#I want more Asgard pics that's why
randomimaginesideas · 2 months
My King (Loki X Oc) Chapter 1
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When Astrid doesn't fit in anywhere, and she get sentences to life on Earth she makes the best of it. When one day, a certain prince steps into her life and offers a way out of the dull Midgardian life.
What happens when Loki gets a right hand woman during his time on Earth?
Previous parts: Prologue
Disclaimer; This story can also be found on AO3 or Wattpad, if you prefer reading there.
A/N: How do we all feel about the new pic for the fic? I have discovered Canva, so I've been thinking of making these for the continues fics that I post on here. I'm really happy with the results. Anyway, thanks for the love the prologue has gotten from all of you.
Taglist: @lotrefcp
TW: Mind controlling, murder
It had been three years since Astrid had been banished from Asgard. She had landed in some country called France. Even though she had tried to tell the elderly couple she was fine, they had called a screaming truck. Later Astrid would learn the screaming truck was called an ambulance, and you also had a screaming truck called the police. The police had been called after the elderly couple had explained the strange circumstances they had found Astrid with. 
The police had taken Astrid to another dungeon. Great, trade one dungeon for the other. Except this time she wasn’t treated with a beheading. Or at least she thought they hadn’t. It had seemed more like they didn’t know what to do with her. Despite the language barrier the police had shown her some footage from her falling out of the sky, presumably from the elderly couple's farm. Astrid had tried to explain her situation again, and that she was fine, she just needed a place to live so she could live her life here. It was at that moment that Astrid wished she had been a higher born Asgardian, and had the ability to All-speak. 
Astrid had remained in the dungeon for two days after that, until one day a man showed up. He seemed different from the men who called themselves the police. She was brought again to the interrogation room, but this time the man put a device on the table. “So, if everything works correctly you should be able to understand me.” The man said, looking at Astrid’s face to see if there was some form of understatement.
“I do.” Astrid confirmed, looking at the device but happy that it was here. “My name is Agent Coulson. Now, let’s start at the beginning. Who are you and why are you here?” Agent Coulson sounded like he was ready to get to business if necessary but Astrid didn’t feel like getting into any trouble. She was supposed to live here the rest of her life, better to work along and get out of here in peace. 
“My name is Astrid Arnedottir. I’ve been banished from Asgard to live here for the rest of my remaining days, however long that will be.” Agent Coulson waited for the device to translate what she was saying, and looked her up and down. “People don’t get banished without reason, what is yours? You killed someone?” It was clear that Agent Coulson was here to assess the possible threat she could be. Astrid had to play this right if she wanted to get out of here.
“I’ve been framed,-”
“That is only what someone guilty would say.” Interrupted Agent Coulson who got an irritated look from Astrid in return. “I’ve been framed,” She started again, calmly. “The crown has always wanted a reason to kill me. They claimed I killed a man while I did not do it. The only witnesses were conveniently guards loyal to the very king who wanted to get rid of me. I’m a healer, I help people. I laid low so that the All-father had no reason to condemn me.” Astrid let out a cold laugh. “It seems he will just find a way if he has too.” 
Agent Coulson hummed as he studied Astrid. “I’m telling the truth.” Agent Coulson said nothing for a while. “Asgard, the All-father, those sound like the Norse myths to me. You speak Norwegian too. Normally I would have just said you are playing a prank on us, but the camera footage proves otherwise.”
“I will tell you everything I know, all I ask in return is that you get me a house and let me live in peace.” Astrid said, trying to bargain with her new captor. “First let me see what you have to say, and then we’ll negotiate.” Astrid nodded, knowing that was the best she would get. “Deal.”
And that was it. Astrid had spent three more days in the dungeon in France. They hadn’t really believed here until Astrid had shown some light magic. It had taken some days to collect the small amount of Aesir in the air, and afterwards she had felt dizzy. It was clear that her magic would be almost useless to her on Midgard.
Agent Coulson got permission to move Astrid to New York, a city in a country called the United States of America. She got a simple two bedroom apartment, and a language tutor. The first year had cameras in her apartment because they didn’t trust her. When Astrid had gotten to understand the English language she opened up a flower and herbal shop, also with camera’s installed courtesy of S.H.I.E.L.D, the organization Agent Coulson was from. 
In year two the camera’s were removed slowly throughout the year, and she learned more and more about the history of Midgard, going to history classes near the university, or other subjects that interested her. When the last camera was removed Agent Coulson came for a personal visit, claiming that they would keep an eye on her but that so far she had looked to be safe. It was up to Astrid to prove that they were correct in removing the camera’s.
In year three Agent Coulson, and a man she didn’t recognize, stood in front of her apartment door when she returned from work. The man introduced himself as Nick Fury, and they had a job for her.
Some time ago they’d come into possession of something called the tesseract. It wasn’t something known to the citizens of Midgard, but they had been studying it for quite some time now. Nick Fury and Agent Coulson assumed that perhaps, being from Asgard, Astrid might know more of it. They only started talking about it now, feeling that they could trust her more. But one mistake and all restrictions would be back in place.
Well, it never hurts to take a look…
“Astrid, do you have any idea what it can be?” Dr. Erik Selvig asked her, as he walked up to her station. Astrid looked through her papers, which mostly just consisted of little drawings of flowers, or from Asgard.
Apparently the tesseract was the infamous Cube from Odin’s vault. Astrid didn’t know much about it, only stories but the description and power from the tesseract matched the one from the Cube. It was because of that knowledge that Astrid was still even working on the project. And SHIELD hadn’t told her to leave yet, so she wasn’t going to mention it. Besides, it paid much better than the flower shop.
The Cube held massive power, used to build ancient civilizations, but eventually it was said that it had been stolen or Odin had hidden it away. The stories were never clear on that. But she did know that perhaps the Cube was her chance to sneak back to Asgard, or any of the other nine realms where there was more Aesir magic in the air.
But as of a few hours ago the Cube, or as the midgardians called it, the tesseract had been acting up. Little spikes of energy which they couldn’t contain with their machines. It seemed that Dr. Selvig thought that Astrid might have a possible solution.
“I’m just a florist, Dr. Selvig. I have absolutely no clue.” Astrid admitted honestly as she looked at the energy readings on her screen. Some things were familiar to her, like the energy that flowed through the body. But it wasn’t anywhere near her expertise. But she did try and wasn’t that enough?
Dr. Selvig opened his mouth to reply when the door opened, and in walked Nick Fury. “Talk to me doctor.” He ordered, making his way towards the tesseract. “The tesseract is misbehaving.” Astrid filled in from behind her station. “Remind me Astrid, since when are you a doctor?” Astrid made a zip it motion by her mouth, making it clear she was in fact going to zip it.
Dr. Selvig handed Fury a tablet with the latest information on it. “Astrid is unfortunately correct. Not only is the tesseract suddenly active, she is misbehaving. Her energy is building up.” Dr. Selvig explained as calmly as he could, but it was clear to everybody in the room that he was starting to get worried.
“I assume you pulled the plug.” Fury commented as he handed Dr. Selvig the tablet back. Astrid rolled her eyes. She may be Asgardian, and slowly started to understand Midgardian technology, she knew that just ‘pulling the plug’ wasn’t an option. “She is an energy source.  We turn the power off and she turns it back on.” Yes, they had tried. Apparently the go to plan for machines not working was just pulling the plug, waiting for 30 seconds and then putting the plug back on, but they couldn’t even reach the 10 seconds before all machines had turned back on. 
“Her energy keeps building up, no matter what we try. If she reaches peak level,” Dr. Selvig said, trying to get Fury’s attention back on him, as the director had been looking at the tesseract who had just given a burst of energy. The whole room felt electric. “We’re prepared for this doctor.” Fury immediately says, turning to look at the other man. “Save all the energy into space.” 
Astrid was looking through her notes, trying to make sense of any of it, when she saw movement in the corner of her eye. Agent Barton was coming down from his little nest near the ceiling. She liked Agent Barton. He was dedicated to his work, but he had always been friendly to her. She had given him some flower advice on which flowers to give to a girl he had been seeing, he said.
Agent Barton made his way to Fury and Dr. Selvig, joining in on the conversation all the while Astrid kept observing from afar. The other scientist would be fine without her help, right? “Nobody tried to get through on this end.” Client stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “On this end?” Clearly the other two men wanted more explanation than that.
“Aside from just an energy source, this cube is also a doorway to outer space right?” Clint pointed out. Clearly he’d remembered his conversation with Astrid, who had talked about the stories from Asgard, and the other file she had. It was a story from a man called Captain America and his run in with the tesseract. “The doors can open from both sides.”
Just when Fury was about to respond the ground started to shake, all alarms from the machine’s started to go off. The air started to feel more electric than it already had. The room was cast in a blue glow as the tesseract started to grow brighter, and brighter. Astrid went to shield her eyes from the light when she saw that the tesseract started to explode, so she quickly hid behind her desk. The blue energy that came from the tesseract came together on the ceiling before shooting back downwards, blinding everybody once again.
Astrid had expected the place of impact to be in ruin, for the machine to be broken and the tesseract to be gone. Instead, the tesseract was still in its place, and in front of it was a man. The man was sitting on one knee, looking at the ground and catching his breaths. The agents in the room immediately pulled their guns and aimed. The agents carefully crept closer, mindful of any sudden movements the mysterious man would make.
Astrid’s eyes were fully locked onto the man, who was slowly looking up. This way she could see he had emerald green eyes, which stood out in contrast to his raven black hair. He wore armor made of green leather, which Astrid recognized as Asgardian armor. Astrid didn’t recognize the scepter the man was holding in his hand. It didn’t look like any weapon or ceremonial scepter they had on Asgard. The scepter was golden, a blue crystal on the top of it, resembling the light from the tesseract. 
“Sir, please put down the spear.” Fury said, surprising Astrid with the fact he was so polite. But perhaps it was better to be polite first before we start making demands of the strange man coming from the portal. The man in turn looked at the spear in his hands, having slowly risen from his knees, and smiled. Now that she was seeing the man fully, she realized she knew the man from somewhere, but it was too dark to fully see him. She needed to have a closer look. 
Then everything happened fast. Loki had released his first shot with the scepter in the direction of Agent Barton and Fury. Astrid hid behind her desk as bullets and magic flew over her head. In under a minute the man had killed almost every agent in the room. Only Astrid, Agent Barton, Fury, Dr. Selvig and an agent she knew was Agent Smith remained. 
The man was making his way towards Agent Barton who reached for his gun but the raven haired man blocked it. “You have a heart.” The man said before placing the tip of his scepter on Clint’s chest. From the blue crystal energy flowed into Barton’s body. From where she was standing Astrid couldn’t see Barton’s eyes turning blue, but she did see the way his body relaxed, and he placed his gun back into his holster. But that wasn’t what shocked her.
Astrid let out a small gasp when the realization hit her. Now that the man was standing closer, and after she had heard his voice she knew for certain. The raven haired man was none other than Prince Loki. His hair was longer than the last time she had seen him that fateful day in the throne room. His skin was paler too, and his eyes had lost their shine. But it was him.
Her little gasp had been enough to get Prince Loki’s attention to her. Astrid hesitated on what to do. She hated the royal family for what they had done to her, but her quarrel had always been more with the All-Father than with the princes. And she had been innocent, even if the All-father didn’t believe it. Astrid didn’t know why but for some reason Prince Loki deemed it necessary to attack the Midgardians. Astrid held no loyalty to them either, she only did what she needed to survive. And perhaps, Prince Loki could be the way for her to return home. And so with the prince’s eyes still on her, she slowly lowered herself onto her knees, bowing before him
Apparently it had been enough for Prince Loki, who looked past her at Fury, who seemed to be knocked out. He walked to Agent Smith who was about to attack the prince as well, but with the expertise of an Asgardian warrior Prince Loki blocked the attack, and repeated what he had done to Agent Barton.
While Prince Loki had been busy with Agent Smith, Fury had made his way towards the tesseract, and placed it inside a suitcase. It was clear that Fury had tried to walk away but Prince Loki had noticed him. “Please don’t. I still need that.” Fury halted, as he looked at the intruder. “This doesn’t have to get any messier.”
From where Astrid was kneeling she couldn’t see Loki smile, his back turned to her. But she could still see the slightly worried look on Fury’s face. The director’s eyes looked over Prince Loki’s shoulder to look at her, if only for a second. Had he hoped Astrid would aid him? SHIELD knew of Astrid's history with the Asgaridians, but it was still her home. More than Midgard would ever be. 
“Of course it does. I’ve come from too far for anything else.” The prince answered in return. “I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burned with glorious purpose.” While the Prince was speaking Dr. Selvig was slowly rising from behind the desk he had been hiding behind. “Loki, brother of Thor.” Astrid remembered Dr. Selvig told her he had met the Asgardian crown prince around a year earlier. Astrid had brushed it off, not wanting to be bothered with the crown family. Thor was just the All-father’s minion, everybody on Asgard knew it. A brute unfit to rule, preferring to spend his time on the battlefield or between the bedsheets. Since it had been of no use to her back then, Astrid hadn’t cared about it. Now she regretted not listening more.
Even the prince himself looked annoyed at the mention of his older brother. “We have no quarrel with your people.” Director Fury tried to reason, his gaze landing on Astrid. It was clear that she was supposed to be an example. See how generous we are, we even have one of you working for us. Prince Loki followed the director’s gaze briefly, before chuckling. “An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” 
“Are you planning to step on us?” Director was beginning to look more defensive, and agitated. Fury was beginning to see that they’re was no negotiating with the man in front of him. “I come with glad news, of a world made free.” Loki said, spreading his arms as he slowly walked towards Dr. Selvig. “Freed from what?” Loki laughed, an evil tone to it. “Freedom.”
