#I wasn’t looking to jump right into a relationship but I also thought maybe we could go on a date sometime and see how we felt
tayytayy12 · 44 minutes
American Girl | OP81 x Reader
Summary - Every F1 fan becomes shocked when Oscar, someone who they thought was very much single, comes out to be in a relationship with none other than Logan Sargeants little sister.
Warnings - Swearing
Type - SMAU
FaceClaim - Sabrina carpenter
Notes - I’m running out of ideas what to write pls send requests 😭
(Act like Logan can actually achieve a podium okay. I live in delusion.)
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Liked by - User1, and 60,004 others
OP81.fanaccount - The biggest unsolved mystery ever is how this man is STILL single. Like I know my boys young but like, how? He’s so polite cat coded.
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User1 - I wonder this everyday
User2 - Have you ever thought that he maybe just doesn’t want a relationship..?
User3 - Real like it’s so obvious he doesn’t and that he wants to focus on racing
User4 - Did he tell you that?
User5 - He’s is a polite cat no one can convince me otherwise
User7 - Wasn’t their pics of him and some blonde girl at a restaurant in Miami last year?
User8 - People thought it was him but the photos were way too blurry to tell, they were just making assumptions
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Liked by - LoganSargeant, LandoNorris and 104,764 others
Tagged | LoganSargeant
Y/n_sargeant - Back in the paddock, time to support the big brother in our hometown 🫡
(Also how cute were Logan and I we got along great once upon a time. and Oscar and Lo. Little babies)
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User10 - Y/n’s always providing the best bad photos of Logan
User11 - “thank you y/n” we all say in unison
LoganSargeant - In that photo you’re clearly trying to choke me..? Idk who told you that we got along but they lied to you. You smell like shit (THANKS FOR COMING 🫡)
Y/n_ saregant - You caught me, I’m disappointed the attempt didn’t work. (ILL ALWAYS SHOW FOR U YOU DUMB WHORE)
OscarPiastri - THAT photo? Really?
Y/n_sargeant - Aw I think it’s amazing
User14 - Praying Logan gets his first points 🫡
Y/n_sargeant - girl same I didn’t leave my bed for nothing
User15 - gosh she’s so real
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Liked by - OscarPiastri, LoganSargeant and 200,175 others
Tagged | LoganSargeant, OscarPiastri
Lo P3 and Osc P2, officially the best day ever, my god I’m still crying I’ve never been so proud of people ever ever ever. No one deserves this like the two of you do, I love you both oh my god.
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User16 - The race finished like a minute ago miss girl is quick
User18 - I love how she’s being happy for them both
User19 - Y/noscar is real
User22 - They punkd us
User23 - All this time we thought there as chronically single
OscarPiastri & Y/n_sargeant
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Liked by - LoganSargeant, and 2,962,653 others
Caption - It wasn’t a secret, you just never asked. It’s our three year anniversary on Saturday btw, we except gifts (joking)(partly)
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User25 - THREE FUCKING YEARS?!??!?!!!
User26 - This is the new it couple
User27 - They seem so in love omg
LoganSargeant - They are it’s disgusting
Y/n_sargeant - You love us
OscarPiastri - We look great
Y/n_sargeant - we always do
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POV I got carried away imagining having someone to peel oranges for.
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pathologicalreid · 4 months
hello my new favorite tumblr writer 😇 i will b honest i have never requested anything before so!! bear with me. however the spencer reid brainrot is all too real SO would you be open to doing anything with a hotchner!fem!reader? bau or not for the reader! something something hotch is very hesitant about their relationship but maybe reader gets caught in the crossfire of something and hotch and prentiss see them together afterward and prentiss is like “that looks pretty real to me.” DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE OKAY I’M LEAVING NOW THANK YOUUUU 🫡
a father's daughter | S.R.
in which your father doesn't approve of your relationship, but who knows how he'll react when reid jumps into action after a threat against your life
who? spencer reid x hotchner!fem!bau!reader category: angst content warnings: general cm violence, blood, stitches, hospitals, medical inaccuracy word count: 2.03k a/n: anon you are legendary. this is an incredible request and i am so honored to be your new favorite tumblr writer! i am an absolute sucker for anything hotchner!reader (or rossi!reader) so i absolutely ate this request up! (also if anyone wanted to drop a request in my inbox... it would be welcome)
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Aaron Hotchner was the most professional person in the BAU, except when it came to you. You, like him, had gone to law school. You were a public defender for just a short time before being put into WITSEC, and when your mother died, you applied to the FBI Academy.
Plain and short, it was nepotism, but no one was going to argue with the man whose wife was murdered by a serial killer. Your dad wanted you in the BAU so he could keep an eye on you, and there was nothing Erin Strauss could do about it. What your father couldn’t control, was your relationship with Reid.
He could tell you that he didn’t approve, but so long as David Rossi, king of inter-bureau mingling, was around, he couldn’t actually do anything to stop you. “I’m just saying that I’ve never seen Reid be consistent with a relationship,” your dad said, having pulled you away from the team to, once again, try to warn you off of your relationship.
“He’s been pretty consistent for the last seven months,” you responded, rifling through the victims' files that were in your arms.
You started to make your way out of the empty office when your father spoke again, “And he’s too old for you.”
Stopping in your tracks, you pivoted and faced your father, “He’s three years older than I am, I’m twenty-six. That’s hardly an age gap to bat an eye at.” The two of you had always had a rocky relationship, he missed a large portion of your childhood due to this job and you always tried to not resent him for it.
Your parents’ marriage fell apart, neither of them handled it well, and you weren’t all that surprised. They had gotten married when your mom got pregnant with you because they thought that was what they were supposed to do, and when Jack couldn’t keep them together, everything fell apart.
“You have no right to lecture me on relationships, Agent Hotchner,” you snapped, staring him down. Daring him to challenge you.
He sighed, obviously trying not to lose his patience with you. “I’d just hate for you to find out you wasted your time on something that wasn’t real.”
The door behind you swung open, you spun on your heels to face Emily. “Sorry, uh, we have a location, Morgan’s coordinating with SWAT,” she said, looking between you and your father.
“Great, let’s go,” your father said, his parental demeanor falling away as his Unit Chief mask took its place.
You walked out the door to see the rest of the team, Rossi tossed you a Kevlar vest as you walked over to where Spencer was standing with the police chief, “Where are we headed?” You asked, undoing the Velcro on the vest and pulling it over your torso. The beige precinct was buzzing as agents and officers prepared to break into the UnSub’s home base. Hopefully to find his most recent victim still alive.
Reid reached over and adjusted the strap of your vest, making sure it was evenly tightened over your shoulders. “Garcia found a warehouse on the other side of town. It’s being rented out under an anagram of the first victim’s name,” he said, gently squeezing your arm before dropping his hands back to his side.
Nodding, you followed the rest of the team out the metal doors of the precinct and into the black SUVs. “Your UnSub’s name is Jonas Watts, he used a different name to rent the space but the account he uses to pay for it is under his name,” Garcia’s voice rang through the speaker as she told you about the perpetrator. “He checks every UnSub box we have, raised by a single father after his mother left, and… oh, multiple arrests for assault.”
You looked up to the driver’s seat, your dad was white-knuckling the steering wheel, entirely focused on driving as you listened to Garcia reciting the UnSub’s rap sheet.
When you arrived at the warehouse SWAT was already there and Morgan started organizing the tactical assault. Drawing your weapon, you nodded at your teammate when he instructed you to go around the back with himself and your father. Allowing Morgan to kick the door down, the three of you held your firearms up and began clearing the warehouse.
Further away, you heard Emily and Spencer clearing the front. “Clear, moving up,” you called into your radio as you approached the stairs, stepping on them carefully so they didn’t creak. On the landing, you looked at a trail of blood on the ground. “There’s a blood trail in the upper west wing,” you whispered.
“Move up, little Hotch, I’m right behind you,” Morgan responded.
Rolling your eyes at the nickname, one that you had begged him to stop using, you moved forward, keeping your firearm aimed right in front of you. Turning into the room that the blood trail led to, you immediately ducked when you saw a knife coming for you. Keeping your gun aimed, you faced down the UnSub, “Jonas Watts, FBI!” You announced yourself, scanning the room for the girl he took last night.
Watts shook his head, “You’re not supposed to be here! You can’t be here!” He shouted in distress.
“Where’s the girl, Jonas? Where did you take Isobel?” You asked him, not seeing her in the room the two of you were in. There was another entrance on the left of him.
He stepped toward you, and you cocked your gun, “I don’t have her now. I lost her, she’s lost,” he said, there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
Unnerved, you decided to take a leap of faith, “Jonas, where’s your partner?” A partner hadn’t been part of the profile, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. The crimes were too complex, it didn’t match up with something as simple as using an anagram of a victim’s name for the warehouse rental.
Morgan filed in behind you, aiming his gun at Jonas, same as you. “Time’s running out, Jonas. If you tell us about your partner we can help you,” he said, slowly inching toward Watts.
“It’s too late,” Jonas wailed.
Someone knocked into you from behind, causing you to stumble forward before you were pulled to your feet. One arm was locked around your torso, and another was holding a knife to your throat. “If you don’t leave now, I’ll cut her fucking throat!” The unnamed man said from behind you, he was almost impossibly tall, easily overpowering you.
You didn’t dare move, not with that knife to your throat, one false move and you’d bleed out. Morgan shouted for him to let you go, but he just pressed the knife tighter to your neck, splitting the skin.
Shutting your eyes, you tried not to cry, fearing the damage it would do to your throat.
Your captor held you tightly to him, using your body to block Morgan from shooting. Something warm trickled down your collarbone, and you weren’t sure if it was blood or tears.
For a moment, you thought you could swing your foot back into his knee, but the fear of having your carotid cut outweighed your bravery.
Ever since you were a kid, you thought death would be quiet. Something you slipped into like sleep, but your death was loud, and it left your ears ringing.
The afterlife was the weirdest place you’ve ever been, someone was calling your name, and you heard your rights being read. Although, why you would need your Miranda Rights in the afterlife you had no idea.
“Angel, please open your eyes,” someone said.
Confused, you opened your eyes and saw familiar eyes staring down at you. Golden and bleary. Spencer, Spencer was here. You tried to sit up, but he held you down, keeping a hand on your throat.
Morgan was shouting for medical, saying there was an agent down. You turned your head to see the still unidentified UnSub on the ground, shot through the temple. Using his free hand to turn your chin, “Don’t look,” Spencer whispered. “You’re okay, I’ve got you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, angel.”
If you weren’t still coming down from an adrenaline high, you might’ve smiled at the irony of the nickname. Being called ‘angel’ after having your neck cut felt like tempting fate.
Where was your dad? Of everyone here, you expected him to be here, barking orders at people.
As if summoned by your thoughts, your dad appeared, nearly hauling an EMT behind him, “Help her,” he said.
Yeah, that absolutely tracked.
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The EMT’s packed your wound and assured everyone that your carotid had not been slit, against your protests, the ambulance brought you to the hospital for stitches. Emily had run to the hotel to get your go bag, allowing you to change out of your bloodied clothes.
Thankfully, the doctors said you didn’t need to stay overnight, meaning you and the team got to go home. “How are you feeling?” Spencer asked while you were waiting to board the jet.
You hummed, pulling your sunglasses over your eyes, and leaning against a car, “Tired, but I’m alright.” Tired might have been underselling it, you felt like all of the energy had been physically drained from your body. “You worry too much,” you whispered, closing your eyes for just a moment. Your throat was a little raspy, but it should go back to normal after a couple of days.
“Your throat was cut about four hours ago, some might say I’m not worrying enough,” he responded, reaching down, and picking up your bag, carrying it over to the jet once they got the okay to board. On the jet, he gestured to the seat, “Lay down, get some rest.”
You furrowed your brows, “Isn’t it kind of frowned upon to take up a whole seat?” You asked, of course, sometimes it happened, but you didn’t want to take up too much space.
Spencer cocked his head at you, “I don’t think anyone is going to fight you on it, love.”
Taking a deep breath, you sat down on the seat, laying down and closing your eyes, falling asleep before you even left the tarmac.
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Being the Unit Chief had its perks, surely, but the piles of paperwork sometimes felt never-ending. Aaron took a deep breath before he closed the file, Rossi sat across from him, nursing a glass of whiskey.
“Hey,” Prentiss whispered, taking the seat next to him and setting her glass of water down on the small table. “Do you see that?” She said, gesturing with her head toward where you were lying down, asleep.
Right next to you was Reid, who usually had his nose buried in a book at this point in a flight, but he was wide awake, and all of his focus seemed to be on you. Begrudgingly, Hotch watched as Spencer reached over and tucked a blanket around you as if he was afraid you’d freeze on the temperature-controlled jet. “What about it?” Hotch asked, reaching over for the next file.
His eyes flicked up again, Spencer was sitting on the floor of the jet. Everyone had elected to leave the couch seats for the two of you, but the one across the aisle from you was empty. Like Reid didn’t even want you to be any more than one foot away from him.
Leaning back in the chair, Emily shook her head, “That’s what we in the business call hypervigilance.”
Hotch didn’t respond, he just spared another glance over at the two of you. “’We in the business’?” He inquired, humoring Prentiss.
“I’m just saying… the hovering? The blanket? I don’t know about you, but that looks pretty real to me,” she said, leaning back in the leather seat.
Silently, he glared, it would seem his hopes of getting the team to stop eavesdropping on familial conversations were quashed.
“Just let the kids be, Aaron,” Rossi said, grinning into his glass.
He cleared his throat and flipped open the new file before he acquiesced, “Fine, for now.”
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please reblog, like, and/or comment if you enjoyed 🩵
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sashi-ya · 8 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 12: DRY HUMPING Trafalgar Law 𝘹 F! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: @hirsheyskisses ➡ Can we get a 12 (dry humping) w trafalgar law from one piece? tw: mdni. dry humping. getting all touchy touchy at the convenience store. continuing it in the car. vag sex implied. wc: ~ 800 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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First time together… getting to know each other’s bodies. it starts slow, with a little bit of shame on each other’s cheeks. it follows certainly full of lust, of passion. And just one night is not enough. And you want more, more and more…
“Law… I want you now ~” you joke in the middle of the supermarket. You have drained him; it’s been a full weekend of sex. A new relationship with your tattooed surgeon was blooming, and you discovered the joy of getting in bed with him.
“I just fucked you, Name-ya” he whispers, a little bit cranky because of how tired he is. Law was up for buying food, but never thought you wanted more even while at the convenience store.
“Well… I want more… are you that weak?” you joke, giggling and jumping away from him. Your skirt flows from side to side, gracefully. And it also lets a little bit of your panties peek through as you bend over to pick a bento box.
Law opens a can of Redbull and chugs it violently. He then walks up to you, placing himself behind you and bending slightly over to cover you up.
“(Name)-ya… giving the fact that you are that horny, grab that thing and let’s go home” he grunts in your ear, gropping you with what you immediately recognize as his hard sex.
You stiffen up, pushing your ass against his crotch and grab whatever bento you could pick. “Right away, sir!” you chime, happy to be railed very soon -hopefully in the car if he can’t wait.
Soon after, and with him slapping your hand as you try to touch him while he pays, you are out of the convenience store.
“Get inside that car, you horny brat” he scolds you. “Oh- OH WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Are you my daddy now~?” you tease him, with your finger in your mouth as you wait for him to unlock the door.
Law takes his inked hand to his face, covering almost all his façade but his deep silver eyes. He takes some seconds to look at you, pondering whether his girlfriend has always been a nymphomaniac.
“Get inside and I will show you…” he grunts.
You watch him walk with those ragged skinny jeans, thankful for the man destiny gave you. And then, once he gets inside, you do too.
“So…?” you purr, bending forward to the drivers seat. Your hand landing on his thigh, your eyes burning holes on his lined ones.
“So what, (Name)-ya? Come here, are you that needy? Then sit on my lap and hump until you come. I am limiting myself to drive” he explains, leaving you startled. But in any case, you are sure some humps will lead him to stop the car in the middle of the street to finally fuck you. No big deal.
“A’ight. Make me some space then” you immediately answer, and he gasps… Law wasn’t expecting for you to do it… he should have known better.
He has no other choice but to let you sit on top of his lap. He is a very responsible driver; this will be hard for him. But maybe not as hard as he gets when he can feel the warmth weight of your hips pressed against him.
You let him move the car first, and as he begins to drive you begin to move. First back and forth, and then tracing circles with your hip. You don’t mind about anything, but for your clit to properly rub against his black jeans.
Law tries to hold his little grunts back, but it’s almost impossible as you seem to know exactly how to move to stimulate his hardness.
“Nhhh… (Name)-ya… fuck” he swears, using his free hand to pinch your belly. Maybe he wants you to stop, but maybe he doesn’t want you to… maybe he wants for you to go faster, or harder…
“What babe? I really like this, I really like humping on your dick!” you whine, loudly as he stops on a red light. It’s late at night, but still there are several cars around, and you don’t mind if other’s see you two.
Law squeezes your breasts, he probably is gonna get into a car accident if he keeps watching them bounce on the reflection of the slightly fogged windshield.  
“Keep going and you are gonna make me cum in my pants…” he sighs, not sure if he wants it or not.
You smirk, because you weren’t planning on stopping. Not because he was coming, not even because you are about to…
“I am coming, daddy ~” you playfully moan, feeling Law’s hip buck up almost immediately. He takes a quick look through all of the mirrors and pulls over on the side of some roads close to your home.
“Not until I fuck you hard, lift your ass come on” “Of course, daddy ~”
After all, you get what you wanted... to get fucked, rough, right there in the car 🤭
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taglist: @stephisokay @henrioo @shuzuiikoii @bullbonez @fengxinwifutobecalled @i-started-reading-fanfics-at12 @crimsonlikeshellsing @weebare808 @thestarwasborn @bookandyarndragon @cyberdazetragedy @uzxotic @fushiguroshotwife 💖🙆‍♀️
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He Hung Up (3)
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You were vaguely aware of Sam yanking you away from the window, pushing you further into the apartment. Sam stood in front of you, looking you over concerned.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Death, Murder
Word Count: 4.6k+
Note: So, this story that was meant to be a one shot, then became a 3-part thing, has now turned into 4 parts.
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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“Let’s play Monopoly!” You smiled excitedly, holding up the box in front of everyone.
Everyone groaned causing you to frown. “Babe, please, it’s been a long day,” Tara said as nice as she could.
You turned, pouting at your girlfriend, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. You knew she could never resist them for very long. You knew she was right, it had been a long day, you went over suspects, got attacked by Ghostface, took a small nap, and now it was nighttime, and everyone was still at the apartment.
“Ugh, fine,” Tara sighed. Everyone else simultaneously groaned, while you smiled wide, jumping up and down. “Only because you got injured trying to protect me.”
You nodded happily. You didn’t care why she agreed to play Monopoly, you were just happy to be playing it. Once Tara agreed, it wouldn’t be long before everyone else agreed.
“I hate Monopoly,” Ethan mumbled.
You paused in taking the lid off the box. You looked to Tara then to Ethan. “That’s exactly what Ghostface said,” you said, squinting at him.
“That’s because Monopoly sucks,” Sam interrupted, plopping herself down in the armchair.
“That’s also what Ghostface said.” You narrowed your eyes at her.
She leaned forward in her chair, glaring at you. You dropped her eyes back down to the box, quickly taking out the board and pieces, laying everything out on the coffee table. You had all the money separated, the properties organized, and all the pieces in the middle of the table for everyone to choose from.
