#I stood back up walked to the chairs @ the end of the garden
lilyflxwers · 1 year
going to an extended family/friend party later and last time I showed up to one of these I got drunk within the first hour, fell off the patio, broke my ankle and knee and tore my ligaments.
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romanteacism · 3 months
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader Devious Forgiveness 
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Synopsis: Ser Aemond is faced with your stubborn ignorance of him and plots to earn your forgiveness and attention. Warnings: None (yet), Aemond being devious, ¿infatuation?, Slight Jealousy PREVIOUS PART / NEXT PART
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Weeks passed, and a notable shift had turned into the castle. The once lively princess, who always had a myriad of words spewing from her tongue and a kind smile on her lips, had gone each time she was alone in the presence of her sworn protector. Aemond would clench his jaw and feel his stomach pit every time he saw you conversing with anyone— there was a pitch of excitement in your voice, a gleam in your eyes, and a smile on your lips that were gone in a flash the moment they would step away and leave you alone with him. 
He had been trying to speak with you these past few days. He tried earnestly to remove the cold and biting tone in his voice when he addressed you—always greeting you in the morning and bidding you good night. He would even try to make small comments about the weather when the two of you were in the gardens, but you would only ignore his words, just as he did you. Aemond was starting to entertain the possibility that perhaps he should give up. This is what he wanted when he had first taken his post— you detached and uncaring, quiet and not one to meddle in his life. However, you had accustomed him too much with your kindness, more than he’d care to admit— you had lured him in with your concern and sweetness to the point in which he could no longer stomach you being aloof and bitter towards him. 
“Good morning, princess,” Aemond bowed as you exited your chambers, and just like the past days, you did not say a word. Aemond bit his tongue; you truly could hold a grudge. He did not know if he should find that annoying or admirable. 
“Good morrow, Gertrude,” You smiled as you passed your chambermaid on her way to your rooms to tidy them. “Good day, princess,” she said lowly. She paused and curtsied as you passed. Aemond rolled his eye at the way you ignored his greeting but still greeted your chambermaid. Your knight followed you down the halls, passing by a multitude of court members, squires, maids, and knights who you all greeted and smiled at. 
You and Aemond were nearing the end of a hall, and there he saw another knight standing in guard— a knight he did not quite like, a knight who as well noticed your neglect of your sworn protector. “Princess,” He bowed as you passed, Aemond’s hold at the hilt of his sword tightening as you paused in the halls with the goal of chatting with the knight. “Good morrow, Ser Adam,” You smiled. “And I believe greetings are in order,” You added quickly as he raised his head. 
“My brother says it is your name day today.” You smiled as you saw quiet shock on his face, as he did not account for you to know such details. “It is, Your Highness,” He smiled. “Happy name day, then, Ser Adam.” Aemond felt his eye twitch as the knight’s gaze turned to him, a tease in his eyes before it quickly disappeared as he turned to you. “Thank you, princess,” He smiled charmingly before bowing as you went on your way, Aemond throwing him a glare before following behind you.
Aemond tried to calm himself, but with every breath he took, all he could smell was your scent. He watched steely-eyed as you walked in front of him, your hair swaying with every step you took. He stared at the back of your head, willing you to turn to him just like days before, but not once had you met his gaze. 
“Sister, just in time, come, breakfast is served!” Your brother greeted you as you entered the royal apartments, a change of scenery as you were growing quite tired of your mundane routines. Aemond moved to assist you to your chair, but a footman stepped in front of him. There was an odd look on his face as Aemond tried to do his job for him. Aemond pursed his lips and stood by your side, ignoring the questioning look on your brother’s face. He did not take his leave, but why should he? His rightful place was by your side. 
“You may take your leave, Ser Aemond— so you may break your fast,” Your brother dismissed. Aemond knew he should not go against the orders of the prince, but his stubbornness showed through. “I am not hungry, Your Highness,” He said curtly. You caught the eyes of your brothers, imploring you to dismiss your stubborn knight. You shrugged your shoulders as you, too, were stubborn-headed, and you had a sword to yourself not to speak with him. “There is no danger here, Ser Aemond. Please, I insist that you find rest. Ser Adam could take the watch.” Your brother insisted, but Aemond did not reply. You sighed; he does love toeing the line of impertinence. 
“You may take your leave, Ser Aemond; you can return after our meal.” You said, a tone of icyness in your voice that no one was accustomed to. Aemond swallowed thickly. Those were the first words you’d said to him in weeks, and though he was disheartened by the tone of your voice, he felt satisfied that you finally addressed him. “My princess— my prince,” He bowed and reluctantly left his post. 
“Is something the matter with your knight?” Your brother asked as he was not all oblivious to the rather odd dynamic you had with your sworn protector. “Not particularly; he does his duties.” You say blankly, not wishing to discuss Ser Aemond. “It’s just odd to see you be so… reserved when in his presence. You usually talk the ear of your knight… it’s just not like you to be so quiet,” Your brother mumbled as he took a bite of his meal. You shrugged, not wanting to admit that you were harboring rather ill feelings for your sworn protector. 
“Are you not getting along with him?” Your brother asked after a moment. You thought he had forgotten about the subject after the prolonged silence. “It doesn’t matter if we get along or not, does it? He does his duty; that is sufficient.” Your brother’s eyebrows raised as you said such words; he was not used to you speaking as such or so coldly. “Do— do you wish for me to remove him from your station?” He suggested. Not wanting his dearest sister to be uncomfortable or act as such. 
You blinked at the plate in front of you, not expecting the offer. It was tempting. Even you yourself were growing tired of having to push down your true self in fear of annoying your knight and trying not to take offense by his blatant dislike of you. However, if he were removed from your station, it would further put the image of you being spoiled and unaccustomed to not getting your way— that you were too sensitive and could not take criticism and having someone not liking you—a true enough statement, but you’d rather not give him tangible evidence of it. “Do what you wish, brother; I am fine either way,” You say civilly and stand, flashing him a small smile before leaving and heading toward your solarium. 
Aemond eventually found you after scouring the whole castle. After his hasty breakfast, he felt his stomach pit ever so slightly as he could not account for your presence in the royal apartments, leading him to run through the halls and search the usual places you frequented. Aemond sighed as he reached the closed doors of your solarium, the distant sound of you humming escaping through the crevices of the door. 
He glanced towards the stained glass window and saw the sun nearing its peak, as well as the distant sound of a squire approaching the halls with your morning tea. Aemond bit his lip, rested his heavy sword against the wall, and met the squire in the middle of the hallway. “I shall take this; the princess does not wish to be disturbed.” He lied as he was plotting out his scheme. The squire looked at him with apprehension but eventually nodded and handed him the tray, fearing that he would be scolded or, worse, be beaten by the knight if he did not comply with his orders. 
Aemond felt his erratic heartbeat in his ears as he carried your tea to your solarium. He wanted to roll his eye at himself. Why was he so nervous? He had faced countless battles with other knights and miscreants and even bravely faced the day his eye was taken, but never once had he felt this nervous. The rattle of the silverware against the tray and the sound of your humming and your deep concentration masked the presence of Aemond, who placed down the tray on a nearby table and prepared your tea for you. Two cubes of sugar and a splash of milk; he had memorized the specificity of how you took your tea. He tried to control his heavy breathing as he approached you, who was facing the window and painting the landscape. 
You saw from your peripheral vision as a cup of steaming tea was presented, mindlessly taking it without even letting go of the paintbrush in your hands. “Thank you, Ge—“ The words and the small smile died on your lips as you turned to your side and saw your knight presenting you with your beverage. His eye watching every reaction of yours closely. You bit your tongue and still took the cup of tea but faced forward once more, going back to ignoring the presence of Ser Aemond. It was peculiar of him to do such a job that was certainly below his pay grade. 
Aemond gritted his teeth and felt his hold on the delicate saucer tighten to a point he was certain he could break it. He stood there for a few more moments, watching as you silently sipped your tea to completion before placing it back on the saucer without a word or even a glance toward him. Aemond parted his lips to speak. Even though he did not know what to say, you, however, spoke first. “Close the door behind you; I do not wish to be disturbed until sundown,” You say coldly, and Aemond felt his nostrils flare in anger. 
He stomped out of the room and rudely slammed the door behind him, making you jump in your stool and turn towards the door with a displeased face; he really was toeing the line of impertinence, and if you had just an ounce less of patience, you would not hesitate to report such dealing to your brother and have him removed from your service. And as much as you wanted to be free from his rather rude behavior, you could not bring yourself to be rid of him. 
When evening came, you were subjected to your chambers with a supper for one. Your brother decided to retire early, and your parents were in business in the south, leaving you alone. You sighed as you had no appetite, feeling quite lonely. You looked around your chamber, and only then did it occur to you that a presence was missing: your kitten, Theodore. 
You frowned and looked toward his assigned corner, but he was not there, and the milk you had ordered for him earlier in the afternoon seemed untouched. “Theo?” You called and looked under your feathered bed. You tore away your sheets and tossed the plethora of pillows onto the floor as you were growing frantic in your search. You checked your wardrobe and messily riffled through your dress. You then went to the wet room and the sitting room, leaving a trail of mess in your wake. “Theo!” You cried and resorted to opening the various chests in your chambers as well as behind the books on your bookshelves. 
Aemond bit his lip as he heard your desperate cries for your pet. It was devious of him, possibly even cruel, but he had hidden your kitten in hopes that through your desperation, you would ask for his help. It was a last resort; he had no idea how to be in your good graces once more, so he resorted to such acts rather than actually asking for forgiveness. 
Aemond straightened his back as he heard you unbar your chamber doors and peek your head out, “Ser Aemond,” You called breathlessly and frantically. “Have— have you seen Theodore? I think I may have lost him.” Aemond felt guilt wrack through him at the sight of your tear-filled eyes and overly concerned face. “No, princess,” He answered, and that severed the fear in you. 
You bit your lip and got ready to resume your search. You tried to close the door, but your knight hindered you in doing so. “I… I can help you search for him,” he offered, and you nodded fervently, forgetting your oath not to speak to your sworn protector. 
You resumed your search, looking through the mess you had made in fear your little kitten was buried in the pile of your dresses or books. Aemond bit his lip as he, too, pretended to search for your pet when he already knew where he hid him. He disappeared into the wet room and pretended to search there. He returned to your main room after a moment and saw you seated on the floor, close to tears, as you still could not find your pet, who, through your tireless efforts, had just begun to trust you, and now you had lost him due to your ignorance.
You breathed out heavily and dejectedly, and Aemond made cautious steps towards you. “We shall find your pet, princess,” He tried to console you, not knowing you would react in such a way. “But what if we don’t? I’ve always wanted a cat, even when I was still a little girl, but I do not believe they were quite keen on me— it is a miracle Theodore came into my possession,” You sighed and tried to stand, and your knight was quick to assist you, offering his arm and placing his hand on your waist to stable you onto your feet. 
Aemond bit his lip and did not remove his hold on you; your eyes were distractedly searching through the room once again. He then turned to your balcony. “Did you leave your balcony door open, princess?” He asked, only pretending to notice how the small gap on your balcony door he had left earlier that day. You looked up toward your knight, finally staring into his unique lilac orb after nearly a fortnite. 
You did not answer his reply and hastenedly went to your balcony in hopes of finding your kitten. “Theo?” You called out once more, and through the silent night, you heard the ever-so-silent yet distinct sound of him calling out for you. You peered over the balcony, half of your body dangling over the edge as you saw him shivering and placed in the mouth of a gargoyle. “Princess, you might fall,” Ser Aemond said in great concern. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you off the balcony. 
You pointed towards the gargoyle and urged your knight to retrieve your pet. No coherent word left your lips in fear as Theodore might fall. “Princess, breathe,” Aemond said, absentmindedly cupping your cheeks and caressing them to urge you to calm down and breathe. You shook your head and stared at him wide-eyed, pointing furiously towards the ledge. Aemond sighed and only now regained his sensibilities about your close proximity, stepping away and removing his hold from you to retrieve your cat that he placed in the mouth of the gargoyle. You really shouldn’t worry that much; he secured the cat in a place he made certain he would not fall, no matter the height of the statue.
“Oh, you’re okay, you’re fine,” You say soothingly as Ser Aemond placed your kitten into your grasp and you held it close to your chest. Aemond observed as the moon bathed you in its glow setting your frame breathtakingly alight. You carresed the fur of your kitten and sighed, vocing to yourself to never let him out of your sight again. “Th-thank you, Ser Aemond,” You  said geniunly and finally flashed him a small smile, the goal Aemond had been working for the past days. He bowed and assisted you back into your chambers, gently nudging you inside, his hand at the small of your back. 
Aemond assisted you into your settee as you still clutch tightly onto your pet. “Good night, princess,” He said lowly, not quite certain if he would recieve a reply. When he heard none after a moment, he sighed and his mind concted a few more plans for the both of you to retrun to how it was. As he stepped out into the hall, he heard teh faintest sound of your voice that made his knees weak and a stupid flush on his cheeks appear. “Good night, Ser Aemond.” 
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itsmrshamilton · 4 months
That's My Wife! | LH44
Summary: lewis & reader get married and make an instagram reel displaying their shock. (PLEASE check out this👇 reel cause it inspired me.) //www.instagram.com/reel/C6Wxj_zR_l1/
a/n: this is my first time writing on here. Im excited but nervous cause I feel like someone will judge me or call me out for copying (which i would never do). Let me know what you think & requests are open.
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You laughed loudly as Lewis' arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into his chest. The elevator you were in was bright and empty so your giggles bounced off the walls.
"Oh my gosh, Lew. We're going to fall over!" You exclaimed as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and rocked the both of you side to side. You weren't actually worried but your intoxicated state did mean that if you went down, Lewis would have to bear all the weight.
"You smell amazing," he mumbled. "You look amazing, you feel amazing. God, I love you." He pressed kisses onto your neck, ear, and temple as you hummed in contentment. You and Lewis had left your wedding reception to get some time alone and rest before tomorrow's big brunch. The reception was somehow still in full swing at midnight with uncles and aunts from both sides tearing up the dance floor. It had been the best wedding you had ever attended. Gold and ivory fabric adorned every table, chair, and wall with large crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings and fairy lights in the rose garden to top it all off. The wedding planning had taken months and left you with many sleepless nights, but in the end, it all came together and was worth the hassle.
Now, in the elevator on the way to your room, the two of you took a second to breathe. You reached up to stroke Lewis' head on your shoulder. "I love you more. I can't believe I get to spend eternity with you." You said to him. He straightened up just as the elevator dinged and opened it's doors, allowing him to lead you out by your hand. He stepped into the empty hallway of the hotel, walked over the wall and whipped out his phone to fiddle with it.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you stood there with the train of your big white dress draped over one arm and your silver heels in the other hand. "Give me a sec." His brown eyes connected with yours as he glanced over his shoulder before he quickly set his phone up against the wall. Lewis stepped back to take your shoes out of your hands and pull you closer to him in front of the camera. "I'm just introducing everyone to my wife, baby." He smiled at you.
Your breath hitched and you grinned back. Lewis calling you his wife was thrilling and you felt butterflies in your stomach. He pecked your lips then turned to his phone. "Hey! What are you looking at? Are you eyeing my wife?!" He said to the camera as he took on a threatening stance. You giggled at his antics before giving the phone a stink eye and leaning towards your reflection in it. "Yo, are you really trying my husband? You've got to get through me first." You were both boisterously laughing at this stage.
His beautiful brown eyes sparkled with pure joy when he looked you. He would never stop thanking his lucky stars that he had met you. You were truly the most etheral being he had ever laid eyes on. With your hair done up, your make-up accentuating your best features and your beautiful lips gracing him with a smile. You wrapped one arm around his shoulders and raised your diamond-clad left hand at the camera sassily. "You see this ring? I'm his wife! That's right." You laughed. He lifted his hand too to show off his diamond crusted ring as well.
"I'm her husband so you better back up" he placed his hand over yours so that both rings were on display for the phone still recording your shenanigans. "I'm a married man. I'm a hubby, now. So watch yourself."
You dissolved into more laughter at that. The glasses of wine you had drank all evening were definitely working through your system right now. "We're married! We're a married couple! I'm your wife! " you were yelling and laughing at the same time. Struggling to keep yourself upright, you leaned into Lewis more. He caught you and reciprocated your energy. "I know, baby! Oh, man. I can't believe it! How is this allowed??"
You looked at the man of your dreams. Looking beautiful in a white suit bedazzled with expensive jewels. His bright eyes, pinks lips, sweet dimple. All of him was yours. Yours to love and to hold til death do you apart. Facing you, he lifted his hands to your face and gently pressed a kiss to your lips. You smiled into it and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"I love you so so much, Mrs Hamilton." He whispered against your lips. He kissed you again, deeply this time and you groaned into his mouth. Feeling electricity run straight to his groin, Lewis pulled away to quickly turn to the camera. "And, now we're off to do married couple things!" He snickered.
"Lewis-" You exclaimed as he cut the video.
Thanks for reading. Be sure to interact with this post before you leave. 💗
Please do not translate, repost on another platform or alter my writing because I do not consent. If you do, I will send evil shongololos to bite your toes off at night.