“Freedom is life's greatest lie. Once you accept that in your heart,” Loki suddenly turned, his scepter pressed against Dr. Selvig chest just as it had with both Agents. “you will know peace.” Dr. Selvig’s body relaxed, his eyes now a hazy blue. The prince turned back around, his eyes taking in Astrid. She could feel him asses her if she was a threat. If she needed to be controlled as well. With his emerald eyes on her, Astrid looked back at the floor, trying to make herself seem compliant. 
“You say peace, I think you mean quite the opposite.” Director Fury pointed out, when Agent Barton step closer to the prince. “Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow and drop 100 feet of rock on us.” Agent Barton pointed out, his blue eyes going towards the ceiling where the remaining energy from the tesseract was gathering, growing restless. “He means to bury us.” It was the first thing Astrid had said since the prince appeared. Her thoughts out of her mouth before she had noticed it. “Like the pharaohs of Egypt. ” Director Fury said, looking pleased. As if the prospect of dying didn’t worry him. That he’d rather go down with them all than let the prince loose on Midgard. 
Dr. Selvig added his own input about how they had only around two minutes left before the situation became critical. The prince nodded, turning his attention towards Agent Barton. “Well then,” Those two words were enough for Agent Barton who immediately shot Director Fury in the chest. Astrid suspected it wasn’t enough to kill the director, as she could still see him move slightly, but it was enough to get him to release the suitcase.
While Agent Barton was moving towards the suitcase, the prince turned towards Astrid. She looked up at him, but her eyes were fixed on his chest so she wasn’t looking directly at him. “You, come with me.” An order. One that Astrid wasn’t going to refuse. She rose up, and started walking.
Little facts about this chapter;
- Phil basically uses the SHIELD's version of G translate. Astrid speaks a mix of the scandinavian languages. - I had already written the whole translation conversation when I remembered All-speak, and I didn't want to re-write it since it makes Astrid struggeles all the more real, so that why I gave the ability to All-speak only to the royal family.
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mydreamsmyworld-tr · 3 months
It would be sad like why skipping River Doctorchild in this circumentes when they had lovely marriage + settled down + river wanted it so bad in asgard + doctor wants and know that he'll have one
It would be sad like why skipping when they had lovely marriage + settled down + river wanted it so bad in asgard + doctor wants and know that he'll have one
Since Doctor doesn't have a wife or children ib gallifrey, He hasonly one family.. a Wife River and a Grandaughter Susan with no sign of parents. THAT IS WHY HE BRİNGS River and Susan anywhere he goes I am cryin... River Susan Jenny Ponds are his only famiy... nothing no one more so that should keep going like that
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 31
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
"BREATHE." YOU ORDERED ELIZABETH. SHE was pale as Queen Frigga, Sif, and Okoye moved around her in a clockwork fashion to take care of her makeup and hair. Shuri and Wanda were putting the dress together for the last bits while Pepper had gone off to collect the old, new, blue, and borrowed stuff.
"I am breathing." Elizabeth snapped, nerves fraying her last strand of composure. "I have to breathe to be standing and talking."
You smiled. The last time Elizabeth had been like this was during Exams in high school. You'd always wondered why she cared about her grades when she was always going to be working the farm anyways.
"Well you need to relax." Wanda murmured, touching Elizabeth's shoulder and letting some red energy flow into her. Elizabeth shuddered slightly and relaxed under her touch.
"There we go." Frigga announced happily, putting the finishing touches to Elizabeth's indigo eyeliner. Like always, she looked absolutely stunning this way. The eyeliner always managed to bring her eyes out, and the lipstick gave her enough colour that she really didn't need any more makeup than that.
Her hair was done intricately, some of it up, and some of it down. The veil would have to be attached and so Sif and Okoye had created a sort of bun on top of her head with tiny braids for the veil to be attached to.
[I kind've combined the two dresses below. I like the top veil and start of dress on first pic and the rest of the dress on second pic]
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Once Elizabeth had been put into the dress, you smiled. "Pepper and dad will be here soon with your other items."
The old item was actually multiple items. It was a set of red and blue jewelry that matched the dress, passed down from your mother's mother. The new was was gift from Wanda: the comb that was used to pin the veil. The borrowed was from Queen Frigga, which was some old talisman off Asgard. And the blue was in her flowers.
Elizabeth nodded, looking out her bedroom window. "I never thought in a million years this would happen."
You wondered which part she was talking about. The marriage? You'd always known she'd be married. Married first? You had never thought that would happen either.
Frigga smiled, kissing her cheek and you felt a sudden realization dawn on you that it should've been your mother in here instead.
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"HOW DO I LOOK?" THE WORDS WERE out of Sam's mouth before he could take them back. He regretted them immediately.
Bucky looked up. He was dressed in his own suit, though he wasn't attending the wedding as a participant, but as a guest. Steve looked over, also dressed like Bucky. "You look handsome Sam. You always do."
Sam had no idea what to feel. He'd never thought it would be like this. It felt like his relationship with his soulmates had suddenly become separate. Him, Steve, Bucky, and Y/N. Him and Elizabeth. He could physically feel the gap, so he knew that the other two had to too.
He had avoided the conversation time and time again. He'd thought when he'd walked in on Bucky helping Elizabeth with dinner that night, that they'd accepted her. Instead, they'd left her confused and hurt, with no explanations to anyone about why they'd chosen the way they had.
He had never imagined that the soulmate relationship would be so divisive and hurtful. He'd thought they would all get along like one big happy family. But it didn't seem to be in the cards.
He glanced over at the boys. Bucky was still fiddling with his tie, as he always did whenever he was forced to wear one. Steve was composed as always.
Sam felt that he could practically see the invisible wall between them. Not such an invisible wall then.
"You don't want me to marry her."
Steve and Bucky both looked over at him and Bucky actually stopped fiddling with his tie. Sam watched Bucky looked guilty, looking over at Steve, while Steve remained stoic. Not for the first time, Sam wondered if Bucky had wanted to make a relationship with Elizabeth and Steve had stopped him. But why? Or was he misreading it?
"She's your soulmate." Steve said softly. "We just want you to be happy Sam. If marrying her will make you happy, then I want you to marry her."
"But you're not happy about it." Sam pressed. "Look, I know I can't be the only one feeling this gap."
Bucky sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I wish there wasn't a gap. I love you Sam. I do. I'm not leaving you."
"No. . . I know that." Sam said softly. He glared at himself in the mirror. He shouldn't be feeling so melancholy on his wedding day. It hadn't been like this when he'd married his boys. "I just can't help but feel your disapproval."
Steve shook his head and stood up. He came over to wrap his arms around Sam. "I'm sorry if that's the feeling you're getting from me. It's unintentional. I guess I'm being selfish and worrying that if you marry her you'll leave less time for us."
'Is that why you didn't accept her?' Sam asked in his head. 'Is that why you're hurting her?'
But he didn't ask those questions aloud. Instead he said, "I wanted one of you to be my best man."
Steve smiled and kissed his neck. "Tony chose Rhodey. Stephen chose Wong. Loki chose Thor. Hogun chose Fandral. You can have either of us, but I think you should ask Bucky."
"Will you?" Sam asked, looking over his shoulder. He caught that Bucky had been looking wistful and quickly changed his expression when he realized Sam was looking at him.
"Of course I will Sammy." Bucky said, striding over to hug him too. "I'll always be your best man."
There was a knock at the door. "Are you guys ready?" It was Bruce who was going around and making sure everyone was there before the bride.
"Yes." Sam croaked out. Bucky kissed his cheek.
"You'll be fine." Bucky whispered softly as Steve went to grab their jackets. Bucky looked like he wanted to say more, but Steve was back and he said, "I love you."
"I love you too."
Steve handed him a suit jacket and the three of them headed out. Sam was separated into one of the cars from the others, the one that had Elizabeth's to be married soulmates in it.
He went to put the suit jacket on when he sat in the car. He found that the shoulders were far to big and realized Steve had accidentally given him Bucky's jacket.
He felt something in one of the pockets and wondered what Bucky had left in it. He put his hand in it and frowned when his fingers touched something smooth and wooden.
He pulled it out and realized that it was the carving of a wolf with a star in its side.
It was Elizabeth's figurine.
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"HOW ARE YOU NERVOUS AGAIN, YOU'VE already married her once?" Fandral teased Hogun as they stood at the altar. There was a large collection of men up at the front altar, half of which would step back when the bride came down the aisle.
Queen Frigga was performing the ceremony once again, with a soulmate priest by her side. He seemed in awe of her and said very little as she spoke.
The church was nice and warm, also big which was surprising for the small town. But perhaps that was because it was only one of the two churches in the town and it had to be large to fit everyone.
"Shut up." Hogun grumbled. "I'm not nervous."
"You are." Loki quipped by his side.
"Shut it." Hogun growled.
"I am inclined to agree." Thor said suddenly.
Hogun glared at him and turned to survey the crowd. He knew just about everyone, either by name or at least by face. Every single one of them had been there at the battle with Thanos and it was more that some simply weren't there other than people he didn't know. The ones he didn't know where on Elizabeth and Y/N's side of the family.
Her mother sat with her grandparents and he over heard one of them- her father's mother if he remembered correctly- asking Y/M/N why she wasn't with Elizabeth at the moment.
"Oh well," Elizabeth's mother played it off. "The Queen of Asgard is doing her hair and makeup, so I'm hardly needed."
Hogun clenched his jaw and turned away. He knew the Queen had offered her mother the chance to do Elizabeth's beauty products- though he didn't understand why they were needed- but her mother had declined.
"It doesn't matter." Loki spoke suddenly from his side and he looked at him.
Loki just shook his head. "Her relationship with her mother has never been strong, you do not have to defend it."
"No, but she made it sound like your mother was in the wrong instead." Hogun responded.
Loki shrugged, "My mother does not care. And it was only insinuated. Trust me, if she truly spoke against my mother, she would not be breathing a moment later."
"If she wasn't pregnant and wasn't' Elizabeth's mother of course." Fandral responded.
Loki thought about it. "I'll slay her after the brother is born and Elizabeth is on. . . vacation."
Hogun shook his head. "You're impossible."
Suddenly, Loki yelped as Frigga slapped him upside the head. "No more talking about slaying your future wife's mother."
"Yes mother." Loki muttered, rubbing the back of his head.
"Remember," Fandral said in a serious voice that was making Hogun rethink his choice about choosing Fandral as his best man. "She's gorgeous and she also chose you. You'll be fine. Don't screw it up."
"Thanks." Hogun muttered.
Suddenly, everyone was rising from their chairs and he snapped his head as he heard the march start. The doors to the church were opened and Elizabeth stepped through, on her father's arm.
The dress was very different from what he had been expecting. Especially since it had been brought down from Asgard. It was so simple, so plain, so Elizabeth that it looked like the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. She looked like the most gorgeous woman on Earth, Asgard, and all the realms beyond that.
He was aware of the slightly slower pace she had set for her father and he found himself blushing. The awareness she had of her fathers' knees was kind. He truly was lucky.
He only broke his glance one to see the others' faces. Loki had paled drastically, looking like he might be sick. Sam looked like he was glowing. Stephen looked the most composed and Tony was grinning and blushing like an idiot.
Elizabeth and her father finally reached the altar. He saw the others, the women she'd chosen to be her bridesmaids, wearing green, settle behind her where Y/N was standing as the maid of honor. There was a single flower girl- Gamora and Peters' daughter- who stumbled along quickly, tossing pink flowers out of her basket and quickly joined her parents.
Hogun held out his hand and her father placed her hand in his without a second's hesitation.
Frigga let the soulmate priest step up first and went around the group, repeating the Methodist Wedding vows that reflected Elizabeth's Christianity religion. As tradition, the men went first and he was to start.
"In the name of God, I Hogun Irison, take you Elizabeth Y/L/N, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."
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YOU SAT BETWEEN CLINT AND STEVE as you watched the ceremony commemorate. You felt a jolt of surprise when Loki repeated the Methodist vow without a second of hesitation. But you supposed Elizabeth probably said some other vow on Asgard.
When all of the vows had been said, the priest stepped back and you watched Queen Frigga step forward with a cup. "This is the cup of immortality." She announced, holding it up and there were some whispers in the crowd. "This is the cup that they shall drink from to complete the marriage cycle."
You were surprised once more, assuming Elizabeth, Hogun, and Loki would not drink from it as they were already immortal. But perhaps it wouldn't do anything more to them as they already were?
No, only Stephen, Tony, and Sam drank from the cup, though the blue bond of light- which had appeared out of nowhere by the way- circled all of them.
Queen Frigga seemed pleased and then announced, "You may all kiss the bride."
Elizabeth blushed as they each stepped forward to kiss her and then the blue bond glowed brighter, then burst into dust, settling down on them, disappearing. The crowd clapped and cheered and Elizabeth blushed and you were grinning- and also crying with happiness.
The afterparty was moved back to the farm where a tent had been constructed to hold dancing and food. Elizabeth and Hogun opened up the first dance. You wouldn't be allowed to dance with any of your soulmates- the ones that married Elizabeth at least- until they had danced with her first. But the dances passed in a flurry and soon Tony was taking you for a spin.
"It's a beautiful wedding." Tony complimented, though you'd had little to do with the actual planning.
