#I think they could actually be black hispanic but idk
nyaskitten · 1 year
I think it's really inchresting how this year, in particular, Lego has gotten extremely diverse with its characters.
Like before, you obviously did have Lego Friends with canon races and ethnicities, and it was easy to infer that Ninjago and LMK characters were all Asian bc their settings were Asian (one farrr better done than the other).
But now like, Idk the way one MC of Dragons Rising is undisputably black and the other is undisputably Asian is really cool to me. Then, you also have Lego Dreamzzz, with two black people as main characters, one of which has vitilgo. I just think it's really cool they're actually finally giving characters canon races for once!
THEN, you have physical disabilities, which also are seemingly being properly represented, like with a Lego Friends character having one arm or Sora in Ninjago having a prosthetic.
SURE Ninjago has characters with disabilities kinda, like Cyrus Borg or the Mechanic, but in those cases, both have been used as villains and are side characters, so it's great to see a MAIN character with a canon disability instead.
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girlscience · 4 months
I just finished my first non-fiction book in probably years. It was 277 pages long. I can read a fiction book that short in about 2 and a half hours. This took me 3 months to complete. I do wish I was faster with non-fiction, I've got a huge list of science and political and historical books I want to read, but I have to remember these books require more brain power so it's not bad they take longer. The learning is important not the time.
#it was white fragility. which from my understanding is a pretty basic sort of baby's first foray into anti-racism#but it seemed like a good place to start? if I can't handle myself I'm not going to get anything out of the other books I want to read#I found a short paper on anti-colonialism/land back that I think I'm going to read next#I'm also in the middle of cobalt red but I had to return it to the library before I could finish so I placed another hold on it#idk I'm trying to educate myself#I have black and hispanic and indigenous friends and I am very aware that I'm white but haven't ever really done anything to learn#how that affects my relationships with them or to be aware of things I could do unknowingly/unintentionally or what biases I have#and I don't want to be another person that hurts them so I need to do things to be better#and I mean just generally in the world I'm around people of color all the time and I want to be aware and such there too you know#and then also everything about the history of the US and colonialism and such here and around the world#I benefit from that so I need to be learning about it and doing things to help fight back against it#idk. this is all stuff that's been on my mind for a few years#but I was struggling to actually act on it. hopefully I can keep doing better today and tomorrow#and reading and learning seems like a good place to start#I just have to keep reminding myself that these aren't fantasy stories and they require more thought and brain power than most books I read#so it's good thing it takes me longer. that means I'm considering and digesting what I'm reading#it is not a bad thing to read slowly
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bioethicists · 8 months
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responding to this with my shitty redaction because i'm not comfortable posting obvious bait with people's names in them (particularly dead names) but i just wanted to point out the ways in which this ask is prototypical bait written to purposefully generate drama or controversy (idk if this is in a kiwifarms trolling with right wing motives sense or an 'i love drama' person) by trying to appeal to online leftist culture/the fear of being 'problematic'. i see ppl fall for this constantly + i need people to start learning to recognize the signs instead of either engaging or using this as evidence that leftists are stupid/petty/hypocritical (which many of us are, but in much less amusing ways, unfortunately)
the implication that there is a single founder of the "neurodiversity movement" + that evoking this movement at all (which i don't do + i think it's actually pretty evident that my politics are distinct from the much more bioessentialist politics of those who prefer that term, which is part of what led me to conclude that this is a copypasta) is supporting the founder. tracing a broad social concept to a single individual, then disparaging that individual as morally unsound (by evoking other explosive, petty pieces of discourse, like baeddalism + transandrophobia) in order to provoke doubt, fear or anger. demonstrates a hope that leftists will flinch away from anything associated with anyone 'problematic' without applying any critical thinking.
misrepresenting complex events (or fabricating them entirely- idk if these things happened + i simply couldn't care enough to find out) in a way that hits the pressure points of performative activism (she's being mean to an autistic person! other people of color agree with me! this other person is anti physically disabled people!) while also betraying reactionary opinions through language use/implications (claiming to care about 'transandrophobia' yet deadnaming someone? claiming to care about specific events at specific autism conferences but using terms like "severely autistic"? saying you have spoken to "Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, American Indians" lmao did you type this out based on census checkboxes from the 70s?). the author of this ask is clearly not a member of the activist communities they claim to be from because they accidentally slip into the speech conventions + opinions of a kiwifarms/4chan loser who does a lot of hatereading. this one did a good job of hitting the bingo card of divisive intracommunity issues rn- great research skills, bud! put them to better use <3
reframing reactionary beliefs using leftist concepts. this works because many of us do not have a foundational politic outside of "well, i want to be good, so I'm going to support the things that other people i trust say are good". which doesn't make you bad (there is no good or bad! learn this now + quick, if you really want to play a part in building a better world) but it makes you easy to manipulate + unlikely to be capable of meaningful change. notice that the claims this ask is asserting are, at their core, "people make up microaggressions to cause problems when really they could easily suck it up" + "people fake disabilities and being trans for attention". these are reactionary concerns, no matter how artfully they are dressed in social justice language. kiwifarms in particular was very, very good at this- they loved finding the people they stalked to be racist, homophobic, ableist, etc, not because they thought those things were wrong (it was their hobby to be these things!) but because they delighted in identifying hypocrisy, stirring up drama, + destroying people's reputations.
this is hard to explain bcuz i blacked out the names, but if you have a passing familiarity with fascist/reactionary online spaces, particularly the history of kiwifarms, you will know that reactionaries have their own 'pet leftists', just like we have our 'pet fascists' (shapiro, alex jones, tucker carlson, etc). that is, ppl they obsessively follow, harass, + scrutinize + come to believe are representative of everything that we believe. these ppl are rarely ppl who are actually prominent in our online spaces but online reactionaries often believe we are just as obsessed with these people as they are, but as unquestioned paragons of virtue + brilliance. namedropping these ppl is often an accidental tip of the hat, particularly when the ppl aren't on tumblr, haven't been a topic of community discussion for quite some time, or run in a different circle than us (reactionaries don't understand that there are actually thousands of leftist social groups which have very little overlap with some others- pronouns in bio does not mean someone knows or cares about contrapoints, for instance)
tl;dr this ask is a fantastic example of the rhetorical features bait that someone might actually take seriously.
