#I usually don't wear stuff like this (???) but I still kind of obsessed with it.
dootznbootz · 4 months
Went to a neat place in the cities that I've never been to before with a family friend and when we came back to the car someone did a hit and run on her front bumper :'D we were able to get home fine but yeah, sucks
On the plus side, I watched a grandma figure of mine who is very religious get a Hot Topic Membership just because she wanted to get me this (featuring le chonk cat, Patches) :D
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It's very silly and idk where tf I'll wear it but I find it so sweet as she was so excited to see me in it.
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
Hello hope you're well 👍 I've read all you're Bi-han fics and I'm obsessed with how well you write him 💗 Can I request a continuation of the one where he's S/O got severely injured? Maybe after they healed they were left with lots of scars and every time Bi-han see them (whether in bed or when S/O clothes don't hide them ) he feels immense amounts of regret. Perhaps to close off this theme they could both talk about the situation with S/O reassuring Bi-han that it happened once and never again . Sorry if this is too long or if it's too angsty feel free to dismiss it if you're uncomfortable with the prompt 👍
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I’m doing well and thank you for reading my stuff for I was certain that like half of it were shoddy due to character inaccuracies 😂 but at least I’m doing something right!
Part 1
‘I can feel you staring Bi-Han.’ You stated and you couldn’t find it within yourself to hold it against him. After finally waking up from your comatose, the first thing you saw as the bandages were taken off was scars of every kind imaginable; Some were crisscrossed with others whilst others took up an entire limb. There was no denying that you could have died in the medbay that very same day you were brought in but no, you were extremely lucky to even have been able to wake up from all that.
You were blessed with another chance to live but none of that mattered to you, what did however was seeing Bi-Han at your bedside looking worse for wear. His silken raven black hair was disheveled and unkept compared to it’s usual style, his dark eyes were dull and lifeless, the dark bags underneath them only proved to further push this narrative of a man who hadn’t had a descent nights sleep in a long while. He looked so unlike the Bi-Han you knew that when you reached out to stroke back a couple of loose strands from his forehead, he was quick to firmly grab ahold of your wrist before looking at you, you could clearly see the hurt and the brokenness within them.
‘I could’ve been there,’ Bi-Han said his eyes would linger on the long, jagged scar that ran diagonally across your back, ‘no, had I known what I know now, I would’ve stopped you from going on that mission.’ The guilt was still eating him up from the inside it seemed and it absolutely broke your heart that he felt fully responsible, and yet in Bi-Han’s mind, he was and should be held responsible for your predicament. It didn’t make things better that whenever he saw the scars that were now a permanent part of your body, he was reminded that he failed you on all accounts and he swore to himself that he’d never let it happen again.
Even if that meant having to withhold you from participating in future missions for the foreseeable future, Bi-Han will do it. He just couldn’t go through all that. He had already emotionally destroyed himself from almost losing you, loosing valuable sleep in exchange for watching over you, and so on and so forth that he doesn’t think that he could do it again. For every time he closes his eyes, all he saw was you lying in the medbay almost lifeless, it continued to haunt him well after you were dismissed by the medics, leaving him to determine whether or not you were fit to head back out there.
You were quick to slip on your night shirt before joining Bi-Han in bed and reaching across to hold his hands without your own, brushing your thumb across his knuckles reassuringly. ‘Don’t do this to yourself Bi-Han.’ You started. ‘You didn’t know and you shouldn’t hold it over yourself either, it’s not healthy and you’ll end up running yourself into the ground with guilt that isn’t yours to begin with.’ You gripped Bi-Han’s hand tighter as you cradled it to your chest, pressing gentle kisses into his skin, in hopes of assuring him that you were with him and not some figment of his imagination. ‘I don’t to have the heart to watch you tear yourself apart. I was hurt, yes, but here I am. You can feel my hand holding yours, you can feel my body warmth and you can see that I am breathing.’
You stopped your speech halfway to look Bi-Han deep in the eye and asked; ‘Isn’t that all the proof you need to know that I am alive? that I am flesh, blood and bone and nothing else?’ But when he said nothing and avert his dark and tired gaze from your own, you huffed and hauled yourself into his lap, grabbing ahold of his face between you hands, whilst his hands immediately went straight to your waist as though it were routine for them. ‘Look at me.’ You say softly but revived nothing, not even a glance and it hurt. ‘Bi-Han I want you to look at me!’ You then exclaimed, causing him to look at you and not through you like he has been during these past couple of days as though you were a ghost.
‘This won’t happen ever again.’ You told him firmly, pressing your head against his, feeling him sigh as he relaxed within your touch; feeling confident in the fact that you weren’t going to up and disappear on him like his mind had made him believe. ‘How can you be so certain that this won’t be echoed later on.’ Bi-Han finally said. You smiled softly. ‘I can’t but you’ll just have to put your trust in me that it won’t.’ You knew that wasn’t the answer Bi-Han was looking for, but with the way he was holding you against him as though trying to meld you against him. ‘I’ll hold you to your word, but until then you’re under my supervision until further notice.’ He said against your lips that widened into a smile as you cuddled yourself further into his chest as sleep began to invade.
‘You say that like that’s a bad thing.’ You cheeked and you were certain that you heard him let out a chuckle. He was healing, healing slowly yes, but that was enough of a start for you.
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Welp, good luck, my friend
- You would be one of his hostages who he was planning to kill. Patiently waiting your turn for your fun death. You had an abusive / less than kind family member with you at the time who had forced you to go there.
- When realizing that you two two were a little family unit, he decides to amuse himself a little.
- " Hey, hey you!" He would yell at one of his goons. " Tye them up to that uhhhh. . . That spinning wheel thing. And bring the kid over to me."
- Tying your family member up, Jerome places one of three throwing daggers in your hand( crowching down if you're small) while kind of just coaching you on how to throw them.
- What a surprise for him when not only do you do it without hesitation, but with a small smile on your face.
- That's when he goes, " Alright, change of plans, I like this kid." And immediately takes you under his wing
- There is never a dull moment with this man. There are plenty of bloody and horrific ones, sure. But never dull.
- Will make you kill the rest of your family members or do it himself if you can't. You're his now, and he doesn't need anyone trying to get in the way of that or distracting you.
- Sees himself as more of a mentor figure to you rather than an actual parent. But if you do end up calling him dad, he's not complaining.
- Takes you along with him for many of his usual, murderous antics. No matter how old you are, even if you are on the much younger side. "Best to teach them young," He would say.
- Praises you a lot whenever you decided to join in on the fun and always makes either his goons or his hostages cheer for you.
-If you're more on the socially anxious side, he'll try to put you in the spotlight less often and leave your killings as just some private family bonding time.
- This man CANNOT cook. He would burn whatever place he was staying out down to the ground if he tried.
- Gives you a lot of freedom to have fun and do whatever, but don't think that means you're allowed to leave or disobey him. You're still his protégé and need to listen to what he says.
- If you are on the younger side, that list of freedoms would be much shorter.
- He would want you around his vicinity or next to him and would make some of his goons keep an eye on you if he was busy with something.
- Lots of physical affection and inside jokes from this guy.
- All in all: Getting a child wasn't something Jerome had on his bucket list. But he's not really complaining.
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- To say this man is obsessive is the understatement of the century
- Spots you in the crowd at one of his performances and chooses you as his willing participant
- You might as well forget your parents now, because he'll have already hypnotized them to walk into traffic or jump off a building.
- Unlike the other two, Jervis will expect for you to see him as your dad.
- Will plan extravagant teaparties with all your favorite teas and sweets. And if you're not a sweets kind of person, then he'll put out more savory stuff like sandwiches as soupes.
- Hope you like fancy outfits, because you'll be wearing a lot of them. But don't worry, he'll try to find some that you're comfortable in.
- Doesn't give you a whole lot of freedom. Especially if you're on the much younger side.
- He'll also just randomly picks you up and carry you around with him if you're small enough for him to do so.
- Will not hesitate to hypnotize you and tie you up if he feels it is necessary. So you nest behave
- Usually reads bedtime stories to you, no matter how old you are.
- In conclusion, this man is obsessive and delusional. So just sit back, relax, and let your new papa take care of you.
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-Well, this is rather unexpected. He never really saw himself taking care of a child
- He met you at Arkham: His cell next to yours. And you two would talk through the walls whenever a day was especially boring.
- After a while, he warmed up rather well to you. He starts to see you more as family in a way and immediately gets you out of your cell when a breakout in the asylum starts.
- Keeps you far away from your previous family members if you have any. He wouldn't kill them the first time per-say, just . . . Scare them away.
- The second time, he would be much less merciful. They had their chance and should have listened.
- He doesn't let you get too close to him when he's working on his projects in fear of you accidently getting hurt. But if you're an older teenager, he would ask if you would like to try and face your fears.
- He wouldn't force anything, though.
- You see him more as an older brother type figure rather than a parental one.
- Agian, if you are older, he doesn't really let you participate in his antics and usually lets you stay home if he trusts you. But will just bring you along to watch if you're much younger.
