#I would have been okay with 0 notes that is my normal!! BUT
lurkiestvoid · 7 months
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syn4k · 10 months
if tumblr existed in empires s1 then the dashboard would look a little bit like this i think
🏜️ cactus-abolitionist
🌿 theres-no-place-like-gnome Follow
oh no are they okay?? i don't know how serious sandstorms are but maybe you could go after them?
🏜️ cactus-abolitionist
Sand blowing past you at upwards of 75kmh. It's also really hot sand. It's been known to literally strip the flesh off of bones wait post cancelled my cat just walked back in she's fine guys
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🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
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visiting the Mythlands today and me and my family found a neat lil natural floating island while hiking
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
to the people in my notes going "what the fuck": have y'all never heard of physics?
🥀 remorse-is-remorse-of-course Follow
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
western mezalea?? lol
🔧 verylostmechanic Follow
well that explains a lot.
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
Can I Help You
🔧 verylostmechanic Follow
ain't emperor joel dating a fish
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
yeah, they're married. Isn't Emperor Joey a demonfucker????
#dude why are the notes arguing over the ethics of being ruled by a demon 😭 what the fuck #op im so sorry
11,798 notes
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🌸 prismarined Follow
...i'm in this class thats being taught by the headmaster today and she smells like weed. i'm not gonna say anything but like. what
🦦 i-like-otters
yeah the academy's just like that. as long as she's not like, actively dying or anything she's probably fine??? idk o7
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⌛️ thelittlesandthatcan Follow
🐟 kelpieselkie Follow
I DONT KNOW I DONT LIVE THERE BUT apparently nobody expected it either?? like some people are saying it was the Dragon Fight that did it (i know Emperor Joey came out with statements that Emperor Riffs actually helped kill the dragon and unleash the demon but its been two days and we all know that he hates that guy so idk) but nobody actually knows anything. it's crazy bro
⌛️ thelittlesandthatcan Follow
my mom said the royal housekeepers found a note from him alongside like everything he owned but they're not saying what's on the note yet. holy shit
237 notes
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🐠 fishfucker997
this will definitely have an impact on the local trout population
🏰 all-the-kings-hen Follow
the Guardian of the Thirteenth Empire just died and you're worried about fish???? be for real omg
🐠 fishfucker997
have you people never heard of references in your life
🏰 all-the-kings-hen Follow
why are you interacting with me i literally have "codlanders dni" in my bio
🐠 fishfucker997
my brother in cod you literally reblogged this from me??
🐠 fishfucker997
they blocked me lmao
#how is this post only 2 days old
197,233 notes
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🐪 camel Follow
she dragon fight on my copper king til i disappear
who the hell let a camel onto this site lol
🐪 camel Follow
You will die at age 87 with nobody to mourn you and no stars still shining to watch you go.
#911 i just witnessed a murder
87,546 notes
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🌻 helantheia
anyone know who made emperor pearl's dress? it's really pretty :0
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📷 desertphotography
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West of the River of Plenty, Pixandria
2,307 notes
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waitineedaname · 1 year
shoes in FMA rated on how comfortable they'd be to fight in
Edward Elric
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considering Ed's uhhh very distinct taste in aesthetics, these could be a lot worse. they look relatively comfortable and don't seem like they'd be difficult to move around in. they are platforms though, which I imagine makes things more difficult. I'll be generous and give these a 7/10
Most of the Amestrian military
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pretty much everyone in uniform wears the same shoes, so I'm lumping them all together. these are Roy's, if that matters. they look fine. I imagine that because it is part of a military uniform, it's designed to be moved around in and worn for hours on end, so ideally they're relatively comfortable. it doesn't look like there's much traction, but they're usually fighting on flat surfaces so whatever. 8/10
Fu and Lan Fan
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these shoes fucking rule. the picture I've included is Lan Fan's, but they wear p much the same shoes. I fucking love these things. they have spikes. Edward Elric fucking wishes. considering this seems to be part of the bodyguard uniform, I'd imagine they're as easy to run around in as the military shoes, if not better since they're expected to be doing martial arts in them. but most importantly, they have spikes. 10/10, no notes.
Ling and Mei
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on the topic of doing martial arts, both Ling and Mei wear these.... I'm not sure what they are. flats? slippers? it's unclear. (EDIT: they are apparently Kung Fu shoes!) they seem relatively easy to move around in I guess since they're not very cumbersome and both Ling and Mei rely on being very nimble. they look like they have absolutely no support in the soles though, which is gonna get painful after a certain point. also depending on what fabric they're made of, they could definitely start chafing. I've worn flats. I know that hell. 7/10 for the potential blisters, but at least they're designed specifically for martial arts
Greedling and Bradley
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it's hard to get a good shot in this scene because neither of them stop moving, but I swear to god, they're fighting in dress shoes. I cannot stand them. this CANNOT be comfortable. I know Greed prioritizes aesthetics over function so this was probably a compromise between his and Ling's tastes but ohhh my god. he was probably wasting so much of the philosopher's stone just passively healing the million blisters on his feet from running around in these things. there's a chance Bradley is wearing the military uniform shoes but I think he was in more formal dress when he got blown the fuck up, so I don't think so. no wonder he complains about being sore, quit running around in dress shoes you fucking moron. 4/10.
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THESE FUCKING THIIIIIIIINGS. WHY ARE THEY POINTY AT THE END. WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE HIT HIS FOOT WITH A MALLET AND FLATTENED THEM. he's so dumb. I love him. looking at these things tells me he would probably wear goth cowboy boots if he could, and tbh that would probably look better. 3/10 for Greed's overall silly as hell fashion sense
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okay. the heels make sense considering her whole vibe. however. these are part of her fucking BODY. when she gets incinerated, they grow back. can she even take them off???? I'm scared to ask. I guess if theyre part of her body, she doesn't have to worry about adjusting to balancing in them like you would normally with heels, but oh my god. she can never wear normal shoes. I would also be murderous if I had to wear heels all the time. 4/10.
Father and Izumi
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guys. these are sandals. it has been four hundred years and Father is still wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the damn desert. find a new outfit man. Izumi is apparently wearing bathroom slippers (hence the WC) so idk why she's even wearing those out of the house. Father gets 0/10 and Izumi gets 1/10 because she still manages to kick everyone's asses while wearing these, so respect
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Wait what was that that Beforus Eridan being Kankri’s culler? What? How? Does that mean that candy red includes aquatic mutations?
Okay, so, this is PURE speculative headcanon and I debated over whether or not I should even say it, but it's pretty fucking hilarious so I figured I'd mention it with the heavy caveat that I made it all up & not to take it seriously, it's just a headcanon I believe because it's a really funny idea to me, and i do not at all consider this "canon" the way some of my other theories are. i hope you also find it funny
So the big difference between Feferi and Meenah's troll society is what "culling" entails; where on Alternia, culling means killing off the weak, orphaned, disabled, and/or lower classes, on Beforus, it means taking care of them. So the characters on Alternia that would've been slated for culling would, on Beforus, actually have lived very cushy lives where a highblood provides for them. It's still another way of enforcing the class divide, so it's still shitty, but I guess it's better than people being killed all the time.
Karkat is one of the most cullable trolls on Alternia for being a mutant not on the hemospectrum, and the only reason he has a symbol and lusus at all is because the Signless's followers prepared them for him. This is why Kankri doesn't seem to have a symbol or lusus, because a situation similar to the Signless never happened on Beforus, and instead, Kankri (and presumably Karkat as well) would've been culled, AKA taken care of by a highblood.
Another part of Kankri's characterization is that he fucking loves sea dwellers - he's actually pretty polite to Meenah, even trying to ingratiate himself to her via nautical references, and desperately, desperately wants to be pale with Cronus. This leads me to infer that Kankri was specifically culled by a sea dweller, and the law of conservation of detail (not a real thing, it's a trope name) leads me to further infer that Kankri was culled by one of our KNOWN sea dwellers, either Feferi or Eridan. And since Feferi was busy managing Meenah, it seems like the task would've fallen onto Eridan.
Now, I have a whole set of headcanons for what Beforus!Eridan was like, but as I tend not to speculate too much on AUs divested too far from canon, I'm only going to note the pertinent details:
Beforus!Eridan was very well-regarded by the population and had the same kind of standing as a major celebrity,
Many hundreds of sweeps ago, Karlkat Marx Karkat Vantas used to be Eridan's freeloader. Their relationship was extremely difficult to classify, and nobody really understood it (many assumed Eridan was culling him, but Eridan vehemently denied this, insisting Karkat just lived on his sofa rent-free and all expenses paid, like this was a normal thing for them to be doing),
Karkat was generally an absolute disaster in the romance department, having a long string of relationships up and down the hemocaste with his trademark Blurry Quadrant Bullshit, always sadly slinking back to Eridan's sofa at the end of his wild, vascillatory flings,
Karkat would write a massive scathing critique of Beforan society, its consumer capitalism, its casteism and classism, its power structure, etc. etc., which Eridan distributed posthumously, because unfortunately Karkat had the lifespan of a lime & passed away long before Eridan was even at the halfway point of his own lifespan,
Eridan was never the same, and while his public persona remained widely beloved, he became an interpersonal disaster in his private life, and Feferi handed him Kankri as a wiggler to cull in the hopes that it would get him out of his funk,
This Did Not Work At All and in fact fucked up a perfectly good wiggler
I mean, honestly, I don't think there exists such a thing as a "bad class," but I do think Princes should not be raising kids.
