#I took heavy inspiration from the in-game proposal scenes
colorpuffball · 3 years
Prompt: Forest path
Breaking news: Local ocean boy gets proposed to in the middle of a forest?!
“We’re nearly there! Are you excited?” You gesture with your hands, but make sure to keep them on top of the steering wheel.
You turn to Cove, who quickly swallows a mouthful of chips. With a grin he replies.
“Yeah! I’m so glad that we finally have a chance to go back and see everything that the Redwood National Park has to offer.”
You sigh apologetically. “It’s a shame though, I really wish we could’ve gotten off work in time to get here on your birthday.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m just happy that we get to go together in the end.” Cove shakes his head, some of the chip crumbs fall from his face in the process.
You shoot him an exasperated look. Your boyfriend never changes, but that’s exactly what you love about him. He’s Cove! Your Cove.
Which is exactly why you decided to propose to him.
Your first attempt failed, with you chickening out at the last moment, but with his birthday coming up, the two of you had planned to go somewhere together. That was the birth of your new plan:
Step 1: Find a scenic, yet secluded spot
Step 2: Get down on one knee, don’t fall over
Step 3: Ask him to marry you without short-circuiting
Step 4: Hope he says yes
Step 5: Profit
Which is easier said than done. Or, thought than done?
Either way, you steeled yourself, today was the day. You cannot leave here without asking, you even got 5 more days to prepare!
“Are you okay?” Cove’s concerned tone snaps you out of our thoughts.
“Me? Yes of course.” Your hands involuntarily tighten on the steering wheel before you take a deep breath to relax. You’re almost there, don’t blow it yet.
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm, don’t worry about it.”
You’re thankful that Cove takes your word for it and returns to his munching.
Too soon you’re parking your car under the redwood canopy. Cove gets out first, he seems excited to be able to stretch his legs. You, however, are trying to calm your racing heart.
Don’t panic or else you’ll ruin it, don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic.
You look out to make sure that Cove isn’t looking, and take one last look to make sure that the ring is safe in your pocket.
You still had the ring from your previous attempt, it was beautiful, the moment you saw it you thought of the beach, and in turn Cove. But because of the new setting, you decided to add something extra. It was an anklet you had made by hand, with help from Miranda. You opted to have the ring hang from it when you propose, instead of using a bulky box. For now it has letter beads that spell “Marry me?”, you made sure it was easy to remove so he could wear it even after the proposal.
If he says yes.
You squeeze your eyes shut as another wave of uncertainty hits you.
“Hey, are you okay?” Your eyes shoot open and you jolt in surprise as you hear Cove’s muffled voice from your window. He’s bent sidewards peering at you.
You smack your pocket, and rush to unlock the door.
“Yes I’m fine, sorry just a little carsick. Which is why we should start walking now! Yes, now.” You stop yourself from rambling on with a wry chuckle.
Cove gives you a look of disbelief, his wavy eyebrows furrowed.
Before he gets to say anything though, you take a deep breath and hold his hand, trying your best to give him the most confident yet comforting look you can muster.
“I mean it, I know I’ll be alright since you’re here with me after all. So let’s start walking.”
Cove smiles at you, but you can tell that he’s concerned. You really hope you don’t blow it before you even get to step 1.
You take your time walking down the path hand in hand. The two of you planned to do as many of the activities as possible to make the most of this weekend trip. You have two whole days after all. Thankfully you were able to calm down after a while, deciding to go with the flow. No matter what, today was a day for you and Cove to enjoy.
But as time always does, it moves faster when you want it to slow down. Now the sun is starting to set, giving the already red trees an orange glow.
By this time all of the activities have closed, leaving the two of you to make your way slowly back to the car. Your arms occasionally knock against each other’s, and your feet are aching. However the only thing stopping the tiredness is your anxiety.
Now or tomorrow, now or tomorrow? No, no more waiting. He might end up seeing the ring. The more I wait the more probable it is that I-
Your thoughts are interrupted as you trip and fall, Cove jerks back to look at you and-
Oh shoot, you’re on one knee.
You freeze up. Is this the moment? Do you tell him now? Is this fate? Has gravity decided to take pity on your floundering? Are you really about to propose to him on a random dirt forest path?
“Are you okay?” Cove reaches down to help you up, but you don't grab onto his hand, you simply hold it in yours.
“Cove.” That’s it, your 5 step plan is out the window, but it also seems that your brain has gone out the window.
He raises his eyebrow at your response. You take a deep breath and swallow before you continue.
“C-Cove Holden. You, you’re the most wonderful man I’ve ever gotten to know. Maybe the only man I’ve gotten to know, but that’s beside the point. Um, okay I may look incredibly silly right now, but I know for a fact that you love me,” you swallow again, your non-existent confidence crumbling even further, “wait, but that’s because I know that I love you even more than that. I, what I mean to say is that I think that we really compliment each other, and, and-”
You pause to look at Cove, gaging is reaction.
He’s the dictionary entry of ‘stunned’. His eyes are wide, his mouth agape, and his eyebrows barely touching his hairline.
You give his hand a squeeze, both to reassure him and yourself.
“We’ve known each other for so long now, it’s almost like yesterday that we were here as children. But to be specific, one of the things you told me really stuck with me.” You pull one hand away from his to pull out the anklet from your pocket, carefully turning his hand to place it firmly in his palm, the light of the sunset catching onto the ring. “Back then I didn’t have a name for what I felt about you, but it was so silly, the moment you said it, I went and asked my moms for an anklet. Every day with you was and still is the best thing I could ever ask for. Every memory I cherish has you in it Cove, and I hope that every other memory in it will have you from now on as well, but maybe except not as my boyfriend... but my husband? Will you marry me?”
You shakily inhale as you wait for him to answer. He looks to still be completely shell shocked.
You’re not sure if you’re surprised when Cove starts sobbing, his free hand knocking his glasses below his nose. The anklet crumples as he balls the other hand into a fist.
You know deep down not to panic, this was just how Cove was. You couldn’t help but add though. “I uh, I- Sorry do you need space?”
He shakes his head, his hand still firmly clamped over his eyes.
A quiet, “oh my god” escapes his lips, and he collapses onto his knees in front of you, his hands trembling as he grips the anklet and ring in his hands. You try your best to comfort him, shuffling over to press yourself against his side. You decide not to say anything, and give him time to find the right words. Only the gravity god knows how long it took you to get to say all that out loud.
After a few false starts, a few more stray tears, and a squeak high enough to rival a mouse, he starts.
He looks right into your eyes, and with a shaky voice he gives you his answer:
“Yes, of course I will.”
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lauwrite1225 · 3 years
Somebody to die for.
Finan x OC; The Old Guard inspired Alternative Universe
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Summary : Victoria's life is rather simple until she has a car accident from which she ends up miraculously unscathed. A series of weird events animates her daily life, everything seemingly bringing her to a strange man. Until this very man knocks at her door.
Spotify Playlist • Masterlist
A/N : And there it is, the first chapter of this fic I have been working on for a few weeks now! I'll post every Friday! A very BIG thank you too @maggiescarborough​ for all her precious help and thanks to whom this is story is way better than originally ahah!
Warnings : mention of blood and death
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Chapter 1 : I'm fallin' so I'm takin' my time on my ride
“Vicky you shouldn’t drive home so late.”
Victoria sighs as she climbs down the few stairs from her parents’ house down to the garden, her mother following her close. It’s dark and the motion detector activates the outdoor light, making the little path leading to where she parked her car more visible. 
“Stay for the night at least, you can leave early.” Her mother insists, arms crossed upon her chest to protect herself from the cold.
“I can’t mom.” She unlocks her car, throwing her bag on the passenger seat before turning around and leaning against the door. “I have to open the shop tomorrow and I don’t want to be late if there’s too many people on the road.” 
“That’s not safe, Vicky.”
“Come on, mom, it’s not the first time I’m driving during the night.” She exhales, sitting in the car and starting it. “I’ll text you when I’m home.” She smiles, ignoring her mother’s eye roll and closing the door. 
She slowly drives away from her parents' house, an old house lost in the middle of Essex. Her mother wasn't wrong about the risk of driving during the night on country roads, but Vicky took this road so many times, she's not really worried. She turns on the radio and turns the sound up when she recognizes the melody of Ride by Twenty one Pilots. Her fingers tap the steering wheel in rhythm with the drum, her head nodding regularly. She knows that song by heart and can't resist singing the lyrics as she drives in the direction of London. 
After half an hour of driving, a heavy rain is now falling, Vicky starts to regret not having listened to her mother. She woke up early this morning to be in time for the family lunch her parents have been harassing her about for a month. She yawns, her hand passing through her blond hair as she drives on a small quite deserted road. She tries to turn up the music louder to not fall asleep, but inevitably, her head starts to nod and her eyelids grow heavier. She closes her eyes, just one second, but when she opens them again, she’s blinded by the headlights of another car in front of her. Panicked, she hits the brake with all her strength, a slew of insults escaping her lips. The person in the vehicle in front seems to do the same and swerves. But inevitably, the two cars meet and the shock makes Vicky’s head hit the steering wheel violently.
For a long moment, it’s just darkness and silence and Victoria finds it awkwardly peaceful. She feels weak and out of her body, the strangest feeling she has ever felt. She can’t tell how long she’s been that way but suddenly it vanishes. She’s overwhelmed by all her senses who awaken at the same time. She panics, the feeling of her heart beating resounding in her whole body and the air painfully filling her lungs. She abruptly opens her eyes, straightening until the back of her head hits the car seat. 
It takes her a few minutes to calm her breath and to realize where she is, morning’s light blinding her. She’s still in her car, the windshield broken in a million pieces dispersed everywhere. She quickly notices the blood on the steering wheel and her clothes and immediately she brings her fingers to her forehead and indeed she finds fresh blood, but no wound. It should have reassured her, however it horrifies her. She tries to open the door and has to force it to finally leave the car. In the process, she falls on the floor and crawls to move away from the vehicle. The sleeves of her shirt are torn and stained with blood, but again, she’s perfectly healthy. Her confusion makes her sick and she leans on a side to throw up, her whole body shaking with a long thrill. 
Once her stomach is emptied she starts to look around her, now that there’s daylight she is able to see the fields that expand as far as the eye can see. She’s alone on this road, with her car with smoke coming out of the hood and absolutely no sign of the other vehicle. She stands on her feet, her legs shaking, and walks a little further to see if there’s anyone.
“They fucking left me alone.” She grumbles as she realizes she really was utterly alone. 
She walks back to her car and grabs her bag and jacket before searching her phone. When she finally has a hand on it, she sighs of relief. Though it doesn’t last long as she discovers how the screen is cracked. 
“New car and new phone it is, then.” Victoria speaks to herself, more to try to stay calm than anything. Fortunately, it’s still working but she realises right after that there's no signal. “Obviously.”
She looks around her one last time before facing the facts, she has to walk back home. She fills her bag with the important papers stacked in her car before walking away. After a quarter hour of walking, she starts to recognize where she is and estimates she should arrive in a village in another quarter hour. This time alone gives her the occasion to try to understand what happened last night. She obviously got into a car accident and the other person involved let her on her own, didn't even try to search for help, it is morning now, in six hours at least, if they left to find help, they should have already been back. No, they left her on her own as if she was dead. 
Victoria stops, the thought troubling her. She can't explain what she felt after the accident, she has already fainted a few times in her life, and it has never been like this before. But what is even more troubling, is that she's perfectly healthy, not even a scratch despite the blood she found on her clothes and in the car. Nothing is making sense.
She covers her face with both of her hands, then rubs her eyes as waking up from a bad dream. But she's still in the middle of a road, in the middle of nowhere. 
“What the hell?!” She shouts, frustrated by so much incomprehension. 
She continues to walk, she wipes the blood from her face before she reaches the village and puts her jacket on to hide the state of her clothes. She has no idea of what happened and she definitely doesn't want to have to explain it to anyone. She finishes her way home with public transports, and it's past midday when she arrives in London. She gets a few messages, from her boss and even more from her mother. She sends excuses to her boss with a lie and another lie to her mother, saying she fell asleep and forgot to text her before. 
Once she's in her small flat, she rushes to the shower after throwing her clothes in the washer. She stays at least an hour under the water, her mind playing the past events over and over until she's upset again. When she steps out of the shower, she’s starving. So she grabs the first thing she finds in her fridge, which happens to be the leftovers of her lunch from two days ago. She tries to remain distracted, turning on the TV and starting an episode of Game of Thrones, her best friend Rebecca has been harassing for a month to start watching the show. And for a brief hour, she’s captivated by the Battle of Bastards, and by how good looking Kit Harrington is in armor. 
The rest of the day is uneventful and when Rebecca visits her later in the afternoon Victoria hesitates to talk to her about her accident. But she’s pretty sure she’d simply think her completely crazy. 
“Are you alright, Vicky?” Rebecca eventually asks when she hands her a cup of tea. 
Victoria smiles kindly. “Yes.” She’s not used to lying to her best friend. They have known each other since middle school and she could count the number of times she lied to her on one hand, one being for her surprise birthday for her 18th birthday. “Why are you asking?”
She sits next to her friend on the couch, bringing her own cup of tea to her lips to blow on it. “I don’t know you’re very silent. And you said you weren’t feeling good this morning.”
“Oh… Well it was nothing, just felt nauseous.”
Rebecca narrows her dark eyes but doesn't push further. “How were your parents?” She asks, changing the subject, much to Vicky's pleasure.
“They were fine.” She takes a long sip of her tea. “They wondered if you'd like to come for dinner one day.”
Rebecca grins, her parents have always been pretty fond of her, even proposing her to join family events. It never bothered Victoria who was happy to have a friend with her. “Of course, I'll come. I just need a date.”
“I'll text you.”
Rebecca leaves after dinner and as soon as the door is closed Vicky falls into her bed, exhausted. She doesn't have time to overthink as usually when she tries to find sleep, she finds Morpheus' arms the moment she closes her eyes. But her sleep is far from being peaceful, her dreams bringing her sometime in the Middle Age, judging by the clothes of the men surrounding her. She's in the middle of a fight opposing warriors with long hair and tattooed faces and others with more modest appearance, only a fire alighting the area. She looks around her, trying to understand the scene, but her vision is almost constantly brought back to one of the warriors. It's a tall man, wearing leather armor above a greenish tunic, with dark hair and beard. He is using his sword with such ability, his movements swift and precise, Vicky can't help but be impressed. From the corner of her eyes she can see men falling and how trees seem to delimit a clearing. She looks up to the sky and can see the stars shining in the sky, never before she has seen them so clearly. Then, a sound catches her attention and she's staring at the warrior again. He is not fighting anymore, frozen and his face twisting into a grimace. She looks down to his abdomen in sync with him and she gasps as she sees the sword coming out of his belly. And it's like she can feel all his pain as the sword leaves his body, her guts tearing apart. The man coughs blood, falling on his knees, his hands pressed on the gaping hole in his abdomen. He finishes his fall, head first in the mud and Victoria can feel the life leaving his body as the man takes his last breaths, his brown eyes looking into the void. 
