#I wanna read their fic but I'm not far enough in the game yet and am scared for spoilers TAT
umihoshi-art · 11 months
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Clora Clemons and her Swallow Patronus.
based on this post. Clora is property of @choccy-milky and is the only Hogwarts MC I will ever love. (I stole her look. and her name. and replayed the entire damn thing for 25 levels now;;;) Sebastion Sallow is property of Clora.
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
PROLOGUE | hold on to the memories.
'it's nice to have a friend' fic masterlist + playlist
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: stories of jamie and reader's friendship over the years, from age 7 to 17.
WARNINGS: language, slight body image/appearance issues, slight panic attack, vague descriptions of sex
A/N: yay! finally starting this fic with sort of an overview/background on their relationship, but there will be more flashbacks throughout the chapters. no gif for this one cause tbh i could not find one that fits the vibes here, but regardless hope you all enjoy the prologue!
Age 7
"You mind handing that back over?" You hear a voice coming from the other side of the fence as you pick up a loose football.
You turn to find a boy around your age in a football kit. His hair was completely waxed to one side, probably to keep it from covering his eyes while playing. You recognize his uniform as your school's football team's, though you're not sure if you've seen him before. Then again, you didn't know anyone in town yet. You had just moved to Manchester a few months ago, just as the school year started and while you had a few people to talk to in class, you didn't have any solid friends really.
You toss the ball back to the boy, who catches it swiftly. You think that's the end of it, so you start heading back to your house when he calls out to you again.
"Hey! What's your name?" You answer him, with him nodding in acknowledgment. "I think I've seen you around the school. I'm Jamie."
He reaches over the fence and extends his arm for you to shake it, despite the fact that you were already at your front door. You walk back and shake it, as he asks, "Do you wanna play football? I got a game tomorrow, but Mum's too busy to play goalie."
You had hoped your look of glasses, multiple layers of clothes, and generally un-sporty demeanor was enough to dissuade offers to play, but this Jamie didn't really seem to care.
"Maybe another time," You reply, but this boy is persistent.
"Okay, do you wanna watch me score goals?" He offers before glancing at the book tucked under your arm and pointing at it. "You can read while I play."
Once you realize that he wasn't going to quit, you finally agree. You head back inside to tell your mom that you'd be playing with your neighbor for the afternoon and since you already finished your homework, she was more than willing to let you go. She always said you needed some fresh air, which was why you were outside in the first place.
You walk back to your yard to find Jamie still standing where you left him, but this time he was practicing his dribbling. He was pretty good from what you knew about football, and walk over to his side of the fence. He stops when he sees you and starts leading you to his backyard. There was a goal net in the far back and some cones set up, probably to practice maneuvering the ball better. 
Jamie turns to see if you're still following him and drags you to a small table with two chairs near the door to the house. "You can stay here and count my goals," he instructs you and you nod your head in understanding.
While Jamie kicked around the football, you continued reading your book, occasionally looking up at what the boy was doing. It was easy to keep track of the score since Jamie would be cheering like he just won the Premier League when he scored. 
After getting bored of reading, you decide to ask Jamie to teach you how to play. You see his eyes light up and immediately drags you up from your seat. The first thing he teaches you is how to dribble the ball. He held your hands the whole time to stop you from falling over, but that only seems to make it harder for you to move around.
Once you finally got the hang of that, — meaning you no longer tripped over your own feet — the next few hours were then spent teaching you the other basics of football like passing and shooting. You only started to get decent at shooting when you realized that the sun was already setting.
"I think I have to go home now," You tell Jamie, whose expression suddenly fell at your statement. You go and grab your book from the table and wave at the boy. "It was nice playing with you!"
If he said anything in reply, you didn't hear it because you sprinted back around the fence and into your house. You take off your shoes, relieving the ache of kicking around the ball, and go to tell your parents everything you did that day.
The next time you see Jamie was Friday morning. He spotted you leaving your house for school and invited you to his team's football game that afternoon. "You just have to stay in school a little later. My mum said your mum might get worried, so she told me to tell you now so you can ask her."
You run back inside to do just that and after informing her that the other parents would be chaperoning the game, she agreed. You also take the chance to get your scarf and gloves because you hadn't realized how cold it was outside. She went out with you to tell Jamie the good news.
"Thank you, Ma'am," he replied, causing your mom to let out a chuckle at how polite the boy became. She finally sends you off to school and Jamie decides to walk with you too.
You couldn't help but be amazed at how well Jamie was playing. You knew that he was at least decent based on how well he taught you that day, but he was practically scoring all the goals for his team. None of the opposing players could even catch up to him, at times. You wonder how he kept his energy up despite the fact that it was freezing outside and he was only in shorts.
After the game, his team got hot chocolate to celebrate their win. You go to congratulate him, but find it hard due to the number of people surrounding them. Jamie was looking for you too, so the moment he spots you trying to make your way through the crowd, he heads to you instead and pulls you aside.
"Did you like the game?" was the first thing he says to you.
You immediately nod, "Yeah, it was really fun to watch! Congrats on winning."
Jamie shrugs, "Thanks, but it's really nothing, we've been on a streak for a while." You don't know if he's just being humble or bragging about his team, but either way, you're happy they're doing well.
Afterward, Jamie decides to bring you to meet his mom. She's quick to embrace you and mentions that Jamie's been talking about you non-stop, much to the boy's embarrassment. She hands you a hot chocolate of your own and you're grateful to be able to warm your hands. You lost one of the pair around lunchtime, so you've been keeping your hands in your jacket pocket the whole day.
While Jamie goes to change, you stay with Georgie as you savor your drink. She notices the lack of cover on your right hand and gives you an extra pair that she kept in her bag. It's clearly too big for you and its orange color clashes with the blue and white on your left hand but you're grateful regardless.
Soon after, Jamie's rushing out of the locker room looking cozy in a sweatshirt under his winter jacket. He's wearing gloves as well and when he notices your mismatched gloves, he takes one of his off and switches them with the orange one. 
They're a much better fit and you thank Jamie for it. The boy adds, "My hands are bigger, so they won't slip off as easily." 
"Come on, let's go home!" He adds, grabbing one of your hands with his left and his mom's with his right as you walk off the pitch.
After coming home, your mom notices your new glove and decides to bring some cookies for the neighbors as a thank you. That started a months-long gift exchange between the two moms for reasons ranging from watching over their kids on weekdays to lending their kids a pencil for a standardized test. 
You didn't really mind it though, because it usually meant you'd get to hang out with Jamie longer. You spent countless weekends riding your bikes around town, playing football, and even camping in your backyards. The boy who threw that ball over your fence was quickly becoming your best friend.
Age 15
“Aww, my little girl is so grown up, now!” Your mom exclaims as she opens the door to see you in a pink knee-length sundress. You don’t know why she’s so shocked you’re wearing it considering that she was the one who bought it for you. “Hmm, but do you think you need a necklace?”
“Mom!” You whine and she immediately backs off. It’s not like you minded the suggestion, but you had your own issues to deal with and didn’t need your parents to get involved.
When you said yes to Tim asking you on a date, you knew you’d be both excited and nervous. But you didn’t realize how insecure it would make you. Your parents say all the time that it’s normal for kids your age — being insecure about your looks and body, — but that advice never seemed to help. As your mom leaves the room, you turn back to the mirror and sigh. Something was just off. The dress was pretty, the shoes matched, and your mom did great with your hair, but even then, you still aren’t satisfied.
You weren’t as experienced with make-up and fashion as the other girls in your school and you had long since accepted that. You just didn’t realize it would backfire on you in times like these. You sigh sharply again. If Tim really liked you, it wouldn’t matter that much right? You add the necklace your mom was suggesting before heading downstairs.
After a string of ‘oohs’ and ‘awws’ from your parents, you start heading to the restaurant. Most popular restaurants among your schoolmates were walkable and you didn’t want an even more awkward introduction with your parents there, going there by yourself was the best plan. You had gotten there early, so you settled on the bench outside the restaurant to wait for your date.
Maybe around the first half hour, you should’ve suspected something was off. But you stayed for another hour in case Tim actually showed up. God, you shouldn’t have believed he was sincere. Why would someone ask you out? You always kept to yourself in class, spent most of your time studying, and never even tried to go to parties or anything.
You check your phone again because some hopeful part of you thought he’d text you with a valid excuse, but all you see are some messages from classmates asking for notes and a missed call from your mum. You were not ready to face your parents right now, not after the hopeful looks on their faces that their daughter might be sociable for a night.
Instead, you call the only other person you can. Jamie makes it to the place in record time and the first thing you do is hug him. The moment you make contact with his body is the moment you let the tears flow from your face. It didn’t really matter at that point if people were staring: you just needed someone. You needed Jamie.
“I’m gonna murder that prick,” Jamie threatens as he reciprocates the hug.
“Please don’t,” you whisper into his chest. “I can’t have you going to jail right now.” Despite trying your best to say it jokingly, your voice is too hoarse to properly convey it.
After what felt like hours in that position, you finally let go. You soon realize that your streaming tears had stained Jamie’s shirt. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
The boy looks down and just shrugs. “It was getting too small for me, anyway.” That’s enough to put a smile on your face.
The two of you get into the car – Georgie’s car, since technically, Jamie only had a provisional license – and start driving back to your house. Maybe it was your wrecked emotional state, but you decided to outright ask, “Jamie, do you find me attractive?”
You gasp as Jamie almost crashes the car. You quickly clarify as he steadies the vehicle, “Fuck, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just, I don’t really know how I look to guys.”
“Right, sorry.” He says but doesn’t look away from the road. “I mean, you are pretty. As long as you don’t let it get to your head.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, fuck off Jamie, I’m not you.” You could list the number of times Jamie’s flashed that cocky smirk to girls at school during breaks. Those were some of the very few times you were embarrassed to be seen with him and you laugh at the reminder. But your smile quickly disappears when you look down at your outfit. “Do you think other guys think I’m pretty?”
Your voice is as soft as it’s ever been, not wanting to show how insecure you’re feeling at the moment. But Jamie can tell like he always does. You turn the corner to your house and he stops the car in the road and fully turns to you.
“Fuck those other guys. Fine, if you need someone to say it, I will. You are fucking gorgeous, especially tonight.” You cringe at his words, not used to having anyone say that about you, but he gets you to look at him again. “I’m serious. And Tim’s a fucking idiot for ditching you.”
Despite his harsh tone, the soft look in his eyes as he tries to comfort you almost makes you tear up again. As if it’s become a routine, you reach over and envelop him in a hug once more. To make up for the failed date, the two of you spend the rest of the night eating a tub of Neopolitan ice cream and soon enough, you forget that Tim even existed.
Age 17
Your teachers always said you were a good writer. But no one ever told you how fucking difficult it was to start your personal statement. You'd never realized how hard it is to prove you should go to university until you forced yourself to sit down and actually try and write something. You started with the outline route, trying to note all your academic achievements, extracurriculars, and things like that before you ended up boring yourself.
You've written 9 possible starting lines at this point, and in the end, you decide to just shut your laptop in despair. Try again tomorrow, you said to yourself. The same thing you said yesterday and the day before that. 
You go to lie down on your bed when you hear something hit your window. It's a light clinking sound, and you ignore it till you hear another one. You finally decide to check outside your window and hear shouting from above.
"God?" you ask hesitantly.
"Nope, just me," you look up to find Jamie Tartt sitting on his rooftop, almost giving you a heart attack.
"Get down from there!" You tell him immediately and instantly cringe at how similar your tone is to your mom’s. Jamie rolls his eyes at the order but obliges anyway. He starts going down the roof into his bedroom — carrying an empty bottle of beer in his left hand — and makes it through his window.  Once he's safe with his feet on the floor, he turns around to face you in your adjacent bedroom.
"Why'd you even go up there?" you question and Jamie, like always, simply shrugs.
"Felt like it," you shake your head at his reasoning. You knew your best friend could be reckless, but you didn't think he'd do something as stupid as that, especially before scouting season.
"So falling off and breaking your legs wasn’t something you thought could possibly happen?"
"Well, that’s why I have you to warn me," He exclaims, before going back to the conversation. "I'm coming over."
Both your sets of parents were out for the night and they'd known each other long enough to trust each other's kids enough, so neither of you needed to message them about it. You watch him sprint out of his room and after a few minutes, you here the doorbell ring.
