#two different kinds of kale
rawwithlove · 1 month
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Just a few of my favorites in the garden lol the berries are doing OKAYISH. The peas are popping off lol the only problem is I don’t remember which ones are which anymore LMAO I believe there are also some cucumbers trying to grow in there but the ants never let us have any EVER. So, I'm don't wanna get my hopes up lol
I'm trying really hard to keep up with our garden this summer. Last year, I didn't water it enough :( Everything growing in this garden was either from scraps or on clearance from the store. My husband has a knack for bringing the dying plants back to life lol
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faillen · 9 months
#a was like your life today was a sitcom episode and it really was cause the a plot was the whole [redacted] scare#and the b plot was the 'let's take a step back' moment and they tied in together really well narratively and from a character perspective#i reacted to the b plot with the utmost level of chill but am not being distinctly unchill not cause i'm sad we're taking a step back#but because i really want them to want to still be friends with me#so that's also a fun little tidbit thing that will have emotional ramifications for sure#anyway i kinda stress cooked for four hours and my whole fridge is filled with food#i'm going to be having chicken toretellini and kale soup for literal days#and i literally made two different kinds of sides AND chicken AND roasted potatoes for the protein bowls i'll also be eating for days#my produce drawer is empty of anything except for a single bunch of green onions and half a white onion#i am drinking blueberry stella rosa on a sunday night and trying to pretend that i'm not having a moment about this but i definitely am#and i'm super annoyed about it#why can't my dreams of n propositioning me into throuple bliss w her and her husband come true cause then i would have NONE of these issues#i should also note that i literally stood up to my LAST WEEKEND about me dating queer people and having queer relationships#and that i really need her to start fucking Dealing with it instead of pretending it isn't happening#alls to say that a is probably onto something i /could/ dramatize my life into a fun little queer coming of age sitcom#and tbh maybe i should start anonymously blogging about it#what i should actually do is pull out my journal and actually fucking journal#and also take these contacts out and put on my goddamn glasses#if you got all the way down here i'm so sorry lmao
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bogkeep · 2 months
Would you recommend the SSSS comic? I know little of it beside the very beautiful artstyle and premise
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to answer the question of if i would recommend SSSS as a comic: yes, yes i would.
a description for those who don't know: Stand Still Stay Silent is a post-apocalyptic horror + adventure webcomic set in the nordics (norway, sweden, denmark, finland, iceland) that have been isolated from the rest of the world and gone back to their old gods. the the world outside of safe zones is full of trolls and beasts - humans and mammals that got infected by a horrible virus and turned into monsters. the story follows a ragtag crew that ventures into the old world (derelict denmark) on an expedition to collect books.
the comic updated every workday until it concluded in 2022, and consists of two Adventures. the creator had plans for many adventures with these characters in this world, but ended it after two when she wanted to take a new direction with her life.
what i love about it:
- the art is GORGEOUS. it's been a huge source of inspiration for me. open any page and it's a masterpiece, and you will ask yourself "how the FUCK did she update this FIVE DAYS A WEEK"
- the characters are wonderful and endearing. i just, i love them so much. i am so thankful lalli hotakainen exists he is one of my #1 blorbos forever
- the world is so cool. the blend of chunky sci-fi and norse mythology fantasy magic slaps. it goes so hard. i fell so hard for this comic when i got to the big ferry ship with a viking style dragon head prow added to it. it's everything
- it really really gets nordic cultures. it's difficult to explain all the dynamics and nuances but it just gets it. it brings me as a scandinavian a lot of joy to read a story that speaks to my heart this way. the attitudes, the language barriers, the cultural differences... it was so refreshing to me in a media landscape dominated by american stories. when the pandemic hit, i decided to reread the comic because i found such an odd comfort in seeing how it depicted the scandinavian countries reacting to, well, a pandemic.
- there's kittycats
what i don't like about it:
- the most glaring and obvious flaw is that everyone in the comic is white. there's not a single character of color anywhere, not even i background shots or the prologue. there's no mention of the saami people (the indigenous people of northern europe), either. i believe this was done in ignorance more than malicious intent, but the implications are Extremely Bad and it's been bothering me (AND MANY OTHERS) since day 1. that is the number one caveat i will give to anyone wanting to check this comic out. i've been in the discourse trenches and i am not going to excuse this. it's just bad!
- you can tell in the middle of adventure 2 that the creator has kind of lost interest in the work, around the time when she found jesus i guess. like, very few people can keep up work on the same creative project for years and years and years and i think it's fine that she wanted to drop it, but it's a bit sad to see the comic dragged to its end like a limp corpse, and feeling like the creator no longer really cares about the characters.
- minna sundberg has said and done some questionable things, presumably gotten somewhat radicalised over time, and has also converted to hardcore christianity which is what her new works are about. there's nothing about this in SSSS - there is a moment of christianity represented in the story in a sort of mythological sense, just like the other religions, but this was written before minna's conversion. her new works... are a Choice. i have much to say about them, and i have, and im not gonna rehash it now.
SO YEAH hopefully this will help you take an Informed Choice! i got into this comic in 2015 and was deep in the fandom and it's for better or for worse part of my soul foundation now.
i also recommend A Redtail's Dream, minna's "practice comic" before SSSS, based on finnish mythology and the kalevala.
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relax-and-read-on · 7 months
Math San, I Gotta Ask For More Of That Primarch planet Swap AU, The Amount Of Imaginations That Is Going Through My Head Is Insane, But Headcanons are enough of you do not want to update, As I Am also Genuinely Interested In The Headcanons as well.
Hello hello!!! I am *slowly* going back into updating my blog again, so!
Primarch planetswap au: HC edition!
Lorgar (From Terra): actually quite close to his father and Malcador. Has the habit of walking into Malcador rooms and face planting on the old man bed to complain, after a hard day of not strangling the high lords.
Angron: On Inwit, he had the disastrous habit of running toward all the giant carnivorous monster. Due to his empath power, he ended with a monstrosity called "Land-Orca" that he treat like a dog as a pet.
Fulgrim of Nuceria: Sign language was actually the primary one in the slave pits, to communicate away from the guards. The system that Fulgrim and his sons use together is different from any other, and quite secretive. He actually started teaching it to Ferrus.
Alpharius Omegon on Chtonia: They were actually homeless, until emp showed up! They never wanted their full identity as two knows to other, as it could have compromise their secret statut of vigilante, fighting back the local gangs.
Magnus of Medusa: Think rocks are tasty, okay? He never quite got over his habit of eating sand, but now it's mostly crystal. Has an actual chart ranking the tastiest ones, and fucking LOVE how tasty fossil are.
Leman of Delivrance: Has yet to fully understand that has wolf dna, and as such fight a lot of his instinct. Insist on touching everyone he consider family, and check on the regular where everyone is, and if they are ok. Always eat last too.
Konrad on Maccrage: when he was a child and having really bad convulsion, his mother gave him a pet ferret (wich used to be common pets for Romans) as some kind of alert animal. Konrad doesn't deal well with food often, so his beloved lil friend (called Regulus) became the fattest, happiest noodle.
Ferrus of Caliban: He actually has a romantic side! He grew up hearing songs of knights and princess, and then ended up becoming a knight himself! And while incredibly chivalrous, the realm of the arts (outside a forge) stay incredibly foreign to him. He does love nowaday harlequin romance novels.
Horus on Nostramo: In spite of having created a rather criminal society, he made extreme effort to make it a true meritocracy. Any street urchin can become a mob enforcer under him... If they navigate properly the treacherous world of the mafia.
Sanguinius of Fenris: He actually is a supremely picky eater, and does not trust 95% of vegetables. He only ate meat until he was found by the Imperium, he's not a goat, why do they keep waving kale at him?!
Lion on Colchis: Fully, 100% aware that the chaos gods are real, and actively pray to them. He has his "religion of the Emperor" that he actually use as a facade, since it annoy Emp so much, he doesn't look into his "true" belief.
Perturabo on Chemos: has actually developed full AI again, but hide it HARD from Emp and the Mechanicus. He like his robots!! He think that they should have rights! Why can't the Imperium be less stupid about this... Vaguely in love with Rogal and his Cool Armours.
Jaghatai on Baal: Became quite the warlord, locally. Was especially curious of the use of radiation, and definitely made some horrible WMD back in the day. Currently falling in line with the Mechanicus, as every vehicules present on Baal was almost holly in their culture.
Rogal of Nocturne: Created some really, REALLY advanced fortification that can, somehow, follow the landscape change. Is pioneering the use of dragon scales mixed with special metals, creating something that might be stronger than ceramite. Does not understand why Perturabo is always hanging around.
Roboute on Barbarus: decided to fight necromancy with fire... Artillery fire, to be exact. He brought the industrial revolution to Barbarus, and has pretty intense plan for terraforming the planet. Hasn't stopped working in.... Approximately 50 years.
Mortarion of Prospero: Like in many of my hc, Morty is intersex. He's lucky to have landed on Prospero, where androgyny is a sign of beauty. He actually like cultivating that appearance, and if asked what his gender is, he usually just reply "mushroom".
Corvus of Chogoris: if it's me, then you bet Corvus is a transwoman lol. She wear traditional mongolian ceremonial outfit as a power move, because *no one* expect her to be able to move this easily in all those heavy clothes.
Vulkan of Olympia: VERY close to all 3 of his siblings! He was never a fighter there, and instead worked hard to promote a democratie and division of power. He still is in contact with all of them, especially Calliphone. She keep teasing him about his possible crush on a certain Oracle...
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jisungsdaydreamer · 11 months
Stray Kids as Different Kinds of Shopaholics
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Pairing: OT8 x gn!reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, crack Warnings: none
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1. Bang Chan- The Idiot
You would think that Bang Chan would be the sensible one when it comes to shopping 
This is false.
Unlike the other boys, he doesn’t really have super niche hobbies like art or dance, so he believes that he doesn’t need to spend so much money on such “unnecessary things”
He’ll even hoard coupons and try to use them, even though they expired months ago
But two seconds later, he’ll be whipping out his wallet to buy the most useless shit ever
He would 100% fall for stupid scams, like a self-stirring coffee mug or a “gravity-defying” umbrella hat
As long as they make “life more efficient”
But if you want to buy a book or socks or something, he’ll side eye you and scold you for buying dumb things, as if he just didn’t spend a fortune on an automatic shoe-tying machine
2. Lee Know- The Gordon Ramsay Wannabe
Now Minho is pretty wise with money, except when it comes to one thing
His kitchen
I can absolutely envision him wanting to have an immaculately stocked kitchen
After all, he likes to try making new and elaborate dishes, and he needs the tools for that
Minho will have no problem with buying the fanciest, most expensive supplies
He’ll have a bluetooth wireless cooking sensor to time his roasts from a distance, a soy milk maker, and that KitchenAid artisan mini stand mixer with the fancy beater
He’s so extra that he will even buy a juice extractor to facilitate his morning fix for green juice (gross)
Will get mad if you question his purchases.