So Eridan, who, even in the best case scenario, has disastrous social skills and a fucked up sponge, had literally 0 idea what to do with this kid, and pretty much just threw money at it. It was pretty inevitable for Kankri to remind Eridan of Karkat, so most of what few conversations they'd actually have revolved around Karkat, especially Karkat's extremely fucked up romantic affairs, the recounting of which slowly shrivelled the Seer of Blood up like a raisin and made him decide that romance was really, truly not worth it.
At the same time, Kankri craved an emotional bond with his fucked-up adoptive dad, and the spark would sometimes come into Eridan's eyes whenever Kankri started talking about hemocaste equality. The guy who used to live on his couch would say things like that...
But this would also mean that Eridan was alive at the same time as his descendent, Cronus, so I'm pleased to inform you all that he managed to neglect TWO children, both his biokid and his adopted one. Hooray! As Eridan was universally beloved, Cronus always had a lot to live up to, and very little opportunity to be his own person, divorced of his status as a sea dweller or his ancestor's shadow. Hooray!
But the way it comes full circle is this: Canon!Eridan actually outright admits that his typing quirk is fake, calling it "weird" and dropping it when he's trying to be emotionally sincere. Thus, to me, it stands to reason that it's something he would stop using after he has his character development, and he stops caring about how a "sea dweller" is "supposed to" act. We see it happen with the other trolls, losing/changing their quirks to reflect big life events - Aradia dropping her 0s because she's not doomed anymore, Sollux losing his 2's when he loses his li2p. I've been struggling for a while with what Eridan would replace his quirk with after he drops his ww/vvs because it'd be kind of lame if he just had, like, basically nothing.
Also, I lowkey don't really vibe with Karkat ever using the sym69ls in text - he already resented his ancestor, and he'd especially hate the idea of using them after meeting Kankri. Hell, he's pretty reluctant to even type in his blood color even after everybody knows what it is. But then I realized - Eridan is already the guy on the team who dresses up in the colors of his dating partners. What if he replaced his ww/vv quirk with the sym69ls to show his support for Karkat?
Like yeah Karkat would hate it but it would also be literally so funny, and I think Karkat would be secretly comforted by the way Eridan would stubbornly insist that he's doing it FOR KARKAT, and not for the Signless or whatever, he's literally called Signless, that was like his whole thing idiot, this is Kar's symbol, shut the fuck up.
And also, genuinely, one of the things I'm most sad about missing out on was a conversation between Kankri and post-character-development!Eridan, because... can you fucking imagine? Here's Kankri, who actually loves sea dwellers and the caste system, who wants to be pale with Cronus so so so badly, yet is celibate by choice because he's a slut shamer (and in this headcanon, because he heard too many terrible stories about his ancestor's hellish dating life), who uses "social justice" as a cudgel and couches outright contempt for his friends in "polite" mealymouth language about equality...
... And then Eridan "these are my emotional support slurs" Ampora rocks up to the chat.
Even without the culler stuff, it'd be fucking hilarious, right? Eridan's insane and makes a lot of wild assumptions, but he's usually kind of right (he assumes Kanaya doesn't want to c3< him and Vriska because she's in <3 with Vriska, and he's at least right about the latter; he assumes Rose is highborn nobility, and, like, she IS a rich girl). Despite posturing about supporting the caste system, he doesn't actually give a shit about it, and arguing with him is basically a huge waste of time because he doesn't listen to people.
What I'm saying is, Kankri would be like "excellent, another sea dweller to befriend" + "finally, emotional validation from my distant father" & Eridan would immediately call Kankri a slur, ignore his arguments and rebut with something crazy like how "royal-v" is actually a more offensive term than "wader" because the former assumes sea dwellers have such delicate feelings that they can't stand not to have their globes kissed every five seconds, call Kankri a wader, ask Kankri why Kankri is hitting on him (Kankri isn't), proclaim that he and Karkat make out despite being moirails, and then start insisting that Kankri has to stop using his quirk because it's a quirk for Karkat and Karkat doesn't even like Kankri so Kankri doesn't get to use it anymore.
I think Kankri would start crying. Especially because a crowd has gathered and Kankri accidentally calls Eridan "dad" and Eridan is like i Don't know what that is.
Anyway the point that im making is the sym69ls were originally Beforus!Eridan's quirk because that was how he and Karkat used to curl up on the sofa together. 69. All cozy like. And that's where Kankri got them from and he decided to match his whistles to the motif. And after bullying Kankri into not using them anymore and taking them on himself, they go back to being Eridan's quirk. In a beautiful and stupid time loop of karma, the likes of which Homestuck is so fond of. Amen
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geordikisser · 3 months
hii i love ur isaacwhy fics sm!! ur writing is so good, i love lurking lol. could i req a fic with isaacwhy x reader (gn or fem is ok) and how they would resolve having an argument? maybe they've been ignoring each other for a day or two. just rlly angsty fluffy hurt/comfort goodness. ty!
a/n I LOVE ANGSTT sorry for the delay on content everyone! my wi-fi has been bugging out recently -_-; ..
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i love you so | issacwhy
epilogue: isaac gets enveloped into his work a lot and doesn’t know how to make for you frequently, due to him being new to dating while in content creation & this has caused problems for you.
content contains! gender neutral usage, angst
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♡ you urgently knock on isaac door, calling out his name from behind it. it’s been about 2 days since you last spoke or even seen him out his room. this brewed up frustration in your chest as you feel tears flood your eyes.
restraining, you sigh shakily. knocking once more till you ultimately just barge into his room. grabbing his attention with your big entrance.
he turns to you, his eyes gleaming into yours. as he slips off his headphones, guilt fills his eyes. “hey.” he waves slightly at you. you furrow your brows, infuriated with him. just hey?
“are we ok, isaac.” you ask in a passive aggressive tone, your sass still drowning out your filter you tried desperately to put on.
he looks around in a confused manor before responding. “i’m okay, why?” he misheard you, making you hold back the heat you had sucked into your throat. “we, isaac. not you. but that is a good question to start with!” he now offended by this reaction.
“woah? what happened?” he asked, concerned slightly. “it’s like i don’t even exist to you? i mean— two days, you haven’t left your room, only seeing you when you shower or eat? this isn’t healthy, isaac.” you tried to gently coax him away from his set up before this, went to no avail.
his face of concern, turns to a frown. “babe. imma big boy, i can handle myself. there’s a method to this madness, i don’t need you worrying about me..” he exhales deeply, resting his forearm against his desk. you can tell he’s trying to play this off as a joke.
you mentally note his body language, his leg bouncing, using his empty hand to fidget against his mouse pad..
“look at this, issac! you’re itching to get back to your computer.” you pout slightly. “i understand you are worried, but i’m extremely busy right now. i need to get back to my work.” he tries to lay this gently to you, knowing how you get.
“am i not as important to you as a fucking video with your friends, isaac?” you whimper weakly, your voice feeling hoarse. he pinches the bridge of his nose, getting slightly frustrated. “(y/n).” he states flatly. “don’t make this into what it isn’t— i haven’t spoken to the guys either, anyone! this isn’t about you.” his tone getting harsher the longer he drags it.
as he stands up to meet closer with you, you feel your lip begin to quiver. “that isn’t normal isaac, you know that right?” you shake your head out of disapproval, sadness drowning your tone. it being very evident to isaac.
“i can’t deal with this right now. you are being dramatic.” he groans inwardly, the paranoia of this conversation appearing inevitable yet so happening so soon.
the immediate invalidation that dripped from his tone made your glass fragile heart, shatter within an instance. “i have to finish this, (y/n). you wouldn’t understand. this isn’t about you.” he looks away from you, the back of his neck accompanied by his hand as he scratches his neck.
“when is it about me!” you sob out, your eyes feeling weary. a pang of guilt stabbing his chest. he swallows harshly as you continue. “what about me ,, what about— us, isaac.” you sigh, defeatedly. his eyes leaving your gaze and to the side.
you grip your sides, tightly. feeling the water works brew up and you break down into a fit. “you have 0 idea of how this makes me feel! being second rate to a pc.” you look away, shaking your head as tears streamed down your face. your legs feeling weaker suddenly.
“i feel so helpless in this situation. if not me, then what?” you begin to hold your own face to prevent tears, wiping them away slowly. staining your (really isaacs shirt you stole) with your tears.
he feels his lip quiver as he reaches out to you. neglect was a common habit of isaac, commonly to himself not others though.
the dedication he put into his work cause him to inadvertently push you away. “baby—,,” his frown out of guilt instead of annoyance. “i had no intentions to make it turn out like this.”he sighs, exhaling heavily. “c’mere, don’t cry baby.” he coos gently, extending a arm to you. you waste no time latching into his hold.
he grunts as you fall into his chest, the sudden impact taking him aback. he rubs your back, swaying you gently as he slowly meets you two to his bed. your sobs being the only audio in his ears now.