You head downstairs and open the door to find a panting Jamie leaning on the frame. "3 minutes, new record time."
"Well, they do say I'm one in a million." He jokes as you let him inside and he takes off his shoes.
"Who's they, in this situation?"
"Mum." He says blankly, collapsing on the couch. "And Simon."
You laugh, before lifting his legs and shuffling on the opposite side of the couch. You rest them on your lap for a second, before a wave of stench from his feet hits you and you shove them off. Jamie goes back to sitting upright and he instead leans his head on your shoulder.
You turn on the TV and start browsing for a movie as your entertainment for the night. Most weekends were like this; hanging out in one of your houses, ordering pizza — which Jamie did as you looked through channels, — and relaxing on the couch.
The order was placed and you settled on the Hunger Games this time. You watched the first part of the movie in silence as usual, but once the pizza arrived, Jamie decided to change things up.
"Wanna play 20 questions?" You look at him curiously. You knew practically everything about each other, so why on Earth would you play a game that's every person's go-to icebreaker?
You don't have a chance to protest because after taking a bite of the pizza, he asks, "What were you doing before I got here?"
Your eyes widened at that. Maybe the one thing you never really talked about with Jamie was your future. Neither one of you would admit it, but there wasn't any chance that you two were going to be doing the same things in your career. You had academia and Jamie had football. It's hard to imagine something that kept the two of you together and also made both of you happy, so you never brought it up.
"Uh, I was having a wank," you joke but Jamie isn't amused. He continues to stare at you with an expression that you rarely ever saw; he was being serious. "I was trying to write my personal statement."
 You look cautiously at your best friend who is quiet for the first time tonight. He takes a bite of his pizza again and with a full mouth, says, "And? How's it going?"
You groan and lean your head back. "Fucking terrible. I can't think of anything to say about myself."
"The fuck do you mean? You're like the smartest person I know." He points out and while you're touched he thinks that, you sigh.
"Unis don't just look at grades anymore. They want substance and worldly impact from their applicants. How the fuck am I supposed to change our societal landscape at fucking seventeen?" You admit, and it's like a weight has been lifted off of you. You drop your plate of pizza on the table and lean into Jamie's side.
"You want me to write it for you? I've got a bunch of great things to say about my best friend." He offers and you finally let out a laugh. "I can put how fucking amazing you are at Scrabble, how you can predict the ending of a movie in the first 20 minutes, how loud your voice can get when you cheer me on at a football game, and how you can hear a song once and already figure out how to play it on the piano."
You look up to find Jamie giving you a wide smile and his happiness is contagious. But that feeling is almost instantly replaced when you remember the position you two are in and feel your heart beating faster.
You don't ignore the fact that Jamie has grown up a lot more in recent years: finally passing you in height, having more defined arm muscles, and definitely growing into his features. It's harder to feel normal when you do the things you did as kids like when he rests his head or arms on your shoulders, pulls you into his chest to stop you from walking in front of a passing car, or just like right now when you're leaning into him, his arm pulls you closer to his body.
You slowly pull yourself away, but then he grabs hold of your hand instead. You've held hands before, but again, there's just something different about now. You decide to leave it there before finally replying, "I'm sure with that kind of stories in it, they'll let me into fucking Oxford." The two of you laugh before you grab your plate of pizza again and turn to back to the movie.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” You hear someone say, as you turn the corner to your school’s locker room.
It was normal to hear the players get nervous before the finals, but hearing Jamie Tartt panicking was a whole new thing for most of your classmates. Some league teams had sent scouts for the striker in this game and while everyone knew he’d do great, it seemed like the school’s support still wasn’t enough to convince him of that.
When his teammates couldn’t snap him out of it, their Plan B was to call you.
“Sorry, I’m looking for my best friend, Jamie Tartt. Brown hair, blue eyes, kind of conceited, but pretty nice if you get to know him.” You start out jokingly, but when his panicked eyes landed on yours, you quickly shift gears. “Shit, sorry. Not the time for jokes, I guess.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m off my game right now,” He starts, still trying to catch his breath as he moves around frantically. You take his hands into yours in order to steady him, but when that doesn’t work, you grab him by his shoulders.
Usually, Jamie would be towering over you, but with his slumped posture at the moment, you were almost eye-to-eye with the guy. “Jamie, take a deep breath. Focus on me, okay?”
You’ve gone through this enough times — usually with you in Jamie’s place — to know how to calm him down.
He follows your directions and you slowly nod your head. “Keep breathing, just do that for now.” Jamie closes his eyes and slowly starts to steady himself. Your hands move from his shoulders to his hands like you initially planned.
“I know it’s fucking terrifying, but believe me when I say that you are incredible. You know how you always tell me that I’ll smash it as Model UN conferences? This time, I’m the one telling you you’re gonna be the best fucking player out there.” You pause for a moment in case he reacts, but all Jamie does is nod his head. “I believe in you. Georgie and Simon believe in you. Hell, this entire school fucking believes in you. I swear, I saw people planning a chant for you outside.”
That gets the player to laugh and you smile, seeing a glimpse of his usual self. “Also, I know I’m complimenting you right now, but better savor it cause I’m never inflating your ego like this ever again.”
“Not even when I help Man City get another win in my first year?” Jamie finally speaks up.
“I’ll be complimenting Pep, not you.” You playfully roll your eyes. “But to be able to do that, you have to get out and play today.”
Jamie straightens up and starts shaking away the nerves. He turns to head to his team, but not before giving you a quick hug and a ‘thank you.’ Once he enters the locker room again, you start heading back to your seat.
Age 18
"Do you really want to do this?" Jamie asks carefully, but you've already made up your mind as you pull him closer.
You were going off to university in a few months and Jamie would be doing his summer training soon. Both his and your parents were out of town on a couple's retreat, so it was either now or never.
You knew that going off for college would increase the chances of your first time being with a random guy you met at a frat party infinitely, so you could say it was a calculated decision to jokingly ask Jamie when you talked about it if he'd be willing to sleep with you.
You didn't really expect anything and for the first few seconds, Jamie was too in shock to actually reply. You immediately tried to dismiss it as a joke, but before you could, he replied, "Sure."
You knew that Jamie had already had sex with girls before, — hearing him try and sneak the girls out of his bedroom window was always a fun story to bring up the next day — so you thought that it would just be another one for him.
But that night was the most delicate you've ever seen him. He didn't rush you or make you feel uncomfortable. He checked up on you constantly, making sure it didn't hurt and you were actually enjoying yourself. You made sure to hug him after, — not being able to say any words of gratitude out loud, — and you eventually went to sleep like that.
You woke up the morning after, still with him beside you, but after you got changed and he went back to his house, neither of you brought it up again. You went back to your old routine of hanging out in the afternoons and movie nights as if nothing even happened.
And it really was for the best, considering that the next time you had sex really was in a frat house’s bathroom.
Now, you were loading the last of your things into your car for your family road trip to Cardiff, which was to also move you into your dorm. Your mom was recounting the boxes, making sure you didn't forget anything because in her words, "We are not driving 3 and half hours twice just to bring you your toothbrush." Your dad was in the kitchen fixing up snacks for the trip, so you decide to take this chance and finally say goodbye to your best friend.
You barely saw Jamie in the weeks leading up to this since he spent most of his time at training. Even on weekends, he would be passed out in his room from the painstaking drills of the days prior. So as you knock on their door, you aren't very hopeful.
It reveals Simon who instantly pouts and brings you in for a hug. You always appreciated him for how he accepted Jamie into his life, despite the latter's fears that he'd be just like his father.
"Come inside," He offers, but you shake your head. You had to leave soon and you didn't want to delay the trip any longer. “Alright, but I was actually baking some muffins that you guys can take on your drive there, and you can’t say no to those.”
You laugh as you nod, before asking, "Is Georgie home?" 
Simon calls out to his wife to tell her that you're about to leave. You soon hear quick footsteps descending the stairs before you are once again enveloped in a hug. 
Simon heads out to presumably pack up those muffins, but you're too distracted by the rising feeling of sadness as you say goodbye to the woman whose practically been your second mother for a decade.
"You stay safe, okay? I know you'll enjoy your life there, but don't make your parents worry too much. Cause then they won't be able to stop talking about you," You laugh at her prediction before giving her one last hug.
Simon races back to you with a brown paper bag which he hands over, along with a pat on the back. You turn around to see if there's any sign of your best friend, but Georgie answers that for you. "He said he might be running late at practice." You feel your heart sink, but do your best to mask it. You wave goodbye to the couple before walking to the car.
You hand your dad the bag of muffins and sigh, "We can go." Your parents exchange a look but oblige nonetheless. You start heading into the car when you hear the call of your name.
You turn to see Jamie, still in his kit — shorts and all, — running towards your house. You decide to meet him halfway and once he's close enough, the football player pulls you into a tight hug, as if he's never letting go.
"Did you really think I'd let you leave without saying goodbye?" He whispered into your shoulder.
"If you're in trouble for leaving practice early, that is not on me." You try and keep it light-hearted, but his laugh only makes the pit in your stomach feel worse.
"Call me, okay? As often as you can. And send me pictures of all the stadiums you're playing in. I don't care if you send ten pictures of Etihad Stadium in a row, just do it. If you ever come to Cardiff, take some time off to see me. And," you try and think of more things to say, but Jamie cups your face in his hands to make you stop.
"I'll see you during the off-season, yeah?" Jamie's look is soft and you can feel the dam stopping your tears about to break.
"Don't you fucking forget me, Jamie." You try and say as angrily as you can, but your voice cracks as Jamie pulls you into another hug.
The two of you finally separate and you head off to your car. You stop yourself from looking back as you get into your seat. 
Jamie doesn't take his eyes off you, though. He watches as your car starts and turns the corner off your street.
A/N: hope you all enjoyed this one! if you couldn't tell, some of these flashbacks were based on the song 'it's nice to have a friend' by taylor swift which is what inspired this whole thing! see you next week for the official first chapter !!
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oh sHIT I FORGOT TO POST THIS EARLIER i had an idea for an epilogue scene to an au I haven't written yet and I needed @jaynesilver to see it so I typed it as a warm up for once which i NEVER DO but because it's typed you all get to see it too!!
all you need to know if kylo is a beauty youtuber at abt jeffree star's peak fame levels and Hux is a guy with an engineering job who also streams stardew valley speedruns as a hobby and they're very in love at the end of the fic (that again I haven't written yet)
ANYWAY have 1.6K of beauty blogger au under the cut, I'm gonna keep it out of the main tag bc It's not for a current au and I don't wanna clog it up
Armitage doesn’t read Chat while he’s in the mines, with the small exception of checking to make sure he hasn’t missed a ladder. Most of his viewers are used to this. When the first good luck day of a run comes along, and he makes the loop for foregables around the map, when he skips several cutscenes using exploits and puts years of animation-canceling muscle memory into his keystrokes, Chat dies down, mostly talking amongst themselves. 
Commentary is easier; he can talk and click, talk and type, talk and debate using a cherry bomb on a group of copper ore to save himself a few seconds. 
“I’ll save it,” he tells Chat, shifting in his chair. “If I can use it on iron later, it’ll save even more time.”
This run is going well, so far. It’s his third reset of the stream, but Armitage already has all the copper he’ll need for basic sprinklers and he’s almost through the dark levels. Huffing under his breath, Armitage imagines explaining any of this to his coworkers, can already see the glazed-over look in their eyes. He’s familiar with how they stop paying attention when Armitage talks about his hobby. Gaming, they can understand. Replaying the same niche farming simulator over and over to get the fastest time on a silly leader board? More of a stretch? Do that for strangers on the internet to watch as they pay him money? A step too far. Most of them don’t know what Twitch is, let alone understand why anyone would watch it. 
Kylo shifts in his chair on the other side of the room; it’s quiet enough that Armitage can’t hear it over his headphones, so he doubts the microphone picked it up, but the movement catches his eye. This is their first time having him in the room as Armitage streams. He’s editing, an oversized t-shirt hanging off his shoulder, and Armitage wishes there was time to have more thoughts about that, but he gets one last ladder and moves on to the iron floors. 
“I’m suspicious of how well this run is going,” Armitage says, eyes darting to his second monitor as he works his way through dust sprites. “I’m good at the mines, but I’m saving this seed to see if I can work out a perfection run from it.” 
It’s as he’s reading through other people agreeing that this level of luck is unusual, including a stranger accusing him of using mods as if Armitage would dare bother to cheat instead of just ‘getting good,’ as the kids say. 
