#I woke up early boo
masquenoire · 1 year
How do you need to be touched? 
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You need to be held as though you're going to break. You need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. Their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. But, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
Stolen from;; @brutalscaled​
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getoswhore · 2 years
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neon-danger · 1 year
that scene in the new mv where Alex finds Jack and tries to help him is so fucking terrifying to watch but literally is like,,,, such a layered meaning
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ahaura · 1 year
morning <3
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1-800-simping · 2 years
v mad at an irl rn
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craisinsensation1029 · 3 months
Never Forgotten
Kento Nanami
originally posted on AO3! :) wrote this back in July for Nanamin's birthday :3 <3
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Fem reader, established relationship, alcohol consumption, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, cream pie, slight breeding kink, very light bondage, Nanami dealing w a shitty day, its like, kinda sweet if u squint a bit, a little praise & degrading
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Nanami looked down at you as you stirred in your sleep, cuddled securely into his side. Your arm was wrapped around his midsection and his was around your shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, as he reached for the remote to turn the television off.
You two had been dating for nearly ten months now. You hit it off after meeting through a mutual friend for a night out for drinks, and have been happy together since. 
You two did have plans to move in together in a few months. Nanami owned a condo, and you still had some time before the lease on your apartment was up. This was the first major relationship either of you had been in, so it admittedly was a huge step, but both of you were prepared to take the plunge.
Until then you shared nights like these where you would come and sleep over. He loved having you over, seeing you move comfortably around the space as if it were your own.
Tonight was a bit different, as it was the night before his birthday. You two hadn’t spent one of his birthdays together yet, so he honestly didn’t know what to expect. Not that he was particularly a a person big on the occasion, seeing the day as just another year closer to retirement, but maybe you would make it different.
You were just that kind of thoughtful person that made everything worth celebrating. Hell, you baked him a cake when he told you he got another employee of the month award. You gasped when he shrugged lazily at the feat and sprinted to the kitchen. He told you it was really no big deal because he had so many, but all you did was narrow your eyes at him and told him he needed to be more excited he was being recognized for such diligent work.
He smiled at the memory as he pressed another kiss to your forehead.
He looked at the time on the clock. 3 minutes to midnight. He was unsure if you were supposed to spontaneously wake up out of your sleep with a song and dance, but there was nothing but silence to surround him when the clock struck midnight. 
Your sleeping form was so serene, he wouldn’t dare disturb you. Instead, he repositioned your bodies by unhooking your arms from his waist and wrapping his around yours instead. You stirred again as he let out small sigh mumbling to himself, “Happy birthday to me.” He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
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The same way you always fell asleep before Nanami, you always woke up before him. You were already somewhere in the condo when Nanami woke up. He was hopeful this was going to be a birthday to remember. 
He went into the master bathroom to brush his teeth and got dressed for work. He never took the day off, because well, the retirement fund needed to be supplemented somehow. He took a look at himself in the mirror. Maybe he should have gotten a haircut a few days before, but no matter.
He walked out into the kitchen where you were sipping tea at the island. “Hey, good morning boo. Coffee’s in your mug.” You always made his coffee in the morning, just the way he liked it, but a wave of disappointment hit him. Was that it?
“Thanks, baby,” he answered, walking toward you to press a kiss to your lips. You kissed back. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “Sleep well?”
“With you? Always,” you gushed, your soft hand landing on the side of his face. Wasn’t there anything else you wanted to say?
“Oh, good,” he nodded, his voice tight. “Uh, I guess I should get going then.”
“Already?” you pouted. “Do you have an early meeting or something? You didn’t even sit down and drink your coffee yet.” He loved spending mornings with you, drinking your hot beverages together while you entertained him recalling your always too wild and vivid dreams, but he couldn’t act like this wasn’t bothering him.
His girlfriend forgetting his birthday. His heart clenched, but he just tried to remember why he had never made it a big deal in the first place. It was just a day, he would just have to remind himself of that. 
“Yeah,” he lied, opting to pour the coffee in the mug into his tumbler. “Email came in about earlier this morning. I wasn’t expecting it either,” he chuckled, but his laugh was strained. He was lying through his teeth, couldn’t you tell?
“Ugh, okay,” you groaned. “I got called into work tomorrow, so I probably won’t be around when you get home. But I’ll cook something for you to eat for dinner.” 
Great. Even better. Now he would truly be spending the day alone. He cleared his throat before he spoke again, although he didn’t know what to say. He settled on, “Okay.” He swiftly placed his laptop in the bag before heading toward the door.
“I love you!” you called out behind him.
“Yeah, I love you too,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear as he pulled the door closed behind him.
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The day Nanami was having would give A Series of Unfortunate Events a run for fucking money, and he was pissed off.
Not only did his morning start off with a lack of birthday wishes from you, but it was immiedtaely followed by some asshole deciding to go NASCAR speed on the residential street, a large puddle of last night’s rain drenching his slacks. 
He stood on the train while a parent’s curious toddler had the gall to ask him if he was still potty training. He knew he couldn’t glare at a child, so he held on the the pole even more tightly as he ignored the kid who decided to ask the question again and again until he and his mother eventually got off at the stop before him.
The morning meeting he lied about turned out to be a very real meeting. If Nanami actually checked his emails that morning, he would have known. So there he was in the office with drenched slacks and fifteen minutes to prepare a presentation that he didn’t give a fuck about. After being able to throw something together, his supervisor thanked him for being so flexible, but informed the team the meeting was actually for next week. “I guess I made an oopsie!” he shrugged. Nanami left the conference room without a word.
The fire alarm went off in the building a few minutes before lunch was going to start. He groaned, reaching for his lunchbox so he could at least warm it up somewhere else, only to realize he was reaching for air. He fucking forgot it at home. He groaned again, knowing not only did he have to take a fuck ton of stairs down from the twenty seventh floor, but he would have to buy lunch from some overpriced, overcrowded shop.
Once he got to the town square, it was already bustling with a bunch of people trying to get food for the lunch hour. He was already too aggravated to deal with that shit. He opted to just get a croissant from his favorite bakery instead. Taking the short walk there, he clenched his fist seeing a white note on the door and the lights off. Walking closer, the note read, Closed for inventory today, see you tomorrow! He absolutely wanted to scream.
With only fifteen minutes left in the lunch hour, he trudged back to the office where the fire alarm had stopped going off, but they advised everyone to take the stairs for safety purposes. Safety his ass, he didn’t have anymore fucks to give, but there was no choice. Hungry, and more then fed up, he trudged up the stairs and threw his head back once he got back to his desk.
His phone went off and he pulled it from his pocket, smiling seeing a text from you. He unlocked it, his face falling upon reading your message. I just left. I made you some chicken alfredo and garlic bread for dinner :) i’ll be back on Saturday! I love you!! ♡
Was that really it? His phone was littered with other birthday wishes that he would get to in time, but that message from you may have actually just made his day worse. Thanks baby, I love you too , he replied anyway. He wanted to throw his phone across the room.
The rest of the day was equally annoying; too many conversations with people that couldn’t take a hint that he didn’t want to talk, emails that were about as useful as white ink on white paper, and hunger still gnawing at his stomach from his lack of lunch.
By time time it was five, his supervisor was sauntering over to his desk. Nanami visibly scowled, but that didn’t deter him at all. “Nanami!” he greeted. He already knew where this was going. Overtime today of all days, fucking great. “I guess I made another oopsie.” His supervisor began to explain how his incompetence was now Nanami’s problem, and an hour later he was seething when he left the office.
The elevators were still deemed unsafe to use, and he trudged down the stairs yet again. He was finally out of work, but there didn’t seem anywhere for him to go. He could have hung out with some other friends, but more than anything he wanted to be with you. He sighed, deciding to get on the train and pop into the bar by the house. Nothing like some greasy food and some alcohol to wash away the day.
He sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender’s attention. “Hey man, can I just see some ID?” Nanami fished his ID out of his wallet, flashing it to the worker. “Oh, happy birthday man! I got to give you some shots on the house!”
“Woo! Birthday boy!” a visibly drunk man next to Nanami whooped, clapping him on the back.
“Thanks,” Nanami muttered as the bartender immediately poured two shots of brown liquid in front of him. He didn’t know what they were, but he didn’t care. He threw them both back in quick succession, the liquid burning his throat all the way down. He scowled at the aftertaste as he pushed the empty shot glasses back toward the bartender.
“Naw, you’ve got to give him something a little smoother,” the man next to him said. He ordered four shots of something Nanami wasn’t famailar with, pushing two his way once the bartender had them all poured, He raised one, motioning for Nanami to do the same. “Happy birthday, man!” He threw it back, and then easily the other. It indeed did go down a lot easier than the other.
Four shots in a matter of less than ten minutes was probably not very wise. He ordered some sweet chili boneless wings and garlic parmesan fries for himself, along with a beer to sip on. He knew he would feel it later for sure, but who cares. He would be alone anyway. He ate the greasy food when it came out, his head already feeling heavy by the time he was done.
He paid his tab when the bartender asked, “You got far to go?”
“No,” he slurred. “I live right up the block.”
“Oh, then one for the road won’t hurt!” He poured Nanami a final shot, some clear liquid. He threw it back instantly. This one was smoother than his choice of dark liquor before. “You’ve got some hot ass waiting for you at home?”
“I wish,” he grumbled. “But thanks.” He bid adieu to the bartender and the man that was sitting next to him as he made the short walk home.
Perhaps he was a bit more fucked up than he realized, because he was absolutely struggling to get the key in the door. He took a breath and rested his forehead against the cool door. What was the rush anyway? Then again, he didn’t wan’t to be standing outside when what he needed was a shower and his bed. He fumbled with the door again, his efforts successful this time and pushed the door open.
He furrowed his brow, seeing a large Happy Birthday banner hung from the wall facing the door in the living room. Streamers and balloons hung from the walls, and he had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
Then you stepped into view from the kitchen, a large grin spreading across your face. You ran up to him, throwing your arms around his neck in glee. “Sorry, I went to go put the food back into the oven, I thought you were going to be back earlier!” You pulled back slightly to press a kiss against his lips. “Happy birthday!”
He was confused. Or drunk. Or maybe a little bit of both. 
He took a small step back, taking in your appearance. You had one of his favorite dresses on, a short, strapless, floral print number that flared at the end with lettuce edges. It was perfectly form fitting, your breasts bouncing at the top as you walked, your figure that he loved accentured, and your ass he adored getting a handful of on display.
“Huh,” he said dumbly. 
“Your birthday?” you laughed with a soft shake of your head. “You drunk? Is that why you took so long?”
He was stunned into silence. 
“Aw, come on!” you pouted. “You couldn’t have possibly thought I forgot! Maybe my acting was a little too good…” you contemplated, but he couldn’t help but just stare at you, and then back at the decorations littering the space. Even the banner meant so much to him. He knew you couldn’t have possibly put that up without asking for someone’s assistance or using a ladder, both of which you hated doing. But you did it, for him. 
He suddenly felt like an idiot for even thinking you could have forgot. For the first time today, a smile genuinely crossed his face. “Thank you, baby.” He pulled you tightly against him, hands immediately grabbing at your ass. Maybe the bartender had a premoniton on his behalf or something, because here you were, hot ass and all.
You playfully swatted his hands away opting to taking his hand in yours. “Come on, don’t you want to at least have dinner?” He was admittedly already full, and eating something else was the only thing occupying his mind now, but he let you pull him toward the kitchen anyway.
He was dumbfounded. The table was set with the good china you just insisted would only be used for important occasions. 
He was an important occasion. He felt his heart swell.
Another birthday banner, and more streamers and balloons decorated the space. A small cake decorated with purple icing and sprinkles with Happy Birthday, Kento! scrawled in white frosting sat on the middle of the table. You grabbed some oven mitts and bent over to open the oven. The dress was short enough to see the meat on your ass cheeks, and all he could do was walk over and stand behind you, gripping the flesh. Maybe it was the alcohol, but his cock was already straining against his slacks.
“Kento, let me get this food out,” you giggled. He stepped back to give you some space and he instantly knew what was in the oven; it was one of his favorites, oven roasted lemon garlic chicken with potatoes. You walked over and placed the dish on the table, a bright smile on your face. “Maybe I should have said something earlier, I just wanted to surprise you.”
