comradekatara · 3 months
Would it be too broad a question to prompt for thoughts on a Yue & Azula dynamic? Idk if it’s rly that fun to ruminate on hypotheticals when Yue is the moon post s1, but I mean, we have contemplated the potential dynamics of Yue with other characters beyond s1 so I don’t see why not. Tbh I just thought it was interesting bc Yue has completely internalized her role within patriarchy as a symbol of the motherland etc etc. & Azula I think everyone esp w/in fandom tends to misconstrue as like. Autonomous & selfish & ontologically evil when her whole Deal is subservience to a “divine” patriarch & being molded into a perfect weapon. Or am I only thinking they would have an interesting dynamic bc as you’ve rightly said before, sokka & Azula as foils are already rly compelling & Yue is the female sokka?
lmfao yeah you basically said it all. yue and azula are both mirrors to sokka and also mirrors to each other. they each have “duties to their father and to their people” that they embody above all else, sublimating their personhood to perform obedience to their respective patriarchs. yue performs this role through denying her own agency and sacrificing herself, azula performs this role through dehumanizing herself and molding herself into a weapon, and sokka does all of the above. but in a more literal sense, yue and azula are both princesses (obviously sokka is also the son of the chief, but it’s a different situation because he’s also not a Girl) and so this is already a huge commonality between them, considering they’re the only two real princesses in the entire show (although you could argue that toph and mai functionally had similar upbringings). I think a lot of people envision azula and yue working together in an AU wherein the war never happened and so there was international cooperation that allowed for them to meet. that, or an AU wherein yue survives the siege and eventually meets azula. neither of these hypotheticals are particularly interesting to me, but I could see them getting along, because yue likes nerdy dorks who make bad jokes and kill people, and azula likes beautiful girls with shiny hair who are nice to her (to be honest I don’t even think they have to be beautiful, I think they just have to be nice to her, and being absolutely gorgeous is just a bonus). but it’s also kind of a pointless ship to me because there’s no real scenario wherein they’d interact, and sokka already functions as a proxy between both of them in the first place. and is he not dykey enough to satisfy your desires??? for shame.
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bisexuallsokka · 2 months
Hiiii for tbe prompt thing either 26 or 31!
26. a kiss as an apology.
Despite his best efforts to be quiet, Sokka is only in their bed for a few moments before his boyfriend rolls around to face him.
"You're home late," Zuko mumbles sleepily.
Sokka smiles fondly at the way Zuko tries to open his eyes to look at him, but his exhaustion wins and he just reaches his hand out. Sokka grabs it, kissing his knuckles then leaning forward to kiss his forehead. He starts to pull back before noticing the head tilt that Sokka knows too well, so he grants Zuko's silent request for a kiss on the lips before settling back on the pillows.
"I'm sorry," Sokka says. "Katara insisted that we stayed until the karaoke bar was closed. Were you waiting up for me?"
Zuko mumbles an incoherent answer, not that Sokka expected anything else. He starts shuffling under the covers and at first Sokka thinks he's pushing the blankets off him like he does oftentimes when he wakes up feeling too hot, but a pillow emerges and is pushed over the side of the bed and Sokka realizes Zuko had wrapped his arms around it as a replacement in Sokka's absence.
With the real thing in front of him, Zuko practically shoves Sokka over to his other side then wraps his arms tightly around Sokka's waist, pulling Sokka's back against his chest and falling back asleep in seconds. Sokka stifles his laughter, resting his hand on Zuko's arm and closing his eyes as he settles comfortably in the arms of the man he loves.
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gayrmlin · 2 years
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alfredolover119 · 2 years
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transboysokka · 6 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
This is cool, thanks for the tag @transuncletaylor! I think I just talk about my faves right? I know I’m forgetting some but here goes
Sokka (ATLA) : he’s so funny and interesting and his character is So Deep actually! I love a guy with Secret Issues. Must be relatable I guess.
Mako (LOK) : You’re going to start seeing I have a type. Hot, bad boy vibes, seems reckless but has a huge sense of justice actually. Also I LOVE a mysterious and tragic backstory.
Jim Kirk (Star Trek) : I mean the exact same reasons as above pretty much.
