will see you later, assface.” Before he couldn’t say anything you swiped your keys off the small table by the door. “Don’t bother waiting up.” You shouted over your shoulder as you let the door slam behind you.
Your heart was racing as you walked down the corridor of the apartment building, things were getting harder and harder to hide from your brother. Normally you wouldn’t bother hiding your relationship from him but you were dating his best friend and you didn’t know how he would react.
So you kept it hidden from the world.
Every chance you got you and Charles would have stolen kisses, quick embraces and just sweet moments but things were getting harder with each race.
Just like tonight was risky, you had told Charles that you didn’t need anything fancy but he insisted that it was time that he took you on a proper date. He even went to the point of booking the whole restaurant out to try and minimize the chance of getting caught.
As you walked out of the apartment building you spotted the matte black Ferrari parked across the street, the sight of Charles leaning against the bonnet made your heart lurch. Charles had completely flipped your world upside down but you wouldn’t change anything for the world. He treated you like a Queen, always made sure you were happy and had everything you could want. He was the perfect boyfriend.
“You look breathtaking.” He breathed, taking your hands in his as he pulled you close to him. “Red is really your colour.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You giggled, resting your hand on his cheek, letting yourself get lost in his eyes.
The pair of you stood like that for a little while before he helped you into the car, you felt like a teenager again, sneaking around making sure you didn’t get caught.
“Let’s see where this night takes us.” He grinned, planting his hand on your thigh as he pulled off from the curbside, driving with one hand. “And tonight you are staying with me, no ifs or buts.”
The sun creeping into the room caused you to stir from your slumber, the feeling of Charles’ arm wrapped securely around your waist brought a smile to your face. This was your favourite time of day, when you woke up in his arms.
There was always a sense of security with him, nothing felt forced, like it was meant to be.
You found yourself gently running your fingers across his skin, starting from his elbow moving down to his wrist, fiddling with his bracelets.
The sound of his alarm echoing around the room caused him to groan against the back of your neck, neither of you ever wanted the mornings to end but unfortunately it had to.
“Morning,” you hummed, playing with his fingers.
“Morning, Babygirl.” He whispered against your skin before pressing soft kisses along your shoulder. “Je ne veux pas quitter ce lit. I don't want to leave this bed.”
“J'ai peur que nous n'ayons pas le choix. A moins que vous ne vouliez que Pierre ou Carlos nous tombent dessus pour avoir manqué les essais libres. I'm afraid we have no choice. Unless you want Pierre or Carlos to come down on us for missing free practice.” You whispered, rolling onto your back, resting your hand on his bare chest.
“I guess you are right.” He sighed.
“I’m always right.” You chuckled, “one day we won’t have to sneak around, I promise.” You said, keeping your voice low. You felt slightly guilty for making him keep the relationship secret, but you were already under so much pressure from your parents comparing your success to your twin.
“You know I understand why you want to keep things on the down low.” Charles hummed, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. “Nothing changes how I feel about you.”
Nothing could wipe the smile off your face as you stood in the back of the Alpha Tauri garage, your arms folded against your chest, watching as everyone buzzed around the area making sure everything was ready for the first practice session.
“Je pense que vous avez besoin de ça. Think you need this.” Pierre said, appearing with a fresh coffee, holding it out to you.
“Cheers bro.” You nodded, thankfully taking the mug off him.
“Did you even sleep last night? Tu ressembles à de la merde. You look like shit.” He laughed, wrapping his arm around you.
“I slept, but didn’t get much to be honest.” You shrugged, a smirk forming on your face as you let your mind drift back to last night.
“I assume that answers my next question,” he said, raising his brow at you before tugging on the neck of Charles’ hoodie revealing the hickey that was forming on your skin. “So who was the unlucky guy then?”
“Personne que vous connaissez. No one you know.” You shrugged, lying to his face causing a guilty feel to settle deep in your stomach. You and Pierre had always been close, especially because you were twins. So this felt like a huge betrayal.
Staring out onto the pit Lane you saw Charles walk into the garage with a huge smile plastered on his face. The moment you locked eyes you felt your skin heat up, you needed to get out of this confined space before you did something stupid.
“I’m going to go for a wander.” You hummed, wiggling out of Pierre’s grip and nodding at Charles before you made a swift exit.
As soon as you got out of the garage you felt like you could finally breathe again. It wasn’t long before Carlos spotted you making a dash towards you.
“Sup,” you grinned as he pulled you into a hug.
“You keeping out of trouble?” He chuckled, pulling away from the hug.
“Always.” You winked, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Now that I don’t believe.” He hummed, raising a brow at you. “Who’s hoodie is that?” He asked, tugging at the garment.
