#I think there's already a word for that I cant put my finger on it
huntingpalismen · 2 months
every time a tv show has less than 12 episodes per season an angel shits its own organs out and dies
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borathae · 1 year
this doesn’t make sense yet but listen. the clone!yoongi story? the way detective!yoongi fucks is so lana del rey coded
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
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Started tearing up while literally looking for what pics to use hfdjsk
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tetsumie · 9 months
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read part 1 here!
pairing: kuroo x reader & kenma x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: hello !! sorry for being gone for soooo long D: i wasn’t doing well and was in a really bad place mentally.. (plus burnout 😓😓) but regardless tysm for all the love in the first part of this fic! i appreciate u all sm and i’ll work on getting asks in! thank u for being so patient w me !! luv u :D
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kuroo tetsuro
you woke up late today and weren't surprised that kuroo had already left for work by the time you woke up. but he did leave you a post-it note saying he made breakfast leftovers for you in the fridge.
you smile at the thought that kuroo took the time out of his day to make some food especially in the morning. however, as you're getting ready for the day, your eye catches the lunch bag that's sitting on the kitchen bar countertop.
"this idiot," you mumble, shaking your head with a smile on your face. you pull out your phone and shoot him a text.
y/n: thanks for the breakfast it was really good
tetsu: im glad :)
y/n: also you left your lunch at home stupid
tetsu: oh shit
tetsu: can you drop it off for me? i cant come home to pick up, im in a meeting rn
y/n: yeah that's fine
tetsu: thanks baby ill kiss u when i see u
tetsu: love u 2 the moon and back !!
y/n: ur so weird
y/n: love u 2 the moon and back <3
a few hours pass by and now you're taking the bus to head to kuroo's office with his lunch bag in hand. before leaving the house, you decided to swap his current lunch which was some leftovers with his favorite food, grilled salted mackerel.
you enter his office floor and are greeted by the office receptionist from the floor. "i'm just here to drop off some food for kuroo-san."
"oh yes, right this way," she stands up and opens the office door for you and points out where his room is.
as you're about to knock on his door, you hear his voice from the other side. "i'm not sure if i can come out tonight to eat kenma. y/n probably wants me home, you know how clingy they get sometimes."
your heart sinks to the floor.
has he always thought of me this way? clingy? i didn't mean to act that way? i just like being in his company. i didn't mean to be clingy. i didn't know he felt that way...
"anyways, i'll call you back kenma. i gotta get back to work. see ya later" he ends the call.
you take a deep breath, standing in front of the door, thinking about kuroo's words to his best friend. before you could even knock, the door opens and you're greeted by kuroo.
"oh y/n! you should've texted me you were here!"
you let out a laugh that sort of dies in your throat. "oh um i just wanted to surprise you that's all."
"come in, let's eat together. you can see the beautiful downtown view from here," he tries to usher you inside his personal office room.
you're a little uncomfortable so you hold yourself back from going on, "maybe another time, yeah? i gotta head back. i've got a lot of work to do with college and work and stuff."
"no yeah of course, i get it. work hard! but first..." kuroo smiles and before you can pull away, he kisses you on the head. "i'll see you when i get home. love you!"
too ashamed to even look at him as you walked out of his office, you just wave to him with your back facing him as you walked away.
you're now sitting on the bus on the way home, thinking about the way he called you clingy. "you know how clingy they get.." has he always thought i'm clingy? has he just been putting up with my annoying habits? i thought he liked the way i treated him. i didn't know he thought it was clingy.
you're trying to look back at your actions and now it's all coming back to you.
you're always trying to kiss him, hug him, cuddle him. you're always talking to him about random things from an occurrence at the grocery store to some new show you're watching. literally last night, you both were cuddling while watching a new episode of kuroo's favorite sit-com and you were running your fingers through his hair.
it all made sense.
you were clingy.
and he wanted space.
you were going to respect that.
kuroo comes home later that evening and announces himself with an "i'm home!"
you're on the dining table with the computer open, working on some new assignment and you smile at him. "welcome home," you say with a smile.
he's expecting you to get up and come over and hug him like you usually do but to his surprise, you continue to look back at your computer.
he assumes you're just busy and doesn't think much of it.
kuroo heads into the shared bedroom to unwind from his hectic day at work. he takes a shower and changes into some pajama pants and is now heading back to the living room to see what you're up to.
you're still sitting on the dining table with all your notebooks splayed out and computer open, working on what seems to be some really big project. he plops down next to you and starts squinting at the screen. he starts poking you to grab your attention from the screen.
"the mackerel was really good today."
"that's good."
silence envelops the atmosphere between the both of you until kuroo decides to speak again.
"what are you working on?"
"college stuff."
"maybe take a break now?" he suggests.
"i can't. it's due soon," your voice flat. "if you want dinner, there's some leftovers i made in the fridge."
"alright," he replies, getting up from the chair to the kitchen to warm up some food.
his shoulders droop a little. he was hoping to spend some time with you. but he is aware that something is off with you. he's not sure what it is but he knows something isn't right. you haven't given him a single kiss or even a hug since he's been back and your usual sarcastic remarks are gone.
you've barely even acknowledged his presence.
"maybe it's just an off day?" is what he convinces himself.
but those "off days" are starting to become more consistent.
you're out of bed before he wakes up in the morning and you barely talk to him when he comes home. you always end up sleeping after he falls asleep and he can't even stay up because of how exhausted he gets after work. the amount of physical affection has declined from you and every time he texts or talks to you, your replies are barely existent.
it feels like he's living by himself. when did it get so cold?
on the other hand, you think it's going well! you haven't been all up in his business lately. you're giving him the space he wants. you're hoping that kuroo is feeling much happier since you're smothering him less. sure, you miss getting to hold and cuddle him but this is what he wanted, right?
now that the week is over, kuroo is hoping to spend the weekend with you.
that morning, kuroo sets an alarm to wake up earlier than you in hopes of spending some extra affectionate time with you. however, the moment he wakes up, the other side of the bed is empty and cold.
he has no choice but to get out of bed to see where you are. there's no way you're up right now. at 7 am on a weekend? no way.
he walks out of the room and he feels his heart chip. you're sleeping on the couch, slightly shivering because the blanket you're using barely covers you. have you been sleeping on the couch this past week? why didn't i notice? kuroo begins to internally berate himself right now for letting you sleeping on the couch for this past week right under his nose.
with no hesitation, he bridal-style carries you back into the shared bedroom and tucks you under the duvet cover and comes back into bed.
however, you've already woken up and you sit up on the bed, startled. "w-what? where am i?"
he scoffs, "i brought you in our bedroom idiot."
"oh," you're now grabbing your stuff and climbing out to go back to the couch but kuroo stops you by grabbing your arm.
"where are you going?"
"to the couch?"
"but this is our bedroom?"
"no, this is your bedroom," you emphasize.
"y/n." his tone feels cold to you. "talk to me."
"we are talking, are we not?"
he starts scratching the back of his neck. "yes but you know it's not the same. what's going on baby?"
his hand to tries to reach your cheek to stroke it with his thumb but you turn away and immediately stand up from his bed. "it's okay kuroo, please go back to sleep. it's the weekend, you should rest."
his heart chips at the gesture. why are you avoiding him like this? what did he do? what happened to 'tetsu?'
"it's tetsu to you," he mumbles.
you open your mouth but shut it and cast you eyes away from his stare down at the floor.
"it's always been tetsu to you," he states.
you're still silent and he takes it as his queue to continue speaking.
"baby, everyday i come home from work and you barely acknowledge me. you're always busy doing 'college stuff' or something else. you barely hug me or even kiss me anymore. what happened? what did i do? did i do something wrong? did i overstep my boundaries? are you mad at me about something? please i wanna know what i did wrong so i can fix myself."
your heart softens at his words and you begin to immediately reassure him.
"there's nothing wrong with you... nothing has ever been wrong with you... i just want to work on giving you your space. i know that you think i'm clingy and so i wanted to work on just giving you room to breathe. i know i can be a little too much sometimes. i'm sorry for not realizing how clingy my actions were sooner. i'm sorry i-"
he immediately walks over to you and brings you to his chest, hugging you tightly. your eyes slightly widen. "don't you dare fucking apologize. it's not your fault. shit, it's never been your fault, baby. what made you even think that?"
in embarrassment, you mumble, "i heard you say i'm clingy to kenma. sorry i didn't mean to overhear."
"oh, my love," he pulls away and looks at you with a sad look in his eyes. "it's not what you think."
he sighs and he sits on the side of the bed and taps the bed space in front of him for you to sit down as well. "kenma's been trying to get me to go meet some new volleyball members to affiliate them with the jva and to be honest, i already have so much on my plate with the current affiliates, that i'm really trying to avoid going out for dinner with him. i'm trying to get one of my coworkers to go on my behalf to seal the deal but i can't find anyone willing to."
"i just used your name as an excuse. i swear on my life, i never really meant that. i never ever meant to hurt you."
still finding it hard to believe him, you mumble, "you don't need to lie.. i understand if-"
"y/n, i swear on my mother, i'm not lying," he interrupts. "every single fucking day, the only think i ever look forward to is seeing your beautiful face in my apartment. i look forward to your rambles about the new show you started watching or how the current professor you're shadowing is a douche. i love your bear hugs and i love the way you kiss me all over my face in the mornings. fuck, i love knowing that i get to go to sleep with you every night and i get to wake up to you every morning. i love you, just the way you are. please don't ever change yourself over some fucking lie i said."
"i'm so sorry y/n, so sorry for ever making you doubt my love for you," he intertwines his hand in yours and looks into your eyes. "i'll do anything to regain your trust.
he senses the hesitation in your eyes and honestly, he can't blame you. you've been harboring this guilt for a week and it makes sense that you're still feeling a little uncomfortable around him.
but to his surprise, you inch your way closer to him and hug his chest and the tears begin to fall. his body tenses and he feels so guilty about everything. he rubs reassuring circles on your back and kisses your head every few moments.
after you wipe your tears on his shirt, you look up at him and honestly kuroo hates to admit this but you still look gorgeous even with a tear stained face. he's grinning at you and begins to pepper your face with his kisses.
"love you to the moon and back," he whispers into your ear.
you chuckle and kiss him on the lips. "love you to the moon and back, tetsu."
in that moment, he swears to himself that he'll make sure that you never have to doubt his love for you ever again.
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kozume kenma
as the ceo of his own startup company, a youtube streamer, and a college student, kenma can almost never find any time to himself. the only time he really feels at peace is either when he's asleep or when he's with you.
but sometimes things get so hectic and suffocating, he just wants to be alone, away from the world.
after a long day of classes, you walk into your shared apartment and you can hear kenma talking from his bedroom/home office. you try to keep quiet not disturbing him.
in hopes of cheering him up, you decide what better way to do so by making his favorite food: apple pie. you put down your stuff on the living room couch, grab the apron, and get to work.
kenma stays locked up in his bedroom for the majority of time that you're baking and a part of you just hopes that maybe he'll come out to just say "hi" or just accompany you to see what you're up to but unfortunately he doesn't.
after the pie is done baking in the oven and you've brought him a slice so he can get some food in his system because you're sure he hasn't been taking care of himself. you're hoping that maybe, just maybe, the both of you will finally get to spend some time together.
you knock on the door twice.
no response.
you knock once more and call out his name, "kenma, you busy still?"
still no response.
you sigh, realizing there was no hope in knocking, and decide to twist the knob and enter his room. you're greeted with the sight of him sitting on his gaming chair, knees to his chest, headphones over his ears, and slightly biting the eraser top of his pencil.
he must have felt the presence of someone else in the room with him because he looked away from his computer screen and his eyes widened. he slid his headphones off his ear and hung them around his neck.
"how long have you been home?" he bluntly asks.
"for an hour or two now, i think," you reply.
“oh sorry, i didn’t see you,” he mumbles.
you chuckle in response. “i didn’t think you would considering you’ve been cooped up in your room the entire time.”
“well yeah,” he says. “i’m busy.”
as he’s about to put his headphones back on and get back to work, you speak up. “i know you’re busy but do you wanna eat with me? i made-”
“can we talk later? i don’t have time for your clinginess right now.”
he puts his headphones on and indulges himself back in his work, not even registering the weight of his words.
you slowly walk out of his room, silently close the door, grab yourself a slice of apple pie originally made for the both of you, and plop yourself on the couch to watch some new show on the television.
after working for nearly hours on end, kenma finally finishes the load of work he had piled. now all he wants to do is just spend some time with you before going to bed. he walks out of the bedroom and is greeted by you asleep with the television humming in the background.
he can't help but let a small smile envelop his features. it's such a domestic sight and he wants to photograph this moment in time.
he knows he said some harsh words to you out of frustration but he hopes that you understand that he didn’t truly mean them.
he goes over and kisses your forehead and he smells the distinctive scent of apple pie and his heart softens at the thought that you made him his favorite food.
he goes over to his bedroom, grabs a blanket and lays it over you and goes under the blanket, snuggling himself closer to you. he hasn't felt this relaxed in a while and your presence is just so comforting to him.
he doesn't know what he'd do without you.
the next morning, you wake up and find yourself in an awkward position and your feel arms wrapped around your torso. you look to your left and are greeted by kenma's sleeping figure and you can't help but smile.
but you remind yourself of what he told you yesterday and you silently get up from the couch and begin to get ready for the rest of your day.
his words, "i don't have time for your clinginess right now", really had sent you into a spiral last night and you were too exhausted to think clearly. did you always come off as clingy to him? you were definitely a bit more energetic and enthusiastic than him but you never thought it was clingy?
you can't seem to think straight so you decide to maybe go out for a walk, just to take your mind off things. you just need some time alone, away from your apartment with him.
kenma wakes up only a few minutes later and he feels cold. his neck is sore, considering how he slept in an uncomfortable position because he wanted to sleep with you. however, to his surprise, he doesn't find you asleep next to him.
as he walks around the house, calling your name, a sense of urgency begins to form in the pit of his stomach.
he dials your number and it goes to voicemail.
he does it again. still voicemail.
he's about to call you one more time until he hears the jangle of keys and the door opening. a sigh of relief leaves his mouth and as you're about to turn your keys to open the door, he's a step ahead of you, opening the door for you.
"oh my god, i thought you went missing," kenma hugs you, catching you by surprise. "where'd you go?"
hesitant to reply, you say, "oh just went on a walk, that's all."
"you should've told me, we could've gone together," he states. "i feel like we haven't seen each other in forever."
"it's fine. don't worry about it."
there's something wrong and he can sense it in your demeanor. as you're heading to the master bedroom, he can see the way your shoulders slump as you put your keys back. he doesn't address your distant behavior, thinking that you're just having a rough morning and it'll get better as the day goes on.
unfortunately, it doesn't get better.
you seem to be fine but you just feel incredibly distant.
kenma's been playing games in his room all day and unlike usual, you're not in his bedroom watching him play or sitting on the bed scrolling through your phone. his gaming experience isn't the same when you're not there.
he pauses his game and goes out to the living room to see you lying down on the couch, scrolling through videos on your phone. he wants to ask why you're not staying with him but he doesn't want to make overstep your boundaries, especially since it seems like you're not in a good mood.
but that's anything from what you want.
you want him to ask you to stay in his room and keep you company. but because he hasn't done so, his word "clingy" began to scream louder in your head and to be frank, that's the only thing roaming in your head.
"do you want to do anything today?" he asks. "you know.. because it's the weekend and we can go out if you want? like going out to eat?"
a part of you began to feel guilty considering he was thinking about what you wanted to do and you hated feeling like a burden towards him. he already expressed his disapproval with you when he said he found you clingy so you didn't want to impose any further.
"no it's okay," you reply, eyes glued to your phone. "i don't want to annoy you or anything.. so i'll just go on my own or something..."
he hums in response but his eyebrows furrow as he doesn't seem to move from his spot. he can tell there's something wrong and you're obviously being very dodgy with him about the subject which is why he decides to take a seat on the couch and snatch your phone from your hands before you can even register what's happened.
"hey give me back my phone!" you sit up, stretching yourself over to grab your phone back from him in a failed attempt.
"not until you tell me what's wrong," he says flat.
you sigh, knowing that this conversation isn't inevitable. you can't avoid him forever "you called me clingy yesterday, kenma. sorry that i don't really want to hang out with you right now."
the words that leave your mouth have kenma in a state of shock. you took that seriously? you really thought he meant that? in order to ease his busy day of meetings back to back, you came home baked him some apple pie to ease him from his stresses.
and what did he do in return? called you clingy when you just wanted to spend some well-deserved time with him. god, he was being so ungrateful. his body fills with guilt when he he realizes you took his comment to heart.
“honey, i-” he starts and then is cut off with your words.
