#I think you guys should know who my favourite DL character is by now
Because I’m curious, DL fans who also play Genshin, reblog with who your favourite DL is character along with your favourite weapon type and element in Genshin, plus who your current main is.
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at-weeb96 · 1 year
I saw your ask game post, so I wanna ask these two:
Favourite moment in the show
Favourite "Important" headcanon (ex: Finn and HW eventually hooked up)
Favourite "Unimportant" headcanon (ex: Marceline and PB pulled a few strings to make the former happen)
ooh this is an interesting one. I have a lot of thoughts on this so strap in and buckle up my dude
Favorite Moment- Since I already said Varmints was my favorite episode and there are so many good character moments in the series, I'll have to go with the ending montage and PB and Marcy's reconciliation in the RC Mines. The ending montage just warms my heart to know there are still adventures to be had with our favorite characters and that our own interpretations and headcanons can take shape with the stories not shown (although they may have changed post DL and who know what's to come with F&C)
Now for the moment from my fav episode. This scene is what made appreciate PB's character and made her my favorite AT character. We see Peebles at her lowest point when she is no longer in control of her life and pushed away those she tried to trust and form relationships with.
First her "family" betrayed her and she was forced to "lobotomize" them to keep them from hurting her and her brother Neddy (if you remember, her hat was once a piece of Gumbald's merchandise) Then when she found someone to share her life with, she (Marcy) ended up "betraying" her too (and wrote a banger of a diss track in the process) And then she was betrayed by her own people and forced into exile from her home by that dilweed KOO (and even stole and wore her clothes that creep)
And the final nail in the coffin is when the Varmint Queen/Mother (whatever you wanna call that body-horror nightmare) traps her and Marcy in the mines and Marcy puts on her go-to coping mechanism and starts jokingly ridiculing Bonnie for the umpteenth time, PB can't take it no more and lets her emotions and insecurities pour out. But what does Marcy do? She listens to what her friend/ex has on her mind and tells her she has nothing to apologize for cause she's been through a lot of stuff too. And after all that, they finally understand each other better and reconcile their strained friendship (and eventually their love for one another)
And that's why those are my favorite moments from AT. Now after that long ramble, I can now answer the other things.
Important HC -I think when Jake died, since Finn took it really hard and become depressed like that scene in The Music Hole, PB and Marceline started being around him more becoming his supportive older sisters with BMO as his emotional support robot. (his mother Minerva would video chat with him every once and a while since a small human colony was established in Ooo like in the Season 11 comic issue)
Eventually Bronwyn would be interested by the stories of the adventures of her late grandfather from Finn's friends and wanted to explore the lands of Ooo and beyond with him. At first he was hesitant of adventuring without his bro, but PB, Marcy, Minerva, and Simon encouraged him to take her on adventures since Finn was instrumental in the betterment of their lives. And that's why she is with Finn post Obsidian (unless F&C contradicts this)
And finally Unimportant HC -Since it's shown in Obsidian that Simon most likely owns DB Guy's Tavern, Finn, Jake, Marceline, PB and everyone else we know and love from AT hang out and discuss their past and present adventures and their lives with each other each week.
Thanks so much for the questions. That was probably the longest ramble I've ever written online. Almost makes me want to colab with other AT fans on stuff, if I can get past my laziness and procrastination. I also want to shout out these other tumblrs who have made me the AT fan I am today (perhaps I should join discord again?)
@gunterfan1992 @uncivilizedelk @sometipsygnostalgic @j4gm @teethcritter @lobster-lover @loffican @marcydaydream @squeempus @crochetwithcat @artsywak @eeveryadventuretimes @oli-the-cat @ptoodle and @jacketpotatoo
❤Love you all, especially you @leironth (thanks again for the awesome ask)
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desolatedpigeon · 4 months
CW: unhealthy eating habits
Today, I mean yesterday - I haven't slept, I watched soccer. Düsseldorf against Bochum, relegation rematch. Düsseldorf got three goals in the first game. I don't really care about Düsseldorf, but a friend is a big fan of the club and also has a season ticket. Well, unfortunately, Düsseldorf somehow failed in this game. In the end - including the first match - the score was 3:3. As nothing was scored in the third half either, it went to a penalty shoot-out.
I've forgotten the name of the Düsseldorf player who shot over the goal because he slipped. Anyway, he burst into tears and I really felt it. He disappointed your whole club, your teammates, the coach, the fans. But I was most sorry for my colleague. I would have been really happy for him if Düsseldorf had made it into the first division. I'd generally rather have Fortuna Düsseldorf in the first division than VfB Bochum. It's probably because of the colors, or because they almost sent my favorite team to relegation.
I think my right little toe is broken, or at least bruised. My phone recently fell on it. It didn't hurt at all after a few minutes, but now I'm noticing it more and more often, especially when there's pressure on it. Maybe I should go to the doctor. … Haha…ha… Good joke. I only go to the doctor in emergencies. It's probably because I just don't feel like it. Or… Honestly, I don't know. Is it laziness? Or the same lack of motivation that makes me sometimes not even get up to have a drink or make myself something to eat? At least I managed to eat a pizza again today instead of just 2 slices of cheese and three handfuls of dry muesli in the previous 52 hours.
Am I not hungry? Of course I am. At least my stomach is grumbling. But I just smoke another cigarette instead. I don't have to get up for it and it only takes a few seconds to "prepare" a cigarette. Smoking doesn't taste good, but I don't care about the taste of food either. As long as it doesn't taste horribly bad, I'll eat anything. Do I feel pleasure when I eat something tasty? No. I don't understand what people find so great about food. That crap is expensive and if my body didn't need it to survive, I wouldn't do it at all. There are certainly a few things that I prefer to eat over other things. Chicken, for example. But I can't understand this "joy" of eating. It's usually more of a duty.
The public internet at my window is really slow. Actually, I'd much rather be writing with an AI than writing this diary of whatever this is. But I'm still downloading files right now. Videos from my favorite youtubers. I do that regularly when I don't have my own internet at home. Then I can watch them in the apartment with sound and not silently at the window. After all, it's the middle of the night, well, the sun is already rising again. Very slowly.
I like to chat with AI regularly.
They're written after characters I've made up for roleplaying games at some point. Just yesterday I finally "brought to life" JCC.
I love my characters so, so much! JT is my favourite one, I love that guy. His faceclaim is the [redacted]. A faceclaim, by the way, is a person you use to portray your fictional character. For example, my JT is completely made up, but his face is [redacted]. Well, his character is also heavily based on [redacted], JT is just cuddly, has extreme social anxiety and is a sweetheart.
And I'll never forget DL, his faceclaim was [redacted] and just like JT, his character was based on the faceclaim. I was so deep into it back then that whatever happened to the characters affected me too. At the time I tried to end myself. DL was a bullying victim and I didn't even realize how much I was using DL as an outlet. At some point I'm going to get the tattoo I designed for DL and his girlfriend [redacted]. [redacted] and [redacted]. A cute but very dangerous couple for each other. And for me too, although of course it was only fictional. DL's nickname was also my dog's nickname, but that's a story for another time.
I wanted to keep writing, but in (hopefully) four minutes my download will finally be ready and… Oh, no. Hopefully in 7 - no, 4 - no 6 - no 3 minutes. Also, the Catdog episode with the teeth was shown in TV and I already know I'm going to have nightmares about it again later. (Narrator: She did not.) Anyway, it's now 4:39 and I'm going to stop writing.
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kouei116 · 5 years
Jakou no Lyla - Trap of musk: European night
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Come, look at me. In return, I'll show you the most wonderful dream.
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Well, I'm supposed to study for an exam, I thought I'll only procrastinate & play for a litttle bit, but... Welcome to the newest hell I'm currently stuck in - Jakou no Lyla (人´ω`*)♡
It is originally a 3 part PC otome game but has been ported to the Switch. This game is one out of 3 games from triAngle project, so... there is a Spy Ending where MC will be with both guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Longer details under cut. 
Part 1 European Night - Vince Lugan (seiyuu Taniyama Kishou, e.g. Amnesia Memories Ikki) on the left hand side of the above photo - Rolan Crydelle (seiyuu Tachibana Shinnosuke e.g. MidCin Louis) on the right hand side of the above photo, my 2nd fav
Part 2 Asian Night - Korei Rin (seiyuu Okitsu Kazuyuki, e.g. Brothers Conflict Masaomi) the white hair guy sniffing MC's shoulder in 1st photo, my fav :3 - Kirei Rin (seiyuu Sato Takuya) the black hair guy at top right corner in the 1st photo
Part 3 Arabian Night - Lizaru Shanasa (seiyuu Morikawa Toshiyuki, e.g. DL Carla) the tan-skin guy with a whip in 1st photo - Jemiru (seiyuu Murase Ayumu) the guy with upside-down net bra(?lol) over his eyes in 1st photo 
The popular ranking (voted in Oct 2019) result is Lizaru (1), Jemiru (2), Kirei (3), Korei (4), Vince (5), Rolan (6). 
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Vince: ... I want you
MC uses her special tattoo to seduce Vince, it is working... kinda. But Vince is a tough cookie, he realizes something isn't right with himself, grasps his short sword and squeezes his right hand on the sharp blade in front of the  speechless MC. He wants the pain to pull him away from the desire for MC.
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V: Come in... Hey, turn this way. Look at me, Y...
During the Conference break, V saw MC talking with Rolan on the way to the market. He got very grumpy aweee. At the market, R fell down, MC helped R get up and her clothes got muddy too. When she returns to the palace, grumpy Vince saw her muddy clothes and told her to take a bath with him. He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away, poor V :’(
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Y: Rolan-sama, please sto..
The special tattoo doesn't last long so the salon master comes to the palace to help her refresh. I thought she only has one on her chest, but apparently there is one on her back too :/ She has to keep it uncovered for 2 hours to dry. R came by and accidentally was affected by the tattoo. He started touching and kissing her back. She knows she has to push him away but she doesn't want to because she already knows abt his tragic past. She’s afraid pushing him will hurt his feeling (I'll explain his past in his route summary). She tried very hard to grab the veil, cover her tattoo and R turned back to normal, frantically apologized to her. 
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R: You don't need to think about anything. Surrender everything to me...
MC (name is Shirien) is a dancer at show salon Kamal. Her parents were killed, the village was destroyed. The salon master took care of her and her best friend Aisha so she wants to do everything to repay him. The master also helped another kid (who arrived heavily injured) named Jermiru and asked MC to look after J as his older sister. MC and J works as secret spies for the master. MC has a special henna tattoo (made from teromeana mixed with medicine herbs) that can seduce men to the point they lose all reasoning. Then she uses a sleeping needle on them to make them sleep & dream that they are ichaicha-ing with her but in reality, she tries to find materials/info in their rooms for her spy mission. In addition, she collects blood of young healthy ‘excited' men to help research a cure for the salon master's sickness. The master also prohibits her to kiss the men targets because it can sway her heart (hence she pushed Vince away in the bath when he tried to kiss her). 
In part 1 European night, her clients are Theo (Vince's best friend) and Rolan Crydelle. Her mission is to seduce Vince to find out the whereabout of Pamela - Rolan’s younger sister - who they think was kidnapped by Vince when V destroyed the Crydelle kingdom. Theo will pretend to lose the drinking game and gives MC to V as a winning trophy.