Jack Kelly (Newsies) : same hehe. I just love these guys of questionable sexuality who are like a leader of a found family and would do ANYTHING to protect them.
Marius Pontmercy (Les Miserables) : he’s annoying af and doesn’t get the point of anything going on around him but he knows exactly what he stands for. So relatable. His hyperfixation with Napoleon for entirely stupid reasons? Iconic. What a king. Living through a tragedy too? I’m attracted to that angst like flies on shit.
Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) : He’s just badass. The best antihero. He says fuck capitalism and then falls victim to it lol. Also he is a GENIUS and loves to fuck people up to protect his family. Also his trauma is delicious to me ofc.
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) : Mysterious hero with pain and a family. So yeah.
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) : I mean pretty much the same as the majority of this list. Tough guy who would die for his captain omfg
Han Solo (Star Wars) : the og baddie, need I say more
Anya Forger (Spy x Family) : listen it creeps ME out too that a little girl is on the list of me, a grown ass man, but she’s SO funny and her cuteness reminds me of like every student I ever had, I can’t help it
ok idk if y’all figured out but I just tag people by typing letters and clicking the first people who show up lol. Anyway if I dont tag you and you wanna do this, go for it. If I tag you and you don’t want to do this, fine.
@ultfreakme @ozais-lobotomist @firenaition @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @jovialcloudqueenisnotonfire @kiki-strike @lizardlicks @localgaysian @zukkacore @narrativelysignificantturtleduck
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neerdowellnarrator · 3 hours
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Help I read this post by @zukkacore and now all I can think about is Jace as the virgin mary
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
me when theres a pairing where one is guided by their heart and one by their head, where one is an idealist and one a pragmatist, where they are so different and also compliment each other in ways that are often unexpected but really make total sense: omg zukkacore
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got tagged by @iaus!! thank u!!
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first ten songs
A Favor House Atlantic - Coheed and Cambria
(Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Breakfast in America - Supertramp
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
Broken Bones - Anti-Flag
Blitzkrieg Bop - Ramones
Lump - The Presidents of the United States of America
War Pigs / Luke's Wall - Black Sabbath
Fortunate Son - Credence Clearwater Revival
Enter Sandman - Metallica
this is literally just my driving mix bc ive been doing a lot of that lately. truly nothing better than listening to rock music and driving on the highway. one of life's simple pleasures
tagging @zukkacore, @mysticcowboygod, and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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zukkacore · 2 months
hii i dont know you but when dallas liu posted that zukka shirts picture to instagram i was obviously gonna check if the artist was in the comments and before i ever found your instagram i found your??? aunt and cousin??? promoting your redbubble which was so funny to me 😭 congrats on having the most supportive family who will do your zukka merch promo for you<3
Yeah! A bunch of my family knows abt it lol. They were honestly doing more for me than I was just bc I’ve always been a little too self conscious to shill. I do feel kinda bad and wish a little bit they would chill but it’s very sweet & well meaning. I got texts from several of my cousins being like we wanna buy the shirt to support you & I was like? The gay zukka shirt? Be my guest if u wear it as a sleep shirt or something. My dad was literally like “I’m gonna show my students this they’re gonna think it’s so cool” & bc I also work in education (kinda) I was like but what if you get a complaint from a parent or something. He basically said “oh idc I’m looking for an excuse to fight my principal anyway”
so yeah papa zukkacore is fully prepared to die on the zukka hill which is an extremely strange thing to know. He’s literally that kind of person that thinks cartoons are inherently dumb and childish & all anime is yugioh. I’m not even sure he knows who Zuko and Sokka are <3
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theinkgirl · 1 year
Saw this going around. Use this piccrew to do yourself now and yourself as a kid:
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Did myself w/13-yo self and with 9-yo self
Tagging @ziracona @aethersea @chellonihaoma @sauntervaguelydown @zukkacore @mabelsguidetolife @opheliaelric @patterfly-pat @dangerouslytransparentgarden @promithiae @kimievii @thistaleisabloodyone IF (and only if) they want to do it. Also, anyone who sees this and wants to add on, go for it✨
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jerrydevine · 1 year
tagged by @willoughbyblake back when tee was still hagmorgana... to post some of my fav album coversssss
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learning that i looooove to see a singer on the cover.. hi my friends from my music :D
tagging @takeavacation2010 @horsegirl @zukkacore
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shotgundutchmcgraw · 8 months
“This is Timothy Chalemet the experience”
@zukkacore about halloween horror nights
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lethimrunsonia · 9 months
Tagged by @izzyspussy to list 7 "comfort" films and tag 7 people.
