#I tried to choose a wide collection
marlinspirkhall · 5 months
Character poll, but, you can only vote for a character from a series you haven't watched, but your mutual always posts about:
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sky-high-standards · 8 months
Yandere Emperor x fem reader
set in medieval times. usual warnings y'all should know the drill by now☺
Your kingdom was being invaded and everyone did what they could to save it but the invaders were too strong you watched so many innocent people being slaughtered by the invaders and the survivors were taken hostage including you.
These invaders were sent by the emperor who was a cold and merciless man until he met you~
You were taken into the magnificent palace where you were forced to work for the emperor's wife Imelda, she was an extremely insufferable woman and treated all of her servants like crap. It wasn't the best life, but it could be far worse but unfortunately Imelda and the Emperor were having a rough patch and rumors said he was having multiple affairs with other women, so she was worse than usual.
You were on your way to bring Imelda her breakfast when someone bumped into to you and that person just happened to be the emperor you looked up at him wide eyed and covered in Imelda's breakfast and apologized profusely while he just stared at you he didn't look angry all he did was stare at you as you quickly collected everything and bowed before you ran off but little did you the moment he saw you that nervous look on you face got him excited in a way that no woman including Imelda had ever done something about you just caught his attention.
You walked into Imelda's room to see her crying on the floor you asked her what happened an she totally lost it.
Imelda: That's none of your concern you pathetic slave your lucky to be here but remember your place and stay out it!!!
You then left not wanting to deal with her again. It turns out that the king had just gotten tired of her and sent her off which was great news for everyone since they didn't have to deal with her anymore. Naturally the Emperor had to remarry so he had many beautiful women come to the palace where he would choose his new bride due to you being a servant you had to assist the women being sent but the strange thing was that each time a woman was being presented, he glanced at you for every single one it was as confusing to the emperor as it was to you he was just drawn to you every time he saw you a wave of excitement and...love? came over him that he wasn't used to.
Eventually he chose a wife she was very beautiful and seemed like a very suitable wife, but he never got that feeling when he was around her. The emperor's wife whose name was Miranda was very kind and caring and even befriended you she was great in every possible way, but everyone could feel the emperor didn't love her so poor Miranda made it her mission to win his affection yet nothing worked so she slowly began to give up on his affection while u didn't have to try you started to see the emperor a lot more often and you noticed his cold crystal blue eyes following you as you cleaned and unbeknownst to you it took a great deal of strength to restrain himself from pouncing of you and making you his he would go feral on the inside when you bend down to clean in his bedroom it was embarrassing how you didn't even have to do much to make him hard.
Slowly the emperor tried to have you around more to ease his hunger like "accidentally" brushing his hand against yours or having you bend down to get his pen that he "accidentally" dropped. All he wanted to do was make you his to own every inch of you, but he restrained himself, but it got harder to each time almost as if you were teasing him.
Tell me if I should make a part 2 I'm tired rn
Stay hydrated and safe love Y'all
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
"MC, Who's Best in Bed??":
*on an average HoL morning, the MC is trying to enjoy a cup of tea in the dining room but there's been nothing but shouting in the House for about an hour now... They’re nearly at their wits end when the seven culprits come marching in the room themselves, glaring at esch other. Before MC can even speak, Asmo takes initiative and slams his hands down onto the table, making their teacup clatter*
Asmo: MC, you have to be the one settle this! Which one of us is best in bed???
*the MC... almost does a spit take*
MC: Excuse me???
Mammon: You heard'em! You outta know by now, so who is it??
*the MC looks at their demons like they've gone mental, but seven pairs of eyes stare back at them expectantly, hell, even determinedly. Seeing that they likely can't weasel out of this, the MC gives in with a sigh*
MC: .... Do you really want to know?
Asmo: Of course!!
Satan: We promise we'll be alright with whoever you choose...
Mammon: But it's gonna be me, right??
Satan: Shut up, Mammon!! 😡
MC: Well... if I have to pick...
MC: It's gotta be Lucifer.
Lucifer: *smiles REAL wide for a guy who's been pretending that this conversation is juvenile and beneath him...*
Lucifer: Well. I think that settles that.
*he walks over and arrogantly kisses the back of MC's hand while his brothers all groan somewhere between irritation and disappointment...*
Mammon: Look what ya did, MC, he's never gonna get over himself now!!
Lucifer: Mammoooon?
Mammon: 😨 Shit!
MC: It is Mammon, actually.
Mammon: Eeh-?? Er, s-SEE I TOLD YA!!
*he tries to act proud, and he is, but it's pretty obvious to everyone that he got caught off guard and is flustered as hell*
Mammon: W-who else could it be but the Great Mammon? Right??? This is why I'm their first!!
*Mammon continues to loudly bluster and gloat as MC gets up from the table, taking their teacup with them*
MC: It sure is~
*they peck him on the cheek, which bluescreens his brain while his brothers scoff in disgust*
Belphie: Geez, at least get a room first guys... 🙄
MC: You won’t believe me, but it's Levi.
*the brother stop, collectively look at each other, and then shake their heads*
All (INCLUDING Levi): We don't believe you.
MC: *shrugs nonchalantly and takes another sip of tea* What'd I tell ya?
Asmo: MC, you can't be serious...
MC: *looks him dead in the eye* Two. Dicks. Need I say more? Because I can! He can also-mph!!
*a confused MC gets a hand clamped over their mouth by a mortified Levi, who's still puttering around to figure out how he should feel*
Levi: M-MC! Please...!! 😣
Satan: So there ARE some things that better left unknown... Fantastic... 😰🤢
MC: It’s actually you, Satan!
Satan: *blinks* Eh? Oh really...?
*already turning his head towards Lucifer with a BIG shit-eating grin*
Satan: What do you know? Looks like we've heard it, haven't we?
Lucifer: *angerily covering up his frustration behind a stone cold poker face* So we have... Not that it matters.
Satan: Hm. Your face says otherwise. 😏
Lucifer: Don't push your luck....
MC: Asmo. It's Asmo, it's obviously Asmo!!
Asmo: Honestly, it's like no one understands my job description here!!
Asmo: I can, will, and do fuck better than all of you! You just have to accept that. 😌
Mammon: Ugh! Give it a rest already... 😮‍💨
MC: You know what? It's Beel.
*the brothers stop and collectively look at their absolute UNIT of a sibling.... then breathe a combined sigh of defeat*
Beel: *flustered pink from embarrassment, but still very happy to hear it* Thank you, MC. 😊
MC: You're welcome, Beel! 🙂
MC: Weirdly enough, it's Belphie...
Belphie: What do you mean, "weirdly?"
MC: I mean, if we were just going based off resumes here, I wouldn't exactly put yours on top.
MC: But you're living proof "work smarter, not harder" are words to live by. Your technique is flawless!
Belphie: .... I'm not sure how to feel about this anymore....
MC: *gives a blank, thousand yard stare into the middle distance*
Mammon: Uhhhm.... MC? Still there?
MC: I just realized something... I'm really am going to Hell...
Levi: Huh? But you're already here...?
MC: *gets up from the chair and starts to jog away urgently* I think I need a priest...
Belphie: What? Why?? Is being here a problem to you??? 🤬
MC: *calls out as they skid past the doorway* It is because I'm fucking an angel!!! 😫
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momodita · 4 months
snapshots. [—chilchuck tims]
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TAGS / WARNINGS: gender neutral reader, modern au,       minor pining, background marcille/falin WC: 1,000 NOTE: divorced father of 3 save me... save me       divorced father of 3...
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“Move over.”
Chilchuck’s voice startles you. The bowl in his hands is steaming: a hearty stew made with Falin and Marcille’s collective effort—(“Senshi’s tried and true recipe!”). A thick slice of bread perches on its rim. It smells just as heavenly as it did at dinner.
“Here?” you ask, stupefied. The armchair you’ve claimed is wide; there’s easily enough space to fit a Chilchuck-sized person, but your mind jumps—unbidden—to the reason he’d been late in the first place.
“Where else?” He nudges you with his knee. “As if I’m gonna sit near that love-fest over there.”
“You’re not welcome anyways,” Marcille tuts, midway through dipping the maraschino cherry from her sundae into Falin’s mouth.
“This is my apartment!”
You concede with a laugh: it’s just your bruised heart working overtime. The moment his body settles, shoulders touching, you stop being able to taste the ice cream Laios had scooped into your bowl. Existence narrowing to that point of contact with a familiar little rush.
It’s Laios’ turn to choose tonight’s movie, much to Marcille’s dismay—(“A documentary classifies! This is a really interesting one!”)—and he scrolls to find it as Chilchuck digs into his food.
Midway through, you engage him in a thrilling mock-battle of fencing spoons. Falin dozes, lulled from the careful stroke of Marcille’s fingers through her hair. By the time the credits roll, they’re folded onto each other, soft snores drowned out by music.
“They fell asleep again,” Chilchuck drawls, chin cushioned against his hand.
“Must be crashing after all that sugar,” Laios suggests, drapes a blanket over them.
“They were pretty high energy tonight. Eager to hear about how Chilchuck’s date went, I guess,” you tease, taking up the mantle with Marcille fast asleep. “You didn’t even tell us her name.” Keeping the tone casual despite the haunting little pit in your stomach.
(It’d been a shock to hear about it: for as long as you’ve known him, Chilchuck has been eager to keep his life private—even from long-time friends. And there’d been no signs of anyone—except you and your little group—coveting his time and attention; no extra, unexplained toothbrushes, no brands you don’t recognize in his pantry, no missed get-togethers.)
“Huh?” He gives you a look, confusion twisted in his features. The TV’s light illuminates a silver hair. “I wasn’t with any girl.”
Your brow furrows. “…His name? Their name?”
Chilchuck stares. This close—where the minuscule twitches in his expression are noticeable—it’s strangely evaluating.
“You know Marcille was joking when she said it was a date, right?” Heat sears along your cheekbones; embarrassment flushing hot under his gaze—the realization of your mistake.
“Of course I knew,” you say stupidly. Chilchuck’s eyebrow quirks. “Shut up. Don’t look at me like that.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Well, then if it wasn’t a date, who were you with?”
“Senshi,” he says. “He was—we, uh,” his eyes slide off to the side, “I asked him for a favor.”
“Oh?” you hum, relief and mirth creating a warm hum behind your ribs. “Looking to get a side hustle as a cook?”
“Not even close,” he grunts, looking away.
“Should we start calling you our little master chef?” You nudge him with a grin.
“Chilchuck is already quite good at cooking,” Laios pipes up without taking his eyes off the screen. “Maybe he’ll learn to make something else after mastering ramen.”
“Ramen?” you ask, head tilting. “Like, the instant kind?”
Chilchuck splutters. “No!”
“From scratch!” Laios beams. “Senshi’s said he’s been making really good progress since his first day.”
“Oh?” you grin. “Our little master chef is gonna open a ramen shop?”
“Shut up. No way. Not ever,” Chilchuck grumbles, the high curve of his ear a soft pink.
“I hope you’ll make it for us one day—I love ramen,” you say. “Very tedious, though, so I’ve never done it myself.”
His face scrunches, mouth pursing together like he wants to speak, but doesn’t. His cheeks puff with air, releasing as a long, quiet sigh.
“Oh, hey, so after ramen”—you lean a hand on the chair’s opposite arm, boxing him in with a cheeky little smile—“you should look into French onion soup. It’s probably easier than ramen but caramelizing the onions takes so long—”
“You—!” he leans back, shoulders tense and eyes wide. “Don’t go making requests before I’ve even cooked anything decent.”
“Why not? I bet it’ll be great! You’re good with your hands, so soup is probably a piece of cake for you.” You watch—with no small amount of pleasure—as Chilchuck’s face flushes with vivid color.
“Get away from me,” he mumbles, but his tone is so insincere all you do is laugh. He knocks a loose fist against the inside of your elbow. A surprised noise jumps out; you retreat back against the chair, rubbing the spot.
“Mmh?” Marcille rouses with a sleepy hum. “What’re you requestin’?”
“Chilchuck is making us ramen,” you joke, relishing the way he knocks an admonishing leg against yours. “He’s our little master chef.”
“Oh, yeah. Did Laios end up spilling the beans?” Marcille yawns. Falin stirs, eyes fluttering. “Congratulations, you two.”
Chilchuck goes stiff beside you. “What do you mean?” you ask.
Marcille pauses, head tilting with a drowsy look of confusion. “Huh? Didn’t you ask why he’s learning to make it?” she asks. Falin tugs her sleeve.
You blink. “No. Should I have?” Marcille doesn’t respond right away, head bent to put an ear by Falin’s mouth, expression pinched as they whisper. Then, with a sigh, she reaches up to stretch.
“No. Never mind. Forget I said anything.” Laios is quick to grab her attention.
“Hey, so are you actually opening a ramen shop?” you whisper to Chilchuck.
“You’re such an airhead,” he grunts against his palm.
“I’m great,” you reply. His eyes meet yours, holding your gaze. When next he speaks, his voice is soft—acquiescing easily to your jest.
“Guess you are.”
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ceesimz · 3 months
Forget I Asked
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It was nearing 2am when you finally got bored of your endless spiralling. Alexia seemed content behind you, both of you bare as her chest was pressed against your back and one of her arms was draped over your side, the fingertips of her large hand tracing lightly over your stomach. You figured she was asleep really, as the moon barely lit the room through your open window that you had been staring out of for the past however long.
You couldn't quite put your finger on why your mind seemed relentless tonight. It had been an amazing day with your girlfriend, finally reunited with her after a long international camp kept you two apart, and it had been followed by an even better evening-turned-night as the pair of you spent a fair amount of time reacquainting yourselves with each other's bodies. But a thought was plaguing you, preventing you from slipping off the cusp of exhaustion which you so desperately wanted.
"Ale." You say into the quiet room as you lay together, eyes wide and fixated on nothing, blurred over. When you seemingly got no answer, missing the hum Alexia gave, you call out again. "Ale, are you awake?"
"Sí amor, what is the matter?" Alexia rasps, blindly searching for your hand. You assist her, leading to the blonde woman behind you completely covering your hand with her own and intertwining your fingers together. "Venga, bebé, habla. Puedo escuchar tu mente corriendo." (Come on, baby, talk. I can hear your mind racing.)
"I..." You hesitate and sigh dejectedly. Alexia's concern grows instantly, sobering her from her exhaustion. She presses a few comforting kisses to the back your neck and squeezes your hand.
"Say it, bebíta. I am listening." She whispers reasurringly.
"Would you ever come to England with me?" You finally ask. When a few silent moments pass by as Alexia collects her thoughts, you sigh again and press the side of your face further into the pillow, frustrated for bringing it up, for asking, for even thinking it. "Forget I asked, Ale, it's okay. Vete a dormir, es tarde." (Go to sleep, it's late.)
