#I will never not be sad about the treatment of the clones
tychee123 · 1 year
does anybody else think about how that as rex aged he became less and less recognisable because clones never lived long enough to get old
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Their type
Was literally thinking of modern-day hantengu clones dating a black y/n but y/n is like goth/a witch/soft/spiritual AHHH🙈🙈. Pls imagine the icons of them as human lol
Warnings: black!fem reader, black!fem goth reader & tall reader (Aizetsu's part), Soft!fem black reader & chubby reader (Sekido's part), black!witch fem reader (Karaku's part), black!Spiritual fem reader (Urogi's part), some suggestive parts
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Aizetsu is never picky with what his partner is into. What mattered to him was he managed to find someone who loves and cares for him, but you being goth was a bonus.
Aizetsu loves how you're taller than him. He encourages you to wear your platform boots almost all the time and spoiling you by buying you platforms you want.
Aizetsu likes to watch when you style your afro when you get ready on dates with him and admires how neat and cool your makeup looks every time you do it.
Aizetsu doesn't admit his love for your heigh. He only reassures you that you're perfect for him, but your height gives him the perfect opportunity to alwaus have his face between your boobs when you hug him
Aizetsu knows being goth is mainly about listening to the music. When you're with him in his room, he likes to share his headphones and has you listen to his favorite songs from your favorite bands.
Aizetsu let's you paint his nails. He'd get sad when you reject the idea of painting his nails any other color than black. He still loves it when you paint his nails, especially since it gives him the chance to cling to you by holding your hand after you're done painting his nails on one hand.
Aizetsu lets you do his makeup. He's not toxic with his masculinity, but he also wants to let you do whatever you want with him to make yourself happy.
Aizetsu defends you a lot from others who look at you negatively with your style and likes. He may not reach high enough to put his arm around you, but his arm will go around your waist and glance at the people, almost giving them a death stare if they dare say anything bad about your looks. It's cute to you.
Aizetsu accepts the gifts you give him. He is a jewelry guy, so when you give him skull rings, chokers and etc, he'll always accept them and wears them out in public. It doesn't matter if people make fun of him, so long as it's from you, that's all that matters
"We are here," Aizetsu parks his motorcycle and takes his helmet off. You let go of his waist and swung your leg over to get off the motorcycle and looked at the building in front of you. "It's just a tattoo place," you said.
Aizetsu gets off his motorcycle and then takes your helmet off for you and fixes your afro. You don't let many people touch your afro, but Aizetsu is very respectful with your hair and has earned your trust to fix your hair for you when it's out of place.
"Well... I overhead a conversation you had with your friend on the phone the other night. You mentioned that you've always wanted to get matching ghost tattoos with an s/o," Aizetsu said as his hand slowly grabbed yours. "It's been 2 years since we've been going out... what do you think about getting matching tats now?"
"Don't you think it's too early for that?" You said and watched as Aizetsu's face turn blue. "I'm kidding" you said and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "If we get these tattoos you're gonna be stuck with me" you said and watched his fearful expression turn into a happy one.
"It would make me extremely happy to be stuck with you. Forever even," Aizetsu said as you pulled him into the tattoo shop.
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Sekido is the mean. Strict man most wouldn't expect to have such a sweet and loving, hyper feminine partner, but he's only soft with you.
Sekido never cared for the color pink until he saw your hyper femininity for it. He adores how happy you get when he spoils you with the pink, soft things you love.
Sekido gives you the princess treatment. He makes sure to style your afro/braids in cute pigtails, learn how to blush on your cute cheeks, and even paint your nails. If it'd a good day, he'll let you paint his nails pink.
Sekido let's you do a lot of things you wouldn't expect him to let you do. He let's you play with his hair, even putting it in pig tails, doing face masks with him and especially letting you kiss his face with lip gloss on. He doesn't wash off your kiss marks nor take out his hair until he gets home, not matter how "ridiculous" he may look to his brothers.
Sekido wears the cute gifts you make for him. He's not the type to wear anything bright pastel, so when he wears the bracelets, necklaces, and even earrings you make for him, it definitely stands out. If anyone said anything bad about what you made for him, he's threatening to slap them with the same hand that had the bracelet you made on his wrist.
Sekido plans all the dates. You always offer to make the food, but he refuses. He wants to make the cute little sandwiches you love so much, and chocolate covered strawberries you like to feed to him.
Sekido is very calm when he's around you. When you both plan a home date, he insists he'd just come to your house. He adore seeing you in your pink pajamas and having your pink bonnet on your head. The vibe to your room is calming, and he likes to lay his head on your chest while he sleeps with you in your hyper feminine room surrounded by your stuffed animals.
Sekido smiles more when he's with you. He just loves your kindness to him and to others and even loves to see how happy you get over the small things he does for you
You practically begged Sekido to go with you to this beautiful park you saw online for a date idea, despite it drizzing outside since it rained earlier.
"This park is so pretty, Sekido." you said while looking at the flowers in the park and holding his hand. Sekido hums in response. He notices you're waking strange, and he decides to take a look at your skirt.
He notices both of your thigh highs running down your chubby thighs. He sighed and stopped walking, almost making you fall back "easy" he said. "Sorry, but why did you stop?" You asked. Sekido chuckles softly. "You didn't notice you're walking werid? Your thigh highs are falling down."
You looked down and giggled "yes I know, but there's no where for me to sit and fix them since all the benches are wet" you said and tried to bend over right now to fix them. Sekido's hand quickly covers your ass and looks around. "There's a bench right there," he said and took you with him.
"But Sekido, it's wet," you said as you looked at the bench and a worried expression, not wanting to get your white skirt wet. Sekido takes off his leather jacket and places it on the bench. "Sit, I'll fix them," he said. Arguing with Sekido on this was pointless. He was too much of a gentleman towards you.
You watched as Sekido gets on a knee and starts to fix your thigh highs back onto your thighs. "Better?" He said, giving your knees a kiss and even tapping your thighs, making them jiggle.
"Better" you smiled.
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Karaku found out you're a witch on the first date but didn't mind it. He even found it cute. This was all new to Karaku, so he didn't know what to accept, but he's mentioned countless times that he'd never break up with you, joking in some fear that you might curse him if he did
Karaku is always asking to touch your things out of curiosity. It's greatful he's asking, but you'd still have to tell him no, which makes him throw a fake fit about it. You'd also have to remind him constantly to never blow out your candles, but he'd tease you and say he would.
Karaku thought your style would be dependent on what you do, but you dressed pretty normal to him. He even takes the time to understand why you do what you do and educates himself from you about witchcraft.
Karaku has bitten one of your crystals, thinking it could be editable. His excuse? He saw a video about edible crystals. From the day you forbid him to ever touch your crystal.
Karaku thinks you look really pretty when you put crystal accessories in your braids. He offers to put them in your braids, too.
Karaku knows you don't do evil witchcraft, however if Sekido threats to spank him because he did something dumb or pissed him off he'd make it clear that his "hot evil witch gf will curse you" but that only makes him get two spanks. One from Sekido and one from you.
Karaku gets asked by his brothers why he always has small bottles along with some herbs in the small slotes of his motorcycle. He simply tells them that his hot witch gf is casting protection spells, so he has a safe ride. Although he plays too much, he does love how you do this for him and make him feel safe. It also feels like you're always there with him.
Karaku comes home around 10 pm. from work. "Y/n, I'm back," he announced and gets confused when he got no answer.
He checks the shared room you both sleep in, the bathrooms and etc, but yet there's no sign of you. He'd assume you went out with friends and gose into the kitchen for some water but then saw the backdoor open.
He checks and sees you outside sitting on the grass. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?" He calls out to you. "shhh. It's a full moon, I'm charging my crystals," you said and continued to mediate. Karaku stops what he's doing and tips toes quietly towards you and sits on the grass.
Karaku stays quiet. He looked up at the full moon, then back at your crystals, and started wondering if your crystals would start glowing with magic being put into them as you mediated.
You sigh and then start to put your crystals back in a box. "What are you thinking about now?" Karaku asked. "I want crystal balls," you said and then felt two large hands cup your boobs "you got some right here, babe," he said, and you rolled your eyes.
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Urogi is spiritual himself, so the news that you were too didn't shock him as much. If anything, Urogi was overjoyed.
Urogi loves being in the forest. When you suggested that you both go to the forest and meditate together area, Urogi was quick to say yes. He feels very at peace with you, and you feel at peace with him.
Urogi would learn a lot from you, especially about Chakras. Whenever there was a minor problem with his brothers, he'd use what you'd say just to annoy them since they didn't know what he's even talking about.
Urogi uses incense a lot. He may be a cheerful and happy guy, but he still wants to maintain his energy. Whenever you both come back from a large crowd or even around people with bad energy, you both start to burn some incense around you. He also offers to hold your locs up so the incense doesn't touch your pretty hair.
Urogi likes to go out and buy you flowers as a gift, sometimes the flowers being special ones. One time, he got you some blue lotus flowers, and he knew you'd use them for some deep meditation and to help you relax whenever you felt too overwhelmed and stressed out.