3. Changbin- The Gym Bro
Every single exercise contraption known to man will go into his personal home gym
He needs fifty different kinds of weights, 
Maybe even those arm exercise bands for when he’s “on a road trip”
Also spends a lot of money on nutrition
Like those organic seed packets or high-quality kale or something so he can make healthy stuff for himself
If you even open your mouth, he will immediately get defensive, explaining why each and every one of his purchases make sense and why you need them too to be healthy
4. Hyunjin- Ariana Grande
The “I want it, I got it” mentality
Going shopping with him has no budget. He hates that word
The kind of person who doesn’t bring a shopping list; he just strolls the aisles and buys anything he wants
Likes buying name brands: Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, Chanel, and of course, Celine
Bougie bitch right here
LOVES jewelry and accessories even more than clothes; anything that glitters
Might ask you to go shopping with him sometimes just because he needs someone to help him hold all of his bags
Simply will ignore you if you ask him why he needs $5000 in new shirts when he’s already got a closet full at home
5. Han- The Real One
Surprisingly, Jisung would be one of the more practical shoppers
He has a normal budget that he follows religiously, because there’s only one thing that he really wants
Whenever he goes out, he absolutely must buy a drink. Probably boba, to sip on while walking or when sitting in the car
He’ll have “secret” hiding spots in his room for his snacks
Can’t cook so loves taking it as an excuse to always get food outside & he loves doing it with you
Loves ordering-in all kinds of meals as well, whether it’s pizza or butter chicken
Every morning, Jisung needs to buy his coffee at Starbucks and be all aesthetic, or else he can’t do his work
Pouts when you remind him that you literally have a coffee machine at home.
6. Felix- Santa Claus
Now Felix is also a little like Jisung, being a little more realistic
EXCEPT when it comes to his friends & family, especially you.
Will spoil you rotten will all sorts of gifts, from new clothes to perfume
And he insists on taking you on shopping sprees and showering you with new things you don’t really need
Receiving expensive chocolates imported from Paris or somewhere is a regular thing for you
And he’s even managed to get you a designer bag that even the richest people have to be on waiting lists for
Doesn’t get offended at all when you tell him that he needs to cut down on the spending; he’ll just cutely hold out a pretty dress for you to wear
And how can you refuse him?
7. Seungmin- The Mom
Doesn’t give a crap about being fashionable; definitely stingy when it comes to that
“But Seungmin, that hoodie is seven years old…” “Well it fits, so I can wear it.”
Will lecture people (Hyunjin) on their horrible spending habits
Meanwhile, he’d rather spend time in the cleaning sections
He’ll stock up on extra paper towels and wipes and other practical materials
The kind of shopper to absolutely ADORE sales, and will buy everything with a discount
Would buy snow gear in June just because it’s 5% off and will force you to try on a hideous sweater just because it’s in clearance or something
8. I.N.- The Guilty One
Can’t be trusted when given money to go shopping
You could give him your wallet to tell him to go buy milk and when he comes back, he’ll have his arms full of crap that you didn’t even mention
Is such a binge-shopper that he has no choice but to live simple
Because the moment he steps into Target or the mall or somewhere, it’s over.
You had to stop giving him your credit card and just hand him a limited wad of cash when you need him to run errands for you
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
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fox-bright · 4 months
Just heard this evening that a teacher friend of mine is making a thousand dollars less a month this year. This friend has two teenagers! I only found out because I messaged to ask if they wanted me to start any tomato plants for them when I start my own, as it's easy for me to get a half-dozen going for someone else when I'm doing fifty for myself.
They've been gardening since they were a child, and they said, they know that having the garden can really ease the crunch--that things have been very difficult--but that they haven't known how they'll be able to afford to get enough plants to really make a difference.
So yeah, starting tomatoes. They asked for fifteen plants--but I've seen their space and I know I can show them how to have thirty in it. And four or five varieties of peppers, and two kinds of summer squash, and maybe some butternuts that will keep into the winter, and beans, lots of bush beans both for dry and fresh eating, and I told them how to run strings from the roof of their porch into their herb patch so that they can get some pole beans going, too. And I must still have a packet of kale I can just give them. And I'll do ten or fifteen basils so they can make and freeze pesto. Can't do bulb onions, I haven't found any day-neutral ones that play nicely here yet, but can do bunching ones. And if they'll take 'em, a bunch of Asian vegetables--bok choy, gai lan, perilla, shungiku. And if I can remember, I'll tell them to stop off at the local extension office and pick through the free seeds bin for radishes and carrots and lettuce.
Make no mistake, this is rage I'm acting out right now. I'm pissed as hell. Working full time for a school and having trouble keeping their kids' bellies full. Goddamn ridiculous excuse for a society is this.
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rav-rabies-art-blog · 1 month
Story Wip
I'm working a little fic and I like how it's coming along and thought I'd share. It's Kale/Zanzo like my last fic. Originally it was going to be smut like that one too but I might just let it be cute this time.
Setting is pregame. Kale in this story gets parts of his body replaced in parts instead of all at once. And yes the Murderdolls reference is purely for myself.
"Okay let's get this over with." Zanzo whispered to himself as he walked into the sunlight. He could have just left the paperwork on Kale's desk. He could have a robot bring it up, Well he did that last time and said robot had an 'accident' on the way up.
Zanzo didn't know who knocked that programer off that walkway but it had to be Roquefort. He was always out to get rid of him. No one else wanted him gone.
Well, Rekka does but he isn't sure why. Mimosa loves drama. Korsica… she didn't bother him much but she's basically a cop so bastard by default.
Alright, so Kale and that HR department head (whatever happened to them?) where right. Anyone could have done it.
How'd that Murderdolls song go?
"People hate me because I'm better than you."
Yeah that sounded about right. They all hated him because he was better than them. Zanzo chuckled to himself as he looked around.
Kale's private park wasn't that big so it didn't take him long. Zanzo tilted his head at the sight of his boss.
With enough pressure he would hear it but he wouldn't feel the splinters or wood grain crumble between his fingers.
After his augmentation, Kale found himself lightly squeezing things around him at times. His desk, the arms of his chair, and at this moment, a bench in his private garden. He never really thought about What goes into touch. He could no longer feel texture, temperature nor the release of soft flesh after pressing against something. All he could feel was the resistance being registered through his circuits. It was strange. A two dimensional way of feeling. It was-
"Kind of weird right?"
Kale jumped a little as Zanzo's voice pulled him, scowling, from his meditation. "What are talking about?" He snapped.
"How it feels different after you know." Zanzo said and tapped his left foot on the brick walkway.
Kale hadn't had his legs removed yet. That was next. "What it like?" He asked while looking at Zanzo blue metallic legs.
"Oh, well…" Zanzo said. He turned, his side now facing Kale, and stroked his goatee. "It's uh. Like when your leg is asleep but with out the tingling, needling, feeling." He looked back to Kale as he finished. His face split with his Cheshire grin. "But," he continued, "There's also the signals from my joints. Little electronic blip bloops saying 'I'm here and functioning.' So it like these floating points of sensation."
He rolled on to the balls of his robotic feet bouncing his heels. Their clank clank clank was joined with the occasional tink of his swaying cables tapping. All the while he had same earnest grin that Kale couldn't help but find cu-
Kale whipped his head away from Zanzo. 'Oh look that tree has bark like most trees.' he thought as he squeezes his knees, just hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. The hurt was just enough to cut off those thoughts. 'I mean, really, I'm his boss.'
Kale looked back to Zanzo. He was tilting his head like curious puppy. "Something wrong?"
"No," Kale said bluntly.
"Hmmm," Zanzo hummed and tilted his head a little before shooting up straight. "Okay then," he said.
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psychangels · 8 months
been thinking abt the different dynamics and general relationships between the gang. so here's those thoughts summarized, with my more in-depth ones under the cut
chai and peppermint they have a very fun dynamic, with their bickering and bantering. the evolution of their relationship is fascinating and sweet, and i will forever love how peppermint starts caring about chai fairly early on and lies horribly about it to his face because she doesn't want to admit to anyone—least of all herself—that she's getting attached
chai and macaron their dynamic is just nice and sweet. chai helps macaron grow more confident and tries to help him relax. macaron helps chai by rooting for him and complimenting him when others won't. it's also rlly cute how they're the only ones to refer to each other with nicknames/terms of endearment (mac and little guy respectively)
peppermint and macaron endlessly fascinating to me how they both love roxanne and what she built so much that, despite not meeting due to her keeping them at arms length, they're ultimately brought together
macaron and cnmn their dynamic is so fun! cnmn's bluntness contrasts well with macaron's cautious nature. love how macaron built cnmn because he didn't want to be alone...and was self-aware enough that he needed help to also make them a therapy bot
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai. she appreciates cnmn for his more analytical side than his goofiness
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically.
chai and korsica their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly bc of their parallels. i've made a post talking about that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close.
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for a interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs. her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety.
chai and peppermint their relationship starts off the most strained out of all of them, with the exception of korsica for obvious reasons. something that i find interesting is how she starts to care about him fairly early on. despite being (understandably) mad at him for blowing her cover, she checks in on him and compliments him throughout the parry tutorial. later, when she shows up at macaron's lab, she runs in saying, "don't be dead!" and lies horribly about being worried about him when he asks.
the two of them both seek out loneliness and prefer to be on their own. but it's interesting how, despite being described as the "loner hacker girl," peppermint is actually far more inclined to seek help and companionship than chai. she clearly doesn't want to admit that, though, considering how, as i said earlier, she lies about being worried about him. she does sort of let it slip when she mentions how 808 provides companionship as well as being a spy drone, though
the two of them have a very fun dynamic. they bicker and banter. their interactions are often filled with a sort of confidence, if that makes sense. not really sure how to explain. all of the lines they say to each other when she gets called in are sort of assertive in some capacity; that same confidence. there's a growing trust there.
chai and macaron their relationship and dynamic is very nice. there isn't as much to say as the previous dynamic, but that's because they don't rlly have a whole lot of growth in terms of theirs. it stays basically the same the whole time. but that makes sense and works well, because macaron's growth is centered around him becoming more confident. which chai is great for, because he's probably the most confident member of the whole gang aside from peppermint and probably cnmn.
they're the only members of the gang to refer to each other with any sort of nicknames/terms of endearment (chai calls him mac; macaron calls him little guy), which is neat. also really cute.
also, to discuss the lines that they say when he's called in: they're actually fairly assertive and confident. they have no lines where they check-in on each other, but this time there are no exceptions. i honestly find this a little strange, i feel like out of all of them, macaron would want to check on chai the most.