"It really is." You agreed. It was simple, in your mind, but that fit Elizabeth all the better.
"What about your upcoming wedding?" Tony teased. "What do you want?"
Months ago, you would have rattled off a thousand things you wanted. A huge wedding, a thousand guests, a multi-tier cake, somewhere extremely expensive and fancy. Now, you leaned in and whispered, "As long as it's in the early spring, simply surprise me love."
Tony grinned, "You'll love it."
"I know I will." You said.
And then the dance came to a close and Stephen cut in to take you for a round.
Eventually, it was moved on to dinner and everyone took turns saying something. You had a speech prepared as well, to go after your father.
Your father stood for a moment and said, "I have two daughters and I couldn't be prouder of them than I am at this moment. My first born daughter has achieved the life that she wanted, and my second daughter is married with those that love her. And I cannot possibly be happier." Your father smiled and in that smile, you saw the younger man that your mother had fallen in love with. "My daughter Elizabeth was always had a special place in my heart, for her love of the farm is the same as mine. And that is why, my daughter, the wedding gift I give you today is the inheritance of the farm. It is yours for now and forevermore. To my lovely daughter."
"To Elizabeth!" The crowd cheered as Elizabeth started to cry into her hands. You raised your glass with them and smiled.
The first thing you had felt was that slight jolt, for you had been the one in line for the farm. You had always planned to sell the farm for money but. . .
You looked around. You didn't need it. Elizabeth needed it.
You met Loki's eyes and you knew he was thinking the same as you: She'd freed you. 
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Just got back from L&T. Thoughts under the cut. But first, a pic of my girl (sorry, I mean, Your Majesty 👑):
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So I have a few negatives to talk about but let's start with the positives.
The scene with Thor and Zeus when he's trying to convince him to join him against Gorr reminded me so much of his talk with Odin in TDW. At some point I thought they were trying to draw some parallels... but honestly I don't know if it's just me seeing things when there's nothing. Either way, I liked it.
Thor's speech to the kids towards the end was touching.
Val handling King duties and enjoying it was lovely to see.
Jane explaining the Einstein-Rosen bridge while under chemo. She was never boring and that enthusiasm is contagious. "You just destroyed your book!" - "Yeah! But now you understand wormholes!". She's lovely and I'll miss her.
Heimdall! My beloved. Only for 10 seconds but hey, I'll take whatever they give me, I love that man. Shorter hair too!
And this is something between a positive and a negative: I like that Thor said to Quill something in the lines of (I'm paraphrasing here): "You have a team that cares for each other, I never had that". I actually liked it because from what we've seen in the movies he had 4 friends who seemed to follow him and look up to him but we never saw him having a deep conversation with them, to me they were more party/battle friends than anything and Thor always stroked me as a very lonely person despite being a prince. Not to mention the Avengers never truly showed any interest, let alone compassion, especially in EG. So that line is interesting to keep in the movie...... that is, if you do something with it. But they just had him say it then ignored it for the rest of the movie. It's such a lost opportunity. Imagine Thor shit-talking the Avengers and setting the record straight after EG... if only.
Now, the negatives.
I don't understand all this talk about worthiness. If Ragnarok was supposed to teach Thor and the audience anything is that being worthy is utterly meaningless! Lifting Mjolnir was always entirely subjective, reliant on a bunch of rules dictated by a deeply flawed character like Odin. Thor is supposed to know he doesn't need that hammer or the axe or anybody's approval. He's the golden child, if he doesn't learn that then his arc keeps going in circles, and round and round it goes. It makes no sense.
I can't believe 2 movies in since she was introduced and my girl Val does not get a name. I appreciate people calling her Val but surely she's got a name, right? And her horse? I'll say this though: I don't remember them giving him a name but I'm grateful, if they call him anything but Aragorn my URL is truly fucked 😜
Why bring Sif back? She's the LAST connection Thor has to his old life. I was so happy to see her again since I genuinely thought he was going to lose it or they were gonna have some chat or something, but nah, they share one scene that's eerily similar to Thor 1 and they're good to go.
Once again character development is done in a rushed one-minute sequence. I watch these movies because I care about these characters, if that means you add 25 minutes to the damn movie then do so. If that means you cut a few fights then do so.
Thor realizing he wants and needs love is nice but giving him a kid is not the way to go, that's giving him someone to care for when he should be caring ABOUT AND FOR HIMSELF.
What kind of relationships does he have with Val and the others? A bunch of scenes with the Guardians and all I saw were screams and nothing more when that team is more a family than anything else, they wouldn't go about it like the Avengers (battle together then each member goes their own way), the Guardians care.
I would have wanted to see how the Asgardians are adapting to Earth or a bit more from New Asgard. Jane gets a statue, that's cool, no statues for anybody else though?
Oh the """queer rep""".... we were told she would look for her Queen but of course that didn't happen, I wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm not. And she doesn't even get to say anything, it's Korg who says "girlfriend" and leaves it at that? You know what, it's far worse to have this, I'd rather not have anything. If this is as far as they're willing to go please STOP. Everyone is straight, that's easier to digest.
Also, it's so fucking annoying to see people erasing her identity and saying she's a lesbian. No she isn't, Valkyrie is bisexual. We have enough bi erasure as it is, don't contribute to it.
And speaking of my girl... where the fuck is her arc? She gets no story, her pegasus is only on screen a couple times, she seems to be enjoying being a King so why not show that and how she's growing from being a warrior raised to kill to becoming someone trustworthy who loves her people and learns the humans' rules so she can defend them? Also she's still not redeemed, she has never said anything about how she feels after being raised to kill and commit genocide, how she felt about Odin (when Gorr was telling her I was almost begging! for her to speak up). I will admit I jumped when she was stabbed though. I may have a weird definitely non-healthy attachment to her lol
The problem about introducing new and powerful cities and weapons while Feige keeps parroting all that bs about "connected universe" is that it makes previous movies absolutely useless. So Thor knew about Omnipotent City? Why not go there in IW instead of Nidavellir then? Once you open the portal to Eternity why not kill Gorr and ask for anything...
Gorr the God Butcher who's shown on-screen killing the crazy amount of......... one god in the entire movie. So much for butchering.
"Lady Thor", "the name is Mighty Thor or Dr Jane Foster", I knew she was going to say that. Way too forced. You want feminism, Marvel? Flesh out the female characters and stop giving them the suits and powers of their male counterparts.
And lastly, what Mjolnir means to Thor. What that hammer represents is his past, his family, the time when stability was ensured and he had everything he wished for, back in the day when he didn't know the lies and what was hiding underneath the golden palace and his father's machinations. His attachment to Mjolnir in reality what it hides is his subconscious desire to go back to that time, which is exactly why he should despise that hammer! Not through hate for Hela but disappointment and anger towards his father.
All I keep seeing in these movies is Thor not growing up or out of his golden child status and I HATE IT. And it seems the only way they know to make characters "grow" is by giving them a romance or a kid... these characters need self-love, how is it possible that these writers and directors don't understand that familial, romantic, etc love is not the same as self-love? That you can have a million people who love you and still not love yourself?
Overall this is clearly the worst Thor movie for me, worse than Ragnarok, and I give it a 4/10 and I'm being generous (3,5 of those are for Val 😂). I still love Thor though, there are.... flashes of his old self and while short they remind me why I've always been a big fan of his.
Thor honey, you deserve so much more than this.
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hshines · 3 years
I just want to know who looked at the mysterious blonde woman in the Loki trailer and went “yeah that’s definitely Lady Loki”
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The woman’s hair is blonde. Blonde. Since when has Loki ever been blonde? No matter what form Loki takes one thing’s always a constant. Loki’s hair is dark.
And before you go “maybe the actress didn’t want to dye her hair.” - the actress literally has dark hair. She actually dyed it blonde for this role. If she was an actual Lady Loki wouldn’t she keep her natural hair?
Or “Loki is a shapeshifter, they can have whatever color they want.”. Then someone should tell Hiddleston he didn’t have to dye his hair black for this role. Or the kid who plays little Loki who dyed it black as well.
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After all this comic accuracy when it comes to characters and their appearances and costumes lately I find it extremely hard to believe that Marvel would just go “you know what? f this” and make Loki look so unlike Loki. Especially this version of Loki who is so important to so many people. Honestly at this point the woman looks more like Lady Thor than Loki.
Lady Loki is an iconic character and has a very specific and established look. Even in the current ongoing comic run “Double Trouble” she looks how she always does.
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And it’s not just her hair, it’s also her fit. I definitely don’t expect the revealing garb Lady Loki usually wears in the comics. But Marvel has shown time and time again that they can take female characters’ comic costumes, revamp them a bit but still keep their essence. Scarlet Witch’s new costume is a perfect example. It exudes power, it looks honestly godlike. And I’m sure Mighty Thor will get the same treatment.
And I love Lady Loki, she’s an icon in every sense of the word but this fit looks...too human. Especially when you compare it to Loki’s Aesir garb. If it wasn’t for that golden accent on her chest plate I doubt anyone would even connect this character to Loki. The hair, the trousers, the boots...I swear, sometimes she gives me cosplayer vibe.
And before you go “comic accurate or not, her outfit is still similar to Loki’s!”
Odin and Thor’s are extremely alike as well, down to the same red cape (lol even the hair), yet it doesn’t mean they’re the same person or variants of each other. It just shows that they’re father and son and that Thor’s the favoured son who looks up to Odin.
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So no, I don’t believe this is Lady Loki or a Loki variant. And I hope we get Lady Loki and I sincerely hope they won’t go the “Female Loki is an alternate reality Loki who was born female and is her own character”. I want Loki and Lady Loki to be the same person. I want Loki to shapeshift into his female form, like he did in Agent of Asgard. And it seems like this show took a lot of inspiration from AoA so I’m expecting to see that, Disney. 
As for who I think Sophia is...I don’t think she’s Lady Loki. For obvious reasons. And even though I included Amora in one of the pics, I don’t think she’s Amora either, because while she’s blonde, her outfit doesn’t echo Amora either. Unless Amora has a bone to pick with Loki and decided to cosplay him and frame him for something he didn’t do. Jk.
The fact that she’s blonde, and the fact that her outfit seems influenced by Loki at most and the fact that there’s a child actress cast to play young Sylvie, I think she might be Sylvie, but more grown.
For those who don’t know who Sylvie is. In the comics Loki, for his own chaotic reasons, decided to ‘create a mortal who believes she’s one of his kind’. In short, he seemingly magically created her (that was later also confirmed by Big Zero and Wiccan). She had some deeply rooted identity issues going on (isn’t identity the running theme for this show, anyway) and more than anything Sylvie wanted to be a God and one of the Aesir. She even pretended to speak in a faux Aesier way of speaking. 
At some point after her ‘creation’ she started emulating Amora the Enchantress. In.literally.everything. She even stole Amora’s name and alias ‘Enchantress’ and that’s why Sylvie’s often referenced as “Sylvie the Enchantress, the second Enchantress, the fake Enchantress, the pretender etc” 
Life wasn’t very kind to Sylvie and in the end Amora found her and furious as she was with Sylvie for imitating her and stealing her name, she banished her to one of the ten realms, trying to kill her.
And that’s who Sylvie is. She’s a pretender. A copycat. And Loki is directly tied to her origin. She’s an interesting character.
I’ve already seen a lot of discussions about how Sophia is the adult Sylvie who’s imitating Loki instead of Amora (because there’s no Amora in the Marvel cinematic universe and it wouldn’t make sense for her to copy someone who doesn’t exist). It would certainly explain her hair, outfit which is obviously influenced by Loki, but doesn’t really give off Lady Loki vibes and why there’s a young girl cast as young Sylvie, indicating that there’s also an adult version of her in this show and from all known cast so far, Sophia (the blonde lady) is the only one who fits the description. 
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imagine-loki · 2 years
As blue as the sky itself
CHAPTER NO. 9. cube AUTHOR: colifower ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with The Tesseract RATING: Gen NOTES/WARNINGS: I’m posting this chapter while having some issues with my laptop screen. Please forgive me if the formating is not as always.
 The pic is also by me :D
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“My liege?” asked Raisin, knowing softly on the Allfather’s door. Loki had left it ajar, so he thought it would be a good idea to check if he was there or had left Asgard once and for all.
“Mng…” he heard coming from the bed.
“My liege!” Raisin shouted, shaking Loki up. “Loki, wake up!”
Loki woke up unceremoniously. She scrambled to her feet and the cube fell to the ground.
It was that moment when they knew they were fucked.
“Nononononononono…” Loki mumbled, picking up The Tesseract and trying to shake them awake.
“What did you do now?”
“Me? I only went to sleep, Tess was still awake when I left them!”
“Left them? They were clearly by your side! What was Tess doing in your room anyways?”
“Erm…” said Loki, trying not to think about the events of the previous night. Too many feelings she was not ready to share with anybody. ”Tess came to my room crying and I tried my best to console them.”
“Then, why were they in the bed with you?”
“It’s not what you think” she blurted, finally realizing what her friend would have assumed it happened. “Raisin, no.”
“Is not… ? Loki, did you fuck The Tesseract?” he shrieked. Loki looked at Tess, they didn’t wake up with the scream.
“Is not like that, Raisin.”
“But did you?” he asked. “Of course you did, you are a nasty one. You didn’t even bother to put your pjs back on!”
“Raisin! We did. Not. Have. Sex. We did not have sex!”
“You’re a known pervert, Loki.”