It was Urogi's turn to plan the date idea, and he wanted to make dream catchers with you outside.
You spent your time earlier driving around to make sure you both had all the correct things to make your dream catchers. Urogi was quiet. He always gets quiet whenever he's focused, but he is extremely good with putting his together.
You put down your half made dream catcher and just watched him. "You're so good at this, especially the feather part." You said. "Maybe I was a bird in my past life," Urogi jokes, making you both laugh. "Y/n, are you having trouble with yours? It's not done," he said.
You looked down. "Oh! Yeah, I'll be done it soon... actually, could you help me put it together? I don't think I'm doing it right," you confess, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah! I'll do it for you!" Urogi said, so happy to be doing this with you even if he's doing all the work and you're just keeping him company.
"I'm gonna have good dreams because of you for this," you said and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "So am I" Urogi said and kissed your cheek
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octavare · 4 months
Cecil Headcanons #1
Ok this is assorted with no particular order or theme. I’ve been sitting on this for a while and I keep adding to it. So I’m gonna post it now while it’s a… “reasonable”… length, and probably eventually do a part 2. I also intend on eventually doing a GDA headcanons post because I have a lot that are more broad to the GDA as a whole and not just Cecil.
Discusses his backstory from the comics slightly but nothing that’s really a spoiler.
- From the outskirts of Jacksonville, Florida (dear God no wonder he’s the way he is). Has a southern accent that he represses, but slips out occasionally. It does in the show too, so this isn’t entirely conjecture.
- Father is from Alabama. Mother from Florida.
- Majored in counterterrorism (most 3 letter gov orgs irl require a bachelor’s degree, I can’t see the GDA being any different)
- Chose to enter the military initially due to his older brother being a victim of a supervillain terrorist attack. Previously a sports prodigy, he was left paralyzed and unable to pursue his dreams.
- Was a green beret before being introduced to the GDA. Was invited to the CIA’s SAD or the GDA’s SPECOPs. He chose the latter.
- Was a spec ops commando that worked to support behind the scenes of superhero operations. Basically, they’d do dirty work while the public superhero they are working with is soaking up the attention and serving as a distraction.
- His call sign was Rooster, inspired by his mullet. The hair in front would stick straight up, which caused him to grow that thing all the way out. He eventually was “promoted” to Phoenix, which got it after being, quite literally, reborn from ash. Had a few other nicknames too though, mostly derogatory and in reference to his scar.
- Usually supported/worked alongside Brit. They became best friends and still are to this day please don’t cut him from the show Amazon
- Due to the chemical treatments he takes to maintain his artificial skin grafts he looks older than he actually is. And that’s not even mentioning the immense amount of stress he endures. He’s actually in his mid 50s but nobody really believes him. Male pattern baldness is a bitch as well.
- Insane sharpshooter and is proficient with just about any firearm you put in his hands. Even to this day, sets aside an hour to train in the range and keep those skills sharp. Never know when you’ll need them. Always carrying heat.
- Addicted to coffee. Occasionally adds whiskey. That isn’t good for you, but nobody has the guts to scold him (anymore).
- Usually drinks coffee black since it’s easiest and fastest to prepare, but will not turn down a latte. Loves any coffee with three pounds of sugar and milk dumped in it.
- Also likes jack and coke but this is much more seldomly witnessed.
- Wine too. Anything alcohol he will drink really. Beer.
- Loves Italian food. Isn’t really a picky eater though and will eat just about anything put in front of him, for better or worse.
- Refuses to use any sort of cloning technology on himself. He believes that with the idea of only having one chance in the back of his mind, he will be more pressed to use that chance to its fullest. This isn’t public knowledge though.
- Really likes sweets and that problem is the primary reason for his weight gain besides stress. Baked goods are his favorite but he even likes shitty cheap candy.
- The US flag pin belonged to his wife. He wears that one specifically to remind himself of her. He likes his stupid ass reminders.
- Enjoys listening to music or sports while doing things like paperwork (but he never sets aside time to just listen to them). He enjoys classic rock, old school heavy metal, and surprisingly, piano music. If I had to name bands I’d say Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Led Zepplin, etc. As for sports he’s mostly into football (his team is the Jags).
- Messy as fuck, but in an “organized chaos” kind of way. He knows where everything is in his office but it looks like a wreck.
- Smokes a pipe. This actually isn’t a headcanon it’s in the early comics. It’s a rare occurrence, he is somehow not addicted. Despite this, his mouth and respiratory system are in perfect condition due to GDA medical tech.
- He’s a fucking hypocrite about a handful of topics, usually morality, emotions and relationships. He also is completely aware of it and views it as an unfixable flaw.
- He knew Nolan killed the guardians from day 1. He just hired the detective to make it seem to Nolan like the GDA didn’t know and was still investigating. Just a means to buy more time. His contingency plan for Nolan was not ready. I genuinely think this is canon btw but it’s never explicitly stated.
- He thinks the costumes that heroes wear are stupid and (mostly) impractical. The only reason they still are used is to divert the attention towards the heroes and not the fact that there is a government organization directing them.
- Black belt in Taekwondo + skilled in some other martial arts. Basically Solid Snake with his CQC. Similar skill set between characters. Is a stealth guy also.
- Carries four guns on him at all times. Two in his coat. One in his belt. One on his shin. One of the ones in his coat is a laser pistol, just in case you run into someone bullet resistant. But as the Heavy from TF2 says: it’s tough to find someone who can outsmart bullets. Unfortunately I can name three major characters in Invincible right off the bat that can. Tough luck.
- May come as surprising but he’s religious. His main thought process is that in a world as chaotic as his, some people may be inclined to think there isn’t a god, but he is inclined to do the opposite because he thinks that there are some situations in which you’ve done all you can and all that you can do now is pray. He isn’t really hardcore though. This idea stems from all the religious imagery that shows up around Cecil for some reason. I’m not tweaking I swear. I could go on a whole thing about that correlation but that’s a different topic.
- Adding on to this, a major idea in Christianity is that God allows evil to persist because it will eventually result in a greater good. SOUND FAMILIAR? He got it from somewhere.
- The only Korn song he knows is Here to Stay and he knows it by memory. Yes this is oddly specific and I will not elaborate.
- Tends to be crude, but in moderation. Definitely tries to tone in down in front of women. Professionals have standards.
- Dude could still break your back (assuming you don’t have superhuman durability) even in his older age. He’s a little out of shape but the muscle memory is still intact.
- Can sing surprisingly well. No training at all so he’s not professional level, but it’s pretty damn good for no training. It’s rare that anyone ever witness though. Once in a lifetime event if they are lucky.
- Can write with both hands, simultaneously, different things. It took a lot of effort to learn (just kidding. secret government hypnosis) and is incredibly useful for multitasking.
- His hair genetics are really screwed up. First he started showing male pattern baldness in his 20s, though it didn’t really get notably bad until later (we know how that turned out). He’s really attached to his hair and refuses to shave what’s left of it. He’d never admit it but he is self conscious about it.
- In addition he started graying severely at a relatively early age, 30s, due to stress. He dyed it back to its platinum blond color almost religiously but eventually gave up, too much work for no payoff.
- Occasionally when his work is super backed up, he doesn’t get to shave and his stubble grows out. Hair doesn’t grow where his burn scar is so there’s a big spot there that has nothing.
- The side of his mouth with the scar has reduced mobility due to nerve damage. It doesn’t impact his speech but his muscles do not work properly there. When he smiles or frowns that side of his face just doesn’t move.
CECIL’S SCHEDULE (just for fun)
Literally at any given time he can go on call because incidents can happen whenever. But on a typical day…
5 am - Work day officially starts. Paperwork time, get ready for the day. Check meeting schedule and any missed news.
6 am - Breakfast. He’s still working while eating.
6:30 am - Meeting window opens.
- Check on department heads, make sure there’s no problems.
7 am - Check on Guardians and other GDA teams.
12 pm - Lunch. See breakfast.
12:30 pm - Check on department heads, make sure there’s no problems.
3 pm - Meeting window closes. Exercise hour because gotta stay in shape.
6 pm - Dinner. He’s still working, what did you expect.
6:30 pm - Check on department heads. Make sure there’s no problems.
7:00 pm - Check on Guardians and other GDA teams.
9 pm - Cecil hits the range because you gotta stay sharp and strapped. Training hour.
10 pm - More office stuff.
12 am - Brinner. That’s right. He has four meals a day, because he doesn’t sleep. Plus, even with the reinvigoration he gets from the chemical treatment, he needs more energy to account for him being awake longer and burning more energy.
3 am - The infamous hot tub. Reinvigorates his body as a whole, not just the skin.
4 am - Make sure night shift stuff went well. Otherwise, paperwork.
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arcsimper5 · 8 months
Thank you so much for Been Too Long. Love you so much thank you 😭
My ass absolutely has fallen in love with Echo so anytime I see a fic with him on my dash I save it to read when I get home and oh boy was I not disappointed. This one is going straight into my “read again every night” pile.
So, once again, love you thank you sm
THANK YOU! You're so sweet, anon!
