#I think when it’s my birthday I just realize how lonely I am and that’s what hits me the most
rosicheeks · 1 year
Would your friends meet you for some ice cream or coffee and cake when they finish work? Nothing too crazy or expensive, just tasty and chill and you can talk and laugh and relax ! 😊
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Hey I'm George. I am a 26 civil engineer working in a big company but it si not what i expected. It is so boring and I am only doing it since it ws what is expected of me. I wish you could transform me into a hot stripper or porn star cause that's has always been my secret dream. I don't wanna be transformed into an object.
Transformation Letters - The gay club
Even writing the letter to the unknown company has been an act of rebellion. All your life, you have been doing what was expected of you. You finished school with good grades and enrolled in an engineering degree program.
The first years were alright. It was still interesting, and you enjoyed the classes, but slowly you had to come to the realization that perhaps, engineering wasn't quite for you. The work was getting more and more monotonous, and the tasks were less and less creative. Regardless, you graduated with an acceptable degree and got a job in the field as a civil engineer.
Now, almost three years later, you are sitting in a small office cubicle, doing the same stuff that you did in the last few years.
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"I hate it here.", you think and look at the blueprints on the wall. They are supposed to be "motivating", showing what your company builds. To you, however, they are nothing more than a reminder that the work is dull and unfulfilling.
As you get up and grab the coffee from the machine, you realize just how much of a rut your life has fallen into. Looking at the calendar on the wall, you recognize another thing: It's your birthday today. Yay. 26 wasted years, at least in your opinion. You don't have many friends or family, but for once, you decide to celebrate a bit on your own. You are going to visit a club tonight.
Some hours later, you find yourself in a gay nightclub. You are not out or anything, but your sexuality has been a matter of fact to you for some years now, so visiting a gay bar is on your bucket list anyway. The thumbing music surrounds you, making it near impossible to talk to anyone and even though it feels kind of exciting to be in such a location, you can't help but feeling kind of lonely and displaced here. Seeing all those hot guys dancing makes it terribly obvious for you that you are way too uptight to ever move your body to the music like that.
But... Perhaps you should just... try?
The thought is entirely alien to you, but... strangely appealing. So, you just try to dance to the music.
At first, it feels very awkward and a bit uncomfortable, but after a few moments, you relax. And, to your big surprise, you actually manage to move your body along with the beat. As your self-confidence grows, so does the speed and forcefulness of your movements. Before you know it, you have attracted the attention of a group of three men. Normally, being the center of attention would be something you despise, but right now it feels liberating and right. So right, in fact, that you do something crazy! The stage is empty right now, and, following these strange new impulses, you climb onto the stage and begin to dance to the music. You are still wearing your work attire and it is quickly becoming way too warm as you move your body. So, without thinking, you slowly begin to unbutton your shirt.
To your amazement, the crowd begins to cheer and applaud. It is like a wave of acceptance and approval washes over you, and the more buttons you undo, the more enthusiastic the cheering becomes. It is somehow getting easier and easier to follow the beat. Both your sense of rhythm as well as your physical fitness seem to increase and moving to the music quickly becomes a second nature for you. When you have finally unbuttoned your shirt, you slide out of it and spin it around your hand a few times before throwing it into the crowd. A bunch of hands shoot up, and the shirt quickly disappears. You keep moving to the music, now only wearing a white undershirt, which sticks to your skin and reveals your well-toned body. You have been working out once in a while, trying to keep yourself fit with mediocre success, but even you are a bit surprised how well your body looks right now. Your muscles are defined and bulging and when you pull the undershirt off as well, the cheers rise to an almost deafening level.
It feels like a wave of energy rushes through your body. You can barely think straight and the only thing you can focus on is the music and the movement. You have already gotten used to being the center of attention, but now, even more people join the crowd around you. They are staring at your body, and you can clearly make out their lust and admiration, making you smile. The next thing to go, is, of course, your pants, which you slowly peel off and, as with the shirt, throw them into the crowd, where they disappear as well.
Your movements are becoming faster and faster, and soon, you have almost completely shed your clothes, revealing your athletic and lean body, now shining with sweat. Your ample bulge is thinly veiled by your pair of bright blue briefs that do their best to set your assets, both your dick and your ass, into scene...
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Hey, I’m Elias, a 22yo bartender with a French and Linguistics degree at University, though sometimes I wish I could trade smarts for sports and strength. I don’t think I’m unattractive, I never have much problem getting attention from guys at the club, but I feel like guys just look at me like I’m another pale twink with brown hair and hazel eyes. I don’t want to be an object, I like being a man: I just want to be more manly. Muscles and beard, I want to look powerful and have other guys be jealous of me.
It's a usual Friday evening for you, and you are tending bar in the towns gay club as usual. It's not too bad - your twinkish body usually gets you some tips, and today is no different. There are times, however, that you wish you were just a bit more... manly. Of course, everyone always wants to be what they are not. But seeing those sexy guys every day, made of beef and manliness makes you almost hate your thin and slender form. That is, after all, what made you write that letter some weeks ago, even though you already forgot about it by now.
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All of a sudden, one of the club's visitors climbs onto the stage. Even though it's empty right now, people aren't supposed to go up there, for insurance reasons. Apparently, nobody else has noticed, so you decide to handle the situation yourself. You tell your colleague on the bar that you will be right back and then make your way to the stage.
The guy who has climbed up there seems to be some kind of office worker and is apparently completely focused on dancing. You just want to tell him to come down from the stage when he begins to unbutton his shirt in the rhythm of the music. Having forgotten what you meant to do for a moment, you stare, mesmerized at the guy on stage slowly getting out of his shirt. He looks quite attractive and moves his body like a pro. The crowd notices the show, and slowly, the whole scene becomes the focus of attention. The office guy has now spun his shirt around and thrown it into the crowd, which has now grown considerably. You have to admit, the whole show and the guy look kind of sexy. Not your usual type, he has more of a lean and athletic body that is revealed more and more with every move he takes. Still, he is good.
Next to you, directly in front of the stage, one of the red faux leather chairs has just become free, as the guy who sat in it went to get some drinks. The crowd is moving constantly and, without really thinking, you take a seat there. The office worker is still dancing, his sweaty body almost glowing, and his bulge looks impressively large, even in the low lighting of the club. You can feel yourself getting hard, and through your suit pants, you feel yourself up discreetly.
Fuck discreetly. You rub your crotch through your pants while your eyes are still glued to the stripper on stage. Your mind is slowly going blank. You don't notice how the other bar patrons slowly stop moving to the music and gather around the stage instead, watching the office guy perform. You are completely entranced, unable to think, just staring at the spectacle in front of you, while your cock strains against the fabric of your pants.
Actually, your cock is not the only thing straining against your clothes. It is as if all your body is expanding, in every direction, all at once: Your shoulders, your arms, and your legs widen and grow thicker, while your ass and muscles swell. At the same time, the first hints of stubble and beard hairs break through your skin.
Your suit feels constricting, and you consider getting up to go to the bathroom to get out of them. But...
Fuck modesty. With more raw strength than elegance, you remove your clothing while you still can. Your body continues to grow stronger and stronger and when your chest is bared, your nipples have hardened to the point where they seem like small pebbles.
It feels so fucking good to just get out of the clothes that are becoming more and more uncomfortable with every passing second. You watch with a superior smile as hair also grows on your chest and abs, as well as on your legs and arms, making your whole torso look furry.
When your pants are gone, your underwear is the only piece of clothing left on you.
And fuck, that's getting really tight!
But, as you watch, it is morphing into a different material. What was once a pair of cotton boxer briefs quickly becomes a pair of black shiny leather underwear, pronouncing the growing bulge of your hard cock. The bulge is, of course, not only growing because you're rock-hard: Also, inside the alien pair of leather underwear, your member is growing bigger and bigger with each throb, slowly becoming a true monster cock.
Other parts of you don't seem to be stopping growing larger as well: Your biceps are more than impressive right now, your forearms look like you can crush a watermelon with them and your thighs are as thick as tree trunks.
As the music keeps playing, the hair on your body grows denser and longer. You now have a manly full beard, and, as you cross your strong arms behind your head, a thick bush of hair emerges from each of your armpits, flooding the direct vicinity with your manly stench.
You grin as you look up to the stripper, who is just about to shed his pair of blue underwear and lick your lips. After the show, you're gonna take him home and breed him!
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lovelyiida · 8 months
"we just want our son back."
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SYNOPSIS: as the years went by... bakugo realized that he was the last to get married. the days grew cold and the nights turned lonely. bakugo wants to marry, but he doesn't really feel like falling in love. at least he has his trustee secretary!
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❥ WARNINGS: implied fem reader, aged-up! Pro-hero MHA characters over the age of 27, vulgar language, suggestive wording, and content.
WORDS: 4.02K
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"Office whore Y/n L/n takes the cake, honestly."
"Please, I can't talk about it anymore!"
Around three days after the whole shit-show of a performance your boss put on, you cowered away from the whole office scene entirely; you were on paid absence, of course. Red Riot tried to get a hold of you, but you never responded to any of his calls and emails.
Things were becoming too intimate for your liking.
The line between secretary and lover was blurring right before your eyes, and you didn't even know the man's damn birthday. So now you sit here, eye to eye with the one person you really didn't want to see—your sister.
"We have to talk about it so that we can get it out of your system, and so you can get back to work with Mr. Money," she laughs. One thing you knew about your sister is that the both of you never got along. From stolen clothes to stolen boyfriends, if someone told you they could pay to push her in front of a bus, you'd say, "How much?"
But at the end of the day, she was your sister, and you loved her. She was there when you had many breakdowns, mid-life crises, depressive episodes, etc. And you wouldn't let just anyone push her in front of a bus; you'd do it in a heartbeat for free.
So when your sister arrived at your doorstep as a "surprise," the sight of her face made you break down in tears and confess everything that has happened to you. It's like she could sense when you're in utter despair.
As your sister stands in your kitchen, you sit on the floor with a bottle of wine and take turns from the bottle, talking ever so thoroughly about the situation.
"I mean, the man asked for my hand in marriage after shunning my existence in front of the press! What am I to him?" you say, tear stains drying on your cheeks. Your sister frowns at your state, bending down to your level, she smiles.
"What you are to him is reliable, headstrong, hardworking, and hot as fuck. He knew he couldn't lose you, so he needed to keep a tight leash on you," your sister responds, swiftly snatching the bottle from your hands. She stands back up and sets it on the counter.
"Everyone's life is given to them for a reason; what you don't realize is that the universe just blessed you. And you're getting everything you've ever wanted and more," she says, her tone calculated and sharp. With a smile on her face, you could tell she was plotting something.
You sniffled to yourself, wiping away excess tears as you looked into her eyes. "What do you think I should do?" you whimpered. With a smile, she spoke, "Play his game." Furrowing your eyebrows, you became confused at her answer. "And what do you mean by that?… 'Play his game'?" You asked.
With a roll of her eyes, she stood up once more. Extending her hand out to you, you grabbed it with ease and hoisted yourself up. With swift movement, she grabbed both sides of your arms and looked deeply into your eyes.
"You make him want you even more than he wants you, and once you get what you really want… you leave and never turn back," she said with a sinister smile. It took a little bit to really grasp what she was saying.
"Don't think of it in a harsh or conniving way. Think of it as a get-back. A taste of how much he's treated you like shit, how he's disrespected you; embarrassed you; put you through hell and back every single day! If you gave him a single taste, you'd fight for you and all the other secretaries that he's done wrong."
Looking into her eyes, you saw her burning passion to protect and take up for what's right… to help you get what you deserve.
"Now you have something none of those girls had, and it's a chance… it's up to you if you'll take it," she said.
You pondered with your thoughts. Everything that she said was right. From all the moments when you were disrespected and degraded and made to feel like absolute shit, maybe it was time to finally fight back. This plan, while not what you initially had in mind, started to appeal to you. It would give you a chance to turn the tables, to regain some power and control in a situation where you had felt powerless.
With newfound determination, you looked back at your sister and nodded. "You know what? You're right. I'm not going to let him walk all over me anymore. I'll play his game, and I'll make sure he knows that he messed with the wrong secretary."
Your sister's smile widened, proud of the strength and resolve she saw in you. "That's the spirit!" She exclaims in excitement, quickly getting yourself up from the ground, you grab your sister by her sides and walk her towards the door.
"Thanks for the advice, I'll let you know if I have another life-defining breakdown," you say softly. Earning a chuckle from your sister, she silently nods at your praise "any time." Letting go of her, you watch as she lets herself out. As you watched the door close with a thud, you let out a sigh.
Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, you prepared yourself to face "Mr. Money' once again. This time, though, you were armed with a plan and a newfound sense of self-worth. You were ready to play his game and take back the control he had taken from you for far too long. With a determined glint in your eye, you stormed to your room and picked up your phone from your nightstand.