Ethan reached out grabbing for the car piece. You quickly smacked his hand before he could touch it. You snatched up the car, bringing it close to your chest. “I’m always the car,” you said in a serious tone. “You can be the fucking thimble.” You tossed the thimble piece at Ethan who glared at you.
“I’ll be the dog,” Tara said, picking up the dog.
Sam grabbed the battleship, Chad the cannon, Anika the top had, Mindy the boot, and Quinn the iron.
“Whatever, I have econ anyway,” Ethan said. Setting the playing piece down. He shot up from the couch, threw is backpack over his shoulder and stormed out the door without another word.
“Maybe we should invite Danny over,” you said.
“Who’s Danny?” Chad asked.
You smirked lightly when you saw Sam tense at the question. You were the only one who truly knew about Sam’s secret rendezvous with him. You had walked in on them a few times making out in the lobby. For people who wanted to keep their relationship a secret they were quite terrible at it, always hooking up in public spaces where anyone could walk past and see them.
You weren’t going to tell anyone about the relationship though. You knew Sam had her reasons for wanting to keep it secret and you respected that. She would tell the others when she was ready. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t have your fun though. Seeing Sam tense up and glare at you every time she thought you were going to spill the beans was hilarious. You knew teasing Sam did you no favors and it just made her dislike you even more, but you couldn’t help it, she just made it so easy.
“Cute boy from next door,” you answered Chad.
“Yes!” Mindy shouted. “Maybe we can finally get Sam laid!”
Sam glared at Mindy. For once she looked more pissed off at someone that wasn’t you. You tried covering your laugh with a cough. You didn’t need Sam’s death glare back on you. She seemed too busy to catch your laugh though, threatening Mindy with just a glance. Mindy quickly looked anywhere else when she noticed Sam’s glare, leaning into Anika as she took a long sip of her drink.
“I certainly wouldn’t mind the eye candy,” Quinn commented. “I can see into his apartment from my room and let me tell you,” she met everyone’s gaze, smirking. You saw Sam tense slightly, but it wasn’t obvious unless you knew why. “The view does not disappoint. That boy is fine!” she said the last word through gritted teeth, adding a little growl.
You snorted. “Please,” you scoffed. “He may be hot but he’s a huge dork. He definitely wouldn’t complain about being the thimble.”
“Danny is not a dork,” Sam said quickly. Everyone turned, scrunching their brows at Sam. Her eyes widened; she didn’t look at any of her friends, instead choosing to find your gaze. You had a small smile tugging at your lips and just raised your eyebrows in question. She shook her head trying to appear nonchalant. “I mean he doesn’t seem like a dork.”
You openly burst out laughing at that. Sam went back to her usual glaring at you. You continued to ignore it, laughing so hard you fell into a coughing fit. Tara gently patted you on the back and handed you a cup of water. You took it, giving her a thankful nod. You sipped the water, calming down enough that your laugh turned into a silent chuckle.
You couldn’t believe Sam actually believed Danny wasn’t a dork. You knew love was blind but damn you didn’t think it was that blind. The man spent most of his nights ironing his t-shirts. They were freaking athletic type shirts too. That was like the one piece of clothing that never needed to be ironed and yet Danny did it, every night.
Sam had to of been into Danny for his looks at first because there was no way she fell for him by talking to him. Danny was adorable and awkward but couldn’t flirt to save his life. One of the times you had walked in on them in the lobby he was flirting with Sam, and she was giggling so maybe she just liked dorky guys, but you couldn’t help but snort when you heard his pickup line. It instantly caused Sam to glare at you. You were pretty sure the only reason she didn’t turn around and beat you with the mail in her hand was because Danny quickly grabbed it, trying to calm her down.
“I’m sure Danny would love to join,” you said, moving to pull out your phone. “I’ll text him.”
“No!” Sam said quickly. Her saying no didn’t come as a surprise to the others, they were used to hearing Sam say no. You, however, knew this no was different than all the other noes.
“Can we just get this over with?” Tara sighed. You turned to her, mouth hanging open at how she could say something so dismissive about your favorite game. “Babe, I’ve already agreed to play. What more do you want?”
You turned back to the board pouting and grumbling under your breath. You finished setting the board up and then passed out each person's money. You were going to be the banker, but Sam snatched the little plastic tray from you. You raised your hands in defense before peacefully handing her over the property cards. She may hate monopoly but clearly, she was still enough of a control freak to need to be in charge of the pretend money.
You guys had been playing for a few hours and despite their dislike for the game everyone seemed to be having a good time. Sam had ordered a pizza and barely anyone had wanted to get up from the game to go answer the door. Everyone continued to sit around the coffee table, eating pizza with one hand while rolling the dice with the other.
Everyone owned a few properties. You and Sam were the only ones who had all of certain colors and had even started to build a few houses. Tara just rolled, landing on one of your said properties with two houses on it. She pouted, batting her long lashes at you. You smiled sweetly at her; you loved those eyes. You leaned over giving her a soft kiss.
“Pay up,” you whispered against her lips.
She frowned, pushing your shoulder. You broke out into a laugh which caused her to lightly smack you in the stomach. She grumbled about how she couldn’t believe her own girlfriend was actually making her pay. You smirked as she handed you the money, her throwing a glare at you before crossing her arms and leaning back into the couch with a pout. You sat there flipping through the money, making sure it was all there. You may love her but even she didn’t get a pass when it came to Monopoly, you were ruthless to anyone who landed on your property.
After a few more hours it was down to just you, Sam, and Chad. Everyone else had gone broke and had to sell off their properties to either you or Sam but even after getting money from you guys, they quickly lost it again. It was mainly down to you and Sam; Chad was just lucky to still be in it. He had spent a lot of time in jail and owned a couple railroads, the only things keeping him afloat.
“Maybe we should call it a night,” Chad sighed, reaching up to stretch out his back. You and Sam both swung your heads, glaring at him. He stopped mid-stretch, slowly bringing his hands down. “It was just a suggestion,” he raised his hands in defense.
“You just don’t want to lose,” Sam snapped.
“You’re just trying to avoid the inevitable,” you said at the same time.
Sam may hate monopoly and may have been complaining about how long it took at the start, but she was just as competitive as you. You guys had been playing all night and the game was almost over. The idea of quitting now was unfathomable to both of you. How could either of you quit when the end was just in sight.
“It’s after midnight,” he pointed to the clock underneath the TV.
You and Sam both turned to the clock, seeing that it was in fact after midnight, it was approaching two. Anika and Mindy were cuddled up, sleeping on the couch and Quinn had retreated to her room once she lost the game. You glanced to your left and saw Tara sound asleep, curling herself as close as she could get to you. You smiled down softly at her; you hadn’t even realized she dozed off. You and Sam both turned to each other, sitting straighter and narrowing your eyes at each other.
“He makes a point,” Sam said.
“Agreed,” you said.
The two of you kept narrowing your eyes more and more at each other. You weren’t going to forfeit, and you knew Sam certainly wasn’t going to either. You two were at an impasse. You were certain the two of you could knock Chad out of the game in like twenty minutes, but you and Sam were pretty evenly matched, both had solid stacks of money still, close to the same amount of property, and for what one had in property the other made up for in houses.
“Pause until the morning?” Sam asked.
“Okay,” you said slowly.
You two watched each other for another minute before Sam gently set the dice down in the middle of the board.
“Alright,” she said loudly, clapping her hands as she stood up. “Time for bed.” Tara, Mindy, and Anika all jumped awake. “I’ll grab the spare blankets and pillows.”
“We don’t have to stay,” Chad said.
“Yes, you do.” Sam came back into the room with a few pillows and blankets. “It’s late and there’s a psycho after us, again. I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“Ready for bed?” you whispered to Tara who had sat up but was currently resting her head on your shoulder, wrapping her arm around yours in an iron grip.
She mumbled sleepily and you stood up slowly, bringing her with you. She stumbled on her feet for a second, choosing to keep her eyes closed so she didn’t fully wake herself up. You moved around the table, gently pulling Tara with you, making sure she didn’t bump into anything.
“Hey, wait,” Anika called out, just as you and Tara were about to pass through the kitchen to her room.
You turned, seeing Anika unmute the TV. It was another news broadcast. Your breath caught thinking there might have been another murder, but you were relieved because everyone you cared about was currently safe in the apartment with you. The reporter started speaking, though it wasn’t about another murder, that should’ve made you happy, no one else was dead yet. It didn’t, however, the reporter might not have been talking about a new murder, but he was going on about how Sam was the top suspect.
You didn’t know where the hell those guys got their info from. Sam didn’t do anything wrong. She wasn’t behind the Woodsboro murders last year and she wasn’t behind the current one’s going on. There was absolutely no evidence pointing Sam to any of the murders, she was the victim. People just couldn’t get over the fact that her dad was a serial killer. You didn’t see why that was such a focal point, plenty of serial killers had kids and most of those kids didn’t turn out to be psychos like their parent.
You felt Tara push off from your side. It seemed that the news report had made her wide awake. She moved to the dining room table where Sam sat. You turned away, choosing to pretend to watch the news, you didn’t want to impose on their sister moment. Chad and Mindy quickly joined the sisters, comforting Sam. You smiled softly to yourself at hearing Chad deem them the core four again and say how they were a family.
Sam took the opportunity to mention her hook ups with Danny. The other three cheered and high fived. You had told Sam she wasn’t very subtle; she hadn’t believed you. Turns out you had been right since everyone had suspected them. You took that as your opportunity to slide into the chair next to Tara and join.
“I told you so,” you said, smirking at Sam.
She rolled her eyes, glaring at you before flipping you off. Her reaction only made you laugh more.
“You knew!” Tara screeched, slapping your arm. You yelped in pain. She had managed to smack right where the cut on your arm was. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry.”
“I think I need a kiss,” you said, looking at her with sad eyes. “You know, for the pain.”
She rolled up your t-shirt sleeve, placing a delicate kiss just above the bandage. She then looked up at you, leaning in and giving your lips just as soft of a kiss.
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly.
You could hear the worry in her voice. You knew she didn’t mean to hit the cut. You all had been having so much fun playing Monopoly then picking on Sam. It was kind of easy to forget you had just been attacked. If it wasn’t for the fact that your bicep burned every time you moved it, then you were sure you would have forgotten about the cut as well.
“All better,” you whispered back to her. Placing another quick kiss on her lips.
You swung your injured arm around her back and pulled her into your side. She instantly laid her head on your shoulder. “I can’t believe you knew,” she said again.
“Please, they were so obvious,” you said. Sam threw her hands in the air, leaning her head back as she let out a long groan. “I caught them in the lobby so many times. I’m surprised none of you ever saw them.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Tara looked up at you with that adorable pout she used when she specifically wanted to make you feel guilty about something. “I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other?”
“Wasn’t my secret to tell love.” You smirked down at her, she just rolled her eyes, moving her gaze back to her sister and friends.
Sam’s phone started ringing with Danny’s picture popping up. Tara quickly leaned out of your grasp, snatching the phone from Sam’s hands. She held Sam back with one arm while she used the other to bring the phone to her ear, pretending to talk to Danny.
Sam eventually got the phone back from Tara, choosing to ignore Danny, saying she’d call him back. You knew that was a smart decision for her because if she had answered she would be throwing Danny to the wolves with all of you around. There was no way you or any of the others wouldn’t have ripped that phone back out of her hands and given Danny shit for all the sneaking around.
A few seconds later after everyone’s laughter had died down, everyone’s phone went off at the same time. You turned back seeing Anika reaching for her phone on the coffee table, she had also gotten a text. You all opened the message at the same time, seeing a picture of Ghostface in Quinn’s room, holding her against himself as he was about to bring a knife down into her stomach.
Everyone shot to their feet at the same time. Tara ran towards the bedroom door. You were quick to yank her back by the arm before she could reach the handle, pushing her behind you, towards Chad. Everyone stood frozen, hearing Quinn’s scream and stuff crashing around before everything went silent.
“Run,” Mindy whispered.
The door to Quinn’s room flung open. Quinn’s body came flying out, crashing into Anika, knocking her to the ground. You saw Chad keep hold of Tara’s arm, dragging her out of the apartment with him.
You were about to follow after them when Ghostface jumped in your path, sliding into the door so it slammed shut. He stood between you and the door, swiping his knife at you. You jumped back dodging each of the swipes.
Sam ran into the kitchen, searching for a knife or weapon of some kind. Ghostface moved to follow but you charged at him. He pushed you back with one arm while the other came around, trying to stab you in the side. You turned to the side, the knife just missing you.
Ghostface stomped forward, grabbing Mindy by the shoulder the plunging the knife into her side. Anika, still on the floor, grabbed Ghostface’s ankles, trying to trip him up and get him to release Mindy. Ghostface crashed to the floor. You took the opportunity and pulled Mindy behind you. Ghostface turned crawling on top of Anika before stabbing her in her side, choking her with his other hand as he did so.
You grabbed him by the cloak, intending to yank him off of her. When he got to his feet again, he spun around, swinging his knife. You barely dodged it again, somehow managing to keep a grip on his shoulder as well. He pushed you back until your back was against the wall. You each had a grip on each other’s shoulders, you trying to keep him as far away from you as possible, while he tried to use his grip to pull himself closer.
He gripped his knife tightly, bringing it up, aiming for your chest this time. You used your other hands to catch his arm with the knife as it started to come down.
“Sam!” you shouted.
“All the knives are gone!” she yelled back.
“Sam!” your grip slipped, the knife coming closer to your chest before you tightened your grip again. “Sam!”
Sam didn’t answer you; she ran out of the kitchen with the wooden block that usually held all the knives, smashing it into Ghostface’s head. You pushed him off you while he was disoriented.
Sam grabbed Mindy while you got Anika and ran through the apartment into Quinn’s room. As quickly and gently as you could you sat Anika on the bed. Sam pushed Mindy towards the bed before turning and locking the bedroom door just as Ghostface appeared, banging on the door.
“Bathroom,” Sam whispered, nodding to you as she moved a desk in front of the door. You ran towards the bathroom, nearly tripping on the mess of clothes and blood on the floor. You passed through the bathroom, seeing one of Quinn’s hookups lying in his own pool of blood in the tub. You got to the door, the same time as Ghostface did. You tried slamming the door on his foot, but he slammed his body into the door, pushing his way through.
You quickly abandoned the door, running back to the bedroom to get that door. You turned to close the door, with Ghostface right behind you. You almost had it, but Ghostface got his arm through, slashing blindly at you. Sam quickly joined you, helping you hold the door until Ghostface yanked his arm back. With the door firmly shut you and Sam moved the dresser in front of it.
“Hey,” you nodded towards the window where you could see Danny waving his arms from his apartment.
Sam ran across the room, opening the window. “I don’t know what to do!” she shouted at him.
“I got you,” you heard him yell back.
“Are you serious?” you heard Sam ask before seeing part of a ladder come through the window.
“Oh, you got to be fucking kidding me,” you mumbled. “Is he serious?” Sam shrugged. Ghostface slammed into the door, causing the dresser to move. You braced yourself against the dresser, trying to get better footing to hold it in place. “Go!” you waved her to go out the window.
Sam looked back at you hesitantly then Mindy and Anika.
“Go,” Mindy said. She was holding a hand to her own wound while also trying to comfort her girlfriend. “We’ll be right behind you.”
Sam nodded, eventually making her way out the window and across the ladder. You heard her shout for the next person.
“Go,” Mindy said, nodding at you.
“Like hell,” you said, struggling against the dresser as Ghostface remained relentless. “I got this,” you nodded back at the door. “Go.” You did not think you actually had it, but you needed Mindy to get across the ladder.
Mindy sighed, giving Anika one final kiss before she made her way across the ladder. You closed your eyes, focusing on using all your strength to hold the dresser against the door. You didn’t open your eyes again until you heard Sam call for who was next.
“Anika, go,” you said.
“I can’t,” she cried, shaking her head.
“You have to. Please, I need to hold the door.”
“Anika, please,” you tried pleading with her.
“Y/N just go, I’ll be right behind you.”
“Y/N, go.”
Anika stumbled over towards you, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the door and towards the window. The two of you stood at the window, seeing the others safely on the other side in Danny’s apartment. You leaned your head out the window, looking down at the ground, it was one hell of a drop. You were seriously hating the fact that Sam chose an apartment on the top floor. Tara had told you Sam had only searched for apartments on top floors, she had said it would make them safer, she had also only looked at buildings with stairs. You understood it, you truly did, but also damn her paranoia.
“Go,” Anika cried again.
“Come on!” Sam shouted. “You got to move.”
“Anika,” you tried again.
“Go!” she shouted, for the first time since you met her, you could hear anger in her voice. “Please, go. I’ll be right behind you,” she assured you again, her voice back to being soft.
You reluctantly nodded, climbing out of the window and onto the ladder. You were never one to be afraid of heights but something about climbing from one apartment to another across an unstable ladder at least twenty feet in the air while a psycho tried to kill you was absolutely terrifying. You stared straight ahead, focusing on Sam and the safety of Danny’s apartment. Your breath caught in your throat with every shift of the ladder underneath you. Before you knew it, you were at the other side and Danny was pulling you through the window.
You instantly joined Sam and Mindy at the window, calling Anika over. It took a lot of coaxing, but Anika finally got on the ladder, slowly making her way over to you guys. She was in the middle of the ladder when your eyes widened at the sight behind her. Ghostface had gotten into the room and now he stood at the window, he impaled his knife in the windowsill before grabbing the ladder.
“Wha-what?” Anika whimpered.
All of you started shouting at her to hurry, encouraging her as best as you could while trying not to panic her even more than she already was. Anika glanced behind her, catching the sight of Ghostface, she began sobbing, shaking her head that she couldn’t do it. Mindy kept encouraging her, telling her she would be fine, and they were all right there waiting for her. She slowly started moving again when Ghostface lifted the ladder, shaking and rattling it, doing everything in his strength to get her to fall.
Anika was almost there. You and Sam both had your arms stretched out, trying to grab hold of her. Her fingers kept grazing against Sam’s, but Sam couldn’t get a good grip on her. With one final toss Anika went over the side of the ladder.
You reached out, stretching half your body out of the window but you managed to grab her, gripping onto her forearm. You held onto the windowsill with your other hand, trying to keep yourself steady as you held her up. Your arm was burning, you could feel your stitches ripping at the strain being put on your arm. Mindy and Danny held onto you trying to make sure you didn’t go out the window as well. Sam leaned over, trying to reach for Anika to help pull her in.
Anika’s grip slipped, her hand sliding down your arm before latching onto your hand. You groaned, gritting your teeth. You caught the slight sight of blood dripping down your arm out of the side of your eye from where your stitches had certainly fully come out.
“I got you,” you said through gritted teeth, looking Anika in the eye. “I got you.”
Her hands were so slick from her own blood, she started to slip out of your grasp again. You tightened your grip as best as you could. It wasn’t any use, her hand slipped, and you were only holding her by your fingertips. You saw her eyes widen with fear at the realization of what was about to happen. Your fingers gave out and you watched as she fell.
You saw her mouth open; you didn’t hear her scream though. You weren’t sure if you screamed. Everything was so quiet. Your eyes never left her. Your eyes never left her body as she smacked into a dumpster then fell onto the pavement.            
You were vaguely aware of Sam yanking you away from the window, pushing you further into the apartment. Sam stood in front of you, looking you over concerned. Her mouth was moving but you didn’t hear any of the words she was saying. You let Anika fall. Anika was dead. You had her in your grasp and you weren’t strong enough. She literally slipped through your fingers. It was all your fault.