Victoria wakes up abruptly, sweating and panting. She presses a hand on her chest, desperately trying to calm her breath. Once she's calmed she pours herself a cup of water, still haunted by the sensation of her dream or maybe nightmare. She doesn't find sleep after that, so she just lies on her couch, watching TV, until morning comes and the hour she has to leave for work. 
It's only the first night of a dozen as sleepless. Most of the time, she finds herself in the Middle Age, in various places, some faces regularly appearing. Sometimes she's in other periods, even in modern days. But the common point to all her dreams is this man. Each time she can see him more clearly, his thick hair is most of the time cut short around his ears, a scar slashing his forehead while two small others are ornamenting his left cheekbone. One day, she decides to draw him, she spends the afternoon on it, but she's determined to make it as realistic as possible. As the lines darken the paper, she realizes how the man reminds her of someone. She sends the drawing to Rebecca without much explanation and she immediately replies to her that he reminds her of the guy from the conspiracy theory video they watched one late night. 
Victoria takes the time to search the video in her browser history, and indeed, Rebecca was right. The man is the spitting portrait of the one called the “time traveler”. She watches the video with probably much more interest than the first time, desperate to understand why he is haunting her nights. That's clearly the least credible story she has ever heard: a man, the same man, captured in pictures at different places and at different periods of time. A guy talented with photoshop could perfectly create this whole theory. She sighs, closing her laptop and just comes to the conclusion that her brain registered the man's face when she watched the video with Rebecca and simply has a fixation on it since. 
Curious to know the origins of the other faces she can see in her dreams, she draws them as well and she finds herself with three other men. The younger looking is blond with a bowl cut, a long face and an endearing smile. The two others look much more like warriors, one has long hair tied and shaved on the sides, his eyes a piercing blue, the other has different colour eyes and a tattoo covering the side of his neck. Once again, she sends her drawings to Rebecca but this time she has no idea of where she could have seen them. 
Days pass, the dreams don't fade but Victoria forgets about her accident and all the strange things that happened, until the police call her. Obviously, her car had to be found as she didn't call anyone to take care of it, she just wanted to forget what happened. She tries to give the best explanation to the police, telling them she's alright and shock made her forget to deal with her broken vehicle. After an hour on the phone they finally let her alone, adding that if she wanted to file a complaint there would probably not be a lot of results. She just replies that she will think of it, when in fact she won't at all.
As things couldn’t get weirder, one afternoon she meets an odd customer at the bookshop she’s been working for years now. She doesn’t notice him particularly, until she feels like he is staring at her behind his sunglasses. She tries to ignore him, but can’t resist staring back. He is wearing a grey sweatshirt, the hood covering his hair, but at the color of his beard she guesses it’s as dark. There’s something familiar to him and decided to understand what his problem with her is, she fully turns to face him. 
“Can I help you?”
The man seems to freeze, his hands sinking in the pockets of his trousers. He lowers his head and reads the badge with Victoria’s name on her jacket. He looks back to her and this time she raises an eyebrow, her arms crossing over her chest. 
“No that’s alright.” He mutters with an accent she doesn’t get in the moment. “Sorry for botherin’ ya.” 
He steps back and leaves the bookshop without another word. She doesn’t move for a moment, frowning and still staring at the shop’s door. She has dealt with a thousand customers in five years of working here, sometimes extremely weird, even more than this one, however it’s him who remains stuck in her head even a few days after his visit. 
But the culmination of this month filled by weird events happens a week after the man came to the bookshop. It’s a friday, and as usual, Vicky has her free afternoon and spends it at her flat, watching the last episode of Game of Thrones while drawing. But she’s interrupted by a knock on her door. She frowns, pretty sure she expected no one to come today. The person knocks again and she gets up from her desk chair. She unlocks the door, opens it, and before she can even say “hello”, she gasps in surprise at the sight of the man standing in front of her. 
Victoria has no doubts. It’s the man from her dreams or the one theorists call the “time traveler”, standing in the corridor of her floor with a tight, uncomfortable.
A/N : A first chapter full of misteries ahah ! Don’t hesitate to comment, express your ideas regarding what could happen or whatever could happen, I’m really curious to know ahah! See you next week for some answers ;)
Tags : @maggiescarborough​ @geekandbooknerd​ @obipoelover​ @finansarms​ ; Don’t hesitate to tell me if you want to be add to the tag list of the fic!
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spiffyspuffy · 4 years
My Mystic Messenger Opinions
(That no one asked for)
Character: 8/10 I know a lot of people think Zens annoying but I find him endearing. One of the best things about this game is the complexity of the characters and I love that Zen’s cockiness is actually how he hides his insecurities. Even though he’s egotistical about himself, he’s never shallow with MC. He says multiple times that he doesn’t care about MC’s looks. He loves her for who she is and shows this in how he makes an effort to get to know her and be her cheerleader everyday. An underrated thing about Zen is how emotionally intelligent he is. He’s great at helping the RFA members when they need emotional support (Yoosung’s grief over loosing Rika, Jaehee crying from the stress of her job and MC’s shock at almost being kidnapped). 
Route: 2/10 Zen is a great character and he deserves a better route. The false rape accusation plot is horrible and offensive. Also, his route functions as an introduction to the game’s plot, so it’s exposition heavy and lacks action. The creators said that the lesson of his route is that when our insecurities are handled in a healthy way, they can push us to be better people. I love this message and I wish it had been highlighted more in his route.
Romantic Potential: 9/10 Zen is arguably the most dateable of all the characters. He’s a bad boy without being sketchy. He’s protective without being possessive. He’s kind without being a pushover and he’s smart without being pretentious. His biggest drawbacks are his overconfidence and and how busy he is with working. There aren’t any glaring red flags. 
~ More under the cut ~ 
Character: 7/10 I love this adorable theater nerd! She comes across as formal and stuffy at first, but reveals herself to be passionate and funny the more you get to know her. I gave her a lower score because she does have a strong personality that rubs me the wrong way sometimes (her jealousy of MC in Zen’s route, her lack of sympathy towards Jumin in her own route and her general rudeness towards Yoosung). She is the most mature of the RFA though, so her exasperation is warranted. Being mature and grounded also makes Jaehee the least complex Mysme character. I’ve got a lot of respect for her though!
Route: 5/10 Getting to engage in discourse about capitalism and the patriarchy? Amazing and hands down the best part of her route. It’s really inspiring to see Jaehee stand up for herself and choose to follow her dreams. I think it’s important for every young person to hear that they should have a positive work/life balance and demand that their employer supports that. Other highlights are Seven helping Jaehee by making the Power Point presentation for Jumin’s cat project, getting to fangirl with Jaehee over Zen and the creepy stalker plot. I thoroughly enjoy her route and the only reason the score is so low is because some of the other routes are seriously incredible.
Romantic Potential: 8/10 Jeahee doesn’t have any red flags either. I think she’s perfectly capable of having a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. The biggest issue standing in their way is Korea’s bias against lesbian relationships. As a fellow coffee lover and theater enthusiast though, I could definitely see myself or someone similar having a happy life with her, even if it might have to be in secret.
Character: 6/10 I can’t stand people who aren’t competent. Yoosung is a terrible cook, he barely cleans and he doesn’t pay attention to his studies. On top of that, 80% of his personality is that he’s a gamer AND he’s in love with his “dead” adopted cousin. Yuck. ~ But ~ I understand that he’s depressed and depression can seriously effect someone’s executive functioning. Taking all of those negatives away, we’re left with a young man who’s trying to his best to be taken seriously, which is something I can relate to. It’s nice to see imposter syndrome represented and I admire his loyalty to his friends. 
Route: 8/10 This route is sooo good! Who can forget the night when the RFA starts being aggressively stalked by Minty Eye? And the pic Zen takes of a believer looking at him through his apartment window...chills. His route only gets better from there when he infiltrates Mint Eye with Seven. This is the first time we get to see the twins interact and damn, is it confusing. But in a good way!!   The biggest drawback is that MC is stuck in Rika’s apartment and doesn’t play much of an active role in the story. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 Despite all the negatives I listed about Yoosung, I do think he’s capable of have a healthy, romantic relationship with MC. Yoosung is also the only true sub of the RFA men, which is a definite plus for some players. Yoosung’s yandere side is a huge red flag though. MC better watch out if she doesn’t dote on him as much as he wants. Once he falls for her, he’s all in. 
Character: 5/10 Unpopular opinion, but I hate Jumin. I understand that he’s some people’s guilty pleasure though. Jumin’s good aspects are that he’s intensely loyal, an animal lover and has a dry sense of humor. I appreciate how devoted he is to the RFA and it’s members. He offers to help Zen multiple times (albeit rejected), sends everyone body guards in his route and pays the hospital in the SE to keep Saeran’s identity top secret. What I’m not a fan of is the way he obsesses over MC and traps her in his house. This isn’t the first time he’s shown obsessive tendencies either. Seven explicitly states that Jumin acted this way with Rika in the past. Huuuge red flag.  
Route: 3/10 His entire route is fraught with rich people problems. I’m supposed to sympathize with him for an arranged marriage? All he had to do was say no. His father couldn’t force him. He’s possessive of MC because women have only ever wanted to be with him for his money? Not an excuse. Elizabeth going missing was a vaguely interesting story line, but Jumin’s relationship with his cat was cringey enough to overshadow the drama of it for me.
Romantic Potential: 3/10 Jumin has some serious issues. He’s never had a good female role model which has given him a deep seeded hatred of women. Remember when he tells MC that respecting women goes against his core beliefs? Yikes. Then, after meeting a woman who respects him and he actually likes, he locks her up and tries to change everything about her (cutting her hair, buying her a new wardrobe, teaching her the ‘proper’ way to walk, etc). We’re supposed to believe Jumin learns to be better by the end of his route, but he still proposes to MC after only a week of knowing her! I’m having a hard time picturing Jumin in a healthy relationship. 
Character: 10/10 I’m not saying Saeyoung is a good person. Far from it actually. But he IS very well written and extremely interesting. In the other routes, Saeyoung is energetic and funny, bringing much needed humor to heavy moments. It’s always a joy being in a chatroom with him. Then you have the reveal that he actually hates his job and that he was faking his personality, all to a sad and slowed down version of his theme song. This plot twist shook me to my core. What makes him so well written is that the devs did a good job dropping hints to his real personality in the other routes that players might not notice during their first play through. 
Route: 9/10 This route is a wild ride from start to finish. This is when the plot threads from the other routes come together and start make sense. This route has secret agents, assassins, a deadly bomb, kidnapping, an evil twin, a powerful cult... It’s action heavy while still carrying enough emotional weight to make me cry every time. Saeyoung’s route is heavy and emotional and sooo worth playing. 
Romantic Potential: 6/10 Saeyoung has a shady job and a complicated past. Choosing to be with him means putting your life in danger every day. If you’re okay with that, he’d be a decent romantic partner. He’s a little rough around the edges, but I do think he has potential to become more like his ideal self (God Seven) after reading his AE. He’ll always have that mean and serious side to him, but I don’t think he’s hopeless. 
Character: 4/10 He’s low-key the worst. I sympathize with his trauma from being abused by Rika, but I don’t understand why he feels the need to fix everything by himself. Rika might be the source of most problems in this game, but V is partially responsible for standing by and letting her get away with everything. 
My first issue with him comes from encouraging Saeyoung to join the agency. I know Saeyoung didn’t have many options, but how was encouraging him to train to become a hacker and assassin the best option?! On top of that, he stalked Zen per Rika’s request and took creeper photos of him, failed miserably at protecting Saeran and don’t get me started on how he loves Rika unconditionally. V has some good characteristics but I really don’t care about those when he’s so terrible otherwise. 
Route: 10/10 This route is *chef’s kiss* the BEST. I wouldn’t call it a romance since Vs barely in it but damn is it riveting. Saeran is the perfect amount of loving and unhinged, MC get’s to know Rika on a personal level and V finally gets to be active instead of just reactive like he is in all the other routes. It’s also  satisfying to find out how much V has been keeping secret and to get a glimpse into Rika’s psyche. But what really makes V’s route stand out among the rest is that there are spy action scenes like in Saeyoung’s route, but the player also gets to spend time in Mint Eye.
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I’ll be honest. I don’t think V will ever be able to move on from Rika. He’ll always love her, as evidence in his AE. Besides that drawback, I do think he’d be a good romantic partner for MC. V was never the issue in his past relationship with Rika. She was the abusive one and he was 100% the victim. I think he would treat MC just as well in their relationship as he treated Rika. 
Character: 7/10 I know I’m not the only one who loved the suave and cunning Saeran of the main routes who, after getting the therapy he needed, became an adorably shy and awkward man. Sadly, that’s not the character we got in AS. Instead, we met Ray, the split personality of Saeran’s psyche. Ray is charming and sweet as well as possessive and manipulative...which is something I’m into. But it’s not for everyone. Saeran’s real personality in AS is revealed to be angry and abusive and not at all similar to who he was in the main routes. I’ll give Cheritz props for writing a fairly accurate portrayal of disassociative identity disorder, but I think Saeran’s characterization is inconsistent. I get the impression Ray was an afterthought when creating AS. 
Route: 7/10 A mixed bag for me. I really enjoy any chatroom/scene with Ray. He’s undeniably creepy, but those scenes were entertaining in a dark romance kind of way. On the other hand, the Saeran scenes had a lot of unrealized potential. Abuse is never cool. All his route needed to fix this was a scene where Saeran explained to MC that he was pretending to hate her to appease Rika and the other believers. While this fake hatred is implied, I think it needed to be outright stated. It’s also hard to believe that Saeran overcame his DID in the course of one night. I know all routes are limited to 11 days, but this one needed more. Highlights of this route are Saeyoung being kidnapped by his father and of course, dark Yoosung with Elizabun. 
Romantic Potential: 7/10 I truly do believe that Saeran could go on and live a happy life in any of the endings where he escapes Mint Eye and receives therapy. While we only get a glimpse of what an emotionally stable Searan looks like, we know that he was kind and attentive with MC. Saeran is a giver and would do anything to make MC happy. Red flags are that Searan is still clingy at the end of his route. Yoosung makes a comment that he’s always holding MC’s hand when he sees them together. Also, his DID is something that will occasionally return and that’s something MC has to go into their relationship knowing. 
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freyjawriter24 · 3 years
First Line Tag Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line, then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Thank you for the tag, @ivory-line! 💜
These are, predictably, all Good Omens pieces (since that’s all my brain has let me write for the past... nearly two years), in order of most recent update according to AO3. I’ll link them all in case any first lines spark interest!
