#Four different blueberry bushes
rawwithlove · 1 month
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Just a few of my favorites in the garden lol the berries are doing OKAYISH. The peas are popping off lol the only problem is I don’t remember which ones are which anymore LMAO I believe there are also some cucumbers trying to grow in there but the ants never let us have any EVER. So, I'm don't wanna get my hopes up lol
I'm trying really hard to keep up with our garden this summer. Last year, I didn't water it enough :( Everything growing in this garden was either from scraps or on clearance from the store. My husband has a knack for bringing the dying plants back to life lol
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
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Are you looking for some Unikitty! fanfiction that isn't purely about shipping?
Are you looking for some Lego Movie fanfiction that gives Rex Dangervest a redemption arc?
Are you a fan of long fics with an overarching mystery and multigenerational plotlines?
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In the Chronoverse, a post TLM 2 Rex is pulled from non-existing by Doctor Fox during one of her experiments. He mostly wants to just vibe and avoid talking about his feelings but things work differently in the Unikingdom, especially when Unikitty wants to be his friend. On top of that, not even Unikitty knows all the secrets of the kingdom Queen Wa'nabi gave her...
Want a taste? I'm including the first three paragraphs of Everything Moves under the cut below the links for the four fics. Like what you read? There are links to each fic below.
The latest fic, Days of Oblivion, updates every Friday.
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When night fell on the Unikingdom, it didn't actually hit that hard. The lights of the Princess's main city were too bright and too dominant to make nighttime have any weight. It was one of the things that made the people there feel safe, what drove people to move from the other Systarian planets and even the main hub of Syspocalypstar, despite the destruction occasionally wrought by the Princess and her friends and the close proximity to the oppressive feeling Frowntown. It was unusual for clouds to settle in and moreso for a large lightning storm to roll in, causing the population to bunker into their homes until the storm passes.
It was in this unusual weather that a dark clad figure fell from the sky. He was a shadow at first, barely seen in the clouds. Soon, the form gained color and definition until he hit the ground, his body cradled by the plants in the garden of the Princess's castle. His overgrown hair covered the harsh features of his unshaven face, a face that hid boyish charm under the pain of ages. The clothes he wore were fire damaged and torn from the storm that began the sluggish process of clearing to what the people of the Unikingdom were accustomed to. The rain washed soot and dirt from the strange man's surprisingly undamaged body.
It wasn't until around mid-day the next day before the sleeping man was found in the blueberry bushes and before the man stirred from his exhausted slumber. Dark eyes fluttered open to meet… a floating one by three brick. The man bellowed in surprise in time with the brick, who's yelling sounded more enthusiastic, given the circumstances. The man tried to back further into the bushes, but seemed to be stopped by either the dense branches or an unseen injury. The grey brick was soon close to the weather worn face of the stranger, expression returning to a resting disinterest.
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
Omggggg can we get some sadie x reader action please? Thank you so much🙏🙏
Sure! Here is one of the few other examples I have of me writing Sadie, (Some are NSFW)if you're interested. I don't receive requests for her often, so I'm hoping I did okay.
You're aware that Jake will always be Sadie's number 1 love in her life, but as long as you can accept that, you're already on the road to a healthy relationship.
You approached her as a friend first. Not as someone to coddle or look at her with pity, and Sadie appreciated that immensely. Sometimes, the two of you would sit silently, listen to the birds sing, or enjoy watching the streams nearby. This is something that the two of you would openly seek later on in the relationship - sometimes with better or worse results. The bogs of Lemoyne were not exactly date-worthy, but you enjoyed the flower fields, the rolling hills, and the mountainside. Sadie was always on the lookout for new locations to show you. It was always a great way to leave camp and spend some alone time.
Sadie actually likes mystery novels and has a bad habit of trying to guess the ending the entire time, or worse, she'll sneak a peak at the end of the book and smile smugly as you were surprised by every twist in the book.
She would NEVER admit it, but she enjoys the occasional romance novel. She never considered herself a romantic person, and she never will. Still, she would be lying to herself if some books didn't remind her of her relationship with Jake…………or the occasional Sapphic "friend" novel reminding her of you. She may or may not borrowed an idea or two from the books to try out on you. Think Cassandra from Dragon Age.
She loves jerky of any type. She used to dry and cure the meat, testing out various mixtures with the different animals that were hunted. She'll buy as much as possible, but it still pales compared to the jerky she's made. She does not understand why people don't appreciate jerky more. It is certainly not a boring food. Modern Au Sadie has a hatred for Whole Foods, but especially finds their jerky selection pretentious.
She's not a particularly religious woman, but she has prayed before for your safety when she felt like there was nothing else that could be done. She hated the helplessness, and at least praying was something, even if it wasn't necessarily meaningful to her.
Favorite fruit is blueberries. She's always loved popping them in her mouth in between picking them from the bushes. Jake used to bake pies with them. She'd be overjoyed if you baked for the two of you………….but she can try if you ask nicely enough.
Loves her harmonica. She is constantly asked to play "Clementine". Usually, it's Jack that asks for it, but she'll play for you……..but prefers you pick a different song.
She will come up with any excuse for you to share her horse. "Your horse looks tired," "You look tired," "My horse is already tacked," "Bob is faster,." "Bob spooks less."
Has a weakness for hats. She is very economical, but if she sees a good hat, she won't hesitate to loot it and dust it off. She has at least four different hats…..so far. It makes it easy for you to pick out a gift for her.
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royalhenoil · 5 months
My daily berry harvest this time of year.
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I highly, highly recommend growing berries if your climate is suited to it. They are cheaper, tastier, and more nutritious than supermarket berries, and they are not that hard to grow. They are easier than most vegetables.
I thought I would give a review of the four berry varieties shown here:
• Blueberry 'Sunshine Blue': This is an ornamental blueberry. It stays small, has very pretty leaves and flowers, is mostly evergreen, and is self-fertile (most blueberry varieties are not). However, it is not as productive or as tasty as non-ornamental blueberry bushes, though it will still taste much better than anything you buy in the supermarket.
• White alpine strawberry: Alpine strawberries are fun to grow. They are very tidy, pretty plants and do not send runners everywhere. There are many different varieties, all of which make very small, cute fruit. They are famously very sweet and tasty. However, I think white alpine strawberries (which have a slight pineapple-like flavor) are not as tasty as the red ones. The big benefit of the white berries is that birds don't seem to notice them, so you don't have to use any bird deterrents to get lots of berries.
• Blackberry 'Chester': This is a thornless blackberry. I highly recommend only growing thornless or near-thornless caneberries (blackberries, raspberries, youngberries, loganberries, etc.) because they make picking fruit and garden maintenance so much easier. 'Chester' is an extremely vigorous and productive plant, and the fruit tastes better than both supermarket blackberries and wild blackberries.
• Strawberry 'Cambridge Rival': This is the yummiest strawberry I have ever tasted! It is not as productive as some strawberry varieties, and the fruit is on the small side, but it easily more than makes up for it in flavor. (Warning: If you try one, it may ruin other strawberries for you.)
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kissedbyaphrodite · 11 months
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The burrow belonged to the Weasley family for many centuries, built by Francis Weasley and his wife Margery Weasley in 1610; who built the house out of roots, stones, trees and the earth, with the help of the wands they crafted out of fallen trees and gemstones. The Weasleys were amongst the oldest of the wizarding families, who had managed to escape multiple witch hunts, thus had nothing among them when they settled in the rural area of Britain, near a muggle town where the houses could be counted with the fingers of their hands. They had settled down in the middle of a clearing, after months of traveling, Margery herself was nearing the birth of her child, thus, could no longer move. Francis, knowing he needed to protect his family, called for the guidance of the Goddess Hecate, who made the clouds split apart to let the moon shine down on a fallen Rowan tree, and amongst splinters and broken twigs, there was one living twig, with a white flower growing on it. Francie took the twig and yanked it off the tree, watching in amazement as the twig began bending and morphing, becoming softer and pointy, the flowers began shifting as they wrapped around the twig like vines, before the remaining wood traveled south of the wand, creating a hilt for Francis to hold comfortably. With his new wand, Francis raised the eart and created a base, he used the fallen tree to build stairs and railing, the stones that had fallen down the mountain became walls and a roof, lastly,he swished his wand around amd willed the wood to become a door. He went down to the village the morning after, and began taking the furniture that was broken and damaged, left to rot outside. He used his magic to fix the furniture and began building his house. He built a turret out of stone and stairs out of vines, his windows were made with the frozen water of the lake nearby, his home grew and grew until their son was born, a son who he named Edward. The home grew in size everytime a new member joined the family, each generation adding more and more traits to make it feel more like a home. Given that it was made if stone, it didn't take long for ivy and honeysuckle to grow on the sides; the material also allowed for the house to retain heat. The Weasley house grounds grew with the house.
In 1708, Circe Weasley planted her garden with flowers brought to her by different lovers, who desperately tried to court her, by 1712, the garden was filled with beautiful flowers that made the garden swarm with butteflies and bees.
In 1756, Florent Weasley planted multiple fruits and vegetables to harvesy and sell, the grounds where they lived was so fertile that they had multiple bushes of blueberries, strawberries, and so many more fruits.
In 1806, Aciano Weasley and his brother Sorrel Weasley created an area of the house where they would offer tarot readings and different potions to clients, normally people of novility. Aciano would read their future, telling them how long they would reign, how would they die and who would follow their reign, many wars were seen by him before they even happened. Sorrel would give them potions for different occasions, if they struggled to conceive or feared getting old and dying, they created a book of potions, and their business flourished.
In 1827, Sorrel's son, Rowan, created a large greenhouse where he experimented with different plants and created multiple salves and potions never discovered before. He began traveling all over the world, writing down every plant he saw, every potion he made and what it did. By the time the boy turned into a man, he had written four books with the plants in Britain, Portugal and Spain. By the time he was sixty years of age, he had traveled to every country known to men and wrote a book for each country. His books became famous and sold millions of copies, mostly used by schools but also used by different herbologists and potion makers who wished to expand on their arts.
In 1891, the last addition was made, a large conversatory was made by Matilda Weasley. The house had grown and become large, and yet the stone still was able to conduct the heat of the firplaces throughout the house. The conversatory was as tall as the four story house, so large that it fit multiple plants, a fountain that lead to a pond and an area where the family would sit and spend their times talking. The greenhouse made by her great-uncle instead became a specific place where the Weasleys would craft potions and practice their magic.
Despite the following generations fighting in a war, the Burrow was still glorious and magical, with garlands of oranges and rosemary twigs scenting the house and filling it with a calming and soothing aroma. The house had been witness to so many people being born and dying, her ears had heard every whisper ever made, every thought ever had. The house was alive, with the climbing flowers seeping through cracks and into the house, sealing every crack and blooming inside. The Burrow looked almost alive, and even to a stranger who just spent five seconds near the house, it felt like a home. The family still possessed many of the books written by their great great great great great uncle Rowan, and made money from them; not only that, but they would also often create potions and sell them to different people who knew of the secret of wizards, different witches who would drink potions to remain young looking but didn't want to spend fortunes on treatments made by medieitches. And while not rich, the family was able to survive from their harvests and their business.
