#I was crying in a hair salon while I was waiting
goddessoftheforgotten · 5 months
I just finished the white vault season 5 and when Graham died and all that could be heard on the recording was Dragana’s choked sobs my heart shattered. Also I may or may not have been sobbing, in a very public place mind you, listening to Graham’s message for Irina. I know that the message was meant for her but damn it I needed to hear that.
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puckinghischier · 27 days
wait i’m crying imagine helping luke with his curl routine and you being the only person he trusts to touch his hair
“luke, hold still,” you tell him, massaging the diffuser around his head.
“it tickles. and it’s really warm,” he argues, twitching again, causing you to huff in frustration.
luke’s currently crouched down in front of you in his en-suite bathroom, sitting not so still while you try to do his newly implemented curl routine.
“honeybee, my knees hurt, we gotta take a break,” he pleads, bouncing slightly.
you turn off the hair dryer and let him stretch his legs to his full height.
“you know, if you’d let me make you an appointment at a salon we wouldn’t be in this predicament,” you tell him, looking up at his lop-sided curls.
a few weeks ago you convinced luke to start a curl care routine, knowing his hair was in desperate need of some TLC. when you first started dating, you saw the 3in1 bottle sitting in his otherwise empty shower and immediately dragged him to the nearest salon supply store to get a curl specific shampoo and conditioner set.
once he finally agreed to start a whole routine (with your help, of course) you picked out several creams and gels to lather into his hair after every shower.
so your new pre-bedtime routine, three nights out of the week, is making sure his hair is hydrated and taken care of. when you suggested letting a professional do a generalized curl care appointment to get him started, luke refused, arguing that you could do it just as good as any salon can.
“i told you, i don’t want them touching my hair,” he reiterates to you, giving the same response every time you suggest it to him.
“luke, they’re literally professionals. they know tricks that i don’t. maybe they could even do something to your hair that lasts for a few weeks, so we wouldn’t have to do this several nights a week. plus, it would help when you’re on the road,” you try to persuade him, reaching up and ruffling his curls around with both hands, trying to keep it from drying unevenly.
the first time he was on the road and it was a hair night, you tried to call him and walk him through it, but he claimed his hair didn’t turn out as soft and shiny as when you do it.
the next time, you had jack come and watch how you did it one night, having him step in to help luke since they typically room together, but he said jack didn’t do it right and he came out looking like he had a clown afro the next day.
“i don’t care. it’s just hair, it can wait until i’m back home,” he grabs your hands, pulling them from his hair and placing them on his shoulders.
you scoff in offense, swatting at his chest. “it is not just hair. it’s one of my favorite features of yours!”
“still doesn’t mean i’m going to let some stranger at a salon get all touchy with it,” he shrugs.
you roll your eyes at his stubbornness, not knowing why it’s such a big deal.
“if you don’t want to spend the money on it, i’ll literally pay for it. i just think it’d do some good, i don’t know why you’re so against it,” you offer.
luke shakes his head no, reaching up to move a stray piece of your own hair out of your face. “s’not the money,” he assures you. “it won’t feel as good as when you do it. love the feeling of your fingers all in my hair. s’comforting,” he says so casually, not even aware that his words caused butterflies to erupt in your belly.
you feel your face flush, biting your lip to hide the smile trying to break out on your face.
“well i’m not saying i’ll stop doing it. i’m just saying that maybe a trip to a salon once a month might prevent more bad hair days on the road,” you try to compromise, not wanting him to know how much his words affected you. you didn’t want to give him more reasons to refuse the idea.
“and i’m just saying, i don’t want anyone but you touching my hair,” he leans down to press his forehead against yours, locking his wide eyes onto yours dramatically.
before you can get a reply out of your mouth, he leans forward and presses his lips to yours, taking your hands off of his shoulders and bringing them up to your hair, emphasizing his point.
you toy with the flat curls, forgetting what you were meant to be doing until your fingers came into contact with a wet patch.
pulling back from the kiss abruptly, luke lets out a frustrated whine while chasing your lips with his.
“we have to finish drying your hair! if i don’t finish it soon it’s gonna dry all flat on one side because we didn’t diffuse it properly,” you pull back from him completely, grabbing the abandoned hair dryer on the counter.
luke groans, stomping over to stand in front of you, crouching back into his earlier position.
“just hurry. if we do this too much longer i’m going to have to tell my coach i can’t skate because i have stiff knees from my girlfriend’s curl routine she makes me do,” he crosses his arm and pouts like a child.
“keep up the whining and i’ll make jack do it next time,” you threaten, turning the hairdryer on and continuing the task at hand.
luke’s body tenses. “i swear to god if you bring jack over here to do my hair again i’m shaving it off.”
“you wouldn’t,” you gasp at him, not believing he just said such a thing.
“try me,” he responds, smirking at you through the large mirror.
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sturniqlo · 2 months
His Two Girls- M.S
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summary: dad!matt husband!matt headcannons with his wife and daughter
cw: fluff, slight cursing
an: there will be many time jumps, from where their daughter was a baby to a girl in college | lowercase intended
dad!matt who always takes pictures whenever he's sees his two girls together doing anything and everything.
"careful, sweetie." his wife says as their three year old daughter cracks an egg into a bowl of cake mix. "did it!" the little girl cheers throwing her hands up. matt quickly takes out his phone and captures a picture of y/n smiling down at their daughter.
"ready?" y/n tells the little girl who is standing at the edge of the pool, floaty around her waist. "daddy i'm scared!" she turns back at matt who is sitting on a lounge chair, towel wrapped around him while he holds his phone up with the camera app open. "you can do it, baby. mommy will catch you!" he encourages her. "okay! here i go, mommy!" she jumps and matt captures the moment.
"what's going on here?" matt says, walking into the bathroom where he sees his wife and thirteen year old daughter. "she wanted bangs before she starts school, so i'm about to cut them." she parts her hair. "wait, don't cut them so short!" their daughter shrieks as she sees her mom putting the scissors to high up. "i'm not, just measuring." she murmurs, focusing on her daughters hair. "i'm about to cut it, matt, move. makin' me nervous." matt laughs. "i haven't said anything." he takes his phone out, capturing the moment when she cuts her hair. shock on both of their faces when they realized it's too short. "mom!" "matt, can you make a appointment at the hair salon." she puts the scissors down on the counter.
their daughter was back home from college for her winter break, and time to relax from many exams. matt had returned home from work and heard giggling from the kitchen and soft music playing. peering through the corner, he sees his two favorite girls rolling out dough for cinnamon rolls. something they always loved to bake together. he pulls out his phone and takes multiple pictures before making himself known.
dad!matt who cries on any milestone their daughter achieved/meets
"matt stop! i promised myself i wouldn't cry!" she lightly swats his chest, seeing his tears fall down to his cheeks as they watch their little girl walk in line to enter her classroom for her very first day of pre-k. "i can't help it, look at her." he points, they see their daughter wave at them with a smile, her two pigtails swinging. "oh my god, i can't look anymore." his wife's tears start falling.
"are you crying?" y/n giggles. "stop making fun of me!" matt wipes his tears looking away from his two girls. "look at it, her tooth is so small." she places it on a napkin. "there's a hole in my mouth!" their daughter screams from the bathroom down the hall.
"oh, look. she's next!" y/n pats matt's shoulder as she sees their daughter about to cross the stage. "here come my tears, shit. chris, record on my phone!" he passes his phone to chris who's sitting next to nick. "matt, my mascara." y/n taps her under eyes with a tissue. "look! she's about to walk." they all get up and cheer for her as she walks and waves at them. outside, they take pictures matt can't help but cry. "dad, why are you crying?" his daughter giggles. "look at you, you're growing up and you're about to leave for college. how could i not cry?"
"matt, why are you crying? she just used the toilet? "because she won't be using diapers anymore, she's growing up!"
dad!matt who always goes in daddy daughter dates every friday
"you ready, sweetie?" matt says as he sees his five year old daughter sitting on the couch. "yep! where are we going today?" she jumps off the couch, walking to her dad. "we're going to lunch and then we're going to do anything you want." he grabs her small hand, walking them to the front door. "excuse me, little miss? are you not going to say bye to me?" y/n dramatically gasps as she comes down the stairs.
"i'm not sure if your mom will let us go anywhere alone again." matt says, as he look back at his ten year old daughter in the back seat holding a small puppy. since she gets to choose whatever they do, she decided to to a animals shelter. when they walked in, the worker showed them a litter of puppies that had found in a dumpster. "let's get one." she had said and matt had gotten the paperwork. here they are now. "at lease we got a puppy." she said. at home, they had tried to sneak through the back door but, y/n was unfortunately in her garden nursery. "oh hey, you two. what'd you guys do to-" she drops her small gardening shovel. "matthew? why is she holding a puppy. and why are you holding dog food, bed and toyy?" she sighs. "surprise?"
matt and y/n's daughter had been away at college for about four months now. she had missed waking up to smelling her mom making breakfast, gardening with her, going shopping, baking and cooking. something she had especially missed was her weekly daddy daughter dates with matt. two weeks earlier, she had called her mom and let her know of her plan. y/n was excited, knowing how much matt had missed his weekly days out with their daughter. she had booked their daughter a ticket so she could come home for a week. "hey, matt! can you get the door?" y/n excitedly bit her lip. "who's coming over?" he gets up off the couch and walks towards the door. "not sure." she follows trying not to ruin the surprise. as he opens the door he gasps at who's behind it. "ready for our date?" "oh my gosh, you're here!"
"where you goin'?" y/n asks giggling, as he sees matt and their one year old daughter on his hip come down the stairs in matching outfits. "thought me and this little one should go to the park, and give you some needed alone time from the crazy one." he walks to her, placing a hand on the small of her back to lean down and give her a goodbye kiss. "the crazy one being you?" she mumbles against his lips. "okay." he says and she laughs. "we'll be back later. say bye to mommy." he looks at the baby on his hip and waves at y/n so the little girl can copy. "bye-bye." she does a small wave.
husband!matt who also loves going on weekly dates/ alone time with his wife and makes his brothers babysit
"should we?" y/n second guesses her and matt's first night out ever since their daughter came into the world. "yes, it's much needed, okay? we both need a break once in a while from parenting. it's been five months of straight craziness." he rubs her cheeks as they stand in the middle of their room. "you're right, but we've never been away from her for so long, the most we've left her with chris and nick was probably an hour max."
"and make sure you guys burp her a couple of minutes after feeding her, and no screen time for her, we don't want her to be an ipad kid. and-" matt gets interrupted by chris. "matt we get it, we babysat her last week and the many weeks before that." nick giggles at a funny face the baby did while holding her. "shoo shoo, parents night out, whoo! go do- whatever you guys were going to do." he pushes the couple out the door. "send me pictures, please. i can't go a couple of hours without seeing her face." y/n says before chris closes the door. "got it!" he says. "and don't forget-" matt gets cut off by chris slamming the door in his face. "did he just slam my own door in my own face?"
"any reason why we're not babysitting at your house?" nick says going through the baby bag. "no reason at all." matt smiles, "we thought she could use a change of scenery for once." chris fakes gags. "yeah, right." he says. "oh shut it, chris. sorry you can't get nothing." y/n places her daughter in his hands. at the door, nick follows to show them out. "please don't give us another niece or nephew until this one can do everything on her own, not sure if we can handle two babies at once."
"miss having you all to myself, babe." matt brings y/n's knuckles up to his lips to kiss them, pressing a longer kiss onto her the finger where her sparkly ring sits. this was another week where they dropped off their daughter at chris and nick house instead of having them babysit here. "yeah, me too. but i love our little family." she wraps her arms around him before falling backwards on the bed. "me too, care to expand it?" he kisses along her jaw, down her neck. "i would love to." she says before he slowly undresses her and unbuckles his belt.
husband!matt who reminds y/n to dedicate a whole day to herself to get a break from mom life
"no, matt, she needs me." she sighs. "i know, i know. but, you need a break too, even if it's from your own baby. i know we have our dates but you need a day for you. you're here at home with her all day everyday, i know you get overwhelmed sometimes." he puts her purse in her hand. "so, go out and come back whenever you want. you can get some coffee, eat lunch, get your nails done, i know you miss doing that, hang out with friends. whatever you want, m'kay?" he kisses her forehead. "are you sure?" "yes, baby."
"y/n your sister is here!" matt lets his sister-in-law in the house. "my sister? why is she here?" y/n says confusingly, feeding her eight month old daughter her bottle. "ouch?" her sister says and matt laughs. "it's your day!" matt says "i had one last week, though." "so? here, i'll finish feeding her. go get ready."
"a girls trip?" y/n says into her phone, talking to her best friend. "i don't know, matt works the whole week and i have nobody to watch the baby." matt walks into the kitchen where y/n is cooking. "oh! matt just got home." he goes to y/n and kisses her cheek. "where is she?" he refers to their daughter "she's napping." "so, what do you say, y/n?" her best friend says. "i'm going to have to pass up on that, sorry." "pass up on what?" matt says, grabbing a piece of garlic bread y/n had taken out of the over earlier. "i was just telling y/n about going on a girls trip." there's some ruffling in the background. "she's in." matt grabs yet another piece. "what? i am?" matt nods. "im sure i can pull some strings at work. you deserve a girls trip."
dad!matt who is overprotective over his daughter when it comes to boys
"that little boy is tooo close to her for my liking." matt mumbles to y/n "matt, they're six, and they're just standing in line." she says, laughing. "still."
"why're you so smiley and giggly today?" matt told his daughter as he picked her up from school, deciding that y/n should go to a spa to treat herself. "nothing!" she says in a singsong tone. "you're being suspicious." he opens the car door for her to get in. "timmykissedmycheekatrecess!" she blurts out and covers her mouth right after. "what was that, honey?" he says confusingly as he didn't understand her. "nevermind." "oh, okay?" later that day, y/n and their fifth grader were at the dinner table doing homework while matt finished up some online work. "guess what, mom." "what?" she smiles. "remember timmy?" she nods. "i remember him, yes." she recalls her daughters crush. matt, in the living room can't help but eavesdrop. "he kissed my cheek at recess today." matt gasps in the living room. "is that so? does dad know? he picked you up today." "now i know!" he says from the living room, getting up to meet them at the dining room. "who's timmy?"
"hey, dad." the now sophomore in high school walks into her dads office with a fruit bowl for him. "hey, sweetie. bring my wallet, i know you want something." he says looking up from his laptop, taking the bowl of fruit from her. "no, no, i don't want you to buy me something this time." she laughs and wraps her arms around him. "okay, you're scaring me." he hugs her back. "can i go out with a friend tomorrow after school?" she whispers. "have you asked mom." she nods. "she told me to ask you." "okay then, you can go." she lets go of him. "great, okay, because it's a date." she says quickly before she tries to walk out. "wait, wait, wait. come back here." she groans. "dad, you and mom said yes already." she turns back to face him. "does you mom know it's a date?" she nods. "and she's okay with it?" "yes, she was happy for me." "i want to meet them first, so come over here first and then you two can go." she gasps. "really? you're letting me go?!" he nods. "unfortunately, but, i know it's a part of you growing up, it was bound to happen anyways."
"mom, i would like you to meet, my boyfriend." she motions her arms to her boyfriend she met back at college. "it's nice to finally meet you, ms.sturniolo." the boy shakes her hand. "please, call me y/n. and it's nice to finally meet you too, i've heard many good things about you." she looks at y/n. "is dad home?" her daughter asks. "nope, unfortunately, he had to run into work really quickly to sign some papers. he'll be back soon though." the girl was a bit nervous for her dads reaction to meeting her boyfriend. he could be a bit overprotective sometimes. "i'm home! is my wonderful daughter here yet?" matt walks through the door and hour after she had arrived. "dad!" she runs to her dad who she hasn't seen in a couple of months. "oh, i missed you so much!" he hugs here, kissing her forehead, temple and cheek. "is he here?" he whispers. "yes, please don't do anything to scare him, he's nervous as is." she whispers back. "no promises." "dad!" he laughs. "kidding, kidding" he holds his hands up in surrender.
"who's noah?" matt holds his daughters phone up, as it was blowing up next to him while she was in the kitchen making a snack as matt's chicken got burned so now they're waiting until y/n gets home to eat an unburned meal. "a friend." she says, eating a spoonful of her cereal. "why is he telling you 'see you tomorrow love you so much?'" matt emphasizes on the he. "she is the friend i'm hanging out with tomorrow and me and her always tell each other we love one another." matt's face turns red in embarrassment. "oh- well she sent you some other messages, sorry."
dad&husband!matt who always reminds his wife and daughter how much he loves them.
"where are my two favorite girls?" matt walks into the living room, hiding his hands behind his back holding something. "we're here! we're here!" the seven year old little girl says from the carpeted floor where she was coloring with her mom. "hi, babe." y/n says. "alright, who's favorite color is pink?" he asks, already knowing the answer. "me, me, me!" the little girl gets up. "i believe these are for you." he pulls out a bouquet of pink roses from behind him. the little girl gasps. "they're so pretty!" "and who's favorite color is red?" he asks the little girl. "that's mommy's favorite color! mommy, he got you the same ones but in red!" "thank you, baby." y/n kisses his lips. "i love you two very much, okay?" he hugs both of them.
"you're amazing, i hope you know that." he kisses his wife's forehead as she just gave birth to their daughter a few hours ago. "thank you, matt." she says tiredly. "i love you so much, so so much. never forget that." he says as she slowly starts to fall asleep. "i love you more, matt." two hours later, y/n is still napping, and matt has been contacting and responding to more of their families messages until he hears his newborn start to cry. not wanting y/n to wake up he quickly gets up at attends to her. "hi, little one. don't cry, don't want mommy to wake up. she's been through so much, yeah?" he cradles her in his arms and she quickly stops crying and opens her eyes and stares at him. "look at your eyes, so much like your mommy's, and your little nose. you're beautiful." he rubs her small cheek with his finger. "i love you so much, and i will do everything to show you just how much. i'll do everything to protect you and your mommy, everything to take care of you two." he whispers. "i love my two girls."
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m454d1e · 21 days
dying boyfriend atsumu's hair !
involves : sulky bf atsumu , gf who's too nice yn , 2nd person , fem reader , fluffy (me practicing 2nd person btw)
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you were sitting next to aran with your eyes contorted into an uncertain expression, listening intently to the two brothers sitting opposite you.
“okay okay, just hear me out!” atsumu spoke so unnecessarily loud, leaning across the table, “me but blonde.” aran almost bursts out laughing while his brother rolls his eyes.
“i reckon i’ll go grey or somethin’” osamu hums, “blonde sounds stupid, you’re gonna look stupid”
“well you’re gonna look old with grey!” atsumu whines, “c’mon yn, agree with me” he crosses his arms and sighs dramatically.
“i don’t think that the grey will look bad at all, if they manage to match it to your eyes then it will look nice” you reply, analysing osamu’s features. “blonde on the other hand..” you look over at atsumu, “i’m sure you can find a nicer colour, one that will suit you more”
“but blonde is so unique! you see the vision, right yn?” he pleaded, grabbing your hands and trying to convince you.
“why don’t you consult the stylist about what colour ‘cause then you’ve got a professional idea” you suggest, you gently rub his hands
“what? samu and i are gonna box dye it”
“no, we’re not”
and it was back to the endless arguing, you sit back and shy, glancing towards aran who was smiling down at you. you sigh, taking a bite out of your lunchbox as you watch the both of them.
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you’re lounging on your bed, engrossed in the newest edition of your favourite magazine before you hear the familiar ringing of your phone.
“hello?” you ask, a bit exasperated as this was the only time you had to yourself today.
“yn you’re gonna be so angry at me” you could hear his fearful tone over the phone, 
“what did you do atsumu?” you asked, slightly frustrated as you slipped a jacket onto your arms.
“okay okay, cos it’s really samu’s fault cos he didn’t wait for me!” he reasons,
“samu’s fault, why? did he do something to you?” you asked, mildly concerned for your boyfriend, 
“ok ok, so remember how we were gonna dye our hair today?” 
“yeah?” you sigh, already knowing where this was going.
“okay well samu just left without me and went to the salon, and yn i used this box dye i picked up but it looks sooo bad” he whines, “please come and help me fix it! you’ve dyed hair before, right?” 
“you couldn’t even wait a day?” you were so sick of this boy, “i’ll leave now, you’re so lucky that i like you.” you groan when you hang up, grabbing your purse and a wallet and heading down to the convenience store to find some blonde hair dye.
you search through the aisles, looking for different colours that could potentially suit him, you grab one with this somewhat nice yellowish blonde with a girl smiling happily towards you, you also grab some toner, purple shampoo and gummy worms before heading to the counter and paying.
you make your way towards his home, it’s only a bus ride or so after all, and happily greet his mother with a warm smile and hug before going to his bathroom.
“tsumu?” you knock gently, “it’s me” you could hear him shuffling around the bathroom.
“yn! please don’t laugh!” he begs, “like seriously, don’t! i think i’ll cry” you could see his shadow through the door, “promise you won't break up with me?”
“it surely cannot be that bad, tsumu” you reply, “i promise i won't laugh” 
but you did not expect the sight when he opened the door, his hair all messy with different tones of blonde and his natural brown hair colour, and his normally handsome features were all muddled red, you wanted to laugh so bad, but you couldn’t make it worse..
“oh baby” you murmur, pulling him into your arms, “it’s okay, we can fix it” you let him sulk into your shoulders, “i bought some new dye and toners you can use so hopefully it will even it out?”
“thank you, i love you” he mumbles, inhaling your soft scent before pulling you into the bathroom, looking into your eyes and pressing soft kisses against your face, “what colour did you get?” he reaches for the dye and pulls it out. “not bad, should we dye your hair too?” he smirks.
“funny joke tsumu” you roll your eyes, sitting on the bathroom cabinet as you open the box, reading the instructions carefully. “how about you let me control this one, and you just sit still, yeah?”
he nods, grabbing a stool and sitting underneath you as you read through the paper, letting him rest his head on the side of your leg, 
“i wish i had asked you before, because then my hair wouldn’t be like this,” he groans, leaning on your lower body with an annoyed expression.
“yeah you should’ve, but when we do your roots they’ll look better” you hum gently, “do you want it to be more platinum blonde or more dirty blonde?” you ask, running your fingers through his hair gently.
”mm, more dirty blonde” he nods, taking the instructions from you and reading over them as you mixed the dye into the developer and shook it rigorously. 
