#Genuenly tho
palmastrings · 4 months
The Seven Deadly... Rings?!?!
@nocreativityfornames you're a genius I'm just gonna go ahead and swipe this and *eats*
original post here
Essentially what if we started Nightbringer but we also had the brothers in tow in the form of rings.
No, I didn't spell check this, I'm don't write very often so excuse any weirdness. I suck at grammar and ignore spell check.
Solomon holds his hand out expectantly, presenting to you a handful of exquisite multicolored rings. 7 to be exact. Each one a familiar face, in a somewhat familiar time.
Honestly, this isn't really that astounding by any means. When living in the Devildom, you've come to expect even the most unexpected situations. The rings were probably the least surprising thing you've heard today, seeing as how you had mysteriously been thrown across time and space and landed in the Devildom... approximately 7,000 years ago. Maybe? Nobody is really good at saving dates around here, especially when the average demon lifespan stretches from now to, basically, the end of time itself. A slight over exaggeration? Again, maybe. But in your defense, in your feeble mortal eyes, that's what it may as well be.
The rings jingle in your hand as you tentatively scoop them from Solomons cold hand.
Apon first glance, they would appear to be normal rings. Pristine, each gold band is fitted with a unique colored stone matching those of the beloved demons from your normal timeline. Although, if you really focused on it, twisting the bunch of them in your palm with your fingers, you could feel how warm the metal is. It was as if someone had worn the rings before you, even though it should not have been possible, as you would be the first to bear them. Along with the warm glow of the rings, you could faintly feel an intense pulsing sensation coming from the set. Whether or not it came from what could possibly be a rapid heartbeat or the emanating pulse of horrific eldritch powers, you couldn't tell.
You go to slip them on your waiting fingers until Solomon interrupts you.
"I will warn you Mc, they were terribly rowdy before I turned them into rings, I don't blame you if you find them overwhelming to wear."
"Thanks for the warning, Solomon. I appreciate you coming all this way to help me by the way!"
"Anything for my favorite apprentice! Oh! And put in the good word for me!" Solomon winks. He turns, presumably to go and survey the Devildom of millennia ago. You're eternally grateful he went through all this trouble, not only to willingly throw himself across time and space, but to also take the time to bring along the demon brothers.
You insert each hoop onto your fingers. They fit perfectly, made just for you to wear. For a moment, there is silence. You almost begin to doubt they're even there. The only sign of anything unusual is the pulsing jewelry around your fingers, seeming to wane slowly, just until it matches your own heartbeat. Then the screaming.
"Mc! Did I hurt you at all?"
"Can you hear me?! What happened?
"AHHH, I can't believe you met me while I was in my blunder years! Wahhh!! I'm so embarrassed!!"
"Oi! Human what the hell?! What were you thinking just vanishing like that?"
"Mc, why did you leave?"
"Hon, you nearly gave me a heart attack when I heard youd gone missing! Lets go home asap!"
Suddenly, you weren't so alone in your head. A barrage of questions, sobs, and abnormal talk of urgency was flung straight in your direction. You could practically visualize the tearful Levi. The clear image of the batting white eyelashes of Mammon as he looks worried at you. Along with what's definitely becoming a new wrinkle on Lucifers face as you listen to him interrogate you. It was almost relieving to hear them speak with such familiarity to you. After being treated like a stranger not too long ago, this felt like you had brought a piece of home with you in this strange version of the Devildom.
Maybe, just maybe in the strange place, in this strange time you could make the most of it. With a sorcerer and the seven rings at your side you may just be able to tackle the newly fallen brothers of the past, the new ruling power of the Devildom, Diavolo, and finally find out why you were sent here by the one called, Nightbringer.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 months
dude but the whole face family is a mess of mental disorders and shit. At least if you want to nitpick. Australia and Murica are both ADHD, Canada a depressive lil shit, England is autistic and france bipolar as fuck. I'm still figuring out new Zealand so I can make bingo!