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Here's a writing prompt. The kids get to go on a field trip to the wilderness and the Hunter is reluctantly teaching them about nature and outdoor safety.
This was surprisingly hard. I’ve never been camping or had any outdoor experience, so I hope the tips in here are accurate! This was also suppose to earlier, but it got put in Drafts and threw it out of order...
Title: It’s Dangerous to Go Alone Word Count: 1073 Characters: the Four Protags, the Hunter, the Teacher CW: Mild Language Use
The Hunter glared at the four brats he was suppose to watch today. He hated children. He really did, and everyone seemed to have forgotten that detail. If this wasn't a favour for the Teacher, he wouldn't have agreed to being a chaperon into the wilderness in the first place.
"Hi, Mr. Hunter!" Mono greeted politely, on behalf of his group of friends. Six, Seven, and Raine waved awkwardly from behind.
The Hunter growled and looked up to the Teacher standing at the edge of the forest. She didn't say anything to him, only raised her eyebrows high, as if to dare him to object at the last minute. He looked back down at the children. They were all starry eyed and eager to start their field trip.
"We'll be back in two hours," the Hunter grumbled, "Pray for them." He slung his shotgun over his shoulder and walked off without the group. The children looked nervously at each other and hurried after their guide.
Once everyone was deeper into the woods, the Hunter shouted out a bunch of rules he expected to be followed. "No running! No yelling! Stick together, and do exactly what I say. Got it, you insidious spawns from hell?"
The kids looked at each other again. "That's mean," Raine muttered bravely.
"Also inaccurate," Seven added, "Six is the only hellion amongst us, Scarecrow Man."
The Hunter whirled around to confront them. Six stood with her arms on her hips, smiling proudly at the correction. Seven and Raine had their arms crossed, and Mono tucked his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. "Whatever," the Hunter answered, "Let's get your tasks started and done with." What the children didn't know was that he could fail them today if they didn't follow his instructions. The tasks he had in mind went along with his job of teaching them outdoor safety and environmental conservation. But, he doubted that these four would be able to complete any of them.
The Hunter first brought the children over to a bush with dark blue berries. "See these here? These are Huckleberries. Sweet and a little tart, just like blueberries."
"Yeah but," Seven objected, "it’s best to only eat berries you can definitely identify. These look close to nightshade berries. If you can't tell the difference, or can't remember, don't eat it."
"...yes, correct." The Hunter gritted his teeth. That was a definite rule he followed while hunting and one of the reasons why he preferred game over vegetation. Still, he didn't like he was upstaged again by the snot-nose nerd. He pulled the kids away from the bush and started gathering twigs and branches. "Okay, next. Building a fire! You need dry materials, like leaves and small twigs. Start gathering, you little shits, and-"
"Oh! Oh! Six and I can handle this!" Mono looked over to his best friend and nodded. In no time, the pair not only gathered the necessary materials needed, but also created a small bow with a curved branch and a shoelace.
"Flint and steel is a good method," Six started to explain, "And so is using a glasses and sunlight, but I like using the bow drill. I do this all the time on the Maw, but with paper. Just-" Mono held down the fire board base and spindle, while Six starting sawing with the bow. It took a few goes, since they were so tiny, but an ember sparked and Mono carefully carried it over the tinder. Six blew onto the ember and a fire was created.
Seven and Raincoat applauded the duo's success. The Hunter quickly stomped it out with his boot. "Yes, well done! But don't start a fire if you can't contain or put it out quickly and safely!"
"But-" Mono yelled.
"No 'buts'!" The Hunter roared. "What did I say? No yelling, and do exactly what I say! I said to start gathering materials, not build a fire. You two could have started a wild fire and-"
"But we were going to build a fire anyways!" Six shot.
"Next order of business!" The Hunter wasn't in the mood to continue. "Building a shelter, very important. Which one of you four can tell me how do that?" He looked around at the silent group with satisfaction. Finally, he can boss these kids into submission and fail them without trouble.
That was until Raine raised her hand shyly. "Um, I c-can...sorta."
"Oh really?" The Hunter squinted at her, along with her friends. "Well, let's see it, Braids!"
Raine got to work instantly. "Uh well, the Craftsman told me that if you're stuck in the wild and waiting rescue, you should seek shelter close to the place where you went missing. He also said a Lean-To shelter is good enough to protect you from the elements, like rain and sun." Raine secured one long, sturdy tree pole between two strong trees. Then, she starting placing leaves, grasses, and other types of vegetation against it. She was done in no time. "Ta-dah! A Lean-To shelter! Quick and easy to build, but I don't think it'll insulate well. And if the wind changes, well..." Raine shrugged her shoulders.
The Hunter pounced on her second-guessing immediately. "So, what do you do in that case?"
Raine thought it over quickly. "Aside from a fire and if you don't have a blanket, packing in forest debris on the floor could help. Also, put something like a marker or a flag on the shelter, so the rescuers can find you."
Mono, Seven, and Six nodded silently, impressed by their friend's answer. The Hunter, on the other hand, radiated in defeat. The children's survival skills were impressive, but he didn't think that they would also know how to survive in the wild, too. He wanted to give them the credit they deserved, but he would never admit it out loud.
"Yes, correct. Well done, everyone." The Hunter turned around and stomped back to the cleaning. "Well, come on. Time to go back." The group headed back tiredly, but with the same amount of excitement as they first started. The kids ran ahead to the Teacher when she was within sight and told her all about their field trip. The Hunter arrived last grumpily in self-disappointment.
"So, how did it go?" asked the Teacher.
"If you or anyone ask me to watch these little rascals ever again, I'm never speaking to any of you."
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eviesessays · 1 month
10. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Asking one to define their idea of perfect happiness seems to first require some working definition of, “happiness”. The level of perfection can simply be the opinion of the writer. Webster says happiness is a state of well being, contentment, joy and a pleasurable and satisfying experience. The OED has several pages of definitions and examples including good fortune and good luck in life. Another was, “a state of pleasurable contentment with one’s circumstance”. There were other definitions and examples, some described as,’rare” but I will attempt to respond within those broad confines “Happiness”’ is defined very differently by say, a Tibetan monk and a Vaudevillian dancer and since I am neither, I will try to identify my perfect happiness from somewhere in between.
There were many times in my life when I felt complete joy and contentment. There were prolonged periods of time when I felt I had no need or want. I know I would have preferred to be independently wealthy but within the confines of my economic situation I had many joyful times. As a young girl I dreamed of seeing other countries and I have managed to do that. I have made several trips to the Canadian Rockies and I never tire of that Joy.
When I thought of the OED defining happiness as good luck or good fortune, I would not say I experienced much of that. However, all four of my children were beautiful, healthy babies. Seeing each of them for the first time is a joy and happiness transcended by no other. Seeing them navigate through life and earn college degrees were times of pride and joy. Seeing Jaylyn get her Masters in Fine Arts Writing from Emerson College was a time of great pride and joy,
Then there were weddings but those can be pretty stressful as well as joyful. and then there began more beautiful babies. My grandchildren were all born healthy and beautiful and a complete joy to see. They all met their milestones and all were exceptionally beautiful. They all went on to colleges and universities. Although I bore no financial responsibility for their education, I proudly cheered as each earned degrees. Hillary and Merton (Diggs) have advanced degrees in Education and Harry in Engineering. My pride, joy and happiness runneth over.
Now I have four very beautiful great grandchildren. Joan Clementine was five yesterday, 8-1-22. On day one of her life as I held her in my arms at Cambridge City Hospital, Joan had a stroke,. She spent the first week of her life at Tufts University NICU. She was tended by the best pediatric neonatologists in Boston. She has met all milestones early and began school at age four. She has been riding her two wheel bike for over a year now and she has learned to swim. Everett is my only great grandson. He is named after me. He tells me he loves my chin. That’s because it wiggles. Laura Winter is Joan’s little sister and she has more charm and expression than one could ever hope to have. Murphy Harriet is a happy wee toddler. These four are currently my greatest joys and bring me endless happiness.
I have always loved gardening and was very content on my farm in Warner, i had a hundred strawberry plants and 6 high bush blueberries. I grew green beans and potatoes, carrots and garlic. When the zucchini got away on us the kids carved out zucchini dolls. Now I grow only flowers and it is in my garden that my heart soars and my spirit rests but it is my children, grandchildren and now great grandchildren that I’ve known the greatest and most perfect happiness
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nwbeerguide · 2 months
In celebration of National Beer Day Public Coast Brewing is releasing three news beers.
image courtesy Public Coast Brewing Press Release CANNON BEACH, Ore. (April 3, 2024) - Public Coast Brewing Co. has released three new beers in celebration of National Beer Day, April 7th: the vibrant Raspberry Tart Ale, A Little Bit  Lager Now Cold IPA and A Little Light on the Schwarz Cold Red Ale. “In celebration of National Beer Day we’re excited to release three new brews–the vibrant Raspberry Tart Ale, a crisp Cold IPA and light bodied Cold Red Ale” said Ben Christianson, Public Coast’s brewer. “Each beer offers something a little different, but still delicious and approachable. The Raspberry Tart Ale is a bright, fruit-forward beer that has a light body, a touch of tartness with malts playing off the subtle sweetness from raspberries. While the Cold IPA offers notes of earthiness and floral aromas and the Cold Red Ale is a hybrid that blends our NW Honey Red with roasted malts.” Raspberry Tart Ale offers the vibrant essence of freshly-picked raspberries, with each sip harmoniously layering tangy sweetness balanced by a delicate tartness. Its effervescent body and subtle malt undertones provide a refreshing canvas for the bright, fruity notes and a citrus finish. Brewed with malted wheat, lemondrop hops and raspberry purée, Raspberry Tart has a 5.7% ABV – perfect for jumping into the liveliness of spring. Raspberry Tart Ale is part of Public Coast Brewing Co.’s Sour Series.  A Little Bit Lager Now Cold IPA offers aromatic notes of earthiness, is medium bodied with an initial juicy taste and a quickly dissipating finish, ushered by a touch of sweetness. This beer was brewed at temperatures of an ale, and fermented at lower temps with a long lagering time. The Cold IPA has a 5.1% ABV and is a limited special-release beer. With notes of chocolate and toasted coffee, A Little Light on the Schwarz Cold Red Ale is a light bodied and an experimental hybrid that blends the Public Coast Farm NW Honey Red with roasted malts giving Schwarzbier vibes and lager feels. The Cold Red has a 5.1% ABV and is part of Public Coast Brewing Co.’s Farmstand Series.  All three of the beers are available on tap at the Public Coast brewpub in Cannon Beach, with the Raspberry Tart Ale also available as a canned 4-pack.  For a full list of beers on tap or order online for curbside pickup, visit: publiccoastbrewing.com/beer/. … About Public Coast Brewing Located just 70 miles west of Portland in Cannon Beach, Ore., Public Coast Brewing is named after the only true public coastlines in America: the Oregon Coast. The brewery features a 10bbl Brewhouse with two 30-barrel fermenters, two 20-barrel fermenters, and four 10-barrel fermenters. Public Coast Brewing also offers fresh and delicious fare from local farms and ranches, including their own - Public Coast Farm. Boasting a large pet-friendly patio, large community-style outdoor fire pit, and an open brewhouse easily viewed from the bar, Public Coast Brewing offers a relaxed and welcoming spot for the whole family. For more information please visit, http://publiccoastbrewing.com/.  About Public Coast Farm Oregon’s historic Route 26, known to Portlanders as the Sunset Highway, has welcomed generations of families traveling to and from the coast on its forested byway. Now Public Coast Farm sits on that very route, straddling West Dairy Creek at the base of the Coastal Range, on a 40-acre site lush with blueberry bushes, beehives, fruit orchards and hops. The farm is fertile ground for the farm’s sister properties - the Stephanie Inn and Public Coast Brewing Co. - each of which incorporate Public Coast Farm’s fresh ingredients into delicious dishes and seasonal beers. from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3U8kF7y
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journeydb · 11 months
August 2 2022 Greenwood
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Breathing the fresh air in this idyllic place fills me with peace and joy.  This morning Rod, Boots, Kathi and I visited our friends Lorraine and Paul at their beautiful home on a different pond in Greenwood.  I LOVE kayaking, even though it’s a bit hard on my shoulder and was the reason I tore my rotator cuff many years ago when my kayak was flipped by a wave in the ocean in Australia.  Lorraine and I went out on her pond while Kathi and Rod took Boots out in a paddle boat powered by their legs, like a bicycle.
