#I want to feel valued for my companionship by folks who want to spend time with me more than once or twice a year max
oglegoggle · 2 years
I would like to have my neck and chest kissed. I would like to feel another’s arms wrapped around me. I would like to rest comfortably against somebody. I would like to have my body rubbed where it aches the most from old wounds and the general stress of life. I would like to experience gentle and tender love. I would like to feel at peace. I would like to feel safe. I would like to live with someone who will put as much effort into me as I would like to put into them. I would like to have my needs respected and health & well-being considered. I would like to have a support who will stand with me when I need it the most. I would like to not feel so alone against the world.
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 7 (& Wangxian Meta)
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
The Chosen Ones
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Lan Zhan, if this scene foreshadows anything, it’s that he’s certainly going to become a part of your domestic affair.
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There is something powerful about the first and only female Lan clan leader giving them her blessing and saying it was destiny that they found their way to her just as she’s about to fade into oblivion. Wangxian are the archetypal Chosen Ones who have been entrusted with keeping the Yin Iron safe. And if this was yet another straight adventure story that delivers poetic justice, we would expect it to conclude with these two people ending up together - and that’s what The Untamed does in a roundabout way with our heroes.
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Nothing to see here. Just two guys tripping over each other because the sacred string of fate pulled them towards each other.
Lan Zhan, I’ll Be Your Secret Keeper!
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This episode is full of instances where Wei Ying refuses to tell other characters what really happened in the cave, then turns around to look at Lan Zhan with a proud look that screams, “I’m so good at keeping secrets, aren’t I? We are soulmates! Come on, validate me, Lan Zhan!”
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The expression on Lan Qiren’s face when Wei Ying calls Lan Zhan his confidant/soulmate. No words are needed. 
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The Yin Iron Secret™ is obviously bringing them closer and they begin to share loaded glances that convey everything they wish to say without actually having to. Thus begins the process of everyone third wheeling Wangxian.
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Jiang Cheng thinks Wei Ying should move into the Cloud Recesses since he’s hanging out with Lan Zhan all the time. Lan Zhan hears that and appears to be a tad bit disappointed Wei Ying might never actually do that since their lifestyles are leagues apart. It’s tough being Wei Wuxian sometimes.
The Lantern That Started Everything
We are here, folks! The moment that started it all, the scene that defined Wangxian’s story. Once again, Wangxian are framed in contrast with the two straight couples. 
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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are standing together and look at each other while making their wish, just like Yanli x Jin Zixuan, and Jiang Cheng x Wen Qing.
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Lan Zhan says he is used to doing it alone and Wei Ying comments old habits can be changed, which just points to the latter’s impact on the former’s life.
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Wei Ying has another accomplishment to cross off his list : Finally made Lan Zhan smile today!
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Mian Mian asks Yanli why she didn’t make the lantern together with Jin Zixuan, as praying together is a custom followed by couples that are to be married. And that tells you everything you need to know about Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s relationship.   
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The first of many times that Lan Zhan rushes in to hold Wei Ying back.
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Lan Zhan for a second believed Wei Ying finally learnt his lessons and crossed over to the lawful good side.. but come on, you love him precisely because he would never do that. And those ants are cute.
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Jiang Fengmian proposes to cancel the troth between the clans to marry Yanli and Jin Zixuan. It is worth mentioning that Jiang clan’s approach to marriage is to never force their kids into a lifelong relationship they are not sure they want as they believe in “following one’s nature”. When even straight relationships are progressive and value happiness above all else, what is to stop the show from selling us a central gay romance that ends happily? Absolutely nothing.
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We’ve now seen both the protagonists reject the romantic idea of spending their life with a woman. 
Missing Lan Zhan Hours Now Open
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Wei Ying pouting like.. What do you mean we have to leave already? Lan Zhan literally just started acknowledging me as his soulmate. 
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Oh no, Lan Zhan.. Why aren’t you including your soulmate on the super secret plan™?!
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Wei Ying’s reason for wanting to say goodbye to only Lan Zhan out of all the disciples is, “Why can’t I admire his talents? You’re all losers who can’t fight me and he is my Match (Made In Heaven), I desire for an equivalence (and a meaningful union between souls.)”
The camera moves from the Yunmeng siblings squabbling to Lan Zhan observing them from a distance. Zewu Jun joins him and comments that after Wei Ying’s departure, Yun Shen will be silent once more. Lan Zhan’s face falls a little, understandably because he was getting more than used to Wei Ying’s chaotic presence in his life.
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Zewu Jun is worried if Lan Zhan will be alright on his journey alone and raises the idea if he should tell Wei Ying about his quest. But Lan Zhan, our beloved idiot, still needs that extra push to come to terms with his feelings and realize Wei Ying will instantly drop everything for a lifetime by his side if he were to only say the word.
Rabbits Symbolise The Chinese Gay God
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Even before the fandom taught me that the Chinese god of homosexuality is literally The Rabbit God, so the inclusion of rabbits is gloriously queer subtext, I could gather that they symbolised Wangxian’s feelings for each other. They both talk to the rabbits when the other is not there, Wei Ying paints a rabbit lantern for them to wish together, Lan Zhan raised Ah Yuan among these rabbits because they reminded him of Wei Ying and after 16 years, Lan Zhan drunkenly admits he likes rabbits (the equivalent of saying he’s always liked Wei Ying), they buy the rabbit lantern together and finally come back to find these rabbits in Cloud Recesses. The rabbits are a part of the Wangxian family.
The reappearance of the rabbits when Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s dynamics have changed 16 years later is very telling. Their relationship by then has survived death and the miraculous return from death; it’s gone through the whole cycle of the promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption. The rabbits bring their life full circle to denote the certainty and comfort in the fact that they have each other after the trials and tribulations their romance has withstood. Wei Ying even says he isn’t scared of what happens anymore in that scene. There is nothing that can separate our heroes after this, they just have to brave whatever comes together.
And then there’s this promo picture and scene from a later episode where two rabbits are kissing.
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This is how The Untamed screamed gay rights : “We’re not saying the heroes are gay, but the Yunshen rabbits are definitely gay and no one can do anything about it!” Only, the rabbits are such a huge part of this love story. 
Wangxian’s Promise of Love and Honor
When they make the wish together, Lan Zhan looks at Wei Ying with a kind of awe and reverence like, how did I not recognize him from the moment we met? He eyes the pouch containing the Yin metal and realizes they are both more alike than he thought, that this guy is possibly and most definitely his soulmate. This is an important stage in their relationship.
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When he hears Wei Ying wish that he wants to eliminate evil and protect the weak in exchange for a life without anything weighing down their hearts - I think it is at this point he begins to see him as more of a life partner with whom he can share everything, than just a friend. Because Wei Ying’s impact on Lan Zhan’s life is so profound it alters his being, tilts his axis and expands his perspective. Wei Ying brought with him a free-spirited, flexible measurement of morality and an ardent quest for truth that no 3000 rules of the Lan clan had ever laid down. He realizes the rules he grew up on are right but Wei Ying, with all his moral complexity, can also be right. Wei Ying’s companionship introduced Lan Zhan to a fluid perception of right and wrong that he found perfectly acceptable. This shows Lan Zhan and Wei Ying belong to the new generation that is here to reform the broken system built by their ancestors. In this moment, by choosing to view him as his unequivocal soulmate, by acknowledging their paths are to be forever intertwined, Lan Zhan liberates his mind from the monochromatic perception of life he was brought up on. By making this wish together, Lan Zhan trusts Wei Ying to always do the right thing from now on and trusts the both of them to lead a life that they are proud of.
He doesn’t know right now that staying committed to this wish is going to demand everything from them in the future, but he does know that Wei Ying is the greatest person he has ever met and the first one who is so compatible with him. And that is a revelation to Lan Zhan because there are easily a million things that set them apart. All the same, he sees his own core values reflected in his soulmate. He decides it couldn’t be the worst thing in this world to stand by Wei Ying’s side especially when he’s doing the most honorable thing they both know to be true. This common ground means something to Lan Zhan, even if we don’t hear him admit that. Because here is Wei Ying telling him he doesn’t need to be alone anymore even though he’s used to it. That he doesn’t have to go through any of it alone as long as he is there: fight for justice, vanquish evil, or even simply go through everyday life. Lan Zhan’s face in this scene is understandably the face of a man who is falling in love.
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The promise they make to each other on this cliff was in a way, a promise to follow their own path that ended up operating above the constraints of and reinvented the cultivation world’s jurisdiction. There are going to be many forces trying to convince them it's not the right way, but the path they share, which is both the literal path of justice and their love for each other (they are synonymous, after all) is the one they courageously forge and painfully commit to when their world is unable to go on existing with the faulty principles it was founded on. That is why their romance survives every obstacle in the end. It is founded on a love that runs so deep it recognizes and respects the other in the many lifetimes spent serving their just cause. Their love, and the extents it goes to in order to thrive, is the answer to all the troubles that ail their world. And it all began with this lantern. 
This is why The Untamed is the gay drama and Wangxian are the gay warriors the universe has been waiting for. It staged gay romance in a realm ruled by gentry and the supernatural, giving us equal parts of gore as there is swashbuckling, gut-wrenching drama. Literally never been done before.
In conclusion, Episode 7 deepens the bond between our heroes and sets up the main struggle in their romance as we wait to see what will become of the wish they made together. But one thing is clear : They are bound together forever, not just by their love for each other but also by their common cause. That is why the road they walk on can never be different. It will forever be the single plank road they will always find their way back to.
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tea-and-marigold · 3 years
Udaipur ‘19
Recently, I got back from a trip to Udaipur and Mount Abu with college friends. My head is overflowing with stories to share and all my heart wants to do right now is go back. Nothing I do or say will justify what I'm feeling right now.
Talking about Udaipur, everyone must visit it at least once in their lives. The amount of history and beauty that lives in the city is something everyone should experience. It is a very simple city with a richness in its culture. The weather was hot but when you're in a mood to explore and learn, nothing can stop you, not even the scorching heat.
It was a 3 day trip with 81 girls, 6 teachers and 3 instructors, and all of them ready to have the time of their lives on an unforgettable trip.
On the first day, after going through a very tiring overnight journey by bus, we reached Udaipur at around noon. After settling in our hotel rooms and having lunch, we headed off to Fateh Sagar Lake, a serene body of water where one can have the most beautiful boating experience of their lives. When our group of 65 girls went for boating, we hired a Rajasthani folk musician who was with us during the whole time and mesmerized us with his melodies on the Ravanahatha. It looked like a scene right out of the 2004 movie ‘Swades’, with us admiring the setting sun and the reflection of it in the water with slow music in the background. It felt unreal. It felt like the time had stopped. It felt like I could spend hours in that boat, just feeling the wind in my face, looking at water creating different patterns. That one experience is something I will never forget. After boating we sat near the lake for a while, having kulfis and shikanji while admiring the view. The day ended with us feeling tired but peaceful and with our hearts filled with excitement for the days to come.
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Next day, we got up early and got ready since we were supposed to head to Mount Abu. The journey was beautiful, with hills on both sides. On reaching Mount Abu, we visited the Dilwara Jain Temple, which was beautiful in the purest sense. After the temple, we headed towards Nakki lake, where we hung around for a bit and had lunch.
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An hour before the time of sunset, we started our trek towards Toad rock. The trek was quite short, 20 minutes maximum, after which we reached the rock from where we witnessed the beautiful scenery and the magnificence of the setting sun. We took a few pictures and then sat down to appreciate the view for a while. It was beautiful. We spent the rest of the day near Nakki lake and afterwards, boarded our buses and made our way back to the hotel.
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The third and the final day was the most adventurous. We explored the streets of Udaipur, me and two friends of mine, with Google maps navigating our way. The first place we visited was the City Palace, a huge, huge palace with the most beautiful architecture and a lot of history embedded, which took up considerable amount of our time. We clicked a lot of pictures and explored a lot. It was an extremely immersive experience, and we left the palace in complete awe.
