#Rosemary and lavender
rawwithlove · 1 month
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Just a few of my favorites in the garden lol the berries are doing OKAYISH. The peas are popping off lol the only problem is I don’t remember which ones are which anymore LMAO I believe there are also some cucumbers trying to grow in there but the ants never let us have any EVER. So, I'm don't wanna get my hopes up lol
I'm trying really hard to keep up with our garden this summer. Last year, I didn't water it enough :( Everything growing in this garden was either from scraps or on clearance from the store. My husband has a knack for bringing the dying plants back to life lol
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wandoffire · 7 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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amphibia-a-day · 4 months
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Day 986 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Maddie & Marcy
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onlyfairyever · 3 months
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i made some rosemary & lavender water with moon water from the eclipse the other day!!
what all can i use them both for? i want to make sprays but im not sure what else …. help me out pls !!🌷
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pnwitch-of-west17 · 8 months
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morethansalad · 1 month
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Blueberry Lavender Chamomile Mocktail (Vegan)
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desperatepleasures · 6 days
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i definitely didn't eradicate the mint from my garden but I made big progress today!!!
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incorrect-hgs · 23 days
Chicory: You can't give her that! It's not safe!
Lavender: It's a sword, they're not meant to be safe
Fennel: She's a child!
Lavender: It's educational
Fennel: what if she cuts herself?
Lavender: That would be an important lesson
Sourse: Discworld
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mamamoon92 · 9 months
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gnomeniche · 1 year
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so artfight is in a few days (follow me at ~gnomeniche btw). here are the MOST updated versions of all the hellmouth refs. smoothed out some wonkiness on all of them, changed designs on some, added labels for the designs. go buck wild
(last updated nov 16, 2023)
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thepoisonroom · 2 months
i'm visiting my parents so i didn't want to get high but i was like maybe i will get a cbd bath bomb at the weird star wars-themed cbd store near them since my apartment has a very shallow bath and it might be nice and appropriate for weed day. but i went in and picked out my scent and when i went to the counter the lady was like "oh! that's 1000mg of cbd, are you sure you can handle that?" and i didn't want to be rude and say "cbd doesn't do anything........" so i just said "oh haha how silly of me!" and picked out a b-tier scent 😔
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vampiricfunghi · 4 months
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sappy-witch · 1 year
🌿 Ethical Cleansing Alternatives🌿
Hello darlings 🥰
I wanted to talk about an important issue today: the use of palo santo and white sage for cleansing. While these plants have become popular in the spiritual community for their cleansing properties, it's important to remember that they have cultural significance for Indigenous people and may not be accessible or appropriate for everyone to use.
Additionally, both palo santo and white sage are endangered in the wild due to over-harvesting. So what are some alternatives for cleansing that are respectful to Indigenous cultures and environmentally friendly? Here are a few ideas:
🌿 Garden Sage: This is a great alternative to white sage, and it's easily accessible at most grocery stores. You can use it the same way you would use white sage for cleansing and smudging.
🌿 Cedar: Cedar is a sacred plant to many Indigenous cultures, and it's a great alternative to palo santo. You can burn cedar to cleanse a space or use it in a bundle for smudging.
🌿 Lavender: Lavender is a gentle yet effective plant for cleansing negative energy. You can use dried lavender in a bundle or as loose herbs, or even burn lavender-scented candles or incense.
🌿 Rosemary: Rosemary has cleansing properties and is often used in protection spells. You can use it in a bundle for smudging or sprinkle dried rosemary around your home.
Remember, the most important thing is to use alternatives that are respectful to Indigenous cultures and are environmentally sustainable. Also, be sure to research the plants you're using and make sure they're safe for burning.
🌿 Some tips for using these alternatives:
🌱 Before you begin, set your intention for cleansing and protection.
🌱 Burn the plant material over a fireproof surface like a metal bowl, shell, or cauldron.
🌱 Use a feather or your hand to waft the smoke around your space or yourself.
🌱 Be sure to extinguish the material safely when you're finished.
I hope this post has been helpful in finding more ethical and sustainable alternatives for cleansing. Remember to approach your practice with respect and reverence, and to always be mindful of the impact you're having on the environment and others. 
Thank you @panthera-dei for bringing this important issue to my attention on my previous post detailing Protection Magick which I have since edited, and for giving me a reason to research this topic further. As a community, let's make a conscious effort to practice sustainable and ethical witchcraft and respecting the cultural significance of practices like smudging.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in contact. Let's continue to support and uplift Indigenous cultures while practicing our craft 💚✨
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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listen to the grandma in your head and oil your hair
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swirley1618 · 8 months
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groundedgreenwitch · 7 months
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i haven’t pulled a card for myself in… well over a month. i’ve never used this deck before (cozy witch tarot deck), but i had a dream last night where i just kept shuffling the cards. i took it as the universe telling me to sit down, slow down, and receive a message.
life has been crazy & messy lately. current events in the world are not lost on me, and of course i have my own personal challenges to overcome. it has been overwhelming to say the least.
so i sat down. i lit a candle with lavender & cedarwood oil, added some rosemary, and i pulled a card:
the emperor in reverse - life feels a bit out of control right now
how fitting…
but do you see the compass? the card is in reverse, the compass is upside down. that spoke to my outdoorsy heart. yes, things feel out of control and i feel lost in it, but i can find my way back. all i have to do is turn the compass around.
life is a journey, but i can always find my way. i’m very thankful for this message, and very thankful to my cat for encouraging me to sit with it <3
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