(long post, so I’ve put in a cut)
They were everywhere. (from Who We Are, a collab project with @inexplicable-void for the DIWS Reverse Bang)
Aziraphale Engel looked out at the heavy grey clouds and the already-thick layer of snow covering everything in sight. (from The Wedding Journey, written for the GO-Events Book Fest)
A significant amount of time had passed before Aziraphale realised he hadn't seen Crowley in a while. (from The Boat Is Stuck, a slightly silly fic inspired by the Ever Given's blockage of the Suez Canal)
It wasn’t until the champagne and several bottles of red had been emptied that he gave up all pretence at subtlety. (from Finally Hitting the Mark, a ficlet written for Round 11 of the GO-Events Name That Author game)
It started by accident, really. (from Keep Me Warm, written for @peppervl as part of the Good Snowmens Winter Gift Exchange)
Aziraphale was reorganising a shelf when it happened. (from Moving the Markers, written for the Unleash the Chaos Zine)
It took every ounce of restraint Crowley had to act casual when he walked through the doors of the bookshop that evening. (from I'd Like To Propose (A Toast To Us), written for @jay-the-day-away for the GO Love Day 2021 exchange)
Aziraphale had been quite enjoying his stroll alone through the woods. (from The Sapling, a collab project with @tweedfeather for the DIWS Reverse Bang)
First there was idle wondering. (from Where I'm Meant To Be, written for the Ineffable Wives Femslash February 2021 event)
“It’s on the 22nd this year, angel,” Crowley said gently. (from On Primrose Hill, written for @cupidsbower as part of the Good Snowmens Winter Gift Exchange)
Crowley thought he was being subtle. (from Advent Omens, a series of winter ficlets based on drawlight’s December 2019 prompt calendar)
Seasons, Crowley was convinced, were one of God's oldest jokes. (from Winter of Our (Dis?)Content, written for @ineffable-snowman as part of the Good Snowmens Winter Gift Exchange)
Crowley stared, open-mouthed, at the angel before him. (from to us, to the future, to the world, written using six different New Year prompts)
Crowley hovered awkwardly, hoping desperately that their sunglasses covered up the fact that they were staring directly at the bed. (from the only one (is you), a ficlet based on the prompt ‘Only One Bed’)
Crowley rang the doorbell and shivered, wishing – not for the first time that morning – that he’d had the foresight to bring something slightly warmer than his cropped leather jacket. (from The Mystery of the Missing Sword, written for the GO-Events Mystery AU)
The air was warm and heavy, the dry heat of the past few days building into an electric tension somewhere overhead. (from Where It's Always Safe and Warm, written for @princessdianaartemis for the Ineffable Wives Exchange)
Beautiful, Aziraphale thought, as he stood in the doorway to Warlock’s playroom, watching Nanny Ashtoreth try to wrangle a child’s painting easel into submission. (from How Much Your Nanny Loves You, written for the GO-Events OTP Prompts event)
The storm clouds east of Eden dissipated somewhat after a time, but the sky there remained grey and heavy-looking for a while. (from Cumulonimbus, a ficlet written for Round 10 of the GO-Events Name That Author game)
Things definitely looked brighter here. (from The Ethics of an Earldom, written with @hexqueen for the GO-Events POV Pairs event)
“This is a completely ridiculous idea,” Pepper said firmly. (from May Luck Be Yours on Halloween, written for @eveningstarcatcher for the Trickety-Boo Halloween Exchange)
Patterns: There’s actually a decent amount of variety here, I’m quite pleased with that! Several of these start with a name, which is a pattern, and there’s quite a few that set the scene with weather (more than I expected!), but there’s a lot of difference in length and perspective too. I’m sure there’s other patterns, but I don’t know how good I am at analysing my own writing, so if anyone notices any cool ones, feel free to comment!
Favourite: Ooh, I don’t know! I quite like 4, 7, and 14, but I think 17 might just edge them out. It’s really hard to pick, though!
Tags: Tagging some excellent authors to join in with this (as always, no pressure to play the game, and sorry if you’ve been tagged in one of these before!) @inexplicable-void, @peppervl, @cupidsbower, @ineffable-snowman, @princessdianaartemis, @hexqueen, @eveningstarcatcher, @waywarder, @charlottemadison42, and for anyone else who wants to join in with this game, consider this your tag!
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pinkmedusa6 · 4 years
Burning Bridges
Pairing: Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak 
Read on AO3
An excerpt from this work: 
“Go back to sleep Rich. I’ll be back, I promise.” Eddie stumbles backwards and slips out the window. Soon the room settles into a lull like Eddie was never there to begin with.
The clock reads 3:35 am. Richie stays in his bed debating if he should get up and chase after Eddie but his consciousness makes the decision for him as he begins to fade into his dreams once again. Sleep overtakes him, thoughts of Eddie still swaying at the edge of his mind. Richie decides to talk to him in the morning. He will realize later that this was the worst decision of his life.Eddie 
Kaspbrak was never seen in Derry again.
Summary:  Richie is living the lonely life of a C-list comedian in LA until he suddenly is contacted by Mike Hanlon. 15 years after his disappearance Mike believes to have received a phone call from Eddie. The remaining Loser's return to Derry in search of answers and their missing friend. 
It had been a normal day for Richie Tozier. But that’s how all tragedy’s started, with normal days.
All seven members of the Losers Club sat along the bank of the quarry. The haze of a summer heat settling along the exposed edges of their skin. Beverly was skipping rocks along the water, trying to beat her record of 6 skips. Ben watched her like she was competing in an Olympic sport, the flick of her wrist catching his gaze. Bill, Mike, and Stan sat not far off, discussing amongst themselves.
Richie had taken to climbing up a nearby tree and hanging off one of the branches by the crook of his knees. While Eddie stood underneath him rattling off the possible injuries he could get by falling.
Richie was desperately trying to keep his glasses from sliding off his face as Eddie glared at him. “I’m not going to help you if you fall and bust your head open.”
“Aw would you still love me if I got brain damage Eds?” Richie grinned swinging carelessly back and forth.
“Don’t call me Eds. And you already have brain damage asshole.” Eddie huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.
“And you still love me! How sweet,” He threw Eddie a wink. Richie thought he saw a hint of red creep around Eddie’s cheeks but wasn’t sure if that was just his own blood rushing to his head.  
“That’s why we’re your friend, can’t let the poor kid with brain damage play by himself.” Stan called over, not even bothering to turn towards Richie.
“You wound me Staniel.” There was a grunt as Richie heaved himself up and began his decent down the tree. About a foot away from the ground he lost his grip and fell landing on his back with a small thud. He barked out laughter as Eddie ran to his side to make sure his skull hadn’t broken like an egg shell.
“B-by the way, what electives did everyone ch-chose for the semester?” Bill said fully ignoring the commotion taking place beside him.
A chorus of answers rang around the group, from Bev shouting home economics to Ben quietly mentioning a poetry class. Stan said photography and Richie remarked that his teacher would get tired of every picture being a bird. Eddie sat quietly in his spot beside Richie.  
“What about you Eddie?” Mike smiled over at Eddie. He had also stayed silent during the discussion, there wasn’t much to say about electives when you were home schooled.
Eddie fidgeted from where he was sitting on the ground. “Ok I’ll tell you guys but you have to promise not to mention it around my mom she’ll flip.” There was a collective nod, “I uh decided to go for track and field.”      
“That’s fantastic Eddie!” Bev said.
“You’ll do g-g-gr-ugh.” Bill closed his eyes in frustration before starting again. “You’ll do awesome, you have always been the fastest of us anyway.” Bill smiled along with the rest of the group. He was right, Eddie had always been the fastest of the Losers club even when he thought his asthma was real.
“Fast on the track and in the sack that’s what they say right?” Richie laughed as he was shoved by Eddie but he didn’t miss the distinct dimpled smile.
After finding out his mother had been lying to him for years about his asthma, as well as several other illnesses, Eddie had abandoned most of his placebos. Only when his mother was watching did he seem to keep up his act, not yet wanting to confront her. Richie felt a certain kind of pride bloom in his chest. The kind that had always been there but seemed to grow with each act Eddie did. Sonia was controlling and every step that Eddie took seemed to defy the tight grip she had on him. They were coming closer to the end of their high school days and Richie was excited for the future. A future he hoped contained a great deal of Eddie.
Richie knew the way he felt about Eddie differed greatly from his feelings towards the other loser’s. He didn’t stay up late at night thinking about the curve of Beverly’s legs nor did he leave lingering touches along Stan’s arms, those were exclusive to Eddie. Calling it love would make it too real. He called it a crush because crushes were soft fleeting things. Crushes were easy to get over you could skip from one to the next. Love was a hard rock that sat at the bottom of your stomach. Yet Richie could barely contain the tightening of his chest with the way each freckle stretched over Eddie’s cheeks as he smiled. Just a crush Richie reminded himself.  
The losers club continued their carefree summer day at the clubhouse, reveling in one another’s company. Richie felt at peace among his friends, he wondered if this is how all his friendships would be or if this was something special.
By the time four o’clock had rolled around it had become Richie’s favorite kind of day, one where after spending time with all the losers Richie was able to squeeze in an hour or two of alone time with Eddie. After departing from the clubhouse the duo arrived at Richie’s home, eventually landing on his bed to read comics and bicker over trivial topics.
It was Eddie who brought up the subject of college, “Are you still planning on going to UCLA?” The question threw Richie off guard, especially since they just finished a heated argument over who was the better superhero, Captain America or Iron Man. But now Eddie sat on the floor of Richie’s room, his back against the bed and staring at the posters on the wall. His eyes seemed like they were searching for an answer in the Rush poster hung up haphazardly above Richie’s desk, a fruitless effort.
“Well yeah, its step one in my plan on becoming a famous comedian,” Richie turned to Eddie from where he sat on his bed. His eyes were still trained on the poster but Richie caught a glimpse of some unnamed emotion flash across them. “You should come with. UCLA has like a million majors to choose from.” Richie tried to say it as casually as possible and not like he would trade his left arm just to have Eddie in the same state as him. This was not the first time he had brought it up but he still felt the same nervousness tug at his stomach, like it was an encoded proposal.
“Like my mom would ever agree to me moving across the country with Richie Tozier.” Eddie finally returned Richie’s gaze, a somber smile on his face.  
“You’re right. You’re mom would get too jealous.” Eddie groaned “Do you think I could get Mrs.K to come with me to UCLA? I’m not sure she could survive till winter break without me.” Eddie took the comic book in his lap and rolled it up before smacking Richie on the head with it. Richie laughed, a shit-eating grin spread wide across his face. Eddie wavered in his scowling, eventually laughing along with Richie. Soon both boys settled back down into a comfortable silence as they read their comic books.  
As the evening sun slipped into his room it basked Eddie in an otherworldly glow, Richie wanted to burn the image into his brain. He wanted to record Eddie as he was now and replay the scene over in his head until that’s all he could see. He was almost grateful when Eddie said he needed to leave, the tips of his fingers burned with the urge to touch. But Richie smiled and pushed those feelings away, a practice he had grown accustomed to.
Richie walked Eddie to his porch, leaning on the railing as Eddie began to walk down the steps. “When will I see you again Eddie my love?”
“Jesus can you just say my name normally for once?”
“For you? No way in hell Spaghetti man.” Richie was grinning, a common occurrence when he was with Eddie. And Eddie would huff and roll his eyes at Richie’s antics but there was always a smile that followed and Richie would always chase it.
“Well Bill wants us all to meet up at his house tomorrow, his aunt sent him a board game and it can play up to ten people so now we won’t have to fight over who goes first.” Eddie said, hopping off the last step of the porch and turning to face Richie.  
“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow when I show you my awe-inspiring board game skills.” Richie wore a cocky smile, it always gave him a special rush knowing exactly what buttons to push to rile Eddie up.
“Oh shut up you couldn’t even beat me at Clue.” Eddie crossed his arms, face already formed into a pout.
“Hey that’s not fair, you know I suck at those murder mystery games!”  
“Well it’s a mystery why I’m still friends with you” Eddie smirked as Richie let out a dramatic gasp, clutching his chest as if Eddie had shot him on the spot.
As he turned to leave down the driveway Richie shouted “see you tomorrow!” Eddie turned around briefly to wave at Richie before scurrying off towards his own house and out of Richie’s sight.                
           After dinner Richie went to bed peacefully, happy with how the day went. That was before he was awoken at 3:21 am.
           Richie was a heavy sleeper, he had always been since a young child. That night he did not hear a window creaking open or shoes shuffling on carpet, he wasn’t awake until a gentle hand began to stroke his hair. Even then Richie was still dancing between sleep and consciousness. He shifted, opening his eyes just barely only to close them again then repeating the process a few more times before comprehending that for a hand to touch his head it needed to be attached to a person that was presumably in his room. His eyes opened fully to see a dark figure standing over him.
           Shock would have set quickly into his veins if not for the hand still combing its way through his hair, daring him to sleep once again. He made a sound that was a mix between a grunt and a slurred “what”. The hand retracted as Richie grabbed his glasses off his night stand. While the figure was less blurry they were still just as dark and only after his eyes adjusted did Richie catch the face of the intruder. The sliver of moonlight peaking from behind the clouds illuminating just enough for recognition to kick in.
“Eddie?” Richie questioned, head feeling like it was stuffed with cotton.
Eddie jerked back slightly, his face still mostly shadows. Richie was having a hard time making the connections his brain needed to make. “Richie” Eddie said finally and if Richie were more lucid maybe he would have caught the distinct wetness Eddie’s voice carried. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Richie rubbed his eyes, “What are you doing here man?” He went to turn on his lamp but Eddie grabbed his wrist.
“No don’t.” Richie was taken aback “Sorry its just…“ There was hesitation in his voice and Richie started to wonder if this was a dream, it felt too weird to be reality. “I needed to see you.” There is another pause as Eddie let go of Richie’s wrist before kneeling down beside the bed. Richie felt the warmth of a hand on his cheek. “Richie I need you to listen carefully. I’m going to be gone for…“ he breathed in sharply “I- I’m not sure how long. But I promise you I will be back ok?”
“Eddie you’re not making any sense” Richie’s voice dripped with confusion as his gut started to tug at itself. This wasn’t the Eddie that Richie knew, this wasn’t the spitfire that always spoke his mind and was trustworthy to a fault. No this Eddie sounded uncertain and scared.
“I know, I’m sorry” Richie thinks he hears a sniffle, “I can’t….just remember I’ll be back Richie, please remember that.” Eddie leans forward and rests his head on Richie’s shoulder as he begins to shake.
Richie wraps his arms around Eddie, softly running his hand down his back. They stay like that for a moment and Richie starts to wonder again if this is an elaborate dream.
Eddie pulls back, “Richie I-“ he says it like something important is dancing on the tip of his tongue ready to dive, but he just shakes his head “I have to go” he slips away before Richie can protest. “Go back to sleep Rich. I’ll be back, I promise.” Eddie stumbles backwards and slips out the window. Soon the room settles into a lull like Eddie was never there to begin with.
The clock reads 3:35 am. Richie stays in his bed debating if he should get up and chase after Eddie but his consciousness makes the decision for him as he begins to fade into his dreams once again. Sleep overtakes him, thoughts of Eddie still swaying at the edge of his mind. Richie decides to talk to him in the morning. He will realize later that this was the worst decision of his life.
Eddie Kaspbrak was never seen in Derry again.
Thank you for reading! If you are interested please check out my AO3 as I probably won’t post anymore chapters on Tumblr. Feel free to leave comments and constructive criticism! 