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nochukoo97 · 6 months
new beginnings
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pairing: ceo!jungkook x figureskater!oc
warnings/summary: oc takes up a new job as a cashier, and she gets a CAT, jk is a little grumpy but he gets better, he’s also annoying by calling oc’s cat a cottonbud LOL, he calls her sweetheart, and oc has a little crushy crush on this hot neighbour, they bump into each other three times, basically they’re destined to meet each other even when they barely know each other
word count: 2.4k+ / TAGLIST OPEN
series masterlist!
“Goddamn, how many pieces of clothing do you own?” Yeji grunts as she helps to pull along two of your suitcases into her apartment’s lift.
“It’s all costumes for my competitions, my coach keeps insisting to keep them in case we need it in the future,” You internally sigh at the thought of your coach, she wasn’t bad by all means, but she constantly pushed you to your limits with countless competitions she enrolled you in. But after all, you didn’t come to Seoul and join the national team expecting a smooth and comfortable journey.
“Anyways, you’ve gotta tap the card right here,” She explains the whole crazy security system here, then passes you the access card to the apartment. One week ago you would’ve probably not expected to be in this situation, now moving in with your best friend, as well as her boyfriend who has begun to sleepover at her place more often than necessary. But right now if it meant that less money would fall out of your bank account, putting up with whatever third-wheeling you were about to go through would make it all worth it.
You pull your other two suitcases into the lift, noticing a man shuffling into the corner to make space for the two of you and your four huge suitcases. The lift door closes and there’s this deafening silence that fills the lift, with the way Yeji widens her eyes at you but says nothing, you assume it might be about the latter standing in the corner of the lift.
“What kind of signals were you trying to send me in there?” You whine when the lift door finally closes, as Yeji abandons the now-rolling-away suitcases to grab onto your hands.
“It’s rolling!” You exclaim, as she jumps slightly, your voice raising a little louder than usual in panic.
“Sorry-sorry, anyways, he’s the guy I told you about! Maybe I can set you up with him,” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, giving you the same taunting look she did when she had proposed moving into her apartment.
“No! I don’t even know that man, anyways with those looks he might already be taken,” You brush your best friend off, anyways, you didn’t want a relationship right? When Yeji had told you about the hot guy in her apartment, you had immediately brushed the idea of being set up off, since that’s exactly how you met your ex, and it definitely did not end on a good note.
“Oh, so you’re attracted to him?” She jogs in front of you to look you in the eye, seemingly much more excited at her sudden discovery than you.
“What? No I didn’t say that? I just- whatever! Open the door!”
She only smirks at your stuttering, but complies as she opens the front door to her unit, and you’re greeted with a familiar sight that you now need to get used to calling home.
People had always praised you for being dainty and sweet, always dressed up in elegant costumes during your competitions, your moves on ice had always charmed the audience with how smooth you twirled and jumped.
You would like to say that they might change their minds when they spot you in this current situation: no makeup on, eyebags peeking through, in a neon green vest as you stare at the rows of cigarettes behind the cashier.
The younger you would have never expected to end up working part time in this convenience store, but here you are.
But somehow it didn’t seem too bad, you were the only worker here, besides a sweet lady who comes and sweeps the floor every evening, and the best part: you got to control the music.
To be honest, you may have been enjoying yourself a little too much with the way you hum to the music as you drink the complimentary-one-a-day coffee your manager had given you.
“One pack of menthol,” Your sudden peace is abruptly disrupted as you whip your head around, jumping slightly as you hear the voice sound from behind you.
Oh. It’s the same man from the lift, this time he’s wearing another suit in a different colour, but this time he seems much more drained than before.
“I said-” He repeats himself again, noticing your spaced out look as you stare straight at him.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry sorry, it’s been a long day,” You quickly gather yourself, mentally cursing yourself for checking out the man in front of you so shamelessly, but he only scoffs at your little mistake.
He’s either a total dickhead or is just having a bad day. Hopefully its the latter since as much as you hate to admit it, maybe he perhaps has caught your attention.
But the same man quickly walks out of the store the moment you return his black credit card, as you’re now once alone in the store, gathering your things to finally end your shift.
It’s only a few days later where you meet your next crisis, or rather a blessing in disguise.
An innocent trip to the local fair turned into you signing adoption papers for this fluffy little furball that you absolutely could not leave. To be fair, you were mainly there to find some cute accessories to buy, but the newly put up adoption booth had caught your eye.
The moment your eyes had met the beady little eyes of the small white cat, you couldn’t say no. Even if it meant paying thrice your income from working at the convenience store, anything would be worth this cat.
But then again, your heart sank further once the lady at the counter had told you the animals put up were free to adopt, or else they would be euthanised the following day. It almost made you attempt to calculate just how much it would cost to take care of all the animals here, but in the end you had settled to just bring the cat home.
“Yeji, hypothetically how mad would you be on a scale of 1 to 10 if I brought a cat home?” You press your phone in between your shoulder and cheek as you wrap the little cat in its blanket, snuggling the animal close to your chest in hopes to provide it more warmth.
“You’re kidding me right now,” You hear her sigh at the other end, “What makes you think we can raise a cat? Let alone you working night shifts and being out at training in the day?”
She wasn’t wrong, but you’re pretty sure it’ll all be okay.
“Trust me, the lady managing the adoption booth told me cats are way more independent, we can get her an automatic feeder and I’ll need to get a litter box too, and maybe some toys and treats on the side too…”
She sighs again, “And that’ll cost a gajillion dollars, where are you going to get that from?”
“I’ll find a way, trust me,”
Truth to be told, the package deal you had got for litter and food was a little more pricey than you had anticipated, but you were confident that it would save you money in the future anyways.
Cloud, the newly named cat, of which you spent many hours deciding on a name for her, was easier to handle than expected, she often played with the little gadget toy Yeji had got her, and learnt how to use her litterbox in a day, which made you come to a conclusion that you had raised a genius.
But yet your oh-so-smart furkid may also be a little too intelligent, the absence of a certain cat in the apartment has now caused your anxiety and hysteria.
“How did she manage to escape with us not noticing again! The last time I saw her crawl through your legs but this time I swear she disappeared into thin air!” You’re on the verge of tears as you tell Yeji, who only rubs her palm up and down your back as a offering of comfort.
“But you’ve got her tagged up, your number and her name is attached to her collar, I’m sure anyone who finds her will definitely call you immediately,” She tells you, watching as you now begin to hiccup, tears forming and rolling down your cheeks.
“What if she got run down by a car? Or some psychopath who hates cats found her? Oh my poor baby, she must be missing me already,” There’s a million different scenarios that play through your head, all leading to Cloud ending up in nowhere else but cat heaven.
“She’ll be fine, calm down, my friend’s cat often runs out of the house but the cat always returns every few days, some of them prefer to go out and explore, perhaps Cloud is the same,”
You can only sigh and hope for the best.
unknown number: hey
unknown number: did you lose a cat?
You gasp to yourself when your eyes scan the new text that had appeared on your screen, someone had found her.
you: YES
you: i promise ill pay anything for you not to do anything
Your heart beats frantically in your chest watching the three dots appear and disappear over and over again. There was no way a psychopath had truly found Cloud and already decided to perform whatever possible traumatic procedure on her right?
unknown number: why would i do anything to it??
unknown number: in fact your cat is the one who had run into my apartment and marked her territory all over.
Oh. That was the last thing you had expected.
you: do you have a litter box in your house?
The three dots taunt you as they appear once and pause for a good minute, as if whoever is on the other side is pondering hard to answer your simple question.
unknown number: what kind of question is that??
unknown number: i dont own a cat, why tf would i own a litter box??
You frown at the reply, you were grateful he didn’t do anything to Cloud, but a simple no would be great.
you: just send me your address!!
you: i need to see if she’s alright, she probably is crying for me right now
unknown number: it’s sleeping peacefully under my bed right now, i dont think its upset at all.
unknown number: here’s the address: xxx
You sigh in relief when you realise it’s the unit above your apartment, which meant she couldn’t have gone too far.
you: first of all, you never know if she’s crying in her heart
you: second of all, stop calling Cloud an it!!! she has a name and she is a girl
you: third of all, im coming upstairs im in the same apartment complex
You roll your eyes when a reply comes in faster than it did before, mostly because it’s an insult to your cat:
unknown number: who names a cat cloud?? she looks more like a cotton bud, hurry and get her.
When you reach the floor above you, you’re met with a black door, no doorbell in sight. So you simply knock, sure that it had been the person that found Cloud since it was the only unit on the floor.
What you didn’t expect is to be met with the same man you saw whilst working at the convenience store. Instead he’s in a loose shirt and some shorts, hair not styled as a few pieces of bangs fall over his eyes. His presence daunts you a little, considering how darkly lit his place was, and how he towered over you.
“Oh? So we meet again,” He seems to recognise you as he steps aside, watching as you take off your bedroom slippers, which you now curse at yourself for wearing since it was pink and fluffy.
You think you hear a little laugh when he spots your slippers but you choose to believe he didn’t anyways.
“Where is my baby?” You step in now, taking in the view of his place. It’s a little larger than Yeji’s apartment, and the interior seems… lacking some colour. It’s mostly black and grey furniture, with hints of marble and some white chairs here and there, but it’s a total opposite of your apartment.
“Don’t think she cares enough to be your baby, but your baby pissed all over my balenciaga shoes and my dumbbells,” He deadpans, nodding his head to show you the dark pair of shoes that now hang at the window, you assume to dry them out.
“Your what shoes?!” You almost turn pale at the mention of the designer brand, there’s no way he might ask you to get him a new pair right?
“Forget about that, go and get Cottonbud out of my room,” He walks into the hallway, looking back once to check if you follow him.
“What did you just call her?!” You yell at him from behind as he enters a room, a bed coming into sight and a much too familiar tail that sticks out from under the bed.
“Cloud!” You’re far too busy attempting to reunite with your cat to bother hearing another reply from the man, but the moment you come closer to the swaying tail, Cloud dashes away from your grasp and hides at the very deep end from under the bed.
“Looks like someone isn’t too keen on seeing you,”
You whip around, a frown on your face as you are met with the man who smirks, almost taunting you.
“Shut up,”
“What’re you gonna do now then? The cat’s gone further under the bed, I can’t reach there either,” He has his hands on his hips, standing and waiting for your reply.
His gaze and posture makes you feel small, and not having a single clue what to do fuels this feeling in you. And perhaps add some butterflies in too and it’ll perfectly describe how you are feeling.
“I- I don’t know! I’ve never had to deal with this situation before!” You’re pacing up and down, glancing at the bed, hoping Cloud would magically pop out and leap into your arms so you can run home away from this man.
“Well I’ve got all day sweetheart, you can slowly find a way to get Cottonbud out of my house,”
“Her name is not Cottonbud!”
TAGLIST: @skzthinker @cherrysainttt @vminkookgf @lilaissa @jjeonjjk7 @armystay89 @canyon-lwt @junecat18
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Confessions | Honkai Star Rail
So i've been super into hsr recently and I thought I'd get back to doing longer hcs because those are always fun! This time I left out Welt and Sampo and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol ✧ Includes: Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade ✧ Extra: Something a little weird has happened to my Blade lol, he's just a confused man who really likes the reader. It may be ooc- i have no clue
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Dan Heng
For Dan Heng, he doesn’t know how long he’s liked you. He just realized it one day when you said something- a compliment towards him- and he just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Dan Heng’s not the most outward person, so wanting to confess wasn’t something easy for him. He actually needed to prepare, give himself a pep talk and all. His method is invite you to his room and then just tell you- no beating around the bush.
You’re shocked to say the least- I mean it’s DAN HENG. He liked you?! HE CONFESSED?! You sat there for a good minute just staring at him. He looked calm but kinda started panicking on the inside.
“I-I like you too!” You say before he can speak. You were so loud, he jumped a little. Safe to say, he’s extremely happy you accepted because then it would’ve been awkward afterwards.
“Oh good… good.”
Gepard Landau
Everyone knows Gepard likes you before himself. He can say it’s just been a few months but others know it’s been like a year. It’s just the way he acts and stuff.
Gepard has a VERY hard time confessing. He’ll keep trying to do it, but then backs out at the last minute. He’ll keep saying he wants to talk to you about something important then just doesn’t tell you. Finally, one day… it slips out. You two are alone and he barely realizes it until he sees your face.
You’re happy but also shocked. The guy you’ve liked for like ever finally likes you back! Do you go through the statue phase of freezing up and staring? Yes. Did he start panicking because of it? Yes. Your reaction right after was to throw yourself at him and give him a tight hug.
He doesn’t say anything right then and just hugs you back. You not running away, horrified, probably meant you felt the same. That made him happy- so happy he didn’t even know what to do.
“Thank you… for not running away- oh and liking me back.”
Jing Yuan
His feelings had been around for a few months now, he knew pretty much instantly when he was attracted to you. It didn’t take him long to figure out he was in love with you either. It was obvious, his heart pounded when you were around, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he was always worried you’d find someone else.
Jing Yuan confesses fancy style. He’ll invite you out to like dinner or something or maybe just to take a late night walk with him. As you’re walking, he’ll coyly bring up the topic of dating and whatnot. You two chat for a bit, then he just admits it. He makes sure to add the “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, I won’t be upset.”
Of course, you do feel the same way! Your eyes widen and you gasp as the reality sets in. The General of the Cloud Knights liked YOU! It took a moment to just process his words, and Jing Yuan stood there patiently, giving you time to think. If you were going to say no, that’s fine, he just needed a clear answer. You found it hard to speak but forced the words out, “I-I feel the same.”
Jing Yuan’s over the moon with this newfound knowledge. He’s so happy, he could shout it out from over the rooftops. Honestly! All he can do is give you a tight hug, not wanting to do anything else if you weren’t ready for it- say a kiss.
“I’m glad. We should go on a date then- a proper one.”
Luocha is very good at keeping his feelings to himself. At first, he thought it was just a little crush and it would pass. But it didn’t. It just… kept developing. He tried to manage it, feeling that maybe a relationship right now wasn’t the best option for him. But when his heart would start pounding every time you smiled at him, or his mind went back to you and what you might’ve been doing when you two were apart told me he… maybe didn’t wanna wait.
Luocha’s confession wasn’t exactly grand. I mean, what was there to be super grand about? Especially if you were going to reject him. So he just took you out on a little walk and slyly brought up the topic of relationships. Once you mentioned you didn’t mind being in one, he just said, “will you be in one with me?”
You kinda froze. Deer in headlights situation. You needed a moment to process what he’d just said. He… wanted to date you? WELL GOOD! YOU WANTED TO DATE HIM! You happily nodded, a big giant smile spreading on your face.
There was this emotion he felt when you said you liked him too. Pure, unadulterated happiness. He felt so good about himself, about life, about everything. That emotion spoke volumes and all he could do was hug you. Tightly. 
"I'm glad... because I was really, really nervous you'd say no."
Ok… hear me out. Blade knows he likes you… when he doesn’t hate you. When you ask him for a favor and he says yes. When you hug him and he doesn’t strangle you- honestly, it wasn’t hard for him to know. Kafka teases him and he just ignores her.
Blade… doesn’t know how to confess. He’s not crazy about relationships or… people. So his entire confession was just confusing. You followed absolutely nothing except: “I like you.” You thought he was just admitting he didn’t hate you. That was good news! But you didn’t realize how good it was. “That’s great! I like you too!” You replied to which he crossed his arms, nodded, and said… “we’re dating now.”
Mhm. Yeah. That’s how smooth he is :’) you- you poor soul- didn’t know what he meant at first. So you were beyond shocked when he said what he did. Blade- BLADE- liked you- Y O U- romantically? You liked him too but you never ever expected this. Not in a million years.
You could only manage a dazed nod for a few seconds before a giant smile spread on your face and you practically threw yourself at him. Blade’s usual reaction would be to shove the person away but this was his special person. So… he hugged back.
“That was… rude, I think? Will you go on a date with me?”
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fizziepopangel · 2 months
A Surprise For You, My Dear
* Author’s note: In this story, I’m going to interpret Alastor’s asexuality and aromanticism as more fluid than it seems to be canonically. Also, this is my first fanfic so please keep that in mind if it's shit... That being said, I hope you enjoy!
P.s. If you enjoy this fic, you can always request more with the Fic Request Form
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Alastor. The radio demon. Everyone knew the radio demon, and though he had been gone for quite a while, most still feared him upon his return, but not me. Because he was different from me. Softer, kinder, more genuine. It wasn’t a relationship, at least I didn’t think it was, but I still enjoyed my time with Alastor; the dancing, the laughter we both shared, every moment left me in awe of the man that had come to be feared by so many.
“You gonna answer me or not?” Husk snapped, pulling me from my thoughts. 
I tried to cover my embarrassment that struck me when I realized that I hadn’t been listening to the old bartender at all despite having been the one that came and started conversing with the man. I sat up a little straighter and looked over at the bar cat. “Sorry, I… my mind was somewhere else. What did you say?”
Husk rolled his eyes. “I’m goin’ out with Angel tonight but that damn pig of his is sick. I think the little shit got into my whiskey when Angel brought him down here last night. Angel wants to know if you’ll watch him.” He takes a long sip of whiskey in his glass. “So you up for it?”
Although I loved Fat Nuggets and would usually jump at the chance to spend time with the sweet little pig, I shook my head. “Sorry, I have plans with Alastor.” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “Al said he has a surprise for me tonight…”
“Right.” Husk gives me an unimpressed look that seems to say something along the lines of fuck you without outright saying fuck you. “Your boyfriend and your date night.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I say awkwardly. “I mean.. I don’t think so…I mean, I… I just… I like him but its, it’s…” I sigh deeply, a heat rising in my cheeks. “Shut up, Husk.”
 “Whatever.” Husk says in his usual empty sarcastic tone. “Guess Angel and me’ll just stay in with the pig tonight…” I watch as he turns, grabbing a glass and beginning to polish it with a rag that ironically  didn’t all that clean.
“Oh… sorry, Husk…” I mumble awkwardly, suddenly feeling a bit like a dick for essentially denying the couple a night out. I knew they both deserved it but I just couldn’t bring myself to say that I would cancel on Alastor when he made the night out seem so special. “I…” I trail off for a moment, feeling the other demon’s judging eyes despite his back still being turned to me as he continues to polish glasses on the shelf behind the bar. “I’m gonna go get ready to meet Alastor. I’ll see you later, and maybe I can take Fat Nuggets another time?”
I receive a grunt in reply, but as I get off my barstool, I hear the old demon grumble under his breath…. A simple warning. “Just… Be careful around Alastor, kid…. You been having a rough enough time without his bullshit” He says, not even sparing me a glance as the words left his lips. I promise him I will, knowing that he’s only looking out for me… Husk always told me that, or at least something along those lines…. But this time felt different; this time it sent a spear of anxiety through my chest and made my mind wander to what everyone in hell knew about Alastor versus the Alastor that I knew. The Alastor that I loved despite knowing he probably didn’t and would never feel the same about me… when I really thought about it, I did wonder why the man had taken such a liking to me. I wasn't indebted to him, I had no real power in hell or the hotel, and even I knew that no matter what version of Alastor was on display, he didn't keep people around without a reason. 
My thoughts continued to wander from one shitty thought to the next as I went up to my room to change for our little hang out. I was so lost in the whirlwind of thoughts when a knock at the door jolted me from where I sat in my room.
“Darling,” Alastor’s cheery, sing song voice. “Are you ready to go?”
Despite the fact that I had just been questioning my entire purpose in his life and why my companionship was so valued by him, I practically tripped over my own two feet trying to get to the door. “Al!” I beam the second I see him. “I thought we were supposed to meet up? What are you doing here?”