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atpsnty · 2 years
┊𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
xavier thorpe ; wednesday
pairing: xavier thorpe x hispanic!normie!fem!reader
warnings: pure (probably excessive and embarrassing) fluff, like one curse word
request: Can you please write a oneshot for xavier where the reader is a normie and he keeps seeing her everywhere whenever they go out to the town :) he develops a crush and so does reader on the mysterious boy from nevermore until one day he comes to like work at a shop or soemthing??? and when he does reader is also there and they spend time together flirting and pining until one confesses to the other ! ALSO IDK WHY BUT I FORGOT TO ADD THAT READER IS FEMALE AND HISPANIC (i just sent an xavier request ! ) :))))
summary: a few of the instances in which you met xavier before actually meeting xavier
a/n: since the reader is hispanic, there are slight character descriptions to get that across, such as a mention of curly hair and a bit of spanish dialogue (though not a lot bcs I don’t speak spanish and don’t wanna butcher it…). also, this takes place in scenes/places seen throughout the show, but xavier never liked wednesday because it makes more sense in context.
character credit: wednesday series
w/c: 1.5k
part 2: the awaited interactions
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Even though you were still a few yards away from actually entering, the area around the fair has 10 different aromas wafting through the air. Flashing lights could be seen in every direction; vibrant colors swatched along every ride and carnival game.
As you enter the fairgrounds, you look around at the people: adults, kids, normies…outcasts. You knew it was likely for them to come, as it is every year, but it’s still a shock to see the so-called “weirdos” of Jericho doing such normal activities.
Regardless, it’s nice to see everyone together for such events. You don’t completely understand the separation between the town. Sure, the outcasts were different, but they were still beings in their own right. They were freaky by nature, but even then you find their freakiness pretty alluring.
You walk around for a bit, grabbing some food as you pass by certain stands, and sit down at an empty picnic bench. As you eat, you watch the people around you as they talk and laugh and play games. You find this particular pair of people interesting.
They’re outcasts.
It’s pretty obvious by the girl’s all black attire and creepy nature, though you wouldn’t be able to tell the boy was one if it weren't for his association with the former. 
You can’t help but analyze their features. The girl is actually really pretty, if you put her gloomy aura aside. Her hair is completely black and straight, a contrast to your own curls, though it’s in pigtails, and you swear you haven’t seen her blink this entire time. She seems like she doesn’t wanna be here, almost like she’s in a rush.
After you’re done looking her over, your eyes drift over to the guy she’s standing with.
He is gorgeous.
His hair is pretty long for a guy, reaching to about his shoulders. He’s currently hunched over, his hands resting on a carnival game table, but you can tell at full height he's freaking tall. He’s wearing a dark gray trench coat, which is extremely simple, yet somehow he looks like a male model and-
‘¡Ay, Dios! I need to stop fangirling over this random boy right now’ you think and avert your eyes, focusing back on your grease filled meal.
After a few minutes, you can’t help but notice the pigtailed girl hurrying away from the stand through your peripheral view, leaving the long-haired boy all alone. You stare at him again, zoning out to the point where you don’t even notice him staring directly back at you.
You snap out of your trance, quickly looking down at the table for a few seconds before slowly creeping your eyes back over, where he is still assessing you.
He gives you a small head tilt and wave, to which you shyly smile back before cleaning up your mess and heading in the opposite direction.
‘I cannot believe I just got caught ogling at a guy like that…por favor mátame.’
After the last encounter with the mysterious long-haired outcast, you honestly didn’t expect to see him. He seemed like the type to pop up once and never show his face again.
You wish you were right.
Today, you’re heading into town to study a bit at a local park. You find the scenery relaxing and way less stuffy than working at home.
As you’re settling down on a picnic table, taking all your necessities out of your bag so you can get started, you notice the blue and black stripes of the Nevermore Academy uniform walking into the general store down the street. 
You think nothing of it, focusing back on your materials and figuring a student going into a store is definitely not your business and absolutely none of your concern. 
About 25 minutes into studying, you notice the stripes once more, but this time it seems as though they are walking towards you. As you focus harder on the person’s form, you recognize the tall body and lengthy hair you’ve seen once before.
You look down at the plastic grocery bag he is holding, and though you can’t see its contents from this far, you’re sure it’s not actually groceries and is more along the lines of something music or art related. 
He just gives off that vibe.
You realize that he has stopped venturing towards you. Actually, he’s stopped walking altogether.
Your glance shifts up to his face to find that he has, once again, caught you staring at him like an absolute creep.
You let out a tiny shriek before ducking behind your computer screen. 
‘The universe must hate me or something because oh my god,’ you think, internally panicking once more. You take a small peek past the lit up screen just enough to see him laugh to himself and shake his head before heading towards…the woods?
“I must have killed Mother Teresa in my past life,” you mumble to yourself softly before resuming your studies, “that’s the only possible reason my luck is at negative freaking eighty right now.”
Pilgrim World was…grim to say the least. It was mainly a plot to attract tourists and make money for the town. Young kids did always find entertainment in the, probably inaccurate, history of the town, so you guess it’s not all bad.
For the normal townspeople that is. 
The students from Nevermore were forced to work the grounds each year. Yeah…not exactly “town building,” but it was mandatory for them.
You sat at the Weathervane café with your computer and a warm drink. Learning about the same white people every year wasn’t your type of fun – no disrespect to them – so you opt to just watch others from the window seat, maybe get a bit of work done in the process. You watch kids chase each other; families share pieces of fudge; individuals enjoying their beverages while trolling down the center lane. You were so focused on watching others, you completely forgot about your previous, most important task: to watch the entrance.
Not that you just wanted to stare at townsfolk all day, but you were anticipating a certain outcast’s arrival. You wanted to make sure that you could watch the long-haired boy walk in so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself by randomly staring like you did previously. But with your low attention span and professional ability to zone out at the worst times, you completely missed the fact that just who you were looking for had not only arrived at Pilgrim World already, but had walked into the café minutes ago.
“Do you want me to wipe down your table?”
That was the question that caused you to jolt in surprise, turning your head to meet the mysterious Nevermore boy.
“I wouldn’t want you to get your computer wet. You know, just in case you need to hide behind it again,” he finishes with a small smirk.
"Cielos, me asustaste,” you exclaim, more as an instant response than an actual reply, and giggle a bit while looking at your lap.
You look up at him after doing so, only to find him softly smiling at you. You open and close your mouth a few times before internally taking a deep breath and looking him in the eyes.
“Hopefully I won’t need to hide from anyone any time soon. But yeah, sure.”
You set your computer on the seat beside you as the boy gives the table a few wipes. Funny thing is, the table was completely clean before he wiped it. Even more so since you dusted it off a bit before sitting.
“No more hiding, huh? I like the sound of that,” he remarks. He finishes wiping the invisible mess off of your table and stands straight again. “Do you need a refill?”
You didn’t even notice that your cup was a few sips away from empty.
“Oh uh sure. It’s just hot chocolate,” you smile and he slightly nods before making his way over to the counter.
You start glancing back out the window, though this time there are Nevermore students roaming around in addition to the previous bunch. Some people are outside handing out fudge while in pilgrim costumes. You had to do that one year…it’s as boring as it looks. You notice the gloomy girl you had seen at the carnival enter the Crackstone house down the road. You could have sworn that it was closed off…
A bump on your table causes you to look away from the historical building and down at the cup that has been dropped off. You pick up the cup and take a sip as the long-haired boy walks away to clean off other tables. You glance at the cup holding the warm chocolate, which is when you see the black marker along the side.