“I…” she started, “I’m ace, ok? I also don’t like sex, like at all.”
“Oh” said Raisin self-restrained. He had no clue. “I didn’t know. Sorry.”
“It’s ok. You… you’re my friend, I should have told you before.”
“Loki, you owe me nothing.”
“I know. It’s just…” she sighted. “I am already genderfluid, bi and jötun. And on top of that, sex-repulsed ace… To say that Asgard has not been kind to me is a bit of an understatement.”
“Well, you’re Allfather now. You can make a difference.”
Loki laughed and whipped away her tears. “I’m supplanting Odin and people think me dead. Please explain me how.”
“Well, maybe making an adoption fund? Set a suicide hotline for queer people?”
“I… we should be trying to wake Tess up, not talking about this. This is not the time.”
“I suppose you’re right” he admitted. “I’ll go to the bathroom to get some cold water.”
Before he had the chance to do that, Loki put a hand over his shoulder. “Thank you, Raisin. I mean it.”
Raisin nodded, conscious of the trust she had on him, and went to the other room. Loki picked up Tess and looked at the cube with intention. She couldn’t bring herself to think why had they left them. Did she scare them off? Was this their way of leaving her, like everybody else has done through the years?”
It was now Raisin putting his hand over her shoulder. Loki had started to cry.
“I think I’m in love with them, Raisin. How…? Why…?”
“I know” he said knowingly. “We’ll find our way back into their lives. We’ll try everything.”
Loki sniffed. “Starting with this ice bucket challenge of sorts.”
“Do you want to do it yourself?”
Loki nodded, taking the bucket from him. She dumped The Tesseract into the ice-cold water, making Tess spring back to their corporeal form.
“>:O “ they said, grasping for the air they didn’t breath. Loki embraced them tightly, still crying. “Loki, Raisin, what…?”
“You fall back asleep” said Raisin, joining in on the hug.
“Don’t scare us like that again” Loki shouted, maybe a little bit more distraught than what she wanted Tess to know she was.
“Oh… ok” mumbled Tess. “I guess I felt quite comfortable in your arms.”
Raisin elbowed Loki in the least subtly way. She didn’t mind. Tess was ok, that was all that mattered.
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The Dark Team (part 12)
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(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx)
Warnings: alcohol.
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Disclaimer: pic not mine.
After the sun came completely down and the night bathed the city, making the flashing lights of the buildings and cars look like the sky had spat all of its stars, you gathered all your work and called it a day. Thor, Steve and Bucky were able to go through everything you told them to, and everything was in control. You had managed to solve a chaotic situation from the distance, and the pleasant feeling of doing things right gave you the last push to close your laptop and join Peter and Loki.
Opening one of the windows, you let the fresh wind hit your face and unfurrow your brows, releasing all the tensions you had been accumulating all week long. Peter sneaked up from outside the building and hung upside down from the frame. You gasped, forgetting for a brief moment he was sticky and not completely out of his mind.
“Are you joining us, older?”.
“Yes, little. I’m going”, you laughed at the comeback of the nicknames. Standing for older sibling and little sibling Tony had baptized you with, years ago. Loki chuckled.
“You two are the epitome of adorability, sometimes”.
“Oh, we can get worse”, you laughed.
You had ordered some food in, without wanting to ever touch the mess of that kitchen again, and a bottle of wine. Nobody was there, else than you three; might as well have fun. As you waited for dinner to arrive, you decided on a slide presentation night. You gave each other no more than twenty minutes to arrange it all, so the chaos would be absolute and uncontrollable.
Peter presented first, with a long powerpoint ranking things the Avengers did in “vine-vibes” ascending order. You two tried (and failed miserably) to explain to Loki what a vine was and why something would have its vibes without being actually a video.
Loki’s presentation was titled “Seven hundred reasons why you shouldn’t worship the God of Sparkly hands”. There were actually only six reasons; two of them were about mass murders he was about to commit, and most of them talked about annoying things he did as a child. There was an extra one where it was just a white background and tiny letters in the middle saying “he dyes his hair blonde, he’s actually a redhead”.
Your presentation was titled “Seven hundred and one reasons why you should worship me instead”. No need to elaborate. They all differed except for Friday; she clapped with her electronic hands.
Two board games and some chess later, the food had already arrived. Peter was famished and ate more than you could’ve imagined a boy was capable of. He got so full, so quickly, that he instantly got sleepy. Loki could not bite his tongue and had to say “just like a baby”. It did not help that you snorted, and Peter shot his webs at you two; Loki avoided them and you couldn’t, so you ended up stuck to the roof. Peter started to walk to his room, leaving you up there.
“Hey, hey! Don’t leave, I’m still here!”, you called him. But he was gone. What an avenger. Loki chuckled, and raised his hand to free you with magic, and you instantly realized you were six meters away from the floor. “Wait! I’ll fall!!”.
He didn’t stop, and dissolved the net with a simple spell. As you fell down, you closed your eyes and tried to cover your head, knowing you’d have at least a broken bone. Peter has done this before, you knew there was no way to actually leave unharmed. Loki’s arms tightened around your body, avoiding you to fall flat against the floor.
As you looked up, you met his face, closer than ever. Closer than it ever has been. Your heart skipped a beat, and you knew you had to think about something else than the feeling of his chest against yours, his hands in your back, how he was holding you so gently, how he was looking at you so dearly. You knew you had to think about something else; for he could be reading your mind. He surely was. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t stop focusing on his peach lips and how soft his cheeks looked from up close. You couldn’t see anything else than the movement of his Adam’s apple when he swallowed hard, and how his hand trembled a little in your back.
He let you down slowly, still holding eye contact, still with his arms around you. Not the threatening gaze he would hold against everyone else on the compound. Not the lustful gaze he would sometimes draw while stealing some glances at you changing on your suit (he thought you didn’t notice, you certainly did). Not the concentrated gaze he would hold still on his face while reading one of those books he always carried around.
It wasn’t any of those. You had studied them thoroughly, meticulously, every inch of his facial expressions, every inch of his being while he wasn’t aware of your eyes on him. God, how you hated to look at him this way, but how much you couldn’t avoid it. Your brain knew you shouldn’t get attached. You had no chance at all to be with him; he was a God, a criminal, and he’d go back to Asgard. And, foremost, he didn’t feel the same. He had a lover, and his mind was still there, stuck in that person, undeletable.
And, as much as you could have read him like a children’s book the entirety of the past week, right now, you had no clue what those green eyes on you meant. You had no idea why the blush on his cheeks was in there, and why he let out a tiny (the tiniest, ever so subtle) gasp. Parted lips that shone, looked so…
You shook your head, closing your eyes. He didn’t let go of his grip around you, but your feet were already on the floor. You could’ve walked away if you wanted to. And you wanted to, you definitely did not want to stay there, and sink your nose in his neck. You certainly did not want to play with his hair while staring at those pair of emeralds he couldn’t keep away from you. You couldn’t read him. He looked at you in a way you’ve never seen him before. Yet it felt so… right.
No, it wasn’t right. God, what were you thinking?
He pulled away, and the cold breeze from the window surrounded your body. You didn’t realize how much body heat he was warming you with until he left. Or maybe it was your own. Your face was still burning. You visibly cringed at your reaction, and could not play it cool at all. He chuckled, again, and walked to the kitchen.
You didn’t say anything. Your face still burned, and your chest was tight. You haven’t felt like this in a long time, why now? Why in the middle of an important mission? Why just now, that he specifically told you he would not stay, and that once he left he would not come back? Why now, that he was opening a bottle of wine in the kitchen, and pouring it in two glasses?
Opening the balcony’s doors, there were two metal chairs (those with delicate designs, that would usually belong to a grandma’s garden) and a round and tiny glass table, just waiting for you two to sit there. You needed fresh air, so you did, sinking in all the city, the active flashlights of the cars, the minute people running around, or walking.
Two glasses of wine clicked against the glass table, and Loki sat in front of you with his eyes fixed on the city, too. You observed him from the corner of your eye, and he did the same. A subtle smile drew across his tightened lips.
After a glass of wine, a refill and about an hour of small talk, he uncrossed his legs and stretched his arms and back with a yawn. The blush still remained intact on his cheeks, and it couldn’t be because of the wine. If you weren’t drunk, much less him. He looked back at you, and chuckled uncomfortably.
“What?”, he asked.
“What what?”.
“You’re staring”.
“Oh, sorry”.
“No, it’s fine”, he said, and you furrowed your brows. He specified, “I don’t mind. I wonder what you’re thinking while you stare, nothing more”.
“So you’re not reading my mind?”.
“No. You said you didn’t like that”.
“Ah”, you gave your glass of wine one last sip and emptied it. It was such a simple gesture, yet you didn’t expect him to actually have listened. Of course he would, he wasn’t actually as bad as he was portrayed by Stark, or so you have seen so far of him. “I just… I wonder about you”.
“About what?”.
“You’re difficult to read. My job here is mainly knowing how to read people”, you explained, and he nodded. “It’s almost like you’re purposely hiding. Like you’re shifting your microexpressions into whatever they are now, so nobody can see what you actually think or feel”. He let out a short chest laugh. Probably sarcastic, but how would you know.
“Who would actually want to know what goes through my mind?”.
“I do, just told you”.
He looked down and played with the empty glass in between his fingers. It looked small in comparison.
“You don’t want to, believe me”.
“Are you afraid of letting people in?”.
“No, it’s not that”, he said, trying to let you know he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. You ignored it and opened your mouth, but the words died in your tongue as he added, “please, don’t”.
“I wish I knew you better”, you said after a few more minutes of silence. You swore you heard a creaking foot on the stairs, peeping in the conversation. You ignored it; if Loki was to talk to you, he would also say it in front of Peter. Not like you had some sort of special bond, or even friendship. You kind of wished for it, though.
“Why?”. His knitted eyebrows showed how actually curious he was about that. He believed you. He was certain you were telling the truth, but he simply couldn’t put his head around it. Why would anyone want to know me better? What is it about me that you care? And you wished to know the reason, too. If you knew why you were so drawn to him, maybe you could’ve stopped yourself.
“I feel like I’m missing out on something”.
“Something like what?”.
“Something great”.
“There is no greatness in me, it’s all an act”.
“I know it’s all an act”, you said, referring to his whole I’m a God and you’ll kneel before me and I’m superior. “I don't mean that kind of greatness. You’re hiding the wrong things”.
“You’re not missing out on anything”, he insisted, and not for humility, but because he wanted to brush you off. Keep you away from him.
“Don’t you think we could ever get along? Friends, even?”, you pressured. You knew you shouldn’t have, but Loki didn’t take it badly. Instead, he finally looked at you, drawing a sad smile.
“I’m going back to Asgard after the mission. I don’t intend to make new friends”, he said, but a softness in his voice hinted he wasn’t being mean; simply stating the facts. Exactly as it should be.
“Why did you come only for this mission?”, you asked. You actually wanted to ask do you even have friends back there?, but you knew better.
“I owe Stark. I messed up and wanted to fix at least something with him. He’s not taking it too kindly, but I think he understands the intentions”, he explained, sitting back up on his chair and getting his eyes back on the city.
“A peace offering?”.
“More like an apology. Redemption, even”.
“Redemption? Do you see yourself as a villain to him?”.
He didn’t answer right away. Took his time to find the words.
“I wronged. I did things I shouldn’t have”, and then you realized, he wasn’t apologizing for the New York incident. It was personal. You even wondered, maybe… was he…? Was Tony actually the...? No, imposible. “I know helping out on a mission won’t cut it, but if I can at least be a little bit of help to his planet…”.
“May I ask what did you wrong him in?”.
“I tried to take over Midgard once”, he said, and you didn’t believe him.
“If you ask me, it’s not Stark’s place to accept that apology. He doesn’t own the planet, even though he thinks that”.
“Does he?”.
“He acts like such, at least. He has a big ego, but also a big heart. He’s the closest thing I have to a father”.
“I know”, and you weren’t sure what he had said I know to.
The night was kept awake with more small talk you wouldn’t remember the next day. You saw the sun rising from behind the buildings in silence, with a bad aftertaste of wine, takeout food and unspoken words that would stay just like that.
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So if I wanted all the Avengers as an underwear collection, is that something you could do for me?
Oh easily! That’s a rather easy wish if we’re being honest here. Let’s get started shall we?
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I snap my fingers and you and I find ourselves in the lab of THE Tony Stark. Said man was currently sitting at a workbench working on some new blueprint. I let out a fake cough to get his attention and he quickly turns around.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Ah Tony. Tony Tony Tony, you REALLY should know who I am by now. Especially after everything I do to you.”
“What are yo-”
I snap my fingers and the man collapses into his clothing. Digging through his clothes I pull out a pair of briefs with Ironman on them before handing them to you. Here.
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“One down, four more to go.”
Once again I snap and this time we find ourselves in what seems to be an apartment of someone's. By the sound of it, it sounded like someone was in the shower too.
“Alright he should almost be done.”
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That was answered when the shower ended and Steve Rogers stepped out in nothing but a towel. “Who are you!?” He got into a defensive stance still holding the towel.
“No one you need to be worried about.” *Snap*
Just like that, Steve was gone, replaced by a captain America pair of briefs laying on a towel.
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I throw them to you and you place it along with the Ironman one you had just got.
“Another one done. This is getting fun.”
Next we arrived somewhere special. The hallways and building seemed like they were made out of gold. There was also another man there.
“Loki! My good friend where is your brother?”