You strided toward him, your hand caressing the side of his face. He placed his hand over yours, closing his eyes and leaning into your touch. This is what he needed after today. You were what he needed. “I would never forget a day as important as this,” you whispered. “Do you really think I could forget my favorite person’s special day?”
“I was a bit silly for thinking you did,” he admitted, a laugh escaping his lips. “I was having a fucking shit day and thought I was coming home to an empty place.” You frowned, and he hated seeing you frown, especially on his behalf. “But that has nothing to do with you, baby. This is already the best birthday ever.”
You smiled softly, although your brow was still knitted. “Well we can talk about your day while we eat.” Your eyes quickly brightened again. “Oh! And I can give you your gift!”
He wasn’t interested in talking or receiving gifts right now. He never understood the rationale of people in movies and television shows pushing food and silverware off the table to ravish their partners, but it fully made sense to him now. He was only interested in having you bent over the table and rutting into you until you were creaming around his cock and crying out his name.
“That sounds great,” he mumbled, bringing you back to him. “But I’ll be very honest. Let’s get that food back in the oven for a bit. There’s something I need to do first.”
You were lost, but nodded nonetheless. “Oh okay, we can do that! It is your day, after all.” You gathered the dish with the chicken and walked back over to the oven to keep the meal warm. At the same time, Nanami was pushing the plates further up on the table. 
You strolled back over to him, and he instantly smashed his lips against yours. One hand was grabbing your ass while the other was on the small of your back. One of your legs instantly rose while your arms wrapped around his neck, making any space between the two of you nonexistent. He felt bad for his breath that must have reeked of liquor, but the feeling faded when your tongue was pushing past his lips and exploring the inside of his mouth.
He gripped the material of your dress tighter, and if he didn’t like it so much he was afraid he would have ripped it off of you with his bare hands. He moaned against your lips as your hands shifted so your manicured nails were running through his undercut. Fuck, he loved when you did that. Your tongue continued to move inside of his mouth, and he moved his against yours. You always tasted just divine, savory and sweet at the same time, and man was he so blessed to be loved by someone as amazing as you. 
Your tongue slowly exited his mouth and you began to nip at his bottom lip, eliciting another moan from him. He jerked his hips against you, his erection swelling by the second as his tongue began to explore your mouth. Your mouth was always so inviting and willing for him as your lips parted for him. He closed his eyes, enjoying the pure bliss of the moment. Hard to think he was having the seemingly worst day ever just a few hours ago when he was here now, his hand full of your ass and his tongue shoved deep down your throat surrounded by so many of his favorite things.
His tongue exited, and the kiss became sloppy as your bodies stayed melded together, but he wanted more now. He quickly spun you around and bent you over the kitchen table. He slapped your ass, watching it jiggle in the material of the dress. You mewled, and arched your back more, wiggling it in the air. He slapped it again, letting his hand massage to spot before pushing up the material.
He figured you had a thong on the way your cheeks were out when you bent over when taking the food out of the oven, but no. You weren’t wearing any underwear at all. “Were you expecting something, perhaps?” he asked, letting a finger swipe through your folds. You were already wet, but he knew he could have you soaking in a matter of minutes.
“Something like that,” you answered playfully. “Thought it would come a little later, but now works too.” Oh, you would be coming later too, but Nanami needed his fix now. 
“You little slut,” he chuckled, sinking down to his knees behind you. “Acted like you forgot my birthday just to cook my favorite food and wait for me in my favorite dress with no panties on,” he tsked.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you teased, wiggling your ass for him. “How could I ever make it up to you?”
Nanami just laughed as he brought his hand to your ass, kneading your cheeks again. “I can think of a few ways.” He spread your cheeks to look at what was his before letting his tongue swipe across your center, instantly moaning at your taste. He swiped his tongue through your folds again, letting his eyes close as your familiar taste infiltrated his tastebuds. Your moans were music to his ears as he continue to stroke your center with his tongue.
One hand reached around to circle your clit as his tongue began to push into you. You writhed against his face, and he loved it. His thumb and middle finger slowly stroked your clit as his tongue slowly and shallowly fucked you. “ Fuck, Kento, please,” you whined, arching your back more, giving him more access to your clit.
He always loved when you begged for him, despite how much he would tease you for it. His mouth left you, but his fingers were still working against your clit. “I thought you wanted to make it up to me?”
“I-I do,” you choked out. He could already feel your legs trembling, and you could be coming for him at any moment.
“Then either shut up or use your words,” he grunted, putting his mouth back on you. You moaned again, pushing back on his face while his tongue continued to lap at you. He was achingly hard now, and was pretty sure his dick could drill for diamonds in the mines.
He started to rub your clit more quickly, and you were falling apart. Your legs struggled to stay steady as your moans turned into desperate pants. “Please, need to come,” you begged.
“Oh, look who knows how to talk,” he chuckled, his voice muffled. But he would do just that. He swiped his tongue against you once more, and you cried out as your orgasm had your juices coating his face. He let out a moan of satisfaction at your release and stood quickly. You rose from your position of being bent over the table, to which he chuckled and bent you back over. “I’m not done,” he said, undoing the buckle on his belt.
He pulled the black leather through the loops on his slacks, using it to bind your hands behind your back. “That feel alright?”
“Feels great,” you answered. He could hear the amusement in your voice despite not seeing your face, and couldn’t help but shake his head.
“Naughty little bitch,” he murmured, admiring your exposed ass. “You were just dying to get fucked in this dress, huh? I guess this is a lucky day for you too.” In the blink of an eye, the button on his slacks were undone and his erection sprang free. He pushed down his boxers briefs and entered you quickly, hands positioned securely on your hips.
He groaned as your cunt hugged his cock. It simply didn’t matter how often you two fucked, and your sex life was pretty healthy. The first thrust never failed to make him want to come right on the spot. His pulled his hips back and slowly pushed inside of you, the veins of his cock dragging against your walls. You both let out moans simultenously as his hips developed a steady rhythm. He loved seeing your ass bounce against his hips; even more so now with your arms bound and seeing that all you could do was moan and take him like a good girl.
“Fuck Kento, more, more,” you cried out.
“Shit, okay, baby,” he groaned, wiping the sweat that was forming at his brow. He held onto your hips tightly as he started to slam into you roughly, shaking the table. You let out a yelp that was quickly followed by a moan, and he couldn’t help but bite his lip as he continued to pound into you like his life depended on it.
He could start to feel your pussy spasm around him, and used one hand to slap your ass. “Fuck, you look so good taking my cock like this,” he grunted, his hips still moving quickly. He was determined to give you the fucking that you wanted; the one you deserved for making sure he felt special, loved, and utterly cared for.
“Ah, Ahhh,” you cried out, helpless to do anything except for take the vicious pounding that you asked for. “W-want you to come in me,” you stuttered out against the creaking of the table.
If he weren’t so determined to keep thrusting, he would have stopped, and asked if that was what you really wanted, but fuck it. It was his fucking birthday, and he was going to stuff you like a twinkie. “I’ll fuck a baby into you tonight if that’s what you want,” he panted, continuing his onslaught.
You moaned again, and then he felt the telltale signs of your orgasm washing over you. You were obscenely wet with your juices coating his cock and running down your legs as your pussy violently clenched around him. He fucked you through your orgasm with slower thrusts until the wave of pleasure passed through you.
He undid the belt that kept you bound, and pulled his still hard cock out of you. He quickly hauled you up, spun you around, and sat you on the table. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed another kiss to his lips while he slid inside of you. 
You whined at his entry with the sensitivity of your last two orgasms, but clenched around him. He kissed you back sloppily as he rutted his cock into you. He pulled down the dress to expose your breasts and you leaned back slightly so he could slip a nipple into his mouth. He sucked it hashly, letting his teeth bite down gently on the bud.
“Oh fuck Kento, that’s so good.” Your hand was soon coaxing his head in the other direction so he could do the same for the other. He obliged, sucking your other nipple into his mouth and giving it a small bite before letting his tongue trace the area around your areola. 
His orgasm was fast approaching and he gripped your chin tightly, squeezing a thigh with the other hand. “Fuck baby,” he grunted. “I’m going to fill this pussy up real good.” You put your hand on his lower back, bringing him closer, and he was done for. He stilled and let out a pant as his seed spurted inside of you, coating your insides white.
He rested his forehead against yours, and you cupped his face with a smile, pressing a soft kiss to his nose with his cock still seated inside of you. “Happy birthday, boo.” You moved to press a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” Yeah, best birthday ever.
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almondamaretto · 16 days
matt sturniolo x reader
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summary: a rainy sunday afternoon is perfect for two things: getting high, and making out with hot people.
warnings: weed, kissing
a/n: i lowk hate this but idc!
not proof read.
she stirred as the familiar vibration of a phone call interrupted her deep slumber, slinging her arm around in search of the agitating device. without lifting her head, her fingertips fell upon the cool, glossy screen of her phone. 
she opened her eyes just to squint them closed at the bright phone screen, the caller id reading off "matty b." 
pressing the bright green button, she pulled the phone up to her ear and slung her arm over her eyes, blocking any light from seeping in. 
"hey matt." she answered in a groggy voice that nearly resembled that of a whine. he always loved the way she sounded in the morning. or all the time really. 
she could hear the distant sounds of wheels driving on wet pavement and cars passing. that along with the poor bluetooth connection through is car told her he was driving. 
"hey doll, i'm on my way to your house right now, that ok? nick and chris are being annoying." 
slightly more awake now, she could hear the sleepiness in his voice, as if he too had just woken up. she pulled the phone from her ear to check the time. 12:32pm 
"say, it’s a bit early for you, isn't it?" she asked in a teasing manner, suppressing a yawn. she could now hear the faint sound of rain against her window. 
matt snorted in amusement, "yeah, the two idiots woke me up screaming at each other." 
"that's alright, I'll go unlock my door. see ya soon?" 
"i'm 5 minutes away." 
"be safe, bye matt." 
"bye, doll." 
matt had used the nickname throughout their entire relationship. 
still, it never failed to bring heat to her face, her neck--all over. 
she remained in bed for a few moments, letting herself fully wake up before tossing her heavy comforter off. 
she shivered at the chilly air suddenly caressing her exposed skin, standing up and stretching her arms high into the air, inhaling deeply. 
she slipped a pair of socks on as a barrier between her feet and the cold floor, slipping out of her cozy room into the main section of her apartment. 
the cool, metallic texture of her lock was a stark contrast to her warm hands as she turned it, peeking out from behind her curtain to see what was happening outside. 
she waltzed over to her turntable, flicking it on and letting the record already on the platter play.  
as she walked over to her kitchen, the familiar crackling sounded throughout the apartment, followed by the reggae notes of bob marley's "three little birds." 
the sound of lucky charms cereal clinking against a ceramic bowl masked the noise of her door opening and shutting. so, when a slightly damp matt saw her swaying slightly to the music, he couldn't help himself. 
he snuck up behind her, wrapped his hands around her front, just under her loose baby tee, and lifted her up. "boo!" 
she yelled out in fear, until she recognized the voice of the man he startled her. "matthew!" she scolded in an angry tone. 
matt sat her back down gently, and dropped his head in fake guilt, failing to mask his sly smirk. "sorry, i couldn't pass up an opportunity like that." 
"first of all, fuck you. second of all, 'boo' is crazy." she responded through her laugh and turned to finish her much-needed bowl of sugary cereal. 
matt reached up beside her for a bowl--one from a different set--as a way to ask her for cereal. she filled both up with cereal and milk without a word. 
"i'm too cold for this shit." she mumbled under her breath and padded back into her welcoming bedroom. 
the sky outside was dark, so she turned on her array of string lights and lit a cinnamon scented candle, joining matt who had already climbed into her warm, plush bed. 
"i fucking love this bed." matt groaned out int pleasure, sprawling his limbs out as much as he could without risking spilling milk. 
she took a spoonful of cereal into her mouth and grabbed her tv remote, powering it on. "what do you wanna watch?" 
