#I was so determined to finish this in one day i am so fucking tired LMAO
kheprriverse · 9 months
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Ballad toasting with the girlies for January 1st✨
Everyone has rather normal wishes for the new year. A good farming season and good health for family from Ballad and Malon. Peace in Hyrule from Zelda. Good standings with other zora kingdoms from Ruto.
FD on the other hand, is just here for the alcohol and gossip and is too tall for the frame.
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moonwayne · 1 month
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logan x gn!reader
warnings: angst, cussing, mention of blood and injury, arguments, my rushed writing
Request: i love logan and i love angst!!I would like to read about an argument (one that is difficult to resolve or forgive) because I haven't seen much of that around here. That would be great! Thk 🫶 - @daugheroferuri
first time writing for Logan, let me know if you like it!
Logan had always struggled with his past. The reminders of trauma showing themselves in arbitrary moments and the constant battles he faced as part of the X-Men was no help. You had been with him for a handful of years now and as a fellow mutant you had stuck by his side for years, supporting him through countless fights. Your empathetic healing and manipulation abilities had come in handy whenever it came to persuading an enemy or alleviating a teammate’s pain. But this wasn’t without a cost. Every change of the mind or lapse in judgement you inflicted on to others no longer had an effect, but removing and forcing pain blockers took its toll on your body. Every use had left you exhausted, nearing a dangerous line of losing consciousness on multiple occasions. Needless to say, Logan was against you using your pain-relieving powers.
In recent days, the strain of the distance forced between you and him at his hand, had been damn near debilitating. As you sluggishly strolled into Charles’ office, you noticed him and Hank talking lowly in the corner. With a heavy sigh, you plopped yourself into a nearby chair, waiting as the two finally noticed your presence.
“Ah! Y/N! H-How’s your day?” Hank stuttered out, face burning with a embrassed blush, as if he’d been a child caught with something he shouldn’t have. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously before turning to Charles, who matched Hank’s guilty expression and strained smile. You moved your eyes from one to the other a few times, before focusing on Hank and feeling around in his mind.
“Hey! Don’t d-“ He sputtered, cut off by your determined voice. “Hank.” You said, pleading with a tilt of your head. “I can practically see your guilt. You’re very bad at hiding things. Just tell me what you know.”
His face burned again, and he flicked his gaze towards the professor in apology before mumbling out a quiet “Well.. Logansortofdiscoveredanewthreatthatcouldendangerallofourlivesandcountlessinnocents. Heleftlastnight.“ He finished with a meek smile.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You breathed out, exasperated at the confession and the situation as a whole.
“Y/N, you must understand-“ Charles injected then. “No Charles! Don’t you see? I’m tired of understanding.” You rose your voice, digging your nails into your palm harshly. “He thinks he’s doing the right thing.”
You scoffed. “He only wishes to protect you.” Charles finished, having found his way over to you in the process, and wrapped a hand around yours comfortingly. “Logan does not know any better.” You rolled your eyes as you yanked your hand away from his harshly, standing up.
“I can’t do this any longer. I won’t. I am so tired of being pushed to the outside just because he simply ‘does not know better’, that’s some bullshit, Charles. And I know you know that.” You stated firmly, making your exit. “If I don’t return, I thank you for all you both have given me.” You spoke, hand grasping the door anxiously. “Truly.” Hank and Charles nodded, and watched your figure fade as you walked off.
+- -+
After searching and finding Logan’s plans in his room you concluded the threat would have been dealt with by the time you arrived to where he was in France. After a long flight and some more traveling later, you caught up to him. You strolled into the hotel and by turning up the charm, you convinced the poor receptionist to let you into where he was staying. It only took around an hour of you pacing the carpeted floor with a frown etched on your face for Logan to come storming in the room, his face already set in a hardened expression. “Y/N?” He questioned, taking in your form as you did his, noticing the healing bruises and bloody knuckles.
“What are you doing here?” He rushed over to you, hands on your shoulders as he began to push you towards the door.
“Logan, I’m here for you!” You said, planting your feet and staring up into his eyes. He shook his head in disagreement and began to push you out of the room again. “You shouldn’t have come here. It’s too dangerous.”
“L-Logan. Stop pushing me.”
“Shouldn’t be here.. not safe..” He mumbled, gathering your bags and placing them in your hands. “Logan!” You yelled now, dropping the bags at your feet and making your way over to his cowering form.
“You should be at home.” He grunted. “I need to leave. The threat isn’t dealt with.” He said, turning to leave you alone once more.
"Logan, you can't keep doing this!" You exclaimed, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. "Every time you go on these missions alone, you leave me behind, unsure of your safety. You need support with you.”
Logan's jaw tightened. "I can handle it. I've been doing this long before we met. It's what I do."
"But we're supposed to be a team," you shot back, voice breaking as tears welled up in your eyes. "How am I supposed to just be okay with you shutting me out, okay with you making me feel like I don't matter in your life?"
Logan's eyes softened for a moment, and you thought he might wrap you in his arms and speak to you his apologies, but that was only a thought. He stiffened up and turned away, his voice gruff. "This is not about you. It's about keeping you safe. I can't risk losing you." A crack in his voice was the only sign of emotion. You shook your head rapidly, frustration and sadness boiling over. "Logan don't you see? Every time you go out there alone, I feel a piece of you slip away. I can't do this, Logan. I can't keep living everyday unsure, waiting for the day you decide you simply do not need me anymore.” You spoke, voice trembling with every word. Logan's shoulders slumped, the weight of your words seeming to have had an effect. He sighed and turned towards you again, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and regret.
"I... I don't know how to do this any other way." He mumbled, avoiding your gaze. You took a step closer and reached out for one of his bloody hands.
"Then we need to find a way together. Because I won’t continue letting you push me away. We need to stick together." You breathed, regaining some composure. “You know I’m capable of helping. I don’t understand why you don’t let me come with you.” He pulled his hand away from yours aggressively, that stony expression returning to his face.
“Y/N. Enough.” He said, “You’re not strong enough to join me on these missions.” You blinked rapidly, feeling the burning sensation of tears returning to your eyes.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that you’re weak, Y/N.”
“You don’t really mean that.” Your voice lowered.
“Right now, I do.” He gritted his teeth, baring that once charming smile into a grim line.
“You’re fucking pathetic, James. We’re supposed to be together, in everything.” Your sadness slowly morphed into a rising anger. Logan's eyes flashed with anger at your statement. "You don't get it, do you? I don't need a partner. I don’t need back up. I need you to stay safe. And out of my way. If that means you hating me, or you leaving me entirely then so be it.” He told you, jaw tightening. “I tried the domestic life once. You know what happened. I won’t do it again. I mean, just look wherre it fucking got me.” He flashed his claws, a pained frown spreading over his face.
“I don’t recognize you anymore, Wolverine.” You stated. “I didn’t fall in love with this version of you.”
He sighed and looked into your eyes, his mind’s pain and uncertainty filling the air around you so thick you could nearly feel it choking you.
“I am sorry, Y/N.” He lifted his bags off the floor and with a single glance into your eyes, he turned and walked out, leaving you standing there, heartbroken and riddled with doubt. You didn’t know if you could ever bridge the massive chasm between you.
sorry the ending was a bit rushed. hope you liked it <3
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nichuuu · 1 year
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Tags: Smut, creampie, facial, handjob, teasing, subby joy, doggy, riding, fluff(?) Word count: 6k++
The clacking of your keyboard filled the empty office. Your eyes throbbed in their sockets, begging you for some sort of rest from your computer screen. The minute hand of the clock was slowly approaching the 12 mark on the clock, it would be 1 am soon. Regardless, you were determined to put in those extra hours and finish this damn proposal. With a sip of some extra strong coffee, you let the caffeine take over your senses. You mindlessly typed away, words appearing on the document faster than your mind could process. 
Your teammates had gone out drinking again. Unlike them, you had a sense of responsibility in you, so you were the one who stayed to finish the last leg of the proposal. While your so-called “teammates” were busy celebrating god knows what, you were slaving away in your space, fingers achy and joints sore. 
“Wow… Hard working as ever…” 
You looked up. A familiar face smiled back at you over the cubicle.
“Not now Soo-young,” You huffed, looking back at your screen. From your peripheral vision, you saw the woman pout. 
“Aw… Why so grumpy?” She teased you. You glared at her. 
“I said: Not now,” You repeated yourself. Joy rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” She sighed. Her head disappeared behind the wall of your prison, re-appearing from the entrance to your cubicle. 
“Is it me? Or does this place get messier and messier each time I visit?” She mused.
“Keep your hands off my shit,” You warned her, eyes not leaving the screen.
“I’ll do what I please, thank you.”
You heard her rummaging through some papers on your desk. You wanted to whip around and just let her have it right there, but you were so close to completing your task. Forcing yourself to stay laser focused, you pushed yourself a little more. Your fingers moved faster, the frequency of the clacking increasing. At some point, you felt Soo-young looking over your shoulder, watching silently as words appeared on screen. Then she went back to poke her nose into the papers on your desk. 
“Damn… This paper was dated 2 years ago!” You heard her mutter. “He really needs to sort his shit out…”
More rustling came from behind you. You were on the final stretch now, just a few more sentences left. You could feel your heart beating faster in excitement as you made your way towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
Alas, you typed out the final word. A rather loud yell of victory left your mouth as you saved your work. You crashed back in your chair, feeling more relieved than you’d ever had before. 
“Oh my god… Never again…” You grimaced, massaging your tired eyes. 
“This all seems like a you problem not gonna lie,” Joy chimed in. You opened your eyes. 
“Joy… Please shut the fuck up,” You requested. In response, she dragged your chair out and spun you in a circle. You yelped, quickly planting your feet down in the ground to stop yourself. God forbid those 4 cups of coffee came out of you.
“You’re done with your work! Stop being a grumpy old fart!” Soo-young reminded you. You sighed. 
“Stop nagging. You remind me of my Eomma,” You told her. She scoffed. 
“Maybe you should take better care of yourself. That way I can stop taking care of you like you’re a little kid,” Joy retorted. You wanted to argue against her statement, but she had a fair point.
“Fair enough,” You relented. 
“That’s what I thought bitch boy,” She sneered playfully. You chuckled.
You weren’t sure how to describe your relationship with Soo-young. You started off as complete strangers to each other, strangers that worked 2 desks away and always seemed to go to the same spot for lunch everyday. One fine day, she sat down next to you in the middle of a meeting—she was half an hour late—and introduced herself to you. You spent the long hours of the meeting entertaining yourselves in hushed, clandestine conversations, stopping only when your boss turned back to face the zombie crowd. At the end, you made yourself a new friend and exchanged numbers with her. 
Months passed. You got closer to Soo-young, close enough to call her what all her friends called her.
“They call me Joy,” She told you one morning over some doughnuts and coffee. 
“Joy?” You mused. She shrugged. 
“Yea… I never really understood why, but the name stuck.”
You would come to understand why with time. She truly lived up to her namesake, her bright, contagious smile and her amusing personality making her a true Joy to be around. You liked her company, it made the office feel like less of a slave plantation. 
Your relationship with her was simple up til Christmas day. She invited you back to her place for a couple of drinks after an office party, and you gladly obliged. A few jokes, some snacks and quite a few glasses of wine later, your clothes were discarded together with Joy’s and you were taking her against the window of her apartment. After your fling with her that night, you two made a mutual agreement: What happened would be a one time thing. You were friends, simple as that.
However, neither of you really kept to the first part of the agreement. It was broken just a few weeks after when Joy pulled you into a storage room and sucked your cock.The she proceeded to take your cock up her pussy, your hand clasped around her mouth to prevent anyone from hearing her moans. You broke the agreement two months later, guiding her away from the poolside party at a friends house, ripping her bikini off her and fucking her senseless in the guest bathroom. Since then, sex with Joy happened almost on a weekly basis—sometimes a monthly basis if you two were really busy. No real feelings had manifested for Joy, and Joy certainly didn't seem interested to enter a relationship with you of all people. Hence, the two of you declared yourselves friends with benefits.
“Why are you still in the office?” You asked Joy, powering off your monitor. Soo-young sighed.
“Had to file my team’s paperwork again…” She lamented. “I really hate these slackers.”
“Same here,” You chuckled bitterly. “I just keep saving their asses over and over again while they go out drinking every other night… Ridiculous if you ask me.”
Joy laughed, clearly sharing a common sentiment. 
“Should’ve just shredded all the papers… Let those fucks rot for all I care,” Joy mused. 
“We’re on the last leg of the proposal submissions… Presentations are tomorrow,”  You reminded her. Joy nodded. 
“Yep… Which is exactly why I plan on calling in sick tomorrow,” She said. You raised an eyebrow. 
Joy scoffed. 
“We’re the same. We both stay for long hours in the office saving our team’s asses, but we get zero recognition at the end of it all cause it’s a ‘group effort’,” Joy lamented. “I’ve been doing all the work. I want to see how they pitch the proposal without me tomorrow.”
You smirked. 
“You’re more cunning than I thought,” You mused. She winked. 
“I’ve got lots of ideas up here,” She said, tapping her head. “You know, maybe you should call in sick tomorrow too…”
You shook your head. 
“As much as I want to let my team burn to the ground, I don’t see myself doing that,” You told her honestly. Joy groaned.
“Oh my god! You and your morals!” She sighed. “Have a little fun! You certainly seem to be able to put aside your little moral compass when we fuck.”
“But that’s because… Because… Uh…” You struggled to argue. 
“Because what huh?” Joy pressed. “Because you like using my tight little body and ravishing my ass? Is that it?”
She wasn’t exactly wrong, but you didn’t want to let her win just like that. 
“And what if that is the reason? What are you gonna do, Joy?” You challenged her. Joy stared at you for a moment. Her brows furrowed, visibly deep in thought. 
“Alright then,” She finally said after some time. “If that really is the reason… I pitch you an offer.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Let’s hear it.”
Joy leaned against your desk.
“If you call in sick with me tomorrow, I’ll let you fuck me tonight.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m guessing there’s a catch?” You prompted. She grinned. 
“But of course,” She replied. “If you fuck me tonight. You have to come to the beach with me tomorrow.” 
“That sounds like more of a win for me,” You told her bluntly. 
“It’s a win-win for the two of us,” She explained. “You get to fuck me and go to the beach—I get to screw over both our teams, get railed and go to the beach. Simple.”
You nodded your head thoughtfully, pretending to think it over. In truth, you had your answer ready for quite some time. 
“So?” Joy urged. 
“I accept your offer,” You answered. Joy grinned. 
“Perfect,” She said. “Now get your shit and let’s go. All this talk about sex has me aching for your cock.”
As she turned to leave, you grabbed her by the wrist. 
“Who said anything about leaving?” You asked. Joy raised an eyebrow.
“My my… Getting mischievous aren’t you?” She teased. 
“Well… Like you said: I can set aside my moral compass when it comes to fucking you.”
Joy smiled that lustful smile. 
“So are you just gonna keep talking? Or are you gonna kiss me?” 
In a flash, you were up on your feet, her tight frame in your arms and her lips on yours. Her hands touched your chest, your own hands on her ass.
“I know the pin to my boss’s office…” Joy whispered. “She has a couch in there.”
A sly grin made its way up your face. 
“Then what are we waiting for?” You asked. Joy giggled. She grabbed your hand, hurriedly pulling you towards the direction of her boss’s office.
Looks like your night was far from over.
You ran to that office with Joy like it was an emergency. Once there, Joy hurriedly punched in the numbers. A series of beeps, a green flash and Joy threw open the door, pulling you in with her.
“Any cameras in here?” You asked her. 
“Nope,” She replied confidently. “Funnily enough, the CEO turns off all the cameras at night to save money on electricity. That’s why we have so many security guards.”
“That sounds oddly convenient,” You mused.
You found a light switch and flipped it on. The room filled with warm light, revealing the spacious office that was at your disposal.
“Christ. Just shut up and undress me already,” Joy huffed. She moved to unbutton your shirt, and you did the same. The lacy fabric of her bra slowly became more and more visible with each button that came undone, heightening your excitement and making your cock twitch wildly in your pants.
Joy tugged at your pants.
“Get this off,” She whispered. You gladly undid your belt and unbuckled your trousers. They fell with a ‘thump’, pooling around your ankles and exposing the very apparent bulge in your underwear. Joy got her skirt off, making quick work of the article of clothing and tossing it to a side.
“Come here,” She said. She captured your lips, hands hooking the waistband of your underwear and pulling it down. You jolted a little when you felt the coolness of her palm against your shaft, but quickly adjusted, relishing the small sparks of pleasure when she stroked your length slowly. Your lips parted with hers, your eyes drinking in Joy’s curvaceous body.
“The usual?” She asked, toying with the tip of your cock.
“You pick,” You told her. There was a gleam in Joy’s eyes as she placed a finger on her lips, deep in thought. 
“I wanna ride you,” She decided. You grinned.
“Sure thing, but I want to eat you out first.”
Joy let go of your cock.
“Then fucking eat me.”
She guided you over to her boss’s desk. She propped herself up on it, spreading her luscious thighs apart and exposing a wet patch on her still-clothed pussy. It would only be a matter of time before her underwear would be discarded as well.
You didn’t need to be invited over. You were on your knees in a flash, hands pushing Joy’s spreading Joy’s legs a little further. Your index finger pressed against the damp spot on her panties, making her gasp when you started tracing the outline of her pussy with your fingertip.
“D-Don’t tease me like that…” She whispered. 
“I like to play with my food a little,” You smirked.  She whined, her voice full of need and desire.  She squirmed atop the desk, eyes squeezed shut and head tilted back. She made no further attempts to cease your teasing. 
When you eventually decided you had Joy riled up, you pulled the thin fabric of her panties off. Her pink folds glistened under the light. You licked your lips, mouth watering at the sight. 
You planted a kiss on her left thigh, then her right. Joy’s legs trembled in anticipation. 
“Look at me Joy,” You ordered. She bit down on her lower lip, eyes locking onto you. Maintaining eye-contact, you leaned forward and placed your mouth on her soaking pussy. 
You’d never forget her reaction when your tongue darted out, sweeping across her slick with the tip of your tongue. Her head whipped back, jet black hair sent flying behind her as she let a sharp sigh escape her lips. You quickly responded with another lick, your tongue tracing a path from the bottom of her slit to the top of her opening. Her juices accumulated on your tongue, her taste lingering in your mouth. 
Joy’s hand found your head. She gripped a fistfull of your hair, your name spilling out from her half-parted lips. Her thighs clamped around your head, the flesh drowning out the whir of the air conditioning — a warm, pillowy heaven. Her moans resonated through her body, her thighs vibrating slightly with each gasp or sigh. Your tongue attacked her folds, the flat side of your tongue brushing up Joy’s womanhood in slow, long strokes. The tip of your tongue flicked the swollen nub at the top of her pussy, playing with her clit to your heart's content as you made Joy writhe with pleasure.  Nails dug into the back of your skull. Her Thighs clamped down harder around your ears. Her juices leaked out of her cunt, pooling in your mouth as Joy pushed your head into her, forcing your tongue as deep as it could go. 
Her thighs shifted down slightly, gripping your cheeks in their grasps instead. 
“Fuck… Keep going… Keep eating me…” She pleaded, face twisting in pleasure. There was really no need for that request. You never intended on stopping till she came. 
It didn’t take long for you to get close to accomplishing your mission. When her thighs tensed around you, you increased the intensity of your assault. Joy’s breaths became shallower, the intervals between her moans decreasing with each one that left her mouth.
“Oh god… I’m cumming… I’m fucking—”
She never finished her sentence. Her throat strained visibly, her vocal chords tensing as the pleasure struck her like a bolt of thunder. In a sweaty, beautiful disarray, Joy orgasmed. Her lips formed a round “o”, her nails threatening to puncture your scalp. You lapped up the juices that gushed out from her entrance, drinking in as much of her as you could. You fell some of her sweet fluids dribbling down your chin, but you’d handle that later. 
You held her body down by her thighs as she shook and quivered on the table. Eventually she settled down enough. She brought her left hand—which had been digging into your scalp—-down to your cheek. She lifted up your head softly. 
“Couch… Let me fuck myself on your cock.”
You smiled. 
“With pleasure Joy.”
You stood up. Grasping her hand, you helped her off the table and onto the couch. Your cock throbbed violently in her hand as she gripped it firmly, guiding the tip of your shaft to her entrance.  Without a word of warning, she dropped down, sheathing you inside of her tight little cunt. Your eyes bulged, a strained sigh leaving your throat. Your hands found her full ass, gripping it tightly. 
“Fuck… I always forget how big you are…” She breathed, slowly grinding against you to adjust to your size. 
“But you never forget how much you love bouncing on my cock, do you Joy?” You asked. 
“Of course…” She replied, eyes glazed with pleasure. “I will never forget how good it feels to be filled with your cock.”
Her hips stopped moving. She shifted on top of you, her hands resting on your shoulders. She kissed you tenderly, tasting herself on your lips. 
“I’m gonna fuck myself so hard on this big cock,” She whispered. 
“Go ahead Joy,” You said. “Show me how you ride this cock.”
When she began bouncing on you, the sensation of her walls gripping and sliding up and down your shaft almost made you black out. You grounded yourself in reality with the aid of the tender flesh of Joy’s butt, your teeth clenching as she impaled herself on you relentlessly. Her pussy pulsed around your shaft, each beat matching her pace. 
“So… Fucking… Big…” She gasped. “I’m… Addicted… To your big cock.”
Her voice was raspy, filled with desire. She wanted this. She needed this.
You smirk, eyes glued to her breasts that were bouncing with each impact she made against you. She caught you looking, taking the hint and leaning forward to give you better access to her assets.
“Thank you,” You smirked through the overwhelming pleasure. You dived in, licking up the sweat between her breasts before shifting slightly to take one of her tits into your mouth. Joy’s walls seemed to clench down tighter around you, responding to the attention you gave her breasts. She moaned louder, riding you faster as your tongue swirled around her taut nipple. 
“Fuck yes, suck my tits. Suck my fucking tits!” She screamed. Her cheeks were flushed, her body glistening with sweat as she rode you fiercely. She wasn’t letting up on her pace, fucking herself harshly on your cock just as she promised. She seemed to be sucking you deeper and deeper between her folds. Each bottom of her strokes squeezed you deliciously, partially forcing you out of her pussy when she rose. The motion repeated, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
You could feel the cushion of the couch compressing under your combined weight, Joy’s frantic bounces onto you making it feel like you were on a trampoline. She moaned right into your ear, making your hair stand as her scent filled your nose. Joy overwhelmed your senses. You were going insane. 