peppermint and macaron something that i find so interesting about their relationship is how they both seemed to be very close to roxanne despite the ways she held them at arms length, yet they never met until recently-ish. it makes sense why. but it really does make me wonder if roxanne never even had pictures of her kids in her office or anything similar. i also find it fascinating how their love of roxanne, and what she built, is what eventually causes them to meet
we don't really get to see them interacting one-on-one much, but they seem to get along relatively well. they have a lot of similar interests and hobbies (stem stuff), which definitely helps with that. i can imagine them helping each other out with projects when one of them is struggling with a certain bit of code or figuring out a design or...other tech-y things
macaron and cnmn the bffs! i love them. it's really interesting to see sort of a reverse of peppermint and chai, who sought loneliness and preferred being on their own, with macaron, who was sort of forced in many ways to be on his own but chose to seek companionship by making cnmn. i also find it fascinating how he specifically chose to build them with the purpose of being a sort of therapist. it shows how self-aware he is. i also find it hilarious that he named him CRAP, most likely without meaning to
their dynamic is very fun! cnmn's bluntness has a nice contrast with macaron's more nervous nature. the way that macaron prefers peaceful options, whereas cnmn is totally down to fight, but simply can't due to macaron's preferences being reflected in their design. inaction vs action, but in a friendly and compassionate way
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part. i get the sense that chai is sort of wary of cnmn in some ways because of that. but he also respects them and enjoys their company. they have fun! they're both silly fellas! they enjoy puns!
i love how cnmn has his own sort of growth, and chai, while he doesn't fully know how to help them with it, does what he can: offer his support. it's very sweet. it's also interesting because it's the reverse of what you would expect. you'd think cnmn would be the one helping chai with his insecurities, but instead they're the one being offered comfort and support
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai, but i don't think peppermint's really wary of cnmn. she enjoys his company more for his analytical side, rather than his goofy one. i think she appreciates his bluntness. she also appreciates that he knows when to and when to not share his thoughts and perceptions, for obvious reasons
i wish i had more to say about them, but similar to macaron and peppermint, we don't get to see the two of them interact one-on-one. and they don't have As much in common, aside from that cnmn knows how to hack. the two of them likely aren't particularly close, but that doesn't mean they don't care abt one another.
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically. they would try to help her feel less self-conscious about her scars, and offer support on the whole in regards to some of her insecurities. in turn, she would teach them to fight and help them with their own insecurities in regards to how they feel like they don't do enough for the team
in terms of actual canon interactions, this is another one where we don't get to see very many, so i don't have much else to say. but i do think they'll become fairly close
chai and korsica these two are so interesting to me. they're the only ones with voice lines when she's called in where they ask one another if they're okay ("korsica, you got this?" "you alright, chai?"). she also actively compliments him, unlike the others ("good timing!" "very precise, chai!"). and, of course, she has her moment where she compliments him in the hideout after she joins the team. also special shoutout to him calling her "vandelay security's finest" (heard if you perform one of her jam combos)
their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly because of their parallels. i've made a post talking abt that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close. peppermint helps korsica with her implants and things down in security; korsica helps peppermint with getting rid of some of kale's bullshittery that's still left
i'm viewing their dynamic here from a more platonic lens, but peppermint's crush is important to take into account. though i'm not sure how much it would really change up their dynamic, aside from peppermint's flustered-ness causing potential cute/silly moments
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for an interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs (macaron didn't want to fight; korsica pushed down her feelings because she had finally achieved her dream). they also both have arm implants, which i'm sure macaron helps her adjust to
her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety. i imagine her presence, though perhaps intimidating at first, can actually be rather calming. especialy since she is known to offer reassurance to those that need it (her interactions with chai being the primary example). i see the two of them as pretty good friends
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Roy/Jaime idea: Roy eats something and has a severe allergic reaction to it and Jaime is the one to run and get an epi-pen to save his life, and looks after Roy once he comes out of hospital. Jaime stays with Roy, and winds up never leaving.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. It's been a bad week for me trying to focus. I've only had one allergic reaction to medication as a toddler. I don't remember it. I wasn't there for my nephew's two anaphylaxis events. So I'm just going off what little I do know. Not sure if this is even a real allergy. I have external allergies, like contact allergies and a horrible reaction to bug bites, but that's not the same. I just imagine what that would be like in your throat and oh yikes.
Not beta read
Ted Lasso Masterlist
Word Count: 6k+
Paring: Roy x Jamie (Romantic), Roy x Phoebe (familial/platonic, protective), Jamie x Phoebe (platonic, protective) Roy x AFC Richmond Himbos (platonic)
Content warning: Allergic Reactions, anaphylaxis, Hospitals, needles, epipens, medical emergencies, ptsd, trauma reactions
The press will make it seem like I ended your career and then you
Roy does not like people knowing about his life. He likes keeping it that way. 
In a rare week where they end up having an extra day off after one of their games gets moved for a different game to be televised. The team only has a half day of training, and they meet up in the afternoon. Roy picks up Phoebe from school and joins them later in the day outside an unusual cafe. One of the guys hands them a smoothie, some fruity concoction a few of them insists Phoebe will like. And it's fine until Roy tells Phoebe to get her bag. When Phoebe looks up at him, she shouts. Jamie and Isaac are on their feet as she scrambles to get her bag. 
"What was in that?!" Phoebe asks. 
"Fruits and veggies," Someone says. And Jamie gets a good look at Roy and curses. She adds, "He needs to lie down." Jamie and Isaac do as she says and get him flat on the ground. 
"Phoe," Jamie starts to ask if she has an epipen but she ignores him. 
"What kind?" Phoebe shouts. “He has allergies.”
"Call an ambulance," Isaac shouts. 
"Colin already did," Jan Maas says. "He is talking to them now."
Phoebe panics as she looks up at Jamie. “I can’t find it.”
“Does he have one?” Jamie tamps down his inner panic and focuses on what needs to be done.
“Glovebox,” Phoebe says.
“Sorry, mate,” Jamie mutters as he awkwardly gets Roy’s keys out of his pocket and sprints to the G Wagon. He makes a bit of a mess, but he finds an epipen. He rushes back and drops down beside Roy. With little work, he preps the pen and slams it into Roy’s thigh. “You can kick my arse if it bruises when you aren’t half dead,” Jamie says as he looks Roy over. He looked awful. His face was swollen, and his color was off. “But you don’t get to fucking die on me, mate. The press will make it seem like I ended your career and then you. Those pricks love making drama out of shit.” He isn’t sure if he’s talking to keep Roy focused on him being annoying or to make himself feel better. 
“Someone see if anyone has another,” Colin says. “Lady says it might not work.”
“Bruv,” Isaac smacks Colin and gestures to where Phoebe stares at him with wide eyes. 
“But I’m sure it’ll be okay,” Colin adds.
“He’s a fighter, Phoe,” Jamie says, trying to get her attention off of Colin. “Now, what’s he allergic to?” 
Phoebe looks up at Jamie. "He can't have some leafy veggies like he can't use whistles," she tells him. "That's what mum says, at least." 
"I got it, Phoe," Jamie says before focusing back on Roy. "Rough day, coach?" Roy glares at him. "When this is over, I'm going to ask your sister what else you haven't told the team that might actually kill you. So far, it's whistles and kale or some shit because clearly you can't be trusted to tell me." Roy growls, but it comes out half wheezed. Jamie takes Roy's hand and puts his fingers on his wrist. His pulse is fast and all over the place, but it's not terrible. "Just try and breathe, ya prick. Don’t want to traumatize the kid any more than she already is.” 
Colin comes over to hand Jamie his phone, but Jamie just hands it to Phoebe. "Tell them what you told me." It's good for her to have a task to keep her focused. And she knows more than most of them do with this. Jamie can tell the swelling must ease some because Roy looks a tiny bit better. Jamie takes off his jacket and puts it under Roy's head. "There nice and comfy now, innit?" Roy glares at him again, but Jamie takes his hand again. His grip shifts to hold it in one hand, and still feel his pulse. His other hand goes into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Jamie unlocks it and hands it to Colin. "Do me a favor and call Phoebe's mum. She's in there as Roy Kent's fit sister." 
That earns a grunt from Roy. Jamie smirks. "I know. You'll cut my eyes out." He squeezes Roy's hand. "You can yell at me when you can breathe properly again."
"Fuck you," Roy manages now that the epinephrine is working. Jamie grins and carefully sets Roy’s hand down. 
"Good news, lads, he lives," Jamie says, standing up. They cheer. "Still going to the A&E," Jamie insists.
Phoebe gives Colin back his phone and moves to sit beside her uncle. She takes the hand that Jamie doesn't keep using to check his pulse and holds it tight. Jamie leaves for a second and comes back.
"I'm okay, kid," Roy says. She hums but doesn't say anything. 
"How ya doing, coach?" Jamie asks. 
“You lock my fucking car?” Roy asks.
Jamie chuckles. “Yes, I locked your fucking car. Now answer my question.”
"I'm fine," Roy insists. Jamie huffs another laugh. He uses a bandana to wipe the sweat off Roy's now less pale face. Roy grimaces. 
"It's clean. I swear," Jamie says. "Can't have big bad Roy Kent looking sweaty, might make some poor medic swoon."
"You're fucked in the head, Tartt," Roy says.
"You don't know half of it," Jamie grins.
"I'm fucking glad for that," Roy grumbles. 
"Oh, trust me, you'd enjoy some of it," Jamie adds with a wink. And Roy glares at him. 
"He seems fine to me," Richard laughs from where he and Colin stand behind Jamie. 
"Yeah, but unless one of you has another epipen, then we better hope that the ambulance doesn't take forever," Jamie says. 
"I told you, I'm fine," Roy attempts to get up, but Jamie and Phoebe stop him.
"Sorry, Coach," Jamie says. "Doc's orders."
When the paramedics get there, Roy cooperates because Phoebe looks like if he doesn't, she might cry from where she holds onto Jamie's hand with both of hers. Jamie is knelt down to her level and clearly trying to comfort her. The medics let Jamie go with them to look after Phoebe. 
Phoebe stays with Jamie in the waiting room when they reach the hospital. 
"You good, Phoebs?" Jamie asks when she sits down. 
"Yeah," She says.
"You sure?" He asks again. "Cause you don't have to be. Sure as hell scared me."
"You didn't seem scared," Phoebe says. 
"Got years of practice looking tough on the outside," Jamie says.
"Uncle Roy says it's because your dad is a…well," she pauses.
"Bad word, innit?" Jamie grins. 
"It is," she admits.
"Well, my old man is a bad word," Jamie says.
"Mine was too, so we have that in common," she states. 