I'm so glad you liked it, and seeing as you love Echo, I thought I'd give you another 'sweet' treat (hehe).
Please enjoy:
Strawberries Echo x Reader (GN) No real warnings, a bit of horniness and flirting with added strawberry eating.
“So, wait… you’re telling me that you’ve never tried chocolate? Like, ever?”
Your voice was a little more high pitched than you had intended, but as you stared at Echo with wide eyes, disbelief written over your features, you were genuinely perplexed.
To his credit, Echo kept his face more or less neutral, though the beginnings of a smile were tugging at his lips at your shocked reaction.
“Nope,” he shrugged, pulling his gaze from yours to look down at the plate of chocolate covered strawberries between you. You’d decided on a quick snack break just away from your ship, the repairs that had been entrusted to you both almost complete and way ahead of schedule.
You often shared your delicacies and treats with Echo, forever amazed at his lack of experience when it came to food, enjoying his genuine reactions and his animated expressions.
“We always heard about it, natborns and our Generals and the like wouldn’t stop raving about it, but we were never…”
He trailed off for a moment, eyes turning sad.
“I guess Clones weren’t important enough to be given something so… decadent.”
Not for the first time in your conversations with the ARC, your heart broke a little, eyes stinging at his resigned expression. The treatment of the Clones had never sat right with you, especially after you began getting to know them. They were about as similar as chalk was to cheese, each carving out their own identity through haircuts, tattoos, behaviours… they truly were individuals, and it angered you how they were all often treated the same.
Shaking off the anger beginning to rise in your veins, you offered him a smile, one he returned as he sheepishly met your gaze once again, cheeks flushed.
“Well, I’ll give you every decadent thing I possibly can,” you nodded, delicately picking up one of the strawberries and holding it out to him.
It was a milk chocolate covered one, large and plump underneath, picked by hand from your hydroponics station on your ship. Growing food had always been a part of your life, and just because your home was now on board a starship, you’d made sure you had a few pieces of your past with you.
Echo regarded it with suspicion for a moment, hesitating. You held in a giggle as he leant forward, sniffing it, one eyebrow arching as the sweet scent filled his nose.
“Do you not trust me?” you pouted, feigning hurt, a laugh passing your lips as he rolled his eyes and bought his hand up to yours, taking the treat gingerly from you with his forefinger and thumb.
He held it up at eye level, inspecting the smooth surface for a moment before he swallowed hard, bracing himself and taking a bite from the chocolate coated tip.
Immediately, his eyes widened as the chocolate cracked and gave way, his teeth cutting easily through the sweet flesh of the strawberry beneath.
It was tangy but sweet, the chocolate elevating it to a level he had never experienced before, his expression morphing into one of utter ecstasy as he chewed, savouring the flavour.
His eyes fluttered closed as he allowed the sweetness to coat his tongue, the chocolate beginning to melt in his mouth, and a soft groan of pleasure left his throat.
The sound travelled straight to your crotch, heat tingling through you as your cheeks flushed brightly. His enjoyment sounded sensual, and it was almost embarrassing how much it turned you on.
You’d always found Echo attractive, his personality and beautiful, large eyes that expressed so much capturing your heart completely and utterly soon after you’d met him, not that you’d ever told him.
Running from the Empire and freeing brothers and building a resistance was not exactly the ideal backdrop for romance. And yet, you treasured these moments with him, sat in the hangar on a ragged blanket, sharing your favourite things with him.
“So,” you prompted, trying to distract yourself from the electric feeling running through your body, “what do you think?”
Echo didn’t respond, only met your gaze as he took another bite, letting out another shuddering groan of pleasure. It was all you could do to not keen at the sound, your thighs pressed together, trying to ignore the heat coming from your core now.
If he only knew what he did to you…
“This is the best thing I think I’ve ever tasted,” Echo managed after a moment, tongue darting out to lick his lips before he took another large bite, the juice of the strawberry beginning to run down his chin as he bit into it, his eyes rolling again, though for different reasons.
You could only watch as he devoured the treat like it was the last thing he’d ever eat, chocolate smeared on his lips as he reached the end of the strawberry, looking at it hungrily.
“Don’t eat the stem!” you warned quickly, his eyes opening again, pupils blown, “That bit won’t taste nice!”
Echo begrudgingly murmured in disappointment as he placed the stem back onto the plate, immediately reaching for another strawberry, a white chocolate one this time.
There was no hesitation as he popped it into his mouth, sucking on the end this time, licking away the chocolate until the strawberry was exposed and he bit into it, another streak of juice trickling down his chin.
Again, he hummed in enjoyment, eyes fluttering as he ate it quickly, placing the stem back onto the plate and meeting your gaze again, lips reddened from the strawberry and plumped by the tartness.
He grinned happily, smile faltering when he met your gaze again, taking in your slightly slack jawed expression, your eyes wide as you looked him over.
Suddenly self conscious, he lifted his hand to his mouth, cleaning his lips and realising he had juice on his chin, attempting to wipe it away.
“I, I’m sorry, that was… I kind of got swept up in the moment,” he murmured sheepishly, a small smile tilting his lips as he wiped over them again, a streak of red still visible on his chin.
“It’s okay,” you breathed, swallowing hard as you leant closer, bringing your hand up to his face automatically. He practically froze as your thumb ghosted over his lips, taking the last few smears of chocolate away before sweeping over his chin, gathering the last of the errant juice that he’d missed, his entire body shuddering at the motion.
You almost fainted when he tilted his head up a little, capturing your thumb between his lips and sucking delicately, his tongue lathing over the pad, cleaning up everything you had caught with it.
As your breath hitched, he pulled away suddenly, blinking and exhaling lowly, expression set serious once more.
“Stars, I… I’m sorry,” he breathed, scrambling back, “that was… that was so inappropriate, I’m sorry, I…”
Even as he rambled an apology, you spotted another, tiny smear of chocolate under his bottom lip, your eyes fixed on it as he moved to stand, still murmuring how sorry he was, stopped by your hand lacing with his, pulling him back down.
“You… You missed a little bit,” you all but whispered, Echo’s eyes wide and fixed on yours as you bought your thumb back to his chin, capturing the last of the chocolate and sweeping across his lip before withdrawing it and bringing your thumb to your own mouth, sucking the remnants off.
You were shivering with anxiety, knowing that this was new territory for both of you, Echo’s breathing fast and sharp as he watched you clean your thumb, your gaze still locked with his.
A soft curse escaped his lips, still watching you intently as you picked up another strawberry from the plate and offered it to him, eagerly pressing it towards his lips.
Echo almost whimpered as the chocolate covered tip touched his mouth, opening up to let his tongue flick over the sweetness, allowing you to feed it to him with a tender touch, leaning into you.
His eyes remained locked on yours as he bit down, the cracking of the chocolate audible. Reaching the end of the fruit, his lips wrapped around your fingertips, tongue gently lathing over them before you removed the stalk, your eyes blown with arousal.
“Can I?” he murmured lowly, picking up another white chocolate strawberry and offering it to you, your heart beating wildly in your chest as you nodded.
Gentle and slow, Echo placed the strawberry against your lips, his pupils dilated, mouth slightly parted and tongue darting out to wet his lips as you opened yourself to it, sucking on the chocolate.
He groaned low in his chest, closing his eyes, steeling himself for a moment before allowing himself to continue watching, the bulge forming under his blacks now visible and large.
“F-Fuck, Meshla,” he breathed, pressing a little bit hard, “you’re so kriffing hot…”
It was all you could do to not whimper at his words, your stomach churning with want, heat spreading through every cell of your body.
Taking one last bite, you pulled away, swallowing the sweetness quickly, about to ask Echo what this meant, if he felt the same, when he dropped the stalk and wrapped his flesh hand around the back of your neck, crashing his lips into yours.
He tasted of chocolate and strawberries and warmth and something distinctly him, his tongue tangling with yours as he pulled you into his lap, remaining strawberries forgotten by your side while you straddled him, his hand smoothing down to your hips, clutching at you.
“Well, damn,” he breathed when you finally parted, eyes sparkling with desire, “seems like I was wrong. You have to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Echo!” you giggled coyly, almost able to pretend you weren’t currently straddling him in the hangar, panting for breath where he’d kissed you so thoroughly.
“Seems like I have to make you believe it,” he hummed, pulling you back down against him.
One thing was sure; Strawberries were your new favourite treat.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
I get so sad when I think about the clones sometimes. Like I'll remember they were literally bred for slaughter. They were created and raised in a cold lab and told they were nothing short of expenditures. Expendable, replaceable assets that could not mean less. The lowest of low. They don't even consider themselves people, they barely even recognise that their treatment should be better, or even the possibility of it. They don't even think to ask. All they know is the Empire has cast them aside, considering them obsolete. And they dont know why. They're good soldiers. Not even good men- just soldiers. They'll never think anything more of themselves. They'll never know it wasn't their fault.
Then i laugh because they probably never learnt how to tie laces with their GAR gear being the way it is.
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worriedvision · 1 year
Oh!!!! Here’s a silly little idea, maybe an angsty story where reader is like, and adoptive kid of dottore’s or like an experiment he somehow got attached to, and they meet and become freinds with collei?