BornToSlay: what’s ur skincare routine jesus
The huff of laughter is involuntary; he upgraded his web camera at Kylo’s request, and now it feels like his every fucking pore is captured and streamed. He’s gotten a few comments about it, but beyond technical questions and a single curious person asking why he upgraded, something Armitage lied about, the new image quality has gone unnoticed. Because he’s a good mod, Mitaka has already messaged him that the same user asked about Kylo earlier, and Armitage just missed it. 
They expected this, and they were prepared for this. Kylo’s channel has millions of subscribers on YouTube, he’s arguably a D-List celebrity at this point. Armitage speed runs Stardew Valley as a hobby. They’re operating on different levels of internet fame in different niches, but people have been curious, and some of those people are bound to stop in and watch him break rocks for fifteen minutes while hoping for a bounty of cave carrots. 
Still. Most of them have dropped in, decided his content wasn’t for them, and gone away. Apparently, this user has stuck around for a few streams, and Kylo said it was up to Armitage how much or little they interacted. He’s right there, and the run is going well enough he can afford to waste a few seconds entertaining this line of questioning. 
“My skincare routine is whatever Kylo forces me to do, now,” Armitage says, popping his headphones around his neck. “Kylo?”
When he looks over, Kylo is editing; he’s just also got Armitage’s stream up on his second monitor. He doesn’t bother to pretend he was working when he looks at Armitage, turning in his chair. 
“Someone wants to know what my skincare routine is, and I doubt you trust me to explain it properly.” 
Kylo laughs, and when he stands, Armitage can finally read the text on his shirt, and - Jesus, he’s wearing Armitage’s merch, they’re never going to hear the end of this. He can already see the stream compilations, and Armitage thinks he’s wearing Kylo’s sweater. 
Armitage finally uses the cherry bomb on a chuck on iron and Kylo settles behind him, his chin resting on Armitage’s head and his arms around Armitage’s shoulders. 
“It’s not consistent,” Kylo says, looking at the camera. Armitage can see him in the Streamlabs window, a lazy face of makeup and his hair piled on his head in a messy bun. He looks fantastic, which is to be expected when his entire internet presence revolves around beauty, but Armitage will never get tired of looking at him. Kylo keeps talking, but Armitage tunes him out, focuses on hitting floor forty, getting seven more iron, and then passing out so he can start building furnaces. 
Chat has started speeding up; Armitage doesn’t even have to ask Mitaka to turn on slow mode so Kylo can read anything, he just already does it. Kylo doesn’t have his contacts in, so he shifts his glasses up his nose to read the screen. 
“They want to know if I ever put makeup on you,” he says, and as Armitage makes his way into town to buy seeds from Pierre, he huffs. 
“I’m wearing makeup now,” he mutters, and he knows the mic will pick it up clearly, but he almost wishes it could be an aside. “I’ve been wearing makeup from streams since my first few months. Someone wouldn’t stop talking about my freckles, so I bought some shitty foundation at the grocery store so I wouldn’t have to ban the word.”
Kylo laughs, and Armitage can feel him look down, can feel his thumb drawing circles on his chest. 
EmilysWife: Beauty icon Hux PierreSucks: omg is that how you met
Now it’s Armitage’s turn to laugh. In the few weeks since someone recognized him out with Kylo, the few weeks since Armitage tweeted to confirm that was him, that he wasn’t Kylo’s assistant, it hasn’t come up how they met. They’ve not talked about keeping it a secret, although perhaps Armitage would like some parts of their relationship to stay between just them. 
This seems harmless enough, though. 
“Kylo tells this story better,” Armitage insists, because he loves Kylo, but he’s also cruel. Kylo’s breath is warm against his skin as he hides his face in Armitage’s neck. “Would you like to tell Chat how we met?”
“No...” The words are groaned, drawn out, a tone that perfectly conveys both Kylo’s embarrassment and his willingness to share. He stands up straight, and Armitage misses the press of his body, but he can hear the shuffle of his shirt, can see the chat as his absolutely ancient merch is on display, the screen printing cracked and faded from wear and hundreds of washes. “I was a fan.” 
“That’s shorting them the full story.” Armitage’s tone is teasing as he sleeps, wakes up, loads his furnaces and waters his crops. It’s a cycle of days he could do with muscle memory alone, has done blindfolded for a video on YouTube. “Phasma is a friend of mine, and when she did a video with Kylo, they had to pick up something she left at my house. What were your first words to me, Kylo?” From his spot hiding again, Kylo’s words are muffled. “I’ll tell them, then. He said, and I quote: ‘You talk me to sleep every night.’ That, Chat, was his opening line.” 
Kylo’s head pops up, and Armitage can see his pout on the screen, his playful glare. 
“It worked.” 
Armitage laughs. 
“After seven attempts to make yourself not sound like a stalker, I suppose it did work. Or, alternatively, I didn’t know you were hitting on me until we were on our third date.” Armitage could sound sad here, but he decides against it. He hadn’t been able to imagine a world where Kylo found him attractive. It never occurred to him that Kylo might be interested, so he lusted in quiet, alone at night with his own hand. “I still maintain that those dates don’t count, since I was unaware they were dates.” Kylo’s acrylics dig into his shoulders, and Armitage hisses in mock pain, as if Kylo’s nails aren’t rounded at the tip. “Don’t put holes in your own sweater, idiot.”
Though he attempts to fake angry, the last word comes out soft and fond as he looks up, doing his best to forget they’re on camera for a moment, to forget that he’s streaming this live and that he’ll be hearing about this for weeks. Phasma has already messaged him on Discord; Armitage will deal with her after the stream. 
The press of lips on his cheek is welcome, the loss of Kylo’s warmth less so. He waves to the web camera one last time before heading back to his own desk, putting on his headphones. Half of Chat is talking about his insane luck and all the pumpkins he’s going to plant while the other half still can’t quite believe Kylo was there, and is speculating how many streams he’s been just in the background of. Armitage won’t answer that; he doesn’t want to encourage them to ask for Kylo every stream, though he imagines they will anyway, now that the flood gate has opened. 
KyloAmidala: I normally just watch from the other room, though now I have to settle for replays if my sleep schedule is messed up. 
Armitage can hear Kylo snickering even as he puts his headphones back on.
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downywrites · 8 months
I’ve read a fic of yours and I love the way you write ngl. I’m not very good with prompts, but may I request lee!itto ? He is adorable and deserves to giggle imo.
I have a headcanon that he thinks tickling is fun, mainly bc I don’t want him to suffer. Also because it makes him laugh and smile but also makes his friends laugh and smile, which is precious. It’s clear in trailers and in-game that he loves to laugh in general.
ler!itto is another option bc he’s silly like that. He’s the type of guy to get revenge tickles every single time. I’ll let you choose who gets him or gets got by him. If u don’t wanna, that’s fine too! Your blog, your choice
I’d recommend inazuma characters, just anyone but Yae Miko or Raiden Shogun, I do not want them near him lmao
thanks for reading if u got this far uh have a great day 🐊✨
Thanks for the request :D I decided to pick a random Inazuma character, and Yoimiya came up.
Hopefully, I don't mess up their characterization too bad- this will be my first time writing Itto AND Yoimiya.
Resting in the top of this tree had never felt less comforting. He leaned back, eyes shutting for a moment of respite that he knew would do him no good. Within his head, a thousand thoughts swirled, unbidden, to the surface. Clamoring angrily for his attention, almost. Itto gritted his teeth.
'Why do you mess up things like this? Why can't you just..fit in?'
'Just a little?' 
He touched his hand to his face. The wetness upon his hand almost felt mocking. It was such a little thing. Why was this weighing on him now? 
Itto sighed heavily. "I shouldn't mope about this," he told himself. "I don't deserve to mope about this stuff…Uh- this is below me, Itto, the one and oni..!" Even to him, his mutterings sounded hollow. 
A solemn silence filled the air, save for the sound of the wind blowing gently through the village's wind chimes. 
It was almost an infuriatingly fair-weathered day. The sun was shining, just enough to be warm, but not enough to scorch anybody for the crime of leaving the house. The sakura blooms were blossoming, soft petals dancing in the afternoon breeze. Children were laughing and frolicking in the tall grass, throwing balls and playing with toys their parents carved for them out of otogi wood and painted in many bright colors. Even the snack stalls were out and about. The smell of dango filled the air- the kind that Itto would smell commonly at festivals… wait a minute..
"Hey there, Itto! How's it going?" A voice below him made him yelp (in a very manly way) and almost fall off his perch (also in a very manly way). "Do ya want some dango? Surely sitting up there alone isn't all that fun on a good day like this!" He glanced down to see a rather familiar figure. "Ah..hey, Yoimiya. I'll take some, sure..!" Scrambling down from the tree and sliding down half of it in his haste to not make himself even more of a private embarrassment, he grabbed a stick of fish-shaped dango and quickly took a bite. "Ah, wait! Don't bite into that yet, it's hot-" 
The oni bit back the screech of pain at the burning sensation in his mouth. Through watery eyes, he smiled slightly and gave her a thumbs up. He pulled the stick out of his mouth, chewing slowly. Yoimiya's hands flew up to her mouth. "Oh, are you okay??" Nodding through the pain, the geo user extended the stick towards her. "...wah ih bah?" 
Yoimiya's experience with children speaking with their mouths full saved her the confusion. She shook her head vehemently. "Oh no, please keep it. I'll find you a place to throw that away in a moment. But first… are you alright?" Itto painfully swallowed the piping hot dessert quickly to respond. "I'm right…as rain!..Why do you ask?" 
"You don't look too good, Itto…are you sure you're alright?" Yoimiya meant nothing by it, he was sure. It was probably because he had just done the equivalent of burning the entirety of the inside of his mouth. Even so, he felt more tears welling up in his eyes. Overwhelmed by emotion he was more than a little hesitant to express in front of the lady, he turned away from her. His shoulders trembled a little as he covered his face with both of his hands. 
Yoimiya winced a little. She had suspected he wasn't doing too well when she found the rest of his crew wandering around without him. And, coupled with the look of concern that flashed on Shinobu's face when she asked about him, had spurred her to look for the man herself in hopes of finding out just how badly he was faring. Slowly, as to not startle him too much, she pulled the stick out of his hand and burned it to a crisp quickly. She was not half as slow to wrap her arms around him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. What's bothering you?" 
The man's chest heaved, and as she patted his back soothingly, she felt his heartbeat. It was quick, not unlike a rabbit's. "You don't have to say anything if you don't feel up to it." He nodded into her shoulder, almost butting into her with his horns. "How about we find a better place to talk? I think it might be a little too open to chat about this stuff here." 
He let her drag him to her house without much fanfare. If there was anything else that could make the firework creator any more concerned, it was the way Itto was behaving. The Itto she knew would be trying to act natural and walk ahead or beside her. Almost like a kicked puppy, the oni was trailing behind. His eyes seemed to be drawn towards the pavement below him. And, almost damningly, he was silent. 
She opened the sliding door and slipped in ahead of him. "Welcome to my place!..Sorry, it's a little messy right now. I was working on some fireworks, and…" She trailed off, remembering swiftly why exactly she had brought him over. "Sorry, a bit too cheerful for the situation. Well..how do I make you feel better?" Itto had slipped in at some point, looking over the half-finished blueprints and the scatterings of gunpowder and colorful paper with interest. 
"...I just…Yoimiya, do you think I needa try fitting in better?" Her head swiveled around so fast, she felt the muscles in her neck cramp a little. She bit back a wince. "Ehh…what?? Who made you think that?" 
"I did… it just- y'know, feels like I always get my group in trouble for some reason or another. And then they tell me, well, onis are always like that an' stuff.. so should I just let my group go with Shinobu and find somewhere else to terrorize?" As he spoke, Yoimiya's eyebrows furrowed. With a strength he wasn't sure she had until just then, she gripped onto his shoulders firmly and shook him slightly. "Stop that, Itto. Those people are just being rude. And your presence isn't terrorizing anyone, and if they think that, then-then you tell them they should stop being scared of you!" 
Itto's eyes were wide as she continued. Determination and passion infused every word she spoke to him, and a steely look he hadn't seen many times before seemed to pierce his very soul. "You're amazing, just the way you are. Shinobu and the rest of the gang love having you around. Why else would they still be you?" The oni felt a prickling in his eyes and he reached up to wipe away the tears that began to blur his vision. His voice wavered. "Thanks, Yoi…" He smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. 
