#I used to be super into this during my middle school years (so around the time ATLA ended)
toph-bi-fong · 4 months
No but like, I know Toph and Zuko wouldn’t work out romantically in the context of the actual show- and that sort of thing would only happen in fanon or an AU. And preferably when they’re both grown ass adults.
But I still often think about the missed potential for their friendship dynamic. Crazy how the two with so much in common have little interaction time together.
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yotd2009 · 5 months
ok fr last one but there's actually a bootleg of my school's anastasia and i'm linking it bc you all NEED to understand that my infatuation with this one girl's voice which started when i was in the 6th grade and still hasn't really worn off isn't based on nothing
#brielle's the one in the n95 mask (the video is too grainy to actually make out any of the ensemble's faces but she stands out)#and i'm the in my 'teenage tboy's diy first short haircut' era in every scene she's in#apart from everything abt the girl who plays anya. the tea on everyone else is that our director liked the boy who played gleb's voice so#much that she actually lowered some if not all of his parts to be in his range. the guy who played vlad was a total diva and uhm. the phras#'peaked in high school' has been tossed around at him a lot. and the fact that he came back to sub the year after he graduated isn't helpin#his case. also he pressured the girl who played anya's grandmother into wearing old age makeup + spray her hair grey bc he decided he was#going to wear it and since she's supposed to be older than him she had to too and used to waltz into the girls' changing room whenever he#wanted. everyone was like super shocked during auditions though bc we all thought he was a shoe-in for dimitry esp since seniors get#priority casting bc it's their last chance. but at callbacks (we had singing auditions via video and dance auditions in person and callback#were tacked on to the dance auditions) he kinda flubbed his song and then this freshman. who was with us via google meet bc he literally ha#covid at the time absolutely blew him out of the water and i remember walking away w brielle like 'holy shit [first name] [last name] just#lost a part to a freshman' (he's the kind of person you just have to full name otherwise it sounds wrong). that said i do think he made a#much better vlad then he would've made a dimitry and while he is. a lot. he's always been nice to me and i did briefly idolize him and his#stage presence way i did anya's singing voice but that faded when i got into hs and started actually observing his prima donna ways#(the one production we were in together before in middle school we didn't have any scenes together). the girl who played the grandma#actually shouted me out in cast circle and that's the only time that's ever happened to me. also i'm p sure her dad is/was dating someone m#dad and by extension myself work with so that's. Oh My God. like she (the one who works for my dad) brought him w her to a comedy show as i#think her bf but i'm not 100% sure and when he found out what school i went to he mentioned his daughter went there and despite the fact#that i basically have a script for when people ask me that question bc i do NOT pay attention to most of my fellow students and don't know#anyone i was like 'holy shit' bc i actually did. hm what else. the guy who played the tsar and i used to shittalk bad period dramas#backstage during the first part of act 2. also during the press conference scene i need you to picture all the bolshevik soldiers and#romanov royals doing the macarena behind the curtain bc that was absolutely what we were doing back there. speaking of the press conference#the really high singing w/o a clear source was actually anya standing behind the curtain on the other side of the stage bc she's the only#one who physically could sing the part. also in regards to the bolshevik soldiers. we were originally supposed to have wooden rifles but fo#some reason our director took them out so we had to just walk menacingly towards the romanovs. you can't rlly see me that well in that scen#but that jacket would NOT stay closed and for 2/3 performances i had to awkwardly hold it closed the entire time. luckily the one that was#filmed was the one where i was smart enough to bring safety pins and also saved like all of the ballerinas bc their costumes all started#falling apart at once backstage.#romeo.txt#theatreposting
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snaillock · 9 months
would you do satosugu discovering their "friend" (both of them have a fatass crush on m!reader) is a teen dad, and just all of them chaotically taking care of a baby. (like those collage students raising a baby tiktoks?)
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ok so technically i only write for blue lock buttttttttttt… i am more than willing to make an exception for this. this is also my favorite niche of satosugu fics so im super honored someone requested it from me
tags: male reader has a foster daughter bc hell yeah girl dads, unnamed child bc that's too much for me, reader is a sorcerer, found family but in a janked up kinda way, whipped satosugu, pre-hidden inventory so everyone is in high school in this this a long one yall
part two coming soon!
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★ when assigned an extremely harsh mission, you find an orphaned child barely a year old within all the rumble. you soon found out her family was recently killed in the destruction. unsure of what would happen to her after this, you decided to take her as your own.
★ scared of any judgment, you didn’t tell anyone about her so only a few higher-ups were aware. luckily you were allowed to live off campus so you two could have more space and privacy.
★ however the physical effects of raising a kid all on your own at such a young age were certainly showing. you came to school visibly worn down, often falling asleep in the middle of class and taking more absences than usual.
★ the first people to notice, of course, were gojo and geto. as nosy as they were, they tried not to push it, knowing you had just come back from a really taxing mission. though they did get more and more suspicious whenever you didn’t let them visit your new place.
★ however one day, they did spot you out in public wearing a baby carrier with, of course, a baby they’d never seen before resting right inside. they immediately came up to you and bombarded you with multiple questions before you got them to chill out and explained everything.
★ wanting you to take some time off (and win you over), they offer to take care of her regularly. who were you to refuse? after all, it is free babysitting and you were already using up so much money hiring actual babysitters.
★ during their first babysitting job, you thanked them profusely before going back into your room and instantly falling asleep the moment your body hit your bed, taking a very well-deserved nap.
★ you see, gojo was already pretty hesitant about you having a kid around. this was before he took in megumi so he found basically any child gross and annoying. (though he’s somehow even more attracted to you now that you’re a dad.)
★ coughs dilf lover gojo i mean what?
★ so when gojo picked up your baby for the first time, she immediately cried when they made eye contact and he got so so personally offended that he started rethinking this whole babysitting thing.
★ the first thirty minutes or so of taking care of your kid went pretty okay. that was until she started crying again and neither of them knew why.
★ you see, these idiots have no idea how to care for a child.
★ they frantically tried to calm her down and figure out what was wrong without needing to wake you. they checked if she was hurt in any way, she definitely wasn’t hungry since they already fed her, nor did she need to be changed. gojo even called shoko to see if she could do anything.
★ when they eventually saw her crawling towards your room and sobbing right outside your door, hesitantly let her in to see her climb onto your bed and lay down with you, realizing she just missed you the whole time. that entire experience made them so exhausted that they almost climbed into bed with you. but when they saw the gratitude on your face after you woke up, it made it all worth it.
★ luckily the next few times they watched over her, babysitting got more and more easy as she grew used to them.
★ they start coming over so often to look after her that your place basically becomes their second home.
★ geto is in charge of doing her hair since the last time gojo attempted it, it was just a big mess of hair ties and ribbons. geto’s definitely not complaining since he loves to get her ready. in fact, geto does a lot of the responsible stuff when taking care of her since gojo, hmm what’s a nice way to put it, lacks a lot of the necessary skills.
★ oh yeah, remember what i said about gojo hating younger children? yeah, that completely changes as he spends more time with your daughter. he’s almost always playing with her or showing up with a brand new toy or stuffed animal just for her. he ends up loving her so so much and wants to be her cool fun dad.
★ unfortunately both of them are way too nice when it comes to disciplining her. they let her get away with so much. late bedtimes, too much tv, grabbing any treats she wants off the grocery store shelves. how can they not spoil such an adorable little girl like her!?
★ what’s also unfortunate is how they try to drag you into it.
“come on, y/n. let loose a little. cake for dinner does sound pretty appetizing right now.”
“come on. just let her watch ten more minutes before bed.” gojo lazed on the couch with her on his lap. “besides this cartoon is starting to get good.”
“come onnn… just let her buy it.” geto held up a sparkly pink dress you already told him she doesn’t need with his own sparkles in his eyes. “she’ll look so cute in it. i promise i’ll pay you back.”
★ their hearts explode whenever you’re affectionate with her. they love the way you gently rock her in your arms while humming a sweet lullaby, slowly lulling her to sleep. the way they see you kiss her forehead after placing her into the crib before quickly turning around and acting like they weren’t staring the whole time. they fall head over heels for you for probably the twentieth time by now since they met you but those times were definitely the hardest.
★ they’ve been in her life for a good while so when she begins talking more frequently, she starts calling them her papas as she does with you. gojo aka former “ugh kids are so gross and icky” feels his heart combusting whenever she calls him that and he owns that title proudly. meanwhile geto feels so endeared and honored that she sees him that way.
★ “we’re not the stepdads. we’re the dads that stepped up!” looking asses.💀
★ the secret of you having a kid doesn’t last for long since these two can’t keep quiet about it. they’re just way too happy and want to show her off. especially gojo who scrolls through 100s of photos of her while gushing about her to basically anyone who’ll listen. shoko and nanami are the most common targets whenever this happens.
★ he even ends up showing photos of you and your daughter napping together (that you had no idea he took), making you snatch his phone away in embarrassment.
★ whenever you guys go out on family dates to go to the beach or picnicking, geto always takes the time to dress her up with pretty hairstyles and cute little outfits. he absolutely loves doting on her.
★ they love her with all their hearts and would do absolutely anything for her. she’s so lucky to have three weird dads take care of her and raise her. a very odd and… unconventional family dynamic but an amazing one nonetheless. this family only grows bigger and bigger once gojo takes in megumi and geto practically adopts mimiko and nanako.
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taglist: @userwithlotsoftime @lucas2060 @kiiyoooo
ayo we rocking with the star bullet points?? 🗣️⁉️
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
headcanon- steve secretly being insanely good at something, maybe chess or something similarly associated with intelligence. when everyone finds out they are surprised and doubtful leading steve to have the realization "oh. you guys genuinely think I'm stupid."
Steve loved seeing how things worked, he had since he was too young to actually figure things out by himself.
He got caught pulling apart his dad’s office calculator when he was nine, insisted he could put it back together, and did.
It took him a week, but he did it.
Then it was the house phone.
Then his desk lamp.
The toaster.
He always got them back together and working, but his parents weren’t very pleased if they caught him in the process.
Still, he loved the feeling of understanding how certain wires connecting meant something would light up or how one color wire would make something produce a number and another would produce power.
He continued doing it with random objects for years.
The concussions made it harder, his vision going blurry if he focused a little too long on a small part of the technology, his frustration making it even worse.
When Eddie found out, he gave him an old amp that wasn’t working anymore, said it probably would never work again but he could take a look inside.
Steve got it working in two days.
Wayne gave him their VHS player when it stopped rewinding, didn’t want to have to buy a new one even if they did have the money for it now. He had it fixed in four hours.
The oven in the new Munson home randomly stopped working, so of course Steve was called.
He came during Hellfire, ignoring the strange looks as he waved and made his way straight to kitchen.
He got to work, humming to himself as he made sure electricity was cut off from it, that there was no gas hookup anywhere, and pulled it from the wall.
The wiring inside was relatively straightforward, and he saw the problem almost immediately.
A loose wire connecting from the heat source to the controls. Easy fusing. Done.
He tested to make sure it was fixed, and ten minutes later, he was calling Wayne at work on the house phone to let him know it was fixed.
When he turned around, Dustin and Lucas were standing in the doorway, mouths open.
“You’ll catch flies like that. You know Eddie leaves the windows open all the time.”
“You fixed the oven?”
“Uh. Yeah?”
“By yourself? Like the inside of it?”
“How? That’s so many wires and stuff.”
“It’s not that hard.”
“That’s like, electrical engineering shit.”
Steve realized what was happening just as everyone else walked into the kitchen.
“Oh. You guys don’t think I’m smart enough.”
He felt like he hit a brick wall.
“What’s going on?” Eddie came to stand next to Steve, arm wrapping around his waist.
“We didn’t know Steve was smart.”
The words were unintentionally harsh, but Steve and Eddie flinched anyway.
“Steve’s incredibly smart. He fixes all kinds of things.”
“Eds, it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. They know better than to make assumptions about someone based on grades in school or how they understand certain things.”
Steve shrunk into Eddie’s side, doing his best to hide his face while he held back tears.
“You can all apologize or you can leave.”
There was silence for a moment and Steve was almost convinced that they’d all left.
He turned his head to see everyone staring at him.
“We’re sorry, Steve. Really. Eddie’s right. We shouldn’t have assumed you weren’t super smart just because you didn’t do well in school or don’t understand us when we ramble.”
Will was always a good kid, maybe his favorite at the moment.
“‘S okay guys.”
Eddie’s fingers tightened on his waist for a moment.
“So do you fix all kinds of stuff or just appliances?”
“I like to take stuff apart and put it back together. Sometimes I just end up fixing something along the way.”
“So you could look at my walkie?” Max piped up. “It keeps going to static in the middle of me talking.”
“Sure. Probably just a disconnected wire between the speaker and the button.”
Max beamed back at him, not just happy he would try to fix it, but proud.
Everyone started asking if he could fix things they had, surprised when he agreed to it all.
They filtered back out to the dining room area where they played, except for Dustin.
“What’s up?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that you’re stupid or anything. I know you’re not stupid. I was just surprised. I shouldn’t have been; you’re always finding the crossed wires with us and fixing those.”
Steve pulled him into a hug.
