#I wanna see them guard the chaos emeralds together
blowflyfag · 4 months
I know they would get along so well
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Filmverse!Knuckles is gonna be Tikal’s Little Brother and if he’s not I’m suing Sega
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[ID: Two images; one of clipart of Knuckles the Echidna beside a poster for Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), and another from Sonic X of Knuckles and Tikal together while Tikal is injured. End ID.] 
Thankfully, this might be shorter than my last couple theory posts but unfortunately I am possibly more passionate about it because this could conceivably happen and if it doesn’t I don’t know what I’m gonna do. 
So in this theory, I will endeavor to prove these points:
Knuckles will very soon be present in the filmverse. 
In the Filmverse, Pachacamac (and by extention, Tikal) are no longer four-thousand years gone, but exist at the same time as Sonic.
Knuckles is going to be in this clan not just as any member, but as Tikal’s brother. 
We’re going off the rails and I’m going to tie this all in to the Chaos Emerald Filmverse theory. 
Who’s ready to go? Everything under the cut. 
1. Knuckles is Coming #2k22
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[ID: Another edited photo, placing clipart of Knuckles beside a promotional photo for Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). End ID.] 
This will probably be a short section but... there’s no way Knuckles won’t be in the filmverse very soon. Likely, in the second fucking movie. 
Let’s start with the basics: Knuckles was originally going to be in the first movie, but was cut in order to better establish the Sonic vs Robotnik rivalry. Director Jeff Fowler made the following statement: 
“For this first film, we really were just looking at the 1991 game and just see where it all started and keep it simple…Just really try to nail Sonic and Robotnik and just set up their rivalry because you don’t…I mean, I love…There’s a lot of great characters in Sonic universe, but it’s the most important thing is just to get Sonic set up and just tell a little bit of an origin story with him, and just do it in a way that really makes everyone fall in love with him as a character and just be rooting for more.
And then, if all that goes well, then we can kind of open it up and bring in some of these other characters that fans know and love. And yeah, I mean, no one’s more excited than me to have that opportunity.”
As well as this, co-writer for the film, Josh Miller, has stated he really wants to bring in Knux. 
“I will only hint that we wanna bring in some of the other characters from the games. But, really, it’s all about Knuckles’ love.” [x]
Second, voice actors have, reportedly, already been considered for Knuckles’s voice, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. [x, x]
And third, Mushroom Hill. 
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[ID: Two photos; one of the Mushroom Planet from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). The second is a screenshot from Sonic & Knuckles, where Knuckles is running through Mushroom Hill. Both photos feature gigantic mushrooms resembling trees and an orange tint. End iD.]
The “Mushroom Planet” is a direct reference to the first level of Sonic & Knuckles. The first level of.... the game with Knuckles’s name in it. 
So, you wanna hear something funny? What’s the first thing Knuckles does in the game timeline? 
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[ID: Screenshot from Sonic & Knuckles. Sonic is standing on the left side of the screen, beneath a mural of something holding an emerald towards something that looks like SuperSonic. On the right side of the screen is Knuckles, ready to fight Sonic. End ID.]
Well... Robotnik shows up, convinces him that Sonic and Tails are gonna try to steal his emerald, and sends him off to fight them. 
And where’s Robotnik at the end of the 2020 film?
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[ID: Robotnik on the Mushroom Planet in Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). End ID.]
While the Mushroom Planet may not be where Angel Island is in filmverse, the direct reference would definitely generate fan attention. And it implies that Robotnik, wherever he is or is going, is headed towards Knuckles. And with the game inciting incident of Robotnik having Knuckles fight Sonic for him... well, wouldn’t that be a wild introduction? Especially for casual fans who don’t have Sonic Lore memorized and may not know that Knuckles was originally an antagonist/rival to Sonic. 
Oh, and there’s one more piece of evidence that Knuckles is gonna show up... the fact that his tribe already has. 
And among them, by the way, are Pachacamac and Tikal. 
2. Pachacamac and Tikal are no longer 4000 years old
So. Let’s talk about the opening scene of Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). As many of you have probably noticed, Sonic and Longclaw are attacked not just by any masked intruders, but by... the Knuckles Clan of Echidnas. 
And we’re sure they’re not any other clan, because they have the trademark Knuckled Gloves. 
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[ID: Multiple gifs of the echidnas attempt to attack Longclaw and Baby Sonic. They are dressed in vaguely tribal wear, and have gloves featuring pointed knuckles, signifying them as the Knuckles Clan. End ID.] 
Now, that’s not evidence of Pachacamac/Tikal itself; we know the Knuckles Clan lasted at least long enough to spawn our Knuckles. What is evidence, however, is in the specific Echidna who shot Longclaw. 
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[ID: Gif of the Echidna who shot Longclaw, isolated in the frame. End ID.] 
Look familiar?
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[ID: The echdina who shot Longclaw in the 2020 film next to a render of Pachacamac. The mystery echidna’s helmet has the same forehead markings as Pachacamac, along with a design that looks like his mustache. End ID.]
And fun fact: this isn’t me reaching for once. This was confirmed by Tyson Hesse, film character designer and savior of Sonic, on his twitter. 
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[ID: Tweet from Tyson Hesse, showing the pictures of the Echidna and Pachacamac. He says, “Late to the #sonicwatchparty but this is an easter egg I haven’t seen many people catch.” End iD.]
Pachacamac is canonically in Sonic 2020. As director Jeff Fowler has said he believes Sonic as ~13 during the events of the film, we could say he’s about three years old in that intro. And we know this because it is specified specifically that the main timeline takes place ten years after the prologue. 
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[ID: Screenshot from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), the first shot following the logo. It is a landscape shot of a street in the middle of a green field, and the caption reads, Green Hills Montana: Ten Years Later. End ID.]
Meaning... Pachacamac was alive ten years before the film takes place. Quite the departure from the four-thousand year time jump in the gameverse. Seeing as Pachacamac is alive so close to this timeline, we can reasonably assume that Tikal is, too- she’s his teenaged daughter, canonically ~14 when she is turned into a spirit, which would put her as solidly alive during this timeline. 
...wanna know who else would be alive in this timeline? 
Knuckles, who is only a year older than Sonic. 
And, um, obviously a member of the Knuckles Clan. 
3. Where is Knuckles in this Filmverse Canon?
Okay “Knuckles” is going to stop sounding like a word so can we just call the Knuckles Clan the KC rn? okay? Okay. 
Knuckles is canonically a year older than Sonic- listed as 16 while Sonic is 15. So if Sonic’s alive, Knuckles is alive. Basic logic there. 
In the gameverse, Knuckles’s backstory is as thus, paraphrased from Sonic Wiki:
Knuckles was born and raised alone on Angel Island as the last surviving member of the Knuckles Clan, a long-lost race of echidnas devoted to protecting the Master Emerald from being abused. However, Knuckles’s own past was a mystery to him; he knew nothing how he came to be and believed himself to be the last of his kind entirely. The one thing he did know was that he had always been living on his island, protecting the Master Emerald. Knuckles knew from an innate knowledge that his duty was his fate, and he was content with that.
While we can’t expect his backstory to stay exactly the same, seeing as Sonic now has a dead owl mom and knows how to Fortnite dance, but Knuckles’s backstory does fuel a lot of his character and decisions in the games. Here are what I believe to be the two main points of this backstory:
Knuckles is, or at least believes himself to be, the last member of his race 
Knuckles considers it his sacred duty to guard the Master Emerald 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic X of Knuckles the Echidna holding the Master Emerald above his head. End ID.]
Now... if Sonic was three during that backstory, the KC was around at least when Knuckles was about four. Most children don’t develop long-term memories til then, but if 3yo Sonic could remember his backstory in Green Hills near-perfectly, then clearly mobians are a bit different. We can reasonably assume that Knuckles would then remember at least part of his tribe or family, so that’s a definite change. 
Thing is, what would be the reason for this change? Even ignoring Pachacamac, it was definitely intentional for the clan attacking Longclaw and Sonic to be the KC, which does change quite a bit of Knuckles’s backstory. Which isn’t a problem, you see- it’s a drastic change, but character changes aren’t bad if there’s a reason behind them. 
So what would be the reason for Knuckles having memories of his tribe? 
Well... how easy would it be, then, to get that Sonic Adventure flashback via Knuckles instead of a glowing ball of Tikal/Navi? 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic Adventure, showing Knuckles the Echidna staring down Chaos and the glowing ball of light that symbolizes Tikal. They are standing in front of the emerald shards. End ID.]
Would be an easy way to get any chaos emerald/Master Emerald exposition out of the way, as well as establish some basic and early Sonic Lore- Chaos, echidnas, chao. And if Knuckles, um, remembers his entire race being massacred by an elder god?? That would definitely affect him in a way that he’d consider protecting the Master Emerald, the controller of the power Chaos used to do such a thing, a duty for himself. 
And... what would be the best way to get that backstory out? 
4. Knuckles is Tikal’s Baby Brother
Here’s the thing- the KC citizens don’t seem to know much about what’s going on outside of Pachacamac’s orders. From talking to them in Sonic Adventure flashbacks, we can see they’re quite a bit... confused, I think is the best way to put it. 
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[ID: Dialogue screenshots from Sonic Adventure that I had to nab from a Game Grumps video because nobody else had these online. The echidnas say, “The daughter? I saw her in front of the shrine.”, “Well... I.... I just can’t sit still!” and “I think, therefore I am.” End ID.]
So if Knuckles was just an ordinary tribe member, it’d be unlikely for him to know enough to provide the necessary flashback details. And if Knuckles’s past was changed in order to provide an easier connection to the SA lore, he’d need to be very near to the action. Of course, he could just be a curious child, but even then, he’d likely be left out of several conversations surrounding Tikal. 
Most of Tikal’s flashbacks are spent alone- she only has a few arguing with her father, but most of her scenes are spent with the Chao and Chaos themself in the Chao Garden. Considering Tikal seems to be the only echidna frequenting the Chao Garden- the chao are afraid of her when she first approaches, Pachacamac arriving is basically seen as a declaration of war- there’d be no reason for an echidna to be there unless she brought them herself. 
Who would she bring with her? Perhaps... her little brother. 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic X of Tikal, surrounded by flying Chao while at the Master Emerald Shrine. End ID.]
First off, let’s get over the age thing-- I know you’re gonna say “Knuckles is 16 when Tikal is 14,” HOWEVER, TIkal did not age while inside the Master Emerald. She could go in at any point in Knuckles’s life, which means she could be anywhere from ten years older than him to a twin sister to two years younger. 
There’s no real concrete evidence of how old Knuckles would be in filmverse when the SA events happen, seeing as we have only seen Pachacamac existing and have no idea where this is in his timeline. However, from a writing standpoint, if you want to keep a bit of Knuckles’s backstory of living alone for a good chunk of his life, I’d say the massacre happening when he was ~8 seems likely. Old enough to have clear memories of the SA events but young enough to have his life completely sidetracked and feel like he raised himself. 
