#I want her and baela to become close to
bohemian-nights · 10 months
Since we don’t really know what happened to Nettles' mother(I can’t picture her just abandoning her so she’s passed on in my mind), I need Marilda of Hull to take Nettles under her arms and embrace her like the daughter she’s never had.
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18 notes · View notes
flowerandblood · 14 days
The Fall from the Heavens (35)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: oral sex, smut, angst, swearing and being a bitch ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Never before in her life had she felt so fulfilled, so free, as in the fortress of which she was now lady. Harrenhal, though at first grim and grey, when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds seemed to her to be some ancient keep. By her and her husband's orders, their belongings from King's Landing and Dragonstone were brought to the stronghold in great carts.
She ordered new furniture made of wood for them − great ornate oak bookcases to fill with their books, desks and chests for their garments, and something that filled her with particular joy − a cradle for their child, something that reminded her and her husband every day that they were expecting their offspring.
To her delight, she found that although in the company of Baela, the guards and the servants, her husband was harsh, the moment they were left alone in his quarters his demeanour and voice softened.
He no longer closed his mind, exchanging his thoughts with her as he had when they were children, discussing with her current affairs.
She felt that at last there was no resentment between them − their frequent and intense intimacy was proof to her that they both wanted this marriage and what it brought with it, that being next to each other was in itself an aim for them.
Her husband began to see the pleasurable value of her achieving fulfilment − he took delight and satisfaction in her moans, in driving her to the brink of madness, in knowing every bit of her naked body perfectly.
His closeness, him deep inside her, his mouth licking and sucking her puffy bud, his fingers invading between her tight slit had become something natural to her, something craved, and each fulfilment in his arms calmed her.
Encouraged by his openness in these matters and the fact that his attentive approach was helping her to discover her own femininity, she decided not to remain indebted to him, wanting to know that she appreciated his efforts and was able to repay him.
The echoes of Alys' words about what men desire deep down had taken root in her heart as a significant piece of advice. She decided to slowly explore how her husband and his body would respond to her touch, to her caresses, to her involvement.
At first, she merely brushed and sucked the skin of his neck as he lay on top of her in the tight embrace of their bodies, moving lazily inside her with his face snuggled into her hair. She felt a shudder run through his body, his breath became heavier, his cock pulsed inside her greedily betraying what he was thinking.
"− ah −" He breathed out, sinking his fingers into her cheek, pressing her closer, encouraging her not to stop, her hands squeezing his firm buttocks making goosebumps appear on his skin.
She discovered, to her amazement, that his nipples were also very sensitive − the first time she licked them and clung to them, sucking on them with a hum, letting him pound into her with deep, sloppy thrusts, she heard him gasp, surprised and bewildered.
"− what − mghm − fuck −" He muttered, a helpless, low groan of pleasure escaping his throat as the tip of her tongue swirled around it. He became more vocal, panting hard, clenching his fingers in her hair, pressing her to his chest as his painfully swollen cock opened her little cunt with the impatient, sharp pushes of his hips.
His fulfillments were longer and stronger than ever before − he moaned and panted exactly as she did, ashamed in a way of his helplessness and what he was letting her do to him.
He pretended when it was all over that nothing had happened, and she didn't discuss it with him, letting him keep up the pretence that everything was as it had been before.
Their intimacy was simply pleasurable and natural to them, so they each pursued it relentlessly, treating it as a wordless expression of their affection, the eternal longing and closeness they needed.
Much to her husband's displeasure, Baela decided to stay in Harrenhal longer after what had happened.
"I sent a letter to Dragonstone. I described to father what had happened." She said, looking at her fingers thoughtfully − the two of them were sitting under one of the trees near the fortress, wanting to get some fresh air during the sunny day.
While her husband did not approve of her leaving their chamber in his absence, fearing for her and their child, he did agree that she should do so in the company of Baela, which she did.
She looked at her cousin, horrified.
"What? Gods, was that necessary?" She muttered, imagining in the back of her mind how horrified her mother would be at the word that someone had tried to poison her, and that she would surely insist that she return to Dragonstone. Baela sighed heavily.
"I promised my father that I would be there for you and I will keep him informed of what is happening here." She explained, shrugging her shoulders.
She looked at her with a smirk, stroking her slightly rounded abdomen with her palm.
"Are you his spy?"
The corner of Baela's mouth lifted in a smile.
"Yes. He told me to watch how your uncle treats you, and though I have no sympathy for him, only a fool would fail to see that his intentions towards you are sincere." She replied, her face sad and tired. She blinked, seeing that something had been bothering her for some time.
She figured she wasn't returning to Dragonstone for more than just her reason.
"Has something happened? You can tell me."
"Should I complain to you about your brother? That doesn't sound fair." She muttered, taking a small white stone from the ground, turning it between her fingers.
"He's my brother, but I know his nature. You can tell me what troubles you. I will not judge you." She assured her, wanting her to know that she had no bad intentions.
Baela pressed her lips together and nodded − her eyes reddened as she swallowed hard and looked away, shrugging her shoulders.
"I have a lover here. One of the guards."
She blinked, looking at her in disbelief, not knowing for a moment what to say.
"We promised each other we'd both stop doing this before I came here. But I can't. I don't love him. Not in that way. I mean −" She choked out and fell silent, swallowing hard, trying with all her might to stay calm and not cry.
"− I mean − we don't fit together − he's important to me, close to my heart, but − I've only now realised, looking at you, that it's impossible to change a man's nature −" She said and clenched her eyelids, bitter, hot tears of shame running down her face, which she covered with her hands, as if she was terrified by what had just come out of her mouth.
"− gods, what have I done −" She mumbled out, whooping with her crying − her hand quickly rose to her back, stroking it reassuringly.
She didn't know what to say, what to do, what she could advise her in such a situation.
She swallowed hard, feeling the discomfort and pain, understanding in a way what she meant, yet feeling pity in her heart for her brother, not knowing if he would be able to take any more rejection.
"− did − did Jace −"
"− he did the same thing − in Winterfell, with that Snow girl, that whore, that fucking bastard −" She hissed, wiping her cheeks hot with rage.
"− I lied at the time that I was also having an affair with a guard to hurt him − to make him feel what it's like when someone fucks someone else behind your back −"
She only blinked at her words, horrified at how it looked like, that neither of them were faithful to each other.
Baela looked at her quickly and shook her head, as if she only now realised what she had said.
"− forgive me − I didn't mean − I didn't mean to offend you −" She muttered quickly, looking at her with big eyes.
"− no, no − I just − you surprised me − I mean − I didn't suspect it was that bad −"
"− me too − until I flew here and was left alone with my doubts and thoughts −" She stated after a moment of thoughtfulness, wiping her nose with the top of her hand, trying to calm her breathing.
"− I realised − watching you throw yourself into his arms when we arrived here − he didn't even see me − your husband − it was your moment, your reconciliation − and I don't even miss him − I don't think about him, even though I should − I feel really free and lonely here at the same time − I just would like to love and be loved like you −"
Her cousin whispered, and she embraced her and hugged her forehead to her temple, stroking her back reassuringly − Baela broke into tears and cuddled her face into her neck, trying to hide from her thoughts and what she herself was feeling.
For some reason, her words had ripped her heart apart.
Her thoughtfulness and despondency did not escape her uncle's attention when they were left alone after their supper together. Finally only in her nightgown, she lay down on the bed and sighed − his gaze immediately followed her.
"What is it?"
She looked up at him, snapped out of her reverie.
"What are you thinking about?"
"About Baela."
He blinked and hummed under his breath, looking towards the fire, spreading himself comfortably in his chair.
She didn't know how much she should tell him, but she needed advice.
She had no idea what to do.
"She doesn't love my brother and I don't think he loves her. Not the way one loves a wife or a husband."
"I don't know what to advise her."
"Don't advise her anything. Don't interfere in their affairs. Your intervention will only make things worse. Let them resolve it between themselves. In your condition, you should not focus on such matters and take on someone else's infidelity." He replied dryly, and she looked at him surprised, furrowing her brows.
"How do you know about infidelity?" She muttered, and he threw her a long, bored look.
"I caught them in the act. He fucked her instead of guarding your chamber in my absence. I wanted to shame him and reprimand him, but when I saw Baela, I gave up. The humiliation was punishment enough for both of them." He sneered, tapping his index finger against the armrest, sitting in profile to her.
She felt a cold sweat on the back of her neck at the thought that he had not shared this knowledge with her.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Her husband looked at her sternly.
"Because I don't play in spreading rumours in the court. Other people's promiscuity is not worth burdening my wife, who is expecting my child, with it. She is a grown woman. If her father or her mother couldn't raise her properly, you won't be able to either."
"Do not speak of her like this. She is suffering deeply."
"And she is finding comfort." He replied coldly. "I don't want to hear it."
"If your mother had forced you to marry Maris Baratheon instead of me. Would you have taken me into your bed?" She asked, looking at him expectantly.
He threw her a quick, surprised look, not expecting this question completely.
"− I −"
"− answer honestly −"
"− I don't know the answer to that question −"
"− your answer according to good manners should be: no −"
"− it's not the same thing −"
"− it's exactly the same, Aemond − I understand what you mean, but judgements have no power when we can't judge ourselves as harshly −"
"− I wouldn't be fucking proud of it or brag about it to my cousins −"
"− she didn't brag, she despaired − she regrets it but doesn't know what to do −"
Her husband clenched his jaw and bowed his head, burying his face in his hand.
"− I will not concern myself with her betrothal and I expect her to stay away from my marriage − I advise you to do the same −" He said dryly, rising from his seat, undoing the buckles of his emerald tunic with an impatient motion.
She swallowed hard, playing with her fingers, feeling her heart pounding like mad, her stomach clenched in discomfort.
She knew that part of her heart was agreeing with him, but she didn't want to admit it.
When he finally lay down beside her, putting his eye patch down on the table beside the bed, they were both silent for a long moment. She didn't push him away, however, when his hand went to her lower abdomen, a tender, calm, circular motion of his fingers stroking the place. She sighed quietly, placing her hand over his, feeling her anger slowly begin to leave her.
"− isn't that what you expect from me? − honesty? −" He asked in a hoarse voice. She looked up at him, meeting the calm, warm yet dark gaze of his healthy eye. She nodded and moved closer to him, their foreheads touching.
"− yes −" She whispered. As his hand slid to her waist she let him to embrace her, his arms snuggling her into his body, allowing her to take refuge at his side from the gloomy thoughts that flitted through her head.
However, the next day something happened that she had not anticipated.
Her brother arrived in Harrenhal at the behest of their mother.
The mood was tense, to put it mildly. The distance between Baela and Jace was palpable and, as they were not married, her uncle had assigned them separate quarters.
He was furious.
"I don't want him here. Let him take his betrothed and get the fuck back to Dragonstone." He hissed in her direction, walking around their chamber like an enraged lion, breathing heavily.
She stood watching him with her heart in her throat not knowing what to do.
"We can't just send him away, my mother might become suspicious. Let him stay a day or two and then…"
"− good gods −" He breathed out, burying his face in his hands at her words, as if trying not to explode. He finally sat down in the chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, staying in that position for a moment.
She approached him slowly and knelt in front of him with a quiet rustling of her gown, grabbing his upper arm, exposing his face − she met the look of his eye, frustrated and tired.
"− I know − I know, my love − I'll try to resolve it somehow, but give me time to think −" She muttered, wanting him to understand that all this was not her desire, that also all she dreamt of was holy peace for them and their child.
Her uncle sighed heavily, looking away, clearly inconsolable by her words. She knew he wanted to add something else, but fell silent when he felt her hand on his knee, traveling up to his thigh. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, tense, his lips parted slightly.
He shuddered as her fingers slid between his legs, stroking gently and teasing what was beneath them. His manhood pulsed hard in his breeches under her touch, and then again and again, swelling and hardening from those gentle, innocent caresses.
She heard his breath become heavier, his hand slipped into her hair, stroking her head, betraying what he was thinking about what was about to happen.
How she wanted to compensate him.
Her nimble fingers untied the material of his breeches, spreading it to the side, revealing his half-hard, throbbing erection. She leaned down, stroking it in her palm, placing soft, butterfly kisses on the area where his veins were clearly outlined, barely brushing his bare skin.
She heard an exasperated sigh escape his lips, his hips involuntarily bucked towards her, pressing his twitching, long cock against her face, searching for the source of the rubbing.
She knew he was looking at her, and that he derived an unspeakable satisfaction from the sight before him.
She gasped at the thought, wanting to give him everything he could possibly want, and following Alys' instructions, she decided to take her time − the tip of her tongue traveled from the base of it to the very tip of his length, swelling more and more in her hand, she heard him tilt his head back, feeling and seeing it.
"− fuck −"
Her hand clamped down on the base of his root, giving him a few encouraging, soft squeezes, meant only to tease him, its tip turning all pink and hard, moist from his own wetness.
"− warm me up −" He muttered. "− it's a chilly evening −"
She felt her walls clench greedily around nothing at his words, sticky from her moisture, knowing what he wanted.
She directed the fat, glistening head of his cock against her lips, sliding it in a little, licking it encouragingly − his two hands clamped down on her hair, the soft, gentle thrust of his hips sliding it deep into her mouth, its tip bumping against the back wall of her throat.
"− so eager to taste my seed − ah − barely fits −" He exhaled, keeping his fingers clenched in her hair, thrusting between her lips as he saw fit, slowly and reverently, making her feel safe even though he was in complete control of what was happening.
Each time he slid deep into her throat again with a lewd click of her saliva, she teased his entire length with her moist tongue, licking it and sucking it inside, squeezing it so that a low, throaty moan came out of him again and again.
"− I could watch it all day − your pretty mouth full of my cock −" He gasped, and she hummed, squeezing the base of his erection that didn't fit in her mouth with her hand.
She moved her head up and down, feeling the tears of exertion begin to run down her cheeks each time the tip of his manhood hit the back of her throat, making her gag, breathing loudly through her nose to keep from suffocating.
"− fuck, you are too good at this −" He mumbled as if he were in pain, the chair he was sitting on began to creak loudly as his hips quickened their pace, his breath raspy and shallow. His manhood began to twitch and throb between her lips betraying that he was embarrassingly close to fulfilment as her hot tears rolled down her cheeks one by one.
"− don't stop − please, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop −" He panted, gripping her hair tightly in his hands, not letting her escape the deep, greedy thrusts of his hips, making her whimper with exertion.
Something in the sounds he was making, boyish and charming, in his helplessness, in how much he wanted to feel vulnerable at least for a moment, made her feel her sticky wetness running down her thigh, her swollen slit pulsing around nothing.
"− I know − I know, please, I know − uh,gods,fuckkk −" He gasped, a low groan mixed with a sigh of relief broke from his lips as his body went breathless all over and his warm spend spilled deep into her warm throat. She swallowed the first wave with difficulty and jumped up along with him as the door to his chamber opened suddenly, startling them.
She slid his manhood out of her mouth with a loud splat, covering her face to avoid screaming and choking at the same time, some of his seed staining his breeches.
Her figure kneeling before him was covered only by the ornate oak desk standing before her.
"Your Grace. Shall supper be prepared in this chamber with Prince Jacaerys and Lady Baela included?" The servant asked, and she swallowed loudly, trying not to make a sound, feeling her heart pounding like mad.
"− I − yes −" Her uncle muttered in a shaky voice, trying to keep his voice cool and hide the fact that he had just came, and his wife was kneeling in front of his untied breeches.
When the servant left her husband closed his eye and breathed out loud, leaning his head against the backrest, pale. She pressed her lips together at the sight, wiping her cheeks wet with tears of exertion, trying not to laugh.
He looked at her after a moment with resentment, as if it was her fault and sighed through his nose, frustrated to see the look on her face.
"− you and your wise ideas −"
"− don't you wish your wife to reassure you in this way? −" She asked softly, placing her chin on his knee, smiling contentedly. Her uncle sighed heavily − clearly something about the sight he saw before him made him content, because his hand rose to her head and stroked her soft hair in a lazy manner.
"− make sure the door from my chamber is locked next time −"
Even though she knew he was still unhappy about her brother's arrival, her treatments, whatever he thought of them, calmed him and made him accept his presence temporarily.
Baela and Jace walked into the chamber in silence and took their seats at a distance from each other − Baela sat opposite her as usual, with her uncle to her left, but her brother did not take the seat next to her − he sat on the opposite top of the table, facing her husband.
She knew this was some kind of challenge to him, her uncle's lips pressed together in a thin line, in his gaze something she knew perfectly well.
The servants tasted all the food and drink in their presence before the table was set. Her husband let them go when everything was ready, wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible.
"How are you feeling, sister?" Jace asked, putting the roast on his plate and tearing a piece of bread, but not giving it to Baela, who held out her hand to him.
She threw a quick glance at her uncle, who was watching her with a look that told her he was thinking the same thing she was.
Something was about to happen.
She swallowed loudly at the piece of pate she had just had in her mouth and sipped it with the apple juice the maester had prepared for her, telling her that she should avoid wine until after the birth.
She grunted, correcting herself in her seat.
"I am well, brother." She replied softly.
"I hope your daughter is born healthy." He said lowly, taking a sip of wine from his goblet.
She felt a cold sweat on her back at his words, looking up at her husband in horror, seeing on his face exactly what she had feared − a wide, dangerous grin not reaching his eye, his gaze cold and frightening.
"− Jace −" Baela hissed.
Her brother shook his head, frowning his eyebrows, feigning surprise, taking a bite of the roast into his mouth.
"− what is it, my love? − wouldn't my uncle love his daughter? − or would he be afraid that he would do to her what he did to his own niece? −"
"− how dare you −" She asked in disbelief, wanting to tell her brother that he was an insolent fool and that he should leave at once, however, her husband forestalled her.
"− your betrothed told you that she fucked one of my guards? − is that why you are acting like a cunt? −" He chuckled in a way from which a cold shiver ran through her, her heart in her throat. She glanced at Baela, who froze, staring dully into her plate, breathing heavily.
A terrible, uncomfortable silence fell around them that seemed to last an eternity − she didn't even know when she clenched her hands into fists.
"− yes, she did − but how could you know this, uncle? − did she lie in bed with you too? −" He asked mockingly, she and Baela cast quick, terrified glances at each other.
"− that's enough −" She hissed.
"− no − my nephew deserves the truth −" He grinned, and Baela rose from her seat, knowing what he wanted to say.
"− SIT THE FUCK DOWN −" Her husband growled in her direction. They both threw him shocked glances, his gaze expressing, however, that he was completely serious and if she left, blood would be shed.
Baela sat back in her seat, all quivering.
"− I caught her in the act − she was so preoccupied with him, or, I beg your pardon, with what he was putting into her, that she didn't notice me at first − I just wished to reprimand my guard − he was supposed to keep my wife safe, not −"
"− I said enough, husband −" She said, looking at him warningly.
He knew that look and what it meant.
That one more word out of his mouth and he would spend the night in his chamber alone.
He turned his head and fell silent, looking involuntarily at her brother with a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
"− did you know? −" She heard Jace's voice pointed in her direction and she looked at him, surprised.
Her brother was looking at her all red, something in his gaze that surprised her.
"− did you know about this? −"
She felt an overpowering, deep, hot shame at the thought that she could not deny.
"− you're my sister − we promised each other we'd both end this − she deceived me − why do you forever let to make a fool of me? − why do you never stand up for me? −" He muttered in a voice filled with regret.
She was horrified by the realisation, which came upon her suddenly, that he was partly right.
If her husband had betrayed her with another woman, wouldn't she expect her brother to tell her?
That he would have shown her concern, warned her, protected her from the pain?
She lowered her gaze to her plate, feeling tears under her eyelids herself. Jace got up and walked out, followed by Baela, who only muttered a brief, tentative apology.
One by one, tears began to run down her cheeks as soon as the door closed behind them − she had to hide her face in her hands to keep from bursting into sobs.
She heard her husband sigh heavily, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, the pleasant sizzle of a fire burning in the fireplace behind him. She heard him pick something up and move it towards her − when she lowered her hands she noticed it was a tray of lemon cakes.
That summer day when she came to comfort him, a lemon cake tucked into the pocket of her skirt.
"− eat −"
"− I don't want to −"
"− eat − these are your favourites − I ordered them to be prepared with you in mind −"
"− I don't want to eat lemon cakes now, Aemond − I −"
"− it's easier for him to blame you than himself − to accuse you in his mind instead of taking responsibility for his actions −"
She snorted, shaking her head, looking at him with regret.
"− didn't you also behave similarly to him until recently, uncle? −" She asked in a trembling voice. Her husband swallowed hard and closed his eye, remaining silent for a moment. When his eyelid opened, his gaze was already calmer.
"− I did −"
As he placed his hand on the table top, extending it towards her she felt a squeeze in her heart, because even though he had made so many mistakes and hurt her so much, for her he had truly made an effort.
There was no reason for her to pretend otherwise.
She lifted her hand uncertainly and placed it on his. Her husband hummed under his breath, stroking her skin with his thumb, pleased apparently that she had not rejected him, that after moments of anger they were able to calm and speak with each other.
Something in that thought touched her.
"I love you." She muttered, looking up at him from under her lashes on which her tears shone.
Her uncle looked at her with wide-open eye, as if snapped out of his reverie, shocked even though he had heard these words from her mouth before.
"I mean it. I really do. I'm not speaking of the cloying affection described in the books I read as a child. What I feel is painfully real."
She saw his nostrils twitch at her words, his jaw clenched, his eyebrows arched in a way as if he was trying to fight what he had just felt.
His lips parted, but nothing came out of them for a long time.
"− I didn't reply to your letters because I didn't want you to move on − because I didn't want you to forgive yourself − because I didn't want you to forget about me − because I couldn't move on − because I couldn't forgive myself − because I couldn't forget about you −"
He said, looking at their hands, stroking her soft, warm skin with his fingers, at the same time being somewhere far away, as if he had returned with his thoughts to that evenings when he had read her letters.
Her heart filled with heat and pain at his words, at his confession, which was proof to her that both of them had only been pretending all along, trying to preserve their dignity by not accepting their longing, grief and desires all these years.
Only when they were left in the darkness of his chamber could their true reconciliation have happened.
There was something beautiful to her in the fact that they only hugged each other that night. Her husband, lying behind her, embraced her waist, their fingers entwined together lying on her womb. She felt safe sensing closeness of his body, his warm breath enveloping her bare neck.
Though with others he remained the same cold, cruel, mocking man, with her he became who he had been eight years ago, being the husband and companion she had always seen in him.
Baela set off on her way back to Dragonstone the next morning, informing her that she and Jace had broken off their betrothal. She wished to inform her grandmother and father about it, knowing that they would not force her to do anything against her will.
They said goodbye as if they were friends, hugging each other tightly, however, apart from her, neither her husband nor her brother came out to bid her farewell.
To her husband's frustration, her brother remained in their fortress. He ate his suppers separately and hardly left his chamber, but his mere presence made her uncle lose patience.
Although she didn't want to do it, she had to act.
With a heavy heart and trepidation, she went to his quarters, however, to her surprise, she did not find him there. She left, looking around the corridor and stopped one of the servants.
"Where is my brother?" She asked, the young boy turned behind and pointed his finger at the other, less frequented part of the stronghold.
"In Alys Rivers’ chamber, Your Grace."
She looked at this young boy wondering if she had misheard herself.
"By what right does anyone visit Alys Rivers without my knowledge?' She hissed, feeling a squeeze in her throat at the thought that, apart from her guards, no one was to cross the threshold of her quarters until she left Harrenhal.
Her cousin had delayed answering her letter, surely still feeling humiliated after the way he had learned that their betrothal was not in force.
However, she knew he would eventually succumb and intended to send Alys away to the Eyrie anyway.
The boy swallowed hard at her words, surprised.
"− I − the Prince said you personally gave your consent, Your Grace − how would I question his words? −" He muttered, and she clenched her eyelids and nodded.
"− go for him and bring him to his chamber − tell him that I will be waiting for him there −"
Indeed, not long after, her brother joined her in his rooms, closing the door behind him, looking at her uncertainly, his brow furrowed.
"− what's it? −"
She stood up from her chair, turning her face towards the window, trying to calm her breath, her hand on her womb.
"− Alys Rivers − I didn't allow you to see her −"
"− she's my aunt − I don't need your permission, sister −" He replied dryly.
She looked at him angrily, walking up to him, looking him straight in the eye.
His gaze seemed distant and empty to her, filled with bitterness, sadness and pride.
She knew that look because she had seen it sometimes in their uncle's eyes.
He was broken.
Something in that thought made her close her eyes, trying to regain her composure.
"− she's a dangerous woman − I value her, but she manipulates others easily −"
"− I know I am easily manipulated − I have found that out painfully on my own −" He said calmly. "− is that all? −"
"− is that why you are not returning to Dragonstone? − because of her? −" She asked, turning to follow him as he moved ahead of her and spread out comfortably on his bed, taking an apple in his hand from a silver bowl standing on the table, tossing it thoughtlessly.
"− maybe −"
"− why? −"
"− she tells me about our father − about Harrenhal − about her dreams −" He muttered, staring blankly at the ceiling, playing with the fruit between his fingers, thoughtful.
Something in his words, in the fact that, like her, he longed deep down to understand where he came from, made her heart fill with compassion and empathy towards him again.
She approached him slowly and sat beside him on the bed, bowing her head. For a moment they remained in complete silence.
"− forgive me − for not telling you − Baela despaired greatly and regretted what she had done, but it could no longer be taken back − I am not going to defend her − she did, however, tell me that you had not remained faithful to her either − that you had lain in bed with another woman in Winterfell −"
Jace pressed his lips into a thin line at her words, tossing the apple high into the air, catching it in his hand again with a loud smack.
"− did she also tell you that she had a lover herself at the time? −"
"− she told me that she lied to you at the time so that you wouldn't see how much you hurt her −" She whispered, her brother throwing her a quick, horrified look. She saw him swallow hard and close his eyes.
"− it doesn't matter anymore −"
Silence fell between them again.
"− I want to admit, however, that there was a grain of truth in your words − I want to support you, but I feel that whatever I don't do, you will reject me −" She muttered.
"− you are the one who has always rejected me −"
His words stabbed into her heart like a dagger.
"− forgive me −" She said.
Her brother let out a loud breath, his eyes red.
"− I want to take her to Dragonstone −"
"− who? −"
"− Alys Rivers − I want her to see something beyond Harrenhal −"
His words surprised her so much that the obvious question crossed her mind.
"− Jace − did you and her −"
"− if you desire the truth so much, let's call a spade a spade − I'm a bastard, just like her − I live in a great fortress, eating from silver trays, while she is locked up here like some prisoner − how is she different from us? − what did she do to deserve a fate so worse than mine or yours? −"
He asked with a fury that startled her, his words, so direct and bold, made her feel overwhelming shame.
How is she different from us?
What did she do to deserve a fate so worse than mine or yours?
She swallowed hard, not knowing what to answer, how to react to his words.
"− but what will our mother say? −"
"− I will gladly introduce our father's sister to her −"
"− Jace −"
"− I've decided − I, not you − I take responsibility for this −"
She lowered her gaze, feeling that her hands were trembling all over with terror, her brother, however, seemed confident in his decision.
"− I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm taking our aunt with me −"
Author's note: No, Jace did not sleep with Alys, lol. In case this is not clear from the chapter, I would like to add it so that you do not panic unnecessarily. The next chapter will be Alys' POV, so you'll find out everything there!
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A Fine Line [part 4]
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Summary: You've been with Aegon for a little over four years and the relationship just isn't the same. His brother isn't helping the situation, either. This is a Modern Day AU!
Pairing: Aegon x Reader / Aemond x Reader
Word Count: ~7k (holy shit)
Author’s Note: I am so sorry that this took so long! I wanted to give a special thanks to @queen-helaena & @persephonerinyes for their feedback and direction on this chapter! Also, my personal Baela, @felteppsters for her daily duty of being my best friend. I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can, I promise it will be less than the six or so months it took me to write this bitch.
Warnings for the entire series: severe angst, cheating, unprotected sex, jealousy, lying, possessiveness, stalking, manipulation, language, alcohol use, recreational drug use.