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Bootsie loved the water once she got over her initial fear of it, and after her ride in the boat she swam a little while with me.
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We dried off and walked up from the beach to Lorraine and Paul’s house, passing by the blueberry bushes which were full of ripe fruit.
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Paul was waiting to take us on a tour of his gardens, which are quite extensive and impressive.  He donates a lot of food out of these gardens to local food banks.  He and Lorraine also volunteer for many nonprofit organizations, including the Red Cross.
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Paul gave us some fresh fruit and vegetables to take home and share with our family.  The raspberries were yummy!
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I REALLY enjoy begin with Lorraine and Paul.  We have a lot in common, including being adoptive parents.  They adopted their daughter, Nicki, when she was a teenager and now they are the proud grandparents of three adorable grandchildren.
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Bootsie was very patient while we took photos and I began to develop a bond with her right away.  She’s a sweet dog and I’m so happy she found a home with Rod and his wife, LouAnn.
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Later this afternoon I went with our sister, Fran, to her house to visit her four-legged “children”, who are her five cats and little dog, Tucker.  Although her human children have all left home and have lives of their own, she is definitely NOT an “empty-nester”!
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We ordered take-out food and then went to the day care facility where Fran works so she could figure out what to buy to feed the kids there tomorrow.  Then we took the takeout back to Kathi’s and had dinner with Kath and Rod.  It had been a full day and I slept well breathing the cool night air and listening to the sounds on the pond, including the loon calls.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 3 years
"Why do you headcanon Jet as Native?"
Okay so the high school I went to was sometimes just casually referred to as "the Native school" because it was a charter school founded by a Native elder and structured in such a way as to adhere to Native values (small class sizes because many nations traditionally learned in smaller groups, a week off for hunting season, elders would come in to talk about stuff sometimes, Alaska Studies generally focused more on the indigenous peoples than the colonizers, we never said the pledge, stuff like that).
PE and one of the science classes went on a field trip to pick lowbush cranberries. There was a hands-on learning thing for the science class where they were making jam and I guess the teachers thought it would be nice to spend some time outdoors. We each got a gallon ziploc bag and spent like, an hour at the site.
Most of us were had our bags like, a quarter full or less but this one guy had like, four different ones like halfway full. He was like "okay, this one is lowbush cranberries, this one is highbush cranberries, this one is blueberries, and this one is wild raspberries. Couldn't find any salmonberries, though."
And then when we were waiting for the bus to pick us up and take us back to the school that same kid was looking at the river and joking about gathering even more. He felt around in his pocket and found a safety pin and a string asked the other guys if they've every had any luck with berries as fish bait.
And every time I remember that I can't help thinking that's a Jet move. Jet would do that. You can even see Sokka rolling his eyes like "ooh look at me, I'm Jet and I have reliable fine motor skills and don't get stuck in bushes!"
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weirdthinkingdragon · 3 years
Slithering Chains PT (1/3)
Yandere naga present mic x reader
quirkless/aged up au. Warnings: Only swearing for now
“C’mon Y/N! It will be fun! Rumor has it there are friendly nagas on the island!” Gushed Mina. That makes me cross my arms. She’s seriously out of her mind if she thinks it’s a good idea to go to an island for something that’s a supposed rumor. 
“I highly doubt they’d be friendly. Especially since we’d technically be invading their territory.” I reply. She rolls her eyes and huffs. 
“Besides, why should we go looking for a damn overgrown lizard?” Katsuki cuts in with a scowl and his arms crossed. Hanta shrugs. “I’m with Mina on this. It would be really cool to see one,” he turns to Eijiro. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know. I was hoping we could go camping instead somewhere. Katsuki still has to show me those incredibly manly skills he learned back in boy scouts he hasn’t shown me yet.” Katsuki’s face went to full-on pride. 
Mina suddenly jumps up and down. “I have the PERFECT idea! We should go camping at the island!!! That way we could do both!” 
“Ooh! That’s a great idea! Count me in!” Exclaimed Denki. 
Katsuki’s face falls into a deep frown. “That actually sounds like a good idea!” Eijiro cheerfully replies. Mina fist-bumps the air and tackles Eijiro into a tight hug. “You can definitely count me in!.” Hanta pipes up.  
I can already tell we’re not going to win this argument. Wait, didn’t Hanta go to boy scouts as well? “Weren’t you in boy scouts too? Can’t you do the same things?” I question. He sheepishly smiles at me. “Eh, I didn’t last very long in it for a few different reasons.” 
“Not showing up half the damn time and hanging out with dunce face really didn’t help.” Katsuki informs. They both flinch at his words. “Uh… let’s not talk about that…” 
They all suddenly turn to me expectantly, even Katsuki, probably hoping I deny. You know what? There’s nothing too bad that could possibly happen, and they most likely won’t stop begging until we do. “... fine,” I turn to Katsuki. “You better have some mad skills.” 
He glares at me annoyed. “Of fucking course  they’re good!” 
I smirk. Sometimes he’s so fun to piss off. “Well, pack up guys. We’re going camping.” 
It took a little longer than we thought to find a boat that would take us. No one wanted to go to the island. We eventually found a place around the ocean that would bring us for a rather large fee. None of us were happy about that but it was the best shot we had. Also if something happens to us on the island we’re on our own since they won’t come back for four days to pick us up. Good thing we packed extra food. We also only brought three tents since they’d be a hassle to carry otherwise and we can take turns carrying them if needed. 
We get right up to the island and get dropped off on a sandy beach. The boat immediately pulls away from the island. A nagging feeling was rising in the back of my mind. “You wonder why none of them wanted to come to this island?” I suddenly question. 
“It does seem a little odd. Even the one we came on left pretty quickly. I’m sure it’s nothing important though!” Eijiro replies. 
I refuse to let it fly by. Something about that seems more wrong the more I think about it. Looking at Katsuki, he seems to be thinking the same way I am. The other four take off towards the tall trees not too far from the beach. With the sun being at its highest peak, the trees are casting a large shady area half over the beach. I’m a little jealous of how he’s carrying two of the tents and his backpack so effortlessly. 
Luckily they waited up ahead for us. “Seriously, if you and I weren’t around, I swear they’d have died of their crazy antics years ago.” He grunts in confirmation. Denki sees something and takes off in another direction. 
“Denki! Get your ass back here! We need to stick together for now!” I yell at him.
“Come here then! This place has weird blueberries!” 
Oh no. “Denki! Don’t eat them/Don’t even touch the fucking bush!” Katsukii and I yell simultaneously. We quickly get up to him with the other three trailing behind us. Katsuki goes right up to him and slaps the small black berry in his hand out of it. “You fucking dumbass, that’s nightshade!” 
Looking at the bush, it wasn’t just any nightshade. I facepalm. “We haven’t been here for even ten minutes and you already almost ate deadly nightshade.”
From the fear that grew on Denki’s face, he understood well the name of the plant and stepped away. “Whew, well, uh… Good thing I didn’t eat one yet, huh?” 
The only reply was Katsuki smacking Denki on his forehead. 
“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!” He shrieks. 
Boisterous laughter comes from above. We look around, and my eyes catch onto a long tail draping across a few of the branches higher up. It was light green with darker green lines across and a pale yellow underside. “Good thing ya caught your friend! I was just about to stop him myself!” The large serpent body trickles to the floor like molasses until the too human-like torso comes down as well. His hair is incredibly long. It’s past where his torso ends and the snake part begins. He’s. Fucking. Massive. I look at Mina. “You didn’t tell me they were this big!” 
“How was I supposed to know!? The news never said anything about their size!” She yells at me. Katsuki goes into a fighting stance like he could actually do harm to the giant thing. Judging from the chest and face, it’s a male. His green eyes match the light green on his tail, and his hair matches his underside. 
The naga replies with another laugh, leans down, and pokes my nose. “Well, I am! And you guys must be curious humans, huh? There haven’t been any here in quite a while!” 
My brain is still trying to process how large he is. He’s longer than four of me together. An intrusive wanting of touching his tail pops up in my mind. Seriously!? I JUST saw him and want to touch him? What the everloving FUCK mind!?
He looks at our backpacks. “Ooh! Ya guys stayin’ for a few days? That’s great! You guys can tell me more about your place!” Mina wasn’t kidding about them seeming to be friendly. “Those bags seem heavy, would you like me to help?” 
I shake my head. “Nah, we got it. Do you know a place we could set up a camp though?” I ask him. He nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! There’s a pretty good open area by my cave!” He takes a sharp left turn with his body a little ways ahead of us. 
We all look at each other and shrug. He seems friendly enough. Well, Katsuki is the only one still not on board with being around the naga. The naga could be faking, but he seems pretty genuine. My bet is it just hurts Katsuki’s pride he wouldn’t be able to take the naga down himself if a fight breaks out. He’d still try though knowing him. 
The naga kept stopping and looking behind to make sure we were following. Most of us were falling a bit behind since he was still rather fast despite his constant stopping. It must have been about twenty minutes until we got into a clearing with a giant cave next to it. Denki is breathing rather heavily. He throws off his backpack and faceplants into the soft dirt. We all laugh at him, even the naga. Throwing my backpack off, I roll my already stiff shoulders. Man, how do hikers keep those giant backpacks on for so long? 
I look over at Katsuki. Once again, the all-powerful man doesn’t even need to do that. “Dude, I seriously envy you sometimes.” He rolls his eyes. “You’re just weak, dumbass. You’re also not used to it.”
“Hey, hey, hey! No need to be talkin’ like that! We’re all friends!”