The pyro user noticed. She pouted slightly, letting go of the man and placing her hands on her hips. "Not smiling still? On such a nice day? Now, this is a crime!" Tutting quietly and wiggling her finger, her amber eyes sparkled with playfulness. Any determination she expressed before seemed to have vaporized into thin air. "How about this- you can pay for your crimes quickly and easily, or you can resist arrest, and I'll catch you myself!" He looked at her, puzzled. "What are ya talkin about? I haven't done anything illegal for real, right?" 
She sighed. "No, Itto. It's play talk. I wanna make you laugh like you always do, so…"
"Won't you give me a big smile, you big dork?"  
Before he was able to respond, he found himself on the floor. The tatami mat was soft, almost bouncy. He yelped loudly, glancing up at his attacker. "AUG- Yoimiya, woah! Next time, warn a guy-" 
Another yelp came from him at the sudden poke to his ribs. When he didn't push her away, her hands gently fluttered over his exposed ribs. He bucked instinctually. Yoimiya yelped, grabbing onto him for dear life. This only served to tickle more. "GaH! Hehehey, whahat-" 
"I told you I wanted to hear you laugh again! What does it look like I'm doing, silly?" Itto's reply was too garbled with laughter to reply. Deep and rumbling, his laugh seemed to shake the entirety of his body with its intensity. Yoimiya's smile only grew as the oni below her showed no inclination to escape. From underneath her, his body was virtually limp, besides slight twitches here and there when she poked at his lower ribs. "Ah-hehe! Yohoimihiya, thihihis ihihis-" 
"Is what? You do this to your friends all the time. Have they never managed to get you back?" As she spoke, her hands moved to his stomach, tracing the outline of his abs with a nail. A rather unmanly speal squeaked its way out of Itto. For a moment, their eyes locked in unbridled shock. The oni slapped his hands over his mouth. "Uhm…" 
It wasn't silent for long. The pyro user took the short moment of reprise to taser his sides. "Okay, this silence doesn't sound like laughter to me." She watched as his shoulders shook and his eyes scrunched closed. But no noise came out from behind his hands. A fake frown settled on her face. "That won't do. Itto..~ could you let me hear your laughter?" He shook his head a little. 
"Oh, come on. Okay, well.. if you don't want me to, I guess I have to make your laugh too loud to muffle!" 
With that statement, Yoimiya tucked her hands into his sides, squeezing the muscle as firmly and quickly as she dared. Almost immediately, Itto's body seemed to jerk away from her hands. All compliance seemed to sail out the window the moment she got 'serious'. And, before long, she heard adorably high-pitched giggles. Muffled, and definitely restrained as much as possible, but audible. 
"Mff-hihihi!" She watched as his ears turned red. "Awhh! Your giggles are soo CUTE!" Gently spidering her fingers over his sides only made his giggles louder. "Did I get you all worked up, just from this? Oh my archons, Itto.. you're such a cutie pie!" 
"D-dohohon't sahahay thahat! Ihihi'm Ihihitto. Ihihi aihihin't cuhuHUTE-" Itto's voice hiked as she squeezed his hips. Unable to stop himself from curling into himself, he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her closer to him. Yoimiya could actively feel her heart melt. 'Why is such a big guy acting so cute right now? This has to be illegal. It has to be!' 
Her hands drilled into his hips, and she felt his grip tighten around her. His shoulders shook with mirth. And, after a brief moment of giggles, Itto's laughter reached its loudest yet. Rough-edged, his laughter could scare someone if they heard it in the tides of battle. Coupled with his towering height, perhaps his stature and laugh would be reason enough for an entire squad of police officers to turn tail. Even so, the only feeling Yoimiya had for his laugh was fondness, a warm feeling that seemed to pervade every part of her body as she continued to drill and knead at the slightly protruding bone. 
As he squirmed slightly, she could feel his heartbeat again. Just like before, it was quick. But this time, it didn't feel half as frantic as it was before. Testing the waters, Yoimiya's hands slowly moved towards his lower back. "He-hehehaha…! Hehehey!" She giggled at the way he tried to rest his chin on her shoulder. "I don't think I'm tall enough to be a chinrest… good try, though!" 
As he grumbled in soft complaint, she decided to make it up to him by dragging her finger up his spine. The resulting yelp sounded both indignant and amused. "GAH! Yo, what was that for?!" 
"Being all pouty in my ear is also illegal while I'm around!" Itto grumbled again. "Hmph, this stuff. I already told you, I didn't do anythin' wrong this time!" 
The pyro user sighed. She shook her head slightly, her smile widening in a mix of both fondness and a tinge of resignment. "Ah, Itto. That's not what I meant. It's just a joke, okay? Nobody's arresting you." She couldn't help but giggle again at the confused sound he made, though. "It's just a tease! Don't Shinobu and the gang tease you like that?"
"...okay, fair enough." Yoimiya's hands massaged at the tensest muscles she could feel in a soothing motion. She felt him sag in her grasp, and for a moment she reminded herself that his weight would probably be enough to crush her in this position. "Still, though. Are you feeling at least a little better now?" 
He nodded. "Yeah.." The silent 'but' hung in the air. "You still want me to keep going?" 
If it were virtually anyone else in any other situation, the sudden lack of noise would have been crushing. Nothing moved, not even the wind chimes outside. She took his silence (correctly) as acquiescence. "Alright, I hear you loud and clear." 
"I didn't say anything!" 
"You didn't need to say it, Itto. Now come on, let me make you smile again!" 
Let me know if you have any other requests for me. I'd love to receive them :D
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emmerrr · 7 months
fic tag game
thanks for the tag @kelliealtogether !
How many works do you have on ao3? 106
What’s your total ao3 word count? 677,888
What fandoms do you write for? The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy, All For The Game
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Road To Nowhere / Yes, Coach / Stay / The Bones of You / You go your way, I'll go your way too -- all AFTG fics. it's funny, i feel like i'm more 'known' (for want of a better word) for trc/pynch fics and i've certainly written more of them, but almost all of my aftg fics are considerably more popular if we're going by kudos.
Do you respond to comments? i used to reply to every single one without fail but it started to make me really really anxious at a time when i was writing a multi-chapter fic, because some comments really don't warrant a reply, but i got into a mindset of 'well if i reply to one comment i have to reply to all of them' and then i realised that i don't, actually! also i'm allergic to notifications so as soon as i read them i mark them as read, which makes my brain happier but also means i'm more likely to forget to reply. i always reply if someone asks a question, and i do try to at least reply to the first chunk of comments i get on a new fic though!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably burning bright right 'til the end
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? head over heels immediately comes to mind. also kick start my rock and rollin' heart. but tbh almost all my fics have happy endings, that's just how i roll. (also a lot of them are short oneshots that are less about narrative and more about vibes, so they don't all necessarily feel like they have endings as such!)
Do you get hate on fics? nope, i've been pretty lucky so far!
Do you write smut? i very occasionally write smut-adjacent lmao, but not really
Do you write crossovers? no, they don't really interest me
Have you ever had a fic stolen? i hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, one. i've been asked quite a lot as well and my answer is that i'm fine with my fics being translated (with credit obviously) but only if they're being posted on ao3, i don't want them on any other site.
Have you ever co written a fic? nope 
What’s your all time favourite ship? i mean i've definitely written more pynch than anything else, but i ship a lot of things!
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i don't wanna say that i'll never finish any of the fics i've started in earnest -- if i liked an idea enough that any of it all made it out of my head and onto a page then there's hope for it in the future. i'll get to them when i get to them!
What are your writing strengths? dialogue. it always comes the easiest to me. a lot of my fics start from conversations that popped into my head, then i get to write the situation to get that conversation to happen which is the tricky part!
What are your writing weaknesses? everything else! idk, world-building i guess? i don't think i'm that great at descriptions. i can do all the internal character feelings and emotions and stuff, it's just the external that i stuggle with.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i haven't done it but i'm not like, against it?
First fandom you wrote for? technically lotr before i knew what fanfiction was, and i printed it out lmaoooo. i have no idea what happened to it i think i probably threw it away.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? at the minute? Caught By The Light. ask me tomorrow and my answer will probably change!
not sure who's already been tagged, so if you haven't yet and you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!
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misty-wisp · 1 year
I haven't read any of your fics yet, spoil me.
that's it, that's gomenasai. it's gomenasai's ending at least. everything before that is buildup on omori's character+omori's slow acquisition of a consciousness and subtle emotions with a lot of tidbits about how much he cared about sunny without any idea of what he was really doing. HE CARED ABOUT HIM. SO MUCH. BUT. AAAAGH
anyways, onto yurushite. YA BOY'S BACK. HE'S ALIVE. why is that? really stupid reason but it's bc sunny's homesick as hell after moving and just not doing okay in general (his friends don't forgive him or basil for the Truth™) so he really just needed someone to talk to or just. some kind of comfort. so omori just...manifested again as a result. it's stupid, i know, but in my defense, it's pure wish fulfillment and also in a fanfic, not a novel i'm being paid to write. i think i can be let off the hook
so what's the first thing our boy does upon being back???? nothing. absolutely fuck all. he just wallows in white space for the next *fumbles paper* two years. by that i mean two years in headspace and like, a few days in reality.
what the fuck is that supposed to mean? headspace got a timeskip, that's what i mean. 4 years pass by in it in between the game's ending and yurushite's beginning. omori came back at its halfway point. also because of that he's grown older(16, the same age as sunny, to be specific. though i should probably clarify that he was 14 upon first coming back since that was 2 years before the timeskip finished up) and instead of looking prettier he's just gotten more disheveled. i draw him like he's a prettyboy but don't be fooled. this kid is completely dripless and cannot take care of his hair. like bro you're not supposed to cut that with your knife you dummy
anyways for the next two years he's sitting in white space wallowing in his own guilt and is noticeably Not Okay.
SO AT SOME POINT HE JUST GOES. FUCK IT. SUNNY'S ALSO NOT DOING OKAY AND I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. SO HE DOES. (there actually is something specific that gets him to make that decision, but i'm gonna write it as a bonus thing here someday)
yknow how in the game it's hinted that omori can kiiinda influence sunny's actions? okay uh here he straight-up possesses him in his sleep. I KNOW IT'S STUPID BUT STILL
anyways. so he starts getting sunny to take better care of himself during the night. he gets him to go on jogs, eat leftovers he refused to chow down on earlier, grab midnight snacks if he's starving, simple stuff. ofc sunny catches on to this, and the second he realizes it's omori pulling this shit, he immediately thinks he's just gonna cause him trouble again. OMORI'S JUST TRYING TO HELP BUT ALL SUNNY CAN THINK OF IS THAT HE'S HURTING HIM AND AND WAAAAHHHHH 😭
oh god i'm only talking as far as the first 3 or so chapters of yurushite um uh i'm gonna stop before this gets too long
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aria0fgold · 3 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @misty-wisp :D This looks so fun!
How many works do you have on AO3?
12! And it's steadily increasing as I get more (and randomly) ideas to write fics bout >:3c
What's your total AO3 word count?
126,004! Whoooaaa... That's a lot :o Ngl, I barely visit the statistics of my ao3 account so I didn't expect that one.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, so... it's 5? I think. On my main ao3 account it's 2 though! OMORI and Mahoyaku! Buuuut! I've written for Persona 5 (with Magic Kaito) but I'm... too shy to put it in my ao3 account so it's just in my tumblr. The other 2 is somewhere else... (I've written a oneshot for Genshin Impact in an old ao3 account that I don't wanna open up again cuz it's so embarrassing for me... I don't even wanna read that oneshot, I'd die of embarrassment. And the other one is Honkai Impact 3rd, I forgot where I put that one but I do know I wrote a oneshot with Bronya and Seele for it).
Top five fics by kudos:
It's all from OMORI!
Once again, from the beginning - I did not really expect this one to have as much kudos as it has now, like, tbf yea it's my most well planned one but it's still so crazy to see the kudos on it-- wai when did it pass that number-- I never really check the kudos but wtf happened here.
The Tune of the New Morning - How did this one get that many kudos too??? This is my very first OMORI fic and ngl, whenever I look at it I get the very strong urge to rewrite everything from the beginning cuz of how badly planned it is. If OAFB is well planned, this one is terribly planned. I literally make things up as I go.