“oh baby,i’m so sorry. i had 0 idea.” he whispers to you in a loving more considerate tone. “y’know. you’re my first real relationship since i got into content creation. this two lives thing is something i gotta get used to.” he admits, swallowing his pride.
you sigh, shakily. “i understand you take pride into content creation and it being your job or whatever.” you say, not disregarding the fact you came after he became a content creator. “but i want to be important to. just as much as recording, streaming, editing. i want to take priority too.” you look up at him from his chest, your hold getting looser as you begin to caress his biceps with your thumb.
he nods, humming in response. he begins to rock back and forth to keep you relax, knowing this is usually what keeps you calm.
“i understand that baby, im sorry.” he coos to you, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear. “you’re so perfect for me baby. how’d i get so lucky? my sweet baby.” he sighs, kissing your forehead, smothering you in kisses practically.
“i had to kill a man in my last life to get you.” he jokes. you smile softly, leaning into his chest fully. “i love you more than you know. i’ll never take advantage of the fact i have such a loving partner like you. this will never happen again.” he says firmly, his tone making you confident. this truly being a mishap you believe. isaac wasn’t evil, just very misunderstanding to certain situations.
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centrally-unplanned · 1 month
👀 are you interested in fire emblem and would you tell us your opinions of the franchise, I’d be very interested
I do like Fire Emblem! I have played FE6-8, smatterings of 9-10 (never owned them, played with friends), and all the games past Awakening/13. I did also play a bit of FE1, no shade on the limitations of the time of course but it sucks, not worth playing. So I am not a grand FE master but I have a lot of exposure to it.
I admire Fire Emblem for its simplicity of design & stakes - the combat system is "hit enemy, deal damage based on attack power - defense" kind of stuff, how everything works is super clear. All the complexity emerges on top of that. Your army is all individual people, permadeath means you need to pursue strategies with a lot of care such that difficulty doesn't get trivialized even if it is still easy (there is a big gap between "my odds of losing are 5% - exciting, I'm doing well!" and "my odds of losing are 0% - boring, why can't I skip this"). When it is doing its best you have a squad of guys with clear stakes and challenges that are overcome via smart kiting and tanking, it is rarely "did you equip the White Hooded Cat Ears to a unit with the Lapis Pendant to double proc a high initiative archer with Glacial Rain for opening gambit AOE freeze spam to prevent Featherknight Magic Guard from activating?" Which to be clear can also be a ton of fun, each game should just be its own thing - FE is just often best-in-class at its niche.
Fire Emblem also has great aesthetics, it aims for that "classy" style of fantasy typically and everyone authentically buys into all that nobility medieval stuff, which for a video game story can be fun vibes. I love their character designs, normally it is a game series with the right level of fanservice (Camilia -_-), and as someone who enjoys romance sideplots in video games FE typically gives you fun sidequests along those lines that sometimes has gameplay implications to boot - I loved the "eugenics simulator" of FE Awakening, as the fans affectionately called its system of child units inheriting traits from parent units. Tharja you are gonna torture Gaius for eternity via marriage because your faildaughter Noire needs Galeforce, I don't wanna hear any god damn objections okay?
As a series it is far from perfect, as anything running this long must be. The plots are normally "meh", in particular the series just doesn't care about logic that much? People do dumb shit alllll the time; FE7's plot is an absolute mess, Three House's story is hung together by macguffins and asspulls, and so on. It is better when it is simpler - in FE6, our boy Roy has gotta beat a bad guy, he conquering the world with dragons, oh no - great, no notes. More modern games need more involved plots due to market demand, but FE has not yet mastered it imo.
More modern games have also stacked complexity on the combat system - skills that proc, squads that attach to units, most recently "Engage rings" that buff and give spells. These can be good! The thing is the simplicity of say FE6 gets boring over so many hours, what works for a 10 hour game gets stale over 40, you need to grow. Sometimes they do that well - I thought Three Houses generally was smart on this front, the skills are more passive, the squads and gambits were (generally, they fucked up on movement buffs) flexible and didn't break things while giving you toys to play with. But Engage, while a good game, did get too complicated by half with many of its systems, and Awakening literally broke itself with pair-up & stacked skill procs, you can easily trivialize the whole game. And meanwhile to spike difficulty they would give every random enemy fighter different lethal skill procs that you would have to triple check every turn, a problems-beget-problems moment. But! I like that they are experimenting. Would have been real easy to capitalize on the success of Three Houses and just repeat it with Engage, but they didn't.
Also while permadeath is conceptually good, restarting a whole map because of a cheese crit is fucking awful, and I am glad modern games have time reset systems to obviate that. I do not play the older games without an emulator that can save state.
Tier listing the games I have played, lets see:
S Tier: Sacred Stones, Shadows of Valentia
A Tier: Three Houses, Blazing Sword
B Tier: Awakening, Engage, Binding Blade
C Tier: Fates
Edelgard best girl, and I think that covers it!
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aiura-stan · 5 months
(If you’re wondering how I’m getting these done so fast, it’s because I’m doing these ahead of time. I'm running on a queue.) I used dictation and actual keyboard typing for this one, so it’s going to be long. (Side note, I love the ability to dictate things and using split screen mode! Highly useful features and I have no idea why it’s taken me this long to actually use them.) Also, I guess I should say that there will be spoilers in this and probably future posts too, because I’ve already read the manga. Okay! Onto the commentary.
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I love that Saiki outright states he doesn't want to be the "guy you know what he's thinking.” Like, come on Saiki, admit it; you have a little bit in common with Kaidou. (I think he secretly kind of likes freaking people out. He definitely likes the fact that people are a little scared of him.)
He's always the odd one out; He's one of the loner kids. I don't think he really thinks it makes him look normal. I think that's just what he tells himself to feel better about the whole thing.
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I think it's funny that he dislikes Kaidou for the same reasons that he thinks he's so different from everyone else. I mean, Kaidou is always trying to stand out, and Saiki does have a legitimate reason for not wanting to stand out. But even so. He’s just got it in his head that is so much better than Kaidou at the beginning of the series. Like, dude, you're no different from him. You're the same breed of weirdo in a different font. Lol. That font is “really intentionally manipulating others’ perception of you for personal reasons.” It’s just that Kaidou’s version is much flashier than yours. I like seeing it this early on in the comic; it's interesting to see how it all started. Also, Kaidou is a lot more polite than Nendou, apologizing for talking to Saiki out of nowhere. Amusing. He absolutely knows how to behave like a normal person, but chooses not to because his persona gives him confidence.
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I also like that here in the beginning of the comic, we have an unnamed guy who is was basically parroting what Kuuusuke says further on in the comic, and it’s more clearly framed as delusional weirdo behavior.
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Yes, duh, he came to you because you were alone, Saiki. Weirdo behavior attracts weirdos (weirdos attract weirdos.) That's just a basic social law for ya.
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Also, I laughed out loud at “okay, I’m calling you Junpei.” good response, honestly. Saiki’s narrative commentary addressed to no one in particular is always really funny.
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He also seems to be egging him on in the next panel with his sarcastic remarks (wow. Your punch was soooo fast I couldn’t see it at all), though it’s never clear in this manga whether the person being spoken about can actually hear anything he’s saying in all of its dry sarcasm. My headcanon follows the lines that Saiki uses hypnosis when he’s not actively addressing them (sending telepathic messages to them), so people just hear whatever they want to hear from him. Or something like that. I’m guessing that we, the readers, are supposed to assume that they can’t hear him unless Saiki is actively sending them telepathic messages/‘broadcasts’. "I fancy you" is a strangely British way of putting it. Which also means "I like-like you" if memory serves. Translators??? strange. anyways.
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Ah… XD. I forgot that Kaidou saw him teleport in the manga. That’s perfect considering Kaidou’s name joke (shunkaidou = teleportation.) wahh, I wish this one came in the tankobon volumes so I could read them.
You know… since the third chapter of this volume was adapted into the anime, can volume 0 really be called non-canon? Maybe to the manga. Hmmmmmm.
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Oh come on. Why didn’t they put this in the anime??? It would have been hilarious to have Kaidou imagining some kind of green monster-humanoid hybrid and then the screen transitions to Saiki’s expressionless face, with pink limiters and green glasses. There’s an element of color that manga sadly lacks. I get the point with the black arrows, Mr. Asou, but it just isn’t quite the same without actual color.
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XD Asou’s attention to detail is good. We actually see the teacher wondering where the hell he’s going when he runs out of the room, and then following through showing that he won’t be running students down just to make sure they stay in class. It’s a small thing, but it definitely makes a difference, making the Saikiverse seem a bit more realistic.
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Also, look, it’s this guy who appears a bajillion chapters later in that weird gag… What was his name again? Gah… refer back to this later, future me.
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Yes, Kaidou becomes a completely different person outside of his riddiculous chunnibyou persona, which he only uses at school. I do like that Asou sensei writes him this way. It would be easier to have him be in character all the time, but he’s much more realistic like this. I love that Saiki remembers the stupid nickname he gave himself. It makes the contrast even more funny. Okay, I’ll stop analyzing Kaidou and explaining every joke for now.
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Things like this make me wonder if Saiki really doesn’t know that’s how his looks might be interpreted at a distance… even though he understood from the verbal description that he could be perceived as having “pink horns” and “green eyes.” And he spaces out in class just thinking about it. Thoroughly neurodivergent behavior.
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I also love things like this, that imply but don’t outright show that Nendou just… openly teleports in front of Nendou because he can get away with it.