‘Oh,’ you thought as you realized what this was. His name…and number. Your whole face felt warm as your eyes searched for the boy, finding him behind the counter already looking at you.
You smile and tip your cup in his direction before taking another sip and going back to staring out the window.
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Honestly, I used this as an excuse to gush over Xavier bcs oml there is no reason I should find this man as attractive as I do. Also, possible pt.2 with them getting closer ???
Another question: somebody asked me if I had a taglist for Xavier, so I was just wondering if y’all would want that? 
I no longer support Percy Hynes White and will no longer take request for Xavier Thorpe.
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qwesty-030 · 10 months
hello ASP fandom
I’ve been lingering on the ASP tag for a while bc I wanted to find ppl that like the book as much as i do. I’ve seen all the beautiful fanart and whatnot. and I wanna thank yall bc I’ve been inspired to make my own post ✨! I too shall contribute to the ASP fandom too bc tumblr is the only place i can find an active asp fandom🧍
thank you and have a nice day
so uhm these are my designs for Finny and Gene. I drew these back when I started reading A Separate Peace in my high-school sophomore year. They’re pretty old drawings. At the time, I only drew these just to have some faces to put a name on (to help me visualize easier idk)
Well fast forward, my class finished reading ASP and I have been an ASP addict ever since.
okay im going to word vomit now
okay erm thought process of these designs:
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i tried to make him as book accurate at possible but ngl i actually i thought he was a red head before i looked up what he actually looked like. I genuinely wouldve believed he was a red head if i didnt looked it up (yes im referring to the ppl propagating redhead finny)
i gave him very sharp features and a somewhat messy hairstyle to symbolize his wild nature but also neat enough to get him by in school.
His shirt usually untucked or hastily put on. Most times he has his coat off or unbuttoned
he has some freckles and moles too YAY
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made him the most basic looking guy with the most basic features: black hair and brown eyes (okay ik his hair looks blue and u can barely see his brown eyed but i was limiting myself on colors GSSSYSHDHHSHA )
ofc i HAD to make him the complete opposite of Finny. His features are more squarish and rounder. because he always does random 90° angles out of nowhere
his hair is more neat and put together compared to Finny’s. It’s very structured to be square shaped. i like to think he uses a little bit of gel but it’s not a tight slickback. he lets his hair go loose bc he wants to follow Finny’s footsteps and be wild and free too 🤩🤩 yet he can’t help but follow the standard of having a neat slick hair and ofc follow school dresscode 🤷‍♀️
his fit is also more put together. he always makes sure his tie is neat and his coat is buttoned up most times
i gave him a mole :)
this was a fun one to make cuz he literally never describes himself in the book💀💀 i find that really interesting tho. perhaps it was on purpose so readers can relate to Gene more by emotion and not feel distanced by physical features
(yea i obviously put in a lot more thought into Gene’s design than Finny’s)
(i still love them both tho)
honestly thought Finny was a latino and/or hispanic cuz of his tan skin. (im well aware white ppl can look tan and not be a hispanic but also hispanics and latinx could also look pale white i was lowkey a little ignorant back then 💀.) idk maybe he could have some hispanic blood 🤷‍♀️
do not mind the messiness and low quality, i did this in the dead of night on a note-taking app called Notability
that last note may sound absolutely unrelated BUT WAIT! I actually have a whole stock of ASP Notability doodles! More to come!! maybe…
if i feel like it…….
we’ll see
their hairstyles and clothing are based on actual 1940s styles :D it’s my favorite thing about their design especially their hair. it was fun researching and incorporating historical trends
the chair Gene is sitting on is supposed to be the Early American chair from Finny’s house! I did not put any effort into the chair whatsoever 😀
although i gave Finny short hair, I’ve come to see how good long hair Finny is
Yup that’s all for now. Thank you all who stopped by. It’s so nice meeting u guys!!
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sp4mja · 11 months
So I've decided to accept who I am and make a OP x QSMP AU. But before making any art I made a list of possible Devil Fruits each member would have plus some lore
This will be a long and extremely self-indulgent post, so everything regarding this AU is under the cut.
So, both the hispanics and the English speakers are invited to the island, they all range from ex marines to civilians to pirates. The only thing they have in common is that everyone is a devil fruit user, which quickly raises their suspicions about the island.
The logic behind having so many Devil Fruit users together is that the Federation purposefully gathered them all together. Expect for the brazilians and the french, who just happened to stumble upon the island, some of them do have devil fruits but not all.
And that's one of the reasons why the Federation dislike them, as they don't fit in the plan.
Speaking of the Brazilians and the French!
The Brazilians knew each other before the island but very briefly (except for Pac, Mike and Cellbit) since they all made it into the same ship and ended up crashing on Quesadilla island (Felps is not a good navigator and Forever was too worried to actually steer the ship.)
As for the French, they were traveling to a Sky Island on a big ship and they ended up falling from the sky, they didn't particularly know each other before but they grew closer on the ship before the ship fell.
Now, I'm still thinking about some fruits and roles (backstory from the cubitos before the island) but these are my general ideas, feel free to share your thoughts!
Some of my ideas are pretty self-explanatory but ask away if you have any doubts!
● Hispanics:
Luzu — tbh idk something about metals, maybe the smelt-smelt fruit? Maybe even a cyborg
Rubius — .... Wish-Wish fruit?? He grants wishes or something
Mariana — Whisper-Whisper Fruit (Taking into account his rp on tortillaland and integrating it into the qsmp, he should be able to talk to animals. I don't think the animals talk back tho)
Spreen — Bear-bear Fruit Model Black Bear
Missa — Bird-Bird Fruit Model Raven / Revive-Revive Fruit (Debating over this, specially because it would be funny if both Missa and Philza share similar DF, but also skeleton Missa is fun)
Roier — Spider-Spider Fruit Model Latrodectus Hesperus (black widow)
Vegetta — Scroll-Scroll Fruit (He's the wise man of the mountain, I'm sure he uses his knowledge to make powerful scrolls)
Maximus — Clank-Clank Fruit / Magnet-Magnet Fruit (Tbh I want something relating to Max's abilities with machines)
Quackity — String-String Fruit (freaky, the man who pulls the strings)
● English:
Wilbur — Tone-Tone Fruit / Song-Song Fruit (For this one I think going with Uta's power is better, Wilbur is extremely powerful but he is also a whimsical British guy who sings beautiful songs for his daughter to have a good night of sleep)
Fit — Pop-Pop Fruit
Philza — Bird-Bird Fruit Model Crow (Love-Love fruit if I'm feeling a little crazy, he turns Forever into stone sll the time)
Jaiden — Bird-Bird Fruit Model Parrot / Brush-Brush Fruit (As much as I love parrot jaiden, I think she being able to draw bobby after his death but stopping herself from bringing the art to life is extremely angsty and I love it)
Bad — Hollow-Hollow Fruit
Foolish — Shark Fish man. Swim Swim Fruit (I know, he can't swim so he now has a fruit that lets him swim everywhere? Yeah, but also a logia fruit that could help him build fits as well)
Dan — ? (Sorry)
Slime — Jello-Jello Fruit (Following the food themed devil fruits from the Big Mom Pirates, he turns into Jello... Lime flavor, he is sticky, sugary and a little sour, both Mariana and Juana are intrigued)
● Brazilians:
Cellbit — Archeologist and Archivist, former captain of a crew (as much as I would love to give Cellbit a DF, I think it would be charming if he could save Roier from falling into the sea all the time, as well as Felps)
Felps — Calm-Calm Fruit (He makes silent bubbles for Richarlyson everytime he gets overwhelmed, best dad)
Forever — Navigator (Pirate, former marine, he loves travelling and lost his right hand man on the way)
Pac and Mike— Shipwrights (Do not separate. They make the craziest ships on the world. Also criminals with bounties but not necessarily pirates)
● French:
Baguera — Mink Duck (she's a duck, she went to explore the world and oh well)
Etoiles — Woods-Woods Fruit / Arms-Arms Fruit (This one is complicated, he is a cucumber (?) So I thought a extremely powerful fruit like the Woods-Woods one its him, but he is also very dangerous and into weapons, so the other one also fits him? He is a bounty hunter)
Antoine — Stich-Stich fruit (He stiches dirt together, doesn't really use his power but he starts doing it after Pomme gets interested (he makes her clothes!!!))