Sporting his signature smile, the usually detached demon waltzed into my room, grabbing me and spinning me around. “I thought we could make our way to our outing together, hmm?” He says as I giggle. “What do you say, my dear? May I escort you to the roof for your surprise?” Alastor’s smile faded into a warmer grin as he held out his hand in invitation, waiting for me to take it.
When I took his hand and let him lead me through the halls of the hotel toward the roof, it felt as if all at once the anxieties that had been gnawing away at my gut just melted away ... it was like butterflies just swarmed my insides.
“What is this big surprise, Al?" I giggle as he whisks me up to the roof, stopping just outside the door. 
“Now, I know that you've had a rough week, and that you've been absolutely dying to see that new horror film…” He said giddily. “And I've set something up that I think you'll enjoy very much.”
A frown crossed my face for a moment. I had mentioned wanting to see the horror movie that came out last weekend, and I had been pretty having a shitty week, but I wasn’t sure where Alastor was going with this surprise since he wouldn’t dare touch a tv that would stream the movie. “Yeah…?” I laugh lightly as we stand in front of the door. “What, did you find someone to go to the movies with or something?”
“Not quite.” I can actually heat the excitement in his voice as he opens the door and pulls me through it. “What do you think?”
“Alastor…” I breathe, looking around at the rooftop. There’s twinkle lights strung up all over and blankets and pillows and wine sitting and a basket of my favorite snacks all sitting beside a projector pointed at the wall beside the door. “This is…”
“Oh, but wait, there’s more!” Alastor said, his shadow hitting play on the projector. The beginning sequence of the movie I had been dying to see popping up.
My eyes lit up and despite myself, I launched myself into the radio demon’s arms, eliciting a small ‘oof’ from the man before I felt his arms snake around me. “Alastor, this is amazing! I love it!” I looked up at the man who everyone around me seemed so terrified of, the man my friends warned me to be careful around. “Did you really do this for me?”
“Why of course!” The man smiled down at me, pulling me a bit closer than he usually did before his head dipped just a bit lower and I felt him place a soft kiss on my forehead. “I would do anything to make you happy, my sweet little radio wave.” 
My heart stopped for just a moment before it began racing, hammering against my ribcage as the butterflies in my stomach went wild. “Al…” Before I could stop myself, I found my lips connecting with his and despite his usual aversion to touch and romance and anything that could even possibly lead to sex, he pulled me a bit closer. 
When he didn't pull away, it felt like electricity crackling in my veins. I felt like every star in the sky aligned perfectly as he held me. It felt perfect, it felt right. 
Radio static cracked in the air around us and Alastor’s face was just a light shade of red, no doubt mirroring my own embarrassment at what I had just done.
“Well then, “ Alastor cleared his throat, the static seeming to fade a bit as he straightened his jacket and held his hand out to me. "Shall we sit down and watch the movie?” I take his hand and nod wordlessly, afraid that I would ruin what was certainly a perfect moment if I uttered even a word or asked him to define our relationship.
Alastor showed me to my seat on the blanketed area he had set up, I immediately sank into the soft pillows and blankets, and smiled as he sat down beside me. The movie began to play and as the opening credits began to roll, I knew I should at least thank him for all of this since I knew it was a show of care he reserved for only those he loved on some level, but before I could form a coherent sentence, I felt it… His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to his own body.
“I don’t think I could’ve made this anymore perfect if I tried, Al.” I sigh softly, resting my head against his chest and listening to the quiet, steady crackle of radio static that always seemed to emit from the demon. Although he set this movie night up for me, I’m not even watching the movie, but rather, just trying to soak up this moment before it slips away. “Thank you.”
Alastor chuckles, his hand gently coming to rest on my chin. My breath caught in my throat as he leaned in, our lips hovering just apart from one anothers. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, my dear.” The static completely stops and his whisper tickles my lips as he catches them in another soft kiss.
The week had been shitty, but this… This was perfect.
Alastor Tag list : @writersonicfan91
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 months
Could I request Gojo's reaction to his s/o, who has the ability to perceive the future, getting harassed because her client's not happy about their future?
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Satoru hummed a happy little tune as he walked down the busy streets of Tokyo to go see his wife.
He had been blessed with an unusual day off after a quick meeting with the ‘old men’; probably because they were so annoyed with him that they just wanted him to go away. Still, it was a rare treat. So he thought he would surprise his wife by taking her to lunch. She could afford to close the shop for a day.
The sorcerer giggled a little as he wondered if she knew he was coming. With her innate ability to see and predict the future, it was hard to pull surprises on her. But he always tried. Taking the challenge on at every turn to keep his wife guessing and marriage spicy.
“That’s not right! You’re a liar!!”
Satoru’s eyebrows jutted up over his sunglasses, hearing the yelling once he had come in the door. He walked in further to the shop towards the back, where [Y/N] would hold private readings, and saw a woman who had clearly just jumped up from the table and was pointing at [Y/N].
“I’m sorry,” she apologized to the angry looking woman, “but that’s what I see.”
“No! That’s not true! He promised he would leave his wife and be with me! That has to be what my future will be next year!”
“I mean….there’s a possibility that the prediction could change. The future isn’t set in stone but-“No buts! I want my money back!”
“I can’t give you your money back just because you don’t like your prediction. This is a business. If you wanted someone to just agree with you, then you should have just called a friend.”
“They told me to come here! I see now that they just wanted me to get cheated too! You’re nothing but a liar and a con artist! I know my future and it’s to be with him, and you’re just making this up because you’re alone & jealous!”
“If you knew your future, then why did you even come here? Clearly there’s some underlying trust issues if you asked your friends, I assume family, and now a premonitions expert. This is just free advice at this point but maybe this relationship isn’t what you want for you’re future.”
The woman went full red at this point and raised her hand to presumably strike [Y/N]. She never got the chance though as Satoru grabbed her forearm to stop it just as soon as it was raised. “Now, now. Let’s have none of that.”
The woman looked startled and jerked out of his grasp and away from him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Just a concerned customer.” He replied with a cheeky grin, which he could see that [Y/N] did not appreciate out of the corner of her eye. “And also, her husband.”
The woman’s face went from shocked, to a mixture of crushed, back to angry. Clearly realizing that the only person alone in the room was her, but not yet willing to accept it. “I want my money back! Or I’ll sue!”
“Go ahead.” Satoru told her. Then pressed his fingers to his temple, “but I see an arrested in your future if you keep pressing this. Attempted battery is almost just as serious as if you actually landed that punch.” The woman let out an angry huff, then grabbed her belongings and dashed out. “Another satisfied customer.”
“Don’t be mean Satoru.” [Y/N] replied once they were alone and stood up to clean the mess the woman had made of her reading table. “It’s not my fault she’s chosen a hard path. I didn’t even have to use my ability to tell her this wasn’t going to end well. What was I supposed to do? Lie?”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded. Delusional people like that only want to hear what they want to hear.” No one needed psychic abilities to see that.
“What are you doing here by the way?”
“Oh! I came to take you to lunch!” In the commotion, he almost forgot why he was there. “The old men gave me the day off, so I thought I would spend it with you.”
“That’s nice.” [Y/N] said with a smile. “But I have to work Satoru.”
“Why?” He asked with a pout. “You know we don’t need the money. I know you like to work but….you can take off for one day. Plus, shouldn’t you get hazard time for almost having a client flip a table on you?”
[Y/N] chuckled a little. Even if it was a sad sort of noise. “Well…I guess you’re right. The shop will be fine if we close early for today.”
Satoru helped her clean up the last little bit and they left. He asked her once, when they were dating, to use her powers on him but she said that she couldn’t. His future had too many variables. Too full of potential. But he knew, even when they first met, that his future was going to be with her.
He didn’t need psychic abilities to see that.
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empressdede · 3 months
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Chapter Two
After that interaction, London tried her best to create some distance between her and Roman. She would avoid his calls, texts messages and if she did finally get back to him, she would decline any outing he would invite her to.
She didn’t trust herself around him. She knew the longer she kept herself around him, the more she would want to jump his bones. The little moment between them made her feel like a horny teenager all over again. She had no business at her big ass age of 34, dry humping another man against the wall like she was some 16 year old virgin. And even though that’s all that they did; she couldn’t shake the memory away.
The way he held her up against the wall with ease, the way he grunted and groaned softly in her ear, and especially the way he demanded that she cum for him. Every time the thought entered her mind, It made her body shiver with want.
And that’s where her problem lied. She knows that she wants Roman; no matter how many times she tries to push it to the back of her head.
“You can’t keep avoiding him, London. Be a grown up and tell that man you need your space.” London’s sister, Nora, advised.
“I don’t have to do anything but be black and die when the time comes Nora. If I don’t want to talk to Roman right now, then I’m not. What we did at that party - his wife’s party no less - was a mistake. We’re both happly married and it needs to stay like that.”
“London, you’ve been with James since forever. Don’t you think this is your body telling you to venture out and try new things?”
“James is a good man Nora. I’m not going to ruin my relationship with my husband just because I’m feeling like I want a quick fix somewhere else.”
Nora rolled her eyes. “Girl, if James was beating the pussy up like he supposed to be doing, you wouldn’t have ran off with Roman in the first place. Then you ran off to go dry hump that man, bitch you ain’t never heard of no quickie?”
“Bitch I’m being serious. If you was gonna step out anyway, you might as well have went out with a bang. Vibrator to the clit while he hitting it from the back & that 20 minutes could’ve been a whole fuckin round.”
Images immediately flashed through her mind as she thought about it. Her dress bunched up at her waist as he thrusted inside of her at a quick pace. Bodies close together so he could keep the vibrator to her clit and she could practically hear his voice in her ear. “I barely even started and look at you about to cum for me.”
London let out a sad sigh. Her sister’s didn’t help her with trying to push Roman to the back of her mind. If anything, Nora kept trying to push her straight into Roman’s arms.
“If I see him, I’m going to fuck him.” She admitted and Nora shrugged.
“So do that. James will always be here and who knows; maybe this is just a phase and you need him out of your system. Whatever the case may be, I say go for it.”
“You’re not even trying to give me good advice Nora. You keep telling me to cheat on my husband.”
“You already cheated girl and I wasn’t there to tell you that. You cheated emotionally and physically, you might as well just go all the way.”
Her sister’s words echoed in her head and she thought about it for a second, what it would really feel like to go all the way with Roman. She just knew he would snatch her breath away. She could almost feel him, a picturesque expression on his face as he took her hair into his hands pulling it towards him to stop her from hiding her moans. Damn…. She really did see it and even though she yearned to fall into temptation, London decides that she was going to stand on business.
She had a husband for everything she thinks she wants Roman for. She also decided that since she was going to be the woman she promised to be as a wife, she was going to throw herself into her work. What better way to distract herself from temptation than to work?
But Roman though? He was getting tired of waiting on London. He considered himself a realist - if he was going to be cheating on his wife, he was going to fulfill all the fantasies he had about London. They’ve tried to deny their sexual attraction towards each other for almost two years now; if she didn’t want him the same way he wants her then what happened two weeks ago wouldn’t have transpired. So after being ignored for two weeks, Roman decides he’s had enough. If London didn’t want to see him, so be it. Now he was going to go see her…. and with how distant she’s been he knew exactly where to find her.
"Mrs. Murphey, we have a Mr. Heyman downstairs waiting for you. He says it’s an emergency." Mariah states as she walks into London’s office. London lets out a tired sigh; she knew she didn’t have long before he started sending his minions to do his dirty work.
"Tell him I’m busy." London responds to her without even lifting her head to acknowledge her assistant. She didn’t really have time to entertain that bullshit today.
"Don’t seem that busy to me." She heard from where her assistant stood and her head snapped up to see Roman standing behind Mariah. And poor Mariah, she really tried her best, bless her heart but she knew when it came to Roman himself, he was going to finesse his way up here one way or another.
"Um sir you can’t be he-" Mariah tried to speak but Roman cut her off, keeping his dark brown orbs locked on London.
"You ready to talk to me like an adult?" He questioned. Mariah looked between the two of them, obviously sensing the tension but if her boss said she was busy, then she needed to get rid of this Mr. Heyman guy.
"Sir, you can’t be here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave or else I’m going to have security escort you out the building." Mariah warned. Roman stared at the younger woman in front of him with a blank face for a couple of seconds before laughing in her face.
"Okay lady, if you could close the door behind you, that would be great." He instructed, walking right past her to stand in front of London’s desk.
London finally snapped out of it when she got her over her feeling of shock from seeing him. "You don’t get to walk in here and tell my employees what to do. In this building, there’s only one person who runs it and that’s me." She enforced, getting up from her seat to glare at him. "Just like I can’t walk in yours and start telling Paul what to do."
"London-" Roman tried to speak again but was cut off by London’s assistant again.
"Um… Sir, you still need to leave."
"You can close the door behind you Mariah, you can leave. Let everyone know that I’m in a meeting and will be available afterwards. Come find me in 30 minutes." London instructed
"An hour." Roman replies, and this time he raises an eyebrow, challenging her to see if he wouldn’t keep her for the hour.
The two stared at each other for a while in silence, both of them challenging the other. London knew herself, an hour alone with Roman and she would be stepping out of her marriage. She also didn’t want him to think he had any power over her with his dumbass suggestion of having an hour of her time instead of 30. And as much as she didn’t want to admit it, the longer they glared at each other, waiting for the other to succumb in defeat, her sister’s words were ringing in her head.
"Maybe this is just a phase and you need him out of your system."
London finally rolled her eyes in defeat, turning to look at Mariah; "An hour. And not a second less."
When Mariah left, Roman let his eyes roam around her office. "You’ve been cooped up in here, I bet."
"What are you doing here Roman?" London asked getting straight to the point.
"You haven’t been texting me back for a while. So if you don’t want to talk over the phone, you definitely want to talk in person." Roman turned his head back to face London. "I can’t get you out of my head London, I keep hearing you cry out for me and when I try to call you to … talk… you don’t even pick up."
"Because you’re married Roman. To Tiara, not me. What we did a couple of weeks ago was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened."
"If that were the case, you wouldn’t have worn the panties I bought for you."
The room got silent, energy in the room changing as they stared each other down. London really didn’t want to fall into this trap. That’s what Roman was, coming in here with his tight collared shirt and slacks just to tempt her. A walking fucking trap.
“You could’ve just walked in wearing anything; But you didn’t.” Roman started, walking around the desk in slow calculated steps. Like a predator stalking its prey.
London watched him, and she couldn’t move even if she wanted to; it seemed as if her feet were glued to floor the closer Roman got to her. “You wore my dress and you put on those pretty panties just for me. It wasn’t a mistake… you wanted to cum for me that night; tell me I’m lying.”
With Roman standing right in front of her, she couldn’t really think. His scent was clouding her senses, she should be moving away from him, fighting her temptation. But he was telling the truth, she wanted him that night. Still wants him, she just doesn’t know how to go about it.
“Roman.” She whispered out but Roman didn’t want to listen to anything she had to say unless it was her crying out for him again.
“Tell me.” He demanded quietly, his hands moving to hold onto her waist to pull her into him. A gasp slipped through her lips, her eyes closing when she felt his nose trailing up her neck.
He planted a kiss under her ear before whispering in her ear, “Tell me you wanna cum for me London and I can make that happen for you.” He rasped out.
And she could practically hear Nora now.
Bitch stop fighting and fuck him already!
It was obvious Roman wanted her just as bad as she wanted him, and London was a weak woman.
“Make it happen then.” She replied almost challengingly and it caused Roman to smirk against her skin because he came on a mission.
"Fuucckkk" She loudly moaned when he pushed himself back into her. Legs on his shoulders with his hands holding onto to the back of her thighs. The immense feeling made her forget she was still in her office, where if anyone got close enough, they could hear her. But Roman didn’t give a single fuck. And when he leaned forward, pressing his body closer to hers, which pushed her legs closer to her chest making it easier to get deeper she couldn’t help but get lost in the pleasure.
Loud moans were flying out of her mouth, and Roman’s eyes stared down into her with a dark look in them. She knew exactly what he was doing, that look told her everything she needed to know. He was trying to find her spot, with no other intensions other than abusing it until she was cumming in waves for him.
"You done runnin’ from me?" He asked tauntingly, and she knew he wasn’t talking about running from him during the activity they were currently partaking in. He wanted her to give into him every single time they had the chance to be like this.
He slid his hands down her thighs and pushed them down as close to her chest as they could get, looking down between them to watch his dick slide in and out of her enjoying the small white ring of cream she left coated on him. He slowed down his pace purposefully to sew how loud she would get whenever he hit somewhere new. London couldn’t remember the last time she felt like this.
She tried to bite onto her lower lip to keep from screaming every time he went in deeper. Muffled moans came from her, nails denting his skin as she latched onto his back. Roman looked back up to watch her, eyes squinting as he studied her expressions and slightly moved to the left to hit a new area. He felt her clench around him and watched her eyes water from that specific spot. Found it
"Ouuu shit." She cried out.
"Right there?" He questioned as if he didn’t already know.
"Yesss, right there." Roman started moving against it, poking at her spot faster and faster as he let one of her thighs go and slid his hands up her stomach and breasts until he reached her neck. She let another loud moan as he loosely squeezed her neck.
"You never answered my question, you done runnin’ from me?"
London wrapped her arm around the leg he let go so she wouldn’t be so sore, she was so lost in the pleasure she almost didn’t hear him. "Huh?" He questioned, as he kept poking at her spot even harder now staring right into her eyes. She kept eye contact, responding by moaning louder and nodding her head.
"I can’t hear you, you done runnin’ from me London? Huh? When I ask you to come see me, you gon come see me right?" He asked, squeezing her neck a little tighter as he thrusted even faster.
He could’ve asked her for the world in the same moment and she would’ve agreed to give it to him. That’s how good he was making her feel.
Tears spilled from her eyes as she felt her stomach tightened and she clenched down on him. "Yessss, I’m done runnin’ Roman Please."
"Please what? Tell me."
"I-" She was cut off by her own loud moan, feeling her eyes roll to the back of her head. Roman continued to relentlessly pound into her, pushing to make her cum for the fourth and final time.
"C’mon baby, beg for that shit." He teased, enjoying the mess he was leaving her in. This was what he wanted to do to her the first time and he was glad he was able to redeem himself. The only thing that could be heard were their heavy breathing, her constant moaning and their skin clapping against each other’s.
"Please. D-don’t stop please" She stuttered out as she felt her legs start to shake; she was on the verge of cumming again - this time she knew it was going to me much more intense then the last one.
"You gon cum for me?" And he really didn’t need to ask, she placed her hand on his stomach to try to get him to slow down. Roman let go of her neck and quickly used his thumb to rub on her clit as he hit her spot over and over again. Her hand slipped from his stomach and she tapped on the desk, she couldn’t hold it anymore.
At the sight of her literally tapping out, he smirked and it did nothing but boost his ego. "Go head baby, cum for me." He permitted and with a silent scream she let her body arch off her desk and came all over him. He let out a groan at how tight she clenched around him and quickly pulled out of her and stroked himself with a few pumps and emptied himself on top of her; staking his claim.
If cheating on his wife felt like this - he didn’t give a damn about the consequences.