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I also enjoy Saiki’s stubbornness in calling Kaidou ‘Junpei.’ Peak comedy.
I love that Kaidou would rather Saiki think he has multiple personalities instead of just being polite to people outside of school. And Saiki says he appreciates the effort… lol. I think he does actually appreciate it, in a way, sarcasm aside. Kaidou is committed to the bit.
“Whether that’s true or not, you need to get to a hospital.” Lollll. But also… makes me wonder if he really believes it, again. That along with the “Kaidou personality chart” further on in this comic. From Saiki’s other confrontations with people who clearly need help (including the one where he talks down a suicidal guy. And of course Terushashi’s brother.) It’s as if it never even occurred to saiki to have a sense of urgency about these kinds of things.
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Mmmm! Once again I wish I had the Japanese version because I’m sure he is using polite speech here, for a minute.
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Well, at least Kaidou acknowledges here that he’s in fact a chunni and therefore doing this on purpose. Which, again, makes me wonder why Saiki would ever believe even for a second that it isn’t an intentional thing. Or maybe it’s just supposed to be taken as sarcasm outright, but the panel where Saiki is confused about the Horns Saiki drawing really is throwing me off. Another thing I should look for raws of, to see if there’s anything to be gleaned from the OG text.
YES! You and saiki are pretty similar. In a way. Yes, he is worrying about his high school debut… in a way.
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Saiki, it is entirely understandable that you think Kaidou is an egomaniac, but given his “other personality,” how did you not guess that he’s just lonely??? He literally had to explain his entire thought process for you to get it??? Yeah, emotional EQ in the single digits.
Earlier, I said Kaidou knew full well how to act like a normal person and just doesn’t do it, but he’s definitely awkward. I mean, of course it’s going to be awkward asking strangers if they’ve seen a guy with green eyes, sharp teeth and horns. (I am not quite sure why Kaidou is so committed to the bit myself.)
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Saiki, that’s your own goddamned fault, lmao. Put your money where your mouth is and shut him down if you’re tired of annoying people “entering your life”… :)
That wraps up 0-6.
There’s a lot going on here, to be sure. In conclusion, I think Saiki works really well here as a character who is technically omniscient, in terms of perspective, but deeply limited in his ability to interpret information.
Alright, the end. Ja mata! 💫
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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feat. mikey sano, draken, baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno, mitsuya takashi (reader is mentioned here and there too!) - crack/humour/fluff (1.2k+)
nana's note: can toman boys drive cars?? no keep reading to find out about the boys and their driving habits!! spoiler alert: in no way should you drive like them please don't listen to this post LMAO
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to mikey, the written test wasn't too bad—he went in, sat in his little cubicle, and got through the questionnaire without too much issue
dude couldn't lie though, he was sweating bullets at the demerit point questions FR
but of course, mikey boasts to everyone (especially baji but we'll get to that later) about his success, and is very excited to hit the road
didn't realize just how small being behind a car wheel feels until he sits and needs to bump the seat up a few notches LMAO
baji teases him: "you need heels on to reach the pedals, too? HAHHAHA"
is constantly driving with an :0 expression
"oh my god, the car is moving ken, im making the car move—ken, look!"
"yes mikey, your foot is on the gas pedal."
cheers when he does a left turn successfully, because fuck are those a pain in the ass sometimes
sometimes forgets to signal, and has been flipped off a few times for almost crashing in front of the car behind him
mikey absolutely has a snack stash in his trunk too—it's filled, and always being refilled, with sweets, savoury treats, and drinks
"y/n, could you grab me a bag of chips please? any flavour!" he yells from the front
???? what ????—you crane your head back to a fucking kitchen of snacks like it's normal for anyone to have that much
occasionally gets extremely tired at the wheel, and shuts his eyes for two seconds at a red light
it's either a honk waking him up or ken profusively cursing at him
"oops!" x2
now i don't wanna be bias (user dr4kenlvr, am i right), but ken is probably the second best driver on this list
written test wise, he passed on the first try
wasn't too difficult, and the lady at the desk even congratulated him with a warm smile, to which he happily returned
he got use to the mechanisms of the car pretty quickly
all of these gears and switches were like second nature to him, considering how much he works with motorbikes on the regular
likes to play music as he drives, it varies depending on the time of day it is
nice r&b on a night drive is always his favourite though
once draken gets really comfortable with the wheel, he'll have an arm hanging out the window
heavenly sigh—he looks really good <3
never drove alone with just his G1, despite his delinquent reputation
good job ken!!
one thing though: he has an oddly high level of road rage LMFAOOO
draken thinks it's probably because he's in a car—surrounded by 4 walls—rather than being out in the open like on a bike
people can't hear him curse the living hell out of them with the windows up so...
yeah, he gets loud LMAOO and vulgar
with his viens popping out and shit, he probably looks crazy if you pull up next to him in the adjacent lane
just don't look over, you'll be okay
same ken
this mf spent months studying for the written test
he was extremely keen on doing well too, because he wanted the luxury of being able to finally drive a car
baji also wanted to be able to drive his mother to and from work, so that she "wouldn't have to take public transit all the time"
love you keisuke
created study nights with chifuyu, where the boys would quiz each other on repetitive shit like signs
"okay, what's this one?"
"uhh.. there's like a merry-go-round ahead?"
"wha—? d'you mean a ROUNDABOUT???"
he had the right spirit, so chifuyu gave him a point either way AHSDHDSHF
time rolled around and baji declared him finally ready to take on the test and..
...he passed!! yay keisuke !!!
dude wanted to explode from the sheer relief, he literally picked you up and spun you around 18 times out of happiness
BUT THIS MF ON THE ROAD IS SO FUCKING WILD—he's good with the wheel, but like there's always something going on in his car
you could get whiplash by how fast he goes sometimes
he doesn't even mean to
50 maximum but he's going 80
"oH—FUCK, SORRY! sorry!"
also is a huge multitasker - and isn't too shabby at it
he could be calling someone via bluetooth speaker, while eating, while scratching his back, while signalling into the right lane ALL AT ONCE
miraculous how he doesn't have even a scratch or dent yet to be honest
idk man, just make sure you have your seatbelt on at all times, kay'?
i think he gets a little too excited every time he gets behind the wheel
like hes giggling with every lane change or right turn
literally fucking SCREAMS when he sees a cat walk on the road
"chifuyu, it's fine! it walked back. K-KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!"
has a cushion specifically for peke j in the back seat where no one can sit or move it to sit
"ahh no. that's peke j's spot, you can sit in the trunk or something."
baji: "are you fucking kidding me."
speaking of peke j, he has a component in his trunk filled with toys and cat food for him
it's honestly really sweet, how much he cares and cherishes his little cat
you can't find the heart to be too angry with him when you find cat fur stuck to the seats
i think chifuyu has a lot of fucking fast food garbage in his car too
his mom (and you) is always up his ass about it:
like, you would sit in the passenger seat and at your feet there's just wrappers and straws and shit
you look at him with a look that just speaks volumes of "really?"
and he's all (。╹ω╹。)
it's an honest mistake <3
oh god—the most responsible driver out of his friends by FAR
he is so so happy when he passes, because he is able to get things done quicker with a car than by walking
dropping/picking up his sisters from school, escorting his mother to places, getting groceries, visiting his friends, just about everything in his life is made 10x easier and faster
mitsuya's car ALWAYS smells good
he's always got a new car freshener hooked onto his rearview mirror when the scent runs out
his favourite is lavender <3 and his sisters like the fruity ones but they make his and your's nose tickle
and he does that fucking cute side smile when he talks to you but also needs to pay attention to the road
LOVES to bring his sisters on drives around the neighbourhood once he gets his full license
plays their favourite songs and sings out loud with them
it'll be cartoon openings and disney soundtracks but he doesn't mind
not when the grin on your's and his sister's faces are so bright and genuine
omfg - picnics where you two set up food in the trunk and watch luna and mana play at the playground
and they rush over when they're hungry to eat and rest
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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Ngl getting worried that "Sparrow doesn't like Normal" thing has been said so much on the show that the actual cast forgot that isn't true ......
Hi anon! Okay first of all, this was a very cathartic ask to receive, to the point that it kind of cracked me up when I first read it, so thank you, you were so real for this. I can empathize with this sentiment (though I had no plans on voicing it) and I've felt similarly for… A while honestly.
You sent this back in December (heh. classic baba.), and while I didn't forget, honestly I intended to answer this in a manner that's a bit more. Organized but… I sort of lost sight of where I wanted to go with things, to be honest with you, and I didn't wanna leave you hanging forever! Still, a couple notes and tangentially-related thoughts…
(Oh, maybe before we get into it- I assume based on the nature of this ask that you probably read this post of mine, but perhaps I'll leave it here as additional context for anyone who happens to find themselves reading this).
Okay, in Will's case to be totally real I've never confidently felt that he realizes that it's not true? If my memory serves, the first time the idea comes up at all is in episode 17:
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Which irked me a bit at the time, in part because to me it feels pretty blatantly discordant with Sparrow's characterization- in general but also since he literally says this during the dance scene:
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but even more so because it feels very inconsistent with Normal's degree of shock during this same scene. All the same, for a while I could still look past it, on the basis that y'know it's a very teenage thing to make mountains out of molehills and leap to increasingly cynical conclusions the way Normal tends to do, and so perhaps it was all intentional, and as both Sparrow and Normal went through a bit of growth and development, things would slowly turn out alright. :0 A bit willfully naïve, I suppose! But what can you do.