It was time to show him that you were nobody's lapdog that just followed anyone's orders, it was time to fight back. Opening your messages you immediately press onto your boss's contact and begin tying into a frenzy.
To: Dynamight (BOSS)
coming into work tomorrow
same time as usual?
Placing your phone down, you turn away to make a run for the bathroom but the buzz from your phone puts you into a halt. Scurrying for the phone you pick it up and race for the bathroom once more.
As you sit down to "handle your business," you turn on your phone to see an immediate text back from your boss. You let out a disappointed sigh as you read the message.
from: Dynamight (BOSS)
Nonchalant as per-usual.
After finishing your business, you get some dinner and prepare for bed, as you finally lie on your pillow you can't help but smile at the thought of your plan. The thought of seeing him the next day made you shiver for all the wrong reasons.
As you drifted off into a deep slumber, you never read the next message he sent to you back...
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Things went smoothly for your return, at least so far...the day just started.
You woke up and got ready for the day ahead of you and comfortably sat outside your apartment doorstep to wait for your knight in shining armor. As you waited there you realized one thing about your plan.
There weren't necessarily any steps or phases to it, just great. It's not anything new that you have to do something on your own.
You started to think hard, what were you even going to say to the man when you saw him?
Hey Dynamight! Feeling better after being called the office slut the other day!
No, that’s not how it’s going to go.
You need to stay calm today, no matter what is thrown at you. Even though that may seem hard because every day is a new problem with your boss, you think you have it in you to do so.
Should you even accept his proposal? He has a right to know an answer, but you’re just not ready.
Going from Secretary-to-fiancé wasn’t that exact promotion you were thinking of when you walked through the two front doors of this office.
Keep calm. Stay cordial. Stay balanced.
Stay grey.
As you stand outside, you clutch tightly on your bag. (Late) documents held inside as the cool breeze of the early morning air tickled your neck. With a frown on your face, you shiver whilst looking at your watch.
10 minutes past schedule, that’s a new record.
As you casually checked between your watch and your phone; you began to throw yourself in a frenzy. So now he doesn’t even want to show his face? Are you that embarrassing?
Rolling your eyes, you turn your phone off and shove it into your work bag. Letting out a sigh of defeat, you tread your tired feet towards the bus stop.
Thirty minutes roll by and you stand in front of the offices’ glass doors, waiting to be walked through with just a push. But it wasn’t that easy, at least not today that is.
Your eyes were dry as the fluorescent bright lights bore into the core of your irises; slightly red and agitated from the night before (mental breakdown and lack of sleep in all). You close your eyes to try and soothe them, but the uncomfortable feeling in your chest begins to take over. Imagining the sight of everyone’s faces as you walk through those doors makes your chest sting with anxiety.
Blinking your eyes open, you began to frantically check yourself. Was your skirt too tight? Were your buttons too loose? Did you wear the dark lipstick, or the nude one?
Even the tiniest of details could throw your alibi out of the window; not that you hide any…only thing that you hide is the underlying self-embarrassment you feel.
But what’s new?
Licking your lips ever so slightly, you take in a deep breath and walk through the doors. The sound of the door breaking open causes everyone to crack their eye.
With your face held high and a new swing to your hips, you take in the situation around you. Coworkers amongst coworkers chatter quietly to themselves. The sight almost makes you want to vomit, but you promised yourself to not show any weakness.
Eyes set on a deep brown wood door of your boss’s office, step ahead and stop in your tracks. The golden plate etched with the hero’s name shined ever-so dull. Seems like it hasn’t been polished, maybe you should get someone to fix that—
Blinking down at the matching golden knob, you reach towards it. Your fingertips lightly grazed the handle, treating it as if it were the more delicate; fragile thing on earth. Your other hand laid firmly against your skirt, hand balled in a fist; slightly shaking.
“Just do it, Y/n” you whispered to yourself. Cursing under your breath, cowering at the thought of what was (obviously) behind the door.
Taking slow deep breaths, you then grasp the door entirely. The feeling of the cold metal graced your skin. Adding a cooling comfort to your body; hot with anxiety.
“my god”
Looking up, you turn to see a random group of workers looking at you. Snickering at your efforts to open the door. Eyes sharp with judgment and lips turning upwards in a sinister smile. Their energy oozed with toxicity.
Pretentious fucks.
Swallowing your spit, your eyes begin to tear up. Head leaning low, your nails dig into the skin of your palm. Your face grew hot as you tried your hardest to stifle in the wanton sobs you yearned to let out.
‘This wasn’t supposed to happen.’
Lips quivering, you let go of the door handle and adjust your things. Turning around you quickly head for the door. You felt as if the room was closing in on you whole, your body felt heavy and your heart felt like it was going to burst.
“should’ve never came,” you mumbled.
Startled, you stop ahead for the voice before you. Looking at the ground, you could make out from the shoes who it was.
“Mr. Riot?” You slightly whimpered.
“Hey, I was looking for ya! Sorry, we couldn’t get ya today—“ the redhead cuts himself off. A silent pause fills the room, if your head wasn’t so stuck on the floor you would’ve seen a very rare sighting.
An angry Red Riot.
His red eyes shoot across the room, piercing metal bullets into each and every person in the room. Mr. Riot was an indescribable force when upset. He’s the total opposite of himself.
From a cheery, happy-go-lucky optimist, to an absolute brute. You feel him grab ahold of your shoulder, his large hand warmly covers your shoulder and gives it a squeeze.
“Come on—take this conversation to my office…” he says, his tone almost unrecognizable. Deep and monotonous, unusual from the peppy and colorful use of tone he’s had equipped.
Following him over, raising your head just a little. You notice how you walk a new path today. Just beyond a new set of frosted glass doors lies a whole new office.
The workers seemed laid back, getting their work done. The slight tune of music added to the atmosphere of the office— is that a cat?
“Muscle!” The hero beamed.
With quick steps, the hero scoops up the grey-haired feline. The cat lets out a startled noise as the pro-hero picks them up. The hero turns towards you and extends the fur ball towards you.
Blinking, you let out a soft smile. Before you could reach your arms out, the hero placed the cat under his arm. Reaching out for your bags, he takes them away from you, letting you reach your arms out for the cat.
“Ms. L/n, meet Muscle,” he hero quipped.
You look into the blue-eyed animal, silently cooing. You place the cat in a cradle position. “Why the name muscle?” You slightly chuckle.
Walking alongside him, he turns a corner. Smiling, he stops at a billboard, turning you to look; you can’t help but chuckle.
1. Sunshine
2. Misty
3. Muscle
4. Cat
5. Feline Riot
It was nice seeing how Riot would interact with his workers, he kept things light and casual. Unlike the other side of the building, maybe you should’ve applied here first.
“Personally, I chose muscle. Feline Riot is too corny, right?” He says. This earns a laugh out of you, holding out the cat in front of your face you smile.
“Well, I’d have to agree. But I think sunshine would be nice, but I think cat is quite silly as well.”
With a smirk, you bring back the animal into your embrace. The hero nods, taking note of your response. With a sigh he turns back around, “Well c’mon; that’s up for the people to decide.”
Walking a few more doors down, you head into Red Riots' office. Your eyes widen, letting out a small gasp; you are amazed by the interior of the office.
Surprisingly not as red as you thought.
Besides the obvious action figures and cardboard cutouts, his was modern. Sleek glass and cutting-edge metal. And maybe he was quite a botanist as well, his desk (along with other various places) sprinkled with succulents and hanging plants scattered around the area.
Walking slowly, your eyes catch a large wooden shelf. Adorned with many awards, collectibles, and photos.
One of these photos you couldn’t believe.
“Oh my god!” You whispered to yourself.
“Yep, the older days…kinda get a little teary-eyed when I think about it for too long” he replied bashful yet humble.
“Look at you guys, there’s you, and Mr. Dynamight!” You chuckled. Looking at a group photo of the notorious class 1-A of UA High. More than half the people in this photo are currently in the top 10 for pro-hero.
“Yeah, that’s us! We were so young and determined, but that’s what fucked some of us over in the end eh?” He says.
You frowned, unsure of what he possibly could’ve meant by that. But you chose not to probe. Breathing in, you walk away from the bittersweet photo and sit down by his desk.
“So…why am I here?” You asked.
The pro hero rolled his eyes at your response, “I mean—I feel like I should be asking all the questions around here—what happened back there?” He asked, his voice filled with concern.
Pressing your lips into a line you shuffle in your seat. Letting out a sigh you put “Muscle” down to frolic and place your hands in your lap.
“Just the coworkers that’s all, they can just be assholes y’know?” You chuckle, trying to blow off the situation. This earns a not-so-amused expression from the hero.
“Mhm—I hope you know that bullying of any kind is strictly prohibited within these corners we call our office. I can drop anyone from here just as easily as your boss can” he says sternly.
Eyes widening you shake your head, “I promise you that no one needs to leave this office. They need that job just as much as I do… no matter how much they deserve it.” You say softly.
The pro-hero nods at your response. “Reconciliation before retaliation is what I always say!” He says, tone somewhat defeated.
A long pause is set after his words, it was somewhat comfortable. Unlike your boss, when it’s silent it’s suffocating, almost deadly.
“He wants to apologize…we want to apologize for not taking you here today. I totally forgot to swoop in and bring you once he canceled on you. Got to take my kids to school today, I couldn’t miss up on that opportunity,” he smiled.
You nod understandably, “so then where is he?” You asked.
“Uh…he’s at a meeting,” Riot responds. Turning your head to the side, you were confused by his words. “He knows not to go to a meeting without me, damn show off…thinking he can do everything himself—“
“No, it’s not that! It’s a more personal meeting.”
You paused, irritation turning into curiosity; you sit back and bite the inside of your cheek.
“Personal you say?”
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“So you bring me all the way over here to talk about—babies?”
The blonde says, trying to not show the visible anger in his every being. Sitting before him was his mother in father, visibly distraught; over what? Babies.
Currently sitting in the living room of his old home, he was called over to have an "important" talk with his parents. He assumed maybe it was time to hear one of the inevitable.
They are dying, they're selling the house, or they're disappointed in him (the third one is highly unlikely). But no, they’re bitching about babies.
“It’s just— your mother and I aren't gonna be young for too long. We’re not asking for too much, maybe at Ieast have a girlfriend?” Bakugo’s father tried to soften the blow.
“Excuse me?”
It failed.
“Oh please! By the time he settles down I’ll be a grandma when I’m goddamn 90” his mother complains. "I mean, have you ever lost your virginity Katsuki?" She quips in.
"Mitsuki!" his father complains, throwing his hands towards his face he lets out a sigh.
"What did you say, woman!" Bakugo says in anger, the blonde shoots from his seat and walks closer towards his mother. Bakugo's father stands with him and gets in between them.
"Please guys, not today" his father groans.
"No, no, no...she's the one who started it, stop trying to fight her own battles for once," Bakugo says. "I'm not just some teenager you can talk to any type of way, I'm the fuckin' #2 hero; understand me?" His tone is quiet yet poisoning as it seeps through his teeth.
The blonde peers over his father's shoulder and looks into the matching red eyes of his mother. Her frown; visible with disappointment.
If only she could look back and see how tired he was, if she would actually understand.
Ever since Bakugo stepped through the doors of UA High School, things haven't been the same between him and his parents. One of the major costs of becoming a pro-hero. He's not able to be at home like he used to, it would come to times like this where the overwhelming emotions would all spew out.
Anger being one of them.
"Do you even love us anymore?" Mitsuki whimpers, tears begin to brim her eyes as she rises from her seat. Bakugo is taken aback by the accusation.
"What the fuck are you going on about?" he says, offended that his mother could even come to such a conclusion. Bakugo looks at his father, eyes wide and searching for answers.
Looking into his father's eyes, he finds the results that he regretted to find.
"Oh, so you feel the same way?" he chuckles, hurt prevalent within his tone.
"Son...you're always busy, even when ya' aren't," he says quietly, his father lands a hand on his shoulder as he tries to console him but it doesn't work.
The blonde groans, slapping his hand away from him, and backs away. This makes his father frown, "you don't call us or text us! Every day me and your mother watch you risk your life on TV wondering whether or not another battle will be your last!" he says.
Bakugo's head starts to hang low.
Lips pressed into a thin line, Bakugo's father places his hands on his hips in defeat. "We can't always come and pick up the pieces when you break down at our doorstep in the middle of the night, you have to talk to us Katsuki—"
"Do you even know how much I sacrifice just so that the both of you are able to go to sleep at night?" Bakugo's voice grows strong, hands balled into fists; smoke growing visible from his palms.
"Do you even know how many nights I go to sleep and wake up from night terrors just so that the both of you can go out freely? Every day I'm out there busting my ass so that the both of you can live normal lives. And I'm not doing enough? Okay."
"That's not what we're saying son—"
"Then what the hell are you saying?" Bakugo exclaims.