She continued riding you, thighs clamped around your waist and her arms wrapped around your neck. You released her tit from your mouth, mounds of flesh glistening in a mixture of sweat and saliva. Joy’s eyes, half-lidded in pleasure, stared into yours. The intimacy was sublime. 
As much as you would have enjoyed letting Joy bounce on your cock forever, you had your limits.
“Joy…” You grunted. She understood. 
She stopped riding you, quickly dismounting you and sitting down next to you. Her hand gripped your shaft, slick with her juices, jerking you off frantically. 
“Quick, choose a place to cum,” She urged you. 
It takes effort. But through your gritted teeth, you manage a reply. 
“Y-Your face. Let me cover your face.”
Joy was on her knees in an instant. Her hand never left your shaft, pumping away with gusto as she closed her eyes. Her free hand fondled your balls, gently massaging your cum up your shaft as your toes curled into the carpet. With a grunt, you let loose.
Rope after rope of your hot seed shoots out of your cock. Joy’s face is covered almost instantly, your load painting her features white in your semen. She squeezed your cock, forcing every last drop of cum out of you. Your body went rigid in overwhelming bliss, your senses numbed by the force of your tidal wave of an orgasm. 
Joy waited patiently for the last drop of your cum to ooze out of your twitching shaft. Her tongue emerged from her cum stained lips, licking up your seed that was around her mouth before cleaning you up thoroughly. You mustered the strength to rest a hand on her head, gently stroking her sweat-matted hair as she worked on your cock, helping you to gently ease down from your high.
“That… Was better than I imagined,” You mused. 
“Ever since when has sex with me been a disappointment?” Joy grinned, gathering bits of your load off her face with her fingers. 
“That’s true…” You mused. Joy giggled, slapping your cock against her face. 
Joy waited for you to regain some strength, content with sucking your cock in the meantime. 
When you could finally stand, you assisted Joy in cleaning up the mess you made on her face. When all was said and done, you and Joy made sure that there were no odd stains left anywhere in her boss’s office. Once you were both sure that your deed would not be discovered, you hastily put your clothes back on. You turned off the lights and slipped out of the office. 
“That was fun,” Joy giggled, hugging your arm. “Now… I expect you to hold up your end of our deal.”
You chuckled.
“It would be rude of me not to after what we did,” You mused. Joy smiled. 
“Good… Then it looks like we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow.”
The sun shined intensely on your face. Joy’s car cruised down the road, the wind catching her flowy black hair and making her sundress flap a little in the wind. 
“Quit staring at my tits will you?” She remarked. 
“You can’t blame me,” You defended yourself. She rolled her eyes.
“Right. I just look too good in this don’t I?” 
You chuckled, your eyes turning back to the road. The sand and the blue waters were visible now, you were close. 
“Take the exit just up ahead,” You instructed her. 
“I know what I’m doing. You don’t need to backseat drive,” She scoffed. 
“All right… You’re the boss…”
Joy smirked, pushing up her sunglasses a little. When the exit came, you were amused when Joy’s car sped right past it. 
“I thought you said you knew what you were doing?” You questioned.
“I do,” She answered confidently. 
“Then why the fuck did you miss the exit?”
“Cause we’re going somewhere else.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I thought you said we were going to the beach?” 
Joy smiled innocently. 
“We are, just a different part,” She answered. You gave her a look.
“What?” She asked. “Why are you giving me that side eye?”
You folded your arms. 
“Why are you suddenly changing our destination?” You interrogated. Joy’s lips formed a thin line.
“Relax. I’m not kidnapping you or anything,” She reasoned with you. “Just calm your ass down. We’re almost there.”
You were a little sceptical, but you knew better than to doubt Soo-young. But you still had the urge to have a final say.
“Always breaking agreements,” You muttered. 
“I heard that,” She told you.
“You were supposed to,” You replied. Joy clicked her tongue in annoyance, but you recognised that familiar cheeky glint in those eyes. She was having fun, so were you.
Joy drove for another 10 minutes or so. A roof of a structure slowly emerged, a stand alone seaside chalet revealing itself. 
“We’ll get the beach to ourselves here,” Joy grinned. You chuckled.
“You’re full of surprises,” You remarked.
“And you’re full of shit,” She shot back. 
Joy’s car pulled up to the gate of the chalet. She rustled through her tote bag for a bit before retrieving a remote. With a click of a button, the gate rolled open. Joy drove in, parking the car just outside the entrance to the small house.
“We came here on a team retreat a year ago, I figured out how to book it,” She told you.
“I didn’t ask,” You said.
“But you’re bound to ask at some point,” She fired back. 
She wasn’t wrong. 
You helped Joy to unload the things in her trunk, amused to find that she had brought beverages and meat to grill. You quickly deduced that this would be an overnight stay, realising why she asked you to pack an extra set of clothes. 
You entered the chalet with Joy. While Joy put your things in the room, you busied yourself with storing the meat and drinks in the fridge. It was quick work for the both of you. 
“Look around for a bit, I need to change,” Joy told you.
“Can I watch?” You asked. She slapped your arm.
“Fucking pervert.” 
You chuckled. Joy giggled a little before retreating back to the room and shutting the door behind her. You did as suggested, exploring the place a little while you waited for Joy to emerge out of the room. It was a cosy little spot, complete with an outdoor dining area that offered a breathtaking view of the sea. The view was great, but something told you that the view of Joy’s naked body would’ve been better. 
“All right. Let’s head to the water.”
You turned. Your mouth dried up. 
Joy sauntered towards you, towel in hand. Her wide hips swaying in those skimpy shorts that cut off perfectly around the fullness of those thighs, perky breasts bulging out behind that tight neon-yellow top on her body, bending the words “Life Is Sweet” around her ample tits. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, a cap sitting on her head to block out the harsh sun.
“What?” She prompted, giving you a look. 
“N-Nothing,” You quickly replied, shaking off the dirty thoughts in your head. “Let’s go…”
You slid the door open and walked out into the deck. You could hear Joy’s pattering footsteps behind you, and you had to resist the urge to look back and get another good look at her. You’d seen her in all sorts of clothing. Suits, dresses, mini skirts, you’d seen it all. Hell you’d even seen her naked countless times. 
But this? This felt so different for some odd reason. 
Your feet hit the sand, the grains crushing under your feet as you moved towards the water. 
“Wait,” Joy called out from behind. You turned—a little too enthusiastically—and saw her holding out a bottle.
“Put on some sunscreen,” She told you, walking up to you and uncapping the bottle. You held out a palm, and Joy pumped a generous dollop into your hand. You thanked her with a smile before applying the lotion onto your body. Joy busied herself with her own body, the Sunscreen making her skin gleam slightly before she rubbed the lotion into her skin completely. 
“Could you help me with my back?” She requested, turning her back to you. You quickly took a moment to soak in the shape of her ass in those shorts before walking over and taking the sunscreen from her. You pushed down, pumping some of the lotion onto your hand before applying it on Joy’s back. Your hands cheekily slipped under the bits of her top that clung to her back, earning a playful gaze from the woman. You took your time to rub the lotion into her smooth skin, savouring the curves of her body from behind. 
When you decided that you were satisfied, you stepped away. 
“All done,” You smiled innocently.
“You sure took your time. Had a good look?” She teased, catching you red handed. You smirked. 
“Definitely,” You replied. She smiled and pinched your cheek.
“What a cheeky boy…” 
Joy laid down a mat under the shade of a tree, far enough from the tide but close enough for you to quickly access the water. You walked towards the azure blue sea with Joy, wet sand squishing under your feet as you went deeper and deeper. The two of you didn’t go in too deep, stopping when the water hit your knees. A wind had picked up, and Joy stretched out her arms.
“Ah… This is nice…” She sighed. 
“Mhm,” You hummed in agreement. A smile made its way onto the girl’s face. 
“I wonder how our teams are fairing…” She giggled. 
“Not too well probably,” You answered truthfully. 
“Ah well… We all get what we deserve…” She sighed. “And we deserve this nice bit of relaxation…”
You nodded, silently agreeing with her. There was a moment of silence between you two as you both stood there, letting the water sweep around your knees. The sea water left a pleasant tingle on your skin, giving you some sort of a respite to the heat of the summer. 
Joy moved closer to you.  
“You know what’s nice about this?” She whispered. 
“What?” You asked. She stretched out her arm towards the shore.
“We have this segment of the beach to ourselves.” 
She moved in a little more, your bare arms touching each other. You caught her gaze. She smiled. 
“Say…” She began, gingerly reaching for your hand. “I wanted to ask you a question.”
“What is it?” You asked. Joy didn’t reply, opting to silently guide your hand onto her toned tummy. Your knuckles slipped past the waistband of her shorts, your fingers coming into contact with something warm and wet. Experience allowed you to deduce what exactly was against your fingertips.
“Ever thought about fucking on the beach?”Joy grinned. 
“Nope… But I’m down to try,” You replied.
As quickly as you had entered the water with her, you found yourselves back up on shore, tongues in mouths and hands on each other. Joy’s mat served as a barrier between you and the sand, providing a perfect place for you to lay Soo-young down and slip your digits into her slick folds. A moan escaped her lips, her front teeth becoming visible as she bit down on her fingernail. You pumped your hand, working your fingers deeper into her slick cunt, your lips peppering her neck with kisses and light nibbles. A stream of moans and whines flowed from Joy’s mouth.
“Oh yes… Right there baby… R-Right fucking there,” She hissed, hips jerking  when your fingers curled up and made contact with the soft flesh on the roof of her walls. 
“You’re so wet Joy,” You muttered. 
“I’m always wet for you…” She replied. 
You smiled. 
“You're always such a little slut for me, aren’t you?” You whispered into her ear. She nodded. 
“O-Oh… Y-Yes… I’m your little slut…” 
Your fingers worked faster, pumping harder and deeper into her warmth. She gasped sharply, her back arching deliciously. You bent her to your will, a dark part of you finding pleasure in making her yours.
“Oh shit… Don’t stop… Please don’t stop,” She whined, her left hand kneading her left breast while her right clung to your shirt sleeve for dear life. She let her sighs and gasps tumble out of her mouth, not bothering to control her volume as her hips start grinding against your hand. Her eyes filled with need, her tight body quivering and thrashing against your hand as she moaned your name into your ear. With each entrance of your fingers, a delightfully erotic squelch filled your ears, mixing with Joy’s filthy exclamations of pleasure. Your lips found Joy’s, muffling her cries with your mouth. Her thighs clamped down tightly around your hand, keeping you deep inside of her while you drove her wild. 
Your left hand found one of her taut nipples, and you gave the nub a pinch. Joy moaned into your mouth, her right hand shifting up and gripping your forearm. You released her lips, allowing you to hear those cute mewls and gasps clearly. Her moaning increased in volume, her eyes widening. 
“Fuck… I-I’m gonna cum,” She said, nails digging into your arm. “Keep fucking me with your fingers! I’m fucking… Oh!” 
Joy came, tight frame shaking violently. Her mouth opened  in a silent scream, pupils dilating further as her thighs quivered around your hand. Her back arched further, her breasts proudly protruding on her quivering chest. Your hand slowed, gradually halting to give Joy a breather through her high.  Her body crashes down on the mat mere minutes later, heaving with each breath Joy took as the bliss faded. Sweat beaded on her brow, her skin glistening deliciously under the light. 
Her weak left hand tilted your chin towards her. She finds your lips once more, holding you in a sweet kiss for a little before releasing you. 
“Fuck me however you want… Just promise that you’ll cum in me this time.”
You smiled. 
“Of course Joy…” You affirmed her. “Let’s get you undressed.”
Her soaking wet shorts were off in a flash, her skin-tight top following closely behind. Joy undid the strings of your shorts, pulling them down to let your hard cock spring out. Her hand gripped your shaft, slender fingers squeezing your member gently as she stroked you lazily. 
“The usual?” She asked. You nodded, feeling a little bit of Deja vu. Joy’s hand left your cock, planting itself behind her. She flipped herself belly down, her big juicy ass raised and presented for you. You pulled your shorts down past your knees before positioning yourself behind Joy. She looked back at you, that devilish smile on her face as you slapped your cock against her ass.  
“Put it in…” She whispered. 
“Patience, Joy… You’re always in such a hurry,” You  told her, taking your time to line yourself up with her slit. While you were aching to enter her, a dark part in you took pleasure in making the girl beg. 
“Please… Please just put in already…” She implored, a wanton expression wiping the smile off her face. You finally relented. 
You pushed your tip in, parting her flushed, pink lips as the rest of your cock slid into Joy’s cunt with ease. You groaned, hands gripping the full cheeks of her ass as you hilted yourself in her tight walls. It was pure bliss.
“God… You’re always so fucking tight Joy,” You hissed, spanking her with an open palm. She yelped in delight, ass rippling under the impact. 
“Fuck me…” She gasped. She was so full of need and lust. 
You did as she requested. Your hips popped back, your shaft redrawing from her slick momentarily before spearheading right back into the depths of her cunt. You gave her no time to adjust, quickly establishing a rough, frantic, carnal pace and taking her pussy. Joy was gasping, crying, screaming in delight, her ass rippling hypnotically with each deep stroke you made. Her little body rocked, the warmth of her ass cushioning your crotch with each entrance. Her hands dug into the sand, fingers buried deep in the grains to hold her steady as you pounded her tight little pussy mercilessly. Her walls sucked you in, pulling you deeper and deeper into her till you could feel the warmth of her core on the tip of your cock. Jolts of pleasure shot up your spine and through your nervous system. 
Joy lowered her upper body to the ground, deepening the angle of your frantic thrusts into her. You reached down, hands quickly locating her swaying breasts and cupping them. You played with her soft ample mounds, relishing Joy’s curves in your palms. 
“Oh fuck Joy… You take my cock so well,” You grunted. 
“My body… Was made to take your cock,” She hissed back. “This pussy is yours. Take my slutty little pussy like it’s yours.”
She made eye contact with you for the nth time. The look in her eyes made something snap inside of you. 
Your palm left her tits, pushing down on the small of Joy’s back. Her face dug into the mat, her thighs spreading even further to take you deeper into her folds. She screams your name, begging you for more. 
You doubled down on Joy, your slick shaft emerging and disappearing between her slick pussy lips.  Her hand reached between your bodies, rubbing frantically at her clit. 
“Oh fuck fuck fuck! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!” She cried, sounding breathless. She was enjoying every last second of her treatment. The waves crashed against the shore, doing little to mask the screams of pleasure escaping from Joy’s lips.
You fucked Joy into the sand, taking control of her body as you bent over her to keep her pinned between you and the mat. 
“How does it feel Joy?” You growled into her ear. “How does it feel being fucked like a dirty little slut?”
Joy struggled to answer.
“It feels… So… Fucking good…”
The pure filth coming from her mouth spurred you, making you fuck her faster, harder… You wanted to fuck her senseless like you always did. Joy loved taking your cock till her mind went blank. Be it in the office, in between her own sheets or even in a car, she relished the feel of your cock stretching her out and fucking her till her brain rattled in her skull. There was no such thing as “Slow” when you were with Joy. 
Your hand gripped her ponytail, yanking back hard till her head was looking straight ahead. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum Joy,” You hissed. “I’m gonna fucking cum inside your tight little cunt.”
“Yes yes yes… Do it! Fill me! I need it so fucking bad!” She grunted. Your hand leaves her hair, both hands gripping her wide hips roughly as you give Joy all you had.
Your orgasm almost made you black out. You buried yourself as deep as you could inside Joy’s body, struggling to keep your upper body upright. Your cock spasmed and pulsated, your body quivering and shaking — absolutely overwhelmed by pleasure. Joy’s sighs drowned out the noises around you, a dull ring in your ears as you pumped your load into her awaiting cunt. It takes an eternity for you to recover. When you do, Joy was quick to request for more. 
“I want it in my ass next…” She told you. Through your sweat-matted hair, you managed a grin. 
“Coming right up.”
You wouldn’t be going back into the water for quite some time.
A cool evening breeze ruffled your hair, rustling the leaves of trees behind you as you sat on the deck with Joy. Her head rested on your shoulder, mouth busy chewing on the piece of meat in her mouth. There was a pleasant silence between the two of you, both of you silently listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. 
“Feed me another piece,” Joy requested. You gladly obliged, poking a slice of grilled meat with your fork and bringing it to her mouth. She bit it off your fork, chewing happily. 
“You know… I think we should do this more often,” She told you between bites. 
“There’s a limit on the number of times we can call in sick Joy,” You reminded her.
“Ah who fucking cares,” She said. “We can probably find other loopholes in the system.”
You chuckled. 
“I guess so,” You mused. She tapped your hand. You fed her another piece of meat.
A deep sigh left her mouth. You risked a glance down, noting the look of content on her face as she stared out into the sea. The sun was setting just past the horizon, an orangish-golden glow illuminating the surface of the water. The sunlight blended with the deep blue water of the sea, the sun reflected on the surface of the water. It was… Oddly romantic.
“Thanks for coming out with me today,” Joy said. “I really appreciate it.” 
You smiled. 
“No problem Soo-young,” You replied. “I needed this break either way.”
Joy giggled. 
“I know. So did I.”
“So was I always meant to be invited?” You questioned. 
“Hm… Maybe.”
You feigned offence. Joy laughed and smacked your arm playfully.
“Well… Intended or not, I’m glad you asked me to come,” You told her sincerely. Her expression softened. 
“That’s great… Would’ve been a waste if you didn’t,” She replied. 
Your eyes met hers. For once, past the cheekiness, past the lust and past the mischief, you saw a faint glimmer of… something behind her gaze. Something stirred in you.
You looked back out towards the sea, feeling an odd sensation on your chest. You didn’t know what it was, but it made you hold Joy a little closer.
Maybe… Just maybe… You felt like the two of you were more than just friends with benefits.
Hello. Hope you enjoyed this one. I had a little bit of a Joy overdose so...
Anyways, thanks for stopping by and reading! Have a great day!
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crimsonfic · 1 year
Sanemi Shinazugawa Fanfiction- Turbulence
Foreign Musician Y/N
Subjects: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Violence, Gore, Death, Blood, Vulgar language, Mature Language & Content, other sensitive subjects
8 Chapters
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Chapter 4
Chapter includes: Explicit language, Smut, Fluff,
You woke up to the smell of some tantalizing food. Your eyes fluttering open slowly as your lids still felt heavy with sleep. As you took in your surroundings you were confused. You were in Sanemi's room.
You were in Sanemi's room.
You woke up in Sanemi's room.
Sitting up quickly you looked around. The sun was beaming brightly into the room, despite the curtains being drawn, you were still naked. Memories of your clothes being torn coming back to you.
You were about to get up when Sanemi walked into the room with a bowl of hot steaming food. The smell that woke you, making your mouth water.
"Hey Sleepy head." Sanemi mumbled.
You would've been taken aback if you weren't so hungry. "Hey." You smiled up at him.
"Here." He said louder as he handed you the bowl.
"Thank you." You replied before digging in. Smiling at the fact that he brought you a spoon. "Where's yours?"
"I ate already." He replied "while I was out."
You simply nodded. You had so many questions, but you weren't going to ask them.
"You have to stay here." He told you suddenly.
Your eyebrow quirked up at his remark. "Forever?" You asked between bites. You were just joking but you were a little confused.
"No just until a little while later." He answered.
You smiled at him. Of course you knew that, you just wanted to mess with him. You nodded your head.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked.
Surprised but determined not to show it you nodded once more. "Really good. I didn't realize I was so tired."
Now it was his turn to nod.
As you continued eating he stayed standing beside the bed. Arms crossed as he mostly looked at the floor. He was always a little stand offish but you were getting subtle different vibes from him this time. You chocked it up to him being regretful for being rough with you, which is a surprise in and of itself.
"Why are you just standing there?" You smiled.
He shrugged.
"You don't want to sit down?"
"No not really."
"Oh okay." You nod, almost finished with your rice in the short amount of time.
"So you left me here?" You added as the room grew silent again.
Instead of rolling his eyes at you like you anticipated, his eyes widened before he quickly tried to cover it. "Yeah, is that problem?"
"No. It's just...really trusting of you to leave me here."
Now he rolls his eyes. "We see each other every single day. You think I don't trust you?"
You loved messing with Sanemi. He was so easy to annoy although you're sure partially your presence was annoying to him in general. "Well it's not that really, it's just....leaving me here gives strong boyfriend vibes."
There he was. The Sanemi you were used to. The Sanemi you loved despite how cold he could be.
He was holding the bridge of his noise. Teeth barred in annoyance, as if he was trying to get himself under control.
"You need to let that go. I don't want to hear that word from you today."
"What word? Boyfriend?"
He responded with a pointed glare at you.
"What? Maybe if you stopped acting like one I wouldn't have to suggest that's what you are."
"For fucks sake, shutup." He said.
You smiled finishing up your meal. When you were about to stand Sanemi stopped you. Reaching out for the bowl and gesturing irritably with his hand for you to hurry and give it to him when you froze.
He took it from you and left the room before coming back. Of course he came right back into his spot beside the bed, folding his arms like it was his job.
"Okay, why are you just standing there peering down at me. Am I in trouble?" You smile.
Sanemi adverts his eyes. He shrugs.
"Why are you so quiet? You usually talk more than this."
"I do not."
He's right. But you were messing with him. It was your second job after all.
"Why are you standing there? Afraid to sit with me?"
And the smallest flash of worry and hesitation passed across his features but you managed to catch it. It made your heart rate speed up. Reminding you of how gentle he was with you just a few hours ago as he bathed you.
"Hey, you know....about earlier....I'm not mad at you or anything right?"
His response you weren't ready for. You don't know what you expected but it wasn't for him to sound so.....tiny. Almost....saddened.
"Why?" Was all he said, but his tone spoke volumes.
"I-I know you didn't mean it."
"You've never spoken to me like that before. You've never.....held me tighter than you needed to and never ignored me." You quickly added "never ignored me during sex I mean."
He slowly nodded. Sitting down beside the bed cross legged.
You could see his remorse...or maybe it was shame....radiating off of him.
You tried not to, you really did, but like a moth to a flame, you were drawn to him.
You laid down so you were right in front of him. Your head propped up on your arms.
"Do you....maybe want to talk about what upset you?"
You're not sure what was going through his head but you could see some sort of turmoil brewing behind his eyes. He gritted his teeth and crossed his arms once more. "Not really no."
"Okay." It was your turn to nod. You quickly changed the subject for him, not wanting him to sit in anger.
"You got some clothes for me to wear or am I just going to walk around your house naked?"
Sanemi, ever observant, saw that little glint in your eye. He chose to ignore it however, opting instead to stand and walk over to his dresser. He pulled out a robe and threw it at you.