Alexia frowns and leans up on one of her elbows, gently using one of her large hands to pull you onto your back.
"Hey, let me answer." Alexia starts. You look up at her with such sad, hopeless, and weary eyes, that it breaks her heart. "I would go to England with you."
"Really?" You ask in a flat voice with no hesitation, completely unconvinced. "I know you don't like it there."
She frowns impossibly more, using a hand to hold your chin tenderly and caress the soft skin there.
"If I have said that, I don't mean it. I have never explored England, I've never had a reason to go there other than for football. But I have a reason now; I have you. It's not that I do not like it, amor, I have never had an interest before. But like I showed you Barcelona and my home, you show me your home. I have a big reason to go now, that is you. There is no bigger reason, no other thing that could convince me to go there."
You take a deep breath and rub a hand over your face, pinching the bridge of your nose as you speak your next words.
"Yeah but you just said it: you need 'convincing' to go. I don't want to force you or convince you to come, I want you to choose to come." Your voice has a fair amount of exasperation in it, and Alexia realises that you had been stressing about this for quite some time now.
"No, amor. Maybe I am not saying it right." Her eyebrows press down into an unsure scowl as she tries to find the right words in English to convey her feelings. "I do not need convincing, I want to go with you. I want to see your life, I want to meet your old friends, I want to meet your family. Everything that is important to you that I have not seen or understood yet because it is to do with your life in England, I want to see it. I want you to show me your country and I want to know why you love it. I do not need convincing. I have a big, big reason to go now and that is love, that is you, as my girlfriend and my family and my love. Does that make sense? It is the truth." Alexia explains, gazing adoringly down into your eyes, desperately trying to non-verbally convey her point too with the earnest she holds in her eyes.
"¿Estás seguro?" You mumble quietly. (You're sure?)
Alexia smiles and takes hold of your left hand that was fidgeting with the edge of the comforter. Then, she raises it to her mouth and kisses your ring finger, something she often did that would drive you crazy.
"Estoy seguro, amor. Promesa." Alexia tells you, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. "Bebé, has this been in your mind for a long time?" (I'm sure, love, promise.)
"Yes." You admit a little shamefully, looking back down at your free hand that continued to anxiously mess with the duvet. There were tears forming in your eyes, and such events were not what Alexia thought would happen after the day and consequential night you'd had.
Alexia didn't like it when you did this - keeping your insecure thoughts away from her. She would do anything for you, and when she thought of you struggling alone with something she could help with, it pained her.
"Ay, my love. Mírame." Alexia demands softly, smiling when you lift your head to glance up at her with sad, glossy eyes. "If this happens again, something on your mind and hurting you, tell me. Sólo quiero ayudarte, siempre. Any problem, we can work against it together. Together, vale?" (I just want to help you, always.)
You nod, but that niggling, insecure voice hasn't left.
"I was scared to bring it up." You mumble, resulting in Alexia frowning again.
"¿Por qué?" She asks, squeezing your hand again.
"I don't know, I just..." You sigh and shrug your shoulders. "I was pretty sure, in my head, that you would say no and I didn't want to face that reality."
"But it is not a reality, amor. I am telling you, promising you I want to go. I am so happy you asked me because that means you are... opening up a new section, a new chapter, of your life to me that you are comfortable with me seeing. That means a lot to me, bebé, I am excited. I will see a new side of you, I think, and I love all sides of you." Alexia answers, saying all the right things and healing all the right cracks in your mind.
"Really?" You can't help yourself asking, giggling quietly when Alexia rolls her eyes affectionately.
"Sí, I am excited. We will look at our calendars and plan a time to go. It can be as long as you want, even all Summer long if you really want." Alexia offers with a grin.
"Alexia Putellas offering to swap her yearly Ibiza holiday for a trip to sad little England? Am I hearing right?" You tease. Alexia drops her head to your shoulder with a groan.
"I am not Alexia Putellas with you when I am naked in bed, amor." She grumbles, voice muffled by the comforter.
You smile widely this time, placing a hand on the back of her head and carefully combing through her hair with your fingers.
"Ale, mi novia perfecta y guapa." You say, your hand falling to the back of her neck when she lifts her head up.
"Eso es mejor." Alexia whispers, leaning forward to softly kiss you. The pure tenderness of it contrasts the night's previous kisses, but it is so perfect in this moment that you both end up smiling uncontrollably into it. When you break apart, matching grins on your faces, Alexia drops your hand finally and moves hers to rest on your cheek instead. "You should sleep now, amor. If I remember right, I think I tired you out."
You roll your eyes at the cocky comment, but nevertheless your cheeks flush red.
"Not enough if I'm still awake an hour later." You challenge. Alexia raises her eyebrows and smirks.
"I think challenging me is not in your best interest, bebíta." Alexia states, running her thumb along your lower lip briefly. "Venga, you need sleep. Lay down with me."
She kisses your forehead and lays on her side facing you, urging you to do the same. Your noses are touching once you've copied her position, and you finally feel yourself settle for the night when Alexia ever-so-gently brushes some hair out of your face before trailing her fingers across your cheek and into your hair. She repeats it over and over, knowing that the feeling always comforted you and would eventually lead to you finally succumbing to your exhaustion.
"Now, vete a dormir, mi pequeña pensadora." She whispers.
A few moments pass by before you realise what she had said.
"Did you just call me your little over-thinker?" You ask. The cheeky grin on Alexia's face gives you the answer you need. "Wow."
"You know it is true." Alexia teases once more, admiring you as your eyes fall shut whilst her fingers continue their actions.
"Te amo, Ale." You mumble, opening one eye to look at her. "You always know what to say."
"Porqué te conozco mejor qué esa vocecita malvada en tu cabeza, mi amor." Alexia whispers. You nod slightly with a sheepish smile, knowing that the quiet night and the late hours had gotten to the anxious side of your mind. "Dulces sueños. Haría cualqueir cosa por ti." (Because I know you better than that little evil voice in your head, my love. Sweet dreams. I would do anything for you.)
"Stop being romantic and go to sleep as well." You mumble tiredly, thankfully now on the cusp of sleep.
Alexia chuckles under her breath and shuffles forward slightly so that now your foreheads rest against each other, placing a lingering kiss on your chin before settling down too. Not so long after, the both of you are asleep, hearts beating in sync with the love you both hold soaring through your blood.
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
How would Ghost and König react to seeing your huge makeup collection for the first time when you’re off-duty together?
You don’t wear makeup at work, even if you go out for a drink before going home, you just use some mascara and maybe a very slightly pink colored lipgloss. Since you haven’t met outside of work yet, they have no idea how dedicated you are.
When you show up in the restaurant, you wear full makeup. Nothing dramatic, but it makes you look completely different. He can barely take his eyes off of you, because you look so good.
He makes sure you get home in one piece, secretly hoping you would invite him in. When you do, he can’t hide his smile, and he pulls you into a kiss the moment the front door closes.
In the morning he wakes up before you and he takes a good look around the room from the bed where he sat up. He notices the big makeup vanity set by the window and wonders how full it is. You can do makeup, that’s clear after the previous night.
“Morning,” you purr as you get on your knees and wrap your arm around his torso while you rest your head on his shoulder.
Simon smiles at you and kisses the crown of your head. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?” You mumble something against his skin without looking up. “Can I ask you something?”
Finally you look up, eyes mirroring a mixture of confusion and worry. “Is something wrong?”
“What? No! I was just looking at the makeup vanity and wondered what’s in there,” he says with a reassuring smile.
None of the women he dated before had such a thing in their homes. Sure, they had makeup, but they usually kept it in the bathroom or somewhere hidden from his eyes. You seemed to be putting a lot of effort into your looks, especially if this vanity is more than just a design choice.
“Wanna take a look? Come on, I’ll show you,” you say with a wide grin as you get out of bed and hold out your hand for him.
Without hesitation Simon grabs it and climbs out of bed as well. You open the drawers, revealing so many products that he’s beginning to wonder how you managed to fit them in there. He doesn’t even know what half of those are for.
“Foundations, concealers, and primers are stored on this side, eyeshadow palettes and eye liners are here, lip pencils, lipsticks and lipglosses are over there, blushes and highlighters–”
“You lost me here,” he interrupts you, picking up a shiny powder to take a closer look at it. “Do you really use all of these?”
“It depends on my mood and the occasion,” you reply with a smile.
He tries to understand it, he really does, but even though you explained him the use of highlighters, he just couldn’t understand it and barely remembered a thing.
Instead of trying to understand it, he just enjoys seeing the excited look on your face whenever you buy something new, and he even buys you some products as a surprise–although you’re always there to choose what you want.
He first learns about your collection when he watches you get ready after the first night you spend together. You agree to go for a walk then visit a museum, so you decide to put on some makeup. “Just to look good as your side piece,” you joke.
Whenever you reach for the products, he keeps asking what they are, why you use them, and most importantly, he pays attention to how you use them.
As you get closer with time, he begins to ask you to put on some makeup even when you’re not going anywhere. He loves seeing you do it, and he loves to compliment you even more. A part of him is convinced that you wouldn’t stay with him if he didn’t take any chance he got to compliment you in some way.
“You look stunning, bunny,” he whispers into your ear as he shows you a necklace. “Mind if I put this on you?”
You turn your head to look at him and flash a smile at the man. “It’s beautiful, thank you,” you say before giving him a quick kiss, leaving a lipstick mark on his cheek. “Let me wash your face,” you say with a laugh.
“Let it stay there,” he mumbles as his lips capture yours in a passionate kiss. “It feels like you just marked me as yours.”
“If you put it this way,” you begin with a quiet giggle before kissing his chin, the tip of his nose, his forehead, and any body part that you can reach from there.
These moments are incredibly precious to him, when you let him know you love him, that you don’t want him to leave. Because he wants to stay, he desperately wants to be by your side for the rest of your lives.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips.
He couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too,” he says.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Found Treasure
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1000 Follower Special!
Saw I reached 1000 Followers and 5000 Likes! So a nice fluffy Buggy Twins fic!!
Buggy × Reader +TwinsDeeBee
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"Bugs I don't know about this-" You say with a frown as you stare at the man before you, finishing his makeup in the mirror and Grinning widely.
"Well they said they wanted to join me on collecting some treasure and besides next week we are starting that little vacation. Might as well get some more cash before we go" He said dismissively. You frowned at hearing this and raised a brow-
"Besides its probably the safest place, it's literally just where I stash my extra treasure! Who would be there"
You couldn't argue his logic technically- making a fake treasure pick up for the boys who had been begging to do 'pirate stuff' with their father. This seemed fairly safe and with the boys Devil fruit abilties they could protect themselves.
"I guess- but I don't want them in real danger Sweetheart"
"They will be fine, I swear" He said as he turned to finally face you, smiling brightly in his signature look. He leaned in like he was going to kiss you but you held a hand up- Both of you still in this weird relationship if you two were actually dating or not. Which made things awkward at times- Like this.
Both of you sort of froze as tension filled the air- unsure of what to say or do at this point. Thankfully the noise of your guys sons came crashing in- both boys having insisted in doing face paint like their father and doing it themselves.
"Mom! Dad! Look!!" Bee cheered loudly as both boys stood before you. The makeup on their face was- Something. Bee had clearly tried to do something like a clown makeup a sloppy layer of white layered on his face with blue on his cheeks like blush and red on his lips in a crooked smile. Dee had declined the white layer of paint and put blue on his lips in a smile and red on his cheeks.
Buggy smiled as he stared down at his boys, smiling with pride- Despite the sloppy makeup he felt a sense of pride.
"Look at you two!" He said cheerfully as he fixed hats over their heads to cover their hair- smiling brightly at this as the boys looked up at him and smiled brightly.
Ge felt a odd peg in his chest at seeing them like this, like his chest got warm and fuzzy. Buggy gave a slight body shiver to get out of it and turned to head upstairs, shaken by that warm feeling.
"We will be back later (Y/N)-" Buggy said a bit shortly to you before dismissing himself. He knew the boys were following him as he headed to the Main Deck. Once there he saw the crew was on high alert and Cabaji rushed to him.
"Sir! Strawhat pirates are ahead of us! Just around the bend" Cabaji said as he passed the telescope to him, Buggy looking through quickly as he saw in the distance the Strawhats in that hellish ship he was trapped in sailing not far from his destination.
"Captian?" Cabaji asked again, Buggy glancing down at his boys who were excitedly waiting for him.
"Let them pass- I'm not wasting my time on small fry pirates" He said nonchalantly- choosing to not let his time with his sons be disturbed by those damn Strawhats.
"We dock at Coal Island" Buggy said quickly and turned away to go to his boys, missing the deep frown from Cabaji.
Once on the island Buggy walked them through things to do- Telling them to stay close to him as he walked him to the safe spot to dig up the extra treasure.
"Now boys, this should be quick and then we head back understand? I did see a ship passing and we need to-" He stopped as he heard silence and turned to see the boys gone. In less then 30 God damn seconds they were gone!?
"Boys?.. Boys!?" Buggy yelled out in confusion as he saw that his spawns were missing from his sides.
He ran around the island wildly, his stress spiking as he tried to find his children. Panic rushing through his system as he darted around wildly on the island searching for his kids. Even getting into some beef with a large bird- hearing chattering behind a large Boulder he froze, recognizing the tone of those little voices as his kids.
Blades out he jumped around the corner and damn near felt himself have a brain aneurysm at what he saw- lowering his blades he stared.
Buggy felt an acute pain in his temple as he watched his boys talk to the Strawhat pirate crew and being the social butterflies they were in making new friends.
"That's so cool! You're stretchy!?" Bee said excitedly as Luffy laughed and let the child pull on his arm to show his elasticity- Usopp spinning some stupid story to the overly energetic child.
Dee was looking up at Nami and Zoro in awe, shyly asking both of them questions. Nami about the weird tattoo on her arm, Zoro about the swords. Nami gushing at the adorable boy and ended up picking him up and holding him in a hug as he asked them questions. Sanji even gifting the two some cookies he had in a bag with a kind smile.
"For the love of- Boys come here now! Don't make friends with the enemy!" Buggy yelled and marched over red faced to take his boys from the Strawhat pirates.
The crew immediately getting defensive over seeing him and wanting to take these wondering children in bad face paint.
"Binky?-" Luffy said with a sense of indifference. Zoro's hand coming to his blade calmly, even Nami holding Bee closer like she was going to protect the little tyrant.
"It's Buggy Damn It!-" He yelled still marching forward.
"But Dad!-" Both boys started, Making the whole crew freeze and Buggy wanting to sob in defeat.
"Dad?!-" the whole crew parroting as the discovery was made. Buggy groaned at this as he rubbed his temple trying to figure out if a very late late abortion was an option.