In Anthony's case… I've actually been pretty happy with what he's given us of Sparrow for the past little while, honestly. Sigh but still now and then Anthony will say things offhandedly like this (transcribing myself from episode 47 since the transcript isn't out yet):
Anthony: (…) The only thing keeping you together is the absolute ignorance you have of the fact that maybe the only person who ever showed you any real affection in the last couple years of your life is dead, and the fact that you don't know is all that keeps you going. But the only thing that keeps me going is [ADVERTIZEMENT].
And while that joke lead-in was very funny, it's also just. Objectively not true? Like even aside from all the instances of Sparrow being very affectionate with Norm (including in the dance scene), the other teens? Lark? Rebecca???? All of them have shown Normal affection in one way or another throughout the course of the show. Like, I get that he probably mostly did it for the joke but. Eh, still rubs me the wrong way I suppose.
As for the rest of the cast… It's hard to say, and I guess less important at the end of the day. The other teens' responses to Norm in the last episode make sense for the most part given their POVs imo, so while frustrating to a degree, I can't really fault them for it. Still… Hm, in Scary's case I briefly discussed what I would sort have wanted/liked to come from her own interactions with Sparrow after episode 37 here, and tbh I suppose everything outlined there is still more or less what my ideal scenario would have looked like!
So honestly I suppose that's it anon! I could talk more but I would most definitely begin to stray off topic if I did lol. Thank you kindly for the ask! 💜
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ultraviolet-cello · 9 months
Tristamp rewatch, episode 2! Took me a little longer to get to this because I think episode 2 is like,,,, I never have anything to say about it lmao I don't have too many background details.
Nevertheless, below the cut [Not so long today!] are some theories, details, and character traits I've picked up on today's fine tooth comb rewatch! Also once again spoilers for Tristamp and Trimax.
Once again thanks to @tristampparty for organizing this, I'm having fun :]
So! In sharp contrast with yesterday, I realized that we have a little bit more of Knives in that opening crash sequence - his face is less covered and the camerawork less Vashcentric. I am possibly the worst person to analyze expressions (I have That particular Autism Thing where I often misinterpret people's faces) but here are a few I found interesting
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He just looks a little. again not good at interpreting expressions but anxious? scared, a little upset? I'm not entirely sure he understood how,,, violent the ship exploding would be - and Vash is clearly very very distressed. Also the dark circles under his eyes in that last one - he might have been crying. Much to think about.
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Okay this scene, aside from being really funny, is Frustratingly Overlooked imo. Vash's whole,,, pathetic wet sona thing is often intentionally played up in order for him to get people to see him as less of a threat/weaker/more peaceful. And then to have Meryl and Roberto go yeah no we aren't buying that, Instantly calling him out on his bullshit is interesting.
I guess just as Wolfwood sees through Vash's smiles in 98/Trimax, Roberto and Meryl call him out on his schtick here. I also think that he's doing it more exaggerated than normal to kind of change the subject/alter some perceptions of him.
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Rai-Dei spotted, and Nightow! Slightly higher quality because I realized I was watching in 720p instead of 1080 because I,,,, i don't know why lmao. anyway i like that nightow gets his own little poster its cute
I guess now would be the time to talk about children in Trigun. So as it goes on I'll build on this, but the fact that so many characters in Trigun are motivated by children is very very important to me; Rosa and the people of Jeneora Rock go after Vash not for themselves, but so they can have the money for their children. Father Nebraska appeals to Rosa to help him get Gofsef up on safe land again by pointing out that he's a father too.
A common trait amongst Trigun characters is their protectiveness of children - Wolfwood (obviously), Vash, Meryl, Roberto and Milly clearly, but Knives and Legato leave the children alive in that one town in 98, Livio in Trimax learns to see children as kinda cute - and the arguably most unsympathetic character, Chapel, is kinda the only guy that hurts/abuses children with 0 remorse. Hate that guy lmao.
It reads to me like a bunch of people wanting to break the cycle of abuse on this planet. but they don't really know how :(
On a lighter note, some screencaps I grabbed for fun, ft: The Thomas Loaf
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my closing thought is about Roberto. So clearly he's, yknow, there instead of Milly (unforgivable /lh), but he and Milly have some interesting parallels and ideas - Primarily their observational skills.
In trimax, when Milly interacts with Vash, a lot of the time she's calling out strange expressions or oddities on him - in legato's appearance, that time she asks him why he's still smiling, and the arc where Meryl gets kidnapped.
Roberto is serving a similar role in observing and calling things out about Vash, but he's a little more,,, rough about it. He's nowhere near as (outwardly, the man's got a big heart) caring as Milly! I think it'll be good for Meryl to have Milly in s2 :]
Speaking of Meryl, I appreciate that she definitely has at least someone observational with her, especially while she's less experienced. I love her very much but she happens to be a very stubborn very impulsive person lmao. She definitely needs a balancing.
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whosthere54 · 4 months
I have many thoughts about specific songs that I wanted to share if ur interested it’s here :3
So these are some ideas I’ve had for maybe CMVs, or certain audios I want to film to when I complete my Icarus cosplay. (Most of these will be Icarus probably)
I’ll start with specific CMV scenes I had in mind for ones I may storyboard around,
Song - Disembodied mind by sparkbird.
So I have thoughts about this song, many of them, but I have one specific part in the song I think about as the Icarus ascention and what comes after. I feel like the majority of the song is Icarus in various points of fable, but whenever I hear it switch to the music before saying eyes shut tight” is Icarus’s ascention. They’re in the worldport in the next verse, and it’s them switching things back to what they had been before, trying to get a hold on being quixis.
When it goes back to the vibe change of the next “Say goodbye to the stranger on the other side” they were able to fix it, all the sheets are back to normal and the world of fable is fixed. Then when it goes back to the “I am in trouble with myself again. I am in trouble trouble trouble trouble.”
It’s Ven guys. Ven gets there. The last “I am in trouble” being them making eye contact with Icarixus.
Song - Murders from Miracle Musical
Now I’m actually working on finishing the full storyboard for a CMV idea with this song. Because I think about corruption too much to not. So I’ll share a very specific idea I had that sparked the idea of making a full CMV!
These are directly from some of my notes -
“Finally the night and day remembered how they came to be-“
Starts as Sherb being nice and letting Haley out, just following and observing. When the music gets more intense sherb starts actually pursuing her/chasing her.
- Softer music is Haley running and then the “Ba da da da da da da” sharper notes in between that would go to corrupt sherb chasing after her. Good sound for one shot of sherb taking off to the end islands. One of the last of the sharper notes is the arrow. Then the transition to the soft piano is Haley’s death.
All for nothing at all would make sense for them with their whole spiel to enderian “is this what you wanted!?”
Back to music is when they are by the grave with Rae, uncorrupted for just a moment.
“I was in the Forrest looking to see the trees but none were there…”
I did also write that whenever “shadow with nobody there” was said it was Enderian.
Song - Call them Brothers by Regina Spektor
“A shot rings out, nobody wants it”
(On nobody wants it it shows Haley’s death and Momboo)
“Nobody wants it to stop”
(On stop it flickers between sherb “I don’t need her down there I need her dead” and the hysterical laughter on the island that may end in tears)
I also have thoughts about this song, did you know.
I do also want to record something to Icarus by Luvbug
Tiktok audios :0
I’m not going to list a lot because I definitely have 273 audios favorites specifically to use for them so-
1 - I really enjoy that Isle of Dogs has made comeback through Tiktok audios because that move- mmmmm. I did cry.
Okay there that one audio that compiles both of the “I bite” and “I don’t know why I bite” scenes into one, but I would split that into two deprecate videos. I think one would be Icarus talking to Rae, “I am not you pet, I never liked you, I don’t care about you, I won’t wait for you,l. I bite.” Because oh me when brothers. Me when they argue and Icarus pretends not to care about him to create some distance. “I’m not your brother”.
The “I don’t know why I bite” scene would be them sitting with someone they love, I always imagine it’s them talking with Centross. Them feeling guilty about fighting with their family or smth, or it’s them talking to the things “why do I hurt everything I love?” Energy.
2 - “Fight little Wolf Fight!” Me when whisper duo. I just looked through my audios and ahhh I can’t not say the whisper duo ones.
3 - “why can’t you accept that she might be living a good and honest life? Because I wanted that mom!” It’s Rae. Rae wanted that dad. Rae wanted that brother. Ones that were good and kind to him. Ones that loved him the way he did them.
4 - ghost of Chicago but it’s Haley Hallucinations-
5 - “you’ll be a blemish in the street nothing but a memory a bad dream I’ll make you scream” it’s S2 prison arc.
6 - “what’s the bravest thing you’ve ever said? …Help.” Uncle Centross times
7 - “Those kids look up to you” “I know” “yeah you know, but you don’t know.” The whole whatever happens is your fault. I think of this as maybe Ulysses yelling at Fable or Ari talking back. Smth like that.