Masterlist & Playlist
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It was light out when you heard the front door open and close. A soft groan escaped your lips as you stretched; fatigue deep in your bones from a restless night. You quirked your brow as you glanced at the window. The remnants of a pink and purple sunrise were painted in the early Saturday morning sky.
His feet shuffled against the hardwood floor. Your eyes were fixed on the bedroom wall as you heard the door open. He was fully clothed when he fell into the bed next to you; still had his shoes on, even. The faint smell of clove cigarettes still lingered on his skin. A sigh escaped his lips as he nestled himself into the mattress as if everything were perfectly fine. You shot up quickly, turning to face him; your tongue burning with all of the words that you wanted to say to him, but you just couldn't bring yourself to actually speak them.
So you don't say anything.
You don't say anything as you sit cross-legged in the living room floor; folding his laundry as he sat on the couch eating the breakfast that you cooked, drinking the coffee that you made, laughing at whatever stupid TV show was on. You don't say anything as you stood next to him at the kitchen counter, fixing yourself a plate of dinner. You don't say anything as he crawled into bed with you that night and kissed you on the cheek.
No, instead you put it away. Just like everything else. And for the next three days you hardly say anything to each other, and if you did speak, it was 'dinner is ready' or the occasional 'have a good day'. You ate in separate rooms and he had started falling asleep in his office. It was the first time since you had started dating that the silence had become this loud. Sure, you hadn't had sex in almost a year, and more often than not he just felt like a roommate to you, but the silence had becoming deafening.
It was actually Aemond who had encouraged you to bite the bullet and be the first to say something. You'd been texting back and forth since the bowling alley. It was a weird feeling, teetering between guilt and giddiness, whenever you saw his name pop up on your screen. Nevertheless, you appreciated his company, even if it was just through text. It was more communication than you were getting from your own boyfriend and best friend; you'd never known Baela to be so busy, but every time you asked if she wanted to hang out or have a glass of wine over FaceTime, she was otherwise occupied.
Wednesday night, after you had put away the leftovers and finished the dishes, you had found yourself standing in the threshold of his office. It was a room you hardly visited and the art on the walls looked foreign to your eyes; almost making you feel awkward to stand in what felt like his space. You watched as he was reading his emails; quietly speaking to himself, saying all of the things he wished he could respond back with. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even noticed you standing there.
"Aegon?" You asked and he flinched slightly.
"Hey!" His body softened and he gave you a tired smile. "What's up?"
"It's Wednesday," you shrugged. "Did you want to come down and watch our show together?"
"Oh," he sighed. His hunched shoulders fell. "I have so much work that I'm trying to catch up on, and it's getting late."
You bit your lip and nodded, but lingered against the doorframe. His fingers went back to typing on the keyboard, undoubtedly waiting for you to make your exit. After a few moments, he looked back up at you, obviously confused as to why you were still there.
"Is everything okay, love?" He asked.
The things that you wanted to say made your mouth taste fowl as they lingered on your tongue. How long could you keep up the charade? How long could he? You were holding on the crumbling foundations of your relationship, silently begging for him to help you save it, and he still did nothing. This was the part where you wondered if he even realized that you were one foot out the door, with your bags nearly packed, or if he'd even care.
How many times had you rehearsed what you would say to him? He was sitting right there, asking you, waiting for your answer. Yet, you still couldn't bring yourself to say it.
And the cycle continues.
"Yeah," you say with a small smile and push yourself off of the door frame. "Don't stay up too late working," you told him. "You deserve a break, you know?"
"A break," he laughed dryly. "You're funny."
You turned to head back downstairs but before you could reach the first step, Aegon's voice stopped you.
"Hey," he said softly and you turned back to him. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
The words left your lips with ease but their weight lingered. At this point, you couldn't tell if they were genuine or the easy, default response. The doubt was planted; sprouting like a garden sick with disease in your mind. The more it grew, the more you wondered if this was all that there was to it after four years. Was this the end of your relationship? Would you do anything at all to salvage it? Would he? It couldn't be that easy to unravel everything you had built together, and yet it was; all it would take were two words, just two. A simple acknowledgement that things weren't working out and then someone decides who stays and who goes.
It's over.
It was the smell of bacon that woke you the next morning.
Your body ached from a restless night as you sat up, stretching your arms above your head before reaching for your phone. Your brows furrowed as you read the date and time, almost having forgotten it was Thursday. It had been years since Aegon had cooked breakfast, let alone in the middle of the week. You quickly shifted out of the bed, shuffling down the hall before stopping in the threshold of the kitchen.
He was at the stove, humming softly as he turned down the heat on the bacon. For a moment, you were taken back to when he'd wake up early and cook breakfast on the weekends. You'd wrap your arms around him as he worked, swaying back and forth as music played over the little bluetooth speaker that sat on the counter. He wasn't someone who spent a lot of time in the kitchen, but he knew how to get the bacon just right and his scrambled eggs were always perfectly fluffy.
"Morning," he greeted as you stepped into the room. You slowly approached him and wrapped your arms around his middle, placing a small kiss between his shoulders. You felt him tense for a moment before he relaxed in your arms.
"What's the occasion?" You asked, reaching around him for a slice of bacon. "Figured you'd be at work by now."
"I'm taking the morning off," he shrugged as you moved to his side, leaning against the counter. He pulled the last few strips of bacon off of the pan and laid them across the cooling rack before turning the stove off completely. "I really wanted to spend some time with you, if you can spare it."
Your lips turned softly into a smile, "I think I can manage."
He stepped in front of you, his hands finding their place on your hips, gently pinning you against the counter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a soft kiss. He lingered there, forehead pressed to yours as he sighed against your lips. Despite everything, you craved these moments with him. Your body still reacted in such an automatic way to his touch that it was almost enough to make you forget it all.
You didn't want to question it, but an unsettling suspicion lingered in your chest that there was more to his actions than just wanting to spend some quality time with you. After all, it had been months since he had shown any interest in you in that regard.
"I do have ulterior motives, however," he mentioned.
There it is.
"I knew there was something behind all of this," you sighed with a quick roll of your eyes.
You went to step around him but he stopped you, lifting you at the hips so that you were sitting on the counter. You brace yourself for what is about to be said. The short silence echoed throughout the room as he weighed his words. Instinctively, your negative thoughts fill in the blank as he nudges himself between your knees and looks up at you with a pout. You can almost see the infidelity in his eyes, and you know that he can see the apprehension in yours..
"Don't, it's not like that," he said quietly and you exhale a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding in. "My mother is hosting a dinner tonight, celebrating the return of her favorite son, and I'd really like you to be there."
Your eyebrows raised with surprise.
"Are you sure?" You ask tenderly as you move a strand of hair from his face, suddenly feeling guilty for thinking so poorly of him. His blue eyes were downcast, unmoving from your lap where his thumbs drew circles in the skin of your thighs.
"I don't even want to go," he muttered. "But, I'm obligated to and I want you to be with me," he took a breath before looking up to meet your gaze; you could see the sincerity in his blue eyes. "It would mean a lot to me if you were there."
"Okay," you agreed and he leaned forward with a thankful sigh, pressing his forehead to your shoulder. Your hand comes up to the nape of his neck, fingers instinctively twirling in his hair. "Why don't we go get back in bed?"
He lifts his head and places another kiss on your forehead, breathing out as he does so, "I wish I could, but I've got to go pick up the dry cleaning."
"Send someone to go get it for you," you sigh and groan, tilting your head back in annoyance allowing Aegon to place a chaste kiss to your neck.
"Mhm," he breathes with his lips still pressed to your skin. "I could."
"You should," you whisper.
Aegon hums in response as his lips trail across your clavicle. His hands gripped at your waist, squeezing as you both leaned deeper into this moment. He pulled you forward by the hips, allowing your legs to wrap around him. His hands slid slowly up your thighs, fingertips teasingly playing along the bottom hem of your shorts. You breathed out, bringing your hands to his jaw and pulling him up to meet your lips.
You couldn't remember the last time he had kissed you like this- the last time he touched you like this. Three words clung to your lips as they parted to say, "I miss you", but before they could take form, the abrupt sound of Aegon's cell vibrating on the countertop pulled you back down to a harsh reality. He pulls away reluctantly, a mixture of frustration and obligation on his face as he sighs.
"No," you whine. "You took the morning off."
He steps back away from you, and your hands instinctively reach out for him, hoping to provide an anchor. You can't help but feel disappointed as he answers the phone; Otto's disgruntled voice faint on the other end, screaming. Aegon, deeply apologetic towards his grandfather, hurries out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his office, leaving you sitting on the counter with two plates of untouched breakfast and a sickening feeling of disappointment.
One step forward, two steps back; like playing the fucking Hokey Pokey with your relationship. You sat there for a moment, allowing the feeling of his now absent touch to linger on your skin, wondering if you'd ever become numb to it. You gently slide from the counter, your feet resting flat on the cool tile, and let out a small sigh as you begin disassociating and staring out the kitchen window.
The rest of the day seemed just as monotonous.
Your mind was in a fog as you thought ahead to dinner with the Targaryen-Hightower household. Your expectations of the evening were uncertain, given the limited information you possessed about Aegon's family. You knew Aemond, and you knew enough about Otto Hightower to form an opinion- albeit not a very positive one. He never talked about his father, and the only interactions he had with his mother were when he was ignoring her phone calls. There had been a few times Aegon had mentioned his sister, Helaena, who he described as 'creative' and 'artsy'. You also had heard him mention his youngest brother, Daeron, a few times; he would call every now and then, Aegon never ignored his calls.
There was also the half-sister, Rhaenyra, from his father's first marriage. She was typically referred to as 'dad's favorite'. You knew the most about her, only because she was quite vocal in interviews, discussing her father's health and the potential scandal surrounding the succession of his business.
"What do I wear to this sort of dinner party?" You texted Aemond. The same text that you had sent Aegon hours ago hadn't received a response, and as the hours passed you grew increasingly nervous.
"Something formal but it is just a dinner," his reply came quickly, followed by a second text. "I would stay away from the color green, however."
"Noted, thanks!"
Baela was typing away on her keyboard furiously next to you as you turned to face her in your chair. She had a red gel pen stuck behind her ear and her eyebrows were furrowed as she worked. She had been particularly quiet, which was unlike her. Typically you couldn't get her nor Jace to stop bickering over the cubicle wall long enough to think of a single sentence to write.
You chewed on your lip for a moment before you decided to swivel your chair to face her, reaching for the jar of green M&M's on the island that separated your desks. "Hey, you got a minute for me?" You ask as you pop a few of the candies into your mouth, hoping to break the ice.
"Hm?" She hums but her fingers are still typing. You toss an M&M at her and she turns completely to face you. Her expression softens when you smile at her, "I'm sorry, I've just been swamped with this new project Jason put me on this week."
"Is there anything that I can help you with?" You ask, not even knowing that Jason had her working on something new.
Baela shakes her head, "I appreciate you, always, but Jace has been doing some extra credit for me."
You laugh softly, although you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she hadn't asked you. "That's probably best, he could use something to do."
"So, what's up?" Baela asked, getting to the point.
"Aegon invited me to a dinner with his family," your friend's eyebrows immediately shot up in surprise and you nodded. "I've never met any of them and I have no clue what to wear. Aemond said it would be 'formal' but it's still 'just a dinner', and Aegon- he didn't say anything."
"D'you ever find out what happened to him Friday night?" She asked.
You shook your head and frowned, "I could really use some girl time, if you could spare it."
At precisely 4:59 PM you and Baela both rolled yourselves out from underneath your desks and grabbed your coats. The snow was barely sticking to the pavement, and a thick, dense fog hung over the city as you stepped out of the office; the two of you arm-in-arm, laughing about something that had happened earlier at work. You were thankful for her company, as the last few days had felt particularly lonely. Plus, you were hoping to get a chance to talk to her about her new work assignment and how her week had been.
Aegon wasn't home when you got there. At this point, you wouldn't be surprised if he'd come through the door just to tell you that the dinner had been cancelled last minute; and you, standing in the middle of the living room, all dressed up for nothing. He wouldn't even acknowledge the effort you had put in to looking good for him. You allowed that scenario to play out in your mind as Baela poured you a glass of wine. She was talking about Jace, but your attention was elsewhere; unable to decide if you would be relieved if the dinner was cancelled or disappointed. You did want to see Aemond, and you did want to be there to support Aegon, but the potential drama that the evening held had you on edge.
"I can always tell when you're not listening to me," she laughed as she took a sip of her wine. She had a lock of your hair wrapped around the curling iron as you sat on the toilet in your bathroom.
"I'm sorry," you frowned, knowing that you hadn't heard a single word she had said about her new work project.
"You've got a lot going on," she said softly. "Talk to me."
"It's just Aegon," you sighed. "It feels like our relationship has been dead in the water for almost two years and we're both just holding on to nothing."
"Have you talked to him?" Baela asked, moving on to another section of hair. You tossed a hand up, trying to keep your head as straight as still as possible. "You need to talk to him, Y/N."
"What is there to talk about?" You asked with a defeated sigh.
"There is everything to talk about," and she was right. Baela was always right when it came to relationship advice. "You can't just decide to throw away four years because he's not being a good boyfriend right now. Aegon loves you, it's so obvious, he just seems stressed. Maybe he's going through something, maybe it's his family, have you even asked?"
You shook your head, not wanting to continue this conversation any longer. Just because Baela was always right, didn't mean that it was what you wanted to hear. Sometimes you just wanted someone to confirm your suspicions, or tell you that he was being a dumbass for pushing you away, or that you should break up with him and free yourself from the emotional torment that you were experiencing daily just from staying in this relationship.
You were his girlfriend, not his therapist. It wasn't your responsibility to sit him down and figure out why he was no longer putting forth any effort into making this work. All that should have mattered was the fact that he wasn't, because to you, that was a direct reflection of how much he cared. The bar was on the floor, it wouldn't take much at all for him to give you something. Yet, he couldn't even do that. He did just enough to make you feel like the fact that you were still hanging on was worth it, but you knew that it wasn't.
It was only a matter of time.
"All done," Baela said shortly after. You took a look at yourself in the mirror and smiled at her through the reflection; she had such impeccable skills with a curling iron and your hair looked perfect.
"Now we just have to figure out an outfit," you smiled.
"What about that one green dress you wore to the office Christmas party?" She asked as she followed you to the bedroom. "I love that dress, I have been meaning to ask if I could borrow it."
"You absolutely can," you replied and threw open your closet door, pulling that specific dress out on the hanger and laying it on the bed for Baela. "Aemond said that I should stay away from the color green, though, I have no idea why."
"How oddly specific," she chuckled as she smoothed her hands over the fabric of the dress. "I have a date next week, and this is perfect."
"A date?" You asked, eyebrows raining in suspicion.
"Yeah," she smiled. "It's kind of new but he's really sweet, he makes me all giddy. Like kicking my feet while we talk on the phone kind of giddy."
"So that's why you haven't been answering my FaceTime calls," your tone was light, but with your back to her, you couldn't help but frown. You remembered how giddy Aegon used to make you feel. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to make you smile. "I'm happy for you, B."
You were being sincere and she knew that.
"Alright," you took a breath, shoving those memories back down where they belonged and turned towards the bed. "I think I have it narrowed down to the red or the blue."
"The red says 'look at me'," she says and joins you at your side. "You don't want that kind of attention right now, go with the blue."
"You're right."
The dress was boring, but it still accentuated your curves, and was the perfect choice for a semi-formal family dinner. As you stood in front of your mirror, putting the finishing touches on your outfit, you could heard the front door open and close. Baela's eyes connected with you through the mirror and you gave her a soft smile.
"Babe," you heard Aegon say from the threshold of your bedroom. You turned to see him standing in the doorway. "Baela," he smiled and nodded his head at her. "The car is waiting."
"Doesn't your girlfriend look absolutely incredible?" Baela asked, obviously proud of the work she had done.
"Sure," his face was flat. "You look great."
Your smile fell- along with every bit of your confidence- as he turned back down the hallway without so much as another word. You turned back to Baela; giving her a look as if to say, 'this is exactly what I mean', but she only returned it by squeezing your shoulders and giving you a reassuring smile.
"Maybe he's just nervous?" She's trying to play devil's advocate.
You knew it wasn't true, you knew that he just didn't care, and trying to convince yourself otherwise was exhausting at this point.
"Yeah," you agree with a frown and grab your clutch from the bed.
The Targaryen-Hightower residence was a sprawling, water-front mansion about 45 minutes north of Manhattan in Greenwich, Connecticut; what Business Insider claims is the richest neighborhood in the United States. The car ride there was silent, save for the soft sounds of talk radio coming through the speakers. You kept your gaze trained out the window, avoiding making any type of small-talk with Aegon as he drove. He kept his focus on the road, his face becoming more pained with anxiety with each mile you drew closer.
He sighed as he turned the car into the driveway, and you reached across the center console to place your hand on his thigh to show your support. Even though you felt indifferent towards him at the moment, you knew that tonight would be difficult for everyone involved. You may not have ever witnessed the dynamic of this family first-hand, but if Aegon was right about any of it, the mood would be dysfunctional.
The valet opened the door and Aegon held his hand out to you, no doubt putting on a display for anyone who may have been watching. There was a figure waiting at the door; her wavy, red hair glowing like a halo- or Devil's horns- from the overhead lights in the foyer where she stood. Immediately you noticed the emerald green dress that she was wearing, now knowing exactly why Aemond had steered you away from that option.
"I didn't think you'd come," Mrs. Hightower said softly to her son as you stepped through the door. She reached out to hug Aegon, who only stiffened as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders before placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I didn't want to," Aegon replied curtly.
"Aegon," his mother spoke sternly, as her gaze fell upon you. "This was meant to be an intimate family gathering."
"Please tell me we can't stay, I'd love nothing more than to go home," he spoke in a low tone, a touch of annoyance evident in his words. You pretended to be interested in a painting adorning the foyer wall where you lingered, still waiting to be formally invited in. "Y/N is my family, mother, more so than anyone in this house."
"Aegon," she warned with a sigh.
He moved to step around her and called back to you, "shall we?"
"Just a moment," Alicent continued, holding her index finger up to her son. Aegon sighed, his jaw was clenched. "I'd like to speak with Ms. Y/L/N alone for a moment."
Aegon swallowed and glanced down at you. His lips pursed as he nodded slowly, realizing he couldn't spare you from what was likely to be an uncomfortable encounter. "I'll be in the dining room, okay? It's just through those doors, there."
You nodded and he planted a short kiss on your cheek. Turning, you noticed Alicent standing at the base of the painting you had been admiring just moments ago. She didn't seem old enough to have four grown children, and for some reason, that unsettled you. Her red hair cascaded down her back as she gazed up at the painting, a tight but sad smile playing on her lips as you watched her.
"This painting is worth more than you'll make in a lifetime, you know," she stated coldly. "You should feel privileged to even look upon it." Your brows furrowed at her words. Before you could respond, she continued, "I understand that by you being here our family affairs are at risk of being publicized. Consider it a warning when I say that your career would also be at risk if you chose to do so."
You took a deep breath and resisted the urge to roll your eyes, steadying yourself before responding, "Your concerns are valid, Mrs. Hightower, but I'm here for Aegon not a story," her expression tightened as you held her gaze. The tension in the air lingered, but you stood your ground, refusing to be intimidated. "Now, if you'll excuse me."
You didn't breathe until you stepped through the dining room doors. Your eyes immediately found Aemond as you stepped into the room. His concentrated gaze shifted down your body slowly, taking in your appearance, and you could only hope that this navy blue dress was working for you in the way that you wanted; though, the approval was evident in his stare and in the faintest smirk on his lips.
When you finally looked at Aegon, his face was undoubtedly apologetic. He offered a small smile as he poured you a glass of wine and gestured it towards you. "She didn't say anything particularly cruel, did she?"
"Nah," you replied with sarcasm and sipped from the wine glass he handed you. "She only threatened my career."
"She's harmless," Aemond interjected.
"Harmless isn't a word I would use to describe our mother," a girl you could only presume was their sister, Helaena, added as she reached her hand out to you. "I'm Helaena, by the way, it's nice to meet you."
"Shit, sorry," Aegon cleared his throat. "Y/N, this is Helaena."
You chuckled at his late attempt to introduce you to his sister and shook her hand, "it's nice to meet you, too! I've heard a lot about you."
"And I've heard absolutely nothing about you," she gave Aegon a look before glancing back at you. "No offense."
"None taken," you smiled, brushing her comment off.
"Forgive me for wanting to keep my relationship away from this poisonous family," Aegon argued as he slumped down in his chair.
The door to the dining room opened and Otto Hightower stepped over the threshold. Aegon sighed loudly, slumping even further in his chair upon seeing his grandfather. You had never met him, but you had watched him in countless interviews. He took his role as Chief Operating Officer very seriously and you respected him as a businessman. However, you despised him for the chokehold that he had on your boyfriend; for the fact that he was singlehandedly responsible for ruining so many moments over the last two or so years, including one this morning.
It was strange to watch the way this family interacted as an outsider.
Aegon was visibly displeased to see his grandfather, and yet Helaena jumped out of her seat to give the old man a tight hug before showing him a video on her phone; her smile was bright as the two of them laughed together. Then, your eyes flitted over to Aemond whom was seemingly unfazed by his grandfather's presence; sitting calm and collected at the head of the table, his blue gaze caught your stare and his lips turned up slightly before you averted your eyes back to Aegon who was actively trying to drown himself in wine.
When Alicent entered the room, the mood shifted once again. She silently took her seat next to her father and signaled for the waitstaff to begin bringing in the food before she unfolded a napkin across her lap. Otto leaned to whisper something in her ear, to which she shook her head in response.
"Are we not waiting for father?" Aegon asked, his eyes slightly narrowed at his mother.
"Your father is in no condition to join us," Alicent's tone was sharp as she looked directly at you.
It was then that you realized Viserys Targaryen wouldn't be joining his family simply because you were there. They had done an excellent job at keeping the specifics of his health condition private and it was clear that they wouldn't be taking any chances. The look Alicent gave you from across the table was enough to make you feel small; you could see in her eyes the blame she placed upon you, as if it was your fault why her husband wouldn't be joining the rest of the family. Aegon reached his hand under the table and squeezed your thigh gently and you looked up at him.
You could tell that he now regretted his decision to invite you.
The first course had been served; the sound of forks and knives scraping porcelain plates echoed through the otherwise silent dining room. At one point you had mentioned that the food was delicious, but your comment seemed to fall upon deaf ears. When the waitstaff arrived to collect the plates and bring out the second course, you thanked them, but were only met with tight-lipped smiles.
You hated every moment you spent sitting at this table. You hated the antique furnishings, the polished candelabras, the wallpaper, the fact that the china you were eating off of probably cost more than a year's salary. You wondered if it had been like this for all of Aegon's life or if there was ever a flicker of normalcy. Suddenly, you wanted nothing more than to call your parents and thank them for the childhood you had so obviously taken for granted.
Aegon finished what was his third glass of wine, and before he could even set the glass down, a butler was on the way with the rest of the bottle for a refill. You wanted to say something, but were terrified of drawing attention to yourself, so you settle for looking at him; hoping to convey your concerns silently.
It was Helaena who broke the silence as the second course was served. Her voice was soft and hesitant, but at least she was trying.
"So, Y/N, how long have you and Aegon been together?" She asked you with small smile. Unlike her mother, Helaena exuded sincerity; she seemed to actually care to get to know you.
"We'll be celebrating our four year anniversary next week," you smiled, but it immediately disappeared when you looked at Aegon; his boozy gaze remaining downcast on the table in front of him.
When the words left your lips, you heard Alicent chuckle. Both you and Aegon, and everyone else at the table looked over to her. She laughed again, covering her mouth with her hand this time, "I'm sorry, four years?"
"Why is that funny?" Aegon asked, his jaw clenched.
"It's just that- before tonight- I don't think anyone here knew you even existed," she laughed again, digging her metaphorical knife into your side just that much more.
"We shouldn't have come," Aegon said as he pushed his untouched dinner away from him. He stood up and grabbed your hand, "we're leaving."
Before you could respond, the dining room door opened and your eyes widened as Viserys Targaryen struggled into the room with a walking cane. Behind him, a nurse followed closely with a wheelchair. Alicent immediately rushed to his side, allowing him to hold onto her for support.
"Aemma, where is Rhaenyra?" He looked around the room, almost panicked, before his eyes fell upon his daughter, "Rhaenyra?"
"It's Helaena, Dad," she frowned, unable to meet her father's gaze.
"This is supposed to be a family dinner, was it not?" He asked, his strained voice becoming louder with each word. "Where is my daughter? Where is Rhaenyra? I- I need Rhaen- I need to tell her-"
"My dear," Alicent spoke softly as she tried to reassure her husband, motioning for the nurse to pull the wheelchair up behind him so that he could sit and rest. "Rhaenyra couldn't make it, she apologizes, she and Daemon will come to visit soon."
She turned towards the table and excused herself before she helped a tired Viserys back out of the dining room and down the hall.
"Let's get out of here," Aegon muttered to you.
"No," Otto interjected as he continued to eat; completely unfazed by anything that had just happened. Aegon groaned, knowing what was coming. "We need to discuss the Stark account, the board meets tomorrow and there are still details we must go over."
"We can discuss this in the morning," Aegon answered pointedly.
"The board meets in the morning," Otto argued. "There's no time. I advised you of this earlier that we would need to finalize it tonight. I am sure your guest won't mind waiting."
Otto looked at you and smiled curtly. You glanced up at Aegon, his expression regretful, and nodded at him to let him know you'd be okay. He promised he wouldn't be long, but you knew better. It didn't take but a few moments after they had left before Helaena also excused herself, leaving you and Aemond alone at the table, as the kitchen staff began cleaning around the two of you.
A breath that you weren't even aware that you had been holding blew through your lips and you could hear Aemond chuckle softly.
"First time?" He asked and you almost laughed out loud.
"What gave me away?" You asked with a smirk as you took a sip of your wine. "Is it always like this?"
He tilted his head to the side, back and forth, a few times before he answered, "We have a tendency to be a bit intense."
"A bit," you snickered as you placed your wine glass back on the table.
"Would you like to take a walk?" He asked. You looked at him for a moment before checking over your shoulder for any sign of Aegon returning. "They'll most likely be a while."
"You're probably right," you answered. "Some fresh air does sound good."
Aemond helped you into your coat and scarf and guided you out to the back terrace. The frigid, early February air bit mercilessly at your cheeks, but the sight of the full moon reflecting off of the water was worth the potential frostbite. You walked through a small garden, past empty concrete fountains, as he led you down to the water.
He held out his hand to you as he stepped out onto the floating dock; it shifted beneath the weight of him, but he stood steady, waiting for you to take a step further and join him. You took his hand and followed, trying to ignore the warmth that gathered in your chest at the feeling of his touch. He didn't let you go until you had reached the end of the dock and could hold onto the railing for support; leaning against it, you cross your arms over your chest and look out across the Sound. It was quiet, save for the lapping of the water against the rocks and the faint rhythm of Aemond's breathing.
"Thank you," you say softly, the warmth of your words swirling around you in the cold air.
Aemond turns his back to the water and leans against the railing. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small, silver flask, taking a sip and making a face before holding it out to you, "what for?"
"For the distraction," you take the flask, fingertips brushing against his as you did so. It's whiskey, and you cough at the taste, but it warms your cheeks.
"What are friends for?" He asks with a soft smile. "I've been meaning to ask, did he ever say where he was Friday night?"
"I didn't ask," you admit. "He never brought it up."
"Hm," he hummed. "My brother is an idiot, but I would hope he wouldn't be foolish enough to-" He trails off, catching your eyes from the side before averting his gaze back out at the water. "Nevermind."
"Foolish enough to what?" You ask, already knowing the answer, to which Aemond only sighs in response. "You think he could be cheating on me."
"I'm only saying that he doesn't have a great track record," he turns to face you. "He's been known to be a bit thoughtless in the past."
You only nod your head as a silence falls between the two of you.
Thoughtless wasn't a word that you would have ever used to describe Aegon- not at first, not about you. People do change, and both you and Aegon had certainly changed in the last four years.
It would explain a lot and it would make things easier if he were cheating on you, however. You'd have a reason, an out, and you wouldn't have to worry about the guilt that came with breaking his heart just because you wanted more effort than what he was willing to give you. Though, it did hurt to think that he might have been putting in that effort with someone else.