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hiragikiss · 3 months
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₊˚ෆ── tags : fluff, slight hurt/comfort, married life, husband & wife, fiancé & fiancee, mentions of kaiser's past (spoiler ig?), mentions of pregnancy, mentions of nudity(no smut), pro athlete!au
₊˚ෆ── including : fiancé!michael kaiser, husband!mikage reo (ft. wife/fiancee! reader)
₊˚ෆ── sum. : hey, where's your ring? why is it off your finger?(should i do part 2. . . ? )
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when it comes to choosing partner, a person that he wishes to spend the rest of his life with, michael kaiser is very careful about it. he has witnessed the darkness behind a failed marriage for so long and decided to never make a mistake in his own, as to not bear the consequences of poor decision. thus, kaiser has always been so full of love and patience when it comes to you. he has always been as gentle as possible whenever he speaks or touches you.
but, everyone has a limit and seems to react negatively to it in the most non suitable moment ever. you knew he might have been so upset and emotionally disturbed with all of the pent up stress, building up from the pressure of the media, his team and more. however, it does not act as an excuse for him to let it all out on you. that night, he was obviously irritated to the point of snapping at you.
he laid on the sofa, sighing heavily as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to calm himself down from the sudden bubbling anger rushing through his veins at this very moment. he had just return from an interview regarding to his career updates and happened to be rudely bombarded by nosy paparazzis, causing his phone charm to be lost in that moment. the crowd was too much, he can't reach nor search for the charm, not when the guards were shoving him into the van with protective manner. to the others, it might have been a cheap phone charm that he could purchase any time yet to michael kaiser, it holds so much memories, it meant a lot to him. and you.
you heard your fiancé while you were cleaning up the kitchen. excited to see him, you toss your apron onto the marble kitchen island, making your way towards him. perhaps you were too excited to see him that you didn't notice the still wet floor that you mopped minutes ago, ending with you falling onto the floor with a loud thud, sound of picture frame crashing could be heard as you tried to hold onto a surface to balance yourself but grabbed the wrong thing instead. the loud noise startled kaiser, his anger is pumping rapidly in his veins again, rising up from the sofa and make his way toward the noise.
"love— "
"why can't you be quiet for once? you always had to do something to get on my nerve, don't you?"
your eyebrows furrowed upon his taunting words that are hinted with anger. you knew that he's overstimulated by frustration but it still stir the annoyance in you. who is he to snap at you just because he is feeling negatively?
"wow, my bad i guess. didn't know it'd be a crime to be excited to see my fiancé."
kaiser frowned at your words.
"i don't like your tone."
"right, says the one who started being such a bitch."
"watch your mouth— "
"watch yours first, michael kaiser. look, i don't know what had happen during your interview but can you not take it out on me? i'm not a tool for you to release your stress on. you know what? go cool yourself off, until then we'll talk."
you ignored him as he stood there silently. you fetch your cleaning tools and carefully deal with the broken pieces, placing the picture back on its place while gathering the ruined pieces of broken picture frame into the dust pan. michael only watch your movements, not even a word spoken. he knew you're right and listened to your words as he remove himself from the spot, heading out for a walk.
kaiser spent quite a long moment as he sit by the lazy chair perched up in the garden where you've planted various flowers. the warm white light shining onto each petals and leaves of the flowers, making it appearing more romantic to look at. kaiser's fingers fiddle with his engagement ring hugging his ring finger as he zone out. his mind is clouded with hazy thoughts that are rapidly messing up his mind at this moment, be it from his past or present. he rethink of his behaviour toward you moments ago and sighed heavily. such violent behaviour his, it almost resemble to his abusive male parent back in his childhood.
growing up in violent atmosphere, pain is all he ever learn about. he yearn for love ; to love and to be loved. he spent his childhood imagining what a love would feel like ; is it true that motherly love feels like heaven? is it true that fatherly love feels like you're in the safest universe ever? they said, parents are the hero of every children, yet, why does his abused him and neglected him?
was it because his parent's love were meant to be painful as you yearn more for it? was it because love was never real? or worse, was it because he is just an unlovable child? if love truly exist, why does he need to suffer in order to get a taste of it? they said love is sweet, yet why was it bitter to him? they said love is warm, yet why was he lying on the cold floor as warm fist pounding his fragile body? they said love is soft, yet why was it full of thorns as he held it in his palms?
that was what he was taught about love from the unhealthy surroundings he was locked in. when he met you, he discover what true love is like. he learned that love is when you let out quirky laughs that tingle his ears yet warms up his chest as he laughs along with you ; he learned that love is when you learn about soccer trick online to impress him just for you to clumsily trip, telling him that you'd love to learn more of his passion ; he learned that love is when you hold him tightly as his vulnerable side was exposed when he had failed his own expectation, validating his emotions and never resort to violence to make him quit from feeling low. love with you is what he has always read about on the fairytales storybook that he secretly kept in his room when he was a kid.
you came to him and show him that love isn't always a hard gain yet he hurt you with his action. the thought of you walking away from him suffocate him. he knew he is only imagining about it yet to not see your smile, to not hear your laughter, to not smell your heavenly fragance, to not touches your skin and to not share your warmth is something he could never want to lose.
"god, i fucked up." he cussed under his breathe as he runs into the house, looking for you.
he entered the shared bedroom, heart drop at the sight of your engagment ring placed upon your vanity table. you're not in the room, which adds up to his overthinking. when he heard the soft patterings of shower waters hitting the floor, that's when he knew you're in there. it confirmed his guess when he heard soft sniffles coming from there as he leaned his ear against the door. he was quick to undo his garments and grab your ring, entering the bathroom as quietly as possible.
his heart soften yet saddened at the sight of your crying nude form, standing under the shower head as you try your best to not let out too much sniffles. thank god you're still with him. he makes his way toward you, engulfing you into his chest, holding onto you as his lips raining kisses unto your wet skin.
"please forgive me, my love. i'm sorry for hurting you." he apologised, rubbing your back softly to comfort you.
"must've hurt your ego to apologise to me, huh? serve you right." you countered his words with a hint of sadness in it.
"it hurts even more if i lose you, love. i never want to lose you."
he whispered, lowering his lips to capture yours, apologising to you silently. you closed your eyes, savoring his kiss, letting his lips stiches apology unto yours, a promise to never hurt you again. he parted his lips from you, eyes looking into yours as his palm make its way to caress your cheeks. his hands then moves itself to grab yours, kissing each knuckles before he slides your ring back to its place. he sealed it with another kiss on the ring.
"please, don't leave me, love."
"i won't, darling. i'm here, forever and always."
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⊹ ִֶָ𓏲࣪𖹭 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐎
mikage reo, a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth along with a face blessed by the heaven. he has always knew that his life is well promising and had nothing to worry about. he has always been so generous of his money, be it to use on himself or use it on his friends. just as when he was with his toys when he was a toddler, always sharing it with his play dates or childhood friends. when he reached the age of entering teenager life, he is still so kind when it comes to money matters until it was when he met his friend, nagi seishiro. for once in his life, he dislike sharing, nagi is his friend and nobody could have him.
that goes on until the day he met you. when it comes to you, not even his beloved close friend could have a touch. for the very first time in his life, he is not kind with nagi when it comes to you. nagi wants to play games with you because he heard you're good at it? no need, reo is hiring a famour gamer to play with nagi. nagi would like to hear about your plant pet? no need, reo is buying him a whole nursery of cactus that varies from different species of cactus. nagi was suspicious of reo but he couldn't complaint because at least he is getting something better to ease his boredom.
reo even make it obvious to the other girls that he is yours the moment both of you made it official. reo is well known for using aesthetic hard covers for his phone but when he started dating you, he changed it to clear case, polaroid of you that's his favourite will be placed in it, displaying to others and showing off his lovely lover.
what about you? how do they know that you are mikage reo's lover? it's easy, it's those luxury branded items that you're wearing. he always make sure that most of it are custom made and limited item. it may cause him to spend a little bit extra but hey, if it's you, he'll even sacrifice the world to make sure you're always pretty and well taken care of. he knew how you love to care for yourself from the way you do your skincare, haircare, daily exercises, makeup and dressing up. he loves it as well and enjoys to indulge into it. as long as you're happy, he is happy as well.
that was until today, when he saw a frown on your pretty face. it wasn't common for you to get upset so easily, he wonder what could've cause such discomfort for you. is it the month of your menstrual cycle begin? no way, that'll be on another 2 weeks, he keep tracks on them. is it because your boss was being harsh on you? no way, he started up a business for you to run and support your cute cafe that sell fresh pastries, sweet flowers and refreshing coffee. is it because your favourite show was postponed because of the billing? no way, he made sure to purchase a year worth of membership with the highest graphic quality for you every year. so, what is it that bother you? he makes his way toward you and holds your hand only for you to pulls it away from him quickly, panic eyes staring at his. he noticed how you hide your hand behind you.
"hubby! hi!" you stuttered a little, trying your best to hide whatever you'd like to hide from him.
"you good, dearest? why won't you let me hold your hand?" he asked, his hand moving to grab yours again.
"my skin is too dry, it'd be unpleasant for you to hold them." you told him, removing your hands from his again.
"what a nonsense, you've always been perfect, dear." he praised, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
"my, thank you. aren't you praising me too much, reo?"
"mm, never, dear."
he kisses your lips this time, distracting you from his hand caressing yours, pulling away when he finally caught unto the reason of you hiding your hands from him. he looks into your eyes, scrunching up his nose when he noticed you're getting a bit shy from his full attention and affection.
"what?" you pouted.
"you're so cute and silly too, dear." reo teased, giggling when you playfully frowned at him.
he fish out a velvet box from his back pocket, showing it to you as he opens them. inside, is your wedding ring, the one that you thought you had lost it. you gasp and look at him.
"how?! i thought i lost it!"
"i took them for a cleaning, remember? how could you be so forgetful, dear."
reo smiles as he gets onto one knee, holding your hand gently as he slips it back onto your ring finger. standing up, he kisses the back of your hand. he is so amused with your expression at the moment, all flustered just like how he proposed to you before.
"why were you not telling the truth while ago, hm?" reo questioned.
"knowing you, you'd buy new ones if i truly lost it— "
"why, of course. i'll buy you as many rings as possible, as long as you're happy."
of course he would, how could you doubt him? he is your husband who love to spoil you a little too much.
"thank you, but i'd love to lower the usage of our money, you know?"
"why? is your cafe's billing getting higher? i'll— "
"reo hubby, no. little mikage is on the way, of course we should be spending wisely, right?"
"oh, right, yea— wait. what?!"
you laughed at his reaction. my, your husband is so entertaining.
"yes, dear. we're having a baby!"
reo laughs happily as he hugs you, carefully yet tightly.
"i'm calling nagi, he needs to know that he is an uncle now!"
and you know you did the right thing when you accepted his ring of promises and afraid of losing it. he promised to make you the happiest person ever and he did fulfilled his promises. or should you say, he has always been fulfilling his promises and sealed his promise to eternity.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Felix Catton*Who is that?
Pairing: Felix Catton x f!reader
Word count: 1303
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Warnings: Farleigh being judgy, pure fluff
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It was during his first lecture when Felix saw you for the first time. he was sat near the back when you walked in and to Felix you were hard to miss. You definitely stood out being the only student in overalls and messy ponytail with a pencil shoved in it, but Felix found your get up oddly endearing.
He watched as you took the closest empty seat, the end chair in a row only 3 down from his which luckily gave him a great view of you. “What is she? A farmer?” Farleigh snorted when he caught sight of what Felix had been looking at.
Felix rolled his eyes at his cousin, “Lay off. I think it looks cool,”
“Yeah,” he scoffed, “If you’re poor,”
Luckily the professor walked in right at that moment so Felix could tune out Farleigh who wasn’t even paying attention to the class. Neither was Felix but at least he tried but his attention kept being drawn back to you.
Unluckily however for him was that when the class was dismissed you were instantly swallowed by the excited to leave crowd meaning Felix wasn’t able to get your name.
the next time Felix saw you was at the fellows’ gardens at oxford. It was a rare sunny day in Britan, so Felix was currently taking a wander through the gardens with his mates when he saw you. you were laying by a tree reading a book above your head to block out the sun.
it was something he often did himself during the summer holidays at Saltburn and the sight of you doing the same filled his heart with an odd sense of nostalgia that was only knocked away when one of the girls who had joined their wander latched onto his arm suddenly.
Not wanting to deal with Farleigh’s comments right now Felix decided that he’d excuse himself in a couple minutes and double back so he could finally get your name but by the time he’d came back to the tree you were nowhere to be seen.
It was only a couple days till he saw you again however this time you disappeared even quicker. He was walking out of oxford with Farleigh and some friends when you came whizzing past them on a skateboard with your headphones on.
“Who even uses a skateboard?” Farleigh rolled his eyes as you disappeared too quick for Felix to catch your attention.
“Do you have to judge everyone?” Felix found himself snapping before he’d given it much thought, “You’ve not even met her,”
“Okay geez,” Farleigh said, raising his hands in mock defence, “Didn’t realise I was insulting your girlfriend or something,”
Felix scoffed at his cousin, not quite understanding why the words seemed to hurt, “I’ve not even met her mate. You’re just being an arse,”
Felix suddenly found you popping up everywhere but never getting the chance to actually say hello. He got close one time, less than a foot from you when suddenly Olly came over to get his attention and by the time, he looked back you were halfway down the corridor.
He didn’t even know you, yet you were consuming his mind especially since none of his friends had heard of you either. He decided to go to the pub tonight to try get his mind off of it when it happened again.
Felix saw you walk into the bar by yourself. He didn’t want to sound so creepy, but he was mentally relieved that you hadn’t walked in with another guy and instead walked up to the bar and ordered a drink before heading to an empty two-seater table and pulling out a book.
“Look who showed up,” Farleigh teased when he saw Felix’s eyes on you, “Your girlfriends here. I swear you need to go and speak to her, or I will. It’s getting sad mate,” he scoffed but as much as Felix hated to admit it, he was right.
“Okay,” Felix said, puffing up his chest for confidence, “I’m doing it,”
Neither Farleigh nor Oliver had seen Felix look so nervous so both shot each other a confused glance as Felix mentally prepared himself, “Just go for its man,” Oliver told him, “Worst she could say is no,”
“Which she won’t cause no girl in the history of ever has,” Farleigh scoffed, “it’s annoying really,”
Felix ignored both of them and decided enough was enough as he found himself walking to your table. As he walked to your table, he saw the book in your hands more clearly. “I haven’t read that one, but I hear its good,” Felix said, snapping you out of your daze.
“Um yeah it’s good,” you said, half closing your book with your finger in between to keep its place.
“I’m Felix,” he said, stretching out his hand for you to shake and instantly regretting it when he remembered he wasn’t at his mother’s fancy dinners.
You however graciously laughed and shook his hand putting him out his misery, “Nice to meet you Felix,” you said and finally after ages of wondering he found out your name.
“Do you want another?” he asked, nodding to your near empty drink.
You however looked to his table which were all very obviously staring at you both, “I think your friends may miss you,”
“They can survive without me for say just one drink. I don’t want to keep you from it for too long,” he said, motioning down at your book.
Another soft laugh left your lips pulling him in deeper, “Okay. one drink,”
When Felix got up to get the drinks, he saw some cheap looking cardboard coasters and grabbed one. “Can I borrow a pen mate?” he asked the bartender who gave him it before finishing up the drinks. Felix quickly wrote his number and name on the back of the cardboard before picking up the drinks.
“Here and,” he said, sitting your drink down and taking your book out your hands and slipping the coaster in the pages, “here. So, you don’t lose your spot,”
“I agreed to a drink,” you said as Felix sat down, “who said I wanted company?” you said but the teasing smile on your lips made him laugh and the conversation quickly flowed as you both nursed your drinks for an hour.
Eventually you glanced at the time then frowned, “I should probably go I have an early lecture tomorrow,”
“Skip it,” Felix said, leaning on the table, “Stay a little longer,”
“I wish I could,” you said as you slipped the book into your bag without even checking the bookmark he’d left. “I’d say id see you tomorrow but,” you said as you stood up, “apparently you’re skipping that lecture,” you said making him quirk an eyebrow at you, “You’re in my class,”
“I know,” he said with a grin, “I just didn’t know you knew,”
“How could I not know? you look like a statue the uni commissioned,” you joked, and Felix found his cheeks heating up and his face flushing and for once not because of the alcohol, “See you around Felix,”
“See you,” he said, raising his hand to wave goodbye and internally being grateful when you turned around so he could watch you leave.
Honestly Felix wasn’t entirely sure if that whole conversation happened or if you were simply a mirage. However, when his phone buzzed that night, he knew you were definitely real, and he was thankful for it.
Unknown number – you’re a sneaky man
Felix felt his cheeks hurt from smiling as he typed back.
Felix – I just didn’t want you to lose your place
What Felix didn’t see however was the way you were laying in bed also smiling like a Cheshire cat at his messages.
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politicalchange · 2 months
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you being jack’s scandal.
jack had been married, but his marriage was in shambles. ever since he started running as a presidential candidate up until the moment he became president. he had no one to go to for support, his wife distanced herself, taking their daughter alone and letting jack go through things by himself. then he met you.
he told you about his problems, talked on the phone, took you for late night walks in the white house garden, it was all so nice. it started off as something small, you both met at a bar, jack resorting to the strongest liquor as a way to cope with the stress of his wife potentially leaving, and you being the most sober person in the bar, making sure he makes it out alive. his wife never left him though. and she still doesn’t know what’s happening between the two of you.
anyway that’s how you ended up a month later, late night in the oval office, jacks button up white shirt sliding off your shoulder while you bounced on his cock in his president’s chair. jack continued to unbutton his shirt that was clad around your body and began to suck on your tits, leaving you in pleasure as you threw your head back.