It’s been a minute huh? Here’s the second part - and I promise you guy’s wont have to wait that long for the next part😭😭
Comment if you want to be added to the next part and please show me some love🥺🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @whatdoeseverybodywant @theninthwonder @christinabae @2-muchsauce @alichesmi @pitlissa22 @sassginaswanmills @harmshake @po3ticb3auty @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @dersha89 @serena004 @reci1996 @scarlettnoir01 @venusesworld @kill-the-artiste @southerngirl41 @badbitchcentralinc @reignsboy19
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navia3000 · 2 months
b r e a k u p s o n g s
Includes : Matteo Riddle, Tom Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theodore Nott
Genre : Angst
Warnings : No use of Y/N, mention of break ups, toxic situations A/N : It feels fairly obvious how sloppy I got toward the end of this but oh well. Let me know if you would like a part two!
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Matteo Riddle :
“We go ‘round again
We jump back in bed
That’s what you do when you love somebody
These bad omens
I look right through them
That’s what you do when you love somebody”
A knock jolted her from her sleep. She knew instantly who was at her door. She knew why he was there. She knew she shouldn’t get up, she should go back to sleep. She knew nothing would come from her giving her precious time to him. She also knew she would never be able to sleep without knowing what he wanted to say, even if it broke her tattered heart for the millionth time.
And so, she arose from her bed and padded towards her door. She stood in front of it. Maybe he left. No, he knew her better than that. He knew she could never resist him. And so he knocked again. She opened the door less than a second after.
Matteo Riddle stood outside the threshold, fist raised as though he was going to knock again. They stood staring at each other for what felt like eons, neither daring to speak in fear that it would break whatever trance was keeping her from turning him away.
Their relationship started badly, and it ended badly. They were doomed from the start, cursed into an endless cycle of breaking up and making up. They were toxic, a poison meant to kill a person inside out.
She got tired of the silence, and all she could say was, “what do you want, Matteo?” She saw the surprise in his eyes; he didn’t expect her to be so blunt. But she had to be blunt. She had to keep a barrier between them to keep herself safe from his persuasions.
“Can I come in?” his question made her shake her head.
“Matteo, we can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep breaking up. And you can’t keep coming here.”
A flash of hurt flashed across Matteo’s eyes, “what do you mean, baby? I love you. I’ll change, I promise I’ll do better.”
“No, Matteo. That’s what you say each time and each time I believe you. You’re not ready for a healthy relationship, and that’s fine, but don’t drag me into it. Don’t keep leading me on and giving me hope when you don’t deserve it,” she started tearing up while she spoke, Matteo trying to cut her off.
“That’s not true-
“It is! I can’t keep being led on by you, no matter how much I love you. Let me move on. You should too.” She shut the door on him, simultaneously shutting down any hope the boy might have had of rectifying their relationship from the grave.
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Tom Riddle :
“But you have more pieces of me
than the desert has sand
And I have less pieces of you
than I can hold in my hand”
Everybody warned her against dating him. They told her he loved no one but himself, that he would break her and leave her in the dust, and yet, she didn’t listen. She threw herself into the belief that he wasn’t like they said, that she could “fix” him. She wanted to believe he could change, that he could love her.
“Did you think this would last?” he had asked. “I don’t love you, I never had,” he had said. And even with his confirmation, she still held hope.
She still smiled at him when he walked by in the halls, she still sat next to him during breakfast, lunch, dinner. And he still walked by as though she were merely a ghost, still refused to acknowledge her presence when she sat with him.
Her friends constantly told her to face reality, told her what was honest. But, she still told herself what she wanted to hear, even though no one else would.
Their love was misaligned. She wanted him, he wanted nothing to do with her. She loved him, he loved that she hurt for him. She was a passing thought to him, whilst he was every thought of hers.
No matter how she pleaded and begged him, he would always shatter her heart into grains of sand.
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Draco Malfoy :
“We fit perfectly like milk and honey
But some things don’t mix like
young love and old money”
“I can’t see you anymore,” those five words shattered her. She saw the castles she'd built with Draco crumbling to her feet, the rubble bruising her in the process.
"Why?" she questioned. She couldn't understand why he, the love of her life, was ending their relationship so abruptly. Everything was going well, they were both happy, so, again, she asked "why?"
"Because," he paused, and she watched as tears pooled in his grey eyes. "Because we can't be together."
"Says who?" she questioned. "Is this because of your parents? Are they making you do this?"
"Yes!" He blurted. He seemed relieved to tell the truth, but the relief was short lived.
"So, you're breaking up with me because your parents ask you to. Because you're not manly enough to stand up to them." Her breaths were coming out short, and she found herself digging her nails into her hands. Draco didn't react, he only stared, watching as she unraveled in front of him. "You talk of Potter, of him being a coward, but you lie to yourself. You're the coward, Dray! At least Harry stands up for the people he loves." Still he said nothing, the only sign of acknowledgement were the tears falling from his eyes. "You want to break up with me? Fine. But don't come crawling back once you realize how big of a mistake you're making."
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Lorenzo Berkshire :
"We can't be friends But I'd like to just pretend You cling to your papers and pens Wait until you like me again"
"How was your day?" The question made the girl tear her head away from her Herbology homework and turn towards none other than Lorenzo Berkshire, the boy who broke her heart. She was confused as to why he was sitting here, in the library, with her, when only two weeks ago he was telling her they wanted different things and couldn't be together.
"It was good," she said hesitantly. An uncomfortable silence fell over the two.
"Mine was great. I was walking by the lake and thought I saw a mer-"
"What are you doing, Enzo?" She cut him off.
She watched as his face fell, and said, "what do you mean?"
"I mean, what are you doing? You broke up with me two weeks ago and now you are acting as though nothing happened."
Lorenzo struggled to find words, his excuses flying out the window. He couldn't find the right thing to say, but he couldn't tell the truth. "I just thought we could be friends. I thought that-"
The sound of her book slamming shut shocked him into silence. "You can't do this to me, it's cruel. You know we cannot be friends. You broke my heart, Enzo. Why would you ever think I wanted to be friends with you?"
He knew she was right, which is why he let her walk out of the school's library.
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Theodore Nott :
"I'm gonna kiss someone else Say 'it's not about you' Pretend I don't care, my arms aren't around you It hurts just a little, that I won't mention The things I would do just to get your attention"
Pansy watched as her friend danced with some random Ravenclaw boy, her knowing the only reason her friend was even giving him the light of day.
The girl smiled her fake smiles, and pretended as though she was having the time of her life. When, in reality, she was trying to catch the attention of a certain Slytherin. She saw Theodore Nott leaning against a wall out of the corner of her eye. His indifference only made her grind against the Ravenclaw harder. All she wanted was to catch his eye. She wanted him to care.
She turned her head, pressing her lips onto her dance partner's. They kissed for a while, breaking apart for a breath. Her eyes moved themselves to the boy who holds her heart, and her heart broke in his hands as she watched him talk up some Gryffindor girl.
Pansy saw her friend's whole interaction, and rushed to save her. They left the party together, her friend balling next to her. They made it to their dorm, the broken girl falling to the floor in tears. "It's alright," Pansy cooed, "it will be okay."
"No, it's not okay," the girl sobbed. "I just want him to notice. I want him to... I want him to hurt the way I hurt."
Pansy felt bad for her friend, for she knew her best friend would never get the attention of the cold Theodore Nott.
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kitthepurplepotato · 6 months
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Chapter 5 - Never enough
Summary: Y/N goes out with Kyouka for a flat hunt. Izuku gets smacked in the face - Once by a random teen and once by his Sweet Pea.
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of a toxic relationship (in the past).
First Chapter Master List
Kyouka comes over a few hours after Izuku leaves; he didn’t really say goodbye after your conversation in the bedroom this morning, which was quite surprising and he also left an untouched sandwich on the table, filled with his favorite stuff, which is also… well… really fucking weird, but okay. To be fair, there is so much happening all at once it’s easy to go all silly, especially at 5 AM in the morning. Maybe it took him so long to make his sandwich he ended up being late and instead of bringing it with him he just left it on the table. Even though, Izuku must be aware that he owns a cat so leaving food on the table isn’t the smartest idea. Thankfully, All Meowt is the laziest motherfucker the word has ever seen and jumping on the table to get some nibbles is way too much of a lbother for him, hence why the food is still in tact.
Sometimes you wonder if All Meowt is even a cat; he doesn’t scratch furniture, doesn’t eat anything he needs to work for, barely jumps on anything and he’s just… a part of the furniture. A furry little sofa pillow. He’s also really smart as somehow he knew you are the one who messed with his automatic feeder because to this day, he didn’t even approach you once when Izuku wasn’t around. Except when you sleep. Then he cuddles. He probably hopes you stay that way forever.
“Okay, I managed to get a viewing for flat 2 and flat 4.” Kyouka mumbles to herself after putting her phone down. You look at the girl incredulously. “Don’t look at me like that, I know flat 4 is pricy as fudge, but with my current salary, I can afford it. I won’t have a bunch to spend for a few months but if I make it to the top 10 next year, it won’t be a problem!”
You know Kyouka like you know the back of your hand; there is no reason to even look at flat 2 at this point, this silly woman has already decided to get that fancy ass flat and there is probably an extremely ridiculous reason behind it.
“Be honest with me…” You look at your bestie, trying your best not to look judgmental. “Why do you want that flat?”
Kyouka looks down at her hands, her cheeks ruddy from embarassment. “My favorite rockstar lives in the same building… you know the one with black hair and the sick angel wing tattoo.” Kyouka answers while she plays with her bangs like a stupid school girl.
There it is. There it fucking is.
“So you decided to spend all your life savings for a few minutes of neighborly banter with your Bae.” You really can’t believe this silly woman.
“Oh my god, you are literally dating your favorite hero, sorry if your stupid love story made me believe in fated love!” She yells and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Hey, it didn’t cost me anything to fall in love with him though! Plus we are not official yet!” Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.
“Oh fuck off, Izuku wouldn’t even poke you with a foot long pole if he wouldn’t want you to be his fucking wife in the next few years. My bro isn’t playing around. He’s had enough of that shit when he was young.”
Well, that’s a new information.
“What do you mean?”
Kyouka sighs.
“It’s not my place you tell you this and to be honest I don’t know too much about it, Katsuki is probably the best one to ask but… there was this girl, right after high school who was all over Izuku after his first debut. We told him to stay away from her, we warned him that she’s only after the fame and the money but Izuku was so happy to be liked by someone in a romantic way he didn’t fucking listen to any of us…” Kyouka’s eyes look really sad as she continues. “Izuku was always a sweet boy so most people only thought of him just as that; a boy, not a man. This girl was different, I give her that. I fucking hated her. We all did. Except Izuku.” You really don’t like where this story is going. You can feel the betrayal in the air, it makes your stomach upset and your heart bleed. “After a few weeks Izuku couldn’t even wear his own clothes. She started to point out every geeky thing on him, the shirts, the shoes, his hair… she wanted him to change into something he wasn’t. She even made a comment about his baby fat. Katsuki almost exploded her that day and Izuku stopped bringing her over after that. Things got worse after as Katsuki wasn’t there to reprimand her. I don’t want to say more, Y/N. Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”
You are rendered speechless. There are so many emotions swirling inside you; fury, hatred, sadness, then there is the urge to protect, the urge to call Izuku home so you can tell him how much you love him and his quirkiness… it’s so much to take in, so much to think about…
“Let’s go before we both start crying.” Kyouka ruffles your hair and motions towards the door, ready for the adventure.
You try your best to keep your focus on the beautiful flats. You look around for flaws, ask the right questions but you are not really there; your mind can only think of Izuku, about how alone he must’ve felt while dating that terrible human being, how humiliated he had to feel around his friends in those clothes he was forced to wear… fuck.
“I’ll walk you home then I’ll come back to do the paperwork.”
She doesn’t need to say any more for you to know that all your thoughts are written on your face.
“Don’t be sorry! You helped a lot. Really.” Kyouka smiles. You are so lucky to have her.
Izuku is not with it at work. He makes a lot of mistakes and he gets punched by some “random extra” who shouldn’t even be able to touch him.
There was a group of teens making a ruckus downtown. Izuku and Katsuki were out on patrol when they saw them yelling at a poor old man, asking for money but somehow Izuku managed to get hit by one of the kids while he was too distracted with his own thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Deku!” Katsuki yells at him with a red face. “You just let that fucking extra have the time of his fucking life! Hitting the number one fucking hero in the face! He probably thinks he’s the coolest fucking dude right now and has zero motherfucking remorse about what he’s done!”
“Because you were any better, you burned that kids face! Do you want to get canceled?!”
Izuku is frustrated. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t just let Katsuki step over him like that, not anymore…
“Someone had to do something about it! I had to clean your fucking mess up because that’s what friends do, you absolute fucking moron!”
“Since when do you consider me as a friend? I thought I’m just a nuisance.”
“Stop with the attitude. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. You won’t push me away. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made when I was a kid. You know it more than anyone how much it fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.” He can’t take it anymore. The tears fall, his body shakes and moves towards Katsuki on his own and Katsuki catches him just in time.
“If you want to talk, I’m here. Eijirou is here too. You are not alone anymore.” Katsuki mutters into his hair, his fingers deep in Izuku’s curls. Katsuki has changed so much in the last few years; if anyone would’ve told him he’s gonna be cuddled by Katsuki while he cries for the stupidest fucking reason he would’ve laughed in their face.
He knows he’s being an idiot. Y/N loves him, he can see it in her eyes when he comes back after a long day of work, he can feel it in her touches, in the food she makes, in the way she smiles when Izuku cuddles her from behind… he also knows his Sweet Pea loves him the way he is and he has no reason to doubt himself with her but Izuku can’t do anything with his insecurities; he’s been told so many times how weird he is, how unattractive his home wear is, how his unruly hair makes him look like a child and he doesn’t even want to start talking about his “annoying” clinginess.
Maybe he should’ve told her to finish that commission instead of asking her to go to bed with him. Maybe he should’ve let her cook the food alone or ask her if she needs help instead of clinging to her back like an oversized koala. Maybe he should’ve slept on his own side of the bed instead of suffocating his Sweet Pea with his heavy arms. He went overboard. Even his perfect Sweet Pea needs some space. Maybe that’s why she wants to move out. She loves Izuku but Izuku is too much as a boyfriend… he’s too much, he’s always too much…
“Go home, Zuku.” Katsuki sighs into his hair. “Go home and sort yourself out. I fucking hate seeing you like this. I want to blow your face up.”
Izuku can’t help but snort at that.
“I love you too, Kacchan.”
“Fuck you.”
You get home around 2PM; you managed to find some All Might shaped chicken nuggets in the store which you decided to air fry today with some lovely fresh veggies you found in the little market you love. Oh, and rice. Izuku needs more than a snack when he comes home.
Thankfully you manage to finish cooking by 3 so you decide to sit down and finally start working on your commissions; there isn’t much to do, just a few sketches, so you should be done by the time Izuku gets home. Thank god no one commissioned anything detailed, otherwise you would be fucked; there is no way you can do a full, colored drawing in this mental state.
For your surprise the door opens around 4PM; Izuku is already in his civilian clothes, freshly showered, hair still a bit wet.
There is one thing you realize now that Kyouka told you about his past; Izuku’s civilian clothes are quite plain compared to his usual style. It doesn’t sit right with you but that’s a problem for another day.
Today’s problem is…
“You are really early, did you forget something? Want to eat before you go back? I made you something special!” You jump off the chair right away. Izuku looks at you like this is the last time he sees your face; you have no idea what’s going on but you really hate that look on his face, that’s for sure. “Oh my god, please tell me this is not that part of the fanfiction when the hero comes home and tells his wife that he’s going a year long mission to America. I’m not ready for that yet.”
For some reason, Izuku looks guilty. He lowers his eyes, suddenly finding the design of the floor extremely interesting as he fiddles with the sleeve of his jacket anxiously.
“Just a short day, nothing to worry about.” Izuku smiles but it’s fake. So fucking fake it makes you want to gag. “Were you doing a commission? Don’t worry about me, I’m not even supposed to be here, so just ignore me.”
Red flag. A big, fucking red flag. Something happened and Izuku is not telling you jack shit about it.
“Izu, what the fuck, I’ve been waiting to have a few hours with you for a whole week, I can’t just ignore you. With the amount of hours you work I have all the time to finish this fucking scribble, but I only have a few hours with you.” You reprimand, a little bit offended. Just a little bit. Teeny-tiny bit. “You also left without giving me a kiss. You need to give me double kisses today. Also, look at the food I made for you!” You run into the kitchen and come out with the All Might shaped chicken nuggets. You show them off proudly, jumping up and down with the excitement. “Look! It’s All Might! And chicken! I put the magnet that came with it on the fridge, I hope that’s fine! There are 10 different magnets to collect, I’ll try to get them all!”
Suddenly, a loud sob escapes Izuku’s mouth, but it’s not his usual ‘I’m so happy so I’ll cry a river’ kinda sob, it’s the one full of pain and misery. “Izu.” You put the food down on the table to approach the shaking man now sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry do you not want to eat All Might? That’s okay, Izu!” You mutter but Izuku jumps into your words.
“Y/N, stop.” The sound of your own name sounds so foreign from Izuku’s mouth you almost choke on your words. “Stop. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much, I can’t…” Izuku starts to sob again and you are not too far behind him. Without knowing, your tears start to fall, joining Izuku’s in the puddle of misery on the floor.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please, tell me what did I do wrong. I won’t do it ever again, I swear…”
“I know you want to move out. You don’t need to pretend.” Izuku jumps into your words between two loud sobs. “I know I’m impossible to live with, I know my love is toxic, it’s too much too soon, I’m… aware of it and I can change, I can give you space, fuck, I can sleep in the agency if you want me to, I don’t care, but please, don’t leave me. I can change, I can do anything…”
Instead of words you decide to use your hand to tell him how fucking annoyed you are. Because honest to fuck you thought someone died or Izuku is dying or the world is on fire and these are his last words… the sound of the slap is loud in the quiet room but it makes Izuku listen and hopefully he’ll forgive you when this is over.
“I don’t want you to change, you dumb little… waaah!” Great job, Y/N. You are doing fucking well. You slapped the poor sobbing guy then you called him dumb. Great start indeed. “I fucking love you and your nerdy little ass, I love the way you geek out over the stupidest thing, I love how we are glued to each other when you’re home because that’s what I also want to do, thank you for fucking asking, I love those super silly t-shirts you’re hiding at the back of your drawer and I can’t believe you never wear them by the way, I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere, I want to be here, with you, every single second, I can’t believe you really thought you could get rid of me that easily, Midoriya Izuku!” You have no air left by the time you finish your sentence because you forgot to breathe during your rant. “Don’t you fucking dare to change for me. I fell in love with YOU, not with some impostor. Tell me what you want. Do what you want. Act as silly as you want. I’ll probably only love you more, even though it’s quite impossible.”
The silence is deafening. You can see Izuku’s brain going into overdrive. He looks completely lost.
“The notes on the table…” He mutters as he motions towards the notebook. He looks dumbfounded.
“Kyouka is looking for a new flat. I was helping her.”
“I’m an idiot.” Izuku mumbles, mortified. He even forgets to cry.
“Yeah, you are. My idiot boyfriend who I love so dearly.” The words slip out but it’s too late to take it back; you look at Izuku with a terrified look on your face, ready to be reprimanded but Izuku looks at you with nothing but wonder, eyes shining from tears and finally, from happiness.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again.” Izuku’s hand reaches towards you. Needless to say, you take it.
“My weird boyfriend, Midoriya Izuku.” You giggle to yourself. If this would be a fanfiction… ahh, Nevermind.
“I love you, Sweet Pea. Please, never change.” Izuku is all over you, not even caring about the floor being the most uncomfortable surface in the whole entire building. You can’t really hold yourself up with such a heavy weight sitting on your shoulders so you both end up stumbling backwards with a loud yelp followed by a bunch of giggling.