"Thanks sexy." You laughed, sitting up to put it on.
"Don't start." He told you.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just calling you by your name." You joked.
As you stood up, you realized that the robe almost fit you perfectly. But of course, Sanemi liked to show off his body of course he wouldn't buy a robe that could actually close over his deliciously sculpted chest.
"So, are you going to let me finally look around your house now that you've demanded I stay here for a while?"
"Sure." He answered walking over to his door.
You were stunned, but in an effort not to upset him, you kept your shock hidden. You followed behind him out to the kitchen. "I'm pretty sure you've seen this before."
"I've never been in your kitchen lover." You said casually looking around. It was a nice kitchen, and it was large. It was unsurprisingly clean as well. You learned in the last couple of months that although Sanemi himself was a storm, his cleanliness and home was not. It was spotless. Atleast what you could see, which was always the dark living room, his bedroom and his bathroom.
After the kitchen he walked you into the dining room. Which was also dark and clean. Accents of green popping out from paintings on the wall and small sculptures that comprised of leaves and bamboo. It was actually quite nice.
Next he lead you to another bathroom. It was simple, and this one had a shower. After, he led you upstairs. There were 2 other bedrooms and one bathroom.
"So that's it. Nothing special." He said as he led you back downstairs after letting you look through the bare rooms.
"And outside?"
"What the hell do you want to see outside for?"
"Don't you have a garden?"
"I guess."
"You guess that you have a garden?"
"I mean I guess that you want to see it."
You laughed at his words, and the bored look on his face. He shook his head but lead you out the back door, onto his veranda. In front of you was an expanse of lush green. There was a stone walkway leading to various areas of the garden. Looking down at your toes, you saw how shiny and nice the floor beneath you was. His backyard was massive and you didn't even know where to begin.
You pointed to this area off to the right where the large stoned walkway lead to a large space with a mixture of stone flooring and grass. There were rocks, some covered in moss, in various sizes, a large tree off to the side, and you couldn't help but think that it was a designated area for something. It just looked too cool not to be.
"What's that?"
"Um...the garden?" Sanemi furrowed his brows at you.
"No. No I mean like....why does it look so different from everything else?"
"Because it does."
You sighed. "Sanemi." You shook your head. "I hear water." You said suddenly.
"Yeah there's a pond back there."
You gasped. "Can I see it?"
"Sure." Sanemi shrugged.
Before he could stop you, you stepped down from the veranda barefooted, happily walking over to the large stone near you. You purposely stepped on the large rocks, making your way along the trail until you reached the back of the garden. The rock path went all along the long "pond" just before the gate signaling the end of his property. Along the gate were trees and more shrubbery, some sculptures placed here and there. It was beautiful back here. In the pond were more rocks strategically placed in differing tones of light and dark. When you saw a orange and white fish swim past you almost squealed in excitement. When a yellow one swam past you lost it.
"You have fish!?" You exclaimed, getting on the ground and leaning over the pond to look closely at them.
They were so cute, you've never seen fish like this in person. They looked almost elegant.
You sat staring at the fish as they swam, unfazed by your presence. When you caught a glimpse of an all white one you gasped again. Just how many fish does he have? You thought to yourself. You caught a glimpse of a black and white fish, and you got up to follow it. Fascinated by it as it swam slowly, all the way to the other end of the garden. Down here was a small bench, with a lamp post just behind it. With the sun out it was light enough to still see clearly but you can imagine with the cover of the large trees on this end, it would be pitch black here at night. You sat down on the bench. Taking a deep breath to inhale the fresh aroma and clean air around you. It was nothing like home.
You loved it.
As you sat you realized you zoned out. Your mind had gone completely blank and you had no idea how long you had been sitting there.
You got up quickly saying bye to the fish, before following the stone trail back to the house. When it came into view you could see Sanemi sitting just within the doorway.
Sanemi's POV
"She lives." I said sarcastically as she came walking back towards the house. She was out there for 30 minutes.
"Sorry." She laughed. "I zoned out by accident. Why didn't you tell me you had fish?"
She's so fucking cute. How the fuck can she be cute and sexy all at the same time? She's going to be the death of me.
"They're just fish." I told her watching her step back up onto the veranda.
"Your fish. I didn't know you had any why didn't you tell me." She repeated slightly pouting as if I was holding some big secret from her.
"They're not my fish. They're just fish."
"You bought them didn't you? And they live here at your house in your pond. They're family. They're your fish." She said walking over to me.
I did my best to hold in the exasperated sigh I had for her. They certainly were not my family, but I guess they were my fish.
I gestured for her to sit down.
She obeyed, saying nothing but searching my face for an explanation.
I pulled over the bucket from beside me and then held my hand out to her. She was about to give me her hand when I pushed it away.
"Your foot."
"My foot?" She asked but lifted it out to me.
As expected it was filthy. I grabbed it and began scrubbing it with the sponge from the bucket. She bit her lip turning her head to the side.
"Grow up." I told her.
"Sorry." She mumbled still holding her laugh in. When I finished I dropped her foot in my lap and then started on the other. When I finished she let out a big breath.
"Shutup." She smiled.
"Next time, put some slippers on before you go out."
"Okay." She answered.
I pulled her up with me, grabbing the bucket before leading her back into the house.
I went to dump the water in the shower while she stopped in the living room. When I came back out she was leaning down looking at my beetle in his terrain.
"What's this bug called again?" She asked pointing to it.
"You ask a lot of questions."
She only turned to look at me, an expectant look on her face.
I walked over towards her and sat on the couch. "It's a rhinoceros beetle."
"Does it bite?"
"Stick your hand in there and find out."
I wasn't expecting her to really do it, but she did. He began hissing.
"You're pissing him off."
"Oh." She said abruptly taking her hand out. "Sorry Beetle sir." She said lightly tapping the glass.
Fucking cute. Ugh.
"Do you know what time it is?" She asked moving to sit on the couch opposite me.
"I have work tonight. So I'll have to get going soon."
For some reason, I felt discomfort in my chest. But I spoke anyway. "Okay."
She cocked her head at me. "So, what exactly am I waiting for?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I'm not going to tell her. It's supposed to be a gift. She's gonna have to wait and see.
"If you don't want me to leave you can just say that. I wouldn't be surprised that you're finally acknowledging your feelings for me."
I was choking. Choking on my own spit. She was a mess. It was only after I stopped choking that I realized she was waiting for me to say something.
"Shutup." Was all I could manage, making her laugh out loud.
She laid back on the couch, crossing her legs at the ankles. "Thank you." She said suddenly.
I didn't ask what she meant. I knew what she was referring to. She's only been begging with her stupid fucking expressive eyes to stay over here and spend time with me since we started having sex.
"Don't think you can stay all the time. I don't need any distractions."
"I don't need any distractions." She mocked me in an obnoxiously low voice that didn't sound anything like mine.
I gave her the finger, to which she only waved off.
"Sanemi?" She spoke after some time passed of us sitting in silence.
"Tell me something about you, that nobody else knows."
"We fuck everyday."
She sighed heavily and I felt no remorse. This is not a conversation we are going to have.
It appeared she was going to drop the topic though. "What should we do?" She asked, repositioning herself on the couch so that now she was laying flat on her back, eyes up at the ceiling.
I shrugged.
"You want to go somewhere?"
"You don't have any clothes right now."
"Oh yeah." She said rolling her eyes. "I think I know what we can do."
Instead of answering with words, she uncrossed her legs, obnoxiously seductive somehow, and began to rub slow circles against her clit.
It shouldn't have surprised me. The fucking minx was insatiable. But it still managed to take me by surprise anyway. She opened her legs giving herself better access. I could only watch her as she touched herself. It was so hot the way she seemed perfectly into it. Sounds of her slick filling the room in the short amount of time.
Fuck it, I thought as I sat up to get a better look at her. Just a few seconds later she pushed one pretty finger deep inside her core, letting out an equally pretty moan.
That was enough for me. I got up to close the distance between us. Sitting between her legs, I lost the little amount of restraint I had. I pulled her hand from her cunt and leaned forward until I could taste her. Licking a fat strip up her clit, savoring her sweet essence, earned me the cutest fucking whimper.
I lapped up all that she gave me, licking and sucking on her perfect clit. Her sounds motivating me to continue. She could go for a while, I learned in my time with her, so it surprised me when she came so quickly. It had only been maybe 4 minutes.
I looked up at her. Disappointed in her inability to last longer for me because I was enjoying myself. Enjoying her. "What the hell was that?"
A small smile appeared on her face as she let out a little huff of air. "Sorry. I don't know, you're just so skilled San."
My eyebrow quirked, caught off guard. "San?"
"Yeah." She smiled more.
I wanted to tell her not to shorten my name. It would've irked me if someone else had done it. But I didn't feel irritated by her doing it.
I pushed the thought out of my head as I stood to untie my robe. It was no time at all before I was back between her legs, grabbing onto her hips and pushing into her sopping core.
She gasped as I bottomed out. I rolled my eyes though I felt no annoyance. "You act like you don't know what to expect."
"Just feels so good." She murmured grabbing onto my wrists.
When she pulled them, I got the message. I placed my hands on either side of her head, as much as the couch would allow before leaning over her, burying myself deeper into her. She responded with another small gasp, before biting her lip.
I inwardly shook my head at her. She had a way of acting like it was our first time doing this together. I however, liked the sound, so I kept my pace slow, pushing my self as deep as her heat would allow each thrust, letting the tip of my head rest again that soft gummy wall inside of her that always made her gasp or squeak. A small almost unnoticeable shudder happened each time I slowly pulled away from my favorite spot. It was fascinating watching her. Rewarding even. No one had ever been this expressive before. Sure they've been loud, they've scratched my back, they've screamed, some cried, they shook and trembled too, but somehow always remained anxious.
But her, she was completely relaxed. Every part of her reacted to me simultaneously but softly. She was comfortable. It's something I can't quite explain but it's like she would completely melt, or like she was always fully giving herself to me. Fully immersed into what we were doing together.
I let my eyes rake over her perfect body beneath me. She looked so soft; she was; always. I leaned down on my forearm, shifting my weight to rest on the one arm while I let my left hand roam across her. I gathered her perfect breast into my palm, squeezing softly what I held. Her breathing hitched momentarily at the action. She let out one of those cute whimpers I like when I squeezed again.
Releasing her from my palm I trailed down her side, my thumb grazing along the softness of her abdomen, all the way down until I reached her hip. I softly squeezed her here too. I didn't realize that while watching her, to wait for her reaction I had stopped my strokes. It wasn't until she spoke.
"Sanemi please." She whined. But it wasn't annoying, and it didn't piss me off. It was cute.
"Sorry." I answered quietly, heat rising to my ears. Luckily her eyes have been closed so she couldn't see me. I made sure to keep my thrusts measured this time, not letting my admiring of her body distract me from fucking her.
Damn it, what the fuck is wrong with me. That's literally what I'm doing. Admiring her. Fucking hell.
I put my hand back up beside her before shifting my weight back over her, now on both forearms, the heat from her body rolling into mine.
I was caught off guard by her hands softly grabbing onto my sides, gently pulling me closer to her. "You're so good San." She mumbles, a small smile on her face as she watches where I disappear into her.
I ignore her compliment focused now on how close we were and how good it feels inside her. Her thumbs gently rubbed against my abdomen and it felt like too much. My hips stuttered, it caught me off guard again. She was being gentle with me. Admiring me.
My suspicions were confirmed when she brought both of her palms up the planes of my chest, beginning to caress me. I wanted to roll my eyes at her but the look in her eyes stopped me. She looked to be mesmerized. Instead of feeling confident and maybe repulsed like I would if it was some other woman I felt shy.
Like a fucking loser.
She let her hands glide to my back. The sound of her slick still the loudest in the room. When I felt her hands travel down to my hips pulling me deeper I felt turned on all over again, a small growl leaving my throat on its own.
I wasn't looking at her, purposely, but I could hear her smirk. I let my gaze meet her face this time, only to find her already looking at me. Before I could look away she let out the prettiest moan I've ever heard. Her eyes fluttered closed as I made sure to repeat the stroke. She quickly bit her lip, holding back a whine it seemed like.
I kept up my pace watching her face as I fucked her. Nice and slow. The way she loved apparently.
When a rather abrupt shudder went through her, I knew she was close. Her legs clamped against mine, her grip on me tightened and her breaths became short pants. Her walls were milking me for everything I had. I had to bury my face in her neck, to keep quiet. I bit her neck as I came, or else I would've made a fool of myself. I would've moaned louder than her.
I felt her come before hearing her come. It felt like a waterfall. Followed by the sound of her sinful moans.
As I sat waiting for her to finish I realized she wasn't stopping. She was still trembling, still holding me tight and still moaning.
Her brows furrowed cutely as each tremor shook her.
A surge of pride began building in my chest, realizing she was having this long of a response. She was overstimulated and it was quickly making me grow back hard.
I couldn't help myself as I pushed myself deeper into her.
"Oh fuck. Sa-San-Sanemi!" She said, her legs trembling more.
That was all the motivation I needed to keep fucking her. And this time it only took a minute tops for us to come together again.
"Thank you." She mumbled hugging me briefly as I rested atop of her.
"For what? Fucking you?" The tiredness of my voice pissed me off but I ignored it.
"Yes." She laughed.
"Anytime." I answered playfully before pulling out to stand up. "We made a huge mess on this couch." I said as I absently held my hand out to help her up.
"Sorry. I'll clean it."
"Good. Damn minx ruining my furniture."
Her answering laugh was loud.
And cute.
I hated it.
I didn't realize I was still holding her hand until we got to my bathroom. I quickly let go and grabbed a cloth, running it under the faucet. I handed it to her before wetting another for myself.
She remained quiet as we cleaned ourselves but I could honestly feel the questions she wanted to ask me.
"What?" I asked.
She made a face. One of confusion before speaking. "Are you hearing things? I didn't say nothin'."
"No, I know. But you want to. I can feel it, so what is it?"
She giggled. An actual fucking giggle.
"I'm just thinking about how handsome you are. No questions."
"Don't start." I told her while tying up my robe. "Put your cloth in there." I pointed over to my hamper beside the sink before walking out of the bathroom.
Not long after she came into the room behind me.
"What are you looking at?" She asked now standing beside me at the window.
She shrugged and stepped closer to me, following my gaze.
"You have a really nice house." She spoke after a few moments of silence. "A really cool yard too. I like how it's hidden almost."
I looked at her. Her eyes were scanning across the front. Considering she's come here almost everyday for 2 months, you'd think she'd be less dorky about it.
"You walk through the yard everyday to get here. Don't be weird like you've never seen it before."
She faked a look of shock. "Oh hush San, I'm just saying. I know I've never told you so I'm telling you now."
"Mhm." I answered.
She tightened her robe and then turned to leave the room, but not before pushing me.
I didn't pay her any mind and I relished in the newfound absence. I needed to think.
There were too many thoughts in my head, conflicting thoughts, and it was driving me mad.
You were sitting on the veranda out back when Sanemi finally came to you.
"Your clothes are ready." His voice, deep and demanding, called.
You stood and followed him back inside. When he gestured to a pile of folded clothes you pursed your lips in confusion.
"What's all of that?" You asked.
Sanemi grumbled something under his breath. You only stared at him, waiting expectantly.
"It's yours. I....I'm sorry about your dress. I got more to make it up to you. Because it was a really nice dress. These aren't as nice as what you usually wear but it's the best I could get it in just one day." By now he's almost rubbed the skin on his neck completely off with his nervous movement.
"Sanemi..." you started, surprised. "I....thank you." You settled for the shortest answer. Coming from Sanemi this was a big deal. Not to mention the quality of the fabrics were clearly top tier.
"She um...tried to fix the one I tore but she said it would take her more time."
"Thank you." You repeated with a nod, letting your hand graze down the folded pile gently. "I guess I'll get dressed."
You grabbed the one on top, it was a deep red, and went into his bathroom. After getting it on, you were surprised at how well it fit you. It was very comfortable and although it wasn't your usual style it was pretty.
"What do you think?" You asked Sanemi when you came back to the living room.
He nodded his head quickly, eyes darting all over your figure, taking in the ensemble.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"I do."
He nodded his head in finality. "Okay."
After a few beats of silence you spoke. "I guess that I'll get going. I have a show tonight and have to get ready."
"Alright." Sanemi said from his place beside the couch.
You gathered all of your new clothes and tried your best to ignore the big heavy sinking feeling in your chest.
"I'll um....see you tomorrow?" You said as you walked over to the door.
"Yeah. Tomorrow." he answered.
"Okay. Have a good evening Sanemi." You slid your feet into your shoes and grabbed the door handle.
You're used to Sanemi being quiet, you're used to him not responding to basic courtesy's, but for some reason the silence this time was leaving a dull ache in your heart.
At this realization, you were quick to get away from there.
This is bad you thought, as you hurried out and down the walk way to the outer gate.
You were so attached. Too attached.
Your heart leapt into your throat when you saw Sanemi in the crowd during your performance. You knew you were feeling his stormy presence but when your eyes landed on him you almost lost your breath and was just slightly off key on your note. Of course no one noticed but the boys.
You winked at Brass's questioning expression in an effort to let him know you were fine. You continued your performance without anymore mess ups.
It was to your surprise that when the crowd dispersed Sanemi was still there. He appeared to be waiting for you.
"We'll pack up, you can go talk to your boo thing." Brass playfully batted his lashes at you from where he knelt at his cases.
"Thanks." You smiled before walking down the stairs at the back of the stage. You felt nervous as you made your way back to the front to meet him. You don't see him twice in one day often, and if you do, he's usually gone before the performance ends, but now he's waiting for you. What could that mean?
Nevertheless, you smile when you reach him. "Hey."
"Hey." He replied. His hands were in his pockets and he wore loose gray pants and a loosely tied matching top.
"Did you like the show?" You asked.
"Yeah I did."
You nodded. The question you wanted to ask you thought might upset him so you let it sit on your tongue, contemplating whether you should ask or not.
"Your hair."
"Oh, yeah. I uh straightened it." You smoothed down your freshly styled hair. Patting down the areas that felt poofy from sweating while performing. Normally you would've styled it but you ran out of time to do anything special.
Sanemi's stormy eyes had not met yours yet, instead he's been taking in your appearance slowly. Looking everywhere but your face.
"Hm. Did it take a...long time?"
A question about your day. That was new.
"Yes actually." You smiled.
"Hm. So you made it back in time?"
"I did."
"You have plans for the night?"
Those subtle nerves turned into big butterflies. Filling your belly so much it was almost uncomfortable.
"I don't." You paused. You wanted to ask why. Tease him and ask if he was trying to take you on a date, but your newfound nerves would not let you.
Your heartbeat was erratic at this point. It only worsened as he finally met your gaze.
Sanemi gave an exasperated look. "You know the answer. Now come on." He responded walking the direction to your home. Once you got there he quietly follows you to your room.
"Grab some clothes." He told you as he stood in the doorway.
You didn't ask him to specify, you simply grabbed something you would wear on a typical day. After putting all your things in your bag you turned to look at him.
He nodded once and then turned to leave the room. Strolling downstairs like he owned the place. When you walked out you ran into the guys.
"What's going on here, you two having a sleepover?" Frank asked, a smile on his face.
"Yep." Sanemi replied not faltering at all in his stride.
The shock on their faces was clear. You felt it too. You've never spent the night with him and he also usually ignores remarks like that; the kind that suggest there is anything more between you two besides sex.
"Well have fun you two. See you later." Frank answered.
You waved at him giddily while Muddy shook his head playfully. "Wrap it up." He said.
Rolling your eyes at him you waved him off.
Of course Sanemi paid no attention to any of you as he lead the way.
You walked in silence not wanting to irritate Sanemi, eyes taking in the familiar route around you.
When you made it back to his house, you stood quietly in the entryway as he locked the door and slid his shoes off. He took your small bag out of your hands and then walked into his bedroom. You still stood in the entryway wondering if you were supposed to follow him or not. There was nothing left to wonder as he came back out and walked over to one of the couches in the living room; propping his feet up on the coffee table.
Before he could say anything you joined him, however sitting on the couch opposite him.
Sanemi crossed his arms behind his head and stared at you.
"So? What do you usually do when you invite women over?"
"I don't."
"Oh so this is new?"
You cracked a smile. "Why?"
Sanemi rolled his eyes. “You ask a lot of questions."
"Not enough really."
"Hah, humor me."
"How old are you Mr. Sanemi?"
Despite your playful nature, Sanemi's eyes opened wide and he dropped his hands from his head.
You told him and watched as he sat back, returning to his relaxed posture.
"Okay." He answered. "What else do you want to know?"
"Anything you want to share."
Sanemi only stared at you. Unsure of what he wanted to tell you. What could he tell you? None of it matters really.
"Actually, you don't have to say anything. I'm sorry." You spoke up with thoughts of your own life filling your mind. Your experiences are certainly things you wouldn't want to share, so it was probably for the best not to pry with him.
With narrowed eyes Sanemi leaned forward. "Why?"
"Just....doesn't really matter right now. You'll tell me when you're ready. Right?"
He nodded in acknowledgement.
"Good." You smiled. "Now. I must say I'm very excited for this sleepover. Is there anything in particular you want to do?"
His shoulders raised and then dropped just as quickly. "I don't know."
"Do you want to sit out in the garden with me?" A small smile on your lips as he pondered your question.
"Sure." He answered eventually, prompting you to stand.
You walked to the back door and waited for Sanemi to join you. You'd forgotten that he said not to go out without slippers until he dropped a pair at your feet.
"Thanks!" You beamed after sliding them on and opening the door.
Sanemi followed behind you as you walked to the back of the garden. You gestured for him to take a seat on the bench while you got down on the ground and peered into the path like pond. A smile took over your face as the all black fish came your way.
From where he was seated, he just observed you. Wondering why you were so excited about these damn fish. He could practically hear you smiling.
He let you watch in awe, all entranced, for a long while before his first question came to mind.
"Do you not see fish where you're from?"
It didn't go unnoticed to Sanemi, the way your shoulders tensed up.
It also didn't go unnoticed that there seemed to be a further explanation on the tip of your tongue. So Sanemi stayed silent. Waiting.
When you did finally speak your voice was monotone. Void of any emotion or humor, so unlike how you usually speak.
"I couldn't go to the lake in town."
"Wasn't safe." You let your finger tips tap gently atop the pond.
Where you're from, no one would ask why. They would know. They would know exactly why.
How do you explain to a foreigner that where you come from you aren't wanted there? Although you were born there, your family before you were purposely brought there, you were despised. Hated. The worst of the worst.
You settled for the easiest answer. "People don't come back home from the lake."