"Because that's what it exactly sounds like to me! It sounds like you guys don't care what I go through as long as you reap the benefits—"
"You seriously think we want you out there risking your life for us? Katsuki you could quit the next day and we would care! We just want our son back" Mitsuki says. Exasperated and teary-eyed, she clings to her son.
"We don't want you to bottle things up anymore, we don't want you to suffer as you think we do. You have to talk to us in order for us to be there for you!" Mitsuki yells.
A rift of silence follows after her words.
Bakugo looks at both of his parents with a frown, biting the inside of his cheek he closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. Hands softly simmering down, he softly pushes his mother away.
Reaching in his pocket he pulls out his phone and calls the only person on his mind.
"Hey bro, when ya comin' in?" Kirishima says on the other end.
"Ejiro," the blonde says.
"What's wrong?" The redhead's tone matches Bakugo's with a twinge of worry. "Not comin' in today, um...just take over for the time being alright?" he says.
"Got it," Kirishima says.
Bakugo ends the call and throws his phone on the couch. Walking back into the brown couch, he crashes down and sighs. "If we're gonna talk we're gonna do it now."
His parents then look at each other then at him, with no words said they follow suit and sit next to him on the couch. "Just say whatever is on your mind, we're here for you," Mitsuki says.
Swallowing his spit, Bakugo says something he never would've thought to come out of his mouth.
"I have a fiance."
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Apologies to all of my readers out there, I’ve been so busy with school that it’s consumed my life whole. I hope you all understand :(
— 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐢𝐝𝐚 ❤︎︎
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❥: @r-ans, @xo-evangeline, @inlovewithteo217, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @nar00 , @king-dynamight , @gold24fish , @xasilex , @the-queen-of-sorrows , @itgetzweird08 , @yoyosocks165 , @pebblepoop , @lovra974 , @bakugospartner , @gaby-11 , @akqsa-xxi , @jolynegf , @goldenglow149 , @aliruuiz , @zukowantshishonourback ,  @ilovedenk-i , @atsushiki , @smolbeanzzz , @urdecentartist09 , @lem-hhn , @stevenknightmarc , @katsu-shi @ryumiii , @idontevenknowlolls , @lyn07 , @kennshifts , @ackerman-suck-3-r , @alicen23 , @xasilex , @elegantvoids , @lowkeyremi , @plutounderbridges , @k0z3me , @thecurlyhairedgoddess , @sunyrose , @winterv-black , @chuugarettes , @kiarathace , @thisbicc , @thekookiecorner , @hyu-hl , @katsukisxslut , @optimisticprime3 , @cosmicbreathe , @yessimo
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lina-linny · 28 days
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summary: you are a princess and your whole life is geared towards the fact that one day you will have to marry a powerful prince. but what happens if you decide against it and listen to your heart instead of your father?
words: 3.9k
genre: fluff, angst
I am the princess of a larger kingdom. I have lived in a large castle since I was a child and my family has always been wealthy and respected.
Ever since i was a little girl, i have always had a best friend. Jongho
I looked out of the window. Over my father's lands. Over the kingdom that I would inevitably inherit one day.
While other children romped and played outside in the palace gardens, I always sat in this huge classroom and received lessons in everything a princess needed to know.
Court etiquette, music, mathematics and needlework, etc.
But the only thing I ever wanted was to live, play and laugh with other children.
But my father thought none of the offspring of the stuff was worth my time. So I wasn't allowed to play with them.
One day after my 10th birthday, my father assigned me my own bodyguard.
Every high-ranking person at court was assigned a personal guard from a young age. So this was nothing unusual.
My bodyguard was very nice. I always got on well with General Choi and he also did his job well. He followed my every move.
One day, General Choi told me about his family. He casually mentioned that he had a young son my age.
My face lit up when he told me about Jongho.
For the next few days, I couldn't stop thinking about Jongho. I wanted to meet him. I wanted a friend.
So I tried to persuade General Choi inconspicuously to bring Jongho to his work and thus to me.
The guard immediately realized what my mission was. He laughed inwardly. But he knew how lonely I was, so he brought Jongho to me.
When I saw the little boy standing confidently but quietly next to his father, my heart skipped a beat.
All my life I had wanted another child as a playmate.
But how did that actually work? Playing with other children? How did you talk to other children? What should I…
Jongho bowed to me and my thoughts were abruptly forced to a halt.
General Choi smiled and patted his son's head.
“Go play in the parlor together. I'll keep an eye on you from here. I'm sure you'll get along famously.
But what if he didn't like me, or if Jongho was weird?
My worries quickly disappeared, though.
Me and Jongho talked, laughed, played and chased each other around the salon laughing and screeching.
Over the years, we grew closer and closer. Jongho visited me almost every day and we became best friends.
Jongho always seemed quiet and reserved, but when the two of us were alone, he opened up. We always told each other everything.
Over the years, our friendship developed into something that was no longer just friendship.
When we saw each other, hugged each other, touched each other, our hearts beat at an unreasonably fast pace.
When we complimented each other, the other would turn red and shy.
When he took my stuff and caried them for me, my whole body tingled.
When our faces were so close together that we could just kiss, we didn't back away but neither did we take a step forward and connect our lips.
We both knew that if we took that step, there would be no turning back. It would be complicated with my father and so much more.
So we always stayed in one place. Didn't take a step forward or back until my 19th birthday.
I had been getting ready for my stupid birthday banquet for hours.
That was the reason I had always hated my birthday. It wasn't about me, it was about business and etiquette.
My only job was to look good. That was all I was good for. That had been made unmistakably clear to me.
One day I would have to marry an influential prince and when I had given birth to a few children, the world would be finished with me.
I could no longer be stuck in this agonizingly long dress fitting. I needed some fresh air so I persuaded my maids to let me into the park for a few minutes, which they allowed, slightly annoyed.
So I walked into the park with my perfectly laced, perfectly fitting (and admittedly very pretty) ball dess.
If my father knew that i was just walking around the castle without my hair and make-up done, especially on my birthday, he would have been very angry.
But he didn't have to know.
I slowly wandered through the flower beds. It smelled like spring and the sun was shining directly into my face. A pleasant tingling of warmth spread through me and I closed my eyes.
I heard Jongho walk cautiously towards me.
I smiled. At least there was a ray of hope on my birthday. Then I turned around and looked into Jongho's beautiful face. The light of the sun played around his hard features.
“What are you doing out here? It's dangerous for you to go out alone.”
I smiled. He always worried too much. It was sweet.
“Nothing will happen to me” I replied nonchalantly"
He shook his head. Smiling, I turned my gaze to the ground to watch a small bug trying to climb up my shoe.
“I… I passed the general's training.” I looked up. Straight into his face. He looked a little tense.
I ran up to him and locked him in my arms. He looked taken aback but quickly returned the hug.
I smiled. Ever since we were both children, Jongho had dreamed of becoming a general at court and now he had officially made it.
“I spoke to my father…” Jongho murmured into my hairline.
“He said that the job is getting too strenuous for him. He's already old and will have to stop working soon. That's why he suggested that I could become your new bodyguard.”
My head whipped around and I looked directly into his face, which was only a few centimetres away from mine.
“Only if you want to, of course! I don't have to…” Jongho quickly added, but I interrupted him.
“Of course I do! This is the best birthday present I've ever received.”
I was beaming from ear to ear and a soft smile slowly spread across Jongho's face.
I hugged him to me again. He slowly stroked my back and I felt that warm tingling sensation in my whole body again.
I pressed him closer to me because my heart was crying out for his. No matter how tightly I pressed him against me, it was never enough. I wanted us to become one.
I sighed. Right now, Jongho really was my only ray of hope.
“Do you have to go back to your fitting?” Jongho asked cautiously.
I sighed and nodded. That got a soft laugh from Jongho.
“You'll survive.”
I groaned. “I wouldn't be so sure about that. If it goes on like this, I run the risk of just jumping out of the window.”
“That wouldn't do any good princess. I'd be there to catch you.”
I looked into his face, puzzled, and felt warmth spread through my cheeks.
He was so close to me. I could just lean towards him and…
“You look beautiful, by the way. At least the agony of trying it on is worth it.” He whispered the words in my ear, which made me blush even more.
But before I could say anything back, I heard the distant voice of my maid.
She was calling for me and would obviously appear here at any moment.
I turned back to Jongho and tried to get my red cheeks back under control. “Are you at the banquet later?”
Jongho nodded and I smiled. Then it couldn't be too bad.
Jongho accompanied me and my maid back to my chambers and then took up his post outside my door.
After at least another hour for my hair and make-up, my maids finally declared the work finished.
My maids left the room and I dropped into a chair with a sigh.
I just stared at the ceiling for at least 5 minutes without doing anything. I was so exhausted.
All I really wanted was for Jongho to come to me and barricade myself in here with him.
As if he had heard me, Jongho knocked on my door at that moment.
After a few polite seconds, Jongho opened the door. He was holding something behind his back that I couldn't see.
His face was slightly red and he looked a little embarrassed.
“Hey,” he said sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.
I smiled back at him.
“I… um I have something for you because it's your birthday today. They're not the prettiest. But I picked them myself.
He carefully conjured up a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. The flowers looked as if they had been picked from the garden.
I had received countless bouquets of flowers in my life. Bouquets of expensive, valuable or rare flowers, but never before had I felt a bouquet was so precious.
I beamed happily at him, which made Jongho smile.
“Thank you! It looks so pretty! Wait, I'll get a vase.” I thanked him effusively.
I disappeared for a moment and then put Jongho's flowers in the vase.
Jongho had entered in the meantime and closed the door behind him.
I walked towards him. A soft smile played around his features and he looked shyly at the floor.
“You look even prettier now than you did before and I thought that was no longer possible.”
I blushed but smiled. I carefully let my hand rest on his cheek.
He looked up at me. “Thank you, I really appreciate you. Thank you for being with me and managing to make even the day I've always hated more than anything bearable. You are really important to me.”
I didn't know where this sudden confession came from, but I looked confidently into Jongho's eyes.
His cheeks glowed and he chuckled. He couldn't hold the eye contact with me and looked down at the floor.
He smiled happily and I had to smile too.
Everyone was always afraid of Jongho. He often seemed cool or too serious to them.
But when it was just the two of us, he was exactly the opposite. He was shy and soft. He loved to give compliments but even more to receive them.
Smiling, I pressed a kiss to his cheek, deepening the red in his face.
Now he looked deep into my eyes again.
I put my other hand on his cheek and caressed it gently. Jongho closed his eyes.
“Do you know how much you mean to me?” He asked in a slightly trembling voice.
I held my breath. Should I just do it? should i be breave and risk everything... for my love?
...yes. I knew it was worth everything.
I carefully closed the distance between our lips but stopped before they touched. “I love you” I whispered.
It was a simple confession and yet my heart was hammering against my chest as if it was about to jump out.
Jongho overcame the last centimeter that had separated our lips and melted into me.
It felt like the whole world stopped spinning.
I had been waiting for this since the first time I saw him. His lips brushing against mine, caressing and teasing them.
My body was on fire and he was the lighter.
I held the lighter to my own pyre and yet I couldn't get enough.
I carefully detached myself from him.
Jongho smiled gently.
“I love you too, my little princess,” he smiled.
We both knew that it was going to be complicated. But we pushed the thought aside.
The moment was far too beautiful to ruin it now. It would happen sooner or later anyway.
“I take back everything I said earlier. That was the best birthday present I've ever received.” I announced and we both giggled.
I entered the banquet with Jongho right behind me.
He escorted me to my chair, adjusted it for me and helped me sit down.
I couldn't suppress the lovesick grin on my face.
Jongho had a neutral expression on his face, but I could see a loving twinkle in his eyes as he looked down at me.
My bodyguard stood at the edge of the hall, next to the rest of the security staff, from where they could keep an eye on everything and intervene at any time, but not disturb the privacy of the guests too much.
I let my gaze wander over the table. My father had invited numerous guests.
There were minor nobles from our kingdom as well as more influential princes and kings with their princesses or queens from other kingdoms.
I let the meal wash over me. I made a little polite conversation with some of the nobles next to me.
I kept exchanging tender glances with Jongho.
After we had finished eating, I wanted to retire but my father came rushing towards me with a young man in tow.
“Y/n!” he called to me and I waited patiently until he had reached me.
“Prince Seonghwa, this is my daughter Y/n,” my father introduced me and I curtseyed slightly as Seonghwa bowed to me.
“You should have a little talk. I have something to discuss with King Park Seonghwa's father. I'm sure you two get along famously.”
My father gave me a warning look and I knew what was going on. Seonghwa's father was obviously a powerful king and my father couldn't pass up an opportunity like this for any kind of political business.
When my father left us alone, Seonghwa smiled at me understandingly. “Looks like we're both in the same boat. I guess we'll have to kill time together now”
He laughed and I had to smile too. I could imagine worse company.
