#I will always hate Gabriel but I want him to at least care about his son for a second
Was just thinking about Emilie Agreste, as you do, and realizing I feel like I understand her better, even with the little characterization we get for her, better than I know how Gabriel was before she died.
I know Natalie is basically in love with her and Felix liked her, I know she was a movie star and didn't want the pressure from her parents so she left. I also know she didn't let little Adrien have any friends besides Chloe, and i feel like between that I kinda know what she was like
But Gabriel? I think about him as wanting his wife back so bad he would do anything to get her back, including ignoring and actively harming his son. How did he act before Emilie died? I may just be forgetting episodes cause I watched them when they aired and haven't really gone back to rewatch anything, but I don't know of any instance when we see how they were as a family before she died. Did he care about Adrien then? How were family trips? Was he just always working and would only come give Adrien a kiss on the head between work and going on a date with Emile? What good memories of Gabriel does Adrien even have?
The only conclusion I have come to is he loves Adrien because Emilie loves Adrien, not because he is his son
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maddascanbe-blog · 2 months
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Part 2 of the life-swap series! Oddly enough when I asked those close to me, none of them anticipated that I'd swap Chloe and Luka. Honestly it made more sense to me? Both have sisters, have at least one obscenely rich parent, and have crushed on the two leads?
Now onto the plot-
After finding out about the twins Jagged decided to battle for custody. He managed to get full custody of Luka, but not Juleka, and out of spit decided to cut the twins off from each other, causing Anarka to move to the the US. But despite having a young son now, this didn't stop Jagged from touring, often leaving Luka behind in Paris to be looked after by whoever was available. Even when he was in Paris he often avoided Luka, instead leaving Penny to watch him.
Luka grew up bitter at his fathers lack of care for him, and took it out on everyone around him. Mostly the staff of both Le Grande Pari, where he lives, as well as whatever caregiver his father/Penny had hired. When he went to school, he immediately began taking his anger out on everyone there too. Once Adrien's mom passed he took a special hatred to the blonde, in some ways seeing himself in Adrien. Both now children of single fathers, but Gabriel is in his sons life (whether that's good or bad doesn't matter to Luka).
And Luka, being an empath knows exactly how to get under ones skin. Because even if you don't show your emotions outwardly, he still can tell when he's struck gold. The only person he doesn't hate is Marinette, his childhood friend and the only person unaware of his attitude.
And yes, we are going for Cannon Chloe swap here, so no redemption for Luka. Sad. I'll draw Akuma-Viperion later.
Onto Chloe, once Andre found out about Audrey's infidelity he gave her two options. The first, he expose her and her career be permanently marred. Or she give him full custody of both Chloe and Zoe and the could divorce peacefully. Chloe hasn't seen her mom since she was 3 and quite frankly had no interest in her. Zoe only being a half sister to Chloe is a carefully guarded secret, one that Zoe thinks even Chloe doesn't know.
Chloe, not wanting to emulate her mother grew up with a very different mindset. Instead being taught that being both too aggressive and a pushover will lead to a mess. So she instead learns to govern her hive with a firm but steady hand. The staff of Le Grand Paris greatly respect her, and she is often the one sent to head off a Luka temper tantrum, as the only person unimpressed by both him and his father. She's more of an Clara Nightingale fan anyways.
She fast tracked her way through school, and decided to take Highschool online as to give herself more time to work both at the hotel and at her event planning company. As Queen Bee, she is fierce but kind. The favorite of the secondary heroes, since she is not only efficient at stopping the akuma, but will stick around to comfort and reassure both the victim and the civilians who were caught in the attack.
Due to her calm voice and good advice, Ladybug and Chat Noir have turned to her many times for comfort on both the chaos hero life and civilian troubles. She's always willing to listen when they need her. As such Hawkmoth sees her as the most beneficial to target. Only he seems scarred to akumatize her for some reason...
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theelastword · 10 months
So I’ve been seeing a lot of people talk about how big of a mistake Aziraphale made in the finale and how badly they feel for Crowley (instead of feeling bad for BOTH of them). And honestly? I don’t understand the perspective that Crowley getting his heart broken in episode 6 has to mean that Aziraphale was totally naive and wrong and that it’ll take Crowley a lot of time to forgive him, or that Aziraphale’s ending in season 2 wasn’t just as heartbreaking as Crowley’s.
Think about everything we know about Aziraphale, who has never once been power-hungry and— following season 1— no longer cares what Heaven thinks (he even told the Metratron that he didn’t want to go back to Heaven when first approached). Aziraphale only left because he sees angels like Muriel, who definitively have good in them despite everything, or even Gabriel who somehow figured out how to fall in love and find something that mattered more to him than the supposed ‘morality’ of Heaven. Aziraphale sees that spark, that potential of Heaven to be turned into what it should have always been, and he thinks that he can do it because he’s seen proof of angels who can get away from Heaven’s influence, a list that includes himself.
Not to mention THAT look he gave Metatron after he brought up the Second Coming, a look that (at least from where I’m sitting) was a definite steeling of nerves and his own way of saying “Okay, time to take this thing down from the inside”. He was NOT saying that Crowley should reform himself for Heaven, or even that they should go back because he missed Heaven. He was asking Crowley to go with him because he loves him and wants him by his side— and because he knows that Crowley has experience in being there for angels who slowly deviate from Heaven.
Aziraphale wants what he’s always wanted— to keep helping everyone he possibly can, without stopping to do what he really wants and just stay in his beloved bookshop with the love of his life. Because he never prioritizes what it is he wants when he could be helping others instead. That’s just who he is, which is what makes him so selfless and wonderful but also so sad in that he never just…lets himself be happy. And the Crowley that we all know would never hate or have lingering fury toward him for that. What Aziraphale is doing, although heartbreaking to people like me who just want the Husbands to have their little cottage in the South Downs, is actually really brave, AND just as worthy of the sympathy and heartbreak that many fans are feeling for Crowley.
EDIT: Also, as sad/problematic it may be to abandon your life and partner, it’s just as problematic to turn a blind eye to the oppression and injustice of Heaven that, by all means, you have the ability and voice to try to do something about in pursuit of prioritizing what you want. So if we’re going to be mad at Aziraphale, we have to be mad at Crowley, too (and I’ll be disappointed if hypothetical-season-3 paints the narrative that Aziraphale is the only one in the wrong here). Personally, I’m all for not being mad at anybody. I completely understand both of their choices, and I just want them to reconcile and be compassionate to what the other is going through.
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anxresi · 11 days
I Beg To Differ.
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Okay, now just because I'm about to embark on an epic rant does NOT mean I think anything bad about you as a person, OP. It's just on this one teensie-weensie most minor of points, I happen to think you're 100% wrong. Just thought I'd clarify that, so no offense intended. Anyway, on with the show...
Nah, they did us SO dirty with Chloe. I hear your above argument a lot, and it WOULD be a fair point… if it wasn't for the fact that there are SO many clear signs this wasn't what was intended from the beginning that it makes your reasoning completely null and void. Chloe's 'arc' was the most blatant case of in-show character assassination I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, and I'm about to explain why. Read on! (If you want to, that is.... no pressure).
They strung us along for at least three seasons with various hints about her 'traumatic past', her problems with her often absent mother (which Marinette didn't help by encouraging them to bond because 'they're both such awful people'), showed her genuinely apologizing to her victims, protecting Sabrina from akumatization and having times when she treated her as a real friend, sacrificing herself to save the day occasionally, hugging Miss Bustier in a moment of genuine emotion, telling Ladybug how 'useless' she felt in a teary rooftop encounter, saving lives both as a superhero and a civilian (check back if you don't believe me), giving Adrien a moving speech on his phone about how 'she'd always be there for him', sharing a really close bond with her father, telling her butler Jean it was time she started doing things for herself, loving Mr Cuddly, adoring Pollen… I could go on. Not the best person in the world, true.... but a promising start. Green shoots, and all that. Her name literally means that.