"gravity falls." he spoke from behind a mouth full of food. 
then, the two just sat in comfortable silence. bob marley playing lowly in the background, the television turned up just loud enough to hear it, wrapped in the comfort of her sheets. 
cereal bowls placed on her nightstand with care, the two cuddled into each other, legs tangled as she hugged his torso, head laying on his chest. 
they both recognized the palpable tension that followed them everywhere. they both knew there was something there. something unspoken. 
but that it what it remained--unspoken. neither took any action, too afraid of the outcome. 
matt glanced down at her, watching her eyelashes bat as she blinked, focused intently on the screen. however, as if she could tell, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. 
panicking, he looked back at the tv screen, urging himself to breathe normally. 
she stood up, a faint smirk painted on her beautiful face. "i have a great idea!" she said proudly, spinning to unlock one of her many windows to open it slightly. 
matt watched her intently as she bent over to look in the drawers of her nightstand, pulling out the essentials for a joint. "there's a reason we get along so well." he responded happily. 
she took mock offense. "what, its not my winning personality?"
"i guess that too."
"i'm gonna go flip the record, will you please roll it?" she asked with big pleading eyes, grinning widely when he nodded his head. 
upon her return, she saw him focused intently on creating the perfectly rolled joint. chewing on her lower lip, she watched as he rolled it tightly between his fingers, stinging his tongue out of his mouth to seal it shut. 
once finished, he held up the small object with a proud smile on his face. she giddily climbed back into the bed, placing the filter end between her lips, and lighting the end. 
she inhaled deeply, ignoring the burning in her throat, and passed it over to matt. 
exhaling, she once again snuggled into his side, craving his warmth. 
they passed the drug back and forth, enjoying the intoxicating feeling swarming their brains. her eyes had dropped down and turned red, and her need to be close to matt grew even stronger. 
at this point she had tuned gravity falls out, instead taking interest in the way the smoke lifted and swirled throughout her room, taking on the color of the few and far between sun rays that filtered through the rainclouds.
the sound of the rain falling against her balcony outside was comforting, nearly as much as matt pressed up against her, his heart beating steadily against her head.
passing it back once more to matt, she looked deeply into his eyes, refusing to look away, other than a quick few glances at his pink lips. she took her own in between her teeth. 
matt took a large hit, thankful for the drug's confidence boost, and brought his free hand up to her face. 
warily, he inched closer to her, pulling her closer with his hand. 
their lips were inches apart when he used his thumb to part them gently, tilting his head and blowing the vapor into her willing lungs. 
her hand snaked up to the back of his neck where she gripped the short hairs, and she exhaled the smoke. 
they paused for a moment, and in a quick decision she grabbed the thoroughly smoked roach, turned to snuff it out in her bedside ash tray, and turned back around to smash her lips against matt's. 
she was filled with the warmth she so desperately craved and needed. she straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, shuttering as he traced up and down her sides and back with his. 
the music playing from the other room was forgotten about along with the cartoon show on the tv. all of their thoughts were consumed by each other. 
slipping his tongue into her mouth, he tilted his head and brought a slender hand up to push her even closer to him, if it was possible. 
they fought over dominance of the kiss, exploring each other's mouths with need, short, breathless whines falling from their throats. 
without hesitation, matt flipped them over completely, so he was laying his weight on top of her.  
Small hands caressed his face and gently tugged on his hair, wet noises making both faces heat up in embarrassment. 
finally, they pulled away to catch their breath, chests heaving and pressing against one another with each intake of breath. both were left speechless, gazing into each other's eyes with starstruck looks of awe and affection. 
it wasn't long before matt leaned back in, this time acting with double the desire, twice the passion as before. 
they made out for what seemed like hours--it probably was--rolling around in her warm bed, impossibly tangling themselves in her cream-colored bedsheets. 
the only breaks they took were to breathe and for short, affectionate conversations which always led back to them shoving their tongues down each other's throats. 
they pulled apart again, still breathing heavily. 
"matt, y'know... i've-i've never liked someone the way i like you.” 
he smiled against her lips, placing a few more longing kisses on them. 
tucking hair behind her ear and holding both sides of her face, he stared intensely into her eyes. 
“i am in love with you, doll.” he confessed truthfully. 
she beamed with joy, her sheepish reaction telling him she felt exactly the same way. 
“even when you have really messy hair and a little bit of dribble on your chin.” he teased and wiped her pointy chin with his slender thumb.
she rolled her droopy eyes and shook her head, her giddy smile never leaving her red, swollen lips “just shut up and kiss me, idiot.” 
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babyleostuff · 3 months
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౨ৎ voicemails boo seungkwan leaves you while he’s on tour - fluff (with a pinch of angst), established relationship, gn!reader (pet names used: baby)
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...one: hi baby! how are you? why aren’t you answering your phone? wait… you’re probably sleeping. anyways! we landed safely, and we are in our way to the hotel. love you!
…two: day two and i already have written down fifteen ways on how to kill hoshi. i swear to god, this time i’m not going to hold back
...three: it’s probably too early for you to pick up the phone but… i can’t really sleep. i couldn’t really eat yesterday either. i’m probably just homesick
...four: does my baby want another set of new boyfriend pictures? wonwoo took some today, and i thought you might want to change your wallpaper
...five: i’m calling back about the facetime date. it sounds amazing, i can’t wait to see you tonight! make sure to wear the matching PJs we have
...six: i don’t know why but im kind of sad today. don’t worry, nothing happened but… i don’t know. wish you were here to hug me
...seven: i fell asleep yesterday listening to our playlist, and when i woke up some electronic german music was playing. talk about a nice morning
...eight: should we watch a movie tonight? but please no horror this time. the boys won’t let me down if i randomly scream in the middle of the night
...nine: i miss you
...ten: i love you
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @chillseo @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @aaasia111 @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings
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mncxbe · 11 months
Absbsjskajnshajks idk if you’re taking more requests rn, but if it’s not an issue could I possibly request a part two of that fic you posted about reader having a cat ability which means that they’re sometimes in heat??😭😭 maybe with Tetchō and Jouno (only if you feel like it)
Yes of course and my requests are always open although it may take a while to write them♡ Also added Dazai to this one I hope you like it.
1.50♡ p2
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖, 𝑱ō𝒏𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: itty-bitty smut♡/ fluff??
°☆○ 1.50♡ ~ part 1
this smug bastard takes advantage of your state in the most subtle ways; lingering touches, flirtatious smiles and passionate kisses
at work he teases you more than usually, describing all the sinful things he'd do to you if you were in a more private setting👀 really just gets you all riled up for nothing
but when you two get home he acts like a completely different person
"What, bella? do you need something from me?" he always asks with a smirk on his face "Maybe some assistance with your little... situation?"
doesn't lay a finger on you until you practically beg him (nicely); it's not like he'll ever admit it but hearing your desperate pleas really boosts his ego
he does his best to help you in other ways too. he'll do more chores around the house and write your reports at work if you really can't handle them. overall he's a good guy♡
Dazai was lounging around the office, wasting time and avoiding his chores; since you had been sent on a mission, your boyfriend didn't had much else to do. He had his headphones on and was listening to some funky song when you suddenly walked behind him.
Leaning over his frame, you swiftly hooked a finger beneath one of the speakers and lifted it.
"Boo" you whispered lowly, your hot breath sending a shiver down his spine.
"Ah bella here you are. How's my pretty girl doing?" He tried to get up from the couch but you pressed further on his back.
"Bella... Come on let me get up and give you a kiss. I missed you" he whined
"Oh trust me baby. I want way more than a kiss" you said in a teasing voice.
In a matter of seconds, Dazai was back on his feet and had you pinned down on the couch, a mocking smile on his face.
"You're that desperate for me, bella? You've only been gone for a couple of hours. You really can't spend that little time without my touch?"
Your gaze darted around the room, hoping that no one could witness the position you were in.
"I'm in heat, Dazai." you confessed quietly.
"What was that? I didn't quite catch it?"
"I said..." you began, rosy petal blooming on your cheeks "I said that I'm in heat, Osamu. Because of my ability"
"And what does that have to do with me, huh?" he tauned, lips hovering just above the shell of your ear. "Do you perhaps want me to have my way with you here? In the office?"
Your body quivered slightly at the sound of his low voice, making him giggle.
"Get up, bella. And go finish your job so we can leave early."
You nodded your head in agreement before straightening yourself. As you were making your way back to your desk, your boyfriend called out to you:
"Oh and bella?"
"Yes?" you asked sweetly
"Don't forget to ask Kunikida for a free day tomorrow. You'll be needing it after tonight" he replied with a wink, causing your blush to deepen.
you don't have to tell him that you're in heat, he can smell your arousal
just like Dazai, this man gives you the most condescending smile and shamelessly teases you throughout the day
if you work someplace else he'll send you texts to check up on you and gently remind you that he'll provide any help you need once he gets home
but if you're part of the Hunting Dogs good luck. he's all over you all day, making snarky remarks about your "condition"
Jōno also likes to hear you beg; hearing your thumping heartbeat and sweet voice when you tell him how much you crave him really turns him on
will cook breakfast for you if you're too tired in the morning
Jōno woke up with warm sunshine on his face and your sleeping figure next to him. This hour and a half before work, when you'd both wake up and cuddled for a while then have breakfast together was among his most cherished moments.
Usually you'd wake up just minutes after him, turning to face him with a wide smile on your face as you sleepily uttered a "Good morning Sai" and showered him with kisses. Except you didn't do that today.
Jōno knew by the accelerated rhythm of your heart that you were awake, but you were not moving an inch.
"Darling? Is there something wrong?" he asked softly, placing his hand on your waist.
You quickly shook your head as you curled up in a fetal position "No, I'm good, I'm okay". Your voice was shaky and low, as if you were pain.
"Baby please, if you're hurt or not feeling well then please-"
And then it hit him; a strong, intoxicating scent coming from your body. A cocky smirk rose to his lips when he finally understood the cause of your distress.
"You're in heat, aren't you?"
You suddenly turned to face him with a pleading look on your face. "Yea..."
"Well then we must do something about that" he teased, his hand sliding to your thigh. "Would be a shame to let you go to work like this."
Your boyfriend expected you to protest just like you normally did when he initiated such things in the morning, but today you were so compliant. You scooted closer to him, leaning into his touch; eyes glazed in lust.
"Well aren't you needy today, princess?" he inquired playfully. He gently pushed you onto your back and spread your legs, the tips of his fingers skimming along your clothed slit.
"You're so wet already, princess. I can feel it through your clothes" The little moan that left your lips when his lithe digits slid beneath the wristband of your yoga shorts reverberated through Jōno's entire body.
With a swift tug at your pants and underwear he had you undressed, thumb lazily circling your clit. His hot breath fanned against your parted lips.
"Sai, gimme more~" you babbled out, fiercely seizing his wrist as you guided his fingers to your entrance.
Your boyfriend only smiled at your desperate attempt, ceasing his ministrations. "Take what you're given, sweetie. Or I won't give you anything at all" he purred, teeth grazing the shell of your ear.
You immediately complied with his order and released his arm. "Good girl. See, it wasn't that hard, was it?"
Suddenly, he plunged two of his fingers into you; stretching your leaking hole. A ragged moan escaped your parted lips as your nails dug into his forearm, causing your boyfriend to smirk. Your sinful sounds were like music to his ears, clouding his mind with lust. There was nothing he loved more than coaxing those delicious moans and whimpers out of you.
His digits pumped in and out of you at a steady pace; his thumb resuming its circular motions on your puffy clit.
"God baby I'm so close" you uttered in a ragged voice, thighs instinctively squeezing together.
Just as you felt the familiar heat pooling in your core, Jōno removed his hand from your underwear.
"Won't you look at that, love. We gotta go to work or we'll be late." he said tauntingly. You let out a loud hiss at the loss of touch.
"Sai, don't you dare leave me like this-" you cried out but it was too late. Your boyfriend was already on his way to the bathroom.
The rest of the morning was spent in silence hence you decided to punish your partner for teasing you. Of course, you were aware of how much Jōno enjoyed himself; a scornful laughter escaping his lips whenever you dodged his touch and kisses.
"I'm gonna head out, love. Good luck at work!" he voiced before leaving, but you didn't reply. A few seconds after you heard the door of your shared apartment close with a thud.
You spent most of the day in a state of utter annoyance and frustration, not being able to focus on any task you were given. All you wanted was for your partner to take care of your needs but instead he treated you like a plaything, leaving you brimming with pent-up desires.