In the distance you heard the faint sound of laughter and turned to see Aegon and Helaena sharing a hug and saying goodbye. You looked up at Aemond and gave him a sad smile, knowing that the evening was coming to an end. You weren't sure when you would see him again, but you already hoped that it would be sooner than later.
"In the case that no one has told you," he mentioned quietly, his elbow softly nudging you as you both walked back towards the house. "You look incredible tonight."
"You're just trying to make me feel better," you laughed.
"Maybe," he smirked. "Doesn't make it any less true."
"Don't forget about my art show," Helaena reminded Aegon one last time as you and Aemond joined them. "I know you are the worst when it comes to remembering things, but it would mean a lot to me if you were there. Y/N, I hope to see you there, as well!"
"Wouldn't miss it," you reply with a smile.
"I won't forget," Aegon groans sarcastically as he gives his sister one last hug before turning his attention to his brother.
They step off to the side and you turn back to Helaena.
"Sorry about dinner," she adds. "I promise some of us actually know how to have a good time."
"I believe it," you laugh. "I am dating your brother."
"Yeah, and he's typically the fun one," she smiled back. "You guys seem good for each other, though. I'm glad he finally found someone to be serious about."
You nod your head as you look over at Aegon; he's laughing with his brother as he takes a swig from Aemond's flask. You were happy to see that he was much more relaxed than he had been earlier, something his siblings seemed to bring out of him. He caught your stare and gave you a goofy smile before mentioning something to Aemond who then looked over at you.
The feelings you felt towards your boyfriend, and the feelings you tried your hardest not to feel for his brother were fighting a civil war inside of you. You hoped that it wasn't obvious that you were being ripped apart from the inside out, because if it was, you were in trouble.
But as you stood there, looking at the both of them, you knew you were in trouble no matter what.
Tag List:
@tssf-imagines, @gothicwidowsworld, @possiblyafangirl, @namelesslosers, @toodlesxcuddles, @hiraethrhapsody, @heavenly1927, @chainsawsangel, @ammo23, @hanula18, @5moremin @wintrr13, @witches-of-discovery-a, @arcielee, @excusemebiatch
There are a couple people on the tag list that it won't let me tag for some reason. If you are interested in being tagged, let me know, and if you no longer want to be tagged that is also cool! Just let me know!
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meraxesmoon · 7 months
but imagine the adventures of Daemons Bastard!reader and grumpy grandpa Balerion!!!!
I’m seeing reader coming out and spending her first nights with Daemon and his fam sneaking out to gramps and curling up against him and just crying silently until she falls asleep😭😭😭
Then some random losers one day make fun of reader in the palace courtyard for being a bastard and gramps just pokes his head in and is NOT amused
Gramps just senses when the reader wants to leave somewhere and just yoinks her out of whatever situation she’s in
Part 2 I want to see the reaction about the basted daughter of Daemons having balerion as dragon green and black reaction
This is so good, I love this little series so much!
Daemon, at first, is so damn proud of his baby! However, it also holds some bitterness for him, considering Balerion was his brother's dragon as well. I like to imagine while bastard! (Name) is a spitfire like her father. She'd most likely be a peaceful person much like her uncle Viserys. Of course, Daemon, being Daemon, would consider using Balerion to his advantage, but that pretty much goes to the wind once he realizes that Balerion has no interest in war anymore. That being said, I feel like Daemon would come to resent Balerion due to (Name) spending more time with her dragon rather than her family.
Rhaenyra thinks the world of her precious stepdaughter. The little girl is everything to Rhaenyra, and our queen just wants to be a mother to her. (Name) pushes her away quite a bit, but after bonding with Balerion, she needs someone to help her with dragon commands. (Name) wouldn't want to ask Daemon, so she goes to Rhaenyra and Luke the most. Rhaenyra loves spending time riding on their dragons together, and after a while, I feel like they would get closer. There's a certain admiration that Rhaenyra has for her sweet little stepdaughter, but she worries as well. She knows that dragons can be dangerous, and she's terrified of their sweet baby potentially getting hurt.
Jacaerys thinks that it's so cool! He's always wanted a little sister, so once Daemon brought (Name) home, they were all elated. Jace particularly takes a liking to her and looks after her the first couple of months that she stays on Dragonstone. They're very hard on (Name), considering she misses her mother and siblings, but Jace in intent on making her life a little bit happier. He's a positive influence on her, and I feel like she's probably relied on Jace quite a bit. Rhaenyra is very supportive of this and loves seeing her children get along with their new sister!
Lucerys and (Name) are the closest out of everyone in the family. I HC that Luke is extremely good at High Valyrian, so he tutors (Name) in the new language so she can communicate with Balerion freely. Due to this, they become very close, and (Name) is very open with Luke. As for her and Balerion, Lucerys finds Balerion absolutely terrifying. Of course, this doesn't stop him from accompanying his sister on dragon rides together, but he finds Balerion unsettling. When (Name) is made upset by Daemon, she always runs to Luke <3
Baela and Rhaena are very proud of their little sister, Baela, especially. I'd like to go into more detail about their dynamic with bastard! (Name), but basically, they both adore her to bits. Rhaena would be closer with their younger sister, and (Name) would take her on rides on Balerion. Since (Name) is relatively young, both Baela and Rhaena want her to be careful on her dragon, worrying that she may fly off of her saddle or something like that. I should mention that Baela would be the type to brag about their little sister to others, she's just so proud of (Name)! I love them sm.
Team Green, as a whole, finds the concept of Daemon's daughter being Balerion's new rider. Alicent doesn't want to mess around with this kind of power, and Aegon doesn't feel like being eaten alive so I think the war would probably be put on pause. Otto would probably send a spy to Dragonstone to see if (Name) could be brought to their side, but since she loves her siblings so much it isn't plausible. Aemond and Helaena both hold much admiration for (Name), considering how impressive Balerion is. She is a bastard, though, so I think Team Green would probably target her during the war if it went on.
"Bastard Blood Shed at War."
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taglist -> @your-favorite-god @apollonshootafar
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dreamcatcher2113 · 2 years
The Dragon Dance
Summary: What if Rhaenyra had another child? What if Rhaenyra had a daughter with white hair and purple eyes? What if she was betrothed to Aemond as an alliance with Greens? 
You are the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, unlike your brothers you have white hair and purple eyes. You are the twin sister of Jacaerys. You were close with Aemond when you were kids, you two attached to the hip. Ten years later after your family left to Dragonstone, your family reunites with the Greens. You see a familiar face, Aemond Targaryen. Even though it's been years since you last saw him, let's just say you are not the same little girl you were once before. 
Warnings: The reader and Jacaerys are aged up, they would be eighteen. Uncle/niece insect. 18+ smut(eventually). Language. Mentions of assault (mainly from Aegon). Violence. And possible other warnings that I can’t think of. There is a happy ending.
This fic does not follow the story or the show, this more a what-if scenario. There will be some similarities
Sword fighting between you and Ameond
The Dragon Dance Part 01:
It's been ten years since the last time you’ve seen your uncles and aunt, you have mixed feelings about the reunion. The last time you saw your uncle Aemond, it was not a pleasant goodbye. You have no idea what happened between your brothers and your uncle. All you knew was that your younger brother Lucerys took Aemond’s eye, defending your cousins Baela and Rhaena. After that night your family fled to Dragonstone, where you had your education and trained with your brothers. 
Ever since you were a young girl you would mimic Jacaerys moves when he would wield his sword. Daemon saw this and noticed you were quite talented with a sword. So he started to train you as well. After years of training you became a better swordsman than any other knight, you have become the teacher instead. Rhaenyra became really proud of the women you have become. Your brothers always said that you act like your mother sometimes, which you take as a compliment. You look up to your mother, you want to become like her. You want to have the same freedom as her. Ride on dragonback and soar through the sky, being free not worrying about the feud between the Blacks and the Greens. 
It breaks your heart that your family is split into two, even though your mother and father explained to you multiple times why things are the way they are. You understand logically but emotionally you felt it was stuipid. You always wished that there was some way to mend the strain between two families. Even though it seems hopeless, you didn’t want to give up hope, at least just not yet. 
As soon as you and your family landed on King’s Landing, you got off your dragon Saphira. You pet her goodbye and start heading towards the castle. Not to your surprise no one greeted you and your family at your family's arrival. You heard the whispers, you heard the gossip about your brothers, and sometimes about you since you and Jace are twins. The only reason why there is less gossip about you, is because you were blessed with white hair and purple eyes. However there are still rumors about you since you don’t resemble your brothers. There were rumors that you are not really Rhaenyra’s daughter. Or they dye your hair to make you like a Targaryen. Or your favorite rumor is you’re the secret love child of Rhaenyra and Daemon. 
You and your brothers walked to the training grounds, talking about old memories and noticing the stares you three were getting. You rolled your eyes at the people who are not so secretly gossiping about you and your brothers. You were about to say something but Jace gave you a look and shook his head no. Telling you it’s not worth it, you sigh knowing he is right but it still irks you. 
You three hear the commotion, and see familiar white hair. You, Jace, and Luce walk into the circle of people surrounding two people fighting each other. Your purple eyes widen knowing who is winning. It's no other than your uncle Aemond, not to your surprise he won the fight. He turns to your brothers with a smirk “Nephew’s, have you come to train?” Aemond asked, still holding his sword against Ser Criston Cole's neck; not noticing you standing next to Jace. Both Jace and Luce are speechless, not knowing what to say.
“Hello uncle, I am actually here to come to train.” You said, saving your brothers from public humiliation. You take your cloak off and hand it to Jace. The dress you have on is a black dress, the torso mimicking a dragon scales as armor, long sleeves hugging your arms. “I’m sorry my lady, this isn’t a place for you. A lady like yourself shouldn’t hold a sword.” Ser Criston is trying to stop you from grabbing a sword. You roll your eyes at the comment, as your brother’s chuckle a little at Ser Criston’s response. Knowing you can wipe the floor with all of these men, including your uncle. 
“Now Ser Criston, let's not deny my niece this opportunity, give the lady a sword.” Aemond commanded Ser Criston with a smirk on his face, somewhat underestimating you but also knowing you are not like other ladies. It's one of the many reasons why he fell for you.
You usually love to twirl and play with your sword before you sword fight, however this is a different situation. You want to catch your uncle by surprise, you want him to underestimate you. You want every man here to think you are some defenseless girl. You want to put on a show. You pretend to struggle holding a sword, fooling almost everyone except some people. Your brothers holding their laughter knowing exactly what you are doing. They know what you are capable of, and what you can do with a weapon. Your uncle Aemond however has a hunch that you are acting. It might have been ten years since the last time he saw you, but he remembers every single thing about you. He knows when you are lying.
For his own amusement he will play along with the game you are playing. He lifts his sword and twirls it “shall we begin young niece?” he asks sweetily but yet viciously as well.
You lift your sword up, “let’s uncle.” You respond with a sweet smile, but the smile has a bite to it.
Aemond charges towards you with the sword, and you immediately dodge the attack. He goes after you again, once again you dodge his attack. Finally you start using your sword as he continues to attack you. You swing your sword against his, and twirling the sword and him, where his back is facing you and you sword against his neck. “You should learn to fight with your feet uncle, not just your arms.” You whisper in his ear, feeling your hot breath against his skin. Aemond couldn’t help but feel chills down his spine. 
He shouts in frustration, turns to you and swings his sword towards you. You block the attack with your sword. You two start to sword fight for real, well to be honest you were going easy on him. Jace and Luce know that this fight would be over within a heartbeat, but you want to see what Aemond is capable of. You will admit Aemond is a tough opponent, he is definitely more of a challenge then you ever trained with. You will admit your uncle is a good swordsman, but you are better. 
Finally the fight ends by you disarming Aemond and pointing the end of your sword towards his neck. He raises his hands in a surrender, knowing he has lost this fight with you. You put the sword down, holding the handle. “Thank you for training with me uncle, I will admit you are a tough opponent. I feel honored to train with you.” You said sweetly, giving Aemond a small bow and a small smile. You walk towards Ser Criston, handing him the sword and walk towards your brothers. Jace gives you back your cloak, putting it on yourself. You link both arms with your brothers, as you three start to walk away you start to smile widely knowing you just surprised every man in the training grounds.
As Aemond saw you and brothers walked away, he couldn’t help but smirk. He didn’t mind losing to you. He honestly thought that was the most attractive thing you have done so far. Aemond always wanted you, and after that encounter he wants you even more.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
fade into you
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jacaerys velaryon x targ!reader
summary: being the only daughter of daemon targaryen and his first wife rhea royce, you were promised to the prince jacaerys since his birth, after years of not seeing him, you return with your half-sister rhaena to dragonstone, where u finally reunite with him.
warnings: age-gap(reader is 5 years older), targcest, sad big brown eyes jace.
Rhaenys had flown on top of Meleys to dragonstone whilst you and your sister had sailed by ship. Despite Rhaena's own sadnesa for not owning a dragon yet, you were perfectly fine not having one.
Even on a ship you could barely survive the seasickness, what could flying on air do to you?
16 hours in Dragonstone, greeted by only Baela, your father had not come to see you. No, he had you come to his room to meet him. There was a stark difference between you and your other sisters, not only by the obvious physical look and mothers, but the way your father had treated you and them were as different.
Daemon had never loved Rhea Royce, but as true as his own brother's words, the love he bored for his first child, his first daughter, could not be compared to the ones that came after.
You knocked once until you hear his voice bids you to enter. When you look upon uim after closing the door behind you, you almost sigh out loud in relieve for the absence of Rhaenyra.
Daemon lifts himself up from the chair he was slumped over and graces you with a barely noticeable smile. You walk towards him and easily embrace him in a hug.
Your father releases you after a minute and gaze upon your face with an amused expression. "You don't look happy to see me." He concludes.
You shook your head and pulls his hands away from your shoulder. "Nonsense, course' I am. I'm just tired." He lets it slide and nods his head as you move to sit down next to his own chair. "So how has the sea treated you? You look well." He asks.
You smile and nod at him. "I am, Rhaenys has been very kind towards me, as if im from her own kin." Daemon frowns amd corrects you. "You are her own kin. You are my daughter, a true Targaryen."
Ignoring his words, you go on with your stories as a scholar there with Rhaena, pleasing him with how well your high valyrian is becoming. He himself tells you of his own stories of how things have been in Dragonstone.
As an hour or so passed, he finally reaches the part where he tells you that Rhaenyra is with child again.
You give him a short smile. "I heard, Rhaenys told us." He cuts the story short, sensing your hidden hostility towards his third wife.
You don't hate her, but you weren't stupid either, the day your mother died was the day before her wedding, the day your father unfortunately couldn't be at your mother's funeral.
"The maesters, thinks it might be a girl." He explains.
You smile again, "May she be as beautiful as her mother." He opens his mouth to respond, the door of hic chambers creak open, revealing the princess herself.
Her eyes widen at the sight of you, and her smile comes easily. You rise up greet her as supposed to. "You look well, taller than when we last met." Your hands fold behind your back, flinching at her touch. "Thank you, princess, you look fine as well, I hope the babe has treated you kindly."
You don't let the conversation drag longer than you want, excusing yourself out immediately.
You hear her voice as the doory shut closes. "She hates me." And your father responds as honest as he can be, "She hates everyone."
You bump into Rhaena as you walk towardd you chambers, she stops you with a hand on your wrist. "I've just met Rhaenyra, there seems to be plans of a feast tonight, for your return." You frown at her. "Our return." You correct. She gives you a look. "If you say so, sister."
"You should see him in his chambers, he called for you before I left." You lied, wanting to ignore the uncomfortable. insinuation she's making. She bids you goodbye before before making her way there.
Relishing in the sound of her footsteps leaving, you almost had the peace and quiet you craved all day as you reach nearer to your room as a male voice calls out to you.
You close your eyes and breaths out an annoyed sigh. You turn your head back, being met with the lean and taller Jacaerys, the one person you didn't care to meet.
He has been running by the way he said your name, breathlessly.
"Jacaerys." You responded indifferently. "You've grown."
He smiles at you and you almost feel guilty for feeling annoyed at him earlier. "And you, more beautiful too." He compliments you, eyes not wavering from yours.
"You are too kind, I thank you." He seems to have nothing to say after your reply, staring at you, blinking, still smiling.
You smile as well, confused, before you nod at him and turn to walk again to your chamber. "There will be a feast tonight." He says suddenly.
You look back at him, "I know." You tell him and he nods. "It was my idea." He says again. You raise your brows at this and genuinely smile for the first time that day. "Did you? That is very generous of you, I'll be sure to save you a dance." You say appreciatively
This seems to please him as he nods again before slowly backing away to leave you to yourself, finally alone.
The faces of some lords and lady seems recognizable to you, but none of them were from Kingslanding, thankfully. You descended.the stairs with your sisters before taking your seat next to Jacaerys, Rhaenyra's seating plans, you were sure.
You give him a nod of acknowledgement before turning back tonypur front, pretending not to see him looking back at you and his own plate every minute.
You turn a deaf ear as you watch lords and ladies of noble houses present themselves to Rhaenyra and your father. Barely paying attention, you flinch when Jacaerys nudge you, looking up to the lady staring at you, as if awaiting an answer. "Yes?" You ask.
"Oh nothing-" She laughed. "I was simply saying how beautiful you have grown since i last saw you atbyou 5 and 10 nameday!" You remain quiet. "Much smaller too, tell me, how did you lose all that weight, after 6 children, i can't quite find a way to stay the same built as before."
Annoyance was tolerable, but offensiveness was not. "Oh it was quite easy actually, everytime I think I've overeaten, I just picture your face on my plate, my lady, and immediately, like magic, I throw up everything inside of me."
Silence overtook the table, save for the music and other tables chattering, and of course, Lucerys' choked up laughter, and poorly pretense of coughing.
You feel Jace's hand finding yours, squeezing it, in warning or in comfort, you cannot tell, you wanted to break his fingers in pieces, for how his touch made you feel warm and more rational.
You squeezed his hands harder, urging him to let go. He doesn't.
The dear lady whose house you care not to know, froze in front of you, flabbergasted. It was Rhaenyra's voice who broke the awkwardsness. "I thank- I thank you, for coming." Eyes frozen on you still, the woman slowly walks away.
You dare not glance your father's way, unsure if you'll be met with an angry man or an amused one.
The night went easily after that, his hand finally leaving yours as you began to eat. Not looking anywhere else. Tou could've melted on your chair there, and it'd be better, but a feast was what your dear dear betrothed had suggested for you.
It couldn't get any worse when Jacaerys, freshly reminded of you promise of a dance, abruptly stands up to ask for your hand.
You see your father hiding a smile as he sip from his cup, knowing you wouldn’t even dance with him. You could strangle him then. "What a pleasant idea!" Rhaenyra added, of course she did.
Begrudgingly, with the same practised smile, you stand up amd walk with him towards the hall filled with sweaty drunken dancing guests.
You let him take the lead quietly the first few seconds, until he decided it was time to speak. "You look beautiful tonight." You say nothing. "I mean you look beautiful every night-" "I get it." You assure him.
It was silent again before ge decided to try again. "Do you hate me?." The question took you by suprise, and you let yourself look upon him properly for the evening.
"No. I hate feasts. And I hate dancing." Upu answer, making sure you sounded softer this time.
Realisation shone in his eyes. "I've put you in an uncomfortable position then, i had no idea-" You interject immediately, uncomfortable with the guilt you've made him feel. "You couldn't have known. My father could've, and he didn't say anything, so don't worry yourself." Your assurance shut him up.
You can't help it then, the affection you feel for the prince whos unwavering effort to welcome you was unremovable. Taking three breaths in and out, you speak out. "How's your dragon."
His face looks confused at first before he snaps out of it. "Oh-Vermax? Oh, he- he's gotten quite bigger than the last time you were here. you'd be quite impressed if you see him now." He says, the smile making its way back to his face.
"I would like to see him then." You concluded. "Now?" He brows raises.
"I'd find it more welcoming than this feast." You tell him, a hint of teasing you're not sure if he could hear.
His eyes roams around to make sure.your families arent looking before he stops dancing altogether, his hand pulling you by your wrist as the two of you quickly leaves the loud hall.
It was further than you expected, but walking was better than dancing. When you finally reach the empty dragon pit, you nose scrunches at the disgusting smell of dragons. Was it dragon shit? Was it their body odour? Didn't matter, you were glad you didn't have one.
Jacaerys glaced at your face and let out a short laugh. "They don't smell so great do they?" You shook your head. "They smell like shit." You answered, holdimg his arm tighter as he moves in the dark.
"I forgot to bring a lamp or something, sorry." He apologizes, but a part of you doubts if he actually did forgot it. "No worries." You answer.
You weren't sure when exactly you made it in front of Vermax, but small lit fires by his place, gives you enough light to see him.
"Oh." You slipped out. "Oh? Are you dissapointed?" He jests.
You shook your head and pursed your lips. "Course' not, I actually thought he'd be uglier." The sound of Jacaerys bursting out laughing fills the silent cave, making you jump before you let yourself grin at him and at your own words.
"Is this better than the stupid feast?" He asks at last when his fit of laughter died down.
Without meeting his eyes, you answered him, "Yes, I'd say it is."
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heartofthedragons · 1 year
Rotten Deal Pt. 1
Modern!Aegon x Fem!Reader
Summary: When your ex boyfriend cheats on you and spreads a vicious rumor about you, you want to make him suffer. So you make a deal with the man you can’t stand: Aegon, the most infamous fuckboy at KLU.
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Chapter Summary: Aegon comes to you asking for help and you use it as the perfect opportunity to deal with the disaster of your breakup.
Warning(s): Cursing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, cheating mentions
Word Count: 1614 words
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When you walked in on your (ex) boyfriend Jason Lannister cheating on you with Cassie Baratheon last night, you didn’t think things could get worse. What could be worse than seeing your boyfriend balls deep in another girl? Well, you find out that things can get much much worse.
As soon as you enter the campus cafeteria and approach your friends, you know something is wrong. The four girls are all huddled together over the table in a heated discussion, and when they take notice of your form near them the air becomes thick with discomfort.
“Hey,” you say plopping down beside Helaena. The silence is palpable as all the girls give you a pitying and worried glance. You can feel your heart drop and your anxiety spike at their reaction, “What’s wrong?”
You see Sara bite her lip for a moment before she speaks, “Jason and Cas are official on socials.” You frown, “Seriously? Already? It hasn’t even been a full day.”
Baela sighs for a moment before picking up where Sara left off. “That’s not all though,” she says, “Jason got called out for everything, and, to put it simply, he started telling everyone that he dumped you because you’re a shitty lay.”
Your jaw drops, “I’m sorry. What?”
“Seven hells Bael, way to put it gently,” Rhaena says sternly. But Baela simply shrugs off her comment. “When Jason and Cas started posting each other everyone asked him what the hell happened,” Rhaena says, “He started getting defensive and not so subtly implied that the reason he broke up with you and cheated on you is because you didn’t…satisfy him.”
“Oh gods,” you exclaim as you drop your head into your arms. You feel like you could die of embarrassment. Helaena rubs your back gently attempting to soothe you as best as she can, “It’s ok Y/N. It’s really not that bad. You’re just too close to the situation.” Every the sweetheart Helaena is trying desperately to salvage your feelings and soften the blows of the news you’ve heard. But this time she’s desperately wrong. Your heart has been shattered, your trust broken, and now your reputation has been completely tarnished.
You lift your head and give Helaena a weak smile in return before facing the other three girls again, “How many people know?”
“Well, Jace and Creagan both know,” Sara says.
“And all of Cas’s friends, plus their boyfriends,” Baela adds on.
“Great so…everyone I know, you guys know, and Jason knows thinks I’m bad at sex. Wonderful,” you stand up and grab your belongings quickly, “I’m going to go to the library a bit before classes. I need a moment to myself.” All four girls nod at you and shoot you apologetic smiles as you turn away quickly. You need to get away from everyone now because you can’t bare to face everyone. They’re all pitying you or judging you and you hate it.
‘Seven Hells, things really can’t get worse’ you think.
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Aegon is having a pretty shitty day as well. When he took Valyrian History he thought it would be a breeze. That’s his culture after all. And when he heard that attendance wasn’t mandatory for the class on the first day, he did not return. As far as he was concerned this was a fluff class that he could easily pass by winging it, giving him the time to have fun and focus on…better things.
And now, the consequences are biting him in the ass. He’s still in shock as he stares at the 45% on the top of his essay. It turns out that this class and professor were not easy at all, and Aegon’s passive approach has led to him essentially flunking the class.
“C’mon prof, there’s gotta be something I can do to fix this,” he says pleadingly. The professor looks up at him completely unimpressed as she continues to clean up her work space, “I’ve already told you Mr. Targaryen, there’s no way to change your grade. Your best chance is to improve your performance on any future assignments and exams.”
Aegon groans in frustration. At this point he’s months behind in material and has no idea where to begin. “Might I suggest,” the professor says, “seeking extra help from one of your peers?”
Aegon sighs before nodding his head in defeat. “Yeah, sure. Ok,” he says before shuffling out the door. He doesn’t know anyone in this class due to the whole not attending lectures thing. So, he shoots his sister a quick text asking if she knows anyone in Valyrian History, and her reply comes a few moments later, ‘I’m pretty sure Y/N takes that class. Why?’
Aegon deflates. Of course you’re the only one that can help him. ‘Any idea where I can find her? I need to ask for her help with something,’ he texts back.
‘She should be in the library, but I’d leave her alone right now. She’s not in a great mood.’
Aegon reads the text but shrugs it off. As far as he’s concerned, you’re almost never happy around him anyway so not much will change.
He makes his way to the huge library on campus, and as soon as he enters he scans for your form. He sees you tucked away in a corner reading a book.
The frown on your face is evident even from afar, but even then, he can’t help but think about how pretty you are. It really is a shame that you’re such a stick in the mud and seem to dislike him so much, he’s always thought you were smoking hot and he’d have a good time with you. If only you’d drop your icy walls when he’s around, he bets you’d be extra fun.
He makes his way to you and casually drops into the chair beside you. He throws his arm around the back of your seat before leaning in. “Hey, hot stuff,” he says with his signature smirk, and you audibly groan.
“Go away, Aegon.”
His smirk doesn’t falter even for a second before he continues, “Wow, five seconds. That must be a new record for you, love.”
You shut your book in annoyance before turning to him, you look pissed. More than usual. “What do you want?” You say dully.
“I need you to tutor me in Valyrian history.”
“Why not?” He asks, clearly upset with your quick and blunt response.
“Because I’m dealing with a lot right now, and I really don’t want to deal with your shit too.”
Aegon frowns and furrows his brow. He really needs your help if he wants even the slightest chance at passing this course. “Please Y/N. I really need your help. I’ll do anything. Name your price.”
You’re silent for a moment. You’ve got so much going on now. What could possibly make spending time teaching Aegon remotely worthwhile? And then the idea pops into your mind. A terrible idea that can lead to no good. But it feels so perfect.
“Anything?” You ask. There’s a hint of mischief in your eyes now, and Aegon falters in his decision for a moment before doubling down, “Yeah. Anything.”
“Ok. I’ll help you,” Aegon smiles in relief for a moment, “But it’s gonna cost you.”
“How much money are we talking?” He asks.
“I don’t want your money.”
“Then what do you want from me?”
You bite your lip. There’s no good way to say this so you just come right out with it. “In exchange for me helping you pass, I want you to pretend we’re sleeping together.”
Aegon is shocked. You’ve always been a bit of a prude around him so hearing you talk so forwardly is beyond weird though not unwelcome, “Why do you want me to pretend we’re fucking? Aren’t you dating Lannister?”
You drop your gaze away from his. “We broke up,” you say matter-of-factly, “I caught him cheating on me yesterday with Cas Baratheon.”
“Yeah. And to make matters worse. He decided to go around and say that we broke up because I’m bad at sex.”
Aegon has no idea what to say to that, and he’s not sure anything he could say would even help, so he chooses to move on from the topic.
“So you want to pretend we’re dating to get back at your ex for cheating and lying about you?”
“No. Not date. Just pretend we’re having sex.”
