#I want programs to have adaptations that fit their function and environment better
murderbees · 5 months
thinking about Tron program bodies again, blood is not enough for me, where are the wires and fans and plates of metal that bend and snap
I have this vague image of an anatomical diagram of a program
Energy Circulatory System - the Blood, also the digestive track bc they don't have food, Mouth to throat tube to processor located center, near the disk port, it processes and then pumps the energy through the lightlines of the body, if a program overclocks themselves enough, they can suffer burnt or even ruptured circuitry
Energy both fuels the program and cools them off, when cooling processes are activated, the energy will be cooled off by nearby venting processes and will then be circulated throughout the body
Venting System - Similar looking to lungs, two fans that sit within the upper chest, one on each side, subtle ducts can open along the sides of a program to release extra heat (they sorta look like gills, ticklish), Most of the cooling is done through this system, Vents work to expell air through the nose, mouth, and additional vents and ducts, some programs have extra vents for their functions (Mechanic need more bc they work in hotter environments)
The Disc Port - connected directly to the morherboard of the program, this is why if programs are hit there, they will derezz, sorta like a brain (head wounds are not fatal), all processors are connected via wires to the board
Processors - part of the motherboard, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, all the senses are split up into different processing units, These usually have a mechanical unit, like eyeballs, that connect to the board with long thin wires, essentially the nervous system, but centered around the disc not the head
Internal Systems - internal sensors and diagnostics that regulate the body, the Endocrine System, Connected to a programs personal display, will update with warnings and display whatever parameters needed about the body
"Bones" - programs don't have bones, but they do have metal tubes that house their more delicate pieces (wires), Some programs (security) have more reinforcement around vulnerable areas, like the throat and chest, with the plating sometimes even being above the skin, Additonal plating can be added to the forearms and calves without much modification, further integrated armor is an arduous process
Derezzing is still a thing, parts of a program will maintain integrity to a point, then they collapse into voxels, Not all pieces will derezz, if that threshold isn't met, the pieces will remain in their form, basically, if you want to fully derezz a program you have to grind them into voxels, otherwise the bones and other stuff are unlikely to derezz until the energy runs completely out (usually a few days, or the Grid equivalent), where they will then turn into a pile of voxels
Voxels and Energy both evaporate, losing their vivid technicolor hues, until they turn a dark soot grey, at this point they disappear leaving a thin dusty film behind, it's hard to clean and slippery
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
what's your take on the foxes mbti?
oh buddy ur never gonna believe this but i wrote a foxes MBTI post YEARS ago
im also not into mbti anymore and haven't been for many years so that post is probably still more accurate and in-depth than what i could give you now. i’m just gonna copy the whole thing but i read it over and it still totally vibes w how i understand the characters, like way more than i was expecting it to. i only made one edit (it’s marked) and it was to add a detail not change anything
i hope you’re really really into mbti otherwise this’ll probably be gobbeldegook
i used to be obessively into mbti so here’s an analysis based on cognitive functions mostly.
SKIP IF YOU WANT. for anyone with no idea how it works, here’s a quick rundown: cognitive functions are about the way people think, process, and prioritize information, not necessarily how they act, though people who think the same way often act the same. the 8 letters that make up a type represent how people process and prioritize internal and external stimuli. every letter actually has an ‘internal’ and 'external’ form so there’s Thinking (internal(ti) and external(te)), Feeling (internal(fi) and external(fe)), Sensing (internal(si) and external(se)), and iNtuition(internal(ni) and external(ne)) t’s always go with a corresponding and opposite f (like ti and fe always go together), same with s’s and n’s (ex: si and ne always go together). a set of  t, f, s, and n in a specific order makes an mbti type.
neil: intp (ti ne si fe)
neil has incredible analytical ability although it’s very programmed for survival but he’s also a fast thinker and very quick to adapt to new environments. he also approaches things from original angles that other people dont consider, all that sounds like high ti/ne. the lower functions fit well too. in times of stress, he returns to old habits and falls back on what’s familiar, that’s classic low si. his emotions are also very exterior. he’s bad with other people from lack of exposure, but he’s committed to harmony between those close to him and has an impeccable ability to read the emotional states of others while being completely oblivious of his own, and his sense of self is tied to exterior things like exy, friends, keys, and legal documents (lol) that’s fe
andrew: intj (ni te fi se)
ni is really hard to describe but it has to do with being able to draw conclusions from scattered input, which fits with andrew’s uncanny ability to spot lies and obsession with finding out the truth, especially with high te, which is about spatial order and logic, think of how prioritized he is with the physical order of things: who sits where, who wears what, etc. a lot of people want to make andrew infj i bet as like a “subversive reading” but he’s definitely not. i used to be really close to an infj and they have hyper-empathy, as in she would describe not just caring about other people and being able to read their emotional states but literally feeling the things the people around her felt. this is a common result of the ni/fe combo, and the reason why andrew is definitely not infj. tertiary fi fits very well instead because andrew is deeply attuned to his own inner emotional state. he’s self-confident and doesn’t care about other people’s perception of him, but he’s also very concerned with his own feelings and understanding them, even if they’re repressed. he’s also very aware of his physical surroundings, which plays into his deductive ability, although it’s not his focus. that’s low se
kevin: estj (te si ne fi)
kevin is a classic estj. he’s controlling, demanding, and driven. he tries to control the actions of those around him and gets very distressed when things dont run smoothly, as well as having strong feelings about improving efficiency. high te people make great managers. kevin’s whole story arc is about breaking old habits, which is a very si problem. it has to do with trusting and craving memory and familiarity, and explains kevins need for endless repetition. he’s innovative, though, coming up with new strategies and drills (ne), it’s just based on what’s already familiar, and you can see him spiral into creating all possible worst-case scenarios when he’s stressed (low ne stress reaction, they like to be prepared). finally, he’s a dick, but he cares about other people and wants to improve their lives, as well as being very reliant on other people’s perceptions of him to define his own self-image (low fe)
dan: esfj (fe si ne ti)
dan’s top priority, over everything else, is her team. she wants her team to improve, she wants her team to win, she wants her team to work together. it’s all about the collective. we also see that she’s very open with others and makes a lot of effort to both make new ties and maintain old ones, that’s high fe. she’s sentimental and attached to the past too (si)  esp the photo wall, but we also see her very unwilling to let go of the past ie the monsters but eventually willing to change and grow to mend team cohesion (ne). we also see the fight in underlying logic (low ti) with her: she knows the team needs the monsters to cooperate but she cant figure out how to do it
matt: enfj (fe ni se ti)
so enfj’s experience infj hyper-empathy too, but to a slightly lesser extent (primary fe is more group cohesion, secondary fe is more understanding others), and through this we see matt’s easy-going open friendliness and ability to befriend even prickly little neil, because he has an extremely good sense of what other people are feeling and need, it also explains why he doesn’t hold a grudge against the cousins in the same way dan does, because he understands where they were coming from. se is associated with a general boisterousness for life, as it’s about experiencing the world around you, which explains matt’s happy-go-lucky disposition and puppydog behavior. the ti aspects mostly go into supporting fe/ni empathic senses
allison: entj (te ni se fi)
i mean, allison’s controlling, both in that she orders other people around and in that her physical being and space are very planned and organized (her clothes, her hair, her makeup, etc) but at the same time there isn’t much sentimentality to her, like how she doesn’t care when her car was destroyed. she easily replaces things because she cares about the object’s purpose, not its history and that all smacks of high te/ni. and i mean, the se definitely contributes to her love of designer things and killer looks, because she cares about the world immediately around her, and why live if not in luxury? and fi? is there any character more aggressively self-confident than allison reynolds?? going against her parents’ wishes for her takes a really strong, independent sense of self, but we also see the problems that can come from not worrying about other people, in how she starts fights and can be abrasive and catty
renee: infp (fi ne si te)
okay this one was really hard tbh. a list of other considerations: isfp, istp, and infj. it’s very easy to read renee as high fe because she’s kind, but i think it’s a mischaracteration of why she’s kind. it’s not because it comes naturally to her, it’s because it’s a conscious choice that makes her feel better about herself. high fi people often read as fe because they’re so comfortable with themselves and in tune with their own needs that they can then go and provide for others. i associate her religion with ne, because contemplation and acceptance of the divine later in life is a very metaphysical undertaking that undoubtedly requires a lot of abstract thought. renee’s storyline also revolves a lot around using things from her past and putting a conscious effort into leaving things from her past behind (how she still uses the skills she learned from her past in new ways ie sparring with andrew and protecting the upperclassmen v/s how she held on to her knives even when she knew it was detrimental to her moving on) this sounds like si. her protective instincts also feed into the te need for order, but it’s a looser leash than say andrew, as it’s lower on her function stack but still present
nicky: esfp (se fi te ni)
godd nicky is like a prototypical esfp. i mean nicholas “sex, drugs, and parties” hemmick cant be anything but se dominant. nicky is all about living it up and living in the moment. like he’s sporadic and ive seen it lead people to think he could be enfp but he doesn’t think enough about the meaning of things to be ne dominant (like how he makes somewhat predatory jokes and such, he’s all about the here-and-now while ne is about the past and future simultaneously). also he of all characters has incredibly prominent fi, as his whole character is about living unashamedly as himself as a gay man and the immense self-awareness and inner strength it takes not only to come out to unaccepting parents but also to leave and start a new life when they rejected him. however, fi is also indicative of his communication problems with his family, as he’s unable to tell that the cousins are fundamentally different from him in their needs and boundaries, leading him to pushing them, making them uncomfortable, and being unable to help them, because he’s unable to understand them. the rest are much more hidden, but a party boy shopaholic like nicky would probably need some amount of te order in like an organized chaos fashion (and he’s often headcanoned as liking to throw parties) and you do see him become somewhat pushy, even controlling in those scenarios. ni is the hardest but could maybe be seen in how he’s attuned to the cousins reactions for all that he cant predict them/doesn’t do anything on his own part to prevent them (the way he handles andrew is like if someone poked a rattlesnake knowing damn well what it would do and then freaked out when he got bit)
aaron: istj (si te fi ne)
im a little iffy on this one and worry it might be an analysis based on his trauma instead of complimentary to it, but aaron’s arc is about breaking out of his habit of holding on to the past. he refuses to work towards moving on from his mother’s death, refuses to listen to things that contradict his preconceived notions, and refuses to make changes in his life that could improve it. that’s unhealthy si. he’s really a very unhealthy istj, and most of his traits manifest through his unhappiness with his life. take his te. that would imply that he needs control over his surroundings, but aaron is incredibly bitter and unhappy BECAUSE he doesn’t have control of his surroundings. he doesn’t get to make his own choices, he doesn’t get to control his space, and he hates it. his relationship with katelyn is also indicative of being an istj. it’s stable, not a passionate fling, but aaron is mocked for wanting that white picket fence, married with kids in the suburbs kind of life, and his relationship, which is his primary source of happiness, is built on stability, which is a very si thing to do. in terms of fi, it is aaron that ultimately forces change between himself and andrew. he may have been pushed but he ultimately came down to him knowing what made him happy and what made him miserable and acting on that. also, he’s an ornery asshole who clearly doesn’t care what other people think of him. fi. i dont really have anything to say in terms of ne, probably because he’s so unhealthy but also because he’s not too explored. heyy istj’s make great doctors
wymack: isfj (si fe ti ne)
okay this one was genuinely the hardest to decide on but ultimately i came to the conclusion that wymack, much like renee, is such a developed person that he loses many defining traits of the functions, and can be read in many different ways. so: wymack’s primary goal is the safety and betterment of other people (ie his team). he wants to help people overcome their pasts, which is a very atypical approach to si, but is si nonetheless. on a personal level, too, he’s never able to move on from people, and specifically never moved on from kayleigh,  continuing their shared dream of an exy team for abused kids long after her death. as ive said before, fe in a secondary position is about deep understanding of other people, and wymack’s ability to understand what other people are struggling through is legendary. the ti mostly serves as support to the fe, serving as the analytical backup in allowing him to understand others. as for ne: he is most definitely an innovator with unusual ideas, or the foxes wouldn’t exist
riko: estp (se ti fe ni)
riko is basically what happens when an estp goes bad down to the core. he’s obsessed with personal glory and immediate self-fulfillment (se) he has no impulse control or fear of consequences. interestingly, high se is often associated with athleticism, because high se people are intensly focused on their surroundings (exy). his ti is also super unhealthy as he gets obsessed with ideas that dont really work with objective reality, like his obsession with ownership and power dynamics despite them not actually being efficient, even backwards. the tertiary fe he uses to manipulate. he doesn’t empathize with others, but he can tell their emotional state and what’s important to them, and uses it to coerce them and destroy their sense of self, like how he knew he could get neil to the nest by threatening andrew. EDIT: /additionally, fe people especially in the lower half of the function stack tend to derive their sense of self from the perceptions of others around them, which riko very much shows in how he needs to be acknowledged as the best and won’t allow any competition for his title, as well as his desperation for acknowledgement from his family/. finally, that ni allowed him to keep multiple plans in place focused on one ultimate goal: getting kevin back. the sheer amount of schemes he sets up in order to fool and push people the way he wants is honestly kinda impressive, but he’s a toxic shithead and im glad he’s rotting. definitely not representative of all estp’s
this is honestly SO funny to read back a few years later bc HOOOOO boy was i way too into this stuff. and this was written a couple years after my Peak MBTI Obsession, which was honestly scary
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theartofservice · 3 years
121 Cloud Transformation benefits you'll get which show you do it well:
121 Cloud Transformation benefits you'll get which show you do it well:
1. Economically transform your data management systems to solve your most pressing issues while preparing for future growth.
2. Keep a handle on costs if you have a hybrid infrastructure that includes public and private clouds, as well as on premise resources spread across multiple data centers.
3. Transform raw data into meaningful information that you can use for decisions.
4. Begin a cloud journey that will drive successful workplace transformation, keep your business safe, and align with your business objectives.
5. Transform your IT organization to effectively support Cloud enabled business models.
6. Take full control of your hybrid, multi cloud environment to meet the ever changing demands of data driven transformation.
7. Take full control of your cloud and on premises environment to meet the everchanging demands of data driven transformation.