“Sylens good to see you again. He’s in his room. He just returned from one of his idiotic visits to midgard. Why?”
“I’m taking him off your hands.” I send him a smirk that he returns.
“By all means.”
Entering Thor’s room we found the god fast asleep on his bed...naked.
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“Well if you wanted any pics or anything of naked Thor do it now because he isn’t going to be like this again.”
We watched as Thor dwindled down, his skin growing lighter and more course...like fabric until only a pair of boxers remained on his bed.
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“Here catch.” I toss the pair to you and let you add it to your collection.
Loki who was there the entire time gave you a look. “So you turned my brother into undergarments and...are those two of the avengers?”
“Yup. This fine gentleman wanted the avengers added to his underwear drawer.”
Loki smiled at you. “Oh, I like you.”
“Well Loki it’s been nice and I’m glad to take your brother but we must be off. We still have two others to visit.”
“Well don’t let me stop you. Enjoy.”
With that Asgard disappeared from our view to be replaced by a farm.
“He should be around here somewhere...”
As I say that an arrow landed by our feet.
“There he is.”
“I don’t know who you are or what you want, but I suggest you get out of here.”
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Clint Barton aka Hawkeye stood there, Bow raised ready to fire another arrow at us.
“Hello Clint, don’t worry it’s nothing important we’ll leave.”
“Just right after we take you.”
Clint’s bow disappeared as he compressed and shrank down, shriveling up. This time I let you run over and as you dig through his clothes you pull out a pair of purple boxers.
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“Oh I like those ones. Clint made a good pair.”
“Thanks...so where to next?”
“The last pair for your collection.”
The farm disappears from view and we find ourselves in another lab. This one is a bit more run down than Tony’s but still more advanced than a regular labs.
“Um, c-can I help you?”
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We both turn to the voice and are greeted by Bruce Banner.
“Oh hello Doctor Banner. We’re just here for you.”
“Excuse me?”
“We’re. Here. For. You.” I flick my hand sending him flying. 
That was enough to get him angry and in an instant where the small timid doctor had been was now the large, green, angry Hulk. The hulk began charging at us but I only smirked.
Hulk tripped and in doing so, collapsed in on himself. We both watched as he shrank and flattened out until only a pair of boxers remained.
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Picking up the pair I handed them to you with a smile.
“Done. There you go five pairs of beautiful avengers underwear for your collection.” Your hands will filled with the colorful pairs.
“B-but that’s not all the avengers!”
“I know, but I started you off with the big original five. If you want the others I suggest you get on it.”
“Be careful what you say next. You could easily join your own collection.”
With a smirk I snapped my fingers again and you found yourself alone in your room...with your new underwear of course.
“Ah. Another job done.”
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 58 - The Magical book of Death
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Warning !: Crossover with another existence !! Long chapter (Over 3 000 words) ! Enjoy !
You and Loki rode for a few hours through villages and a bit of forests. The forests were little and not really big and amazing, but they still looked beautiful. Soon you led Loki into a huge, deep, never - ending forest. You two rode for another 30 minutes, reaching a very deep place in the never - ending forest.
You halted and Loki did the same. You dismounted your horse first, Loki was doing the same a second later.
"Alright...what now ?", Loki asked you.
You pointed at a huge rock. It was so big, that it could make a cave of some sort.
"We need to find the entrance into this rock. Then we can continue our journey.", you answered him.
Loki nodded in understanding and began to search with you. 12 minutes later you found the entrance.
"Loki !! I found it !!", you yelled.
Loki came rushing to you. You pointed at the entrance.
"It is here and I know how to get access.", you told him smugly.
"Well then, how do we get in ?"
"Easy. Give me your hand."
Loki gave you his hand. Not a second later he hissed in pain. You sliced his palm open and then dragged him to a part of the rock, sliding Loki's hand on it and smearing his blood on it. The entrance opened after that. Loki tore his hand back.
"You could have warned me !", Loki hissed.
"I could have, but would you have agreed ?", you asked him bored.
"....No...", Loki admitted.
"See ? Then were was the point in telling or warning you ?", you huffed out.
You snapped your hands and created a flame in your hand. Then you turned to Loki.
"Let's go."
Loki nodded and followed you, creating himself a flame with a snap of his fingers.
"Any traps ?", Loki asked her cautiously.
"Nope !", you said popping the 'p'.
Loki looked confused.
"Why not ? Any tasks ?"
You huffed out in annoyance.
"No Loki. I don't know, Loki. Shut up Loki. We will see, Loki."
Loki fell silent after that. _________________________________________
You came to a dead end. Loki made a frustrated sound and threw his arms up in anger.
"All this walking around for hours, for nothing !! Great !!", he yelled.
You looked around, rolling your eyes at the Diva called Loki Laufeyson.
"You should have been more careful and put traps here ! Or impossible tasks ! Just SOMETHING !!!", he rambled on.
You felt magic in the air and concentrated. After a few seconds you stepped back in utter shock and awe.
"Now we have to search in whole Asgard to find that damn boo-!!"
"A Portal...", you interrupted Loki's rambling, with awe.
Loki stopped and stared at you.
"What ?", he asked in confusion.
You turned to Loki.
"Loki, the helmet and the book aren't here ! They are through that Portal !"
"What Portal ?"
"It is right in front of us ! We just can't see it !"
Loki looked at you in awe. You swallowed and then went into the Portal. As you stepped out of it, you weren't in the cave anymore, or anywhere near Asgard ! You were in another Dimension. And as you looked around and at yourself, you knew where the heck you were at. Let us just say, you were NOT amused.
"Oh, you've gotta be shittin' me...", you mumbled.
"What is this place ? I have never seen something like this before...", Loki's voice appeared.
You jumped up in the air and looked then at Loki.
"Damn Loki ! Don't sneak up on me !!", you huffed out.
Loki smiled at you mischievously. But it quickly turned into a look of utter shock.
"D-Destiny ?", he asked in utter shock.
You looked at yourself again and huffed out an annoyed noise.
"Yes, it is I, Loki.", you answered him.
"Where are we ?", he asked again.
"In another Dimension. Another existence. No Avengers, no Gods, no Nine Realms."
"Does this 'Dimension' have a name ?", Loki asked a bit skeptical.
"It has many names, but its actual name is 'Skulduggery Pleasant'. We are in another magical Dimension...And I am a male in here. Name is Erskin Hollow."
(Character doesn't really exist in the books, owner of them is Derek Landy ! I just lend it for the story.)
"That is why you look and sound like a male !"
"Yeah, well, I left that Dimension just like that. I play with the true Erskin Hollow a game with my Father. Bruh."
You looked around again and then groaned.
"No ! Why the fuck me ?!", you cursed.
"What is it ?"
"We got spotted by Skulduggery and Valkyrie. Fuck...", you cursed.
"Valkyrie ?", Loki asked in shock.
"Not that kind of Valkyrie ! It is just her name, she gave herself. Her full self - given name is Valkyrie Cain."
"Given name ?"
"You have a lot to learn... Just don't tell them your name."
"Why ?"
"I will explain later.", you whispered into his ear.
"Erskin ! I was starting to think that you didn't want to help us.", Skulduggery said.
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(For people who don't know about the books and characters, that is Skulduggery Pleasant. Pics don't belong to me ! Just lending them !)
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(That is Valkyrie Cain)
You laughed and stretched out your arms.
"Why would you think that, Skul, old friend ? You know me."
He crocked his head to the right lightly.
"I do not.", he said.
You played the hurt person.
"Ouch. Now you hurt me.", you joked.
Loki looked totally pale and looked at you in utter shock.
"I-is that really a living skeleton ?", he asked in horror.
"Yep ! He is Skulduggery Pleasant. Is a skeleton now for a few hundrets of years. He died in a war and came back as they were about to lose the war. Long story said in short.", you explained.
"A new Magician ?", Valkyrie asked.
You nodded and shook your head.
"Kinda and then again kinda not. He is gifted with Magic since childhood and trained with it, but he is...not from around our world, so to say.", you tried to explain.
"Alright, what is going on ?", Skulduggery asked you.
You scratched your neck in discomfort.
"Let us talk in a safe place, please ?", you asked them.
Skulduggery and Valkyrie looked around and then nodded. Skul pointed at a black car.
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(Bentley of Skulduggery)
"Let us hopp into the Bentley then. We will go to Ghastly's place.", he said.
"Okay.", you responded.
"Do we have to go ?", Loki whispered into your ear in fear.
"We have to. Do not worry. They are all nice as long as you are not a threat.", you told him.
He hushed you.
"They will hear us. Don't be so loud.", he whisper - hissed at you.
"I can still hear you.", Skulduggery said.
You chuckled as Loki looked at him in utter horror.
"What did you think of a dead man ? He is a skeleton that can talk, move, think, hear and act like a living person. He can hear every little rustle of paper.", you told him chuckling.
Loki was as white as a corpse at that. You laughed at his shocked face, it looked like he will black out any moment. Reminds you on Valkyrie's and Skulduggery's second meeting as she fell into a black out in utter shock. A skeleton was in her house, saving her life from another dangerous man of his world that then soon became her world too. Madness of the finest kind.
You and Loki hopped into the Bentley at the backseats and Valkyrie was in the passenger seat. Skulduggery was the driver.
"How can he see ?", Loki asked you hushed.
"Magic, boy.", Skulguggery answered him.
Loki looked at him weirdly.
"Magic can't do that. Not from where I am from.", Loki told them.
"Well here it can. Thanks to Magic I can do all of this.", Skulduggery answered back simply.
"What are you by the way ? Are you an Elemental Magician, Teleporter, Vampire, Monster, Banshee, Necromancer, Wizard, Warlock or an Alchemist ?", Valkyrie asked Loki.
Loki stared at her in utter shock and then at you.
"I...I don't know...", he mumbled.
"You trained with your Magic since you were a child and you don't know what kind of Magician you are ? That is something new.", Skulduggery mumbled impressed.
"Ever heard of Seidr, Skul ?", you asked him.
"Se...what ?", he asked you confused.
"Seidr. That is his Magic."
He was silent for a while.
"No I do not, Erskin. Interesting...A new kind of Magic..."
"From where I come from Seidr is not easy to have and to use. It took me hundreds of years to be what I am now. Seidr is also choosing the one who is worthy of it. I was worthy of it and my Mother chose to share her knowledge with me about it, because she also owned it. Just me and my Mother own Seidr in my home."
Skulduggery nodded and hummed at that.
"Interesting...", he mumbled.
"Wait ! Seidr ?! That sounds like Norse Mythology ! Wait I will search it up !", Valkyrie said.
A few seconds later she cheered.
"I found it !"
"Then start, Valkyrie.", you and Skulduggery said.
"Seidr is a rare kind of very powerful Magic. The only people who own it are the Gods named: Sigyn, Frigga/Frigg and Loki. Frigga is the Goddess of Wedding and Family, Loki is the God of Mischief and Lies and Sigyn is the Goddess of Victory."
"Interesting...", mumbled Skulduggery.
"Don't tell me that his name is Loki.", Valkyrie said.
You chuckled.
"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he will call himself like that."
"That would be cool."
'Don't call yourself that. That is already your given name and would do no help in keeping you safe', you thought to Loki.
'I do not understand what is going on here...'
'You will find out in a few minutes. Trust me.'
Loki nodded and then was quiet. _________________________________________
They stopped and Loki looked around in disgust. This place looked filthy.
"Where are we ?", Loki asked.
"At our destination.", you answered him.
"And WHERE is that ?", Loki asked clearer.
"Bespoke Tailors."
"This place looks awful.", Loki commented.
"It is planned like that, so Mortal's don't plan to explore this little village.", you explained.
"Don't stare, by the way. Ghastly Bespoke is...not really pretty. To put it nicely."
"He is plain ugly. He looks like an absolute horror character.", Skulduggery said.
Loki looked at you scared.
"He is not that bad. Skulduggery is joking. His whole head is covered in scars tho. It doesn't look pretty. It was a curse and nothing helped to get it away from him. His Mother was cursed and it went over to Ghastly."
"Nothing helped ?", he repeated in a question.
"Nothing helped.", you nodded.
"Oh dear..."
They then walked into the shop and you smiled. Ghastly was a good friend of yours.
A man came from the backroom and smiled.
"Erskin, Skulduggery, Valkyrie ! Nice to see you again !", a man, covered in scars, greeted them.
"Heya Ghastly !", you greeted.
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(I guess you can read the most important informatons on this picture.)
"What do you need ?", he asked you and the rest.
"We need to talk.", you told him and the rest.
"Alright. Then take a seat."
You and the others went to the couch and sat down.
"Alright. What is going on ?", Valkyrie asked you and Loki again.
"Well...He is from another Dimension. I once told you about the job I have. So you can imagine.", you explained awkwardly.
"He is from another Dimension, another existence ?", Ghastly asked to clarify.
"Yep. Pretty much."
"Why is he here with you then ?", Skulduggery asked.
"We search a certain book and a helmet that belonged to Destiny Andrea Dust."
Skulduggery and Ghastly stiffened.
"She was also doing that thing ?", they asked.
"She did. Now it is me."
'Why are you lying to them ?'
'Because I died here a long time ago and it is not their time to know the truth.'
Loki was quiet again.
"Who is Destiny ?", Valkyrie asked.
"Skulduggery's dead daughter.", you answered.
"What ?! But you told me that you just had a son !"
"I did. Destiny was Genderfluid. She had her days of being she/her and the next day it was just he/him and the name was Heiko. Because she mostly was a he, I decided to stay with the term son.", Skulduggery explained.