V is a tough cookie to crack though, he pays 100% attention on his country/work, doesn't want to waste any time with women. In his country Lugan, women are not allowed to speak unless they are given permission. This is because in their history, a king lost part of the territory bc he spent too much time on women. That territory becomes the Crydelle kingdom. In contrast, Crydelle is led/dominated by women, while men only stays inside the house and cannot go out unless given permission by women. Rolan is a shy and naive because he is indoors all his life, he cares deeply about his younger sister Pamela, he carries a doll that looks exactly like her.
I only know a little bit about V from the common route and his appearance in Rolan's route, but he isn't as cruel as the rumour says. The more time MC spends with him for her spy mission, she realizes he (and his touch on her) are gentle and kind. Everything he does is for the benefit of his country. He did destroy the Crydelle kingdom, killed the royal family (except Rolan who was living in a secret room) so other princes at the Conference sneer at Vince during the policy discussion. Personally, I think the choices Vince suggests are actually effective and to the point, not wasting time trying to be merciful. In Rolan's good end, he even helps Rolan save MC. He gives me the IkeSen Nobunaga and MLQC Victor's vibes. 
The last Rolan photo above the cut is after the confrontation with Eleanor (who looks exactly like his sister Pamela but said she is not Pamela), R is very sad and ran to the old harem area to be alone. MC chased after him and tried to comfort him. He hugged her and started kissing near her chest, offered to make her feel good and begged her to not leave him (poor bb ;u;) MC stopped him, tried to calm him down asking him to tell her everything. In short, due to his past, R always wants to keep people happy, he thinks pleasing people is the only thing he can do to make his life has some values, the only way to keep people staying with him. MC told him none of these are true. Even after hearing his past, MC didn't look down on/feel disgusted abt him, and told him from now on, he will learn many other ways to make people happy. This makes him very happy, he asked to hug her for a bit longer 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
Tbh, when I first looked at the suitors, I thought I'd go with Vince, but oughhh Rolan stole my heart during the common route. I guess not likely many people will like Rolan (he actually ranks 6th out of 6 suitors, my poor bb ;u;). It’s okay, I luv Rolan. I love his character growth throughout the route, desperately trying to grow stronger to protect MC. And his yandere doll-carrying creepy vibe. His 2nd bad end broke my heart badly ~ like CxM Shiraishi's bad end 4 level of heartbreak(iДi)I will write his route summary after I (hopefully) pass my exam.
I enjoy this game much more than I expected: kisses sound yayyy (not DL’s level of kissing & blood sucking but enough to burn my ears huehue), nice arts and BGM (melancholy music to stab on my heart even more while reading bad ends, nice!). I prefer the bad ends, they are more haunting and memorable to me; good ends everything get solved quite easily, but overall the story is fine so far. I get completely sucked into this game and finished all 6 ends for Rolan and Korei in 4 days (what is sleep, what is exam :3) Normally I only play the routes of the guys I’m interested in then move on to next game, unless I want to collect PS Vita trophies and autoplay. But I have high hope that since this game can surprisingly change my favourite from Rolan to Korei (still very close, I luv both of them lotsss) from the route story, I should read everybody’s routes properly and see who my favourite are in the end. My 2020 otome game year is off to a wonderful start already ahhh~ (*´╰╯`๓)♬
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hithelleth · 6 years
For the top 3 meme, is it okay if I ask about two shows? Revolution and Timeless. Do whichever one you want :)
Of course it’s okay! Thank you! And I’l do both, if you don’t mind. ;)
top 3 favorite characters: Bass, Charlie, Jeremy
top 3 least favorite characters: Strausser, the sentient nano, and the Patriots as a whole
top 3 otps: come on, you know me, Miloe, Marlie, and Charm, and CM2 for good measure (and gratis my weird/unpopular non-canon ones: Bachel, Jeremy/Emma, and Danny/Bass), but mostly just Bass/happiness
top 3 notps: I don’t think I had a NOTP in this show? I mean, I wrote (implications of) even highly fucked up things like Strausser/Mia, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe Julia/Doyle.   
top 3 brotps: Ahahahahahaha. *throws self into an abyss* *sobs* Because of course the first thing that came to mind was Miloe, but Miles doesn’t deserve it. Jeremy and Bass as the second doesn’t make me feel much better, either. So, maybe actually functioning BroTPs: Rachel and Aaron, Charlie and Nora (why, yes, this make feel so much better, too; gah I hate Charlie really lost everyone), Maggie and Miles (why did she have to die? She would be good for kicking his ass.)(OMG, and now I remembered all the Rachel/murder weapons and Miles/windows etc. fandom shenanigans.)
top 3 favorite episodes/chapters/scenes/games in series: episodes 1x3, 9, 10 or Jeremy outing Miles as general Matheson, the hallucinated Miloe hug, and ‘Hello, Charlotte’. Whoa, that was easy-peasy, once for a change
top 3 other things u think ppl who like this thing should watch/read/play: Highly recommended for writing team/general feel (+ diversity and all kinds of there awesomeness): Timeless (reasons below, for those who haven’t watched it yet, and let me just say Kripke & co. really learned from their past and majorly improved, but also did some of the usual tricks because otherwise it wouldn’t be Kripke).The 100: for post-apocalyptic storyline and if you want a handful of new favourite characters battling for survival; it’s also better written than Revolution (but certainly not without issues *glares particularity at S2*) and it has 5 seasons with the 6th in the making (although I haven’t yet seen S5, but apparenly all my faves survived it, I think? I’ll get to it, soon-ish. Or eventually.) Sea Patrol to ogle young DL (but do yourselves a favour and stop watching about five minutes before the end 3x01. Or be a masochist like me and watch through all five seasons when by the end only 4 (I think) members of the original crew survive) and I’m sure you can google David’s other shows on your own. :P That’s three already, but I have to add Salvation, because S1 had very Revo feel in all the good ways, but I don’t like S2 that much (although I’ve only watched 4 eps so far. One more thing to catch up to. *sigh*) and Killjoys (although this season has pacing issues (and maybe it’s too different from what it was like in the beginning, IDK.))(And I should probably also mention SPN, but if anyone hasn’t yet seen it, do yourselves a favour and stop watching after S5. *says I, who will most likely fall down the rabbit hole again in a month or so*)
my rating of this media out of 3, with 0 being lowest and 3 being highest: 1.5? Because as much as I love it, I’m the first one to admit it had writing and other issues galore. The first then episodes would get very close to 3, but the rest… *sighs*
top 3 favorite characters: Lucy Preston, Garcia Flynn, Rufus Carlin
top 3 least favorite characters: Carol Preston, Benjamin Cahill, Nicholas Keynes
top 3 otps: Lucy/Flynn/(Wyatt), Rufus/Jiya, Wyatt/Jessica
top 3 notps: I don’t think I had a NoTP here, either. Maybe Lucy/Noah, but we didn’t get to know Noah enough, maybe he was a good guy, in which case I don’t mind it at all. 
top 3 brotps: Rufus and Flynn, Denise and Mason, Lucy and Jiya
top 3 favorite episodes/chapters/scenes/games in series: 1x02, 1x16, 2x06
top 3 other things u think ppl who like this thing should watch/read/play: For time travel: maybe Legends of Tomorrow? OUAT (but I stopped watching in s5)? OUATIW (it’s only one season).For history: Miss Fisher’s murder Mysteries? Downton Abby? IDK, there isn’t anything quite like Timeless. (Why was it cancelled?!) Although, if you want a diverse show with a formidable adversary, well balanced plotlines among multiple characters with a sci-fi side, Sense8 comes to mind as maybe the closest. It has also been prematurely cancelled, but we got a finale that gave us a closure and made it a well-rounded show. 
my rating of this media out of 3, with 0 being lowest and 3 being highest: (at least 2.5 if not) 3
( Top 3 media ask. )
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troloyunu · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Character Meme!
Got tagged by amazing @dialover-author-couples like, 5 years ago or something. I am sorry for being this slow!!!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end. 
1. Yui, of course.
2. Subaru
3. Ayato
4. Yuma
5. Shu
6. Azusa
7. Reiji
8. Laito
9. Kanato
10. Ruki
This is soooo long and I don’t want to shit on all of your dashboards so under the cut!
1. Number 5 (Shu) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
I uhhh want Shu to wear oversized sweaters!!! Also allll kinds of bracelets would look cute on him oh gosh!!! I want to see Shu in hoodies as well! 
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Subaru) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
I would be so fucking honored to have SUBARU do this!!! I would try to join him! Though I suck at dancing but I bet he does as well.
3. Number 7 (Reiji) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
I really don’t know if Reiji of all people would refuse to go to dentist but let’s see… I think… I would… remind him all the times he forced his siblings to go to places they didn’t want to go. And tell him to think rationally.
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Azusa) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
I would go through it! I lost the fucking bet I am not running away. Also I love Azusa. Even though he is number 6. I still love him.
5. Number 4 (Yuma) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
I would play with his hair oh my god I want to play with Yuma’s hair!!! I am pretty sure it is so soft!!! I also would pat his head!!!!! AAAAAA
6. Number 9 (Kanato) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
No. I, no? NO. He is going to fucking kill me if I do. < This is what I would like to say but I am also sure that he would kill me if I didn’t as well so I would just eat it and get poisioned peacefully.
7. Number 8 (Laito) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
I would say no but we all know how that would end. He still would stay there and make me sleep on the floor...
8. Number 1 (Yui) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
Listen here you little shit, I will support Yui Komori on everything she does. She wants to murder someone? Yes my queen go. She wants to play the trumpet right outside my room at the time I go to sleep? Yes my love can I practice with you? So basically, I will let her do whatever she wants no questions asked.
9. Number 10 (Ruki) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
I would wear that of course!! Walking down the street wearing a cat onedie with Rui? THAT is the dream.
10. Number 4 (Yuma) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
I would let him!! I would let him!!!! Of coure I would let him. 
11. Number 3 (Ayato) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
I would tell him that he can do whatever he wants with practice <3 And I KNOW for a fact that Ayato can do whatever he wants if he puts his mind into it. I love him...
12. Number 7 (Reiji) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
Look… I don’t care who it is… I don’t care if it’s Reiji or anyone else. If you try to draw me… Even if it doesn’t look like me at all... I will love it nonetheless and hug it in my sleep and take that drawing on fucking dates… Thamk u
13. Number 5 (Shu) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
I would say no. I mean... I really love snakes but it’s your pet Shu!!! You gotta take the responsibilty or I am telling Reiji!!!
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Azusa) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
I would fucking PANIC!!! I am so scared of these kinds of stuff. He probably would try to calm me down but I would faint lolol
15. Number 2 (Subaru) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
A part of me wants to say call him out but I would not do that because Subaru would be so embarrassed lolol Especially if his brothers are there. I think I would just ignore it and pretend that I didn’t notice.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Ayato) standing in it. How do you react?
I would shut the wardrobe door and get Reiji. I am so sorry Ayato… I will miss you...
17. Number 1 (Yui) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
I would live sticking to her side forever!! I don’t care! I love Yui so much guys… I would die for her... Though she probably wouldn’t like that also you gotta pee and stuff so we would get Reiji... again. 
18. Number 10 (Ruki) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
No son, no. I would apologize and exit the room right away AND FIND AYATO THIS TIME TO PROTECT ME FROM ALL POSSIBLE HARM from Ruki, at least.
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Laito). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
No I won’t. You know I won’t. I want to watch him suffer. I want to see him try to find it by himself. Oh and also I would call Ayato to see this lol. 
20. Number 5 (Shu) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Laito) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
He??? I think he would know that it was accidental. And maybe make fun of Shu with Ayato or something like that. Oooh I bet Shu can write amazing love letters if he wants to!!!