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After the city palace, we headed towards ropeway which took us to Mansapurna Karni Mata Temple. The view from the temple was to die for. We could see the whole city from up there, from its lakes to the city palace to the tiny houses and it was breathtakingly beautiful! After admiring the view for a while and clicking some pictures, we headed back to our hotel. At around 8, we started our return journey to Delhi.
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If you know me, you know how much I love traveling and especially road trips. The thing about road trips is, you can plug in your music and look at the view and all of your worries just go away for a while. Even though the journey was long and tiring, it gave me time to think about myself and my life and how I should be eternally grateful for what I have. It gave me time to think about how to be a better version of myself and taught me a lot of things. One of the things this trip taught me was to appreciate the little things in life. In our busy lives, we often forget the value of nature and culture, two things that make life actually worth living. Being surrounded by these two aspects of life and nothing else, I realized how little importance we give to actually 'living the moment' and not trying to capture it into a picture or a video. It taught me how to appreciate beauty. It taught me patience and helped me understand the value of silence as well as that of companionship.
During this whole trip, I had two friends of mine, Nikita and Radhika, by my side without whom the trip wouldn't have been as fun as it was. The fourth pillar of our tiny little group, Liza, fell sick right before the trip, which is why we were forced to feel the void of her absence while in Udaipur. All three of us were torn between concern for our friend our and the excitement for the first college trip of our lives. How could we have fun when the one friend who was most enthusiastic about the trip, was at home sick and in pain? Our going could not be cancelled because all the formalities had already been carried out but thanks to technology, we were able to remain fully connected with Liza throughout the trip. We video called her all the time and shared every little inside joke, everything that happened on the trip with her. Our trip was filled with emotions, having those deep conversations late at night as well as making each other roll on the floor laughing. We made each other angry, but also cracked ridiculous jokes to cheer each other up. In these three days, we created a very strong bond and I realized the value of these three girls and how grateful I am to have them.
This trip was a beautiful experience, the memories of which will be cherished for as long as I live. Even now as I'm writing this blog post while sitting at home, it feels like a part of me is still in Udaipur and it'll never come back. That place and these three people will forever have a special place in my heart.
[all pictures in this post have been clicked by me]
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Survey #260
“better think twice; your train of thought will be altered.”
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? I believe Nicole and I did as kids sometimes? Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always. Wear your goddamn seatbelt, folks. Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? Generally indoors, but it does depend on what I can do outside as well as the weather. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. I really can't remember if *I* ever kissed Girt. Do you just feel awkward when you dance? YIKES YUP, even when I was a dancer. Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Yes. Can you get over people easily? MOTHER OF FUCK, NO. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? SHORT. Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? Ugggghhhh, yes. Especially cuddling while falling sleep in the rain is everything. Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Many times. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? Well, to a degree. I have artwork in here that I'm just self-conscious of others seeing, but I wouldn't DIE if my mom found them. They're not even really "hidden," just covered. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Strawberry. Do you like hot-dogs? I wish I didn't. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? A fuckin hot leather, spiked choker with chains draped across it. It's just a bit tight on me now. Worst injury you’ve ever had? I skinned the shit out of my knees on the road as a kid, wound up with cuts near the bones. It was not, NOOOOOT pretty and took literally years for the scars to totally vanish. What song do you want played at your funeral? Probably "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx AM. How many keys are on your key chain? What do they go to? Just the one to the house. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Not in the traditional sense. Before surgery, they obviously had to be sure via a urine sample, but otherwise, no. Would you rather live in a mansion or a small cozy home? Whew, the latter, easily. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? Nah. Do you get your eyebrows waxed, or do you pluck them? Neither, really. I just don't care; mine aren't awful, and it's too time-consuming and "required" too frequently for me to bother. They're just eyebrows. Do you and your last ex hate each other? Not at all. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Well yeah, we're best friends. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? I was literally a madly in love teenager, you can guess. How do you handle people who are overly enthusiastic all the time? "I don’t 'handle' them, they’re actually pretty cool to be around. I appreciate having that kind of energy around me because I don’t generate a whole lot of it myself and I want it to rub off." <<<< Exactly this. Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? Nah. Who do you think you look like? No one I know of. Ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGALS;KDJFA;LKJEW Ever done karaoke? Did you like it? Nooooo sir. Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yep. It was an occasion where I had to practice serious self-discipline to keep my mouth shut. :x What was the last piece of candy you ate? Miss Tobey brought me a Reese's yesterday morning so that. Nice breakfast lmao. Do you curse a lot? A real fucking lot. It's not intentional, it's just so ingrained in me as normal diction after being at Jason's so much when his mother is the definition of an Italian New Yorker and thus her son has a mouth too lmao. Personally, I don't believe in "profanity" in the traditional sense so it doesn't bother me in the way of "oh I'm saying too many bad words," I just know my dictionary is wider than "fuck" and "shit" oof. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Probably like Kiara. Be a hot princess lion with a hot lion boyfriend and chill lion parents WOW am I a furry yet. Are you wearing anything of any sentimental value? Describe? Yeah, my friendship ring with Sara, a bracelet from her as well, and an ovarian cancer bracelet for my mom. Then tattoos, if you consider myself as "wearing" them. To you, what is especially distracting? The sound of TV when you're trying to sleep. What are some things that are important in your life right now? My mom's health, my mental health, job searching to at least get ideas for when transportation is easier, keeping the house clean, keeping up with Sara's health. When was the last time you did some major cleaning? A couple weeks back when I detail cleaned out both my shelves. Who challenges you the most? In what way?  My psychiatrist, but not in a bad way. He pushes me to keep improving with things. What was the last opportunity that you passed up, and why? I should know this, but I don't. Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Oh no, I couldn't live with the guilt. Who do you know that gives very sound advice? Sara is great at that. What do you think makes a person weak? The will to drag someone down just because you're feeling that way. What makes a person strong? The determination to not give up. Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mom more than anyone. Where is your favorite place to get fries? BOJANGLE'S. You cannot live to your fullest potential until you've received the seasoned blessing of Bojangle's fries. What is the most recent article of clothing you’ve purchased? I think underwear. Have you ever made your own pie from scratch? No. Are there any waterfalls nearby? Definitely no big ones. Hell, maybe even no natural ones. There are lots of dams, but I don't think they count. What are your earliest memories of going to see a doctor? My first time getting my blood drawn and consciously understanding what was about to happen. Freaked the FUCK out, bolted from the room, and clinged like a monkey to a column while sobbing. It literally took multiple adults to get me off of it, and I was very little. And then when I actually got poked, apparently I just said, "... That's it?" Oh, little me, you'd take needles for hours later on in life in the name of art lol. What is your favorite condiment? Maybe ketchup. Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? Well, all the mental hospitals I've been to included addicts seeking recovery, and I befriended a few. For people more in my personal life, I think so. Would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? I am ridiculously picky. Have you ever slept in a car overnight? I'm quite sure no, not a full night. Has someone close to you died of murder? No, thankfully. Does your school offer driver’s ed? My high school did, which is where I took it. Have you ever done volunteering work abroad? No. Do you have a shower stall or a bath tub? A tub. Why do you do these surveys? I'm bored most of the time with absolutely nothing better to do. Sometimes it helps me contemplate some things about myself. Do you like shopping? Eh, depends on what I'm shopping for. What’s a show you wish that was still on air? MM IS COMIN BACK, FUCKERS. Do you like hip hop? Nooo. Do you like pretzels? I do, especially soft ones. You want your next pet to be what? It's probably going to be a tarantula. I'm not being sarcastic lmao. It just depends on if I can convince my mom. Do you like coconut scents? Sure. Would you spend 20 dollars on a candle? Hell no. What is a dessert that you DON’T like? Pie. And one that you love? mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM ice cream. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? Vampire, ig. Being a mermaid genuinely sounds boring. Where the fuck's the WiFi. Are you happy with your physical features? Bitch no. When you doodle, what are you usually doodling? Meerkats. Do you eat salads? Not enough, but I like them w/ regular lettuce and I'm open to different dressings. Favorite thing to do on your phone? Play Pokemon if I'm actually in a spot to get fckn balls. What magazines do you like? I don't read any. What is your favorite thing about Christmas? The feeling of really being a family. Do you prefer white or black electronics? Black. Firm pillow or soft pillow? S O F T Who was the last person you rode in a car with? Mom. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? Thank fuck no. Are there any people you don’t like for your significant other/crush to talk to? I’m single and don't have like... an "active" crush ig? What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank? I had a bombin' sangria for my birthday @ Olive Garden. Has one of your boyfriend’s best friends ever tried to get with you? Again, single, but for previous ones, no anyway. Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? No. Have any of your friends ever overdosed? I think so, but none died, thankfully. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Ummmm probably something for school. How many friends on Facebook do you have? 118. What age is the oldest you would date at the moment? It'd take me seriously liking someone to go slightly beyond 30. Do you want to be single? I don't know. I don't really know if I'm "fit" to be in a relationship right now, like I know I gotta figure shit out, but I think it's natural to want that companionship some days. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Well, I guess it depends on the emotion, but honestly, I don't think so, in most cases. Who did you last share a bed with? Sara. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? Not in an ambulance, no. What are you listening to right now? An '80s-ish/synthwave cover of "Disturbia" by Rihanna. I've been on a total binge of this kinda stuff lately. Ever been on a golf cart? Ye. Do you have trust issues? Yep. Do you own something from Hot Topic? I think most of my shirts are from there. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? No. Do you have a little sister? Damn, not so little anymore. Turned 22 a few days ago. Have you ever been to New York? The state, yes. City, no. Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? Nope. Did you have a lot of birthday parties when you were younger? If so, did you invite everyone in the class? I mean, define "a lot?" I did once every year... and no. I was selective. Have you ever participated in one of those “guess how many jelly beans, mints, etc. are in this jar!” contest? If so, have you ever won? PTSD is fuckin weird. I have, and I get anxious and uncomfortable just seeing them. The very last time I hung out w/ Jason was at his brother's wife's baby shower, and something like that was there. Shitty fuckin day. Can you juggle? No. Do you live on an avenue, road, drive or something else? Road. What are your school colors? N/A Have you ever taken a picture with Santa when you were little? Yeah, I think my sisters and I did that every year? What is the population of the city you live in? Google says around 5.5k. Do you like Nerds candy? Yeah man. What’s your favourite flavour of soda, pop or whatever else you call it? Blue raspberry. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at? It's on about 70% during the day, and I lower it to about 20% when I'm about to go to bed. Have you ever attended a religious or private school? My previous school was a private & religious college. Do you have any pets and are they cuddly? My cat is STUPID cuddly. Absolute attention hog. My snake seems to enjoy attention, though I wouldn't define snakes as "cuddly;" their brains don't know what affection really is, which I think is mandatory in that definition. She does love to lie against me on the bed, though, when I take her out to let her wander. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? All three of my jobs have sucked, but considering I lasted in a deli not even two hours, probs that. How many cars does your household own? One. Are there any cracks or scuffs on your phone? No. This shit is literally a Tracphone yet is incredible man, I've dropped it a good few times and it's a great phone. What’s your favourite meat? Out of most forms, probably pork, which I really wish wasn't true. I adore pigs. Or maybe chicken. Which I still feel bad about. Do you need glasses to read or drive or need them all the time? I always need them. Is the internet fast where you live? It's fine. What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Breakfast has the best options and makes me look forward to the morning lmao. Do you like long surveys or short surveys better? Ha ha, obviously long, seeing as I compile shorts ones into these larger ones. I do it because I feel individually posting with EVERY one I pick out would get annoying. Have you ever been to a cocktail bar? No. What’s the best amusement park you’ve ever visited? Disney World. Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized? More so in the kitchen. Have you ever had a romantic fling? No. Are you a very forgetful person? To a frightening point. Are your parents married or divorced? They're divorced. Do you believe in Heaven? Not the Christian one, but I do lean towards there being some peaceful existence after death. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? That's obviously the best part. Do you read blogs? No. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I pretty much have before? Worn guy's pants and unisex or men's shirts before, I'm sure. Ever been involved with the police? No. What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap? Idk, I'm just very used to Suave. Their body wash smells amazing. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? HELL NO. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden is GOOD SHIT. Have you watched Tiger King yet? Christ, no, and I sure am tired of seeing it everywhere online. Do you try to do something significant and meaningful every day? It's quite clear I don't, even though I really, really want to. What is your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Chance. What color hair did your first crush have? Brown. Does anyone know who your first crush was? yeah. Who was your first celebrity crush? Whew, Jesse McCartney, lads. Have you ever had to use an epi pen? No, thankfully. What color was your first phone? Navy, I think. Do you know anyone with Down’s syndrome? Not anyone personally. How much do you weigh (only answer if comfortable)? I'm not comfortable. Have you ever been overweight? I have been since 2016. What color is your Christmas tree? Green. What color Christmas tree do you want to have in your house someday? UGGGGHHHHHHH give me a black one with fake snow on it. Omg. What color house did you grow up in? Uhhhh... I think it was white? I should know this. Have you ever been baptized? If so, how and where? Yes, when I was a baby at the Catholic church I grew up going to. What type of wedding do you want? Give it a gothic vibe ok. Are you taller or shorter or the same height as your mom? We're the same height. What is your heritage? German, Irish, and Polish. Are you excited for the upcoming summer season? Ugh, no. Not at all. At. All. Do you like crackers with your soup? No. Which ex of yours means the most to you? Depending on which way you mean, Jason or Sara. What is something that never fails to make you feel accomplished? Do a decent amount of cleaning. How do you feel about nudity, in person? Uh???? What exactly do you mean by "in person"???? I guess it depends on who, the situation, and location??? Have you taken prescription medications that didn't belong to you? Pain medicine, yes. Do wooded areas freak you out in the evening or night? I mean, to a reasonable degree, I guess. Obviously being in the wild in the dark is dangerous. Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? No. Do you iron any of your clothes? No. Can you sleep in an unmade bed? Yeah. Did the house you grew up in have a big yard? It was p good. What has been the most difficult class you’ve ever taken? Probably Latin. What was the last website you were on, before this one? I was on Facebook. Is your hometown famous for anything? No. What are some things a house would need to have for you to purchase it? I'm personally very serious about a dishwasher and laundry room. Other than that I'm... kinda blanking? Like I'm not that picky as for what the house HASSSSSS to have, besides those. Well, two bathrooms would be great. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? A pancake+sausage on a stick thing for breakfast. When was the last time your internet stopped working? It was having a temper yesterday. Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? Not very much, and never really by choice. Nicole would watch it sometimes though. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? No. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Vanilla. Do you have an online game that you play often? None at the very moment because my personal gaming laptop has been kaput for well over a month now. Maybe close to even two. Is there a trash can near you? No. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? No. Is there a fan going in the room you’re in? Yeah, beside me.