S4 simply forgot any of this happened, and literally pushed her burgeoning development off a cliff with Sisyphu's boulder tied to it's big toe. There was NO build-up, NO foreshadowing, NO precedent for Chloe suddenly becoming a one-dimensional total-sociopath irredeemable-monster AT ALL, they simply made her that way on a whim. They had her start acting like a complete psycho for the evilz, made her the most stupid person in the show BY FAR, severed ALL of her few close relationships, wrote AN ENTIRE FLASHBACK EPISODE in incrimate her newfound nastiness even more and 'punished' her by sending her off exiled on a plane in tears with her abusive mother to… what else? Get abused, of course. GREAT MESSAGE TO ALL THE VULNERABLE TEENAGE GIRLS OUT THERE. (I won't even get into how utterly useless and blandly boring her 'replacement' of a plot device Mary S... oops, I mean Zoe is).
And we're supposed to believe the former corrupt mayor Andre, the terrorist Gabriel Agreste and Thomas Astruc (you know him) are the GOOD guys here? Well, I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do to them… but for fear of censorship, I'd better withhold that particular information for now.
The upshot of it is… if Chloe had been bad from the beginning and terrible at the end, I'd have accepted it. Heck, if her so-called damnation arc was even halfway well written and gave us an accurate and compelling look at the moral descent a person who's capable of redemption could take to the light but ultimately chose to stay on the Dark Side, this would've been highly disappointing to me but fine from a storytelling perspective.
But they didn't give us anything like that, did they? It was just… 'pretend the last three seasons never happened, develop amnesia, hit yourself repeatedly on the head with a shovel… we don't care. Just accept this is the NEW Chloe without question despite past evidence, because you won't be getting any answers. Now let's go back to what we're REALLY here for… Marichat, Ladynoire, Adrinette and that other stupid ship name. SWOON!'
Thanks, but no thanks. Did I ever tell you how much I HATE this stupid show? Apologies if I didn't make that clear enough.
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ethical-cain-vinnel · 7 months
Pairing(s): Gabriel (2014) x GN! reader, Euronymous x GN! reader, and Jack Thurlow x GN! reader
Tags/Warnings: Pure smut, penetrated reader but no mentions of which hole (so it works for anyone), sub reader for euro and jack but soft dom reader for gabe, slight varg vikernes slander cause as fine as emory is i hate the actual varg, kinda boring sorry :(
Notes: This is a collab with @icarus-star who is absolutely amazing! He’s writing for Danny Cooper, Chris Kenton, and Possum and you can find his fic here! Also, for the Euronymous part I am STRICTLY going off of Rory’s portrayal in the movie Lords of Chaos. I hope they’re not too ooc i really tried to make them accurate
Okay so I have always felt that Gabe is on the asexual spectrum, specifically demisexual and/or aceflux
In other words, I think that he has little to no sexual attraction to someone he hasn’t formed a bond with. For the aceflux part, I think that he has some periods of times where he feels no sexual attraction at all and has a very low sex drive and other times where he has to go at it at least 3 times a day (and obviously times where he’s in between the two)
So, some years are easier than others and sometimes he can go for months without having to jerk off or have sex but I’m going to be talking about a month where he has a pretty high sex drive
I feel like he doesn’t often participate, but one year, you wanted to try it with him and he agreed
Poor boy is so pent up because in the last few weeks of October, his sex drive started to get higher again :(
Within the first few days, he’s so whiney and pent up and all he wants to do is hold your hand and kiss you as you two make love
I think for this year’s no nut november, he lasts a week MAYBE two before hes whining and telling you that you won
He’s so teary when he finally gets inside you and he cums almost as soon as you start moving
He needs you to take control because he gets fucked dumb so quickly
Overall, he doesn’t last long but the sex afterward makes it worth it
He usually doesn’t care about no nut november, but stupid varg brought it up to the rest of the inner circle so now they’re all doing it.
On Halloween, he fucks you until you’re both overstimulated and passed out to hopefully make this easier for you both
He goes into it pretty cocky, thinking he’ll win the prize that the inner circle decided on
And he does pretty well
Until midway into week 2
Euro has a VERY high sex drive. Like at least 5-6 times a week but thats on a bad week
He could barely sleep in the same bed as you, your scent instantly making him pop a boner
He NEEDED to feel you again and by tuesday of the 3rd week, hes shoving you on the bed and tearing your clothes off
He fucks you so hard that you can’t walk for a few days and he has to either carry you everywhere or bring it to you
He’s pounding into you and saying the nastiest shit
He’s so mean about it but the aftercare is way better than normal
I know that his fans (me included tbh) loves to make him out as a sex fiend but honestly, I think he has a pretty average sex drive
Out of the three characters I picked, he’s the one making it to the end
He’s only doing this cause he’s curious to see if it does anything (cough cough make him more emotional so he can write kick ass poems cough cough)
He lets you cock warm him on the last night of november
“Quit moving. Only an hour left. Be good”
Once it’s December first, you know you’ll need to call out for work in the morning.
He fucks you at his desk before taking you to the bed
He fucks you until he’s shooting blanks, and even then, he keeps going for 1-2 more rounds
The last week was really hard on him but he didn’t realize until he was back inside you
I genuinely think that he became more insufferable and aggravated without realizing it at the 2 ½ week mark
He takes care of you reaaallll well for the next couple days hehe
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meganlpie · 8 months
I Can Still Sense Him
Based on this request: Hey, if requests are still open I was going to ask for a Supernatural request where the reader (fem) is Gabriel’s human mate. When he dies shes devastated and everyone says she’s delusional because she can still…sense him. But then he really is alive and decides he can’t take hiding anymore and just comes back out into the open To be with her
Here you are, lovely! As always, I do not own ANY SPN characters. They belong to the writers/creators of the show.
Warnings: Destined mates, angst(mentions of death), fluff, and it's a little short.
Pairings: Gabriel x fem!reader, The Winchesters.
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Most people would hate someone that caused the "death" of a person they cared for multiple times. But when you officially met Gabriel, you didn't see the same Trickster that the Winchesters saw. You saw someone broken and lonely. Someone a lot like you. You also immediately saw that he was not a typical Trickster. You'd seen his wings. A sign of an angel's destined mate.
          So of course, you'd pleaded with the Winchesters to let him go. They had trusted your judgment and did as you asked. After that, Gabriel made a habit of popping in to see you every now and again. You certainly didn't mind. Even if you hadn't known you were destined mates, the connection between you two was undeniable. You spent as much time as you could with him.
           He made you laugh, no matter the situation, and after a while, you could not deny that you fell in love with him. You got butterflies whenever he turned those honey-colored eyes on you. Or when he smiled at you. You wanted to be with him as often as possible. But, before you could admit to the mischievous angel that you loved him, he was gone. Taken from you.
          After the Winchesters and Castiel told you about Gabriel's death, you were devastated to say the least. You completely shut down. Hardly ate or slept, refused to hunt. You became a shell of yourself for what seemed like a long time. But just when you were at your lowest, you started to feel…something. You couldn't describe it, but it almost felt like Gabriel was still with you in some way. There were times you felt so at ease, like you could feel him hugging you close or hear him whispering in your ear. It brought you peace whenever you were alone.
          When the Winchesters questioned why you suddenly started acting like yourself again, you couldn't really explain it. You knew they'd jump to the different, albeit possible, conclusion that you were being haunted by something else. Or they'd think you were crazy. But the two men were very persistent and didn't trust sudden changes in the people they cared about or hunted with. So you had to try and explain.
           "I-I don't know how to explain it, guys. I just…started feeling better. Like Gabriel's still with me. Like he's here and helping me." As you suspected, the two exchanged a look like they didn't believe you.
          "Gabriel's gone, Y/N," Sam said softly, earning an eye roll from you. "I know that, Sam! Can't you let me have just a little sense of peace for once?! I lost the love of my life, something I thought you of all people would understand!" You didn't wait for him to reply before you got up and stomped out of the room. Was it a low blow? Yes. But you felt Sam had it coming in that moment.