It’d be very easy for the flashbacks to feature Tikal taking a baby Knuckles to the Chao Garden, just telling him “don’t tell Dad, he won’t understand,” to talk to him about the grandmother he doesn’t remember who used to teach peace, to explain Chaos and the Master Emerald to him. 
And it’d be very easy angst for Knuckles being dragged along with the rest of the clan to take the emerald(s), watch his father basically doom his sister and his tribe murder innocent chao, and then see everyone he’s ever known murdered by Chaos, with his older sister stopping the rampage only by sealing herself and the destructive god in that emerald, leaving Knuckles completely alone. That’s all severe angst that pretty much no writer would pass up. 
Especially because it means Knuckles guarding the Master Emerald has now turned into Knuckles guarding his sister. 
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[ID: Sonic X screenshot of Knuckles and Tikal looking up, surrounded by fire. End ID.]
So that’s the general theory. But let’s talk about something more fun: how it all ties into the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory. 
5. It all ties into our Chaos Emerald theory shh 
If you haven’t read Cori’s manifesto on the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory, allow me to summarize: 
Sonic is definitely a living Chaos Emerald, meaning that there are six other living Chaos Emeralds running around that we’re gonna need to track down. At least one of them’s Tails. 
First thing’s first... Robotnik going after Knuckles then makes perfect sense. If Robotnik somehow figured out exactly what Sonic was, he’d want a way to dilute his power. And the Master Emerald literally nullifies the power of the chaos emeralds. So whoever has the Master Emerald can severely nerf Sonic. Imagine Sonic getting within the boundaries of the ME and then immediately losing speed and falling flat on his face. Big oof. 
Second, it’s possible that Knuckles will also know what Sonic is. Because, well... what was Pachacamac after in Sonic Adventure?
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[ID: Pachacamac attempting to talk down Tikal, who is t-posing in front of the Chao Garden in attempt to keep them out. Behind him is an echidna army, ready to attack. Pachacamac is saying, “We need those seven emeralds to give us total power!” End ID.]
The Chaos Emeralds. In order to use their power as weapons. 
And what was he after in Sonic 2020? 
Interesting, huh.
Knuckles is gonna be the last member of the Knuckles Clan, guarding his older sister’s spirit inside an insanely powerful emerald, and will definitely be manipulated by Robotnik into using his Master Emerald to fuck up Sonic. 
And it’ll be really awesome. 
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[ID: Sonic X screencap of Knuckles giving a thumbs up. End ID.]
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Shadamy Swordland ch 6 |
Rouge brushed the dust from her clothes after scolding Shadow about his reckless move, whose attitude remained as indifferent as ever.
“Guys?-” Amy said, trying to get their attention.
  “I knew what I was doing!”
  “Sure didn’t look the part.”
  “Guys, look!” The pink hedgehog shouted. “A floating city…?!”
  Shadow and Rouge finally paid attention to her, turning their heads to look at her. Amy walked towards the end of a cliff and bent over to the edge to overlook the place they ended up on. Multiple sandstone paths winded across the skies along floating, vine-clad buildings with spiralling paths around them, leading to the top. Shadow joined her, hooking a finger behind her belt to keep her from a potential fall into the depths he couldn’t see the end of.
“It’s so beautiful… We should have a date here sometime.” Amy dreamily glanced at Shadow.
Rouge whistled, impressed by their discovery. She flew to the closest floating pathway across from the others and created a connecting road between them, closing the gap so they could cross. Amy ran forward to the path and yanked Shadow along with her, who had forgotten he was still hooked on her belt. The male tumbled onto her, his weight pressing on her, making her falter. He quickly unhooked his finger from her belt and curled his arm behind her back to catch her.
  “Gotcha. You need to start watching your back more if you still want that date, Rose.”
 Meanwhile elsewhere on a floating island above the sky-high ruin befallen floating city the three had set foot on, an echidna picked up the slightest of vibes of a familiar energy. He rested against the stone stairway that led to an altar, his eyes closed as he concentrated on the waves of energy that unexpectedly drifted among the upward winds. He rose and walked towards the bridge that connected the floating island to the city below.
  ‘Knuckles’, the guardian’s name, attempted to seize some shards of green energy that whirled up to the island, but couldn’t get a hold of it. They flew off in different directions, escaping the grasp of his hands. He doubted for a second.
  “No, I’m sure of it. This has to be Chaos Energy!”
  The quizzical expression however didn’t leave his face for the gemstones he was guarding were right here with him. They were the only thing he’d ever seen that could produce this type of energy waves. He was more than familiar with the stories of special Mobians possessing a strange power that could either use or produce Chaos Energy, but never saw one before.
“Guess it’s time for me to test out that sacred art skill.”
 Every new-born member of the designated guardian family inherited a sacred art skill called ‘vision’ when they’d been given a name. After the naming ceremony, which would secure the bond between the Master Emerald and the future guardian, the skill would develop along with them as they grew up.
  The ‘vision’ allowed them to sense Chaos Energy up to a 15 mile radius around them. It also gave them the ability to ‘jump’ into an image, zooming in on it like a telescope. The most important thing about it though was that the guardians could make the entire island temporarily invisible to hide it from outsiders.
  Knuckles rapidly blinked three times in a row, activating the skill and zoomed in on the source of the Chaos energy. Taking in three Mobians he saw walking on the floating paths of the Sky Sanctuary he gasped with unease. The black one made him recall something like he recognized him.
 “He looks like…-”
 He ran back to the altar and quickly scanned the murals on it, his eyes widening at the shocking resemblance of the images and the Mobian strolling on the floating pathways below him. He looked at the black male again.
 “It is him! But why? What’s he doing here? I’d better keep an eye on them.”
 The guardian decided to track them from the island and casted a spell to turn the island invisible, not letting his curiosity getting the best of him.
  “So, what will you do when you’ve obtained the emerald, Rouge?” Shadow asked.
  “I’ll take it to the man who’s willing to help me, like I told you.”
  “What does he plan to do with it?”
  ‘He’s getting a little too interested in this. I’d better distract him.’ Rouge thought.
  “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask so many questions?”
  The bat acted overly insulted only to bump into Amy next when she wasn’t paying attention of what was ahead of her. The pink hedgehog had stopped walking without warning and the others immediately understood why. Unmistakably present was the amount of Chaos spores in the air ahead of them, leading upwards. Amy took a step forward.
  “What do you think you’re doing?” Rouge yelled.
  “What?! I’m going up there! To that floating island.” Amy pointed upward.
  “Floating island?” Shadow questioned.
  “Sweetie, I don’t see anything up there. Maybe we should call it a day.”
  “How- how can you NOT see it?! It’s right there! Look!”
  Seeing the other’s puzzled expressions Amy finally believed they really didn’t see what she in fact saw: a bridge leading to a floating island. That’s where all the chaos energy’s concentrated. How could they not see it? Especially with their sacred arts levels higher than hers.
  “It’s really there! I’m telling you it’s real. I’m not crazy, okay!”
  Shadow and Rouge first glanced at each other with a kind of concern before shifting their gaze at Amy.
  “I don’t rule out that there’s something up there, okay? But let’s call it a day and go back here another time. “ Rouge said.
  “Agreed.” Shadow added.
  “Fine. I’ll show you when we get back here.”
  After Amy and Shadow parted from Rouge they walked back to the academy in the dark. It had started snowing again and a bleak breeze flared up, dusting up the snow in tiny, cold whirlwinds of powdery snow. Before Shadow waved his student goodbye and paced on to his home, he told her to get a good night of sleep before the sword fight tournament tomorrow. He hoped she wouldn’t be too tired from today’s events. Bending over to the flower pot next to the front door to pick up his keys from underneath it, he suddenly felt someone’s hands on his shoulders.
  “You and I need to talk!”
  His fellow knight hissed at him while dragging him into the shadows of the alley next to the hedgehog’s house. Blaze yanked Shadow towards her, their metal breastplates clanking at their touch. The cat pulled him up by the little chest-fur that managed to pop out from under his armour, poking a finger in his muzzle. Her eyes fiercely glanced at his own crimson ones.
  “Why are you still hanging out with her? On your day-off that is. Don’t you understand how this will add to the already existing rumours?”
  He pushed her away and stepped back. “What’s your problem?! It’s dark and no one’s even here.”
  “I am. I caught onto it. Someone else might as well.”
  “We have been training in the woods today in preparation of the tournament tomorrow. I have nothing to hide apart from my trainee’s excellent swordfight skills, that is.”
  “It doesn’t look like that, Shadow! You return in the dark after spending the day together. You’re constantly looking over your shoulder and scanning the place the entire way you’ve been walking with her as if to make sure no one catches onto you two.”
  “We’re just trying to avoid causing more rumours. I’m not even the least bit interested in her like that. I don’t care about romance, Blaze.”
  “Well, you’re clearly getting along with her. Even if what you say is true, it looks suspicious.”
  “See what you wanna see. I don’t care.”
  The lavender coloured cat grabbed his shoulders, genuine concern glistering in her eyes.
  “Care about it a little more, will you?! As a member of the high order of knights you have a reputation to uphold! We all do. Your actions might affect all of us.”
  “No need to remind me. Now stop sticking your nose in my business and worry about your own student. That hyper-annoying blue hedgehog is a real troublemaker.”
  Blaze’s face showed a variety of changing expressions at Shadow’s statement. Sonic was an adventurous spirit with an impulsive nature and when he felt it was needed, he turned out to be a true rebel at heart. It often lead Blaze to the board’s office to apologize on behalf of him when Sonic refused to. Her cheeks coloured a bright pink, all much to Shadow’s amusement.
  “That’s… beside the point right now! I propose the idea that you two will only train inside the training facilities and domes for a while, so you’d be in si-“.
  “Rejected. It’ll disadvantage her in battle. Amy has as much right to develop her fighting style in secret as anyone else.”
  “If you truly have nothing to hide, this shouldn’t be a problem.”
  He shrugged himself free of her hold.
  “This conversation’s over. Good night, Blaze.”
 “Hey Ames!”
  Sonic excitedly waved at his pink friend when spotting her entering the Ruby Dome’s dressing room. He walked up to her, tossing her towel to her. Amy caught it with ease and wiped the sweat from her forehead while gulping down a glass of water.
  “Ah, thanks! I needed that. Are you up next?”
  “Sure am. How did your matches go?”
  “I’ve won every single one of them.” Amy smiled like a victor.
  The blue hedgehog gave her a thumb’s up while holding the door open for her to enter the main battlefield in the dome. Shadow and Blaze greeted their students and Amy proudly told her friend and trainer how she’d won all of her matches today. The cat expressed her gleeful surprise about Shadow and Amy’s secluded training session the other day, only to display the suspicion in her jade eyes.
  “That’s me! Wish me luck, will you?”
  “Good luck, Sonic!”
  As Amy watched Sonic enter the battlefield, she saw Shadow enter after him. She’d completely forgotten Shadow competed against the seniors today. Amy knew very well that both Sonic and Shadow were crazily fast and both had outstanding sword and dodging skills. It was still likely for Shadow to win, but every spectator today knew this match ought to be very interesting.