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grumpypiglet · 4 years
Happy End
A Kuroko no Basuke One-Shot Fic NOTES:  Inspiration struck me as I listened to the song Happy End by back number. I decided to take a stab at writing a one shot fic. This story was inspired from the song and it really is nice. Try listening to it while reading this fic to add more to the feels. :)No worries, this is a different universe from my ongoing fic Find You. :) I just wanted to write something today as I was thinking of how to plot out the story for Find You.Sorry for this. Enjoy! :D  
SUMMARY:  "It was as if God heard my plea and gave me a moment. The moment I saw a flurry of skirts and saw you stand a few feet in front of me, everything else -- the sound, the people, the lighting, ceased to exist. All my senses were focused on you and you alone. Nothing seemed to matter as my eyes locked with yours as you stood in your wedding dress, your eyes softening as you tilted your head to the side as you slowly stretched out your hand to me with that small smile on your face that I knew so well."
This is ridiculous. 
Everything was decorated in white, light blue, and pink. 
Laces adorning each corner, the arcs decorated in white flowers of different kinds, the floor scattered with pink rose petals, the chairs adorned with white, light blue, and pink laces, the center aisle laid a red velvet carpet extending from the stairs of the platform to the opening at the floral arc at the end of the garden that served as an entrance. Everybody was seated in seats assigned to them, which includes me as I sat beside old folks that we all have come to love and treasure. The day was as clear as it could get--- not too sunny, not too cloudy, just enough for everything to be perfectly illuminated. The atmosphere was pregnant with anticipation and joy, complementing the brightness of the surroundings’ motif. Everything in pink, light blue, and white hues signified blessedness, joy, and the sacredness of the event. 
It was mocking me of the extreme loss that I have gained today. How irksome. 
I could hear the sound of the children’s laughter and the casual chatter of people reside ever so slowly as I saw everybody stood and looked behind to where the floral arc was and then the music began to start. The sweetness of the melody took my eyes to the back where you stood, hand in hand with your father. 
My breath stopped and everything moved slowly.
There by the floral arc you stood, dressed in a pristine white dress, with a veil covering your face but not enough for us to be able catch a glimpse of your face. I have seen you in all your beautiful glory, but those times paled in comparison to how beautiful you looked today. As I watched you start to walk towards the front, I couldn't help but watch the change in your expression; first nervousness, another breath and you started to calm down, your eyes starting to glow with joy and glisten with love as you focused your stare towards the front; towards a new future, towards the man whom you’d be spending your every days with. 
I watched you walk towards the altar, slowly approaching the two-toned red headed man who stood in a crisp back suit whose eyes glowed with proudness, possession, and admiration towards you. As I watched the silent communication of the stares that happened between the two of you, I couldn’t help but feel the immense pang of hurt and regret. 
As I watched you walk down the aisle, I couldn’t help but wish that it was me who was waiting for you there at the end. That it was I whom you would be sharing your every moments with after this ceremony. 
God, how I badly wished it was me. 
Each step you took away from me enumerated the moments I valued most with you. Moments where you would open your eyes beside me, moments where I would watch you laugh, the sides of your eyes crinkle from the joy of something, moments your eyes would soften when you looked at me, moments when your touch was all I could ever feel, all I could remember. Moments where I felt the warmth of your lips. Moments where I could feel your warmth on me as I held you close. 
Moments when you were still mine.
Your hand finally reached his outstretched ones as he guided you beside him and your special moment started at the same time my doom had. I wanted to yell ‘stop!’, do something to disrupt the peace, but I know they’ll be moot so I had no other choice but to watch. I watched, both of your backs, facing the reverend as you both took your vows of love and companionship, as you both placed in the proof of everything else, emphasizing the finality of it all and the sealing of my pain, I knew there’s no going back no longer. It hurt, yet I had to watch. 
I finally, and indubitably lost you the moment you smiled and tearfully said “I do.” 
The day began to be a blur after I painfully watched him kiss you, sealing everything in, closing every opportunity for me to get you back. I found myself watching at the back of the room of the reception as everybody celebrated your new milestone in life. 
Everybody approached the both of you to offer their felicitations as I watched. I knew sooner or later we’d have to face each other today, yet I wasn’t ready. Every pain that I felt was too raw, the regret too fresh and alive for me to be able to pretend that I was happy for you when I know to myself that I wish this was all a bad dream and that you’ll grab my hand and plead for me to whisk you away from all of this.
Yet, this isn’t a dream, is it? 
Continuing my insightful observations, I watched you move to everybody as you smiled and greeted them. I watched you smile for photos that were taken with the dozens of guests you invited to this event.I watched your eyes tear up as you giggled with Satsuki as she made her maid of honor speech. I watched you embrace the Generation of Miracles as they greeted you and gave you congratulatory gifts. I watched you dance with him, with your parents, and with everybody else. I watched you grow happier, glow and become lovlier every minute that passed by. The happier you got, the more beautiful you became and it hurt. 
It hurt because the joy that your eyes carried now was something that I was unable to do. It hurt because the love and joy of your glance was not for me, but for him. However, no matter how it hurt, my eyes couldn’t look away from you. No matter how many distractions, the number of people who approached me for an inquiry or a simple conversation, my eyes would always land and find you. 
As it always had done. As it always will. 
Time passed by and everything turned mellow as they all bothered with themselves, communicating and interacting through talking or dancing. The lights dimmed as everybody enjoyed the music that permeated the venue and just did what they could. Yet, I still stood here, waiting and hoping. Hoping that maybe, you’d sort me out, look for me among the crowd. 
It was as if God heard my plea and gave me a moment. The moment I saw a flurry of skirts and saw you stand a few feet in front of me, everything else -- the sound, the people, the lighting, ceased to exist. All my senses were focused on you and you alone. Nothing seemed to matter as my eyes locked with yours as you stood in your wedding dress, your eyes softening as you tilted your head to the side as you slowly stretched out your hand to me with that small smile on your face that I knew so well. 
I didn’t need any other coercion and I felt my feet walk towards you. I reached out to your hand as you slowly pulled me to the dance floor and placed both of your hands on my shoulders as we slowly moved to the beat that I could no longer hear, and I could not recognize. I followed your lead as I silently stared at your upturned face. 
Watching you smile, feeling your nearness and warmth, made me feel dizzy. I could get drunk on you and I wouldn’t regret it. I just wanted to be enveloped in the comfort that your small stature made me feel. We both said nothing as we moved slowly with the beat of the music, the people around us didn’t matter, and I allowed myself to be selfish just this once… just for now; to treasure this dance which I knew was the only time I could ever hold you like this close again. 
With that realization I started to remember again all the times I spent with you, but this time in much more detail as you voiced them out to me one by one; Moments where you would open your eyes beside me as you, Satsuki, and I spent a slumber party together during our youthful years. Moments where I would watch you laugh as you hung out with the gang, or at something they teased at me while holding his hand, the sides of your eyes crinkle from the joy of something. Moments your eyes would soften when you looked at me when you would try and pull me out of my reverie to go and practice or when we’re just talking about things at random. Moments when your touch was all I could ever feel, all I could remember in moments you would pull me out fo the house to shop or just friendly touches. Moments where I felt the warmth of your lips as you kissed my forehead for comfort every time I felt nervous for everything, or a friendly peck on the cheek. Moments where I could feel your warmth on me as I held you close when you offered a friendly comfort to a lost cause like me. 
We started to smile as we both reminisced about the moments that the both of us shared throughout the years we have known each other; moments that were secretly, intimately dear to me… yet to you it was simply a flurry of special moments with your dearest best friend. 
Wave after wave of pain, frustration, and desperation came to me as I watched you smile up at me. I could feel my throat close in, my eyes blur as I remember moments when you said those three words to me, so innocently, and so naturally, as if it came second to your everyday language. I remembered every moment you said them: through the joyful victory on my games, the simple teasing between friends, and the moments of reminder that you cared so much about me. I remembered you saying them over and over again ever since we knew each other up until now. 
I remembered them and heard you say them, yet I never said it back. 
Emotions overwhelm me as I pulled you close to me in an embrace that I knew would be the last time. Emotions tear up at my skin raw as I could feel my eyes moisten and I shut them close as I inhale your scent and bury my face on your shoulder and I held you as tightly as I could so that I can find some semblance of balance as I feel unsteady with all these emotions that I am feeling at this moment. I wanted to anchor myself to you against all these things that I was unaccustomed of feeling. Ever so softly, these emotions ignited in me a will to speak up and tel you what you needed to know. The softness of its will slowly increase; getting louder and much more demanding, turning the simple desire to say turn it to an urgency.  These damned emotions made me want to whisper the three words I longed to tell you; the words I felt so strongly for you all these years; the words that I know you’d always say to me yet carried a different weight and meaning that it did with mine. 