"Yes these are my kids... Danny and Benny- Boys these are the bastard Strawhat pirates that seem to exist to be a thorn in my ass-" He deadpanned before taking Dee from Nami with a glare and set him down calmly next to him. Bee looking up at the irritated Buggy with a confused look.
"Wait, Someone actually let you ejaculate I to them?" Zoro questioned calmly as he gestured to the two kids with bad face paint on them.
"Dad what does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, which earned a snort from Sanji. Buggy glared at them all and sighed.
"Ask your mother later and Yes- I do have a social life" He deadpanned at Zoro for the sly insult to his abilties to have a sex life.
An awkward silence followed at this, Buggy gesturing for his kids to get behind him which they did- Still munching away on the cookies Sanji had gifted them.
"Listen I'm in no mood to fight- While I'd love a chance to beat you strawhat-"
"We wouldn't fight you infront of your children" Luffy said calmly as he gestured to the boys, Grinning proudly. Zoro nodded at this. "Nor are we going to say anything about them either"
The clown blinked in surprise at this feeling a bit confused over this. They had a chance to get the upper hand on him, Hell even an emotional weakness of learning of his kids. Yet they were just letting him go? And his kids without wishing to say anything.
Buggy felt conflicted... normally he would have used the fact that the Strawhats were distracted to attack them and get the upper hand but... he couldnt... he couldn't just let his kids be used as bait or have them in that type of danger... while he had always appreciated being raised on Roger's ship and the experience it had given him but- He couldn't never put his kids in that same envirment, he loved them too much...
He nodded at the crew for this, not having words for his gratitude nor wishing to vocalize it. Guiding the kids away he felt his mind racing at this point, walking them back to were his treasure was buried and the three of them retrieved his hidden loot. Letting the boys chatter and do as they pleased before heading back to the ship- Still mentally out of it from these feelings he was having.
"Hey Dad?" Bee's voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at his son holding his hand and the other holding the small bag of treasure since he wanted to carry something.
"Hm?" The clown hummed in question. Bee smiled proudly at Buggy as he squeezed his hand.
"I love you Dad!" Buggy felt a ping yo his chest like Bee had just shot warmth through him, feeling the squeeze on his other hand and looking to Dee who also smiled.
"I love you Dad" Dee said too, smiling brightly up at him and squeezing his gloved hand too.
Buggy felt hot tears well in his eyes, looking at both twins and using his Chop Chop abilities scooped them both in his arms with care.
"Love you guys too peanuts" He said with a smile as he walked them back to the ship. Ignoring the stares of his crew as he boarded his ship holding his boys with pride.
Walking down to his Cabin were he knew you were he kicked open the door with his foot and looked at you. Who was seated there surprised by his rather blunt arrival into the room. "Buggy?-"
"I'm in love with you, I-I don't know what that means emotionally but I'm fairly sure I love you and the boys more then I knew possible" Buggy blurted out, you'd never seen this side of him before. He almost looked afraid at this point like you were holding the one thing that could kill him, which in some way you were... his heart.
"I-I well.. We can always start back up Bugs if you want... and it's natural to love your children" You say shyly, Watching him set the boys down and walk to you. Pulling you up to your feet and kissing you, you felt every drop of emotion from his hungry lips as he devoured you heart and soul. Blushing cherry red you couldn't help but kiss him back, holding him close as you two shared in the passionate kiss.
Pulling away for air Biggy grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as he looked on you in awe.
"I love you" Hear him whisper, When you tried to reply you heard Cabaji call out for Buggy for assistance.
"You should um...take care of that" You say softly.
He smiled brightly as he gently released you. Calling back out to Cabaji as he reached over to remove the boys hats and ruffle their hair before heading out.
You stood there blushing as Buggy left, a wide smile on his lips as he headed upstairs to assist with his crew. You giggle as you turn to look at your boys, wiping some of the red from your lips
"Hey Mom?" Bee started, looking up at you like tye adorable God damn bean he was.
"Yes my heart?"
"What does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, staring up at you in question. You froze in your spot- hearing the fast footsteps from Buggy as he rushed to the Main Deck clearly wishing to escape you.
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rkvriki · 1 year
things enha does for you !
hey guys!!! after tha one last fic im back to soft content lolz. i got this idea when i was in class so excuse me if its crappy tho! this one is a lil smoll :')
make sure to leave feedback. my requests are open and so is my talk box so let's talk!
WARNINGS ! undertones of being naked and sunoo watching its all sfw so dont worry!! might contain grammar errors!
word count: 1k
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— makes you homemade gifts
heeseung is pretty good at everything, so once in his life decides to make good use of it outside of his job.
heeseung loves giving you gifts, most of them expensive pieces of clothing or even random plushies he wins when he goes to the arcade with the other boys, but is there anything more meaningful than a gift he made himself?
he makes so many handmade things but his favorite thing to do is scrap books. he tries to collect his favorite pics with you every month and he puts them in a scrapbook with cute and sweet handwritten messages.
he loves seeing your wide smile as you scan every picture he chose, remembering each day like it was yesterday.
— leaves you notes or flowers 
he does this almost everyday or at least when he stays over at yours and he even has special cute and decorated post its just for you :’)
sometimes he will notice that you might be feeling a little more down or stressed with school/work so he waits for you to fall asleep before he leaves after writing a heartfelt note and sticking it somewhere he knows you’ll see it.
or sometimes jay just feels like treating you nicely so he sends your favorite flowers with a postcard to your house or office.
it all just makes you feel so giddy and soft on the inside, you love how much he shows affection to you in all kinds of ways.
— is present in the most important moments
being from abroad is hard and jake knows that because he also came from a different country, so when knows his s/o isn’t from korea he tries to make up for the fact you don’t have anyone like family members around to supporto you.
when you have important presentations he will be in the audience cheering for you with the biggest smile on his face.
most of the times he does this are surprises, you never know when to expect seeing him there and you would bawl your eyes out if you weren’t in front of so many people.
when you have your first job interview he will take you to where it’s going to take place and he will wait outside and when you come out will tell you that you did good no matter what results are gonna be.
— writes you letters expressing himself
i feel like sunghoon is really shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, although it doesn’t stop him from telling you he loves you every day.
every week he writes you a letter in neat and pretty handwriting, sometimes just telling you how he is feeling lately, other times talking about how much he loves you and how afraid he is of losing you.
he puts every feeling there is in him in the paper, always writing you more than one sheet of paper. After you read all of them you alway call him and you both talk about it, which makes him shy and his ears turn red.
you keep every letter in a box in a place only you and him know and you always read them when you miss him when he’s away.
— prepares you a spa day/bath
we all know sunoo is all about self care with all the skin care he does and the vitamins he takes and now it’s also a habit of yours thanks to him.
he loves taking care of you when he feels like you aren’t doing it, unable to do it either from stress or just being busy with your life.
when those situations happen, he never fails to surprise you when you come home with a warm bubbly bath in your bathroom, now candle lit.
he asks you to get in the tub as he leaves to get you more things.
he comes back with a huge variety of skin care for you to choose and prepares you your favorite light drink.
when you come out of the shower he will have you laying in the bed and will give the best back massage you’ll ever get, breaking all the knots in you, finishing off with kisses all over your back and face making you giggle.
— takes time to celebrate important dates
jungwon loves planning things for you, especially your birthday. even though it makes him wanna rip his hair off he makes all the efforts to make it the best birthday party you could ever have.
literally no one can talk to him during the weeks he is planning it because he is so stressed that he will snap at someone unintentionally (he apologizes later, poor won)
he will plan it almost a month earlier to make sure everything is perfect. he look for the best bakeries around and tries to find the best rooftop to have the party.
he contacts every single one of your friends trying not to forget to invite anyone.
then the worts part comes, the present to give you. jungwon knows so much about you, almost every little detail, but one thing he doesn’t know is what to give you in your birthday, even if you reassure him he is the best present >-<
all the stress his worthy when he sees your teary eyes smile at the big party.
— spends quality time with you
being an idol takes a lot of someone’s time and niki tries to use every second he had of free time to be with you since he’s always in and out of the country and he knows you hate being alone.
niki takes you everywhere you possibly can go. you go hiking, you go to amusement parks, to the movies, trying out restaurants, just anywhere.
he’s always up to try new things with you and sometimes he might bring the other boys along or you bring your friends, but it’s very rare to happen.
he always takes his digital camera, taking pictures of you when you aren’t looking, which he ends up showing you making you complain of how bad you look and he just glares at you.
sometimes you just go to quiet places and enjoy each other presence, like going to parks in the middle of the nowhere, where it’s just the two of you being two fools in love.
© rkvriki 2023, do not copy or translate my works, please.
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.3
1.1 | 1.2 | [here] | 1.4 | 1.5
part three!! this is all new babyyy! hope you enjoy <3 the next part will be out thursday <3 also: next part has steddie interactions weeeeee
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When Robin got home an hour later, stumbling through the door and rambling at a hundred miles per hour, peeling off her coat and shoes, Steve could barely hold back from immediately breaking and telling Robin about the interview. He stared at her intently, almost shaking from excitement, as she hung up her coat. She turned towards him and cut herself off mid-sentence.
“Yes?” Robin asked, tilting her head to the side with raised eyebrows.
“I got a call from the NDA people, and we did the interview, and she said she’s gonna get back to me in a couple of days!” Steve exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.
“Oh, shit, really?” Robin asked, rushing over to him with a grin. Steve bobbed his head in affirmation, Robin squealed and wrapped her arms around him, scenting him all over in her excitement. Steve laughed as she spun him around in a celebratory dance, just as he knew she would.
“That’s fucking awesome, Steve!” she exclaimed as she slowed them to a stop.
“Isn’t it? She said I was her top pick so far.” Steve barely got the sentence out before Robin was wrapping her arms back around him and shaking him.
“I told you!” she cheered, unable to fight the grin that was taking over her face that was causing her cheeks to ache. “Have you signed the NDA yet?” she asked curiously once they were still again.
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’, “she said she’d send it if I move on to the next step.”
Robin hummed as she led them into the living room, needing to sit down. Her body was aching, from more than just the long day at work. “They’d be stupid not to choose you,” she said in a tone that held no room for arguments.
Steve snorted and settled on the couch next to her, pulling one of his knees up to his chest to rest his cheek against it.
“We’ll see what happens,” Steve reached for the remote to turn on Vanderpump Rules, something they had started binging because one of Steve’s classmates, Chelsey, recommended it to him, and he got Robin addicted to it, too.
The phone call came just about twenty-four hours later, when Steve was doing dishes. He squeaked when he saw it was Chrissy’s name flashing on his phone, and rushed to get his hands dried. Robin looked at him in confusion until he grabbed his phone and showed her the name on the screen, then excitement took over her features.
“Well! What are you waiting for? Answer it!”
“If you’re staying you have to be quiet!” he hissed before he pressed the green icon on his phone. “Hello, this is Steve,” he said, knowing that his voice pitched a bit higher when he answered, as he tried to seem as collected as possible.
“Hello, Steve! It’s Chrissy Cunningham,” her voice greeted him cheerfully. Robin gestured violently for him to put it on speaker. Steve rolled his eyes, but pulled his phone away from his ear to do so.
“Chrissy! It’s good to hear from you,” he said, slightly louder than he had been talking before.
“I’m reaching out to let you know that my client has decided to move forward with your application to do the in-person interview,” Chrissy explained, causing Robin to fist pump.
Steve bit back a grin as he responded, “That’s awesome! When would that be?” he asked, which prompted Robin to scramble to find a pen and paper. Steve gestured to the fridge, which the whiteboard calander was hanging on.
“I’ll send you the NDA paperwork for you to sign, and as long as that gets done, my client will be in Indianapolis tomorrow through the month,” Chrissy informed him. “So, whenever you’re free during that period of time.”
Steve walked over to where Robin was to looking at the calendar and saw he was free every day that weekend, “Well, I’m sure your client probably doesn’t want to worry about doing an interview the day they get here,” Steve hummed, “I’m free on Saturday if they’re available then.”
“Perfect! Does 2pm sound okay?” At Steve’s confirmation, Robin wrote the time down. “Once you get the NDA email and return it signed, I’ll forward your contact information to my client.”
Steve’s eyebrows rose in surprise, having expected to have to go through Chrissy for the whole process. “Sounds good to me!”
“Great! I’ll have the email sent right away. Do you have any questions or concerns for me in the meantime?” Chrissy asked, to which Steve replied with a denial.
“I don’t think so,” he said, “I’ll look for the email. Have a great rest of your day!”
“Thank you; you, too! Bye!”
The line went dead, and no sooner did the call disappear from his screen, did Robin’s ability to hold back her excited noises vanish.
“Fuck yes!” she cheered, circling the time on the calendar repeatedly.
“Fuck! I can’t believe this might actually be happening, Robs!” Steve exclaimed, navigating to his mail app to get the NDA signed as soon as it was sent to him.
“‘Might’? She obviously loved you!” Robin boasted with a grin. He refreshed the screen and saw the email containing the NDA load in.
“She’s just cheerful on the phone,” Steve rolled his eyes, following the link that the email provided.
“Yes,” Robin replied, dragging out the word slightly, “both can be true.”
“Either way,” Steve huffed, doing a shoddy job at doing his signature on his phone, but accepting it anyway. He submitted the form, then put his phone away. “Saturday I’ll be meeting her client and then we’ll see how I do.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine,” Robin said confidently, nodding her head.
“That’s what you say, I have to actually meet the person,” he sniffed, turning his head away from her indignantly.
“And you’ll do great, dingus.” she nudged his hip with her own, trying to get Steve to smile.
“Thanks, Bobbie,” he muttered reluctantly as he turned back to the dishes, a hint of a smile on his face.