Magician in the Mirror - Is in the top 3!!! Lookit!!! :D The work I'm proudest in cuz this is my 2nd fic and also the one I just went ham on! I wanted it out during anni and it was all a last minute thing but I'm so glad it turned out well despite that!
The Pawn and the Bishops - I didn't expect to see this one here but alas... it is... I quite like this one though! It's the first one I've written with a fairly heavy and gloomy atmosphere and I think I did pretty good on it!
And thus, the snake ate no more - I see you're here too... This one is actually like a mix of my planning between OAFB and TNM in which that it's in the middle of well planned and terribly planned. Think of it as the middle child of my longfics. With OAFB being the spoiled youngest and TNM the unplanned first child.
Do you respond to comments?
YES! As much as I can! I like receiving comments and I like responding to them as best as I can but I also get pretty nervous bout it... so I end up barely responding anyway oh boooooo.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
I??? Don't think? I have written any with an angsty ending yet? I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort so most of the fics I've written so far always had a happy ending so! Maybe in the future 👀 Maybe.
Do you write crossovers?
Is the Kaito Kuroba from Magic Kaito in Persona 5 now as Akiren and Co.'s friend stuff I've written considered crossover? If so then yes! It's actually pretty fun to write one! :D
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I don't think so? Pretty happy that I haven't yet, thank goodness!
Do you write smut?
Nope! I don't know if I would though, truth be told I don't have much knowledge with writing smut, I barely read any stories (novel wise) with it as a guideline cuz I... I can't visualize it well enough, my brain is not equipped for it (I try to read smut and spend the next few minutes figuring out the characters' positions. Yall smut writers out there impressive with it cuz honestly how).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and thank god for that!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I HAVE!!! AM SO HAPPY BOUT IT!!! :D Someone translated Magician in the Mirror to Chinese and it's so cool!!! I think there's only a Chapter 1 of it but it's so cool and nice and sweet and awwwwww.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Alright, sit down. This is very important. I need you to listen closely, attentively, and carefully... I Love CaiOwe/OweCai. I LOVE CAIN/OWEN!!! OWEN/CAIN!!! CAIN&OWEN I LOOOOOVVVEEE ANYTHING WITH CAIN AND OWEN!!! It's my all-time favourite ship, nothing can compare to Cain and Owen from the hit japanese game, Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku aka Mahoyaku aka mhyk aka Promise of Wizard. They're my most favourite ship I'd go to war for em, I love em so so much, I adore em sooooooo much, I see any fanart of em and my day gets better immediately. They're my lifeblood, my ambrosia, my everything. I love caiowe/owecai with all my heart...
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Looks at oafb, tnm, and attsanm... I'd like to believe that regardless of how much time had passed, I would be able to finish any of those three though. Hyperfixation gone or not, I wanna finish em!
What are your writing strengths?
I think it'd be monologue? Inner monologue? What do you call that thing where it's just the narrator focusing on the characters' thoughts and feelings and their overall view on the situation??? I think I'm pretty good at that, maybe. And somehow I'm good at accidentally setting things up, I don't know how but I just accidentally do things that connects stuff.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogues... I'm so bad with dialogues most of the time I spend in writing is getting the dialogues right. I'm also really bad at descriptors, I'm bad at describing things so I just try to either describe something as best as I can with the help of searching through the internet or get around that part by just being poetic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's pretty neat! :o I feel like I've seen fics like that before but can't really remember though I did think it added detail to the story of it!
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Uhhh, I think it waaaaass Honkai Impact 3rd? I think it was the Bronya and Seele fic I've written somewhere that or it was the Genshin Impact fic instead. It was either of those two.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Magician in the Mirror!!! It's my favourite I've written so far and the one I'm proudest of! And a lil biased, but the latest favourite one that I've just recently written is Look back, Orpheus which is a fic for caiowe from mhyk! Once again, from the beginning is the 2nd favourite though :3
Thank you again for the tag! Dunno who to tag though but for anyone that sees this, feel free to do it! :D
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inkysqueed · 1 year
summer reading/writing/arting tag
Tagged by @hannahcbrown thank you! yippee!
1) Describe one creative WIP you plan on working on over the summer.
Ahhh, trying to narrow down to one work in progress is agonizing but luckily for me I technically don't have to do that! hehe.
My current work in progress, I would then say, are fics focusing on Oblivion (and maybe a few Skyrim!) NPCs that I like or found interesting (or both). The fics are probably not going to be 'connected' themselves but they're all a blast so I'm having fun! Currently picking at several, each involving a different character. Right now those poor souls would be the Jemane brothers, Volanaro (with a side of J'skar), Aurelinwae (with a side of Calindil), and Julienne Fanis (with a side of Raminus-- is this joke getting old yet?).
2) Recommend a book!
I haven't read an actual book in a while but I'm gonna go with something I read in my childhood-- The Goblin Wood, by Hilari Bell.
Makenna is, as far as protagonists go, vengeful. And from what I recall-- resourcefully clever right from the beginning. I remember delighting in watching how she'd go through the book's events; and it's not always that the protagonist captivates me so.
The books are now a trilogy from what I remember but I'd still recommend reading just the first book regardless. Not because I think the other two are bad but because I feel like the first stands on its own fine. (And if you like the first one then you can see about the other two yourself! Huzzah! ^u^)
3) Recommend a fic! 
I wanna recommend Lost and Found, not only because it focuses on Falion as a character but because it features the father-daughter team of Falion and Agni becoming a team!
Who wouldn't love warm fuzzies like that? (Also it doesn't need massive amounts of Elder Scrolls lore knowledge but if you DO know what Falion studies or what he's talking about, it's even better for it.)
4) Recommend music!
House of Sacred Remains from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. (The extended version because if you're like me 3 minutes isn't enough.)
Really though, a lot of the music from that game is stellar. I kind of miss playing Lament of Innocence to be honest. It's the only other Castlevania game I've played, besides Symphony of the Night.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Learn to love yourself. And I don't mean in a jokey or insincere/cold way-- I mean genuinely, with my whole heart and chest. Love yourself. I know sometimes it's hard to for a myriad of reasons, I do get it, but if you can manage to cultivate that inner appreciation for who you are without needing other people to prop you up... you can learn to let go of the past and look forward to who you will be in the future.
It was something I had to learn myself and the way I learned isn't going to be the way you learn, perhaps, but in an age where airbrushing and other celebrity-related media percolates culture I feel it's even more important to remind others that they're not just an empty sum of their faults and flaws.
People make mistakes and people change, that's just going to be people from here till the end of time. You're a person, you're going to make mistakes. And that's perfectly okay.
So please, love yourself.
TAGGING (not a must, do this if you want to!): @solnishka1927 , @redadm1ral , @dibellastan , @julskylyly , @genericswordsmaiden , and anyone else who wants to steal this from me! :D
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moonnue · 8 months
20 Questions ♥
Thank you @anisaanisa for tagging me! ♥ I've been meaning to do these tag games but I'm always busy-- I'm actually free at the moment! And it's cool that it's a fanfic quiz, since I've just gotten into posting my stuff hahaha
How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 6 so far! I've got lots in the works but I don't like sharing 'till I'm done :3c
What’s your total AO3 words count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for InuYasha, Portal, and for the little Toothfairy fandom but as far as what I've posted I'm currently, and very obviously, into Baldur's Gate 3. Other fandoms I've written for are Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spice and Wolf
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hands On A C(l)ock (441) Portrait of a Vampire (366) Shower Break (337) Cheeky Little Pup (73) Erotica of a Vampire (51)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I don't orz. I first posted to Ao3 in 2020 and then walked away so when I came back to post the next part I was like !!! oh shit!!! people left comments LOL I felt embarrassed for just letting them sit there and now I'm kind of stuck. Plus, I feel weird going to everyone and just saying "thank you!" I REALLY APPRECIATE IT I'M JUST…….. AH!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not posted but it's going to be the KagKik fic I'm writing :3c Otherwise I don't like angst oops
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Shower Break, I guess? or Cheeky Little Pup? Idk, I'm even looking at my WIPs but I'm not sure how some of them are gonna end yet!
Do you get hate on fics?
Technically I experienced my first recently when I had a person try to accuse me of stealing their fic and then went on to try and drag my name through the mud. That was exciting! (sarcasm)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
it's………. it's my main thing. oops. i write second person f/o x reader fic cuz i'm cringe and free <3
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
SOOO NOT WRITTEN! YET! But I do have a ton in mind. I think the craziest one I'd ever want to write if I got the balls to do it would be an RSK x Madoka Magica fic cuz I just think. It would be fucking funny. Given RSK are real people so I'm like ehhh maybe not. Otherwise I think the only other one is an InuYasha x Labyrinth crossover but that ain't too wild. It's been done before!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Also, I can't help but find it strange, the idea of stealing fic. Do people actually do this lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically? Friend of mine write together from time to time, but again, nothing posted.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
You x Your Favorite Character
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a story started that's about Naraku getting isekai'd into another world where he's the hero of it. I think it's pretty funny but getting myself to start it has been a little tough.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at capturing character voices. I also think I'm good at describing emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think my sentences could stand for a bit more of a unique structure. I don't like writing place descriptions very much, I'm very character focused.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure…? Why not! Do it!
First fandom you wrote for?
InuYasha <3
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Care For A Wet Dog, oddly enough, even though it's unfinished. I don't know, there's something about it that I really like. It's older and I think I kind of miss how my writing used to be? Then again whether anyone else sees a difference, I wouldn't know.
not tagging anyone just cuz i...... i don't know who to tag! uh! i dont want to bother anyone lol! so if you see this and wanna do it please do! and tag me in it because if i inspired you to do it i would love to read it! (and maybe keep you in mind for any future tags? maybe? hm? *nudge nudge*)
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hungrydolphin91 · 9 months
Tumblr media
@v-voeux RIGHT so. This is gonna be MASSIVE spoilers for my ongoing post-game Zestiria fic Falling Awake, that one i started over a year ago that Nash made beautiful art of ;_; I still have plans to finish it someday, but currently I'm struggling because there's 11 characters I'm trying to juggle at the same time 😅 not to mention I haven't played zesty in a while, so some the scenes I'm trying to write feel a little stale or unfocused. I WILL come back to it though I SWEAR I wanna finish this story because this premise drives me insane hhhhh
I kinda lied in the fic tags calling it a berzesty crossover because it's much more Zestiria-focused than Berseria, set in zesty post-game in a world where humans can suddenly see both seraphim and hellions which causes lots of problems (not to plug my own work but I would recommend reading what's been posted so far, the text itself can do a much better job emotionally conveying the context than I can here). Mikleo in particular is struggling ('cause that's what we're here for, mikleo angst 😅) because their former group is falling apart over various issues, such as a lack of purification powers/Shepherd and whether it's ethical to kill hellions/dragons since basically no one has the ability to purify them anymore. Mikleo is lonely, desperate, and depressed, but he's still holding out for some kind of long-term solution to the malevolence hidden in the past, when humans and seraphim coexisted.
And while's he's researching he discovers the true nature of a powerful but long-forgotten Empyrean, Innominat, who has been sealed away inside the earthpulse. He takes the steps needed to free him, and is rewarded by being immediately devoured. RIP.
Except the twist is that he fucking planned this. I took the idea of Empyreans being influenced by the souls that are sacrificed to them and ran with it so Mikleo DELIBERATELY fed himself to a god in order to reincarnate as said god (kinda similar to his seraphic rebirth actually), and with the powers of an Empyrean he'd be able to cleanse the land's malevolence himself and Sorey could awaken.
EXCEPT it's not quite enough yet. Innominat is a forgotten Empyrean so no humans are giving him their prayers and therefore he is much weaker than he was in Berseria. So despite Meebominat devouring as much malevolence as he can for now, it's not gonna be enough to really purify anything unless he gets even more powerful.
It's worth noting that up until this point, Mikleo hasn't really done anything amoral yet, other than traumatizing Zaveid who witnessed his 'murder' and letting the others think he's evil 'cause he doesn't expect them to be onboard for his plan. He fights the others when they confront him but he always leaves them alive because he doesn't want to hurt them, he just wants them out of the way. His goal is to find Sorey again and more importantly, Maotelus.