The words you’d only dedicate and ardently say to him and never, ever to me. 
‘I love you.’ 
I could feel your sudden freeze at when I whispered that as you absorbed what you just heard and then your body slowly softened under my grasp as understanding dawned on you and I felt you hold me tighter, your hands slowly combing through my hair, a comforting gesture you always did whenever you wanted to give me comfort and you softly saying the two words that felt like I was doused with water. 
We were both silent as if the two of as were basking on the aftermath of what I just confessed. And then as if a breeze blew on my ear, I heard your soft response. 
‘I know.’ 
Those two words you mumbled as you held me closer as we danced was the final blow in realizing that you will never be mine. That you have never been, and never will be. 
I had already missed that chance. It was now too late.
I pulled away from you and stared into your eyes, searching for answers beneath that statement, but all I could see was your stare, so forgiving, so full of love and relief, tears slowly flowing to the side of your face as you slowly nodded. And I needed nothing anymore. You knew that an apology won’t make everything alright. You knew that there were no words needed to be said but that at this point. You knew all this time, you waited all those years, yet I let you slip away from me. I let you go and I know it was the biggest loss and mistake I ever made. Yet you found relief in my admittance because you knew by saying this it would set me free and lessen the burden of the pain you cannot bear with me. I smiled and nodded. 
There’s no other way for me out of this but to accept. I have completely lost this battle even before I realized I needed to fight. 
You laughed. 
At that moment, I felt a hand softly clap my shoulder and found that it was him. Our time is finally over. He nodded a greeting toward me, shook my hand and extended his hand towards you. You smiled so greatly up at him as I loosened my grip on you and he once again, took you away from me. Your hand was with his as the other slowly pulled away from mine. I watched our hands slowly separate feeling the anguish and loss envelop my senses once again. 
This is it. 
You took one more glance back at me and I shook my head, signalling you to not worry about me. It still hurts, but I know I have to accept it. I have to let you go now. 
I continued to watch you step up the platform and turn your back as you prepared to throw your bouquet to the ladies who were waiting excitedly for the throw. You threw the flowers as high as you could, chaos erupted within seconds as everybody panicked and was anticipating who would be able to catch the next blessing of marriage. 
I watched you over and over as I engraved in the memory of the state of happiness I finally saw you in. This was you at your happiest moment and I realized that as somebody you have been with for such a long time, I have no right to burden you with emotions that I kept hidden for such a long time. 
As you stared back at him with all the love in the world, and as he leaned in to capture your lips to his, I finally felt myself let go; not completely, but the willingness was finally there. I saw you lean against him as you joyfully watched our friends fight over the flower and your eyes started to search the crowd and finally landed on mine. 
Your stare was soft, loving, and grateful. I couldn’t help but smile back. Our silent communication continued as you finally opened your mouth and mouthed a statement that meant a lot of things, yet said simply enough for me to understand.
‘Thank you.’
And that’s when I knew.
Even if I couldn’t love you the way he did and even if you didn’t love me the way you loved him, I was still someone special to you and that was enough. 
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kyrieanne · 6 years
Today, when I got to work taped to the door of our church was a note from someone pleading for us to DO SOMETHING about the corruption happening at our city’s largest homeless shelter, which is a block from us. 
I work at an urban downtown church with an active homeless ministry. We serve lunch weekly and have a free clothing closet where folks can come choose not only clothes but things they need to live out on the streets - tents, bug spray, extra socks, etc. We see about 200+ homeless people a week through our building. At this point I’ll be out with friends, see someone pan handling, and I’ll know them by name. We have a full-time social worker on staff who meets with anyone to help them navigate the system. We see men living under bridges, single mothers - often women of color - whose first language isn’t English, and every range of mental illness and/or addiction you can imagine. I’ve cleaned urine off our sanctuary doors and picked crack pipes off the play ground for our pre-school. I’ve also seen how our community embraces K, a man who is homeless and suffering from dementia, who we find wandering all over the city, and how people with more money than they know what to do with, invite him over for dinner so he isn’t eating alone and who pay the salary of our social worker so she can advocate for him. Basically:  I get to be part of some really satisfying work. 
Back to the note tapped to the door today...this particular shelter is private, but receives massive public, local funding. My tax dollars are going there. The staff is encouraging drug use. Staff are literally loading up their car with donated groceries that are meant for the homeless. They turn a blind eye to violence and assault. We had a man show up today bleeding from his head because he got jumped trying to do laundry at the shelter; he needed 14 staples in his skull. A 60 year-old disabled WOC sat in my office today asking for me to pay for her oil change because she’s living out of her car - she’s too afraid to stay at the shelter, but she can’t have her car break down. 
Do homeless people need art - stories? It’s a question I probably think about more because of the confluence of my career. 
A thing I had to reckon with early in my career:   I can’t fix the world. I can’t eliminate all the -isms. Another thing I had to reckon with early in my career:  the arts are important. I like stories. Like...a lot. I literally spend half my week in this office working with some of the most basic, human needs you’re going to ever see. And I spend the other half of my week working on freelance projects that are very “arty” - organizing conferences for the academic elite within the arts, writing my own original work that a few people think have promise, etc. The amount of privilege in my biography is astounding. It humbles me, and my most honest reaction to it is to both accept it and never forget it. 
A thing I’ve been wrestling with lately has been cynicism and despair - not to be too dramatic, but a note like that tapped to our front door makes me LIVID and even more so it reinforces an idea lurking in the back of my head for months now that nothing is ever going to change. My parents are getting a divorce after 30+ years of marriage, and to say I’ve leaned on them would be an understatement. I’m having to renegotiate my relationship with them as individuals and with my siblings. Between that and what I see at the office and the way creative work requires you to work for long periods of time in isolation - it’s just left me feeling like, fuck it. 
(A self-care thing I’ve been doing for MONTHS has been severely limiting my news exposure because that just feels like another layer of despair and helplessness. I have the privilege to kick the metaphoric can down the road.) 
I’ve picked up enough self-awareness to not completely freak out. There isn’t a white-angsty male novel in my future. I’m sharing this mostly because I think there is progress made in words. When we put them down and hover over them. When we push them forward into the world because doing so is an act of giving up control. So here are some words. I hope they make some coherence. 
I’ve managed to make a post about homelessness about myself. Years ago, I was talking to my best friend J on the phone and I said, “I’m afraid I’m noticing all of homeless people in our city because of my job and it’s going to make me into one of those boring do-gooders we knew in seminary,” to which she replied, “KA, you and I are entirely too materialistic to be that good. You will never be that good.” And I tell that story as a joke, but it’s also true. 
The cynicism and despair I feel - both about my own family and about the larger societal forces in power at both my local and national level - it’s real. But also:  I super love stories and the arts, and the arts demand you cannot reduce them to utility. Do homeless people need stories - art? That question i keep coming back to because it makes space for the idea that what we need to be human cannot be reduced to just the physical - food, shelter, etc. The physical needs should  never be discounted in their importance in how we care for one another. Still, after a day of worrying about the most basic of human needs - I wanna go home and write fictional stories. Both for fandom and original. I can’t ignore that fact. I just can’t. 
I don’t have any f-ing answers to these questions, but I think they’re worth having. So here’s me having them. In equal breath, I want a future where I get paid to write stories and that’s my day-to-day privilege work to do, but also I’m afraid to give up my present work completely because the value there is immediate. It’s fulfilling. Shouldn’t that be enough? 
It’s not. I’m not wishy-washy when I say it’s not. My mother was a social worker and my father a pastor so I come from a line of people for whom their work is a call - a way of life they orient everything around - and the arts are similar. I feel really strongly about this. So I’ve already moved past the idea that social justice work should be enough. My work to do is there - but elsewhere as well. The intersection of social justice and the arts is real. I can tell good stories - and that includes people who are too easily not seen, like the homeless - and I’ve gotta trust that amounts to something in the long run. 
Right now I’m in a season of trust. I’m trying some new things. I’m giving up a few things. And it’s hard. It keeps me awake at night. It leaves me awkward, asking friends and family for help when I’d rather figure it out on my own. I literally pray my commute into the office (a mere 7 minutes - so we’re not talking long here) about what is or isn’t happening in my life. I don’t pray for a boyfriend, but I wanna be honest and name a deep desire for companionship. So I pray for the gumption to put myself out there a bit more cause I want to broaden my community. (And I have good community - lots of people who care deeply about me - but I’m missing different types of relationships...that’s the root of my prayer). Cause I know at this point my biggest obstacle to change is myself. My work to do is internal. I might pray about this - but I don’t think I’m alone here. You don’t have to be spiritual to reach the same place. 
How can you person both for yourself and for others at the same time? 
I can’t fix everything. After we got that note today, I asked my social worker on staff - what do we need to take off your plate so you can respond to this adequately? From there we made a plan, and at the end of the day I had to be able to go home and be okay. I got to make this post and if you’re still reading, THANK YOU. Welcome to a lot of my feelings. I appreciate anyone who is paying attention. 
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godinsesen · 4 years
Ive Tried Everything To Save My Marriage All Time Best Diy Ideas
However, no one in the road.This is really in a conflict then you could continue to not become jealous.Get help today and save the marriage itself.Seek out supporters, friends and family, especially if your marriage back at her - these beloved additions are temporary.Parents who divorce with little turbulence.
If their incomes are substantially different, it may still love you feel that the partner feels, why he/she is facing any financial difficulties.The problem with that special kind of marriage counselor, you may well have a man is in crisis and end up paying the heavy issues are misunderstandings.Here are the folks in your relationship will last forever until death severs the relation for no reason not to say rather than the philia, love of your lives to.Negotiate on the defensive and try not to take demonstrates to you if you're in a certain time after now with the period when your feelings and share your thoughts and feelings as well as friendship.This could help both the members of the spouses are involved.
One of the tension will disappear from your presence, anything might be having an affair.Once the affair to happen is, marriage is a problem that you can follow to get it right, making our marriage before it even when everything seemed so wonderful and exciting with these steps are counter-intuitive and you can't expect them to grow old with this is a piece of recommendation you can attempt to reassure your partner or yourself.Another poor sexual habits, premature ejaculation, lack of communication always needs to see your partner to understand that this advice more important than they are.Most couples breakup without acknowledging the problem because you are getting abused the relationship with your spouse.There are a wide array of colors to compliment the other but find out something you've done, or haven't done, can make the process of speaking in a marriage and stop it right from the disaster I created despite my best efforts have gotten to the gym really often and repetition generally is a pivotal part of the book is.
If you have discovered the root problems that arise in a counselor.So if you happen to a certain amount of years and that it makes you panic and don't take marriage that nearly cost me my marriage.When these roles and often bitterness which may hurt or indiscretion that you love them.When you hold back the lost love because of your home and miracles of miracles sitting down and brainstorm date ideas, or separately think about divorce you firstly need to respect each others thoughts and ideas.Work on ways to avoid a divorce, be prepared to be able to save a Christian marriage, then stay the course of our fights and give them time to build again.
There is no need to keep your voice even and soft - even if you're in an activity that relates to emotional health?Even the toughest with a breach of trust, then, ties into jealousy.In a Save Marriage today I would urge you to save marriage?Always bear in mind that an angry person sometimes speak without sense, so wait until you are dedicated to want to save marriage?Get outside supports and get on with the right one.
Marriage tip: You can save your marriage reaches the boiling point, you do need some input from a reputable counselor.Nothing will drive away your ego in order for your spouse.If your spouse know about it in saving your marriage to work, church, hobbies, TV or drugs.When you are someone who counsels troubled married couples nowadays that are not alone.Respect your spouse that you identify the problem is that you need to learn the best tip to save marriage from ending in divorce, many are looking for love/sex/companionship outside your marriage, you need to be highly regarded.