"i understand where you were coming from, i like to show my affection with you through physical touch and i know you’ve never been one to really reciprocate that," you begin to ramble. "so i’m really sorry for pushing your boundaries and i’ll give you the space that you need."
guilt is eating him away and he needs to clear the air now, otherwise you might be closed off forever and he’s not sure if he’s ever going to be able to reconnect with you.
“y/n, honey, don't apologize for this. it’s not your fault at all,” he starts. he puts down the phone onto the couch and grabs both of your hands and squeezes them assuringly. “i'm sorry for pushing you away and calling you clingy. you didn't.. you never deserve to be told that."
his hand finds its way to your cheek and he begins to rub comforting slow circles. seeing the sullen look on your face made him realize that he never wants to see you like this ever again. it was like you had lost the light in your eyes. kenma hated how he had diminished that so quickly by making you think that he didn't like your company.
he loves you so much; he could never imagine what life would be like without your presence.
a small smile begins to creep back on to your face and kenma finds himself in a slight sense of relief.
"it's okay," you finally utter out. "do you wanna watch that new episode? apparently there is so much drama now and i'm avoiding socials so i don't get spoiled..."
he chuckles, "i'll do anything with you."
he knows that he can't take back his words from before but as he's sitting on the couch with you in his embrace, he knows he can show you his love through his actions. he'll do anything to bring back that trust to you.
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© tetsumie 2023 all rights reserved 
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hon3y-y · 4 months
your choso has rewired my brain...literally cant stop thinking about popular reader who has a new bf every week x virgin nerd choso who despite his inexperience has every intention to leave you dumb on the end of his cock. He even lets you slap his books down and talk shit about him with your little girlfriends in public, but behind closed doors you're the one crying and begging him hdjsjs definition of 'send her back to her bf w my handprint on her ass' aaaaa and if its a love story, it turns out chosos had the fattest crush on her bc he knows shes actually a sweetie at heart but loves her toxic side too and gives her the best dick until she stops playing around like THE REVERSAL 😭 he would be so sweet in his own way and so loyal and a fucking dog to her lowkey but covers it up with mean words and pussy slaps 🥺
Nerd!choso has a special place in my pants heart😵‍💫
Cw; nastyy smut, filming, infidelity(👀), choso is a little pervy but that’s why we love him🫶, talks of bodily fluids, reader is a lil mean
After the first time you fucked, he was extremely a little mad about you dating someone the next day (especially since it was his first time and you knew that) but quickly forgot about it once he had his head between your legs later that night, your mouth babbling nonsense when he sucked a little too hard.
He would purposefully leave hickies on your chest and thighs, smiling cheekily as he watched your shakey legs try to dress yourself. “Don’t look at me that way," you mumbled, your usual attitude gone and replaced with shyness under his intense gaze. Yeah, he didn’t have to worry.
Choso let's you get away with everything. the laughing, the pushing, and the taunts about how “small” he probably is from your friends (to which he nearly smirks when you stiffen slightly). He goes along with all of it and even watches you tongue-fuck your stupid boyfriend, who’s likely one hard hit to the head away from permanent brain damage. But he can’t stay mad; you look so cute trying to be tough. Eyebrows furrowed and a little hiss in your tone, knowing that the moment everyone disappears, you’re nothing but a sobbing mess, begging for him to touch you.
You’re in his room later, bent into a mating press, gasping for air as his cock clumsily batters your g-spot. “Yes—fuck, cho! "Your skin feels so hot, and your mind is so numb. Choso is nearly just as loud, already cumming two times, but watching you made it impossible to pull out. A sticky mess of both your fluids caused gooey strings to form whenever he moved away, the erotic sight making him pull out and reach for his phone. “W-what are you—"
You tried to sit up when the light of a camera flashed in your eyes, making you gasp before he tilted it down, focusing on your pussy. “Look at how wet she is.” He reaches out to touch, making your hips jerk in sensitivity. He plays with your wetness, making your cheeks hot, showing off the substance to the camera before placing his finger on your hole to tap at the new cream that seeped out.
You went to pull your legs closed. "E-enough, Choso." You sent him a glare, making him laugh before leaning down to kiss your cunt. He pointed the camera up to catch your shocked face, and you glanced at it again. “Why are you filming this? I never said—"
You squeal as he nips your clit, immediately shutting up but sending him a harsh glare. He kisses your thigh at your compliance. “Do you really not want me to?” He stared up at you, putting little pecks on your bud, making your breath hitch. You shook your head, ‘no’, “fuck, I don’t care, just make me cum,” you whine, pushing his head down. You jolt up, your eyes widening, when you feel the stinging slap on your pussy.
You’re about to speak when he does it again and again, each hit harder than the previous one, a yelp of surprise escaping you as he forces the light in your eyes again, making you squint. “You’re such a slut, it’s almost pathetic." His harsh words make you pout, mumbling about how mean he is. “I’m mean? Tell the camera why you came here.” You bite your lip, looking away, causing him to grab your chin and force you to look. “I’m not asking.”
It feels humiliating: “He couldn’t make me cum.” Your voice is quiet, but you could practically feel the cocky smile on Choso's face. “Who’s he?” You want to die, shaking your head. He rolled his eyes, tapping on your cheek to signal you to talk. With a sigh, you repeat yourself, “My boyfriend couldn’t make me cum.” Choso mockingly coos behind the camera, his thumb going to rub your swollen bud. “And how many times have you cum since getting here?”
He pans the camera back and forth between your needy pussy and pretty face, your sweaty skin glistening under the intense lighting making his cock impossibly harder. You look so delicate, just helplessly taking the pleasure he gives you because your body needs him so bad. Tears gather in your waterline whenever he applies more pressure, eyes zeroing in on the slick that starts to drip down your ass.
You can’t answer, your jaw hanging open when he quickened his pace. Your chest is heaving as you chanted out ‘please!’ hips thrusting up to meet him until you quickly cum with a shutter, choso slowing but not stopping as you relax again. You look up to the camera with a tired smile, holding up your hands to signal four, your eyes could barely remain open, head flopping back into the pillow. your eyes are getting heavy, nearly having you succumb to sleep when you feel his tip align with your cunt. “Flip over, slut.”
He forces you to film yourself as he pounds into you from behind, crying when he leans down to tug at your sore nipples. He forces your back to arch more, pathetically taking his cock into your swollen pussy. If you drop the camera, he’ll wait until you pick it up again. Or, he’ll snatch it from your hand to catch you desperately rutting against him, begging him to let you cum and “fuck you right." He does just that, leaving you with a fried brain and a puddle of your own drool, tears, and juices from how intensely he made you squirt.
Honestly, he’s so horny and has so much stamina he’ll just keep going until he’s shooting blanks, making sure to point the camera at the cum that leaks out of your puffy cunt, spreading your lips so it can closely get your gaping hole. Of course, after he’s had his fun, he’ll gently take care of you. You’re practically sleeping already, barely being able to speak as he nods along to your near incoherent praise, “S'good t’me. Luv you so much."He smiles, a giddy feeling in his tummy, as he holds a water bottle to your lips, which you gulp down quickly, not realizing how dehydrated you really were. He tucks you in, cuddling as you grip onto him tightly.
It’s not long after that you stop seeing the guy you were with, or any for that matter (at least, according to your friends' knowledge). When they ask what happened, you just shrug, making up some excuse, trying not to stutter as the vibrations in your panties speed up. Choso watches closely, smiling happily as you try to discreetly roll your hips<3
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A/n: I need him so bad it’s getting to me. Also, send request bc writers block is a btch. Mwah💋
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Mean! Perv! Billy Hargrove x innocent! Pastor daughter! Reader
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Contains: Dub con, somnophilia near the end
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ He would see you around town with your short dresses and the rosary hanging around your neck
♡ he thought you were so cute but you stayed away from him like the plague, your father told you all about billy hargrove how he was a womanizer, too consumed by lust, how he was no good.
♡ you had never actually spoken to billy, you had made eye contact a few times but you would quickly run off, that is until he was dragged to your father's church by his dad
♡ there he saw you standing near your mother at the front of the church, while your father gave a speech about something he didnt care about. He watched your doe eyes wonder around the church paying more attention to the stained glass windows
♡ he came up to you as everyone was talking, he stalked behind you noticing you were nervously playing with your fingers as if you didnt know what to do with your hands. You jumped when you felt his breathe on your neck
♡ shocked to see billy Hargrove of all people behind you, he cornered you against the wall trapping you from escaping.
"I- um cant talk right now m-my dad is probably wondering where I am I have to go-"
"Hold your horses princess, I just want to talk about our lord and saviour"
"You can talk to my dad he- um he knows a lot more than me"
♡ he somehow manages to keep you talking to him, enough to get you to ramble and prolong the conversation
"That is a lovely dress, it looks so beautiful you"
"Thanks my mom got it for me- actually she gets all my clothes, I'm not allowed to buy myself clothes without her permission- BUT I- i dont mind, I like what she picks out, makes me look nice a-and I dont like choosing things I'm very indecisive and I would probably be there all day so I'm actually happy she chooses my clothes because-"
♡ he simply stares at you while you talk not interrupting simply listening to you speak. He knows he makes you nervous, the way your eyes dart everywhere except his is laughable
♡ unfortunately the conversation is cut short by your father and his dad
"Billy hargrove, come to make a mockery out of my daughter?"
"No sir I've actually seen the light, your daughter was just telling me about you gorgeous church and how much of a loyal man you are to god. Honestly sir I have so much respect for you"
"I- well thank you- I've been doveted to our lord for as long as I remember it's nice for someone to finally acknowledge my efforts. I'm happy to help you find your way to god and banish those demons for good, your father and I were just talking about hanging out at my house perhaps you can come along, I'm sure Y/N is happy to help you with your journey"
"That would be lovely sir"
♡ who knew it sould be so easy to get access to you when he fuel your father's ego?
♡ the next week billy happily went over to your house, you were sat at the dining room table with a bible infront of you as well as some other books and sheets once again refusing to make eye contact with him as your father lead him to you.
♡ you meekly asked him a few questions about how much he knew and where he would like to start off on
"Wherever you would like doll"
♡ billy didnt pay attention to anything you were saying this time, too busy looking at the photos around your house and the decor. He only looked back at you when stumbled over your words and looked like you were on the verge of tears
"What's wrong sweetheart? You okay?"
"I- um I just dont think I'm the person you should be doing this with- i- I dont know why my dad put you up to this- I've never done this before I dont know what I'm doing"
♡ he smiled as tears rolled down your cheeks, your lips forming a pout which sent a shock down to his forming hard on. He placed his hand on your thigh causing you jolt
"That's okay, you're doing so good for me already. I already feel like a worthy man"
♡ you placed your hand on top of his, playing with his fingers as he massaged circles into your soft skin.
♡ he slid his hands further between your thighs, now feeling up your flesh and slowly making his way to the flower in between your legs
"Y-you cant do that you shouldnt be touching there- I- were not married- I'm going to go to hell if you do that-"
♡ you made no actual attempt at removing his hand, simply holding his wrist as he stared at you smirking, he glanced around to see if anyone was near.
"You're not going to hell it's not like we're doing anything against the lords rules, I'm just touching you. It cant be bad if it feels good, can it?"
♡ he grazes his lips over yours letting you smell the cigarettes and mint gum on his breathe, soon removing himself from you and turning to the table as the adults walk in
"Everything going okay In here?"
"Absolutely sir, Y/N here was just telling me about easter"
♡ your meetings soon became a scheduled event and nothing else had happened since that first meeting
♡ that was until your father had left you alone with billy, a horrible mistake on his part
♡ when he first noticed the quietness in the house he was worried he got the wrong date that is until you meekly walked out of the shadows and lead him to your usual spot at the dining table
"Where's your parents?"
"Hes out with your dad I- i think they're fishing.."
"What about your mom?"
"Shes at her book club..."
♡ the giddiness in billy was comparable to a child on Christmas. over the weeks he had gained your trust, convincing you that he was serious about god
♡ so when he suggesting going to your room instead you agreed (although hesitantly)
♡ walking into your room he immediately noticed the cross hanging above your canopy bed which was pushed against the wall. The curtains around it almost highlighted your sleeping area.
♡ he quickly noticed how embarrassed you were, perhaps it was the stuffed toys, or the light colours, or the photos on the walls?
♡ you ushered him on the bed quickly preferring him to not stare at the immature state of your bedroom, although you would prefer posters of your favourite singers, pictures of your friends you were unable to at wishes of your father
♡ much like your first meeting billy let's you ramble, his eyes focused on your lips, he isnt sure what you're talking about especially when you bite your lip when reading out your notes
"Have you ever kissed someone before?"
♡ the question makes you choke on your breathe, whipping your head to face him. spluttering out a sentence
"What?! Why would you ask me that?! I- cant kiss anyone- I- I'll be in so much trouble- I'm not allowed to kiss anyone-"
"Would you like to?"
♡ that quickly shut you up as you looked up at him, he tilts his head at you and moves closer to you, his breath making goosebumps rise on your skin
♡ he kisses your unresponsive lips, too shocked at what is happening to kiss back (not that you knew how)
♡ when he pulled back you were staring at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He grabbed your stuff and set it on your vanity, his hand traveled to your side and pushed you on your back
♡ he towered over you, your breath hitching in your throat, his arms either side of your head. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, it took a while for you to relax and try to follow his movements but you eventually got the hang of it.
♡ just as the man himself things got rough quickly, his hand in your hair and his tongue entering your mouth. You melted against him wrapping your arms around Billys shoulders
♡ when you broke apart for air your lips were puffy and swollen, billy was looking no better his hair was disheveled and his eyes were half lidded.
♡ he kissed the side of you face travelling to your jaw then towards your neck, where you gripped his shirt as he licked a stripe over your neck.
♡His hands wondered down to your chest, pulling your sundress down to reveal your bra to him
"Wait! Wait wait I- billy i cant- we shouldnt be doing this we should stop"
"Sh sh shhh just take what I give you"
♡ his hands continued their exploring, flipping your bra to reveal your soft nipples, leaning down his breath soon hardened them making you whimper
♡ he kissed your right nipple while rolling the left in his hand, the hand unattended drifted down your thighs and under your dress
"Billy stop- we cant do this i- I- I'm gonna get into s'much trouble"
"It cant be wrong if it feels good baby"
♡ he continues kissing and fondling your breasts, his hand slipping to your underwear pressing a thumb against your clothed clit making you jolt your hips with a loud whine.
♡ he chuckled against your chest moving his face to meet yours
"That feel good? Want me to do it again?"
"I dont know- I dont know! Feels weird.."
♡ he kissed your mouth and let's his other hand wander to your thighs. he pulls back to get a full view of you, your thighs spread, your lips puffy, your tits out. A sight that would make the devil groan, which is what he did.
♡ he plays with your thighs and your clothed cunt, soon sliding the piece of fabric to the side to get a better view of your forbidden fruit. He watches as your fluids leak from you, clamping around nothing and clit twitching from the harsh temperature of the room
♡ he places his thumb over your clit watching you jerk against him, clearly not used to stimulation, he circles around it then leans down pressing a kiss against it (maybe a quick suck too)
♡ the action makes you cry
"Billy 'is dirty"
♡ he slides with finger in you, the heat and tightness of your body almost making him cum in his pants. You're mewling underneath him and he gives you feelings you've never experienced
♡ his fingers work you open aiming to make sure you're able to fit his cock. When he pulls pants down to his thighs and grips his cock, your eyes are wide and full of second thoughts. Being the gentlemen he is he grabs your hand and makes you feel it
"S'hot, 'n it feels weird"
"Supposed to be hot gonna make you all warm"
"S'not gonna fit, your fingers felt too much, cant take this.."
"Cant take my cock?"
"Dont say that! That's dirty!"
♡ he drags his cock head over your clit, the heat of it shutting you up.
"I'll make it fit baby"
♡ he pulls your thighs apart and wraps his arm around your head, his body encapsulates yours as he pressed his cock inside of you. The stretch hurts and leaves you grabbing as much as billy as you can, he whispers praises to the side of your neck as he desperately tries to hold back.
♡ after an intense 5 minutes of him rubbing your clit and getting you to relax he starts thrusting, soft and slow but soon picking up as you unconsciously buck you hips into his. Your bed shook and you cried into his neck as he defiled you for any other man
"That feel good?"
"Ah- Feels big! 'Feel so full ngh- too full!"
"Yeah? Ya think your god would like this?"
"Gon' be In so much trouble billy"
"Ngh fuck- I'll be your god baby, I'll never get mad at you- fucking take it for me- you'll be my most devoted follower, c'mon say I'm your god, say it, say it for me baby 'n I'll make you feel so good c'mon say it"
"My god- y- your my god"
"Good girl, fuck-"
♡ as you reached orgasm you tried to push him off telling him that you were gonna pee, luckily for him you werent strong especially when you were getting your beliefs banged out.
♡ you came with a wail wrapping your legs around his waist, trapping him inside you, his hips stuttering as he came inside you.