I think that they would be so silly and so sad, maybe reader looks up to collei as a big sister!!! Omg I’m already attached to the duo
Okay so this contains spoilers for the archon quest, gender neutral reader. Reader is going to be an adoptive kid of one of Dottore's clones. This landed up becoming more Tighnari centric, but Collei is the reader's friend and Tighnari's more of the father figure.
Your dad had shipped you to Sumeru, a location you have wanted to visit after hearing all about the forest life that was there. He explained that, due to work, he would be unable to join you and visit the areas you enjoyed the most. Your understanding of your fathers work was him working patients that needed treatment, and you thought the world of him. You never knew you biological parents, them seemingly dying before you can form a connection, and your dad said he took you in because your parents wanted him to do so.
Tighnari was informed of you, and he decided against kicking you out for association with the Fatui. You were travelling alone, your father telling you he trusted you enough not to get lost too easily. Of course, he kept a close eye on you due to his concern that this could be some facade you're putting on. Collei seemed drawn to you, and you both land up becoming good friends.
When you get informed that your father 'extended your visit time for an unmentionable time', you were initially sad. You were looking forward to seeing your dad again, to enjoying his food and hearing about the patients he has saved. Collei sits with you, making you feel as welcome as she can. She understood that you missed your dad, and she heard many good things about your dad.
Tighnari, however, was working closely with the authorities.
See, when Dottore took the deal with Nahida, your father died. Nahida was the one who heard your father screaming out your name, begging Dottore not to hurt you in his experiments. She knew about you, her knowledge on Dottore connecting you.
He had to figure out how exactly to break the news. This wasn't easy. Dottore himself was still alive, but anyone with half a brain would figure out the real Dottore would use you for inhumane experiments. After a meeting with Alhaitham and Cyno, Alhaitham decides that he can break the news. Tighnari states Collei shouldn't be there for the news, letting you process the situation on your own terms.
"Your father is dead." Alhaitham states, Tighnari looking over in shock at the bluntness of the statement.
"No...No, that's not true." You retort. "Dad is alive!"
"He has died." Alhaitham states once again, Tighnari regretting the decision to let someone like Alhaitham break such devastating news.
"How are you feeling, _?" Tighnari softly asks, you shaking your head out of dissapproval.
"Dad is a good man! He helped so many people with treatment." You protest. "Dad can't be dead, he knows how to heal himself."
"Your father was a horrible man." Alhaitham coldly lets out, Tighnari nudging him harshly. "He took you away from your parents and used them for experimen-"
"That's not appropriate for this discussion, Alhaitham." Tighnari grits through his teeth.
"But dad told me...He was working on treatment." You weakly let out, trying to convince Alhaitham he was wrong. "Dad wouldn't do that to my parents." you croak out, Tighnari glaring at Alhaitham.
"He did." Alhaitham corrects, showing you the letters your parents sent out in an attempt to escape as well as the dates attached to them.
"But dad... Dad wouldn't..." You tear up. "My dad wouldn't do this to someone. I know my dad!"
"Alhaitham, that's enough."
"I think it's time they knew about their father. Nobody else thinks so nicely of him, and for good reason." Alhaitham tuts, getting up and leaving.
Tighnari looks over at you, seeing you in a mess as you're reading over the letters your parents sent out. The fact your name was there, and they had your date of birth correct. You read through them, morbid curiousity grabbing you as you read about how horrible your father was to those unlucky enough to not be you.
Your father never got permission to take you, and your parents were desperately trying to find you. They both landed up dying, a final letter from the Fatui mocking the people responding to these letters with a confirmation of death.
You run out, Tighnari hot on your heels as he gets a bad feeling about what you were going to do. By some poor luck, you both ran all the way to Dottore's getaway boat, him waiting there for you. Before you take another step, Tighnari grabs you and clamps a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet as he picks up on a whisper between two agents.
"Once that brat comes running, we'll get going." The agent states, Dottore nodding.
"Of course. I can never have too many experiments." Dottore chuckles. "That clone of mine was far too soft for my own liking, and that rat he's been keeping as a pet holds no value alive."
You start to shake, crying softly as Tighnari slowly lets his grip loose as he knew you wouldn't run off. Turning to face Tighnari, you look up at him with a mixture of negative emotions in your eyes before he pulls you in for a hug.
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Since I'm rapidly running out of time to catch up we're doing EVEN MORE TBB TODAY, so off to The Clone Conspiracy
Slip and Cade ;A; I'm already preemptively sad knowing what's going to happen to them. Cade talking about destroying Kamino, their home... I'm of course thinking back to the trooper that reported that Kamino had fallen to Rampart, voice hesitant as he reports the destruction of his own birth place. Slip says later he was on board when it happened. I wonder if that was him.
God though, sending a message to Rampart to give him "the chance to tell the Senate the truth before I did it myself." Cade, Cade, Cade, that is an insanely stupid move WHY did you do that and not just tell the senate directly? I know it's the urge to follow orders and chain of command but oh god of course Rampart has him killed.
Listen the first time I watched this I was SO scared for a hot second that it was Crosshair taking those shots, the last time we saw him he had killed Tawni Ames and the rapid shooting Cade and then shooting the blaster out of Slip's hand got me CONCERNED. Only when he started missing constantly did I go 'okay yeah this can't be him'
Still they really do let you think that, with how little we see Crosshair this season, it wasn't out of line to think he was there with new armor.
Can't believe "Cataclysmic Storm" is what they went with. Yeah it was such a big storm on the planet known for storms that it destroyed every single city on the planet simultaneously, very tragic.
"Shifting to a military of citizens swearing loyalty fundamentally goes against the principles of this body." I'm sorry I can't get over the fact that like, I get why the troopers don't want to retire (this is all they've ever known, they don't know how else to function, they have no other support) and the bill is objectively meant to push them out of service to essentially be abandoned but this is still an insane argument. We can't shift away from our slave army to a military of volunteers it goes against the Principles of This Body. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Riyo coming in with the actual 'hey what if we take the secret third option of treating them like people?'
I hate Rampart being so blandly pleasant, playing like he's soooo reasonable and understanding when we know he doesn't give a SHIT about the clones.
"If anyone were to dig further into what truly happened to Kamino" which I am happily discussing in a public hallway.
The scene in the bar HURTS because like, Riyo is trying but she's still locked into not treating the clones like people who should have options. She's trying to soften the being forced out plan, but they're still being forced out and thrown into a situation they were never trained for (because they were never supposed to be people) and they're pushing back against it because it takes away their choices in their own futures. There's just no option on the table that lets clones make their own individual choice whether to stay in the military or retire, and they always expected to be dead before they were too old to fight.
I want every clone to be given all the love and support in the world, all of them no exceptions.
Still the little nod at the end when they agree to work with her, my heart <3 Riyo really is trying her best she's just limited by both the Empire and the plot restrictions of how much they're allowed to criticize the Republics use of the clones in the first place and not just the Imperial treatment of them.
Riyo has been given the worlds worst and most alarming info dump and everything is happening at once, congrats your assassination risk just went up like 500%
God Slip calling Rex to try and get him out ;_; god this poor boy
Oh no not full pensions for millions of clones, god forbid we take care of the millions of clones that we literally purchased as cannon fodder.
"If I had been present, maybe more could have been saved" yeah bro your presence totally would have stopped the storm in this story you're building that makes total sense.
Bail pointing out the blatant insanity of blaming it on, of all things, a STORM.
I'm sorry I get stuck on that how was that the lie they went with how is Rampart SO stupid?
Godddd the tension of this scene with Riyo and Slip is so good, the building musical tension, the way it peaks a few times and nothing happens to keep you extremely on your toes and then Slip gets taken out just. DAMN they're good at this.
The way Riyo's guard gets shot and he KEEPS GOING.
I just realized that last time we saw Rex he disappeared into the fog, and when he comes back in he appears out of the fog. Turns out that whole time he was just in the fog.
HATE THE SCENE WITH THE BELIEVER CLONE. EVERY PART OF IT IS CONCERNING AS HELL. Including the part where he electrocutes himself to death and we get to see flashes of his fucking SKULL.
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the-little-moment · 3 months
Angst-pril Day 7: Twisted Smoke
Prompt: Bad Dreams
Words: 950
Summary: This fic is a follow up to @kybercrystals94 heart-breaking story from this year's Febuwhump, Flame Snuffed Out.
Senna is my original character, a human surgeon who joined the Kaminoan cloning project at its inception. More can be read about her here, and in the other works in my pinned masterlist.
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“It did not feel like I thought it would; in fact, I didn’t actually expect to feel anything at all. This was what we were trained for, wasn’t it?”
Tech didn’t sleep well at the best of times, an inveterate insomniac, but things had been bad enough lately that even the black frames of his goggles had not been enough to hide his smudged eyes from Senna’s careful gaze. The nightmares had started upon his squad’s return from their latest mission to Tipoca City. It had been three days now. Three days of waiting for sleep to come, only for it to be filled with smoke and the empty, staring eyes of the first being whose life he had ever taken. The first person who was dead because of him. Quite dead.