Kameto — Normal ninja lmao (literally just a ninja, just a guy, he is terrifying)
Pierre — Inventor (Both Marines and Pirates buy his inventions, money is everything)
As for the eggs, I believe they follow the same logic as the seraphims. They were artificially made using human DNA and thats why they are both inteligent and fragile. They are replaceable and the Federation can make more if they find a quicker and cheaper way.
Oh and Cucurucho, I think it would be extremely fucked up if it has the Shadow-Shadow fruit. Imagine Cucurucho taking Cellbit's shadow, creepy.
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being-kindrad · 10 days
feminist forum progress 2
Hi everyone! Updates on the feminist forum.
I added a dark mode.
I added a "Violence against women" category, with a subcategories for "Anti-kink" and "Sexual Assault & Rape"
I added a "Celebrate Women" section for celebrating women's achievements in art, literature, science & technology, history, sports, etc.
Overall, I think there is not much left to do before actually buying a domain name and some web hosting. I'd like to go over some things first, to ensure the way I am thinking of setting up the forum is still relevant to the women who have shown interest in it.
The current planned application process: once a user makes an account, they will be in an "unverified" group. Unverified members can only post in one forum, the "Applications" forum. This is where a user can make an application to apply to participate on the forum. If an applicant seems like a good fit, they will get a standard "Member" group. If an applicant seems almost like a good fit, but some parts seem uncertain, they will join the "Learner" group, which allows them to only post in another forum dedicated to Learners. This is where people who are interested in the forum can ask questions about feminist content. At some point, a Learner can reapply and become a regular member. If an applicant does not seem like a good fit, they will be rejected, stay unverified, and can reapply at a later time, if they are still interested.
One thought I had about the application process, is, I could have a poll on each application where verified members could actually take part in the process of whether an applicant should be accepted as either a member, accepted as a learner, or rejected? Idk if this would work, and it would require enough community members in the beginning to make a vote meaningful (but it would help alleviate the decisions of membership from being based solely on the opinions of admins/mods).
Here is a post for the list of application questions I have so far. Let me know your thoughts on these questions.
Here is an introductory message I have written that users would see before the "create an account page." Let me know your thoughts on this introduction.
I don't really have many advanced rules and guidelines yet. I only have basic rules like: no personal attacks/insults, no slurs, no racism/sexism/homophobia/ageism/ableism/classism. (Rules = must be followed strictly, guidelines = please try to follow, but not going to strictly result in warnings/bans, more discretionary) Let me know what kind of rules and guidelines this community you think would benefit this community.
Lesbian and bisexual women — there are currently some forums that are relevant, the "lesbian and bisexual rights" forum and the "loving women" forum (can be seen from this older post here). Would it be good to have additional forums that are more specific than just "loving women" in the Community section?
Women who deal with multiple axes of oppression — would a forum for Intersectional feminism/Intersectionality, with sub forums for (as requested) groups of intersectionality (Black women, Hispanic women, etc.) be beneficial? Idk a better way to do this, if this is wanted, or not.
Thank you for reading. 💜
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missmayhemvr · 5 months
something i wanna do this year because ive been thinking deeply about this for a year already is prove that black and indigenous communities arent as poor as portrayed but actually just set up to be exactly like colonized countries and by that i mean sites of intense economic exploitation and extraction and i want to prove that gentrification is just the logics of settler colonialism being applied internally and is also being applied to a significant portion of the global south nations particularly Jamaica and parts of south east asia. as well as the methodology of this process being a key goal of the bretton woods systems after the failures of colonization of direct open colonialism and settler colonialism in asia and africa.
i think i could explain my key points that i would have to prove and show a connection of(tbh most of the points have been proved as separate phenomenon). i think the hard part of this would be proving intent and that predominately black cities and neighborhoods are made into isolated economic zones to the same or similar degree. i think i can prove the isolation by working forward from the mid 1800s and through the examination of a couple reservation economies and the economies of greenwood and tulsa prior to their destruction and also compare the logics of that to the destruction of the economic systems of india and asia. the settler colonial aspect of gentrification is something i honestly believe that any black or hispanic person in the us can speak to very easily, showcasing the numbers i think ill use new york and chicago and atlanta, i should also be able to clearly show that communities of color are primarily affected by this. the bretton woods part is gonna be fucking tough idk how ima start that portion but im likely going to rely on the work of nkrumah and other revolutionary leaders who wrote about the methods of imperialism following WW2.
i wanna do this because i think having this written out on a space like tumblr could actually get those that are lacking to understand why revolutionaries from palestine to turtle island say that its all one struggle and why they say "no one is free till we are all free". its been proven a hundred and one ways that militarily the imperialist learn from each other militarily and work with each other to bomb and destroy and conquer. now its important to understand why they work so hard to keep much of the world ordered the exact way they do economically and why they try so desperately to prevent china from helping the global south from industrializing. and hopefully showcase some of the ways the internal blow back by the imperial core nations is going to intensify until we dismantle the whole system down to the foundation.
wish me luck and if you have a resource i should see, please send it. or even add it to this.
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floralovebot · 5 months
Hope you don’t mind me asking but…What do you think Riven is supposed to be in terms of coded Race or ethnicity?