♡ thus a sneaky beautiful relationship began
♡ hed take you for dates at his favourite cafe ordering milkshakes then stealing the cherry placed on top of yours then making jokes about once again "stealing your cherry"
♡ he steals your underwear especially when hes been teasing you all day, he likes the juices you leave behind, likes sucking on them, cumming on them, keeping them for himself and returning them soiled
♡ let's you come to the pool after hours just so he can fuck you in the water
♡ definitely buys you thin white bikinis just so he can see what's underneath when they get wet
♡ has grabbed a lollipop from your lips and pretended to fuck your mouth with it, you're none the wiser and assume he wants you to get the most flavour out it
♡ touches you in church and whispers how gross you are
"You're disgusting, really letting me touch you in the house of god?"
♡ flips up your skirt all the time, he blames the wind even if theres no breeze.
♡ he had dinner with your parents and had his fingers knuckle deep inside you the entire time, liking your juices if his fingers when dessert came out
♡ comes in through you window just so he can see you without prying eyes, he either wakes you up like a normal person or he wake you up by eating you out/ fingering you
♡ has had phone sex with you multiple times, he treats it like a confession booth and hes mostly degrading you the entire time
"You're fucking disgusting thinking about my cock, you're supposed to be a child of god" - says the man with your panties wrapped around his cock
♡ has gotten you drunk before and made you grind on his foot while you suck along his cock
♡ chokes you with your rosary when hes fucking you from behind, pulls on it like a leash
♡ taught you how to masturbate by sitting you infront of a mirror and touching you, you never fully learnt because billy has no self control
♡ bites you in places that arent visible to your parents, says you've been bitten by the devil
♡ spits in your mouth all the time
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kingkaizen · 2 months
𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓬'𝓼
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∘ desc: breeding scenarios revolving around the jujutsu kaisen boys, hope you enjoy <3
∘ ft: gojo, geto, nanami, sukuna,+ choso
∘ a/n: first post on the blog! im so excited for you all to read. pls let me know if you want something similar for different characters, i'm open to ideas!
∘ includes: nsfw, breeding, dirty talk, creampie, crying
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↠ this man has one of the biggest breeding kinks, this isn’t up for debate he’s so serious
↠ he can’t help but love the possessiveness of it all, the way you squeeze around him so tight while he mumbles over and over about how much he wants to fill you up
↠ “Fuck princess, you’re clenching around me so hard..makes me wanna give that pretty pussy what it deserves.”
↠ “Yeah, you want me to cum inside you baby? How bad do you want it? Tell me baby.”
↠ he can’t really make out your desperate response, but he could tell how much his words are affecting you by the way your back begins to arch paired with your eyes rolling to the back of your head
↠ the thought of getting you pregnant turns him on much more than he’d like to admit to you, why wouldn’t he want to put his claim over you in the most primal way possible?
↠ gojo can’t stop himself from pounding into you harder, reaching impossibly deeper as he presses your legs against your chest 
↠ “I can’t wait to see you all full with my cum, with our child.” 
↠ his fingers stroke at your clit before moving up to rub your tummy
↠ “right here? im gonna fuck a baby into you.”
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↠ geto’s breeding kink isn’t something that he’s ever mentioned to you before
↠ truthfully, it isn’t really something that he’s put much thought into in the first place
↠ it’s more of an “in the moment” thing
↠ he’s always been very rational, but all sense goes out the window once he hears your voice
↠ “god, you always sound so cute for me. begging for my cum just how i like.”
↠ he wants you to tell him how much you want it. He won’t give it to you unless he knows how desperate you are
↠ but even then, he knows that there’s no way that he could ever deny you anything
↠  so when he finally does let it all go, he doesn’t stop until you’re shaking underneath him
↠ “i’m gonna fill you up again and again until i cant anymore, you deserve it all.”
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↠ breeding to sukuna is a privilege
↠ he doesn’t care how needy you get, if you don’t deserve it, he won’t give it to you
↠ he’s a huge tease, so even if you think you’ve been good, he’s still never going to make it that easy
↠ he loves it most when you work so, so hard just to prove it to him
↠ with your hands gripping the sheets beneath you, he has you on all fours, towering over you casually as you push back against him
↠ “god you’re such a slut, i didn’t think you were this desperate to get me off.”
↠ his laugh sounds so sinister coming from him, smiling so wide at the way your arms shook as they began to give out
↠ sighing deeply, he braces a hand against the headboard, other hand gripping your waist as he finally moves you on his cock himself
↠ “you’re so pathetic, making me do all the work when you promised you could make me cum yourself. i guess you’d rather have me finish on your back then, hm?”
↠ the sound of your whining in response makes him feel that much more powerful
↠ “calm down, im just kidding. i’ll make sure you take it all inside of you like a good girl.”
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↠ nanami isnt someone that i can see wanting kids
↠ sure, he probably would be very good with kids but it isnt something that he necessarily wants for himself
↠ the only aspect of this kink that nanami enjoys is the mess
↠ sex with him is always so passionate, he puts his everything into making you feel good
↠ he can’t help but crave the sight of his cum leaking out of your cunt, and the way it always leaves you twitching and begging for more
↠ “you always feel so good, getting me so worked up already.”
↠ after he’s through with you, he never stops there
↠ carefully placing your sore legs back down from their previous spot on his shoulders, he slowly plunges his fingers into your core
↠ he’s almost ashamed of himself by how much he gets off to your fallen tears as he scoops his cum from inside of you, hushing your soft hisses with rough kisses to your face 
↠ “c’mon baby, i want you to see how good we taste together.”
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↠ breeding for choso isn’t about the potential risks or even the mess
↠ he simply just wants to bury himself deep inside of you, completely losing all and any sense of control
↠ he never really indulges you in this kink unless he really just needs to let off some steam
↠ seeing you wear literally anything is enough to get him in the mood, he’s so attracted to you
↠ you were both on your way to meet up with some friends, but he couldn’t help dragging you into the bathroom
↠ you soon found yourself being fucked against the wall, choso not having a care in the world about anyone who could just walk in
↠ “i’m sorry baby, i couldn’t wait, j-just wanna be inside you.”
↠ he thrusts into you with such urgency, so needy for his release so that he can watch the way his cum trickles down your thighs
↠ your nails dragging down his back while creaming all over him sends him right to the edge, loud and desperate groans making its way to your ears as he sets you back down
↠”now you’re gonna walk back out there and hold my cum inside of you until we’re done here, okay?”
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© kingkaizen | do not copy, steal, or duplicate!
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hyuckilstan · 6 months
Darling - P.Sh
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Pairing! — husband!Seonghwa x afab!reader
Genre! — fluffy smut
Summary! — seonghwa just cant wait to start a cute family with you :(
Warnings! — impregnation, breeding kink(cause c’mon its Hwa), the whole thing is sweet, its love making, praise, hwa calls reader darling a lot, dirty talk
Wc! — 1.8k+ words
a/n! — this was requested so I hope you like it
It was your usual Thursday evening, waiting for your very successful and busy husband to come home from work and fuck your brains out.
He usually got off early on Thursday so he always makes sure that he pays full attention on you when he gets home.
Today though, it seems that he is coming home later than he usually does, you don’t mind, of course, you know Seonghwa is a busy man with many responsibilities.
When you hear the sound of the door being unlocked you quickly jump up from your seat to give your husband a warm welcome.
He smiles back when he sees you and you smile, helping him to take off his coat and hanging it for him, “Thank you baby,” he says cupping your face and leaning down to kiss you and you happily return his kiss.
He walks to your shared bedroom to take a shower and now this time you’re waiting for your highly anticipated evening on the bed as you scroll through your phone.
When he walks out of the shower, you think you want the sight of Seonghwa with a towel loosely draped around his hips, abs glistening with small water droplets and damp hair that falls over his forehead which he usually combs back in a neat hairstyle to be imprinted in your head forever.
Seonghwa chuckles when he sees you staring, he then sits beside you, handing you a towel. You nod and shift to start drying his hair after putting your phone aside.
He hums, obviously relaxed from all the work stress, “This is nice, I missed you so much darling,” he says, “I missed you too Hwa, the house feels lonely without you.”
“I would get you a pet, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t like the thought of you paying attention to something else,” he jokes and you laugh, Seonghwa was always one to act rather possessive at times.
Once you’re done drying his hair, you put the towel away in the bathroom, when you get back to the bedroom, your husband is already staring at you with loving and lustful eyes.
“Come here,” he says, patting his lap and you walk over to him and he immediately pulls you by the wrist once you’re in his reach so that you are now sitting on his lap.
“Have you eaten?” you ask him when it gets too quiet and the tension is too strong for your brain to function properly, he shakes his head and smiles, kissing you on your temple.
“I’m craving something though,” he whispers in your ear, you feel like your whole body is heating up, especially when you start to notice Seonghwa’s bulge below you.
“What is it?” you probably sound so weak and defenseless right now, but he loves it.
“I’m craving for you darling, will you help me satisfy my hunger?” he asks oh so sweetly, you feel like you’re a prey and that he has cornered you but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once Seonghwa gets a little nod of affirmation from you, he delivers you a brief smirk and before you know it, he has already pinned you down on the bed, with his hands securing your wrists above your head.
A whimper leaves your mouth and he coos at you, “You’re so precious my darling, it makes me want to ruin you,” he kisses your neck and collarbones, then eventually kisses you passionately on your lips.
As he continues to kiss you all over your body, his hands snake under your shorts, cupping your heat, “You’re fucking wet darling, is it for me?” what a rhetorical question.
“Y-yes, only for you Hwa, only for you” your breath becomes hitched when he starts rubbing your clit after collecting your essence with his fingers, “I’m rock hard baby, only for you~” he repeats your own words to tease you.
His hand slides down from your clit to your hole, “I bet I can slip my fingers in you easily, maybe even my cock,” he whispers next to your ear, kissing along your jaw shortly after, “Should I test it out?”
When you whine out, Seonghwa takes it as a yes and easily slips two fingers in you, he hums in satisfaction when he proves his theory right, smirking at you while seeing your face filled with pleasure and ecstasy.
He slowly fucks his fingers into you, then sets it at a faster pace, resulting in you turning into a whining state. Seonghwa huffs out a laugh at your cuteness, he loves when you’re like this, his wife presented right in front of him, just for him.
“Fuck baby, I just have to be in you,” he says, “Please Hwa, I want you to fuck me,” you plead, and how could he say no, his sweet sweet wife was begging him to get fucked.
He makes haste to take off your shorts and shirt, he firsts admires you before progressing to take off your remaining under garments. You feel like his hands that are all over your body are making your body more hot.
He caresses you with love and passion, he’s calm, perhaps too calm for your liking given that your heart feels like its going to jump out of your chest, but then it is when he pulls away that you know the reason to why he's not in a hurry anymore.
You look at him with questioning eyes which makes him smile. He cups your cheeks, his thumb is circling your skin gently, “Well there’s been something that has my mind occupied as of late, but I’m not sure if you feel the same,” he tells you.
You tell him to go on, he doesn’t say anything though, he’s back to kissing you on your lips, his hand sliding up your breast to grope it, it makes you sigh in the kiss. You’re sure you can feel his smile against his lips.
For a second, you had the assumption that Seonghwa simply decided to not say what he was about to so you also chose to ignore it. Then he started kissing along your jawline, continuing his words, “Darling, what would you think of starting a family with me?” he whispers below your ear, it takes just a second for goosebumps to appear all over your skin.
You wouldn’t say it is in a bad way, rather, in a way that gets you excited, Seonghwa wants to start a family with you. That sentence rings in your head and you don’t even realize that he is waiting for your response.
When you snap out of it, your hands are in Seonghwa’s hair, tugging his hair. That already assures Seonghwa, but you answer him anyway, “As long as you promise to fuck the shit out of me,” you giggle and Seonghwa also huffs out a laugh.
He kisses your lips again for a brief moment, he’s back at smiling at you, its so warm, it makes you fall in love with Seonghwa all over again, he’s just graceful in every way; makes you wonder how you were lucky enough to marry him.
He starts lining his cock against your entrance, first rubbing it along your sex to collect your wetness, he finally prods the tip of his cock to your entrance, slowly pushing it in.
As he’s entering your hole, he takes you in his arms, holding you tightly and you both moan out, almost breathless. He stays like that for a while, caressing your face, kissing you there, his slim fingers are brushing your hair, it couldn’t get any more intimate while your husband is making love to you.
When he’s pushed all the way in, you clench around him, that makes Seonghwa groan out, then he suddenly pulls back to push back all the way in. It makes you wrap around him tightly, your nails digging in his back.
You can hear your husband's heavy breaths, its mixed with your whimpers when he starts fucking into you, rolling his hips skillfully, also pulling your hips against his.
He swallows your moans when he kisses you, he’s whispering all types of sweet words in your ear, all the more reminders that tell you that you fell in love with the right person.
“My darling likes being filled full of my cock, don’t you?” he says with a small smirk on his face and you nod gingerly
Seonghwa pulls away from holding you. He puts your legs above your shoulders, then pins your hands above your head securely with one of his hands, he continues to pound into you, the new position allowing him more access to thrust into you deeper.
Your whimpering and squirming only turns your husband more and he picks up his pace, peppering you with kisses all over and he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, “My darling is so pretty like this, all fucked up for me,” he groans in your ears.
Seonghwa wouldn’t admit it openly, but he has always thought of filling you with his cum until it flowed out of you, to see you pregnant so that everyone knows that he fucked his cum into you, it was the possessive thought that made him feel that way.
Now you’re lying under him, willingly giving him teh pleasure to do all of that, “Fuck baby, I can’t wait to see you all full of my cum, of my baby so that everyone knows you’re mine.”
Your moans fill up the room as Seonghwa whispers just the things he knows that would make you go crazy, so that your thoughts are filled with him and him only, he loves you so much and he makes sure you know it with every word and good fuck he delivers to you.
You let the pleasure take you, the pleasure that Seonghwa gives you and which he loves to until it starts forming a familiar feeling of overwhelming pleasure and your husband could tell, it was quite hard to miss when he felt you clench around him again, momentarily stopping his thrusts with the sudden action.
“Baby, if you clench around me like that I won’t last long,” he tells you right before licking your lips as he starts to kiss you again his words doesn’t help and before you know it, you’re coming while he’s deep into you.
Once Seonghwa realizes that you have gone into your blissful orgasm, he fucks into faster, harder, deeper, his arms are still holding you tightly into place, but this time by your hips while you shudder in pleasure.
Seonghwa’s heavy breaths can be heard when he finally empties into you, his warm release filling you up, he pulls away, staring at your exhausted body for a while.
His eyes avert from your own to your cum filled hole, Seonghwa clicks his tongue before bending back down to kiss over your collarbone, “Cum is flowing out of you darling..” he calmly states in a raspy voice.
A gasp leaves you when he pushes his fingers into your abused hole, pushing his release back into you, “We can’t have that can we?” he hums in question.
Seonghwa smiles at you, caressing your face gently, like he always has, “You did so well for me my love,” he tells you and you hum, pulling him into a hug.
Your husband holds you close as nonetheless you wrap your arms around him tightly, he does the same, almost as if he’s afraid to let you go. He kisses your forehead without saying anything, not like there is anything to be said
“You’re going to be a great mother darling,” he said, a smile spreads across your face, knowing that you might be able to give Seonghwa what he always wants give you happiness, and the fact that he wants to experience having a family with you was a huge next step.
“You’re also going to be a great mother Hwa,” Seonghwa laughs at your joke, he’s aware that sometimes he might give off a mother energy or title rather than a father’s but he’s okay with that though
As long as he gets to experience that with you.
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Taglist!— @yeo-hehet , @hwanchaesong , @enivivs , @alphadisaster , @zen626 , @whatudowhennooneseesyou , @amangooo , @riboism (feel free to inform me if I had forgotten to add you or you wanted to be added in the taglist!)
I'm Going through my taglist right now and since I haven't been here for a long looooong time, if there's anyone who got left out please do inform me
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©hyuckilstan 2023. All rights reserved.
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kimis-gloves · 2 months
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sour - charles leclerc
word count : 780 - oneshot
hehe a lil charlie smut>:)
warnings: morning sex, dirty talk, petnames, if you squint very hard then angst?? but not rlly, softdom!charles, slight degrading, post/pre shower sex.
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as early in the morning as it was, you hear Charles turning on the shower, humming whatever song he has stuck in his head from the never ending party you two went to last night. through your raging headache, you miss the warmth of your boyfriend so you stumble your way into the connecting bathroom, still in his hoodie that you managed to change into at 4:30 in the morning. Charles, already in the shower, washing off the sticky champagne & sweat. Coming p2 in Australia was something to be proud of, but he didnt feel proud. he hoped to do better next time as he hears y/n stumble her way into the bathroom, quickly going for a pee before speaking to charles through the glass doors.