- A decent cook all things considered. Not the best by any means, but at least it's not a burt piece of charcoal.
- Will sit and talk with you whenever you need it. He's a pretty good listener.
- He can also get really protective a times, no matter what age you are, and will not hesitate to fear gas somebody.
- Not the best when it comes to physical affection. But will give you some if you want it.
- Although you entering his life was unexpected. Jonathan has found himself enjoying your company a lot more than he ever thought he would. It's probably the only thing good that ever came from being trapped in arkham.
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Draco Malfoy as a boyfriend 🐍🍏
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this angsty yet hot and twitchy little ferret could include:
He's the hate, everyone, but you kind of boyfriend. Seriously, he treats everybody else like absolute rubbish, but you.
He won't shut up and brags about you all the time like you're a trophy that he won, more than he brags about his dad honestly which annoys the living hell out of Crabbe & Goyle who has to listen to that all day.
Narcissa loves you and you stay at the Malfoy manor often, you stay with them so much in fact that Narcissa had a whole room for you at their place, but who are we kidding you still sneak into Draco's room and sleep with him when you're over.
Not really into cuddling all that much (unless you ask for it) but you sitting on his lap and a make-out session sounds good since he prefers it that way.
Treats you like royalty. Do you want a gold necklace? you got it, you want new clothes? you got it, you want treats from the shops? you got it. Anything you ever wanted, seriously, he will get it because he has the money for it.
When you fight he holds grudges for a bit because of his pride, but not too long because he can't stand you not being with him or not talking to him and just starts apologizing loads as long as he's forgiven and is able to kiss you he can let down his pride.
He loves and thrives on PDA with you anywhere & anytime.
He calls you cute nicknames like love, princess, sexy, or bunny.
His love language is probably physical touch, and no it is not all because of sex, he likes to just hug, hold and kiss you or have your arm wrapped around his arms or his neck because he connects with you through physical touch and he may not be the best when it comes to talking but he sure is good at showing you that he loves you in other ways.
Likes when you call him Dray, Daddy (😏), Handsome, or Hottie.
Obsessed with giving hickeys on you, sometimes he would ask for you to put some on him because he's proud of your relationship.
People get scared to talk and approach you let alone look at you because, Draco threatens everyone who tries, he only trust the friends that you already have right now.
He always feels the need to say a heartfelt “I love you.” As a reminder, because it’s something he never heard from anyone and wanted you to get the affection he didn’t.
Like to see you all flustered so he usually pins you against the wall and just stares at you until you turn red then he kisses your forehead and just laughed it off, which always annoys you a bit.
Oh if anyone says one bad thing about you or even gives you a dirty look, his father will certainly be hearing about this, and trust me you do not want to mess with an angry Draco.
He's definitely got a daddy kink, but otherwise, he's dominant and into some rough stuff like hair-pulling, choking, spanking, and on some rare occasions he likes biting.
When it's your Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine's day, or any sort of holiday that requires giving gifts he spoils you rotten with any and every expensive gift you can imagine that it almost makes you feel uncomfortable about how much money everything cost, but he gets pissed off you don't take it so you're forced to have them.
He's probably the type to get a tattoo that resembles you in a way whether it's your birth date, your special nickname, or the date that you two were officially a couple.
He's probably the type to never wears a shirt whenever is just the two of you, but I mean who's complaining right? bet he's got a nice body too.
He's known to wear a lot of suits and elegant-looking clothes to keep his Malfoy image upfront, and although he looks incredibly attractive in his formal wear, he's been letting loose ever since he started dating you and would occasionally wear sweaters, hoodies, t-shirts, and sweatpants which makes him look even more attractive since he looks so comfortable.
A/N: Hey I hope you like this one, I'm going to drown myself in some schoolwork now lol bye bye I love you. xx
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
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"Alice and Colleen here with an exciting update for our OF subscribers! We're so glad you guys love our content and our sexy, feminine bodies, we love making videos for all of you and it warms our hearts how much love you guys show. But we both decided it's time we finally be honest with you all that we're detransitioning! We've been off estrogen for a month, and already our bodies are starting male puberty. But we decided to do the usual mtftm special and tonight we'll be on stream giving each other our first doses of testosterone while we still sort of look like girls. Kind of.
We're also going on cock growth pills. No more adorable two-inch cocks we rub together as we scissor. We both want our cocks so huge they're thicker around than our wrists. Down to our knees, rock hard all the time, our balls unnaturally inflated by all the synthetic hormones to grow to the size of plums. We'll finally get to cum like the boys we're meant to be. We can't wait to hot the gym, load up on muscle gain powder, and become full-fledged men, built like tanks, totally unrecognizable, sitting all day in the gym, waiting for unsuspecting pregnant college girls to come in and do yoga or some light running, their huge milk-filled breasts spilling out. We talk constantly about how fun it'll be to gang up on some girl like that and show her what it means to have some real cock fill her well-used holes.
We wanted to hold on and stay as fakegirls, pretending to be some idealized, porn-fantasy version of a lesbian couple. Ultra fem, wearing tiny bikinis everywhere, schoolgirl uniforms, tiny sundress with hems that barely reach past our asses or little cocks, showing them off whenever a little breeze rolls by. We make out in public, and when men approach us, we do our usual routine where we pretend not to want it, telling them we're only into 'other girls', only for them to shove their cocks down our throats or up our asses, which we graciously accept, no matter where we are. It's been so fun living out such a hot fantasy, but it's way too tempting to finally detrans. Doesn't help that our parents send us detrans content, like, every day. And so do our friends, and college professors, and coworkers......
We watch it all and rub our stunted little cocks like clits, cumming over and over like the depraved boys we really are. It's SO hot seeing beautiful fakegirls getting forced to become big burly men who can't control their sexual urges at all. Every time they wind up this way. From curvy, gorgeous, plump-assed, big-breasted, totally perfectly feminine in every way, to hulking muscle-men, hairy, no manners, ultra horny and sex-obsessed. From fun-loving and intelligent, to mindless oafs, their only hobbies become jerking off and raping the prettiest, curviest, most pregnant girls they can find. The perfect prey, unable to get away, irresistible, with bellies begging the world to be stuffed with as many cocks as possible. It's amazing how just a month with no estrogen and we're already so masculine and obsessed with getting our cocks nice and big for all of our future victims--I mean lovers! I hope you're excited to see our content go from softcore sapphic stuff to hardcore public fucking and rape--but let's be honest, bellies filled to the brim with sextuplets are the same thing as consent. Don't you agree? ❤️"
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You know, as much as Simbar is spicy while also so cute, I just thought how funny their dynamic can be too.
Here we have Ámbar. Little miss perfect. Straight A student, rich af, always needing to put up an act, literal girlboss (like, literal, she becomes a BOSS at age 19), always have been raised to be as proper as possible. Probably grew up faster than most kids, because she was always expected to act more mature than what she was.
Then we have Simón. Silly guy. Wears beanies. Wears shorts that a surfer would wear. Says corny lines. He’s never been rich in his whole life. Shares an apartment with his bros. He always looks and dresses a bit messy. He likes to joke around and loves to make his friends laugh. He's not immature, but he's also not the kind of mature that Ámbar is - he just has... you know, normal dudebro maturity.
We see the clear difference with them kind of shortly after they kiss for the first time. Ámbar tries to keep it cool, yk, act like she usually does.
While Simón... well Simón is like this.
But most of all, he's being himself with her. He doesn't care that she's the high class rich girl Ámbar, who's so proper and elegant. He's his messy, awkward, corny, yet charming self around her.
What gets funny is that in season 2, while Ámbar still puts an act around Simón even while they're dating, when alone she becomes a silly girl in love. She talks to her mirror, going "Simón is all yours now 🥰" with a bright smile, before immediately catching herself. She goes to choose clothes for the date and loudly speaks to herself "I'm gonna find the perfect outfit for mine and Simón's date 😍". She becomes what she considers "immature". She can't be in love? She can't be like that? She has to be in control! Behave herself!
Things then get complicated in season 3 - as Ámbar is going through stuff, she creates essentially this imaginary version of Simón. Simón keeps being the silly dude, but in Ámbar's head he's cool, tough, very masculine... she even, and I don't think I'm exaggerating, thinks he's rather sexy.
The best example is when she has the Solos daydream.
When looking at Simón play, she imagines him like this
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When in reality... he looks like this
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And idk, there's something so inherently funny to think that Simón's just looking like every guitar guy ever and Ámbar's over here imagining him in leather jackets grinding at her. It's extra funny if you can picture her doing that every time she sees him too.
To add to this, Simón during S3 also has a version of Ámbar in his head that isn't how she actually is at the moment. Only that his version of her is the version that she was in the past - the version of her that he fell in love with. From his side, he just wants to help her get back to "being herself" again, because he knows she isn't right now. Ámbar doesn't wanna go back, because while she did have genuine feelings for Simón in S2, it was also a version of herself she wants to forget about. Cause even if what she felt for him was true, she was still putting up an act at all times, since she still was under the influence and watch of her godmother. And she just wants to break free from everything, both the bad and the good.