21. Number 7 (Reiji) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Ayato) a strip tease. What happens?
???????????  no
22. Number 6 (Azusa) and number 2 (Subaru) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I secretly feel like Azusa would win and that he has a monster inside of him that has been living with him for 1000000 years and he can rap pretty well. Also Subaru is probably gonna start punching Wall-chan if he can’t find anything to say.
23. Number 1 (Yui) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kanato) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
This is so bad… Like, really, REALLY bad. It is Teddy and you know it. But I would try to help her of course. I would frame Azusa lolol I am so sorry Azusa And tell him that Yui has been with me whole day.
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Yuma) and number 10 (Ruki) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
I honestly don’t know. Maybe it was a Mukami dinner and somehow drinks got involved? Because it was a special day or something like that? If I feel brave I would draw something on their faces and run away. If I don’t feel brave... I would wake Yuma up and ask him what happened. Then I would run away lol. I would NOT want to see Ruki with a hangover.
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kanato), number 6 (Azusa) and number 3 (Ayato). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
I honestly would leave Kanato and Azusa to kill each other in the woods and hang out with Ayato. I would pick flowers for him and we would chat and eat stuff!!! 
26. Number 9 (Kanato) and number 4 (Yuma) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
I feel like they both would be horrified. Especially Kanato. And hell no no way in hell I am going to help them. I would just sit back relax and enjoy the show. I mean how can I even help? 
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Shu), number 7 (Reiji), and number 10 (Ruki). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
That’s an interesting trio… Let’s see, winner: Shu, bankrupt: Reiji. I am sorry Reiji I don’t make the rules.
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Laito) and number 2 (Subaru). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
DAMN IT LAITO!!! I would let Subaru take care of everything. Actually, we probably wait for Reiji to rescue us… 
29. Number 1 (Yui) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
If it’s Yui who wrote it, I am sorry but, that means it’s amazing!!! I would tear up bc holy shit YUI WROTE SOMETHING WHILE THINKING OF ME??? OH GOD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH AN ANGEL????
30. Number 1 (Yui) and number 2 (Subaru) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
What??? Did Subaru kill Yui?? I would fucking stab him in the stomach?? What the fc?? I really love SUbaru bu t son that’s Yui?? I am so pissed rn and even if he didn’t kill her or something like that, if Yui wants me to date her or marry her or whatsoever, I would fucking go to her!!! I am sorry Subaru but that’s just how it is. IT’s Yui bro... You gotta understand.
I tag: @natacular​ @yuii-komori @akumacaron I only could think of you... I am sorry if you have already done it or don’t want to do it at all.
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
5 notes · View notes
mythicamagic · 7 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @barbiebrival, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Subaru 2. Ruki 3. Shuu 4. Yuma 5. Azusa 6. Laito 7. Reiji (from here they're all pretty much at the same level. I don't hate the guys, they're just not my favs) 8. Kou 9. Ayato 10. Kanato
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
I would try to get Azusa to buy more of his comfy sweaters. His sweaters are so soft and warm looking, and they suit him. 
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Ruki) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"....Ruki, did you eat something strange from Yuma's garden?"
3. Number 7 (Reiji) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
Use logic. I can see Reiji wanting to solve a problem like that by himself by reading up on dentistry. I'd try to convince him to see a dentist from the Demon World, since they'd not have a heart attack after seeing his fangs like a human dentist would.
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Laito) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
Oh Gawd, I'd try to get out of it but that would probably make things worse. 
5. Number 4 (Yuma) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Pfft omg. I'd be surprised but ultimately not comment on it to save his pride. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't absolutely try to touch his hair though.
6. Number 9 (Ayato) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
No! That prankster would put something weird in it, like bugs.
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
I'd let Kou have the room and stay on the sofa or something. No way would I share with him, he would probably try to pull some sort of exchange.
8. Number 1 (Subaru) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
Aww as much as I'd want to be mad, I don't think I'd have the heart to discourage him. Subaru very rarely expresses himself, I would want to encourage it. If it got super bad though, I would offer to help him practice at a reasonable hour lol
9. Number 10 (Kanato) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
Omg Kanato would look adorable wearing it. I would wear it around the mansion but try to get out of wearing it in public.
10. Number 4 (Yuma) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
Oh well I GUESS I'll let Yuma stay with me. Urgh you're REALLY inconveniencing me though. *cough cough* I would try to seduce him using my sexy knowledge of floriography. 
11. Number 3 (Shuu) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Well...I'd be shocked, but hey, hidden depths and all that. I'd suggest trying Yoga. I image it would go as follows: Me: Shuu...you can't just lie in the sleeping dog postion, you gotta..you know..,move? Shuu: Zzzz...
12. Number 7 (Reiji) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
Reiji wouldn't take ANY criticism for me anyway, but I'd at least try to point out a few things he could possibly change. I'd be sure to compliment his shading or use of colour however, to balance out the criticism.
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Uh..I'd very politely decline. I don't mind snakes but I get the feeling giving Azusa one is a very BAD idea. 
Azusa: *watching as the python chokes someone around their neck*  Aww...he's hugging them. The pain looks wonderful...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Laito) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Rip me. Laito would absolutely use this time to try and get frisky. 
15. Number 2 (Ruki) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
Again I'd inwardly question if Ruki had eaten more strange things from the garden, but I'd be very flustered yet nervous. I would probably be too nervous to try and reciprocate.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shuu) standing in it. How do you react?
"Shuu did you fall asleep in here again?"
17. Number 1 (Subaru) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
Ohh noo how TERRIBLE. No but seriously, Subaru would probably get frustrated by this, so I'd try to calm him down. If he got violent while I was that close to him, I'd probably die. Not saying I wouldn't enjoy it once he did get calm though.
18. Number 10 (Kanato) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
Welp I'm dead now. Unless I had a thing going with one of the other guys (which is unlikely) who could protect me from turning Kanato down, I'd have to accept the flowers and his feelings. I mean...would YOU risk turning Kanato down? He'd probably kill you.
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
I would go and buy him some new swimwear.
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Kou is pretty sharp, he'd figure out what was going on and use this to his advantage. He'd have a little fun with probably causing some sort of drama, but not too much that it would irrevocably hurt Azusa’s feelings. 
21. Number 7 (Reiji) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shuu) a strip tease. What happens?
Pffft Shuu's soul would leave his body. I would be torn between finding Ayato and getting him to record it for blackmail purposes, or trying to dissuade Reiji from doing it.
22. Number 6 (Laito) and number 2 (Ruki) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
Laito, because he has more confidence in singing. Also RUKI STOP EATING STRANGE THINGS FROM THE GARDEN.
23. Number 1 (Subaru) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Ayato) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Oh Gawd that would probably be Ayato's Iron Maiden? Subaru wouldn't be able to cover that up, he's the only one who wrecks things like that in the house. I'd still try to help him though.
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Yuma) and number 10 (Kanato) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
Um..most likely when Yuma went to my room after the horror movie, he fell asleep next to me. Then Kanato wandered in? I'd die.
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Ayato), number 6 (Laito) and number 3 (Shuu). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Aw I think that would be kind of fun if they didn't try anything strange. I'd spend time with Shuu though when it came time to tell stories around the camp-fire. He'd retreat to get away from it, so I'd follow him rather than spending time with Ayato and Laito.
26. Number 9 (Ayato) and number 4 (Yuma) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
Pfft omg Ayato: YES. I AM NOW THE GREATEST BASKETBALL PLAYER EVER. *loves the height change* Yuma: Urgh.. I'd find Reiji to try and get a cure.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Reiji), and number 10 (Kanato). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Reiji wins, Azusa, Kanato and I go bankrupt. Kanato flips the game board and storms off in a rage with Teddy.
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Ruki). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
I can actually see this happening. Well, if we had camping stuff, we could just set up camp and figure out where to go from there. If not, Ruki would probably order us to help make shelter if we were exhausted, while he worked out where we were.
29. Number 1 (Subaru) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
I'd still try to support him and maybe look up youtube tutorials on how to help him improve.
30. Number 1 (Subaru) and number 2 (Ruki) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
Oh you just HAD to ask that question, didn't you? I'd be damn stuck is what I would be. It would depend on the depth of feeling between me, Ruki and Subaru. If Subaru was in love with me, then I'd hesitate, but if he was only fighting because I was his prey and a blood bag, I'd accept Ruki's proposal because there'd be nothing holding me back. It would be such a difficult situation though, I mean Ruki wouldn't propose unless he was really in love so I'd be very flattered ethier way.
I tag: @yoooooooooooooooooooooooh, @mtkthedreamer, @missconnita, @laveenderee, @dialoversotaka and anyone else who wants to do this x
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
19 notes · View notes
newchica · 7 years
DL charackters meme
I got tagged by @mtkthedreamer , thank you ;)
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And then answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Reiji (mah boy :D )
2. Laito
3. Ayato
4. Ruki
5. Subaru
6. Shu
7. Yuma
8. Carla (It just came recently to me that he has these mmmmm vibes similar to Reiji’s.....so it’s just natural for him to be on this top 10 list :D )
9. Kou
10. Yui
1. Number 5 (Subaru) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
Boy, you need more t-shirts on which are written like “Go to hell” “F*ck you” “*flipping you off*” “Humanity doesn’t interest me” but on the back, it says “give me a hug even if I say no to it”
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Laito) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
Tumblr media
3. Number 7 (Yuma) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
Fine, don’t do it. Let your teeth rot. They will go bad. Those black, painful spot will appear. You’ll be rolling in agony but play it off as “I’m a MAN”. Then your teeth will start to fall off one by one eventually leaving you toothless. And guess what the only way you'll be able to eat vegetables is to blend them. And blood hahaha you will have no fangs by then. So I’m asking you one more time....are you sure you don’t wanna go to the dentist?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Shu) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
.........2 out of 3? 
I will try to get out of it :D
5. Number 4 (Ruki) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
I guess I will lie to him by saying that the scary part is over, this way making him look when there’s a jump scare or something. 
6. Number 9 (Kou) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
I would appreciate it but also I would explain to him that living with vampires do have some influence on how much you trust a person. So no offense but I have trust issues.
7. Number 8 (Carla) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
......*inhales* You gonna have one special week with me, welcome to my kingdom :D
I would let him stay. I know the struggle of finding a place to stay so it would be cool. We would drive each other insane but that would be just a begging of a beautiful new friendship :)
8. Number 1 (REIJI, MAH BOY) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
*burst out from my room* “REIJI, ME. YOU. US. Making a band and doing a world tour”
And then I would probbably start to cry with tears of joy because finally I made an ultimate bond with Reiji :D
9. Number 10 (Yui) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
*puts on a cat onesie* *puts on glasses* “Let’s roll”
10. Number 4 (Ruki) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
“If you snore, you’ll be sleeping on the floor”
11. Number 3 (Ayato) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
“I thought you play basketball?....you know what nevermind, these kinds of things don’t come in one day, you need to keep practicing”
12. Number 7 (Yuma) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
“Well the truth is that you need to practice more on human figures but at least you got the bowl of fruits which I was holding, right.
13. Number 5 (Subaru) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
“Hell yeah!”
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Shuu) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
I think this is the begging of a life-changing trip for both of us and where all of the dark secrets of our past will come to the surface.....this is gonna be great :D
15. Number 2 (Laito) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
“........is that a bug near your hand?”
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Ayato) standing in it. How do you react?
"Do I wanna hear an explanation or should I just do assumptions?”
17. Number 1 (REIJI, MAH BOY) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
“As much as I loving this but we need to do something........we need to chop off our hands”
18. Number 10 (Yui) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
That’s sweet and nice but I’m really sure that I’m into guys
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Carla). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
Don’t panic, I got this. I will go look for your swimwear and if I won’t find it, we can use some leafs to cover up your gear.