          For weeks after that, you didn't speak to Sam at all and talked to Dean only when you had to. He had not said anything to you about your feelings, but you knew he thought you were insane as well. Even Cas thought there was something wrong with you. Still, you held onto that feeling, that sense, that Gabriel was somehow still with you. Even if it was only in spirit. Then, it happened.
          You were in Vegas (go figure) with the boys on a hunt. The hunt lead you to a hotel room. Dean wanted to go crashing into the room like an 80s TV cop, but you rolled your eyes and knocked on the door. The door opened and you swore your heart stopped.
          "Hey, Sweetcheeks. Miss me?"
          "G-Gabriel?" you squeaked out as tears formed in your eyes and you lowered your weapon. He smiled at you. Turning to Dean beside you, you asked, "Am I dreaming? Am I dead?" Dean simply shook his head, unable to form words. You wasted no time in launching yourself into the archangel's arms. Gabriel let out a huff followed by a light laugh.
          "I missed you too, Lollipop." You gripped onto the back of his shirt as he held you. "I knew I felt you." He laughed again. "Sorry I disappeared on you. I had to make dear Luci think I was gone. My…buddy Loki's been letting me hide out as him for a while, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see you again," his whispered to you. "I'm just gonna…" Dean stated, trailing off before turning to leave you and Gabriel alone.          
Gabriel lead you fully into the room and shut the door. "The guys thought I was crazy," you stated and Gabriel shook his head. "I wanted to make sure you knew I'd never leave you if I didn't have to." You gripped onto him again. Truthfully, you were terrified to let go. "It's alright," Gabriel whispered, "I'm sticking around for a while. I'm not leaving my mate alone again." And when his lips met yours for the first time in so long, you knew he was telling the truth.
(a/n: I hope you like it! Also, how do we feel about Gabriel calling the reader "Lollipop"? I thought it was a cute nickname, but if you hate it, I won't use it in future Gabriel fics.)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @sirkekselord @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies @motleymoose @esoltis280 @stories-by-shanna-p @dark-angel-is-back @supernatural4life2022
SPN Tags: @jotink78
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I just realize you're the only person who point out that Felix and Kagami would be just as in the wrong for hiding the truth from Adrien. Most people I know puts the blame entirely on Marinette and like yeah, I get it it's really bad she would keep something like that a secret from her boyfriend but at the same time how do you deal with that big of a burden?
If it were up to me, I'd make her deal with it the same way like in the Dragon Prince with how Rayla tries to tell Callum and Ezran about their dad being dead but idk, maybe it's not the same with Adrien so it's unfair.
I'm just irritated at people who blame Marinette just cuz she's her gf and not at the adults like Nathalie or Amelie, Marinette's a child, what about Felix and Kagami? They care about Adrien too right?
Yep, it's somehow all Marinette's fault even though Felix knew for all of season five. He knew before then, too, but at least you could argue that he was fearing for his life in previous seasons. As soon as he got the peacock? No excuse. Especially since he got the peacock by trading away Adrien's freedom. A thing he arguably didn't even need to do since I don't think anyone believes that Gabriel would have said, "No" to only getting all of the miraculous. Felix just offers up the ring without even waiting for Gabriel to ask for it. A master negotiator this boy is not.
To add even more insult to injury, season five gives Felix a subplot about informing freaking Kagami and faking her amok. A girl he literally just met gets the treatment that Felix arguably owes to Adrien after all the shit Felix has put him through. You can't even argue that Felix did it because Tomoe isn't a threat on the scale of Gabriel. She's literally a co-conspirator in season five and Felix knows that because Kagami wouldn't be a sentimonster if Tomoe wasn't involved. And Tomoe has always been written as far more hands-on than Gabriel when it comes to controlling her kid, so this isn't even a case of Felix picking the easier target. He doesn't care about easy targets or subterfuge since he, you know, kidnaps Kagami in front of her mother?
But does anyone in the fandom seem to acknowledge that? No and I really don't get it. If hate must be assigned to a character and not the writers, then Felix deserves so much more hate than Marinette.
Kagami isn't innocent either. She knew the truth for about half of the season and yet she doesn't seem to care about telling Adrien. At the same time, she's fine outing Ladybug's secret identity and fine telling Marinette everything, none of which is done in the name of justice. Kagami does it all for purely selfish reasons. To me, this was as much of a character assassination as the whole Kagami believing Lila thing even though Kagami should know the truth about Lila after the Oni-chan incident (Lila faking the kissing picture and texting it to Adrien's contacts).
Then there's Nathalie. In my opinion, Nathalie's redemption is a joke and one of the key reasons for that is how little she cares about actually saving Adrien. At no point does she tell him the truth even though she knows she's dying. She could have very easily died much sooner than the final, leaving Adrien to obey Gabriel's commands, never knowing that he was being controlled. She doesn't even try to find someone else to guard Adrien's ring. She just maintains the status quo and pretends that everything is fine while occasionally asking Gabriel to pretty please change his mind and think of Adrien? Please?
Lady, you literally pinned this man to a table at the start of the season and you are his second in command. You know all his secrets. You have access to everything. You have the power to take him down. You have the power to save Adrien. You are an awful, awful mother figure who put Gabriel's wants above Adrien's needs right up to the very end. Did you even think you had a chance to fire that cross bow or was this just another, "I'm totally helping" feel good moment to assuage your guilty conscious before you died?
And Amelie. Oh, Amelie. If you hate what Colt did to your son, then why are you idly standing by while Gabriel does the same thing to your nephew? You know that Felix has the peacock, so he's safe from being snapped. Why aren't you encouraging him to help Adrien? Or, if you want to keep protecting Felix, then why don't YOU go to Ladybug and Chat Noir and tell them that Gabriel is behind everything? Surely you have to know that Felix isn't safe as long as Gabriel has all those miraculous, right? Gabriel knows that you and your son know everything. A terrorist knows that you're a chink in his armor. Why aren't you terrified by that?
In summary: yeah, Marinette should tell Adrien. It's totally fair to be mad at her. But dear God, she should never have been put in a position where she needed to tell him because one of these four should have done it long before the end of season five! The fact that Marinette was put in this position in the first place is terrible, nonsensical, illogical writing. So go ahead and be mad at Marinette, but you sure as shit better be just as mad at the people who knew everything and did nothing, leaving a teenage girl to face it all alone while bearing the safety of the world on her shoulders.
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gregorovitch-adler · 9 months
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A date after the crisis has been averted, at least temporarily.
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You know you're down bad, completely fucked up in love when THAT is your reaction when your crush has (jokingly) called you a bastard. What's even the point, now? You're doomed!
So, I've finished watching Season 1 for the first time and here are my thoughts:
1.) I love the writing of this season overall. I haven't read the book, so can't make a comparison, but Satire is one of my favourite genres, and I love it when things like Religion and Righteousness™ are questioned and satirised.
Also, I loved how witty some of the dialogues were. This one, for example:
"I don't see what's so wrong with them (Adam and Eve) knowing the difference between good and evil." (Crowley says).
"It must be, otherwise you wouldn't have done it!" (says Aziraphale).
It effectively calls out the lack of reasoning and blind faith in the real world.
I love how nuanced these two are. Crowley is a demon and pretends to be the Big Bad but time and again proves that he does care. Even when he doesn't want to.
As for Aziraphale, he's a good person overall but it's not like he always makes the right choice. He's fucked up too. And he has said hurtful things to Crowley. For eg. he didn't have to say, "We're not friends and you and I are on the opposite sides," to Crowley. I know he was trying to protect Adam Young at first, but still.
Aziraphale is quite stuck in his own prejudices. He wants to be with Crowley but still feels compelled to be loyal to his own side - even when the other angels have been nothing but arses to him the whole time.
Crowley is more open-minded in that sense. He's got greater vision and clarity about what he wants and the things that matter to him - he's been pretty much upfront about wanting to be with Aziraphale and ditch this nonsense about the good side and the bad.