“So what does my boyfriend want to do today?” You mutter into Izuku’s neck between two kisses.
“I want to watch an All Might movie in my silly All Might onesie I’m hiding in my dresser while I eat the silly little all might chicken nuggets my perfect girlfriend made for me.”
Your smile is so big it actually hurts your jaw.
“… Only if I can borrow a silly All Might shirt to match with you.”
Apparently, that was the right thing to say; Izuku is about to combust from the happiness as he attacks your mouth with violent happy kisses.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He mutters into your lips, already knowing your answer.
“Only a few thousand times but it never gets old.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” He smirks with such confidence it makes you shiver. You did that. You made him feel that way. Oh fuck, this new Midoriya Izuku is really bad for your heart.
“Might as well be.” You grab Izuku’s hair at the back of his head and yank him forward for a heated, deep kiss. Izuku yelps but he doesn’t let you have all the control; this is Izuku’s day, he’s is completely unhinged and so are you.
The food got cold by the time you managed to untangle from each other.
And fuck, it was so worth it.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Some explanations for the this chapter because I feel like it’s needed:
- 1. Midoriya does wear merch, but mostly black ones with a logo on it instead of the super loud, super colorful ones he would prefer.
- 2. Midoriya’s mum said in one of the chapters that Midoriya has never had a girl over before which is still true; the girl was never officially introduced to Inko as Izuku knew the way the girl was treating him would make his mom really sad. Inko has a slight idea about what happened thanks to Katsuki but she was spared from the gruesome details of it. Izuku doesn’t know his mom knows about it.
- 3. No, they didn’t do anything cheeky on the floor. They were just kissing, you dirty little potato.
- In the next chapter, we are going home to Izuku’s mom! I’m so excited!!!!
- I got a beautiful Deku figurine. I try not to talk about my figurine obsession anymore but I have to show this one off. I genuinely didn’t think I’ll be able to get my hands on this one because it’s an Ichiban Kuji (it’s like a lottery but with anime merch) Last One prize, but here I am, I guess. 😂
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TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hey! This is Birdie_Castellan from ao3 and I was wondering if, for the requests, you could maybe do a sort of 5+1 trope (you can adjust the numbers as you please though) of like 5 times Gareth or Robin or someone in the party thought Steve and Eddie are acting weird, plus one time they're not or something?
Okay, I'll admit getting started on this was hard. I didn't know what angle I wanted to go with here, but then once I got started, it poured out of me. I love the idea that these idiots really tried to hide their relationship like they aren't so obviously in love. I also love that everyone is so oblivious that it takes them months to figure it out. - Mickala ❤️
Steve was running late to pick Robin up for their shift.
Honestly, she didn’t even really care that much about being late. Even if it was the second time this week.
She cared because he was being weird about why he was running late. For the second time this week.
At least he’d called this time. He hadn’t remembered to on Tuesday, so she just had to sit on her doorstep and hope he showed up eventually.
He was on his way now, so they’d only be a few minutes late, but Keith would surely ream them out for it. Any charms she could use to get Keith on her side before had long evaporated like smoke; he’d caught onto her not actually being interested in him and now she was no better than Steve.
Just when she was getting ready to wait inside, Steve’s car pulled into the driveway.
“Thank god,” she huffed as she stalked over.
She opened the passenger door and was met with-
“Hey Robbie,” he said with a wave, fingers fluttering.
“Okay, one: you’re in my seat. Two: why are you in my seat?”
Eddie looked to Steve, then back at Robin before he got out and sat in the back.
Robin got in the seat and shut the door, buckling up.
She turned to Steve, who was pretending to focus on the rear view mirror as he backed out of the driveway.
“Why is Eddie here?”
“Van broke down,” Eddie said.
“We were just hanging out,” Steve said at the same time.
Robin looked at Steve, who gritted his teeth and gripped the steering wheel harder, and then back at Eddie, who looked like he was going to jump out of the barely moving car.
“Uh huh. And Eddie’s coming to work with us…why?”
“Lost track of time,” Steve sounded like he hadn’t thought about the fact that Robin would ask some questions when they arrived.
And it’s not like she was oblivious to the fact that Eddie and Steve hung out, she just didn’t realize it was often alone.
No kids around to interrupt anything.
But no, Steve would’ve told her if they were…doing anything.
She chose to move on for now, the tension in the car far too uncomfortable for her.
Keith was only a little bit of an asshole, more concerned about leaving than yelling at them.
Robin immediately started helping customers while Steve restocked movies, Eddie trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
Robin watched out of the corner of her eye, and when the customers left, she turned and put all her attention on what Steve and Eddie were doing.
Eddie was leaning against the shelf, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke about something while Steve smiled to himself as he put movies away.
Robin couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing.
From where she stood, which may have been too far to really tell, it looked like Steve Harrington might have a crush.
Jonathan and Argyle
“Wasn’t Eddie supposed to meet us here already?” Jonathan was pacing, wearing a path into the ground as he kicked more leaves out of the way.
“Dude, relax. Time isn’t real,” Argyle responded, eyes closed as he laid back on the picnic table.
“Something might be wrong, though.”
“Sorry I’m late!” Eddie proclaimed from the trees.
But he wasn’t alone.
Jonathan squinted through the dark and saw Steve following close behind him, hair mussed up and dirt stains on his knees.
“Did you guys run into someone or something?”
“Told you everything was fine,” Argyle finally sat up and greeted them. “You know we can meet at Jonathan’s house next time. Ms. Byers totally took a hit off my last roll and loved it so I think she’s comin’ around, man.”
Steve looked flushed, like he’d been running.
Eddie was barely out of breath.
“Steve, you okay?” Jonathan asked, continuing to suspiciously look over a perfectly calm Eddie.
“Yep! Just wasn’t expecting to walk this far.”
Eddie pulled a bag out of his vest pocket and handed it to Jonathan.
“Threw in some extra when I knew we’d be late. Sorry man.”
“No worries. How much?”
“$20. Or $30 if you want me to roll it for you,” Eddie normally charged $30 for what he was giving Jonathan plus $20 more to roll it, but since it was Jonathan, he was willing to give him a pretty decent discount.
Him and Argyle were his best customers.
They exchanged money and goods, all while Steve leaned against a tree, seeming dazed.
“Okay, seriously, did you get another concussion Steve?”
“Steve’s just high. We tried out a new strain and it hit him harder than we thought it would,” Eddie supplied quickly.
It sounded like a lie, but it did seem possible.
And it explained why they were late.
“Same time next week?” Eddie asked, making his way back to Steve.
“Yeah, but let’s just meet at your trailer or something.”
“Sure. Wayne will be at work anyway.”
As they went their separate ways, Jonathan watched the way Eddie slipped a hand around Steve’s waist, guiding him back through the trees.
He could hear him mumbling, but couldn’t hear anything except “so good” and “reward.”
“I didn’t know the babysitter and Batman 2.0 were dating,” Argyle said from behind him, making him jump.
“What? They’re not. Steve’s super straight.”
“Uh. I don’t think so.”
Jonathan looked at Argyle, then back at the retreating figures of Eddie and Steve.
“Alright, man. Guess we’ll find out eventually.”
He was bored. And tired. And sick of having to do bullshit coverage shifts.
He was the Chief, dammit.
He’d been through all this shit already.
But he knew the only way anyone would take him seriously was if he still did the occasional patrol shifts.
He’s already done a loop, surprised to find that absolutely no one was on the roads. It was late, but not so late that he hadn’t expected at least a few people to pass by.
On his second loop, he slowed down when he saw a van parked at Lover’s Lake.
Eddie’s van.
Eddie who was supposed to be laying low.
Sure, he’d been officially cleared for months, but the town still had their doubts.
Being out at 11 at night wasn’t exactly laying low.
Hopper sighed as he parked and got out of his patrol car, not wanting to startle him with the lights or sirens.
The kid could just be trying to get out of the house.
But as he got closer, he could hear low moans.
“Dammit, Eddie,” Hopper said to himself before banging on the back door of the van.
The moaning abruptly stopped and he heard some mumbled cursing and watched the van shake for a moment before the back door opened.
Eddie looked disheveled, which was what Hopper had been expecting.
What he wasn’t expecting was an equally disheveled Steve Harrington.
It was pretty rare that he was shocked into silence these days, but when he opened his mouth to give a warning, nothing came out.
It became clear pretty quickly that Steve was hoping he wouldn’t be seen as he pulled a blanket over himself while Eddie got out of the van and closed the door.
“Uh, was that…”
“Nope. Just me.”
Hopper’s eyes squinted suspiciously.
“Just you?”
“Yep. Had to get out of the trailer. Wayne’s been off all week and the walls are thin. Desperate times, ya know?”
Eddie was good, he’d always been good at convincing people what he was saying was true.
He probably convinced himself what he was saying was true.
And Hopper learned long ago to pick his battles, especially with teens and young adults like Eddie.
He wasn’t hurting anybody, no one else was around, he technically couldn’t even prove he was doing anything illegal at all, so he just nodded.
“Right. Well, this is just a warning for you to take you and your hand back home so I don’t have to get you on public indecency. Got it?”
“Sure thing, Chief!” Eddie saluted obnoxiously.
He made his way to the front of his van, hopping in and starting it up quickly.
“I don’t get paid enough,” Hopper said as he walked back to his car.
When Eddie’s van passed by him, he saw Steve sitting in the passenger seat, blanket curled around him and eyes closed like he was asleep.
Hopper didn’t need to know, want to know, or care to know.
Max may be blind, but she wasn’t blind.
It was easy to see what was going on with Steve and Eddie.
They were clingy, but in weird ways. They didn’t hang all over each other, they clearly were trying to hide their relationship from everyone.
What they did was orbit each other.
Max couldn’t see, but she could tell.
Anytime Eddie spoke, Steve spoke from somewhere nearby. Anytime Eddie sat down next to Max, Steve would sit on her other side. When Steve would excuse himself, Eddie wouldn’t be far behind.
She was pretty sure none of the others noticed, or if they did, they didn’t say anything.
But she finally had to when she was sitting on Eddie’s porch one afternoon, trying to feel her way through a G chord. She heard Steve’s car pull up, his feet on the steps.
“Hey, Max, Eds,” Steve said fondly.
She could hear in her voice that he was looking at them like he did when he was overwhelmed with love.
It was gross.
“Hey, swee-Stevie. Off work early?” Eddie asked.
Max heard Steve take a seat on the same step Eddie was sitting on, but didn’t hear anything else.
At least they were smart enough not to kiss or something. She’d hear that for sure.
“Just a little. Keith didn’t want me getting overtime this week. You giving Max a lesson so she can be the next big rockstar?”
Max let out a laugh.
“Well, he’s making sure I’m not useless with a guitar, but I’m far from rockstar material,” Max said as she started strumming again.
It was quiet for a few minutes, but she knew they were still there watching her.
She finally gave up for the day, her frustration level much too high to properly attempt a new chord right now.
“Alright, someone walk me home so I don’t have to interrupt your date or whatever,” she said as she got up.
Steve choked on nothing as Eddie started immediately trying to argue.
“What? This isn’t a date! Steve just had to come by and pick something up.”
“Are you the something he has to pick up?” Max knew she was pushing, but they were just acting so fucking weird lately and she wanted answers.
“Whatever. Can someone walk me home?”
She heard Steve shift his weight on the porch step, then footsteps as he got down.
“Sure thing. Need my arm or just wanna walk next to me?”
“Next to you.”
She got off the step, held the guitar out for Eddie to take, and started walking.
When they got to the gravel road, Steve cleared his throat.
“It’s um. Like it’s really. Um.”
“Don’t hurt yourself Steve. It’s fine. Probably good that you found someone, right?”
She didn’t need any vision to know that Steve was probably bright red.
“Uh huh. Yep.”
They got to her house quickly and he helped her up the steps.
“Need anything before I go?” Steve asked, like always.
“Need you to leave me alone,” Max replied, like always.
“You know where I’ll be if that changes,” she could hear the smile in his voice as he walked back down the steps.
She went inside and thought about how long this had been going on.
Months, really, though they may actually not have noticed or been together at first. They were both idiots in their own ways and they seemed like the type to be stupid with feelings.
But whatever was going on now seemed to keep them happy, and if that meant dealing with their weirdness, Max was secretly happy about it.
Steve was always at Hellfire now.
And, like, it was cool. It was fine. Dustin liked that he showed an interest now, the rest of the party did, too.
But he was a distraction.
Eddie was the best DM besides Will that Dustin had ever seen, but when Steve started coming to watch, it was like ants had started picking pieces of his brain away to build their homes.
Seriously, he got more stupid by the minute.
And Eddie wasn’t stupid, is the thing.
Whether it was D&D or real life shit or even some subjects in school, he was brilliant.
But if Steve was around, his brain left the building.
Tonight was maybe the worst.
They were on their second to last night for this campaign (hopefully) and Steve had shown up about halfway through.
He’d been a little bitchy, even towards Eddie, and had been sitting on the couch drinking water and rubbing his eyes and neck every few minutes.
Eddie kept glancing over at him, stopping mid-sentence and getting completely distracted.
Everyone was getting annoyed and he knew Erica was one more distraction away from calling him out.
As annoyed as Dustin was, he didn’t want that to happen.
Instead, when he saw Eddie’s eyes drifting over to Steve again, he kicked his shin and widened his eyes at him.
“Dude, what the hell?”
“What do you mean, what the hell? You just kicked me?” Eddie whispered angrily.
“You keep looking at Steve and getting lost. Erica’s about to lose her shit,” Dustin whispered back.
“No I don’t,” Eddie said, looking back at the papers in front of him.
Dustin looked over at Steve, watching as he winced and started rubbing his forehead.
Shit. He had a migraine.
Why did he even come here if he had a migraine?
He knows how loud they can be.
He knows Eddie would take them all home.
No. No way.
Dustin was oblivious about this stuff sometimes, but he would know if Steve and Eddie were, like, a thing. Right?
Eddie continued on, but his leg started bouncing anxiously when Steve got up to go to the bathroom.
He was gone for three minutes before Eddie called a break and booked it towards the bathroom.
No one paid much attention except for him, so he walked down the hall and stopped outside the bathroom door.
“You should’ve called me, I would’ve come to you,” Eddie’s voice said quietly.
“Just wanted to see you,” Steve replied, his voice raspy and wet, like he’d been crying.
Dustin resisted the urge to open the door, wanted to see what else they would say first.
“After Hellfire can you play with my hair?”
Dustin’s jaw dropped.
That…could be friendly…maybe.
“Yeah, sweetheart.”
Dustin’s eyes practically bugged out of his head as he realized what was going on.
He walked back to the table, his world spinning at the realization that Steve and Eddie were together and probably had been for a while.
Wayne Munson usually spent his birthday working or with Eddie, but not this year.
He’d been adopted into this little family of misfits and freaks, and he was damn pleased about it.
Joyce had insisted on throwing him a party at her house, everyone was bringing something, and he could invite anyone else he wanted there, too.
Wayne didn’t really have friends. Sure, he went fishing with a couple guys from work every month, but that was more for the fishing than the bonding with people.
So he showed up with Eddie, ten minutes late because Eddie had forgotten to wrap his present until they were about to walk out the door.
Hugs were passed around, Hopper even giving him an awkward one-armed side hug.
Steve and his friend Robin showed up a few minutes later, still in their work uniforms and looking a bit tired. He hugged them both and thanked them for coming by.
It was fun, if a little overwhelming being around all these people as they ate and sang him happy birthday.
He was surprised to see that everyone got him presents.
Look, Wayne was a simple man. He had everything he needed, anything else was just extra.
But he felt loved as he opened gift after gift, small tokens of love from these kids and adults who knew him just enough to know what he’d appreciate.
Mostly mugs and hats, one pair of work boots from Hopper, who insisted they were the best brand he’d ever had.
Eddie handed over a small package, and Steve stood next to him, huge smiles on both their faces.
“This is from me and Steve. Hope you like it.”
Wayne ignored the fact that this was a joint gift, already promising himself he wouldn’t bring up whatever weird thing was going on between his nephew and the Harrington boy this morning.
He started to open it and looked up confused when it was just a handwritten note and a ticket.
“What’s this?”
“Read it!” Eddie bounced up and down.
Steve placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him, but smiled at him fondly.
So Wayne read.
A couple months ago, you mentioned that you hadn’t been to the mountains in almost 20 years and you missed the fishing there. I know I was a lot of the reason you haven’t been, and I’m not gonna apologize, because you won’t let me, but I will say thank you.
Thank you for putting me first for so long. Thank you for giving me everything I needed and working so hard to make sure I wasn’t like my dad. No amount of thank yous could be enough, but I hope this helps.
Enjoy your trip, old man. Love, Eddie
P.S. Steve did most of the work on this so if it’s terrible, it’s his fault.
Wayne moved the letter out of the way and looked at the ticket.
A train ticket to the Smoky Mountains. Another paper was folded up behind that showing his cabin reservations on a lake.
Wayne felt tears spring to his eyes as he looked up at Eddie, who was holding Steve’s hand.
“You boys did this?”
They nodded.
“C’mere,” Wayne gestured for both of them to come closer, and he quickly pulled them both into a hug.
But it was interrupted by Mike, the Wheeler with an attitude, only a few seconds later.
“Are we not talking about how they got him a gift together and are holding hands?”
The party went quiet and Wayne felt Steve and Eddie go tense in his arms.
“It’s alright, boys. You don’t owe an explanation to no one,” Wayne whispered to them before pulling away.
But they kept holding hands, and when they looked at each other, Wayne knew they weren’t gonna run.
“It’s Wayne’s day, but, I guess we should just go ahead and tell you all,” Eddie started.
“We’ve been dating for a while, and it’s pretty serious, so we planned to tell everyone at the next family dinner,” Steve rushed out.
Eddie must have sensed his nerves, pulled his hand out of Steve’s and wrapped his arm around his waist.
“How long is a while?” Dustin asked.
“About four months.”
Everyone was shocked into silence.
But then, one at a time, people started saying “should’ve known” and “that explains so much” and Wayne couldn’t help the smirk on his face.
He’d walked in on Steve curled up against Eddie’s chest on the couch one night about a month ago, snuck in so he wouldn’t interrupt them. At the time, he’d known there was something going on, but figured it wasn’t that serious.
He’d never been happier to be wrong.
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clxja16 · 1 year
Does He Know?
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: forbidden relationship
Warnings: suggestive content, swearing, angst
Word Count: 865
Author's Note: I seen a TikTok and then I thought of this. I realize that everything I posted so far deals with the Leclercs and that's not on purpose. I told myself that the next time I write anything for this blog its gonna be someone else, but then I saw this TikTok with Arthur and Charles so ofc it had to be Arthur and Charles for this. Also I don't condone cheating in any sense, unless you're cheating on a groomer or something, but that's a conversation for another time. one more thing, idk if this is getting a part two yet, lmk what you guys think lol
post about part 2
‘Oh shit’ were the first words in your mind, when you felt the morning sun on your face.  Your head ached with last night's decisions.  You pulled the blanket closer to you realizing that somewhere between the club last night and your bed this morning you lost your dress.  You opened your eyes finally looking around to notice the dark blanket that didn’t match your nice cream ones.  You noticed the walls lined with racing posters that didn’t match your art filled walls.  You turned over in the bed to notice the man laying there that wasn’t your boyfriend.  
“Shit,” you cursed aloud as you shot up in bed.  
The man that laid next to you turned over, “Charlotte why are you yelling?” he asked with a mumble.  