Aegon looks at you quizzically, “What’s the difference?” You can’t help but scoff at the question. Of course notorious fuckboy, Aegon Targaryen can’t tell the difference between fucking and dating.
“I don’t want to fake date you because you can’t keep it in your pants,” you say dryly, “You’ll end up sleeping with some other girl, and then I’ll look like the idiot who got cheated on twice in a row. If we’re just sleeping together then I don’t look like a fool.”
Aegon nods, “Ok…so you want me to pretend we’re fucking to make Jason jealous?”
“Basically. I also want you to tell people it’s good”
“Because if the infamous, handsome fuckboy, Aegon Targaryen says that sex with me is good, then nobody will believe what Jason said is true.”
A wolfish grin takes over Aegon’s face, “You think I’m handsome?” You groan and lightly hit him with your elbow. “Shut up. Do we have a deal?” You ask outstretching your hand.
“We have a deal,” he says, but then he leans over to whisper in your ear, “I’ll see you tomorrow, fuck buddy.” He gets up to leave throwing you a wink before making his way out of the library.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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Part 2
Tag List: @mysingularitybts
535 notes · View notes
neptuneiris · 9 months
brooklyn baby (03/?)
look at us, you and i, back at it again
pairing: rockstar!aemond × fem!reader
summary: another party, a group of friends and the spin the bottle game takes you back to aemond.
word count: 9.3k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
here another chapter, long but necessary, I'm really enjoying writing this story and I hope you also like it a lot. I look forward to your comments, thanks for all the support my loves, enjoy!
warnings: alcohol, language, mention of weed.
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You let out a huge sigh of frustration and instantly stop typing, close your eyes and bring your hands to the back of your neck, not understanding what the fuck is wrong with you.
Oh but you do know.
Your funny mind tells you, only making you more frustrated and angry with yourself, as it is right because you do know what exactly is wrong with you. And what's wrong with you has a name: Aemond Targaryen.
It's going to be a whole week since that kiss and what a kiss... happened. You haven't seen him again but it's all constantly replaying in your mind, unable to avoid it and unable to stop.
All this week you have been trying to distract yourself with all your college homework, this important project is an example, but you always come back to think about him.
And you don't understand why, rather why that kiss and that moment with him is affecting you so much when it was just a kiss, yes, with a handsome guy who plays in a band, but nothing more than just a kiss happened.
However... you remember perfectly the feeling of his lips against yours, his hands caressing your face and body, also the way he pressed himself against you and sent waves of pleasure to your core.
Stop it!
You scold yourself, not being able to think about it here, in the school library, not when the simple memory of how he felt against you... right now makes you feel things you shouldn't feel in this place, at all.
You grimace, giving yourself a moment, because yes, it all felt great, the kiss was amazing, the feeling, everything... but a deep part of you tells you that you shouldn't have allowed it.
Maybe you didn't fuck with him but still, you've become just another girl who like all of them, fell easily at his feet. Even after seeing him like that with one of his fans, which tells you it's not the first time he's done it and after feeling disappointed, ignoring him and so on, you still reciprocated his kiss.
You get frustrated again, telling yourself that enough is enough and go back to work, no longer wanting to think about him and that kiss, focusing and getting serious about your project.
It takes you all afternoon and a small part of the evening to finally finish and you head back to your apartment, ending another stressful week and having no more worries, so you can rest now.
You let out a long sigh of relief as the warmth of your home envelops you, feeling so good to be back here and have no more worries, as you head to the kitchen and drop your backpack on the small island, thinking about what you can prepare to eat and then go to your room and watch a TV show or movie.
"Hi," says someone suddenly behind you.
You move as fast as your body allows you and completely scared you look at your living room behind you, where very comfortably on one of your sofas sits Baela, with her phone in hand and innocently eating some strawberries, which are in fact yours because you bought them two days ago when you went to the supermarket.
"W-what..." you stare at her blankly, your heart rate being faster than normal, "What are you doing here?"
"I texted you," she says still unconcerned, raising her phone, "I told you I'd be waiting for you here."
"But..." you look at her completely confused, "How did you get in? In fact, how come you and Rhaena can come in here? I have my keys, I-I don't....
"I made them a copy about a month ago," she interrupts you to answer, still unconcerned.
"What?" you snap, confused, "How?"
She shrugs.
"I know someone. And you didn't even notice."
You continue to stare at her completely confused, then let out a long breath and continue to try to control your heart rate, the feeling of being scared still not completely gone.
"God, you almost scared me to death," you look at her serious.
"Oh how dramatic," she rolls her eyes at you, "Anyway, come here."
You continue to watch her seriously, as you reluctantly make your way over to her to take a seat on your single couch, only to have your gaze fall on your bowl of strawberries that she is eating so placidly
"And those strawberries are mine," you snap at her.
She frowns at you.
"I'll buy you more, selfish."
You continue to stare at her for a few more seconds.
"Well? What's going on?" you watch her expectantly.
"There's a frat party tomorrow, the leader is a friend of mine, his name is William."
She starts to tell you and you instantly look away from her, understanding where she's going with this, as you let out a long breath and drop your head back against the back of the couch, closing your eyes.
"I invited Jace, I told him if he wanted he could invite his cousins and he said yes, they'll be there. So go prepare another one of your sexy outfit's."
"I'm not going," you tell her instantly, with resignation.
"What?" she also says instantly with surprise and confusion, "What are you talking about? And now why not?"
"I don't want to go."
She looks at you with her mouth wide open.
"B-but... are you crazy? Your sexy guitarist will be there," she says indignantly, "This is another great opportunity for you to see him again."
"It doesn't matter, I don't want to."
"What do you mean you don't want to!?"
She exclaims to you totally confused and without understanding anything, leaving the bowl with strawberries aside to give you all her attention, while you continue firm with your words and with the decision more than taken, from now on thinking that whatever she tells you, she won't make you change your mind.
What happened with Aemond... you don't want to say it was a mistake but it shouldn't have happened either. You've already become just another one of the crowd and if you see him again, you're afraid you won't be able to stop again and you really don't want that.
You don't want to take things any further... you don't want to 'officially' become another one of the crowd if he and you... get involved in that way.
"I'm not understanding anything," Baela says frustrated, "You don't want to see him again?"
"Baela, I don't want to see him again because I don't want to become another girl in his pile," you say seriously.
"W-what?" she says more confused than before, "Wait, what do you mean? Why do you say that? Did something happen with him that you haven't told me? Because I swear I don't understand anything."
"We kissed at Jason's party," you tell her suddenly, surprising her, "And I let it happen just when earlier at the after party I saw him going into the bathroom with one of his fans."
Baela, still surprised, softens her whole face now in understanding, but still surprised, while you affirm to her with your gaze that it is true, with your disappointed and serious face.
"It just happened. I couldn't help it," you tell her frustrated, bringing your hands back to your face, "But I felt so disappointed and so... stupid," you let out a long breath, "When I saw him like that, I understood that it's not the first time he's done it and I also understood why he gave me so much attention that time in Brooklyn. And I gave him exactly what he wanted at the party and he didn't even make any effort," you place a sour look, "And who could tell him no? Of course no one."
Baela lets out a long breath, watching you sadly.
"I was so naive. I should have known," you interrupt her, "He's very handsome and plays in a band, it was clear he had thousands of girls after him and now... he only wants me as a one-night stand, then he'll ignore me and I'm really not interested to go back to being just another one of the crowd."
"But..." Baela watches you intently and hopefully, "Are you sure about what you saw? Maybe you misunderstood."
"They went into the men's room together, Baela, just him and that girl," you tell her obviously, "And they didn't go in together to play cards, did they?"
Baela doesn't say anything more, she just lowers her gaze and seems to think, trying to find an explanation, when there is no clear explanation other than that. And just like you... she feels disappointed.
Aegon looks like that kind of guy, in fact he is that kind of guy, but Aemond? Even she didn't expect it, though she knows you're right, both and Rhaena as well should have known since he's absolutely handsome and can easily afford that.
And she has no idea how to defend him, so she totally understands your disappointment and that you now want to keep your distance, being the best thing, because that's what she would do too if she were in your place.
"So your love novel with the sexy guitarist is over?" she asks you sad and disappointed.
"Yeah," you mumble, "As handsome as he is, I'm not interested if things are going to be like this."
She lets out another long breath again, resigned.
"Fine, then we won't mention the sexy guitarist anymore."
You place a sad little smile.
"But at least you and Rhaena got lucky and the thing with Jace and Luke is serious."
"I wouldn't call it serious," she says thoughtfully, with a grimace, "I mean, we're not seeing anyone else but... yeah," she shrugs, "Things are getting there."
You feel happy for them, they know it, so you don't say anything else, neither does Baela and the two of you sink into a comfortable silence that is all over your apartment, while you stare at a specific spot in your living room, thinking about everything and yet nothing, while Baela continues to eat from your strawberries, also thoughtful and still feeling disappointed.
Then you start to think again about what you are going to prepare to eat and also what movies you will decide to watch, whether suspense, science fiction, love or massacre.
"Don't you want grapes?"
Baela asks you suddenly, pulling you out of your thoughts, as you see how the bowl in her lap is already empty.
"I have some in my fridge. I can pay you with them for the strawberries."
You watch her slightly amused for a moment, then let out a small laugh and nod.
Unfortunately for you, your Friday night goes by fast, where all you did was stay in bed watching a movie marathon with Baela of love being the final decision, whether it was Me Before You, Love Rosie, Midnight Sun, Two Feet Apart, also Nerve and the first Maze Runner movie.
Until you wake up, it's Saturday, Baela is gone and you actually read her message telling you that she has returned to her apartment.
You stay in bed all morning, not really doing anything important, until you get up, take a shower, make yourself a meal and go back to bed with a bowl of chips, ready to continue with the next episode of Gossip Girl.
It's the third time you're re-watching the show but you don't care.
Then you fall asleep and when the sound of your phone wakes you up, you see through your windows all the dark sky, while everything inside your room is reflected by the light of the TV and also by the New York buildings that surround you with their light windows and give that so well known nocturnal characteristic of the city.
You let out a yawn, realizing that your nap has gone on too long when you turn on your phone screen and see that it is almost nine o'clock at night
You strain your eyes and watch more closely as Baela has texted you, as have some of your classmates, but it's the weekend and you don't want to worry about anything at school right now, so you read Baela's message.
baela🐬: are you sure you don't want to come?
You frown.
You: where are you?
And she replies back instantly.
baela🐬: at will's party
And she sends you a picture of her with Rhaena and Luke, while you distinguish Jace's figure a bit off in the background, preparing a drink, while there are colored lights and a bunch of other people, so you remember him and you also remember that he must be there too.
You: have fun
But as soon as you send the message, Baela reads it and quickly responds.
baela🐬: he's not here👀
And this immediately catches your attention, frowning again and then answering and waiting for an attentive response.
You: why not?
baela🐬: everyone came except him and daeron. jace said they both decided to stay home.
You watch with your narrowed eyes the message, questioning Baela's words and not quite believing her.
You: are you lying and this is one of your plans to get him and I to see each other?
baela🐬: 🙄
baela🐬: after what you told me do you think I would do that to you?
You press your lips together, as you let out a long breath, since she is right. Baela can be very insistent but when you finally make her understand that no is no, she stops.
You: send me the address
You say finally, having made up your mind, needing to go out and have fun after such a stressful week, as if all your weeks are not the same, and then you leave your phone on the bed and get up to get ready.
You take advantage of the fact that he's not there, because then you won't have to be worrying about being in the same place as him after what happened between the two of you and you can actually have fun.
From your closet you choose an all-black dress that fits your body perfectly, with straps and comes to mid-thigh. You decide to wear it with a pair of boots without a platform since you will get tired if you wear the high platform ones. (click here)
You discard one of your jackets as you know it won't be necessary in a crowd of people so you go on to do your make-up, this time putting on a matte flesh colored lipstick and leaving your hair straight with two strands together in the middle of your head.
Once you're ready, you call for an Uber, since Baela has taken the car and not long after, you find yourself entering the party.
You spot a few of your classmates as you enter the huge house, greeting them, greeting Baela's friends that she introduced you to and even crossing paths with Jason who is with Cregan and Alysanne.
You ask for your cousins and find them near the kitchen, each one talking to their respective boy, while on your way to them you meet Aegon, although he doesn't see you, as he is sticking his tongue down the throat of a blonde girl.
You watch him slightly surprised and amused by such a scene, until you finally reach your cousins.
Rhaena pulls you into a huge hug, instantly telling you that you look amazing with a smile, to which you also say the same, also to Baela, then greeting Jace and Luke, Jace quickly offering to make you a drink.
"Have you guys been here long?" you ask them over the music.
"Not long. About an hour ago," Rhaena answers you.
"So? What's the news?"
"Nothing new, you know," Baela tells you smiling, "We were actually thinking of playing beer pong."
"Oh, great. I want to play the first round," you say instantly, ready to start enjoying the party.
Just then Jace returns with your drink, you thank him and the five of you start setting up for the game, beginning first by playing one-on-one and then two-on-two.
Laughter and excitement invades the five of you every time the ball goes in or out of the red cups, having a good time, forgetting about the outside world for a while and enjoying these moments.
Other people at the party also join in to play, making it all even more fun, Rhaena already starting to get a little drunk, as are you, though not too much.
Then the five of you decide to go dancing along with all the other people, shouting, singing and enjoying all the songs while Rhaena records and takes some pictures, while you already start to feel the alcohol taking effect a bit more, letting you get more into the moment, really enjoying it.
Until you start to get a bit left over among the four of you as Baela starts to dance very close with Jace, both in their own world, also Rhaena with Luke, both still shy but getting more and more confident.
Still it doesn't bother you, you dance alone and even join in with another group of girls dancing nearby, singing with them.
You then accompany Rhaena along with Luke back to the kitchen to hydrate a bit, you also deciding to drink water this time because of how hot the house already feels, and then Baela and Jace join in as well, the five of them taking a break.
They both offer to prepare more drinks, while you go for your fourth beer, staying a moment alone with your cousins.
"So? Has anything happened between you and Luke yet?" you ask her interested, with a small smile.
And of course, Rhaena blushes and smiles shyly.
"We kissed."
"At Jason's party?"
"Yes and also a while ago," she tells you clearly controlling her excitement, "I don't know, I feel like we're going slow but sure."
"Better that than going fast," Baela tells her, nodding in her direction.
"You go fast with Jace," you tell her amused, laughing.
"That's not true," she gets indignant, "We've only kissed."
"Oh so you didn't take him to your apartment when Jason's party was over?" you inquire, expectantly.
Immediately she looks at Rhaena completely serious and more indignant than before.
"You were the gossip?"
"I didn't say anything!" she tells her instantly, "Besides it was obvious. I slept with Y/N because there was no way I was going to sleep on your couch to listen to your sounds."
You let out a huge laugh, as Baela reluctantly takes a sip from her beer bottle.
"Well, it's true, we're going fast but we've both been clear and know what we want."
"Thank God," you nod to her then let out a long breath, putting on your thoughtful face, excited and sad at the same time, "I admired you guys," you mumble, looking out into the beyond, "I would have wanted to have the same luck."
"Oh come on, don't say that," Rhaena tells you instantly with a soft look.
"Yeah, it wasn't like….
Start to say Baela too, but she stops mid-sentence, drawing her sister's attention and yours too, while you see how she stands watching behind you completely static, surprised and a bit fearful.
You exchange confused glances with Rhaena, who stares at her sister as if she is completely mad.
"What? What's wrong?"
She tells her but Baela doesn't react, so Rhaena also looks to where she's watching and her reaction is also the same, instantly looking surprised at who knows what, annoying you because they don't say anything.
"But what the hell is wrong with you guys?"
You inquire them without understanding, confused, to follow the same gaze as both of them, watching behind you and then… now you understand.
You part your lips and watch with your eyes wide open as Daeron and Aemond make their way through the entire party, instantly drawing everyone's attention, but more so the girls specifically, beginning to feel your heart start to beat fast as you watch them.
Incredulous and confused you don't understand anything, seeing how he is here, when he wasn't supposed to come, all the memories of that almost kiss and then the kiss invading your mind instantly, also the memory of his hips pressing against you.
That's all you can think of as you watch him, standing there, walking among all the people in that alluring way of his, as if he owned the whole place, yet with his unconcerned look and deliberately ignoring all the girls watching him interested.
Then you look again at your cousins, who look back at you still surprised.
"What is he doing here?"
You inquire, at that moment realizing the panic that begins to invade your whole body, since you were supposed to come here because he wouldn't be here.
"How should I know?" Baela tells you instantly, looking just as worried as you, "Jace said they weren't coming, that's why I texted you."
Still panicking, you go back to watching him, still being the center of attention along with Daeron, who smiles at everyone and looks more than willing to start having a good time, while you couldn't say the same for Aemond, but still he's here.
You look away, let out a huge sigh and take a huge gulp from your beer bottle, resigned.
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Aemond has never felt more tired in his life.
Constantly moving from one side to the other for the tour, having five-hour rehearsals during the week and on weekends attending concerts along with the after party and finishing very late to be the same routine the next day, he doesn't find time to rest properly.
He sees how his brothers and his cousins, actually nephews, do everything, they look happy, like new and he... doesn't. Rather, he feels exhausted.
It's not that he doesn't like what he does, on the contrary, he loves playing guitar and giving a good show, but he wishes that's all it would be.
Criston, his manager, insists that he must spend time with the fans, since after all they are the reason why they are successful and can play their concerts, but he, not that he is ungrateful, in fact he does spend time with them… but to a certain point.
He can take pictures and sign his autograph in a pleased and calm way, also receive gifts like necklaces or bracelets from them, he really appreciates those gestures. But when the girls get too intense and start touching him, also invading his personal space too much… that's when the discomfort begins.
He understands that they feel very excited, but there are limits and many of them do not respect them by wanting to act as if they have known him all their lives and believe they have a certain right over him.
Also social media, if it were up to him, he wouldn't have it, he really doesn't like it and prefers the real world. But Criston insisted that he do it for the band, agreeing to at least have Instagram account.
He got used to it soon after by posting promotional photos, whether it was of a new single, a new music video or a new album, also from the tour. Then he only started posting behind-the-scenes photos of his brothers and nephews, also of the cities he was traveling to, but nothing else.
Also the invasion of his privacy by fans was something he didn't like at all, however, like his brothers and nephews, he had to learn to deal with it.
Sometimes he thinks about what would have happened if he had decided to go to college, definitely another story of his life would be, but honestly… he can't imagine himself not being this, a musician.
However, he didn't think that following Aegon's idea about forming a band would be so heavy and bring so much questioning about his life and what he does.
At least the tour ends in New York after having traveled half the country, where his mother and family live, also where he has his own apartment, just like Aegon.
And the first two concerts are in Queens, then they will play in three different clubs in Brooklyn and finally they will play two more concerts in Manhattan.
There is nothing new, only the public reacts differently when the dates of the last concerts start, Queens actually being very quiet and more pleasant for him, but not for Aegon, who complained about the lack of excitement from the fans and that the girls practically didn't jump on him.
And of course, Jace and Daeron had to agree with him.
Then Brooklyn, the first concert being exactly what Aegon expected, all the girls screaming, lots of energy in the audience and on stage, lots of noise and a whole scandal.
And the second concert is the same, until finally something interesting happens at the after party when he almost makes that fan lose her balance and doesn't jump the second she sees him walk out of that room, being you.
Aemond was so used to any girl practically jumping on him and doing everything to get his attention, but not you. And he knew because you're not really a fan.
But still, you surprised him by the way you are.
He was surprised that you were somehow understandable to him to be hiding from the fans for a while and that you didn't judge him, also that you weren't playing dumb to get his attention, that you didn't instantly react to him after he decided to push you a little, you just were honest at all times and gave him his space.
And you got his attention a lot in just a matter of moments. And Aemond in that instant knew… he wanted, no, he needed to see you again.
He had never given free tickets to anyone before, you just happened to be an exception, in fact he didn't have permission to do that, but he didn't care and luckily no one noticed, least of all Criston.
He really wanted you to take something from the concert back home, so he genuinely didn't make you both go into that room to take advantage of the fact that you were both alone and get something more from you, no, he really did it out of kindness.
But as the seconds passed and the conversation extended, he couldn't help but think what it would feel like to kiss you, to feel you, to touch you. And when he saw that you also began to respond in the same way, that's when he decided to make the move.
It would have happened, had it not been for Aegon, of course.
After you thanked him and left embarrassed, Aegon gave him a friendly tap on the shoulder, telling him that had he known, he wouldn't have interrupted him, but that Criston was going to go mad if he didn't go out and talk to the fans.
In the days that followed he never stopped thinking about you, much less when he found out that Jace and Luke were texting your cousins, so he was looking forward, even if he didn't realize it, to the concert in Manhattan.
But what a great disappointment he felt when he saw your cousins, but not you.
Originally he didn't plan to find out what had happened to you, but when he was at the bar with your cousins, he couldn't contain himself any longer and asked them both where you were.
After that, the stress came back.
With the last concert coming up, the whole band had to rehearse longer hours than usual every day until the day of the concert, Aegon insisting that he wanted everything to be perfect, following Criston's idea, as it had to be unforgettable.
They were going to take a break for a month, then they would play more concerts in New York and in the closest surrounding areas of the state such as Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
Aemond tried not to think about you anymore, because after you didn't go to the concert, he began to understand that he would probably never see you again.
Then the last concert started and all the pressure he had on him he felt more at that moment, knowing perfectly well that he couldn't make a mistake, focusing all the time on his notes and especially on his solos.
He couldn't relax, not even with the cigarette, keeping in mind that after this he would have to focus on the fans, when all he wanted was to finally rest and not worry about more concerts, feeling very tired.
That's why he did what he did.
After spending only a few minutes with the fans, returning to the room, he had to leave almost immediately on Criston's orders, but on his way out he saw a very excited fan already at the door asking him for a picture.
It was enough to observe her from head to toe and then tell her to follow him, going directly to the men's room where the girl did not even ask a question since it was quite clear the intention and she did not say no either.
When was the last time he had done this? At the last concert in Portland, Oregon.
He knew Aegon did it too, but he wasn't more frequent than he was, since he only did it when he felt the need too much due to stress and frustration, as in those moments.
He fucked her from behind, fast and hard, not needing foreplay as she was completely wet. He didn't touch her except from the waist and nothing else, she wanted to kiss him and touch him but he didn't let her. He just needed to release.
Neither of them needed to take off their clothes either, she had a skirt on and that made everything faster, just like he wanted. Then he came out of the bathroom first after cleaning up, telling the girl to get out of here without anyone seeing her, to go back to the center of the pub, where he met Aegon.
When then he saw you.
Surprise came over him completely, definitely not expecting to see you, barely realizing that you had seen the concert and that you had been here the whole time.
And after you made no move to approach him, completely ignoring his gaze on you and also as if he wasn't in the same place as you, he understood that you knew what he had done.
You had seen him and he couldn't help but get more frustrated about it.
The boys had mentioned a party, Jace most of all, saying that Baela, your cousin, had invited them. He had from the beginning thought about not going and in fact wasn't going to, but after seeing you… he decided to join in as well.
Throughout the party it became clearer to him that you had definitely seen him and so you continued to ignore him, which made him frustrated but he also understood you.
However, had he known you were there, the first thing he would have done was to try to get close to you and what he did with that girl he would never have considered.
Until finally things turn out in his favor on that balcony.
From the beginning he told himself that he wasn't going to ruin this opportunity to talk to you by being left alone and that he wasn't going to bring up the subject so as not to make you feel uncomfortable by his actions… unless you decided to talk about it.
And he thought the two of you would just talk and nothing more, but the moment he started testing the waters just out of curiosity and also because he wanted to, of course, you started responding in the same way, just like in Brooklyn and he felt very lucky to finally feel your lips against his.
What came next was not intentional, but his emotions began to make him let himself go and you were very responsive at all times to his touch, only driving him crazier.
He enjoyed the moment and very much, loving every second of it, of feeling your lips, your body, your hands on his face and neck, everything, only leaving him wanting more when the moment was interrupted.
But you looked absolutely beautiful with that look of desire, your red, swollen lips, watching him with that slight glow in your eyes, the lights of the huge buildings illuminating both of them, you.
And Aemond at that moment only felt more the need to see you again.
Unfortunately nothing more happened between you and him that night, both of you couldn't be together anymore because afterwards Luke and Daeron started feeling sick from all the drinking, Daeron especially started throwing up in the bathroom and could barely stand up by himself.
Aemond had to take care of him and they left the party.
Afterwards neither he nor you tried to communicate after what happened, he mostly didn't do it so as not to overwhelm you and not to make you feel pressured, so he preferred to give you your space until you had processed what happened and that you wouldn't consider him an intense for wanting to see you again.
But how he wanted to see you again and he understood that he wouldn't until his nephews and your cousins planned something. However, when Jace told them about a frat party, he told you that Baela didn't mention you when he asked her with whom she was going.
So he decided not to go and went to visit his mother, who has her own apartment also on the Upper East Side and Daeron lives with her, however, because his little brother was grounded after his mother saw him in that state last time, he managed to convince her to lift his grounding.
And now they're both there, in the living room, as their mother prepares to go to a dinner party for her work and Daeron insists that he take him to that party.
"We won't say anything to Mom, she says I'm still too young to go to frat parties."
"And she's right," he replies, disinterested.
"Oh come on, the party last time was a frat party."
"It was in an apartment, not a house," he clarifies.
"But it was still a college party!"
"Then you must not have had too much to drink and that's why I don't want to go to this party if I'm going to have to babysit you afterwards," he tells him seriously.
"Oh, what a bullshit," he tells him indignantly, "We both know and in fact everyone knows that you don't want to go to that party because your girl from the other night won't go."
"Keep messing with me and I'm not taking you to any more parties," he warns him.
"But you don't want to take me to this one!" he tells him again indignantly, "Come on dude, I really want to go."
"Then go," he says confused, "I don't understand why you want me to go with you."
"And how am I supposed to go by myself? Flying?"
He lets out a long breath, starting to get irritated.
"I already told you no, Daeron."
"Let's go to the party and I won't tell Criston that you gave free tickets to that girl and Jace and Luke's girls."
Then Aemond's gaze immediately refocuses on Daeron, who crosses his arms and watches him expectantly, completely serious and more than willing with his threat.
"The others didn't notice but I did," he lets him know, smiling with superiority, "Those tickets were for some friends of Criston's and he asked me to take them to him. And what a coincidence that they were gone right after you and Aegon left the room."
"It could have been Aegon," he tells her serious.
"Aegon loses his own things because he doesn't remember where he put them and you think he's going to know where those tickets were kept?" he asks her confused.
Aemond lets out a long sigh, as he looks away from him, looking clearly annoyed.
"You fucking little demon."
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The bottle game and seven minutes in paradise.
That's what everyone wants to play, being Baela's idea mainly, while she insists you to join, telling you it will be fun, while all the participants, Cregan, Jason, Alysanne, Rhaena, Luke and Jace of course, also the leader of the fraternity and Baela's friend William, wait in his room.
But you really don't like that game, the last time you played that, already many months ago also at a party, it wasn't very nice.
"Come on," Baela insists you pleadingly for what you think is the eleventh time.
"I told you, I'll be there with you but I'm not going to play," you tell her tired.
"That's not the point. You have to play, come on," she insists again.
"Baela," you look at her irritated.
"And I promise I won't sneak back into your apartment. Let alone steal food from you again," she says instantly, hopefully.
And at this you raise one of your eyebrows in her direction, expectantly.
"And will you give me the copy you clandestinely took from my key?"
She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. It's at my house, I'll give it to you later."
"Are you sure about that?" you inquire with an obvious look.
At this she doesn't say or do anything to you, as you point to her bag with your gaze and then extend your hand, gesturing to her with your fingers, clearly waiting, while Baela is left with no other choice.
She lets out a resigned and irritated sigh, then reluctantly from her purse she pulls out the key to your apartment, handing it to you in the same manner.
"There. Happy?"
You smile pleased, putting it in your purse.
"Yes, very," you tease.
"Okay, now come on," she insists, taking you by the arm.
"Wait, the brownie."
You head over to the island in the huge kitchen, grabbing a brownie from a clear box right there.
"You're really going to eat that?" she asks you curiously, with a small smile, as she crosses her arms.