Katsuki’s face goes into a snarl. “You can’t tell me what to do, you fucking overgrown lizard.” The naga has an astonished facial reaction for a second. “Sorry about him, he’s always like this.” Eijiro sheepishly informs. 
He shakes his head, and grows a smirk. “Well, good thing you’re all used to it! I gotta say, haven’t been called an overgrown lizard before! Also, shouldn’t it be ‘an overgrown reptile’?” He goes up to Katsuki and starts poking his forehead. “What other so-clever names ya got hidden up in there?” Katsuki tries to bite his finger, making him quickly pull his hand away. “Feisty!~” 
“We all kinda have a nickname he gives us. Mine’s shitty hair, but uh, please just call me Eijiro! What’s yours by the way?” He questions. 
His eyes widened. “Right! Name’s Hizashi! Ya probably heard of me at some point!” We all look confused at each other. “Nope, sorry, that name doesn’t ring any bells.” He grew sad for a moment about that, and mumbled something. 
I decided to try bringing him out of… whatever he’s getting into. “Mine is Y/N. The crabby one is Katsuki, the other blond is Denki, the pink-haired is Mina, and the black-haired one is Hanta. We may not have heard of you, but maybe you could tell us about yourself after we set up camp? As long as you’re truly okay with that.” I say, a little concerned we might still be intruding on his territory. 
“I’d love to! And of course you guys can stay around here for a while! It’s probably better since some nagas don’t like humans too much.” Katsuki crosses his arms. “Well, I dare them to take me on.” Hizashi pinches his cheek for a second, only to be nearly bitten again. “Aw, like ya could do much harm to us! Your enthusiasm is great though! They’d easily crush you.” 
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m not going down without a fight.” I roll my eyes at him. The others snicker at my reaction. “Anyways, we’re burning daylight. Let’s set up camp, and maybe our new friend could show us around a bit.” 
He mock bows. “Gladly, your highness!” Mina snickers and whispers “I ship it” jokingly. I give her a “really bitch?” look, making her almost keel over in silent laughter. It doesn’t take long for us all to take out our things and start setting up the tents. I pull out my rolled up sleeping bag to place next to the tent. “Yellow, huh?” Questions Hizashi. He gets a far-off look in his eyes for a second. I look down at the giant obnoxious yellow sleeping bag in my hands. 
“Not my choice of color, but it was on sale for a really good price, so I thought I might as well. Is there something wrong with it?” I ask. 
He shakes his head. “No, not at all! It just reminds me of another human that came here a while ago!” There was a look in his face that almost seemed obsessed. None of the others noticed the possibly red flag. Mina was too busy goofing off with Hanta and Denki, which were having trouble setting up their tent. Eijiro was trying to help Katsuki, but he kept messing Katsuki up, making him get multiple smacks on his head. 
“Is it okay to ask what happened to him?” His face turns into a harsh glare. It was easy to tell it wasn’t directed at me. “His “friends” took him from me when he left my cave one night. I waited years for him to return, but he never did. They must not be letting him return!” His tone went from angry, to sad, back to angry. 
Something doesn’t seem to add up with that. If he really wanted to return, he would have visited a while ago. Then again, it was pretty hard finding a boat to bring us here, and life can get hectic quite easily. I decided to put it in the back of my mind and focus on the now. 
The sound of tazing brought my attention to Denki, Mina, and Hanta. Mina has an electronic flyswatter in her hand, and smacked Denki with it. “Mina! That’s not what that’s for!” I yell at her.
She laughs. “Come on, it’s not hurting him too badly!” 
“Easy for you to say! How about I zap you now!?” He swipes it from her and smacks her forearm with it, making her shriek.  
I facepalm. “Which one of you idiots brought the flyswatter?” Hanta and Mina point at Denki. I glare at Mina. “What were you doing digging in his backpack when you could have been helping me put up the damn tent?” She replies with an embarrassed smile. 
I’m struggling to keep the tent up and push the tent pegs into the ground without a hammer. “I can help ya! What should I do?” Hizashi asks. “Could you help me push these in?” He nods and I move out of the way to hold the tent tight. He slams the tip of his tail on the peg, pushing it all the way down in one go. It honestly startles me. “Jeez dude! A little warning would be nice!” 
He rubs his neck sheepishly. “Sorry!” As we do the other three pegs, I can’t stop looking at his tail. He seems to notice, and wags the tip of it. “Like what ya see?” He teases. I look away in embarrassment. “Don’t worry about it! I was kinda the same way the first time I saw one of your kind!” He puts his tail in front of me. “I can tell you wanna touch it. Go ahead!” 
I’m unsure about it, but place my hand gently on the top of his tail. It was the back of it closer to his human torso. Nothing but raw muscle, and the heat it radiated was phenomenal. I quickly take my hand away. 
“You two are getting along well quick! And to think you didn’t want to come Y/N!” Mina comes up and teases. Hizashi seems surprised by hearing that news. “Aw, good thing ya did though! It’s already fun having you guys around!”
“Yeah, yeah. Enough of that stupid cheesy talk or whatever. Show us around.” Katsuki says half-heartedly like he really doesn’t want to be here. Hizashi ignores his lack of enthusiasm and nods with a smile. He then starts to move his body to the right of us. 
A few hours after, we arrive back to our camp exhausted. The sun was close to setting. Even Katsuki’s breathing was slightly ragged. We’ve learned a lot about this place.  Mostly not many nagas are too open to humans, and there aren’t that many due to most being quite territorial as well as females being rather rare. The four of them were horrified learning we could have met a bad end. Katsuki and I called it that they wouldn’t be too friendly. 
There is also the giant pile of wood he’s been collecting in case any humans visit. That’s so nice of him. He told us it gets pretty boring since not many talk to him, even the others on the other side of the giant island. That makes me feel rather bad for him. Of course, Mina being Mina, hugged him then. He returned the hug with no objections. He also told us the lifespan of nagas can be an average of 800 years. He himself is only about 300 years old. We all almost fainted from the shock of that. 
He helps haul a ton of rather large pieces of wood and sticks next to his cave. The pile was a bit farther out so it wasn’t in his way of his cave. Katsuki starts setting up the fire with a bunch of giant rocks that Hizashi still has around. It takes him no time at all to start a good fire. 
“Way to go dude! Knew you had the skills!” I tease. He glares at me in a way that shows he’s dangerously close to smacking me. I only give him a smirk in return. “Of fucking course, dumbass. Why would I not?” I shrug in reply.
“Hey, you guys want marshmallows? I brought a few bags.” Hanta says, grabbing a bag of marshmallows out of his backpack, along with two short roasters that can extend. 
“Sure dude, pass me the bag. I’d rather eat them not roasted.” Denki informs. Hanta passes him the bag while he extends the roasters and passes one to Eijiro. After Denki opens the bag, Hizashi reels away a little bit, catching my attention.
“You alright?” I ask him. “Heh, yeah! Those things just smell a little too sweet for me, ya know?” I nod in understanding. 
“Oh yeah, I guess it would be pretty weird, huh?” Mina wonders aloud. 
“Would you like us to put them away?” I ask. Denki hugs the bag of marshmallows to his chest. Hizashi shakes his head. “Nah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for being so considerate though!” 
After a bit, we decided to tell scary stories. The cheesy usual thing to do. Hizashi seems rather invested in every story told, no matter how bad it is. Right now, Mina is saying hers, and it’s actually pretty good. It’s about a male serial killer that fell obsessed with a male victim of his. The male refused to be with the killer for the obvious reason of them being a killer, and that they’re not interested in men. They were able to escape the chains the killer put them in, and picked up a large piece of a broken mirror that was near him. He decided to give the killer the element of surprise by pretending to still be chained.
“And so, while the killer’s back was turned, the male plunges the glass through the killer’s back!” she brings her hands up for some sort of dramatic emphasis. “They ran towards the still-chained other person and helped them pull the chains free while keeping an eye on the killer who fell to the ground. The man knew the killer was still alive, there was no way they died that quick. He helps the victim pass the killer and tries to pass himself, only to be grabbed by the ankle by the killer! He was still weak though, so it was easy enough for the man to break free and run outside. Luckily for them, they were in a neighborhood with a house not far away.”
We’re all honestly at the end of our seats listening intently. Well, minus Denki who seems rather terrified. Hizashi has an unreadable expression. 
“The neighbors were terrified, but called the police for help. The only problem?... There was no body on the floor when the police investigated. There was only blood. To make things scarier, the blood belonged to someone not in the system.” She grows quiet. 
“Is that it?” Denki questions. 
She shakes her head. “The man knew the killer would come for him again. He moved to the other side of the country. Everything seemed fine for him years later, starting his own family and moving on. At least, until he came home from work one night to a rather quiet home. He enters the home to the copper smell of blood overpowering him, bringing back memories he’s tried so hard to forget. He turns on the light to see his wife in her own blood, his blood freezing in fear. The familiar voice of the killer whispers behind him “You want a family? Well, now we can be.” and the last thing he saw was his children with nothing but fear tied up on the couch in the living room.” 
I was in shock that she said a story so dark. “Damn Mina, that was a wicked story! Where did you learn such a story?” I ask. 
“It was actually from a book a friend told me about!”
“They sure have a shitty taste in books.” Katsuki quips. 
“Like yours is probably much better, little boy scout.” I sarcastically reply. His fists clench. 
“Uh, hey! Maybe we should all go to bed! We have another big day tomorrow of exploring.” Eijiro pipes up, trying to prevent Katsuki from doing anything drastic. Katsuki growls and stomps off to his and Eijiro’s tent. 
Mina lets out a big yawn herself, stretches, and goes towards our tent. Denki and Hanta go to their tent as well. Hizashi puts a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, uh… Would ya mind hanging out with me for a while yet?” 
I shrug. “Sure, just let me get my sleeping bag.” I go and get it, Mina giving me a teasing smirk. “Don’t you get those thoughts in your head.” 
I drag the sleeping bag over close to the still burning fire. It grows quiet between us for a bit, the only sound being the crackling of the fire and the chirping of the crickets. His tail wraps around the bottom of my sleeping bag, trapping me from moving if I decided to by being around my feet. I reach down and pat his tail. 
“So, is there anything you want to talk about now?” I ask, lowering my voice to a near whisper so the others could sleep. “Well, how long are you guys planning on staying?” 
“After this, three days. We couldn’t get them to change the amount of days. It was so odd and hard getting here.” Hizashi perks up at that information. “Anyways, what are we doing tomorrow?” I ask. 
“Ooh! There’s a waterfall not too far from here I think you and your friends will like! It’s kinda hidden, and we’ll have to be careful since it will be close to two of my kinds territories, but as long as we don’t do anything it shouldn’t be a problem. One of them is the other most friendly naga I know! He may even come say hi!” 
“I bet Mina will be happy about that.” I felt more of his tail stealthily trying to go farther on my legs. 
“You’re really not being stealthy you know,” His tail stops. “Sorry. I just can’t help but wanting to touch someone as cute as you!~” 
Heat rushed to my face. “Well, you can hug me if you want. You just had to ask.”