That’s all I’ll bring to you if you read this thanks for taking time out of your day too look at my silly lil ideas :)
You are loved and appreciated <3
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Okay, so I've decided to do Fic Rec Fridays at the end of the month now that I've been keeping a fanfic reading log. Guys. I've read A LOT of fic this month. 😅 Okay so I think the best thing is to organize this by rating and then word count. Please note that this is a pure reading log so I'm just listing fic, author, and small "what it's about".
For August I Read:
397,333 Words
20 Fics
17 Authors
Rating G:
AU-gust Mashups by @ahufflepuffhobbit- Short BOTFA fix-it with an ill-timed confession. Let's face it, this is how we all wanted to see BOTFA end.
Love Makes You Blind by thorinsbeard- Small little oneshot where Bilbo thinks Thorin is blind and can't stop staring. It had me rolling when Thorin told Bilbo he's an underwear model.
Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities by @nocompromise-noregrets- Oneshot from Frodo's POV as famous food critic, Thorin Oakeshield, arrives as his uncle's restaurant. All the interactions between the characters were fun as well as seeing Bagginshield through Frodo's eyes.
Teach Me Your Ways by airebellah- Multi-chapter story with refugee Thorin struggling through English, but he meets Bilbo who accepts him as he is. Honestly, super fluffy fic with lots of family moments that I really wish there was a sequel, but accept it as is.
Rating T:
Drawn by thorinsbeard- Oneshot where Bilbo stumbles upon some NSFW versions of himself in another cafe patron's sketchbook (in an uncreepy way). Will hope and anticipate a smutty sequel.
Prize Enough for Me by StrivingArtist- Two-shot with Bilbo chasing after Azog after believing he killed Thorin to enact his revenge. I'm always here for some BAMF Bilbo.
When Darkness Shines Brightest by @lordoftherazzles- Multi-chapter Hades/Persephone take. The introspection of Thorin's character blows me away in this fic.
Rating M:
How to Beat Gold Sickness by Epoxide- Cute oneshot where Fili and Kili decide that announcing that Bilbo is pregnant with Thorin's child will shake the gold sickness. Now I just need the sequel where Bilbo says that it's actually true.
Dating Blind by badskippy- Jealous waiter Thorin does sabotages Bilbo's blind dates. This was just perfect, and yes, Thorin does make up for it.
Sparks & Gardens by @fantasyinallforms- Down on his luck Thorin manages to get the best deal of his life when he becomes gentleman Bilbo Baggins handyman. Look, regency is normally not my taste, but this fic does such a good job of just making that the setting and not necessarily the theme (if that makes sense).
The Kitchen Thief by @mordellestories- Multi-chapter Tolkien AU (?) where Thorin still has dwarven blood but can get by with appearing as a human baker in a time where anyone else is treated with discrimination. I will forever be laughing at Bilbo's "oh no, it's the nutty baker" comment.
Stranded by @tickles-ivory- Multi-chapter AU where Thorin and Bilbo live in separate universes but find each other. Honestly, super cute concept and execution with fun "slice of life" chapters at the end.
My Love's a Noble Madness by silverneko9lives0- Bilbo works at an insane asylum where Thorin is a patient who thinks he's in love with him. Okay, I have to say that the tags on this had me scared for A LONG time, but there's actually 0 non-con after Thorin gets medicated and you find out the fucked up situation they find themselves in the beginning is all Azog/Sauron/Melkor's fault.
Rating E:
Look At You by thorinsbeard- Bilbo uses the ring to sneak into Thorin's room, accidentally witnessing the dwarf king masturbating. This fic is so hot and honestly another that I would 100% read a sequel for.
Evening Interlude by paranoid_fridge- Bilbo and Thorin have an evening to themselves for bondage fun. Seriously though, if you're wanting a fic with some heavy bondage kinks, this is the perfect fic.
If You Lend a King a Hand by Cranbear- Bilbo assists Thorin out in the woods, and they have come to an understanding regarding future engagements. Look, I just know this fic is going to checkmark some kinks for me and dom!Bilbo is just an added bonus.
Through the mist (I find you) by @consultingpacha- Thorin has developed amnesia after the events of BOTFA, and Bilbo returns to discover this as well as the fact that he's engaged. Guilty smut and angsty feelios galore (though we are promised a happy ending)!
Fuck Thy Neighbor by @lordoftherazzles- Thorin and Bilbo accidently got married in Bree after one drunken mistake and have now ended up as next door neighbors. This is the type of romcom shenanigans that I am 100% here for, featuring Roac tormenting Lobelia in this newest chapter!
the legend by Ineedtherapy (gethelp)- Bilbo thinks he's still banished and the Company thinks he's dead, and once this misunderstanding comes to light, Bilbo decides to travel with the returning caravan from Ered Luin. Bilbo probably dragged this out longer than necessary, but we're finally to the point where he reveals himself, and I need to know what happens next.
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“Embarrassing” Confession- Graham Coxon x Reader
another post in the same day :0 just a make up for the other post i made
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
summary: you catch your boyfriend pleasuring himself and he sheepishly admits something “embarrassing”.
note: i put quotations around embarrassing since i do not actually find it like that. it’s normal in my opinion
i struggled to open the door, the old locks not budging. after twisting the key multiple times, i heard a click. i sigh in relief and swung open the door. the sight of boxes stacked on boxes made me groan out. my boyfriend graham and i just moved into our new flat, not having any time to unbox anything. i worked a lot while he made music with his best mate. i closed the door and threw my bag onto the small coffee table. silence filled the empty flat, making me wonder where my man is. i immediately head towards our shared room, small sounds coming from there. i smile knowing he’s home and go to open the door but stop myself when i heard the sounds more clearly. he was moaning. quietly yet it was so loud in my ears. i slowly turned the doorknob, trying not to make it known i was near. my eyes landed on the lanky man, sprawled on the bed. my eyes slowly moved to watch his hand, stroking up and down on his leaky dick. his head was thrown back, adam��s apple prominent. his legs were shaky, thighs flexed. he couldn’t stop the sweet moans spewing from his swollen lips. i knew exactly why they were swollen red, from his habit of lip biting. his back began arching, his moans becoming broken, bottom lip back in between his teeth, and his stroking all crazy. i watch as white liquid spurted out from his red tip, falling on his lower stomach and thighs. after he stopped cumming he slowly stroked himself, calming down. his chest was rising quickly, sweat glistening on his skin. he hissed slightly as he released his dick. i couldn’t think of how to approach the man. before i could try to come up with ways, my body began moving on its own. i opened the door, the creaking catching his attention. he looked like a deer caught in headlights, stumbling to cover himself with the blanket.
“that looked very stress relieving…you looked tense…” i leaned against the doorway, playing with my fingers.
“i-i-i….is that bad?” he quietly asked.
“i’m sorry?”
i was confused by his question. his face becoming a bit pink by embarrassment.
“is it normal for guys to look like that?”
“of course it is, gra? why ask?” i walk closer to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it.
“please don’t laugh at me…it’s embarrassing.”
“i will never laugh at you, darlin.”
“that was the first time i ever wanked…” he visibly gulped, nervousness plastered all over his face.
i was surprised. i never knew this about him, but to be fair it’s not something someone would easily admit. to people’s surprise, we never actually had sex. you’d think we would have since we live together but it just hasn’t crossed our minds yet. plus we’ve been together for a year and we’re already living together. i stood up and crawled onto the bed, going to sit right next to the man. i grabbed onto his hand, pulling it towards my lips to peck a kiss on it.
“that’s totally okay. and so is being tense, that means you’re doing right.”
“that makes me feel so much better, thanks love.” he let out a breath of relief.
immediately a small idea popped in my brain, a smirk threatening to show.
“you know what else would feel better?”
i said nothing as i moved my free hand to slip under the blanket, my action being the answer. i found his dick, lightly stroking it. he gasped out, his throwing back so quickly that i thought he’d get whiplash.
“let me make you feel good babe..” i spoke softly.
“please..please do…” he gripped my arm.
i threw the blanket off of him, revealing the scene to us. i’ve seen him naked before but i’ve never stared. i properly grabbed his dick, using the pad of my thumb to rub his tip. his pre cum spreading around as some lube. unfortunately, he didn’t produce enough so i brought my hand to his lips. he felt my presence and looked back down to my hand. no words were spoken as he knew what to do. he was smart. he spat onto my palm, watching intently as i went back to stroke him with his own saliva. his dick twitched at the sight, making me bite my lip to hide my smile. i got in a better position, sitting closer to him, our bodies touching. i was stroking him with my left hand so i wrapped my right arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. he was already a mess and i haven’t even started. he rested his head on my shoulder, his hot breath passing through my shirt fabric and onto my skin. i started to pump him faster, the wet sounds filling our ears. he whimpered out at the new pace and bit down onto my collarbone.
“please…your shirt..” he breathed out.
“use your words baby.”
“take it off-please…” he tugged at it.
i listened to the poor man and tried taking it off with one hand. to avoid loss of contact, i switched hands to fully take my shirt off. i switched back to my left hand, my right one going to run through his hair. he didn’t waste any time to give my boobs attention. his shaky hands unclipping my bra and throwing them. he’s also seen me naked, but for him, he stares like he’s never seen any before. whenever i’d change in front of him, his eyes would be glued to my bare chest. he bit and sucked onto them, a quiet moan leaving my lips. i went faster and faster, encouraging him to suck more. he expanded, leaving marks all over my chest. he was marking me as his and he didn’t even realize it. he was tense once again, vocal even more than before, and fuzzy minded. he was a mess under my touch, his slender fingers were shaky against my skin. i kept running my fingers through his hair, tugging occasionally. he moved up to my neck, subconsciously avoiding leaving marks. he knew better than to do that, knowing how unprofessional it would look at work. his dick twitched again causing me to watch his body language, it telling me he was close.