"Demons?" Sanemi asked. His curiosity genuinely piqued.
"You can say that." You laughed humorously.
You didn't know this, but thats when it clicked for Sanemi. Hearing that hard laugh.
The silence that followed wasn't tense. It was sad. But you didn't want to sit in it for too long.
"Did you eat dinner?" You asked him suddenly.
"No. You?"
"Yes. I can make you something if you want."
"Aren't you a guest?"
"I guess, but i don't mind. I'd like to really."
"Do you even know how to cook?"
You turned to look at him, a look of sarcasm on your face.
"Please boy, do you know who I am?"
Eyebrow cocked in amusement. "I guess you'll have to show me, because I don't know."
"Tuh, say less." You replied standing from your spot. "Watch me work." You added before marching into the house, discarding your slippers at the door.
When you reached the kitchen, you wasted no time scavenging his fridge and cabinets. You pulled out many things, most you weren't too familiar with if you're being honest but, you could figure it out as you go.
While you cooked Sanemi watched from the counter he'd leaned against, his eyes intently watching everything you threw together. A lot of the practices you used were quite different from what he was used to. He was intrigued.
"Now.....here. Try this." You said as you scooped the steaming food into a bowl.
"A curry?"
"A gumbo." You corrected. Now it was your turn to watch him carefully.
Sanemi took the bowl carefully into his hands glancing at it curiously.
"Now it may not taste the way I was hoping, you have different spices than I typically use. I'll have to cook for you at my place another time maybe."
Sanemi nodded and then finally tasted what you served him.
His eyes widened briefly and he peered up at you.
Sanemi's heart hammered at the hopeful look in your eye.
Why did you care about pleasing him so much? Who cares what he thinks?
You were going to be the death of him. He knew it.
"It's good." He answered moving to sit at his small table in the living room.
It's going to be a long night. Sanemi thought as he fought not to be affected by the beautiful warm and pleased smile you wore at his response.
It's just one night. I can stay in control of myself for one night. Sanemi said to himself.
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di-in-al · 25 days
~Drifting into Desire~ PART III
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>Warnings: Profanity. Smoking.
>Word Count: 8.5k
>Tags 18+ future smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + all characters over age 21 + 1990s themed + no quirks + reader insert
>A/N: Hello hello! This is a chunky chapter, so I hope you enjoy the ride!
>taglist: @simp-plague
part II
The annoying sound of your phone ringing woke you up. In your sleepiness it was like a siren, piercing your ears. You could tell it was still early, not feeling the suns rays peeking through your window. The digital clock on your nightstand read an absurdly early time. 
4:00 AM. Fuck that.
 It rang seven times, each one getting ignored. Silence filled your room once again, and you could feel your mind slipping back into sleep. 
Not even a full minute passes before its ringing again, causing you to bury your head under your pillow. It only helps slightly, not nearly enough for you to completely block it out. Each ring gets more and more shrill, causing a deep groan to travel to your throat. At this rate, Momo is gonna wake up. Throwing the covers off of your body, it recoils with the cool air of the room. Trudging over to your phone, you yank it off of the wall.
“Can I fucking help you?” Did you mean to sound that angry? No. Did it feel good? Most definitely.
A deep chuckle came from the other side, and it caused your anger to swell. 
“Well good morning sunshine,” The monotone voice of your uncle came from the other end. “You ready for your first day at school? You’re already late by the way.” 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. This early? 
“What the fuck? Do you know what time it is?” Your hand came up to wipe the sleep from your eyes, your mind trying to even come to realize you're on earth. Without a second thought, you hear him reply.
“4:02. Meaning you’re two minutes late as of right now.” You hear the sound of him sipping on something. “You have until I finish this coffee before I leave and this whole thing is off.” 
Panic shoots through you. Knowing your insomniac uncle, he can kill a cup of coffee in less than ten minutes. It takes a minimum of twenty to get to the Pass. 
“I always forget, you’re not much of a talker in the mornings. Consider this your first lesson, kid. I'll be at the top.” 
“Fine,” you snapped, tossing your hair over your shoulders. You threw open your closet, rummaging through clothes until you spotted your favorite racing outfit: a fitted black tank top and high-waisted cargo pants. As you pulled them on, your fingers brushed over the rough fabric, igniting familiar embers of determination. Grabbing the keys from the side table, you sprinted down the stairs, each step echoing your urgency.
You swung open the front door and dashed toward your wine-red Mazda, heart hammering in your chest. The engine roared to life, a familiar growl that pulsed through your veins, igniting adrenaline. You tore out of the parking lot, tires screeching against the asphalt, the scent of gasoline and burnt rubber filling your senses.
It took you two minutes to get ready, that means there’s eight minutes left. You add more weight to the accelerator, listening as your car whines with the added speed. Your gears were maxed out, taking the straight highway helped with cutting a couple extra seconds off. 
A mix of buildings and lights blurred as you flew past them, each street light illuminating your face for a fraction of a second. The off ramp for the mountain pass came up quick, making you downshift swiftly and throw the back end of your car out into a drift. Drifting the complete semi-circle, you downshift one more time, this time to gain some speed. 
Checking your watch, the panic rises again. Four minutes. Fuck!
Your best time coming up the mountain is five minutes and forty seconds. You gotta find a way to shave off a whole minute. You’re usually lucky to beat your own time by maybe ten seconds.
You need this. You couldn’t be able to live down missing an opportunity like this. Your uncle was a stern man, so you knew he wouldn’t offer up any form of a second chance.
The first curve of the mountain pass was coming up, knowing the entirety of the mountain like the back of your hand. You gotta go faster. Slamming on the breaks, you whip the car into the curve making sure to keep on the inside. Slowly, pulsing the accelerator, you swiftly come through the curve while still maintaining your speed. A straightaway meets your eyes, your body slumping with relief. Your hand travels back and forth between the steering wheel and the shifter, the movement so quick you don’t even register it. At this point every aspect of being in this car was muscle memory. 
You and the car become one, tackling the uphill with a ferocity you’ve never experienced. It excited you, the pressure of the entire thing driving you forward. Your eyes shifted to the rearview, noticing a determined yet happy expression filling your face, despite the earliness of the morning.
You had butterflies everytime the inertia of the car would change, your eyes catching your watch as your hands gripped the wheel. One minute. You still had about a quarter of the mountain to climb. 
Don’t focus on the time, focus on the road. Once you’ve conquered the road, time won’t be an issue. Time to amp it up. 
You slam your food down, sending the accelerator to hug the floorboard. The gauge in front of you began climbing, your determination sending it to redline. With each new gear, you maxed out the rpm’s. Each turn brought you one step closer to your goal. You quickly forget about your watch, and your heart burns with the idea of finishing the uphill. Two more hairpin curves and you’d be finished. 
They approached quickly, making your heart clench with the thought of taking each turn. It wasn’t a nervous feeling, but one of a warrior headed into battle. The first turn came, keeping your car close to the inside, your back end flung out into a quick spiral up both curves. 
Coming out of the last turn, you notice a person standing under a streetlight. You recognized the lazy stance of your uncle, and came to a quick stop in front of him. He tossed the last of his coffee back and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. He was laid back against his car, an AE-86, which to the normal eye, seems very underwhelming. However, with your uncle behind the wheel, it's a car that has been stopped by few. You noticed he had another coffee in his other hand, and wondered. Either he got no sleep last night and needed extra, or it might be for you.
You prayed it was for you. 
“You made it just in time,” he said, tilting his head, and there was an edge of approval beneath his stern facade. “Record time?” 
You grinned. “Just barely. I think I can shave off a few more seconds next time.”
Shota’s gaze hardened. “Next time won’t matter if you can’t keep your nerve today. Today is the real test," he said, his tone unyielding. "Get in my car."
Your stomach flipped, mixing excitement with dread. You slipped into the passenger seat, feeling the warmth of the leather against your skin, and adjusted your seatbelt with a swift tug. Shota slid into the driver's seat, starting the engine with a flick of his wrist. Carefully, you watched as he set the steaming cup of coffee into an awaiting cup holder. 
“Let’s see what you can handle,” he said, securing his grip on the steering wheel. A hint of challenge glinted in his eyes, and you felt your pulse quicken as the engine roared to life. Your eyes inspected the cup of coffee, sitting content in its spot. With the harshness of the road, you wondered what your uncle’s plan was. If it spilled, it would send scalding coffee all over your lap.
“Buckle up,” Shota commanded, his tone brooking no argument.
In an instant, the two of you shot forward, the car accelerating with a powerful thrust. As the landscape blurred past, the steering wheel felt like an extension of his will. Shota navigated the road with an unwavering focus, each turn a dance of precision and control. 
You leaned forward, gripping the dash, your eyes wide as the world outside dissolved into streaks of color.
 It felt like you were riding shotgun not just in his car, but also in the masterclass of what it meant to dominate the mountain. Shota navigated the twists and turns with an intimidating grace, his coffee cup remaining steady in the cup holder as you blazed down the path.
“Focus on the road, not me,” he replied, his voice steady as they near a tight corner, the tires screeching just enough to rattle your bones. 
You  narrowed your eyes at the road, willing yourself to let go of the tension coiling in your gut.
“Trust the car and your instincts,” he spoke up, not taking his gaze off the road. “Every ounce of pressure, every pull of the throttle—it’s all about understanding the machine beneath you. Feel its rhythm.” 
You nodded, trying to absorb his words as you approached a sweeping curve. You studied his movements, mimicking the way he shifted his weight, angling his body slightly toward the turn. You felt the adrenaline surge again, a determination igniting in your chest. 
“Do you really think I can get there?” you asked.
“Only if you stop second-guessing yourself,” Shota replied, flicking his eyes toward you for a brief moment. “Your mind is your worst enemy. Focus.”
You tightened your grip on the passenger seat as you transitioned through another sharp turn. 
“You think these roads care about your fear?” his tone was the same as if he stood in front of his students, lazily lecturing them. His entire body was relaxed, but you shifted your eyes back to the pavement. You didn’t want to be caught again. Riding with him was something you haven’t been able to experience since you were young, knowing nothing of the way these whips and turns filled you with burning emotions.
You held your breath as Shota accelerated into the next curve, the G-forces pressing you into the seat. “It’s either drive or be driven,” he added, his intensity vibrant, a spark igniting a fire in your chest.
The tight curve loomed ahead, the edge of the mountain a steep drop, and you felt your heart leap. 
Shota’s grip on the wheel tightened, and you mirrored his intensity. You focused on the line ahead, every instinct shouting at you to brace for the turn. As you approached the apex, every muscle in your body went tense, fear and excitement weaving together. Shota leaned into the turn, expertly guiding the car as it clung to the road. 
“Now!” he shouted, turning sharply into the curve, the tires screeching defiantly against the pavement. You felt the rush, the wild exhilaration of speed and freedom coursing through your veins. You swung into a series of rapid bends, the world outside morphing into nothing but a blur of greens and browns. The coffee tipped towards the paper edge of the cup, inching as if it might spill. But with a quick switch up, it leveled out, sitting contently along with you.
“Keep your eyes on the exit, not the curve!” Shota’s voice broke through your swirling thoughts, a commanding reminder tethering you to the reality of the race. 
He made his way back down the twists and turns of the Pass. He takes you back to your own car and passes off the cup of coffee. You cradled the cup in your hands, feeling the warmth seep through your fingers, grounding you. You looked at Shota, who stood beside you with arms crossed, eyes fixed on you intently, the hint of expectation shifting his expression. 
“Now, let’s see if you can manage this,” he said, the challenge ringing unmistakably in his voice. 
You looked down at the unspilled coffee, wondering how he could've even managed it? You glanced back at Shota, determination flooding your senses as you took a steadying breath. 
“So, you think this is all I have to do?”
“Just get behind the wheel and show what you’ve learned,” Shota replied, his gaze unwavering. “Your goal is simple: drive without spilling a drop. Focus isn’t just for the racing line; it’s for execution.” 
You took a deep breath, balancing the cup in your hand, the steam curling up in the cold mountain air. Your eyes stared at the little coffee cup as if it were a challenge sent from the gods themselves, daring you to rise to the occasion.
“Alright,” You said, your voice now steady with resolve. “Let’s see how this goes.”
You approached your Mazda, slipping into the driver’s seat and adjusting the rear view mirror, steeling yourself for the challenge ahead. Shota remained close, his imposing presence lending you a cautious boost of confidence.
“Keep it tight around the corners and maintain your speed,” he instructed, crossing his arms again, eyes glinting with challenge. “This is about control, not chaos.”
With a nod, you rolled your shoulders back and turned the key in the ignition, the familiar purr of your Mazda filling you with ease. You placed the coffee cup in the cup holder, its gentle warmth spreading through the air like a quiet promise. Taking a deep breath, you shifted into gear and moved forward, the engine humming softly beneath you.
“Don’t forget, the interview is coming up soon. Focus on the drive now, but remember the stakes.” 
You nodded, your grip on the steering wheel tightening as you pulled away from the clearing, the gravel crunching beneath the tires as you eased into motion. 
“Let’s do this,” you muttered under your breath, your heart thumping in sync with the rhythmic pulse of the engine. 
Everyday, you wake up early and take a trip down the mountain with your uncle. The process was the same every morning, before the sun showed its face you’d pull up to a waiting Aizawa. He’d hand you a coffee and the two of you would take a trip down the mountain. He’d follow you in his car, watching every movement you made. Being behind a driver can tell you a lot about them, this allows you to read your opponent like a book. 
The first day was horrendous, having to stop to clean up coffee from your floorboards after every run. 
Aizawa made sure you bring cleaning supplies on day two, because you definitely needed them again. 
It had been a month of running these roads, and the morning of the interview started like every other. You woke up early and made your way to an awaiting Shota at the top of the mountain. The sun barely crested over the mountain, casting a soft glow across the asphalt ahead. You leaned against your MX-5, your fingers tapping against the cool metal as you watched Shota finish his cup of coffee. 
"Ready to show what you’ve got?" Shota called, tilting his head toward you with a glint of challenge in his eyes.
You square your shoulders, the adrenaline already building.
 "Always," you shot back, sliding into the driver’s seat, your racing outfit hugging you with the familiar sense of purpose.
Shota smirked, walking towards his car. He placed the coffee in its spot by the passenger seat. “Today’s the day you prove everything the lessons have been leading up to. Let’s conquer that final turn.”
You turned the key, the familiar roar of the engine igniting a fire in your veins. 
 “Let’s make it count,” you replied, tightening your grip on the steering wheel.
As you sped off, the mountain loomed around the two of you, the winding road stretching like a challenge laid out in front of you. The fresh scent of pine and the cool bite of the early morning air jolted your senses as you ascended the narrow path. You focused on the road, recalling every piece of advice Shota had etched into your mind. You made it through the majority of the Pass without spilling the coffee, but you knew a certain hairpin curve was coming up. This curve twisted sharply, a notorious spot known for catching even the most skilled drivers off guard.
The curve emerged before you, a steel trap waiting to snap shut. You leaned slightly into the turn, letting your instincts guide you.
The asphalt shifted beneath your tires as you entered the curve, heart hammering in rhythm with the car’s roar. You let off the gas slightly, feeling the weight of the Mazda lean into the turn as the tires gripped the road. The coffee flew to the rim of the cup, tempting to find itself on your floorboard again. 
Not this time. 
With eyes locked on the exit, you remembered Shota's words—focus on the exit, not the entry. Your foot danced over the accelerator, allowing just the right amount of throttle to carry you through.
As you guided the car through the curve, adrenaline surged through your veins, and the world outside melted away. The trees blurred into streaks of green and brown, shadows flickering across the windshield like a haunting memory. For a heartbeat, all that existed was the road beneath your tires and the hum of the engine echoing your resolve.
Taking a peek through the rearview mirror, you noticed the turn was finally behind you. The coffee sat in its spot, completely full. 
Finishing out, you and your uncle parked side by side. Taking a peek into your car, Shota took note of the full coffee cup. Shota leaned back, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.
“Nice work,” Shota said, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. He shifted in his seat, the remnants of his coffee still swaying gently in its cup. 
“Now for the real test,” he added, his eyes narrowing with consideration. "Your interview."
Your uncle informs you that the interview is at 3 today. He sluggishly gets back into his car mumbling something about getting some sleep. 
"Good luck, Y/N."
“Thanks, Shota,” you replied, your heart still racing. Anxiety and excitement bubbled within you, but for now, you focused on your final training run. 
He settled into the driver's seat of his own car, a familiar creak of worn leather slicing through the morning calm. His car roars to life, and sets off quickly. 
You had another important decision to worry about now. What were you going to wear? All you had back at the apartment was typical everyday clothes, and maybe a dress or two. You sat in your car, the engine still purring softly beneath you, as you wondered about your outfit. The road ahead seemed to mirror your internal turmoil—twisting and turning, the uncertainty reflecting the chaos in your mind. You could always ask Ochako and Momo for some help. You had plenty of time before your interview. 
Making your way back to the apartment, you're met with both people you need sitting on Momo's balcony sharing some tea. You parked your Mazda in a spot, its engine still purring softly as you stepped out. The smell of freshly brewed tea wafted from the balcony, pulling you in like an invisible thread. It was a nice change from the aroma of coffee. 
"Y/N! Come join us!" Ochako's bright voice caught your attention, and you gave a small chuckle.You walked towards the balcony, your nerves bubbling beneath the surface like the water in the kettle on the stove. Momo looked up, her smile warm and inviting. 
"How did the driving session go?” Momo asked, pouring a steaming cup before setting it down beside her.
“Perfect.” You shrugged, though your excitement bubbled in the corner of your eyes. “I managed to keep the coffee in the cup this time.” You bit your lip, a grin breaking through as you recounted the moment. 
"Yay! That's great!" Ochako's rosy cheeks scrunched with excitement. “Even though, I think that’s a very unique driving technique. Oh well! I’m sure it helps. What are your plans for today, Y/N?”
"Actually, I have a favor to ask. I need some clothes for this interview, do you think the two of you could help?" Momo exchanged an excited glance with Ochako, her eyes gleaming. 
“Absolutely! I have just the outfit in mind. We want to make sure you look confident and stylish.”
“Nothing too flashy, right?” you said, half-joking while rubbing your neck. 
“Mmm, being understated isn't really our style,” Ochako teased with a wink, bouncing in her wrought iron seat. You smirked, shaking your head. 
“I’m pretty sure confidence doesn’t mean neon pink and sequins.” 
Momo held up a finger, feigning deep thought. “It might just mean something that shouts ‘I’m here to dominate’ without blinding anyone.” 
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. “Okay, so what do you suggest? Something more subtle or something that doesn’t look like I’m trying too hard?"
Momo leaned back in her chair, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “How about a fitted blouse to accentuate your figure, paired with some high-waisted trousers? It’ll be sleek but not overly flashy.”
You nodded, your mind racing through the options. “That could work. "
Ochako slung the rest of her tea back, standing up and grabbing your arm. 
"I know just the place!"
Within thirty minutes you found yourself following after your friends, your heart racing with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The streets of Musutafu buzzed with early-morning energy, but your focus settled solely on the mission ahead—finding the perfect outfit. As you entered the small boutique, the door chimed softly, and a wave of warmth enveloped you. The scent of fresh fabric and the delicate notes of perfume tugged at your senses. After some rigorous searching, you found yourself trying on a sleek black blouse that hugged your torso with just the right amount of formality, paired with high-waisted trousers that flared slightly at the bottom, creating an effortless elegance. You twirled in front of the mirror, the fabric flowing around your legs with each movement. 
“What do you think?” You asked, your voice laced with uncertainty. They had picked out a pair of stilettos, but you eyed them warily from the corner. Momo and Ochako exchanged glances, a knowing twinkle in their eyes. 
“It’s perfect,” Momo affirmed, a bright smile lighting up her face. 
“But the heels?” you hesitated, eyeing the stilettos as if they might bite. 
Ochako laughed, a light melodic sound that eased the tension in your chest. “Trust us, you need them. They’ll give you that extra edge, that ‘I’m not just here to play’ vibe.”
You inhaled deeply, considering the heels. “I guess a little height never hurt. Alright, I’ll wear them.” 
Momo clapped her hands once, vibrating with excitement. “Perfect! Now let’s finish this look with some accessories.” 
Minutes later, you stood in front of the mirror, your reflection adorned with minimalistic silver earrings and a slender bracelet that caught the light just right. You turned slightly, admiring how the sunlight glinted off the delicate silver. 
“You look so good!!” Ochako beamed, adjusting the collar of the blouse as if adding the finishing touch. The three of you made your way to the check out and you went to change into the new outfit. Checking the time, you realize it's time to go. You hurriedly buttoned the blouse, the fabric smooth against your skin. As you slipped into the tailored trousers and finally secured the heels, your heartbeat quickened. 
“I really need to get moving,” you muttered, glancing at your reflection one last time. The clothes hugged your frame perfectly, the heels adding just the right height to give you confidence, but the clock had become your enemy.
“Let’s go, then!” Momo urged, her optimism bubbling as you all rushed down the street toward the parking lot. 
“Do you have everything?” Ochako asked, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and urgency. 
“Wallet, keys…,” you murmured as you rifled through your bag, double-checking the essentials while balancing on your heels. "Looks like I’m all set."
“Good. Now let’s see how you handle those heels in the parking lot,” Momo teased, grinning as she led the way.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. “I think I can manage a few steps without coming apart at the seams.”
You rushed off, the idea of city traffic looming over you like a dark cloud.
You quickly opened your car door, your heels clicking against the asphalt as you dropped into the driver's seat. 
The ride wasn't bad until that dark cloud came to fruition. The combination of traffic and the almost overwhelming anticipation of the interview gripped you as you navigated through the city. Cars crawled in front of you like a pack of slow-moving tortoises, and frustration gnawed at your patience. Each red light felt like a personal affront, stealing precious seconds from your time. 
“Come on! Move already!” you muttered, tapping your fingers against the steering wheel, the rhythm syncing with your rising anxiety.
“Relax, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself, trying to regain some control over your spiraling thoughts. “Breathe.”
If you could just make it a couple more feet, you know a shortcut through the mountain pass. With a sudden jolt of determination, you spotted a break in traffic and made your move. You turned sharply, the wheels of the Mazda squealing in protest as you directed the car toward the road leading into the mountain pass. The familiar climb beckoned, a siren’s call amidst the chaotic urban sprawl you had just escaped. 
As the trees thickened and the asphalt stretched out in front of you like a ribbon unraveling from a gift, you felt the swell of freedom wash over you. The familiar curves of the mountain pass welcomed you like an old friend, the trees whispering secrets in the wind. You tightened your grip on the steering wheel, the Mazda responding to your eagerness with a familiar purr. 