Shaking your head at the Spaniard, rolling your eyes at him. “Why does everyone want to poke their way into my love life?” You asked, pulling the material of your hoodie over your face you inhaled Charles aftershave letting it calm you. “It’s just a hoodie. I like buying from the mens section okay.”
“Hmmm,” Carlos smirked, raising his brow at you again. “I’m pretty sure I saw Charles wearing the exact same hoodie the other day after Quali.”
“Must have brought it from the same shop.” You shrugged, wishing everyone would stop asking your questions. “I best make sure Pierre and Char aren’t burning down the garage.”
You quickly excused yourself from Carlos’ presence, heading back to the Alpha Tauri garage.
As you got close you saw the flash of red amongst the white and blue. Mentally you cursed yourself for wearing Charles hoodie not thinking anyone would work out it was his. Running your hand over your face you sulked back into the garage earning a questioning look from your twin brother.
“Ne commencez pas. Do not start.” You scolded, walking past him towards his driver's room hoping to get a bit of peace.
“What’s wrong with her?” Pierre asked his best friend.
“No idea.” Charles shrugged, letting his eyes drift to the large clock on the wall. He still had time to see what was wrong. “I will go speak to her, she might actually speak to me.”
Charles fist bumped Pierre before he disappeared.
He earned a few questioning looks as he walked through the Alpha Tauri area but he didn’t care, something was off with you this morning and he wanted to find out what was going on.
He knew you would be in Pierre’s room so he lightly knocked on the door before letting himself in. The sight of you sitting on the sofa with your head in his hands made his heart ache.
“Parle-moi, chéri. Talk to me, darling.” He asked, crouching down, placing his hands on your knees.
“Ça devient si difficile, Char. It's getting so difficult, Char.” You mumbled as tears started to cloud your vision. “I feel horrible for lying to Pierre, we’ve been together for nearly a year now but he is going to catch us out soon.”
“I’ve always said it’s your call on when we tell him.” Charles whispered, brushing his thumb against your jeans. “If you want to come clean then we will do it together.”
“He was asking questions this morning and I think Carlos is on to us.” You said, looking up at Charles.
“I need to be honest with you Babygirl,” Charles chuckled, taking your hand in his. “Carlos knows.”
“What?” You gasped, feeling your eyes go wide. “When?”
“He found out yesterday, he was bugging me non stop about going out for the night so I had to come clean.” Charles said softly. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“It’s fine,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “I think we need to tell Pierre.”
“Tell Pierre what?” Your brother's voice boomed through the small room.
Looking up you saw him frozen in place, his gaze flicking between you at Charles. The guilt you were feeling this morning was back but this time it was stronger.
“P,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. “Je peux vous expliquer. I can explain.”
“For what? The fact that I’ve never seen you as happy as you have been over the last god knows how long? For the fact that you have always had a crush on Char?” He said, finally breaking out into a grin.
“So you aren’t mad?” You breathed, feeling your heart pounding against your chest waiting for his response.
“How could I be mad? I just wish you told me sooner, you little shit.” He chuckled, pulling you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I didn’t see this coming, that’s all. But looking back all the signs were there, you always arrive on track smelling of aftershave. Whenever he was around, your smile was brighter, you were more giggly.”
Pushing yourself off the sofa you walked over to your twin who was holding his arms out wide for you. Walking into his arms he engulfed you in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry for hiding this from you, for nearly a year now.” You whispered.
“A year.” He said, pulling away from you, cocking his brow. “That’s impressive, you're normally shit at keeping secrets.” He laughed before pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
He pulled away from the hug walking over to Charles.
“Meilleur ami ou pas, si tu brises le coeur de ma soeur, je te brise le visage. Best friend or not, if you break my sister's heart, I'll break your face. ” He said, staring Charles out.
“Je n'en rêverais pas. I wouldn't dream of it.” Charles nodded as they did the hug that all guys did.
Finally you felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off your shoulders as you didn’t have to hide anything from the two most important people in your life.
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author-ssi · 5 months
Let Me Pleasure You ~PJM
➜Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader ➜Genre: Smut, One-Shot Warnings: dirty talk and fingering [18+ MDNI] ➜Word Count: 1.1k ➜Summary: When you stumble upon a bartender named Jimin after being left unsatisfied by your date.
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You're drunk.
You're so freaking drunk.
But that was the goal you had in mind when you entered this bar, so you're pretty pleased with yourself. Not the exact pleasure you'd thought you'd be getting tonight but at least after a few drinks, it's safe to say your sexual frustration has been appeased for the time being.