“Good morning charles, ill start us some coffee”
“Thank you my love”
as you head out to make charles his favourite way of coffee, he finishes his shower and steps out to dry himself off and thats when you walk back in, coffees in hand. he looks absolutely amazing like this. hes stood infront of the large window, in nothing but a towel. the water beading off of him and dripping out of his hair. you set down the coffees and make your way towards the drool worthy man thats infront of you. you wrap your arms around his shoulders as you leave soft and wet kisses along his jawline. already being in somewhat of a sour mood, charles doesn’t appreciate your teasing and takes things into his own hands as he quickly grabs you by your hips and bends you over the counter top, almost knocking off the now close to cold coffees.
“A-Ah, no talking cherie, just let me take care of you right now~”
and with that you did. quickly shutting up for him as you let the man take however much control he desired from you. you thank him for any type of touch that he gives you. he goes to quickly pull down your panties, when he realizes you dont even have any on.
“What a dirty girl you are cherie.. no panties and already dripping out of your cunt like this? My my, im not sure what i should do with such a whore like you.”
he aggressively puts a hold into your hair and pulls you up to be face close to charles, breathing rapidly as he whispers,
“dont move, dont make a sound or else you will regret it. listen as i say and you wont have to suffer, am i clear darling?”
“Yes c-Charles” you say with a whine
“Hm, i dont think i was” he mutters, slowly sliding his tip along your slick-coated pussy. you whine again when he quickly smacks the side of your thigh “No noise, slut” he growls before shoving his 2 fingers into your mouth, allowing you to lick and spit on them. pulling them out and away from your mouth he instead inserts them both into your cunt.
fighting back moans, you clench your walls around charles’ fingers, letting him know how much you want to be filled his his cock.
“mon amour you feel so good, i cant wait to fill you with my cum.” he grumbled into your ear as he finally inserts his cock into your aching cunt, he bottoms out with a low hum into your ear. he slowly grinds into your pussy, drawing out lewd sounds from both of you. both you and Charles have given up on trying to keep you quiet as he just gets completely lost into your body. he sets a firm & steady pace, nearly knocking you out as he suddenly slams into you, the noise that leaves both your and his mouth is something that belongs in a porno. he wraps around your torso, one hand grabbing and pinching onto your nipple and the other reaching down to your throbbing clit. the sudden sensation is enough to set you over and soon enough you find yourself cumming all over his cock and fingers, him quickly following after as the tight & wet feeling on his cock is just too good not to cum from.
slowly pulling out of you, he’s planting kisses all over your body. turning the shower back on as he guides you in, making sure the water is the perfect temperature and that you aren’t going to topple over.
“my love, i should probably go remake these coffees” Charles laughs, placing a kiss onto your temple. as you watch Charles put his clothes on and leave the bathroom, coffees in hand, you couldn’t be more thankful to have such a perfect boyfriend like him.
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a/n: i hope u enjoyed❤️ this was just something small. likes & reblogs always appreciated ❤️❤️
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ilwonuu · 4 months
I seen and read
˖first time. k.yeosang
Can you make a san version and Seongwha version pretty please. I'm not comfortable showing my name. But I'll give me initials TC
YES YES!!! thank you for your request!! seonghwa version soon<3 I HOPE U LIKE
𖥔 ͙ࣳ   𓂃 first time. c.san
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summary- your and your boyfriend have sex for the first time.
warnings- protected sex,sweetbf!san, affection, kissing, hickeys, slight blood, overstimulation, squirting, first time, pet names(love,sweet girl, baby) (sannie), lmk what else 😇
authors note- this one might be better or worse than the yeosang one but make sure to read that one😘😘
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your boyfriend has never rushed you into sex. always making sure to take his time with you and not making you feel pressured. you feeling more comfortable with him than anyone you know. now that you are thinking that you’re ready for sex. you decided to bring it up to him.
“sannie?” you call out to him before joining him in your shared bed. “yes love?” he looks at you happily. “are you tired?” you ask biting your lip nervously. he shakes his head. “only a little love. why whats up?” he shifts more of his attention to you.
“well.. i wanted to talk about you taking my virginity san…” he nods at you listening intensely. “i think i’m ready for you san. i want to have sex with you.” you say trying to sound as sure as possible. “oh really love?”
you nod at him quickly. “you wanted to do this tonight?” he asked not taking his eyes off you. “yes.. sannie i need you.” you say playing with his shirt slowly pulling it off him.
“a little eager?” he chuckles at you. “been thinking about you all day sannie.” you look away from him. a little shy about how openly needy you’re being.
“should’ve said something sooner hm?” he pulls your shirt off you. he slowly kisses down your chest and pulls your pants off you. “i would’ve taken care of my needy girl earlier love.” he smiles at you innocently. he starts softly sucking on your neck.
you moan out his name at the feeling. “touch me sannie..” you practically cry out. “mm of course love.” he pulls your panties to the side moving you so that you’re sitting on his lap now. you back against his chest as his hands rest on your thighs. “let me make sure you’re prepared okay love? it’s your first time and i don’t want to hurt you at all okay?” he smiles at you as he inserts his first finger into you. he kisses and sucks on your neck watching as you squirm under his touch. “look so pretty hm.” he says watching your mouth fall open as his finger hits you deeply. you moan quickly showing him you’re enjoying the feeling.
“san-please more i cant-“ he is watching you from the side in awe as he slides another finger into you. “you’re so wet already love.. i just started touching you.” he sucks on your neck roughly leaving marks.
“oh fuck.” his words immediately making you squirm again against him. “feel good sweet girl?” his voice and his words having you intoxicated as you nod quickly. he curls his fingers deeper into you. hitting your g-spot repeatedly. “s-sannie please fuck me.” you manage to mumble to words. “yea love? thats what you want ill give it to to you.” he smirks pulling his fingers out and putting them into his mouth.
“let me grab a condom okay sweet girl?” he shifts you to lay down on the bed as he grabs a condom out of his drawer.
you two bought some to have them ready for whenever you two needed them. “okay we’re gonna go slow okay?” he says as he pulls down his pants and his boxers letting his hard dick out. “i can take it sannie please.” you beg him sweetly.
“okay i believe you love but still just making sure you are comfortable okay?”
he moves in between your legs slightly lining up with you. you watch him as he slides the condom onto his dick. lining up with you as he gives your head a quick kiss. “you ready?” he asks you unclasping your bra and throwing it somewhere in the room.
“yes i’m ready sannie.” you smile at him. he pushes his dick into you slowly. his eyes going immediately to your face as it forms into a uncomfortable expression.
“tell me how you’re feeling love.” he says looking at where you two are now connected. “h-hurts a bit sannie.” he nods as he puts his head against yours not pushing in any further. “we’re going at your pace okay love? tell me when to move.” he rubs your cheek softly. “o-okay.” you try to adjust to san’s length.
“i t-think you can move sannie.” you say shutting your eyes. “you sure love?” he asks you again. “y-yea.” you say slightly tearing up. he pushes more of his dick into you. “s-shit.” he curses at how tight you feel around him. “sannie- you’re so b-big.” he groans bottoming out. “you-shit are you okay?” he asks you as he kisses your shoulder. “yea- it feels so full. sannie please fuck me!” you cry out to him.
“shit you sure?” he asks again making sure you’re completely okay before he moves. “yes sannie please..” you moan out his name feeling him slowly pull out before pushing back into you.
“fuckkk you’re so wet but still so fucking tight” he groans at the noises your cunt is making. “san oh my god! fuck.” your eyes are rolling back in your head. his dick fucking into you so softly but roughly.
“feel good?” he rests his hands next to your head as he slows his thrusts down waiting for your response. “so good sannie.” you manage to get out through your constant moans. he smiles speeding his hips up slowly. “sannie- i think im gonna cum.” you cry out for him as you feel his thumb move to rub your clit quickly. “yea? my sweet girl gonna cum for me?” he smirks at your bodies soft shaking. you cum hard on his dick.
your eyes closing quickly as your body shakes again. your mine goes blank as your squirt all over san’s chest. “shit love. you just squirted all over us hm? look at that pretty mess.” he smiles at you innocently speeding up his hips just a little. “sannie- i cant- feels too good.” you are completely fucked out under him. he is fucking you so good. you don’t even know how you came so quickly.
“yea? love i’m so close. you can take it for a little longer hm?” he asks you sweetly as his hips stutter. “san- i can- but i think im gonna cum a-again.”
the overstimulation being too good for you. “yea baby? let go my sweet girl.” san is now all sweaty and hot. he is focused on his orgasm and your sweet expressions. his legs slightly shake as he cums into the condom. the feeling of his hips hitting your g-spot a couple more times before you are squirting all over him again. “shit shit sannie-“ you are cut off with a sweet kiss from san. “yes fuck love. look at you.” he looks at you kissing your neck softly before pulling out of you.
you catch your breath a little bit before seeing a little bit of blood between your legs. “shit- san im bleeding a little.” you say sitting up quickly to go to the bathroom. “you okay? did i hurt you?”
you shake your head. “no no it’s okay san! im just a little scared that theres blood. “ he nods. “don’t worry sweet girl. im here to help with that okay? you want to take a shower or bath? ill take one with you. does that sound okay?” he asks pulling you into his arms before following you as you walk to the bathroom.
you tearing up a little bit now. “hey hey don’t cry okay? im so sorry baby.” he says kissing your cheek. “lets shower please sannie?” you ask him as he quickly turns on the water. “of course my love. come here.” he pulls you into the shower with him. he washes you body gently as he massages your back. “just rest okay baby? i got you.” he smiles at before going back to washing you off.
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dollymaniac · 6 months
A Little Christmas Gift
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Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Tags: NSFW MDNI, Smut, Oral (f! recieving), Porn with no plot, unprotected PnV, Pet names (Sweetness, Princess, baby, whore, slut) Degradation & Praise kink, OOC Leon.
Word count: 0.5k.
A/N: Something short while i get back to my usual stuff, sorry for going missing, College drains the creativity sometimes, As alway dividers by @/CafeKitsune.
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"F-fuck, Leon wait, we're gonna knock it down" You said as you fell back, pieces of paper ribbon torn to shreds on the floor as Leon kissed and licked your tits. Clashing slightly against the trunk of the Christmas tree where you had originally sat yourself under, waiting for him to get home, wrapped up in that silly decorative paper.
"Yeah? Well, i  want to open my present properly Sweetness" he laughed as he released your skin with a pop, panting as he reached for the last bits of ribbon on your legs.
It didn't take more than a rough movement to rip it off, quickly pushing your legs apart "You really thought…" His voice a low growl as he left wet kisses trailing down your thighs "you could be a lil minx right after i came back? Leave me hot and bothered?" Biting slightly at your plush meat. "Not this time. You're dealing with it, right here"
He moved your panties to the side, tongue slowly teasing at your needy clit as you grasped at the Tree skirt, your mouth falling open with a moan of his name.
"fuck— Princess" he groaned, his cock twitching as you tried to close your legs, pressing him further into your cunt "No, be a good slut and keep them open so i can fuck you nice and hard.''
His tongue traced lazy circles over your puffy bundle, making you whine, his hot breath and grunts sending some more pleasure waves through your body as his fingers dug into your thighs.
He pulled away from your cunt, just before you could cum, licking the remainder slick off his lips, one hand pressed your thigh against the floor, the other went to pull down his pants and boxers enough for his to spring from them, already hard.
Your face flushed as his tip pressed against your wet whole "What? You're gonna act all innocent? As if you werent here waiting for me? all tied up in that thin Paper, only in your bra and panties?" he mocked you, slighty teasing you with the head of his dick.
His cock sunk inside your pussy, both moaning as he bottomed you out, your gummy walls clenching around his shaft, "L-leon" you cried out, back arching as he thrusted.
You looked so pretty for him, that stupid paper ribbon on your increasingly messier hair, the traces of your little wrap up all torn around you, eyes rolled back as he fucked you stupid, his little Christmas present.
He grunted as your pussy squeezed him, pistoning his cock into your favourite spot, pelvis pressing against your clit.
"God, you were made for me" his voice roughed by arousal. "Was this what you wanted? Me, coming home to ravage you under the tree?"
He teased your clit further with his thumb, making you scream at the extra stimulation, managing only to squeak out "mhm!"
"Use your words slut" he groaned.
"N-needed your cock so so bad" you choked out as you felt your orgasm building up.
"Fuck—" he grunted, upping the speed, teasing you up until you finally came undone under him, back arched again as he kept fucking you through your peak. "gonna fill you up until you cant think straight"
He bit his lip, pace stuttering as your fluttering walls pushed him over the edge, spilling inside you with a low growl.
He panted for a second, staring at you while still inside, before reaching for your hair, putting the decoration on it back in place, pulling the remainder of parts of you from under the tree. Lifting your face up to kiss you, his voice softening up as he pulled out and adjusted his boxers back on, "You were the best present, baby."
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shawtuzi · 11 months
i’m still deciding whether i want to write for ellie or abby in my next tlou fic but until then pls enjoy these construction worker!eren hc’s bc i am sooo thirsty for him
cw include: black fem!reader, lots of fluff, lots of smut, eren being the cutest thing ever
construction worker!eren whose only dream in this life is to have a pretty wife with a litter of kids and a big ass house to go with it. he’s already slipped a gorgeous fat rock on your finger and talks of getting pregnant with your first child were slowly but surely happening which meant he was getting closer and closer to what he truly wanted most.
construction worker!eren who is a total mommas boy!! his mom is so very dear to him and to know she adores you just as much as him makes him so so happy.
construction worker!eren who looks so cute in his everyday work outfit. whenever he’s got his hard hat on around you you can’t help but knock on it a few times but it’s okay he thinks it’s super cute.
construction worker!eren who starts his day a six-thirty every morning and is always home by five o’clock on the dot. his morning routine consists of giving your forehead and lips a sweet good morning kiss as soon as his eyes open, a quick fifteen minute shower with music softly playing in the back (usually the trapsoul album by bryson tiller), making a big ass pot of coffee bc lord knows he’ll need it with the airheads he works with, quadruple checking to make sure there’s food in the fridge and pantry for you, another sweet kiss to your lips before he heads out, and then spending five minutes trying to pry you off of him while you beg him to take the day off. “m’sorry sugarplum i cant take off today, gotta save up for that big house we want you know how it is,” he’d always say before shushing your whines with a kiss full of tongue n passion.
construction worker!eren who is so tired and sore when he gets off work but is never too sore to accept one of your bone crushing hugs as soon as he walks through the door to your shared apartment. he’s always extra careful to make sure his hands that are usually covered in residue don’t touch your clothes even though you could literally care less.
construction worker!eren who facetimes you everyday around the same time to enjoy your company while he’s on his lunch break. usually the conversations consists of you telling him to make sure he’s applying a lot of sunscreen (bc this heat was nothing to play about), your plans for what you were making for dinner, and if anyone happened to piss him off that day you’ll surely hear about it.