“are you close?”
“mhm..” he moaned.
“cum for me. you’re doing so good baby, you deserve it.”
he gasped out at my words. he then arched his back, thighs incredibly flexed as cum shot out. he was cumming again. the cum landed all over my hand and his lower stomach this time. i slowed down my stroking, eventually stopping. i didn’t even think as i brought my hand to lick up the cum. i even swiped some up from his stomach. i didn’t see him watching until i heard him softly moan out at the sight. i make eye contact with him and smirk at his frizzled reaction, winking in the process. he blushed and looked away, sucking in his plump lip.
“love you, gra.” i kissed the top of his head.
“love you too, my love.” he kissed my cheek.
“we should do this more…” he admits.
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sunlightfeeling · 1 month
so..... how did you get into smap, anyway? (i would like to hear the origin story)
hiii anon! i would love to tell this story!!
first the elevator pitch version:
like a lot of more recent fans (i.e. post-JE launch), i was a victim (affectionate) of the RGG to SMAP pipeline
…bit of a boring story, and honestly isn’t a real indication of how I got to have this brain (affectionate, i love having five old men stewing in my brain all hours of the day 👍😬)
sooo im going to tell the story of how the pipeline hit me so hard 😄
the real origin goes back to 2021…
(im gonna make a cut for this story because this is gonna be long long - i promise this isn’t an exaggeration)
so back in 2021, i had an xbox one and game pass (side note: game pass is so worth it, actually fantastic)
and I found a series that I had never heard of…Yakuza
downloaded Yakuza 0 and started it up
really dug the vibes, story, music, legitimately everything
then I reached Majima’s first chapter and ooooh the opening got me good
not too long after getting to this chapter, I was graciously gifted a ps5
and one of the first things i did was…
…impulsively buy every Yakuza release on ps4
…and the Judgments as soon as I realized they were under RGG’s umbrella
…after only playing like probably less than 10 hours of a prequel
(disclaimer: i do not mean to romanticize/minimize impulse purchasing; I’m more trying to give an accurate image of how deeply invested I got in a series that essentially sent me on my path; i was/am very fortunate and cognizant of how lucky i am to be able to cover/shield myself from consequences of my actions - so to speak lol)
probably six-ish months and 2 hiatuses later, I reached Y6
and i dont know if it was because the game was the last Kiryu game (at the time) and I was getting all emotional, or if it was because the likeness to Kuroda was pretty…
<stares at pictures of Y6 Kiryu way too long>
…preeeetty 🫠
i started developing (what knowing what i know now call) a hyperfixation on not just Y6 but also Kuroda Takaya lol
basically listened to his music whenever I could/on repeat; Y6 was the only thing I wanted to spend my free time playing; etc etc etc
(for reasons, this fixation actually led me to consider my possible neurodivergence; I wonder why 🤔..🥲)
finish Y6 and become baseline-which-isnt-really-baseline normal about Yakuza when I play LAD7
but then….
“Alex, stop hyperlinking sound effects”
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yeahhh it’s Judgey Time
okay so ive mentioned in tags somewhere but i actually didnt have high hopes for Judgment
at all
the cover just didn’t do anything for me at all…
…and i thought the protagonist was ugly 💀
(im actually genuinely serious, this isn’t me “not like the other girls”ing; i vividly recall looking at the cover when it was about time for me to start playing it and whining to my then-bf that I wasn’t sure I was gonna like it cuz the guy looks really weird 🤣)
but i booted it up and right when Yagami shows off his badge in the prologue
I didn’t realize at the time but the seed had been planted and baby that beanstalk grew
Halloween 2022 (and I only know this date for a fact because I memorialized it texting then-bf about it) is the day I decided to look up who this guy really was
I can’t recall what made me finally look him up, whether lurking on the Yakuza subreddit or just something in the game, I dunno
i shared it once but I’ll share it anytime i can…
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^^ this was my first Kimura photo
the first one I actually paid more than just a passing glance at anyway……
…i finished judgment in like two/three weeks [and not in a rushed playthrough by any means - getting all the cats, doing all the side cases/romance, etc.] (have a text trail of me going into the finale and date stamp is p exactly two weeks from Halloween 🥲)
started lost judgment immediately because i have texts days after this bitching about dropping money on the dlc before even starting it lol (again: not recommending/romanticizing; just giving perspective on how active my brain was about RGG/Kimura already)
now this…..this is where my timeline gets fuzzy
because i cant really remember how fast i beat lj before starting his dramas
or if maybe i started them before even finishing the game
skipping ahead to January 2023 and I’ve definitely wrapped lj by this point
and have watched a fair amount of kimura dramas (i genuinely cant give a number tho 😭)
around this point, ive determined that im fairly confident in being audhd
and i personally would have described kimura as a combined special interest-hyperfixation at this point (because the intensity would ebb and flow in a way)
started collecting things, starting with his albums and his live recordings (and eventually a lot lot more [I’ll get back to scanning consistently eventually I promise lol])
the defining moment to when I finally crossed from Kimura to SMAP…
…was actually watching Go with the Flow
I had heard bits of SMAP, but, as many unfortunately discover, accessibility to their music is…..well it’s just not there lol
I even got YouTube Music because I found playlists of SMAP performances and could just listen to them while I was working or driving
not that I could really hear them all that well since they were all live performances w screaming or muffled audio/crunchy audio/remixes/etc etc etc
(except for pams seigi shoutout to pams seigi [sorry goro 😔; also i linked that specific one for the tags but please look in the reblogs for a diff version of seigi that they did because it’s ridiculously good])
On Go with the Flow, Kimura performs “Style” which made me go on basically a witch-hunt to find the song since it wasn’t an album track and I didn’t know SMAP’s discography
Eventually found out it was SMAP (Kimura solo on s.m.a.p specifically) and decided that I actually really needed to listen to SMAP
aaaaaand I did ☺️
and then I found Jes yeah no I definitely didn’t
and…that is my SMAP origin story
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kaelio · 1 year
"armand's relationship with marius is very very complicated and very very interesting but for virtually none of the reasons the fandom pays the remotest attention to" care to elaborate
I could go on and on about it for a hundred pages. I will try to do it in 99.
Okay, okay. So in my mind, their… deal?... is a great example of one of Rice’s sincerely compelling characteristics as a storyteller. People (and people includes me) gnash their teeth about how a considerable number of things that happen in the series are not cleanly thematic or just utterly defy any coherent thematic reading. I always have to be careful of pretending I have any idea what ever went on in her head, but I think this was intentional. And the reason I say that is… let me put it this way. A poor student loves a T/F quiz. Even if you know nothing, the center of your statistical distribution is 50%. The likelihood you will get 100% right is vanishingly small. But it is equal to your odds of randomly getting 0%. (They use this in Spider-Verse if you’ve seen it, but virtually every statistics course will point it out.) Rice did this so consistently, I don’t think it is accidental, because you’d accidentally map to normal narrative convention sometimes just randomly if you were proceeding mindlessly. Her books reject the patterns you are culturally conditioned to recognize in fictional works.
We see this often in scenarios where you’re like…. Okay. Who’s most to blame here, and because of what specific decisions deriving from what specific thought patterns, and what’s the failure point, and who’s lying, and why are they lying, or who’s mistaken, or who has a different interpretation, or is every single person here wrong and why and how could it have been avoided and could it have been avoided, etc. And this is surprisingly realistic; this is the journey you’re likely to take if you read books about history (and why the alt-history genre* appeals to a certain kind of person). What happens to the Roman Empire if Germanicus succeeds Augustus? There will be a lot of different suggestions and none of them will be testable. They’re thought experiments. However, good alt-history recognizes that there will still be unfair, seemingly random events because that’s what actual history is like. (James Clavell actually did grasp this pretty well if you’ve ever read Gai-Jin.)
[*Note: Not really a genre I’m into because I’ve still got straightforward nonfiction to read, but it’s out there.]
Okay, on to vampires!
Anyway, I say that because let’s work backwards on this one. We meet Armand in IWTV. He says vampires should be made from love (sure) although he loves killing them (okay) and loves torturing presumably innocent humans before killing them in mock-performances (of course). Interesting guy! He’s great. Armand is fantastic. So, this is our Armand. In the second book, TVL, we learn a bit more about him and particularly his cult years in the Cimetière des Innocents. Also a time when he is up to some various naughty shenanigans. In the Devil’s Minion chapter of Queen of the Damned we learn he loves stalking and physical violence and being a freak and amassing conspicuous wealth and yadda yadda. Man, isn’t he just delightful? Sorry, I’m just taking a moment to relish this dude. He’s old, he’s powerful, he’s rich, and until Daniel he hasn’t let a single mortal know his name and through that point, there’s no reason to assume he gives one flying fuck about them. I love it!