"We do," Jamie says as he throws his arm around her shoulder and pulls her into his side. "But you're a way better kid than I was. 'Lot smarter than I was. But we don't need bad dads with your Uncle Roy around."
"He's going to be okay, right?" She asks.
"Your mum's here, 'course he'll be okay. Be back to his gloomy and grumpy self in no time. A quid says he's already trying to convince them to let him go because he's fine, and your mum will have to put him in his place."
"You're on because he's not going to argue if mum is working because she is already busy, and she won't put up with nonsense." 
"Oh, fair point. Guess we'll see."
Roy might yell at Jamie for gambling with his 8-year-old niece, but Jamie will take that lecture. She isn't as worried or upset as she had been when they got there. So he doesn't regret it. They argue over what the waiting room TV should be changed to, despite neither of them having control over what is on. They both send Keeley texts from Jamie's phone, and they end up looking at magazines and saying who on the team would wear the outfits in the photos and ads. 
"Mum!" Phoebe runs over and hugs her mother when she approaches them.
"How is he, doc?" Jamie asks. 
"On the mend," she assures him. "Should be able to go home soon. But someone will need to look after him. You up for that?"
"Me?" Jamie asks. He figured Keeley would be the one to do it. 
"I think you can handle it," she says with a sly smile. "And I know you'll actually fight him if he tries to do something he shouldn't. He is not the easiest of patients."
"Giving the nurses trouble?" Jamie asks, glancing at Phoebe.
"Ha, no, not in my hospital. He knows better," She says.
"That's fair," Jamie says. He digs a coin out of his pocket and hands it to Phoebe. Phoebe's mum shakes her head. "You guys can head back and see him now." She has a nurse take them to Roy's room.
"Uncle Roy!" Phoebe hurries over to him when they get there. 
"Hey, kid," Roy says. 
"How do you feel?" She asks. 
"Like I don't need to be here anymore. I'm sure there's someone out there that could use this bed more than me."
"You just want to get out of here before the press finds out you're here," Jamie says as he sits in the chair by the bed.
"Probably already on the way if Jamie Tartt was loitering around the waiting area," Roy states.
"Hey, someone had to keep Phoebe from getting bored," Jamie says.
"Fuck off. I'm sure she was the one entertaining you. You can't sit still for five minutes. You can barely sit like a fucking adult." 
"Wow, rude, and two quid on your tab, for shame, Uncle Roy," Jamie grins.
"Fucking nightmare," Roy mutters. "Anyone tell you when I could fucking leave?" 
"Mum says soon, but you have to go home with Jamie," Phoebe says.
"Fuck no," Roy says. 
"Uncle Roy," Phoebe says and gives him a look she probably learned from her mum. Jamie hid his smile behind a drink he had gotten when he had gotten Phoebe food since she didn't actually get to eat at the cafe. He always found it insanely adorable how much sway she had over her uncle. And honestly, it was something Jamie could just sit all day and watch. Because getting to spend a day with his childhood hero and someone he cared for was just something special to Jamie. To see such an honest and genuine version of Roy fucking Kent. Times like these he secretly enjoyed. Although he could have done without the gut-wrenching fear of losing Roy to something as stupid as a fucking smoothie. If Roy didn’t start carrying an epipen on him at all times, Jamie would because they had in a very bad spot if Jamie hadn’t found the one in the glove box. 
Jamie listened to Roy and his niece argue. 
"What do you think, Jamie?” Phoebe says.
"I'm pretty sure my coach yells at me if I ignore my doctor's orders," Jamie points out, making direct eye contact with Roy. "And that coach is usually you."
Roy groans. "Fucking, fine." 
They settle in and watch some cartoons Phoebe picks on Roy's phone while Jamie just scrolls through his. He texts the team to let them know Roy is fine. And after a couple of hours, they get to leave. Jamie insists Phoebe come with them for the night to “help”. He'd left both his and Roy’s keys with the team. Isaac said they’d get Jamie’s car back to Nelson Road, but they’d drop Roy’s at the hospital so they had a ride home. Isaac assured him Colin wasn’t allowed to drive either of them. Jamie loves his teammates, and he lets them know how thankful he is in texts.
Roy is exhausted and feels like shit, but he is happy to be home. Even if Jamie was now in his home. Roy unceremoniously drops down on the sofa. Phoebe is quick to sit beside him, and he smiles when she snuggles into his side. They had a fucking terrifying day, and the look of absolute fear that Phoebe had during the entire incident was burned into his retinas. It would probably haunt his fucking dreams.  
“Here,” Jamie says, handing Roy a glass of water and the meds Roy's sister insisted he takes when he gets home. Roy’s neck and throat fucking hurt as he looks up at Jamie. 
“Thanks,” Roy says as he takes them. Jamie just nods and goes to sit in an armchair. Roy shakes his head as Jamie tucks one leg up under him. He really couldn’t sit like a normal person, could he? At least the striker had taken his shoes off. But Roy didn’t really mind. Jamie had saved his life and taken care of Phoebe. Jamie could fucking key his car, and Roy would probably let him, today at least. Jamie pulls out his phone and starts typing away at it. After a few minutes, he looks up at the TV and then at the pair on the sofa. Phoebe had turned some kid show on that Roy’s tired brain couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. “You guys hungry?” Jamie asks. 
Roy doesn’t exactly feel like eating. But he hadn’t eaten shit at the hospital. 
“You eat?” Roy asks Phoebe.
“Some,” Phoebe says. Roy looks at Jamie. 
“She wasn’t exactly hungry, but I did feed her,” Jamie says. He gets up and hands Roy his phone. It had a soup and sandwich place they often got delivered to Nelson Road pulled up. “Your sister says you can’t have much, nothing pointy or crispy, but mines is already in. Add whatever.” Jamie heads back towards Roy’s kitchen. Roy could remember a time that having Jamie Tartt doing anything in his house would have annoyed him, but honestly, he was glad Jamie was there. Roy’s too fucking tired to think about much. He decides to heed his sister’s warning and gets a soup he doesn’t hate. He lets Phoebe pick what she wants before ordering it. He’ll find out how much he spent on Phoebe earlier and pay Jamie back later. When Jamie is gone for a few minutes, Roy considers getting up to see what he is doing, but Jamie returns and hands him a mug of tea. 
“Figured you probably don’t keep whatever you’re allergic to in the house, so it was safe to make this. Might help your throat,” Jamie says. “Or make it worse, I’m no expert.” He hands a mug to Phoebe, who thanks him. Roy looks down and can tell that Jamie made her one of the fruity herbal teas that he keeps mostly for Phoebe, and that makes Roy pause. Because Jamie clearly has thought about a lot of details, Roy didn’t expect him to. He hadn’t asked for tea, but Jamie’s right. It might help. He knows Phoebe shouldn’t have caffeine this late in the day, especially after all the chaos of the afternoon. Her bedtime was only an hour away. Jamie had obviously considered that. And Roy has never been so glad to have Jamie around. Ever. Roy takes a drink and relaxes because whatever Jamie adds to it does actually help. He could fucking hug the man if he wasn’t so fucking knackered. And that was fucking weird. He fucking wanted to hug Jamie Tartt. Because he can remember the feeling of Jamie’s hand in his. It had been an awkward hold because Jamie had his fingers on his pulse point, but it had been more comforting than it should have been to him. 
Jamie doesn't let him do shit. Doesn't even let him answer the door when the food is delivered. Jamie has Phoebe make sure of it, and it suddenly makes sense why he insists she joins them. Jamie knew Roy wouldn't make too big a fuss if she was there. She had been through enough for one day. 
And Roy knows how that feels because Jamie may not have looked panicked while Roy was struggling to breathe. Roy could tell. Jamie’s eyes had been wide and filled with concern. The way Jamie’s hands had gripped him tight. It screamed, 'Don't leave me.'
After Phoebe goes to sleep, Jamie sits on the other end of the sofa and sighs. 
“You good?” Roy asks.
Jamie pulls a leg up on the couch and angles himself more towards Roy. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but fuck you for not actually having that stupid epipen on you. Because fucking hell, mate.” Jamie runs a hand through his hair. “That can’t happen again. Was fucking terrifying.”
“Not exactly a fucking walk in the park for me either,” Roy says.
“I get that, but if you don’t start carrying one, then I will, because yeah, fuck that. Not doing that again.”
“You’re serious?” Roy stares at him. 
“Fuck yes,” Jamie says, leaning forward. “I meant it. You don’t get to die on me.”
“Because the press will blame you,” Roy remembers.  
“No…because…well, forget it,” Jamie sighs. “It’s late, and you should probably get some sleep.”
“What were you going to say?” Roy was surprised. Jamie usually isn’t one to hold back when it’s just the two of them. 
“Because believe it or not, I do care about you,” Jamie admits. “Now go the fuck to bed. Because you're going to fucking need it. And so do I because I already know the team’s going to annoy you if you’re knackered. You’ll call drills and ‘m not doing those fucking knackered.”
Roy nods and says, “Fair play.” 
They say goodnight. 
Roy wakes up to the smell of fresh coffee and leaves his room to find Jamie and Phoebe making breakfast. Roy stops and takes in the scene in front of him. Jamie is making eggs, and Phoebe is buttered toast. Jamie had said something funny because Phoebe is laughing, and Jamie looked proud of himself. Roy gets a sudden feeling of want. And he isn’t exactly sure what that means. Obviously, coffee and food that wasn’t fucking liquid. But that wasn’t the kind of want this was. He wanted this to be a regular thing. To spend time like this. Jamie and Phoebe got on like a house of fire. And that made him insufferably endearing. Because Phoebe liking Jamie means a lot more to him than Roy even thought possible. And Jamie likes when people are happy. Roy used to think Jamie just liked the attention because of his ego. But now, Roy knows that it’s not his ego. Jamie is actually a people pleaser. Jamie craves validation. And fuck the way Jamie grins when looks at him like he is actually happy to see Roy. And Jamie said he cared about Roy. Fuck, it is too early for this many feelings. 