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Love and Hip-Hop: Wakanda, (Black Panther Headcannons)
A/N: I’m totally random and if you follow my Vikings posts you will figure out I’m obsessed with placing a fandom in the reality world 😂 I was bored on lunch and thought this up! Might add more, but this is just for fun! I hope you enjoy!
No Warnings lol
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T’Challa “King” Udaku, Record Label CEO BP Music Group
T’Challa Confessional: What’s up! I’m T’Challa, an executive producer and the owner of BP Music Group. You probably know me by my stage name King. I still sing, but I would rather produce now. So, I started BP Music Group a year after my pops died, a tribute to him. We’ve been the hottest record label in all Wakanda for five years, no matter what you done heard. Our artists are untouchable.  You probably done heard my music before producing artists like Daniel Cesar and SZA. The rock in my life is Nakia. She’s a special girl, she’s always there for me.
Nakia enters the studio while T’Challa is working with SZA. Sits in between them.
T’Challa: can we help you?
Nakia: Nah, continue.
T’Challa: O-Kay. (rolls his eyes starting the song back over, leans awkwardly to see SZA.) This song would be great for you.
T’Challa Confessional: She a little protective. But I wouldn’t trade her for anything. She been down for me since we were kids. Haven’t got married yet because it’s just not the time.
-          Never cheats on his girl, but when they’re on a break he wilds out
-          Dropped Erik from the label for personal differences
-          Hasn’t had a hit in three years, blames it on the music industry
-          Asks his mom about every business decision
-          Best friends with W’Kabi and M’Baku
-          Only hangs around Erik when he needs something
-          Thinks his label is bigger than it truly is, (DJ SELF low key)
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Nakia, Fashion Desinger, Former Milaje Trois Member
Nakia confessional: I’m Nakia. I used to sing and all that but I wanted to get away from all of that.  I currently run a clothing line called Wakandan Glam, it’s nothing major. Just a million-dollar company. We make shoes, clothes and I’m starting to dabble in cosmetics. I’ve been with King for over ten years and he still hasn’t proposed. I keep talking to his mom and she ain’t got the answer either. So, I set up a deadline for myself, one more year and I’m moving on. There are several other men that want this successful, educated black woman. You feel me? Okay. Good.
Hands T’Challa a magazine with rings and points one.
Nakia: Just in case you wondering.
T’Challa: Aight. But I wasn’t.  (hands her the magazine back, the continues to watch the game on TV)
Nakia Confessional: One more Year.
-          Used to sing in a girl group called The Milaje Trois with Ayo and Okoye.
-          Thought she was the lead singer, still gets a rush when people ask for her autograph.
-          Claims she started the company from scratch but T’Challa is the money
-          Talks to Ramonda about her son and tries to convince him she’s the wife
-          Lives with T’Challa but always suspects he’s cheating, follows him and goes through his phone from time to time.
-          Still close friends with O’Koye but doesn’t trust her around T’Challa.
-          Slept with Erik once when she was drunk, refuses to admit it. (Granted he got a video)
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Okoye, “Koko”, former member of Milaje Trois, A&R Rep for BP Music Group
Okoye confessional: Hi, I’m O’koye, Head of A&R for BP Music Group. I’ve represented T’Challa for over five years and I represent other artists such as Shuri and Bucky. I try to keep everything professional and I put up with nonsense, which can be hard as hell working with Shuri because she always has something up her sleeve. I’m married to W’Kabi, he just got out of prison for embezzlement. I don’t want to talk about, just know this dude is thin ice with me. I mean thin.
W’Kabi: Babe, you hungry?
O’Koye: Yeah we can eat after I finish this session. (Points to Shuri whose showing her the new lyrics to her song)
W’Kabi: I’m hungry now. (He shrugs) she can wait. Can’t you wait?
O’Koye: (eyes widen and slams down her phone) Hey, what did I say
O’Koye confessional: I mean he doesn’t understand I’m the bread in this relationship which means I steer the boat. He’s. (Pinches the bridge of her nose) Whatever, like I said… this damn ice.
-          Plans on leaving BP Music Group one day and opening a management firm
-          Best friends with T’Challa makes him weary of making life decisions he hasn’t thought out yet, like marrying Nakia.
-          Saves her money,
-          Does not fraternize at work
-          Would rather be single sometimes when she thinks about the bad image W’Kabi brings
-          Does not like Erik, but is proud of him for forming his own record label.
-          Best friends with Ayo, does not support her relationship with Erik
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Erik, Golden Jag Music CEO, Producer
Erik Confessional: Yo, what’s going on people. I’m Erik, the sole owner of Golden Jag Muzik. I’ve had several hits including: Arch that Shit, Bottom Out and Throw it Back. I left BP Music Group about five years ago, because his shit got wack, and now I manage artists and get sold out shows and shit. Right now, I got this new artists named Chiron, he young I’m teaching him the ropes and shit. I have no woman, and no kids, that I know of. (Pauses) Call me the pullout champ. (winks at camera) I fuck with this one chick heavy but she just cool. Tryna get her rap game off the ground. Following my golden Rule: Secure the Bag then Secure the Ass. It’s all about the dollar.
Ayo: Did you book me for the Women Festival? Ayo sits in Erik’s lap planting kisses down his neck.
Erik: I mean what you gone give me in return, you know the strings I’m gonna have to pull to get you there? (touches her face)
Ayo: Just do it, E.
Erik: I’ll see what I can do after I see what you can do
Ayo: You fuck Chiron before you book his tours
Erik: Hell nah.
Erik Confessional: I really like her, though. I think that she can go far in the game and I plan on taking her there. And Chiron too.
-          Claims to be single but gets mad if Ayo talks to anyone else
-          Fucks with other girls won’t let Ayo know though
-          Doesn’t like T’Challa and usually ignores his calls
-          All his classic hits are still big in the club scene but he can’t sell a new record for nothing
-          Mentors Chiron,
-          Gets all his info from Media Takeout and TMZ and gossip bloggers
-          Best Friends with W’Kabi but constantly calls him a bitch
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M’Baku, CEO of Jabari Markets
M’Baku: I’m M’Baku. I don’t sing. I don’t dance. I run a marketing company that advertises the hottest artist in Wakanda. I pair with both BP Music and Golden Jag. Their artists use me for promotions and booking. I just like to make money. Jabari Markets is something that took time and we don’t allow people to bullshit us, catch these hands if that’s the case. There is no lucky lady currently. I just like to work, get this money and travel. Nothing better than not having the strings these other two got.
T’Challa flips his phone over.
M’Baku: Man will you just answer the damn phone? (sips his Hennessey.)
T’Challa: It’s Nakia.
Erik: (phone vibrates) Now she calling me. Why she won’t call you?
M’Baku: I blocked her number. I ain’t got time for that shit.
M’Baku Confessional: Like I said, I keep to myself and I handle This business. I’m not like the rest. My business is first.
- born and raised in Wakanda, lives on estate in the mountains to stay away from drama
- thinking about recruiting small femal staff
- likes Erik okay, doesn’t trust w’Kabi
-friends with T’Challa for over fifteen years, marketed his tours free of charge
- does not take kindly to threats, will beat ass if disrespected
Tagging:   @wakanda-inspired @misspooh @valynsia  @vanitykocaine @harleycativy @jecourt @virgosapphire79 @eriknutinthispoosy @sparklemichele @theunsweetenedtruth @ahhhhkeya  @iamrheaspeaks @thiccdaddy-mbaku @muse-of-mbaku @myboyfriendgiriboy @someareblindtoitsbeauty @brittyevans @almostpurelysmut @yaachtynoboat711 @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien @slimmiyagi @cinnabearice @bidibidibombaclaat @royallyprincesslilly @hutchj @igetcarriedawaywithyou @madamslayyy @bartierbakarimobisson @killmongersaidheyauntie @hdkween
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 2 Diamond Scene: Northern Lights with the Jury
You: This is too good an opportunity to pass up. Thanks, Jen! Jen: Have fun! As she slips out of the room, you call over to the others. You: Hey guys, why don’t we check out the northern lights? I’d be a good chance for all of us to catch up… Yvette: The instructor of my Baby and Me yoga class swears by moonbathing. Count me in. Ronan: What an inspired idea. Bianca: Good call, Jamie. I’ve been dying to check out the view since we got here. You: Then follow me!
You climb the stairs to the roof, the air growing colder until you push open the heavy, metal door and are met with an icy wind. You: Brr! It’s a little colder than I expected… Heath/Eden: It’s Iceland. Obviously, it’s gonna be cold. Yvette: Heath/Eden, that’s enough, kiddo. We’re here to have fun!
-If you eliminated Ivy
Ivy: You actually think this’ll be fun? Ivy: Aw, bless your heart.
-If you eliminated Slater
Slater: Yeah, right. Jamie wouldn’t know fun if it bit her.
You: Don’t worry, you guys. We’ll stoke the fire a little, and it’ll be toasty in no time. Ronan: Allow me. I’m something of an expert on tending a burning blaze. Ronan: When I was in Guyana trekking through the Amazon, I fended off a jaguar with nothing but a lit torch and… While Ronan rambles on, Bianca lowers her voice and whispers to you.
-If you don’t have a strong relationship with the Jury
Bianca: Uh, Jamie? I hope you’re not expecting us to gather ‘round the campfire and sing ‘Kumbaya.’ Bianca: What else do you have planned?
-If you have a strong relationship with the Jury
Bianca: Babes, you know I’m Team Jamie, but I’ve done my cryotherapy for the week. Bianca: You’ve gotta liven this party up… Fast.
You: Oh, uh… Let’s… -Make hot chocolate!
You: Some melty marshmallows will get this party started. Yvette grabs the supplies from the kitchen, and whips up a batch. Yvette: You’re in for a treat! As Den Mother for my son’s troop, I’ve perfected this recipe.
-Chug some cocoa!
-Break out the champagne!
You: The AME All-Stars are taking over Iceland. We should celebrate. Bianca grabs a bottle from the kitchen, and starts pouring. Bianca: Par-tay!
-Sip some bubbly!
You: Whoa, you guys. Look at that! All at once, the Jury Houses members fall silent as they notice the northern lights floating through the night, and everyone chooses a place on the roof to watch.
Who do you talk to? -Ronan and Yvette
You spot Ronan and Yvette sharing a blanket on the lounge chairs and head over. You: You two look cozy. Ronan: We’ve become fast friends, she and I. Yvette: It turns out, we’ve both got some stories to tell.
You: Let me guess. You bonded over… -The good old days of AME? Ronan +2, Yvette +2
You: Minimal rules and a cast of gorgeous strangers in the golden age of reality TV? The mansion has to be insane! Ronan: To a degree which you could never fathom, young one. Ronan: As it stands, I remain the only cast member to do a perfect swan dive into the pool from the roof. Yvette: Things had calmed down by my season, but that was the year production banned parkour from the mansion… Ronan: But those are, of course, the preoccupations of our younger selves…
-Your real world adventures? Yvette +2, Ronan +2
You: You took different routes, but you’ve both led pretty fulfilling lives. Yvette: I’ll say. Being in the older AME crew, we’ve had some life changing experiences. Yvette: Between managing soccer practices, baby ballet and my dental practice, the years between my seasons have just flown by, but… Yvette: I wouldn’t change a thing. Ronan: I’ve sailed seven days to the remote island of Tristan da Cunha and farmed gingili with the indigenous people of Motuo. Even still…
He turns to face Yvette. Ronan: I quite prefer this moment. Yvette blushes, and you take this as your cue to leave…
-Eliminated Villain and Heath/Eden
You head over to the railing to talk to Eliminated Villain and Heath/Eden. As you approach, they stop speaking and turn to look at you. You: Do I even want to know what you two are talking about? Heath/Eden: Just our master plan for your general downfall. No biggie.
You: Seriously? -At least you’re consistent.
You: You were fierce competitors in the mansion, so it only makes sense you’d be a strong presence in the Jury House. You: May the best player win.
-Can’t we call a truce?
You: We’re three thousand miles from home watching one of seven natural wonders of the world… You: Just for tonight, can’t we enjoy each other’s company?
You extend your hand… and both Heath/Eden and Eliminated Villain shake it in return! Eliminated Villain +2 Eliminated Villain: That’s… surprisingly civil of you, Jamie. Heath/Eden +2 Heath/Eden: Yeah… Heath/Eden: But this doesn’t change anything. We’re still coming for you. You: Then I guess it’s game on. You turn and leave them stunned as you survey the other Jury members…
-Bianca Bianca +2
You head over to sit next to Bianca at the fire pit as she warms her hands. You: It’s beautiful out here. All the mountains, and lights, and snow…
You: I’ll bet you’re itching to… -Get back to the beach.
You: This isn’t exactly a balmy night in Salinas. Bianca: I may be a NorCal girl at heart, but I’ve always been obsessed with snow. In another life, I’d be a snowboarder. You: Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting that. You: How did you end up in front of a camera instead of heading down the slopes? Bianca: I have my senior prom date to thank for that. Bianca: If he hadn’t ditched me at the last minute, I’d have never traded in my ball gown for a bikini to show him what he was missing. Bianca: I got kicked out of prom, but the video went viral, and I was signed to an agency by graduation. You: His loss is the world’s gain. Bianca: Exactly.
-Stage a photoshoot.
You: This would be perfect for your portfolio. Bianca: ‘Bianca Sandoval, international swimsuit model’ does have a ring to it… Bianca: And the extra exposure would be the perfect way to finally launch my fashion blog! You: You kill it on AME, grace the cover of every magazine, and now you’re coming for the web too? What can’t you do? Bianca: If I’m being honest, there’s not much. Bianca: Everyone thinks I’m just some airhead model, but you wouldn’t believe the plans I’ve got for the fashion industry. You: Well, I can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeve.
Bianca: Thanks for inviting us out here, Jamie. It’s nice to know we still have friends in the mansion. You: Always. You pat her on the back, and stand to look out at the beautiful view…
As the night winds down, you lift your drink in the air. You: I’d like to propose a toast.
You: To… -Iceland! Ronan +2, Yvette +2, Heath/Eden +2, Eliminated Villain +2, Bianca +2
You: Here’s to new countries and all the adventures that come with! Ronan: If adventure is food for the soul, then I wish to die a portly man. Yvette: Amanda and the girls in the PTA aren’t going to believe this. Heath/Eden: I guess this is kinda cool… Eliminated Villain: I’ll give credit where it’s due… This was a good idea. Bianca: Nice one, Jamie.
-Building bridges and tearing down walls. Eliminated Villain +2, Heath +2, Ronan +2 Bianca +2, Yvette +2
You: I won’t pretend this night fixes a season of competitiveness, but I have hope that it’s the starts of new friendships. Eliminated Villain: Only time will tell… Heath: Always the optimist, Jamie. Ronan: Friendship is the most universal currency. Bianca: Cheesy, but… I guess it’s kinda cute. Yvette: Competition breeds excellence… but friendship is nice too.
-America’s Most Eligible. Bianca +2, Eliminated Villain +2, Heath/Eden +2, Yvette +2, Ronan +2
You: Here’s to this crazy show that brought us all together. May it always see another season. Bianca: And may its contestants always be as hot as us! Eliminated Villain: Let’s face it, any season without me is going to pale in comparison. Heath: Next time I’m in the mansion, I’m going all the way. Yvette: Oh, you guys keep me young. Ronan: What good is a life lived, if it leaves no legacy?