Catching the rearview, you noticed a car coming up behind you at a rapid pace. From the looks of it, it was an Evo III. A well known drift car. The sleek, gleaming body of the Evo III glinted as it surged forward, engine roaring like a beast eager to break free. You narrowed your eyes, determination settling in your chest as you shifted slightly in your seat, pouring your focus into the road ahead. 
“Great, just what I needed,” you muttered under your breath, your knuckles turning white against the steering wheel. The driver of the Evo III lurked closer, a challenge hanging in the air between you. You recognized the fierce competitive spirit in the other driver’s approach, a flicker of annoyance sparking within you. 
“Let’s see what you’ve got,” you murmured, determination flooding your veins.
As the Evo III pulled alongside you, revving his engine. Whoever it was kept the windows rolled up, not showing their face. So you decided to keep yours up too. Your heart raced in rhythm with the roar of the Evo III's engine, the familiar adrenaline igniting a fire within you. You could almost taste the challenge in the air, hot and electric but the intruding thought of your interview came crashing down. 
“Not now,” you hissed, your fingers tapping against the steering wheel. The Evo III revved again, a taunt echoing in the space between you as if the driver understood your internal conflict and thrived on it.
You clenched your jaw, determination pushing you forward. 
"This isn’t the time, but…" you inhaled deeply, your eyes narrowing as you shifted your foot onto the accelerator. The Mazda MX-5 surged into motion, the familiar weight of the car shooting you forward like a bullet leaving a chamber. 
The Evo III matched your pace, its engine growling defiantly as the two cars barreled down the mountain pass in tandem. The thrill of the race pulsed in your veins, igniting every fiber of your being. You glanced over at the driver in the Evo III, but the window remained tinted, concealing their identity. You pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the road that twisted like a serpent before you. You needed to finish this, and fast. The asphalt unfurled in a series of undulating curves, beckoning you to dance with the road. The rush of wind whisked past you, mingling with the roar of both engines as they flew through the first corner. The world outside became a blur of greens and browns, trees whipping by in a frenzied streak. 
“Let’s go!” you shouted, feeling the exhilaration spiral into a fierce focus as you leaned into the next curve, pressing the accelerator hard and feeling the tires grip the road. The Evo III’s driver responded in kind, maneuvering skillfully around the bend, a slight advantage giving him the edge as he surged forward.
You gritted your teeth, your determination boiling as the Evo III pulled slightly ahead. 
“Not today,” you grumbled, your foot pressing down harder. The Mazda MX-5 roared beneath you, responding to your urgency as you flung herself into the next turn.
“Focus!” you reminded yourself, aggravation starting to fill you. As the curve tightened, you felt the shift in weight, and you leaned into it, guiding your Mazda MX-5 with precision. 
“Just like Shota taught me,” you murmured. You powered through, trying to come up with a way to lose this guy. The Mazda MX-5’s engine sang, its growl resonating through your body as you aimed for the exit of the turn. Trees flanked the road like silent spectators, their branches swaying in the wind as if cheering you on. You kept your focus sharp, gripping the wheel with fierce determination. 
The Evo III drove ahead, but you spotted an opening. Leaning into the turn just enough, you swung around, gears clashing smoothly as adrenaline surged through you. 
“Now or never!” You felt the power of your car wrap around you like a living thing, commanding your every move as you swung onto the inside line of the corner, tires gripping the asphalt with an eager bite. The world outside blurred in a symphony of green as the Evo III's driver glanced over, surprise written across the unknown face behind the tinted glass. It was a fleeting moment, but it fueled your resolve. You pushed harder, feeling the sweet surge of acceleration lift your spirits as the gap between you and the Evo III grew. 
“Catch me if you can,” you taunted, your voice barely rising above the roar of the engines.
The curves melted into a blur, the Evo slowly disappearing from behind you. 
You kept on your path, the idea of the interview no longer seeming as daunting. You made it to the fancy looking building , its sleek facade shimmering in the midday sun. The MX-5 rolled to a smooth stop in the parking lot, your heart racing with exhilaration and nerves as you killed the engine. You took a deep breath, letting the buzz of adrenaline wash over you like a refreshing wave. You glanced down at your outfit—a sharp contrast to the casual attire you usually wore behind the wheel.
Carefully making your way up to the building's lobby, you straightened your outfit and put on an air of false confidence. 
Fake it till you make it.
A distant roar echoed through the streets as you pulled into the parking lot, your heart racing from the adrenaline of the interview and the thrill of the road. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the asphalt. 
About halfway through your interview, which wasn't even with your supposed new mentor, you realized you promised the crew you'd go watch some races tonight. The interview was strung out longer than you could've ever expected. 
So now you are racing through the streets to make it back to the pass, hoping to make it before they start the first race. The hum of the Mazda's engine throbbed beneath you as you navigated the winding roads. You leaned into the curves, every turn a reminder of the lessons etched into your brain by Uncle Shota. The bottom of the pass approached, and you rounded the last corner with a rush of excitement. As you emerged from the final bend, the scene unfolded before you like a vivid painting—cars lined up, lights flickering, and a crowd buzzing with anticipation. 
There seemed to be a crowd, all circled around two guys. A tall blond stood at the center, his expression fierce enough to intimidate even the boldest of racers. The glare in his eyes sparked a buzz among the onlookers, who gathered in a ring of excitement, whispering among themselves. With the arrival of your car, everyone's head whipped around. Including the set of angry vermillion eyes. 
Parking your car, you watched as a stressed Momo followed the blond brute who was fastly approaching you. 
Holding a muscled arm up, he pointed his index finger towards you. "You." 
You bristled at his rough voice, shutting your car door and standing on the uneven gravel beneath you.
"You think you can just stroll in here after racing my team and not face the consequences?" His voice cut through the noise like a knife, confidence oozing from every word.
You straightened, "...and who the fuck are you?" You matched his sharp words with some of your own.
He stepped closer, his breath warm and heavy with challenge. 
"Name's Katsuki Bakugo," he snapped, fists clenching. "You raced my boys earlier. You think you can just show off and walk away?”
Shoving a thumb back in the direction of his crew, he gestured to a tall redhead standing next to an Evo.
“Your little joyride at the pass?" His brow furrowed, anger simmering just beneath the surface. “You smoked Kirishima, and now you think you can just waltz away without a rematch?”
Said Kirishima stepped forward, a sheepish grin on his face. “Hey, it was a good race! She's got skills, man. Don’t take it personally.”
Bakugo shoved a hand through his spiky hair. “Don’t you dare defend her, dumbass. If anyone’s taking this on the chin it’s gonna be me.” 
You crossed your arms, unimpressed. “He lost fair and square. I’m not going to apologize for putting up a fight. I didn't think his daddy would come running to his defense." The crowd exploded in a mixture of gasps and laughter, each person eager for the drama to unfold. Bakugo's eyes ignited with rage, and the air crackled with tension.
“Watch who you’re calling daddy princess,” he snapped, stepping even closer so you could smell the metallic tang of his frustration. “You might end up in a situation your smart mouth can't handle."
The crowd shifted, sensing the brewing storm. You locked eyes with Bakugo, refusing to back down. 
“You think I’m scared of you? Bring it on.” The corner of Bakugo's mouth twitched, a smirk breaking through his intense glare. “You’re either brave or just plain stupid.”
“Maybe a little of both,” you shot back, your heart pounding in your chest. The thrill of the challenge surged through you. Bakugo raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. 
“Fine, I’ll give you a rematch. But how about we do it right? A proper one-on-one. No tricks, just you and me on the line,” Bakugo proposed, his voice lower but dripping with challenge.
“Two races,” Kirishima cut in, his grin brightening as he nudged you. “Me against you, Y/N, and then Bakugo against Izuku. If we’re doing this, let’s do it properly,” he grinned, a spark of excitement evident in his voice.
The crowd buzzed with anticipation, eyes darting between you and Bakugo as the stakes grew higher. 
Bakugo growled at Kirishima's words, hearing a name that has brought him nothing but annoyance. "Fuckin' Deku."
“Then let’s put it to the test. You want a rematch?” You leaned forward, the heat of competition igniting your veins. “Let’s make it official.”
The crowd murmured, feeding into the tension. Bakugo’s lip curled into a smirk, a hint of excitement breaking through his otherwise stoic demeanor. 
“Looks like you’ve got some guts after all,” he replied, a challenge lacing his tone. The crowd shifted again, hearts racing in anticipation.
“Let’s see if you can actually back that up,” he taunted, his voice almost playful, but the intensity in his eyes was far from lighthearted. 
As the sun dipped lower, casting jagged shadows across the asphalt, you felt the weight of the mountain pass looming behind you. You steeled yourself, determination fueling your every thought. 
“Then let’s get this show on the road,” you said, confidence swirling within you as you slid back into your Mazda, the familiar roar of the engine igniting a fire in your chest. 
Momo stood off to the side, face pale as she watched Bakugo walk off. 
"What are you doing?! Are you seriously going to race him?" Momo's voice trembled, her eyes darting between you and the retreating figure of Bakugo. “You know who he is, right?”
"Yeah, I know. The King of Musutafu Pass," you replied, climbing back into your car and adjusting the rear view mirror. “And now, his crown’s on the line.” Momo stepped forward, urgency seeping into her voice. 
“You’re serious? What if he—”
“Don’t worry, Momo.” You interrupted, glancing at her with a smirk, feeling the adrenaline already pumping through your veins. “He may be good, but I’m not the same driver I was a month ago.”
Momo hesitated, biting her lip. “Just be careful, please,” she urged, concern etched in her features as she leaned closer, trying to gauge the strength of your resolve.
“Careful is my middle name,” you quipped, taking off to meet up with Kirishima at the top of the mountain. Momo gave a small chuckle at your words, knowing that it was the furthest from the truth. 
Shinso walked up, putting a hand on your elbow. 
“Hey, are you really going to take him on?” Shinso’s voice cut through the haze of excitement, his brows furrowing in concern.
“Of course,” you replied, a challenging smile stretching across your face. “You heard him—he wants a rematch. I can't back down now.”
Shinso's expression darkened, his tone serious. “He’s not just some brash racer; he's known for his temper and his skill. You could get seriously hurt.”
The weight of his concern settled in your chest, but you shrugged it off. “I’ve trained for this, and besides, Shota's been preparing me. I can handle it.” 
Shinso studied you for a moment, the tension in his brow easing slightly, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. 
Getting back into your car, he shut the door behind you. 
"I gotta go prepare the kid, he's probably shitting himself right now." He motioned towards Izuku, who was standing still as a statue as Momo filled him in. 
"Nice shoes by the way. I wanna see those later." With a wink, he's off in Izuku's direction. 
Putting the car into first gear, you show out and whip around the empty parking lot, the engine roaring to life beneath you. The metal vibrated with energy as you pulled onto the road, navigating the curves toward the mountain. The familiar route ignited memories of the countless hours spent training with Shota, every sharp turn a lesson learned, every straightaway a test of speed and control. As you wound your way up the mountain, the anticipation twisted in your stomach like a coiled spring, each corner pushing your focus to the limit. 
You tightened your grip on the steering wheel, the smooth surface comforting under your palms. As you reached the top of the mountain pass, the flickering headlights of cars illuminated the gathering crowd. The atmosphere crackled with excitement, radiating from everyone who had come to witness the duel between you and Bakugo. You pulled into the designated spot, the roar of your engine fading into a low hum as you turned off the ignition. The crowd around you erupted into hushed whispers, their eyes darting towards your car as if you were the main event in a high-stakes show. You unbuckle your seatbelt, taking a moment to breathe in the cool mountain air, tinged with the faint scent of pine and fuel. Cool night air brushed against your face, refreshing amidst the rising tension. 
Kirishima bounded over, excitement bubbling in his expression.
 “You’re here! Bakugo can be a bit much. I'm sorry. The name's Kirishima, let's have a manly race, yeah?" His toothy grin was on full display.
You chuckled, the warmth of his enthusiasm cutting through the tension. “Yeah, let’s see if you can keep up this time, Kirishima.”
“Ha! You’re on!” His grin widened as he bounced on his heels, energy radiating off him like sunlight. 
A voice came crackling through a walkie talkie on Kirishima's hip.
"Bakugo and Deku are both ready." Kirishima turned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 
“Looks like the show is about to begin!” He pumped his fist, a burst of energy that echoed in the mounting tension surrounding the race. Without a second to spare, the sounds of roaring motors can be heard all the way at the top. 
Unfortunately for Izuku, Bakugo's RX-7 was too much. From the constant reports coming through the walkie-talkie, it was clear that Bakugo had left Izuku in his dust, pulling ahead in a blaze of speed that rippled through the crowd's excitement.
The roar of Bakugo’s RX-7 echoed through the mountain pass, creating a symphony of adrenaline as the crowd erupted with cheers. His bright headlights rolled up to the two of you, coming to a stop mere inches from your legs. The engine purred ominously as Bakugo leaned out the window, his smug grin barely containing the competitive fire within.
Izuku came trailing in noot too much longer, stepping out with a solemn look on his face. His shoulders sagged as he approached, catching his breath. 
“I-I tried my best,” he managed, wiping sweat from his brow. “He’s really fast, Y/N.”
“Yeah, but you're getting better, Izuku," you assured him, a reassuring smile lifting the corners of your mouth. "Just keep practicing those techniques."
Bakugo snorted from his car, leaning further out of the window, his fierce gaze locking onto you. 
“As if that’ll help him. You think a few tricks are gonna save you when I beat you?” His voice dripped with disdain.
You had to beat Kirishima first, nerves beginning to bubble in your gut. Kirishima landed a strong pat to your back and headed towards his Evo.
It's time. You took a deep breath, forcing the nerves aside as you walked towards your Mazda. The gravel crushed underfoot, each step grounding you in reality. 
“Ready to make this a race to remember?” Kirishima asked, his voice light but laced with competitive spirit. He leaned against the side of his Evo, the engine still warm, gleaming under the fading light.
“Is this a race or a vacation?” You retorted, confidence surging as you climbed into your car. 
Kirishima chuckled, his grin widening. “I like your style. Let’s make this a race that’ll get everyone talking.”
You revved the engine, the familiar growl vibrating beneath you, matching the racing in your heart. “Just don’t cry when I smoke you at the finish line. Again.” You shot him a confident smirk, the thrill pulsing through you as adrenaline surged from within.
Kirishima leaned against his car, chuckling. “We’ll see about that. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve too." 
You nodded, the excitement building, the atmosphere electric as the crowd roared in approval, sensing the tension and anticipation in the air. 
With a final rev of your engine, you felt the vibrations resonate through your chest, the echo mingling with the excitement in your veins. 
Kirishima climbed into his Evo, settling into the driver's seat with a wide grin. He shot you a thumbs-up, the tension of competition transforming into an electrifying camaraderie. 
“Just remember, no backing down this time!” He shouted, his voice barely heard over the revving of engines and the cheers from the crowd.
You smirked, glancing back at him. “I wouldn't dream of it.” 
The countdown began, the crowd tumbling into excitement. Each second felt weighty, charged with the anticipation of the races to come. You tightened your grip on the steering wheel, feeling the pulse of energy course through you. The crowd roared in unison, a wave of sound that pushed the adrenaline higher. 
"Three... two... one!" The shout broke through the chatter, and everything seemed to snap into focus as the countdown echoed through the air. 
You felt the familiar adrenaline surge, the world narrowing down to the moment at hand. 
The roar of engines filled the air, drowning out everything but the pounding of your heart. You launched your Mazda forward, the tires screeching against the asphalt as you and Kirishima shot ahead. The crowd erupted into cheers, the sound bursting around you like fireworks, fueling your momentum. 
The engine roared to life, propelling you forward with a force that matched the racing pulse in your chest. You made your move, taking the first turn hard and low, feeling the shift of weight as the tires gripped the asphalt. The world blurred around you; only the road mattered, every twist and turn pulling you deeper into the thrill. An imaginary coffee cup kept your focus strong.
Kirishima drifted close behind, and the heat of competition fueled your drive. The Evo was a sleek beast, but you felt the Mazda respond to your every command, like a well-trained partner. You pushed the accelerator harder, feeling the car almost hum beneath you. The road curved sharply ahead, and instinct kicked in. You flicked the wheel just right, the rear tires skimming dangerously close to the edge as you hugged the corner tightly. The thrilling rush filled your veins, and you could hear the wild cheers of the crowd fading, replaced by the focused silence within the car.
Kirishima flashed into your peripheral, his Evo close but not close enough to break your comfort zone. You felt the rush of exhilaration blend with concentration, the essence of racing swirling within like a storm. Ahead, the road twisted and turned, serpentining through the mountains, each bend challenging both your skill and your willpower.
Kirishima pushed closer, shifting his weight as he tried to glide past you on the outside. You could see the determination in his expression, the fierce competition fuelling his every move. 
"Not today, Kirishima!" The words burst from your lips as you flicked the wheel hard, cutting into the turn. Your tires bit into the asphalt, finding the sweet spot of grip as you pulled away just enough to edge past him. The crowd erupted with cheers, their voices blending into a chorus of adrenaline that surged through you. You could feel the vibrations in your chest, each roar a testament to the stakes—one mistake could mean losing everything.
You fought against the rush of doubt creeping in, shoving it to the back of your mind. Focus. You knew the path; you had memorized every twist of the mountain pass, every hairpin turn etched into your memory from countless hours of practice. The world outside blurred, narrowing down to the road snaking ahead of you and the gentle hum of the engine. The sensation of the Mazda beneath you felt electric, each shift in weight translating into a thrill that threatened to consume you whole. You leaned into the next turn, the tires gripping the asphalt like a predator hunting its prey. 
The curve tightened, and adrenaline coursed through your veins, sharpening your focus. You could hear Kirishima's engine growl behind you, but the sound only ignited your resolve. 
The final stretch approached, and the crowd's cheers fueled your determination as the finish line loomed just ahead. You swung into the next corner, slamming the accelerator down to feel the engine roar in response. The asphalt blurred beneath you, a sliver of darkness edged with glowing lights illuminating the path to glory. 
The finish line neared, an invisible weight urging you forward, every muscle in your body screaming for you to push a little harder, a little faster. You locked your gaze on the non existent white flag fluttering in the distance, a beacon of victory just waiting to be claimed. The roar of the crowd blurred into a singular sound—a wave of energy that surged through you as you approached the finish line. Heart pounding, you threw yourself into the final corner, adrenaline and determination merging into a single, exhilarating force. The tires squealed as you leaned into the corner, the Mazda responding perfectly to your command. You glimpsed Kirishima’s Evo just behind you.
You leaned deeper into the turn, the g-force pressing you against the seat as you accelerated through the apex. The Mazda roared, a wild animal unleashed, and you grinned, fully embracing the thrill of the chase. The finish line beckoned, just a heartbeat away, and every ounce of your training surged through every fiber of your being. 
"Come on!" you yelled, the sound bursting from your lungs as you pushed the accelerator to its limit, every heartbeat synchronizing with the racing engine flickering beneath you. 
Your tires bounded over the finish line, dust flying in a cloud behind you as the crowd erupted into a thunderous applause. You crossed first, heart pounding, exhilaration coursing through your veins like wildfire. 
You pulled the Mazda to a stop just past the finish line, the engine rumbling to a gentle purr as the exhilaration of victory washed over you. The moment hung in the air, the thrill of the race still crackling around you. You took a deep breath, the world settling back into focus as the cheers from the crowd enveloped you like a warm embrace. You turned to see Kirishima pull up beside you, his expression a blend of disbelief and admiration. 
“Damn, Y/N! That was incredible!” His eyes sparkled as he jumped out of his Evo, a huge grin plastered across his face. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt, adrenaline still coursing through your veins. 
“You weren’t half bad yourself, Kirishima. You put up a good fight.” You stepped out of the Mazda, feeling the energy of the crowd pulsing around you as they celebrated the race's outcome. 
Bakugo stood off to the side, anger swirling in his eyes. His fists trembled at his sides, the tension radiating from him palpable even from a distance. The crowd was buzzing, but his gaze was locked on you, unyielding and furious.
“Alright princess, my turn." He stepped forward, the crowd parting slightly, murmurs of excitement rippling through the onlookers as Bakugo made his way toward you. The air thickened with anticipation, each heartbeat echoing louder with his approach. You met his intense glare head-on, unflinching, as if to say you were ready for whatever came next. 
Your first race is won and under your belt! Congrats! Next chapter is one on one with our angry Pomeranian!
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neuvistar · 2 years
hi hi is it okay if i req kaeya with a reader who has a habit of bouncing her leg all the time and one day he just puts his hand on her thigh and gently rubs to stop her and she just gets really flustered and it leads to bedroom activities <33
MHM! OF COURSE yk what they all say, you ask and you shall receive! (I am so sorry this took longer than it should have, I did not mean for it to do so ૮꒰ྀི ⸝⸝´٥ ˋ⸝⸝ ꒱ྀིა and i kinda added a few things hope that’s fine) IM SORRY IF THIS IS SHORT OR NOT AS GOOD I WROTE IT A FEW DAYS AGO AND FINISHED TODAY IM V TIRED 😓 AND IM SORRY ITS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED I HAD A BIT OF TROUBLE
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— featuring . kaeya alberich x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings . nsfw. slight semi-public sex at first, fingering, she/her pronouns, thigh riding,, use of nicknames, not proofread, mm i hope this is fine i don’t write a lot for the tall males and know a lot about their personalities so i hope this is fine, overall suggestive content, please let me know if i missed a few ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა || 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
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meetings. ah, meetings. to be honest, you weren’t quite fond of them especially if they were hours long, listening to Master Jean and all the other knights talk, giving their own opinions on topics they discuss about, coming up with ways on how to protect monstadt and all those boring things! it was bad enough you were dating the calvary captain, kaeya. every now and then he’d drag you along to meetings with him, he’s always ramble about “missing you” or even ridiculous things such as he wouldn’t be whole without you by his side, so sweet of him yet so ridiculous! though you never really pay attention to anything master jean says, but oh well.
