#potential ya know?
huntingpalismen · 2 months
every time a tv show has less than 12 episodes per season an angel shits its own organs out and dies
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raccoondit · 4 months
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Pepito chiquito
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Ulysses sure is canonically experimenting with Wither Sickness stuff again now. Sure would be a shame if he like,,, had trauma about testing things on other people and tried to test it on himself,,, and just like,,, messed around infecting himself with wither sickness a bunch,,,
That’d be a shame /j
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mando-abs · 3 months
Guys, I’ve read the Wild Robot
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And let me tell you, if I hadn’t recently taken a Children’s Literature class in college, I would’ve said this was the best middle-grade book I’ve read since elementary/middle school. I almost read this book in one night (I was sleepy 😴) like I couldn’t put it down.
The heart behind this book is astounding and it never shies away from showing complex and difficult concepts. You will fall in love with Roz and her gosling son along with all of the other animal on the island.
If you’ve got younger ones, I highly recommend reading this to them or having a little book club moment with them. However, be prepared for whatever hard questions may come your way (i.e. circle of life and climate issues). You know your child and how much they can handle/understand. If you’re like me and much older, it’s a quick read and a great way to finish off a long day. It’s a part of a trilogy and you bet I’m patiently waiting for my hold on a copy at the library.
If the movie is anything like the book (which, given a rewatch of the trailer, it’s looking like so), we are in for a special treat.
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sssammich · 2 months
the romance of an alternate universe
to think that you can imagine a different world so easily beyond this one, if only to pacify, if only to forget. the bittersweetness of your joy in another world where little currently exists here. the longing that doesn't come away empty handed because there, she likes you, trusts you, has no reason to ever question years of friendship and the traces of more.
you only have the one life here, in this one, in this universe, in this timeline, in this moment and that's all.
but the possibility in others, even in just one other, is enough to make you hope that things here will eventually blow over better for you.
knowing the existence of alternate universes, having traveled to them, aches inside your chest because there, your dreams are real. there, your heartbreak is soothed. there, she does not regard you with hatred, disdain, anger, disappointment, heartbreak. there, you did not commit mistake after mistake, each one chained to one another until in the end, you come away with cuffs that lock you, an imprisonment of your own design.
maybe you consider moving to an alternate universe, weighing to suffer the consequences of your choice there instead of here. because it beats being here, it beats having ruin and ashes as the world you live in now.
your friends and family won't understand. they can't understand. all your good intentions remain good, but your impact have been nothing but disastrous.
certainly the rogue alien pummeling you into the rooftop of her tower doesn't understand. but maybe he's traveled here from an alternate universe of his own. and he's just trying to get away. that, you understand.
despite the blood and grime all over you, you wrap your arms around his neck and you don't let go--he's a growing tidal wave as he attempts to rid himself of you. but you hold onto him, locking your limbs around his back, and you don't let go. if there's one thing you'll do right today, it's defeat him.
the rooftop doors open and you see her. she is so beautiful today. and you, bloodied and aching, are exhausted.
you cannot read what her eyes or face are showing--might be the pounding headache and blurred vision on your part. but she is still looking. and it's more than what you can say for the last four miserable months of your life.
you think you hear her say your name, but you're not sure. you don't want to get your hopes up.
he's punching your side and you just tighten your hold around his neck which only pisses him off more. well, get in line, buddy, you're not the only one.
agents rush out to surround your duel with him, and you hear your sister command this small army that has circled you. her appearance just means that you have to hold on even more knowing that one wrong move and you're endangering two people you love.
this alien has just about had enough of you, and you can't agree more, so you try to subdue him by using what remaining energy you have to deliver an unconscious blow, but he gets a hand on your ankle and yanks you off of him before slamming your body down onto the concrete. a crater with your name on it.
there are muffled gasps and you hear your sister order for agents to attack and he wails above you in anger as specialized bullets hit him. his massive hand grabs you by your emblem and he pushes you into the ground, your lungs fighting to breathe at the heavy weight. your hands paw at his wrist to push him away, to no avail. your powers are waning, your energy is zapped, you really are so very tired.
when you look up, there is surprising calm in his onyx eyes despite the rumbling storm around you.
and you think this might be it for you.
you expect pain on the final blow but instead of pain, your body is heaved forward and into nothingness, the weight of his hand on your chest now acting as an anchor.
you hear your sister call for you. but you also hear her, her piercing scream cutting through your consciousness. there is panic, there is worry. for you.
and then they’re gone.
and so are you.
only to open your eyes in the exact same place as before underneath the exact same sky. except there are no agents. there is no rogue alien. there is no sister.
but there is her.
tentative, frightened, curious. she is looking at you and you are looking at her and you realize she is not who you know. and you wonder if the crushing weight on your chest is a phantom pressure from the rogue alien who was seconds away from killing you.
she is kneeling beside your body that's still stretched out flat on the ground. and she is looking at you with just so much.
and she is saying, “who are you?"
and you.
you begin to cry.
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
i cannot fully verify this but it’s going around cpf circles, so this person is watching a video of an ad posted by wyb on his douyin. then you can see on the post that yibo is 7km away from this person. i know douyin does IP address, i’m not sure tho for live geo location. the candy is, the person watching the video is in Hengdian. who is in HD? bunny laoshi. it doesn’t help that we cpn WYB going to HD with his parents for CNY. 👀
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people are saying that this will only be displayed if you are in the same city and the other person’s IP is turned on.