“get up.” you quickly obeyed and stood on your feet, jack turned you around and bent you over his desk, quickly shoving his cock back into you and thrusting hard, his strong hands grabbed your waist and one hand was used to smack your ass, leaving a mark.
“you love being bent over my desk like a dirty fucking slut don’t you.” you whimpered and nodded, but jack gripped onto your hair and brung your back to meet his chest, you squealed loudly as he continued thrusting. “say it. say you like being a dirty slut. my dirty slut.”
you gasped as he gripped your throat. “i love being your dirty slut.” you cried and he had the audacity to laugh and force your head back onto his desk. he grunted as he gave you a few more hard thrusts, until he pulled out and you cried out at the loss of contact. he turned you around and gripped your face, “shut the fuck up.” then he crashed his mouth onto yours.
the makeout was quick and hot, jacks tongue fought for dominance against yours and you could feel the saliva swapping, that just make it even more hotter. jack pulled away and forced your mouth open, then he spit in it. “swallow.” you obeyed and jack smirked, caressing your face.
“you wanna get fucked more, huh baby? one orgasm wasn’t enough for you?” you shook your head and jack picked you up, shoving you against his window as he forced his cock back into you. “i’ll fuck you till you had enough don’t worry baby.”
you moaned out loud and began scratching at his back as his big arms wrapped around you and bounced your tiny figure up and down, all the pleasure becoming too overwhelming for you to handle. jack laughed in your ear, “don’t worry baby i got you. i won’t let you fall.”
after a few more thrusts, you came. but jack had other plans. “get on your knees.” you quickly got on your knees and jack forced his cock into your mouth, making you gag around it.
he groaned and threw his head back, gripping onto your hair for more support as you continued sucking the life out of him. you bobbed your head back and forth and gathered saliva into your mouth, letting his cock fall out so you can spit on it. you giggled as you slapped it against your face and pouted your lips up at him. he looked down at you, “fuck baby your so pretty.” you nodded and became stroking his cock, making sure to look up at him with low and seductive eyes at the same time.
“fuck i’m gonna come.” jack shot out spurts of cum onto your face, covering it all. you rubbed his cock all over you and licked his tip to collect any leftover cum, before using your fingers to lick his cum off your face.
jack pulled you up by your neck and sloppily kissed you, picking you up and bringing him into his bedroom. “my dirty fucking girl.” you giggled and wrapped your legs around him.
little did he know, his wife was on his way to speak with him about marriage counseling. yikes, that’s scandalous.
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sillyuin · 15 days
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The ghost of you. (Part 1).
Genre: angst.
Pairing: Mingyu x reader.
Warnings: Break up.
You disappeared like a faint ghost.
Mingyu had started to forget you and that scared him.
Every day he woke up in the room where you used to share happy and sad moments. There was no longer the sound of your voice wishing him a good day, giving him a kiss before getting out of bed.
Your small office was empty, there were no longer any camera lenses on the shelf, memory cards on the desk, nor a bunch of candy wrappers in the trash, and the curtains were always closed.
He walked the same streets you used to walk together, hoping to see your back or catch the scent of the floral perfume he liked so much, but the days went by, and there wasn't a trace of you.
From time to time, Mingyu would sit on the couch with the phone in hand, his hesitant finger unable to press your name on the screen. He had already sent several messages, but none received a response, and none of his calls were answered.
One night he entered your office, opened the curtains and from there he saw the starry sky, the view was simply bright and majestic. "That's why you liked being here so much," he said to himself, taking a seat in the desk chair. "You had front row seats... And I never came to join you..."
Until now, he hadn't had the courage to check the desk drawers, and that night he decided to do it; you had taken almost everything except for a memory card at the bottom of the last drawer. With much curiosity and fear, he inserted it into his laptop to see what was inside.
As he went through the stored photos, Mingyu felt a mix of happiness and nostalgia that turned into a silent sob. The album was full of pictures of the two of you, from outings and parties, random sessions in gardens or inside the apartment. He found it hard to believe how distant those happy moments felt compared to the reality he was living now.
Setting the laptop aside, he lay down on the couch and rested his head where you used to sit. "I miss you," he closed his eyes, burying his face in one of the cushions. "Where have you gone?"
The sun was setting and the wind started to blow gently. You were heading home while thinking about what you were going to make for dinner, and without realizing it you took a different path. It wasn't a loss since it was a very pretty street with some interesting shops; however, there was a place you had paid little attention to until that day.
"There was an art exhibit, and I didn't know," you lamented to yourself. You were in the front door of a small gallery and outside it, there was a sign with information about the presentation. After reading everything, you glanced down at your wristwatch. "One hour remain… That’s enough for me."
There weren't many people left except for a few older gentlemen, and some students that probably were heading home from school. The place was spacious, with beautiful paintings exhibited on the walls. Some were well-crafted and others were quite simple, but all had their own charm. There were also a few sculptures, and you took the opportunity to photograph some that seemed quite creative to you.
You moved on to another room and there was a rather curious painting: three small canvases side by side, the background was white, and a red ribbon crossed them by the middle. You stood for a few seconds appreciating it in silence, then looked down at a plaque with some words.
"The Red Thread of Fate," you read softly, "...", but you couldn’t say the artist’s name.
"You know the legend, don't you?" said a voice from behind and as you slowly turned, he was staring there. After so much time avoiding him, Mingyu ended up finding you in the most unexpected way possible, or so you thought. "Hi, y/n," he pressed his lips together a bit and crossed his arms. "I hadn't seen you, have you been here long?"
"No, I just arrived," you turned to one side, trying to locate the exit. "But I was just leaving, so..."
"Wait!" His voice made you stop suddenly. "Sorry, do you have a few minutes?"
You didn't want to, you didn't feel like being there another second nor talking to him, but you took a step towards to face him, although your fidgety hands said otherwise. "What do you want?"
"I..." Mingyu sighed. "I just want to listen to you, that's all."
"Now you want to listen to me?"
"No, wait, I can explain..."
"Explain what?"
Your severe tone made him remain silent, as if he were afraid that by saying something, you would leave without turning around. The atmosphere was tense, very tense, and the fact that no one dared to peek into the room only made him even more nervous. Still, he made it to say something.
"Nothing I said that day was true," Mingyu confessed, his voice quite confidence. "I hurt you deeply, and I'm sorry for everything, you didn’t deserve that."
"You left me alone," you stammered. "You said horrible things and then left. Do you know how long I waited for you to come home?"
"I know it was a long time, I..."
"Until dawn," you interrupted, taking another step closer. "I ran away and took a bus at 3 am, because you never came."
"Honestly, I-I don't know what was going through..."
"Are you going to listen to me or not?"
Mingyu shrugged, tortured by all the words held at the tip of his tongue. He took a deep breath and nodded nervously.
"You left me alone," you repeated, your voice sounding fragile as if it might break at any moment. "I asked for your help many times, I told you I was very nervous about leaving my job, and when I decided to quit, you didn't support me."
"I was scared, okay? I was… Scared."
"I was the one who quit a stable job to pursue my dream of photography... But you were the one who was scared?" You looked away for a moment to calm yourself down, although that didn't help much. "I don't understand, what were you scared of!? Tell me!"
Mingyu was downcast, and after a few seconds of no responding, he murmured. "I thought you would go far away..."
" There are many jobs, but only one Kim Mingyu." As you said it, he raised his gaze to meet yours, thick tears were stuck at the corner of your eyes. "I wanted to live my dream by your side… And I still want to."
In the silence of the room, the only thing heard was Mingyu's faint voice apologizing repeatedly. Then you approached him and gently took his face in your hands, kissing his cheeks again and again despite the tears that ran down them.
You approached him and gently took his face in your hands, kissing his cheeks again and again. His tears were honest and very painful, almost as much as yours, but it didn't matter. All you wanted to do was hold him like you used to, before becoming a memory lost in the pictures.
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majesty-madness · 5 months
Back Then - Husband!Sebastian Sallow x Wife!reader (sfw)
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Summary: As the first week of marriage comes to a close inside they’re new home, Y/N can’t help but to think back on the old days. 
Word Count: 1300+
Warnings: slight angst, kissing, newly married Sebastian & reader, mostly fluff, a bit of suggestive content (like one joke, and the ending)
a/n: Not proofread. Fucking love this game (perhaps a bit too much).
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It’s night out, Y/N stands in the lamp lighted bedroom, staring out the window overlooking the front garden. She can hear the crickets chirping outside and the fireflies are in full bloom in the darkened night. She’s already dressed herself in her white nightgown, the material soft on her skin. 
Though she stood in the house she shared with her husband, her mind wandered back in time when she met him for the very first time. It had been in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class, learning to duel with an opponent, and the words “Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome” caused a soft chuckle to slip past her lips. 
Even though he sounded overconfident, his words made her giddy with excitement and then she’d won. She had surprised herself when she managed to pull that off. And when he walked up to her she was expecting a snarky remark or perhaps a nasty comment but he’d said, “You give as good as you get.” He also smirked playfully at her before walking away and she couldn’t deny the way his words caused a flurry of warmth to rush to her cheeks back then. 
As soon as they’d met, she knew she was done for. 
Again a laugh escaped her and without her knowledge her husband had come back to their bedroom, fresh from his bath. Sebastian stared lovingly as he watched his beautiful wife laugh quietly to herself. 
Throwing the towel he just used to dry his hair onto a nearby chair, he silently approached his wife from behind and when he was close enough to gently wrap his arms around her waist she didn’t flinch or jump away, instead she pressed her back against his chest as she melted into his warmth. 
“What are you laughing about?” Sebastian asked, pressing a delicate kiss to the back of her neck. 
She smiled in return, “I was just thinking about the first time we met.” 
Sebastian hummed back at her answer, pressing several other kisses into her skin. “Mmhm, we met in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, we dueled each other, remember?” 
Sebastian scoffed, “How could I forget the moment I met the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?” 
This caused both of them to laugh at the playful comment before Y/N continued. “I remember you walking up to me, saying ‘Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome,’ very confident of you I must say.” 
“Well I had a reputation to uphold.” Sebastian reasoned. 
This time Y/N scoffed. “Yeah, and as I recall I swept that reputation right from underneath you.” 
“That wouldn’t be the last time I was underneath you.” 
Y/N gasped then slapped him on the arm, causing him to burrow into her neck once more with a laugh. “Don’t be so crude, I was reminiscing about school.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, darling.” Sebastian half-heartedly apologized although he meant no such thing. 
There was a pause as the two of them listened to the crickets outside, both taking a deep breath and feeling each other decompress in their exhale. 
“I didn’t realize it then, but that was the start of so many things.” Y/N uttered fondly, oblivious to Sebastian’s sudden frown. 
“The start of so many mistakes.” Sebastian spoke softly, almost repeating Y/N’s exact words.
Only turning her head, Y/N stared up at Sebastian as she observed his expression. “Don't do that to yourself.” 
He couldn’t help but to shake his head. “I can’t help thinking about it all. The desperation, the anger, the betrayal; I wished we had met in different circumstances then perhaps our fifth year together might have been normal.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N huffed, the makings of a smirk spreading across her lips. “I was entering Hogwarts for the first time as a fifth year student who could see traces of an ancient magic, who would complete these trails created by wizards from long ago to see their memories and ended up fighting a goblin turned dragon before the year ended.” 
Sebastian looked down to see his wife smirking. “Regardless of how we met, our fifth year was never going to be normal.” 
Just like that the dark thoughts whirling in were cast away by Y/N’s light hearted humor, and it didn’t hurt that she was absolutely correct. 
He let out a deep root laugh, nuzzling into Y/N’s neck once more and began to gently sway her in his arms. “I suppose you’re right, darling. And I believe that even if my situation hadn’t been what it was, we would’ve met eventually anyhow.” 
Y/N pulled away a bit only to turn to face him while still in his embrace, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck. “Call it fate. Someone had to keep an eye on you.”
“Well I’m glad to have had your company, Mrs. Sallow, even if it was to keep me out of trouble.” 
“To be fair, I didn’t do a very good job at it.” 
Tightening his hold around her back, he pressed Y/N further into his chest. “True. Probably wasn’t the wisest to send the ancient magic prodigy to babysit a no good scoundrel.”
He said it like it was a joke, but the regret quickly filling his eyes didn’t fool Y/N. Her expression fell into that of compassion and without thinking, she brought her hand up to softly caress the underside of his jaw. 
“Hey now..” The words barely a whisper as she spoke. “I love you and despite it all, I’m glad that I met you. I’ve never had any regrets about that so you shouldn’t either.”
“I love you too.” Was all he said then leaned in to plant a tender kiss to Y/N’s lips. First it was the soft, overly gentle kiss that most new couples share in moments of vulnerability but seamlessly turned deeper, passionate. The heat of lust rising within and fanning the flames of love that survived the hardships promised to every living being. 
Their hands began to wander over the familiar plane of their partner, taking note of the thumping heartbeat and the sudden warmth enveloping the skin. They continued this memorized dance for several more seconds, pulling away only when the need to air outweighed the need for the other. A light panting exchanged between the two when Y/N’s eyes had left Sebastian’s for just a moment to stare at the bed. 
“The sheets…” She breathlessly uttered. 
His brow furrowed slightly. “What about them?”
She looked back at him. “They’re new.”
Y/N brought her hands to seductively fiddle with the two tops buttons of Sebastain’s nightshirt, only to finally unbutton them completely. “Annnd,” she let the word roll on her tongue for longer than necessary, “I think that it’s time that we break them in, see how they hold up.”
She could almost see the ways his eyes darkened at the promiscuous suggestion though he chuckled despite the heat growing in his groin. “Good idea, darling, it’s best we make good use of the new house. See what we can get away with.”
Sebastian had let his hand drift from her back over the plump flesh of her bottom, giving her rear a small squeeze and suddenly lowering his hands to the back of her thighs to lift her up into the air. Y/N let out a gasp at the motion with a sweet giggle bursting from her throat right after as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her towards their bed. She gave him a few pecks on lips, continuing to do so even as her back was lowered to the plush material of the mattress. 
For the remainder of the evening, Y/N and Sebastian got lost in each other’s touch; not sure where one ended and the other began. And into the late hours of the night, Y/N couldn’t help reminiscing on how much her life had changed. 
Through all the pain, the battles, the injuries, and broken hearts, Y/N would always be thankful that she met the trouble making fifth year: Sebastian Sallow, a good friend and the love of her life.
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
When You’ve Lost Your Mom
word count: 1195 || avg. reading time: 5 mins
pairing: Tsukishima x gn chubby!Reader (feat. Karasuno Team)
genre: comfort
warnings: grieving your mom
synopsis: the boys are there for you
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Tsukki didn’t pay attention. Instead he stared at the empty chair in front of him, twirling a pen in his long fingers as the teacher in front kept going on and on about something he had already understood an hour ago.
A poking finger on his arm brought him back to the present. Yamaguchi nodded in the teacher’s direction who had obviously asked a question and picked Tsukki to answer it, which he did with ease, and then went back to focusing on the chair.
It had been a week since you’d been to school. The few texts he had sent remained unanswered and he wondered if you were sick or mad at him for something. Baka, you should tell him if something was up. He watched a leaf being carried on a breeze outside, annoyed that he had to sit in class without you. Club activities were canceled for today. Maybe he could drop by your place once class was over. As a kind of wellness check, he told himself. But maybe you were avoiding him. But what had he done? He rifled through your last couple of conversations in his mind. He hadn’t treated you any differently, he thought. He had snatched up your cocoa to exchange it for his strawberry milk like he usually did, he had made a comment about the messiness of your locker last week. You had caught him staring a couple of times but none of that was out of the ordinary. Annoyance turned into frustration. And then the bell rang. And so did his phone. Pulling it out from under his desk he felt his heart do a silly little flip when he saw your name on the display and amongst the chattering students ready for their day’s end he picked up.
“Hey, y/n. About time you-”, he stopped when he heard a sob, “Y/n?”
Yamaguchi stood next to him, slowly packing his things.
It was difficult to make out what you said next - he held his other hand to his ear to drown out the noise of the classroom.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“Can… could… could you come over, please?”
Out of breath, he rang your doorbell when Yamaguchi, wheezing behind him, closed the garden gate.
A grandmother opened the door.
“Yes, dear?”
Tsukki straightened, inadvertently towering over the small elderly woman in the process.
“Is y/n-san here?”, he asked politely.
“Why yes. Come in, come in. Have some tea, dears.”
The two boys entered and took off their shoes, standing a little awkwardly around in the entryway. He had been to your house a few times in the past to study. At first glance nothing seemed amiss. A bucket of water with a rag and a duster leaning against it, indicated that the grandmother had obviously been in the midst of cleaning.
“Y/n-chan is upstairs, the poor little darling. Terrible thing to lose a mother. I remember when-” Tsukki didn’t let her finish and walked past her upstairs, leaving Yamaguchi to fend for himself.
A little clay sign, decorated with sakura blossoms swirling around your name marked your bedroom. A tray of untouched food, still steaming, was placed in front of it. He picked up the tray and knocked.
A bundle of blankets, shivered slightly as he closed the door behind him.
He had no idea what to do now. Placing the tray on the rather cluttered desk he went over to your bed.
“Y/n.”, he began.
The blanket moved and slowly a face emerged. It was evident you had been crying for quite some time. Tsukki felt weird for thinking that even with your puffy red eyes and nose you were still so pretty to him. He grabbed a packet of tissues from your bedside table, took out a little square and, after hesitating a moment, dabbed some tears away, before clearing his throat and handing the tissue to you.
“Thank you for coming.”, you said. Your voice was hoarse.
“No problem.”, he replied lamely.