“okay” you pinch his cheek and pull the gloves over your fingers, “hopefully this fixes it”
you carefully applied the dye on all the darker areas first, working your way up to the lighter parts so it would theoretically even out nicely. atsumu didn’t mind this silence, he likes spending time resting in your presence with your fingers carding through his hair. he held onto your hand as he waited for the colour to set, rubbing his thumbs against your palm as you scrolled mindlessly through your phone.
the way your fingers would rub against his scalp was so comforting, and he loved every moment of it. your movements were logical but still relaxing. he certainly didn’t mind going a horrible shade of blonde if it meant getting a head massage from you like this 💆‍♂️
when the timer was finished, you hopped off the cabinet and instructed him on all the products before going to his room and flopping down on his comfortable bed, pulling his sheets up to your shoulders as you grab one of his pillows to hold onto while you wait and before long he’s coming into the bathroom, his skin still damp with his shorts pulled up his legs and he’s pressing his lips against yours.
“it looks better, doll, thank you.” and he was right, it was still a bit uneven, but it was much better than before and looked more like highlights than anything. 
“i can’t see properly, turn on the lights!” and he does, and it’s some sort of ugly yellow colour you’re not too fond of. “tsumu did you remember the toner i bought you?”
“didn’t think i’d need it, also i’ve done two dye jobs so if anything we can do it tomorrow. are you staying over tonight?” he asks, wiping the rest of the shower spray off his body and pulling a grey shirt over himself before chucking you a spare pajama set that you’d usually leave over. 
“you definitely need it, it’s sort of yellow, not blonde..” you sigh, “but it does sort of suit you, i suppose” atsumu smirks and gently pulls you into another kiss as he flops down right next to you, pulling you into his warm arms.
“it’s fine, no one’s gonna be lookin’ at me when i’ve got you on my arm” he grins, pressing his lips against your cheeks before shuffling so your head could comfortably rest against his chest. “go to sleep, doll, you look exhausted,” he hums, “love you though”
“i love you too” you shuffle up to lean against his neck, “you smell like that fancy soaps i bought your mum”
atsumu chuckles lightly as he holds you tighter, whispering small words against your temple as he lets you fall asleep in his arms. holding you protectively as he gently strokes your hair until he finds slumber as well.
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! please make sure to like, reblog and follow if you enjoyed!
in new york i millie rock.
guys i love atsumu - also PLEASE read my super good mixed smau its called charm cos i love clairo and its about oikawa cos i guess i like him too........
also my asks and requests r open i'm just scared to make an actual post cos yeaj... OK GOODNIGHT MY EYES R HEAVY
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by m454d1e
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moeswriting · 1 month
mine | 1. wondering why we bother with love
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pairing: young!no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
chapter summary: a regular day at work turns into the beginning of something joel never thought would happen to him again.
chapter warnings: joel is 22 and reader is 20, mentions of a bad marriage and teenage pregnancy, reader is described a small amount (has hair, able-bodied, wears feminine clothing, is going to school for secondary english education, has a heavily-detailed background), joel being the single dad™, southern banter and teasing, fluff, joel being a flirt, baby sarah being her dad's favorite, if i missed anything let me know
word count: 3.6k (future chapters will be longer)
a/n: good lord, this got some attention!!! i'm so fucking grateful for it. really excited for you guys to read this. hope you like it. lemme know what you think. any reblogs and likes are appreciated <3
series masterlist | next chapter ->
read this chapter on ao3
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You were in college, working part-time waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
✦ ✦ ✦
October 1994
At seventeen-years-old, Joel Miller found out that his girlfriend was pregnant. It was startling and overbearing and horrifying and it made him want to scream at the sky, at God or whatever was up there and curse them for fucking up his life. He told Amanda that he was there for her, would do anything for her, but he was scared shitless.
At eighteen, he was holding a baby in the hospital with a ring on his left hand and thanking whatever was up there for bringing him a healthy baby girl to hold for the rest of his life. Maybe it was too soon, but as soon as he laid eyes on her, he knew. He knew he would love Sarah for the rest of his life and even beyond that. But, Amanda held her for a second and gave her back to him. He knew that she resented him– could tell by the way she fidgeted with the ring on her finger, pulling it off and then putting it back on, scowling at it when she thought he wasn’t looking. They moved into a small apartment near the college campus in Austin right before the baby was born. He could tell she hated that too. He knew he could grin and bear it, as long as Sarah got to have two parents.
At twenty, he came home from his job at the small diner across the street to their small apartment where his little girl was crying in her crib and a note sat on the counter that read, “I’m just not built to be a mother or a wife, Joel.” All of her things were gone. It was like she’d never been there at all.
That night, he held Sarah in his arms and cried. He watched her big, curious eyes as his tears ran down her face and soaked into her pink pajamas. He thinks maybe she knew what was going on– the toddler was always more ahead than he ever was. It only took a day for her to start begging for her mother, sobbing in Joel’s arms as he held her tight to his chest, hushing in her ear, trying to sing any lullaby he could think of. It took her two months to stop bringing her up at all.
By twenty-two, he’s a fully-functioning single dad. He has a stable job at the diner and does some contracting with his brother on the side. His mom helps him watch Sarah while he’s working– shows him pictures of her on her digital camera she insists on bringing with her everywhere when he gets back from work. There’s a wall in his kitchen dedicated to his favorites. He never stops thanking her for everything she does for him.
Sarah is growing beautifully. Her curly hair is a mess, but he’s trying his best to learn how to do it right. Amanda had always done it before– pigtails and braids perfectly set on her tiny head. But he finds that her thick hair is hard to tame on his own. He takes her to the salon downtown for them to do her braids whenever he can afford it. Her big brown eyes could make him do anything– she knows just how to work him with her wet, puppy dog stare and pouty lips. She’s up to his knees now. Everytime he comes home from work, she’ll run to him and crash into his calves and he can’t help but smile everytime she does it.
She’s his world, his everything.
It’s a Sunday morning. He always works Sunday mornings because the church crowd always tips well and today is no different. Sweat is dripping down his back from running around, and his brain feels like it’s split in half with all the orders stuffed in his head. The diner’s small enough that he’s only one of two servers working, despite how ridiculously busy it is, but he doesn’t mind. He can’t mind, really.
“Donald! Where’s my pancakes?”
The owner of the establishment’s balding head peaks out of the kitchen, as he yells back at him, “In your ass, Miller!”
“Hilarious,” he deadpans, pushing an order sheet back into the kitchen for Donald to grab, “Hurry it up, please. Mr. Cassini is starting to get hangry again.”
Donald laughs boisterously, “Oh, that old man is always angry!”
Joel waves him off, “Just do it, Don.”
“No problem, kid!”
He turns around and there’s a new patron sitting at one of his tables. A woman, body guarded, eyes on alert, evaluating the diner for the closest exits. You look scared, but only in the way that prey does when it knows it’s safe– waiting for the next predator to flash its teeth at your trembling form. Your hair is wet, as well as the tops of your shoulders, which are tucked into a large hoodie that swallows you. He didn’t realize it was raining. Your sneaker-clad feet are tucked under your legs, criss-cross-applesauce on the soft leather of the booth beneath you.
You’re beautiful.
Tapping his pencil against his order pad, he approaches you carefully. You look like you’ll run for the hills if he takes you by surprise. But, his tapping seems to alert you of his presence, as your head turns towards him. You watch him with a discerning look and fold your hands on your lap.
He pulls out the Southern charm his momma taught him, smile and all, hoping it might ease your cautiousness, “Hello, ma’am. Can I get you something to drink?”
You look surprised– eyebrows raised and eyes wide, like you didn’t expect him to talk. It’s odd, he thinks.
“Oh– uh–” you look down to the menu he placed in front of you upon his approach– “Iced tea?”
Just from your voice alone– and piled onto the fact that he knows everyone around here, and he’s damn sure he’s never seen a woman as pretty as you before– he knows you aren’t from around here. He has the sudden and all-consuming need to know everything about you. Why are you here? Who the hell are you?
“You need a lemon with that, sweetheart?” He can’t keep his eyes off you.
“Oh, no, no. Sugar is good enough for me.” As if to prove your point, you pull a couple packets of Sweet ‘N Low out of the small container at the end of the table and toss them next to the menu splayed out in front of you.
“Alright, darlin’. One iced tea comin’ up.” He pulls out a wink for you and walks away. He isn’t prepared to see the aftermath of his overconfidence. He really hopes you don’t run.
And he finds that you haven’t when he comes back with your iced tea in his hand. He places it down in front of you with a, Here you go, hon, and asks if you want anything to eat, and you decline. He rushes to get to his other customers. Tips are more important than the beautiful woman, he has to tell himself, but he finds that his eyes drift to you as you dump three pink packets of the sweetener into your tea and swirl it around. He shakes his head in amusement when you pull a book out of the backpack sitting next to you and start to read.
✦ ✦ ✦
When he comes back to check on you again, you’ve downed your glass of tea and you’re squinting your eyes as you write on the page of the book in front of you, underlining a passage you determine is worthy of note, not once, not twice, but three times. He thinks he sees the words ‘idealized love’ as he pours more tea from the pitcher he brought with him into your plastic cup.
“Whatcha readin’?”
Your eyes don’t even leave the page, pencil doesn’t cease writing as you reply, “The Great Gatsby.”
“Huh. Read that in high school. Kinda sad, ain’t it?”
You place your pencil down in the crease of your paperback, still reading, “I suppose so.”
It’s gone quiet in the diner now that the Church crowd has left, the sound of the jukebox in the corner the only background noise remaining. Only people here now are you and Mr. Cassini, but he’s preoccupied with Doreen, the other waitress on duty today. They’re flirting in the way that old people do, with shy smiles and boisterous laughter. He thinks he can take a quick break.
He sits down on the booth across from you and you look up at him for the first time since he came back to fill your tea.
“What’re you doing,” you ask– not in anger or annoyance, but just genuine confusion.
“Sittin’. This book for pleasure or school?”
You seem to accept his presence here with you as your new, temporary situation and put your bookmark– a pressed leaf– back in your book and close it shut. “School.”
He hums, disappointment dripping down his back, “You in high school then?”
Your eyebrows furrow before you seem to realize where he is drawing his conclusion from, “Oh! No, no. I’m studying to be an English teacher. We’re supposed to read this and come up with a fake lesson plan.”
Relief replaces the disappointment just as quickly as it had come.
“Huh. Interesting.”
You shrug, “I’d like to think so.”
He shuffles in his seat, pressing the cold leather against his sweltering back. “So, what– you gonna be a high school teacher?”
“I’m trying to. It’s hard work.” You pull out a few more packets of sweetener and pour them into your new cup of tea. He tries his best not to smile, but he can feel the corners of his lips pulling at his skin.
“Hard work is good for the soul– shows you got guts. That’s what my momma always says, anyways.”
You grin, “She sounds real smart, your mamma.” He hears you emulating his accent, teasing him for being so incredibly cliché, but he’s so focused on your blinding smile that he can’t even fight back.
“She is. She’s the best I could ask for.”
“Good. Everyone deserves a good mom,” you say, your smile almost turns sad as you say it. He wants to grab your face and beg you to tell him why what you said makes you sad, where’s your good mom that you deserve?
“Joel Miller, what are you doin’, sittin’ down? Get your ass up and clean some tables,” Donald yells from across the diner. Joel doesn’t even flinch– used to his sour attitude from almost four years of working here. But he watches you flinch, eyes going wide. You look warily over to Donald, assessing the situation, before you look back over to him.
You clear your throat, “It seems like you need to be getting to work, Joel Miller.”
You're teasing him again, but he can tell you’re nervous. He smiles, trying to calm your nerves as much as he can, and he thinks it works as he watches your shoulders relax slightly.
He chuckles, muttering to you conspiratorially, “Bitter old man, can’t see I’m trying to get myself a date over here.”
Your eyes flick down to your book and back up to him. Biting your lip, trying to suppress the smile he can see taking over your face, you reply, “Get back to work.”
“Alright, alright, sugar. I’m going,” he concedes, hands flying up in surrender.
The grin finally takes over your lips again and he swears he’s never seen anything more beautiful– besides his own baby girl’s smile. 
A name falls from your upturned lips.
You laugh, opening your book back up and pulling yourself back into the story, “My name, Joel Miller.”
He repeats it back to you. It tastes like honey and sweetener on his tongue.
He wonders what you would taste like on his tongue.
“I’m getting off in 30 minutes.” An invitation.
You look back up at him. “Well, then, I guess I got another thirty minutes to read before you’re bothering me again.” You accept.
“I suppose you do.” He turns back to the counter and walks away. He can feel the pull to go back to you, to indulge himself in you further, but he needs the money and the extra $3 for the next thirty minutes could be the difference between his baby girl getting a full meal or not, and Donald has a nasty habit of not paying the full amount if he ain’t working, so he picks up a rag and gets back to work.
✦ ✦ ✦
Thirty minutes later, he’s pulling off his apron and bounding out of the backroom towards the table you’ve made a home of. He finds that you’ve packed up your things into your lavender bookbag, like you’re ready for whatever he throws at you– to go wherever he’s going to take you.
He wastes no time; he doesn’t want to be here anymore. “You wanna go on a walk?”
You nod your head eagerly. It seems you’re in agreement.
The pavement is a dark gray beneath your purple sneakers and his steel-toed boots, a pair his momma gave him for his 18th birthday. They’re good for work– sturdy, not too sweaty or uncomfortable. He wears them everyday. He wonders if you like cowboy boots, hopes you don’t find them tacky.
It’s still light out, around six in the afternoon. It stopped raining an hour ago, but the humidity still lies heavy in the air as the two of you make your way outside. It’s hot, but only in the way that Texas is in the middle of October. It’s comforting, like laying in front of a fire on a cold day.
He stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets. He wants to take your hand, can feel his fingers twitching with the exertion of forcing himself to stop. You don’t even know him– he doesn’t want to scare you off yet.
You look to him for directions and he tilts his head forward and down the street, starting your walk at a slow, but steady, pace.
Austin is busy this time of year, what with all the college students a month or so into their return for the fall semester. The bars they pass are full of drunk students on  full-weekend benders and loud music. Stupid decisions and disco lighting. Sometimes he’s glad he was able to avoid all that. Sometimes he misses having the option of making mistakes.
He clears his throat, “Where you from, darlin’?”
You smile, kicking a rock with the edge of your sneaker, “Oh, is it that obvious that I’m not a Texas girl?”
If the lack of the local accent and not recognizing you wasn’t enough, the way you held yourself would be the obvious give away to him– nervous, on-guard. He finds that people around here aren’t scared of being too loud or in the way of anyone or anything. It was plain to him that you couldn’t stand the idea of getting in anyone’s way.
“Kinda,” he chuckles.
You hesitate, looking away from him and to the uneven sidewalk below you both, like you’re trying to decide if you should lie to him or not.
That takes him by surprise, but he hopes it doesn’t show too much. What in the hell were you doing all the way down here?
So many questions left unanswered in the aftermath of you.
“Woah– long way from home, aren’t we?”
Your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “Yeah— yeah, I am.”
Home, family seem to be sore topics for you. He makes a note to avoid it.
“Never been to Seattle. In fact, I’ve never left Texas.”
Your eyebrows lift. “Really? Washington’s beautiful.”
“Lotsa rain, I hear.”
You let out a breath of amusement, “You hear correctly. It's one of the only things I miss about it. Texas isn’t exactly known for its rain.”
He snorts, “No, it ain’t. But, you got yourself some today. Bet that was nice.”
You nod. It’s a few moments of comfortable silence before you speak again.
“You from around here?”
He nods once, pushing his hands even further into his pockets in embarrassment, “Lived in Austin my whole life.”
“Joel Miller, you’ve gotta get out of Texas,” you laugh.
You’re beautiful when you laugh. Your smile lights up your whole face like the sun as you throw your head back towards the dreary sky, eyes crinkled by the pull of your cheeks.
He sighs lightly, “Yeah, ‘spose I do.”
You seem to realize something as you do a quick scan of your surroundings before you look back at him with narrowed eyes and a playful smirk.
“Miller, where are we going,” you draw out.
“Nowhere,” he mimics your drawn out syllables, “Just walkin’.”
You hum, “Hm, and I don’t suppose that nowhere is in the general direction of my college campus and that you may be ‘just walkin’ ‘ me to my dorm like the Southern gentleman you are?”
He chuckles, bashfully scratching the back of his neck, “Maybe.”
You pause, look him up and down, and then sigh, “Thank you, Joel.”
“It’s no problem, sugar.”
He lets you take the lead now that you’re approaching the campus, slowing his steps so he could keep up with you. You scrunch your eyebrows at the ground below you and pucker your lips, opening your mouth and then closing it again. When Sarah does that, he calls her ‘fishy’. He desperately wants to tell you about her, but he finds himself once again fighting the urge so he doesn’t scare you off. Not yet, he tells himself.
You look up at him again, eyes wide and biting your bottom lip, “Why do you keep calling me that?”
He’s staring. He knows he’s staring at your mouth, but he can’t help it. They’re like a siren song he can’t resist. He can’t think straight when you’re next to him. 
He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts like an Etch-A-Sketch, “What?”
“‘Sugar’. Why do you keep calling me that?” You glance over at him, but quickly look back at the ground when you catch him staring at you. He can tell you’re flustered.
“Oh, well, I watched you pour three packets of sweetener in your tea like a maniac. So, I figured that was an appropriate nickname.”
You scoff, throwing your hands up in the air, a grin growing on your face, “Hey, that is a very appropriate amount of sweetener, thank you very much! I thought you Southerners adored your sweet tea.”
“Darlin’, if all us ‘Southerners’ drank three packets of sweetener with our iced tea, we would all be dying at a very young age.”
“Well then, I’ll die a very sugar-high and happy, young woman.”
He laughs– one of those real laughs that only his family can bring out of him. He can’t remember the last time he laughed like this in public.
“Y’know, if you’re gonna die young, sugar, I don’t know if it’s such a good idea that I do what I was about to do.”
You stop in front of the tall brick building in front of you, clicking your heels together, and playfully furrow your eyebrows again. You’ve reached your destination. This is goodbye. He doesn’t want it to be.
“And what were you about to do, Joel Miller?”
“Ask you on a date,” he smiles and you smirk, “But… if you’re planning on an early demise, darlin’, I don’t wanna get my heart broken.”
“And if I promised to cut back?” You’re approaching him quietly– two feet turning into almost chest-to-chest in a few agonizing seconds.
“Then, I’ll have to take you out to make sure you keep your promise– now, won’t I?”
He watches from the corner of his eye as you pull a piece of paper out of your hoodie pocket and stuff it in his own. The soft, fleeting feeling of your hand brushing his makes a shiver run down his spine. Your hand quickly retreats.
You look up at him with mischief in your eyes, “I guess you will.”
Before he can even blink or think or process, you're kissing his cheek with a tenderness he hasn’t felt in years– eyes closed and big grin plastered on your face. He knows he’s blushing; the heat is crawling up his face ruthlessly.
You pull away and start to walk toward your building. He lifts a hand to his face in hopes that you left something there, evidence that you were real, evidence that what just happened wasn’t a figment of his imagination. But all he can feel is his own stubble. He hopes it didn’t hurt your lips. Maybe he should shave when he gets home.
“Call me, Joel Miller,” you shout over your shoulder, grinning brightly.
“How,” he shouts back.
“Look in your pocket!” You point to your own in emphasis.
His eyebrows pull together as he pulls the paper out of his pocket and reads it. Ten digits sitting pretty in red at the top with your name sitting on the bottom, a heart colored in with purple highlighter drawn next to it.
He goes to tell you thank you, or declare something he’s not even sure of himself, but when he looks back up to the doors of your building, you’re gone. The only evidence that you were ever real sits in his hands like a promise.
He rushes home before his mom starts to worry about where he went. He can’t wait to tell her all about you.
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series masterlist | masterlist of all masterlists 🌼 | eras masterlist 🌻
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pinkywgirllover · 3 months
Nekoma Reaction: you cut your hair (Friends to Lovers)
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You came to class after a week of vacation and during that week you cut your hair which reached your waist and now reached your shoulders.
(_): Good morning Kuroo
Kuroo: good mor- WHAT HAPPENED!?
The boy started touching your hair and spinning around you in search of your long hair.
(_): I cut my hair, it was very long and damaged.
Your friend looked at you in the eyes surprised.
Kuroo: your beautiful hair
The boy pretended to cry while caressing your head.
Kuroo: It looks good on you, but I prefer your hair long.
You touched your hair uncertainly and looked into his eyes.
(_): It's okay I guess...
Kuroo started playing with your hair.
Kuroo: Dora, Where is backpack?
(_): holy god shut up
You hit Kuroo on the head as a joke and he acted dramatically.
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It's been a few months since you last saw Kenma so you agreed to go out to a cat cafe.
(_):Hello kittyboy
Kenma turned to look at you and opened his eyes in surprise.
Kenma:you cut your hair
(_): Yes, does it look bad?
You started stroking your hair waiting for your friend to respond.
Kenma: Te queda bien, siempre te ves bien...
El chico susurró lo último, pero lo suficientemente fuerte como para que sólo tú lo oyeras.
(_): Thanks Kenma
Hug your friend very tightly, taking advantage of the fact that he was more affectionate than usual
Kenma: Did you cut your hair alone?
(_): No, I went to a hair salon
Kenma: Excellent
(_):What are you implying boy?
You and the boy then ordered coffee while petting the kittens.
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You arrived at your friend's training sessions because you agreed to leave together that day, you had not seen each other even once that day.
(_): Yaku!
The boy looked where you were and started running towards you.
Yaku: Your hair!? did you cut it!?
(_): Yes, It was ugly and...
Look how your friend looked at you dumbfounded
Yaku: It looks beautiful on you, highlights your beauty more
You felt your cheeks turn red at the great attention your friend gave to your hair.
(_): It's normal
Yaku: Not just normal, short hair is the best on you
Look behind your friend and notice how his team was laughing at him while he was with you.
His love for short-haired girls was no secret.
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You were a friend of Arisa and also about Lev so you went to his house frequently but you didn't go for a month and Lev didn't know anything about you
Lev: Oh hello...
The boy looked at you up and down, searching for what was strange about you.
(_): Hello! Is Arisa?
Lev: Yes... He's in his room...I'm going to call her... Did you cut your hair?