"It was awful! He just couldn't get it up! I mean, I was over there, trying my best to -you know- but it was no good!", you vent in the videos you're sending to your two best friends while sitting on a bar stool. Sipping your fourth glass of wine for the night, the buzz in your head intensifying, you glance around the empty bar to check whether you're safe from prying ears. The bartender is on the other side of the bar, there are but two groups of people at tables quite far from you; so you're good.
Clicking on your phone, you start recording the next video of you rumbling, "At first, I thought that he might be nervous but when I asked him he denied it and said that the hotel just didn't inspire him and that he was anxious about our limited time, too. I mean- He was the one who booked the hotel and as far as I'm concerned, we had plenty of time so all those are just excuses. Still, I don't get it! I gave him a handjob, and he got an erection but then, everytime he was about to enter me, he went... Limpy!".
Downing the rest of your drink, you twirl the glass around with your fingers as you let out a long, disappointed sigh. "So much for grooming myself... I put on my favourite body lotion, wore that pair of black, lacy lingerie I own and for what!? I've been going out with this guy for like a month and I've been dropping so many hints for him to find a place for us to have sex and when we finally get the chance, this happens!", you unconsciously raise your volume, ultimately groaning in exasperation.
"Why are you still dating this guy, then?", a euphonic, male voice is heard out of nowhere and you turn to face the black-haired bartender gazing at you with a genuinely puzzled look in his peering, brown eyes. You're too stunned to speak as you watch him lean against the bar resting his chin on his palm and raising a questioning brow at you, "Based on what you're describing it seems you two have no sexual chemistry and from my experience, when two people don't fulfil one another's desires in bed, then there's no point in them dating".
"You could always stay friends, keep things platonic", he adds with a shrug of his shoulders before coming out from behind the bar to stand right in front of you. "Besides, there are plenty of men out there; perfectly capable of providing you with the pleasure you deserve", his deep voice takes on a sensuous tone and travels all the way to your core, bringing back to the surface all the sexual frustration you tried to bury. Nimble fingers inch towards the end of your dress, hovering over your bare thighs. His eyes appear dark yet calculating, as if trying to pinpoint your boundaries so he won't cross them later.
Finding his intentions to respect you unbearably sexy, you can't help but squeeze your thighs together, trembling eyes almost begging him to touch you. Still, the handsome man settles on teasingly tugging at the edge of your dress, smirking down at you smugly. “It’s the first time I’ve had a stranger offer me advice on my sex life”, you observe with a playful giggle yet the way you’re staring at him from under your lashes is nothing but seductive. The heat in your panties instantly turns to dampness when his fingers finally move under your dress caressing the inside of your thighs, and you spread your legs slightly in order to allow him a little more space.
“How rude of me not to introduce myself... I’m Jimin”, he states with his voice becoming even more sensuous, causing goosebumps to shoot down your back and your legs to almost quiver. “I’m Y/N-”, you barely manage to utter before his fingers come in contact with the spot you need it most. A heavy sigh escapes you as pleasure paints over your expression when he starts to move his fingers up and down, rubbing them against your clothed pussy. “Nice to meet you Y/N”, he chuckles lowly, clearly satisfied with your reaction to his touch.
You place a hand on his slim waist for support, fingers gripping onto the fabric of his black shirt in attempt to choke back a moan when he adds more pressure and rhythm to his touch. "You know... If I was your man, then it would never get to the point where you'd have to drop hints for us to have sex; I'd rail you to your heart's content", his words are fierce and direct compared to the subtle and gentle way he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear the moment you look up to meet his gaze. The lustful look you’re giving him urges him to go one step further, pulling your panties to the side and entering two of his fingers inside you.
Astonished by his bold invasion of your body, you can’t help but let out a staggered gasp. Yet, your state of astonishment is even more prolonged when his plump lips find their way to the now exposed skin of your neck, peppering wet kisses all over it. “Jimin, we’re not alone here”, you mutter in a brief state of clarity through the haziness of pleasure. "Oh, so you want to continue somewhere more private?”, he murmurs against your skin, his thick fingers suddenly curling inside you. The stimulation is too intense you’re surprised you didn’t fold on the spot. Instead in an attempt to control yourself, you clamp a palm against your mouth stifling a high-pitched whine.
“Look at how your pussy is squeezing my fingers. I can already imagine it clenching on my cock ”, he rasps with a slight grunt of anticipation before he finally draws his face from your neck to look at you. His tongue darts out of his mouth to lick his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. Not that you’d ever be able to take your eyes away from him either! “Come on baby, let me...", he speaks with his full lips now brushing against the shell of your ear.