“Um…” you were at a complete loss for words, you don’t even remember drinking that much, “i’m not Charlotte.” you said softly, hopeful not to startle the man next to you.  
He shot up next to you, finally sitting up and looking at you, “you’re not my girlfriend,” he said as the color drained from his face.  
“You’re not my boyfriend,” you said, hopeful that he was trying to catch your hint.  
“This didn’t happen,” you both said at the same time.  You thanked the heavens above that he caught on to what you were trying to say.  You made quick work of finding your dress, and getting a cab to get the hell out of his apartment.  You and him skipped over the pleasantries, not wanting to know each other's names or anything that happened last night.  He didn’t even walk you out the door, not that you really wanted him to.  
You were just grateful that he let you go without any argument.  As soon as you got back to your place, you threw that wretched dress into the trash and jumped into the shower. When you were done with your shower, scrubbing off all the remnants of the other man you called your boyfriend, Arthur.  
Arthur wasted no time in getting over to your place, when you opened the door to see him standing there you thought that maybe you shouldn’t tell him.  He didn’t need to know, who would tell him?  You were sure all your friends would cover for you, you didn’t know the guy that you slept with, maybe you could just keep this to yourself.  
“I made a mistake,” the words tumbled out of you before you could catch them.  Arthur stood in front of you so happily that you couldn’t further break his heart by keeping this from him to find out later on.  
“Mistake?” Arthur took a step back from you, “what kind of mistake?” 
“I think…” you felt tears welled in your eyes, this was gonna be the end to a relationship that hasn’t even started yet, “I slept with someone last night.” 
“I see,” Arthur said, looking down as if he were in deep thought.  You stood there in silence for a minute.  Then two minutes, then ten minutes, then fifteen minutes.  “Arthur, say something please.”  
“What do you want me to say?” Arthur scoffed, “I want to be angry, I am angry but I don’t know if I have a right to.  I have never asked you to be my girlfriend yet.” 
“Be angry, you have a right to be angry.  Even if I’m not your girlfriend, there was an unsaid agreement that we were committed to each other.  Be angry, just don’t leave.” You said, as you held onto Arthur's hands.  
“I don’t want to leave,” Arthur said, finally looking at you.  
“I don’t want you to leave either.” You said, as you took a step closer to Arthur, hoping to close some of the space between the both of you.  
“I am still very angry with you though,” Arthur said, “but I don’t want to lose you just yet.” 
“I don’t want to lose you Arthur, last night was a terrible mistake, something that I would never do.  When I woke up this morning, the first person I thought of was you.  I rushed home to see you.  I wanted to tell you before anything else.”  
“I am gonna put this behind us because I want to be with you,” Arthur said, closing the gap between the two of you.  You nodded your head, hanging onto every word that passed his lips, “but from this day forward you’re mine.  You belong to me, and only me.”  
That day was over three months ago now.  The past three months you have been happy, loved, overjoyed with Arthur.  You didn’t even dare to look at another man.  You and Arthur moved past it and never brought it up again.  You didn’t even think about it again.  Until now, when Arthur wanted you to meet his family.  You were sitting across the table from the man you had a one night stand that almost ended your relationship before it happened, Charles Leclerc.  And all the memories from that night, everything you thought you were too drunk to remember came rushing back to you.  Based on how Charles looked at you, you would say he remembered too. 
part II
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tkwrites · 7 months
Worth the Wait - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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photos from pinterest
Title: Worth the Wait
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn x Sarah
Warnings: Swearing, grief, mentions of a dead mother. Mostly, it’s fluff.
Summary: It takes more than a week, but Quinn and Sarah finally go on their second date.  
Word count: 5,500
Comments: This one is a little long, but I felt like all the parts were needed to flesh out the characters the way I wanted. I hope you enjoy! 
Part 2 is being planned as we speak!
Worth the Wait
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Hey Sarah, I just wanted to let you know we’re headed out on the road, so I’ll be out of town for the next week. 
Quinn sent this message before boarding the plane. He’d never done something like this before - tell someone he was interested in that he wouldn’t be home. He didn’t want Sarah to think he was ignoring her, or putting off their next date. 
Can I see you when you get back? 
Definitely, he sent, a giddy, effervescent feeling in his stomach.
The following evening, for the first time in her life, Sarah sat down to watch a hockey game. 
Eunice was in their living room, anxiously awaiting the start of the game. Currently watching people talk about betting odds in her Canucks t-shirt, a stuffed orca on the cushion next to her. 
Sarah had lived with Eunice for a little over a year. They were friends in the way two people coming together for convenience could be friends. She was nice and sweet, and made the best mac & cheese Sarah had ever eaten. She was also dramatic and had a borderline obsessive love for many things, including the Canucks. Sarah had never paid much attention to that particular obsession, as it didn’t cross over into her life, until now. 
“You okay?” Eunice asked when Sarah sat down.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You never watch hockey with me, I thought maybe you were sad or something.” 
“Oh, no, my project is done, so I’m free for the night and thought I’d join.” 
Eunice squealed and threw her arms around Sarah, “I’m so excited to introduce you to the best sport in the world!”
Feeling instantly overwhelmed, Sarah put on a brave face, and watched as the national anthem began to play. The camera scanned over the players, 5 stood separate from the others in a line, and her heart jumped into her throat when Quinn’s face came across the screen. He looked impassively at the camera. He seemed so different than when they had met, determined and competitive, not so quiet and interested. It was strange to reconcile the two as the same person. 
“What does the C mean?” 
“It means he’s the captain. That’s Quinn Hughes. He’s like, the best defenseman in the league.” 
"Isn't he a little small to play defense?" Sarah asked, surprised. 
Eunice looked personally affronted. "Hughes is an amazing skater, which is the most important thing in being a good defenseman. Defense in Hockey is more tactical than super physical." 
When the game finally began, Sarah was instantly overwhelmed. They moved so quickly, and it was damn near impossible for her to keep track of the puck. There were terms being thrown around by the commentators that were so niche, she didn’t even know where to begin figuring them out.
“What’s icing?” she asked when there was a commercial break. 
“So, it’s when a team shoots the puck to the other end of the rink, but no one is there to receive it.” 
She knew that wasn’t quite right. There were plenty of times before the break when that very thing happened, but no icing was called, and couldn’t the goalie receive it and negate that altogether? 
“And there’s no out of bounds?” 
“Nope. Just the rink. You can get penalized for shooting the puck over the glass though.” 
The game continued, and after a scuffle, Quinn skated off to sit by himself. 
“Why is he there?” 
“He got a penalty. High sticking,” Eunice said without any additional explanation. 
The announcers replayed the offense in slower motion, showing how in the midst of a play, Quinn had accidentally hit another player in the jaw with his stick. 
“That doesn’t seem like it should be a penalty when it was an accident,” Sarah said. The other guy wasn’t even bleeding.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s part of the game. Keep control of your stick all the time.” 
The camera moved back to Quinn in the little cell. He removed his helmet and rubbed a towel over his face and hair before replacing it.
Eunice sighed dramatically, “God, he’s so hot.” 
Sarah had to agree. He did look hot - supremely so. Flushed and sweaty, it was difficult to keep her mind off imagining him in her bed like that.
“Wait, why is it 4 against 5?” Sarah asked as the game began again. 
“Cause Hughes got a penalty,” Eunice said, as if this was all the explanation Sarah should need. 
Sarah stopped asking questions. Every time Eunice had tried to explain something in the past, she would get so excited, she would leave out key points, or assume Sarah had background knowledge she didn’t, and Sarah would end up even more confused. She often had to look up whatever they were talking about after their conversation anyway. 
The period ended, and Eunice left the living room. 
Sarah continued reading the article about the basics of hockey she had pulled up on her phone at the last commercial break. She wished she could watch with someone who would patiently explain each rule as it passed in the game. She had learned Football from her dad that way. Maybe Quinn could explain it to her. 
“Okay, so what’s really up?” Eunice asked when she returned, plopping back down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a bag of caramels.  
“What do you mean?” 
Holding up one finger, she said, “you’re watching hockey with me,” she held up a second, “you’re trying to understand it,” a third finger went up, “and you’re, like, actually interested in sports?” 
“I’m interested in sports,” Sarah defended. “We’re a football family. My uncle coached.” 
“Whatever,” she waved her hand dismissively, “it’s a dumb American sport anyway.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes, but didn’t take the bait. 
“All I’m saying is that we’ve lived together for over a year, and you have never, not once, expressed any kind of interest in Hockey and I want to know what changed.”
The commercials ended and the camera cut to someone interviewing Quinn, who was in his full kit sans helmet. He answered questions in the same quiet, methodical way he had answered her on their date. Only this time, he said a lot of words without actually saying much of anything. 
Sarah chewed on her lip. 
“Did you finally discover how hot hockey players are?” Eunice teased.
“I don’t -” Sarah cut off, pushing a breath out her nose in frustration. 
She was about to tell Eunice that hot guys were not the only reason she watched sports, only to realize that that’s precisely what she was doing. 
“I met him,” she finally admitted. 
“You met who?” 
“Quinn,” Sarah said, gesturing to the TV. 
“Met? You MET Quinn Hughes?” Eunice asked, turning in slow motion to look at Sarah. “When?!” 
Sarah started, “on Monday.”
“Where? What? How?” Eunice demanded, her voice getting progressively louder with each word. 
“He came into the aquarium, asked some questions after one of my talks, and then asked if I wanted to get lunch.” 
“He asked you to lunch?” Eunice repeated. 
“Yeah, we went to get bao.” 
“Like on a date?” 
“I think so. I mean, he paid, and he got my phone number aft-”
“Quinn Hughes asked you for your phone number,” Eunice thundered, “and you didn’t think to tell me about it?” 
It probably wasn’t the right time for Sarah to point out that she and Eunice really didn’t have that kind of a relationship. In fact, Sarah hadn’t told anyone but Beth, her best friend from back home, who had been thrilled Sarah had finally met a good guy.
“Sorry,” Eunice said, settling on the couch like a proper lady in a period drama, folding her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to flip out.” 
Sarah wasn’t sure how she should react. She hadn’t intended on telling Eunice at all, worried - justly, it turned out - that she would freak.  
“But oh my fucking God,” Eunice yelled, throwing her hands up and breaking her posture to flop dramatically into a slouch. 
“What’s going on?” Jane asked, leaning in the door frame, rubbing sleep from her eyes. 
“Quinn Hughes asked Sarah for her phone number,” Eunice declared, gesturing to Sarah as if she were the reason Jane was up early before her graveyard shift, not her own yelling. 
Jane perked awake, “really?” 
“Yeah,” Eunice said, sounding like a petulant teenager.  
“Oh my God. I didn’t think this was a big deal,” Sarah said, putting her head in her hands. 
“That the most eligible bachelor in the whole city of Vancouver asked you for your number? I’d say that’s a pretty big fuckin deal.” 
“He’s just a guy, Eunice.”
“I’d beg to differ," Jane cut in. “It is a pretty big deal.” 
“So he’s not a guy?”
Both women rolled their eyes at her. 
“Of course he’s a guy,” Eunice said, exasperated. 
“But he’s not ‘just’ a guy,” Jane said, air quotes and all. “He’s a little more than that, I think.” 
“Why? Because he’s a professional athlete?” 
“Yeah. And millions of women across the world want to marry him.”
“He’s handsome and all, but I can’t believe that’s true,” Sarah said. “Do millions of women even watch hockey?” 
At the fierce glares she received from both of her Canadian roommates, Sarah held up her hands in defeat. “Okay, okay. Maybe millions of women watch hockey, and some of them find him attractive. But for my purposes, he’s just a guy. He was just a guy on our date.” 
“It's not about you,” Jane said. 
Sarah raised her eyebrows in a challenge. 
“What we mean is that it’s a big freaking deal that Quinn asked for your number.” 
She reeled back, “Is it so hard to believe that he would be attracted to me?” 
“No!” they both shouted, Eunice exasperated while Jane was horrified. 
“Of course he’s attracted to you. Look at you.”
“I think what Eunice means is that Quinn Hughes has celebrity status in this city, and so him asking for your number means that he saw something really special in you. Women throw themselves at him every day.” 
Sarah wrinkled her nose in disgust. 
“It’s like, a major, major compliment,” Eunice said. 
Biting her tongue, Sarah resisted the urge to tell her that it was a major compliment if anyone asked for her number, celebrity status or not. 
“So, are you going out again?” Eunice asked, sitting back down on the couch. 
“I mean, we said we would, but he’s out of town until next week, so I guess we will when he gets back?” 
“Oh man,” Eunice said, leaning back in her seat. “You are living such a fanfiction right now.” 
Sarah snorted and rolled her eyes. 
Jane yawned. “I’m going back to bed. I have to be at the hospital at 2 in the morning.” 
“I’m sorry we woke you up,” Sarah said. 
Shaking her head, Jane smiled. “I’m glad Quinn saw the same things the rest of us do. If anyone deserves a fanfiction love story, it’s you.”
Heat raced into her cheeks, and Sarah smiled, turning back to the TV as the game began again. 
“I cannot believe this,” Eunice said, picking up the stuffed whale to clutch in her hands. “You’ve got to introduce me to Kuzmenko.” 
A few nights later, Quinn was slipping into a dinner booth in St. Louis when his phone pinged with a message. 
Hey, I don't know what your schedule is next week, but The Electric is showing the Star Wars movies starting Sunday if you want to catch one together?
His heart jumped into his throat so fast, he made a sort of gasping choking nose that had Elias clapping him on the back. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Quinn said, clearing his throat. 
“Who is that from?” Petey asked quietly. 
Quinn was suddenly overwhelmingly thankful that he wasn’t sitting next to anyone else, who surely would have made a big scene of announcing that he got a text about a date to everyone in the near vicinity. Petey knew he preferred his privacy, and always respected that. 
“Remember that girl I was telling you about last week? The one from the aquarium?” 
His eyebrows shot up, “that’s her?” he asked, nodding at the phone.
Quinn nodded. 
As Elias watched, Quinn pulled up their practice and game schedules. 
Sounds awesome. I’m back in town Wednesday and free on Thursday or Saturday nights. 
Almost immediately, the icon of her typing appeared. His heart began to hammer a little harder, pulsing in his throat in that nervous, I-can’t-wait-to-talk-to-her way he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Thursday is The Empire Strikes Back, so I’m guessing that’s our choice. Unless you’d rather see the Force Awakens on Saturday?
Thursday is great.
Cool. I’ll get us tickets. Showtime is at 7 and they have a special menu for dinner and drinks at 6. 
Sounds great.
It was as simple as that. Quinn had never had a date planned so smoothly. 
Her text bubble popped up again, before going away. He gulped some of his nervousness down. 
When he clicked off the screen and looked at Elias, he found the other man smiling at him knowingly. 
“I didn’t think she existed.” 
“Sarah? You thought I was making her up?” 
Petey rolled his eyes, “No. I didn’t think the girl you always talk about wanting to date existed. But she’s right there,” he gestured to Quinn’s phone. 
Feeling his cheeks flush, Quinn shrugged to deflect the wave of sincere agreement that washed over him by busing himself with the menu. 
Leaving her last class, Sarah was beyond thankful to leave campus and go home. She was exhausted to the bone. It had been a hard week of studying and midterms. On top of that, nervous, excited energy was buzzing under her skin in anticipation of her date with Quinn that evening. 
When she got home and finally pulled her phone from her bag, she found a missed call from him. Stomach dropping, worry billowed into her thoughts like smoke. He was probably calling to say he couldn’t come. Why else would he call when they’d only texted so far?
 Rapid fire, her thoughts rifled through friends that might want to come to the movie before she snapped back to herself. This was her anxiety talking. It wasn’t the truth.
Taking the time to pull in a few deep breaths, she told herself he could be calling about something other than canceling. It took eight breaths before she felt calm enough to call him back.
The phone rang three times before he answered. “Hey.”
“Hi, sorry I missed you earlier, I was in my last midterm.” 
 “I’m sorry,” he said, wincing. That was one thing he didn’t miss about college. There wasn’t a lot, but the pressure of midterms and finals were something he was happy to live the rest of his life without. 
“Well, it’s done now, so I’m just excited to take a nap.” 
He laughed. 
“So what’s up?” she asked, trying, and failing, to not sound nervous. 
“I wondered where I should pick you up tonight,” he said. 
Relief sighed through her legs and she sunk onto the bed. “I was planning to meet you there.” 
“I can come pick you up,” he offered. There was no need for her to take the train when he could drive them. 
This was always an awkward conversation, but one she’d constructed with her therapist to ease her anxiety. If someone didn’t respect this, it was a sure sign she didn’t want to date them. “Quinn, you seem like a great guy, but I don’t want you to pick me up. I don’t know you very well.” 
A long pause passed over the phone. She wondered if she was going to have to explain this concept to him. 
Honestly, Quinn hadn’t heard that line in a long time. He knew from friends that women often did this to protect themselves, but something about his presence in the media made women trust him implicitly. He hadn’t taken advantage of that - he would never - but it had infiltrated his thoughts before, how easy it would be. 
She stood up for herself, and kept herself safe, and he respected her for that. “That makes sense,” he said.
It was so much easier than she’d been expecting, that Sarah had a hard time coming up with words.
“So I’ll meet you there?” he said when she didn’t say anything. 
“What time?” 
“Dinner starts at 6, so I figured like 6:15?” 
“Great. I’ll meet you out front?” 
“Sounds great.” 
They said some pleasant goodbyes and she flopped back on the bed. Karma was really seeing this one though. Nice, interested, a bit nerdy, and respectful, not to mention handsome, Sarah had hardly allowed herself to dream up a guy like Quinn. And now, here he was, suddenly in her life. A feeling like she’d just drunk champagne began to fizz in her stomach. A smile spread over her face as she hugged her pillow and set an alarm.  
Walking up to the theater, Quinn wiped his hands on his jeans, hoping he wasn’t about to revert back into a teenage boy with sweaty palms. He had to pee again. Nerves always shrunk his bladder. It hadn't happened in a game since he was ten, but other places - getting on a stage, press conferences, dates - always made him nervous. 
The theater was an old fashioned, stand alone cement building. A ticket booth complete with marquee lights sat between two sets of French doors. Sarah was already there, leaning against the wall, looking up at the building across the street. It surprised him she wasn't on her phone.
“Hey,” he said as he got closer. 
“Hi,” she said, meeting his eyes with a smile that made his stomach ache. Her lips were darker, making them stand out a little more. His eyes were drawn to them like a magnet. 
She slipped her arms around his neck for a hug. It felt so natural this time as he pulled her into his chest. 
As she broke away, she asked, “ready?”
He nodded, and she walked over to the ticket window, “I have a reservation for two under Roberts.”
The teenager working looked up from his phone. His gaze drifted past her. “You’re Quinn Hughes,” he said, mouth falling open.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder. 
“Hey, what’s up man?” Quinn said as if someone hadn’t just told him who he was. 
The employee - who couldn’t have been more than sixteen - was still staring at Quinn, even when he didn’t say anything else. 
“You’re coming to the show tonight?” he finally asked. 
Sarah had never felt so looked over in her life. It wasn’t that she was jealous. She would never want that kind of attention, but there was common decency not being met here. 
“We’re trying to,” she said, not unkindly, nudging him back to her reservation. 
The boy started. He blinked a few times before he said, “sorry, what was the name?” 
“Sarah Roberts.”
As they walked into the foyer. The ticket clerk slipped out of the booth, and came up to them, “hey man, I’m sorry to interrupt, but could I get an autograph? My girlfriend is a huge fan.” 
Quinn nodded, and reached for the paper and pen he held out. 