“People aren’t nearly as easy as electronics, dude.”
“Yeah, but you make it look that way.”
Steve quickly became the group’s engineer, always fixing what was broken, whether it was a flashlight or a bad day. He was pretty good at putting things and people back together.
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inkskinned · 2 years
accidents happen. accidents particularly happen around children.
we make scissors designed for children because we know they can hurt themselves on it. we cut their food up smaller so they are less likely to choke. we "babyproof" our houses, make sure our medications are all closed and locked, close all the outlets.
we are told to just carry a gun.
at some point a kid is going to get hurt. everyone with or around kids knows this. often adults (who shouldn't work with kids) are a little-too-okay-with-this. they sneer that in their time, kids just got hurt. which is great for them, but i don't feel it's particularly necessary to willfully allow children to break bones just to "build character". the kids do just fine when i do my job right. i make sure, to the best of my ability, that they don't break the bone. it turns out you can still learn life lessons without trauma. yes, at some point they'll get hurt. that's the nature of it. but i like to try to keep it to a minimum of bloodshed.
about five years ago, in the middle of my summer training, the cop that came in to prepare us for mass shootings actually happened to be the same cop that used to be my DARE officer. what a small world! his hair had gone grey.
before working with children, i had no idea how many things a child can hurt themselves on. i had never thought about the possibility that a child could climb a bookshelf, only for that bookshelf to topple over. everything has to be screwed down. nothing can have particularly sharp corners - what if a child falls backwards onto it? - or be particularly breakable. no plastic bags or choking hazards. watch out for allergens, do your best to clean your super-gross classroom with all-natural (and expensive) fragrance-free products. there's a million other considerations, most of which are difficult on a public school budget. i hate the calculation - either the kids get a new playground 5 years from now OR they get new books now and just risk the tetanus.
the gun is not included in the paycheck.
we do our best, you know? but like, there's the rest of the actual job to do. we're neither trained, paid, or aided in our one-person quest to somehow get jason to stop giving himself splinters. and besides, we have the 98 other things to consider for our 30 other students. one of which is, you know, teaching them.
the children aren't prisoners. we need to walk this incredibly fine line of "chaotic exploration" and "reckless endangerment." to be frank - they're gonna do stupid shit and get hurt while they do the stupid shit. it's my job to at least try to predict the stupid shit, and minimize the risk. and before you judge the kids - i'm going to remind you that adults die every year from shaking vending machines. people just do stupid shit.
did you know that the leading cause of childhood deaths in america is to guns? we're the only country in the world with that statistic. it used to be motor vehicles, which is why there are so many laws about seatbelts, air bags, babyseats, and other protections against accidents. 1 in 5 childhood deaths will be a result of guns. of these deaths, 65% are the result of an intentional attack.
my brother often takes me to archery. i fucking suck at archery, because i have no aim, bad eyesight, and no grip strength. it's fun, though! as a teacher, archery at my school is super banned, because kids could get hurt. no throwing rocks or sticks. no impromptu self-made bows or arrows, oh my god, why do we keep having to have this conversation.
i remember this one conversation with a parent. he was chatting with me during pick-up and mentioned that kinder eggs being banned is so stupid, because, like, if a kid is gonna choke - they kind of "deserved it" for being so stupid. without thinking, my response was, "we don't typically practice darwinism at school, but you can encourage that at home if you wish!" which did result in me getting written up - for "talking back", i guess.
but his idea isn't unusual, is the thing. there's this sense that there's somehow almost an "expendable" child trauma rate. that it weeds out the weak or whatever, which is categorically cruel & dehumanizing. children should be able to mess up and have fun and - again - do stupid shit. they might get hurt, yes. but the job of the adult is to just go help the kid.
i had to quit teaching. i was really, really good at my job - 15 years of practice. but i would wake up at night, coating in sweat. trying to figure out how to bullet-proof my public school classroom with a public school budget.
bad things happen. in every other category: we try to prevent them.
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electrosuite · 1 year
ok so i’m gonna ask for smth super specific to my own sad little life but i’d love if you could write it
so essentially female!reader is plus sized and eddie takes a liking to her and asks her out when she’s at her locker but she’s been asked out as a joke before and made fun of her whole life so she doesn’t believe that he’s being genuine but he says he understands what it’s like to be an outcast and bullied and that he genuinely thinks she’s like gorgeous and so she says yes and they go out to dinner but she’s super nervous about eating in front of him
then fast forward like 2 months and they have sex for the first time despite her having given him a bj but never asked him to do anything because she’s afraid he won’t be attracted to her, but then she decides to finally take it a step further and she’s really reluctant to take her clothes off in front of him but he’s so comforting and he thinks she’s the most beautiful woman in the entire world
then after they have sex they talk and she reveals that jason and his friends followed her into the woods one day during lunch and surrounded her so they could bully her and just be really mean but one of her male friends saw them following her and stepped in
like i said it’s a sad story but this whole situation actually happened to me in high school but me and my bf have been together almost five years now so maybe it’s not all bad
warnings: swearing, mentions of bullying and harassment, dirty talk, oral sex, descriptive sex
word count: 4.9k
a/n: oh my, i’m so sorry this happened to you. idk what possesses people to be so mean to others based off judgments of their appearance rather than their personality. i hope i do your request justice.
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It was a normal day for you so far. It was Tuesday, which meant you had your painting, history, and math, as well as a free period. You intended to spend it in the library, so you stopped at your locker to put away most of your books and grab your backpack. You decided to look down at a page of your homework, going over what you needed to study.
But when your locker closed with a bang, you jumped and looked up and to your right. There stood Eddie Munson, a metalhead who hosted the Dungeons & Dragons club, also known as Hellfire.
But he’d become a friend to you as of late. And friends weren’t something you had many of. You weren’t very social, preferring to keep to yourself and listen to your music on your Walkman.
Middle school and high school weren’t easy for you. You’d always had issues surrounding your weight, seemingly unable to keep it off. And middle school kids and high school bullies immediately noticed. It was an easy thing for them to pick on, so they did.
You couldn’t catch a break, and the people who you thought were your friends made fun of you behind your back. So you gave up on trying to have friends and just decided to stop socializing altogether.
One day when you were looking for somewhere to sit at lunch, Eddie was standing at the end of one of the tables and making a speech to his friends about how people mislabel them as “freaks” and “Satan worshippers” when he spotted you. He thought you were pretty, and when the two of you made eye contact, he gave you a friendly smile and walked over, clearing his throat.
“Looking for somewhere to sit?” You nodded, both of you glancing around the cafeteria. The only open spot was next to Jason Carver and his basketball friends, and Eddie could see your aversion to joining them. “Wanna sit with us?” he asked, glancing over at the younger boys having a conversation about Dungeons & Dragons.
“Sure,” you said with an awkward smile.
He made some of the boys scoot down so you could sit next to him. You were sitting awkwardly as they hadn’t given you enough room to sit, and you hoped no one would notice besides you.
But Eddie noticed.
“You okay?” he asked, recognizing how uncomfortable you were. You simply nodded and gave a small smile, but he didn’t buy it. “Hey asshats,” he said, catching the attention of the three boys next to you. “Scoot over more.”
They did it without question and returned to their conversation with the rest of the group, and you were a bit taken aback at their lack of reaction. You scooted over and got comfortable, able to let out a sigh.
“Better?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and turning the corners of his mouth upwards.
And since that one, small interaction, you’d began sitting with them regularly. One day, he offered you a Hellfire shirt, even though you didn’t play.
“Normally I wouldn’t offer one to someone not in the club, but I really like having you around. Plus, you’d match better if you had one.”
Your cheeks got red at that, and you laughed awkwardly for a moment.
“I’d love one.”
“Great! What size?” You faltered at that, scratching the back of your neck. “What’s wrong?” he asked, genuinely concerned about why your demeanor changed so suddenly.
You shook your head. “Nothing. Um, a two-x. If you have them.”
“Why wouldn’t I have one?”
You shrugged. “I just... didn’t know if you had bigger sizes, you know?”
“Of course, I have 'em. I got some made in every size. They're in my van, I can get you one after school.”
Another conversation that left you a bit stunned. You were used to not being able to find bigger sizes in the clothes you wanted, and you always felt judged asking for them.
But you didn’t feel judged when you told Eddie. It was just another transaction, and you thought that this is what it must feel like to ask him for a small or medium.
Turns out, a two-x was exactly the size you needed. It was a baseball tee style shirt so it was slim-fitting but not tight, and you couldn’t stop looking at yourself in the mirror the next morning. You’d never had a shirt that fit you like this — one that wasn’t oversized and didn’t make you uncomfortable. You also really liked how the three-fourths length sleeves made your arms look.
And so did Eddie. When you walked into the lunchroom he almost choked on his water before you made it into earshot, so you didn’t see his reaction.
“Hey,” you greeted, sitting in your usual spot next to him.
“Nice shirt.”
“Thanks. It’s very soft.”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
You noticed he was acting a bit off, but you paid no attention to it.
And this led to now, with him standing at your locker after closing it for you.
“Hi,” he said, leaning his shoulder against the metal surface.
You held your notebook down in front of you, your arms straight and in a position to cover as much of your torso as you could. This was your natural stance now whenever you held something, trying to avoid stares.
“What are you up to?”
“Free period. I was gonna go to the library and study.”
“Oh sweet, I have a free period too.”
“Yeah, I was probably gonna head out early.” He crossed his arms to be as casual as possible. “If you wanted to hang out or something.”
“I can’t, I have a really big test tomorrow.”
“Okay, well, what about tomorrow night, then?”
“What, like a date?”
“Yeah, if that’s okay.”
You furrowed your brows, questioning his intentions.
“Yeah. Seriously.”
“Is this a joke? Did someone put you up to this? Was it Jason?”
“What? Of course not. Why would it be a joke, and why would Jason tell me to ask you out?”
“Because he’s done it before. More than once.”
“If this is a joke I will walk away right now.”
“Y/N, it’s not a joke. I want to hang out with you. I like you.”
You raised your eyebrows, still not fully believing him. “You like me?”
“Okay, tell me what you like about me.”
“I like that you’re one of the few people in this school that doesn’t think that I’m a freak.”
And that was when it hit you. Eddie was in the same boat as you were. The bullying, the mocking, the harassment. You’d both endured it for years, and you were the first girl who treated him like a person, not an outcast.
“Look, I get it if you don’t want to. Most people wouldn’t. But if you do, the offer still stands.” He turned to walk away when you reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked down at your hands then up at you.
“I’m sorry. It’s just... hard to tell if someone’s being genuine. I’m sorry I accused you of that, you’re not the type of person to pull something like that.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”
“Tomorrow night sounds fantastic.”
You pulled a piece of paper from your notebook and scribbled your address down on it, handing it over to him.
“Pick me up tomorrow after school. We can do whatever you want.”
He nodded. “Great. Dinner it is.”
As he walked off, you felt a sense of horror wash over you.
Dinner. Up until now, you’d only eaten small snacks at lunch in front of him, like an apple or peanut butter crackers. This was all on purpose, trying to avoid your regular bullies seeing you eat and approach to make fun of you.
But now the idea of eating an entire dinner in front of him made you queasy.
So when you two were in his van pulling into the parking lot of the local twenty-four hour diner, he noticed how nervous you were. He assumed it was just regular jitters, but he could tell something was wrong when you began looking at the menu.
“I think I’ll just get a salad,” you said in an unsure tone.
“A salad? That’s it?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Why not get something more filling?”
You shrugged. “I dunno, I guess I’m trying to eat better.”
He tilted his head and gave you a confused expression. He leaned forward and put his weight on his elbows. “Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“As soon as I brought up dinner you got kinda... standoffish. I could’ve picked something else if you didn't want to eat.”
You shook your head. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to bring down the mood or anything, it’s just... I usually don’t eat much in front of other people.”
“How come?”
“Because I get made fun of.”
“Made fun of? Why?”
“Eddie, come on.” When his expression simply said that he didn’t understand, you scoffed. “I’m not exactly thin.”
“Who cares?”
“I do. So does everyone else, apparently.”
“Well, everyone else are dumbasses.” You snickered at that comment. “Y'know, the first time I saw you, I thought you were the prettiest girl in Hawkins.”
“Oh, come on.”
“I’m serious! You can even ask Dustin, I brought it up at Hellfire.”
“What did you say?”
“He asked if I knew you and I said no but I thought you were really pretty.”
You’d never felt like this before. Sitting across from you was someone who had only nice things to say to you, not a lick of judgment in his voice. Someone was calling you pretty, and they were being genuine.
“Order what you actually want to eat. Don’t starve yourself for me.”
“Okay.” You skimmed over the menu again. “I think I’ll get a cheeseburger.”
“Sounds delicious,” he said, satisfied that he convinced you to order what you wanted.
And then, before you knew it, two months had gone by and you and Eddie were officially dating. But, of course, because of the rumors about him, you only faced more harassment. Notes in your locker from anonymous bullies calling you a “Satan worshipper” and “cult apologist”, but this was the first time that none of it bothered you.
You knew Eddie wasn’t any of the things that people called him, and you felt like you were walking on sunshine every moment you got to spend with him. He made you feel beautiful — something no one had ever been able to do. He made you feel comfortable, like you were home when you were wrapped in his arms.