"Morning, Coach," Jamie grins. Roy just grunts. "For the man that bangs on my door at 4 a.m. almost every day, you aren't looking much like a morning person." Roy flips him off as he gets coffee, and Jamie laughs. Phoebe giggles too. And Roy gets the strangest feeling in his chest. It stops him in his tracks. The sound of Jamie and Phoebe laughing in Roy's kitchen, even if it is at his expense, gave him fucking butterflies. That was not a feeling Roy was expecting first thing in the fucking morning. He nearly jumps out of his skin when a hand touches his shoulder. He turns, and Jamie looks at him. The jovial mood is gone, replaced by a look of concern on the striker's face. "You good? Jokes aside, you gave everyone a hell of a scare yesterday. If you're not feeling it today, you can-"
"I'm fine, Tartt. Try not to burn my flat down making breakfast," Roy says to redirect the conversation because there was no fucking way he was going to tell Jamie that it felt like his skin was electric where Jamie touched him. Fuck. Roy needed to get his shit together. This was Jamie Tartt—Prince of all pricks. But Jamie had stayed with him since Roy started having trouble breathing. And if he wasn't with Roy, he had been with Phoebe. Never leaving her until she was safe and no longer afraid. Phoebe had told him when Jamie had gone to meet the takeaway delivery driver at the door after they got home that Jamie had kept her busy and made her forget how worried she was when they were waiting at the hospital. That he only left her if he absolutely needed to and always made sure someone on staff knew she was alone so they could at least check on her. Luckily they all knew her mum, so they didn't really mind a few minutes if Jamie needed to make a call or use the loo. But he only did that once or twice because he didn't want to leave her alone in case something happened. And that hit Roy hard. Jamie really did give his all to the people in his life. He cared about Phoebe. He had no obligation to do what he had done, but Jamie didn't seem to hesitate. Just like jamming the needle into Roy's leg. No hesitation because when Jamie Tartt cared, he went fucking hard. Just like on the pitch. Nothing else mattered. He's thinking steps ahead, analyzing threats, and coming up with contingencies. Give that anxious energy of his a task, and it gets done. Not always the conventional way, but it gets done. And his current task was breakfast for the three of them. 
Roy’s sister came round to pick up Phoebe after they ate. 
Jamie cleans up the mess he made for breakfast, despite Roy’s protest. Jamie just shrugs him off, saying it’s just to keep busy before they head out to training. 
Roy drives them both to training.
Roy finds himself watching Jamie more than usual as the team trains. 
Jamie goes over as they break for lunch. 
“I’m fine, Jamie. You don’t have to babysit me anymore,” Roy assures him as they head inside.
“Great, so does that mean you have no interest in getting lunch with me?” Jamie asks as he heads to the locker room. 
Unlike the last couple of meals, Roy does have the ability to say no. To spend time without Jamie, but the more Roy thinks about it, he actually wants to go with Jamie. So Roy follows Jamie. 
“I could eat,” Roy says and is glad he did because Jamie fucking smiles at him. And Roy’s stomach flips when Jamie nods. 
Roy finds that lunch is an easy affair. They get food at the canteen and find a table. It’s nothing out of Roy’s normal day, but it feels different. It feels comforting. It helped to calm the nerves he’d had since he walked through the locker room doors, and the team bombarded him with questions. His fellow coaches kept telling him to take it easy. The med team checked in with him multiple times, and Roy just wanted things to be normal. The only person that wasn’t actually acting insane was Jamie, but Jamie had been with Roy since he first realized what had happened at the cafe. Jamie had a front-row seat to Roy getting better. And Roy realizes how much Jamie has actually been dealing with while helping Roy. He’d been the one in contact with the team. He was the one fielding two dozen people wanting to know how Roy was doing. Jamie had kept his bosses in the loop and kept anyone from bothering Roy while he was recovering. Roy set his sandwich down and looked at Jamie.
“You alright?” Jamie asks, now studying Roy closely.
“I didn’t thank you,” Roy says bluntly. 
“For inviting you to get lunch where we both work?” Jamie asks.
“For fucking everything. For saving my life. For taking care of Phoebe. For dealing with these idiots,” Roy says, gesturing to the team members scattered around the tables of the canteen. “I’m a fucking prick for not thanking you sooner. So thank you, Jamie. For making sure I didn’t die because of a fucking smoothie.” 
“Don’t mention it,” Jamie says. 
“But I should. You didn’t have to do any of it. You could have just done nothing like most of the people there. The cafe workers barely did shit. You did it. And that’s not something I’m going to just write off. You saved my life. No one has to put on fucking suits and dress shoes for another funeral. You kept me alive. I owe you-”
“You don’t owe me shit, Roy,” Jamie says earnestly. “You’ve fucking seen me at my worst, and you didn’t hesitate to help me. Fucking hugged me, and you don’t hug anyone. You make sure I don’t fuck up and that I keep getting better. The fact you get up at fucking 3 a.m. so you can help me when you really don’t have to. You have done so fucking much for me, even when I used to be such a fucking prick. I can’t ever-”
“You’ve made me better too. You get that, right?” Roy says in all seriousness. “You challenge me the good way, always keeping me on my fucking toes. My sister and Phoebe think you bring out a fucking passion that I’d lost, that and Phoebe is fucking thrilled and keeps asking me if you’ll help her learn to ride a bike.” 
“Fuck yeah,” Jamie smiles. “If I could get your stubborn arse to do it, she’ll be a delight.”
“Guess I have to buy her a fucking bike now,” Roy grins.
“Fuck off,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll fucking love every minute of it.”  
“Fucking shops always upsell that shit,” Roy laments and goes back to eating, awkward feelings discussion seemingly over.”
Jamie ends up looking through bikes online and which shop to go to. Jamie doesn’t need to go with them, but he’s apparently going to. And Roy is oddly fine with the idea of Jamie joining them. To see Jamie and Phoebe doing mundane shit like he had that morning made Roy’s stomach flutter in a good way. 
Roy’s flat is too quiet. He wouldn’t have minded the quiet less than two days ago, but after having Jamie and Phoebe there to fill the space had been something he didn’t know he wanted. Even when Phoebe hadn’t been there, Jamie had. Even when he was just doing dishes, Jamie just had a way of filling the space, making it feel less empty. He would chat with Roy or just fucking exist, and that was enough to make it feel less lonely. And Roy couldn’t believe he was missing Jamie fucking Tartt. He might regret it, but he ends up texting Jamie and making plans for training the next morning. Because Jamie had missed one morning, and Roy was not going to be the reason Jamie slacked off. Jamie hadn’t argued. 
The next few days, Roy finds himself talking to and texting Jamie more than anyone else.
Keeley grins as she approaches Roy before their match against Brighton. 
“What?” Roy grunts. 
“How you feeling?” She asks.
“I’m fucking fine.” Roy is so tired of answering that question. He grunts and waves her off. 
“That’s good. How’s Jamie?” She grins.
“He’s fucking ready to fuck up Brighton,” Roy states. “How else would he be?”
“You tell me since you have been chatting him up,” Keeley studies his reaction. 
“Fuck off,” Roy glares at her. “I have not.” 
“So you haven’t been texting him for the past few days? Like actually texting him when you don’t need to.” Roy just grunts. “Admit it, Roy-o.” Keeley smiles. “You-”
Roy pulls her aside into his office and closes the door. 
“Whoa,” Keeley says, looking positively giddy. “You actually do have feelings for him, don’t you?” 
“Keeley, you can’t-”
“I won’t tell anyone, but you have to tell him,” Keeley insists. “Roy, he fucking adores you. Always has, but after that shit with his dad at Wembley.  And whatever happened in Amsterdam, he rarely talks about anyone else or anything. It's football, whatever PR I am helping him with, maybe his mum and you. I don't know how much he has told you, but that man fucking cried when he got home the other day. Like it was over 24 hours later, and it's like he finally could process everything. And the idea of losing you fucking hit him like a bus." 
"He did not tell me that," Roy says. 
"Of fucking course not. He probably thinks you'd think he's needy or too clingy."
"Fuck," Roy says as he sits down. He'd thought a lot about Jamie the last few days. But the idea that Jamie could feel the same way had never crossed his mind. Sure, Jamie said he cared for Roy. But they were mates now, and that was enough for Roy. Or it had been. "You really had to do this right before a fucking match," Roy says with a glare at Keeley.
"Sorry, not sorry," Keeley says and goes off to find Rebecca. 
They win because Jamie Tartt is a fucking mastermind on the pitch. Knows exactly where the ball needs to go and how to get it there. And Roy couldn't be more proud of him. As Roy makes his way out onto the pitch, he has the urge to fucking kiss the striker in front of a stadium full of fans. And that is a very fucking bad idea. So instead, he hugs Jamie and tells him he did fucking great. 
When the team makes it to the locker room, Jamie is flying high on the win and the fact Roy had actually smiled at him and hugged him. And Jamie doesn’t think his day can get better. But Roy drags him into the boot room, and before Jamie can say anything, Roy says he wants to kiss Jamie. Jamie just fucking nods, and then Roy fucking kisses him, and Jamie wonders if he is the one that almost died a few days ago because this has to be a dream because Roy has him backed against one of the shelves. One hand is in Jamie’s hair, and the other gripping his hip, and Jamie can only pull him closer and kiss him back. The door opens, and an amused Will walks in. Roy goes to pull away, but Jamie won't let him. 
“Don’t mind us, Mr. Kitman,” Jamie chuckles as he steps to the side and takes Roy by the wrist. Roy says nothing and refuses to make eye contact with Will as Jamie drags him out of the room. “Want to get out of here?” Jamie says lowly to Roy, looking up at him from under his lashes. And Roy answers him by gripping his face and kissing him again.
“Get your shit,” Roy says. “And get your arse in the fucking car.” Jamie fucking moans into Roy’s mouth when he kisses him one last time. Earning a few interesting looks from the nearest players, but no one says anything about it. No one gives them shit. And Roy can appreciate that. Jamie quickly gets out of his sweaty kit and shoves his jacket in his bag because fuck that. He’s in a hurry, and Roy is watching him with amusement because he is less than graceful as he hurries. They don’t say a word to anyone as they leave. They barely say anything until they are locked away in Roy’s flat. 
“You know the entire team will know by tonight, right?” Jamie says as he kicks off his shoes and tosses his bag near the wall. 
“Fuck ‘em,” Roy says as he takes his jacket off and tosses it aside. 
“Rather be the one fucked,” Jamie grins, and Roy growls. “That’s some articulate response there, coach. Didn’t quite get that, did you-” Roy cuts Jamie off with an aggressive kiss. It’s all passion and teeth as he bites Jamie’s lip. Jamie gives him what he wants and opens his mouth to him. Roy pins him to the wall and fucking explores Jamie as well as he can while they are both fully clothed in the fucking hallway. And as much as Jamie would happily let Roy fuck him against the wall in his entryway, he knows Roy’s knee is fucked, and he wants Roy to actually enjoy being with Jamie. So Jamie has to pull away. Roy growls when, again, Jamie slips out from between him and where Roy had him pinned. But his annoyance is gone when he looks over at Jamie. Jamie is already pulling his shirt over his head and heading down the hall. 