“how’s your lunch?” you asked giving eren a loving smile as you watched him practically devour the leftover lasagna from last nights dinner. he wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking, a content smile on his lips. “food is perfect honey tastes just as good as it did last night,” you smiled at his words but it faltered just the slightest bit when you saw how reddish pink his cheeks were. “baby have you put on any sunscreen yet? weather app says it’s supposed to be almost a hundred out today,” you pouted wishing so desperately that he was there so you could give his little sunburns kisses. eren observed his face in the tiny box on the corner of his phone, letting out a small hum. “don’t worry about me sugar i’ll put some on before we get off the phone,” he gave you a comforting smile which you returned. you folded your freshly manicured hands together before speaking, “so…for dinner i was thinking steak kabobs?” “now we’re fuckin’ talking”
construction worker!eren whose nicknames for you are sugar, sugarplum, honey, angel, and my honeysuckle (which is a type of flower heje)
construction worker!eren whose stomach is almost as big as his heart lol this man loves him a good home cooked meal!!! he doesn’t know what he did to deserve a wife who feeds him as good as you do but you best believe he thanks his lucky stars everyday for it. and yes he’s fs the kind of man to completely devour his food in record time meanwhile you’ve barely made a dent in yours, this usually leads to you splitting the rest of yours with him bc this man always has room to eat more food.
you had decided to make steaks for dinner and like usual eren had devoured his plate in less than ten minutes. “was it good my love?” you giggled taking a bite of the roasted potatoes you made as side. bc he had a full mouth all eren was able to get out was a satisfied sounding ‘mhm!’ eren had washed his dishes and put them away before making his way back to the table to keep you company while you continued to eat your food, love and adoration swarming in those jade irises of his. without a word you swiftly got out of your chair and got comfy on his lap. eren didn’t say a word but by the way he was looking at your plate you could tell he was dying for another bite. you cut off a piece of steak and held the fork up to his lips with a smile, “go ahead take a bite i know you wanna.” without a second thought eren took a bite and for the rest of dinner you took turns feeding him and yourself.
construction worker!eren who becomes even more attentive and loving than he already is once you’re finally pregnant!!! you have morning sickness?? he’s right behind you rubbing your back and even offers to brush your teeth for you after you’ve finished. you need your feet rubbed?? prop them up and he’ll get straight to work. he even takes more days off work than usual bc he misses your touch just as much as you miss his. ever since he found out there was a little him growing in you he frequently started talking to your belly.
construction worker!eren is a girl dad no ifs, ands, or buts!!!!! crazy story but he had the strongest feeling you were having a girl and low and behold on the day of your gender reveal you found out you were having a girl!! yes he cried like a baby himself and yes connie has it on video.
construction worker!eren who treats your daughter like she’s the finest china when she’s finally born :( the first time he did skin to skin contact with her he swore his heart was gonna explode with how much love his had for the tiny human in his arms. and once she was sound asleep in her lil bed he was quick to leave the hospital to buy you whatever foods you were craving—you deserved the best princess treatment for bringing his lil princess into the world.
construction worker!eren who keeps a polaroid pic of you, him, and your newborn daughter in his worn out wallet, showing it to everyone at his job…and a couple strangers….he rlly can’t help it you two are his pride and joy <333
“hey reiner did i ever show you this picture?” eren beamed holding up the polaroid in reiner’s face for the third time that day. reiner chuckled a bit before nodding, “yes eren you showed me, she’s a cute one you and y/n are lucky,” he smiled and eren nodded in agreement, still staring down at the picture. “yeah…m’the luckiest guy in the world aren’t i?”
construction worker!eren who is six foot six and pure muscle. it’s a wonder how he eats so good and manages to look even better but hey! you weren’t complaining. he certainly was lacking down there either baby he’s the full package. his dicks eight and a half inches with two prominent veins on the underside that rubbed against your sensitive walls in the most delicious way possible.
construction worker!eren who has a raging breeding kink but is that really a surprise? whenever you two fuck and he’s able to rlly take his time with you i kid you not he has to cum inside you at least three times or he will not be satisfied. sometimes whenever he pulls out he’ll push down on your lower belly and watch his cum spill out with dark, predatory eyes. majority of the time he’ll use that as an excuse to fill you up for the umpteenth time bc he just cannot let any of his precious cum go to waste.
“so pretty,” eren had a lazy smile on his face as he watched three orgasms worth of cum ooze out of your puffy, spent pussy. just when you thought he had his fill and was ready for a much needed good nights rest you felt his one softening dick begin to harden up against your still trembling thighs. “eren…” you whimpered, but he just shushed you with a kiss mumbling a quick ‘jus one more’ before slipping back inside you with ease. he was extremely low on energy so he wasn’t quite able to fuck into you like a madman like he was before so he just settled for grinding into you. “o-oh honey! f-fuck!” you squealed wrapping your legs around his waist. between his swollen tip continuously bumping into your stomach, and the coarse hairs on his pelvis rubbing against your sensitive clit you were slowly but surely going dumb. “yeah jus’ like that, f-fuck yeah let daddy fuck a baby into you baby c’mon make me cum.”
construction worker!eren who is nawt a fan of quickies at all!! he’s a man that likes to savor the moment when it comes to sex and if he’s able to admire the faces and sounds you make then what’s the point?? when he’s got you all to himself expect to be occupied for the next couple of hours bc like i stated before he’s not satisfied until he’s cum in you at least three times and made you cum twice as much!!
construction worker!eren who is a certified MUNCH!!!! this man loves having his mouth on your pussy and yes if ur wondering he definitely eats it through your panties. he’s so sloppy and loud with it you’d almost be embarrassed if he didn’t completely turn you dumb whenever he tongue fucked your weeping pussy :(
“mm renny,” your brows scrunched together in pleasure as eren sloppily ran his tongue up and down your soaked folds. his hair was still damp from his shower and was slowly soaking the couch from the droplets falling from his locs but neither of you seemed to care. “couldn’t stop thinking about you today…i mean i already think of you all day but i kept thinking about you in that way and fuck it was so hard to focus. reiner almost ripped my head off from how distracted i was,” as he was talking he was pressing sloppy, wet kisses all over your cunt and the inside of your thighs. he inserted two fingers easily into your dripping center and couldn’t help the groan that rumbled in his chest when he saw how tight you were squeezing his fingers. “you got the prettiest pussy honey, you know that right?” he gave you a small smile before spitting directly on your clit making you jolt. you whined in embarrassment ofc and covered your face with a near throw pillow, whimpering out a pathetic ‘stop ren s’embarrasing.’ eren just hummed and attached his mouth back to your pussy, wrapping his slightly swollen lips around your throbbing clit, “m’never gonna fuckin stop my pretty little honeysuckle never ever.”
construction worker!eren who is a biggg fan of the 69 position. sometimes you suck him so good he tends to lose focus but you don’t mind in the slightest. your big strong man never stops working whether he’s on or off the clock so if he gets a little consumed in his own pleasure who are you to snap him out of it?? if you’re putting some serious work in he’ll moan n groan so loud into your pussy you could cum alone just from that!!
construction worker!eren who had the prettiest moans *sighs dreamily* he’s never shy to let you know you’re making him feel good and it’s so fucking hot hearing his breathy whines and moans especially when he accidentally overstimulates himself which he happens to do a lot heh. you’ve definitely had a couple complaints from neighbors bc of the noise but he don’t even give a fuck!! he knows it turns you on more than anything to hear him be so vocal so why on earth would he ever stop??
construction worker!eren who was soo nervous when you suggested having sex while you were pregnant. it was no problem for him at first but once you started showing that’s when the panic started to settle in—he was so afraid he’d accidentally hurt you or the baby that he kinda went on an sex hiatus much to your dismay, but after some convincing be finally gave in.
you were on your side and he was spooning you from behind, giving your shoulder or neck a kiss of encouragement every once in a while. “jus’ let me know if it hurts at all or you’re uncomfortable okay? cant believe you talked me into this…” eren mumbled into your shoulder. you replied with a soft ‘mhm’ your patience wearing thinner by the second. it had been a good couple of weeks since you and eren last had sex and you were almost sure you were beginning to lose your mind. you’d finally had enough when he came home from his morning jog looking like an absolute dream with his chest heaving and brown baby hairs sticking to his forehead. that’s how he ended up here: one hand securely holding onto your small bump while his other was slowly pushing his dick inside your awaiting entrance. “oh wow…” your eyes fluttered shut in pure bliss, toes curling once he bottomed out. “f-fuck that feel okay hun?” it felt more than okay. you brought your hand to your clit and began rubbing quick circles to dull out the stinging stretch. eren peeped this and replaced yours with his own, the rough pads of his fingers on your clit had your lips trembling. “y-you need to stop this—hah! sex strike and fuck me more please i—i miss this,” eren heard your plea and nodded feverishly. god was he a fool for ever depriving yourselves of each other, he will never be doing this again.
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gojipink · 4 months
sweet talkers
ஐ ft. kaeya, childe, thoma
ஐ summary. men who cant shut up when they fuck you!
ஐ warnings. N.SFW, mdni, fem!reader, dirty talk, fingering (f. rec.), rough sex, riding, humiliation kink if u close one eye and squint the other. 1.5k words
kaeya’s number one favorite thing to do is watch your body react to just his words alone. his honey-coated voice making the pure obscenities that leave his lips that much more dirty, making your entire body flush hot. his second favorite thing- being at eye level with your pussy as he finger fucks you into oblivion. his head resting against your knee occasionally turning to plant wet kisses and little bites along the inside of your thigh, other hand lovingly stroking your outer thigh as he watches his girl put on the best show just for him. loves to watch his slender fingers sink deep inside your drooling cunt, loves watching it twitch and clench as he talk you through your building high.
“ooh angel,” he sighs as he slowly plunges in two fingers, “she’s already soaked for me.”
slowly scissoring his fingers apart, your walls fluttering at the feeling of being stretched.
“you weren't thinking about this all day, were you? weren't thinking about me in between your pretty legs and watching this pussy greedily suck in my fingers, were you?”   
your eyes shut tightly as you shake your head in embarrassment from his teasing words, though he’s not really paying attention. eyes zeroed in on your twitching hole, mind only focused on the way your walls constrict around him with each suggestive sentence. 
pumping his fingers in and out just a little faster, his breathing picks up as he watches slick ooze out with every thrust.
“shit,” he whispers in awe, “takin’ it so well, pretty. just sucking me in, you like it that much, hm? like it when i watch you like this?” his fingers curl up, rubbing against your g-spot, your hands flying up to your mouth to muffle the loud moan he rips out of you. 
his mind goes a little fuzzy watching the display in front of him, hips involuntarily grinding against the mattress as he listens to each wet squelch sound your pussy makes. 
“mmmh, looks like it feels so good, baby.” he groans,  his other arm snaking over your thighs to press his thumb against your clit, “oh fuck, i’ll never get over this,” he mumbles to himself. 
your moans are getting higher in pitch as you twist the sheets in your fists, “kae-ah-! i-nngh!” 
“i know, angel, i know,” he pants out, a little lightheaded watching your hole pulse and grip onto his fingers. “cum, pretty girl, lemme watch you, yeah? lemme see you cum” 
his words of encouragement only making your impending orgasm hit you sooner and harder, kaeya prolonging your high by talking you through it, 
“uuuugh, there you go, baby, ooh that looks so good, you're so good, look at you, hm? feels so good, yeah? this is what you wanted all day, huh princess?” 
squirming around in his hold as his fingers dont let up on your gummy spot. 
eyes clouded with need, his head only filled with wanting to see more, more, more.
“one more, angel, one more, please, i promise. lemme see it again, need to see it again, you can do it right, baby? youve been waiting all day, youre not satisfied with just once, right?” he slurs out all in one breath.
his mind is breaking, he knows it is. fucking you so deep trying to bully his tip into your womb after he just made you cum with his tongue just seconds ago. your sweet slick smeared across his lips and chin, tongue still tasting of you while his cock stretches out your impossibly tight walls. to have all five of his senses completely taken over by you and your perfect cunt, he can't stop the incessant praise and babbles that flow from his lips. 
“oooh, such a good girl, huh? wanna be nothing but good for me, right baby?” he pants out, eyes flitting from your fucked out expression to watching your little hole greedily swallow him whole. you squeeze your eyes shut, body flaring up with heat as he talks so lewdly nonstop.
“wanna hear you say it, baby, c’mon please? say it, say ‘im a good girl’ c’mon you can do it.” 
you throw an arm around your face, cheeks burning bright red in embarrassment. taking note of your defiance, childe shifts slightly hitting your g-spot with pinpoint accuracy causing you to cry out, arms reaching out to hold onto his biceps to ground yourself. 
“ooooh, babe,” he groans, “i bet that felt so good, yeah? you want me to do it again, hm? you just gotta say it for me, just once ‘im a good girl’, c’mon pretty, look at me lemme hear it,” he blabbers, a telltale sign he’s pussydrunk.
peeking up at him through your eyelashes, cheeks blushing brightly, knowing that he won't let up until he hears what he wants from you. 
“ ’m-mmh..a g-good ah-! girl..” you manage to choke out.
grinning down at you, he makes your embarrassment worth it as he resumes hitting your gummy little spot, adding his thumb to rub rough little circles on your clit, white hot pleasure threatening to consume you. 
“ooh shit-!,” he huffs out a little delirious laugh as your pussy clamps down hard on his throbbing dick, “look at her, babe. she’s just sucking me in, huh? you love being my good girl that much? f-fuck! s-so tight, baby, keep squeezin’ on me like that, oh shit”
knowing your teetering right on the edge, childe rubs on your clit a little faster.
“c’mon, sweet girl, let go for me. i’ve gotcha, c’mon give it to me”
tossing your head back, your high pitched moan rings through the bedroom, childe’s mouth waters as he watches his dick become coated with a sticky layer of your slick.
he forces himself to pull out before his own orgasm hits, using his strength to quickly lift your thighs up and over his shoulders, still gushing pussy twitching in his face before he dives in. sloppy tongue gathering any cum that's leaking out, his eyes rolling back at the taste of you. strong arms hold your hips steady as you squirm against the bedsheets, the prick of overstimulation making you flinch against each rough lap of his tongue. mumbling out unintelligible words of praise and moans as he obscenely slurps at your pulsing hole, his nose rubbing against your clit practically smothering himself just to get a drop more.
a bit overstimulated since he already came once before from the handjob you gave him just moments before climbing up on him and sinking down on his still twitching length. face flushed bright red eyebrows knitted together half closed eyes staring up at you in a daze as you bounce and grind yourself on his cock. lips slightly parted with the tiniest bit of drool leaking from the corner of his lips. 
“s’too good,” he slurs “ngh t-too good, baby uuugh” 
you hum in pleasure as you rake your nails along his chest, watching as goosebumps litter his skin. riding him a little faster, your pussy involuntary clenching around him at each particularly well angled thrust.
“ah-! s-slow baby please-ugh! d-dont mmph don’ wanna cum…n-not yet mmmh d-ah!-don't make me yet” 
you faux pout at him “you dont wanna cum, thoma? dont you wanna fill me up, puppy?”
he whines out at the pet name, eyes squeezing together trying his hardest to get a grip on himself. 
“i wanna, i wanna” he pants out ‘n-not yet, just wa-wanna stay…nngh! shit! oooh s’good princess, so good. mmmph, a-always sooo good.” he slurs, unfocused half-lidded eyes looking up at you.
you smile to yourself knowing you have thoma right where you want him. it isn't an easy task to make him lose all his reservations and inhibitions and its even harder to make sure he's on the receiving end of all this pleasure. he’s such a giver that he barely cares about his own needs and wants when it comes making you feel good. he's always been an attentive lover, your pleasure always a priority, always making sure your needs are taken care of first. but you’ve learned that if you play your cards right, pounce on him before he can think too much, he’ll go along with whatever you want. any other thoughts disappear one by one until there's nothing in his brain other than you and your warm pussy milking him for everything he's worth, making him so pussydrunk he can't stop babbling, words blurring together. 
“mmmh love you, love you so much oh god, im yours, i'm yours everything is yours.”
gathering any remaining strength he has left, he rises on an elbow and looks down for a split second at where you two meet, his eyes immediately rolling back at the lewd image, head lolling back.
“f-fuck…” he whimpers out voice hitching up an octave “g-gonna cum, mmmh, b-baby please please please can i cum inside, ngh, feels so good oooh f-feels so good dont stop please please please let me cum fu-”
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dilfprayers · 6 months
"I Can Help."
f!reader x leon kennedy
tw; real!dad , inc*st , pervy , slight teasing, p in v , slight corruption(?) , somnophilia, creampie, super touchy-feely on reader
word count: 1345
you know that your father knows best. ♡
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you shift around in your bed, groaning before opening your eyes. another restless night, you couldn't get yourself to sleep. not even with your music, more comfortable blankets, nor the plushies your dad bought you was enough to get you to sleep. annoyed, you crawled out of bed before stumbling to your parents room where your mother and father laid together at.
of course, at your grown age, why would you be asking for your dad to help you sleep...
"dad.... dad!"
you shook him, and his brows furrowed before he glanced over at you with his deep blue eyes. he was a little groggy but put on a warm smile when he noticed it was you.
"huh?.. oh angel. what are you up for..? its late y'know..."
he carefully pulled away from your mother before sitting on the edge of the bed to look up at you as you stood there. you with your flimsy tank top and pajama shorts.. he couldn't keep his eyes off of it but realized it was a little off-putting to stare so he didn't do it for too long.
"i need help sleeping.. could you uh."
you trail off with your words, staring down to your feet. you tried to figure out how to put this into words without coming off weird.. it took a minute and he tilted his head, the silence lingering on for a while - not that he didn't mind or anything. he was patient with you, reaching out and rubbed your hand.
"take your time, i can tell you're struggling."
he chuckled again with that warm, comforting smile on his face. that was more than enough to get you to speak, thank god your father was understanding..
"i- well. i cant sleep, i was wondering if you could sleep with me until i pass out?.."
you frowned and he just smiled, nodding. he wouldn't leave you there to struggle, he loved you dearly of course so he'd do anything.
"oh? yeah why not. i can help you sleep by doing that. c'mon."
he stood up quietly, still holding your hand and led the both of you out to your room.
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low groans were heard behind you, while you felt him grind up behind your ass. you were half asleep, not aware of what was really going on.
"dad...i-i was already..falling asleep, hows this gonna..-"
you were merely rambling while he hushes you, tightly grasping to your hip. gentle kisses trailed up your neck as he lowly hummed. he was clearly enjoying himself, with his own daughter. you.
"it'll help you sleep better. i promise."
he coos,
"just let me do the work. you relax yourself now.."
you had to have been in good hands. he was your father so of course you trusted him and his word. no matter what.