But despite how beautiful he made you feel, the idea of him seeing you without clothes on made you more anxious than you'd ever felt.
So, to ease into the idea of sex, you decided you were going to go down on him, even if you weren't good at it.
So when you were listening to him play guitar in his van one day after school, you decided to make a move.
He was playing a song he'd mastered, Stairway to Heaven, when you crawled over and gently pushed the guitar out of his lap. He put it down next to the beanbag he was sitting on and smiled as you came up to his eye level to kiss him.
"What are you doing?" he chuckled through kisses.
"I wanna make you feel good."
You ran one of your hands down his stomach and to his belt buckle. He reached down and stopped you.
"What are you doing?" he asked, this time in a serious tone.
"I wanna blow you."
His eyebrows raised. "Are you sure?"
"What, you don't want me to?"
He looked at you like you were crazy. "Oh, believe me, I do. I just... This is coming out of left field. I just don't want you to do it because you feel like you need to."
"I don't feel like I need to. I just... I want to do this."
He still seemed skeptical, but he let go of your hand and allowed you to continue. You undid his belt, then his pants, then you pulled them and his underwear down enough to allow everything to spring out.
Your eyes went big, not expecting but also not surprised by his size.
"Is it okay?" he asked sheepishly.
You did your best to suppress your nervousness and wrapped your hand around his length and licked the tip, making him take a deep, sharp breath.
Your lips engulfed him, sinking your mouth down and going until he hit the back of your throat. He involuntarily bucked his hips, the extra inch or two making you choke.
"Sorry," he said, pushing your hair out of your face.
You wrapped your hand around the base and stroked it as you bobbed your head, which made him throw his head back.
"Shit," he whispered, putting his right hand on the top of your head and guiding you along. "That feels so good."
You adjusted your tongue so that it laid flat against the underside of his dick, which apparently felt better because his moans instantly got louder.
"Y/N, I'm not gonna last much longer."
At this point, he was guiding you along more than you were actually doing anything of your own, so you just let him. You could tell that he was close to cumming, and you weren't planning on stopping until he was drained.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he moaned, and based on him thrusting his hips, you knew he was right on the edge.
Then, suddenly, you tasted something you've never experienced. It was salty and bitter, and there was a lot of it. The weak moans that left his mouth made you smirk the best you could with a dick in your mouth, but you slowed your pace and watched him breathe heavily.
When he looked down at you, you were swallowing the cum in your mouth, and his eyes widened.
"Did you swallow?" You nodded. "God, that was hot." He pulled you up to where he could kiss you and you giggled at his excitement. "It didn't taste bad, did it?"
"No, I don't think so. I don't know what it's supposed to taste like, but I didn't wanna spit it out."
He nodded. "Good. My turn."
He started sitting up, and you stopped him. "What do you mean?"
"I was gonna go down on you. Return the favor."
You shook your head. "That's okay."
He was confused. "What?"
"I'm okay. I'll let you know when I'm ready for that."
"Are you sure? I feel bad not doing it."
"I'm sure. And don't feel bad. I'm just not ready for that yet."
He gave you a small smile. "Okay. But I am going to rock your world when you let me."
That was three days ago. You hadn't seen Eddie much in those days as he'd been at his friend Dustin's doing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, but as soon as their game was over he made sure you were the first person he saw.
He surprised you at your locker, splitting a candy bar with you. You sat together at lunch, which you ate outside at one of the picnic tables. He sat on the table, and you sat on the bench next to him.
"So I was thinking," he said, his mouth full from a bite he took from his apple.
"About what?"
"Tonight's Friday. Would you wanna stay at my place?"
Neither of you had spent the night at the other's place since you got together, so this was a big step.
"Your uncle would be okay with that?" you asked, knowing he lived with his uncle.
"He works night shift, but he wouldn't care either way. What do you say?"
You thought for a minute. "I'd have to tell my parents that I'm staying with a friend, but I'd love to."
"Awesome. I have tons of tapes we can watch."
You knew how tonight would probably end. And you were excited for it. But you were more nervous than anything. You wanted to go to the next level with him, even if it meant doing something that made you uncomfortable.
So when he kissed you during the movie you guys decided on in his room, you pulled him on top of you and wrapped your legs around your thighs.
"Eddie," you whispered.
"Mm?" he moaned softly into your neck, pressing kisses into your skin.
"I want to do this."
He looked at you, tucking your hair behind your ear with his right hand. "Are you sure?" You nodded. "I need you to say it, sweetheart."
That nickname always made your heart skip a beat.
"I'm sure."
"Absolutely sure?"
"Absolutely positively with a cherry on top?"
You laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. "So many cherries. As many as you want."
"Go turn the lights off."
He obeyed immediately, the only light coming from the television. When he returned, he got back into the same position as a moment ago, but he used his knees to push your legs back further.
You reluctantly reached down and pulled your shirt off, having to sit up a bit for a moment.
His eyes were glued to your body, unable to look at anything else. It made you feel awkward and your natural instincts were to cover yourself. But when you did, he wrapped his fingers around your wrists and pulled your arms away.
"This is what you've been hiding?" he asked, his tone full of love. "Goddamn, Y/N." His lips latched onto your chest, his hands on your hips.
"Is that a good thing?"
He made eye contact. "You're a goddess. Literally ethereal."
You couldn't hold back the laugh you let out. "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration."
"I'm speaking nothing but the truth."
Before he could do anything else, you reached under you and unhooked your bra, slowly removing it and throwing it to the floor. You could've sworn his eyes popped out of his head like a cartoon character at that, and he swallowed the spit in his mouth before littering kisses across your breasts.
"Take your shirt off," you commanded, which he did. He was so beautiful, and it made you bite your lip.
He leaned back down to kiss you and untied your sweatpants, which made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. His hand slipped into them and his fingers found your clit, causing you to gasp softly.
"Is that okay?" he asked, breaking the kiss.
You nodded. "Yeah, it's good."
His fingers continued to work and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning into his mouth. But it only lasted a few more seconds before he scooted down on the bed and hooked his fingers under your pants, looking at you for permission.
You reached down and helped him, unable to muster a single word. He slowly removed them, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with every second that went by.
But reality hit you: you were about to be completely, one hundred percent naked in front of him. Sure, he could barely see you with his body blocking most of the light, but he could still see you.
So your natural response was to bend your knees and cover as much from his perspective as you could.
"Y/N..." he said softly, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your knee. "If you don't want to do this, we don't have to."
"I do want to. I've just never been naked in front of someone. Not since I was little and changed in the same room with my mom."
"Well, if it makes you more comfortable, you could always put your shirt back on. Me, personally, I like looking at you, so I wouldn't recommend that. But it's completely up to you."
You shook your head. "I need to get comfortable with it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure."
He nodded, and slowly spread your legs. Here, he had a full view of your body, and he only smiled. He kissed your thighs one at a time, settling down on his stomach. His mouth was so close to your vagina, and he knew it was driving you crazy.
The feeling of his tongue on your clit made you moan. Much louder than you intended. His hands wrapped around your thighs, holding them still on either side of his head.
Your right hand fingers tangled themselves in his hair, your left hand flat against the wall behind you.
"Shit, Eddie."
Your back was arching, your hips grinding into his mouth. His eyes were glued on you, wanting to see how you looked when he made you cum.
You knew you were grinding into his face quickly, but he managed to keep his mouth exactly where it needed to be.
Everything that was happening right now was making him hard as a rock, and resisting the pulsing and throbbing in his dick was driving him insane. But he needed to make you feel good. He needed to make you cum before he even took his pants off.
And it didn't take you long to get there. He could tell, too. Your moans had become desperate, needy. You were pulling his hair, which only turned him on more.
"God, I'm so close. Eddie, I'm gonna cum," you struggled to say. "Please. Fuck." You didn't know what you were begging for, as he was already getting you there.
And when you went over the edge, Eddie could've swore that the noises that left your mouth were the most beautiful sounds he'd heard in his entire life. Gasps, moans, cries, swears, and his name filled the room in a melodic song that even made him moan.
Tears dripped down your temples into your hair, your legs shook so hard that they felt like they were gonna cramp, and your eardrums rang.
You were in heaven, and you never wanted to leave.
He kept going so long that you felt like you couldn't breathe, and you had to physically tap out.
When he stopped, you were sweating and crying out of pleasure. He kissed your thighs more, giving you a moment to calm down before he got on top of you again.
When he returned to eye level with you, he kissed your cheek.
"Goddamn," you muttered, chuckling tiredly.
"You okay?"
You nodded. "Sorry if I was too loud."
"No such thing." He kissed you, and you could taste yourself on his lips. "Wanna keep going?"
"Of course, I do."
He rolled off of you and stood up for a moment to pull his pants down. He sat on the edge of the bed, reaching into his nightstand and pulling out a condom.
He tucked your hair behind your ear again, making you look at him.
"If you wanna stop at any time, tell me. Okay?"
"Okay. I will."
He kissed you for a moment, rubbing himself against the area you were most sensitive.
Once again, he used his knees and thighs to bend your hips more, really spreading you open.
"Ready?" he whispered.
He reached down and guided himself to your opening, slowly sliding in. You closed your eyes and your jaw dropped as he bottomed out, which made him weakly moan.
"Fuck," he sighed. "You feel so good."
"So do you."
"Yeah. So fucking good."
Hearing your sweet voice talk so dirty was a major turn-on for him, as you learned when you blew him.
"You like being stretched out like this?"
"Mhm. Feels so good."
He slowly pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back into you, making you involuntarily moan. His mouth landed on your neck as he developed a steady rhythm, his left hand gripping the top edge of the mattress.
With his right hand, he cupped your cheek and pressed your foreheads together, making you look into each other's eyes.
"Eddie," you breathed, which made him grunt. "God, you feel so good. So fucking good."
"Yeah? You... fuck... feel good too. Really good. So warm and wet. God. I don't think I'll last much longer with you."
He buried his face in your neck, biting down on the skin hard but gentle enough to only leave a hickey.
The hand that was on your face reached down to the back of your thigh, almost to your ass cheek, and his fingers dug into the skin. This allowed him to bend your hip even more, your thigh pressing into the back of his bicep.
Every time you made a dirty quip, it only made him grunt and groan and moan even more. Every 'You're so deep' and 'You feel so good' awoke something inside of him that you didn't expect. He was pounding and slamming into you, but it didn't hurt. It felt amazing. If you knew he could make you feel this good, you would've blown him weeks ago.
His shoulder was pressed into your cheek, so you lightly bit down on it, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm gonna cum. I'm so close."
"Cum for me, Eddie."
When you kissed his neck, it sent him over the edge. His hips slammed into the backs of your thighs, his fingers pressed into your leg, and he cried out right next to your ear.
A few thrusts later and he stilled his movements, leaving the only sound being your unsynchronized gasps for air. Neither of you moved for a good thirty seconds, both of you laying there with your eyes closed.
"Holy shit," he mumbled, lifting his head and looking at you. Once again, he pushed your hair out of your face, which was spotted with sweat droplets, before cupping your cheek and stroking it with his thumb. "You good?" You just nodded. He placed his palm on your chest and chuckled. "Your heart is pounding."
"I wonder why," you joked, which made him laugh harder.
"I'm gonna pull out now." He slid out of you with ease and you softly moaned, straightening your legs to be more comfortable. He rolled over to lay next to you, pulling the full condom off and throwing it in the trash can next to the bed and grabbing a tissue to clean himself off.
He grabbed a clean tissue and propped himself up on his elbow. He gently cleaned you up too, kissing you when he was done. He sighed, looking over at you.
You were staring at the ceiling, still breathing heavy.
A few moments went by before you flipped onto your side, laying your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and you bent your knee onto his leg. Once you got settled he kissed the top of your head.
"Can I ask you something?" he said softly.
"What happened between you and Jason?" He could feel your demeanor change at the question. "You don't have to talk about it, but you didn't want to sit with his group at lunch, which I completely understand, and you thought he put me up to asking you out. What's all that about?"
You were silent for a moment.
"We were... acquaintances at one point. Not friends, we just knew each other. Not long after we learned about each other, he started targeting me. I'm sure you can guess what about. He would make fun of me at lunch for eating, or sometimes he'd even take my food and tell me I didn't need it. I thought maybe eating in the classroom during lunch would help, but the teacher almost never stayed in there so he'd find me and still do it.
"I tried to eat outside one day farther away from the school, but him and his friends followed me out there and surrounded the table I was at so I couldn't leave. I didn't know what they were gonna do, so I kinda just froze and let them harass me."
"What'd they do?" He was running his fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp, which he knew would calm you down.
"They took my lunchbox. They dumped everything out of the packaging and stepped on it so I couldn't eat it. They were assholes about it and kept calling me names." You took a deep breath and swallowed the spit in your mouth.
"Is that why you didn't want to eat in front of me?"
You nodded. "You're the first person I've eaten a whole meal in front of since then."
"Not even your family?"
"What, like they're any nicer?"
"Jesus. I wish I'd been there that day Jason did that."