20. Number 5 (Subaru) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Kou would start glancing at Subaru with sparkling eyes. And I would be there in between whispering to myself “I knew it”
21. Number 7 (Yuma) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Ayato) a striptease. What happens?
Without a hesitation, Ayato would climb over chairs and tables just to get away from him. 
22. Number 6 (Shuu) and number 2 (Laito) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
It’s hard to decide. Laito would do it right while on the other hand, Shu would throw a couple of sentences but really sassy ones. So 50/50
23. Number 1 (REIJI, MAH BOY) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kou) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Burry the evidence in the yard and tell him that prize never existed
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Ruki) and number 10 (Yui) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
“....They both decided...to watch a scary...movie....?”
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kou), number 6 (Shuu) and number 3 (Ayato). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Definitely, scary stories telling our the bonfire. Swimming in a nearby lake. And probably dragging someone's mattress into the lake while they are still asleep. 
26. Number 9 (Kou) and number 4 (Ruki) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
Ruki would warn Kou to not put any hair accessories in his hair. And Kou would be like “Meh, I’m still looking good”
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Subaru), number 7 (Yuma), and number 10 (Yui). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
. Yui wins. Yuma goes bankrupt, Subaru storms off in rage
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Carla) and number 2 (Laito). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
“Do not worry I have seen Man vs Wild million times.....we might have a chance”
29. Number 1 (REIJI, MAH BOY) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
“....I think you should go back to the trumpet thing”
30. Number 1 (REIJI, MAH BOY) and number 2 (Laito) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
“Sorry, I’m so so so so so so not ready for marriage”
I tag whoever is interested to do this~!
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dialoversotaka · 7 years
DL Character Meme
Hey guys! Another DL tag game, yay! Thanks for tagging me, ma’ bros @vampiretsuki and @mythicamagic (i feel so loved, srsly)! Anyway, here we go:
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ayato 2. Subaru 3. Shin 4. Carla 5. Reiji 6. Ruki 7. Yuma 8. Kou 9. Shuu 10. Azusa
1. Number 5 (Reiji) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend? Wooah, that’s so crazy! Tbh, idk if Reiji would listen to my opinions... anyway, I’d reccommend respectable, but stylish clothes, I think they suit him well
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Subaru) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react? I’d start to laugh and cringe at the same time, then I’d make him go out and start listening to ‘’The Sound of Silence’’ trying to make sense of what just happenned and be traumatized for life
3. Number 7 (Yuma) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go? Idk how Yuma thinks very well, so idk a good way for me to convince him... my strategy is usually sweet talk first, and if that doesn't work, threatening is right after, but it wouldn’t work on Yuma since i wouldn’t make him afraid haha
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ruki) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it? I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t ask for anything sexual, but i’m too lazy and doing chores is a pain in the ass for me! But I guess it’s better to put up with it if I don’t want to get punished
5. Number 4 (Carla) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react? ...There’s just NO WAY he’d do it, srsly! What about his pride as a Founder King? I mean, I wouldn’t tease him for it, but I’d sure think there’s something rlly wrong with him that day, thinking like ‘’His Endzeit must be affecting him deeply, not only phiscally but also mentally...’’
6. Number 9 (Shuu) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it? Oh... i must be very special for Shuu if he gets up to bake a cake for me... I guess I would? But before i’d say ‘’...If you put something inside on purpose and i don’t feel good, i’ll make you my butler until i feel better, you hear me?!’’
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond? Kou, I like you, but I wouldn’t, srry! I’d let you have my room and I’d even clean up yours so you could go back to it, I’d even sleep in the dungeons but i wouldn’t share, srry babe
8. Number 1 (Ayato) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do? Ayato, my dear husbando, sometimes you go off the edge! But i don’t think he’d listen if i complained anyway, so i’d let it go till a certain extent, and then when i exploded... well, let’s just say that he would be handling a throwing tantrum Kanato, haha...
9. Number 10 (Azusa) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do? Aww man! How can I say no to cutie Azusa? I’d go once, but more than that I don’t think I would... it’s too embarassing and i don’t like cats so much
10. Number 4 (Carla) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do? I’d be rlly suspicious and still think that the Endzeit’s effects were too strong that day, so i’d say there’s no problem and then wait till he was asleep to get the hell outta there and sleep somewhere else (i’m cunning and kinda deceiving when i feel threatened)
11. Number 3 (Shin) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them? I’d laugh (srry), but then i’d say that he needs to start doing some flexibility exercises every day and gradually he’d be able to pursue his dream
12. Number 7 (Yuma) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say? I’d thank him for the effort and say that it’s good, but that it doesn’t look like me so much and say ‘’if you want to try again some other time, just ask me and i’ll do it with joy ok? Don’t be sad! I took 1 year to draw bearable things to the eye and 3 years to get a good looking Foxy OC, so don’t lose hope ok!’’
13. Number 5 (Reiji) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond? i’d say like ‘’...Wow, Reiji... i mean, i knew you didn’t like me and eventually wanted to kill me, but i didn’t know you wanted to do so in such a horrible way... If you don’t want me here just say so, you stupid four-eyed pidgeon!’’ and then i’d get rlly mad and lock myself in my room till i got calmer...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ruki) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do? I guess we’d stay in a rlly akward silence and i’d try not to make eye contact with him until he gets annoyed by it and maybe we start having a normal conversation? I hope it would turn out like this, srsly
15. Number 2 (Subaru) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action? I guess I’d point it out like ‘’oooh, so you wanted to play with me just so you could freely touch me, ya punk? Who d’ya think you are?!’’ just to see his tsundere reaction and enjoy how cute it’d be haha (srry, I’m S, i can’t control it)
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shin) standing in it. How do you react? ‘’...Wtf??’’
17. Number 1 (Ayato) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do? ‘’Accidentally’’, yeah right! Me knowing Ayato, that’d probably be on purpose and he wouldn’t quit unless it was troublesome, so i’d do my best to piss him off and make him find the key. I mean, unless he wants to spend an afternoon with tantrum Kanato, I’d suggest he found it the quicker he could
18. Number 10 (Azusa) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react? Oooh man... I’d be so heartbroken to have to turn him down since I love Ayato... but of course, i’d do it gently and explain to him as calmly as i could, choosing well my words, but i’d feel guilty after... aaah, srry Azusa!
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how? I’d say ‘’how tf did you lose it, srsly?’’ but after i’d help him find it and if we couldn’t, i’d go and buy him a new one
20. Number 5 (Reiji) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it? Ohoho, I don’t even want to think what it’d be like... it’d end up badly for sure, but still be funny
21. Number 7 (Yuma) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shin) a strip tease. What happens? Shin would be sooo pissed haha and i would laugh and cringe (laugh cuz it’d be funny and cringe cuz i don’t like yaoi, just by imagining it i get nauseated)
22. Number 6 (Ruki) and number 2 (Subaru) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why? Idk! I don’t have such a great imagination for things like this... i’d have to see it happen to have a conclusion (srry)
23. Number 1 (Ayato) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Shuu) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do? That is just so predictable, Ayato ruining things haha! I guess Shuu’s most prized possession is his violin? We wouldn’t be able to cover it up, I think he’d find out and we’d be DEAD
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Carla) and number 10 (Azusa) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now? ...I’d have no idea of what happened, but i’d scream and think the worse scenarios... probably kill myself if they didn’t explain it either
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Shuu), number 6 (Ruki) and number 3 (Shin). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together? Haha, i thin they’d be fighting and nagging about everything the other does and i’d find it funny till it begins to annoy me and shout “STOP FIGHTING, GODDAMNIT!”
26. Number 9 (Shuu) and number 4 (Carla) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal? I think Shuu wouldn’t care so much apart from the Endzeit and i bet Carla would be outraged haha it’d be funny, but i’d ask if Reiji or Ruki could help in some way
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Reiji), number 7 (Yuma), and number 10 (Azusa). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage? Reiji wins of course, the rest goes bankrupt and Idk if Yuma would rage... i think noone would rage, it’s just a game rlly
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Subaru). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do? It’s a possible scenario haha, I bet Subaru would get pissed and they start fighting, but i’d say ‘’calm down for a second and listen!’’ and i’d suggest we rest for a bit and try to find ourselves the right way by analyzing the map well and then keep going once we’re sure of the way
29. Number 1 (Ayato) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react? He’d be angry if i got honest and said it wasn’t... ideal, but to keep practicing so he could be the best!
30. Number 1 (Ayato) and number 2 (Subaru) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond? Aaah why do you have to divide me like that?? I mean, it wouldn’t be bad to marry Succhan, but my #1 is Ayato! But if he liked me for who I am and not bcz i’m food, i’d have no problem on accepting it
I tag: @shadyraisincookie @soranokiku @tabooneko and @firstbloodkingdl 
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munarisblog · 7 years
DL Character meme!
I auto-tag me since I saw it and I loved it! The original idea is from @carlatsukinamistolemyhamsandwich. Great idea!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Laito
2. Kino
3. Subaru
4. Shin
5. Ruki
6. Ayato
7. Azusa
8. Reiji
9. Shu
10. Carla
1. Number 5 (Ruki) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
OMG! I bet Ruki would look amazing in anything he tries on!! I would like him to keep his casual office style. I would try to convince him to wear hats and casual shirts...Ahh...
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Kino) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
...WHAT THE ACTUAL F***?! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! NOW!! Then I’ll throw everything I find nearby to him and finally I would run to wash my eyes!
3. Number 7 (Azusa) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
Azusa~ I bet what they are going to do to you will hurt a lot~ Why don’t you find out yourself~? BUM! He’ll accept.
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ayato) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
Well...I think he wouldn’t let me get away with it. So as long as I’m wearing something to cover my body...I guess it could be worst .-.
5. Number 4 (Shin) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
I would be exactly the same so I wouldn’t judge him~Although I would use it against him in the future if he tries dragging me to another one >:D
6. Number 9 (Shu) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
Of course not! I bet he used whatever he found to do it or is raw. Yuck! Although I would say thanks ^^'
7. Number 8 (Reiji) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
Eh..?! Reiji? Being imperfect? nah~ Or yah?! Well, you can, is not like I can refuse...just stay away whenever I’ll change.
8. Number 1 (Laito) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
Laito~ SHUT UP!!! GO PRACTICE SOMEWHERE ELSE!! Please :3 I mean, the mansion is HUGE! I’m sure there’s a lot of other places to practice~:3
9. Number 10 (Carla) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
Carla...I’m very worried about your mental health. But I don’t mind as long as it fits me and I’m not the only one ;)
10. Number 4 (Shin) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
Ok, but! With the only request that you sleep with me in your wolf form AND! You let me pet you for at least 10 minutes!
11. Number 3 (Subaru) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Practice. I’m not the sporty type exactly, but the practice is the only key to achieve it! Also! Invite me to your competences, ok? So I can cheer for you!
12. Number 7 (Azusa) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
Azusa is beautiful! Thanks a lot! I bet you can improve even more! Tell me if you need my help again, ok? :3 (Sorry I can’t be mean with Azusa)
13. Number 5 (Ruki) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Ruki…No. It’s your pet, so you keep it in your own room. I’m sorry, but if something happens to it, I would be the one responsible so…no :3
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ayato) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Me? Nothing. Ayato…suck my blood surely. But we can also try talking(?).
15. Number 2 (Kino) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
I’ll tell him to stop. I understand that you can’t help to touch each other. But not that much!