“You coming or what?” Jamie smirks as he tosses his shirt at Roy. Roy catches it and drops it on top of Jamie’s bag, and follows Jamie down the hall. He tugs his own shirt off as he reaches his bedroom and tosses it aside. Jamie’s trackies are gone. Roy can understand why Keeley went back to Jamie for a good time after they broke up because fucking hell, Jamie Tartt had to have been sculpted by a higher power. And Roy doesn’t hesitate. He’s on Jamie before the smug prick can make a joke about Roy eye fucking him. A breathless laugh is all Jamie manages as Roy gets Jamie in his bed. Jamie is less talkative in bed than Roy would have thought. Sure, he had a fucking dirty mouth, but Roy fucking loves the wordless noises that Jamie makes as Roy methodically takes him apart and fucking ruins Jamie Tartt. The way Jamie moans his name pushes Roy over the edge, and they both end up panting for breath side by side in Roy’s bed. But that has an unexpected reaction from Jamie. Roy had expected him to maybe be a cuddler. Jamie is on his side and looking down at Roy, studying him. And Roy realizes Jamie is a lot less relaxed than he was a second ago. 
“What?” Roy manages to ask. “What’s wrong?” And Roy is unnerved when Jamie just shakes his head lays down with his head on Roy’s chest. Jamie is silent. His ear was over Roy’s heart.
And Roy gets it. Roy had been trying to catch his breath. The last time Jamie heard him struggling to breathe was far less enjoyable for both of them. So he runs his fingers through Jamie’s hair silently. But he knows he has to say something when he hears Jamie sniffle. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” Roy says, wrapping his arms around Jamie to emphasize his point.   
"Sorry," Jamie mutters.
"Don't be," Roy says honestly. 
"That's the thing, I know you're fine, I really do." He shifts so he can see Roy. 
"Bit better than fine," Roy grins.
Jamie huffs a laugh, but it seems half-hearted.
"I know but-"
"But it is an impulsive reaction. No rationality to it. Just you hear it, and you can't help but react."
"Yeah, fucking annoying," Jamie laments. 
"It's fucking adorable," Roy says.
"Is not," Jamie says. "Me being stupid afraid is not adorable."11
"It's a trauma reaction, Jamie," Roy tells him. "PTSD shit. You can't predict what triggers that shit. You know that. I think it's adorable because it means even when you aren't worried about what is going on, part of your brain is still making sure I'm not dying."
"Well, it doesn't feel adorable," Jamie sighs. Move until he can tuck his head into Roy's neck. Roy holds him close. 
"I'm sure it doesn't," Roy agrees. "But we can work on it. If it's trauma-based, then it'll get better in time."
"Except it could fucking happen again," Jamie points out.
"And we'll fucking deal with it again if it does."
"Roy," Jamie moves to get up. And Roy lets him because he knows Jamie does not do well if he can't move. 
"Jamie," Roy says back, and it somehow sounds like a challenge, and Jamie doesn't know what to say now. Roy shakes his head and disappears into his bathroom. He tosses something Jamie catches on muscle memory alone. Jamie looks down, and it's another EpiPen. 
"There, and there's a new one in the glove box, and Gayle got two more for Nelson Road. They already have them for public first aid. One is in my desk, and the other is in the treatment room now too. Does that make you feel better?" 
"It does a bit," Jamie says. 
"Just a bit?" 
"Means you took what I said seriously," Jamie says.
"Of fucking course I did," Roy says as he starts to put on a pair of pants. "Did you think I would just shrug it off?"
"Maybe," Jamie says as he gets partially dressed. 
"Well, I didn't because it fucking sucked for me but also for you and Phoebe. And the team." 
"You also could have fucking died," Jamie says flatly, and Roy goes over to him and pulls him close. 
"But I didn't because of you. And I'll try and make sure it won't happen again. Can't fucking guarantee anything, but I will try because I don't want any of you to worry."
"I'm going to worry, just like you do," Jamie says. "Because I care."
"And it blows my fucking mind you do," Roy admits. 
"Fuck it," Jamie says and drags Roy towards the ensuite. "We're going to shower, then getting food, and then get fucking dirty again." 
"Sounds good to me."
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margoshvets · 3 months
Chai post – my fanon
[Part 1: Childhood]
Trying to finally get some things out of my head. This post will also be answering @purplecheshire1 question “Do you ever wonder what was Kale and Chai’s childhood before being an adult?”
I’ll be splitting it into parts and writing about Kale in a different post for convenience (and because I don’t know when I’ll write those but I feel bad for not putting at least something).
And I will also, additionally, talk about adulthood in another part.
Info bellow ⚠️ THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO A PART OF “Try Again” AU ⚠️
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Name: Chai. This name was given to him in an orphanage. Surname: Prefers not to have one. Uses his actual second name only when necessary.
Chai was found on January 25th in a culvert pipe by a group of youngsters who unexpectedly had their pleasant evening disturbed by a baby’s cry. They turned to the police for help, but they were unable to find the child’s parents or any information on the baby, so he ended up in an orphanage.
His right arm already wasn’t showing signs of healthiness when he was found.
Chai is aware of these events.
Since no one knows when he was actually born, his birthday is celebrated on the day he was found - on the 25th of January.
Life in the orphanage wasn’t particularly bright: study, eat, and hope that grownups would come and take you home with them.
Chai wasn’t doing great. He had a hard time concentrating on his studies and finding friends. He seemed to never be able to understand which way other kids’ train of thought was going. Some looked down on him and thought he was weird.
He also wasn’t doing great with the “grownups will come and take you home with them” part.
He started to think like there was something wrong with him since childhood. He still distinctly remembers one married couple that came to the orphanage. The man pointed at him and whispered to his spouse “Not in our budget”.
The medical staff in the orphanage couldn’t do much for his arm except give him a sling.
The kid spent time mostly by himself. Playing around huge sewer pipes and making friends with small creatures: ants, frogs, and all kinds of bugs. He collected all caterpillars he could find and helped them grow to become beautiful butterflies (he never stopped doing that).
And he very much likes antlions. He saw one only in the book. Thought it was cool. He would like to raise one one day.
Things changed when a new kid arrived at the orphanage. A girl named Daisy. Like Chai, she was disabled – she lost both of her arms in an accident that also took her parent’s lives. Daisy’s only remaining relative that took care of her, her grandmother, recently passed away, and without anyone to take care of her, she was sent to the orphanage.
Chai stuck to her because she, like he is, was different. The two of them got along pretty well.
He was very surprised to discover that her favorite hobby was, and still is, drawing. Despite losing both arms, she never gave up and instead decided to learn to draw using her feet.
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“Drawing helps me keep the bad thoughts away and gives me something to look forward to in life. I want to be like one of those big artists one day. Everyone has that one thing that gives them a reason to push through. You should too,” she said to him one day.
Daisy's words stuck with Chai. He had thought a lot about what she said and, one day, he happily rushed to his friend to tell her that he would become a rockstar.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 114
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Some guy in my replies: “No u don’t understand that’s a Yakuza reference all the criminal gangs in Japan hold hands like this it’s how they tell each other they like crime.”
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Last time Goku started fighting Caulifla and Kale to show them Super Saiyan 3, but we’ve scratched that itch and now they just want to defeat him in battle.   So Kale powers up to her maximum, but she still has that little problem of being able to control herself at this level.
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And Goku would know, since she clobbered him pretty good the last time she did this.
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Caulifla, on the other hand, is all for it.
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Elsewhere, Vegeta and Top have been fighting, but Vegeta keeps getting distracted by what Goku’s up to.  The girls have been improving dramatically since the tournament began, and I guess that’d be hard to ignore. 
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Top admits that the Saiyans are a remarkable people, and Vegeta can’t help but take this opportunity to point at himself and talk about how he’s the best Saiyan of all. 
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So Kale finishes hulking up, and Caulifla is worried at first that Kale still can’t recognize her in this form, but she takes her hand anyway and assures her that they’ll push forward together no matter what.  This somehow reaches Kale, and...
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She changes back to her “happy medium” form, and regains her personality.  And yet, everyone observes that she still retains the power she had in the her jacked up state.  So somehow she’s finally gotten a handle on her Super Saiyan form. 
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Meanwhile, Goku notices that his hands are trembling. With excitement, I guess? He’s been excited about a good fight before, though, and this time he acts like he doesn’t understand. 
It’s like I was saying before, this time is different for him.  He’s got these two younger Saiyans fighting him, and they’re pushing him out of his slump from Jiren clobbering him.  But they’re also sitting under the learnin’ tree, and he’s showing them things they’ve never understood before.  He’s finally getting to spend quality time with his own people, and the culture he never got to experience because his homeworld was destroyed.  And I think he understands that on some unconscious level. 
The closest example I can think of to compare this to is like when he was sparring with teen Goten in one of the last episodes of Z, or that barn-burner he had with Gohan in Episode 90 of this show.  He had the same sense of satisfaction, but he could tell himself that it was a father-son moment.  Here’s he’s having the same kind of feeling, but with strangers, and he doesn’t get it. 
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Or maybe he’s parsing these romantic undertones without realizing it.  Kale starts out saying she’ll follow Caulifla’s lead, but Caulifla insists that they fight as equals.  Remember, they’re part of an outlaw gang back in Universe 6, and Caulifla’s the leader of that gang.  But she’s not the leader of their relationship, which is why I get so irritated with randos who keep trying to interpret this whole thing in terms of Yakuza stuff, or taking the “sister” thing too literally.   You know who’s actually a blood relative of Caulifla?  This guy:
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Renso speaks highly of Caulifla, but he’s not part of her gang and he seems to have closer ties to Cabba from their time in the Sadala Defense Force.  I’m pretty sure Caulifla never even mentions her brother at all. 
You know who’s part of the inner circle of Caulifla’s gang?  This dude:
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Not Cabba, I mean the anonymous guy with the pompadour mussing Cabba’s hair.  He must be a pretty big wheel in this gang or he wouldn’t be acting so high and mighty in Caulifla’s presence.  We never learn anything about this guy, except that he defers to her without question.   And we know this is where all the big shots in Caulifla’s gang hang out, because Kale’s standing just off screen. 
You know who calls Caulifla her “one and only”?  Who Caulifla looks at with unrestrained adoration?  Who Caulifla keeps holding tenderly? 
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Seriously, what gang sign is this?  Harold, they’re lesbians.  Honestly, I don’t even care that much, but every time some weenie trolls my #caulifla tag and tries to deny or downplay this, I just get more convinced.  Because they’re always like “no no they’re not gay they’re not gay u just don’t understand gangs” and I’m like just give it up already.  Seriously, who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?
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Look, I’m old enough to remember when Simpsons fans used to argue about whether Smithers was gay.  I can admit that I once thought there might be some heterosexual explanation for his whole bit.   But that was thirty years ago, and these two goofballs are constantly gazing into each other’s eyes.  Don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining. 
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Now, where was I?  Oh, right, Caulifla and Kale start fighting Goku and whoopin’ his ass.