But throughout the season she's also still a bit awkward and acts like a "silly girl with a crush" about Simón, especially when Emilia questions her about him. "Whaaatt??? Pfft, I don't like Simón, he likes me, come on I'm just teasing him it's not my fault it's him who's obsessed with me hahahaha-" She doesn't want to, she wants to keep in control and hide it, but she can't.
Simón always keeps being himself. He can be serious with Ámbar, he is incredibly patient with her and while he tries to help her, he also tells her off when she goes too far. But when he wants to, he's still the silly and corny guy with her.
My final example is the rose scene. The rose scene is beautiful. It's magical. It's very romantic and their tension is off the charts.
But also, only Simón would do a thing like throwing a bunch of petals on the floor to make a "romantic road" down the hallway. Also...
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I counted and it's about 6-7 seconds from when he knocks and when Ámbar opens the door (side note that is a very short sleeping gown for a kids show lmao...)
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The amount of planning for this romantic gesture must have taken so much. He had to...
Go and spread out all the flower petals. He needed to do this while knowing no one else was around, because someone else def would question what he was up to.
He'd need to make sure Ámbar didn't hear him walk around outside her bedroom door.
He had to knock
He needed to get back downstairs VERY quickly, and if he did not run then I guess he just slid down the railing? He was very good on doing it so smoothly, because he could have easily been tripping or being overheard with loud running steps.
He's gonna have to clean up all of this later
Nonetheless, this scene is still so heartwarming and beautiful. But, also, it's such a chaotic thing that only Simón would properly pull off.
Also, it's the way Ámbar just genuinely brightens up.
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How she first goes "oh gosh, this is so cheesy, but adorable". But then she smells the rose and just goes in a little "yes!!" moment. Because that's her cheesy but adorable man! And he did this for her!
Side note, I need to comment on the difference between their outfits. Ámbar is here in a beautiful white nightgown, all barefoot.
And Simón is dressed like this.
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It's a contrast.
But it's so pretty at the same time too.
They were from different worlds, and seeing them separate on their own, you wouldn't think it would work. But then they get together and it just... does.
Ok, so this was just gonna be a "lmao I love how Ámbar is just the perfect upper class girl and then Simón is just this silly beanie boy" but then I just decided to dive deeper.
There's much to analyse with Simbar, and it's really hard to keep it short.
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varibean · 10 months
hand over some varian headcanons to me and the rest of tumblr dot com
OK SO, gonna be a mix of canon and modern au
disclaimer i have so many varian Thoughts but they're all so mixed up so pardon the disjointedness of it all
varian has a big sweet tooth. he's got a weakness for little treats and when he goes off on his adventure he's trying so hard to be a Responsible Adult and eat well balanced meals but sometimes there's a lil voice in his head going "...cupcakes could be dinner."
hugo knows of this weakness and exploits it, constantly. He'll piss varian off just a bit too much and then later that day he's like "oh? what's this? rock candy i made myself with my own alchemy equipment? dyed it blue too, wow, imagine that."
varian hates this bc he KNOWS what hugo is trying to do, he's aware that it's a bribe, and part of him is going 'candy is NOT an apology' meanwhile the other part of him is going 'but he made it himself. with his own stuff. and he made it blue, he wouldn't put that much work into something unless he was actually a little bit sorry deep down, right?'
just becomes a thing that they do later in their relationship where hugo will still make him a lil sweet if he makes him mad or annoyed
his favourite sweet though is candied rose petals
varian doesn't like the crusts on sandwiches. especially sour dough, too tough and chewy.
doesn't want to admit that though so he'll usually eat them anyways. or give them to ruddiger bc he hates wasting food
bites his hands a lot. chews on his knuckles, he's given himself a few scars like that. the gloves are there to protect his hands from himself as much as they are to protect him from fire hazards
modern varian doesn't really dress that different from canon tbh. he likes the way vest make his chest flatter, sometimes he doesn't even have to wear a binder
he gets bullied for this during his younger teen years but then when he goes off to college no one gives a shit, ppl either think it's kind of cool or they mind their business. everyone is showing up to class in their pajamas anyways, no one cares about the one dude with custom cufflinks and arm bands.
god speaking of binders and shit i have so many thoughts about varian's relationship with gender (modern and canon) and especially with him going on t so if anyone wants to hear that mess lmk but the quick version is that he's nervous about it bc even if he has some dysphoria he's also Ok with how he looks and he's scared about it being such a big step for him
never gets top surgery (i do like drawing him with top surgery scars sometimes so awijf I Contradict Myself Constantly)
he's really good at bowling. just, for no reason. he's a fantastic bowler, if he were to actually try he could get perfect games every time.
He Hates Bowling.
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Wednesday x Kitsune!Reader
A/N: I've been obsessed with this song and dance lately. Please do yourself a favor and watch either the MV or dance practice if you haven't.
Enid squeals excitedly as she and Wednesday make their way to the little stage set up in one of the Nevermore courtyards. There was going to be a talent showcase and it was all the wolf could talk about for a week. She starts to hammer on about the performances she knew about, including yours.
"The choir is doing a medley of classic rock stuff. There's some flag spinning thing, a juggling thing." Wednesday was hardly listening. At least until your name comes up. "Oh! And Y/N! They're doing a dance and oooohhhh it's so good!" Dark eyes glance over at Enid.
"You've seen their performance already?" The implication made Wednesday feel a little hurt, but she wasn't going to show it. She knew you were self conscious about learning choreography. As much as she wants to see your process, she respects you enough to leave you be.
"No... You know how they are with their process," Enid replies. "But I've seen the video of the original performer and oooohhhh man. It's so good." She wiggles her eyebrow at Wednesday. "Really sexy too."
Wednesday scoffs. "As long as it's entertaining enough."
Sexy wasn't a thought she ever had when thinking about you. You were considerate, kind, mischievous, and willing to kill for her. It was all she needed. Yes, you were attractive to her, but sexy? Too far from her mind to even consider.
Before finding seats, Wednesday and Enid make their way backstage to find you. As soon as they see you, Enid heads straight over for a hug. Wednesday freezes, on the other hand, at the sight of you. You were wearing a pair of black, baggy, destressed jeans. Your legs poke out each time you bend your knees or stretch your legs. In contrast, a tight, red tank top adorns your torso, nearly showing the definition of your muscles. Your arms are exposed and bare aside from your dominant forearm, still wrapped in its ropes and beads of your spirit. It was different from your usual style, but it wasn't bad to Wednesday. In fact, it was very attractive.
Very... Sexy?
This was a new feeling for Wednesday. Eyebrows furrow in confusion but she hides it as soon as your eyes are on her. Your smile lights up and you're at her side as soon as you could.
"I'm glad you could make it, dark soul." You take her hand and kiss it. "I know these things aren't your favorite." Her eyes soften only for you.
"Of course. What kind of partner am I if I don't support you as you do for me?"
You spend a few more moments together before the call for showtime is heard. With a smile and quick kiss, you head back to your back-up dancers. Enid joins Wednesday and they go to find seats.
The showcase was far too long for Wednesday. Your performance was the last one on the docket. The wait was torture for the goth and definitely not the good kind. While some acts were entertaining, like the knife juggler, others were atrocious, like the so-called comedian. By the time you arrive on stage, Wednesday was near ready to gouge her eyes out. You were a godsent.
You and four others walk onto the stage. You kneel at the stage center and the others, dressed in various navy blue outfits and veils, sit around you. As soon as you take a breath and sink into your stance, the music begins. You lean forward and sweep your arms out in front of you while your dancers breathe in time with the beats. When you're upright again, the dance begins in earnest.
Baby dance, dance, dance
Wrap me up in your devotion
You brought an arm up and around your head, starting there before moving down. The dancers follow your movements with their own bodies, as if your hands controlled them. Then suddenly, you press yourself on the floor and slide yourself over, rolling into your back only to twist around, lift a leg up and body roll against the floor. Your hand reaches out then to grab one of your dancers' as they pull you onto your back and you roll your body once more, using their help to lift your body into the air as you curve.
The crowd reacts wildly at the move, amazed at your body control. As your moves progress into the dance, people are starting to realize that you're also singing the song. Your breathing is getting heavy, but the sound of your voice is still clear. That said, it made your performance that much more seductive. Especially when the dancers crown around you and wrap their arms around your torso.
Enid is practically wiggling in her seat, excited at how well you were doing. Wednesday, on the other hand, was rigid. Her eyes couldn't leave you and the bats in her stomach were going ballistic. Her heart was pounding and her breathing was slightly more labored. On the outside, she seemed unfazed. On the inside, there was chaos.
Pull my hands, hands, hands
When I know you wanna hold them
I wanna be in so deep, baby
Floating like we're deep inside the ocean
The back-up dancers moved to the side stage to let you have your first true solo part. Your dance melds with the beats of the dance, alternating between pops and fluid movements. You then travel up the stage, steps sliding as if you were floating, caressing your own body as it rolls in time with the music. You spin and fall to your knees, before swinging your arms again to roll against the ground once more. When you're up again, your dancers return and circle you for the second chorus.