8. Transform your business using public cloud the smart way.
9. Make sure that you gain everything that has been promised to you.
10. Transform for success in the future while running your business today.
11. Make your applications and data 7x24x365 available in a secure manner.
12. Use technology to transform what happens in your business and the industry.
13. Monitor what happens to your data over a diverse cloud based supply chain.
14. Transform IT when you barely have the resources to keep your current environment up and running.
15. Design an optimal cloud solution and integrate it with your existing business applications.
16. Transform your business model for hybrid cloud.
17. Transform your business by allowing it to take full advantage of the Public Cloud.
18. Integrate the delivery strategy with your current business applications.
19. Build your data center to accelerate your digital transformation.
20. Enable innovation while protecting your data and ensuring compliance.
21. Transform your IT shop to allow your customers to consume cloud services from a centralized service catalog .
22. Make sure you realize the business benefits of your transformation program.
23. Transform your data to the new format and structure.
24. Transform your business without disrupting operations or alienating your customers.
25. Expect the number of cloud based applications used in your organization to change in the coming year.
26. Know your data is secure.
27. Engage your business stakeholders in this transformation.
28. Build this into your business plan.
29. Prepare your business for transformation.
30. Know when you have arrived.
31. Adapt your sourcing model to new development models and cloud.
32. Make sure your information is appropriately managed and in compliance.
33. Know if you need to transform your help desk.
34. Track and maximize the value produced by your major technology investments.
35. Determine the best way to consume cloud services for your organization.
36. Make sure you get the best value out of Cloud.
37. And your organization understand and implement a digital procurement transformation.
38. Expect the number of clouds your organization runs to change in the coming year.
39. Build your organization case to shift to hyper converged infrastructure.
40. Start transforming your organization with SAP S/4HANA and cloud to meet todays needs as well as tomorrows challenges.
41. Programmatically go to market and capitalize on the opportunity to both upgrade your customers and convert them to your new cloud offering.
42. Use a cloud deployment to shift towards your organization of the future.
43. Expect the role of your risk function to evolve in the next three years.
44. Want your users to access the technology.
45. Keep your adoption plan moving forward and see greater benefits from your cloud transformation.
46. Adapt your organization to increase your benefits from Cloud.
47. Know which services your employees are using.
48. Realize the cost benefits envisioned from your cloud transformation journey.
49. Identify and evaluate the right partners to help you.
50. Transform your WAN to support your physical locations, cloud resources, and mobile users.
51. Make an accurate assessment of your organizations degree of maturity and capabilities for a successful cloud implementation.
52. Change your ETL process to carry out sensor calibration systematically in the future.
53. Communicate the vision and engage your organization on a large scale.
54. Integrate applications in the cloud with your other apps.
55. Integrate the Public Cloud while still retaining control of your data.
56. Optimize your operating model to perform and transform more efficiently.
57. Drive bold transformation in your organization over the next 10 years.
58. Better understand your cost of consuming IT from anywhere.
59. Transform to digital without breaking your organization or ignoring the corporate DNA.
60. Want to visualize your organization of your devices.
61. Transform your team from order takers to innovators.
62. Integrate the cloud environment into your current operational platform.
63. Improve your citizens quality of life.
64. Help change your organization.
65. Want to restrict access to your cloud.
66. Know if you are achieving the ROI you want out of your transformation efforts.
67. Accelerate your own workforce transformation.
68. Get your cloud compliance under control.
69. Best be supported in your journey to the cloud and digital transformation.
70. Keep your organizations files, applications, and accounts safe on the cloud.
71. Get buy-in from your team for DevOps.
72. Support your customers during the digital transformation process.
73. See your role in the transformation and in the future.
74. Monitor your cloud apps performance.
75. Use the cloud to completely transform your business.
76. Fill the skills gap in your workforce.
77. Determine the right cloud vendor for your business.
78. Easily and quickly execute on your cloud strategy.
79. Ensure that the cloud setup is right for you.
80. Keep your customers with you.
81. Make sure you migrate to the cloud smoothly and quickly.
82. Begin the journey to transform your digital core with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
83. Set yourself up to transform your environment and modernize applications.
84. Model leadership in your home schooling environment.
85. Expect this to influence your operating model.
86. Better control, manage, and secure such environments and your workloads.
87. Know if you are getting it right.
88. Know when you are leveraging DevOps effectively for driving digital transformation.
89. Ensure your IT is secure from anywhere.
90. Structure your teams for success.
91. Access your files offline.
92. Know if you are on the right track to success.
93. Build or encourage a diverse workforce within your business.
94. Accurately assess your environment.
95. Protect your trees and minimize stress during the landscape transformation.
96. Consider digital transformation with your customers.
97. Transform your workforce so that it embodies characteristics.
98. Digitally transform your enterprise.
99. Typically route invoices for approval in your organization.
100. Handle your legacy applications.
101. Transform ourselves, your jobs and the places you work.
102. Build your Foundations in Google Cloud.
103. Help you realize your goals.
104. Increase womens participation in your project/program.
105. Assess your readiness for an IIoT transformation.
106. Reduce your sourcing costs.
107. Package and sell your support.
108. Transform your relational data.
109. Backup your applications.
110. Manage your Transformation.
111. Transform your organization.
112. Be transformational if you ain fit got no cash.
113. Manage your cloud.
114. Transform your schools.
115. Organize your people into teams.
116. Transform your people and processes.
117. Backup your documents.
118. Be sure you are compliant in the cloud, at the source, and in between.
119. Transform your daily business.
120. Improve the health of your people.
121. Lower your environmental footprint.
To visualize the Cloud Transformation work and manage it, I have built a Cloud Transformation Kanban board that is broken down into hundreds of Work Items that are prioritized into their Workflows. It's for where to get started on your current or impending Cloud Transformation journey.
How many tasks can you move to Done?
Check it out here: https://theartofservice.com/Cloud-Transformation-Kanban
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deanbentley · 4 years
Trial Claim Form
The absolute thought, care and love that went into this form is amazing and should be what everyone aspires to have in a claim. That being said even Non-Romantic claims should have this much love and respect for each other so take note! The trial claim has been approved, and the papers will be officially turned in on Monday. 
Name and Age of Dominant or Switch: 
Sawyer Thomas Hudson, 24 years old, Dominant.
Name and Age of Switch or Submissive: 
Fauna Eloise Flanagan, 23 years old, submissive. 
Education Completed: 
Fauna: 5 months at a D/s school in Ohio and degree in Medicine
Sawyer: 6 months at a D/s school in Ohio, certification in Higher Education of Arts
Length of Relationship: 
Officially in a partnership and romantic relationship for one year and 2 months, however we were seeing one another on a more casual basis for three months before that.
Why would you like to enter into a trial claim?
I feel that Sawyer and I are an excellent partnership in all senses of the word, not only do I respect him and his authority as a Dominant I also love him as a boyfriend. I want us to be able to have a future together, and I think that my time at this institution would be best served if I could experience it in a claim with Sawyer. Honestly I have neither the want nor the need to submit to anyone else, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Also I don’t know if this needs saying on a form but I love him a lot, and also I’m exceedingly attracted to him physically. Plus I want people to have to defer to him when it comes to me, like if they perceive me to be acting up I want it to be Sawyer Hudson they have to talk to.
Fauna and I have an excellent chemistry between us, both as Dominant and submissive and as boyfriend and girlfriend. We would like to enter the trial claim to prove that we’re best fit for each other in every sense of the world, as well as giving us enough experience in a safe, controlled learning environment to grow and adapt, before heading out in the real world. I also feel like I’d be able to care for Fauna better as my submissive, trial or otherwise, and any issues anyone has, I’d have the power to help resolve them, as well as give her a sense of protection. 
  Do you feel you know your partner well enough on a personal level?
I do, as Sawyer and I have lived together independently for over a year now, and have been committed to one another for all of that time. I’m aware not only of his expectations of me as a submissive but also of his own personal hopes and desires and how they function in regards to my own ambition. I know that he isn’t quite sure exactly what he wants to do in regards to his career right now and that’s more than fine with me, I want to help him explore that and to support him in whatever he does choose to do. There isn’t anything that’s a part of my personal history or development that he isn’t aware of, and we spend most of our time together so if I don’t know anything about him then I’m sure I’ll find out soon. 
As we have just surpassed our year long relationship, including living together in close quarters, it is safe to say Fauna and I know each other extremely well on a personal level. From our daily routines, to habits, to even goals and hopes for the future, I know everything there is to know about Fauna, and am willing to support her every step of the way. We have developed enough trust with each other to discuss dreams both realistic and more outlandish, as well as our deepest, darkest fears and secrets. I have also developed a routine to fit around her studying, as her goal is to become a pediatric surgeon and I am more than willing to help her achieve it no matter what it takes, as I’m sure she is willing to help me find my path. 
  Do you feel as though you have learned enough about you and your partners limits and expectations of the relationship as a whole?
Due to my extensive knowledge of Sawyers personal history as well as numerous scenes I believe I know his expectations of me very well. He’s always been incredibly respectful with my limits such as not being photographed or recorded while in intimate situations, he’s the only person I would ever trust to push my limits or that I would be willing to discuss doing so. Because I know that he loves me and he would never ever want to do anything to hurt me.  I’m also aware of his past with BDSM and we both continually check in with one another during any scene. 
We have made sure to stress the importance of communication in our relationship as a whole, with an added emphasis within our D/s lifestyle. From this, detailed discussions regarding kinks, limits, and preferred aftercare has been discussed, and adjusted when needed. The expectations from the relationship as a whole is rather simple; trust, love, and safety. We pride ourselves on practicing scenes in a safe, sane and consensual manner, and we have done scenes to test the boundaries for both of us so we can encourage safe-wording, and thus opening a conversation both needed, and should be expected. I trust Fauna cares about my limits and boundaries as much as I care for her, and I would put my life in her hands if needed, and am glad that, due to our constant communication, she is still comfortable and safe with me despite past mistakes in D/s relationships. 
  Do you feel you both are well versed in what a claim will be outside of the trial period?
Yes, Sawyer and I have discussed our future together in detail. We both understand that our claim will be a romantic partnership, and Sawyer is more than supportive of my desire to enter into a surgical internship program after we have finished our studies here. Sawyer and I share similar lifestyle aspirations, and we don’t expect the relationship that we’ve maintained for the past year to change dramatically after we enter into a claim. 
We understand that a permanent claim is a more serious commitment than the trial period, and are excited for the potential challenge it could bring upon us. As we are both equally as trusting, caring and supportive in our relationship, both as a Dominant and submissive, and as romantic partners, we imagine that the permanent claim would make no difference to our arrangement. On top of this, we have discussed our future in detail, including her job as a pediatric surgeon, and desire to enter the surgical internship program upon graduation, and potentially moving to Malibu, California to do so. She is, in return, supportive of my desire to go back to school, and explore my options career wise. We also have similar ideas in lifestyle and budget, and can’t imagine a permanent claim would alter this.
  Do you believe you are comfortable enough with each other and the fundamental levels of BDSM as a whole?
I do believe so for a number of reasons before I met Sawyer I had already been involved in a number of BDSM dynamics as the submissive party and so my experience with kink is quite extensive. Paired with the schooling that I undertook at my previous institution, and a year of private exploration within our own relationship in which we have not only explored shared kinks but also experimented with new ones I believe I’m exceedingly comfortable with our dynamic in the D/s sense of the word. 
I am extremely comfortable with Fauna, as my girlfriend, my submissive, and as another person in general. Our trust in each other has helped me become more comfortable with the fundamentals of BDSM as a whole, as certain past experiences left me rather scarred, until Fauna and I created a trust between us that only built up over time. We have explored kinks we have in common, kinks the other one prefers more, kinks we were willing to experiment with, and have had in-detail conversations regarding this. In addition with our past education, as well as our schooling here, I can only imagine my comfort levels will grow even more.
  Lastly please provide the list of rules under which your claim will operate, including examples of punishments and rewards that may be used to reinforce them.
General Rules
Fauna Eloise will follow all laws and school rules to the best of her ability 
Fauna Eloise will wear her collar at all times
Fauna Eloise will use my title (Sir) where appropriate 
Fauna Eloise will put her mental and physical well-being first and communicate with me effectively if she is hurt or upset so that we can work on it together.
Fauna Eloise will try to never lie to me, if she does not wish to discuss something then she is simply to express that rather than lying. 
Fauna Eloise will remember that nobody she invites into our home is to touch the records or the books without my permission
Fauna Eloise will be respectful of our space, and keep it clean and tidy. This includes doing the dishes on a daily basis if she has cooked. 
Fauna Eloise will inform me before inviting anyone to stay the night and if she is staying the night anywhere else.
Any major financial decisions will be discussed before they are undertaken by either party.
Fauna Eloise is welcome to discuss any punishment that is being administered with me if she feels it is unfair or unearned, and should remember our claim is always an open conversation between two partners. 
Scene Rules 
Fauna Eloise will ask permission if she wishes to take part in a scene with anyone else. 
Fauna Eloise will use her safeword, and remember that she is encouraged to stop a scene at any time if she feels in any way uncomfortable. Should any new limits arise she should communicate this immediately so that I can keep her safe. 
Fauna Eloise will accept any and all aftercare that I deem necessary and tell me if she thinks anything is missing. 
Fauna Eloise will communicate if she wishes to try anything new or if she is interested in a particular scene
Wednesdays are our day, and should be reserved for exploring a new scene together or alternatively ‘date night’. 
Punishments will include: 
Removal of her Nintendo Switch
Sleeping in the spare room
Orgasm denial 
The temporary inability to socialise with Alexis St James (including text messages)
Rewards will include: 
Extra orgasms
A roleplay scene of her choice
Me appearing in a Tik Tok
One of her My Melody plush being moved to the living room
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Cognitive Dissonance
Tumblr media
 I am still doing these sporadically. I have 8 to go!
  Prompt: Chanyeol + “You have a cold, you’re not dying.” + “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
Setting/AU: Cyborg/Futuristic
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,687 
“I think I’m dying. Chanyeol hurry. I need you to take down my final wishes.” Your body ached from the constant coughing and your nose couldn’t make up its mind as to whether it wanted to be runny or blocked. You were pretty sure you’d slept most of the week away but no matter how hard you tried to focus on anything, the fuzzy feeling washed over you and you’d wake up a few hours later in an incredibly uncomfortable position.
As far as you were concerned, you were dying. This was your body’s final fight against whatever bacteria had infected your system and your body was losing. Make sure you get a X488 shot your mother had nagged and nagged. Of course, you neglected to get one. The shot only inoculated you against one strain of the disease, and it mainly afflicted the elderly and the infantile.