He didn’t have to be told twice before his tail wrapped more around my sleeping and his bare torso went against my back. This isn’t exactly what I had in my head, but I did say hug. He’s still rather warm to the point of it slightly going through my sleeping bag. “How are you still so warm?” 
“This place usually doesn’t get that cold. My body’s most likely used to that.” 
“Makes sense I guess.”
I wake up to feeling something tight around me, and whispering. I can’t move my arms either. It’s obviously Hizashi. “Katsuki bro, you don’t have to do anything! He’s not hurting them.”
“I don’t fucking care. There’s something about that damn thing that isn’t sitting right!” 
“Aw, you truly care about-” Denki starts. He suddenly stops. 
“You’re probably just overreacting. We’ve only been here not even a full day. He’s still pretty friendly.” Eijiro sounds almost desperate. 
“That’s the thing you fucking dumbasses! Did you not hear him last night with Y/N? It’s not fucking-” 
“Well, mornin to you guys too!” Hizashi suddenly pipes up, silencing all of them. Ugh, it’s too early. I groan and nuzzle closer into his tail in front of me. I don’t feel like opening my eyes to look at them.
Hizashi laughs. “Morning to you as well!” 
I felt someone get close to me besides Hizashi. “Mina, I swear if you touch me with that fly swatter…” She steps away, confirming my prediction. “How did you know?”
“You dumbasses are known for doing such stupid things. Not really a surprise.” Katsuki replies. “Aw, Katsuki, you don’t have to be so mean about it!” Denki jokes. 
“Shut up guys. It’s too early.” I grumble. 
“Early? The sun is already half way to its highest point!” Hizashi replies with a teasing tone. I only reply with a groan again. 
Hanta clears his throat. “So, uh… What are we doing today?” 
“I already told Y/N last night, but we’re going to a waterfall today!”
“A waterfall? How did we not hear it on our walk yesterday?” Eijiro asks. “Simple! It’s the other direction over a cliff!” he states like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “C-cliff? Isn’t that dangerous?” Denki asks. 
“We will be fine! I’ve done it many times before!” 
“If you say so…” Eijiro replied, sounding quite unsure. 
Hizashi unwraps around me almost reluctantly. He rubs the top of my head, waking me up a bit. “C’mon, ya gotta get up so we can go Y/N!” I ignore them and try to sleep again, using my arms as a pillow since Hizashi is no longer by my head. 
“Tzzt” Something touched my arm and sent a sharp pain through my arm. I instantly knew what it was, and I am NOT happy. I get up instantly. “Minaaaa!”
“Oh shit!” She drops the electric fly swatter and takes off running behind Hizashi. 
Denki and Hanta start laughing. “Get her Y/N!!!” Hizashi blocks me with his hands and holds Mina by his tail while chuckling. It wasn’t light like usual though. This sounded slightly darker if that makes sense. All I know is it sent a chill up my spine. I glare hard at Mina. 
“Now, I know whatever that thing was woke ya up, but let’s not focus on that, and let’s get going to the waterfall, yeah? If you want, I could carry you for a bit more sleep!” I back away in embarrassment. “That’s okay. Let’s just get going then.” 
He laughs normally again and lets go of Mina. 
It didn’t take too long to start climbing the cliff  to the waterfall. The crashing waves of it is able to be heard in the distance. Hizashi is leading the way with us rather close. It’s getting rather narrow and crumbling with a really high view in front of us. It’s beautiful with the trees, but terrifying how one step can make you fall off the edge. More ground crumbles under my shoe. My foot is basically off the edge at this point. I look up at Hizashi. I’m right beside him while the others are a bit back. “This seems like a bad idea. I think this is more-” My foot slips and I start to fall. My heart feels like it stopped. “Shit!”  
“Y/N!” they all yell. Faster than someone can even blink, Hizashi’s tail wrapped around my torso before I got too far down the cliff. I look down to see a very deep drop that would obviously kill me, but what was even more concerning was the naga looking up at me. It has to be twice the size of Hizashi. 
Hizashi kept a very tight grip on my torso as my legs shakily kept trying to give out as he had me stand up. We all stopped for a moment. “That’s it, fuck the waterfall. This isn’t worth going for.” Katsuki says, even more angry than usual. 
I can feel Hizashi shaking as well. “Heh, that was not a part of the plan. We’ll be going down towards the waterfall soon. I’ll see if Toshinori would let me bring you guys through his territory on the way back.” 
“Well, why didn’t we do that in the first place!? Y/N could have died!” Eijiro exclaims. “I’ll admit, I thought the fear would be funny. Definitely not now!” 
He kept me closer to him as we went down the cliff. It felt better the closer the even ground came to be. The giant naga I saw earlier comes fast into our view. He has a bright golden tail that matches his hair. The most obvious part of him is a giant scar on his side. His eyes show great concern. “Are you all okay!? I saw what  happened a bit ago,” His eyes squinted at Hizashi. “And I TOLD you to stop taking that way with visitors!” 
Hizashi replies with a teasing roll of his eyes, but it’s showing that he understands and does regret taking that route. “Very shaken up, but fine I think.” I reply. It wasn’t until now I noticed how the waterfall is much louder. He nods. “That’s a relief. I take it you’re going to the waterfall?” 
We nodded. Mina quickly goes up to him. ‘Hey, what’s your name by the way? Mine’s Mina!” 
He grows a kind and friendly smile on his face. “Toshinori. Nice to meet all of you. We haven’t had any humans visit in quite a while.” In quite a while? So people DID used to come here. That’s making the unnerving feeling rise up again. Something must have happened to make them stop coming. But what could it possibly be? These two are friendly. Is it because they might be the only ones that are friendly? Maybe he’d know. I could ask Hizashi, but something feels like that’s a bad idea. 
Mina suddenly pulls out a camera. “You brought a camera?” I asked. “Well, duh! I forgot earlier if I could take pictures of them, but seeing the one even bigger than Hizashi reminded me!” she looks up at Toshinori. “Could we take some pictures to show my other friends?” he perks up at that. “Why, of course! Why not wait until we get to the waterfall? We could do a group one!” 
Mina fist-bumps the air. “Yes! In front of the waterfall would be a GREAT view! Let’s go!” 
The rest of us told our names to him, well, Eijiro did for Katsuki again, on our way to the waterfall. Hizashi still hasn’t let go of me. Toshinori’s brows seem to crease in worry about that. I pat his tail twice. “Uh… Hizashi? Could you let me go now?” He does reluctantly. Mina giggles again. I decide to ignore it. The waterfall was finally in view, making the others grow more excited. Toshinori was farther ahead with the others. 
Now would probably be a good time to ask Toshinori a few things. “Why don’t you go ahead with my friends for a bit? I want to ask Toshinori a few things I’d like him to answer personally if he can.” He almost seems to go on guard after hearing that, but makes himself relax. “What about? Ya gonna talk about me?” He teases. 
“No! Of course not! I want to hear the story about that crazy scar on his side.” I lie. The scar might be interesting, but there are more important things at the moment. He seems unsure of my answer, but nods and heads up to lead the way. 
“I need to ask you a few things.” He looks down at me. “Is it about my scar?” I shake my head. “No, I want to know if you know why no humans want to come here lately.” He looks at Hizashi, who I can swear started moving more slowly, then back to me. He nods. 
“Do you know why humans no longer want to come to the island?” His smile disappears. “To prevent you from being afraid, all I will say is it’s safer for you to leave the island sooner than later.”  
My face scrunches up in frustration and confusion. “That doesn’t make sense! Why though? What could be here you guys couldn’t help us from?” 
“At least a little more information, dumbass.” Katsuki pipes up from behind me. Toshinori shakes his head and goes back to the others. I look beside me to see Katsuki crossing his arms. “I still don’t trust these overgrown lizards. Especially now.” 
“You and I both. Well, I trust they aren’t going to kill us, but I don’t trust they’re not telling us what they should.”
“It’s good we’re staying here two less days.” I look at him confused. “What do you mean?” 
“I told them to make it two less days, or when we get back I’d make their lives hell. I wanted to be here the least amount possible.” 
“Are you sure they’ll listen? They might leave us here if you threatened them.” He grew a sadistic smirk. “Kyoka is making sure.” I shake my head while smiling at him. “Always the ever-clever one, huh?” 
“Someone has to be since you dumbasses sure won’t.” I roll my eyes at him again. “Can’t argue with that. 
Nerd.” I take off running to catch up without looking back, afraid of being smacked if caught. “Y/N!!!” He angrily screams, and it’s easy to tell he’s running after me. “Hahahaha!” I ran past Hizashi. His tail slams down between Katsuki and I. “Let’s save rough play for later, yeah?” 
I pout. “Aw, Hizashi, you’re no fun!” 
He pouts back. “No fun? I’m PLENTY of fun! C’mere!” He wiggles his fingers, signifying what he’s going to do. I shriek and jump away, but with no success since he's faster and uses his tail to get me stuck in place. 
“That’s enough Hizashi.” Toshinori harshly says, and takes me out of Hizashi’s grip, keeping his body closer to mine so Hizashi can’t. 
The others seem confused by Toshinori’s reaction, but shake it off. Katsuki glares harder at the two nagas. I decide to ignore everything and look at the waterfall. It’s really high up and beautiful. I stop. “Hey, wouldn’t this be a good area for the picture? We could get a large portion of the waterfall in it!” 
Mina quickly takes out her camera again from her pocket. “Yes! Let’s do it!” We get situated. Toshinori is on my right with Eijiro and Mina. Katsuki stays close on my left with Hizashi next to him, with Hanta and Denki unnecessarily crouching in front of him and doing the peace sign. Toshinori grabs the camera with his tail and is able to hold it out to hopefully show all of us in it. No doubt Katsuki isn’t going to smile in it. 
He took a few, and they all turned out great. We then wander close to the bottom of the waterfall where there’s a rather slow stream that goes half way up my calves. I know since we all took our shoes off and entered the shallow stream with the nagas not too far away just in case. While the others are messing around and throwing water at each other, I saw a really cool looking rock a bit farther in the water. It’s in a bit deeper water though… I could possibly ask someone to help. Nah. I look over to see Hizashi being busy talking with Toshinori. It doesn’t seem too friendly whatever they’re talking about judging by their movements. Katsuki is fairly close to them without them realizing, and he doesn’t seem happy with whatever he’s hearing. His face is crunched even more than usual. 
I look down towards the rock again and reach for it. The water goes up past my shoulder, getting my shirt wet. The current in that part is much stronger, almost making me lose my balance. My hand touches it, and I try to bring it up. It’s rather stuck in the ground. I firmly grip it and yank it. It comes free, kicking up a lot of dirt with it. Rinsing it in the water a bit more, it came out clean and was a rather large agate. It’s the size of my palm. A really cool one with multiple lines in it too. I dry it a bit on the bottom of my shorts and put it in my pocket. 
The day went by rather quickly until we returned to our camp. Toshinori didn’t come with us, much to Mina’s dismay. We definitely got some kind of sunburn today. Denki looks like he’s gotten the worst of it. Katsuki nearly slapped him until I prevented it. I’d rather not hear how loud he can scream in pain. 