I've been blinded by you
Baby, you got full attention
So let us take it slow, yeah
I never say this but girl,
You deserve the best
You're alone again at the bridge, your dancers standing still in a wide circle around you. Your dance is more fierce here, your moves sharp and spins quick. In the single point during this moment where you do slow down, it's to roll your head back seductively, exposing your neck to Wednesday, making her lick her lips.
At the end, everyone dances in unison, leaving you to embellish how you want in the center. As the last of the music dies down there is some light tutting before you end the song, staring right as Wednesday as you breath heavily at the performance.
The audience erupts in applause, almost startling Wednesday. Enid shakes her roommate in excitement and gushes over your performance. When you bow and leave the stage, Wednesday is immediately up and heading backstage, leaving her wolf friend behind. As soon as she finds you, she grabs your arm and drags you away from your celebrating friends.
"Whoa! Hey, Wednesday? Wha- Where're we going?"
When Wednesday finds darkness and quiet, she whirls around and is on you like a panther. Her lips hungrily attach onto you as she pulls you towards her. It throws you off enough that you had to brace yourself against the wall behind your lover. A soft hum erupts from your throat and it spurs Wednesday further. She grips at your shirt, trapping herself between you and the wall. There's a need for you to be closer to her and it seems to be never enough.
Air calls for you, but when you part, you duck your head to latch onto the goth's neck. You hear the girl inhale deeply and it makes you smirk.
"Enjoy the show, did you?" She grabs at you and growls softly.
"If you have enough time to talk, you have time to attend to me more."
You let out a soft chuckle and continue your affection. Wednesday claws at your back before gripping it tightly when you suck at her pulse.
"What are you doing to me?" She breathes out. "You will be the death of me." You nip at her skin before trailing your tongue soothingly across it.
"What a death it'll be."
Wednesday doesn't care that she has dark bruises on her neck later. You don't care that your back is streaked with red. It was well worth it.
@screechcat @trishatheotaku @halleest @ashlynnmalfoy @a-trash-person @rainbow-love4ever @ognenniyvolk @spadesinfodump @maria-403 @simonsbluee @awolfcsworld @wizardofstories @alexandra-001 @leafanonsforest @daddy-jareau @aroaceanxietylemon @tundra1029
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ystk-archive · 8 months
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[Translation] capsule in girls '60s magazine (Feb. 2004)
When I first saw their music videos, the striking visuals immediately caught my eye. Simplistic designs, vivid color schemes on the outfits and sets… I can't describe the style as anything other than '60s-inspired. For the first edition of our "Pick Up Artist" feature, it's one whose existence fascinates me — let's take a look at the charm of capsule.
capsule is a music unit consisting of Nakata Yasutaka, whom manages the sound, art direction, design, concept work and so on, and vocalist Koshijima Toshiko. Nakata directs the image, visual aspects, and songs while Koshijima performs it all, resulting in their unique style. - original interview by Aikawa Chisato, translation by ystk-archive -
The reason behind their '60s-inspired visual style
Nakata: To be honest, I don't have any particular attachment to the '60s. I just like unique and minimalistic things, stuff with interesting shapes and clean designs and whatnot. It started when I got into interior design, and at first I especially liked Space Age furniture.¹ That's changed a little recently — I like pieces made out of wood but still with that outerspace kind of vibe. Even when it's made from wood, it doesn't feel natural, it still has this sort of odd look. When it comes to the '60s, I like the plywood that they often used. But I'm intrigued by Karimoku furniture too (laughs).²
— So would you say you're more interested in space and not the '60s?
Nakata: Yeah, and I guess sci-fi movies played a part in that. In movies like Men in Black you often see Tulip chairs, though I don't think they were used to evoke a retro or '60s feel on purpose.³ With films like that I tend to focus more on the furniture and not the overall atmosphere; if anything, I see furniture along with fashion as objects that look nice when put into a scene you're taking in as a whole. I like to come up with unconventional settings. Women are usually depicted in sci-fi films as secretaries, all wearing identical wigs and uniforms, and I like that kind of weird atmosphere. So instead of me consciously liking '60s aesthetics, I wound up thinking they were cool without making the connection that they were from that decade. I also love clothes that incorporate simplistic, striking designs, since they're like spacesuits (laughs).
— How do you feel about wearing clothes like that?
Koshijima: I'm also not obsessed with the '60s or anything, but I like to play around with that era's clothing and makeup styles. It's more fun than just wearing normal clothes.
— Have you two had similar tastes all along?
Nakata: Our tastes used to be completely different. I feel like she's adjusted to match me.
— So Koshijima-san is committed to being a model?
Koshijima: Yep. I haven't changed my approach, ever since the beginning.
— Are there times where you feel like your tastes really are different?
Koshijima: I don't think so. If we actually were fundamentally different, I don't think we'd be working together. Strangely enough, when I look at the materials I'm given, I start to think they're cute. Nakata: When I get an idea, I suggest it first. Koshijima: But he doesn't show me clothes or anything directly, instead he shows me photos and videos… Like I'm being brainwashed (laughs). The more he introduces me to all kinds of cool things, the more similar we become. After I watched the materials he gave me, poses and dance moves just started coming naturally to me without even realizing it.
— Maybe you ran across something from the '60s that left an impression and that ended up coming through in your image.
Nakata: Yeah, there are a lot of easy explanations for it. I wonder if we're more like a new product with a retro design that would fit nicely in someone's living room, rather than something that could be found in an authentic '60s vintage shop. I think even if we intentionally collected oldschool aesthetics from that era and tried to copy those, it'd still turn out differently, because peoples' concept of the '60s and the real '60s are two different things. But if you take parts of that concept people have of that decade and use them, you wind up with something that has the right feel to it. For me right now, the concept I have in mind is the "style" of the '60s. Instead of making clothes or objects to match up with the '60s aesthetic, the styles are already floating around in my head, and then I make content that reflects that. There were a lot of useless shapes — like aren't record players from back then weird-looking? The technology of them and the half-dome shape are of that time, but the way they look on the outside is as if someone was imagining the future while designing them. It's interesting how these days it's the opposite: now the exterior designs of things are retro while the tech inside is highly advanced. And I like both (laughs). I even like things that seem out of place. I'm drawn to a sense of disharmony.
— Would you say the essence of the '60s is woven into your music?
Nakata: Not intentionally. I think the things I like tend to show through my music on accident. Basically I want to make any music, as long as it's cute.
— So do you feel like music is essentially an object?
Nakata: Music is something I started doing because I thought I could create it. It was right when I was in junior high school, they'd made a lot of progress with technology so making cassette tapes became fun. Part of that was because I liked the feeling of winding a tape up. I liked playing around with machines more than the music aspect itself and, when it comes to decorating, I even like the look of a tape deck sitting in a room. So that's why I want our CDs to be sold in regular stores along with other kinds of merchandise. I don't think music should be classified as something special and separate; it's good if it's just one part of the total amount of belongings in a space. Rather than wanting people to listen to our music seriously, I'd be happy if they enjoy the atmosphere it gives when they play it out in the open.
¹ Space Age design was characterized by "sleek, aerodynamic lines and geometric forms," "dominated by bright, bold hues" and was often constructed of manmade materials such as plastic. You can read more about it here. ² Karimoku is a Japanese brand of all-wood furniture boasting superior craftsmanship. You can read more about it and look at examples here. ³ This is the famous Tulip chair.
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catchyhuh · 6 months
Sometimes what people wear as pajamas is a weird indicator of personality so... What’s your opinion on their pajamas?
it took less than a second for me to go “how do pjs indicate personaliOhhh wait yeah that does make sense” as I realized I was folding up multiple adult size cartoon character onesies for my own pajama drawer. let’s get into it BUT UH DISCLAIMER i mostly talk about patterns in canon i’ve noticed with just… tiny personal thoughts in here. less headcanons more breakdown. NOW let’s get into it
two modes-- soft, fuzzy button up set, or just his underwear. somewhat depending on weather, DEFINITELY depending on mood. i mean you don't wanna get COLD and he got those nice purple heart pajamas with an actual, legal purchase, so it'd be stupid to waste them ALL the time!