What happened to hi hello how are you 🥲
Im fucking kidding lets go
I have many thoughts on this topic. I just wanna say first that i dont really want to talk about specifically what mental disorder or whatnot each of these characters have. I have my personal hc that i keep private just cus ive strayed so far from canon or even the classic hetalia 2014 country stereotyping. They are my blorbos in the purset sense of the word. So, i feel like if i told you “yeahh murica is adhd on legs” i think it would come across as insensitive.
But on the other hand, in the past 2 years that ive been in group therapy on and off, i have come to be comfortable with talking about mental disorders and dont find it as triggering or offensive as i know some people do. Which is also very valid. People deal with things the best they can and when youre in the trenches of ocd, having a weirdo (me ✊😎) say a fictional character is going through it, it might not sit right. So i wanna keep this as non triggering as possible.
As almost everything i hc, this is something I’ve looked over. And i do agree to a point. Alfred is definitely someone who exhibits traits like excessive talking, impulsiveness, interrupting conversations, difficulty focusing at something that he finds little interest in etc etc. He is easily distracted and tends to find certain people boring. But he also does not have time management skills and he does not forget tasks and plans. Could this be adhd? Sure. Does it have to be? Of course not. So i tend to leave it up in the air. Some people might find comfort in interpreting it as adhd and some would rather stay clear. Both viewpoints equally valid.
I truly dont know about Jack or Arthur. Eleanor too. Honestly i dont really try to make up disorders for them. One thing i dislike is the labeling. If someone, even a silly character, does show traits of some disorder, id rather not have it outright mentioned. It can be cristal clear that Matt has a full on depressive episode, but let me figure that one out myself, chief. I am all in favour of making these fuckers complex and give them shit to shovel, but the moment we start throwing mental disorder labels around, i think the focus strays. But again, only my preference. To someone else, its a comfort.
However, as he is my knight of the highest order, my highest ranking babygirl, my worst punching bag: Matt is depressed as shit. He functions but, God, at what cost?
Does he have depression? Probably. Will i ever make a serious post about his depression specifically? Probably not.
Francois though. He has no disorders, no hardships or difficulties. Makes it easier for me to actively and effectively hate. We are currently negotiating a stalemate, as ive, just today, heard Sous le ciel de Paris after forgetting that song existed. Good fucking song tho. Willing to negotiate the terms of Francois’ surrender.
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tacticalrefrigerator · 9 months
If a demon ever possessed me i think the sheer degree of unhinged my thoughts would make my brain awful to be in. Like bro would get into my head and probably say:
"Bitch how tf are all of your thoughts in comic sans and voiced over by David Tennant Playing Crowley?"
"why do you think in reddit posts?"
Im possession proof. My brain is absolutely awful to inhabit
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Just finsihed home far away✌ bawling my FUCKING EYES OUT
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the-chaotic-snek · 7 months
i may be the only one. but I need more characters that canonically have anger issues that arent just serial killers or psycopaths.
As some one that has anger issuses, seeing only these kind of media is extremely damaging to mental health and self perception.
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chatadile2 · 11 months
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Wip Wednesday might've been 2 days ago by now my time, but I do have a wip I wanna show that I have started on working recently, aka today, for fhr!
My Sidestep is who I'm tolking bout, Tiaxy Draconic! (aka sona/oc that I had put into the world of fhr to see what happens like with any other interactive story :D [kind of like her alt versions, different worldly versions of the same character, which I honestly enjoy a lot])
I think this is where I kind of broke at some point while working on it and said "Fuck it, we ball" and just did my best to make a base for her that doesn't look weird in my mind.
I have to say, it so far looks better than before I started ballin, which is genuenly good to see.
I mainly draw dragons and animal-esq creatures afterall, so humans are pretty much my weakness atm, but I'm heavily working on fixing that shit up, partly thanks to fhr, cus I wanna draw for it more, my gooood I wanna do so so much much much more than just a reference, but it will defo take time fjjfjfj.