(_): Oh that, yes but it doesn't matter
Lev: You look pretty
The boy turned around and shouted his sister's name to come see you.
Lev: you can come in
(_): Thanks Lev
You entered and sat on the couch waiting for your friend, you noticed how the boy looked at you a lot.
(_): All good? Do I have something wrong?
Lev: No, nothing
Lev just looked at you very carefully.
Arisa: Hello! Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find my lipstick.
(_): It doesn't matter
You were nervous because of the boy's gaze and you started to sweat a little, your friend noticed it and hit the boy in the head.
Arisa: You look like a pervert, you're going to eat her if you keep looking at her like that.
Lev: Hey! That hurt
The two began to argue lightly while you just watched.
This will take a little time
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I'm going to do part 2 with the other Nekoma characters and maybe I'll do it with other teams \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
I'm a yaku fan ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯
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boldlyvoid · 11 months
Boldlyvoid Fics set in the Winter Masterlist
Spener Reid x Reader
What To Expect - 39k
Spencer wants to be a dad. The reader wants to be a mom. They fall in love somewhere in the middle of conception and birth of their baby, it was definitely not what either of them expected. (they're born before Christmas)
Better Man (The Story Of Us Series)
When her boyfriend stands her up on her birthday, Spencer shows her he could be a better man than him.
Alone Together - 43K
Y/N took the 12 days leading up to Christmas off from work to spend time with her father, unbeknownst to her that he was planning a trip to Paris this holiday season, leaving her to spend Christmas Alone… or so she thought.(set 2013)
Not Longer Alone Together - 30k 2022 sequel
Amethyst You So Much - 6.4k (AO3)
Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
Mine - 3.5k
all she needs to do is give a witness statement at the station, she ends up taking care of the sweet agent who put his life on the line to avenge her sister.
Ain't it fun? - 20k
reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
Professional Hair Dresser (Ph.D) - 6.4k
after Spencer’s knee injury, he starts visiting a salon every week to get his hair washed
Lovers Quarrel - 1.4k
Request: okay! so the request i had was that you and spencer are fighting and it’s bad, you both say very hurtful things to each other, and then you argue again after everything cools down and you end up having angry makeup sex, but spencer thinks of what he said to you and he starts crying during sex but he keeps going at it and it’s angsty but has a happy ending?
Cupids Chokehold - 2k
Every morning since they started working together Spencer gets the coffee and meets her outside her apartment, today she’s not waiting for him.
Hotch x Reader
Reacquainted at Christmas - 3k
he just needs a new pair of pyjama bottoms, she just needs a sleep shirt while in town and there’s only 1 pair of pyjamas left at the store on Christmas Eve.
Cowboy Like Me - 31k (winter to spring)
Aaron Hotchner ends up in Georgia when he goes into witness protection with his son. Staying in the guest house behind a bed and breakfast in a town no one has ever heard of, run by the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Bigger Than the Whole Sky (Part 1) - 39k
what could've been isn't what would've been, she realizes that when she finds everything that love should've been in her boss, Aaron Hotchner, instead of her ex-husband.
396 notes · View notes
coral-melon · 10 months
Tangled Nightmare!
Obey me! Brothers x Curly!MC (reader)
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Genre: Crack/shenanigans, Fluff; slightly suggestive?
No pronouns said but probably AFAB
Hopefully isn’t too OOC ._ .🤞
Summary: Your hair is being impossible and you need help detangling your hair. This is for my hella curly hair peeps! Kinda slightly self-indulgent too.. but my other peeps are more than welcome to imagine themselves here!
You’ve been procrastinating over when you felt like washing and do your hair. Under normal circumstances, you do your hair once a week. You kinda skipped it though, saying it didn’t look bad at all — which it wasn’t, why even take the life out of it when it could last a bit longer? It’s been 3 weeks…
Today was the day you were ready to do your hair! Your take out your brushes, washing and styling products. You got everything ready to just be in a happy, productive mood. What could possibly go wrong?
-Dun dun- your hair was impossible! You wash and put plenty of conditioner but your brush just wouldn’t go through! Your arms were tired and your hands were getting cramps; you’ve been at it for a while and tried many things, but nothing! You were on the verge of giving up and going bald, but you go to your last resort, getting another pair of hands and eyes. So you summon your boyfriend!
This man was busy buried in his yet again endless mountains of paperwork. He was so close to just drowning himself in demonus to get by at this point..
But suddenly, he hears your call and the dreadful scene was changed when he was summoned… to the bathroom?
He then sees you, peeking through the shower curtains, bawling your eyes out. He was about to scold you for calling him at such a busy hour, but the thought was kicked right out the window at the sight of seeing your tearful eyes. He keeps his composure though; he needs to understand the situation at hand, after all.
— “My dear, what happens?” He asks as he got closer to you.
— “Lucifer, please help me! I’m on the verge of shaving it all off!” You say after taking a deep breath.
He’s a bit confused at first, but when you reveal the utter mess you had on your head, he understood what you were so frantic about; but at the same time, he was still dumbfounded. He clears throat, and asks you what you need him to do.
You wouldn’t be able to tell that he’s actively stressing on the inside, he’s graceful at everything he does even if he doesn’t have the slightest clue of what he’s doing.
He couldn’t help his mind to.. slightly wonder off. You had sat down on the bathtub with your back facing him, told him how he could pull your hair as much as he wanted.. as long as it detangled the knots, of course!
He had always been infatuated with your curls, but this experience gave him an insight of just how much effort you put into making it look how it always does.
This was also quite satisfying to him, it destressed him to the point where he almost forgot about the work that was still waiting for him at his office.. And for you, it felt like a heavenly massage.. he’ll check you every now to make sure you’re alright.
It took a while, but him being him, everything worked out in the end! Your curls finally softened and ever so defined✨
You thank him profusely, saying that you wouldn’t know what you’d do with yourself it it weren’t for him.
But he simply looked at you with a sinister gentle smile and darkened eyes..
— "I presume that you already know this means that you have a great price to pay for taking up my time, correct..? I suggest you don't keep me waiting for long."
Your summon was literally a blessing, he was in a bit of a tight spot with some witches and you saved him in the nick of time!
— “Mammon, you gotta help me!” So I guess it’s only fair he helped you too..
You explain to him what’s going on in a frantic state, would ask you to go to a hair salon, but you starting crying about how expensive that would be. 100% understands and doesn’t question it any farther. So he tries to calm you down, saying he gots this!
— “Ha! Don’cha even worry about it! The great Mammon’s gonna handle this; no problem!✨💪🏽”
His confidence gave you reassurance and put you at ease, you were finally saved! He’d be decent at it, it’s not as unbearable at all and would be soothing to the point of falling soundly asleep.. if he wasn’t so on and off about it!
You’d eventually learn that he just couldn’t help but get distracted by your naked body. Your back facing him, fully exposed to him.. And your hair was just perfect.. ack! Nono! None of that right now! If he could, he’d worship you.
He’d be like: Lord have mercy.. We must stay focused, bothers! We must. Stay focused!
Fell in love with you over and over again every time he passed the brush through you hair. Watching intently how your hair curled so beautifully..
Every now and then, the thought of selling a bit of your hair also came to mind. But quickly gets rid of the idea; you worked how to maintain it, you’d kill him if he chopped it!
Overall, pretty nice and bonding experience. Later thinks about how he wants you to do the same for him.. But he could never admit that out loud!
Feels all high and mighty when you thank him! Of course you should be grateful to him; He took the time out of his busy schedule to help you out and everything! …Kinda forgetting the fact that he would’ve been roasted by witches if it weren’t for you.
— “Hmph, nothin’ I couldn’t handle! Though that’s gonna cost ya a hefty pri—! Oi wait wait! I’m jokin, I’m jokin!… Half joking..”
He was in the middle of choosing a spot to proudly display he’s latest figure collection. But that was soon interrupted when he was summoned to the bathroom.
You call for him as you peek through the shower curtain, motioning him to come closer. He freezes for a moment, until he finally realizes that his in the same room as you while you’re naked.
Proceeds to do that Finn scream*
— “Levi. Levi! Do not freak out, cuz I’m freaking out; and we can’t have two people freaking out! It just doesn’t work. You’re the only one that can help me!” You say, trying to have him not run out on you.
After some back and forth bickering and convincing, you finally managed to get him the courage he needed to help you out!
Don’t look at him though; especially not in the eyes, he’ll simply die.💀
He’s face will be completely red the whole time, you would think he’d pass out at some point… don’t get me wrong, he did — almost. You give him an idea to summon something that’ll splash him with cold water whenever he started to wobble.
In his head, there’s two voices: the one that’s been constantly screaming, and the one that is pretty much worshiping every time he strokes you hair.
Oh, Lemme give you some hope. -Ahem-🎤Don’t be fooled though! This guy does cosplay, therefore knows to do hair. Prove me otherwise!
Knows exactly how to deal with knots without ruining the hair, so at least it wasn’t painful! Your hair is far too sacred for him to mess up!
Once he finishes, there’s a short moment where he feels so proud of himself. But whatever was gripping onto the thin strand keeping his soul together breaks after you gave him a wide smile and thanked him for saving you!
— [ERROR] Levichan.exe does not compute.
He was getting mad over something, though he himself didn’t know what it was. So he was gonna go destress by flipping Lucifer off but you suddenly summonsed him.
He sensed you were frustrated before he could even see you. So it didn’t come as a surprise when you peeked through while gripping the shower curtains and heated tears in your eyes.
— “What happened, sweetheart?”
— “I’m this close to going apeshit and ripping my hair out.. Please help me!”
Doesn’t know how to handle curly hair, of course. But he’s willing to try. After all, He can’t just leave you like that! Your hair is like a work of art to him, so he wouldn’t want you shaving it off in a pit of rage! You got lucky this time, Lucifer..
Welp, he found a new coping mechanism! This was like a puzzle for him to solve, one that would also make you happy and him quite quite satisfied in the end. That was enough for him to get him going.
He was firm with how he handled you tangled hair, but in a good way. He did his best to not pull too hard and hurt you accidentally.
Keeps it respectful. But~ I do imagine his hands would go through your scalp and gently pulls on the roots of your hair in a very teasing manner. Will play dumb if you ask about it. ((Ever seen that hair pull massage video? Yeah, that))
And/Or, will play with your hair a bit like cats do when they’re massaging their paws onto something soft.
All in all, you’ll feel like you’ve ascended into a new level of lightheadedness with how at ease you head feel. Whatever headache you had a moment ago is long gone!
He comes to appreciate your hair a lot more after this; he’s a blond with short straight hair, so he didn’t fully grasp just how much work it actually is to maintain you hair.. See? A work of art!
He’s already thinking of the next time he could do this. Like I said before, this was his new coping mechanism and I don’t think you can’t do anything about it once he made up his mind.
— “You should let me do this again the next time you wash your hair, it was a very pleasing experience..”
While in the middle of choosing what perfume and lipstick to where to the day, he could already sense beauty troubles before you could even think about summoning him.
When your call beckons him to come, he is ready. You peek through the curtains with tearful eyes, too embarrassed to really want to show him the mess that happened but not really having a choice at this point.
— “Love, Don’t even say a word! Asmo’s here to help~♡”
Gets immediately to work! He already had his hair products ready. You would think it’s kinda unnecessary to have as many products as he had on hand, but why even question it?
And ooh, how flawless he was.. You felt like you were at a spa with how at ease you felt. You could hear him cry out every now and then, saying how awfully tangled your hair was. But not once did you feel any pain.
But when he isn’t crying, he talks to you like hairstylists do at a hair salon. He tells you about some gossip he heard at Majolish and some products he’s planning on sharing with you. He asks you some questions and all in all, have a good time together. It’s honestly very fun!
By the end of it all, you’ve never felt more replenished. Your curls look the liveliest they’ve ever been, and you hadn’t even added your hair products or defused it!
He finished way quicker than what you would’ve taken. You probably still would’ve been only have way after all this time.
He’ll be fawning over you and saying how obsessed he is about your curls. ..but might start getting touchy since he hadn’t during that whole time. Which is kinda surprising he lasted this long.
— “Why don’t we go straight to my room? I’d love to try some hairstyles and new products on you!… Oh, no need to put clothes on, hon~ ;)”
He was in the middle of doing some warmups before starting his regular workout routines. So imagine his surprise when he suddenly ends up in the bathroom.
But what surprised him even more was you peeking through the shower curtain, barely being able to hold your tears of frustration. Though you can’t stay feeling that way for long when you have a big fella worrying and asking you what’s wrong.
— “I need another pair of hands and eyes.. Could you help me out?” You say and laugh sheepishly.
— “Y-Yeah, sure! Just tell me what do to..”
The last thing he expected was to do your hair and has no experience whatsoever. But he’s washed and bushed Belphie’s hair before, so how hard can it be?
You two really need to stop underestimating the situation.💀👍
Has no idea what he’s doing but he will be so gentle! He also apologizes softly every time he pulls and brushes your hair, which is quite often.
His hands went through your hair so nicely, massaging your scalp and often playing with your hair. Your hair is so pretty..! So pretty.. it looks good… very good..
— “Beel, do not eat my hair!”
— “Oh, right. Sorry..”
But, I mean come on! Based on his logic, Your hair looks and feels so good.. it even smells amazing! So why wouldn’t it taste good too? It’s very tempting👀✨ if you want a speedy haircut, he’s your guy!
Very good at following directions, and appreciates that you tell him to divide your hair into sections to that it’s easier for him to detangle the knots. He makes sure to ask if it hurts or if you’re doing alright.
Also very respectful! Keeps his eyes where he should be putting them, doesn’t touch you where he shouldn’t and doesn’t make the situation weird; he would never want to make you feel uncomfortable. Though you can see that there’s a soft hint of blush decorating his cheeks..
This ends up being the most unique workout for him, one that required a hella amount of delicacy and patience. And self control.
You thank him for helping you out, joking about how you would’ve just shaved it all off if you couldn’t do it. He’s just happy that your happy.
*Growl..* “Oh, I’m starving now. I’ll head toward the kitchen so come join me when you’re done, okay?”
Obviously sleeping in some who knows where corner in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Your summon kinda saves him from that.
This guy was dumbfounded when you asked him to help you with your hair. Like, don’t you know him?? He hasn’t even brushed his own hair this week, you think he can handle your hair?!
— “Belphie, Please! I can’t just ask someone else!”
— “Go to the hair salon or something!”
— “Don’t you know how expensive that is?? They’ll charge me a shit ton!”
He can’t refuse you when you’re this distressed about what’s going on. So he’ll reluctantly agree to help you, but doesn’t promise to do a good job. Will ask again if you’re sure you want him to help you; ..oh well, your decision.
Decides that the best course of action..! Is to look it up in DevilTube. Ain’t no way this mans knows what he’s doing.
There’s a 75% chance you’ll end up worse than when how you started. His movements are so stiff, and awkward, way too rough for your scalp, and all in all, just ass.
Will sarcastically tell you to just leave it like that, it’ll work fine as a pillow. That, of course, is not an option.
He’ll also play with your hair, making a bubble tower; and if possible? Make shapes with your hair. I’m telling you, your hair will get a lot worse with him ;—;
But lo and behold, if a miracle happens and somehow managed to detangle it? You’ll never skip a week of your hair routine. This horrible learning experience taught you that routines are very important or else all hell will break lose.
He never exercise, so imagine how how numb and exhausted his arms will feel after this?? Got to learn where you get most of your strength from even if you don’t look strong.. will want to make you just as exhausted as he feel. Do with that information what you will.
Moral of the story, don’t ask Belphie to help you. You’re better off doing it yourself!👍
— *huff, huff* “Your hair must be one of hell’s miserable wonders.. *Pant* You owe me a long cuddle session after this..!”
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My magic wouldn’t work on Belphie’s dialogue.. ;-;
But Oh god, I had so much fun with this! I could stop laughing at some of them when I kept imagining them in my head. So I hope you too also had a good laugh when reading this! ^^⸝⸝
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the post about konig and tatoos got me thinking how would he react with his girl doing a full body waxing, since someone else needs to literally see all her body and """touch""" her to do that, and imagine if it's a man 😭
Just imagine König marching to the beauty salon (people are screaming) then simply barging in to the room where this guy trying to give you a wax oh my God 🥲
Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. König won't let you do whatever you want – not without checking the details first. Also: no male gynecologists. Like, none, EVER. (Lol what's wrong with this guy)
now I'm thinking about König's reaction when you come home after a full body wax 👀 done by some innocent woman of course, someone who's a professional & would never have nasty thoughts and intentions towards you 💕
CW: Cunnilingus, edging, overall shameless behavior 18+
König is so, so curious. Of course he wants to inspect you!
He likes his women soft, but let's be honest: this man is happy with whatever you give him. He adores you and worships your body, waxed or not. He would never force you into such a thing (actually, he'd be happiest if you never left home...)
But now that you're suddenly even softer than usual – wait, you're silky smooth all over?? König just can't stop running his hands over your thighs, he can't stop staring at what's between your legs. Actually, he's admiring the view like it's the first time he's laid eyes on a woman.
And yep. He simply has to have a taste.
Long, savoured licks and starved moans ensue as he goes down to enjoy your silk. Better grab something sturdy to hold on to (yeah, why not him?) because this dude is not leaving his favorite place in a while. He will edge and edge and edge you until you cry and beg, because he loves seeing you like this: spread wide open, sweet and bare and so wet that the audible evidence of his treatment is downright sloppy.
Usually, he's a bit more rough, the constant high libido of this man making the sex a sweaty, needy business. But now... Now, he takes his sweet time. He's a different man, sampling you like you're the best cuisine he's ever tried.
You can trash on the bed, you can try to tug at his hair when he drives you to the edge but not over it. You can cry and whine and sob but he's not going to budge. Just when you open your mouth and say you're about to lose your mind, König gives you a sudden, straightforward compliment.
"I like this," he sighs on your pussy with his hand down his pants. And you shouldn't be surprised that he's stroking himself while lapping you. Guy hasn't even bothered to take his cock out – apparently, he's perfectly happy with the prospect of cumming inside his camos like the filthy dog that he is.
"So soft," he gives you another starved lick, "and wet…"
"König... Mh, I can't take it anymore," you moan and gasp on the sheets, your voice so needy and pathetic it could easily be mistaken for a sob.
"No? But I can," he rasps and continues the torment.
You're starting to think that the waxing was a terrible mistake. He's being mean, and for what? Just because you happen to look nice and feel soft.
Actually, König is the meanest man you know, always teasing and torturing you, always making your life hard and your pussy wet. The worst thing is that you can feel the stupid grin spreading on his lips.
"Look at you, little one... Am I being too mean?" He asks as if he can read minds as well. You don't know if the compassion in his voice is real or feigned, but he won't let you linger on that thought for too long. No: your attention falls back to the hot, determined mouth making love to you. His lips seal around your clit, and give you another soft, ample suck.
"Fu–ck," you whisper helplessly in the air.
A mistake... A big mistake.
König stops, now genuinely shocked.
"Such filth from my angel's mouth... Where have you learned words like that?"
"König, don't be ridicu—"
"I can't let you cum yet."
His declaration makes you want to scream. But you know better than that... There's nothing you can do but try to suppress the tears as he goes down on you once more, ensuring you get some more but never enough. You promise him you will never swear again, you babble and plead, but it's no use. König makes you promise it twice. Thrice.
By the time he finally does end your torture, your whole body is a quivering, overstimulated mess. You cum, wave after wave, riding on his tongue like there's nothing else in this world. You're pretty sure some of your brain cells have died during his treatment.
Yes, the waxing was either a terrible mistake or the most brilliant idea you've ever had... You can't really decide in your state of brainless euphoria. What you do know, however, is that König is a huge hypocrite: he always has to ruin the things he views as sweet and innocent and pretty. You're a mess, but not mess enough for him.
He cums on your poor, bare pussy with a few anxious faps – you can do nothing but lie there like a helpless maiden as the hot load lands on your soft skin and trickles over your sensitive clit.
It's downright laughable how he gathers you in his arms after such a shameless, greedy session. He even has the audacity to coo loving nonsense in your ear. He does all kinds of sweet things except clean you up.
When you whine about it, he says he will give his "sweet angel" a wash soon – no doubt wanting to carry you to the bathroom, bridal style, like the perfect gentleman.
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olicitymckono · 9 months
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AN: Hey guys, how is everyone? This is something I whipped up and if you enjoyed it then send me a like or a request.
Any mistakes are my own. I'm still learning french so forgive me if it's wrong.
Warnings: My feeble attempt at smut so pls be gentle.
Yn DuPont always wondered how she had become friends with the Leclerc siblings. Yes, her mother and Pascale had been friends and co-owners of the salon before she had passed away a few years ago but Yn just didn’t get how Arthur could be friends with her. She was smart but that was all she had going for her. No one besides Arthur ever spent time talking to her when they were at school. She had even heard once how some of his guy friends had been asking him how she and him could be friends. He had stood up for her making her smile but that was who he was. Her protector. A few weeks ago, though Dante Gabriel one of her fellow classmates asked her to be his date for some dance. At first, she had said no but over the course of the next few days he had worn her down until she agreed. Arthur was happy for her. It was time she let herself have some fun instead of just studying all the time. The day of the dance arrived, and Pascale had done her makeup and hair. As she smoothed down the black knee length dress she had chosen, for the first time in her life she felt pretty. She was excited and could feel the butterflies. She went downstairs and sat down on the sofa in the empty house as her father was away on business and waited for her date. And waited she did. 45 minutes passed before she realised, he wasn’t coming. She got up, grabbing keys as she passed the hallway table and slammed the front door closed behind her.
Charles Leclerc was the dreamboat of Monaco. He was a popular Formula 1 driver, and the girls loved him. Boy did he know it. But as fun as it was spending time with his friends and having the fan girls throwing themselves at him, sometimes he enjoyed just being by himself. Currently he was sitting on the deck of his yacht in the marina, enjoying the night sky and the quiet. It wasn’t always that he had time like this, but he was between races and need some much tlc. It was while he was sitting there enjoying the view when something else caught his eye. A young girl who looked oddly familiar was walking across the dock towards one of the other boats. He shook his head though, because it couldn’t be her. She never dressed up and if he remembered correctly, they were all at some dance. He leaned his head back against the sofa and closed his eyes only for a few minutes before his phone started to ring. He picked it up and saw his little brother’s name.