Around 2 p.m, your phone chimed, announcing that you just received a text from Jōno. A rosy blush rose to your cheeks as your eyes scanned the glowing screen:
'Hi princess, I hope you're doing well at work. I know you're yearning for my touch but I promise I won't leave you unsatisfied tonight. Just be my good little girl and wait a few more hours. I know you can do it♡"
It's safe to say that that night, your boyfriend kept his promise.
my sweet angel he's the most caring person ever istg. he's a bit confused when you tell him that you're in heat since he doesn't really know how that affects him??
but once you explain that you'll need him he blushes so hard; but he takes it well
Tecchou take princess treatment to another level during this time. You get to relax after work while he does all the chores and cooks food
he prepares baths for you or spontaneously buys you a bouquet of roses♡ he's really sweet
you're never left unsatisfied in bed, like never. he has an incredible stamina and a never ending need to please you
The setting sun painted the blue sky of Yokohama in shades of purple, red and ochre, a warm light glowing through the high ceiling windows of the building. Tecchou was compiling his last report for the day when you peeked your head through the open doors of his office.
"Hi Hiro. Got a minute?" you beamed, lips curling into an impish smile.
"Of course, darling. Come inside."
Your sweet boyfriend didn't suspect anything as you closed the door and walked up to him, hips swaying gracefully. You positioned yourself on his lap, snaking your arms around his neck.
"So Hiro. How soon can we go home?"
"Soon. I just need to finish the paperwork." he replied, pointing at the half written page with his black fountain pen.
You pushed your lower lip forward into a pout, impatiently swinging your legs. "Ok but how soon is soon?"
Without taking his eyes off of the report, your boyfriend shrugged. "In a few minutes but... if I may ask, why are you so eager to get home, darling?"
"Oh, well" you said in a honeyed voice "I don't know if I ever told you this but because of my cat-shifting ability I sometimes experience heats"
"And?" he pressed, utterly unaware of what you were implying. His slender fingers were gingerly caressing your hips, making you shift uncomfortably in his lap.
"What I'm saying is that I'm horny, Hiro. And I need you to fuck me."
Your boyfriend's eyes shot open and he droppen the pen, little droplets of ink splattering the pearly sheet; the grip he had on your hip also tightened.
Pleased with his reaction, you ran one hand down his chest, slightly tugging at the buttons of his vest. "But of course we don't need to be home for that. There's plenty of space here" you added, patting his wooden desk.
Upon hearing your daring proposal, Tecchou's face turned a light shade of pink. "I mean... We're at the office my love but I promise I'll take care of you at home, ok?"
You give him a small nod and a peck on the cheek before hopping off his lap. "I'll be waiting for you in the car. Hurry up"
As you walked towards the door you could hear a sudden rustling of paper as your boyfriend haphazardly attempted to finish his work. He caught up with you just as you were exiting the building; of course, you didn't fail to notice his ragged breath. He'd probably ran down the stairs. You let out a soft chuckle as you noticed this.
"So, darling. Is there anything else I can do for you besides, you know...?" he asked sweetly "I mean, how does this affect you?"
"Well, I tend to lack in energy levels and I have a terrible attention span. I was actually thinking about taking a week off work 'till I feel better."
"I see..." After thinking for a few moments, Tecchou grabbed both of your hand and spoke in a solemn voice "Then I will do my best to do as many chores around the house. I'll cook dinner for us too so don't worry about it. Just focus on feeling better, ok?"
The look on his face was of pure devotion and determination; causing warmth to pool in your core.
You rose to the tips of your toes and cupped his face with your warm hands before pressing your lips on his. The kiss was tender and loving at first, but you soon found one of your hands entangled in his coffee-coloured locks as soft moans rolled off your lips. He swiftly scooped you up and made his way to your car.
Your boyfriend placed you in the backseat before taking off his cape and discarding it on the passanger's seat.
"Wait, Hiro. What are you doing?"
His skilled fingers quickly undid the buttons of his vest and he slid it off his shoulders, leaving him only in his tank top which showed his toned arms. All this time his hungry gaze was locked with yours, making you shiver with anticipation.
"Well darling. I guess you're not the only who's eager tonight" he said before joining you in the rear seat; hurriedly closing the door behind him.
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sometimes I imagine Alphonse waking up early to open the shop and letting Seth and Boo sleep in, and because of the absence of warmth, Boo cuddles closer to Seth
that’s all <3
Sleeping in
Alphonse sighed quietly when he woke up, turning his head he saw Sugarboo and Seth sleeping still. It was around five in the morning, since he put off checking inventory yesterday night he woke up early. Today was Sugarboo and Seth's day off so he didn't want to wake them up, so shutting off his alarm he looked back to see if they were awake.
"Good, still knocked out. Hhhggg time to get up." Groaning quietly he slowly slipped out of bed. He felt Boo grab his arm, Mumbling something. Smiling at them he kissed their forehead, that caused them to let out and cuddle with Seth.
"Awwwee my two cuddle bugs." Cooing lovingly Al gushed at the sight of his two favorite people. They looked so cute all sleepy trying to stay warm after Al left the bed. He was the one that had to give most of the earth under the blanket, he ran hotter compared to both.
"I'm gonna leave now, you two enjoy your sleep." Whispering to the sleepers he leaned down and gave both a quick kiss. Grabbing his shoes he tiptoes out of the room and into the hallway. After successfully closing the door he walked to the front door.
"Hhhaa I should have done it last night. Uugghh" moaning out he was a little mad at himself. Alphonse wanted to cuddle too, how cruel the world is. But also he knew he'd be more grumpy in the morning if he did do inventory last night.
While walking out the door he was able to make a small breakfast. Chewing on the toast he was wondering how the other two were without him. Meanwhile with the sleeping beauties Alphonse would say.
Seth's arms were wrapped tightly around Subarboo who was drooling a bit on their pillow. Groaning a bit as they tried to roll over on their other side. Grabbing the blanket that was left they tugged it over Seth and them. Then smiling sleepily as ut got warmer under the blanket and the arms around them loosened a bit.
It was a cute scene, Sugarboo was cocooned with the blanket Alphonse left. Seth was cuddling their back holding them tight under his own blanket. The two were blissfully sleeping not knowing their other third left them for the day.
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pokkomi · 8 months
✦ morning memories - nagi seishiro
cw: gn!reader, fluff, established relationship, 0.8k wc
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nagi seishiro woke up to the noise of you making breakfast.
today was a sunday. a very sunny sunday, with the rays of light leaking through the curtains and shining on nagi's face. the harsh hues of the sun earned a disapproved grunt from nagi as he rolled over, expecting to wrap his arms around your figure. but you were not there. he lazily opened his eyes and reached over to the alarm clock.
6:13 am, it read.
confused as to why you were up so early on a sunday, he groggily waddled to the kitchen to look for you.
and there you were, standing over the countertop, sizzling bacon in a pan, the savoury aroma unfurling in the air.
"morning sei, i thought you were going to sleep a little longer,"
nagi wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "can we go back to sleep, it's sunday, mm?" he mumbled, not fully awake yet. you smiled and turned your head slightly to kiss him on the cheek, "not yet, sei, i have to finish making breakfast,"
"please?" he squeezes you a little, "why're you making bacon so early in the morning anyway~?"
"mm, i got hungry." you slid the bacon onto a plate and set it on the cutting board. "do you want me to make you something too?"
nagi blinked, and pondered for a bit. "can i have some lemon tea?"
you grinned, "of course, sei," you wrapped your arms around his neck and kiss his nose, tiptoed. "why don't you wait on the couch for a bit, mm?" you directed him towards your shared living space and sat him on the couch.
"be right back, 'kay?" you beamed.
nagi sighed audibly for you to hear as he reluctantly plopped down on the couch, although you can tell from the lightest hue of pink on his ears that he isn't upset.
as you rummaged through the fridge looking for ingredients, nagi began to drift back to sleep...
"hey, do you like anyone right now?"
nagi was caught off guard by reo's sudden question. "boo, you just made me lose my combo." he glowered and tossed his phone on the bed. reo raised an eyebrow, "you've been...acting weird recently." he walked over to nagi's manga collection and picked one from the shelves and sat down beside nagi.
"i don't like anyone," nagi retorted. "why?"
"no reason. but what if someone confesses to you?" reo seemed to enjoy whatever was happening in the book. nagi shrugged and laid his head on the bed, "little chances of that happening. besides, i don't really care for that stuff."
"really? well, i guess you'll meet your person someday."
"i said i don't care for that stuff, i'd rather just play soccer with you, reo"
"hey, seishiro!"
nagi's eyes fluttered open at the sound of his name. you were crouching beside him, face close to his. "mmh, did i fall asleep?" he yawned. you giggled and pecked his forehead, "yep, you really are sleepy huh? lemon tea's on the counter, unless you wanna sleep some more~"
still reminiscing about his dream, your words blurred at his ears. he slowly sat up and snuggled into your shoulder, "i wanna go to bed with you," he mumbled. you can't help but redden at his words. although it's been more than 2 years into your relationship, nagi still manages to catch you off guard quite often. you smooth his hair out; his white locks were flying everywhere. "mhm, of course, love." you smiled into his neck, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
without another thought, nagi stood up and lifted you into his arms, earning a surprised ack! from you. "w-wait, sei!" you huffed, "what about the lemon tea? you said you wanted it—" "but i want you more," nagi said, cutting you off, "and i want you now."
nagi tossed you on your shared bed and climbs behind you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you into a cuddle. he throws an additional leg over you. it was weirdly comfortable.
"y'know, i had a dream when i was napping" he murmured. you shifted yourself so you could face him, his half-lidded eyes gazing into yours. "what was the dream?" you asked, wondering how he possibly mustered up a dream in a 5-minute nap.
"i forgot"
"really, sei?"
he kissed you on your nose, "i think it was about you, though"
"it must've been a good dream then," you snickered.
nagi muttered something in response, but you were already pudding in his arms, melting away at the gentle tune of his voice.
he would never admit it to you, but nagi's glad you stepped into his world of boredom. getting himself into a relationship wasn't something he's ever thought about; someone like him doesn't see the whole ordeal as something necessary in his life. however, meeting you and every moment spent with you birthed memories that he holds close to his heart.
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ayato-kisser · 1 year
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synopsis | playing with their hair
tags | fluff, drabbles, established relationship, ayato calls you "my love"
reader | gender neutral
characters | ayato, heizou, kazuha
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kamisato ayato
At first, you said you'd wait for a response. There's no way the Yashiro Commissioner wouldn't notice if someone sat beside him, made themself comfortable, leaned their head on his shoulder, took a part of his hair and started to play with it. In fact, who wouldn't notice? Yet, he kept on going with the paperwork; you could even hear the scratches of the pen on the paper, and it looked like he was still completely engrossed in the work.
You'd twirled around the hair you'd been playing with so many times that you wouldn't be surprised if it turned out a little bit wavy. You thought that by now, he'd have at least acknowledged that you were there; did he really not care?
If he wasn't going to respond to that, what if you kissed him? You started with the piece of hair you'd been playing with, hoping to lock eyes with him. Nothing? That-
"Hm?" Ayato turned to you. "Oh my, looks like it's a kiss that you want, my love. Is that so?"
Well, yes, but at this point, was that even enough? After he'd ignored you for however-long? No, you needed him to want you. You told him he was mistaken.
"Then, what is it? Surely, you want something," he put the pen down. Perfect. All you needed was to pique his interest. Once his curiosity was sparked, he'd have no choice but to follow it.
You told him he had to guess. As soon as his signature "Oh?" reached your ears, you knew he was interested. Guess after guess, and you told him no each time.
"I'll tell you, if you give me a kiss."
"Alright, you win, my love."
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shikanoin heizou
"Boo!" Heizou appeared behind you, his grin telling too much of his whimsical nature. Laughs filled the air around you as he brought his hands off your shoulders and took his place beside you.
"What's that?" he asked, taking a look at what was in your hand. It was a flower. Its petals were a similar shade of green to his eyes; perhaps it'd look good on him.
He let you put it in his hair. You tucked it under his ear and took a good look at him. Perhaps, maybe you should move this bit of hair, oh, and that one too. He waited as you moved it around trying to figure out just what you had in store for his hair- although, you didn't really know either. However it would turn out, it would turn out.