  Both hedgehogs had that peculiar look on their faces with a certain grin curling their lips and a certain seriousness in their eyes. Amy couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. She took a seat next to Blaze whom she felt had a similar nervousness over her. Amy said a little prayer in her thoughts that Blaze wouldn’t start questioning her about Shadow. She felt guilty enough already as it was for lying to her.
  “Good luck Sonic, you’ll need it” Shadow challenged him.
  “Heh, we’ll see about that.”
  Sonic’s grin widened and he scratched his nose. They nodded once at the referee, readying themselves at his countdown. The way the hedgehogs’ body language showed the energy inside them made it more than obvious both had long anticipated a match like this. At the sound of the ringing bell the two dashed forward, racing towards their opponent, leaving a cloud of dust behind.
  Confidently preparing for the incoming impact of their swords clashing against one another, Shadow neared his opponent, effortlessly matching his speed. Searching for an open spot to strike, the two hedgehogs closed in on each other. Sonic’s eyes fixed on Shadow’s sword to block his upcoming strike.
  Within the last two or three steps away from him, he felt his heart jolt inside his chest, his eyes drawn to their swords. The spectators screamed enthusiastically behind them. The small piece of emerald on the handgrip of Shadow’s sword flared with light as he dashed forward. The air filled with thousands of tiny turquoise fireflies, which Amy now knew were actually Chaos spores.
  “Oh boy… “ Amy squeaked, holding her breath.
  “You’ve seen this stuff before?” Blaze asked.
  “Errr, yes! It’s some sort of energy.”
  The metal swords clanked against each other with tremendous impact when Sonic blocked his opponent’s strike. His sword suddenly blazed like Shadow’s after their touch, creating a large bolt of nasty bright light. Like he had hit the break at once everything just stopped around them, totally frozen in time. He was only able to move his eyes and shifted his gaze from his sword to Shadow. The black hedgehog looked back at him, clearly experiencing the same thing.
  In the blink of an eye a small emerald was laid in the handgrip of his sword, blazing as fiercely as Shadow’s. It sent a powerful rush through his body before the frozen world came back alive again. The bolt of light swung them high into the air, smashing them down on the opposite sides of the battlefield with a loud crash. Neither of them moved. Clouds of dust formed above the place the hedgehogs crashed into the ground while the crowd gasped in shock in the stands behind them.
Pfff this took me long enough. I’m actually not at all satisfied with this chaper. I feel like it’s a little stiff. Bleh. I just don’t know how to write it differently.  This always happens though. Somewhere along the process of writing a story I start to dislike what I write because it lacks decent quality imo...  AAAAHH! 
Anyway here it is! I still hope the ppl who do read it enjoy it. As always: annoying drammar mishaps/typos or tips and thoughts are welcome. Be friendly though :) Just message me.
I’m also working on a couple of oneshots and drawings. In between now and June I’ll be busy making a portrait of my grandpa who passed away in november (he had covid). I promised my grandma I’ll make her a painting of him for her birthday in june. 
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magnhild · 4 years
my brutally honest rwby ship opinions
i tried to list every ship i knew of that was at least slightly popular but if u have more u wanna hear my opinion on tell me and i'll add! anyway here’s my takes. they’re not really that spicy.
bumbleby- the best ship. maybe not just in rwby, but in anything. they’re not even explicitly dating yet but they’re very clearly in love.
renora- the second best ship in rwby. way better than probably any m/f ship out there. they have no right being as good as they are. hope they fix their issues soon.
whiterose- very cute, a classic if not overused trope. would probably like it more if not for the fact its fandom can’t seem to accept that it won’t be canon.
freezerburn- v5 endeared me to them a lot. I love their height difference. hot/cold juxtaposition; very good.
ladybug- hello??? someone call triple zero this ship is too adorable and I love all the fanart I see of it.
monochrome- even more tropey than whiterose. I still like it though. wondered if it was going to be canon someday back in v1.
ena*ler- please get the fuck out
arkos- rushed, but still cute and ultimately tragic. a good old ‘high school romance’
lancaster- don’t ship it but I adore their friendship
blacksun- it’s okay from an objective standpoint but i still really don’t like it. they’re best friends though.
white knight- no thank you. their friendship is worth a lot more.
nuts n dolts- best ruby ship. wholesome as all fuck. thank you crwby for them.
rosegarden- I have expressed my hatred for it many times. do not make me explain again.
iceberg- same as white knight expect they’re not even friends
schneekos- arkos but better. weiss clearly had a crush on her.
greekfire- two hot buff girlfriends?? yes please
pink lemonade- two hot buff girlfriends but double the chaos?? even more yes please.
sugar rush- they’d burn the world down. I love them. probably the only characters within the main cast whose energies match each other’s.
martial arcs- I wrote a single-tweet ship fanfiction with them and now I think they’re really cute
snowpines- would be very cute but only if ozpin fucks off forever
emercury- I understand the appeal but they read as siblings to me and I prefer them that way
gel*to- I have also explained my hatred for this one. please no.
spicecream- could maybe be cute if cinder weren’t cinder. but she is so. no.
sunflowyr- would be cute if I didn’t headcanon yang as a lesbian.
sunflakes- the only reason I don’t headcanon weiss as a lesbian. it’s good.
strawbana- i only like it from a meta point of view. if you know, you know.
catmeleon- good. that’s really all I have to say.
spumoni- a lot of people don’t realize it but neo and emerald are so very similar and I think they’d be great together
snapdragons- basic, but cute. I wish they could be happy together.
phoenix- listen they literally hate each other. or at least strongly dislike. they are divorced. not healthy.
rosebird- now this is where it’s at. yes. I love them.
hummingbird- extremely basic and annoying heterosexual. no, qrow is not ruby’s dad. shut up.
fireball- probably the least-considered strq ship but there is some validity to it.
crosshares- mmmmmm yes please
cinnabun- cute! but it’s not crosshares
seamonkeys- someone please make them realize they’re in love. please.
fairgame- good. couldn’t really get attached to it bc I couldn’t really get attached to clover but they deserved better. honestly thought it’d happen.
ironqrow- was good before but. y’know.
qrow*n- don’t come anywhere near me.
tau*adonna- i will fucking block you if you so much as mention this ship in a good light
magpie- I don’t even like roman but fuck if this ship didn’t make me hate him a bit less
pomegrenade- underrated but just imagine them for a second. they’d be so cute???
snowbyrds- pretty good so long as I stick to my headcanon that robyn is in her late 20s and not her mid 30s.
springthyme- see above but I like it a fair bit more because did you see v7c6
goldleaf- I made a whole ship week for them of course I love them
marrowgold- ehhhhhhhh may’s a huge fuckin lesbian but I guess it’s alright.
guard dog- still hesitant to ship it bc marrow’s age is so vague but assuming they’re close in age it’s valid
slush puppies- see above
wishbone- ew no. we know roughly how old they are now. please keep it away from me.
prismatic ponytails- a very cute concept. wish I could stop getting it mixed up with weiss/emerald and ilia/emerald even though those are both way less popular
narration- they try to kill each other a lot I don’t know why anyone would ship it
pyrruby- got very attached to it after coming up with that dumb au I came up with once
baked alaska- would have some mount of validity if neo hadn’t almost killed her on purpose. maybe if neo switches sides. maybe.
emberald- oh my god fuck off. why does this fandom like canonically abusive ships so much.
purrha- very cute but I’m not using the other name fuck you
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poeedamerons · 4 years
contigo aquí (como un perro fiel)
Read it on A03 
Carlos couldn’t blame anyone but himself for his current predicament. TK was beyond clear when they met - and on later dates - that he wasn’t looking for a relationship. He was looking for something casual: an outlet of all his anxiety, a distraction from the chaos inside his mind and heart. It hurt Carlos to be just a warm body, another notch on his bedpost and to know that what they share is just one of the many things TK does to feel something other than numb.
He thinks about the night he processed TK down at the station and his stomach churns at the thought that the fight might have got the other man closer to his goal than any moment they ever shared together.
TK’s a hurricane and Carlos never stood a chance. No matter how many times people warned him, hell, he even tried to stay away outside work calls, but TK's pull is stronger than any man he’s ever met.
Carlos stupid heart couldn’t help but fall for those puppy green eyes and boyish charm. He was truly a goner the moment he first saw TK on that fateful call. TK’s eyes had sparkled under the moonlight like glistening emeralds and his self satisfied grin was blinding, capable of lighting up the darkness. He was the most beautiful, wild thing Carlos has ever seen.
That night Carlos wished nothing more than to have that man look at him like that someday, but as things stood, the world had other plans for Carlos Reyes and TK Strand so he told himself he could bury his feelings and keep their friends with benefits arrangement going, because half TK was better than no TK at all and Carlos can't’ help but hold onto the hope that maybe the handsome firefighter would change his mind at some point and would see how perfect they are for each other and take on Carlos’ earlier date invitations.
Carlos of course knew better than to scare TK or make him feel pressured. Carlos isn’t like that, but with TK’s bad breakup, substance abuse history and his father’s cancer he knows he needs to be extra careful. Luckily to him, patience is one of his virtues and TK is worthy of all gentle care on this earth and Carlos is more than happy to become the firefighter's safe haven.
They’ve come a long way into their arrangement, but they are still nowhere near where Carlos wants them to truly be.
He sometimes allows his mind to trick itself into believing they are together, that all the times they meet up to go clubbing or to eat are dates between boyfriends, and not TK’s carefree way to be now that his life seemed to be stable enough. He even likes to think he helped TK reach that level of balance, but he knows he is kept at arm's length no matter how much he longs for the intimacy of a relationship and to be able to kiss his green eyed lover senseless whenever he feels like it.
But Carlos lives for those tiny moments where he can let go and be the lovesick fool he turned himself into. When TK smiles brightly at him before bumping their noses together, when they tease each other in and outside the bedroom, when they spend hours talking just about anything and nothing. In these moments everything else ceases to exist and TK is his whole world.
He knows how self destructive this is and he hates that he’s allowing himself to become this way, to get himself stuck into a relationship that is going nowhere but he really cannot put into words how easy it was to fall in love for TK. The other man had no idea the effect he could have on people, the effect he had on him. If this is what drug addicts felt, Carlos had a new level of empathy because he couldn’t help but come back for more.
He’s in deep, so deep Michelle started worrying he might be drowning. And the thing is, after a year, Carlos has to admit that he is. He is drowning in this mess and he can’t help but feel utterly defeated. He knows he isn’t perfect and can make a list of his flaws, but he knows he is a good looking guy, has a controversial but very community centered job that pays his bills and allows him to have a nice place and car and he is also pretty charming, if he can say so.
He’s been told many times he is made of boyfriend material, and while he never allowed that to get to his head...it seems that he either wasn’t the kind of boyfriend material TK was looking for or TK wasn’t really looking for one at all, and Carlos had to face the facts that he is either going to keep drowning until he spins out of control or he call it quits and focus on healing his heart.
The idea of ending them is like a gut punch for so many reasons, because it would mean to admit that TK has always been so close, but always so far out of his reach and nothing he did ever really changed that. He just sent himself deeper and deeper into heart break.