Silence fell between you two.
Then you hugged him.
He felt your fingers gripping his shirt and a new wave of tears soaking the fabric.
What would Yamaguchi do?
He hugged you back. Arms tightly wrapping you.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” He felt ashamed that this was all he could come up with. “Your mom… I only met her a couple of times but from what you told me she seemed really great.”
More sobs and because he didn’t know what else to do he just stayed quiet, holding you like this.
Tsukki didn’t know how much time had passed when your breathing finally became deeper again. “The granny from downstairs made you some food.”, he kept hugging you as he nodded towards your desk. You looked up and followed his eyes.
“I’m not hungry.”
“When was the last time you ate?”
“Dunno.”, you mumbled.
“Then, at least have a bite of it. I’ll… I don’t know. I’ll eat with you?”
You raised a squinty brow and let out the first small chuckle you had in days at his awkwardness. Tsukki offered a little smile, glad he seemed to be on the right track. Giving your chubby form one more short squeeze he let go and retrieved the tray, before returning to you and setting it on his knees. You wiped your face on the sleeve of your sweater and looked over the tray. You really weren’t hungry but seeing Tsukki stiffly raise a fork with a speared slice of apple carved into a bunny to your lips made you open your mouth. The sweet tang of the fruit spread on your tongue and you slowly began to eat. Apple bunny after apple bunny was presented to you and when the little plate was cleared, Tsukki dipped a spoon into a bowl of stew. By now you were starving.
Many voices and even some quiet laughter wafted up from downstairs a few minutes later. By now the tray was cleared completely and Tsukki had listened intently to a sweet story you had been telling him about your mom. When a muffled crash sounding like a pot lid hitting the floor was followed by another round of laughter, you two exchanged a look and Tsukki said he’d go investigate. He was pleasantly surprised when you said you’d join him.
As you two headed downstairs you were met by quite a sight.
Yamaguchi, wearing pink long rubber gloves that went up to his elbows and a bandana in his hair, was doing the dishes while Suga expertly stacked mountains of food containers into your fridge. Your father, having obviously come home from work, was in deep conversation with Daichi and Asahi over on the couch. Noya and Tanaka were being instructed in the art of laundry folding by the granny in one corner and Kageyama and Hinata were in a heated discussion about how to properly stack pots and pans into a pantry. From a short glance into the cupboard Tsukki could tell they were both wrong.
But you laughed. You stood next to him holding your stomach, laughing. And Tsukki joined in.
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a/n: the person who requested this suggested to upload it in case it could help someone else. I hope you, who are reading this during a hard time, could smile a little at the boys’ antics 🌱
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selineram3421 · 1 year
*lies awake at night and has an idea*
[Its 4 a.m. by the way.]
Other Worldly
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Alastor X Shy Reader
(Oneshot turned short story)
Warnings? ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, mentions of death-drowning, shaking head = no, signing-ASL ⚠
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They were an oddity.
How could such a meek and bashful thing like them end up in this fiery inferno.
Alastor watched from the bar as they bumped into the check-in counter and squeaked before getting off balance and falling.
Clumsy, jumpy, barely making a sound other than some odd squeaks.
Yes, they were quite the wonder.
An entertaining one.
You were somewhat new to Hell. At least two weeks in.
There was an accident where you worked in the aquarium and well..you kinda caused a mass drowning? It sounds impossible but it happened.
It was very challenging to get up after your fall, but you managed and wound up at the hotel.
With the help of the Princess, you were able to figure out what kind of demon you are. It came with pros but it also came with cons. One con being that you couldn't speak unless you wanted to hypnotize someone.
It made you a little sad, but also relieved. You didn't do well around others, too shy to speak up or get involved with anything that put you in the spotlight.
Maybe it was for the best.
There would be one thing you wouldn't give up though.
Alastor was in the hotel's library.
There wasn't a whole lot of demons coming into this room, especially after some guests saw him walk in here a few times.
It didn't matter. At least there were multiple things that could entertain him. A small music room with instruments, projectors in another with film reels and other types of tapes, and the most dazzling room of all was the astronomy room.
The Princess made sure to have this room's dome ceiling painted with an accurate mural of the Earth's night sky.
Deciding to mess with the trinkets on the shelves, the demon in red walked towards the back of the room and glanced at the star charts. Tapping at some of the books and measuring tools on the desk nearby before sitting down on a chair.
No one ventured this far into the library. He was probably the only demon who knew of this room's existence.
And then he heard something.
Someone had entered the room.
Turning around and looking between the shelves, Alastor spots the timid demon that he enjoys flustering so much near the armillary sphere in the middle.
A little spook wouldn't be too bad.
He thought with a small grin, starting to summon up a shadow creature. However both dissipated when there was a note sung into the air.
"Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it lying upside down
When you finally find it, you'll see how its faded
The underside is lighter when you turn it around "
The Radio Demon sat there, mouth agape as they sang.
"Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays "
Like a siren- a water sprite? A nymph? It was hard to pinpoint what he could compare their voice to.
It was other worldly.
Their voice echoed due to the room's acoustics.
He didn't notice that he had gotten out of the chair, didn't notice he was making his way towards them, didn't notice when they stopped singing until they gasped.
Blinking out of his trance, he found them facing him and covering their mouth with their hands. A panicked look in their eyes.
"You stopped.", Alastor spoke up. "Why not finish?"
They shook their head quickly and backed away.
Before he could say something else, they moved their arms down, one made into a fist on their chest and moving in a circle clockwise. Then they ran out. (Sorry)
He stood there for a while, his smile widening. Maybe there was more to them than he thought.
How interesting~
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I'm still on break but I couldn't help myself with this one. 🐚 (Old note)
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
Alastor ML I🎙 | ChL OW🦀
494 notes · View notes
megalony · 1 year
I Won't Allow It
This is a new Aegon Targaryen imagine, I hope you all will like it. I might do a follow up if anyone is interested.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
Summary: Aegon knows the risks of childbirth and is thrilled when (Y/n) sails through labour. But when she takes a bad turn, he doesn't know how to cope. He won't live without her.
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With a quiet sigh, (Y/n) closed her eyes for a few seconds that felt like an eternity. She wished this meeting would come to a swift end, but she had an unsettling feeling that it was going to drag on for a long while yet.
This meeting had been going on for over an hour already and (Y/n) wasn't sure she could stay standing for much longer. There were no chairs in the great hall, every member of the council and public had to remain standing while every decree was read aloud and every misdemeanour was dealt with.
Out of everyone in the hall, (Y/n), Aegon, Aemond and Helaena were the most unamused of them all. The four stood close together, huddled in a line near Alicent and Otto, trying to be respectful without showing their dismay for the entire event. It wasn't joyous to be here, not like when they had jousting events out in the gardens, even hunting would be more preferrable to this.
Trying not to show her discontent, (Y/n) curled her hand around Aegon's bicep and gently pressed her lips against his shoulder.
Out of them all, her husband looked the most annoyed. He stood broad and confident enough with his shoulders squared and his hands clasped respectfully in front of him, but it was his expression that gave away his annoyance. His lips were curled into a grimace, his eyes were zoned out and his tongue was pressed up against his cheek. He wasn't listening, he hadn't been listening after the first ten minutes.
But when he felt (Y/n) nuzzling her face into his shoulder and her delicate fingers held onto his arm, his grimace unfolded into a soft smile he saved just for her. He let his shoulders slack and loosened the tension in his arms so she could wrap herself around him like a vine.
He turned his head and kissed (Y/n)'s temple, breathing in her scent that was as distracting to him as her beauty.
Aegon stayed like that for a while with his head turned away from the court business and his lips relaying a constant kiss against his wife's forehead. He liked the way she was leaning into him and the feel of her protrouding stomach pressing into his side.
If this meeting carried on for much longer, Aegon was going to walk out. He didn't like them at the best of times, but he certainly didn't like the fact that his very pregnant wife had to stand around for hours at a time and endure these dullish meetings. She was almost at full term and Aegon had told her to stay resting in their room but (Y/n) didn't want to be alone or parted from her husband.
She was still expected to attend these meetings as well and with the failing health of the King, they all needed to stay in good graces, (Y/n) included.
"Okay?" He whispered quietly, his lips mumbling against her skin while he moved one hand to rest against the back of her head, holding her close despite the very public audience.
"Hm," (Y/n) found herself nodding but she didn't quite believe herself and she knew Aegon didn't either.
She couldn't stand still, usually she had no problem standing in the hall and watching the meeting play out, especially with the extra weight on her stomach making her feel tired. But today, she couldn't stop fidgeting. Her lower back was constantly aching, her feet were throbbing and her stomach and pelvis were heavy and dull.
The maester had said that she would start to feel like this and she would have the fake contractions soon to prepare her for labour. She hadn't had them yet and figured this was the start of them. Any day now, they were going to meet their baby.
With Aegon smiling against her temple and his fingers knotting in her hair, (Y/n) felt a small wave of ease battle the discontent she felt inside, even if it was only for a moment or two. She could have whined when he slowly untangled his hand from her hair and went back to clasping his hands together against his front. He had to try and look a little regal and sophisticated in front of everyone.
Shifting his weight from his toes to his heels, Aegon slowly rocked back and forth, not enough for everyone to notice, but just enough for his mother to glance his way and feel Aemond's gaze burning into the back of his head. He was so desperately bored. Why did they all have to be here to witness this?
He continued to sway on his feet and took to looking up at the ceiling that seemed as high and distant as the stars in the midnight sky. But his shifting concentration snapped when he suddenly felt a weight on his chest.
His eyes shot down and he realised it was (Y/n)'s hand clenched around his leather tunic. Her grip was fearsome and her other hand dug painfully into his upper arm. In less than a second, Aegon could feel the buttons starting to undo and pop open from her force and when her knees bent out and she leaned over, she almost pulled him down to the ground.
Something resembling a buried growl left Aegon's lips when he flustered to curve his arms around his wife and hold her up so she didn't fall to the floor.
"What is it, what's wrong?" Aegon tried to keep his voice quiet enough so that only (Y/n) could hear him but it didn't stop others from noticing his struggle to keep his wife up on her feet and not the stone floor. He didn't like the way all the voices in the hall came to an abrupt stop when they noticed the shift in the atmosphere.
"I- I don't…" (Y/n) couldn't find any words. She didn't know what was wrong, all she could tell was that the burning in her stomach had suddenly shifted like she had been holding something heavy in her arms and now she'd dropped it.
His eyes flitted from his wife to his sister when Helaena leaned over and rested her hands gently on (Y/n)'s shoulders before she cast her eyes downwards. And when he followed her line of sight, he couldn't stop himself from smiling just the tiniest bit.
Her waters had broken.
By now, a few murmurs were cutting through the thick atmosphere but Aegon couldn't hear them. His ears were ringing, buzzing with excitement and relief. This meeting was over and more importantly, his and (Y/n)'s long wait was about to be over. Just a few more hours.
"Mother, can you alert the midwives please?" He was sure most of his family were relieved to postpone this meeting, even his mother, stood silent with her mouth agape, seemed like she wanted to smile despite herself. "Alright, let's get you upstairs," Pressing his lips against (Y/n)'s ear, Aegon tightened his arms around her before he carefully turned her to the side and made a slow but steady beeline for the exit.
Removing her hand from Aegon's tunic that was now partially exposing his chest, (Y/n) tried to straighten herself up a little when some of the tension lessened in her lower back. It was going to be a long, torturous walk back to their chambers from here.
When they were out of the hall and out of earshot, Aegon leaned down and pressed a kiss to the shell of (Y/n)'s ear.
"You have impeccable timing, my love."
(Y/n) watched the midwife give a lasting, if disapproving look over towards Aegon before she excused herself from the bedroom, a bundle of used towels, sheets and cloths in her arms. It was clearly the first time the experienced midwife had delivered a baby with the father present in the room.
She had tried her best to discourage Aegon and get him to vacate into the adjoining sitting room but she had no such luck, on any of the times she told him.
He wasn't going anywhere.
There was no chance that Aegon would leave the room when there was a chance the worst nightmare of his life could happen. Being a disappointment to his family, his mother, didn't frighten Aegon, he had made peace with that demon long ago. Disappointing his father was much the same. The possibility of him taking the crown frightened him, and failing as a King worried him to no end.
But what petrified Aegon more than anything was the thought of losing (Y/n).
He wanted children, not just because it was seen as his duty to both the realm and his twisted family, but because he loved (Y/n) so much that another person to love like her made him think his life would be complete. Someone else to love him as unconditionally as (Y/n) did seemed unbelievable and Aegon wanted to be a far greater father than his own had ever been to him.
He was the son his father had always wanted, always yearned for, but that pride hadn't brought Aegon and his father close, no matter what happened. Aegon knew his child would be the light of his life.
He was afraid though, he didn't want to lose (Y/n) the way his father lost his first wife. He wanted (Y/n) to be like his own mother, strong and able to sail through childbirth with no problems or consequences or fatalities. And to soothe his petrified thoughts, Aegon simply had to be in the room from start to finish so he could reassure himself that (Y/n) was alright.
It didn't matter if everyone, his mother included, told him it wasn't right or fit for him to be in the room, he had to be there. And (Y/n) wanted him there, he needed no more approval than that to stay by her side.
With an arm circled around (Y/n)'s shoulders, Aegon nuzzled his face into the top of her hair and pressed his bare chest into her side. Over the evening and during the night, Aegon had become too warm with all the fussing from the midwives and from (Y/n) who had burned up something horrid during labour. He reduced himself down to his underwear in the early hours of the morning and was barely starting to cool back down.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from the bundle in (Y/n)'s arms. And he couldn't believe how well (Y/n) looked. Aegon hadn't seen any woman after the trials of labour, but a mere hour after giving birth, (Y/n) looked as well as he'd ever seen her. Colour had returned to her face, a smile was broad on her lips and despite the tiredness pooling in her deep eyes, they were almost sparkling.
Even laid there, half slumped into Aegon and propped up by thousands of pillows, (Y/n) looked like a goddess to Aegon. Despite the sheen of sweat that was vibrant on every inch of her skin or the way her silver hair was matted with sweat and clung to her neck. Even though she was still shaking from the after effects of giving birth, she looked truly stunning to Aegon.
When the bedroom door slowly crept open, Aegon's smile almost slipped from his face and he was ready to tell the midwife to leave, her duty was over. But his smile widened when he saw his mother slowly walking into the room, checking if it was alright or not for her to enter.
"How do you feel?"
(Y/n) leaned her head back on Aegon's shoulder, trying to fight the tiredness that was almost as strong as the shaking she felt.
She felt good. The shaking, the dull aches and throbbing pains were minimal compared to how elated she felt to be wrapped up in Aegon's arms with their daughter in her arms. As soon as she got some sleep, she would feel even better.
"Tired… would you like to hold her?" (Y/n) held her arms out when Alicent perched down on the edge of the bed and she could see tears in the Queen's eyes when a small bundle was rested in her arms.
"You've done wonderfully,"
Alicent couldn't help but sneak glances at her eldest every now and then. A few years ago, she would never have imagined Aegon would be happy and content in marriage or that he would be at his wife's side during her labours. From the troubled soul who drowned his sorrows in wine to the beaming son in front of her was a change like Alicent had never seen before.
A silent exchange passed between Aegon and his mother after a while when he could feel (Y/n) drooping against him and he noticed she was having trouble staying awake.
"I'll let you rest and pop by in the morning," She patted (Y/n)'s leg before carefully standing up, adjusting the newborn in her arms so she could settle her down in the crib at the foot of the bed. Wet nurse and nursery be damned, (Y/n) and aegon wanted their child as close as they could get her, she was staying in their chambers with them where she belonged.
When the door closed, Aegon shuffled down until he could burrow into the mountain of pillows. He spread his arms to allow (Y/n) to inch closer and lay herself over his chest with her arms bound to his waist and her face tucked into his neck before his arms coiled back around her middle.
Aegon gave the door a quick shove until it clicked shut behind the maid who scuttled out of the room without needing to be dismissed verbally. All of the servants had come to realise that they would have to sweep in and out of the Prince's chamber quickly and efficiently. Their usually slow and tiresome tasks such as changing and making the bed and sweeping and generally tiding the chamber were not required for this week.
This was the one week where Aegon could actively and happily refuse every royal duty he was told to attend or perform. He wasn't attending any boring meetings, he wasn't going to training religiously like his brother, he wasn't seeing to state affairs or having the awkward meetings with his father.
For this week, or as long as he could possibly manage, Aegon was staying in his chamber with his wife and daughter and no one would even think to stop him. Even his mother was pleased he was staying put with (Y/n) whereas he thought she would have tried to force him back to normality straight away.
Adjusting the newborn in his arm, Aegon turned on his heels and slowly padded across the room towards the bedroom.
Seeing as how he wasn't leaving the room, all he had decided to wear was some thin loose bottoms. There was no need to be formal or dress up in his usual stiffling leather attire when he wasn't going anywhere or doing anything pressing. He could walk around his own room barefoot in his underwear if he liked.
A fondness spread across (Y/n)'s lips when she turned her head towards the door and saw a sight that swelled her heart. Her husband looked so natural and relaxed holding their daughter as if it was his life's purpose that he had been waiting for for years.
She liked the way his hair fell across his forehead but didn't hide his broad smile and she loved how he cuddled Daena against his bare chest and how the muscles flexed in his arms when he held her.
Fatherhood looked good on him.
"Are you hungry?" Aegon advanced over to the bed until he was stood between (Y/n)'s legs and he could kiss her temple.