"Mmm? Are you done?" Almost. Something was missing.
You took another good look at him. Ah, what if you let his hair down? It wasn't often, but perhaps it would complete the look... it wouldn't hurt to try, right? Heizou blinked in surprise as you pulled down his hair tie, and you combed his hair with your hands. Ah, pretty Heizou.
"Are you done now?" he pouted. Right, you had plans today. Yes, you were done.
His hand intertwined with yours, and you set off to do what you planned to earlier.
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kaedehara kazuha
To see Kazuha still asleep was a rare sight. His eyes reflected the red of sunrise much more often than not, and by the time you woke up, you could smell breakfast already cooking. But not today, even when the sun was fully up, albeit just barely, and Kazuha's eyes remained closed.
You didn't dare get up- if you woke him up, the moment would end. You stayed under the blanket with him, your hand wandering to his cheek, and a bit of hair found itself within the hold of your fingers.
There were no thoughts, especially this early in the morning. The sound of birds populated the air from time to time, but the sound of both your and his breaths was constant. Twirl, twist, straighten out, grab, admire, kiss.
Perhaps the kiss was a mistake. A "Mmm?" escaped Kazuha's lips as you separated yours from his hair, your breath tickling his skin. Ah, he was awake now. You released the bit of hair from your hand and wished him good morning.
"Mornin'... it seems you've woken up early today." You agreed, you did wake up early today.
"Then, shall I start your day with a kiss?"
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beachylupin · 6 months
lighthouse for steve plss
you two broke up (not mutually) and you went off to college and didn't return to hawkins at all and when you did, you saw him and it was kinda awkward but nice to see him
Big Buy Blues || Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
i'm sorry this took so long omg :-(((( i've been so stupid busy, and i've had this request sitting in my inbox since early november and i feel HORRIBLE about it. i hope this is okay! if you'd like to see more of this pairing, please let me know (i lowkey am thinking of a second part) word count: 2.6k warnings: honestly??? like nothing. maybe like... old people being old people? and anxiety, kinda angsty?
Your hometown of Hawkins was always filled with Christmas lights this time of year. Every house looked like iced gingerbread, covered in a dusting of fresh snow. Christmas trees played peek-a-boo out the window with the children sledding down the sidewalks. It was magical.
Although it was magical, you went to college out of state to escape the small town with even smaller thoughts. You were bigger than Hawkins, and everyone there knew that. They knew that you’d amount to so much more than the little, strange town could provide you.
Escaping people was yet another reason to leave. Everyone in Hawkins was connected, whether from friend groups in school or the tragedies that seemingly struck the town every year. A messy breakup had sent you northwest to Minnesota, attending the university there.
Sure, there was much more snow and a lot more people in St. Paul, but there, you could be just another face in the crowd. Nobody there knew you. Nobody there knew what you had seen or what you had been through. You could just be a normal person.
You hadn’t seen anyone from Hawkins since you moved out in July, not promising that you’d ever return.
Thanksgiving not at home was weird, but necessary. Your friendsgiving was good enough to keep you feeling like you didn’t need to go home. You didn’t need anyone at home. You had almost decided to not go home for Christmas until your mom called, practically begging you to come back.
“Just for a few days, sweetheart,” your mom had cooed over the phone. “Your dad and I just want to see you for Christmas. You can go back to Minnesota right after.”
It was her tone of voice, the brokenness, that called you back home. It was the promise that you could leave that made your decision for you. 
The plan was set: home for a few days before Christmas and heading back to your small apartment right after. No dilly-dallying in town. No time to see anyone. Just simply going to their house, staying, and leaving.
You had pulled into your parents’ driveway late last night. It was a joyous reunion with a promise of nobody else knowing you’re home besides your mom and dad and maybe a few family members. You hugged your mom before getting stolen from her by your dad, who hugged you like you’d been overseas at war. The hug had confirmed that you’d be staying later than expected, just for him.
They’d left your childhood bedroom almost the same since there was only so much that two people could change in five months: pink walls, white dresser and run down desk. The only thing that had changed was that your once twin bed was now a queen, taking up much more space in your little room than normal.
You almost missed the normal city sounds that St. Paul had to offer, but settling into bed that night, you relished in the quiet of Hawkins. Snow fell softly, quieting the whole town, and you quickly fell asleep, sleeping soundly for the first time in months.
You woke up to light streaming on your face, and you had to resituate yourself. You were really in your childhood bedroom. It wasn’t a dream. You really had driven seven hours to Hawkins, Indiana for Christmas just for your parents, and you didn’t have to go anywhere.
You dressed in light wash jeans with a rip in the knee and a blue, turtleneck sweater. Padding your way down the stairs in stocking feet, you saw your mom waiting for you in the living room, a worried look on her face.
“Honey?” She asked you, standing and walking up to you.
You lingered on the bottom step, furrowing your eyebrows. “Why do you look so nervous?” You asked, almost retreating when she hugged you, knowing she was going to ask you something.
“I need you to go pick up the ham from the butcher,” your mom said as she pulled away, trying to hand you money. You stared at her hand, your teeth ground together. “Please? I won’t ask you to leave the house anymore this week.”
“Why me?” You asked, still staring at her hand. You weren’t going to take it until she gave you an amazing explanation as to why she couldn’t go.
“We’re expecting company any minute,” she said quickly. “You’re great auntie Hen and grandma are coming over, and-”
You huffed, annoyed, grabbing the cash from her. “This is the one and only time I’m leaving the house,” you stated hotly, tucking the money in the pocket of your jeans. “Do you need anything else?”
Your mom glanced at your dad, who just shrugged, mumbling a quick “I dunno,” his typical permissiveness showing its true colors. “Apple cider? Maybe you could-”
You cut her off with a loud sigh. “Why don’t you get me a list while you’re at it,” you suggested, looking at your dad as your mom walked into the kitchen to grab a notepad, your mouth tight.
“Maybe you won’t see anyone,” he said quietly, causing you to roll your eyes and follow your mom into the kitchen.
She was hunched over the counter, writing things down as she thought of them. You peeked over her shoulder, scoffing.
“Mom!” You whined, taking the list away from her to look at it closer. “There’s like twenty things on here! I’m not going grocery shopping for you!”
“It’s all at Bradley’s!” She offered with a small smile. “Please, honey? It’s not good to stay all cooped up.”
“I want to be cooped up!” You could’ve screamed, but hearing the loud knock at the door, you decided against it. You followed your mom to the door, hissing, “I want to stay here!”
She shot you a look over her shoulder then opened the door.
“My baby!” Your grandma gasped, pushing past your mother to hug you tightly, smearing red lipstick on your cheek. She passed you along to your great auntie Hen, who held you at arm’s length.
“Have you been eating, sweetie?” She cooed, hugging you as gently as she could. “You look like you’re going to blow away.”
“I wish I would,” you grumbled more to yourself than anyone else, but you meant it all the same.
“My God,” your grandma scoffed as she was taking off her coat. “Did you rip those jeans yourself or did you buy them like that?”
“That’s the fashion nowadays, mom,” your mom said for you, sending a sideways look your way. “She’s a university girl now. She’s fashionable.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes in front of your grandma and great aunt, resorting to sighing softly through your nose instead. 
“Well, that’s not what I call fashion,” your great auntie Hen pitched in. “Showing too much skin for my taste.”
“It’s just my knee,” you said quietly, feeling ambushed, but she continued over you, her hands on your cheeks.
“Have you gotten any sleep, dear?” She asked, looking at you through the bottom of her glasses. “You look exhausted-”
“I’m fine,” you said just to get her hands off of you. You looked at your mom, your eyes wide with panic. You wanted them away from you.
“She’s getting enough sleep, auntie. Quit worrying,” your mom said, smiling as she put her arm around the woman. “She was just on her way to run errands for me, so let’s get out of her way. Come on, now. There’s a fresh pot of coffee…”
Her voice trailed off as she ushered the women into the kitchen, leaving you to regain yourself.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, making a mental note to change your pants when you got back from the now not-so-dreaded trip to the supermarket.
You grabbed your keys, your peacoat and purse, and slipped on your sneakers, not even saying goodbye as you left what was supposed to be your haven in Hawkins.
Bradley’s Big Buy wasn’t anything special. Like a typical supermarket, they had a little bit of everything. Because of that, everyone shopped at Bradley’s, and it just so happened that they all decided to shop at the same time as you.
Finding a parking spot, you parked, sighing to yourself. You looked at the store and how busy the lot was and dropped your head to your hands.
“Please don’t let me see anyone I know,” you whispered to yourself, shutting your car off. “Please don’t let me see anyone I know.”
That was your repeated mantra as you walked through the sliding glass doors, grabbing a basket. You kept your head down amongst the busy loud store filled to the brim with Christmas stuff and songs, walking straight back to the butcher.
You rang the bell on top of the counter, and lifting your head for the first time, you looked around while you waited for the butcher to come out.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when you spotted him next to the deli meat, his tell-tale hair now in a longer, modern type mullet. 
Sneakers squeaking against the linoleum, you wheeled around, ducking down a half-busy aisle. Your hands began to sweat as you grabbed a random box of flake potatoes, trying to look as natural as possible while scanning the side of the box.
You hadn’t seen that head of hair since last May, when you graduated Hawkins High and the owner was there for Robin. Not you. Rather, he was there for her instead of you.
And now he’s here, at Bradley’s, an aisle or so down from you. For deli meat.
It was always something else. He always needed something or someone else.
“Miss?” The butcher called out, gaining your wide eyes. “You rang?” He pointed at the bell, and you nodded, setting the box of potatoes down as quickly as you picked them up.
You approached the end of the aisle, not quite stepping out. “I’m supposed to pick up a ham,” you said, holding out your hands to show how big it was supposed to be. “But I don’t want to carry it all over so I’ll come back.”
“What?!” He half-shouted, his hand cupping around his ear. To be fair, Christmas music was blasting, babies were crying, and people were stomping all around the store. It was loud.
“I’m supposed,” you started again, clearing your throat so you could be louder. “I’m supposed to pick up a ham!” You stood to your tiptoes, trying to shout over the people crossing in front of the two of you. “I don’t want to walk around the store with it, so never mind!”
His hands slapped to his side in frustration. “You’re going to have to come closer!” He shouted, and a few people glanced at your reddened face.
You huffed, and squeezing your eyes shut, you stepped forward, opening them as you got to the counter. “I need to pick up a ham, but I’ll be back because I don’t want to carry it all around the store,” you said quickly, and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“So you’re telling me that you’re coming back for it?”
You nodded, feeling stupid.
“Name for the order?” He asked, and you owlishly blinked at him. “I can get it all rung up so you can just come back and grab it.”
You gave him your mom’s name, followed by a quiet, “Thank you!”
He just shook his head, pushing back through the double doors into the cooler.
You scrambled away from the counter, nearly missing a cart as you ducked back into the aisle, pulling your list from your pocket.
You could just leave the store. You could just grab the ham and go.
Nevertheless, you persisted, grabbing the random things your mom sent you to the store for, including apple cider.
It was a nagging itch in the back of your mind that he was still there. You ignored it, keeping your eyes glued to the ground.
He hadn’t seen you, so why worry? It’s not as though he was going to recognize you anyway. You had gotten your hair cut, sporting a wavy bob instead of your normal, long hair. You held yourself taller than you used to. You had grown into yourself, a confident feeling that was quickly diminishing the longer you spent in that stupid supermarket.
Once you had gotten everything, you started on your way back to the butcher, hoping you could just ring the bell, grab the ham, and hightail it out of there.
You ducked down a busy aisle, clipping shoulders with a woman, who loudly scoffed. You looked up from your sneakers, apologizing to her briefly before continuing down while watching where you were going.
You felt as though your heart stopped, your feet stopping as his brown eyes cut across the aisles to yours. He perked up, sending you a small, lopsided smile and a wave.
You looked around, hoping he had seen someone else. You looked back to find him still staring, now making his way through the crowded store to see you.
This is exactly why you wanted to stay home.
“God, are you a sight for sore eyes,” Steve said when he finally stood almost toe to toe with you, his smile growing. “You cut your hair!”
“Bout a month ago,” you said, staring at him, taking in as much of him as you could.