It’s a tough call, but one he has to make. Carlos takes a deep, sobering breath and sends TK a quick message asking if he is doing anything after his shift today. He presses send before he can chicken out and sets it on his table, trying to contain the anxiety that comes with waiting for an answer.
Sometimes he gets quick replies, sometimes it takes hours. Carlos at least knows it’s not because TK is ignoring him but because he might be on a call and too busy to check his messages. His phone vibrates with an incoming text message and it’s TK answering him back.
I’m free, wanna meet up?
Yes. Carlos texts back. Can we meet at the coffee shop by the fire station?
He thinks it's better to choose a public space, somewhere where they could talk somewhat privately, but where TK wouldn’t feel trapped.
Sure, see you there.
Now, all Carlos has to do is survive the excruciating hours until the end of both of their shifts and get this over with. He knew he was doing the right thing, even if his heart would break into a million pieces while doing it.
Carlos has to be honest, he had no idea what TK’s reaction would be, but he really wasn’t expecting TK to freeze across from him when he finally finishes his speech, one that he spent the rest of his shift carefully crafting and rendered him absolutely useless for any work.
Uneasiness fills the pit of his stomach and he can hear the hammering of his beating heart, like it wants to break free from it’s cage, but Carlos waits for TK to speak up first. The silence that fills their table isn’t an awkward one because Carlos knows TK and he knows the other man sometimes just needs a few minutes to process things and react. He is aware that this is something T.K worked hard on with his therapist, a method to keep himself from relapsing and Carlos not only respects that, but is supportive of TK’s efforts and needs.
“Is it something I did?” TK asks, his brows furrowing like he was presented with a really hard puzzle.
Carlos is caught off guard with the question. “TK,” he exhales, struggling to get the right words out. “You haven’t done anything wrong,” it was more of what T.K did not do or is unwilling to do. Still, he leans in the table, his fingers gripping his coffee cup for dear life.
TK’s green eyes were focused on him and Carlos has to fight the shiver that wants to run up his spine.
“I just…” am helplessly in love with you and I can’t bear it any longer that you don’t want me back his traitorous mind completes, but Carlos knows he just can’t impose his unrequited feelings on TK anymore but he really couldn’t find a legitimate reason for it. “Don’t want to do this anymore. I’m sorry,” Carlos swallows the lump on his throat. He breaks his gaze from TK’s for a sobering breath. His chest feels tight and he can feel blood rushing through his veins. “I just wanted to tell you in person and make sure we are good,” Carlos gathers the courage to look at TK and commit his angelic face to memory.
There is slight crease on TK’s brows, but he remains quiet, as if waiting for Carlos to go on.
He wet his lips. “We will still see each other on a regular basis because of work and I didn’t want things to be weird. We have a lot of people counting on us.”
“Oh…” He hears TK’s gasp. “If that’s what you want, I guess all I have to say is…. Thank you?” Carlos has no idea what to say to that, he is even more confused on why TK’s eyes look a little hurt and bewildered, but his face and voice don’t betray much.
“So, we’re good?” He asks, clearing his voice.
“Yeah,” TK’s answers back after a few moments of silence. “We’re good”. Looking at the man across from him, Carlos catches a glimpse of a smile on TK’s pink lips as he speaks. It feels like a twisting knife to his heart.
“Good,” Carlos is fighting the tears that are threatening to spill, getting up from his seat. “I have to go, I promised Michelle I would help her go through some stuff on her sister’s case.” He gives TK what he hopes is a smile, but he is sure it’s closer to a grimace. Honestly, he couldn’t care less, he just needs to leave . “See you around?” He asks over his shoulder, in a last attempt at looking composed.
“Of course, Officer,” TK answers, throwing him one of his boyish, signature winks.
Carlos sobs all the way home.
He avoids any contact with the 126 for at least a week, which is nothing short of a miracle considering how much their paths cross during calls, but somehow Carlos manages to go an entire week without crossing paths with a single member of the AFD, without it looking like it was intentional.
While a week is not long enough to lick his wounds and start picking up the pieces of his heart, it's a start . It's more than he could possibly have managed on his own and there was no way he was going to jeopardize his job just because of a boy, even if said boy is probably the love of his life.
Michelle had been acting as his emotional crutch and Carlos couldn’t be more thankful for her friendship, but the void TK left in his life was not one that was going to be easily filled or forgotten. But it was nice to have someone taking care of him like that.
It’s not like Carlos isn’t expecting for them to meet on a call, he is, but he isn’t as ready as he believed himself to be. Watching TK in all his fireman glory, removing his helmet as his hair is blown by the wind and his eyes glint with excitement is harder than he ever anticipated. His heart tugs, his feelings for TK unchanged since their last meeting.
When their eyes meet, Carlos is ready for the awkwardness that follows, but it never comes. TK acts like his normal self and while it hurts, it’s clear that Carlos is the only one with his heart on the line. He is at least comforted by the fact that he made the right decision and should focus on forgetting TK Strand forever.
Carlos has no idea how he got dragged in this group date thing in this day and age, but there he was, at their regular bar, surrounded by coworkers and Sarah’s brother in law Michael. Sarah has tried setting them up before, but Carlos has always brushed off because of TK, but finally gave in.
Michael turns out to be pretty dreamy. He is good looking, has a nice 9 to 5, non-life threatening job and is very fun to be around. Carlos finds himself bent over in laughter several times during the night and is enjoying himself. He even allows his mind to wonder if this could be the guy that would finally take his heart and soul away from TK.
The sound of raucous laughter attracts Carlos gaze and he freezes as if a bucket of ice had been thrown over his head, because he caught sight of Mateo and Marjan and knows it is a matter of seconds before TK follows suit.
It's been four months, but seeing TK is never easy for him. Especially today, when he is - for the first time in months - on a date with a man he is currently hoping that might be just the cure he needs for TK Strand.
“Is everything okay?” Michael asks worried.
“Yes,” Carlos answers back, turning his gaze back to the man in front of him. “I just kind of lost myself with the noise.” He jokes, hoping to brush it off as distraction. The smile Michael gives him back shows him he was successful.
Carlos has no idea how the fight started. One minute he was line dancing with Michael, rolling with laughter. The next there’s people screaming, Michael on the ground and TK looking pretty angry with bruised fingers.
A crowd filled with angry voices closes them in and Carlos starts to worry that an even bigger fight between first responders might break out if this situation isn’t controlled. He makes his way to Michael, helping him up as the blond man holds onto his bleeding nose in a lousy attempt to stem it, thankfully Michelle is right behind him, ready to take charge of the situation.
He helps Michael sit on a chair and allows Michelle to do her thing. Asking the other man if he is alright is pointless, after all he just got punched on the nose, but he squeezes his shoulder reassuringly.
“I will check out if everyone is okay,” He absolutely lies to Michelle and his date, which is something he hates but he really needs to see if TK’s is alright and he isn’t about to tell them that. “I will be right back.” He releases the man's shoulders and receives a quick nod from Michael, and Michelle is too busy looking his date over to catch him on his lie.
He scans the sea of people inside the bar and TK is nowhere to be found. He sees some members of the 126, but decides against asking them where or even what happened. At least not yet. He doesn’t think he can process that at the moment. He chooses to make it through the crowd and towards the door, hoping TK might have run outside.
The cold night air hits Carlos in the face but all he can think about is finding where TK is. He scans the parking lot and his eyes zero on TK’s silhouette huching against Captain Strand’s car, grumbling what Carlos thinks is a string of curses. He almost smiles at the sight.
He makes his way to the other man, shoving his hands in the pocket of his jeans.
“Hey,” He calls out as he gets closer, alerting TK of his arrival and before he can get closer, TK starts to walk away. Carlos furrows his brow and lets out a sigh. So this is how’s going to be, huh? “TK,” He calls again, this time walking faster to catch up to him. “TK, wait up!” Really? They were going to play this game? Because Carlos was beyond tired of playing games and before TK could make a run Carlos wraps his fingers around TK’s arms. His grip firm enough to make TK pause, but not enough to hurt the other man or even trap him.
“What?” T.K’s snarls and Carlos is taken back by his tone, releasing his grip in shock. He has never seen or even heard TK sound like that and he is momentarily lost for words. He has seen TK after a fight and knows how the other man gets moody, but he can’t comprehend what motivated TK this time. He dreads even thinking TK might be relapsing.
“What do you mean with ‘what’, TK?” His voice is tight and for the first time in his life, his patience with the other man is running thin. “You punched Michael completely unprovoked. What the hell was that?” His piercing glance was trained in TK, but only when the other man raises his hands to his hair he remembers the bruised knuckles. “And you,” He huffs, annoyed. “Didn’t even get your hands looked at. How do you think it’s going to be tomorrow when you have to work?” God he was really annoyed at how TK could be so reckless with his health.
“Why do you care?” TK starts, with thinly veiled sarcasm. TK’s green eyes meet Carlos brown eyes with renewed anger. “Shouldn’t you be with - what’s his name again?” TK snorts sarcastically and Carlos could see him pretending to think it over. “Whatever is his name. Your new boytoy. Why don’t you go back to him and leave me alone?” TK expression turned sour, voice laced with poison.
Carlos sure as hell never seen TK acting like this, but he is not going to back down now. He can’t allow TK to go on like this.
“TK - fuck ,” His voice wavered. “You just can’t go around punching people, what’s gotten into you?” h e jabs his finger into TK’s chest. “I just… I can’t…” He runs his fingers through his hair as frustration settles in. “You make no sense. I don’t understand you at all. You are acting like a jealous boyfriend or somethi-” and it hits him, like a wave during a storm, unexpectedly but with such turbulent force that Carlos almost loses his footing.
TK was jealous. TK was jealous of him and Michael at the bar. That is why he picked the fight. Why he punched Michael. And unquestionably the reason why he was acting like a petty child during this whole conversation. The realization is staggering and Carlos for a moment feels like everything around him is in slow motion and the sounds of passing by cars seems like miles away.
“Are you jealous?” Carlos asks dumbfounded, because he needs to hear it from TK’s lips to believe it, even if all the clues lead to only one possible answer.
The guilty look on TK’s face and how his shoulders hunch tell Carlos that he is indeed right and Carlos hearts leaps with hope, set aflame by the possibility that TK might have feelings for him, like he always dreamed.
“TK,” He calls, this time his voice is soft and cajoling. He gets closer to the other man, his fingers trailing down TK’s arm to intertwine their fingers.
“I’m not jealous,” TK’s answer with a whisper and Carlos has to bite back a smile.
“Oh, so you punched a civilian just because you felt like it?” He asked, amused. No one could blame Carlos for enjoying this situation, okay? “I’m waiting, TK.”
Carlos can see him chewing on his lip before sighing, staring at the ground as if he had been defeated. “Fine, I’m jealous, okay?” TK continues as though on a roll, chuckling bitterly. “And today was karma, wasn't it? I’m being punished for pushing away the best thing that ever happened to me because I'm a coward.” He swallows.