The doctor accepted his reluctant words with a sigh and closed her own tired eyes for a long moment while Tech watched her and wondered what she would say to try to console him. His bunk on Kamino was a familiar comfort after weeks in space, Senna’s small hand in his own another. The others were eating their late meal, but he had elected to stay behind, hopeful that an hour or so spent organizing his recordings from this last mission would relax him enough to try again to sleep. He wasn’t sure what he would do when he reached the battle that plagued his dreams. Would it be better dealt with now, to try to put it behind him, or should it be left until his energy had been restored? Tech was frustrated, had been. He should not have been unbalanced in this way. 
Senna had come when he had not appeared at dinner. This was a conversation Tech had hoped to avoid, but it did not surprise him that she had discerned his unease. Sometimes it seemed the doctor could read their minds. 
“I had no idea you hadn’t…done that before.”
The word was “killed” and, on an average day, Tech would have made a comment about the needless use of euphemisms, but she looked so sad, sitting on his bed beside part of the Marauder’s malfunctioning navigational computer, that he refrained. It wasn’t as if he had published the fact. 
“It was unimportant. I knew the day would come, as it had for the others. What I did not anticipate was my reaction to an event I should have been adequately prepared for. 
The agitation in his voice made Senna’s fingers tighten around his hand. It was rare that Tech let his feelings get the better of him. “I’m so sorry, dear. It’s not something that should ever be easy, even with all your training.” She meant it. If he had been unfeeling, perhaps this would have been less painful, kinder. If he had been unfeeling, he would not be her Tech. It was a sign of his exhaustion that his heel was not tapping, nervous energy against the floor. 
“It is highly likely that I will have to kill again, perhaps many times more. I cannot allow myself to be so affected by an inescapable facet of war.” 
What could she possibly say to that? That it would get easier? Senna swallowed down bile at the awful thought. An inescapable facet of an inescapable war. Tech and his brothers had never had a chance to be anything else but soldiers in it, a fact that had haunted her since the day of their birth. 
“Honey…when I walked across that stage on Corrie and accepted my degree, it felt like I was being handed this incredibly beautiful thing: the chance to help people. The first time…that I was ordered to withhold treatment…to allow a—a child to be euthanized,” she swallowed hard, ashamed to admit something he surely already knew, “it felt like part of me died too.” Senna felt tears in her eyes as she looked back up at Tech. “But I had a choice, dear. You didn’t.” She watched the furrow between his eyebrows deepen. Euthanization, decommissioning, the word was “murdered”, and they both knew it. That little boy had been so much like him. Beautiful, brown eyes. They narrowed now in transparent anxiety.
“Whether or not I am at fault, someone is dead who would not be, had I not made the choice to shoot.” And it was a choice. As deeply ingrained as his reflexes were, Tech was always in control of his actions. He had to be. 
He looked down as the doctor squeezed his hand, tightly, and for several long moments, until he could feel a tremor in her fingers. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I know it’s selfish of me…but I’d rather them be dead than you.”
This was exactly why he hadn’t wanted her to know. Tech swallowed and strengthened his own grip. “You are perhaps slightly biased.” When the doctor raised her eyes from their hands to smile at him, face drawn with her own worries and weariness, he regretted sharing his feelings. “I’m sorry for distressing you, Senna. That was selfish of me.”
She shook her head. “After I came here and asked you? I always want you to tell me these things, anything that’s important to you. Tech, if we don’t take care of each other…”
Then no one will. She didn’t have to say it. Tech knew it was true. 
“I can get you a sedative, for the nightmares. You won’t dream.”
It felt like weakness, but he refused to let stubbornness overcome his practicality. “I would appreciate that." Tech smiled at her. "And I appreciate you spending your meal time here with me."
And I appreciate every single thing about you, dear, the doctor thought, as Wrecker’s loud laugh echoed from the hall. Please don’t ever stop coming back to me.
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Sorry for the late posting! I've been feeling a bit rough for the past few days, and finishing this felt like trying to squeeze blood from a stone, especially since I wanted to do Kyber's wonderful fic justice.
As always, stay tuned all month to read every story from this sad fun! collaboration between @kybercrystals94, @just-here-with-my-thoughts, and myself. 😊 Let the angst flow!
Taglist: @lightwise @freesia-writes @clonethirstingisreal
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burnwater13 · 4 months
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Boba Fett and Din Djarin protecting Mos Espa from the Pyke Syndicate. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 7, In the Name of Honor. Calendar from DataWorks.
If there was one thing that made Grogu happy about all the adventures he’d been on recently was that he had found a Mandalorian who acted more like his dad than those other Mandos. Boba Fett wasn’t trying to lead and just giving up. Nope. Not him. According to Fennec, Boba Fett never gave up on anything or anyone. 
Grogu smiled thinking about that. His dad was just like that. Din Djarin didn’t give up. He didn’t sit back. He didn’t pout. As least he didn’t pout about work going sideways. He pouted a lot when Grogu just happened to have gotten mud on his armor or maybe left a bag of dung worms in the N-1 a day too long. Wow. Grogu could feel that pouting in a real way.
Aside from the unexpected outcomes of playtime, Grogu knew that when his dad was faced with adversity, the Mandalorian just became more determined to see the task out to the end, bitter or otherwise. 
“Well, my young friend, Mandalorians know more about adversity than most people you will ever meet. Certainly an individual may have a life filled with conflict an pain. But few other peoples have been so singled out for such universal treatment. I suppose it was because they were too good.”
Grogu perked up and paid more attention to the Daimyo. He had really just been looking from one man to the other. He hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t actually even made a peep, coo, or grumble. For a change of pace he had been simply silent. 
“Your face is very expressive. Particularly your eyes. I have been told that they are the same color as your father’s, as mine match my father’s.”
The Daimyo smiled at him and looked both proud and sad. 
“You rarely mention your father. Was he a bounty hunter?”
Din Djarin asked the question quietly, as was his habit within the throne room. 
“He was. A Mandalorian bounty hunter who was taken advantage of by the Old Republic and the Jedi Counsel. You know about the Clone Wars?”
Grogu nodded his head. He, personally, would have liked to have forgotten about them, but when someone like Moff Gideon spent time tracking you down, you couldn’t forget about anything that caused the fall of the Old Republic or the rise of the Empire. 
“I do. I know about the Separatists. I know that the Jedi were involved. By the time things were at there worst I was already on Concordia. The Mandalorians who trained me did not speak of it, except to say that it was a fool’s errand and no good could come of it. They were right about that, given how it ended.”
Grogu was surprised that his Dad didn’t sound as annoyed, bitter, and, not quite smug, but more aggrieved, than he usually did when this topic popped up. Perhaps he was striking a more neutral tone because of the affect that whole sequence of events had on the Daimyo. 
“They were right. But it did not start that simply. You know the Jedi have visions. There are those who say they can see the future. That ability served them poorly. They recognized that they might one day need a fighting force. One that was much larger than the Old Republic kept on hand. So the project on Kamino was started in secret.”
The Daimyo took a deep breath and Grogu almost told him that they could skip the story and go fishing if it all hurt him too much to think about. 
“I am fine. I have lived with many painful memories and their pain did not lesson because I ignored them, my friend. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. You cannot have a fighting force without the people necessary. But where would you get such a force? The Jedi knew too much and not enough. They went to Kamino, as the Kaminoans were well known for their skills at cloning, and found a willing partner in their enterprise. For a price. After that, they just needed to find a template. Clones were used for many things back then, young one. Whatever task a business might need to perform but they did not have the staff, they would either assign to droids or to clones. If you had enough funds they would rent a workforce to you for whatever specified period of time that you needed them. Then they were retired.”
Daimyo Fett laughed at that. 
“It sounds much nicer than it was, my friend. Retired is just a nice way to say that the clones were ended. They had no individual rights as they were clones. Not a unique person but merely a copy of a unique person. That is at least what they told my father and he told me. You see, when they began to look for the template for the Jedi’s fighting force they realized that they couldn’t clone a Jedi. Something about the Force affects the process. They never perfected it. 
Without being able to use a Jedi they came to the conclusion that the Jedi’s enemy would be the best source material and only one group of people had survived being the Jedi’s enemy for any length of time. Mandalorians. Funny, isn’t it? You and I and your father, we are good friends and not enemies at all. But back then heads were not so cool, on any side.”
Another deep breath. 
“My father, Jango, was an accomplished bounty hunter. Best in the galaxy according to the records the Kaminoans kept about him. They approached him and he agreed to be the template. Oh, it wasn’t quite as simple as that, but what a father tells a son may often be affected by sentiment. My father was a sentimental man. That is why I exist. You see, I am not his son in the typical way. I am his clone. A duplicate, you see. And for a time I had more than 3,000,000 brothers. They became the fighting force that the Jedi and the Old Republic needed to address the Separatists. Unfortunately for the Jedi they trusted people who should not be trusted. I say that not as their enemy, but as a student of the past. When you buy cooperation from people like the Kaminoans, you may discover it is as easily sold to another. Which they found was the case, much to their, and no doubt your, dismay.”