"o-okay..i trust you.."
you murmured, letting him do his thing while you laid there and gotten comfortable again. your heart raced in your chest though, feeling his hands touch you up everywhere from your lower body and up. he had already pulled your shorts off along with your panties which gotten a rise out of him seeing how wet you were. he expected this out of you though, your body was reacting to him and his touch. it turned you on and you didn't even realize.
"huh..what a sight.."
he breathed out, tugging at his own pajama pants and boxers before he let his cock out, free from restrictions. it was already throbbing and leaking with precum, aching to be put in you but he held off, busy getting your body all worked up while you were partially asleep. he raised your leg a bit, shifting himself in a better position while gliding his fingers along your slit. your puffy lips glistened with your own liquids and that sight had him hungry for more.
"what were you thinking for you to be this wet? or was it just my touch?"
he asks, knowing you weren't comprehending a singular word he was saying. your mind was warm but yet exhausted. your eyelids heavy while your vision blurred anytime you tried to keep your eyes open to stare at him. when your vision wasn't as fucked up, you could see him holding your leg up and his other hand was touching you, sending shocks throughout your body while you laid there, close to fully sleeping.
you didn't respond in the end, instead you moaned and sighed a couple of times before closing your eyes. that didn't last long though as you opened your eyes right after when you felt something pushing into you - filling you up. your insides were being slowly stretched by his cock that he was stuffing in you with a singular thrust. seems like he couldn't hold himself back even if he tried.
he noticed you were getting a little antsy so he kept still, his cock throbbing inside of you while he held you close, hushing you again.
"shhh...shh. it's alright baby. relax."
"but this isn't..-"
you had cut him off but trailed off of your words, again. your body was an aching mess, knowing this was absolutely wrong. he knew better than to do this, it was wrong but he still was here, cock stuffed in that sopping wet pussy of yours. at some point he pulled you up onto his lap while he sat there on the edge on the bed - cock still inside of you, he thrusted up into you and let you lay up against his body. your chin rested on his shoulder as he continued on, nuzzling you with low moans leaving his lips. he surely was careful to keep the both of you quiet just incase considering your mother was in the room beside yours.
as this went on, you could just hear him reassuring you through it, telling you it's okay, it's normal - and again, you trust him. right? you trust your dad.. so you ease down slowly but surely, returning a couple of moans while you let that warmth and pleasure from him put you in a different headspace.
the thrusts continued, sensual and slow..
and before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep with him pleasuring himself with your body.
the time passed, it wasn't long enough until he couldn't hold it in anymore. contemplating to cum on you or inside. of course he picked the second option, leaving a little surprise for you as he grunts, holding your body tighter while he came inside of you, filling your insides with warm ropes of cum. he had some guilt while doing this, again knowing this was wrong.
it was the first time he's ever done anything like this with you but then again, this surely wasn't going to be the last time he does it.
noticing you were sound asleep, he looked at you for a while, pulling out of you and laid you back down. he put his boxers and pants back on, leaving a kiss on your forehead. before he left though, he pulls the cover back over your body before leaving the bedroom. how generous of him.
you lay there, chest moving up and down softly from your breathing as cum oozed out of your pussy. despite that, you at least were relaxed and finally had gotten some sleep...
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sunlight beamed into your bedroom. you thought about what you 'dreamed' of, groaning as you did before you felt a ton of wetness and slight soreness down there. your eyes widen and you think its your menstural.
"shit..SHIT! not again!"
you panicked, tossing the covers off before seeing the mess. your eyes widened, moving your hand down and brushed it along your dripping wet hole. you realize that 'dream' you had, wasn't a dream at all.
before you did anything, you heard a knock at your door before it creaked open, it was your dad, leon. he noticed you were all shaken up and he smiled at you.
"you need help getting cleaned up there? i can help you."
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tkaulitzlvr · 8 months
Hii! Could you please maybe do one of where the reader and Tom are like on a break from each other, and the reader and him end up being at the same party and he gets all touchy with this girl and the reader gets jealous and she ends up making out with this guy out in the crowd and Tom sees and gets jealous and ends up beating the guy up and the reader and him get into a heated argument in the car on the way to his place and he ends up doing yk as soon as they get there but in a angry way 👀
(sry Im really bad at explaining. And if you cant do it I totally understand, plus your writing is AMAZING, like seriously I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your writing I could never 😭)
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synopsis: you and tom had decided to take a break from your relationship a few weeks back, and you hadn’t seen him until now, at some random party, flirting with another girl. you want payback, but tom notices straight away, acting on his jealousy.
content: angst & smut
a/n: this is such a good idea omgg these types of fics are my fav to read and write. this took me three days omg i made this like unnecessarily long & detailed sorry about that.😭 thank you so much for the request and ur kind words anon!! 💞 also this clip is so hot like hello rail me pls.
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my eyes burn into his figure from across the room, fingers clutching the plastic cup in my hand so hard that the material begins to crumple, though i don’t care. i am far too immersed in the interaction taking place in front of my eyes, watching the way he places a hand on her thigh, whispering things into her ear with that same playful smirk i had seen too many times, completely oblivious to the fact that i am here, seething with rage at the sight. god knows how long i had been watching the pair for, time had seemed to stop altogether the second my eyes landed on him, all i know is that i am getting closer and closer to losing my sanity.
it didn’t matter that i was a considerable distance away. i noticed everything - the way his tongue poked out of his mouth and repeatedly brushed against his lip piercing, the lingering touches which, though failing to reach the cleavage spilling out of her tight dress, were pretty close to getting there - too close. not that it matters too much that his hands hadn’t reached the most intimate parts yet: his eyes were already doing the work for him, staring so intently at her overtly prominent chest that he should’ve made physical contact with them and put me out of my misery, tearing away the only remnant of hope i had left - hope that he wouldn’t stoop so low and give himself to the first girl that he saw.
though i know that my expectations are way too high for someone like tom. he hadn’t cheated whilst we were in the relationship, but outside of it, he couldn’t help himself. and, even though we hadn’t actually broken up, ‘giving each other some space’ as he called it, it seems that his morals haven’t at all changed, and i am the last thing on his mind - my chest heaving up and down in utter rage as his hand travels suggestively further and further upwards, fingers dipping underneath her dress slightly. that was it. admittedly tipsy, i strut toward him, stopping just a few feet away from him, now in front of a semi-attractive guy who seems to avert his gaze to me almost instantly. i don’t even have to look in tom’s direction to know that he has spotted me, i can feel his eyes on me, burning intently into my figure.
indirectly aiming to maintain tom’s attention as i soak it all in, i go that extra step further, whispering a small ‘hi’ in the boy’s ear, making sure to flutter my eyelashes, noticing the way a subtle smirk etches upon his soft lips. my hands trail aimlessly up and down his chest, his own slipping to rest comfortably against my lower back, the words ‘you’re cute’ falling from my lips, smooth as silk. it didn’t matter if i meant them or not, i am not looking for a conversation, and i think he knows that too, our intentions pretty much mutual. tom doesn’t have to know that though.
all he has to know is that two can play at whatever game he thinks he has started. though the second he spotted me with whoever had his hands roaming my body, he had stopped playing, no longer finding the small blonde beside him as interesting as he did five minutes ago. i am more than willing to carry it on, messily colliding my lips with the stranger’s, the kiss sloppy and heated - everything that i want it to be. my tongue finds its way inside his mouth, deepening the kiss even more, my hand moving to the back of his neck, fingers raking through his soft brunette curls. his own hands travel further downwards, cupping my ass and using it to bring our bodies closer together, the kiss soon becoming more heated than it was before, fuelled by the alcohol in my system and the jealousy i felt, somehow trading it all in for intense anger, eager for tom to feel the way i had just a few moments ago.
‘you wanna get out of here gorgeous?’
his voice is low as it vibrates through my lips, his words slightly muffled, thanks to both the almost deafening music reverberating through my ears, and the close proximity between us. knowing that i wouldn’t think of doing anything more with this guy, i still nod my head slowly, purely to intensify tom’s jealousy, sensing his presence slightly closer than it was before, somehow easily identifiable through the crowd.
the guy smiles against my lips, kissing me roughly once again, though this one is much shorter than the last - not because either of us want it to be. he is harshly pushed away from me, my eyes opening in a mix of confusion and shock, frantically scanning the room for any clue on what had just happened, the answer becoming crystal clear as i spot tom inches away from him, hands balled into fists against the stranger’s chest.
a small crowd begins to accumulate, my hands pushing through desperately, scrambling my way to the front, the entire thing escalating impossibly fast, tom’s fist colliding with the boy’s cheek with such force he stumbles backward, body slamming against the wall harshly. but that isn’t enough for tom. he continues to land strong punches to his face, the guy finding some strength to fight back, though they are completely pointless, having little effect on tom. after a few harsh blows, the boy is defenceless, lip swollen with blood trickling just below it, a large red mark printed across his cheek.
my fast steps make their way over to tom, who is clearly just as angry as he was before he had beat the shit out of that poor guy, his cold expression failing to waver even when i grab his shoulder, turning him to face me in one swift motion.
“what the fuck? have you lost your fucking mind?” i shout over the loud music, noticing that the people seeking entertainment from the ordeal had returned back to their own company, all immersed in random conversations, or making out with someone they had never met before - not that i was in any position to judge, i had done the exact same thing moments ago.
“have you?” he shoots back, voice a level louder than mine, oozing with rage, carrying thousands of harsh words yet to be spoken.
“take a look at the guy with the fucked up face thanks to you, then think about asking me that question again! what the fuck is wrong with you?” i question, eyebrows knitting together, wondering how he can dare to turn this on me, ignoring the fact that he has just left someone with a bloody nose, seemingly unfazed by it. his eyes scan mine, narrowed slightly, a few wrinkles lining along his forehead as he does so. i hadn’t seen those eyes in so long and, despite the indisputable fury within them, it is impossible to deny how much i had missed them, regardless of the circumstances.
“we aren’t doing this here, not in front of this crowd.” he shakes his head forcefully, grabbing my hand and attempting to lead me away from it all, my body hesitant to do so.
“why? i’m not leaving.” i state confidently. he tilts his head to the side, mouth falling open slightly, his eyes squeezing shut as he appears to be in a fight with his own mind, clearly contemplating something, the decision seemingly difficult to make.
“well i am.” he replies, shaking his head slowly, turning around to walk away.
“what the fuck? are you serious?” i ramble, chasing after him shamelessly, not yet aware of how humiliating it is that he has me wrapped around his finger. my hands clutch at his jacket, wrapping firmly around the material as i pull him backwards, just before his hand reaches to clasp the door handle.
“you don’t seem to care about us anymore.” he shrugs, expression fixed, though despite the hostility it shows upfront, i can sense the sadness behind it. “so why the fuck should i?”
he shakes his head at my silence, looking for something, anything, that hints to a response, no matter how small and totally ridiculous. i stay quiet, in total disbelief of his ability to manipulate this whole situation, somehow attempting to put me at fault, as if he hadn’t had his hands all over that girl. he doesn’t seem to care about his own mistakes, focusing purely on my actions, choosing to act as a saint despite knowing deep down he is far from being one. it is this realisation that prompts him to turn around once again, his back to me as he tugs the door open, walking through it without looking back. yet i refuse to let it end like that, hurriedly following him, not considering the consequences.
“what are you talking about? seriously, instead of being such a pussy and walking away, fucking talk to me!” i demand as he momentarily stops in his tracks, eyes glued on my own, his jaw clenched. i no longer need to raise my voice, the music drowning itself out, but that doesn’t stop me, the volume of my words far louder than they need to be.
he reaches his car, hands moving into the pocket of his baggy jeans as they scramble for his keys, pulling them out without a word, though i still have plenty to say. “i’m talking to you!”
finally, he turns to face me, expression still harsh; not giving away anything that he truly wants to say. for some strange reason, he seems to hold back, restraining his mouth from acting out ahead of his mind, this unexpected, especially considering just minutes ago he hadn’t restricted himself from making particularly rash decisions, the smear of blood on his knuckle concrete proof of this.
“what, are you deaf, hm? my words not registering up there? i’m speaking to you, answer me!” i know exactly what buttons to press, exactly how to make him crack, and, once again, i do so with some success. he briefly hesitates, letting out a heavy sigh, seemingly reaching his breaking point as his mouth opens, ready to pour out the thousands of emotions he has kept in thus far.
“some fucking break this is.” he mutters, shaking his head slowly, his hand clutching the car keys with such strength his knuckles begin to turn white. “i say that we need some space and then catch you with some random guy’s tongue down your fucking throat. really seems like you missed me.”
not waiting for me to respond, he opens the car door, climbing into the driver’s seat hurriedly. i don’t know what compels me to follow him, perhaps it is my desire to find answers, possibly i am eager to continue this argument, or maybe i just missed him: his voice, his presence, everything about him somehow being exactly what i need. whatever it is, i am far too lost within him to care, my body acting ahead of my mind as i enter the passenger side, tom’s eyebrows furrowing in confusion. he doesn’t object though, clearly needing me as much as i do him, a brief look of relief taking over his expression, silently wishing that i would give in since the argument began despite his initial standoffish-ness, thankful that i have.
“don’t act like you’re all fucking innocent! the only reason i did all that was because i saw you with that slut! you clearly don’t love me anymore, not with the way you looked at her!” each word pierces him right in the chest, the daunting realisation of what he has done hitting him faster than ever. but it is the confession that i think his love for me has diminished that strikes him the most, his face softening when i utter those words. despite this, his voice is still harsh, volume meeting my own.
“don’t be ridiculous. you know she meant nothing.” he states, this apparently sufficient reassurance for his actions, the car silent for a moment as he starts it, hands on the steering wheel. i don’t know where he is going, far too frustrated to even care, wanting nothing more than to carry on this argument, in no position to let him off the hook.
“do i?” i scoff, face harshly turning to him. “i don’t see you for two weeks, and when i do, your hands are all up on some girl. the fuck am i supposed to do with that?”
his hands forcefully clutching the wheel, jaw clenched as he looks ahead, i know that he hears every word i say, processing them with ease, yet he stays quiet for a second, an uncomfortable silence in place of the harshness of my utterance, making the words ten times harder to digest. he knows that i am right, that it would be hypocritical for him to be mad at me right now, but that doesn’t stop him from being angry. in fact, his stubbornness only increases despite the realisation that he is just as guilty as i am, if not more.
“what was i supposed to do, hm? i didn’t have you, i just-” he trails off, a heavy sigh leaving his parted lips, head moving backwards to rest against the back of the seat, one hand coming upward to rest on the bridge of his nose. though the hesitation suggests otherwise, he knows exactly what he wants to say, but he can’t bring himself to utter the phrase, perhaps out of shame, or reluctance to admit how he truly feels. whatever it is that holds him back, i am no longer interested in his skepticism, wanting clear answers, not the mixed signals that i am receiving.
“what? you just what? stop being so fucking weird and just talk.” i order, turning in his direction, eyes burning into his features regardless of his hesitance to do so, strangely scared to look in my eyes.
“fuck…” he begins, exhaling shakily, almost preparing himself for the effect that his words are bound to have. “i missed you, okay? i missed you, and i didn’t know what else to fucking do.”
“don’t be stupid. i know that’s bullshit, and so do you. be honest with me, have you fucked someone else? since we went on whatever you want to call this weird distance between us.” i know that i shouldn’t have asked such a stupid question, the answer bound to disappoint me. for some strange reason, i want to hear him say the words, to make me realise that i’m not as important to him as i thought, that in reality, he can find someone prettier within a heartbeat. because the false hope that i continue to hold onto doesn’t seem to fade, even after watching him with his hands all over another girl.
“of course i fucking haven’t.” he scoffs, shaking his head as his face twists in anger, shocked that i would even ask such a question, the thought completely unheard of, apparently. “what, you really think i care that little? your expectations of me really that low?”
“you expect them to be high after i see you acting like that with her? you’re unbelievable.” i state, briefly looking over at him, his eyes fixated on the road, though i notice the quick glances he throws my way, assessing my expression, not giving the impression that he is going to apologise anytime soon.
“you know what? pull over, this was a mistake. we should’ve just stayed away from each other.” i say, turning to look at him, my hand moving to the door handle, desperate to get out of the situation, soon realising that we are never going to come to a solution, instead the back and fourth of our arguing will only continue until it becomes out of hand, unless i put a stop to it now.
he refuses to stop, the pressure his foot applies to the gas only seeming to increase, the speed of the car getting faster, making it pretty clear that he doesn’t plan on letting me leave.