"Let me pleasure you"
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falkarph · 5 months
rp prompts taken from the video game dragon's dogma 2 by capcom. some have been edited.
❛ a good sleep will ensure we’re prepared for the morrow. ❜
❛ i shall go to the grave with a smile on my lips, for i have no regrets. ❜
❛ this is the second time i’ve watched over you like this, isn’t it? ❜
❛ as i understand it, 'tis boorish to speak when you’ve naught to say, so i shall hold my tongue. ❜
❛ we‘ll see each other again, you can count on that. and when we do, you’d best be ready for the fight of your life. ❜
❛ i had nearly given up on myself, yet 'twould seem i am not without talent after all! ❜
❛ i learned the words but this is the first i use them. ❜
❛ don't bring trouble to my door, you hear? ❜
❛ 'twas never my intent to deceive you. i simply feared that if i spoke the truth, none would wish to involve themselves with me. ❜
❛ i dare not enter the palace. but i would fain escort you to the castle entrance. ❜
❛ pray visit me if you’ve the time or inclination. ❜
❛ all is preordained. even my death at thy hands. ❜
❛ there’s no shortage of ne'er-do-wells out there, willing to claim their medicine the only cure that they might inflate its price. ❜
❛ what are you doing? unhand me this instant! ❜
❛ love is as twin to madness, they say. they are bound fast, as night is to day. ❜
❛ oh, unwring your hands, you fool. as if anyone in this palace would dare say a word against me. ❜
❛ i find myself on edge when you stray from my line of sight. ❜
❛ save your honeyed words, traitor! ❜
❛ you would leave one of your own to die? ❜
❛ my efforts led only to my own ruin. ❜
❛ i believe i cautioned you to keep your drunken revelry in check. ❜
❛ they say you should be thankful for your life, but simply being alive isn’t the same as living, eh? ❜
❛ 'tisn‘t the first time i’ve taught an unseasoned whelp the meaning of betrayal. ❜
❛ my vision’s growing worse by the day i fear. ❜
❛ if i had but better known your heart, i could have shared in your burdens. ❜
❛ 'tis not my conscience that called me here, oh no. i simply cannot stomach acts of cowardice. ❜
❛ doesn’t seem like you and i are going to share a drink anytime soon. a shame, really. ❜
❛ and what business have you here, in the nobles' playground? ❜
❛ we’re lost, plain and simple. ❜
❛ 'twould seem my time here has reached its end. can’t say i‘m happy about it. ❜
❛ i possess no ill intent, i assure you! i merely wished for a closer look. ❜
❛ alas, though he was a just and goodly ruler, there is not a single person alive who remembers his name. ❜
❛ it can be a blessing to forget—and to be forgotten. ❜
❛ the flesh may rot, the soul, fragment. yet power—power endures. ❜
❛ no one has any care for me beyond my title. ❜
❛ another dogged adventurer, come to take my life? many have tried, and, as you can plainly see, all have failed. ❜
❛ naught can be achieved without sacrifice. ❜
❛ follow me. and, pray, take care not to fall behind. one can easily lose their way here. ❜
❛ if e'er you’re in need of a hearth to return to … then let it be mine. ❜
❛ i may be past my prime as a fighter—but i can still teach. ❜
❛ s‘pose it must make you feel a hero, seeing the person you caught yourself sitting behind bars. ❜
❛ do you think you can exact change in this world through good will alone? ❜
❛ reckon your road‘s been a long one. ❜
❛ i so hoped you’d visit. is that strange? ❜
❛ such knowledge has been known to cost a man his head. ❜
❛ shall we hunt a few monsters to start the day off? ❜
❛ the world shall not change with my death. ❜
❛ wilt thou slay me, or be slain? ❜
❛ 'twas all a farce and i the fool, exulting in my wooden crown. ❜
❛ do as you will. i care not what befalls me now. ❜
❛ i never knew how vast the sky was ere i left home. ❜
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pucktoxicity · 1 month
i had a whole message ready to go and dropped my phone, so this might end up being shorter. first, as context, i went to a massive hockey school and was with my boyfriend who was on the team throughout our time there and after. still talk with him, but i’ll be honest and say that all the sh*t that comes with having a relationship with someone that’s high profile was just too much.
1. the reading stuff is hilarious. obviously they can read—they just don’t HAVE to read. even in college. was at a party at one of his teammate’s places and opened the fridge to grab something and there were textbooks, still in the plastic, sitting on the top shelf. it was a class i was also taking. when I confronted the guy about it as I held said textbooks in hand laughing (it was near midterms) he said “it doesn’t matter. i’ll pass.” he passed and it definitely wasn’t because he understood a damn thing in that course.