He hadn’t changed much. His hair was shorter up top and longer near the bottom, and he was in a blue athletic sweater, wearing jeans and sneakers. If you wanted to be presumptuous, you’d almost say that you matched.
He even smelled the same: citrusy, green, and soapy.
“It looks nice,” he said, shifting his basket to his other arm. “How’s school, Ms. University?” You furrowed your eyebrows, knowing you hadn’t told him where you were going. “I talked to your mom,” he said, sensing your confusion. “Said you’re studying history?”
“Right,” you said, mentally cursing her. “Yeah, history. It’s fine.”
Of course she still talked to Steve. She loved Steve almost as much as you did.
“Well…” He trailed off, pushing a hand through his hair before shifting his basket back to the original arm. He stood a little straighter, almost as if he had come to some sort of quiet conclusion. “How long are you in town for?”
The dreaded question sent your heart to your stomach, and you didn’t really know why. You swallowed the pit, clearing your throat.
“Just until the day after Christmas,” you said, blurting out, “But I don’t go back to school until the fourth,” before you could stop yourself. The tips of your ears burned.
“If you wanted to stick around Hawkins, I’m having a little New Years Eve party at my house,” he said, his eyebrows raised hopefully.
“I don’t know-”
“Everyone misses you,” he added quickly, causing the pit in your stomach to grow bigger.
You searched his face, trying to find the hint he was lying. You sighed, finding him genuine. “We’ll see,” was all that you could give him.
He nodded, the hopefulness leaving his eyebrows as absentmindedly checking his watch. “I gotta run,” he said, smiling tightly at you before squeezing your bicep. “It was really nice seeing you.”
You met his smile with the realest looking smile you could muster. “You too.”
He let go, taking a few steps away. “Think about the party, okay?”
With your eyes on his, you nodded. He took that as permission to leave, a small skip in his step as he left you in the aisle to think about why your heart was beating so fast.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
I love your works! And your bots are coming along great!!
Could I request a “waking up with them” fic for spidernoir x fem reader? Could be smut or fluff, your choice!
@sabcandoit THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH <33 also ofc! i can do that boo :> THANK YOU FOR THE IDEA THAT'S SO CUTE LIKE WHAT?????
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: it was the morning after your wedding with peter, the first morning out of so many others that you planned to share with him. he couldn't believe his luck when he realized it was none other than you sharing the bed with him right now, looking into your lovely eyes, and just... admiring you all the while.
word count: 741
you felt as though this were a dream, that any given time, you could wake up, and this'd all be nothing but a fantasy you let yourself indulge in. but no, it's real. he's right there, next to you, facing you with half-open eyes. the grayish-brownish hue of his eyes from top-to-bottom peer up at you ever so often; seeing your partially sleepy expression crack into a silly grin as he smiles up brilliantly at you.
'oh, his chuckles in the morning,' you thought as you laid a hand on his cheek, caressing it slowly, admiring how soft and smooth his skin felt. he had a slight peach fuzz on his face, he always looked a lot younger than how old he really was, and you enjoyed teasing him for it. now you get to do that every morning, every day, for the rest of your life.
"i know what you're gonna say," he said as he wrapped his arm around your waist and gradually pulled you closer to him, feeling his breath against your cheeks as he looked intently at you, taking in all your features, giving you his undivided attention as his other arm raises his hand lightly and cards your hair through his hands, admiring how soft you felt, how smooth your hair was, as if you were a pulchritudinous sculpture that was somehow given life, a pulse--and miraculously, the heart to love him.
"you're gonna comment again on how much of a baby i look compared to other guys you've met, and y'know what?" he asks you playfully as he looks down at you, at your slightly blushing, smiling face. he sighs to himself in contentment as he brings his hand to your cheek, you easing into his touch. "i'm glad to not be like other guys you've met. because, by some miracle, you chose me out of all of them." he whispered to you as he leaned over to kiss your nose.
you giggled at the contact, thinking to yourself how unbelievably supple his lips felt when they touched the surface of your skin, how snug they felt as they planted small, loving kisses all over your face. "my beautiful, beautiful spouse," he kept murmuring as he kissed you all over.
the golden and orange shimmering sunlight entered the your shared bedroom with him, putting into view your wide-eyed, smiling expression as you and peter just stared at each other, welcoming the first morning of many others in a lifetime you two will share with each other. "i'm so happy i woke up today and the first face that greets me is yours." he said as he nuzzled up against you, pulling you into his unyielding embrace, not intending to let you go any time soon.
"so am i, pete." you mutter as you place your hands on his cheeks gently, him smiling wider, the corners of his lips curving as he looks up at you. "i'm so happy you married me. i promise, all our mornings are going to be just like this--you and me, you being your absolutely perfect self just as you are, and... i'll be loving you so much, in every hour of every day, you will never be without my love." he declared softly as he moved up the bed a little and placed his finger on your lower lip, running across it as he breathed another sigh of contentment.
"all our mornings will be good from now on, really, really good." he said as he inched closer to you and pulled you in for an early morning kiss. there he was, in that bed you two now shared, as spouses; with you being the reason he wants to get up and keep going on as peter parker, as himself. he couldn't believe it, he was there, kissing the love of his life, his raison d'etre, you, who makes every heart beat of his become the foundation for all the love he gives you. all his mornings will be good from now on, he believes, and he hopes he makes every morning you two share the best mornings you will ever live out. and he promises, from the bottom of his heart, that he will make you fall in love with him, again and again, as each and every morning passes; for you do the same to him without even having to try. he loves you, so much, his dearest spouse.
a/n: FUCKKKKKKK I'M SOBBING. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT @sabcandoit!! also i'd like to thank @thecoolerdor for introducing me to your AO3 and blog, YOU WRITE SO WELL OMG, THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING <33333
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy
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luimagines · 1 year
BOO! Hewwo!!!
I’m sure someone’s requested this already but I wanted to add into the hype- Part 2 for “there was only one bed” 🥺 ILY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
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Of course! Thank you, Anti! You got it, Bestie!
This follows the first part, where you can read right here!
It includes Legend, Wild and Warrior.
Content under the cut.
Legend woke up in the middle night as thunder shattered the peace of the hour. Lightning lit up the room for brief moments of time before he was shrouded in darkness once more.
There a spark in Legend’s mind that he was home again. This was his bed. the storm was raging just before and the lightning... lit up the silhouette of his uncle as the lantern light caressed his old face. “Link.”
Legend’s breath hitched. He blinked and the vision was gone. The effects however were anything but. With his heart pounding and his breath becoming harder and harder to obtain, he could barely hold himself anchored to reality anymore.
It felt... wet? Was there water on his face?
Lightning strike again and Legend feels like he’s losing balance. He’s tossed left and right and up and down. Lightning strike again and it’s closer this time. He jumps and yells, trying to hold onto the rope and he sails the seas- no seeing an single island in sight-
“Link!” Hands land on his shoulders- shatter the second illusion of the night.
You look up at him, wide eyed and concerned. There’s a question in your eyes but it’s a gentle look. You take a breath and rub his shoulders consolingly. “It’s ok. We’re ok. It’s just a dream.”
You’re wrong about that. It was real. It was very much real and he was there and he can never see their faces again-
“Link, look at me.” You guide his face towards yours. You reach up and wipe the tears that have traitorously leaked form his eyes. Legend gulps and meets you head on, only vaguely remembering your earlier taunt. “Legend, you coward.”
He’s not a coward. He won’t let you think that of him. So help him-! Not you.
You sigh and run your hands over his hair. You stay there with him in the quiet, letting him get his breath together without saying a word. He can hear you gulp after a while and he realizes that you’re still tired too. But he’s not in a place where he can use his voice just yet. 
You don’t seem to mind though. You just keep petting him and rubbing soothing circles on his back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Legend shakes his head. He won’t share those horrors with you. Not now. Not like this.
You hum and look away from him. You reach behind and set the pillow up again, fluffing it for good measure.
“Come on.” You push him back, letting his head rest against the pillow first. You make yourself comfortable against him next and bring the blanket back over the two of you.
Legend can feel his heart beat continue to pound against his ribcage. there’s very little that he can control in this situation. This isn’t a side of him that he wanted you to see. But like most things in his life he doesn’t get to decide who witnesses it and who gets hurt from it.
“....I’m sorry.” He croaks out at last. “I didn’t mean to wake up.”
“I don’t mind.” You reply quietly. Legend isn’t inclined to believe you.
Suddenly you start... singing? Humming. The tune is unfamiliar to him and you go back to playing with his hair. Your heart beats much calmer against his own and your breath is quiet and soft.
Legend focuses on that instead, letting the melody drift over him. Between the warmth, your weight, your attention and your song, Legend begins to let go of his panic and sorrow. The memories fade away and the storm calms down. The rain is unrelenting but the the thunder has stopped and the lightning has moved to other places of the world
Legend falls asleep once more.
Wild woke up after the sun had risen for a change. He was used to early morning and earlier chores to complete. So the quiet and undemanding morning was well worth the welcome.
He stretched and yawned, nothing thinking much of the night before before he collided with unexpected mass.
He freezes and finally opens his eyes and comes face to face your with your own. Wild gapes like a fish and can feel his heart stop beating in his chest.
“Good morning, sleepy head.” You smile. “Sleep well?”
Wild nods and daringly looks down to get more information about your position.
He didn’t anticipate to figure out that he slept with his head to your chest. The blush covers his face instantly and he scrambles to get off of you. “ Oh by the three! I’m so sorr-”
He falls off of the bed.
You blink and dive to the edge of the bed, reaching out to grab him but you were a second too slow. You pop your head over the side and scan Wild for any new injuries. “Are you ok?”
“Fine. Awesome. I’m awesome. You?” Wild can feel his body struggle to keep up with the movements that he wants to do so that he can save face and get back up to his feet.
Wild feels only a marginal drop of despair drop into his soul when he sees you grin at his expanse. By the look in your eye, you want to laugh but he’s thankful that you don’t.
“I was kept warm and comfortable.” You tease with a little wink. “But I also feel awesome too.”
“Right.” Wild brushes himself down, hoping that his blush isn’t as obvious as it feels. “Um... I should get started on breakfast then.”
“Don’t bother.” Your words cut him from his escape route. “Warrior came by earlier to see if you were awake but I told him to shut up and let you sleep. So someone is taking care of the food this time around. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get a taste of what the inn has to offer.”
Wild knows that his blush is gone by the way he pales. “Warrior came by?”
“Yup.” You reply easily.
Wild bite his lip.
You finally laugh a bit. “Don’t worry. I think I scared him enough that you won’t be teased for drooling on me.”
“Drool-?” Wild pales even further, feeling his chances slip through his fingers.
You nod and finally get out of the bed. You pull on your shirt and sure enough, there’s a small wet patch by your shoulder. “Not bad, all things considered. At least it wasn’t the entire time.”
Wild brings his hand up to cover his mouth. “That’s so embarrassing. I’m so sorry.”
You giggle and shake your head. “It was cute. I can’t even be mad. You were so out of it. How tired were you?”
A cough. “Very.”
“I could tell.” You smile and walk over to pat his head. “But don’t worry. You look a lot better now. There’s a bit of color to your face and you’re back to yourself.”
You do a little twirl and strike a pose. “What about me? Am I good?”
“Incredible.” Wild blurts out before he can stop himself.
“Good to know I wake up like this then.” You laugh and pat his shoulder as you make your way towards the door. “I’ll try and buy you some time to get ready for the day.”
“Thanks. Love you.” Wild puts his foot in his mouth and freezes.
“No problem robblem.” You respond before his other words hit you. “Wha-”
Someone calls you from just beyond the outer corridor and you’re forced to respond instead of questioning him. “Coming!”
“I’ll see you there!” Wild grins and ushered you out of the door. “I’ll be there soon enough. Thank you. You’re the best.” 
Wild shuts the door and collapses onto the floor. “Why am I like this?”
This was a mistake.
Warrior woke up early as he normally did and found himself in a situation.
It was one he was dreaming about for a while now but he wasn’t about to hope for them to be a reality. The issue with these dreams of his suddenly becoming real was that you were the unwilling participant. And how he longed for your willing participation.