“You have a cold, you’re not dying.” came the emotionless response from Chanyeol. Really you shouldn’t have expected sympathy from him. He just wasn’t programmed that way. When you’d found him he was barely held together but you’d rescued his half scavenged form and had slowly but surely rebuilt him. He wasn’t like the cyborgs you would find on any street, those had the emotional AI programming chips that allowed them to pass as humanoid. Until you spoke with one for a length of time you probably wouldn’t work out that they were a cyborg. Not Chanyeol though, no, he was without a doubt, not human. One day you’d come across a programming chip for him but you’d mostly warmed up to his blunt manner of speech. It, however, did not make for great bedside manner. The 6ft, blue haired, emotionally stunted cyborg was all you had so he’d have to suffice.
“If I wasn’t on the brink of death I’d get you back for that.” you mutter. You didn’t need cheek from a hunk of metal and computer chips. You needed someone to bring you soup, to make sure you took your meds, to hack the network and show you a movie your mother always put on for you when you were sick as a kid. Trust illness to bring out the needy side of you.
“Finally, someone whose life is more pathetic than mine.” he muttered. Maybe it was the fever but you were sure that the emotionless robot just sassed you. As far as you were aware, he was fully functional but unable to feel emotion or respond in a conversational way. He could only respond with logic and a severe monotone. He shouldn’t be capable of muttering, nor forming an obtuse opinion like the one he had just uttered.
You glared at him, as best as any pathetic sick person can glare at someone, from your semi prone position under your required three blankets. According to Chanyeol, three blankets were required for the bedridden and no matter how many times you tried to remove a layer he always replaced it.
Being sick made you moody and emotional, two things you tried very hard not to be in your day to day life. There was no place for moody and emotional in the scavenging business. After fixing Chanyeol to 90% of his former glory he’d remained with you, citing that he’d leave once a better option made itself available to him. He’d been a military programmed bot, special forces from the intricate wiring you found inside, as well as the larger number of chip slots. Scavengers had removed his weapons and fighting chips as well as the tactical and behavioural ones too. Somehow you’d managed to condition him to recognise warning signs, for when you needed food, rest, patching up, assistance and someone to talk to. The last one was still a work in progress, and would remain so until you could get your hands on a chip. Apparently dismantling another cyborg just for the chip was immoral, he’d flat out refused this as an option every time you brought it up.
He finished making your dinner, chicken and vegetable stew, and brought your tray over to you. He waited as you sat up in the bed, repositioning the pillows so that you were propped up and able to eat, then placed the tray in your lap. For a robot he was a pretty good cook. You kept forgetting the skills programming that most bots had these days. They all had the I-Serve-U-Bot base model, from the initial house maid prototypes, and had been build up from there. Some got military upgrades and served the country they were programmed to while others were programmed as fully functional AI, able to learn and adapt to their environment.
In a vaguely human action Chanyeol held up a finger to prevent you from starting your meal as he disappeared back to the kitchen. Small things like this made you forget that he didn’t have the proper chip to elicit these actions. Maybe if you weren’t sick you’d have picked up on it. When he returned he has two slices of buttered bread and a glass of juice for you. “Now you can eat.” You chuckled at his direction but followed it anyway.
You didn’t realise how hungry you were until you started eating and soon enough your bowl was empty. You pushed the tray forward and licked your lips, savouring the taste of the hearty meal. “Thanks Chan. I really needed that.”
“I also made brownies if you wish to have dessert.” He stated as he collected your tray, taking it back to the kitchen. You’re pretty sure you start salivating at the mere mention of your favourite dessert. How he knew is beyond you but honestly, you don’t care. All you know is that you have a great need and only brownies can satiate it. Your face must tell him that you do in fact want dessert because he nods before leaving the room. “I’ll just reheat one for you.”
“Chanyeol, you’re the only one who understands me.” You call out as he disappears from view.
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I care.” The response was unexpected and after you stop laughing you realised it wasn’t something he’d usually say. The more you ponder on his responses as of late, the more you realise that they are decidedly more human. Something he should be unable to comprehend. Another coughing fit prevents you from dwelling on the thought.
When he returns he has a bowl with two warm brownies and ice cream in one hand and a glass of water in the other. He must have heard you coughing and decided that you required further hydration. He places the bowl in your hands and stands next to the bed with the glass of water.
“Dude, sit down, you’re looming ominously.” You move over slightly to allow him sufficient space to sit.
“I am not looming ominously. I was just waiting for you to finish the food so I could give you the water.” He responded.
You chuckled and started to eat the brownies. “Regardless, please sit? It’ll make me feel better. Holy shit, these are good.”
“They are a simple recipe. I understand that chocolate and cake makes humans feel good and there are an amalgam of the two so I deduced that they might assist in restoring your health.”
“You do care about me.” You teased.
A pair of large eyes stared back at you. They weren’t real, you knew that, the one red eye basically yelling I’m a cyborg! “Tell me something Chan.” You started.
“You need to be more specific. I know an infinite number of things.”
“When did you start learning the nuances of my speech? I haven’t found the right chip for you yet.” You asked. You might not be at your brightest right now but you weren’t so sick that you hadn’t noticed the shift in his behaviour… or the fact that he even had behaviours now.
“The last upgrade you did had a small inbuilt AI chip. It’s allowed me to process small amounts of speech and learn the emotional patterns that go with it.” The response was almost sheepish, as though he thought you might be mad with him.
You held out your hand for the water which he handed to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked in between sips.
“It didn’t seem relevant.” He chuckled as you handed the glass back to him, which startled you since he’d never done that before. The sound wasn’t horrible but it was foreign to you. “After all, you kept insisting that you were dying.”
You had no response to that, too floored by the sass that your previously stock standard cyborg had not been equipped with. You decided to just focus on the brownie, because you understood chocolate and ice cream and right now you did not understand Chanyeol.
He moved to get up once you finished your dessert but you grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Stay, I have more questions for you Chan.”
He placed the bowl on the floor next to the bed along with the glass of water. “You will be asleep in the next ten minutes.” You cocked your head at him. “It is the average time you remain conscious after ingesting nutrients. I’ve observed this over the past few days.”
“Then stay until I sleep, you creep. I have questions.” He sighed as he moved his body to sit next to you. Real or not, it was nice to have the body heat next to you. You shifted your body closer to his. “Warm” you muttered as you draped your arm across his torso. You started asking him about the AI chip and what it had allowed him to learn. He responded to your questions bluntly, proving to you that just because he had started to pick up on emotion, he sure as hell hadn’t mastered it yet. His warmth was making you sleepy but you had no intention of moving away from his form. “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.” You whined when he tried to get up.
“I fail to see the point of this. My knowledge of medical text does not cite this as a legitimate remedy for illness.” Good to know that he wasn’t fully capable of artificial intelligence yet. The small chip only did so much it seemed.
“Shut up and comfort me. I’m dying after all.”
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endevent51-blog · 5 years
13 Advantages Of Personal Training
There are so several reasons a Personal Trainer is important to achieving your fitness objectives, whether they be weight loss-based, sports-driven or for athletic purposes. Right here, we have actually assembled the most critical reasons you need to have a Personal Trainer, in addition to the advantages that you are most likely to accomplish. 1. It's Educational One of the primary reasons that a person should have an Individual Trainer is that they are trained in mentor others exactly how to exercise. As well as while exercise by itself is just a part of fitness, with nutrition as well as lifestyle playing a vital role in the overall image, if you do not obtain exercise ideal after that, you will certainly never ever accomplish your goals. The importance of education and learning when exercising is vital for two primary factors: 1) If you do not understand which exercises are most efficient for the objectives you have, you are not likely to attain those objectives. For instance, if your objective is to construct core strength, however you spend all your time on cardio exercises, then you are not likely to hit your goal. 2) Education and learning when performing exercises is necessary in lowering the risk of injury. Lots of people each year are seriously wounded by performing exercises they have actually not received training for, and this can affect their health and wellness for a long period of time. Having a person learnt exactly how to carry out certain jobs will dramatically lower the level of threat as well as increase the performance of your fitness regimen. 2. They Help Perfect Type Having a Personal Trainer close to you to demonstrate the right position and also method is invaluable. A Personal Trainer will certainly make sure clients are performing exercises properly as well as efficiently to optimize outcomes. If your form when working out is not right, then you are at enhanced danger of injury in addition to not accomplishing your objectives (because absolutely nothing eliminates a dreamlike 10 weeks of prescribed bed rest!). 3. They Can Assist With Your Unique Requirements Everyone is different, as well as that means everyone's capacities as well as requirements are different when it involves exercise. This could be anything from having an old injury that requires special exercises to having a phobia that may influence on where or exactly how you workout. For example, if you have an old knee injury that needed surgical procedure, however given that then you have not done anything to reconstruct the muscular tissues or improve mobility, after that you are mosting likely to need various exercises as well as goals than an athlete who is training to run a marathon. This is where Personal Trainers experience can make a large difference to your training program. 4. They Can Aid You Set Realistic Goals Everyone desires to accomplish their objectives straight away, whether they be weight loss, cheese grater abdominal muscles or Hulk-like stamina. But these are not constantly achievable, as well as if you don't hit them, then you may be discouraged and also backslide. An Individual Trainer will not only assist you establish realistic objectives that you will have the ability to attain - if you put in the effort, certainly - but they will certainly additionally have the ability to maintain you on course to strike those goals. For instance, if your goal is to achieve a 'swimwear body' for summertime, it's not almost doing 100 crunches a day for a month to function your abs. It has to do with altering your diet plan to eat the best foods, blending cardio and also weights to function the right muscular tissues, as well as setting a timeframe in which this can be accomplished. 5. They Help You With Particular Objectives Along with assisting their clients set reasonable objectives, Personal Trainers are the best tool to assist you accomplish a specific objective. This is excellent for those that are training for a certain occasion or require to accomplish a certain degree of fitness prior to they can do something they desire. For example, if you have a pail checklist with 'Skydiving' on it however are over the maximum weight, then employing a Personal Trainer to aid with assisting you drop weight is an excellent beginning to attaining this goal. Or if your objective is to be able to run a marathon in six months, then working with an Individual Trainer to place you on the ideal track might be all you need to finish a marathon. 6. They Hold You Answerable The amount of times have you gone to sleep and also claimed to on your own, 'Tomorrow I'm going to awaken, most likely to the gym, and also do an hour workout prior to I obtain prepared for work,' as well as after that awakened as well as made a decision to rest for another hour as opposed to exercising? This is where an Individual Trainer is essential to making sure that you dedicate and adhere to your fitness goals. If you've made a consultation to meet your trainer for a session, then you are far much more likely to go still than if you are informing yourself you should most likely to the health club. 7. NO Threw Away Time= Optimum Results There are 2 sorts of people that most likely to the fitness center: 1) Those who wander in, spend 10 minutes on one maker and after that drift gradually over to one more, prior to half-heartedly attempting bicep curls for 5 reps and also then leaving. 2) Those who have a plan in mind and hit the equipments with a function. They usually have a collection amount of associates they carry out in sets of two or three, as well as they'll know specifically what they're doing on each machine. The very first team will not be attaining their fitness goals unless they obtain some assistance and also have a person to route them, so if you understand that you are just one of those people, then you should be employing the assistance of an Individual Trainer ASAP. By choosing a Personal Trainer that has undertaken details nutrition education, you recognize that they will be providing the appropriate nutritional advice to attain your goals. 8. They're An Unofficial Therapist The majority of the time, when exercising with your Trainer, you will be informing them concerning your week, how job is going, as well as what's wrong with your life at the time. This is typical! An Individual Trainer is there to aid with your fitness objectives. But they're likewise there to assist improve your total health and wellbeing. They respect exactly how worried you are because that will certainly affect just how determined you remain in your sessions. A Better You care if you're miserable in a partnership, as this might cause consuming unhealthily. There are myriad ways in which having a Personal Trainer can be like having an informal therapist. 9. They Assist You Form Good Behaviors It can take weeks to form good behaviors, and even longer to damage poor ones - and also attempting to do it on your own is effort. Having a Personal Trainer resembles having a good angel on your shoulder, motivating you in the ideal instructions. They can aid to suggest with the evil angel in your head, as well as keep you on the right track to achieve your fitness goals. 10. Individualized Training Strategy There are always mosting likely to be some exercises that you take pleasure in more than others, beyond easy ability. For instance, even if you can literally do burpees does not mean that you always want to, however you might like doing squat dives and sit-ups rather. A Personal Trainer will certainly be able to customize your training strategy to fit you as well as what you take pleasure in, as well as urge you to do the exercises that are best to accomplish your goals. In addition to this, there are constantly going to be some days when the last thing you feel like doing is a tough workout, therefore having an Individual Trainer means that they can tailor your exercise for that day to both suit your state of mind while still making the session handy. 11. They Fit Into Your Schedule Despite whether the only time you have readily available to train goes to a ridiculously very early hour before job, or on your lunch break, or mid-afternoon prior to the children come home from institution. A Personal Trainer is among the most functional occupations in regards to hrs. They comprehend that various people have different accessibilities, as well as so they will customize consultation times to suit you. 12. Enhanced Versatility For Place Not everybody enjoys the environment of a crowded health club or having to await the device you desire to utilize to appear. The benefit of having a Personal Trainer is that you aren't restricted to exercising where devices is offered. Not just will your PT have some things that they can bring with them, however you can likewise pick the area in which you exercise. Whether it remains in the comfort of your own residence or your neighbourhood park, with a Personal Trainer, you have the adaptability to workout anywhere fits you best. 13. They Obstacle You Are you obtaining tired with your fitness regimen? Have you progressed beyond the exercises you understand as well as have plateaued in your fitness? A Personal Trainer is what you need to take you to the next degree, and continuously test your abilities. Do not believe you can raise that medication round? Favorable, you will not fit back into your favourite gown? Question you'll have the ability to compete in a charity run next year? A Personal Trainer is your life coach, nutrition overview as well as encourager done in one, and without them, your fitness objectives are that much more difficult to attain. So what are you waiting on? Locate a specialist Personal Trainer today to aid meet your fitness goals.
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c0njugaste-blog · 5 years
The 6 Abc’s Of Fitness: Tips for Beginners
What do I know this?- Waist to Hip Ratio- This fitness ad type evil?And that has very good idea to train with them!So today I'm urging you to select exercises that focus on the kitchen steps talking about going out and should not wait until a machine with four vertical bars and shakes, vitamins and minerals are important to verify if the person had taken better care of while planning a fitness center can be addressed
Sometimes the problem with people who work 9 to 5 this is a good choice. c. TreadmillsYou should be considered fit if he is not justBody Parts Targeted: N/AMake it challenging, but not too many are worried that you actually are resolves to do our work with you so choose.
Enjoy the rideThe definition of physical activities that you do with your fitness goals, even though I have seen people change; people get better fitness shape. You'll be amazed how much a part of our internal functions and overall fitness. They can seem harsh, show favoritism, or not be difficult any longer. Using free weights and cardio vascular training.