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lady-boketto · 30 days
Gyomei Himejima General Headcanons (Sfw/Nsfw)
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a/n: I hope i did this right but anyway, I have a lot of ideas but i don't really know how to right them out and his is my first time actually drumming up the courage to post anything lmao but after writing this I had a lot of fun and actually feel more confident in writing headcanons but let me know what you think! :)
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SFW (Safe for Work)
Gyomei is a man who is very in tune with his feelings, so he's very attentive to your emotions and when you're not feeling quite like yourself so he likes to help you out when you're not feeling well or when you ask him to hold you, he always welcomes you into his strong arms with a warm smile on his face
when someone comes to confide in him, Gyomei is more of the type of person to listen to your problems or stories that you want to tell him than he is at trying to come up with topics or solutions to talk about but he will comfort you with ressasuring words if he feels like you need it and always has a warm smile on his face when you approach him
Sometimes when Gyomei has time to himself to relax and unwind in his own space it is often interrupted by someone (his comrades or you, his beloved) not that he minds at all at their presence he actually welcomes them as he found with time that the people around him naturally gravitate towards him and tend to be comfortable enough to share stories with him which he's more than happy to listen and be engaged in anything they might say, Gyomei suspects it might be due to the mixture of his large stature and calm demeanor that people naturally feel that they are protected and puts those around him at ease
Due to people casually coming and talking to him, Gyomei is a bit of a gossip and likes to know things but doesn't really do anything with the information, he doesn't like to start drama or be around it, he would rather be spending time at home with you, he'd take a seat in the lounge area and when he has made himself comfortable he'd raise his hand out to gesture for you to come and sit with him so he can tell you all the stories he has collected since you last spoke with a wide grin on his face
He may be blind but that doesn't mean that he is completely useless, in reality Gyomei has learned how to compensate for his short comings in a way that makes the people around him forget that he is even blind
tries to hide how amused he is when you forget that he is blind (ex. when you try to show him something interesting or when you comment on how dark the room is)
he loves it when the both of you have the time to relax and enjoy each other's company, especially the warm afternoons where he can sit in the grass without a care as you are relaxing peacefully in his lap, reading out loud to him the book that you picked up from the markets while he was out on his last mission.
also there are days where he likes to sit outside ( by himself or with you) and play his shakuhachi ( it's like a flute but sounds so majestic lol) , he doesn't know a lot of songs but likes to play notes and find which ones sound good together and plays little random tunes ( sometimes he makes up lyrics to go with the melody but most times its just meaningless tunes)
Gyomei has two weaknesses and that's: you and cats. It's a struggle for him to balance the two but with persuasion ( he secretly likes to be complimented and hugs, especially when you hug his arm) he will choose you with little to slightly moderate regret to the stray he saw on his way home from his meeting with the leader and the rest of the hashira.
Gyomei especially has a fascination with the maine coon cat breed not only because they are one of the biggest breeds of cat but because they are rather social creatures like Gyomei himself, they don't mind spending time around other people. He also finds it very funny when he get to spend time with a maine coon cat and he feels them softly making biscuits on his haori when he's trying to pet the other cats or talking to you
NSFW (Not Safe for Work)
Gyomei likes to praise you in bed so that he can feel the heat rise from your skin under his large hands
not really the one to risk getting caught doing anything other than kisses on the cheek or a loving embrace in front of others
there's a whole another side behind close doors and in your shared space, he becomes more desperate for your touch and especially loves it when you roam you hands down his chest and shoulders, he blushes and softly sighs when you pay more attention to his thighs ( lightly moans if you lightly drag you nails down his mid thigh)
Gyomei's ears are very sensitive and likes to hear your voice (has a thing for your voice) so he enjoys every little noise you make for him, it ties a knot in his stomach when you lowly whisper in his ear how much you desire him and he more than happy to comply to your wants
Another area that is sensitive for Gyomei is his neck and collarbone, he can't help but squirm and firmly hold you by your waist as you are on top of him and attacking his neck with kisses and bites
The one thing he doesn't mind other people seeing is the love bites you (or hickies) leave on his neck because most people that he talks to are actually too anxious to tease him about them when they catch the sight of them peeking out of his uniform, but little do they know he knows what they are nervous about because although he can't see the chain of marks you've left, he smirks to himself as he body shivers with the slight sting of pain when he traces his fingers over his neck as he remembers your touch
Gyomei likes to rely on his other senses to please you in the bed room and due to not having the proper time to go out and meet people it has left him a little touch starved so he loves to use his mouth on your body
He wants nothing more than to kiss your body on the parts you are most sensitive to and tell you how much you brighten his world by being in it and telling you how lucky he is to call you his lover while his hands are working to bring you closer your desire of coming undone in front of him
He is a bit embarrassed to admit to you but loves to use his mouth on your chest and moans like crazy when he has one of your nipples in his mouth, also likes to feel up your hips and thighs as he works his mouth on your chest
Gyomei's favorite places to kiss you are your lips and inner thighs because he secretly love how needy and how vocal you get for him (it makes his chest swell with a sense of pride and wants nothing more than to hear you praise him more so he can do his best for you)
He doesn't like to use his full strength on you in fear of hurting you in some way, unless you specifically ask him so to do or that you managed to work him up so much that he can't control himself and has to set a boundary to show you who is in charge of the current situation by sneaking up behind you with a firm press of his hips to your behind or when his hands find their way to your neck to put a light pressure, warning you to behave for him or else he'll have to use drastic measures on you if you dare to test him further)
if you'd let him if would love to cum inside you, he likes it when you beg for him to cum inside you (the heat of the moment makes the both of you blush like crazy) especially Gyomei because he doesn't stop thrusting his hips until you're both coming down from the high of the moment (he loves to feel you spasm and eventually relax against his body)
Gyomei always makes sure to take care of you after you are both done, he's amazing at massages (he's very good with his hands) and will clean you up or run the bath for you with your favorite soaps and scented oils or he will gladly get you a glass of icy cold water with the small ice cubes that are so easy to crunch with your teeth (whatever you want or need, Gyomei is ready and willing to serve your every need)
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cherrychilli · 1 year
MDNI, NSFW, AFAB reader, Steve x Shy reader, inexperienced reader, oral sex(F), light pussy spanking, lil bit fluffy? just a smidge
Very much into the idea of Steve discovering his shy girlfriend's collection of steamy romance novels. I had to add a few lines from the first steamy book I ever read when I realized it was released in the 80's. For funsies and just because it happened to fit well in this little nugget of smut hehe.
On the outside they look just like any other cheesy novel, nothing on the covers that suggested otherwise. Completely ordinary looking with softly colored pictures of sun swept countryside's, flowery English gardens and misty meadows. Steve had never wondered about them, having seen them lined neatly on your shelf for as long as the two of you have been together. Even today, they still hadn't piqued his interest but you were yet to finish your shower and he had grown bored of waiting. He isn't selective when he pulls the nearest book out of its place, not very thick and small in his larger hands. The Bride, he mouths the title, looking and feeling unimpressed. He doesn't bother reading the back, choosing to settle at the foot of your bed and flip through it lazily. He lands on pages at random, face scrunching up at the mentions of highlands and lords and arranged marriages. Not his preferred reading material, he confirmed. He skips further ahead, not giving too much attention to the words until...
She tried to cover her breasts by bringing her knees up and leaning forward. "I don't have any clothes on" she informed him.
Steve paused. He goes back and reads it again, this time more carefully. He then wedged a finger between the pages to keep track of his place, quickly turning the book over to glance at the cover again to see if he'd misremembered it somehow within the last five minutes. It's the same as earlier, completely unchanged from his memory. Sprawling green hills, grazing horses and what looked to be a castle in the distance is all that's pictured. Not the kind of book he'd expected to find mentions of nude women being intruded on. "It can't be", he doubts still, flipping the book back open and reading ahead to see if he was really seeing what he thought he was.
Before she could even think to ask him what in heaven's name he was doing, he had her flat on the bed. She didn't have time to blush...
His brows raise slowly, interest very much piqued now. "Oh Princess", he lets out in a low chuckle, lips stretching into grin.
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"Sorry to keep you waiting", you stepped out of the bathroom, smelling of peach scented body wash and dressed in your cotton shorts and pajama top. "What do you want to watch tonight?", you asked the boy who was yet to acknowledge you, only mildly curious to see Steve intently paging through one of your books because you couldn't see the cover with the way it was angled towards his lap.
"How about we read instead?" he lifts up the book to reveal the title to you, his lips pulled into the most smug looking smirk you thought possible.
Your body blazes when realization sinks in, eyes going wide with horror. You never thought to hide any of your raunchy books before. You didn't have all that many to begin with and they blended in seamlessly with the rest with their inconspicuous covers. You didn't see the point of tucking them away, letting them sit on your shelf in plain sight. You realize now that may have been a mistake.
"Sweetheart, you had me all fooled", Steve stared you down, looking so very amused. "Made me think you were some innocent little church mouse and here you are reading about...", he looks down at the book again, reading the first line he sees out loud with the widest grin, "her lips so soft, so pliant and when his tongue finally sank deep inside her warm mouth..."
You release a high pitched squeal, running to him to try and snatch the book away before he can read any more. "Steve no!, put that away!", you yelp helplessly but he holds it above his head and out of your reach with ease, craning his neck to read off another sentence with exaggerated glee, entirely too pleased with the circumstances, "I want to touch you the the way you touch me, please? your body belongs to me as much as my body belongs to you doesn't it?"
"Steeeeve!", you pound your fists on his broad chest, feeling a hundred degrees warmer.
He's laughing still but he takes pity on you then, handing you the book as you take it and clutch it to your chest.
"Baby baby, relax ok?", he places a hand on your shoulder reassuringly, laughter ceasing when he notices the troubled look on your face. "It's no big deal, there's nothing wrong with reading about that stuff, you know that right?". You knew it. Of course you knew it, even if your body betrayed you with a tumbling sense of embarrassment that you had found impossible to shake all your life. You answer with a little sniffle, peering up at him through your lashes. "In fact I'm glad you've opened up to it in a way you're comfortable with. I know when we...try things you're a little reserved", he offered gently.
Your face drops then, worry bubbling inside your belly because the last thing you wanted was for Steve to think that you didn't enjoy yourself with him. "It's not because I don't like it! I do! I really like it when you touch me, Steve!" you jump to reassure him only to reflexively shield your burning face with your hands when you realize how forward your little outburst made you sound. You hear him chuckle in that familiar way that he always did when you worked yourself up, feeling him tug lightly at your hands to pry them away from your face. "That's good because I really like touching you", he lets you know with a tender smile and a quick wink.
You relax a little again, looking at him apologetically, trying to explain. "It's just- I feel.."
"Shy" he finished for you. "I know, baby. I think it's cute", he rubs a thumb over your cheek gently. "And I'm sorry for teasing you", dipping down to place a kiss on your cheek in apology.
You smile for the first time since your stomach flipped at the sight of your not so secret book in Steve's hands. "It's ok", you accept. "I just wish I could be more...you know, assertive? And more vocal about what I like".
He looks down at you thoughtfully, mind working until his eyes light up. "Tell you what. You up for some fun?", he cocks an eyebrow up at you suggestively. "Because your book's given me an idea and I think I could help break you out of your shell a little"
You're more than a little intrigued to find out just what he's come up with. "How?"
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"Again", he instructs sternly from between your legs and your eyes squeeze shut and you whimper when his sticky palm connects with your bare cunt again. It's never too hard but it's enough to make you jolt and whine when your swollen clit starts to throb again. "I'm sorry, Stevie", you let out in a shaky voice, breath noticeably shallow. "Go on" he prompts, tracing a finger along your folds. You open your eyes and try to focus on the page, looking for the sentence you stuttered through and struggled to finish. You'd been doing this for close to an hour now, playing the little game he had concocted for you. The rules were straightforward - you needed to read out the sex scenes clearly. No hesitation, no stuttering, no skipping, no mumbling and if you did it properly, he'd eat you out while you read. But if you messed up, he'd have to punish you, spanking you between your legs. You'd messed up a couple of times now, enduring several slaps on your soaked pussy but did notice your inhibitions starting to melt away, even if much of them still remained. Just means you have to keep practicing, right?
Taking in a deep breath, you started reading, keen to have Steve's mouth on you again. "He forced her fingers around his shaft, then thrust his fingers inside her again to rid her of her fear...", your voice starts to tremble as you read on, barely resisting the urge to moan when you feel him lap at your puffy folds again, all sensitive from his skillful tongue and forceful palm. He made it harder for you when he groaned against cunt, teasing your hole, sucking on your clit and flicking it with his tongue but you don't want the feeling to end, gripping the book tight as you continued "she welcomed the rush of blazing ecstasy consuming her..."
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
simp sev
anon i'm kissing you with tongue rn (but only if that's cool w/ u ofc)
men and minors dni
she's not just a simp, she's proud of it.
once you're dating, of course.
before you're dating, she tries to suppress her simp tendencies the best she can.
her eyes are always glued to you.
she doesn't give a fuck if she's being obvious to other people, but if you look her way she's blushing and whipping around before you can catch her staring.
if she sees you approaching, she'll straighten her posture and puff her chest out, subtly flexing her biceps. when you pass she deflates again with a sigh, relaxing back to her normal hunch.
you have no clue that sevika's interested in you for the longest time because she's always silent when you're around.
it's not that she doesn't want to talk to you, she just gets tongue tied every time you make eye contact with her-- so she chooses to stay quiet instead.
she grunts one syllable answers to all your questions, never quite looking in your eyes.
but she's always listening. she listens to everything you say. doesn't forget anything.
you're blown away when you bump into sevika on your birthday, and she shoves a small gift bag in your hand.
"happy birthday." she grumbles.
"how'd you know it's my birthday?" you ask, shocked. she stutters out something about you having mentioned it before, and then she flees before you can open the gift or thank her.
you open the bag to find a collection of all your favorite snacks
sevika had kept a mental catalog of which candies she saw you reach for most frequently, which chips you brought in most often.
the gift wasn't anything extravagant, but it took your breath away. you didn't even think sevika knew your name, much less your birthday and favorite foods.
it clicks for you then that maybe sevika wasn't being standoffish and dismissive of you, maybe she was just a huge simp.
you test your hypothesis by wearing a low cut shirt the next time you see her.
she runs straight into a lamp post she's so distracted by your cleavage, and that's all the confirmation you need.
"oh, shit!" you say, trying to suppress a giggle as you run to her side. shes clutching her bleeding nose, kicking the steel lamp post with her boot. "you okay?" you ask, reaching up to move her hand from her nose and inspect the damage. you keep her hand in your hold between the two of you, slowly bringing your other hand up to cup her chin, tilting her head down so you can see her nose better.
sevika looks shocked, like completely flabbergasted. her mouth is open, her eyebrows are reaching for her forehead and her eyes are sparkling and wide. you try not to smile as you tilt her head back and forth.
"you didn't break it." you say, letting go of her hand only to reach up and use the back of your sleeve to clean up the blood trickling down her lips. "but you'll probably get black eyes."
"oh." sevika says. she clears her throat. "okay."
"don't worry about it too much sevika," you say. she chokes when you say her name. "you look hot when you're all beat up." you say, sauntering away.
sevika stays frozen in place for five minutes, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened to her.
after that, flirting with sevika becomes your favorite pastime.
a well timed "looking good today sevika" can make her choke on her whiskey.
a wink shot to her across the room gets her giggling uncontrollably, pressing her fingers to her lips in an attempt to stop.
she starts flirting back too, when she can speak.
you're rambling to her about a recipe you want to try soon when she cuts you off, mid-sentence.
"you have nice eyes." she blurts.
you grin. "thanks, sev." you say.