“my top priority is to put a stop to anyone or anything who may pose a threat towards monstadt, I expect you all to take this to heart and keep in your minds. this nation is ours, barbatos gave us freedom to live and fight for ourselves with him by our side, we mustn’t throw that all away. have we all got that?” she spoke with her head up high, a determined expression on her face. goodness she was always so hard working, you wonder.. does she ever take any breaks from all this difficult work on her plate? your eyes sparkled in awe, you were so caught up on all your other thoughts and wonders about the acting grand master you didn’t even realize how much your leg was bouncing from anxiousness, fingers shaking. the calvary captain by your side glanced at you, eyes then fixating on your leg.
he brought his hand down to your side slowly and gently caressing your thigh. “you alright?” you flinched, face heating up as your body got even warmer as well. “y—yeah!.. i’m just not used to big huge meetings like this, i’m just nervous” you stuttered bringing your voice down to a whisper, squeezing your thighs closer together. “you sure? because we can leave this meeting if you want to” he whispered to you tapping you with his index. “nono! don’t worry about it, i’ll be fine” the bouncing of your leg began to slow down by the second as you felt more wayyy calmer now that you were talking with kaeya, although.. this didn’t last too long now did it?
all of a sudden, a gasp left your lips. kaeya’s hands moved up further into your skirt as he stared at you, rubbing your thigh once more as if he was asking for consent, in which you nodded. oh boy, you shouldn’t have. kaeya used his hand to lightly flip your skirt, revealing your soaked panties to him. “apologies for this babe.” “whatever! just get this over with, we’re still in a meeting you know? atleast try to be qui— mnn!” the calvary captain took your word, shoving your panties aside as he plunged his fingers inside your wet cunt feeling it clench around him already. “you want me as much as i want you, hm?” “mmh! fuck you kaeya, just be quick with this theres people aroun—“ two fingers, then three. you prayed to the gods that no other knight can see what you both were doing, trying your absolute hardest to hold back the moans that threatened to leave your throat, god.. kaeya’s such a jerk sometimes!
his thumb rubbed the softness of your thigh, licking his lips. fuck.. it was not only you that struggled to focus, it was also him. he slightly bit his lip at the sight of red blush forming on your cute little cheeks, swallowing a lump in his throat as he wonders how cute your mouth would look around his cock, cheeks hallowed and taking him so well like the good girl you are.. his fingers continued to pump in and out of you until your pussy spasms around his digits, reaching your orgasm as you came on his fingers.
what a bold jerk. bold as ever.
— buuuwwep !! ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა
“yeah? yeah.. you like that? you like how good your pussy feels when you rub yourself against my thigh like this?” you exhale sharply with teeth clenched and pressing yourself closer against kaeya’s chest. your hands latched onto his shoulders for dear life, fingers pinching the soft fabric of his clothes as you rolled your hips. rubbing your core harshly against his thigh you pant and groan greedily wanting to feel more of him, moaning his name ever so gently against the shell of his ear. “you like it when i fingered you with people surrounding us? you poor little thing would’ve been caught if i fingered you even further..” he reached for the hem of your shirt lifting it up swiftly off your head before taking a tit in his mouth, sucking and licking at it desperately, pinching and pulling at the other. “you like it when i touch you like that during meetings? getting flustered over me doing things to you, hm? you want people watch me break you next? fuck your brains out until you can’t do it no more, sweet thing?”
he grabbed your hips, strong hands helping you rub yourself even more against his thigh feeling heat pooling down from your legs already reaching another orgasm, gripping his shoulders even tighter as you rode him even more desperately, body jolting at the sudden slap on your pussy from him, squirting on him before creating a mess on the sheets and on your boyfriend. “that’s three, you cum a lot do you? and sometimes my dick isn’t even inside you when you do, that’s impressive.. don’t you think?” “there are days where i want to slap the hell out of you, y’know” “aww.. don’t be mad babe. can you still handle another round? haven’t came inside that pussy of yours yet, gotta help me with that too”
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imsuperhungry · 1 month
"𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙩"
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packing was bullshit, and if you say you like doing it, you're lying to yourself
he exhaustion sets in fast when you're constantly using all your strength to break down large items like shelves or a lamp just to fit them in a suitcase. And don't even get me started on how tired your arms get after folding clothes for hours, only to realize they won't all fit. Now you're stuck rearranging everything to make more room.
You glance down at the suitcase after cramming everything in, disorganized and messy. One way or another, you were determined to make it all fit. With an irritated sigh, you lift your head to scan the room, only to realize, with a sinking feeling, that you're nowhere near finished—despite having been at it for at least three hours.
.. okay well maybe it's been 30 minutes, but you get the point
You break down in frustration, briefly contemplating if a bullet might be your next piercing. But after taking a deep breath, you decide to flop face down on your bare mattress. You needed a break; you felt like you were losing your mind.
After a stretch of silence, you turn your head and pull out your phone to check the time. It's barely noon, meaning you still have hours before you need to finish packing.
with a small smile, you decide to take a much well-earned nap...
Do all airports fucking smell awful, or is that just a Texas thing? Probably the latter. But whatever—at least you managed to get some sleep. After a day of packing, you were drained, so as soon as you sat down, you grabbed your blanket and dozed off in the hard, plastic airport chair.
You likely would have slept longer if not for the hand shaking you awake so roughly. When you open your eyes, your gaze drops to the hand, and you instantly recognize the chipped black nail polish and those pale fingers.
"Come to the bathroom with me real quick; I'm not going alone," she said. Given the dreadful male-to-female ratio here, it made sense. There were fewer than seven girls and at least fifty men. Maybe that explains the awful smell...
"Nicole..." you whine, it would be as soon as you get the chance to sleep, you're forced to get up.
"Come on, you can sleep after, I need to pee." She says as she yanks you up out the chair, making you nearly fall. 
With a grumble, you straighten up and adjust the pink, fluffy blanket you've wrapped around yourself. If you're being dragged up, you're at least going to be warm.
Nicole quickly started practically dragging you through the airport while you were still trying to wake up. Honestly, if she hadn't been pulling you along, you would likely have been bumping into everything, as your eyes felt heavy and your vision was a bit blurred.
After a few seconds, you both finally reach the bathroom. You decide to wait outside the stall where Nicole has gone in, unsure of what else to do. While you wait, you pull out your phone to check the time.
2:09 am...
You decide to stay awake since Nicole is up and likely has plans, meaning she probably won't let you sleep. It's okay, though—your flight is in two hours, and you can catch up on sleep then. You start stretching to help wake yourself up, as the uncomfortable chairs have left your back feeling sore.
Once you were done, you broke the silence by asking, "Are you ready for Virginia?" while letting out a yawn.
"I don't really have a choice but to be," she replies, her tone tinged with annoyance about the move, and understandably so.
Nicole was always on the move, but she had hoped to settle in Texas for a while. Recently, however, she, her mom, and her brother were forced to relocate because her brother had downloaded illegal content.
You recall how desperate she sounded, almost begging you to come with her—she'd never sounded that vulnerable in the two years you've known her. Although she wouldn't admit it, she's grown very fond of you, and she'd be devastated if she had to leave her only genuine friend behind because of her brother's mistake.
You two met during your freshman year of high school and became inseparable within a month. Your many similarities helped forge a close bond between you. Nicole appreciated you because you weren't boring and were always there for her. Whether she was sneaking off to get high or pulling other stunts, you'd cover for her and tell her mom she was with you. She'll always be grateful for that.
Before this move, Nicole wasn't a "bad" person; she was just trying to figure things out. She had a lot of friends and was considered one of the "popular girls," just like you. You balanced each other out—she was black and you were pink, with your lightness contrasting her darkness. You truly bonded when you opened up to her and shared your deepest feelings.
You were both at her house, high out of your minds. With her mom away for a few days, it was just the two of you and her brother at home. You sat on the floor with your head resting in her lap, and she absentmindedly ran her fingers through your hair. As the conversation shifted from gossip about the pregnant girl in your shared chemistry class, it eventually veered into your own deep-seated mental struggles.
When weed hits your system, you tend to get chatty, and Nicole seemed like the perfect person to unload on. So, you shared every traumatic experience from your life with her—your past suicide attempts, your ex-boyfriend cheating on you with your friends, your struggles with drug abuse, your father's poor behavior, and much more.
Nicole listened intently to every word that night. She liked you—thought you were pretty, funny, and a perfect match for her. What's not to like? Although she'd had her own struggles, she found your situation a bit more intense than hers, and she appreciated that. It wasn't that she enjoyed seeing you in pain; she hated that. Instead, she valued knowing that someone truly understood her. You weren't just someone saying, "I get your pain"—you were as messed up as she was.
Over time, your mom had given Nicole a key to your house, and she practically lived there. You two were inseparable. If she skipped class, you were right there with her. If you wanted to go out to eat, she suddenly became hungry too. And if she needed to use the bathroom, you were there waiting for her, which is how you ended up in your current situation.
Eventually, the toilet flushed with a final whoosh, and the door swung open. As Nicole washed up, you occupied yourself by scrolling through your messages, your thumb moving swiftly over the screen as you replied to old texts from friends. Nicole brushed past you, heading for the towels, her footsteps light on the bathroom tiles. You slipped your phone into your pocket and settled back, waiting for her to finish.
"you wanna get something to eat?"
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vintagepresley · 1 year
elvis and an inexperienced girl reader who is eager to try new things but elvis wants to take things slow w/ her so he always try’s giving her relief without going all the way when she gets too turned on.
Thank you so much for the request! I hope it's alright I made this big daddy. 🤭💗
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Dirty thoughts always plagued your mind when you were around your boyfriend. You had been dating for a few months and he still hadn’t gone all the way with you. No matter how many times you begged and pleaded for Elvis to do so, he’d say no. You were inexperienced and a Virgin and he didn’t want to rush things with you. But you were always more than willing and ready, but to keep you satisfied he’d always find ways to give you some relief without going all the way. It was becoming hard for him to resist sometimes especially because you didn’t make it easy for him strutting around in your little babydoll night dresses, whispering in his ear and teasing him. But still no matter what he’d say no.
But you were determined to get what you want so when Elvis had invited you out to Vegas, you packed a few of your nightgowns that he loved and some cute lingerie that you had bought the day before. After the show that night one of the guys escorted you back to his suite and told you that Elvis would be up shortly. You quickly went to shower and once you were done you slipped a towel around yourself and headed to your suitcase and decided to wear the slip dress you packed. You dried off and slipped on your pink satin slip dress that hit right above your thighs so it didn’t leave much to the imagination, which you knew Elvis would love and you brushed your hair just the way he liked it. As you were finishing up getting ready you heard the front door to the suite open and close. "Y/N? Baby?" Elvis called out to you.
You smiled widely when you heard that southern drawl of his ringing out and you quickly made your way out to him and soothing out your little slip dress, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth at the sight of him, he always just looked so handsome. He taken aback by the sight of you and what you were wearing that he had to do a double take and he cleared his throat. You giggled softly to yourself noticing the way he was staring at you and you did a little twirl for him. "Do you like it?" you beamed happily. He was speechless and he licked over his lips as he stepped closer toward you to get a better look as he chuckled softly.
"Like it? I love it, baby. Uh.. W-Where'd ya get that?" He said softly as he did his best to not think the dirtiest things that came to his mind. You shrugged your shoulders, smiling up at him as you ran your hands along your body.
"I bought it before I came here! C'mon, I'm sure you need to relax after the show you put on." you hummed. You took his hand and led him into the bedroom. He smiled as he followed behind you.
"I am bit tired, baby. I can't wait to get in bed and cuddle my girl." he said with a smile, slipping his big strong arms around you from behind. He kissed along your neck softly and you giggled as you rested your hands over his and you smirked to yourself because you had other plans for him.
"Well you better go get showered if you want to cuddle because you smell, daddy." you said with a smirk as you tilted your head back to look up at him.
Elvis laughed softly as he kissed along your jawline. "I don't smell that bad. But okay, honey." he said with a grin before he pulled away and headed into the bathroom and as he showered you climbed into bed, soothing out your dress as you waited for him. You were determined to make him lose control with you tonight to do more than just touch you and tease you. You wanted him to make love to you to fuck you like an animal. Just the very thought of it turned you on. Elvis finally finished up in the shower and he came out in his robe and walked over to the bed, plopping down onto and laying back letting out a tired groan. You scooted closer to him and placed your hand against his chest that peeked through his robe and your brushed your fingers against his chest hair and you felt his arm slip around your waist and his fingers brushing up against your thigh as your dress rode up.
You bit down on your bottom lip and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips as you caressed your hand against his rob and it lingered down his robe until your hand was placed right against his cock. He raised an eyebrow at you and he grabbed your hand moving it back up to his chest and he chuckled softly. You pouted when he moved your hand. "Elvis.. Please.. How long are you gonna make me wait?" you cooed. He smirked a bit giving your lips another kiss.
"I just want to take things slow, honey. What's the rush?" he mumbled against your lips. You let out a soft sigh and shrug a bit.
"I just want you.. So bad. I need you.." you whispered as you climbed on top of him, straddling his waist and he let out a soft groan. He smirked up at you and he shook his head a bit because of how desperate you were for him to fuck you.
"Honey, y'know I have other ways of helping ya.." He mumbled as he slipped his hand between your thighs and you let out a soft whine.
"B-But I want this..." you say softly as you moved against his cock causing him to let out another groan. "I-I know.. But..-" before he could get another word out you placed your index finger against his plump lips. "You know you want to.. I can feel it.." you hummed. He grabbed your waist and flipped you around onto your back and you squealed softly, biting on your bottom lip.
"Enough." he said sternly.
You pouted and folded your arms over your chest acting like a child. He shook his head and chuckled softly as he spread your legs open and moved in between them, kissing over your thighs slowly as his eyed your white cotton panties and he could see the wet stain on them, he licked over his lips. He was going to try his best not to go all the way with you, but you were making it very difficult for him.
A soft whimper escaped your lips feeling him kiss along your thighs. You always loved when he did use his other ways of getting you off, but you just wanted him inside of you. You needed him. You watched him between your legs as he began to slip your panties off and bit his bottom lip at the sight of you and you inhaled deeply watching him stare at what belonged to him. The moment his mouth met your pussy you let out a soft moan, he was always so good at this and he knew that it would make you forget about what you were asking for in the first place. Elvis slid his tongue up and down your wet velvety folds and he swirled his tongue around your clit, flicking the sensitive bud between his tongue. Your head tilted back against the pillows and your hands tangled into his dark raven hair as your hips lifted off the bed the louder your moans grew.
Elvis wrapped his mouth around your clit and sucking on it slowly and he groan softly against you. The vibration of his groan only through you over the edge. "Daddy.. fuck.." you mewled. Your eyes rolled back as he devoured you like you were his last meal and as soon as his tongue slipped inside of you the most embarrassing sound escaped you. He nearly made you forget how badly you wanted his cock inside of you. He always knew just how to make you feel so good. But the thought of fucking you never left his mind now. The way you pressed up against his cock and the very taste of you was making him feel all sorts of things he hadn’t before. He didn’t know if he could hold back. Control himself. Keep you his innocent little girl for much longer. But he was determined to.
Your thighs squeezed around his head as your toes curled against the bed and your back arched as your head tilted back further into the pillows and your moans louder than ever. But he soon pulled away and you looked down at him seeing him move from between your legs and climbed on top of you, the heavy weight of him only turning you on more. You loved how big he felt on top of you. The warmth of his body pressed against yours as his robe slipped open more and your nightgown raised higher. You bit your bottom lip wondering what he was doing as your legs wrapped around him and you whispered to him. “Fuck me.. Please.. I-“ but you were silenced by Elvis placing his index finger over your lips.
“Enough of that, little one… Daddy’s gonna make ya feel real good.” He hummed. You nodded slowly at his words knowing not to push the topic any further. You swallowed harshly as you watched the lustful in his eyes as his right hand groped your breasts through your nightgown and then traveled down between your legs. He teased two of his fingers against your wet folds and pressing his fingers between them and teasing the pad of his fingers against your clit which made you gasp softly and your breath to hitch and a soft moan to leave your slightly parted lips. His face drew closer to yours until you could feel his lips against your left ear and the feeling of his breath hitting your ear made a chill run down your spine. “You like when daddy makes you tingle down there, don’t ya? You gonna be a good lil girl and cum for me? Hm?” He cooed.
You felt like you couldn’t speak let alone form a sentence as your hips moved against his callous hand trying to gain more friction as quiet whimpers escaped you so desperately and needy for him. You nodded as a way to respond to him. You suddenly felt him shove his fingers knuckle deep inside of you which caused your eyes to widen and your lips to part further as you gasped loudly and moaned cutely. “Use ya words, little one..” he whispered into your ear.
“Y-Yes.. Daddy.. I-I’ll be your good girl..” you whimpered out softly. He had a pleasing grin on his face from the sound of your words and he pumped his fingers inside of you slowly, teasing your tight little hole and you whined needlessly when you felt him slip his fingers out of you. “Oh god.. Please..” you cried. But he lifted his head up and smirked down at you and he brought his slick coated fingers up to your lips spread your sweet arousal along your soft lips making them glossy with your own mess.
“Taste ya self, honey, taste what has daddy strugglin’ to hold back from fuckin’ you..” he mewled. You nodded at his orders and you slowly licked over your lips tasting the sweetness of your arousal and capturing your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked up at him innocently as he watched with delight. “Goddamn..” he hummed. Your eyes rolled back as soon as you felt him shove his fingers back inside of you and pumping them at a steady and fast pace. Your hands clutching onto his robe as you moaned loudly. You were already so sensitive from him eating you out that your body was so close to losing all control.
The faster he fingered you the more wet you were becoming and making such a mess all over his fingers, he smirked at the very feeling. “You’re so goddamn desperate to cum, aren’t ya? My innocent little girl..” he hummed as his fingers jackrabbited inside of you. Your whole body gave way as your eyes began to ring and you felt nearly lightheaded as your orgasm built up in the pit of your stomach and the noises you were making growing louder the closer your orgasm grew. Before you could even comprehend it all you orgasmed and came all over Elvis’ fingers making a mess on yourself and his bedsheets. “Fuck..” he murmured.
Elvis slide his fingers out of you and you watched through your hazy vision as he moved back between your legs and he lapped up every bit of your mess that clung to your pussy and your thighs and soft kitten whimpers escaped you from the exhilarating feeling. You were always amazed at how he could satisfy your needs without actually fucking you. When he finished he moved back on top of you, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. You moaned against his lips as you kissed him passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth so hungrily. You pulled back just enough for both of your lips to hover over one another and you reached down into his open robe and wrapped your hand around his hard cock causing a low groan to escape him.
“It’s my turn now..” you said sweetly with a giggle. Elvis smirked and nodded at your words and he sat himself up opening his robe completely and you climbed off the bed and got down on your knees the shag carpeting rough against your knees as you placed yourself between his legs. Elvis licked over his lips as he eyed his innocent girl down on her knees for him. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and slowly stroked his cock in your hand as you stared up at him with your innocent doe eyes.
He let out a soft groan and he pursed his lips a bit before he spoke. “Mm.. Just like daddy taught ya, little one.” He mewled. You nodded and pulled back his foreskin as your lips parted just enough to take the tip of his cock into your mouth and your lips tightened around his tip as you sucked slowly on it making soft noises as you did. Elvis groan loudly and his right hand tangled into your hair clutching onto it. You continued to suck on the head of his cock and your suckling noises growing louder as saliva gathered around your lips and the head of his cock and as it slowly dripped down his shaft you carefully took more of him into your mouth that you could. Your cheeks hollowing as you sucked his cock faster and soft gags escaping you when he hit the back of your throat and you let out a soft muffled squeal. His eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly. “Oh god..Fuck.. S-Sorry, baby..” he murmured.
He was careful to not force you to take more of him because you weren’t completely experienced yet in giving him head. So he always took it easy on you as much as he could. You brushed strands of your hair behind your ears and continued to steadily suck his cock and you could feel him pulsing and twitching in your mouth and his groans were louder than before and now his hand tightened around your hair as he got closer to his orgasm and he bobbed your head just a bit on his cock causing more friction around him. “Y-You gonna let daddy cum in your mouth? Huh, baby?” He mumbled between his noises. You did your best to respond to him and you nodded with a small “mhm” escaping around his cock.
He smirked. “Good girl..” he hummed and as his orgasm drew closer and closer his groans turned into grunts and his breathing was heavier and he tugged your head back and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking and pumping his cock rapidly as you sat there with your mouth open and ready to receive his cum as he continued until his breath got shaky and he mumbled the words, “fuck” under his breath. Ropes of his hot cum came spurting out onto your tongue and in your mouth and he let out a sharp exhale when he finished. You closed your mouth and swallowed his cum like a good girl and opening your mouth to show him. He grinned pleased with you as he closed his robe back up. “C’mere, baby.” He whispered patting his lap for you.
You pulled yourself up from the floor and climbed right into his lap, slipping your arms around his shoulders as you smiled happily feeling so relieved satisfied as you curled up in his lap. “You know, I guess I can wait a little while longer for the real thing.” You said with a soft giggle. He chuckled softly at your words as he kissed along your face slowly and gently.
“Ya better because you ain’t got a choice, baby.” Elvis teased with a grin as he held you in his strong arms. When the time was right he’d give you exactly what you wanted and teach you more than you could know.
Um, I got carried away with this.
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gojoscloset · 10 months
Coward pt. 3
Satoru Gojo x Fem!reader
Pt. 1 Pt.2
Warnings: Angst, Not proofread, bad words, probs out of character, mentions of sex
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There was the sinking feeling in your heart again, but there was nowhere to run this time. He kept his gaze on you, eyes roaming your body and he drank every last bit of you. His footsteps were the loudest thing in the corridor, echoing in the empty hall, but nothing compared to the sound of your heartbeat. The blood rushed to your face and ears, making it hard to hear for a split second.
“Did you actually think I couldn’t recognize you?”
He stopped in front of you, eyes taking in all the new details he wasn’t able to take in at the bar. “I knew you were in there somewhere, even behind all of this” his hand gently tugged on a tuft of your bang, bangs you didn’t have before he disappeared.You moved past him silently, ignoring the comments he made, also ignoring the blooming feeling in your chest and face. Of course he stopped you in your tracks with a hand pressing against your shoulder and that’s when you finally looked up at him “Please step aside. I’m tired and I want to go h-“
You were interrupted by his touch, his large hand grabbed your face and turned your head to the side in a rough way but not enough to hurt you, exposing the fresh purple marks on your neck. You grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from your face, losing composure as you snapped at him.
“Don’t touch me! The fucks wrong with you?”
You quickly gathered your bearings and moved around him again. You needed to get out of his sight before the shackles that held your emotions together came undone. You wanted to be finished with that man, you decided that chapter ended long ago and you no longer wanted anything to do with him.
He placed his hand on your chest and pushed you hard enough for you to take a step back. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily this time. There was a thicker tension between the two of you now, thick enough to cut with a knife. What was meant to be Gojo’s hopeful reunion with you was turning sour, fast . He tried to hide the scowl on his face but it was futile. It only deepened when his large hand found itself around your neck, thumb tracing over the purple bruises.