'That is...'
'Deep ?', you asked Loki.
'In every Dimension I am different with the others. Here I am Genderfluid and in your Dimension I am gifted with more than one personality. Easy.'
"So she was kind of a Transgender ?", Valkyrie asked.
"No. A Transgender complains about being born in the wrong body. A Genderfluid has kind of two gender personalities. There are many other words to call such people. But some days they want to have the pronounces of she/her and on other day it is he/him. And sometimes it is none and just they/them. Because both gender personalities are in control.", you explained.
"Yep. Sometimes they are either gay, straight or lesbian. Sounds weird, but it is like that."
"Oh my god..."
"Anyway ! We drift off of the topic at hand ! The reason I am searching these things !"
"Go on...", Ghastly said.
"Well, in his Dimension we have a lot of troubles and the book, we search, would help us to avoid a terrible fate."
"You need help ?", Valkyrie offered.
"Well, I know where it is already. I just need a lot of skill, to get on it.", you laughed nervously.
"Well then good luck, Erskin.", Skulduggery said.
"Thanks. You too on your case. As soon as I have the book and saved some ass I will return and help. I promise. Bye !"
With that you teleported yourself and Loki away into a forest. You huffed.
"Okay...That was close.", you said.
"Close ?"
"Skulduggery and Valkyrie love mysteries. Finding and destroying artifacts are one of their other hobbies and they are friends with someone called China Sorrows. She is a collector and she would be after that book and even worse, she would try and use its powers. Nope. Not happening. Now come and follow me."
Loki nodded and followed you. The deeper you went into the forest, the more Loki felt watched and in danger.
"Where are we going ?", he asked.
"To a cursed part of this forest. There we will find, what we came for."
Loki's eyes widened like dinner plates on Asgard.
"What ?!", Loki whisper - yelled.
"Just a few angered skeleton ghosts, Zombies and other scary things. You will be fine.", you cheered him up.
Loki laughed darkly.
"Yeah, because I fought such things once before and totally know them !", he said sarcastically.
"Good. Then one more reason to not be surprised and worried.", you said happily.
Loki looked at you in disbelief.
"You know that I wasn't serious, right ?", Loki growled out.
You stopped and turned around, looking at him in shock.
"You joked ? Why would you joke about such a thing ?", you said in mock - shock.
Loki didn't hear the mocking and joking tho.
"No ! I have no idea !"
"Loki, I know. Just stay near me and do the same as I do. You will be fine."
Then you and Loki continued. Loki grumbling behind you. _________________________________________
You were on the run.
(belongs to SMG4 sound Library)
"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT !!!", you yelled the curse and ran with Loki for your lives.
Everything was chasing you two. Why ? Because Loki had to be an idiot.
"YOU IDIOT !!!" _________________________________________
You closed the entrance you finally found of the hidden place of your helmet and the book. You turned around and glared at the panting Loki.
"The next time you listen to me !! I know more of this Dimension than you ! I had to face everything here ! You don't know anything about this place !", you scolded him angered.
Loki looked away from you and down at the floor in shame.
"I am sorry... I was too curious..."
"Curiosity here is death. Now let's move. I want to go back home, before you get us both killed by accident.", you told him softer and helped him up.
"Okay...I am sorry still...", he mumbled softly.
You sighed.
"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we are still alive.", you tried to cheer him up.
Then you grabbed his hand and led him behind you, pulling him along to the helmet and book. _________________________________________
Soon you were in another chamber. A HUGE chamber. A silver light shone onto something shiny. You and Loki went closer and you smiled softly at what you saw.
"My helmet !", you said relieved.
"And there is the book !", Loki cheered.
You looked to his right and then saw it too.
"Yes ! We made it. As soon as we have them, I can teleport us back."
Loki wanted to run to grab the book.
"WAIT !!"
Loki stopped dead in his tracks.
"We have to pull them off of their places at the same time and quickly teleport. Here are traps everywhere. Ready to murder us if needed !"
Loki nodded and ran to the book. Having a hold of it. You grabbed your old helmet and then counted to three.
"1 !"
Loki got more ready, like you did.
"2 !"
You both broke a sweat already.
"3 !"
And you both pulled the item you held to yourselves fastly. The ground began to shake violently.
"LOKI !!! GET HERE NOW !!", you yelled in utter panic.
You both had to leave and that fast ! Loki ran to you, the ground giving in behind him. He pulled you into a tight hug, having a firm grip on the book and you quickly opened a portal below yourselves and you both fell through it. Loki let go of you, without even wanting it.
"AAAAAAHHHH !!!", Loki screamed first.
"AAAAAAAHHHH !!!", you screamed too.
Suddenly there was ground and you turned yourself around and Loki did the same, so you will land on your backs.
You firstly collided with the floor.
"OOF !!", it knocked the wind out of your lungs.
Loki collided next.
"ARGH !!", he yelled in pain as he landed.
You both tried to catch your breath after that and stayed on the floor. Loki hugged the book tightly and you the helmet.
Soon you both got up and you looked at the book. Loki just then realized that you looked again like the person, he was friends with. He and you were back in his Dimension.
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"We did it...We got the second book, Loki !", you cheered.
Loki smiled in triumph. Then the smile disappeared.
"Where are we ?", he asked in confusion.
You also looked around. Your eyes soon widened.
"Oh no...", you whispered.
Part 59
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !  
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dantays-inferno · 4 years
All the homages to Tom Hiddleston in the ME! music video
This may seem outdated now that TS8 has arrived, but I’ve been working on this post for a long time, and after a listen to Folklore, I think it’s still a bit relevant ;) 
I wanted to share some Easter eggs we unearthed while doing an archaeological excavation of the ME! music video.
I know what you’re thinking...that video came out over a year ago! Aren’t those Easter eggs a little rotten from sitting out there this whole time?
Don’t fret, dear reader. The eggs were well preserved like bread baked in Pompeii just before Mt. Vesuvius blew. That is to say, these Easter eggs pointing to Taylor’s undying love for Tom (who can blame her!) are both deeply buried and in shockingly plain sight.
Our journey into the excavation all started with this:
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I was watching this video and noticed the jaguar sculpture on the desk and just about died because I will always associate jaguars with Tom Hiddleston’s ad campaign for them. The ads contain three of Taylor’s favorite things: London, cats, and Tom Hiddleston. I’m not sure what her feelings are on luxury cars, though of course she referenced the commercial on reputation (jag-you-ars.) You can watch them here, but be forewarned--you may feel weak in the knees by the end. You may also be triggered by seeing a human interacting with a big cat (I can’t be the only one who feels scarred by Tiger King...)
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After this, I watched the ME! video again and saw one reference to Tom after another.
The living room scenes remind me of a Gucci ad campaign Tom in...fall of 2016. Oh. Seems significant.
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1. Why those shoes. 2. How does he not have dog hair on his suit. 3. This very ad hung on my fridge for a month. 4. The color scheme and mod feel of this photo shoot feel very similar to the ME! living room. Taylor even included her own two animals (who are somewhat similar in color to these glamorous pooches.
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Here’s another image from the Gucci campaign:
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The suit Brendon wears while watching out the window, to me, mimics the suit Tom is wearing above. Not incidentally, the jaguar statue is at Brendon’s elbow. And you’ll notice that the pinkish pillow behind Tom’s right shoulder is basically the same color and texture as the sofas in the ME! living room.
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Let me also note that all of the rooms above featured shades of green associated with Loki.
Well, that was fun. Let’s do some more.
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The hallway Grace Kelly Taylor walks through at the beginning of the video always puzzled me. It was one of those things that stuck out but I couldn’t say why. Well, I wondered if it represented a place TS had been. I guess so because here is an interior shot of part of the Vatican Museums in Rome:
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I saw this and just about fainted. Taylor and Tom visited the Vatican while in Rome in summer 2016. They were heavily papped, unfortunately. I can’t imagine how miserable that would have been, but they also did look very happy together. I get little heart eyes and then cry for Taylor (and Tom), praying for her happiness while listening to New Year’s Day. I might also mention she wore blue kitten heels, remarkably like the pink ones in this portion of the video. 
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Now this is a find I’m truly proud of...here’s an interesting tie Tom wore many moons ago. And I really mean many moons ago because there are only these sad tiny photos you get when someone cropped a VHS recording they took of that time your were on TV in 2010.
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First, what a great tie, and can I get a sundress made out of it too because I just really love floral prints. But besides that, I mean, I’m just getting some deja vu...
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And the color scheme shows pretty well (along with the silky texture) in Brendon’s most excellent costume at the Billboard awards (which I would also like a dress of):
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And there’s that whole Mary Poppins reference with Brendon teetering down from the sky on an umbrella. I couldn’t help but be reminded of this odd but somewhat talked-about short film “Leading Lady Parts” that Tom had a role in. The basis of the plot being that he wins all the leading female roles in movies because other women can’t live up to Hollywood’s (or whatever the British equivalent of Hollywood is) standards. So at the end of the film, a character walks past a series of posters where Tom has been photoshopped into famous female roles, including...
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Something you’ll never unsee, I know. 
Okay, the next part needs its own whole SECTION.
Thor Ragnarok References
So partway through Taylor and Tom’s midsummer’s night dream, Tom started filming for Thor Ragnarok, one of Marvel’s greatest gifts to mankind, in Australia. The finished film came out on Nov. 3, 2017, just seven days before reputation.
To start with, the color of Loki’s costume shows up quite a bit:
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Beyond this, Thor: Ragnarok takes place on two alien planets: Asgard (Thor and Loki’s home) and Sakaar (a bizarre planet where intergalactic trash is dumped and Jeff Goldblum holds gladiator-style games.)
Sakaar looks a little like this:
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An odd pastel palette splashed on a sea of grays. Detritus and occasionally people (notably, Thor) fall from holes in the sky. Also, notice the sky has a strange refracted nature to it that is seen in the ME! video. 
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So we have another scene of people falling from nowhere down to a sea of pastels and gray with a pink refracted sky.
The sky behind His Lordship Jeff Goldblum in Ragnarok is the best pic I can find of Sakaar’s sky.
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Let’s move on to a more exciting one:
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One of the movie’s main characters, Valkyrie, rides a gray pegasus (unfortunately not a pegacorn)
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The pegacorn Taylor sits on has a rather peculiar eye that evokes Thor’s when he’s in lightning mode:
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Valkyrie also has a totally dope cape (so do a lot of characters, but we’ll focus on her):
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Which reminds me of Taylor’s cape in the marching band scene:
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And the rainbow leading up to the kaleidoscope where Taylor and To--er, Brendon dance? If you’ve watched any Thor movie, you probably remember the long almost-translucent rainbow bridge that stretches from the bifrost to Asgard. 
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So as you see above, the bifrost leads to a room where Idris Elba controls the bifrost bridge. It look a bit like the kaleidoscope room Taylor and Brendon end up in:
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To top things off, Taylor and Brendon’s suits really evoke that old school country feel that stars like, I don’t know....Hank Williams would wear (rest in peace.) 
Finally, the hotel lobby resembles the interior of the Asgard palace, but I can’t find good pictures and this has taken me hours. 
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In conclusion, Taylor is brilliant, love is cruel, ME! is a fantasy fever dream, and Tom is worth the fight. Hopes, thoughts, prayers.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 3 episode 3
Notes by me
- isnt it dangerous to have the podium right in front of the stargate. What if it turns on. "Incoming wormhole!! Ah there goes the secretary of defense :\ "
- major carter!!!! MY GIRL ❗❗❗
- "I'm a man of few words-" BEAMED
- my mans thor👽
- "our ships have never been detected by earth before" how long they been spyin on us???
- theres a Protected Planets Treaty? Oohh I wonder how many planets theyve been to that the asgard have kept under that treaty and they didnt even know it
- bro just beams in whenever he wants doesnt he
- thor: you will represent all of earth
jack: oh god please no. make Daniel do it
- I cant pay attention to this conversation all I can think of is the fact that I can break thors body like a glow stick
- yo who keeps coughing in these quiet scenes??? Shut up
- P8X987 is cassies planet that got mass murdered by Nirtii
- no weapons is a bad idea
- tealc only turning in his staff when Jack gives him the Its Okay nod
- when tealc about to beat some goauld ass and Daniel needs to do The Tiddie Grab to calm him down
- I dont speak Chulak but "go fuck yourself" is understandable in any language
- tealcs dad was first prime of cronos!! And then he killed him!! Always happy for more tealc back story
- a single man tear
- cronos killed jolinar too damn everyone got beef with this dude
- Nirtii scares me. Is she single
- thor beamed his own throne. Get on his level
- that lasted as long as it did
- an enemy WORSE than icky tremor graboids making a home in your head? Pics or it doesnt exist
- the bad cgi when thor gets up lol
- assgard haha 👽🍑
- sorry for the assgard im tired and running on chicken nuggets do you still think im hot
- these little bros are so nice. They speak softly. They come to help the milky way even tho they are fighting their own war. just really good dudes
- goauld: no advancement. You are hosts for us nothing more
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- um no??? We do not give up the gate?? Why are we even considering this
- what about tealc?? Hows he gonna get home???