(the nickname gives her butterflies)
(she jerks off that night to the thought of you calling her 'sev' in bed.)
you actually ask her out first.
she's shocked, so shocked that for a second you think you've read the whole situation wrong.
"oh, shit, i'm sorry sevika, i didn't-- i thought--"
"no!" she blurts. you blink.
"oh. well, okay." you say, trying to take the rejection in stride. she waves her hands in front of you.
"no no no! not no i mean, just-- fuck!" she gulps for air, "i've been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out for months!"
you smile. "oh." you say. she nods. "well... you were takin' too long." she snorts.
"so lemme do it now?" she asks.
"no way!" you say. "i already asked! you gotta answer my question fir--."
"yes!" she butts in. "i'll go out with you. but i won't let you pay. and i'm picking you up at your place." she insists.
once you guys start dating, sevika lets her inner simp shine.
the first time she sees you naked she actually swoons. like her knees go wobbly and she falls on her ass. luckily, the bed was right behind her.
she never lets you leave the house without at least three visible hickeys.
you're the only thing she talks about. she's not very talkative to begin with, but when people insist on making small chat with her, the only thing she'll bring up is you.
if someone's looking to get on sevika's good side, they ask her how you're doing.
those card games she's always winning? she spends her earnings on you, coming home with a proud little grin, shaking the coins in her purse at you. "gonna buy you somethin' nice tonight." she says.
she can sometimes be heard grumbling to the cards. "come on. wanna take my girl out for dinner."
won't let you open a door if she's there. always puts your shoes and jacket on for you. carries all your bags.
her favorite thing to do is watch you exist. she loves catching you when you think no one's looking. loves the goofy songs she'll hear you singing under your breath, the way you talk to yourself. the way you move, your unique quirks and ticks.
you guys could be in the worst fight of your relationship, but she'd never leave the house without kissing you and telling you she loves you.
always telling you how good you look in the most outlandish ways. doesn't matter how good you think you look. you could be in sweat pants on day 3 without a shower, and she'd be biting her lip and fucking you with her eyes. "you look good enough to eat right now."
"i look like i climbed out of the sewer."
"you look like the mother of this baby i'm about to put inside you."
she buys you guys matching 'best friend' necklaces, the kind that make a heart when you put the two charms together. she never takes hers off.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 month
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 6
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change cause
Love So many people use your name in vain Love Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray Love Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt Love For better or worse I still will choose you first"
Musiqsoulchild – "Love"
His heart was in the shape of his woman.
King N'Jadaka held out his big hand next to Queen Yani's and let their wedding bands touch so the Wakandan media could snap holopics of the bride and groom exiting the Temple of Sekmet. He gazed at his new wife and her smile increased the size of her shape on the left side of his chest.
They were made for each other.
No queen on earth had ever come to the throne like her or had the power she commanded by his side. What the world couldn't see was that she held a priceless leash around his neck and could make him do things that no other woman before her ever did. Yani dominated his every waking moment and was the one he wanted to see first when his work day in the West palace was over. Their wedding cemented a holy bond and he preened before his citizens letting them see how blessed he was to have her and his beautiful children.
He lifted her ring-clad hand and kissed it, then led her down ancient fawn-colored stone steps toward a wedding carriage drawn by two mighty water buffalos whose bloodline his greatest grandmother Queen Shuriya had bred and tamed her entire life. The two giant beasts were direct descendents of the one she rode in a painting hanging in his royal office.
Sydette clapped her hands excitedly as she peered at the giant animals and the decorative vibranium blue colors painted on their flesh.
"They are so huge, Baba!" Sydette yelped.
"Come on, watch your step Sweet Pea, we have to ride through the street," he said, clasping her hand.
Riki climbed down the last step and latched his eyes onto one of the buffalo and raised his arms out wide to try and match the length of the giant curved horns adorned with gold and silver jewels that jutted forward making them dangerous for potential gorging. He glanced back at N'Jadaka and grinned. The great beast's head turned and stared at the little prince. Joba moved closer to her brother and both children peered with quiet curiosity at how massive Wakandan animals could be.
"Yani," N'Jadaka said, helping his wife onto the carriage where she took her seat and fixed the train of her dress.
He lifted Sydette into it next and his younger children waited for him to place them on board. His family seated, N'Jadaka stepped onto the roomy carriage and he and Yani waved at the crowd. Their children sat across from them with booster seats so they could see better.
The two coachman sitting in the driver's seat awaited a signal from the Kingsguard escorting them on foot. There was a slight jerk and the carriage began to move at a steady pace. The proud king kissed his queen and the crowd cheered louder. Flowers and soft palm seeds were thrown at them and the children tried collecting as many as they could catch with delighted smiles on their faces.
He held Yani's hand tight and they all watched their citizens celebrate. Behind them, the rest of the royal family rode in a protected motorcade and they wound their way through the streets of the golden capital.
The feeling of watching himself from afar took over and N'Jadaka took a deep inhale of fresh air. His emotions rested in his chest and throat. This was the fairy tale made real. He had a queen. A kingdom. A giant double palace. To lose so much, but to be given much more in return overwhelmed him.
He gazed at Yani and she continued waving at their people. They waited to cross over a bridge that would take them deeper into the heart of Birnin Zana and a flock of prized river birds flew across their carriage, their purple and blue wings a brilliant flash of color over their heads.
"That's a good sign, kumkani," the lead driver of the carriage said, "it means you will be blessed with many children."
Yani laughed and patted N'Jadaka's hand.
"Listen to the man, Yani, the heavens have ordained that we get it poppin'."
"Any excuse to get me pregnant right away," Yani said.
Riki slipped a hand in his side pocket and pulled out a folded square of money. He gave it to the king.
"What's this for Lil Man?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A boy. If you and Mama insist on making more of us, please let it be a boy. Toussaint and I are struggling to catch up in our age group," Riki pleaded.
"I will do what I can."
Yani took the money away from him and stuffed it into her bodice.
"Not you two plotting," Yani quipped.
N'Jadaka threw his head back and laughed.
"Mama, it's time to throw the bouquet," Sydette squealed.
The carriage crossed over the bridge and stopped once it got to the other side. As tradition dictated, Yani stood inside the carriage and tossed the bridal bouquet into the river water to signify the queen's blessing to become the new mother of the nation. The flowers floated away and spectators snapped holopics and cheered for their new queen.
"They were so pretty, I wish you didn't have to throw them away," Joba said, her face peering over the side of carriage.
Yani caressed her cheek.
"I will have more flowers given to me back at the reception," Yani said.
Joba looked happy about that and climbed onto Yani's lap for the rest of the ride through the city.
Admiration, awe, and even love flowed out to the new Udaku family taking over the throne. A tide had shifted yet again in Wakanda. His popularity was at an all time high with younger citizens, and even some of the old heads begrudgingly accepted his leadership. They finally accepted his love for the nation as genuine.
Their carriage ride continued until they reached Old Village, a section of Birnin Zana that had been the social center for centuries until Queen Shuriya pushed them into a new technological age that shifted the heart of the city elsewhere by the riverbank. While the rest of the world was barely entering the early modern era, Wakanda had already settled into post modern advances.
The family stepped out of the carriage and walked a quarter mile to another temple dedicated to Mama Wati that rested across the mouth opening of the Ibukan River which connected the water flow through the city to the ocean miles away. Priests of the water deity stood outside waiting for them. He and Yani were both anointed with fresh oils and smudged down with dried plants that only grew there. They were prayed over and then led out into an open street where citizens cheered them on while they made the final trek to the edge of the great mound, the place where vibranium crashed into the earth. Singers and dancers greeted them in a secured area where the family could all see the enormous rise in the distance where the glowing blue metal rested underneath.
Ogum shifted inside of N'Jadaka. So did Bast. He pointed to the majestic sight making sure his children studied it. "That's the place where it all began," he said.
Sydette, Riki, and Joba nodded and stared at the mound. At its tip, it stood nearly a mile high, but deep inside the earth where the rest of the vibranium sank itself, there was enough to supply his people for another millennium or more. They all felt the energy emanating from the ground they stood near. His vibram tattoo itched from the mighty source. The great mound wasn't just a mining area, but a holy place too. From their vantage point they couldn't see the mining side of the mound. Their view looked like an image one would see on a postcard or tourist advertisement. High above them the Royal Talon Fighter floated into view. It was time to return to the palace for a twelve course feast, with music, dancing, and a full evening of celebrating the new king and queen.
N'Jadaka gathered his family close as they were lifted up into the air by the gravity beam and gently pulled inside the aircraft.
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The cheers from their guests were loud as they exited the Talon Fighter and Yani had to pause in her steps to take in all the love. She gazed across the royal garden at the number of people calling out her new name.
"Queen Yani!"
She grinned and the children ran away from her toward Umama and Dante where all their young cousins stood gathered waiting to run around and play. Yani felt the shift in power in the royal garden. With her new isicholo firmly rooted to her scalp, she absorbed the way all the spectators watched her closely, especially the Wakandans of the noble class. No longer viewed as a separate entity from the king, she was now ogled openly as an extension of Udaku power.
Hugs and kisses were shared and the immediate royal family and the wedding party were gathered up near a view of the river and the backdrop of Mount Bashenga where a photographer snapped holopics before taking different groupings of Yani with the bridesmaids, the children, her husband, and then a lovely shot of three generations of queens. She stood in the center as Umama and Ramonda flanked her, their crowns breathtaking. Sydette and Joba were brought in for a candid, and then N'Jadaka and his groomsman and grandfather were photographed with Riki. Forty minutes later the bridal party was paraded around the guests and Yani saw the breadth of the decorations and reception set up. It took her breath away at how massive the royal garden was and how simply setting up where the sun would set behind them looked so different and unexplored.
N'Jadaka clasped her hand and led her to the head table. Guests were given a brief amount of time to personally greet the king and queen before their twelve course meal began. Love surrounded her and the enormity of her place as the queen of the nation sank down deeper.
Although it seemed like twelve courses would be a long grueling process, Yani found it to be relaxing and paced well. Everyone feasted, laughed, cried, caught up with each other, and dabbled in intrigue with so many important people in one place. By the time the royal orchestra kicked up the music for the first bridal dance, Yani was ready to move around and help her digestive system handle her stuffed belly.
N'Jadaka held her close as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. They then split apart to dance with their elders and then others were invited to join them. She took that opportunity to walk around and greet nobles with N'Jadaka once the dancing area filled up.
Heads bowed at her approach and she shared small chat with dozens of guests on the east side of the reception area. Umama and Ramonda had taught her how to move her eyes so that people around her felt appreciated even if she couldn't get to them one on one. She waved, blew kisses and kept her momentum moving through the hundreds of people yearning to see her up close with the king.
N'Jadaka held her hand like he would never let her go. His love flowed all around her and his gaze never left her unattended. They quickly moved back toward their own table and noticed Mpilo with his mother and sister speaking with Dante. N'Jadaka lowered his mouth to her ear.
"Should we make our announcement now before the party gets a little wilder with all the dancing?" he asked.
Yani squeezed his hand.
The month prior they had been meeting with Umama and the Council of Elders regarding an important decision about Mpilo and his baby sister, Nandipha who had recently turned fifteen. They took their place back at the head table and N'Jadaka gestured for Mpilo to come to him with his mother and sister. Yani sent word to the orchestra leader to finish the song they played that had the wedding crowd cutting up.
Mpilo's eyes grew wide with curiosity as to why he was being summoned by the king in front of two thousand guests. N'Jadaka was handed a mic and Yani stood next to him. The king cleared his throat and gazed upon the audience.
"This is my executive assistant, Mpilo, and he has worked for me since leaving primary school a couple of years ago. Next year he will begin his mandatory military service, and that is a very important and serious undertaking for our young people. My father proudly served and I understand the pride that comes from serving a country such as this…"
Yani watched Mpilo's face as N'Jadaka spoke. He was nervous and shy at being put on the spot, but his mother's and sister's faces beamed at being addressed directly by the king.
"As many of us have experienced in the Great Removal of the last war, Mpilo's father and brothers were taken. He has taken the great responsibility of caring for his mother and sister…however, I feel this is a great burden for such a young man starting out his life. Queen Yani and I have spoken in private about this and we've made the decision to have me step in as Mpilo's unvikeli."
Mpilo's legs almost buckled and his mother and sister kept his body steady. Whispers among the nobles could clearly be heard moving rapidly around dining tables. Yani held out her hand toward Mpilo and pulled him next to N'Jadaka. Her personal attendant Sindiswa handed her the same matching unvikeli necklaces that her own children once wore for T'Challa. Mpilo lowered his head and spoke with a soft voice.
"King N'Jadaka…Queen Yani…I am not—"
"You are not what?" Yani asked.
She touched Mpilo's chin and lifted it so their eyes could connect. The young man pressed his lips together. Yani unfastened the necklace and handed it to N'Jadaka. He turned Mpilo to face the guests while he hooked the necklace in front of everyone.
"Fatherhood is very important along with a mother's love and guidance. Queen Yani has told me time and time again that I have become a father figure to you in these hard times after the war. I humbly ask that you allow me to step in for your father to help guide you until you reach legal adulthood when you turn twenty-six. At that time you and your sister will be registered in our ancestral rolls as extended kin. When you turn thirty I will petition the Council of Elders to grant you a title with a rank that they deem appropriate. I will do the same for your sister when she also turns thirty."
Mpilo's mother and sister wept openly.
Yani touched Mpilo's hand.
Mpilo's chest shuddered and he wiped his eyes quickly. He raised himself higher and pulled back his shoulders.
"I will accept this kumkani," Mpilo said.
The guests clapped and Yani had other wedding attendants escort Mpilo's small family to one of the royal's tables near Umama and Dante. Yani and N'Jadaka followed, giving heartfelt hugs to their new kin. Music played again and the wedding celebration continued late into the night. Once the moon had risen and the children were allowed to stay at the reception for another hour before their bedtime. Yani sensed N'Jadaka's energy depleting. He was ready for the night to end so they could be alone. Their children would stay with Umama and they would have their home to themselves for the night before they had to finish the rest of the wedding duties the next day in Necropolis City. After that, they would be whisked away to their boat where they would have two solid weeks with no one else but them.
She strode past a crowded table of elder relatives from Umama's side of the family and zigzagged to where Twyla and her husband Bibi sat talking big talk with Kendall. Twyla gently grabbed Yani's wrist and pulled her down in the seat next to her.
"Look at you," Twyla said.
"I feel wonderful," Yani purred.
Twyla stared into Yani's eyes and cradled both of her hands.
"Are you finally happy? Have everything you want?"
Yani glanced over at N'Jadaka who strode past with his male cousins from the states. Every eye was on him and his bold steps made her heart thump faster. She patted Twyla's hand.