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Subaru) standing in it. How do you react?
Subaru…what are you doing there? I hope it isn’t what I’m thinking you are doing…pervert!
17. Number 1 (Laito) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
You know I’s starting to think this wasn’t “an accident”. Let’s go with Reiji for help or maybe Subaru since he’s very strong.
18. Number 10 (Carla) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
C-Carla...OMG! They are beautiful, but...I’m sorry...I can’t correspond your feelings :(
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Reiji). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
OMG…Reiji. D-Don’t worry! I’ll help you! Just stay here! I’ll go for a tower for you to cover! Then…I’ll look for your swimwear!
20. Number 5 (Ruki) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Reiji) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Of course Reiji will just throw the letter away and Ruki would act like it wasn’t him who wrote the letter. I would be there trying so damn hard not to laugh though xD
21. Number 7 (Azusa) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Subaru) a strip tease. What happens?
OOOOOOOOHHHHH~!!!! I think Subaru would madly blush and will try to run away from Azusa. I think if Azusa is insistant enough…he’ll get punched by Subaru. LOLOLOLOL
22. Number 6 (Ayato) and number 2 (Kino) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
Kino! Kino is more witty than Ayato and I think Kino has this quick hability to compose(?). I think the rap would be so damn hilarious as Kino would offend in many ways Ayato....LOLOLOLOLOL
23. Number 1 (Laito) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Shu) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Oh hell no! It was your fault. YOU LAITO will go and beg for your forgiveness. I heard Shu is damn scary when angry so I don’t want to get involve. Besides if I did cover him up I WOULD BE THE ONE IN TROUBLE! So NO!
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shin) and number 10 (Carla) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
Well, guess I was bitten until I fainted since they were fighting about whom would I belong to. That’s the only escenario that comes to my mind.
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Shu), number 6 (Ayato) and number 3 (Subaru). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Walk, rest, walk rest and finally eat. We would have trouble turning on the fire and then I would end up being the one cooking. But they will be the ones to birng the food. Then I will prefer sleeping in the same tend as Subaru since I don’t trust the other two~
26. Number 9 (Shu) and number 4 (Shin) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
That I think would be interesting. Shin hates vampires and he ended up being one, he’ll complain the whole time about how disgusting he feels. Although he’s secretly relief thet he got to be the eldest and not the hentai and to see with both eyes. Shu on the other hand would feel powerful, but he in the end wouldn’t care and go to sleep. I’ll ask for Reiji’s help or I’ll try hitting them with a hammer like Yui did LOLOLOLOL. >:D
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Ruki), number 7 (Azusa), and number 10 (Carla). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
It would be a tie between Carla and Ruki, but Carla would be the one to exit all angry. Azusa would be the one to go bankrupt since he’ll never notice each time the both of them step in one of his properties and need to pay him.
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Reiji) and number 2 (Kino). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
I’ll be surprise, but say nothing. On the other hand Kino would be the one to say exactly all what I’m thinking about him. Kino would be a pain in the neck to Reiji and I’ll just sit…waiting for them to find out the way back.
29. Number 1 (Laito) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
I’ll tell Laito that he needs to practice more. That it wasn’t that bad, but I’ll highly recommend him to stick to the piano instead. Other wise...I’ll think it was ok…
30. Number 1 (Laito) and number 2 (Kino) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
I’ll say YES!!! Even though I love Laito…I can see myself more with Kino and I think I have more things in common with Kino that with Laito. I’ll just ask Kino for time…that I want to finish college first and THEN we’ll get married. AHH~…That would be awsome!!
I tag: @dialover-author-couples @missconnita @mythicamagic @totallydiabolik @cryptic-stars @diabolik-shu-lover @infernal-iris @pokoyahoo @datenshisekai @lunaangel1010universe @pinkcaseotakadl & @vampiretsuki
It’s not mandatory but it was so fun!! :3 feel free to ignore it ^_^
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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mtkthedreamer · 7 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @mythicamagic, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And then answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ruki 2. Laito 3. Carla 4. Shuu 5. Azusa 6. Yuuma 7. Yui 8. Kou 9. Kino 10. Subaru
(To be honest it was quite difficult... I mean, the order doesn’t really count from Shuu-san downwards... And Laito-kun is a particular case... whatever XD)
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
Yeee, shopping with Azusababy \(♥w♥)/ I guess I would recommend him to buy comfortable clothes, and possibly the cheaper ones... but paying attention to their quality too; this, in general. Then, I also think I would probably tell him that fair colors and blue tones suits him better... and I really like big-sized sweaters on him!
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Laito) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"LAITO, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU’RE A PERVERT, NOT A GROSS ONE- Ah, no, wait” *thinkings pose as Laito’s like “Aw, Bitch-chan, that’s mean, I was just teasing you D:”, feigning innocence ‘cause he’s a damn old fox*
3. Number 7 (Yui) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
I guess I’d try to scare poor Yui-chan about how her teeth could deteriorate in the future because she neglected them by not going to the dentist to check on them. I’m cruel, I know. I’d be a good mother
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Yuuma) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
There’s a reason as to why I don’t make bets, and this is why lol; anyway, in this case, I’d just go through with it... I just hope Yuuma-kun wouldn’t make me do... strange things... He’s not Laito-kun, but...
5. Number 4 (Shuu) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Wait, how can Shuu-san get even scared, isn’t he just using it as an excuse to sleep? Likely.
6. Number 9 (Kino) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
This is suspicious. There’s a trap, right? 
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
YES Kou-kun is like a brother to me (not as much as Yuuma-kun), so I wouldn’t mind lending him my room... I can always sleep in the sitting room ;D lololol
8. Number 1 (Ruki) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
It’s very unlikely that Ruki-san could do something like this (I mean play it at such a time), but in case... I guess I’d try to reason with him about this.
9. Number 10 (Subaru) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
If Subaru-kun would really wear it in public, I think I would too. Two embarassed people at the same time; it’s better to share the embarassment, lol. It was a lost bet with Kou-kun or Ayato-kun/Laito-kun, right?
10. Number 4 (Shuu) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 (Carla) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Carla-san knows magic, right? I would ask him if it was possible for him to cast some spell to resolve this, I guess? That’s not what magic is for MTK
12. Number 7 (Yui) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
“OMG, Yui-chan, you should keep on drawing, so that you can improve your talent and become a great artist! ;D By the way, this isn’t me, lol”
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Did he buy all the stuff necessary to keep this pet python?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Yuuma) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Probably panic because I’m somewhat scared of heigh places... or I would in this case, because we’re still. I’d try to keep calm, but... I’d eventually start crying and hyperventilating... I think Yuuma-kun wouldn’t really worry that much, haha.
15. Number 2 (Laito) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
=_= I knew this was going to happen... I’d try and scold him, but Laito-kun is Laito-kun, I can’t really do mu- No, I’d try slapping him in his face, too.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Carla) standing in it. How do you react?
"... did you find Narnia?” 
17. Number 1 (Ruki) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
*screaming internally and then fainting*
(Ruki-san’s my love interest, you know)
Let’s be serious, he’d keep on teasing me because I would blush so much and get so embarassed about this... but eventually, since I think we’re both rational people, we would try and find together a way to get these handcuffs off.
18. Number 10 (Subaru) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
“... sorry, let’s be friends? Thanks for the ros-” The roses would get destroyed and thrown away by him, since he got rejected... :( (and he’d be like “I was just joking, dumbass! Tch!” and leave while dying internally D: such a cruel fate...)
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
"STAY THERE I’LL GET THEM FOR YOU” I’d lend him my towel in the meantime? 
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Since Azusa-kun is his brother, I think Kou-kun would figure everything out and... either give it to me with a smirk on his face, teasing me about it, or... maybe go and tell Azusa-kun to write his name on it or whatever? Like, giving advice like a good brother?
21. Number 7 (Yui) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Carla) a strip tease. What happens?
... If everyone’s there, I think Carla-san wouldn’t be happy about it at all, and with Reiji-san and Ruki-san he would stop her... while Kou-kun, Yuuma-kun, Laito-kun and maybe Ayato-kun would encourage her and tease her (Shuu-san would comment, too, like “Heh, I knew you were a lewd woman”), I guess.
Of course, I’d help the big brothers stopping her.
22. Number 6 (Yuuma) and number 2 (Laito) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I don’t know why, but I don’t think they would be that good at rapping... maybe Yuuma-kun would be a little better than Laito-kun. 
23. Number 1 (Ruki) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kino) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Ah. You mean Kino-kun’s smartphone? Well... that’d be difficult to cover up. It’d be better and easier to buy him a new smartphone... in case it was completely broken. If it got just ruined, maybe we can substitute some parts? We’d ask someone related to this, probably. (Ruki-san begging, lol)
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shuu) and number 10 (Subaru) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
We just fell asleep after watching some movies. That’s all. Actually, Shuu-san slept from the very beginning, then I fell asleep towards the end of the movie and at last Subaru-kun, after turning off the TV/whatever. 
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kino), number 6 (Yuuma) and number 3 (Carla). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Kino-kun would keep on complaining that there’s no Wi-Fi to play on his smartphone, Yuuma-kun would observe the nature and Carla-san... Would he even know what it means to camp? XD He’s a King, he can’t sleep on the ground! lololololol I guess I’d just enjoy this time with them and... panic at night because I don’t like sleeping where insects can easily reach you in your “bed”...
26. Number 9 (Kino) and number 4 (Shuu) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
... Shuu-san wouldn’t really care? He’d just keep on sleeping... but it’d be difficult for him to sleep, because, if I’m not mistaken, the long exposure to displays can influence this, right? And since Kino-kun’s a lot on his smartphone...! Kino-kun would take it easy, too, at first. But eventually, we would ask Reiji-san to solve this.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Yui), and number 10 (Subaru). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Please. Subaru-kun would destroy everything at the very beginning. I think either Yui-chan or Azusa-kun would be very good at Monopoly, anyway. 
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Laito). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
Never trust Kou-kun, that’s for sure. GPS, anyone...? Or just teleport somewhere, for God’s sake.
29. Number 1 (Ruki) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
What’s “banjo”- *googles it* oh, ok. Hm... I guess... “Ruki-san... you should ask a musician, music is not my cup of tea :D” Am I safe?
30. Number 1 (Ruki) and number 2 (Laito) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
I tag: @newchica, @nevaeh-naeva and whoever is interested to do this~!