“I was blind-sided. When you broke up with me. I didn’t see it coming. I just… hated losing you. I thought that I couldn’t have any serious relationship after everything that happened back in NY, but that wasn’t true. Because there was you, Carlos. You just showed up right on day one, swept me off my feet and -” he says, swallowing a painful lump. “Was just perfect. Everything I ever wanted. And then I lost you. And I didn’t know how to get you back because you ended things and I thought… I thought you just didn’t want me anymore. I was hurt, because I love you so much it hurts, Carlos” TK licks his lips. “And today you were with him, moving on and I just couldn’t - I just saw how happy you two were and I just saw red. So yeah, I’m jealous. Happy? Now go back inside to your date.” TK’s admits, looking a bit pained.
Carlos head is swimming with TK’s admission, so many feelings and so much information to process, everything is crowding together, screaming and jostling for attention that he feels once again in the night paralysed. But in the back of his brain he has the power to squeeze T.K’s hand in reassurance and leans in so their foreheads are touching. He can feel TK’s labored breath on his cheeks.
He could scream with happiness because TK laid his heart bare and is in love with him.
“TK,” he starts, his voice surprisingly firm for how vulnerable he is feeling himself right now. He refuses to move from their position and can sense TK stiffen, nerving himself for a rejection. “You are such an idiot,” He starts and can feel TK pulling back, but he stands his ground. “How can you think I have been anything but crazy for you since the day we met?” He smiles against TK’s nose. “I have been in love with you for months. The only reason I ended things with you is because I couldn’t keep it casual anymore. I want you all to myself.”
And then TK is all around him and his mouth is hot and surprisingly soft, dragging over Carlos’s lips again and again until Carlos can’t help but moan loudly, his mouth fall open for TK’s onslaught. He presses Carlos body forward against a nearby truck and TK’s fingers slide up Carlos back, touching him under his green henley.
“TK, I, fuck,” TK moans and the sound goes straight to Carlos dick, making his blood fizz wildly inside him. “Okay,” He pushes the other man. “We need to stop.” TK whines and Carlos chuckles.
“I know, cariño.” Carlos fingers touch the side of TK’s cheek. “But we need to get back inside, let Michelle take a look at your hand and then I am going to take you back to my place and have my dirty way with you.” He bites TK’s earlobe before pulling away, laughing at his expression.
“Must we?” TK asks, pouting his lips, hoping that would weaken Carlos resolve.
“Yes,” Carlos answers leaning in for a quick peck in the lips and pulls TK by the hand towards the bar entrance.
“Already boyfriending me, hun?” TK teases, eyes lit with joy.
“Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. I’m going to take care of you so hard, cariño.” A broad grin spread across Carlos' face, but his eyes soft.
TK smiles brightly. “Can’t wait.”
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Are They Still Beautiful?
Content warning for death, blood, amputation, and ableist language/concepts.
Word Count: 1506
Edited? Sort of.
“Everyone, up! Up! Insurgents by the lower pass. Attack on the trade post an hour ago. Get up and get moving, people!”
Elvira was on her feet in seconds, already tying back her golden hair. She looked across the barracks and grinned at Loella, her sister-in-arms. Loella was a stern young woman, made so by too many deaths in her short life. She was all dark skin and onyx hair and eyes carved out of obsidian. She frowned at Elvira’s expression.
“You find too much joy in war,” Loella said. She buckled her armor, bright white and gleaming in the still-dark room. “Someday, you won’t find it so rewarding.”
Elvira disagreed. In her opinion, no better reward than glory existed. As long as she was a soldier, she would have it.
“What do you think?” she asked. “My bow or my blade?”
Loella didn’t answer.
There were thirty soldiers in the third regiment, and they fell into position outside the barracks without command. Their armor glittered in the night, silver weapons at the ready. All who observed the soldiers standing at attention there would have only one word to describe the sight: beautiful. And they were beautiful, in a terrible, deadly sort of way. Elvira loved the feeling of power that accompanied being beautiful. She was unstoppable.
“Be on the watch constantly.” General Idama, a regal-looking man of about forty, paced in front of them, words flying from his tongue faster than a horse could gallop. “The enemy has Aristidian hostages at Lerin-” Lerin was the official name of the trading post. “-and may be surrounding the area between there and Aristide. It’s a small uprising, so I trust the third regiment should be able to handle it. Off with you!”
The soldiers cheered, and within the hour, the regiment was well into the neighboring forest, horses thundering down the only road connecting Aristide and Wasteland. Elvira scanned the trees. Loella did the same.
Wasteland was a place where imperfect beings were sent. They were the blind, or the deaf, or the mute, or the diseased. They were broken, missing parts of their bodies or minds. It was better for them in Wasteland. Why should they remain in a society where they would never fit in, never feel at home?
Over the past year, the number of insurgent attacks had doubled. Traders from Aristide were killed on the road to Wasteland. Armed caravans were targeted, guards slain and new Wastes taken by force. There had even been talk of returning to the Outside. Elvira couldn’t understand. Wasteland was a gift given to those who were different. They should appreciate it for what it was.
Another hour, and the third regiment approached the only trading post between Wasteland and Aristide. The sun was just beginning to rise. Elvira and nine other soldiers hopped off their horses and drew their weapons. Elvira opted for her bow until they found the rebels.
Owen threw open the doors to the trading post and slunk inside, his bow at the ready. Elvire followed after him. Her stomach churned as she took in the sight before her.
Five Aristidian bodies - two women and three men - lay bleeding out on the wooden floor. Gemstone eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling. Ruby red blood matted golden hair and trickled from open mouths onto flawless skin. On the wall was written one question.
“‘Are they still beautiful?’” Owen read, dark eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Where are the Wastes?”
Elvira didn’t answer.
After a quick search of the room betrayed no hidden Wastes, Owen and Elvira left the building. The door had hardly closed behind them when an arrow lodged itself in Owen’s chest. Elvira ducked, and an arrow whizzed past her head. Owen’s body fell to the ground with a sickening thud.
Elvira was used to fighting, but she never got used to death.
She nocked an arrow and let it fly, grinning with satisfaction as it buried itself in the chest of a rebel Waste. The man staggered back and fell to his knees. The woman next to him screamed and lunged towards Elvira, sword drawn. Elvira discarded her bow and met the woman blade for blade. Although Elvira was a skilled swordsman, the Waste got in a few good blows. Her iron sword caught on Elvira’s helmet, blade screeching across metal and dragging across her cheek. Warm blood trickled from the wound. The Waste snarled and danced around Elvira like a sprite, slashing wildly at her legs. Elvira evaded every blow but one, and she let out a terrible scream as the blade of the Waste’s sword sunk into her calf.
Elvira spun to face the rebel woman and stabbed her, her sword buried up to the hilt in the Waste’s flesh. It was quick work to dispose of her, and Elvira turned to her next opponent, bleeding but ready to fight.
The next Waste to challenge her couldn’t have been older than a teenager, but still he managed to disarm her. The grin was wiped off his face with a swift kick to his wrist. He dropped his weapon, and Elvira punched him in the face, savoring the crack of his nose under her fist. Maybe a broken nose was a lesson the youth could learn from.
A great, hulking brute of a man approached her. He was larger than any human Elvira had ever seen. She craned her neck to gaze upon his pockmarked face. Before she could react, the giant man had grabbed her by the arms and thrown her across the road. Elvira’s body crashed into the trees, her head snapping against rough bark.
Elvira heard Loella cry out to her, but she couldn’t form any words. She stared up at the sky, and everything faded to black.
When Elvira woke, it was days later. She opened her eyes to see Loella, stern as ever, staring down at her.
“Ellie,” she rasped, “why am I in the infirmary?”
“Your leg was amputated.”
Loella had always been straight-to-the-point.
“The wound was infected. Fiona couldn’t do anything to save it. I saw it. The flesh was falling off your bones.”
Elvira’s heart raced. “I can’t- It can’t be gone. I can’t lose my leg. I can’t leave. Loella, I can’t leave.”
Loella’s face was stony. “The Wastes retreated. Half the regiment was killed or injured. We carried the injured back to Aristide and left the dead to be collected the next day.”
“Loella, stop-”
“We couldn’t find you at first. That man threw you into the woods farther than we thought. We left without you.”
“I can’t leave. Get my brother. He’ll-”
“We went back to collect the dead. I was the one who found you. I thought you were dead. You weren’t moving.”
“Please, Ellie, don’t let them force me out,” Elvira begged. “Please, Ellie. We’ve been friends for years. Get my brother. He can help. I promise.”
“When I picked you up, you groaned. I raced ahead of the others. By the time I arrived back at Aristide, there was no choice. Fiona had to amputate your leg, or you would die.”
“I would rather have died!”
Loella’s face fell. “I couldn’t lose you, too.”
“I don’t care,” Elvira snapped. “You should have let me die.”
Loella swallowed hard. She stood and walked out of the infirmary without a word.
Elvira would have looked at her leg, or whatever remained, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to see it. In any case, Elvira wasn’t alone for long. General Idama entered, his face somber. He wore white robes and several pieces of jewelry. Glittering rubies hung from his neck. Heavy sapphires and emeralds adorned his hands and wrists. A frown decorated his face.
“Dame Elvira, daughter of Gemma, soldier of Aristide,” he greeted, using her proper titles, “I have come to thank you for your service to the city of Aristide. The Council commends you for your service and wishes you a long, peaceful life outside the service. Your courage and tenacity will be remembered for years to come. Believe me when I say that we have lost an invaluable warrior. Dame Elvira, daughter of Gemma, you are hereby officially discharged from the Army of Aristide on grounds that you are unfit for service.”
Tears burned in Elvira’s eyes. “General Idama, I can still fight. I can still serve.”
“I have also come to announce that you will be expected to depart from Aristide with the next caravan out of the city.  Any attempts to evade departure may result in an even harsher punishment. Arrangements have already been made. The caravan is expecting you at the end of this week.”
“Your relatives have been notified.”
“I can learn to fight with one leg.”
“It has been an honor to have you in my charge,” General Idama said.
With that, he left the room, stoic as ever. The door slammed shut. Elvira stared up at the ceiling, and the tears came.
She was going to Wasteland.
@inknindecision @jess---writes @ultimate-science-nerd @iamidentical @chaos-reign
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peacekeeperangel · 7 years
WAFF RP- It isn’t a Fair when no one has had fun
Another RP session with @ichiwashername-o to follow up the previous one. Mercilessly cute fluff and Feels abound!
Angel: It's been several weeks since the Ballet incident. the Gemstone Siblings all know of what happened to their Human Mother- Now a litterally Ice-Cold Ninja of doom. It was not a plesant reaction.
Angel: Cirri has not seen Jasper in weeks. Jasper has stayed on his Gemstone-Growing farm for weeks not speaking to anyone- and generally being very confused, and angry.
Angel: Despite everything, Cirri was allowed to complete her run with Swan Lake and Mettaton  has asked her to preform again in future productions. She politely tells him that she'll keep in touch.