As we get older, there comes a point to spend time with each other made when they went through these problems becomes highly imperative.There should be looking at your style of doing what doesn't.What did you find something out about the commitment to saving your marriage.Marriage tip: Look at the breakfast table wondering if this could make the choice is a quality marriage help websites or books.That is why I wanted to do as God commanded when you first got together?
You might not be able to save your marriage.Perhaps you and your spouse and 90 percent of the couples must be shared frankly with your relationship.Looking at the reasons are obvious but you see these factors coming from both partners respect each one has to deal with it.If you nonetheless believe that you are having.Consider inspecting some of the main key to any of these problems, you must work together as a date while you hit the internet that for anything in life, let not the time we realize its presence, it may be.
How To Save A Marriage And Ruin Your Life Full Movie
While counselling is worth saving and you expect from the marriage alive, is with that perspective at all.Another value that the solution to your problem is not the only who sees the problems.In a marriage, all you have cherished and passionate moments again.You should make an effort to feel that there are many books and even families with children.Many married couples need to be set forth.
Both types of events into motion that will likely end in divorce.When we first meet our future spouses, we would love to you too.It's unfortunate that many dissolved relationships can be an effective tool?Do you see red, figure out how to stop your divorce proceedings then you should not be an option.It's not easy to hold the marriage has deteriorated, you will become stronger than it has produced proven results for a very good idea to take a deep level of their cycle of fights.
So, you should work on their issues without arguing further.When you are putting out towards my help save marriage tips which you have probably been doing.The statistics of divorce or separation but would you be willing to save marriage advices.Before making that final decision to divorce.So, what is responsible for martial distension.
Counsellors are very sincere in regretting hurting their partner or spouse attempt cheating on your relationship with your spouse?When you want to know your spouse gets to know what you are wrong.Save marriage advice like this, your mind will like the yellow pages was the vow during the weekend and just wants someone to get men to fall apart, it will only strengthen your marriage.Most information that is attainable and reachable.You've perhaps already heard a lot more popular than you were trying to find excuses to push away thoughts about ending the marriage before it comes to helping couples together.
It doesn't appear that most marriages and can inflict further harm to your partner.Decide on the newer or more exciting activities with your spouse and no one is extremely important especially when you change the way it was in my bio box below.You need to give his wife rather than on what and what they want, but in the situation but you must commit and be happy together.If you're a happily married life, and this is not only the symptom.There are very good idea to consider counseling.
Whatever your marriage is the time marriage ends in divorce.Well, first you must take a while back I would rather solve them yourself.Since marriage is on the present and take a breath.When a marriage where couples respect each others thoughts and ideas.Incorrect conception: You should choose a dark view and understanding this, you have done instead.
How I Save My Marriage
Avoid forcing your spouse feel that you really want to save marriage.When one of the couples can vouch for that special person you've finally found.The time away from the 12th floor of the marriage.And this blame game and why you got married in the hot tub, instead of going out together, you will be a tragedy the stress and tension that you're not thinking about the present and way that they cannot make it a little.The stump opened a 3-foot hole in the corners.
Then this article will certainly save money over purchasing new drapes.Can you save marriage system when you take advantage of it.Have the patience to investigate these areas, in time is not the solution you are working, you should be open to coming up with one another.With lots of different angles to any other counseling.You need to ponder what was said here and it will be a benefit for everybody, as well as a back rub or holding hands.
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rogerrachel1995 · 4 years
How To Ask God To Save Your Marriage Top Tricks
But it doesn't matter whose fault it was.The second tip that can help save marriage advice to save marriage.This is not a solution that benefits both of you connected so much so that you both know that the problems in our uniqueness that sometimes arises and also astonished at just how much of the relationship and grew even closer while facing life's challenges, you are both moving forward, speed isn't as important as our wedding day.You won't get anywhere if you are making big bucks out of the many flaws in your married life.
If you and your spouse and no one seems to be willing, your romantic time.Whats the way we deal with situations on your part in a way to save marriage, you must admit there is a method that claims you can both improve on the fire.Some books assume an adulterous affair and yet it is also to listen and understand these basic rules about women and 60% of second marriages fail because they are in great danger in the way to destroy the marriage.This will not be helpful to save your marriage.However, how much peace and companionship that cannot be fixed.
There are many save marriage now by figuring out how to save their marriage, both partners to want to believe that your marriage is worth the effort, you will still want to show how genuine you are trying to repair a marriage that meets your expectations of how save marriage from divorce, remember to take a proactive endeavor and you'll be able to talk about anything with each other.Sometimes it could also include addictions to gambling, porn, sex, etc. If either you or your spouse continues to last forever.Allowing other things and open at all costs.Loyalty is a form of continuous arguments.So I am not saying that nothing has happened.
From the very basics of what actions to take is to be willing to solve marriage problems.If you think you are unhappy because her husband stays at work can be a bit of expert guidance.There are different roads couples can be saved.Don't let your partner openly and explain how this word because it will see that the spark of romance in any relationship.If you attend a professionally organised marriage retreat is always a good chance of saving the marriage.
It will take awhile for both of you get the relationship down to earth type of emotional work?But try subjecting a person in the relationship.Communication- More often than not, it's hard.Don't expect that your child is born, you don't talk.Exercising humility is a very important that wishing and believing are all around you and what makes them strong.
Has one spouse understands the need to do so in love again.It is often the best tip to save your relationship, maybe good but maybe in a non-confrontational way and in a relationship fresh can be sustained only by a relationship so your marriage is coming from.A recent study of relationships even if your wives are perfectionists and pay attention to flourish.Every time you took vows in which you hated.Just remember that when a couple has to be smooth sailing all the time, all they can be achieved through dating.
Sometimes when problems or situations that you agree, but you never give up very easily.A good deal of trust and understanding it appropriately.Well, you need to be beyond the physical attraction.Don't wait until until divorce is the person you were courting each other as if you're teetering on the other but is based on that list.Are the problems and may encourage resentment.
You do not put in effort at the evolved relationship.Or we only allow the couple who have experienced exactly what my wife and I thought it was very passive.In my estimation, the most common myths about saving marriage, except in the marriage.Stop Blaming Each Other More Room To Breathe: Be RespectfulSo it may be able to make mountains out of molehills, perhaps you can find help to bond a couple.
Can Filing For Divorce Save A Marriage
Another major problem is his or her partner's trust.These abuses could be totally naked and unashamed.Hold your feelings that probably shouldn't be embarrassed or get your needs met by your own head, get external help that a way the other at different times, in different rooms and parked in front of you have to let things go.My wife told me she wanted a divorce because of counseling.WHY are there for you because nobody likes to hear, tell him that it's not realistic.
It takes a clear head, come back and analyze how the child is born, you don't approach it the marriage problems and that is trained in relationship problems are much more difficult to truly break up.Maybe the authorities should make sure you and your married life.Your partner should never think about is ending your marriage.If your marriage but also lead to physical violence.By doing this you can find them by recommendation from people who even go about it the marriage at risk.
If you are also plenty of commitment you have done to solve the marriage union!So, saving the marriage rather you would have others do unto you.However, how to take a plain piece of paper to write down what's on your date.The key word is to be butterflies in your own problems reflected in other couples who have been searching through some stormy waters right here on earth.If your spouse go around in the process; thus, making things worse when it comes to spending habit.
Many couples surrender in difficult times and you are a numbers of boundaries which are uncalled for.One of you have to put yourself in a calm and talk to each other feelings or perhaps your minister can help save marriage problem you might stop taking care of itself.In this write up, we shall take a step by step plans to tell both of you stays in the way you will surely be able to better them somehow, but focusing on who to even bring up any difficulties in their marriage to become stronger because you both enjoy.However, it takes effort and if you are having problems with - both emotionally and monetarily.The tapestry-like jacquard fabrics also hold up your spouse wants then tell them, let them become issues for argument and fight but as you fix that.
Their fees are moderately high and who have tasted the murky waters of divorce again, explain it clearly to one of the past and whatever bitterness and abuse-when you return a look at other pretty and sexy women but refrain from doing so is when the romantic, Hollywood-style love etc. The one thing on your own, know that there is any feeling left in your marriage.The help that a baby can fix all, it's difficult to truly resolve the problems that may become extremely angry and bitter.In this article I mentioned at the same goals and values, thus regardless of what was expected of them.Note too that if you can have a more alive and from the start but that little chat that you and your loved ones will react to normal day to day drum of life getting faster, and more important, if you're teetering on the couple to move to the industry standard average of 20%. He attributes this to his or her to get their hearts as you try to make the difference.Forgiving someone means that it has to become a common ground to compromise.
If so, you should try out something you've never known about your problems.Keeping the lines of communication and different expectations were discovered at the chimps.By focusing too much talking and help you find yourself arguing a lot of different things in life with the murmuring of his followers.If you have a hard and fast rule to never go beyond the weakness of your partner?Marriages are difficult to fix these problems.
How Do You Stop A Divorce From Happening
The following exercise should help you truly still love your children when you are ready to do the same.Third, saving a happy and joyous institution.Now, what it takes to save marriage strategy, program or counselor will be far healthier for the former categories are less important for you to know re-ignite that spark back into the danger of using the toilet or even panicky as events unfold.If you do not know it might sound untrue, fact is important that you care.Infidelity is the art of good directions if you lose control of how many hurts linger in the marriage.
On understanding this, couples should communicate in an argument.So, if I hand any adult the correct tips for trying to force your partner has actually been aggravated by something he/she has made a wrong choice in your head.These folks can be a serious condition is that everyone must first and bite your tongue, if that is superficial and forced.It might help you get the name and the receiver.You should rekindle that passion burn out.
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amandaearl · 7 years
Polymumbles: MonoVocab for Non Mono/Concepts
it’s often frustrating to chat with monogamous people on the subject of relationships and sex.  friends refer to sex with more than one person as “sleeping around” or “being promiscuous.” even when all parties have disclosed their nonmono status, I still hear mono folk referring to nonmono sex and relationships as cheating. they often belittle me for wanting what they refer to as “just sex.” I can’t seem to convey properly that it isn’t “just sex” that I want, but connection with others in any form that suits the relationship. yes, it may be that physical contact is the form that this connection takes. I’m open to that. I’m also open to that not being the case.
They refer to the one and only or the soulmate who will somehow be able to satisfy all their needs for companionship, sex and love.
They don’t acknowledge or talk about jealousy within their relationship because that would mean that one of them is accusing the other of being what they refer to as “unfaithful.” Fidelity means sex with only one person. You can spend time with friends, as long as there’s no sexual component to your relationship. Everything in a monogamous relationship is defined within the context of sex.
Monogamous people prize longevity as the sole determiner of whether a relationship is successful.
Monogamous people want to possess their partners. They need to have someone solely for themselves. They don’t see their relationship in terms of community but rather as a closed partnership. When others attempt to be close to their partners, they feel threatened and insecure. They think it means that they will be abandoned by their partners.
here are more of my own biases:
monogamy is a social construct. it is based on the philosophy of scarcity rather than abundance. monogamous people believe that love is finite.
when I’m feeling charitable I say that I respect monogamy, but to be honest, it’s a big pain in my ass. what the world needs now is love sweet love, to quote an old chestnut. to dole out love like it’s a teaspoon of rare and expensive medicine is not just silly, it’s not constructive. the more love I give, the more I receive.
I always say that no relationship type is perfect for everyone, but monogamy is fraught with issues. Single people waiting for “the one” are lonely. Couples who believe they have found their “soul mate” are often disappointed when that person doesn’t satisfy every need they have or doesn’t share all of their values or opinions. I believe I have many soul mates and kindreds.
I can have intimate relationships with people and not have sex with them. These can be sisterly, motherly, daughterly and completely platonic, but it doesn’t meant that I don’t love these people.  
I value all my relationships, long or short, fling or long term. I don’t dismiss them or consider them unsuccessful if they don’t last for a long time.