Your legs were intertwined with his. His arms were around your back and your arms held him close. You were sound asleep against him, forgoing the pillow and using his chest as your head’s resting place.
It was an honor, in his eyes. But the question is now, how does he get out without waking you up?
The sun had barely begun to rise above the horizon. It wouldn’t be fair to you to have you get up at the same time as he does. You deserved to sleep more. Especially since you mentioned having slept so horrible the night prior. 
Warrior sighed, absentmindedly running his hand over your hair. He tried to relax but this was beginning to stir something within him. Slowly, and it had to be slowly or else he risked throwing you out of the small bed as it was, he turned you around.
From there, he came to another problem. One, was that he had to get up now or else he would have to start putting his weight on you and two, you wouldn’t let go. Sure your head now rested on the pillow beneath you, but that didn’t change the way you clung to him.
Warrior let out a huff and and shook his head. With one hand to hold his body up, he had to use the other to pry your hands away from each other and eventually put them by your side once more.
That didn’t work.
Somehow, despite your still unconscious state, you felt the disturbance and weren’t having it. You clung tighter and managed to bring Warrior down to the bed once more.
Warrior has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the absurdity of it all. He looks down at you, in way that could be described as lovingly and gently brushes the hair from your face. He sighs to himself and smiles. “Good morning.”
Warrior grins and tries again. You hold on tighter once more and Warrior chuckles to himself. “...You’re not making this easy...”
You don’t reply.
Warrior blows some of his hair out of his face and tries to come up with another solution that resolves with him getting out of the small bed, and with you still sound asleep. Frankly, he doesn’t see how to do it without trying what he did before and just... go slower. Warrior doesn’t have much faith in his own plan.
He reaches around again, gently putting as much of his weight onto the bed next to you and tries to unlatch you from his body. He goes slowly and quietly, trying his best to not over stretch himself this early in the morning.
You blink your eyes opens despite his best effort and pull your hands back to rub your eyes. “...Link?”
And oh how he longed to hear you say his name. So soft and innocent with early morning tenderness. His heart clenches in his chest and he finds himself reciprocating the tone. “Easy. Go back to sleep.”
“...What time is it?” You mumbled, already fighting the way your eyes close. “Come back to sleep.”
Warrior shakes his head. “I won’t sleep. It’ll be ok. I’ll wait for you.”
You hum and Warrior reaches over again to tuck your hair away from your face again, finally getting his feet to touch the floor as he slides out of the bed. Warrior picks up the blanket and pulls it over your shoulders, tucking you in.
“Promise?” You whisper, not remotely looking his way.
“Promise.” Warrior chances it and kisses your temple. “Sleep. We’re ok.”
Part 2
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woozivrse · 6 months
Hiding the Truth, Pretending I'm Fine
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Jeon Wonwoo x gn! reader
Genre: Hanahaki AU, college AU, fluff, usual angst that comes with the AU, happy ending!
Words: 4k and some change!
Warnings: vomiting, doctors, surgery mention(doesn't happen! don't worry<3), implied depression? reader feels down and i kinda wrote it in a way that it could be read as depression..., death mentions(one a joke at the start, and the other being apart of the whole AU thing..., cursing, my ocs Mai and Kimi(ok my friends oc...) use different pronouns, Mai(She/He) and Kimi(She/They), blood
Notes: sooo... if you've read this before you are either 1) a friend i had read this for school or 2) you are my old english teacher, in which, hi. why are you here. please leave. please. aka i am repurposing this for tumblr, because i am pretty proud of it, meaning please be gentle on me. i am just a tiny tiny child. but tell me what you think! tell me if i missed any warnings, and stuff like that! also, stole the title from bittersweet. you'll see why! enjoy<3
You had been in love with Jeon Wonwoo for who knows how long, but you hadn't known it. Until you started coughing. You wish it had been easier.
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“Ooh my baby,” You cooed. “How's my little baby~ Hm? How are you Hoshi? What about you Byeol~~ Thank you for the gift~~”
Kimiko, your high school friend slash roommate, burst into your room. “Stop being a crazy cat person! Get up and out, Wonwoo is waiting for you,”
“Already? I just woke up–”
“Oh, no he's not here, here. He's just waiting for you like, in general y'know?”
“Not how you talk to your bestest friend in the world,” She pouted.
“That would be Wonwoo,”
“Bestest roommate in the world?”
“Fuck youuuu,”
Sitting down, Wonwoo placed an iced latte in front of you. Every Sunday, the two of you met at either the library or the cafe to plan your week out together. This week was the cafe. He stared at you, watching you work.
“Stop watching me, creep,” you grinned, tapping your foot against Wonwoo. “C’mon, I know I’m pretty ‘n all but you really should stop staring at me,”
“So full of yourself,” He teased. “You’ve got something, here I’ll get it.”
You rolled your eyes at Wonwoo pretending to fix your hair. Always trying to “fix” something, your hair, your clothes. You knew you weren't a messy person. What you didn't know was why Wonwoo did it. Sighing, you just let him fiddle with your hair. As he did that, you stole his phone, unlocking it to check his calendar for the week.
“Boo,” you pouted. “We barely match up this month, outside of class. Look! We don’t match this week and next week we match once, on Friday night,”
Seemingly done with your hair, he checked your planner. “Oh, you’re right. Isn’t that during the get together Cheol is holding?”
“Oh I think it is,” you sulked. “No free time for just us! Oh I am in pain, jail for a thousand years!”
He chuckled. “It’s fine, we can sneak some time in,”
“Not at a Cheol party. I’m gonna be tipsy and you’re probably going to be on babysitting duty,”
“Babysitting you,”
Grumbling, you stood from the chair and fell onto Wonwoo's shoulders like a lump of nothing, smacking him a little. Vernon, your mutual friend who worked at the cafe, took a picture and sent it to their group chat without the two of you, followed by a text saying “yo right in front of my salad?”. The group chat exploded with messages with variants of “they’re seriously not dating?” and one text from Joshua, one of the other workers at the cafe, saying “get back to work!!”.
This, you decided early on in your college days, was your favorite part of college. Walking with Wonwoo to whatever class you two shared, was great(unless the two of you didn't share a class, in which he would walk you to whatever class you had after the two of you had lunch).
You looked at him, seeing him staring at you, again. “Hey, what's with you looking at me so often, huh?” You raised a brow. “What, do you like me or something?”
He smiled, “Sure, something like that,”
Your face warmed, you could just feel the heat go to your ears.
You whipped your head away from him before saying. “Oh– oh just shut it! Don't even joke about that, Wonwoo!”
And then you started coughing, which granted, the weather had been getting colder, but you started coughing hard. Leaning down, you started coughing into your elbow before pulling away and seeing… petals? Bloody, purple flower petals. You quickly grabbed them before shoving them into your pocket.
Wonwoo put his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it. “Woah, hey, are you alright? Do you need water, anything? I’ll take you home if you need,”
You nodded, your throat still feeling a little raw. “Um… yeah, water would be nice, please,”
He handed you his water bottle, yours being at home. “Here, just drink from it. I’m fine without it for now,”
You sent him an appreciative look before downing the water. “Okay, I think I’ll be good for class now,”
He looked at you, obviously worried. “If you're sure… but I’m taking you home if you start coughing like that again,”
❀1:47, CLASS
You started coughing again.
There was no reason for it, you had just caught Wonwoo once again looking at you weirdly, causing your heart to flutter just a bit before you had berated yourself, thinking, Stop it, stop it! He doesn't like me…he just doesn't. And then the coughing happened again.
It had been so bad that the professor had stopped class and asked if you had needed to go. Wonwoo answered that question by grabbing your stuff and taking you out of the class. Oh well, you thought, Guess going to that class was for nothing.
Once you had finished coughing, you again found bloody petals. What the fuck…
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” Wonwoo looked really worried now, placing a hand on your forehead, then cheeks. “You certainly don't seem okay, but you’re not warm or anything,”
You shook your head. “I think it might be the weather. You know I get a little iffy around this time of year,”
He hesitantly accepted your reason, knowing it was true, just usually happened later in the year. He shrugged his jacket off, placing it on your shoulders. “Well, keep this on until we reach your place, I don't want you actually getting sick,”
Sitting on your bed, your eyebrows scrunched up before you sighed. Just, what was happening to you? Coughing up flowers– that's something out of a storybook, not real life.
Your heart fluttered when you thought about Wonwoo, but why. Why was your heart doing this, why, why, why. Wonwoo was so sweet to you, that's why, you reasoned. Right? You…didn't like him, did you? You couldn't.
You started coughing, again. Running to the bathroom, you knelt over the toilet.
Kimi sang. “Your favorite dancer is home~”
Kimi stepped into the kitchen, dropping her bag into the floor, before calling your name. “Hellooo?”
Silence filled the apartment, which left Kimi worried. Walking through the hallway, Kimi knocked on your bedroom door, opening it when no noise happened. Nothing.
“What the…” Kimi muttered. “Ugh, where’d I put my phone… dance practice you thot!”
Dragging herself back to the kitchen, she shuffled through their duffel bag. Calling your phone, rings came from the bathroom. Making her way to the bathroom, Kimi barged in. There you were, in all your shitty, sweaty glory was you, throwing up into the toilet.
“Fuck!” Kimi dropped to her knees, rubbing your back. “You should’ve told us you were sick. One of us would’ve stayed home for you,”
You whined. “Kimi… it’s fine both of you were busy, I couldn’t let you guys stay home. Besides, this happened during class.”
“The one you have with Wonwoo?”
Nodding, you straightened. “Mm… he brought me home,”
“What happened?”
“I… um… started coughing up flower petals…” You muttered.
“You what?”
Sighing, you reached your hand into your pockets and brought out the bloody flower petals.
“What the– Why are they bloody!?”
“I started coughing these up,” You started to explain. “Look, they’re in the toilet bowl too. I… I asked Sayu, before I went into the bathroom, she said they were bittersweet or something like that…”
“You should go to the ER! Or at least the doctor– you don’t know what this is,”
“I will, I will. I was going to call her after this whole…fit,”
“So, what’s the reason for this appointment?” Doctor Kim asked, checking the files in hand.
“Um…so the other day, Wednesday, I uh… started coughing flower petals,” You explained, pulling the petals out. “They were um, bloody.”
Clicking her tongue, Doctor Kim examined a petal. “Oh dear…I see,”
“Why’d it happened? How’d it even get in my body?”
Doctor Kim sighed, pulling up an article on the computer in the room. “I’m afraid there’s not much research on this. I’ve never personally seen it but I know doctors who have diagnosed it. We’re calling it hanahaki, from the Japanese words 花 and 吐く, flower and to vomit. We’ve noticed that it’s from unrequited love,” she glanced at you and then the flower petals, “Do you…do you love someone? Do you believe they don’t love you back?”
You played with your hair, suddenly the floor looking interesting. “Um…I…I guess,”
“You guess?”
“I do. I…kinda just realized it and then spiraled for a little. On Wednesday, when I first coughed them up.”
“I see. I’m going to give you options and I will definitely push you towards a specific one. But I want you to know that it is entirely up to you, what you want to do,” sighing, she leaned onto her knees. “You could confess, and if your feelings get reciprocated the flowers will leave your body through a few days. If they don’t, then your lungs will grow with flowers faster and you’ll suffocate. If you do, come to the ER immediately.
“The last option is surgery, we remove the flowers and any roots in your lungs. But it’s a complicated surgery, and if successful you lose all memories of said person and you’ll never feel anything for them ever again. It’s a last resort for a reason, and if you even think they return your feelings, confess. I mean it, you need to confess.”
Laying on your bed, you pulled your blankets over your shoulders, tucking yourself in. Getting up seemed to take up so much more energy these days, it was so much effort, effort you couldn't seem to put in.
Your phone rang, and you left it. It stopped for a few seconds before ringing again. You sighed as it stopped again. It pinged a few times, two followed by one more before your phone silenced. You couldn't bring yourself to check, even though you knew it was Wonwoo, you set his notifications to have a special ringer. You were just… tired.
Nonu ❙
Hey, are you okay?
??? Hello??? You always answer, are you sick??
??? I’m coming over.
Wonwoo knocked on your door, before opening it. Seeing you still tucked into your bed confused him.
“I know I've asked this a couple times, but are you okay?” He sat on your bed, patting your leg. “Hello? Have you not woken up just yet?”