When the maids came yesterday to bring breakfast they were stunned when Aegon took the tray from them and quickly dismissed them. For the rest of the day and today, they had learned to hurry in, set down the food on the table and leave. They didn't want to disturb the Prince and his lady.
He had been quite surprised yesterday that (Y/n) had woken feeling tired but refreshed and seemed to gather bounds of energy. He had walked the length of their bedroom more times than he cared to count, pacing around slowly but happily with (Y/n) in his arms when she needed to stretch her legs but couldn't walk unaided. It also surprised Aegon that (Y/n) was starting to get her appetite back when the midwife wrongly said (Y/n) would be run down and would likely eat very little in the upcoming days.
But (Y/n) was still feeling a little queasy so light meals and soup were on the menu for this week.
"Hmm, very." Leaning forward, (Y/n) held Aegon's hips and kissed his stomach just above his hips causing a shiver to run down his chest.
"Come along then," His voice was as gentle as his touch when he moved Daena into his left arm and coiled his other arm around (Y/n)'s waist to help her up. He loved the feel of both his girls in his arms and (Y/n)'s hands on his stomach and back and her lips on his collar bone.
He hoped this week never came to an end.
Aegon let out a soft groan before he slowly unravelled himself from around (Y/n) when she started to fidget again. He rolled onto his back and reached his arm over to drape it across (Y/n)'s stomach until his hand coiled around her hip and he gave the flesh a soft squeeze. He wouldn't be able to sleep unless at least one part of him was touching her, whether that he his hand, his foot or even his leg. They just had to be touching.
Shuffling again, (Y/n) slowly heaved herself around until she was laid on her right side and she inched back until she was touching Aegon's chest and leg. His arm stayed wrapped around her and his hand moved absentmindedly in his sleep until his palm was flat against her stomach.
She thought she was finally falling back to sleep until the dull throbbing pain started up again and she smothered her face into the pillow to quieten her whimper.
(Y/n) had felt sick since early this evening but going to sleep had taken the unease away for a while. Even when she woke up to feed Daena and soothe the babe back to sleep, (Y/n) had felt better when she laid down. But now the ache was becoming more assertive and it wouldn't go away.
Her knees coiled up to her soft stomach and her arms bound to her chest, hoping that compressing herself would somehow make her feel better, but it didn't.
Maybe she should have listened to the midwife and taken things easier, not walk around the chamber as much or eat just little bites for the first week. Maybe the pain was because she had felt better to begin with and pushed herself too hard, but then again, (Y/n) didn't think she had done a lot. Aegon had been with her for the past three days, he helped her move around, he didn't let her leave the bed too much and told her to rest. He even picked Daena up from the crib and soothed her because he was so infatuated by her.
As soon as a sudden spike stabbed through (Y/n)'s stomach, she could feel tears welling in her eyes and a sob bubbled at the back of her throat.
It hurt. It was getting worse. Why wasn't it stopping?
Unravelling her arms from her chest, (Y/n) latched her fingers around her husband's upper arm and gave a sharp tug on his arm, jolting him closer to her to wake him up. Burning cries errupted past her lips and she could feel hot, sticky tears falling down the crease of her nose and coating her lips but she didn't care. She just wanted the pain to go away.
A hiss scraped past Aegon's teeth and he tensed when his arm started to burn. It took a moment for him to open his eyes and lift his head before he realised it was (Y/n)'s nails scraping down his arm that was causing him pain. She was drawing blood beneath her nails, she was digging in so hard.
"A-Aegon… oow, Aegon…"
"Love, what's the matter?" The urgency in his voice was crystal clear and he woke up with a start.
Pushing up on his elbows, Aegon sat up and twisted to the right so he could look down at (Y/n) and lean over her. He didn't like the way she was shaking or the grip she still had on his arm that she was scrunching and clawing at so badly that he couldn't feel his fingers anymore. He could see she had her eyes closed tight but her legs were digging into her stomach which he was sure couldn't be comfortable after giving birth only four days ago.
"Talk to me, what's wrong?"
"It hurts, really bad." He could hear the force in her voice and the way it quivered, she could barely speak from the pain.
"Alright love, shh. I'll get the Maesters."
Leaning down, Aegon pressed a chaste kiss to the top of her head before he slowly dragged his arm free of her viper grip and untangled himself from the sheets. He didn't know what to do first. He couldn't move from the shaking that overwhelmed him.
It took a few attempts for him to properly light the candles on the table to adorn the room with a golden glow and he grabbed the pants that were strewn on the chair near the window. He couldn't very well call for help in the nude.
He wished he didn't take another glance back at (Y/n) before he left the room. Now he could see the blood staining the bedsheets.
"Aegon slow down- tell me what's happening!" The urgency in his mother's voice only spiked the fear that was coursing through Aegon's blood. He tried to run down the corridor, pulling his mother along behind him until she was tripping over her night skirts and struggling to breathe from the panic.
He had woken her during the middle of the night by kneeling at her bedside and shaking her violently until she woke with fright, scaring her frail husband beside her. Now he was dragging her down the halls of the keep, presumably back to his quarters, and Alicent had no idea why.
"Is it Daena?"
Although Aegon always went to his mother when he was troubled, he had never come to her as frantic and bewildered as this. He had never had such rage, torment and panic in his violet eyes, not even when he was drowning his sorrows with wine.
"(Y/n), I-" Whatever he was about to say drowned out into a squeak when they reached the corridor that housed Aegon's chamber. He could hear his name from all the way down here. He could hear his wife screaming for him.
The two Maesters Aegon had alerted before waking his mother were already in the room and he bustled past them to scramble back on the bed beside his wife. With more candles across every inch of the room, Aegon could see her better and he could see how poorly she looked. Clammy, discoloured skin, trembling limbs that were coiling up to her stomach and a large circle of blood around her torso and legs.
He almost fell on top of her when he held his hand out and (Y/n) latched her fingers around it and wrenched his arm against her chest like she had done earlier. He tangled his free hand in her hair and shakily pressed his lips against her temple, trying to soothe her but he didn't know what was happening or what he could do.
"Aegon, sweetheart, I'll take Daena into the next room for a little bit while the Maesters work." Alicent could see the confliction on her son's face. He didn't want her to leave, he had woke her up and dragged her here because he needed help too, he needed to comfort (Y/n) but in turn wanted his mother to comfort him. She always told him it was going to be okay, she would hug him and quench his frivilous mind and her presence was calming.
But Aegon relented with a nod. He knew Daena was starting to wake and all the bustle and panic in the room would only disturb her. Alicent would be in the adjoining room only a few feet away if he needed her.
(Y/n) curled her arm around Aegon's neck, gripping his back tightly before she tugged on him and tried to sit up until he understood her silent plea. He swooped an arm around her waist and pulled her up so she could sit up and he took the liberty of inching closer so she could lean against his chest.
No sooner had one of the Maesters stood at (Y/n)'s side, did she reach out and snatch the empty bowl from his hands before promptly throwing up. Her throat burned, her stomach twisted into knots and heaved and it felt like she could barely breathe anymore. Her body was caught between crying and heaving and she choked between the two until everything she ate came back up with vengence and she could finally breathe again.
"What's wrong with her?" Aegon snapped his jaw like a dragon, barely able to see through the tears and the hair sticking to his face.
"It seems to be an infection from childbirth, your grace."
"Well fix it. Quickly!"
Tears burned down Aegon's face like poison soaking into his skin but he couldn't stop them. This was his worst nightmare, this is what he had feared for the past nine moons since finding out about (Y/n)'s pregnancy.
He wasn't willing to lose her like so many other men lost their wives in childbirth and he would not lose her from complications after birth. If (Y/n) died Aegon would die too. He had been reluctant to think or talk about labour because as much as he wanted a child, he didn't want to risk that it posed.
"D-don't leave me, please…" (Y/n) coiled her free arm back around her stomach to try and ease the pain but she pushed back into Aegon until she could feel every ridge of his skin glued against her.
She wouldn't get through this if he left her side.
"I'm not going anywhere, my love. Shh, I'm here." His lips nestled back to her temple and his arms cocooned around her middle, keeping her flush against his chest and their hands entwined together. He could feel how cold she was and he was determined to give (Y/n) his body heat and keep her safe and warm. There was no where Aegon could or would go, he couldn't be anywhere but here unless he wanted to drive himself insane.
"I'm scared-"
"I won't let anything happen to you, I swear it." He wasn't sure what was within his power, but Aegon would trade anything to the Gods if they saved (Y/n). He would give his life in exchange for hers if they asked it of him.
"Here your grace, drink some of this," One of the Maesters leaned close and held out a cup towards (Y/n) but she only groaned and shivered.
"What is it?" Aegon had to know exactly what they were trying to do and how they were planning on saving his wife. His world. His everything.
"Milk of the poppy, to ease the pain and let her sleep-"
Aegon had never heard (Y/n) scream as loud yet feebly as this. She writhed in his arms, shaking and pushing back until she was starting to hurt him because she could not get any closer to him but she still pushed and nudged until his body started to ache. Her nails began to scratch at his skin again and when she tucked her face into his neck, he could feel her raspy, wet breaths and her tears trickling down onto him.
"No. No I- I can't have it… Aegon, what if I d-don't wake up? Endless sleep, I- I don't want it."
(Y/n) cried until her throat went raw and her lungs burned for breath she couldn't seem to find. She could feel the heat radiating off of her husband and it seeped into her frozen body and soothed a small ache within her.
She didn't want milk of the poppy, it would take away the pain but it would also make her sleep. With how horrid she felt and the panic of everyone, (Y/n) knew she was close to death. If she went to sleep, she might not wake up from it. If she had to die, (Y/n) wanted to know when death came to possess her. She wanted to be awake and aware and have Aegon and Daena in her sights before she passed.
(Y/n) didn't want to die. Just the thought sent her body reeling and made her scream until Aegon was hushing and whispering in her ear and he started to rock her from side to side.
"You won't die, my love, I won't allow it. You don't have to have the poppy milk, shh, just calm down. I'm here, I'm not leaving you and you aren't going to leave me, are you now?" When (Y/n) slowly started to breathe instead of scream and her body settled in his arms, she heard him whisper. "There, now. Shh, I've got you."
When the ruckus and the panic in the room seemed to calm down and (Y/n)'s bleeding relented and was under control, Aegon was relieved to have his mother back in the room. She moved the cot to a quiet corner in the room so Daena could sleep before she sat on the other side of the bed.
"Ready, one, two…" Alicent wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s front and carefully leaned her forward so Aegon could scoot behind her.
He laid back into the pillows with (Y/n) between his legs and her head on his shoulder, his arms tight around her waist to try and keep her warm. His mother wrapped two blankets around them both to help (Y/n) absorb some heat. Aegon didn't bat an eyelid at the heat that now consumed him or the light sweat that started to coat his skin, as long as (Y/n) was okay, he didn't care about anything else.
"Drink this, it will help clear the infection." Alicent pressed a cup gently against (Y/n)'s lips, relieved when she drank most of the remedy after being assured it wasn't milk of the poppy.
Aegon groggily opened his eyes and took a moment to gather his senses. Where was he, what was he doing, what was going on?
His back was throbbing horribly and he soon realised it was due to the way he was laid. His body was awkwardly slumped to the left on three uneven pillows and he was curved at the hip. Both his arms were loosely draped around (Y/n) who was also laid curved like he was but she had slumped down a little so her head was now resting just beneath his collar bone.
And when he looked further down the bed, he saw his mother draped over (Y/n)'s legs with her and her own legs were dangling off the side of the bed. She couldn't have been very comfy, she must have been exhausted to fall asleep laid like that.
They were all exhausted.
It had taken until almost midday for the shaking to stop and the remedies to finally start combating the infection (Y/n) had. Aegon couldn't remember much after that. Sleep came in waves, every few hours he would get maybe an hour or so of sleep before he woke up to get smoe more fluids into (Y/n) and while his mother saw to Daena and got something for herself to eat and drink.
His eyes went wide in their sockets and he pushed himself to sit up when he suddenly realised (Y/n)'s hand was cupping the side of his face.
"Mother, mother!" He gently but urgently nudged Alicent before he twisted round so he could look down at (Y/n). "Love, how do you feel?"
She felt run down, broken, horrid and sick, but despite feeling all of that, she felt better.
Her body was no longer succumbing to shaking and she didn't feel as if she was drowning in a frozen lake, she was finally warm wrapped up in her husband's tight embrace. Her stomach wasn't tied in a thousand knots or thundering like she was being stabbed and there were no horrid aches and pains rattling through her and pounding in her blood.
(Y/n) couldn't answer, she didn't have the words, but the delicate smile on her face was enough to send Aegon's heart rocketing in his chest and bring him back to life. His hand moved to cup the back of her head and his lips pressed urgently to her temple until (Y/n) could feel his tears soaking into her skin and his breathless laugh vibrating through her.
And when Alicent's hand slipped into her own and Daena's small whimpers started to fill the air, (Y/n) couldn't help but cry. Her hand moved from Aegon's face to grab at his shoulder, then his arm and squeeze him as tightly as he had held her all night.
He did as he promised. He didn't let her die.
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Paimon with Male imp S/O. Go!!!
Who your Daddy~
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Paimon had no idea how it'd happened.
Paimon, a Lord of Hell and of the Goetia, had become little more than a lover to some lowly Imp.
You, some lowly Imp, a butler on His staff, had somehow got the man wrapped around your little red fingers.
And it all started with a game of chess.
Youd been cleaning in his office, the man busy dealing with some petty nonsense the common bitches couldn't handle when it came to the ruling of his lessened domain, this being when you'd be dusting the chess set.
The man looking over a letter, finding yet another blinding flaw as he snapped at something, slamming his fist into his desk, this making you jump accidentally knocking several pieces to the floor.
Paimon, noticing this, would chew you out, telling you to clean it up, the man grumbling about how some Imp probably doesn't even know how to use them.
Only for you to grumble that you did actually know how to play chess, you placing the pieces back where they belong.
Paimon, hearing you grumble back, asked bluntly. "What was that?"
And while a much, much, much smarter Imp would have bit their tongue and responded submissively, apologising profusely, hoping to ease his anger.
You, apparently, weren't that smart of an Imp, as such you snapped back, boldly telling him.
"I do, as a matter of fact, know how to play chess, even though I am an Imp."
Paimon, genuinely unsure of how to respond to such blatant insolence, sat there for a good long moment.
Silence rang as you both stood there, the man glaring at you for several long moments before he suddenly stood up.
You instinctually stiffened, the man walking around his desk, stopping just before you, the monolith of a man staring down at you those black and crimson orbs.
And after several tense moments, he'd sit down besides the chess table, the man staring at you before raising his hand, gesturing at the opposing chair he'd tell you simply.
And you weren't the brightest bulb, the rather blunt tone of his was enough to know you didnt intend to be torn in half, sat down, the chess set between the two of you. He stared at you for a moment before he relaxed, the man staring down at you.
"So? You think you can play, hmm?"
The ever so playful tone in his voice only emboldened you, you sitting forwards and telling him. "The best Imp I know."
That made Paimon laugh. It was a real 'get a look at this idiot'kinda laugh, but you managed to keep your composure, waiting until he was done.
"Oh, I had no idea Imps could be so funny... hmmm." He hummed at the end as though it were some humourous joke.
You just hummed, ego bruised, but being an Imp you were an Imp, by this point it was practically black and blue.
"So, you seriously think you can play chess?" The man hummed, cocking a brow.
To which you simply smirked.
"Of course. I have yet to meet my match yet."
Paimon smirked, resting his chin in his palm. "Really, you think your that good?" He hummed, wondering in that condescending tone that seemed to come standard with nobility.
A nod was your only response.
"Good enough to bet your life on?" He asked, a deadly edge to the mans tone.
You paused, staring up at him as those deadly words hung in the air. You let him continue speaking.
"Normally I'd have such an insolent Imp hung in my garden, as an example to the others." He hummed though thinking of a fond memory. "But you, I'm willing to give you a chance."
You perked up, leaning in, curious glint to your eyes.
"So the terms are simple." He began smoothly. "We play a game, if I, somehow lose, you live."
You sat there for a moment before nodding your head, telling the man.
"A reasonable wager."
To which Paimon smiled, telling you. "Well, that's good to hear, now..." He gripped his white pawn, placing it two squares forwards. "Your move."
Paimon sat there, befuddled.
He lost...
"I lost?"
"You lost."
You sat across from him, rolling his queen around your fingers.
"Well, that was a good match but I've got to get back to work."
You finished smugly, placing your pieces back onto the board before standing up, giving him a bow, and walking away.
Paimon was stupefied, the man sitting there for who knows how long before he got up, the man still bewildered.
The next day he'd be in his office, attempting and failing, to do some work. At least until you walked in.
You strolled in casually, walking around his office, dusting as you went. Until you reached the chess set then, with a cocky little grin, you glanced at him before walking away.
At that Paimon slammed his desk, jumping to his feet. "That's it, we're having a rematch!"
He seethed over to the chessboard, sitting his ass down, the man staring at you.
You just stolled over, taking your own seat.
"Alright, let's get this over with."
Paimon stared at the chessboard. He was already in check, and simply couldn't make another move.
You, knowing this, reached over, knocking his king over.
"Good match." You spoke causally, standing up, giving him a bow before turning and getting back to work with a casual. "Until next time, your highness."
He would challenge you to several more matches over the following weeks, you winning every time, the Prince becoming more and for infuriated.
You just going along with it until one day, as he had you sit down, the man sure he'd win this time, only for you to ask a simple question.
"What do I get?"