You all clink your glasses together and sip quietly as you take in the sights and sounds of your beautiful host country.
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writingwitchly · 6 years
The little loop
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 2k
Warning: sadness / mentions of war
A/N: So. SO. Soo. S O. The new Tumblr mobile actualization is being a total @#$%, school is asfixiating me, my sleepless hours keep getting worse, my brain isn’t helping, and I’m surrounded by  t e n s i o n s, with a 105% of probabilities of receiving the whole bad mood discharge on my head... A real fun ride. Anyway, this is for @herondalesucks​, cuz we need more sweet beans in this world and we should thank them when we meet any. Enjoy!
“Honestly,” you pant as you drop the grocery bags on the kitchen’s counter, “You didn’t miss anything too thrilling.”
The clinging cans and ripping of plastic fill up the silence that follows your remark, until your friend finally speaks up,
“Anything would be more thrilling that constantly looking at these same walls, Y/N.” Her head is bent over the rest of the shopping bags, but you can guess her sad expression by the off tone in her voice.
Yesterday, as Sirius and you attended a party at Marlene’s place, thinking about your redheaded friend’s comments if she had been there made the firewhisky’s usual burn bitter, and the same taste now invades your mouth after lying to her. The night was quite something. A moment of escape in the darkness of the actuality.
A little strangled sound coming from near the sink wakes you up from your reverie.
“Oh Lils…”
In a swift movement, your friend buries her face in the crook of your neck and, for the first time in years, she lets her feeling flow in salted water.
The Potters have been hiding for now exactly ten months, with the prohibition of participating to friend gatherings, Order missions, and any other type of outside trips -- including grocery shopping, which you’ve taken care of today as Batilda needed some rest.
For the energy balls that are Lily and James, this boredom is literally a synonym of long and painful death.
“Listen,” you whisper in her ear as you caress her flaming hair, “We’ll fix this, okay? Sirius and I will stay over tonight, so we can try to cook something special and then play some dare games.”
With a childish smile, she pulls away from her hideout, but still grasping to your waist as to life. “And can we build sheet-and-chairs forts and have a pillow fight and sing songs by the fireplace?”
“Of course,” you laugh, “Just like in the old days.”
Her heart a little lighter now, you decide to resume your emptying of the plastic bags, without much of a result as James storms in after a little while.
His rib crunching hug is worthy one of Hagrid’s, and it startles you the double as it comes from behind your back.
“Ow- James.” You pat his hands, and end up trying to get them off you.
“‘m so happy to see you,” he says excitedly, his tic of pushing his glasses up on his nose freeing you.
“Me too,” you breathe for air more than you say, red in the face.
The young man standing in front of you looks as clumsy as he did back in your teen years, which builds up his part of his charm, but you note some new seriousness deeply rooted in his eyes. It certainly is a consequence of having to deal with his responsibilities as an adult, then a husband, and finally a father, but you know for sure it is also the result of all you had to face right after getting out of your golden years, right after life as you knew it split into burning hell and awkward chaos.
“What are you two doing here? We’re waiting for you in the living room!” he asks.
“Well, we still have to…” His wife gestures toward the kitchen’s counter, where a considerable pile of food still waits to be stored in the cupboard.
You glance at her puffy eyes and the dark circles that underline them. It seems like all of the energy has been drained out of her body, which before was athletic and brisk, and now still is, but in an exhausted way. Her usual playful expression is just a shadow, a ghost that can be remembered only by those who have witnessed it in the past, and you’re not sure that her formerly joking voice can produce anything now but neutral comments or motherly encouragements.
Trying to ignore the feeling of pity that Lily would be ashamed to know she inspires you, you gently grab her wrist. “The cans won't fly away, Lils, let’s go.”
Still sniffing, but with her fine pink lips stretched in the attempt of a smile, the young woman nods.
As you turn toward the door, your mind registers a look of complicity traveling from her to her husband, but you don’t give it much importance. Couple things, you think. After all, you too have similar expressions sometimes.
“Where’s my little Harry?”
The living room, sunken in a semi-darkness when you arrived a while ago, is now lightened by reduced magical fireworks, much to the eleven-months-old baby’s amusement. Tiny fingers try to catch the bright glows, Harry’s young mind surely making up stories of its own to explain the bizarre shots of lights that he keeps failing to grab.
By the child’s side, on the carpet, Sirius lies on his abdomen, wand swirling to direct the fairy-like spots from his godson’s nose to the roof, and back. The huge grin of happiness plastered on his face, so different from the usual expression of worry that now accompanies him everywhere, tightens your chest. He keeps shouting at Harry, encouraging him to stretch higher to get to his goal, already teaching him the right attitude to face life. When the baby’s giggling convulsions involuntarily throw him off-balance, the man’s hand is there, always, to catch and steady him, which leads to more roaring guffaws and chirp-like laughter.
“Are you okay?”
Now, the roles are flipped: it’s Lily’s time to ask, and James’ turn to pat you.
Tears run down your cheeks, but you couldn’t place the emotion that generates them. Your heart is heavy with a mix of admiration for such a tender scene, for such a pure love. But also with the sight of your boyfriend playing with a baby -- a child that maybe, one day, you two will have the chance to mother too -- and acting like a father. And, unfortunately, the knowledge that this could happen outside, under a warm sun, in the green garden of a happy house, in a world at peace.
You used to think bitterly about having to fight at your young age, about seeing your dreams crush in the perspectives of suffering, about your colored horizon suddenly being replaced by a scale of dark, shapeless sorrow. But looking at Harry, at his pure green irises and his messy hair, you understand how much more he will have to face, growing in a world where innocence is replaced by uncertainty. How much braver he will have to be. And, even if you’re not a seer, even if you can’t declare prophecies like the one that links this infant’s path to that of evil and agony, you have the feeling that he will indeed be.
A warm chest pressed against your back causes your tensed muscles to relax, an exploit that only Sirius can achieve lately.
“Don’t cry, darling,” he whispers in your ear, “Or I might cry too.”
James and Lily take it as a joke, and chuckle a bit. So do you but, deep down, you sense truth in his words. This is a time when everybody, even the strongest, are susceptible of breaking down.
“I’m sorry,” you say gloomily, rubbing what’s left of the tears from your face.
Harry’s moans attract your attention, and you crouch down to take him in your arms, his naive wide eyes warming your interior.
“What do you guys think about putting Mr. Potter Junior to bed and cooking some pasta?” you ask between to pecks on the baby’s fleshy arms.
“Not yet.”
Not yet? You thought that Lily wanted to get a bit distracted.
“Yeah, not yet, Y/N,” her husband seconds her, scratching the back of his neck. “Harry still has a- mission to complete.”
“A mission, Harry?” you smile as you tickle the child’s belly. “What can it be?”
“You can tell Y/N now, Harry.” Sirius’ voice is warm and excited.
James starts shifting his weight from feet to feet, exaggeratedly beaming at you or his son, you can’t tell. “Come on, Harry, tell her to say yes.”
Even Lily seems affected by whatever got into the boys, because she repeats the Word yes over and over as she caresses the baby’s feet.
Harry’s innocent look bounces from each one of you to the next one -- probably not understanding what is going on, like me, you think -- until it finally comes back to his balled fist, which he starts munching.
Immediately, you are assaulted and the child is ripped from your arms.
“He’s going to swallow it!”
“Open his fist! Open it!”
“Don’t you- It’s not here!”
“Harry, spit!”
“Come on, Harry, listen to Daddy!”
“I told you this was the hell of a bad idea!”
In the agitation, neither of the three notices a small object falling on the floor. As you bend down to retrieve it, you distinct its silvery color in contrast with the red carpet. You take the little circle between two fingers and expose it to the light of the still moving fireworks.
Wait a minute: a circle?
Three heads jerk in your direction.
“Surprise, darling.”
Everything, everything, in this moment is perfect. Your boyfriend’s goofy grin, his blushing cheeks, his glowing eyes, your friends’ relieved expressions, Harry’s bubbly drooling, and the little metallic jewel in your hand.
“Sirius, is this a marriage proposal?” you ask, feeling your skin prickle.
“Is this a yes?” he answers, as nervous as you are.
You’re grateful that nothing stands in the way, because you would have knocked out even a dozen of Death Eaters to get to him right now. Your body collides with his in a kiss that you hadn’t shared in a long time. It’s one of those passionate affection demonstrations you used to give each other in your first years as a couple, but that were now replaced by constantly covering each other’s back or worrying to death because of the other’s delay.
You feel his mint breath on your upper lip, and his teeth tugging your lower one. How long had it been since you last took the silky texture of his hair between your fingers? Apparently, he feels the same about the presence of his hands on your waist, as he hugs you tighter.
Your friends have the delicacy to look away until you two finish kissing, which takes so long that James rolls his eyes when you do. “There is a minor in the public.”
Lily pinches him with her free hand, and drags him toward the kitchen despite his waits and I want to see her say nos.
Your chest heaving up and down is on perfect synchrony with Sirius’, and your arms are still safely locked around his neck.
“You didn’t answer, darling.”
“Well, you didn’t properly ask, Black.”
He tries to suppress a smile, but fails.
How is it that you can still, and always, win?
“Fine.” His fingers softly force your hands open and grab the little cold loop from it. With a meticulous slowness and a wink that makes your heart melt, one of his knees reaches the ground, while the other, like his eyes, look up at your face. “Y/N L/N. To honor all the years of mutual love we have demonstrated each other, and still plan to do, would you grant me the-”
“Do you want to marry him or not?”
James’ intruding face quickly disappears back through the next room’s door frame, and through your giggling you hear Lily scolding him.
“Sirius Orion Black. It is with great pleasure that I-”
“Yes! She says yes!”
“But Lily- If I hadn’t helped them, these two would still stealthily look at each other with fish eyes from the opposite corners of the room!”
“So would you if Y/N hadn’t stepped up!”
“What does this mean?”
“That they can handle their own thing by themselves.”
Ignoring their discussion, Sirius slides the shiny ring on your finger, enjoying the sight of it.
“Ready to become a Black, Y/N?”
“I’ve always been, Sirius.”
Permanent tag list: @miss-nerd0905​ @funnymrspotter​ @obsessionsandothersandmore​ @daytodayfun​ @electraheart-isdead @laurenslines​
Sirius tag list: @glitteryfreakslimeegg
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seven-oomen · 4 years
So I hope you’re feeling better, and have managed to cool down finally.  A year or two ago, the A/C in my apartment kept going out, to the point where finally they had to just replace the whole unit, and there were days when the temp inside would hit nearly 33 degrees (according to Google’s conversion chart.)  As someone also very much built for colder climes, I was about ready to murder someone, but that would have required too much movement and energy expenditure.  So I know just how indescribably miserable that feeling is.  (Frankly if I ended up in Eur at any point, I would probably also cave and buy some sort of A/C, too.  Give me cold over hot any day.  I can always add more layers, I can only take off so many.)  Also, I hope you’re feeling better in general after therapy, and that it was at least helpful and cathartic, if super difficult and heavy.
I’m sorry your game turned out disappointing.  I’d seen a few memes pop up on Facebook with no real context that now make a lot more sense.  I think sometimes a sequel that just doesn’t quite live up to expectations can be worse than if it’s just a trainwreck from the start, because you can visualize how it might have been if only…
I did have one more thought on the HP front (oh god, why?  how?  I was never really even in that fandom…)  I can’t remember enough details right now to be certain if Durmstrang was more generically Eastern European coded or if it was more specific to certain countries, but I thought it wouldn’t necessarily be entirely out of the question that Noah could be a student there.  Chris in Beauxbatons is a no- brainer.  And Hale is already a British last name.  Basically, what I’m saying is Tri-Wizard Tournament, except they’re fucking.  (Which given what little I know about the HP fandom, that is probably not the first time someone’s said that…)
And I see we’re just going right for the feels with that flashback, huh? XD  Why do I have the feeling that there’s going to be a corresponding scene in the current timeline as a callback that will just make it hurt even more?  (My heart says Stiles or Malia singing it to Ben, my head says anything is good, really)  And now I can look forward to imagining John’s ghost lovingly Gibbs-smacking the three of them upside the head any time they start getting angsty about how the other two feel.  Do you have any FCs for (young) Claudia or her father (I think there were already at least a couple different actresses, so I consider her fair game)?  Or Julio?  And having a visual for him now makes me think of the flashback in Ch.6 where he was treating their injuries, wondering if he and Mieczyslaw ever did go to have a “chat” with Elias, if there was a specific event that lead to that particular incident between Chris, Noah, and Elias, and where Peter was during all that (and who kept him from “helping” his father with his visit)?
Oh, one more for the sibling prank pile: when I was in high school/college, a lot of times when I’d be over at this one friend’s house, we’d be downstairs playing video games with her little sister and/or brother (by which I mean, they would be playing GoldenEye or Perfect Dark, and I would just be dying a lot because I’m beyond terrible at FPS), if we were playing music “too loud” (usually No Doubt or Garbage, or later on, AFI), her older brother would go upstairs to his room and start blasting Queen or Pink Floyd at top volume to try and drown us out, like some kind of Stereo Cold War (instead of using headphones, or asking us to turn it down, or something else logical.)  It definitely made for some interesting mash-ups, and I always had to fight down the urge to ask him “…you know we like those bands, too, right?  Like, if you’re trying to dissuade us or irritate us, you’re doing it wrong…"  Long story short, I could totally see Stiles and Jackson doing something like this, until one of their dads gets so frustrated they start blasting some of the most teenager repelling music they can think of to make them stop.  Peter: “You think this Spice Girls mix is painful?  Keep it up and you’ll learn that I know where Chris keeps the Nickleback CDs he doesn’t think we know about.”