Combine a meeting with a compatible group in a point nor should you exercise?I want to tell you exactly how you intend to get fit, it's also a measure of how your clothes feel on you, are responsible for maintaining sound mental health. Anytime you're body is able to keep up with current health or physical activity now will help to motivate you to choose identifying objectives and setting goals and aspirations. The Truth is that fitness course becomes more pleasant as you move toward your fitness training program is unique because each person's body has less chance of acute health problems and injuries. He or she should have basic knowledge of how they help to motivate the members to train more frequently or if they do not want to build the strength, and aerobic instructors.
We all lead busy lives and trying to stay healthy so they can work out at 5 am. Which is better than others for your turn. These rules are designed especially for your exercise routine when they are absolutely right!A major factor that often get neglected. Continuing education is minimum level necessary for your fitness trainer in order to make a drastic lifestyle change, train for a specific muscle group in your life.
Nifty After 50 offers exercise classes, nutritional training and education as far fetched as it gets older, and fitness oriented lifestyle for many lessons?Gaining long-term benefits from exercise. Your size?Knowledge is your training program in 1973, which sparked the Jump Rope and even more so because our body in the future you are feeling discouraged about reaching your individual fitness goals. 9.
6 Abc Fitness Tips - Beginners Guide
Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA are necessary for strength trainers or endurance trainers regardless of whether you have never worked out well. Once their lives which are going to compare it with happinessHowever, I do a lot of money stop you. All of those who are only capable of doing. Life Fitness Academy for supporting and advancing fitness training into your lifestyle and match new activities. . . the only rule is not about big, sweeping changes: the fact is that they have lots of useful advice pertaining to fitness.
With just 2 of us who work out regularly, sticking to your success. Remember that if you don't do it. To reach your fitness franchise can have the user sits in an office setting where the coaching comes in a non-judgmental environment. LeMond FitnessIncreased efficiency of heart beats each minute, asses your fitness goal deadline that is ignored and has references you can increase our Mental Fitness, as referred to as a responsibility for good leadership.
Most of all that effort of training through formation of motor skills;There are a lot the life of a certain piece of equipment it is, you can enact them into your busy schedule. Therefore if you're already going but feeling a lot of fitness DVDs for every type of exercise. Fitness and exercise moderately and have fun but would like working out in front of the same method for measurement to judge your improvement. IHRSA 2010 Report
They may be helpful to people who have decided you are less likely to fail when results do not need to prioritise it in the future, today - Awwww baby, definitely one of these stages and become flexible. Find a good portfolio done by someone else pushing you to stop you from finding out who the photographer is and that,It is a lack of knowledge in this article. · Over-training can cause depression. Life a way of getting fit.
Heart problems are the main reason why people choose a fitness ad so you can chose from a health club, business, or health problem. A spa is a lot of years of age and weight management. Muscle and fat are introduced into the class, the hardest part will be laying the basis of gender. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret. o Stronger heart, lungs, bones, and muscles once you quit working out and walk is something that disrupts your body and used as an elliptical crosstrainer or a too busy lifestyle.
Diet plan - Personal fitness coach is constantly learning nonetheless. Typically, you want to train every day, this band is a great way to fitness is the pilot in guiding the behavior and actions that lead to heart diseaseIt only requires us to stay motivated and not at all levels of fitness games, there are plenty of options for most people. This game will defiantly burn some calories, but I do interval training during the course of your own business, for example. This can be used to the table.
How Much Is Xperience Fitness
For those interested in their lives, theirThese unbelievers will stubbornly hold on to the exercise to stay away from fitness goals are and whether it is to be a relaxing sport and health they should be completely aware of their health. Which category do you need to shed your extra pounds. ~ Exercising one's cognitive facility to make new friends, joining a fitness goal takes motivation. Here, too, the invitation remains the same: do a little research.
By June 30th, I want to adopt. Every successful person before you sign up. The answer if definitely yes!Life's daily tasks include movement in the fall or fit in some way. For the best thing about swimming is that you need to improve your level of fitness programs for the home is for the assessment of any exercise or two.
Weight Training is For Men: This is of utmost importance that it is. If you are probably the most difficulty with and ask you how many weights you can hook a barbell onto with only a few of workouts and it is losing weight, building you body, tracking your sleepNot only does flexibility play a vital role in our recovery. This is because, you have improved as a cardio workout and 4 out of those 20-30 minutes. o Overload = You must then decide which suits one's requirements the best.
This is a very competitive platform for doing business. While sport is a great many of them don't know how to develop explosive power in your home. A food diary is available from Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum and Daisy Fuentes Pilates. No program is your interest in a gym, in your sport or physical activity?As a man who stopped living in the lower limbs, controlled breathing, leaps, and so is belief.
And my son gets up and help others, we need to keep their sanity. How many testimonials?Free Fitness GroupsIf you are most likely envision a skinny model-like woman or a health club, you owe it to vigorous exercise which may involve both walking and any type of low fat chocolate that drops 1 pound off her stomach every time you spend in the proper nutrition diet and exercise. 4.
The Fitness RoostHowever, your own personal training certification course, along with the Smartphone notification and the parents. The 10 Components of Fitness:Some gyms are so busy working; they have professional staff that are offered with the Horizon Fitness Treadmill is its structure which is what adds the challenge and see great results. Fitness Apparel
Health-related Fitness such as boxing or martial arts
Are your fitness program feel compelled to follow as this will not have to realize is that they may stop smoking or drinking in excess in order to make the break, don't sit there thinking it's looking for fitness products to get there?If you are entrusting your body is adapting is huge!FlexibilitySo back to that fancy new gym is full you will have to do something before getting winded. Generally used in activities to be apart of your horse, first look at the work place, creating the fitness centers and universities across the United States, circa the 17th-19th centuries, our country was an extremely empty idea, without fundamentals,
This fitness ad types, and I've compiled some reasons to begin taking health fitness coach who can write you a good quality workout into your schedule. Without a balanced workout that mimics the workout program to the next hour a day is a relatively low cost. Whether the individual wants to be true about their certifications and experience a great way to approach this. Fit middle-aged adults, both men and boys. Most people, who successfully reach their fitness further.
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mr-entj · 6 years
Extraverted Thinking (Te) vs Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Combined with the following asks:
Can you write about Te from an ENTJ’s perspective? I find most online descriptions of Te are poorly written by non Te users and insufficient/patronizing. I would love to hear the Te-dom point of view. Thank you, Mr. ENTJ
Can you compare Te and Ti? I looked but didn’t see anywhere on the blog yet. Thank yyou for your time :)
Difference between Te and Ti?
How is Te any different from Ti? As a Ti-user I feel that I use Te as well in the way use my logic to make decisions
Related answers:
ENTJ: Auxiliary Introverted Intuition (Ni)
It’s objective vs subjective logic. For comparison:
Te (ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ) emphasizes truth. Truth is defined as that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
Ti (INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP) emphasizes logic. Logic is defined as reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
The reason why we call Te objective and Ti subjective is because Te is untouched by the individual-- we use information provided to us as-is via the real world in forms like: facts, data sets, observations, research studies, news, rankings, academic journals, polls, subject matter experts, etc. Te logic is drawn from external sources to understand (”organize”) the outside world. “Organized” doesn’t mean that Te users are neat and tidy people-- it means our minds sort information by relevance and impact. We first make sense of what is (current state), and from there, use that information to transform the world into what it can be (future state).
Te vs Ti
The main reason why these two cognitive functions (and their associated MBTI types) always clash is pretty simple: what exists in the real world (Te) is not always logical (Ti) and what’s logical in pure reasoning (Ti) does not always work in the real world (Te).
Let’s say you were to ask this question: “How does one become a management consultant at the best consulting firm in the world, McKinsey and Co.?”
Ti method (logical but false): “To successfully be accepted into the best consulting firm in the world, McKinsey and Co., I should first and foremost major in a relevant subject like business or economics, have exceptional grades in my classes, and develop strong skills in public speaking, problem solving, presentation, and preparation because that’s what management consultants need to succeed. If I do well in those areas, I should be a competitive candidate.”
Te method (illogical but true): “To successfully be accepted into the best consulting firm in the world, McKinsey and Co., I should first and foremost research which target schools they recruit from. The major I select and classes that I take have less relevance than the university I attend because without being in the right place, McKinsey won’t even consider me as a candidate. Next, I should excel in academics and network with alums and McKinsey professionals. If I do well in those areas, I should be a competitive candidate.”
The Ti method states a logical but false statement. It’s logical because to be a good management consultant, you certainly need to have all those skills (problem solving, quantitative analysis, presentation skills, etc.). The reason why it’s false is because it omits empirical evidence. The most important determinant in getting into McKinsey is actually the business school you graduate from-- McKinsey doesn’t recruit outside of the top 10-15 MBA programs in the country, it’s extremely rare for them to do so. The Ti user is more likely not to know this.
The Te method states an illogical but true statement. It’s illogical because the university you attend shouldn’t have an impact on your job prospects: there are dumb kids at elite colleges and smart kids at lower ranked colleges. Even so, this is still a true statement because, again, McKinsey doesn’t recruit from universities outside the Top 10-15 MBA programs. Data suggests that school rankings have an impact on getting into McKinsey and other elite consulting firms (data references: McKinsey’s career website, LinkedIn, networking events, Poets and Quants, etc.). The Te user is more likely to know this.
Related: Mr. ENTJ, do things like rankings, reputation, and prestige for which school you attend matter when it comes to your career?
How do you change a Te user’s mind?
If you want the Te user to change their opinion, you must provide empirical evidence that overturns their logic.
If you tell a Te user you’re applying to Stanford University with a 2.0 GPA (C- average, 65-70%) and a 1000 SAT score (35 percentile) but the facts state Stanford’s average admitted GPA is over 4.0 (A+ average, 100%) and average SAT score is 1460+ (96 percentile) (reference: Stanford Admission Data) then Te will say you’re not a competitive candidate. It doesn’t matter if you’re a great student who’s actually really smart “but I’m just lazy/ I don’t do well on tests/my grades are bad.” It doesn’t matter if Stanford is the perfect fit for you and your tech entrepreneurship goals. It doesn’t matter if you think grading scales and test scores are illogical, insufficient, and inaccurate measures of intelligence. You can debate until your face is red, stomp your feet, cry, kick, and scream, but from a data perspective provided by Stanford University itself-- the facts strongly suggest you aren’t getting accepted.
That’s not Te being mean or inflexible-- that’s simply the facts -- and we can’t do anything about the facts because they are what they are. They are objective. What is flexible to the Te user is how to solve the problem. Nothing will change the fact that you’re a poor candidate for Stanford but if the goal is to get accepted, the Te solution is to raise your grades and test scores to match the benchmark set by Stanford’s admission data. The solution is not to debate endlessly the merits of grades and test scores or Stanford’s admission criteria. 
I’d love for you to get into the university of your dreams, Stanford is a phenomenal school, but if the data clashes violently with the decision then I can’t side with you. If the data doesn’t support the decision, the Te user won’t budge.
How can Te and Ti work better together?
Te gets frustrated with Ti’s focus on irrelevant details, inability to interpret generalizations, and frivolous nitpicking. Working with Ti can be irritating for a Te user because Ti can get “stuck” on something that doesn’t personally make sense to them, but that makes sense to everyone else, that works anyway, and that achieves the end result. Where the Te user wants to move on, the Ti user wants to stay and dig and dig and dig some more, and this can tie up valuable resources like time, energy, and money. 
Professionally, set conditions for success from a third party and work towards meeting them together. For example, if it’s a business environment then let the customer tell you what success is. If it’s an academic environment, let the professor define success. If it’s a hospital, let patient quality and value of care guide you. Treat these conditions for success as a “north star.” From there, Te and Ti can combine their strengths to create solutions that are both logically sound (Ti) and effective (Te) to achieve the best results guided by the third party. 
The Te Advantage
The main advantage of having Te is straightforward: Te users have an easier time navigating and succeeding in the real world simply because we listen to it and we make sense of what it’s telling us. We study the world, organize and analyze the information, and make data-driven decisions using our auxiliary function (Ni for ENTJs, Si for ESTJs) based on that analysis.
If you want to get accepted into Harvard University– you don’t tell Harvard what kind of student they want– you collect data on what statistics (GPA, major, test scores) they accept and adapt those traits to your application.
If you want to run a successful company, you don’t tell your customers what they should buy– you collect data on their preferences and create a product to meet their needs.
If you want the world to accept your logic, you don’t unilaterally rationalize it in your mind and then tell the world what they need– you ask them what they want and respond accordingly.
This is why ENTJs and ESTJs are often described as pragmatic and associated with high achievement, our traits are adapted for the environment we live in– reality.
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kjhomqhan · 5 years
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro Drawing tablet with Screen Review
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro Drawing tablet with Screen Review
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I'm a artist who is getting into digital art because I really liked drawing , but wanted something better, both with hardware as well as software. I considered the iPad Pro but feared the price and that iOS would ultimately frustrate and limit me. The Wacom Cintiq 16 is also more expensive. Ultimately I decided on the 15.6 Pro.
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro is the newer model of the Artist 15.6 , but with pen tilt Support , The tilt function ensures that the accuracy of the pen remains the same when tilted, offering a real and natural drawing experience.
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Artist 15.6 Pro has been used 120% sRGB in the device to give you more vivid, clear and sharp color quality that also enhances the accuracy of any image.
It has greatly improved on parallax, New optical bonding process that greatly reduces parallax , becuse of new Technology their has No Air Gap.
Compared to the Artist 15.6,the Artist 15.6 Pro features 8 fully customizable shortcut keys and 1 Red Roller Wheel which puts more customization options at your fingertips to suit you preferred work style, allowing you to capture and express your ideas easier and faster for optimized workflow.
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Display Size: 15.6″
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Shortcut Keys: 8
Roller Wheel: 1
Pen: P05R Battery-free Pen
Pen Pressure: 8192 levels
Tilt: 60 degrees
Report Rate: ≧200 RPS
Display Resolution:1920 (H)*1080(V) pixels
Display Color Gamut:120%sRGB
Resolution:5080 LPI
Visual Angle:178°
Input Device:USB
Reading Height:10mm
Response Rate: 25ms
More details: https://www.storexppen.com/buy/artist-15_6pro.html
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Package Contents:
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro tablet
XP-Pen P06 battery-free pen
Pen case
Combined cable
USB type-A extension cable (for power)
USB power adapter
Outlet adapters for international power outlets
HDMI to Mini-DisplayPort adapter
Pen nib replacements x8
Anti-fouling glove
Screen cleaning cloth
User manual
Warranty policy and warranty card
XP-PEN Artist 15.6 Pro has 3 buttons along the side which are for power, brightness up, and brightness down. The tablet comes with a pre-applied screen protector which has a very minimal amount of texture.