A little light-hearted fun is in order. Snowdin is having a Carnival to celebrate- something. Mostly it's an excuse to breakup the wintery doldrums. Everyone in town is helping out, and Cirri's come down from Waterfall to help in her own way
Angel: after some firm prodding from his Sisters (Jade mothering him, and Emerald chasing him around the farm) Jasper decides to head to Snowdin as well, though he has no idea that Cirri's there, or that there's a Party happening in town
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby was busier and ever with the festival well under way, helping to cater to the throngs of monsters enjoying a bit of cheer and festivities.  He worked his fire magic preparing dozens of delicious dishes, the kitchen in a state of controlled chaos as dishes, ingredients, pots and pans flew about the place in a mad haze.  He was in his literal element.
Cooking was his escape, his safe space.  Nothing gave him more joy.  And it was . . . much needed after what happened.
Grillby could scarcely recall the last time he had been in such a heightened state. And being in that enhanced form was very dangerous, he knew that, his power was completely off the charts, but what choice did he have? It took him days to burn off all that extra power, all that extra strength.  Even still, chunks of hardened magma covered his back like rocky scales.
They would fade, in time.
Gaster was assisting him in the kitchen.  He was no cook but his telekinesis was a blessing, helping the dishes reach their customers all the quicker, as well as handle the finer things that the busy cook couldn't handle.  Papyrus and Sans were amongst the crowds, enjoying themselves.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Plate of donut holes coming up!" Grillby announced, hefting the basket of fried dough from the bubbling oil sink.  He lobbed them in the air, where Gaster grabbed them with his magic, placed them in a basket, and delivered to a waiting table.  "Hey, you should be my full-time assistant!  I admit I'm a bit jealous of that handy blue magic of yours!"
<<Sorry, my dear elemental, but the laboratory has a stranglehold on my life,>> Gaster quipped.
"Things at the CORE hectic as ever?"
<<Why wouldn't they be?  Fel has done a marvelous job keeping the place running but nothing involving the CORE ever stays quiet for long.>>
Angel: Malachite smirked as he spotted his younger sibling emerging from the fog that separated Snowdin from Waterfall "They finally chased you out of your hole then eh?"
"Shuttup." Jasper grumped. "Hey I thought you where stationed in Waterfall, what're you doing here anyway?"
"Command decided since I have such a great relationship with Dr. Gaster and Grillby I should stay in Snowdin as.. well an Unofficial Liason." Mal's smirk weakened slightly. "how are you holding up man?"
"I'm fine, I wish you guys would stop asking me!" Jasper replied crossly.
Angel: "You're our Baby Bro. We gotta worry about you, it's part of the Elder Sibling code." Malachite said simply. "Anyway you go have fun, track down your Girlfriend."
"CIRRI'S IN TOWN?!?!" Jasper squawked.
"Uh, yeah, Snowdin's where her Family is. I think she's keeping an eye on Sans and Papyrus."
Angel: "Hhhrggh... She was stalked by M- by that thing that thinks she's our mom. I figured She didn't wanna see me..." Jasper pouted
Malachite rolled his eyes. "You are the biggest dumbass."
"You shuttup and go find your lady. She's probably at her Dad's place." Malachite emphasizes this by shoving Jasper in the direction of Grillby's.
"Worst. Wingman. Ever."
"More like Best wingman." Malachite smirks. "Go have fun before I call Jade and Emmy over here."
Angel: Cirri is in fact helping at Grillby's. While Gaster is able to get all the orders to their customers, Cirri is Taking the orders, and in some cruel twist of fate (or rather mischievous elementals with a large phonebook) has been decked out in a cute, and tasteful Maid's uniform as she weaves through the restaurant
Angel: "Grillby! Five more orders of Fries and two Hamburgers!" Cirri calls out followed by a sharp bark. "Oh yes and three Kibble Specials!"
Angel: Jasper wanders the stalls of goodies set up all over the town, there's some games and a few demonstrations but it's mostly people selling pretty things for a fair price. Most Humans would equate it to the mix of Artist Alley at a Convention and a Flea Market mixed together
IchikoWindGryphon: "Coming right up!" Grillby called back, flicking the ingredients onto the grill and into the fryer.  Gaster helped finish up a plate of hot wings before helping Gaster with the next order.
Papyrus and Sans entered the bar, Papyrus holding a heaping mound of cotton candy.  He had a tiny bit stuck on his cheekbone.  Sans too.  They waved Cirri over.
"Hey Cirri!"
"Wow, I've never seen Grillby's place so busy before," Sans remarked.  "You sure you don't want us to be your assistant waiters?"
"Yeah, we can even wear matching cute dresses!" Papyrus said.
Angel: Cirri giggled. "It's alright guys I got this. I think this is the first big event you've been out on your own, you should enjoy it!"
Sans feels a faint buzz from a text message. a quick peek reveals it's from Malachite "THE STICK N DA MUD IS IN TOWN. ASSIST PLZ?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans elbowed his bro and winked.  "Well, if you're sure, we'll be hangin' around," he said.  "We'll stop by later and check in.  Want us to pick up anything for you?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "Like your boyfriend," Papyrus said quietly.  They both started giggling.
Angel: Cirri's face falls slightly. "If he still wants to be I guess..." her bright cloudy skin darkens a few tones before restoring to it's original pale brightness "Well keep an eye on the Stalls, we'll go shopping once I'm done!"
she quickly looks away "OhsorryIthinktheyneedmeI'llseeyoulaterguys!" she blurts before heading back into the fray.
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans and Papyrus exchanged hesitant looks.  They knew of what happened, including Flint's suspicions on who the hooded figure was. Sans didn't like it, Papyrus doubly so.  They headed back outside, looking for Jasper and Mal.
"Hey, I see them!" Papyrus said.  Standing a good head above Sans, he could pick the horned elementals out of the crowds.  He waved them over.
Angel: Jasper perked up to see Papyrus waving like his life depended on it.
"Smells like Bones..." Malachite prodded Jasper. "Come on it's only polite to say hi."
"Quit pushing."
Angel: "Hey Papyrus- Oh hey Sans didn't see you there!" Mal called out lacconically. "Enjoying the Carnival?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "Oh yes!  Lots of fun!  This cotton candy is great!" Papyrus said enthusiastically.  "I also got this stuffed octopus from a ring throw challenge!"  He pulled out a small plush octopus from his jacket pocket.  "His Name is Teddy Tentacles! Isn't he cute?!"
"We might have cheated just a tiiiiiiny bit," Sans teased, eye flicking blue. "You guys stop at Grillbz's yet?  Place is packed!  Cirri is as busy as a bee over there."
Angel: "uh..." was all Jasper got out before Malachite shoved him again. "Naaw this bozo just got here and I got all this important 'Stand around and make sure people don't do anything silly' Guard stuff." Jasper looked away looking more like a guilty dog than a stone elemental. "Maybe you three should get Cirri a Treat before you see her? Might help give her a little extra spark in her step?"
Angel: Jasper glared. "Mal what the crap?"
"The way to a woman's heart is gifts abound, truuust me Jaspy."
Jasper facepalmed. "And might I remind you I'm the one with the significant other?"
"That you know of Lil' bro."
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus gasped, eyes going all big and sparkly.  "Are they cuuuuute?  Have you kissed yet?!"
Sans laughed, "Bro, cool the jets, Mal aint gotta spill the beans on his own private stuff."
"Aw, right, fair enough!  now, if I know Cirri, which I do cuz we're the best shape-shifting siblings ever, she LOVES candy! What monster doesn't?! Everyone loves candy!"
Sans nodded in agreement, then stopped short. Oh, shit, Papyrus mentioned shape-shifting.  He hoped Jasper would think Papyrus was only speaking about the two skeletons and not suspect Cirri.  Sweat dripped from the back of his neck.
"You always think of the best things, bro," Sans laughed.
"That's why they call me the GREAT Papyrus!"
Angel: "Huh..?" Jasper perked up. "Oh really? I guess it might not hurt to get her a bag of...something?" He shrugged.
"Excellent plan my good Skeleton." Malachite shoved a few gold coins into Jasper's hands "Go get Cirri some of her favourite sweets, have a good honest talk over things, clear the bad air-" He grimaced. "Ugh Pun Unintended."
Angel: "Alright alright!" Jasper said before turning to the skeleton bros. "So where can we get some good monster Candy around here?" he asked
IchikoWindGryphon: "There's food tents all right next to Grillby's place--I mean Dad's place . . . Can I still call him Grillby?  We have two dads I feel if I don't specify it gets confusing," Papyrus said worriedly.
"I'm sure neither of our dads mind," Sans assured.
"Then come on!" He grabbed jasper by the wrist, practically dragging Jasper through the crowds.  Even though Jasper was a heavy stone elemental and Papyrus a scrawny little skeleton, his strength was surprising. Papyrus led them to a row of tents, some selling a variety of regular fair food but a handful at the end of the line selling an assortment of candy, everything from chocolate to fudge to rock candy to toffee to rainbow-colored fruity treats.
Papyrus waved. "Take your pick!"
Angel: Jasper's eye immediately went to the colourful fruit-taffy. "Cirri likes colourful stuff right..?" he peered around for a vendor "'Scuse me I'd like some of the Rainbow taffy stuff please?"
Angel: A monster who looked more like a disco-ball than anything flesh-and-blood approached Jasper. "Hey cute stuff!" they flirted with a feminine voice. "You don't want any of that lame taffy."
"I don't...?" Jasper asked a little unnerved by the vendor.
"Nawww, it's bland. You'd want something like this." they pull up a bag and show off a bag of rainbow treats with a pearl-like outer shell. "Managed to make some unique flavours, some you can only get on the surface!"
"...Well they look pretty good, but what's the price?" Jasper asked
"Cheap! It's my last bag, just Five Gold." the Disco monster said "The healing magic in them will make you feel like a brand new monster!"
Jasper shrugged and dug out the money. "Why not? they look tasty enough." he paid out and took the bag of rainbow pearl monster Candy
"Pleasure doing business with you." the Disco monster replied before moving to pack up their wares
"I guess let's head to Grillby's." Jasper said looking like he'd rather get his horns broken
IchikoWindGryphon: "Let's go!" Papyrus said cheerfully, hooking arms with Jasper and half-dragging, half-skipping the elemental down the streets.  They made their way to Grillby's, made it through the throngs of people, and waved Cirri over.
"We're back!" he said.  "And we brought you something!"  With a giggle, he pulled Jasper in front of him.
Angel: "Jasper?!" Cirri gasped. She had just been finishing the latest order and taking it to Grillby and Gaster, standing in the middle of the room
"Hrk." Jasper had seen Cirri in her Maid outfit and experienced the Mother of all Brainfarts.
He just stood stock still between being very turned on seeing Cirri looking mussed up and cute from hard work and her pretty dress to guilty about everything that had happened and slightly terrified about really everything
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby elbowed Gaster in the kitchen.  "Psssst, boyfriend at 12 o'clock, you gotta see this I think his brain's melting out of his ear"
Angel: "Umm... How about you guys take a seat?" She offered a recently-freed booth rather sheepishly. "I'll take your orders."