"One of my friends at the time stopped them. He offered to buy me another lunch but I said no. I guarantee they only stopped because it was another guy that stepped in."
Eddie hugged you tightly, leaning his head down to kiss you.
"I'm sorry that happened. You didn't deserve that. Nobody deserves that."
"I've learned to just avoid him."
"Well, if he starts bothering you again, you come to me, okay? He already thinks I'm a freak, he doesn't phase me."
"Thank you."
You both turned back to the movie, watching what was left of it. About fifteen minutes later when he noticed you were asleep, he covered you up with his blanket and watched you for a few minutes.
He smiled to himself, thinking how lucky he got to find you.
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spiderrrling · 2 years
Guts to say anything (Eddie Munson x F! Reader)
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Pairing - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary - Two idiots in love finally being able to admit their feelings to each other, middle school best friends to lovers
Warnings - None! Just the slightest amount of angst 
Word count - 3433
A/N - This fic is based on the song Guts by All Time Low, give it a listen while you read!! Another fic I’ve managed to bang out during work, I’m really happy with this one just because I think its super cute :) have fun!
Requests are open and feedback is always appreciated! Remember to leave a like and comment/reblog to support your local fic writers
The trailer was quiet this time of night, but the soft voice of Eddie Munson. Wayne had left a couple of hours ago for his shift at the plant. Eddie's uncle always insisted she just call him Wayne, or Uncle Wayne, insisting that she was practically family so there was no need for a Sir or Mr when speaking with him.
Fall had come to Hawkins and the happy feeling of summer had subsided as the season shifted and a new semester at Hawkins High started.
It was an ordinary Tuesday evening. She had promised Eddie she would come over and help him write his paper for Ms. Click's class, determined to help him finally graduate high school two years late so they could graduate together. 
Papers laid strewn around his bed, and their countless history books laid among them along with pens and highlighters. Eddie was reading aloud a passage for his paper for her to hear.
She was laid out on his bed, her head laid along the side of the bed close to where Eddie was sitting on the floor, his back against the bed with his paper in his hands. Her handwriting intertwined his on the paper.
"From this perspective it may be considered that the allied forces were rescued by the Americans joining the war efforts during the first world war, helping to turn the tide against the Germans." 
"Don't say Germans, it was the Triple Entente." She corrected him, nabbing the paper from his hand and underlining the word, indicating he should fix it.
"And this is exactly why I keep you around." Eddie joked and took back his paper before he started reading again, this time with his narration voice that he used for Dungeons and Dragons, making his very ordinary paper on World War One a much more enjoyable experience and she couldn't help but laugh.
"Come on, you know I can't focus when you do that." She whined and kicked his shoulder with her foot. "It's too late to focus anyway." Eddie rubbed his face, trying to keep the sleepiness at bay.
She had been helping Eddie with his essays for what seemed like forever. They had been friends since middle school, and their friendship had started with her hating every single ounce of his being. Ever since Eddie had checked out every single Dungeons and Dragons book he could find in the library, and not caring to return them by their due date.
The librarian had gotten so tired of her constant asking about the books being returned that she told who had checked them out. That day at lunch, she sat next to Eddie for the first time and demanded to see the books, since he was keeping her from learning about the fantastical world of Dungeons and Dragons, it only seemed fair.
And that had been the start of their friendship. He had been older, which sucked because it meant they never shared their library period together, and he went to high school before her. But ever since the club started there had always been a spot for her in Hellfire. "It's only fair after I kept you from the game for so long." He'd joke and say.
Ever since that day they had been thick as thieves, practically joined at the hips and everyone knew that. When Eddie was a senior and got his first note that he would be held back she had joked he'd failed just to stay with her, it may not have been that far from the truth if you asked him.
"You know, I'm convinced you just can't leave me here all by my lonesome."
"Yeah, you're right someone's gotta keep an eye on you, because we all know I am the voice of reason in this friendship." He would jab right back at her. "Besides, I can't have you find a new prank partner if I'm not around."
"I could never." She meant it, there was no one that could ever replace Eddie, his place in her life.
Eddie bought her books, all sorts of them. Fantasy, science fiction, classical literature. Just to be able to see her reaction to reading them. In return she would supply him and subsequently the Hellfire club with baked goods.
They fit so well together, there was never any pressure to be anyone else but themselves when they were around each other. Being with Eddie was easy, it was natural and it was perfect.
Which is what made it so difficult to tell when these feelings had started. Eddie had always been cute, even when his hair was buzzed in middle school. But as he got older, and his hair got longer, there was a different sort of charm to him. And she had started picking up on it.
The way he started dressing, finding his classic rock inspired style with his rings and chains. The leather jacket he absolutely refused to go without. Deciding one day to cut his own bangs, which ended up in her having to help him.
Her eyes would be lingering for a little too long on his face, finding her eyes wandering during class to where he was sitting just so she could look at him. Or her mind going completely crazy with thoughts of him.
Before she really knew what had happened she found herself in the scenario having the biggest crush, on her longest and best friend. She had tried pushing the feelings away, but that just made them come by stronger. She would come home from school, or from his trailer and just scream into her pillow.
Butterflies kept appearing in her stomach whenever she was around him and she found herself stuttering and falling over her words more and more frequently.
Some part of her heart had slowly been falling in love with Eddie Munson, until she was head over heels without noticing before it was too late.
Eddie had continued reading aloud his essay but she wasn't listening to what he was saying. She was too focused on his voice to be able to listen to what he was saying.
She had been in his room more times than she could count. Granted it had changed a lot over the years. She had helped him hang at least half of the posters that decorated the walls, even helped him install his precious guitar stand. His room was messy, but in a lived in sort of messy charming way. It felt like crawling inside a part of Eddie’s brain and she could spend hours in here studying every inch of the room.
Books that couldn't fit on his small shelf were stacked on the floor in between the heaps of clothes that were spilling out of his closet. It permanently smelled of weed in there, but she didn't mind. In her mind the smell of weed was so closely linked to Eddie by that point.
Her hands ran over the blanket on his bed, the one she had knitted for him when she had her knitting phase years ago. It was worn out and practically falling apart but he had still hung onto it. Same with the one in the living room that laid on the couch.
Some part of Eddie couldn't bring himself to get rid of anything she made. There was a box, shoved to the way back beneath his bed filled to the brim with everything she had ever made him. From failed knitting projects, to every birthday card and even every note she passed him during school.
She was the most solid part of his life beside his uncle. There was never a moment where he felt as if she wasn't there for him. Of course they had fought, they were teenagers who sometimes got too caught up in their own mess to not have had small fights.
But they always found their way back to each other eventually. He would write her a song, or she would bake something and bring to him at the trailer park late at night, and he would let her in and they would eat and laugh about whatever stupid argument they had had.
Eddie had always loved her, deep down no matter the kind he had always loved her since that first day in the cafeteria. The feeling grew and changed with the year, and he realized that she felt like home. His home.
He wasn't sure when his feelings had shifted from platonic companionship into romantic longing, but he adored her. Every part of her, even the ones that sometimes drove him crazy.
It was difficult having her around without the feelings threatening to spill over, but he tried his best to keep them at bay. Convinced she did not feel the same way about him that he felt about her.
Besides, she was already getting flack at school for being best friends with the freak, he couldn't imagine what might happen if they became something more.
"You paying attention up there?" Eddie turned his head to look up at where she was laying. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly. Eddie played with the rings on his fingers, a habit he had picked up when he felt the urge to touch her.
The intense want to brush stray pieces of hair out of her face, or to hold her hand. And the worst thing was that he had done all of those things countless times before. But that was when he wasn't aware of the feelings brewing inside of him and he knew that touching her could send him spiraling.
"Falling asleep?" He asked softly and she only hummed in return. 
"Need me to drive you home? Or you could stay if you want."
She scrunched her nose, knowing her parents didn't care too much but they wouldn't be happy she stayed the night at Eddie's on a school night. She had stayed over at his place more times than she could count, but on a school night?
Her parents thought their friendship in middle school had been cute, but they got more and more suspicious as they both got older.
"You know if you like him that is ok!"
"Mom no gross, it's Eddie I could never think of him that way." 
It had been a lie and she knew it, in fact it was one of the only things she thought about these days. In fact it was one of the things she struggled not to think about.
"You do know it's only ten minutes to walk right?" She pushed herself up so she was resting on her elbows and could look down at where he was seated on the floor.
"And? Hawkins is dangerous this time of the night." It was true, more and more strange things kept happening in the small town they used to think was so dull the most dangerous thing that could happen was someone dying of boredom.
She only laughed him off, grabbing her bag and stuffing all her school materials into it. Not worried about leaving anything because Eddie would just bring it the next day.
"Well, if something happens you'll get to say I told you so at my funeral."
Her parents weren't the only ones suspicious of their relationship. Eddie's uncle would occasionally cast them a couple of quick looks. And their friends were convinced it was only a matter of time before they got together. They would never say it directly, but they teased it a lot.
Everyone else but them seemed to have picked up on the feelings they both had towards each other. The two of them were completely oblivious to it.
Eddie stayed seated at the floor as she packed up. "Well if you don't hurry your funeral will be from dying in your room after your parents ground you after breaking curfew again."
"Wait, what time is it?" Her blood ran cold, she had already broken curfew twice already this month because of Eddie and even though her parents seemed to like Eddie, they did not appreciate his ability to make her late home.
"Just about to be eleven." Eddie turned his wrist to read the watch face that was strapped to it. "Shit." She cursed under her breath and hurried her movement, shoving the last of her stuff into the bag and slinging it over her shoulder.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Eddie's lips without realizing what she had done, she walked out of his room. Just as she had stepped outside and replayed the last thirty seconds in her mind she realized what she had done.
Her limbs went completely numb and practically went into shock. Deciding it was best to not look back at the mess she created she kept walking starting her trail back home.
Eddie on the other hand was completely stunned, unable to form a coherent thought. His fingertips gently grazed his lips where hers had been just a moment before.
His body acted before he could think and suddenly he was on his feet running out of the trailer. His boots crunching against the gravel road leading out of the trailer park as he ran after her.
Now Eddie hadn't actually thought about what he would say when he caught up with her, just that he couldn't let her leave just yet. "Hey! Hey wait up!" He shouted after her, and she stopped for a moment turning to look at him.
His cheeks were flushed pink, but it wasn't from the run or from the early fall temperatures. She felt her chest clench and mouth going dry as he approached, terrified that what she had just done had ruined their friendship.
"You- you can't leave." Eddie simply said he was a little out of breath and his hand had grabbed onto her wrist keeping her from leaving. He was only holding it loosely and she could easily have pulled it out of his grasp, but it suggested he wanted her to stay. "Not after that you can't leave."
There was a sincerity in his voice as he spoke and she could see his eyes were softer than normal.
"Eddie I'm sorry I don't know why I did that it was stupid and I didn't think-"
"You walk to school every morning, which is ridiculous because I've offered to drive you a million times. And you're a reckless pedestrian and I've probably almost hit you more times than I can count." Eddie blurted out, neither of them were sure of what he was saying. "And I know exactly what you bring for lunch every day because it's always the same, except for on Fridays because then you bring your homemade banana bread and you always let me have a piece."
She could see his face was slowly turning more and more red as he spoke. 
"Because that is just who you are, you're kind. So kind in fact that you still help me with my homework, and you show up to Hellfire early every single week without fail to help me set up. You've never forgotten my birthday, and I know that because I've saved every single card you've ever made me. You refuse to learn how to drive because it terrifies you."
Eddie was full on rambling now, it was as if his brain couldn't keep up with the words coming out of his mouth. A part of her found it adorable, but she was also utterly confused.
"Why are you-" Eddie cut her off again, still not letting her speak. "Let me finish please because if I don't finally say it I feel like I might explode."
"I don't care that you're my best friend, that you're a part of my life, my family. I don't care that you're also a mess." She could feel her own cheeks heating up as he spoke. "And I don't care what happened in there, why you did it. I love you, I've loved you every single day since we first met. And I don't care if you don't feel the same way but you have to know that I love you."
She finally managed to meet his gaze and look him in the eye. His dark brown eyes shining in the dimly lit night.
"Are you done?" He nodded in response, biting his bottom lip. A thousand thoughts were racing through both of their heads as they stood there in the night looking at each other. And for a couple of moments she was unable to speak, slowly processing what he had just said.
Those words that she had only imagined in his wildest dreams that he would say. Was this really real? Did he actually say these things? Or was this just another dream and in reality she was tucked into her bed sleeping peacefully.
But no, he was there, standing in front of her. His hand was still around her wrist proving that this was really happening. She could feel the cold metal of his rings against her skin and it helped her focus on what was really happening here.
"You're a mess too." She finally said after what felt like an eternity. "And you're my best friend." She pulled her wrist from his grip and she swore she could see something break in his eyes. "And I love you too."
She barely managed to get out the last words before Eddie's hand cupped her face, practically crashing his lips against hers so hard she struggled to breathe. But she didn't care. Her hands threw themselves around his shoulders to steady herself as he kissed her.
The kiss was intense, needy, desperate. No matter how many times she could have imagined their first kiss, she never could have imagined it would be like this. That it would be as magical as this. Eddie kissed her like he was dying and she was the only life line he had left, it didn’t matter how close he could get because it would never be close enough for him.