We didn’t feel like doing stories tonight. “Ugh, after this, I don’t think I’m ever going outside again.” Denki complains. “You will, even if I have to drag you.” Katsuki threatens. “Aw, big old buff boy truly does have a heart for us!” I tease. He harshly slaps my shoulder. “Point taken.” I say in a bit of pain. “You shouldn’t hurt your friends like that.” Hizashi pipes up being next to me on my right. Katsuki ignores him. “Forgot to mention, the boat will be here tomorrow to pick us up.” Hizashi tenses up. 
“How do you know that?” Hanta asks. “It’s Katsuki, how else?” I reply. “But we’re having so much fun here! And Hizashi has helped tell me so much about nagas!” Mina whines. “True. well, it was fun while we were here though!” I look at Hizashi. “Thanks for that!” He nods. “Of course!” Something didn’t feel too genuine or enthusiastic with his answer. I heard Hanta snoring. He must have passed out not too long ago. 
Eijiro yawns. “Man, today sure was fun though! Hopefully we can come back some day!” Katsuki and I share a look. “Yeah! It’s hard to find a boat to take us though, so it might be a while.” I inform, trying my hardest to not give away that we won’t be coming back. 
“Hey, Katsuki, could you bring Hanta to our tent? I can’t carry him.” 
“No. The dumbass fell asleep out here, he can stay out here.” Eijiro rolls his eyes at him. “I’ll do it.” He gets up and bridal carries Hanta to the tent with Denki following. Mina goes to ours. Katsuki pulls me close. “Don’t trust that fucking naga. Stay away from him.” He hisses, gets up, and goes to his tent. What was that about? He hasn’t been wrong before though, so it might be best to listen. It stayed silent for a while after Eijiro went to his tent and most likely everyone was asleep. 
I put my hands in my pockets and felt the rock. “I want to give you something to remember us by when we leave,” I take out the rock and give it to him. Something glinted in his eyes and he took it and cupped it with both hands like it was the most fragile thing in the world. A feeling is telling me I just made a big mistake. Why though? It’s just a rock? “It’s not much, but maybe you’ll like its memories?” 
“I’ll definitely treasure it!” his voice becomes more quiet. “Just like I’ll always treasure you.” He means like everything we’ve done the past two or so days, right? 
“Well, goodnight Hizashi!” I say, and go towards Mina and I’s tent. “Could we please do the same thing as last night? As a parting gift or something? It will get so lonely again.” His tone became rather saddened. I almost gave in on pity for him. I remember Katsuki’s words though, and try to think of an excuse. Right! Sunburn! “Sorry Hizashi. I really don’t want to be touched tonight, especially with this sunburn. That will hurt.” 
“Maybe the cold of my cave could help with that! Why don’t we try that?” He sounds desperate. Him being desperate sends off another red flag in my head.
“Sorry. I’d rather be alone tonight.” I say and enter my tent, zipping it up. 
He must have given up since he goes quiet after that. It doesn’t take long after that for sleep to start to overtake me. 
...Did the zipper just open? I was too tired to check. It’s most likely nothing.
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demonindistress · 4 years
Uncarefully worded Rant incoming but My country is up to bullshit again. And with the Epic Corona Mismanagement clouding every other issue, the deforestation matter is conveniently snuck under the radar. It's too abstract, not pressing enough, a slow burning disaster.
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This is not a forest.
See the top pictures how there's just a single type of tree? How all the trees are straight and fast grown? The same height? How there's only blueberry brush and no small bushes and baby trees at all? That's because this is not a forest, but a tree farm. The pictures are from two different places, months and miles apart. They look identical. And they're not only spreading, they are now the dominating type of "forest" in this land. Two third of our surface is covered in woods, but this is what they're starting to look like. And it's a big fucking threat not only to the North. Because we're all connected.
"there are no clear cuts in Sweden anymore" says Herman Sundqvist, director of the national forest board. And sure, unlike the 1800s these days they replant pines on top of the scars. But logging hundreds of acres at a time and replacing old woods with plantations threatens biodiversity and is extremely short sighted as far as the economy goes. You make more money today but expose your new trees to storms and forest fires in a way that a mixed natural forest would handle better. Less than 5% are protected. The rest can easily be replaced by tree farms and noone would lift a finger. Teaming up with Bolsonaro on the road to ruin.
Not to mention its also messing with the cultural heritage the forests carry. I know they give zero fucks about how the land ties into the stories and songs and art, but just LOOK at the shit in these pictures up top. Do you see Trolls and Huldras and Lantern Men, Vättar, Vittror and Askefroa live there? Do they stir the imagination? These new woods are silent and whisper no names, no promises. They sing no songs. And I care. And I believe more people would, if they knew the extent of the damage that is done. How little is left of the Troll Forests that were vast no longer back then when I was a kid. By no coincidence is "the right to roam" one of the liberties that will be defended by even the slowest couch potato in the nation.
Now look at this :
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This is a forest. Where the branches grow uneven. Where you'll see at least four different trees if you look to your left. Where there is dead wood, young green trees and old. Where there'll be birds and mushrooms and lichens. And where I can imagine the Skogsrå calling.
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lunatic-writes · 2 years
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Bound By a Nightmare
(Hongjoong Hobbit AU)
Genre: thriller/angst(?) I'm not sure if this would truly count as horror, gender-neutral reader
Summary: You noticed a strange little fellow in your house, after spending some time wondering who or what they may be, they invite you for some tea and treats in the garden.
Word count: 2.2k (about 8 mins reading time)
Warnings: Nightmare/derealization theme, if anything related to food or eating makes you feel unwell, please consider reading this at another time, pet name (flower)
~ Please let me know of any mistakes or warnings I may have missed and constructive criticism is absolutely welcome!
The story is under the cut, enjoy.
Long ago, when I was quiet and small, my father sat me upon her lap and read to me a trying tale of a small man who went by Bilbo of the Bag End of a race now long gone, or so that is what my father told me.
I was always certain of my father's words, after all, both she and my mother were very honest with me, and I don't believe they have any reason to lie, but I think, just this once, they're wrong.
The past four weeks have been filled with strange occurrences. Floorboards creaking, quiet scampering through the halls, strands of strawberry red hair on a blueberry bush, shy giggles around dimly lit corners, and peeping eyes full of laughter.
At first, I thought it might've been a wandering fairy or a jolly ghost child who had found their new home, but both theories were swept away by the wind as soon as I saw them standing in the garden.
We've grown a rather large and sweet garden, father, mother, and I have given as much love and attention to our plants as we give to each other so that each harvest is bountiful and every blossom's name known by heart, but here is a flower I've never seen before.
They stood very small with their back turned to me, eye-catching, red hair flowing, the wind causing ripples through their faded, blue, button-up shirt and stopping abruptly where it had been tucked into chocolate brown shorts with matching suspenders hooked over their shoulders. They had somewhat hairy legs that connected to their even hairier pairs of abnormally large feet, a mess of red hair sitting on the surface of their feet.
I couldn't tell much from this angle, although it seemed that they were drinking in the sun, the wind, and all of nature's gifts. Though, Nature must've told them someone was watching, for they turned suddenly and looked me in the eye as if they could see every inch of my soul with their bright, blue eyes, and then they smiled.
Though it almost felt as though it was my imagination, for when I blinked, they were gone.
The following morning, however, was a different tale. As I stared out the window while fixing my clothes, I saw a rather peculiar sight.
Through the fully bloomed bush of white roses, I saw a small, white, little table filled with sweet pastries and a teapot being kept warm by a tiny fire and two dainty teacups seated in front of two white chairs with cushions. Standing behind one was the same person I'd seen earlier, though this time in a loose white shirt that was fitted at the cuffs and a small mess of strings just under the collar, lazily keeping it from flying open. Unlike the day before, the shirt was not tucked into its dark brown knickerbockers, flowing loosely instead, allowing the gentle ripples of the wind to flow through the garment without disturbance.
Their striking hair was tousled by the wind and a bright, dimpled smile adorned their freckled face, but my heart stopped when I looked into their eyes. I could barely see them, their extensive smile hiding them from view, but even from my radius, I could see the sweetly silent suggestion to come to join them.
So I did.
I ran from my bedroom window to find the perfect clothing for the occasion, not too extravagant and not too bland either, something casual with a touch of grace. It took me more minutes than I'd wanted, but I found it nonetheless.
Afterward, I headed for the garden as quickly and quietly as I could. I've never been ashamed or afraid of my parents for anything, but for some reason, this meeting had the heavy air of a secret around it and I felt compelled to keep it for some unforeseen reason. Perhaps the same reason I was dashing towards the garden without a single question or hesitation of who they were or if this meeting was the worst mistake I would ever make in my life.
I arrived at the impromptu breakfast party breathless and anxious, I had feared- no, perhaps "hope" is the better word, hope that they would've disappeared again.
As we stood there in silence, only the gentle rush of the gales through the fauna in our ears, we smiled at each other. It was a coy smile that played on both our faces, eyes full of careful excitement. I could tell they wanted to speak as much as I did but were hesitant as if even a "hello" could shatter this moment.
We stood still, staring at anything but each other when I heard the stranger clear their throat, I turned to look at them, curiosity brimming in my eyes as I awaited the hosts' announcement.
"Greetings, my esteemed guest. I hope you haven't found my invitation rude, seeing as this bountiful garden is yours although, for as beautiful as the many flowers here are, I haven't seen one quite so desirable as you." They ended with a light smirk threatening to show itself.
"Not at all," I fumbled, taken aback by their flirtatiousness upon first meeting. "Though I would be ever so honored to know the name and honorifics of whom I am gossiping with."
The red-haired Hobbit chuckled lightly, clearly delighted by something I said. "Oh, I think we'll be doing more than simply gossiping, dear friend, but to answer your question, I am Hongjoong of the Kim clan, and please refer to me in the masculine sense. Might I ask the same for you, my dear flower?"
I nodded, carefully taking in the information. "Please refer to me in a neutral sense, as for my name..." Something playful took hold of me. "I shall not tell you, though Flower is a cute little nickname."
Hongjoong smiled back a laugh, an amused glint in his eye, "Then Flower it shall be! Now come, these savories shall not eat themselves." He gestured, eagerly pulling out a chair and offering it to me. " I have much I want to discuss with you." Hongjoong hastily replied as I sat down, the restlessness apparent in every movement as he poured tea for the both of us and snatched a slice of banana bread for himself.
"The tea is a berry blend made of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. I think you'll quite like it, it's sweet and flavorful. Like you." Hongjoong winked at the end, his bright eyes full of vexatious glee and also, admiration that made me stare into his eyes a little longer than I should.
"Flower?" His voice brought me back to reality, a quiet knowingness just under his smile.
"Oh! Yes, that sounds positively delightful, Hongjoong, I'm sure I'll enjoy everything you've prepared." I reposed, managing to regain my cadence.
He carefully placed the teacup in front of me as I tried an earl grey blueberry tart, my eyes widened as the flavors burst in my mouth. It seemed as though the garden, and Hongjoong, seemed a little more magical than ever before.