I guess that was the whole point they were trying to make in this show.
2.) Aziraphale and Crowley are head over heels in love. I know, old news, but let me as a new fan just gush about it for a second.
Ever since they meet for the first time - when Adam and Eve are escorted to Earth - their chemistry is off the charts and it looks like they're perfect for each other.
Since Episode 2, it's clear that they have feelings for each other but they don't talk about it.
I love how even with his prejudices, Aziraphale is totally with Crowley when they want the Antichrist to be a completely normal child. Aziraphale wants the same things as Crowley but doesn't want to say it out loud.
The scenes where Aziraphale dresses up as a gardener and Crowley shows up as a nanny are hilarious. That too with the wrong child because of that mix-up eleven years ago!
This is my favourite scene:
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It's ... nothing needs to be said. He's practically glowing with his love for the Demon.
Their banter, and the way Crowley playfully teases him sometimes - it's absolutely perfect. I love them.
3.) Coming back to my point about the other angels, can I just say I hate Gabriel? Fuck that guy.
He's the most despicable character of this show. I don't know if he gets better or worse in the next season, but for now, fuck him.
I guess I hate anyone who bullies and is condescending to Aziraphale lol.
I hate him even more than Hastur. Hastur is at least supposed to be cruel because he's a proper demon. People like Gabriel - who're supposed to be good but are actually assholes - can fuck off.
4.) I don't know if I missed it when it was being explained, but why is Crowley stuck in traffic in E5?
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I know there's a huge demon prayer ring of fire set up by Adam Young but Crowley is a demon, and demons aren't bound by Physics, or so the God narrator told us. Couldn't he go to Tadfield any other way?
Also, why did Hastur burn to death in that episode? I thought the only thing that kills a demon is Holy Water.
Maybe I was being dumb when I watched the show lol. Would appreciate it if someone clarified this point for me in the notes.
5.) Whoever did the voice acting of God did a fantastic job. She had a lot of sarcasm in her voice at many points and I loved that.
Also, seeing Michael Mckean as Witchfinder was such a pleasant surprise! I'm a huge Better Call Saul fan.
6.) I loved the humour of this show. These two scenes were the funniest:
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7.) Crowley's walk was my absolute favourite thing:
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That's all for now. See you again once I'm done with Season 2.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Can u write a headcanon of a gabriel ohara x stark reader where she has a machine that goes to different dimensions and she meets gabriel in his dimension and they fall in love
OH YES !!!!! i love that what, gabri is the sunshine to reader's grump storm (*´ω`*)
gabriel o'hara x stark!fem!reader headcanons
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if you had tony's personality, i think gabri would've been scared of you at first 😭 blown away at first by how beautiful you are, but when he finds out you're a no-nonsense sarcastic genius, he not only falls harder for you, but calls you 'ma'am' out of fear and respect.
he found the fact you could hop from one dimension to another EXTREMELY INTERESTING, though when you would explain it to him, all he did was smile widely like a dork and stare at you while you spoke.
"you're so pretty when you talk." "were you not listening to a thing i said?" "i was listening... to the way your lips moved... how your eyes fluttered while you blinked, and you–" "that's enough." "w-wait, please, keep talking!"
he's always your right hand man, and when you need something, before you could even finish what you were gonna say, gabri's got you covered already and hands you the tool or machine you need.
he loves teasing you, like all the time. he teases how you'll be grumpy if you don't learn how to lighten up.
"how do you suppose i do that when i'm busy all the damn time." "well, that's why you have me! see, smiling's not hard!" "it is when you have nothing to smile about." "do compliments make you smile?" "it's just empty flattery, i smile as a formality." "that can't be right, you'll look older than you really are if you keep frowning!" "i'll cryogenically freeze myself, there." "but then... i won't be able to spend the rest of my days with you." "who said i wanted to spend them with you?" "okay, ouch, hermosa, alright :("
he says sorry to those you accidentally offend or piss off with your snarky attitude, he's the only thing keeping you from getting assassinated or screwed over by your business partners who might become your enemies one day 😭
he scolds you sometimes for not taking care of yourself, and when you snap at him, tell him you never ask him to care, he just replies to you that he knows you never asked, but he chooses to care about you.
you'd've started falling for him after a long while, seeing him ceaselessly care for you and help you out better than any machine you've ever created and any person you've ever hired. and though gabri fell for you first... you definitely fell harder.
he gets all excited when you tell him to come with you to other dimensions for help, even if it isn't for leisure or hanging out with him, he'll do anything to spend the day with you.
when gabri gets all relieved after you come back to him after a dangerous mission, he gets all nervous, stuttering and stammering about how worried you've made him, and all you do to get him to calm down is hold him close and kiss his lips.
he makes you food when you're too busy with work, he hates seeing you go another hour without eating or drinking water.
he insists you go to bed and actually have a decent, reasonable sleep schedule.
"nena, lights out." "just a few more minutes, i'll finish up here soon, gabe." "ay, no more working, please, you've been here all day. i'll take over for you." "no." "fine, then at least come with me to bed?" "i'll sleep when i'm dead." "...please?" he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your cheek as he pleads you to come to bed :>
tags !! @binibinileonara @ophanimgold
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paper rings part 2!!!(teacher!spiderdads)
oh my god. hi. this fic has pushed me to 100 followers (after 6 years on tumblr 😭😭) and is my most liked post ever. OHMYGOD
yes i will be writing the teacher one!! it'll be multi-chapter lelelel but the first chapter shld be out by this week!! pls stick with me *pray hand emoji*
alright so. the first 500 words of the chapter for u guys. bc i love u
thank u all sm
Brooklyn Visions Academy is a good school. 
It pays well, there’s a clear path to promotion for him and it’s close enough to his house that he won’t be late when Gabriella forgets her water bottle for school. 
Their gyms are nice too. There's air-conditioning when they do assemblies, and the floors aren't horrendously squeaky. Miguel waits by the side for the principal to finish his announcements and introduce all the new teachers. There are at least seven of them here and pessimistically, he wonders how many of them will make it through the year. 
He wears the blue polo (Read: The one Gabriel hated the least) and he tries to go through what he’s going to do today. After this assembly is his first class. Ask them for their names, go through expectations and start work properly. He’s here to do his job and to do it well. 
“Hi,” The guy beside him speaks. He has brown eyes and brown hair, and he looks like he should be tall, but Miguel has to angle his head down to look at him. He’s wearing an ironed maroon shirt. He smells like hot chocolate. “I’m Peter Parker, you’re one of the new guys too, right?” 
Miguel nods. He has to pick up Gabriella today because her piano lesson got pushed to the weekend. So, he has to make sure that he brings home any materials he wants to look over for the next lesson. Then, he’ll probably pick up pizza, the four-cheese one for Gabriella and a small meat lovers fo him. 
“Are you the other Humanities guy? I teach Literature, so it’s nice to know someone, I guess.” Peter Parker has a face that looks like it should always be smiling. There’s a strand of hair falling onto his forehead. Miguel doesn’t think he would care. “I mean, I hope you are, as long as you don’t teach Economics, 'cause only blood-suckers would teach something that bad.”
Peter Parker apparently doesn’t know how to shut up. 
"I teach Economics." 
The principal gestures for them to get on the stage, and Miguel walks past the shell-shocked Peter Parker. Peter quickly follows, and as the Principal introduces them, he leans in to whisper. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you, uh, sorry." Eloquent, for a literature teacher. Miguel fears for the poor literary geniuses who have to be taught by Peter. 
Miguel's name is read out on the screen, and Peter turns around to look at the projection. "So, Miguel, sorry about that, let's start over, get this right." 
The bell rings and the teachers get off the stage, loafers and heels clicking on the veneered wood. Miguel could just walk out of the hall right now and get to his first class, but a tap on his shoulder stops him. 
"I'm Peter Benjamin Parker," He introduces again, a hand outstretched. "I love every subject ever and I am excited to work with you." He lets out a breath after like this was an effort to say. 