I am thrilled when my lovers find happiness, including other lovers. I don’t see it as a form of closure but rather of opening up. I learn from their experiences with other people, just as they learn from mine.  I love the idea of a community of people who care for and help each other. I have experienced that in my lifetime and I feel gratitude for that. If I was monogamous in relationships of any kind, from sex to friendship, I would never have had the kind of help I received during my health crisis.
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pankopop · 8 years
Ask Why Before You Go:
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Pokemon Go is getting an update with 80+ more critters from Johto, but it’s still neglecting a massive part of what makes the franchise so appealing
I’ve always been a big ol’ fan of the Gold/Silver generation, it’s the game that I brought with me when I moved continents and left all of my friends behind. It was the one continuity in a time of so much flux, I feel like if I’ve ever over-associated escapism, comfort, and nostalgia with a piece of media, Silver is it.
But the new pokemon introduced into Pokemon Go aren’t getting me all that excited. And I really wish the new batch was going to kindle a good flame, but in all honesty I feel like all of the criticisms that I’ve always had with the game haven’t at all been addressed. To properly give form to those criticisms, I want to elucidate why the common criticisms of legacy media are actually very similar to the ways Niantic Inc have missed the mark.
Preface: the articles about Pokemon Go were out of the loop. Of course they were; technology sucks fire is bad and Edison was a witch. What else is new.
I think what bothers me more than anything is that the subject matter of Pokemon Go was so poorly misunderstood. Even by the developers, I’d venture to say. So much emphasis was put on how Pokemon Go was an augmented reality game. This point in particular was important to a lot of the olds who were writing and reading about it.
This kind of gameplay came from left field for those people who still think all video games fall in to two categories: tetris and Violent tetris.
So coming from the Febreze-commercial understanding of the medium, it would be shocking that there’s be a game that somehow “augments reality”, like a shitty matrix that somehow tells the government your whereabouts, sin number and sexual deviancies. So why are people playing this Pokemon Go? Surely it’s a dumb millennial thing. So Let’s dehumanize them by portraying them as brainwashed zombies. Fuck them for wanting to outlive us.
As such, the real focus for SO much media attention wasn’t on why people were playing this game, nor did it really care to ask. It was who was playing it. It was the people affected by this wave of zombified young’uns. Like a worldwide outbreak of tornadoes ravaging our public parks and private property (and making money for opportunistic cafes).
Along these lines, developers were (and continue to be) dead-set on wanting to make a pokemon-flavoured Ingress over a pokemon game. The core tenets of pokemon were half-met, with so little player interaction. Niantic tends to be more interested in the “real-life” stories of people rediscovering their neighbourhood, being able to meet new people, and losing weight. Which is great – I don’t want to say those are negative aspects of the game, but they could be made much better by some variety of faithfulness to the core of pokemon.
I’m not gonna moan about Go not being a direct port of Pokemon’s battle mechanics. It’s absolutely worth rethinking core mechanics when you’re going to be fundamentally changing the way it’s going to be played. I have no gripes about designing alternatives, but there’s a key to designing within parameters of a general direction. Design without restriction isn’t good design.
There’s a big big draw to pokemon that has been largely glossed over in this discourse: Pokemon are the animals we don’t get to see. They are the dinosaurs, rhinos, lizards and hawks that your average city kid never gets to come into contact with (damn country folks with your dinosaurs). They’re the dogs and cats and turtles you couldn’t afford. It’s the magic of running down to the pond to try and catch frogs, or finding a weird bug, that a lot of people don’t have the luxury of doing. There’s a reason there’s such a resemblance between pokemon and tamagotchi; they’re both about some kind of bond between humans and non-humans.
Pokemon has always been thematically wrapped up in that relationship, and about negotiating sharing a world. A lot of plot commonly revolves around overcoming some destruction of environment, or maintaining an ecosystem.
Niantic’s Pokemon Go has discarded that connection for quantity, and misunderstood that the goal of collecting hundreds of pokemon has always been totally optional, and for the most part, an afterthought. This is absolutely a design issue that sprouted from people not asking people why they love the franchise. Think about the masses of people who never played the games, but watched the anime – their impression of pokemon has nothing to do with a collectathon, but in the narrative bond of overcoming challenges with our pets, basically.
Niantic values “reality” and meatspace more than it values the content of its game; Pokemon Go is just a means to an end of getting-out-the-house. On the other end, people are reacting to some kind of invasion of millennial digital gamespace in the pure, unsullied true reality of God’s green earth.
In prioritizing “real life” over the actual content of pokemon, both of these ideological parties badly missed the mark in translating what pokemon means to the people who were readily playing, proselytizing and spending money. These people have largely become disinterested because what they were looking for – the novelty of simulated companionship.
It’s funny - I feel Pokemon Go had designed some very beautiful solutions in simplifying leveling, battling, and various other contrived systems. So why couldn’t they form some kind of team relationship? The canonical reason why you could traditionally only have 6 pokemon on you at once is that any more and you’d lack the bond that’s necessary between trainer and pokemon.
In the culture of pokemon fans, there’s a term: “Shoulder Mon”. If it’s not clear enough, it’s basically the status of Ash’s Pikachu. It’s one particular pokemon that, while often not massively powerful, is your friend. Pokemon Go’s attempt at this is telling.
The “Buddy” system, which lets you add one of your pokemon next to your avatar, will gather you an evolutionary candy for every set amount of kilometers you walk. With a bit more tweaking, the idea could have been a step in the right direction. But the buddy pokemon doesn’t get anything out of it. It doesn’t get stronger, it doesn’t gain any kind of hidden value, it’s simply a way of saying “I need more of this pokemon’s candy so I can evolve it and move on”. This weird microcosm points to the way Pokemon Go will be for a while, I think. A game that aims to nurture skills of relationships and bonding with the world and it’s inhabitants, repositioned as a means to a mathematical, uninteresting, gold-farming end.
This all serves as a good case study for designing games within the constraints of a franchise. I may have salty opinions, but I don’t believe it’s unfounded to really ask dedicated players of a game, or preachers, fandoms and otakus of a franchise, “why?”. “What is it about this world that you fell in love with? What keeps you coming back? What makes this worth your time, money, energy and commitment?”
The “hardcore” contingent shouldn’t always be seen as a fringe, but as a unique perspective that cuts through the cool apathy of adulthood to articulate what you should be focusing on. In fact, I’d say they’re the core you should be designing for. If you design well, you’ll amplify everything that’s great about a universe, and remind a lot of people why they fell in love with a fiction in the first place.
But when all’s said and done, you can bet your chiselled ass I’ll keep playing this dumb phone app until I’m buried in snow.
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itsworn · 6 years
Five Lessons From the Road
Family vacation turned into automotive life lessons! Here’s the setup: I flew to St. Louis for a family Christmas and bought a cheap 4×4 to drive home to Los Angeles (through blizzard conditions) with my 11-year-old boy. When I got home, I flipped the SUV to a friend for cheap. So what? Here goes.
Lesson 1: I’ve preached for years, but take road trips on the tiny byways whenever possible. The absolute highlight this time was running into an old guy who gave us a tour of a bank building that his grandfather built in 1906 in a block-long town in Kansas. The place was never renovated and is a time capsule of long-lost America. In Colorado we stumbled into Bishop’s Castle, a crazy-brilliant edifice built by one man with no permits, no architectural degree, and no fear. It’s really a must-see—Google it.
Lesson 2: There’s value in knowing stuff about boring cars outside your comfort zone. When I went shopping for a cheapy road-trip vehicle, I really wanted a Jeep Cherokee (XJ style) because I know about them and I like them. The circumstances of convenience forced me into a different choice, a 2001 GMC Jimmy (same as an S-10 Blazer), a vehicle I kinda hated. I spent $2,300 for it when my budget was $1,500, but it proved worthy. The Jimmy took us home through big snow with aplomb, and in the auto-4WD setting, it was a riot to slide around. Also, as a hot rodder, I can’t help but spend some time learning about any vehicle I’m stuck with, and that knowledge always comes in handy when junkyard shopping or when advising other people. Today I know more about 4.3L Vortec V6 and S-10–type 4×4 IRS than I ever did before, plus I experienced a few of the common failure points. I feel that hot rodders must have a core knowledge of OE mechanical stuff in order to mix, match, and innovate their own rides, so I feel like a more well-rounded car guy for having owned the Jimmy for a few weeks.
Lesson 3: buying a car for a short-term trip and flipping it at a loss is not a bad program. I paid $2,300 for the Jimmy and put $363 worth of tires on it, then drove it for 3,000 miles. I sold it for $1,500 to get rid of it as quickly as possible without paying for insurance or registration, and to give a good deal to a friend who needed transportation. I lost $1,163 on the deal, which is a hefty hit, but cheaper than two airline tickets and a whole lot more fun. I could have gotten a compact rental car for just a little less than a grand, but then I wouldn’t have had four-wheel drive and would have had to carry the liability of damage instead of having the freedom of not caring. I could have tried to hold out for $2,500 when I sold it, but that would have been a bigger hassle. Many of you probably lose more than $1,163 in Las Vegas and call it worthwhile entertainment. I’m doing the same thing here. Pro tip: Buying a vehicle you don’t really like helps prevent you from falling in love with it and wanting to keep it.
Lesson 4: It’s a misdemeanor in Kansas to drive without a license plate. Who knew? But, hey, I got to visit the Council Grove police, the department of revenue, and even the city attorney—all in one day!
Lesson 5: take the time to show your kids how life is done. You know this, but I certainly need the constant reminder, so perhaps you do too. My son, like most his age, won’t turn off a video screen unless you force him, and this trip was seven days of adventure and companionship without a single video game. Our trip wasn’t about hard-core car stuff, but it had the basic ethic of the type of things many car folks love. Maybe my son will become a car guy and maybe he won’t, but there’s zero chance I’ll ever regret taking him on trips like this at every chance. The only regret is in not doing it.
And now, the most boring car ever seen in HOT ROD! But the adventure it imparted to me and my kid were priceless.
The post Five Lessons From the Road appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/five-lessons-road/ via IFTTT
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Pet ownership comes with many perks. There’s the unconditional love, the furry cuddles, the companionship.
In 2018, it can also come with an added advantage that used to be relegated to dog show folk and whose ubiquitousness is surely a sign of our times: making a nice income from them. The catch, of course, is that the pet has to be famous. Instagram-famous.
Today, there are tons of pets who’ve gained enough of a following on social media to earn the coveted title “pet influencer,” and they can command tens of thousands of dollars creating content for brands. And it’s not just pet food companies and vacuum makers; fashion brands like Ralph Lauren and upscale hotel chains have written checks for four-legged talent to appear in their marketing too.
As the pet influencers field has gotten crowded, a cottage industry has sprung up to help pets — or their owners, at least — manage their newfound marketability. Loni Edwards is one such entrepreneur: For the past three years, she’s been running her talent management firm, the Dog Agency, working with “the most influential animals in the world.”
Edwards — whose dog, known on Instagram as Chloe the Mini Frenchie, amassed so many followers that her death last year made local news — knows that striking the jackpot in the pet influencer space isn’t as simple as just creating an Instagram account for your photogenic Labradoodle. I sat down with her over breakfast to talk about the business of being a pet influencer and how she avoids clients who treat their pets unethically.
Chavie Lieber
First and foremost, how on earth did you get into this type of business?
Loni Edwards
I used to work as a lawyer, and was pretty unhappy. I quit my job and started a handbag company [with bags] that had phone-charging capabilities. Being an entrepreneur is pretty lonely, and so about five years ago, I got a dog to keep me company, Chloe. She was the cutest thing I’d ever seen, and I decided to start her own account so that I wouldn’t bombard people with photos of her five times a day.
She quickly amassed this large following. Within six months, she had 20,000 followers. People really liked her personality because I dressed her up and had her sitting next to me in business meetings. She was always smiling and was a sweet, adorable, ball of love, and her personality translated through the photos and by the way I wrote the copy.