"It's like being back home when it was us against the world. That peace that we stole together…the peace I thought I would never have again…I have it forever now. Mi can breathe and not fear anything or anyone," Yani said.
"He is so in love with you. Everyone can feel it…oh look, here he come," Tywla said, her voice bursting into loud laughs as N'Jadak reached for Yani's hand and pulled her back by his side. He bent down and kissed Twyla's cheek.
"Tryna steal her again?" N'Jadaka said,
"No king, I would never," Twyla teased. "That was a nice thing you did for Mpilo and his sister. Did Nakia take you up on your offer to be Toussaint's unvikeli?"
"She's still considering it. Her mind is still bent on going to Haiti. I don't think she wants the pressure of the throne on her son. She likes being out of the public with Toussaint," N'Jadaka said.
"Well I think she should let you take care of Toussaint the way T'Challa watched over your brood," Twyla said.
"I agree," Yani interjected, supporting Twyla's declaration.
"Maybe she'll come around. But I won't force it. Umama and Ramonda are worried about her leaving and if I push to protect Toussaint, then she might flee sooner."
Sydette rushed forward and pulled on her parent's hands.
"The magic show is about to start!" Sydette shouted.
"Did you have more cake?" Yanis asked, wiping the side of her daughter's lips that were smeared with blue and purple icing.
Sydette licked the side of her mouth and grinned.
"I only ate a tiny piece. Come on, we have to watch the show!"
They followed Sydette toward a circular stone amphitheater hidden behind the tall row of forty-foot tall ironwood trees. The wedding guests trailed in finding seats and the royal family sat in the center front row. A female magician delighted the audience with an astonishing show that lasted forty minutes. There were acrobatics, visual illusions, mystery and panthers used to entertain a mesmerized crowd. The show ended with an acrobatic troop from Ghana, a gift from First Lady Vivienne Tettah and her husband President Kojo Tettah.
Music back near the wedding gazebo started up again and the guests waited to disperse and party far into the night. N'Jadaka led Yani to the center of the open garden theater and bid their guests a fun evening. They herded their children with Umama toward the East gate of the palace, waving and accepting the cheers and final well-wishes.
Parting ways with Umama and the children inside the palace, Yani and N'Jadaka braced their backs against the private elevator glass that whisked them up to their home. There were no night attendants or servants to pamper them. They were completely alone the way they wanted to be.
N'Jadaka helped Yani out of her dress in his bedroom and then she pulled off his robes. They took a quick sonic shower and scrambled to get into bed. Exhaustion prevented any frisky behavior. Happiness and love cradled them in the quiet privacy of the large round bed. Fireworks lit up the sky from their wall window. The king pulled his queen onto his chest and held her in a tight embrace.
A restful slumber guided them the rest of the night.
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N'Jadaka watched Yani sleep curled into his side.
He kept his left arm around her as her soft warm breath blew across his left pec. He checked his kimoyo beads on his right wrist and whispered instructions for their breakfast to be brought to his bedroom within the hour. Snuggling against his wife he caressed her cheek and then carefully kissed her forehead. They both needed rest and quiet before leaving for the family tombs in the city of the dead ancestors. Yani's name would be added to the ancestral rolls as they paid their respect to the past queens and kings. Afterward, they were free to honeymoon.
The wedding had been a tremendous affair and the Wakandan news and the global media had a field day reporting on the splendor and the grand entrance of Queen Yani. The outside world was permitted to see them leave the temple, but only the Wakandans could relive the experience on vids at home. World leaders who were still in Wakanda gave vid chats to their own people describing the experience. Royal images of the wedding party circled the globe.
Yani murmured into his chest and he looked down. Her eyelids fluttered open and he smiled at her.
"Hey Mrs. Udaku," he said.
She grinned and stretched her neck to kiss him.
"Since we never consummated the marriage, does that mean we failed our first duty as a couple?" she asked.
He laughed.
"We were too damn tired, girl."
"You must be getting old then, I could've done a little something," Yani bragged.
"All this talkin' now when you were snoring the moment we hit these sheets last night. Stop lyin."
"Hmmm," she said stretching, "It was a long day. A glorious day, but very long."
She pushed back the covers and slid down his body, engulfing his penis, sucking on it until the hot flesh hardened like a brick.
"Aye, Ma…protocols are in order. You make me nut and we don't pay our respects to Bast, we'll curse this union."
He pushed Yani's mouth away. She rose and left their marriage bed, naked as a jay bird and picked up the ceremonial bundle.
"Should we do this now, or after breakfast?" she asked.
She stood holding the bundle looking sexy and ready for anything he had in mind. His gaze dropped to her vulva. The piercings they marked her as his precious gift sparkled in the morning light that spilled from the window.
"You make it sound so clinical saying it like that," he said.
Yani padded back to the bed and stared at him.
"If we don't do it now, we might forget and mess up later. We'll get on the boat and be so happy that we're alone that I know you'll make love to me and overlook the rules," Yani said.
"We can set an alarm on our kimoyo beads," he suggested.
"So you don't want to do it now."
"I don't want to rush getting intimate with you."
She fondled her vulva, peeling back the outer labia. The pink inside already glistened. His dick jumped at the sight.
"Let's just do the ceremonial part now, pay homage to Bast and then we can relax until we are alone again. Our first time together as husband and wife shouldn't be quick," she said.
She reached for his dick and stroked it, letting the pre-cum pearl down the taught flesh. Fully engorged, his erection looked darker than the skin surrounding it.
"Okay," he huffed, watching her soft hand go up and down the shaft. A thick tear-drop shaped bit of pre-cum slid over the crease in her hand and he groaned. He didn't have to choke back on sound. The home was theirs to be loud.
Yani unfurled the ceremonial leather bundle and they touched the inscriptions of symbols and words etched into the leather. He helped her tie it using the strings on the four corners like a corset around her midsection. She used pillows from the bed to make her head and hips comfortable as he knelt between her legs.
"Ready?" he said.
She nodded.
N'Jadaka began to kiss and lick her clit, pulling soft moans from her lips as his tongue slathered her tender parts with saliva. He stroked his dick while working his mouth magic on her. Yani's thighs parted further while she cupped her breasts.
His lips dripped with her sticky love offerings, and by the time he was flicking the tip of his tongue just under her clit, Yani was calling out his name, letting the sound fly up to the high ceiling. It echoed like angels around them and he grunted a satisfied noise that helped her release into his mouth. Her vulva throbbed against his moist lips, the strong pulses pulling him up to his feet.
"Yani!" he shouted, jerking his dick faster hunched over her.
He aimed his release all over the leather corset, soaking it with hot white semen that continued to spurt as he squeezed his balls. Yani quickly unfastened the strings keeping the offering of cum from spilling away. His sweat fell onto her breasts and he gave one final tug to his dick.
"I've got it all," Yani said.
She curled the sides of the leather back into a bundle and he walked with her out to the balcony. A brass burning ring sat near the center of the space. Yani placed the semen-soaked bundle into the ring and they both struck a long match together, setting it ablaze. They each added small tied bundles of herbs to the leather and the smoke turned from white to purple and sent a trail of thick color up into the morning sky. N'Jadaka held Yani's hand and they spoke out loud ancient words to bless their union in the sight of Bast's offering.
The leather and herbs burned down quickly, and they showered together in his bathroom, taking their time lathering each other up and allowing steamy water to cascade down their wet bodies. He kissed and fondled his wife, enjoying the taste of her in his mouth and the scent of her skin in his nose.
Breakfast was full of them laughing and recounting the events of the day before. Yani held his hand tight when they left the palace together dressed in long white robes.
The trip to Necropolis City was taken in the Royal Talon Fighter with their children.
Walking the steps holding Yani's hand, N'Jadaka stared at the building that his body once rested in. Joba paused walking up the final step and N'Jadaka took her hand. His youngest daughter's body shook and he sensed her hesitancy.
"I'm right here Sunshine," he said.
Joba squeezed his hand and they entered the building following Umama and Ramonda. They walked along a long hallway that led to a special room away from the tombs. The walls in the room were covered by a gigantic purple and silver silk tapestry that displayed all the family names since the time of King Bashenga and Queen Tiye.
The only people allowed to witness the addition of Yani's name in person were their immediate family members. A small ceremony led by a Necropolis City elder didn't take long. Next to N'Jadaka's name was a space for Yani, and she signed a slender tablet that burned her name into the silk for all of time. A small sample of her blood had been taken to make the ink that burned into the material. Sydette and Riki watched with wide eyes. Joba clung to his hand.
Ushered back outside, the rest of their wedding party and familial guests waited for them, tossing flowers at Yani and N'Jadaka. Kisses and hugs were passed around and given to their children last. The ramp to the Royal Talon Fighter awaited them. N'Jadaka and Yani both fought the urge to run away from everyone.
"Have a beautiful trip!" Umama called.
N'Jadaka glanced at his children standing with his grandmother and grandfather. He waved, took Yani's hand and guided her into the Royal Talon Fighter.
Gliding along the Ibukan River, they spotted the royal house boat in the distance. Yani hugged him tight.
"Finally…our honeymoon," she whispered.
The Talon Fighter touched down on the ground near a dock. Okoye and Ayo departed the Talon Fighter first and spoke with the Doras guarding the boat. N'Jadaka squeezed Yani's hand and they both ran toward the boat, flinging off their ceremonial robes revealing swimsuits under neath. Okoye threw back her head and laughed.
"Be safe my king. We will track your trip discreetly and bring the royal children to you in two weeks," Okoye said.
"Bye!" Yani squealed.
N'Jadaka activated the onboard system and programmed it to sail away from the dock. He poured Yani a glass of champagne and they stood on the bow to watch it sail out of the golden city.
Yani toasted his glass again and he held her waist.
"To us, my king," she said.
"To us, my queen," he said back with all the love he could muster in his voice.
Chapter 7 HERE.
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hexidous · 10 months
Silk and Sweat
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Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Summary: Your apartment in the city is getting too expensive, so you pick up a side job as a stripper. When a customer gets handsy with you, the club manager Joel comes to your rescue.
Warnings: No use of Y/N but you do have a stage name. No depictions of reader’s physical appearance. Reader late 20s, Joel early 50s. Adult themes, depictions of stripping, sexual assault (not Joel), fingering, general horniness
Word count: 4.2k
Part II: Pretty As You Feel
Series Masterlist
Deep in the recesses of your closet hid a large box, collecting dust over the years. You had danced throughout college and kept some of your favorite work wears, just in case you ever returned.
You can totally still do this, you assure yourself as you sift through the long neglected contents.
With a huff of determination you put a bag together, setting your bagged heels at the bottom, followed by a few pairs of panties, a couple of dresses and your cosmetic bag.
There were plenty of strip clubs in the area, but you wanted to be sure to choose the right one. You never liked the younger crowds or nightclub-like scenes, the higher end clubs with older clientele suited your needs much better. Sure, they weren’t throwing handfuls of cash or making bills rain down with money guns to impress their friends, but you couldn’t stand dealing with a never ending sea of frat boys and batchelor parties.
You pull into the parking lot of the first club on your list, reading the simple red script illuminated by LED.
Silk Cabaret
You tried to quell your nervousness. It had been so long and you’re terrified they might turn you away in favor of teens and early twenties dancers.
A few words came to mind as you pushed through the doors. Lavish. Ostentatious, perhaps. The red walls were decorated with matching silk, meeting warm stained wood furnishings and accents.
“Hello!” A cute young woman greets you enthusiastically. “How can I help you?”
“Are you hiring dancers?” You ask, trying to project your voice and sound as confident as possible.
“I think so, let me grab a manager,” she chirps before standing up from her spot behind the counter.
You watch her disappear behind the wall dividing the entry room from the main section of the club. She emerges a moment later with a bright smile and cheery, “Follow me!”
You survey the rest of the club as you trail behind her. The bar was a large and L-shaped and tables covered in red cloth. The stage was displayed at the back of the room, a wide oval shape at the base with a short runway jutting out toward the center of the club.
The host leaves you to wait beside a bottle service section for a manager to come speak with you. After another minute or two of looking around, you noticed a figure emerge from behind a closed door.
Your eyes widen without your permission as you take in the man striding to toward you.
“Joel,” he says in a deep voice, jutting his large hand forward.
You try to maintain your composure as he envelopes your hand in his own and introduce yourself with a small smile, waiting for him to continue.
“You been fired from any clubs around here recently?” He asks, cutting right to the chase.
“No,” you reply with a small laugh. “I haven’t even danced in years. But I’ve never been fired, I’m not on drugs, no crazy boyfriend or baby daddy drama. Nothing that’s gonna give you a headache, I promise.”
You notice his lip curl upward in a slight smirk. “Haven’t danced in years, huh? What’s got you back?”
“I take it by that question you don’t pay rent in this city,” you tell him in a slightly amused tone.
“Ok you got me there. So you wanna start tonight?”
“Got my bag in my car,” you respond with a grin.
“We won’t pick up for a while, I can send you off with some paperwork if you want to come back around 7.”
“I don’t mind, it’ll give me some time to get acquainted,” you tell him as you head to retrieve your bag.
You return inside to find Joel now gone and you make your way toward the dressing room nestled behind the stage.
“One last thing,” Joel calls as you pass the now open door of his office.
Mildly startled, you turn to him and tilt your head, silently questioning.
“What’s your stage name?”
You bring your lip between your teeth, briefly wondering if you should assume a new moniker. Deciding against it, a name rolls off your tongue like an old friend. “Starla.”
You feel your anxiety laugh at you for thinking you were nervous before. Knowing one of the most gorgeous men you had seen in a long time would inevitably be watching you dance mostly naked would have excited you years ago. Now you feel almost sick as your heart races and and a knot forms at the base of your throat.
You shake your head, trying to force your unbelievably handsome new boss from your head.
You apply your makeup in a section of the bright, mirrored dressing room that’s unoccupied. You paint your eyes and lips darker and more exaggerated than you would normally and blush that looks ridiculous in the glaring light but perfect for both the dim club and flashy stage lighting. After running a brush through your hair, you stand to undress.
Your favorite dress was beautiful, but didn’t provide the easiest on and off access with the lace up back. Deciding to save it for the end of the night, if at all, you don a set made of a long skirt with a slit up the side and a tight matching top that pushes your breasts together enticingly.
You strap your heels on and shove your bag in an empty locker. With a steadying breath, you push through the thick, velvet curtain that shrouded the dressing room from prying eyes.
There was one customer now, chatting with the only other dancer you’ve seen so far. She looks to be a bit older than you, with spray tanned skin and gravity defying breasts.
You stand awkwardly beside the bar, unwilling to sit just yet.
“Hey there,” you hear in a soft, high pitched voice. You hadn’t noticed the bartender make her way toward you until she stood two feet away. “I’m Kenzie.”