Miguel shakes his hand. "I'm Miguel." The sun is streaming into the high windows, and the room is being painted in bright yellows. "I have to go, can't risk getting hit by the sunlight."
Confusion quickly gives way to joy on Peter's face, and Miguel lets himself stand still for an extra second to see Peter's smile before he stalks off.
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Supreme Identity theory
Wang Fu if he used the Miraculous to win WW2.
We know from Origins that Fu had tried to entrust Miraculous to holders before when he told Wayz he “only got it wrong once”. We also know from Backwarder and from the first ep of S5 that he was in France during the Nazi occupation, and that he was running from Nazi’s who had somehow discovered the Miracle Box and the powers it contained. We know this because we hear soldiers shouting to retrieve the box.
Now, we know from the episode Feast that the temple was destroyed and he lost the Grimoire, the Butterfly, and the Peacock because he was too young and frightened to think to simply end the sentimonster’s existence with the power of the Peacock.
Imagine this, what if, in Hesparia/Betterfly’s universe, Master Fu’s resentment of the Order of the Miraculous that took him away from his family was far stronger? Imagine if that Wang Fu had created a Sentimonster to destroy the Temple ON PURPOSE, but was able to use the Peacock to destroy the Sentimonster after, and as a result, he kept all the miraculous and the Grimoire.
But he would not be able to return home after essentially becoming a murderer, especially when his family had emphasized what an honor joining the Temple was.
But now he is still an angry teen, with a magic box of unlimited potential, and, having grown up poor, certainly now he can change that… And he has a spellbook that can help him.
Keep in mind that the Temple is in Tibet, which is a part of CHINA, which was originally Imperialist, then Nationalist before becoming communist sometime around the 1950’s.
Now, the ONLY reason Germany and Japan surrendered in WW2 is because they were scared of the Soviets. China was an ally at the time because they hated Japan, and Germany, but they have also always hated Russia. The atomic bomb was a waste of time because Japan did not care; they were willing to keep fighting the allied forces even if the Americans nuked them off the map. They only surrendered to us because Russia advanced on them and they knew the USA would be more merciful.
THIS is why after WW2 we delved into a cold war with the Soviet Union, because even though technically the Soviets won the war against Nazis and Japan, the Atomic threat of the US was nothing to sneeze at, at least until they could develop nuclear weapons of their own to be an equal threat.
REMEMBER that Marianne wanted Fu to use the Miraculous to fight the Nazi’s during the occupation of France, but he refused.
WHAT IF HE HADN’T? What if Fu used the powers of the Miraculous to fight in WW2? He could’ve created a magical army of super-soldiers that could’ve beaten back germany AND japan because the Manhatten Project even became a daydream, and would’ve made the Soviet’s wet their pants.
Of course, by this time, he would’ve had enough time with the Grimoire to uncover it’s secrets, and found ways to exert control over the kwamis and their miraculous even if they were lent out to holders.
As the owner of the magic jewels that brought an end to the second world war, he would become a VERY powerful man. And, based on the values of his homeland, he might even wish to re-shape the world in a more Centralist fashion, appointing himself as the Supreme Leader.
This world would frown on mutual aid. And, as many comics have suggested, (both Marvel and DC) without the creation of the Atom bomb and the effects of nuclear radiation mutating DNA, things like superpowers would not exist (at least not without Magic or extra-terrestrial beings like Majestia). This would mean you can forget about the Untied Heroes of America. And the world would be ruled by one leader, who could grant power to those he saw fit.
We know that in the parallel world of the Paris Special, Gabriel is different because he chooses to move on rather than become obsessed with Emelie. We know that Sabine is NOT a calm and supportive mother her daughter can rely on and find comfort in… which also means no Socquliene (is that how you spell it?) was asked to watch over Marinette, and that is probably why no one else dared to try and talk to Marinette either (let’s face it, before Alya, the other girls were never really Marinette’s friends. None of them were willing to stand up for her or defend her, and not a single one of them even knew she liked Videogames until the Gamer episode, despite having known her for years). We also know that Adrien became obsessed with his grief over his mother’s death and had no interest in making friends.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that in that Universe, Wang Fu was not interested in upholding the values of only using the Miraculous for the greater good, but instead decided to use them for his own personal gain.
That would also explain why Adrien and Marinette are the ones who get the ring and earrings. Wang Fu chose them, albeit for different reasons.
This also means he knows who they are; He gave them their miraculous for the purpose of causing havoc, probably because he sensed that they would be tempted to use the miraculous for revenge or to vent out their frustrations, which would draw out the man who stole the Butterfly and the Peacock. And by not warning them of the consequences, he ensured a sort of dependence on him- if they want to live, they NEED the Supreme to fix the damage the Miraculous has caused their bodies, and to do that, they need to Hunt down Hesparia/Betterfly.
The fact that Tikki and Plagg were muzzled suggests the kwamis have tried to rebel/escape before, and the fact that Gimmi was blocked means the Supreme has already anticipated the possibility of being betrayed by holders of the miraculous… It shows he is prepared and has thought ahead.
Meaning he KNOWS who Marinette and Adrien are, where they live, go to school, etc. Also, since the Supreme rules the world and knows/controls all the post powerful people, it would not be difficult to retrieve the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous from the foolish teens who dared to defy him by joining his enemy.
We can conclude that the Supreme does NOT know that Gabriel is the one who stole from him because Adrien Agreste is STILL a famous model and his father is STILL busy creating clothes.
The Supreme rules the world, so obviously if he knew it was Gabriel, then he wouldn’t need to hunt him down, and wouldn’t allow his son to enjoy a comfortable life of being rich and famous, nor would he entrust a Miraculous to the son of the man who stole from him… Just as the Wang Fu from the main universe would not intentionally put the black cat miraculous under the same roof as Hawkmoth. Rather, since we saw how easily he was able to break in to drop off the miraculous in Origins, and how easily he snuck in to take them back in Feast, we can conclude that if Wang Fu had known, he would have just Ninja’d Nooru and Doosu back instead of trusting two kids with the most powerful jewels in the world.
Wang Fu being the Supreme also explains why their is no Natalie by good Gabriel’s side; she was an artifact hunter, a female Indiana Jones. But if Wang Fu never lost anything, there would be nothing for Nathalie to find, thus no reason to hire her.
This could also imply that Felix does not exist in that Universe, since we know Felix is younger. Colt Fathom was obviously a powerful and spiteful individual, so even if Gabriel could not bear to let someone else come to harm from using the Peacock, it is also safe to bet that he could not risk telling Colt his secret because Colt could in turn betray Gabriel to the Supreme. This leaves Kagami’s existence up in the air, since we do not know when she was created, but if she is younger than Adrien it stands to reason that she does not exist because again, Gabriel would not wish to risk anyone else suffering Emelie’s fate, and sharing the secret could lead to not only his destruction, but the destruction of Adrien, who has obviously been kept in the dark about everything for his own protection because knowing you aren’t human is already traumatizing… Knowing you are the cause of your mother’s death is almost guaranteed to make you seek out an express ticket to the afterlife.
How are the newly reformed Ladybug and Paw Noir supposed to fight against the Supreme? They are 14 years old. They can’t go home or return to school because the Supreme knows their identities and would come after them where they live, and obviously threaten their families snd use their influence to forcibly take the Miraculous back. So by agreeing to join Betterfly’s resistance, they have become homeless fugitives.
How do they not already know Gabriel Agreste is Betterfly? This question applies to the episode Cat Blanc as well; they tracked him down to his butterfly lair, which is located underneath the Agreste Mansion. Can you imagine Spiderman finding the Green Goblin’s secret base in Normon Osborn’s basement and going “Gee, I wonder who the Green Goblin really is under his mask? My buddy Norman sure will be surprised to find out a Supervillain has been living in his house this whole time!”
The Design of Betterfly’s secret hideout is identical to Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch’s lair. Even has the same butterfly window.