This was originally gonna be part of my review, but I wasn’t sure how long it might get, so I saved it for one of these.  So I know in a previous chat you mentioned Peter’s wedding day was one of the happiest of his life, and I know Chris calls them his husbands, while Noah said Peter’d been “practically proposing”, so I was wondering would they be considered engaged at this point, or actually married (like, werewolf married or something)?  Because I am entirely here for some kind of ceremony once shit calms down a bit.  I can’t see Peter resisting the chance to get both his boys into fancy suits to show off just how lucky he is.  And they could work all the kids into the ceremony in different roles, all of them dressed up, too, but allowed to style it based on their personality and preferences.  Think about all the photoshoot opportunities.  Not sure who would be the best choice for officiant, because I’m not sure who may or may not have popped up by that point in the story.  I feel like the most appropriate setting (based on present knowledge) would be the Nemeton.  Second option would be the back yard of the house once it’s been rebuilt, depending how far in the future that is and how long they want to wait to make it official (Or other locations, what ever feels the most right.)  Imagine Melissa (lovingly) roasting the everloving shit out of them in a speech.  T H E  D A N C I N G…  Just, like, a huge celebration of the fact that they made it through.  And don’t forget the honeymoon…  Them at very least getting a room in some super luxe hotel, even if they don’t want to go too terribly far away because of the kids.  Champagne, huge shower stall and Jacuzzi tub, giant bed with 1000ct sheets, balcony with a hot tub, just, like, all the nicest, fanciest luxuries.   (And because I apparently can’t get enough of them teasing Peter to distraction)  At the end of the night they all stumble into the bedroom, and get Peter sitting down on a chair or bench facing the bed.  They loosely tie his wrists behind him with the tie he’d been wearing, and slowly unbutton his shirt and slide it down to wrap around them as well (they all know it hasn’t a chance of holding him, that’s not the point) before backing away out of reach and going to work on each other’s suits.  Eventually they’re down to just their necklaces, dress shirts, and an extra surprise they had made for their husband; matching Chantilly lace panties specially handwoven with a triskelion pattern (I was thinking maybe out of lilies-of-the-valley, because for some reason I felt like Peter was a May baby, and that’s the birth flower for that month, and also I feel that would curve into the Hale spirals fairly easily and nicely.  And while I like the idea that it’s traditionally black, this one has a lovely blue shift threaded through it that would look AMAZING on them), and featuring thin triple side ties made from silk in shades of blue to match their eyes (‘cause maybe he won’t rip it if he can just untie it?).  Peter’s brain would just keep blue screening and rebooting as he tried to process everything, while they turn and crawl up the bed (giving a hell of a view as they go), turning back to him as they lean up against each other, trying to mock pout through their smirks like “Won’t you join us, husband?  It’s lonely up here without you."  His shirt just ends up confetti sized shreds of white cotton (or silk?) floating gently down to the floor as he surges up the bed at literal supernatural speed so fast he almost bounces off the headboard, trying to figure out a way to tackle both of them at once.  (…Holy shit, I cannot believe I just actually wrote all that out.  Apologies if it went a little far, as per usual, I may have gotten carried away.  In my defense, speculating about it kept me from murdering the guy who decided to open and start "testing” our dog whistles because he insisted the last one he got didn’t work, so.)  Actually, that also reminds me, we know that Derek has a triskelion tattoo, do you think Peter does as well?  Or gets one at some point?  Do you think Noah or Chris would ever get one, as a sign of pack loyalty, since the Hales are the ones that took them in when their own families cast them out?  (And also, that’s definitely a mark that’s not going to fade away, but also does not carry the risk of accidental turning.)  Where would any of them have/get them?
And re: review responses, etc.  Don’t worry if you don’t want to reveal too much ahead of time.  I generally figure a lot of what I mention is stuff that has a good chance of just coming up later in the story.  I’m equally happy with the previews we do get and with waiting patiently (I swear I can) for things to be revealed in future chapters.
Oh, and the cosplay!  (Sorry, meant to mention that earlier but I got…distracted…)  If you do ever get the chance to do that one that would be amazing!  By the time I got into TW I wasn’t getting to cons very much any more, so I’ve never really seen anyone cosplaying any TW characters, at least obviously.  And we so rarely got to see any of Peter’s beta shift as it was.  I will say that the Hale boys are some of my faves for fandom inspired fashion (basically where it’s not specifically a costume and most regular people wouldn’t get it but I know.  I’ve done it with a number of characters over the years.)  I have several henleys in colors that feel appropriate to the show’s wardrobe, that if I’m in the mood I’ll pair with some dark jeans and boots or black chucks.  It lets me express my fannish inclinations with less risk of anyone getting all judge-y about it.  I, however, can’t get away with wearing them with quite as few buttons done up as they do, there tend to be laws about that sort of thing.  I also have a cute floral dress that works really well for a Lydia inspired look, and plans for similar, slightly more obvious, versions for Raven (Teen Titans) and Black Canary, should I ever manage to get to a convention again (I’m much more prone to costumes that are adaptations over exact accuracy.  Nobody wants to see me in a spandex suit, not even me.)  But yes, full support and encouragement on the cosplay!  That look is definitely one that would catch attention.
Final unexpected segue: Many, MANY years ago we carried a product at work that was an anti-mating spray (yes, that’s spelled correctly).  It was intended for unspayed females that went into heat to help keep interested males away.  Many were the customers that bought it without paying attention who thought it would help with grooming.  I just thought it was one of the funniest things I’d ever heard of, and that was long before I knew anything about omegaverse fic.  Can you imagine something like that in a traditional a/b/o story? XD  I still think about that product every so often (no idea if they even still make anything like that), and wanted to share the hilarity.
Wow, just realized that it’s like 3am.  Jesus, I’ve been rambling a while.  But I think that was everything?  Anyway I’m going to attempt to go to bed, and pretend I didn’t just write more almost porn.  (There’s a quote from the movie Noises Off! [another fave, highly recommend if you’ve not seen it], where a character is referring to her ability to remember lines, and says “Well, it’s like a slot machine up here.” *gestures vaguely at her head* “I, I open my mouth, and I never know what’s going to come out; three oranges, or two lemons and a banana."  And I feel like that’s an accurate description of my posting style.)
For the FC I do, for teenage Claudia: Davina Claire (but imagine the brown eyes)
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For Adult Claudia the actress Joey Honsa: 
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And for Claudia’s dad (I’m not awake enough to copy Miech’s name fully): Gary Oldman
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And Julio Delgado: Santiago Calbrera
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Fucking tumblr... I had entire sections typed out during work but my phone freaked out and now it’s gone and I can retype it all over a again... am angry >:( 
Anyway, yeah I’m doing a lot better, ac’s on, I got drinks and shit. And I’m trying to rock my Reese’s pieces tank with Harry Potter booty shorts.
I’m gonna try and answer the most important things I wrote down and work from there. 
And now I can look forward to imagining John’s ghost lovingly Gibbs-smacking the three of them upside the head any time they start getting angsty about how the other two feel.  
There was a lot of Gibbs-smacking back when John was watching over them. Although he made sure to never freak out Chris and instead go for the ‘abby kisses’ on the temple and forehead whenever Chris did the right thing or was particularly vulnerable.
I also have this headcanon that John took care of Allison and Jackson for the first week or two because Chris just couldn’t. He felt alone at almost 18, just went through pure hell to deliver two babies he doesn’t really know. He loves them, he does, he’s just-, he doesn’t know how to feel. So John steps in and teaches him how to be a parent. It takes a bit of time but by the time Jackson and Allison are a week old, Chris is fully on board and would die for them in a heartbeat. And John just looks at him with this pride in his eyes and kisses his forehead. “I’m proud of you.” It’s the first time Chris hears that from a father figure.
And having a visual for him now makes me think of the flashback in Ch.6 where he was treating their injuries, wondering if he and Mieczyslaw ever did go to have a “chat” with Elias, if there was a specific event that lead to that particular incident between Chris, Noah, and Elias, and where Peter was during all that (and who kept him from “helping” his father with his visit)?
This I will address in the prequel, and maybe a very short teaser flashback.
And I was going to close this story with a wedding, a honeymoon, and a pack run at the end. ^^ And holy shit the panties idea is fucking golden.
I could not focus on my work today XD. What an image please do give me more if you think of them ^^. It’s a lovely idea to have Chris and Noah dressed in lacy triskelion panties while having Peter ‘bound’ in a chair. They’re making out, they’re all having fun. And Peter’s hard, like he’s trying so hard to be a good boy for them but holy shit if they keep making out like that, all bets are off. What a fantastic image. Although probably not the best when trying to work XD. (I don’t mind.)
Actually, that also reminds me, we know that Derek has a triskelion tattoo, do you think Peter does as well?  Or gets one at some point?  Do you think Noah or Chris would ever get one, as a sign of pack loyalty, since the Hales are the ones that took them in when their own families cast them out?  (And also, that’s definitely a mark that’s not going to fade away, but also does not carry the risk of accidental turning.)  Where would any of them have/get them?
He do! All the Hales do, it’s a coming off age thing for the wolves and some humans get them as well to show solidarity with their wolf siblings.
John had a tattoo on his left pectoral. His wife Kathryn had hers on her right shoulder. Nathaniel had one between his shoulder blades out of solidarity to his wolf brethren. (He was born human). Talia had hers on the right side of her abdomen just above her hip bone. Merlia had a tramp stamp triskelion. Peter has his over his heart. (The top of the spiral can be seen peeking through some of his deeper v-necks.)
 Laura had hers on her left shoulder. Derek has his between the shoulder blades in honor of his oldest uncle. Chris gets his on his left pectoral after he’s had his youngest child. (In honor of John) Noah gets his on his right pectoral as a mirror image after he’s had his youngest twins. (They talked about it before hand where they’d get them.)
Malia gets hers on her left wrist. Stiles on his right wrist in solidarity. Both of them on the inside. Jackson gets his just below his right collarbone. Allison gets hers just below her left collarbone. Ben gets his on his left arm when he’s old enough.
Not sure about the others but it’ll come to me.
Can you imagine something like that in a traditional a/b/o story? XD  I still think about that product every so often (no idea if they even still make anything like that), and wanted to share the hilarity.
I am wheezing. That’d be so fucking funny XD Anti-Alpha! Alpha be gone! Spray the horny away! (Okay I’ll stop.)
But now I am imagining Stiles making a prank like that where he just gives his pops (Noah) a spray bottle for christmas that says: Spray the horny away! And has a photoshopped picture of Peter on it with a red cross through it.
They have a good laugh about it.
0 notes
joulethieves · 7 years
Ri’s FFXII Fic Reclist
(posted 10/17/17; will update and reblog accordingly) I posted a while back asking if anyone would be interested in some recommendations and got a decent response. So, here you go! I’ll try to organize this in the best way possible with characters and pairings and timelines bolded so you can skim faster. If you know me, you know I’m a fervent Balthier/Vaan shipper--but never fear, this rec-list is spread out amongst other facets of the fandom outside of that ship. This is my first installation while I try to find others I’ve read in the past. However, I do have a love for pre-canon, post-canon, and Balthier-centric fics. I’ll try not to rate these in order of favorites, but I do have some top-threes that I’ll post first.
1) Four and Twenty Blackbirds by ColoredInk; Balthier & Fran, Bahamut-centric. as I wrote in my AO3 bookmarks, “the legend. my number one. for all you read in this fandom, read this.” being only shy of 6k, it’s modest, but so, so powerful; Coloredink is one of my favorite XII authors and their Balthier meta has inspired me greatly in my future worldbuilding. The imagery here, the pacing, the darkness the author puts you in. I’ve read this like 20 times, okay.
2) Haunted by Dreams Deferred by Person; Balthier/Vaan, post-Bahamut. This was, hilariously enough, written for me on LJ in 2009 for the BalVaan secret santa. I can’t remember what I requested; I think it was some postgame Bahamut BalVaan angst because that’s my favorite thing, and I think I requested Balthier suffering lasting injuries from it (hell yeah, suffering Balthier, my kink). I was expecting a simple oneshot; what the author wrote was 16k of what is my favorite Balthier/Vaan fanfic out there. It hits all the right spots. Their Vaan is absolutely charming - here he is just the right amount of everything. Their permanently injured Balthier does all sorts of things to me; how he deals with it, how Vaan deals with it, how they both come to deal with it. And Fran’s presence is perfectly placed between them. Really, this partnered with Four and Twenty Blackbirds has done so much for me in my worldbuilding for future XII fics. 
3) The Death of Balthier the Deathless by ColoredInk; Balthier & Fran, a beautifully-crafted postpostpost-game oneshot piece centered around Balthier dealing with aging, mortality, and the like. Airship meta, action scenes, aging Balthier and haunting landscapes really bring this beautifully to life.  And death. Well, what? - The title explains it all. 
more under the cut of various fics featuring Gabranth, Fran, Al-Cid, Vossler, Basch, Cid, Venat, more BalVaan
 Some Watcher of the Skies; Ffamran, Cid, Venat, pre-canon. Once again Coloredink’s interpretation of Balthier outside of canon timeline really adds so much to an already fascinating fan-favorite character.  Ffamran deals with Cid dealing with Venat. Touches on really fun small Balthier-details and a bit about how he meets Fran. Short. (I said interpretation earlier - I would say “understanding” but I find that to be an unfair pedestal to place a fanfic author upon; everyone has their own interpretation, and in fanfic, it’s less of understanding especially in pre-and-post-canon. Understanding is the basis, interpretation is the flesh around the bone. To say a fanfic author “understands” a character sounds too subjective to me.)
Across the Golden Hills - Ffamran-and-Fran-centric, pre-canon; who wants a cute Balthier Meets Fran Fic?? Wow in addition to writing amazing smut Laylah also kills it with the pre-canon meta (on another note, read her other fics re: smut. mmmm) I love reading about Ffamran escaping Archades and he is...so cute here. And Fran is great. I don’t want to give anything away.
Rendezvous & Amorio by ColoredInk - Al-Cid/Balthier, post-canon, two oneshots. Let me have this. They both tickle me. Smutty.
Making His Peace With It by sheffiesharpe - Vossler/Gabranth, Basch/Balthier by sheffiesharpe. Novel-length 100k+ Another Gabranth Lives story but... Wooo--sheffiesharpe. What an author! What a kinky author. I know the fandom has certain sides they take with the Vossler thing so take that as you will, it’s both equally-divided between this ship and I haven’t read the whole thing in many years but it’s excellent from what I recall. I keep trying to re-read it but I can’t find the time, however I totally recommend it. It’s certainly a dedication and labor of love from them and I really remember enjoying how they approach the dynamics between the two pairings. The Vossler/Gabranth is what you’d expect; manly-man things, S&M, macho, angst. The BalBasch is a nice diversion from that to break up that heavy pairing, because face it, BalBasch is cute.
A Clear Line of Sight by sheffiesharpe - Balthier/Basch, post-canon; kind of based off of the above but you don’t have to read the 100k+ fic to understand it, thus why they made this a standalone oneshot fic. It’s just really cute okay. Smutty.
All They Can See by sheffiesharpe - Gabranth, Basch, Drace in-game; a 2k narrative on the attack on Nalbina. Just some interesting meta. I’m not as crazy about the Judges as a good portion of a tumblr niche fandom is here but I find this to be very interesting. 
Something To Keep Him Here by sheffiesharpe - Gabranth, Larsa, beginning of game. Ugh damn I thought I wrote a review for this, I guess I didn’t. I need to. This is one of my favorites due to the absolute vibrancy the author paints into the landscape and action-scenes here. I took so many notes based on how they write. The descriptions are excellent. Gabranth goes on a midnight chocobo ride to get some fresh air and it escalates from there.
Balthier’s Guide to Ivalice by empyrean - Balthier/Vaan, ingame to postgame. Works like these validate this pairing beautifully, starting from the moment Balthier’s attraction is piqued all the way to the denial, discomfort, and finally the acceptance and embracing of his feelings. This work was such a treat. I highly enjoy their ever-aware, forward Vaan. The Vaan that renders Balthier to a sputtering, blinking half-wit. The Vaan that challenges Balthier and proves that, although kind of a dingus and a pretty face, he's no idiot. I wrote a huge review on this anyway so they know how I feel about it.