“Hmmm.” He hummed displeased, “Looks like the sex is good? Are you…happy at least?” The question set you off, for his tone reeked of entitlement and familiarity, 2 things you hated most when it came to strangers. Although you and Satoru were familiar with one another, his absence clearly made him lose his privileges but that seemed to have gone over his head.
Roughly you smacked his hand away and took a step back to finally get a good look at him.“I don’t see how that matters but yes, Gojo. The sex is great, thanks for asking!. And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been! No thanks to you.” He stopped you again before you could move around his body.
“It matters because I love you”
“Yeah? Evidently not enough!”
“You don’t get to determine that.”
“Yeah sure, but I do get to determine how you make me feel and your actions are not an example of what love is to me.”
“It’s not like I wanted to leave, I did it to protect you.”
“Okay? So what does that mean? All evil has been defeated? In the time of your absence ,you somehow miraculously killed off everything and everyone that I was apparently a target to ?”
“Exactly. So go ahead and finish what you started.” You motioned him in the direction of the stairs. Your tears could no longer be contained, the chains rattled and your emotions were now on full display.
“Don’t be that way…”
“Tell me then, Satoru. What way am I supposed to be? You sold a dream to me for so long, brought me to one of the happiest states of my life and had me believe we were locked in. Then you switched up on me! The day you left you expected me to be okay with believing that the strongest man I know in this plane of existence is scared of some invisible force that has yet to pose a threat to me. You rip the rug from beneath my feet and disappear intentionally leaving no trace behind because you knew I would look for you and I did. And you expect me to just be fine with you not only coming to my job, but my home as well to try and reconcile the-” You had to stop yourself from continuing your rant otherwise he would never hear the end of it.
There was a long pause but Satoru said nothing. He knew by the look in your eyes you were having a moment, and you were. The jealousy that swam in his veins vanished, guilt taking its place.
You unlocked a memory remembering the earlier stages of grieving where your mind would play tricks on you and you could hear keys rattle on the other side of your apartment door. And there would be times where, even though you knew it was foolish to have wishful thinking, you would rush to open it because you believed that your love would bring him back to you.
As the days progressed, the faint sounds of keys faded away until you could no longer hear them. And not long after that, you tucked away his spare key under his mat for the last time.
You refocused your gaze on his, head shaking slightly causing more tears to bubble over and stream down reddened cheeks.
“I waited at your apartment night after night, and even looked for you at locations you would normally be. And you were never there!” You pointed your finger to his chest, stabbing him with every syllable. “Tell me then, is it wrong of me to be ‘this way’ after all of that?”
“I know I know…” he grabbed your wrist with a gentler hand this time to place a kiss in your palm,surprised you let him do so.
“you don’t though! You really don’t!” You sobbed and ripped your hand away. “You don’t know the things I did after-”
You pulled the hem of your hoodie over your face to soak up the tears and so he couldn’t see you ‘ugly cry’. Embarrassed that you couldn’t keep your composure like you planned in your head.
Satoru could feel his heart break more and more as he watched you quietly sob into your hoodie. “Your acts of affection were not for nothing” he knew he was walking on a tightrope letting you know that he knew about it all, Geto relaying the message to him after being ordered to check up on the plants and check his apartment was still intact. Of course Satoru wouldn’t do it himself out of fear of bumping into you.
He knew you could get even more upset and instantly kill off whatever chance he had at patching things up. Or maybe it would soften things up just a little bit and increase his chances of reconciling.The risk was worth the reward and he’d be damned if he didn’t let you know everything right here and now.
“I know my plants are alive because of you. I'm aware that you would bring them in on the colder days ....and you would still leave the stove light on as a night light so I could navigate in the dark. To be honest I could feel your love from a million miles away..”
He paused momentarily, watching as you shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose to keep the hoodie in place.
“And the cupcake you left in the fridge for me on my birthday…” he gently removed your fingers from their grip and pulled the hood down to finally get a look at your face. “It was delicious. Maybe we can go get another one after this?” he chuckled softly trying to make light of the situation, but you didn’t laugh, instead you gave him a look that made him wish he never pulled the hood down. The emotions in your eyes were clear as crystal and it killed him to know he did this to you. It had him wonder if it was worth coming to disrupt whatever you had going on.
His thumb grazed over your tears also wiping away some of the makeup that streamed down your cheeks, smiling softly as he did so.
“Satoru.” You spoke his name softly but sternly, giving the man hope. You stood up straight and looked him directly in his eyes. He searched yours for a hint of what you could possibly say next.
“I will ask you one more time to step aside, or I will cause a scene in the middle of this hallway”
You could physically see Satoru’s spirit wilt. The light in his eyes dimmed, but nonetheless (and to your surprise) he obliged, finally stepping to the side giving you the space you’ve been asking for.
“Have a good night, Gojo.”
There was no response and you didn’t dare turn to look at him because you knew there’d be nobody there.
It’s crazy to actually have stuff to post, I haven’t been this consistent in like 3 years LOL! I hope you guys have been enjoying it as much as I enjoy typing it up!
I have maybe 1 or 2 more parts to this story, and idk if I wanna end it bitter or if I wanna keep it fluff/smut! But I need to finish it soon because I have a lot of other ideas I wanna spit out (that I might just make drabbles because my peanut brain is pushing out a lot of ideas but I know I won’t be able to commit to fully LMAOOO )
But I also have a request to finish! (I’m excited, if you read this ily and will hopefully push it out within the next week or 2 )
Please let me know how you guys like it (^: it literally makes me so happy and excited when I get feedback and reposts you guys are the best
Much love <3
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ali-r3n · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Eddie Munson x Henderson’s Sister!Reader
The moment Eddie knew Y/N Henderson was the one for him
Fluff, Some violence, mentions of weed
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Y/N took a seat at her lunch table across from her best friend, Robin.
"Hey," she said when she saw the frown on her face. "What's going on?"
Robin looked up from her tray where she played with her food and glared over at the basketball table. "Jason is such a dick."
"You just realized that now?" she joked, trying to brighten her mood.
"Even more so than usual."
"What did he do now?" Y/N asked. She leaned in to make sure that no one overheard what she was going to say next. "Did he find out about you and say something? If he did, I'll fucking kill him! I will wring his neck with my bare hands. I will shove a basketball up his a-mmph."
She was interrupted during her rant by Robin bending over the table and covering her mouth.
"No, he doesn't know shit." She sat back in her seat.
"So, what did he do?"
Y/N's blood boiled as Robin told her what Jason and his cronies did.
"Douchebag." If looks could kill then the one she shot the basketball table would've had the Team Captain 6 feet under.
"Right? Someone needs to knock him down a peg...or 10. One of these days somebody is going to get tired of his shit and smack that smug smile off of his face."
Robin's statement caused an idea to spark in Y/N's mind.
"You're right," she said and stood up.
"Right about what?" Robin inquired. "Y/N/N? What am I right about?"
Y/N walked up to a fellow student with a polite smile. "I can take that for you." She took their finished empty tray and approached the basketball team with a determined pep in her step, her eyes hard as steel and zeroed in on her target.
Mike nudged Dustin's shoulder.
"Ow, what?"
"What's your sister doing?"
"My sister..." Dustin looked over to his sister.
"Hey Jason."
"What do you want, Fr- AH!"
Y/N had reared back and smacked him across the face with the plastic tray so hard, Justin was thrown out of his chair onto the cafeteria floor.
"Oh shit!" Dustin exclaimed.
"She's lost her damn mind."
The cafeteria was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. She stared down at the biggest jerk of Hawkins High with a smug look.
Her face fell and she felt like a bucket of ice water had just been dumped over her head.
Principal Higgins approached her and grabbed her bicep.
"My office, now."
She ducked her head as he led her out of the cafeteria, unaware of the brown eyes that followed her from the Hellfire table.
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"Detention, for a week."
She stood up when dismissed and walked out of his office, a detention slip in her hand.
She heard clapping and looked over to where Eddie 'The Freak' Munson leaned against the wall.
"That was some show, Henderson."
"Well, I aim to please."
He kicked off the wall and walked towards her.
"What did the Warden say?" he asked and plucked the paper out of her hand. He whistled as he read it. "A week, huh? That blows."
"What can I say? He can't get enough of me."
Eddie snorted.
He handed the slip back to her with something hidden underneath it. He leaned in and whispered, "this is on the house."
Y/N turned it over and saw the little baggie of week. On the plastic was written, 'want to go out on a date?'
She tried to contain the thousand watt smile that wanted to spread on her face. She cleared her throat to give her time so that she wouldn't appear to be as eager as she was.
Eddie grinned and tilted his head. She had a feeling he saw through her false persona of calm. "I'll pick you up tonight."
"I have detention tonight," she countered.
He spread his arms as he backed away. "Then I'll pick you up after detention." He gave her a wink before he turned on his heel and walked down the hall.
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"Can I ask you a question? Y/N asked as they ate pizza in the back of his van.
"You just did," he joked with a shit eating grin.
She rolled her eyes and nudged his side. He draped his arm around her shoulder and made a motion with his free hand.
"Ask away, Sweetheart."
"Did you ask me out because I hit Jason with a tray?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"I've had a crush on you since middle school. You used to be this quiet, mousy girl and then one day you came to school this total badass who took no shit from anyone. I fell head over heels and today when you hit that Douche in the face...I knew that I had to stop being a coward and ask you out."
"If I knew this would happen, I would've hit Jason in the face a lot sooner."
Eddie let out a laugh.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did, but I'll let you ask another." She smirked.
"Haha, very funny," he replied. "Was hitting Jason in the face worth a weeks worth of detention?"
"Oh, Absolutely. Why thinking of doing it too?"
"Might as well. That way I can spend more time with my girl." He grinned down at her.
"So I'm your girl now?"
His cheeks turned red and he stuttered. "Well, I mean... I-If you want to be my girl, that is. You don't have to be, but I'd like it if you we-mmph"
His ramble was cut off by Y/N reaching up to grab the collar of his shirt to pull him down to press a kiss to his lips.
"I definitely want to be your girl."
"Metal," he said, breathlessly. "Do you think we could..." he motioned between them. "Kiss again."
"You don't have to ask me twice."
Eddie cupped her face and captured her lips into another kiss.
{Based on the scene from Santa Clarita Diet where Abbey hits a kid with a lunch tray}
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
405 notes · View notes
finn-m-corvex · 10 months
Whumptober Day 26: Working to Exhaustion
Taglist: @splinnters @abigailxoxo @tornoleander @mondothebombo @ghostwalloper @toastingpencils37 @lightning-chicken
Words: 2.1k
Fumbling with the screw, Jay finally got it back out, determined to put it in correctly after the third attempt. His hands were shaky, twitching as he tried to get a good grip on the drill in his other hand. The drill was wobbling much like the corners of Jay’s vision, and he groaned as yet another bolt of pain shot through his head as he pressed the trigger, the shrill ringing of whirring metal making his ears bleed.
And he messed up the screw again.
Shouting in frustration, Jay threw the drill across the room, hearing it make a loud thunk against the wall before thudding onto the floor. He put his head into his hands, trying to massage his aching neck and rub the tension out of his temples. All of the commotion attracted the attention of Pixal on the other side of the workshop, and she quickly came over to make sure that he hadn’t been hurt.
“Are you alright?” she asked cautiously, noting his tensed position and how tightly he was holding himself up.
“Fine,” Jay ground out, trying to keep his hair out of his eyes. He knew he should’ve snatched one of Nya’s hairclips. “I’m fine, Pix.”
“You’ve been in here for quite some time,” Pixal said, “and I’m not sure if you’ve slept. Does Nya know you’re down here?”
“No, and we’re going to keep it that way,” Jay said, “just because I couldn’t sleep doesn’t mean I keep her awake.”
Picking the drill back up, Jay forced his eyes to stay open as he unscrewed the one that he tried to put in, lining it back up and trying again. This time it actually turned out fine, and Jay sighed in relief; he didn’t know how many more attempts he could’ve made before he would’ve lost it.
Frowning, Pixal put down her own tools to keep watching him. Jay was so tired that he didn’t notice, continuing to work on his project with stilted movements and constant yawns, and Pixal sighed when he reached for the hammer to nail something into place. She reached into the workshop freezer, stocked with ice packs for any injuries they sustained, and grabbed one of the packs before waiting patiently for the inevitable to occur.
Jay swung with the hammer, and just as she expected, he missed the nail entirely and brought it down directly onto his thumb.
Reeling, Jay dropped the hammer with a loud clatter. “Fuck!” he yelled, swiftly holding his hand to his chest and cradling it there. Pixal knew that it wasn’t broken, and she stepped forward to offer him the ice, getting a glimpse of his thumb before he hid it away again.
“Will you rest now?” she asked, already knowing his answer. The two of them had spent enough restless nights down here together; Pixal knew all of his habits like the back of her hand.
“No,” Jay bit his lip, cringing at the way his thumb was crying out in pain even with the cold of the ice numbing it.
“You are bleeding.”
Startled, Jay looked down to see a few droplets of blood on the floor, watching as another one fell and joined the tiny puddle. He grimaced as he reluctantly brought his hand back out for Pixal to examine, the two of them taking a seat on the closest bench. Pixal nodded in approval, humming as she scanned it with her glowing green eyes.
Finished, she sat back a little and let go of Jay’s hand. “It is not broken, but you will need to ice it for the next few days and get some rest.”
“I don’t need rest,” Jay insisted, “Pix, I’m fine. The team needs this done soon and I’ve been slacking on it for a while, so I gotta play catch-up.”
Sighing, Pixal stood up and dusted her hands off on her workpants. “Fine. I am going to get you some bandages and a splint. Do not do anything that would injure you more while I am gone, please.”
And soon she was gone, going up the elevator to the top floor of the Monastery while Jay was alone in the workshop. Shaking his head, Jay opened up his phone and connected the bluetooth; if he was going to be on his own for a bit, then he would get to play his music at whatever volume he wanted. Satisfied with the selection of his house music, Jay threw his phone onto his workstation and picked the hammer up off the floor.
One time would be enough for him to learn. He could still get some work done.
Until his vision kept blurring as he moved, every breath making his head throb in pain. Jay took a deep breath, holding the hammer above his head and trying to ignore the way it was shaking with the effort. It was fine, he was fine, it was fine and he was fine and it was fine and he was fine—
Fiery pain shot up his hand when he missed the nail again, landing on his already damaged thumb. Jay felt his heart drop when there was a sharp crack, and upon closer inspection he realized that there was a small bit of bone peeking through his skin. It was definitely broken now.
Shame and guilt swelled up from inside of him when he shuffled over to the intercom, trying to jostle his hand as little as possible. Jay fumbled with the call button, trying to connect it directly to Pixal rather than one of the many speakers that she and Zane had carefully placed around the Monastery. He would rather not put his injury on full-blast for anyone else who was awake at three in the morning.
It felt like his head was swimming in circles when Pixal picked up. “Hello? Jay?”
“Pix,” he said, hating the way his voice cracked. “I think I broke it.”
Silence. Jay bit his lip to keep from whimpering as his thumb tried to move, waiting for Pixal’s reprimands. He wasn’t sure if it was his exhaustion or what, but he really hoped that she would be gentler than normal; if she started lecturing him, Jay was pretty sure that he was going to break down and start crying.
“I’m sorry,” he tried, desperate for any sort of reaction. She had been quiet for way too long.
“...no apology needed. I will get the extra supplies and meet you down there. Sit down, stay put, and do not pick that hammer back up. It will not be long.”
A click and she was gone. Jay did as he was told, sitting down on the same seat and trying to keep the tears out of his eyes. Pixal had been far too clinical, too short and too professional; she was definitely angry with him. His stomach growled, and he was reminded of the fact that he never ate dinner, and maybe she wouldn’t be too mad if he tried to find some snacks down here.
Looking at the unfinished project still sitting on his workbench, Jay felt his hunger shrivel up and die. He skipped dinner to work on it, and he still wasn’t finished, and that meant no food even if the feeling of his stomach gnawing on itself made him want to cry even more.
There were footsteps on the stairs, and Jay watched as Pixal came down with her arms filled with supplies. However, there was a second pair of footsteps, and Jay felt his heart squeeze when he saw who was following behind her.
Oh he was so fucked.
Jay kept his head down as the girls drew closer, hiding his thumb and biting his lip to keep quiet. He smelled food, and looked up as Nya put the plate aside as she knelt down in front of him. Their eyes met, and Jay could feel his facade breaking down when he saw the worried look on her face. She reached up to cup his cheeks, stroking with her thumb.
“Can I see?” she asked softly, and for as much as Jay wanted to protest he knew he couldn’t do it. He let her take his hand, inhaling sharply when she brushed against his broken thumb. The motion brought tears to his eyes that he was quick to blink away.
Sighing, Nya scooted over to make room for Pixal on her other side, and Jay felt the shame increased tenfold.
“I brought you some local anesthetic for the pain,” Pixal said, tapping the needle on its side, “so it should not hurt when I set it, but please do tell me if I need to stop.”
“Thanks, Pix,” he said softly, because he wasn’t expecting her to do that for him. If anything, Jay’s pessimistic attitude had convinced him that she wanted him to feel as much pain as he could. He let the nindroid take his hand, her metal skin cool to the touch, and he flinched when he felt the needle go under his skin.
Nya sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and tucking his face into her shoulder. She carded through his hair as Jay closed his eyes, his hand starting to go numb, and he was more than content to let himself doze a little on his Yang’s shoulder.
“For future reference,” Pixa said, fiddling with the splint, “when I tell you to not aggravate an injury, please do not aggravate an injury. I do not like seeing you hurt.”
“Sorry,” Jay mumbled, “was trying to get work done.”
“Well after she’s done, you’re eating some food and then we’re going back to bed.” Nya said, tucking a stray piece of his hair behind his ear. “Like you should’ve been doing hours ago.”
“I can’t eat yet,” he slurred, sleepiness starting to kick in now that he was finally staying still, “I haven’t finished the thing. I skipped dinner so I could finish it—”
“And you shouldn’t have done that either,” Nya said gently. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “You don’t need to earn food, you’ve done enough. I’ll finish it tomorrow while you sleep in.”
It was definitely the exhaustion, he decided, letting some of his tears out on Nya’s shoulder as his emotions threatened to overflow. “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Nya whispered into his hair, “I know, I’m not mad. I just need you to eat something and come back to bed. Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah,” Jay said, feeling the warmth from the plate seep into his lap as Nya placed it down. It was chicken and rice, one of the only things that Cole could cook, and he knew just the way that Jay liked it. He clumsily picked up the fork with his hand, his motor skills gone with his lack of sleep, and he pouted when Nya grabbed up the fork and held it to his mouth.
The taste blossoming across his tongue made him hum in contentment, especially when Nya scooped up some more for him. “You don’t need to feed me, you know.”
“Humor me, Mr. Walker.”
“Whatever you say, Mrs. Walker.”
He couldn’t stop the smug smile from spreading across his face when Nya flushed a bright red, lightly smacking his arm with one hand and stuffing his mouth with the other. Pixal chuckled, and Jay knew that he was only being so bold because of how sleepy he was. He tended to say stupid shit when he was tired.
“You’re lucky that I love you,” Nya muttered, continuing to feed him despite the dark blush across her cheeks. It was adorable to him, and Jay leaned forward to kiss her forehead.
“I am,” he confirmed, “incredibly lucky that you love me.”
“And I am incredibly eager for you two to take all of, this, upstairs so I can get some work done in peace,” Pixal said, letting go of his hand. Jay knew that she was only teasing, and instead focused on finishing his food and leaving the splint that she had put on his thumb alone.
Sleep was right on the horizon when he finally finished, and Nya set the plate aside for her to come and pick up in the morning. Jay wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her hair and trying his best not to jostle his bad hand. “Can we just stay here?” he asked, and Nya chuckled.
“No, honey. You’re going to bed.”
“But I’m comfy.”
“And you’ll be more comfy upstairs,” Nya insisted, standing up and dislodging his grip. “Now c’mon, I’ll help you walk.”
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
oh brother everyone pull out the popcorn cuz im aboutta yap for a decade and a half
Here's Roos guide to making a youredreamingofroo post
Step 1, Be up at ungodly hours and have a sudden shock of inspiration for a render
Step 2, Write inspiration down for later
Step 3, Completely disregard "for later" and go boot up my laptop at aforementioned hours
Step 4, open up blender and throw in sim DAEs and start posing them
Step 4.5, use pinterest for pose inspo and/or spend 50 years trying to figure out how to do one thing that I wanna do but dont know how to do said thing (every explanation is explained like I should understand every inner machination of blender, which I obv dont understand) (optional)
Step 5, spend the entire time posing thinking of how I'm going to position the cameras and which chunk of dialogue will go where
Step 5.5, realize halfway through that the song I'm listening to actually fits the scene really well and so I end up listening to that song on repeat for however much longer I end up posing (Optional step)
Step 6, Set up the cameras, lighting and background, usually I don't have a scene in mind, so I just do my usual black background and colorful lighting
Step 7, have a crisis because it's 5 AM and I could've sworn it was 1 AM two seconds ago
Step 8, Render the finished products, which usually goes by fast cause I render in eevee but sometimes I do cycles (which takes fucking eons)
Step 8.5, get sick of the song I'm listening to on repeat (if step 5.5 occurred in the process)
Step 9, Throw them suckers into GIMP and edit them, by this point I'm usually tired and I'm not a huge edit-every-detail kinda guy, so editing is pretty easy, that being said, Clone tool+Heal tool are my best friends for renders cuz of hair clipping, general clipping and/or weird shadows, and I tend to edit everything to the very PIXEL (if you could see me edit, I actually do go pixel by pixel often), and then to top it off, sharpen that bad boy <:P
Step 10, Export them and go to tumblr and throw those pictures onto a post (For some reason, making the post save as a draft makes posting images a lot easier...) and wait for them to process (which takes eons cuz of my wifi), then go to patorjk for title coloring, add the title, and add whatever needs to be added under the cut (transcript, inspo, credits, etc)
Step 11, Schedule it for a few minutes later cuz why not (usually an even number like X:10 AM or X:30 AM etc etc lmao)
Step 12, Wait for it to post and schedule 3-4 TZRs (depending on when I post the renders is how I determine when to post a TZR, if I post something at 7, then I schedule TZRs for 12 PM, 6-7 PM and then 12 AM)
Step 13, profit 🤷‍♂️ (and by profit I mean profit in serotonin and pride)
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a-vacuole · 11 months
I know this probably won't get much attention, but I still feel the need to talk about the situation in my country, Panama
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there has been discussions regarding a mining contract for a Canadian (and I think also Korean?) mining company, to mine for copper
do be aware, they have been mining for about a year even though there was no signed contract
while I have not being able to read the contract out of sheer anxiety, several lawyers have said it was made favoring the mining company. by a lot, resembling the Hay-Bunau-Varilla contract, which was signed before we had a proper republic, allowed the construction of the canal and a zone exclusive for it
a zone panamanians had VERY LIMITED ACCESS TO until after the Marthyrs of January 9, 1964. twenty two persons died during the event, including A BABY.
there's the fear of the new mining zone become a second Zona del Canal, as well as the worry for the environmental impact (which is greater than most minesas this is an open-air mine) and health of the surrounding population
so far..