When it comes to winx club and what race each character is supposed to be (or at least be coded as), its genrrally not very hard to guess. Like the winx are obvious because they’re directly modeled after real celebrities, but the specialists are a little less obvious, though still fairly easy to guess. Sky and Timmy are generally assumed to be white, it’s fairly certain amongst fans that Helia is supposed to be Asian, Nabu is South Asian, and Brandon…well he’s a little on the ambiguous side but I’ve seen a good amount of people headcanon him as Latino….and y’know what…as a latina, I’ll take it along with the canon rep that Flora (and MAYBE Stella??? I say that cause Cameron Diaz is of Cuban descent on one side, so it’s possible Stella could be read as a white passing/half Hispanic/Latina) gives us.
However with all that, Riven is really unclear to me. I see headcanons vary from him being asian, latino, white, or a mix of at least two of those…and Idk what to think tbh.
And honestly, this might be a disappointing answer, but the truth is that his race is fully ambiguous in every way possible. Sometimes fans say "ambiguous", but what they really mean is "definitely true, but not explicitly canon". For example, Nabu is South Asian in that kind of ambiguous way, where it is very, very clear, but not explicitly stated. (And let's be honest, the only reason some fans consider Nabu ambiguous is because he's dating Aisha, a black woman, and they can't imagine a non-black dark-skinned man dating a black woman, but I digress...)
Riven's race, however, is actually ambiguous in its true definition.
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We don't know what planet Riven is from. It's never stated or even implied. We don't know where his family is from. It's never stated or implied. We don't know anything about his culture, how he was raised (outside of likely poor and single-parented), where he lived, if he had any friends, etcetc. Compared to other characters, we really don't know much about Riven's background other than his mom left him.
Sometimes people try to figure it out. Some people use his eye shape as evidence for him being Asian, despite the fact that other canonically non-Asian characters also have more narrow eyes (Flora being the best example). Some people use his hair color as evidence that he's from Zenith, but that really means nothing when it comes to his race, and Tecna being white isn't a good defense for that. Some people use his eye color being purple and Musa's eye color being purple as evidence that he is Asian, but considering Helia's eye color is blue and there are most definitely non-Asian characters with purple eyes too, that also means nothing. He never wears culturally significant or identifiable clothing. And no, I don't think his British flag shirt is anything more than Rainbow trying to make them look fashionable and trendy.
Riven's race is truly ambiguous. His racial identity can actually be read in more than one way. And honestly, I think this lends itself to a very impactful reading on his character as a whole. We know that Riven didn't have the best childhood. We know that he doesn't have a relationship with his mother, and he never brings up his father or anyone else in his family. It's very heavily implied that Riven's relationship with his family is rocky at best and nonexistent at worst.
Now obviously, in real life, someone having a bad relationship with their family doesn't just erase their genetics. That's true even in winx club - Musa has a fraught relationship with her father for the better part of season 1, but we can still tell she's East Asian. That being said, winx club is a fictional, animated show with drawn and intentionally designed characters. Just like Flora is designed to look sweet and girly, Riven is designed to look mysterious and angsty.
I truly believe that as an audience, we're not supposed to know much about his past, and in winx club, that includes his family, his planet, and subsequently, his race and ethnicity. Riven can be seen as Asian, White, mixed, Latino, Hispanic, mostly whatever you want, and that's on purpose. Whether or not that decision is Good is debatable, but I truly do think that was Rainbow's intention with him. He's meant to be seen as mysterious in season 1, and for Rainbow, that typically translates to knowing as little about a character's true self as possible.
Personally, I do prefer asian!Riven, but that is fully just a headcanon, and any "implication" I could find in canon is going to be dubious and easy to interpret differently. To bring back a previous point, I could say his eye shape is proof that he's Asian, and many people have, but that would mean that Flora, Palladium a la glow up design, Lucy, and Thoren are all also Asian. I could try to say that him having purple eyes is proof that he's Asian, but that would mean that Roxy is also Asian (which I would actually love but considering both of her parents are canonically white, she isn't). And tbh, these are the only solid, consistent things about his character that could be seen as proof of him being Asian coded, and that's not great in comparison to characters like Musa, Nabu, or Helia. Like,, there's a reason people make entire essays on Nabu's hair, clothing, parents, class, magic, etc, and not just one-off posts about the shape of his eyes. There's a lot to work with and a lot about him that actually correlates to being South Asian. Only being able to cite Riven's eye shape is pretty shoddy when you compare him to all the other "ambiguous" characters who have a lot more evidence supporting their coded race.
Trying to make any I'm Right statement about his race or ethnicity is always going to fail, at least regarding the first three seasons, because he doesn't have any significant or consistent racial coding. Even his characterization doesn't mean much when most, if not all, of the tropes he fits into are not race-specific, and any racial stereotype he could have can all be written off as him filling the angsty/minor antagonist/redeemed character tropes.
Anyway, again I realize this probably isn't the answer you wanted. I would love to do a full meta explaining the intricacies of his racial/ethnic coding, but he really just,,, doesn't have that. And again, we could totally have a discussion on whether or not this is even Okay; if Rainbow making his race ambiguous so he seems more mysterious is Wrong or Offensive in some way. But the truth is that Riven's race is ambiguous, and that's on purpose.
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I've been wanting to do this but I'll just do it all together :)
1. weight- 185, chest- 41.2, waist-34.0, hips-44.0, thighs- 28.0
2. 5'5, yes im totally okay with my height tbh
3. we have a very similar body type so i feel like it's the most realistic for me
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4. tbh just losing my dd boobs that's it.
5. im tired of being the big and ugly friend, i owe it to my young chubby self to finally be pretty.
6. define binge lol. to me if I eat normally i define that as binge. but tbh I don't think I actually binge idk.
7. yes they do, however they don't know how far I'm willing to go. but they don't. they're actually happy I am.
8. i would do cardio 3 times a week, and then do core 2 times a week, but now im doing chloe ting workouts so :))
9. 100% all the time, I've hears it ever since grade school tbh, and it's literally ruined who I am and my relationship with food.
10. i guess my love for baking, it's been really hard baking for my friends and family and not having the opportunity to have these things yk.
11. lol i don't have one hahaha.
12. hmm that's a good question, i usually stick to fruits i try to stay away from meat and dairy, however it's not always easy. but for a good day, I'll have my black coffee in the morning and then like a garden salad in the afternoon.
13. definitely unhealthy lmao, I will starve myself until I lose as much weight as I can.
14. 120lbs, it used to be 140 but that's how much my sis weighs and I wanna be smaller than her
15. I'm neither but I seriously am considering going vegetarian bc I didn't eat meat for 3 days and lost literally 7lbs so I just might.
16. I've always tried to lose weight, yk go on a diet, work out, however this year I realized I was going to go on vacation and I needed to look pretty for my pictures so I decided to go back to my old habits and I triggered my ed, it took some time like 2 months until eventually in the end of March I started thinking the same way once again. I would starve and calculate calories.
17. im not sure. I don't want to say yes since I'm not diagnosed, but I will say I have disordered eating 100%.
18. cheese. ik ppl are gonna scream, but I love it so much lol.