At the same time as Innomeebo's galavanting around and dealing with his angry friends, Sorey and Maotelus wake up because Maotelus has sensed Innominat's awakening and wants to personally stop him. They depart from their own pocket of Earthpulse on borrowed time (not canon compliant but who cares fight me) in order to track him down or at least warn someone that he's a threat, because few alive today even know who he is, much less how dangerous his return is.
A bunch of things I have yet to write happen but ultimately Sorey and Mikleo end up reunited, initially delighted to see each other again until Sorey starts to realize Mikleo's domain is on par with an Empyrean, maybe the exact Empyrean he was looking for actually. Sorey starts to doubt whether he can even trust Mikleo or if this is just Innominat wearing his face to torment him. Meebominat, meanwhile, is arguing firmly that yes, it's really him, and he doesn't have any of Innominat's old evil plans for the world like the Ceremony of Suppression. He really does want to save the world. He just needs to devour Maotelus first-- after all, Maotelus is a part of Innominat, and with their powers combined and consolidated he should be able to purify the world fully.
Cue Sorey's sort of BSOD moment, trying to figure out if this is all a lie, somewhat swayed by the logic of it since Maotelus wouldn't even technically die, he'd just become a part of Innominat like Mikleo already has. But Maotelus absolutely does not want this (picture lil babby Laphicet telling Innomeebo to fuck off) and of course Sorey doesn't want to sacrifice one person, even if it would save the world. But now he's not sure if he has to stop and maybe kill Mikleo to save Maotelus, or if he can actually be reasoned with and saved somehow.
Eventually Sorey gets the idea to solve this problem the way he addressed the last major antagonist he came up against: get to the truth of the matter, using the Earthen Historia. He witnesses for himself what led Mikleo to this point of voluntarily sacrificing himself to gain power, and comes to the heartbreaking conclusion that this is, in fact, pure Mikleo, genuinely asking him to hand over Maotelus so he can eat him.
Again it's worth noting that Mikleo is motivated by more than just loneliness and longing to see Sorey again, although that's a big part of it. He's confident in his own abilities to be in charge and ambitious enough to embrace Empyrean levels of power. He's seen how much the world is suffering and wants to change that and fulfill the dream the two once shared. But Sorey's own words ("My dream will live on, so long as I don't forget,") are part of what inspired him to do this, though twisted through his own lens of desperation, and that's how Sorey realizes Mikleo WILL still listen to him. Mikleo has the power to fight and maybe take Maotelus by force, but he doesn't. Even if he's not consciously aware of it, he's handed over his moral compass to Sorey, and as long as Sorey approved of his actions, they'd all be worth it, no matter who was hurt along the way.
So of course Sorey doesn't approve, because he can't let Mikleo down even though he's begging him to. Mikleo is heartbroken and for a second Sorey worries he might lash out after all, but he doesn't, because Mikleo trusts Sorey more than anything else including himself. He willingly surrenders Innominat's power using the deus ex machina that is Siegfried, all while utterly grieving the eventual parting that's coming, since ultimately nothing has been fixed and Sorey will still have to go to sleep.
And that's the emotional climax of the story, the part that drives me insane every time I reread it 😅 I have ideas for more to follow afterward, hopefully a happier ending because even I hate to leave Mikleo exactly where he started after how far he went to change things, but between the confusing, inconsistent lore of berzesty and the endless possibilities of endings here I am once again overwhelmed. Thanks for reading this far though, I hope my sormik angst was to your taste 😄
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hashtagcaneven · 10 months
for the fic game: V, A, S, and H!
I see what you did there....
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you? Not yet, sadly. I'm still pretty new so what few comments I've gotten haven't had time to stick. But I always love the ones guessing what's gonna happen or the keyboard smashes. It's just nice to see people engaging with the fic and expressing their enjoyment.
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why? I mean... I've only written the one fanfic sooooooo. But I've had more fun writing Thirty Pieces of Silver more than anything else I've written. Save for The Underground Horror. It's a very long term project that started as therapy writing in 2009 that's led to multiple tabletop campaigns with my friends playing around in this universe I've created. Those games are always so special and fun, where we toe the line between serious urban fantasy/horror and Discworld level sillies (they once texted the head vampire "we're gonna go kidnap a werewolf. wanna come bestie?", spent 30 mins trying and failing to wash a dish, and weaponized roombas in a final fight with the BBEG) It's been so much fun to introduce friends to the weird shit in my brain and then have them message me randomly with either shitposts about the setting or ask me tons of questions <3
S: How do you feel about fan art inspired by your writing? I would literally die of being so fucking flattered! You mean something I wrote stuck in someone's brain long enough for them to make ART?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
H: How would you describe your writing style? Oh gods. My first creative writing professor once said my "creativity far outreached [my] current skill", which seems to still be the same today. So I tend to write things in more experimental ways - playing with pacing and sentence structure and framing dialogue. I know my journalist background keeps sentences and fragments generally concise, so I tend to have good readability (in terms of how easily someone can read through what I've written). Throw in years of theatre/screenplay assistance and I can lean into dialogue as I try to put what plays out in my head into words.
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liviusofpella · 1 year
Hii sorry I’m late but 🍓, 🍒, 🍊, 🍈, 🫐 for the fic writer game pleasee? ☺️
Thanks for asking! And sorry for taking so long to answer, these questions are pretty hard and I had to think about them haha
🍓what's a fic you've written that you feel is underrated?
My one shot "Princeling," lol. I know that it's a smut so it's not for everybody, but I think the plot (there is plot! Believe it or not, there is plot😂) is pretty good and I'm still thinking about writing a second part!
🍒What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I love angst but I think that's obvious if you read my fics😂 I also like fluff! Especially when I write for Tyril and Jude, their relationship is angst x fluff x off-screen smut,lmao
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
I don't write too often for Selene unfortunately, she's my sweet precious baby, and somehow I abandoned her 😭 I'd also like to write more for Adeline, I've so much info about her and I just can't come up with an idea of how to work it into a chapter without it being too out of place.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Jude, of course, since I gave birth to him (lol), and Selene! To be honest, now that I think of it Selene is kind of my OC, at least in terms of the modern au 🤔 anyway, I love how different they are at first glance but when you pay attention they're actually not that different and you kind of can make out Tyril's type.
They both have a reflective/contemplative quality which often pushes them to self-destructive activities but they are responsible enough not to let it destroy them completely (I hope that makes sense?). They know how far they can push the limits (especially Jude) and they take advantage of it.
You didn't have a chance to see it yet but Jude can be manipulative as hell. Ngl I'm kinda proud of myself for not making him perfect, I love how destroyed and mean that man can be, lol. I think thats my favourite headcanon.
I don't know if there's something that repeatedly shows up regarding Jude but when it comes to Selene then it's definitely flowers. And the ocean. I think I use quite a lot of metaphors while writing about her and sometimes I think it's actually too much (but then I remember that since I'm the author I make the rules hehe)
I'm not gonna rant too much cause I don't wanna spoil but Selene will come back once I'm done with the Tyril x Jude mini series, and tslof series will return! And don't think it's the last you see Jude!
🫐What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Honestly idk haha, I'll say too little people write modern au blades hahaha
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killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
Doom Days || Ao3
|| Far Cry 3 || Chapter 1/? || T/E
- Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
Implied/Referenced Character Death, Symbolism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Canon-Typical Violence, Written Pre- Far Cry 6
You guys have no idea how dear this fic is to me, I hope you think it's neat too, I hope you enjoy and please, I have more written so feel free to send asks and yell at me to finish/post more -- or even if you just wanna chat, I'm always down to talk about this game ✨
When it finally comes down to it,
with the sun blazing overhead burning his already scarred flesh, sand seeping into his wounds; insult to injury, metal against his swollen tongue,
Jason Brody can't even kill himself.
Jason watches his friends start the boat, motor sputtering to life in exhausted thick coughs, and he watches as they sail away.
Nobody stopped him from staying.
Jason told them all he couldn't go back anymore, the blood, the murder… this was it now. The memories that plagued his every move. Every thought of Citra's dead eyes twitching and bleeding out looking at him haunted his waking moments.
He bet her body hadn't even gone cold yet and here he was waving his friends away who'd had helped in her death. Well, were they even his friends anymore?
Jason knew he'd been a terrible one to them all, an even worse boyfriend, and an atrocious brother to top it all off. Riley was holding back tears and punched him, it was well deserved; Jason knew it.
Keith didn't even bother to glance at him trying to calm his own emotions enough to not kill Jason then and there.
His thoughts wandered back to Citra, he didn't care for her in the end. Maybe reality had hit when she'd ordered him to kill Liza… along with everyone else. Jason marked the whole situation as horribly fucked up… No, extremely fucked up.
The sun was settling in the sky, an eerie breeze, a tint of orange showing through the stark blue.
"This isn't something we can come back from."
Keith's words were haunting, Jason's just glad he won't have to think about them for much longer.
(read the rest on ao3)
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ramu-ego · 1 year
bing bingbing hey hey hey!! woahhh your love 4 ego is unmatched LMFAOO, i’d never really thought much abt him but mayhaps your blog may change my mind !!! (you still get 2 be his top wifey though)
OHH!! my top 5.. it’s hyoma, seishiro, rin, reo & isagi! (not in any order but hyoma’s up there!!) funnily enough, WE R ON THE SAME FIRST IMPRESSIONS FOR RIN!! at first i was all “Man emo chars are so lame” THENN MY HATRED TURNED INTO AN OBSESSION LFMAOOA .. U RIGHTT I KNOW RIN WAS ON AUTO PILOT.. aint got a single thought in that stupid brain of his
THR FIRST ONE TO CATCH MY ATTENTION WAS HYOMA!! my friend sent me him, told me his nickname “princess” and said i would like him — i have a weakness LOL .. i feel like he’d produce such pretty reactions ?..!!?! the bath scene made me. kick my feet for unholy reasons!! THE SELFISH REASONS IS SOOO REAL OF YOU (i love being unapologetically mean to subs it’s entertaining in a way)
the fic sneakpeek with rin already has me running laps imm so excited HHAHA !! you bet once you post i’m running to that post as quick as possible! already loving how many thoughts and hcs you’re putting on this blog!!
hmm, not too sure how to end this.. any thoughts on your mind? or how’s your day been, depending on timezones! - 💌
-Ego is....very much my type. Painfully my type. If you saw a majority of my other fandom husbands then...Ego's in good company 😂 (said he was ugly then seconds later was head over heels) And I will always be indignant about his treatment in the fandom! Especially from manga readers!! I'll let anime only watchers slide bc he's...rough, for a while. But anyone who reads the U-20 game and still thinks he doesn't care is just being willfully ignorant. Ego went full blown dad mode in that second half of the game and I have yet to recover from his dilf energy coaching that game 😤
seriously though was ready to hate Rin like I hated a few other characters bc fanon personality was shit. Total ick. Was literally tired of seeing his face and I didn't even know what bllk was. But then his little scenes kept building and then the U-20 game happened and now...all I wanna do is make him worse 🥰
Chigiri goes in the Bachira/Kunigami box like...is it legal to not like them?? Are there really fans who hate Chigiri bc hello??? Pretty pretty princess but also will not stop laughing at the weird Reo/Nagi fanclub that just formed around Chigiri. The off the wall friendships in bllk kill me and both Reo/Nagi being fans of Chigiri in their little England team is still killing me. The bath scene though, if they cheap out on Chigiri's thighs I (and a few others) will be rioting. Give!! Us!! The!!! Thighs!! and the rest of the stupidity that happens in that blessed scene istg
GAH I'M SORRY THE RIN FIC IS ON HOLD- A certain someone (they know who they are <.<) Gave me the worst idea for Niko and well...dragging my pussy across my keyboard horny writing a Niko fic I never thought I'd write bc I thought Niko was an ugly little mother fucker (yes I see the irony in thinking Ego is drop dead gorgeous but the other bowl cut ugly...shh) But not to spoil anything but it may or may not be bc of the previous nipple headcanon post and the delightful idea of male lactation and chapped boy nips 🙏
Thoughts...it's 6:40 am and I've barely been up for an hour power slamming some coffee down my gullet before I start the day. Thoughts blank except survive the day and avoid a toddler tantrum like I'm defusing a bomb 😂 But also to make plenty of time to write for horny boys 🍑 Lemme play the uno reverse card! How have you been? Enjoyed last weeks bllk episode? Are you a dubbed or sub watcher? Favorite part in the manga thus far? Any characters you wanted to see more of or weird side characters that just interest you??