“Do you want to dance?” Seonghwa asked and I nodded. I loved dancing so I gratefully took the opportunity.
It turned out that Seonghwa was almost as good a dancer as I was and also a very good conversationalist.
We got on well and laughed a lot.
We had now both decided that enough dancing was enough for now. So we retreated to the edge of the party and talked here.
Seonghwa had just left to organize something for us both to drink when my eyes met Jongho's.
He had obviously been watching me, because he quickly turned his gaze away from me and blushed.
I smiled softly and made my way over to him.
Seonghwa would find me.
“Hi,” I smiled back at him.
“Looks like you're having a good time.” Jongho said somewhat coolly and I froze. What was wrong with Jongho?
“Is everything okay?” I asked cautiously and Jongho ran his hand over his face. You could tell how frustrated he was.
“Just… you seem to get on VERY well with this prince. You giggle all the time and I can see him flirting with you.”
A smile spread across my face. “Are you jealous?” I grinned and poked him on the nose with my index finger, which made him blush.
He grabbed my hand a little roughly by the wrist, pushed it away from his face and looked at me seriously.
“You shouldn't do that here. We'll just be seen and then we'll have to deal with the rumors.”
The laughter disappeared from my face and I looked at him, a little hurt. I carefully pulled my wrist out of his and Jongho sighed. I smiled sadly.
“Yeah I'm jealous that this prince can just walk around here with you so openly and I have to stand here and watch. It fucking hurts to see you with him because I know you have to marry him.”
I stared at him in horror. But before I could say anything back, Seonghwa came running to us.
Jongho instinctively took a step away from me, putting a professional distance between us and giving my heart a stich.
Seonghwa glanced back and forth between us and then looked down at the floor with a knowing smile.
Nodding, I took my glass from him and drained the damn alcohol in one gulp. I didn't feel like I was going to survive the whole thing any other way tonight.
Seonghwa smirked and Jongho frowned at my actions.
Jongho carefully took the glass from me.
“Don't drink so much again.” He said worriedly and I sighed. He said it so easily.
“I want to dance again, will you come with me?” I turned to Seonghwa. He nodded and together we walked towards the dance floor.
I felt bad because I knew that all of this was hurting Jongho, but I was hurting too.
It wouldn't work like this with us. We weren't made for this. I couldn't pretend that I was interested in other men and that I didn't care about Jongho, nor could Jongho watch me do it.
In the long run, we would break, shatter, like a rose crushed by the expectations of all the others.
I danced with Seonghwa, but my thoughts were with Jongho at the edge of the ballroom.
I just wanted to be with him. I didn't need big parties or powerful nobles. I just needed him.
Seonghwa smiled.
''You love him very much, don't you? Your bodyguard…”
My head snapped to him and I stared at him in horror. Was it that obvious? Would he tell the others?
He just laughed at my reaction. “Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I understand you. I… I have someone too. She's very special and… not noble either. It'll be complicated, but I think you can manage all this.”
I sighed. Would we really make it? I would have to be brave enough to tell my father.
We weren't meant to keep this a secret. That wouldn't work. I couldn't just marry someone and be with someone else in the meantime. That would hurt me and him too much.
“I think our fathers want to marry us off.” Seonghwa said. “I don't know if I'll be brave enough to put my own happiness above my father's wishes. But I think you will be. Just know that i'll be on your side and support you if you are.”
We were silent for the rest of the dance, both engrossed in our own thoughts.
The song we had been dancing to ended and we left the dance floor together.
Our fathers came running towards us. They both had busy looks on their faces and seemed very happy.
“Oh, no. They've come to an agreement. That shouldn't bode well for us.” Whispered Seonghwa.
I just sighed. I felt like I'd been doing this far too often lately.
Our fathers came to a halt in front of us.
“I and King Park, after much deliberation, have come to an agreement regarding the future of our kingdoms.”
My father smiled at us as if he were giving us a gift. As if we would be happy for the increased power and a larger kingdom
“The wedding will take place next year.” Seonghwa's father added.
If I had tried to find another explanation for my father's words before, I now had to finally accept that I had to marry Seonghwa.
I looked at Jongho, who was standing within earshot of us, and noticed that his lower lip was trembling suspiciously.
Tears rolled down my cheek and yet my voice was firm as I spoke.
“No!” I said firmly.
“No?!” My father asked incredulously. “How dare you? It's not your decision.”
I took a shaky breath and looked my father straight in the eye.
“I'm not going to marry Seonghwa. I don't want more power or to secure our kingdom. I want to love and be myself and I've already found someone with whom I can get all that. So I will not marry Seonghwa just because you want more influence.”
Seonghwa smiled with his head bowed. “I agree with her.” He said simply, but it was more than enough.
“And who is this someone supposed to be?” My father asked angrily.
“Jongho,” I said simply and looked over at my lover to see silent tears running down his cheeks just like mine.
“Your bodyguard?!” My father asked incredulously and I just nodded.
“I'm not asking for your permission or anything like that. I know I won't get it. But I'm with him and you're not going to change that. I'm an adult and able to lead my own life.”
My father gasped indignantly, but I turned away and walked over to Jongho.
I wrapped him in my arms. He was never really comfortable with physical contact in public, so I just took his hand and walked out of the ballroom with him.
We were silent on the way. Tears were still quietly running down my cheek.
When we arrived in my chambers, Jongho closed the door behind him and kissed me in the same second.
The kiss was with more desire than any before it. I clung to him tightly. Jongho held me and my tears slowly dried up.
“I'm so proud of you. You were so brave my little princess.”
I cried again and Jongho hugged me to him.
“I won't let him separate us, ok?” I sobbed into Jongho's shoulder.
Jongho smiled. “I know. You're not going to get rid of me that easily.”
I smiled under my sobs.
Jongho helped me change into my nightgown and brushed my hair as carefully as if I were made of glass.
He helped me into my bed and tucked me in. He kissed me goodnight on the forehead but as he was about to leave, I called him back.
“Could you… sing to me? So I can fall asleep?”
Jongho smiled softly and sat on the edge of my bed.
But instead of letting him sit there, I pulled him into bed with me, which made him gasp in surprise.
I giggled and he slipped under the covers with me. I cuddled up to him and he hugged me to him.
He began to sing softly to me and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Jongho.
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deancasbigbang · 8 months
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Title: Ungod
Author: AmberXBoone
Artist: Rezal
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester/Lisa Braeden (past-mentioned), Castiel/Kelly Kline (past-mentioned), Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy
Length: 40000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; Minor Character Death
Tags: Lawyer Dean Winchester; Priest Castiel; Explicit Sexual Content; Castiel is Jack Kline's Father; Religious Rebellion; Church Corruption; Alternative Universe; John & Mary are alive; Lawyer Sam Winchester; Sexual Content in public/semi-public places
Posting Date: November 6, 2023
Summary: Dean Winchester, Esq. never really wanted to be part of the family business. But, here he is, working at his father's NYC law firm, being told to represent some church whose head priest allegedly stole thousands of donated dollars from parishioners. One day, lost and confused, Dean wanders into the church confessional, finding solace in a faceless voice. Later that night, Dean wanders out of a bar with a lonely stranger - only to wake up and realize that the body that spent the night in his bed was the same shadowy figure behind the confessional screen. Dean soon learns that Father Castiel Novak knows all the church’s secrets and wants to expose Father Chuck Shurley and everyone else there – but after one of the nuns, Sister Isabella, is found dead after knowing too much, Castiel and Dean have to figure out how to lose this case for the church while making sure Castiel isn’t the next victim of the truth.
Excerpt: To the shadow on the other side of the hazy screen, Dean says, “Bless me father, for I have sinned.” There’s nothing but silence at first, but it’s followed by the sound of a body shifting on the other side of the divider, of breathing that’s unsure and unsteady. “Tell me—” Castiel’s voice is low, breaking as he speaks. Dean moves closer to the screen, pressing his fingers against it. “Last night, I was with someone I wasn’t supposed to be with. Or more like, someone who wasn’t supposed to be with me.” “And you feel—guilt because of this?” Castiel is still just an outline in the barely-there light. “Guilt?” Dean leans forward now, pressing his forehead into the screen. “No. I don’t know what I feel, but it isn’t guilt. Maybe regret.” “You regret being with this person?” Castiel’s shadow has grown closer now, and just the presence of his body reminds Dean of last night, of the way Castiel was all over him. “No.” Dean can feel Castiel’s fingertips press against his own, through aluminum mesh that separates them. “I regret that I’m not someone else. I regret that he left because of who I am. Because he found how who I am.” “Why?” Castiel sighs against the screen, and Dean closes his eyes, remembers the way it felt when Castiel exhaled into his mouth last night, the way it felt when Castiel kissed him. Dean isn’t sure how to answer that question. He isn’t sure he really wants to admit to last night being something different, something more than what he was used to lately. “I just wanted him to stay—or come back—I don’t know.” Castiel leans into the mesh, fingers still running along Dean’s. “I panicked. I realized who you are—and I didn’t know what to do, or what to say. I told you that you didn’t do anything wrong.” “I mean, I did, right? At least, you believe we did something wrong? You ran out on me.” Dean doesn’t even know what he’s saying. He shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be doing any of this. But, right now, he can’t bring himself to care. “No. Nothing you did was wrong. You were—perfect.” Castiel’s words trail off. “And I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I walked out of your apartment.” Dean knows that’s a lie. No one has ever told him he’s perfect. Maybe his mother, once or twice. “Did you make up all that stuff about having a kid? About it being his birthday? Didn’t you take a vow of celibacy, or whatever it’s called?” “No, that was the truth. I have a son. You aren’t my first indiscretion,” Castiel says. “That’s all I am.” Dean backs up in the darkness, further from Castiel. So many times, he’s been the drunken lapse in judgment, the starting point of a long walk of shame. But he’s never felt like a sin until now.
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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sserajeanspics · 2 months
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sakura weverse update
Thankfully, I was able to spend my birthday meaningfully, so came here late 😭😭 Once again, thank you so much for congratulating me on my birthday, FEARNOT 🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷 Wow!!! I'm 26 years old!!! I've already been an idol for half my life!!🤔Very surprising... It's amazing... When I first started as an idol, I never imagined what the future brings. I always thought life was unpredictable, but I've been able to continue this far because of the people around me who always support me. I'm so grateful for that :) When I was young, my birthday was a happy day when I could receive gifts and eat what I liked. It was a day when I felt like the arrow was pointing towards me, so I always eagerly waited for my birthday feeling excited. After turning 20, I started to feel a bit anxious about birthdays... 😅 Honestly, I felt a little scared that my time as an idol was getting shorter... And recently, especially this birthday, it became a birthday with a slightly different meaning for me. I realized that birthdays are not only about receiving congratulatory greetings, but also about being able to express gratitude to the people around me. It's a bit embarrassing, but for the first time in my life (excluding my school days), I wrote letters to each my family members and gave them as gifts for my birthday this year! I felt grateful knowing that my family was preparing gifts because we could spend my birthday together with them after a long time. I wanted to express my gratitude to them as well. As I wrote about how grateful I am for giving birth to me and raising me for 26 years, many emotions have overwhelmed me, so I was writing the letters while holding back tears... 😅 And seeing my parents shedding tears while reading the letters that i gave, I felt a mix of emotions. At a young age, they've been worried endlessly about their daughter entering this world, living far away where she isn't within easy reach, likely feeling lonely... I felt sorry, but still, seeing my parents shedding tears while sincerely supporting my dreams made me think this way. Latelt, I've actually been feeling that there would come a time when the effort I keep putting in for myself will reach its limit— like the effort, if it's all just for myself, might exhaust me, reaching some sort of emotional limit. But seeing my parents, I started to feel that maybe working hard for someone else could be another way.
If I think that all my efforts are for myself only, I feel like I might lose strength when I detach from that passion, and it would be even harder when results don't come. But when I think about supporting my parents who sincerely cheer me on, and for FEARNOTs who support me as passionately, and for the members and staff who share the same dream, strangely, I feel energized. These are just my thoughts, but I believe that to be able to continue something for a long time, perhaps this kind of mindset is also necessary :) I received so much love from many people on my birthday this year. It made me truly happy to realize that there are so many FEARNOTs around the world celebrating my birthday and supporting me. The online world continues expanding and may not always spread positivity every day, but I'm still grateful for the internet because it allows me to know that there are people who like me and celebrate my birthday😊 I remember my mom saying once on my birthday, "I hope you become an idol who, just like your name which holds the meaning "may good things bloom," receive congratulations from many people.' Following my mom's wish, I was able to become an idol who is indeed loved by many people. I have experienced many failures and I'm learning various things as a person, but I've come to think that I'm happy with who I am now. Everyone has imperfections and areas where they are still immature, but I believe that's how we can continue to grow. I’m still in the process of learning a lot about myself, and every day, I strive to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday, continuing to reflect and improve along the way. The world may sometimes be noisy with negativity, but I still believe that there are many happy, positive, joyful, and precious things in this world. Despite its flaws, I still find this world beautiful. It's not all good, but it's not all bad either. I wish to be the kind of person in your life who brings even a little bit of positivity and goodness. :) Thank you for celebrating my 26th birthday with me, and please continue to support me in the future as well☺️
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lockandkeycake · 8 months
HoTD moots I'm sorry again. This isn't my last pjo rant.