19. hmm actually a while back I think like a couple weeks ago maybe I month.
20. ballerina diet ahhh or maybe the iu diet.
21. triggered. lol I'm usually a L/XL for jeans I'm a 14. bra size is 38DD.
22. damn idk bruh, I remember when I used to be 160, that's the lowest number I can remember, that's when I started weighing myself and it ruined me. I don't remember gaining weight tbh, I think it was when I was recovering.
23. absolutely. growing up I watched eugenia a lot and i loved kpop in ms so I would always wonder what it would be like to be skinny like them.
24. uh i don't like them, but that's me personal. I'm not someone to encourage this illness to someone else.
25. yes. I've done it multiple times. my first time was at a party actually. I had eaten 3 slices of pizza and my stomach hurt rlly bad I had told my friend and she told me she'd find me laxatives or smth I told her no. so I hard searched up what to do and I found a reddit form about purging I did exactly that and threw up as much as I could. it was so bad I was crying bc I felt to bad but my stomach felt better. I think that's when I realized I could enjoy my food but also not consume calories.
26. CLOTHES. finally getting to wear what I want and look pretty no matter what. ugh I can't wait.
27. i try to slip into a mentality of like food isn't fuel it's trash, and it's gonna make you rot.
28. I'd love to, i want to lose as much thigh fat as possible I don't think i could think bc of my family genes
29. anything but me. I don't think beauty can be defined. to me beauty is a subjective what is beautiful to me is not beautiful to you.
30. im hispanic. i have curly hair. im bi. i have a gf. i like to bake. i can't swim. i have insomnia. i have social anxiety. i love kpop. coffee is my bsf.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I see some girlies are rooting for austin to be with a WOC but i don’t know if i see it 👀 maybe he would look good with some chocolate but i think he prefers vanilla with a little swirl 😏(white girls with tanned skin and brown hair/features) or filipinos since vanessa’s half filipino it never really dawned on me that v isn’t really considered as being a white woman i used to think she was hispanic
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Idk which "girlies" you're talking about Anon, but I don't understand how fans (who don't even know somebody personally) can think they know who a celebrity would possibly date?? 🥴 Are you in the man's head and I just don't know about it?? 😅
I just find fans to be really presumptuous sometimes when it comes to things like this. "I don't know if I see it".... Well, it doesn't matter if you do or you don't lol.😅
Tbh, I never would have looked at Tom (a British man) and thought that he would date Zendaya, a black American woc from Oakland lol. But yet, here we are! 5 years going strong lol. 😂
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People have to stop looking at people and making split-second assumptions about them. You can't just look at what someone looks like and try to assume that you know what is going on in their head or who they may be attracted to. And you can't even go by who people have dated in the past either.
My FIRST white bf looked NOTHING like the previous bfs I had ever dated in the past (they were all black), but he and I were friends for a while and we just CLICKED and he confessed that he had secretly liked me for a very long time, and so we started dating! BOOM! Plain and simple as that. 😂
People just click w/each other, and sometimes that's all that it is. 🤷 Sometimes it's also proximity and who/what you're exposed to. I don't think Tom would have even had the opportunity to date Zendaya, let alone even meet her if they hadn't been cast together in the Spider-Man franchise. Sometimes you are just exposed to different people and you and that person end up clicking and liking each other. Plain and simple. 😊 Let's not make it more complicated than it has to be lol.
RE: Austin...
Idk too much about him. All I'll say is that based on some of the interviews I've seen of him so far, he seems like a pretty chill, kind, down-to-earth type of guy....kinda shy...reserved, but very charming, and seems to also get along with just about everyone. He gives me the vibe that he could actually date a whole variety of different women...just judging by his body language and how he talks to people of diverse backgrounds.
Besides, imo Austin has already dated a "woc" for almost a decade.🤷 Vanessa is a woc imo.
But I will agree with you on one thing... He does look good with some "chocolate" lol aka black women lol. 😏😏
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But then again, I like to think that we black women make EVRYONE look good though lol. 😉
Lemmeee stop before I get hate trashed in my inbox lol 🤭 🤭
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
Yahallo !! prev theme suggestion anon is back because my brain decided to generate more.. ideas !!!
Disclaimer: I actually have your desktop theme in mind while thinking of stuff for the prev ask ✿ that's why there's so many colors, I'm thinking of the glowy neon symbols you have colored with them <3
- first of all, i'd like to confirm if Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is also celebrated in your country, since you mentioned that you are Hispanic!! I am unsure if it's okay to use as an aesthetic theme(disclaimer: i'm not hispanic myself,,), so please disregard this suggestion if it is not respectful to the culture !!;;
So about this one, the reason I specifically suggest this for November is because Acanthe outfits could go well with it.
The flowers in both MV and outfits are an excellent element used in the festival, and add to that the ruffles that could never vanish in Valkyrie's aesthetic (i thought of the mexican dresses' ruffles!). The theme will be basically black adorned with colorful festival elements, which I think is so neat ! If their faces could be edited with the festive skull paint, then that's a win~
- Moving on, since you mentioned the Haunted Dolls of Valkyrie... I get reminded that Chiaki also has a jiangshi themed card!! Plus Natsume has an onryo (vengeful spirit) card (tried to do research for other cards) Both have hitodama/onibi (blue ghost wisps) on the cards
2wink and Switch is so Halloween material besides UNDEAD and even with their regular outfits they'd still pass.
- kuromi mayoi halloween version with edited orange parts in the clothing <3 That reminds me of sanrio halloween plushies too !! there's definitely a lot of them, can be good theme decorations and inspo.
- Are you familiar with the dripping liquid across the posts dividers? It might be perfect for halloween theme !!
- Actually, just throw in the ENbasic! chibis,,
thank you once again^^~ who knows, maybe i'll be back again (`・ω・)ゞ Forgot to say welcome earlier, I'm glad I could be even of little help to you!!! <333 It means a lot to me !! :D
HI ANON. I'm glad to see you again !! And YEAH I do celebrate day of the dead, I'm Mexican actually ! I just say Hispanic for,, anonymity (???) when reblogging public stuff. But this is my own blog, so it's ok, the followers can know.
I love your Acanthe idea btw, though we use a very specific flower for the celebration 👀 cempasúchil (I think the action name is Damasquina or something but tbh I don't care). But !! I mean, that fits the orange aesthetic you were going after in the first ask. And YEAH I'd love to edit the skull faces for them. Mika catrín,, thinking very hard.