But I defo am working on more stuff for it already, just gonna hafta get through the weird humans I draw first and foremost before the final ones fjjfjfjjdjd.
And whenever it is finished, I think I'm gonna make another side blog for specifically fhr stuff and art to have it all organised more than now.
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bumpscosity · 2 years
Never forget when in 2014 I had a shitty ninjago self insert of who was the orange ninja and her power was that she could copy other ninjas abilities and then a couple months later a new character who was just like my idealized self insert self was introduced to the show who was the orange ninja and her power was that she could copy other ninjas abilities
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wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Choso headcanons
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(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
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byyliss · 2 months
I read all of it, but my head is kind of scrambled rn for some reason and I can't put all my thoughts into coherent words rn. I will say this for now tho:
Ven, you are a coward. A transphobic, manipulative coward.
Don't pretend you were just helping a friend in a bad situation.
Don't pretend you didn't know the cast and crew would leave.
Don't pretend you intentions weren't to genuenly destroy Alex's life.
Don't pretend you weren't hoping that Alex would hurt himself or worse.
To anyone that is friends with Ven or wants to date him, be aware that this is the type of shit you might deal with. Someone who will downplay your mental illness, will be transphobic towards you if it is convenient for him, won't hesitate in trying to destroy your life.
Ven, you won't change most likely, because in your head, you are correct and everyone should bend over backwards for you, but if you want to be less of a pos, get therapy
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
A part of Luffy's character I think is kinda overlooked or at least not taken too seriously is his views on violence. I often see people joke on how he was kind to Otama but pretty harsh on Momonosuke, but I think that not many people realise how he is really just doing the same thing that Garp used to do on him.
Its very clear that Luffy uses two types of violences. There is the "friendly" "affectionate" violence, and there is the serious, actually dangerous one. In the first instance is what we often see between him and his crewmates, they exchange beatings and other stuff (mostly from Nami lmao) and while it can be attributed to the slapstick like nature of One Piece's humor, it goes much deeper than that. Garp used his "fist of love" on Luffy all of the time, Luffy was used to this kind of stuff from an early age, and it was normalised to him.
An example of this is that scene in Dressrosa when after that long headed grandpa (forgot his name) explained why he hated Garp and Luffy told him that his reasoning was ridiculus because Luffy was hit way more times but never held a grudge. (Its also true that Luffy does reconise Garp's parenting as being too extreme tho, since in Amazon Lily he espressed not wanting to recall the nights he spent alone in the jungle. But at least when it came to acts of violence directelly from him he was fine with it.)
HOWEVER Luffy also knew actually bad violence from an early age, the one that was meant to kill him. He obviously freaked out when Ace and Sabo wanted to kill him, and of course he was genuenly scared when the Bluejam pirates kidnapped him and Ace. Luffy clearly has a neat distinction in mind when it comes to this type of stuff. And what we see with Momonosuke was an example of the remnants of Garp's tough love and Luffy's genuine and benevolent desire for Momo to be a great man.
I wanted to add some stuff, but I think you explained it pretty well. Honestly, I obviously don't agree with those methods of raising somebody, but due to it being a world of pirates in which they actually have to act with a bit of tough love and violence, I think it's not that bad. I think what makes Garp's "training" and "tough love" bad is the fact that he did it for the wrong reasons. He wanted Luffy to be a marine and tbh most of the times we've seen Garp acting like that around Luffy weren't even necessary for training. I can get behind tough love in a show about pirates, obviously, but not when there are more reasons behind that than just "you need to protect yourself / train" like Garp forcing Luffy to be what he wanted to be, and not letting him follow his dream. Which, you know, I get it because being a marine would be safer, but it was obvious that it was hurting Luffy. And Garp didn't even have the decency to at least take care of the kid himself, he just left him all alone and then had the audacity to keep treating him like that as if he had the right to use tough love on him. Like-- Zeff and Sanji also use tough love but Zeff doesn't leave Sanji alone nor tortures him and stops when it's too much. I think Garp doesn't. Maybe that's just how I perceive it.