"HHHHHHhhhhokay..." Jasper wheezed.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby was giggling like an idiot. "Oh, this is too precious."
<< . . .. hm,>> Was all Gaster said.
"Aw, is someone being a big ol' papa wolf?" Grillby teased.  "Big ol papa wolf . . . dragon . . . thing?"
Gaster only rolled his eyes.
"I worry about those two sometimes," he sighed.  "Especially after the whole . . . fiasco."  He turned to Gaster.  "Any luck finding her?"
<<I set up cameras and sensors all over the Underground.  Nothing,>> he said quietly.  <<But the second I find Vulpeca . . .>> He held out his hand, and claws grew from his fingertips.  <<I will make sure he won't slip away again.>>
Grillby sighed. "Just . . . be careful.  And make sure I'm there to back you up."
<<After a thorough lava bath I would hope?>>
"Wouldn't be any other way I'd want to face him."
Angel: Jasper mechanically followed Sans and Papyrus to the booth and sat down. "Sans, Papyrus your Usuals?" Cirri asked
IchikoWindGryphon: "Yes please!" Papyrus said.
"With extra ketchup," Sans said with a nod.
Angel: Cirri nodded "Jasper what would you like...?" she asked cautiously
"FRIES!" Jasper yelped in a strangled tone, then "Please if it's not too much trouble..." he added looking away, his face a dark brownish-red.
Cirri nodded. "Grillby! One Milkshake, Burger extra Ketchup and Fries please!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus and Sans snickered.  "Jasper stop acting so weird you're going to traumatize your girlfriend," Sans mocked.
"Are you doing ok?" Papyrus asked a bit more quietly.  "We haven't seen you around for a while and we wanted to make sure, well, that you're doing ok!  Cuz you're our friend!"
Angel: Jasper blinked in surprise. "Me?! Well I uh..." He fiddled nervously with his hands. "Well things are messed up with t-the monster Flint thinks is our Mom but- What about you guys?! That creature nearly killed Grillby and nearly took Cirri away! You guys have a million more reasons to be upset than me!"
Angel: "You don't agree with your big brother?" Cirri asked sitting down beside Papyrus, across from Jasper
Angel: "...I know our Mom saved our lives. She got us to the Underground in time." Jasper balled his hands in fists on the table. "She was pushed away by humans.. and monsters when it mattered most, but she was kind enough to sacrifice herself for us." he stared over at the kitchen. "I can't believe she turned into something like...something that Wasn't the human that raised us. That thing wasn't the real Irelle I can't believe it!"
Angel: Cirri laid a hand on one of Jasper's fists. "Vulpeca loves to hurt people. I wouldn't be surprised if he found out we were dating somehow and decided to hurt you just because we were together." she said softly. "I'm sorry."
Angel: "What?! No, Hell no! Don't apologize for that dickbag!" Jasper took Cirri's hand in his. "You have nothing to do with Vulpeca. You hear? He's going to pay for what he's done, to both of us."
Angel: Jasper squeezed her hand gently. "I should be the one apologizing to you, I've been in a funk all this time and you've had to deal with freaky ice women and psycho-stalkers. I won't leave you alone like that again." he then took her hand and kissed it gently earning a bright blush from Cirri
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus, Sans, and Grillby all let out soft squees of adoration.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Hey Jazz, can I call you Jazz?  I'm callin' ya Jazz," Sans said.  "Take it from someone with a REALLY messed up childhood and past.  It's not . . . impossible, considering how . . . well . . ."  He twisted his skeleton fingers together.  "It's like dad said.  there's really no such thing as a skeleton monster. Only human remains brought back to life with . . . dark magic.  It doesn't surprise me that Vulpeca figured that out and in some horrible twist of fate used that to get at you.  And get at Cirri in turn."  Sans let out a snarl.  "He really is a sick, disgusting fuck."
"normally I don't approve of such vulgar language," Papyrus said.  "But Sans is one hundred percent right.  Vulpeca is a very bad monster. And it terrifies me is is capable of such bad things."
Angel: Jasper frowned. "There's way too many questions... " he said "And really I dunno if I want to know the answer. But...." all the time he hadn't let go of Cirri hand "I'm not letting it stop me. I want to be with Cirri- No I Need to be with her. and some evil jackass with Evil Magic isn't going to stop me."
Angel: "Jasper..." Cirri was both deeply touched and guilty as hell. She still had her own Beast Form Secret. "I think.. I think I need to tell you something as well... But not here."
"Whenever your ready." Jasper said before realizing what he had in his other fist "Oh jeez I  forgot about these. Sans Paps and I found these- they're supposed to be really good apparently?" He opened his hands to show the bag of Rainbow pearl-candy.
Angel: "Oh?" Cirri opened the bag and gasped "Oh-Oh wow Jasper they're so pretty! Are you sure I can eat these?"  Jasper nodded
"Thank you so much dear!" Cirri said with a bright smile earning the return of the Blushing brainfart "Sans? Papyrus I can't eat all this candy by myself do you want some too?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans patted his "belly."  "No way, sis, I ate like, so much cotton candy.  Also gotta save my appetite for my burg.  Grillz makes the best burgs."
"I warned you about ruining your appetite!" Papyrus chided as he helped himself to a piece.
"Dude you ate just as much as I did!"
Papyrus stuck out his tongue as he ate the candy.  his eyes went wide.
"Oh wow this is really good!"  He helped himself to another piece.  "You made a good choice, Jasper!"
Angel: Cirri plucked a candy and popped it into her mouth "Mmmm.. this one tastes like strawberries. It's been so long since I had a strawberry." she took another- rewarded with an orange-y taste. "We'll have to get some more, that's really too good."
"Glad you like."  Jasper grinned doofily.
"Yanno, it's quieted down enough that I think I can get away." Cirri admitted "Lemmie just go ask Grillby and you gents can show me about town~"
Angel: As she stood up the world began to spin forcing Cirri to sit back down again. "Oh! Oh gosh I guess I overdid it, I feel really dizzy all of a sudden."
"Take your time, maybe you just need something to eat?" Jasper suggested concern in his eyes
"Maybe? I Really didn't have a good breakfast." She popped another candy into her mouth. "Just give me a minute I should be alright....?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby came over with their food.  "An order of fries, a cheeseburger with extra ketchup, and a vanilla milkshake!" he said proudly, laying out the food for them.  "Enjoy!"
He clapped his hands, and only then noticed that Cirri wasn't looking like her usual self.  He placed a hand on her shoulder.
"you doing ok, kid?" he asked gently.  "I hope you're not working yourself to death over here!  Tell you what, it's calming down a bit, Gaster and I can handle this so you take a break, alright?"
Papyrus gratefully took his milkshake.  "Thankssssss dad," he said with a faint slur.  "Looks . . . looks great."  He picked up his spoon with a trembling hand, then suddenly collapsed, falling face-first on the table.  
Grillby started, reaching over to grab him.  "PAPYURUS?!  Are you ok?!"
Sans reached over, grabbing his brother's arm.  "Bro?!  You ok?!"
Papyrus only groaned.
Angel: Cirri blinked dazedly "Is...something wrong..." she never finished her sentence as she quietly slumped into Grillby's side
"Cirri!" Jasper cried pulling her towards him. "Cirri wake up!"
Cirri didn't respond, an unnatural flush on her face
"What happened?! They were fine just a second ago?!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans grabbed the candy, glaring at it.  
". . . I don't know." he muttered before stashing it away.
The commotion brought Gaster out of the back room running.  He was at Grillby's side in an instant, looking over Papyrus and Cirri.
<<For God's sake, everyone back off!>> Gaster shouted.  The gathering crowds did so.  
"Gaster, they suddenly fainted.  I don't know what happened, they-"
<<Poison,>> Gaster said lowly and with ferocious conviction.  <<They've been poisoned.>> He grabbed Cirri and Papyrus in his arms.  <<I want to know exactly what-">>
Sans tentatively pulled out the bag of mysterious candy.
"Gaster," he said slowly.  "They . . . just ate this right before they fainted."
He wordlessly took the bag of candy, his glare fierce enough to reduce ice to a puddle.
<<I will tend to the both of them at the labs.  Find whoever made this candy and bring them in.>>
He disappeared in a flash of blue light.
Angel: "Sans, the vendor-!" Jasper was already jumping to his feet. "Someone Call the Guard!" He shouted as he beelined for the door, Genocidal thoughts on his mind when he got ahold of the Discoball monster.
Angel: Jasper plowed through the crowd until he reached the same stalls that he had just purchased the candy from. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" Jasper roared scaring the crap out of every monster within earshot
"Who?!" Yelped a rabbit selling butterscotch toffees. "The monster with the Discoball head! Where the Hell are they?!" Jasper snarled, spikes beginning to sprout out of his back
"Jasper!" Malachite arrived on the scene with two other guards in tow. "What's going on? I heard a commotion at Grillby's and saw you running like a Human was after you!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans was right behind him.  "It's Cirri and my brother Paps! They were poisoned by the candy we got from the vendor!  They were right HERE!!!"  his teeth were noticeably sharper, and his fists shook.  "Some bastard sold us candy they knew was rotten and now they're both sick!"
Angel: "I don't know what they're talking about!" The Rabbit yelped obviously alarmed by the two near-rabid monsters in front of them. "There was never any discoball monster here!"
Malachite scowled. "You do realize lying is going to get you into a lot of trouble right?" he intoned dangerously
"Ask anybody here! We all set up together at the same time!" The rabbit motions to the other vendors.
Malachite motions to the other guards. "you two go through the vendors, any customers, Anybody who's been in the area in the past hour." the two guards nodded and parted "Sans, Jasper, let us search, you're too wound up to be any good right now." Mal insisted. "Wait back at Grillby's I'll fill you in when we find out anything."
Angel: After seeing the two off Malachite pulled out his cell and dialed a specific number. "Lieutenant Sphex? It's Officer Malachite, we have a situation with the Gaster Family. A Bad one."
Angel: Jasper sat in the booth he had been in with his girl and his friends not an hour before, his chin on the table a mournful kicked-puppy expression as he stared a hole into the seat that Cirri had sat in.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby reached across the table, placing a hand on Jasper's forearm. "They're in good hands.  You know there's no better doctor in the whole underground than Gaster.  And you even brought him the source.  He'll have both of them fixed up in no time."
Sans was still glowering.  "What the hell, we were all there!" Sans said furiously.  "That freaky monster convinced Jasper to buy the candy!  And no one else spotted them?! The hell is going on?!"
Grillby shook his head.  "I wish I knew."
"Then I'll sniff them down myself!"
"Sans, you will do no such thing," Grillby said furiously.  "The guards will handle this, the dogs are the best trackers in the Underground-"
"But I can help!"
"Please, Sans," Grillby begged.  "Have patience."
Angel: the Door of the restuarant opened and Malachite came in with a mangy looking cat-monster with even mangier wings sprouted from his back. "Ahem. Mr. Grillby I'm Lieutenant Sphex, Officer Malachite has briefed me on the situation." Jasper perked up immediately. "How are your Son and Foster-Daughter?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby stood.  "They are in the hands of Dr. Gaster in the Hotlands labs.  They are getting looked at as we speak.  I have full confidence in his ability to restore their health and fix whatever ails them."