I'm continuing the deep dive into the Did Leo Bully Frank allegations, moving into House of Hades, where things get a bit more murky.
I'm not going to fully recap MoA read my other insane nerdy rant, but basically. Last we left them, Frank had disliked Leo, been antagonistic towards Leo, Leo was nervous around him and teased him a few times, they finally talk and become friends. But, everything is kicking off on a sour note. No one is happy.
Right at the beginning of HoH, we don't actually get much interactions between Leo and Frank until these scenes.
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I'd like to note here that Leo's birthday is July 7th. so that's fun. He's not feeling too great about all the ghost talk. I didn't include it, but there's a scene of Hazel talking about Leo being angrier and more serious early on as well. Leo is thinking about loss and death quite a lot in this novel.
Then we get to Frank's pov and Boy Is It Different.
First, I'll also point out Frank remembers the whole his clothes getting sent out and destroyed on Buford but very clearly doesn't characterize it as Leo 'throwing his clothes overboard'. Even in the state Frank is in, he knows Leo didn't purposely destroy his clothes.
But Frank still has issues.
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You can note that Frank actually starts off this thought process by essentially complementing Leo, but then Mars and Ares pop in - suddenly, Frank is now saying how Leo constantly teased him.
This is one of those things I think people are going to interpret differently depending on your bias. I have a Leo bias, and having shown that Leo was NOT constantly teasing him in MoA, at least from what is written, I think this is mostly influence from Mars/Ares. Leo does tease, he teases Jason in this book I think more than he does Frank, so I wouldn't ever say Leo doesn't tease people, he absolutely can be a little shit; but the difference is that it's rarely maliciously done on Leo's part. When Leo noticed Frank was embarrassed at the end of the last book, he stopped himself from making comments. We've also seen that Leo is also not great at realizing if his comments are being taken negatively, even if he doesn't mean them in that manner.
However, like I said, Hazel noted Leo's been stressed, not sleeping, and angrier than usual at the beginning of HoH. Leo blames himself for what happened to Annabeth and Percy. Leo is starting to think he'll probably die, and he's horribly lonely. Maybe he has been razzing Frank more offpage, and we just don't see it written. But because we do not see Leo explicitly dig at Frank's weight or looks or intelligence, I am personally still more of the opinion that it's the product of Mars/Ares.
We then get this scene
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Frank says Leo had stopped making jokes at his expense here, but again, not trying to beat a dead horse at this point, we've not really seen Leo do that at all this book. Frank now has more confidence and feels more worthwhile in his place on the Argo after his Venice battle- I think Frank is now less insecure and those voices are piping in less. Again, I could be wrong, but this seems very similar to last book. Frank spent the majority of the book being very antagonist, then wonders why on earth Leo would be nervous around him. There's things clouding Frank's judgement that clear up, and suddenly, he's getting on with Leo much better. Shocker.
(that being said Frank does suggest leaving Leo in Croatia just for making a pun not even at his expense, so make of that what you will lmao)
Reaching the Calypso chapters, there's a lot I could get into. I'll eventually do a break down on just them and why I don't love caleo, but I'll save that for another day. Still - Frank is someone Leo actually makes a point of trying to help once he finds out Calypso has fireproof fabric.
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Frank is his friend in Leo's mind, someone he wants to save too. Leo is big on trying to save people. I wonder why, definitely didn't come from childhood trauma or watching his mom burn to death or anything. Moving on.
Finally, Leo returns from Ogygia, Frank is said to have patted him so hard on the back it made Leo wince. Clearly he hates him.
But in all seriousness I think the slow progression of Leo and Frank's relationship is one of the better done character developments in HoO. It's slow, it's subtle it culminates in Frank hugging him next book, and Frank using Leo and Jason as inspiration for using up his wood piece.
The big scene to finish off this book are these pages. If Frank hated Leo, if he felt like Leo was only ever mocking him, trying to hurt his feelings, this would not have happened.
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Frank trusts Leo.
Leo trusts Frank.
They're not afraid of each other anymore, they're not scared. They mutually trust one another and know they'll have each other's backs.
That is why Leo trusts only Frank and Hazel with his plan in the next book.
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maskyish · 9 months
Banri's Birthday Rabbit TV 2023 - Episode 1 - "Banri's Wedding?!"
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
*door opens* 
Riku: Manager! President…! 
Tsumugi: Ah, everyone! Thank you for coming! I’m sorry to have called you all so suddenly….
Riku: Is it really true that Banri-san is getting married?! 
Tsumugi: Huuh?! 
Tamaki: I didn’t hear anything about this from Ban-chan!! 
Sogo: Me neither…! 
Nagi: Is this why you’ve called us here today? 
Iori: If this is true, we could’ve made preparations to celebrate…! 
Mitsuki: Exactly, there’s no need to be a stranger! I would have made a cake or two! 
Yamato: Calm down, you guys. So…. is it actually true, President? 
Otoharu: Ahaha. This is pretty interesting, isn’t it? 
Tsumugi: Pr- President?! 
Otoharu: Well, if that’s the case and Banri-kun is getting married, what will you all do? 
Mitsuki: Of course we have to have a huge celebration! Not just with cakes, but a whole feast! 
Yamato: For starters, I’ll prepare the finest alcohol and we can have a drink. I’d like to stay up all night and hear the story of how he met his other half. 
Tamaki: ….. I’m….. kinda lonely. 
Tamaki: I love Ban-chan, and I’m happy for him, but….. 
Sogo: … I think so, too. I’d like to talk to Banri-san first. 
Riku: If he has a family, he wouldn’t be able to support us like he does now, right…? 
Nagi: Even so, we have to send him off with a smile. Just as Banri has always done for us. 
Iori: In the first place… is it really true? I just can’t believe he would keep this from us….  
Otoharu: Hmm, well, it’s not true. 
Otoharu: Banri-kun isn’t getting married. 
IDOLiSH7: Whaaa—! 
Tsumugi: I- I’m sorry, everyone! And President, please don’t say things that can cause them to be so uneasy!  
Otoharu: Ah ha ha. Sorry, sorry. 
Riku: Thank goodness…. I was thinking about if it was maybe with our manager or something….
Otoharu: What was that? 
Yamato: No, no, absolutely not. 
Nagi: As long as my eyes are blue, I will not allow it. 
Otoharu: I will also never allow it. 
Tsumugi: E-enough! In any case, it was just a misunderstanding. 
Mitsuki: So, what did Riku hear then? About Banri-san telling the staff he was taking time off for a wedding. 
Tsumugi: Well, that’s what I’ve called you all here to discuss today…. 
Tsumugi: Someone in the industry is holding a wedding ceremony, so Banri-san and I will be attending. 
Otoharu: Originally, I was going to go as the representative, however some work came up. 
Tsumugi: I’ve heard from the other companies that Anesagi-san, Okazaki-san, and Utsugi-san will also be going…. 
Otoharu: The wedding ceremony will be held in Karuizawa, so I thought it would be a good chance for the managers to take a vacation as well. 
Otoharu: It might be an inconvenience to everyone for a little while, but I plan to follow up with the other staff and give them my thanks. 
Tsumugi: I’ll be checking my phone from time to time, so please contact me should anything happen! 
Yamato: Haha. Well, I figured it was something like that.
Nagi: OH! But you seemed to be the most flustered, Yamato. 
Yamato: What is this guy even saying? 
Iori: I swear, you’re too quick to jump to conclusions upon hearing the word “wedding”, Nanase-san. 
Riku: Huh?! Even you froze up when I told you, Iori! 
Mitsuki: Jeez! The instant you guys realized it was a misunderstanding, your facial expressions relaxed! 
Sogo: I’m glad we know now. Manager, please don’t worry about us and enjoy your time off.  
Tamaki: Yeah! You and Ban-chan are always working hard. I got nervous when we got called to the office! 
Tsumugi: Thank you, everyone….! 
Otoharu: I’m glad. I hope all the managers can go and refresh themselves. 
Riku: Doesn’t Karuizawa have a famous gelato shop? Tenn-nii went there before while on location and said it was delicious! 
Yamato: That sounds nice. Go ahead and enjoy some sweets too. 
Sogo: I know of a few recommendations for places as well, I can tell you about them later. 
Mitsuki: Sweet! There’s a restaurant I wanted to try too, so if you’d like to go, you can let me know what you think! 
Nagi: Your happiness is my happiness. Please go and relax to your heart’s content. 
Tsumugi: Thank you very much…! I’ll accept everyone’s kindness and enjoy myself to the fullest! 
Tamaki: You absolutely have to try the local King Pudding flavor with grape mousse in it, no matter what! It’s seriously delicious! 
Tsumugi: I will! I’ll bring some back as a souvenir, too! 
Tamaki: Yaaay~! 
Iori: Yotsuba-san, please do not coerce her into buying you souvenirs so nonchalantly. 
Iori: Even though it’s already September, it’s still hot out, so please take care against the heat. 
Riku: Forget about work while in Karuizawa and just enjoy your time with all the other managers! 
Tamaki: Oh yeah! Since all the managers will be there, why not just have that party there? 
Sogo: That’s true, it might be the perfect opportunity! 
Tsumugi: ‘That’ party? 
Nagi: Banri’s birthday party! We all talked about having the yearly celebration! 
Yamato: It’s that time of the year, after all. 
Tsumugi: I see….! I’d love to help! Did you already have something in mind? 
Riku: Yeah! Actually…. 
Anesagi: …. And that’s about it for next month’s schedule. 
Anesagi: On another note, I have my wedding coming up soon. So I’ll be away from the office for a few days. 
TRIGGER: Your wedding?! 
Gaku: Wait, wait. Are you being serious, Anesagi? Congrats! Let’s celebrate together! 
Tenn: Congratulations, Anesagi-san…. I’m really happy to hear such wonderful news. 
Ryuu: I’m happy too! She's getting married, huh…. It’s making me cry a little! 
Anesagi: W-wait a minute, you guys…. 
Gaku: So? What kind of person are they? I hope they’ll properly treasure you. 
Tenn: The entertainment industry is a unique business, so I can’t help but wonder if they have an understanding of the work you do so that it doesn’t put a burden on you, Anesagi-san. 
Ryuu: I think whoever she chose must be a good person, but there’s the smallest chance that’s not the case, right? So if you don’t mind, we’d like to meet them, too. 
Anesagi: Hold your horses! It got interesting so I figured I’d just keep quiet and listen for a while, but then I heard what you were saying about me. 
Anesagi: I’m not the one getting married, it’s an acquaintance of mine! I’m just attending the wedding! 
TRIGGER: An acquaintance?! 
Ryuu: W- what…! I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions…! 
Gaku: So you’re only attending! It was an easy mistake to make, huh! 
Tenn: Even though you were the first one to misunderstand, Gaku.  
Anesagi: Fufu. Sorry about that. Just as I was thinking you were happy for me, you guys suddenly got over-protective so it was fun to watch. 
Anesagi: But if I were to actually get married, you would be worried about me like this, huh. 
Gaku: Of course we would worry! If we’re to entrust you to someone, then they can’t be half-hearted about it. 
Ryuu: You’re our special manager. We want your partner to cherish you, too. 
Tenn: Just as you think about us, we also think about you, Anesagi-san. 
Anesagi: You guys…. 
Anesagi: Thank you. But for right now, my only love is my work so I promise you don’t have to worry about it for a while. 
Anesagi: The wedding will be held in Karuizawa, so I’ll be taking some time off and staying there, but feel free to contact me for anything. 
Gaku: Forget about work and just enjoy yourself! There’s a lot of good food there, right? Plus the air is clean! 
Tenn: That’s true. There’s a lot of quiet cafes to relax in too. Or maybe you can sit on the terrace. 
Ryuu: It’s too early for the leaves to be turning yet, but there’s still a lot of nature so please take your time and enjoy it! 
Anesagi: Fufu. Thank you. I’ll go and recharge, and when I get back I look forward to making the best work with you guys! 
Rintaro: ….. Rinto will be absent for his wedding soon. So I hope you both will be able to send him off with a smile. 
Yuki: Sure, whatever you say. Don’t phrase things in a purposefully misleading way. Okarin is just attending a wedding. 
Momo: We already heard about it from him! 
Rintaro: Ehh–! How boring. I thought I’d get to see you guys panic, like, “What marriage?!” 
*door opens* 
Okarin: Please stop trying to get reactions from people for your own entertainment.
Rintaro: Gh, Rinto. 