The Goetia prince paused, the man staring at you, asking what you meant. So, you explained.
"If we're going to keep playing, and I continue winning, I should get something."
Paimon stared for several moments before snorting, telling you to stop being foolish. To which you simply told him, that wasn't good enough.
Paimon stared at you for several moments before sighing, asking you what you wanted.
You told him bluntly you could stop playing. The man bluntly telling you he could still have you killed.
To which you told him he could do that, but then he'd never have the chance to ever prove he could beat an Imp in a simple game of chess.
You checking your nails, told him simply, with all that chess you could hardly keep up with the work, as such, you wanted less work, more time to play with him.
And after a moment of thought, he agreed, the two of you shaking on it.
Of course he lost. But now your work schedule had been cut in half.
This was only the beginning of a very beneficial relationship. For you at least. As through this new dynamic, you gained better lodging, better food, and access to the man's private wine cellar.
Of course, with all your free time, you spent a lot of it around the man, the two of you developing a very playful dynamic.
You, knowing his ego wouldn't allow him to kill you, took the chance to tease and poke fun at the Prince, of course being sure to entertain him just as much, the two of ending up drunk together on more then a few occasions, the man always seeming to enjoy himself.
It'd be one day, the two of you having a casual conversation, you relishing the fancy new attire you'd 'earned', quite enjoying the new threads.
And so, Paimon would initiate another game, though this time you'd smirk, before beginning, an almost malicious smirk crossing your face.
Your words hung in the air.
"What?" The man asked, raising a brow.
"If I win... you have to call me Daddy." You smirked, leaning forwards.
The man was stunned, the man unable to get a word out. He knew you were the playful sort, and he knew you'd only grown bolder with each victory, but he hadn't expected you to be so bold.
But even more than this, he knew he couldn't refuse.
It wasn't just about winning, it was his pride. His Pride and Grace as a Goetia was reliant on the idea that he'd beat this Imp, you, at a simple game of chess.
And to refuse this new demand, would be to admit defeat.
And his pride wouldn't allow it.
"... Very well, but only in private. I must retain some of my dignity."
You just snorted, moving your piece first, smirking up at him.
Paimon... could win.
Nothing was certain, it never was when playing against you, but he was certain he may win if he just made a single move.
One simple... move.
But he... couldn't not try it. The man moving his piece, aaaaaand... he lost. Well, he wasn't really surprised, but it left a bad taste in his mouth.
Did he really lose? Or did he... let you win?
Probably the first, but it did keep him up at night. Well, that and the idea of you in nothing but a dress tie.
But well, he didn't allow himself to dwell on those memories.
And you just ate it up.
And so, meeting your demands, he'd call you Daddy whenever alone.
You just relished it. Having him call you it every chance you got, relishing the act of having your master, a Prince and Lord of the Ars Goetia, calls you Daddy~
You slowly got more bold, more confident and even more dominant.
And Paimon... well, he was getting better at chess.
Youd continue to play him, each demand steadily becoming more demanding, more assertive. Until, during a round in which youd already shared a drink or two, or several, youd give him one more simple demand.
"A kiss..."
He sat there, and in a very unprincely fashion, felt his cheeks grow hot. He wanted to laugh, roll his eyes, demand you pick another, and yet... he didn't.
He simply nodded, and you began.
Your moves were as always, calculated and direct, his moves... slow and cautious.
But unlike all the other times you'd played, he simply couldn't take his eyes off you, his gaze lingering in your lips.
And it'd be upon you clearing your throat, the man realising he'd spaced out, would make a very poor move, you pausing.
You stared at him for a moment, then down t the board, staring for several moments before cautiously making a single move.
"Check mate."
Sure enough, looking down, his king was pinned, the man unable to make any moves.
He lost.
And yet...
He wasn't annoyed. Nor upset as he so frequently was in the early days instead he just sat there for a minute, before looking up at you.
You stared at him for a moment before that devious smirk of yours appeared. Getting up, you strolled over to him, climbed up until you were stood atop his lap, and with your most satisfied smirk yet, told him simply.
"I win."
And her certainly didn't move as you leaned in, placing a kiss to his lips.
The man just stared.
"You won." He spoke, voice light.
You just raised a brow, asking him.
"I won, what?"
Paimon after a moment croaked out.
"You won... Daddy."
He didn't make a move as you cupped his face. He didn't make a move as you licked your lips.
Something... snapped, the man grabbing you, pressing deeper into the kiss, the two of you suddenly becoming ravenous, kissing like beasts and before you knew it, you were shedding your clothing, the both of you engaging in hot, dirty, passionate sex all over his office.
By the time you were both laid beside each other, sweaty, matted feathers and hair, various fluid covering your respective crotches and rears, not a single spot in the office hadn't been used for your sinful sessions of carnal worship.
And it'd be as you laid there, laid besides the large demon man, that you'd chuckle, wondering what you should ask for next time.
A relationship with Paimon was pretty straightforward. Being an older noble, with oldschool thinking, he never quite respected you as an equal, but having him wrapped around your, uh, your FINGER!
Yes, that's it, with him wrapped around your finger, he'd usually say whatever you told him too.
At least when he could speak past all the moans.
And while he tried to deny any and all affection for the most part, it wouldn't take much before he was practically eating from your palm.
You'd essentially become his lap Imp, your only job to keep him company and entertain him behind closed door, though more often then not, hed be entertaining you.
You of course, followed him around everywhere, usually because he wished to keep you close.
And of course, you were able to get away with nearly anything, usually able to flash a smile and get omaway with it.
Not to mention he was Very protective of you, not allowing other nobles to order you around, not that that was normally an issue.
You were more then happy to tell anybody no as you served Lord Paimon, and Lord Paimon alone. Usually able to get out of issues with minimal attempts at your life.
And sure it wasn't always perfect, Paimon often looked down on you due to being an Imp.
But when you were curled up at night, the both of you panting hard after you just rocked his world, the giant feathered demon holding you close knowing he'd never let you go, you simply couldn't ask for a better partner.
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 4 months
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⋆ 𝓐𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓪: 𝓕𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓼 ⋆
Just a cute idea I had, based on the Trey wedding thoughts I posted about! ♡ Enjoy! ♡
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⋆ You sat at your table, hand holding your head up as your eyes were glued to the dance floor. Trey and his partner were currently having their first dance, whispering and laughing into each other's ears as they moved. The ceremony had been beautiful, located in one of the many gardens in the Queendom of Roses. Chairs sat on either side of the aisle, leading to an arch of flowers where Trey stood. Once his partner walked down the aisle, they took each other's hands, their eye's meeting.
⋆ The love and adoration they held for each other was obvious, even writing their own vows to recite. Vows filled with so much emotion, so much love and care. At one point Ace nudged your side, getting your attention and asking if you needed a tissue. You knew he was teasing you, a small grin on his face while he subtly checked to see if you were crying. The gesture made you smile, with Ace putting his arm over the back of your chair, his hand resting on your shoulder. Near the end of the ceremony you couldn't help but tease him back, nudging his side and asking if he still had the tissues he brought. He stuck his tongue out in response, making you laugh in an attempt to shift your attention away from his face. That didn't stop you from noticing how watery his eyes looked, or how your own eyes felt the same, standing from your seat as you watched Trey and his partner walk down the aisle hand in hand.
⋆ Your thoughts are broken as Ace joins you, handing you a drink before sitting across from you. He notices where your eyes are drawn, focusing his attention on the couple dancing.
"I always thought they would get married one day," you say without thinking, Ace nodding in agreement.
"Me too. We even placed bets on when it would happen. Looks like Cater won again..."
"Wait, you guys made bets? When?"
"Back when they first got together, of course. It was obvious it was gonna happen eventually."
"Did you guys bet on anyone else?"
⋆ You meant it as a joke, noticing his reaction out of the corner of your eye. His body seemed tense for a moment, looking almost...nervous? You shift, watching him turn away as the tips of his ears turn red. Your heart starts to pound at his actions, causing you to repeat the question.
"Did you guys bet on anyone else?"
It takes a moment before you get a response, his face still turned away. He moves to take your hand in his, gripping it before holding it more gently.
"Look, sometimes with these things...you just know, ya know? So..."
He turns back towards you, avoiding your eyes as he tries to find the words to say. After a moment he locks eyes with you, his words sounding more like a promise.
"Give me a few more months...then I'll answer your question, alright?"
⋆ You nod your head in agreement, heart pounding at the implication of his words. You were looking forward to what the following months had in store for you, already having an idea of what the answer to your question was ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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potatoplace · 2 months
Mutual Cycles
Feyre x Rhys
Written for ACOTAR Omegaverse Week: Day 7
Summary: Rhys has been irritated all day, but when he comes home he finds just the thing to fix that problem.
Words: ~1.6k
Warnings: somnophilia, A/B/O dynamics, knotting, smut, Rhys being a simp for Feyre, not proofread lol
Author's Note: I wanted to get something out for the last day of omegaverse week, and I want to say thank you so much for the moderators of @acotar-omegaverse-week for hosting it! It's been so much fun to get back into writing and read all of the amazing fics coming out of it. I hope we have one again next year :)
18+ only
Rhysand was seated at his desk, Keir standing in front of him, Cassian and Azriel flanking his chair. Keir was prattling on about some reason why the Darkbringer’s forces were not ready to be rallied. Rhys entertained two minutes of his excuses before cutting him off.
“I do not care what your reason is, Keir, you have already had three months to rally the Darkbringers. If you do not confirm for me that they are ready to fight within the week, I will gladly drag you down into the dungeons myself and let Mor have her way with you,” he growled, thoroughly incensed with his uncle, who looked surprised and afraid. Perfect.
This pathetic excuse for a male had annoyed him far too many times, perhaps he should just end his life now and save himself the headache of coming back down to this cursed court so soon.
One of Azriel’s shadows opened the door behind Keir, who gladly took the cue and scurried away. Cassian shut the door behind him, then turned to look at Rhys, a questioning look on his face.
Rhys let out an angry sigh, looking to his right at the Shadowsinger. “I wasn’t done with him yet, brother.”
Azriel quirked a brow at him. “Unless you decided that a week’s time is already up, yes, you were.” Rhys scowled at him.
“What’s wrong with you, brother?” Cassian asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. “Normally you let him go on for five minutes at the least.”
“Nothing,” Rhys sighed. “He just annoyed me faster than usual is all.”
“Maybe a training session would do you some good,” Cassian suggested. Rhys considered it for a moment, then inclined his head in agreement. “Az, will you be joining us as well?”
“No, I’m suspicious of Keir’s motives. I’ll stick around here for a bit longer.”
Rhys stood and walked around his desk, clapping his hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “Just us then, brother. Let’s go,” he said, winnowing the two of them to above the House of Wind.
An hour later, Cassian had banned Rhys from the training ring for the day, saying that he was only getting more temperamental with each round they fought.
Rhys had glared at him and flown away, heading for the town house. The chill winter wind did nothing to cool the pool of rage within in him, though.
The moment he hit the pavement outside the house, he could smell her. His mate, his sweet, delicious smelling omega.
He swung the door open and entered the house, looking around for her. This time of day, she was normally taking lunch in the garden or working on paperwork in as she ate. He glanced out of one of the window facing the garden, no Feyre.
He made quick work of checking the first floor, his mate nowhere to be found.
He took the stairs two at a time, needing to see her now. Her scent was stronger on this floor, and he took deep lungfuls of her intoxicating scent, lilacs and pears, so perfect and just for him.
He looked in his office, but his omega was not there. Rhys opened every door along the hallway leading to their bedroom, with no luck.
The last door he opened, he struck gold. His omega’s sweet scent was overwhelming, and there she was, laying on the bed underneath the covers. His little omega was sleeping, taking a short nap most likely.
Lucky for him to find her, ready and waiting to be devoured, the perfect water to soothe his fiery temperament.
He slipped the blankets off of her, revealing her soft body clad in a black satin nightgown, so short it almost gave him a peek of the treasure between her thighs.
He sank down onto the bed, parting her legs and placing himself between them. He took a few greedy breaths in, instantly feeling his anger cool. This. This was what he needed.
His omega’s pretty pink little cunt.
He licked slowly up the length of her, gathering some of the slick leaking from her on his tongue. Yes, this is exactly what he needed, and used his fingers to gently part her lips, lapping at her center. Her taste was divine, perfect, all he ever wanted to have on his tongue again.
His cock was straining against his trousers now, the base of it swelling slightly already, just from a few heavenly tastes of his omega’s pussy.
Feyre was stirring slightly, a soft whine escaping her lips when Rhys brushed his tongue against her clit. He rubbed soothing circles on one of her thighs as he sucked gently on the little bud, entranced by the way her rib cage was moving faster now, and her eyes fluttered open just as he used his other hand to push a digit into her.
“Alpha,” she whined, a hand grabbing his hair and pulled his face further against her, the sight of her mate between her legs nearly enough to finish her then. He obliged her, moving his finger slowly in and out of her, making sure to curl against the spot that he knew made sparks fly through her body, lapping at her clit. Her thighs clamped down around him as she came, slick pouring out her and right onto Rhys’s tongue.
He licked her clean before he moved up her body, placing a kiss on his omega’s lips as he misted their clothing, leaving nothing between them but the delicious brush of skin.
“Omega,” he purred, nosing her neck to the side and sucking on her neck. Feyre sighed, a soft, contented sound, and pressed a kiss to his neck, nuzzling into it. He bit down, causing Feyre to gasp and stiffen slightly before he sucked and lapped at it again, and Feyre went limp beneath him again.
His cock was throbbing at this point, leaking at the tip and his knot half formed. It brushed against Feyre’s thigh and he groaned into her neck, even just the feeling of his omega’s skin was cauldron blessed. He lined himself up with her weeping cunt, and pushed in in one stroke. Their breath caught in their throats, Feyre was not quite prepared for the stretch of his length, or the immediate press of his knot against her, and Rhys was overwhelmed by the feeling her walls hugging him so tightly.
He gave a few powerful strokes, relaxing his omega’s cunt before he pushed the base in roughly, and he loved the way his omega’s breathing was coming in small gasps.
“Omega,” he muttered against her neck again, his world consumed by her in this moment. Her scent, her presence, her cunt were all that occupied his mind as he rocked back and forth gently, a hand coming down to rub at the apex of her thighs.
He bit down on her neck again where the mating mark was, leaving a fresh new set of bite marks over it, and Feyre came again with a strangled cry, Rhys following right behind her, his knot inflating fully and sealing them together.
Feyre wrapped her arms and legs around him, needing to be as close to him as physically possible, even if they were already locked together for a good while.
Rhys rolled them to their sides, and slid a hand through her tangled hair. He took in her flushed face and watchful eyes. “I missed you, omega.”
“I missed you too, alpha.” She paused for a moment. “Are you in rut?”
Rhys furrowed his brow at her, confused by the question. Until he thought a bit about it, that would explain…
“That would explain why I wanted to kill Keir more than usual, I suppose. And why the moment I saw my mate’s pretty little pussy my knot started growing.”
Feyre blushed, her cunt clenching around him at his words, and both of them groaned. “Mm, that would make sense love. It would also make the fresh mating bite you gave me more logical. Not that I don’t love to refresh it every now and then,” she smirked.
Rhys let out a low laugh, knowing his mate would be covered in bite marks by the time his rut was over. “Good thing I have such a sweet omega, hmm?” Feyre’s cute little smile was enough to draw him in for a kiss. “I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, Rhysie,” she replied, and this time it was his turn to blush.
“You always save that for the sweetest moments, love.”
“That’s because every moment with you is the sweetest, Rhysie,” she said lovingly with a smile on her lips. He wrinkled his nose as he smiled, kissing her again and pulling her body further into his, her head against his chest.
Her body was flushed, growing warmer with each minute they spent pressed together.
Feyre nuzzled into his chest, not bothering to look up at him, knowing what he was going to ask.
“Are you in heat?”
She looked up at him, her face more flushed than before. “Yes, but only because your rut set it off.”
He laughed lowly, taking another kiss from her. “At least this way we’ll be miserably hot and turned on together, darling.”
She pressed her lips to his again before threading a hand through his hair. Feyre rocked her hips gently, testing how much she could move. Her body needed more of him already, even with him sealed inside of her.
“A whole week of uninterrupted time with my alpha?” Feyre’s smile was dazzling, her happiness overwhelming down the bond. “Count me in.”
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brummiereader · 1 year
Killing Me Softly (PART THREE/ DARK!TOMMY)
Summary: You and Tommy have barely said a word to eachother since your wedding night, the tension building, Tommy's facade finally drops.
Warnings: Language, angst, psychological mind games, manipulative behaviour, controlling behaviour, Dark!Tommy (this is a dark fic, please read the warnings before continuing)
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"Where's my wife?" Tommy asked looking up from his newspaper as he sat at the end of the large dining table, a cigarette in his mouth.
"She's still in bed Sir, she said she's not hungry" Frances answered nervously clutching onto her apron. It had been almost two weeks since your wedding day and the tension was palpable. You and Tommy had barely said another word to eachother since your wedding night, sleeping in separate rooms you had been avoiding him at all costs. You hadn't left the house in five days, and even when you did it was only to venture out onto the grounds of the property, one of Tommy's henchmen always a few feet behind you. You had neither seen nor heard from your mother, friends or Tommy's family since your arrival at Arrow House, everyone giving the happy newlyweds space, that's what he said. The truth was, Tommy was keeping them from you, keeping you from telling them how miserable you truly felt. Folding the newspaper in half Tommy threw it onto the table In front of him, his chair scrapping across the wooden floors beneath him as he stood up.