But yeah- Luffy's views on violence are really influenced by Garp's way of raising him. Honestly, I think it's pretty normal (once again saying, especially around pirates because they do not have usual relationships and dynamics) in the crew to use violence like that between them. Nami hitting Luffy or, y'know, in general the crew is like that and they use tough love a lot. But it isn't serious?? Like. They're pirates. They fight. They're violent. We need to keep that in mind first. But also, it's not only tough love that they use and that's only occasional and not a thing that happens all the time. But Luffy recognizes that as tough love and that's why he acts like that with Momo. But tbh? Luffy does it, like, insanely better with Momo. Better than Garp for sure. He treats him that way because he recognizes that, even thought Momo is still a kid, he has a responsibility and he will hate himself even more if he doesn't grow up quickly to face it, Luffy helps Momo realize some crucial stuff about him using tough love but also never leaves him on his own and he's always by his side being a brother when he needs it. He's empathetic and a sweetheart to him too, he's just harsh when Momo needs to be stronger and that's the only way Luffy has of telling him. He doesn't treat Otama like that because she doesn't need it. She's just a kid. The only times in which he's harsh around her is when it comes to Ace's death, and he's just being realistic about it because dancing around it will only make it hurt more and he thinks that ripping off the band-aid is better than being careful with it. Because that's how his brain works. Dead people don't come back, and he has been aware of that ever since he was Tama's age, so...
Anyway, the thing with Luffy and violence is that he turns the way Garp raised him and how his crew acts around each other into a way of putting some sense of responsibility/reality into the kids he meets because if they have to grow up fast, better be ready for that with somebody that knows how it feels like.
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the aromantic is confuesed
☆ Aromantic culture is just genuenly not understanding the difference between romantic relationships and platonic friendships.
☆ Fyi: apologies for the plethora of "like," statments, it just feels more natural for some reason. I expect this to possibly get hated on? I dont know, couldnt care less if it dose tho 🤷🏻‍♂️
☆ Like, I just dont understand the concept of cheating. I get its considered bad. I get why its considered bad as its a breach of trust/boundaries/etc, but i dont understand why people prefer to be monogamous as i genuinely just dont see a difference between friends and romantic partners, I get that there is a difference, i respect that differece where people draw it themselves, I just can't see it.
☆ Like, I see the difference between queerplatonic relashionships & friendship, but I just can't distinguish any other type of relashionship & romance for some reason.
☆ And i just dont get why theres a distinction between monogamy & polyamory either? Like, were people? Why not be open to the possibility of feelings not following the preset mold of a random relashionship Hiarchy? Like ofc you can have your own rules in a relashionship, but I just dont get why monogamy with the 1 perfect "other half of you" is the priority vs fulfillment? Like, I don't expect 1 person to be my "other half" for the rest of my life, nor do I want someone to expect that of me cause that just feels like dumping way to many expectations onto 1 person. And like, you can devide yourself amoung multiple friends why not multiple romantic partners?
☆ And i dont get wanting a lifelong relashionship like that? I mean i do get wantinv 1 but expecting 1 i feel is just throwing alot of expectations on anither person, people change, feelings change, alot changes in life. It reminds me of how people are expected to choose what they want to do for the rest of your life as a teenager.
☆ Why r y'all bringing the government into your relashionship? And why do y'all STRIVE for that? Like, "lets officially legaly combine ourselves into a unit and make it real damn difficult if we end up seperating." Why should having a romantic partner logustically help you in life?? Like "hey, these 2 ppl said i do infront of an officiant, lets see if we can improve theyre taxes." How is they're logistically a "making this relashionship official" outside of- consenting parties deciding they're in a relashionship????
☆ Like, everyone was assigned to make a different venn diagram and label it with arbitrary concepts and they're relation/similarities/lack thereof, and its graded on participation; But everyone still argued over the non answer because they just can't fathom they're being no wrong answer.
☆ This isn't really meant to change anyones mind on romance, do whatever tf you want with your relashionships its your life; This is just me being real fucking confused at why people arbitrarily made these catagories lol.