The Daimyo fell silent for a moment. Grogu didn’t know if he was doing that because he remembered how his own father fell or out of kindness to Grogu or kindness to Din Djarin. All three of them had lost loved ones due to the that conflict.
“I was able to escape. Take my father’s ship and leave those immediate problems behind, but I never forgot the stories my father had told me about being a bounty hunter. It had been a better life for him and I was determined to honor him by taking that up. It is hard work and not for the faint of heart. You must take a risk and work it all the way to the end. If you fail at it, well, the end is bitter and you are cold. Very cold.”
“Boss, are you telling sad stories again? The three of you look like something the rancor dragged into that enclosure it spends all its time in. Cheer up. It’s a beautiful day out. I am told that rain is in the forecast and you know what that means.”
Grogu jumped just like the Daimyo and his dad at the sound of Fennec’s cheerful voice.
“No Fennec. I do not know what that means. Enlighten us, please.”
“Flowers. Little flowers will pop up all over Tatooine. I’m told it’s beautiful. Isn’t that right, Mando?”
Grogu turned to look at his dad. He was about to scold him soundly, but his dad beat him to it. 
“It is. Very beautiful. If you start now, you might be able to collect enough to make a posey. I’m sure that ‘friend’ of yours would like it.”
The Daimyo burst out laughing and Grogu laughed with him. He didn’t know why it was funny, but he was glad to have the opportunity to laugh. Maybe this was how Mandalorians were able to survive so much? They never forgot the present, even when they were talking about the past. In any case, he coo’d to Fennec that he was willing to pick flowers with her, but he was too late. She had vanished as quickly as she had appeared just a few moments earlier. Just like the flowers would. 
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oblivionbladetd · 6 months
The Unfortunate implications in Pokemadhouse: The fuck even is Bonnie?
No, Lily, the pwecious babu will not be spared. Before I get ahead of myself, let me describe in literal terms what Bonnie literally is, a somehow perfect mixed clone of G and Lily... fuckin aight. I'll just ignore that by all rights that kid should have popped out saying "M-Moth-er Lil-lee..." because that is me being petty, and believe me barely scratches the surface of how bad it actually gets. As always, more under the cut.
So, elephant in the room, Lily never did consent to having Bonnie until after the machine doors opened. We going to talk about that? No? Okay... It is just fact that G bypassed Lily's personal autonomy to make a life altering choice for her for the second time now. Layer on that Lily was sad about giving away a baby Ralts and it all becomes extremely reckless and short sighted because rather than giving her a week to cool off, she hands her an actual human and Lord Help if it was just Baby Fever, because otherwise that kid is going to get neglected once she stops being wittle cwyptid baby.
Next, we have Lily with the law on her side... No. Just no. Parentage wouldn't mean shit, G sabotaged a machine that is made to bolster a critically endangered species. There shouldn't be any way they get out of that down nothing and up one gotcha and a baby. I know logic in pokemon means this could have costed nothing, but this comic injects real-world logic for cheap drama like you'd inject back alley botox into your wrinkles because having a doctor do it is so expensive, imma do some guesswork and math this shit. Firstly, I will assume that the machine uses stem cells and some very advanced tech to, in essence, 3D print an organism. Stem cell therapy is a thing. As far as Google tells me, the process costs 5000 to 50000 dollars depending on what it's treating. Now, I'll just assume that even the high-end treatment doesn't use a whole pound of cells, so for the purpose of easy math and only doing triple the amount of research Lily herself ever would we will just list a pound of stem cells as costing 100000 dollars. We'll also assume that this amazing nanotechnology that makes this possible takes about half of that per pound of organism. So we have a price, and Google tells me the weight of your average 3 year old is 30.7 pounds. So let's just open up my handy dandy calculator and....4.6 million dollars. Lily walked out the door with 4.6 million dollars of company assets while blowing a raspberry and flipping the bird... okay they traded more of G's blood for Bonnie but 4.6 million fuckin smackeroons! Once they had security footage, they should've had a team of lawyers going at her like a pack of hungry wolves for that is sabotage, and Lily as G's trainer would have to pony up. No wonder Dr.ponytail was so bitchy, likely almost got shitcanned from science at large before finding the footage.
As a very much more mercifully brief implication, look at this wiki cap.
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Every time I look, it makes me laugh. Though in seriousness she had to adopt Bonnie in the end and child protective services either doesn't consider Bonnie a human child or are fuckin sleeping real damn hard to not catch this.
Finally, and least fortunate implication of them all... Bonnie will grow up, and unless Lily can single-handedly end the stigma around trainers banging pokemon, she will grow up in a world that either fetishizes or despises her. She will have to look back at her creation, being born of G wanting to give Lily a replacement baby, and try to feel anything other than contempt as she tries to live in a society that actively hates her for existing. The butt of every beastiality joke. The byproduct of pokephilia that nobody decent wants anything to do with. All by herself, sad, bitter, angry...
There's also the fact that she regularly causes property damage. Somebody needs to control their kid. Baking ram sticks and removing hours of dying work and saying it was bad, zero manners, be a parent, Lily...
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I just got back from seeing Avatar: Way of Water and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.
First off, the movie was absolutely visually stunning. The planet, the locations, the animals, all of it was gorgeous. Some of the most gorgeous shots I’ve ever seen.
I loved the Metkayina designs. They were clearly designed with water life in mind—the wider tails, wider arms to allow for better swimming. I also noticed inspiration drawn from Māori tattoos for their facial markings.
I loved all the kids, but Spider is definitely my favorite. It just makes me so sad that this kid has grown up never fitting in with the humans or the Na’vi and has been barely tolerated by most adults in his life. I have a lot of thoughts on Spider, but that’s a whole separate post. Basically I love him, I want him to be safe, and he’s a kind kid with a big heart and I’ll defend him to my dying day.
Kiri is a close second favorite. I was literally thinking “are there autistic Na’vi?” Before watching this and I kind of got my answer. Yes, i do 100% see Kiri as autistic. Also she’s canonically epileptic, which I thought was interesting. I just want more disabled characters that are interesting and contribute to the story, and she delivers. I also think it’s so cool that they gave her such a close connection with Eywa (no I don’t have religious trauma leave me alone). My only complaint is that Sigourney Weaver’s voice doesn’t…sound like a teenager’s voice to me. She plays the part very well, but her voice throws me off a bit.
I think it’s very interesting what they’ve done with Quaritch’s character. By making him a clone, you basically start over. He’s got all the memories but basically only a year or so of life experience and a lot of that influences how he interacts with the world, especially Pandora since he’s experiencing it from a new angle. He also noticeably softens toward Spider and while it may have started as manipulative, I do think he genuinely cares for Spider by the end. He reminds me a bit of early-show Zuko, and I can see him getting redeemed through his bond with Spider. I really want to see him link with a Spirit Tree, the existential crisis it would cause would make for great writing.
I don’t feel that Jake has been super poorly written, but I feel that we’re seeing him acting in survival mode so I don’t know what his relationship with his kids is usually like. I understand why he would revert to military training in a time of crisis.
I do feel like Jake has forgotten what it was like to be human in some ways, like he’s forgotten that he wasn’t always Na’vi. He does great his boys like they’re soldiers under his command, and I feel like his treatment of Spider shows just how much he’s forgotten what it was like to be human. What it was like to live in a world that wasn’t compatible with his body.
I also feel like Jake doesn’t have a full grasp of Na’vi culture still, and he sometimes overrides Neytiri when he should listen to her experience. Again, I understand the reasoning, it just annoys me.
Neytiri got shoved to the side a bit, in my opinion. She was in character, and I understand all of her responses, but I felt that Jake didn’t always treat her as an equal or value her knowledge enough. I don’t quite have words for how her emotions impact her character, but they’re all very impressed words. Just wow.
The tulkun are so cool to me. It started out as just kind of a whaling story, but you realize that these creatures are sentient, they’re capable of thought, they’re deeply intelligent beings. They’re people, plain and simple. And seeing the whaling analogy paired with the fact that these creatures are people, it made me nearly cry. Seeing them being murdered and their bodies desecrated for a tiny bit of profit had me cringing in my seat and made me so angry.
Random thoughts in no particular order:
Tsireya is so pretty I love her. She reminds me of a fantasy Elf for some reason.
Quaritch attempting the “death by thighs” move was unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome. I’m used to seeing femme fatale characters use that move, and I’m pretty sure I was blushing.
All of the Sully boys have daddy issues now, and Spider also has mommy issues
The “why so blue?” dad joke and Spider getting the one “fuck” of the movie made me laugh
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theclonereview · 1 year
S3.E1 Clone Cadets
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[ID: A screenshot of Shaak Ti standing amidst battalions of graduated clone troopers as they ship out from Kamino. End ID.]