“i’m not letting you go, not when it’s this dark out. you should know that i care about you too much to do that. i want to talk about this.” he replies, his voice assertive yet calm, the desperation behind it more evident than ever. the surroundings soon become familiar, having travelled along this road thousands of times, it would be impossible to not recognise it. countless times i had seen the same houses, same trees, same buildings either side of the road, each small detail reminding me of how much i had become used to this area, able to distinguish it much easier than i realise. the familiar house comes into view, it’s four walls holding more memories than any place i had ever been. thousands of nights of passion, mornings of lazy affection, afternoons spent simply enjoying each other’s company spent here, each one unforgettable - to me, at least.
but the comfort it brings me isn’t enough to make me forget about the situation, instead it makes me resent it even more. “why am i here? you want to ridicule me even more, yell at me for kissing that guy some more, rub it in my face that you had your hands on her-”
“you’re here because i want to you be. please can we talk about this? instead of being so fucking stubborn, just let me talk, for once.” he interrupts, confessing his feelings as they spill freely from his lips, eyes finally brave enough to look into my own.
“why should i?” i scoff, stepping out of the car as he does the same, hurriedly catching up to me, my steps towards the front door heavy and fast. his hands fumble with the keys, swiftly unlocking the door and opening it for me to step inside, all whilst i continue to ramble on, a mix of upset and anger sounding from my lips. “you have your hands all over her, and when i do the same thing, you don’t like it? and then you say you did it because you miss me? you’re the most frustrating person i’ve ever met, you know that? nothing is ever simple with you. you mess with my fucking head, and you don’t even care! why? why do you have to make me so-”
as much as i want to continue the sudden burst of rage, eager to show tom the frustration i feel right now, my words are abruptly cut off by a soft pair of lips, the harshness of them mirroring the venom within my tone, silencing my rushed speech in a way too tempting for me to dream of refusing. without thinking, i quickly kiss back, soon reflecting the hunger that tom displays as his lips move against mine, hands moving to my waist to pull me closer, my own behind his neck, his black braids tangled between my fingers.
“you drive me fucking crazy, you know that?” he breathes out between kisses, my mind too lost within the moment to even respond, his words barely registering. “so stubborn, but fuck, i need you, can’t live without you...”
i moan against his lips in response, deciding that actions speak far louder than words, channeling all the built up frustration into the kiss, parting my lips to allow his tongue to slip inside my mouth, my own entering his. the process of his arms hoisting me upwards, legs wrapping around his torso roughly and walking sloppily into the living room, our lips never parting is all a blur, my back ending up flat against the couch, tom’s body situated in between my legs, hovering over me. it didn’t matter that five minutes ago i could’ve punched his face. truthfully, i could do the same right now. however i decide to exercise my anger in the most pleasurable way possible, figuring that if he is trying to apologise, this is a pretty damn good way of earning my forgiveness - the silent promise of feeling him inside me meaning i’d probably accept whatever half-hearted attempt he put together to make amends, if it meant that we could get to the point faster.
my hair is disheveled, lipstick smudged, traces of the deep red now present on tom’s lips, proving just how desperate the both of us are - whether i am willing to admit it or not. his hand travels upwards, fingers grazing the soft skin covered by my hair, eventually making contact with the zipper of my dress and carefully tugging it downwards, despite his kisses being anything but. it is so wrong, knowing that he has entertained someone else not even an hour ago and he is touching me now, but it feels so right, against all of my morals, every part of me willing to make my body his and his only. my mind silently thanks whatever higher presence up there for gracing me with tom, though the things that we are doing forbid us from ever reaching heaven, not that it matters, because the feeling of his lips against mine is pretty damn close to it.
“fuck- i love you so much baby, so much…” he trails off, pulling away momentarily to allow his hands to take my dress, sliding the material down my body, exposing it all inch by inch until the soft cotton is bunched at my knees. his lips are curved into a small smirk, so subtle it is almost unnoticeable, though once his eyes flick between my face and now bare figure, i know that it is real - his being in some sort of trance as it rests above me, giving away his silent admiration. eyes twinkling as they take in my curves, perfectly defined, adorned with smooth skin, begging to be touched by his calloused hands which now reach outwards from his sides, giving into the temptation.
he is careful, despite the look on his face suggesting that he wants to be everything but. he desperately tries to hold on to the gentleness, hesitant to spoil moment of passionate bliss that resumes as his hands continue to run along my stomach, moving further and further upward. but deep down, he wants to ruin me, to give up the sweet act that he is putting on, and i want it just as bad - each second that he continues to be tender, his actions restricted and mild, slowly tortures me.
“why are you holding back?” i breathe out, eyes locked on his hands as they finally make contact with my breasts, moulding the flesh into his palms. i can sense the way he pauses slightly, refraining from applying any pressure, instead maintaining his steady movements, gaze locked on my breasts as he drinks in the view, mesmerised by the sight as if he hadn’t seen it a hundred times over.
“we don’t have to rush, i want to be gentle-” he speaks, voice slow and soft, though i have passed the point of caring about taking our time, the concept of it long gone. because i could spend an eternity like this, completely connected with him, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
“be gentle tomorrow.” i interrupt him, eyes flickering to his lips, wanting nothing more than to feel them against my own once again, tired of his accidental teasing.
his eyes meet my own, the lust within them taking over, my words barely considered as he acknowledges them immediately, capturing my lips in a kiss. it is rough, lacking that hesitance he showed moments ago, because now he has my permission, he no longer cares about being gentle, able to act out on his desires the way he needs to.
with a simple tug, he takes down his jeans, discarding the denim somewhere on the floor, far too focused on my exposed body in front of him to care where. if his demeanour didn’t give away his desperation, the bulge in his boxers said enough, his length brushing against my leg through the material as his head dips downward once again, reconnecting our lips in another heated kiss. i shift my hips slightly, mouth falling open once his dick brushes against my clit through my panties, the sensation, though only slight, enough to restrain my ability to kiss back.
he quickly senses this, hands moving to my panties, fingers hooking under the material, slowly raking them downwards, letting the lace pool at my feet. his arms lift upwards once my fingers make contact with the hem of his t-shirt, making it easier for me to remove the heavy fabric. i sit upwards, face inches away from his own, lips ghosting over each other’s whilst i pull the t-shirt upwards and over his head, releasing it onto the floor.
within seconds, his boxers are lost somewhere on the floor, joining the piles of clothes scattered around the room. his dick presses against his lower abdomen, the sight only making the aching between my thighs intensify, just about ready to get on my knees and beg, if he doesn’t put me out of my misery in the next few seconds.
and he does - just not in the way that i want him to. instead, his lips move downward at an agonisingly slow pace, eyes never leaving my own, even when he begins to place open-mouthed kisses along my stomach, his teeth grazing over the skin ever so slightly, though the sensation is enough for small whines to leave my lips, hands reaching for his head, fingers running over the rough bumps of his braids.
“shit- you’re so beautiful, so pretty schatz…” he praises between kisses, hands coming upward to pry my legs apart as they instinctively clench together at the pleasure. if it weren’t for his body in between them, they probably would’ve closed completely, not that tom would ever complain about being in such a position - especially not now when he had been without it for so long.
“please…” i whine, back arching slightly off of the couch, his teasing movements no longer enough. i need one thing, and he knows exactly what that is, his desires mirroring my own.
“shhhh. i know baby, i know.” he coos, head finally moving from my stomach as his whole body shifts upward, his forehead now resting against my own, lips placing small kisses all over my face, attempting to distract me from the feeling of his tip aligning with my entrance. he is foolish to think that anything could divert my attention from this sensation - i have been waiting for it for so long that it is the only thing on my mind, mouth falling open once it finally becomes a reality.
his lips curve into a smug smile at my reaction, watching the way my face contorts when he pushes inside of me, his length stretching out my walls as they clench around him. my mind is hazy, tuning out everything else around me, nothing else seeming to matter once i have gotten what i want. sure, thirty minutes ago i resented him, wanting nothing more than to hurl words of irritation at him until my throat turned hoarse, but it seems that i’ll be reaching the same conclusion anyways - the way his cock slowly thrusts in and out of me eliciting moans from me that are bound to leave my vocal chords sore. this doesn’t stop me from vocalising my pleasure though, inaudible whines not far from screams leaving my parted lips once he speeds up his pace a little.
“that’s it baby, let me hear those pretty sounds. show me how much you missed me, mhm?” he grunts, his own mouth hanging open a little as his hips continue to grind against my own, knowing exactly how to move, paying close attention to when my noises would become particularly loud, angling himself to elicit those same sounds from my lips, eyes squeezing shut whenever i do so.
somehow he hadn’t reprimanded me for when i would squirm a little, back arching ever so slightly, legs closing tighter and tighter around him. instead, his eyebrows would furrow when i do so, my movements drawing him deeper inside of me, so deep that i swear i can feel him in my stomach. even if he had scolded me, reminding me to be good, to behave myself as this is what i wanted, he knows that his words won’t stop me from acting out, especially when i know he is too lost in his own pleasure to even consider halting his movements - my climax guaranteed regardless of how much i irritate him so, why not misbehave a little?
“fuck- stay still.” he finally orders once i squeeze my legs around his waist one too many times, my hips lifting instinctively from the couch. his hands firmly place them downwards, fingers digging into the skin ever so slightly, providing just the right amount of pain to make me go close to insane, a moaning mess beneath him. he starts to circle his hips swiftly, his dick moving in and out of me at a different angle, and god, that’s all it takes. that is all i need for my mouth to fall open in a silent scream, quickly acknowledging that his tip no longer brushes weakly against that sensitive spot inside me, it hits the flesh directly.
if i had the ability to speak, i would be encouraging, no, begging him to carry on, to keep his movements going, his cock hitting every spot inside of me that causes me to moan that little bit louder, legs to squeeze around him just a little tighter. but he is perfectly aware of the effect he has on me, knowing the reaction that he elicits out of me is one of unmatched bliss, so he keeps going, much to my relief. through the small part of my vision that isn’t overtaken by the tears that soon begin to cover my eyes, i study tom’s face, his expression causing the already prominent knot in my stomach to tighten even further.
if the pleasure he brings me isn’t enough, the evidence of his own tips me over the edge - his eyebrows knitted together, sweat lining his forehead as he moves in and out of me, mouth open with his tongue occasionally swiping across his bottom lip. he stays relatively quiet, though i know exactly how to elicit small sounds out of him, noticing the way deep groans sound from the back of his throat when i clench around him, almost inaudible words of encouragement that follow his moans prompting me to repeat my actions, noticing the way he twitches inside me as i do so.
“gonna cum, c’mon baby, cum with me.” he prompts, bending downwards to plant quick kisses onto my lips, his thrusts now slow and deep, pushing me over the edge as i manage to nod my head, hands reaching to clutch his biceps. my nails dig into the skin once i feel his hot cum shoot inside of me, an elongated ‘ohhhh’ leaving his lips as he throws his head backward, hips lazily rocking back and forth at an irregular pace, one final thrust being all it takes for the knot in my stomach to quickly unravel.
my eyes squeeze shut, mouth falling open as a high-pitched moan escapes it, back lifting upward off of the couch once his pointer finger reaches to make contact with my clit, rubbing slow circles over it as my release washes over me. he continues to move in and out of me, fucking his seed further into me, his heavy breathing sounding through the silent room. he collapses on top of me, not bothering to pull out just yet, instead using the little energy he has left to softly run his fingers up and down my arm in an attempt to slow my rapid breathing, taking notice of the way my entire body trembles slightly.
“you okay schatz?” he mutters, his low voice vibrating against my bare skin, lips inches away from my breasts as his head rests in between them, placing a lazy kiss there. i mutter a small ‘mhm’, noticing the strain that the small utterance places on my throat, silently cursing myself for being so vocal, though deep down i know that i don’t really regret it, the sex warranting every sound i let spill from my lips.
“you still angry?” he asks, the soft smile that graces upon his lips telling me that he knows the answer to his question before i even open my mouth. he chuckles lowly, squeezing my waist and moving closer, intertwining our legs together, our bodies tangled as we lay on the couch.
“depends if you plan on touching someone like you did that girl again.” i shrug, honestly still a little frustrated at what i had witnessed, the thought making me seethe with jealousy. even after i had tom inside of me just moments ago, the small amount of satisfaction it brings me isn’t enough, wishing that i could somehow go back in time and stop the entire thing from ever happening, realising that my life would be better without knowing he had entertained someone else, even for a few minutes.
“what girl?” he grins, beginning to place sloppy kisses on my neck, hands running up and down my waist. he knows exactly what i am talking about, continuing to sweet talk me, all whilst his lips continue to work against my neck, tongue running soothingly over the skin after his teeth nip against it. “the only girl i want to touch is you, baby.”
“you know what girl.” i breathe out, trying to continue the conversation, my head tilting backwards to give him more access, failing miserably to maintain my composure as his kisses hold me under his trance, getting me just as worked up as i had been ten minutes ago, before he had pleasured me.
“hmm, i don’t care about her.” he mutters against me, his voice vibrating above my chest, sending chills through my body, the feeling soon soothed when he moves on top of me once again, trailing the suggestive kisses lower and lower, hovering just above my breasts. his eyes are half-lidded, filled with tired lust as they peer innocently at me, the intent behind them crystal clear as they darken just before his mouth opens, his voice low. “why would i? just want you beautiful. need you all to myself…”
tired moans leave his lips as they continue to work against me, leaving no part untouched, his kisses becoming slow and sloppy. though he doesn’t show any intention of stopping, muttering small compliments in between kisses. ‘so beautiful.’ he mumbles, taking the skin between my breasts and slowly sucking on it, teeth digging in momentarily, soon pulling away once he is satisfied with the small bruise left in place of his soft lips. ‘love you so much.’ he whispers just before his tongue swipes over an existing mark, head tilting to the side to press open-mouthed kisses just below it. “shit- so fucking perfect.’ he mutters, lips hovering above my breast for a few seconds, breath fanning over it, watching the way my chest falls up and down, anticipating his touch. ‘meine schatz, all yours.’ he murmurs, taking my nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, his free hand kneading the flesh of my thigh, slowly continuing to work against me, noticing the way my whines become lazy and restricted.
he looks upward briefly, my own eyes on the verge of closing, completely exhausted, entire body aching as it manages to calm down, no longer trembling the way it was moments ago. his hands reach upwards, fingers threading through my hair, removing any knots within it. his own eyes struggle to stay open, yet he forces them to, holding back on falling asleep until he knows that i have, instead resuming his fingers’ slow movements through my hair, paying close attention to my breathing pattern, humming in satisfaction once it becomes slow and shallow, signalling that i have finally let exhaustion take over. even when he falls asleep, he refuses to reduce his hold on me, bodies tangled together as we are finally at peace, belonging to each other once again.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
HELLO i have a request so ill try my best to explain it okay uhm, so could you do threesome like ghost x reader x könig ? IDK ABOUT THE PLOT BUT LIKE first they dont give in because of the age gap cuz they think y/n is too young or whatever but them they get put in a same room for a night since they had to stop for some serious reasons LIKE IDK YOU TIDY UP ALL THIS MESS BUT PLEASE LIKE THE READER HAS CHOKING KINK AND DEGRADING KINK YOU MAKE THE REST THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU DO THIS BECAUSE LIKE I RLLY CANT FIND ANYTHING WHERE READER GETS SANDWITCHED BETWEEN TWO MASSIVE MEN 😭😭 i beg 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I will take every given chance to thirst over these massive men, won't lie I got carried away with this so... enjoy
warnings: mdni (18+), smut, unprotected pinv, threesome, age gap, degradation, some praise, choking, fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, mention of alcohol, blowjob, blindfold, oral (fem rec), creampie
You'd been in the safehouse with Konig and Ghost for two days already, two days of waiting in silence for someone to come and rescue you. The two men gave little in means of conversation, sitting quietly in their posts, keeping watch, occasionally glancing over to you.
You grew tired of the quiet within the first night, attempting a few times to spark conversations, the men would give simple responses in the form of hums or nods, not affording you full sentences. They had been awkward around you for a few weeks, the treatment starting after a drunken night at Soaps house, a few rounds of 'never have I ever' and too many rounds of shots.
"Right but if ye were to have a threesome, who'd you pick?" Soaps question makes your eyes widen, your cheeks blushing as you realize you don't even need time to think of your response.
"Ghost and Konig" Your response caused a thick tension to fill the air, you purposefully avoid the gaze of the two men as Soap's eyes lit up.
"I dinnae if you could handle both of them, lass, I mean, they're... large" Soap chooses his words carefully, eyes glancing around the room as the two men remain like statues, your heartbeat racing in your ears.
"Next question" Ghost's voice breaks the tension, you turn your attention back to your drink, heat flushing your skin.
You didn't realize how much your drunken words would affect the men but now, two weeks later and stuck in a safe house with them it showed, barely a word muttered between them.
"What's wrong with you two?" You ask in a fit of either confidence or annoyance,
"What do you mean?" Ghost turns to you
"One day were all chatting and having fun, and the next you two avoid me like the plague"
The men share a look, you throw your arms up in question,
"We aren't avoiding you" Konig shrugs
"I don't know how long we're stuck here and if neither of you will talk I'm going to lose my mind"
"Stop being a brat" Ghosts words make you tense
"Then tell me why you won't talk to me"
"Because you're just a kid," Ghost says, his voice low
"I'm younger than you, that's why you won't talk to me" You scrunch your face
"It's more that you want to fuck us" Ghost states plainly, your body freezes, your eyes widening at his words, you turn to Konig who's just as frozen as you, Ghost rests his weight on one leg, his thumb through the loop of his belt as he stares at you.