Way One Moves Time by rabbitprint - Cid, Venat, mentions of Ffamran, pre-canon. Okay--this? This is 10k of freaking excellent and completely 100% overlooked and underloved pre-canon gorgeous meta re: Cid meeting Venat, his struggles coming over to Venat’s proposals, a grieving Cid, an obsessed Cid, a mad and brilliant and infatuated-with-nethecite Cid. Really solid foundation for his character and on-point Occurian dialogue. 
All in Due Time by pennies-4-eyes - Balthier/Vaan, ingame oneshot. This was also written on a request of mine and has stood as one of my favorite little BalVaans ever. Pre-ship tension, a Vaan trying to impress Balthier with some dangerous stunt, Vaan getting hurt, and Balthier’s reaction to it. Oh--and Basch’s presence in this fic is absolutely excellent, a portion of it taking place in his perspective. The author’s understanding of guns and war and PTSD really fit in here. I really love the way the author handles a concerned Balthier as well--it just, hhhh, it hits all the right spots for me. And yes, I’m taking you to FFnet for that one. Sorry.
I Could Drink a Case of You - Balthier/Basch, Al-Cid/Basch, ingame, oneshot - This is so delicious, that’s all I have to say.
as a PS for now - I can’t remember any fics in specific but I do know Threewalls has written over 100 fics of FFXII ranging from long to short 100word drabbles alllll across the board with all sorts of characters and pairings so if you want to do some shopping check them out.
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thesevenseraphs · 7 years
Bungie Weekly Update 2/23/17
This week at Bungie, we’re waging our usual battle in playtest.
Last week we launched Hotfix, which contained some impactful changes to the Destiny Sandbox. Since then, Guardians have expressed a renewed fondness for their Primary weapon choices. The Special Ammo economy also saw some major alterations and players are adjusting to a new Crucible where death carries a much higher price.
It has been a little over one week since these new changes took effect and we’re still monitoring feedback from around the community. One thing we have been hearing a lot of is: “Sidearms… so hot right now.” A lot of the feedback around Sidearms has pointed out their unique ability to hoard Special ammo when other weapons are running dry.
Senior Designer Josh Hamrick
has a few preliminary plans to address this in the future. He also has some ideas for making Memory of Skorri a little less impactful on Trials of Osiris without negating its benefits in PVE.  
Josh Hamrick: And I’m back again. In the spirit of open and honest communication, I wanted to show up and talk about a couple of changes we’re beginning to test now.   Before I do, I have to state that these changes could see some iteration before they make it to you. The important thing to know is that this iteration could change the details or even - though it’s unlikely - entirely kill them. More than likely they’ll ship, and probably as is, but we’d like to clear that up, just in case.   Now, the goods… 
Sidearms: In a not-entirely-shocking development, the Sidearm meta has grown strong. With its innate ability to not only keep ammo through death, but to also actually store it away, Scrooge McDuck style, it’s the ultimate gift for anyone who’s always running out. For now. We are currently working on a change that would allow Sidearms to continue to spawn with a small set amount of ammo post-death, but keep them from stacking anything extra. They’ll be handy if you run into resistance on your way to the ammo crate, but to keep your Sidearm usage high, you’ll still need to stock up often.
Memory of Skorri: This Artifact has led to some of the greatest dance parties I’ve ever attended in Destiny. That being said, aside from encouraging these sort of team building events, the artifact itself tends to inspire a more lackadaisical approach to gameplay. Instead of continuing to encourage you to hurry up and wait on a Super, we are looking at modifying Skorri to motivate some activity. The change currently in testing requires a kill to jumpstart Skorri’s unique ability for the next minute. Once in times out, you’ll need another kill to jumpstart it again. We believe you won't have any problems killing one enemy every 60 seconds for maximum uptime in PVE, but Trials may offer a greater challenge. 
Truth: While I think Truth’s strength is its unique ability to find its target, clearly having more rockets is always better and losing a loaded rocket is - understandably - a heavy loss to many players. To make this a little bit easier to deal with, we are looking into adding one additional rocket into your backpack AND bumping Truth to the max Rocket Launcher reload speed.  
No Land Beyond: Much like the recent rise of Sidearms, NLB is showing up more and more. Ultimately, we would never want to destroy NLB’s Exoticness, meaning we would never move it from the Primary slot or change it from being a Sniper. On the contrary, we've found a potential workaround for making NLB flinch like the Sniper Rifle it is. This one will require a good amount of testing, but we think it’s a good change. Keep your shooting clean and you’ll still pop heads like nothing ever changed… But falling behind in a head-to-head primary fight will likely be a death sentence.
Blink: As you know, we’ve nerfed Blink a few times over the years. While we're happy with the latest changes, we believe that the stack of nerfs has grown too high. To counter this, we are looking into removing the old Recovery nerf entirely. Additionally, we’re looking at pulling back the time that you’re HUDless by just a bit.
Finally, Nutty McNutface is a lazy name for a squirrel and you all know it.
These potential changes will join fixes for Health Regen Perks in an update we are testing now. You can also read about those proposed changes in a post from earlier this week. Stay tuned for more details on when you can expect these to land. None of these changes are finalized and we don’t have a date for delivery yet, but we wanted to get you in the loop earlier into the process this go-around.
Call Your Banners
Here is another opportunity to test the new combat scenarios in Destiny.
Begins: Tuesday, February 28th, 10 AM Pacific Ends: Tuesday, March 7th, 1 AM Pacific The game will be Supremacy!
Iron Banner is back next week. It returns to the gametype that launched with Rise of Iron. Back in September, Guardians lamented the overuse of Shotguns. Things may be different now that shells are not as plentiful. Collect those Crests and claim your rewards. Efrideet will be waiting at Felwinter Peak with your Bounties and a glimpse of what rolls you can expect on this lineup of weaponry.
Sniper Rifles
Hand Cannons
A Plentiful Bounty
We have designated a new Bounty for you to hunt. JogoandoPlay has volunteered to venture into the wild as a target for an eager community.
Bungie Bounty: JogoandoPlay Region: Brazil When: 6 PM Pacific 2/25/2017 Console: PS4 Playlist: Clash
Same rules as before. Match with JogandoPlay during the two-hour event and win the game to earn your Emblem. It will be delivered to your Emblem Collection later in the week. We have to be at the studio to give these out so you will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. If you have any questions about Bungie Bounties, our brave men and women at Destiny Player Support have created a handy Bungie Bounty FAQ for you. Speaking of DPS…
Helping Hands
…they are ever watchful. Our player support team is investigating issues behind the scenes. They are constantly tracking a list of known issues with the live game. If you need assistance, you can find them on our #Help forum. 
This is their report.
Console Update Preview Programs This week, it came to our attention that some players are currently unable to join Multiplayer sessions or connect to Destiny activities due to issues introduced by a Console Update Preview. If following the steps under the Network Troubleshooting Guide does not resolve your issue, we advise contacting PlayStation Support or Xbox Support for further troubleshooting methods.
Local Network Fireteam Issues We are actively testing a proposed solution to an issue where players on a local network are unable to form a Fireteam. The proposed fix is somewhat complex in nature, as the changes would revise systems in place that all Destiny players use to form Fireteams with each other, or join matches. While this could solve the issue for some, it may introduce additional issues that would impact a larger population of the Destiny player base. As such, we are testing the proposed solution thoroughly to prevent further issues from being introduced. In the case that this issue is not resolved by the proposed fix, or additional issues are found through testing, we will continue to pursue alternative solutions in hopes of addressing the Local Network Fireteam Issues. Additional updates on the investigation will be provided when possible.
Accessing Destiny Content
Over the last few weeks, Destiny Player Support has received many reports concerning access to Destiny content. In many cases, players were reporting that pre-ordered content was not available to them, or that they were unable to access activities that required the purchase of specific Destiny releases.
Clear your console’s cache
Inspect Destiny under your PlayStation 4 Library or Xbox One in My Games & Apps section
Ensure all items listed under Destiny have been downloaded.
If any content is present but not installed, select the appropriate release and proceed to download.
If you have purchased a Physical edition of Destiny, ensure all DLC codes have been redeemed under your PlayStation or Xbox Account.
If all content is present when inspecting Destiny, you may need to re-install this content.In the case that you continue to experience issues accessing content after following these steps, you may be required to contact PlayStation Support or Xbox Support for additional troubleshooting steps.
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abahwrites · 7 years
A Day with Shaelynn
This fic is inspired by Extreme - More Than Words
For Shaelynn, a friend is one of many ways to spend the time, to spend the whole day talking random things and eventually ended up in the emotional shoulder to cry on session… which no one cares about it unless both of you and both of you only who knows behind the scenes. In her first days of seeking friends and companionship, she stumbled upon a base. The base itself didn’t look too big or too small, but sure it fits enough for hundreds of people working there.
She didn’t know a thing or two about the base and the people working there. I think I could get some dirty work here, been a long time since I didn’t kill anyone. Shae thought to herself as she enters the HQ. Upon her arrival, she’s greeted by a receptionist.
“Welcome to Talon, may I help you?” said the Receptionist. “It’s good to see new faces around here, it’s kinda boring when you saw the same person who worked the same as you walks through that cursed door – every day.” She said.
“Oh, hello. Why did you say so? Is someone troubling you?” Shae asked the receptionist, she called herself Daniela.
“Look,” Daniela said. “some people who greeted me with a side of gifts walking through that door are damn high. Every single day I get twenty to thirty gifts, and people now thinks I’m a hoarder.” She recalled. “Anyway, that’s not your problem. So, what’s your name and state your business here.”
“My name is Shaelynn Kartasasmita, and I need a place to live. I suppose you could give directions where should I go to have some rest, wouldn’t you feel pity for a beautiful woman slept in the coldest streets of… whatever city I visit right now?”
“Okay, I guess, considering and judging by your emotions and actions towards me, you could live with Widowmaker, our finest sniper,” Daniela said, enlisted Shae to live alongside Widowmaker. “She has a queen-sized bed, so you guys would probably okay.”
Out of nowhere, Widowmaker jumps on both of them, angered. “What the hell, Daniela?! Do you want me to share a bed with this rookie? Huh?” She thundered, in disbelieve. “I don’t want to sleep with this rookie, I’d rather sleep with a female pornstar and making out with her than having sex with this rookie you just met.” She mocked Shaelynn because of her innocent attitude and a little childish on the side.
“Oh, really? The finest sniper’s approach isn’t as I thought before.” Shae replied Widow’s mockery.
“Ladies, let’s settle this on the firing range.” Daniela meddled with both of them. “Follow me, please.”
The shooting range is empty, and the candidates are preparing themselves with their favourite weapon of choice. Widowmaker with her trusted sniper and Shae with her KA-BAR knife, Jagdkommando Tri-Dagger, and a stolen SS V-2 Assault Rifle.
“What? A knife? To a gunfight? You kidding me, rookie?” Widowmaker mocked Shaelynn once again.
“Stop mocking each other, please!” Daniela thundered, getting tired of them fighting each other.
Widowmaker prepares herself for the competition, cracking her fingers and ready to pull the trigger at any time. Daniela holds the black flag, and as soon as she dropped it, Widowmaker and Shaelynn threw their projectiles. The shooting range is 500 meters, that’d be impossible for a knife to get 100 percent accuracy.
Not in the hands of Shaelynn, of course.
Daniela observed the projectiles and shocked. “Widow, you missed by 5 centimetres from the bullseye and Shaelynn… you’ve got the bullseye. Right in the middle.”
“That couldn’t be happening!” Widowmaker denied Shaelynn’s knife-throwing skills. “How come a knife could land perfectly in the midst with an astonishing range of 500 meters?” She asked Daniela, in disbelieve.
“It’s about how you trust your weapon, not just about strength, capabilities, range, and mathematics. A weapon is a part of feelings too.” Shaelynn said to Widowmaker, in a motherly tone. She pulled out her rifle and began to burst the shot to the target. “Even an assault rifle that only effective at less than 350 meters range could land a bullseye… if you trust the weapon as you trust your teammate in battle.” She quoted Ki Umar’s words about firearms and feelings lesson.
“It settled, then,” Daniela said. “You are going to live with her, Widowmaker. No excuses.” Daniela told Widowmaker and immediately left the firing range and quickly met with her unwanted visitors and agents.
“But… Arrrgghh…” Widowmaker said, exasperated. “Okay, newbie. My room, my rules.” She angered while pointing at her chest, then Shaelynn’s nose.
“Okay, expert. I’ll follow your rules.”
Later that evening, when Widowmaker taking a rest on her comfy bed, suddenly a heavy rain began to pour down from the skies above, marking the gloomiest and the loneliest day ever in Widowmaker’s or Shaelynn’s life. The room felt so cold that even a radiant smile couldn’t warm it up. Widowmaker lays herself on the bed without nothing to do, and she’s goddamn bored. To break the ice, Widowmaker tried to touch Shaelynn to gain her attention.
“Shaelynn…” Widowmaker greeted Shaelynn.
“Anything I could help you, Master?” Shae said, implicitly mocking Widowmaker’s “superiority.”
“Just call me Amé, okay? I know that’s my former name, but I found no harm to share it with you.” Widowmaker said to her. Shae began to questioning Widowmaker’s “superiority.”
“Ooookaaaay, Amé.” She playfully replied.
“Thank you, Shaelynn.”
“Not a problem, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. A callsign that she’d never heard of in years, and it’s been a long time since she heard the word when she’s just at the peak of her ballet dancing career. Widowmaker began to blush and couldn’t control herself over her blush. She hasn’t seen love nor feels it… or experience it directly from a rookie that just met her a few hours ago on the firing range.
The next day, Widowmaker woke a little late than Shae, since Shaelynn’s friend is only Widowmaker herself, so she wanders the base to see if she could hang out with other agents, members, and soldiers of the Talon Organization.
“Hi, guys! Mind if we have a round of cards? Whoever wins pays the lunch!” She shouted from afar, Widowmaker barely heard it, but the only word she could hear is “buys the dinner.”
“Hey, isn’t that the new girl? We could play a round or two, lay it down and let’s play. It’s been a while since we play this type of game.” Pvt. Jameson said, Talon Platoon A Leader.
Widowmaker who could only watch her with her visor from her room began to touch her unmentionables as dirty thoughts swarming her like bees, she caresses it very, very tenderly and gradually increasing its intensity and vigorously rubbing it. Widowmaker began to drool herself in her room and couldn’t contain the ecstasy of… imagining the newbie… as her same-sex intimate partner. Shaelynn, please do me vigorously. Widowmaker thought to herself as she rubs her genitals in between her lusty, French moans. Do it harder, Shaelynn! Do it rough! She screamed inside herself, telling herself that she’s more than ready to have an intimate relationship with Shaelynn. Widowmaker came as soon as she let out her last and loud moan, her heart is beating like crazy afterwards. Shaelynn who heard it from across the corridor began to run back to Widowmaker’s room, the rest of the guys thought that Widowmaker might experience a nightmare, she ran so fast… to only found out…
“Amé!” Shaelynn beat down the door. “Are you… pleasing yourself?” Shaelynn asked Widowmaker, confused.
“Do it rough, baby. Do it rough.” Widowmaker replied, a flow of ecstasy of being pleased still swarming her thoughts.