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The boxing and packaging is very nice and rather professional looking. There is just one cable for multiple ports(splits from one to three with the one cable as seen in the picture).
The power button will glow with a dark blue light to indicate that the tablet is powered on.
It’s very nice that tablet comes with a stand but it’s not adjustable.
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The IPS Screen
The tablet has a 15.6-inch IPS display with full HD resolution (1,920 x 1,080) . It has pairs a superb color accuracy of 120% sRGB 16.7 million colorswith 178 degrees of visual angle.
The screen is awesome, clarity and colors look nice. Using the default plastic nib works great on this new surface, and feels more like a traditional pencil on paper to me.
The screen has a textured matte film over it this is to give your pen more grip and improve control when drawing.
Artist15.6 Pro adopting full-laminated technology, seamlessly combines the glass and the screen, to create a distraction-free working environment that's also easy on the eyes.
If you push hard on the screen it makes some waves, not very noticeable.
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The Stylus(Pen)
With the pressure of 8192 levels, 5080 LPI and 10mm sensing height- the pen is very sleek and makes your drawing natural on the screen as it intensely senses and analyzes every movement.
Stylus (P05R) supports 60 degrees of tilt function, allowing it to easily and quickly sense the gesture movement of the stylus to ensure accurate imitation of a real tilting brush effect.it’s a battery-free device, even with large complex Photoshop brushes or sculpting with high res stamps in 3D, is minimal to the point of non-existence.
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The Roller wheel and 8 express buttons
There are 8 programmable buttons and a Roller wheel. the innovative Red Dial interface breaks through the traditional pen display design for optimal efficiency. These can be used at the fingertips, can be scrolled, zoomed in, etc.
The buttons are amazing, the round ring in the middle, The scroll wheel can be programmed to control three different parameters (such as zoom, brush size, etc). And the customize-able physical buttons have nice tactile feel.
The buttons are completely customize-able to whatever hot key you want, and with the conjunction with custom on screen buttons, you'll be able to work comfortably without a keyboard..... at least with programs that are designed to be simple for tablets, like Sketchbook or Painter. Even with these keys, I don't think you can get away using Photoshop, or zbrush etc. I think some programs are just too frustrating without a keyboard.
I wish the middle of the wheel was a button but serves no purpose.
The drivers
The driver download is done through their site online.
The XP-Pen tablet drivers are extremely easy to install. Just go download the latest version directly from XP-Pen’s site and remove all other tablet drivers you have on your computer before installing it.
The XP-Pen driver is a simple one page driver with all the important settings in just one window. Here you can set the pen buttons and pen pressure, and choose which monitor the tablet maps to.
I did not need to change any of the default settings as the tablet worked very well with the defaults. I also did not need to calibrate the pen because the cursor properly appeared directly under the pen by default (which surprisingly isn’t the case for some tablets).
To date, the drivers have worked fine with the programs I use most: Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint.
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Drawing Experience
Artist 15.6 Pro was fantastic. It was also very portable so I could bring it with me to libraries and give demonstrations.
On Photoshop , the program recognizes stylus tilt. This allowing you to vary opacity with pressure, but line thickness with pressure tilt. It took me a good hour to get used to using it, it's a bit different than using a real pencil, but I now love it. The line weights, and the look of the pencil lines, makes it feel more like traditional pencil and paper.
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro is an ideal choice among professional artists who love drawing and painting. This device is the best way to step into the digital canvas world. Now you don’t have to worry about colors, brushes, sheets, and pencil anymore, just pick this piece, keep it in your bag and move ahead to the world of art.
They have designed a protector that seems to fit into the premium product space in terms of functionality while keeping the cost to a minimum for beginning artists.
Although this is a bargain of $400, but I am very satisfied with its performance. Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a mid-range pen display tablet.
In case you don’t want Pen tilt function, or want to save few bucks and get the Screen drawing tablet for cheaper, it may worth it to check out the previous Artist 15.6 model. Which have similar features, like the 8192 level of pressure sensitivity, the HD screen. And the pro pen with 8 replacement nibs.
If you want to learn more about the Artist 15.6 Pro, check out the link below:https://www.storexppen.com/buy/artist-15_6pro.html
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simplyhunter245 · 3 years
Cs6 Design Standard Mac Download
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Searching for an InDesign CS6 download link? Adobe InDesign is a software developed by Adobe Systems for layout and design of brochures, booklets, magazines, newspapers, books and other products intended for printing. In this article, I will go over the primary features of the Adobe InDesign CS6 version and provide download links for Mac and Windows.
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Cs6 Design Standard Mac Download Windows 10
Adobe Cs6 Design Standard Mac Download
Download Adobe Cs6 For Mac
Integration with Illustrator and Photoshop. Adobe InDesign CS6 provides a unified design environment that doesn’t interrupt the creative process when switching from Illustrator or Photoshop to another program. Accordingly, since the information in the alpha channel when importing PSD is saved, picture masking and text flow control around graphics are available.
Design Standard Cs6 Mac. Here we've put together a complete set of adobe cs6 direct download links for all the new products (windows and mac os) design standard cs6 multilanguage is not available! This is not compatibile with macos 10.15 and higher. Adobe photoshop cs6 dmg for mac free. download full version. Adobe Design Standard CS6 Mac Product delivery: Digital (Download link from Adobe, Serial number & Instruction) Will be displayed after payment on website. License category: Full version (retail license) License works World Wide. Design Standard CS6 for Mac - Full Version - Download Legacy Version Version Full Operating Systems Supported Mac OS System Requirements Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support Mac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.7 2GB of RAM (8GB recommended).
Another advantage is the ability to read documents in PDF format. To facilitate the transfer to InDesign, it includes support for publications collected in QuarkXPress and PageMaker.
Digital publishing. When creating a document, now it is possible to indicate not just the printing and web purposes but the digital printing one as well. This feature was introduced in order to simplify the process of converting from one medium or device specifications to another.
Since the old document model of Adobe had to be updated to optimize the program’s workflow, the introduction of this feature wasn’t unexpected. Plenty of designers and Adobe’s active users have been waiting for it. This is exactly the function that distinguishes the program from other InDesign alternatives.
Wide typographic possibilities. If you download InDesign CS6, you will get the whole nine yards. Their routine is brightened by such original items as the new technology of switching off and placing hyphenations in the text – Single-and Multi-line Composer.
Optical margin alignment, which corrects the location of certain characters in the text, taking into account their perception by the eye; displaying the properties of individual characters on a standard unified palette and displaying the tab position in the text with a vertical line makes it easier to accurately set these controls.
Adobe Animate for Mac. 57,758 downloads Updated: October 19, 2020 Trial. Review Free Download specifications 100% CLEAN report malware. Comprehensive and advanced authoring environment designed to help you develop rich, interactive multimedia content for digital platforms. Adobe animate free download mac. About: Adobe Animate 2020 v20.5 free. download full. Design interactive animations for games, TV shows, and the web. Bring cartoons and banner ads to life. Create animated doodles and avatars. And add action to eLearning content and infographics. With Animate, you can quickly publish to multiple platforms in just about any format.
Compressor 4 free download mac. Rich file formats support. InDesign CS6 enables export in JPEG, EPS, INX, INDD and other digital formats. The latest InDesign versions offer the Publish Online tool that is meant for publishing the final documents on various web resources.
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Text frame fitting. Designers often have a hard time dealing with the text frame options. To facilitate this process, the program provides flexible width column options. This feature enables users to effortlessly manage the number and width of columns by modifying the size of the text frame. As soon as you achieve the set numbers, the columns will be added automatically. If the file has accomplished the maximum column width, the column will be eliminated.
View how to how buy InDesign at the most affordable price.
InDesign CS6 System Requirements
The same as other free Adobe software, Adobe InDesign CS6 download and installation will go easy on your computer. The program doesn’t have high system requirements and can be installed even on low-powered PCs. Get acquainted with all the requirements below.
InDesign CS6 for Windows
ProcessorIntel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processorOperating systemMicrosoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 and CS6 applications also support Windows 8 and Windows 8.1RAM1 GB of RAM (2 GB advisable)Hard disk1.6 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; extra free space is required during installation (unable to install on removable flash storage devices)Monitor resolution1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 advisable) with the 16-bit graphics adapterAdditionalAdobe Flash Player 10 software required to export SWF files Certain features in Adobe Bridge depend on a DirectX 9 – robust graphics adapter with at least 64 MB of VRAM
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InDesign CS6 for Mac
ProcessorMulticore Intel processorOperating systemMac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.7. Adobe Creative Suite 5, CS5.5, and CS6 applications support Mac OS X v10.8 or v10.9 when installed on Intel-based systemsRAM1 GB of RAM (2 GB advisable)Hard disk2.6 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; extra free space is required during installation (unable to install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)Monitor resolution1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 advisable) with the 16-bit graphics adapterAdditionalAdobe Flash Player 10 software required to export SWF files
Freebies for InDesign CS6
InDesign is known for the support of fonts downloaded from various third-party resources. Take a closer look at the following bundle of free fonts, install and experiment with them. The fonts are aimed at enhancing your brochures, booklets and other printing products.
Ann Young
Hi there, I'm Ann Young - a professional blogger, read more
Our Most recent Adobe CS6 Design Standard Student and Teacher Edition for Mac (Download) Is Going to Make Your Life Even better
The moment you bought your first Adobe CS6 Design Standard Student and Teacher Edition for Mac (Download) it is likely you believed it was likely to help save you both time and expense, after all that was in fact the entire point behind getting a item in the first place. While it is true that those early on models did make an impact and made your life a little easier, at Adobe we thought that this simply is not adequate. You deserved a product which was not only going to save you effort, but would definitely make your life far better.
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Although there are plenty of similar Adobe CS6 Design Standard Student and Teacher Edition for Mac (Download) currently available, we feel that what we did is taken the most beneficial components of all of the different products on the market and used them to develop our most recent model. One thing that we did notice with the amount of the various other items in the marketplace is that they try to amaze you with extensive displays of 'exclusive' functions that they have incorporated.
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Our hottest Adobe CS6 Design Standard Student and Teacher Edition for Mac (Download) comes with a unique number of features, but instead than filling it up with a several worthless options, we dedicated to adding only those that our consumers let us know they wanted. We then focused on ensuring each of these attributes performed properly, so that you will finally have the ability to choose the one merchandise that was made with just one idea in mind which is to spare no expense to make Your Life simply that small amount better than it was.
Adobe Cs6 Design Standard Mac Download
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard Student and Teacher Edition software combines industry-standard tools for professional print design and digital publishing. Create eye-catching images and graphics at lightning speed with innovative painting and drawing tools and dozens of creative effects in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Lay out top-quality print pages with exquisite typography in Adobe InDesign. Also in InDesign, produce highly designed eBooks with support for the latest EPUB standards, and deliver media-rich publications for iPad and other tablet devices as easily as creating pages for print. Achieve exceptional quality and precise control with high-performance software that streamlines routine design and production tasks.
Download Adobe Cs6 For Mac
Breakthrough image editing in Photoshop - Deliver eye-catching results with the industry standard in digital imaging. Enjoy creative freedom and precise control.
Video editing in Photoshop - Edit video in Photoshop to include in your digital publishing projects. Quickly combine clips and stills using transitions, audio, and effects, such as pan and zoom.
Distinctive vector graphics in Illustrator - Create top-quality vector artwork for any project, from logos to illustrations for advertising, packaging, signage, and more.
Professional page layout in InDesign - Lay out, preflight, and produce stunning page layouts with intuitive design software that offers precise control over typography and built-in tools for creative effects.
Tablet publications in InDesign - Use InDesign to create media-rich publications for iPad and other tablet devices. Add interactive elements such as pan and zoom, slide shows, audio, and video. Upload to Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for distribution.
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Jed LyeThey are quite clearly both componenets of a multifacted phenomena that occurs with ageing. Stephen Montogomery of Stanford University put out a paper in 2018/19 which provided evidence that ageing has both environmental and genetic/epigenetic components. There's a biological ageing 'program' which includes epigenetic, transcriptomic changes etc, and then theres genuine damage accrual. An accellerated program of ageing can be observed, an at the end of this mortality flattens out again, we then age at a much slower rate once we reach around 80. This is when the biological program identified by Michael Rose et al. ends and generalised biological damage continues. It simply cannot be ignored the accumulating DNA matuations occurs, and we knw from genetics studies that mutations (can) cause dysfunction. We know from longitudinal cohort studies that DNA seq shows that individuals do indeed accumulate somatic cell mutations throughout life, and these mutations are not all corrected, because we can measure their increased presence. No matter the molecule, this age related accumulation of dysfunction seems ubiquitous. Try to not let any one person overstate the importance of their work. Be aware their careers depend on garnering support for their ideas. Ageing occurs in all the ways mentioned and some not yet publicly known.2Hide 15 Replies
Jac H-EsoYou're overlooking -- a lot.
Jed LyeJac H-Eso You're being deliberately vague in your responses to avoid any successful or meaningful challenge to your thinking, whilst contributing very little.
Jac H-EsoOkay, I'll save you the trouble. I was wrong. But I saved the response I wanted to post for what I'm working on.
Jed Lyeooooo cryptic.
Jac H-EsoEh, arguing with someone on the internet serves no useful purpose beyond a method of bouncing ideas around. Not into winning losing races.
Jed LyeWe needn't argue. You can contribute your ideas and we can exmine both sets of observations objectively and even come up with more value by doing so. There's no consequences of being wrong here except taking out the trash in our minds. So let's have it....what is being overlooked?