"It's not for me, it's…
"Hello ladies!"
Three platinum heads approach you, this immediately catching your attention, feeling incredibly nervous the second you see it's Aemond, already watching you.
You bite your lips and avert your gaze instantly, trying not to look nervous and not letting those thoughts from before invade you, focusing on Aegon and Daeron, but Aegon more so since he pretty much always speaks for everyone.
"Y/N!" he exclaims in surprise, with a huge grin, "I hadn't seen you. I thought you hadn't come."
"You were busy when I arrived," you tell him with a nervous little smile.
"I was?" he says confused and you nod, "I don't remember. Anyway, what are you two doing? My little cousins weren't with you?"
"They're upstairs, we're going to play spin the bottle and seven minutes in paradise, do you want to join?"
Baela asks them instantly, turning to the three of them with a smile, while you quickly look at her almost wanting to murder her at that moment, but you stay neutral and wait for him to say no.
"Yeah, sure," Daeron says instantly.
"I'm in," Aegon assures you as well, sliding over to you, pointing his index finger at the brownie in your hand, "Are you going to eat that? Because it's calling me."
"They're of weed," you clarify to him.
"Weed?" he repeats in surprise, "Wow Y/N, I didn't think you were that kind of girl," he tells you as he crosses his arms and watches you with a half smile.
"It's not for me, it's for Cregan, he asked for it," you tell him amused.
"Cregan?" he instantly inquires, "Cregan Stark, my man? He's here too?"
"I thought you saw him when you arrived," Baela tells her confused, "He's up there too, he's going to play with us."
"And why didn't you say that before? Then let's go!" he says instantly, grabbing Daeron by the shoulder and starting to hurry out of the kitchen towards the stairs, when he stops to turn back to you, "Give it to me, I'll give it to him," he takes the brownie from your hand and resumes his walk, "Hurry up," he urges you all, then asks Baela which room exactly everyone is in.
You watch as Aemond nonchalantly follows them, for which you curse internally, since you thought he wouldn't participate in this, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who chooses to play those kinds of games, but you have no choice.
Once you reach William's room, which is gigantic, Baela announces that she has found more players and everyone starts to take a seat on the couches, while you watch as Aegon greets Cregan very happily and he greets him as well, as if the two haven't seen each other in years, handing him the brownie.
Then Rhaena stands in the center, empty bottle in hand, setting it down on top of a small table that is also in the center.
"Well, I think we all know how this is played by now."
"Are there any rules?" asks Jace.
"Of course there are, without them this wouldn't be fun."
You let out a long sigh, looking away, already wanting to get out of here.
"We made a deal," Baela suddenly says to you, instantly, quietly and as if she had read your thoughts.
"I know," you mutter back, watching her irritated.
But she smiles happily and you all turn your attention to Rhaena.
"This will be truth or dare, if you choose dare it will be to go in with someone in the bathroom who will also choose the bottle for seven minutes. If you want to do your dirty things, we will play loud music and turn it off when the seven minutes are up," she makes it clear, "The thing is, you have three lives, so to speak. If you choose true every time the bottle points at you, by the fourth time it will be dare."
"And no one can cheat or refuse," your cousin makes clear.
"This is like the mafia, once you're in, you don't get out," Aegon says.
You stir uncomfortably, avoiding looking at a certain person in front of you, because you perfectly feel his stare on you, making you feel nervous but not only because of that, also because you're both here, playing games.
What are the chances that you will have to fulfill the dare with Aemond?
You probably would have wanted it before, but now that you've made your decision, you continue to stand firm with it, really not wanting such a thing to happen or you won't have the slightest idea what to do.
The circle starts at one corner with Aegon, then Cregan, Alysanne, Rhaena, Aemond, Daeron, Luke, then Jace, Baela, you, Jason, William and then two of William's friends that you don't know.
Then Rhaena spins the bottle and the game begins.
First everyone chooses truth, starting cool, so it's their turn to answer questions such as; "the craziest place you've ever had sex," "your favorite position," "at what age did you lose your virginity," "do you have a fetish or any sexual preference," "have you ever been or had a friend with benefits," "have you ever faked an orgasm, "have you ever participated in a threesome?"
Those and more sexual and uncomfortable questions are asked.
So far, the bottle has not pointed to you, nor to Baela, nor to Aemond nor to Luke.
Until Cregan is the first to dare to say dare, then the bottle points at Alysanne, to the surprise of many who know that there is something more between them than just a friendship, as they always say.
As Rhaena said, William plays music on his Alexa at full volume or at least loud enough for no one to hear anything. And you again try to ignore Aemond's gaze on you as you talk to Jason next to you.
Then the seven minutes are up and when they both come out of the bathroom, they look presentable, but everyone instantly mocks and Alysanne embarrasses herself, giving herself away.
The game goes on and Aegon also dares in saying dare and the bottle is pointed at one of William's friends. And when the seven minutes are up, Aegon doesn't even bother to dissimulate that something definitely happened between them.
When then the bottle points at you, making everyone in the circle watch you and luckily you still have your three lives.
And who will ask you? Unfortunately Aegon.
"Have you ever kissed any of us here?"
You curse internally again, while everyone watches you attentively and more than interested, except Baela, Rhaena and of course him, because they already know.
You sense that Aegon knows too, though maybe Daeron, Jace and Luke don't, but who knows. So there's no point in lying, much less when that person is here.
Inevitably you watch him for a few short seconds, seeing how he watches you intently, bringing the beer bottle to his lips without taking his gaze away from you, looking so sexy.
No, don't think that!
"Yes," you say casually, lowering your gaze.
"Who?" asks Cregan, interested and with a smile.
"Just a question," Baela jumps to your rescue.
"Oh come on, you're just leaving us with the intrigue," he complains indignantly.
The bottle spins again, feeling more of Aemond's gaze on you, but you don't return it, when it's Daeron's turn to do the dare and he enters the bathroom with the same girl who entered with Aegon earlier, only when they both come out, you notice nothing happened.
Then the bottle points at Jace, having to do the dare as well, but the bottle points at Jason and everyone laughs, so with no choice, they both go into the bathroom together and when the seven minutes are up, they both pretend to wipe the saliva off their lips.
It's not until later that it's Baela's turn to meet the challenge and Jace finally gets his wish to go into the bathroom with her. Then it's William's other friend's turn to do the dare and the bottle points at Luke.
It is clear that when they both leave the bathroom, nothing happened and so the game continues, until luck has its way and it is Daeron's turn to go into the bathroom with the same girl Luke went in with, then Luke goes in with Rhaena and then it is William's turn to go in with you.
Nothing happens, they both just talk, not being at all awkward, as he is actually very nice, but still when they both come out, most of them make teasing and he clarifies that nothing happened, while all the time you feel the burning gaze of him.
Then Rhaena spins the bottle again and it finally lands on Aemond, with Alysanne being the one to ask him.
"Which of us here would you kiss?"
You lower your gaze instantly, biting your lips, not daring to look at him, not having the slightest idea why but you don't understand why the questions are precisely about kissing just when he and you have already kissed.
Aemond's answer is not immediately heard and you continue to stare at your lap, while everyone else around you watches him attentively and expectantly, wanting to hear his answer, when you feel his penetrating gaze on you.
Honestly you wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say your name, maybe he would want to save you both embarrassment and you would understand perfectly if he says the name of some of William's friends. Besides, the kiss has already happened, you find no reason why he-.
In an instant you raise your gaze towards him, your breath catching at that moment, causing the little giggles and looks of surprise from everyone in silence, even from your cousins, definitely not expecting that, while you continue to watch him attentively, not having expected that either.
But he continues to stand firm with his answer, which in fact he said it completely nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal to hide, being honest and direct without any problem.
He takes his last sip from his beer bottle, watching you back, just as attentive as you are, only making you feel more surprised and nervous, not having the slightest idea how to react.
You look away from him, when Aegon says to continue, breaking the moment but still feeling the tension.
As the game continues, no one has a chance to avoid the dare anymore, neither do you and Aemond, where fortunately nothing more happened between the two of you. Until the bottle again points to Aemond, but now he must do the dare.
Rhaena spins the bottle and just as it begins to slow down, everyone sees it point at the girl Daeron had entered with earlier.
With a disinterested and even bored look, Aemond without much emotion gets up and heads to the bathroom, with the girl following him instantly, while Baela gives you a look but you continue as usual, when inside you are very attentive.
You don't know exactly how you feel as the seven minutes begin, but you continue to act normal, feeling Aegon's gaze on you as well.
When the time ends and Aemond opens the door the second William stops the music, walking out of there with the girl walking out behind him, looking a bit… disappointed?
And sure enough, nothing happened between the two of them, causing Baela to give you a gentle, sly nudge, while you continue to act nonchalant, when in fact you occasionally watch Aemond intently.
"This is the last round," Rhaena warns, "We all have to point the bottle and do the dare one last time. Whoever you have already pointed at, will go out of the circle so that the bottle will point at those who have not yet."
"Sounds perfect to me," says Aegon, visibly excited, "I want my turn with Cregan."
Everyone laughs, as Cregan gives you a friendly tap on the shoulder, as you both laugh and look amused, and then Rhaena spins the bottle and officially starts the last round.
You thought you would have a little more time, however, everyone watches perfectly as the bottle slowly points in your direction, while you let out a long breath and Rhaena excitedly spins it again to see who you will get to enter the bathroom with.
What are the chances that you will have to fulfill the dare with Aemond?
You had wondered before and at that moment you realize that the chances were very high, since the bottle is pointing at him.
The others don't even give you time to react, they quickly insist you get up, as well as him, all looking very excited and unable to wait, so very soon, you already find yourself entering the bathroom while Aemond closes the door behind him.
Holy shit.
You think, feeling completely nervous, as you lean back against the hand wash and he leans against the wall in front of you to hear the music out there playing perfectly.
He watches you, but you don't look back at him, feeling very nervous and also very embarrassed after what happened out there and not only because of the questions you both were asked, but also because of the kiss.
How am I supposed to act with him after that happened?
You wonder, nervous and stirring in your place, feeling the bathroom too small and his gaze on you making you feel hot already and the seven minutes have barely started.
This whole not having anything to do with him thing is definitely not working for you. And just like last time, he's the first to break the silence between the two of you.
"Did I do something wrong?"
And this immediately catches your attention, watching him instantly, while he is already watching you between attentive and curious, trying not to let his gaze make you even more nervous.
"What?" you say confused, "No."
"Then why are you acting like I'm not in the same place as you?"
You think, definitely feeling more nervous, unable to help yourself.
"No," you shake your head, "No, I-I don't….
"Is it because of the kiss?"
You look at him slightly surprised, parting your lips, also not expecting him to ask you that with such a naturally and casually, realizing how incredibly direct he is, getting straight to the point.
And you don't know if that terrifies you or you like it more.
But you can't answer, you're too nervous, he makes you too nervous and you don't want to tell him yes, that's why and also because you don't want to be another girl of the crowd, but you can't lie to him either, even if you wanted to you can't think of anything.
Being in these circumstances with him does not help you at all.
When he sees that you don't answer him anything, he takes a step towards you, letting out a sigh and you immediately look at him alert, nervous and try to take more distance between you, feeling like your heart will jump out of your chest at any moment.
And he notices all this, confused by your behavior.
"What? What's wrong?" he asks you softly and attentive, "Are you afraid of me?"
You lower your gaze, biting the inside of your cheek, nervous and thoughtful, wanting to end this once and for all, telling yourself that you better be honest and direct with him, too, now, just as he is being honest and direct with you.
And finally you tell him, in a low voice, without looking at him.
"I don't want to be another one of your girls in the crowd, Aemond."
He looks at you slightly surprised, his lips parted, definitely not expecting that, creating again that silence between the two of you, while you continue with your gaze down and he doesn't know what to say to you, for the first time being at a loss for words.
He understands what you're implying, about him and that girl at the after party, but what he didn't expect was to hear those words from you.
And you, plucking up your courage, watch him and decide to explain further.
"I saw you at the after party of your last concert with that girl," you tell him softly and with a certain disappointed tone, "That's why I didn't try to approach you that night after understanding that that's what you're looking for from me."
He opens his mouth instantly to retort, but you continue speaking, wanting to make everything clear to him.
"Until the balcony thing happened at Jason's party and…. I don't regret it," you clarify, "But I feel like it shouldn't have happened," you look at him nervous, "I-I don't want to be another one-night stand girl that you throw away, ignore and forget about, I… I'm not looking for that," you deny, "It feels awful."
Aemond continues to watch you attentively, without you and him saying anything else, that silence returning, when he lets out another sigh and you are alerted when he moves closer to you again, this time completely shortening the distance between the two of you.
And you watch intently and nervously as he places both hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him, closing his eye and resting his forehead with yours, making you melt under his touch but not enough to allow it.
"Aemond," you call him softly, gently trying to pull away from him.
"Listen to me," he says softly, not pulling away and tightening his grip on your waist.
You stop putting up resistance, watching him completely attentively, as he takes a moment before speaking, enjoying your closeness, which is all he's thought about since that kiss happened.
"I'm sorry you saw me that way," he tells you sincerely, "Had I known you were there, I wouldn't have done it."
You can't help but feel absurd.
"Oh come on."
"I mean it," he tells you instantly, insistent, "I know it's not justification but I thought I'd never see you again, it's not like I do it every day either, I promise," he assures you, "But ever since that kiss happened… I haven't stopped thinking about you Y/N, not for a second," he confesses to you, "Even you were the reason I decided to play this shit, just so I could be close to you."
Oh no, you're already falling.
Your mind says to you, as you give him your full attention.
"But I'm not…
"You won't be," he interrupts you, firm, "You won't be just another one of the crowd. Believe me that was never my intention since I met you."
You swallow hard, still watching him not entirely convinced.
"And how am I supposed to believe that?"
"Let me prove it to you," he tells you instantly, willing, "Stop ignoring me, start talking to me and you'll see."
He says to then raise one of his hands, place it on your cheek gently and lean in to kiss you.
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taglist fic:
@melsunshine @fan-goddess @toodlesxcuddles @helaenaluvr @at-a-rax-ia @iloveallmyboys @nockerin @manonmccrory @tsujifreya @persephonerinyes @happinessinthebeing @zenka69 @diannnnsss @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gloryekaterina @strangersunghoon @ttkttt
309 notes · View notes
asoiafsworld · 2 years
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pairings; rhaenyra targaryen x fem!reader x daemon targaryen, jacaerys velaryon x stepmother!reader, lucerys velaryon x stepmother!reader, joffrey velaryon x stepmother!reader, baela targaryen x stepmother!reader, rhaena targaryen x stepmother!reader
warnings; mentions of the boy's illegitimacy, sadness, tooth rotting fluff
first part | third part | fourth part | fifth part | masterlist
⊱ ───────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───────── ⊰
➼ you aren't particularly close with him in the beginning but there's also no hatred between you two
➼ he knows you from all the stories his mother used to tell him about you and how one day, you would come back to her and be apart of their family
➼ he notices how much happier his mother is once you join her and daemon and he only then realizes how important you are to her so he makes it his mission to befriend you which was very easy
➼ he takes you up on your promise to learn high valyrian together
➼ and you both struggle a lot with it
➼ "kerimvose? right? that has to be it!"
➼ "it's kirimvose, jace! it means thank you, you should know that!"
➼ so much bickering between you two when the maester asks you to name certain words and it becomes a competition between you
➼ but in the end, jace learns his mother language much faster and better with you as his learning partner
➼ he starts trusting you more and comes to you when he has doubts about his birthright again since his mother only denies it and doesn't feel that she can openly talk about it with him
➼ "how can i expect anyone to support my claim when i'm not even a true born son?"
➼ you don't know the truth about it but you try to take jace his insecurities away
➼ "your right to be king of the seven kingdoms one day relies on your mother's birthright. so whoever your father is, it doesn't matter because you are certainly rhaenyra's son and i know that you will make a great king one day."
➼ he thinks about your words and knows that you're right and is so endlessly thankful to you and your support for him. his insecurities still remain but they get easier to live with as long as he has you by his side to reassure him
➼ he trusts you on a deeper and more vulnerable level after that
➼ often clinging to you and asking where you are and making sure you're safe because you are his second mother after all
➼ he used to love to fall asleep in his mother's embrace, always feeling protected and loved with her
➼ and even though he's already grown, he definitely exploits your love and affection towards him to make you do the same
➼ he falls asleep in less than a minute when you play with his hair he just loves it so much
➼ it shows how much he trusts you because of the way people expect him to be composed and perfect all the time
➼ and he wants you to think of him like that too but you know that underneath his composed and collected demeanor, he's still a very young boy who's scared of doing something wrong
➼ because he knows that as soon as someone sees him take one wrong step, he will be called a bastard again and questioned on his legitimacy
➼ but you always do your best to reassure him that it doesn't matter what others say, it's not their business to criticize his every step
➼ when occasions like that occur, you are always the first one defending him, shutting everyone who dares to question him off and afterwards making sure that he's okay, letting him sleep in your arms once more, singing him to sleep and running your fingers through his soft hair
➼ at some point he talks to rhaenyra about how glad he is to have you in his life because you are such a big, supportive person in his life and she's so happy to hear this from him
➼ overall he's just very happy to have you be his biggest supporter and defender
➼ he's wary of you at first because he has a hard time trusting strangers
➼ mostly ignores you and just doesn't talk to you
➼ you understand why, you're a stranger to him after all and just because you married his mother and stepfather doesn't mean he has to get along with you so you accept it
➼ it still makes you feel bad, to see that he does not wish to even look in your direction at any time
➼ rhaenyra and daemon notice that it makes you sad even though you refuse to tell or show them
➼ they attempt to speak to luke about it but you are insisting that he should make up his own mind and leave him be
➼ over the weeks after your wedding, luke sees how his brother opens up to you and gets closer to you
➼ he sees how gentle you are with him, always ruffling his hair and giving him a hug when he needs it
➼ and little luke wants that too but he's bad at asking for affection
➼ so he just watches your interactions with jace with veiled jealousy and anger at himself for wanting your affection too
➼ at some point you're sitting on one of the cliffs surrounding the castle when you hear a familiar screech behind you
➼ you turn around to see arrax looking at you curiously, the small dragon almost seeming like he was studying you
➼ you had long gotten used to dragons freely roaming around your new home but you had never seen one approach you like this
➼ the dragon comes closer but you're not scared, instead you slowly reach your hand out to touch the dragon and he seems to like the way you proceed to pet him
➼ he likes it so much that he lays his head in your lap and you giggle at how sweet of a creature he is
➼ some time later you hear two voices shouting for arrax and you recognize them to be daemon and luke
➼ you wave and call out to them and they come towards you, both suprised to see arrax with you
➼ daemon grins at how happy arrax is to sleep on your lap and he's proud of how well you interact with the dragons despite not being a targaryen or velaryon. he brushes his hands over the top of your head and gives you a small kiss on your forehead
➼ "it seems that arrax found a new spot to sleep. i don't blame him, i would do the same."
➼ you playfully slap his leg but smile all the same, then direct your attention to luke who's staring at you and at arrax
➼ you stop petting the small dragon and he lazily lifts his head at that seemingly demanding more petting
➼ "you slept long enough now, your rider needs you. come on, up with you arrax."
➼ he's very reluctant to give up his cozy spot but gets up all the same, trotting towards luke as if he was half asleep
➼ you get up as well and brush the dirt off of your dress when you suddenly feel two arms wrap around your torso and a face bury itself in your stomach
➼ "i just wanted to hug you too."
➼ your heart does a weird little thing that you proceed to ignore but you hug him back all the same, one hand softly caressing his back and the other going through his dark locks
➼ after that, luke begins talking to you and spends all the spare time he has with you
➼ he is often found on the beach with you where he shows you the cool tricks arrax has learned
➼ so. many. hugs.
➼ like this boy is clinging to you so much, he just loves the way how warm it feels to be held by you
➼ he starts to be very defensive and protective of you even though he is a tiny boy
➼ but tiny boy will love and protect you forever
➼ rhaenyra loves to watch you interact with him because it's the same way he's with her and it makes her see that he sees you as a mother too
➼ you give him lots of kisses on his forehead and he gives you kisses on your cheeks because he loves to see how you smile when he does
➼ he's the sunshine and you're the sunshine protector from that meme. just very wholesome and sweet after a rocky start
➼ now joffrey has no idea who you are but when his mother tells him that you are his mother too he doesn't question it for a single second
➼ like he doesn't even care about questioning who you are because he's still so young and when he sees rhaenyra kiss you he's automatically like alright thats new mom!
➼ he comes to you and just sits on your lap like it's the most natural thing and demands cuddles whenever he wants to
➼ because of this he was the first one to treat you like his mother out of the children and it certainly gave you good prep for how you would treat the other kids
➼ joffrey often had nightmares, sometimes feeling too scared to sleep on his own so he would come to you when that was the case
➼ most of the time you slept inbetween rhaenyra and daemon because, according to them, you were their most precious prize to protect
➼ so joffrey often trampled all over daemon to sleep in your arms and you laugh when he shows you the bruises he has the next day
➼ joffrey spends a lot of time with maesters for his studies and whenever there's something he doesn't understand, he waits until the lesson is over and asks you about it instead of the maester
➼ because according to him you are so much smarter than him and know everything so well!
➼ you tell him not to say that to the maester and help him study
➼ he likes it when you read him a story to help him sleep, especially the ones from aegon's conquest
➼ he's a very bright, sweet little boy but he can be very mischievous
➼ hides from you when it's time to go to bed because he doesn't want to sleep
➼ i'm a prince, i can choose when i sleep!"
➼ "and i'm your mother so i choose when my little boy should sleep so he's not tired all day tomorrow!"
➼ when he warns you to not want to sleep at his bed time, you take him to your chambers and have him cuddle with you on his lap and sing him to sleep because that's a guaranteed way of settling him
➼ rhaenyra and daemon often times come in to retire for the night as well at that time and see you holding him as if he had always been yours
➼ it often makes your wife teary eyed to see you love her sons the way you do and she knows that she will never regret her decision of bringing you into their marriage
➼ and after you put joffrey to bed in his own room, your husband and wife show you how eager they are to have even more children, especially yours
➼ now here comes your biggest challenge; daemon's kids
➼ it's different to interact with them than with rhaenyra's children because she was the one who had always loved you and wanted to be with you and marry you in any shape or form she could
➼ and daemon... just didn't love you the way rhaenyra did because he didn't know you, that's just how it was
➼ you know that that's why his children are keeping their distance from you and... it stung. you didn't want to admit it, told yourself it was fine if you only had rhaenyra's children to love but that wasn't true
➼ besides that, rhaenyra's children were all boys so you wanted to take care of the girls too, if you could
➼ of course this all changed after you got engaged and married and now daemon would gladly take a million swords to the heart just for you to be safe
➼ baela however did not know how to feel about you
➼ losing her own mother was very hard for her since she was so close with her but over the years, she had learned to live with the pain, just as she learned to live with rhaenyra as a mother to her
➼ but bringing in another person... she only hoped her father was doing the right thing
➼ she didn't speak much with you but she was still friendly to you
➼ she saw how your relationship with daemon developed and how he grew to love you but she still had her doubts
➼ one evening she talked to her father about this
➼ "i know that you only married her for rhaenyra which is a big risk... what if you had despised her? you would have been trapped in a loveless marriage for the rest of your life."
➼ "but i'm not. i do love her, with all my heart, i belong with her just as much as i belong with rhaenyra. she is a very sweet girl and she makes me a better man... and when i have children with her, they will be your siblings by blood. at some point you should start to get along with her."
➼ baela acknowledges the honesty that her father was showing and decides to be at least a bit more open to the idea of welcoming you to her family
➼ just a few days after their conversation, she's walking through the halls of the castle to go outside for some fresh air when she hears sobbing and crying from a nearby room
➼ she follows the sound and it leads her to the cracked door of her father's, rhaenyra's and your chambers
➼ she doesn't see much through the small crack of the door but there's a mirror right in her line of sight and through that she sees you sitting on the bed with a piece of paper in your hands, crying and sobbing all alone
➼ this is your chance, baela thinks and softly knock on the door as she opens it a bit weider to peek her head in
➼ she sees you wipe your cheeks from your tears as you hear someone entering and try to compose yourself as you turn around to face her, a suprised look on your face as you see who came in
➼ "i didn't want to disturb you but i also didn't want you to be alone when you're clearly not feeling well.. may i ask what happened?"
➼ "oh no, don't worry yourself baela, i'm fine, i just... wasn't feeling well but i'm all better, don't worry about it."
➼ baela clearly sees that you're lying and now fully enters the room, closing the door behind her
➼ "i know i have not been the best at welcoming you or being kind to you but... i want to now. please tell me what has happened and let me comfort you because you are clearly not well."
➼ you let her words sink in and sigh deeply after a few seconds, casting your head downwards and looking at the letter in your hands
➼ "this... this letter just came... it's from my father. he found out that i married daemon and rhaenyra and he's anything but not happy about it. he calls me a whore and tells me that i'm the laughing stock of westeros and that i will never be respected or welcomed back to my family. but i don't care about any of that... he called rhaenyra a whore too! and daemon a fool for marrying someone as stupid as me, how dare he insult them!"
➼ you break out in tears once more in anger and sadness and baela is quick to come to you and hug you closely, all her doubts about you flying out of the window
➼ because she sees that you're not affected by your own father calling you names and instead are angry at your father insulting your partners and she realizes then that you love her father very deeply
➼ you cry in her arms and think of how stupid you must seem to her but she only shushes you, hugging you closely and telling you that your father is an imbecile and a prick
➼ you laugh slightly and agree with her and think it's curious that she was so quick to comfort you
➼ you ask her not to tell her father and rhaenyra about this because they would have your father's head rolling in mere seconds just for making you cry
➼ not that you care wether he's dead or not but it would only get them into trouble and you obviously don't want that
➼ from that day on you and baela become good friends
➼ you're often seen taking walks along the castle and the beach and talk about the newest gossip of westeros together
➼ you often play with each other's hair, giving each other silly hairstyles and telling each other secrets
➼ with her, it feels like you are carefree and she reminds you of your relationship with one of your sisters when you were younger
➼ after it is announced that she is betrothed to jace, you're the one she comes to to ask for advice for when she would inevitably be married to him
➼ because she surely can not talk about this with her father and rhaenyra is the boy's mother so that would be awkward
➼ you are jace's mother too in a way but you would not be in a conflict about a conversation like this like rhaenyra would be
➼ "i'm not scared of the wedding night but... what is it like? does it hurt? what if he's rough with me?"
➼ "jace is a respectful and good man, he will be as gentle with you as any man ever could be and i will talk about it with him too before the wedding, don't you worry about it. if he does it right and takes care of you, which i know he will, it will feel good for you too."
➼ she's very thankful to have someone like you in her life, she only ever had her sister as a friend but rhaena was a little too innocent to talk about these things with
➼ she's not big on skinship but she demands one of your famous, world healing hugs every now and then and it reminds her that she has a friend, a sister and a mother in you
➼ baela always admires how much you take care of all the children and it makes her happy to have you in the family
➼ rhaena is totally a daddy's girl so when she sees daemon loving and trusting you, she does the same
➼ she's a quiet girl, often occupied with reading her books on dragons and her family's history
➼ she doesn't seek vou out much because she sees how occupied you are with the other children
➼ but when she sees you reading a book by yourself, she joins you and asks if you can read to her, which you are only happy to
➼ rhaena is often hard to read because of her quietness and she's still young so she's often unsure about her place in this very big family
➼ she feels overlooked often times because she is, in a way, a second daughter, otherwise she would not be marrying luke
➼ she doesn't mind it though, he's a sweet boy and is always kind to her
➼ but the attention that she sometimes doesn't feel she gets from her father or rhaenyra, she gets from you
➼ you often ask her how she's feeling and if she has anything on her mind and she opens up to you about it and you already had your suspicions about her feeling neglected, which she confirms to you
➼ you make sure to seek her out as much as you can when the other children aren't demanding your attention
➼ and when you simply sit next to her, read with her and sometimes study with her, you already make her endlessly happy
➼ daemon often catches you reading with her and sees the loving gaze in your eyes as you look at his daughter, his heart bursting with pride at how sweetly you treat them
➼ overall, rhaena likes your calm presence is happy to have someone who will always be there for her and understand her
➼ since these two are the only babies at the moment, you spend a lot of your time with them
➼ you send the nurses away when you're there because you don't want the children to grow up thinking that their own parents never wanted to take care of them
➼ you know that that's not really common and that most noble women never learn to be mothers but considering that rhaenyra is often busy, you take it upon yourself to give the young little princes the kind of attention that only a mother could give
➼ as mentioned before, aegon is very taken with you
➼ he often cries when you go away, even if it's just to take a toy from the chest to give to him
➼ he's just the cutest little thing, always babbling about and giving all his toys to his brother who happily plays with them
➼ he doesn't care for the toys anyway when you're there, he just wants you to put him in his lap and give him tickles that make him laugh so sweetly
➼ he often plays with your necklace when you hold him up and always inspects it closely when it's one that he hasn't seen you wear yet
➼ he often tries to chew on them as well but you always make this cute face where you look like you'll cry when he brings it to his mouth and he immediately drops it, attempting to pat your cheeks so you wouldn't cry
➼ you love aegon very much but of course, you take care of visery too
➼ he always wants to show you his toys and makes you play whatever imaginary game he's thinking of
➼ he also loves to play with your hair and often proceeds to put it in his mouth because it's so pretty
➼ and then he coughs it out because it's hair!