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Goku starts to get boxed in, so he uses a Solar Flare.  I like how he still says “Sorry, Tien, but I’m borrowing your move!” before he uses it.  Meanwhile Krillin spams Solar Flare more than Goku and Tien put together, and he doesn’t even acknowledge the creator. 
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Caulifla misses Goku and eats a faceful of rocks, so Kale gets upset and attacks Goku on her own.  She’s a house of fire!
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Then they run across Frieza, who decides he wants in on this, but Goku tells him this is a private party. 
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I know Frieza has a bigger role to play near the end of the tournament, but I gotta say he’s a real pain in the ass here in the middle.  He keeps standing around talking about how he’s going to do horrible things to his opponents, but he hardly ever jumps in and fights. It’s almost like he’s still that lazy fuck who spent most of the Namek Saga sitting in his scooter and drinking wine.  Anyway, Goku tells him to fuck on outta here. 
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Also, Catopesra shows up to offer Frieza a different challenger, but Frieza ignores him completely, so clearly Frieza’s just phony tough.  Catopesra even changes the “P” on his costume into an “S”, but Frieza doesn’t care.
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Anyway, Goku gears up for the next round, and Caulifla says he sure is confident, and Goku admits that he’s not.  Make no mistake, he’s not toying with these ladies. 
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So then... wait, seriously?
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I spent so much time talking about the other handholding scene that I forgot about this one. 
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Which issue of “Way of the House-Husband” is this from?  Like, the main guy’s talking about laundry detergent with someone, and then he goes “I like to hold hands with my wife”, and the lady he’s talking to is confused because everyone knows holding hands is a thing criminals do to express how loyal they are to their boss, and the more murders you commit, the longer you have to hold their hand. 
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So they do the bit where they make a dust cloud and Goku uses his senses to locate them, but that was the plan.  Kale traps his arm, setting Goku up for...
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Fuck yeah!
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See, some of you may be confused, so let me break it down for you.  The “sworn sister”, hand-holding, the “weeping at the though of being apart” stuff?  That’s Caulifla and Kale being gay.  This part?  Where one holds him while the other beats the shit out of him?  That’s the gangster stuff.
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“Gettin’ real tired of you ducking me, man!”
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I can see it now.  “tumblr user dipshit89 replied to your post: But but Kale’s holding Goku’s arm and that doesn’t prove she loves him!” 
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I forgot how he got out of this one, so I had to look up a YouTube clip of this, and basically Caulifla went for a spin kick to his head, which gave Goku enough time to duck and swing around Kale to reverse her hold.  Goku’s the man.  This fight rocks so hard. 
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Likewise, I couldn’t get a good shot of this action, but Goku tries to teleport after he breaks free, but Caulifla’s seen that too many times, so she throws a ki blast behind her, guessing that’s where he’s going to reappear, and she’s right on the money.  I think that’s the first time we’ve seen any character scout the Instant Transmission.   Cell was just so fast that it didn’t bother him much, and I think every other character Goku has fought since then has been the same way, just rolling with the fact that Goku can teleport, rather than learning to anticipate how Goku uses it in a fight. 
Well, Frieza used the same strategy to beat Jimmiz, but I don’t think that counts, because with Jimmiz teleporting was pretty much all the guy does, so it wasn’t exactly difficult to predict.  Goku’s whole deal is that he’ll go so long without Instant Transmission that you almost forget he can do it whenever he wants. 
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So Goku finally turns it up to Super Saiyan God.  Well, I say finally like he’s been holding back up to now.  This whole thing has been kind of similar to the way Goku started out against Jiren, except that in the Jiren fight, Goku was fresh, and he was deliberately working his way up to the higher transforms to feel Jiren out.  Here, Goku isn’t waiting to use Super Saiyan God.  Chances are he couldn’t use Super Saiyan God until now.  And it’s likely he’d still rather wait a little longer, but if he keeps fighting at SSJ2 he’s gonna get his ass kicked, so it’s now or never.
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But now, Caulifla and Kale aren’t so impressed.  They went into this eager to see Super Saiyan 3, and now Goku’s showing them an even higher form and they’re like “Yeah, we can still take him.”
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Goku opens with fingerguns.  Wait, there’s ki blasts coming out of there, that fingergun is loaded!   Watch out!
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Kind of weird to see Goku using a beam attack.  Someone should write a fanfic set before this fight where Goku fights a memorable opponent with a beam attack and that sort of serves as a call-forward to this fight, where he uses a similar beam attack here.  It’s me, I should be doing that.
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So things go as they did before, except this time Goku’s much harder to double-team.
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Not sure Kale’s entirely on-model here, but I still like this shot.
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The girls stay on him, though.  Kale manages to catch Goku in a big green ki blast, and Caulifla’s like “Yeah, you got him!”
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But Goku just swims up the blast and clobbers her.  Shades of Cooler’s Revenge!
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Then Goku fires two ki blasts at once.  Kale struggles mightily against one of them...
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... While Caulifla tries to dodge the other.   Except Goku’s steering it to chase her.  Now, as Goku recovers his strength, we begin to see the gap between their powers.  They were doing well against him as a Super Saiyan 2, but in this form, Goku can sling around bigger, more powerful ki attacks and overwhelm them, despite their numerical advantage.
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Kale manages to toss her ki blast up into the air, but Caulifla gets caught before Kale can help.  And that one blast pretty much took Caulifla out of the fight.  She doesn’t want to quit, but she knows she’s finished, and Kale can’t fight Goku alone.
Goku congratulates them for their great talent, but he says they need to learn how to “finish a fight”.  I didn’t understand what he meant before, but now I get it.  They probably had Goku cornered at least a few times before he turned Super Saiyan God.  If they had capitalized on that advantage, they could have defeated him before he ever got the chance to make it to Super Saiyan God.  Or, more accurately, if they had known how to capitalize on that advantage while they had it. 
It goes back to that “street brawler” thing Whis said about Caulifla last episode.  She’s good, but she lacks the martial arts background that Goku has, so there’s a lot of subtle aspects of a fight that she doesn’t know how to deal with.  As we saw, she’s a quick study, and Goku could show her what to do through fighting a lot faster than explaining it.  And the same holds true for Kale.  But ultimately, no matter how much they improve from fighting Goku, their basic approach to fighting is the same: Pound the other guy down until he can’t continue. 
And that usually works, but in this case Goku was getting stronger, not weaker, as the fight progressed.  Their best bet was to put him away early instead of trying to wear him down.  Their moment was probably about the beginning of this episode, where Kale reached her full power and Goku wasn’t ready to go God Mode on them yet. 
But they didn’t know how to seize that opportunity, so they just kept attacking and waiting for a better opportunity that never came.  It’s like when I play chess and I focus more on trying to take out all the opponent’s pieces instead of looking for checkmates.  That approach can work, but it also gives your opponent loads of time to find a way to checkmate you. 
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Anyway, Goku’s got the clear advantage here, and he starts preparing a Kamehameha to blow them both out of the ring.  But Caulifla reminds Kale of that thing they got before the tournament began, and says it’s time they fought together “all the way”. 
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But Goku is unaware of this plan, so as he blasts them (and a chunk of the stage) away, he doesn’t notice something cool is happening.
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Awwww yeah.
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It’s Kefla Time, Bay-Bay!
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This was Champa’s secret plan all along.  Before the tournament began, he gave Potara earrings to the girls and told them to put them on near the end of the tournament.  They didn’t understand, but he insisted that they trust him on this.  And so they have, and here we are. 
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This tournament fucking rules.  We’ve seen everything else so far.  Spirit Bombs, Evil Containment Waves, like four or five Hellzone Grenades.  It’s been five years and I still can’t believe they brought back Android 17.  So yeah, let’s throw in some good ol’ fusion. 
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Kefla is so strong and fast and cool that she overshoots Goku when she jumps over to him. 
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Goku tries to punch her, but he misses. 
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Here’s KISS with “Unholy”.
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
Vegan Kin Food Ideas
S'up! So, we've been seeing a lot of kin food posts, but the focus is always on meat. Then when vegan or vegetarian options are listed it's like salad + fruit and that's it. We've been vegan for some years now so here's a list of things we eat that we think others might enjoy too!
A piece of advice we found helpful is to think about the food item you miss and break it down into what exactly you miss. If you miss eating gems, is it the appearance? The crunch? Gritty texture or dry taste? In that spirit of that, our list will be largely broken up by texture/experience.
Crunch Crunch Snacks
This includes snacks/sides that get your jaws working or have a satisfying "snap" to them.
Roasted chickpeas
Kale chips
Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter and raisins)
Hummus + baby bell peppers/sugar snap peas/carrots
Granola / cereals (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Banana chips
Nuts + seeds
Popcorn (avoid "buttery" packages, buy plain or kettle corn)
Peanut butter pretzels (crunchy outside, delicious soft inside)
Smartie candies
Keep your cookies/chocolate bars in the fridge or freezer
Also, load cookies up with extra nuts/seeds/choco chips
Soft, but with some crunch
This section is for dishes/sides that are overall easier on the teeth, but with elements that still crunch or snap. If you're looking for recipes that combine different texture elements check these out.
Lentil nachos + nacho cheese sauce
"Crunchwrap" (quesadilla made with refried beans and homemade cheese sauce that we open and place tortilla chips and lettuce inside after grilling)
Tempeh bacon (we like this on a BLT or grilled cheese sandwich)
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Grilled asparagus
Apple slices with nut butter
Apple turnovers
Vegan sushi (there's a ton of recipes, check out these two collections to get started X, X)
Falafel (can be used a hundred different ways, sandwiches, wraps, on it's own, etc.)
Roasted chickpeas again, but with a caveat**: You can roast them at 350 F for 30 mins and they'll be cooked enough to pop between your teeth, but soft in the center. We like to either eat them as-is or top our salads with them. (We season with salt/pepper before going into the oven, nothing else) **Must be eaten after baking, they will not keep
For the foragers in the crowd
These dishes focus more on having either multiple different foods in a visible way or a tactile element to how you eat them.
Chia pudding
Smoothie bowls
Overnight oatmeal
Trail mix
Pumpkin bars (We replace the egg with a flax egg and use vegan butter)
Chocolate chip banana monkey bread
Corn on the cob
Grilled veggie kebabs
Cranberry cilantro quinoa salad
Bush's beans and rice
Salads topped with sliced fruit, nuts, grains and/or beans
Edamame (a favorite, we love pulling out the insides with our teeth, you can get ones without the pods if they bother you)
Plant-based burgers, the kinds with the chunks of veggies (our favorite is dr. praeger's black bean quinoa burgers)
Chewy Foods
This section is for foods that work your jaw, but more in a "needing to chew" way.