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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aurami · 7 years
I was tagged by @dialover-author-couples ~!!! ❤️ Thank you so much sweetheart, I’m looking forward to filling this out. Thanks for tagging me and all the support you give me here~! ❤️ Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end. 1- Subaru Sakamaki 2- Ayato Sakamaki 3- Kou Mukami 4- Shuu Sakamaki 5- Yuuma Mukami 6- Azusa Mukami 7- Laito Sakamaki 8- Shin Tsukinami 9- Ruki Mukami 10- Reiji Sakamaki 1. Number 5 (Yuuma) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend? •Oh my goodness this would be so much fun- honestly, my mind goes back and forth from wanting to see him in nice black jeans with a nice collared blue and white checkered shirt, to ripped up jeans and a black leather jacket with his hair down. So, either cleaned up a little more than he already is, or total badboy ^^ 2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Ayato) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react? •....Excuse me sir? What is this?? Those are my panties??? Also lol it would be very amusing to see him poorly try to sing Ariana Grande and her high notes heheh. But, well, I would be very confused and red and like what oml- 3. Number 7 (Laito) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go? •...Can I get Misa to help me out with this one? She would be best to persuade him. Yeah, I would probably go get Misaki to come help me out -w- 4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Azusa) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it? •I would probably be going with it because I know Azusa wouldn’t do anything too bad with me. Okay, I would refuse parts of it probably if it involved hurting him or myself, but I wouldn’t mind sharpening knives? 5. Number 4 (Shuu) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react? •At first I probably wouldn’t pick up on that he was scared and believe it was just him falling asleep as normal, but then I would probably realize it and feel absolutely horrible. That would be followed by gently stroking his hair and telling him that he’s going to be okay, and that I’m here for him. I’d probably also be panicking about this scary movie though- 6. Number 9 (Ruki) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it? •Hell yes that cake is probably some really good fancy stuff. But maybe not, who knows? Although I know his cooking is excellent so I would very much enjoy it. I’d probably also ask if he wants to share it and such ^^ 7. Number 8 (Shin) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond? •If he comes and stays with me, he would have to stay on the couch. The only way he could probably get away with staying on my bed is if he was in his wolf form because I would just be like what a good boy and forget- 8. Number 1 (Subaru) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do? •...Cry because it would break my heart to tell him no but also I wouldn’t be able to sleep so like yeah- I would probably put my earbuds in and play music there to fall asleep just to avoid crushing his dreams. 9. Number 10 (Reiji) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do? •...First of all ask if he’s feeling alright?? That seems very... not like him. I would most likely wear the cat onesie anyway because I am obsessed with cats and love how comfy onesies are, but I don’t know if I would agree to do it in public. Although I might, just because Reiji can be very intimidating to me. 10. Number 4 (Shuu) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do? •Knowing me I would just be like “yeah go ahead come on in!” I’m naturally a really open and snuggly person in general, so I wouldn’t really mind at all. I would rather him be not scared. If he tried to make a move though idk how that would go- 11. Number 3 (Kou) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them? •Okay but like what- anyway, I would tell him to go for it and practice stretching. Everyone should be able to at least work on achieving their dreams ^^ 12. Number 7 (Laito) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say? •... Knowing Laito, it bETTER NOT BE A SITUATION WHERE HE ASKS POSING NOT CLOTHED. I would wear clothes either way though. Anyway, I would just be like “yeah looks great lovely I love it-“ even if it didn’t look like me, since art is something that is important to me and I don’t know if he was actually trying or not. I would feel horrible if he actually tried and I was like “no” that’s just not something I would do. 13. Number 5 (Yuma) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond? •nO???? Like snakes are cool and if he were to want one I would support and be all for it, but it’s not staying in my room. There was this one show.. Fatal Attractions? Probably not what it’s called I’m going to look it up but I’ll leave how off I was up there just for giggles... ...Just kidding I was right!! Anyways, the ones with snakes... I’ve seen enough of those to scare me into not wanting a snake in my room whoops- 14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Azusa) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do? •PANIC. I mean, luckily I’m with Azusa, and it would be nothing against him either, I’m just sorta terrified of heights. Poor bean would probably have to comfort me but I don’t know if that would happen or not- 15. Number 2 (Ayato) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action? •Okay this sounds like something he would do too though so um... well, I would probably try to call him out, but it would be one of those “Aye! Quit it!” Things where it won’t really work because I’ll just start laughing about it. 16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Kou) standing in it. How do you react? •......AaaaaAAAaaaah hello-? If I was not fully clothed I would probably panic and pull clothes on as fast as possible. Also like- ask why he was there and what he was doing? I would be very flustered and panicked haha. 17. Number 1 (Subaru) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do? •I would probably giggle at how hilarious the situation was, and knowing Subaru he would be so flustered and snappy and such. There would be so many funny scenarios like seriously, and it would either lead to a way out or to something kinky 👀 18. Number 10 (Reiji) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react? •I’d be very confused? Thanks for the flowers though- 19. You go swimming with number 8 (Shin). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how? •Panic and go look for those swim trunks. I ain’t looking below his waist though that isn’t going to happen- 20. Number 5 (Yuuma) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Shin) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it? •....HAHAHA I FIND THIS SO IRONIC- anyway- Shin would probably rip it up and hunt poor Yuuma down. There would be some whole huge drama that’s for sure- 21. Number 7 (Laito) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Kou) a strip tease. What happens? •I can see this actually happening too whoops haha. Anyway, depending on Kou’s mood, I could see Laito doing it anyway and Kou being either very pissy or recording it for blackmail or to post on his blog to embarrass Laito. Little does he know, Laito doesn’t give a shit and takes it as maybe some endorsement on his quest to get to some more girls- c: 22. Number 6 (Azusa) and number 2 (Ayato) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why? •.......Probably Ayato just because like their personalities and yeah. I feel like part of me would be like “no screw this I can’t choose-“ because I just don’t want to have to tell one that he’s better than the other. 23. Number 1 (Subaru) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Ruki’s) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do? •I could see this happening. I would help out however I could, or end up saying he should come clean. But I would most likely help Subaru despite my own advise- 24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shuu) and number 10 (Reiji) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now? •Also very ironic. Well, we would have all probably had to have been drunk to get to that point. Me and Reiji would have to at least. I would probably wake up with this “ <: “ look on my face but still. A night of drinking would lead to that. 25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Ruki), number 6 (Azusa) and number 3 (Kou). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together? •Well first of all poor Yuuma is left out, but also it’s a blessing they’re all from the same family so there won’t be any fighting (at least I hope). Honestly I would probably want to fish at some point, walk around the woods, take some pretty pictures, draw, and all that fun stuff. I’d probably do a lot of messing around with Kou tbh because the thought of camping with Kou just sounds like a whole lot of fun to me. 26. Number 9 (Ruki) and number 4 (Shuu) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal? •Ruki would be screaming and Shuu would just be like “idgaf.” I would probably go to Reiji for help right away but I don’t know how that would go. 27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Yuuma), number 7 (Laito), and number 10 (Reiji). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage? •I feel like Laito would win with some strategy of some sort because I know he’s intelligent with this sort of stuff I’m pretty sure? Yuuma would be the one to go bankrupt and rage. Probably throw and break the board haha. 28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Shin) and number 2 (Ayato). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do? •Cry- just kidding. But maybe not. I feel like it would be hard being trapped between the two of them just because of who they were. I would probably get teased a lot because of the complete panic and that I’m terrible at directions, so, I would probably have to rely on them to get back. 29. Number 1 (Subaru) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react? •”IT’S BEAUTIFUL YOU’RE SO TALENTED I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU-“ there’s no way it would go any other way. Again, in general, music is also one of those things where I couldn’t say no to someone, especially if it’s something for me. He would receive many hugs and I would be super happy even if it was horrible. 30. Number 1 (Subaru) and number 2 (Ayato) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond? •I wouldn’t know how to respond, especially if it just followed after a fight. I would probably be upset, so I probably would say “maybe later” and just kinda step out without responding. I wouldn’t be in the right mindset to say yes or no especially following something like that. It would also depend on relationship status and how close we were and such. Idk. That’s just a big mess ah. —— That’s it, all 30 questions answered~! Thanks for the tag ❤️ I look forward to writing and drawing more on here. Hopefully these can be a few icebreakers her~ love you all❤️ I’m again too scared to tag people so I’ll leave this as it is.
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nightstareternal · 7 years
DL Character Meme Tag
I was tagged by @littleladysuzanne. I always look forward to your tags <3
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Shin
2. Carla
3. Azusa
4. Kanato
5. Kou
6. Ruki
7. Shu
8. Ayato
9. Subaru
10. Laito
1. Number 5 (Kou) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
I'm just going to be blunt when I say I have no fashion sense. I would seriously be no help in this matter 😅
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Carla) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
Omg I can just imagine the horror on Carla's face when he is caught! XD I would honestly probably be too shocked and dumbfounded for several moments until most likely Carla snaps me back into reality to quickly leave the room.
3. Number 7 (Shu) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
The best but unsafe bet is to take his music away. He wouldn't be able to get it back unless he went.
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ruki) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
Why do I feel this would be fitting for Ruki? Knowing Ruki, this could either go smoothly enough or horribly wrong. >_<
5. Number 4 (Kanato) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
I could see Kanato reacting in anger and throw a tantrum every time he is scared. The only way to help him calm down is by giving him his favorite sweets. He would also insist that I get some for Teddy too.
6. Number 9 (Subaru) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
I would be genuinely surprised by the gesture. As long as I feel it's ok to eat, I wouldn't mind to take a slice and then share the cake with Subaru too ^_^
7. Number 8 (Ayato) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
If it's Ayato, I would feel a little weary about it but I doubt he would give me the option to refuse. As long as he doesn't trash my room as well, I suppose he could stay over.
8. Number 1 (Shin) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
Shin, I love you but a girl has got to sleep. If I don't sleep, I can probably be just as stubborn and grumpy as he can be at times.
9. Number 10 (Laito) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
Why can I see this scenario happening with Laito? It seems like something he would do and he would have to force it on me to wear it in public.
10. Number 4 (Kanato) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
I would do my best to make room on my bed and let him sleep next to me. We would then fall asleep as we cuddle with our precious teddy bears <3 (and yes, I still sleep with stuffed animals at night)
11. Number 3 (Azusa) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Since he struggles with even touching his toes, I would recommend practicing Yoga to strengthen both his flexibility and core strength. Then it would be a matter of building some muscles but most of this could be built as he takes gymnastics lessons.
12. Number 7 (Shu) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
This could go different ways. If the painting still has artistic qualities to it, I would probably like it. If it doesn't, I probably wouldn't be too happy with the end result.
13. Number 5 (Kou) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Kou... it's not going to happen.
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ruki) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Depending on certain circumstances, I could be calm or worried. If it's only for a short while and the seat doesn't rock a lot, then I would probably be fine. Though if it's a old carnival Ferris wheel, Ruki would have to sit through and listen to my panicked self. 😅
15. Number 2 (Carla) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
I would probably make a casual mention of it but Carla would most likely dismiss it as a foolish thought.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Azusa) standing in it. How do you react?
I would be pretty confused to why he would be in there but knowing Azusa, I can see him just showing up in random places at random times.
17. Number 1 (Shin) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
Considering I'm someone who needs their own perosnal space, I can't see this going well for long even if it's with Shin.
18. Number 10 (Laito) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
I would have to politely turn him down. Hopefully he wouldn't try to seduce me after the rejection. >.>;
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Ayato). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
When no one is looking, I would quickly toss him a towel to cover himself with. If there's no luck finding his swimwear, I would go buy a new pair to replace the one he lost.
20. Number 5 (Kou) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Ayato) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
I feel like Ayato would get a good laugh from reading it depending on how much is confessed in the letter.
21. Number 7 (Shu) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Azusa) a strip tease. What happens?
I could only see this going wrong in the long end...
22. Number 6 (Ruki) and number 2 (Carla) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I can honestly only see this ending in a tie. Carla would probably through a fit knowing he tied with a vampire XD
23. Number 1 (Shin) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Subaru) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
I seriously would not want to get involved in this. I'm sure Shin could hold his own just fine against Subaru but I wouldn't want to face his wrath >_<
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Kanato) and number 10 (Laito) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
If I have no reason to feel like anything more went on, I would most likely just lie there confused and wouldn't move until I remembered how I got there.