So Cat Noir being shocked that his dad was Hawkmoth, even after discovering his lair under his house, and Claw Noir complaining about his dad being busy designing clothes, despite having discovered the butterfly man living under his house, is really difficult to accept coming from a kid that excels at particle physics and seems to have an eidetic memory concerning history facts and speaks several languages fluently.
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sylvestris123 · 8 months
Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship was neither surprising nor rushed
I read an early review of GO2 where the reviewer thought that Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship was surprising and a bit rushed. I don’t think it was, and this is why.
First,  what are the chances that a second angel and demon should fall in love? I think that the answer is ‘quite high'.
Demons, as fallen angels, have been cast away from God’s love. But a lot of demonic behaviour can be explained in the same way that a toddler, having been scolded by a parent, decides that they hate mummy and her stupid hair and her stupid shoes and all the stupid stuff that she cares for, but then desperately crave her love anyway. An angel showing a bit of affection for a demon is likely to fill that craving and provoke a strong positive reaction.
Angels, living in God’s love, should not have the same craving. But we see that something is not quite right in the Good Omens Heaven. I can’t be the only person getting a little stab in the feels when Gabriel was quite overcome and confessed to Beelzebub that nobody had ever given him anything before. (And this is full-fat total dickhead Gabriel, not sweet innocent Jim). It seems that either God's love alone is not enough to sustain an angel in Heaven, or maybe it has gone missing...
(This is a subject for a whole other meta, so we’ll leave it there for now).
So apparently angels are also starved of affection, and a simple kind gesture will provoke a strong positive reaction.
So action and reaction will feed off each other and you’ll see a strong mutual attachment develop.
In fact, my personal head canon is that both angels and demons in general would be quite inclined to form strong attachments if they were to speak to each other rather than smiting first.
As an aside, do angels and demons form relationships with their own kind? Canon neither confirms nor denies this. I think in some ways it might be more difficult to initiate because in both cases there are unspoken rules ‘this is how we do things'. In Heaven everything is supposed to be perfect, so who is going to risk confessing that it is not enough? In Hell the vibe is ‘we don’t need all that stuff’, so who is going to admit that they do?
An angel and demon talking together already crosses one line, and then you are in uncharted territory, and it may actually be easier to continue into the unknown.
So the relationship that develops between Gabriel and Beelzebub is not surprising, once they met and started to speak.
What about the timing? Actually I don’t think that there is so much difference in how long it took both pairs to form a relationship  - Aziraphale and Crowley certainly didn’t behave like enemies even very early on. There is (neither confirmed nor denied) canonical evidence that Aziraphale was at least a bit smitten by Angel!Crowley before the Fall, and Crowley was pretty taken with Aziraphale on the walls of Eden.
So compared with our favourite angel/demon pair, Gabriel and Beelzebub’s relationship probably took quite a similar trajectory.
The only difference (and it is a huge one) is how long it took each pair to *admit* to having feelings for each other, and that can be explained by their psychological makeup.
Aziraphale is desperate to be a good angel, to do what is right according to God and Heaven (without necessarily noticing that those two things are not always the same). He is also fiercely protective of Crowley, and doesn’t want to do anything that will result in punishment for the demon. Crowley, for his part, wants to protect Aziraphale from what he can see are the cruelties of both Heaven and Hell.
The Archangel Fucking Gabriel on the other hand, knows that he is right. If he does it or feels it, by definition it must be the right thing to do. Start Armageddon leading to the destruction of the Earth and a terrible war between Heaven and Hell? Sure! Total U-turn as soon as it’s in his interest? Of course! Must be right, if Archangel Gabriel says so. Falling holds no fear either for him or for Beelzebub on his behalf. He won’t be punished by Hell, when the most senior demon is there to protect him. He’s also been in Heaven for long enough to know its weaknesses and flaws, even if he would never admit them. Beelzebub has nothing to fear either – they are both senior enough for punishment by either side to be less of a threat than it is to either Aziraphale or Crowley.
Plus, finally, neither of them cares particularly about the Earth or its people, so they have no feelings of guilt about running away from their jobs and abandoning all of their responsibilities.
So I would summarise by saying that I don’t think the relationship between Gabriel and Beelzebub was any more rushed in its development than that between Aziraphale and Crowley, but they got to acknowledge and act on it a good deal faster, because they are both inherently more selfish individuals, as well as being a lot more senior in their respective hierarchies.
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
I am so curious, how do Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and the other angels fit into your God!mc au??
Okay! So, basic premise of the God!mc au is that Solomon was secretly God the entire time. It's unclear how Solomon died, but he did. His soul tried to reincarnate, but the angels (mostly Gabriel) kept killing Solomon's descendants, especially those that seemed to be Solomon's reincarnation. Because of that, Solomon/God vanished for about 3000 years. MC, however, is special because Satan manages to save them before Gabriel can kill them off. With that added bit of time, it gives MC time to properly experience Hell, devils, angels, pacts, and magic. That means they have the time to awaken to all of their power, including God's. Wow! Turns out that makes MC God! Yes, the same God that Heaven has been fighting a war over all this time!
Now, instead of the angels wanting to kill the reincarnation of Solomon, they want to "rescue" God from the hands of the devils that have "captured" them. War continues, but now the end goal is different. Although, the devils will still be protecting their beloved MC from the angels trying to yoink them.
There is also the later state of the au in which Heaven finally manages to retrieve MC/God and whisk them away to Heaven. At this point, Heaven is doing its best to keep God while still destroying Hell so they can't take MC back. Heaven also has no interest in letting MC leave...
As for how the angels feel about MC/God... as a general rule, they love MC/God, though to different extents and none of them in completely healthy ways.
Gabriel, the angel who always thinks highly of God no matter what and is full of piety, is probably the least terrible. Because MC is God and Gabriel loves God, Gabriel loves MC. He is the fastest to accept that MC is still God and love them no matter what. However, that also means that he doesn't care if he's loved or hated by MC as long as they look his way. Of course he would prefer to be loved but... attention is attention.
Michael isn't as accepting as Gabriel. Michael knows that MC is the reincarnation of God, but that doesn't make MC God. God stood above all and commanded all of Heaven. MC is a child comparatively. Michael does not acknowledge MC as their own person, but rather God who needs to relearn their place after being reincarnated into such a flimsy vessel after so long. He only responds to them when they are acting God-like according to his standards. He wants to reform them to be more like the God he remembers. If that means MC has to take up their position as God or that MC's personality needs to step aside so God's original one can come out... either way is fine.
Raphael is the wild card. Even in God's time, he was an unpredictable force. For the most part, Raphael doesn't like MC. Like... he kind of hates them. MC is not God. Everyone runs around acting like MC should be treated like God, like the person that created them. Well, they're not! MC isn't God nor will they ever be. If he's the only angel that will uphold God's memory rather than replacing them, then so be it. But, sometimes, and he can't explain when or why those sometimes are, MC will stupify him. Through their utter stupidity or naiveté, they will ignore all the bile and vitriol he sends their and everyone else's way and show him compassion and benevolence, even understanding. It's in those moments that, for the briefest of moments, he can almost understand how every other angel was fooled into thinking this human was the God they all so dearly miss. But it also reminds him that MC really can't be God, because God -- as often as they showed such things to the others -- never turned that kindness toward him -- the problem child.
How the newly introduced Cherubim fit in, I am unsure...