Yuki: Instead of doing such nonsense, just have your own wedding. 
Momo: Aren’t you keeping your wife waiting? Hasn’t it been awhile since your registration? 
Rintaro: I can’t afford to leave a gap in my workload right now. 
Yuki: I wish you would just retire already. 
Okarin: Alright, come on now, Yuki-kun. I’ll be sure to pass along the congratulatory gift you two left with me. 
Momo: Thanks, Okarin! We wanted to go too since they’ve done a lot for us. 
Yuki: Could all our shoots be moved to Karuizawa? 
Momo: Ahaha! Even if the camera was rolling, we could take a nap under the trees with the sun filtering through. 
Yuki: I’d like to go for a month. 
Rintaro: Then, we can make it a job to have Yuki compose a song for my wedding and have the music video shot in Karuizawa. 
Yuki: Okarin, shut this guy up. 
Okarin: Idols shouldn’t furrow their brows like that…! You shouldn’t ever show a face like that on camera! And President, please stop messing around! 
Rintaro: I thought it would be nice.
Okarin: I’ll bring back souvenirs. Some sausage for Momo-kun, and some local vegetables for Yuki-kun! 
Yuki: That'd make me happy, but since it’s a rare vacation, I think you should just relax and go with the flow. 
Momo: Exactly! The managers from the other offices will be going too, right? I’m sure you’ll have lots to talk about, so just enjoy yourselves! 
Okarin: Thank you very much. There’s a lot I’m worried about, but I’ll take your word for it and just have fun.
Shirou Utsugi: ….. So, that’s why I’ve called you all here. I’ll be going to Karuizawa to attend an acquaintance’s wedding, so I’ll be taking some time off. 
Touma: Eh?! You’re getting married?! 
Haruka: Huh? What are you talking about? 
Minami: He just told us he’s going to an acquaintance’s wedding. 
Touma: O- OH….. I see. That scared me….! 
Torao: This is why I told you that you drank too much yesterday. This guy’s head is foggy. 
Touma: Haha, my bad. Tora was drinking, and it got too lively….
Haruka: What, you two went out drinking together? This is the first I’m hearing about it. 
Minami: It seems like you two had work together yesterday, but isn’t it heartless you didn’t tell me? 
Shirou Utsugi: Umm… Are you fighting? 
ZOOL: We’re not! 
Shirou Utsugi: Is that so? Well, after a reaction like that, I look forward to seeing what kind of reaction I would get if I really got married. 
Zool: …………
Minami: He doesn’t really seem like the domestic type, but I could see him suddenly dropping a bombshell on us one day and telling us “I’m getting married"... 
Torao: Although he’s never shown us even a trace of a woman, he definitely seems to fall into the category of someone who would be popular with women…. 
Touma: I don’t know why, but it feels like he’d marry someone really famous….
Haruka: Utsugi-san is really kind, so maybe he’d be surprisingly family-oriented? I could see him cooking home-made meals on his off days….  
Haruka: ….. But, still…..
Haruka: …. It’d probably be sorta lonely. 
Shirou Utsugi: You’d be lonely? 
Haruka: No, not really, I’d just congratulate you normally!! It’s not like I wouldn’t want you to get married…! 
Minami: I understand. It’d be lonely if he had someone special besides us. 
Touma: I see… Well, when you put it like that…. 
Torao: Haha. It seems we’ve become quite attached to Utsugi-san. 
Shirou Utsugi: You guys…. Thank you. That makes me very happy.
Shirou Utsugi: My special ones are the ones who are in ZOOL. 
Haruka: …… Yeah. We know. (1) That’s why you can spread your wings as much as you’d like. 
Minami: We’re looking forward to the souvenirs. 
Torao: There’s some good stores there, I can tell you about them later. 
Touma: We’ll rabbichat you if anything happens, so right now your only job is to take a break! 
Shirou Utsugi: Haha, thank you very much. I’ll be sure to strengthen my friendships with the other managers as well. 
End of Episode 1
TL Notes:
The word Haruka uses here has the connotation of like "we understand the feelings you're trying to convey"
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AITA for cutting off a friend over an inappropriately timed confession?
tl;dr at end. it’s been a while since this went down, but i’m still feeling uncertain about it all. 
i (18m) hosted a birthday party a few months ago. the guest list was small since the activity i chose was pricey. among the guests was a guy we’ll call carson(17m, same grade). i honestly was already drifting away from him before this incident, and sort of regretted inviting him, but i’d already told him about it and had just known him for so long, it felt mean not to. the day’s plan was to grab lunch at my favorite restaurant, drive everyone to the activity, do that, drive everyone back to my house for cake, and then send everyone home. at lunch, people handed me gifts. carson hands me the actual gift and a card with a printed sheet of paper tucked inside. the card’s paragraph text was normal enough, but then i open the paper inside, and it’s a goddamn love poem. like, “i’m scared of how you’ll react if i give you a valentine” levels here. i am not into poetry even a little. i’m obviously uncomfortable because i barely like him as a friend, but i thank him and move on. 
for some background, carson and i dated in name only for about five or six days during the pandemic. we didn’t actually do anything, i think i was just bored and lonely. i am attracted to men, just not him. i am also autistic, and he’s suspected to be. he also has a pretty shit home life(he’s recently pivoted to “actually my home life is great!” but none of us really buy that. i won’t go into it though, it’s not really relevant nor my business), and that might affect how he views relationships, since his parents had a pretty nasty divorce when he was young.
after cake, everyone left except carson. he then says something like “do you remember when we dated sophmore year?” he gives this stuttering, rambling buildup that ends in him asking if i’d like to go out with him. i tell him no, and he apologizes for if he made me uncomfortable. i lie and tell him he didn’t. i was actually extremely uncomfortable because as the host i couldn’t leave! i really felt cornered. after more awkwardness i ask when his ride will get here, and he says his mom is already here, he just “needed to get it off his chest.” 
a little more context, i had some pretty shit birthday parties in the past, and only started having them again last year after being tired of them going badly.  they’re still an incredibly sensitive time for me. i’ve told him this, although he claimed to not remember(i’m not sure whether him lying or forgetting would piss me off more.)
two months or so go by, and he still hasn’t apologized. i realize that i’m not going to get over this like i hoped i would, so i confront him, asking him why he would do that. he basically tells me that he didn’t think about it, and is sorry i got upset. 
here’s where i might be the asshole. i was giving him the cold shoulder before, but after his apology, i completely cut him off. i refuse to even acknowledge his presence when he’s around with my other friends. i know he apologized, but i’m just still so mad at him, and it felt like such a non-apology that he only gave because i asked him to. my friends who have other personal grievances against him think i’m in the right to cut him off, but my family says i’m being too hard on him, and that he was just trying to shoot his shot and mistimed it. i’m definitely not going to make up with him because even thinking about him pisses me off. but i feel like such a dick for doing this, and i’m still thinking about it months later. am i the asshole here?
tl;dr, friend asks me out at my birthday party when birthdays are a sensitive subject for me, i cut him off after thinking his apology isn’t good enough
What are these acronyms?
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mountingpulisic · 1 year
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it's seven am and i'm on a mountain with a view
i'm the only one, alone, at a table meant for two
big sur looks beautiful this morning
and i should be missin' you, i should be missin' you
you lost your appetite. 
sitting alone in the vacant penthouse that you called home, you couldn’t help but to feel lonely. 
the big breakfast you had prepared for your husband’s arrival had now gone cold as you mindlessly shoved the eggs on your plate with a fork.  
christian had decided to extend his stay in amsterdam, giving you the excuse of wanting to explore the city with his team mates, promising to bring you back a souvenir. 
any other time you wouldn’t have minded, however with your marriage hanging on for dear life at the moment, it had struck a chord within you. 
shifting your attention from your plate to the scenery that rested next to you, you couldn’t help but to be blown away by the view. 
the mountains had always looked so beautiful in the morning, you and christian would always wake up extra early to be able to catch the sunrise. 
you missed him. 
or did you just miss the person he used to be?
you're across the pond at a show, i think, in amsterdam
and the pictures look pretty, at least they do on your instagram
we say good morning, then goodnight
i wonder if you even know where i am, where i am 
he had left for amsterdam a few days ago. 
you had been keeping up with his adventures through instagram, the two of you having little to none communication since he has been away. just a simple good morning and good night were the only words spoken to each other. 
no, i love you.
no, i miss you. 
no, i want this marriage to work. 
you wondered if he was curious to where you were, not bothering to ask about your whereabouts whenever he called. you could’ve been somewhere in alaska for all christian could care, if he even cared to begin with. 
I'm wearin' the ring still, but i think i'm lyin'
sometimes you forget yours, i think we're done tryin'
i realize you loved me much more at twenty-three
i think that this is when it's over for me, mm, mm
twirling your wedding ring around your finger, you asked yourself why you even bothered to still wear it? 
you were in denial with yourself about the foreseeable ending of your marriage. 
growing up you had always promised yourself you weren’t going to turn up like your parents, that you were going to get married once and live happily ever after. 
what a lie that was. 
thinking back to christian, you wondered if he even remembered to bring his wedding ring with him, always telling you that he accidentally forgets when you call him concerned why it was still on his nightstand. 
how do you forget your wedding ring you had always asked yourself, it was as if he wasn’t even trying to put in the effort anymore to make things between the two of you work. 
twenty-three year old you wouldn’t believe the situation you guys were in now, you swore he loved you more back then when you were naive. the innocent girl who loved hard and worried about the consequences later. 
now those consequences were knocking at your door, making it a daily reminder that you were too young to get married, too immature to understand the responsibilities that came with a marriage. 
taking a bite of the toast that you accidentally burnt, you pondered if this was when your marriage was over for you.
i can't believe i’m a few months out from twenty-nine
i can't handle another year of you and i just bein' fine
i've shared all my secrets and i've paid for all my crimes
and our stars ain't fallin' back in line   
your birthday was around the corner, the big two nine fast approaching. 
you used to always be so excited for birthdays, christian had the habit of going above and beyond with showering you with love on your special day. 
however, with the years passing by, he begins to lack in the department of showing you love. and you didn’t know if you could handle another year of disappointment, not only on your birthday but for your marriage as well. 
you felt like you were giving everything but getting nothing in return. 
you told your secrets.
you confessed to your wrong doings. 
but that wasn’t enough, nothing was enough to repair the irreversible damage that has been done. 
i think that this is when I cut the ties
i think that is when I set myself free
one day you'll ask, "when was it over for you?
when christian returned from his trip, things began to unfold quickly. 
it was stupid, you know, but you couldn’t help but to yell at him for forgetting the souvenir.it was as if him bringing back a silly keychain was going to solve all of you guys’ problems, that everything was going to fall back in place. 
“i told you i’m sorry, y/n. why are you making this into such a big deal?” he asked, not understanding your cold demeanor towards him as you made dinner. slamming the knife that you were using to chop up the vegetables, you spun around to look at him. 
“when was it over for you?” you whispered but he still heard you. 
i'm takin' the ring off, i'm finally cryin'
don't try to find yours, no reason to fight it
you'll say I'm crazy for bein' the one to leave  
“what are you talking about?” christian was beyond confused, why were you asking something like that? all he knew was that he had just amused that your marriage was hitting a rough path that many marriages had, that the two of you were going to sail safely back to shore after this storm. 
“wait, where’s your ring?” 
“where’s yours christian?”
taken back at your venomous tone, christian glanced down at his ring finger. he must have forgotten it again when he was leaving for work this morning. 
“i forget mine so you decided to just not to wear yours?” christian was the one to project his voice this time, arms extending out to gesture towards your empty ring finger. “you’re married, y/n. you don’t need to be immature and not wear a symbol of our unity.”
“am i married, christian? because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it! I am stuck in this house by myself time and time again while you are off in different cities or countries every single week. you don’t talk to me, you don’t miss me, you don’t love me anymore christian! i can’t help but to think that maybe i should just bite the bullet and finally leave.” 
you were crying, you were finally crying. 
you had held back on expressing your true emotions on the situation, fearing that when you finally swallowed the pill that this was the end of your marriage, there was no going back.
that there was going to be no more christian. 
“you are crazy if you think that you are leaving.” 
scream, I'm just like my parents and givin' up easy
but you never took that last flight to see me
looks like our ending ain't endin' happily
I think that this is when it's over for me
me, me
I think that this is when it's over for me
me, me, mm
“you’re just like your parents y/n, giving up so easily! where’s your fire! where’s the woman that i married?! the woman who promised to fight like hell to keep our marriage? this is what you call a happy ending?! this is the ending you’ve wanted since you were little?!”   
christian hit below the belt, and he knew that, just by how quickly your expression changed by the mention of your parents' failed marriage. it was something you shared with him early on in your engagement, expressing how you feared to end up hating him, like your dad had with your mom. you told him about the constant screaming, the dishes that were thrown, the horrendous words they would speak to each other. 
you had made him promise to you that the two of you would never get to that point in your marriage.  
look at you now
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elly99 · 10 months
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Hanni was in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Just over five years ago she sat next to you everyday at school. Hanni was a Gucci ambassador. But in one of her pictures you see her wearing the socks you got for her way back when.