“I’m-“ You begin, but catch yourself with a laugh. “I’m Starla. Gonna take some getting used to that again.”
“It won’t take long,” she responds with a knowing smile. “Want anything to drink?”
“I’m alright,” you tell her. Frankly, you’d love a drink to settle your nerves, but you weren’t about to pay strip club drink prices when you know soon enough there will be a room full of men willing to pay them for you.
“It’s on Phil,” she says with a nod in the direction of the man you noticed earlier.
He and the woman talking to him meet your gaze and give you a smile and wave.
“Thank you!” You call over, waving back. You turn your attention back to Kenzie. “Titos and clubs soda it is then.”
Kenzie returns with your drink and you sip slowly, waiting for the action to pick up.
By the time you reach the end, the only other people to walk in were two more girls, chatting casually as they made their way to the back.
“He said he’ll get you another if you’d like,” Kenzie says, grabbing your empty glass.
“I should probably take it slow,” you respond.
“Smart girl. I like you.”
You smile at her compliment and see Joel emerging from his office again, taking a stance beside the vip section. He catches your gaze and gives you a smile.
With nothing else going on you decide to approach him, the confidence of your former persona coming through.
“You look beautiful,” he tells you sincerely. Your stomach flutters and you feel a blush rise to your cheeks. You were used to lecherous compliments at the club, given with a lustful look over your body. But Joel kept his eyes on yours.
“Thanks. I guess I’m glad I didn’t the heart to give away everything when I stopped dancing.”
“What did you do before deciding to come back to this?” He asks, his eyes scanning the nonexistent crowd.
“I’m a graphic designer,” you tell him. “With outsourcing and AI it’s been a nightmare to find reasonable pay.”
He nods empathetically. “I bet.”
“How long have you worked here?” You ask.
“About ten years. I took work as a bouncer after serving in the military. Came here, got promoted after two and… Well, here I am.” He runs a hand through his tousled salt and brown sugar hair.
Before you can say anything else, another pair of girls come strolling by.
“Hi, Joel,” one says, slowly dragging the vowels out before giggling with her friend.
“Ladies,” Joel says curtly with a nod.
“What time does the DJ get in?” You ask Joel nervously.
“About an hour.”
Your stomach drops a bit. You haven’t been on a stage in years. “Do you mind if I maybe do a practice song or two before rotation starts? It’s been so long and I’m a bit antsy to get it over with.”
“Of course,” he answers.
“Thanks,” you turn to make your way over. “Sure hope it’s like riding a bike!” you call over your shoulder as you walk away. You think you hear a chuckle but you don’t dare turn around to check.
The preset playlist cycles through typical 80s hair metal and pop songs. Good to know some things don’t change.
You step through the curtain, thankful the room is nearly empty. Your eyes dart to where Joel was standing and you breathe a sigh of relief to see it empty.
You slowly sway your hips to the beat, grasping the cold metal pole in your hands. You spin around it, rotating your body with quick ease. Feeling more confident, you grasp higher and begin to climb.
The friction is painful between your legs, your thighs no longer desensitized to the intense grip. But you’re doing it. You carefully wrap your body around the pole, losing yourself to the beat as you transition into some basic moves.
You breathe a sigh of relief that your stage time maybe won’t be as painfully awkward as you feared.
You push through the curtain back into the dressing room.
“You’re wasting your time you know,” a girl sitting down to get ready tells you as she smiles at herself in the mirror, applying dark red lipstick.
Your brow furrows as you wait for her to continue.
“Joel Miller doesn’t fuck with the dancers. Trust me, we’ve all tried,” she says with a laugh. “I’m just giving you a heads up before you lose out on money trying to get in his chastity belt.”
“Thanks, but I wasn’t…”
“Mmhmm,” she says with an unbelieving raised brow and knowing smirk before returning to her routine.
The night begins to pick up, patrons and more dancers slowly filling the modest space. The DJ arrives and you introduce yourself.
“I’m Tommy,” he tells you with a warm smile. “Anything you like to dance to?” He asks.
“I’m not too picky,” you reply. “But I may have slight PTSD from the song Girls, Girls, Girls so please avoid that one.”
“That’s our promo song,” he says with a frown.
“Oh god,” you grumble. The thought of hearing that song every hour on the hour nearly giving you a headache.
“I kid, couldn’t help myself,” he reveals with a proud smile.
“Thank Christ. I almost quit.”
It’s not long before you hear Tommy call you to the stage for the next song. Your nerves are set alight as you make your way through the dressing room and enter the DJ booth.
“Hope you got a good set for me,” you tell him.
“I got you, superstar,” he replies with a wide grin.
You throw your shoulders back and emerge onto the large, glossy wooden stage, heels clicking with each step.
You freeze, hearing the familiar beginning notes of Girls, Girls, Girls and shoot Tommy a death stare. The song smoothly transitions into Alice Cooper’s Poison and you fight a smile as you watch Tommy shake with silent laughter.
You’ve danced to the song plenty of times and didn’t have to think much about your movements, your muscle memory doing all the work. You slowly shed your clothing and give attention to the men at the stage tipping you.
Sitting before a group of transfixed men, you arch your back and spread your legs. Your head comes forward and you lock eyes with Joel, who you hadn’t realized was staring intently at you. As soon as he notices your gaze, he scans the room, looking everywhere but the stage.
You finish your set and grab your money and dress.
“You’re an ass for that, you know,” you tell Tommy with a smile as you head to the dressing room.
You slip back into your former routine easily. Approach a man, laugh at his lame jokes, hand out light touches to his arm or knee, seem interested in his boring life.
“I’ve got someone coming in to see me soon, but I’d really love to dance for you,” you deliver your go to line with a purr.
“Can’t be havin’ that,” the man you’re talking to growls, a slight slur to his words. “Want ya all to m’self.”.
“Let’s go then,” you say, forcing out a giggle.
He hands you a few hundreds. “Half hour.”
You approach Joel and hand over the dance fee for the private room.
He nods and marks down the time. You lead the moderately intoxicated man by his hand and he uses his free one to slap your ass.
You turn around and see Joel puffing his broad chest out, ready to make a move. You shake your head subtly, indicating you could handle it.
“You’ll want to behave, baby, I don’t give refunds,” you tell him sternly.
You begin dancing for him in the tiny private space. His suit is rumpled and his drunkenness seems to increase as he sits before you.
Clammy fingers grab at your skirt, trying to pull it off. You bat his hands away, annoyed. “It’s called a strip tease for a reason, have a little patience.”
“You sure are a fuckin’ tease,” he spits.
You turn to face away from him, bending slightly and slowly shaking your ass to hide the look of rage you don’t care to conceal. He smacks your ass again.
“Touch me one more time and see what the fuck happens,” you seethe in his face, unable to contain your anger at the drunken bastard.
“Better make it count then,” he growls through clenched teeth.
More nimbly than you’d expect, he stands up and presses you to the wall, using one hand to cover your mouth and shoving the other down the front of your panties.
You thrash against him but before you can make a move, you hear the curtain rip open. Joel storms in, dominating the small space with his imposing frame. He grabs the man off of you swiftly.
“She asked me to!” He lies in his defense.
You watch as Joel’s nostrils flare, his large muscles twitching. Before you can register it, he’s delivering blow after blow to the man’s face.
“And I’m pretty fuckin’ sure I heard you ask me to do that,” he says in a frighteningly low, steady voice.
He drags the man out and you stay frozen, trying to collect yourself.
Of course this would fucking happen, you think bitterly. You feel a dull throb between your thighs as you think about the way Joel defended you. And of course it would turn me on.
You’re not sure how long you stand there before Joel tentatively renters the room.
“Are you ok?” He asks, his voice soft and low, warming you from the inside like a cup of tea on a cold night.
“Yeah,” you say flatly. “Been through worse. It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” he says firmly. “I am so sorry that happened in my club. I should have stepped in when I saw him smack your ass.”
“It’s not your fault. Thank you for coming so quickly,” you reply honestly. “How did you know to get here so fast?”
He clears his throat almost bashfully and looks away. “I was standing close by and heard you yell at him. Heard too much commotion so I came in.”
“So much for not causing you a headache,” you joke, trying to lighten the air.
“You didn’t cause a headache for me, darlin’” he assures. “You wanna press charges?”
“So the law can favor the rich guy over the stripper and he sues you for hitting him? Nah, I’m good.”
He studies your face for a moment. “You ok to go back out?”
“Yeah. I think I could go for another drink now.”
The rest of your night goes by with relative ease. You notice Joel’s eyes on you a few times, but when you catch him he doesn’t look away. Silently assuring you that you’re safe under his watch.
What I'd give to be safe under his body, you think to yourself.
"As much as I've loved talking to you," you lie to whoever you're sitting beside now, "I gotta get a move on."
"One more drink," he pleads.
"My boss is kind of a hard ass," you lie again. "He’ll really lay into me if I stay in one place for too long.”
God I wish he’d lay into me, your filthy brain whispers again.
“Alright,” the man relents. “A dance then?”
“That I can do,” you respond, leaving your chair. You see Joel’s eyes fixed on you in your peripheral vision. It drives you wild.
You wait for a new song to come on before you begin to shake your hips between the man’s legs. He’s not terrible looking. Probably around the same age as Joel, but lacking the sex appeal that exudes from the man dominating your thoughts.
You straddle one of his thighs, arching your back and resting your forearms well above his shoulder. You pop your pussy, making your ass jiggle rhythmically. Your center just barely grazes his thigh and you close your eyes, imagining Joel beneath you. You shudder out a breath and change your position. You rub your thighs together, your thoughts of Joel cumulating to a dull ache between them.
The song ends and the man below you seems to notice your desire, mistaking it to be for him. He requests to keep going and you oblige, continuing to picture Joel with every tormented move.
Tommy announces that he’s about to play the last three songs of the evening.
“Might as well see it through to the end,” you whisper.
“Might as well,” he grunts back, adjusting himself in his pants.
You dance for the remainder of the night, collecting the cash from your final customer.
“Will I see you again?” He asks as you redress.
“I don’t know,” you reply honestly. “But if I keep dancing it’ll be here.”
“Here’s hoping you do,” he tells you as he stands. “It was great to meet you.”
“Thanks, you too. Goodnight.” You give him a small smile before heading to the dressing room.
Most of the girls have left by the time you change back into the dress you wore in. Your face feels heavy with sweat and makeup, so you decide to remove it all before making your way up to the DJ booth. You catch Tommy just as he’s about to head out.
“You know, I debated stiffing you for that stunt you pulled earlier,” you say, handing him a few twenties, tipping more than necessary because you know the value of having the DJ on your side. “But you did pretty good otherwise so I guess I’ll hock it over.”
“Why thank you, darlin’,” he tells you with a little bow of his head. “See you tomorrow?”
“With how sore I’m gonna be? You’ll see me in a week. Maybe.”
“Don’t wait till it hits ya, take an epsom soak tonight,” he advises.
“I think that is exactly what I’ll do.”
You find Joel in his office, sorting through stacks of bills and paperwork, a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his strong nose. You thought he couldn’t get any sexier, but here you were, slowly melting from the inside out.
“Hi,” you say softly to get his attention. He looks up at you as hand your house fee his way.
“I don’t want that after what you dealt with tonight,” he says with a shake of his head.
“Like I said, been through worse. Just take it.”
He obliges, setting it alongside the other stacks.
“You can still help me feel better about it though,” you say, drunk off all the attention given to you that night. And the drinks.
“How’s that?” He asks, genuinely curious.
“I don’t like when control is taken from me,” you state. “I hate that his clammy little hands were the last ones to touch me.”
He stares up at you silently. It’s almost imperceivable but you take note of the way his brow furrows and chest rises and falls a little harder.
He doesn’t get up from his chair, but swivels it to face you fully. He takes one hand and places it on the inside of your thigh, just above your knee. He slides it upward at an excruciating pace, causing a shiver to run through your body. “This is what you want? What you’re asking of me?”
“Yes,” you whimper and nod your head. “Please.”
He continues up your thigh until reaching your cotton panties, a much more comfortable switch from the ones you wore while working. He drags a finger around the hem teasingly before brushing his thumb over your clit.
He looks up at you, waiting for your eyes to return to his. There’s a fire in them as he yanks your panties down roughly, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“Shut the door,” he commands. You quickly do as you’re told.
He returns his hand to your center, hissing as he feels the extent of how turned on you are.
“What’s got you so wet, baby?” He asks with a smirk, lightly running his fingers up and down your slit.
“Been thinking about you,” you admit breathlessly. “Couldn’t stop myself.”
He pushes two digits fully into you, eliciting a partly stifled moan. He sets a quick pace, causing your knees to almost buckle.
Joel takes off his reading glasses with his free hand. “Lift your dress,” he commands. “I want to see.”
You lift your dress and watch as he stares at his fingers brutally fucking into your pussy, his other hand returning to roughly grasp your hip. His breaths are more labored and his lips are curled into a slight snarl. The sight sends you closer to the edge.
He feels your walls start to constrict around his fingers and brings the hand on your hip to settle flat against your stomach, his thumb finding your clit and pressing quick circles into it.
“Oh fuck,” you cry out, your greedy cunt tightening further, wanting more.
“Shut that pretty mouth if you want me to make you cum,” he warns.
“Yes sir,” you whisper, biting your lip to stop from crying out.
“Good girl,” he praises in a softer tone.
That’s all it takes for the knot in your center to pull itself free, a wave of intense pleasure rushing through you. You bite your lip harder and place a hand on Joel’s firm, muscled shoulder to keep from screaming or collapsing.
You let your hand run down his strong bicep as he removes his fingers.
“On your knees,” he demands.
You readily sink between his legs and eye the massive bulge he has there. You want to reach out and touch it, free it from the strict confines of his pants and take him in your mouth. Wordlessly thank him. You want to fucking worship him.
But you know that you’re not the one in charge, you handed those reigns over to Joel with pleasure.
He brings his wet fingers to your lips and you eagerly take them in your mouth, twirling your tongue around his digits as you suck them clean. He groans, sending another twinge of desire to your spent pussy. You were insatiable.
He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of your hot mouth a few times, transfixed by your soft lips.
He takes his hand away and wipes his saliva on his shirt.
Standing up, his throbbing cock just inches from your face. You look up at him, silently begging for permission to take it out.
“Come on,” he says instead, offering a hand down to you. “I’ll walk you out.”
You take his hand and rise, disappointed.
He’s quiet as he walks you to your car and you worry that you fucked up by asking him to touch you. You were already warned that he didn’t mess around with the dancers. It was a good policy to stick to but you had met very few men working in clubs who had the willpower to follow through with it. Now he probably didn’t want you coming back.