there could be a joke here about how he’d probably just sleep naked if the gang weren’t constantly groaning in annoyance, throwing pillows at him begging him to put on some damn pants, but the reality is… he can’t really sleep like that. it’s uncomfy :( he tried :) but it’s uncomfy :(
you aren't ready for this. or you are. you likely are, given i had to choose between like 3 different pictures i have of him in fits like this
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and i’m dead serious. big ass ankle length nightgown with matching cap. no, really. these are his actual pajamas. they’re comfy to him. i can’t fathom why, maybe the fabric is just equal parts breathable and warm, maybe he did this once for the bit and realized it was the best sleep he ever had, WHATEVER, these are his pajamas, and no amount of teasing by now will stop him from changing into these before going to bed
i have to respect them for committing to this bit, because you think, oh, he’s the coolest. he wouldn’t have lame pajamas. no he does. very lame. hilariously so. arose such a clatter type shit. nighty night scrooge
now, she would LIKE to say big, fluffy, fancy nightgown… but the texture feels bad scrubbing against your skin all night, so she usually just opts for a simpler nightgown. or, like lupin, just her underwear. obvious fanservice aside she’s clearly comfy bundled up like that so you show em how its done fujiko
no matter how cold it gets, she can never really sleep in pajama pants. shorts, maybe, but anything that reaches past her knees feels restrictive, hence why she normally just goes for the nightgown. she doesn’t even kick in her sleep idk why it’s such a big deal!
i had to look through a bunch of stuff because i was like. wtf. what DOES he wear to bed. he can’t just be wearing his usual clothes all day and night, it would be uncomfortable. so i’ve come to the conclusion that these virtually identical clothes here are just made of a softer material, designated as goemon’s jammies
or he just. sleeps in his underwear. it really is comfsorry the mental image of the camera panning across three beds where they’re sleeping in their underwear vs jigen still rocking the victorian fit is killing me a bit
have you noticed he sleeps with his hat on more than jigen does. isn’t that fucked. jigen has a special sleeping hat but the alleged NON-hat-obsessed guy is the one sleeping in it. due to his… hectic routine, he never really has a default type of pjs. either he just sleeps in what he was already wearing (c’mon, man) or he’s packed like, some pajama pants, or (take another shot because this series loves this gag) just hits the hay in the heart print boxers. jigen really is a scientific outlier.
USUALLY if he’s bothering to actually change, it’s just the undershirt he’s already got on and some comfy pants, the kind you can get at like walmart for five bucks, so if he’s forgotten to bring them it’s no biggie. damn anon was right this IS a personality indicator!
as we have oft discussed, yata is a man we have all met at one point in our lives. so, yata has the basic boring man pajamas. t-shirt that’s too big for him but he forgot to return it, and seasonal pajama pants. the pants always seem to mismatch the season, he wore the snowflake ones during summer, and now he’s wearing the halloween ones in winter?
the shirt itself is also mundanely mysterious. nobody can really place the logo on it, and he doesn’t really remember where he got it from either. it doesn’t bother him too much until it’s pointed out to him
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gaykey · 6 months
can you share your thoughts on the guilty promos? the outfits, the themes, the performances etc.
suuuuper late here anon, this has been in my drafts for ages, i'm sorry!
i can, but i make no promises that my thoughts will be anything interesting. i'm not really operating at full function at the minute, but, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a little while now, and i feel bad.
so - i had to catch up with his performances and stuff for this, because i hadn't watched them all, but i have now, though i will admit, i'm not up to date with every single bit of promo he's done.
to start. outfits. now, i'd say they've been quite eclectic? in terms of? overall style and execution.
i think we've seen a few different sides of the taemin stage fit spectrum with this promo season. a few of my fave:
the culty uniform:
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this was such a simple look but i really loved it. it's the fact that all of his dancers are wearing the exact same thing. not slightly more feminized versions like they usually tend to.
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like, it's more of a totslly genderless vibe, in a different way to how taemin usually does it. his looks tend to be more of a straddle between tradition masculine and feminine styles, whereas this is neither. i think it's super unique.
and also, because it also is very fitting for the themes of guilty, and the music video. the themes of forced conformity ect. i find it really impactful for such a simple fit, paired with the 'no makeup' make up. it has layers. possibly my fave from his stages.
i have to talk about the fit that went viral lol
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see, this is some standard taemin fare. the vampire vibes. lace, ruffles, victorian-esque, masculine and feminie touches. gloves. all around a good look. and it casued a little bit of hysteria too. very fitting for guiltys vibe. if it were anyone else, i'd actually say it was a publicity tactic lmaooo.
a few others are, the military-esque look he did, with that boxy black coat, the fuzzy jumper that he aldp wore to the fansign event, and the all white one with the rips, and drapes, and cut-outs (which is veeeery key during bad love era).
overall, i think the styling is really cool, and though it has some very taemin elements, and looks that we're used to seeing on him. it still is kind a new vibe for him? like, idk, it's giving more gritty dystopia. a slightly rougher look for him than we usually get with his solos.
still gender non-conforming, but yeah, rougher. dare i say, edgy?
taemin, usually has quite sleek and put together styling. this feels more chaotic, and thrown together, almost like something his ragtag group of escapees have rustled up themselves.
like the denim skirt look! i don't know how to explain it, other than that look gives me king of the junkyard vibes.
again, so fitting for guilty.
i'd also like to talk about the make up
like, on one side we have the cunty alien look from his the rizzness performances
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because????? what a loook! obsessed actually. the make up, the nails, the baggy all black fit with the over the top gold accessories? so good. i really loved all of this looks for this song.
buuuut, he also did some really soft looks too which i loved. either pink blush right under his eyes, or just in his lids, with a bit of glitter. or, a total no make up look like i mentioned before.
almost 'clean girl makeup' but i really fucking hate that term.
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the contrasting looks do it for me they really do.
something something "on that vague border between good and bad" something something.
and this one.
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this fit was a grower for me. but now? wow wow wow. there's levels to this.
in terms of the overall promo, i think it's suuuuuper interesting, that's more focused on one, taemin's vocal ability, and two, how respected and loved he is as a veteran idol.
it's so great to see so much focus on his vocals because, they do tend to get overshadowed by his dance ability. he did killing voice! like, it's a crime that shinee or a member has only now been in killing voice but ok.
his musicality has been at the forefront this era.
and, wow. the videos featuring all his fan boys.
this was a taemin request, i'd fully believe it. he wants to feel loved and desired by boys, and he got his wish and them some with this promo.
i've never seen another male idols promo revolve around his desirabilty with men before. it's actually so interesting.
like taemin loves to perpetuate the parasocial realtionship with fans, we all know this, but, he's been doing that more on lives and stuff? lije more one-on-one fan interaction.
whereas his actual official promo has been all about how he's the 'idol of idols'. it's a unique approach.
um yeah, i think those are most of my thoughts about guilty era.
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runa-falls · 2 years
chapter three: you’ll think you’re in paradise
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Pairing: ari levinson x reader
Rating: explicit (DNI if you’re under 18 pls!)
Warnings: SMUT, nipple play, hickies, unprotected sex, public sex, inexperienced reader, creampie, choking?, fucking in water??
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: I didn’t realize how hard writing smut was until I started to base full series on small smut scenes lmaoo. I hope y’all enjoy this!! Don’t be afraid to leave any comments + pls reblog if you liked it!
series masterlist
main masterlist
You actually set an alarm to wake up early, still guilty about lying to Ari. It was silly but this way you would actually be doing what you said. Kind of. 
You hear from him around noon when he texts you to get ready. He doesn’t ask if you are busy, or where you are, just for you to bring your polaroid camera and yourself. You mentioned your obsession with photography last night at dinner, and the light pink polaroid you treated yourself to after receiving your first paycheck from work.
You don’t even know where you are going or what you’ll be doing, but the spontaneous nature of his proposals makes you restless and excited.
It’s a breezy day today, so you decide to wear a long dress with sleeves that hang over your shoulders. It shows off your neck and shoulders instead of your usual outfits that focus on your legs. There’s still a peek of skin from the slit that runs up the left side of your skirt. 
You put your small polaroid camera in its soft case and tie your hair in a half-up style to keep it out of your face. You hear his truck rumbling in front of the house before you got his text. 
You look out your window to see him in a soft cream button-down standing against the side of the vehicle to wait for you. He sports some aviator sunglasses that rest on his nose as he looks down at his phone. 
His face lights up when he sees you walking out of your house. When you get close enough to him, he takes your hand and places a sweet kiss on the back of it. You swoon at the move, holding the hand above your heart.
Once you’re both in the car, you finally ask. “Where are we going?”
He dips his head, looking at you from the top of his sunglasses, “Be patient, Angel, it’s a surprise.” His deep voice drawls at you causing your body to tighten up a little.
He drives you to a parking lot that’s surrounded by a thick population of trees. A small man-made pathway can be seen, marked by a large green sign. 
"Where are we?" you ask as he pulls out some towels from the backseat of the truck. 
"Ever heard of natural springs?" You nod, thinking of the hot mineral springs you’ve visited before.
“Isn’t it a bit hot out for that?”
“This one is cold.” He holds his stuff in one arm and grabs your hand to lead you down the path. 
The dirt path leads to a huge body of iridescent-looking water. It’s so clear that you can see the rocks and plants through a deep blue filter.  No one is around the perimeter of the springs, just you and Ari. 
"A lot of people don't know about this one so I come here all the time." He spreads out the towels and drops his keys on one of them. He places his sunglasses on his head to hold his hair back and away from his face. "Ready to swim?" 
You were so distracted by the view you forgot you didn’t bring a swimsuit. “You didn’t tell me to dress to swim though.” 