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impactdial · 4 months
i'm usually not one for the jealousy trope but man....i do think the concept of sanji being insecure about usopp seemingly always going to zoro for protection and he's bitter about it and doesn't even know why he feels that way has the potential to be so funny. he just wants usopp's attention and praise and it drives him crazy because he's an idiot that doesn't even realize he's in love. bonus if zoro picks up on the situation and sure, he mostly finds it annoying because being the crew's protector is just who he is, he can't help if usopp comes to him; but he definitely does ham it up a bit just to piss off sanji
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soup-scope · 1 year
i really hope that when alexis is introduced she’s introduced in a very. neutral manner
i don’t want her to be this cliche villainous that causes conflict between sam and darlin
alexis has been avoiding sam for 15+ years after she turned him. she doesn’t want conflict with him it seems
i lowkey hope that alexis has a small ‘talk’ with darlin. maybe just asking if sam is happy or smth like that. i just don’t want her to be a two dimensional villain when erik has clearly shown he likes to deal with his characters in shades ya know (example:vega)
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crazypenguintacofan · 7 months
Izzy really saw a beautiful traumatized man with daddy issues and said: "I'm gonna make him my boss/somewhat friend/mentee/metaphorical son/metaphorical husband/metaphorical BDSM lover/ideal of masculinity/basis of my identity" and I think that's beautiful and wonderfully fucked up
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angelsdean · 2 months
seeing a post that gets some things right (interesting complex john thoughts) but other parts dead wrong (bad dean takes) has me like *eye twitch*
#reducing a complicated plot to dean hates all monsters and thinks every monster needs to be killed is um. first of all not even canon#do i need to bring out all the posts abt dean's monster ethics and how he thinks a monster is someone who hurts / kills innocent ppl#and that definition includes humans who do monstrous things too (a theme explored in multiple episodes in s1 !!!!)#but anyways. no he did not think jack should be killed bc he was ~not human~ he thought jack was a Dangerous supernatural being#since ya know. he Was. literally thee most powerful being after god / amara. and they had no idea what he might do. he was not their Baby#or their Kid yet. he was a stranger. a strange new supernatural being that they might have to stop.#s12 finale literally leaves off on a cliffhanger positioning jack to potentially be the new 'Big Bad'#so he's a stranger AND the son of lucifer (they had no idea how that would affect jack yet) AND he seemingly brainwashed cas and kelly#bc remember cas was all about Free Will and Choice and Fuck Heaven / Paradise / Peace#and then suddenly he's going against his core beliefs talking abt paradise on earth and jack needing to fulfill his Destiny like ???#i'd be sus af too if i were dean#dean had no reason to trust jack right off the bat. 'oh but he should've trusted him bc cas did' ok and cas is dead now so ??#then there's the soulless jack stuff which is a whole other complicated beast. and dean was not the only one trying to stop jack then eithe#but anyways. no you cannot reduce dean's complex feelings abt jack to simply 'lol dean hates monsters and wants them all dead'#he doesn't. half his family and friends are literally monsters. anyways.#vic.txt
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alliebirb · 6 months
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⚔️🌱 ROOM 606 SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
Lyss be stressed over college because i over think things before even starting! Feat. College explaining important decision AFTER asking me to make said important decision
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Oh so when you're in love with a cannibalistic serial killer sadomasochist who openly admits to helping people just to get the opportunity to push them into failure and suffering 'cause he thinks its funny, its cool and normal and just basic Tumblr Sexyman shenanigans BUT WHEN I'm in love with a gangster murderer, rapist, sex trafficker who drugs people and is a narcissistic stalker I'm suddenly endorsing abuse and am bad wow ok
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lokh · 5 months
shuro got two drawings. TWO. and im the only one excited about it
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chaotic-aro-incarnate · 6 months
Things we know:
Not all men in the Pit Babe universe are alphas
Babe and Charlie are both men
When talking about how he and Charlie couldn't have kids together, Babe says that they're both alphas NOT that they're both men
Therefore even if they don't commit to the bit fully and Babe doesn't get knocked up in the series, mpreg does canonically exist in the universe the show takes place in, just not (usually) between alphas, because if it didn't, Babe would have said that they are both men not that they're both alphas.
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magicicephoenix · 8 months
Who is your favourite bendy protagonist? (books/games and all content)
ooooh now that’s a question!
it’d have to be between Henry and Audrey. sorry to our book pals. I like Buddy but i guess he never stuck around in my mind as a favorite. Joey (in TIOL) isn’t really favorite material for me either, though i will say that his narration is hilarious. guy is so full of ego you wouldn’t believe. and i still haven’t read TLO despite owning it so i can’t say much on those guys.
in the end I have to say Henry because there’s so much to him. Like, his narration in BATIM speaks to his character but we also know that he’s been through the cycle hundreds of times; his reactions and dialogue are not the genuine things he said on his first go-round. He’s so strongly rooted in the overall story and there’s so much possibility with his character in general.
Don’t get me wrong, i love Audrey. i think she’s a fantastic character and her personality is great. i guess there’s also the fact that we’ve known about Henry for longer and had more time to grow familiar with him. i’m sure Audrey won’t be behind for long, though. daughter of Drew and all.
tldr: Henry! :)
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