We talked and laughed for many hours about many topics both great and small, such as the stars, the world, our place in it, and our home. We deliberated over the sensitive topic of chocolate and mint and expressed our inner fears to each other until the vibrant colors of Twilight painted the sky. The important topic he wanted to discuss, was seemingly forgotten.
"Oh," I gasped, pausing our current conversation about fairytales and looking around frantically at the garden, now glowing in a golden hue. "It is late, I have not told my mother and father where I am and I've completely forgotten my chores. I don't know what's gotten into me." I looked back at Hongjoong, who, though still smiling, had a more somber undertone written in the muscles of his face, saying nothing.
"I must go." I breathed after a pause, but as I got up to take my leave, my mind a mess of confusion and worries, I felt a strong grip on my arm. As I followed it up to his face, full with an unreadable expression, the golden light of the setting sun glowing off his skin. He seemed more like the Elves, most of whom had left for Valinor long before I was born.
"Wait," He whispered. "I have something I have to give you."
I gazed at him expectantly as he pulled out something wrapped in a white handkerchief, as he unwrapped it I saw it was merely a small, rectangular piece of white paper with black text in the center. The first line was in a language I did not know, but the second said "Hongjoong's Dream" and if I looked a little closer I could see that there was some sort of symbol in faded ink that may or may not have said "ATEEZ" or perhaps "ATEZ" though I cannot be sure which.
"Should you find yourself in a predicament you cannot handle, my flower, just look at the card and Say My Name" Hongjoong gripped my hand tightly as he placed the card carefully in my palm. "And I shall aid you and be of solace to you, my flower." he said poignantly, looking deep into my eyes to make sure every word was engraved into me and that I felt their weight on my shoulders.
"Thank you, Sir Hongjoong of the Kim clan, I shall not forget this gift and cherish it as I have cherished our time together." I smiled back at him "I must go now, my parents must be worried."
I had already started on my path to find the stone walkway which led to my house when it occurs to me that I have not thanked my gracious host for preparing such lovely tea and food and for being such great entertainment and confidant even upon first meeting, however when I turned around all I saw was black.
"Hongjoong?" I called fearfully into the unknown void that had surrounded me.
"I am here, my Flower." His voice echoed everywhere, his tone seeming almost sardonic.
"W-Where are you?" Terror was mounting in my mind and I was beginning to wonder if this meeting was more deadly than I realized.
"I am all around you, and I will always, always be with you" His voice kept echoing, bouncing off invisible walls as if the walls themselves were saying it to me, making his tone seem more exasperated than it was before or maybe it was always so and I was merely hoping I was imagining it. My breath hitched as I felt I was falling, a terrible noise that seemed to come from all directions assaulted my ears, panic festering in my mind like a growing fungus that was consuming me from my insides out when his voice rang again, whether from the void or my mind I couldn't tell. "You have nothing to fear," I struggled to tell if he was genuinely trying to consult me or if he was making a fool of me for his leisure "My sweet, beloved, Flower" His final words seemed to be the final piece in whatever creation he was making, the final say that no one can take back and I knew, as the sound grew louder and so unbearable that I started to scream, that there was no escaping this.
Still screaming I saw a group of nine blue butterflies flying right past me, their delicate wings cutting into me and causing unimaginable pain. As I watched them fly up I saw an hourglass that was slowly tipping, a ship sailing the sands of one of the bulbs as it came into view becoming the top as the sand started to steadily drain from it. Then came a horrible sense of burning as his words surrounded me and stabbed me, the excruciating sound that was there before reaching an impossible pitch that I couldn't hear myself screaming anymore or when I screeched and begged for Hongjoong to end his torment.
I gasped painfully, desperate for the fresh air infused with morning dew. It took me a moment to realize I was in my bed, though I had completely sweated through my nightgown, I was safe and sound and no mysterious spirit was sadistically playing with me, only my unquiet mind.
I turned my head towards my bedroom window, golden rays illuminating the dust in the air, as well as the wilted white roses that had once bloomed outside my window, even the leaves of the bush were a horrible, stiff brown. A matter for later me to handle.
I breathed a sigh of relief and raised my hand to my face, and that's when I saw it.
The perfectly cut card in my hand was as white as ever, its black text still as bold as I had seen it before. I started to panic, I was about to hastily throw it to the end of the room in useless hope that it would cease to exist if I did so when his giggle sounded again, but this time from my hand, from the card, the black ink mocking me.
"It was just an Illusion, my dearest Y/n."
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mudwingprince · 3 years
hello i exist and i've been working on the fanfic XD
ok this is probably gonna be the last time that i remind you cause i've said this literally every time but
I do not think anything bad about my friends, they're amazing people that deserve much love, this fic is entirely fiction
tw: poison, illness, panic attacks, suicidal/intrusive thoughts(?)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
reblogs help out a lot :D
“You poisoned me, didn’t you,” Radi0 said. “That’s why I’ve been feeling this way.” I dropped the snapdragons and took another step back.
“W-what?” I stammered. “N-no I didn’t! I would never do that to anyone!”
“I’m not lying! I don’t even know what you're talking about! How the hell would I even be able to poison you?”
“The fucking berries, Mud! The berries were poisonous!”
“But… I had them too… t-there’s literally no way!”
“You’re not human, Mud! Of course the toxins would work differently!”
“O-oh… oh my god…” I grabbed onto my hair. I poisoned him. Why didn’t I think that our reactions would be different? Why didn’t I think twice about giving them to him? I shook my head and stepped back. “N-no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I-I’d never do that!”
“Mud…” Radi0 said, his voice quieter than before. “Did you mean to?” I shook my head again and took another step back, tripping on a branch and curling up on the trunk of a tree. I wrapped my wings around my head, just trying to take this in. How could I do this to him?!
“J-Just give me a second…” I muttered, taking some deep breaths. I sat there.
I just tried to kill him… No, stop it, it was unintentional, it was just an accident. It’s fine, he’s not going to die! There’s no way those berries can kill a person! It’s fine!
I let out a breath and stood up, brushing myself off. I looked at Radi0. We stared at each other silently. I stepped towards Radi0 and wrapped my arms around him.
“I’m so, so, sorry…” I muttered. “I didn’t know…”
“It’s okay, Mud,” he replied, hugging me back. We stood there for a minute, exhausted from how these past few days have gone. At least, I was. We let go of each other and stood there for a second. I looked around for a way out of here until I spotted a breach in the trees. I looked back at Radi0 and pointed to the opening.
“We might be able to find a way out of this forest through there,” I said, then started to walk in the direction that I was pointing to.
“Hey Mud?” Radi0 asked. I looked back at him but didn’t slow down my pace. “What do you think the berries were?” I thought for a moment.
“At first I thought they were blueberries, but it makes more sense that they would be elderberries. They’re not extremely deadly, but they do cause nausea, weakness, dizziness, and numbness. Are you feeling any of that?”
“Uh, yeah,” Radi0 replied. “I am feeling kind of nauseous… and a bit weak… and dizzy… I’m not feeling any numbness though, is that a bad thing?”
“I mean, it shouldn’t be, if you don’t have a symptom, that would be good,” I said, but something whispered in the back of my mind that he wouldn’t have any symptoms if I had just stayed dead. I shook my head, trying to shake the thought with it, but it clung to my mind. I sighed and kept walking, hoping that this thought wouldn’t stay with me for more than a day.
As we walked the trees and bushes slowly got thinner and there was a small, old trail that led for miles in each direction. I looked to the left down the path and all I saw were just more trees. Then I looked right. It wasn’t close, but the path seemed to change from an old, barren path, to a busy, city street. I stepped onto the path. A city? Out in the middle of nowhere? It wasn’t just a small town, it was a literal city. Tall buildings, busy streets, people walking. And it wasn’t just humans walking on the side of the road, from what I could make out, there also seemed to be animals. Animals that walked on two legs, animals that walked on four. Winged humans with tails, scaly animals without tails. It was diverse, it was intriguing. I wanted to go towards the city, I wanted to explore, I wanted to talk to other people. I wanted to learn.
“Hey Radi0!” I called for him, then looked over. He was wrestling with vines that had somehow managed to get tangled around him. I walked over and carefully ripped the vines off of him.
“Wait, come look at this!” I ran back onto the path, Radi0 following close behind. I pointed. “There’s a city! We might be able to rent an apartment there so we can have a place to live!”
“We don’t have any money though…” Radi0 said. “What are we going to do about that?”
“Uh…” Shoot. I hadn’t thought about money. “M-Maybe someone will see that we’re minors without shelter? We… might be able to get a home then?” I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know… I'm not sure what's going to happen from here on out, but hopefully it'll get easier once we have a home."
"Hopefully it will…" Radi0 said before we both started walking towards the now intimidating city.
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give-seconds · 3 years
Back to You
Summary: You and Mark are all each other have, he’s easily the most important person to you. But something happens and you both are slowly separated, so you work your hardest to be accepted into a college in Korea so you can find your way back to a home with him again.
Masterlist | Main Masterlist
--- Part 11
“Hey y/n.”  
“Um hi Hyunjin,” you greet perplexedly. You’ve only spoken to your RA a couple of times, all of them at some sort of group gathering. “Do you need me for something?”
“Not exactly,” she sets her phone on the desk and looks up at you from behind the raised front desk, “A woman is waiting for you in the commons area. She said to tell you she’s Minhyung’s mom.”
“Oh,” you swallow dryly, clenching and unclenching your fists nervously. “Thanks.”
She smiles politely before picking her phone back up to resume whatever it was she was doing.
Nodding your head to yourself, you slowly turn around and begin walking to the common area. Why is she here? What could she possibly have to say to me? Does she know I’m meeting him today? She already told me she won’t ask me to leave, so it must be that she knows. I mean, what else could-
“Oh hello, y/n.”
You freeze for a second, reminding yourself to take a deep breath. Squaring your shoulders, you force a smile on your face. “Hi Eu-In, how are you?”
She motions to the chair opposite her. “Let’s skip the greetings.”
You feel your blood turn cold, and you force yourself to start moving again to sit in the chair. “What can I help you with?”
She smiles, and if you weren’t filled with anxiety, you might have rolled your eyes at how fake it is. “I want you to stay away from my son. But that isn’t anything too unexpected now, is it?”
You don’t know what to say. You had hoped you had settled this the night of the performance, but deep down, you knew she wasn’t done letting you know how much she dislikes you.
“I’ve told you this before,” she says, taking your silence as an invitation to continue. “You’re not good for him. You remind him of a time that was spent in an unhealthy atmosphere, and as his mother, I can’t in good conscience let him continue to be around you. It has nothing to do with you.”
You scoff inwardly; you never thought she would say it to your face. “With all due respect, I think Mark-”
You blink at her interruption, thrown off for a second. “I think he is old enough to make decisions for himself. He’s in his second year of college, and I know you had him in therapy. He’s in a place where he can make his own decisions.”
“I don’t think you understand,” she hisses. “I’m done beating around the bush. I’ve tried everything to get you and Minhyung to come to this decision on your own. So now, I’m done with that, and I’ve decided to be blunt with you. I don’t like you, y/n. I’ve told you this, but you’re bad for him.”