☆ This was origonally gonna be an ask on an aromantic culture is blog but I quickly realized this was gonna be way too long for that.
☆ I may or may not add more mini rants to this in future reblogs this is just what I could think of as I was writing. Thanks if you actually read all of this
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crxw1ey · 1 year
judging you based on which AiB character you want to romance
Arisu:You like your men to be green flags and i love that for you!Might even have a thing for the more sub types and again,mad respect for that
Usagi:How does it feel to have the healthiest type in people?Genuenly she's wonderful in every way and if you're into her ik you want to and will be treated right in a relationship
Kuina:Another big green flag!You like someone who you can have lots of fun with and can also kick your ass!
Chishiya:Ah yeah the cliche,who doesn't want him tbh?He's so smart and pretty it only makes sense,though i also believe you might be into being bullied,if not good luck with that man!
Niragi:Seek therapy ASAP i'm so serious rn
An:You like people who have their shit together!Honestly i think her and Chishiya are quite similar in a romantic sense but she's definitely the bigger green flag out the both of them
Hatter:You aren't here for anything serious,just a bit of fun and i respect that 10000%also very horny
Aguni:GREAT TATSE!!!!you like your men broken,maybe you think you can fix him?Good luck,i believe in you!Also you want someone who is able to crush your head with their thighs and me too,he's an underrated baddie
Last Boss:...kiss me rn we have the same fucked up taste.You like weirdos,just real freaks,the types that listen to creep by radiohead unironically (me),you are most likely on the more offputting side as well.Don't listen to what they say babe,your taste isn't bad,it's top notch,they just don't get us
Mira:You want someone to fix YOU,she can probably just make you worse tho <3 i get it,i love the manipulative types too
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fueledpurelybyspite · 8 months
Is...Wensday just a twilight fanfic on steroids?
Okay, i know this sounds super weird, but i've recently rewatched the first twilight movie and it's just straight up the plot of Wednesday???
Hear me out: sixteen year old weird and kinda antisocial girl moves to a new town where strange murders are happening and the police thinks a bear/wild animal is behind them even know they're actally caused by a supernatural creature.
They even find out THE SAME WAY, in both movies its a foot print that proves that the creature cannot be an animal
She is immediately approached by a student that is essentially the eyes and ears of the school, Enid with the gossip blog and the boy in twilight (sorry I don't remember his name lol) who works on the school paper
Soon she has a werewolf bestie with amazing hair??? Hello???? Ringing any bells yet?
Equally weird brooding boy who's considered the school hearthrob falls for her for no apparent reason
She's bitter over being left behind by her mother, who she has a very strange and kinda cold relationship with even tho she genuenly wants the best for her
I'm sorry, am I reading too much into this? I'm sure there are other similarities that i've noticed that i just cant remember now, but i just cant stomach seeing twilight again
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atomarium · 8 months
Now for real tho, how did You manage the iterator cube in the first place, I think My computer would explode just being near half the polygons
Have a 3d scug as a treat tho
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The question can be interpreted in three ways.
just... Pain...I have an old 7th gen Intel i7, 16 gigs of ram, and RTX 3060. The thing is. When It comes to meshes, or hard surfaces (the polygons) blender is actually very good at handling a lot of them. But guess what blender does NOT like. Clouds, textures and displacments. I did the details in the cube first, and then sufferd through the pain and lag of clouds and textures.
Render times don't increase with polygons. This many poligons render a 1080p image in 40 seconds. You just have to be smart about hiding stuff you don't need when editing.
I can send you the model. It's really not a huge problem.
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Creating detail kind of technical:
well it is indeed hand made. It doesn't take long if you blender very aggressively with energetic music. The first wall took me, ~30-40 hours. The second is barely visible so just a copy of that with modifications. I premade greebles and assets that I have later scatterd. You can see I reused a lot of stuff. In the project I am currently working on it will be different. But in this one, I tried to follow the doctrine of hiding the flatness of the cube. So it doesn't look like a cube with stuff on it, with fairly decent results. Made some holes some structures etc.. The plugins that I used mostly are discombulator, blenders inbuilt panel gen. And we'll uh. That's Pretty much it. Made a geonodes modifier, for the pipes. So it's easier, so that's a thing.