“Aren’t you supposed to be dancing?” he teased his brother.
“Charles, I need your help.”
Charles sat forward, alert. “What’s wrong?”
“It's Yn.”
“Is she ok?”
“I don’t know. She’s not here and she’s not picking up her phone. That dickhead of a date dropped her.”
“What do you mean?”
Charles heard his brother sigh. “Dante asked her to the dance, but he is here with another girl. When I asked him where she was, he said she cancelled. But his date said he lied. It had been some sort of prank.”
“Merde.” Charles realised that it had been her he had seen.
“Charles, I need to find her. We’re leaving the dance now. Can you help?”
“Art, stay. She would want you to have a good time.”
“How can I?”
“I have an idea where she might be. I’ll take care of her. She’ll be pissed if you left because of her. I promise I’ll call you if I can’t find her, ok?”
“I don’t know. “
“I got her.”
After much convincing Arthur agreed and Charles made his way over to a yacht near the end of the jetty. He saw her sitting there. “Permission to come aboard?” he asked loud enough for her to hear.
She turned her head in his direction. “You’re going to whether I say yes or no,” she shrugged.
He could hear that she had been crying and he felt anger surge. She was his friend too and he cared about her. Anyone who could hurt her didn’t deserve to know her. He climbed aboard and made his way up to her. He could see she was wearing a dress and had pulled her hair into a messy bun. But it was her face that hurt him. She had gotten all made up and now her face was stained with tears and smudge makeup, and she was shivering. He took off his hoodie and held it out to her. She tried to smile as she took it before pulling it over her dress. He sat down next to her. “Are you ok?”
“Don’t know why I’m surprised really.”
“What do you mean?”
She tugged her legs up under her and wiped her tears before leaning on her elbows. “I’m not good enough.”
He twisted so that he was looking at her and his was pissed. “What? How can you even think something like that?”
“Because it’s true,” she shrugged.
“Look at me. Hey,” he reached out and lifted her chin, so she was looking at him. “You are so much more than you think.”
“So then why does nobody care about me? No body want me? Even my own father would rather be travelling the world than spend time with me.”
“Cherie, there are people that love you. My mother loves you, my brothers, me.”
“I just.... feel like I’m not enough.”
He pulled her against him and allowed her to cry into his shirt.
Hours had passed in which both of them had fallen asleep. It was only the sound of his phone ringing that woke him up. “Hello?”
“Did you find her?” Arthur’s panicked voice sounded through his phone.
Charles looked down at the still sleeping girl in his arms. “I got her. She’s sleeping at the moment.”
Arthur sighed in relief. “So, she’s, okay?”
“She is. But that guy won’t be if I see him.”
“We took care of that.”
“Art, what did you do?”
“Nothing illegal or that will get us into trouble. Don’t worry. Where did you find her?”
“Pop’s boat.”
“Of course. I’m an idiot.”
Charles chuckled. “I’m gonna let her sleep a bit more. Will bring her home later. Don’t think she should be alone.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“Ok. Hey Art, bring some supplies.”
“You got it.”
Several hours later Y/n, Charles and Arthur were all stretch out on her large sofa watching horror movies. Arthur had come through with all her favourite snacks and after the day she had Y/n was feeling loads better. She was conscious of the fact that Charles was sitting rather close to her while Arthur was on the other side of them, in actual fact the younger Leclerc boy had fallen asleep a little while ago. Something jumped out in the movie startling Y/n, and she grabbed hold of Charles’ hand. He chuckled as she realised what she had done and quickly tried to withdraw her hand, but he held tighter. “It's ok Cherie.” He whispered. He took their joined hands and placed it down on her thigh making her feel something she hadn’t felt before.
Arthur shifted making her quickly pull away from Charles letting his hand fall on her thigh, when she tried to shift away from him, he increased the pressure making her stop. She gulped. She felt her face begin to heat up as his hand slowly began rubbing circles up and down her leg. Her breath got caught in her throat as she felt his hand slide higher and higher. He turned to her a look in his eyes, “Can I?” She licked her lips hesitantly before nodding. He leaned closer to her till she felt his breath against her skin leaving goose bumps. “Tell me when to stop.” She nodded not sure her brain could form sentences. Her head fall back against the sofa as his hand reached the top of her leg and continued till, he touched her most intimate spot. He kept his eyes on her to make sure she was ok before moving his hand to the top of her shorts. “Open,” he gently instructed. She moved slightly so that her legs were more apart and moaned softly as he slipped his hand down her underwear and touched her bare clit. His hand was warm, but she still shivered as he moved his fingers up and down. She bit down on her own hand as he slipped a finger inside of her. He pressed his lips against her neck before whispering, “Do you like that, Belle?”
“Yes.” She whimpered in pleasure.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No, please.”
He increased the speed and inserted another finger, stretching her out causing her to moan a little louder. “Shhh Belle. Don’t want to wake Arthur.” She closed her eyes and bit down on her lips, but Charles quickly reacted. “Take your lip out your mouth.” She complied. He could feel her reaching her climax and just before she could make a noise as she reached her high, he kissed her swallowing her moan. She was so high in that moment that she didn’t even think about the kiss or what any of this meant. As soon as her breathing had returned to normal, Charles withdrew his fingers and popped them in his mouth all the while watching her. He liked how flushed she looked. He pecked her lips one more time before getting up and headed for the bathroom.
A few days later Charles was due to leave for Maranello but every time she was alone with him, he had touched her in some way. She was a little confused by it because whenever someone else was around it was like she didn’t exist. She was currently at home studying, alone yet again when there was a knock at the door. At the door stood Charles with a single red orchid in his hand. “Hey,” she smiled.
“Hey Cherie. Can I come in?”
“Of course.” She stepped aside to let him in. “Who’s that for?” she asked indicating to the flower.
She took it from him and smelled it. “I love orchids.”
“I know,” he chuckled.
She walked to the kitchen and quickly found a small vase to put the flower in. As she was pouring water in, she felt his hands on her waist. He had followed her into the kitchen. She felt his lips against her neck as he gently began to pepper kisses on her skin as his hands roamed over her body. She couldn’t help but lean back into him.
He turned her around to face him pulling her into a deep kiss that left her breathless. Shifting them slightly he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her on to the counter causing her to let out a squeak of surprise. He pushed her legs apart and stood between them hands on either leg. Almost on instinct she wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to kiss her once more. After a while he wrapped her legs around his waist and picked her up, carrying her to the sofa. He laid her down, “Do you trust me?”
“Good. Remember to tell me to stop if you want.”
He went back to kissing her neck as she felt his hands slide under her top fingers brushing against her nipples. As one of his hands took a nipple between his fingers the other slowly trailer down her body to the band of her skirt, leaving her skin burning at the contact. He detached his lips from her neck where he had left a dark mark and looked into her eyes. “I’m gonna take them off.” She nodded. He sat up and grabbed the band of her skirt with both hands as she lifted her legs slightly allowing him to pull down her skirt. “I think red would suit you better Cherie.” He remarked seeing the black panties she had on. She squirmed slightly as he pressed his lips to her inner thigh just inches away from where she was beginning to ache. “Charlie?”
“Yes Cherie?” he felt his cock twitch when she called him Charlie.
“Can you......”
“What?” he asked. “Tell me.”
“Touch me here.” She pointed to her clothed pussy.
“How? Like this?” he asked rubbing his finger against the garment. “Or how about like this?” he leaned down and placed a kiss against her sex. Both actions had made the ache even more but something about the kiss had her begging for more.
“Like that Charlie.”
“Then I think we should get rid of these,” he pulled on her panties. He felt himself twitch again at the sight of her bare pussy underneath him. “Si belle ma Cherie.”
He couldn’t wait any long before lowering his face and taking a long swipe of his tongue along her pussy. He had to taste, and it was better than anything he had ever tasted. It was like he was starving, and he hadn’t realized it until now. The faster he licked and longer he sucked, the wetter she got, and the louder her moans. He sure as hell wasn’t going to silence her, the sounds coming out of her mouth was driving him crazy. But his turn would come. He was going to drive her off the edge and then do it again.
“Faster, please Charlie,” she begged as she thread her fingers through his hair. She was close.
He added a finger into her pussy causing her to buck her hips, but he pushed them down with his free hand and held them there as he slid another finger inside her. Her breath quickened and her grip on his hair tightened but he barely felt it as all he could think about was how good she tasted.
“I’m cumming,” she gasped seconds before she felt her release. He kept going till she begged him to stop because of how sensitive she was. He pressed one last kiss on her sensitive nub before moving closer and kissing her lips, letting her taste herself.
“Think you have one more for me? I want to be inside you.”
She reached down and rubbed her hand against his cock, feeling how hard he was. “I want you.” She reached up and undid his belt almost impatient to release him. He stood up making it easier for her to get his pants off. She needed a minute to appreciate the view before she pulled him closer. “I’ve never done this before.”
“We can stop.”
“No, I don’t want to. Just maybe be patient and tell me what you like.”
She started placing little kitten kisses along the length of his cock on either side but when she placed her mouth around it holding onto him with a hand, that was when he groaned. She wanted to pull away thinking she was doing it wrong, but he held her head exactly where it was. “Don’t stop Cherie. Feels so good.”
She slowly moved her head up and down. His groans were now doing things to her down there. She began moving her hand as well making him groan louder when suddenly he pulled away. “Cha....”
“Need to be inside you right now,” he said before making her lay back. He positioned himself above her entrance before asking her one more time, “Do you want to stop?” As soon as she shook her head no, he was pushing himself inside. Man did it feel amazing how her walls gripped his cock. He tried to go as slow and gentle as possible to allow her time to adjust but she had other things on her mind. She wanted, no she needed him to go faster, harder. She was close to the edge again and so was he, so he picked up the pace. Faster he moved, groaning as he began to feel that pressure increase.
“Right there, I feel it cumming,” she cried.
Right at that moment she climaxed once more, and he pulled out just as he released all over her stomach. Once their breathing was back to normal, Charles got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he had a warm wet face cloth and sat down beside her, before gently cleaning her up.
“What is happening Charles?” she asked.
“I thought that was obvious Cherie?”
“You know what I mean?”
He sat back and pulled her legs onto his lap. “I like you Y/n.”
“I have really amazing fans, but also some pretty toxic ones as well. And I’m in the spotlight.... a lot. I don’t want you to get hurt. Or lose you. I’ve seen it happen before. I don’t have a normal life.”
She moved her legs away and stood up,” Okay, I get it.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna take a shower.”
Charles sighed watching her close the bathroom door behind her. He sat there for a few minutes hearing the shower running before standing up, “Fuck it.” He pulled his shirt over his head and went in after her.
That night as she lay in her bed, she thought about the conversation they had after he had made her come again in the shower. They both cared a lot about each other and wanted to keep doing what they were doing so he had suggested that they kept it a secret from everyone even their families, at least for the time being. And she had agreed.
And that’s how it started. Every chance they got to sneak away together they took. Y/n would travel to certain races under the pretence that she was going to support Arthur at his races, or she would suggest to her friends to go on mini trips to get a break from school. Charles would constantly send her little gifts of her favourite things to remind her how much he missed her. Weekends away just the two of them. It had been hard keeping the secret from Arthur and the family, but they made it work and even when y/n started getting acceptance letters to medical schools across the globe, Charles had promised things wouldn’t change no matter where in the world they were. And everything was great for over a year......until she showed up.
Charlotte Tilbury was a beautiful, smart leggy blonde who had joined the Ferrari team for the new season. She was their media liaison and the longer they spent together the closer she and Charles became. Night-time calls became shorter and quick weekends away became less but when they were together, Charles reminded y/n how much he loved her. But the weekend of the Italian grand Prix things changed. Charles was spotted out with Charlotte and speculation was rife amongst the media of the new “couple” in the paddock. When she and Arthur had met her for the first time , Arthur had commented on how beautiful and smart Charlotte seemed which was exactly Charles’ type. The media and fans alike couldn’t get enough of the driver and his media liaison.
Y/n stopped answering his calls and responding to his messages. When the time came for Formula 1to hit Monaco he was standing at her door with an explanation. It was a PR stunt that management was forcing him to do. Ferrari were controlling his life and if he wanted to renew his contract, he had to go with it. Apparently, the fans had seen a connection between the driver and his media officer and had run with it. But he was adamant that he loved only her. He asked her to trust him and let it run its course and like a fool she had believed him. She endured the family get together which she had been politely ordered to attend and she had never been one to deny Pascale of anything. Charlotte had joined them and slowly she had to watch as the man she loved was photographed with the other woman. She didn’t attend many races anymore, but she answered his calls and messages pretending she was ok. It wasn’t till he was home for two weeks between races that she reached her braking point. One day he had been helping her study concerned that she was over doing it. But she assured him that she was okay. He had left an hour or so before everyone was due to head over to Pascale’s house for dinner. Y/n finished up her paper before quickly hopping in the shower.
She had been catching up with Carla, Arthur’s girlfriend ever since she had gotten to the house unaware that Charles was even there. It was only when she excused herself to use the rest room did she find out. He was sitting in his old bedroom sitting on the sofa phone in his hand. He was talking to someone who she recognised as Charlotte. She wasn’t one to listen in to other conversations but when she heard her name she stopped.
“Charlotte she’s my friend that’s all.”
“Come on Charlie.” y/n felt her heart crack. As far as she knew she was the only one he let call him that. “It’s painfully obvious that she has a thing for you.”
“She can feel what she wants but she’s not my type.”
“Which is why I’m perfect to fit the role. I’m exactly your type.”
“I guess.”
“I can tell you want more Charles. Maybe when we spend the summer together in Corsica, we can explore our relationship more.”
Summer together? Y/n was confused, he had made plans to go with her and Arthur to Los Angeles for her birthday. Guess that wasn’t going to happen anymore.
“Ok. I can’t promise anything, but you are beautiful and smart, so maybe we can see what happens.” Charles replied. “I need to go. Family dinner and all.”
“Would have been nice to be there.”
“Yep. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Good night, Charlie, Boy.”
Y/n knew it was over. Charles wanted a woman like Charlotte not her. Suddenly everything just made perfect sense and she wasn’t sure why she hadn’t seen it before now. She quickly rushed downstairs and collided with her best friend.
“Hey Petal, where’s the fire?”
“Art, can you tell your mom I’m really sorry, but I have to go.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just feel really sick. Think I ate something bad at lunch. I need to go.”
“Go where?” Charles had joined them.
“y/n isn’t feeling good. Thinks it was something she ate.”
“y/n?” Charles was concerned. He knew she hadn’t eaten anything all day so it couldn’t be that. “Maybe you need to sit down, Art, can you get some water?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right back.”
“Y/n come sit,” he took her arm, but she quickly withdrew it. “Cherie, what’s wrong?”
“I just need to go home. I really don’t feel good.”
“You haven’t eaten today. That’s probably why you feel ill. Eat something then I’ll take you home.”
She mustered up a small smile before looking at him. “I’ll be ok. Just need to go lay down a bit.”
He eyed her suspiciously. “Ok, let me get my keys.”
“I can walk. Fresh air might do me some good.”
“No way in hell I’m letting you walk home. Wait here.”
Arthur returned with a glass of water which she quickly drank down. “Woo slow down there.”
Charles quickly returned, keys in hand. “I’m gonna take her home. Tell Maman not to wait.”
The car ride was quiet as she rested her head against the window, her mind going over her whole relationship with Charles. Had anything been real at all? She had thought he was different, that he actually loved her, but she had been deluding herself all this time. She quickly opened the door as soon as he pulled to a stop and raced inside. He followed after her calling her name, but she didn’t stop till she had locked herself in the bathroom. If she was using that excuse, she may as well make it believable. She heard him call her name from the other side of the door, but she just sank against it. After a couple breaths she called out, “Go to dinner Charles. I’m just gonna clean up and go to bed.”
“I’m worried about you Cherie.”
She forced down a sob slowly breathing in and out before she responded. “I just feel so nauseous. But I’ll be ok. Your mom is waiting for you.”
“Ok Cherie. If that’s what you want.”
She waited till she heard the front door close before getting up and slowly made her way to her room.
She woke up around 3am and felt a strong pair of arms around her. She shifted slightly to see Charles laying next to her asleep. She gently removed his arm so she could get up and tip toed to the kitchen before putting on the kettle. She sat down at the table pulling a bunch of papers closer.
“Bébé?” Charles walked into the kitchen topless and hair a mess. “Why aren’t you in bed?”
“Got thirsty. Making some tea, you want?” she had decided last night that she wasn’t going to cry over anything anymore. She was tired of feeling like she wasn’t good enough. She was going to start over and knowing the man in front of her, he would try to stop her, she had to do what was best for her. He could have Charlotte; she would not make him chose. Besides what’s that saying? “If there’s a choice between two women, pick the second. Cause if you really loved the first you wouldn’t have found something in the second.”
He pulled out the chair next to her. Sitting down he took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb against her skin. “I want to know what’s wrong.”
“You were right. I was pushing myself too hard and it just hit me.”
“You need to take better care of yourself Cherie. I need my bubbly girl.” The kettle began to whistle, she began to stand but he made her sit. He got up and made the two of them some chai tea with honey. After placing the cups down, he got a container out of the fridge and popped it into the microwave. “You still haven’t eaten, have you?”
She shook her head, “Haven’t really had an appetite.”
“I brought some food.”
“Thanks. I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“You were sleeping so I didn’t want to wake you.” The microwave dinged and he pulled out the food which y/n had to admit smelled amazing. Pascale was an amazing cook. He placed the steaming bowl on front of her with some hot sauce, knowing how much she loved it. He grabbed a fork out the draw. “Eat, please?”
She smiled softly before placing some food in her mouth. It tasted so good, and she heard her stomach grumble. Causing Charles to chuckle. She grabbed another fork full and held it out to him. He shook his head. “Please?”
He leaned forward and she popped the fork in his mouth. He looked at her the whole time and it made her stomach flip, not from hunger. He loved holding eye contact with her especially when they were having sex, and it always made her excited and loved. But now that she knew the truth it felt different. She looked back down at the food. He knew something was off, but he knew he couldn’t pressure her. He turned to the papers. “Have you thought about where you want to go?”
She shrugged, “There’s John Hopkins and Oxford. Harvard has offered as well. All three have amazing med programs.”
“Oxford is closer though. You wouldn’t be so far from me.”
“I still have to figure somethings out before I make a decision.”
“We can talk about it, if you want.”
“It’s late. Maybe later.”
“Ok just promise me that you won’t make one without talking to me first.”
“I won’t.” But that would turn out to be the biggest lie she would ever tell him.
7 Years Later
“Dr DuPont? Dr Adams needs you in treatment 4 please.” y/n looked up from the chart in front of her towards the nurse.
“Did he say what he needed Sarah?”
“He had a little boy on there and you know how he is with children.”
“Yep, okay I got it. Can you make sure Mrs Leire gets to x-ray please. I think she has a fractured fibula.”
“Will do Doc. Hopefully it stays like this today.”
“As long as no one says the word,” she pressed her finger to her lip with a small chuckle.
As a resident at North-western Memorial Hospital y/n was used to how chaotic the ER could get so it was kind of nice that it wasn’t as busy as it usually is. She had managed to help Dr Damian Adams with his “small” problem before she was drawn back into the ER by the nurses. She was handed an iPad and made her way into the next treatment room to find a young woman sitting on the bed holding her left arm tightly to her chest. Y/n looked over the chart. “Hi Alexandra, I’m Dr DuPont. How are you doing this evening aside from the obvious?”
The brunette woman smiled softly at her clearly in a significant amount of pain. “I’ve felt better.”
Y/n noticed her accent and mentioned as much. “Is that a French accent I detect?”
“It is. I’m from France.”
“Enchante.” (Nice to meet you.)
“Tu parle français?” (You speak French?)
Y/n nodded. “I grew up in Monaco.”
“Oh, wow that’s great. My boyfriend is actually from there.” She grimaced as her arm shifted. “He’s on his way.”
“Let’s have a look.” She began gently taking Alexandra’s arm and trying not to cause any more pain she proceeded to examine it. “What exactly happened?”
“Some of us went ice skating and I’m not really good at it. Took a tumble and landed on my arm.”
“Does it hurt anywhere else?”
“No, just my arm.”
“I’m going to send you for an x-ray but I think at the very least you have a fracture and the worst a broken arm.”
“I hope it’s not broken.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you up to x-ray and have you sorted out in no time. Everything else seems great.” She got up and stuck her head out of the room, “Nikki?” she called to one of the nurses at the charge desk.
“Dr DuPont?”
“Can you please take Miss Marlowe up to x-ray please?”
“No problem.” the young girl got up and came over. “Miss Marlowe, you ready?”
Alexandra nodded and got up off the bed. “Thank you, Dr DuPont.”
“We’ll see you in a little bit.”
Y/n was helping another patient when Alexandra’s boyfriend and another friend walked into the hospital. Alexandra was still currently getting her x-ray, but Sarah allowed the two men to wait in the consultation room for her. Y/n had just handed over care of her other patient for admission when she headed over to the nurses' station to find them huddled together whispering among themselves. “Ladies, is everything okay?”
“Oh, that girl with the broken arm?” Nikki asked.
“What about her?” Y/n asked.
“Well, her boyfriend just arrived and all I can say is Wow.”
“Has her x-ray come through yet?”
“Yep,” Sarah handed her the iPad.
“Great, now can you act like the professionals you are and get back to work?” she narrowed her eyes slightly.
“Sorry Dr.” they mumbled half-heartedly together.
“You can see for yourself Y/n,” Sarah said to her softly as she passed.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Have Andy come down to put a cast on her, I’ll speak to the boyfriend and write up a prescription for meds,” she said before heading into the consultation room.
She felt her heart stop for a second when she saw the two men standing in there. He looked even better then when she had last seen him all those years ago. He was just staring back at her in shock.
“Y/n?” Joris, Charles’ best friend was the first to break the silence. “Wow.” He walked over and pulled her into a hug which she returned still looking at Charles.
“Alexandra is your girlfriend?” she asked them both unsure.
“She’s his girlfriend,” Joris pointed at his friend who had evidently last his ability to talk. Joris looked between the two noticing how awkward it was. “I’m gonna go.... somewhere not here.” Neither of them seemed to take note.
After what felt like an eternity Charles stepped closer to her and pulled her close, placing his face in the crook of her neck, “Cherie.”