2. cliques exist on teams. ill break that down further. my boyfriend hung with like five of his teammates and a handful of athletes from another big sport at my school. those were who we were around on any given day. on weekends after games, or if there was a stretch with a break from some games, the entire team would go out. your ass better be at those team events or if not you better have a good reason why you’re not there. there was an issue off the ice involving the team and there was definitely a rift afterwards because a few of the guys were not there. it made for a really bad season with a team that should have done well.
3. they’re not tagging pics in real-time. they’ll post stuff a few days later with the tags on the locations so people think they know where they are if they post anything at all. that’s equally true for public and private accounts where tracking can be controlled. im sure most people recognize this, but i’ve never seen it stated outright. i was even asked to hold off on posting things until we were somewhere else even though my accounts are private. if they want you to know where they are, you’ll know where they are.
4. for the love of god do not send them nudes. not unless you want that entire team and possibly more to have them. getting nudes was a game to them.
5. which brings me to—they are ALWAYS involved in some sort of game or challenge with one another. the nudes was one, i can’t give anything more specific because i’d likely dox myself. not really feeling up for that blowback. just—they’re always betting each other over something and keeping tabs/score with something likely unrelated to hockey. sometimes it’s funny and sometimes “ew.” but there’s always something.
6. the sh*t they do off ice is hilarious and often unexpected. one of my best friends is the biggest a-hole on the ice, led the team in penalties, etc. off ice he’s the nicest human you will ever meet. he doesn’t read for fun, but he’s a nerd over a specific genre of movies that you wouldn’t expect. video games are pretty constant. they’re psychotically competitive even with those. watching giant man children rage quit video games is hilarious. oh and some of them have the weirdest habits. can’t really elaborate on that one. if anything i’d send it another time.
7. as someone that had a whole school watching my every move and then a whole city watching my every move, i can tell you it gets old fast—for everyone involved. i had people (guys and girls) show up where i lived. 95% of the sh*t i read online that was supposedly about me, him, me and him, etc was not even close to true. take what you see about any of the players or the people involved with them with a grain of salt.
8. sadly some of the worst guys are the ones in the longest relationships, or had families, etc. that was really horrifying to me. strictly anecdotal to my experience with two teams and their circles, but yeah. it was bad.
9. because the question comes up a lot—where? i met my boyfriend at mandatory study hall freshman year because im also an athlete. we never talk hockey. i talk hockey with my other friends and family, never with him or his teammates. he’s in it all day everyday, it’s his job, just like when im done with work i know i don’t want to talk about it, they’re the same way. if he brings it up, sure, but i’m sure as hell not gonna be the one to do that.
and for those keeping score: tall and natural blonde. many of his teammates over the years dated brunettes but they almost always ended up dying their hair blonde. so I don’t know if it’s blondes initially all the time. if anything i would just add that WAGs are their own beast with all the peer pressure and competitiveness of a team. the going blonde thing might be due to the pressures within that group.
way longer message than i intended but hopefully some valuable insight for those who have asked. as you’ve said, they’re humans like anyone else, their job is just different. oh, and summers were mostly working with skills coaches and rehabbing injuries/getting surgeries that are overdue that weren’t publicized. the public doesn’t know half the sh*t these guys are playing through.
everyone thank this anon for her service because this is absolutely perfect, no notes.
the ones i can most agree with / corroborate from my own experiences: she is 100% correct. do not send these guys nudes (i never have & never will, but know that they get them spread around quickly!!), and the same goes for competing over things. good lord, it’ll be the stupidest shit sometimes too but somehow it becomes a competition 😭 it’s crazy! and the same goes for schoolwork. it’s not just hockey. i have a friend who went to an SEC school with a historic football team (and sorority rush, cough cough), and she said the same thing about football players. they’ll pass. no matter what. doesn’t mean they’ll have a 4.0, but they’ll pass enough. i’m sure it’s the same with big hockey schools up here and the midwest as it is in the south with football. that doesn’t surprise me at all, unfortunately.
also, that last line. the public doesn’t know half the shit these guys are playing through. YUP. the things their bodies go through in not just a season, but in one game, are absolutely insane. and she’s very correct about privately-handled, unannounced offseason surgeries. 🙂‍↕️
i think the most interesting thing for you guys to see is her insight that most brunette WAGs end up going blonde & that whole explanation of the blonde WAG stereotype in every level of hockey.
whoever you are, i adore you, this was an amazing read, and if you ever want to talk privately in dms and stuff, i’d love to! if not, no worries, and thank you for stopping by & talking to me 🥰💋❤️
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