#I would appreciate any tips!
rawwithlove · 1 month
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Just a few of my favorites in the garden lol the berries are doing OKAYISH. The peas are popping off lol the only problem is I don’t remember which ones are which anymore LMAO I believe there are also some cucumbers trying to grow in there but the ants never let us have any EVER. So, I'm don't wanna get my hopes up lol
I'm trying really hard to keep up with our garden this summer. Last year, I didn't water it enough :( Everything growing in this garden was either from scraps or on clearance from the store. My husband has a knack for bringing the dying plants back to life lol
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satans-knitwear · 17 days
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I don't suppose you guys would want.... Some gifs?? Perhaps?? 🥺
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fo0lizsh · 20 days
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Hi I saw Venus and IMMEDIATELY fell in love with them <333
( Venus created by @linked-maze)
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ghostember · 11 months
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i got really faded and somehow made the best origami of my life
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bobmckenzie · 10 days
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🌳🔅🍉 picnic study date! 🧺🍀🥪
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diginuisance · 11 months
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what do you remember?
(click for better quality, id in alt)
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[Image description: Nine cropped screenshots from animated series The Owl House, all of them depicting Vee, with various expressions including apparent surprise, joy, and worry. End of Image Description] The expressions of the characters in the backgrounds of the new episode were great.
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satansxknitwear · 1 year
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Still swingin' 🌻😎
✨My links✨
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zoroslost · 8 months
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His motto
Image reference:
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satansknitwear · 1 year
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Bleached my hair and got dressed up. That should cure me ✨
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desertrose244 · 1 year
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Thinking about In These Quiet Moments the whole time (Found at inthesequietmoments on tumblr -Didn't tag because its not exactly related and I don't wanna spam them) ((I will give this fic its own post someday, because its SUPA good and the side characters are so lovable))
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I do a lotta lifting so I feel like I'd have a lotta fun with Undyne and Paps hehe
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palmastrings · 4 months
The Seven Deadly... Rings?!?!
@nocreativityfornames you're a genius I'm just gonna go ahead and swipe this and *eats*
original post here
Essentially what if we started Nightbringer but we also had the brothers in tow in the form of rings.
No, I didn't spell check this, I'm don't write very often so excuse any weirdness. I suck at grammar and ignore spell check.
Solomon holds his hand out expectantly, presenting to you a handful of exquisite multicolored rings. 7 to be exact. Each one a familiar face, in a somewhat familiar time.
Honestly, this isn't really that astounding by any means. When living in the Devildom, you've come to expect even the most unexpected situations. The rings were probably the least surprising thing you've heard today, seeing as how you had mysteriously been thrown across time and space and landed in the Devildom... approximately 7,000 years ago. Maybe? Nobody is really good at saving dates around here, especially when the average demon lifespan stretches from now to, basically, the end of time itself. A slight over exaggeration? Again, maybe. But in your defense, in your feeble mortal eyes, that's what it may as well be.
The rings jingle in your hand as you tentatively scoop them from Solomons cold hand.
Apon first glance, they would appear to be normal rings. Pristine, each gold band is fitted with a unique colored stone matching those of the beloved demons from your normal timeline. Although, if you really focused on it, twisting the bunch of them in your palm with your fingers, you could feel how warm the metal is. It was as if someone had worn the rings before you, even though it should not have been possible, as you would be the first to bear them. Along with the warm glow of the rings, you could faintly feel an intense pulsing sensation coming from the set. Whether or not it came from what could possibly be a rapid heartbeat or the emanating pulse of horrific eldritch powers, you couldn't tell.
You go to slip them on your waiting fingers until Solomon interrupts you.
"I will warn you Mc, they were terribly rowdy before I turned them into rings, I don't blame you if you find them overwhelming to wear."
"Thanks for the warning, Solomon. I appreciate you coming all this way to help me by the way!"
"Anything for my favorite apprentice! Oh! And put in the good word for me!" Solomon winks. He turns, presumably to go and survey the Devildom of millennia ago. You're eternally grateful he went through all this trouble, not only to willingly throw himself across time and space, but to also take the time to bring along the demon brothers.
You insert each hoop onto your fingers. They fit perfectly, made just for you to wear. For a moment, there is silence. You almost begin to doubt they're even there. The only sign of anything unusual is the pulsing jewelry around your fingers, seeming to wane slowly, just until it matches your own heartbeat. Then the screaming.
"Mc! Did I hurt you at all?"
"Can you hear me?! What happened?
"AHHH, I can't believe you met me while I was in my blunder years! Wahhh!! I'm so embarrassed!!"
"Oi! Human what the hell?! What were you thinking just vanishing like that?"
"Mc, why did you leave?"
"Hon, you nearly gave me a heart attack when I heard youd gone missing! Lets go home asap!"
Suddenly, you weren't so alone in your head. A barrage of questions, sobs, and abnormal talk of urgency was flung straight in your direction. You could practically visualize the tearful Levi. The clear image of the batting white eyelashes of Mammon as he looks worried at you. Along with what's definitely becoming a new wrinkle on Lucifers face as you listen to him interrogate you. It was almost relieving to hear them speak with such familiarity to you. After being treated like a stranger not too long ago, this felt like you had brought a piece of home with you in this strange version of the Devildom.
Maybe, just maybe in the strange place, in this strange time you could make the most of it. With a sorcerer and the seven rings at your side you may just be able to tackle the newly fallen brothers of the past, the new ruling power of the Devildom, Diavolo, and finally find out why you were sent here by the one called, Nightbringer.
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satans-knitwear · 3 months
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Consider this....
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nbprincey · 4 months
I got a book about sewing and mending for Christmas, and I've been using it today to try darning my socks for the first time.
I gotta say, I have never felt more respect for all the people (especially women) who havve been doing this for the past several hundred years. This stuff is sew (pun) hard!😫
I'm been doing this for more than an hour, and I'm only less than halfway done
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kaviithing · 9 months
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Platonic only!!! tcest DNI !!
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pathetic-lifeform · 10 months
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Fighting art block with dem pretty AotC boys
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