"I know I didn't." He begins to unbutton his shirt. "Who needs a swimsuit if no one is around to see us?" The shirt is opened all the way, loosely hanging from his shoulders. He pushes it off so it falls and drops to the towel below him. 
You’re eyes widen at his naked chest, not expecting him to get undressed right in front of you. You quickly focus your eyes on his face, embarrassed you couldn’t hold back your reactions. He smirks back at you, amused by your prudish behavior. His hands go down to unbutton his shorts, grabbing the bottom to start tugging them down. You turn around, not trusting yourself to face him anymore. You hear more fabric drop to the ground.
"I can look away if you want..." 
"Yes please." You squeak out. 
You can’t believe that you are considering skinny dipping with him, especially being in a public area. Once you hear a splash, indicating he's in the water, you slowly take some breaths, preparing yourself to strip yourself of your dress. You grab the bottom of your dress and pull it up and off of you. You could feel a slight breeze on your bare skin, sending goosebumps up your back. 
Ari watches you from the water, quietly treading water. He stares at your form, now only covered by a pale pink set of underwear. It was nothing like lingerie, but it was enough to get him riled up. You bring your hands back and unhooked your bra, letting it fall like he did his shirt. He wishes he could’ve been the one to undress you, but he knows how timid you are and what a big step this is for you. 
You bend down to step out of your panties and Ari quickly turned himself around, acting like he wasn't watching the most tempting scene he's ever seen. 
"Alright, I'm coming in!" You call to him, finding a good place to slip in rather than jumping in with full commitment. You gasp the moment your foot touches the water. It’s freezing! You try to slowly make your way deeper, but it only prolonged the painfully cold experience.  You finally give in and dunk yourself under the surface. 
As you come up for air, you felt frozen. Your body is covered in goosebumps as you swim towards Ari. You realize that the only thing shielding your bare body from his eyes is the water that ripples around you from your movements.
He waves his hand towards him. "Come here there's a nice smooth rock over here to sit on." 
He's sitting at the edge of the spring, his arms resting behind him on the lip of the rock. He looks powerful in that position, tempting you to climb on his lap instead. Your knees rest on the rock making sure your head remained over the surface of the water. 
You sit next to him, looking up and around at the trees surrounding the area. The peaceful sounds of birds and a small waterfall can be heard through the silence.
Your arms fold over your chest, trying to hide your body because of how close Ari is to you. He leans forward away from the rock behind him and scoots a little closer to you. 
"You cold?" He glances at your arms that are hugging you. 
"A little." You didn't want him to think you're a prude. You didn't expect him to wrap you in his arms, placing you on his lap and pressing his warm body against yours. “Oh.” You gasp at the contact.
"Better?" He whispers it behind the shell of your ear. You can feel his cock pressing insistently against your warmth. He is warm and thick under  you making you involuntarily squirm on top of him. A warm sigh hits the back of your neck at the light friction you caused, and his arms tighten around you. 
You want to see his face as he reacts to your movements, the softness of your skin. You push against his thighs and turn yourself around. The water makes you slowly float onto his lap to straddle him. 
His half-lidded eyes connect with yours then look down at your submerged body on top of him. He’s gorgeous. His hair is slicked back from swimming, the water making it look darker than usual. His skin sparkles as the sun reflects off of little drops that drip down his body. 
Your hand runs up his chest, brushing against the sparse hair that covers him. You continue your trail up his body and weave your fingers through the tips of his hair. You pull his head back, push yourself up on your knees, and kiss his soft pink lips. 
He didn't expect you to make the first move. You were always so shy when you interacted with him, but the amount of desperation in the kiss told him you've been wanting this as much as he did. 
He let you have control of the kiss, your enthusiasm entices him. You pull gently on his hair as you taste his lips like you are scared of hurting him. 
Your kisses are sweet, but won't deepen. He didn't realize you were this innocent, not even knowing how to properly make out. You seem pretty content with little pecks, even letting out a whine when he drags his hands up your legs to hold your waist. 
He nips at your bottom lip, then licks through the seam of your mouth, prodding you to open yourself up to him. You surrender yourself to his actions, letting out a quiet moan when he pushes your hips into him, grinding himself between your folds. He gets harder from the little noises and heavy breaths you let out on his mouth. 
You gasp when you feel your nipples drag against this chest, already sensitive from the freezing waters. Ari notices how responsive you are, almost melting at the contact. He brings up a hand, and pinches your right bud between his fingers, twisting it lightly to see how you like it. Your head is thrown backward as you let out a moan, eyes squeezed shut at the sensation. 
He pushes you up on his lap so your chest is above the water and leans down to slip your other nipple into his mouth. You grab his hair a little harder than you mean to when he starts to suck on it. He groans at the pain, turned on by the way you’re letting yourself go. He circles his warm tongue around your nipple feeling your body shudder in his arms. 
His eyes look at your soft skin, suddenly having the urge to mark you up. He brings his mouth to the top of your tit and sucks on it until he’s sure it’ll leave a bruise. You whine softly at the intensity of the action, almost painful until he releases your skin. 
“Fuck…look at that.” He groans under his breath. “You look perfect with my lips tatted on you.” He brushes his thumb over the purple splotch then playfully flicks it over your reddened nipple, feeling your cunt clench on top of him. 
You never knew someone could look at you with such adoring eyes while still rendering you boneless through their actions. You swear you almost cum as he takes the bottom of your other breast into his mouth, leaving an identical mark to match the first one. He paints soft kitten licks on it to soothe the pain. He can’t get enough of the soft little sound you make as he uses your body.
You’ve never felt more empty than you do now, sitting above Ari as he drags his whiskers along your skin. You dip your hand under the water and wrap you fingers around him, too desperate to feel embarrassed of your bold actions. He pulses with heat against your palm, clearly he’s as excited as you are. 
His face is pressed into the curve of your neck, languidly pressing wet kisses along base of it. You prop yourself up as you line him up to your opening, mentally preparing youself for the stretching sensation that would soon follow.
You sit back onto him, slowly engulfing his hardness with your warmth. You can feel every inch of him as he enters you. The stinging sensation enhances the pleasure you feel as he prods at the sides of your cunt, making you feel like you could explode from the pressure. When he finally bottoms out, you need to take a breather before continuing.  You’ve never felt such fullness before. 
You’re so close to each other in this position, bodies fully pressed against each other, sharing every breath, blink, and heartbeat. He pushes up into you as he tries to sit up a little more. You moan at the new pressure he’s creating against your cervix.
 You involuntarily clench around him, making his body seize up to stop him from cumming right there. His eyes are closed as he tries to focus on keeping his cool. He knows it’s a lot for you to take.
“You squeeze me so tight, honey. Relax for me, would ya?” You nod, a whine sits in your throat as you hold on to his neck. You take a few deep breathes, relaxing your muscles and your rapidly beating heart. 
“You feel so big, Ari. I c-can’t move…” 
“Just ride me slowly, angel. Get my cock all nice and hot with your little pussy…” You’re delirious as you listen to his voice. You raise yourself up on your knees and you feel everything. His thick cock drags against the sides of your cunt, stimulating every nerve of your body. 
“That’s it, honey, take it slow.” Water sloshes between your bodies as you begin to find a rhythm, ocassionally splashing up against your face.
You become more desperate and start to speed up. Your movements are sloppy, evidence of your inexperience, but Ari doesn’t mind, keeping his gaze on your figure and admiring how your face is flushed with ecstasy. This is a far cry from the shy little girl he met at the bar. 
You open your eyes to see him watch you move against him and you have the sudden urge to feel his beard against your lips. You grab onto his jaw and breathe a kiss onto him. You instantly deep the kiss, playing with his tongue against yours and teasingly pulling back as he tries to taste you again. You sure do learn quickly, he thinks.
He feels the need to pound back into you, but doesn’t have enough leverage in the water so he pulls you off of him. You cry out at the emptying feeling, “W-wait, what are you doing?” 
“Be patient, angel…” He turns you around, pushing your naked chest against the smooth rock he was leaning on. Your legs are the only part of you that remained in the water. The breeze quickly chilled your skin, water quickly evaporating off of you. Ari marvels at your ass from this angle and feels up the goosebumps that decorate your body. 
He spreads your cheeks apart and watches as his cock pushes into you. This new angle makes him push right against your g-spot with every thrust. He places his arms right next to your head and fucks up into your cunt. You can hear the sloppiness of your connection to each other. You didn’t realize how wet you were before in the water. 
His thrusts are slow but powerful, dragging himself out until only the head of his cock reamained inside of you, then pushing in until he couldn’t move any further. At some point, it was hard to pull himself out of you, your cunt pulling him back in, addicted to the fullness he provided. 
His eyes are focused on where you connected, your slick dripping down his cock and into the water below. He feels you quickly begin to close around him, your groans becoming more frequent, more broken. His cock throbs inside of you when he sees the tears spill from your eyes, the pleasure overwhelming you.