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A Study in Blue and Gold- Chapter Seven
I'll try and keep up with the chapter a day posts, pretty down about how much of a flop this fic has been- but never mind! I still loved writing it 😊
Be sure to check out the incredible art by @korruptbrekker for this fic here! I hope you love it as much as I do!
Thank you once again to my Beta and friend @the-duke-of-nuts for all of his support 😊💚🖤💚
Read this chapter on Ao3 here
Read from the beginning on Ao3 here
Just a filler chapter and no warnings I can think of 😊
I'm not getting too involved... Am I?
As the third day moved into the afternoon, Janus knew that he had made a good choice to let everything stew for a while before making his inevitable contact with the Detective. He sat in his office once again and had news channels playing constantly, watching as the press made up their own little stories while interpreting the facts incorrectly. He monitored the internet articles closely, and he printed off all of the ones that he came across, especially the ones that focused on the Detective. As he pinned more news articles to the cork board opposite the desk, it made him chuckle that they still hadn’t named him as the one behind the robbery, not even an implication… which meant the police had forced a blackout on certain pieces of information. They were more concerned about getting that precious crown back. He hadn’t decided yet, maybe he would return it into the Detective’s capable hands as a reward for solving the case.
In that moment, Janus was hit with an idea. He didn’t want this little cat-and-mouse game to end, it had been far too interesting, and it been the most exciting thing to happen to him for months. What if he could come up with more puzzles to keep the Detective playing? It would mean that he would have to part with more of his treasures as a result, but all of those artefacts that they had stolen over the years were just gathering dust in the trophy room. He couldn’t even remember the last time they had actually put anything in there… apart from the crown and the scepter of course. Janus grabbed some paper and a pen as he began to think of some ideas for these puzzles. They had to be difficult, more than that if he was going to even get the Detective’s attention. There was an ongoing case of his that would do very nicely.
However, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt as he looked at all of the other paperwork on the desk. The boys had been bringing him different deals that he could easily had made but he had rejected them, and he had forgotten a deadline for a blackmailing scheme over these three days that he had been working on for months. He had never got so consumed by a game before, Janus always kept his distance so he could never be compromised. There was something about this though; playing against someone of his wit, his level… it was too captivating, and he couldn’t give it up.
There was a knock at the door, and he didn’t even get to respond before it opened to show an angry but concerned Remus. The look in his eyes showed that he had something to say but was nervous to actually say it. There was an uncomfortable silence before Janus finally spoke in an attempt to shatter the ice that had suddenly formed around them.
“Do come in, why don’t you?” Janus remarked with sarcasm, enough to get a small smile out of Remus. For someone who was never afraid to speak his mind, this was uncharacteristically weird. He took a deep breath and Janus listened intently.
“Boss. I’ve heard some of the boys talking. They think you’re getting too involved. They’re concerned that if you keep playing around with that Detective, he’s gonna find us and shop us to the cops! I don’t wanna get fucking arrested, Boss. None of us do!” Janus looked over in shock. In all the years he has no Remus, he has never seen or heard desperation, and it was a shock to the system. Remus was the tough one after all, the brawn to Janus’ brains.
Janus walked over and placed a hand on Remus’ shoulder. Time to do what he did best, talk.
“Hey, hey. That’s not going to happen okay? This whole game, the only people that will come out winning will be us. I’ve been watching the Detective for a long time now… I want to take him down several pegs, he needs to get off the pedestal the police force have put him on as their golden boy. If we keep playing him, make him feel like he’s winning… the victory at the end will be far sweeter. Trust me, I have everything worked out.” Remus looked up at him skeptically and Janus just smiled in response.
“Now, I’ve got a meeting to arrange. Do me a favour? Put that crown and scepter in a box… it’s about time we give it back… just so the news has something else to talk about because it’s irritating me… and tell the boys that we’re safe.” Remus nodded and turned to leave the room. He glanced at Janus once more with concern, Remus was sure that Janus was right, but he couldn’t just ignore that doubt dancing away in his mind. There was nothing he could do now; he would just have to make sure that the doubting thoughts didn’t interfere with his work. After Remus closed the door behind him, Janus breathed a sigh of relief before taking his phone out of his pocket and text the Detective yet again. It didn’t matter if there was no reply to it this time, he was getting something better. As he grabbed his capelet from the back of his chair before getting ready to leave, he smiled as the excitement kicked in.
They were going to meet face to face, in one hour.
Logan spent the third day in the lab with Virgil, he found that being the lab was the best place for him to concentrate on paperwork. That was the only downside when it came to closing a case, all of the reports he had to write. He glanced at his phone as the time lit up, how was it already 5:55pm? It felt like he had only been there for five minutes, not five hours. It was calm here though, the sterile white walls and clean smell made it a much more productive work environment with no distractions. Virgil was busy diligently marking up the remaining evidence and not making any small talk, something that Logan greatly appreciated. Virgil understood that small talk was not a strong suit, it was why he valued him as a colleague, as a friend.
Virgil kept looking at Logan whenever he was looking down at the paperwork. He always looked so peaceful when he was concentrating, it was hard not to stare. Virgil kept taking deep breaths, building up the courage to do something he was meaning to do for months now. Today was the day that he was going to ask if he wanted to go for coffee. As he catalogued the final bag of evidence he rationalised everything one more time in his mind. ‘Remember Vee, don’t make a big deal out of it… If he says yes, then great. If he says no, pretend that it’s totally cool and brush it off like it was nothing… Just hurry up and do it!’
He put the final evidence bag away before heading over the Logan, he hated disturbing him, but if not now. When would he ask?
“Logan?” He asked timidly, almost too quietly. Logan did thankfully hear him though and he smiled politely.
“Yes, Virgil? Is there something you need? I’m nearly done with these. You can head home if it’s the end of your shift.” Virgil smiled at how concerned he was, it was sweet. He shook his head as he felt the nerves consume him once again.
“No, no. It’s my break actually. I was wondering if, maybe, you’d like to t-take a break and go get…” Logan’s phone notification rang loudly, the noise reverberated around every wall. Part of Virgil was disappointed, but another part was extremely relieved that he probably wouldn’t need to finish his question.
Logan immediately snatched his phone from the counter and eagerly read the text waiting for him.
Congratulations on solving my little puzzle, Detective Phoenix. How about you give me some feedback on how I did? Come the address below in an hour. Don’t keep me waiting… I promise I’ll play fair.
Logan practically beamed like Christmas had come early for him. He leapt off his seat, stacked all the finished paperwork in a neat pile before throwing on his coat and scarf. Logan nodded at Virgil before pacing quickly out the door, letting it slam behind him. Virgil waited for a moment before the anxiety became too much. Who sent him that text? Why would he leave so quickly without saying a word? He had a nagging thought that Janus Hyde was somehow involved… but he couldn’t see the text, so it was impossible to know. Then the anxiety kicked up another gear, so many more questions flooded Virgil’s mind. What if it was a trap? What if Logan got hurt? He would never forgive himself if something happened and he could have been there to help. Virgil went to call Patton but remembered that he was questioning the security guard all day then completing paperwork late into the evening.
There was no choice. Virgil ran out of the lab and followed Logan onto the street. When he saw him get into a taxi, he raced to his own car parked a little further down the road. He waited until the taxi began to move before setting off behind them at a distance. He gripped the steering wheel tight, watching the taxi diligently, with one thought in his mind.
Whatever was going on, he would keep Logan safe, that was a promise
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bruhstories · 3 years
summary: you and yuji have been together for three years now, but on your anniversary night, you allow your own demons to come to the surface. pairing: ryomen sukuna x female!reader (itadori yuji x female!reader, too, i guess?) | aged up characters word count: 3.5k warning & content: cheating?? (is it cheating if it's technically the same body?), unprotected sex, creampie, slight dacryphillia, vaginal fingering, blackmail, reader is kind of an asshole? (can you blame her tho, sukuna is such a daddy ugh), bit of overstimulation, slight dumbification (if you squint)
a/n: i'm back, and i can tell my writing skill is getting rusty. i took a break and it's obvious with this fic, but i need to get my head back in the game. it is what it is.
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Yuji was a great boyfriend. In all honesty, he was every woman and man's dream — funny, charming, attentive and, most importantly, caring. He cared about you so much that he always made sure to control his own personal demon. You knew about Sukuna, Yuji told you after a few dates, and you were well versed in Jujutsu Sorcery, enough to know that he was not someone you could mess with. But you didn't want to give up on Yuji, and stuck with him through thick and thin. After almost three years of the beautiful and fun relationship you two had, he asked you to move in with him since you were both adults now, and you gladly accepted, because after so much time, you came to love him, despite seeing Sukuna's outbursts during fights. That thing, that monster, was beyond terrifying, but you trusted Yuji with all your heart, and that was all that mattered.
Or maybe you were unhinged, maybe you wanted Sukuna to come to the surface. Maybe, deep down in your heart, you fell in love with the switch, with the raging, brutal frenzies that you happened to witness on the rare occasions when Yuji couldn’t control the King of Curses. Maybe you weren’t meant to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer, because, as opposed to your optimistic and good-natured boyfriend, you never hesitate to kill – human or curse. Sometimes it felt as if your curiosity surpassed your love for Yuji, and that was a horrendous thought. Surely, that can’t be the real you, right?