She didn’t want to, but her body reacted of its own accord, and she returned the hug. An announcement sounded outside and broke the spell causing her to pull away. “Its good to see you Charles.”
He didn’t want to let her go. He tried taking her hand but she moved away from him. “You look good.”
“Thanks. Alexandra has broken her arm and will have to wear a cast for about 6 weeks. She can go to her local doctor to have it removed after that. I have a prescription for some pain medication which will help. She’s getting the cast now but as soon as she’s done I’ll discharge her but she might be a bit drowsy from the medicine.”
“Thank you. I miss you.” He again tried to move closer to her but just as he did Alexandra returned.
“Hey Babe, I see you met my doctor.”
“Yeah we’ve met.”
Joris choose that moment to return. “You okay Alex?”
“Yep. They gave me the good stuff.”
“Yeah about that, no driving or anything too strenuous at least for a few days. Need to let that bone heal. Doctors orders.”
“Thank you Dr DuPont.” She smiled.
“Hey, y/n you coming to the wedding?”
 Everyone turned to Joris, Alexandra surprised. “Art will kill me if I don’t. Besides Carla asked me to be maid of honour.”
Alexandra looked at them before asking, “Am I missing something? You all know each other?”
Y/n smiled lightly at the girl, “Monaco is a small country. I’ll go get your discharge papers ready.” She left the group in the room and found Sarah.
“Are you okay Doc?” the older nurse asked her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Been a long night. Can you please get everything sort for Alexandra? She’s good to go.”
“Sure no problem.”
“Thanks. I’m gonna go get some air. I’ll be back in a few.”
Sarah was busy finishing up the paperwork when Charles came out of the room looking for someone. She smiled at him as he approached her. “Hi there. I’m looking for Dr DuPont?”
“She stepped out for a minute. Maybe I can help?”
“Thank you, but I really need to talk to her.”
Sarah nodded knowingly. “Coffee truck outside. But you didn’t hear from me.”
He smiled in thanks before making his way outside. He saw her standing talking to a man inside a small caravan. He made his way over.
The older man looked away from the young doctor and smiled. “Hi there, what can I get you?”
“Actually, I’m here for her,” Charles replied looking at y/n. “Pouvons-nous parler?” (Can we talk?)
“Je dois retourner au travail.” (I have to get back to work.)
“Please?” he looked at her, eyes pleading.
“Ok.” She walked over to a bench in front of the hospital and sat down. He joined her.
“I’m proud of you Cherie.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Why did you leave? You didn’t even say goodbye.”
She sighed, “I had to make a choice.”
“I thought we were going to make it together. You promised you wouldn’t decide without talking to me.”
“What would it have matter?”
“I loved you Cherie.”
“I asked you not to call me that.”
“Why? Last I remember, you loved when I called you Cherie, or Mon Amour. But especially Belle when I was inside you.”
She stood up. “I need to get back.”
He got up and grabbed her hand stopping her. “Did I do something wrong? Did you not love me?”
She pulled her hand from him. “Are you kidding me? You had my heart Charles. I would have done anything for you. But I was just your little secret.”
“What are you talking about?”
Y/n felt her pager go off and quickly grabbed it. “I have to go.”
“I’m sorry,” she threw her cup on the trash and raced inside.
Several weeks later.
Being back home in Monaco after all these years felt like nothing she could describe. The familiar sights and smells made her realise just how home sick she was. And that didn’t even include seeing her friends and family again. Sure she had met up with a few over the years here and there but to be sitting across the table from her second mom Pascale was beat by nothing. She had only arrived at the airport a few days ago and they had been waiting for her. Pascale, Carla and Charlotte, Lorenzo’s girlfriend. The three women had engulfed her and she knew she needed to come back more often. But it was when she saw Arthur and Lorenzo that she really felt back. She hadn’t seen Charles yet but she wasn’t surprised. They hadn’t spoken again since Alexandra had been discharged but she had noticed that he had followed her on Instagram. They were busy discussing some wedding plans when Charles and Alexandra arrived. The feel of his lips against her skin when he had kissed her cheeks lightly burned. How was it possible that after all these years he still made her feel things. After everyone had settled and enjoyed lunch, y/n had excused herself under the pretence of seeing some other old friends. She had just reached Pascale’s car which she was borrowing when Charles stopped her. “My car.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m driving.”
“Okay, well have fun,” she said opening the door. But he pushed it closed making her realise how close he was.
“Cherie, don’t argue with me please. Get in my car.”
“Because we need to talk. I’m not above dragging you,” he smirked.
“Sure, but what would your people think?”
“Our people, and I don’t care.” She bit her lip thinking about it. He reached out and pulled her lip out. “Don’t do that. Am I dragging you?”
She shook her head. “Fine.”
He went around the side and opened the door for her waiting for her to get in before closing it. He walked over to the drivers side and climbed in. “Where to?”
“You tell me, seeing as how I’m here against my will.”
“And I thought you wanted to go somewhere?”
“I wanted air.”
He nodded in understanding. “Ok I know where to go.”
“You’ll see.”
They drove around for a while before he pulled into the marina. He got out and was by her side before she had a chance to unbuckle her seat belt. “The marina?”
“Yep, I know how much you love the open water.”
“Last I checked,” she waved an arm around, “this is the marina not open water.”
“Technicalities Mon Amour. Come on.” He grabbed her hand and practically dragged her along the jetty towards his boat. “After you.”
She climbed aboard the boat and made herself comfortable while Charles got them out into open water. He watched her as he drove, she was more beautiful then ever and he had missed her when she left. Hell he still missed her everyday. “Cherie?”
She looked towards him. “Why do you still call me those nicknames?”
“Because they are yours.”
“What about Alex?” she asked looking back over the water.
“What about her?”
“I’m sure she can’t be happy that you out here with me. Besides don’t you call her those things?”
“No. And we are free to do what we want.” He stopped the boat and went to sit down beside her. “What did you mean? Back in Chicago.”
“Charles I really don’t want to talk about this.”
“You owe me an explanation.” She looked at him. “You left. You basically cut me out of your life, no goodbye, no reason. You ignored my calls, my messages. Why?”
“What does this have to do with my brother’s girlfriend?”
“Your girlfriend Charlotte. She was your type, beautiful and smart.”
He sat back, “I know I have a type. What I don’t understand is your point.”
“She’s not my type.”
“Excuse me?”
“I heard you talking to her, the night of your mom’s dinner. You told her I wasn’t your type.”
“Yn I said what I had to say to keep the powers that be happy. You’re more my type then any other girl. You’re the smartest person I’ve every met. And why do you think I call you Belle?” he took her hand and pulled her close. “Every inch of you is perfect and beautiful.”
He ran his fingers down across her cheek. She closed her eyes at his touch and bit down on her lip. He groaned. “What?”
“The only one who gets to bit those lips is me.” He took hold of her chin and pulled her in for a kiss.
She knew it was wrong and she felt like she couldn’t trust him but her body reacted of its own accord and she responded. It was only when he pulled her into his lap that she came to her senses. She pushed off him and began to pace. “No. You can’t do that.”
“Charles no. You treated us like a secret. For over a year, we had to sneak around and when others were around it was like I was invisible.”
“We agreed that it was for the best. You know how the media and the fans can be.”
“No you decided that and I went along with it because I love you. Yet Charlotte and Alexandra get hate. I’ve seen it and you don’t bat an eye.”
“I thought I was protecting you. I knew how hard it was for you, how you felt like you weren’t enough. But Bebe you have always been enough for me. More than.”
“What about our families?”
“I admit that was for my own selfish gain.”
“What do you mean?”
“I liked having you all to myself. Just us and no one else. Arthur already has you as his best friend. Maman sees you as her daughter. I just wanted you for me.”
“No, I was a selfish bastard.” He got up and walked over to her needing to touch her. “It was so hard watching other guys talk to you especially the drivers. But knowing you were mine made it easier.” He pulled her flush against him. “Cherie, I’m sorry for all of it. If I can go back and change things I would. I just wish you would have talked to me.”
“Would it have changed anything? I was always going to go to med school.”
“I know, but I would have been by your side. Supporting you just like you did for me.”
She tried to pull away from him, knowing that if she didn’t she was going to give in to need for him. “Charles please let me go.”
“If you can tell me you don’t still love me.”
“What?” she choked.
“You said you went along with me because you love me. Present tense. So Cherie look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t and I’ll let you go.”
“Why are you crying Cherie?” he asked brushing her tears.
“I can’t.”
“Can’t what?”
‘Say I don’t love you.” He pulled her in for a searing kiss but before things got out of hand, she pulled away. “I’m getting married Charles.”
He stepped back in surprise. “You’re getting married?”
Sitting back down he patter the seat next to him. She sat down. “Who is he?”
“His name is Ryan and he is a detective back in Chicago.”
“Why isn’t he here and where is your ring?”
“He is testifying on a case but he’ll be here for the wedding. As for the ring, it was too big so it’s getting resized.”
Charles couldn’t believe it. He had thought it would the two of them together forever but now she was telling him that some other guy was going to get to make her his wife. “When?”
“Are you getting married?”
“We haven’t got a date yet.”
“Why not?”
“Just been busy and we just got engaged a month ago.”
“I have time.” Charles got up and went to start the boat
“Time for what?”
He just winked at her and turned the boat back towards the marina.
As soon as he had dropped her at his mom’s house, Charles made his way to his brother’s place. “Arthur, I need you to help me get Yn back.”
“You have beer? We need to talk.”
Over the next few days Y/n found herself been teamed up with Charles at almost every event. Not to mention she received a lot of little gifts here and there, she knew it was Charles. Ryan arrived just five days before the wedding and Yn was happy to see him but she didn’t miss the way Charles would watch them or the fact that Alexandra wasn’t around. The night of the rehearsal dinner Arthur dropped the bomb that y/n and Charles would be walking down the aisle together and as party of the wedding party they would be sharing a dance. She pulled Arthur away just before dessert. “What are you doing?”
“No idea what you mean?”
“I’m supposed to be walking with Enzo.”
“Change of plans, Carla wanted Charlotte and Lorenzo and you and Charles.”
“Why are you both pushing me and Charles together?”
He shrugged, “We’re not. It’s just how it’s worked out. Come on y/n it’s one day. Look I know things with you and Charles is complicated...”
“You have no idea,” she mumbles.
“Actually, I do.”
Arthur looked towards the door, making sure they were alone. “Charles told me.”
“How much?”
“All of it. I wished you would have told me. I kinda sensed that something was different, the fact that he was always worried about you and how he’d get irritated when some guy was talking to you. I should have seen it.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kept it from you. You’re my best friend.”
“It’s okay. He explained it all. Even the part of Charlotte. She never made him happy. Now I know why.”
She walked over to a little bench and sat down. “It doesn’t matter now anyway. He’s with Alex and I’m with Ryan.”
Arthur joined her, “They broke up “
“Charles and Alex. That day when you two disappeared, that night after he told me everything he broke up with her.”
“Because he’s in love with you.”
“Y/n hear me out.” She nodded for him to continue. “Do you know he went after you?”
“He did?”
He nodded. “It was a few months after you left for America. He had to wait for summer as he had back to back races but I remembered he would pester me with information about where you were. Apparently you blocked him. But he found a picture of you with some of your class mates and he was able to track you down to Baltimore but by the time he got there you had gone on summer vacation with some of your friends.”
“He never told me.”
“He never told me why he was going there. He just said he was taking a trip to the US. He knows he screwed up big time and I know that he is in love with you. The question is how do you feel?”
“He knows how I feel but I love Ryan. We’re getting married. I can’t just throw the last 4 years of my life away. Besides I live in Chicago my home, my job it’s there.”
He took her hand, “Petal you are my best friend and you know I love you and want only the best for you. Whether that’s Charles or Ryan, only you can decide. But I want you to promise me that you well think about things before you actually marry Ryan. Before you commit yourself to anything.”
She nodded. He pulled her close and kissed her upon her head. Before getting up and re-joining the party. She sat there for a few more minutes before Ryan came out looking for her. She got up took his hand and kissed him before they too re-joined the party.
The day of the wedding arrived and even though Carla was supposed to be the show stopper, Charles could not take his eyes off of y/n. The dark purple dress that Carla had picked for her bridesmaids looked amazing on her. It flowed down her body in soft silk, hair up exposing her beautiful cream neck. That neck that he loved to suck on, leaving his mark on her. He had sent her little gifts, everything she loved. But he knew his time was running out of he was going to get her back, He hated seeing her with Ryan, he just hoped that his plan would work.
“You look gorgeous Mon Amour.” Charles finally had the opportunity to talk to her and have her on his arms as the bridal party took to the dance floor. Arthur had made sure to pick a good song which allowed him to hold her close to his body without suspicion.
“You can’t call me that anymore Charles. You know that.”
“I’ll never stop call you that, or Cherie or Belle. Because that’s who you are. I don’t care about Ryan.”
“He’s my fiancé.”
“For now.”
“Just what does that mean?”
“You haven’t set a date.”
“So are you sure you want to marry him?”
She tried to pull away but he held her tighter, tight enough to make her gulp. “Charles,”
“Song is still playing. Might raise some questions Cherie.”
“Well maybe I don’t care.”
“Oh you care because your fiancé is watching and if you rush away now, he’ll have questions. How are you gonna explain to him that you have feelings for someone else?”
“Don’t do this Charles.”
“I love you and you love me.”
“It’s not that simple. You know that.”
With that the song ended and she was finally able to move away from him. He did not get the chance to be alone with her again that night.
Two days after the wedding Ryan had to return home and Yn was staying behind a few more days. She and Pascale were spending some time together when she got a phone call.
“Good Afternoon is this Dr Yn DuPont?”
“That is correct. Who may I ask is this?”
“My name is Giovanni Merlenti I worked for the FIA. We’re the....”
“I know who the FIA is, I grow up around Formula 1.”
“That’s right, I read that in your resume.”
“My resume? I apologise for being blunt but why are you calling me?”
“Its about the job. We would very much like for you to join our team. Your resume speaks for its self and added to that the recommendations we’re received, well you’re perfect for the position.”
“What position?”
“Head of our medical staff. You’ll be travelling the world with the formula one teams making sure that everyone, especially the drivers are healthy and should the need arise make sure they are taken care of should anything happen.”
“I’m sorry Mr Merlenti but I didn’t send in my resume. I wasn’t even aware of the position.”
“Of course, we received it from a team principal, you come highly recommended.”
“Which team principal?” she asked bit having the feeling she already knew the answer.
“It doesn’t matter Dr DuPont. I can sense that this has come as a surprise but I would really like you to think about it. You will of course be well paid and get to see the world. I have your email address, so I will send you a contract to go through and give you a few days to think about it. You can respond to that email. Have a good day further.”
“Thank you. Good bye.” She put down the phone, fuming. Just what the hell was Charles doing?
Charles had just sat down to watch a movie when someone started banging on his door. He put down his cup of coffee. “I’m coming, just relax.” When he opened the door he came face to face with a very pissed of Yn. “Hey Cherie.”
“Don’t ‘Hey Cherie;’ me. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she slammed her purse on the kitchen counter. He walked over to her and reached out his hand which she slapped away. “Don’t touch me.”
“Calm down Yn and tell me what’s wrong.”
“What’s wrong? You applied for a position with the FIA for me?”
“Oh that.”
She hit him in the arm, quite hard. “That’s all you have to say? Why would you do that? I have a job.”
“Yeah, in Chicago.”
“It’s my home.”
“No, you’re home is here in Monaco. Actually technically it’s with me.”
She sighed, “I’m not having this discussion with you again. I’m getting married Charles. You need to accept that.”
“I can’t,” he said moving closer and trapping her between his body and the counter. He placed his hands on either side of her.
He shook his head, “Why haven’t you set a date yet?”
“I told you, we’ve been busy. We both have hectic jobs.”
“The truth Yn. Are you in love with him?”
“Answer the question first.”
“I love him ok?”
He shook his head and lifted a hand to run his thumb across her lips. “That’s not what I asked.”
“Does his touch make you ache like mine does?” he ran his finger down her neck towards her chest. “Does he make you wet just thinking about his fingers, like I do? Does he touch you in just the right places? Does he even know the right places?” She felt her eyes close as his hand continued to travel down her body to the hem of her dress. While he leaned in and started trailing little kisses on her neck. She instinctual moved her head to the side to give him better access. She let out a moan as she felt his hand slip under the dress and into her panties. “Your already dripping Belle. Can he make you do that?”
“Charlie,” she gasped as he easily slid a finger into her wet pussy.
“Tell me to stop and I will,” he looked her in the eye finger still inside her but not moving. “Tell me now.”
Without a word she crashed her lips onto his. He pulled his hand out and grabbed her making her jump into his arms. He wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to his room never detaching his lips from hers.
He made her stand as he removed her dress and underwear before pushing her onto the bed. He made quick work of his own clothes and joined her on the bed, his lips leaving searing kisses along her body. He grabbed her hands and held them above her head as he gently slipped his cock inside her warm, wet walls.
“Charlie,” she moaned as he filled her up, reaching the deepest parts.
“Tell me what you want, what you need Cherie.”
He began moving faster and harder, the sounds of skin slapping on skin, heavy breathing and moans that were like music to his ears. He let go of her hands so that he could touch her clit while he moved his cock in and out.
“Please go faster,” she cried as she grabbed onto the bed sheets, the pleasure building inside her. She didn’t know if she could last much longer.
He knew it, he knew her body, just how to make her squirm and thrive. “You look so beautiful. You were made for me Mon Amour. And I was made for you. Cum for me,”
“I’m close. Don’t stop, please.”
He felt her tightening around him, and he could feel his own ache coming, “Let go Amour.” He felt her body begin to shake as she reached ecstasy crying out the name he loved to hear caused him to explode inside her , coating he walls with his cum. He flopped down next to her pull her with him so that he was still inside her. Just the fucked out look on her face made his cock twitch again. He kissed her, before pulling her into him.
“Why didn’t you tell me you and Alex broke up?”
“I didn’t want you to blame yourself.”
“But you broke up with her because of me?”
“I broke up with her because I didn’t love her. It would have ended soon anyway. No one lasts because their not you.”
He kissed her again to silence her. “ No, lets just enjoy this. Tomorrows problems are tomorrows. Right now all I want to do is hear you scream my name again.” He pulled out of her causing her to whine. “Oh Cherie, just you wait. I’m not done with you.” Sliding down the bed he grabbed her legs and pulled her down placing each leg on either side of his head he dipped down ready to taste.
The sunshine work him up and he turned with a smile which quickly fell away as he saw the empty bed beside him except for a piece of paper with two simple words, “Goodbye Charlie.”
It had been several weeks since she left and Charles had not heard from her at all. He had thought about calling her but he had realised that this was her answer. He missed her, it was almost eating him up in side and he knew it was effecting his driving. He was struggling out there and today’s qualifying was the tip of the ice berg. He had just barely made it through to Q2 of the English Grand Prix when he lost control of his car and ended up in the barrier. It wasn’t a bad crash but he had some how managed to cut his arm while getting out the car and was currently waiting in the med bay to see the doctor. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear someone come in until they spoke.
“You miss me that much?”
His head shot up at the sound of her voice, “Cherie?”
“Hey Charlie. I’m sorry I left. I had to go back and sort some things out. I mean if I’m going to be travelling the world with f1 I had to pack up in Chicago.”
“You took the job?” he replied getting up.
She nodded.
“What about Ryan?”
“I ended it. You were right, I never picked a date because even though I loved him, I wasn’t on love with him.”
“Really?” he smirked.
“Yeah, turns out there’s the Monegasque guy who kinda stole my heart along time ago. And I can’t seem to find anyone who makes me feel the way he does.”
“Do you want someone else to do that?”
“No, I want him. But I’m not sure he is available.”
“Oh I know for a fact his available.” He pulled her into his arms.
“Careful, we need to fix that arm.”
“It can wait. I need my girl more.”
“Don’t call me that here Cherie.”
“While I don’t think you’ll want me to take you right here do you?”
“I love you but nope.”
“I love you too Cherie. And as soon as I get this arm fixed up and do my media duties I’m taking you out on a date.”
“Really? Where we going?”
“Somewhere extremely public. I want the world to know who is the love of my life and who is going to be my future wife and mother of my children.”
“Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself there?”
“I lost you once Cherie. I have no intention of ever making that mistake again. You stuck with me for life.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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neo404 · 4 months
How about.... Nick Sturniolo as a ballet boy
Ballet boy Nick x reader
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The morning was cold, the breeze soft, it was early and the smell of coffee was filling the kitchen, my eyes still adjusting to being awake. I hear my older sister talk on the phone with someone. I sigh, this will be a long day, I hate waking up this early.
“Come on, we are gonna be late.” She says, looking at herself on her phone camera and slicking back some hairs, her black leotard hidden by her pink coat. I smile weakly at her, she really is passionate about this, it makes me happy.
“Going, boss.” I say, pouring the freshly brew coffee on a heat adaptive bottle to keep it warm. A few cars pass by, fewer people walk here and there. The sun is barely rising, the engine of my car roars as I yawn. “Bia, want me to pick you up too?” I take a long sip of the hot coffee and feel a tiny burn sensation on my tongue.
“Yeah, I think some friends wanted to eat us afterwards. Steph is gonna be there, obvi.” I let out a soft groan. “I know, I know. I’ll tell Steph to not embarrass you in front of the cute waiter again.”
“Shut up, Bi.” I start to drive, the soft music of Bias ‘pre ballet’ playlist making me feel like I’m still dreaming, I can hear her taking pictures of herself and I feel the warmness in my heart. She really has come a long way, she has a lot of friends, she is confident and has a loving girlfriend, who loves to embarrass me in front of people I find cute.
I park right outside the petite building in the corner of a street, right besides a coffee shop and adjacent to a small park. Bianka waves goodbye at me and get off the car, I wait of her to enter the building and when she does, I wait for her text.
“Upstairs.” And attached to it is a photo of her smiling to the mirror with Stephanie beside her.
“Tell her I say hi.” I reply. When I put my phone down, I grab my coffee and drink all of it in one long sip. Since it was so early, I had to slow drive to the library for it to open in order for me to start working on my essay. I hear my phone ring as I step out of my car. I pick up and raise the phone to my face. Bias panicked voice hits my ear even with the phone a few centimeters away from it.
“Oh god, oh god.” She speaks. I panic for a slit second too. “I left my pointe shoes in your car.”