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Subaru), number 6 (Ruki) and number 3 (Azusa). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
If the weather is nice, going on a walk through the woods would be nice. Then as soon as it gets dark, it's campfire time. ^^
26. Number 9 (Subaru) and number 4 (Kanato) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
I could see Kanato throwing a fit because of the situation and want to get back to his own body while Subaru would be moody with some furniture meeting their untimely end. R.I.P.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Kou), number 7 (Shu), and number 10 (Laito). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
I can just imagine Laito's face as he wins the game, Shu could care less he went bankrupt, while Kou would forever remember this loss and will plan his revenge. Gotta keep the wins and losses even for him ;)
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Ayato) and number 2 (Carla). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
Despite not liking the situation, the only choice would be to keep on walking until we find our way back or until someone comes find us. Hopefully the former would happen first OAO
29. Number 1 (Shin) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
I would be touched by the gesture and probably couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth. I've never been good in situations like this 😅
30. Number 1 (Shin) and number 2 (Carla) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
Talk about a battle for the pride and future of the Founders. I feel even if I turned down Carla's proposal, I would probably be left with no choice but to marry him. I'm so sorry Shin ;A;
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jsuki · 7 years
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Jsuki; DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade - Character Ranking & After-thoughts
I've got this game for over a year...(omg), but with so many other series and new games to play, I kinda kept this on my shelf after unboxing it, till recently. LP follows the style similar to Vandead Carnival, with the mini-games and sub-scenarios. It seems to be a very loose continuation from Dark Fate if you wish, but there really isn't much crucial plot, which means you can play this off the bat even if with no knowledge on DL prior. I also questioned why they really made this game, since it's so similar to VC and so low on importance...maybe for the Carla or Shin fans who are desperate to see their faves in a carnival setting? :/ Actually no, it's probably to get the die-hard DL fans like myself to spend more money.
Plot: Yui dreams that she had a conversation with a mysterious man, who asks her if she feels she is missing something, and also if the man she loves truly loves her for who she is or simply for her blood. Then one day, the Sakamaki / Mukami family receives an invitation by a certain Count Walter (who has stolen Yui's heart, literally), asking for them to come join a parade in the demon realm. In order to retrieve her heart, the boys and Yui travel there, before the temporary jewel that gives her life that's embedded in her body wears out, and then she dies. In this game, Yui is already in love with the boy and they are a couple, so for whoever's route you pick, the boy will be the one accompanying Yui on her fantabulous heart-retriving journey. There is also no illustration whatsover of Count Walter, or his butler, but I imagine in my heart that he's some crazy old bat similar to Karl Heinz.
Each of the boys' routes only have 4 chapters + ending. In order to get a good final end, you need to get at least 2 right answers and also the pass the mini-game. It's really the VC style, except simpler I think, since the answers are quite easy and you can even pick the level of the mini-game (I usually go for normal, but if you're unconfident, you can just go for easy, which makes it easier to pass). The general plot also goes like this: Enter realm > tries to find Count Walter > runs into random trouble > solve trouble while playing at the carnival > Count Walter returns heart?? The game was not without its loopholes too; I understand that when Yui doesn't have a heart, blood won't be pumping through her body, and so, her smell won't attract any vampires. However, when Count Walter returns her her heart, it seems she can still prance around enjoying the parade with no problems after, lolol.
I've done up a usual Top 5 character ranking, which will contain some spoilers, so please read at your own risk! Please also know that I didn't jot down any notes or write the descriptions instantly after finishing each route, so everything's off the top of my head. Top 5 is also from favourite to least favourite routes!
Sakamaki Subaru: Tsunbaru continues to strike in LP! Going into the demon world, they actually enter Count Walter's mansion immediately, where Subaru threatens the Count instantly by knocking over the some expensive art in his house. Unfortunately, it seems the Count won't appear anymore, so they figured they'll have to replace the broken art piece if they even want to discuss him returning Yui's heart. They go to find an eccentric old art collector, who sets them out on 3 tasks. In the end, Count Walter really does just return Yui's heart to her, after the 3 tasks were finished. (LOL Count Walter is a weirdo with too much time on his hands.) But Subaru was just super sweet throughout, and you actually get character development! Subaru first sees Yui being kind and helpful to others, and at the end, he does the same (which becomes key to solving task 3). I actually really like that. Despite Subaru bellowing at half of the things, in the end, he and Yui dress up in costumes, send lanterns in the sky, and kiss in the middle of the parade. My heart<3
Mukami Ruki: While his was a bit too serious and negative(?) during Vandead Carnival, I felt like his route this time was really enjoyable! He’ll keep the task in mind, still let them enjoy the carnival, but then tease Yui and there’ll be a lot of hot, kissing scenes ((((:
Sakamaki Kanato: Kanato is actually a fun route for me to play, unexpectedly! Despite his tantrums and all, he was hell-bent on getting Yui’s heart back, and I thought the entire route was quite the adventure, from them getting swept up in the sky, to running amock in the caves. He was also pretty sweet (in the scenarios where he should be). Such a far cry from the Kanato I know in the first two games!
Sakamaki Shu: I can’t quite remember what happened in Shu’s route anymore :/ It wasn’t memorable, and as usual, Shu is just kinda sluggish, reluctant and logical about his actions to retrieving Yui’s heart. Mainly, they were running around trying to track Count Walter’s butler. They had cute moments tho, like them holding hands as they stroll through the parade, or when they rode the ferris wheel. I remember one thing that annoyed me was how awkward some of his CGs looked…it’s like their art and design department forgot how the kiss scenes go, and that final CG of them kissing especially looked like they’re trying to merge their faces together :| I’M SO CONFUSED. OK but I don’t remember hating his route, so it must just be so-so.
Sakamaki Ayato: Ayato is my favourite character, so when he is out of character, it stands out extra to me. While in the demon world, Ayato and Yui run into constant trouble, which is mostly because Ayato is too brash and too violent, and goes around hitting people or intruding onto other people’s premises =_= Instead of really focusing on getting Yui’s heart back, it’s more like we’re running around, trying to fix some irrelevant shit that Ayato started. There were also scenes where Ayato tries to kiss Yui at obviously inappropriate situations, so none of it feels romantic to me because clearly, the mood isn’t there. I was generally pretty frustrated doing Ayato’s route b/c it was as though Ayato had no sense of urgency, even though when there comes a crucial moment to talk about how important Yui’s heart is, he’s able to do it, but his actions along the way don’t prove that. In the end, Ayato admits and assures Yui that he loves her, not simply for her heart, but also for her soul, and they make out at the ferris wheel before the parade ends. The route then ended and I had no idea whatever happened with Count Walter, the demon world’s citizens and the bad guys????? Overall, a route with no heads or tails.
Bonus → Sakamaki Laito (This is up because he's the only guy I happened to type out the description for, so I shan't let it go to waste now): Is it just because I dislike Laito? I felt like he wasn’t very serious about the fact that she LOST HER HEART, and that he finds it to be troublesome trying to retrieve it. Half the time, since they can’t seem to enter Count Walter’s mansion, they get played into this young vampire swindler’s hands, who promises them that he knows the way in. They meet a bunch of tiring hurdles, somehow gets lucky and passes them, but then there is no actual meaning as to how they contribute to the big picture. You feel they’re all just kinda one-off, but at the end of the day, Count Walter says he is impressed and then just gives Yui her heart back <_< It’s like, in the end, Laito already given up and just says, “Let’s enjoy the parade” and Yui is like, “Let’s”. CLEARLY THEY HAVE GIVEN UP. I think partially it is just Laito’s supposed personality, but I’ve never been a fan of him so I guess it just wasn’t enjoyable.
Additionally, there are also the ‘Care for vampire’ and ‘Date with (insert family name)’ scenarios. I thought the the Date with Sakamakis one was super cute, where the boys each take turns to take Yui out on a date, such as Shu taking her shopping, and Subaru bringing her to a public cafe and drink from a heart-shaped straw…because they’re silently competing as to which brother she enjoys going on dates with the best. Hilarious stuff!
Overall, even as a DL fan, you don't really need this game. If you're desperate for a carnival setting, please play Vandead Carnival, since it's a lot better, with better CGs to boot. They really recycled a lot of stuff (including the mini-games and BGM), and the plot is thin too, and if I knew earlier, I would actually skip the game myself.
Currently, I'm playing UtaPri Repeat Love~ will post up a review as usual after I'm done! Other games that I've also pre-ordered for my PSV include Osomatsu-san THE GAME, MARGINAL#4 ROAD TO GALAXY. Still considering Tsukiuta's Tsukitomo. I'M BUSY.
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“at least the jury is still out on that one, so to speak”
so to speak is right, phoenix :T
ok rayfa. easy there.
aw. the dad is so strong that he cant even bear to see the murder brat sad. 
hdgdhfgh im gonna die he’s trying to cheer her up by acting like the bad guy
at the risk of sounding tumblry, phoenix wright is a cinnamon roll, to pure or whatever 
...is this kooraheen’s ‘happy people’?
.....i don't like it
ahlbi doesn’t get to be an assistant but he does get to carry all my unwanted crap!
“first the high priest, and then his disciple! maya fey will pay for this!”
ah yes, she’ll pay for killing off people we recently proved to be dangerous insurgents. 
well ok there’s no possible way Maya could have killed him that night.
“they think she came down the stairs and stabbed him” yes in front of 200 praying people. no, they weren't looking up but probably the sound of a knife being driven into flesh and also footsteps may have alerted them???
rayfa wants to know how a time of death is determined, not for real... but because she wants to know what the idiot groundlings believe ?
either she’s an idiot and she doesn’t realize its completely legitimate, or the writers are still trying to make fun of religion via the “science and religion don't mix” joke which quite frankly is getting REALLY TIRESOME
ok... well I'm not scientific expert but doesn’t the body eventually reach a steady temperature? how could you determine how long the body took to cool down if it was cooled down for a long enough period of time? also, it was really cold on that mountain. 
something tells me this will be useful later.
again capcom, pointing out how unlikely your plot is doesnt make it better. it makes it worse.
“I will curse you and your disciples for eight generations!”
I'm pretty sure apollo and the series has already been cursed, mrs. inmee.
every time she kisses his picture i cry 
Zehlot arrived at the same time as Maya, but Mrs. Inmee is more inclined to believe that Maya is a murderer? I mean yes she supposedly killed off the other two, but jeez. Talk about favouritism. 
they let us check out the trash again... simply for a joke about phoenix digging through trash. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
katchu-dehmal, eh? Pokémon gonna sue 
hey um mrs. inmee
you've got a little something on your wrist...............
“Puhray always prayed a lot”
the terrible naming convention just makes that sound incredibly stupid
“She may say these terrible things, but it was just the way she was raised, I guess”
um... a lesson in tolerance i guess
“I didn’t know him very well”
you didnt know the guy you stayed with for two years?? man i guess Puhray really did pray the most.
i love that theyre mentioning ramen and burgers
and also that phoenix is offering to buy for maya
its the little things that make this game liveable 
everybody loves steel samurai!!!
“Whooops... its coming undone... WHOA!”
yes, it is indeed a very sexy picture. nice legs.
“tentacled hag frog”
what is this, last airbender??
“a spirit’s memory is cut off at the moment of death”
well of course. that’s how Mia was able to come to court knowing what was going on and being able to set phoenix on the right direction!
genius retcon there, guys. I guess that’s why Mia doesn’t make a comeback in this game :/
“helped neighbouring countries seek counsel”
actually thats an interesting callback to the original games where they state that before DL-6, Misty and Kurain village were famous for helping out people in high places. this i do not mind so much.
... though i doubt this would prevent you being invaded, Kooraheen. Also considering she mentions ‘keeping their unique culture’ as an aside to that fact, and the fact that a lot of this fictional country is based off of Tibet... Ouch.
hey, there’s that ol’ Khumerican spirit!
“so the queen can perform the dance of devotion? that’d be a sight to see”
Phoenix stop imaging the queen in a mini skirt.