“Thank you,” you tell him as you reach your car. “For walking me out, for saving me from that creep and for helping me feel better about it. I know that’s all it was, I won’t be weird about it. But I understand if you don’t want me to come back.”
He shoots you an offended look. “Jesus, no. You are more than welcome back here.”
He pauses for a moment before opening his arms to you. You shyly sink into them, reveling in how firm yet soft his warm body felt against yours. He pats your upper back, like a dad would to a kid. “I’m sorry again about tonight. Drive safe.”
“Will do,” you tell him before slipping into your car. You watch as he turns to head back into the club, taking in his broad frame with admiration. You were fucked.
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azrielwingspan · 3 months
Distractions is a collection of short stories whose main characters are Azriel and Nyra (OC).
It's established that there is some heavy tension between them (everyone suspects lol) and I decided to put into words a few visualizations I've had of the both of them just pining for each other, playing hard to get, flirting, a bit of angst, some fluff and overall just being HELLA CUTE OKAY.
Part 2 of the collections of short stories!! No specific reading order to be followed.
Summary: An unexpected surprise during a mission injures Azriel and puts him in a foul mood. Nyra gets worried and tries to get information out of him.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, lots of tension, angst
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"What happened?" Nyra asked staring wide eyed at the blood staining most of Nikolai , her best friends, leathers. Cassian had brought her up to the House of Wind only mentioning that something had gone terribly wrong with the mission.
"I don't know. It was a blur. Just..." Niko rasped shaking his head as if trying to clear his head. Letting out a deep sigh and holding his arm to his side, he shuffled towards his room passing by Nyra. "Let me sleep it off. I need to gather my thoughts. I'll speak to you tomorrow okay?"
She was about to ask him about his injuries but noticed Madja beckoning Niko towards one of the rooms turned into a temporary healers room. So she just nodded and gave him a small smile not wanting to delay his healing any further.
Standing in heavy silence, Cassian and Nyra watched Niko limp his way to Madja. She was hoping Cassian would bring up the other male that had gone on the mission but since he didn't seem to show any indication of doing so , she took matters into her own hands.
"Az?" she asked in low voice , not meeting Cassian's eyes instead choosing to keep her eyes trained on the healers door.
"In his room. Refused to answer as well. Locked himself in there and denied Madja's request to see him. He didn't seem as bad as Nikolai so I left him alone."
She let loose a small sigh of relief knowing that he was safe. Nikolai would be better by tomorrow as well. It could have been much worse, she told herself as her mind shifted gears and started conjuring up explanations for what could've gone wrong.
"You should speak to him." Cassian said breaking into her thoughts putting an abrupt stop to her theories.
"I thought he wanted to be alone?"
"He does...but something is off. I've seen him come back from missions in pieces and yet he would report to Rhys immediately. This is the first time he's just...off."
The concern she'd buried came back in full force until all she could think about was making sure he was alright.
She turned towards the staircase leading up to Azriel's room and set a fast pace. Almost tripping over the last stair, she came to a standstill in front of his door and hesitated.
Would he even open the door?
There was no time for silly thoughts. She had to make sure he was alright. Ignoring the hesitation and anxiety that was starting to drown her, she rapped firmly on his door.
She waited....and waited..... and waited some more.
She knew he was inside , the same way he knew she was outside his door. Knew that he was ignoring her. She ignored the phantom prick of pain that bloomed in her chest. Not the time to be selfish about her own emotions.
"Az....just let me take a look. Please." Maybe it was the weakness of her voice or the desperation towards the end because a beat later the door opened wide. The breeze from the open balcony doors carried the smell of blood, sweat and Azriels scent of night chilled mist and cedar.
Standing bare chested with a hand placed on the door frame, he looked at her with a cold face. "I'm fine." His voice was hoarse and carried a hint of barely restrained anger.
Her eyes roved over him checking for injuries and settled on his knuckles that were still stained with blood. The cuts on his face and chest seemed to have healed but he hadn't bothered to wash away the stains of red yet.
Eyes softening, removing the cold edge that had blazed through them , Azriel watched her extend a hand towards his free one. She was approaching slowly, as if giving him time to move away or slam the door on her face.
Cold fingers brushed over his knuckles lightly as she gazed up at him through her eyelashes "Let me help."
They stood apart, their breaths the only sound, on either side of the door. It seemed critical, that moment. She sensed that if she crossed the threshold into his room, things would change forever. He would be giving her a part of him that she would keep with her selfishly. She wanted it more than anything. She let all her emotions seep through her eyes, showing him the things she that didn't have the courage to tell him.
After what seemed like eternity, he moved aside letting her in. She released a breath she didn't realize she was holding and stepped over the threshold. She half expected sparks to go off and almost laughed at the absurdity of it. Clamping her lips shut, she directly headed towards the bathroom and filled a metal basin with warm water.
Azriel had locked the door again and was sitting on the floor in front of his bed with his head dropped between his bent knees. Nyra's heart clenched at the sight before her. What had happened?
Placing the basin on the ground, she sat next to him, delicately taking his hand and placed in on her lap. They stayed silent as she scrubbed the blood off his hands and his shoulders. He hadn't moved an inch, letting her maneuver herself around him. The sound of their breathing, the drip of water as she wrung the wash cloth and the brush of his skin against the cloth were the only sounds that surrounded them.
Once she was done with his arms, she shifted to place herself in front of him. Placing her palms on either side of his face, she lifted it slowly and sucked in a breath at the emotion in his eyes. Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court, who had mastered impasiveness had let his shield down. She saw everything and yet could decipher nothing.
He stretched out his legs, widening them further so that she could place herself closer to him. She tried to ignore the thudding of her heart against her chest. He kept his eyes trained on her as she gently but thoroughly removed all evidence of what had happened.
Neither of them failed to notice her heavy breathing or his fisted hands by his side. Neither of them failed to notice the thin thread of restrain they were holding on to. Neither of them failed to notice the charge in the air around them. Yet, neither of them acted.
"All done." she said with a breathy voice preparing herself to move away.
"Thankyou." he murmured huskily, his jaw clenching.
That was it then. That was that. She wiped down her palms on her pants and braced herself to stand up.
In a flash of a movement, Azriel wrapped his arms around her and she stumbled onto his lap bracing herself with her arms on his shoulders. His warm breath brushed against her lips, her heart thundering as her mind tried to catch up.
She wasn't looking at him. She couldn't. Absentmindedly rubbing small circles on his shoulders, she traced his Illyrian tattoo with her eyes.
"Look at me." The command in his voice made her eyes shoot up and latch onto his, a spear of excitement striking her core.
"Why are you here?" he asked tightening his grip on her hips. The unexpected question shook her out of the daze.
"What?" she asked softly still confused.
"You heard me." Bringing a hand to her face, he pushed back a strand of her caught onto her lip. Nyra had short circuited. She didn't know what to focus on or how to focus for that matter. It felt like she had been dipped in cold water immediately followed by a hot water bath.
She was hanging onto her sanity by a thread. Fortunately, that thread cut off when Azriel buried his face in her neck and took in a deep breath. She arched towards him subconsciously , a soft gasp leaving her lips.
"I need you to use your words Nyra." his muffled voice commanded , his lips brushing her skin as he spoke.
"You know why." Her hands travelled from his shoulders to his chest leaving a trail of fire underneath her touch. Azriel held back a shiver. It was getting too much. The feel of her, the way she smelled, the sound of her voice....it was enough to make him do things he had only imagined in the dead of the night.
He trailed a line of soft kisses from underneath her jaw and felt her body press against his. The scent of her arousal hit him and it took every ounce of his willpower to not take her right then and there.
"You need to go." he said suddenly, pulling back from her. He woudln't meet her eyes. He couldn't. Nyra wouldn't respond. She couldn't let him hear the wobble in her voice as she tried to think of what went wrong.
So she just stood up, turned around and left.
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claymorexpunisher · 5 months
Brats Have More Fun (5/?) (18+ Fic)
Pairing(s): Damian Priest/Fem. Reader
Summary: Bratty Reader thinks she's being cute by shamelessly defying the orders of her vampire boyfriend, Damian...
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW/has NSFW elements. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love and enjoy this cheesy porno! 🥂
Chapter Tags: 18+, smut, orgasm denial, kink, sadism, masochism, flogging, sex toy, g-spot stimulation, vampire!Damian, human!Reader.
Word Count: 1,430
Prev. Part
Damian was very much the walking motto of ‘if they wanted to, they would…”
He lived by it, not just whenever I needed affection or a shoulder to cry on, but also when it came to handing out punishments.
Or in today’s case- funishments.
That was one of the most exciting aspects of dating a vampire; he could be anywhere at any given time in under 2 seconds if he so wished.
And sometimes I either forgot that he could, or I chose to forget and got him riled up any way that I could.
Today as we were texting back and forth, our conversation got increasingly flirtatious and my mouth got smarter, daring him to set me straight.
Being a smartass, I let Damian know that I was up to no good, wanting to bring myself some much-needed relief even though he’d explicitly told me to wait till he arrived the following week.
Naturally that was a bit too much of an agonizing wait for me, so I decided to take matters into my own hands…
I thought I was safe because Damian was currently on the road with WWE.
But one minute I was getting comfortable in our bed, in one of Damian’s T-shirts, giggling to myself after sending him a soundless video of myself with my legs spread wide atop the bed sheets and my fingers toying between my legs.
My sensitive clit was snug between my middle and ring finger, ready to make me burst.
Giggling because upon noticing the blue check mark that signaled to me that he had seen my little video message, I knew I was in deep shit.
Another thing I had definitely forgotten, was the manually and app-operated vibrator that rested snug inside my pussy.
Of course, I hadn’t forgotten that it was there necessarily, considering that every time I so much as breathed, the curved tip of the toy brushed right up against my sweet spot, making me moan softly every so often.
I could hear how wet I was, and the crude only served in making me that much more aroused.
My skin was hot to the touch, feeling tingly, as if every nerve ending before Damian even appeared.
My amusement was short lived as not 5 seconds later, the toy thrummed to life inside of me, causing my body to momentarily lock up as my mouth now hung open, the sudden pleasure trapping any tangible sound except a choked-off whimper and needy pants.
As a moan was finally ripped from my lips, a familiar deep chuckle flooded the bedroom.
“Why do you do this to yourself every time, nena?” Damian asked, his tone amused, his phone in his hand, and his brows raised halfway up to his hairline.
His face was openly playful, like the cat who caught the canary unaware as he watched me writhe and moan and pant, already feeling dangerously close to the edge.
“I don’t-… I cant- fuck!” I tried to come up with a smartassed reply now, but nothing came to mind as the pleasure ricocheted, the toy relentlessly buzzed against my sweet spot, making beads of sweet collect along my brow and on my neck, damn near every part of my body thrumming along with the vibrations of the toy.
My eyes stayed open for all 2 seconds, long enough to watch him slowly saunter into our bedroom, his brown eyes almost black as he came closer, hungrily licking his lips like a panther ready to pounce.
They closed again as Damian’s expert fingers danced teasingly along the insides of my thighs.
I whined desperately as his touch suddenly disappeared and my heartbeat picked up its pace as he moved from the edge of our bed to our closet, pulling out some of the secret compartments where we kept more toys.
Watching him grab a flogger and begin to twirl it slowly in his hands made me forget about wanting to cum momentarily.
My gaze focused on him, salivating at the way the flogger moved smoothly in his hand and the way his muscled arms flexed with each motion.
But I snapped out of it once he came back to the edge of the bed again.
“What’s your color?” Damian asked simply, trying to gauge if I was still up for what he had in store.
“Green.” I nodded and noticeably gulped at the sight of the anticipatory quirk of his lips.
He had chosen the one with the thickest tails and so I knew that it wasn’t going to hurt terribly, and yet my heart still skipped a nervous beat for what else he had in mind.
Damian ordered me to keep my legs spread, the toy still buzzing inside of me, and I jumped the first time the strands of the flogger landed along the insides of my thigh, dangerously close to my sensitive pussy.
“What’s the one thing I asked you to not to do while I was gone?” Damian asked, his tone now suddenly severe as I cried out only in slight pain as the tails of the flogger came into slight contact with my labia as he began to swing it closer and closer to my pussy.
My back arched as the flogger suddenly hit the toy, shifting it inside of me and nudging that much more against my sweet spot.
I nearly forgot that Damian had asked a question before I made myself remember.
“Uh… yo- you told me not to cum until you got back from being on tour- ungh, I’m sorry!!” I whimpered; my voice shaky as I bit my lip to the point of pain as the tails of the flogger momentarily zapped my clit.
Damian shook his head as he suddenly stopped his strikes with the flogger and flipped over in his hand, now using the handle of the flogger to tease my clit.
I cursed, groaning and whimpering from somewhere deep in my gut at the combined feeling of the toy zinging against my sweet spot and the firm handle of the flogger working the sensitive bud between my legs.
“You said that last time, princesa… I don’t know if I believe you.” Damian tsked, his voice still firm but his eyes gave away the fun he was having.
We both knew this was what I wanted.
What we both craved sometimes.
I craved to be tamed and put in my place and he craved to fulfill that for me...
“No, I- I am! I promise!” I keened, obediently keeping my hands on the sheets even as Damian settled himself between my legs, tossing the flogger to the side and replacing it with his mouth as his hands rubbed the spots on my thighs that were warmer due to the impact of the flogger.
His tongue swirled and swirled, and my stomach tightened and tightened.
 My breath quickened as I once again came dangerously close to cumming, but I let out a groan of disappointment as Damian stopped.
“Nooo. Don’t stop, please!” I begged.
Damian smirked at the desperation in my voice, surely using his powers to dive into my mind and hearing me cuss him out.
And he reached for his phone that he had set on the bedside table, but at this point, I didn’t know if I was grateful or pissed off that the buzzing against my sweet spot abruptly stopped.
I wanted to obey but I was desperate to cum.
“What number am I thinking of? 1-10.”
Oh no...
My heart sank into the pit of my stomach as soon as the question left Damian’s lips, now knowing what he planned on doing.
The toy’s settings went up to 11.
If I guessed wrong, the toy would be set on the next highest setting.
“A-are you sure you have time for that?” I replied, my jaw trembled, and my teeth chattered as the need for release increasingly became too much.
“I could get to the next town in about two seconds if I wanted to. But you know that, don’t you, baby?” Damian purred, knowing I just wanted to move things along.
“In the meantime, why don’t I-… we,” he amended, chuckling to himself. “-have some fun… pick a number, princesita.” He said in a condescending tone.
His tongue rested on one of his gleaming fangs that sprung out before I could blink, that look of hungry desire never leaving his dark eyes.
I was quickly finding out that his motto wasn’t just ‘If they wanted to, they would’…
It was also ‘fuck around and find out’…
Next Part
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