“Thanks so much, enjoy your show!” 
As soon as they turned around, a harried looking woman with flyaway strawberry blonde hair came rushing up to them. “Mr. Hughes, we’re so glad you can be with us tonight.” Apparently, Mr. “you’re Quinn Hughes” had spread the news. 
He gave her a polite smile. 
“I just wanted to let you know, we upgraded your reservations to one of our more private love seats in the back.”
“That’s very nice, but it’s not necessary,” he said, feeling embarrassed. Sarah was never going to go out with him again if their first date was under this much of a microscope. 
“Oh, no,” she said with a strained smile, “I insist.” 
Sarah looked up at him, wondering what was going to happen here. 
“Well, thank you,” he said, knowing that arguing would only draw more attention. So far, the other patrons were ignoring them, and he wanted to keep it that way. 
“Let me show you to your new seats.” She led them to a plush couch tucked into the back of the theater. No neighbors and a perfect view of the screen. No one would even need to walk in front of them to get to the bar or the bathroom. 
“Thanks so much,” Sarah said. 
The woman walked away, and she turned to Quinn with wide eyes, “that was wild.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” he said, his hand going to the back of his neck. 
“Does that happen a lot?”
He shrugged, “sometimes. Most people are pretty cool, though.” 
“I actually thought about reserving this, but it was like triple the price, and I’m on a grad school budget, so…” she trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she clasped her hands together.
“The seats we had before would have been great,” he said, “people make a fuss.” He knew this woman was probably hoping he would share the theater on his social media, but finding a place like this was hard enough. He didn’t want to ruin that by announcing it to the world. 
Desperate to change the subject, he said, “Thanks for finding this. I didn’t know it was even here.” 
“I didn’t either,” Sarah admitted, deciding they may as well enjoy the upgrade and sat down on the sofa. It was plush microfiber - incredibly soft to the touch - and very comfortable. It wasn’t like she was going to demand they go back to the standard seats she’d booked.
“How did you find it, then?” he asked, sitting next to her. 
“I overheard someone talking about it on the train and looked it up. It looked cool, so here we are.” 
He smiled at her, and her heart did a karate kick into her lungs. She sucked in a deep breath. 
They made their way to the bar to order dinner and drinks. Everything was on theme, including Sarah’s cocktail that came out glowing bright blue with smoke billowing off the surface. She laughed, looking truly delighted with it. It made Quinn want to kiss her. Not that he hadn’t been thinking about that since they’d met, but something about the pure joy in her face when the bartender handed it over made the impulse even stronger. 
The problem, she soon discovered, with the couch arrangement was the fact that their food and drinks ended up on the end tables - on opposite sides of the couch, making it nearly impossible to eat and have a conversation the way she wanted to. 
After turning around for her drink for the third time, she let out a frustrated sigh. “Here, will you hold this?” she asked, handing him her glass. 
Quinn accepted it and watched as she put her plate on the table, and moved it in front of the couch. She then tucked herself around it, and sat facing him, with one of her legs bent at the knee between them. 
“At least for now,” she said, taking her drink back and setting it on the relocated table. 
Quinn smiled. He never would have moved that table - too afraid to upset someone. He admired Sarah’s willingness to solve the issue at hand. 
Her drink was still smoking when he set his beer bottle next to it. She'd let out the most adorable giggle with the first sip, scrunching her nose at the feel of the smoke. 
“So, what made you choose Vancouver?” he asked, “I’m sure there are places in the States where you can study Marine Zoology.” 
She was instantly impressed that he remembered her degree. Most people got the marine part right, but assumed she was a biologist.  
“That’s kind of a long, complicated story, but basically, my mom died a year and a half years ago and -” 
He cut in, “I’m sorry, Sarah.” 
“Thank you,” she gave him a sad smile. 
“Anyway, there’s a little more to it, but I ended up here because my uncle lives here. I wanted to study the ocean, but I had to be close to family, and the only family I had close to the ocean was here, so that kind of made my decision for me.”
Bracing herself for sympathy, she looked into his eyes, only to find a more open, understanding expression on his handsome face. “That sucks about your mom. My dad lost his mom when I was like two, and he still talks about how hard it was. I know it was really devastating for him. I can't imagine how it felt for you." 
She was so young - too young. She’d been his age. Even considering how long he'd been living away from his parents, it would be awful to lose his mom. She was the person he called for almost everything.
Tears pricked at her lower lashes. She blinked them away, busying herself with her drink to shut down that topic of conversation. 
He laughed when her nose scrunched up again. 
“I promise it’s really good,” she said, giggling, “the smoke just tickles.” 
“Sure,” he teased, then added, "it's actually really cute."
Her gaze caught on the amused set of his mouth, and lingered there for a beat too long. Tearing her eyes away, she asked, “what about you? Why Vancouver?” 
“Well, I was drafted here,” he said after swallowing his bite of salad. 
“So you didn’t have a choice?” 
“Yes and no. I toured and interviewed with a lot of clubs, and I liked it here along with a few other places. They knew how I felt, so they knew it would probably be a good fit. But the draft is always kind of a gamble. My brothers both went to New Jersey, which is pretty unheard of.” 
“Your brothers play hockey too?” 
He nodded. 
“How many of you are there?” 
“Just the three of us,” he said, “and a whole mess of cousins. What about you?” 
“I have an older sister and an older brother. They still live in Nevada, and they both have a bunch of kids. My brother married my sister's best friend, so they’re all really, really close.” 
She said it with a kind of sadness that Quinn knew well: a specific feeling that stemmed from your siblings being together while you were apart. Even though everyone was doing good things, it was still lonely to be the odd man out. 
“I get that,” he said. “My brothers live together in Jersey, and my grandad’s there too, so I feel pretty separate sometimes.”
It was strange to Sarah how much they had in common. Both from families of three siblings, both in Vancouver because of a mix of circumstance and choice, both understood familial loss to at least some extent. She had never met a man like him. 
The bartender announced the movie would start in 5 minutes. 
“I’m going to use the restroom,” she said. “Do you need anything on my way back?”
He shook his head. 
When she came back to their little corner of the theater, she found a refreshed drink on the end table. 
“Thank you,” she said. 
“Of course.” 
The movie started and it was instantly calming to her. Being there with Quinn felt like a special treat, like something out of a daydream.
When she lay her hand, palm up, in the small bit of love seat between them, Quinn was quick to pick it up, entwining their fingers. It felt a bit like he was fourteen again, just excited to hold a girl’s hand. He wanted to touch her all the time, but knew they weren’t there yet. He couldn’t wait to get to the point in the relationship when he could rest his hand on her thigh, or put an arm around her shoulders without it being a big deal. It felt so close, he could almost taste it. 
Leaning progressively closer throughout the movie, Quinn finally put his arm around her. He had to stop himself from celebrating when she rested her head on his shoulder. 
When the movie started winding down, Quinn began to wonder how exactly the end of the night was going to go. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he didn’t want to do that in the theater or the foyer, where prying eyes and cell phone cameras were in abundance. Maybe he could ask her if they could walk to his car so he could kiss her there? Or maybe he could take her to her building's parking garage? Every way he thought about asking her sounded fucking creepy.
He was still caught in that internal debate when the movie ended and the house lights went up. How was he going to do this? He could just come out and tell her, but it made him sound paranoid and more than a little full of himself. 
“Could you walk me to the train station?” she asked, effectively ending his internal argument. 
He bit back the suggestion that he could just drive her home. “Yeah. Sure, of course,” he said. Maybe there would be a dim corner he could tuck them into and kiss her. 
The night air was cool, and humid when they stepped outside. Heart pounding, Sarah hoped he couldn’t feel it through their clasped hands. 
“You’ll have to lead the way,” he said. “I don’t really take the train.”
“Too many people.” 
While holding his hand was nice, Sarah’s mouth had felt empty with yearning all night. A deep longing to kiss him had been purring in her chest for over a week now, and seeing him made it rumble even louder. From the way she caught him glancing at her mouth throughout the night, it seemed like he felt the same way. 
There was a small, clean alleyway she’d spotted on her walk to the theater. As they passed it, she tugged him off the sidewalk, turned around so she could slide one hand over the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
Quinn sucked in a sort of shocked breath at her forwardness. 
She pulled away just as he was registering what was happening and sinking into the kiss. 
Taking her hands back, a blush searing her cheeks, she said, “I’m sorry, that was really presumptuous of me.” Hoping she hadn't just ruined everything, She tried to not feel rejected. Had she been reading the signs wrong? 
“No,” Quinn said, his voice a little too loud. 
It was so strange to him that their physical connection, which had always been the easiest part of his past relationships, seemed to be the only thing they fumbled over. 
He cleared his throat, and slipped his hand up to cup her jaw, "no. I was just a little surprised.” 
Seeing the longing in his face when she looked into his eyes kicked hers back into gear, ready to squeal off the pavement. 
Leaning in closer, his breath caressed her lips as he whispered, “I’ve been thinking about this all week.” 
A shiver raced down her spine at his confession. “Me too." 
Pulling back just slightly, he looked into her face. It felt like he was standing at the edge of the most beautiful view he'd ever seen. He couldn't wait to jump over it. 
She tipped up, and he leaned down, and when their lips met, a gentle sigh passed between them. 
There was no awkwardness, no questioning of who would tip which way, or if it was too soon for tongue. No, Sarah just took advantage between kisses, and swept her tongue into his open mouth. He responded in kind, sliding his tongue along hers. 
Her hands found their way into his hair in an attempt to pull him closer. The soft noise he gasped into her mouth made her fingertips tingle with a heady sense of satisfaction. Molten desire dripped into her veins.
Quinn let all his other thoughts fall away in favor of savoring this moment. He wanted to commit every second of it to memory. She tasted like the tart syrup used in her cocktail, and the smooth sweetness of the rum. Coupled with the vanilla, woodsy scent of her perfume, and her soft, skilled tongue, it was the most intoxicating thing he'd ever experienced. He never wanted to stop. 
The world fell away. 
Then, it came crashing back. 
"Get a room!" someone yelled from the group of teenagers walking by. 
He pulled away, just enough that he could feel her panting breaths rushing over his lips. He didn't want to let the moment slip away. Not when it had been so perfect. 
"Can I make you dinner on Saturday?" he asked, still feeling a little breathless.
She paused, and he realized what he'd just implied. God, he wasn't thinking straight. 
Pulling back, he rushed to explain, "I can bring it with me to a park or something. I just want to see you again." 
A smile broke over her face, "I want to see you again, too." 
Simple, straight to the point. Quinn felt some of his anxiety drop away. 
"I'll think about where, but definitely yes to dinner." 
He beamed. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
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desperate-daydream · 7 months
can I request Seth Clearwater x male reader
where male reader is Bella younger brother Seth age but he phases and becomes a shifter and nobody knows how or why Seth and male reader imprint on each other and just being cute and wholesome with each other but Jacob is giving male reader a hard time saying thing like Bella should have been to phase and if did she imprint on me and ECT but Seth put stop to that put Jacob in his place after he make male reader cry
🍎 Twilight
❀ Seth Clearwater x male (shifter) reader ⚣︎
A/N: thanks for the request and sorry for the long wait, I had a terrible writers block until today and then I just wrote the whole thing in one go XD, and I know ugh, self promo but I have a twilight story on Ao3 with the main being Bella’s twin and Jake imprinting on him (maybe some of you will like that too even if it’s not that similar to this story) (that’s also why it felt so weird to write Jake so mean XD I basically just finished a chapter from that story before writing this one, but I hope you like it)
tags/warnings: set in eclipse (aka the movie where Jake is kinda toxic), Jake is mean and has some issues, reader is Bella’s younger brother, also I wanted Bella to be a good sister, reader is a shifter and imprints on Seth
here‘s the link to the story on my Ao3:
Tumblr media
so that’s what imprinting feels like
“What happened?!”, Bella came jumping out of her car. Jacob had called her as soon as possible when Paul and Embry had found you in the middle of the forest. You had been scared - not just because there had been two giant wolves in front of you but also because you had just shifted into one too. They had managed to calm you down enough until Sam arrived. He had brought spare clothes from one of their “emergency supplies” that you put on after shifting back. Then they guided you to Jacob’s place. They had thought it would be the best idea since you had technically also grown up together with Bella although now you didn’t really have anything to do with each other anymore. And he was able to call Bella who had rushed over as fast as possible when she had processed what Jake told her. While waiting the other four wolves had already told you the essentialities of being a shifter and basically destroyed your whole world-perception. 
As nice and caring as he had always been, Billy stayed by your side. You had gained a better relationship to Jacob’s dad than to Jacob himself. Especially since you still spent a little bit more time with your dad and therefore also Billy - even if it was just watching a game in your living room. 
Bella came straight to you, only sparring Jake a sideways glance as she was too focused on you. 
“Hey”, her voice was quiet and soft, “oh god, you’re shivering.” She placed her arms around you and pulled you closer. You hadn’t even noticed it until she said it. 
“Just a bit much right now.”
“I know. Let’s go home so you can rest a little, mh?” You nodded. 
“Wait, we still have so much to do now”, Jake said persistently, “You have to tell Charlie too. And what if he shifts again and hurts you?”
Bella now turned completely to him. “You can still do all of this tomorrow. He needs to sleep right now.” 
Jake wanted to start again: “But what if-”
“Jake, let it be for now.” 
That’s all she said before getting up with you and walking to her truck together. 
“How did this happen?”, she asked on the drive home.
“I don’t know.” You put up your legs and put your arms around them even though you felt way too warm. 
“I wasn’t feeling good and wanted to take a walk because it usually helps but then.. I don’t know.”
You big sister sighed and looked at you shortly before focusing back on the road. “Let’s worry about it tomorrow. It’s getting late and you seem tired.”
You only nodded while your eyelids already dropped. 
When you arrived you walked straight to your room and the moment your head touched your pillow you were gone. 
“We’ll do it step for step”, you stood next to Sam who would teach you today how to control your shifting so you would hopefully not hurt anybody around you or yourself - not to mention keeping the secret of the pack. 
What he didn’t tell you then was that they’ve had a discussion just yesterday after Bella had picked you up whether or not they should officially include you in the pack since you were a new and special case. In the end they came to the conclusion that you would need and deserve the help and guide the others could give you. He also didn’t tell you that Jacob seemed a bit too disapproving of this new situation and that he guessed it had something to do with the thoughts he had heard from him that were once again centered on none other than your own sister. 
“Okay”, you nodded; also to convince yourself that everything would be okay. 
“Also, you’re not the only young member, don’t worry. Seth Clearwater, he is your age and has also shifted. You will meet him later at the fire.” 
You had already agreed to come when he and Billy had invited you and Bella to come. Bella had added another dimension to this whole situation when she had told you about the Cullens and the vampire that was going after her. She had calmed you a bit when she reassured that she was as good as always protected by either the vampire family of her boyfriend or the wolves. 
For the rest of the day you tried to shift on command and Sam and his fiancée Emily gave you a few tips on how to control your anger. 
Then you went to the fire where you saw your sister again who immediately asked you how it worked. You still stood a bit away from the others as you told her about your training when you heard a voice. It was directed at Jake so didn’t turn around until the person came to a halt at Jacob’s side.
“Hey man, I saved you some burgers but if you don’t hurry Paul will-” 
The boy stopped in the middle of his sentence when you turned around and your eyes met. Your first thought was: “Holy shit, he’s cute”. Your second one was: “So that’s what imprinting feels like”. And your third was once again: “Holy shit.”
Butterflies started fluttering in your stomach and the heat rose to your cheeks as you looked at the boy in front of you with wide eyes who still hadn’t closed his mouth. 
To your luck Sam and Emily were still next to you and immediately understood what was happening. Sam suppressed a chuckle and introduced you to each other.
“(Y/N), this is Seth, the boy I told you about today. Seth, this is our newest pack-member, (Y/N).”  
You saw his mouth form your name before he stuttered out a “hi”. 
You willed your body to move again and said “hi” back just as stuttery. 
“Uh-uhm..”, Seth started and was once again saved by Emily. “Why don’t we go to the others already.” 
You nodded and then followed the other boy your age closely. What you didn’t notice was the pissed expression that had appeared on Jacob’s face. All of you was focused on Seth.
You sat next to each other and soon the gossip made it’s round so soon after Billy was finished with telling the first legend everyone knew what just happened. 
Leah, who Seth had introduced as his older sister, looked at you with narrowed eyes but didn’t do anything else. 
Throughout the evening your hands had brushed together a few times which had sparked the fluttering in your stomach everytime. And you had probably inched even closer together after some time too. 
It was a bit awkward at first but it didn’t change the fact that you felt comfortable sitting next to him while listening and laughing with the others. 
You were sad when saying goodbye but then Seth gave you his number and asked you to meet up tomorrow which you had agreed to almost too enthusiastically to not be embarrassed. It didn’t help that Bella giggled the entire ride home about her baby-brother having a crush. 
“Naw, you grow up so fast.”
“Ughhhhhh, please stop.”
Bella laughed while pulling into their driveway: “Never, that’s my job as your sister.”
“You’re horrible”, you said drily while she just continued giggling. 
But then she changed the mood quickly. “You decided to tell dad tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah.. Billy and Sam are gonna be there too to answer questions. I’m still not the best at wolf-knowledge.”
“Mhm, it’ll be okay, don’t worry too much. If you want I can be there too.”
You nodded and earned yourself a short side-hug from Bella before you went to your rooms. 
You were close to emotional exhaustion after the conversation with your dad but it had a good outcome. Afterwards Edward picked up Bella and you went to meet up with Seth. Sam and Billy were so nice to take you with them to the Black’s home from where you would go to Seth. 
Billy went inside while you waved at him and went to go. 
But shortly before you arrived someone came to stand in your way. It was Jacob. And he didn’t seem to want to talk to you in a friendly way. 
You still tried to be nice; he was like Bella’s best friend so you really didn’t want to make him dislike you more than he apparently already did. 
You were perplexed when he almost spat it at you. You also didn’t have a chance to respond; he just continued talking.
“Why was it YOU?! Why did YOU shift?! It should’ve been Bella if anyone else were to shift at all! But no! It was YOU! If it had been Bella then she could imprint on me! But it was you! It doesn’t even make sense! Why would nature want YOU to be one of us?! You’re unable to do anything! You’re weak! And now you’re just supposed to protect others?! To protect Bella?! Hah!”
His accusations that in the end didn’t even really make sense but still hurt carried on. You didn’t actually hear anymore what he said. You were about to cry and just wanted to coil into yourself but at the same time you had to suppress the anger rising in you. Your whole body shook from the exhausting try to hold yourself together. A few tears escaped your eyes and Jacob was still not done, probably just repeating himself by now but that didn’t change the fact that he was more than angry. 
“Jacob! Stop!”, before you could register anything else a person appeared between you and the other. You felt relief wash over you immediately when you saw that it was Seth. 
“How dare you scream at him like that! Accusing him of being the source of your stupid self-centered problems! How dare you make him cry! Don’t you ever even come too close to him again!” 
Jake seemed to want to say something more but Seth turned to you, took your hand into his and gently pulled you with him. You only noticed that you were still shaking when Seth stopped after arriving at a clearing and pulled you into his arms. You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing and Seth pulled you closer while you clutched his shirt in your hands. 
After you calmed down you whispered a “thank you” against his neck where you had hid your face. 
“Of course”, he whispered back, “nobody is allowed to talk to or about you like that. Nobody." His arms tightened around you again and you felt his face hide in your neck this time. You smiled when you noticed him taking a deep whiff of your scent and then place a kiss there.
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