1 journalist lost an eye
1 person died today (24.10.23) after being wounded on the liver area by lead bullets
the antimotines are shooting lead bullets, rubber bullets and expired tear gas at random. they even threw tear gas bombs at a HOSPITAL. people are defending themselves with rocks or just anything in hand
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the bus system is basically paused, getting anywhere has become so difficult people have had to walk on the bridge across the canal to get to their homes
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the metro was closed today, station by station at the end of the work day. people struggled to get home. a big portion of the population relies on public transport to move around, and it was taken away from us
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protestors have been burning old car tires too. unsure of why but it blocks the streets for HOURS. it's chaos, it's anxiety inducing. I know there's worse happening in the world but I'm SO TIRED ALREADY. there are no medications in public institutions, no reactives to run life-determining blood tests, work?? there's barely any people have resorted to theif and robbery to survive, crime rates are HIGH, infrastructure is falling apart and yet the goverment has the DESCARO to say that they have done a lot, that after 3 fucking years they are fixing the streets, 4 years for finishing the (currently) last line 1-metro station, they want to expand the genetics program yet reduce the budget for it. they have reduced the budget of almost every single institution minus the politician's ones.
they dare to say they have been listening to the population's worries even though we have MONTHS saying NO to the mining company. MONTH. THIS SHOULD HAVE GONE TO A REFERENDUM AND IT HAS NOT. THE CONTRACT WAS SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT WITHING HOURS OF IT'S LAST REVISION.
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there are memes of the situation, this is just one of them regarding the last speech of the president
people are TIRED
this isn't only about the mining, it's about the shit hole this goverment is making. about the state of the country and how those in power are concentrating on making more money
I am AFRAID of another dictatorship, because guess what? this is the EXACT SAME political party that was in power during the Dictatorship of Noriega.
I can't go to work in-person for who knows how long, because the country has become utterly innacessible. the price of food has risen in just days
I'm scared
we shouldn't have to resort to protests to be listened to. the public healthcare system shouldn't be falling apart. people should have access to transport. we shouldn't need to fear for our lives.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 11 months
Another Level rant/update 😬
I'm posting the rant that I started the other day when responding to an ask!!
You can read it below the cut 😊
When it comes to Another Level, I love the story so much. Obviously, I adore the characters. Another Level gave me Rinko. And I never imagined she'd become what she has. She's grown and taken on a life of her own that I never expected, and it's made me love her so much more. What's getting to me recently is that I honestly am just tired of the conflict in canon. It's stressful and exhausting to deal with.
As I've been trying to write for Horizon of Chaos, I realized that the events in the manga have really shaped how much I feel about writing anything for the month in between. It's really hard to write cute and happy when I know something that big is coming up. Our proverbial 'beach episode' is so much harder with shit like that looming on the horizon, even though they're going to make it through.
It makes me want to skip past it completely and go to the happily ever after. But that would feel wrong. It would feel half-finished. It wouldn't feel like the proper resolution after so much has happened.
It's also, if I'm being honest, getting a bit outside of my comfort zone. Because I've stuck as close to canon as I possibly could throughout the entirety of Another Level, and diverging so heavily now is a bit daunting.
To give a bit of a "behind-the-scenes" perspective, I'll share a secret that might not be that much of a secret: When I first started writing Another Level, back when I wasn't even sure if I was going to post any of it, I was determined to stick with canon no matter what. Meaning if Gojo died in canon, he was going to die in Another Level. I even had two plans for endings. For if he lived or died.
But, after writing a bit, and figuring a few other things out, it felt cruel to rip that chance at happiness away from them after they've been through so much. They've worked so hard and been through so much, and while JJK itself isn't meant to be a bright and happy story, I started writing Another Level specifically to deal with all that shit, so why make it darker than it needs to be when I don't have to?
I don't remember exactly when I made the decision, but at some point very early on I decided, 'Fuck canon if he dies. Gojo and Rinko are getting a nice happy ending together where they live long lives together and have cute lil babies.'
Another Level Gojo feels so close to canon that he feels like canon sometimes, as many of you have pointed out and said you like about him (thank you so much btw, it is greatly appreciated 🥹). But he has layers of character depth that he's gained through knowing Rinko that canon Gojo doesn't have.
Canon Gojo was perfectly happy dying to someone stronger. Because that meant he got to just be 'Gojo Satoru' and not 'The Strongest.' He was fulfilled and happy to die that way, leaving the rest to his students.
Another Level Gojo is tired. He's been fighting his entire fucking life. He's been blamed for shit his entire fucking life. And he's found the one person in the world who loves him and sees through all that bullshit, and he wants to finish this garbage and just have some quiet time to live his life being an idiot with this woman who has stayed by his side and seen the human in him since the beginning.
Another Level Gojo is going to want to be truly selfish. He's going to feel cheated dying now. As you saw in the most recent part of Horizon of Chaos, he's not ready to leave just yet. He wants more time with Rinko.
Because Rinko has always seen Gojo Satoru, the dumbass who does stupid shit and is just an overgrown child who never got to be a kid. And she's indulged him by giving him cookies and letting him have those moments of vulnerability with zero judgment for things that others spent years blaming him for. She was one of few people who never faulted him for not killing Geto sooner. Gojo knows how much she hated Geto by the end because of what happened to her kids, to Touma. But she has still maintained that she understands that he was his best friend and expecting him to react any differently than he did would be asking too much of anyone.
Remember one of the things she's told him during a moment of vulnerability?
"Even the strongest fail."
She has always seen his moments of genuine weakness as something to love and not something to break him down for. And he is so ready to just spend the rest of his life showing her just how much he loves her for it. So he will.
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rhythmic-idealist · 2 months
Hi, everyone in the apartment is extremely beat.
[gross warning, skip the next paragraph if you’d rather not see it]
Here is some filler okay I threw up in the first hour of my shift today and had to finish the shift bc I’m full up on attendance strike “points.” Definitely not well enough to snag the OT I was gonna snag this weekend, but I’ll be good by Monday.
My laptop is broken because it fell off a table (completely my doing). This is livable, but making me sad because I was otherwise going to have an AMV finished by now, and I’m without my favorite low-stress hobby.
We have groceries but we’re all sometimes too goddamn tired to cook and occasionally ordering in, everyone else in this house is chronically ill and/or physically disabled, we’re all spoonies. I have to register my car so the cops don’t pull me over for being a year overdue. I’ve gotta get my control arm bushings replaced, and I haven’t done suspension work before so I don’t trust myself to do it myself. And, due to the age of Kitkat’s CRV despite the attentive care she took maintaining it, we’re down to my car as the only car.
I’m due for some doctors’ appointments— did something to my knee at work that is probably nothing (and yet I’d like to check in now instead of signing up for knee problems for the rest of my life). Chronic headaches that I’ve had all my life need to be addressed bc of how much harder they’re making the rest of my life.
So, this is an e-begging post, if you’re able. We Will Be Fine. My and my polycule’s parents won’t let us go homeless or hungry. This is…. if you like me and would like to make life nicer?
I’d like my hobby back (via laptop repair), and I’d like to be less sick at work which probably means less time cooking and more time to sleep & make some overdue doctors’ appointments abt my headaches and whether I messed up my knee.
My parents did send us some money recently & bought my plane tickets to visit home. They’ve got three kids to work out for and themselves as they get older— I’m not in any place to start putting aside money to help them out yet, though I am working hard to one day.
They would give me money for doctors’ appointments if I told them I needed it. I do however think they would not actually have the money to do that and be alright themselves, and so I don’t intend to ask unless shit gets very fucked.
And finally, I’m paycheck to paycheck and really, really want a medical emergency fund. But yknow. This post isn’t gonna make THAT happen. This is some short term “is anyone able to help me unfuck the next two weeks?” and then I’ll be healthier and more on target.
Thank you so much — and seriously, We Will Be Okay. We will be fine. This is a little (huge, it means very very much to me) treat to me.
Maybe I’ll spend this on the laptop, maybe something more essential! But it all helps.
ko-fi (which takes a cut, but is still very appreciated)
Okay thank you for the help. Basically the main thing this post will probably determine is whether I get laptop repair done within the next two months 💗 but you know. Will also determine how few cooking spoons I have to spend and how soon I can get my life in order
Thanks love you all
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peskellence · 8 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now punished in the same way as crimes against humans. A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' be the thing to change this?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 3K
The incident at the church was never discussed, although the tension from the event still lingered. Gavin stared unwaveringly at his monitor, scrolling through the latest CyberLife testimonies. This had become a pattern over the last few days, with him trying to complete his work with as little engagement with Nines as possible. This had not gone unnoticed by his partner, who quickly grew resentful of being served the cold shoulder. It seemed equally content to ignore him back. If only out of spite. 
"Still fuck all coming from these interviews”, Gavin mused, finally breaking the silence. “If anyone knows anything about this Synthetic Reaper, they're keeping tight-lipped."
This was not a topic that Nines was interested in, evident in its painfully unenthused response. 
The detective bristled, knowing he only had himself to blame for the unsociable atmosphere. Turning his attention back to his computer, the menial task of report filing suddenly felt like a blessed escape. After a few minutes of typing, his phone reverberated from the side of his desk. He ignored the notifications at first until the persistent buzzing became a nuisance. 
Reaching over to silence the device, he was soon grateful he'd done so, as brightly illuminated on the screen was a series of incriminating texts. Outlining the embarrassing details of his most recent personal struggle:
Actually Decent (4)
[10:03am] Gav
[10:03am] hey
[10:04am] have you and Nines made out yet
[10:04am] or are u still planning on wimping out
Gavin pulled his phone closer, out of the view of prying eyes. He went back to scanning the information on his report, focusing on a section he had yet to finish. "You got anything for this new code? The one in the victim’s scripture?"
His phone shook again, and glancing down, he saw that Tina was diligently adding to the collection of unwanted messages:
Actually Decent (7)
[10:06 am] because if youre gonna bang a stranger 
[10:06 am] please pick one thats normal
[10:07 am] no more weird kinks
"No?" Gavin questioned, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "That's a first for you, smart ass."  The tone was intended as jovial, but the reception was frosty at best. Nines shot him a sharp glare, huffing disapprovingly under its breath. 
Gavin’s fingers twitched on his keyboard, wondering if he should cut his losses and accept his looming termination. There were other jobs he could pursue, after all. Perhaps a career as the world's most surly birthday clown. Or a disappointing male stripper. 
Actually Decent (9)
[10:09 am] I still have nightmares about the pet-play guy
[10:10 am] I’ll never recover from the things u told me
Nines slid Gavin a slip of paper. "The message is nonsensical. Most of the text makes sense, but the ending appears to be gibberish." 
He peered down, scanning over the carefully penned digits. "...So what are we thinking? Another hidden code, like SL C?" 
"Might I suggest you take some time to determine that yourself." The android squeezed its mouse tightly. As if it were trying to crush it to pieces. “I am getting rather tired of you ‘copying my homework’." 
Gavin was caught off guard by this. While his partner was far from agreeable, it was unusual for it to lash out in such a juvenile way. There wasn’t a hint of care or remorse as it diligently scanned its monitor, refusing to look up. 
Once the initial shock had subsided, it transformed into something ugly. An instinctive urge to push back. Gavin balled up the paper indignantly, flicking it over the desk. “You got a problem with sharing notes, just say. You don’t have to be a little bitch about it." 
Nines laughed, although not in the way that he’d grown used to. It was a harsh sound, short and sharp, "I find it insulting that you have snubbed me this long, only to speak now when it seeks to benefit you."
The detective tensed uncomfortably at this before puffing out his chest defensively. “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re working together. Hardly an effective partnership if we can't at least share information." 
“It is difficult to work with you in a professional capacity when there is something more pressing we need to discuss." 
"And what the fuck would that be?" 
There was a loud, crunching noise. Gavin looked over to confirm that Nines had, indeed, destroyed its mouse. Fragments of plastic littered the desk whilst others remained embedded in its hand. In the android’s eyes, there was a strange vulnerability intermingled with its usual intensity. Not so much confronting as it was pleading. 
"You know." 
A tight bind encompassed Gavin's chest and threatened to cut his breathing. His focus drifted from his companion’s eyes down the expanse of its smooth, pale skin. He followed the gentle slope of its nose, counting the freckles on the way, and ultimately found its lips. They looked warm and inviting—enough that he felt compelled to lean towards them. 
It was then that he realised he was utterly fucked. 
"I'm going for a smoke." He pushed away from his desk, shooting to his feet in a hasty motion. There were measured footsteps trailing behind him as he cowardly marched away, but he refused to turn around. Not wishing to cause a scene. 
Shoving his way through the fire exit, he hurriedly paced down the steps, caring little if he slipped on the ice. His hand found the cigarettes in his pocket, and he squeezed the box with such intensity that he successfully crushed half of its contents. Pulling out one of the smokes left intact, he had barely touched it to his lips when the heavy door slammed open behind him. 
"I would appreciate it if you stopped running from me," a stern voice chided. 
Staring vacantly into the parking lot and with nowhere else to go, Gavin glumly accepted the inevitable, surrendering to the demand. "I’m not running," he denied, in staunch contradiction to his previous actions. "What do you want to talk about?" 
"I’d think that is rather obvious. I wish to discuss what happened." 
While he tried to maintain a facade of composure, there was no hiding his racing pulse. He knew Nines would have to suffer a serious malfunction not to sense how panicked he was. "I don’t know what you mean."
“Then I'll have to enlighten you: I am referring to the reckless - and frankly deranged - behaviour you exhibited at the church the other day." 
Gavin was grateful for the harsh wind outside, as it gave him the perfect excuse to hide his face under the guise of preserving his light. He thought back to the day in question and the moments leading up to the assault on his partner. There had been no thoughts when grappling the man, just white-hot rage that scorched his skin and blinded his senses. The answer to what happened eluded him, and he was content to leave that way. 
“I’ve got nothing to say." He said, moving forward to descend another concrete step. 
His partner would not be so easily sated. It calmly closed the door and began its own descent down the staircase. Gavin stepped in time, seeking to maintain the distance between them, as Nines persistently charged forward. This carried on for a while, like some sort of surreal line dance. "For someone who despises androids so vehemently, you seem extremely keen to jump to my defence."
The run of the steps finished, and the two found themselves on the pavement. Unless they wished to carry their quarrel into the busy streets of Detroit, Gavin knew it was best to stay put. “I am not jumping to anyone’s defence."
"It isn't the first time you've done so for me." Nines ignored his protest, exploiting its looming physique to tower over its partner. "There was the man outside Mikey’s—"
"That didn't mean shit."
"I don't believe you." It sounded exhausted, as if it had been dwelling on the subject for days. "Please, I'm just trying to understand."
“There’s nothing to understand. You said before that I have some weird saviour complex. Call it instinct."
"Why would you seek to save something you so openly despise?" 
Gavin took a shaky drag of his cigarette, the smoke catching in his throat, "Because it's my job", he said plainly, though his wavering tone was far from convincing. "I wasn't going to let him hurt you like that. I would have done the same for anyone, human or android." 
"I do not feel pain, of which you are aware." Nines picked holes in the flimsy argument without hesitation. "What reason would you have to believe I was hurt?" 
The detective backpedalled, realising that he'd trapped himself with his own telling wording: 
"I didn't mean hurt; I meant break," he excused. 
"I assured you that my structural integrity had not been compromised." 
"Just let it go. I wasn't thinking." 
"I disagree. You have been thinking a great deal." The android pressed, toeing the line between firmness and aggression. "I needed no saving the night I stayed over, yet you showed me the same consideration. I find your continually shifting attitude towards me deeply confusing." 
This machine doesn’t know what he’s doing , Gavin thought to himself. Nothing good would ever come from the proverbial shitstorm that was beginning to manifest.  
Wait. He stopped, firmly correcting himself:
Not he. 
Oh, Jesus Christ.
“You’re one to talk”, he seethed, expunging his frustration like poisonous venom. “I don't know what's gotten into you, but this buddy-buddy shit is getting old. We aren't friends; we're co-workers. We don’t have to pretend we’re anything more." 
He tried to pull away, to which Nines reached out, grabbing him firmly by the arm. "Why are you so desperate to deny what you feel?" 
"What do you know about what I feel?" Gavin snapped. The proximity between them was dizzying, their faces inches apart. "All you are is a hunk of plastic pretending to be a person."
The cruelty of his words came with little conscious thought. Part of him wanted to stop, but he refused to back down. He had already made the fatal mistake of letting the android into his mind, and he needed to shut it out before things got any worse.
"Your views have changed; you no longer believe that." Nines attempted to sound assured, but its torn expression betrayed this.  
"You said you weren't interested in pretending, and I'm not interested either, android." The word was spat from his lips like an aggressive slur.
His partner’s temple shone red, and its grip tightened with mounting defiance. "I understand that I will never be human, but I do not lack the capacity to feel." 
"Don't delude yourself," he sneered, barking out a cruel laugh. "You try to get into my head, manipulating my feelings to serve your directives, and you wonder why I fucking hate you."  
Nines let go, recoiling fiercely as if the man burned to the touch. As it stared at him with wide eyes, there was no mistaking the raw heartbreak that blighted its features.
"I see." 
The voice barely registered above a whisper, but to Gavin, it could have been screaming. He found himself unable to look, to face the consequences of what he had done. A part of him wished to take it all back. To pull his partner into an embrace and hastily beg for its forgiveness. But he knew that he couldn't. At least not now. 
Once that line had been crossed, there would be no turning back.
The ash built up on his neglected cigarette, and he made no effort to flick it away. With the light extinguished, he allowed it to slip limply from his fingers. "I'm going to get a coffee. Be back in a few." 
"You can get coffee from the canteen”, Nines replied, words strained from its melancholic state. 
“Not that coffee, I want...different coffee...at home”, he cringed at the weakness of his excuse. "Just don't wait up, and don't follow me."
Gavin turned on his heel and made his way to his apartment, refusing to look back. Whilst walking, he looked through his phone, swiping away the messages from Tina and instead opening his USwipe account. Seeking a distraction from the disastrous interaction that had just transpired, he filtered through the matches, looking for someone of interest. 
He was pleasantly surprised to find a well-kempt man around his age with a bio that didn’t immediately scream ‘weird pervert’ or ‘serial killer’. He was reasonably attractive, too - with a mop of dark, curly hair and warm hazel eyes. Emboldened, he opened his chat log and fired off a quick message:
You: Hey
did u want to meet up? 
It wasn’t anything elaborate, but Gavin had never been one for making the first move, so he reasoned it was progress enough. 
Arriving at his front door, he hoped to find some time to unwind. While he knew he couldn’t hide out indefinitely - and would have to return to the station at some point - a fleeting escape was a small mercy that he would happily embrace. However, this hope was quickly extinguished when a distant yowl greeted him from the bathroom. 
"...Tiff?” There was an unpleasant lurch in his stomach, telling him that something was wrong. 
While his cat was usually vocal, there was something off about the noise she was making. It sounded weak and strained. Shaking off his coat, he charged through his living room and slammed the door to the bathroom open. He found Tiffany lying in the bath, half-turned onto her back and staring vacantly into space. Her chest was falling and rising rapidly, and it didn't take Gavin long to realise what was happening.
"Shit", He dropped to his knees, scurrying over in a dazed frenzy. Almost as soon as he'd leaned himself over the bath, Tiffany let out another long cry, and he tried his best to console her. Gently running a hand on her back and shushing softly. "It's okay, girl, I've got you." 
The cat continued to pant and strain, and Gavin wondered, with significant guilt, how long this might have been going on. Extending towards the door, he pulled a towel from the nearby rail and gently pushed it beneath her. At a loss for what else to do, he reached for his phone, preparing to call the vet for some much-needed advice. An incoming call thwarted his efforts, and he stared at the screen in disbelief, unsure how to react.
While he entertained the idea of rejecting the call, he found himself unable to do so. The phone seemed to vibrate endlessly as the called ID quietly mocked him. Slowly, he pressed accept, and the caller wasted no time in pleading their case:
"It was not my place to make such brazen assumptions about your emotions. I would like it if we could talk about this—"
While Nines babbled, the detective noted the faint speckles of blood that littered his bath, plunging him deep into a nervous spiral. "Not now. We'll talk later." 
Tiffany was straining a lot at this point, as Gavin recalled the vet telling him that this should be 'minimal'. He had no idea what defined minimal - or at what stage it was acceptable to freak out. 
"Is everything okay?" Nines pressed, picking up on the obvious tension. 
The cat's legs jerked violently, and he moved closer, pushing her back for a better view. He observed in horror the tiny head peering out from beneath her tail. "I need a fucking vet." 
"For what reason?" Its tone became frantic, as though it were sharing in his panic. "Is it Tiffany? Is there something wrong?" 
"Well, she's about to shit out a kitten. Other than that, she’s just dandy." He held his breath, watching nervously as the baby's head stalled in place. Tiffany brought herself forward, desperately trying to push, before flopping back down in defeat. 
Gavin reached out to support her, aware that Nines was still talking to him but unable to process what it was saying.
"Did you hear me?"
"Hear what?" he hissed back frustratedly, overwhelmed by the situation. "Seriously, I'm not in the mood to play games right now." 
"I'm not suggesting we play games. I'm suggesting I come over and help you." 
He slumped back, groaning deeply, and buried his face in his arms. "What part of 'I need the vet' did you not understand? You can't help any more than I can."
"I beg to differ. While I am not professionally trained, I have reviewed extensive resources on the stages of feline birth." Nines’ voice was calm and reassuring, pulling him back from the brink of a full-blown meltdown. "My assistance would be invaluable to you." 
Gavin paused, determining if he could set his pride aside sufficiently. If only for the sake of his pet. After some deliberation, he conceded, reluctantly accepting the offer, "Fine, just hurry up. This thing's coming out looking like a red Gusher, and I have no idea if that's normal or not." 
The concern soon resolved itself as Tiffany arched her back again and gave another firm push. The kitten’s head fully emerged, revealing a small, furry body behind it. The gentle twitching of its legs assured him that all was well, and his heart swelled with pride for his pet. 
Perhaps something good could come of the overwhelmingly shitty day.
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