Our first clone centric ep!!!! Hoooo boy Domino Squad..... god I love these vod. A very heartfelt episode that emphasizes that the clones are different people, and that fighting as a group isn’t something that comes naturally, but must be chosen. The training insight is very interesting, and the side characters are intriguing, even though it sure does showcase some shit treatment of the clones, especially 99, even from his brothers :/. I love how the names are shown in this episode, and how much that speaks to them all as people. Fives has had his name from the first moment on screen, Echo is given his at first as a jab before owning it, Hevy is given his from 99 in a moment of incredible kindness and love, and Cutup takes his out of the mouth of a man degrading him. Each one of those moments is so unique and cool and ghlkdghldgj “TO ME, YOU’VE ALWAYS HAD A NAME”. god. I LOVE clone names and the way they make identities for themselves, even against the unbelievable odds in front of them. christ. 
It is also, of course incredibly sad how this all ends up playing out, and watching it in retrospect while knowing what happens... knowing that only two survive to be ARC’s, knowing what happens to Fives and then Echo..... especially given how much “following orders” is brought up in this ep,,,,,, hrngh suffering :(
Personalized star ratings (each star awarded represents something I value in TCW): 8/10!
★ - Good flow of plot, engaging storyline without choppy movement
☆ - Compelling characters, and interesting, realistic development!!!
✰ - Consistency; no fuckups in the plot or details (lol)
✧ - Pathos; emotional episode with either heartwarming or heartbreaking content; successfully forces the watcher to think about and experience the character's emotions
✫ - Decency; treating nonhumans, women, characters of color, and/or sensitive subjects with respect, decency, and morals. (The clones are mistreated in this ep, but the ep focuses on their value transcending beyond supervisor violence. They’re still respected as people by the narrative, for now at least.)
✯- Humor! The humor and jokes all work, and are actually funny (YOU’VE NEVER MET A GIRL JOKE OF ALL TIME)
⍟ - Symbolism or foreshadowing
☽ - Rishi Eel Award; passes the Clone Bechdel test!
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glapplebloom · 5 months
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Man, this year is so much different from the previous...
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TIER - Actually Dislike
13 - Velma
I gave it a one shot and have not seen an episode since. But I have been following it via second hand sources and I do not like the direction it is going. Especially how crammed in the Scooby Doo references get. Basically, this is the bottom of the barrel of things I’ve seen this year.
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TIER - Still only saw one episode
12 - Clone High
Eh, the Series didn’t really catch on with me. So I had no intention of seeing the rest of the original nor the continuation. Eh, just not for everyone.
11 - Shaggy and Scooby Get a Clue
With the Scooby/Courage episode, I really should have watched more of this series since it helped with that match. Sadly, I never got the drive to look at the rest like the others in the top tier.
10 - Kiff
I did enjoy what I saw. I enjoyed the clips I’ve seen of her and in Chibiverse. Sadly, never really saw a full episode again. Maybe one day in 2024.
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TIER - Saw more than one episode
9 - Smurfs
You know how I said I was interested in seeing if Grouchy had a love interest. Well I saw the episode where that scene is from and it's basically your “we want to make a guy who does not smile smile and he totally did that one time but won’t again”. Not enough to put it below the Saw One Tier but DISAPPOINTED!!!
8 - Wacky Racers
Like the one above, I technically saw more than one episode. Granted, it was part of the One Shot review but it is still a technicality. Despite that, and seeing random clips and enjoying it, just never got around to see the rest.
7 - Fionna and Cake
Again, technically I saw more than one episode. But never got to see more of it outside clips. So I know what happens and I know Gary and Marshall are a thing and I’m so happy for them, but never got around to watching the rest.
6 - Hello Kitty Super Cute Adventures
The sad part is this was on the way to being in the Saw them all tier. The problem is new episodes came out and they were two partners. Them also coming out with Kuromi Solo Animations made it hard to follow the rest. Kind of sad when you think about it.
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TIER - Saw them all at the time!
5 - Tiny Toons Looniversity
I enjoyed the reboot and saw all the episodes on the first day. It was definitely a fun experience and I do hope it gets the same treatment or better than the Animaniacs Reboot got. Looking forward to seeing my favorite Rabbit Twins in more action.
4 - Twisted Metal
Loved the game lore and I enjoyed what the TV Show producers did to make it their own thing. It seems to touch upon every aspect of the series including the terrible ones people don’t like and made them great. Rest in Peace Granny Dread.
3 - Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Originally it was not supposed to be here. I thought “there’s nothing I’m going to watch this year that would trump this.” Then a show came out that I also thought would have no competition. So I quickly added it. Then another show proved there was. So sadly Moon Girl gets third place. But still, I highly recommend it. 
2 - Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
All this because of a song. While it took me a while to watch the rest, I did and thankfully I did before the next episode comes out in December. I doubt the series will continue after that, but still, it's definitely one I am so glad I gave it a shot.
1 - My Adventures with Superman
I did not want this to be in the only saw one episode tier. This needed to be in the Seen All Tier. So I did and I am so glad I have. This is the Superman we need and I look forward to seeing what the next season brings. As long as Warner Brothers keeps its ship together.
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 7 months
OC x OC for me (tragic) lad Spitfire (because you like him)! Either platonic or Romantic! Both works, but if just one then Platonic!
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He's Hardcase's older brother by minutes and picked up Case's leg bouncies when he's nervous. He was supposed to be a commando, but was transferred shadily by a trainer to artillery for the 210th for four months, where he was then put back as a footsoldier and later was returned to Commando, but he chose to remain with his squad. He would feel guilty otherwise! Would die for Case, but Case dies first. He's a bit of a wreck and grows his hair out so he doesn't see Case when he looks in the mirror. He has a memorial for him in his room. Case drew his face tatts on his commando helmet, and he tattoos 'if there's a brother I'd want to be like, it's you' with something he associates Case with on the top half of his left peck. Does this for Gregor too on his right shoulder :'( Boy enjoys speeder riding (and heavy guns like Case, but his main weapon is always a repeater rifle like the Commando he is). Doesn't even hesitate to get his chip removed once his general's secret investigation is known to him.
When he laughs, it's mostly from his chest and he squints his eyes entirely closed. Always goes to 79s to catch up with Case, and he favours cider made from cider apples over anything else. Regularly does his commando workouts and always tells his brothers and team he's proud of them, the same way he used to tell Case.
As one last sad moment, he has all the names of the Vode he loves most on his left wrist, small but super neat and in their individual hand, he has a date between S3 and S4 where the 210th were given the 'Krell Treatment' on the back of his left shoulder, and he marks the date of order sixty-six on the other side with 'this clone kills no Jedi'. He keeps his Republic cog tattoo beneath his collar, too, but puts a rebel overlay on top.
Boy gets watery eyes when he's emotional, but it takes a big loss for him to sob, too, and he likes hugs!
Finally! If he thinks someone he cares about has died, but they come back alive, he's hugging them so tight, too [Gregor discovered this and might have laughed to hide his crying face you never know]
(@eternal-transcience via the main <3)
hiii friend! I'm 1) glad for the chance to learn more about Spitfire and 2) very excited to give this man a best friend. Since you've already explored some of what Spitfire and Mei might look like together, I'm gonna go a different route and say...
Tal is my OC for the Right to Love matchmaking AU, but in the normal timeline, Tal works as a therapist and psychiatrist. They love to drink tea and recommend new blends to friends, and I feel like they happen to be at the same tattoo parlor as Spitfire one day and decides, You know what, I'm going to talk to a stranger today and give them some tea.
Spitfire is probably a little taken aback, but Tal is just very calm and serene and chill, and is like "here, you look like you need this." And Tal thinks that will be the end of it, that they'll never see the man from the tattoo parlor again--but then they do. Just randomly while Spitfire is on shore leave and exploring Coruscant. Then they do the spiderman pointing meme. And then they go to an actual tea shop and talk for a good while.
It's a good thing that Spitfire is physically affectionate, because Tal is a hugger, too. Saying hello? Hug. Bidding farewell? Another hug. Spitfire makes them laugh? You guessed, hugs!
Because of their education and training as a psychologist, probably a very good, neutral ear for Spitfire to talk to and gain insights on. Tal is Very Good at listening and offering advice when it's wanted, but they also fully understand the power of just a warm mug of tea, a cozy blanket, and a fluffy pillow. So that's exactly what Spitfire gets when on shore leave.
I hope these are some good thoughts for Spitfire! thanks for the ask! <3
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Seeing how really more we saw about Dom, I kinda feel like he really was more loved clone. And so after Six was born, Klipse didn't seems to show him that much attention on person as we saw with Dom. Maybe Dom really was most loved Klipse's (and Hargrave's, but butler kinda harsh with him) firstborn...
Well, we knew Dom first since he was introduced in season one, but you’re not wrong. I have counted the episodes that included Six and the amount of episodes barely made it to all my fingers. Yes, I counted them on my fingers. It’s that bad.
That being said, Six might not be favored by Klipse for a huge and sad reason. Six is also a Suno. Like he’s got Jeredy’s eyes and a bit of his face because he was made with Chase’s DNA. I’ve already theorized that Dawn had his face destroyed because he resembled someone Klipse hated, so it might not be so far fetched that seeing a Suno he could never have would make Klipse not favor Six as much as Dom. Klipse might not have mutilated Six’s face because he can risk another Dawnmaster situation with the added bonus of Six running to the Sunos for help and forgiveness, but he’s so full of spite against the Sunos that he emotionally damages Six’s happiness just feel like he’s actually hurting the Sunos.