Finally it was the overwhelming need of oxygen that forced them to pull away from each other. Arms still holding one another tight. Nothing was said between them, the only sound was the two of them breathing heavily. She was dizzy from the kiss, from the intensity of it.
And she was totally and utterly overcome with her feelings for him.
"Shit..." Eddie cursed under his breath as he pulled her even closer, squeezing her in his arms. "If I knew it would feel that good to kiss you I would have admitted my feelings forever ago."
"Forever?" She looked up at him and found his brown eyes meeting hers. "That's at least how long it has felt." Eddie chuckled at her as he hugged her tight. And for a moment they could just stand there, wrapped in each other not saying anything surrounded by the quiet of the trailer park.
"Can I kiss you again?" Eddie asked and she nodded in return, longing for the feeling of his lips against hers again. He leaned down and captured her lips with his, this time it was slower, tender. He was focused on savoring her, drowning in the feeling of her lips, her taste.
Eddie was totally gone, kissing her felt heavenly and he never wanted to stop. Pulling away he rested his lips against her forehead for a moment.
"Changed your mind about that ride?" He asked slyly before pressing a quick kiss to her lips, quickly becoming addicted to the feeling of her lips against his own. "Or maybe staying?" He said before giving her another kiss.
“Only if you call my parents and tell them why I won’t be coming home tonight.”
Eddie paused for a second and she swore she could have seen the gears turning in his head as he was weighing his options. “If it means if I get to spend the night with you, it’ll be worth it.” He pulled her close, letting her rest her head against his shoulder and they simply stood there for a moment. Needing time to process what had just happened.
“Is this weird?” She finally said, peeking up at him from where she stood.
“Totally weird.” He agreed and laughed. She could feel the vibrations of his laugh from deep within his chest. “But in a good way, in a very good way.” 
“Ok, good.” She breathed out a sigh of relief. “Just making sure.”
Tags for mutuals - @uglypastels @naturallytom @anaaaispunk @hey-its-grey  @shadowfae1878 @munsonlover
Please let me know if you’d like to be included on my tag list!
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AITA for assuming my friend was single? (TW: small mention of suicidal ideation)
I (21FTM) have known Jake (22M) since we were in middle school. We became close friends early on during high school, and have had a good relationship ever since. When he and his long-term girlfriend broke up during our junior year, I was the person he turned to the most. The break-up was bad. Like, really bad. Bad to the point where I sometimes worry that he wouldn’t be here today if he hadn’t reached out to me. (Not in the sense that he was unhealthily dependent on me, or that I felt responsible for his mental health. He got a therapist and responsibly handled all that with her, but only at my insistence, and I fear that’s a step he never would’ve taken if I didn’t insist.) By senior year, he and became FWB. We weren’t worried about it messing with our friendship—he’s heteroromantic, i’m aro—and it continued for about a year until the both of us left for college. We’ve stayed friends and our relationship has remained close. We talk so often that it rarely feels like anything’s changed at all.
December of last year, he excitedly told me that he got a girlfriend again in Emily (21?F). I was ecstatic, of course. He’d struggled a lot with the idea of a romantic relationship after his last girlfriend, and I was happy he felt comfortable enough to open up again. As I said, his previous relationship really fucked him up. Anyways, because of the distance, I never got to actually talk to Emily much outside of when she was at his place during our video calls. She was super nice from the few times we did interact, and from the way he described her when she wasn’t around, you’d think she was a literal angel. Him gushing about her lasted up until early May. Suddenly, he didn’t mention her at all. It was like she never existed. I didn’t see her once at his place, and the few times I tried to ask about her, he instantly shut me down. He was more down than usual, not to the point of worry like I’d previously seen him, but to the point were it was notable. I asked him a few times if he was alright, and reminded him that I was there whenever he needed me, but he just said that he was going through something rough and that he’d be okay, but didn’t really want to talk about it. I didn’t want to push, and from the way he reacted whenever i brought up Emily’s name, and from his previous experience, I assumed she and him had broken up. I had no way to contact her to check, and even if I did, that’d feel like overstepping, considering I never talked to her when he wasn’t around. It was obviously a sensitive subject and stressing him out, so I followed his lead and just didn’t mention her at all. Their relationship wasn’t my business, after all, and if he didn’t want to tell me what happened, that was his right.
School got out for the summer, and shortly after both of us returned home, he asked if I wanted to rekindle our FWB relationship for the summer. It wasn’t like it was the first thing out of his mouth, and he seemed to be doing a lot better seeing him in person, so I agreed. That was in the beginning of June. Cut to two days ago, nearly two months later. Jake left for a family vacation a week prior, and will only be returning at the end of the month. Meanwhile, I meet up with one of our mutual friends who I haven’t been able to see until now due to our conflicting schedules. While talking, she makes some joke about Jake and Emily having “trouble in paradise.” My heart stops as I ask her what she means. Didn’t they break up months ago? She tells me no, they’ve been having relationship issues for a while, but they’re still very much together. She shows me a picture from Emily’s instagram (I don’t use instagram, for reference) that Emily had posted just a few hours ago of her and Jake kissing on the beach. What Jake conveniently forgot to tell me about his “family vacation” is that his girlfriend had *also* been invited.
I instantly tried messaging him that we need to talk, but either he isn’t checking his phone (unlikely) or he knows I know and is purposefully ignoring me. Logically, I know that he’s the bigger asshole in this situation. But I can’t help but feel slightly at fault. I feel like I should’ve questioned him more, or found some way to reach out to her, or even asked any of our other mutual friends about it, because obviously at least one (maybe even some) of them knew, and all of his could’ve been avoided. I also don’t know what to do regarding Emily. I have her instagram now, curtesy of my friend, but I’m afraid to message her. Not necessarily afraid to break the news, I’m already constructing a message to send to her (which I will be doing), but more afraid that she won’t believe me. I’ll have to make an account, and I’m afraid her being messaged by a blank account created only hours ago from a guy she talked to a few dozen times, max, may be sketchy. I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t believe me (I have a few messages from him, but no photos, and those screenshots could be easily faked), because there’s no other way for me to contact her. If she blocks me or ignores the message because of how sketchy it sounds, there’s nothing else I can do.
TLDR: I assumed my friend had broken up with his girlfriend due to him acting weird when I brought her up, became FWB, only to find out he was using me to cheat on her. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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4suitedplayingcard · 3 months
Various Punch Out Headcanons I have that I felt the need to share or else my brain would explode :p
All of the boxers (who didn't originally live in New York) pretty much just live in hell NY now cuz of their boxing career. They do visit their families during vacation and all that, but for the most part, they just stay in New York.
Piston Hondo finds it hard to make friends with people who are around the same age as him and younger because he finds them harder to understand/relate to (and also a bit more judgemental), so he mostly hangs out w/ people who are much older than him, with the only exception being Great Tiger.
King Hippo thinks that most beds are uncomfortable and will sleep pretty much anywhere except on a bed. On the floor, the couch, a pile of leaves, a comically small pillow, etc etc.
Aran Ryan has a bad habit of eating non edible objects out of intrusive thinking (and also spite sometimes), he's eaten things ranging from twigs to hand sanitizer to cigarette butts and has been sent to the hospital a couple of times because of it.
Don Flamenco is obsessed with skincare, mostly due to the fact that he looks like a middle aged man with his toupee off. The second he gets his paycheck, he immediately spends most of it on various scrubs and lotions. He even almost went bankrupt on numerous occasions because of it
Bear Hugger had been friends with Ms. Bear even since he was 12 years old. He found her all alone in the forest on a snowy day when she was a baby and his parents agreed to keep her until they find her a new home (which obviously didn't work out)
Super Macho Man is a nepo baby. His mother was a movie actor while his father was also a heavyweight boxer, which caused him to get a lot of attention from not only his peers at school, but also media outlets too.
Glass Joe has terrible eyesight and mostly uses contact lenses wherever he goes, though he does occasionally wear glasses sometimes (mostly at home or whenever he's run out of contacts).
Bald Bull is VERY reluctant to touch, even the slightest little bump in can cause him to flip out. He only makes this exception to people who are super close to him, but even then, he doesn't want any physical contact for too long or he’ll start to lose it.
Even though Von Kaiser wasn't actually apart of a war, he was enrolled in a boot camp for a few years of his life. It was hell and he still has nightmares about it to this day…
No matter how much sleep he gets, Great Tiger usually ends up sleepy at some point during the day. He's tried every to get him to sleep better, drinking warm milk, staying away from electronics an hour before bed, taking melatonin, but he still ends up tired in the middle of the day sometimes and it drives him mad.
Y'know those scientist that you see in Soda Popinski’s title defense slideshow? Well those are kind of his dads. He was left on the doorsteps of a lab when he was a baby, and all of the people in the facility have been taking care of him ever since.
Disco Kid has a brother a few months younger than him who used to be the boxer known as Kid Quick. They both started Boxing at around 18, but Kid Quick ended up quitting early in his career to focus on something more mundane. (Yea ik I made a lil shitpost drawing a few weeks ago about Kid Quick being pre-transition Disco Kid but shhhh-)
Mr. Sandman is the only boxer in the entire organization that's not only married, but also has a kid. He has a wife named Alena and a daughter named Chelsea, they all live with Sandman in NYC. :)
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mynameisnotsoda · 5 months
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I'm probably gonna be yelling into the void but here's my refs of my favorite burs !!!! I would say bursonas but one of them is literally just my au,,,, can you tell which one it is,,
Anyway here's some hcs and stuff it's gonna be a long post LMAO I'm just copying all this stuff from Instagram cause I practically live on that shit ass app
He LOVES Hatsune Miku.. like LOVE LOVES HER. He owns so much fuckin merch it's actually insane. But he has never once in his life listened to vocaloid and probably never will. Hes just in love with Miku LMAO
He's aromantic bc I said so !!!!! But he doesn't know that, he hasn't really figured it out and he confuses his obsession with love.
Him and Jared actually used to be friends back when they were like middle schoolers. But then Jared got "hot and cool" and he kinda drifted away from Simp. Mostly cause Simp was SO FUCKING JEALOUS!!!!! and it was obvious too. Imagine how devastated he was when egirl started dating his old friend lmaooo what a loser
Him and e-girl started dating when they were 17, both of them were in pretty bad places in their lives so they just,,, clung onto each other. Both of them were codependent but Simp was significantly worse with his codependency. Adrianne (my name for e-girl) was the one who broke it off when they were both in their early 20s
His stupid little cat beanie is his comfort item !!!! He wears it ALL THE TIME and hates having to take it off, although he would never go out in public with it. He's got some issues with presenting the way he wants to in public so he literally just goes out in his work uniform regardless if he's working or not
Grabs him and aggressively shakes him around !!! Hes autistic (I'm autistic I can give him the tism) his special interests are anime and video games :33
He's definitely not cishet but he tries SOOO hard to present as such (shout-out to @starrixle for that hc ive adopted it for my version of simp)
He's bi but heavily in denial like DEEP DEEP in denial
He HATES being tall !!! He wishes he was shorter because his height makes him stand out a lot and that's the LAST thing he wants
He prays literally every night before bed. Mostly asking for forgiveness (which he shouldnt have to ask for) because he thinks he's a horrible person just for being himself
He CLINGS onto Charlie, they're not like super close friends or anything but he LOVES Charlie. He looks up to Charlie a lot and WISHES he had his confidence and sense of self :')
He doesn't like Tommy, he thinks Tommy's too loud and disrespectful and hates how much attention he attracts. So he tends to just avoid him even if they're in the same classes
He absolutely regrets smoking with Bill and Ranboo but he also feels INCREDIBLY GUILTY for wanting to do it again (because he actually had fun and was able to relax for a moment)
He LOVES emo rock, indie, modern rock and other similar genres. His parents are really strict so he has to listen to his music in secret and ALWAYS has his earbuds on him, its a comfort item too. His three favorite bands are MCR, Ghost and Radiohead :]
The only game he was ever allowed to play was and still is Minecraft. He LOVES Minecraft but at the same time he desperately wishes to be able to play other games
He fucking LOVES GOING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL !!!!! he used to be in a Christian school but it gave him so much anxiety he was physically ill every single day and he just couldn't take it anymore!!!! To his surprise his parents actually agreed to let him go to public school during his sophomore year and he's been there ever since (now hes a senior)
Charlie is really his only friend, he's tried talking to other kids but he's horribly awkward and socially inept. Charlie basically adopted him and takes care of him like a brother !!!! Even if they're not super close Charlie's always looking out for him and tries to include him with his friends even tho Stu declines most the time :((
Keith Smith
HIS WIFE LEFT HIM AND TOOK THE KIDS TOO 😭😭😭 he's still trying to find her but he's slowly losing hope and he's really considering just giving up
He's basically the "king" of the end, even though he's not actually the ruler, it was his wife. But since she's GONE he basically had to take her place, until he finds a new wife or convinces her to come back if he ever found her (the end is a matriarchy)
He's kind of insufferable why do you think his wife left him
He has two kids, Lune (pronounced like loon) and Sunny. He LOVES his kids and is actually a really great dad despite being kind of an ass and fucking annoying. He misses them a lot and it breaks his heart that he might not be able to see them ever again
Dr. Malpractice
He's a geneticist specifically experimenting with mob/human hybrids.