In no particular order:
IT (2017)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
A Walk to Remember
Dead Poet's Society
Legally Blonde
I tag @kitchen-witch-bitch, @kenzie-ann27, @fuckbitchesgetreddie, @tonyofthetrees, @fuji09, @nblesbianbenhanscom, @zukkacore
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jamieanovels · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
tagged by the wonderful @ahordeofwasps !!
The rules are as follows: generate as many quotes as you like with this website and apply them to characters from your WIP, before tagging someone for each quote.
soft tagging: @thegreatobsesso @mjjune @eccaiia + @zukkacore (because i want to see you do these for QPWHMS and also ur the only person who really knows my tea cow kids)
all generated incorrect quotes are from my main tea cow quartet: ruby, mason, adi, & juliette. most of them just make fun of adi for being an idiot lmao
Juliette: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Adi: The cow??
Juliette: What?
Ruby: Adi, W H Y ?
Adi: *sees Juliette and Ruby together*
Adi: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Mason: You mean...you ship them?
Ruby: You deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Mason: You are my reward.
Adi: You deserve a reward for putting up with me : [
Ruby: True, you can be really difficult at times.
Mason: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
Adi: Microwave for 40 minutes :(
Ruby: Why were you microwaving a lemon???
Adi: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of boiled oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Juliette: Did you burn an orange too? How???
Adi: Microwave for 40 minutes :(
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transboysokka · 7 months
15 people, 15 questions
tysm @ozais-lobotomist for tagging me, these things are fun
1. are you named after anyone?
yeah my birth name, the middle name is my grandma’s name. she died when my dad was young. my current name is definitely named mostly after chris pine tbhhhhh
2. when was the last time you cried?
don’t remember!! probs when I was getting over my major concussion a couple months ago bc I was just so out of it mentally and it was really frustrating
3. do you have kids?
21 beautiful students and a dog
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
uhhhh I played soccer for yearssss as a kid and was Not Good At All. I wanted to play rugby and football but I wasn’t allowed bc I have a bleeding disorder. I did a season of track and then did fencing a few years as a teen. now I just hike and do yoga
5. do you use sarcasm?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
omg idk something about the vibe like niceness/approachability
7. what’s your eye color?
who even knows, green technically?? it’s got pretty much the whole rainbow floating around in there and one of my students is terrified of them and says they’re yellow like a demon bc he’s only ever seen people with “black” eyes his whole life….
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t watch scary movies At All
9. any talents?
pffft I wouldn’t be the one to ask? fine arts in general I guess. languages?
10. where were you born?
a hospital (US America rip)
11. what are your hobbies?
sleeping, hiking, drawing, writing
12. do you have any pets?
YES my dog is my CHILD, the LIGHT of my life
13. how tall are you?
175cm (what is that, 5’9?)
14. favorite subject in school?
p much anything under the social studies umbrella
15. dream job
teaching tbh. The job I have now is prettttty close to dream level, I think I’d just make it 4 days a week
tagging the first 15 mutuals that pop up lol but DONT do it if you don’t want and also if I didn’t tag you and you want to do this, great!
@leafsfromthevine @lillikoifish @sukidude @witchering10123 @apocryphiend @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @lesmiserablol @thatwoodenguineapig @transuncletaylor @tiredlylaughing @aboutiroh @picnicbitchsokka @biboomerangboi @zukkacore @jovialcloudqueenisnotonfire
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gayrmlin · 2 years
streaming for the first time tonight !! going live at 6:30 PDT/9:30 EDT @ soupyzupa on twitch (link in notes)
starting a blind playthrough of The Quarry with my best friend @zukkacore 👍 I'm very excited, hope you'll come hang out !
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