Today is your three-year anniversary, and naturally, you want to surprise your boyfriend, so when you come home from a mission, you stop by his favourite ramen restaurant, picking up something to eat, maybe even some dessert. You tiptoe inside when you notice Yuji napping on the couch, and after silently setting up the table, careful not to wake him up, you quickly change into something... nicer. Yuji doesn't really enjoy it when you show some skin, which sucks because you want him to show you off. Nevertheless, you respect him, but tonight is special, surely it wouldn't hurt if you wear a shorter skirt. And a low-cut blouse. And heels. Fuck it, you think, adding a pair of thigh high socks as well, maybe that would rile him up. As much as you loved him, Yuji was too gentle. You liked that about him, truly, but sometimes you just need him to give you a good fuck, which was impossible, no matter how much you begged him to do it. You watch your reflection in the mirror from head to toe, proud of your skimpy outfit, but you can't help but wonder if he might be upset at your choice of attire. Even if he prefers it when you're dressed in pastels, that's not you, the real you. "You look good enough to eat." Yuji's voice breaks your trance and you turn on your heels to look at him. He stands in the doorway of the bedroom, arms folded across his chest, but there's a strange aura around him, and you can't exactly see his face through the dim lights. "You like it?" Your ears perk up, happy that he's not bothered by the clothes. "I do. You should dress like that more often." He sneers, stepping closer to you. "Alright, what kind of prank are you pulling now, Yuji? You never liked these kinds of clothes." You lower your head, your luscious lips turning into a pout. His calloused fingertips grip your chin, turning your head to face the mirror, and that's when you see the black markings on his face. Fear paralyses your entire body, eyes widening in panic and anxiety. "He might not like them, but I do." His voice is lower than Yuji's, calm yet obscenely dangerous. "I- you-" The words get caught in your throat, and you can't take your eyes off of his reflection. You know for a fact there's absolutely nothing you can do to defend yourself from Sukuna without hurting Yuji, and that thought makes you feel incredibly small and downright pathetic. "Little lamb, do you have any idea how hard it's been for me to watch this ungrateful brat take you for granted?" His hand is still leaving imprints on your chin and cheek, the other travelling down your back. "To watch you lose yourself for him, of all people?" "You don't know me!" Lips open without a thought, and you regret every syllable that came out of your mouth. "Oh, but I do." Yuji, no, Sukuna sneers, that same hand that was once on your back is now on your abdomen, painstakingly slowly creeping under your blouse. "Everything he sees, I see. Everything he smells, I smell. What he hears, I hear. But I just couldn't touch what's mine. Until now." You feel him pinching your nipple, and you're ashamed to admit how good his skin feels against yours, his hot breath fanning over your nape. "'M not yours." You grit your teeth, manicured fingernails digging into the plush of your thighs to keep your composure. "There's one thing I can smell that he can't. Wanna know what that is, sweet dove?" He whispers in your ear, and it's dotting your skin with goosebumps. "Enlighten me." "Your arousal." "You're bluffing." Is all you manage to say before Sukuna spins you around, pinning you against the mirror. "Let's see, shall we? I bet you're dripping," he shoves one of your legs to the side with his knee, and you don't stop him, "I bet you you've fantasised about this, late at night, when this brat can't please you. He's well endowed, though, it's a shame he can't use his dick." "S-stop it, please. I love him." "Pardon me if I doubt that." "Please, sir..." Sir? How should you call him? Demon? Cursed spirit? Monster? "How about master?" Sukuna barks back, as if reading your mind sarcasm dripping
down his tongue. You can't stifle a moan when his teeth sink in the crook of your neck, and you know damn well that you want this, and that every word he uttered so far was correct. You have thought about Yuji switching with Sukuna, wondered how he would fuck you, make you chant his name, but you never told your boyfriend, you couldn't. It's sinful, disgraceful and disgusting. Instinctively, you grind up his thigh, tears of shame and lust pooling at your eyes when you slowly give in to the temptation. He's already bruised your skin, one hand toying with your tits, the other lifting your skirt up. It's too late to fight him, because you never wanted to fight him in the first place. You deepest, darkest wish is finally coming to life. "That's better." Sukuna licks his lips, and your half-lidded, glossy eyes land on his tongue. "Please, m-may I kiss you?" Eyes dart away, cheeks burning with desire and embarrassment. "How polite of you to ask." He coos at you mockingly, his face inching closer to yours before absolutely crushing your lips under his. You don't hesitate to partly open your mouth, allowing his tongue to slip between your lips. Fuck, he kisses you so good that your knees give in, and all you can think is that if he's such a good kisser, he's definitely going to fuck you dumb. And you want that more than anything. When he pulls away, you lick your lips, still tasting him on your tongue, and he tastes so much better than Yuji — sweet and addictive. "I really wanted to take my time with you, after all, I waited three long years for this. But you're such an eager little slut, aren't you?" "I'm n-not a slut-" You try to protest, but you can't fool him, especially not when he's pushing your panties to the side, fingers grazing over your slit. "You are a slut. You merely buried that side of you for a pathetic little boy who can't handle a real woman." Sukuna's index finger gently brushes against your clit, enough to have you weak and needy. "Don't worry, Y/N, you don't have to hide from me. You can show me what you really want." It hurts to know that Yuji probably sees and hears everything, that he will probably break up with you after this, but you're too far gone to care about his feelings when finally someone is paying attention to yours. Your hand travels up his thigh, palming his already hard cock, and the way he groans, throwing his head back is satisfying enough for you. It hurts to think that Yuji never appreciates this side of you, and it's more painful when you consider this to be cheating — it's still his body, technically, but it's not your loving boyfriend, and you're perfectly fine with that. He slips a finger between your folds, a quiet moan escaping your lips, and Sukuna knows you won't dare say no to him, or try to reason with him. He adds another finger, but he absolutely does not move them an inch, instead you automatically fuck yourself on his hand, gripping one of his shoulders for support. "That's a good whore." Sukuna praises you, tongue lapping at your collarbone, making you delirious with lust. "You want my cock? Want me to fuck your aching cunt?" It's impossible to refuse his proposition, instead you buck your hips, your fingers gripping his t-shirt and you know you might tear it if you keep this up. "Yes..." You answer him, voice soft and quiet. "Yes what?" "P-please... Yes, please!" "Much better. Get on the bed." Sukuna commands and you obey, skirt dangerously hiked up. You proceed to take it off, but he slaps your hands away, too impatient for such formalities. He did wait a long time for this, you understand that, and so you lay on your back, blouse unbuttoned, panties on the floor and legs wide open for him to take you. Oh, and he adores this sight, how you willingly give yourself to him, your dainty fingers spreading your juices around your cunt, eager to be filled. In those three years of being with Yuji, you got used to his cock, but seeing it now seems like it's the first time. Precum leaks from the blushing tip and your mouth begins to water just by looking at him, and
this pleases Sukuna greatly. "Tell me what you want." He climbs on top of you, hands resting next to you as your fingernails graze over his chest. "I don't wanna say it..." You avert your gaze, a crumb of dignity left in you because you know Yuji hears everything. "Oh, you don't?" He quirks a brow, brown irises bearing a hint of red. "Then you won't mind me killing the brat." This garners your attention, and you feel stupid because of course he would blackmail you. Do you care? No. Do you want Yuji to think you care? Yes. "Please don't hurt him." You look back at Sukuna, tears pricking your eyes. "Why shouldn't I? We both know he doesn't deserve you." "You're wrong, I love-" "This isn't about you loving him, it's about you renouncing your true nature." His hand finds its way on your neck, fingers wrapping around it. "How many times have you begged him to choke you and he refused? How many times did you ask him to fuck you harder and he said no? You're a filthy slut, Y/N, and it's time you got what you deserve." The lack of air has your pussy clenching around nothing, and you hate him so much for being right. Yuji could never give you what you want, but Sukuna can, and it's an opportunity you can't pass. "Now, I'll say this one last time — tell me what you want." He releases the grip on your neck. "Y-you! I want you to fuck me, please, fuck me good, make me yours!" The tears that roll down your cheeks ruin your makeup, mascara mixed with eyeshadow smeared under your eyes. The tip of his cock pushes past your folds, and inch by inch he bottoms out. It feels bigger than before, stretching you open in a beautiful blend of pain and pleasure, your lips forming an O as your eyes roll back. "He doesn't deserve your tears. But I do. Cry for me." Sukuna sneers, his broad frame hovering above you and you feel so small and vulnerable. Yet again you obey, allowing more salty droplets to run down your face as you wrap your legs around his waist, feeling him go deeper. "Fuck, 's big! Oh, god-" Sukuna's palm meets your cheek, a sharp, stinging pain bringing your eyes on him. "Focus, whore. Not god, not the brat, me." He grunts, hips rocking back and forth harder and faster. "Who do you belong to?" You don't want to say it, what would Yuji think of you? He's probably already disgusted, contemplating breaking up with you once he regains control of his body. Another slap pulls you out of your thoughts and you buck your hips against his. "Answer me." "I b-belong to you! You!" "That's right, you're mine. Don't worry your pretty head, little lamb, Yuji won't be coming back any time soon." He grunts with every thrust, and his reassurance is somewhat comforting, because, god, he fucks you so good, you would kill for another opportunity like this. His teeth sink into your shoulder, fingers bruising your skin and you're delighted that he's marking you. All that matters is that you're his, chanting his name over and over again, praying to your new god, and Sukuna is beyond pleased with his work of art. When he pulls out of you, you almost cry, because it feels like a part of you is missing, but he's a merciful god, he won't let his newly devoted subject famished. Flipping you over as if you're made of feathers, he thrusts back into your aching cunt, and you yelp at the feeling of being overpowered by him. Sukuna's stamina is off the charts, because while your legs begin to feel numb, he's fucking into you with such force and intensity that the damn bed slides on the floor. It's raw, the way he's defiling your cunt, and it's sending your brain into overdrive. Your spongy walls clench around his cock, and while he doesn't say anything, the simple fact that he's going deeper and harder makes you feel special. Squirming and thrashing under him, you're desperate for some form of validation, and so you lift your ass up, pushing it back against his hips with a delightful moan escaping your lips. Sukuna takes notice of your sudden change of posture, and the way you curve your spine to try and get a look at him is adorable. "You want something,
pet?" He barely spares you a glance, and his indifference makes your pussy flutter. Your incoherent sentence almost makes him laugh, words such as good and please distinguishable between the other stutters. "Use your fucking words." A slap over your firm ass makes you yelp and jolt up. "A-am I good enough f-for you?" The question takes him by surprise, but he doesn't stop to think. Instead, he digs his sharp talons into the plush of your hips, overjoyed by your eagerness to please him. "You could do better." Sukuna teases you, but you take it personally, sadness and determination coiling inside of your heart. By this point, you don't even remember your boyfriend's name, too high on pleasure to even care. "'M sorry! P-please, I wanna be good!" You throw your head back and he wraps an arm around your neck, pressing his chest against your back. "If you wanna make me happy, you best forget about Itadori." "W-who?" "Your– never mind." Sharp canines flashed in his smirk, Sukuna tilts your head enough for you to catch a glimpse of his eyes. They're dark and vicious, and any sane person would be repulsed by them, but not you. No, you drown in them, completely absorbed by the hatred hiding behind them. The more you stare into his orbs, the closer you are to your climax. And he knows it. "Fuck fuck fuck!" "That's right, little lamb, let go of all that is moral and human." "Don't stop- oh, god, please don't s-stop!" In your frenzy, in his frantic pace, Sukuna's close, too. It would have taken any other woman hours to please him due to his insatiable nature, but you — your cunt clenching around his cock for dear life milks him dry, and inch by inch he pulls out, watching the hot liquid dripping down your trembling thighs. Art, he thinks, this is what art is — your face buried in the pillows, ass up, and his seed spilling out of your sore cunt. You come down from your haze, slowly but surely, and the realisation of what just happened begins to hit you. You want to regret everything, to feel a shred of shame, but there isn't any left. After this night, Sukuna irrevocably owns you, and you wouldn't have it any other way. He lays on the bed, lazily watching you stumble in the bathroom to clean yourself up, but with his guard up in case you want to try anything stupid. Yet when you don't come back, Sukuna wonders if you ran away out the window, which makes him laugh to himself because he could find you anywhere if he wanted to. So, he drags his feet across the room, finding you on the edge of the bathtub, watching the water pool inside with a blank stare. When you feel his presence, you get up and tug at the hem of his shirt. The man flinches, until he remembers that you are harmless and exhausted, and you don't look like you even want to put up a fight, so he allows you to take his shirt off. "Is this for me?" He points at the tub, brow quirked and a mischievous smile on his lips. "Yes." "Are you gonna clean me up?" "Yes." You sigh, wondering if you truly ever loved Yuji, wondering why you didn't even try to fight for him. "Do you want your boyfriend back?" Oh, how you dreaded this question. You cringe at the words, and don't reply. Silence is also an answer, but he's cruel. "I need to hear it." "He will also hear it." Of course he will, that's the whole point of humiliation. Sukuna steps in the tub, dipping himself in the hot water, a hand extended towards you. "Join me." You hesitate to take his hand, lips pursed and eyes narrowed at the man who looks so serene that it amazes you how brutal he was before. "I won't ask again." Complying, and not wanting to anger him, you don't waste another moment to get in the tub, back against his chest. "Can I ask you a question?" "You just did, sweet dove." "Fine, I’ll shut up." "Now, now, don't give me that attitude, or else I'll have to put you in your place. And you won't like it." His nails are pressed onto your jugular, and you know those things can cut, your hips are still bleeding. "Ask away." He lets his hands fall on your shoulders and you exhale the breath that was caught in your
throat. "Why didn't you kill me? Why don't you kill me?" "I need a pet." "Oh." Your disappointment makes Sukuna burst into laughter. What did you expect? A confession of love? "Oh?" He mocks you, tracing circles on your skin with his talons. "Don't worry, I take good care of my pets. Especially if they're loyal and obedient." His hands travel down your body, one pulling your knee to the side, the other moving up your thigh. "You are loyal and obedient, yes?" "Please, no more-" The rest of the sentence dies before you can utter it when his fingers ghost over your swollen clit. "Answer me, Y/N." "I can't come again!" "You can, and you will, because I want you to. Now answer the fucking question." Sukuna toys with you, only pushing his index finger one knuckle deep between your folds before pulling it out, and somehow you can't feel the sharpness of his nails. "Will you serve and obey me, not once questioning my authority?" He pushes the finger back in, curling it upwards and you don't fail to clench your walls once more. "Oh, f-fuck, I will, I will! But please, I can't–" When he rubs your clit, you are done for. You didn't think you could reach another climax, but those circles he's rubbing with enough pressure to both give you pleasure and pain have you melting in his arms. "Swear it, then. Make a pact with me. I can give you anything in return, maybe even the brat." "I s-swear it, S-Sukuna! I swear my loyalty to you!" You hiss between your gritted teeth, hips rolling in synchronicity with his hand. "And in return, what do you want?" "I want you! Oh, god, I only want you!" "Clever girl." The man decides to give you what you want, and with a quickened pace, you squeeze your thighs together, coming undone on his fingers. "I'm going to enjoy your company." Embracing your true nature is your salvation, and damnation. Your boyfriend is never coming back, Sukuna simply won't allow it, and from this moment on, your memories of Yuji begin to fade away, like a bad dream, because you simply must serve your beloved master, your merciful and devastatingly powerful god. That's who you really are.
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