His experiments are NOT ETHICAL AT ALL!!! He does whatever tf he wants whenever he wants. His only healthy, surviving test subjects are Phil (enderman), Tommy (spider), Charlie (creeper) and Quackity (duck). (He also experiments on my sona,, that I added for funsies,, but they weren't created by him he just happened to find them one day more on that later)
He's actually trying to make humans more powerful in a way, because they're the weakest humanoid species of them all. He wants to "save" humanity from their own biological inferiority and doesn't care how long it takes or how much damage he causes to others so long as he reaches his goal. Because he's fucking delusional and thinks he's doing something good
He even experimented on his kid, Fundy, and he didn't make it. He has a,,, complicated relationship with what happened to Fundy. On one hand the guilt eats away at him constantly, on the other he brushes it off as just another failed experiment since in the long run,, the ends justify the means in his mind
So far his deceased test subjects include Fundy, Niki, George, and Toby (Tubbo). His only escaped subject was Randy (Ranboo) and he's so fucking paranoid that somehow he'd be able to get the authorities to stop his experiments. But it's been months since Ran escaped and nothing's happened so he isn't AS paranoid anymore, but he still worries about it
He names all the test subjects himself, it's easier for him to remember than numbers because he has dyscalculia funnily enough
All the test subjects were made in his lab with stolen DNA so he didn't have to use his own. He basically grew them in tubes and used a rapid growth serum in the tanks to make everyone adult sized since it was easier to run tests that way. He accidentally left Phil cookin for too long so he's the oldest out of everyone LMAO (except for Dr mal himself, he's 37)
Ok so onto the cringe part !!!! cSoda is a shapeshifter, shapeshifters are VERY rare and often hide themselves because they're very sought after to hunt for sport or used for various reasons. They're basically "born" from the planet itself, they grow in pockets underground for many years and kinda just pop up when they're ready. (Think of like. Steven Universe gems but organic) cSoda is erm undercooked let's say LMAO because they popped up early in their development they're basically defective. They age (albeit slowly), their body scars, they can't regrow limbs properly, their shapeshifting is limited to only animals/people they've SEEN before and they are incredibly naive and have a harder time understanding/learning about the world.
Dr. Mal found cSoda (no idea how yet) and he normally wouldn't have cared but he saw their shapeshifting and immediately decided to "take them in". He takes advantage of their naivety and basically brainwashed them into thinking he cares for them. cSoda presents as a dog (more lore I don't feel like getting into rn) so they have the personality traits of one as well, very loyal and loving and INCREDIBLY affectionate. Which Dr Mal HATES.
If it weren't for the fact that cSoda is more useful to him while alive he probably would've just killed them because he's CONSTANTLY annoyed and irritated by them LMAO he wants to be able to replicate their shapeshifting and hopes that it might be able to help him achieve his goal
He fucking LOVES working the burger van with Ranboo, it gives him something to do and he actually enjoys spending time with them even after initially not really liking them. He thinks Ranboo is SO interesting and loves to analyze everything he says and does pFF
He fucking REEKS no matter how much he showers or uses deodorant. It'll help with the intensity of the smell but he just reeks of death bc he was rotting !!!! he also smells like cigarettes and alcohol which does mask the rot and is actually preferable by most people (especially Quackity, who's VERY vocal about how much Wilbur stinks)
He's REALLY clingy, like he NEEDS someone to be holding him at all times. Normally it's Tommy (who's so obviously his favorite even tho he denies it)
It doesn't remember being human for the most part but he does miss it, especially being a normal height
He HATES when people baby him, he's a grown man who just happens to be child sized. If you talk down to him he WILL be an asshole
It was surprised when people started referring to him as an "it" but he kinda liked it !! It doesn't have the same feelings about its gender since becoming a doll and he thinks it's kinda weird but cool at the same time. It really is just vibin
It's voice is high pitched and he kinda hates it, its gotten used to it but it doesnt really like how its voice changed
He's so fucking annoying and is always flirting with parents for whatever reason. He fucking LOVES if they get flustered too it boosts his ego
He's SOO jealous of Ranboo its kind of embarrassing. He thinks he should be the lead singer and mascot but doesn't vocalize it, although he does make it painfully obvious
He's the lead guitarist and back up vocalist in the band (Tommy plays keytar, Ranboo is lead singer and James is the bassist)
He's actually really fucking insecure despite being a fan favorite. One time someone left their phone and it didn't have a password so he was able to use the internet which was. A mistake. He's seen the horrors of the Beloved Ent. Fandom and he thinks people only like him because he was made to be the "attractive one" and not because he actually has anything of substance.
He fucking HATES Schlatt with a passion, so he avoids the bowling alley entirely now. Jimmy (solidarity) used to be the bowling mascot but he was too fragile and a push over with guests so they replaced him with Schlatt. Who's nice enough to guests but does have a bit of a temper and doesn't take ANYONES bullshit. Wilbur was actually really close with Jimmy and he misses him terribly :(
Can you tell who I have more brainrot for LMAO
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skeletonpunching · 1 year
Buddy Daddies extra materials: Kurusu Kazuki's Instagram archive (posts + stories)
I'm sure by now we're all aware of our good friend Kurusu Kazuki's Instagram account, where he posts endless food pics and chronicles the joys and struggles of parenting. I haven't been archiving/translating them so far, because Instagram makes posts easy enough to browse and auto-translate, but now that he's branched out into Instagram stories, I figured it would be best to have a convenient record.
As with the other extra materials (the diary entries and sticky notes), I'll be keeping all the Instagram content in a big central index post, which will be updated regularly (under the cut).
EDIT: There is now a part 2 for this post, which contains everything from ep 7 onwards. Please check that post for future updates.
This post contains the content associated with eps 1 to 6. (I split it out because this was getting so long and unwieldy that Tumblr glitched whenever I tried to edit it.)
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Kazuki-papa here Papa to one child (in daycare) | Working hard to raise a child together with my partner. 👧 miri (4yrs) November 8
[Dates are mostly in my timezone, not Kazuki’s.]
January 1
It’s cooooold~~~ #happynewyear2023
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January 3
There’s really no one around during New Year’s, huh
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January 5
All set.
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Heheheh. This is gonna be absolutely heavenly
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January 6
Heading off to work~
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January 7
Looks totally delish #mentaiko
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January 11
Another chilly day...
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January 13
Can I do battle with these...?!
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January 15
I’m making the world’s tastiest Hamburg steak~~ #japaneseblackbeef
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January 16
Oh yeah, from yesterday. I cooked the greatest Hamburg steak...
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January 18
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January 19
So tired...
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January 20
Haven’t had this in ages, but it was good.
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January 22
Apparently this is tastier.
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January 23
If you’ve gotta banana, you’ll get by.
[writing: “Miri’s banana”]
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January 24
They like it, and that’s the important thing...
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January 29
WOW. Already so cheap, and there’s still a discount... #isthisheaven
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January 31
Why are needle eyes so small~~~
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February 1
What should I write in the daycare notebook...?
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February 5
The low-malt beer life starts now.
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February 7
Which do you prefer as a daycare outfit (for a girl): skirts or pants??
[results: 47% skirts, 53% pants]
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February 10
The results from the other day. It was close... After surveying your opinions, I'll be buying more pants!
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February 11
Mission complete.
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When should I start preparing for my daughter to have a boyfriend or something?
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For reference... 1. I think you'd better be ready by the time your daughter is in middle or high school...... 2. Kids these days start from elementary school, so... 3. Miri-chan is so cute, you should steel yourself now‼️‼️‼️ 4. Kids grow up quick these days, I figure you'd better be ready from age 4! 5. Probably when she's in upper elementary... 🤔💭 6. Miri-chan is a cutie, so... Looks like she might have a BF starting from the middle of elementary school 😅
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Is that so.....?? 1. I hear it starts happening here and there in middle school 🐾 2. Miri-chan is totes adorbs so you gotta get used to it now🥺 she's probably super popular already... 3. Now. You should have started by now. 4. Lots of kids these days are mature for their age, so from daycare onwards... 🤔 5. Miri-chan could land a boyfriend anytime, so you'd better brace yourself now... 6. Age 9
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For real??? 1. Right now! 2. Right now 3. It starts popping up once they get to upper elementary. Hang in there, Kazuki-papa! 4. I remember getting really into romance once I was in middle school. But in this day and age, even elementary schoolers would be totally into it... 5. They start dating in elementary school these days, don't they? And I guess the thinking about marriage starts in high school. 6. Around age 12? Sometime in middle school
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February 12
After I made the bento, Rei and I ate the leftovers.
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February 15
The fried chicken I put in the bento the other day. It got such rave reviews I made it again
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Go to Part 2 (which contains everything else)
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Um… Hi, Ray! Hopefully this isn’t weird, I’ve just been thinking lately, and, uh. I guess I wanted another opinion? Someone to tell me if I’m being dumb? Hopefully this isn’t a bother, I’m just stressing a bit and worried I’m making a big deal out of nothing-
So, to get down to it, I used to be really into theatre when I was younger- Think elementary to middle school, I guess, it’s been a while. I dunno how good I was, because, you know. I was a kid. But I liked it, even if I never got big roles! It was fun, though looking back, our theatre teacher and the one who directed all the plays was kind of a dick, lol. Lots of favoritism there. Same for his wife.
Except something that’s made me more uncomfortable the more I think about it is one… Incident? Basically, uh, I was something of an early bloomer in regards to my. Chest, I guess, and puberty in general. And they’d often film rehearsals to watch them back and go over things with us, like what we needed to work on. And one day his wife pulled me aside and pointed out that my breasts were visibly moving in the recording and kinda. Scolded me? Guilted me? For it. I dunno. I was an anxious kid though, left me hyper aware of how my body moved, and it stressed me out enough that I dragged my mom with me to the store in hopes of finding a more restrictive bra. The one I settled on was super uncomfortable and tight and made it hard to breathe, and it ultimately didn’t fix the problem, or at least I felt like it didn’t. Because again, I was now hyper aware of my body and could still feel them moving. Because. That’s how movement works. But it stressed me out to the point that I started wearing jackets all the time, and would zip them up during rehearsal to hide myself and try and make sure no one saw anything. I definitely overheated a lot because of it.
It’s been years and I’ve since gotten better about wearing jackets All The Time- I can take them off at home or in the car or at work- But I still need one relatively close or I start getting uncomfortable. I’m still hyper aware of the way my body moves and get nervous moving too much around others.
I dunno, I feel. Kinda dumb for freaking out so much about this. I’m worried I’m being over dramatic and I just. Wanted other thoughts, I guess. Thanks for listening Ray, hope you’re doing well.
You are absolutely not being dumb, darling.
You were approached by someone in a position of authority over you at a young age and inappropriately scolded for something that was both natural and already hard to deal with at a time in your life when you were young, vulnerable, and likely already stressed because your body was changing.
It's understandable that something like that could stick with you even into adulthood.
Just try to remind yourself that it was wrong of her to do that, your body and the way it moves is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide, and just be gentle with yourself.
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weareweirdpeople · 14 days
not a vent but diabetic shit because why not I want to share my experience
I have diabetes. I've had diabetes sense i was an elementary schooler on the way to middle school. Diabetes fucking sucks and it runs in my family. Because of this, and the fact that my family refuses to call it a disability despite it literally being a chronic illness, it has taken me a while to realize I do infact have a disability.
in hindsight, I am "lucky" that my mom raised me restricting lots of "unhealthy snacks" (non health foods. My mom viewed fucking cheezits as unhealthy and she came from a family that was even stricter with 'healthy' foods.) This meant that when I got diagnosed with diabetes, I would be prepared for the fact that now they weren't just rare treats my mom was learning to be ok with. Now they were aparently dangerous to my health and I could almost never eat them again.
My uncle has severe type 1 diabetes and my mom used to try to help him manage it, but he's a grown man whos never taken good care of it and does what he wants. So now that I had diabetes she was going to are sure I definitely didn't end up like that. This means that even if he himself brought all the kids a sweet treat, depending on my blood sugar I wouldn't even be allowed to have it. Most of the time she didn't want me to have it. This all went down with covid and I got to live with my diabetic father. The plus side was that the restrictions where pretty much gone, and I just needed to manage my sugar. The bad part is that I was fucking terrified of pricking my finger. It would take me hours to pick my finger, and my dad would be pissed. It slowly became very normal. I also had to learn how to take pills and open a pill bottle.
A while later now that I'm living with my whole family, I still have great care over my diabetes. I say great care as in how my family views it. I have the best a1c, I have the most consistent blood sugars. Personally I'm happy I can do that while having major depression but it makes me sad at the same time. It just pisses me off. Anytime my sugar is high I'm asked "what did you eat? What did you eat today? What was your sugar this morning?" I have an anxiety disorder. The doctors and google have told us that stress and anxiety can heighten blood sugar. Every time its about what I at. If im super sleepy? What did I eat? Whats my blood sugar? If im super anxious? Whats my blood sugar? Is it low? What have you eaten today?