But. If we think about Marius, what he values, what his preoccupations are, what his (stated but dubious) goals and intentions are, and whether this would have been his, uh, preferred outcome in having made another vampire. Well, no. Something did not go right here. From his point of view. Now, that’s distinct, of course, from hating Armand. Obviously he doesn’t. (“What about the Sybelle and Benjamin thing?” You could unpack that scene for a million years but no matter what Armand says, there’s no hateful rationale that makes sense, Marius’ rebuttal at least makes sense from his point of view [although, like, hello Armand, Marius is not emotionally doing so fucking good at this point in the canon] and Armand gets over it in like 20 minutes. “That shouldn’t have happened.” Okay! It did though. Armand isn’t sure why Marius did it, there’s room for disagreement on who’s telling the truth about their motivations, and there’s even a pretty strong argument based on the canonical outcome it was the correct thing to do so uh. Thanks Rice!)
But like, okay. That’s the point when we have to start going back (with the assistance of TVA and B&G) and try to use them to address some questions. And some of these questions can only be answered by YOU, yes you, the reader-you, because this is going to depend on what your values are, as well as how likely you think certain outcomes were, or how much you believe either of these people. And of course, we also have the immensely fun dimension that TVA is primarily Armand recounting events to David for Benjamin and Sybelle, and B&G is primarily Marius describing things to Thorne. And unlike IWTV and TLV, their motivations for telling ‘their story’ are totally different and neither is intended as a rebuttal to the other. TVA and B&G have some overlapping parts (though both are far from exclusively about that and don’t cover the same time periods as much as people might expect), and those parts have some contradictions, and the nature of those contradictions is again different than say IWTV/TVL.
So here’s some questions:
1.       Should Armand have ever been made a vampire?
2.       How well did Armand understand what he sought in the Blood?
3.       Were Armand’s issues addressable as a mortal? Or, frankly, as an immortal?
4.       Which of Armand’s issues precede coming to Venice and to what extent did his lifestyle in Venice help or hurt him?
5.       What obligations did Marius have? He suuuure failed at least some of them! Which ones should he have expected to go badly and which turned out badly for reasons that he had no capacity to predict?
6.       Should Marius have at least asked Mael to do it instead when he stopped by? (Hey, he might have!) And if Mael had done so, what would this have changed? Vis a vis Marius and Mael, would this have potentially helped them bury the hatchet?
7.       To what extent was Marius genuinely conflicted about bringing Armand into the Blood? To what extent is Marius describing himself as certain and Armand describing him as a mess a function of Marius’ rather complicated self-image with respect to how much he knows what he's doing and how much he's secretly winging it? (And, quite often, whiffing it?)
8.       What is likely to have happened if Armand is graduated out of working for Marius?
9.       How would things have gone if they had not been interrupted by Santino? How would things have gone if Armand had never fucked around with Harlech?
10.   To what extent was this outcome influenced by Marius’ self-destructive obsession with serving The Parents?
11.   To what extent would Armand’s pushback on Marius’ perspective (which is explicitly welcomed) have been good for frankly both of them?
12.   So many more, I could keep doing this.  
The books are just not going to fucking tell you. And you don’t really know, because again, these books—very weird to say this—actually operate on real-world logic, where sometimes shit just happens.
I think it’s totally plausible that their relationship, long-term, is way worse actually if Santino never shows up to fuck it up in the immediate-term. But maybe not!! Maybe Armand finds the human heart he scoffs about. I don’t think so. But it could have happened! Or maybe Armand convinces Marius to chill the hell out on principles that aren’t working and never worked and they’re happier as worse people. Fucking maybe!! But you have to be comfortable looking at a mess like this and going “my take is…” instead of assuming you know what the canon outcome would have been, because who ever accurately predicted the trajectory of a Rice novel when they first read it? I mean c’mon. No way. Any more than you could predict the life of Santa Anna if you didn’t have the benefit of historical retrospect.
It does bug me though, to worry about like, cataloguing the sins of the characters rather than ponder the questions. Because the sins of the characters are both overwhelming and not real and don’t matter except as to how they inform these questions. Does Armand lose interest in vampirism if he’s not getting fucked up on mouthfuls of the Blood? How would Marius ultimately have reflected on his own behavior if he had let Armand die? But instead you have people pretending that like, rescuing a dying enslaved person from a basement is technically “abduction” and it’s like…. Is that what we’re doing? Is that interesting to you? These characters are doing actually terrible things, we don’t have to resort to that kind of nonsense do we? There are way more complex, way juicier shitty, bonkers decisions people are making here. And lying about.
One question I love thinking about though is like, okay. Armand is weirdly chill with Santino! (Who, as a guy who loved his finery, which was explicitly verboten by the standards of the Children of Satan, was sort of a half-assed adherent even at the time he attacked Marius’ palazzo and burned him to a fucking crisp and killed all the apprentices and then press-ganged Armand into serving at the Paris coven.) Super interesting. Marius, meanwhile, is super not chill about Santino, ultimately. But to what extent does Marius resent Armand for not resenting Santino? Now that’s a-spicy meat-ball!
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some-pers0n · 11 months
Im the prev anon, but yeagh a few stuff: whats with medic and the baboon uteruses also a few critiques of tf2 :0 when I first got into tf2 i noticed some things
Okie pokie.
With Medic and the baboon uteruses, that's a joke that follows up on the things established by Meet the Medic. The heart that Medic replaces Heavy's normal one is a mega baboon heart if I remember correctly. It shows that Medic uses exotic animal organs for his surgeries.
The baboon uterus part is also foreshadowed earlier in the comics. Literally the first moment that Medic is introduced, he mentions it.
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And then later on its reinforced.
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Until finally...
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And then Cheavy dies, blah blah blah..
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And then boom. Baboon child.
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Okay, so, time to put on my bitchy WoF fan mode. It feels weird to just actually talk and complain about TF2 because, unlike WoF, there isn't really anything that FEELS like missed potential and or just poorly handled. It doesn't jump out at you as much.
However, I will say that the Saxton Hale subplot in the comics did feels...very unimportant. I get it if it was to build-up something for the final comic involving some sort of confrontation between the mercs and Charles Darling along with the Administrator, but it's just. yeah. I don't care for it. Maggie doesn't exactly offer much in terms of character stuff other than being Saxton's girlfriend.
On a similar note, Zhanna. The comics in generally feel like they introduce a lot of ideas, yet don't really follow through on them. Again, this is because we are literally missing the final piece of the puzzle, but Zhanna doesn't exactly. do much. Her role in the story is just as another comedic relief character and a foil to Soldier. Literally we've already got enough foils for Soldier. Merasmus, Demoman, etc. Zhanna doesn't really do anything.
I hate this panel. I don't even know how you can defend it. I'm retconning this to death and back in my fic.
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There is no The Funny. It's just the TFC Soldier and Scout talking and then at the very end being like. pedos?? Ermm,, how about NO??? Valve, why would you make the only kinda canonically queer couple in TF2 be pedos. Can you not? Please?
Hmm,, erm.. hmm... The lore itself is generally delivered in a confusing and convoluted manner. Yet again, I feel like that we would've gotten a great and amazing summary and explanation for everything in the final comic, but I need you to understand that I genuinely get migranes from trying to understand and piece together the lore, much more with actually trying to rewrite it and make sense of it. I'm at a point where I feel maniac joy from learning that green is the inverse of purple.
I'm kinda scraping at the bottom of the barrel here. I don't have too many thoughts on the Lore for now. Of the game? I mean, I'm not too into the actual game itself other than watching countless video essays, clip dumps, and generally just enjoying it all. I think that Dustbowl sucks.
OOH!! I randomly just don't like how New Zealand was sentenced to being an underwater desolate place that we barely explored. Boo!! Be like Rapture!! I think it would be so very cool if The Gang explored either what is literally just the underwater utopia city of Atlantis, or Rapture post-civil war. I think there's a lot of potential with New Zealand that's never touched on.
Scratch that, Valve (and the general fandom) is sitting on a literal GOLD MINE when it comes to Australia. Australium mine if you will. You have this futuristic utopian society that's got plenty of potential for weird shit and NOBODY talks about it. I feel like pulling my hair out whenever I think about Australia. It SHOULD be a important part. It should be something that's talked about more. Yet, nothing. Sjdbsmsbwjsbsh,,,
There should've been more Demo comics. Demo gets treated so, so, so bad by Valve man. I wish Demo's character was treated as more than just a silly goober. Like his parents literally abandoning him for a bit before readopting him, him losing his eye, his alcoholism, etc. I get it that it's the funny silly goofy game, but it's also the same silly goofy game that reveals that the Pootis Russian Guy's father was killed for his political views and he himself and his entire family was imprisoned in a gulag.
Clicking my tongue and tapping my desk trying to think of stuff. Hmm,, there's a lot of potential missed with the TFC team. They were introduced pretty late and we only really got two comics of them being threats until they all died. Fred and Cheavy especially I think wayyy too much about. Also Cmedic but eh. I love Fred and I kinda wish he would be there in the final comic. I do think that Cheavy had a good reason for getting mad at Medic, that being that Medic's literally sewing god knows what into him and his fellow coworkers as well and spending their entire budget AND reviving Sniper.
Miss Pauling's SFM design >>>>> her comic one. Her purple and white button shirt VS solid purple block dress.
I dunno what else to complain about. See ya.
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