➼ when they find the time, rhaenyra and daemon come to the nursery and sit and watch you play with the babies and it makes their heart ache
➼ to see you so lively and happy to play with the babies that weren't your own is just very special to them
➼ they admire you for how hard you work as a mother of seven children and are so happy to have brought you into their lives because you make them and the kids so endlessly happy
➼ and they can't wait to see you pregnant and have your own children too so they can spoil them rotten and love them just as much as they love you
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I wanna get close to you, you are my dream come true
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Aemond Targaryen x f! reader
Summary: Aemond Targaryen wasn't exactly what many considered to be an eligible bachelor, handsome yes, but still terrifying and slightly insane. That matters little to you though, from the moment you see him for the first time Aemond is all that you want, even if he wasn't so receptive.
Genre: fluff, reader needs to get a hobby that isn't related to Aemond
Word count: idk wrote this on my phone cause I’m camping
A/N: rushed ending, unedited
From the moment you had laid eyes on Aemond Targaryen you knew there would never be another. It wasn't quite love at first sight, you weren't so naive as to think his personality was guaranteed to be as pretty as his face, but it might have been something close.
Silently you cursed the gods for having to take Laena away in order for you to meet the boy. You cursed them even harder in the aftermath of a grieving children's squabble turned deadly. Especially after your first, and what you feared would be your last conversation with him. He had been adorably shy, evidently not used to the attention, cheeks flushing the prettiest pink. You had beamed at the boy, trading quips back and forth in Valyrian at your behest and patiently corrected any mispronunciation. You screamed and raged at the gods for their cruelty, condemning you to long for a boy that would eternally associate you with one of the people that had cost him an eye.
As you bid him farewell, there had been a guarded hostility in his eye and your heart shattered for the young boy. Determination had flooded your veins, giving you the courage to quickly lean in and gently kiss the skin under his newly lost eye. A laugh of delight escaped as you witnessed his skin flush that pretty pink again. Looking back on it, that had been when you'd decided to fully dedicate yourself to making Aemond yours.
Your efforts were, however, continuously thwarted by your presence on Driftmark. As Baela's lady-in-waiting you had stayed by her side when her sister and father returned to Dragonstone, which in turn of course thwarted any plans to see Aemond. You had no reason to visit King's Landing and he certainly had no business that would send him to the Velaryon's.
You were nothing if not determined though, and spent many an hour writing to the boy you were determined to court. He never responds, that did nothing to deter you. Not even when two months after your initial letter he sends you a single word. Stop. His irritation only fuelling your fervour, because if he was telling you to stop then surely he'd read your previous letters.
You had even taken to writing his parents, at the subtle but amused behest of Princess Rhaenys. King Viserys seemed delighted at the prospect, entertaining your responses in a way that slightly saddened you. Even the king was lonely it seemed.
Queen Alicent had been slightly more hesitant, though your persistent nature paired with her innate longing for a close relationship with a daughter slowly won her over.
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His family has gone insane. That's the only possible explanation Aemond can muster up for the sudden madness that has overtaken them. His head is still reeling from the conversation he had with his father. A conversation the man had called him for, a conversation surrounding you. The insufferable girl that simply would not leave him be, pestering him with letter after letter even when he demanded you stop.
Even his own mother and sister have apparently fallen prey to your cunning deceptions. It's like the gods have cursed him, his every waking thought and conversation somehow circles back to you.
He firmly pushes down the small voice, that sounds alarmingly like Aegon, whispering that he simply didn't have to read her letters. Nor does he let himself admit they have slowly become the highlight of his days. This is what he tells himself as he finally replies, he's only doing so because his parents ordered him, there is no other reason.
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Over the next six years you see Aemond twice, the moments are fleeting and not nearly enough, but you fall in love a little bit more all the same.
The third time you see him is a grim affair, one that ends with blood splattering against your face and the floor as Vaemond Velaryon is struck down by a wroth-filled Daemon. Your eyes gravitate towards Aemond, only to be struck slightly giddy as you realise he is already looking your way. There is something distinctly heavy in his gaze that forces your breath to catch in your throat as your fingers clench against your skirts. Unfortunately, Baela has come to know you better than you know yourself and drags you away to get clean before you can even take a step towards him.
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From the moment you enter the throne room Aemond is unable to tear his eye away from your form. Your face is pulled into a tight scowl making your displeasure at Vaemond Velaryon well known to all. Even so, Aemond’s heart lurches against his chest painfully as if attempting to reach your side itself. To wax lyrical on the beauty you have become, to demand you return his mind to him.
Six years have passed slowly, but even though he has only made your acquaintance in person three times his mind is made up. He is going to marry you.
You who had been an annoying thorn in his side with your insistent letters. The girl, the woman that had refused to give up even when he had been less than amicable. The girl that had never shied away, had accepted him as he was physically and emotionally.
Six years have passed of back and forth letters, and somewhere along the way he has fallen in love. If asked he wouldn’t be able to say for sure when it had happened. Maybe it had been when you’d refused to give up, sending him book recommendations and silly anecdotes of your day. Perhaps it had been when you’d first opened up about your feeling of inadequacy as lady Laena’s friend. Though, deep down he knows that it had been from the moment you’d pressed you lips against the skin of his cheek. The soft sensation later causing tears to spring to his eye at the care you had taken. The lack of disgust you had shown for his newly hideous and disfigured face.
He thinks his soul knows yours better than his own at this point. Though as he watches you stand tall even as your skin is covered in scarlet liquid he knows that it cannot possibly be a bad thing.
Watching your back as Baela pulls you away he waits until you are completely out of sight before his own feet start to move. He couldn’t care less if his father needed to rest, an audience was needed before supper.
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You aren’t entirely sure why you’ve been invited to the family feast but Princess Rhaenyra had insisted, a wicked gleam in her eyes. You had entered the room on Baela’s arm, dressed in one of the most magnificent gowns you’d ever seen, only to be immediately seated next to the prince that had held your affections for years.
Had this been any other occasion you likely would have been vibrating in excitement but there is a certain tension in the air that causes your muscles to clench. However, you quickly realise it isn’t tension from divided factions. In fact, in a miraculous turn of events everyone seemed to be getting along. This observation did not ease your nerves, for along with it came the realisation that you were receiving sideways glances and smirks from most parties.
Just before you can speak up the king is raising a toast and you are forced to attention. It isn’t until halfway through his speech that you realise Aemond has been staring at you intently the entire time. The kings words fade slightly into the background as you become entranced with his features. His gorgeous violet eye has softened considerably and you almost choke on your spit once you realise he is smiling slightly. Smiling at you, a look you had only imagined over the previous years as a response to your letters.
The sound of your name wrenches your attention back to weirdly jubilant king, his glass raised in your direction. Your eyes have widened owlishly as you realise you have no idea what has just happened.
Luckily Baela senses you plight and raises her own glass with a smirk before toasting to your new engagement.
“To the newly betrothed” Jace tacks on, pulling cheers from the tables occupants. Your throat dries as your brain tries to process the last few seconds. Multiple sets of eyes have attached themselves to you as if waiting for a reply you do not have. A weight on your hand has you looking down in time to witness Aemond’s long fingers entwining with your own before he is pressing a kiss to the back of your hand with a smirk.
“To my future wife” he raises his own glass, and that is the last thing you see and hear before the world is suddenly pitching backwards and everything goes dark. Though, even through the haze you swear you feel a lithe arm pulling you close to a warm chest just as you succumb.
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
I’m not team black or green, and I’m also only watching this show for nettles - but I have to say that the only racist comments I see are coming from team black. They are so racist it’s insane.
1. They treat the velaryons like Rhaenyra & her (white) son’s cheer squad . They can’t fathom the velaryons being their own people with their own thoughts and opinions.
2. Their treatment of vaemond. They justify his murder for daring to speak up against their fav. They gaslight anyone who supports vaemond’s right to be angry that his house is being stolen by a white kid and claim that Luke “legally” isn’t a bastard and that we are misogynistic.
3. Their treatment of laena - they either claim that she was Rhaenyra’s lesbian (?) lover or that daemon never cared about her - they refuse to acknowledge that daemon was happily in love with her.
4. Their treatment of nettles.
I’m so done. I’ve just had a conversation with one of those insane stans, and they said that I’m “playing the victim” for pointing out their racism. I’m so sick and tired of hearing that I’m “playing the victim” or that I’m being “over dramatic” for wanting actual black representation and calling out performative activism.
Team Green has its moments(I don’t love how some of them treat Nettles), but Team Black is indeed objectively worse.
I have yet to see any other sub-fanbase go on rants about how there are too many Black people on the show so it’s fine to cut the only in-canon Black character(Nettles), that they are glad the n-word died(Laena), claim that a Black woman’s Afro-hair is dirty(the leaked photo on the beach), calling people monkeys(again Laena), comparing characters to animals(Laena and Nettles), the legally biracial fiasco, denying that there is racism in the books and that their fave is one of the perpetrators, saying that Daemon sleeping with Black women is a detrimental character trait…It’s a mess.
Honestly, most of the viscerally racist stuff that has been said had been geared toward Nettles or Laena(Vaemond’s a close third) because they are perceived as a threat.
Which shows you how f*cked up these people are. They are legitimately willing to resort to racism to attack fictional characters over a fictional ship.
And the kicker is, they don’t see anything wrong with their behavior because: I’m not racist. I have no problem with good Black people(aka the ones who kiss up to my fave), ignore me saying how a white woman (who I hate cause she's a Green 🥦, but she's still white) with less plot development is somehow more relevant than the girl who shows that you are more than the blood in your veins. That's not relevant. You wouldn't like her if she wasn't Black!
Let's not get into the fact that they only like Baela, Rhaena, Corlys, and Alyn because they haven't/don't do anything. The moment we see them have a personality and it’s not solely about worshipping Missy Anne they'll turn on them.
If the show ends Rhaena’s arc marrying a Hightower they'll call her a whore and a traitor. If Baela calls out Missy Anne for not being motherly towards her and her sister they'll call her ungrateful. When Corlys puts his blood first he’ll be treated just like Ser Vaemond. Alyn will be hated not for saving the psychotic white woman(who arrested his father and tried to arrest his brother) in her hour of need.
If what they said about Rhaena taking Nettles’ place actually happened, do you know how upset they'd actually be with Daemon even putting his actual child first before Miss Maegor? She'd become enemy #1. He is not allowed to love anyone more than her.
They also love to defend their deplorable behavior by saying the characters they are attacking are fictional so it doesn’t matter.
B*tch it’s no longer just fictional when you call someone(even if it’s a fictional character) the n-word.
When you are actively trying to take away what little representation we do have and hurling slurs and stereotypes used against Black people in real life for centuries to attack characters you don’t like, you’ve gone past fiction and gone straight into a Klan rally.
There is loads of evidence of their demented behavior. Anyone with a working brain knows they aren’t right in the head and what they are saying is wrong.
Hell, they themselves know what they are saying is f*cked up, which is why they try to gaslight you into believing they are the innocent victims and you've just lost your mind. When that doesn't work and you provide them with the receipts for their bullcrap it’s crickets cause they’ve gone crying in the corner 🦗
They keep crying and bemoaning about Miss Maegor being called a whore. That isn't exactly nice, but you can't flip things around and make yourself look like the injured party when you are a f*cking racist.
For Christ's sake, these people are just all-around hypocrites. Some of them have called Nettles a whore(the worst is yet to come with her) yet they spaz out when you say Miss Maegor and start yelling about misogyny.
They are the same ones who mocked Laena dying(and her son) yet they cry when you call a dragon baby a lizard.
You can't claim that it's all fiction and then start crying when your fave who is also fictional is “attacked.”
There is a good reason she's being “attacked” considering she's an awful character with next to zero redeeming qualities(which is probably why she's attracted the worst fanbase).
You can't claim misogyny and perpetrate it yourself. You can't claim to not be a racist and then overtalk Black women when they call you out on your behavior and then call them crazy for defending themselves. You can't force Black women to overlook your faves racism for the sisterhood and then spit in our faces when we don't. That's not how this works.
I could go on, but I'm going to stop here cause it's pointless. You just have to laugh and bow out cause talking to them is like talking to a brick wall.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Aemond targaryen x targaryen reader: part 11
Aemond felt he was getting closer to Y/n, she no longer had to cover her disgust with smiles instead a natural smile would take over her face as he entered, he was still concerned she would abandon him the second she was able to but he was lovesick at the idea she would be truly his. Y/n had been working hard to make Aemond trust her, she had been held captive for 15 days now, her first ride on Vhagar a few days previously. She had tried to ask about her family but guards reminded her she was with her family, Halaena would speak about her family in her special way which Y/n desired to understand but never could. Aemond would ignore her questions, his face darkening before he would return to smiling down at her lovingly. She had tried to seduce the information from him, wearing her lowest cut dress, bowing deeply and looking up at him with wide eyes. She had seen many Ladies at court do this when speaking to knights and Lords and hoped Aemond would be enticed. However he had looked away, refusing to give into her manipulation, he knew what she wanted to know but did not want her progress with him to waiver at the sound of her mother and siblings. He had said to her she was playing a dangerous game with him, flaunting herself in such a way, taunting him to dishonour her like an animal. 
She knew she was pushing her luck with her plan, but she needed to know and only one person was stupid enough to give her that information. Aegon had tried to catch her by herself any chance he could but the guards his brother chose did not head his warnings as king. He had delayed their wedding to anger Aemond after he had been informed he took her on Vhagar, his mother telling him it was inconsequential to postpone their wedding as Aemond would become dangerous if he didn't get his way. He had only asked for one thing, Y/n, and he would fight and kill anyone his mother and brother wanted, he did not care for Y/n's family and was more than happy to try to attack them whenever he could. 
Alicent had received many ravens from Rhaenyra, declaring she did not care for the crown but wanted to live in peace with her daughter and children, she would not challenge Aegon and give her support in exchange for her daughter. Daemon's ravens has been much more descriptive and violent of what he planned to do with the Green's when he recovered his daughter.  Jacaerys had married Baela at his mother's request to unite the families, gaining more support for her side although Jace had been kept as close as possible due to his anger. He had demanded he be able to fly to red keep, destroy and kill anyone in his way to bring his sister back and restore their family. They had not heard news of a wedding yet and held out hope for their daughter to be safely returned but their unanswered ravens did not give them hope. 
Y/n crept out from her room, having snuck past Aemond although she had been terrified of being caught, now she was out she stuck close to the walls. As she approached the hall she let her cloak fall onto the floor, showing her green dress with a wide shoulder neckline, a black gem sitting on her breasts drawing the eye. This was maybe her worst idea she could have but she needed answers. Aegon sat upon his throne, one of his servants on her knees in front of him, his head thrown back in pleasure opening his eyes to see his Niece standing before him. He moaned loudly holding the poor girl against him whilst keeping eye contact with the younger girl. 
"Leave and clean yourself." He spat at the servant girl throwing her off of him, a smirk coming over his face as he looked upon his niece. Her nerves spiking as he stared openly at her stepping up towards the throne.
"Uncle, i seek you out to have some answers. Please will you grant me peace of mind." She knelt down onto her knee, bowing her head to show submission, staying far enough away he could not touch her. She was disgusted with herself but she could not break anyone else, she had tried with Aemond but his self control was too strong to dishonour her by giving into his crude thoughts. She screwed her eyes shut and reminded herself she needed to know of her family. 
"My beautiful niece, should you not be locked away from prying eyes? I doubt my brother will be pleased at your parading yourself at such a late hour." Breathing out Y/n stood up, her posture perfect as she smiled her sweetest at the now King.
"I wished for a walk to clear my head, and i happened upon you, i do hope i did not interrupt your nightly dalliances." She clasped her hands in front of her to hide her light shaking, she regretted her plan as soon as she had seen him with the poor girl. Her uncle was a deprived man who had no morals towards his family nor people. 
"I would say you being here sped along my dalliances if anything Niece, is there a reason you have come to me for answers? And not your betrothed?" Aegon enjoyed watching her squirm as she fought the disgust at his words, looking up at him with wide eyes she took a small step up towards him. Swallowing the bile in her throat as she spoke to him.
"My King, i request knowledge on my family, i have been here for weeks now and there has been no word of my family. I understand you are at war but i just request to know if my family have been seen." Aegon held out his hand to Y/n, raising his eyebrow when she did not take it.
"Come closer and i will tell you what you wish to know dear Niece, i am not so cruel to keep a beautiful woman wanting." He knew his words caused her deep disgust but could not help but revel in it, she had been the one thing Aemond had restricted from him. Nodding Y/n approached him, slowly placing her hand in his as she was dragged forward, her body bent over the throne, her hands on his shoulder as he relaxed back into the metal. His hand moving upwards to her shoulder, his grip tightening.
"How much does your family mean to you Y/n? How far are you willing to go to know they are safe? How far would you go to save your mother? Your brothers perhaps." Her hands shook as he continued to touch her, his hand now on her hip, caressing her waist as he debated what he wanted most. 
"Unhand my wife right now Aegon!" Aemond's voice echoed through out the throne room, Y/n fell backwards in her haste to turn landing in Aegon's lap, his arms pulling her further onto him. She scrambled to get out his arms, she had thought the simple looks and talking up his ego would have been enough for his lips to let lose she did not expect to be on his lap and staring at Aemond. 
"Aegon, remove your hands before i cut them off." Aegon quickly raised his hands letting Y/n fall off him, she whipped up to get down the steps and try to avoid Aemond. He would never trust her again, would lock her away for good. He lightly grabbed her as she tried to flee, pulling her into him harshly and grabbing her face.
"Are you hurt?" She had no expected to be asked that, nor for him to sound worried about her, she had expected shouting and humiliation. 
"No" she whispered quietly, stunned as he turned them away and walked from the throne room. 
aegon being a gross pervy bastard.
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ophelieverse · 1 year
Babes can you please write an imagine where instead of Aegon iii is Y/n,his older sister,Rhaenyra and Daemon daughter to sit on the throne in the end?Also it can be a Aemond x reader where he puts the crown on her and he’s more than happy to become the Queen consort?
❥Forever may she reign: “little dragon”
Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
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I loved this request,i’ve decided to come back after the holidays with this so i hope y’all like it!💕💕I will make a part 2,cause i got a little carried away,sorry.Reader is a Targaryen so she will have their features,also incest(uncle x niece)if this makes you uncomfortable do not read,age gap and some spoilers.Thanks for requesting and let me know what you think💕
Some children come to the world to change it forever,to leave their name behind in history others are simply born with tragedy in their veins.Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin.Her mother always used to tell her:
«Every time a new Targaryen is born,the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.»but every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness.
Y/n had learned that in life there were things that she was looking for and others that come to look for her.She didn't choose them and she wouldn't want them either,but they came and at that point she was no longer the same.So now there was two solutions:either she run away trying to leave them behind or she would stop and face them.Whichever option she would choose would’ve changed her,whether for better or for worse depends on her,on how she would’ve reacted.
She wasn’t prepared for this,all the hours and days that she had spent studying wouldn’t made up for what she was named to face.It's was all about making a choice,choosing the right thing to do.It seems easy to say that,but,for her it was not at all.It involved taking full responsibility for the consequences generated by every single decision she would’ve made and accepting the risk.
In only three years everything she had knew and held dear to her heart,changed completely.But that’s how’s life was supposed to be wasn’t it?She changed herself and everything changed around her,sometimes faster sometimes more slowly,sometimes more obviously others in a more cautious,careful way, without realizing it.Every change was a kind of little death,she had found herself having to leave something,something that for her had become a reference to look at a future that seemed rosy to her.
In between madness and greatness,Y/n Targaryen was born nine months after the wedding between Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen,heir to the Iron Throne,and Prince Daemon Targaryen,the Rogue Prince,brother of the King.
The young princess was a beautiful girl,with dark purple eyes which looked almost black,and silver hair which was so pale that looked almost white.The gods gifted her with the beauty of a true Targaryen.She was born in King’s Landing,to grant the final wishes of her old grandfather the King,the first day of the Long Summer,giving her the name of “The realm sun”.
While everyone in the Capital were celebrating the birth of her only daughter,Rhaenyra had wrapped her in a dark cloth,keeping her warm and safe to her breast«Your brothers are sons of the realm»she had whispered,eyes foggy with tears and face hurting for the big smile on her lips,«but you,my Y/n,my beautiful daughter,shall be all mine.»words were not enough to express the unconditional love that existed between a mother and a daughter.
A mother’s treasure is her daughter and growing up from the sweet little girl that her mother had,so much,dreamed and wished for,Y/n knew that she was different.She was a bright girl and noticed thing rather quickly,while she had been born with the Valyrian silver hair, her three older brothers all had dark brown locks on their head.While Jacaerys and Lucerys,both betrothed to her older sisters Baela and Rhaena,were named heirs,to the throne and to Driftmark,Y/n was to be someone wife.
She wasn’t born to rule,to wear a crown on her head,to sit on some important chair and to hold an important position.She was born to be her mother’s daughter,the most precious thing that Rhaenyra had and always dreamt of.She had spent her days in the Red Keep,with her family,under the loving care of her mother who seemed to have eyes only for her,and when she wasn’t at the Dragonpit with her dragon Merax,she often found herself walking in the shadows of the throne room.
Her mother was named heir moons ago and after her the throne would’ve had passed to Jacaerys,then his children and so on.Y/n had just to look pretty,to be eloquent and kind to be married to a fine a suitable husband when her age would’ve come.
It was her duty,as the only daughter of the future Queen,she had knew that since she was just a child thanks to her mother tenderness,her father overprotection and for all the hours she had spent in her room with her Septa.She knew that,but he had ruined it all for her.
Aemond,her uncle,her mother younger half brother,a man who was much older than her,was the bane of her existence and the only object of her desires.She had thoughts about him that she couldn't control and he followed them all.Whatever she felt,whatever she wanted he followed her.And in that moment,all the things that she knew about herself disappeared.She acted like another person,yet she felt like she had never been so herself until then.
In the beginning she wasn’t actually in love with him,but she had always felt a kind of tender curiosity towards his dark a mysterious figure.Of his long pale hair,his sharp jaw,the shape of his beautiful,the way he stood there composed and quiet.
Her uncle had always been nothing but kind and tender towards her.In the long summer days he knew how to peal oranges neatly,her favorite fruits,the section came apart cleanly,perfectly in his hands.When Y/n,sitting next to him at the table,tried to peal her own oranges she would tears holes in it.Juice squirts in all directions,leaving her with a pout on her lips and teary eyes.
«Uncle»she would’ve cried«I don’t know how to do it!»
Aemond would’ve then gave her his oranges,completely without the peal,telling her that one day he would teach how to do it alone but she hoped he would never did.In the intimacy of little moments like that,she had soon realized that he was her favorite person.As a child she had always searched for the meaning of it all,the big “Why?”.Her father often told her that there was no big purpose,but that day she had the most delicious orange and kissed Aemond on the cheek for good night,being around him,she thought,was enough purpose for her.
The memory of the public rejection still rankled,even after all these years.Many a night she had watched prince Aemond in the halls,training with the sword and studying history and philosophy.Had any man ever been so beautiful?He was more than a man,though.Just like hers,his blood was the blood of old Valyria,the blood of dragons and gods.
When Y/n was just a little girl,her mother had promised her that she would marry Aemond. She could not have been more than four or five.«Never speak of it,my sweet girl.»her mother had told her,smiling her secret smile that only Y/n ever saw«Not until His Grace agrees to the betrothal.It must remain our secret for now.»And so it had,though once she had drawn a picture of herself flying behind Aemond on a dragon,her arms wrapped tight about his chest.When Jacaerys had discovered it she told him it was Queen Alysanne and King Jaehaerys.
She was seven when she felt it for the first time,the little vibrant spark in her chest,the sweaty hands,watching her prince in the flash again after her family moved from Dragon Stone back to the Red Keep.He was a handsome boy,almost a man with the most elegant demeanor she had ever the pleasure to witness.She had spent all her days in the Dragonpit with him,Y/n was still very young,just a little girl who eager to learn and to be able to fly to suppress Aegon cruel jokes about her not being a true dragon.
Her dragon,Merax,a dark blue female dragon with big horns on her head,was still too young to for the princess to ride her.But that didn’t seem to stop her,to put her desire to be like everyone else in her family.One morning as she tried to sneaking out from the Red Keep,a dark red cloak on her shoulders,a heavy hand was placed on her head.
«Little dragon,don’t go too far.»the beautiful voice of her uncle ringed in her ear,as she stumbled to walk away from his grasp.
«Leave me alone,i’ll go wherever i wish to!»she protested,now in the middle of the city chaos.
«Y/N… Don’t be so childish and come back here.»he called after her again with a sight.
«I don’t-»she tried to say,walking slower and bumping into people.
Aemond was finally able to reach for her,to grab her by her arm and keep her close to his body«Little dragon.I don't like to repeat myself. You stay where I can protect you.»gods be goods,he wouldn’t even imagine what could’ve happened to a child,a princess,in the streets outside the castle if he wasn’t there.
Thinking that she was in trouble and that her uncle was mad at her,Y/n sniffled in his arms«I’m sorry,i just wanted to fly like you.»she had cried out,pressing her hands on her eyes.
He smiled,understanding a little too well the feeling that was causing her such discomfort and,unlike his parents,he really wanted to do something to put a smile back on her little face.
«I’ll take you flying.»Aemond told her,holding her hand trough the crowd«Vhagar can’t wait to see her favorite princess again.»he continued making her giggle.
«She’s been following you everywhere like a lost puppy.»she had heard the same night,the drunken laughing of Aegon,the uncle that she despised the most«It’s seems like you got yourself a wife finally!»he jokes again,stinking of wine and with the cheeks redden by the alcohol.
Aemond didn’t drink that night,he was sitting with his older brother just because his mother forced him to«Are you jealous,brother?»he asked with a low voice.
Aegon almost choked,putting his golden cup on the wooden table«Jealous?She’s an idiot.»he answered,like he wasn’t already making fool of himself by spilling the rest of the wine on his chest.
«Y/n is young,but she is the most intelligent person i’ve ever met.»Aemond correct him,a stern look on his face lit by the candle lights«Unlike you she knows when its to speak or to keep her mouth shut.»he continued.
«That’s mean you are really considering the idea to marry her?»Aegon ignored the offense,too drunk to care,while a servant was fetching him another cup.
Aemond stayed quiet for a bit,she was still a child and he was a grown boy,he was her uncle and he brother had took his eye but«I will if one day they decide to betroth us,fulfill my duty to keep our Valyrian blood pure.»but what made her heart race in her chest with a new exploding sensation was«I’d tear down the whole sky for her,if she asked me.»
When she was eleven she finally understood,the sweaty hands,the heart beating fast,the nervousness in her veins when he was close to her.Her uncle had been away for one of his travels for just three days,flying to Essos,and she missed him dearly.She understood when its hard saying goodbye to that person,even for a short time,when everything seems to revolve around him,all that she could ever think is him.From when she woke up,til that time she was about to sleep,when everything about him feels so good and right,when even the worst days becomes great just cause that person is there.One single smile,melted her heart,one frown,made her heart ache.When even the things she used to hate,instantly becomes her favorites.Her patience becomes longer,times with him,feels time flies so fast,but hours without him feels like months.