My mom has always been focused on my diabetes. I low key hate it.
But in hindsight some of her ideas and things she let me do were so bad that its actually funny. Like holy shit mom, that was wild.
She at first wanted me to count all of my carbs. Every time I ate. All the carbs. She wanted me to check my sugar everytime I ate and then based on that it would determine what I was allowed to eat.
Then there was the point in time where she let me run around outside all day without eating lunch and sometimes even breakfast or any water until my sugar dropped crazy low and I was dizzy and shaking, and then id go outside again right after it went up. She doesn't like me reminding her of this because she says it makes her feel like a bad mother and that she was distracted. Im pretty sure the only constant meal was eating was dinner.
one time during Easter when we did an egg hunt my siblings got eggs fully of candy like normal. But my mom was running late on candy shopping so instead of giving me candy eggs, she made me get the special eggs she made, thinking they had zero sugar candy. They were fuckkng almonds. Unsalted Almonds. What. The. Fuck. I have never let her live that shit down, because who gives their kid fucking almonds as a treat??? Diabetic or not, unsalted almonds???
I was very very upset that year to say the least. My mom has always been stingy with any candy of any sorts. Even before we knew I was diabetic I was only really allowed 1-3 prices of candy from a holiday at most, and only after dinner. My Halloween candy especially would either go bad or she would eat it as well and I would not get much of it.
And after diabetes? Keto everything. My mom wanted to find as much keto stuff as possible, and I get it. We have a diabetic household, but she didn't do that shit until I got diagnosed with diabetes. I am happy that by now shes pretty much stopped all her restrictions and the keto stuff, she's still really diabetes focused when it comes to my mood and doesn't consider it a disability but that's okish.
Hilariously j don't have type 1 diabetes. Or type 2. I have a genetic mutation, and have had to convince multiple people that no I don't just have type 2, no I didn't not get diabetes because of my eating habits have you fucking seen me I am a god damm stick and even if I was fat that doesn't mean shit, no I cannot just eat fruit instead of candy that's not how diabetes works you peice of shit.
Long story short, i don't get a CGM or an Insulin pump. I actually make too much insulin, and dont really absorb it all and a CGM is to expensive... that means I just have to watch my sugar and take my pills indefinitely and I can't check my sugar too much because then I'd have to wait for my refills to get done because American health care fucking sucks ass.
lol diabetes sucks, stop being assholes to people with diabetes.
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dev-solovey · 10 months
I rewrote the first chapter of My Immortal if it were a super pretentious literary fiction novel
I came up with this idea at like 3am and I'm not great at litfic, so I just dialed up the purple prose to 10 and hoped for the best lmao
here it is:
My Immortal
Chapter 1
Slush battered my dorm room window, half-rain, half-snow, existing somewhere between two states of matter. Siblings of a sort, meshed in disharmony, coating the campus outside in its misery. I watched as the pretty-in-pink girls with their fluffy faux-leather boots and paper thin leggings slipped and struggled their way across the courtyard. Suffering. I loved it.
One of them, a girl in garish Aeropostale garb, caught my eyes, and her face twisted with bitterness. Her minions gathered around her, “are you okay, Brittney? What’s the matter, Brittney?” but she didn’t answer them. A petty impulse gripped me, and I raised a single night-painted nail, baring my teeth in a wicked grin and making sure all of her friends saw the crude gesture. Brittney and her entourage stormed off, and I waved them away with self-satisfaction.
I returned to my vanity, picking out bottles and jars and palettes of Hot Topic-brand makeup. My tastes were simple, but refined. Unlike the baby blue and bubblegum that all the other girls wore, I understood the need for contrast. Where there is heat, you need cold; where there is light, there will be dark. White foundation, black lipstick. And, perhaps, a bit of eyeliner and some red eyeshadow for flare.
Black is an essential part of my wardrobe. It’s how I stand out from the mindless masses, how I tell the world that I’m not like other girls. I find variety through texture—lace for my corset, leather for my miniskirt, stitched canvas for my combat boots. Any colors I use are bright, but they’re carefully placed. Pink for my fishnets, red and purple highlights for my long ebony hair, neon bright like patterns on a poisonous frog.
The year 2006. My seventh and final year at Hogwarts. It was hard to believe I had made it this far—focusing on your studies isn’t easy when you’re always the center of attention. I had men tripping over their heels for me left and right, an intensely annoying phenomenon. I could spell it out for them a million times, that they could never handle me, that I don’t want to talk to preps and normies, and still they simper, my words like olive oil sliding off their brains. The fact that I was a vampire apparently wasn’t enough of a deterrent, nor was the hatred behind my icy blue eyes.
I walked outside, the cold air like a cooling balm against my pale skin. There was rarely any sun in Hogwarts during the winter months, the ideal environment for me. I was almost sad this was my last year. I took a deep breath, then walked out into the courtyard, with little more than a lacy parasol—black, like always—to shield me from the slush.
Once I reached the middle of the courtyard, I saw him. Draco Malfoy, standing in an adjacent walkway speaking to a few of his friends. Blond hair whipping in the wind, almost blending in with the frost. One of the few men at this school that I could tolerate. I recalled the day I met him, our first day in Potions class. The teacher spoke my full name when calling attendance, “Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” A mouthful, but one I owned with pride. He called the name of the boy sitting next to me, “Draco Malfoy.”
He turned to me once we broke off to work in groups. “Your last name is Way?” he said, a glint of curiosity in his captivating hazel eyes. A mischievous grin split his face, and he said, “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Gerard Way, would you?”
That wasn’t the first time I heard the comparison, but it was also how I knew Draco wasn’t like other guys. He was actually cool. “I wish,” I said, smiling for the first time that day. "because he's a major fucking hottie."
“You look more like Amy Lee,” he replied.
I was charmed. I couldn’t help it. “You can call me Ebony,” I replied. “Like my hair.”
He spotted me in the courtyard, and his hazel eyes lit up. “Hey, Ebony!” he said, waving eagerly.
I felt myself blush as he approached me. “What’s up Draco?”
A small breath escaped his lips, as the sound of my voice seemed to bring something out of him. A short burst of exhilaration, perhaps at hearing his name spoken on my lips. A shade of longing passed over his face, and he was suddenly shy. “Nothing,” he finally said, still staring at me.
I opened my mouth to speak, but I paused, noticing my friend Willow behind him waving at me and calling my name. The bell for class rang, an infuriating interruption that made my stomach drop. Reluctantly, Draco and I parted ways.
hope you enjoyed this mania-fueled atrocity I've committed lmao
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aclaywrites · 2 months
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Excellent, actually. After my divorce and move back home, I had completely given up. I’d never had much luck dating throughout my whole life. This isn’t whining, I was always fine with having friends and being social, sometimes I wanted sex but I was never the kind to sit around pining. After moving back to OK, having a young child and living with my parents for that first year, I figured this was it and that was fine. I’d get a home for me and my baby and just settle in.
My ex wife is British and lives in the UK (as do many Brits) so our kid goes to stay with her for the summer. It gives me a nice break and recharge to make me a better mom throughout the school year. After I got our home, and Kid went off for her holiday, I decided I needed a bit more of a recharge and began to look for what I started calling my Summer Shag. Not a girlfriend. That’s too much. I don’t need anyone on my island trying to make me feel shit, I just want a few dates and some physical attention. Middle aged women have Needs and that’s no lie. So for a few years I’d use dating apps starting about this time of year (late April) and see who I could find. Someone who’s down for good times and knows that this is absolutely just some summer lovin’, have us a blast.
Mostly it worked. I did have the 😱😱😱 racist date I told about in an earlier post, and sometimes it took a little longer to make a connection, but the dating apps were great. See pics, do preliminary chatting. One of my flings I met on Lex, the app with no photos, just talking and sharing. Very nice. Even when it wasn’t a match, just scrolling around looking at who’s out there and what their lives are like was interesting. Who else is a lesbian in central Oklahoma?
So that worked well for a few years, even during lockdown. Amazing what some private chats can accomplish in a world gone mad. Then one May I started the quest, swiping around and seeing who was available. I see some pix of a super cute dyke who headlines her ad ‘I can cook and fix shit’. Heck yeah! Swipe on her! We start chatting that evening and by the time we were able to actually meet 10 or so days later, I realized I actually liked her, and now here we are years later moving in and making wedding plans. The funniest thing is that we have mutual acquaintances and a decades long history of living in the same small town. We talk often about how many times she must have waited on me as she worked in literally my favorite restaurant in town, or how often I pushed my baby carriage past her house, or crossed paths on our bicycles but never met because it wasn’t our time yet.
So yeah, online dating is really good, in my experience and opinion. Especially if you don’t live in an urban area with lots of lgbt groups etc to join, and you’re too old to go out to clubs because you get up early for work and are sleepy 😂
If nothing else, it’s a system that gave me the sweetest surprise of my life and that can’t be bad
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spookyswiftie111 · 10 months
August (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Warnings: Slight smut, implied sumt, language, some angst.
Author's note: Here is the first part of the August series with Steve!! Hope you all enjoy. Sorry it is so long!
“Salt air, and the rust on your door, I never needed anything more. Whispers of Are you sure? Never have I ever before. But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine. And I can see us twisted in bedsheets, August sipped away like a bottle of wine, cause you were never mine.”
I’ve known the Harrington’s since I was in elementary school. My father moved to Hawkins to begin his new job and we moved in next to Harrington’s. Mine and Steve’s bedrooms were facing each other, and we created secret codes from our windows. Our families became so close that we would vacation to a beach house we all shared during the summer. We usually stayed from the beginning of August until the end, right before school started back. This year was a little different because I was a senior at Hawkins High School, but Steve was leaving for college. Steve is my best friend and I have not allowed myself to think about how it’s going to feel when the only person who gets me is hours away. Recently, Steve began dating Nacy Wheeler and I have seen very little of him. He missed our family movie nights, family days at Star Court Mall, and I felt so alone, because truthfully, I was in love with Steve Harrington myself. Feelings I denied all through middle school and almost all high school, but once we started to grow, my feelings for Steve did as well. I always had the hope he felt the same, but once he brought Nancy to a family dinner, I knew I would always be just his best friend.
“Are you ready, Y/N?” My mother yelled from downstairs as my father loaded the car.
“I’m coming mom!” I yelled back, as I pulled my hair up and ran down the stairs. When I walked from the front door, Steve leaned against our car, smiling at me.
“There she is!” Steve said coming over to put me in a headlock. Nancy was on the other side of Steve smiling at us. It was August 1st and we were heading to our beach house. It was going to be a whole month that the love birds would be apart, so Nancy came to send Steve off.
“You’re riding with me, kid”. Steve said to me as he walked back over to place his arm around Nancy.
“Well, I’m picking the music then, Harrington”. I said as I hit his arm. Steve smirks at me, knowing this is an ongoing fight between us two. I hugged my mother and father, as they load in the car with Steve’s parents. I get in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, as he sticks his tongue down Nancy’s throat, causing my skin to crawl. He climbs in the driver’s seat, as Nancy leans in the window.
“See you, Y/N. Take care of my boy”. She says while kissing Steve on the cheek. I really like Nancy and she is super sweet, but she will never know Steve the way I do. His deepest, darkest secrets. The nights we stayed up watching movies when his parents were being dicks to him. Steve spent many nights at our home and seen more care from us than his parents.
“Of course, I will make sure to keep Stevie in line” I say giving a thumbs up to Nancy. I notice Steve’s hand tense up on the steering wheel at the sound of my decades long nickname for him.
We have been driving for a couple of hours before Steve and I ever talked. Since I called Steve our nickname, he was quiet and didn’t even fight my music choices like usual.
“Steve, is everything okay? Did I upset you?” I say touching Steve’s forearm. I hear Steve sigh and run his hands through his always messy hair.
“No, no, you of all people would not be one to easily upset me”. Steve says touching my hand gently. I feel butterflies erupting in my stomach at his touch.
“What’s wrong then? Is it because you already miss Nance? You know you can tell me anything, Stevie” I say grabbing his hand. Steve looks over at me and lightly smiles.
“Yeah, of course I miss her, but I don’t know what I’m going to do without you when I’m at college.” Steve says staring straight ahead at the road. The butterflies get worse at his statement because I haven’t allowed myself to think about this fully. Steve and I sit in silence during the rest of the trip and just listen to music. There is a heaviness in the air and part of me hopes we are feeling the same thing, but I know that isn’t possible.
“Your back beneath the sun, wishing I could write my name on it. Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you.”
We finally arrived at the beach house, and I ran right in to change into my swimsuit to get to the beach. I change into my red, high-waisted bikini and head out the door.
“Heading to the beach already, sweetheart?” My mother says chuckling at my eagerness. I notice Steve unloading our bags but stops once he hears my mother’s comment. He turned to look at me and suddenly back to the car, as his cheeks flushed red. What did I do? This isn’t the first time we have been to the beach together and not the first time he’s seen me in a bathing suit. I headed down to the beach to start tanning. Not long after I settled in, I hear someone coming up beside me.
“Hey, kid”. Steve says towering above me, smirking.