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vennyvenadito · 1 year
🦋💜Hawkmoth/Gabriel deserves better💜🦋
This is gonna be controversial but I can’t keep my mount shut anymore
This is an unpopular opinion but I have to say it
Gabriel aka Hawkmoth can be a good villain but the show don’t let him to be one and they are also the reason why his character is so over the place
First I would say our moth boy is smart and he really show it a lot
Now I know what you gonna say
“But his ideas are always bad and he is really dumb”
I know but hear me out
I don’t denied that he can be dumb and mess up a lot but I think this isn’t entirely his fault…it’s actually the writers
Why? Well
I would definitely say that Hawkmoth is not only a victim of bad writing, but he is also a victim of plot armor
There are episodes where he almost won but for some lame reason lose
And in fact not all of his ideas are but
You would say is because of Mayura and yeah, you guys are right on that but I’m talking about when he didn’t have her on his side
Episode like
-Stormy Whether
-Strike Back
-The Owl
-Derision (I still hate this episode)
That’s proof to me that he can be smart and a treat but again, is the show who don’t let him be
And in fact, it’s also show that the show don’t know what direction go with him
In one episode is a broken man who lost his way and is trying to bring back the love of his life but no in the right way of course and he is also trying to hold it back for his son, but keeps himself away from him for his grief and still show humanity and maybe the change there’s still some hope of salvation for him
And then he is this horrible monster without feelings and he can go as far even to destroy humanity and can’t barely care about his own child and neglect him a lot
In one episode he can come out with the most smartest plan to archive his goal and almost got it, but then again, villain always loses
And then in another episode has the most dumbest plan ever
And then he is this goofy and cartoonist villain
Don’t saying that silliness can’t work with a villain
Look Bill from Gravity Falls and Discord from MLP
They are goofy and chaotic but they are still a treat and dangerous to everyone (with one already redeem)
If they want him to be a treat or an irredeemable villain than they could done something like Belos from The Owl House
Those two parallels each other a lot
-They lost an important person of their life with one of them killing them out of rage
-They have this little child on their care but neglected them (and also they didn’t born in the traditional way one being an sentimonster and the other an grimwalker)
-They are willing to destroy everything to archive their goals
-Both are also broken and lost their ways in their life and instead of trying to fix their mistakes and move on, is already to late for both of them, their path become dark
The difference here is at least in The Owl House the writers did know what to do with Belos unlike Miraculous, Belos did have moments of sympathy and moments of guilt about killing his older brother, of the little they show about his past we can have an idea how was his life before become this horrible monster, but the show let it clear there’s not salvation for him anymore and he is way far to be redeem
I insist his dead could be handled a little better, but even tho, they did an awesome job with him
But with Gabe, look, they did had good ideas but the execution wasn’t great
I mean, come on, a villain who can take advantage of the persons feelings and transform them in monsters, that’s a cool concept
He been the father of one of the main characters, also a good concept there
But the writers did a terrible and miserable job with those concept and don’t do anything interesting with them, if they do, then they go with time travel or memory erase because this show has something towards consequences and show progression
And the fact in the leaks is show that Adrien won’t be in the final battle with his father and is only Marinette it’s make me angry
And speaking of our bug girl, let’s go back with the plot armor problem
This girl doesn’t has the power of creation, instead she has the power of plot armor in her hands
And Intuition is the prove for that
Is basically
“Gabriel v.s Plot armor” the episode
In this episode is show that Gabriel in fact, did use the power of second chance a lot of times, all the episode we saw he did used it
But the problem was that the lucky charm of Ladybug always change, isn’t the same object, didn’t matter what he do or change something about his plan, the lucky charm always manage to change and give Ladybug the opportunity of win
So yeah, this is prove enough to me that no matter how smart his plan can be, the show is always against him
He is even more of a wasted potential than Chloe is
And I would say it, he is much of a punching bag as Chloe as well
But at least with her they kinda know what to do with her (I say kinda because they did a terrible job, and is mostly because Thomas’s hate boner for her), they want to keep her as a brat, I hate that, but you know what, ok, good for you guys, keep going
But come on, why you keep Gabriel like that??
You want him to be a good villain or not??
The poor man is goin on circles because you don’t know what to do with him
In fact, you know what, I’m happy he is leaving in the season five finale, not like he deserve this or I’m happy he got what he wanted, but more like “you know, good for him, he can finally rest from this mess that this show is, he can be free for now”
Good for you Gabe in that, good for you my dude, hope you enjoy your freedom
And look, I’m not saying this beacuse, who those who don’t know, he is my favorite character (yeah you can kill me for that), but mostly I’m saying this because I want his character to make sense, to be consistent and has deep, which he has but the show act like he doesn’t sometimes
It’s make me sad seeing my favorite character been treated like this, because I know in the right hands he can be a great character
I wouldn’t care is they wanted him to be redeem or not, at least, make him a great an iconic villain
Belos is one of the best villains a I have never seen in a while
And this is why I starting to work in AUs about Hawkmoth, because I know he has potential and there’s a lot of fun things you can do with him, if no anyone can sees it that way, than I can because I care about this character
Let me show some love for my moth boy please if no one wouldn’t do it
I wanted to vent a lot about this main problem I have with the show and why Hawky deserves a lot better like the other characters in this show
I would like to see your opinions about this
Deer out
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
I want to ask you about those characters you have liked less, and you have commented on the blog, if you could change some stuff on their writing and on events that involve them to make them more likeable what would they be? I think yours are Lucie, Jesse, Gabriel and Cecily right? Like for example "make Jesse be resurrected in the beginning of chain of iron and develop more Grace and his relationship" , or "make Lucie hold less secrets from Cordelia".
Sure, I hope I'm understanding what you want correctly.
PSA: When I gush about how perfect I think TLH is I don't mean Ghostwriter. I never mean Ghostwriter. Their story is terribly executed. However, TLH is still perfect because I give 0 fucks about Ghostwriter, so their poor development and terrible relationship doesn't impact my reading experience in the slightest <3
Lucie and Jesse
Lucie would basically just need to get her head out of the sand. I find her annoying primarily because all the other TLH characters act 25 and she acts like a spoiled 12 year old.
She starts the series with her head completely in the clouds, dreaming of silly fairy tales, and ends it in exactly the same place. Zero growth. And why would there be any? Everything that happens in her TLH plotline, what with getting a ramifications-free ghost boyfriend, reinforces that life is a fairy tale that she can twiddle her thumbs and dance through.
I think that this is what's disappointing about Lucie. She's fine at the beginning of ChoG because that's where her arc begins, but the problem is that she ends it as the same silly girl she started it while most other characters around her grow a lot.
I also think that Lucie would benefit from, like, just generally being less selfish. There was no reason for her to endanger Cordelia by not telling her about the Creepy Ghosts at their prospective parabatai ceremony. So, yeah.
As for Jesse, dude, I don't even know where to start. Get this man a personality, please, or at least a semblance of one. I genuinely believe that perhaps Cassie purposely made him a flavorless cardboard cutout so that teenagers reading could project their ghost-fairytale fantasy man onto him.
The main thing for Jesse, though, is that he needed to be less of a shithole to Grace. He was just so fucking godawful to her in Chain of Thorns that everything else about him (which isn't much to start with) pales in comparison. I hope she never talks to him again.
An aside --
I have a whole Ghostwriter plot idea that I think would have made Lucie's story really layered, but Jesse would actually die in it (thus forcing Lucie to show actual growth). Basically, everything would be the same until the end of ChoI, when Lucie would fail to bring Jesse back to life and realize then that her power was gone. She then would no longer be able to see his ghost. No more Jesse. Lucie would need to confront her happy-go-lucky-lalala-life-is-but-a-dream attitude and would therefore need to actually grow tf up. Lucie and Grace console each other and become close friends. They also both lost their love interests (I'm changing nothing else about TLH in this world, only Blackdale stuff), and both girls' happy ending lies in that friendship.
I loathe character death and I almost always hate tragedy, so you know shit's bad when I'm saying this. But Jesse's not an actual human; he's just a plot device! So maybe we should use that plot device in the best possible way if we're not going to make him a layered character :)
Gabriel and Cecily
I don't think about these two nearly as much as Ghostwriter, who I contemplate sometimes because I'm a TLH girlie.
I also don't find Gabriel or Cecily anywhere near as annoying as Lucie or Jesse. I don't care for them, but I also don't really hate them or even dislike them.
In Cecily's case, there's not really anything I'd change or even would want to change. I liked her a lot when I was 18 and the annoyance has built up steadily over time. Now I'm 27 and just view her as an annoying teenager. There's nothing wrong with her, but she reads young (I staunchly consider almost every TID character to read 20ish and every TLH character to read mid-20s. Cecily and Lucie are exceptions). I also don't want her gone, she contributes to the story and has her Moments.