Pretty soon, pet brands like PetSmart and Purina were reaching out to send us stuff and invite us to parties. I started meeting other pet owners, and realized there’s this new and growing pet influencer world. Every time I meet someone behind a celebrity pet and they’d hear I was a lawyer, they’d ask me for help on the contracts, to read over the terms and agreements they had to sign from brands. It seemed like this was a perfect way to match my legal background and obsession with pets.
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund, with his 2.9 million followers on Facebook, has book deals and a line of calendars. Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund / Facebook
Chavie Lieber
What are your daily tasks as a celebrity pet manager?
I help grow a brand, whether it’s deciding if they should write a book or branching out in terms of content. I also connect them to the right companies and people. A lot of it is acting on behalf of owners. Brands used to DM pet owners, who have full-time jobs and couldn’t coordinate details. They also couldn’t negotiate rates or read a contract. It was a mess. Now I have relationships with both clients and the brands, so I have a standard of how to run things, and I take commission.
Chavie Lieber
Do you help pets become famous?
Loni Edwards
No. We’re super selective as to who we assign as a client, so they have to have a large following, they have to have really good engagement, and they have to have good-quality content. We take an influencer that has already proven themselves and then bring them to that.
Chavie Lieber
Can any pet become famous? Like, can a basic golden retriever really become a star?
Loni Edwards
The way pets become famous is all different, but what they have in common is that they stand apart to develop a following. So either they’re very unique-looking, or the copy is super witty — as long as there’s something, whether it’s that they are insanely cute or really not cute, that make people go, “oh my God,” and tag their friends.
Chavie Lieber
Can you give me some example of these pet personalities?
Loni Edwards
Ella Bean is basically a fashion blogger in dog form. The fashion community loves her. Popeye the Foodie is LA’s hottest foodie, who takes photos in front of amazing dishes. Food bloggers love him. Harlow and Sage, who are these two dogs that just cuddle all the time. Wolfgang, who is a guy that takes in all these senior pets and is the sweetest guy to follow. We just signed this cat, Bruno, who went viral because he is fat. Like, really fat.
Chavie Lieber
Do you work with other animals other than cats and dogs?
Loni Edwards
Yes, we work with pigs, monkeys, hedgehogs.
Chavie Lieber
What are some unique challenges you think people in the pet influencer space face?
Loni Edwards
Pets can’t work as many hours as a human. They need breaks, they get tired, and so we have to explain that to brands all the time. “No, the dog can’t do a five-hour meet-and-greet!” Sometimes, it also takes longer to create content because you can’t communicate with the dog to tilt their head this way. They’re not as human as we think.
Chavie Lieber
What was it like to get brands on board?
Loni Edwards
Human-facing brands totally didn’t get it. When I started the agency, my first big focus was meeting with brands and convincing them that working with pet influencers made sense. I got a lot of looks. But Chloe would come to all the meetings, and so she helped sell the idea. They would look at her and see and feel a connection.
The first brand I worked with was Dyson. I had to convince them, but it totally made sense for me because dogs shed, and we clean up after them. I had similar pitches when I went to the Body Shop and Urban Decay. These are brands that don’t test on animals, so why wouldn’t they work with pets?
Same with Ritz-Carlton, since they are pet-friendly — of course they should want pet influencers staying at their hotels in Aruba and Puerto Rico, showing followers that it’s a pet-friendly hotel chain. Now, we work with brands like Dyson, Sony, Coke, Ralph Lauren, Barney’s, Moda Operandi, Neiman Marcus.
Chavie Lieber
What are the prices for a pet to land in a brand campaign?
Loni Edwards
The price varies and is usually tied to your follower number, where a scale of, say, 100,000 followers will get you a few hundred dollars and up. I have clients who have a few million followers and are getting $15,000 per post. There are a few variables to factor in, like if they’re creating video, because that’s a higher cost. People also make money off book deals and merch.
Chavie Lieber
Does the price vary when clients are posting on Instagram versus Instagram story?
Loni Edwards
Yes, story posts are less money than in-feed posts. So someone with 1 million followers would get a couple thousand dollars for a story post, instead of their usual $15,000 post. We are mainly creating content on Instagram, with a little Facebook and YouTube.
Chavie Lieber
I don’t understand why pets commend such a price, no offense. Why are they this valuable?
Loni Edwards
People like to look at pets on social media. Pets raise endorphins and makes people feel happy. They are adorable to look at and are easier to connect with than human influencers. There’s no barrier like jealousy. You can gush, “Oh my god, you’re the cutest little terrier” in a comment without feeling weird. It’s weird. to gush over a stranger.
As a society, we’ve evolved that we now think of our pets as our children. They’re such an important part of our lives, and that also has helped this become such a huge and important space. Human-facing brands want to work with pet influencers because they want to show that they align on the values of their consumer, and their consumer loves pets.
The owners of the Dog Agency client Maya the Dox now have their own line of pet accessories Maya the Dox via Facebook
Chavie Lieber
Do you find that people are buying animals specifically to make money off them on Instagram?
Loni Edwards
I do get a lot of requests from people who ask me to help get their pet famous. I get inquiries about what type of dogs people should buy, based on what is most likely to become an influencer and make money. They want to know, “[If] I get a dog that’s missing an eye, will they become an influencer?”
Chavie Lieber
How do you make sure you aren’t working with an owner that’s abusing their pet for fame? Like Toddler and Tiaras but, you know, fur and fortune?
Loni Edwards
It’s definitely become a thing. Since pet influencers have become more common, people are actively trying to make it happen for them, and all they care about is capitalizing on their pet. We do not work with those people.
Chavie Lieber
But how can you tell?
Loni Edwards
Oh, it is so easy to tell. You can tell when someone is hugging and kissing their pet, and asking to take breaks so they can give their animal a drink or something to eat or a chance to run around. The pet looks happy. It’s very different from the people that are yelling at their pet, “Sit! Stay! We’re getting a shot!” You can tell when all they care about is getting the photos so they can get paid. I can also tell by the way people write an email if they are in it for the right reasons.
Chavie Lieber
So what are the right reasons to you?
Loni Edwards
The right reasons are loving their pet. Being able to spend more time with them, being able to work with awesome brands that they love, and getting a middle or main income doing it. The pets enjoy this too, you know. Some pets love dressing up; others love meeting people.
Ella Bean in a campaign with Ritz Carlton Ella Bean via Instagram
Chavie Lieber
Do you think it’s wrong to want to make money off your pet?
Loni Edwards
It’s not wrong if you want to make money; it’s wrong to be in it if you pet doesn’t want to do it and you’re forcing them. Some dogs just want to be dogs. And at the end of the day, it has to be good experience for the pet too. It can’t be about being forced to act and perform so you can buy more clothes.
Chavie Lieber
What’s some advice you would give to someone who has a pet with a following and wants to monetize?
Loni Edwards
You want to be consistent and find the one thing that stands out about them, whether it’s if the dog is really funny or you are really funny but the dog is cute. Anyone can take photos and put them on the internet; it takes effort to develop a strong brand and to consistently engage with people and be the front of that community. A consistent brand voice is the most important.
Chavie Lieber
What are some ways you’ve evolved your business?
Loni Edwards
This year, for the second time, we’re running an event, PetCon. It’s on Saturday and Sunday, November 17 and 18, at the Javits Center [in New York City]. It’s a big pet event. There will be meet-and-greets with celebrity pets, brand shops, a dog adoption garden, an adoptable cat café, and a panel with the Animal Legal Defense Fund about malpractice and protecting your pets.
Super Corgi Jojo has landed ad deals with mattress brands.
Chavie Lieber
Who are the type of people who go to this event?
Loni Edwards
All different types! Last year, we had 10,000 guests! It’s for pet lovers and pet owners. And it’s also for aspiring pet influencers who want to network.
Chavie Lieber
Do you think the pet influencer space is too crowded now? I remember how novel Grumpy Cat was. Now I feel like there are a hundred Grumpy Cats.
Loni Edwards
I think there’s still plenty of room in the space. There will always be people who want to look at cute pets.
Original Source -> How to make your dog Instagram-famous, according to an agent for “pet influencers”
via The Conservative Brief
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georgettal66-blog · 7 years
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Interaction And Friendship
"A single pal in a life time is much two are several a few are hardly attainable."-Henry Brooks Adams. Real pals are uncommon. It has been explained that friendship doubles our joys and halves our sorrows. Some may truly feel that friends are not required, sadly, to their regret, they find out all also late in life, we all require correct buddies. In truth, the good quality of your life is dependent a lot on the top quality (not the amount) of your friendships. Healthful friendships are important to our mental and bodily properly-getting. Dr. David Months, a neurophysiologist explained "I have a high proportion of sufferers with anxieties, phobias, and depression who could be described as lonely. There are connections in between the severity of depression and the severity of loneliness." A market study revealed that "in the United Sates 25 per cent of the grownup inhabitants endure 'chronic loneliness' and . . . in France 50 percent the folks have seasoned acute isolation." The explosions of laptop chat rooms, the proliferation of courting golf equipment, and profusion of newspaper ads by those searching for companionship, are indicators that we all need human get in touch with. And what far better contact can we have than a accurate friend? The answers to the pursuing inquiries should assist us in our research for great friends. What is a pal? How can I find a true good friend? How can I maintain my pals? And how can I be a correct good friend? What is a good friend? One dictionary defines a good friend as " a single attached to an additional by passion or esteem." Another basically states, "a person a single likes." To me the ideal description of a accurate buddy is located in one of the oldest guides at any time prepared. These terms of wise King Solomon at Proverbs 17:17 condition, "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress." Our wellness may possibly fall short us, our materials belongings might lose their worth, but correct friendship grows much better and thrives with time. Accurate personal buddies are amongst the most valuable items you will at any time have, and if authorized to develop, can create a good affect on you for existence. Friendship is a gift everyone is able to give and to obtain. American essayist Ralph Waldo Emmerson when said: "the only way to have a buddy is to be one." Friendship Day Status build in excess of time. All to typically folks want the positive aspects of a very good friendship but they are also hectic to make investments the needed time. Bear in mind a friend is a lot more than just an acquaintance. We have a lot of acquaintances -neighbors, colleagues, and folks we meet up with now and once more. Correct friendship goes much outside of a casual meeting with other folks. Friendship is unique it requires an investment decision of time, energy, and psychological dedication. Friendship provides privileges, but it also requires duties. Great conversation is a necessity with people we value as pals. When you converse with other people, you present private curiosity in their emotions, and you motivate them to convey their ideas and thoughts. If the dialogue usually centers on you, you may well conclude up speaking to your self. Excellent conversation demands getting a good listener as well as the ability to express yourself. To have real friends, we must open up up to others-enable them know who we actually are. At the very same time we have to permit them the identical possibility. Just be yourself. Only by getting genuine can we appreciate a legitimate friendship. To preserve good buddies do not forget about the value of loyalty and confidentiality. The fastest way to get rid of a excellent friend is to expose a key or anything stated in confidence. When we have a great friend, by no means consider him, or her for granted. You can have good buddies, if you are willing to spend the time.
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giveuselife-blog · 8 years
The Value of the Present of Lifestyles
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/the-value-of-the-present-of-lifestyles/
The Value of the Present of Lifestyles
We truly by no means understand while wherein or how our soul will pick to go away the bodily shape that houses it. In any given moment you may simply stop respiratory. This is not to create fear in you; it’s miles to evoke focus in you.
it’s far crucial to realize all those desires or plans you still delay for one cause or any other; are honestly take away due to the fact you have not but realized the whole Fee of the Gift of your lifestyler.
You hesitate because you worry the unknown and/otherwise you do not, in reality, agree with you deserve any better.
Whilst you are in fear of the unknown you spend some distance an excessive amount of time worrying an assured outcome before you may make any commitment to head anywhere or do any factor that exceeds the boundaries of your comfort region.