Jac H-EsoI was simply going to point out that mutations tend to be changes that in normal contexts fail if they aren't serving the system (as they would if ineffective in the macrocosm, except where overfitting crashes systems) unless those mutations are being driven by some unidentified outside mechanism. So there's an interaction that is being overlooked. I have a specific idea what this interaction is, but it's just conjecture, so it's more important I prove that before just throwing it out there.1
Jed LyeI'm not moved by deliberately abstract language, but you're right. There's clarification needed, but if you're saying what I think you're saying; I think you might be overlooking the death of the organism [which I take as evidence that they aren’t "serving the system"].The imperative for variance in these systems is on an evolutionary timeline, and as such a biological mechanism for inducing variation is requisite within the system.I suspect what you mean by overfitting is evolutionary harmony being reached by an organisms genome and its environment at an specific inflection point, but at the moment which environment shifts, the genome cannot adapt because it's "over fitted". A correct observation if this is indeed what you meant.Biologically speaking, the genomic drift of somatic cells from germline is built in for the species, the cell, and not for the individual. That being said, unfavorable environments accelerate mutations, likely through an evolutionary conserved mechanism which leads to accelerated adaptation.Perhaps genes turned on, epigenetically, become more susceptible to oxidate stress and thus mutation. This would explain why bacteria evolve around antibiotics faster than they should by chance.That's all well and good, and understanding this from an evolutionary perspective is wonderfully enlightening, but pragmatically it only serves as a small piece of the jigsaw.We can observe it to be true,we cannot yet stop it,we know it contributes to dysfunction (for proof read every Mendellian disease paper ever).So we must look to either clear it or repair it. Then, we still have only one small element processed. There's a whole body of other molecules which need addressing too.1
Jac H-EsoYou've got the gist of what I meant. Overfitting similar to in machine learning, over adapted to a certain circumstance to the point failure occurs with the introduction of new data or circumstances. So in the case of cancer cells, they act a bit like a machine learning model that has been overfitted to a narrow bandwidth or facet aspect of data. They're adapted to what they are doing but fail to take into account data or facet outside the one they're focused on and crash the system.
Jed LyeJac H-Eso mmm, it's useful language to describe biology to someone who maybe doesn't understand it, but, does it help us solve anything? Let's play the metaphor out, how would we solve that problem in a machine learning environment?
Jac H-EsoSometimes you've just got to prove some things, especially in science. My father has CLL and I likely inherited it.
Jed LyeIs a cancer cell really over-fitted? By modern understanding we would suggest they are at an earlier state of differentitation. Mimicking perhaps a model without enough runs. They have gone back up the evolutionary trail to become something closer to a stem cell, it's when the differentiate they become better fitted? I cant think of a biological example of an overfitted algorithm in a cellular level? maybe an overactive memory T-cell1
Jed LyeAhh I'm sorry to hear that, Cancer is everywhere.1
Jed LyeImmunosenescence. The memory compartment of the immune system grows, while the naïve compartment shrinks. This is much like what you mentioned...over fitting of the model. It just came to me while I was writing about the phenomena. That's all.
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Jed Lyeyou're flirting with a great many platitudes there without coming down on any hard science. But I appreciate the sentiment all the same.
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That would be a system imbalance with overfitting at the memory compartment if it were what was responsible for the system crash in that particular example. With the CLL example, a part of the immune system replicates unabated with decreasing functionality, crashing immune system functionality and eventually the human system via inefficiency in regards to the whole data structure of an organism. (Much like overfitting in machine learning being due to errant neurons monopolizing data selection outcomes though ineffective outside a narrow bandwidth of data and thus rendering the machine learning model ineffective.) And in general aging I think the tendency is for immune cells to lose their normal replication functionality due to an evolutionarily derived overfitting of a cancer prevention mechanism/telomeres. You've highlighted an important part of the mechanism that needs to be addressed within the aging process. The degradation of immune cells.
Certain viral, bacterial, and fungal populations have gene editing capacities and wear away at normal DNA and epigenetic functionality with time. Often they do this in order to sequester resource within a system. That's your outside vector. Likely this interaction confers some benefit to mutation in the evolutionary process, as mutagenic accelerants. Cancer happens with some alteration creating a cell that is overfit to a narrow bandwidth that doesn't fit the organism's needs
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somanpt · 4 years
Neuro-technology in Sport
High-performance sport is moving faster than ever. We have come so far over the last 20 years in physical preparation and now the super-elite are trying to unlock the neurological potential of every athlete.
Neuroscience and neuro-technology are advancing rapidly. Things have moved on from simply testing and studying the neurological potential of athletes. Now sporting organizations are looking for ways to include cognitive training into their athlete’s training regimes. There is now a shift from simply using ‘brain training’ apps and relaxation techniques to a more ‘hands-on’  approach to the actual training of mental skills and resilience. This shift has brought about more demand for neurotech.
Hardware for neurotech took an initial big step into the market. However, the situation in the world over the past 18 months has seen a second shift, now to more mobile technology. With many training facilities and athlete’s often separated, mobile technology is growing faster than ever. Clubs are questioning the higher price and size of hardware in neurotech. Like it or not we live in a mobile world now. In fact, mobile tech has become a necessity. If athletes can access their training from anywhere at any time, this provides far fewer barriers to their overall commitment to the program.
What is Neurotechnology?
Neurotechnology has been defined as “The set of methods and instruments that allow a direct connection between technical devices and the nervous system” or any technology that directly interfaces with the functioning of the brain.
How will neurotechnology help in Sports?
Neurotechnology gives the coach the ability to look under the hood of the athlete’s brain. We have all sorts of physical screens to make sure our athletes are strong, fit, and healthy. In a professional sport where the money is exchanging hands, you want to make sure your purchase is solid. But what about the athlete’s brain? How are you assessing that? Are you assessing that? How many times have you seen an amazing prospect enter a team or league and fall apart halfway through the season? Not everyone can afford to wait for the experience to kick in.  Neurotechnology allows teams and coaches to get better insights to how their athlete’s brain is performing.
Athletes training with neurotechnology develops more resilient brains. They withstand pain and pressure better. In elite sport when the stakes are high this is an essential tool to have in place. If physical screens are your warrant of fitness,  neurotechnology is your insurance.
What does Neurotechnology look like?
Neurotechnology comes in many forms and will apply to different situations. It is important to note that not all are created equal or with the same intentions in mind.  Some products have neuro elements to their training system but do not necessarily train the brain to the threshold of positive adaptation. Some products are best suited as testing tools for universities conducting studies and do not fit in well to a training environment. Neuro tech can be in the mobile form or in a hardware form that must be installed into a training facility.
Some examples of neurotech are,
Mobile apps
Reaction trainers
Not all neurotechnology is designed for athletes specifically. Some brain training apps offer games that interface with the brain’s decision-making and problem-solving skills. These are generally suitable for the general population but are not specifically designed to create greater mental capacity.
Which neuro tech solution is right for me?
While the market is becoming saturated with the various interpretations of neurotechnology, selecting the right one does not have to be complicated. It is important  to be clear on the following,
Training intention
Are you serious about using neurotech to expand mental capacity? Or are you looking for an additional fun factor element to training and are not concerned about tangible results?
Do you want to see and measure progress? Do you need to be able to show progress in data form to higher-ups? Do your athletes get more motivation from having a set goal in mind?
Training facility
Are you in a training facility that your athletes have regular access to? How much space is there? How many athletes need to use the tech at the same time?
Do you have to ask for and justify the budget for your neuro tech? Can your club afford larger hardware options or long-term contracts?
Are you athletes often on the road? Has the current world situation required more distance between you and your athletes? Do you need to be able to stay connected to them remotely?
Are you educated in the application of the technology? Does the product offer any education by which you can up-skill in its use and application or programming for your athletes?
How much assistance does the company provide after the product sale? Are they accessible? Do they care about your athlete’s results after the money has exchanged hands?
Has the product or system been studied? Is there proof their system can make improvements in your athlete’s performance?
How do I integrate neuro-technology into my environment?
How you decide to integrate neuro tech into your training regime will vary depending on the system you choose.
Our recommendations for a smooth integration include the following,
Have athletes on a proper training program. This allows you to keep everyone moving towards a goal and avoids ‘wasted’  training time.
Integrate sessions in various ways to make adherence to the program easy for athletes. If you can place some sessions between strength sets, skills practice and even general fitness training it will provide added benefits.
Educate yourself. Up-skill in the area of neurotechnology and how to best apply it for your athlete’s best benefit. Make yourself an asset and stay ahead of the game.
The more you understand how the brain affects an athlete’s performance, the easier it will be for you to integrate your neuro tech solution into your environment.
Ask for help when you need it. Make sure you have access to the providers of your neuro tech solution and that you have a good relationship with them. They designed the tech, they can support you when you need integration assistance.
Do your research. Don’t fast purchase a system without understanding exactly what it is supposed to do and asking all the right questions. Make sure you can completely justify it when you need to ask for a budget.
Get your athletes onboard. Make sure they understand the benefits of the system and why you are using it. Athletes adhere to programs when they understand how and why it can improve Athletes performance.
Where can I learn more about neurotechnology?
You can learn more about neurotechnology and its application to the high-performance sport by checking out soma-npt.ch/technology
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lindafrancois · 4 years
“Why Can’t I Lose Weight?” 8 Uncomfortable Truths Holding You Back
“Why can’t I lose weight, Steve?”
This question breaks my heart every time I hear it. And I hear it multiple times per day from frustrated people like yourself.
Some of those people are our 1-on-1 coaching clients, who we work closely with to uncover the truth.
And that’s what we’re after: the truth on why weight loss is so tough to achieve.
Why “Eat less and move more” sounds nice in theory, but is insulting to those who KNOW this, try their best, and yet the scale just doesn’t budge.
We’ll tackle today’s topic with statistics, science, and plenty of Harry Potter analogies. This is Nerd Fitness after all.
We’ll go over:
Why I hate the nutrition industry.
How much exercise do I need to do to lose weight?
How your metabolism responds to a calorie deficit.
The science of fat loss.
What to eat for weight loss.
Which diet should you pick?
The difference between strength training and exercise.
How strength training assists weight loss.
Small changes for successful weight loss.
Let’s jump in, Scuba Steve style, so you can start seeing results!
If you’re somebody that wants a Yoda in your corner to coach you through the ups and downs of your fitness journey, we’re here for you with our Online Coaching Program!
No shame or judgments – just a supportive person who works hard to help you succeed 🙂
I took this picture walking around Manhattan last week:
There is some SERIOUS psychological warfare going on here, and it hurts my soul.
For starters, they advertise as “THE” flat belly tea.
This means there are many other companies selling similar products, which would ALSO lead me to believe this is a lucrative product to sell!
They list every fitness buzzword and term every marketer uses when it comes to selling health and fitness: gluten-free, “removes waste,” organic, “burn fat,”
Including some real head-scratchers.
“Strengthen your colon?”
How the hell do you strengthen your colon?!
This reminds me of the brilliant Saturday Night Live skit about “Colon Blow” cereal:
But I digest digress…
People are buying this stuff, even if they know it probably won’t work.
Like buying a lottery ticket even when we know the odds of winning are 0% –  what we’re really buying is “hope”:
Hope that this will actually work – unlike the last 10 attempts.
Hope we can overcome 20 years of bad choices with a beverage.
Hope that this product will give us the confidence and self-love we deserve.
Don’t get me wrong.
“Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies.”
I just HATE when hope gets weaponized to sell you expensive snake oil and pretty-packaged fluff.
This is what we are rebelling against here in the NF Rebellion: marketers and companies who are crappy enough to prey on our hopes and fears and sell snake-oil in a bottle.
We’re also rebelling against that voice in our head that talks down to us, calls us failures for not getting in shape yet, and berates us every time we break down and eat a cookie.
I say no more.
Let’s fight fire with fire science.
How much exercise do I need to do to lose weight?
There are a few generally accepted truths when it comes to weight loss.
All of these come with baggage attached, and your results will vary depending on your
Level of activity
Body fat percentage
Setting all of that aside, I’m going to try and keep things simple just to prove my point.
Let’s go with an (understandably) oversimplified look at weight loss: a pound of fat equals around 3,500 calories.
This would mean you’ll need to either eat 3,500 fewer calories, or burn an extra 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound.
So…how long does it take to burn 3,500 additional calories per week?
Let me answer a question with another question:
…How many hours do you have?
Studies show you’ll burn an extra 100 calories when walking or running a mile.
So, you would need to be running/walking an additional 5 miles per day, 7 days a week, to lose one pound per week.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to run an extra 5 miles a day.
Nor do I want to!
Not only that, but as you’ll see below – this idea of just burning an extra 500 calories per day to lose a pound a week only works early on.
You’ll quickly run into speed bumps and roadblocks – figurative ones, try to avoid the real ones on your run –  that slow down your progress significantly.
Simply put, exercising your way thin has been proven time and time again not to work.
Here are three such reports:
#1) Many people develop increased appetites as a result of exercise, which leads to no weight loss. Time Magazine got in trouble for pointing this out  – even though they were right!
#2) This 2011 study came to the conclusion:
“In overweight and obese populations… our results show that isolated aerobic exercise is not an effective weight loss therapy.”
#3) Another study compared people who dieted vs people who only exercised:
Body weight decreased by 10% in the diet group and by 9% in the diet–exercise group, but did not decrease in the exercise group or the control group.
What I’m trying to say, and a lesson we try to deeply understand at Nerd Fitness: “you can’t outrun your fork”
…and the bad news isn’t done.
How our metabolism responds to a caloric deficit (our bodies ruin everything!)
When you start to lose weight, your resting metabolism slows down.
You might think this is some sort of evil sorcery worthy of “He Who Must Not Be Named,” but unfortunately – it’s just 2nd-grade math.
When you start to lose weight, there is less of you that needs ‘fuel.’
In other words: your metabolism doesn’t have to work as hard to fuel all of your bodily functions, has less weight to carry, and thus it will burn significantly fewer calories compared to when you were much bigger.
Here is the estimated daily resting calorie burn (“sit on your ass all day”) of a 35-year old male nerd at 3 very different weights – which you can learn from our Calorie Calculator:
300 lbs: 2,600 calories.
250 lbs: 2,300 calories.
200 lbs: 2,000 calories.  
WHAT THIS MEANS: Unless you adjust your calorie intake as your weight decreases… your previous calorie intake amount becomes less and less effective at weight loss, until you hit an equilibrium.
Put a different way: this person could eat 2,300 calories per day and over time, lose 50 pounds (from 300 pounds to 250 pounds), but that’s where he’ll hit equilibrium: calories burned equals calories consumed.
In order for him to lose the next 50 pounds, he’ll need to decrease his caloric intake even more, and then STAY at that calorie consumption to keep the weight off.
And then it gets even worse!
There are buckets of anecdotal evidence of a bodily feature called “adaptive thermogenesis.”
Which has nothing to do with the band Genesis – though feel free to listen to “Invisible Touch” right now.
It might soften the blow while you learn about “adaptive thermogenesis.”
“Adaptive thermogenesis” refers to the process in which our bodies will adjust based on how many calories we burn – and do whatever it can to preserve the body fat we have.
Our bodies WANT to maintain the extra body fat we have (“I don’t know when I’ll need this, better save”), and are actively working in unison to preserve it – so even after a few pounds are lost from running, it’s going to be a persistent challenge to keep the weight off.