«I brought you something.»Aemond had told her,his tongue rolling around each word he spoke in Valyrian.
He only spoke it with her,he had personal offered himself to the Septa,to be his niece teacher and it made her feel special.
«You didn’t need to.»Y/n answered in Valyrian,her cheeks were as red as the beautiful long dress she was wearing and she thanked the gods that no one was around,in the empty and cold halls of the castle,to witness that moment.
Her uncle had came back later in the evening and as soon as she heard the news from her sister Rhaena,she fled from her presence and ran trough the corridors to find him.She wanted to be the first one to greet him and he had the same idea,bumping in each other on the stairs as they tried to be with the other.
Aemond suppressed a laugh in his chest«I know»he said nodding,then switching to the Westerosi language once again.«But this made me think of you.»from his pocket,a shiny necklace was dangling in between his long fingers.
Y/n hand reached in front of her,tracing with her fingers the cold metal«Valyrian steel.»she noticed out loud.
«A little dragon for my little dragon.»Aemond murmured high enough,only for her to hear,addressing her with the nickname he always used to call her.
«It’s beautiful.»she breathed out,her heart was beating fast and a warm sensation was spreading all over her chest,her back and her neck when she noticed the little dragon pendant with red rubies on it.
He smiled,nodding his head,happy to know that she liked his present even though that a small steel dragon was nothing compared on her glowing beauty«Turn around.»he ordered then,moving her long pale hair to the side and placing the necklace on her pure and delicate neck«So that whenever i’m away,you’ll find me right here with you.»he said with a calm voice that put her at ease once again.
Thirteen and new to womanhood,princess Y/n wore a beautiful azure dress with golden embroiderers on it.Long streamers of red and gold and orange silk had been braided in her hair like flames,during her Name Day a tournament was hosted and Aemond,who never cared of these sort of things,attended as a knight,wearing a dark green plate over golden ringmail when he cantered onto the lists.Her two older brothers,Jacaerys and Lucerys,fell before his lance,along with a dozen of the finest jousters of the realm.
Her mother had confided that truth to her before the tourney«You must be especially beautiful,»Rhaenyra had told her,fussing with her dress,«for at the final feast it shall be announced that you and Prince Aemond are betrothed.»in her mother she could hear and feel the desire to bring the family back together as one.
Y/n had been so happy that day,but her laughter died at the tourney end.
By night she was alone with him in the gardens,while he read out loud one his books.When she was in his presence,Y/n had almost drowned in the depths of his sad purple eyes.He has been wounded,she remembered even though she was just a small child when it happened,but she would mend his hurt when they will be wed.Next to Aemond,even her brothers had seemed no more than callow boys.Her uncle was going to be her husband, she had thought,giddy with excitement,and they were going to be very happy together.
There had been no final feast,no toasts to celebrate her betrothal to Aemond.Only cold silences and chilly looks between the Queen and her mother.Later,when the Queen and her son and all her gallant knights had departed,the girl had gone to her mother in tears,not understanding.
«I proposed the match,»Rhaenyra told her,«but your father and Alicent refused to hear of it.»she explained.
Her father,Daemon,would’ve rather die or feed his youngest daughter to his dragon than see her married to one of the Hightower kids.Queen Alicent had the same idea,the thought of her favorite child being promised to what came out from her once best friend and the rogue prince made her sick.
«Dry those tears,my sweet girl.»her mother held her lovingly in her safe embrace.«Have you ever seen a dragon weep?Your father and i will find another man for you,a better man than Aemond.»she reassured her,caressing her back.
Princess Y/n was sixteen now,only sixteen,a child-woman of surpassing loveliness when she had realized that her mother lied.That her father failed her and that Aemond was failing her now.Her parents did not found a better man,they wanted to give her Cregan Stark,son of Lord Rickon Stark and heir of Winterfell.She had never seen him in o person,only heard stories about the young wolf in the north,but that’s was enough for her to know that he couldn’t compare with Aemond in any way.
Y/n wanted to be loved,she was supposed to.She was the most beautiful girl in the whole Westeros,she was kind,intelligent,full of life and brought light whenever she went.But how selfish it was for her to crave someone in that way,like he was hers to love at all.She didn't wanted to go through that awkward phase of getting to know to someone.She just wanted to lay her head on Aemond lap and feel his fingers running through her hair.
«I don’t want to marry some Lord son»Y/n said,she was standing in her father presence,the same touch of fire in her tongue«I want to chose who to be promised to.»she informed him.
«Silly girl.»her father told her the same night he revealed her his plan for her betrothal«You think this is what you want,but you don’t understand how much it will hurt.»shaking his head,refusing to her the name of one of Alicent children coming from her mouth.
For Daemon,his youngest daughter was just a little girl with a stupid crush.But it wasn’t just a crush and it wasn’t even stupid,she knew what she felt for Aemond and it was too big and too important to be called that.
«You married my mother for love.»she remained him,her voice firm and strong.
«Have you ever been in love?»her father asked her suddenly,sitting in his chair in his chambers.
Before Y/n could speak,her father did it for her«Horrible isn't it?It makes you so vulnerable.It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.»Daemon told her,sounding sour.
Not all love is gentle.Sometimes is gritty and dirty and possessive,sometimes is hurtful and rough.Other times it’s not supposed to be soft and carefully at all.Sometimes it feels like teeth,broken glasses and bloody knuckles.
But«I’m willing to pay the price if that mean i can love and be loved by who i want.»she said,swallowing the hard lump in her throat.
Her father scoffed«The problem with you is that you always want to be loved immediately.Cregan Stark will learn how to and you will give him the time to do so.»he firmly said.
Aemond had found her that same night,hidden in the library,sitting at their special place.Gone was the little girl that used to jump in her chair while he read for her,the whining princess whenever she couldn’t pronunce correctly a word in Valyrian.Princess Y/n was a young woman now,gifted by the gods with the most beautiful pair of rosy cheeks,the most bright smile and delicate and soft skin.
He wished he had both of his eyes,full vision to take in all of her beauty.He had witnessed her changing trough the years, “The realm sun”she is ever the beautiful one,as lovely as a flower and more vibrant than the sun.
«Are you enjoying the book i lend you?»his voice was warm and delicate,it surprised her when she felt him coming closer but she didn’t flinch,feeling safe around him.
Y/n was sitting in her chair,her back towards the door,a book in her hands«Not much.»she mumbled out,while her hand supported her head from falling on the table.
Aemond chuckled,taking a sit in front of her«It gets better i promise.»he reassured.
She huffed,only now he noticed,under the candle soft light,the way she was playing with her necklace.How her fingers traced carefully the cold steel,it made him feel warm on the inside and he knew it was wrong.He was her uncle,he was much older than her but even though he was ready to marry her if they had betrothed them,now he couldn’t.
Y/n was promised to Cregan Stark and he was promised to Cassandra Baratheon,the eldest daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon and one of the Four Storms of Storm End.
«I don’t think so.»Y/n said,turning another page«I’m almost at the end and they are still not together.»she informed him,her eyes not leaving her book.
«Sometimes,not matter how much we try,two people can’t just be together.»he admitted,his words were heavy just like the air in his lungs.
She shifted in her chair,her purple eyes were now on him and he felt himself lit on a flame.He was a dragon and dragons doesn’t burn,but she had bewitched him,body and soul,just a look was enough to start a fire in him,a touch to leave him in the ashes of what he was used to be before her.
«Don’t you find it sad?»Y/n was fidgeting with her fingers,her lips trembled a bit.
«What?»he asked,laying on the chair.
«That’s sometimes even love is not enough.»she stated,a melancholy veil covered her beautiful features.
«What its love for you?»he asked then suddenly,his fingers shook with the wish to know.
Y/n remained quiet for a few seconds,her eyes never once faltered away from his.She could fel her own heartbeat ringing in her ears,her throat dry and her lips glued to each other but before she could think,words came out from her mouth:
«Once i read in a history book about a woman who ran to pick up the severed head of her husband in her skirt.»she started to explain,pausing for a moment«When i was little it was too gruesome for me and i couldn’t understand,her husband was a horrible man who killed thousands of innocent people.»she remembered,watching the way her uncle was listening close,she continued«But now that I’m older I think that,yes,i would pick it up too.I have to pick it up,i can’t let it fall to the ground so i would’ve run to catch it with my skirt.»her words were full of tenderness and softness,it made her heart ache.
Aemond looked at her,amused and understanding completely her point of view but he had to ask«And why would you do that?»
«I think in the space that someone create in love,you can say and do anything and i will not abandon you.»she said«Tell me all the worst thing you have done and let me love you anyway.»she didn’t wanted to beg.She knew that Aemond could feel it,her longing,her need for love.She didn’t wanted to beg,but gods,couldn’t he just love her a little?
«What about you?»she asked when he didn’t said anything.
His idea of love was not as deep as hers,it was something simple,something daily that he experienced with her.While he was looking at her,sitting in front of her,he was thinking about back hugs,when someone comes up and hugs some else from behind,taking them by surprise.
The back is considered a weak point in the human body.It's unguarded,vulnerable,and there's a reason that a euphemism for betrayals is being stabbed in the back.
But then he imagined loving someone enough that when she hug him,enveloping him in her arms unawares,starting from the part of his body that is always dangerously exposed,and he was so comforted by the smell of her and the warmth of her and he felt so cherished and experience a sense of security so deep and so immense that even if he was in the world's most massive fortress nothing could make him feel safer than being in the arms of his lover.
«You.»he answered simply,without stuttering,without regret.
Y/n eyes became big like cups of tea,her mouth parted slightly and her cheeks were on fire just like the rest of her«Me?»she sounded surprised,making him winch a little.
«Yes.»he nodded,his voice just a mere whisper as he stood up walking towards her.
But love had always been something heavy for him.Something that he had to carry. However,his soul was so shaken that he never told his love,he never revealed how absolutely that girl,his niece,had taken possession of his soul.
Aemond cupped her cheek,stroking the soft and warm texture of her skin with his fingers.His thumb hovering on her bottom lip,he knew he had no right to touch her,crave her like air,but he did both.And when he put his mouth on hers,he recognized the taste of her,like she’s been made just for him.
«When we are together,life just seems so right..you know?»he breathed against her lips,his eye closed just like hers«Is it the same for you?I hope it is.»he felt her nod aggressively,placing her hands on his and pulling him against her for another kiss.
It started many months ago,a unrequited and secret love story that was destined to end together with the long winter,when both Y/n and Aemond would’ve married to different people.Invisible to everyone else,intimate touches.Touches without a reasons.Simple extensions of his love.He doesn’t think about it. His hand on her back,his lips on her shoulders.Temporary,brief gestures.That´s how he communicates.By these touches only she knew existed.
The first day of the summer,a sunny and warm morning,where the air smelled of flowers and fruits and everything shined under the glowing sun,Y/n held a old vase in her hands.The same vase that Queen Alicent had gifted her mother and that the young princess and her uncle had broken once,stumbling in her room while kissing each other and without noticing where they were going.
«Why do you enjoy walking outside so much?»Aemond asked,he trailed after her,his boots marching on pavement with every step he took.
«It gives me time to think.»Y/n simply stated,on her beautiful face a little smile that reflected the sunlight on her rosy cheeks.
He nodded,keeping his eye on her smaller figure.Memorizing every detail of her,barefoot walking in the nature,of the way her long pale hair bounced in the warm air with every step,the little flowers embroidered on her pink dress,the way her hands were holding the little porcelain vase as if she was afraid to drop it once again.
«And why did you ask me to come with you?»his voice was firm,hiding under his tongue and in his chest,the spark he felt whenever she was close to him,whenever she wanted him to be in her presence.
«My thoughts are much nicer when you are with me.»she shyly admitted,her voice was soft and he almost didn’t heard her,but he noticed the way her shoulder shook and how she tucked her head down.
He laughed under his breath,just the night before she had kissed him and slept peacefully in his arms and now she felt embarrassed about her feelings.
The gardens were beautiful that time of the year,different flowers blossomed on the bushes,little birds chirped in the trees«It’s really a beautiful day.»he lied,he knew exactly why they were outside and what they were going to talk about.
«Everything is different with the sun.»she told him,placing the vase on the ground and starting to pick up some flowers for it.
«It’s warmer.»he sarcastically noticed,making her chuckle.
«And our armors will melt,revealing who we really are.That part of us that we keep in the shadows that search for light.»she quoted one of their favorite books,while holding two daisies and a orange rose in her hand.
«That’s mean that you are going to tell what’s been bothering you all morning?»Aemond said,crossing his arms behind his back and a serious expression on his face.
Y/n swallowed hard,she had breakfast with her mother only a few hours before.They were alone in the terrace,the round table filled with her favorite sweetnesses but she didn’t touched any.She and her mother understand each other but she doesn’t think that they want to.Rhaenyra sorrows and regrets,Y/n dreams and hopes,mirrored eachother like night and day but the mirror is cracked and god she wished she didn't see her mother face staring back from the mirror she tried to see herself.
«Before your father»her mother started with a calm voice«i was married for duty too and it was a happy and loving one.I’m sure that Cregan Stark will be an amazing husband one day.»she tried to reassure her with a loving smile and caressing her arm softly.
«But if you were really happy with Ser Laenor you wouldn’t needed Ser Harwin.»Y/n said,she felt terrible for aiming to that spot but it was the truth.
«Y/n!»her mother immediately scolded,looking around to make sure no one had heard.
The young princess took a deep breath«I apologize.»she said quietly«But loving someone,and being loved means so much to me.I always been like this,but isn’t everything we’re doing in life a way to be loved a little more?»she asked like as if her mother had the right answer.
«For you,it’s not just “loving someone and being loved by someone.»her mother made her noticed,«For you is to love him and being loved by him,trust me i’ve been there and i really wish i could change everything to see you happy.»Rhaenyra sounded like she was about to cry,nothing was more important for her than her daughter happiness«But i can’t,sweet girl,i’ve already tried.Cregan Stark will come here tonight to know you so that by the mid summer you can marry him.»both of their hearts breaking at her words.
Y/n was sitting on the warm grass,remembering her mother heavy words and feeling the tears coming to her eyes again.Of course her mother knew,she had knew her better than anyone else,she had been in her same situations years ago and kept her daughter secret close and dear to her.All the time that she would’ve look at her,sitting beside her younger brother,the lovesick expression on her face,the gleaming light in her eyes,it made her chest hurt to know that in just a little time that would’ve disappeared.
«The problem with me is that i always want to be loved.»she murmured out,keeping her eyes on the ground.
Repeating her father words,out loud and not just in her head like she did all the morning,made her heart ache in her chest and her lips tremble.
Aemond nodded,humming quietly as he took a place next her on the warm grass«Isn’t this what everyone wants?»he asked,not truly understanding his niece words.
She expected too much,from life,from Aemond,from her family,from everyone she knew.It was her curse,to want to be loved just as much as she did and having a sentimental view of life.
«Is it wrong to want to feel loved?»she asked,hugging her knees tightly to her chest as the steams of grass rubbed her bare legs.
«Not at all.»He replied,leaning back nonchalantly
She forced a smile on her lips«Then why does it feel like it is?»
He sighed,pondering the question for a moment before replying.«I think we all believe things that aren’t true to compensate for what we’ve been told to make it more believable.»he told her sincerely,the turned towards her,his gaze softening«It’s never wrong to want to be loved.»
She looked at him for a moment,a small smile spreading across her face.«I wish you were always this nice»she laughed quietly.
His gaze fell downwards as a smirk made its way to his mouth.«Only for you.»
And it was,all his comforting words,all the small gesture,the act of affirmation,the sweet way of making sure that she was always alright and safe in the room.All his heart was her.For him princess Y/n was a different matter.Aemond spent long hours in her company,enthralling her with tales of his journeys and reading for her.He gave her pearls and silks and books and a jade tiara said once to have belonged to the places he had visited,read poems to her,dined with her,hawked with her,sailed with her,entertained her by making mock of his brother drunken demeanor.He praised her beauty,declaring her to be the fairest maid in all the Seven Kingdoms.Uncle and niece began to fly together almost daily,racing Merax against Vhagar to Dragonstone and back.
He held her secretly,possessively,in his heart with such a strength of passion that at times it was hard to believe that she was a separate person with other concerns who will never knew about how he really felt.He had a secret in his heart that beats with her name and that agitation turns on his tongue like a thousand swallows eager for flight when laid his eye upon her. 
«Cregan Stark will come here today»she said suddenly,just like an harsh slap on his face,he jolted at her words.
«The flowers are for him?»was the only thing he managed to say,all the other words were stuck in his throat and burning his lips.
Y/n nodded,playing with the petal of a daisy«Father said i had look happy to meet him.»but her expression and her voice were far from it.
«Forgive me,princess,but you are not doing a great job.»he tried to sound like s jester,to crack a joke to light up her mood and to cancel the little pout on her pretty lips.
Y/n didn’t smiled,shaking her head«I know this is my duty.»everyone kept repeating that«but i’d rather serve the realm as a knight with a sword that marry someone that i don’t even know.»she said,keeping her eyes on the ground.
«I’ve trained you well enough»Aemond though out loud,a spark of pride in him«You can easily win a fight with a wooden sword.»he continued with a small smile.
This time she did it too,her perfectly white teeth shined under the sunlight remembering all the evenings that she had spent training with him in secret«I wish i could create a new order of things.My mother tried,but if i was to be the-»
Y/n stopped herself,her lips still parted,the next big word just on the tip of her tongue,her purple eyes widened at the thought she was about to reveal out loud for the first time.Ever since she was a small child her mother used to held her in her arms,walking in the halls of the castle till the throne room.There the young princess had heard stories,coming from her mother mouth,about all their ancestors.Kings and Queens that ruled Westeros before she was born,great warriors,black brides,death of children,legacies till her.She wasn’t born to be part of it,maybe her names would’ve been remembered to have been the daughter of the first female heir or because she would’ve become the Lady of the North.
She loved her older brother Jacaerys dearly,he was kind,dutifully,generous but sometimes she wished that she was born before him.She knew that like this her mother would’ve named her to inherit the throne after her and…but then Y/n remembered,that maybe it was just supposed to be like this.That was the order of things.
«Wearing a crown is a very lonely thing.»Aemond stated quietly«All thrones come at a cost.»he had the same desire once,hearing the whispers of his grandfather and his mother about his older brother when he,the perfect son,was there.
«Then why don’t we run away?»she asked him,her lips trembled and the tip of her nose was red,her hands caressing his.
Aemond force a smile on his handsome face,his heart hurts,clenching with every word that came out from her mouth«You know why,little dragon.Our parents-»but she didn’t let him finish.
Shaking her head«You are the only one keeping us from getting together.»she told him then,her voice sounded sour and her eyes were gleaming,holding back the little tears.
Y/n didn’t needed him to shout that he loved her to each of the four winds.She preferred the silent whisper voiced within his heart,reflected in his eyes.She didn’t needed to flaunt that she loved him and write it up in the sky;the stars have already granted her wish so she kept it hidden like a treasure within herself.What is held inside the world cannot taint.It is best for them to ignore what is a secret held only between their souls.But what she needed was to be free to love him without feeling guilty,without being afraid of being discovered,free to run to him and kiss him in front of everyone.
«It’s not like I don’t want to but you know-»Aemond tried to make her understand,the situation was bigger than both of them and maybe he shouldn’t moved towards her since the beginning but she had taunted his dreams every night in the last years.
«Don’t.»she shook her head,the flowers in her hands long forgotten on the grass«All those things,those excuses,they'll still be there tomorrow,next week and next year.Stop living in your head.Please.Let’s live.Live for us.For our dreams.Let's live our life.»she pleaded,she sounded ridiculous and pathetic but she didn’t care,that was her only demand.
Ever since he was a child,Aemond was very often full of rage and despair.He was always lonely.In spite of all that he was and is now in love with life.He made up stories and forgot about the cold and the dark.He knew these were ways of surviving,but maybe a refusal,any refusal,to be broken lets in enough light and air to keep believing in the world – the dream of escape.He wished he could catch this opportunity in his hands,to be with the person that he loved.
«I know how you feel,but you should marry him.»he said,his eyes was gleaming«i’ll always be here,you know that.»he reassured.
He tried to reach out for Y/n,to see the look in her eyes or to held her close to him.But she stood up,he saw her cleaning her dress and then her cheeks with the back of her hands,she had cried,he heard the little suffocated sniffing witnessed her shaking shoulders.
«I wish you never kissed me in the library.»she was hurt and he was hurting with her.
«Don’t say that.»he got up too,walking fast after her as she made her way to the fountain.
«Why?You said you know how i felt,well here’s another clue:I wish I never met you!»she choked out,not caring if some of the guards or someone else would’ve heard her.
Aemond grabbed her by the arm,spinning her around to face him again.Her nose was red,just like her watery eyes and a painful frown took place were her bright smile was used to be.It hurt him to see her like that,especially knowing he had caused it.
«Did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?»he asked,raising a brow.
She scoffed,tried to free herself from his iron grip without success«You did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in private.»she reminded him,her cheeks on fire at the thought.
Aemond had put his arms around her,she didn’t fought him this time,letting herself be drowned in his chest as he held her close lulling her to the rhythm of his heart«You know i love you.I’m never going to feel the same way for someone else but sometimes love is not enough.»he had whispered in her hair,a single tear falling from his eye.
That love wasn’t enough she had learned it at her own price.If it was enough to keep a family together,she wouldn’t be who she was now and she surely wouldn’t have to do all the horrible things that kept her up at night.
That day in the gardens was the last time that she saw Aemond and the last time that she seat down at a table with all her family reunited and alive.After her grandfather death,her uncle Aegon was proclaimed king in the Dragonpit,her mother Rhaenyra queen at Dragonstone.All attempts at reconciliation having failed,with the blood of innocent children the Dance of the Dragons actually began.
Y/n had fought nobly,gracefully and with greatness on top of her dragon along her siblings to defend her mother birthright.One by one she had watched all the people that she loved,fall to the ground like flies.After the death of her three older sons,Jace,Luke and Joffrey,the disappearance of her younger one Viserys,in King's Landing,each new betrayal left Queen Rhaenyra increasingly isolated with only her daughter and son,Aegon the Younger,to trust.
Helaena Targaryen,sister,wife and queen of King Aegon II as well as mother of his children,threw herself from a window of Maegor's Keep and died impaled on the iron rams along the surrounding dry moat.She was barely thirty.Queen Helaena had been murdered,it was whispered,and her children before her.Prince Daeron and his dragons would soon arrive at the city gates,and with them the end of Rhaenyra's reign.The elder Queen was hated for it,Queen Helaena was very loved and the people didn’t forget the cruel murder of Prince Jaehaerys by Blood and Cheese,and the terrible death of Prince Maelor.
The throne room was silent,dark and cold,Y/n was wearing her battle armor with her mother banner on it and a black cloak on her shoulders.Her once long hair were cut short and braided to not let them fall in front of her stoic face,her gleaming and loving eyes now distant and filled with all the moments of horrors that she had witnessed and committed.
«There is something that i need to tell you.It might be difficult for you to understand but you must hear it.»her mother was the ghost of what she once was,paler,thinner,her eyes always burning with tears as she spoke quietly.
«What is it,mother?»Y/n asked,her eyes still fixed upon the throne.
Rhaenyra was beside her,not sitting on that old chair anymore«Our histories,they tells us that Aegon the Conqueror looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone and saw a rich land ripe for the capture.»she started to tell like an old fairytale that her father had told her once«But ambition alone is not what drove him and his sisters to conquest.It was a dream.»her mother swallowed,fidgeting with her fingers at each word.
«A dream?»the young princess echoed,she knew that her family was famous for having dreamers.
Her mother nodded quickly,tracing her eyes in the room to make sure that nobody was present to hear them«Just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria,Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men.’Tis to begin with a terrible winter,gusting out of the distant north.»she explained,taking her daughter hands in hers.
«Wh-hat?»Y/n didn’t even known what she wanted to say,stuttering words out as chilly shivers run down her spine.
«Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living.»her mother tried to mask the fear in her quivering voice with a serious expression on her face.
«How…how can we stop it?We are in the middle of a war!Mother,i don’t know-»Y/n brain was melting,in those long and cruel three years of civil war she couldn’t understand nothing anymore.
Rhaenyra shushed her immediately,caressing both of her arms with the same tenderness that she had never lost«When this Great Winter comes,Y/n,all of Westeros must stand against it.»she said,looking straight in her daughter eyes«And for the world of men to survive a Targaryen must seat on the Iron Throne.A King or a Queen,strong enough to reunite the realm against the cold and the dark.»revealing to her the secret the her own father had told her many years ago.
«Do you believe it?»Y/n asked her,letting go of her mother embrace to turn and look at throne once again.
«Of course i do and i’m telling you this,this secret passed down from Kings to heirs,because-»Rhaenyra words fell to deaf ears.
«You want me to your heir»Y/n breathed out in disbelief«You want to put this heavy burden on me.»she should’ve expected it,now that her older brothers were gone forever,she was the first in the line in her mother succession.
Even though Rhaenyra loved her daughter more than anything,only few months ago she started to see the woman she had become,the great “She Dragon”that fought in the war and every songs chanted about.She wished she could shield her for this truth,this life that she had found herself in but in times like that,the luxury of well being was something they couldn’t afford.
«Yes»her mother simply said,little tears forming in the corner of her eyes«You must promise me that you will carry it and protect it»she pleaded,but still holding the elegant demeanor of a true queen.
How can things change so fast?Not only three years ago she was supposed to be married off to the north,now,at nineteen,half daughter and half warrior,she was named heir to the throne.The sadness that was climbing through her,from her feet to the back of her neck,wasn’t only hers.It must been her mothers too,a sour farewell untold between the two of them.
Her mother always said sadness is meant to be felt,just as happiness is meant to be endured. She told her to inhale everything around her,every feeling like food to the hungry,every experience like she’s been starved for it all her life.It was her choice to make and she had to make the right one.
Swallowing the lump in her throat,Y/n reached out with shaky fingers,for her mother hand«I promise.»she firmly said.
Rhaenyra forced a smile on her face,enveloping her daughter in her arms,holding her close to her one last time«Take your brother and all the money you’ve found and go to find some peace.»she choked a silent sob in her hair.
Y/n shook her head,burning her face in her mother shoulder like she used to do when she was little and afraid of thunderstorms«I won’t have peace,i will be worried about you all the time.»she cried.
Her mother laughed through the tears«That’s just love.There’s nothing you can do about that.I’ve never loved anything the way i love you and i’ve never fretted on anything more.But this time…you can’t stay and i can’t go.Tell me you understand.»she whispered before kissing the side of her head lovingly.
«I don’t.»the young princess sobbed,clinging to her mother warmth.
«You will,trust me.»she reassured her.
That same night King's Landing rose up.
The bloody revolt began in the alleys and meanders of the Flea Bottom,where hundreds of men and women poured out of taverns, hovels and taverns.They were angry,drunk and scared.From the slums,insurgents swept through the city,calling for justice for the dead princes and their murdered mother Helaena.Wagons and carts were overturned, shops looted,homes looted and set on fire.
Y/n had fled the Capital with her younger brother Aegon,riding Merax,a dragon three times bigger and twice as faster than Syrax,that late evening to land in the Vale to their older sister Rhaena and Lady Jeyne Arryn who gave them refuge and protection.
The news of her mother death,burned and eaten alive by Sunfyre,her uncle dragon,came two weeks after.A month later,the real was now also mourning the death of King Aegon the Usurper,founded dead by his own mother,poisoned by the hand of his own brother.
The burden that her mother had placed upon her shoulders was a heavy one,especially since she had to be strong for her little brother.Every night Aegon,only nine years old,when she would’ve laid next to him in bed had asked her when their parents would come home.Y/n didn’t deserve know how does it feel to feel older before her time,wanting to say so many things and in the end never saying anything.To see things that others don't see,feeling alone in a room full of people she did't care about in a home that wasn’t hers.She didn’t deserves to know what that means admit what scared her without ever accepting it,hearing the voices of those next to her who told her how sorry they were and not listening to anything.Getting lost in her own life that is now filled with the ghosts of the people she once loved deeply.