You hummed lightly. “No…I’m tired,”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to be alone? You seem…well tired,”
You hummed again. He couldn't tell what you were feeling, facing away from him and barely saying anything.
“I’ll go, but I hope you feel better. I’ll get Mai and Kimi to take care of you,”
❀DAY 10, TUESDAY 11:23AM
Knocking on the door, Mai entered the room after a beat.
“You haven’t woken up yet?” She questioned, sitting on the bed. “You ok? I haven’t seen you wake up later than 9 since we were high schoolers,”
“Maiiii,” You whined. “I’m so TIRED, I can't even explain why!”
“The petals?”
“Of course, it's the– How do you know about them?”
He shrugged. “Kimi told me a little, sorry.”
“It's fine. I mean, you would've found out anyways,”
“Yeah, I would've. What happened, like why are they a thing? Kimi only mumbled something about petals and blood and purple– good color by the way,”
“I mean, the doctor said it's this stupid thing called hanahaki–”
“Like, hana as in 花, as in flower?”
“Uh, I think– STOP you're distracting me!” You jumped out from the covers.
“Yeah, but that got you out of bed. That was the goal~”
“You are the worst,”
Pulling you by the hands, Mai led you to the dining room.
“Our zombie lives!” cheered Kimi.
Flipping Kimi off, you pried yourself from Mai’s arms. “What was that for? I was gonna get out of bed eventually, it's only–”
“Only 11:23!” Kimi cut her off. “You are two hours late youngster!”
“To what?”
“To civilization! You have never–”
“Once woken up after 9, yes I am aware,”
“So you are aware we were worried, right?” Kimi huffed. “Now, eat! You are a growing child, no child of mine will starve!”
“I'm 20. We are the same age,”
“And,” Mai cut in. “I'm 21. I say you eat and get yourself freshened up. We are having a roommates day out,”
“What happened to my childhood friend,” you sulked.
“She has gone nowhere, I have always been your mother,” Mai chided. “Now eat, you actually look like a zombie,”
“So, young child of mine,” Kimi started, placing the group’s order down. “Why have you been coughing up a storm, and why are there bloody flowers everywhere? You only mumbled something about them, and I want to know why!”
The three of them were in a small cafe they frequented often, mainly due to your part-time job there.
“Still can’t believe you guys got me here on my day off,” you sighed, playing with your drink. “It’s nothing. I already went to a doctor, she said it was ‘Hanahaki’ or something,”
“Hana as–”
“Yes hana as in 花, as in flower. Why did you both ask the same question?”
“I needed clarification,” Kimi shrugged. “But like, what’s the haki part? Like what even is hanahaki?”
“The haki is 吐く, like to vomit,”
“It’s a disease where flowers grow in your- in your lungs?!” Mai read from his phone, head whipping to you. “And you could die?”
“Not so loud– lord why did we go here,”
“I’m sorry– you’re upset I’m being loud? You could die, do not tell me to be quiet?”
You sighed, “Look, this is why I didn’t want to tell anyone! They get all dramatic, it’s not a big deal. It’s due to unrequited love, so all I have to do is unfall in love.”
“Uh, speaking as the person who’s in a committed relationship,” Kimi injected. “Impossibly hard. Like, I’m talking insanely hard. I mean–”
“We get it,” Mai said, cupping her face. “Look, it even took me a while to get over my first ex, and he stalked me! I’m with Kimi, there are easier ways to do this.”
“Except there’s not! It's either I unfall in love, confess, or get surgery! And, mind you, that surgery will remove all my memories of said person and remove all my feelings. It’s not like I can do that. I can’t lose someone I’m in love with– and I can’t lose my feelings! How am I supposed to live without being happy, or sad, or–”
“Then confess! They’ll reciprocate them, I’m sure.” Mai held your hands. “Please, I can’t lose you. We can’t lose you, you’re too important to us.”
“I am not confessing–”
“Confessing?” A voice cut in, Wonwoo. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“Wonwoo! No, no! I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve–”
“Been busy.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, if this was over some guy, you could've told me. I would've gotten it and backed off,”
You stood up. “It is not! Look, we went over schedules– we were both booked! You cannot say I have been ignoring you,”
“Does that mean you can’t answer my texts? Or calls?” He argued, walking away from you and out of the cafe.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t do the same to me. How come you’re acting like I’m doing it on purpose!” You followed.
“I haven’t ghosted you, never for days on end!”
“Oh sure,” You stopped and rolled your eyes. “I’m not arguing about this, not in public,”
“Oh so you’re running away, like always?” Wonwoo turnt around. “Like you always do when something happens, like the coward you are?”
Your eyes watered as you stumbled back like you were struck. “Fine! Yes, I’m running away, just like you said! Just like I always have, according to you, but don’t you dare try to come talk to me.”
You and Kimi walked into Seungcheol’s party, being eagerly greeted by Kim Mingyu.
He cheered both of your names. “Let me get you drinks, come in! I’m not allowed to help you with your coats, Cheol is worried about me breaking something again.”
Laughing, Kimi pat him on the arm. “It’s fine! I’m here to be sober, drunk watch and all that,”
“Mai forced her to be my babysitter,” You sulked. “Like I’m gonna get drunk off my ass or something…”
Mingyu and Kimi gave each other a knowing look. Like you hadn't been upset since the fight. Kimi pushed you further into the house, hearing the chatter of the others. Mai and Kimi figured it was best to get you to talk to someone, and what better way than to get her drunk with friends?
Bad idea. Mai and Kimi both forgot one important thing about a drunk you. You were an emotional drunk. Meaning, right now? You were sobbing your ass off, drunk, over Wonwoo.
Kimi could barely understand you because you were muffled by–
“Fuck,” Kimi muttered, launching herself towards you. “Spit them out, I fucking mean it you drunk fuck. Spit. Them. Out.”
You listened. Saliva and blood covered petals fell into Kimi’s hand. You fell into Kimi’s arms, still sobbing.
“He hates me Kimi! He does. He hasn't talked to me in 3 days! The longest we’ve gone is probably around a couple hours! Never this long,”
Kimi sighed, petting your hair. It pained them all to see her like this.
“He doesn't hate you, yknow,” Mingyu said, also patting you on the back. “He’s just upset right now. He’s probably also crying right now,”
“I don't want him crying over me!” You sobbed even harder.
Seungkwan hit Mingyu away, clicking his tongue. “Ignore him, Mingyu’s dumb. We know this. Wonwoo’s upset, but he’s not crying. He's probably thinking about what happened and trying to figure out how to apologize to you,”
“But he doesn't have to apologize, I was the one being a bitch!”
“All of you leave her alone,” Jeonghan swatted everyone besides Kimi. “Sweetheart, honey, drink this,”
He handed you a cup of water, urging you to drink. You tried to drink it, but instead a full flower came out of her mouth.
“FUCK,” Kimi shouted. “Fuck fuck- where’s their phone? Hurry one of you, give it to me!”
Kimi dialed your doctor, explaining that you had actually coughed up a flower. “C’mon hun, c’mon. Get up, we have to visit someone,”
“What's happening?” Mingyu questioned. “Kimi– what was that? Why did a flower come out of their mouth? Kimi?”
“Don't, don't worry. Just call Mai for me, tell her we're at the hospital. She’ll know why,” Kimi explained. “Sorry to bring the mood down,”
“Don't be. Now go, go! It seems urgent,” Cheol pushed the two of you out of the apartment.
Your doctor sighed, closing the door behind her and facing Kimi and Mai. “I’m to assume you two are their roommates, meaning they told one of you at least a little?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Kimi fidgeted. “She told me a little, just like, uh she was coughing flowers cuz of something called hanahaki? Uhm.. and that it was a disease caused by–”
“Unrequited love, yes. However, that’s not something we’re entirely sure about,”
“What do you mean, not entirely sure about? Did you tell her something incorrect about a disease that could kill her!?” Mai shouted.
“Yes and no,” Doctor Kim sighed. “Look, ladies, hanahaki is rare– we’re not sure about everything. But, there's a theory, that I have personally searched into, that it’s not unrequited love. More like, insecurity in the afflicted. The flowers, do you know what they are and what they mean?”
“Oh! Uhm, I think I remember our friend saying they were bittersweet? And that they meant truth? Truthfulness?”
“Then, there. They likely need to tell the truth, if the theory holds up. Either way though, one of you should get whoever they’re crushing, or in love with, here as soon as you can. I will make an exception for you three, and only you three, to be here after hours if they have not gained consciousness. The other should stay with them. I don't want any surprises,”
“Where are they!?” Wonwoo bursted into the hospital lobby.
Ignoring the onlooking staff, he went straight towards Mai.
“Mai, you cannot call me, say my best friend is in the hospital, and then not give me context,” he said, holding the dead tired girl by the shoulders.
“You hung up on me right after I said they were here! I’m not calling you back and getting you into an accident– we do not need that! Now, come. I'll bring you to them, your job is to get them to actually tell you the truth. I don't care what it takes, they have to.”
Leading the barely taller man, Mai opened the door to your hospital room. Pulling Kimi out, Mai quickly pat you on the head with a quiet, “Confess,”
“Wonu?” You croaked.
“Hey,” He sat on the edge of her bed. “What happened? Why are you here– why have you been avoiding me? I thought we told each other everything,”
He looks heartbroken, you thought, heart clenching at it. “It- it wasn't your fault, Wonu. I just- if I told you, I’d lose you. I can’t do that,”
“But you're here, in a hospital. Mai said you could die. Why do you think I can live without you?”
“Please. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you,”
Bursting into tears, you sobbed. “Exactly! I’m your best friend, that's all I’ll ever be! Wonwoo, have you ever thought I wanted to be more than friends with you?”
“It’s you, it has always been you! I just had a shitty way of finding out, and now I’m dying! I don't want to die. I want to live out my life with you, and Mai, and Kimi, and and just– everyone! But if I get the surgery I lose my best friend– the love of my life! It's either I lose you by confessing, or I lose you by forgetting you, or I lose everyone by dying! I don't want this–”
“Hey, hey,” Wonwoo wiped the tears from your face. “Who said you’d ever lose me? Remember, I will always be here for you. Always. Besides, I’ve loved you ‘since forever’. You have nothing to fear,”
Your eyes overflowed with tears, and your mouth, flowers. Calling a doctor, Wonwoo was quickly kicked from the room. Worried, he quickly walked to the lobby.
“Wonwoo!” Kimi exclaimed, bouncing anxiously towards him. “Where- where are they? Why are you out here?”
“Well, I got kicked out. We confessed but then they started coughing again and–”
“You finally confessed? Like, for real none of that ‘I love you, as a friend’ bullshit?”
“Yes– why is that what you're focusing on? They started coughing flowers again, Kimi,”
“I know, I know, but I’ve been waiting for this since I met you two. That was our first year of high school!”
“Stop fighting you two,” Mai butt in. “What happened? Why are you out here?”
After explaining everything, the three of them went to hunt Doctor Kim down. Meaning, they were waiting outside of your room.
Walking out of your room, Doctor Kim turnt around and jumped. “Oh, you three scared me. Sorry, sorry. I should’ve told you to go home. But, they're fine. They’re resting now, you can visit when the hospital opens up again and you can see them then,”
“We can’t leave her!” Kimi whisper shouted, still aware of the fact that you were likely sleeping.
“No, you can’t but you will. I understand you’re scared about them, but they’ll be fine. They’ll have to stay here for another few days, but it’s just so we can monitor them. You can visit, but only during visiting hours. Now shoo, you are college students here on a Saturday,”
Wonwoo walked into the room, with a bouquet of aster flowers. Chuckling Wonwoo put them on the bedside table.
“Sorry, I know it’s a little soon,” Wonwoo sat. “but I asked your friend, um, Sayu? She said you thought they were pretty, the flowers, that is. Aster, she called them.”
You laughed softly. “It’s ok Wonu, they’re lovely. I love them, thank you,”
He smiled. “I’m glad. I know we only just established everything but I want to ask, can I be your boyfriend?”
You laughed, and Wonwoo pouted at that. “Sorry, sorry I’m not laughing at you. Never at you. Yes, of course you can be my boyfriend. Why’d I ever say no, I don’t know.”
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