“You don’t know me,” you say, surprised by the loud volume of your voice. Quickly looking around to make sure no one heard you, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. “How can you not like me?”
“I don’t need to. You’re the daughter of the man who ruined mine and my family’s life. Because of you, John grew up an only child with memories of a younger brother. My husband and I didn’t sleep for weeks after he was taken, and every year on his birthday, we were reminded of the child we thought was dead. We had to bury an empty coffin. Do you know what that felt like?”
You remember the day he went to court to be legally resurrected. His parents had bought him a pair of nice pants and a nice shirt, styled his hair, and whisked him away early in the morning. When he got back, he had dragged his mom straight to your foster parents’ house, not even bothering to change.
That moment felt like it was yesterday. The smile on Mrs. Lee’s face had instantly disappeared as soon as he let go of her hand to hug you. If someone were to ask you the moment you knew she didn’t like you, you’d answer with that moment. If you had to guess, it was the moment she realized you were there to stay.
“I take no pleasure in your family’s suffering, Mrs. Lee. You know that, right?”
She sighs. “That’s not what I’m saying, and you know it.”
“But you blame me for something I had no control over?”
She stares at you, eyes void of any emotion outside of annoyance. That’s the thing about her, she never yells. She just looks at you like you’re lower than dirt.
“I never said you were to blame, y/n. You’re just an unwanted reminder. There’s a reason for the saying ‘like father like daughter.’”
Your breath catches in your throat, and for a second, you forget to breathe. Those have always been the words you fear the most. To hear you’re in any way like your dad terrifies you.
“You know,” you whisper, forcing yourself to make eye contact with her. “Your son isn’t the only one who got therapy. Something my therapist would say to me was ‘heredity is not destiny.’ I am nothing like my father; I have worked very hard to make sure of that. So while I understand you not liking me, I can’t promise you I’m never going to see your son again. He’s the only family I have, and I don’t plan on letting him go.”
“He’s not your family! You know that, right? That’s the crazy kind of thinking your father has. So while you may think you’re better than him, you’re not. As long as you think of my son as your family, your thinking is just as messed up as his.”
“I need you to leave.”
You know you don’t sound demanding with your voice, wavering the way it did. You didn’t know how else to respond. While Mark leaving had hurt, you did notice it was easier for you to get better with her gone. After she left, the thoughts telling you you were exactly like your father got smaller and smaller; eventually, they were practically non-existent.  
Now that she’s in front of you, telling you once again you’re exactly like him - it’s suffocating.
“What? I’m not done talking.”
“Yes, you are. I know what you want to say, and you know what I’m going to say. What’s the point in staying?”
“Because I can’t leave here until you understand why you can’t be around him,”  she says exasperatedly.
“Then I guess I’m leaving first.” With that, you shakily push yourself up and back to where Hyunjin sat, ignoring her calling your name.
“If she comes back, tell her to leave. I don’t want to see her again.”
Hyunjin nods her head, a surprised look on her face as she looks between you and Mrs. Lee.
Tapping your fingers together nervously, you quickly walk to the elevators. You know you’re just anxious, but you can’t help but worry she would follow you.  
Once you’re in the safety of your room, you allow the tears to escape from your eyes.
“So, how was going to the movies?” Mark asks, taking a sip from his smoothie.
You nod your head in affirmation, tearing off a bit of the fish-shaped pastry. “It was a lot of fun. It was the first time I got to have fun outside of tours.”
You haven’t told him about his mom coming to see you. You’re worried it would cause trouble between him and his mom. The last thing you need is for her to have another reason to dislike you. With that in mind, you had come to meet him with anxiety still settled in your gut.
When you met him, he knew right away something was wrong. You could tell he knew by the way he took your hand and jumped into talking about something that had happened in one of his classes. Back when you were little, the only way he knew how to comfort you was through touch. Whether it was holding your hand, hugging you while you cried, or simply resting his leg against yours as you sat side by side.
After a few minutes of walking from the bus stop, he stopped you outside a smoothie shop, where he told you this was yours and his new place. This was where you were going to pick up where you left off in Vancouver and try all the flavors. It was also where he promised you that, starting today, you were going to try all his favorite street foods.
Sitting here, eating bungeoppang and drinking a blueberry smoothie, you realize this is the happiest you’ve been in a long time. You have your brother back, you don’t have your dad or foster parents looking over your shoulder, and you have friends. Even if his mom would never like you, everything felt like it had fallen into place.
“That’s good, I’m glad you’re having fun here. I know this is early, but at your next break, we should go up to the beach. Oh, or we should make Donghyuck take us to his home in Jeju. That’s way better, we won’t have to pay for a hotel.”
You snort, taking a dink from your paper cup. “Nice to know you have your priorities straight.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I mean, what’s the point of having friends if you can’t exploit them?”
You smile at him, letting yourself get lost in his eyes. Other than the fact he’s four years older, he looks exactly the same. The way his nose scrunched when he laughed, the way he tapped his fingers or bounced his legs, and the way he parted his hair. It’s all the same.
You chuckle to yourself. He’s definitely more handsome now.
“You got something to say?” he asks, cocking his head upwards dramatically and making his voice with a confident tone.
“Calm down my dude,” you respond, leaning back in your chair. “I’m just happy to be back with you. I really missed you, Mark, and I’m so glad I found you.”
His smile softens and he lightly taps his foot against yours under the table. “Me too, y/n, me too.”
Thank you to @softsungchan for proofreading this for me! I’ve figured the way I’ve been going about posting my series is wrong and I promise for any further series (if you’re interested in reading anything else of mine) that it’ll be different 😂.
I would love to know what you thought about this! Have a great day/night! 
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Kay so, basically yall know how there are mounts in terraria? (like the bunny, slime, unicorn, etc.) yea well, I made this au where the dream smp has them, but bigger. 
like Tubbo has 3 massive bees he can ride, dream has a giant wolf Princess Mononoke style but bigger, etc. 
this is a massive idea dump and theres a lot below the “read more”
alright so starting off is the sbi because they live in my head rent free.
philza: giant bird, specifically a grey hawk.
-Phil found him in his hardcore world as a baby when he was abandoned in a nest. he swore he wouldnt get attached but after the first week he failed. 
-I dont have a name for the bird yet. (please give me ideas ;-;)
-Mumza bought a saddle after about two years and when he was fully grown.
-about 33 feet in length with a 77ft wing span. (I’m basing the length off the Quetzalcoatlus, so if you need a ref for size comparison, there you go.)
Wilbur: orca
-he went to visit techno and Phil ONE TIME, and he leaves with an entire pod of orcas.
-when the waters continued to warm they slowly left until there was just one.
-that orca stayed with him the entire time
-Wilbur told him he could go back to his family, but he just stayed with him. 
-the orca is about 25 feet in length
-he doesn’t have a saddle bc he’s a slippery boi
-he does have a harness though
-no one is allowed to take it off him. Except Wilbur.
Techno- Cat, specifically Norwegian Forest Cat 
Imagine, you’re in a boat at your destination, you exit the boat and climb the icy mountain. Checking the map only to see that someone is close behind. you continue to climb to the top expecting to see nothing but snow and frost. But instead you find a massive sleeping feline. You didn’t mind all that much so you leave it be, after all, it was here first. Your best friend and only ally arrives, and soon, the person that was following does too. “Just stab ‘em” you say, not wanting to deal with the person. There’s a flash, the cat is now at the foot of the mountain, the person that was following you hanging in their mouth.
-tl;dr Technos POV: you find giant touchstarved cat at the soon-to-be Antarctic empire
-that’s it. 
-when the cat sits and techno is right next to him, it looks like a parody of My Neighbor Totoro.
-same size difference too lol
-the cat is named floof
-it’s one of those cats that act like they haven’t been touched in years and are starved of any and all physical affection.
-techno acts like he hates it but he actually enjoys it 
Tommy: wolf dog
-Tommy wandered from home into the woods for too long when he was like 4 and came back with a wolf dog. Tommy how does that even happen-?
-Phil yelling into the forest: Tommy, dinners ready!
-Tommy, emerging from a bush: can Lucy come too?
-Phil: Sure!
-Tommy: *comes out of the forest covered in mud and leading a black wolfdog puppy that’s about the size of a full grown wolf home*
-Phil: Tommy wtf-
-fully grown, her shoulder is at Tommy’s head
-her energy matches Tommy, loud, hyper, and constantly needs to be with friends.
-they’re always seen together
Tubbo: bee (3 bees)
-there are just three bees, spins, spunz, and spoons.
-His parents didn’t know about them at first but imagine their surprise when they entered their son's bedroom to see him cuddling three bees two and a half sizes bigger than him.
-Suddenly everything made sense, the books about bees, internet searches about beekeeping, and the increase of yellow in his bedroom.
-Tubbo sells honey to the kids at school and somehow started a mafia-like system using honey and honeycombs.
-he doesn’t get it either.
The four muffinteers+skeppy and Antfrost:
Dream: a wolf
-he found him while practicing speed running
-the same size as Technos cat
-has a saddle and a green collar with the famous smiley face on it
-very stubborn and act like a husky
-can and will howl at night
-dream also has a little blob thing that is constantly either sleeping in his pocket or vibing on his shoulder. No one knows what it is or how it got there.
George: a green parrot 
-While in the jungle trying to track down Dream with the rest of the hunters he lost his compass. The parrot dropped the compass on his head and the rest is history
-often takes his glasses and puts it on high shelves
-dream and Sapnap taught him to call George “gogy”
-a bit smaller than Philzas bird
-please submit more headcanons bc I have no ideas ;-;
Sapnap: a fire dragon
-it’s a small dragon tho lol
-can cling onto Sapnaps back and fly (but it ruins his shirts)
-it’s like Happy from fairy tail
-hordes anything sparkly like a crow
-has stolen techno’s crown at least once
-not including it’s tail, it’s head is to Sapnaps hip
-acts like a ferret
Antfrost: Siamese cat
-smaller that floof by a foot
-big floofy paws
-the biggest blue eyes you’ve ever seen
-would rather play/hunt than be pet
-sleeps all the time
-please give me more ideas/headcanons, I had no ideas.
Badboyhalo: Scarlet macaw
-same height as him (counting tail)
-often annoys bbh by pulling his hood down in serious moments or stealing his glasses
-started repeating words like “Language” “Muffin head” and much to bbh’s dismay, “Bald” and “14″
-her name is Strawberry
-loves skeppy
-often sits on his shoulders behind back
Skeppy: Hyacinth macaw
-same height as him (counting tail)
-will often peck skeppy bc diamonds
-his name is Blueberry
-loves bbh
-no one knows how they found each other, Skeppy just says he found him when he was a mod for bbh’s server.
-prefers to perch on larger diamonds that stick out of Skeppys arm. Don’t worry tho, it doesn't hurt him.
headcanons, writings, and fanart are appriciated! (please tag me, I wanna see your beautiful works :D)
if you have any ideas and/or questions dont hesitate to ask me, I love answering questions and hearing your thoughts :)
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