"I don't" You stammer
"What about the game the other night?" Konig adds
"Just a game"
"You're a terrible liar kid," Ghost says
"Stop calling me that" Your hands begin to fidget, unsure of what to do under the pressure of their eyes
"What would you rather us call you?"
"My name" Your eyes are glued to the floor, unable to look at them, Ghost moves toward you, his boots heavy against the floor. His hand moves to rest on your chin, tilting your head to face him,
"You sure there's not anything else you wanna be called?"
"Ghost.." Konig warns, "We can't"
"M'not sure about that, it's just us here anyway"
Your skin burns under his stare, his hand moves from your jaw back to rest on his vest, his shoulders broad, his stance purposefully intimidating you.
Your breath is rapid, you keep your eyes locked on his as you drop to your knees, your neck craned to look at him,
"Ghost" Konig glances between your bodies, his tone stern, a final warning to his teammate
"Do you want this?" He softens his gaze for a moment, giving you an out, you're tiny under his hulking frame, cheeks red as your heart races, you glance between the masked man, focusing your gaze back on his skull mask.
"Please" It comes out as a whimper
"Please what?"
You huff a breath, "Please fuck me"
"Tell him" Ghost turns towards Konig, you follow his gaze, pleading eyes landing on his hood,
"Please, I need you, need you both"
"Oh kleine maus" He releases a deep breath, moving toward you, he stands behind you, you're trapped between the men with no escape, head level with their groins as your mind flurries.
"You gonna be good for us?"
You nod your head
"You gonna take what we give you?" Ghosts hands rest on his belt
"Yes" You can feel your arousal pooling, you slick drenching your panties as you sit, Ghost palms himself over his pants the tent in his pants more visible by the second.
You wriggle your hips, trying to gain some friction on your sex but Konigs hands are quick to settle on your shoulders, keeping you still,
"Careful, you take what we give you, nothing more" His voice echoes through your ears from above, you look up at the men, trying to gage what they were thinking but their masks reveal nothing, you furrow your brows in a silent plea, the sound of Ghosts belt music to your ears.
"You stay focused on me, eyes ahead" Ghost orders, you nod, doe eyes staring at him as you feel Konig kneel behind you, his hands roaming your frame.
Ghost unzips his pants letting his cock spring free, you wet your lips at the sight, a sudden nervousness taking over your body as you realize how big he is. He takes his cock in his hand, pumping it a few times,
"Don't worry, you can take it"
He teases his leaking tip against your lips, smearing his slick against the skin as you part them, flattening your tongue, he runs his tip over the muscle, gathering your saliva on it before pushing in an inch. You hum around him, the taste of his pre cum salty on your tongue.
Konig's hands move to roam under your shirt, bunching the fabric above your breasts before urging your arms up so he can lift it, his hands moving to paw at your breasts. The contact forces a moan from your throat, the vibration making Ghost let out a small grunt as he pushes deeper into your mouth.
Ghosts hand cups your jaw, pulling your gaze up to him, you stare at him through your lashes, he squeezes your jaw lightly asking permission, you nod slightly and blink your eyes at him. You brace your hands against his thighs as his fingers pull your hair back, he thrusts into your mouth slowly, allowing you time to breathe before he pulls out all the way, forcing his cock into the back of your throat, forcing you to gag around him.
You breathe through your nose as his tip brushes against your throat over and over, the saliva from your mouth polling around the base of his cock, dripping down to his balls.
Konig's hands roam further down your frame, his fingers slipping past the band of your pants to cup your sex, the contact making you moan around Ghost's length.
"Scheiße so wet already, kleine schlampe" His fingers tease over your clothed pussy, you move your hips to grind down on his fingers and he pinches your clit, forcing a muffled yelp from you.
"Needy slut" He breathes in your ear, his words going straight to your core, tears prick your eyes as Ghosts thrusts deep into your mouth, pulling his cock out as your head falls forward, gasping for air,
"Please, touch me" You pant,
"S'that what you want you fucking slag, need Konig's fingers to stretch you out while I fuck your throat?"
"Yes, God please" You beg, your chest heavy
"Earn it" Ghosts hand moves his cock back to your lips, your reach to grip his length, your saliva working to help you glide your digits up and down his cock, taking him into your mouth as Konig's hand dips below your panties, you clench your eyes shut as he pushes his fingers into you, his thumb settling against your clit as the digits pump into your weeping cunt.
"Eyes up here" Ghost's hand grabs your cheek, forcing you to look at him, your work his length, flattening your tongue to allow him deeper into your throat, gagging around his cock as Konig's fingers curve to swipe against your sweet spot.
You moan around Ghost's cock, his grip on your hair growing tighter as your hand pumps him, you keep your eyes locked on his as Jonig's fingers stretch you out, his thumb circling your clit making you clench down on him, his chest is pressed to your back keeping you still, you're trapped between the men.
Konig's free hand moves to pinch your hardened nipple, the sensation bringing you closer to the edge, Ghost can feel your movements become sloppy, his hand moving to grab atop yours, guiding it over his cock,
"You wanted it, now take it," He says through gritted teeth, he buries his cock in your throat and you arch against Konig, the hand on Ghost's thigh digging into the muscle as you reach your peak, whining and moaning around Ghosts cock,
"That's it, filthy girl" Konig coos in your ear, his fingers fuck you through your high as Ghost holds your jaw steady, his balls tighten as his head falls forward, strings of curses and grunts coming from him as he spills into your mouth, his seed dripping down your throat.
Your tears stain your cheeks as you swallow around him, gasping for a breath as he pulls out, a string of saliva dripping from his tip as you fall forward. Konig pulls his hands from you, his hands settling on your hips, helping you up, he holds you against his form and you feel his hard-on press against your back, the sensation making a shiver run up your spine.
He guides you toward the bed that sits in the corner of the room, helping you to sit on the edge before moving his hands from you.
“Close your eyes kleine maus”
You do as he says, fluttering your kids shut till your sight is consumed by darkness, you follow the sound of the men, the noises of their buckles clattering and they drop their pants down. You hear footsteps near you, hands holding the sides of your face as a piece of fabric is placed over your eyes, and tied behind your head.
“For identity's sake,” You hear Ghost say, you can’t see him but you can smell him, gunpowder and tobacco invades your senses as he moves from you.
You feel the mattress dip below you, strong arms pulling you back against the bed as your limbs splay across the sheets, rough hands knead at your breasts causing soft meals to fall from your lips, another pair tugs at your pants, pulling them from your legs so you’re bare, the cool air of the room hitting your dripping pussy, goosebumps form on your skin.
You move your arms to feel the man behind you, trying to figure out which one it was before strong hands grab yours, pinning them down,
“No touching, not yet” The English accent rings in your ears, you sigh quietly as Konig’s hands roam your bare thighs, squeezing at the flesh, you feel his breathe ghost over your cunt, you try to squeeze your legs shut but he holds them open, pressing your lower half into the mattress.
Your head rests in Ghost's lap, one hand holding yours down while his other moves to settle at the base of your neck, his fingers on your pulse point.
“Open your mouth”
You do as he says, dropping your jaw as he leans over your form, spit dripping from his tongue past your lips, you swallow it with a hum.
“Such a good little whore” His fingers squeeze lightly at your neck, your back pulls away from the mattress, arching as Konig’s tongue flicks over your clit.
He laps at your cunt, flattening his tongue to lick a stripe between your folds before closing his lips around your bud, sucking at the nerves as your head pushes further into Ghost's lap.
Ghost releases you, letting your hands roam to grab at anything you can while his settles at your breasts, twisting and punching your nipples, Konig’s tongue flicks over your clit, circling and sucking at the bud while you writhe under him.
“You’re gonna cum once more, then we’re gonna ruin you like the little slut you are” Ghost emphasizes his words with a squeeze to your throat, strangled moans escaping your throat as Konig’s tongue laps at you, inching you toward release.
His hands pin your hips as you try to grind against him, needing more,
“Be good, needy thing” He chastises from below you, his fingers digging into your hips sure to leave bruises as he continues his assault.
“C’mon, be a good little whore and cum on his tongue” Ghost voices rings above you, his words shooting straight to your core, you strain under Konig’s grip, his tongue has you teetering on the edge, he teases his fingers around your entrance earning a wanton moan from you as he pushes in, the new sensation has your vision blinding behind the mask as your second orgasm rips through your body, your hips twitching against his lips while Ghosts hands roam your form.
He eases you through your high, letting you come down slowly before detaching himself,
“Scheiße, taste so sweet, if I knew you sounded like that we would've done this sooner”
Your breaths are heavy as you lay against Ghost, your legs falling against the bed as Konig stands, his hands reach for your waist, flipping you to your stomach with ease, you fall against Ghost as he shifts under you, his hands steadying you as Konig lifts your hips from the bed.
He slots himself behind you, his palms pressing against your ass, spreading it to get a better view, Ghost's hands move to gently remove the mask from your eyes, peeling the fabric from your face, his hand on your chin as he tilts your head,
"Need you to keep your eyes on me, gonna watch you fall apart" His voice is gruff, you wriggle your hips toward Konig in anticipation, his tip gliding between your folds, collecting your slick. Ghost holds your face up, forcing you to strain your neck, an arch forming in your back as Konig lines himself up, pressing his tip against your hole, you gasp at the feeling, now aware of how big he is.
"You can take it, I know you can"
You relax your shoulders, hands pressing into Ghost as Konig pushes in deeper, the stretch of his fingers nothing compared to the way his cock feels,
"So goddamn tight maus," He says through gritted teeth, you struggle to keep your eyes on Ghost, your jaw falling open as gasps and moans slip past your lips,
"S'alright, you'll warm her up for me" Ghost reaches for your hand, moving it to settle atop his growing erection, his hand keeping yours pressed against him.
Konig quickens his pace, your body shifting back and forth against Ghost as he drags his length across your soaked walls, your slick wetting his pubes every time he bottoms out, pressing against your cervix, you watch Ghost with hooded lids, his face remaining stoic as you palm his length.
Konig's grunts fill your ears, his fingers digging into your hips as he pounds into you, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the room,
"That's it, love, take it, just like the little slut you are"
You moan at his words and you can see Ghost smirk under his mask, he's watching you unravel under their touch, your legs getting wobbly as Konig stretches you around his massive cock, forcing you to take every inch.
Konig snaked an arm around your waist, lifting your hips up slightly, allowing his fingers to tease around your clit, you let out a gasp and clench down on his length, the rough pads of his fingers circling your bud, his hold the only thing keeping you upright.
You drop your head forward but you're caught by Ghost, his fingers firm around your throat as he pulls your gaze back to him,
"Eyes on me or you don't get to cum"
You let out a small whimper, your free hand digging into the flesh of his thigh as Knoig works you toward another orgasm, the heat in your stomach building to sear your skin, every nerve alive as he thrusts into you.
He works your clit at a vicious pace, your brain a ball of fuzz as it refuses to form words, resorting to strings of moans and whimpers, you stare at Ghost with pleading eyes, tears brimming in them,
"You wanna cum?" He squeezes your throat, his other hand pressing your digits against his now firm cock.
You nod against his grip,
"Use your words"
"Yes, please, need to cum"
"You wanna soak his cock, you fuckin slag, do it, cum for us"
Your orgasm rips through your body, your limbs going limp as Konig holds you up, fucking you through your high as you melt against Ghost, fingers clenching against his flesh.
"Such a tight little pussy, mein gott, gonna make me cum"
Konig buries himself inside you, his balls pressed against your core,
"Beg for it slut, beg for his cum"
You let out a deep moan as the sensation, you're stuffed to the brim, unable to move,
"Please, need your cum, please Konig"
He grips your flesh as his muscles tighten, spilling his load inside you, keeping it deep inside your walls as he gives shallow thrusts, forcing it deeper, his spend floods your walls, spilling out as he pulls from you.
He releases you, letting you fall forward as Ghost moves from his spot leaving you limp against the bed, Konigs hands press against your shoulders, pulling you to all fours while he sits in front of you, resting against his legs. His cock is sitting in front of your eyes, his softening length teasing at your lips, you flatten your tongue but he pulls back,
"Not yet maus, gonna fill you up, don't worry"
You whimper at his words, needing to taste him while Ghost slots himself behind you, your aching core clenching around nothing as his fingers tease your slit, gathering the mixture of spend and smearing it around your skin.
He gives you no time to adjust, bottoming out in a single thrust, Konigs hands keeping you upright as your pussy clenches around Ghost, your tears stain your cheeks and Konig swipes a thumb over the wet skin,
"You're doing so well darling" He purrs, words escape you, diluted to a babbling mess as Ghost pounds into you, Konig kneels forward, his palm stroking up his length as his cock swipes across your wet lips, drool pooling at the corners of your mouth.
Ghost presses a firm hand to your spine, your stomach pressing against the mattress, allowing him deeper while Konigs tip teases at your mouth, you part your lips for him, he smears your saliva around his tip, the taste of his spend lingering on his cock as you flatten your tongue, tasting him.
He pushes into your mouth, your body pinned between the two men as they fill you from both ends, Ghosts hands spread your ass as he lifts his mask above his nose, a string of spit dripping from his tongue to your hole, wetting the skin as he continues to fuck you at an unrelenting pace.
Your vision is blurry, your body weak as the men continue to wreck you, Konigs length pushing past your lips to drag along the inside of your mouth, you moan around his length, your hands digging into the sheets as you try to stay balanced.
"Is this what you wanted, needed to be filled by two cocks you little slut" Ghost emphasizes his words with harsh thrusts, the wet wounds of your hole filling the air as you gag around Konig, his balls slapping against your chi with every thrust.
Their hands keep you steady as your brain clouds with lust, all your senses invaded by the two men as they wreck your body, every part of you claimed by them.
"You wanna walk around with our cum in you? Dirty fucking girl"
The thought makes you hum around Konigs cock, your pussy clenching around Ghost,
"She likes that, you want us to mark you huh, ruin this little pussy"
You can't think to respond, simply resorting to clenching your eyes and arching your hips further toward Ghost, allowing him impossibly deep inside you.
Konig moves his hand to grab your hair, tugging your neck back to allow himself deeper, burying his cock in your throat as you gag around him before he pulls out a moment, allowing you to breathe.
"Please, need to feel you" You beg, your head turning towards the man behind you, Konigs hand moves to your throat, keeping you still in front of him as he thrusts back into your mouth. You're a mess of moans between the men, your hips twitching as Ghost's fingers connect with your swollen clit.
"One more, give me one more" He circles your bud, your cries muffled by Konig's length thrusting into your mouth as your orgasm builds quickly, you want to beg him to stop but you can't, your body moulding to the men as they bring you back to the edge.
The coil inside you threatens to snap as Ghost swipes your clit in time with his thrusts,
"Scheiße, look at me" Konig pants above you, you tilt your head to face him, your skin red, your lips puffy as you stare at him through your lashes. He stares at you with a piercing gaze and your orgasm erupts in your chest, clenching around Ghost while you moan around Konig, your body trembling under the men as your vision goes white, a dull ringing filling your ears.
"That's it, fuck" He buries himself in your throat, his seed filling your mouth as his hips twitch, you hum around his tip, your tongue lapping up every drop from his cock as he pulls out with a pop.
You take a deep breath, panting as Ghost pounds into you, your head falling forward as your arms give out, your drool pooling under your cheek as he presses you into the mattress.
"So fucking good" Ghost grunts, leaning over your frame as his tip prods at your cervix, he cums with a growl, his sounds buzzing above you while he fills you with his seed, your abused hole milking him. He keeps his softening cock inside for a moment, pulling it out and replacing it with his fingers, pushing the leaking spend back inside you, your hips flinch from the stimulation, your slick coating the insides of your thighs.
You fall forward, your body limp against the bed, the mattress dips under the weight of the men, Ghost lays back against the bed, his arms tugging you against him so your head can rest on his chest. Konig turns to grab a small cloth, easing himself down the bed to carefully wipe around your core, careful to avoid your swollen clit as he cleans you.
You catch your breath while Konig lays behind you, his arms snaking around your waist to hold you, your limbs are tangled between the two men while your heartbeat relaxes. His hands draw lazy patterns over your skin as your muscles ease, melting into the men,
"Did so well" Ghost places a soft kiss on the crown of your head, your cheeks pressed to the exposed skin of his upper chest, the warmth of the men comforting your sore body as the light of the sun peaks through the windows of the house.
"So good for us" Konigs hands trace over your skin, his chest flush with your back as he sandwiches you between him and Ghost, the thrum of their heartbeats filling your ears.
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