I still think I could divide my themes in two phases though. The mayoi Kuromi idea sounds nice !! I'll search for the Sanrio plushies later (they could be useful for the pinned idk)
PLEASE, YOU'RE SO BIG BRAINED I adore you. Let me know if you want a name !! or if you want to be an emoji anon, anything is valid <3
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semthegem · 1 year
nothing feels better than laying in bed after a shower after you’ve done your skin care your body care your hair & in your pajamas rubbing your feet together like a crickettttt NOTHING
i got a book i like i made a list for new reads & i’m excited i found a christian author that i just know i’ll enjoy :) i think reading is so nice because you literally escape & get lost in the literature it’s sometimes an out of body experience depending on what it is your reading maybe i’ll get into fiction some day (besides poems) i also got a workbook by somebody i like & maybe i’ll start it tomorrow if i finish what i’m reading but i take a day or 2 off & i still have like 90 pages i think maybe
so i be going on this app sometimes @ night when i can’t sleep & ive told everyone i was going to sleep & i hear discussions- why is everyone so caught up on race/nationality my goodness i never thought ppl were actually that simple minded; i usually date minority men like myself because it’s what i’m attracted to however if i found a man that wasn’t hispanic/black i wouldn’t be against it or think ima have to explain my culture to him i’ve dated opposite cultures/religions & as long as it’s respect there it is totally ok i wouldn’t think my bloodline is going to be weak or sacrificed or anything of that nature LOL plus as your connection grows so does the knowledge of your person you should know your person inside & out i don’t think ppls souls have a race but idk i could be wrong i just am grateful i am not that simple minded plus when it’s adversity is often when i bond with ppl i like to see their reactions to different topics see how they act when someone doesn’t agree that’s where i see if i could build with someone i don’t ever want to be with a arrogant man againnnnnn such wasted energy - i won’t date a man that doesn’t believe in Jesus again tho i want going to church to be a thing i be seeing the families in my church & it’s beautiful i want that for me i didn’t grow up in church besides special occasions & i want my kids to actually know God every early on & create their own connection with the Lord watching little kids pray is the cutestttttt 😭 it’s so pure they always just give thanks they may ask for like a toy or to go to a place but mostly it’s them being thankful
i still haven’t went try to start a fire
i always be telling myself what more i want to get done & what more i want to grow in certain aspects & i don’t ever give credit for how far i’ve come i started being grateful for my progress thus far & it’s made such a difference in how i treat others i’m less blunt (i still speak my mind but it’s kinder) you truly have to have patience with yourself & others always setting & achieving goals is great & you should want to be productive but don’t be so consumed with the next task you forget the one you’ve just completed plus being busy was never my goal idk how i started getting into that but i’m glad i’ve slowed down my break was very much needed & appreciated
also the world is ending idc what anyone says everyone calls me crazy or weird anyway but like i will witness it if not me my kids or their kids that’s how soon it will be just wait & see!
imagine the ppl that have been floating around waiting to go to their final destination i bet even they are more excited than me
i just pray none of my loved ones are drunk or high when the time comes. i wish ppl would just get serious about their spirituality already we too grown to be playing around still i know i had a ball already in that lifestyle it’s no need to keep doing the same stuff over & over i want more for the ppl i love & for ppl in general or at least keep it to like rare occasions or celebrations vices turned to habits that ppl don’t break are detrimental to your personal growth how haven’t ppl caught on? it doesn’t seem like rocket science different behavior will bring different results DUH
happy fridayyyyyy xoxo
ps am i champ for only having my ends blonde now? i’m going to get my roots done so if i am i won’t be much longer lolllllll
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kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
they definitely could’ve done something with lance’s name before the show aired
like the full name is “lance charles mcclain” where the hell do u see any hispanic/latine in there??? could’ve easily changed it to lance eduardo hernandez or something like that
and also the whole issue with keith being supposedly white but they left him with a JAPANESE last name, ofc the fandom thought he was asian especially japanese. and like the original character of previous voltrons is half japanese and half chinese so why did they want to change him to being white all of the sudden and not change his japanese last name? to me keith will always be japanese idc what the show writers say
idk man this whole show was bullshit towards the poc characters
ok im pretty sure charles as lance's middle name was more of a popular fanon thing (correct me if im wrong) but like holy shit kfjaksk my brain completely blacked out on the fact that all these people decided his full name was fucking "Lance Charles McClain" KFJAKDK LIKE?? i could literally not think of a whiter name if i tried what the hell...
also similarly! keith actually did not have a canon surname nor a canon race in the show, the fandom just electing to use the old surname "kogane" because they liked the hc that he was east asian (and then went on to widely hc him as korean whilst using a japanese surname, but that's... a whole other can of worms...) but he was heavily white coded in canon! they purposefully decided to neither confirm nor deny his race, though, because they didn’t want to lose the part of the fanbase that hced him as asian or seem like they were favouring white characters over poc (which they were).
overall: vld creators sucked and the general fandom were. sometimes just as bad dkajska
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themountainsays · 2 years
As a native Spanish speaker, is there any way I could ask you to make a list of terms of endearment? Like the kind you'd use for your child, your sibling etc vs your lover/spouse etc? Those can always get very confusing between languages (I think they used 'mi amor' both to a lover and to a child in the movie at least).
Oh!! Sure! By the movie you mean Encanto right? Sooooo we're talking Colombian spanish then. Because obviously each dialect has it's own particularities and I don't know much about colombian spanish. Still yeah there are some terms of endearment than I'm pretty sure are universal to the whole hispanic world.
I know "mi amor", "mi vida" and "mi cielo" all work for both partners and children, though you'd probably just say "amor", "vida" or "cielo" when talking to someone. Example: "¿Cómo estás, amor?" (How are you, love?) / "Buenas noches, vida" (good evening, life) / "Vení aca, cielito" (come here, little sky). Though now that I think about it, I only ever hear cielo/cielito used when someone is mad at you. You know how people will use diminutives when trying to control their anger? I.e "Marianita" as opposed to Mariana or "Pablito" as opposed to Pablo. So if, say, you wanted to write about Julieta scolding Mirabel, you could have her call her "cielito", "amorcito", "solcito", "chiquita/chiquitita" (little one) or just something like "Mirabelita" when she's trying to get her attention. You may also see people using more extravagant pet names like "mi corazón", "corazoncito" or "cariño" when they're mad, and they take on this agressive, mocking tone. Unless you're a grandma, in which case you throw those words around like you dgaf. Some people use them ironically among their friends. Moms and grandmas also like to say "mi tesoro", "mi corazón," "mi bebé", "mi linda/o", "bonito/a", "mi sol", " "mi cosita", (Julieta calling Mirabel "cosa linda" (pretty thing) in the film was perfectly fitting and realistic) when they're gushing over you and how much they love you, possibly while kissing you all over and snuggling with you in bed. But they wouldn't use it to casually say "hey you come here".