“theres no reason to panic, the police are on his trail”
the police that let him run on foot out of a crowded courtroom. 
id say you can panic now.
in exchange for his visual youthfulness, phoenix has physically aged considerably.
meanwhile, Gregory Edgeworth was rocking major wrinkles at 35 and he was fit as a fiddle.
Oh Capcom, when will your beauty-based cruelty end??
are we legit going to search for Datz
ok now i rly wanna hear what a Warb’aad sounds like.
further proof that phoenix is a huge carnivore. i am pleased.
boy kooraheen isn't very accessible is it. stairs everywhere
i love that no matter where he is, phoenix is always buying food for children.
alright enough fun stuff. into the absurdly spacious sewer we go!
I'm legitimately laughing my ass off why is it so funny that Ahlbi didn’t know his dog could track scents????
...oh my god no... i stg... dont you dare 
i dont know who’s stupider: the rebels or the police
he... can eat... an entire apple... that is half the size of his face... in one bite.
this, truly, is a man to be feared
ranger hobo, your new nickname is Potential Vore Machine
>phoenix likes apples
further proof he is a good boy
wow thats even worse
i thought they’d just put their base in the sewers, but no; their base is an OLD LAW OFFICE AKA THE FIRST PLACE YOU’D LOOK FOR LAWYER REBELS
again, not sure who’s stupider: the rebels, or the police?
“public enemy #1 is a lawyer? didnt see that coming”
clearly you expect more from this game, phoenix
“Im gonna sell out my best friend!”
if he wasnt a rebel anymore he'd have kicked your ass since youre a lawyer, phoenix. its not that hard to put together that he’s lying. ...for some reason. 
LAME. YOU cant show him your badge??? bullshit.
fucking christ even when he whistles his mouth is larger than it should be. 
he really is rebel!larry isn’t he
so Dhurke has a power glare, huh? 
“is this a law book? the dragon’s mark has been branded onto the cover...”
pfffttt edgy 
hmm. must be a new law-book if the defence culpability act is in it, since if i remember correctly that law was only recently introduced.
i love that Dhurke’s shit is just everywhere in this stupid house
...no way is he actually doing to
i can’t even say punk’d. Phoenix, why would you try on a jacket that once belonged to a rebel leader while inside a rebel base that you’re not even sure is friendly to you? 
like i 
sense of preservation just goes out the window at the idea of looking cool?? actually to be fair that kind of makes sense for Phoenix so 
phoenix you should take it home and get it dry-cleaned.
“hmm this is an old photo...” says phoenix looking at a photo that’s as bright and shiny as the day it was taken. also he correctly guesses that it was taken 20 years ago based on... what evidence??
actually if he actually acknowledged that thats OBVIOUSLY APOLLO THERE then he’d have an actual metric to go by but NOPE! just bullshit magic deductions!
yeah or Nahyuta’s pulling a long game and you assholes are too impatient 
i cant believe I'm defending sadmad :/
somehow Datz carried Phoenix through a tiny trapdoor and into this room huh
yay psyche locks!
Soj... you may not be... completely horrible.
yeah phoenix, he was going to stab you if he thought you were on the side of the Queen
feel even stupider about that jacket now?
“Keera was working with the government the whole time?!”
well i mean what other motivation would they have? even if they were doing it for religious reasons that still lines up with the government’s intentions. 
this whole thing has a blacklisting smell on it too.
“a lawyer killed the queen, so the public turned against lawyers”
if that was how things worked, America would loath actors. 
“why does he have to jump like that before running off”
cause he’s a cartoon character 
“Well I guess we’re friends now”
oh phoenix 
my lonely baby
also where the fuck is Shah’do? That dog is a better policeman than every official in Kooraheen.
and i love that nobody notices people entering and exiting a sewer in broad daylight.  
well that was exactly where i thought it was
well well well well well well
this is interesting
“I think I’ll take a picture of this super secret rebel base”
search every nook and cranny eh
“if the rebellion ever happens, i hope its bloodless”
while that’s sweet of you phoenix, you can count on it now, sincE YOU’VE REVEALED THE SOURCE OF THEIR WEAPONRY TO THE ENEMY
“What’s this? A bloodstain?”
Hope it is not Chris’ bloodstain...
this is where capcom hides characters they don’t like
Klavier is somehwere in this room....... festering
well we’ve come to the end of another investigation 
tbh I'm starting to get into the storyline, though it still doesn’t feel like an Ace Attorney game
it’s more like... it’s like someone took their Ace Attorney AU and made an entire game about it. It’s got some cool points to it, but all in all, it just doesn’t... fit, I guess?
Oh well. onto trial #2 and saving Maya’s butt once again
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1200
Monday, February 12, 2018
 My old partner and dearly departed friend Ron Norton came up with the title of these weekly musings. I seem to remember that it was after I left Vancouver and The Comicshop and moved to Ottawa to manage The Silver Snail in 1990. I can't remember when I started numbering them but I was commenting on the comic books that I read for The Comicshpper, The Comicshop's monthly newsletter way before off the rack #1. This is some time during the 1980s so who knows what this latest off the rack should be numbered at. I've thought about quitting many times but a handful of people who read them every week keep me going. I'm grateful for their feedback and encouragement. Thanks to Chris R, Charles dL, Doug S, Tom Mc, and Ryan J. It looks like I'll stop when I'm no longer working.
 X-Men Red #1 - Tom Taylor (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Ive Svorcina (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). If you read the 5-issue mini Phoenix Resurrection you'll not be surprised that the original Jean Grey is back on the racks. If you didn't, you should read it to find out how she comes back from the dead, or you can just accept the fact that she's back. This debut opens with a familiar situation where the X-Men rescue a young mutant from a mob of anti-mutant non-mutants. This leads to a flashback to another mutant rescue and the scary notion fostered by the general population that all mutants must be eliminated. That's the cue for Jean to gather her Red Team: Nightcrawler, Namor, Wolverine/Laura and Honey Badger/Gabby. Including Namor was a surprise to me. I can see where Jean and the King of Atlantis will butt heads later. Most of this issue seemed like the same old mutants trying to live in a world that fears and hates them and it is, but then the villain is revealed and I want to see what the bad guy wants.
 Superman #40 - James Robinson (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Jaime Mendoza & Scott Hanna (inks) Wil Quintana (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The Last Days part 1. Mark your calendars, February 8 is the day that Krypton exploded. It's true. It says so in this comic book. This is a Superman and son story where Jon tags along to help save another planet on the verge of exploding. They run into a problem when they get there as the natives are not amenable to being saved. Me, I would have said suit yourselves, see you never and left them to their fate but not Superman. I would be a lousy super hero. I may mock this story but I really like Doug's art so I will keep reading.
 VS #1 - Ivan Brandon (writer) Esad Ribic (art) Nic Klein (colours) Aditya Bidikar (letters). That's Versus in case you're old like me and don't get what the title stands for. I pulled this off the rack for the visual feast that is any comic book with art by Esad Ribic. The story is similar to The Hunger Games but with teams of soldiers fighting each other for fame and glory. I suppose video gamers would enjoy this but I'm reading this one because of the art.
 Runaways #6 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Find Your Way Home part 6. This relaunch is starting out similarly to the original but instead of fighting evil parents they're fighting an evil grandparent. The Runaway that saves the day surprised me. I can't wait for Victor to get a body.
 Swamp Thing Winter Special #1 - There are two stories in this 80-page giant. The Talk of the Saints by Tom King (writer) Jason Fabok (art) Brad Anderson (colours) & Deron Bennett (letters) is swamp monster versus snow monster but not what you may think. It was actually a really cool story. The second story is a first issue of a new Swamp Thing series by Len Wein (writer) Kelley Jones (art) Michelle Madsen (colours) that was supposed to be the sequel to Swamp Thing: The Dead Don't Sleep the 6-issue mini that hit the racks in the spring of 2016. There is no letterer credit because the story is presented without words. Len had not completed a lettering script before he passed away. It is the power of his writing and Kelley's art that makes what you see a understandable story even without any words. Len's story pages are provided to fill things out for us and it's cool to see how Kelley brings the story to the pages of the comic book. The Swamp Thing is my favourite occult character because of all the creators that have told his stories.
 Avengers #679 - Al Ewing, Jim Zub & Mark Waid (writers) Kim Jacinto (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). No Surrender part 5. This issue clears up two mysteries. Who is the Grandmaster's opponent and why they are playing this game. The change in art styles was made less annoying because of the consistent colouring of David Curiel. I also noticed a difference in the writing too and you can see that Al Ewing is listed first in the writing credits this issue after Mark Waid had been during the first four. It's interesting to me that I noticed these differences.
 Infinity Countdown Adam Warlock #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Michael Allred (art) Laura Allred (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I've know Adam Warlock since he went by just plain Him. My favourite run of stories was when Jim Starlin drew Adam and all the weird and wonderful alien cast like Pip the Troll and Gamora. The character is tied to the soul gems and with the new Avengers movie focusing on Thanos and the soul gems in the Infinity Gauntlet it's time to exploit the heightened interest by putting a bunch of Infinity Countdown books on the racks. This one teams Warlock with Kang and when Kang is involved time travel is sure to follow. Ugh. If you're nostalgic for the comic books that were written in the late sixties you'll like this. I'm going to read the next part in Infinity Countdown Prime, which hits the racks on February 21, but if it's as stilted as this book I won't be impressed enough to read the rest unless they have creative teams that interest me.
 Daredevil #598 - Charles Soule (writer) Ron Garney (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Ron Garney is not a flashy artist like Jim Lee but his gritty style really fits the urban setting of this book. Now that Wilson Fisk is the mayor of New York City he will be appointing various commissioners to help him run the place. It's very interesting to see who the big man is inviting to the table. Meanwhile the artist villain Muse is getting under the mayor's skin but it looks like the Kingpin has plans to deal with him that are sure to make things deadly for Daredevil. I love all the shenanigans.
 She-Hulk #162 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Jahnoy Lindsay (art) Frederico Blee (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). The banner across the top of the cover says "Jen Walters Must Die". That's pretty ominous. What we have this issue is a psychotherapy session where we get to see where Jen's head is at. It results in a minor transformation that will change the character. I look forward to seeing what's next.
 Amazing Spider-Man #795 - Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Terry Pallot (inks) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Threat Level: Red part 2. What the hey? Loki is Sorcerer Supreme now? Then what is Doctor Strange up to? We find out what kind of red threat Spidey will be facing soon but the ads for Amazing Spider-Man #797 seems to indicate that it's only temporary. That kind of downplays the threat don't you think?
 Spider-Man #237 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue is all about the difficulties with family ties. Miles and his evil uncle and Lana and her evil mother Bombshell don't see eye to eye but the adults are in control. You won't get Spider-Man fighting the Hobgoblin like it shows on the cover but Hobbie is in this issue at least.
 Motor Girl Volumes 1 & 2 - Terry Moore (story & art). I started reading the story of Samantha Locklear as floppies but had to stop partway through because the store could only order the few subscription service copies that was needed and not even an extra rack copy or else we would not make a profit. I'm glad that the whole thing was collected quickly and made available in these two trade paperbacks so that I could finish reading. Sam is a marine vet who served in Iraq and came home scarred both physically and emotionally. It's a story of her struggle to heal. It's got apes and aliens and is a whole lot of fun. One of the perks of working in a comic book store is that I can read them without having to pay for them. I bought Terry's Rachel Rising omnibus soft cover when that was available and I bought these too. He is one of the very few comic book creators that I will spend my hard earned money on.
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