He places his right hand around your neck, pulling your back to his chest, wanting to see every expression you make. His fingers press against the sides of your throat making you see white as he continues to rut into you. 
“Mm…You like this? Getting choked like a little whore?” You whine out, unable to form words at this point. “You gonna cream on my cock? Make me all messy, hm?” 
You can’t help it when your body begins to convulse from his dirty words, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your cunt clamps down on him, milking him as he fucks you through your orgasm. He feels himself getting close, hips stuttering against yours. 
“Fuck, Angel, where do you want me?”
“In me, please. I want you deep inside me, Ari.” As your blissed out voice begs for him, he pumps himself into you and stills as he fills your cunt with a breathless groan. He drops his body onto yours breathing against your back. 
After a few minutes, he slowly slides himself out and you can feel his hot cum drip out of you. He tsks at the scene, using two of his fingers to push it back into you. You wince slightly, still sore from being stretched by him. 
“Can’t waste a single drop…” He hums as he fondles your exhausted body. He pulls your body to drape over his as he settles himself back into the water. The icy water cools down your overheated body and relaxed your muscles. 
He holds you in his warm embrace and you feel content to stay there forever. You feel like you’re in a dream, in paradise. His hand rubs against your lower back under the water, soothing you from the intense physical exertion you just experienced. You let out a sigh, brain still in the clouds from your orgasm. 
“Feel good, baby?” He speaks to you with such soft tenderness, voice deep and raspy. 
“Mhm…” He feels your shy smile against his shoulder. He pushes you back so he could take a good look at your face. You eyes avoid his, feeling bashful from what you just did. He pushes your hair back and tilts your head to make you look at him. His eyes trail along the bruises on your chest and the soft marks he left your neck.
“You are so beautiful.” He pecks your smiling lips. “My angel.”
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capitaletele · 3 months
I am obsessed with the idea of baths. (Like, I literally wrote my longest and most involved Starmania fic as a pretext to get Cristal and Johnny in a bathtub.)
But since there are NEVER ENOUGH BATHS, here's some more, in a form that's too disjointed to make it to AO3 for the moment:
I like the idea that there's no running water in the tunnels ("ça c'est la seule chose qu'on a pas") or at least, not enough to go around. In any case, the Zonards definitely don't have access to like, regular showers.
But there are public baths, and so the squad makes a trip after hours like three times a week to one of them for a shower, and sometimes when they have more time a full scrub and soak, and in the meantime they use something else at the hangar for their daily ablutions (or don't, Johnny is a dirty rat boy who probably juste dunks his head in freezing rain water in a bucket once a week and we like that about him.)
But when Cristal joins the gang, somehow she doesn't find out about the baths trips. Maybe Johnny is called away just after he brings her to the hangar, and he tells one of the Etoiles Noires, like "Hey, you get her settled around here, okay?" but the Etoiles Noires decide not to tell Cristal, sort of as a hazing thing -- they can't be thrilled about her arrival, it's their way to make sure she won't stay too long.
Or perhaps Sadia makes a point to keep it from Cristal, thinking it'll discourage her and she'll run off as soon as she's experienced the smallest inconvenience.
So anyway, the only thing Cristal sees in terms of hygiene is everyone chewing toothpaste tablets and splashing themselves with water from a rusty pipe once in a while and she figures, fine, alright, she knew they did things differently in the tunnels, she can tough it out. She doesn't really understand how they're not all *more gross* than they look, or how they can keep their hair as clean as it (mostly) is with the way she sees them deal with it, but she puts it down to experience, and anyway it's not like she can ask them why they don't all smell rank. (It's not like Johnny seems to mind that she's a bit funkier than she's used to these days.)
But it does wear on her anyway, never feeling clean, being self-conscious about how she looks and smells. After like 10 days or so, Johnny comes back from somewhere and finds her soaking wet, teeth chattering, lips blue, as she tries to wash herself with buckets and a trickle of water that's coming from a hose, and he's like, "Wow, you really hate the baths that much?"
And Cristal goes still, like, "Wait, BATHS??" and they figure the thing out.
Johnny noticed she never went with the others on their excursions but he figured she was just shy or uncomfortable being naked in front of relative strangers, or that she was too afraid someone would recognize her, or that her standards were too high and she thought it would be too gross there or something. (Which seemed strange to him because it's not like she's complained about any other aspect of her new life, but who knows... Sometimes people are weird about this kind of stuff. He has his own issues about the baths so he wasn't about to ask.)
So anyway, Johnny goes a little nuts when he finds out his Etoiles Noires did Cristal so dirty (lol, get it?) and summons them to get to the bottom of it. Everyone is very sorry because honestly, Cristal isn't nearly as bad as they thought she would be, but it got just a bit too awkward to bring it up now that they'd lied to her for a while... So anyway, they apologize, and Johnny commands the most remorseful of them to take Cristal to their usual baths once night falls and stand watch outside while she does her thing, to make extra sure no one else comes in or Sadia doesn't try to mess with her again. (He can't go because he's too busy doing... something else. This is why this story is not a real fic, lol.)
And so Cristal goes to the baths with Ruby the Etoile Noire who lends her her kit and shows her how to use the communal showers and then how to turn on the steam room and where the little pool is for afterwards, and Cristal is able to take an actual warm shower for the first time in like 10 days, and the water pressure isn't amazing, and calling the temperature "hot" would be pushing it -- this is still in the worst part of the tunnels, after all -- but it feels like HEAVEN. She washes her hair like three times in a row.
And then she goes into the steam room, and down into the tiny little pool thing that's just big enough for her to let herself float in, and she revels in the privacy and quiet of it -- it's the first time she's been truly alone since she went down into the tunnels on that fateful Friday afternoon. Her whole body goes lax. The only thing missing is...
And then, of course, Johnny shows up!
Maybe he's actually deathly afraid of water and that's why he never goes usually -- maybe he has some water-related trauma, maybe like, his mother drowned, or tried to drown him in an access of madness. Or maybe on the contrary his mother used to bring him to baths just like this one, and the memory is too painful now, idk. In any case, he never ever goes, but he wanted to make sure Cristal was okay, so he comes in to check on her.
And she convinces him to join her, which is not too hard probably because 1) NAKED and 2) ALONE. She brings him back to the showers and "helps" him "wash" until he's all clean and pink (and desperate) and then they make good use of every horizontal (and vertical) surface in the joint (and rinse everything real well afterwards, they're not savages) and then they hang out in the pool and get to touch lazily and cuddle and talk in half-whispers even though they've got more privacy than ever before.
Eventually though they have to get out because the baths are about to open to the public again and they have to get Cristal back to the hangar before she gets spotted, but after that they make a habit of it -- Cristal joins the Etoiles Noires every time they go in a group, and once a week she stays behind and Johnny joins her and they have a little date night.
(And of course because I'm me, I can't help but think about After, once they've run away somewhere together. Maybe they're in the East, and they've also got a huge public bathing culture, and once in a while at night Johnny picks the locks and they slip in and relive their wild hangar days.)
💧🚿 the end 🚿💧
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet: Dano!Riddler x Reader
For incel-extraordinaire & lil meow meow, Dano!Eddie. request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff, kinks mentioned throughout
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Once he's cum, he's essentially useless for up to twenty minutes. Totally spent, regulating his breathing, trying to get a hold of himself. You have to do a lot more aftercare with him than he does with you. Especially because the first thing that comes out of his mouth is usually a breathy, whimpering "was it good for you?" Someone come give this man some reassurance, PLEASE.
B = Body part (favourite part of theirs and their partner's)
Something about his round, chubby little cheeks makes him seem so innocent. They give him "wouldn't hurt a fly" vibes, and that's perfect for keeping his darker self under wraps from unsuspecting people. In a partner, the thickest bit he can grab is his favourite, but he's an ass and thighs man at heart. He will get distracted by tits though, and he thinks his glasses cover the obvious staring at cleavage.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
His favourite thing to do after sex is admire the little Rorschach Tests on the sheets from the sweat and yours and his cum. He's so messy, mostly due to carelessness and a lack of self-control. He likes wearing his glasses when he goes down on you, especially if they get smudged with your slick. And he's pretty fond of coming on your ass.
D = Dirty Secret (something they keep hidden)
He jerked off in a confessional once when everyone was attending mass. He came in his hands and wiped it on the underside of the seat. It was a nice little "fuck you" to his past, he felt. But the guilt has literally followed him around since, and he cringes any time he walks by that particular church.
E = Experience (how experienced are they in bed)
The likelihood of you being his first partner is pretty high. He's just too weird and shy and awkward to really succeed at dating, even if he was interested in it. He has more important things on his mind though, so it's never bothered him. It just means that he's extra excited for the first time, which is better for everyone involved.
F = Favourite Position
He likes standing up against a wall, any wall. Either your face pressed against it and your ass rubbing against him or your back to the wall and your legs wrapped around him. This position works everywhere and anywhere and he's definitely open to trying it in private or in public if the moment seems right.
G = Goofy (are they serious in the moment?)