- the ONLY reason Daniel is on this goddamn team is because of the stargate. He will lose his job. Wheres he gonna go
- maybe tealc got possessed by another goauld
- cronos is still alive I never get what I want
- tealcs bad communication skills come back to bite him in the ass
- the other two dont seem too yiffed about it tbh
- I bet it was one of them. They are too obsessed with killing each other
- "BOY did this get outa hand"
- a Reetoo???? Tealc would have felt it tho
- "we believe you tealc but im not sure anyone else will"
"Certainly not those lying, skeeming, no good for nothin, slimy, over dressed, style mongers-"
"Sir! I have an idea"
".........i wasnt finished"
- ah shit she saved him I mean oh goody hes ok!
- "snaky little butt"
- Jack must be really good at poker if he can bluff evil aliens
- it was scary Nirtii lady!!
- goauld : we wont attack earth but if we see you on the street than its fists
- "boy is she gonna get it"
"my heart bleeds"
Whump under the cut
Tealc whump: attacked (off screen), bloody, cuts on face and head, hospital scene, unconcious
🎶listening to Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner 🎶 because the goaulds think they are cooler than Jack and he HATES it
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marinaaniseed · 4 years
The wars end
Song: The wars end from the album ...And out come the wolves by Rancid.
Summary: Sam regrets bringing his friends home for Thanksgiving.
Characters: A whole bunch of Avengers, Sam’s ma
Length: 789 words
A/N: Sam’s ma being mean (historically). See here for what this is all about.
Steve hadn’t really expected to do much for Thanksgiving, most of the team were spending it with family. Those without family had suggested holding a gathering together in the tower, a simple potluck, where everyone brought a dish (although Vision was banned from cooking.)
“No way,” Sam had told them when he found out. “You’re coming with me to my ma’s house, she’s always nagging me about when I’ll introduce her to Captain America.”
There was nowhere to land a jet at Sam’s ma’s house, so they’d hired a camper, taking turns driving. Steve was a little surprised to learn that Wanda had something of a lead foot when it came to the accelerator pedal and was thankful when they all arrived in one piece.
“Ma, we’re here,” Sam called as he led the group into the house.
“It smells incredible,” Wanda smiled, breathing in the smells of fresh baking and cooking turkey. As a European, she’d never experienced Thanksgiving before and was intrigued to find out what it was all about.
“In the kitchen, Sammy!” Mrs. Wilson shouted back and Steve tried to suppress his grin. If Tony ever found out that Sam’s ma called him Sammy, they’d never hear the end of it.
Hanging up their coats and dropping off their bags, Sam took them into the kitchen. It was hazelnut brown, very 70s in design, but homely. Much more homely than the modern, clinical steel of the kitchens in the tower.
“Sammy, baby,” Mrs. Wilson cried, shuffling over in her salmon pink slippers to hug her son. There was flour all over her apron and she pulled away, a decent chunk of it had transferred to Sam’s top.
“Ma, did you have to ruin my top?” he joked, looking down at the white powder dusted all over him.
“Tsk, you weren’t going to wear that old top to dinner, were you? Now, stop being rude and introduce me to your friends.”
“Alright, alright - everyone, this is my ma, Darlene,” Sam said, stopping to let everyone wave and say hello. “And these are my friends, Wanda, Vision, Steve, Nat, and Bruce.”
“No Thor?” Mrs. Wilson asked with a pout, after greeting everyone.
“No, no Thor,” Sam noted. “He’s back on Asgard. He’d eat you out of house and home if he was here, don’t worry.”
“Well Sammy, you need to get changed, so why don’t you show everyone to the rooms and freshen up?”
They’d brought a few dishes with them, things that’d keep on the journey down. Even without that though, Mrs. Wilson had put on quite a spread. She must’ve been working all week, prepping things in advance and freezing them so that everything could be reheated at the right time.
After saying grace, everybody began tucking in and making small talk. Mrs. Wilson asked them about their backgrounds and what they did. She was very surprised to learn that the mild-mannered sat opposite her was also the Hulk.
“So,” Steve started. “What was Sam like when he was younger?”
He wasn’t trying to find out anything embarrassing, unlike Tony, if he was there, he was genuinely interested in knowing what Sam was like, what had interested him.
“Little Sammy was a punk rocker,” Mrs. Wilson explained, causing Bruce to choke on a candied yam. Steve’s eyebrows were raised high in surprise, and even Nat, who knew everything about everyone, seemed to have been previously unaware.
“Ma, stop embarrassing me in front of my friends,” Sam mumbled.
“It’s true,” she continued, ignoring Sam’s plea. “I’m glad he grew out of it though, he was scaring me. I smashed his Billy Bragg record, didn't want him to hear that communist lecture.”
Steve made a mental note to ask Sam about Billy Bragg later.
“I wish I could’ve seen you as a punk,” Nat said.
“Oh, I’ve got plenty of photo albums,” Mrs. Wilson enthused. “Would you like to have a look after dinner?”
“Yes,” Nat and Wanda responded in unison.
Sam buried his face in his hands. He was never introducing his ma to his friends ever again, especially not Tony. He’d have a field day if he saw pictures of Sam in his studded leather jacket with his spiked up hair.
“I’m sorry I asked,” Steve said as he leaned across to Sam.
“It’s fine, man. She’d have found one excuse or another to show you old pics of me.”
At least Sam’s old photos weren’t in a museum. Any photo anybody had ever taken of Steve was in one somewhere around the world, or so it seemed.
Steve’s parents were long dead, but he was sure they’d have embarrassed him in front of his friends too. Some things never changed, especially not at Thanksgiving.
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nomnom-mochi · 5 years
Dating Thor would include
-Pre-infinity war and Loki is a good guy because he deserves happiness and I will protect him...don't me.-
P.S. I just like this pic ehehhe
*Let's be very real here, he's very loud.
*he will loudly tell you what amuses him, what annoys him, everything.
*Mjolnir is just hanging by the coat rack and you don't understand why.
*when the other Avengers visit as a prank he will place Mjolnir on top of the toilet seat.
*he loves cuddles and he will not hesitate to pick you up and just hold you.
*lots of kisses before he goes somewhere, usually when he goes to asgard.
*Loki is actually your best friend and you laugh whenever he just prank stabs Thor.
* "beloved I am injured yet you laugh joyously? Why?"
* "Cause you always, and I mean it, you always fall for this. Stop picking up snakes goddamn it!"
* "But I like snakes."
* "SnEkU nOt LiKe YoU bOi!"
*Meeting Frigga when Thor finally takes you to Asgard.
*Being terrified of the all father...er...I mean Odin.
*Odin literally trying to show that he wouldn't eat you.
*Thor basically making you meet the Warriors three and sif.
*Sif being your sister like friend
*Frandral, Hogun, and Volstagg being very much like high schoolers with all the deets about Thor that they didn't know
*watching the sunset in Asgard
* "Thanks for taking me here Thor, its beautiful."
* "And yet nothing compares to your beauty my love."
* "You're a cheeseball."
* "You ruined our...what do you mortals call it? ahhh there, you ruined our moment."
*Him teaching you asgardian history.
*him teaching you how to fight.
*actually beating the shit out of those dark elves when they attacked Thor's friend Jane.
* "Hands off my other bestie you ugly elves."
* "Lady (Y/N) the dark elf is dead."
* "Hush sif...lemme just whack it some more to be sure."
* grieving for Frigga once she dies.
* comforting Odin, Thor and Loki as they grieve.
* Fighting the dark elves.
* Just plain on murdering them.
*Finding out about Hela when Odin dies.
* "Hi I'm your brother's girlfriend...please don't take this the wrong way but you're hot."
* "(Y/N) that's Loki and I's sister!"
* "She hot tho"
* panicking when you end up in sakaar.
*The grandmaster adopting you and calling you his child.
*watching Thor fight Bruce with Loki and the grandmaster.
* Escaping through the devil's anus and still laughing at Thor at his very confused self at the name of the opening.
*fighting hela's army of the undead
*seeing Thor in his badass moment.
* "daaaaaaammmmmnnnn that's my boyfriend ya'll."
* "Stop oggling my brother for a moment will you?"
* "Fine but only cause we're close."
*helping the asgardians escape from the destruction of their old home.
*travelling towards earth to start anew
-post infinity war-
*caring for Thor, Loki, Valkyrie and the remaining survivors of Asgard in New Asgard.
*Trying to help Thor feel better.
*Still loving him although he let himself go a bit...
***just saying fat Thor is so soft ahahah***
*Telling him to go help out the other Avengers rather than doing nothing other than wallow in self pity.
*Joining Thor as they all battle Thanos alongside all the Avengers, sorcerers, asgardians and aliens who have been affected by the Thanos snap.
*grieving for Tony's death and Thor trying to make Morgan laugh.
*Thor telling you he wants to join the guardians.
* "Well if it's going to help you find purpose once more, then sure. Just come visit me often."
* "I will my love. I can access the bifrost through Stormbreaker."
* "Good choice of making Valkyrie the new ruler."
* "Watch over her and Loki for me, wouldn't want my brother to kill my best friend."
*Thor visiting every three months.
*Thor getting back to his normal body type and finally taking your relationship to the next level.
*Just being the really goofy but understanding couple.
* Also Thor and you having your own Loki protection squad from the other Loki haters
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imagine-loki · 2 years
As blue as the sky itself
CHAPTER NO. 8. Warmth AUTHOR: colifower ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with The Tesseract RATING: Gen NOTES/WARNINGS: Implied nudity but nothing more
 The pic is also by me :D
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There was a soft knock on the door of the Allfather’s chambers that woke up Loki. He quickly set up his Odin illusion and went to check who it was.
“ :’( “said Tess. Loki welcomed them with a gesture. Once inside, Loki turned off his illusion and hugged his friend. Tess sniffed on his pyjama. “Will you tell me if I ever stop being your friend?”
“Of course, Tess. I’d do it” he admitted. Tess looked very distraught, he couldn’t help but feel useless as to how to help them calm down. “But I have no plans on stopping to care about you.”
Tess pressed themself harder against Loki. “ :’( “ they cried.
“Do you want to join me in my bed? Well, technically is Odin’s, but you get what I mean.”
The Tesseract nodded and Loki softly picked them up and carried them to bed. Tess was way lighter than what he had expected, they felt warm against his chest, as if they were a being made of pure light.
Loki focused on his breathing. Tess and he were just friends. Right? Yeah. Just a pair of besties, nothing else to see here, thanks.
Loki tucked them into bed an after some thought, he joined them. Tess was still crying in that particular way of theirs and Loki decided to lay them on his torso and caressed their skin to soothe their heart.
“Why did he do that, Loki?” they mumbled between sobs. “Why did he left me just like that and said nothing?”
“I don’t know” he admitted. In fact, nobody knew quite much about the former prince of Asgard. Loki thought of him as a cruel being. How would they leave their friend locked up in a vault, without any kind of farewell, even the evil kind? “I don’t know, Tess.”
“:’( “ they continued crying. They snuggled even closer to him. Loki’s stomach did a summersault. He kind of felt bad for it. He needed to be there for his friend, not thinking about holding their hand romantically. “You’re warm” they mumbled.
“I can… leave you alone, if you want” he had to make sure he wasn’t imposing himself over them.
“No, I want to be with you, Loki. I like your warmth.”
Loki’s breath quickened. He hoped that Tess didn’t notice. They didn’t need to breathe, right? Maybe they wouldn’t even notice. “I tried to track him down. All archives have been destroyed, even Odin’s personal ones. You seem to be the only soul that knows Bor personally.”
“He had some friends. I had some friends. Lou, Marta… Odina was killed while I was awake, I guess the other two are also far long gone.”
“I’ll try to see if I can find something about them tomorrow” said Loki, squeezing Tess’ hand. They were really comforting.
“Thank you for doing this, Loki. I’d do it myself but you know I don’t know how to read.”
“Anything for my best friend.”
Tess smiled sadly. They weren’t sure if they would ever be able to trust someone to that extent. What if they betray them again, just like Bor did? With the help Loki’s comforting caresses they drifted back to sleep.
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anogete · 5 years
Bullet List of My Very Random Thoughts on Endgame
Don't click the keep reading link if you haven't seen the movie yet.  I don’t want to be responsible for ruining your first watch of the movie.  Serious, guys.  Only click if you’ve seen it.
I really enjoyed it and I'm happy to suspend my disbelief with almost all of the time travel plot element.  All things considered, it was masterfully executed and a beautiful love letter to the characters, movies, and fans.
My original six lovelies:
- Tony's arc was beautiful and heartbreaking but in a very satisfying way. I think most of us saw that one coming with the way IW set him up against Thanos.  It was that much more poignant when you saw he was happy with Pepper and their little girl but still couldn’t step away from helping make things right if he had the ability.  Pepper knew he couldn’t avoid involving himself despite not wanting to jeopardize his life with her, so her encouragement at the beginning and her comment to him right before he died (“We’re going to be okay. You can rest.”) just break my fucking heart.  So does Peter crying over a wounded and dying Tony, telling him they won.  Oh man.  The waterworks were something fierce.
- Nat was a surprise but packed a shockingly hard punch for me.  Maybe that was in part because it WAS a surprise and also because when we opened the movie she felt so fragile even though she was the one keeping the hope alive.  That moment with her sad little sandwich and the news about Clint being so far off the rails that Steve interrupts?  That alone made my heart hurt for her.  My stomach dropped when I saw her and Clint climbing the mountain on Vormir as I realized what had to happen to get the Soul Stone.  I was hopeful they could game the system and jump off the cliff together and both live, but I understand why this would cheapen it.  She always felt like the glue that kept all these big personalities and big egos together, so it hurts that she’s gone and the group has been fractured with Tony’s death and Steve being out of the game.