You were surprised to say the very least. It had been quite a while since you'd stopped communicating regularly. Maybe the occasional birthday greeting or 'how are you' only for things to fizzle out after a few days. Though you missed how it used to be, when not a day went by where you weren't talking, you understood that your lives were very different now. But still you wonder why she would do this now after all this time.
Would it be worth asking her? You did miss her after all. Why not ask an old friend how she was doing? You had nothing better to do at 3 in the morning.
"hey hanni! just wanted to ask you how you've been doing. i know you're probably quite busy right now so no worries if you can't reply right away. chookas for tomorrow!!"
You were going to leave it there and try to get some sleep, but to your astonishment she replies almost immediately.
"heeeyyy!! thank you!! i'm doing great! just a little nervous for tomorrow but i know it'll be fun. it's so nice hearing from you again!! how have you been? i was thinking about you recently"
"oh really? cuz i saw you posted a picture with those socks"
"yeah man! i'm never gonna lose these!! they mean a lot to me"
That hit somewhere deep in your heart.
"what do you mean really? don't act surprised!!"
"well i am! i mean we don't talk as much as we used to. and you haven't been back in melbourne for so long"
"doesn't mean i'd forget about one of my best friends!"
"you still consider me that?"
"of course! don't you?"
"pho-ever hahaha"
"pho-ever ❤️"
You take a minute to think about what to say next.
"hey hanni honestly the real reason i texted was because i've been missing you a lot recently. i went through high school and i'm in uni now but after you left i just never had another friend like you. nobody ever got me like you did. and i know we've changed and grown up a lot since then but i feel like you'd still get me. you've always been special to me. so yeah i've just been feeling a little lonely lately"
Instantly you regret sending something so heavy. And your worry only builds as the minutes go by without a reply. But she surprises you for the third time that night. Because she's calling.
"Hey, brooo! It's been so long! It's good to see you again!"
You'd seen so many photos and videos of her since she debuted but there was something so strange about seeing her like this on your screen. She was the perfect juxtaposition of dazzling stardom and warm, nostalgic familiarity. She was still the Hanni you loved from all those years ago but it felt like you were meeting her for the first time again.
"Sup, bro," you chuckle. "It's good seeing you, too! I wasn't expecting you to call. Sorry I look like a mess. It's 3 AM."
"Oh, yeah! It's really late for you! Well, I just wanted to call quickly to say that I miss you a lot, too. You know being here in Chicago has had me thinking a lot. Like, it's hard to believe that I've come so far and I'm really so grateful and honored."
"But you deserve it, Hanni! You've worked so hard to get where you are now. I'm so proud of you, by the way."
"Aw, thanks, man! But, yeah. Sometimes I find myself missing the simpler days. Everything's moving so fast now and sometimes I just wanna go back to the old days of just messing around at school. With you and all our old friends. That's why I wore those socks. Just to remind myself of where I came from. Of all the people that are so important to me."
You catch yourself tearing up at her words.
"Hey, Hanni, we didn't ever say 'I love you' to each other, did we? I don't think that's something we ever said to each other. I mean, kids don't really have a good grasp of that, right? But as I grew older and realized just how important you were to me, I was like, 'Yeah, I love this girl.' So, yeah. Just thought I should say that," you laugh nervously at your sudden confession.
"And I love you, too! I guess my way of saying that back then was sitting next to you everyday," she laughs with you, her radiant smile easing your nerves. "I know I haven't been able to visit in years and I'm really sorry about that! But I promise as soon as I'm able I'll come see you. I'm also sorry I haven't kept in touch as much recently but I hope you know I think about you a lot. I'm sure when we meet up again it'll be like nothing changed. We can go back to singing What Makes You Beautiful like there's no tomorrow."
"God, I miss that."
You make eye contact and you recognize her look just as she recognizes yours.
This time you laugh together and it really was as if nothing had changed.
"Speaking of what makes you beautiful, you should go get your beauty sleep. It's so late!"
"You're right. I should at least try to be a functioning human, right? But thanks so much for calling, Hanni. I really appreciate it. You're the best."
"Hey, no problem, man! I really missed hearing your voice. Reminds me of home."
You have no answer for her sweetness.
"And whenever you feel lonely, remember I'm always here, ok? Just text me any time! I'm always here for you. I'll do my best to send you my own updates from time to time as well."
"Alright, will do, bro. Have fun tomorrow! I know you're gonna devour it."
"I'll do my best!"
"You always do. See ya, Hanni!"
"Good night! Get lots of sleep, have sweet dreams and eat well tomorrow! Love yaaa!"
She was too good for the world.
After the call you smile to yourself in the dark. Deep down you knew that, no matter how much time passed or how much distance there was between the two of you, you both still had a piece of each other in your hearts. Since she left years ago she had gotten herself new jeans but she'd keep those old socks pho-ever.
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sstardustt3 · 3 months
-akira kurusu (joker) headcannons-
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First of all, THEATER KID. 
You simply can not tell me that he is not an overdramatic theater kid who does the most at all times, especially when he was a kid.
But this led him to be seen as “odd” and outcasted by the people around him in the which made him extremely lonely, he wasn’t bullied but he didn’t have any friends 
Because of this he kinda closed himself off to fit more into the societal norms and not be seen as strange which is why he’s so quiet and keeps to himself all the time 
Which made him partially excited to go to shibuya because despite it being a pretty shitty situation, being on probation and arrested for something that wasn’t even his fault, he thought that maybe in the big city he’ll find some people that won’t think he’s weird and can open up to which he ended up getting with the thieves  but his hope was only temporarily diminished with his record being leaked
Holy fuck that was long but, moving on, I think he has a very poor relationship with his parents, especially after being convicted of assault.
I don’t think his parents hate him by any means but they’re definitely neglectful based on the fact joker doesn’t get a single call, text, or a letter from them
What i personally think is that his parents are the type of parents to do the bare minimum and do nothing else for him
In a sense his parents sort of gave up on him because of his “eccentric”  behavior and him getting arrested might have solififed that for that for them and even if not they’re definitely not on his side when it comes to the whole assault thing which could be why they never contact him
Okay the last two were pretty angsty but moving on,
He has like, zero experience with girls and he’s the most oblivious mf ever
And because he wasn’t really popular at his old school (for the aforementioned reasons) he got ZERO bitches, none, cero.
 This is actually another headcanon that i really don’t have an explanation for but when he moved way more girls started liking him because of people thinking he was this bad boy and he had NO idea how to deal with that
Like for a while he just thought people were just being weirdly nice to him
Like he is the type of guy who unintentionally flirty like just natural charisma with looks
Like you have to be insanely obvious for him to even take a hint
Adding onto the headcanon that you have to be insanely obvious to get him to notice that you like him, once he does realize  that you like him like one of two things is going to happen:
One, if your not that close than he has no idea what to do about that and he’s just slightly more awkward than usual
But two, if you are that close, he is BOLD. despite he is not knowing how to flirt for shit he is still charming enough that his horrible attempts at flirting and teasing somehow work
Because he has no cannon birthday other than the year he is born (2000) my personal thought is that he’s born on valentines day, there’s no elaboration for this one just a gut feeling
I feel like he has a vivid imagination of scenarios 
Like for example he can imagine an entire plot for a musical at three am and exactly how it would go
Morgana and sojiro have frequently told him to shut up and go to bed
Also he has insomnia. I just felt like I should throw that into there.
Him, sojiro, and futaba have movie nights once a weekend and ninety percent of the time it’ll be a horror, old movies, or a studio ghibli movie
Texas chainsaw massacre, kill bill, sadako vs kayako, jacobs ladder, don’t look up, my neighbor totoro, spirted away, sailor moon r, ponyo, etc
60 precent of the time futaba picks the movie
I have no explanation for this one but him in the metaverse is very much christian borle coded in a way i can’t explain i swear (please i beg of you listen to hard to be a bard from something rotten its so good)
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starsarefire824 · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
aw thanks lex!!! <3
I'll stick with Stranger Things ones for this, in no particular order.
Lay Me Down Slow (M, 2/3) It's 1998 and Will is anxiously making his way to a bar to meet up with Mike, who he hasn't seen in over a decade. Emotions run high as he shares a drink with him, and when a confrontation turns violent, it leads to truths being told and the two of them finding each other again. Will POV.
I am having entirely too much fun with this one!!
Demons of Change and Wildflower Eyes (M, ongoing)- High school hasn't been easy for Will Byers, and he's had to live with the emotional scars of a loveless father and supernatural worlds as well as the physical ones from the hands of the bullies that make his everyday existence hell. One night, when he's looking for some peace and quiet Will comes upon one of them and something surprising happens. As he and Mike Wheeler tentatively open up to each other, they just might discover they may be exactly what they need to give each other much needed healing and self-acceptance. Can they survive everything that comes along with that?
This is probably my most obscure Byler fic? But I enjoyed writing it and I liked exploring some different dynamics between Will and Mike. I plan to get back to this one soon.
Death Lies in Wait- (M, ongoing)- Massachusetts, 1890. Max Mayfield is twenty-six years old and at the hand of her parents, settles for a marriage of convenience to a widowed lighthouse keeper. A stranger she'll be trapped with for the rest of her life on a lonely strip of land surrounded by nothing but endless, lonely sea. But, as she settles into her life, and she and her new husband try to coexist, they get wrapped up in a mysterious presence on the cape. It calls to them. It's lulling and coaxing and sings to them at night. Max discovers the secrets her new husband keeps. Mermaids and ghosts of the past come to haunt them.
Madwheeler/Byler//Lumax Gothic AU- Mermaid Will.
Historic gothic au and arranged marriage trope along with sea nymph/ mermaid Will? Idk man, it’s just the type of fic I want to see in the world and I needed it. I can’t wait to get back to this one!
Touch Me Like You Know Me- (M, complete)- Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
I forever be obsessed with Mike looking at Will in this one. The themes just make me emotional and I felt proud of it more so than any other fic I've written I think.
The Pact (M, ongoing)- A pact between Max and Mike gone wrong gets them both unanimously voted out of the Party and they find themselves stuck with each other the summer after Graduation: fighting, commiserating, and begrudgingly discovering they are a lot more alike than they originally thought.
What kind of started as a joke fic, has turned into one of my favorite things I've written. I really liked getting to explore Max in this as I had never written for her before and I just really, really dig the partycule vibes of it. This also was probably the fic I've had THE MOST fun as far as interacting with readers in the comments and everyone has truly made it something really special to me. <3 Especially you Lex!
*ACSoL is my like first child who I'll always include, but can't put it here this time. But delving into some of Will's darker issues in a post-canon setting is what got me so excited about this fandom in the first place and also made me realize Will is my favorite character.
Thank you so much! I'm gonna come drop this in your inbox now <3
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le-sserafims-blog · 2 months
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🌸 Thankfully, I was able to spend my birthday meaningfully, so came here late 😭😭
Once again, thank you so much for congratulating me on my birthday, FEARNOT 🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷
I'm 26 years old!!!
I've already been an idol for half my life!! 🤔 LOL
Very surprising...
It's amazing... When I first started as an idol, I never imagined what the future brings. I always thought life was unpredictable, but I've been able to continue this far because of the people around me who always support me. I'm so grateful for that :)
When I was young, my birthday was a happy day when I could receive gifts and eat what I liked. It was a day when I felt like the arrow was pointing towards me, so I always eagerly waited for my birthday feeling excited.
After turning 20, I started to feel a bit anxious about birthdays... 😅
Honestly, I felt a little scared that my time as an idol was getting shorter...lol
And recently, especially this birthday, it became a birthday with a slightly different meaning for me.
I realized that birthdays are not only about receiving congratulatory greetings, but also about being able to express gratitude to the people around me.
It's a bit embarrassing, but for the first time in my life (excluding my school days), I wrote letters to each my family members and gave them as gifts for my birthday this year!
I felt grateful knowing that my family was preparing gifts because we could spend my birthday together with them after a long time. I wanted to express my gratitude to them as well.
As I wrote about how grateful I am for giving birth to me and raising me for 26 years, many emotions have overwhelmed me, so I was writing the letters while holding back tears... 😅
And seeing my parents shedding tears while reading the letters that i gave, I felt a mix of emotions.
At a young age, they've been worried endlessly about their daughter entering this world, living far away where she isn't within easy reach, likely feeling lonely... I felt sorry, but still, seeing my parents shedding tears while sincerely supporting my dreams made me think this way.
Latelt, I've actually been feeling that there would come a time when the effort I keep putting in for myself will reach its limit— like the effort, if it's all just for myself, might exhaust me, reaching some sort of emotional limit. But seeing my parents, I started to feel that maybe working hard for someone else could be another way.