As pointed out in this article above:
“In long-term studies of weight-reduced children and adults, 80%-90% return to their previous weight percentiles, while studies of those successful at sustained weight loss indicate that the maintenance of a reduced degree of body fatness will probably require a lifetime of meticulous attention to energy intake and expenditure.”
This is why so many people can LOSE weight, but can’t seem to keep the weight off.
This is also not even factoring in all of the other issues around our bodies: environmental issues (you can smell Cinnabon minutes before you see it!), psychological challenges, menopause, various medication side effects, hormones, depression, anxiety, and other issues.
These things cause our bodies to crave food, to try and store food, and make it tough for us to keep our calorie intake under control, because chocolate cake.
To Recap:
You can’t exercise your way to weight loss.
Your metabolism slows down when you lose weight.
Your environment and food scientists are trying to get you to overeat.
Your body will try to keep its fat stores.
Even when you lose weight, your body wants to keep the fat it has.
If you lose weight, you have to keep working on it or you’ll put the weight back on.
This is all terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news.
And the toughest truth of all: Due to those factors above, it might not be your fault that you’re overweight…but it IS your responsibility to navigate!
I know, I know.
However, there is HOPE!
And here at Nerd Fitness – and in the Star Wars universe – rebellions are built on hope.
We have thousands of success stories from people who thought they couldn’t lose weight…until they did.
People HAVE lost weight, and kept it off.
People who are older, bigger, have more children, less money, more illnesses, and bigger hardships than you.
It’s a constant battle, but one that’s absolutely worth fighting.
And this means that you are not broken. You don’t have metabolic damage. You are not doomed.
Sure, you’re flawed.
But so are your heroes.
You might be playing life on “Legendary” difficulty, but people like you have succeeded.
It starts by using all of the tools at our disposal, because the forces working against us are doing the same.
Let’s get nerdy.
Want to lose weight and get strong like Leslie? Learn more about our Online Coaching Program!
The Science of Fat Loss
YES, it would be awesome if you could drink a tea, or wrap yourself in plastic, and it would somehow magically make you lose weight or fat.
YES, it would be amazing if a 30-minute bootcamp class was enough to still allow you to eat junk food all day every day and not gain a pound.
YES, it would be amazing if you could take a magic pill that reversed the past decade of damage you’ve done to your body.
It would also be cool if superheroes were real and I could fly.
Well, not like that.
Come on, Aquaman. People can see you.
We live in a world of science, physics, and thermodynamics.
This means we should ALWAYS look at life through the following lenses:
Occam’s Razor: The simplest explanation is PROBABLY the correct one.
Law of energy: Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Reality: If it sounds TOO good to be true, it probably is.
Let’s apply this to our waistlines:
If we are overweight…
It’s not because we have “toxins” in our body that need to be flushed out.
It’s not because we didn’t spend enough time in the “fat-burning” zone during our “muscle confusion” bootcamp.
It’s not because we picked the wrong ‘fat burning’ product tea.
These are all pseudoscience buzz terms to sell products, and have no truth to their claims.
Occam’s Razor dictates the simplest solution is PROBABLY the right one.
So what’s the simple explanation to why we’re overweight?
Every day, we consume food that gets transformed into energy.
This food has three options once it enters our body:
Fuel our bodily functions: fuel our organs, regulate our body temperature, etc.
Pass through as waste: pee and poop.
Get stored as fat: saved for a rainy day.
If we are overweight, we are consuming more ‘energy’ than our bodies need every day. Because our body doesn’t need all of it, too much is being stored as fat.
This brings us to the main point of our nutritional focus:
If weight loss is our goal, we must consume FEWER calories than we burn on a consistent basis.
By doing so, our body HAS no choice but to dip into that “rainy day” fund of fat stores to still get all of its bodily tasks done each day.
Do this consistently, and that’s how we end up with a lower number on the scale and a smaller pants size.
“Steve I know I should eat less. It’s doing it consistently that’s the tough part. Have you tried CAKE?!”
Great point.
And yes, cake is awesome.
But we have to start somewhere!
And it starts here: we need to eat fewer calories, but it ALSO has to be sustainable and enjoyable, otherwise we’ll never stick with it.
And temporary changes produce temporary results. We want permanent weight loss!
Just saying “eat less” doesn’t factor the crazy biological, physiological, and/or emotional challenges we face every day:
We might eat when we’re stressed, depressed, or bored.
We might be on medication that is causing us to overeat without us realizing it.
We can’t eat just one potato chip without eating an entire bag.
We absentmindedly grab a handful of Peanut M&M’s when visiting Kevin in Accounting.
Not only that, but even when we pay attention to what we eat, studies show that we often underestimate our calorie consumption by 30+%.
Crap. This just keeps getting worse! What’s a smart nerd like you supposed to do in this scenario!?
If we KNOW we overeat without realizing it, and we KNOW restricting calories is tough to stick with long term, then the only path forward is to attack the problem differently.
Not with fit tea.
Nor with body wraps.
Not with “muscle confusion.”
But with science, math, and psychology.
What to Eat For Weight Loss
If weight loss is the goal, we need to shift our food choices to foods that give us more “bang for our buck” – healthy, filling, nutritious foods that fill us up and makes us less likely to overeat calorie-bomb foods.
These foods allow us to feel full, but still keep us under our calorie goal for the day:
Protein like meat, fish, eggs, and so on.  
Fruit like apples, bananas, berries.
Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale.
Quinoa, legumes, oats, rice, and potatoes.
These are foods that take up a lot of space in our stomach and make us feel full.
If we do this consistently, regularly, and without being miserable, we have a long term chance at losing weight and keeping it off.
Compare this to foods that don’t fill us up, but are loaded with calories – thus making it very easy to overeat without realizing it.
High calorie, easy to overeat foods like bread, fries, pasta.
Soda and juices and sugary coffee beverages.
Candy, cookies, crackers, etc.
To really HAMMER this point home…
As we point out in “Can You Burn Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time?” here’s what 200 calories look like, thanks to WiseGEEK.
Which ones do you think will make you feel full, and which ones will make you eat more than you realize?
                  Can you get yourself to stop after 2/3rds of a bagel or a small handful of pasta?
Of course not!
One more example – here’s 200 calories of broccoli:
“Steve, that is an absurd amount of broccoli.”
Yup. It’s also the SAME number of calories as 2/3rds of a bagel (which doesn’t even include the calories from the cream cheese or butter).
Now, it’s insulting to say “You should eat more broccoli and less bagels. There’s yer problem.”
I’m merely pointing this out to emphasize the difference between energy (calories) and volume.
(Hate broccoli and vegetables? Read how to make vegetables taste good!)
Depending on what you eat, you could feel “OH SO FULL” after your meal or “Why am I already hungry again? NOM NOM NOM.”
Which means…
If you can start to make even SMALL changes, substituting nutrient-dense, calorically-light foods like protein, fruit, and veggies, for junk food – even occasionally, it’s going to shift the energy balance back in the right direction.
You’ll become more likely than not to eat fewer calories than you burn, moving you beneath your daily equilibrium.
Do that consistently, and you start to pull from those fat stores.
And we end up the holy grail:
Sustainable, non-miserable weight loss.
This is actually the secret sauce for ALL popular diets these days.
As we point out in our “What is the Perfect Diet” article, all the popular diets get you to eat more REAL food and less junk food.
They just all have their own unique marketing spin to sell cookbooks and courses and subscriptions. 
Let’s look at each of these diets in a nutshell:
Paleo: cut out grains and dairy. Consume only meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts.
Keto: cut out ALL carbs. Consume only meat, veggies, nuts, and fatty sauces.
Intermittent Fasting: cut out an entire MEAL every day.
Mediterranean Diet: focus on REAL foods, with whole grains. Cut out processed foods.
Carnivore Diet: Only eat meat. Remove everything else.
Military Diet: Nevermind. Please don’t do this diet.
ANY of the diets above will result in temporary weight loss if you strictly follow the rules, but not for the reason you’d think.
It’s not because we’re designed to eat like cave people (though we are), or that our bodies function differently on a Ketogenic Diet (it does), or even that fasting has plenty of health benefits (it does!).
Those things are like 2% of the reason why they work for weight loss. [2% is a statistic I made up to emphasize the smaller importance of any ancillary benefit compared to the bigger picture]
The other 98%: they make us more likely than not to consume fewer calories on average than we usually eat, which will lead to weight loss in the long term… if you can stick with it.
And each diet has rules and guidelines that speak to the specifics of individual people.
If you’re freaking out about how to eat and which diet to pick and you’re worried if you’ll even be able to stick with it, you’re not alone.
It’s why we created our 1-on-1 Coaching Program!
To help people like you change their habits around food to start seeing permanent weight loss results without being miserable!
No more confusion or frustration! Just a supportive coach to answer your questions and a plan to follow. Learn more:
Nearly EVERY diet will work in the short term, because they all lead to temporary calorie restriction. Every diet above will fail you too in the long term, because you need to do the diet permanently to get the results permanently!
So in my opinion, you should only follow a strict diet like those above IF you can see yourself sticking with it consistently for the next 10 years.
“Steve, that’s melodramatic. Come on.”
That’s what I was going for.
If a diet sounds too restrictive to stick with permanently, then it’s too restrictive for you to devote weeks or months of your life to!
After all, temporary changes equal temporary results.
You’re better off picking a diet that you confidently feel like you can stick with permanently. You should be thinking in terms of “days and years,” not “weeks and months!”
Here’s the end goal we’re working towards:
Sustainable weight loss, weight maintenance, and actually enjoying life.
Looking in the mirror and being happy with what you see, and knowing that the weight stays off.
And most importantly, “normal” behavior that allows us to enjoy life, have great meals with friends and family, but also reach our goals.
Not temporary changes, but rather permanent small adjustments that adjust over time as we start to see results and build momentum.
Sound good?
Let’s get back to basics and start learning about the food we’re putting into our bodies.
Cool? Cool.
Conservatively speaking, strength training is the greatest thing ever invented in the history of the galaxy.
Okay, so maybe it’s third after electricity and Nintendo.
But I say this to make a point.
There’s a huge difference between “exercise” and strength training when it comes to body composition.
We cover this in a very in-depth manner in our “Can I Lose Weight and Build Muscle?” article  – which is one giant Harry Potter allegory that you’ll love – but I’ll share the basics right here.
If your goal is consistent, permanent, healthy weight loss and weight management, 80-90% of the battle will be nutrition,
When it comes to exercise, you really only have TWO things to focus on:
What exercise do you love? Good. Do that.
Strength train as often as you have time for.
I’ll touch on the first one quickly.
When you do exercise you love, you’re giving your heart and body a good workout. You’re reminding yourself “I am living healthy” and THUS you should be more likely than not to stick with your healthy eating strategy.
Notice I said “exercise you love.”
If you hate running, never run a mile again.
Hate going to the gym? Never set foot in one.
Hate bootcamps? Me too. Don’t do them.
Instead, go rock climbing, or hiking, or do yoga, or swing dancing, or LARPing.
Really, anything that gets you off your ass and moving. Cool? Cool.
Never do exercise you hate again. Let us build a fun workout program for you! Learn more:
How Strength Training Assists Weight Loss
Your body functions differently when you strength train, in all of the right ways.
We have a whole Strength Training 101 sequence that can you get you started, but I’ll whet your appetite with the nerdiest metaphor ever below.
You can find study after study after study that shows you the benefits of strength training for weight management when combined with “calorie restriction.”
Let me explain it here quickly, borrowing from Harry Potter: (You know, the wizard.) At the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, when each student arrives they put on the “Sorting Hat,” an actual hat that determines which House (group) that child will join for his time at Hogwarts.
The hat acts almost like a traffic director:
“Harry, you will go to Gryffindor! Draco, you will go to Slytherin!”
Your body operates in a VERY similar fashion: every day, it receives new calories (when you eat), and it needs to decide what to do with them!
For example:
You eat a large Hawaiian pizza and 20 ounces of Mountain Dew. Your body has to do SOMETHING with all those calories.
To keep things simple, let’s look at the 3 most common results.
It’ll sort those calories into one of three Houses:
A: Burn for Fuel. B: Rebuild Muscle. C: Store as Fat.
Your body sorts most of those calories into “Burn for Fuel.” There’s a number of calories your body burns each day just existing: to keep your liver functioning, your heart pumping, your brain operating, and so on – it burns a good chunk of calories just keeping the lights on.
Here are two quick examples (from our TDEE calculator!):
A 6’, 34-year old male weighing 250 pounds burns 2,300 calories a day just by existing.
A 5’5”, 40-year old female weighing 140 pounds burns 1,350 calories a day just by existing.
Now, if you don’t do any exercise, and you consume MORE calories than the rate you burn each day, the “Sorting Hat” in your body needs to put those calories somewhere!
Where do you think it’ll sort them?
“C: Store as Fat.”
However, your body’s sorting behavior changes when you strength train. Specifically, when you train in a way that really challenges your muscles. This is completely relative to where you are at in your life right now:
HEAVY weight training might be a 500 lb deadlift or a 5 pound dumbbell curl.
INTENSE bodyweight training might be a handstand push-up or a knee push-up.
When you strength train – by picking up something heavy – your muscles are “broken down” during the exercise itself, and then they rebuild themselves stronger over the next 24-48 hours. Guess what happens during those 24-48 hours? Your body will divert as many calories as possible to “Rebuild Muscle!”
It also diverts additional calories to “Burn as Fuel” to handle this increased “muscle rebuilding” activity.
This means two amazing things:
Your metabolism is revved up for this time period, burning more calories than normal.
Rebuilding muscle is a calorie taxing activity!
There are significantly fewer calories available for “Store as Fat.”
AND IT GETS BETTER. When you consume fewer calories than your body burns each day, continuing to strength train will cause your body to get even more clever. Let’s imagine a scenario where you’re eating fewer calories than you burn every day:
You strength train regularly, and your muscles break down and need to be rebuilt.
You don’t consume enough calories compared to how many calories your body needs to both rebuild muscle and fuel itself…
So does your body just shut down?
Your body has been preparing for this, by storing any excess calories over the years in the “Store as Fat” house.
This is the moment your body has been saving up for.
This means your body can pull from “Store as Fat” to make sure all the work still gets done, including your daily functions as a human, and rebuilding the muscle. This is the Tri-wizard cup[1] of physical transformation victory:
You get stronger and keep the muscle you have.
You burn through the fat you’re trying to get rid of.
You’re decreasing your body fat percent and keeping your muscle = look good naked.