And the rest is just me trying to be creative and stuff.
The "how do I come up where goes what"
I domnt funkin know.
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I'm an engineer. And that means I solve pracital problems. Such as, will this pipe going from here to here make sense? Or does it make sense to make this thing here if there is another nearby? I can barely be called an artist, or creative for that matter. I can't draw like at all,I just get anxiety when I try, I can't make anything that is alive in blender. Like genuenly anything.(including scugs :<). I am pretty darn new to blender with barely even 1 k hours. I looked at references of Cappins (the creator of the original 3d model found in OE.) Model, I got some inspiration from there.
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Here is his model.
And here is mine ( low quality because I don't have the original on my phone)
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You can defenetly see the similarities. I took inspiration from a lot of the stuff on Cappins model. Unfortunately I for some reason never figured out that iterator cube is not a cube. It's a uh... Pancake shaped cube. What I also like a lot about Cappins model, is that it's very very well balanced. Perhaps some technical details are questionable but at that scale that can be ignored. I later talked with him. And he explained me the meaning of primary secondary and tertiary detail. Wich is actually very useful. Go google it if you draw or model. As for my model. I'm happy that people like it but I'm not happy how not canon it is compared to other iterators. Perhaps, it's an older model of an iterator. It took me nearly a third of the time cappin took to make his, that explains the quality difference. And we'll he had to start from scratch.
I hope that answers all the questions, otherwise ask again. It's not like I'm gonna go anywhere.
(also pls gimme de scug model if it's okay)
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catnerdenby · 1 year
I came to this new silly Transformers idea. They all tiny and transform into insects. This thought has consuled my brain, leaving no room for other thoughts.
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I lied, my head is full of dragonfly Starscream. You have no idea how hard it is to find good and clear dragonfly's underbelly picture. Also, their faces are kinda weird.
Anyways. I've been thinking mainly of Decepticons and Megatron is a scarab beetle. 100%. There is no other way. Seekers are all dragonflies and damselflies btw. I think it'd be really funny to make Starscream a mosquito, but I'm refraining myself.
Skyfire/Jetfire is a big moth. Y'know, one of them fluffy ones. I think I'm gonna have him wear a mask, just because the moths I'm talking 'bout don't have a mouth.
Bumblebee would be some kind of beetle or ladybird. Ik his name is bumblebee, but still...I want beetle bee. Imagine though. The confusion amongst the Autobots human friends.
I think they should have some anyways. Maybe I'll make original humans, or use canon ones but whatever. I think Carly from G1 could be interesting.
At least ONE of Soundwave's cassettes must be a flea. I'm not sure how that entire thing would work but anyways. Soundwave kinda gives me cricket or grasshopoer vibes.
And maybe praying mantis Shockwave? That could be fun :)
The constructicons would all probably be different kinds of ants. I don't know much about them though, so... Also, let me make it clear, that I don't like ants! I'm terrified of them. And I once got one stuck in my ear. I'm not sure how it happened, but eventually I got it out.
Swindle will be either a fly or a tick. I think I might go for fly though, 'cause I REALLY don't like ticks. I had to make a presentation on them once and the pictures dealt me emotional damage.
Jazz is a stickbug. You can't change my mind. Likely. He just has those stickbug vibes y'know.
Idk about Optimus. I genuenly don't know. Probaby some kind of beetle tho. I'm gonna think about it.
Anyways, sorry for this brain diarrhea, I'll go now.
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the-chaotic-snek · 9 months
i may be the only one. but I need more characters that canonically have anger issues that arent just serial killers or psycopaths.
As some one that has anger issuses, seeing only these kind of media is extremely damaging to mental health and self perception.
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