Angel: Sphex nodded somehow looking mangier. "Mr. Jasper yes? You claimed to have purchased a bag of candy from a monster with a Disco-ball for a head yes?"
Jasper frowned "...yes?"
Angel: "We've found no signs of this monster I'm afraid." Sphex said in an unconvincingly sympathetic voice. "Moreso We've got a witness saying something fairly disturbing-"
"Sir the monster in question was Drunk off their ass their testimony-"
"Is Circumstancial, yes I'm aware Officer!" Sphex interrupted. "But your brother is a known and verbal Human-Sympathizer, and we all know what Gaster built his "Sons" for Originally." Sphex grimaced.
Angel: Jasper stood up "Sans and Papyrus Saw me buy the candy!" He intoned "You can't be seriously saying I-"
"At this point monsters are aware that one of Gasters "Human Killers" has been poisoned." Sphex said "They're scared and in sore need of some reassurance, especially with the chaos the Underground has been in the last couple of months." he smiled, which looked even worse than his grimace. "You're not under arrest young man. But for everyone's sake we'll have to keep you for questioning."
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby stood, his composure cool but somehow subtly terrifying. Perhaps it was the way his pale eyes fixated on the guard, or the way his fire seemed to roar and crackle like an animal, or in his stone-still posture other than the living flames flickering over his body.
"We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to find the monster responsible," Girillby said in a whisper of a voice, placing one hand on Sans' shoulder.  "But I can assure you this: Jasper is the absolute last person who would be responsible for poisoning Cirri and Papyrus."
Angel: Sphex flinched. "I-I'm sure we have nothing to worry about then." He coughed into his hand. "In the meantime, Officer Malachite, please detain the Supsect."
"Mal please..." Jasper murmured as his bother approached trying very hard to remain emotionless, only a flicker of pain as he pulled out the Magic-Dampening cuffs.
"They're only letting me do this much Bro. I'm "Too Close." " Mal said "Please just go along with this for now." Jasper nodded holding up his hands for Malachite to put the cuffs on. "Sans, lemmie know how Cirri and Paps are doing alright?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans frowned, but nodded.  "I'll let you know when Dad fixes them, you'll be the first to know."  Grillby kept a firm hand on Sans' shoulder, knowing he might snap and say something foolish. They just had to be patient for the time being.
IchikoWindGryphon: Back at Hotland, Gaster had laid Cirri and Papyrus on cots side-by-side, monitors tracking their condition.  Both were stable, in no small part thanks to Jasper and  Sans' quick reaction, and he managed to stave off the worst of the poison.  But it wasn't looking good.  In only minutes it had rendered both monster's HP to critically low levels and rendered them unconscious.  It took a lot just to get them in the stable state they were in now.  But now the worst was over, and Gaster could focus on isolating the poison from the candy and developing an antidote.
Slipping on some latex gloves, he pulled out a piece of candy and prepared to run it through every test under the sun.  Or, mountain in their case.
Gaster would not rest until this mystery was solved.
Angel: Meanwhile the Rabbit monster Jasper had yelled at was entering his house- to find an Ice Monster in a blue hood waiting for them. "Did you succeed?"
"Yeah yeah. It was easy." the rabbit scowled. "Man, we monsters really need to be more suspicious, it was pathetic really." he added pulling on a red and black leather jacket. "You got my money?"
The Ice Ninja reached into one long sleeve to pull out a bag that clinked with many gold coins as it fell to the floor. "Lord Vulpeca is very pleased, we may work again at a later date in order to strengthen Monster-Kind."
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getters-blog-index · 7 years
Ka’rta Tor
Chapter 3
 In another time and place, a much more peaceful planet enjoyed a brief moment of respite between the forces of good and evil. Birds chirped and flowers were in bloom in the spring breeze. On the plains beyond the nearby city, a blue wind blazed across the land. It was the hero of this planet, a beacon of hope during its darkest hour. Sonic the Hedgehog ran with the breeze, feeling the wind on his face as he zoomed across the Kingdom of Acorn, a place where the free people of this world lived in harmony. It came under attack many times by the villainous robotic forces of a roboticist that goes by the name of Dr. Ivo Robotnik.
       Sonic came to a stop from his immense speed before allowing himself to fall backwards onto the grass, looking up at the blue sky and sparse white clouds. He could lay here forever, or at least until he got bored and started running again. For now, he was just enjoying the peace and quiet. It felt like a few hours before he heard the crunching of the grass nearby. The blue hedgehog turned his head to see the chipmunk that had showed up.      She certainly didn’t look regal, but she was the princess of the kingdom, Sally Acorn. She was tapping her foot, but her face held a smile. “Well, if it isn’t Lazy the Hedgehog.” She said teasingly to the resting hedgehog. He smiled and hopped onto his feet. “Hey, what about all those times I beat up robots for you? Don’t those count?”          “It doesn’t outweigh the number of times I could’ve used your help surveying the area around New Mobotropolis. After all the times we’ve been attacked, we have to make sure that there aren’t any surprises in store for us in the near future.” She was referring to the capital of the kingdom that her brother ruled. The city was the first line of defense against Robotnik alongside Sonic the Hedgehog. The people of the kingdom, mutated animals called mobians, were made up of a diverse group of creatures that came together under the rule of the Acorn monarchy, who led them into times of prosperity over the course of generations.            Sonic chuckled and nudged Sally’s shoulder. They’d all come a long way since they were younger, fighting what seemed to be a hopeless fight against Robotnik’s Empire. Who would have thought that a speed demon and a princess would’ve grown as close as they did, and that their little group would become celebrities and heroes in their own right for the world at large. Now, thanks to their actions, the world was rebuilding. Sure, the threats weren’t gone, but they were at a much better point in their lives now.           Sally seemed to get an idea of where Sonic’s train of thought had gone. “It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? The work’s never done, but you can’t stop the Freedom Fighters that easily.” She assured Sonic, maybe more for herself. “Evil Scientists, Vicious Wizards, Ancient Masterminds, Crazy Mirror Alternates. It’s hard to believe that this has been our life. It sounds like it comes straight out of a TV show.”           “Well it wouldn’t be an adventure if it was mundane, Sal.” Sonic responded. They both nodded in agreement as they continued towards the city itself. The high wall gave way to a sprawling city with simple buildings towards the outside and grew more diverse and complex towards the center, where Castle Acorn stood proud and tall over the subjects, acting as the heart of New Mobotropolis.           “I need to talk to Elias about the places the Royal Guard has already checked out, and you can pick up where they left off.” Sally explained, heading to the castle by herself, leaving Sonic to his devices. He shrugged and went to his Uncle’s restaurant, where he could grab a snack while he waited. He wouldn’t have to wait for long as his friend, a two-tailed fox named Tails, found him in the establishment.            “Hi Sonic. How’s it going?” He asked his blue friend. Sonic scarfed down the remainder of his chili dog in order to answer. “It’s been chill. Not much going on around here. Sally wants me to check out some places around the country for signs of Eggman, but I’ll be done with that in a flash. You wanna race when I get back?” Sonic challenged. Tails couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face. “You bet! I’ll beat you this time, Sonic!”            Sonic ruffled the kid’s fur playfully. The two had become close brothers, going on adventures together all the time. There was not a way in the world you could possibly separate the two. They were a package deal, and they were among the best of the best.          Almost as if on cue, Tails’ communicator rang. It was the princess. She probably expected the two to be together. “Tails, if Sonic is there, tell him that there was something suspicious going on in the western sector. The Royal Guard said they saw some weird robots, but there were none on the sensors. Nicole is doing a scan for whatever might be out there, just in case its trying to cloak itself, but you’re the fastest thing alive. If anyone can find it and stop it, it’s you.”           Sonic couldn’t help but smile. He loved action, and chances like this were growing rarer and rarer. He hopped off of his stool, Tails following his lead. “I’m on it, Sally. I’ll meet you there! Just try to keep up!” He and his friend hurried back out to the outskirts of the city. He moved swiftly across the rolling fields and the trees. There wasn’t even a sign of footprints. They could’ve been buzzbombers, but they’re loud. They would’ve heard them if it was those badniks. Something was out of place here. He settled beneath a tree next to Tails and started tapping his foot as his eyes scanned around, waiting for Sally to arrive.        The chipmunk wouldn’t keep them waiting for too long, as she arrived with Amy, another of their friends and fellow Freedom Fighter in tow. They all seemed to be perplexed by the lack of any hostile presence. “It’s not like the Royal Guard to jump at shadows. If they saw something, it’s still nearby.” Sally mused. Amy took a peek at the console that Sally had, which also housed the AI Nicole. It seemed like the Ai was processing information from the surroundings.          Sonic huffed. “Look, there’s nothing here. I’ve checked. The guards must’ve been daydreaming or something.” He concluded. The three looked at him with a stern look. “....What?” Sonic responded to the gesture. Amy saw something of note. “Hey, Nicole? What was that spike you just showed on the screen.” The AI moved back to it and revealed a holographic form of a lynx. “Hmm, I saw it earlier but I dismissed it as an error in the reading. I can take a closer look at it though, if you think it’s not just something random.”         “That would help. Thank’s Amy. Maybe that’ll be our key to solving what’s going on here.” Sally spoke up. “Tails, what about you? Did you notice anything strange since you got here?” In response, he seemed to hum as he looked over his own console screen. While Sonic was running around, he’d been searching for traces of power sources. Anything from electrical discharge, diesel, or otherwise.        Then, both Tails and Nicole piped up. “Chaos Control.” They spoke at the same time. The lynx spoke first. “You were right. The outlier actually had a frequency that we have on record. It was Chaos Control, similar to what Shadow’s used. It caused a slight space-time blip. The guards probably saw a vision of badniks. Though the source of the phenomenon seems to elude my sensors.”         Tails continued. “It’s possible that it came from the future. It’s not as strong as the Time Stones, but Chaos Emeralds HAVE shown some amount of temporal flux capabilities. Maybe someone was trying to time travel.” He elaborated on the possibilities that surrounded the mysterious circumstances. The group of five looked to each other with concern.         “So, do you think there’s going to be an invasion anytime soon? From the future or just plain from Eggman?” Sonic asked.          “It’s entirely possible. Chaos Energy is unpredictable, and just with what we’ve heard and found here, it’s not exactly enough for us to plan for. The best we can do is keep an eye out for any more phenomenons.” Tails answered. Sally and Amy both nodded. They were about to return when a burst of light struck, giving the five a vision of a far off place; A Temple, where two factions were fighting. The vision disappeared as soon as it came, barely giving them any insight on what they saw.           Nicole was the first to say something. “That was another blip. It...It might be Chaos Control...but...I’m not so sure anymore.”         “You’re right. I’ve never seen Chaos Control do that. Usually it just teleports, transports, or freezes time. Unless Shadow’s done something like that, I have a hard time believing this was just plain Chaos Control.” Sonic said sourly. Things were getting more confusing by the second...
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