Potato gnocchi
Dried fruit (comes in all different flavors, not just raisins)
Swedish fish, red vines, skittles or sour patch kids
Granola bars (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Thick bread-y pizza (our favorite dough recipe)
Chewy chocolate chip cookies
Peanut butter cookies
Baked oatmeal
Potato skins
Meat Substitutes
The most obvious way to make a dish vegan is to sub in the appropriate mock meat. We've eaten quite a few and we won't sugar-coat it: a lot of them are either going to match the taste, texture, OR look. It's hard for mock meats to copy meat 1:1, some get way closer than others, but if you go into this expecting no difference you will be disappointed.
Our two favorite brands are Impossible and Gardein. We've tried a lot of their products and have yet to eat one we don't like.
These aren't your only options though!
Falafel (deep-fried balls of ground chickpea)
Tempeh (fermented soybeans)
Seitan (made from wheat gluten)
Jack fruit
You might have guessed based on the recipes shared, but we usually opt for beans. We haven't eaten much seitan or jack fruit, but they are options. At our local grocery stores they're sold in the "free from" section and can be brought pre-seasoned and ready to cook with. Jack fruit in particular is a popular replacement for shredded pork.
The trick with a lot of these is to marinate them. Tofu in particular so you can infuse it with flavor. Here's a few recipes we love:
Lentil and sweet potato loaf ("Neat"loaf)
Marinated tofu
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Tempeh bacon
Chili (our mom's recipe that we modified)
Soft / Squish
For things that are soft or squishy and you can slurp up.
Seaweed salad
miso soup
Pico de Gallo Black Bean Soup
"Nice" cream
Chocolate mousse
Brownie batter hummus
Chia seed jam
Lavender syrup (to flavor other drinks, we use it in coffee)
Lavender lemonade (final product will be a light brown color)
Mashed potatoes + Gravy
Slow cooker apple cider
Tofu scramble
JUST egg
Non-dairy mac and cheese (our favorite brand is the upton's)
Smoothies (if you're looking for a protein powder to include, we recommend Vega)
**Just a reminder to supplement for B12 if you're consuming a vegan diet. There are some foods that are fortified with it; however, a supplement is cheap, easy to find and all-around a more reliable way to ensure you are getting enough.
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zalrb · 2 months
You have posts about building up relationships, but they're all about tv shows. Are there ways to build up couples from strangers to stelena level love without the benefit of multiple episodes without the relationship feeling contrived - like rose and jack. If they weren't teenagers I'd be harder to accept their id die for you status even though we've only known each three days.
Oh, I have posts about movies too, they're just less popular.
Cecilia and Robbie in Atonement. When I read this ask, my mind automatically went to them but I felt like I should do a list since I have so many ships and sometimes I forget a few, not because I don’t ship them, but just because I have so many but I don’t know there’s something about Cecila and Robbie … it’s not just that I find their story beautifully tragic because there are a lot of beautifully tragic ships on this list, it’s McAvoy and Knightley together and as actors unto themselves, the way they hold the emotion of their characters and their relationship in their bodies
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and the cinematography, the certain directorial choices that reinforce the romance
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and romance and period of the film
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like the fact that Cecilia was in the fountain
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and so just to get close to her, just to feel something that’s touched her, Robbie puts his hand atop the water
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and they gave us this scene!
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It’s a beautiful film and they’re a beautiful ship.
OK well first of all, it’s beautifully shot with the soft blue lighting and it’s extremely sensual with the waves crashing in the background mingling with Chiron’s sighs, the close ups of the hands grabbing at the sand and then smoothing the palm over the sand,
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and then there’s the context of this being the single most vulnerable, single most intimate moment, connection Chiron’s had with another person
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[I think what’s so great and so heartbreaking about this confession is the second line where it goes from “you’re the only man” to “you’re the only one” so it’s actually not just romantic, he hasn’t had that kind of connection or intimacy with anyone else in any other capacity, it’s just and always has been Kevin.]
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and then there’s the fact that this is an intimate, gentle love scene between two Black boys/men. I just love this movie so much.
There is such a weight to this movie and to the dynamics portrayed in this movie and there’s almost this cosmic connection between Chiron [Black] and Kevin
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that I think the actors portray really well
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because it’s a movie with very little dialogue so they convey so much without speaking and obviously a lot of that is the acting but a lot of it is also having the chemistry to pull it off.
(I mean, granted, they have three movies but still) and with Willabeth I kind of talk about how they're a great ship in pieces/different posts
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by the way, when mindy kaling says “you can’t write chemistry”
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this is what she means because it’s written in the script that will catches elizabeth and presses her against the wall
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but it didn’t state that it would be like this
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this, though,
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they brought that shit to life
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like there’s this perception of passion as being carnal rather than sensual or like strong emotion that brings about an intensity or a kind of ‘i burn for you’ type deal but when I think of passion, I think of shit like this
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and Elizabeth and Will’s intense need to protect each other and stay with each other
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I don't even care for this couple but I broke down how cinematic language can reinforce a connection between two characters and help the romance along
Their dance scene — which is beautifully shot — is a good example of a scene that uses certain cinematic language to enhance tension in a scene without relying on those things to create it,  like this [...]
and there are more.
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amascomet · 2 months
Another question for your GS AU, hope ya dont mind!
I remember you mentioning somewhere about how the turtles only ate like two kinds of foods before meeting April. Im kind of curious on what each turtles favorite food would be once April introduced them to different kinds!
Yes, before April it was mostly just sardines and lettuce. Irma would occasionally sneak some stuff like pudding from the staff menu but nothing actually good. It’s like hospital quality food. Not everything is a hit.
Pizza obviously becomes a group favorite but April tries to limit it so they only get it on Fridays. 🍕🐢 Here’s what I imagine each of their favorite food/snacks being along w/ their pizza toppings of choice.
Leo - Seaweed Chips + Sausage and Kale 🍕
Mikey - Crawfish + Anchovies 🍕
Donnie - Ngl I think he’d probably eat anything. It’s his curious nature. I can see him enjoying baked scallops as a consistent favorite tho. Pears too. I don’t know why. I can just easily see him fucking up a pear. + Chicken 🍕
Raph - Absurdly rare beef cutlets. + Meatlover’s 🍕
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rav-rabies · 7 months
Hi Fi Rush Headcanons/ideas: pt 1 Heroes
got a few ideas bouncing around mostly just backstory stuff I wanted to write down to clean up my head and thought I'd share.
Pt 2
Possible trigger warnings: discussions of family fights, age gap relationships
Sun sign: Cancer, Moon: Sagittarius, Ascending: Sagittarius
Is smarter than he lets on
Grew up in a small town and got himself into trouble because there wasn't much else to do.
Never knew his father. He left home to pursue his dream of being a Rockstar and disappeared.
Chai created an idealized version of his father. Wants
Majored in Business as his mother wished but negotiated to study Music Theory as a minor. Got mostly A's and a few B's.
Quit school after being discouraged by an asshole professor and because he wanted to live his own life on his terms.
Couldn't find work after dropping out because ableism and struggled on disability payments.
Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Capricorn,  Ascending: Virgo
Was an invitro baby and was conceived around the same time as Kale.
Roxanne and her husband had been separated for three years when there was an accident at the treatment center Peppermint's zygote was stored in. Roxanne was relived one of her zygotes survived and she and her estranged husband agreed to bring the child to term.
Her father died when she was barely a year old so she never got to know him.
Has a small tattoo of two intertwined violets on her back to represent Sapphic love.
More interested in environmental science and politics then robotics but was supported by Roxanne as both fields a line with her worldview.
Is planning on returning to school soon after her mother gets everything back on track at Vandelay.
Sun: Libra, Moon: Taurus, Ascending: Pisces
Spent his vacation reconnecting with his old friends outside of Vandelay.
He was that kid who took things apart. His parents were great though and supported his interest. Just they made sure to redirect his curiosity towards lest destructive
First learned about Roxanne when he was finishing collage and wanted to become a part of something bigger. He was drawn to her ideas and drive.
Sun: Virgo, Moon: Scorpio, Ascending: Aries
Had not been working at Vandelay long before Chai came along.
Had a tentative "friendship" with Zanzo due to both being bottom of the social hierarchy.
Has zero interest in Chai and Peppermint as romantic partners. Though that can change for peppermint. Her age is the only hurtle really. (NOTE: I do love this ship and have no problems with age gaps in shipping or sometimes irl. But, as someone in their thirties, I feel comfortable saying that we're not as inclined to date younger unless we're kind of immature like Zanzo or said 20 something is really chill.)
CNMN doesn't need headcanons from me he's perfect as is.
Roxanne Vandelay (Heads up she gets Rose Quartzed a little)
Sun: Capricorn, Moon: Sagittarius, Ascending: Aquarius
She values altruism above all. She believes the purpose of creation in both science and the arts is to better the world.
Also values hard work and sacrifice, not to insane levels but again to the point she lacks some sympathy for those
Has a hard time accepting others as driven as her. She isn't actively mean but she's not very understanding of those with different values.
She and her husband both wanted to create a better world and fell in love while working for it. After Kale was born Her husband became devoted to his son. She believed both still/would support her vision and spent as much time with her family as she could and hoped love would be enough.
It wasn't. Overtime her son grew to resent his distant but caring mother and her husband grew sad and frustrated.
Arguments started and the rift got too big for anyone to ignore. She left.
After her husbands death Roxanne found herself a CEO of a rapidly growing company and a single mother to an unruly teen who just made a strange new friend.
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lilithfairen · 4 months
Let's leave Evermorrow alone, yeah?
Kale ain't bashing the writers, he encourages people to give RWBY POST volume 3 a chance, and does not in any way claim to be "fixing" RWBY?
Already he and MOST of his team are being far less toxic than Ray and his narcissist group.
So...why not lay off Kale and the others on his team who are making an AU, not a rewrite.
There's a major difference between the two, one of respect. And Kaleidoarms is infinitely more respectful than a team of youtubers who were so triggered by bumbleby that they made videos trashing the LGBT in RWBY.
At the same time, why not make Kale aware that its because of people who keep talking about "fixing" rwby that people are distrustful of his work.
You say that like there's nothing to be criticized in Evermorrow, like the fact that the "AU" gives Team RWBY utterly no focus at all while dragging into the spotlight a bunch of Shitty White Dudes and giving them scenes where they insult the heroines, all while (lazily and nonsensically) writing the female antagonists of RWBY out of the story so it can focus entirely on male villains, including one who never triumphs over Team RWBY in canon but gets to do so in this shitty AU.
Evermorrow might not wear its RWDE/HTDM identity on its sleeve but it's very clearly written by the kind of people who are pissed off that RWBY dared to have more depth beyond "stock shonen hero-school plot" and didn't give the Shitty White Dudes the focus these people think such characters deserve just for being Shitty White Dudes.
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