" Tell her I expect to see her sitting there at that table, at noon, for when I come back" he said sternly as he walked towards the entrance.
" Yes Sir" Frances nodded as she closed the dinning room door.
"Oh and Frances" he stopped as he got to the door. "Tell the chef to make lamb" He smirked as he looked up at the large wooden stairs in the foyer.
" Yes Mr Shelby" she dutifully answered as she watched Tommy walk out the front door.
Laying in bed you flinched as you heard the door of his car slam shut. He was gone, breathing a sigh of relief you sat up looking over to his side of the bed, this was not how you thought your first two weeks of being a married woman would be, even for an arranged marriage.
Deciding not to lay in bed all day and worry about your already fragile marriage, you got up putting your light pink silk dressing gown on, one you could only imagine Tommy had picked out for you, like everything else he had chosen on your behalf. Walking down the large wooden staircase you was met with Frances waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs.
" He's gone then?"
" Yes Mam" she answered with concerned eyes.
" Did he say anything?" you questioned as your fingers picked at the wooden banister.
" He said he would like to see you at lunch Mam"
"I doubt he said it as nice as you" you smiled as you placed a hand on her arm." Thank you, Frances" you added as you walked off into the kitchen in search of something to eat.
"Mrs Shelby please, let me get you something" she called out.
" It's ok Frances I don't mind " you replied, still not used to being waited on.
Sitting by the window in the study, a book on your lap, you looked out at the gardens In front of you, Tommy's horses galloping in the fields behind them. How had things gotten so bad so quickly? You pondered as you spun your wedding ring around your finger over and over again. Tommy was a man who always got what he wanted, never to be talked back to, never to be refused, and when you did just that on your wedding night he had clearly not taken it very well. Was it all your fault though? You questioned yourself, doubting every conversation and action you had done and had over the past two weeks. You just wanted to get to know him again, did he not want that too?
"Mam, it's Miss Polly Gray on the phone, should I tell her to call you back another time?" Frances asked as she opened the door to the study.
" No no, it's fine, I'll take it, thank you Frances" you said getting up, placing the book down on the chair you was sitting on. Hurrying to the phone you quickly picked up the receiver placing it to your ear.
" Polly?"
" Y/N, how are you love? We haven't seen you in a while"
" I'm so happy to hear your voice Polly" you replied, your emotions threatening to be made known at any moment.
" Enjoying newlywed bliss?" she chuckled over the phone, completely unaware of the current state of things.
" Something like that" you sighed with a small laugh as you played with the cord of the phone.
" What's wrong Y/N ?" nothing could get past Polly, she always knew.
" Me and Tommy, well ...things have not been going that great" you replied in a shaky voice, your eyes starting to fill with tears.
" Oh love... right I'm coming over, this afternoon at four, I will have my driver bring me" Polly replied, concern In her voice, knowing too well how Tommy could get.
" Ok" you said as you sniffed back your tears.
" I'll see you in a few hours, don't worry we'll sort it all out.
" Ok, bye Polly" you said as you put the phone down. Was this a good idea? What would Tommy think of you talking about your marriage to someone else. But Polly could help, she was his Aunt after all, family, someone Tommy knew.
Looking up at the large clock in the foyer you noticed it was nearly noon, Tommy would be back any minute. Hurrying back upstairs you quickly shut the bedroom door, hoping to avoid him once again.
" Mr Shelby" Frances greeted Tommy at the door.
" My wife?" he asked as he handed her his suit jacket.
"She's upstairs Sir" she replied nervously as Tommy cocked an eyebrow in surprise.
" Did you not tell her that i expected to see her in the dining room?" He asked, his voice getting irritated with each second that passed.
" Yes Sir, she's very tired, I think she needs rest" Frances said trying to excuse you from his anger.
" Tired" he scoffed as he started marching up the stairs to your shared room. "I'm fucking tired, tired of this shit" he said under his breath, his steps echoing through the house as he walked up the stairs. "Seems my dear wife needs a helping hand getting of bed Frances!" he called out angrily as Frances hurried off, not wanting to get in the middle of a marital dispute.
"Y/N!" he bellowed as he got to the top of the stairs, throwing the bedroom door open.
" Tommy..." you replied in surprise as you sat up, eyes widening as you watched him storm over to your side of the bed.
" Been laying in bed all fucking morning eh?" he asked as he pulled the sheets away from you, scoffing when you closed your dressing gown tightly around your body.
"Why are you not downstairs in the dinning room, like I asked, hm?" he demanded to know, grabbing you by the hand as he pulled you out the bed.
" I'm not a child Tommy, you don't get to talk to me like that" you answered, irritation in your voice as you pulled his hand off you. Tommy was right behind you as you marched down the stairs to the dining room, you swore you could feel his eyes piercing into the back of your head, your stubbornness only angering him more. Once again you had disobeyed him, and this time he was going to make sure you knew it. Spinning you around, Tommy pulled you flush against his body, his arm hooked around the bottom of your back.
" Stop fucking acting like a child, and I'll stop treating you like one, ok sweetheart?" he said quietly into your ear, his breath hot against your skin, his words laced with anger as his hand traveled slowly up your back grabbing a handful of your dressing gown. Firmly holding onto your robe, Tommy spun you back around in one quick motion, pushing you down onto the dining table chair.
" Good" he said, hitching his suit trousers up as he sat down next to you, satisfied you hadn't talked back. What would be the point in arguing with him, your words would only go unheard, Tommy always had to be right. You decided not to say anything, instead you pinned all your hopes on Polly's visit, praying she could get through to her nephew and help your already rocky marriage. Lighting a cigarette, Tommy watched you as he inhaled the tobacco. He had you just the way he wanted, eyes cast down, submissive, subservient, the perfect little wife.
A knock on the dinning room door had you both looking up as Frances wheeled two plates of food in. As she made her way around the dining table you noticed almost instantly what had been prepared, your eyes darting to Tommy you watched the smirk form on his lips as he flicked the ash of his cigarette into a glass dish.
" Is there a problem?" he asked, a devilish darkness overtaking his eyes as he watched you look down at the plate of food now in front of you.
"I can get you something else Mrs Shelby?" Frances asked as she looked between you and Tommy.
" No it's fine, thank you" you answered as you breathed in the gamy smell of the lamb, your stomach already turning at its odor. His pettiness was blatant, you knew exactly what he was doing, it was childish, immature, and you refused to play along.
"Eat" he said as he nodded to the plate of food In front of you. Picking up your knife and fork, you cut a small piece of lamb, raising it to your lips as Tommy watched you intently. Placing it in your mouth, you looked over to him as the smugness spread across his face, he was enjoying this, enjoying his cruelness play out.
" You invited Polly to come today?" he asked as he took a sip of whiskey. Nodding, you slowly chewed on the piece of meat, swallowing harshly as Tommy watched your throat bob up and down as the food made its way down.
" Next time you invite someone, you ask me first"
" Tommy this is my home too, I don't have to inform you of everything I do" you replied, dropping your fork onto the plate, unable to eat anymore, your frustration mounting with him.
" But you do love" he said as he grabbed your chin turning you to face him. " You're my wife, so you'll do as I say. Now eat" he said picking your fork back up.
" I can't Tommy, I don't feel good " you answered. Was it the taste of the lamb already, or his controlling words that had your stomach churning, you couldn't tell anymore. Staring at him your eyes started to fill with tears. Taking a drag of his cigarette Tommy looked at you unsympathetically as one lone tear fell down your cheek. With your hand to your mouth, you bolted up, running as fast as you could to the closest bathroom. Bending over the toilet you threw up as you tried to hold back your hair away from the toilet seat.
"Hey, hey..." you heard softly from behind you as Tommy bent down next to you, collecting your hair into his hand as he rubbed your back while you hurled into the toilet once more.
Wiping your mouth you turned to him as you flushed the toilet.
" Why would you do that?" you asked weakly, tears streaming down your face.
"Do what?" He questioned a look of confusion in his eyes as he tried to fool you with his bewilderment, but all you could see was the smirk playing on the corner of his lips threatening to expose his cruelness. Turning back to the toilet you threw up again, gagging at the taste in your mouth.
" You see what happens when you don't talk to me hm, when you ignore me? How am I suppose to know anything about you, if you never say anything to me eh? he said as he continued to stroke your back.
" But...Tommy at the wedding I told you that..."
"Shh shh" he hushed you, pulling you into his chest as he gently caressed your hair, exhaling at the close contact of your warm body.
" Let me take care of you Y/N, stop fighting it." he said as he kissed the top of your head. In your weak state you found yourself leaning into his embrace, clutching onto his chest as he responded by holding you tighter against him, placing another kiss to your temple. Had he forgotten what you had said at the wedding? His sudden behaviour was confusing, he blew hot and cold with you as quick as his temper changed, you couldn't keep up.
For another hour you laid in bed, Tommy telling you to sleep as he worked in his office, ordering his men to go home for the rest of the day now he was back. But sleep was the last thing you did. Your thoughts had been consuming you as you bit anxiously on your nails. He was playing with you like a child plays with a toy, he hadn't forgotten, he knew exactly what he was doing. Having had enough of his constant change in personality, you decided to be as petty as him and play along with his little games..since he clearly enjoyed it so much. Marching down the stairs you walked right past his office as he looked up from his desk.
" Y/N, why are you not in bed? " he asked, getting up from his chair, following you as you walked out the back door to the gardens. Scoffing at him you ignored his question. In bed, exactly where he wants you to be, knowing where you are, doing what he wants, controlling you.
" What do you think your doing?" He said as he caught up to you.
" Going for a walk " you answered as you started making your way to the woods behind the house." Is that a problem?" you said sarcastically, echoing the words he would often use. Clenching his fist he watched you as you walked away from him.
" You'll get lost!" he shouted as he stood by the door.
" I'm a grown woman Tommy" you shouted back, your arms folded as you stormed off. So tempted to see his reaction, you turned around to see him staring at you, brushing his hand down his face as he then gripped his chin with his fingers.
A satisfied look spread across your face, you enjoyed the fact your defiance was getting to him, just like he enjoyed toying with your emotions. Was this a dangerous game to play though, for how long could you really keep this up?
It had been an hour since you stormed off, and you was officially lost. Fuck. Looking down at the floor you kicked a pile of sticks in frustration, Tommy having been right only angering you even more. Looking around in a panic, you tried to remember the route you took, but everything looked the same. A noise Suddenly caught your attention as you span around, your eyes trying to look through the endless row of tress in front of you. This was England, you tried to rationalise to yourself. The chances of a bear coming out at you, zero to none, a wolf maybe, or it could be the devil himself, you laughed to yourself. Is that what you was calling him now, your husband? Then you heard it again. Walking in the opposite direction you quickly picked up the pace as you glanced behind you once more, the rustling suddenly got louder, and that's when you saw it, a small rabbit not far from where you was standing, a sigh of relief swept over you as you walked over to the small ball of fluff. Bending down you put your hand out coaxing it forwards.
" Hello little guy, you scared me" you said as it quickly bounced off in the opposite direction. Your senses no longer on alert, you hadn't noticed the real threat standing next to you. The snap of a branch had you suddenly turning back around.
" Lost little bunny?" Tommy said a smirk on his face, as he leaned against a tree watching you, a cloud of smoke bellowing into the country air. Of course he had followed you, was he afraid you would run off and leave him?
" You followed me" you said, upset that no matter where you went or what you did he would always have his eye on you.
"Maybe you would prefer rabbit for lunch next time" he joked in a sister tone. " Come on, you've had your little tantrum, now let's go" he said taking your hand only for you to push it away.
" No. I'll go when I'm ready" you said adamantly as you watched the anger rise in his already tense body.
" Y/N, you're coming home with me now or els..."
" When I'm ready" you said sterner, Interrupting him.
" Fine. Spend all night here. See if I fucking care" he replied turning away from you, storming off as he threw his cigarette onto the ground. That was the last thing you wanted to do. You watched the route he took back as you slowly followed the same path.
It had been more than an hour until you finally reached the front door to your house. Walking in you glanced up at the clock it was nearly four, you hadn't missed Polly's visit. Walking through the foyer, you was met by Tommy as he walked out the living room, Polly following behind him.
" My loving wife has returned" he said sarcastically as he took a sip of his whiskey.
"Polly" you said ignoring Tommy's remark as you walked up to her, giving her a hug as you looked over her shoulder to see Tommy smirking at you. I'm glad I didn't miss you, I was out for a walk and got a little lost"
" You did miss me, love" she said kissing your cheek, smiling to you.
" But...you said you was coming at four"
"Polly arrived an hour ago Y/N " Tommy said staring at you, his mouth slightly open as his eyes glistened with mischief.
" It's alright love, you must have forgotten. One of the secretary's left a note saying you rang and changed the time to three" she said as she started to put her coat on.
" I...I didn't rin.." you stopped, looking to Tommy as he swirled the whiskey around in his glass. And then the realisation hit you, Tommy had changed the times.
With Polly adjusting her coat in between you both, you and Tommy stared eachother down, your anger at boiling point. Neither of you saying anything you just glared at eachother waiting for the other to do something.
"I can't stay love, i have to get back. We will arrange for another time" she said as she kissed your cheek once again. "Tommy told me everything, you'll settle in soon" she whispered quietly into your ear. You watched on in disbelief, what had Tommy said to her? As soon as the door shut, you marched over to your husband, anger in your face ready to confront him.
" You did that on purpose! What did you say to her?" You shouted at him, pushing his chest with both of your hands.
" You sure you're not still sick love? Don't have a fever do you?" he said, a cocky smile on his lips as he turned away from you, walking to his office.
" You changed the times of her visit, am I not allowed to see anyone?" you asked in desperation, as you tried to stand In front of him, trying to get his attention. Annoyed by your insistence on the matter Tommy Slammed you against the wall as he pushed his body onto yours.
" What if I did hm? What was you going to tell her eh? How it's been so hard for you? My poor little wife, she's suffering so much. I have given you everything Y/N, everything. Do you not remember our agreement hm?" He said angrily as he held your head between his hands, his leg between yours to keep you in place.
Nervousness building inside you, you watched as his eyes turned that sinister black you feared so much. Tears streaming down your face you looked at Tommy pleading with unspoken words to let you go. Brushing away a tear with his thumb, Tommy let out a frustrated sigh.
" Look, the sooner you start acting like my wife the better things will be" he said, gently caressing your cheek as he leaned in to press his lips to your tear stained ones.
"Kiss me back Y/N" he moaned against your mouth, desperate to feel something from you.
" Still playing hard to get eh?" he hummed against your lips as he pressed his forehead to yours, his eyes closing as his hands stroked down your arms.
" I hate you" you said quietly as your voice trembled in fear. Tommy's forehead still pressed against yours, his eyes darted open meeting the fear in yours, fury spreading across his face as you pushed him away from you. Running up the stairs you turned around to see him staring at you, his eyes never once moving from you as he watched you run up the large wooden stairs.
You didn't hate him, Tommy reasoned to himself as he sat in the dark green upholstered arm chair, blowing a cloud of smoke to the ceiling. You was just getting used to your new life he quickly justified . You're words were laced with anger though, he thought to himself as he clenched his jaw, flicking the flame of his lighter on and off as he watched you sleep in the bed in front of him, the freshly cleaned bed sheets draped gently over your body. Taking another drag of his cigarette Tommy leaned forward, his hand slowly stroking up your uncovered leg as he watched you sleep. Your skin was so soft, so delicate under his fingers, why wouldn't you let him near you? let him hold you, kiss you... touch you. Frustration building up he pulled his hand away, his shoulders tense, his jaw tightening. You shouldn't test him, he didn't want to lose his temper, he didn't want to hurt you. Stirring you started to wake up, the smell of tobacco filling your senses. Sitting up you looked In front of you to see an empty chair at the bottom of the bed, a lit cigarette still burning in an ash tray on a small table beside it. Your eyes darted around the room in panic.
"Tommy" you called out as you looked to the the landing light beaming through the half opened bedroom door. Clutching the bed sheets to your chest, fear rose in your body.
He had been here, he had been watching you...
Tag list: @litteltourtius @aesthetic0cherryblossom @swordofawriter @casa-boiardi @muhahaha303 @fmo166
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bloodlust-1 · 9 months
༻ 3 Nights ༺ part 7
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Gortash x fem Tav — mini series Explicit 18+
Summary: Gortash invites Tav to stay 3 days at his palace for the sake of an alliance. Reluctantly, she compromises for peace and it becomes an experience they won’t forget.
Part one -> here <-
Gortash invaded Tav's mind, and the attraction between them was undeniable. Whenever she visited his castle, Tav felt a powerful pull towards him. It was like a giant wave in the ocean, one moment pushing her away and the next drawing her in. Since they last kissed, Tav's been trying her hardest not to give in to his advancements. She wanted to hold the power...or what little she had over him.
She knew that he was bad for her, but at the same time, something about him tugged at her. Out of everyone who presented themselves to him, why her? Was she even special? It was a mystery to Tav.
She recalled Gortash's eyes in her head. Tired, emotionless, maybe even sadness. As if he was waiting for something to put his existence to an end.
Despite this, Gortash kept his promise. He aided Tav in the most difficult of battles, and the moment of the Netherbrain was coming closer. The final battle would be a blood bath, everyone knew. Tav had to keep her head up no matter how difficult it'd be.
And so she went, making her way back to his palace, like many times before. Every step she took filled her with a familiar feeling, as if her heart was already longing for his touch, despite knowing the disapproval of Karlach. Death was at everyone's door and Tav needed to be honest with herself, to live these moments to the fullest, no matter what the consequences. It felt like her last opportunity to be with him, and she wanted to make the most of it.