- As for Clint--I’m assuming he returns to the family man life unless something big comes up in the future.  I don’t know anything about Renner’s contract, but I’d like to see Hawkeye again.  The hair and the sword and the arms and tats and revenge attitude really did it for me.  How very dare they make him look this edible.
- Thor coping with grief by drinking beer (that beer belly, though!) and playing video games with Korg and Miek was actually refreshing and endearing.  I know some people didn’t like seeing him that way, but it gives his character so much depth.  Besides, he was back to his kickass self by the end of the movie.  I do love that he handed over New Asgard to Valkyrie to rule, and I hope we see him pop into movies in the future, especially with that adorable rivalry between him and Quill.
- Bruce and his newfound truce with Hulk was a delight to see and completely unexpected.  Also, Bruce/Hulk with the muscles and the voice and the five o’clock shadow and the glasses?  Ummmm...  ::is tempted to write Hulky Bruce smut::  I hope he’ll be in future movies.
- Steve.  Ahh, Steve.  I loved the fight with himself and the funny little winks to the viewers with the lines (America’s Ass, “I can do this all day”, “Hail Hydra”).  I loved that he was encouraging others to move on when he couldn’t seem to do so himself.  I LOVED him wielding Mjolnir, especially when the lightning started flying out of it.  Thor’s reaction to that (”I knew it!”) was adorable.  But, I’m torn with Steve’s storyline.  I wanted him to get his happily ever after.  I was dreading seeing him die in this movie, which I thought was definitely going to happen.  But what was so shocking to me was that he got exactly what I wanted him to get but it felt so cheap to me.  I left the movie satisfied with everything but the way they ended things with Steve, and yet I couldn’t seem to put my finger on why I started hating it the more I thought about it.  I know a ton of people are Stucky ‘shippers and, while I love his relationship with Bucky, I’ve never ‘shipped them together.  I’m not thrilled about the way they glossed over that relationship, but I understand the necessity because of time constraints.  I don’t mind that Steve handed the Shield off to Sam because I assumed either he or Bucky (or even both) would pick it up in Steve’s absence.  Bucky would have been a nice full circle between the two of them on their separate paths, but I also understand why it was given to Sam.  Bucky obviously knew exactly what was going on, though I thought the distance between him and Steve was a bit strange.  Maybe they were trying to make a point of showing that Steve and Bucky have both changed.  Whatever.  I can live with it, I  guess.  No one wanted Steve to get his happy ending more than me.  So, what gives?  I couldn’t figure out why it felt so wrong and cheap and like the worst kind of fan service.  @bulmavegotaku sent me THIS ARTICLE which actually articulates what has been bothering me.  Just because I wanted a happy ending for Steve doesn’t mean that it was what was best or even what was in-character for him.  I know other people thought that him hiding in the past to live his life with Peggy WAS in-character, but I don’t think it was at all.  And that’s not even to mention the fuckery with Peggy’s timeline.  Yeah, yeah, they left the question of who Steve married up in the air by not having him divulge that info when Sam asked, but I’m not stupid.  He says she’s the love of his life.  If he’s going back, he’s not going to share a dance with her and then go marry some other chick in the past.  Please.  And that makes Steve Sharon’s uncle.  Which is... weird and WTF.  But maybe they thought we’d forget all that since it is now an alternate reality or whatever.  So, Steve’s “ending” was the one major thing I really didn’t like.  I’m sure one day I’ll write some fic that branches off into an AU in which it didn’t happen that way.  It’s a little too fresh right now for me to tackle, though.  I need to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
Other things I liked:
- Nebula’s dynamic and (at times) heartbreaking storyline as we watched her internal struggle actually play out in front of us with two Nebulas.  My heart dropped when Rhodey was able to return to the present time on Earth, but she got trapped in the past with Thanos.  I’m so happy she survived.  Plus, her game of finger football with Tony was so goddamn endearing for both of them.
- Gamora being alive and the thought of watching her future interactions with Quill all over again.  I love the sexual tension and the chase for sure.  However, if past Gamora ends up in present time, then did all that stuff with Quill and the other Guardians even happen?  Her past self is in the present and so is Nebula’s past self.  Plus, Thanos plays a part (even if he’s off-screen) in much of the two Guardians movies, so if his past self died in the present, did this create some sort of alternate reality in which the things we witnessed didn’t actually happen in that way?  This kinda ties in with my dislike of Steve’s storyline.  Too much fucking with time travel begins to unravel the plot and create holes that I start picking at.
- Thanos turning to dust.  So so so satisfying.  What an absolutely arrogant turd.
- “On your left.”  What a wonderful moment when you heard Sam’s voice and saw T’Challa appear from that portal followed by all of the others.
- While I didn’t enjoy it, I did think the fight between Steve and an emaciated and exhausted Tony at the beginning of the movie was so well done and well-acted.  What a low point to climb out from.
- The scene in the beginning when they kill Thanos was also pretty low, but I thought a great way to start the movie.  You can kill the bad guy, but that won’t change all the bad he did.
- I feel like Scott Lang is all of us.  The scene with him outside when his taco blows away was so wonderful. And the scene in the diner when the kids want pics with Hulky Bruce, but not poor Antman.  So awkward and so funny.
- The closure that Tony got with his dad.  Oh man, that was the best and made even better because he was a father himself at that moment.  Thor being able to speak with his mother and move forward from that was also unexpected but so needed for his character, especially at that moment.
- While I love Carol Danvers and the Captain Marvel movie, I didn’t want her to come in and steal the show from the core group of Avengers as we ended this era of the movies.  I’m pleased with the way they used her to rescue Tony and Nebula and then go off to bring some order to the rest of the universe before returning to help in that final battle.
- Speaking of Carol--the scene during the battle when she takes the new gauntlet from Peter in an effort to get it away from Thanos and all the badass women fall in line behind her to assist brings a tear to my eye.  What made it even better is it caused the two bros seated beside me to mutter and wiggle uncomfortably in their chairs because it was obvious they didn’t really like that part.  As Beyonce would say, “Suck on my balls,” boys.
- Wanda’s white (red?) hot rage toward Thanos when she finally came toe-to-toe with him during the battle.  YES.  I was cheering her on.
- Steve’s ass.  Oh, I’m sorry America’s ass.
- Did I mention Steve wielding Mjolnir?
- Loki being the sneaky little snake he is and grabbing the Tesseract during the confusion when Tony gets hit by the flying door.  And Hulk screaming in frustration about how many stairs there are since he wasn’t allowed to ride on the elevator with everyone else.
- Bucky’s luxurious hair.  Although, I do want my beefy Civil War Bucky back.  On a side note, can someone please please please fix Sam’s facial hair before the next movie or show?  Please?  I do not like it at all.  Anthony Mackie, please go back to WS or CW facial hair.  I’m begging you.
I’m ready for more Guardians of the Galaxy featuring Thor.  I’m ready to finally watch the first Spiderman movie before the new one comes out.  (Don’t shoot me for not seeing it yet!) I’m pumped for more Carol as Captain Marvel.  I love the original characters the best, but I understand we have to move forward and I’m trying to embrace these new babies even though they aren’t Tony or Nat or Steve.  I’m consoling myself with Bucky and Sam right now.
And most of all, I’m excited to start writing again.  I started something last night, but I don’t want to give many details until I know if what I threw on the wall is going to stick.  If it does, then it’ll be Wintershock, take place after Endgame, and will probably be fluffy and free of life and death situations.  My heart can’t take any more of that between Endgame and Game of Thrones.  I’ll pop in periodically to keep anyone who cares updated on new material from me.  Can’t wait to see you again over on AO3 this summer!
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glynnisi · 5 years
Endgame Thoughts (spoilers)... and Tumblr
I’ve seen Endgame 5 times now and generally love it.  
Real life has kept me from Tumblr for a while and whenever I come back I’m struck by the sheer PASSION in so many posts.  Passion can be good or bad, of course.  So can Tumblr.  I see many hurt feelings evident.  Apparently people hate the Russos now? I just... can’t.
I can barely breathe (never-ending sickness) and have stuff weighing on me like crazy.  So, I just urge people to pace themselves.  If you’re upset because your fave only got 2 seconds screen time, stop.  They’re likely to get more on the next project.  If you’re upset because your ship got steam-rolled, I understand the disappointment and urge you to free yourself from canon and just go with what makes you happy.  And I offer ((HUGS))... fwiw. I’m so sorry people are hurt!
ANYWAY- my opinions...
GREAT stuff
- the compassion between Tony & Nebula. Him treating her so sweetly, her pulling him up to a more dignified position when they both thought he was dying. Nebula was awesome throughout.
- SPACE reflected in Cap’s eye.  Overwhelming.  Perfect.
- The overall CAP emphasis in the movie.  As a Steve devotee, THIS is so much of what I’ve always wanted for him.  He and Tony are the leaders.  Steve deserves this much screen time! He looked tasty, too. :)
-Paul Rudd’s nonverbals as Scott sees/greets Cassie again. He’s always funny, but that was something MORE.  Nicely done. Made me cry.
-Time heist... the whole bit is a love letter from Feige/Russos/Marvel/Writers to the fans... and I love them, too, for it.
- callback to TWS elevator scene... the mind-boggling idea of getting Redford for a CAMEO... the twist on that awful phrase and Evans’ cheeky grin as he walks away from them... Steve making fools out of them as payback...Rumlow... ALL the TWS feels. :)  
- Cap/Cap fight.  2012 Cap is more stern.  2023 Cap is exasperated.  By the end, you know that 2012 Cap is freaked out by the compass and the Bucky reveal!  America’s Ass, indeed. :)
- Thor getting a much-needed hug from his mom and all the rich sweetness between Hemsworth & Rene Russo.  Frigga’s pretty awesome.  Seeing Asgard again!  Jane!  I didn’t get a good look at Jane outside her chamber, wondered if it was a double at at first. But it was really Natalie Portman and I’m grateful to her for doing the cameo. :)  Dark World is underappreciated, imo.  I wish Marvel had handled ladies of science better. 
- Steve’s palpable longing as he stared at Peggy through the office window in 1970, NJ.
-ScarJo’s acting throughout the movie.  The PURITY in her face as she urged Clint to let her go!  She broke my heart in bitty pieces.
-My poor, bedraggled Steve facing down Thanos’ entire army and looking like Jon Snow at the Battle of the Bastards x a million. Priceless moment.
- ‘On Your Left’  (more crying, this time w happy anticipation). Audience reaction (what I love about opening weekend). AVENGERS ASSEMBLE
-Thanos’ headbutt not phasing Carol
-Gwyneth’s acting as Pepper told Tony it was okay to REST now.  She’s not generally my fave, but that was beautiful. Felt REAL.
-Cheeseburgers.  I cry more each time.  The callback is gold, pure gold.
-New Asgard and Thor handing it over to Valkyrie.  I’m all for women in charge, but Valkyrie wasn’t far ahead of Thor RE depression/addiction during Ragnarok.  I would’ve loved for Darcy to be in New Asgard as their liaison to all things Midgard.  
- Fortnite bit. Not my cuppa.  Dated..I get that it’s popular now.
- I’m surprised that we didn’t see Erik Selvig beyond knowing he got snapped.
- Harley at Tony’s funeral.  Awkward.
NOT Great stuff
- sort of an uneven feel to the Captain Marvel stuff, like the Russos didn’t know what to do with her other than get her offscreen ASAP
-I swear. Marvel couldn’t even give us a glimpse of Betty Ross as a snap victim?  They couldn’t even do that???
-the dimness of the final battle... I would prefer it with saturated colors, even blood red.  I suppose it has to do with effects, but I wish it was better lit. Wish I could have seen the action better.  Will turn up brightness on computer/TV screens when I get it at home.
- Steve’s pic on Peggy’s desk.  It grew three sizes or something. Weird.  And... if Peggy married someone else and had kids and lived a separate life, why was Steve’s pic still on her desk at work 25 yrs after she last saw him?
- NITPICK - If you could just suck the Aether out of Jane, why didn’t they do THAT during Thor the Dark World?  I would PAY to see Steve trying to return that stone. ;) (and soul stone, of course)
- People over thinking the time travel.  The discussions are dizzying in the bad way. And anyone who assumes Peggy wouldn’t still be Director of SHIELD is nuts and doesn’t know her character.
- Bucky getting pushed to the background.  TBH, I’m not a Bucky fan.  But he was always important to Steve and Seb seems sweet.  Even just having him say “Goodbye” to indicate he knew what Steve was up to at the end would’ve been SOMEthing.  I feel bad for all the Bucky stans.  That was harsh.  I think that he was passed over for the shield in part because the character is still recovering, but more because his character wounded Tony Stark via their vivid 12/16/91 history.
- I really wish Kat Dennings/Darcy Lewis had a cameo.  She means so much to me and I miss her.  As I said, I wish she’d been in New Asgard to help those people out.  I hate that she wasn’t in Endgame at all! :(
Questions I wish I Could Ask the Writers/Filmmakers
- What took you from deriding Peggy as “just a kiss” in CACW to “love of Steve’s life” in Endgame?  Was it fan reaction? Chris/Hayley chemistry? Homophobia?
- In Steve’s branch reality, did he somehow get Natasha back from Vormir?  Did he rescue Bucky from Hydra?  Did he change any touchpoints of ‘history’ to try to make that reality better than the one he came from? If not, did Peggy slap him? ;)
- Did RDJ ask for Tony to get the hero’s death?
-What do you wish you’d been able to include in Endgame that you couldn’t? 
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