Actually I can't think of many romantic pet names. "Amor" and "Vida" (or "mi amor" and "mi vida" if you're feeling fancy) are simple and versatile, you can't go wrong with them. Some people use "Bebé" too but ngl it seems so cheesy to me. I can think of several for children, though. "Amor", "Vida", "Sol", "Chiqui" etc. My parents always called me "Cuchi" or "Cuchicuchi" but I think that one may be from my country 😂 no idea. Speaking of my country, I've also seen people say "Amorchi", which sounds like italian influence to me but I'm not a linguist so idk. "Michi"/"Michí" is a common petname for cats, and it has Quechua origins so afaik it's used in all the countries that were once part of the empire, and parts of the south of Colombia were under the empire's control but I have no idea how widespread it is. My favorite one is "bichito de luz" (firefly, or more literally, "bug of light") usually shortened to "bicho" or "bichi" (i.e "bug"). I think this is the one that sounds the most natural.
Then there's the controversial ones which I wouldn't advice using in english contexts because people may get the wrong idea. Man i feel weird and uncomfy mentioning them rn but given the context I think it's fine. A lot of girls are nicknamed "negra", "negri" or "negrita" all of which literally mean "black girl" or "little black girl". They are perfectly acceptable terms of endearment an carry no offensive meaning at all. They may call us that regardless of skin color. My aunt, who is white, calls her white daughter "negri" all the time. And I've had friendly teachers call me negra and negrita a lot in school. I know it may sound weird but it's super normal in my country at least, and if I saw it on a fic, I'd think they would sound very natural, but again if the rest is in english then it may not come across the way you want it to.
On a similar vein but not as bad, "gordi" (fatty) is also a term of endearment. I actually think this one is pretty cute. I've seen fanart and fanfic in which characters call Mirabel that and it comes across just fine imo. Again, it can be used for anyone and it's not offensive, unless you're using it as an insult. This applies to the previous point too: context is important and both terms can be used in friendly and unfriendly manners.
If i had to say which come across as most natural for a parent (in my country) to use on their everyday life (see: what we usually call kids in my family), I'd say they're Bichi, Cuchi, Cuchicuchi, Vida, Negri, Gordi, or just a shortened form of the kid's name. Amor is also used every now and then.
I think nicknames for friends are the hardest because each country has it's own set of terms. I know spaniards like to throw "Tío" (uncle) around as a way of saying "dude". In my country we say "Boludo" (someone with big balls, but having big balls is sometimes associated with being stupid, useless and incompetent, not with being brave), in Chile i think they say "Weon" (???? No idea what it means) and I think in México they say "Güey" (again, etymology unknown). Apparently, in Colombia they use "Parce" (which is what Antonio named his jaguar!). Not sure how you'd use it in a sentence though.
As for siblings... idk in my family we just call each other "brute", "whore", "slut", "bitch", "ugly", "rat", "trashcan", "stupid" and other insults of the sort (all in spanish ofc - respectively: bruto/a, puta* (puto means faggot), zorra, perra, feo/a, rata, basura, estúpido/a). Calling my sister or cousins anything nicer would feel weird. It's like telling your sister she's pretty, like, yes maybe she has a good fashion sense and knows how to style her own hair but lmao i'm still not calling her pretty. It's in my contract to be a little shit. I NEED to tell her she's trash (because she knows I don't mean it - she calls me a whore in return so it's fine). It would be suuuuuper weird to call your sibling or cousin "amor" or "bichi" unless there's a large age gap and you're coming from a more motherly babysitter vibe. I know like, one person who calls her sibling "amor" and if I didn't know that's just her way of showing respect I'd sideye her so bad. Now, maybe that's the vibe you're going for, maybe not. You also wouldn't usually call them "hermano/a" or "primo/a" on your everyday life. "Cousin" is not a substitute for "dude" lol. Though "primito/a" and "hermanito/a" could be used more ironically and playfully if a character is teasing another, especially if it's the oldest making fun of the youngest. It depends a lot on the person. I know cousins who call each other "Primo/a" but it's not the most common thing afaik. Different families have different vibes. My sister and I are just brutal with each other, but other siblings are nicer.
Oh and "enano/a" means dwarf, and you use it for kids younger than you. Idk if parents use it. Maybe cool parents? I get the vibe a cool aunt or uncle would use it too. It's meant to be a bit teasing, but it carries a more endearment than "ugly rat whore" which is how my sister and I usually refer to each other 😊
Terms like "mi amado/a", "mi luz", "mi alma" strike me as old-fashioned, cheesy and too extravagant, which may or may not fit the characters you're writing.
There's also the matter of gender, because different words have different forms depending on who you're talking about, and others don't. For example, "cielo" (sky) is always masculine, and you wouldn't change it to "ciela" if you were writing about a woman (some ppl do it ironically to cause cringe on purpose). Same with terms like "bicho" or "tesoro", and "gordi" and "negri" should be gender neutral. But if you're using an adjective and not a noun, like "chiquito/chiquita" or "enano/a", you'd change the gender. O for men and A for women.
This subject is difficult because it varies a lot from country to country. I didn't mention "Mijo/a" because... honestly I have no idea if Colombians use it. I think it may be a mexican or maybe central american thing, but it's a lot more localized than people seem to think. I don't know if my suggestions would work in a colombian context and if any colombian peeps out there would like to add anything y'all are more than welcome 👀
Still i hope it helps Anon 😂
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transgenderer · 2 years
Summer 1/8ths black Jamaican.... Summer possibly descended from slaves..... *Summer reparations*.....
im definitely (partially) descended from slaves, but they were jamaican slaves so they would be reparations from like. the jamaican govt i guess? also. technically im 1/4 jamaican and 1/8 african (i know this cuz my dad got a DNA test. multiple actually). i say 1/8 african instead of black because like. my grandpa is unambiguously black, but people whose ancestry is half from europe and half from africa are black, in the american system of race. but it feels weird to describe myself as 1/4 black, like im overstating my ancestry.
unrelated and ive mentioned it before but one time at my dads uni he got invited to this like black students events and arthur ashe was there and came up to him and told him he shouldnt be there. isnt that bonkers. also hes like maximally racially ambiguous depending on context ppl have thought hes mexican (this + passable spanish means they gave him the car-rental rate for mexicans when we visited! even tho he told them he was from the US) or iranian, among others.
ANYWAY this is one of the things that makes reparations so weird as a concept. like, lots of interracial marriages happen, and have for >50 yrs. but the country is majority white (esp if u count hispanics) so like, the average mixed-race person is gonna marry and have kids with a white person, so youre gonna end up with a lot white people with slave ancestors! how could you POSSIBLY design a reasonable way of allocating reparations. like...just hold a swatch up to people's skin? ancestry records that most people definitely do not have?
oh also i think my dad told me something abt how being mixed race works differently in jamaica, or like, used to work differently? so like, in the US children of slave owners and slaves were slaves but in jamaica they werent so the whole like societal concept of mixed-ness is different? idk. my grandpa owned a little land in the mountains of jamaica. he didnt know his dad. i dont know that much about him. he tells me stories sometimes but theyre hard to understand cuz my audio processing issues + hes really old + jamaican accent + theyre weird stories. like about killing weasels or a donkey getting stuck in a valley. farm life? probably my best interaction with him is arguing pro-palestine with him against my dad
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