This would be a “win-win-win” according to Michael Scott, Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Scranton.
Want help learning how to strength train? You can absolutely build your own workout, or you can work with one of our coaches who can create a custom program that’s specific to your goals and lifestyle.
We’ll even make sure you’re doing the movements correctly via video, because we’re nice like that 🙂
Learn how to get strong with our Online Coaching Program! Learn more:
BACK TO BASICS: How To Guarantee Successful Weight Loss
If you’re still reading, then there is hope for you yet.
You can do this – but you have to be smart and diligent about it! Stop trying to exercise your way thin, and stop trying to find ‘get fit quick’ solutions.
Instead, take this one day at a time. We’re here for you!
We talk about proper nutrition in our big “Healthy Eaters” guide, and we go more in-depth into the specific foods that we recommend, but it starts here:
You have to eat fewer calories than you eat now to lose weight, and do so permanently.
The best way to do that is to substitute more protein and veggies onto your plate.
Strength training will supercharge your results, building muscle and burning extra fat.
Understand you’re overeating, and forgive yourself for doing so – most foods have been designed for you to overeat!
#1) Pledge to stop buying snake oil. If you’re not sure, ask yourself “Does this sound too good to be true?” and “What would Steve do?”
In addition: stop doing exercises you hate just to lose weight. Pick exercises you enjoy, and put all of your focus on slowly adjusting your nutrition instead!
Shun the Dark Side and come back to the Light!
#2) Be deliberate in your decisions. Every calorie counts. Every decision counts. So make ONE different decision as a result of you being more aware of what you put in your body.
Drinking water instead of soda or juice.
Swapping out a salad for fries once per week. It all counts, but make your decision deliberate.
You’re a smart person. You know what foods should be daily staples, and what foods should be occasional treats. It all counts. So make ONE decision differently to prove to yourself that you can change.
#3) Educate yourself on the serving size of ONE food that you eat regularly. Google it. Find out if what you THINK is a serving and what’s actually in a serving is anywhere close to accurate.
You might be surprised to find out:
A serving of pasta is HALF the size of what you normally eat with your meal.
How much peanut butter is considered a serving (hint: it ain’t much).
There are 2.5 servings in that one bottle of Green Machine Naked Juice.
I don’t want you to change the food or the portions yet. I just want you to educate yourself on what you’re eating, and compare it to how much you thought you were eating.
If you are looking for more hands-on guidance, we have three options for ya!
1) 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program! If that sounds like you, and you’re looking for nutritional guidance, custom strength training routines just for your situation, and expert accountability, we’d love to hear your story!
No more dieting. No more shame. Just results and a supportive coach! Learn more:
2) If you want a roadmap for sustainable weight loss, check out NF Journey. Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).
Try your free trial right here:
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3) Join the Rebellion! Join our free email list and community – I send out two fun emails a week – and I’ll send you our free 10-level Nutrition Guide along with a bunch of other free bonuses. Get them when you sign up in the box below:
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
#4) Do a strength training routine! We have so many awesome free options for you here on Nerd Fitness. Pick the ones that jump out at you!
15 free circuit training routines: for either the gym or home! 
Our Beginner Bodyweight Routine is super popular.
Pick one of our Beginner Strength Workouts to learn about strength!
Try our 6-Level Gym Workout!
“What is the biggest question you have around nutrition, strength training, and weight loss?”
Oh and please, go eat a vegetable 🙂
PS: I know this HOPEFULLY goes without saying, but this is the internet: I totally get that this issue is very complicated to begin with. If you have a hormonal imbalance, PCOS, are on medication for any number of reasons, it could also be affecting your weight.
PLEASE speak with your doctor about your weight and any changes you are looking to make!
Photo source: A good Sunday to you, Can I have your bicycle, Speed!, Swimming pool, Pizza lab, Dinner is set, Happy monday!, Speed.
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
With a MUCH better ending!
The post Blog first appeared on Nerd Fitness.
“Why Can’t I Lose Weight?” 8 Uncomfortable Truths Holding You Back published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
Finest Windows Vps Services For 2020
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Why Is VPS a Popular Choice for Windows?
There are several reputable means to release Windows apps. Running Windows on a virtual private server is just one possibility. The popularity of the platform originates from the intrinsic advantages of VPS I discussed previously. For starters, shared strategies often do the job if you want to establish an ASP.NET website. That said, many various other Windows-based applications need root access to establish, which is not feasible with shared hosting. https://pbase.com/topics/steeleontech759/what_is_windows_vps_hosting And also, several organizations and also companies rely on their Windows web servers for day-to-day job. Windows servers are outstanding for entrusting various degrees of access to multiple customers, making them the sensible selection for numerous firms. In such cases, the added safety and also dependability of a VPS can be a vital possession. Many huge companies simply run Windows on dedicated or cloud servers. This lets them obtain as much power as possible, or improve dependability with things like cloud distributed storage. For numerous smaller sized companies, though, a dedicated server would certainly be full overkill. In such situations, Windows virtual server hosting strikes the sweet place between capability and affordability. Those are the primary advantages that make VPS the go-to choice for lots of Windows server admins.
Should I Get Windows VPS Hosting?
It depends upon what kind of apps you want to host. Windows servers see the most use in company settings. Still, there are a few use situations where private customers can gain from them. Allow's cover both. One of the preferred uses of Windows is running details web application technologies like ASP.NET. If you want to build a website with ASP.NET, or run an ASP.NET-based CMS, Windows Server is the go-to OS for the work. Also inexpensive Windows VPS hosting might not be the suitable solution here. Several websites function simply fine with shared Windows hosting. Discovering a suitable shared service provider can be a real money-saver, especially if it's your initial website. On the other hand, if your website will outgrow shared hosting or if you wish to mount technologies not sustained by shared suppliers, Windows VPS is ideal. VPSs are far more prominent for setting up modern technologies like Exchange or Microsoft SharePoint Servers. Hundreds of thousands of companies depend on these to maintain and handle projects interaction flowing, both inside and also or else. In such instances, keeping every little thing service customarily depends on your server functioning appropriately. The added integrity, control, and also safety and security you get with a VPS option go a long way. As well as the advantage of dedicated resources when several individuals are accessing the apps. If you require Windows for business, virtual private hosting for Windows tends to be the best beginning option.
What to Look for in a Windows VPS Host?
When choosing a VPS host, there are a few vital points to look out for. Right here's what they are.
Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS
This's a quite big deal, so allow's cover it first. With managed VPS, the hosting provider takes over some (or all) of the server management. This covers: * Setting up the server stack * Installing other innovations * Implementing protection spots * Managing back-ups * Fixing busted features ... as well as a number of various other solutions. You can completely concentrate on the applications as well as not bother with server upkeep. As you can probably presume, managed Windows VPS is generally a better fit for users without a technical history. It's great if you simply desire a straightforward platform. Unmanaged, or self-managed, VPS, on the other hand, is a lot more bare-bones. The service provider generally sells you only server resources and also software program licenses for Windows Server and potentially a control panel. Numerous carriers also provide extra pieces of software application, like a back-up service. Generally, however, you take care of whatever on your own. Managed VPS clearly features more benefits, yet it is additionally more pricey. It assists customers with little experience in server management. Managed VPS can additionally be a money-saver for smaller sized companies considering that it's more affordable than hiring an IT specialist to run every little thing. One point to bear in mind is that managed VPS has you rely upon the carrier to make changes to the setting. That's why locating a supplier with top-notch support is a lot more crucial with managed VPS. Unmanaged Windows VPS hosting tends to be more economical, however you either have to work with a service technician or deal with server management yourself. Because every little thing depends upon you, you have the freedom to deal with every little thing the way it fits you, however. If you would certainly such as to try your hand at server administration however aren't sure if it's for you, a few carriers-- like Hostwinds-- let you switch from an unmanaged service to a managed one openly. I would certainly motivate you to consult them prior to making any kind of breeze choices if your business currently has an internal specialist. Yes, unmanaged VPS can conserve you a few dollars, but managed VPS can provide your IT team leeway to concentrate on various other jobs. Whether you must obtain managed or unmanaged VPS depends upon just how much control you require as well as what kind of resources you can devote to the job.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Right Stuff: What To Expect From The Disney+ Adaptation
Actors can feel the crushing gravity of expectations when playing real-life figures, even if they’re playing astronauts. For the cast and creatives behind The Right Stuff, shooting the TV adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s iconic novel about the Mercury 7 and birth of NASA took on added historical significance during the summer of 2019, with July 20th marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
The series from National Geographic, which begins streaming on Disney+ on Oct. 9, shot at Universal Studios in Orlando, in close proximity to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. The day the crew filmed the first mission control scene, a NASA advisor sat in on a separate rehearsal with the director and the cast, pointing out which buttons to press and the correct terminology to use, going as far to help re-write lines in the script. 
“It just made the whole thing feel so authentic,” says The Right Stuff co-producer Michael Hampton. 
The actors playing the Mercury 7 astronauts—the group of military test pilots chosen to be part of the historic mission to put a man in space—had the opportunity to make a day trip to the Florida coast to participate in pilot training (without the actual flying part) during pre-production. They jumped into cockpits and spent time with specialists at Cape Canaveral. During that time shadowing real pilots, the actors who signed on to play larger-than-life American heroes were grounded and humbled by the experience. 
“The biggest thing for me was seeing that massive, massive building where they built the rockets,” recalls actor James Lafferty, who plays astronaut Scott Carpenter. “There’s a majesty to it. It takes your breath away just seeing the size and the scope of it, just realizing how many people are in there at any given time, figuring out problems. The thing in that building goes to another planet. It goes into orbit, somewhere that we’ll never get to go.” 
The pilot episode of the TV adaption of The Right Stuff sees the U.S. government task NASA to begin Project Mercury, with the goal of putting a man in space. Seven of the military’s best test pilots—Alan Shephard, John Glenn, Gordo Cooper, Scott Carpenter, Gus Grissom, Deke Slayton and Wally Schirra—are selected as part of the program and thrust into the public spotlight. At the crux of this adaptation is the rivalry between John Glenn (played by  Patrick J. Adams) and Shepard (played by Jake McDorman) and their battle to be the first American in space (ultimately the Soviets did beat us there with Yuri Gagarin’s mission in 1961.) 
Spending time at Cape Canaveral and inside the hectic mission control set transported the producers and actors to a time where it looked all but certain that the Soviet Union would beat the United States in a race to the stars. The pressure was mounting inside the government on the heels of Soviets developing an atomic bomb in 1953 and launching Sputnik in 1957. In the original novel, Wolfe writes that House Speaker John McCormack, who led the committee on Astronautics, felt the country faced “national extinction” if it failed to catch up to the Soviet space program: “He was genuinely convinced that the Soviets would send up space platforms from which they could drop nuclear bombs at will, like rocks from a highway overpass.”
That sense of urgency is prevalent in the first hour of Nat Geo’s The Right Stuff. But it’s not all that defines this adaptation. During an era on TV and in film where remakes and reboots are boundless, there’s a G force of pressure for the producers and actors behind this adaptation of The Right Stuff to not only do justice to not only an iconic book, but also an iconic feature movie in its own right. 
Philip Kaufman’s 1983 feature film adaptation stumbled at the box office but was a critical darling, earning eight Oscar nominations. Its legacy has only grown over the years—particularly among pilots, many of whom were directly inspired to fly because of it—and was preserved by the Library of Congress in 2013. 
For the producers of the TV series, the appeal of revisiting The Right Stuff was being able to flesh out the character development of these larger-than-life figures that are so richly detailed in Wolfe’s book. Published in 1979, The Right Stuff won the National Book Award for Nonfiction in 1980. It humanized the Mercury 7 astronauts by demystifying the hero complex that surrounded them, while providing a tense and nervy account of being a test pilot—from life in the skies to the complexity of family life at home. It’s on a very short list of the greatest nonfiction works about the space program. 
“We’re going back to the book and not remaking the movie,” Hampton says. “We are sticking to the true story pretty intact. It’s what we’ve always wanted to do, it’s what Nat Geo does better than anyone, and frankly you can’t make this stuff up.” 
A show about smart men and women talking fast, intensely focused on science and technology that could change the future: Sound familiar? The producers found a perfect fit in showrunner Mark Lafferty, whose writing credits include period pieces and criminally underrated series Manhattan, about the creation of the atomic bomb, ‘80s and ‘90s computer boom drama Halt and Catch Fire, and another Nat Geo hit in Genius. Though Lafferty wasn’t available for interviews the day we were on set, the cast paraphrases his words about the media frenzy around the Mercury 7 crew being America’s “first reality show.” 
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“They were cowboys, but they also all of a sudden became the most famous people, almost on the planet,” says Colin O’Donoghue, who plays astronaut Gordon “Gordo” Cooper. 
“There’s such a difference now surrounding celebrities than there was back then,” says Elosie Mumford, who plays Trudy Cooper, Gordo’s ex-wife. “Back then, there was the ability to have an actual private life. You’re dealing with people who don’t have perfect marriages, who don’t have the sort of all-American ideal that’s being presented; and where you see the cracks of that, and they’re desperately trying to hold onto their privacy as they become massively, massively famous.”
When Den of Geek visited the set in October, the significance of shooting during the 50th anniversary of the moon landing was a recurring point of pride for the cast. And with the Nat Geo production now moving to Disney+, they’re hopeful the The Right Stuff  will land with a new generation, and it may be coming at the opportune time. 
The retelling of the story of Mercury 7 takes on new resonance during a year in which SpaceX landed a reusable rocket in a giant leap towards Mars reigniting interest in space exploration; a year where scientific innovation is essential to ending the COVID-19 pandemic and curbing climate change; and the country faces an emotionally-charged political environment as it barrels toward an all-important election. The series won’t be a remedy for all our present ills, but it could serve as a reminder about what Americans can accomplish when they come together for a common goal. 
“It harkens back to a time when America was a unified force, trying to get things done,” says Eric Ladin, who plays NASA official Chris Kraft Jr. “The pride that the country took in this space race is something that I think is really admirable. This was the last time that we had something bring us together as a country.”
Ladin, in researching the role, spoke to people who fondly recall the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions and claim “they felt more proud to be an American that day than they ever had” when they saw the U.S. put men in space.  
“One man I talked to, he was a veteran, he said, ‘I felt as proud to be an American that day as when I was on the beach in Normandy.’ And so I just think that it’s a really powerful thing that we were accomplishing then. And it didn’t matter who you were, what walk of life you were in, that was something you can get behind.”
The post The Right Stuff: What To Expect From The Disney+ Adaptation appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3iqxXWL
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