“What?” I heard her loud and clear, I just couldn’t believe what she was saying.
“I left them. You have to bring them here, now. Please, the elections for the Black Swan are today and you know how hard I have-“
“I’m on my way, don’t panic. I’ll be fast.” I say as I open the door to my car again.
“Okay, don’t drive too fast.”
“I won’t.”
Thankfully, today seemed to be a slow day for most people because the streets weren’t as cramped as usual. I park, enter the building, and walk upstairs to the salon. I slowly open the door and walk inside, the room is big, filled with mirrors and bars on the walls, people are stretching and adjusting their shoes all around the floor. I see a few girls and guys staring at me, I gulp. I slowly walk to where Bia is.
“Bi.” I call her and she turns around. Hugging me tightly, I pat her back.
“Thanks! Thanks, thanks, thanks. God, I was about to cry.” She let’s go off me, I look around and nervously wave at Steph and her other friends.
“Take a seat while I put these on, I’ll give you 5 dollars for the inconvenience.” She says as she lures me to a corner where her stuff is. I lean into one of the bars screwed to the walls.
“No needs to.”
“Shush, I want to, plus you can buy yourself more coffee, I swear you are an addict to that thing.” She sits on the floor and starts putting her shoes on. I look around the room, on the other corner, alone, a boy spins and stretches his arms up and to the sides, I see his turn and jump, doing things whose names I don’t remember but I swear I listen to Bia talk about. I become mesmerized by his elegance and figure. It’s like the whole room goes quiet, and it’s only the faint noises of the cars and people passing by, the wind hitting the windows and sliding in throw the curtains and in the middle of that beautiful picture is him, twirling around like no one I have seen. It was all black and white, him being the only color in my mind, until I feel a nudge on my leg. I quickly snap out of my mind. “Who you lookin at?” Bia smiles at me and raises and lowers her brows playfully at me. I quickly turn my face around.
“No one.”
“Come on, tell me. I probably know him.”
“Shhh, I don’t want to have this conversation. I’m leaving.” I stand straight, one foot in front of the other when I feel Bis arms around mine, and her voice screaming. ‘NIIIICK’ in a high-pitched voice. I freeze, all my muscles tensing up. I feel my face getting red and my heart beating faster when the guy I was staring at gives one last graceful spin and turns to look at us, when he sees Bianka he smiles warmly at her and waves to her. Bia makes a motion with her hand, telling him to come closer. “I hate you. I really do. No more free rides to ballet.”
“You don’t, thank me when you guys get married.”
“Won’t happen.”
“You don’t know that.”
“What I do know is that I have a crazy sist-“
“Oh my god, hi Nick.” My back instinctually straightens and I look at this Nick guys eyes, and I become more enamored with his sight when I see they are different shades of blue, I put all the energy and will in my body and soul to not become bright red.
“Hi Bii.” He says, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Who is this?” he points at me, like I’m not there, and maybe I am not, because if he would have asked me, I would have now said a words due to how nervous I feel.
“Oh, this little guy? He is my amazing brother; he brought my pointe shoes because I forgot them on his car. Can you believe that? anyway, I wanted to introduce you two because he is the one who will come pick us up to go get food.” She says smiling widely. I want to die, little guy? Are you serious, BI? I’m not a toddler.
“Oh, that’s great, I didn’t want to bother Matt today, he seemed pretty tired.” He says to Bi, then he turns to me. “Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Nicolas but you can call me Nick.” He says, every word sliding out of his mouth like he has already predicted that this was going to happen, like he has practiced this, not a stutter, not a slip, never. He was perfect. From his way of dancing to the way he spoke to people, I hated how perfect he seemed. It must not be real; he has to be fake. “You are a guy of few words.”
“Oh, I… yeah, I guess, nice to meet you too.”
I wanted to burry myself on the ground, I wanted to scream and jump out of the window, I wanted to punch him in the face because he can’t be this handsome. I wanted to kiss him, because if he is perfect a all of those things, he must be perfect at that too.
But I was saved by all these random and uncoherent thoughts by the class teacher, who spoke loudly and clear. “Class is about to start, please, all boyfriends and girlfriends and partners out of the room… Mini Bia you too.” I sigh. And then I heard him laugh and I couldn’t hold it anymore, my face went bright red.
“God, why does she call you that?”
“Long story…” I stare at him while he tries to compose himself, he isn’t perfect… but that just makes him prettier.
“You better tell me that story when we eat. I will die if you don’t.” he puts his hand on my arm and squeezes it, a simple friendly gesture that makes my mind go berserk.
“I wasn’t planning on eating with-… yeah, I’ll tell you there.” I smile at him and wave goodbye at everyone in the room. Before I go out, I see Bia smiling at me and putting one of her thumbs up.
I couldn’t get any work done; all I could think of was him. I wanted to talk to him every hour of every day. I wanted to know every single inch of his body and soul, I wanted to know his dreams, hopes, wants, needs, I want everything. I stared at the words on my computer, and the caffeine on my body rushed throw my veins after my 3rd cup of the day. I let out a loud groan of frustration followed by a “SHHH” of someone near me. “I’m sorry.” I loudly whisper back.
I have always been patient, when you have a sister like Bianka you have to be, one of her longest recitals lasted up to 3 hours, without counting the time she spend grabbing her things, getting changed, collecting all the roses and bouquets she received, taking pictures with every single friend and teacher, exchanging instagrams with the new people she met there, going back to the changing room because she forgot something, talking to people, arranging post recital gatherings, deciding where they wanted to eat. The whole deal requires patience, and I have it. But not now, not when I have to wait 4 hours for them to finish training.
But magically I did. Bias text came in, telling me to pick them up. I grabbed my stuff, waved goodbye to the old lady at the counter and went to my car. As soon as the engine roars I start to drive, arriving quickly to the building, I text her back. “Outside.” She reads it but doesn’t reply, I wait for about five or eight minutes. When I ear a little tap on the window. I see Nick bending a bit so his face is at my height, I lower the window.
“Hi, is this mini Bia? The uber app says that’s the name of the driver.” He smiles at me, his hair a bit messy and his clothes changed, more casual and relaxed. I roll my eyes at him but a wide smile is painted across my face.
“That’s me, sir. Come in and I’ll take you to your destination.” He laughs and stands straight; he walks over to the copilots’ side and sits besides me. Bia and her friends open the door and rush inside the car laughing and giggling.
“Sorry for being late, there was a spider in the changing room.”
“What?” I say.
“Just drive.” I do as she tell me, I hear them talk and complain and whine about the roll distribution, but Bia seems happy because she got the roll she wanted, Nick did too. So, I offered to buy them all a coffee after we eat, so they can keep chatting and I have an excuse to try and get closer to Nick.
The restaurant they wanted to go was pretty, string lights all over the roof, lots of plants here and there, calm music paying and a nice sweet smell all over the place. We sat down close to a large window, I sat across Nick, besides Bia. Everyone ordered the food and while we waited, I hear Nick talk.
“So… why mini Bi?” he says looking at me with a smile I gulp.
“Once I went to give Bianka something she forgot at the house to her, and her ballet teacher raised her voice at me, she said ‘Bia, why aren’t you changed yet?’ I just looked at her panicked, then Bia rushed to my side and she was shocked, she says we look identical. So, she started to call me mini Bia when we told her I was actually younger that Bianka.” Nick giggles a bit as I talk.
“You two do look alike.” He says.
“I don’t think that.”
“Really? You literally have the same eye and face shape.”
“Yeah, but some people say we look like twins. I think I am a hotter version of her.” Her friends laugh, Nick doesn’t. His eyes narrow and they go from Bia to me, from me to Bia.
“Speaking of twins. Matt yesterday bought 3 packs of sodas with my card. I want to strangle him.”
“Who’s Matt?” I ask.
“Oh, my brother.”
“His hot brother.” One of Bias friend say.
“Shut up, they look like me.”
“I’m not saying you are not hot.”
“You literally said the hot one, implying only he is hot.” Both of them smile at each other as they play fight. Then, like a bucket of iced cold water, Nick says. “Don’t you think I’m hot?” while looking at me dead in the eyes. I freeze.
“Well… I- I don’t think I should say that because I just meet yo- NOT saying that you are not, just I don’t think it’s appropriate and I-“ he laughs even harder, and if my face was red, not I invented a new color with my cheeks.
“I’m just joking.” He puts on of his hands on top of mine. I gulp and let out a sigh. Once again, I get saved by someone else, the waiter comes in without food, I slide my hands out of the table and grab my pants tightly. God, I’m so red.
“You feel good? you are so red; do you need air?” Bia asks, a cheeky smile on her face. I glare at her.
“No, I’m fine.” I try to play it off.
The food was nice, what wasn’t nice was trying to melt every time Nick laughed or looked at me. we had coffee, we laughed more, I got red over and over again. I left them on a mall, everyone got down but Nick who was ‘grabbing his stuff’. He gave me his phone, the contacts app open and the keyboard composed with numbers filling half of the screen. I look up at him surprised. “Just in case I need a ride.”
“You can tell Matt.” I whisper.
“But I can’t go on dates with him, can I?”
“Oh…. Ohhhhh, shit. Yeah, fuck, sorry. I didn’t mean to curse.” I grab the phone out of his hands and type in my phone number and give it back to him, he smiles and gets down of the car when he closes the door and takes a few steps closer to my sister and the group my phone rings. I pick up.
“I had to confirm.” He says.
“I will never give you the wrong number.”
“You better not. See you around.”
“Yeah, have fun.” I smile at him looking at him throw the window, he waves at me and the all walk inside the mall. I bury myself into the steering wheel, god, thanks Bianka.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
Boys Don't Cry Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions
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Book/Fandom: Open Heart,, adjacent?
Character(s): Jensen Valentine (MC), Aliyah Hudson (OC), Cyrus Young (OC)
Rating: Teen
Words: 2346
Summary: Band AU - Jensen, Aliyah, and Cy answer questions in a Wired Autocomplete Interview
A/N: yes this is literally the first band au post ive made so have fun w it
“Hi everyone, we’re Boys Don't Cry,” the three of them said, perfectly synchronized and only after half a million takes.
“And this is the Wired Autocomplete interview!” Liyah finished with a smile. “I’m Aliyah, and I use she/her pronouns.”
“Jensen, he/him.”
“And Cyrus, but you can call me Cy, and I use they/them pronouns!” 
Liyah took the first board after a beat, reading half of the first question suspensefully. “Does Boys Don't Cry…” she forcefully ripped off the paper, sticking it to Jensen’s shoulder, “sing in Spanish? Yes! We do.”
“I do,” Jensen corrected, casting her a glance. “Liyah’s Spanish is shit. Either I do it or have to give her the translation.”
“Shut up,” she said, ripping off the next paper. “Do Boys Don't Cry members have any tattoos?”
“Hell yes,” Cy answered, already brandishing their arms. 
“God, I can’t even imagine how many we have put together,” Liyah said, counting some on her legs through her fishnets and trying to mentally add the rest. Jensen just shrugged at the camera, letting the others try and come up with a number.
He took the board from Liyah as he waited, pulling off the next piece of paper. “Do Boys Don't Cry dye their hair?” He read. “Nope, this—” he gestured towards the purple streak in his hair “—all natural.”
“At least 50 between the two of us,” Liyah said, looking over to see that Jensen had already moved on. “Dick. Anyway, yeah we have little hair dye nights at Cy’s place.”
“Aka we’re cheap as fuck and do it in my bathroom instead of going to a decent salon,” Cy clarified with a sarcastic sort of smile.
“Yeah, it’s actually in our contract under the ‘Team Bonding’ clause.”
Liyah nodded in confirmation at Jensen’s comment, taking the paper off the last question. “Why is Boys Don't Cry called that?”
“Because boys don't cry, of course,” Cy answered and took the board to throw away.
Adding on, Jensen continued, “Yeah, and we just really like The Cure.”
Liyah rolled her eyes with a smile before giving a real answer. “If you even care,” she started sarcastically, knowing this was one of the most asked questions they got, “it’s actually supposed to be a joke on the saying ‘boys don't cry.’ A lot of the songs we make address bigger issues, like social stigmas and institutional problems, and Jensen specifically had more of a personal connection to that one. Not only did it fit us, but the name itself is easy to remember, too. Essentially, a lot of what we’re doing is going against things like that, so it worked.”
Jensen gave a jokingly awkward thumbs up, waiting a moment for the next board. In the meantime, Liyah took the stack of papers and set them on Jensen’s arm while Cy pulled off the piece of paper.
“Is Boys Don't Cry lgbt?”
Liyah’s head immediately snapped up, answering right into the camera. “If you think we’re not, you’re literally in denial. I mean, have you seen us?” she asked, gesturing vaguely with one hand to Cy, then doing the same to Jensen, before presenting herself with a flourish.
“Yeah, that is kinda on y’all if you didn’t notice,” Cy added, Jensen nodding in agreement.
“I’m aroace,” Liyah started before gesturing and looking towards Jensen. “Jensen’s…whatever the fuck he is, and Cy is nonbinary and bi.”
Cy nodded before reading the next question, tossing the paper onto the floor. “Is Boys Don't Cry American?”
Cy and Aliyah looked to Jensen. “Oh, uh, yeah, we are. I’m the only one not from the states; I was born in Colombia, moved here when I was like six.”
Reading the next with a smile, Cy asked, “Is Boys Don’t Cry problematic?”
“Of course we are. We’re queer and in an alt band, that’s basically the whole criteria,” Jensen answered in a flat tone.
Cy moved on without a beat. “Has Boys Don’t Cry broken up?”
“Not to my knowledge,” Liyah answered, the three of them giving a timed, synchronized look to the camera, then each other. 
“Maybe it’s time to come out with our plan to kick her out, huh?” Cy asked, leaning around Liyah to see Jensen.
“Yeah, I guess. We were just gonna keep doing the tour but pretend you don’t exist the whole time so eventually you’d just descend into madness and your fame would slowly dwindle.”
Liyah gave them both a look at the utterly blank expressions on their faces, Cy hiding a laugh after a long second of eye contact but Jensen still holding up strong. Aliyah just shook her head before slapping the board out of Cy’s hand as Jensen took the next one, Aliyah’s name in the search bar.
“Is Aliyah Hudson from Chicago?”
“Born and raised, yes. I grew up in an outer suburb but now we live in the city,” she said with a smile.
“Aliyah—” Jensen practically coughed out a laugh, taking a breath to recompose himself before finishing. “Aliyah Hudson paparazzi incident.”
“Fuck off! I knew they’d ask this.” She wiped her hands down her face, sighing. “Like, last year or something, we were coming out of a show through the back exit. We didn’t think paparazzi were allowed in the back since we were doing a little meet and greet, and I accidentally hit one of them in the face with the door.”
Cy was giggling already, continuing with, “And it wasn’t like a nice door, it was a huge metal industrial door and she absolutely smacked this poor guy. Literally knocked him on his ass. Jensen and I were too busy laughing to help him up.”
Liyah tried to push Cy off their chair while Jensen continued. “Does Aliyah Hudson write her music?”
“Sometimes!” she said, casually moving back to her spot as Cy tried to readjust to stay on their chair. “Most of the writing is actually Jensen and Cy, but I help here and there. A lot of what I do is production and the actual music part of it.”
“Last one,” Jensen said, struggling with the paper but crumpling it up and tossing it at her when he finally got it. “Aliyah Hudson guitar.”
“Oh my god, child mentioned!” she said excitedly, bouncing a little in her chair, “If you don’t know, I’ve been decorating my Fender with different stickers and designs from the different cities we’ve been to on tour. I cleaned it and started new for this tour, and I’ve been updating it every show on my Instagram.”
Jensen tossed the board away, Cy taking the next one from the other side. 
“Boys Don’t Cry style evolution.”
“Ooh, cute,” Liyah commented. “So, I’m taking this as fashion style because we are a glam rock band. I think we all started pretty lowkey, but now that we’ve kept going at it, I know I have definitely started to include more color in my looks.”
“Yeah, Jensen definitely still wears the most black, but I do appreciate seeing some sparkles every once in a while,” Cy said as Jensen watched the two of them converse. 
Aliyah continued, “I definitely have more of a grungy, kinda boho look outside of the band, and I’ve let that influence my style in the band.”
“Over time, we’ve moved away from the full emo vampire look, and more moved into the grunge, refined vampire look.” Jensen gave a nod of agreement to Cy before they read the next question.
“Boys Don’t Cry 2024 world tour”
“Happening right now,” Jensen said, not about to elaborate further until Aliyah did it for him. 
“We’re in California, LA specifically, and once we finish the rest of the west coast we’re going to Mexico, South America, Japan, a few other Asian countries, Oceania, and Europe.”
“I only remembered like three of those, so I’m glad you did it,” Cy said happily before moving onto the next one. “What are Boys Don’t Cry concerts like?”
“Amazing, fantastic, and wonderful, of course!” Aliyah answered.
“Depending on the crowds, there’s occasionally pits, but usually they’re pretty chill. Further towards the back is usually safer if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Yeah, and always wear ear protection!” Cy tacked onto the end. “We love doing heavy bass and it can be really loud, so make sure you’re prepared. Otherwise, it’s pretty standard, lots of flashing lights, super glittery—the normal stuff.”
Cy tossed out the board and Jensen took the next one.
“Oh yay look, it’s the love of my life,” Jensen said, the search bar displaying Cyrus’ name this time. “Is Cy Young…” he took off the paper, giving a tilt of his head that said he figured they’d be getting that question. “Is Cy Young deaf?”
“Hard of hearing, actually!” they answered cheerily but let their tone drop to more informational. “For interviews like this, I usually wear my hearing aid just because it’s easier production-wise,” they twisted their head, showing it off. “Usually, though, when I’m with Liyah and Jen, we just sign.”
Jensen ripped off the next one. “Who is Cy Boys Don’t Cry?”
“Wow, so detailed,” they commented with a sarcastic little smirk. “I’m in my twenties, I was born in California, and moved to Chicago when I was twelve. My parents immigrated from the Philippines, I’ve been playing the drums since I was seven, and now I’m here.” They smiled at the end before looking to Jensen for the next question.
Jensen pulled off the paper and smiled before even reading it. “Is Cy Young dating Jensen Valentine?”
Cy let out a short cackle of a laugh, quickly turning into mock disappointment. “No, unfortunately.”
“We will keep pretending just to piss people off, though.”
“It’s so fucking funny; we’ve had people asking forever, so we just keep feeding into it,” Cy finished after bouncing off Jensen, waiting for the last question. 
“Cyrus Young aesthetic.”
“Oh hell yeah, I got this. It’s actually just recovering middle school emo with a touch,” they said, adding a flourish with their hand, “of gay. But really, any middle school emo is already gay, so just take it up a little notch.”
“Realest shit I’ve ever heard,” Aliyah said.
Jensen nodded as Liyah took the board from him, throwing it behind herself. She took the next one, ripping off the first paper. “‘Which member of Boys Don't Cry has the highest net worth?’ Eh, I feel like talking about money is kinda tacky—”
“Oh fuck, Liyah, I think?” Jensen interrupted, clearly trying hard to think about it.
“Bitch,” she said, looking over at him judgmentally.
Jensen just gave her a look for a long second. “…I didn’t listen to you at all, if that’s what you’re yelling at me about.”
Liyah sighed out a curse under her breath before moving to the next one. “Are the members of Boys Don’t Cry—” Cyrus cut her off with a laugh, reading ahead. “—in a throuple?”
“Yes,” Jensen answered, expression entirely blank, and the others were perfectly satisfied with it.
“Can the members of Boys Don’t Cry play any other instruments? Yeppers, we can. I play guitar and piano.”
“I can play the drums and a little piano, too. Also trumpet,” Cy answered, looking to Jensen for the last one. 
“Yeah, I play bass, piano, and clarinet. Oh, and I do a lot of our synths and other cuts in our setlist between songs.”
“How did the Boys Don't Cry members meet?”
“This is such a gross question,” Cy said before Liyah could answer.
“We met in high school,” she said with a mock shudder. “Do you know how long I’ve known them? That’s a long time. They’re like parasites.”
“Says you,” Jensen commented. “Who’s the one who’s always at my house eating my fucking leftovers?”
“Cy, obviously,” Liyah answered guiltily before tossing it to the side. Finally, they reached the last question board, Jensen’s name at the top this time. “OOOH! Jenny this one’s all about you,” she said excitedly, pulling it onto her lap and out of Jensen’s hand.
“Aw, my favorite boyfriend,” Cy joked.
Liyah started reading as she struggled to get all the rips of paper off the rest of the question. “Is Jensen Valentine…nice?”
Jensen barely even opened his mouth before Cy leaned forward in their chair, accusationally answering, “Fuck no!”
“Real,” Liyah added on.
Jensen looked away from them, expression on his face saying enough. “And I’m the mean one,” he said into the camera.
Cy reached over and pulled off the next one, their bracelets jingling as they crumpled up the paper and threw it at Jensen. “Is Jensen Valentine dating?”
Liyah and Cy both whipped their heads towards him. “I—stop,” he said towards them before looking back to the camera, “not really, no. I don’t really date when we’re on tour.”
“Last one!” Liyah said, happily pulling the cover off. “Has Boys Don't Cry—” she interrupted herself with a cackle of a laugh, Cy turning the board towards themself to see then laughing too. 
“Oh my god,” Jensen said under his breath, rolling his eyes and even getting a little smile out. “‘Has Boys Don't Cry Jensen never really cried?’” he read before looking back up to Liyah and Cy, “My therapist ghost wrote that.”
“She probably Googles it after all your sessions,” Liyah said, still laughing. 
“Literally.” He turned back to look at the camera, “Anyway, no. Not once in my entire life have I cried,” he answered, tone utterly flat. “I’m actually an emotionless robot.”
“True and real, we picked him up from the lab,” Cy added with a smile towards the camera. 
Jensen reached over Liyah, throwing the board to the side. “Shit, sorry!” he said, smacking his hand over his mouth as it went farther than intended, flying like a frisbee far off screen. 
Cy rolled their eyes. “Clearly he’s defective, though.”
Jensen leaned in front of Liyah, shooting them a glare. They smiled at him and blew a quick kiss.
“Anyway,” Liyah said, starting the outro. “We’re Boys Don’t Cry, and thanks for watching!”
@jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @lilyoffandoms
19 notes · View notes
mofffun · 1 year
tidbits from Erica's instalive/space (20 Aug):
S2 starts ep27/Sept 3, together with Gotchard
New Look is her own hair. She needs to visit the salon every two or three weeks for maintenance because of the bleach (ssfriends.com described as "orange")
New Look lipstick is from Estee Lauder. A reddish pink called "Hana Yome" (Bride)
No panier to distinguish from the previous bubbly image for a more mature look with the asymmetric skirt
The cast's suggestions is considered determining the new looks
When Aoto and Yuzuki are done with their new haircut, she hardly recgonized them at first
played Moffun's Song on piano in Space
did a mimic of Kaguragi's lines in Space
There will be a very cool scene for Kaguragi in the future
Which role in King-ohger would you like to play other than your own? (laughs) Who? I want to try Racules. People are tools, I am the nation.
She wanted Chief Maid to get a name so she's really happy for it coming true
script that made her cry is ep26
ep26 also features the neck rhinestones Yuzuki arranged with her
neck rhinestones change the same time as the wig
Hair & makeup can take up to 30-40 minutes. She does most of her own makeup to save time. If she waits for the artist it could take an hour. Most of that time is for curling hair (since she's using her own hair rather than wig in S2)
When asked about favourite lines, there's a lot that she likes:
ep3: last line before her first henshin
ep14: I am strong as I am beautiful
ep25: about flowers withering as seeds for new life
a deleted scene in ep22. After Suzume moved Racules's coffin away, Yanma was puzzled if she ever loved him. Himeno responded with, "A woman's heart is an enigma, that's why it's beautiful", which just confused Yanma even more (he gave a なんだそれ face):
Yanma: 本気で惚れてねえか
Himeno: 女心の複雑さはわからないからこそ美しい
She also likes the dialogues for the other characters: Yanma's forthrightness, Kaguragi's schemes and Gira's determination like ep25 and the one from the film (I am going to protect it because it's a small happiness)
How do you memorise the script? I used to think a lot while reading, but now I just go through it and read it out by section. (re: madigi interview about getting better at understanding how the story evolves so the process of memorisation is smoother than before)
What roles do you want to try in the future? A kind mother or grandma. The grandma that nods and smiles and watches over you.
About "good at romance" in 10sec challenge: she answered this in panic to "what you like about Himeno". She really meant Himeno is good at detecting romance. Erica likes when Himeno get excited telling who likes who and how one person think of the other.
37 notes · View notes
sweetestofchaos · 2 years
TOTW Chapter 4
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paring: ot7 x oc!hybrid  rating/genre/au: Teen, Angst, Fluff, Parent AU, Hybrid AU, Non-Idol AU  warnings: Crying, Child Vaccine, Mention of Needles, Doctor’s Visit, Mention of Blood, Namjoon Kisses Someone’s Cheek, Alpaca!Seokjin, Pied-Bellied Shield Tail Snake!Yoongi, Human!Namjoon, Human!Hoseok, Human!Jimin, Human!Taehyung, Kangaroo!Jungkook, Quoll!OC  wc: 6.4K 
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"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s parent’s protection." - Sigmund Freud
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a/n: @namjinsmoonchile as always, thank you for being my beta! Huge thank you to @hisunshiine​ for looking over Hobi and Imani’s scene for me!
a/n 2: Bold text is BTS speaking English
taglist: @elliedearest @quirkybtsarmy @vvh0adie
series masterlist 🌻character profiles
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Hoseok stands alone in his salon staring down at the requested items Jungkook brought home. A wide tooth comb, a detangling brush, a large pack of black rubber bands, a child sized shower cap and a single silk bonnet that Hoseok will have Taehyung resize a little later before bedtime. Pursing his lips, Hoseok scans the labels of shampoos and conditioners, thinking of which would be best to help him keep as much as Imani’s hair as possible. Sadly, Hoseok doesn’t have many clients that like to keep their natural curls. Often coming in for touches up on their straight perms, so he’s a little rusty in the curl department. However, Hoseok is positive that Imani has 3b hair which needs a lot of lightweight hydration. Going over his game plan in his mind, Hoseok grabs a sulfate-free shampoo and finds a deep conditioner that he thinks will work best for Imani.
Later, when Hoseok has some time, he will sit down and order a few products just for Imani to better take care of her hair. Hoseok glances at his supply closet and tries to recall if he still has a manikin head to practice on. He is sure that braiding is just like riding a bike, it’s something that you can’t forget once you learn…but just to be on the safe side, Hoseok would like to study and practice a few styles. Setting up his station, Hoseok grabs a booster seat for Imani to sit on and double checks everything before he shoots Seokjin a text to let him know everything is ready.
While he waits for Seokjin to bring Imani down to the shop, Hoseok scrolls through his Spotify to find the perfect playlist to help Imani relax. Jimin shared with everyone that Imani’s mother was a Broadway singer, so he thinks maybe Imani might like a Broadway playlist. Seokjin’s voice catches his attention and Hoseok sets his phone down.
 The salon is completely closed off from the upper levels, a decision that Yoongi readily agreed to for the safety of his pack. They never knew what strangers were capable of and no one wanted to give Seokjin and Hoseok’s clients access to their home. The elevator is passcode protected and is hidden away in the laundry room for an extra safety measure.
Seokjin walks out from the back of the salon with Imani in his arms, her little face tucked in the crook of his neck as she scents him lightly. Rubbing her back softly, Seokjin smiles weary at Hoseok unsure if this is going to work. Seokjin would like nothing more than to keep all of Imani’s hair, but he cannot fathom how Hoseok will manage it. Seokjin tried and he failed to find Imani’s ears in all the knots and curls. Hoseok smiles and cranes his neck trying to see Imani’s face.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Hoseok tickles Imani’s side and the little girl wiggles in Seokjin’s arms, her body twisting, as she pulls away from Seokjin’s neck with a giggle. “Are you all ready to get that hair washed?” Hoseok smooths a large hand over Imani’s bird nest and the little girl pouts. “Awe.” Hoseok mimics Imani’s pouting lips before he reaches out and carefully takes Imani from Seokjin’s arms. “What's that face for, pretty?”
Imani’s little fists ball the collar of Hoseok’s striped shirt tightly and she whines, “Gonna hurt?”
Hoseok frowns at Imani’s question. As much as he wants to tell her it won’t hurt, he cannot guarantee that, but he can promise to try his best. Hoseok bounces Imani up higher in his arms, holding her better so that they can look each other in the eyes.
“Seokie promises to try his best. Can you trust me, pretty girl?”
Seokjin watches the interaction and folds his hand together, twisting his fingers around as he chews on his bottom lip. Hoseok shoots him a comforting glance and puts his focus back on Imani.
“Jinnie is going to be here the whole time, okay? We can stop if you don’t like it.” Hoseok takes his time as he tries to soothe Imani’s fears. He may not be able to smell her but the worry melting from Seokjin’s face tells Hoseok that his words might have worked. Imani looks at the large sink behind Hoseok and she nods her head giving Hoseok permission to wash her hair.
Hoseok sets Imani down in the booster seat and grabs a tan towel before he drapes it over Imani’s shoulders and clips it together in the front. Grabbing a sage green cape, Hoseok quickly puts that over Imani’s shoulder and fastens it behind her neck to make sure her clothing stays clean and dry. He turns on the water, checking that it’s not too cold or hot before he tilts Imani back. Her head rests snugly against the neck rest and Hoseok grabs his phone, “What music do you like, Imani? Broadway?”
Imani’s eyes glitter at the mention of Broadway and Hoseok smiles, pressing play on the child-friendly playlist he chose. ‘He Lives In You (Reprise)’ from the Lion King starts to play and Imani chirps happily making Hoseok beam in delight. Hoseok quickly pulls an apron over his head and shoves two handfuls of hair clips into one of the pockets before he grabs the wide tooth comb and starts to gently search for Imani’s ears. Hoseok must be extra careful not to get water in the animal ears or hurt them with his comb. Seokjin sits beside Imani and starts to sing along to the song softly making Imani giggle.
The light pressure of the comb and Hoseok fingers makes Imani melt in her seat. She always loved when her mother did her hair. The scalp scratches and ear pats were lovely. Not to mention the scent of all the different products her mother used, they always smelled sweet. Hoseok lets out a small cry of victory as he finds one of Imani’s pitch-black ears and carefully clips the hair away before he searches for the other one. Doing the same thing to the other ear, Hoseok pulls out two small ear caps and places them over Imani’s ears. Imani’s ears twitch from the sudden feeling of plastic on her ears, the little crinkling making it hard to focus on Seokjin’s singing while Hoseok mutters to himself.
Imani mewls lowly and Seokjin grabs her hand, holding onto it gently. His thumb stokes over Imani’s little fingers and Hoseok tests the water one last time. “Okay, pretty girl. I’m going to wet your hair now…” Hoseok lifts the sprayer and eases it over Imani’s head, slowly wetting her hair in sections so that he doesn’t add extra weight to her head.
“Wouldn’t it be better for me to hold her?” Seokjin offers as he eyes Imani’s ears leaning in his direction.
“Let me wash her hair first, Hyungie.” Hoseok smiles softly at Seokjin. “I think she’ll fall asleep halfway through the wash, anyway.” Hoseok’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, watching as Imani fights to keep her eyes open.
Seokjin’s heart pinches at the sight and he can’t help but coo as Imani yawns, a small squeak slipping out towards the end. Setting the sprayer down, Hoseok pumps some detangler into his hand and rubs them together. Keeping his movements in time to the beat of whatever song is playing from the speakers, Hoseok starts to work the detangler into Imani’s hair, starting at the back of her head. Reaching over, Hoseok picks up the detangling brush and gently starts to work out the knots in Imani’s hair. Imani’s fingers flex in Seokjin’s hold and he watches as all the tension on Imani’s body seemingly dissolves with each untangled knot.
Imani blinks slowly, her vision starting to waver as the soothing tug and pull of the brush combined with Hoseok’s fingers make Imani’s skin tingle. Hoseok detangles Imani’s hair, section by section, keeping his eyes on the sleepy little girl in front of him. He steps back for a short moment to change the playlist to something less busy, opting for Disney lullabies. A familiar beat plays, soft and calming before Phil Collins’ voice starts to croon the well-known lyrics of ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’ from Tarzan. Tapping his foot, Hoseok sings along and Seokjin joins in, their voices wrapping Imani in an invisible warm, weighted blanket of overwhelming affection and serenity. Imani yawns once more and she drifts off to sleep with a quiet purr rumbling in her chest.
Seokjin shifts in his seat and pulls a leg up towards his chest while still holding onto Imani’s hand. He rests his chin on his knee and watches her sleeping figure. “How can she be so perfect?” Seokjin whispers, his eyes bright in wonder and Hoseok starts to rinse the detangling cream from Imani’s hair.
“I think you’re just smitten, hyung.”
Seokjin’s ears on top of his head swivel slightly at Hoseok words and Seokjin smiles, “Yeah...I guess I am.”
Hoseok snickers and glances at his phone to check the time, “Hyung…can we reschedule Imani’s appointment? This is going to take a while.”
Seokjin watches as Hoseok starts to shampoo Imani’s hair, taking his time to wash each of the four sections separately and Seokjin agrees, this is going to take a while. Pulling his phone from his pocket, Seokjin takes a minute long video of Hoseok washing Imani’s hair before he sends it to the group chat followed by four heart eye emojis. His, as well as Hoseok’s phone goes off with different emojis that makes Seokjin smile.
Seokjin - We’re gonna be a while
Seokjin - Hobie says to reschedule the appointment
Seokjin watches as many text bubbles pop up before Yoongi is the first to respond with a simple okay.
“What did they say?” Hoseok questions, unable to look at his phone as he washes Imani’s hair.
“Yoongi will have Namjoon reschedule it for tomorrow.”
“Great…now I can really take my time!”
Grabbing the sprayer once again, Hoseok rinses Imani’s hair and starts to brush a deep conditioning mask onto it layer by layer and section by section. Grabbing the detangling brush, Hoseok again starts to detangle Imani’s hair, starting at the ends and going closer to her scalp. Once that’s done, Hoseok does a two-strand twist on the four sections of Imani’s hair.
“How long will that take?” Seokjin watches as Hoseok easily gathers Imani’s hair in his hands and skillfully places it all inside a plastic cap made for hybrids that have ears on top of their heads.
“Give me a hand, hyung?” Hoseok motions towards Imani’s sleeping body and Seokjin is quick to lift her into his arms, making sure not to let her head loll backwards as he walks over to the hooded dryer.
“Given the amount of hair that she has, I’m thinking 45 minutes, give or take a few if Imani doesn’t sit still.”
Seokjin nods his head and sits down in the chair with Imani in his lap. He gently wakes her up and smiles at her pouty lil face. “Hi, pup.” Seokjin nuzzles his nose against Imani’s and hums in delight as wild sunflowers stretch out wide in his heart. “Seokie is going to put a hair dryer on, okay? It won’t be too loud. It’s made for our ears.”
Imani’s lower lip starts to tremble, and Seokjin shushes her while patting her lower back, “You can go back to sleep.” Bringing Imani’s nose to his scent gland, Seokjin pushes out a little more of his lavender scent and Imani’s body relaxes in his arms. “Good girl…that’s my good cria.” Seokjin nods for Hoseok to get the dryer set up and Hoseok moves quickly. Easily placing the flexible hood over Imani’s head, making sure her ears won’t be crushed as he lowers the hood. There are two holes in the hood for Imani’s ears to be comfortable and free from the heat. As Hoseok starts up the dryer, Imani whines and tries to bury her face into Seokjin’s neck, and she starts to fuss when she can’t.
Bringing his hand upward, Seokjin boops Imani on the nose and leaves his wrist by her nose. Imani’s eyes flutter open and her head falls into Seokjin’s hand before she smiles and goes back to sleep. Turning the TV on, Hoseok puts on the k-drama that he knows Seokjin is in the middle of catching up on. He makes sure that the closed captions are on, so that Seokjin can follow in case he can’t hear and starts to clean up the wash station a little bit.
Upstairs in Yoongi’s office, Namjoon sits with a phone pressed to his ear. Having to reschedule Imani’s doctor’s appointment isn’t that big of a deal. One day isn’t going to hurt, but since she is a rare hybrid that is currently in foster care, their wiggle room isn’t much. Namjoon sighs and hangs up, rubbing his temples. From the other side of his desk, Yoongi chuckles, “Welcome to parenthood.” His voice is flat as he stares at Namjoon and Namjoon rolls his eyes.
“Tomorrow at 10 sharp. Do you want me to go?” Namjoon slips his phone into his pocket and stands, looking at Yoongi.
“I’ll go. I know you have a zoom meeting at 9.” Namjoon narrows his eyes and Yoongi smirks. “Not getting out of work that easily, Joon-ah.”
Back in the salon Hoseok offers to get Seokjin something to drink and Seokjin shakes his head, lost in his own world as he pats Imani’s butt in a steady rhythm subconsciously to the beat of whatever song is playing. Hoseok grins to himself and snaps a photo of Seokjin and Imani. He keeps it for himself, choosing not to share it with the group. Imani is small, but in Seokjin’s arms she looks so, so tiny. It makes Hoseok worry about Imani’s upcoming doctor’s appointment. 
Will everything be okay? Will she need shots? Oh, God! What if Imani needs shots? Hoseok feels faint just thinking about it. He hates needles and wherever he gets stabbed always hurts so much worse the day after. Shaking the thought from his head, Hoseok goes to the first floor to grab a few snacks in case Imani or Seokjin get peckish later while they're down in the salon.
The elevator doors open, and Hoseok is greeted with the shouts of Taehyung and Jungkook as they fight over who is winning in Mario Kart. Jimin is in the kitchen making a smoothie and smiles when Hoseok enters.
“How’s it going?” Jimin takes a pause in cutting up some fruit and Hoseok makes a face.
“She has a lot of hair. Thankfully I was able to save it. Only a little came out from detangling, but nothing to worry about.”
“Are you going to trim it?”
“Yeah. I want to give her hair as much of a healthy restart as possible.”
“Na. Do we have any coffee left?”
Jimin points to the coffee machine on the counter and Hoseok sighs in relief seeing that there are a few k cups left of espresso. He cannot wait to down a large, iced Americano. Grabbing himself a huge tumbler, Hoseok fills it halfway with ice before he places it under the nozzle of the machine. Placing a k cup inside and pressing the Americano button, Hoseok grabs some cream from the fridge and pours a small amount into the other side of the machine to make cold foam.
“Being fancy today, huh, hyung?” Jimin jokes and Hoseok rolls his eyes as he puts together his drink, quickly making one for Seokjin as well; making sure to add four tablespoons of sugar to his. “How fast did she fall asleep?”
“I don’t even know, babe.”
Jimin coos as Namjoon walks down the steps and heads right for the duo. “Having any luck?” Namjoon asks as he places a hand on both Jimin and Hoseok’s lower back, pecking their cheeks.
“Once I wash the mask out, I’ll hand dry the hair and trim it before I style it.”
“Oh!” Jimin’s eyes shine with wonder and promise. “What are you going to do?”
Hoseok frowns at Jimin’s question. He didn’t think that far ahead. Now is a good time to look for some idea as to what might work.
“Would you like to help me find a style?” Hoseok offers and Jimin’s whole face lights up, his eyes turning into tight crescent moons from how hard he’s smiling.
“Can’t wait to see what you do, Hobi.” Namjoon kisses Hoseok’s forehead and walks off to see what Taehyung and Jungkook are doing.
Standing together in the kitchen, Jimin and Hoseok scroll through their phones, showing each other different styles that might work for Imani. Jimin shouts in surprise when they show each other the same hair style and Hoseok nods his head impressed. It’s a very simple style but gives a lot of wiggle room if later Imani would like bows or barrettes in it. Hoseok gathers his drink along with Seokjin’s and Jimin loads him up with two containers filled with snacks. Back in the salon, Hoseok smiles seeing that Seokjin is still patting away at Imani’s butt with his eyes closed. His movements are slowed, so Hoseok knows that Seokjin is well on his way to falling asleep.
“Hyung,” Hoseok calls Seokjin and the older male picks his head up. Eyes squinted as he turned his head in Hoseok’s direction. “I made you an Americano.” Hoseok sets the containers down and walks over with Seokjin’s drink in hand. He gives it to him and checks how much time is left on the dryer. Ten minutes won’t hurt. Turning the dryer off, Hoseok scoops Imani into his arms and carries her over to the sink once again. He wakes her up softly and Imani yawns as she rubs at her eyes with a closed fist. “Would you like some juice, pretty girl?” Hoseok asks and Imani nods her head.
Hoseok gives Imani a juice box from the container and is ready if she needs help opening it (she does not). He allows for Imani to finish her drink while he fiddles around with the water temperature again for the sink. Helping Imani lean back, Hoseok rinses her hair and wrings out the extra water before he jumps into trimming her hair. He takes an inch off, happy that Imani’s hair seems to be in much better shape after the hair mask. Taking his time, Hoseok starts to oil her scalp and apply moisturizer to Imani’s damp hair before blow drying it by hand using warm air. While blow drying Imani’s hair, Seokjin gives her a bag of chips and Imani vibrates in her seat happily as she munches away.
“Okay, you ready?” Hoseok asks as he grabs his rat tail comb. “Tell me if I’m pulling too hard, okay?”
Hoseok sections Imani’s hair into three sections, two squares in the front and the back is one large section. Using hair cream, Hoseok slicks down the first section of hair and brushes it into a ponytail that keeps in place with a black rubber band before he quickly braids the hair. He does the same for the other square and tugs the braids to the back of Imani’s head where he brushes the ends into another ponytail that he leaves out in all its curly glory. Grabbing the gel, Hoseok tames Imani’s baby hairs just like he saw in the picture making sure he lays any flyaway hairs down with mousse before he ties three pieces of wrap paper onto Imani’s head making sure her edges are covered.
“Are you done?” Seokjin asks in between a bite of banana chips.
“Once Imani is done with her snack we’ll be done.” Hoseok helps Imani down from the chair and she runs over to Seokjin to see what he’s eating. Hoseok laughs and goes about cleaning up after himself while the other two enjoy their snacks together.
“All done!” Imani shouts as she wipes her mouth the back of her hand and Seokjin tsks his tongue with a frown on his face.
“Napkin, Imani!” Seokjin scolds and Imani hurries over to Hoseok, ignoring Seokjin as he wipes the crumbs from the table into his hand.
Finished with his cleaning, Hoseok lifts Imani into the seat and carefully pulls the wrap paper undone. He tosses them into the trash can underneath his station and smiles at Imani. “Ready to see your hair?”
“Yesh! Is it pwetty?”
A large heart-shaped smile graces Hoseok’s lips, and he turns the chair around to show Imani her new hair style. Imani stares at her reflection with her mouth wide open, her black ears on display on either side of the braids.
“Whoa!” Imani turns her head from side to side trying to see the back of her head and Hoseok holds up a smaller mirror, showing Imani the large ponytail that sits at the base of her head a few inches above the nape of her neck.
“You like it?” Hoseok can’t help but to ask and Imani nods her head excitedly.
“Pwetty!” Imani jumps from the chair into Hoseok’s arms making him laugh and hug her tightly as she wraps her little arms around his neck. “You the bestest!” Hoseok’s face heats up at Imani’s words and Seokjin is sniffling, dabbing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. Imani looks over at Seokjin and grins, “Look it, Jinnie! Look it!”
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Sitting in the waiting room of a hospital in the pediatric ward, Yoongi keeps his sunglasses on as he watches Imani sit in Seokjin’s lap while he reads Not So Different by Cyana Riley. It’s one of the five books that Imani packed in her comfort bag that Seokjin insisted on bringing. It’s filled with a soft blanket that the pack has scented, noise canceling headphones, two change of clothes, lollipops, water, and sunglasses, along with basic medicine and band aids. Imani is wearing a cute yellow short sleeve shirt that has white daisies on it with a denim button up cami on top that is styled like overalls if someone just wanted to wear the top half. The top is paired with a simple pair of jeans and yellow rain boots that have white hearts on them. Hoseok made sure to put white ribbons in Imani’s hair too. The medium sized bows make her look so stinking cute!
It was a long night for Yoongi. He put off his workload long enough and stayed up longer to get a decent portion done before sunrise. Anyone can tell with just one look into his eyes. They are normally chestnut brown with black circular pupils but today they are darker with black slits for his pupils. Yoongi isn’t self-conscious about his eyes, but having Imani with him, Yoongi doesn’t want any unwanted attention.