As for Dom, he will never get the same treatment as Six because he’s Hargrave’s child and his face is more like Hargrave and Klipse instead of someone Klipse hates that he’ll mostly be fine. Dom also has more protection from Hargrave compared to Six not having the Sunos’ protection. Also, compared to Six, Dom has more experience with the world and has scared his enemies more than Six has, so Klipse would favor him more because Six hasn’t done more to make Klipse favor him despite Six being a toddler.
So yeah, Klipse has a rather unfortunate bias towards Dom compared to Six, and even Dawn and Drezz for that matter. I don’t know if that favoritism also influenced a bit of Six’s unhinged state in season 3, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if it did.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Anakin Assists the Jedi Council While On Medical Leave
AU brainstormed primarily by @atagotiak, @gelpenss, and myself.
Basically, a fix-it based in Anakin getting a peek into the daily life on the Council early, and accidentally Figuring Some Shit Out along the way, mostly because Palps Fucks Up.
So, Anakin gets injured in a way that limits him to Coruscant for a few weeks. He can still walk and talk, but he can't fight. The specific injury doesn't matter, just this:
Anakin runs errands on behalf of the council and sits in on meetings to take minutes as a "you're on medical leave but we need all hands on deck, congrats you get to be the secretary until we can send you on stabbing missions again" thing.
Also, there just aren't a whole lot of people with Anakin's clearance level. They had to send out Stass Allie to handle the mission that was originally next on Anakin's roster, and Anakin's the most convenient person to substitute into her position.
He's not super happy about this but he can more or less understand the point of it. Given that he gets antsy about needing to fight almost immediately, he can acknowledge the worth of having something useful to do, if only as the person who's writing down who says what and making sure everyone has the right file on hand.
(Besides, Obi-Wan jokes in a way that Anakin thinks might be encouraging, this is good practice if Anakin ever wants to be on the High Council himself!)
(This is a very helpful conversation.)
BASICALLY, Anakin is resigned to this but agrees because "Usually we have Master Allie handle this but we need her running that mission that was originally set for the 501st, so you get to fill in for her until you can switch back. Think of it as training for eventual mastery or admin or--listen, we're just really stretched thin."
Here's the key thing, though: Anakin isn't supposed to leave the Temple, for medical reasons, so Palpatine doesn't know Anakin is sitting in on Council meetings. They haven't met up since Anakin's last surgery, and because [muffled hand-wave reason] he didn't find out another way, like Anakin comming him or the Council giving him the heads-up about the change in attendance.
It's fine. He's just taking notes and doing preparatory research, he has the clearance, the Chancellor likes him anyway. Hell, they'd have had someone's Padawan doing this, before the war increased the necessary clearance levels. They'll toss in a quick message in the brief they send to Palps that he never reads anyway, and that's really all they need to do. Skywalker's getting some rounded experience and this way the medics won't be freaking out about him stressing his heart after getting electrocuted by trying to spar too early.
Palpatine doesn't talk directly to the Council, he just sends a recording the first time Anakin is there. It's a bit weird, but nothing goes wrong. Anakin's off-screen from whatever device they use to send a response, since he's not technically a member, just assisting for a bit on the part of Master Allie's duties that he's actually allowed to touch (and not the bits that are getting added to Mace, Plo, and Shaak's stuff).
The first four or so meetings are like that. Anakin starts having a bit of sympathy for the Council as he sees how many things they want to do that are hampered by the need for Senatorial approval, things that he would also want to do and didn't think required this much red tape.
About a week in, still mostly recordings with Anakin just sitting on the side playing paralegal, the wheel of fortune turns a few pegs.
Palpatine hands over a an order on the range of injury that a soldier should be treated for, "to ensure that republic resources aren't being wasted on clones that, while expensive, would actually be cheaper to replace than repair."
Oh, he dresses it up in prettier language than that. Anakin doesn't process it as such first.
The Chancellor manages to couch his phrasing in "prioritizing resources for taxpaying republic citizens and employees of the GAR," which... well.
The natborn commissioned officers pay taxes. The Jedi are employees. The clones are neither, because they're slaves.
Probably he frames it as the employees thing, very much the kinda language that sounds halfway ok unless you’re fluent in political bullshit.
And Anakin is really confused at first about why the council is upset by the order because, okay, he would PREFER to be able to use medical supplies on refugees when possible, but he understands prioritizing the soldiers?
He just looks up, totally lost, when someone groans and goes, "That's the third time this year, is he trying to get us all killed?"
And it vibes as such a genuine, aggrieved, sad reaction that Anakin is completely blindsided because it's not the sarcastic, petty resentment he kind of expected? It's just... desperate depression.
And someone gently has to explain that this is the third time they've had resources restricted to only GAR employees and that it's a polite way of saying "prioritize natborn officers, stop wasting resources on clones, we can replace them easier."
Or maybe he doesn't ask, because he's just there to take notes, not argue, and he can see the masters drawing up a response that amounts to "We would like to remind you that our soldiers do not fall into that classification, and to limit their access to our medical supplies is liable to cause a loss of life that we find unreasonably high. Please see the annotations attached to adjust wording so that the clones may receive the same level of care."
Anakin's internally just like "Yeah, that's phrased nice and addresses the main problem, Palpatine will obviously agree and change it!"
And then he comes in the next day and the response comes in and it's just dripping condescension about considering the clones actual people.
"This is why we can't use the bacta tanks on clones anymore, just the patches. We could use them at first, we had a few of the CCs get through fatal injuries with them, but they cut that off and said we could only use the tanks on Jedi and non-clone officers a few months ago. The Banking Clans keep tightening their belts on the army, and the Chancellor insists we put citizens first, and the clones aren't citizens. We've been arguing back as much as we can, but he keeps going on about the economy and we can't... we just can't, Skywalker. We're trying to save as many of our men as we can, but..."
Something like "Allocation of resources reiterated, the Kaminoans have assured the senate that the Jedi are far from exhausting the resources ordered."
And Anakin's like. He can't blame the council for lying about Palpatine's past or future actions. He just saw Palpatine's actions. Those actions were to order people under his control to throw away lives he saw as replaceable commodities.
These are his friends' lives.
His soldiers are being thrown away by a man in a tower that he trusted.
And then that man has the gall to suggest it's the council's fault.
Palpatine is good at what he does, especially in public, he dresses it up in flowery language and everything, but Anakin's just like "Those are my FRIENDS and also this is??? How slavers talked about their property on Tatooine???? FRIENDPATINE, WHAT THE FUCK."
Anakin can be passive aggressive sometimes as well as outright aggressive. So if he brings up the guidelines and why they make him upset in general terms, and Palpatine says something about how he’s sad the council doesn’t care about the clones...
Anakin, internally, having just watched the council scramble to save as many clones as possible within the guidelines that Palps handed down: Uh-huh.
(Anakin is just the gay horror teeth gif from queer eye.)
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Just. “Yeah, funny you say that, Palpatine! Because as I remember, you told the council not to waste more resources than necessary while Mace Windu was arguing to expand the treatment range!”
Palps doesn't even have time to salvage the situation or attack Anakin because Anakin just bulldoze rants for fifteen minutes and then storms out.
Anakin... maybe does a little treason and gets a copy of the orders so he can ask Padme "Hey, can you explain the politics of this?" and doesn't tell her who wrote it so she isn't biased (he tells her that this is why he's not sharing the author's/speaker's name), and just lets Padme pick apart all the 'this is a nice way of saying they don't view the clones as people' details.
Alternately, someone on the Council sees Anakin dithering and manages to get him to admit that he's not great at political language and wants to ask someone to help him understand the full implications. The person--Mace? let's go with Mace--is aware that Anakin is on good terms with Senator Amidala, if not necessarily aware of the depth of said relationship. Mace points out that he's probably going to be seeing her soon just because he usually does and, as a Senator, she can get easy access to these sessions since they're not about specific missions, just allocation of resources, etc. It's not an optimal solution, but she's got a bit more free time than anyone else Anakin knows with the clearance levels, like Order members that are actively involved in the war effort.
Anakin dithers and panics and Mace, trying to be helpful, tells him that plenty of Jedi have made friends among the Senate over the years, didn't you know Qui-Gon Jinn was a personal friend of Former Chancellor Valorum?
At any rate, Anakin goes to Padme and asks her to explain it to him, because she knows how to phrase things so he gets it.
Anakin has to have her pause and he goes outside and destroys some things halfway through.
(Anakin maybe thinks back to the times Padmé or Obi-Wan were really obviously frustrated and when he asked, they said stuff like “I can’t stand Palpatine rn, sorry Anakin I know he’s important to you and you don’t want to talk about politics, let’s just talk about something else.”)
(Obi-Wan: I don’t trust Palpatine Anakin: you just don’t like politicians in general Obi-Wan: yes that is also true)
(Obi-Wan does like Bail and Padme but he does also talk a bit about how politicians generally aren’t to be trusted.)
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