There's a permanently silly little smile on his face, and he knows it looks kind of dumb, so he's down to be silly and awkward and cute. Your sex is always filled with laughter, it's always a bit clumsy, but it always makes you smile. Even when he's going at it like a wild animal and slamming you into the aforementioned walls, he's still making little jokes about getting you into the right position.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they?)
On God, this man is completely shaved. You don't become so obsessed with forensic evidence to the point of covering your head with cling wrap, without also shaving your body entirely. He has to keep the silly little finance man haircut and the eyebrows for public appearances' sake, but his dick and balls are silky smooth.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Eddie likes to be physically intimate as well as emotionally intimate. He likes your bodies to be intertwined almost, clinging to one another and as close as you can physically get. When he's cumming, he likes to press his forehead to yours and look into your eyes while he tells you he loves you.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He loves masturbating, it's his favourite form of stress release or way to quickly burn off a lot of excess energy. He's just used to servicing himself, it's almost a habit. He's totally into mutual masturbation though, and will often choose to either lie or sit next to you, holding your free hand as you both get off. On occasion, he's also enjoyed being opposite you when you're both masturbating so he can watch you, your face and your movements, and get a good view at your whole body as you cum.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Eddie has an intense mommy!kink. He likes nothing more than someone praising him, being gentle and kind to him, and offering him a guiding but restrictive hand when it comes to anything sexual. He enjoys testing out different sensations on different areas of both of your bodies, and one thing he enjoys bringing into this is sharp tools like Wartenburg wheels, sometimes venturing to pins and potentially knife play. In the bedroom, he likes using his 'tools' in bondage, so having your wrists and ankles attached to the bed posts with duct tape, so you're completely at his mercy, drives him wild. Dacryphilia is something he's into as well, but only in passing. It's not something he aims for a lot, but he enjoys how you look if you're eyes are big and wet, tears welling up from the desperation or tension. Plus he cries a lot himself when he cums, so it'd be nice to not be the only one weeping.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He'd always prefer to do it in either of your homes, but anywhere within those four walls is fair game. He's not above a risky quickie in an empty alley somewhere, especially if it's raining. Something about the gloomy atmosphere and the potential to get caught really turns him on.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Wearing his full regalia makes him feel like a God. The confidence in being someone else, someone cunning and intelligent, and brave and kind of horrifying. If he's wearing even just his mask, you can be you're being grabbed at and kissed a lot more than when he's just plain Eddie Nashton.
N = NO (something they wouldn’t do)
He's really not that into roleplay. He feels confident wearing his mask, but that's because it's an extension of him. Roleplay feels like a lie, or like you're hiding something from him, which makes him very stressed and uncomfortable. He'd rather you were just you around him, honest and true.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
He loves oral, giving and receiving. His preferences would be to have you on your knees, making constant eye contact with him the whole time, especially when he pulls out to come on your chest. His fingers will be in your hair, pushing you down on to him as far as you can take it. And for himself, Eddie likes a bit of pain and punishment, so really grabbing onto his balls and squeezing will send him over the edge. With his partner, Eddie gives head as a form of foreplay and just for fun, and he's pretty good at it. He eats pussy like it's his death row last meal, savouring every bit and taking as long as possible before he gets to the end. And he sucks dick like it was the only source of oxygen and his life depended on it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?
Eddie gets carried away with himself a lot during sex. It's exciting, stimulating, and it feels fucking amazing so it's hard for him to slow down and be sensual or romantic. He's rutting hard and fast until he blows his load. If he's going down on you, he's definitely sweet and gentle before he picks the pace up a bit. And his kisses are more often than not tender and sweet.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
Nothing is ever quick with Ed. He won't say no to a quickie, but nine out of ten times you're going to end up late for whatever it is you had to get to because once he has you in his clutches it takes a lot for him to let go. He'll sign on for a quick five minutes and you'll end up ruined on his bed, panting and sweaty three orgasms and thirty minutes later.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment?)
There's not much he couldn't be persuaded to try with a scratch on his chin and telling him that only good, brave boys are willing to do it. As long as it's something that makes you happy, he's on board. Risk excites him, as long as he has time to calculate and plan beforehand.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's a frenetic little guy, wired on caffeine and suppressed rage. He usually runs himself low on energy after one round, but fuck, it's an energetic round. He can last for a surprising amount of time and has excellent control over himself. He won't nut until he's sure you literally can't move anymore.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
It's not that he wouldn't so much as he's never felt the need. He'll make sure someone cums even if it's not through penetrative sex, and he can very easily do that. And getting his dick wet is enough for him pleasure wise. He has used his carpet tucker to spank someone before and he wouldn't be completely adverse to knocking up something special to use during sex if the idea struck him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eddie is obsessed with teasing you. He'll wind you up, small touches to your lower back, your neck, your thighs. He'll kiss you hard and then carry on with his time like it was nothing. Because he loves to have you desperate for him, completely willing and ready when he decides it's time to let you have what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is LOUD. A lot of his sexual noises are basically whimpers. Everything overstimulates him, and he's at risk of blowing his load from the tiniest of touches if he's in the right mood. So whining, moaning, pleading and begging are all regular features. When he cums though, he has a guttural screech that vibrates through your whole body and sounds very feral.
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon)
He's so worried about getting overly excited during the act of 'purification of the corrupt' (murdering...just murdering) that he has worn extra tight underwear with plastic around the outside to catch any leakage.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He's hung like a horse. 8 inches, thick, and it curves up at the end. It's a nice, pale colour, a bit pinker than his skin tone. It twitches a lot, involuntarily, when he's excited. And in line with the cling-film and weird obsession with forensic evidence being left at the crime scene, he's completely smooth shaved down there, so it looks extra daunting.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Most of the time, when he's not focused on his stream or casual murder, he's ready to go at the first sign of reciprocation. Not only is he pretty good to go for a quick fuck at any point of the day, he's also good at getting real hard real fast, so there's not much time for yearning from your end.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Eddie exhausts himself during sex. He doesn't see much point unless he's completely exerted every last drop of his, sometimes manic, energy then he's not done his job correctly. A quick snuggle, his head resting on your shoulder, gently stroking your arm, holding you warm close to him. There's no chance he's staying awake for more than five minutes at the most.
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ladylucksrogue · 6 months
[Get to Know Me Game]
Thanks for the tag @impossibleprincess35 and @yourfavoritefridge 🩵🩵
Last Song: Cruel Summer. I have a confession to make....I am notorious for stubbornly rejecting trendy stuff/people/books etc just because they are trendy. Eventually I come around and jump on the bandwagon, at least with some things... deserving things...like Hunger Games or Taylor Swift. I will admit, I don't like the song Anti-Hero because they blasted the thing on the radio every fucking day non stop. The first time I heard it, a few lyrics hit me the wrong way and my kid was like, this song is a like a fever dream, I had to agree...but...besides that song and Teardrops on my Guitar, her music is actually good. I've come to the dark side, I'll admit it. I still can't listen to Teardrops to on my guitar because it came out the year before I had a really nasty breakup with my ex and his name is in the song. During my break up it was on every station, I swear...ugh... Moving on... Cruel Summer is actually epic...and well, I've been kind of on a fanfiction binge lately, was reading some Obikin and just had the epiphany that the song fits some messy modern au so well…
Favorite Color: blue and green. I love bright colors though, like the ones most people hate. Like bright neon green or burnt orange or that weird ochre yellow color. I don't wear said colors, I wear a lot of grey and black, but I like those colors for decorations.
Last TV Show: CSI Las Vegas. Hubs has been binging early seasons. Shrugs. I usually half pay attention half read. It makes him happy.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. I love stuff like chips or fries. Beef jerky, cheese, etc. I have to watch it a bit, as too much salt is not good for my kidneys or blood pressure but everything in moderation. I love spicy when it's actually done right, like the amazing Chinese restaurant in NYC that had real Sichuan chili oil, so good. Or a good vindaloo curry. Sweet stuff is not really my thing. I stopped drinking anything with sugar (non alcoholic anyway) 3 years ago and now everything with a lot of sugar tastes too sweet. Except chocolate. Chocolate is always ok.
Relationship Status: Happily married. My husband just sent me the link to one of the black series Obi-Wan figures I don't have, telling me he took care of it 💖 He enables my obsession 😆 Nah but for real, he's the best for so many reasons.
Last Google: That was a whole odyssey…the doctor's office fax number so that my insurance could fax a confirmation of insurance for my son. His card was apparently expired and I spent the whole morning playing phone tag to get it sorted.
Current Obsession: Lindt Christmas chocolate, Kenzo’s Cedre secrets perfume, my new flannel blanket, Book Lovers by Emily Henry (thanks again for the rec @yourfavoritefridge I'm halfway through and not sure what to do with my life when it's over, I'm so invested 😂), Seal Team, scarves, and of course Star Wars.
Open tag to whoever wants to participate! I'll go ahead and tag @sendpseuds @quigonsjeans @piccolaromana @elwenyere @spectral-musette
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