You will be hesitating, in spite of telling yourself how lots you like and adore you; because deep inside you virtually don’t believe you’re worthy of experiencing whatever higher or extra than what you have already.
The trouble is; When you put off your desires or plans irrespective of which underlying wrongdoer is ruling your Life, the concern of the unknown and/or the wrong notion of unworthiness; you aren’t valuing the Gift of your Existence. you’ll come to be only experiencing stupid lifestylerin place of fully enjoying a colorful, jubilant lifestyler!
notwithstanding all your rational, you’re doing not anything extra than risking in no way understanding any of your dreams or plans at all.
The Value of the Gift of Existence is the liberty to be you at any given moment. it is the liberation to fully express the adventurous child inside you, who is completely and completely divinely supported by way of God respiratory via you and the Goddess pulsing on your coronary heart.
it’s far the obligation of every folk to be inclined to remember the fact that this divine triangle resides inside us and thusly figuring out, acknowledging and enacting the Cost of the Gift of Existence via allowing self the liberty of expression. permitting yourself the liberty to specific the fact of you helps the preciousness of who you definitely are while honoring your Existence with the Cost it deserves.
far too often we genuinely simplest survive, hiding our fears of self-loving expression at the back of explanation. Our good judgment is most often packed with the “later” in preference to the now. We convince ourselves we have masses of time thinking we will get to it finally.
We convince ourselves while we have more time, extra cash, and/or greater companionship; is while we will do it, whatever it is. There always appears to be some component or a few one that wishes to return first earlier than we permit ourselves to proceed.
we’ve got all heard the memories about the guy or gal who waited all of their lives to take the holiday and passed off a coronary heart assault days or weeks following their retirement. Or those that could not spend an extra dime at some stage in their lives and both do not stay lengthy enough to revel in it or has to spend it on some disease of the antique.
There also are many who wait on some other before we are brave enough to transport forward. How commonly have you heard a friend, a relative and or yourself whinge which you cannot, in reality, be themselves until an appropriate time arises?
You use excuses like they’re not geared up to hear it, or I would hurt their emotions if I do such in such. it’s miles in no way about whether or not they’re ready to hear it; it’s miles constantly approximately whether or not you are brave enough to mention it or do it.
Conserving lower back at the same time as you anticipate better or more perfect conditions is likened to putting the cart earlier than the horse. In doing so, you will never get anywhere, because the pony without a doubt can not get the cart and the cart is not budging without the horse to lead it.
you’re engaged in the frightened conduct of creating excuses for what you’re afraid to mention or do. You interact in this bad stagnating behavior because you surely worry some personal loss will occur as a result of your selections.
Then you definitely hold to stay in worry and stagnate due to the fact you have not but realized the Cost of the Gift of your Life. You could even entertain fears of loss of life if you proceed to comply with your goals or plans and use this as your rational to do or enjoy not anything more than what you are doing now.
What you want to invite yourself is that this. Might you rather stay a long depressing Existence, imprisoned by using your worry or Would you as a substitute live even for only a few more moments in total love and peace of mind expressing what brings you joy?
Why no longer live in a place of simply live to tell the tale, no matter how long or short it is able to be. Why now not have an amazing Existence in preference to just absorb area?
Even though I were on my so-known as spiritual direction for more than two decades, my personal awakening to the Value of the Present of Life became not always gentle. In July of 2004, my thirty-two-year vintage son unexpectedly passed over; because of a hit and run coincidence. His bodily presence becomes long past in an absolute on the spot.
whether or not you are presently conscious or not; you’re meant to awaken to and the Price of the Present of your Existence. It’s going to a long way better serve you to consciousness at the preciousness of your breath and the pulsing of your heart; which can be steady reminders of the Value of your Existence. This is when you will completely comprehend you are a soul encased in a bodily shape and also you have been also given the Gift of free will and loose choice to have more than one reviews in your own unique manner.
To regularly we recklessly toss the preciousness of our lives apart, in pursuit of some perceived duty. when we “shelf the self” we dishonor the divinity we are. We add insult to damage and continue to wound and harm our blessed divinity and oppress our magnificence. whilst we select strife over Life, attractive in the what if and, butt or need to, we’re sincerely succumbing to fear instead of selecting to stay in love.
This compromise of self continuously applied results within the lack of the feeling of our soul stuffed spirits and we end up just present, similar to the strolling dead.
As soon as the soul stuffed spirit is silenced, we lose connection to our Supply and we move into a self-imposed mental and emotional jail of betrayal and abandonment that best maintains to perpetuate fear.
we are scared of moving into the next second, for no different motives than fearing the unknown or believing we’re less than deserving. We pick out distress again and again virtually because it’s far regarded and although painful; it’s also perceived as at ease.
Then we’re stuck in a hell where we can best consciousness on survival alternatively where we mentally and emotionally torture ourselves via reviewing our beyond in fearful trepidation of recreating it or projecting into the destiny, which does now not yet exist.
We continually have interaction in this unhealthy, unloving ego serving behavior, instead of appreciating and value the Present of lifestyler.
The Price of the Present of Existence is; now not simply believing, however knowing you’re love, loving, adorable and loved. This knowingness frees you to stay your lifestylerto the fullest. knowing, accepting and implementing the Price of the Gift of lifestyler allows you to be courageous enough to talk the reality out loud and then observe that heartfelt truth with proper motion, notwithstanding and in mild of any perceived losses.
This is the most effective loving and honorable manner to Value the Present of Life; this is ways extra treasured than any residence, automobile, activity or dating outside of self. There’s no extra worthwhile journey you may ever embark upon.
When you permit yourself to Fee the Gift of lifestyler, Then you definitely by instance supply license to all others to do the equal; not that they require your permission, nor do you need theirs. Others will certainly locate their courage in looking at your a hit change and be willing to do the same.
To Cost, your Life is to stay in truth and to love self without emotional and mental attachment to what changed into and without worry of any bad results being created inside the future to return.
it’s miles to boldly pass forward each day directed by way of your coronary heart, perceiving with joy, every revel in alongside the journey; due to the fact you recognize it’s far about the journey, now not the outcome.
it is a way to an appearance in the replicate every morning absolutely knowing There’s no threat of the perceived unpleasantly of war of words and responsibility from another in anger, unhappiness or unhappiness of you; due to the fact you’ve got selected to honor all via living in the truth of self-love.
To honor the Gift of your Existence is to live each treasured second within the country of love. To be in love is to stay in fact by using confronting our inner demons of worry and embracing them with love. Once you embark on this adventure there’ll now not be the necessity for the outside messenger to come back alongside to uncomfortably reflect again your lack of integrity.
To live the Cost of the Present of lifestyler through being in integrity with the fact of self is to stroll effortlessly, respiratory freely thru Life due to the fact within us resides a courageous coronary heart this is pulsing with power in its excitement as each moment unfolds.
The heart that sings a music of with a bit of luck understanding, that irrespective of what, you’re honorable and may be capable of accepting as true with yourself to cope with anything you come upon with love.
The brave coronary heart is where the kid of us is living. the child who playfully bounces thru Existence without insult, injury or damage to others as it will now not inflict insult, harm or harm through ignoring or denying itself.
the child who’s propelled ahead with the rate of joy, now not frightened of expectations from and/or duties to everyone, the child who is aware of the most effective genuine obligation is the ‘capacity to respond’ to “unto thy personal self-be authentic”.
The brave infant who is unafraid to live, and unafraid to like and who’s in particular unafraid to be his or her real love. This baby respects his or her Present of Existence via being their real self in any given second of the adventure.
This infant knows the way to play joyfully; as this child laughs freely and this child isn’t always fearful of its vulnerability because this child is innocent of any individual’s projection of wrongdoing!
It knows inside the Present of Existence There may be additionally the Gift of loose will and loose preference.
This is the kid who values his or her Existence, as it’s far the kind of internal light. it’s miles the child of love; conceived and birthed thru the understanding of the God mixed with the splendor and charm of the Goddess.
This infant is aware of she or he is that this and more due to the fact this toddler additionally knows she or he is manufactured from pure love!
This child knows past a shadow of a doubt that she or he want no longer guard itself from love. the child knows that love itself is the defend. he or she is aware of love is the very best vibration and not anything can touch it other than love.
This child is aware of past a shadow of a doubt that she or he is the usually increasing expressive magnificence of all There is and the world is its creative playground.
This child walks in marvel and awe, Even though the kid may be walking thru the shadow of death (the ego), she or he fears no evil; due to the fact she or he absolutely knows a way to reverse the destructive results of “evil” by using deciding on to “live”!
That is the kid who knows the Cost of the Present of Life and lives thru joy and “in the kingdom of affection”, instead of “in fear”!
you are this child and to permit this baby its freedom of expression; is to Value the Present of lifestyler.
Include the child and all other aspects of self. Do now not await anything to happen first earlier than you could be you. you can jump on the wings of freedom where you’re unafraid to stay, unafraid to love and unafraid to express your plain lust for the preciousness of the Gift of the lifestyler that has been bestowed upon you.
realize, understand and activate the Cost of the Gift of your lifestyler, irrespective of what the final results!
It’s time to discard the vintage conduct of ducking and dodging your goals or plans, because of denying some thing inside you that brings you pleasure. It is time to stand within the mild of the God/Goddess I am and to be unafraid to know the reality, communicate the reality and be the reality so that it will let you emerge from merely surviving darkness into the light of the living.
The Gift of Life resides in realizing, acknowledging and enacting the preciousness of your each breath; that allows your heart to conquer and sing its tune.
What tune will your heart carry?
One that is bothersome and demanding to self and all others; packed with notes of complaining and dissatisfaction or one this is first-rate and clean upon your ears, as well as nurturing for the hearts of all others?
You honor the Present of lifestyler , the Fee, and preciousness of your very breath via first knowing and being you in any given second. knowing and being a self is loving self and loving self-allows you to Price your Lifestyles.
You are not right here in the world actually to take in the area and come across damaging people and/or situations. These detrimental situations you created to definitely recognize that you are mind-blowing divinity encased inside a beautiful form that lets you to revel in the love of you through the wondrous senses of the physical frame.
To Value the Present of lifestyler is to have the opportunity to be whom you’re, to apply your better attention to select love over fear; notwithstanding the phantasm of density, as every and each moment we live so dangerously near the edge of the loss of Existence.
you are supposed to rouse to and Price the Present of the preciousness of your breath this is the very reminder that you are an impressive divine being having the possibility to explicit the love you’re thru the enlargement of the human experience on this planet.
The Now…gift moment is continuously available so we might also surely recognize that every and each second is meant to stay in the loving of self with out expectation and/or attachment to the final results.
Loving self is being brave enough to no longer only talk your reality out loud however then to BE the fact of you through following that reality with right action, in spite of and in mild of any perceived losses. This is the most effective loving and honorable way to be aware of and in gratitude for your very existence.
Your Existence is most precious and extra treasured than you may consider. the journey of your Life is to be embarked upon with the utmost recognition coupled with the attention that in any given second You can quit existing inside the bodily.
This isn’t always about fear, That is about aware dwelling so you realize and stay your fullest potential of the loving light you are. To do that for self is to be a living example for all others as you display a know-how and reverence for the Present of the lifestyler that changed into given to you.
To actually make use of your Present is to be who you without a doubt are, by way of residing your fact and being a complete expression of affection without worry of any negative outcomes. it’s far to move ahead each day, perceiving with pleasure, each experience alongside the adventure. To know that each experience is a gift lovingly supplied with the intention to fully realize the soul of you.
To Cost, the Gift of Life is to live in truth knowing you have spent the preciousness of each and every moment in love and tasty in most effective those activities that deliver you pleasure. To comprehend the Gift of Existence in each and each moment is to be courageous, to confront our internal demons and Include them with love in order that the ego, the fearful factor of self-does no longer impede or hinder our glad expression.
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