Tav quietly walked down the garden path, her feet sinking into the damp grass. She noticed Gortash spent a great time outside alone as the days got closer to battle. As Tav got closer to him, she noticed his slumped figure, his shoulders slightly hunched over. She could sense his sadness emanating from him.
Tav cautiously approached him, taking in the sight before her. Gortash was sitting on a bench, gazing out to the horizon with a somber expression. He seemed miles away, lost in his own thoughts.
Tav stood beside him for a few moments, unsure of how to break the silence. Taking a deep breath, she softly called out, "Hey, you." Her voice was light and playful, yet still held a hint of concern.
Gortash seemed to snap out of his trance, turning to Tav with a gentle smile. He scooted over in his chair, making room for her to join him. She sank into the chair beside him. They sat in comfortable silence, their eyes fixed on the horizon. Tav felt a sense of peace wash over her, and she knew that Gortash was starting to feel the same.
"You've come again. Can't stay too far?" Gortash chuckled cockily to himself, his eyes still glued onto the horizon.
Tav peaked at him. His skin seemed discolored and his hair was messier than usual, "You look like shit." He heard the worry in her voice, causing him to immediately react with a playful scoff.
"just waiting for death."
Tav leaned back into the bench with a weary sigh, nodding in agreement, "Me and you both. It's always at the front door, hm?" She nudged Gortash's arm lightly. "You know..." Tav sat up, "I've been exploring around the lower city."
"And? Find anything worth your time?"
"Well— I did find an interesting pair, to say the least." Tav twiddled her fingers as she looked down on them. "I met your parents..."
She could feel the air around them get automatically tense. Yet, she continued to speak, "I know about them selling you to the devil. Enver, I'm so sorry that -"
Gortash snapped, cutting Tav's words off, "You know nothing of what happened." He turned his head at Tav, his lips frowned and his eyes were angered. "You're good at digging your nose into business that's not yours. Enough."
Tav shook her head sadly, aware of how delicate the topic she was raising was. "It's alright not to forgive. But to let it haunt you like this…that's a different kind of pain entirely," She tenderly rested her hand on his. Her gaze was sorrowful as she said, "I'm so sorry for what happened to you, and for bringing it up like this." She felt like she was gradually uncovering the many layers of his innermost self.
Gortash stared down at her hand in disgust. He didn't need pity from anyone, especially Tav. It hurt his ego too much. "I said that's enough, no more discussion."
Tav bit her lower lip. Embarrassment crept into her body. They both fell silent with a thick tension in the air. Gortash lifted up his hand, and firmly grabbed Tav’s cheeks, squishing her face in a stern grip. Despite the firmness of his hold, it's soft enough not to hurt her. "You're still here, you must want something."
"Why does everything have to be so transactional with you. Am I not allowed to just enjoy myself?" she pulled away from his grip with a frown. “I just wanted to see you before we kill the Netherbrain.”
Gortash coldly stared at her. Tav was so sensitive, something he could never relate to. “I see, Is there a reason why?” He lifted up an eyebrow questionably, “Do you not think we’ll win?”
Tav shrugged, “I don’t know…” she sighed and averted her gaze from his. She didn’t want him to think of her as weak, but she couldn’t help but feel a little insecure. “I just wanted to talk to you…in case— you know, things don’t go so great.”
“You must not know who you are talking to.” Gortash rolled his eyes at Tav’s words. Lose? That was never an option. “So go on, it seems like you have a lot on your mind.”
“Listen. You’re cocky, cruel, and over all you’ve done more bad than good. But when I see you, I know you can be so much more than that.” Tav scooted herself closer to him with a worried expression on her face, “You don’t deserve redemption.” She shook her head before speaking again, “But I’d like to see you try. Come, with me and the others to kill the Netherbrain…”
Gortash laughed, “You make quite the offer.” He turned his head and stared at Tav, his eyes never left hers. “If I come, and we succeed, which we will, then I want you to stay here with me.”
Gortash held Tav's hand and brought it to his lips, gently kissing her skin. Something in his eyes and smile felt off. Like he was playing a trick on her, or rather a bet he knew he'd win.
"What?" Tav pulled back her hand.
"Friendly bets, dear. If we come out of this alive, then you will join me here, and become part of my powerful court." His lips smirked, he knew exactly how to get her back again. "Deal?"
Tav giggled nonchalantly, "Let's see what happens. You need to prove me wrong first."
Gortash nodded in approval, "Not making haste decisions. I respect that."
They sat in silence once again, taking in each other’s words. Gortash noticed Tav’s small fidgeting of her hands as she played with her hair. She seemed off, not confident like usual. Maybe something was on her mind. The sun started to set and she had yet to say anything.
"You're fidgeting," Gortash spoke, looking at Tav with a curious, cold expression. "Why so antsy?"
Tav spoke uncertainly, her heart heavy with the knowledge that once she spoke, there was no turning back. She was unsure of what the future held, and the fear of not having the opportunity to speak her truth bothered her. "I feel like I should be honest."
Gortash stood still, silently listening to Tav as she stumbled over her words, "I…may…possibly…have some kind of feelings for you." She paused hesitantly between each syllable, and with every one Gortash's face twisted into a smile. Not a gentle smile, a possessive one. There was a hunger that seemed to go beyond mere affection.
He leaned back and let out a relieved sigh. He had been waiting for Tav to confess her feelings for him ever since he proposed they become a couple, and finally, everything had come together. "If it's my love you want," he said, standing up and taking hold of Tav's hand, pulling her up from her seat, "Then stay here with me. Just for tonight."
Tav's eyes fell from his. In her mind the thought of her friends came into her mind, she didn't want them to worry.
"Like a mother to children. They will be just fine." Gortash was annoyed by how Tav always brought them up. Such an inconvenience.
"right..." Tav raised her gaze to meet his, and a hesitant smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She gave a slight nod in agreement.
Tav stood in the doorway to the bedroom, her heart pounding in her chest. Gortash was already in bed, propped up on his elbows, watching her. She could feel his eyes on her and it made her skin tingle. His bare chest was out and the familiar sight of his chest clouded her mind with all kinds of intrusive thoughts.
"Come, Tav," Gortash said, his voice low and commanding. "It's time to sleep."
Tav hesitated, never in a million years would she thought she'd sleep in the same bed as him. Tav was nervous and didn't know what to expect. But Gortash wasn't taking no for an answer. He reached out a hand and beckoned her over. She reluctantly took a step forward, then another, until she was standing next to the bed.
Gortash reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling her in beside him. His skin was warm and she could feel the heat radiating off of him. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.
"You don't need to be guarded," A sly grin melted his lips. "Not after all we've done." With a teasing tone, he hinted at the two occasions where they made out.
Tav closed her eyes and tried to relax. Gortash's presence was intimidating, yet he seemed to try and want to be comforting, oddly. Regardless, Tav wrapped her arms around him in a tight snuggle.
Gortash and Tav laid in each other's arms in silence. Gortash had gazed down at Tav's peaceful face as she lay with her eyes closed. The flickering candlelight had cast a warm glow on her features, making her look even more beautiful. Tav sensed his gaze and blushed, "What..?" She barely spoke in a whisper.
This girl, who had ruined his coronation, tried to kill him, and still even tries to desperately be a hero, made Gortash feel a surge of emotion within him. It disgusted and awed him, "Nothing, dear."
She had reached out her hand to trace the many scars that had adorned Gortash's face, each one telling a story of battles fought and won. As she had traced the lines, Gortash had felt a posessiveness within him. He would make sure Tav was his.
"You make me feel— something." He ran his hands up from her hips, to her waist, and then her face. Gortash's cold touch grazed her warm skin as he cupped her cheek. His gaze darkened and he spoke with conviction, "It disgusts me." His eyes went dark. He meant it, surely.
Raveled between his cunning words was a confession that Tav quickly caught on to. Did he know how to confess such feelings? No. But this was his way of trying to tell her, and she appreciated it.
"I know," Tav spoke softly, her eyes locked with his dark ones. The expression on his face was possessive, but his gentle touches were tender.
Her thumb traced Gortash's bottom lip. Repeating the motion while they lay in a comfortable silence. Both observing and learning new details from the scars to beauty marks. They peered at each other and admired the features passed upon them. Tav didn't think he looked like either of his parents.
His fingertips found the back of her neck, and he gently pulled her face closer to his. The moment seemed to stand still as their eyes locked, their pupils widening with anticipation before slowly closing as they surrendered to one another's lips.
Tav's breath quivered as his lips touched hers, her heavy breathing becoming more and more noticeable with each passing second. He finally pulled away to see her blurry gaze filled with desire. His lips curled into a satisfied smile as he licked them, before locking his lips back with hers.
Tav moved her leg seductively onto Gortash's side, feeling the warmth of his body as he eagerly clasped her thigh and pulled her in closer. She felt the thrill in this forbidden connection, and Gortash seemed to revel in the sensation of her skin against his. He wanted every part of Tav completely as his.
Gortash pushed his tongue into Tav's mouth, dominating her own to surrender to him. His desperate groans filled the room as his hips pressed eagerly against hers. Tav felt the hard bulge against her groin, sending prickly goosebumps up her spine. It was driving her crazy.
His fingers brushed against the button of her pants, skillfully undoing it. He felt a tinge of excitement fill his body as the fabric of her clothing slowly peeled away to reveal her bare skin. His eyes trailed every crease, crevice, and curve. He wanted to remember this moment: The beauty marks hidden on her hips, stretch marks, the color of her nipples.
Between sloppy kisses, Tav helped Gortash with his shirt, then his pants, until he was bare. His body was covered in scars, some of them deep and others barely visible beneath a thin layer of hair. He wasn't perfect, but that is what was so intriguing about him
Tav felt Gortash grab a handful of her hair and yank her head back. He took in the sight of Tav submissive and restrained. How she looked most beautiful just like this. His voice raspy, "I want to see that pretty face of yours before I ruin you." He spoke between planting small kisses against Tav's neck. It was a gentle pleasure before fading into hard bites, dragging his teeth against the nape of her neck.
"A-ahh.." Tav winced as small bruises formed on her skin. Her chest rose up and down from her heavy breathing. She could feel the growing heat between her legs grow hotter with each hot breath touching her body. Gortash pushed her back down against the mattress and forced her legs open with his waist.
For a moment their lips found each other once again before he parted away from them. His fingers toyed with her core, slowly stroking her clit. He watched her expression change into a pleasurable mess.
The wetness coated his fingers, creating a slick lubricant against her clit. Gortash circled his fingers skillfully, as dark eyes locked on the way Tav’s lips quivered each time he hit the right spot.
Tav hung her head back, small moans left her lips and her legs twitched to her sensitive core. He continued to rub her clit and was rewarded with moans that slipped off her tongue like a lyric.
“I want to feel every part of you.” Gortash spoke, almost sounding like a threat— no, a promise.
His finger slipped inside her effortlessly as Tav let out a small sigh of relief. Finally, her body allowed him inside her temple, one that he intended to ruin.
Gortash hummed in approval as her walls clenched around his finger, “Eager are we?” He whispered into her ear before pumping his finger in and out of her.
The sudden surge of pleasure melted Tav into the mattress. Her legs parted wider, inviting all of him inside her. It was a sharp tinglyness that seemed to hit the right spot. “M-More—“ Tav shamelessly moaned between him fingering her.
He smiled, and added another finger, quickening his pace as his hand tensed up from the constant jerking. He continued to fuck her with his fingers, making sure to watch the way her face scrunched up in pleasure. He specifically watched the haziness in her eyes.
A third finger slipped in, causing her back to arch with a groan, "Aughh-" Tav gripped the bed sheets in pleasurable pain. The girth of his fingers was entirely too tight for her. Yet, he continued to fuck her hard. Tav looked up at him and noticed his eyes light up to her pain.
Gortash hunched over, kissing her collarbones "Yes, hurt for me." His voice was husky. Tav placed her hands on his shoulders, scratching down his skin from the pain, trying to adjust to his fingers.
Tav's climax started to whelm up deep in her stomach, and her legs twitched in reaction. Her eyes shut tightly, the only image in her head was of Gortash. The strands of his black hair sticking to the sweat accumulated on his forehead. This image burned into her memory.
Her hands snuck up from his shoulder to his neck and then face. Tav forced his face against her own with the little strength she could muster. He grinned between the sloppy kisses from her painful moans. And finally, her walls clenched up against his fingers. A loud yelp echoed off the walls, her back arching from her climax.
Gortash released his fingers out of her. His skin was coated in the slick of her cum. He rotated his hand, admiring her wetness glistening in the candlelight on his skin. She too, admired his sweaty chest and face. Gortash was extremely attractive under heated circumstances.
His eyes darted at Tav's. He brought his fingers to her lips, "Clean up your mess." He demanded coldly.
Before she could react, his fingers were already forcing their way into her mouth. Her tongue could barely wrap around his fingers because he had already pushed them down her throat. Tav struggled under his body, gagging on his fingers.
"Shhh." He whispered softly as her eyes watered intensively. Tears trickled down her cheeks as his fingers toyed in her mouth. A chill went up her spine as they locked eyes. He was more than pleased with Tav, he truly wanted to ruin her. Make a complete mess of her.
Tav hummed and gagged against his fingers, and it lit up his eyes eagerly. He could not wait no longer. Gortash released Tav from her torture, and she let out small coughs and gasped for air.
He used the spit-covered hand to pump his cock a couple times. Tav lay there, taking in every detail of his body. The gerth of his shaft was thick, and she was mentally prepared to give herself to him. She was nervous, she hadn't had sex in months, and this was the most action she'd gotten since being infected.
His body hunched over hers, one arm held up his body against Tav, and the other placed his tip against her opening. Their eyes matched, Tav's face was messy: Hair frizzed, eyes wet, and her own spit trailed from the corners of her lips to her chin.
Gortash smirked at his creation. He pushed into her, and both sighed in unison. She was tight around him, but the warmth only invited him deeper and deeper.
He drew a sharp breath, "Fuck." He scoffed from the tightness. He knew Tav was a momentary pain, but he didn't care, he wanted her just as bad as she did.
He rammed his hips against Tav in strong long strokes. Tav Gasped, her teeth gritted as she adjusted to his cock. Every pump melted her pain away into something more pleasant. He was rough, but it was something she always craved in her sex life: to be pushed over the edge between pain and pleasure.
Gortash kept her body steady, slamming his shaft deep into her. He loved the sound of Tav's desperate little moans. The view of Tav under him spurred him, beckoning him to continue to fuck her harder with each stroke. His cock buried inside her grew hot and stiff.
Like a toy, his hand wrapped around her neck, forcing her head to the side; and exposing her already bruised neck. His eyes focused on her neck, and he dragged his tongue against the hickeys.
Tav desperately wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing his hips closer to her. She lifted her hips to match with his pumps, and the moans from them lewdly filled the room. Her juices collided with his cock, creating a slippery smacking noise between their bodies.
They fucked like this until Gortash pulled away, "Hands and knees, now." He panted between each syllable. His chest was covered in beads of sweat rolling down his stomach.
Tav shakenly positioned herself, ass first in front of him. She gripped the bed sheets in anticipation. Tav knew she had to use every bit of strength if he were to take her like this.
His palms were heavy on her lower back, "Good, just like that." He praised Tav.
His tip made its way back into her, filling her entirely. Tav mewled to his heat, and again he was fucking her with precision. Tav forced her hips back against his cock along with his own strength. Gortash's nails dug into Tav's stretch marks, blurring out cusses between their strokes.
Tav's eyes water once again, salivating from the immense pleasure. Her mind went blank while trying to hold her stance against his forceful pumps.
Gortash's hand scratched up her back, grabbing a hand full of her hair and jerking her head back, "You're- fuck. So tight like this." His voice was coarse with anger and lust. The beads of sweat dripped off his forehead and the tip of his nose onto her back. The room grew thick and filled with a musk.
Tav whimpered out, "Nghh! Ah- Enver." The sound of his name whined out in a jumbled mess. The roughness of it all that small tears trickled from the corners of her eyes.
A tingle ran up Gortash's spine to the sound of his name, he felt her walls clench and unclench from his length. His body started to unwind and he fell weak over Tav's back. His teeth sucked and scraped her shoulder.
His body became stiff, his grip tightening, "Stay right there. I want to fill your little cunt." Gortash threatened seductively.
His cock twitched, blood boiling, and whines and whimpers, Gortash completely unloaded himself inside Tav. He pulled out from the stickiness, wrapping his arms around Tav's waist and falling back onto the bed.
Their chests rose and fell heavily, and their sweat-covered bodies pressed comfortably with each other. Damn, did he keep his word. Tav was covered in bruises and scratches. It was almost like he wanted to prove a point: by destroying her intimately.
Tav's lips parted, "The way you took me... So roughly." She paused before whispering, voice in awe, "Do it again."
Gortash kissed the nape of her neck," I'll have you up all night, Darling." He let go of Tav and lay on his back, "It's not surprising you enjoyed yourself, dear." He smirked to himself.
Tav turned and rested her head on his chest, "What will happen after we kill the Netherbrain?"
Gortash gave her a light squeeze, "Then I will honor us. A grand party." It would be the best opportunity to win the public over whilst containing influence.
Tav hummed in approval. Both tyrant and hero lay together peacefully in the bed, naked. They were safe here, in each other’s arms.
To Be Continued ~
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I'm posting this without proof reading so I hope it isn't too bad.
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