“Stop calling me, kid, Harrington.” I say rolling over on my stomach to get away from him. Steve snickers and finds a spot next to me on the beach. Even though he’s not paying attention to me, I look over at him while he is blissfully unaware of my gawking. His perfect freckles cascade down his back and it takes everything in me not to place kisses down it to mark my territory.
“Promise you won’t forget me when you get to college?” I say leaning up on my arms and staring at him.
“I could never forget you, you’re my best friend.” Steve says rolling over to look at me, a concerned look on his face.
“Call me every night to keep me updated on the college life?” I say squeezing Steve’s arm. I notice Steve tense at my touch.
“Um, of course, yeah.” Steve says running his hands through his hair.
“Alright, Steve, what’s going on? You’ve been quiet the whole ride down and now every time I touch you or call you a nickname, I’ve called you since we were seven, you act all distant.” I say sitting up to turn myself to Steve. He sighs and takes his sunglasses off to make eye contact with me.
“You wouldn’t get it if I told you.” Steve says, turning to face me.
“Try me. I know you better than you know yourself, so I bet I will” I say scooting closer to Steve to touch his hand.
“We’ve been best friends since we were kids, right?” Steve says, taking my hand.
“Umm yeah?” I was confused at where he was taking me.
“Then why do I feel this way about you? I have Nancy and I do love her, but seeing you this summer, all grown up and somehow different than I remember, I feel something. Maybe it’s me getting cold feet moving away from the only person who has ever truly known me, but the nickname, the touches, something is happening to me, and I can’t figure it out, Y/N.” Steve says staring deeply into my eyes and squeezing my hand tighter. I suddenly feel as if my body is numb and not in this reality. Did my best friend just admit to me he feels something for me, like I have been for him?
“You don’t have to answer me or even understand, but if I kept denying it, I would go crazy. Mom has a bottle of wine that I snuck into my suitcase. Want to head to our room and pre-game before dinner?” Steve says smiling at me and grabbing my hand to pull me up.
“Um yeah, of course, let’s go.” I say still processing his sudden confession of feelings. We headed back to the beach house and Steve holds my hand and my towel the whole way there. When we get back to the beach house, our parents are all dressed and fully made up.
“There you two are! We were wondering where you went” Steve’s mother says to us as we reach the back patio.
“Just catching some sun” Steve says slightly smiling back at her.
“Well, we are heading out to dinner with another couple from Hawkins that is vacationing here as well. You kids order pizza or get anything you need. We will be back late!” Steve’s mother says as they grab their purses and head to the car. Now Steve and I are left in our silence and confused confessions.
“Steve? Can I be honest with you?” I say turning to face him. Steve places his hands on my bare shoulders and squeezes.
“Of course, Y/N. Always.” He makes direct eye contact with me.
“I’m in love with you. I think I always have been, but I really realized it this summer and I like Nancy, but I hate seeing you give her the love I have been yearning for for so long.” I say nervously awaiting his reaction. Steve looks down, hands still on my shoulders. He takes my hand and leads me to our shared room. He unzips his suite case and grabs the bottle of win out. He pops the cork and offers me a sip. I take it and down a large swig. Steve chuckles and does the same. We sip on the wine all night until it’s all gone. We laugh and reminisce about the past.
“You remember that black dress you wore to junior prom with Billy?” Steve asks, leaning closer to me.
“How could I forget? That was the night you tried to kick Billy’s ass for feeling me up” I laugh as I push his hair out of his face. Steve tenses and clenches his jaw at the gesture.
“Well, I thought you looked so hot then. I was even jealous of Billy because he got to have you on his arm all night and not me. And he didn’t even appreciate the amazing person you are”. Steve says suddenly serious. He leans closer to me, our foreheads touching and the smell of the wine on his breath caressing my face. He puts his hand on the side of my face, bringing my eyes up to meet his.
“Steve….” I say, feeling the butterflies overtake my whole body and soul.
“Shhhh, just give in, damnit.” Steve says pushing me back onto the bed, on a cloud of white linen. Steve kisses me for the first time on my lips. It was everything I ever dreamed it to be, and my heart was exploding. I allowed his hands to roam my body and fulfill every fantasy I’ve ever had of him. Steve is so gentle with me, and this feels like a movie.
“This is everything I have dreamed about” Steve says breaking our kiss and staring into my eyes.
“Steve, is this the wine talking? Or is this real?” I say rubbing my hands up and down his arm.
“Y/N, I’ve always wanted to do this, but the wine is giving me the courage” He smiles at me and begins kissing me more passionately. With each minute that passes, we lose more pieces of clothing, until our bare bodies are wrapped in the white sheets.
“Are you sure about this? Do we want to cross this line?” Steve whispers in my ear, hands still roaming my body.
“I’ve never done any of this before, Steve. I know you have hooked up with several girls, but I’m sure as long as you want to cross the line” I say in desperation and lust. Steve smiles down at me and continues exploring every inch of my body as if he couldn’t get enough. I never in my wildest dreams though Steve Harrington, my best friend, would be my first kiss and my first time. He treated me so gently, as if one false move would cause me to break. It made me somehow fall even farther in love with him. Our parents were all too drunk to realize we had done “turned in for the night” and the drunkenly stumbled to their respective rooms. Steve spent those moments rubbing circles on my back and intently staring into my eyes with such admiration.
“Steve? What about Nance?” I say, placing my hand on the side of his face.
“Let me handle that when I get back”. Steve says kissing my shoulder, then my neck, then my cheek. I felt what seemed like fire burning deep in my stomach and my core as he continued to kiss every small crease of my body.
“Stevie?” I say as I close my eyes and allow my head to meet the pillow and my eyes close in pleasure.
“Yes, baby girl?” Steve says, pulling me close and placing small kisses on me still.
“Make love to me all night long, please. Hell, make love to me this whole month. On the beach, in your car, in this bed. I just need every bit of you every minute.” I say combing my hands through his hair and still shuddering from the pet name he just called me.
“Mmmm, baby girl, it would be my absolute pleasure to make love to you for every year we missed out on. Let me take care of you, let me love you how you should be loved and forget about everyone else” Steve pulls our bare bodies together.  
And that is exactly what he did. We snuck out to have make-out sessions on the beach, then we made love on the beach. We teased each other under the table at family dinners before we would excuse ourselves to climb in the back of Steve’s car. But it wasn’t all sex. God, we got so close. Even closer than I ever imagined we could be.
“So, what do you want to do with your life?” Steve asked while rubbing circles on my bare back, as we were wrapped in our sheets.
“I would love to be an English teacher and finally use my nerd abilities to help others” I say looking into Steve’s hazel eyes that were all on me.
“Well, you are the hottest nerd I’ve ever seen, always with her nose in a book” Steve says peppering small kisses down my collarbone.
“Stevie?” I ask, with my eyes closed, feeling as if round two wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
“Yes, baby girl?” Steve says, now placing kisses all the way down my stomach, but looks up to give me his full attention.
“It’s almost the end of August, what are we going to do when we get back? What are we? What about Nancy?” I say, feeling a knot form in my stomach. Steve stops suddenly and crawls back up to lay beside me, a now serious expression on his face.
“I honestly haven’t thought about any of that. I’ve been so caught up in what we’ve had this month. What do you want to be?” Steve asks, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.
“Steve, I’d be your wife right now if you asked me. I love you, so fucking much. Like you have no idea how much I love and care for you. But I’m afraid this has been some lustful summer of us catching up on the feelings we’ve denied for so long. I’m so scared Nancy can give you everything I can’t. She’s the same age as you and I’m still in high school.” I say, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. Steve pulls me in and combs my hair.
“Baby girl, it’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. This hasn’t been just a lustful summer. We finally gave in, and I have learned more about you than I ever have. I wake up every day truly happy because I’m waking up next to you, because I get to love you. Do I feel bad for blindsiding Nance? Of course, but do I love you? Hell yes. I always have. It’s always been you. I don’t give a shit if you are ONE year younger than me, you get me better than anyone else and that’s all that matters. I am going to be so lost without you while I’m at college.” Steve says while kissing my head to reassure me. My heart feels so full, but it feels too good to be true. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the last two days of August with the man I have been in love with since I was seven.
“Back when we were still changing' for the better, wanting was enough. For me, it was enough. To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you call, and say, "Meet me behind the mall". So much for summer love and telling "us", Cause you weren't mine to lose. You weren't mine to lose, no, But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine. And I can see us twisted in bedsheets, August sipped away like a bottle of wine. Cause you were never mine, cause you were never mine, never mine. But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car" and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? Back when I was living' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all, Meet me behind the mall."
Steve and I spent the last two days of August wine drunk in our room, making out, making love, and talking about the future. Not just about “us”, but the future we wanted. How many kids we wanted, out house, and our careers. It was time to load back up and head home to Hawkins, face Nancy, and the future. Steve left for college in tomorrow morning, and I already dreaded life without him for a bit. I would count down every day until I got to see him at holidays or on breaks.
“You good, baby girl?” Steve asked me, one hand on the wheel and the other placed on my thigh.
“Ummm, yeah, sure. I’m good. Just nervous for the future.” I say forcing a smile at him.
“We have each other, that’s all that matters”. Steve squeezes my thigh and looks back to the road. Somehow, I was losing hope this might be true. I was scared and nervous that once he seen Nancy, there would be no more “us”. He wasn’t mine, technically. He was hers. She had no idea about our August. She had no idea the deep conversations we shared. She had no idea we were in love with each other and always had been.
We pull into the driveway at Hawkins and Nacy is waiting on the front steps, excited to see Steve return. My heart sank and sank even more when Steve removed his hand from my thigh.
“Just until I talk to her, okay? Then I’ll touch you whenever and wherever to show the world you’re my girl.” Steve smiles over at me.
“Guys!! You are finally back. How was the beach house?” Nancy says squeezing the life out of Steve as he got out of the car.
“I was amazing. Best summer I’ve ever had.” Steve says looking over Nancy’s shoulder to mouth, “I love you”. I smile, but my heart still hurts. Seeing them together when all I want is to be taken into Steve’s arms.
“So, I called the crew and why don’t we go to Star Court mall tonight and catch up?” Nancy says excitedly.
“Yeah, um that sounds great. We’d love to, right Y/N?” Steve says, hitting my arm playfully.
“Yeah, yeah, of course. It sounds like so much fun” I say forcing a smile to Nancy.
“I’ll call everyone and tell them to meet us there at 7. I’ll see you guys then!” Nancy says walking from the house. Steve makes sure she is out of sight and then he pulls me close.
“Now that we are alone, why don’t we go to my room? Talk some more” Steve says in a flirty tone, while kissing my ear. Chills go down my body and I suddenly need him.
Steve takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom before closing the door and pining me between him and the wall. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me just as passionately as he did at the beach house. Our clothes slowly start to fall off, as we make our way to bed.
“Stevie, baby, I need you, so bad” I say as Steve crawls up my body.
“Oh, baby girl, I’m going to take good care of you,” he says as he disappears under the covers.
Steve and I lay twisted up in his sheets until we have to get ready to meet the gang at Star Court.
“Baby, we have to get ready” I say, giggling as Steve kisses my shoulders.
“Mmm, but I prefer you just as you are right now.” He says pulling me closer.
“As much as I would love to continue this, we have to go” I say getting up to throw my shorts on and grab one of Steve’s shirts. It’s a little big on me, so I tie it up, barely showing some of my torso. I throw on my converse and sit down in front of Steve.
“That looks way better on you” he says grabbing my hand.
“Sure, that Nancy won’t notice?” I say, worried about becoming the town’s scarlet letter.
“Nah, it will be fine”. Steve says getting up to now get dressed.
We jump in Steve’s car and meet the gang at Star Court Mall. Nancy runs up to give Steve a kiss, but he seems to dodge her lips and pull her into a hug. Nancy frowns with a confused expression. Part of me feels bad, but also content with Steve’s gesture. I hung out with Robin a good deal of the night, but that didn’t stop Steve from flirting with me or teasing me any chance he got. He would place sweet kisses on my head when no one was looking and would watch me in his protective way when Robin and I went off alone. We headed to grab some ice cream, but Steve grabbed my hand.
“Have I told you how fucking good you look tonight?” He whispers in my ear and causes chills to run down my body.
“Maybe a time or two” I say smiling.
“Give me 5 minutes and meet me behind the mall.” He whispers, smirking as he tells the rest of the crew he was heading to the bathroom.
“Hey, Steve! Wait up, I need someone to show me where it is and make sure I don’t run into Billy” I say as I run after Steve. Once we are in the clear, Steve grabs my hand and pulls me out of the back door of the mall. Once we are outside, he pushes me against the concrete wall and begins kissing me.
“Promise to call me every day?” I say into the kiss.
“Promise to always cancel your plans for me?” Steve says picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist.
“Anything for you, Stevie” I say as I kiss him this time.
Steve takes me home after we eat, and I head to bed. I lay awake a good part of the night dreading the morning. Steve leaves for college and my heart feels like a part of it is leaving with him. He told me he was going to talk to Nancy once he dropped me off and let her know with going to college, it wasn’t going to work out between them. I fell asleep in Steve’s shirt and find comfort in knowing he may finally be mine, but hoping this all wasn’t too good to be true.
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