“Amé…” Shaelynn facepalmed. “You’re dreaming of me, aren’t you?” Shaelynn questioned Widowmaker in disbelieve.
“I think… so…” Widowmaker took a deep breath.
“Amé, the only thing I ask of you is we’re just friends, okay? Beyond that, I will search for another room far away from you, or I could live in the city. Where you couldn’t find me.”
Widowmaker tried her best to calm herself and controlling her heart beat. “Please… don’t do that.”
“Don’t imagine dirty things about me, then. It creeps me out, you know?” She warned Widowmaker and left her alone in her room with a bed sheet full of her bodily fluids and sweat. Widowmaker then took a bath and realising that if she couldn’t imagine Shaelynn, at least she could stalk her for a whole day. She wore her favourite T-Shirt and ripped jeans. Shaelynn still felt disgusted after what Widowmaker did to her indirectly, and she began to question Widowmaker’s position and why did she do that to her… and only her.
Shaelynn’s perspective
You know what, people? Being someone who lived with that sniper all day long is one great experience, but then again… when the sniper is begging you to please her sexually, even if that’s only a foreplay or some kind of softcore intimacy… it begins to creeps the hell out of me. The following days of my work with Talon and its respected members, I found myself trusting a lot of new agents from different divisions of Talon Organization, some of them were even single and to experience a proposal to began a new life, bound with marriage is something I’d like to experience, but now… it’s not a trivial matter for me, what is important is I could make some money from my mercenary work and eventually get myself a home somewhere in the city. Every day I feel myself being watched by someone as I threw bridge cards and drinking beers with my new teammates, I take a look at my back to see if there’s somebody is spying on me, that goes for two straight weeks. Later that night, before I went to sleep I have a little talk with Widowmaker.
“Hey, Amé. Did you spying on me?” I asked her, with my hands on my waist.
“No, I didn’t spy on you.” She answered.
“Okay, I believe in you, Amé. But, please, it’s been two weeks, and you already creeps the shit out of me.” I angered.
“I said, I didn’t spy on you, okay? Why you always blamed me for such matter, I didn’t even know it!” Widowmaker said, denying what she did around me.
“Amé, I will not angry if you act honestly in front of me, okay?” I said, trying to calm her down and squeeze any secrets from her.
Widowmaker sighed. “Yeah, I’m spying on you, Shaelynn. I couldn’t think straight if I didn’t think about you… even for one day.”
I hugged her so tight, she didn’t have the time to react. “Thanks, Amé. I appreciate your honesty.” I smiled and then off to bed, followed by her walking beside me.
In fact, not all friends came from the same experience, especially for Shaelynn and Widowmaker, two friends who had their own limits in intimate relations and sex life. Shaelynn who focused more on friendship than a hardcore sex with her favourite marksman felt something strange inside her, sometimes her thoughts telling her to accept Widowmaker in any way she can. Widowmaker is softening her feelings to Shaelynn, and she is the primary role model for her to continue life as it is. One evening after their regular combat training, Shaelynn approached Widowmaker while she’s talking to her former platoon mate, codename “Weldyn.”
“Hello, Amé. Can I talk you for a second, please?” She asked Widowmaker.
“Uh, yeah, sure. What is it, Shae?” Widowmaker said, with a smile.
“Let’s have lunch together, shall we?”
Widowmaker gasped. “Really? Like, right now?” She said.
“Uh huh!” Shaelynn replied in a childish tone.
“But, we’re all sweaty and smelly, is it okay?” Widowmaker worried about her wet spandex clothes and on the verge of dehydration.
“Lunch’s on me, what do you say about that?”
“Can’t argue with that matter.”
They went off to the local restaurant and began their own quality time, it’s not what Widowmaker wants, but to ensure her friend’s mood, she’s more than willing to do anything for her trusted friend.
For Shaelynn.
After the pleasant lunch, Shaelynn walks beside Widowmaker to adore her beauty, she’s so captivating that Shaelynn who didn’t want to have an intimate relationship with her fades away as she looks deeper into who is Widowmaker.
“Amélie, I know you like me and you know I like you… let’s take it to another level, shall we?” Shaelynn said.
Widowmaker flustered of Shaelynn’s words. “What?” She said the only word that comes up from her mind to reply Shaelynn.
“You know… dating stuff, but not too intimate.” She said, putting her hands on top of her head and whistling.
“Do you want to be my date?!” Widowmaker gasped, her heart beating like crazy. “I’d love to!” She hugged her so tight that Shaelynn could barely breathe.
“There’s terms, by the way.”She said. “Okay, first don’t stalk me ever again and don’t imagine me as your “reliever.” She said.
Widowmaker could only nod to her new “girlfriend.” 
For Widowmaker… Amélie, ballet has been her occupation before Talon took everything from her. Ballet is one of the most beautiful dances around the world, and its performance is appreciated so highly that Widowmaker paid in thousands of euros, and live a happy life with her husband, Gérard Lacroix, the one who spearheading Overwatch’s attack against Talon years before she turned into a living weapon. The two spend the rest of the evening talking about boys and how to maintain themselves as they slowly close their eyes and rest in a peaceful slumber.
Sunday morning for Amélie and Shaelynn is the laziest day to do anything. The Chief of Command let his agents and soldiers to take a break for a while and to meet their relatives, it’s been so long that some of the soldiers began to forget who they were and where their families located. For Shaelynn, it’s the best day to play some music and entertain people who walk in front of their room. Amélie already awakens fifteen minutes before Shaelynn even waking up from her late night slumber. Amélie stripped her clothes on the floor and went to the bathtub and soak herself in bubbles, with a side of Cognac and the beautiful hillside landscape behind the base, that is the perfect situation she hoped every day, and wish to experience it for the rest of her life.
Shaelynn who feel strange with Amélie’s curtain began to search around it and found a grand piano, sitting there without anyone touching it for years, she grabs a feather duster and cleans it up until it’s shining bright, just like Amélie first bought it years ago. She couldn’t believe the grand piano is one of the most beautifully made piano in the world. This cost a lot of fortune, there’s no way Amélie stole this kind of thing. Shaelynn shocked in awe as she touches the grand piano. The curves, the keys… it feels surreal. She sat down on the chair and trying to get accustomed to the grand piano. She began to hit a series of notes and keys beautifully, Amélie didn’t realise that her fingers began to move as the melodies of the notes overwhelmed her to the point where her emotions began to emerge once more. Amélie then dries herself and went back to her bedroom real quick. There, she saw Shaelynn try to tease Amélie with her piano works.
“That’s… beautiful.” Amélie said in a faint tone.
“What?” Shaelynn replied, while continue playing the piano.
“I mean, I hate it. Cut it off, will you?” Amélie said, flustered and tried to hide her amazement because of Shaelynn’s improvisation.
Shaelynn stopped. “Why? You don’t like it? I know you were in a ballet dance group and you could dance to anything meant to be beautiful.” She said.
“Yeah, it’s the past, and I don’t want to remember it all again, Shaelynn,” Amélie said while putting her lingerie. “I don’t want to get any PTSD because of you playing the piano for me, okay?”
“At least, will you allow me to play this beautiful, rare grand piano, Amélie?” Shaelynn requested Amélie’s permission to play the grand piano.
“Okay, you can play, but don’t involve me in this, alright?”
“I’m sure I will not involve you in this.”
Shaelynn began the song with the key of D minor and create a dark, sad aura around Amélie’s room. “This is called “The Cries of the Spider.” She titled the song.
Upon hitting the first notes, Amélie began to chill down to her spine as if she’s watching a Goddess touches her old grand piano. Her foot taps as the song continues to captivate her as she’s putting a shirt and a long coat. Her body felt something strange and couldn’t stop dancing to the music Shaelynn just played.
Her inner self… slowly regains consciousness.
The ballet dancer seems to remember all the moves again, just like the last stage she went to… the last crowd she’d ever saw and experienced. The other agents who accidentally saw Amélie in her former-self began to create a mass of crowds in front of her room, some of them were also inside to watch the ballet dancer a little closer and some of which took a photo or two between Amélie and Shaelynn. Shaelynn ends the session and leaves the agents and soldiers alike in awe, standing ovations began to swarm them, not to mention Amélie got herself an honourable ovation from Shaelynn.
Even if she couldn’t feel anything, Shaelynn made her life a little better, and she could feel her emotions again, in a short time.
Amélie gave them the curtain call to end the session as crowds began to overwhelm her with standing ovations and cheering… then telling them to get the hell out of her room. A mood breaker that is.
“Amé… you’re awesome!” Shaelynn complimented the Dancing Spider. “You’re… so beautiful and elegant… it warms my heart to the fullest.”
“Thank you, dear. I’d settle to thank the gods, but instead, I thanked you… you repair a piece of me, you… reminds me who was I before.” Amélie embraced Shaelynn like she’s the most important person in her life.
“Sure, Amé. I’m glad I help someone taking care of their problems, although that’s not a trivial matter for me, at least you know that not everyone could overcome their problems alone… they need guidance, just like when you’re trying to drive a car, fly a plane, you name it.” Shaelynn replied Amé’s embrace. “Don’t afraid to show your past… even if that makes you cry and it’s painful to remember… that at least is what will hold you together.”
“Thanks again, Shae. I know by trusting you… loving you…” She flustered.
“Would make you feel reborn again to this world?” Shaelynn continued Amé’s fractured sentences.
Amélie blushed. “Exactly…”
“Hey, wanna keep the piano session? We still had enough time to enjoy ourselves.” Shaelynn said.
“Sure, how about some contemporary love songs? I could sing for you, and you could play the piano for me.” Amélie said, grabbing her old acoustic guitar and began to play a series of chords.
“Let’s do that love song called “More Than Words.” I’m sure you know it… everyone does… well, not everybody.”
“Let the crowd enjoy the show, now.” Amé requested, feeling confident for her first performance in a base where people didn’t recognise or appreciate anything beautiful… until now. “They could have a secret ballet dancer and a pianist, eh? Evil needs love and something beautiful too, you know?” Amélie winked at Shaelynn.
“I concur that, Spidey Snipes.” Shaelynn nodded in agreement.
“Let’s play this song, Chérie. Starts with the key of G.” Amélie said, commanding Shaelynn to get the right chords.
“Kanyaah kuring, I know the song, don’t tell me what chords I should play, okay?” Shaelynn replied with a twist of her Sundanese coming out from her mouth.
Amélie blushed when she heard the word. “I don’t know what that means and how to pronounce it, but it’s the sweetest thing, you see?”
“Don’t exaggerate things you don’t need to, Amé.”
“Ah, beg your pardon. Let’s continue our session, then.”
As the sun goes down, the song fits the atmosphere perfectly. At first, Amélie didn’t believe herself that somewhat she could sing a song, she always told people around her that she couldn’t sing. Upon reaching the song’s first verse…
It was heavenly, for Amélie and Shaelynn.
They both chorused the song simultaneously, just like the duets on the television. Shaelynn views Amélie’s vocal as the “most heavenly voice from a woman who forcefully stripped away from her feelings and emotions.” The vocal was spot on and attracts another crowd of soldiers, agents, and several staffs, including Daniela, the Receptionist. It was everybody’s favourite song, and they couldn’t hold themselves as Amélie and Shaelynn reach the chorus part of the song.
The members of Talon couldn’t believe what they just saw. Amélie, known as Widowmaker had such a beautiful voice for a person who didn’t give mercy to those she killed, and never get carried away by her past feelings and emotions. Another standing ovation was given that evening for Shaelynn and especially Amélie – who captivate all the audience and most importantly Shaelynn who plays the piano for her. The crowd disperses as Amélie immediately closed the door and embrace Shaelynn with her full strength, and the two shared a laugh together with a side of Cognac.
Amélie knows that she couldn’t stop listening to Shaelynn’s masterpiece with pianos.
Shaelynn knows that Amélie’s vocal could make everything better for herself and Amélie.
A friendship could come from anywhere, even if the first impression is bitter and cold – but in the end, that’s what makes it unique. The bitterness of the first reactions turned into the sweetest thing you could ever imagine.
This is my first ever Shaemaker fic (Shaelynn x Widowmaker)
Shaelynn is my OC for Overwatch community, and she’s quite fun to write, and yeah, this goes to my buddy @pviane <- (He’s a great guy, you should check him up!) who shared ideas between two of us couple days ago. (literally, last night, if you’re on GMT +7 Time Zone, Bangkok, Hanoi, and Jakarta area)
By the way, guys. Kanyaah kuring in English is “Sweetheart,” it’s a Sundanese word to express your lover.
P.S. this is slight NSFW, but anyway... :D
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georgeh5399-blog · 7 years
Final project proposal
Name: "George Hanton " Project Title: " Phase 2 " Section 1: Rationale; what have you learnt this year that will help you with this project? Summarise the skills you have acquired and how you could use them here? (Approx. 100 words) "This year I have learnt a lot about how the production of a film works, and what it actually takes to make one. More specifically, my skills in editing has improved as I have more knowledge of premier pro and after effects. In the final project I could use these new skills to make the edit look clean and make the colour grading nice. As I'm the editor for this project, the after effects skills will be very useful but I also learnt a lot about cameras and filming on different ones. I also learnt about white balancing and that helps in the filming side of the production. In the second production I am Director and all the pre production and planning that I've done over the year will help with this role as I need to make sure my team knows what the story is. Also when you are making a high quality production, it's important to get the planning sorted and storyboards should be completed. " Section 2: Project Concept? (approx. 200 words) "Set in an apocalyptic time, the world has been overtaken by zombies. However, a secret government facility has been the ones behind the apocalypse, and now they're killing the survivors if they find out they're behind it. They're goal is to see how the human race copes in an apocalypse. For inspiration, I looked at the editor Mark Day, who edited the Harry Potter movies, and editor Eddie Hamilton who edited the movie Kingsman. The style of editing is very after affects heavy in Mark Day's case, it has lots of surreal effects and fancy portals. Eddie Hamilton in the movie Kingsman, edits the film very choppy, and he enhances the significant characters in the action. For the second production, the psychological thriller follows a man who is in an accident that kills his family and leaves him in a coma. During this time he is stuck in limbo, the place between living and the afterlife. He fights his inner demons and meets a character that shows him the way out. However, when he wakes up from his coma he finds out that the other character was the one who caused the accident. Inspiration for this idea was from the video game, Limbo, which is a puzzle game and the character is stuck in limbo. I also took inspiration from the movie Silent Hill, which is a psychological horror. Also aspects of the film Inception were taken into consideration when thinking of the idea. Mainly the part where they have to go back into the dream. " Section 3: How will you evaluate? What methods will you use? (approx. 50 words) "I will evaluate both of the productions by regularly updating my tumblr blog with research and how the production goes as it's happening. I will make a production diary to show this. It will also include pictures of behind the scenes and recce shots. " Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010) [film] David Yates. USA: Warner Bros. Kingsman (2014) [film] Matthew Vaughn. USA: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Avatar (2009) [film] James Cameron. USA: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Silent hill: Revelations (2009) [film] Michael J. Bassett. USA: TriStar Pictures Playdead 2010 [game] limbo "
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