Imani giggles as Seokjin kisses her cheek, tucking her head underneath his chin to hide away from more kisses. Yoongi stares, taking the two of them in before he frowns. Seokjin has fallen into this parenting role so naturally that it makes Yoongi’s heart feel as though someone has ripped it out, dunked it in lava and poured acid on it before shoving it back into his chest. As much as they have always talked about adopting, Yoongi never really thought much of it. Looking at Seokjin with Imani, Yoongi wonders if Seokjin hid his true pain from him and if so for how long? Shaking the thought from his head, Yoongi turns his head at the sound of a door opening in the distance.
“Kim Imani?” A nurse calls out Imani’s name and Yoongi stands up, offering to carry the bag for Seokjin while he follows the nurse with Imani in his arms. “Aren’t you a cutie!” The nurse smiles at Imani, wiggling her fingers in a friendly hello. The nurse leads the family to a room that has large purple and green star stickers on it. They step inside and the nurse motions for Seokjin to set Imani down. “Remove your shoes and hop on up, dear.”
Imani giggles as Seokjin removes her rain boots and sets her down on the scale. The nurse quickly takes down Imani’s weight before she pulls down a metal bar to measure Imani’s height. After the height and weight check, the nurse asks a few questions as Seokjin sets Imani on the patient's bed. He holds Imani’s hand and smiles as Imani answers the nurse’s questions about what kind of hybrid she is, along with her age and favorite color (green). Checking Imani’s blood pressure, the nurse turns her attention to Seokjin and Yoongi.
“Any concerns that you have after Imani shifted? Has she voiced any discomfort?”
“I just want to make sure that she’s okay,” Seokjin scratches lightly behind Imani’s ears as he speaks. “She didn’t shift for about a month in total and at her age…” Seokjin’s face falls at the thought of anything being wrong with Imani and the nurse nods her head understanding.
“I’ll inform Doctor Choi and she will discuss your concerns in more depth. From what I’ve seen so far, Imani is underweight for her height and weight percentage, but that’s to be expected without shifting regularly for proper meals.” The nurse smiles at Imani and grabs her clipboard. “Doctor Choi will be with you shortly to explain the next steps.”
Alone in the room, Yoongi shifts the bag in his lap and sets it onto the floor beside him while Seokjin sits on the bed with Imani.
“Lollipop?” Imani requests looking over at Yoongi and Seokjin chuckles as he shakes his head.
“Be a good girl and you can have a lollipop when we leave.”
Imani pouts at that but nods her head, nonetheless. She fiddles with the bracelet on Seokjin’s wrist and sings a made-up song, filling the room with a scent of an endless field of sunflowers. There is a knock at the door, and it opens three seconds later. A small woman standing around five foot three steps into the room and shuts the door behind her. Yoongi takes notice of the reddish orange tail and when he looks at the woman’s face, he sees two small striped triangles on top of her head. No distinguishing scent is coming from Doctor Choi thanks to the scent blockers and Yoongi is thankful. He isn’t too sure how Imani would react to another hybrid’s scent that she doesn’t know.
Imani sees the doctor and her eyes widen, “Kitty!” Imani is delighted by the sight of the doctor and Seokjin is quick to grab her around her waist before she falls off the bed.
Doctor Choi smiles and sits down on a black stool with wheels. “Hello, Imani! I am a kitty, a red tabby! Neat huh?” Doctor Choi wiggles her tail and Imani giggles as she tries to wiggle her own tail just like the doctor. “Now, I hear you haven’t shifted in a while. You must have been really scared, yeah?”
Imani nods her head slowly at the doctor’s words and scoots closer to Seokjin. “Well, we’re all very happy to see your honey. Can I give you an examination?”
“What that?”
Doctor Choi grins and grabs a few tools from the wall behind herself. She takes her time in explaining everything that she is doing to Imani, using Seokjin as the model first before doing it again on Imani. Yoongi is impressed, he has never seen a doctor with such an open and friendly personality. Doctor Choi looks over Imani’s chart and double checks the notes left behind from the nurse before she turns her attention to Seokjin and Yoongi.
“We’ll have to do a full work up with it being so long in between Imani’s last shift. Looking at the files from her pediatrician, Imani is also due for her fifth dose of DTaP and IPV as well as her second dose of Varicella.”
Yoongi presses his lips into a thin line at the news. He may not know what everything is, but he’s counting a total of three shots so far. Seokjin’s face is a little green, he knew there was a chance of Imani needing shots but not that many. Doctor Choi pats Seokjin’s knee, “Don’t worry, you can hold her while she gets them. We’ll also draw two b-l-o-o-d samples. One from her finger and the other from her forearm.”
Seokjin might just faint. Blood? They want to draw blood from his baby girl? No, no. No. Seokjin doesn’t like the sound of that at all and his scent starts to dampen, mildew starting to come to the surface.
Doctor Choi offers Seokjin a kind smile, she’s been doing this for years. She can understand how scary it all might sound to the parent. “Today there are going to be a lot of tests for Imani. Because of how rare her animal counterpart is, we need to make sure that all our bases are covered and nothing is going on internally.”
“W-what else is there?” Seokjin’s voice is strained as he glances down at Imani who is starting to fuss beside him.
“The basic procedures. A CT scan, a movement, sight, and hearing test. Depending on the results we might need to do more, but these tests are simple and will be stress free for Imani.”
Seokjin doesn’t believe Doctor Choi at all. A CT scan doesn’t sound stress free at all.
“Thank you, Doctor.” Yoongi is quick to dismiss the woman and she leaves the room, giving Imani one last smile. “Hyung.” Yoongi’s voice is firm as he warns Seokjin to rein it in. His scent is starting to make Imani finicky, and it will be harder for everyone to do their jobs.
“Jin-ie?” Imani crawls into Seokjin’s lap and Yoongi watches as Imani wraps her tail around Seokjin’s wrist. Her fresh sunflower scent slowly decaying, and Seokjin is quick to pull himself from his thoughts, his scent heavy and soothing as he forces the lavender to wrap around Imani tightly.
Yoongi watches Seokjin closely as he starts to nuzzle his nose into Imani’s hair, breathing in deeply to drown himself in her scent as he self-soothes. Imani giggles as Seokjin’s puff of air tickles her ears and she buries her face into his neck, nosing at his scent gland.
“One test at a time, Hyung.” Yoongi folds his arms across his chest and blinks slowly behind his sunglasses. “I’m sure they will let you stay by her side the whole time. No one wants to harm Imani or put her through any more stress.”
Seokjin sighs, he knows that. He understands that completely but looking down at the little girl in his arms, Seokjin’s omega is crying. What if she gets scared? What if something goes wrong and they take Imani from him forever? Seokjin tightens his arms around Imani and kisses the top of her head. No. Nothing is wrong, everything will be okay. They will do their tests, the results will come back negative for whatever and they will leave the hospital together, all three of them. There is a soft knock at the door before it opens and the same nurse from before smiles, clearly not able to scent the room since she’s human. Yoongi wonders if it was wise to have her work with them.
“We need Imani to change into a gown, please keep her underwear and socks on.” The nurse offers Seokjin a colorful gown that looks like it will swallow Imani whole. “I’ll give you a few moments before we head to the ENT department.”
The testing goes relatively fast in Yoongi’s opinion. Imani took part in an obstacle course in her human and animal form, played a few games while answering questions and she didn’t waver at having to be separated from Seokjin. Though Yoongi suspects that because Seokjin was within sight the whole time. The only issue they had was when Imani needed to get the CT scan and Seokjin wasn’t allowed to be with her. Yoongi smelt Seokjin’s anxiety as if it were a custom perfume rolling off Seokjin in waves as they waited for the CT scan to be finished. Once that was done, all that was left was for Imani to get her vaccines and blood drawn.
Back in the room, Seokjin sits with Imani in his lap whispering sweet nothing to the small child as he rocks from side to side. He knows what’s coming and he wishes that he could just run away with Imani and never have her feel the pain that is to come.
“Do you need me to hold her?” Yoongi questions and Seokjin’s heart is at war with his mind. He wants to comfort Imani, hold her through whatever pain is sure to be felt, but Seokjin knows the moment he sees those needles he will lash out at the nurse. Silently, Seokjin nods his head, and he nuzzles his nose into Imani’s hair, once again breathing in deep lung fulls of her scent to soothe himself.
“Go to Yoongi, Imani.” Imani stares at Yoongi, her large brown eyes skeptical as her tail tightens around Seokjin’s wrist. Seokjin kisses the top of Imani’s head and rubs her back. “Go on pup. Alpha won’t hurt you.”
Yoongi sighs and removes the sunglasses from his face. He looks Imani right in her eyes and she shrinks back into Seokjin’s chest.
“Imani, come here.” Yoongi’s voice is firm, and he refuses to look away as she tries to curl into Seokjin’s soul. “Now.” Yoongi’s eyes flash a fluorescent yellow and Seokjin’s body tenses as Yoongi’s scent of fresh laundry shifts, smelling like it’s been left out in a thunderstorm. Imani deflates in Seokjin’s arms and slinks down onto the floor with her head down. “Jin-ie just needs to use the bathroom,” Yoongi lies and Seokjin is quick to jump to his feet. A knock at the door catches their attention and Seokjin nibbles on the skin of his bottom lip. “Go.”
The door opens and as the nurse comes in, Seokjin hurries out with a rushed apology. The nurse looks over at Yoongi who is now holding Imani and her eyes widen with a gasp at the sight of his eyes. “Oh!” The nurse’s face warms and she quickly apologies. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were a hybrid as well.”
Yoongi blinks slowly and shifts Imani on his lap, putting her onto his right thigh. “Can you do everything from here or should I move?” Yoongi questions choosing to ignore the ignorant comment from the nurse.
“T-The bed, please. You may still hold her.”
Yoongi secures his hold on Imani and stands, walking the short distance to the bed and sitting down with her back in his lap. Imani is facing outwards with her back pressed into Yoongi’s stomach and chest, her ears twitch and smack him in the face as the nurse pulls three needles from her pocket. Seeing the needles, Imani whimpers and tries to jump from Yoongi’s lap but his hold around her waist is strong.
“Easy, pup.” Yoongi forces his scent down on Imani heavily and Imani’s tail wraps loosely around Yoongi’s slender wrist. “Alpha is here. I’m right here.” Yoongi repeats his words over and over, rubbing the side of his thumb against Imani’s knee as the nurse carefully takes hold of Imani’s left arm and starts to clean the crook of her elbow with an alcohol pad. Imani presses herself flush against Yoongi’s chest, her heart pounding so harshly in her body that Yoongi can feel it from behind. Rancid water and decaying happiness drifts to the surface of Imani’s scent slowly and Yoongi frowns. Using his free hand, Yoongi grabs one of Imani’s hands and starts to drum a beat softly into her palm.
“Imani?” Yoongi’s voice is soft as he calls to the little girl in his lap, shaking like a leaf in a harsh breeze. “Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play!” Yoongi keeps his focus on the sound of Imani’s heart beat but he doesn’t miss the way the nurse freezes at his words. “I never see you anymore. Come out the door. It's like you've gone away!” Yoongi continues to tap the beat into Imani’s hand as he sings the popular song ‘Let It Go’ from that Frozen movie that Jungkook and Hoseok are strangely in love with.
The nurse pricks Imani’s arm with the long needle and Imani hardly feels a thing, completely engrossed with Yoongi’s deep, timbering voice as he sings above her head. Keeping up with the distraction, the nurse easily fills two small glass beakers with Imani’s blood and removes the needle. Cleaning the spot and placing a small smiley face sticker on it. The nurse slides Imani’s gown upwards to reveal the right thigh.
“It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by...” Yoongi continues to sing as the nurse cleans Imani’s thigh.
“Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock!” Imani joins in on the singing, giggling as Yoongi makes the clicking sound with his tongue. The nurse gives Imani her vaccination and puts matching band aids over the small wounds.
“All done!” The nurse announces with a large smile. Imani pays the woman no mind as she continues to sing the rest of the song by herself and Yoongi smiles, his eyes lighting up as Imani’s little hand wraps around his thumb tightly. Nodding her head, the nurse gathers some paper from behind her and sets them on the foot of the bed. “These have information of the shots that Imani received as well as what to expect and how to treat any symptoms that might come about. We’re waiting on the test results, so you are free to check out and head home for the day.” The nurse places her hand on the door handle and smiles at Yoongi and Imani. “You both did wonderful today. You’re a good father. Good luck with the adoption, Mister Min.” Twisting the handle, the nurse walks out the room and she isn’t surprised to see Seokjin pacing around in the hallway.
“You can head in now, sir. Imani could use a good snuggle.” 
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hauntedwizardmoment · 1 month
This is not SB specific but I’m thinking abt. I mean Bluejay is happy in LSOP the happiest out of all of them but maybe he is kinda bored and aimless and convinces Porter to be like. Why don’t I take care of Jace in LSOP for a little while. Blue really likes feeling useful. And Jace initially is like ok this feels interchangeable with LSOP already giving me anything I want why would you be here doing WORK but also. J2 is like. I mean. This is kinda for me but it’s also for you. And he’s not gonna refuse Bluejay like. Waiting on him and. Brushing his hair n giving him a little song (I’m crossing the streams w Jace + the Jaces stuff but like bluejay songbird he has a good voice will ppl let me have this)
AUGHHH bluejay being a little caretaker... jace in LSOP is like, never-aging never-changing always beautiful eternally preserved as porter's ideal version of him. so he's completely lost his cool girl "self-care" routine. there's no brassy dishwater blonde roots showing through that need touching up, no dark circles to correct, even his nails are perfectly manicured w/ a layer of clear gel even though before they were absolutely fucked (who has time to go to a nail salon when youre busy trying to create a god?)
and like. he misses it so much. he misses that routine. when he was on the material plane it was his only grounding technique when things got bad. "my life may be falling apart but at least i'm the most fuckable person at fantasy publix" etc etc. so bluejay doing that for him. is SO intimate and SO sweet. it makes him feel like he's real again... maybe he's so thankful that he gives bluejay a little kiss...
he pulls apart from the kiss SO quickly because what the fuck? he's NEVER felt like that towards j2 before. he doesnt feel that way towards any of the clones. bluejay is just as shocked as jace is but he has that stupid watery smile on his face that means he's about to cry tears of joy. if jace could still cast spells in LSOP he'd hit him with a shocking grasp just for that.
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nightmaretalesofpain · 5 months
KimChay - La Forte
Set in the backdrop of Kinnporsche. Chay struggles to settle in his new life as the younger son of the minor family. With an absent Porsche, deranged mother, Chay has to navigate the dangers of the mafia world, all while struggling to fit in at university.
@satursticket - for you
Genre: smut, gay love, mafia, heartbreak, bl, boys' love, homosexuality, underworld
Chapter two - 
My big brother was staring at my face, giggling, while I glowered at him. Kinn sat next to him, eating his lunch, while the older brother, the nut case, was screaming at the TV upstairs about how his life was ruined because Lee Joong Ki died in some crappy TV show. I recommended that movie to him so that he'd shut the hell up and leave me alone. 
Kinn and Porsche were amused at this, but they also marvelled at my ability to be so cruel. My head was still aching, as I hadn’t recovered since last week. 
"So, Chay, I heard that you are hanging out with Lily. And you even stayed over at our old place. Should I be informed about something?" my brother teased, and I dropped the spoon on the table. I lost my appetite. 
The pervert brother of mine had no idea what I went through last week, and he has the audacity to ask me whether I was the one dating. The fucking freak. If only he knew. 
"I had no idea you were this close. I mean, you grew up together, when did love blossom?" he continued, grinning.
"Who's Lily?" asked Kinn, playing along. 
"Our neighbour who lives down the street. She and Chay go to the same school. They used to play together when they were kids. Who knew that one day love would blossom between friends?" 
My brother was the dumbest man on the planet, and so was his boyfriend. How the hell is it that neither of them knew or suspected that I was previously involved with the youngest son of the mafia boss of this household and that Lily was so bitter about her love being stolen by Janward that she had sworn off men permanently? 
I shook my head. "She's mad at me. She's not even talking to me," I informed them, earning their attention. 
"What did you do?" asked Kinn, amused. 
"She hates me. She loathes me enough to run away at the mere sight of my reflection," I revealed. It was upsetting; my friend was scared to talk to me and was furious with me after what happened last Friday. She pretended that I didn't exist. The friend who would buy me lunch and cheer me up, was avoiding me like I was the COVID virus. She refused to be anywhere near me. I would most certainly cry if she kept this up. As it is I had a few friends and Lily was the only one who got me.
My brother gave me a concerned glance. "Chay, you're a good kid. There must be some misunderstanding. Lily has been your friend for years," 
Yeah, and you and your mafia boyfriend ruined it.
"Did something happen the night you stayed over at our house?"
"Did your minions report that to you? Didn't they tell you the whole story? I guess they aren't good at their job."
Porsche is worried about my demeanour now. I was mean and angry at him, which was rare. 
"Chay, do you want to talk about this?"
"No. Lily abhors me. And instead of going shopping with me and taking me to the salon, she's going to the hair stylist with Thanapan !" I declared, annoyed. Luke Thanapan was her gay cousin. He recently came out to society and was ready to make his debut officially as a gay man.
I continued eating, as my brother fretted over my alleged heartbreak. Hah, too late, brother. 
I bet he came up with a hundred scenarios as to why 'my girl' was mad at me. I'm sure one of the reasons included something sex-related, the moron. 
"Give her flowers. Send her a big bouquet of flowers," he stated, and I gazed at him like he was a buffoon. "Wait for her to cool down. Have a conversation when she's ready. No matter what she is mad about, send her flowers and apologise. Go to her place and deliver them yourself. Or go to her workplace and wait until her shift ends," he advised. 
My God, this nincompoop believed that this was some lover's quarrel that I had to sort out. She's batshit scared of me; why the hell would she even talk to me? She's worried for her safety. 
"I tried that; it didn't work. And Lily doesn't like flowers. She likes money." I answered, drinking the soup. 
"Give a bouquet with money," suggested Kinn. My God, this man had absolutely no clue how to pursue or apologise to women. Thank God he's gay. 
"Lily will kill me if I do that. She's fiercely independent. She doesn't need any man's help."
"Help her get a new job. Encourage her and motivate her. That way she'll still get it on her own, and you'll still be a reliable man in her eyes," blurted out Kinn. 
I blinked. For once, this man had a point.
"Joong Ki! I love you! How could you die? JOONG KI!" I heard the madman scream from upstairs as both of them began rubbing their temples. 
Lily looked like she wanted to shoot me, while simultaneously being afraid of me. We were at the salon, as Luke got his hair cut, and I was sitting next to her, on the couch. “For God’s sake man! Go away before I scream,” she hissed, livid. “Lily, I didn’t do anything to you, why would you scream?” I inquired. “Bro, your bodyguards are two feet away. I don’t want to start shit. Go away,” she said through her teeth, as her cousin was taking a selfie.
“Talk to me Lily,” I insisted. "About your concerns,”
“Bro, its not a concern, I’m in a state of shock. You are weird as hell. I knew your family had debt. Who asked you to get involved with the mafia just to avoid it? Now you are dangerous. Stay away from me and my family. I do not want to get involved with the underworld,” she declared.
“I’m not a part of the mafia,”
“Then why do you have bodyguards?”
“I don’t have a choice,”
“Neither do I. Get the hell away from me, or I’ll scream,”
Thanapan was watching us, and Lily was losing her mind.
“Hanging out with you in public is harmful for me. How do I know that one of your goons won’t kill me?”
I assured her repeatedly that my bodyguards would never harm her. But she had a counter argument. What if one of Kinn's enemies came after her to get back at Kinn?
She knew the whole story. I was the ignoramus to not realise sooner.
I was dumbstruck. I didn’t have an answer. My brother almost got killed. Tomorrow, if one of Anakinn’s enemies decides to attack either major or minor family, we’d all be dead. I recalled watching the guns, goons, and bodyguards, as I was strapped to the gurney.
Imaging Lily being kidnapped, harassed, or being subjected to even more horror was a dark thought. A realistic thought. I dropped the magazine I was holding and gulped. What if something did happen to Lily? Its not just Lily. Gary, Charlie, all of my friends would meet the same fate. They would have to go through the same agony I did, and their families would have deal with my fate. Living in fear, wondering whether my brother and I would live or die.
How did I not think of this sooner?
I could not put everyone at risk.
I remained motionless, as Lily turned pale. I saw her face as she began sweating. "You said that your bodyguards are trained in martial arts?" she questioned and I nodded. "That man has been watching us since the past hour. Either he's one of daddy's debt collectors or one of your enemies. Take a pick. But we have to decide what to do," came her low voice.
"Are you sure he's here for one of us?" I asked, and she affirmed. "Pretend to take a selfie with me. I want this dude's face for future reference," Lily said, and we took many shots with the man in the background. He tried to avoid being caught on camera. Suspicious indeed.
Lily indicated to her cousin that we had company, and he paid the bill. His pepper spray and I ife ready for use. We carefully walked out, as Lily recorded herself, pretending to go live on YouTube.
Indeed, the man followed us for a good two blocks, keeping his distance. The two bodyguards noticed as well. My face turned white as chalk, as I realised how sinister the man looked. Large, burly, black beady eyes and scar on his right eye.
Within seconds, he charged full speed ahead, ready to stab one of us. He had pulled out his large knife and the menacing look on his face made me scream.
All three of us ran at top speed, as a defense. The two bodyguards with us instantly tackled him to the ground and disarmed him. Turns out that he had a knife and a gun. Unfortunately for the bodyguards the guy was big and burly, and very agile. It took him a few seconds to slash one bodyguard's face while the other disarmed him.
Much to my horror, the man escaped as both guards chased after him. Much to our dismay, he hopped into a car and disappeared even before we could blink.
"Oh hell no. That guy was after you Chay. No loan shark is that sophisticated to plan and escape," Lily stated. Thanapan disagreed. He stated that either him or I could have been kidnapped for repayment, hence, the car.
None of us recognised the large man. Thanapan and Lily's fathers owed multiple loan sharks huge amounts of money. Both had mentioned stalking and threatening them. But kidnapping was was an extreme move.
All three of us were convinced that the man had a murderous intent. He either planned to hurt one of us and kidnap us, or kill us. To prove a point. Either way, all of us were frightened out of our wits.
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