If I think that all my efforts are for myself only, I feel like I might lose strength when I detach from that passion, and it would be even harder when results don't come. But when I think about supporting my parents who sincerely cheer me on, and for FEARNOTs who support me as passionately, and for the members and staff who share the same dream, strangely, I feel energized.
These are just my thoughts, but I believe that to be able to continue something for a long time, perhaps this kind of mindset is also necessary :)
I received so much love from many people on my birthday this year. It made me truly happy to realize that there are so many FEARNOTs around the world celebrating my birthday and supporting me.
The online world continues expanding and may not always spread positivity every day, but I'm still grateful for the internet because it allows me to know that there are people who like me and celebrate my birthday. 😊
I remember my mom saying once on my birthday, "I hope you become an idol who, just like your name which holds the meaning "may good things bloom," receive congratulations from many people.' Following my mom's wish, I was able to become an idol who is indeed loved by many people.
I have experienced many failures and I'm learning various things as a person, but I've come to think that I'm happy with who I am now. Everyone has imperfections and areas where they are still immature, but I believe that's how we can continue to grow.
Im still in the process of learning a lot about myself, and every day, I strive to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday, continuing to reflect and improve along the way.
The world may sometimes be noisy with negativity, but I still believe that there are many happy, positive, joyful, and precious things in this world. Despite its flaws, I still find this world beautiful.
It's not all good, but it's not all bad either.
I wish to be the kind of person in your life who brings even a little bit of positivity and goodness. :)
Thank you for celebrating my 26th birthday with me, and please continue to support me in the future as well. ☺️
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ofdylan · 2 days
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[ lily collins, cis woman, she/her ] — whoa! DYLAN METCALFE just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for MOST OF HER LIFE, working as a FICTION WRITER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 34 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit CYNICAL and HOTHEADED , but i know them to be TRUSTWORTHY and PROTECTIVE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
Hellooo my lovelies! I'm Lola and it has been a very hot second since I've rp'd, so please bear with me as I settle back in. Below the read more you'll find some backstory and information on Dylan, as well as some wc/plot ideas. Please don't hesitate to reach out via dm and I am so beyond excited 💜
tw: parental death, drugs, alcohol, overdose
Name: Dylan Rose Metcalfe Age: 34 Pronouns: She/her Birthday: October 5th 1989 Job: Fiction writer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
As the second eldest daughter of the Metcalfe family, Dylan always believed that she was destined for greatness, even if it wasn't exactly the same as her father's. While her father dreamed of someone continuing his legacy, she always had a penchant for writing.
When she was 10 and her father suddenly died, Dylan watched as her mom fell apart. She became a ghost of the woman she once was—losing herself in drinking away her grief. It was then that Dylan decided to never let herself fall in love.
Even though she wasn't going to take over the family business, Dylan and her father were close—much more than she was with her mom. His loss didn't just ruin Dylan's belief in love, but also her self-control and hope for the future. As a result, she began partying at a young age—getting drunk or high as young as 13. She didn't see the point in trying to be good without her dad—and if it wouldn't amount to anything.
One night when she was 16, she took things too far and was arrested. Her mom easily made it all go away, and it only proved to Dylan that being anything else but a spoiled party girl was pointless.
After her best friend and her overdosed in one night, she realized if she didn't start caring about something she would die. The wake up call of sorts didn't completely root out her cynicism, but it did convince her to start trying to be a better person. She devoted herself to being there for her younger brother and older sister, and even did her best to help out her mom when things were the worst for her.
She decided against going to college—mostly because she barely graduated high school. Instead, she backpacked around Europe, deciding to work whatever weird jobs came her way and embrace meeting new people.
But she still didn't have a purpose until she started working on her first novel. When it was published and received star reviews, she realized there was something meaningful in this world. In the end, her writing saved her life.
After traveling around for years, she decided to settle back in NYC when she was 27. She likes being back "home" and enjoys the never-ending pulse of the city. It helps ease her worries about the future and the regrets of her past.
She doesn't think there's anything missing from her life. Well, at least, that's what she tells herself. She lives in denial about how lonely she is, and how much she still misses her father and dreams about a different life where he never died.
Her wild days of her youth might be mostly behind her, but her nature still leans towards her penchant for chaos. She doesn't mean to, but she has caused more than a few scandals in her time in NYC—both as a teenager and now as an adult.
The relationship she has with her writing is still the longest one she's ever had. Most of the time she focuses on one night stands and does everything in her power to protect her heart. But her work always comes first, sometimes to her detriment, but also to her success.
A friend from her childhood she's still close with. While Dylan was careless with herself when she was younger, she was never one to hurt her friends. Her trust is hard to earn, but once someone has it, they have it for life.
The ex-best friend who she overdosed with. This is someone who Dylan was inseparable with, but after the night they both could've died, their friendship fell apart. Dylan still carries guilt for what happened, and wishes she could fix it somehow, but has no idea if that's possible.
The almost high school love. Dylan likes to believe that she's never let herself fall in love, but the truth might be far more complicated than that.
Enemies/rivals/etc. Dylan is competitive and definitely has one hell of a temper, so there's a high likelihood she's made some enemies/rivals who she's pissed off more than once.
Honestly I'm down for almost anything and also love plotting based on chemistry, so keep these kind of short 💜💜
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lululawrence · 1 year
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lululawrence's February 2023 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Happy 28th! It's totally still the 28th... in some time zones... lol I am still working on the amazing Christmas fics that posted this year, but I also read some non-holiday inspired fics as well! And all of them were fab. As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
syrupy sorrows and gingerbread grief by @adoremelikeasunflower19 / adoremelikeasunflower (68k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, friends to lovers, teachers Harry and Louis, coworkers and best friends, jealousy, pining, divorce, emotional hurt/comfort, secrets, pay attention to the tags because there are some abuse, gaslighting, and cheating aspects to the fic that might be triggering, but overall this fic is so cute and sweet and the way their friendship is so perfectly supportive is lovely)
The Top of Your Lungs by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche (32k, M, Harry/Louis, sequel/completion of part 1, werewolves, pack fic, omega Harry, alpha Louis, angst, slow burn, violence, fighting, scenting, magic, listen okay the first part of this was impeccable and had me thinking about it regularly for MONTHS until this part could post, it was the perfect ending to the story, SO much pining and angst, and it was just so lovely and wonderful and I love love loved it)
Stole My Heart by @haztobegood / haztobegood (3k, NR, Harry/Louis, meet ugly, humor, chicken nuggets, awkwardness, this fic was SO hard to read but was also so funny I couldn't stop giggling the entire time I was reading it, I had to take a break though because the beginning was written so well that I almost died of secondhand embarrassment lol, so great)
(not) driving home for christmas by @justanotherghostblr / BeautifulWisdom (3k, T, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, meet ugly, shifter Louis, snowstorm, snowed in, Harry accidentally hits Louis, but he doesn't realize it's Louis, lololol, this fic is so funny and fast paced and the emotions Harry flips through along with the bantery dialogue is fab)
Give it to someone special by @djtommotomlinson / yourlionheartx (10k, G, Zayn/Liam, Christmas fic, meet cute, lonely Liam, sad Zayn, clueless Larry, ot4 celebrating Louis' birthday who invited Liam to join, emotional hurt/comfort, this fic was so SOFT, the love and friendship between ot4 is so wonderful and they welcome Liam in so fully, it's so perfect and wonderful and a lovely ending for all of them)
12 Days of Courting by mission2feelike (23k, E, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, friends to lovers, secret courting, friends with benefits, pining, scenting, nesting, heat/mating cycles, this fic was just like a massive mix of everything that I love in a fic all thrown together, and it was done so perfectly, I loved how clueless Louis was but how much he WANTED it to be real, and just it made me squee a little bit when it all turned out in the end honestly, I loved this fic so much)
From Dust to Lust by @jacaranda-bloom / jacaranda_bloom (45k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, road trip fic, enemies to lovers, more like miscommunication to friends to fwb to aching longing messes to lovers, lmaoooo you know whatever works to get you where you gotta go lol, so much banter, flirting, cute old people, dust, bonding, and there's a legit fist pumping moment!, it's so great I love it so much, this fic was so fantastic and had me dreaming of those tiny places in Australia, such a great fic to fall into)
Loved and Lost by @princelyharry / princelyharry (44k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Famous/Non-Famous, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Exes to Lovers, Amnesia, student Louis, Broadway star Harry, angst, happy ending, this fic was a RIDE, I had forgotten it was an amnesia fic by the time it got to that, and it's told in a switch of POV, which is SO powerfully done, it hits so hard and hurts so bad, and you're just SCREAMING for it all to come together and it just, yeah, anyway, SO GOOD lol such a ride too like wow)
Oh Little Town of BATHlehem by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (2k, G, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, crack fic, humor, meet ugly, fighting over a plastic bath, this fic omgosh you guys, I could hardly breathe, I screamed in the tags of my reblog, and the comments, and then again at Emmu once I'd finished it, because it might just be my new fav fic by her, it's so funny in genuinely every way, like what even?, and it's so sweet too, I cannot fully explain my love of this fic, just know it is GREAT)
Here where you should be by @lunarheslwt / lunarheslwt (19k, G, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, strangers to friends to lovers, the friends part is... short admittedly but still there lol, the way they both save each other in small but important ways, is so lovely, and such a great basis for their friendship and then SO much more, idiots to lovers, these two are so wonderful I love them)
A Life Turned Upside Down by @chelsea-frew / Chelsea Frew (chelseafrew) (29k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, canon divergent, previous mpreg, exes to lovers, deaf character, post-hiatus, kid fic, the way this fic is constructed and how it revolves around the kid and their reconnection, getting past their differences, all of that, it is just, SO wonderful, such a soft and lovely and hopeful fic)
Wake Up! It's Christmas by @megz1985 / Megz1985 (6k, NR, Zayn/Liam, Christmas fic, established relationship, kid fic, adoption, past trauma, healing, domestic fluff, parenthood, beautiful and lovely and so real)
All I want for Christmas is You by @sparklebootsandvans / hlftanna (43k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, miscommunications, friends to lovers, jealousy, pining, flirting, scenting, dropping, touch deprivation, nesting, fluff and angst, happy ending, this fic is a wonderful mishmash of confusion between characters while trying to get to know each other, pining, the best parts of A/B/O dynamics, and just so much goodness, it makes you wanna shake them but also wanna force them into a closet to kiss and figure their shit out, in the best of ways, lmao it's such a thoroughly enjoyable read)
Once The Dark Divides by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche (15k, E, Harry/Louis, childhood friends, friends to lovers, kink exploration, dom/sub dynamics, pwp, this fic, let me just... holy hell y'all, I didn't even mean to read it, not right that moment, I only meant to mark it as to read, but then I wanted to read the author's note, and then I kept reading, and never stopped because I was so immediately pulled in, and it's so hot but it's so much more than just that, it's so emotionally real, and the power struggle, and figuring it out, like Louis' experiences and feelings and confusion as a submissive for the first time feels SO REAL, it's incredible, so sexy, so intimate, I just still don't really have words for it but it's an entire experience, and honestly I feel a little too seen after reading it so I'll stop there lolllll)
The Holes of My Sweater by @harrysmaison / yourdelicatepov (31k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, primary school teachers, friends to lovers, Harry is the new teacher, lives quite far from everyone else, he's quite an idiot really but who doesn't love a good idiots to lovers story?, obiously I do based off this rec alone lol, it's a fun story and fantastic pining)
falling in love with the stable boy by @sup3rbloom / haveufoundwhaturlookingfor (6k, G, Harry/Louis, Reverse Bang fic, Royalty AU, Prince Liam, Prince Zayn, Prince Louis, Stable Boy Harry, love at first sight, basically, this fic is so fascinating to read because it is so clear that there's so much world building and story that we don't get as an official part of the fic, but you only get enough to keep going, and i want to know so much about the family dynamics now lol, ANYWAY, an interesting and cute read!)
An Extra Surprise by @beanno28 / Beanno28 (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, established relationship, kid fic, mpreg, mpreg Harry, domestic fluff, the funniest part of the entire thing was how Zayn and Liam so openly teased Louis about his need to claim some of the holiday celebrations for his birthday, and the rivalry between them for the gingerbreads, but also the way they help with the kids etc was so lovely, but all of it was so fluffy and tender and sweet)
Grow as We Go by @larryatendoftheday / larryatendoftheday (7k, T, Harry/Louis, Reverse Bang fic, established relationship, the Ultimatum AU, proposal, angst, angst with a happy ending, this fic holy mother, the way they hit the reason for the breaking point, and how Louis is just so caught off guard and so hurt, and then his realizations that he wasn't perfect either and how he wants to fix it, and just all of it, it is so heartwrenchingly painfully perfect, it feels possible and real, if that makes sense?, but the ending is perfect for that too)
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