She just have to accept that some people may be a part of her heart,but not her life.As time goes on,she’ll understand.What lasts,lasts;what doesn’t,doesn’t.Time solves most things.And what time can’t solve,she have to solve it herself and go through this life like they were all still there.
But right now she just wanted someone to come to het and embrace her into their warmth and say:«You did great,everything will be better soon.»and almost like a prayer,it happened.
Aemond came back for her one morning,in the beginning of another winter were the sky was dark and the air was cold.He was different,but at the same time it was still the person she had devoted her love to.When he came down from his horse,Y/n had excused herself from the company of her sister and Lady Arryn,reassuring both of them,and walking outside to him.Why had she pursued him?She had nothing to tell him.To have seen him was enough.He was a sign,a portent,a miracle.
He seemed taller,wrapped in a dark coat and leather pants.She noticed that he had difficulty to walk straight,his left leg seemed to pain him with every step he took.His pale hair were shorter and his sapphire eye free under the morning light.He was a bison,still the most beautiful man in the world.
«It’s you.»she breathed out,her lips trembled and her eyes started to get blurred.
«It’s me.»he nodded,his heart was beating so fast in his chest that he almost couldn’t breath.
From the base of her neck,the curve of waist,to the arch of her eyelashes her beauty made him a slave.Beauty slips inside her soul with every smile on her face,beauty must cram inside her heart cause she have a heart of gold,never fake,she have a touch of grace,and he had missed her with every breath he took.
«What are you doing here?»she sounded and looked like she was about to burst in tears,her body itching to be close to his.
«Come home with me.»he said,his voice was still velvety like she remembered.
The air was cold but in his presence she felt something lit up«Why would I do that?»she tried to sound convincing,when all the she wanted was to feel a familiar touch.
«We need someone to guide us,every one is chanting for the “She Dragon”to come back home.»he revealed,walking beside her in the Vale like they used to do in gardens on the Red Keep.
Y/n nodded,her lips forming a line«I will come home,because is my birthright.»she informed him«Even if i thought that by now you would’ve have the crown on your head.»her words were as harsh as the cold wind.
«You think that i would stole your birthright,little dragon?»he seemed hurt,but she had all the right to think so.
It had already happened and it was about to happen again.The Small Council was reunited that day,two Targaryens,a princess daughter of the Black Queen and a prince,brother of the Green King,were left to rule the real.And meanwhile Lord Corlys Velaryon and Cregan Stark demanded and supported Y/n claim,his mother and Tyland Lannister were suggesting to pass the throne to Aemond.
They even suggested a marrige,but Aemond refused to be wed to her only to share the crown.It belonged to her and he didn’t even wanted a touch of it,only her.It would have suited him to be anything,anything she needed to just be in her presence,by her side again.
«Tell me the truth.»she demanded,standing tall on the ground.
Aemond entire body shivered,his dark coat was shielding him from the wind but from the painful expression on his lover face«Some truths are hard to hear.Aegon was not a bad King,not a very good one but not a bad one either.He fought his own war,he was chivalrous,brave,he spared my life,and the lives of many others.»he talked quietly,his hands behind his back,swallowing every word.
Hearing him talking about his brother,the Usurper who killed her mother made her sick but she had let me carry on«Your mother lost herself in the way,her birthright was taken from her,many betrayed her and the safety of her children came first.I believe that she could’ve have made a good and diligent Queen,if things went differently.»Aemond confessed,looking at her filled with sorrow.
Y/n nodded immediately,her nose was burning like her throat,it was difficult to breathe when she just wanted to cry«She would have been,if your mother didn’t betrayed their friendship.»her voice cold and distant.
«For love»he said«we don’t always do the right thing.»it was clear,all over his handsome face,the painful look of regret.
«That’s why you poisoned you brother?»she asked,her chin was trembling just like her hands from the chilly weather.
Aemond went stiff for a second,this was certainly something he wasn’t proud of,something that will haunt him forever till the day of his death.He still remembered the way his brother genuinely smiled at him after he passed him the golden cup,the blood coming out from his mouth after he drank the wine and his mother heartbreaking screams.
«I did for us.»he answered,without thinking,speaking directly from his heart.
He knew Aegon plans after the war,to marry Rhaenyra daughter and make her life a living hell on earth.He couldn’t let his brother do that,not to his sweet Y/n that he loved more than anything.
«Because you want to be the King?»she suppressed a sour laugh,wiping her left cheek with her fingers where hot tears started to fall down.
«Because i want to be your husband.»he had said it with such a sincerity,that made her head spin.«I don’t want anything else.I want you»he whispered,his love for her shining in his eye.
Y/n had dreamed about hearing these words all her life,to have him proclaim his love for her and how could she become a stranger with someone who saw her soul.Aemond had poisoned her too,he made her weak for him. Not all poisons have an antidote.Some sneak into your soul,stun you with their smell,and have the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen.And there is no cure for them.None.
«It is my crown you lust over-»she had to make sure,he was asking her to choose if she still wanted him after all these years.
«No!»he immediately said,his voice echoing in the Vale«I’m just a man who poisoned his own brother to put an end at this war.It would take me years before i will be able to forgive myself and see me fit to rule.But,forgive me,my Queen,»hearing him calling her that made her belly tickle«you asked for truth,even as a child,you seemed more fit to sit upon the Iron Throne in ways that none of us ever did.»he took a step closer,now he was standing only a few inches away.
«You are saying-»Y/n started with a steady tone.
«That i don’t want the crown.»Aemond interrupted her«I want the person who will wear it on her head.»his hot breath was sending shivers down her neck,his sapphire never shined so bright.
Even after all these years apart,she couldn’t help but missed him.All in him for her was home,from his calmness,his never seen purple and sapphire eyes,the little frown on his forehead,their love for book,their chats.They were both horrible people forced to do horrible things,they killed people that the other cared about and stand in two different positions during the war.But now the war was over,the realm needed peace and someone to bring it.What piece of her heart would she choose?She can only live with one,because the other then inevitably dies.Which piece would she choose?She would have chosen him.
That is what love was,tell me all the horrible things you did and let me love you anyway.Unwrap the worst thing you have done,watch me hold them up to the light and never flinch.
Aemond opened his arms for her and she curled against him.He held her close and kissed her hair.She could feel his warmth.He loved her. He loved her a little too much.A love too calculated.Too thoughtful.A love a little too much.An awkward love that was meant to be natural.Like others.As impressive as others. More impressive.Too much.To captivate her.It takes a lot of giving to not be given up.It takes a lot of love.So he loved his little dragon as much as he could.And she felt cared for,safe in his arms and it was all that she ever needed.
«I was on my own…i was all on my own.»Y/n cried for the first time in weeks,in his embrace.
«Not anymore,we are going home together little dragon.»he promised her that.
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legitalicat · 3 months
Out of Time
Chapter 7 - "Letters of Life and Love"
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AN: Sorry for the long wait, lots of stuff going on in the personal. Also I may update the picture now that we have a new hairstyle for Jace lolol
If you love this header go check out zaldritzosrose for more amazing work! She is tagged on the series masterlist and on my welcome post!
Find the series masterlist here!
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Summary: Tales of the past can help shape the future.
TW: blatant talks of past self harm, canon typical incest, Jace being tooth rotteningly sweet, talks of basically everyone being in love with everyone
Relationships: Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Reader, talks of just about every other ship imaginable in this story
Word Count: 3.8k
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Aemond did not take it any further as we flew on Vhaela. He told me it was so that I could focus on flying, since it had been so long. Whether that was the truth, I wasn’t sure but I wasn’t entirely convinced. Yet, I didn’t particularly care.
Soaring through the skies on Vhaela’s back was perfect. The chill in the air stung against the skin of my face. The supple leather of the saddle she wore rubbed against my inner thighs. We passed birds who moved out of the way in perfect time with our approach. Today was the day I was meant to take to the skies.
I truly believed that the gods, whether they be the old or the new, made certain moments perfect. There had just been too many moments in my life that were so good there were no other explanations. This flight on Vhaela, the first time I flew on her, the first time I slept with Aemond, and the night I lost my maidenhead to Jace. How could I expect that much good to come from anything but divine intervention?
Aemond accompanied me the rest of the week so that I may fly, though he did choose to fly on Vhagar. We never went far, never past Felwood to the south or Duskendale to the north. Though in my bones I longed for more. I don’t imagine I would ever fly enough to be satisfied. In the sky I was free. Free from obligation and duty, free from the pains of my soul.
Free from the wretchedness that is Mother preparing me for this feast.
It felt as though I should’ve never agreed to it to begin with. I didn’t want every Lord in the seven kingdoms ogling me once again. Especially if word got out that my betrothal to Jace was no longer official. Men would see me as an opportunity to get close to the throne, maybe even have their children sit it one day. The thought disgusted me.
“Daemon, Rhaena, and Baela have returned from Driftmark. Your sisters are very anxious to see you,” Mother told me as she braided my hair. We were in her chambers, the door being propped open once we were dressed to allow a breeze. Today was warmer than usual.
I watched her reflection in the mirror as she moved. Sometimes I wondered if she thought of me as a doll. That is not to say anything against her parenting or the care she has given me, but it does cross my mind. She took every opportunity to dress me and fix my hair until I was perfect. Or as perfect as I could be.
“Step sisters,” I corrected her.
Rhaena and Baela may view my brothers as theirs but they made sure that I understood I was not their sister. Mother and Daemon always assumed part of it was Baela having a crush on Jace and Rhaena’s loyalty to her twin. I tried to offer to her that she could marry him and become Queen one day, begging with her that I would give anything to be their sister. But it was never about Jace.
Rhaena had been too kind and timid to say it to my face but Baela never had any problems with such. It was all about Vhagar and the role I played in Aemond claiming her. They claimed I showed no loyalty. That we were cousins and I should’ve convinced Aemond to allow Rhaena the chance to claim her first. They never listened to me when I told them he would’ve done it whether I was there or not. And they also never took into account I did not know them at that point. Yes, we were cousins, but they grew up far from King’s Landing. I grew up with Aemond at my side. Was he not owed my loyalty more?
“You are all women grown now,” she told me. “Surely you can move past this.”
“Mother I love the way you love your children, Baela and Rhaena included, but you need to realize a lot of us are far more capable than you think,” I said so firmly her hands took pause. “They are not the victims in anything, not more than I or Aemond. Yes, Rhaena did not have a dragon as a child but neither did Aemond until he claim Vhagar, and I waited longer. Yes, Baela and Rhaena lost their mother as children, but the four of us lost both men who could count as our father and I wasn’t even allowed to mourn. Rhaena and Baela started the fight that night on Driftmark because of their entitlement and Aemond lost his eye. The three of us did not get along during our girlhoods but not because of anything that I could help.”
“Darling,” she whispered. Her hands continued their motions, finishing the intricate braid.
“I offered Baela to take my place, did she ever tell you that? I thought if it was about Jace and her then I could deal with not marrying him so I could have sisters. It was never about that, it was about me telling the truth of Aemond losing his eye,” I told her. Tears started stinging my eyes as I spoke about things I swore I would never admit bothered me.
My entire life I always felt I had to be perfect. The perfect princess who would be the perfect queen. This kept me from having many emotional outbursts. The closest I ever got to crying in front of others was when tears forced themselves into existence as they did now. My pain was my own and I did not need others to experience it.
Jace always called it unhealthy. He said one day I would explode with the years of feelings I kept inside. I had always thought he was full of shit until I began to realize that physically harming myself made the pain in my chest ease. When I made a fist so tightly that my fingernails became so deeply embedded in my palms I started to draw blood, I was concerned at first. Until I realized I felt better. I referred to it as my pressure relief.
It became a growing concern. Jace caught me taking a knife to my thigh once when he had come to question why I was avoiding him. He was appalled at what I was doing. I tried to explain it was nothing bad, that I was merely caring for myself. He did not see it that way. He held me that night late into the night.
That was the night I gave him my maidenhead. I wasn’t sure you could fix someone by loving them hard enough. But gods, that night he tried. Looking back, it was awkward and clumsy, neither of us really knowing what to do. We were fifteen, nowhere near marriage, and Jace had always said I would be his first, so neither of us had any experience or had been taught anything. Though, I would not change anything about it. Thinking about it made me miss him more than I had the entirety of these last few weeks.
“You always stand up for every other child yet you do not stand up for the ones who need it most. I do not know if it is because you think I am strong enough to handle it, but I need you to come to my defense too. Not allow Jace to punish me in the ways he always does whenever I have displeased him. Not assume I can handle Baela and Rhaena isolating me for doing what was right,” I whispered, blinking rapidly to get the tears to go away. “Does Daemon know how close Alicent and you are?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
Her jaw clenched for a split second. If I were not looking for any sign that I may be right, I would miss it. With that simple little movement, I knew that even if she denied it to me, I was right.
But then she eased and smirked at me. “You assume he is not involved?” she asked.
My eyes widened. That was enough asking questions for now.
“Aemond has asked I do not announce that your betrothal to Jacaerys is on pause,” she told me after a few moments of silence. I must have had a confused look on my face because she chuckled and then continued. “He says if other lords know, they will try something idiotic.”
“Smart man, he is,” I whispered. “But they will know something is going on when Jace ignores me as he has done for weeks now.”
“It was not my intention to ignore you, my sun,” Jace’s voice sounded in my ears. I turned to my left and saw him standing in the open door way. “Did nobody tell you? I got pulled away to Dragonstone and have only just returned an hour ago.”
“I think I would know if you had gone to Dragonstone,” Mother said before I had the chance to respond.
The more I thought, the more I believed that Jace had not been here. I had been at breakfast and dinner before anyone else and he had not been there. Whenever I sent someone to get him, they merely said they could not find him. Mother and I were so used to Jace being rather dramatic when his feelings were hurt, so his avoidance of anything to do with me had not come with questions. I was merely used to it.
He sighed rather loudly, an exasperated type of sigh. It sounded like an old man whose grandchildren were irking him and trying to get him to tell him stories of war. Perhaps he had grown.
“Then it is my fault for entrusting Joffrey to tell you both. He was there when I got the letter. I would have told you myself but the matter was urgent,” he said, walking over to us.
Mother had just finished pinning the braid. She had wrapped it around itself on the back of my head. It was a hairstyle her mother did for her before she had died, in fact doing it the morning of her death. She learned to do it and wore her hair this way the day she was named heir. It felt special
When I stood from my seat to face him, I noticed his jaw drop a bit. He looked me up and down many times over. When Alicent brought this dress to me this morning, I was a bit skeptical. It was a very fancy dress made of black silk and decorated with blood red rubies. It had a matching black silk cape that fastened around my neck, leaving only the area just above my cleavage visible. I wore earrings made of silver and a jewel called green tourmaline, a beautiful green with secondary tones of blue. It was, apparently, the closest one could get to a Velaryon House colored stone. I wore black shoes that bared the top of my feet, giving the style of my bed slippers but more durable. The outfit was modest, not showing enough skin to be considered indecent, but yet the fabric clung to my every curve in a way that felt completely indecent.
“You are so beautiful,” he said quietly.
“I feel a bit like a ham stuffed in a stocking,” I whispered, biting her lip.
“You are not a ham,” he said before offering a smile.
He was in a rather lovely outfit himself. His shirt was made of matching black silk, though it did not cling to him in such a way. It was fitted, giving him shape but hiding the further intricacies of his body. He was wearing fitted pants as well, making me blush a bit at how amazing his body looked in them.
“So what business did you attend in Dragonstone?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
“Sheepstealer was causing more trouble than usual,” he told the both of us. “As Prince of Dragonstone, the concerns of that island are mine own.”
Before Mother could say anything, I hugged him tightly. “Next time come get me yourself. If I am to be your Queen I need to be involved with your matters,” I said instinctually.
It occurred to me after I said it that I may not end up as his Queen. The possibility of that had never been present in my mind. It was always our plan in life that we would rule side by side, never one without the other. Any other reality made me ache.
My heart ached and it felt ridiculous. I am stuck choosing between two men that I love with everything in me. If I wanted to be really technical, I have three choices, though I could not name how I feel about Aegon. They love me the same. How silly it felt of me to be saddened by either possibility when no matter what I would love happily.
“I apologize, my sun,” he said quietly, hugging me to him just as tightly. “You are right, of course. I cannot hope to be a good King if I do not consider my Queen’s words on every decision.”
My heart fluttered against my chest. He still considered our marriage an inevitability, not just a possibility. He still thought of us being married and ruling together.
“Allow me to stay with you until it is time for your entrance?” he asked me. I nodded eagerly.
Mother looked between the two of us. Her gaze settled on me, her eyes searching my face. I gave her a subtle nod. She needed to know I had to be with him.
When she left the room, the doors still wide open behind her, I leaned into Jace’s arms. The world felt calm when he held me. The universe knew, somehow, that he was who I needed as my twin. He and I were balanced perfectly.
“You truly thought I was ignoring you?” he asked once I pulled away.
I looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back to him. He was looking at my with sad eyes. It hurt my heart to see him look like that.
“Yes. I thought you were upset enough that you were punishing me,” I told him.
He nodded and took my hand in his. “I’m sorry. Both for making you think that, and for what happened that night. It was not my place to act in such a way.”
“In truth, I think it is more your place than Aemond’s,” I admitted to him. I sighed quietly then looked to him. “You had a point. You are my twin, who I am formally betrothed to.”
He smiled at me. His smile was beautiful in a way that one had to see to understand. If you could imagine the way the prettiest sunrise makes you feel, that is how his smile makes me feel.
“You know, I like that you’ve grown your hair out. It’s quite curly, and you look amazing,” I told him. That simple of a compliment was enough to make him blush.
Jace and I felt so different than Aemond and I felt. With him there were no games. No constant battle for control. Our love for each other was simple and pure, uncaring of who was in control. I longed for the days when he was the only one who held a piece of me. It was so much simpler then.
“You always used to beg for me to grow it out,” he said with a smile on his face.
“And I was not wrong to,” I told him, smirking at him. “You look handsome. Classical. Like the prince from a fairytale.”
He reached his hand out towards me. I took it immediately, our fingers intertwining. He had somewhat of a sad smile on his face even though his eyes were sparkling like they normally did.
“It was never about us, was it?” he asked me. I couldn’t help the confusion that crossed my face at his question. “I mean…you are able to be complete with all of us, yes? Me, Aemond, even Aegon. The different sides of you that we all see, that is what makes you whole, and so it was never about one of us being better than another, but it was all about you feeling completed.”
As he spoke, he squeezed my hand. My throat felt as though it was beginning to close. All I could do was nod. I had no argument, no further explanation for him.
When Jace pulled me to sit on his lap, I could feel tears begin to prick at my eyes. The way he was so adamant about holding me close scared me. It almost felt like he was about to tell me he was done, that he didn’t want me anymore.
“I wish I could be the only one you need,” he said softly, placing his hand on my cheek. “I could never make you unhappy, issa dāria, and I thought giving you the time to find which you wanted would be the way to make you happy. But I realized something.”
“If this is your way of explaining to me you do not wish to marry me anymore, please just say it outright. This feels more cruel,” I whispered, letting out a shaky breath.
He shook his head softly. “Not at all. I could never love anyone else. I merely want to say that I have realized you have told me what would make you happy since we were children, and I was too selfish to ever consider it.”
My brain tried to understand what he was saying, to really grasp his meaning. But I could feel my heart banging against my chest as though it could already sense his next words. There was no way he was actually about to say it, was there?
“If marrying both Aemond and I is what will make you happy, I will no longer fight against it. I do not know how everything will work, I do not know how Aegon will fit into it, but I know that I love you and you love me. In the end, that is all that matters to me,” he told me, wiping away a tear that I had not been aware escaped my eye.
My entire life I had been begging for this. My entire life I knew that I was always meant to be with them, that my fate intertwined with theirs. I had convinced myself it was selfish and impossible.
I looked everywhere along his face, trying to find any uncertainty or reluctance. Yet, no matter how desperately I searched, there was none. He spoke the truth and his mind was made up.
“I imagine you already have thoughts as to how you wish it to work,” I whispered. He smiled at me and leaned forward to give me a gentle, albeit brief, kiss.
“Ideally we wait for certain things. You and I marry and give ourselves a couple of years so that we can have a child without question. I will not try to stop you from being with either of them in that time, I merely hope you will respect me enough to take precautions. Then after a couple of years, you and Aemond marry in the Valyrian tradition. Everything else I figure we will take it as it comes,” he said softly, running his thumb over my cheek again and again.
“And you truly love me enough for this?” I asked him. If there was any part of him that had any doubts, I could not ask him to do this.
“When I was in Dragonstone, I found letters. Many more than I ever thought had been shared, and in truth I should not have read any of them. But they were letters that Mother had received from Daemon, from our Aunt Laena, from our fathers, even from Alicent. All of these letters were discussing life and love in ways I had never thought of such,” he told me.
I placed my hand on the one of his that rested on my cheek. Simultaneously, I was pulling him further into me while holding him. He did not need to say anything else about them.
While I had not seen any from Alicent, I did once find nearly a box stuffed with letters. It was hard to piece together everything without Mother’s words, but I had an idea. Letters from Daemon and Laena talking about longing for Mother’s company, how they should have always been raising us and Rhaena and Baela together from the start. Letters from Ser Harwin, which I am almost certain he would hide for her to find instead of them being sent with a raven, describing her beauty and how she glowed when she was pregnant, thanking her for giving him such blessings. Ser Laenor’s were always phrased as though he was talking to his dearest friend, describing to her the beauty of the sea on the few trips out he went on after their marriage.
I could not honestly say I understood all the implications of them when I first read them. If I were being honest, they confused me more than told me anything. But when I thought back on them, I felt similarly to Jace. They teach more about love than most are willing to openly admit. That love does not always mean you find one person and that was it, after that person you were doomed to be alone.
“And your plans for you?” I asked him. I needed to know. If for no other reason, than if I felt too strongly about him talking about being with someone else, I couldn’t take him up on this. It had to be fair.
“I told you, I will never love anyone else,” he told me with a firmness that I had never heard from him. It was very Kingly of him. “I was not with anyone while you were away, but not because I never tried. After a couple of years, I tried. I tried to find love, I tried to find someone that could make the pain of losing you manageable. But after every person I met, I came to my chambers alone, still praying to every god imaginable you would be returned. I never even got so much as a kiss because any person I spoke with just made me ache more for you.”
“My darling, I never thought it could be so difficult for you,” I whispered. “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.”
He kissed me softly. It truly was the best way to shut me up. And this kiss felt so good. It was like it was the beginning of everything.
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lady-phasma · 29 days
This specific use of the 180 Degree Rule has been nagging me since the last trailer came out. The 180 Degree Rule refers to how the camera frames the subjects in a scene so that they are "switched" when the camera moves. This is less disorienting to viewers than if the subjects stayed on the same side of the frame every time (see example below). It's a small trick, but it is noticeable when it isn't used. Logic tells us they should stay on the same side of the frame but it really doesn't work. If you are interested in understanding this further there is a great sequence in Satoshi Kon's Paprika (2006) that explains it better than I have ever seen anywhere else.
Daemon's War
The exchange between Rhaenyra and Jace in episode 10 conveys so much meaning in so few words. I'm not going to discuss Rhaenyra's desires in this post or if they conflict with Daemon's. That would need its own post all to itself.
Jacaerys: Where is Daemon? Rhaenyra: I don't know. Gone to madness. Gone to plot his war.
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Daemon and his motivations are revealed so concisely. There is certainly foreshadowing here, but I appreciate that Rhaenyra knows him so well and has no expectations of him (at this point) beyond what she has seen in the past.
Daemon makes bold assumptions and is arrogant enough to think his way is the best way. When he lists Meleys in their assets there is no doubt in his mind that Rhaenys will side with them in the war. But why does he assume this? What isn't being said is intriguing.
We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer. There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.
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Then, at some point in season two, we see Daemon presumably stop Rhaenys by grabbing her arm.
This man is manipulative and good at it. Rhaenys is not pleased with him touching her. With no context at all, we only have a few words and body language to interpret. I can't wait to see if I'm correct about this when this episode airs. There is a threat or ultimatum here. Daemon's posture is so self-assured, hand resting on Dark Sister as if whatever he is saying has only one response: agreement.
Correct 180 (from trailer):
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Might be helpful to cover one while watching the other.
Incorrect 180 (my edit):
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What made this 180 rule from the trailer stick in my mind is how tight the frame is on Rhaenys for her reaction shot. A medium shot on Daemon cuts to a medium close up on her in order to show her facial expression. We can't interpret too much from trailer editing as it is specifically designed to manipulate and distract viewers in a different way from the final product. However, we are given Daemon's dialogue for this particular shot: "We are going to King's Landing." But what next? Why show her disdain, frustration, irritation? Is there an "or else" or some other technique to coerce her and House Velaryon?
Rhaenyra's words are relevant here as well as in the foreshadowing of the upcoming war. Daemon is not asking permission. His hostility, animosity, and wounded ego combine to make him rash. Another example of the applicability of the title The Rouge Prince. This isn't an argument that his character is made more complex by this foreshadowing, but that he has rarely, if ever, hidden his motives. His motivations are always clear even if they shift from selfish to selfless (which is only evident a handful of times). He is morally ambiguous to viewers because much of the time he seems to be amoral. He can stomach things that others cannot. He believes the end justifies the means. I think it will be fascinating to see how the showrunners, writers, and Matt can navigate someone becoming a villain without making him completely one dimensional. He is irredeemable and many of his fans love him for precisely that. He doesn't want to be redeemed. He wants to be in control.
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I started writing this last night and today this amazing gifset comes across my dash so I had to link it.
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I thought about it after you said it. The battle between really yan!dad Criston and yan!mom Rhaenyra will be epic.For some reason I dream that the precious child of Criston and Rhaenyra will be a Princess. It would be nice to imagine Criston being a good father to bby. Think about it, Criston would have gone mad if the precious Princess had suffered a minor injury the night Aemond was injured. Criston will be furious when Harwin, Laenor and Daemon try to father the precious Princess. The reader is only his daughter of values. I dream that the green and black teams will be yandere for the precious Princess. The war will begin for the Princess, not the throne.
I’d like to think that Criston would be a good father to his child either way, but if he had a daughter then he would be completely and utterly wrapped around her finger. I definitely see him not taking too well to any of Rhaenyra’s ‘manwhores’ trying to fulfill his role as a father to his own child. He would certainly watch their every move with his child and would vocalize his criticism towards them for whatever they were doing or for however they were going about interacting with his child. It would be made extremely obvious that Criston has a massive soft spot for his child with Rhaenyra out of all of her children. He’d still very much act the same towards the Velaryon boys, but he may even be worse because they get to be around and call his child their “sister” when he can’t even do much but be in the same proximity as her. They can hold her, they can speak to her informally, they get to be a family with her while he’s forced to stand by and watch. Also, I could see Criston getting confronted by his child for his treatment of their brothers and telling him how horrible she thinks he is because of it, resulting in Criston acting better towards the boys only when the Reader is around. He’d also get the Green boys to behave better when in the Reader’s presence too.
I could surely see Alicent especially becoming yandere for the child but more so out of ill intentions to bring down Rhaenyra. Not only that but also maybe taking an even deeper interest in the child because Criston is in a way unable to be a true father to the child himself so she also takes his frustration and want for that onto herself, so basically harboring Criston’s own feelings about the situation and wanting of being involved in his child’s life. I could even see her at first feigning wanting to interact/spend time with the child privately so that Criston could have his own time with his child while she stood by and allows it behind Rhaenyra’s back. I have no doubt though that to not only give Criston more access to his own child but also to take the child from Rhaenyra, Alicent would betroth the Reader to one of her children. Maybe when Rhaenyra proposes marrying Jace and Helaena, Alicent instead offers up Aegon and the Reader or even Aemond or Daeron.
I like to think that the Reader would be close to Helaena and that the two would be extremely bonded to one another before Baela and Rhaena come into the picture. So I don’t doubt that Helaena at the very least would be yandere for the Reader. She may even try to convince or persuade the Reader into getting a betrothal with one of her brothers, or even a joined marriage with her and Aegon that way she can also have the Reader to herself too.
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