Gabriel just is imo kind of off-putting to everyone besides Cecily and occasionally Gideon, and I just personally am not a big fan of him. But unlike Lucie or Jesse, he's a complex character with an interesting plotline and a tangible personality. He grows. He just didn't resonate with me. I will, however, say that there are a few moments where I want to give him a hug, because damn that kid got hit over the head with a ton of trauma baseball bats in a row.
Basically, in the end, Lucie and Jesse are characters I think are poorly-written and badly developed. Gabriel and Cecily are fine characters with good enough development, they just don't resonate with me through no fault of their own and that's okay.
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Can you elaborate more on how Amelie is indulgent with Felix?
In Felix (the episode), after Felix does all that awful stuff including trying to make Adrien's friend's hate him via impersonating him, we get this:
Adrien: That video you sent to my friends... Unforgivable, Félix. (Félix doesn't look him in the eye, only looks down, upset and ashamed) Amelie: Now that his father isn't here to stop him from getting into mischief - (Félix stops her.) Félix: I don't deserve to be forgiven, mom. I put my favorite cousin in danger. He's right. No apology can ever be enough.
Now, we don't know exactly what Amelie was about to say, but Felix's interruption makes it pretty clear that she was about to defend everything he did or at least downplay it. Otherwise why would he say that he didn't deserve to be forgive and that Adrien was right?
This is further supported by the next scene in which we see Felix and Amilie. They get on the train and what does Amelie do?
Félix: I've got a surprise for you, mom. (He reaches behind her ear and pulls out Gabriel's ring.) Amelie: (gasps) But Gabriel refused to hand it over to me! And after everything that happened - (reaches out and cups his face) My little magician. I can never understand how you always manage to get what you want. (closes her hand over his) Keep it. It's yours now. Félix: But... you wanted it so much. Amelie: Only to give it to you. You've always been so fascinated by them. How many times have you asked me to tell you the story of the Graham de Vanily twin rings, huh? (she kisses his forehead) I'm glad it's back in the family where it truly belongs. (She winks at him and then rests her eyes. Félix smiles deviously out the window.)
She praises him for stealing and doesn't say a single word about all of the messed up things he did. If this were my kid, we would be talking about his actions were and trying to get him to explain why he did all of that. We'd also be discussing his punishment.
We also learn that Amelie only demanded that her recently widowed and still grieving brother-in-law give up his wedding ring because Felix wanted it. Even though, arguably, the rings should go to Adrien or at least stay with Gabriel until someone in the family is ready to marry. Amelie had no need for them other than "baby wants it, baby gets it."
This was before the sentireveal, so it's debatable if the original intent was to take it this far or if this is just another victim of the retcon, but it's canon now and the writers claim to have planned it all from the start, so I'm going to treat it as fully intentional and discuss the sentistuff, too.
We never see Felix or Amelie learn that the rings are Adrien's amoks, but Felix very clearly knew that's what the ring he had was. Based on that, it's not illogical to conclude that Amelie knew that she was asking for Adrien's amok and didn't care. Baby wants his cousin's controls, baby gets it.
Moving on!
The start of season five sees Ladybug and Chat Noir try to track down Felix since he knows Monarch's identity and gave him all of the miraculous. Kinda a big deal. When they get to London, this happens:
Amelie: My son wasn't here this morning, when I woke up. I didn't worry though, because I thought he might have gone to see his cousin Adrien in Paris. Those two are so fond of each other, but Félix wasn't returning my calls, though I contacted his uncle Gabriel; he told me he hadn't seen him. Cosmobug: And yet he was in Paris I talked to him. Amelie: Oh, Cosmobug, Astrocat, I hope nothing's happened to him! Cosmobug: Don't worry, ma'am. He'll probably end up at his uncle's. Astrocat: Or he might already be on his way back home to London. Amelie: Thanks so much to the two of you for your support!
Then the heroes leave. At the end of the episode, we cut back to London and see this:
Amelie: Tea break. (Félix comes out of the room holding a laptop and follows Amelie to the main hall. Amelie pours tea into a cup, while Félix sits on a sofa and works on his laptop.) Amelie: (putting her hand on Félix's head) Don’t worry, my Félix. Mom is here to protect you from those superheroes who think you’re a villain.
Who cares about saving Paris from a terrorist? If her baby wants to hide away, then Amelie will help him hide away.
Also, if she had forced Felix to talk to the heroes here, then Gabriel wouldn't have died because this is before Destruction. Not saying that his death is her fault, but Amelie did inadvertently let to her nephew be orphaned because she didn't want Felix to face the consequences of his own actions. Remember that as you read this next bit.
And then we have Emotion, which sees Amelie storm into the diamond dance and cause a massive, confusing scene:
Amelie Graham de Vanily: (struggles to make her way in through the guards) Gabriel! My son Félix has been missing for weeks now! (storms towards them) Not only have you and your friends been no help with the search! But now I'm not even invited to the ball?! You haven't been the same since my sister Emilie disappeared! Why are you rejecting us? Gabriel: This is not the place nor the time, Amelie. Nathalie will see you out. (Nathalie begins to walk towards Amelie, and grabs her by the wrist, walking her outside of the ball) Amelie: I don't understand how Gabriel could've become so cruel, let alone why you're still complacent in his actions. Nathalie: Sorry, Amelie. I have no choice. (hands Amelie to the guards) Amelie: There's always a choice, Nathalie.
Ignoring the massively hypocritical "you're still complacent in his actions" line, this is a weird scene. Amelie waltzed right into the mansion back in Felix (the episode). If she wanted to talk to Gabriel about the fact that Felix was missing, why not do that again? It's not like this is urgent. She's apparently waited weeks to come talk to him. Why now?
Cut to the end of the episode and we get our answer:
Amelie: You were right: I did everything you told me to and Gabriel didn't do or say anything to help me. He despises me. He's a monster! They're all monsters! Argos: Hold my feather. (He de-transforms into Félix and goes to hug Amelie) Félix: Not all of them. (smiles)
So Amelie was just doing what every good mom does: blindly follows her child's instructions.
What were you expecting Gabriel to do, hon? Stop the event? This is such a weird test to pull. It'd be different if Felix had just gone missing, but she literally says "weeks". Why is she shocked that Gabriel correctly said "this is not the place nor the time, Amelie"?
I don't like to give Gabriel points, but he gets them here. I wouldn't cancel my event either. I'd tell her to come talk to me tomorrow or ask an assistant to talk to her. Of course, I'd also have been helping with the search before this, but that brings us to the second issue: Felix isn't missing.
What have the search efforts been? What does Amelie want Gabriel to do? No one has ever mentioned an ongoing search and our heroes would absolutely be involved in that since Felix, you know, aided a terrorist, but they're not so this all feels like a shit test.
Also, please remember, this is right after Felix snapped humanity out of existence as Argos and he detransforms in front of his mother. Either Amelie was living in a bubble or she saw everything her son did and was just like, "That's cool, baby! Mommy loves you! Go commit genocide! Your song was so good!"
This is all probably Amelie overcompensating for Colt's abuse, but you asked this in response to another post where I said that Amelie and Andre are the same, so that excuse doesn't really hold water. Andre spoils Chloe for the exact same reason. Aubrey's abuse may have looked different, but it was still abuse.
The only difference between Amelie and Andre is that Andre abuses his mayoral power for Chloe's sake and Amelie doesn't do anything like that. But then, Amelie doesn't have that type of power to abuse. If she did, then I have no doubt that she'd do the exact same thing, so I'm not giving her that point. She is exactly the same: overly indulgent to the point that she's made her child rotten.
Overly indulging an abused person like this isn't going to help them get over their abuse. That's what therapy is for. I adore the magical power of love, but only when it comes to magical threats. Love is not enough to fix anyone's mental health. You can't love away things like PTSD.
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